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Ministry of health<br />

Brazilian national CanCer institute (inCa)<br />


Brazilian Journal of Cancerology<br />

july/august/september/2011<br />

57 3<br />

rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, rJ

© 2011 Brazilian National Cancer Institute / Ministry of Health.<br />

All rights reserved. The reproduction, adaptation, modification or utilization of this content, whether fully or partially, are expressly prohibited without prior<br />

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Circulation: 10.000 copies<br />

Brazilian Journal of Oncology (ISSN 0034-7116), Brazil.<br />

The Brazilian National Cancer Institute (INCA) is responsible for the quarterly issues of RBC, whose aim is to publish works related to all areas of oncology.<br />

The journal is open to the Brazilian Society of Oncology, the Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology, the Society of Pediatric Oncology, the Oncology<br />

Nursing Brazilian Society, Brazilian College of Radiology - Division of Radiotherapy - and the Brazilian Society of Surgical Oncology.<br />

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Brazilian National Cancer Institute (INCA)<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology<br />

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A<strong>de</strong>mar Lopes, São Paulo, SP<br />

Alberto R Gonçalves, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Ana LA Eisenberg, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Ângela Coe C Silva, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Anke Bergmann, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Anna Maria C Araújo, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Antônio AO Souza, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Beatriz <strong>de</strong> Camargo, São Paulo, SP<br />

Carlos Eduardo Pinto, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Carlos Gil Ferreira, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Carlos Henrique Menke, Porto Alegre, RS<br />

Cristiane S Lourenço, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Daniel Goldberg Tabak, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Denise M Moreira, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Edson Toscano Cunha, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Fermin Roland Schramm, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Fernando Luiz Dias, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Gilberto Schwartsmann, Porto Alegre, RS<br />

Hector NS Abreu, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Heloisa A Carvalho, São Paulo, SP<br />

Printed in Brazil / Impresso no Brasil<br />

Printing Co.: Flama<br />

Titles for in<strong>de</strong>xing<br />

In portuguese: Revista Brasileira <strong>de</strong> Carcerologia<br />

In spanish: La Revista Brasilena <strong>de</strong> Cancerologia<br />

eDitorial boarD<br />

eDitorial staff<br />

Jane <strong>de</strong> Almeida Dobbin, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

José Bines, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

José Carlos do Valle, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Leticia M Boechat Andra<strong>de</strong>, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Luis Souhami, Quebec, Canadá<br />

Luiz Claudio Santos Thuler, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Luiz Otávio Olivatto, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Luiz Paulo Kowalski, São Paulo, SP<br />

Marceli O Santos, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Marcello Barcinski, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Marcelo Gurgel C Silva, Fortaleza, CE<br />

Marcia Fróes Skaba, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Maria da Penha Silva, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Maria Gaby R Gutiérrez, São Paulo, SP<br />

Maria Izabel S Pinel, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Maria S Pombo Oliveira, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Mario Brock, Berlim, Alemanha<br />

Mario Eisenberger, Baltimore, USA<br />

Mauro Monteiro, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Miguel Guizzardi, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Scientific Editor: Teresa Caldas Camargo<br />

Assistant Editor: Pilar Schlaepfer Prado<br />

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Bibliography Normalization: Iara Rodrigues <strong>de</strong> Amorim<br />

Catalog Form: Katia Simões<br />

Milton Rabinowits, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Neli Muraki Ishikawa, Brasília, DF<br />

Nivaldo Barroso <strong>de</strong> Pinho, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Paulo Eduardo Novaes, Santos, SP<br />

Pedro AO Carmo, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Raquel Ciuvalschi Maia, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Regina Moreira Ferreira, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Renato Gonçalves Martins, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Ricardo Pasquini, Curitiba, PR<br />

Roberto A Lima, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Rossana Corbo Mello, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Sergio Koifman, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Silvia Regina Brandalise, Campinas, SP<br />

Sima Esther Ferman, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Tânia Chalhub, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Vivian Rumjanek, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ<br />

Walter Gouveia, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ

Contents SUMÁRIO suMario<br />


v.57 n.3 2011<br />

Presentation APRESENTAÇÃO PresentaCión 289<br />

eDitorial EDITORIAL eDitorial 291<br />

artiCles ARTIGOS artÍCulo<br />

Legislation and Tobacco Control in Brazil Between the Late 20th and Early 21st Centuries 295<br />

Legislação e Controle do Tabaco no Brasil entre o Final do Século XX e Início do XXI<br />

la legislación y el Control <strong>de</strong>l tabaco en Brasil entre finales <strong>de</strong>l siglo XX y Principios <strong>de</strong>l siglo XXi<br />

luiz antonio teixeira, tiago alves Jaques<br />

23 Years of Tobacco Control in Brazil: the 1988 Brazilian Tobacco Control Program Today 305<br />

23 Anos <strong>de</strong> Controle do Tabaco no Brasil: a Atualida<strong>de</strong> do Programa <strong>Nacional</strong> <strong>de</strong> Combate ao Fumo <strong>de</strong> 1988<br />

23 años <strong>de</strong> Control <strong>de</strong>l tabaco en Brasil: actualidad <strong>de</strong>l Programa nacional <strong>de</strong> Combate al tabaquismo <strong>de</strong> 1988<br />

luiz Carlos romero, Vera luiza da Costa e silva<br />

Air Quality in Bars of São Paulo/Brazil before and after the Smoke-Free Law in Indoor Places 315<br />

Qualida<strong>de</strong> do Ar em Bares <strong>de</strong> São Paulo/Brasil antes e <strong>de</strong>pois da Lei <strong>de</strong> Ambientes Fechados Livres <strong>de</strong> Fumo<br />

la Calidad <strong>de</strong>l aire en los Bares <strong>de</strong> são Paulo/Brasil antes y <strong>de</strong>spués <strong>de</strong> la ley libre <strong>de</strong> humo en lugares Cerrados<br />

Mônica andreis, Jessica elf, Paula Johns, adriana Carvalho, Jie yuan, Benjamin apelberg<br />

Tobacco and Health-Related University Stu<strong>de</strong>nts in the City of Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro 321<br />

O Tabagismo no Contexto dos Futuros Profissionais <strong>de</strong> Saú<strong>de</strong> do Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro<br />

el tabaquismo en el Contexto <strong>de</strong> futuros Profesionales <strong>de</strong> la salud <strong>de</strong> rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro<br />

andré salem szklo, Mariana Miranda autran sampaio, luís felipe leite Martins, elaine Masson fernan<strong>de</strong>s, liz Maria <strong>de</strong> almeida<br />

Quality of Life of Smokers Seeking Help to Quit Through Telephone Counseling 329<br />

Qualida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Vida em Tabagistas que Buscaram Auxílio para Deixar <strong>de</strong> Fumar por meio <strong>de</strong> Aconselhamento<br />

Telefônico<br />

Calidad <strong>de</strong> Vida en los fumadores que Buscan ayuda para Dejar <strong>de</strong> fumar a través <strong>de</strong> asesoramiento telefónico<br />

taís <strong>de</strong> Campos Moreira, luciana rizzeri figueiró, Maristela ferigolo, simone fernan<strong>de</strong>s, Melaine Czerminski larré, helena M. t. Barro<br />

Tobacco Quitline in Brazil: an Additional Information Source to the Population 337<br />

Disque Saú<strong>de</strong> Pare <strong>de</strong> Fumar no Brasil: uma Fonte <strong>de</strong> Informação a mais para a População<br />

línea <strong>de</strong> salud para Dejar <strong>de</strong> fumar en Brasil: una fuente <strong>de</strong> información para la Población<br />

Cristina <strong>de</strong> abreu Perez, Claudia teresa Pinheiro, stella Bialous, Valéria Cunha, tânia Maria Cavalcante<br />

Evaluation of the Level of Anxiety, Depression and Motivation of Smokers Seeking Treatment for<br />

Smoking Cessation in the Fe<strong>de</strong>ral District 345<br />

Avaliação do Grau <strong>de</strong> Ansieda<strong>de</strong>, Depressão e Motivação dos Fumantes que Procuraram Tratamento para<br />

Deixar <strong>de</strong> Fumar no Distrito Fe<strong>de</strong>ral<br />

evaluación <strong>de</strong>l Grado <strong>de</strong> la ansiedad, <strong>de</strong> la Depresión y <strong>de</strong> la Motivación <strong>de</strong> los fumadores que solicitan tratamiento<br />

para Dejar <strong>de</strong> fumar en el Distrito fe<strong>de</strong>ral<br />

Maria suélita <strong>de</strong> lima, Carlos alberto <strong>de</strong> assis Viegas<br />

Impact of Tobacco and Alcohol on the Body Composition of Youth 355<br />

Impacto do Tabagismo e Álcool sobre a Composição Corporal <strong>de</strong> Jovens<br />

impacto <strong>de</strong>l tabaquismo y el alcohol en la Composición Corporal en la Juventud<br />

ellencristina da silva Batista, tatiana do nascimento Campos, flávia Xavier Valente, sílvia eloiza Priore, sylvia do Carmo<br />

Castro franceschini, Céphora Maria sabarense, Maria do Carmo Gouveia Peluzio<br />


Ratings for Popular Movies in Brazil and their Implications for Youth Tobacco Smoking 365<br />

A Classificação Indicativa <strong>de</strong> Filmes <strong>de</strong> Popularida<strong>de</strong> nos Cinemas Brasileiros e sua Implicação para o<br />

Tabagismo entre Jovens<br />

la Clasificación <strong>de</strong> las Películas Más taquilladas en Brasil y su implicación en el tabaquismo entre Jóvenes<br />

rosa Vargas, James Thrasher, James sargent<br />

Comparison between Postpartum Smokers and Ex-Smokers as to Breastfeeding Duration and its<br />

Impact on the Health of Newborns 379<br />

Comparação entre Puérperas Fumantes e Ex-fumantes com Relação ao Tempo <strong>de</strong> Amamentação e suas<br />

Consequências sobre a Saú<strong>de</strong> dos Recém-Nascidos<br />

Comparación entre los fumadores y ex fumadores Después <strong>de</strong>l Parto con respecto a la Duración <strong>de</strong> la<br />

lactancia Materna y su impacto en la salud <strong>de</strong> los recién nacidos<br />

adriani oliveira Galão, Bruno rocha <strong>de</strong> Macedo, rafaela Vanin Pinto ribeiro, roberto Vanin Pinto ribeiro, Carla Maria De Martini Vanin<br />

Cervical-Uterine Precursor Lesion Associated to Tobacco Smoking: A Study about the Knowledge<br />

among Women who Smoke 387<br />

Lesões Precursoras do <strong>Câncer</strong> Cervicouterino Associado ao Tabagismo: um Estudo sobre o<br />

Conhecimento entre as Mulheres que Fumam<br />

lesiones Precursoras <strong>de</strong>l Cáncer Cervical uterino asociado al tabaquismo: un estudio sobre el Conocimiento<br />

entre Mujeres que fuman<br />

Maria Cristina <strong>de</strong> Melo Pessanha Carvalho, Carmen lucia <strong>de</strong> Paula, ana Beatriz azevedo Queiroz<br />

oPinion artiCle ARTIGO DE OPINIÃO artÍCulo De oPinión<br />

Advances and Challenges in Tobacco Control: a Parallel between the World and Brazil 395<br />

Avanços e Desafios no Controle do Tabagismo: um Paralelo entre o Mundo e o Brasil<br />

avances y Desarollos en el Control <strong>de</strong>l tabaco: un Paralelo entre el Mundo y Brasil<br />

Douglas William Bettcher, Vera luiza da Costa e silva<br />

literature reVieW REVISÃO DE LITERATURA reVisión De la literatura<br />

Article 8 of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control from the<br />

Perspective of the Right to Health and Workers' Protection 401<br />

O Artigo 8 o da Convenção-Quadro para o Controle do Tabaco da Organização Mundial da Saú<strong>de</strong> sob a<br />

Perspectiva do Direito à Saú<strong>de</strong> e Proteção do Trabalhador<br />

el artículo 8 o <strong>de</strong>l Convenio Marco <strong>de</strong> la organización Mundial <strong>de</strong> la salud para el Control <strong>de</strong>l tabaco<br />

bajo la Perspectiva <strong>de</strong>l Derecho a la salud y Protección al trabajador<br />

Cristiane Galhardo ferreira Vianna, Maria helena Barros <strong>de</strong> oliveira, felipe lacerda Men<strong>de</strong>s, tania Maria Cavalcante<br />

Nursing Interventions on Tobacco Control: an Integrative Review 411<br />

Intervenções <strong>de</strong> Enfermagem no Controle do Tabagismo: uma Revisão Integrativa<br />

intervenciones <strong>de</strong> enfermería en el Control <strong>de</strong>l tabaquismo: una revisión integradora<br />

Marcione aparecida <strong>de</strong> souza Moura, Maria <strong>de</strong> fátima Batalha <strong>de</strong> Menezes, renata Dória Mariano, Vagnára ribeiro da silva,<br />

luana Pinheiro <strong>de</strong> sousa<br />

Genetic Polymorphisms in the Nicotinic Receptors and Lung Cancer: an Overview 421<br />

Polimorfismos Genéticos nos Receptores Nicotínicos e <strong>Câncer</strong> <strong>de</strong> Pulmão: uma Visão Geral<br />

Polimorfismos Genéticos en los receptores nicotínicos y Cáncer <strong>de</strong> Pulmón: una Visión General<br />

alessandra Berna<strong>de</strong>te trovó <strong>de</strong> Marqui, Vera lúcia Bonfim, Mariangela torreglosa ruiz<br />

reVieW RESENHA reseÑa<br />

Global Adult Tobacco Survey – Brazil Report 429<br />

Pesquisa Especial <strong>de</strong> Tabagismo – Relatório Brasil<br />

encuesta Global <strong>de</strong> tabaquismo en adultos – informe Brasil<br />

instruCtions for authors INSTRUÇõES PARA AUTORES instruCCiones Para los autores 431

National No Smoking Day: a Milestone for Tobacco Control in<br />

Brazil<br />

During the last 25 years, tobacco control in Brazil has been centrally supported by educational and legislative<br />

measures. The inaugural milestone of this movement was the institution of the national no smoking Day, the first<br />

contribution of the national Congress for tobacco control in Brazil, through the fe<strong>de</strong>ral law # 7,488, of June 1986.<br />

from this moment on, august 29th has been the yearly celebration date by the Ministry of health. in 2011, year<br />

of the 25th anniversary of the law, it is very appropriate to introduce the subject with a special edition of the Brazilian<br />

Journal of Cancerology (revista Brasileira <strong>de</strong> Cancerologia – rBC), exclusively <strong>de</strong>voted to tobacco control. herein,<br />

the rea<strong>de</strong>r will find 11 original articles, two of which have historical content; one has an opinion; three are reviews<br />

and one is a commented review. This journal will also be translated into english and distributed at the 15 th World<br />

Conference on tobacco or health, from March 20 to 24 2012, in singapore.<br />

With the law # 7,488, the national Congress contributed to introduce in the agenda of the Brazilian state some<br />

educational actions and public <strong>de</strong>bates on the serious risks of tobacco smoking, which up to the moment had been<br />

conducted almost heroically by some medical lea<strong>de</strong>rs. for this reason, it is worth to highlight the fact that this law<br />

was inspired by a pioneer movement, led by the Medical society of the state of Paraná, which, on august 29 th 1980,<br />

promoted the smoking strike, in an effort to warn the population of that state about the serious risks of tobacco smoking.<br />

We are talking about a time when the act of smoking was strongly related to a positive lifestyle, in which tobacco<br />

smoke was imposingly seen, full of glamour, in most social environments. a period when the national media sent, to<br />

all homes in the entire country, cigarette advertisements wrapped in powerful messages and images of beauty, freedom<br />

and success. and a time when the economic pressure of great transnational tobacco companies that were installed in<br />

Brazil inhibited public discussions on this subject.<br />

Throughout these 25 years of celebrations of the national no smoking Day, several activities and messages such<br />

as “quit smoking running”, “sports without smoking are more radical” and “art without smoking is a show”, certainly<br />

contributed to <strong>de</strong>construct the collective i<strong>de</strong>al of strong associations between cigarettes and sports and/or cigarettes<br />

and the culture created in product advertisements – a strategy that so far the tobacco industry tries to maintain in<br />

or<strong>de</strong>r to attract young people to tobacco smoking.<br />

When creating the fe<strong>de</strong>ral law # 7,488, the national Congress gave the country an important education and<br />

communication tool, which nowadays is translated into a wi<strong>de</strong> social participation in the protection of the national<br />

Policy for tobacco Control against inappropriate interferences, which perhaps is their most important legacy for both<br />

present and future generations.<br />

This date was also the springboard for the appearance of other important actions in the field of tobacco control,<br />

such as the institution of the World no tobacco Day, by the World health assembly, in 1988; the launching, in 2007,<br />

of the Global adult tobacco survey (Gats), a survey to monitor tobacco consumption by adults, implemented in<br />

14 countries and which, in Brazil, was named Pesquisa especial <strong>de</strong> tabagismo - Petab (special survey on tobacco);<br />

the fe<strong>de</strong>ral laws that established restrictions to cigarette advertisements; the inclusion of sanitary warnings on tobacco<br />

product packages; and the smoking ban in closed collective places, among others, and the negotiation of the framework<br />

Convention on tobacco Control international treaty, only to mention a few – all properly addressed in articles of<br />

this journal edition.<br />

in the year we celebrate the 25th anniversary of this law, we hope that the national Congress maintains, before<br />

the Brazilian society, the evolution of this unfailing compromise with both health and quality of life of the nation;<br />

and allows that, in september 2011, during the summit meeting of the united nations (un) on chronic noncommunicable<br />

diseases (cnCDs), the Brazilian <strong>de</strong>legation can pave the way so that the 2014 World Cup be un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

the effect of a fe<strong>de</strong>ral law that makes the country 100% free of tobacco smoke.<br />

Luiz Antonio Santini<br />

Brazilian national Cancer institute - inCa<br />


Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 289<br />


editorial 57-3<br />

it is with the satisfaction of someone who could closely and timely observe the Brazilian success in more than 25<br />

years of tobacco control that i introduce this issue of the Brazilian Journal of Cancerology - rBC, especially <strong>de</strong>dicated<br />

to this risk factor which is responsible for a world epi<strong>de</strong>mics of exorbitant proportions, not only due to its economic,<br />

social and environmental impact, but mainly due to its consequences on the health and quality of life of the population,<br />

counted by the diseases, <strong>de</strong>aths and suffering caused by such <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce.<br />

This rBC issue celebrates the efforts of the vanguard institution that hosts this journal, and for which i have<br />

worked intensely and passionately for 20 years – the Brazilian national Cancer institute - inCa, which counting on<br />

the absolutely indispensable financial and human support from the ary frauzino foundation for Cancer research<br />

and Control, has allowed all the steps that were taken in this program and all the achievements that followed them<br />

in Brazil. several were the partners in this process, not only those who were pioneers at the national level, such as the<br />

Brazilian Medical association, the national Division of sanitary Pneumology and the Division of Chronic-Degenerative<br />

Diseases from the Ministry of health, but also the ones which later summed up their efforts in or<strong>de</strong>r to face this<br />

Public health bur<strong>de</strong>n which was still little recognized in Brazil and in the world in the 1980s, such as several state<br />

and municipal secretariats of health, the national health surveillance agency (anVisa), the secretariat for health<br />

surveillance of the Ministry of health and the national alliance for tobacco Control.<br />

The moment for such rBC initiative could not be more a<strong>de</strong>quate. in Brazil we are reaping the rewards of the<br />

reduction in cigarette consumption, a result of the policy conducted in the country as from 1985. and there are<br />

reasons to celebrate: the article by Romero & Costa e Silva analyzes 23 years of tobacco control in the country and<br />

reports a little of the path of this successful program, telling its history to future generations. its impact has already<br />

been reported in the reduced lung cancer mortality in men un<strong>de</strong>r 59 years old i . Marqui et al, in a review article in this<br />

rBC issue, offer an overview on the influence of genetic polymorphisms in nicotinic receptors and in consequence<br />

in the genesis and evolution of lung cancer, a disease that is almost totally avoidable by the control of this risk factor.<br />

We also witnessed a <strong>de</strong>crease in the number of <strong>de</strong>aths due to cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseases in the<br />

Brazilian population ii , proving what has been highlighted in the recent global warning on chronic non-communicable<br />

diseases of the World health organization - Who iii , among the best bets for fighting risk factors of this group of<br />

diseases: tobacco, alcohol, diet and physical activity. This warning, which is approached in more <strong>de</strong>tail in the opinion<br />

article from Bettcher & Costa e Silva, <strong>de</strong>fines what they call the best bets in tobacco control and analyzes its advance in<br />

Brazil when compared to other countries, according to the recently published Global Report of the Tobacco Epi<strong>de</strong>mics iV .<br />

These bets inclu<strong>de</strong> increase in taxes and prices, <strong>de</strong>finition of smoke free environments, information to the public on<br />

the consequences of tobacco including the sanitary warnings in cigarette packs and the enforcement of the banning<br />

of publicity, promotion and sponsorship of tobacco products. The treatment of the smoker, according to the same<br />

study, could be characterized as a good bet; because, although it is of great importance in the approach of addiction<br />

and in the reduction of consumption for current generations, it does not show the same cost/benefit relationship of<br />

the other policies mentioned (table 1).<br />

Brazil went through this process very quickly. Teixeira & Jacques <strong>de</strong>monstrated, in an interesting historical analysis,<br />

that the regulation of tobacco products, which was enormously intensified in the late 20 th century and early 21 st century,<br />

suffered influence of the <strong>de</strong>mocratization process of the country and the establishment of the Brazilian unified health<br />

system (sus). The strong framework of technical and practical know-how which was built throughout this period,<br />

associated with the impact of specific indicators, such as the reduction in tobacco prevalence and some tobacco-related<br />

diseases, <strong>de</strong>monstrates, according to the authors, the success of tobacco control in Brazil.<br />

But it is also in the international scenario that we showed part of this work, using our excellent diplomacy when<br />

presiding the negotiation of the only international treaty sponsored by the Who framework Convention on tobacco<br />

Control (fCtC). however, although we are celebrating a milestone in the pathway of our Brazilian Public health,<br />

there is still a lot to be done. Vianna et al portray in this issue the process of the Brazilian compliance to this treaty<br />

i Malta DC, Moura l, souza Mf, Curado MP, alencar aP, alencar GP. lung cancer, cancer of the trachea, and bronchial cancer: mortality trends in Brazil,<br />

1980-2003. J Bras Pneumol. 2007 oct;33(5):536-43.<br />

iischmidt Mi, Duncan BB, silva Ga, Menezes aM, Monteiro Ca, Barreto sM, et al. health in Brazil 4. Chronic non-communicable diseases in Brazil:<br />

bur<strong>de</strong>n and current challenges. lancet. 2011 Jun;377(9781):1949-61 [cited 2011 Jun 26]. available from: http://download.thelancet.com/flatcontentassets/pdfs/brazil/brazilpor4.pdf<br />

iiiWorld health organization. Global status report on noncommunicable diseases 2010. Geneva: Who; 2011.<br />

ivWorld health organization. Who report on the global tobacco epi<strong>de</strong>mic, 2011: warning about the dangers of tobacco. Geneva: Who; 2011.<br />


Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 291-294<br />


Table 1. The best bets in tobacco control for the reduction of mortality due to non-communicable diseases<br />

risk factor interventions-actions<br />

tobacco use<br />

> 50 millions<br />

DALYs* 3.7%<br />

of the global<br />

charge<br />

protect the population<br />

from tobacco smoke<br />

warn about tobacco<br />

harms<br />

enforce the prohibition<br />

of advertising, promotion<br />

and sponsorship<br />

raise taxes on tobacco<br />

products<br />

advise smokers to quit<br />

smoking<br />

and the importance of the already approved gui<strong>de</strong>lines. They specifically approach the implementation of article<br />

8th, which <strong>de</strong>termines the Brazilian obligations regarding the protection against exposure to cigarette smoke, for the<br />

protection of its populations against the risks of second hand smoke. The strong presence of the tobacco industry in<br />

Brazil is felt due to the winding and slow pathways in which the internalization of the treaty has been happening and<br />

by the resistance of some sectors, articulated by the industry itself, which uses organized groups of the society to <strong>de</strong>fend<br />

questionable assumptions. What was observed in the implementation of article 8 th , in spite of the concerns that this<br />

process would generate unemployment and close businesses, was completely different from what actually happened.<br />

Andreis et al <strong>de</strong>monstrate in rBC how the pioneer intervention of the state of são Paulo, the first to become free<br />

of second hand smoke, promoted a healthy life style and <strong>de</strong>fen<strong>de</strong>d the health of the são Paulo population, supporting<br />

the necessity of a fe<strong>de</strong>ral legislation that guarantees closed environments to be 100% free of smoking to all Brazilians.<br />

fortunately, other states joined in this process, such as Paraná, rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, amazonas, roraima, rondônia and<br />

Paraíba, showing in a casca<strong>de</strong> effect that this is a viable and unavoidable process and that does not impact at all on the<br />

livelihood of bar, restaurant and service owners and employees. But the fact that all other states still allow areas <strong>de</strong>signated<br />

to smokers should concern not only the health sector as a whole, but also the national Congress and our society. Bill<br />

# 315/2008, by senator tião Viana, proposes the internalization in the Brazilian legislation of the recommendations<br />

from Who-fCtC and from the guidances for implementation of article 8th and needs to be approved immediately<br />

instead of being the target of recurrent requests of appreciation by a large number of Commissions, requests which are<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> by politicians associated with the tobacco industry, whose only objective is to <strong>de</strong>lay the approval of the project.<br />

regarding the great relevance of taking care of the health of non-smokers, the smoker is and will always be a<br />

concern in this process. Manipulated by the industry, many times un<strong>de</strong>r the echo of the press, the silence of society<br />

and the omission of the health sector, the smokers are unfairly ma<strong>de</strong> the culprit of the impact of tobacco on society.<br />

The approach of a program for tobacco control should be against tobacco and should not and cannot be against<br />

smokers. smoking tobacco products is an addiction and, therefore, a disease equivalent to any clinical condition with<br />

recognized importance, such as high cholesterol level or high blood pressure.<br />

Moreira et al published an essay in rBC raising the question of smokers’ quality of life. even though the results<br />

were not statistically significant, smokers can present lower quality of life indicators when compared to non-smokers.<br />

such warning is relevant for further studies about this addiction and its wi<strong>de</strong>r consequences on the smoker satisfaction<br />

with their own life and the occasional encouragement to take care of it and quit smoking.<br />

The fact is that a smoker needs less criticism to what, many times, is seen as a bad behavior, in fact he needs to be<br />

respected, informed and treated. after all, he is the victim of a social process in which at a very early age, generally<br />

292 Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 291-294<br />

avoidable<br />

charge<br />

combined<br />

effect of 25-<br />

30 millions of<br />

DALYs* avoi<strong>de</strong>d<br />

(>50% of the<br />

total tobacco<br />

charge)<br />

costeffectivity<br />

optimal costeffectivity<br />

good costeffectivity<br />

implementation<br />

cost<br />

very low cost<br />

very low cost<br />

viability<br />

highly viablestrong<br />

legal<br />

framework<br />

(FCTC from<br />

WHO)<br />

viable<br />

(network<br />

for primary<br />

healthcare)<br />

* Dalys: disability adjusted life years. it is the measure of disease charge, which corresponds to the sum of the life years potentially lost due to early <strong>de</strong>ath with the<br />

loss of productive life years due to disability.

efore adulthood, he is involved with tobacco due to the appeal of the drug, which is socially accepted and represented.<br />

Besi<strong>de</strong>s that, smokers are influenced by the marketing of the tobacco industry, which promotes, through publicity,<br />

the promotion and sponsorship, a cheap and accessible product, yet mortal, responsible for nicotine addiction and<br />

that generates, most of the times, a pathway in which the freedom of personal choice succumbs to the drug effect.<br />

The marketing of the tobacco industry needs to be banished from society and, when it is the component of counteradvertisement,<br />

information is the ground of the formation of social critical mass to support impact regulations. We were<br />

the second country in the world to be able to add warning images initially on cigarette packs and then in all tobacco<br />

products. We were the first in the world to forbid <strong>de</strong>ceiving terms, such as light, mild, etc. to better inform and in a<br />

more directed way regarding the groups that need such information is the objective we need to pursue. adolescents,<br />

women and low school level people: the epi<strong>de</strong>mic of tobacco in Brazil is becoming localized in vulnerable groups that<br />

need to be target of correct information and a<strong>de</strong>quate intervention. Media campaigns targeting this population would<br />

be a good i<strong>de</strong>a, especially after we spent so much time without reaching the big communication media with mass<br />

campaigns, as the ones we are living at the beginning of this century. These could contrapose the subliminar, perverted<br />

and <strong>de</strong>ceitful media used by the tobacco industry. The article by Vargas et al in rBC highlights, for example, that the<br />

movies shown to our adolescents exposes the new generation of Brazilians to tobacco smoking and perpetuates the<br />

encouragement of its consumption, which implicates an unacceptable social acceptance. Where is the censorship for<br />

movies presented in Brazilian cinemas that does not obly the insertion of warnings when there are people smoking? still<br />

allowed in Brazil, the media of publicity in points of sales only worsens this process of exposure to the unacceptable<br />

appeal for the consumption of a drug that kills one out of two regular users. in this sense, the recent anVisa proposal,<br />

which we expect to become a resolution as soon as possible, helps in the process of reducing public exposure to the<br />

product, for <strong>de</strong>termining that the display of cigarette pack shelves in points of sales be prohibited, besi<strong>de</strong>s increasing<br />

the size of warnings in the publicity of the product, until an amendment to the fe<strong>de</strong>ral law comes into force to ban<br />

the use of points of sales as publicity places of the tobacco industry. The resolution that prohibits additives, tastes,<br />

scents and anything else that encourages our children to start smoking has to be published immediately, for the good<br />

of our future generation.<br />

however, no anti-tobacco media activity drives away the focus on those who have the role of caring and healing<br />

and who serve as health mo<strong>de</strong>ls for the population. Galão et al show, in this rBC issue, that the action of healthcare<br />

professionals seems insufficient to inform patients, especially vulnerable groups such as those composed by pregnant<br />

women, of the harms that tobacco use in its most diverse kinds can cause themselves and others. The fact that only<br />

51.3% of postpartum mothers from hospital das Clínicas <strong>de</strong> Porto alegre have received counseling on the harms of<br />

tobacco for themselves and their babies shows that a lot has to be done to bring awareness to this group, essential for<br />

the population counseling and the behavior mo<strong>de</strong>l.<br />

But if our healthcare professionals are not prepared to support this <strong>de</strong>mand nowadays, what to say about the future<br />

healthcare professionals? Szklo et al show in rBC that around 80% of the stu<strong>de</strong>nts from the third year of Medical<br />

school, Dentistry and Pharmacy un<strong>de</strong>rgraduate courses from both public and private institutions and public nursing<br />

courses in the city of rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (2006/2007) did not receive formal training up to the third year of school on<br />

how to approach a smoker. a cause of concern was the fact that 70% of those were casual smokers themselves and,<br />

as this survey was done before the promulgation of the state law that bans smoking in closed environments in rio<br />

<strong>de</strong> Janeiro, 34.3% of these stu<strong>de</strong>nts <strong>de</strong>clared to consume tobacco products within the university facilities. Can we<br />

conclu<strong>de</strong> that our universities are not giving enough importance to the subject? What are our curricula like regarding<br />

the essential approach of prevention?<br />

all healthcare professionals should be involved and some have already achieved records of participation. Moura<br />

et al highlight in rBC that the nursing area is extremely important for tobacco control, which is referenced by a<br />

literature review between 2008 and 2010 which brings good results from the action of nurses in this area, especially<br />

giving support in the complex process of smoke quitting.<br />

Perez et al do some interesting analysis of the information coming from the tobacco Quitline, a service freely<br />

provi<strong>de</strong>d by the Ministry of health to the Brazilian population, and that counts on the disclosure of the telephone<br />

number for access to the services on cigarette packs, showing it is a resource used by smokers who want to quit, being<br />

more used by young people whose from 12 to 24 years of age and male smokers. regarding the use of the service, the<br />

second most used service from the tobacco Quitline, the study points to the necessity of doing a cost-effect analysis<br />

of the quitting services. This is a strategy in Brazil that <strong>de</strong>serves more investment and greater penetration, representing<br />

an opportunity for the smoker approach from all classes and regions of the country. This can eventually be coupled<br />

with the use of messages for cell phones, wi<strong>de</strong>ly used in the country.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 291-294<br />


Lima and Viegas evaluated smokers submitted to treatment in the fe<strong>de</strong>ral District and show in rBC that about<br />

30% of the smokers presented probable anxiety and <strong>de</strong>pression levels and, among those, 50% had high motivation to<br />

quit smoking, mainly among women. This study points out not only to issues related to the characteristics of smokers<br />

who look for treatment to quit, but also to issues of gen<strong>de</strong>r, very up to date in the context of tobacco control in Brazil.<br />

Check the article that shows that women have a different behavior when compared to men as to the motivations<br />

and results regarding tobacco quitting. They are also different in the process of initiation and reaction to addiction.<br />

Carvalho et al show that the relationship between tobacco and cervical cancer seems to be a reason of conflict and<br />

search for changes in women carriers of precursor lesions of this disease and <strong>de</strong>serves strategic attention of Public<br />

health programs aiming at offering opportunities of prevention and counseling.<br />

This is a subject about which Brazil will have to search for information and test policies to achieve results that<br />

bring improvements in the approach of smokers, including availability of generic medications in the list of essential<br />

medications.<br />

But the gen<strong>de</strong>r issues are not specific for women. Gen<strong>de</strong>r policies target men and women, their differences and<br />

similarities and how the social, behavioral and biological contexts influence both and how one influences the other.<br />

Batista et al show in this rBC issue that smokers from 18 to 26 years of age, studied in Viçosa, Minas Gerais, consumed<br />

alcoholic beverages more frequently than non-smokers of the same gen<strong>de</strong>r. The weight and waist/hip ratio presented<br />

a positive correlation (p

History<br />

Legislation and Tobacco Control in Brazil<br />

Article submitted on 03/23/11; accepted for publication on 05/26/11<br />

Legislation and Tobacco Control in Brazil Between the Late<br />

20th and Early 21st Centuries<br />

Legislação e Controle do Tabaco no Brasil entre o Final do Século XX e Início<br />

do XXI<br />

La Legislación y el Control <strong>de</strong>l Tabaco en Brasil entre Finales <strong>de</strong>l Siglo XX y<br />

Principios <strong>de</strong>l Siglo XXI<br />

Luiz Antonio Teixeira 1 , Tiago Alves Jaques 2<br />

Abstract<br />

Introduction: This article <strong>de</strong>als with the process of emergence and consolidation of the anti-smoking policy in Brazil,<br />

discussing the <strong>de</strong>velopment of the Brazilian legislation in this field between the 1960s and the early 21 st century.<br />

Objectives: to discuss the first legislative regulations to standardize marketing and advertising of cigarettes brought<br />

into discussion in Congress in the 1960s; to evaluate the consequence of tobacco control actions in public health<br />

as well as laws and campaigns for the control and marketing of smoking products, introduced during the country’s<br />

re-<strong>de</strong>mocratization process in the 1990s. Method: This study was based on the analysis of legislation and secondary<br />

sources on the <strong>de</strong>velopment of tobacco control actions in the country. Results: in the period studied, there is intense<br />

strengthening of legislation on tobacco control in the country. Conclusion: While actions against tobacco were<br />

being <strong>de</strong>veloped, a strong framework of knowledge and an extensive practice in the field of tobacco control was built.<br />

This aspect, together with data on tobacco use and lung cancer inci<strong>de</strong>nce, suggests that tobacco control measures<br />

implemented in the country are successful.<br />

Key words: legislation as topic; tobacco; smoking/legislation & jurispru<strong>de</strong>nce; Control and sanitary supervision<br />

of tobacco-Derived Products; Brazil<br />

The Project originating this article is supported by faPerJ (young investigator fellowship of our state, faPerJ Process e26/ 102.203/2009) and CnPq<br />

(edital universal, process 478151/2010-1).<br />

1 full researcher from Casa <strong>de</strong> oswaldo Cruz – fiocruz. Doctorate <strong>de</strong>gree in history of sciences. research <strong>de</strong>veloped at the research Department from<br />

Casa <strong>de</strong> oswaldo Cruz – fiocruz. email: teixeira@fiocruz.br.<br />

2 historian. Master's Degree in history of sciences and health. Doctorate stu<strong>de</strong>nt at the history of sciences and health Graduate school Program at<br />

Casa <strong>de</strong> oswaldo Cruz - fiocruz. email: jaquestiago@yahoo.com.br.<br />

Correspon<strong>de</strong>nce Address: luiz antonio teixeira. avenida Brasil, no 4.036 - sala 400 - Manguinhos. rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (rJ), Brazil. CeP: 21040-361.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 295-304<br />


Teixeira LA, Jaques TA<br />

296<br />


This article approaches the <strong>de</strong>velopment of the antitobacco<br />

policy in Brazil, discussing the transformations<br />

in the Brazilian legislation in this field during the last<br />

four <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s of the 20th century. although this subject<br />

has already been discussed in several articles <strong>de</strong>signed<br />

by medical doctors, journalists and historians, its<br />

analysis is ma<strong>de</strong> relevant to the extent it evaluates these<br />

transformations in light of the changes in Public health<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rtaken in the period.<br />

as from the last quarter of the 20 th century, with<br />

the strengthening of the anti-tobacco movement in the<br />

united states, multinational cigarette manufacturers<br />

intensified their action in <strong>de</strong>veloping countries. Their<br />

strategy had as basis the notion that these countries had<br />

a great marketing potential as they contemplate large<br />

population numbers and would have more difficulty in<br />

<strong>de</strong>signing more strict anti-tobacco legislations. in this<br />

context, cigarette consumption in the country started to<br />

grow fast, achieving its peak in the mid 1980s. Besi<strong>de</strong>s<br />

investments of the industry in production and marketing,<br />

the increased competition in the sector, the control of<br />

prices and the steady growth of the urban population<br />

contributed to this process 1 .<br />

at the moment of both cigarette consumption and<br />

national tobacco production intensification, the country<br />

was found un<strong>de</strong>r a dictatorial regime of liberal character<br />

and the health sector was going through a process of<br />

difficulties, <strong>de</strong>termined by the lack of resources and by<br />

the severe crisis that achieved medical welfare, as from<br />

the 1970, to the <strong>de</strong>triment of initiatives of preventive<br />

character from the Ministry of health. in this context,<br />

the first initiatives appeared, although still timidly,<br />

for the standardization of tobacco commercialization<br />

in the legislative field. although these initiatives were<br />

supported in scientific postulations on the harms of<br />

smoking and even second hand smoking, they did not<br />

obtain the expected results. only with the beginning of<br />

the <strong>de</strong>mocratization process and the transformation in<br />

healthcare which led to the sanitary reformation and the<br />

creation of the Brazilian unified health system (sus),<br />

was this situation changed.<br />

in the context of changes and construction of a new<br />

way of thinking that saw health as a citizenship right,<br />

whose provision is a state obligation, the actions of<br />

the public power as to the control of tobacco smoking<br />

started to be quite recognized, leading the country to<br />

a paradoxical position of being one of the largest world<br />

exporters of tobacco and, at the same time, a strong<br />

world lea<strong>de</strong>rship regarding the policy for the control of<br />

its production and consumption.<br />

the aims inclu<strong>de</strong>d discussing the first legislative<br />

initiatives of commercialization standardization<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 295-304<br />

and cigarette advertisement, which were subjects<br />

taken to the Congress in the 1960s; evaluating the<br />

consequences of Public health changes, instituted from<br />

the re<strong>de</strong>mocratization process of he country, in the actions<br />

for tobacco control; and evaluating laws and campaigns<br />

for the control of tobacco products commercialization and<br />

advertisement, commissioned in the 1990s.<br />

METHOD<br />

The present work is characterized as a social history<br />

study. it was <strong>de</strong>signed with basis on the analysis of<br />

documental sources referring to the anti-tobacco legislation<br />

in the country, consulted in the fe<strong>de</strong>ral senate and Ministry<br />

of health websites; in secondary sources, related to the<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopment of Public health and reference books written<br />

by medical doctors and journalists who discuss the trajectory<br />

of tobacco use in Brazil. Documents on the trajectory of<br />

actions of medical groups for the control of lung cancer<br />

were also used – several of them ma<strong>de</strong> available by the<br />

Brazilian national Cancer institute - inCa, the institution<br />

responsible for the national Program for tobacco Control<br />

(PnCt in Portuguese), since the end of the 1980s. The<br />

temporal limits of the worked sources are between 1980<br />

and 2011. The selection and utilization of these sources<br />

had research, verification and historical interpretation as its<br />

basis. after the critical analysis and crossing of information<br />

with those from various research <strong>de</strong>veloped in different<br />

areas of medical knowledge, the objective was to evaluate<br />

the process of transformation of the legal reference on the<br />

utilization of tobacco in the country.<br />


The firsT sTeps of The AnTi-TobAcco LegisLATion<br />

investigations relating health problems to tobacco<br />

use, carried out as of the middle of last century, had an<br />

important role in the change people see the smoking habit.<br />

in the previous <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s, some investigations were already<br />

obtaining conclusions in this regard, although these had<br />

little repercussion. in the 1950s, complex epi<strong>de</strong>miological<br />

studies, done by american and British researchers, became<br />

the starting point for the <strong>de</strong>sign of the report on smoking<br />

and health from the Royal College of Physicians, written<br />

in 1962, and the “terry report”, written by the advisory<br />

Committee on smoking and health in the usa in 1964 2 .<br />

These documents <strong>de</strong>monstrated that the <strong>de</strong>ath rate due to<br />

lung cancer was higher among smokers and mentioned<br />

chronic bronchitis and emphysema as the most frequent<br />

diseases among smokers. its disclosure gave breath to<br />

anti-tobacco smoking and transformed the way scientific<br />

communities from several states view tobacco smoking.

in Brazil, the disclosure of these reports within<br />

the medical community reinforced the anti-tobacco<br />

viewpoints related, up to that moment, to religious and<br />

moral aspects mainly. in the 1960s, some tuberculosis<br />

specialists, surprised by the increased number of lung<br />

cancer cases, started to observe a relationship between<br />

smoking and the increase in the number of that disease.<br />

however, these i<strong>de</strong>as were still very controversial and,<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to avoid more conflicts, they tried to attain<br />

their consi<strong>de</strong>rations on the causes of lung cancer to the<br />

medical community, writing in specialized journals and<br />

maintaining caution as to the viewpoints presented 3 .<br />

in the context of the growth of medical concerns<br />

as to smoking, the first bills for its control were taken<br />

to discussion in the national Congress. in 1964, state<br />

representative eurico <strong>de</strong> oliveira, elected by the former<br />

state of Guanabara, submitted a project that proposed<br />

the banning of tobacco <strong>de</strong>rivatives advertisement in any<br />

communication media. in the following year, another<br />

project of his suggested the institution of an additional<br />

tax for fighting cancer. still in 1965, Pedro Marao,<br />

fe<strong>de</strong>ral representative from the state of são Paulo and<br />

ivan luz, elected through Paraná, submitted different<br />

bills, <strong>de</strong>termining the printing of cancer risk warnings on<br />

cigarette packs. Marao also wrote a second bill providing<br />

for the ban of selling cigarettes to teens un<strong>de</strong>r 18 years<br />

of age. Before the end of the <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>, other five projects<br />

related to the control of tobacco products were submitted<br />

to the Congress. all have been archived 3 .<br />

During the 1970s, a steady increase of bills for tobacco<br />

control in the national Congress could be noticed.<br />

Gonçalves 3 found 79 projects in this <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>, against nine<br />

in the previous <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>. Thirty five of those provi<strong>de</strong>d for<br />

some kind of regulation of cigarette advertisements and<br />

the distribution of gifts from the tobacco companies.<br />

There was also significant concern with the selling of<br />

cigarettes for teens un<strong>de</strong>r 18 years old (11 projects) and<br />

with the regulation of smoking in public transportation,<br />

either aerial or terrestrial, as well as in public places 3 .<br />

among the propositions, six <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d sanitary control of<br />

cigarettes produced in Brazil, three suggested the insertion<br />

of warnings about the harms of tobacco on cigarette packs,<br />

four suggested taxes on tobacco products to be <strong>de</strong>stined<br />

to Public health, two proposed the subject of tobacco<br />

and its harms in school curriculum, and lastly, a project<br />

proposed a national Week for tobacco Control 3 .<br />

such a number of projects <strong>de</strong>monstrates that discussion<br />

regarding this subject has been on in the Congress since<br />

the 1970s. But the fact that none of them was approved<br />

shows how limited the discussion was at that time. in<br />

Legislation and Tobacco Control in Brazil<br />

the middle of a military dictatorship, when economical<br />

liberalism was dominant and the notions of prevention<br />

and even Public health were eclipsed by the medical<br />

welfare of curative character, the possibility of approval<br />

of projects which, besi<strong>de</strong>s being out of the scope of the<br />

governmental gui<strong>de</strong>lines for health, put in danger the<br />

interests of big economical forces, had no way of being<br />

implemented. Besi<strong>de</strong>s that, at that time, the subject of<br />

tobacco was still <strong>de</strong>fen<strong>de</strong>d by groups that saw it with a<br />

moral bias mainly. initially, medical doctors got aligned to<br />

them in or<strong>de</strong>r to strengthen their viewpoints; however, the<br />

scientific speech could not count on the social consensus<br />

necessary to become hegemonic yet. hence, tobacco kept<br />

growing and cigarette advertisements kept on selling the<br />

image of smoking associated to success, charm, elegancy<br />

and virility.<br />

The sTrengThening of The AnTi-smoking movemenT in<br />

brAziL<br />

in the 1970s, the harms provoked by tobacco smoking<br />

were consolidated as a health problem for the international<br />

agencies, becoming a constant subject in the World<br />

health assemblies, the highest <strong>de</strong>cision-making body<br />

of the World health organization (Who). in 1970,<br />

the Who Committee of experts wrote a report entitled<br />

“The smoking habit and health” summarizing several<br />

aspects of tobacco smoking and the harms it causes. This<br />

and others reports coming after it brought a number<br />

of recommendations to its Member-states, starting by<br />

the suggestion that governmental projects be created<br />

specifically to fight tobacco smoking, based on permanent<br />

bodies 2 .<br />

The globalization of medical concerns with tobacco<br />

wi<strong>de</strong>ned initiatives proposing the regulation of its<br />

commercialization and consumption in the country.<br />

in March 1979, a document was created as the<br />

conclusion of works carried out in a seminar on tobacco<br />

smoking, organized by the Brazilian institute for Thorax<br />

investigation, in salvador, Bahia. The then called salvador<br />

letter was written by important names in Pneumology<br />

and tobacco control in the country: José silveira, Jaime<br />

santos neves, José rosemberg, edmundo Blundi,<br />

antonio Pedro Mirra and Mario rigatto. Many of them<br />

were important medical doctors in the struggle against<br />

tuberculosis and were then including in their concerns<br />

the harms to the respiratory tract caused by smoking 3 .<br />

The salvador letter recognized the challenge of the fight<br />

against tobacco smoking, highlighting the economical<br />

<strong>de</strong>adlock faced by the state, due to the money collected<br />

with tobacco production. Besi<strong>de</strong>s that, their authors<br />

did not get intimidated. finding support in the Who<br />

recommendations, they <strong>de</strong>fen<strong>de</strong>d the creation of a<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 295-304<br />


Teixeira LA, Jaques TA<br />

298<br />

“national Committee of multi-institutional character”,<br />

capable of planning and promoting a campaign to flgith<br />

smoking throughout the national territory 4 .<br />

Giving continuation to the initiative of the<br />

pulmonologists that met in salvador, the Brazilian<br />

Cancerology society, still in 1979, put together a wi<strong>de</strong><br />

group of scientific associations and health-related<br />

institutions, in the city of são Paulo, with the objective<br />

of <strong>de</strong>signing a national Program against smoking. The<br />

program was then coordinated by the Brazilian Medical<br />

association, through a national committee composed<br />

by several national Medical societies. it was also <strong>de</strong>fined<br />

that this commission should send to the Congress a<br />

request for the creation of parliamentary investigation<br />

committee - CPi about smoking and health that should<br />

evoke the approval of new laws about the control of<br />

cigarette advertisement, smoking ban in <strong>de</strong>termined<br />

places, cigarette commercialization, tobacco products<br />

taxation and warnings on the risk of tobacco smoking 2 .<br />

in 1980, the tuberculosis league from the state of<br />

espírito santo sponsored the first Brazilian Conference<br />

to fight tobacco smoking, in Vitória. several medical<br />

doctors who took part in the event in salvador, in the<br />

previous year, atten<strong>de</strong>d the conference. Besi<strong>de</strong>s the<br />

disclosure of international researches on the subject as well<br />

as Who recommendations, one of the objectives was to<br />

promote the work done by Brazilian medical doctors 3 .<br />

as seen, the medical doctors related to activities against<br />

tuberculosis were the main incentivators of actions for<br />

tobacco regulation in the late 1970s.<br />

Very soon the subject was on the cover of VeJa<br />

magazine, a weekly Brazilian magazine of wi<strong>de</strong>spread<br />

circulation. in april 1980, a group of journalists wrote a<br />

general scenario on the subject, informing rea<strong>de</strong>rs about<br />

the harms of smoking and the way in which tobacco<br />

smoking was being approached in some parts of the<br />

world, especially in the usa. The article highlighted<br />

the importance of tobacco production for the Brazilian<br />

economy, at the time responsible for 35.5% of total iPi<br />

(a tax on industrialized products) collection – twice the<br />

amount collected by the automotive industry – and related<br />

such fact to the then week performance of government<br />

to approve measures for tobacco control in the country 5 .<br />

still in 1980, to celebrate the World Day of health,<br />

the Who launched an international campaign fight<br />

tobacco smoking, with the slogan “tobacco or health”,<br />

and <strong>de</strong>signed the Program of tobacco and health, which<br />

recommen<strong>de</strong>d the intensification, or beginning where<br />

there was none yet, of government strategies for the<br />

control of tobacco smoking with emphasis in educational<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 295-304<br />

measures, particularly in respect to young people, as well<br />

as in the prohibition, restriction or limitation of tobacco<br />

products advertisement 6 .<br />

as part of these happenings, the Ministry of health<br />

tried, in a timid way, to participate in the process of<br />

changes in the legislation on tobacco smoking which<br />

seemed to be approaching. in or<strong>de</strong>r to do that, in 1981,<br />

it created the Committee for the studies of smoking<br />

Consequences, with the main objective of <strong>de</strong>signing<br />

reports on the several bills about the subject, presented<br />

at the national Congress. Composed by important<br />

members of the anti-tobacco movement, such as antonio<br />

Pedro Mirra, edmundo Blundi, Jayme santos neves, Jose<br />

rosemberg, José silveira and Mario rigatto, it worked<br />

only for a year 2 . its composition and the short period of<br />

its existence show the difficulties lived by the anti-tobacco<br />

movement in that period. if on one si<strong>de</strong>, its lea<strong>de</strong>rships<br />

could, at times, be heard by the state, the resistance or<br />

lack of consensus as to its viewpoints soon removed them<br />

from the scene.<br />

in the legislative field, still in 1980, the then state<br />

representative italo Conti, elected through the PsD<br />

Party from Paraná, presented a bill proposing that,<br />

every year, august 29 th would be the celebration date of<br />

the “national Day against tobacco smoking” and, in<br />

the preceding week, an educational campaign with the<br />

objective of disseminating the harms caused by tobacco<br />

smoking should be organized. The following year, his<br />

project was approved by the legislative chamber and sent<br />

to the senate. it remained in the senate until 1986, when,<br />

after long discussions, it was voted and approved almost<br />

unanimously, only two votes being registered against<br />

and one absence, and was later sanctioned by Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

José sarney on June 11 th of the same year. The fe<strong>de</strong>ral<br />

law 7,488/86 instituted the date of august 29 th as the<br />

“national Day against tobacco smoking”. This law is<br />

characterized as the first legislation of fe<strong>de</strong>ral scope related<br />

to the regulation of tobacco smoking in Brazil*.<br />

even before the sanction of the law # 7,488, the<br />

Ministry of health <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to act more strongly as to<br />

the tobacco problem, creating the support Group for<br />

tobacco Control - GaCt in Portuguese, in 1985. The<br />

group was composed by physicians, lawyers, politicians<br />

and representatives of several social instances related to<br />

tobacco control. GaCt was, until the end of the <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>,<br />

responsible for the campaigns of the national Day against<br />

tobacco smoking. in november 1986, it organized a<br />

symposium in which a series of documents produced<br />

by the group were presented, among which, a new bill<br />

presented to the then presi<strong>de</strong>nt José sarney during the<br />

* Brazil. law number 7,488 of June 11th, 1986. it instituted the “national Day against tobacco smoking” [cited 2011 Jun 30]. available from: http://<br />


celebration of the first national Day against tobacco<br />

smoking. The project would ban the use of “cigarettes,<br />

cigars, cigarillos and pipes in collective, public or private<br />

places <strong>de</strong>stined to work, leisure, health and education, as<br />

well as in collective transportation of any nature”, except<br />

in places specified for smokers, with the exception of<br />

health and education related places, inlcuding restrictions<br />

in their outdoor areas 7 .<br />

The concern with places free of tobacco environmental<br />

pollution was the basis for the proposals at thet ime. it was<br />

intensified as from the 1980s, when studies on the harmful<br />

effects of tobacco smoke on non-smokers accumulated.<br />

in 1986, the us Department of health and the us<br />

national aca<strong>de</strong>miy of sciences national research Council<br />

published a report on second hand tobacco showing its<br />

relationship with lung cancer in healthy non-smokers 8 .<br />

This new scientific evi<strong>de</strong>nce gave to the anti-tobacco<br />

movement throughout the world an important argument<br />

in the battle against tobacco: tobacco smoking was then a<br />

problem to others and not only to smokers.<br />

the nearly six-year <strong>de</strong>lay for the approval of the<br />

Conti Project and the creation of the support Group<br />

from the Ministry of health show an important aspect<br />

of the process of <strong>de</strong>velopment of awareness as to tobacco<br />

harms in Brazil. in 1980, when the project was <strong>de</strong>signed,<br />

the medical field was excited with the subject. our<br />

pulmonologists, main characters in this process, created<br />

events and organizations with the objective of placing the<br />

subject of the harms caused by tobaccosmoking in the<br />

Public health agenda. however, the political conditions<br />

in the country and the current institutional possibilities<br />

at the time did not make possible the execution of the<br />

proposed objective. Gathered in medical societies and<br />

other civil organizations and, in research and education<br />

institutions, they could not aggregate enough support to<br />

transform their battle into political action. such objective<br />

could only begin to be achieved when the Ministry of<br />

health itself started to control this process. for such, a<br />

wi<strong>de</strong>r transformation of the health sector was necessary; a<br />

transformation that was related to the more general process<br />

of re<strong>de</strong>mocratization that was happening in the country.<br />

in the mid 1980s, with the end of the dictatorship and<br />

the <strong>de</strong>sign of a social pact that allowed the entrance of<br />

the first civil presi<strong>de</strong>nt in 21 years, a new group occupied<br />

the important positions in the Ministry of health.<br />

representatives of the medical way of thinking who would<br />

see health in a broa<strong>de</strong>r way, giving appropriate value to<br />

primary care and preventive action, led an inflexion in the<br />

gui<strong>de</strong>lines of the Ministry, allowing the tobacco matter<br />

to achieve an important position in the gui<strong>de</strong>lines of our<br />

Public health.<br />

however, besi<strong>de</strong>s the efforts of medical groups<br />

<strong>de</strong>voted to the tobacco subject, the Ministry of health<br />

had its action circumscribed by legal limits. Therefore,<br />

Legislation and Tobacco Control in Brazil<br />

their initiatives as to tobacco restriction at this time<br />

were limited to educational measures, promotion of<br />

august 29 campaigns and the publication of ordinances<br />

that, although had little immediate impact for smoking<br />

cessation, were of great importance for becoming the<br />

basis for subsequent measures of greater efficacy. The<br />

ordinance # 428/GM, for example, banned the use of<br />

tobacco products insi<strong>de</strong> the Ministry, except in places<br />

<strong>de</strong>stined to their consumption. it allowed the creation of<br />

the inter Ministry ordinance # 3,257, of 1988, which<br />

recommen<strong>de</strong>d restrictive measures against smoking in<br />

working environments and provi<strong>de</strong>d certificates of merit<br />

to companies that had important participation in antitobacco<br />

campaigns in Brazil 9 .<br />

The TobAcco conTroL TAkes shApe<br />

the re<strong>de</strong>mocratization process that happened<br />

during the late 1980s generated important changes in<br />

the institutional and fe<strong>de</strong>rative or<strong>de</strong>r of the country.<br />

The 1988 Constitution would radically transform the<br />

Brazilian health policy, allowing the emergence of a<br />

unified and <strong>de</strong>centralized health system, the attribution<br />

of a new responsibility to the state regarding this field<br />

and the wi<strong>de</strong>ning of its scope. its article 196 established:<br />

“health is a right of all and an obligation of the state,<br />

guaranteed through social and economic policies that<br />

aim at the reduction in disease risk and other health<br />

aggravations as well as the universal and egalitarian access<br />

to actions and services for its promotion, protection and<br />

recovery” 10 . in the specific field of tobacco regulation, the<br />

article 220 of the new Constitution gave competence<br />

to the fe<strong>de</strong>ral sphere to impose restrictions to cigarette,<br />

alcoholic beverage and medication advertisements and<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong> warnings on the harms coming from their use<br />

whenever necessary – the article was fundamental for<br />

the justification of the constitutionality of further antitobacco<br />

laws.<br />

in the year of its promulgation, the Ministry of<br />

health created the Decree number 490, which forced<br />

the tobacco industry to stamp the following warning on<br />

the package of their products: “The Ministry of health<br />

Warns: smoking is harmful to health” 11 . in the following<br />

year, a Bill written by representative elias Murad aimed<br />

at regulating article 220 of the new constitution. Besi<strong>de</strong>s<br />

the regulation of advertisement of cigarettes, alcoholic<br />

beverages and medications, the project also provi<strong>de</strong>d for<br />

the banning of the use of cigarettes and other tobacco<br />

products in collective places, either private or public,<br />

except for areas <strong>de</strong>stined to this end, properly isolated and<br />

with sufficient ventilation. The project also highlighted<br />

the ban in government buildings, hospitals and health<br />

centers, classrooms, libraries, closed work environments<br />

and theaters of all kinds 12 .<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 295-304<br />


Teixeira LA, Jaques TA<br />

300<br />

only in 1996 would Murad’s project become a<br />

llaw (law number 9.294 from 1996); however an<br />

inter Ministry Decree, <strong>de</strong>signed in the previous year,<br />

already <strong>de</strong>termined the use of warnings on cigarette<br />

packages as well as the restrictions of tobacco product<br />

advertisements 13 . Due to the new legislation, the<br />

advertisement of tobacco products on tV and the radio<br />

was restricted to the time between 9pm and 6am, and<br />

warning messages alerting to the several harms provoked<br />

by smoking started to be associated to these ads, in<br />

posters, banners, magazines and newspapers and on<br />

cigarette packages. The previous warning “The Ministry<br />

of health Warns: smoking is harmful to health”, which<br />

had been posted on cigarette packages since 1988, had<br />

its second part replaced by the following sentence:<br />

“smoking can cause heart disease and brain stroke”;<br />

“smoking can cause lung cancer, chronic bronchitis and<br />

emphysema”; “smoking during pregnancy can cause<br />

damage to the baby”; “those who smoke have a higher<br />

inci<strong>de</strong>nce of stomach ulcer”; “avoid smoking around<br />

children” and “smoking causes several health damages”.<br />

in 1999, the interim Measure # 1,814 allowed the<br />

Ministry of health to <strong>de</strong>fine new warnings. The term<br />

“can cause” was replaced by the term “causes”, making<br />

the warnings more direct and emphatic. new themes<br />

were also introduced 14 .<br />

it is important to highlight that, even though the elias<br />

Murad law was an important tool for the wi<strong>de</strong>ning of<br />

smoking restrictions, a flaw was evi<strong>de</strong>nced since it did not<br />

establish any punishment to the violator smoker and it<br />

did not clearly <strong>de</strong>fine the rules as to smoking places and<br />

places that do not have it, allowing the tobacco industry<br />

to <strong>de</strong>sign strategies to soften the law enforecement 15 . even<br />

nowadays tobacco has not been completely banned from<br />

closed environments. nowadays in Brazil, states and<br />

towns have been regulating more comprehensive laws like<br />

the elias Murad law, with more strict oversight, followed<br />

by a broad educational campaign, as in the cases of the<br />

sates of são Paulo and rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, in 2009.<br />

becoming more sTricT<br />

at the institutional level, in the context of sanitary<br />

reformation, the competence of the Ministry of health as<br />

to tobacco control was transferred to inCa, which since<br />

then has housed the PnCt.<br />

Besi<strong>de</strong>s the more general gui<strong>de</strong>line of reducing the<br />

number of smokers and consequently the morbidity<br />

and mortality related to the consumption of tobacco<br />

<strong>de</strong>rived products in Brazil, the program aimed at reducing<br />

smoking initiation, mainly among young people;<br />

increasing smoking cessation and reducing exposure to<br />

environmental tobacco smoke. The program acted in<br />

the coordination and execution of actions <strong>de</strong>veloped in<br />

partnership with the health state and town secretariats<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 295-304<br />

and several sectors from the organized civil society, above<br />

all the scientific societies and professional regulating<br />

bodies in the healthcare area.<br />

Besi<strong>de</strong>s articulating the May 31 st , the World notobacco<br />

Day, instituted by the Who in 1987, and the<br />

august 29 th campaigns, the national Day against tobacco<br />

smoking, created in 1986, the PnCt started to promote<br />

a series of educational actions, such as congresses and<br />

seminars; programs for tobacco free work environments<br />

and educational actions in schools and healthcare centers.<br />

it also promoted programs for smoking cessation, qualified<br />

healthcares professionals in this field and worked in the<br />

diffusion of methods for smoking cessation in several<br />

media. The PnCt followed the sus rationale so that such<br />

programs could be <strong>de</strong>veloped throughout the country,<br />

investing in strategies to <strong>de</strong>centralize their actions.<br />

restrictions to cigarette and other tobacco products<br />

publicity and the use of warnings on their packages and in<br />

advertisement material were slowly becoming, throughout<br />

the 1990s, one of the main PnCt concerns. inCa actions<br />

regarding the program ma<strong>de</strong> the institution very influent in<br />

the process of regulating tobacco smoking in the country.<br />

inCa became a national reference for the <strong>de</strong>sign of<br />

technical evaluations, used as subsidies for the creation of<br />

policies both in the legislative and economic levels.<br />

in the mid 1990s, the national Coordination for<br />

tobacco Control from inCa, responsible for the PnCt,<br />

already had important international recognition, having<br />

received, in 1994, the tobacco or health medal from<br />

Who. This distinction was the first one done to this kind<br />

of program in latin america. and that ma<strong>de</strong> Brazil host<br />

the “World no tobacco Day” that year.<br />

in 1995, inCa or<strong>de</strong>red an analysis of the content<br />

of the five best sold brands produced in Brazil from a<br />

laboratory of analysis of tobacco products in Canada,<br />

the laBstat 16 . The report of the outcomes received<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>rable media coverage in 1996, when it was verified<br />

that the levels of several substances analyzed were high<br />

above the maximum levels allowed in other countries.<br />

inCa <strong>de</strong>signed, then, a document with a series of<br />

recommendations, highlighting the need of more strict<br />

oversight of tobacco products. according to Cavalcante,<br />

“this important action was the springboard for subsequent<br />

advancements as to tobacco <strong>de</strong>rived products control and<br />

oversight in Brazil” 16 .<br />

in December 2000, the law number 10,167 would<br />

significantly knock the tobacco companies. according to<br />

the new legislation, tobacco commercial ads were restricted<br />

to the internal areas of the points of sales only; and besi<strong>de</strong>s<br />

that, such ads could not associate the product to the<br />

practice of sports or have the participation of children<br />

and adolescents. That is, tobacco products publicity was<br />

banned from the radio, television, cinema, newspapers,<br />

magazines, printouts, billboads and sportive article outfits.

ads on internet were also banned, as well as indirect ads<br />

known as “merchandising” and ads in stadiums, tracks,<br />

stages or similar places, as well as the distribution of<br />

samples and gifts and the commercialization of tobacco<br />

products in educational and healthcare institutions; and<br />

it also banned the use of these products in airplanes and<br />

other means of public transportation. it was also through<br />

this law that, as of the year 2003, the sponsorship of<br />

cultural and international sports activities by tobacco<br />

companies was banned, which was later changed<br />

<strong>de</strong>fining 2005 as the year for the banning of sponsoring<br />

international sports activities. This last modification was<br />

due to economic interests, revealed by the organization of<br />

the formula 1 GP Brazil, in 2003, shown on television 17 .<br />

The law number 10,617 provoked strong reactions<br />

among tobacco manufacturers, and its constitutionality<br />

was questioned for overlapping the right of advertising<br />

a product, the obligation of warning and clarifying<br />

the harms associated to it. the national industry<br />

Confe<strong>de</strong>ration, associated to these interests, petitioned for<br />

a Direct action of inconstitutionality as to the project,<br />

with the objective of totally freeing tobacco publicity 18 ;<br />

but, in spite of all resistance, the process of strengthening<br />

the tobacco legislation and regulation was unavoidable.<br />

in 1999, through the fe<strong>de</strong>ral law number 9,782,<br />

the national health surveillance agency - anVisa was<br />

created, with the aim of promoting health protection<br />

of the population through sanitary control of products<br />

and services. among its attributions, there is the control<br />

and oversight of cigarettes and other tobacco products.<br />

anVisa would become an instrument of great efficacy<br />

for tobacco control. its authority to work with law<br />

enforcement, issue fines and standardize several aspects<br />

related to tobacco production and consumption enabled it<br />

to have broa<strong>de</strong>r range of actions when compared to those<br />

put into practice by the Ministry of health.<br />

in the year of its creation, one of its first resolutions<br />

<strong>de</strong>termined the annual registry of all tobacco products<br />

and the <strong>de</strong>livery of annual reports from tobacco<br />

manufacturers on the products they commercialized 19 .<br />

in an article published in VeJa, in november 1995 20 ,<br />

thus years before the creation of anVisa, the average<br />

levels of tar and nicotine in the Brazilian cigarettes were<br />

published. The article had raised doubts on the reliability<br />

of the data presented by cigarette manufacturers and<br />

highlighted that the use of the word mild, which should<br />

indicate products of lower levels was being used in one<br />

of the strongest brands sold in the country 20 . alert to<br />

these questions, anVisa published, in March 2001 a<br />

resolution establishing the maximum tar, nicotine and<br />

carbon monoxi<strong>de</strong> levels allowed in the smoke of cigarettes<br />

commercialized in the country 21 , and banning the use of<br />

any adjective on cigarette packages or publicity material,<br />

such as: low level, mild, light, mo<strong>de</strong>rate levels and others<br />

Legislation and Tobacco Control in Brazil<br />

that could induce the consumers to misinterpret the levels<br />

of toxic substances contained in the cigarettes.<br />

in May 2001, another rule from anVisa regulated<br />

the printing of images that illustrate the meaning of<br />

the warnings on cigarette packages. The warnings also<br />

started showing the “tobacco Quitline”, a service for<br />

the orientation offered by the Ministry of health 22 . The<br />

characteristics of the images and warnings were <strong>de</strong>termined<br />

by anVisa and technically supported by inCa. one of<br />

the objectives of their use is to fight the social acceptance<br />

of smoking and to break the “positive aura” that had been<br />

created around cigarettes for <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s. its justification is<br />

related to the field of cognitive-behavioral psychology,<br />

postulating that one of the factors that can contribute for<br />

smoking cessation is the bad feeling caused by the package<br />

of the product. Besi<strong>de</strong>s that, cigarette packages started to<br />

be consi<strong>de</strong>red as an important communication vehicle on<br />

the harms caused by smoking, having an educational role,<br />

through strong warnings that aim at braking the impulses<br />

of smokers, making them think before automatically<br />

lighting up their cigarette 16 .<br />

inCa and anVisa replaced the group of images and<br />

warnings in 2004 for stronger images, when compared to<br />

the initial ones, so that the images kept causing impact;<br />

and nowadays (2010), a third group of images of strong<br />

impact started circulating on cigarette packages 14 . as from<br />

2004, packages and publicity of tobacco products suffered<br />

even more interventions. a new anVisa resolution, the<br />

same one that introduced the second group of images,<br />

<strong>de</strong>termined that the warnings should also be posted on all<br />

kinds of publicity of the products. The following sentences<br />

were also inclu<strong>de</strong>d: “sale prohibited to persons un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

18 years of age” and “This product contains more than<br />

4,700 toxic substances and nicotine that cause physical<br />

or psychological addiction. There are no safe levels for the<br />

consumption of these substances” 23 .<br />


the standardization actions put into practice by<br />

anVisa as well as the actions from PnCt, coordinated<br />

by inCa, have built a strong framework of knowledge and<br />

extensive practice in the field of tobacco control. Besi<strong>de</strong>s<br />

the fact that the country is the second largest producer<br />

of tobacco and the biggest exporter of tobacco leaves in<br />

the world, the PnCt characteristics and the regulating<br />

legislative apparatus that was formed ma<strong>de</strong> Brazil a<br />

world reference in tobacco control measures. in 1999,<br />

when the World health assembly began to <strong>de</strong>sign what<br />

became the first international treaty of public health, the<br />

framework Convention for tobacco Control (fCtC),<br />

a document that proposes a series of measures against<br />

tobacco, Brazil became one of the main lea<strong>de</strong>rs in the<br />

process of negotiation of its text, unanimously approved<br />

in 2003, by the World health assembly.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 295-304<br />


Teixeira LA, Jaques TA<br />

302<br />

The history of the state action for tobacco control in<br />

Brazil is an important advancement if we think that the<br />

smoking prevalence dropped from 35% in 1989 to 16%<br />

in 2006 24 . Besi<strong>de</strong>s that, there are indications that the<br />

effect of these actions is being translated into numbers in<br />

the graphs on cancer and other diseases inci<strong>de</strong>nce, given<br />

the reduced mortality rate for lung cancer among men<br />

between 30 and 59 years of age from 1980 to 2003 25 . such<br />

data <strong>de</strong>monstrate that the fight of tobacco in Brazil has<br />

been obtaining positive results, signs of relative success.<br />


luiz antonio teixeira was responsible for the<br />

conception and planning of the research project, in which<br />

the stu<strong>de</strong>nt tiago Jaques participated. tiago alves Jaques<br />

was responsible for researching and obtaining data for<br />

the article. analysis, data interpretation and writing were<br />

performed by luiz teixeira and tiago Jaques altogether.<br />

luiz Jaques was in charge of the critical review.<br />

Declaration of Conflicting Interests: Nothing to <strong>de</strong>clare<br />


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19. Agência <strong>Nacional</strong> <strong>de</strong> Vigilância Sanitária (Brasil).<br />

Resolução n. 320, <strong>de</strong> 21 <strong>de</strong> julho <strong>de</strong> 1999. O registro,<br />

para efeitos cadastrais, <strong>de</strong> todos os produtos fumígenos,<br />

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20. Cortina <strong>de</strong> fumaça. Veja. 1995 nov;(1417):118.<br />

21. Agência <strong>Nacional</strong> <strong>de</strong> Vigilância Sanitária (Brasil).<br />

Resolução n. 46, <strong>de</strong> 28 <strong>de</strong> março <strong>de</strong> 2001. Estabelece<br />

os teores máximos permitidos <strong>de</strong> alcatrão, nicotina e<br />

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Resolução n. 104, <strong>de</strong> 31 <strong>de</strong> maio <strong>de</strong> 2001. Todos os<br />

produtos fumígenos <strong>de</strong>rivados do tabaco, conterão<br />

na embalagem e na propaganda, advertência ao<br />

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Legislation and Tobacco Control in Brazil<br />

23. Agência <strong>Nacional</strong> <strong>de</strong> Vigilância Sanitária (Brasil).<br />

Resolução n. 335, <strong>de</strong> 21 <strong>de</strong> novembro <strong>de</strong> 2003. Todos<br />

os produtos fumígenos <strong>de</strong>rivados do tabaco, conterão na<br />

embalagem e na propaganda, advertência ao consumidor,<br />

sobre os malefícios <strong>de</strong>correntes do uso <strong>de</strong>stes produtos<br />

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jun 30]. 119 p. (Documento <strong>de</strong> discussão – saú<strong>de</strong>,<br />

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S1806-37132007000500008.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 295-304<br />


Teixeira LA, Jaques TA<br />

304<br />

Resumo<br />

Introdução: o artigo trata do processo <strong>de</strong> surgimento e consolidação da política antitabaco no Brasil, discutindo<br />

o <strong>de</strong>senvolvimento da legislação brasileira nesse campo, entre a década <strong>de</strong> 1960 e os primeiros anos do século XXi.<br />

Objetivos: Discutir as primeiras iniciativas legislativas <strong>de</strong> normatização da comercialização e da propaganda <strong>de</strong> cigarros,<br />

postas em pauta no congresso, na década <strong>de</strong> 1960; avaliar as consequências das mudanças na saú<strong>de</strong> Pública, instituídas<br />

a partir do processo <strong>de</strong> re<strong>de</strong>mocratização do país, nas ações <strong>de</strong> controle do tabaco e avaliar as leis e campanhas para<br />

controle da comercialização e propaganda <strong>de</strong> produtos fumígenos postas em marcha nos anos 1990. Método: o trabalho<br />

foi elaborado a partir da análise da legislação e fontes secundárias referentes ao <strong>de</strong>senvolvimento das ações antitabaco<br />

no país. Resultados: no período estudado observou-se o intenso fortalecimento da legislação relativa ao controle do<br />

tabaco no país. Conclusão: Vis-à-vis ao <strong>de</strong>senvolvimento das ações contra o tabaco, construiu-se um forte arcabouço<br />

<strong>de</strong> conhecimentos e uma extensa prática no campo do controle do tabagismo. tal aspecto somado aos dados sobre<br />

uso do tabaco e incidência <strong>de</strong> câncer <strong>de</strong> pulmão sugerem o sucesso das medidas antitabaco postas em prática no país.<br />

Palavras-chave: legislação como assunto; tabaco; tabagismo/legislação & jurisprudência; Controle e fiscalização <strong>de</strong><br />

Produtos Derivados do tabaco; Brasil<br />

Resumen<br />

Introducción: el artículo <strong>de</strong>scribe el proceso <strong>de</strong> surgimiento y consolidación <strong>de</strong> la política <strong>de</strong> control <strong>de</strong>l tabaco en<br />

Brasil, discutiendo el <strong>de</strong>sarrollo <strong>de</strong> la legislación brasileña en este campo, entre los años 1960 y los primeros años <strong>de</strong>l<br />

siglo XXi. Objetivos: Discutir la normalización legislativa inicial <strong>de</strong> la comercialización y publicidad <strong>de</strong> los cigarrillos, en<br />

la agenda <strong>de</strong>l Congreso en la década <strong>de</strong> 1960; evaluar las consecuencias <strong>de</strong> los cambios en la salud pública introducidos<br />

durante el proceso <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>mocratización <strong>de</strong>l país en las acciones <strong>de</strong> control <strong>de</strong>l tabaco, y evaluar las leyes para controlar<br />

la comercialización y publicidad <strong>de</strong> los productos <strong>de</strong>l tabaco, puestas en marcha en la década <strong>de</strong> 1990. Método: el<br />

trabajo se basó en el análisis <strong>de</strong> la legislación y las fuentes secundarias para el <strong>de</strong>sarrollo <strong>de</strong> las acciones <strong>de</strong> control <strong>de</strong>l<br />

tabaco en el país. Resultados: en el periodo estudiado se pudo observar un fortalecimiento intenso <strong>de</strong> la legislación<br />

relativa al control <strong>de</strong>l tabaco en el país. Conclusión: ante el <strong>de</strong>sarrollo <strong>de</strong> acciones contra el tabaco un marco sólido<br />

<strong>de</strong> conocimientos y una vasta experiencia en el campo <strong>de</strong>l control <strong>de</strong>l tabaco han sido creados. este aspecto, junto<br />

con datos sobre el consumo <strong>de</strong> tabaco y la inci<strong>de</strong>ncia <strong>de</strong> cáncer <strong>de</strong> pulmón sugieren el éxito <strong>de</strong> las medidas <strong>de</strong> control<br />

<strong>de</strong>l tabaco implementadas en el país.<br />

Palabras clave: legislación como asunto; tabaco; tabaquismo/legislación & jurispru<strong>de</strong>ncia; Control y fiscalización<br />

<strong>de</strong> Productos Derivados <strong>de</strong>l tabaco; Brasil<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 295-304

History<br />

23 Years of Tobacco Control in Brazil<br />

Article submitted on 05/31/11; accepted for publication on 06/16/11<br />

23 Years of Tobacco Control in Brazil: the 1988 Brazilian<br />

Tobacco Control Program Today<br />

23 Anos <strong>de</strong> Controle do Tabaco no Brasil: a Atualida<strong>de</strong> do Programa <strong>Nacional</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> Combate ao Fumo <strong>de</strong> 1988<br />

23 Años <strong>de</strong> Control <strong>de</strong>l Tabaco en Brasil: Actualidad <strong>de</strong>l Programa <strong>Nacional</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

Combate al Tabaquismo <strong>de</strong> 1988<br />

Luiz carlos romero 1 , vera Luiza da costa e silva 2<br />

Abstract<br />

Introduction: The tobacco epi<strong>de</strong>mic greatly increased in Brazil as of the 1970s; its confrontation, however, was limited<br />

to some medical organizations initiatives. a national Program of tobacco Control was created in the structure of<br />

the Ministry of health in 1985 and, in 1988, its coordination felt the necessity to plan its performance in a wi<strong>de</strong>r<br />

horizon. Objective: to analyze the creation, implementation and results of the national Program of tobacco Control,<br />

<strong>de</strong>signed in 1988 by the fe<strong>de</strong>ral government, providing strategies and goals for tobacco control in the country, within<br />

five major strategic areas: (i) educational actions aimed at health and education professionals, (ii) awareness raising<br />

actions targeted at the general population and groups at risk, (iii) legislative and economic actions (iv) medical and<br />

social actions, and (v) actions on research and information. Method: Qualitative; historical and documental research.<br />

Results: it is evi<strong>de</strong>nt that the plan allowed important advances in the government performance for tobacco control<br />

in the country, successfully meeting the planned goals, and reducing tobacco smoking and consumption prevalence.<br />

Conclusion: The program established in 1988 anticipated the main strategies that are, today, recommen<strong>de</strong>d by the<br />

World health organization. Designing a strategic vision of the problem, creating an appropriate management mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

for its <strong>de</strong>velopment, and adopting a multidisciplinary and <strong>de</strong>centralized approach were the essential tools for the<br />

successful actions for tobacco control in Brazil.<br />

Key words: smoking/history; smoking/prevention & control; national Program of tobacco Control; Brazil<br />

1 Physician. specialist in Public health. legislative Consultant of the fe<strong>de</strong>ral senate. email: romero@senado.gov.br.<br />

2 Physician. PhD in Public health. associate Professor at escola nacional <strong>de</strong> saú<strong>de</strong> Pública. fundação oswaldo Cruz. email: veradacostaesilva@ensp.fiocruz.br.<br />

Correspon<strong>de</strong>nce address: luiz Carlos romero. sQn 209/e/102. Brasíia (Df), Brazil. CeP: 70854-050.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 305-314<br />


Romero LC, Costa e Silva VL<br />

306<br />


a epi<strong>de</strong>mia <strong>de</strong> tabagismo acelerou-se vertiginosamente<br />

no The tobacco epi<strong>de</strong>mic rose vertiginously in Brazil as<br />

from 1970. Between 1970 and 1986, the number of<br />

cigarettes sold in the domestic market grew 132% - at<br />

a time when the adult population grew only 69% - and<br />

cigarette consumption rose from about 780 units per<br />

capita to more than 1,200. in the mid 1970s, there were<br />

25 million smokers in the country; ten years later, this<br />

number was already 33 millions – a growth of 32% 1 .<br />

The information available from the time about the<br />

prevalence of smokers was very limited and consisted of<br />

the result of a survey carried out by the Pan-american<br />

health organization in eight latin-american cities that<br />

found in são Paulo – the only Brazilian city investigated –<br />

a tobacco prevalence of 54% among men and 20% among<br />

women, in 1972 2 ; and a survey done in 1989 by the<br />

feeding and nutrition national institute (inan), with<br />

the cooperation of the Brazilian institute for Geography<br />

and statistics (iBGe) and the Government Management<br />

Planning institute (iPlan), which revealed a tobacco<br />

prevalence in Brazil of 34.8% among those above 15<br />

years of age 3 .<br />

The first national studies <strong>de</strong>monstrating the increase,<br />

in the country, of tobacco-related diseases had started<br />

in the late 1970s and, in 1987, the Ministry of health<br />

estimated the occurrence of 80 thousand to 100 thousand<br />

premature <strong>de</strong>aths due to smoking 1 .<br />

in July 1979, a first national Program against<br />

smoking was <strong>de</strong>signed by 46 entities – medical<br />

associations, university centers, health secretariats and<br />

others – gathered in são Paulo un<strong>de</strong>r the umbrella of the<br />

Brazilian Cancerology society; and, in april 1980, the<br />

first Brazilian Conference against tobacco was organized<br />

in Vitória 4 .<br />

in the mid 1980s, actions “against smoking” in Brazil<br />

were incipient and poorly connected, taken on mainly by<br />

a few pioneer physicians leading their associations and<br />

organizations, among which it is important to highlight<br />

the names of José rosemberg and edmundo Blundi, at<br />

the Brazilian society of tuberculosis and Pulmonology;<br />

antonio Pedro Mirra and Thomas szego, at the Brazilian<br />

Medical association; Mario rigatto and aloyzio achutti<br />

at the Brazilian Cardiology society; Jayme zlotnik at the<br />

Paraná Medical association and Jayme santos neves, at the<br />

espirito santo league against tuberculosis, among others.<br />

as to the government action on the control of tobacco<br />

smoking, some states ma<strong>de</strong> history for their early and<br />

<strong>de</strong>cisive action, generating facts and conceiving strategies<br />

that afterwards started being employed by other states<br />

and towns and at the national level. it was in the largest<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 305-314<br />

tobacco producing state in Brazil, rio Gran<strong>de</strong> do sul,<br />

that, as from 1975, the first steps were taken, targeting<br />

collaboration between the government and civil society,<br />

which would initially result in official support to the work<br />

of the rio Gran<strong>de</strong> do sul Medical association in their<br />

campaigns for a state legislation on tobacco and, then, at<br />

the establishment of the state Program against smoking<br />

in the early 1980s 5 .<br />

The other pioneer state in tobacco control was são<br />

Paulo which, with the support of the Brazilian Medical<br />

association and the university of são Paulo, gained<br />

impact on the media and the fe<strong>de</strong>ral government for<br />

the creation of the embryo of what would become the<br />

national Program for tobacco Control 6 . one of the<br />

first administrative acts targeting tobacco control in<br />

Brazil occurred in this state, with the creation of the<br />

tobacco Control Program at the são Paulo secretariat<br />

of health, through the Decree number 26,199, of 1986,<br />

which instituted a work group to study and propose the<br />

regulation of the state law number 5,384, of 1986, which<br />

banned smoking in government facilities.<br />

The third was the state of Paraná, whose commitment<br />

of the state health secretariat was ma<strong>de</strong> official in 1979,<br />

through a resolution that <strong>de</strong>termined the execution of<br />

educational and informative actions about smoking. in<br />

1980, Paraná reached national visibility with the tobacco<br />

strike, which served as example for the first fe<strong>de</strong>ral law<br />

for tobacco control in the country, sanctioned in 1986,<br />

creating the national Day against tobacco smoking 7 .<br />

The government action at the fe<strong>de</strong>ral level, however,<br />

only began to be institutional in 1985, with the constitution<br />

of the support Group for tobacco Control in Brazil<br />

(GaCt) and the creation, in 1986, of a national Program<br />

against tobacco smoking (PnCf), as a joint action of<br />

the national Divisions of sanitary Pulmonology (DnPs)<br />

and Chronic-Degenerative Diseases (DnDCD) of the<br />

Ministry of health, financed with resources of the national<br />

Campaigns against tuberculosis and fighting Cancer, soon<br />

followed by the creation of a tobacco Control Program,<br />

initially at regional level, at the Brazilian national Cancer<br />

institute (inCa), in rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro. This effort had as its<br />

institutional godfathers the physicians Germano Gerhardt<br />

filho, director of DnPs, Geniberto Paiva Campos, director<br />

of DnDCD and the Minister of health Valdir arcover<strong>de</strong>.<br />

The coordination of PnCf would be transferred to inCa/<br />

Ms, in rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, in 1992.<br />

at the legislative level, only as from 1980, laws<br />

banning smoking in some environments started to be<br />

promulgated in the state of Paraná (1980), in the city of<br />

são Paulo, in the state of são Paulo (1981) and the state<br />

of rio Gran<strong>de</strong> do sul (1983) 4 . in 1986, the national<br />

Day against tobacco smoking was instituted by national

law, a fact that marked the reversal of a ten<strong>de</strong>ncy in our<br />

legislation – up to then completely <strong>de</strong>voted to protect the<br />

tobacco industry – inaugurating, though still timidly, a<br />

standardization targeting tobacco control as a collective<br />

health problem.<br />

the first fe<strong>de</strong>ral law for tobacco control in the<br />

country, number 7,488, of June 11 th 1986, <strong>de</strong>termined<br />

that the executive Power, through the Ministry of health,<br />

promoted annually, at the week preceding august 29 th ,<br />

<strong>de</strong>clared as the national Day against tobacco smoking,<br />

a campaign at national level, aiming at warning the<br />

population about the harms caused by tobacco use.<br />

in 1988, the PnCf was well institutionalized at the<br />

structure of the Ministry of health and its coordination<br />

felt the necessity of planning its action in a broa<strong>de</strong>r<br />

horizon. a Work Plan for the 1988-2000 period that<br />

“aimed at organizing the government action and the nongovernmental<br />

articulation to control tobacco in Brazil”<br />

was then <strong>de</strong>signed 8 .<br />

This plan – discussed and approved by the GaCt<br />

and technical and financing bodies from the Ministry of<br />

health involved – established, for the first time, short-<br />

and long-term objectives and goals and <strong>de</strong>fined strategies<br />

for governmental and societal actions regarding tobacco<br />

control in Brazil, “aiming at promoting health and<br />

reducing the impact of tobacco-related diseases”.<br />

23 years after this formulation, it is un<strong>de</strong>rstood that<br />

an evaluation of these results does not only <strong>de</strong>monstrate<br />

the viewpoint of the group who conceived it and the<br />

Public health scenario that favored its creation and<br />

implementation in the following years but also their<br />

success and the mo<strong>de</strong>rn status of the goals and strategies<br />

then proposed. it also highlights that the planning of<br />

Public health actions based on evi<strong>de</strong>nces constitutes a<br />

fundamental tool for the success of interventions performed<br />

and that the institutionalization of a program with a <strong>de</strong>fined<br />

management proposal favors its implementation.<br />

Therefore, this study has as objective to analyze the<br />

creation, implementation and results of the PnCf,<br />

conceived in 1988 by the fe<strong>de</strong>ral government, establishing<br />

strategies and goals for tobacco control in the country<br />

within five important fields of action: (i) an educational<br />

action towards healthcare and education professionals;<br />

(ii) an educational action towards population-based risk<br />

groups and the general population; (iii) a legislative action<br />

and in the economic sphere; (iv) a medical and social<br />

action; and (v) a research and information action.<br />


tit is a qualitative study, with historical and document<br />

research in webpages and old publications by the PnCf/<br />

Ms and in online publication banks, especially scielo,<br />

23 Years of Tobacco Control in Brazil<br />

using as <strong>de</strong>scribers “tabagismo no Brasil” (tobacco<br />

smoking in Brazil), “controle do tabagismo”(tobacco<br />

control), “PnCf”, “história do controle do tabagismo”<br />

(history of tobacco control). The information collected<br />

was then analyzed according to tobacco control policies to<br />

reduce the <strong>de</strong>mand i<strong>de</strong>ntified in the package MPoWer<br />

of the World health organization (Who) and examined<br />

as to the adhesion to principles <strong>de</strong>signed in framework<br />

Convention for tobacco Control (fCtC) from Who<br />

and its gui<strong>de</strong>lines.<br />


two important goals for tobacco control were established<br />

by the Plan: (i) to reduce the consumption of tobacco<br />

products; and (ii) to reduce tobacco prevalence.<br />

the choice of tobacco product consumption as an<br />

indicator, on top of tobacco prevalence, was due to the<br />

fact that the population-based surveys were still rare and<br />

irregular at the time, and the consumption per capita was<br />

the main information available for the regular monitoring<br />

of the epi<strong>de</strong>mic. The smuggling of cigarettes – important<br />

limiting factor for the employment of this class of indicator,<br />

besi<strong>de</strong>s not allowing disaggregation of data per age, gen<strong>de</strong>r<br />

and income – was not relevant at the time and its growth<br />

happened as from the early 1990s 9 .<br />

Withn 12 years, that is, up to 2000, the Plan inten<strong>de</strong>d to<br />

stabilize – total and per capita – cigarette consumption when<br />

compared to the consumption level of 1988 and reduce the<br />

tobacco prevalence to 30% among adults, and to less than<br />

5% among adolescents and young teens.<br />

for the accomplishment of these goals, five important<br />

fields for strategic actions were established: (i) an educational<br />

action towards healthcare and education professionals; (ii)<br />

an educational action towards population-based risk groups<br />

and the general population; (iii) a legislative action and in<br />

the economic sphere; (iv) a medical and social action; and<br />

(v) a research and information action.<br />

the educational actions targeted both the groups<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>red priority for the implementation of the <strong>de</strong>fined<br />

strategies (healthcare and education professionals, legislators,<br />

sanitary authorities and opinion makers) and the population<br />

at risk segments (children, adolescents and young people;<br />

pregnant women and risk patients, secondhand smokers;<br />

workers). Direct educational actions were planned for these<br />

groups; the production and diffusion of theoretical and<br />

scientific information; the integration of education actions<br />

for health in the school curricula, at health services and work<br />

environments; the organization of social communication<br />

campaigns; and the sensitization and mobilization of opinion<br />

makers.<br />

the legislative action aimed at encouraging the<br />

production, by the fe<strong>de</strong>ral, state and town legislative powers,<br />

of laws that were i<strong>de</strong>ntified as necessary, forwarding bills,<br />

acting with legislators and offering them information,<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 305-314<br />


Romero LC, Costa e Silva VL<br />

308<br />

technical support and assistance. The priorities in this area<br />

were to obtain national laws (i) banning the use of tobacco<br />

in close public places; (ii) prohibiting publicity of tobacco<br />

products and the sponsorship of cultural and sports events<br />

by tobacco producers and (iii) <strong>de</strong>manding the presence of<br />

warnings on tobacco packages.<br />

in the economical sphere, the Plan inten<strong>de</strong>d to obtain<br />

the formulation of a government policy, responsibility of<br />

the Ministry of health, which “meets the interests of the<br />

population health, without compromising tax revenues and<br />

employment”. here the main objectives were: (i) to increase<br />

taxes on tobacco products up to a minimum of 80% of the<br />

selling price and (ii) to remove the price of cigarettes from<br />

the calculation of cost-of-living indices.<br />

The social and medical action was concentrated on<br />

the encouragement to the implementation of “smoking<br />

cessation programs” by both governmental and nongovernmental<br />

organizations. The plan also provi<strong>de</strong>d for<br />

the encouragement and financing of studies and surveys<br />

<strong>de</strong>stined to the production of epi<strong>de</strong>miological information<br />

of interest for the diagnosis, follow up and evaluation of the<br />

governmental action as well as the problem evolution. a<br />

technical cooperation with international bodies would also be<br />

pursued, aiming at the national scientific and technological<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopment in the field of tobacco control.<br />

an innovative and strategic feature that was configured<br />

in this plan – and that was a<strong>de</strong>quate to the creation, at<br />

that time, of the Brazilian unified health system (sus)<br />

– was the promotion for the creation and broa<strong>de</strong>ning of<br />

programs at both state and town levels and with nongovernmental<br />

organizations, with the un<strong>de</strong>rstanding that it<br />

was at these levels that the program would provoke impact<br />

in the population, always with the help and support of the<br />

community and several organizations. The program was<br />

<strong>de</strong>centralized and involved hundreds of towns through the<br />

promotion of regular trainings at the state and town levels,<br />

and the use of this management mo<strong>de</strong>l was configured as<br />

essential to its <strong>de</strong>velopment.<br />

another perspective that was already configured in<br />

this plan was the one of multi-sectors, with the planning<br />

of involvement of several ministries, which would become<br />

effective in the following <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s, with the creation of the<br />

inter-Ministerial Commission of negotiation of fCtC and<br />

the organization of the civil society, which also occurred.<br />

The policy that was being <strong>de</strong>signed for tobacco control in<br />

Brazil adopted, as its gui<strong>de</strong>lines, the Who recommendations<br />

of 1979, established at the 33 rd World health assembly, in<br />

1980 10 , besi<strong>de</strong>s those in the salvador letter, of 1979 11 , in<br />

which a group of physicians, who had gathered in a seminar,<br />

“suggests fundamental measures against tobacco” to be<br />

implemented in the country.<br />

the advent of the fCtC, in May 2003 12 , and the<br />

formulation of the MPoWer strategy – Who Measures<br />

Plan to reverse the tobacco epi<strong>de</strong>mic -, in 2008 13 , allows<br />

appreciation of the strategies and goals of the PnCf<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 305-314<br />

1988-2000 with other eyes, recognizing its coherence and<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>rnity.<br />

frame 1 shows the correlation between the dispositions<br />

of the framework Convention and the corresponding<br />

measures currently recommen<strong>de</strong>d by Who (MPoWer<br />

Measures Plan) and the goals established by the Work Plan<br />

for the Period 1988-2000 of the PnCf (1988-2000).<br />

Through this comparison, it is evi<strong>de</strong>nt that, back in 1988,<br />

the policy for tobacco control formulated by GaCt and by<br />

the coordination of the PnCf of the Ministry of health<br />

already anticipated – with some points that would be<br />

reviewed according to further research that changed the<br />

paradigm of non-smoker protection – gui<strong>de</strong>lines, goals and<br />

strategies that, later on, would be recommen<strong>de</strong>d by Who<br />

and consolidated at the fCtC.<br />

the results obtained in the country, with the<br />

implementation of this policy, seem to confirm its effectivity<br />

(frame 2).<br />

a difference that calls attention between the PnCf<br />

1988 policy and the fCtC/MPoWer (2003/2008) is the<br />

strategy adopted to protect the population against tobacco<br />

smoke. Goal 11 of the PnCf 1988 was that, before 1990<br />

there shall be a fe<strong>de</strong>ral law banning the use of tobacco in<br />

closed public places (in special schools, health centers and<br />

public transportation) and establishing separate areas for<br />

smokers and non-smokers at work and food consumption<br />

environments. This strategy is not aligned with the current<br />

knowledge that any technology of ventilation and airconditioning<br />

currently available can eliminate the particulate<br />

substances of smoke and reduce exposure to tobacco<br />

environmental pollution to safe levels 14 , and that “the<br />

completely free-tobacco environments are the only proved<br />

way of properly protecting people as to the harmful effects<br />

of secondhand smoking” 13 . it was, nonetheless, coherent<br />

with what was known then, since studies on the impact of<br />

tobacco pollution on secondhand smoker´s health was only<br />

beginning 15 .<br />

The PnCf goal was achieved in 1996 with the approval,<br />

by the national Congress, of the law number 9,294, of<br />

1996, which banned smoking in closed environments, but<br />

permitted the creation of “fumódromos”, [<strong>de</strong>signated places<br />

for smoking] currently one of the most important sanitary<br />

subjects occupying the agenda of the fe<strong>de</strong>ral legislative<br />

Power. it is worth noticing that, in 1996, the PnCf was<br />

already struggling for “tobacco smoke free environments”<br />

without the establishment of areas for smokers; however,<br />

both influence and interference of the tobacco industry was<br />

stronger, and it became clear in the construction of the bill<br />

that was approved that year by the Brazilian parliament 16 .<br />

The goal of increasing taxes on cigarettes to 80% of<br />

the consumer price was not achieved. nonetheless, data<br />

from the internal revenue service show that there is an<br />

approximation to that: taxes correspon<strong>de</strong>d to 71.6% of the<br />

price of a cigarette package, in 2007; 72.2% in 2008; and<br />

76,3% in 2009 9 . anyway and unfortunately, this policy was

MPOWER/FCTC (2003/2008) PNCF (1988-2000)<br />

M – Monitor tobacco use and prevention<br />

policies (CQCT, Article 20)<br />

P – Protect the population against<br />

tobacco smoke (FCTC, Article 8)<br />

O – Offer help for smoke cessation<br />

(FCTC, Article 14)<br />

only reflected in the actual increase of prices as from 2009,<br />

since Brazilian cigarettes are still among the cheapest in the<br />

world, making them accessible, especially to young adults<br />

and the low income population.<br />

as to the implementation of cessation programs, whose<br />

objective was to be available, in at least, every city with more<br />

than a million inhabitants before the year 2000, the goal, was<br />

apparently achieved: up to June 2010, 1,594 health units of<br />

the sus network, in 715 towns, maintained these programs.<br />

Besi<strong>de</strong>s that, the government maintains a call center that<br />

provi<strong>de</strong>s assistance on how to quit smoking, through free<br />

calls. This is an activity that grows in importance in our<br />

country, both as a state and a private action. it is worth<br />

reporting that the country already has more former-smokers<br />

than smokers: 26 millions against 24.6 millions 17 .<br />

from 1985 to the present days, several written, spoken<br />

and tV media campaigns have been shown regularly, more<br />

or less intensely, at national and regional levels. as of 1988,<br />

warning messages are mandatory on cigarette packages and in<br />

23 Years of Tobacco Control in Brazil<br />

Chart 1. Correlation between the measures recommen<strong>de</strong>d by the Measures Plan (from WHO) to reverse tobacco epi<strong>de</strong>mic (MPOWER) coming<br />

from the FCTC and the goals established by the Work Plan for the 1998-2000 period of the PNCF (1988-2000)<br />

W – Warn on the danger of tobacco<br />

(FCTC, Articles 11 and 12))<br />

E – Enforce the publicity, promotion and<br />

sponsorship bans (FCTC, Article 13)<br />

R – Increase taxes on tobacco (FCTC,<br />

Article 6)<br />

Goal 16 – Produce statistical and epi<strong>de</strong>miological information of<br />

interest for diagnosis, follow up and evaluation of the government<br />

action and evolution of the problem<br />

Goal 11 – Before 1990, there shall be a fe<strong>de</strong>ral law banning the<br />

use of tobacco in closed public places (especially schools, health<br />

centers and public transportation) and establishing separate areas<br />

for smokers and non-smokers in work and food consumption<br />

environments<br />

Goal 15 – Before the year 2000, all the fe<strong>de</strong>rate units and cities with<br />

more than a million inhabitants will have to have smoking cessation<br />

programs<br />

Goal 5 to 10 – Develop an educational action to healthcare and<br />

education professionals; diffuse scientific information to healthcare<br />

and education professionals, legislators, sanitary authorities, health<br />

institutions; <strong>de</strong>velop an educational action directed to the general<br />

population and priority groups (children, adolescents and young<br />

adults, pregnant women, workers, risk patients and secondhand<br />

smokers) at schools, health services, community organizations and<br />

work environments; carry out social communication campaigns<br />

Goal 12b – Before 1995 there must be a fe<strong>de</strong>ral law <strong>de</strong>manding the<br />

presence of warnings on cigarette packages, tobacco packages and<br />

other tobacco <strong>de</strong>rived products, as well as in all publicity material<br />

Goal 12 a – Before 1995, there shall be a fe<strong>de</strong>ral law banning<br />

promotion, advertisement, direct and indirect publicity, support<br />

and sponsorship of cultural and sports events by producers,<br />

manufacturers, industries and sales people of tobacco products<br />

Goal 13 – progressively increase taxes of tobacco products up to, at<br />

least 80% of selling price, up to year 2000<br />

2002, images started to illustrate these warnings, and access<br />

to information on the harms of cigarettes became universal.<br />

recent research results show that 75% of current smokers<br />

think about quitting smoking due to these policies 18 . as a<br />

consequence of these information campaigns and warning<br />

images, the information available shows that 96.1% of people<br />

who are 15 years old or above believe that smoking can cause<br />

serious diseases; 91.4% know that cigarette smoke can cause<br />

diseases and 77% refer as having been informed about it<br />

through television or radio 18 .<br />

The banning of publicity and sponsorship was reached<br />

in 2000, a result of several legislative propositions of both<br />

parliamentary and executive initiatives and after a long and<br />

difficult processing, also with strong opposition lobby by<br />

the tobacco industry 19 . The publicity of tobacco products<br />

is nowadays banned from the media, with the exception<br />

of that done in points of sale, and it has been intensely<br />

broa<strong>de</strong>ned since then, just like institutional publicity and<br />

social corporate responsibility. as a result, 31.3% of the<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 305-314<br />


Romero LC, Costa e Silva VL<br />

310<br />

Chart 2. Resultis achieved regarding tobacco control in Brazil, according to recommen<strong>de</strong>d measures by the Measures Plan [from WHO]<br />

to Reverse Smoking Epi<strong>de</strong>mic (MPOWER) from FCTC and the goals established by the Work Plan for the 1998-2000 period of the PNCF<br />

(1988-2000)<br />

MPOWER/FCTC (2003/2008) PNCF (1988-2000) Current situation<br />

M – Monitor the use of tobacco and<br />

prevention policies (FCTC, Article 20)<br />

P – Protect the population against<br />

tobacco smoke (FCTC, Article 8)<br />

O – Offer help for smoke cessation<br />

(FCTC, Article 14)<br />

W – Warn on the danger of tobacco<br />

(FCTC, Articles 11 and 12)<br />

E – Enforce the publicity, promotion and<br />

sponsorship bans (FCTC, Article 13)<br />

R – Increase taxes on tobacco (FCTC,<br />

Article 6)<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 305-314<br />

Goal 16 – statistical and<br />

epi<strong>de</strong>miological information<br />

Goal 11 – National Law for<br />

Tobacco free environments<br />

Goal 15 – programs for<br />

smoking cessati<br />

Goals 5 to 10 - Information<br />

Goal 12b - Warnings<br />

Goal 12a – Banning of<br />

promotion, advertisement<br />

and sponsorship<br />

Goal 13 - taxation<br />

Existence of enough statistical and<br />

epi<strong>de</strong>miological information to<br />

monitor the government action and<br />

the control situation<br />

Current law (1996) bans smoking<br />

in public or private collective<br />

environments (government offices,<br />

health centers, educacional<br />

facilities, libraries, cinemas,<br />

theaters, work environments and<br />

public transportation), but allows<br />

“fumódromos”, that is, areas <strong>de</strong>stined<br />

exclusively to smokers “properly<br />

isolated and with convenient airing”.<br />

Several state and town laws ban<br />

smoking in collective environments.<br />

The extinction of “fumódromos” is the<br />

subject of a fe<strong>de</strong>ral bill<br />

Exisitence of a free program in the<br />

public health system as of 2004.<br />

Tobacco Quitline ma<strong>de</strong> available freely<br />

since 2002. Growing and pent-up<br />

<strong>de</strong>mand<br />

Surveys inform high knowledge rates<br />

on “the harms of smoking” among<br />

all population segments. Fe<strong>de</strong>ral<br />

Constitution of 1988 <strong>de</strong>termines the<br />

presence of warnings with images<br />

“that illustrate its meaning” as of 2001<br />

The Fe<strong>de</strong>ral Constitution from 1988<br />

<strong>de</strong>termines that publicity “will be<br />

subjected to legal restrictions”.<br />

Publicity restricted to points of sales;<br />

promotion and sponsorship banned.<br />

(Law number 9,294, of 1996).<br />

Restriction/prohibition of publicity/<br />

promotion in points of sales is<br />

the subject of a bill at the Fe<strong>de</strong>ral<br />

Legislative<br />

Taxes correspond between 72% and<br />

76% of the price to consumers (2007<br />

to 2009)

Brazilian population above 15 years of age say they notice<br />

publicity of cigarettes where they are sold and 21.3% in<br />

other places and in sports events 17-18 .<br />

The information available <strong>de</strong>monstrates the success<br />

of the Brazilian program for tobacco control and the<br />

achievement of the main goals <strong>de</strong>fined in 1988.<br />

23 Years of Tobacco Control in Brazil<br />

The official data show a significant and sustained fall<br />

of both cigarette consumption (Graph 1) – even when<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>ring cigarette smuggling, whose growth increased in<br />

importance in the early 1990s, - and tobacco prevalence. in<br />

more recent years, this fall has been better noticed among men,<br />

with women keeping stable consumption (table 1 and 2).<br />

Graph 1. Legal and total consumption per adult (units) and actual price in<strong>de</strong>x of cigarettes (December 93 – 100)<br />

Source: iglesias et al. (2007) 9<br />

Table 1. Tobacco Prevalence (%) among adults between 1989 and 2010, per gen<strong>de</strong>r, according to population studies. Brazil<br />

Year Survey<br />

Total<br />

Prevalence (%)<br />

Men Women<br />

1989 PNSN3 34.8(*) 40.3 26.2<br />

2003 PMS20 18.1(**) 22.5 14.4<br />

2002/3003 INCA21 18.5(*) 22.8 15.2<br />

2008 PETab/IBGE22 17.2(*) 21.6 13.1<br />

(*) 15 years old and +; (**) 18 years old and +<br />

Source: ViGitel/Ms23 Table 2. Tobacco Prevalence among adults (18 years of age and above ), per gen<strong>de</strong>r, in 26 capitals and Fe<strong>de</strong>ral District. Brazil, 2006-2010<br />

Year Total Men Women<br />

2006 16.2 20.2 12.7<br />

2007 16.6 21.3 12.5<br />

2008 16.1 20.5 12.4<br />

2009 15.5 19.0 12.5<br />

2010<br />

(*) 15 years old and +; (**) 18 years old and +<br />

Source: ViGitel/Ms<br />

15.1 17.9 12.7<br />

23<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 305-314<br />


Romero LC, Costa e Silva VL<br />

312<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt studies confirm this fact 24 and its impact<br />

in the reduction of mortality associated to smoking 25 ,<br />

making this program one of the biggest success of<br />

prevention and health promotion in the country.<br />


The 1988 PnCf was an advance in the planning of one<br />

of the main actions of prevention and control of diseases<br />

of the Brazilian government and allowed guidance for the<br />

construction of a permanent project of national scope, with<br />

well documented and actual impact at the level of health of<br />

our population. The management mo<strong>de</strong>l of program can<br />

serve as example to other programs for health promotion in<br />

the country, given its insertion within the sus rationale and<br />

the pioneer approach in the use of the multi-sector policy for<br />

the control of risk factors.<br />

The series of effective conquests, from the formulation of<br />

the PnCf in 1988, resulted in a significant fall of tobacco<br />

consumption and prevalence of smokers in the country,<br />

within all age groups and gen<strong>de</strong>rs.<br />

however, two <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s later, some challenges persist,<br />

among which the need to adopt a policy of regular increase<br />

in taxes and prices; the banning of smoking in closed public<br />

places, without areas <strong>de</strong>signated to smokers; the prohibition<br />

of institutional publicity, of social corporate responsibility and<br />

in points of sale; the broa<strong>de</strong>ning of access to treatment for<br />

tobacco users and the strengthening of strategies targeting<br />

public information in more vulnerable groups, that is,<br />

through warnings on cigarette packages, either through<br />

educational programs and social communications.<br />

new areas that have not been contemplated by the<br />

1988 program, such as the regulation of tobacco products,<br />

smuggling control and the support to alternatives to tobacco<br />

cultivation, should be the target of growing government<br />

support and constitute the current priorities for tobacco<br />

control in Brazil.<br />

finally, the 1988 program gave place to a much more<br />

comprehensive program, based on the fCtC, from Who,<br />

that the country will have to honor as a way of advancing on<br />

its compromise with Public health.<br />


Both authors contributed to the conception and planning<br />

of the article; the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of<br />

information and the writing of the material.<br />

Declaration of Conflicting Interestss: Nothing to Declare<br />


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para Implementação da Convenção-Quadro para o

Controle do Tabaco - CONICQ. Relatório <strong>de</strong> gestão e<br />

progresso, 2010. Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro: INCA; 2010.<br />

18. <strong>Instituto</strong> Brasileiro <strong>de</strong> Geografia e Estatística (Brasil).<br />

Diretoria <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas. Coor<strong>de</strong>nação <strong>de</strong> Trabalho<br />

e Rendimento. Pesquisa <strong>Nacional</strong> por Amostra <strong>de</strong><br />

Domicílios 2008: Pesquisa Especial <strong>de</strong> Tabagismo em<br />

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20. Szwarcwald CL, Viacava F. Pesquisa mundial <strong>de</strong> saú<strong>de</strong><br />

no Brasil, 2003 [editorial]. Cad Saú<strong>de</strong> Pública. 2005;21<br />

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21. <strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>Nacional</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Câncer</strong> (Brasil). Inquérito<br />

domiciliar sobre comportamentos <strong>de</strong> risco e morbida<strong>de</strong><br />

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em: http://www.inca.gov.br/inquerito/docs/tab.pdf<br />

23 Years of Tobacco Control in Brazil<br />

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Diretoria <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas. Coor<strong>de</strong>nação <strong>de</strong> Trabalho<br />

e Rendimento. Pesquisa <strong>Nacional</strong> por Amostra <strong>de</strong><br />

Domicílios: Tabagismo 2008. Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro: IBGE;<br />

2009 [citado 2011 jul 15]. Disponível em: http://www.<br />

inca.gov.br/inca/Arquivos/publicacoes/tabagismo.pdf<br />

23. Brasil. Ministério da Saú<strong>de</strong>. Secretaria <strong>de</strong> Vigilância em<br />

Saú<strong>de</strong>. Secretaria <strong>de</strong> Gestão Estratégica e Participativa.<br />

Vigitel Brasil 2010: vigilância <strong>de</strong> fatores <strong>de</strong> risco e<br />

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Brasília: Ministério da Saú<strong>de</strong>; 2011. 110 p. (Série G.<br />

Estatística e informação em saú<strong>de</strong>).<br />

24. Monteiro CA, Cavalcante TM, Moura EC, Claro RM,<br />

Szwarcwald CL. Population-based evi<strong>de</strong>nce of a strong<br />

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25. Schmidt MI, Duncan BB, Azevedo e Silva G, Menezes<br />

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DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60135-9.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 305-314<br />


Romero LC, Costa e Silva VL<br />

314<br />

Resumo<br />

Introdução: a epi<strong>de</strong>mia <strong>de</strong> tabagismo acelerou-se gran<strong>de</strong>mente no Brasil, a partir da década <strong>de</strong> 1970; seu enfrentamento,<br />

no entanto, limitava-se a iniciativas <strong>de</strong> algumas organizações médicas. o Programa nacional <strong>de</strong> Combate ao fumo foi<br />

criado na estrutura do Ministério da saú<strong>de</strong> em 1985 e, em 1988, sua coor<strong>de</strong>nação sentiu necessida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> planejar sua<br />

atuação num horizonte mais amplo. Objetivo: analisar a criação, implementação e resultados do Programa nacional<br />

<strong>de</strong> Combate ao fumo, concebido em 1988 pelo governo fe<strong>de</strong>ral, estabelecendo estratégias e metas para o controle do<br />

tabagismo no país, em cinco gran<strong>de</strong>s campos <strong>de</strong> atuação: (i) ação educativa junto a profissionais <strong>de</strong> saú<strong>de</strong> e educação;<br />

(ii) ação educativa junto a grupos populacionais <strong>de</strong> risco e à população em geral; (iii) ação legislativa e na esfera<br />

econômica; (iv) ação médico-social; e (v) ação <strong>de</strong> pesquisa e informação. Método: estudo qualitativo com pesquisa<br />

histórica e documental. Resultados: evi<strong>de</strong>ncia-se que o programa permitiu avanços importantes na atuação do governo<br />

para o controle do tabagismo no país, atingiu as metas estabelecidas e resultou na redução do consumo <strong>de</strong> tabaco e<br />

da prevalência <strong>de</strong> tabagismo. Conclusão: o programa estabelecido em 1988 já contemplava as principais estratégias<br />

que, hoje, viriam a ser recomendadas pela organização Mundial da saú<strong>de</strong>. ao <strong>de</strong>linear uma visão estratégica das ações<br />

<strong>de</strong> controle, criar um mo<strong>de</strong>lo <strong>de</strong> gestão a<strong>de</strong>quado ao seu <strong>de</strong>senvolvimento e adotar um enfoque multidisciplinar e<br />

<strong>de</strong>scentralizador foram elementos essenciais para o sucesso das ações <strong>de</strong> controle do tabagismo no Brasil.<br />

Palavras-chave: tabagismo/história; tabagismo/prevenção e controle; Programa nacional <strong>de</strong> Controle do tabagismo; Brasil<br />

Resumen<br />

Introducción: la epi<strong>de</strong>mia <strong>de</strong> tabaquismo aceleró gran<strong>de</strong>mente en Brasil en la década <strong>de</strong> 1970; su confrontación, sin<br />

embargo, era limitada a unas pocas iniciativas <strong>de</strong> organizaciones médicas. el Programa nacional contra el tabaco fue<br />

creado en la estructura <strong>de</strong>l Ministerio <strong>de</strong> la salud en 1985 y, en 1988, su coordinación sentía necesidad que planear en<br />

un horizonte más amplio. Objetivos: analizar la creación, implementación y resultados <strong>de</strong>l Programa nacional contra<br />

el tabaquismo, aprobado en 1988 por el gobierno fe<strong>de</strong>ral, proporcionando los objetivos y metas para el control <strong>de</strong>l<br />

tabaco en el país en cinco gran<strong>de</strong>s áreas estratégicas <strong>de</strong> acción: (i) activida<strong>de</strong>s educativas para los profesionales salud<br />

y educación, (ii) activida<strong>de</strong>s educativas con la población en general y los grupos <strong>de</strong> alto riesgo, (iii) acción legislativa<br />

y en la esfera económica, (iv) acción médica y social, y (v) activida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> investigación e información. Método:<br />

estudio cualitativo; investigación histórica y documental. Resultados: en todas las áreas hubo importantes avances<br />

en las medidas adoptadas por el gobierno, cumplimiento <strong>de</strong> las metas y reducción <strong>de</strong> la prevalencia <strong>de</strong> tabaquismo<br />

y <strong>de</strong>l consumo per capita <strong>de</strong> tabaco. Conclusiones: el Plan <strong>de</strong> 1988 ya contenía las principales estrategias hoy día<br />

recomendadas por la organización Mundial <strong>de</strong> la salud. Por adoptar una visión estratégica en la planificación en<br />

salud, crear un mo<strong>de</strong>lo <strong>de</strong> gestión a<strong>de</strong>cuado a su <strong>de</strong>sarrollo e incluir un enfoque multidisciplinario y <strong>de</strong>scentralizado,<br />

fueran elementos esenciales para el éxito <strong>de</strong> las acciones <strong>de</strong> control <strong>de</strong>l tabaquismo en Brasil.<br />

Palabras clave: tabaquismo/historia; tabaquismo/prevención y control; Programa nacional <strong>de</strong> Control <strong>de</strong>l<br />

tabaquismo; Brasil<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 305-314

Original Article<br />

Air Quality in São Paulo after the Smoke-Free Law<br />

Article received on 3/28/11; accepted for publication on 5/24/11<br />

Air Quality in Bars of São Paulo/Brazil before and after the<br />

Smoke-Free Law in Indoor Places<br />

Qualida<strong>de</strong> do Ar em Bares <strong>de</strong> São Paulo/Brasil antes e <strong>de</strong>pois da Lei <strong>de</strong> Ambientes<br />

Fechados Livres <strong>de</strong> Fumo<br />

La Calidad <strong>de</strong>l Aire en los Bares <strong>de</strong> São Paulo/Brasil antes y <strong>de</strong>spués <strong>de</strong> la Ley<br />

Libre <strong>de</strong> Humo en Lugares Cerrados<br />

mônica Andreis 1 , Jessica elf 2 , paula Johns 3 , Adriana carvalho 4 , Jie Yuan 5 ,<br />

benjamin Apelberg 6<br />

Abstract<br />

Introduction: secondhand smoke is currently consi<strong>de</strong>red the main pollutant in indoor environments, with no safe<br />

levels of exposure. Objective: The present study aims to quantify levels of air nicotine in bars in são Paulo, Brazil,<br />

before and after the state law that bans smoking in indoor places. Method: The study was conducted in partnership<br />

between the alliance for the Control of tobacco use - Brazil, and the Johns hopkins Bloomberg school of Public<br />

health – usa. air nicotine was measured using passive air monitors containing a filter treated with sodium bisulfate.<br />

The quantity of air nicotine absorbed by the filters was measured in the laboratory at Johns hopkins university. The<br />

study was conducted in 16 bars and the total amount of valid samples was 72. Results: on average, a 72% reduction in<br />

air nicotine was found in the surveyed establishments after the smoking ban in indoor places in the state of sao Paulo<br />

was adopted. This indicates improvement in air quality within these environments and a <strong>de</strong>creased risk of exposure<br />

to secondhand smoke for both clients and workers. Conclusion: The results of this study provi<strong>de</strong> local evi<strong>de</strong>nce for<br />

the effectiveness of such policies and support the need for fe<strong>de</strong>ral legislation guaranteeing 100% smoke-free indoor<br />

environments to all Brazilians.<br />

Key words: tobacco; nicotine; air Quality Control; tobacco smoke Pollution; Public health<br />

1 Psychologist, MD, Vice-Director of aCt (alliance for the Control of tobacco use); author to whom correspon<strong>de</strong>nce should be addressed: monica.<br />

andreis@actbr.org.br.<br />

2 research Program Manager, MPh. e-mail: jelf@jhsph.edu.<br />

3 sociologist, MD, Director of aCt. e-mail: paula.johns@actbr.org.br.<br />

4 lawyer, specialized in labor law. e-mail: adriana.carvalho@actbr.org.br.<br />

5 environmental/occupational health, MsPh. e-mail: jyuan@jhsph.edu.<br />

6 epi<strong>de</strong>miologist, PhD. e-mail: bapelber@jhsph.edu.<br />

aCt-alliance for the Control of tobacco use (andreis, Johns and Carvalho). r. Batataes, 602, cj.31, são Paulo (sP), Brazil. 01423-010<br />

Johns hopkins Bloomberg school of Public health (elf, yuan and apelberg), 627 n. Washington street, 2nd floor, Baltimore, MD, usa, 21205<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 315-320<br />


Andreis M, Elf J, Johns P, Carvalho A, Jie Y, Apelberg B<br />

316<br />


secondhand smoke (shs) is currently consi<strong>de</strong>red the<br />

main pollutant in indoor environments, with no safe levels<br />

of exposure 1 . of about 4,800 constituents i<strong>de</strong>ntified in<br />

shs, at least 250 are toxic, and at least 50 compounds<br />

have “sufficient evi<strong>de</strong>nce for carcinogenicity” as <strong>de</strong>fined by<br />

the international agency for research on Cancer - iarC,<br />

with eleven proven carcinogens for humans 2-3 . nicotine,<br />

the addictive substance in cigarette smoke, is toxic when<br />

inhaled, causing excessive stress on both circulatory and<br />

nervous systems, and has been associated with increased<br />

susceptibility to cancer <strong>de</strong>velopment 4 .<br />

Pollutants in tobacco smoke disperse homogeneously<br />

in the environment, and separation of smokers and<br />

nonsmokers in indoor places does not eliminate the<br />

risk of exposure to toxic components of smoke, even<br />

if ventilation systems or air renovation is used 5-8 . Based<br />

on scientific evi<strong>de</strong>nce regarding the health risks related<br />

to secondhand smoke exposure, public education<br />

campaigns and the adoption of effective measures to<br />

protect people from shs exposure have become a public<br />

health priority. furthermore, article 8 of the framework<br />

Convention on tobacco Control (fCtC), a global public<br />

health treaty <strong>de</strong>veloped un<strong>de</strong>r the auspices of the World<br />

health organization (Who), requires that signatory<br />

countries promote effective action to protect people from<br />

secondhand smoke and recommends a smoking ban in<br />

indoor public and work places, among others 9 .<br />

in Brazil, it is estimated that 200,000 <strong>de</strong>aths occur<br />

annually due to active smoking, and at least 7 <strong>de</strong>aths<br />

daily are related to secondhand smoke exposure 10 . Despite<br />

having ratified the fCtC treaty, Brazil has not yet adopted<br />

a national 100% smoke-free policy. un<strong>de</strong>r the current<br />

national law, act 9,296/1996, smoking rooms are allowed,<br />

which is not in accordance with article 8 of the fCtC.<br />

With about 40 million inhabitants, the state of são<br />

Paulo took an important step towards reducing the impact<br />

caused by exposure to secondhand smoke by banning the<br />

consumption of tobacco products in collective indoor<br />

places. The “Lei Antifumo” [antismoking law] in são<br />

Paulo, as it is known, was approved in april 2009, signed<br />

in May 2009 and enforced as of 7 th august 2009 11 .<br />

recently, a study was published <strong>de</strong>monstrating the impact<br />

of the smoking ban in indoor places in the city of são<br />

Paulo. The carbon monoxi<strong>de</strong> concentration was measured<br />

in restaurants, bars, night clubs and similar venues and in<br />

their workers, and a significant reduction was verified 12 .<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to measure improvements in indoor air quality<br />

after law enforcement and provi<strong>de</strong> additional evi<strong>de</strong>nce of<br />

effectiveness, bars in the capital of são Paulo were chosen<br />

to be monitored by a study conducted in partnership<br />

between the nGo alliance for the Control of tobacco<br />

use - Brazil, and the Johns hopkins Bloomberg school of<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 315-320<br />

Public health - usa. This present study aims to quantify<br />

levels of air nicotine in bars in são Paulo before and after<br />

the law that bans smoking in indoor places was adopted.<br />

METHOD<br />

air nicotine was measured using passive air monitors<br />

containing a filter treated with sodium bisulfate (figure 1).<br />

The monitors were placed in bars and kept there for<br />

seven consecutive days (figure 2). The first phase of data<br />

collection occurred from June 3 to July 30, 2009 (prior<br />

to the smoke-free law enforcement in são Paulo), and<br />

the second phase from november 12 to December 23,<br />

2009 (after the enforcement, which occurred on august 7 ).<br />

in addition to the monitors, for each establishment,<br />

an observational questionnaire was completed, which<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong>d general information such as opening hours, use<br />

of ventilation or heating systems, and the accurate location<br />

of the monitors in the environment.<br />

The quantity of air nicotine absorbed by the filters was<br />

measured in the laboratory at Johns hopkins university.<br />

The concentration of air nicotine is consi<strong>de</strong>red a good<br />

indicator of shs because it can be easily i<strong>de</strong>ntified and<br />

quantified and is highly specific, which makes it an<br />

objective parameter of secondhand smoke exposure.<br />

Figure 1. Nicotine monitor based on sodium bisulfate treated filter<br />

Figure 2. Air nicotine monitor hung in a bar in São Paulo, Brazil

follow-ups were conducted to verify monitor location<br />

and condition, and after seven days the monitors<br />

were collected. two monitors were installed for each<br />

establishment and were hung at different locations in the<br />

serving area of the establishment. to ensure measurement<br />

accuracy, 10% duplicates and 10% field blanks were<br />

<strong>de</strong>ployed for quality control purpose.<br />

The study was conducted in 16 bars located in the<br />

western region of são Paulo (Capital) in Vila Madalena,<br />

a neighborhood known for its large concentration of<br />

bars and restaurants. sampling locations were selected<br />

through contact with aGeaC, the association of<br />

Gastronomy, entertainment, art and Culture of Vila<br />

Madalena, which pointed out the bars available for the<br />

research. after obtaining consent from the establishment’s<br />

representatives, observational data was collected at each<br />

location and air nicotine monitors were placed.<br />

in total, 78 samples were collected. as six of them<br />

had to be discar<strong>de</strong>d because they were damaged, the total<br />

amount of valid samples was 72. having the building as<br />

the unit of analysis, <strong>de</strong>scriptive statistics were generated<br />

and levels of air nicotine were compared using the stata<br />

11 statistical software (stata Corporation).<br />


on average, a 72% reduction in air nicotine was found<br />

in the surveyed establishments after the smoking ban in<br />

indoor places in são Paulo state was adopted. Percent<br />

reduction ranged from 6% to 94%, with a median of 73%<br />


Andreis M, Elf J, Johns P, Carvalho A, Jie Y, Apelberg B<br />

318<br />

as the Brazilian fe<strong>de</strong>ral law of 1996 14 , people are still<br />

exposed to high levels of tobacco smoke. These exposure<br />

levels <strong>de</strong>monstrate the need for comprehensive smoking<br />

bans, as opposed to partial bans in indoor places, to fully<br />

protect workers and the general public. follow-up air<br />

nicotine concentrations found in the sampled bars in<br />

são Paulo after the implementation of the smoke-free law<br />

<strong>de</strong>monstrate the effectiveness of such policies and reinforce<br />

why they have been internationally recognized as one of<br />

the most effective and inexpensive ways to protect people's<br />

health. not only are smoke-free policies effective, as<br />

<strong>de</strong>monstrated by this study, but have also been supported<br />

by the public. a survey conducted by the state government<br />

one month post-enforcement of the smoke-free law in são<br />

Paulo reported that 94% of the state of são Paulo citizens<br />

support the measure, and 87% among smokers. among<br />

people over 45 years of age, the proportion of those in<br />

support of the new law reaches 95% 15 . similar studies in<br />

other countries, such as Mexico, also show that there is<br />

popular support for smoke-free policies, with these types<br />

of feelings generally increasing post-implementation of<br />

the policy 16 .<br />

a survey conducted with 60 bars and restaurants<br />

owners in the city of são Paulo after one year of the law<br />

implementation reveals that 82% agree with the law, and<br />

95% report there was either hire increase or no dismissals.<br />

in addition, governmental data reveals high compliance<br />

with the law since its implementation: over 99% of the<br />

establishments inspected 17-18 . results of this policy in são<br />

Paulo mirror results in other areas of the world. successful<br />

policy implementation and reduction of shs levels have<br />

been found in Mexico, Guatemala, and uruguay, among<br />

others 16, 19-20 .<br />


in or<strong>de</strong>r to protect workers and the general public<br />

from the harmful effects of shs, it is critical that a<br />

100% smoke-free policy, such as the one adopted in the<br />

state of são state, be enacted at the national level. such<br />

policy is scientifically incontestable and has wi<strong>de</strong>-ranging<br />

public support, lacking only political will to achieve it.<br />

a comprehensive smoking ban is the only way to ensure<br />

protection from shs exposure, especially for professionals<br />

in the hospitality sector, such as waiters, who are most at<br />

risk in their place of work. arguments against the adoption<br />

of 100% smoke-free indoor places lack rationality and<br />

credibility and are, most of times, clearly associated with<br />

the commercial interests related to tobacco consumption.<br />

The results of this study provi<strong>de</strong> local evi<strong>de</strong>nce for the<br />

effectiveness of such policies and support the need for<br />

fe<strong>de</strong>ral legislation guaranteeing 100% smoke-free indoor<br />

environments to all Brazilians.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 315-320<br />


Clarissa homsi, Marina seelig and raquel topfstedt,<br />

for your contribution during the survey <strong>de</strong>sign and data<br />

collection period.<br />

Part of this research (monitors and lab analysis) was<br />

supported by a grant from Pfizer foundation. note: The<br />

funding organization had no role in the outcome of this<br />

study or preparation of the article.<br />


Mônica andreis worked with the <strong>de</strong>sign, planning,<br />

data collection and interpretation of the research project,<br />

as well as with the final writing of the paper; Jessica<br />

elf worked with the <strong>de</strong>sign, planning, data analysis,<br />

interpretation and the final revision of the paper; Paula<br />

Johns worked with the <strong>de</strong>sign, planning of the research<br />

project and the final revision of the paper; adriana<br />

Carvalho worked with the <strong>de</strong>sign, planning, data<br />

collection and interpretation of the research project, as<br />

well as with the final revision of the paper; Jie yuan worked<br />

with the data analysis and interpretation; Benjamin<br />

apelberg worked with the <strong>de</strong>sign, planning, data analysis,<br />

interpretation and the final revision of the paper.<br />

Conflict of Interest: None<br />


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8. Cains T, Cannata S, Poulos R, Ferson MJ, Stewart BW.<br />

Designated "no smoking" areas provi<strong>de</strong> from partial to<br />

no protection from environmental tobacco smoke. Tob<br />

Control. 2004 Mar;13(1):17-22.<br />

9. WHO report on the global tobacco epi<strong>de</strong>mic, 2009:<br />

implementing smoke-free environments. Geneva: World<br />

Health Organization; c2009.<br />

10. <strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>Nacional</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Câncer</strong> (Brasil). Atualida<strong>de</strong>s em<br />

tabagismo [homepage]. INCA divulga estimativa <strong>de</strong><br />

mortalida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> não-fumantes expostos à fumaça do<br />

tabaco. 2008 ago 29 [citado 2010 set 3]. Disponível<br />

em: http://www.inca.gov.br/tabagismo/frameset.<br />

asp?item=atualida<strong>de</strong>s&link=ver.asp?id=906<br />

11. Lei antifumo [homepage]. Agora é lei. É proibido fumar<br />

em ambientes fechados <strong>de</strong> uso coletivo em todo Estado<br />

<strong>de</strong> São Paulo. Apresenta a Lei n. 13.541 <strong>de</strong> 07 <strong>de</strong> maio<br />

<strong>de</strong> 2009 [citado 2010 mar 18]. Disponível em: http://<br />

www.leiantifumo.sp.gov.br/<br />

12. Issa JS, Abe TM, Pereira AC, Megid MC, Shimabukuro<br />

CE, Valentin LS, et al. The effect of São Paulo's smokefree<br />

legislation on carbon monoxi<strong>de</strong> concentration in<br />

hospitality venues and their workers. Tob Control. 2011<br />

Mar;20(2):156-62.<br />

13. Navas-Acien A, Peruga A, Breysse P, Zavaleta A, Blanco-<br />

Marquizo A, Pitarque R, et al. Secondhand tobacco<br />

smoke in public places in Latin America, 2002-2003.<br />

JAMA. 2004 Jun;291(22):2741-5.<br />

14. Brasil. Lei n. 9.294 <strong>de</strong> 15 <strong>de</strong> julho <strong>de</strong> 1996. Dispõe<br />

sobre as restrições ao uso e à propaganda <strong>de</strong> produtos<br />

fumígeros, bebidas alcoólicas, medicamentos, terapias e<br />

<strong>de</strong>fensivos agrícolas, nos termos do § 4° do art. 220 da<br />

Constituição Fe<strong>de</strong>ral. Diário Oficial da União, Brasília<br />

(1996 jul 16) [citado 2010 mar 22]. Disponível em:<br />

6http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/leis/l9294.htm<br />

15. Lei antifumo [homepage]. Agora é lei. É proibido<br />

fumar em ambientes fechados <strong>de</strong> uso coletivo em todo<br />

Air Quality in São Paulo after the Smoke-Free Law<br />

Estado <strong>de</strong> São Paulo. [Notícia]: 94% dos paulistas<br />

apóiam lei antifumo. Pesquisa telefônica realizada com<br />

1.000 entrevistados aponta que 87% dos fumantes<br />

são favoráveis à nova legislação [citado 2010 mar 22].<br />

Disponível em: http://www.leiantifumo.sp.gov.br/sis/<br />

lenoticia.php?id=138<br />

16. Thrasher JF, Pérez-Hernán<strong>de</strong>z R, Swayampakala K,<br />

Arillo-Santillán E, Bottai M. Policy support, norms,<br />

and secondhand smoke exposure before and after<br />

implementation of a comprehensive smoke-free law in<br />

Mexico city. Am J Public Health. 2010 Sep;100(9):1789-98.<br />

17. Galvão VQ. Após um ano, noite paulistana se adapta<br />

e aprova lei antifumo. Depois <strong>de</strong> quase um ano da<br />

aprovação da lei antifumo, os frequentadores <strong>de</strong> bares<br />

e restaurantes <strong>de</strong> São Paulo se adaptaram a nova regra.<br />

Ao contrário do que imaginavam os proprietários dos<br />

estabelecimentos, o setor não sofreu com <strong>de</strong>missões e<br />

queda <strong>de</strong> público. Folha.com, [São Paulo], 1 ago 2010<br />

[citado 2010 out 21]. [Notícia do jornal Folha <strong>de</strong> São<br />

Paulo]. Disponível em: http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/<br />

cotidiano/775976-apos-um-ano-noite-paulistana-seadapta-e-aprova-lei-antifumo.shtml<br />

18. Lei antifumo [homepage]. Agora é lei. É proibido fumar<br />

em ambientes fechados <strong>de</strong> uso coletivo em todo Estado<br />

<strong>de</strong> São Paulo. [Notícia]: Lei Antifumo completa 1 ano<br />

com 99,7% <strong>de</strong> a<strong>de</strong>são. A lei antifumo paulista completa<br />

um ano em vigor neste sábado, 7 <strong>de</strong> agosto, com 99,78%<br />

<strong>de</strong> a<strong>de</strong>são por parte dos estabelecimentos e total apoio<br />

da população por intermédio <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>núncias feitas pela<br />

população, segundo balanço da Secretaria <strong>de</strong> Estado da<br />

Saú<strong>de</strong>. 2010 ago 6 [citado 2010 out 21]. Disponível<br />

em: http://www.leiantifumo.sp.gov.br/sis/lenoticia.<br />

php?id=183<br />

19. Barnoya J, Arvizu M, Jones MR, Hernan<strong>de</strong>z JC, Breysse<br />

PN, Navas-Acien A. Secondhand smoke exposure in<br />

bars and restaurants in Guatemala City: before and after<br />

smoking ban evaluation. Cancer Causes Control. 2011<br />

Jan;22(1):151-6.<br />

20. Blanco-Marquizo A, Goja B, Peruga A, Jones MR, Yuan J,<br />

Samet JM, et al. Reduction of secondhand tobacco smoke<br />

in public places following national smoke-free legislation<br />

in Uruguay. Tob Control. 2010 Jun;19(3):231-4.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 315-320<br />


Andreis M, Elf J, Johns P, Carvalho A, Jie Y, Apelberg B<br />

320<br />

Resumo<br />

Introdução: o fumo passivo é atualmente consi<strong>de</strong>rado o principal poluente em ambientes internos, sem nível seguro<br />

<strong>de</strong> exposição. Objetivo: o presente estudo visa a quantificar os níveis <strong>de</strong> nicotina no ar em bares <strong>de</strong> são Paulo, Brasil,<br />

antes e <strong>de</strong>pois da lei estadual que proíbe o fumo em locais fechados. Método: o estudo foi realizado em parceria<br />

entre a onG aliança <strong>de</strong> Controle do tabagismo - Brasil, e a Johns hopkins Bloomberg school of Public health -<br />

eua. a nicotina no ar foi medida através <strong>de</strong> monitores passivos contendo um filtro tratado com bissulfato <strong>de</strong> sódio.<br />

a quantida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> nicotina no ar absorvida pelos filtros foi medida no laboratório da universida<strong>de</strong> Johns hopkins.<br />

o estudo foi realizado em 16 bares e a quantida<strong>de</strong> total <strong>de</strong> amostras válidas foi <strong>de</strong> 72. Resultados: em média, uma<br />

redução <strong>de</strong> 72% da nicotina no ar foi encontrada nos estabelecimentos pesquisados após a proibição <strong>de</strong> fumar em locais<br />

fechados no estado <strong>de</strong> são Paulo. isso indica uma melhora na qualida<strong>de</strong> do ar nesses ambientes e uma diminuição<br />

do risco <strong>de</strong> exposição ao fumo passivo por clientes e trabalhadores. Conclusão: os resultados <strong>de</strong>ste estudo oferecem<br />

evidências locais da eficácia <strong>de</strong> tais políticas e apoio à necessida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> uma legislação fe<strong>de</strong>ral que garanta ambientes<br />

fechados 100% livres <strong>de</strong> fumo a todos os brasileiros.<br />

Palavras-chave: tabaco; nicotina; Controle da Qualida<strong>de</strong> do ar; Poluição por fumaça <strong>de</strong> tabaco; saú<strong>de</strong> Pública<br />

Resumen<br />

Introducción: el humo <strong>de</strong> tabaco es actualmente consi<strong>de</strong>rado el principal contaminante <strong>de</strong> ambientes interiores, sin<br />

niveles seguros <strong>de</strong> exposición. Objetivo: el presente estudio tiene como objetivo cuantificar los niveles <strong>de</strong> nicotina<br />

<strong>de</strong>l aire en los bares <strong>de</strong> são Paulo, Brasil, antes y <strong>de</strong>spués <strong>de</strong> la ley estatal que prohíbe fumar en lugares cerrados.<br />

Método: el estudio se llevó a cabo en colaboración entre la alianza para el Control <strong>de</strong>l tabaquismo - Brasil, y la Johns<br />

hopkins Bloomberg school of Public health - ee.uu. la nicotina <strong>de</strong>l aire se midió mediante monitores pasivos <strong>de</strong><br />

aire que contiene un filtro tratado con bisulfato <strong>de</strong> sodio. la cantidad <strong>de</strong> nicotina absorbida por el aire <strong>de</strong> los filtros<br />

se midió en el laboratorio <strong>de</strong> la universidad Johns hopkins. el estudio fue realizado en 16 bares y la cantidad total<br />

<strong>de</strong> muestras válidas fue <strong>de</strong> 72. Resultados: en promedio, una reducción <strong>de</strong> 72% <strong>de</strong> la nicotina en el aire se observó<br />

en los establecimientos <strong>de</strong>spués <strong>de</strong> la prohibición <strong>de</strong> fumar en lugares cerrados en são Paulo. esto indica una mejora<br />

en la calidad <strong>de</strong>l aire <strong>de</strong>ntro <strong>de</strong> estos ambientes y un menor riesgo <strong>de</strong> exposición al humo <strong>de</strong> segunda mano para los<br />

clientes y trabajadores. Conclusión: los resultados <strong>de</strong> este estudio proporcionan evi<strong>de</strong>ncias locales <strong>de</strong> la eficacia <strong>de</strong><br />

esas políticas y apoyan la necesidad <strong>de</strong> una legislación fe<strong>de</strong>ral que garantice ambientes cerrados 100% libres <strong>de</strong> humo<br />

a todos los brasileños.<br />

Palabras clave: tabaco; nicotina; Control <strong>de</strong> Calidad <strong>de</strong>l aire; Contaminación por humo <strong>de</strong> tabaco; salud Pública<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 315-320

Original Article<br />

Tobacco and Health-Related University Stu<strong>de</strong>nts<br />

Article submitted on 02/14/11; accepted for publication on 04/26/11<br />

Tobacco and Health-Related University Stu<strong>de</strong>nts in the City of<br />

Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro<br />

O Tabagismo no Contexto dos Futuros Profissionais <strong>de</strong> Saú<strong>de</strong> do Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro<br />

El Tabaquismo en el Contexto <strong>de</strong> Futuros Profesionales <strong>de</strong> la Salud <strong>de</strong> Rio <strong>de</strong><br />

Janeiro<br />

André salem szklo 1 , mariana miranda Autran sampaio 2 , Luís felipe Leite martins 3 ,<br />

elaine masson fernan<strong>de</strong>s 4 , Liz maria <strong>de</strong> Almeida 5<br />

Abstract<br />

Introduction: a strategy to reduce tobacco-related <strong>de</strong>aths is to have skilled healthcare professionals who may get<br />

involved in tobacco prevention and cessation counseling. Objective: to evaluate the importance of tobacco smoking<br />

among health-related university stu<strong>de</strong>nts in the city of rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro. Method: a Census of stu<strong>de</strong>nts attending the<br />

3rd year of both public and private Medicine, Dental and Pharmacy courses as well stu<strong>de</strong>nts attending the 3rd year of<br />

public nursing courses was conducted in 2006/2007 in rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro. a total of 1,525 stu<strong>de</strong>nts participated. Results:<br />

Cigarette smoking prevalence was 14.6%, whereas 5.7% reported smoking other tobacco products. almost 70% were<br />

occasional smokers and around 34% of smokers stated having smoked tobacco products insi<strong>de</strong> university buildings.<br />

More than 90% believed that healthcare professionals should receive formal training in smoking cessation approaches<br />

and advise individuals to quit, but roughly 30% did not consi<strong>de</strong>r healthcare professionals as role mo<strong>de</strong>ls. More than<br />

85% were taught about the dangers of smoking during their courses and, in a lower proportion, about its secondhand<br />

effects. however, approximately 80% have not yet received any formal training in smoking cessation by their<br />

3rd year at university. Conclusion: Monitoring tobacco prevalence among stu<strong>de</strong>nts must be a priority at university,<br />

mainly because of its high prevalence of occasional smokers. The monitoring of the law that prohibits smoking in<br />

enclosed places could create barriers against tobacco use. it is also important that both health and education sectors<br />

work together to evaluate whether issues such as influence of healthcare professionals upon their patients and formal<br />

training are taught after 3 rd year or not.<br />

Key words: smoking; Professional role; Professional training; epi<strong>de</strong>miologic surveillance<br />

1 Chemical engineer. PhD in Public health from escola nacional <strong>de</strong> saú<strong>de</strong> Pública (ens P/fiocruz). Cancer Control analyst of the<br />

epi<strong>de</strong>miology Division at the Brazilian national Cancer institute (inCa)<br />

2 Psychologist. PhD in Group health from instituto <strong>de</strong> Medicina social (iMs) of the universida<strong>de</strong> estadual do rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (uerJ).<br />

Cancer Control analyst of the epi<strong>de</strong>miology Division at inCa.<br />

3 statistician. PhD in Group health from instituto <strong>de</strong> estudos em saú<strong>de</strong> Coletiva (iesC) of the universida<strong>de</strong> fe<strong>de</strong>ral do rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro<br />

(ufrJ). Cancer Control analyst of the epi<strong>de</strong>miology Division at inCa<br />

4 nutritionist from universida<strong>de</strong> fe<strong>de</strong>ral fluminense (uff). Cancer Control analyst of the epi<strong>de</strong>miology Division at the Brazilian<br />

national Cancer institute (inCa)<br />

5 Physician. PhD in Pathology from universida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> são Paulo (usP). Manager of the epi<strong>de</strong>miology Division at inCa.<br />

Correspon<strong>de</strong>nce Address: andré salem szklo. rua Marquês <strong>de</strong> Pombal, nº 125/7º andar – Centro. rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (rJ), Brazil. Ce<br />

P:20230-240. Email: aszklo@inca.gov.br<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 321-327<br />


Szklo AS, Sampaio MMA, Martins LFL, Fernan<strong>de</strong>s EM, Almeida LM<br />

322<br />


The use of tobacco is consi<strong>de</strong>red the second leading<br />

cause of <strong>de</strong>ath in the world by the World health<br />

organization (Who) 1 and can be avoi<strong>de</strong>d. it is associated<br />

with mortality due to several kinds of cancer (lung, mouth,<br />

larynx, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, blad<strong>de</strong>r,<br />

kidney, cervix and acute myeloid leukemia), chronic<br />

obstructive pulmonary disease (CoPD), heart disease,<br />

arterial hypertension and stroke 2-4 . Besi<strong>de</strong>s the smoker<br />

being more subjected to mortality due to all these diseases<br />

when compared to non-smokers, the simple fact that a<br />

person can be secondhandly exposed to tobacco smoke<br />

per se also contributes for the appearance of diseases of<br />

the cardiovascular system, heart disease and lung cancer 1 .<br />

for these reasons, the Who i<strong>de</strong>ntifies tobacco use as a<br />

risk factor against life that has to be banned with high<br />

priority at world level 1 .<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to control tobacco in a broad way, the Who<br />

proposes several strategies, among which we highlight<br />

tobacco 1 surveillance and monitoring 5 . the Global<br />

tobacco surveillance system (Gtss), <strong>de</strong>veloped in<br />

19995, has been implemented in most Who Member<br />

states, using a standardized protocol. The studies that<br />

compose the Gtss are: Global youth tobacco survey<br />

(Gyts), with stu<strong>de</strong>nts from 13 to 15 years old; Global<br />

school Personnal survey (GsPs), which focus on people<br />

who work in schools; Global adult tobacco survey<br />

(Gats), with adults who are 15 years old or above; and<br />

Global health Professional stu<strong>de</strong>nts survey (GhPss),<br />

with stu<strong>de</strong>nts from the third un<strong>de</strong>rgraduate course year<br />

at the healthcare area.<br />

as for the GhPss especifically, the Who chose the<br />

courses of Medicine, nursing, Dentistry and Pharmacy to<br />

integrate it, using as criteria the fact they prepare future<br />

opinion makers within the society, especially with regards<br />

to patient assistance. several studies have already pointed<br />

out that healthcare professionals can play an essential<br />

role in the reduction of tobacco use 6 . even a simple and<br />

brief counseling can significantly increase the smoking<br />

cessation rate6. hence, one of the strategies to reduce<br />

tobacco-related <strong>de</strong>aths is to encourage the involvement<br />

of healthcare professionals in the counseling for tobacco<br />

prevention and cessation 5 . to do so, a good educational<br />

background of these professionals is necessary. Therefore,<br />

the analysis of outcomes obtained after the the Brazilian<br />

version of this Gtss component was implemented is<br />

important to gui<strong>de</strong> the actions for tobacco control in the<br />

country and will be the focus of this article.<br />

The objective of this study was, therefore, to evaluate<br />

the importance of tobacco smoking in the context of<br />

healthcare university stu<strong>de</strong>nts in rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3):321-327<br />


the GhPss is called, in Brazil, tobacco Profile<br />

among university stu<strong>de</strong>nts of Brazil: tobacco smoking<br />

surveillance Project among healthcare university<br />

stu<strong>de</strong>nts. The data analyzed in this study is a census of<br />

the stu<strong>de</strong>nts from the third year of un<strong>de</strong>rgraduate courses<br />

of Medicine, wiether public or private (n=7), Dentistry<br />

(n=6) and Pharmacy (n=7) and public courses of nursing<br />

(n=3) in the city of rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, between 2006 and<br />

2007. The global response rate in rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro was<br />

76.5%. a total of 1,525 stu<strong>de</strong>nts participated in it.<br />

The standard questionnaire from which the analyzed<br />

responses were used in this article is available online 7 . in<br />

the Brazilian version, some specific questions of regional<br />

interest were introduced addressing subjects such as<br />

knowledge about the effects of second hand smoking and<br />

specific legislation on smoking bans in closed environments,<br />

<strong>de</strong>finition of the cigarette type smoked and characterization<br />

of the nicotine <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce <strong>de</strong>gree of the smoker. The<br />

criteria used to measure the prevalence of cigarette smokers<br />

and those of other tobacco <strong>de</strong>rived products, respectively,<br />

was having smoked it at least one day in the previous 30<br />

days of the research. The tobacco products consi<strong>de</strong>red were:<br />

snuff, cigar, cigarillo, narguille, etc.<br />

according to the course and gen<strong>de</strong>r, the prevalence<br />

of cigarette smokers and users of other tobacco products<br />

was calculated. The proportions of occasional users, as<br />

well as the one for consumption of tobacco products<br />

in the university building were evaluated according to<br />

gen<strong>de</strong>r. Besi<strong>de</strong>s that, information about the stu<strong>de</strong>nts was<br />

analyzed according to their course, their beliefs as to the<br />

education received and knowledge acquired during the<br />

course, the effects of direct and secondhand smoking,<br />

the importance of prevention and the formal training on<br />

cessation approaches. Due to the fact that the data come<br />

from a census, occasional differences in the percentages<br />

of responses on the aforementioned subjects were directly<br />

interpreted.<br />

The project was approved by the research ethics<br />

Committee (CeP) from the Brazilian national Cancer<br />

institute (inCa) (protocol number 013/06).<br />


The prevalence of cigarette smokers was 14.6% while<br />

that for users of other tobacco products was smaller, namely,<br />

5.7%. This pattern occurre<strong>de</strong>d regardless of the course<br />

analyzed and the stu<strong>de</strong>nts’ gen<strong>de</strong>r (table 1). it is still noticed<br />

that, on average, for any kind of tobacco product smoked,<br />

the proportion of male smokers was higher when compared<br />

to females (table 1).

The majority of cigarette smokers were occasional<br />

smokers (68.2%), of which 69.0% are women and 66.7%<br />

are men. among the stu<strong>de</strong>nts who smoked cigarettes and<br />

used other tobacco <strong>de</strong>rived products, 34.3% used the<br />

university building to this end, the percentage of male<br />

stu<strong>de</strong>nts being higher (37.4%) when compared to female<br />

stu<strong>de</strong>nts (32.1%).<br />

regardless of the course, more than 90% of the stu<strong>de</strong>nts<br />

believed that healthcare professionals should receive training<br />

on cessation techniques and should routinely advise their<br />

patients to quit smoking. however, on average, 33% did<br />

not consi<strong>de</strong>r healthcare professionals as “behavior mo<strong>de</strong>ls”<br />

for their patients and the general public (table2).<br />

More than 85% had heard about the effects of smoking<br />

during their course and, in smaller proportion, the effects<br />

of secondhand smoking or its consequences in specific<br />

subgroups, such as children, young teens and pregnant<br />

women, regardless of the course (table 3). however, on<br />

average, almost 80% of the stu<strong>de</strong>nts did not receive any<br />

type of formal training on the approaches on how to quit<br />

smoking up to the third year, varying from 68.0% at the<br />

Medical school to 88.5% at the Pharmacy course (table 3).<br />

Tobacco and Health-Related University Stu<strong>de</strong>nts<br />


The monitoring of tobacco prevalence among stu<strong>de</strong>nts<br />

should be focus of the university, especially if one consi<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

the high proportion of users, yet occasional ones, found<br />

among the investigated stu<strong>de</strong>nts, when compared to the<br />

general population 8 . The promotion of smoking cessation<br />

should be <strong>de</strong>signed having as its target the smoker profile,<br />

according to his <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce level and motivation to<br />

quit smoking 6,9 . The actions available from the public<br />

system range from motivational campaigns, distribution<br />

of self-help leaflets with cognitive-behavioral guidance<br />

and warnings on cigarette packages, to phone counseling,<br />

through the tobacco Quitline 9 . The university can use<br />

this wi<strong>de</strong> already existing network or even propose other<br />

creative ways directed to achieving this specific population.<br />

Besi<strong>de</strong>s being targets of the cessation promotion,<br />

it is necessary that un<strong>de</strong>rgraduate stu<strong>de</strong>nts, as future<br />

healthcare professionals, be prepared so they can inclu<strong>de</strong><br />

the minimum approach to the smoker for cessation<br />

in their assistance routines. the main focus of this<br />

approach is motivation, consisting in discussing beliefs<br />

Table 1. Prevalence of cigarette smokers and users of other tobacco products, according to un<strong>de</strong>rgraduate course and gen<strong>de</strong>r.<br />

“Tobacco Surveillance Survey among Healthcare stu<strong>de</strong>nts” in the city of Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (2006/2007)<br />

Course<br />

Cigarette smokers Users of other tobacco <strong>de</strong>rived products<br />

Geral Female Male Geral Female Male<br />

Medicine 16.7% 14.4% 19.4% 5.3% 3.4% 7.4%<br />

Nursing 8.3% 7.6% 15.4% 4.7% 4.5% 7.3%<br />

Dentistry 20.2% 18.5% 24.7% 10.8% 7.8% 17.4%<br />

Pharmacy 5.4% 5.7% 4.9% 1.6% 1.3% 1.2%<br />

Total 14.6% 12.6% 18.2% 5.7% 4.1% 8.1%<br />

Table 2. Belief of university stu<strong>de</strong>nts about the educational background and role of healthcare professionals, per un<strong>de</strong>rgraduate course.<br />

“Tobacco Surveillance Survey among Healthcare stu<strong>de</strong>nts” in the city of Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (2006/2007)<br />

Course<br />

Should healthcare<br />

professionals receive<br />

specific training about<br />

the cessation methods?<br />

Should healthcare<br />

professionals routinely<br />

advise their patients to<br />

quit smoking?<br />

Are healthcare<br />

professionals “behavior<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>ls” for their<br />

patients and the<br />

general public?<br />

Medicine 94.4% 98.2% 66.3%<br />

Nursing 95.7% 96.5% 65.7%<br />

Dentistry 91.6% 97.5% 74.2%<br />

Pharmacy 96.3% 97.5% 61.3%<br />

Total 94.3% 97.8% 67.0%<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 321-327<br />


Szklo AS, Sampaio MMA, Martins LFL, Fernan<strong>de</strong>s EM, Almeida LM<br />

324<br />

Table 3. Information received by the stu<strong>de</strong>nts during class, per un<strong>de</strong>rgraduate course. “tobacco surveillance survey among healthcare<br />

stu<strong>de</strong>nts” in the city of Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (2006/2007)<br />

Course<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3):321-327<br />

Heard about the<br />

effects of tobacco<br />

on health in some<br />

class<br />

Received, in some<br />

class, some kind of<br />

information on the<br />

effects to health<br />

of secondhand<br />

environmental<br />

exposure to<br />

tobacco<br />

Learned about<br />

the importance<br />

of preventing<br />

the initiation<br />

and tobacco<br />

consumption<br />

among children,<br />

young teens and<br />

pregnant women<br />

Received some<br />

kind of formal<br />

training on the<br />

approaches to<br />

quit smoking to<br />

be used with their<br />

patients<br />

Medicine 97.8% 85.3% 73.3% 21.2%<br />

Nursing 91.9% 87.6% 82.7% 32.0%<br />

Dentistry 90.8% 74.6% 64.1% 22.1%<br />

Pharmacy 87.0% 69.6% 56.8% 11.5%<br />

Total 94.2% 81.5% 70.7% 21.7%<br />

and thoughts generated by chemical <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce, work<br />

their psychological effects and conditionings associated<br />

to smoking and training of individual abilities. since<br />

2004, the service network of the Brazilian unified health<br />

system (sus) for low and medium complexities also has<br />

intensive treatment for smokers who have a high <strong>de</strong>gree<br />

of <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce9. Thus, it is indispensable that future<br />

professionals be prepared for this kind of assistance.<br />

it is important to highlight, however, that 80% of the<br />

stu<strong>de</strong>nts reported not having received formal training<br />

about approaches on how to quit smoking to be used with<br />

their patients. nevertheless, it is necessary to evaluate how<br />

the influence of professionals on patients and their formal<br />

training are present in the curricula after the third year or<br />

if they are not inclu<strong>de</strong>d yet.<br />

it is worth mentioning, still, that some information<br />

should already be disseminated, regardless of the course.<br />

for example, the warning images on cigarette packages<br />

were inclu<strong>de</strong>d in 2001. These were substituted for more<br />

impact causing images in 2004, which were in circulation<br />

at the time of the research. as from 2009, they were<br />

replaced by other still more aversive warnings, which are<br />

important to increase the sensitization of future healthcare<br />

professionals with regards to this subject 10 .<br />

the Who, since 2005, has been concentrating<br />

efforts for discussing the consi<strong>de</strong>rable role that healthcare<br />

professionals have in the battle against tobacco epi<strong>de</strong>mics 11 .<br />

it is possible that its credibility before the smoker-patient<br />

contributes for the treatment efficacy or the message that<br />

is being transmitted 12 . Besi<strong>de</strong>s that, the influence that a<br />

stu<strong>de</strong>nt who does not smoke can have in the prevention<br />

of tobacco initiation by adolescents is highlighted in<br />

several studies 13-15 . such fact can be probably explained<br />

by the aspiration of young teens who want to behave<br />

like adults 16-17 . in Brazil, in particular, this impact can be<br />

even higher if it is consi<strong>de</strong>red that the average initiation<br />

age is below 188, which reinforces the concern with the<br />

finding that only one third of university stu<strong>de</strong>nts from<br />

the healthcare area of rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro consi<strong>de</strong>red that<br />

healthcare professionals “are behavior mo<strong>de</strong>ls”.<br />

Besi<strong>de</strong>s having represented a great advance in tobacco<br />

control at the time, the fe<strong>de</strong>ral law number 9,294/96 18 ,<br />

which bans smoking in closed collective environments,<br />

still allows reserved areas for smoking in collective<br />

environments. Many university stu<strong>de</strong>nts report having<br />

consumed tobacco products at the university building,<br />

even though on average, more than 80% reported having<br />

received information about the effects of secondhand<br />

smoking on health. it is possible that either the university<br />

stu<strong>de</strong>nts were smoking in reserved areas or the law was<br />

not being enforced. in this case, non-smokers could be<br />

exposed, including university hospital patients, reinforcing<br />

the need for oversight. it can be highlighted that, for<br />

making the use of smoked tobacco products in collective<br />

environments more difficult, the law ends up <strong>de</strong>creasing<br />

its prevalence 19 , although the primary objective of the<br />

law is not this one.<br />

as of 2009, the state of rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, as well as several<br />

other Brazilian states and towns, conscious of the need<br />

to protect their population and the risks of secondhand<br />

smoking, approved the law number 5,517 20 , which<br />

established collective use environments which are 100%<br />

smoke free. however, it is still necessary to approve a<br />

national legislation that completely bans smoking in<br />

closed collective environments, protecting the population<br />

against the risks of exposure to environmental tobacco

smoke. The Ministry of health has been working intensely<br />

to approve the Bill number 315/2008 21 , which establishes<br />

this measure.<br />

it is worth mentioning that all the responses obtained<br />

in this study were reported by the stu<strong>de</strong>nts directly, that<br />

is, they were not measured and/or confirmed afterwards.<br />

Besi<strong>de</strong>s that, it is possible that the stu<strong>de</strong>nts have received<br />

information coming from outsi<strong>de</strong> the university<br />

environment (for example: warning images on cigarette<br />

packages) and attribute the knowledge they acquired to the<br />

course taken. it is also plausible that the stu<strong>de</strong>nts want to<br />

correspond to social pressures 22 against tobacco, reporting<br />

smaller consumption of these products, causing the un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

estimation of the prevalences. however, the fact that the<br />

questionnaires are self-filled minimizes this fact. one<br />

cannot discard, therefore, the possibility of information<br />

bias 23 in the interpretation of the results.<br />

a positive aspect of the findings is the fact that they are<br />

inserted in a wi<strong>de</strong>r international surveillance system, based<br />

on a standardized methodology (similar questionnaire and<br />

collection mo<strong>de</strong>l). Thus, it is possible to compare them<br />

among the several countries, so that it allows a <strong>de</strong>eper<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the problem. in a recent publication 24 ,<br />

in which data from rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro were inclu<strong>de</strong>d, the<br />

prevalence of cigarette consumption among medical<br />

school stu<strong>de</strong>nts, from 29 investigated places in the same<br />

period, ranged from 1.3% to 47.0%, while in the 18<br />

places where nursing stu<strong>de</strong>nts were evaluated, it ranged<br />

from 0.5% to 41.5%.<br />

the data were presented to some courses of the<br />

healthcare area in rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro. it is worth noticing<br />

that, during the research, a sample of nursing stu<strong>de</strong>nts<br />

from private courses in rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro was also used and<br />

after the confi<strong>de</strong>nce intervals (Ci 95%) for their answers<br />

were obtained, the consi<strong>de</strong>rations raised by this article<br />

remained unaltered (data not shown). even so, not all<br />

the courses that could interfere with tobacco cessation<br />

were investigated, such as Psychology, for example.<br />

Generalization of these results should be done, however,<br />

very cautiously when one tries to evaluate the effect of<br />

the actions for tobacco control on stu<strong>de</strong>nts from other<br />

cities and/or courses. it is necessary to consi<strong>de</strong>r how<br />

similar political perspectives for tobacco control, social<br />

<strong>de</strong>mographic and cultural profiles, and curricula are.<br />

new studies are also necessary, since the surveillance<br />

system should take into account the dynamics inherent<br />

to the Brazilian tobacco industry strategies and to<br />

policies and actions for tobacco control that have been<br />

<strong>de</strong>veloped in the country. The monitoring of new products<br />

created by the industry, as well as the incorporation of<br />

anti-tobacco policies targeting priority groups to the<br />

curricula of university courses, could be, for example,<br />

Tobacco and Health-Related University Stu<strong>de</strong>nts<br />

evaluated in futher investigations. it would also be<br />

interesting to evaluate the feasibility of expanding the<br />

study entitled Tobacco Profile in Brazilian Un<strong>de</strong>rgraduate<br />

Stu<strong>de</strong>nts: Tobacco Surveillance Project among Healthcare<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>rgraduate Stu<strong>de</strong>nts to periodically represent the<br />

national territory as a whole.<br />


Monitoring tobacco smoking among stu<strong>de</strong>nts should<br />

be the university focus, especially if the high prevalence of<br />

occasional users is consi<strong>de</strong>red. The oversight of the law that<br />

bans tobacco smoking in closed collective environments,<br />

which serves, above all, to protect people from secondhand<br />

exposure to smoke, could also make the use of this product<br />

more difficult and <strong>de</strong>crease its prevalence. in addition, it<br />

is necessary to evaluate if themes such as the influence<br />

of professionals on their patients and formal training are<br />

present in the curricula after the third year or if they are not<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong>d yet. a partnership between the areas of health and<br />

education is essential for the preparation of professionals<br />

according to the necessities of the healthcare systems<br />

this study was financed by inCa and by<br />

resources coming from the Pan-american health<br />

organization, Who regional office [sDe-toB-102/<br />

XK/06-07/995].<br />


We thank all the technicians of the inCa epi<strong>de</strong>miology<br />

Division who helped in data collection for the “tobacco<br />

surveillance survey among healthcare university<br />

stu<strong>de</strong>nts” performed in rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro in 2006/2007. to<br />

the course coordinators, employees, stu<strong>de</strong>nts from the<br />

participating universities and international Gtss partners<br />

who ma<strong>de</strong> this study possible.<br />


a. s. szklo and M. M. a. sampaio ma<strong>de</strong> the<br />

calculations and built the tables, discussed the results<br />

and analyzed those with the team. They wrote the body<br />

of the article, having worked on it up to its final copy;<br />

l.f. Martins participated in the discussion of results,<br />

having collaborated with its writing up to its final copy. e.<br />

Masson participated in data collection, results discussion,<br />

having collaborated with the writing of the article up to<br />

its final copy; l.M. almeida coordinated the work of<br />

data collection, participated in the discussion of results,<br />

having collaborated with the writing of the article up to<br />

its final copy.<br />

Declaration of Conflicting Interests: Nothing to Declare.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 321-327<br />


Szklo AS, Sampaio MMA, Martins LFL, Fernan<strong>de</strong>s EM, Almeida LM<br />

326<br />


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Tobacco and Health-Related University Stu<strong>de</strong>nts<br />

Resumo<br />

Introdução: uma estratégia para reduzir mortes relacionadas ao tabaco é uma boa formação dos profissionais <strong>de</strong><br />

saú<strong>de</strong>, os quais po<strong>de</strong>rão se envolver no aconselhamento da prevenção e cessação do tabagismo. Objetivos: avaliar a<br />

importância do tabagismo no contexto dos universitários da área <strong>de</strong> saú<strong>de</strong> no rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro. Método: Censo dos<br />

estudantes do terceiro ano da graduação dos cursos públicos e privados <strong>de</strong> medicina, odontologia e farmácia e dos<br />

cursos públicos <strong>de</strong> enfermagem da cida<strong>de</strong> do rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (2006/2007). Participaram 1.525 estudantes. Resultados:<br />

a prevalência <strong>de</strong> fumantes foi 14,6%; a <strong>de</strong> usuários <strong>de</strong> outros produtos <strong>de</strong> tabaco, 5,7%. Quase 70% eram fumantes<br />

ocasionais. entre usuários <strong>de</strong> qualquer produto <strong>de</strong> tabaco, 34,3% o consumiram no prédio da universida<strong>de</strong>. Mais <strong>de</strong><br />

90% acreditavam que profissionais <strong>de</strong> saú<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>veriam receber treinamento sobre técnicas <strong>de</strong> cessação e aconselhar<br />

rotineiramente seus pacientes a pararem <strong>de</strong> fumar, mas cerca <strong>de</strong> 30% não os consi<strong>de</strong>ravam “mo<strong>de</strong>lo <strong>de</strong> comportamento”.<br />

Mais <strong>de</strong> 85% ouviram falar sobre efeitos do fumo durante o curso e, em menor proporção, sobre as consequencias do<br />

fumo passivo. entretanto, cerca <strong>de</strong> 80% não receberam treinamento formal até o terceiro ano. Conclusão: Monitorar a<br />

prevalência <strong>de</strong> estudantes fumantes <strong>de</strong>ve ser foco da universida<strong>de</strong>, consi<strong>de</strong>rando-se, especialmente, a elevada proporção<br />

<strong>de</strong> usuários ocasionais. a fiscalização da lei que proíbe fumar tabaco em ambientes coletivos fechados po<strong>de</strong>ria reduzir a<br />

utilização <strong>de</strong>sse produto. É preciso também avaliar, em uma colaboração saú<strong>de</strong>/educação, se temas como influência <strong>de</strong><br />

profissionais sobre pacientes e treinamento formal integram os currículos após o terceiro ano ou não estão incluídos.<br />

Palavras-chave: tabagismo; Papel Profissional; Capacitação Profissional; Vigilância epi<strong>de</strong>miológica<br />

Resumen<br />

Introducción: Para reducir las muertes relacionadas al tabaco es necesario una buena formación <strong>de</strong> profesionales <strong>de</strong><br />

salud que puedan intervenir en el asesoramiento a la prevención y cesamiento <strong>de</strong>l tabaquismo. Objetivos: evaluar la<br />

importancia <strong>de</strong>l tabaquismo en el contexto <strong>de</strong> universitarios <strong>de</strong>l área <strong>de</strong> la salud en rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro. Método: Censo <strong>de</strong><br />

universitarios <strong>de</strong>l tercer año <strong>de</strong> carreras públicas y privadas <strong>de</strong> medicina, odontología y farmacia y <strong>de</strong> carreras públicas<br />

<strong>de</strong> enfermería en la ciudad <strong>de</strong> rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (2006-2007). Participaron 1.525 estudiantes. Resultados: la prevalencia<br />

<strong>de</strong> fumadores fue 14,6%; la <strong>de</strong> usuarios <strong>de</strong> otros productos <strong>de</strong> tabaco, 5,7%. Casi un 70% eran fumadores ocasionales.<br />

entre los usuarios <strong>de</strong> cualquier producto <strong>de</strong> tabaco, 34,3% lo consumieron en el edificio <strong>de</strong> la universidad. Más <strong>de</strong> 90%<br />

creían que profesionales <strong>de</strong> salud <strong>de</strong>berían recibir capacitación sobre técnicas <strong>de</strong> cesación y aconsejar rutinariamente<br />

sus pacientes a pararen <strong>de</strong> fumar, pero cerca <strong>de</strong> 30% no los consi<strong>de</strong>raban "mo<strong>de</strong>lo <strong>de</strong> comportamiento". Más <strong>de</strong> 85%<br />

escucharon sobre efectos <strong>de</strong>l fumo durante su carrera y, en menor proporción, sobre las consecuencias <strong>de</strong>l tabaquismo<br />

pasivo. sin embargo, cerca <strong>de</strong> 80% no recibieron capacitación formal hasta el tercer año. Conclusión: Monitorizar<br />

la prevalencia <strong>de</strong> estudiantes fumadores <strong>de</strong>be ser un foco <strong>de</strong> la universidad, especialmente por la elevada proporción<br />

<strong>de</strong> usuarios ocasionales. la fiscalización <strong>de</strong> la ley que prohíbe fumar tabaco en ambientes colectivos cerrados podría<br />

reducir el uso <strong>de</strong> ese producto. es necesario también evaluar, a través <strong>de</strong> una colaboración salud/educación, si los<br />

temas tales como influencia <strong>de</strong> profesionales sobre pacientes y entrenamiento formal integran los currículos tras el<br />

tercer año o si no están incluidos.<br />

Palabras clave: tabaquismo; rol Profesional; Capacitación Profesional; Vigilancia epi<strong>de</strong>miológica<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 321-327<br />


Original Article<br />

Quality of Life of Smokers<br />

Article submitted on 02/02/11; accepted for publication on 05/13/11<br />

Quality of Life of Smokers Seeking Help to Quit Through<br />

Telephone Counseling<br />

Qualida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Vida em Tabagistas que Buscaram Auxílio para Deixar <strong>de</strong> Fumar<br />

por meio <strong>de</strong> Aconselhamento Telefônico<br />

Calidad <strong>de</strong> Vida en los Fumadores que Buscan Ayuda para Dejar <strong>de</strong> Fumar a<br />

través <strong>de</strong> Asesoramiento Telefónico<br />

Taís <strong>de</strong> campos moreira 1 , Luciana rizzeri figueiró 2 , maristela ferigolo 3 , simone fernan<strong>de</strong>s 4 , melaine czerminski Larré 5 ,<br />

helena maria Tannhauser barros 6<br />

Abstract<br />

Introduction: several factors may interfere with quality of life, including problems related to the use of substances<br />

such as tobacco, which consequently affect life satisfaction. The effects of smoking that affect the quality of life serve<br />

to alert smoker and also to motivate the person to quit and maintain abstinence. Objective: to evaluate the quality<br />

of life of smokers who sought telephone service for information and advice about drugs by applying WhoQol-<br />

Bref. Method: Cross sectional study with users of tobacco and other psychoactive substances who called to a toll-free<br />

phone number between november/2009 and December/2010. smokers answered a questionnaire covering data on<br />

social and economic features, tobacco consumption (quantity, frequency, diagnosis and severity of <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce) and<br />

the WhoQol-Bref was also applied. Results: 105 smokers were inclu<strong>de</strong>d in the study. The social and psychological<br />

domains of WhoQol-Bref in smokers showed statistically lower values as to the reference population (p=0.023 and<br />

p=0.001, respectively). it was observed that tobacco users had lower scores than non-<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nts in all WhoQol-Bref<br />

domains, although there were no statistically significant differences between groups. all domains correlated positively<br />

and significantly with global domain, but not with the intensity of nicotine <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce. Conclusion: smokers have<br />

lower levels of quality of life when compared to nonsmokers, which could be directly related to dissatisfaction with<br />

various aspects of life including happiness and well-being.<br />

Key words: Quality of life; tobacco; smoking; telemedicine<br />

1 speech Therapist. Phd stu<strong>de</strong>nt in health sciences by universida<strong>de</strong> fe<strong>de</strong>ral <strong>de</strong> Ciências da saú<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Porto alegre (ufCsPa). Departament of<br />

Pharmacology. serviço nacional <strong>de</strong> orientação e informação sobre a Prevenção do uso in<strong>de</strong>vido <strong>de</strong> Drogas – ViVaVoz, ufCsPa. Porto alegre (rs),<br />

Brasil. Emails: taiscmoreira@hotmail.com, tais.moreira@bol.com.br.<br />

2 Biochemical doctor. Master in health sciences by ufCsPa. Departament of Pharmacology. ViVaVoz, ufCsPa. Porto alegre (rs), Brasil. Email:<br />

lucianarizzieri@yahoo.com.br.<br />

3 Pharmacist. Phd in Medical sciences. Departament of Pharmacology. Coordinador of ViVaVoz, ufCsPa. Porto alegre (rs), Brasil. Email: mari@ufcspa.edu.br.<br />

4 Psicologist. Phd stu<strong>de</strong>nt in health sciences by ufCsPa. Departament of Pharmacology. ViVaVoz, ufCsPa. Porto alegre (rs), Brasil.<br />

Email: simone_psicol@yahoo.com.br.<br />

5 Graduanda em fonoaudiologia pela ufCs Pa. Departament of Pharmacology. ViVaVoz, ufCs Pa. Porto alegre (rs), Brasil. Email: melaine_cl@hotmail.com.<br />

6 Phd in neuropsycopharmacology. full professor of Pharmacology at ufCsPa. Departament of Pharmacology. Coordinador of ViVaVoz, ufCsPa.<br />

Porto alegre (rs), Brasil. Email: helenbar@ufcspa.edu.br.<br />

Correspon<strong>de</strong>nce Address: taís <strong>de</strong> Campos Moreira. rua sarmento leite, 245 - 3º andar. farmacologia - sala 316. Porto alegre (rs ), Brasil. Ce P: 90050-170.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 329-335<br />


Moreira TC, Figueiró LR, Ferigolo M, Fernan<strong>de</strong>s S, Larré MC, Barros HMT<br />

330<br />


one of the concepts of quality of life is to value<br />

broa<strong>de</strong>r parameters instead of the control of physical or<br />

psychological symptoms, the <strong>de</strong>crease of mortality or<br />

increase of life expectancy 1 only. Quality of life is related<br />

to one of the basic human <strong>de</strong>sires, which is to live well<br />

and feel good. several factors may interfere with this<br />

quality, among them the problems arising from the use<br />

of substances such as tobacco, which consequently affect<br />

life satisfaction 2 .<br />

the number of individuals who make use of<br />

psychoactive substances is increasing, in our country<br />

there are currently 10.1% of tobacco <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nts 3 . in<br />

this sense there is a new possibility of research focusing<br />

on the influence on the quality of life caused by the effect<br />

of drug use. among all substances, tobacco <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

is associated with a greater predisposition to disease and<br />

disability, resulting in <strong>de</strong>creased health and quality of<br />

life of the general population 4 . smoking is associated<br />

with high morbidity and mortality, accounting for<br />

approximately 5 million <strong>de</strong>aths a year and it is consi<strong>de</strong>red<br />

by the World health organization (Who) 5 the leading<br />

cause of preventable <strong>de</strong>ath and the fastest one growing<br />

worldwi<strong>de</strong>. about 90% of lung cancer cases in the<br />

world are attributable to smoking, this association is well<br />

established, and the cancers of the larynx and esophagus 4<br />

can also be highlighted.<br />

in recent years, there has been an increase in the<br />

number of research that measures the quality of life in<br />

smokers and a common thread found in these studies was<br />

the best quality of life of non-smokers when compared<br />

to smokers 6-7 . With regard to smoking cessation, several<br />

studies have verified its association with improved quality<br />

of life 6-7 and this result can be used as a way to motivate<br />

smokers to achieve abstinence 7 .<br />

Quality of life has been increasingly seen as a<br />

prerequisite for the overall health of individuals, including<br />

satisfaction, happiness and well-being, so all the variables<br />

that interfere with this aspect are important for health<br />

professionals, since they interfere with the treatment of<br />

any disease, including nicotine <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce. The effects<br />

of smoking that affect quality of life and the possibility<br />

of using these effects to warn the user of its damages and<br />

to motivate them to consumption cessation and remain<br />

abstinent, justify the interest for the subject. Thus, the<br />

objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of life<br />

through the World Health Organization Quality of Life<br />

Instrument (WhoQol-Bref) in smokers who sought a<br />

telemarketing service for information and guidance on<br />

drugs, called ViVaVoz.<br />

METHOD<br />

a cross-sectional study was conducted with users of<br />

tobacco and other psychoactive substances. Data collection<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 329-335<br />

took place between november 2009 and December 2010<br />

through reactive phone calls to the call center of the<br />

national service of Gui<strong>de</strong>lines and information about<br />

Drug abuse - ViVaVoz 8-10 . this phone counseling<br />

service offers free, anonymous telephone counseling and<br />

open to the Brazilian population in general. it provi<strong>de</strong>s<br />

guidance and information on the characteristics of<br />

psychoactive drugs, their action in the body and also on<br />

prevention of misuse 9 . socioeconomic features and data<br />

on substances consumption (amount, period, <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

and frequency) were collected as well as the application<br />

of the WhoQol-Bref questionnaire 11 . The shortened<br />

version of WhoQol-Bref is validated in Portuguese 12<br />

and well used in studies in the Brazilian population 13 .<br />

The questionnaire consists of 26 items divi<strong>de</strong>d into four<br />

domains (physical, psychological, social relationships<br />

and environment) in which responses are recor<strong>de</strong>d with<br />

individual scales of five points each 11 . The fagerström test<br />

for nicotine <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce (ftnD) was applied to evaluate<br />

the intensity of <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce. The instrument consists of six<br />

questions related to smoking, allowing the classification<br />

of <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce from very mild to very high 14 . The total<br />

score is calculated by the sum obtained on each question,<br />

ranging between 0 and 10 points, the higher the score,<br />

the stronger the <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce.<br />

telephone interaction and the application of<br />

questionnaires were carried out by un<strong>de</strong>rgraduate<br />

aca<strong>de</strong>mics in health and education, previously selected<br />

and trained as the Medical Education for the Prevention<br />

and Treatment of Alcohol Use Disor<strong>de</strong>rs 8,10 interdisciplinary<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>l. for the application of the WhoQol-Bref 11 :<br />

theoretical and practical training with lecture (8h) and<br />

application of the questionnaire in pairs were held. The<br />

data were evaluated and discussed at a later stage. after<br />

this process, the stu<strong>de</strong>nts were systematically evaluated<br />

and supervised throughout the call center service 9 .<br />

We sampled all Brazilian tobacco users, aged between 18<br />

and 60 years who called the ViVaVoz service during the<br />

collection period and who agreed to participate in the study,<br />

after informed consent. Those who <strong>de</strong>monstrated inability<br />

to a<strong>de</strong>quately answer to the treatment protocol and to the<br />

WhoQol-Bref or who were un<strong>de</strong>r the effect of drugs<br />

were exclu<strong>de</strong>d. incomplete protocols were also exclu<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

the interviews were conducted by telephone,<br />

following a digital gui<strong>de</strong> of the protocols regarding: 1.<br />

socioeconomic data; 2. amount of substance consumed<br />

on average per day and Quality of life (WhoQol-Bref).<br />

answers to calls were standard to all users. to ensure<br />

ethical procedures, a verbal consent form was applied<br />

to all participants, to obtain permission to use the data.<br />

anonymity of those who used the telephone service was<br />

guaranteed. The study was approved by the research<br />

ethics Committee (CeP) of the fe<strong>de</strong>ral university of<br />

health sciences of Porto alegre (ufCsPa) (09/532).

DATA AnALYsis<br />

a total of 105 subjects was inclu<strong>de</strong>d in study.<br />

initially, univariate <strong>de</strong>scriptive analysis of socioeconomic<br />

characteristics was performed, in which variables were<br />

ranked by frequency and percentage and quantitative<br />

variables by mean and standard <strong>de</strong>viation. for calculations<br />

of the WhoQol-Bref questionnaire Who references 15<br />

were used.<br />

specific questions regarding substances consumption,<br />

such as time of use and quantity used, were asked at the<br />

beginning. following, criteria for <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce diagnosis<br />

were assessed. as the National Household Survey on Drug<br />

Abuse (asDh) suggests, a user is consi<strong>de</strong>red <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

when fitting at least two of the following criteria within<br />

12 months: a) have spent much of their time to get drugs,<br />

use them or to recover from its effects; b) have used in<br />

amounts or frequency greater than inten<strong>de</strong>d; c) tolerance<br />

(the need to use more amounts of the drug to produce<br />

the same effect), d) have been in situations of physical risk<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r effect or soon after drug effects (e.g., driving, using<br />

machinery etc.); e) have had personal problems caused by<br />

drugs (such as with family, work, police, of emotional or<br />

psychological nature); f) expressed a <strong>de</strong>sire to lessen or quit<br />

the use of certain drugs. two or more positive responses<br />

were used as the cutoff point for <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce assumption 16 .<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to analyze the WhoQol-Bref scores<br />

among smokers, the t test for a sample was carried out by<br />

comparing the scores of smokers with the scores of a sample<br />

of non-users of tobacco or other drugs that ma<strong>de</strong> calls to<br />

the service. Bivariate analyzes were performed through<br />

the stu<strong>de</strong>nt's t test. Correlation between the domains of<br />

scale and between domains and nicotine <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce was<br />

performed by using Pearson's correlation. P values 0.2 for all correlations). among those with low-<br />

Quality of Life of Smokers<br />

intensity <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce, the environment domain score was<br />

higher in men than in women (13.0 +2.4 and 10.6 +3.1,<br />

respectively, p = 0.02).<br />

table 2 shows the results of the scores of WohQol-<br />

Bref domains of the studied sample, compared to<br />

average population of nonsmokers who called the<br />

service. Psychological and social relations domains were<br />

significantly lower when compared to the reference<br />

population (p

Moreira TC, Figueiró LR, Ferigolo M, Fernan<strong>de</strong>s S, Larré MC, Barros HMT<br />

332<br />

Pearson correlation was carried out among domains<br />

(physical, psychological, social and environmental) and<br />

the between the overall domain of quality of life. all<br />

areas correlated positively and significantly with global<br />

domain (p

similarly to the study of Pereira et al. 17 , there is an<br />

association between the domains evaluated by the scale and<br />

the overall score of quality of life, <strong>de</strong>monstrating that changes<br />

in one or more domains may involve changes in the overall<br />

quality of life. The difference between this study and Pereira's 17<br />

is that there is a strong association, then it is possible to believe<br />

that the contribution of the four domains altogether to measure<br />

the quality of life is greater than the contribution of 36% found<br />

by the author.<br />

The treatment of smoking is usually initiated by heavy<br />

smokers, i.e., more <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt and who have smoked for<br />

a longer period of time 20-21 , thus they may have a health<br />

problem related to smoking that is known to interfere with the<br />

quality of life. The study corroborates the information on the<br />

characteristics of smokers seeking treatment, and the fact that<br />

there is no difference in the quality of life may be due to the<br />

lack of questions that are more specific to the problems faced by<br />

smokers. in addition, smokers may be reluctant to recognize a<br />

health problem before it has reached a higher <strong>de</strong>gree of severity.<br />

study limitations are mainly related to the association<br />

of tobacco with other drugs, which can interfere with the<br />

increased anxiety and <strong>de</strong>pression, as well with other related<br />

health problems that further un<strong>de</strong>rmine quality of life. items<br />

of anxiety and <strong>de</strong>pression were not assessed in this sample and<br />

it was not possible to verify whether the problems were related<br />

exclusively to the use of tobacco or other substances consumed.<br />

Moreover, the number of individuals who were<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong>d in the study could have been larger in or<strong>de</strong>r<br />

to give greater significance to the results, as well as the<br />

sample could have inclu<strong>de</strong>d individuals who consume<br />

tobacco exclusively.<br />

another limitation refers to the fact that the telephone<br />

contact does not allow biological confirmation of drug<br />

use, as well as being a self-report of the client.<br />


smokers have lower indices of quality of life when<br />

compared to non-smokers, which would be directly<br />

related to dissatisfaction with various aspects of life,<br />

including happiness and well-being. The measure of<br />

quality of life is an important way to measure therapeutic<br />

results, mainly in drug users, in which many variables<br />

interfere with treatment, such as severity of <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce,<br />

psychiatric symptoms and social, familiar, physical and<br />

psychological situations.<br />

the quality of life of smokers, especially in the<br />

psychological domain, can be hampered by the occurrence<br />

of tumors, because it is quite likely to <strong>de</strong>velop <strong>de</strong>pressive<br />

states and anxiety related to the reality of living with<br />

cancer. Thereafter, it would be interesting to relate, in<br />

subsequent studies, the existence of mood disor<strong>de</strong>rs (such<br />

as anxiety and <strong>de</strong>pression) that may worsen the smoker’s<br />

quality of life.<br />


Quality of Life of Smokers<br />

The authors thank CaPes (Coordination for the<br />

improvement of higher level Personnel) for the Ph.D<br />

research scholarship – tCM; CnPq for the hMtB-1c<br />

productivity scholarship, the collaboration of the national<br />

secretariat on drug policies (senaD), and ViVaVoz<br />

consultants.<br />


taís <strong>de</strong> Campos Moreira and luciana rizzeri figueiró<br />

contributed to the conception and planning of the study,<br />

the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, as<br />

well as the writing, critical revision and final approval<br />

of the version; Maristela ferigolo, simon fernan<strong>de</strong>s<br />

and helena Mt Barros contributed to the analysis and<br />

interpretation of data, as well as the writing, critical review<br />

and final approval of the version; Melanie Czerminski<br />

larré contributed to the conception and planning of the<br />

study, in obtaining, organizing data and final approval<br />

of the version.<br />

Declaration of Conflicting Interests: Nothing to Declare.<br />


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Quality of Life of Smokers<br />

Resumo<br />

Introdução: Diversos fatores po<strong>de</strong>m interferir na qualida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> vida, entre eles os problemas advindos do uso <strong>de</strong><br />

substâncias, como o tabaco, que por consequência afetam a satisfação com a vida. os efeitos do tabagismo, que<br />

interferem na qualida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> vida, servem para alertar o tabagista, bem como motivá-lo a parar e manter a abstinência.<br />

Objetivo: avaliar a qualida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> vida por meio do WhoQol-Bref em tabagistas que procuraram um serviço <strong>de</strong><br />

teleatendimento para informações e orientações sobre drogas. Método: estudo transversal com usuários <strong>de</strong> tabaco<br />

e outras substâncias psicoativas que ligaram para o ViVaVoz no período <strong>de</strong> novembro/2009 a <strong>de</strong>zembro/2010.<br />

foram coletadas características socioeconômicas, dados <strong>de</strong> consumo do tabaco (quantida<strong>de</strong>, frequência, diagnóstico e<br />

intensida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>pendência) além da aplicação do questionário WhoQol-Bref. Resultados: 105 fumantes foram<br />

incluídos no estudo. os domínios psicológicos e <strong>de</strong> relações sociais do WhoQol-Bref em tabagistas apresentaram<br />

valores estatisticamente menores em relação à população <strong>de</strong> referência (p=0,023 e p=0,001, respectivamente).<br />

observou-se que <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntes <strong>de</strong> tabaco apresentavam escores inferiores a não <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntes em todos os domínios do<br />

WhoQol-Bref, embora não tenham diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos. todos os domínios<br />

se correlacionaram positiva e significativamente com o domínio global, mas não com a intensida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>pendência.<br />

Conclusão: tabagistas apresentam índices inferiores <strong>de</strong> qualida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> vida, quando comparados a indivíduos não<br />

fumantes, o que estaria diretamente relacionado à insatisfação com vários domínios da vida incluindo felicida<strong>de</strong> e<br />

bem-estar.<br />

Palavras-chave: Qualida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Vida; tabaco; tabagismo; telemedicina<br />

Resumen<br />

Introducción: Varios factores pue<strong>de</strong>n interferir con la calidad <strong>de</strong> vida, incluidos los problemas <strong>de</strong>rivados <strong>de</strong> la utilización<br />

<strong>de</strong> sustancias como el tabaco, que por lo tanto afectan la satisfacción <strong>de</strong> la vida. los efectos <strong>de</strong>l tabaquismo que afectan<br />

a la calidad <strong>de</strong> vida sirven para alertar a los fumadores, así como motivar a <strong>de</strong>jar <strong>de</strong> fumar y mantener la abstinencia.<br />

Objetivo: evaluar la calidad <strong>de</strong> vida por medio <strong>de</strong>l WhoQol-Bref en los fumadores que buscaban un servicio<br />

telefónico <strong>de</strong> información y asesoramiento acerca <strong>de</strong> las drogas. Método: estudio transversal con los usuarios <strong>de</strong> tabaco<br />

y otras sustancias psicoactivas que llamaron a “ViVaVoz” entre noviembre/2009 – Diciembre/2010. se recogieron<br />

datos socioeconómicos, el consumo <strong>de</strong> tabaco (cantidad, frecuencia, el diagnóstico y severidad <strong>de</strong> la <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncia),<br />

a<strong>de</strong>más <strong>de</strong> la aplicación <strong>de</strong>l cuestionario WhoQol-Bref. Resultados: se incluyeron 105 fumadores en el estudio.<br />

las áreas <strong>de</strong>l WhoQol-Bref sociales y psicológicos en los fumadores presentaron valores estadísticamente más bajos<br />

para la población <strong>de</strong> referencia (p=0,023 y p=0,001, respectivamente). se observó que los consumidores <strong>de</strong>pendientes<br />

<strong>de</strong> tabaco tenían puntuaciones más bajas que los no <strong>de</strong>pendientes en todas las áreas <strong>de</strong>l WhoQol-Bref, aunque no<br />

hayan diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos. todos los dominios se correlacionaron positivamente<br />

y significativamente con el dominio global, pero no con la intensidad <strong>de</strong> la <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncia. Conclusión: los fumadores<br />

tienen niveles más bajos <strong>de</strong> calidad <strong>de</strong> vida en comparación con los no fumadores, lo que pue<strong>de</strong> estar directamente<br />

relacionado con la insatisfacción con los diversos aspectos <strong>de</strong> la vida, incluyendo la felicidad y el bienestar.<br />

Palabras clave: Calidad <strong>de</strong> Vida; tabaco; tabaquismo; telemedicina<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 329-335<br />


Original Article<br />

Tobacco Quitline in Brazil<br />

Article submitted on 04/12/11; accepted for publication on 07/06/11<br />

Tobacco Quitline in Brazil: an Additional Information Source to<br />

the Population<br />

Disque Saú<strong>de</strong> Pare <strong>de</strong> Fumar no Brasil: uma Fonte <strong>de</strong> Informação a mais para<br />

a População<br />

Línea <strong>de</strong> Salud para Dejar <strong>de</strong> Fumar en Brasil: una Fuente <strong>de</strong> Información para<br />

la Población<br />

cristina <strong>de</strong> Abreu perez 1 , claudia Teresa pinheiro 2 , stella bialous 3 , valéria cunha 4 , Tânia maria cavalcante 5<br />

Abstract<br />

Introduction: The tobacco Quitline is an important service of telephone counseling for population-based smoking<br />

cessation, as well as a population-based source of elucidation about the harms of tobacco use. Objective: The purpose<br />

of this study is to <strong>de</strong>scribe the profile of persons who called the tobacco Quitline, to carry out a <strong>de</strong>scriptive analysis of<br />

this service and to discuss the growing number of calls, relating them to some political measures. Method: Between<br />

January and December 2009, data collected from both ‘Ouvidor SUS’ and ‘Web Report’ systems were analyzed. The<br />

number of calls and distribution according to social and <strong>de</strong>mographic characteristics, such as gen<strong>de</strong>r, marital status,<br />

education, age and reason for calling were compiled. Their smoking status was also i<strong>de</strong>ntified, whether they are smokers,<br />

ex-smokers or have never used tobacco before, and also if it is their first time calling the service. Results: tobacco<br />

represented 23% of all calls received, becoming the second most sought after subject, only after diseases and health<br />

information. among individuals who called the tobacco Quitline, 79% were smokers and 80% said it was their first<br />

call. as to age, young teens between 12 and 24 years-old represent almost half of the population looking for the service<br />

and among all callers, 56% were male and 49% were single. Conclusion: The Quitline is an important source of<br />

information about smoking, however it is necessary to conduct a survey regarding the effectiveness of smoking cessation.<br />

Key words: tobacco use Disor<strong>de</strong>r; tobacco use Cessation; smoking; epi<strong>de</strong>miology, Descriptive<br />

1 Cristina Perez <strong>de</strong> abreu. Psychologist of the Brazilian national Cancer institute (inCa). Master's candidate at Professional Master's Degree<br />

Course in Policy and Management of science, national school of Public health sergio arouca (ensP) / fiocruz. Email: cperez@inca.gov.br.<br />

2 Claudia teresa Pinheiro. nurse at inCa. Email: cpinheiro@inca.gov.br.<br />

3 stella Bialous. tobacco Policy international. san francisco - California, usa. Email:stella@bialous.com.<br />

4 Valeria Cunha. Manager of the Division of tobacco Control of inCa and Msc in Public health by the institute for the study of Collective<br />

health (iesC) / ufrJ. Email: valeriac@inca.gov.br.<br />

5 tania Maria Cavalcante. executive secretary of the national Commission for implementation of inCa's framework Convention on tobacco<br />

Control and Master in Public health by ensP/fiocruz. Email: tcavalcante@inca.gov.br.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 337-344<br />


Perez CA, Pinheiro CT, Bialous S, Cunha V, Cavalcante TM<br />

338<br />


in Brazil, public policies for tobacco control are quite<br />

advanced when compared to other <strong>de</strong>veloping countries;<br />

however, there is still much to be done, given the large<br />

number of smokers, around 24 million, who continue to<br />

be addicted to nicotine 1 .<br />

The Brazilian national Cancer institute (inCa)/<br />

Ministry of health (Ms) has <strong>de</strong>veloped, for over 20<br />

years, the tobacco Control and other Cancer risk<br />

factors Program, aiming to prevent and control cancer<br />

in a comprehensive and broad way. actions range from<br />

solar protection, encouraging healthy eating and physical<br />

activity, to tobacco control 2 .<br />

as part of this program, in May 2001, during the<br />

celebration of World no tobacco Day, the Brazilian<br />

Minister of health launched the tobacco Quitline, which<br />

is accessed through free calls from anywhere in Brazil. The<br />

tobacco Quitline was thus born from the service platform<br />

of the existing health line, which had received calls from<br />

all over the country on various health issues since 1997,<br />

and which was already recording a growing <strong>de</strong>mand for<br />

information regarding smoking.<br />

The tobacco Quitline, a major component of the<br />

national Program for tobacco Control, is coordinated<br />

by inCa and <strong>de</strong>veloped in partnership with the General<br />

ombudsman Department of the secretariat for strategic<br />

and Participatory Management of the Mh.<br />

in february 2002, tobacco industries were required to<br />

insert warnings with pictures and the tobacco Quitline<br />

phone number on all tobacco products, giving greater<br />

visibility to the program, thus increasing the number of calls 3 .<br />

scientific evi<strong>de</strong>nce shows that quitlines, as the<br />

telephone services for quitting smoking assistance are<br />

known worldwi<strong>de</strong>, are an effective tool to increase the<br />

number of attempts of smoking cessation, help smokers<br />

quit smoking, as well as assist in the reversion of relapses 3-4 .<br />

The quitlines have low cost to their provi<strong>de</strong>rs. for<br />

smokers, they are free, easily accessible and a popular<br />

smoking cessation service. they provi<strong>de</strong> support to<br />

smokers wishing to quit smoking with confi<strong>de</strong>ntiality<br />

and anonymity 5 . The counseling service through the<br />

phone provi<strong>de</strong>s several features that other services do not<br />

have, such as access to care without displacement, access<br />

to treatment for communities where there are no units<br />

that offer formal treatment to quit smoking, access to<br />

treatment whenever it is possible for the citizen without<br />

prior appointments 6-7 , and for smokers who live in rural<br />

areas 8 .<br />

The tobacco Quitline is physically located in Brasilia<br />

and its platform service operates from 7 am to 7 pm from<br />

Monday to friday. at evenings or weekends and holidays,<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 337-344<br />

all information is available by a recording in the audio<br />

response unit.<br />

at the beginning of the service in 2001, all people who<br />

called received human service. Currently, when someone<br />

calls the tobacco Quitline, they hear a recording with<br />

the option to get information on how to quit smoking<br />

or help someone quit smoking, the benefits of quitting<br />

smoking, symptoms resulting from smoking cessation or<br />

they can simply speak directly with one of the attendants.<br />

in addition to this information, it is possible to get general<br />

information related to smoking such as economics,<br />

legislation and prevention aspects.<br />

The purpose of this article is to <strong>de</strong>scribe the profile of<br />

individuals who sought the tobacco Quitline, to make a<br />

<strong>de</strong>scriptive analysis of the service and discuss the evolution<br />

on the number of calls, relating them to policy measures.<br />

METHOD<br />

Data were collected from the “ouvidorsus” and “Web<br />

report” systems of the Mh which are available on its<br />

website 9 . These data, routinely collected by the technical<br />

staff of the sus General ombudsman Department,<br />

are referred to inCa by monthly reports, in which<br />

the number of calls and their distribution according<br />

to social and <strong>de</strong>mographic data such as gen<strong>de</strong>r, marital<br />

status, education, age and subject sought 9 can be found.<br />

Questions about smoking status, whether the person is<br />

currently a smoker, a former smoker or never smoked and<br />

if it is the first time they are calling the service were also<br />

collected and analyzed.<br />

first, we <strong>de</strong>scribed and analyzed the evolution through<br />

time and the influence of some policy measures adopted<br />

in the period between the release of the tobacco Quitline,<br />

in May 2001, and December 2009 on the total number<br />

of calls.<br />

second, social and <strong>de</strong>mographic data and status<br />

of tobacco users between the months of January and<br />

December 2009 were <strong>de</strong>scribed and analyzed. These<br />

data were collected through a questionnaire completed<br />

during the telephone service. users were asked to answer<br />

questions after the receipt of the information sought by<br />

them.<br />


evoLUTion TroUgh Time<br />

The framework Convention for tobacco Control<br />

(fCtC), the first public health treaty negotiated un<strong>de</strong>r the<br />

auspices of the World health organization (Who), of<br />

which Brazil is a signatory as from 2003, in its article 14,<br />

which talks about measures on <strong>de</strong>mand reduction related<br />

to <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncy and smoking cessation, recommends in its

gui<strong>de</strong>lines that signatory countries should offer quitlines<br />

service as support for smoking cessation 10 .<br />

in the international literature, a distinction is ma<strong>de</strong><br />

between two types of services that provi<strong>de</strong> care for<br />

smoking cessation by phone: proactive quitlines and<br />

reactive quitlines 11 . The Brazilian tobacco Quitline fits the<br />

second <strong>de</strong>finition because it is a service that answers users'<br />

phone calls, but doesn't make return calls 4 . in the context<br />

of the media, mass anti-smoking campaigns – quitlines<br />

- represent the merging of public health approaches that<br />

aim to produce changes in population through clinical<br />

approaches 12 .<br />

in the first year of operation, the tobacco Quitline<br />

received 30,851 calls, in the second year, there were<br />

198,964 calls and, in the third year, the number of<br />

calls rose to 211,073. in 2009 there were 1,236,892<br />

calls, fact which means that smoking represents 23%<br />

of all calls received by the health line of Mh, placing<br />

it as the second most sought subject after diseases and<br />

advice on health 9 .<br />

During the period <strong>de</strong>scribed, the diffusion of the<br />

service occurred through the package of tobacco products<br />

and through tobacco control campaigns using posters,<br />

leaflets, billboards and some inserts in the media. it was<br />

observed that since images of health warnings and the<br />

tobacco Quitline number were inserted in the packages<br />

of tobacco products, the number of calls increased twofold<br />

or even threefold at some moment (figure 1).<br />

it is clear, then, that cigarette packages remain an<br />

important source of dissemination and they should be<br />

kept for this purpose even when the health warnings are<br />

replaced.<br />

1000000<br />

100000<br />

10000<br />

1000<br />

100<br />

10<br />

1<br />

May/01<br />

Sep/01<br />

Launch of the Tobacco<br />

Quitline<br />

Jan/02<br />

Introduc�on of images<br />

with 0800 number in packs<br />

Introduc�on<br />

of recor<strong>de</strong>d<br />

messages<br />

May/02<br />

Sep/02<br />

Jan/03<br />

May/03<br />

Sep/03<br />

Jan/04<br />

May/04<br />

Sep/04<br />

Jan/05<br />

May/05<br />

Sep/05<br />

Tobacco Quitline in Brazil<br />

on the other hand, the large increase in number of<br />

calls, after the introduction of service number on packages<br />

of tobacco products, generated a series of problems such<br />

as line congestion, which caused many losses of access,<br />

because the service platform was constantly busy. That<br />

was the reason for the introduction of electronic services<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to unbur<strong>de</strong>n the attendants and provi<strong>de</strong> the best<br />

care to the population. however, these results show that<br />

Brazil, as one of the pioneers in inserting the health line<br />

number on cigarette packs, created a new global mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

for increasing access to these services, a mo<strong>de</strong>l that has<br />

been replicated internationally 13 -14 .<br />

in this sense, it can also be seen in figure 1 that, with<br />

the implementation of the recor<strong>de</strong>d messages, there was an<br />

increase on the number of people served, up to 726,195<br />

calls received in January 2005, relieving the human service<br />

and avoiding busy lines. so there was a pent-up <strong>de</strong>mand<br />

of people non-served that was resolved.<br />

two other factors stand out in figure 1, firstly, the<br />

blocking of cell phone calls in June 2004; and, in 2005,<br />

when the number of calls fell dramatically, a major factor<br />

so that the Mh had to rethink the measure and go back<br />

to accept connections from cell phones, <strong>de</strong>spite their high<br />

cost. The second factor that caused the drop of phone<br />

calls was the need to change the number of the tobacco<br />

Quitline in early 2006 to make the unification of all Mh<br />

numbers for free treatment possible.<br />

finally, although the Brazilian service does not offer<br />

return calls, since its launch, there is great <strong>de</strong>mand<br />

showing that the population is interested in the smoking<br />

issue and it is encouraged to seek information.<br />

Blocking of<br />

cellular calls<br />

Change in the Tobacco<br />

Quitline number<br />

Jan/06<br />

May/06<br />

Sep/06<br />

Jan/07<br />

May/07<br />

Sep/07<br />

Jan/08<br />

May/08<br />

Sep/08<br />

Jan/09<br />

May/09<br />

Sep/09<br />

Figure 1. Evolution of the number of calls received per month, registered by the Tobacco Quitline, from May 2001 to December 2009<br />

Source: ouvidorsus/Mh system.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 337-344<br />


Perez CA, Pinheiro CT, Bialous S, Cunha V, Cavalcante TM<br />

340<br />

sociAL AnD DemogrAphic profiLe<br />

of the 1,236,892 calls received in 2009 by the tobacco<br />

Quitline, 708,316 people, or 57.2%, agreed to answer<br />

the research on the social and <strong>de</strong>mographic profile. as<br />

shown in figure 2, the vast majority, i.e., 79% of users<br />

that sought the service, was, at the time of the call, a<br />

smoker; 15% had never smoked; and 6% were former<br />

smokers, <strong>de</strong>monstrating the high <strong>de</strong>mand for the service<br />

by smokers.<br />

15%<br />

6%<br />

79%<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 337-344<br />

smoker<br />

never smoked<br />

ex-smoker<br />

Figure 2. Distribution of the number of calls regarding smoking status<br />

among individuals who called in 2009 (n = 708,316)<br />

Source: ouvidorsus/Mh system.<br />

in 2009, similar to previous years, the main sources<br />

of difussion of the tobacco Quitline number reported<br />

by respon<strong>de</strong>nts were cigarette packs (33.6%), posters<br />

(21.5%), television (20.6%) and others (24.3%) 8 .<br />

among the people who respon<strong>de</strong>d to the<br />

questionnaire, 80% said it was their first call, 56%<br />

were male and 49% were single, 29% married, 12%<br />

cohabiting, 7% divorced and 3% widowed. as for age,<br />

it was noticed that young people between 12-24 years<br />

old accounted for almost half the population who<br />

sought care, as shown in figure 3.<br />

100%<br />

80%<br />

60%<br />

40%<br />

20%<br />

0%<br />

8,2%<br />

50<br />

years old<br />

Figure 3. Distribution, as to age, of individuals who called the Tobacco<br />

Quitline in 2009, (n = 708,316)<br />

Source: ouvidorsus/Mh system.<br />

When analyzing their educational background<br />

(figure 4), it is perceived that the largest <strong>de</strong>mand to<br />

the service was ma<strong>de</strong> by individuals with complete<br />

elementary and high school education, which<br />

amounted 71% of the surveyed population.<br />

50%<br />

45%<br />

40%<br />

35%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />

16%<br />

43%<br />

Illiterate Elementary<br />

School<br />

28%<br />

High<br />

Schooll<br />

7% 6%<br />

Higher<br />

Education<br />

Postgraduate<br />

Education<br />

Figure 4. Distribution, as to educational background, of individuals<br />

who called the Tobacco Quitline in 2009, (n = 708,316)<br />

Source: ouvidorsus/Mh system.<br />

The profile of individuals who sought the tobacco<br />

Quitline is comprised by young smokers, who have<br />

finished high school and are single. These data are in line<br />

with one of the objectives of the national Program for<br />

tobacco Control, which is to prevent tobacco initiation<br />

that occurs mostly among young teens 2 , as well as<br />

educating them about the harm caused by tobacco use<br />

and reducing exposure to secondhand smoking 15 .<br />

finally, among the subjects requested by citizens to<br />

the tobacco Quitline, 41% of the callers were seeking<br />

information about treatment for smoking cessation. This<br />

option inclu<strong>de</strong>s advice to quit smoking or to help someone<br />

quit smoking, or on medication and alternative methods<br />

or other methods of quitting smoking and also advice on<br />

the grounds of the treatment of smokers.<br />

The second most popular subject brought by citizens<br />

(30%) calling the tobacco Quitline was prevention. here<br />

is inclu<strong>de</strong>d information on how not to start smoking again,<br />

that is, how to prevent relapse, as well as the benefits that<br />

the individual gets when quitting smoking. international<br />

experience confirms that most people who called were<br />

seeking assistance to quit smoking or remain abstinent,<br />

but this type of program also offers other services such<br />

as information to the public and health professionals, as<br />

part of a proposal for dissemination of information on<br />

the harms of smoking, among others 11,16-17 .<br />

of the total number of individuals calling the tobacco<br />

Quitline, 35,382 people requested human service without<br />

hearing any recording and 152,730 people heard some<br />

recording and then requested human service.<br />

legislation relating to smoking cessation programs,<br />

especifically the ordinance 1035 of 2004 18 , which expands<br />

access to smoking approach and treatment in the network<br />

of Basic and average Complexity Care of the Brazilian<br />

health Care system (sus), and <strong>de</strong>termines that medicines

and materials to support the treatment of smokers be ma<strong>de</strong><br />

available to the population, was the third most popular<br />

subject, corresponding to 17%.<br />

Given that the tobacco Quitline serves the entire<br />

country, it was possible to make a survey on the<br />

distribution of calls by state, i<strong>de</strong>ntifying that southeastern<br />

states represent 48% of total calls and that, especially, the<br />

northern states have little representativeness, as presented<br />

in figure 5.<br />

it is important to note that the Brazilian states<br />

which most sought treatment were são Paulo and rio<br />

<strong>de</strong> Janeiro. on the other hand, the northern states<br />

had low <strong>de</strong>mand and may indicate a need for greater<br />

dissemination of the service. it is noteworthy that the<br />

northern states of Brazil did not have high <strong>de</strong>mand, but<br />

there lies the state with the highest prevalence of smokers<br />

in Brazil, acre, with 22% 1 .<br />


Given the number of calls received by the tobacco<br />

Quitline, it is clear that some policy measures affected the<br />

number of incoming calls. for example, a large increase in<br />

the number of calls received was due to the introduction<br />

of this service number on cigarette packages and the<br />

introduction of recor<strong>de</strong>d messages.<br />

other measures seem to be responsible for the <strong>de</strong>crease<br />

in the number of calls such as the blocking of cell phone<br />

calls and the change of the service number. Therefore, such<br />

measures should be evaluated before, so that, if they are<br />

%<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

22.9<br />

12.2<br />

11.1<br />

6.7<br />

5.2 5.2 4.9 4.1 4.0<br />

Tobacco Quitline in Brazil<br />

really necessary, the service can be prepared to receive an<br />

increase in calls and that, if its number has to be changed,<br />

strategies be <strong>de</strong>signed so that people become aware of this<br />

change in advance and are not affected by unavailability<br />

of the service.<br />

The tobacco Quitline proved to be an important<br />

source of information on smoking for the Brazilian<br />

population, with a high <strong>de</strong>mand since its launch. it is<br />

therefore an important tool within the national Policy<br />

for tobacco Control that should be improved and, if<br />

possible, become proactive, thus enabling monitoring of<br />

smokers who <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> to quit smoking or being a source<br />

of motivation for cessation by those who still continue<br />

to smoke.<br />

it is also necessary to conduct an effectiveness survey<br />

to evaluate if smokers who sought the tobacco Quitline<br />

actually quit smoking and remain abstinent.<br />


to the sus/Mh ombudsman team, responsible for<br />

compiling and organizing the data collected for this<br />

article; to Mariana Marques <strong>de</strong> Pinho, who between 2002<br />

and 2008 was part of the coordination of this service<br />

in inCa; to staff members ricardo henrique Meireles<br />

(Conprev / inca), Cristiane Gallardo Vianna (ConiCQ<br />

/ inca) and felipe lacerda Men<strong>de</strong>s (ConiCQ / inca),<br />

who participated in the preparation of the database of<br />

the tobacco Quitline, as well as to all employees of the<br />

Division of tobacco Control / Conprev who took part<br />

in its updates.<br />

2.9 2.6 2.3 2.1 2.1 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.9<br />

0.7 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1<br />


Figure 5. Distribution according to the percentage of calls, by State, to the Tobacco Quitline in 2009<br />

Source: ouvidorsus/Mh system.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 337-344<br />


Perez CA, Pinheiro CT, Bialous S, Cunha V, Cavalcante TM<br />

342<br />


C. a. Perez participated in the <strong>de</strong>sign, research project<br />

planning; collection, analysis and interpretation of data,<br />

writing and critical review. other authors participated in<br />

the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, writing<br />

and critical review.<br />

Declaration of Conflicting Interests: Nothing to Declare<br />


1. <strong>Instituto</strong> Brasileiro <strong>de</strong> Geografia e Estatística (Brasil).<br />

Diretoria <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas. Coor<strong>de</strong>nação <strong>de</strong> Trabalho e<br />

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<strong>de</strong> Controle do Tabagismo e Outros Fatores <strong>de</strong> Risco <strong>de</strong><br />

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quitlines: an un<strong>de</strong>rrecognized intervention success story.<br />

Am Psychol. 2010 May-Jun;65(4):252-61.<br />

7. World Health Organization. Policy recommendations for<br />

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[Geneva]: WHO; 2003.<br />

8. Zhu SH, Rosbrook B, An<strong>de</strong>rson C, Gilpin E, Sadler G,<br />

Pierce JP. The <strong>de</strong>mographics of help-seeking for smoking<br />

cessation in California and the role of the California<br />

Smokers’ Helpline. Tob Control. 1995;4(suppl 1):S9-15.<br />

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9. Brasil. Ministério da Saú<strong>de</strong>. Secretaria <strong>de</strong> Gestão<br />

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Geral do SUS. Relatório temático: tabagismo [Internet].<br />

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portal.sau<strong>de</strong>.gov.br/portal/arquivos/pdf/relatorio_<br />

tabagismo_2009.pdf<br />

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Gui<strong>de</strong>lines for implementation of article 14 of the WHO<br />

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<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce and cessation) [Internet]. [cited 2011 Jul 14].<br />

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of telephone helpline services in the context of massmedia<br />

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Tobacco Quitline in Brazil<br />

Resumo<br />

Introdução: o Disque saú<strong>de</strong> Pare <strong>de</strong> fumar é um serviço <strong>de</strong> aconselhamento para a cessação <strong>de</strong> fumar por meio do<br />

telefone e uma fonte <strong>de</strong> esclarecimento da população sobre os malefícios do tabagismo. Objetivo: Descrever o perfil<br />

dos indivíduos que procuraram o Disque saú<strong>de</strong> Pare <strong>de</strong> fumar, fazer uma análise <strong>de</strong>scritiva do serviço e discutir a<br />

evolução do número <strong>de</strong> chamadas, relacionando-as às medidas políticas. Métodos: entre os meses <strong>de</strong> janeiro a <strong>de</strong>zembro<br />

<strong>de</strong> 2009, os dados foram coletados nos sistemas ouvidorsus e Web Report. levantou-se o número <strong>de</strong> ligações e sua<br />

distribuição <strong>de</strong> acordo com dados socio<strong>de</strong>mográficos como gênero, estado civil, escolarida<strong>de</strong>, faixa etária e assunto<br />

procurado. também foi i<strong>de</strong>ntificado o status do tabagismo dos indivíduos: fumante, ex-fumante ou nunca fumou e<br />

se é a primeira vez que está ligando para o serviço. Resultados: o tabagismo representou 23% <strong>de</strong> todas as ligações<br />

recebidas, posicionando-o como segundo assunto mais procurado <strong>de</strong>pois <strong>de</strong> doenças e orientações sobre saú<strong>de</strong>.<br />

entre os indivíduos que telefonaram para o Disque saú<strong>de</strong> Pare <strong>de</strong> fumar, 79% eram fumantes e 80% informaram<br />

ter ligado pela primeira vez. Quanto à faixa etária, os jovens, entre 12 a 24 anos <strong>de</strong> ida<strong>de</strong>, representam quase meta<strong>de</strong><br />

da população que procura pelo atendimento e, entre todas as pessoas que ligaram, 56% eram do sexo masculino e<br />

49% eram solteiros. Conclusão: o Disque saú<strong>de</strong> Pare <strong>de</strong> fumar mostrou-se uma importante fonte <strong>de</strong> informações,<br />

entretanto faz-se necessário realizar uma pesquisa <strong>de</strong> efetivida<strong>de</strong> quanto à cessação <strong>de</strong> fumar.<br />

Palavras-chave: transtorno por uso <strong>de</strong> tabaco; abandono do uso <strong>de</strong> tabaco; tabagismo; epi<strong>de</strong>miologia Descritiva<br />

Resumen<br />

Introducción: el teléfono <strong>de</strong> atención ciudadana: “Pare <strong>de</strong> fumar” es un importante servicio <strong>de</strong> consejo a la población<br />

para el cese <strong>de</strong> fumar a través <strong>de</strong>l teléfono, así como una fuente <strong>de</strong> aclaración a la población acerca <strong>de</strong>l tabaquismo.<br />

Objetivo: el objetivo <strong>de</strong> este artículo fue <strong>de</strong>scribir el perfil <strong>de</strong> los individuos que buscaron el teléfono <strong>de</strong> atención<br />

ciudadana: “Pare <strong>de</strong> fumar”, realizar un análisis <strong>de</strong>scriptivo <strong>de</strong>l teléfono <strong>de</strong> atención ciudadana: “Pare <strong>de</strong> fumar” y<br />

discutir la evolución <strong>de</strong>l número <strong>de</strong> llamadas, relacionándolas a algunas medidas políticas. Método: entre los meses<br />

<strong>de</strong> enero a diciembre <strong>de</strong> 2009 se analizaron los datos recolectados a través <strong>de</strong> los sistemas ouvidor sus y Web report.<br />

Con esos levantamientos fue posible <strong>de</strong>scribir el perfil <strong>de</strong> los individuos que buscaron la atención en cuanto al número<br />

<strong>de</strong> llamadas y la distribución en consonancia con datos socio <strong>de</strong>mográficos como género, estado civil, escolaridad,<br />

franja etaria y asunto buscado. estos datos fueron recogidos a través <strong>de</strong> un cuestionario hecho por teléfono. fueron<br />

también realizadas preguntas sobre el status <strong>de</strong>l tabaquismo como si actualmente es fumador, ex-fumador o nunca<br />

fumó y si es la primera que llama al servicio. Resultados: el tabaquismo representó 23% <strong>de</strong> todas llamadas recibidas,<br />

lo que lo clasifica como el segundo asunto más buscado <strong>de</strong>spués <strong>de</strong> enfermeda<strong>de</strong>s y orientaciones sobre salud. entre<br />

las personas que llaman para la línea <strong>de</strong> salud para <strong>de</strong>jar <strong>de</strong> fumar, 79% eran fumadores y 80% reportó haber llamado<br />

por primera vez. en cuanto a la franja etaria mostró que los jóvenes <strong>de</strong> entre 12 y 24 años <strong>de</strong> edad representan casi la<br />

mitad <strong>de</strong> la población que busca cuidar y entre todas las personas que llamaron el 56% eran hombres y el 49% eran<br />

solteros. Conclusión: el teléfono resultó ser una importante fuente <strong>de</strong> información sobre el tabaquismo, sin embargo,<br />

es necesario llevar a cabo un estudio sobre la eficacia <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>jar <strong>de</strong> fumar entre los fumadores que se llaman.<br />

Palabras clave: trastorno por uso <strong>de</strong> tabaco; Cese <strong>de</strong>l uso <strong>de</strong> tabaco; tabaquismo; epi<strong>de</strong>miología Descriptiva<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 337-344<br />


Original Article<br />

Anxiety, Depression and motivation in smokers<br />

Article submitted on 2/28/11; accepted for publication on 5/25/11<br />

Evaluation of the Level of Anxiety, Depression and Motivation of<br />

Smokers Seeking Treatment for Smoking Cessation in the Fe<strong>de</strong>ral<br />

District<br />

Avaliação do Grau <strong>de</strong> Ansieda<strong>de</strong>, Depressão e Motivação dos Fumantes que<br />

Procuraram Tratamento para Deixar <strong>de</strong> Fumar no Distrito Fe<strong>de</strong>ral<br />

Evaluación <strong>de</strong>l Grado <strong>de</strong> la Ansiedad, <strong>de</strong> la Depresión y <strong>de</strong> la Motivación <strong>de</strong> los<br />

Fumadores que Solicitan Tratamiento para Dejar <strong>de</strong> Fumar en el Distrito Fe<strong>de</strong>ral<br />

maria suélita <strong>de</strong> Lima 1 , carlos Alberto <strong>de</strong> Assis viegas 2<br />

Abstract<br />

Introduction: anxiety, <strong>de</strong>pression and low motivation can interfere with successful treatment of smoking. Objective:<br />

to evaluate the level of anxiety, <strong>de</strong>pression and motivation of smokers enrolled in cessation programs in the fe<strong>de</strong>ral<br />

District. Method: a cross-sectional study involving 1,233 smokers enrolled at 19 reference Centers. instruments:<br />

Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, motivation (richmond test), and forms with social and <strong>de</strong>mographic data. for<br />

data analysis, where appropriate, the Stu<strong>de</strong>nt t test, chi-square and Spearman correlation were used. Results: Women<br />

had higher level of anxiety (p

Lima MS, Viegas CAA<br />

346<br />


although the harmful effects of tobacco use are quite<br />

known, according to the Brazilian institute of Geography<br />

and statistics (iBGe), in Brazil, in 2008 , the percentage<br />

of smokers was 17.5% among people aged 15 or above,<br />

which correspon<strong>de</strong>d to the contingent of 25 million<br />

people. in the fe<strong>de</strong>ral District, the percentage of smokers<br />

found was 13.4% 1 .<br />

among the reasons smokers report to continue<br />

smoking is the relief of anxiety and <strong>de</strong>pression symptoms.<br />

furthermore, it is known that anxiety is associated with<br />

increased risk of relapse during smoking cessation, and<br />

<strong>de</strong>pressive symptoms are significant predictors of lapses<br />

and premature relapses 2 . it is observed that many people<br />

who meet diagnostic criteria for mental disor<strong>de</strong>rs do<br />

not seek treatment for this condition, which makes it<br />

important to investigate the relationship between mental<br />

illness and smoking 3 . Thus, a closer look at the issues<br />

related to anxiety and <strong>de</strong>pression of smokers un<strong>de</strong>rgoing<br />

treatment for smoking cessation, as well as the provision<br />

of concurrent treatment, may become an important step<br />

to help them cope with nicotine abstinence 4 .<br />

another important point in this process is motivation,<br />

which is an indispensable condition to initiate treatment,<br />

and its absence practically eliminates the hope of<br />

abstinence. The knowledge of the characteristics associated<br />

with the motivation for quitting and smoking cessatiom<br />

are important because they enable the i<strong>de</strong>ntification of<br />

groups with higher and lower probabilities to smoking<br />

cessation and, thereby, adapt approach strategies 5 .<br />

Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate<br />

the levels of anxiety, <strong>de</strong>pression and motivation in patients<br />

seeking treatment to quit smoking in reference Centers<br />

of smoking treatment in the fe<strong>de</strong>ral District.<br />


a cross-sectional study was carried out with 1233<br />

patients from 19 reference Centers of smoking treatment<br />

in the fe<strong>de</strong>ral District. The data were collected in the<br />

period from february to september 2009, by professionals<br />

who give assistance and who were previously trained by<br />

the researchers. The survey was conducted after approval<br />

of the research ethics Committee of the foundation for<br />

teaching and research of health sciences (fePeCs)<br />

ses/Df (letter no 256/09. CeP/ses), based on the<br />

resolution 196/96 Cns/Ms, which provi<strong>de</strong>s for “research<br />

involving human beings”. all patients in the study signed<br />

a free and informed consent and filled out a form when<br />

they entered the smoking cessation program. information<br />

concerning the levels of anxiety and <strong>de</strong>pression were<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 345-353<br />

measured with the hospital anxiety and Depression<br />

scale (haDs). for each item, 0, 1, 2 or 3 points can be<br />

given - the odd questions evaluate the level of anxiety<br />

(haDs-a) and the even ones the level of <strong>de</strong>pression<br />

(haDs-D). zigmond and snaith 6 cut-offs were adopted,<br />

recommen<strong>de</strong>d for both situations: from 0-7 points:<br />

unlikely, 8-11 points: possible (questionable or doubtful)<br />

and 12-21: likely. at the beginning, haDs was <strong>de</strong>signed<br />

to i<strong>de</strong>ntify symptoms of anxiety and <strong>de</strong>pression in clinical<br />

hospital not psychiatric patients, and subsequently used<br />

in non-hospitalized patients without diagnosed diseases 7 .<br />

We opted for this scale because of its easy handling and<br />

fast execution, which enables it to be used either by the<br />

patient or interviewer.<br />

Motivation was measured by the richmond test,<br />

and cut-offs suggested by the author 8 were adopted: 0-6:<br />

low motivation, 7-9: mo<strong>de</strong>rate motivation and 10: high<br />

motivation. social and <strong>de</strong>mographic data were obtained<br />

from the “outpatient smoking Cessation Clinic form”.<br />

Data were analyzed through the statistical Package for<br />

social sciences (sPss), version 17,0, using stu<strong>de</strong>nt's t<br />

test or chi-square test and spearman correlation whenever<br />

appropriate for the comparison of variables; the level of<br />

significance was 5% (p. 0.05).<br />


a total of 1,233 patient sheets from various health<br />

units of fe<strong>de</strong>ral District was searched. in table 1 socio<strong>de</strong>mographic<br />

and economic data from the sample are<br />

presented, and it is noticed that most patients, 65%,<br />

were females. age ranged from 19 to 77 years old, 44±11<br />

years on average. age at smoking initiation was between<br />

5 and 40 years old, 16±4.7 years on average; and, in 70%<br />

of the sample, the age at smoking initiation was un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

20 years old.<br />

as to family income, patients who received less than<br />

one minimum wage are equivalent to 13%, those with<br />

incomes from 1 to 2 MW, totalize 15%; 2-4 MW - 10%,<br />

4-6 MW - 3%, 6-8 MW - 2%, and 8 MW or above - 4%.<br />

as to education, it is noticed that among most patients<br />

surveyed 43% finished elementary school, 37% finished<br />

high school and just slightly more than 11% have higher<br />

education. it was also observed that 6% of patients are<br />

not literate.<br />

table 2 shows the levels of <strong>de</strong>pression in the<br />

population studied and their distribution within the<br />

analyzed variables. it is possible to see that women are<br />

statistically significantly (p

Table 1. Distribution of population as to socio<strong>de</strong>mographic and economic variables<br />

Gen<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Age group<br />

Age range at smoking<br />

initiation<br />

Income range in<br />

minimum wage<br />

Educational background<br />

Anxiety, Depression and motivation in smokers<br />

Studied factor n %<br />

groups, although a ten<strong>de</strong>ncy to be more <strong>de</strong>pressed can be<br />

observed in the population ranging from 41 to 50 years<br />

old. Probable <strong>de</strong>pressed patients’ average age was 45±12<br />

years. When comparing the age at smoking initiation and<br />

the level of <strong>de</strong>pression, it was found that the relationship<br />

between them was significant (p = 0.025), and from this<br />

data, it si possible to extract that patients with a probable<br />

level of <strong>de</strong>pression started smoking at an average age of<br />

15±5 years.<br />

regarding family income, there is statistically<br />

significantly higher <strong>de</strong>pression probability among the ones<br />

in the least favored groups (p = 0.001). similarly, smokers<br />

with lower educational background had significantly (p<br />

= 0.003) more chances of <strong>de</strong>pression than those with<br />

higher education. as to the amount of tobacco consumed<br />

daily and scale of <strong>de</strong>pression, no statistically significant<br />

association (p> 0.05) was found.<br />

in table 3, there are variables related to the level of<br />

anxiety, and it can be verified that the level of anxiety<br />

Male 427 34.6<br />

Female 806 65.4<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r 30 years old 165 13.4<br />

31 to 40 y 250 20.3<br />

41 to 50 y 432 35<br />

51 to 60 y 278 22.5<br />

61 y and above 108 8.8<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r 10 years 97 7.9<br />

11 to 20 y 949 77<br />

21 to 30 y 100 8.1<br />

Above 30 y 20 1.6<br />

Not reported 66 5.4<br />

Less than 1 MW 161 13.1<br />

1 to 1.99 MW 190 15.4<br />

2 to 3.99 MW 119 9.6<br />

4 to 5.99 MW 42 3.4<br />

6 to 7.99 MW 27 2.2<br />

8 MW or above 54 4.4<br />

Not reported 640 51.9<br />

Illiterate 76 6.2<br />

Elementary 531 43.1<br />

High school 459 37.2<br />

Higher education 143 11.6<br />

Not reported 24 1.9<br />

among men and women showed significant difference<br />


Lima MS, Viegas CAA<br />

348<br />

Table 2. Level of <strong>de</strong>pression as to socio<strong>de</strong>mographic variables<br />

Gen<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Age range<br />

Income<br />

range in<br />

minimum<br />

wages<br />

Educational<br />

background<br />

Age at the<br />

smoking<br />

onset<br />

Amount<br />

of tobacco<br />

(cigarettes)<br />

a day<br />

also compared. in table 4, it is observed that the level of<br />

motivation varies with the patient’s gen<strong>de</strong>r. Motivation is<br />

different between men and women, and this difference is<br />

significant (p = 0.006). Chances that a man be classified<br />

with low motivation are twice higher than in women.<br />

Motivation had no significant correlation with age<br />

range (p = 0.607), educational background (p = 0.408),<br />

age at smoking initiation (p = 0.510), family income<br />

(p = 0.116); amount of tobacco smoked a day (p =<br />

0.077); and the anxiety (p = 0.072) and <strong>de</strong>pression<br />

scales (p = 0.293).<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 345-353<br />

Depression Scale (HAD)<br />

Unlikely Possible Likely<br />

n n n<br />

Total<br />

n<br />

Chi-square<br />

test (p-value)<br />

Male 248 108 60 416<br />

Female 334 237 213 784 0.000<br />

Total 582 345 273 1,200<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r 30 y 85 47 30 162<br />

31 to 40 104 89 52 245<br />

41 to 50<br />

51 to 60<br />

201<br />

134<br />

113<br />

75<br />

106<br />

59<br />

420<br />

268<br />

0.066<br />

61 and above 58 21 26 105<br />

Total 582 345 273 1,200<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r 1 MW 60 46 52 158<br />

1 to 1.99 MW 86 56 41 183<br />

2 to 3.99 MW 64 29 25 118<br />

4 to 5.99 MW 25 10 6 41 0.001<br />

6 to 7.99 MW 18 5 4 27<br />

8 MW or above 37 12 4 53<br />

Total 290 158 132 580<br />

Illiterate 24 27 19 70<br />

Elementary 238 146 136 520<br />

High school 231 126 92 449<br />

Higher educ. 80 41 18 139<br />

Total 573 340 265 1,178<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r 10 y 41 32 22 95<br />

11 to 20 y 435 264 225 924<br />

21 to 30 y 61 24 12 97<br />

Above 30 y 6 8 6 20<br />

Total 543 328 265 1,136<br />

Less than 20 359 204 161 724<br />

More than 20 137 93 69 299<br />

Total 496 297 230 1,023<br />


0.003<br />

0.025<br />

0.519<br />

tobacco smoking is a disease of complex treatment.<br />

Most smokers show peculiar characteristics and are often<br />

among specific populations that <strong>de</strong>mand differentiated<br />

attention. a careful evaluation of patients seeking<br />

treatment is of primordial importance to suit the various<br />

strategies for treatment.<br />

in this sample, 59% of patients quit smoking at the<br />

end of the fourth session of treatment, 34% of patients<br />

were classified with likely level for anxiety and 28% with

Table 3. Level of anxiety as to socio<strong>de</strong>mographic variables<br />

Gen<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Age range<br />

Income<br />

range in<br />

minimum<br />

wages<br />

Educational<br />

background<br />

Age at the<br />

smoking<br />

initiation<br />

Amount<br />

of tobacco<br />

(cigarettes)<br />

a day<br />

Anxiety scale (HAD)<br />

Unlikely Possible Likely<br />

Total<br />

n n n n<br />

Male 192 130 93 415<br />

Female 192 268 327 787<br />

Total 384 398 420 1,202<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r 30 y 54 59 50 163<br />

31 to 40 67 76 102 245<br />

41 to 50 124 146 152 422<br />

51 to 60 89 90 89 268<br />

61 and above 50 27 27 104<br />

Total 384 398 420 1,202<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r 1 MW 37 58 65 160<br />

1 to 1.99 MW 61 58 64 183<br />

2 to 3.99 MW 33 43 43 119<br />

4 to 5.99 MW 16 13 12 41<br />

6 to 7.99 MW 14 8 5 27<br />

8 MW or above 21 21 10 52<br />

Total 182 201 199 582<br />

Illiterate 16 18 36 70<br />

Elementary 155 167 200 522<br />

High school 157 148 144 449<br />

Higher educ. 48 58 33 139<br />

Total 376 391 413 1,180<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r 10 y 28 26 41 95<br />

11 to 20 y 282 317 327 926<br />

21 to 30 y 43 28 26 97<br />

Above 30 y 5 9 6 20<br />

Total 358 380 400 1,138<br />

Less than 20 231 252 242 725<br />

More than 20 96 90 114 300<br />

likely level for <strong>de</strong>pression. Motivation was high in 51%<br />

of cases. regarding anxiety and <strong>de</strong>pression, this rate is is<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>red high when compared to other studies, such as<br />

Mc Clave et al., who found 14.9% of patients diagnosed<br />

with anxiety and 20.3% with diagnosis of <strong>de</strong>pression.<br />

Women showed levels of anxiety and <strong>de</strong>pression higher<br />

than men, as already noticed by other authors, whose<br />

findings show that it’s nearly twice as high when compared<br />

to men 10 . another relevant fact was that women are more<br />

motivated to quit smoking than men, although it is known<br />

that men have higher rates of cessation than women in<br />

the smoking cessation treatment. The probable levels of<br />

Total 327 342 356 1,025<br />

Anxiety, Depression and motivation in smokers<br />

Chisquare<br />

test<br />

(p-value)<br />

0.000<br />

0.008<br />

0.039<br />

0.001<br />

0.057<br />

0.253<br />

<strong>de</strong>pression and anxiety were also more prevalent in female<br />

patients and in those with lower education. inasmuch as<br />

psychiatric comorbidities are related to the worst indices<br />

of smoking cessation, this fact reinforces the data shown<br />

in the study by ferguson et al. 11 , in which some successful<br />

predictors of smoking abstinence were found, such as:<br />

male gen<strong>de</strong>r, higher education level, higher motivation,<br />

absence of psychiatric comorbidity symptoms and less<br />

<strong>de</strong>pression symptoms.<br />

The relationship between tobacco and poverty was,<br />

as a vicious cycle, has already been well documented. in<br />

most countries there is an association between smoking,<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 345-353<br />


Lima MS, Viegas CAA<br />

350<br />

Table 4. Level of anxiety as to socio<strong>de</strong>mographic variables<br />

Gen<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Age range<br />

Income<br />

range in<br />

minimum<br />

wage<br />

Educational<br />

background<br />

Amount of<br />

tobbaco<br />

a day<br />

(cigarettes)<br />

Age range<br />

at smoking<br />

initiation<br />

Depression<br />

scale (HAD)<br />

Anxiety scale<br />

(HAD)<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 345-353<br />

Motivation (Richmond test)<br />

Low Mo<strong>de</strong>rate High<br />

Total<br />

n n n n<br />

Male 32 183 204 419<br />

Female 29 334 426 789<br />

Total 61 517 630 1,208<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r 30 y 7 73 82 162<br />

31 to 40 y 13 103 129 245<br />

41 t0 50 y 16 187 223 426<br />

51 to 60 y 16 116 138 270<br />

61 and above 9 38 58 105<br />

Total 61 517 630 1,208<br />

Less than 1 MW 7 67 86 160<br />

1 to 1.99 MW 8 74 102 184<br />

2 to 3.9 MW 10 53 56 119<br />

4 to 5.99 MW 4 14 23 41<br />

6 to 7.99 Mw 3 15 9 27<br />

8 MW or above 3 31 19 53<br />

Total 35 254 295 584<br />

Illiterate 4 32 34 70<br />

Elementary 26 211 283 520<br />

High school 21 196 236 453<br />

Higher education 9 71 61 141<br />

Total 60 510 614 1,184<br />

Less than 20<br />

cigarretes<br />

30 323 374 727<br />

More than 20<br />

cigarettes<br />

21 118 163 302<br />

Total 51 441 537 1,029<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r 10 y 5 32 59 96<br />

11 to 20 y 47 406 477 930<br />

21 to 30 y 5 41 52 98<br />

30 y and above 1 6 13 20<br />

Total 58 485 601 1,144<br />

Unlikely 24 245 313 582<br />

Likely 18 143 184 345<br />

Probable 18 125 128 271<br />

Total 60 513 625 1,198<br />

Unlikely 22 153 209 384<br />

Likely 11 186 201 398<br />

Probable 26 175 217 418<br />

Total 59 514 627 1,200<br />

Chisquare<br />

test<br />

(p-value)<br />

0.006<br />

0.607<br />

0.039<br />

0.408<br />

0.077<br />

0.510<br />

0.293<br />


low income and low educational level. in Brazil, among<br />

groups of individuals with low level of education, the<br />

likelihood of their becoming smokers is five times higher<br />

than individuals who have graduated from university 12 . it<br />

is also known that <strong>de</strong>pressive disor<strong>de</strong>rs are more common<br />

in women and in people with lower incomes and lower<br />

level of education 13 .in this study, in addition to smoking,<br />

patients with lower income and lower education also had<br />

a higher likelihood for anxiety and <strong>de</strong>pression. Cigarette<br />

smoking is associated with the possibility of pleasure and<br />

anxiety relief, as exemplified by rondina et al. 14 : some<br />

<strong>de</strong>pressed smokers may use smoking to relieve their<br />

negative feelings.<br />

in this study, the smoking initiation age confirms<br />

data in the literature: the majority started smoking<br />

in adolescence, a phase of life when group influences,<br />

rebellion and self-assurance are present. These findings<br />

coinci<strong>de</strong> with the studies by levy et al. 15 and Pe<strong>de</strong>rsen 16 , in<br />

what regards the strong association between the smoking<br />

initiation in adolescence and the subsequent appearance<br />

of symptoms of <strong>de</strong>pression. These authors also found a<br />

strong association between the smoking initiation age and<br />

anxiety. smoking in adolescence seems to be a starting<br />

point for further psychopathologies, because this phase<br />

of life is a period of higher neural vulnerability to the<br />

effects of nicotine on the synaptic function and brain<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopment 17 .<br />

as to the data in this study, a ten<strong>de</strong>ncy between the<br />

likely level of anxiety and smoking initiation age (p =<br />

0.057) was observed. another <strong>de</strong>tail that draws attention<br />

was the absence of significant difference between amount<br />

of tobacco per day and the levels of anxiety and <strong>de</strong>pression,<br />

which differs from literature. a study by Kang and lee. 18 in<br />

Korea i<strong>de</strong>ntified the presence of <strong>de</strong>pression among 31.3% of<br />

people who smoked two packs or more a day and, among<br />

18.7% of those who smoked, less than half a pack a day.<br />

This same study showed in<strong>de</strong>x of <strong>de</strong>pression among nonsmokers<br />

of 17.8%, which was lower than the one found<br />

among those who smoked less than half a pack or more than<br />

two packs a day. other studies have shown that anxious and<br />

<strong>de</strong>pressed patients tend to increase tobacco consumption as<br />

self-medication to minimize the symptoms 17-18 .<br />

Patients suffering from likely anxiety and <strong>de</strong>pression<br />

were aged between 41 and 50 years old. This data is<br />

corroborated by another study, in which the average age<br />

was 46 years old, which can also be an indicative of a<br />

period in life cycle characterized by important hormonal<br />

changes and, especifically in the case of women, the<br />

imminence of menopause 19 .<br />

as previously mentioned, half of the smokers in this<br />

sample showed high level of motivation, regardless of the<br />

levels of anxiety and <strong>de</strong>pression, but when we compared<br />

Anxiety, Depression and motivation in smokers<br />

the variables of this study to the level of motivation in the<br />

three levels of richmond scale, there are some differences<br />

to be consi<strong>de</strong>red such as the mo<strong>de</strong>rate level of motivation<br />

presented by 84% of smokers who started smoking at ages<br />

from 11 to 20 years, in 41% of smokers with elementary<br />

education only and in 73.% of those who smoked up to<br />

20 cigarettes a day. We found low levels of motivation<br />

in 44% of patients with likely level of anxiety and 30%<br />

with likely level of <strong>de</strong>pression. in a study by Melo et al. 20 ,<br />

when comparing the motivational stages with anxiety and<br />

<strong>de</strong>pression, attention is drawn to the fact that the higher<br />

scores of anxiety and <strong>de</strong>pression, the less motivation and<br />

adherence to treatment. our results were not consistent<br />

with this study, since no correlation was found between<br />

motivation and high levels anxiety and <strong>de</strong>pression (p =<br />

0.072 and p = 0.293).<br />

The fact that the patients surveyed were seeking a place<br />

for treatment in one of the reference Centers may have<br />

influenced the information related to motivation and this<br />

can be consi<strong>de</strong>red a factor liable to cause confusion in this<br />

variable. another limitation of this study is that, when a<br />

test is applied, it refers only to that specific moment the<br />

person is living, and it may be un<strong>de</strong>r the influence of<br />

transitory situations and facts.<br />


The study data suggest that about 30% of smokers<br />

who sought treatment at the reference Centers in the<br />

fe<strong>de</strong>ral District showed likely levels of anxiety and<br />

<strong>de</strong>pression. among these, 50% were highly motivated to<br />

quit smoking. Women showed the highest likely levels of<br />

anxiety and <strong>de</strong>pression; however, as for men, motivation<br />

for cessation is highlighted.<br />

from these results, attention is drawn to the need of<br />

evaluating the motivation of patients and the preparation<br />

of the health care staff for early recognition of psychiatric<br />

comorbidities through the early <strong>de</strong>tection of signs and<br />

symptoms, which can <strong>de</strong>fine a more appropriate treatment<br />

for smoking, thus increasing the rate of success.<br />


to Dr. Celso antonio rodrigues da silva for the<br />

incentive to accomplish this work through his contagious<br />

enthusiasm as the head of the tobbaco Control Program<br />

in the fe<strong>de</strong>ral District.<br />


Maria lima suelita contributed to data collection,<br />

analysis and interpretation; Carlos alberto <strong>de</strong> assisViegas<br />

contributed to the final writing and editing.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 345-353<br />


Lima MS, Viegas CAA<br />

352<br />

Declaration of Conflicting Interests: Nothing to Declare.<br />


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Eberman KM, Hurt RD. Predictors of 6-month tobacco<br />

abstinence among 1224 cigarette smokers treated for<br />

nicotine <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce. Addict Behav. 2003;28:1203-18.<br />

12. Organização Pan-Americana da Saú<strong>de</strong>. Tabaco e pobreza,<br />

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20. Melo WV, Oliveira MS, Ferreira EA. Estágios motivacionais,<br />

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Anxiety, Depression and motivation in smokers<br />

Resumo<br />

Introdução: ansieda<strong>de</strong>, <strong>de</strong>pressão e baixa motivação po<strong>de</strong>m interferir no sucesso do tratamento do tabagismo. Objetivo:<br />

avaliar o grau <strong>de</strong> ansieda<strong>de</strong>, <strong>de</strong>pressão e motivação dos fumantes atendidos no Distrito fe<strong>de</strong>ral. Método: estudo<br />

transversal, envolvendo 1.233 fumantes atendidos em 19 Centros <strong>de</strong> referência. instrumentos utilizados: Hospital<br />

Anxiety and Depression Scale, teste <strong>de</strong> motivação <strong>de</strong> richmond e ficha com dados socio<strong>de</strong>mográficos. Para análise<br />

dos dados, foi utilizado, quando pertinente, teste t <strong>de</strong> Stu<strong>de</strong>nt, qui-quadrado e correlação <strong>de</strong> spearman. Resultados:<br />

Mulheres apresentaram maiores graus <strong>de</strong> ansieda<strong>de</strong> (p

Original Article<br />

Tobacco Smoking and Body Composition<br />

Article submitted on 02/02/11; accepted for publication on 05/26/11<br />

Impact of Tobacco and Alcohol on the Body Composition of Youth<br />

Impacto do Tabagismo e Álcool sobre a Composição Corporal <strong>de</strong> Jovens<br />

Impacto <strong>de</strong>l Tabaquismo y el Alcohol en la Composición Corporal en la Juventud<br />

ellencristina da silva batista 1 , Tatiana do nascimento campos 2 , flávia Xavier valente 3 , sílvia eloiza priore 4 , sylvia do carmo castro franceschini 5 ,<br />

céphora maria sabarense 6 , maria do carmo gouveia peluzio 7<br />

Abstract<br />

Introdution: The early onset of smoking and alcohol consumption, whether or not associated with excess weight are<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>red modifiable risk factors for chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer. When occurring<br />

concomitantly, they increase the likelihood of <strong>de</strong>veloping these diseases. Objectives: Given these assumptions, this<br />

study aimed to evaluate the influence of smoking and alcohol consumption on body composition of young people.<br />

Method: a cross-sectional, analytical and <strong>de</strong>scriptive study with 68 volunteers, among smokers and non-smokers,<br />

between 18 and 26 years of age, from three universities, four elementary schools, two high schools and two technical<br />

courses in the town of Viçosa, MG, Brazil. Results: among the body composition measures, BMi, waist circumference<br />

and waist-hip ratio were higher among male smokers (p

Batista ES, Campos TN, Valente FX, Priore SE, Franceschini SCC, Sabarense CM, Peluzio MCG<br />

356<br />


tobacco smoking is consi<strong>de</strong>red today a global Public<br />

health problem and the strongest preventable isolated<br />

cause of diseases and premature <strong>de</strong>aths in the world,<br />

accounting for 5 million <strong>de</strong>aths a year. if the current pattern<br />

of consumption remains the same, 10 million <strong>de</strong>aths are<br />

expected a year in 2020, 70% of them in <strong>de</strong>veloping<br />

countries. in Brazil, data from the Pan american health<br />

organization (oPas), point out to 200 thousand <strong>de</strong>aths<br />

a year due to tobacco smoking 1 .<br />

tobbaco initiation usually occurs in adolescence,<br />

between 13 and 14 years old on average. The earlier the<br />

initiation, the more severe the addiction to associated<br />

problems 2 . tobacco smoking in adolescence has been<br />

associated to parental, friend, and ol<strong>de</strong>r siblings smoking,<br />

low performance in school, school dropout and paid<br />

work 3 . among the reasons for adolescent cigarette<br />

experimentation, the most common one was “curiosity”.<br />

other reasons shown were the nicotine effect (pleasure and<br />

relaxation) and friends’ influence 4 .<br />

inappropriate feeding in this period, characterized by<br />

the massive consumption of sugar and fats, associated to<br />

low consumption of fruits and greenery and the long period<br />

<strong>de</strong>dicated to low intensity activities, such as watching<br />

television, using the computer and playing vi<strong>de</strong>o games,<br />

contributes to the gaining of weight among adolecents 5 .<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>ring that many unsolved questions as to the effect<br />

of tobacco over body weight, there are increasing evi<strong>de</strong>nces<br />

that smoking is favorable to a major accumulation of visceral<br />

fats and resistance to insulin, and, as a result, it increases the<br />

risk of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes 5 .<br />

as much as it is for tobacco, the early initiation of<br />

alcohol consumption is one of the most relevant predictors<br />

of health, social, cultural and economic problems.<br />

Consumption before the age of 16 significantly raises the<br />

risk of excessive alcohol consumption at adult age, for both<br />

gen<strong>de</strong>rs. young adults constitute the population group with<br />

the most serious problems concerning alcoholic beverages 6 .<br />

accordingly to slaterry et al., the consumption of grams<br />

of alcohol per week and the number of cigarettes smoked a<br />

day were significantly associated to total body fat and body<br />

fat distribution through the waist/hip circumference ratio<br />

in young men and women 7 .<br />

as we face these assumptions, this study aims at<br />

evaluating the influence of tobacco smoking and alcoholic<br />

beverage consumption in the body composition of young<br />

adults.<br />

METHOD<br />

a transversal, analytics and <strong>de</strong>scriptive study was<br />

<strong>de</strong>veloped with volunteers between 18 and 26 years old<br />

from three colleges, four schools, two pre-college courses<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 355-363<br />

and two technical courses in the city of Viçosa, MG,<br />

Brazil.<br />

The volunteers were selected through the filling out<br />

of a form with questions about cigarettes consumption.<br />

individuals were consi<strong>de</strong>red smokers if they stated<br />

smoking, at least, a cigarette a day during the last 30<br />

days before filling out the form and, non-smokers, those<br />

who have never tried a cigarette before. a person was<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>red a former smoker if he smoked for a long period,<br />

and these were exclu<strong>de</strong>d from the research.<br />

also, those who stated having experimented a cigarette<br />

at least once; who had cardiovascular problems, thyroid<br />

alterations, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, feeding allergy<br />

or intestinal malabsorption syndrome; pregnant women<br />

and nursing, were exclu<strong>de</strong>d. individuals who were making<br />

regular and recent use of multivitamins (during the last<br />

six months) were also exclu<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

The evaluations were individually done and led by only<br />

one qualified professional. The research was conducted<br />

after approval of the research ethics Committee from<br />

Viçosa fe<strong>de</strong>ral university (ufV), Viçosa (MG), Brazil,<br />

in 2005, in accordance with the resolution 196/96 about<br />

“research involving human Beings”, from the health<br />

Council of the Ministry of health. all participants signed<br />

a free and clear informed Consent before their inclusion<br />

on the sample.<br />

The volunteers were divi<strong>de</strong>d in two groups: smokers<br />

(34) and non-smokers (34). for each selected smoker, a<br />

non-smoker of the same age and gen<strong>de</strong>r was chosen by<br />

lot, once there was a pairing by gen<strong>de</strong>r and age, totalizing<br />

68 participants.<br />

the information about smoking was obtained<br />

through a questionnaire. for the management of the<br />

variables about tobacco smoking, the following measures<br />

were taken into consi<strong>de</strong>ration: the number of cigarettes<br />

smoked a day, the date of smoking initiation to calculate<br />

the time of consumption. The consumption of alcoholic<br />

beverages was also evaluated through a questionnaire and<br />

its classification was done in quarters based on quantity<br />

(quarter i: if consumption was between 80 and 1,750 ml,<br />

and quarter ii, between 1,750 ml and 5,400 ml; quarter<br />

iii: between 5,400 and 6,750ml and quarter iV: between<br />

6,750ml and 29,400ml and on the weekly frequency.<br />

Weight and height were obtained according to<br />

techniques proposed by Jellife 8 and the body mass in<strong>de</strong>x<br />

(BMi) was calculated. The proposed anthropometric<br />

reference for BMi/age from the World health organization<br />

(Who, 2007) 9 was used for individuals between 18 and<br />

19 years old and, for adults, the adopted BMi was from<br />

Who (1998) 10 .<br />

The percentage of body fat was evaluated by the skin<br />

folds (triceps, biceps, subscapular and suprailiac), according<br />

to heyward and stolarczyk 11 technique. Calculation of the<br />

body fat percentage was done according to the classification

proposed by lohman 12 . Central body fats (Cf) and<br />

peripheral fats (Pf) were calculated as from the sum of all<br />

subscapular and suprailiac folds (central fat) and biceps<br />

and triceps (peripheral). The relationship between central<br />

and peripheral fats (Cf/Pf) was obtained by dividing the<br />

central fat (Cf) by the peripheral fat (Pf) 13 .<br />

Waist circumference (WaC) and waist/hip ratio<br />

(Whr), which was obtained by dividing the waist<br />

circumference and the hip circumference, were based on<br />

recommen<strong>de</strong>d cut-off points (Who, 1998) 10 .<br />

for the statistical analysis, the sPss for Windows<br />

program (release 8.0 Chicago, il, usa) was used.<br />

for the numerical variables, average (a), standard<br />

<strong>de</strong>viation (sD), median (M) were presented. for<br />

the comparison of two in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt groups, Mann<br />

Whitney test was used, once the variables did not pass<br />

through regular distribution. for the comparison of<br />

two <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt groups, the paired t test was applied. to<br />

check the correlation between two variables, Pearson or<br />

spearman correlation was used, according to the linear<br />

characteristics between them 14 . 5% was consi<strong>de</strong>red as<br />

the level of statistical significance.<br />

Tobacco Smoking and Body Composition<br />

Table 1. Classification of the anthropometric parameters and of body composition of young smokers and non-smokers, according to gen<strong>de</strong>r.<br />

Viçosa (MG), 2005.<br />

BMI (a)<br />

Parameter and<br />

classification<br />


2.019 questionnaires were answered, 93.3% (1,883)<br />

of which were valid. among these questionnaires, it<br />

could be observed that 72.9% (1,372) adolescents had<br />

never smoked; 21.1% (397) have smoked a cigarette just<br />

once; 2.4% (45) were former smokers and 3.6% (69)<br />

were smokers.<br />

out of the total number of smokers <strong>de</strong>tected, 30.6%<br />

(28) didn’t want or could not take part due to business<br />

or travel. it was not possible to contact 5 individuals and<br />

2 of them presented a criterion of exclusion. Therefore,<br />

49.3% (34) smokers took part in the study.<br />

Between the smoker and non-smoker group,<br />

distribution by gen<strong>de</strong>r was 50% women and 50% men<br />

and average age (20.53, sD=2.0) and median (21.0) was<br />

the same for both groups.<br />

as for tobacco smoking, it could be observed that<br />

participants smoked between 7.44 ±5.03 cigarettes a<br />

day; they had been smokers for about 4.66 ±2.94 years;<br />

tried a cigarette when they were 13.38 ±2.06 years old<br />

and initiated smoking when they were 15.94±2,36 years<br />

old. no statistically significant difference (0.94) between<br />

gen<strong>de</strong>rs for the above variables was observed.<br />

By analyzing the anthropometric parameters and<br />

body composition (table 1), it could be observed that the<br />

frequency of overweight and increased waist circumference<br />

was higher among smokers rather than among non-smokers.<br />

Women who smoke (n=17) showed a higher percentage of<br />

body fat than men and the latter showed higher overweight<br />

figures consi<strong>de</strong>ring the BMi and high waist circumference.<br />

according to table 2, the group of smokers had higher<br />

average with significant difference for BMi, WaC and<br />

Whr when compared to the non-smoker group. When<br />

evaluated by gen<strong>de</strong>r, (table 3), male smokers had higher<br />

Smoker Non-Smoker<br />

Total Female Male Total Female Male<br />

% (n) % (n) % (n) % (n) % (n) % (n)<br />

Low weight 5.9 (2) 11.8 (2) - 14.7 (5) 5.9 (1) 23.5 (4)<br />

Eutrophy 70.06 (24) 82.3 (14) 58.8 (10) 82.4 (28) 88.2 (15) 76.5 (13)<br />

Overweight<br />

% Body Fat<br />

23.5 (8) 5.9 (1) 41.2(8) 2.9 (1) 5.9 (1) -<br />

Elevated 11.7 (4) 23.5 (4) - 14.7 (5) 23.5 (4) 5.9 (1)<br />

Acceptable 55.9 (19) 52.9 (9) 58.8 (10) 44.1 (14) 64.7 (11) 23.5 (4)<br />

I<strong>de</strong>al<br />

Waist Circunference (WaC)<br />

29.4 (11) 23.5 (4) 41.2 (7) 41.2 (14) 11.8 (2) 76.5 (12)<br />

High 5.9 (2) 5.9 (1) 5.9 (1) - - -<br />

A<strong>de</strong>quate<br />

Waist/Hip (WHR) Ratio<br />

94.1 (32) 94.1 (16) 94.1 (16) 100.0 (34) 100.0 (17) 100.0 (17)<br />

High - - - - - -<br />

A<strong>de</strong>quate 100.0 (34) 100.0 (17) 100.0 (17) 100.0 (34) 100.0 (17) 100.0 (17)<br />

(a) for adolescents, BMi was consi<strong>de</strong>red for their age.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 355-363<br />


Batista ES, Campos TN, Valente FX, Priore SE, Franceschini SCC, Sabarense CM, Peluzio MCG<br />

358<br />

weight, BMi, WaC, Whr and significant peripheral fat<br />

rather than non-smokers of the same gen<strong>de</strong>r.<br />

according to table 4, smokers of both gen<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

consumed alcoholic beverages more frequently and in<br />

higher quantity than non-smokers. among smokers,<br />

individuals of both gen<strong>de</strong>rs consumed alcoholic beverages<br />

more frequently per day and per week (p

Anthropometry<br />

and body<br />

composition<br />

Quarter I<br />

M +<br />

SD<br />

Md<br />

M +<br />

SD<br />

Md<br />

P<br />

Quarter II<br />

M +<br />

SD<br />

Md<br />

M +<br />

SD<br />

Md<br />

P<br />

Tobacco Smoking and Body Composition<br />

Table 4. Consumption of alcoholic beverages among young smoker and non-smoker individuals, according to gen<strong>de</strong>r. Viçosa (MG), 2005<br />

Frequency of<br />

alcoholic beverages<br />

consumption<br />

Weight (kg)<br />

bmi (kg/cm 2 )<br />

Wac<br />

hip<br />

circunference<br />

Whr<br />

central fat %**<br />

peripheral fat**<br />

central fat<br />

pf/cf r (d)<br />

55.02<br />

+ 7.63<br />

20.56<br />

+ 2.01<br />

69.00<br />

+ 4.99<br />

0.73+<br />

0.02<br />

24.27<br />

+ 6.14<br />

20.33<br />

+ 5.82<br />

27.25<br />

+ 8.62<br />

1.35 +<br />

0.22<br />

58.35<br />

21.21<br />

70<br />

0.74<br />

26.4<br />

22<br />

22<br />

1.34<br />

Smoker Non-Smoker<br />

Total Female Male Total Female Male<br />

% (n) % (n) % (n) % (n) % (n) % (n)<br />

Does not consume 5.9 (2) 11.8 (2) - 29.4 (9) 17.6 (3) 35.3 (6)<br />

Consumes 94.1 (32) 88.2 (15) 100.0 (17) (25) 82.4 (14) 64.7 (11)<br />

< 1 per week 17.6(6) 13.3 (2) 23.5 (4) (13) 64.3 (9) 36.4 (4)<br />

1 per week 23.5(8) 40.0 (6) 11.7 (2) (5) 7.1 (1) 36.4 (4)<br />

twice a week 26.5(9) 33.4 (5) 17.6 (4) (5) 21.5 (3) 18.2 (2)<br />

3 to 4 times a week 29.4(10) 13.3 (2) 47.1 (8) (2) 7.1 (1) 9.1(1)<br />

Quantity M + SD M + SD M + SD M + SD M + SD M + SD<br />

Litersc onsumed a<br />

day (1) (2) (3) 1.43 + 1.24 1.15 + 1.16 1.82 + 1.25 0.30 + 0.62 0.39 + 0.75 0.23 + 0.47<br />

Liters consumed a<br />

week (1) (2) (3) 5.18 + 5.78 2.15 + 2.68 5.16 + 6.91 6.64 + 1.63 2.09 + 0.51 0.42 + 0.12<br />

for a comparison between smokers and non smokers groups, p- value originated from Wilcoxon test. for the comparison among female individuals, smokers or<br />

non smokers, as well as for male smokers or non smokers, p-value came from Wilcoxon test.<br />

(1) p non smokers<br />

(2) p female non smoker<br />

(3)p male non smoker.<br />

for the comparison between male and female smokers, p-value came from Mann Whitney test, and for non smokers as well.<br />

Table 5. Anthropometry and body composition of young smoker and non-smoker participants, according to the quarter consumption of<br />

alcoholic beverage per week.Viçosa (MG), 2005<br />

67.28+<br />

12.25<br />

23.61<br />

+3. 27<br />

78.21 +<br />

9.14<br />

0.81 +<br />

0.04<br />

19.80 +<br />

7.51<br />

18.94 +<br />

8.23<br />

29.66 +<br />

12.30<br />

1.62 +<br />

0.43<br />

67.7 0.042*<br />

23.28 0.057<br />

77.75 0.030*<br />

0.81 0.001*<br />

9.66 0.194<br />

18.5 0.463<br />

26.5 0.714<br />

1.44 0.172<br />

59.67 +<br />

9.19<br />

21.58 +<br />

2.44<br />

75.52 +<br />

6.71<br />

0.77 +<br />

0.05<br />

21.52 +<br />

7.33<br />

20.43 +<br />

7.88<br />

27.82 +<br />

11.07<br />

1.37 +<br />

0.21<br />

59.37<br />

21.3<br />

71.75<br />

0.77<br />

21.2<br />

21<br />

25.5<br />

1.34<br />

70.85 +<br />

13.84<br />

24.62 +<br />

3.53<br />

80.65<br />

+10.31<br />

0.82 +<br />

0.05<br />

20.06 +<br />

7.64<br />

17.70 +<br />

7.30<br />

30.8 +<br />

12.13<br />

1.80 +<br />

0.48<br />

68.47 0.038*<br />

24.62 0.020*<br />

79.5 0.038*<br />

0.82 0.015*<br />

19.08 0.639<br />

18 0.429<br />

26.5 0.539<br />

1.92 0.012*<br />

* p-value originated from the Wilcoxon test.<br />

24 individuals were evaluated, and those who did not drink alcoholic beverages or rarely did it were exclu<strong>de</strong>d<br />

(d) central and periferical fat ratio<br />

Quarter IV<br />

M +<br />

SD<br />

61.82 +<br />

10.46<br />

22.23 +<br />

2.75<br />

74.54 +<br />

7.74<br />

94.21 +<br />

6.55<br />

0.78 +<br />

0.05<br />

21.10 +<br />

7.40<br />

19.61 +<br />

7.50<br />

28.58 +<br />

11.28<br />

1.47 +<br />

0.28<br />

Md<br />

59.6<br />

21.7<br />

73.5<br />

96<br />

0.78<br />

20.7<br />

20<br />

26<br />

1.4<br />

M +<br />

SD<br />

671.42<br />

+ 15.78<br />

24.79 +<br />

4.2<br />

80.00<br />

+12.45<br />

94.21+<br />

8.76<br />

0.81 +<br />

0.06<br />

20.33 +<br />

7.81<br />

18.33 +<br />

8.60<br />

30.50<br />

+12.56<br />

1.79 +<br />

0.61<br />

Md<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 355-363<br />

p<br />

71.6 0.12<br />

25.1 0.16<br />

76 0.39<br />

96 0.42<br />

0.8 0.35<br />

20.2 0.84<br />

18 0.64<br />

26.5 0.67<br />

1.75 0.24<br />


Batista ES, Campos TN, Valente FX, Priore SE, Franceschini SCC, Sabarense CM, Peluzio MCG<br />

360<br />

stomach, pancreas, liver, kidney, blad<strong>de</strong>r, cervix and<br />

leukemia), in addition to respiratory and cardiovascular<br />

diseases. as a carcinogen, tobacco either in cell induction<br />

(mutagenic effects) or cell proliferation 16-19 .<br />

in this study, only 3.6% of contacted adolescents<br />

were smokers and 2.4% were former smokers. studies<br />

of prevalence of smokers and former smokers at that age<br />

range in this population are still unknown. This data<br />

would be important to foresee the future dissemination<br />

of tobacco smoking and analyze the results of big antitobacco<br />

campaigns adopted by the government in this<br />

analyzed population 15 .<br />

according to the household survey about risky<br />

Behaviors and referred Morbidity of Diseases and nontransmissible<br />

aggravations, carried out in 2002 and 2003,<br />

with people between 15 year-old or above, living in 15<br />

Brazilian capitals and in the fe<strong>de</strong>ral District, prevalence<br />

of tobacco smoking varied between 12.9% and 25.2% in<br />

the analyzed cities. Men presented higher prevalence than<br />

women in all capitals 17,19 .<br />

the number of smoked cigarettes a day showed<br />

a positive correlation with higher weight and fat<br />

concentration in the abdominal area. the number<br />

of smoked cigarettes a day and length of time of<br />

addiction are associated to higher values of Whr<br />

and weight of adult smokers, and Whr increases<br />

progressively with the number of smoked cigarettes<br />

a day 20-21 . obesity and smoking have a highlighted<br />

position in Public health of western countries as<br />

avoidable causes of cancer 17 .<br />

Presence of higher BMi, WaC and Whr in the<br />

smoker group was found only among males. freedman et<br />

al. found a higher BMi and higher prevalence of obesity<br />

in adolescent smokers rather than non-smokers of both<br />

gen<strong>de</strong>rs 5,21 . in this study, the smoker group had women<br />

who were un<strong>de</strong>rweight (n=2) and even in a small number,<br />

might have influenced the results above; whereas, for<br />

men, the same group did not present any un<strong>de</strong>rweight<br />

individual.<br />

The explanation for the difference of the central fat<br />

distribution in smokers has not been well established yet.<br />

some authors suggest that differences related to sexual<br />

hormones may provi<strong>de</strong> a feasible biological explanation 21 .<br />

These authors suggest that tobacco may have an anti<br />

estrogenic effect and or increase the levels of androgens,<br />

resulting in high androgen/estrogen ratio favors the<br />

<strong>de</strong>position of fats in the abdominal area.<br />

han et al. 22 observed, in adult men only, that higher<br />

than expected WaC for BMi is associated to smoking. for<br />

freedman et al. 21 , the high values of BMi and body weight<br />

found in young male smokers could be related to the short<br />

time and lower number of cigarettes smoked if compared<br />

to adults, and there may be limitation of nicotine action<br />

on energy expenditure.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 355-363<br />

in case this pattern of body fat remained in these male<br />

individuals, between the age of 35 and 40, it could have<br />

been aggravated due to the drop of testosterone level,<br />

contributing to the increase of abdominal adiposity and<br />

as a consequence, to the emergence of aggravations such<br />

as cancer and cardiovascular diseases 17 .<br />

The higher accumulation of fat in the abdominal<br />

region and high weight in smokers reflect subjacent<br />

differences to lifestyle between smokers and non-smokers,<br />

such as food intake, alcoholic beverages consumption,<br />

physical activity and educational level 23-24 .<br />

in this study, there was a statistically significant<br />

difference in the amount of alcoholic beverages consumed<br />

by young smokers comparing to non-smokers per day<br />

and per week, which can become a confusing factor to<br />

interpret the higher BMi and higher concentration of<br />

abdominal fat among smokers.<br />

lahti-Koski et al. observed positive association<br />

between high consumption of alcoholic beverages with<br />

BMi23. smokers who drank 80ml or more of alcoholic<br />

beverages a day already presented higher Whr for the<br />

consumption of less than 80 ml a day.<br />

horta et al. 25 confirmed a positive association and<br />

correlation between smoking and alcoholism, and a<br />

ten<strong>de</strong>ncy of alcohol-<strong>de</strong>pendants to initiate smoking<br />

earlier, keep smoking for a longer period a higher number<br />

of cigarettes.<br />


smoking and the consumption of alcoholic beverages<br />

among young men have a positive correlation with the<br />

levels of WaC, characterizing an inappropriate lifestyle<br />

that, if maintained, may result throughout life in several<br />

types of chronic diseases, like cardiovascular, pulmonary<br />

and many types of cancer.<br />

on account of the context presented, the importance<br />

of the prevention of these diseases programs is highlighted,<br />

such as control of tobacco use, as well as the reduction<br />

of alcohol consumption, especially during adolescence,<br />

searching for the effective elimination or reduction of the<br />

main risk factors associated to cancer and to several other<br />

chronic non-transmissible diseases.<br />


to the Coordination for improvement of higher level<br />

Personnel (CaPes), for the master <strong>de</strong>gree scholarship<br />

concession.<br />


ellencristina da silva Batista took part in the<br />

conception, planning of the research project; data

collection, analysis and interpretation; writing and<br />

critical review. tatiana do nascimento Campos and flávia<br />

Xavier Valente took part in data collection, analysis and<br />

interpretation, writing and critical review. sílvia eloiza<br />

Priore took part in coorientation, conception, planning of<br />

the research project; writing and critical review. sílvia do<br />

Carmo Castro franceschini participated on data analysis<br />

and interpretation, writing and critical review. Maria do<br />

Carmo Gouveia Peluzio took part in stu<strong>de</strong>nts’ orientation;<br />

conception, research project planning; data analysis and<br />

interpretation; writing and critical review.<br />

Declaration of Conflicting Interests: Nothing to Declare.<br />


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Tobacco Smoking and Body Composition<br />

Resumo<br />

Introdução: a precocida<strong>de</strong> no início do tabagismo e consumo <strong>de</strong> bebida alcoólica, associados ou não ao excesso <strong>de</strong><br />

peso, são consi<strong>de</strong>rados fatores <strong>de</strong> risco modificáveis para doenças crônicas, como as cardiovasculares e o câncer. Quando<br />

ocorrem concomitantemente, elevam a probabilida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>senvolvimento <strong>de</strong>ssas doenças. Objetivos: Diante <strong>de</strong>sses<br />

pressupostos, objetivou-se avaliar a influência do tabagismo e do consumo <strong>de</strong> bebida alcoólica sobre a composição<br />

corporal <strong>de</strong> jovens. Método: estudo transversal, analítico e <strong>de</strong>scritivo com 68 voluntários, fumantes e não fumantes,<br />

entre 18 a 26 anos, <strong>de</strong> três instituições <strong>de</strong> ensino superior, quatro <strong>de</strong> ensino médio, dois cursos pré-vestibulares e<br />

dois cursos técnicos do município <strong>de</strong> Viçosa (MG), Brasil. Resultados: entre as medidas <strong>de</strong> composição corporal,<br />

o índice <strong>de</strong> massa corpórea, circunferência da cintura e relação cintura/quadril foram maiores entre os fumantes do<br />

sexo masculino (p

Original Article<br />

Movies and its Implication for Youth Smoking<br />

Article submitted on 3/29/11; accepted for publication on 06/07/11<br />

Ratings for Popular Movies in Brazil and their Implications for<br />

Youth Tobacco Smoking<br />

A Classificação Indicativa <strong>de</strong> Filmes <strong>de</strong> Popularida<strong>de</strong> nos Cinemas Brasileiros<br />

e sua Implicação para o Tabagismo entre Jovens<br />

La Clasificación <strong>de</strong> las Películas Más Taquilladas en Brasil y su implicación en el<br />

Tabaquismo entre Jóvenes<br />

rosa vargas 1 , James Thrasher 2 , James sargent 3<br />

Abstract<br />

Introduction: The majority of smokers begin using tobacco products before the age of 18. intense exposure to images of<br />

smoking and tobacco consumption in movies contribute to youth tobacco initiation, and it is important to reduce this<br />

exposure. Objective: The present study aimed to compare the ratings attributed to the same popular movies across the<br />

Brazilian and american rating systems, as well as to <strong>de</strong>termine the amount of tobacco imagery in foreign movies that<br />

were rated as appropriate for adolescents. Method: lists of the top-grossing 100 films from 2002 through 2009 were<br />

examined for both Brazil and the united states, and 412 films were i<strong>de</strong>ntified as popular in both countries. for each<br />

film, the amount of smoking imagery and country-specific rating were <strong>de</strong>termined. rating systems for each country<br />

were harmonized into four categories: children; younger adolescent; ol<strong>de</strong>r adolescent; adult. The amount of imagery<br />

exposure of tobacco products and consumption was <strong>de</strong>termined for each rating category. Results: The Brazilian system<br />

generally rated the same movie more suitable for a younger audience. Movies rated for younger audiences in Brazil<br />

have a higher amount of smoking imagery when compared to the same group in the united states. Conclusion: The<br />

prevalence of tobacco imagery is high in popular movies that the Brazilian system has rated for adolescents. There are<br />

differences in movie ratings between both countries. Movie rating systems could reduce youth exposure to tobacco<br />

imagery by consi<strong>de</strong>ring them inappropriate.<br />

Key words: tobacco; Motion Pictures as topic; tobacco-Derived Products Publicity; adolescent Behavior<br />

¹Psychologist. specialization in Mental health. national Cancer institute (inCa). rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (rJ), Brazil. Email: rvargas@inca.gov.br<br />

²Psychologist. M.a. (anthropology). M.s. (epi<strong>de</strong>miology). Ph.D. (health Behavior). national institute of Public health. Cuernavaca, Mexico.<br />

university of south Carolina. Columbia, south Carolina, usa. Email: thrasher@mailbox.sc.edu<br />

³Pediatrician Doctor. MD. norris Cotton Cancer institute. Dartmouth university. Dartmouth, new hampshire, usa. Email: James.D.sargent @ Dartmouth.edu<br />

Correspon<strong>de</strong>nce Address: rosa Vargas. inCa. rua rezen<strong>de</strong>, 128/302 - rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (rJ), Brazil.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 365-377<br />


Vargas R, Thrasher J, Sargent J<br />

366<br />


in 2008, the national Cancer institute (nCi) published<br />

the monograph "The role of Media in Promoting and<br />

reducing tobacco use”, the nineteenth volume of a series<br />

of studies about tobacco Control, which consi<strong>de</strong>rs that<br />

"cigarettes are a product of the mass media age; the art and the<br />

science of mass communications and mass marketing were<br />

fundamental to the growth of tobacco use in the last century”.<br />

even a brief exposure to any tobacco advertising can influence<br />

the behavior of adolescents (young people between 10 and<br />

19 years) i , and their perception about smoking, both as to<br />

initiation and to the possibility of becoming regular smokers¹.<br />

Movies are inclu<strong>de</strong>d in the scope of the mass means of<br />

communication, and the total number of scientific evi<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

from studies performed combined with high theoretical<br />

plausibility from the perspective of social influences indicates<br />

a causal relationship between exposure to tobacco <strong>de</strong>pictions<br />

in movies, and teenagers smoking initiation¹.<br />

The established relationship of addiction to nicotine,<br />

substance present in tobacco products, does not mean that<br />

pharmacological factors alone <strong>de</strong>termine the smoking habit.<br />

Besi<strong>de</strong>s the additive component there are psychosocial,<br />

economic, legislative, religious, family and individual<br />

factors as well as whether access to these products is easy or<br />

not, among others, that interfere with smoking initiation<br />

and experimentation and also with those who continue<br />

or quit smoking. ad<strong>de</strong>d to this are the efforts of the<br />

tobacco industry in brands <strong>de</strong>velopment, promotion and<br />

advertising of products that contribute to a construction of<br />

positive smoking imagery that interferes with the initiation<br />

probability 1-2 .<br />

it has been long that the relationship between the cinema<br />

and the tobacco industry can be noted, which was consi<strong>de</strong>red<br />

by companies a perfect space for the promotion of products,<br />

and i<strong>de</strong>ntified as a mean for the construction of social rules<br />

regarding tobacco smoking, a fact that can be proven by<br />

contracts agreements between the tobacco industry and the<br />

cinema industry³. for the tobacco industry, movies are a good<br />

opportunity to transform a <strong>de</strong>adly product in a <strong>de</strong>sirable i<strong>de</strong>al<br />

of glamour, mo<strong>de</strong>rnity and success, since these <strong>de</strong>pictions are<br />

rarely realistic, omitting the true smoking consequences 4 .<br />

Viewers are affected by the stories they see when they<br />

i<strong>de</strong>ntify themselves with the film plot and characters. The<br />

exposure to <strong>de</strong>pictions interferes with the construction of<br />

thoughts and intentions about smoking, positive expectations<br />

and favorable attitu<strong>de</strong>s regarding smoking 1,5-6 .<br />

Watching tobacco <strong>de</strong>pictions in movies are related to<br />

experimentation of tobacco products by adolescents and<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 365-377<br />

smoking initiation, also interfering with the possibility of<br />

becoming smokers when adults, which would make them<br />

vulnerable to morbidity and mortality caused by tobacco<br />

smoking. these conclusions result from studies with<br />

different methodological approaches, through representative<br />

longitudinal and experimental studies, in which other factors<br />

related to smoking initiation were controlled 1,7-10 .<br />

There is a dose-response relationship to the exposure<br />

to these <strong>de</strong>pictions in movies. The greater the exposure of<br />

adolescents and young adults, the higher is the chance they<br />

become smokers. adolescents who have high exposure to<br />

these <strong>de</strong>pictions, when compared to those with low exposure,<br />

are about three times more likely to try tobacco products<br />

and to become smokers, even after controlling factors such<br />

as: living with parents and friends who smoke, exposure to<br />

cigarette advertisements, aca<strong>de</strong>mic performance, and socio<br />

and <strong>de</strong>mographic factor, among others 9-11 .<br />

one of the ways to reduce the exposure of adolescents to<br />

tobacco <strong>de</strong>pictions in movies is to consi<strong>de</strong>r this issue when<br />

evaluating movies for their rating, assigning classification as<br />

recommen<strong>de</strong>d for those above 18 years of age for movies<br />

released comprising this content 12 .<br />

every day, 100.000 young adults start smoking globally<br />

and it is at the youngest age groups that nicotine chemical<br />

<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce is established. Between adult smokers, 80% to<br />

90% initiated smoking during adolescence and two thirds<br />

became daily and regular smokers before turning 18 years old.<br />

By the early age of experimentation and initiation, smoking is<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>red a pediatric disease and the symptoms of nicotine<br />

chemical <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce can be observed even in the early stages<br />

of use. for these reasons, any increasing experimentation for<br />

this population group is alarming and unwanted 13-14 .<br />

The exposure of adolescents to tobacco <strong>de</strong>pictions in<br />

movies contributes to the initiation of these groups to<br />

smoking and gui<strong>de</strong>s us to an important reflection about this<br />

kind of exposure in movies shown for adolescents in movie<br />

theaters aiming their reduction.<br />

The present study aims to compare the indicative ratings<br />

attributed in Brazil and in the united states to popular<br />

movies in these countries and reflect about the number<br />

of tobacco <strong>de</strong>pictions, found in foreign movies rated as<br />

appropriate for teenagers.<br />

METHOD<br />

a documental research was performed in blockbuster<br />

movies in movie theaters in Brazil, between the years 2002<br />

to 2009. a list with 100 foreign movies that have had the<br />

highest income between 2002 and 2009 in Brazilian movie<br />

i in this article, the word "adolescent” is following the World health organization <strong>de</strong>finition: young people between 10 and 19 years old [cited 2011 feb 25].<br />

available from: http://www.who.int/topics/adolescent_health/en/

theaters was obtained in Portal filme B ii , consi<strong>de</strong>ring the<br />

total number of movie theaters in the country.<br />

Then, from a list of movies with the highest income<br />

in the u.s., previously enco<strong>de</strong>d as part of another<br />

Project 7-8 , the movies inclu<strong>de</strong>d in both samples were<br />

i<strong>de</strong>ntified (n = 412) (seeappendix).<br />

the correlation study between watching tobacco<br />

<strong>de</strong>pictions in movies and smoking initiation by teenagers<br />

are extensively documented in international scientific<br />

publications; and, to perform these studies, counting<br />

methods of tobacco <strong>de</strong>pictions in movies were validated<br />

as well as the related exposure of these teenagers<br />

to them 7-8,15-16 . Data of <strong>de</strong>piction content from the<br />

412 movies consi<strong>de</strong>red in this sample were previously<br />

enco<strong>de</strong>d in past studies 7-8 in two ways: firstly, the total<br />

time in which any tobacco product, packaging, or smoke<br />

emanating from a tobacco product is shown was recor<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

This provi<strong>de</strong>d an indication of total exposure time to<br />

these tobacco <strong>de</strong>pictions, as done in previous research<br />

correlating the exposure to those <strong>de</strong>pictions in movies to<br />

attitu<strong>de</strong>s and behavior as to smoking 15-16 . Then the movies<br />

were enco<strong>de</strong>d by the occurrences amount of tobacco<br />

consumption <strong>de</strong>pictions. a "tobacco consumption<br />

occurrence” was <strong>de</strong>fined as: each time a character, whether<br />

or not protagonist, carried or used tobacco in a scene, or<br />

when the tobacco use was shown at the background of<br />

the scene (for example, when "extras" are smoking in a<br />

bar scene). The occurrences were counted regardless of<br />

the duration of the scene or the amount of times they<br />

happened during the same scene. exposure of young<br />

adults to these scenes has already been associated, in a<br />

previous study, both to smoking initiation and the increase<br />

in tobacco use among young adults in the united states 8,17 .<br />

the indicative rating gradations assigned in the<br />

united states and in Brazil for movies were i<strong>de</strong>ntified<br />

(see appendix). for comparison purposes iii , the indicative<br />

ratings between the two countries were compiled as follow:<br />

children - when indicative rating is l (free) in Brazil<br />

and 10 years old (not recommen<strong>de</strong>d for those un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

10 years of age) and in the united states is G (General<br />

audiences) and PG (Parental Guidance suggested); early<br />

adolescence - indicative rating in Brazil is 12 years old<br />

(not recommen<strong>de</strong>d for children un<strong>de</strong>r 12 years old) and 14<br />

years old (not recommen<strong>de</strong>d for children un<strong>de</strong>r 14 years<br />

old) and in usa, PG-13 (Parents strongly Cautioned);<br />

late adolescence - the indicative classification is 16 years<br />

old (not recommen<strong>de</strong>d for children un<strong>de</strong>r 16 years old) in<br />

Brazil; adults– the indicative classification is 18 years old<br />

movies and its Implication for Youth Smoking<br />

(not recommen<strong>de</strong>d for children un<strong>de</strong>r 18 years old, and<br />

children un<strong>de</strong>r 18 years old are not admitted) in Brazil,<br />

and r (restricted) and nC -17 (no one 17 and un<strong>de</strong>r is<br />

admitted) in the united states (figure 1).<br />

The analysis consisted of tables that were <strong>de</strong>signed<br />

crossing them to the percentage of exposure and<br />

rating. initially, the percentage of movies in each rating<br />

category in both countries was <strong>de</strong>termined. secondly,<br />

we examined the percentage of the total exposure time<br />

to tobacco <strong>de</strong>pictions for each rating category in each<br />

country. Thirdly, we observed the percentage of total<br />

number of occurrences of tobacco use by rating in<br />

each country. finally, we verified what was the rating<br />

attributed in Brazil for the r (restricted) movies in<br />

united states in or<strong>de</strong>r to <strong>de</strong>termine how movies classified<br />

as r in the united states should be correlated to the<br />

classification used in Brazil.<br />

iispecialized portal in Brazil movies market, whose data are collected directly from the cinemas’ box offices or supplied by movies distribution companies.<br />

available from: http://www.filmeb.com.br<br />

iiionly for comparison purposes, in this case the <strong>de</strong>finition of the World health organization to "adolescent" is not consi<strong>de</strong>red.<br />

Brazil<br />

United<br />

States<br />

L<br />

10 12 14 16 18<br />

G P G PG-13 R NC-<br />

17<br />

1 a 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18<br />

Age a<strong>de</strong>quacy (years)<br />

children late adolescence<br />

early adolescence adults<br />

Figure 1. Rating Classification System – Equivalence Table<br />


the survey about the indicative classification<br />

correlating the ratings found in the two countries,<br />

suggests that, in most cases, movies (n = 412) were<br />

classified in Brazil for "children", “early adolescence”<br />

and “late adolescence” (l,10,12,14 and 16 years old in<br />

Brasil), adolescence "and "late adolescence" with only<br />

3% rated as for "adults", while in Brazil the admission<br />

in movie theaters of those un<strong>de</strong>r 18 years old is not<br />

allowed. The equivalent indicative classification to the<br />

category "adult" was assigned in the u.s. in 31% of<br />

these movies.<br />

it should be noted that, in 2006, a new mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

for indicative classification was implemented, , by<br />

the Ministry of Justice with changes in the criteria of<br />

content evaluation previously used. The data consi<strong>de</strong>r the<br />

classification assigned for the ages (figure 2).<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 365-377<br />


Vargas R, Thrasher J, Sargent J<br />

368<br />

adult<br />

120%<br />

100%<br />

80%<br />

60%<br />

40%<br />

20%<br />

0%<br />

late adolescence<br />

31%<br />

44%<br />

50%<br />

25% 34%<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 365-377<br />

0<br />

3%<br />

12%<br />


early adolescence<br />

children<br />

Figure 2. Ratings for the same 412* movies in both countries<br />

*among the 100 blockbuster movies, between 2002-2009<br />

a total of 26.217 seconds related to tobacco <strong>de</strong>pictions<br />

was quantified among the 412 selected movies. of this<br />

total time, 89% are classified into the category “children”,<br />

“early adolescence” and “late adolescence”. regarding<br />

to the classification assigned in the united states, this<br />

percentage is 40% for the same categories (figure 3).<br />

1807 occurrences from the sample were quantified<br />

as "occurrences of tobacco use” and 90% of this total<br />

are in movies accessible for teens un<strong>de</strong>r 18 years old in<br />

Brazil. Consi<strong>de</strong>ring the classification in the usa, 46% of<br />

occurrences are classified in the "adult" category (r and<br />

nC 17) (figure 4).<br />

if we consi<strong>de</strong>r the movies that have been classified<br />

only as "adult" in the united states (n = 128), grading<br />

equivalent was observed in only 10% of the same movies<br />

in Brazil (figure 5).<br />


The movies market in Brazil has a greater audience<br />

for foreign movies, although in recent years it has been<br />

increased if observed the audience increase on national<br />

productions, according to data from the national Cinema<br />

agency (anCine). for information purposes, 89.8%<br />

of the audience present in movie theaters in 2008 were<br />

to watch foreign productions; in 2009, 85.7%; and in<br />

2010 this percentage was 81.3%, which <strong>de</strong>monstrates the<br />

importance, in terms of audience, of thinking about the<br />

access to these productions in Brasil 18 .<br />

and it is important to observe that in the periods<br />

of school holidays (2009 and 2010) there were greater<br />

audiences in conjunction with isolated months as october<br />

(2010) and november (2009), also according to the data<br />

collected from anCine 18 .<br />

120%<br />

100%<br />

80%<br />

60%<br />

40%<br />

20%<br />

0%<br />

60%<br />

0%<br />

35%<br />

5%<br />

adult<br />

late adolescence<br />

10%<br />

30%<br />

49%<br />

10%<br />


early adolescence<br />

children<br />

Figure 3. Distribution of 26.617 seconds of tobacco <strong>de</strong>pictions exposure,<br />

following the indicative rating in both countries, in 412 movies, among<br />

the 100 blockbuster movies in the countries, for the period 2002-2009<br />

adult<br />

Figure 4. Occurences of tobacco <strong>de</strong>pictions, according to the<br />

indicative rating in the two countries, in 412 movies, among the 100<br />

blockbuster movies, 2002-2009 period<br />

100%<br />

80%<br />

60%<br />

40%<br />

20%<br />

0%<br />

100%<br />

80%<br />

60%<br />

40%<br />

20%<br />

0%<br />

late adolescence<br />

100%<br />

adult<br />

late adolescence<br />

54%<br />

41%<br />

5%<br />

11%<br />

37%<br />

51%<br />

5%<br />

29%<br />

57%<br />

9%<br />


1%<br />


early adolescence<br />

children<br />

early adolescence<br />

children<br />

Figure 5. Movies rated as “R” (n=128) in the US

Both in Brazil and in the united states the following<br />

topics are consi<strong>de</strong>red: violence, sex and drug use (licit and<br />

illicit) to <strong>de</strong>termine the indicative rating for audiovisual<br />

works, which provi<strong>de</strong>s a parameter for families to <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong><br />

whether allowing children to have access to films shown<br />

in movie theaters. in Brazil, these contents are evaluated<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>ring if there are mitigating or aggravating<br />

circumstances in the way the subject is shown, such as<br />

scenes impact, image framing, topic appropriateness,<br />

the context in which it appears and the message and is<br />

conveyed 19-20 .<br />

The evaluation of the indicative rating is performed<br />

by professionals from the Ministry of Justice who search<br />

for potentially inappropriate contents for children and<br />

adolescents, based on topics such as sex, drugs, violence.<br />

This procedure not only guarantees freedom for creation<br />

in cinematographic works, but also gui<strong>de</strong>s audiences by<br />

providing information about age groups and times (when<br />

shown on tV), rating them according to the analyzed<br />

contents <strong>de</strong>fining whether or not they are recomen<strong>de</strong>d 19 .<br />

Determining the indicative rating as "adult" varies<br />

between the two countries. in Brazil, the classification "not<br />

recommen<strong>de</strong>d for un<strong>de</strong>r 18 years" does not allow access<br />

to un<strong>de</strong>rage people. even for the "not recommen<strong>de</strong>d for<br />

children un<strong>de</strong>r 16" rating, un<strong>de</strong>rage children is grant<br />

access to movie theaters, to movies with classification<br />

above their age, provi<strong>de</strong>d they are with their parents or an<br />

adult with authorizing document. in the united states, the<br />

classification "r"(restricted) is close to majority age, and<br />

children un<strong>de</strong>r 17 years old require the presence of parents<br />

or legal representative to be admitted in these movies 19-20 .<br />

When comparing the rating assigned to the same<br />

movies in the united states and in Brazil, it seems there is<br />

a reduction of grading in ratings to movies shown in Brazil,<br />

according to the evaluation criteria of both countries. This<br />

<strong>de</strong>monstrates that Brazilian children and adolescents have<br />

access to movies that are restricted for these audiences in<br />

the united states.<br />

The number of occurrences of tobacco use and time<br />

of display of tobacco <strong>de</strong>pictions in movies where access to<br />

children and adolescents is possible is significant, and this<br />

is particularly alarming because it is the most vulnerable<br />

smoking initiation group 14,17 .<br />

in smoking-related contents in movies, smoking<br />

is often <strong>de</strong>picted as socially acceptable and a way of<br />

reducing tension, and also a socialization tool 21 .the<br />

literature <strong>de</strong>monstrates that movies influence social<br />

behaviors, which may lead to beliefs and misconceptions<br />

about smoking by offering mo<strong>de</strong>ls. These <strong>de</strong>pictions may<br />

promote the perception that smoking is a behavior pattern<br />

in real life, that is, a young adult is expected to smoke.<br />

This information is relevant, because the social variables<br />

movies and its Implication for Youth Smoking<br />

that affect youth initiation of smoking like acceptance<br />

by a group of friends, the search for an approved and<br />

appreciated behavior by this group may be a behavior<br />

suggested in the movies scenes¹.<br />

as a way to counteract the exposure to these <strong>de</strong>pictions,<br />

contributing to a critical view of the audience, there are<br />

studies un<strong>de</strong>rlying the diffusion of sanitary warning<br />

messages <strong>de</strong>veloped by Public health, before movies that<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong> tobacco products images and smoking scenes are<br />

exhibited 22 .<br />

The World health organization (Who), consi<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

that there is a dose-response relationship to the exposure<br />

to scenes containing tobacco <strong>de</strong>pictions in movies and<br />

adolescent smoking initiation, recommends countries<br />

to consi<strong>de</strong>r the reduction of these contents exposure to<br />

children and adolescents. a measure which would be<br />

effective for this purpose without interfering directly with<br />

movies contents, preserving artistic freedom expression for<br />

films makers, would be the official rating as "adult" for<br />

movies released containing such <strong>de</strong>pictions. exceptions<br />

would be applied to productions in which there is the<br />

inclusion of a historic character who was actually a smoker<br />

in real life, and contexts in which the risks of smoking are<br />

presented clearly and unambiguously. Who consi<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

movies a powerful channel for the promotion of tobacco<br />

<strong>de</strong>pictions in the current globalized economy 23 .<br />

the framework Convention for tobacco Control<br />

(fCtC), the first international Public health treaty signed<br />

in 2003 by Who, which Brazil is signatory, <strong>de</strong>fines a list<br />

of measures for tobacco control. in 2005, the treaty came<br />

into force and at present has 173 parties. The gui<strong>de</strong>lines<br />

related to tobacco control on fCtC article 13 consi<strong>de</strong>r that<br />

the comprehensive ban of tobacco advertising, promotion<br />

and sponsorship effectively contributes for consumption<br />

reduction. This would involve restrictions to numerous<br />

promotion, advertising and sponsorship actions, such<br />

as: product communication through different platforms,<br />

brands marketing, displays at points of sale, internet use,<br />

and many other ways. as to the entertainment media,<br />

there is the concern that when exposure and use of tobacco<br />

<strong>de</strong>pictions occurs in movies, for example, there should<br />

be a certification that no benefit has been received by<br />

professionals involved in the production, distribution or<br />

presentation. The gui<strong>de</strong>lines inform the countries that this<br />

type of content should be consi<strong>de</strong>red when rating a movie<br />

and further recommends that no i<strong>de</strong>ntifiable display of any<br />

tra<strong>de</strong>mark should be allowed 24 .<br />

Public health advocacy groups like the Smoke Free<br />

Movies iv suggest that movies comprising <strong>de</strong>pictions of<br />

tobacco exposure and use should be rated as for adults, and<br />

invest in or<strong>de</strong>r to increase awareness among professionals<br />

of the film industry about the subject.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 365-377<br />


Vargas R, Thrasher J, Sargent J<br />

370<br />

in addition to consi<strong>de</strong>ring contents for rating, it is<br />

important to invest in awareness and partnership with<br />

parents and educators in or<strong>de</strong>r to bring value to it. The<br />

movies range is a challenge that goes beyond the audience<br />

observed in theaters, once these movies can be later<br />

accessed on tV and cable tV channels; in vi<strong>de</strong>o rentals,<br />

domestic computers through internet, besi<strong>de</strong>s the pirates<br />

product market and spaces where access control is more<br />

difficult. in this sense, it is fundamental to encourage<br />

parents and educators to establish a dialogue with young<br />

people about the content displayed in different media to<br />

which they have access, aiming at the construction of a<br />

critical view about this topic 25 .<br />

one of the points consi<strong>de</strong>red as vulnerable by Public<br />

Policies¹ is the exposure of people to tobacco products in<br />

movies and careful thought of these contents when rating<br />

them should be reinforced, reducing access of children<br />

and adolescents to them.<br />


The greater audience present in Brazilian movies<br />

is to watch foreign films, which are the most frequent<br />

cinematographic works commercially released in Brazil<br />

every year.<br />

Due the differences in practices and criteria in the<br />

rating gradation in united states and Brazil, Brazilian<br />

adolescents experience a greater possibility of access to<br />

tobacco <strong>de</strong>pictions, which appear in blockbuster foreign<br />

movies shown in Brazilian movie theaters.<br />

The rating systems are <strong>de</strong>veloped aiming to ensure<br />

both the freedom of cultural and artistic expression<br />

and children and adolescents protection. The causal<br />

relationship, established by scientific evi<strong>de</strong>nces between<br />

exposure to tobacco <strong>de</strong>pictions in movies - far from its<br />

lethal reality - and adolescents to smoking initiation,<br />

<strong>de</strong>fines these scenes as inappropriate content for these<br />

audiences.<br />

it is crucial to reinforce the relevance of consi<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

tobacco <strong>de</strong>pictions, <strong>de</strong>termining the right rating and<br />

<strong>de</strong>finition of contents as inappropriate, when assigning<br />

ratings and a<strong>de</strong>quacy of broadcasting schedules (when on<br />

tV) for movies shown in Brazil.<br />


to Doctor tania Cavalcante for the critical review of<br />

this manuscript.<br />

iv Smoke free movies. available from: http://www.smokefreemovies.ucsf.edu/<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 365-377<br />


all authors worked on the conception and planning<br />

of the research project, in obtaining, analyzing and<br />

interpreting the data, and in writing and critical review.<br />

Declaration of Conflicting Interests: Nothing to Declare.<br />

We <strong>de</strong>clare that James Thrasher, for part of this study,<br />

received funding from the us national Cancer institute,<br />

grant # P01Ca # 138389 and James sargent received<br />

resources for encoding movies from us national Cancer<br />

institute, grant # Ca077026.<br />


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J Prev Med. 2002 Apr;22(3):137-45.<br />

7. Sargent JD, Beach ML, Dalton MA, Mott LA, Tickle JJ,<br />

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BMJ. 2001 Dec;323(7326):1394-7.<br />

8. Sargent JD, Stoolmiller M, Worth KA, Dal Cin S,<br />

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<strong>de</strong>pictions in movies: its association with established<br />

adolescent smoking. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2007<br />

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9. Dalton MA, Sargent JD, Beach ML, Titus-Ernstoff L,<br />

Gibson JJ, Ahrens MB, et al. Effect of viewing smoking

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10. Charlesworth A, Glantz SA. Smoking in the movies<br />

increases adolescent smoking: a review. Pediatrics. 2005<br />

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11. Heatherton TF, Sargent JD. Does watching smoking in<br />

movies promote teenage smoking? Curr Dir Psychol Sci.<br />

2009 Apr;18(2):63-7.<br />

12. Millet C, Glantz SA. Assigning an ‘18’ rating to movies<br />

with tobacco imagery is essential to reduce youth<br />

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13. Jha P, Chaloupka FJ. Curbing the epi<strong>de</strong>mic: governments<br />

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15. Thrasher JF, Jackson C, Arillo-Santillán E, Sargent<br />

JD. Exposure to smoking imagery in popular films<br />

and adolescent smoking in Mexico. Am J Prev Med.<br />

2008;35(2):95-102.<br />

16. Thrasher JF, Sargent JD, Huang L, Arillo-Santillán E,<br />

Dorantes-Alonso A, Pérez-Hernán<strong>de</strong>z R. Does film<br />

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17. Sargent JD, Beach ML, Adachi-Mejia AM, Gibson JJ,<br />

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SADIS – Agregado 2010: informe anual (01 <strong>de</strong> janeiro<br />

a 30 <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>zembro <strong>de</strong> 2010) [Internet]. [Brasília (DF);<br />

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21. Dalton MA, Tickle JJ, Sargent JD, Beach ML, Ahrens<br />

MB, Heatherton TF. The inci<strong>de</strong>nce and context of<br />

tobacco use in popular movies from 1988 to 1997. Prev<br />

Med. 2002 May;34(5):516-23.<br />

22. Hanewinkel R, Isensee B, Sargent JD, Morgenstern<br />

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Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 365-377<br />


Vargas R, Thrasher J, Sargent J<br />

372<br />

1. 10,000 B.C.<br />

2. 16 BloCKs<br />

3. 17 aGain<br />

4. 2 fast 2 furious<br />

5. 2012<br />

6. 27 Dresses<br />

7. 28 Days later<br />

8. 300<br />

9. 50 first Dates<br />

10. 500 Days of suMMer<br />

11. 8 Mile<br />

12. a Beautiful MinD<br />

13. a ChristMas Carol<br />

14. a Man a Part<br />

15. aBout sChMiDt<br />

16. aDaPtation<br />

17. alien Vs PreDaDor<br />

18. alien Vs. PreDator: reQuieM<br />

19. alonG CaMe Polly<br />

20. aMeriCan GanGster<br />

21. aMeriCan Pie - the WeDDinG<br />

22. aMeriCan Pie 2<br />

23. aMityVille horror<br />

24. analyze that<br />

25. anGels & DeMons<br />

26. anGer ManaGeMent<br />

27. aPoCalyPto<br />

28. aWaKe<br />

29. BaD Boys 2<br />

30. BarnyarD<br />

31. BasiC<br />

32. BasiC instinCt 2<br />

33. BatMan BeGins<br />

34. BeDtiMe stories<br />

35. Bee MoVie<br />

36. BeoWulf<br />

37. BiG fish<br />

38. Birth<br />

39. BlaCK haWK DoWn<br />

40. BlaDe 2<br />

41. BlooD DiaMonD<br />

42. BoDy of lies<br />

43. BooGeyMan<br />

44. Borat: Cultural learninG of aMeriCa...<br />

45. Bourne ultiMatuM<br />

46. BoWlinG for ColuMBine<br />

47. BriDe Wars<br />

48. BrinGinG DoWM the house<br />

49. BroKeBaCK Mountain<br />

50. BruCe alMiGhty<br />

51. Burn after reaDinG<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 365-377<br />

Appendix – movies Titles<br />

52. Cars<br />

53. Cat WoMan<br />

54. CatCh Me if you Can<br />

55. Cellular<br />

56. ChanGelinG<br />

57. Charlie anD the ChoColate faCt<br />

58. Charlie's anGels: full throttl<br />

59. Charlotte`s WeB<br />

60. CheaPer By the Dozen<br />

61. CheaPer By the Dozen 2<br />

62. ChiCaGo<br />

63. ChiCKen little<br />

64. ChroniCles of narnia: PrinCe CasPian<br />

65. CinDerella Man<br />

66. CliCK<br />

67. Closer<br />

68. ClouDy With a ChanCe of MeatBalls<br />

69. CloVerfielD<br />

70. Colateral<br />

71. ColD Mountain<br />

72. Collateral DaMaGe<br />

73. Confessions of a DanGerous Min<br />

74. Constantine<br />

75. Crash<br />

76. CroniCles of riDDiCK<br />

77. DaDDy Day Care<br />

78. DareDeVil<br />

79. DarK Water<br />

80. DaWn of the DeaD<br />

81. Day after toMorroW<br />

82. DeraileD<br />

83. Die harD 4.0<br />

84. DistriCt 9<br />

85. DisturBia<br />

86. DouBt<br />

87. DoWnfall<br />

88. DraG Me to hell<br />

89. DraGonBall eVolution<br />

90. DraGonfly<br />

91. DreaMCather<br />

92. eternal sunshine of the sPotless MinD<br />

93. eVan alMiGhty<br />

94. eXorCist: the BeGinninG<br />

95. fahrenheit 9/11<br />

96. failure to launCh<br />

97. fantastiC four<br />

98. fantastiC four 2<br />

99. far froM heaVen<br />

100. fast & furious<br />

101. final Cut<br />

102. finDinG neMo

103. finDinG neVerlanD<br />

104. fireWall<br />

105. fliGht Plan<br />

106. fraCture<br />

107. freDDy Vs. Jason<br />

108. fun With DiCK anD Jane<br />

109. G.i. Joe<br />

110. GanGs of neW yorK<br />

111. GarfielD<br />

112. GarfielD 2: a tail of tWo Kitties<br />

113. Get sMart<br />

114. G-forCe 3D<br />

115. Ghost riDer<br />

116. GoDsenD<br />

117. GolDen CoMPass<br />

118. GooDBye, lenin<br />

119. GothiKa<br />

120. Gran torino<br />

121. hairsPray<br />

122. hanCoCK<br />

123. hannah Montana – the MoVie<br />

124. haPPily n'eVer after<br />

125. haPPy feet<br />

126. harry Potter 2<br />

127. harry Potter 3<br />

128. harry Potter anD the GoBlet of fire<br />

129. harry Potter anD the half-BlooD PrinCe<br />

130. harry Potter anD the orDer of the<br />

PhoeniX<br />

131. haunteD Mansion<br />

132. herBie fully loaDeD<br />

133. hiDalGo<br />

134. hiDe anD seeK<br />

135. hiGh sChool MusiCal 3: senior year<br />

136. hitCh<br />

137. hollyWooD enDinG<br />

138. hoMe on the ranGe<br />

139. horton hears a Who!<br />

140. hostaGe<br />

141. hostel<br />

142. hotel for DoGs<br />

143. house of WaX<br />

144. hoW to lose a Guy in 10 Days<br />

145. hunteD<br />

146. i aM leGenD<br />

147. i aM saM<br />

148. i noW PronounCe you ChuCK anD<br />

149. i roBot<br />

150. iCe aGe<br />

151. iCe aGe 2<br />

152. iCe aGe: DaWn of the Dinosaurs<br />

153. iDentity<br />

154. inDiana Jones anD the KinGDoM of the<br />

Crystal sKull<br />

movies and its Implication for Youth Smoking<br />

155. inGlourious BasterDs<br />

156. inKheart<br />

157. insiDe Man<br />

158. insoMnia<br />

159. intoleraBle Cruelty<br />

160. iron Man<br />

161. Journey to the Center of the earth<br />

162. JuMPer<br />

163. JunGle BooK 2<br />

164. Juno<br />

165. Just MarrieD<br />

166. KanGaroo JaCK<br />

167. Kill Bill - Vol. 2<br />

168. KinG arthur<br />

169. KinGDoM of heaVen<br />

170. KnoWinG<br />

171. KunG fu PanDa<br />

172. la Mala eDuCaCion<br />

173. laDy in the Water<br />

174. laDyKillers<br />

175. lara Croft toMB raiDer the Cra<br />

176. laWs of attraCtion<br />

177. leaGue of eXtraorDinary Gentle<br />

178. leMony sniCKet's a series unfortuna<br />

179. liCense to WeD<br />

180. lilo & stitCh<br />

181. lions for laMBs<br />

182. lorD of the rinGs<br />

183. lorD of the rinGs: the tWo toWers<br />

184. lost translation<br />

185. MaDaGasCar<br />

186. MaDaGasCar 2<br />

187. MaMMa Mia!<br />

188. Man on fire<br />

189. Marley anD Me<br />

190. Master & CoMManDer: the far siDe of<br />

the WorlD<br />

191. MatCh Point<br />

192. MatChstiCK Men<br />

193. MatriX reloaDeD<br />

194. MatriX reVolutions<br />

195. Meet DaVe<br />

196. Meet the foCKers<br />

197. Meet the roBinsons<br />

198. MeMoirs of a Geisha<br />

199. Men in BlaCK 2<br />

200. MiaMi ViCe<br />

201. MiChael JaCKson’s this is it<br />

202. Million Dollar BaBy<br />

203. Minority rePort<br />

204. Mirrors<br />

205. Miss ConGeniality 2<br />

206. Mission iMPossiBle 3<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 365-377<br />


Vargas R, Thrasher J, Sargent J<br />

374<br />

207. Monster house<br />

208. Monster in laW<br />

209. Monsters Vs. aliens<br />

210. MotorCyCle Diares<br />

211. Mr. anD Mrs. sMith<br />

212. Mr. Bean's holiDay<br />

213. Mr. BrooKs<br />

214. MuniCh<br />

215. MusiC & lyriCs<br />

216. My MoM's neW BoyfrienD<br />

217. nanny MCfee<br />

218. national treasure<br />

219. neW Moon<br />

220. neXt<br />

221. niGht at the MuseuM 2: esCaPe froM the<br />

sMithsonian<br />

222. niGhts in roDanthe<br />

223. no Country for olD Men<br />

224. no reserVations<br />

225. norBit<br />

226. oCeans 12<br />

227. oCeans 13<br />

228. onCe uPon a tiMe in MeXiCo<br />

229. oPen season<br />

230. orPhan<br />

231. out of tiMe<br />

232. oVer the heDGe<br />

233. P.s., i loVe you<br />

234. PaniC rooM<br />

235. ParanorMal aCtiVity<br />

236. PerfeCt stranGer<br />

237. Peter Pan<br />

238. Phone Booth<br />

239. PiGlet's BiG MoVie<br />

240. PinK Panther<br />

241. PinK Panther 2<br />

242. Pirates of the CariBBean<br />

243. Pirates of the CariBBean – DeaD´s Man ...<br />

244. Pirates of the CariBBean 3<br />

245. Planet 51<br />

246. Polar eXPress<br />

247. Pooh's heffaluMP MoVie<br />

248. PoseiDon<br />

249. PriMe<br />

250. PuBliC eneMies<br />

251. QuantuM of solaCe<br />

252. raCe to WitCh Mountain<br />

253. raCinG striPes<br />

254. raMBo<br />

255. ratatouille<br />

256. reD DraGon<br />

257. reD eye<br />

258. resiDent eVil 2<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 365-377<br />

259. resiDent eVil: eXtinCtion<br />

260. roBots<br />

261. roCKy BalBoa<br />

262. runaWay Jury<br />

263. s.W.a.t<br />

264. saW 5<br />

265. sCary MoVie 3<br />

266. sCary MoVie 4<br />

267. sCooBy-Doo<br />

268. sCooBy-Doo 2: Monsters unleash<br />

269. seCret WinDoW<br />

270. seCretary<br />

271. seVen PounDs<br />

272. shall We DanCe?<br />

273. shalloW hall<br />

274. sharK tale<br />

275. shooter<br />

276. shreK 2<br />

277. shreK the thirD<br />

278. siGns<br />

279. siMone<br />

280. sin City<br />

281. sin eater<br />

282. sinBaD the leGenD of seVen sea<br />

283. sKy hiGh<br />

284. sluMDoG Millionaire<br />

285. snoW DoGs<br />

286. soMethinG's Gotta GiVe<br />

287. son of the MasK<br />

288. sPeeD raCer<br />

289. sPiDer Man 3<br />

290. sPiDer-Man<br />

291. sPiDer-Man 2<br />

292. sPiriteD aWay<br />

293. sPy KiDs 3D: GaMe oVer<br />

294. star treK<br />

295. star Wars 3: reVenGe of sith<br />

296. star Wars: ePisoDe 2<br />

297. starDust<br />

298. state of Play<br />

299. street KinGs<br />

300. stuart little 2<br />

301. suPerhero MoVie<br />

302. suPerMan returns<br />

303. surf's uP<br />

304. surroGates<br />

305. sWeeney toDD<br />

306. taKen<br />

307. taKinG liVes<br />

308. tears of the sun<br />

309. teenaGe Mutant ninJa turtles<br />

310. terMinator 3: rise of the MaCh<br />

311. terMinator salVation

312. the 25th hour<br />

313. the 40 year olD VirGin<br />

314. the aDVentures of sharKBoy anD laVaGirl<br />

315. the ant Bully<br />

316. the aViator<br />

317. the Bourne suPreMaCy<br />

318. the BreaK-uP<br />

319. the BuCKet list<br />

320. the Butterfly effeCtt<br />

321. the Core<br />

322. the Count of Monte Cristo<br />

323. the Curious Case of BenJaMin Button<br />

324. the Da VinCi CoDe<br />

325. the DarK KniGht<br />

326. the DeParteD<br />

327. the DeVil Wears PraDa<br />

328. the fast anD the furious - toKyo Drift<br />

329. the forGotten<br />

330. the Ghost of GirlfrienDs Past<br />

331. the GruDGe<br />

332. the GuarDian<br />

333. the hanGoVer<br />

334. the haPPeninG<br />

335. the heartBreaK KiD<br />

336. the holiDay<br />

337. the hours<br />

338. the hulK<br />

339. the inCreDiBle hulK<br />

340. the inCreDiBles<br />

341. the interPreter<br />

342. the islanD<br />

343. the italian JoB<br />

344. the laKe house<br />

345. the last saMurai<br />

346. the leGenD of zorro<br />

347. the ManChurian CanDiDate<br />

348. the Mist<br />

349. the MothMaM ProPheCies<br />

350. the MuMMy: toMB of DraGon eMPeror<br />

351. the noteBooK<br />

352. the nuMBer 23<br />

353. the oMen<br />

354. the PaCifier<br />

355. the Passion of the Christ<br />

356. the Phanton of the oPera<br />

357. the PrestiGe<br />

358. the ProPosal<br />

359. the Pursuit of haPPyness<br />

360. the Queen<br />

361. the Quiet aMeriCan<br />

362. the reaPinG<br />

363. the reBounD<br />

364. the sentinel<br />

movies and its Implication for Youth Smoking<br />

365. the siMPsons MoVie<br />

366. the sKeleton Key<br />

367. the sPiDerWiCK ChroniCles<br />

368. the stePforD WiVes<br />

369. the stranGers<br />

370. the sWeetest thinG<br />

371. the taKinG of PelhaM 123<br />

372. the terMinal<br />

373. the uGly truth<br />

374. the unBorn<br />

375. the VillaGe<br />

376. the WilD<br />

377. the WilD thornBerry's<br />

378. the X-files: i Want to BelieVe<br />

379. tiM Burton's CorPse BriDe<br />

380. tiMe MaChine<br />

381. torQue<br />

382. transforMers: reVenGe of the fallen<br />

383. transforMers: the MoVie<br />

384. troy<br />

385. tWo WeeKs notiCe<br />

386. unDerDoG<br />

387. unDerWorlD: rise of the lyCans<br />

388. uniteD 93<br />

389. uP<br />

390. V for VenDetta<br />

391. ValKyrie<br />

392. VantaGe Point<br />

393. VolVer<br />

394. WallaCe & GroMitt<br />

395. Wall-e<br />

396. WanteD<br />

397. War of the WorlDs<br />

398. WatChMen<br />

399. WeDDinG Crashers<br />

400. What haPPens in VeGas<br />

401. White noise<br />

402. WilD hoGs<br />

403. WorlD traDe Center<br />

404. X-Men - the last stanD<br />

405. X-Men 2<br />

406. X-Men oriGins: WolVerine<br />

407. XXX - triPle X<br />

408. yes Man<br />

409. you Don't Mess With the zohan<br />

410. you, Me anD DuPree<br />

411. yu-Gi-oh<br />

412. zoDiaC<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 365-377<br />


Vargas R, Thrasher J, Sargent J<br />

376<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 365-377<br />

Appendix - Rating System<br />

in the united states, the rating is performed by the Motion Picture association (MPaa), institution responsible for<br />

performing the indicative classification of movies and trailers on screen in movie theaters. This entity is formed by<br />

representatives of civil society, and has as a duty the mission of classifying films so that parents know which movies<br />

are the most appropriate for their children. rating is ma<strong>de</strong> from the analysis of subject, language, violence, nudity,<br />

sex and drug use.<br />

five categories are established by MPPa, the first three are suggestive and the last two are prohibitive:<br />

(G) - free for all ages (General audiences).<br />

(PG) - Parts of the movie may not be suitable for children. suggest being accompanied by parent or legal guardians<br />

(Parental Guidance suggested).<br />

(PG-13) - some of the material of the film may be improper for children un<strong>de</strong>r 13. Monitoring by parents or legal<br />

guardians is seriously recommen<strong>de</strong>d (Parents strongly cautioned).<br />

(R) - restricted access. Children un<strong>de</strong>r 17 years require the presence of parents or legal guardians (restricted).<br />

(NC-17) - un<strong>de</strong>r 17 are not admitted to the movies (no one 17 and un<strong>de</strong>r admitted)<br />

Source: available from: www.mpaa.org.<br />

film rating in Brazil is done by the Ministry of Justice, and aims to protect children and adolescents from<br />

ina<strong>de</strong>quate audiovisual contents. it informs about the age groups and times (when shown on tV) to whom the<br />

movies are not recommen<strong>de</strong>d. in this evaluation, the following subjects are consi<strong>de</strong>red: sex, violence and drugs, and<br />

grading is attributed, as <strong>de</strong>scribed below, accompanied by the synthetic disclosure of the content of existing topics,<br />

in conjunction with the <strong>de</strong>gree of intensity with which they appear:<br />

free - for all public<br />

10 - not recommen<strong>de</strong>d for children un<strong>de</strong>r 10 years old<br />

12 - not recommen<strong>de</strong>d for children un<strong>de</strong>r 12 years old<br />

14 - not recommen<strong>de</strong>d for children un<strong>de</strong>r 14 years old<br />

16 - not recommen<strong>de</strong>d for children un<strong>de</strong>r 16 years old<br />

18 - not recommen<strong>de</strong>d for children un<strong>de</strong>r 18 years old<br />

This rating aims to provi<strong>de</strong> an indicative set of information to parents about the works displayed, so that they<br />

can <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> about the access to the content by their children who wish to watch such movie. even for the rating "not<br />

recommen<strong>de</strong>d for children un<strong>de</strong>r 16 years" un<strong>de</strong>rage children are granted admission to movies with classification<br />

above their age provi<strong>de</strong>d they are accompanied by parents or a legal authorized guardian. for movies classified as "not<br />

recommen<strong>de</strong>d for un<strong>de</strong>r 18", access of un<strong>de</strong>rage children is not allowed.<br />

During the preparation of this manuscript (March 2011), the rating criteria in Brazil was un<strong>de</strong>r discussion, through<br />

a public consultation held by the Ministry of Justice, seeking for the preparation of new ordinance.<br />

Source: available from: http://portal.mj.gov.br.

movies and its Implication for Youth Smoking<br />

Resumo<br />

Introdução: a maioria dos fumantes adultos iniciou o uso do tabaco antes dos 18 anos <strong>de</strong> ida<strong>de</strong>. a exposição intensa,<br />

nos filmes, a imagens <strong>de</strong> produtos <strong>de</strong> tabaco e seu consumo contribui para a iniciação <strong>de</strong> jovens ao tabagismo sendo<br />

importante reduzir essa exposição. Objetivo: o presente estudo visa a comparar a classificação indicativa atribuída a<br />

filmes <strong>de</strong> popularida<strong>de</strong> no Brasil e nos estados unidos, assim como refletir sobre a quantida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> imagens <strong>de</strong> produtos<br />

<strong>de</strong> tabaco e seu consumo, presentes nos filmes estrangeiros classificados para adolescentes. Método: estudo documental<br />

em 412 filmes estrangeiros entre os 100 com maior bilheteria no Brasil e estados unidos (2002 a 2009), i<strong>de</strong>ntificando<br />

a classificação indicativa nos dois países e quantida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> exposição a imagens <strong>de</strong> tabaco. a classificação indicativa nos<br />

dois países foi harmonizada em quatro categorias: criança, início da adolescência, final da adolescência e adultos. a<br />

quantida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> exposição a imagens produtos <strong>de</strong> tabaco e consumo nos filmes foi <strong>de</strong>terminada para cada categoria.<br />

Resultados: a atribuição <strong>de</strong> classificação indicativa dos filmes é mais baixa no Brasil. filmes acessíveis a adolescentes<br />

no Brasil têm maior quantida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> imagens <strong>de</strong> uso <strong>de</strong> tabaco comparados aos filmes para este grupo nos estados<br />

unidos. Conclusão: a quantida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> imagens <strong>de</strong> produtos <strong>de</strong> tabaco e <strong>de</strong> consumo é alta em filmes com classificação<br />

indicativa para adolescentes no Brasil. há diferenças <strong>de</strong> classificação entre os países. a classificação indicativa em<br />

filmes consi<strong>de</strong>rando esse conteúdo como ina<strong>de</strong>quado po<strong>de</strong>ria diminuir a exposição <strong>de</strong> adolescentes a essas imagens.<br />

Palavras-chave: tabaco; Cinema como assunto; Publicida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Produtos Derivados do tabaco; Comportamento do<br />

adolescente<br />

Resumen<br />

Introducción: la exposición a imágenes <strong>de</strong> tabaco en películas promueve el tabaquismo durante la adolescencia, antes<br />

<strong>de</strong> los 18, cuando la mayoría <strong>de</strong> los fumadores empiezan a fumar. se consi<strong>de</strong>ra importante impedir la exposición a<br />

estas imágenes para prevenir el tabaquismo. Objetivo: el presente estudio tuvo el objetivo <strong>de</strong> comparar las mismas<br />

películas, exitosas en Brasil y los estados unidos, a través <strong>de</strong>l sistema <strong>de</strong> clasificación <strong>de</strong> cada país, a<strong>de</strong>más <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>terminar<br />

la cantidad <strong>de</strong> imágenes <strong>de</strong> tabaco en las películas extranjeras clasificadas para jóvenes <strong>de</strong> diferentes eda<strong>de</strong>s. Método:<br />

De las 100 películas más taquilladas en Brasil y los estados unidos en cada año <strong>de</strong>l 2002 al 2009, se i<strong>de</strong>ntificaron 412<br />

películas que fueron exitosas en los dos países. Para cada película, se <strong>de</strong>terminó la cantidad <strong>de</strong> imágenes <strong>de</strong> fumar, el<br />

auditorio a<strong>de</strong>cuado según el sistema <strong>de</strong> clasificación <strong>de</strong> cada país: niños; adolescentes más jóvenes; adolescentes más<br />

gran<strong>de</strong>s; adultos y la suma <strong>de</strong> exposición a imágenes <strong>de</strong> fumar para auditorio. Resultados: el sistema brasileño calificó<br />

las mismas películas para auditorios más jóvenes que el sistema estadouni<strong>de</strong>nse. entre las películas clasificadas para<br />

auditorios más jóvenes, la prevalencia <strong>de</strong> imágenes <strong>de</strong> tabaco fue mayor en el sistema brasileño que el estadouni<strong>de</strong>nse.<br />

Conclusión: los sistemas clasifican <strong>de</strong> manera distinta las mismas películas, resulta que el sistema brasileño califica<br />

para adolescentes muchas películas que tienen altos niveles <strong>de</strong> imágenes <strong>de</strong> tabaco. Para reducir la exposición a imágenes<br />

<strong>de</strong> tabaco en jóvenes se consi<strong>de</strong>ra importante tomar en cuenta las imágenes <strong>de</strong> tabaco en los sistemas <strong>de</strong> calificación.<br />

Palabras clave: tabaco; Cine como asunto; Publicidad <strong>de</strong> Productos Derivados <strong>de</strong>l tabaco; Conducta <strong>de</strong>l adolescente<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 365-377<br />


Original Article<br />

Breastfeeding among Postpartum Smokers<br />

Article submitted on 03/17/11, accepted for publication on 06/21/11<br />

Comparison between Postpartum Smokers and Ex-Smokers as to<br />

Breastfeeding Duration and its Impact on the Health of Newborns<br />

Comparação entre Puérperas Fumantes e Ex-Fumantes com Relação ao Tempo<br />

<strong>de</strong> Amamentação e suas Consequências sobre a Saú<strong>de</strong> dos Recém-Nascidos<br />

Comparación entre los Fumadores y ex Fumadores Después <strong>de</strong>l Parto con Respecto<br />

a la Duración <strong>de</strong> la Lactancia Materna y su Impacto en la Salud <strong>de</strong> los Recién<br />

Nacidos<br />

Adriani oliveira galão 1 , bruno rocha <strong>de</strong> macedo 2 , rafaela vanin pinto ribeiro 3 , roberto vanin pinto ribeiro 4 , carla maria De martini vanin 5<br />

Abstract<br />

Introduction: The harmful influence of tobacco smoking during pregnancy and breastfeeding is wi<strong>de</strong>ly <strong>de</strong>scribed in the<br />

literature. Objective: to evaluate the relationship between the duration of breastfeeding and tobacco smoking among<br />

mothers smokers and ex-smokers in the hospital <strong>de</strong> Clinicas <strong>de</strong> Porto alegre and its effects on their babies. Method:<br />

a cross-sectional study applying a questionnaire by telephone among mothers smokers in the hCPa, separated in<br />

two groups: women who had not smoked after <strong>de</strong>livery (G1) and those who smoked after <strong>de</strong>livery (G2). Continuous<br />

variables were <strong>de</strong>scribed by measures of central ten<strong>de</strong>ncy and dispersion; categorical variables by absolute and relative<br />

frequencies. Means were compared with stu<strong>de</strong>nt-t and complications between the groups with chi-square. Results:<br />

154 mothers were evaluated, respectively, 75 in G1 and 79 in G2. age did not differ between groups (26.0 and 24.7<br />

years); 67.5% had prenatal care and, of these, half did not smoke during the postpartum period. only 51.3% received<br />

medical information that smoking could cause complications for her and her baby. There was no statistically significant<br />

difference with respect to problems or respiratory problems in babies. The groups breastfed, on average, 7.2 (G1) and<br />

6.2 (G2) months and there was no statistically significant difference between them. in group G2, there was a ten<strong>de</strong>ncy<br />

for breastfeeding cessation due to respiratory causes (p=0.058). Conclusion: There were no significant changes with<br />

respect to respiratory problems in infants or early breastfeeding cessation in mothers who smoke. however, tobacco<br />

smoking is a worrisome public health problem and should receive continued attention in this special group of women.<br />

Key words: smoking; Breast feeding; tobacco; Postpartum Period<br />

institution where study was performed: hospital <strong>de</strong> Clínicas <strong>de</strong> Porto alegre (hCPa) [Clinical hospital of Porto alegre], service of Gynecology and<br />

obstetrics of the Department of Gynecology and obstetrics, faculty of Medicine (faMeD) of fe<strong>de</strong>ral university of rio Gran<strong>de</strong> do sul (ufrGs).<br />

sponsor: fund of research and events encouraging-fiPe/hcPa<br />

1 PhD in Clinical Medicine and health sciences in PuCrs. associate Professor at the Department of Gynecology and obstetrics of faMeD ufrGs.<br />

Email: adrianig@brturbo.com.br. Porto alegre (rs), Brazil.<br />

2 aca<strong>de</strong>mic at faMeD, ufrGs. Email: brunomacedobrm@hotmail.com. Porto alegre (rs), Brazil.<br />

3 aca<strong>de</strong>mic at faMeD, ufrGs. Email: rafavan@terra.com.br. Porto alegre (rs), Brazil.<br />

4 aca<strong>de</strong>mic at faMeD, ufrGs. Email: rpribeiro@terra.com.br. Porto alegre (rs), Brazil.<br />

5 PhD in Clinical Medicine by the university of toronto, Canada; ufrGs, Brazil. associate Professor at the Gynecology Department at fe<strong>de</strong>ral university<br />

of health sciences of Porto alegre (ufCsPa). email: carlavanin@terra.com.br. Porto alegre (rs), Brazil. Correspon<strong>de</strong>nce address: adriani oliveira Galão.<br />

rua inconfidência, 1603 - Canoas (rs), Brasil. CeP: 92020-320<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 379-385<br />


Galão AO, Macedo BR, Ribeiro RVP, Ribeiro RVP, Vanin CM De M<br />

380<br />


The pernicious influence of smoking during pregnancy<br />

and breastfeeding is wi<strong>de</strong>ly <strong>de</strong>scribed in medical<br />

literature. Maternal smoking not only causes damage<br />

to the baby during its intrauterine life, as, for example,<br />

growth restriction, low birth weight, premature rupture<br />

of membranes and placenta previa; its effects also affect<br />

the postnatal period, including early termination of<br />

breastfeeding and its effects on child <strong>de</strong>velopment 1-2 .<br />

according to the World health organization, there<br />

is an increasing trend of smoking among women, and it<br />

is known that its onset coinci<strong>de</strong>s in time with the period<br />

of childbearing age 3 , but even though some women<br />

quit smoking during pregnancy, many of them take<br />

up smoking in the immediate postpartum period or<br />

during the postpartum period and concomitantly with<br />

breastfeeding 4-5 . it is known that these women generate<br />

higher spendings on health care than nonsmokers 6 .<br />

Breastfeeding rates in the united states are below<br />

the recommen<strong>de</strong>d gui<strong>de</strong>lines, and even lower among<br />

smokers, among who there is a perception of lower<br />

milk production 7-8 . smoking is associated with a shorter<br />

duration of breastfeeding: lower volume and a lower fat<br />

content in milk are some factors involved. furthermore,<br />

the sleep of the baby is affected, which may also explain<br />

the change in their eating pattern. a healthy lifestyle,<br />

high educational level and previous positive breastfeeding<br />

experience are characteristics that significantly improved<br />

continuity rates for the maintenance of breastfeeding 9 .<br />

american studies suggest that the prevalence of smoking<br />

during pregnancy varies from 8.8% to 20.3% 10-11 . in<br />

Brazil, there is a prevalence between 23% and 25%, and<br />

the following risk factors are <strong>de</strong>tected: white race, low<br />

socioeconomic status, low educational backgrond and<br />

single marital status 1,12 . not un<strong>de</strong>rgoing prenatal care is<br />

more frequent in the population of smokers, which implies<br />

an increased risk of maternal infections, complications<br />

for the fetus and consumption of illicit drugs 13 . smoking<br />

mothers expose their children to a risk of sud<strong>de</strong>n infant<br />

<strong>de</strong>ath syndrome 14-16 , type 2 diabetes mellitus in young<br />

adults 17 , asthma 18 and <strong>de</strong>leterious cognitive effects 2 .<br />

infants of mothers who smoke more than five cigarettes<br />

per day tend to have symptoms that sometimes are not<br />

noticed as fetal smoking withdrawal symptoms that can<br />

be facilitators of cessation of breastfeeding, such as colic<br />

and crying 19 .<br />

nicotine <strong>de</strong>creases the production of breast milk<br />

through inhibition of prolactin secretion and therefore<br />

smoking reduction can substantially increase the<br />

breastfeeding period 3,13 ; however, studies suggest that<br />

the social and behavioral differences between smokers<br />

and nonsmokers may be more important than possible<br />

physiological effects of smoking 5 . among the immediate<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 379-385<br />

effects of this substance significant reduction in infant<br />

sleep 20 may occur; but smoking does not contraindicate<br />

breastfeeding though, because its benefits are greater than<br />

any risk associated to early weaning. Breastfeeding for<br />

more than three months attenuates the effect of repeated<br />

respiratory infections and the risk of <strong>de</strong>veloping asthma<br />

between 1 and 10 years of age 21 .<br />

in view of the numerous benefits that the period<br />

of breastfeeding provi<strong>de</strong>s to the baby and the wi<strong>de</strong>ly<br />

proven harms that smoking causes at this stage of child<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopment, this study evaluated the relationship<br />

between the duration of breastfeeding and postpartum<br />

smoking among smokers and former smokers at the<br />

hospital <strong>de</strong> Clínicas <strong>de</strong> Porto alegre (hCPa) and its<br />

consequences for the health of babies.<br />

METHOD<br />

a prospective and cross-sectional study, with<br />

application of a questionnaire by telephone on postpartum<br />

women in hCPa, from october 2007 to March 2008.<br />

the project has obtained approval of the research<br />

ethics Committee of hCPa, n o 07-511, and all women<br />

previously signed the term of consent.<br />

the patients inclu<strong>de</strong>d were healthy, with complete<br />

gestational periods (over 37 weeks), who <strong>de</strong>livered their babies<br />

at hCPa, without complications during prenatal or childbirth.<br />

all patients who could not be contacted during the study<br />

period or had their data charts incomplete were exclu<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

The protocol inclu<strong>de</strong>d i<strong>de</strong>ntification data, history of<br />

smoking in the postpartum period and its complications<br />

on the health of newborns, feeding preferably with breast<br />

milk (<strong>de</strong>fined as breast feeding at least five times a day).<br />

The variables analyzed were: (a) <strong>de</strong>mographic data:<br />

age, marital status, race, educational background and<br />

parity, (b) history: smoking during the postpartum<br />

period, information on treatments for smoking cessation,<br />

abstinence time or smoking relapse after birth, and<br />

number of cigarettes a day; perinatal data, pathological<br />

diagnosis and hospitalization of the child in the<br />

postpartum period, (d) postpartum data, breast feeding<br />

duration predominantly with breast milk, breastfeeding<br />

cessation causes.<br />

for statistical purposes, the sample was divi<strong>de</strong>d into<br />

two groups: (1) women who had not smoked after <strong>de</strong>livery<br />

and (2) women who smoked after <strong>de</strong>livery. Continuous<br />

variables were <strong>de</strong>scribed by measures of central ten<strong>de</strong>ncy<br />

and dispersion (mean and standard <strong>de</strong>viation or median<br />

and interquartile range as data show normal distribution<br />

or not), and the groups were compared with stu<strong>de</strong>nt's<br />

t and Mann-Whitney tests (with significance level of p<br />

Table 1. Characteristics of studied groups<br />

Variable<br />

Group 1: did not smoke<br />

after <strong>de</strong>livery (n=75)<br />

Group 2: smoked after<br />

<strong>de</strong>livery (n=79)<br />

Breastfeeding among Postpartum Smokers<br />

Age (years) 26.0+6.3 24.7+6.3 0.709 a<br />

Skin color (n%)<br />

White 49 (52%) 45 (48%)<br />

Non-white 26 (43%) 34 (57%) 0.287 b<br />

Educational Background (n%)<br />

Illiterate and elementary<br />

school<br />

30 (46%) 35 (54%) 0.589b High school / higher<br />

education<br />

Prenatal (n%)<br />

45 (51%) 44 (49%)<br />

No 23 (46%) 27 (54%) 0.642b Yes 52 (50%) 52 (50%)<br />

a = t test b = Chi square test.<br />


The studied population was acquired as a result of a<br />

previous study that assessed smoking during pregnancy in<br />

a sample of 346 mothers 22 . of this initial sample, a total of<br />

154 mothers were interviewed by telephone, with a followup<br />

loss of 55%. of the patients interviewed, 49% (n = 75)<br />

did not smoke in the postpartum period (group 1) and<br />

51% (n = 79) smoked in the postpartum period (group 2).<br />

The <strong>de</strong>mographic characteristics are presented in table 1.<br />

The average age was 25 years old, with an interval between<br />

16-45 years of age, and did not differ between groups. of<br />

the study group, 61% of patients were white, 58% had<br />

high school our higher education and 67.5% received<br />

prenatal care. of those who had prenatal care, that is,<br />

at least six visits, half didn't smoke during postpartum<br />

period.<br />

only 51.3% of patients received medical information<br />

during pregnancy that smoking could cause complications<br />

for their child during breastfeeding. after postpartum and<br />

breastfeeding period, only three women reported having<br />

done some treatment to quit smoking. With regard to<br />

marital status, among the unmarried, 40% of them never<br />

quit smoking during the period of breastfeeding; among<br />

married women, 60% didn't smoke in the same period<br />


Galão AO, Macedo BR, Ribeiro RVP, Ribeiro RVP, Vanin CM De M<br />

382<br />

Table 2. Characteristics of newborns during breastfeeding by groups<br />

Problems:<br />

Variable<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 379-385<br />

Group 1: did not smoke<br />

after <strong>de</strong>livery (n=75)<br />

Group 2: smoked after<br />

<strong>de</strong>livery (n=79)<br />

None 57 (76%) 51 (64.5%)<br />

Respiratory 13 (17.3%) 21 (26.5%) 0.294 a<br />

Other 5 (6.7%) 7 (9.0%)<br />

Hospitalizations:<br />

None 51 (68%) 59 (74.6%) 0.647 a<br />

Respiratory 15 (20%) 12 (15.2%)<br />

Other 9 (12%) 8 (10.2%)<br />

Time of breastfeeding<br />

(months)<br />

7.2+4.7 6.2 + 4.3 0.472b Reason of breastfeeding<br />

interruption<br />

Smoking-related 11 (14.7%) 23 (29.1%) 0.058a Other causes<br />

a b = t test = Chi square test.<br />

35 (46.6%) 33 (41.8%)<br />

was related to the fact that our patients often exchanged<br />

address or phone within a short time between studies 22 .<br />

such an approach sometimes brings greater fragility<br />

to data that could be un<strong>de</strong>restimated with high rates<br />

of false-negative or incur in recall bias, as in a similar<br />

study 23 . Concentrations of metabolites of nicotine, as<br />

cotinine, could be tested in mothers or in newborns in<br />

or<strong>de</strong>r to confirm the information on the use of tobacco<br />

in the puerperal period 24 . researches show that infants<br />

breastfed by smoking mothers have urine cotinine levels<br />

ten times higher than those without breastfeeding, but<br />

with secondhand smoke exposure; and still 50 times<br />

higher than those not exposed to smoke, regardless of<br />

nourishment 2 .<br />

The literature indicates that most women who get<br />

prenatal care get to the first appointment with no history<br />

of smoking or having already quit smoking before or<br />

immediately when they find themselves pregnant 9 . With<br />

respect to performing prenatal as a protective factor for the<br />

maintenance of smoking in the period of breastfeeding,<br />

this study showed no difference in the sense of protection.<br />

it seems that perhaps our prenatal care is not effective<br />

when it comes to properly inform our mothers about the<br />

risks of smoking and its relationship with breastfeeding,<br />

because only 51% of patients received some information<br />

about it in their prenatal visits. These gui<strong>de</strong>lines should<br />

be encouraged by any health care provi<strong>de</strong>r.<br />

the literature shows a greater risk of respiratory<br />

problems and hospitalization among infants born to<br />

mothers who smoke during breastfeeding 13, 21 . Besi<strong>de</strong>s the<br />

direct effect of smoking, there seems to be a change in the<br />

lower airway colonization by pathogens, increasing the<br />

frequency and intensity of diseases of infectious etiology in<br />

pediatric age 25 ; however, among the patients interviewed,<br />

this was not significantly different between groups.<br />

among pregnant women who smoke, only three<br />

said they had some treatment during pregnancy to quit<br />

smoking, two treated with homeopathic medication and<br />

one with bupropion hydrochlori<strong>de</strong>, which has B risk<br />

during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This proves that<br />

smoker mothers in postpartum period are inappropriately<br />

treated and many treatment options that have been<br />

discussed in the literature are not offered 2 . encouraging<br />

smoking cessation is the minimum (up to 3 minutes of<br />

information on risks, for example); evi<strong>de</strong>nce suggests that<br />

psychosocial intervention must overcome it (5-15 minutes<br />

of conversation with different health professionals offers, by<br />

itself, a statistical advantage). Despite being controversial,<br />

reducing the number of cigarettes smoked per day should<br />

be encouraged. There are no studies in pregnant or lactating<br />

<strong>de</strong>monstrating the benefit of pharmacotherapy, but overall<br />

its use is recommen<strong>de</strong>d in any patient without a specific<br />

contraindication to treatment. replacement with nicotine,<br />

for example, must be used un<strong>de</strong>r strong supervision and<br />

following guidance on the risks of treatment. Bupropion,<br />

<strong>de</strong>spite increasing the risk of birth <strong>de</strong>fects when used in the<br />

first quarter, can be used and has shown to increase rates<br />

of smoking cessation 2 .<br />


While breastfeeding time is been reported as lower<br />

in mothers who smoke 3,13 , this study showed no such<br />

difference. Perhaps this is due to a local culture that<br />

emphasizes more and more the habit of breastfeeding as<br />

a protective factor for newborns 21 , unlike what happens<br />

in the united states, where breastfeeding is <strong>de</strong>clining 7-8 .<br />

The reasons leading to discontinuation of breastfeeding<br />

as to smoking did not differ between groups, and perhaps<br />

this is explained by the average length of breastfeeding<br />

being 6.7 months between groups and the fact that it is a<br />

cultural perception that, even for smoking mothers, the<br />

benefits of breastfeeding outweigh the risks.<br />


it should be noted that although this study did not<br />

point out the risks, perhaps due to a biased sample,<br />

smoking concomitant to breastfeeding remains an<br />

important public health problem with consequences<br />

that involve not only the health care system, but also the<br />

economy of society as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary<br />

that, in prenatal consultations, information about the risks<br />

of smoking during postpartum continue to be <strong>de</strong>livered.<br />

in this sense, guidance campaigns should keep on<br />

addressing this issue in or<strong>de</strong>r to educate smoker mothers,<br />

especially, of the dangers and harmful effects of smoking<br />

on their newborn children during breastfeeding.<br />


to all stu<strong>de</strong>nts who participated in the preparation of<br />

projects and data collection: alícia Dorneles Dornelles,<br />

andré Dias américo, Bárbara sabrine Kilp, Gustavo Julio<br />

Dreher, João augusto P. Bergamaschi, lílian leão arais<br />

da silva, Maicon antônio Carraro, Manuela Martins<br />

Costa, rodolfo souza da silva, Julise a. Balvedi, Matheus<br />

Dornelles fick and lucas Klassmann.<br />


adriani oliveira Galão worked in the <strong>de</strong>sign and<br />

research outline, methodology, analysis and interpretation<br />

of data and final writing and overall coordination and<br />

supervision of work; Bruno rocha <strong>de</strong> Macedo, rafaela<br />

Vanin Pinto ribeiro, roberto Vanin Pinto ribeiro, Carla<br />

Maria <strong>de</strong> Martini Vanin worked in the interpretation of<br />

data, data analysis and final writing.<br />

Declaration of Conflicting Interests: Nothing to Declare.<br />


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Breastfeeding among Postpartum Smokers<br />

Resumo<br />

Introdução: a influência nociva do tabagismo no período gestacional e na amamentação é amplamente <strong>de</strong>scrita na<br />

literatura. Objetivo: avaliar a relação entre o tempo <strong>de</strong> amamentação e o tabagismo entre as puérperas fumantes e<br />

ex-fumantes do hospital <strong>de</strong> Clínicas <strong>de</strong> Porto alegre e suas consequências para a saú<strong>de</strong> dos bebês. Métodos: estudo<br />

transversal com aplicação <strong>de</strong> questionário via telefone em puérperas fumantes do hCPa, divididas em 2 grupos:<br />

mulheres que não fumaram (G1) e que fumaram (G2) após o parto. Variáveis contínuas foram <strong>de</strong>scritas por medidas <strong>de</strong><br />

tendência central e dispersão; variáveis categóricas, por frequências absolutas e relativas. as médias foram comparadas<br />

com t <strong>de</strong> Stu<strong>de</strong>nt e as complicações entre os grupos com Qui-quadrado. Resultados: avaliadas 154 puérperas: 75 (G1)<br />

e 79 (G2). a ida<strong>de</strong> não diferiu entre os grupos (26,0 e 24,7 anos); 67,5% tinham feito pré-natal e, <strong>de</strong>stas, meta<strong>de</strong><br />

não fumou no pós-parto. somente 51,3% receberam informação médica <strong>de</strong> que o fumo po<strong>de</strong>ria trazer complicações<br />

para ela e seu bebê. não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa com relação a problemas ou intercorrências<br />

respiratórias nos bebês. as puérperas amamentaram em média 7,2 (G1) e 6,2 (G2) meses e não houve diferença<br />

estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos. no grupo G2 houve uma tendência à interrupção da amamentação por<br />

causas respiratórias (p=0,058). Conclusão: não houve alterações significativas com relação a problemas respiratórios<br />

nos bebês ou parada da amamentação em puérperas fumantes. no entanto, o tabagismo é um preocupante problema<br />

<strong>de</strong> saú<strong>de</strong> Pública e <strong>de</strong>ve receber atenção constante nesse grupo especial <strong>de</strong> mulheres.<br />

Palavras-chave: tabagismo; aleitamento Materno; tabaco; Período Pós-Parto<br />

Resumen<br />

Introducción: la influencia perjudicial <strong>de</strong>l tabaquismo durante el período <strong>de</strong> embarazo y <strong>de</strong> lactancia está ampliamente<br />

<strong>de</strong>scripta en la literatura. Objetivo: evaluar la relación entre la duración <strong>de</strong> la lactancia materna y el acto <strong>de</strong> fumar<br />

entre los fumadores y ex fumadores madres <strong>de</strong>l hospital <strong>de</strong> Clínicas <strong>de</strong> Porto alegre y sus efectos sobre sus bebés.<br />

Método: estudio transversal con un cuestionario por teléfono entre las mujeres fumadoras <strong>de</strong>l hCPa. se dividieron: las<br />

mujeres que no habían fumado <strong>de</strong>spués <strong>de</strong>l parto (G1) y las que habían fumado <strong>de</strong>spués <strong>de</strong>l parto (G2). las variables<br />

continuas se <strong>de</strong>scriben con medidas <strong>de</strong> ten<strong>de</strong>ncia central y dispersión; las variables categóricas mediante frecuencias<br />

absolutas y relativas. las medias se compararon con la t <strong>de</strong> stu<strong>de</strong>nt y las complicaciones entre los grupos con Chicuadrado.<br />

Resultados: 154 mujeres evaluadas: 75 (G1) y 79 (G2). la edad no fue diferente entre los grupos (26,0 y<br />

24,7 años), el 67,5% tenían control prenatal y <strong>de</strong> éstos, la mitad no fumó durante el período posparto. sólo el 51,3%<br />

recibió la información médica que el fumar pue<strong>de</strong> causar complicaciones para ella y su bebé. no hubo diferencias<br />

estadísticamente significativas con respecto a los problemas o complicaciones respiratorias en los bebés. los grupos <strong>de</strong><br />

lactancia materna en meses promedio <strong>de</strong> 7,2 (G1) y 6,2 (G2), y no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre<br />

ellos. en cuanto al motivo <strong>de</strong> finalización <strong>de</strong> la lactancia materna, en el grupo 2 hubo una ten<strong>de</strong>ncia a romperse por<br />

causas respiratorias (p = 0,058). Conclusión: no hubo cambios significativos con respecto a los problemas respiratorios<br />

en los bebés o la interrupción temprana <strong>de</strong> la lactancia materna entre las mujeres fumadoras. sin embargo, el tabaquismo<br />

es un problema preocupante <strong>de</strong> salud pública y <strong>de</strong>be recibir atención continua en este grupo especial <strong>de</strong> las mujeres.<br />

Palabras clave: tabaquismo; lactancia Materna; tabaco; Periodo <strong>de</strong> Posparto<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 379-385<br />


Original Article<br />

Precursor Lesions among Women who Smoke<br />

Article submitted on 03/28/11, accepted for publication on 06/13/11<br />

Cervical-Uterine Precursor Lesion Associated to Tobacco Smoking:<br />

A Study about the Knowledge among Women who Smoke<br />

Lesões Precursoras do <strong>Câncer</strong> Cervicouterino Associado ao Tabagismo: um<br />

Estudo sobre o Conhecimento entre as Mulheres que Fumam<br />

Lesiones Precursoras <strong>de</strong>l Cáncer Cervical Uterino Asociado al Tabaquismo: un<br />

Estudio sobre el Conocimiento entre Mujeres que Fuman<br />

maria cristina <strong>de</strong> melo pessanha carvalho 1 , carmen Lucia <strong>de</strong> paula 2 , Ana beatriz Azevedo Queiroz 3<br />

Abstract<br />

Introduction: it is believed that a possibility to achieve results so as to favor the female population health concerning<br />

the high inci<strong>de</strong>nce of cervical-uterine cancer is the <strong>de</strong>sign of strategies for the prevention of risk factors, like tobacco<br />

smoking. Objective: to discuss the association between cervical-uterine cancer precursor lesions and tobacco smoking<br />

evi<strong>de</strong>nced in women’s talk who have these cervical changes. Method: Qualitative and <strong>de</strong>scriptive research, carried out<br />

in a fe<strong>de</strong>ral Public institution in the city of rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro. 40 women who were diagnosed with cervical-uterine cancer<br />

precursor lesion participated, divi<strong>de</strong>d in 22 smokers and 18 women with past history in smoking within the age group<br />

from 22 to 70. The data were collected by means of semi-structured interviews, and analyzed un<strong>de</strong>r the perspective<br />

of the social representation Theory and categorized according to Bardin’s content analysis mo<strong>de</strong>l. Results: in the<br />

women’s talk, association between tobacco smoking throughout their lives and the <strong>de</strong>velopment of cervical-uterine<br />

cancer precursor lesions is noticed, and 4 categories are highlighted: the relationship between the disease and tobacco,<br />

cigarettes; the disease and the attempt to change their life style; the media strength, contributing to the information<br />

process; the blame for keeping the tobacco smoking. Conclusion: it can be noticed the need of strategic actions<br />

based on the consensual universe of these women that contributes to the importance of fighting tobacco smoking as<br />

a preventable risk factor for <strong>de</strong>veloping cervical-uterine cancer.<br />

Key words: smoking; Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia; Women's health<br />

Part of a Master's dissertation submitted to the Post-Graduate Program of anna nery nursing school, fe<strong>de</strong>ral university of rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (eean/<br />

ufrJ/2008)<br />

1 Ph.D.c. in nursing at the Post-Graduate Program eean / ufrJ. specialist in oncology nursing. nurse at hospital fe<strong>de</strong>ral <strong>de</strong> ipanema [ipanema's<br />

fe<strong>de</strong>ral hospital] and Píndaro rodrigues <strong>de</strong> Carvalho CMs [City health Center]. rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro Brazil. Email: mcrismelo4@hotmail.com.<br />

2 nurse. Master's <strong>de</strong>gree in nursing by the rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro state university (uerJ). nurse at the oncology Clinic of Brazilian national Cancer institute<br />

(inCa) / hospital do <strong>Câncer</strong> ii (hC ii) / Mh. Collaborating Professor at the Post-Graduate Program of university Gama filho (nursing in the operating<br />

room and sterilized material center). Email: carmenpaula@ymail.com<br />

3 nurse. PhD in nursing. associate Professor, Department of Maternal and Child nursing, ufrJ. Coordinator of Multidisciplinary resi<strong>de</strong>nce in Women's<br />

health at hospital school são francisco <strong>de</strong> assis, ufrJ, Brazil. Email: anabqueiroz@oi.com.br. Correspon<strong>de</strong>nce Address: Carmen lucia <strong>de</strong> Paula. rua<br />

Jaracatiá, 174/103. irajá, CeP: 21235-570 rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (rJ), Brazil.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 387-394<br />



in Brazil, cervical cancer is consi<strong>de</strong>red a public health<br />

problem, since it has the highest inci<strong>de</strong>nce and mortality<br />

among women. according to estimates by the Brazilian<br />

national Cancer institute (inCa), for the years 2010<br />

and 2011, 18,000 new cases are expected, and this type<br />

of tumor is the second most frequent and the fourth cause<br />

of <strong>de</strong>ath by cancer to the female population in Brazil 1 .<br />

Currently, 44% of cases of this disease are <strong>de</strong>rived from<br />

cervical cancer precursor lesions (CCPl) called carcinoma<br />

in situ1. These lesions are distinguished by the presence<br />

of modifications of the original epithelium, giving birth<br />

to pre-cancerous manifestations that may <strong>de</strong>velop into<br />

cervical cancer 2-3 .<br />

Cervical cancer, consi<strong>de</strong>red as invasive, evolves from<br />

cervical intraepitelial neoplasia i (Cin i); however, not<br />

all Cin will evolve into an invading illness. nevertheless,<br />

it should be highlighted that all Cin must be consi<strong>de</strong>red<br />

as significant lesions and, as such, must be treated and be<br />

followed, because women early diagnosed and a<strong>de</strong>quately<br />

treated have 100% possibility of cure 4 .<br />

it is worth highlighting that the main risk factor to<br />

cause this type of cancer is human papillomavirus, hPV,<br />

and this virus has some oncogenic subtypes, which are<br />

related to malignant tumors, such as viral subtypes 16<br />

and 18 1 .<br />

however, it is noteworthy that less than 1% of women<br />

with hPV infection with cancer risk will <strong>de</strong>velop cervical<br />

cancer, but this risk is intensified when the viral infection<br />

is associated with smoking, thus highlighting that the<br />

frequent use of cigarettes is a proven cause of the evolution<br />

of this pathology 5 .<br />

tobacco significantly diminishes the level of function<br />

of langherans cells, which are responsible for <strong>de</strong>fending<br />

the epithelial tissue, and, besi<strong>de</strong>s, cigarettes contain over<br />

300 carcinogenic substances 6 .<br />

it should be noted that the number of smokers<br />

among women has increased worldwi<strong>de</strong>, influenced by<br />

many social, cultural and economic factors, especially in<br />

<strong>de</strong>veloping countries, making tobacco one of the biggest<br />

causes of this type of tumor 7 . Confirming this fact, a<br />

study that addressed the cytological and risk factors<br />

illustrated that 48% of a total of 65 women with cervical<br />

abnormalities were smokers 8 .<br />

thus, the issue of this study emerged from the<br />

practice of assistance to women with CCPl when it was<br />

empirically i<strong>de</strong>ntified that some of them linked smoking<br />

to the situation they were in; however, other segments<br />

besi<strong>de</strong>s not doing so, sometimes did not believe there was<br />

a connection between these variables.<br />

This was reflected in the different ways of thinking<br />

and acting towards the experience of smoking and cervical<br />

changes, which are permeated by rules established in<br />

388 Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 387-394<br />

social and cultural environment that subjectivate and<br />

individualize themselves in each person.<br />

it is believed that one of the possibilities to achieve<br />

different results, so as to promote health of the female<br />

population against the <strong>de</strong>velopment of cervical cancer, is<br />

the formulation of strategies for prevention of avoidable<br />

risk factors such as smoking, but strategies that take into<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>ration the psychosocial aspects that are involved<br />

in this phenomenon, and not only informative or<br />

prescriptive conditionants.<br />

Prevention and control of cervical cancer are among<br />

the most important scientific and public health challenges<br />

of our time, which must perva<strong>de</strong> both the use of condoms<br />

in all sexual relations, and the fight to smoking among<br />

women.<br />

the need to review, <strong>de</strong>sign and propose new<br />

approaches at different levels of expertise in health should<br />

be seen as a priority in the fight against smoking, so as to<br />

mobilize not only the professionals to work effectively,<br />

but the population itself.<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r this view, this study aims to discuss the<br />

association of smoking with CCPl evi<strong>de</strong>nced in the<br />

speech of those women with cervical abnormalities.<br />

METHOD<br />

this is a study with qualitative approach and<br />

<strong>de</strong>scriptive typology, because the research requires a <strong>de</strong>eper<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the reality experienced by these women.<br />

regarding the problem <strong>de</strong>scribed, to support the<br />

interpretation and the subjectivity of the data produced<br />

by the study subjects, the Theory of social representations<br />

was used, as the theoretical framework, which provi<strong>de</strong>s<br />

elements to give basis to cultural approaches, values and<br />

beliefs of this group of women. This theory is seen as the<br />

one that studies the common, popular and naive thought<br />

of people about a particular thing or event that causes<br />

individuals to act according to what they think 9-10 .<br />

the survey was conducted in a fe<strong>de</strong>ral Public<br />

institution in the city of rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, a prominent<br />

place consi<strong>de</strong>red as a reference in <strong>de</strong>aling with the cervical<br />

pathology. This service receives women from Basic health<br />

units for treatment of cervical abnormalities.<br />

The survey consisted of 40 subjects, divi<strong>de</strong>d into two<br />

groups: one group with 22 smoker women and precursor<br />

lesions and another with 18 women with history of<br />

smoking.<br />

inclusion criteria were: diagnosis of CCPl<br />

<strong>de</strong>monstrated by results of cervical cytology and/or<br />

colposcopic; un<strong>de</strong>rgoing treatment at that institution,<br />

self-<strong>de</strong>claration of being a smoker with history of smoking<br />

and accepting to take part in the study.<br />

exclusion criteria were <strong>de</strong>limited as women who did<br />

not <strong>de</strong>clare themselves smokers, even smoking one to three

cigarettes per day, and those who were in the process of<br />

diagnosis confirmation.<br />

Data were collected from february to June 2008,<br />

through interviews, having in mind the need to<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstand the information that circulates at different<br />

times such as interaction, habit and social imaginary.<br />

it is noteworthy that the data collection in a study<br />

of social representation requires long semi-structured<br />

interviews. Thus there was an average of 30-45 minutes<br />

per interview 11 . a portable recor<strong>de</strong>r was used to record<br />

the speeches with prior permission of the interviewees.<br />

The interview had a script with open questions that<br />

were <strong>de</strong>signed to explore the main speeches and statements<br />

of the subjects about the causal factors of CCPl and<br />

its relation to smoking, and revealing the respon<strong>de</strong>nt's<br />

perceptions of the world, observing, evaluating and<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstanding the common knowledge phenomenon.<br />

The interviews were conducted in a private room<br />

after medical appointment and with prior scheduling,<br />

thus respecting the availability of the respon<strong>de</strong>nds.<br />

subsequently, data were transcribed to facilitate the stage<br />

of analysis.<br />

With regard to ethical aspects, we followed the<br />

recommendations of the resolution nº196/96, which<br />

<strong>de</strong>als with standards for research involving humans.<br />

Participants signed an informed consent form, stating<br />

the purpose of the study, with guaranteed anonymity and<br />

confi<strong>de</strong>ntiality of information provi<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

the study was approved by the research ethics<br />

Committee of anna nery nursing school / hospital<br />

school são francisco <strong>de</strong> assis / fe<strong>de</strong>ral university of rio<br />

<strong>de</strong> Janeiro un<strong>de</strong>r the Protocol number 02/2008.<br />

to organize the data, the tapes were transcribed and<br />

fluctuating readings occurred. after exhaustive reading of<br />

all the material, it was classified into themes that structured<br />

the empirical categories for analysis according to Bardin’s<br />

thematic orientation 12 . Category is a classification system<br />

of the constituent elements of a set by differentiation<br />

grouped into thematic categories 12 .<br />

Given view, the categories were grouped together by<br />

bonds which illustrated the correlation between cervical<br />

change and smoking. finally, the data were analyzed un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

the psychosocial perspective of the social representations<br />

theory.<br />


the categories pointed to the relations that the<br />

interviewees ma<strong>de</strong> between smoking and the results of<br />

cytology and change in women's lives after learning the<br />

test results.<br />

Therefore, four categories emerged and were <strong>de</strong>fined<br />

as: 1) The relationship of the disease with tobacco, 2)<br />

Cigarette, disease and attempt to change lifestyle, 3) The<br />

Precursor Lesions among Women who Smoke<br />

strength of the media in contributing with the information<br />

process, and 4) The guilt for keeping smoking.<br />

The reLATionship beTWeen The DiseAse AnD TobAcco<br />

in this category, the relations the subjects ma<strong>de</strong><br />

between cervical abnormalities and smoking were<br />

analyzed. of the 40 respon<strong>de</strong>nts, 35 acknowledged the<br />

existence of some kind of association between smoking<br />

and cervical changes. however, the value or weight of this<br />

association presented itself quite diverse, and none pointed<br />

the cigarette as the effective cause of CCPl.<br />

i have always heard that smoking is harmful, that<br />

it causes cancer! i don't know. i’ve always smoked.<br />

i smoke about ten cigarettes a day, and i’ve always<br />

wanted to quit [...]. Because i was supposed to have<br />

quit, because i never quit (pause). ah whatever. i'm<br />

always in hospitals. i have always done preventive<br />

exams, it was always negative. i keep won<strong>de</strong>ring:<br />

has my partner got an illness, did he pass me? i<br />

keep brooding it in my head. But it is obvious that<br />

smoking worsens the problem. (interviewee no. 16<br />

-48 years - smoker for 16 years - Cin i)<br />

i cannot explain, smoking may have helped,<br />

worsened the situation. But it was my husband.<br />

i won't put my neck on the line for him. i think<br />

that he's the cause. i know that smoking helped,<br />

but he was the one who was transmitted me this.<br />

(interviewee no. 31 - 58 years - a former smoker<br />

- Cin iii)<br />

i think it's the cigarette, the cigarette because it<br />

harms you continuously, making you ill till you<br />

have cancer. But i have smoked for a long time,<br />

never quit, but i will try now. But in fact i do think<br />

that sex was the cause, because men never un<strong>de</strong>rgo<br />

treatment, thus, because of that they give us, which<br />

must cause some lesion, to cause in women, i think<br />

men's secretion causes this on us. i think sex is first<br />

and then cigarettes. and obviously for those who<br />

smoke is worse, the cure, the treatment is more<br />

difficult. (interviewee n. 9 - 51 years old - 8 smoker<br />

for 8 years - Cin iii).<br />

in this category, it has become clear that most<br />

interviewees link the source of the problem to the sexual<br />

unfaithfulness from the partner and not to smoking.<br />

This, in turn, was represented as a contributing factor to<br />

the <strong>de</strong>velopment of the disease and even being able of<br />

causing cancer.<br />

it is observed that they are aware that tobacco is<br />

harmful to their health, and therefore perceive themselves<br />

as more vulnerable to serious consequences, for smoking,<br />

than those women who are not smokers.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 387-394<br />


Carvalho MCMP, Paula CL, Queiroz ABA<br />

390<br />

The various aspects of the association between smoking<br />

and the cervical cell changes experienced are actually<br />

coming from what they see in their daily life, in the media<br />

and even in the hospital environment that are placed due<br />

to treatment.<br />

This influences the way they think, not only on the way<br />

they got the problem, but mainly on coping and <strong>de</strong>cision<br />

making, such as whether quitting smoking or not. in face<br />

of these facts, most people interpret what happens to<br />

them, form an opinion about their own conduct or that<br />

of relatives / people and gui<strong>de</strong> their actions in accordance<br />

with this interpretation 9 .<br />

in contrast, there was a small segment of respon<strong>de</strong>nts<br />

who did not believe there was any relationship between<br />

smoking and the plight, questioning the actual existence<br />

of the bad influence of smoking with this problem. see<br />

the statement below:<br />

i don't know. i don't know, is it because of<br />

cigarettes? i question it a lot [...]. for me cigarettes<br />

have no connection with it. This thing is something<br />

that women catch and smoking has nothing to do<br />

with it. Therefore, i don't quit smoking. i have to<br />

take care of it somehow else. (interviewee n. 17 -<br />

32 years old - smoker for 17 years - Cin ii)<br />

We emphasize the position of Moscovici9 with respect<br />

to individuals acting according to their gui<strong>de</strong>lines and<br />

interpretations, i.e., if the cigarette for this group of<br />

respon<strong>de</strong>nts is not represented as one of the causes or<br />

enhancers of CCPl, the <strong>de</strong>cision to want to face it and<br />

quit smoking will not be something a priority in their<br />

lives, or even be part of their plans.<br />

cigAreTTe, The DiseAse AnD ATTempT To chAnge LifesTYLe<br />

This category reveals the attempt to change lifestyle<br />

when you discover the diagnosis of CCPl and, within<br />

these attempts, there is the possibility of quit smoking.<br />

The acknowledgement of smoking as a factor in the<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopment of cervical abnormalities, causes emotional<br />

distress, and contributes significantly to the <strong>de</strong>velopment<br />

of cervical cancer.<br />

as smoking is seen in the reified universe of science as<br />

a major risk factor for the <strong>de</strong>velopment of cancers, because<br />

it has more than 67 carcinogens, increasing the risk of<br />

disease onset up to 15 times 13 , it is comprehensible that<br />

there is an hegemonic transfer to the universe of consensus,<br />

thus influencing the social un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the harms of<br />

tobacco to individuals.<br />

historically, women took up smoking as a social<br />

advancement and gen<strong>de</strong>r equality issue. however, the<br />

relationship between cigarette use with women today is<br />

conflicting, comprised by emotional disor<strong>de</strong>rs, due to<br />

the fact that they usually smoke in response to negative<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 387-394<br />

situations of life, stress and the prospect of mo<strong>de</strong>rating<br />

the low motivation to live 14 .<br />

But when they see themselves in situations of danger,<br />

or fear of worsening a disease or even <strong>de</strong>ath, as is the case<br />

of cancer, which still today is represented with a load of<br />

i<strong>de</strong>as that are part of common sense, shared by social<br />

environment, where information that circulates and<br />

crystallizes finiteness show themselves as motivators to<br />

quit smoking.<br />

some women see a need to change habits, especially<br />

leaving behind harmful habits such as smoking, drinking,<br />

eating poorly. it is worth noting that when it comes to<br />

health itself, a social result of construction of comfort<br />

standards for one's health is settled 15 . This can be i<strong>de</strong>ntified<br />

in the following statement:<br />

smoking, i was not able to stop smoking yet. i've<br />

tried, but could not yet. in terms of food, i've<br />

been eating better. i've been eating certain things<br />

that i once did not eat, plenty of fruit and many<br />

vegetables. We hear that cauliflower is very good for<br />

the uterus, so i quite like cauliflower, my hygiene is<br />

more rigorous now, all this stuff changed a lot. The<br />

only thing i could not quit was smoking, but i'll try.<br />

(interviewee nº 23 - 32 years - smoker for 15 years<br />

- Cin ii / Cin iii)<br />

The practices of habit change are gui<strong>de</strong>d by a logic<br />

that results from social experience 16 . Before this statement,<br />

these women try to produce actions that will restore their<br />

health, they recognize the need to change their way of<br />

thinking and acting as to their well-being and body.<br />

The role that the representation has to gui<strong>de</strong> the<br />

practices of the individual allows us to un<strong>de</strong>rstand why<br />

some problems are more evi<strong>de</strong>nt in a society 17 . in this<br />

case, as to women with CCPl, they raise <strong>de</strong>cisions, such<br />

as trying to quit smoking and changing lifestyle, which<br />

are events that put precursor lesions in smoker women<br />

in the role of guiding representations about these injuries<br />

and that have been built and <strong>de</strong>veloped by the social<br />

environment in which they live.<br />

The poWer of The meDiA conTribUTing To The process of<br />

informATion<br />

Media influences the behavior and lifestyle of people<br />

who often i<strong>de</strong>alize living what a character or product<br />

shows: be nice, beautiful, interesting and enjoyable. The<br />

quest for acceptance in society and, often, self-assertion,<br />

can lead people to acquire habits without a prior<br />

questioning whether that can cause damage, including<br />

damage to health. Thus, for many years, cigarettes were<br />

strongly advertised in the media as a source of glamour<br />

and charm, making much of its strength even among<br />

the female group. the tobacco industry conveyed,

through marketing, that smoking was synonymous with<br />

pleasure and adventure, and that this compensated any<br />

possible health risks, because the socioeconomic and<br />

cultural conditions also interfere with the acquisition<br />

and maintenance of smoking. in face of this picture,<br />

one realizes that the association between smoking and<br />

an adventurous lifestyle and seduction is common in<br />

cigarette advertising 18 .<br />

Currently, there is a strong movement against the<br />

tobacco positive cultural tradition, such as state and local<br />

laws against smoking in certain places, as well as efforts of<br />

the Ministry of health (Mh) against advertisement and<br />

encouragement of tobacco consumption. Consi<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

this scenario, it becomes clear that the actions for<br />

tobacco control <strong>de</strong>pend on the articulation of different<br />

types of strategies in the social, governmental and<br />

nongovernmental sectors 19 .<br />

Thus, the reference of care that one has is based on<br />

the media discourse, emphasizing the value of health,<br />

without tobacco, within a communication circuit.<br />

the contribution of the population's greater access<br />

to information and knowledge about the disease and<br />

prevention of risk factors for cervical cancer should also<br />

be emphasized.<br />

The role of the media, especially television, is relevant<br />

in the construction of subjectivity and common sense,<br />

influencing the transformation of habits such as smoking<br />

and cervical cancer prevention 20 . representations that<br />

have a direct influence of what one hears about the<br />

problem, either by the media, or by the social environment<br />

in which we live, or by the medical discourse. Thus, some<br />

women in the study acquire such information and try to<br />

quit smoking.<br />

however, we know that quitting does not <strong>de</strong>pend<br />

solely on the information on the hazardous effects of<br />

smoking.<br />

There are other factors involved, such as addiction,<br />

willpower, continuous treatment, access to health services,<br />

but as noted in the statement below, no doubt, awareness<br />

seems to be the first step:<br />

i used to smoke 10 cigarettes per day, then<br />

i started to hear on television they say that<br />

smoking is not good, it causes problems. But<br />

i only quit after i started to feel tired, and the<br />

physician said "quit it, woman, stop smoking,<br />

if not you will get worse". i quit after 15 years<br />

and soon after this thing started, this disease. i<br />

heard on television one advertising saying this...<br />

this saying comforted me a lot. The girl in the ad<br />

would say: "see, this disease is dangerous, but it<br />

is for people who do not take care of themselves.<br />

While it is a little thing, and the person takes<br />

care of it, it won't become anything". she said<br />

Precursor Lesions among Women who Smoke<br />

this on television, then i thought, i have to take<br />

care of myself and stop smoking. it was hard but<br />

i managed. Thank god! (interviewee 14 - 62 years<br />

- a former smoker - Cin iii / carcinoma in situ )<br />

ad<strong>de</strong>d to this fact, one can also quote the massive<br />

presence of television as a source of information, not<br />

counting the circle of friends, which undoubtedly<br />

contributed to the formation of social representations<br />

of CCPl by women who use tobacco. Thus, one can<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstand how social knowledge is constructed, because<br />

it is a knowledge linked to the context of a relationship<br />

with the social environment in which we live.<br />

in this case, the media provi<strong>de</strong>s discourse and information<br />

with different i<strong>de</strong>as and information ad<strong>de</strong>d to its social<br />

environment, i.e., the people who surround it. Women build<br />

and organize their representations of this phenomenon. such<br />

representations are elaborations formed by the information<br />

circulating that renew and crystallize 9 . This way, women in<br />

this study take ownership of information, trying to put them<br />

into practice and quit smoking.<br />

gUiLT for keep smoking<br />

Thus, the difficult task of quitting smoking involves<br />

feelings of failure, <strong>de</strong>pression and guilt for not achieving<br />

the goal, especially when it is recognized that this factor<br />

is <strong>de</strong>trimental to the health problem that is experienced.<br />

in this category, it was possible to i<strong>de</strong>ntify this<br />

viewpoint of guilt in face of the current diagnosis and of<br />

what continuous tobacco use can cause in the future. The<br />

process of guilt <strong>de</strong>veloped due to actions not taken, due<br />

to care that was not practiced and habits that were not<br />

suppressed, such as smoking, as a means of preventing<br />

cervical cancer. herebelow follows a statement:<br />

for i am a faineant, because i did not do preventive<br />

exams, i didn't quit cigarettes, i smoke a pack a day,<br />

i tried to cut it down, but i couldn't. it is addiction.<br />

i get <strong>de</strong>pressed when i do not smoke. i use to stand<br />

barefoot, with my belly wet, i did not have any<br />

care, because women are sensitive, they must care<br />

for themselves, for example, if you fall and hurt if<br />

you do not put medicine in it, you leave a wound<br />

untreated, it will become infected, it may even turn<br />

into a disease, the same thing, the cigarette, if you<br />

know that's no good and continue, problems will<br />

show up. and inflammation of the cervix is like<br />

this, it begins like this, from little grain of sand, it<br />

grows up. i think i got this for not taking care of my<br />

health, not stop smoking, not going to the doctor<br />

every six months, i think so. i've tried to stop, but it<br />

is very difficult, i do not know how to quit smoking<br />

[...]. (interviewee 27 - 31 years - smoker for 5 years<br />

- Cin iii / carcinoma in situ )<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 387-394<br />


Carvalho MCMP, Paula CL, Queiroz ABA<br />

392<br />

it is known that, for any health treatment, human<br />

subjectivity, <strong>de</strong>sires, limits of body and mind are present<br />

and should be taken into consi<strong>de</strong>ration, because the human<br />

being is not a machine that only obeys or<strong>de</strong>rs without<br />

judgment, interpretations and representations. and when<br />

it comes to smoking, there are several difficult barriers to<br />

transpose in or<strong>de</strong>r to quit smoking, such as: withdrawal,<br />

<strong>de</strong>pression, anxiety and lack of concentration. about 80%<br />

of smokers that want to quit smoking, only 3% do it with<br />

no help 21 .<br />

Therefore, the support of the multidisciplinary team is<br />

necessary with these women, encouraging cessation. so it<br />

is very important to bear in mind the concern to bring us<br />

closer to this space, so one can better target and intervene<br />

in the <strong>de</strong>cision of these women. it is important to <strong>de</strong>fine<br />

intervention practices, which will modify the behavior of<br />

subjects to review their practices of care and prevention as<br />

referenced by Jo<strong>de</strong>let about intervention 22 .<br />


We conclu<strong>de</strong> that the results of this study showed that<br />

women believe in the association of smoking with the<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopment of precursor lesions of cervical cancer and<br />

that this factor certainly could have been avoi<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

it is observed that women recognize and un<strong>de</strong>rstand<br />

that tobacco is harmful to health; however, the statements<br />

illustrate the subjectivity of the female population on<br />

tobacco and the conflict that is experienced due to the<br />

need to quit smoking.<br />

The relationship of the disease with smoking was<br />

evi<strong>de</strong>nt in the discourse of these women, which illustrates<br />

the strong social and cultural predominance anchored in<br />

the relationship between women and tobacco. escape<br />

feelings, uncertainties, doubts and questions are part of<br />

the subjectivity of the female population through the<br />

social representations.<br />

The relevance of this study is to contribute to the<br />

i<strong>de</strong>ntification of psychosocial issues that affect the<br />

attitu<strong>de</strong>s related to smoking cessation. Many women<br />

revealed that they could not quit smoking, even when<br />

acknowledging it to be harmful to their health.<br />

in this sense, it is essential to have reinforcements and<br />

innovations in programs for non-adherence to smoking,<br />

as well as emphasizing clarification of the dangers of its<br />

use. it is possible the use of approaches, which, as to their<br />

tenets and beliefs, are un<strong>de</strong>rstood by the multidisciplinary<br />

team, consi<strong>de</strong>ring that there shouldn't be only a technicalscientific<br />

context, but the psychosocial, historical and<br />

cultural context of these women should also be taken<br />

into account.<br />

The study set up subsi<strong>de</strong>s in the pursuit of knowledge<br />

of representations of women who smoke, suggesting an<br />

innovative tool in our daily practice, besi<strong>de</strong>s enabling the<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 387-394<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopment of new strategies, because it is believed that,<br />

given the representations of women who smoke and who<br />

are suffering from precursor lesions, it will be possible to<br />

create high-impact interventions to non-adherence to<br />

tobacco by the female population.<br />


Maria Cristina <strong>de</strong> Melo Pessanha Carvalho and<br />

Carmen lucia Paula contributed to the conception<br />

and planning of the research project, in obtaining and/<br />

or analyzing and interpreting data, writing and critical<br />

review; ana Beatriz azevedo Queiroz helped in obtaining<br />

and/or analyzing and interpreting data and in writing and<br />

critical review.<br />

Declaration of Conflicting Interests: Nothing to Declare<br />


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Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 387-394<br />


Carvalho MCMP, Paula CL, Queiroz ABA<br />

394<br />

Resumo<br />

Introdução: acredita-se que uma das possibilida<strong>de</strong>s para alcançar resultados <strong>de</strong> modo a favorecer a saú<strong>de</strong> da população<br />

feminina em relação à alta incidência <strong>de</strong> câncer cervicouterino seja a construção <strong>de</strong> estratégias para prevenção dos fatores<br />

<strong>de</strong> risco, entre eles o tabagismo. Objetivo: Discutir a associação das lesões precursoras do câncer cervicouterino com o<br />

tabagismo evi<strong>de</strong>nciado na fala <strong>de</strong> mulheres portadoras <strong>de</strong>ssas alterações cervicais. Método: Pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo<br />

<strong>de</strong>scritiva, realizada em uma instituição Pública fe<strong>de</strong>ral no Município do rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro. Participaram 40 mulheres<br />

com o diagnóstico <strong>de</strong> lesão precursora do câncer cervicouterino, divididas em 22 tabagistas e 18 com história pregressa<br />

<strong>de</strong> tabagismo entre a faixa etária <strong>de</strong> 22 e 70 anos. os dados foram coletados por meio <strong>de</strong> entrevistas semiestruturadas,<br />

e analisados sob a perspectiva da teoria das representações sociais, sendo categorizadas <strong>de</strong> acordo com a temática<br />

<strong>de</strong> Bardin. Resultados: na fala das mulheres, percebe-se a associação do ato <strong>de</strong> fumar ao longo <strong>de</strong> suas vidas com<br />

o <strong>de</strong>senvolvimento das lesões precursoras do câncer cervicouterino, sendo <strong>de</strong>stacadas quatro categorias: a relação da<br />

doença com o tabaco, o cigarro; a doença e a tentativa <strong>de</strong> mudança <strong>de</strong> estilo <strong>de</strong> vida; a força da mídia, contribuindo<br />

no processo <strong>de</strong> informação; e a culpa por manter o tabagismo. Conclusão: nota-se a necessida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> ações estratégicas<br />

baseadas no universo consensual <strong>de</strong>ssas mulheres, contribuindo para a importância do combate ao tabagismo como<br />

um fator <strong>de</strong> risco evitável para o <strong>de</strong>senvolvimento do câncer cervicouterino.<br />

Palavras-chave: tabagismo; neoplasia intra-epitelial Cervical; saú<strong>de</strong> da Mulher<br />

Resumen<br />

Introducción: se acredita que una <strong>de</strong> las posibilida<strong>de</strong>s para alcanzar resultados <strong>de</strong> modo a favorecer a salud <strong>de</strong> la<br />

población femenina en relación a alta inci<strong>de</strong>ncia <strong>de</strong> cáncer cervical uterino, sea la construcción <strong>de</strong> estrategias para<br />

prevención <strong>de</strong> los factores <strong>de</strong> riesgo evitables, como el tabaquismo que entre otros, contribuye para el <strong>de</strong>sarrollo <strong>de</strong>l<br />

mismo. Objetivo: el objetivo <strong>de</strong> este estudio consiste en discutir la asociación <strong>de</strong> las lesiones precursoras <strong>de</strong>l cáncer<br />

cervical uterino con el tabaquismo evi<strong>de</strong>nciado en el habla <strong>de</strong> las mujeres. Método: la investigación es cualitativa,<br />

<strong>de</strong> tipo <strong>de</strong>scriptivo, realizada en una institución Pública fe<strong>de</strong>ral en el Municipio <strong>de</strong>l rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro. Participaron 40<br />

mujeres que tenían el diagnóstico <strong>de</strong> lesión precursora <strong>de</strong>l cáncer cervical uterino, divididas en 22 tabaquistas y 18<br />

mujeres con historia previa <strong>de</strong> tabaquismo entre la franja etaria <strong>de</strong> 22 y 70 años. los datos fueron colectados por<br />

medio <strong>de</strong> entrevistas semiestructuradas, y analizados bajo la perspectiva <strong>de</strong> la teoría <strong>de</strong> las representaciones sociales<br />

y se clasifican <strong>de</strong> acuerdo a la temática <strong>de</strong> Bardin. Resultados: en el habla <strong>de</strong> las mujeres se <strong>de</strong>staca la asociación <strong>de</strong>l<br />

acto <strong>de</strong> fumar a lo largo <strong>de</strong> sus vidas con el <strong>de</strong>sarrollo <strong>de</strong> las lesiones precursoras <strong>de</strong>l cáncer cervical uterino, siendo<br />

<strong>de</strong>stacadas 4 categorías: la relación <strong>de</strong> la enfermedad con el tabaco, el cigarrillo, enfermedad y la tentativa <strong>de</strong> mudanza<br />

<strong>de</strong> estilo <strong>de</strong> vida; la fuerza <strong>de</strong> los medios <strong>de</strong> comunicación contribuyendo en el proceso <strong>de</strong> información; la culpa por<br />

mantener el tabaquismo. Conclusión: en este aspecto, se observa que la necesidad <strong>de</strong> acciones estratégicas basadas<br />

en el universo consensual <strong>de</strong> estas mujeres contribuye a la importancia <strong>de</strong> la lucha contra el tabaquismo como factor<br />

<strong>de</strong> riesgo evitable para el <strong>de</strong>sarrollo <strong>de</strong> cáncer <strong>de</strong> cervical uterino.<br />

Palabras clave: tabaquismo; neoplasia intraepitelial <strong>de</strong>l Cuello uterino; salud <strong>de</strong> la Mujer<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 387-394

Opinion Article<br />

Tobacco Control: a Parallel between the World and Brazil<br />

Article received on 6/10/11; accepted for publication on 7/18/11<br />

Advances and Challenges in Tobacco Control: a Parallel between<br />

the World and Brazil<br />

Avanços e Desafios no Controle do Tabagismo: um Paralelo entre o Mundo e o<br />

Brasil<br />

Avances y Desarollos en el Control <strong>de</strong>l Tabaco: un Paralelo entre el Mundo y Brasil<br />


The aim of this opinion session is to contextualize the<br />

Brazilian program within the current international tobacco<br />

control efforts, and highlight its successful outcomes that<br />

have clearly resulted in a smoking prevalence reduction<br />

over the last 20 years. It also explores the new country<br />

challenges, highlighting the importance of tobacco control<br />

in the national and global <strong>de</strong>velopment agenda.<br />

The time could not be better to talk about tobacco<br />

control activities in Brazil and in the world. The<br />

September 2011 United Nations General Assembly<br />

High-Level Meeting on the Prevention and Control of<br />

Non-communicable Diseases 1 will address one of the<br />

most alarming global problems in public health and<br />

unfortunately Brazil is not an exception. The Summit<br />

will raise the profile of NCDs globally and will mobilize<br />

the international community to react to the current<br />

situation. Governments of different countries such as<br />

Brazil are already working on their national agendas<br />

sending a clear message to stakehol<strong>de</strong>rs, donors and<br />

fun<strong>de</strong>rs on their health priorities and needs to tackle<br />

with the disease bur<strong>de</strong>n of NCDs. The Summit will also<br />

ensure the commitment of Heads of State to lead the<br />

cross-government effort and to tackle the multi sectoral<br />

dimensions necessary to reverse the epi<strong>de</strong>mic.<br />

The recently launched Global Report on NCD 2<br />

clearly shows that low-and middle-income countries<br />

Douglas William bettcher 1 , vera Luiza da costa e silva 2<br />

now bear nearly 80% of the bur<strong>de</strong>n from diseases like<br />

cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and chronic<br />

respiratory diseases. Ageing, and rapid urbanization, are<br />

important <strong>de</strong>terminants. Powerful forces – many times<br />

driven by the most unscrupulous commercial interests, are<br />

behind this epi<strong>de</strong>mic that unfortunately touches most if<br />

not all countries in the world; in particular, these global<br />

effects of globalization have impact on former culturally<br />

healthy behaviors turning them into unhealthy lifestyles.<br />

The proportion of NCD <strong>de</strong>aths in relation to all <strong>de</strong>aths<br />

in Brazil continues to rise (representing 72% of all <strong>de</strong>aths<br />

in 2007). Nevertheless, the country has implemented a<br />

number of policies that have already impacted on agestandardised<br />

mortality rates. They have fallen by 1.8%<br />

per year since 1996, which is within the range of 1-3%<br />

observed from 1970 to 2000 in high-income countries<br />

such as Australia, Canada, Japan, the UK and the USA 3 .<br />

Cost-effective tobacco control measures along with better<br />

primary health care attention are consi<strong>de</strong>red to be the<br />

major causes of this improvement, composed principally<br />

of <strong>de</strong>clining rates of cardiovascular and chronic respiratory<br />

diseases.<br />

Brazil efforts are in line with current global efforts<br />

that are already showing promising results on a global<br />

scale after the adoption of the World Health Organization<br />

Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO<br />

FCTC) 4 , the first and single international treaty negotiated<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r the auspices of WHO 5 .<br />

1 Medical Doctor, Masters in Public health and PhD (econ). Director of the tobacco free initiative. World health organization. E-mail: bettcherd@who.int<br />

2 Medical Doctor, MBa, PhD (Public health). associated Professor at the national Public health school. oswaldo Cruz foundation.<br />

E-mail: veradacostaesilva@ensp.fiocruz.br<br />

Corresponding author: Vera luiza da Costa e silva. rua Pinheiro Guimarães, nº 149 - casa 145 - rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (rJ), Brazil. 22281-080.<br />

E-mail: veradacostaesilva1@gmail.com<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 395-399<br />


Bettcher DW, Costa e Silva VL<br />

396<br />

The gLobAL sTATUs of The TobAcco epiDemic: The Who<br />

reporT on The gLobAL TobAcco epiDemic 2011<br />

Brazil‘s tobacco control country profile is part of the<br />

recently released WHO Report on the Global Tobacco<br />

Epi<strong>de</strong>mic, 2011 6 . The report is the third report on the<br />

status of the global tobacco epi<strong>de</strong>mic published by WHO’s<br />

Tobacco Free Initiative and addresses, this time with more<br />

<strong>de</strong>tails, the efforts WHO Member States are making in<br />

informing their population about the dangers of tobacco<br />

use. The report follows up previous editions, on the status<br />

of the global tobacco epi<strong>de</strong>mic regarding six <strong>de</strong>mand<br />

reduction measures, inten<strong>de</strong>d to support WHO Member<br />

States in implementing the WHO FCTC, labeled as<br />

MPOWER measures including: monitor tobacco use<br />

and interventions; protect people from tobacco smoke;<br />

offer help to quit tobacco use, warn about the dangers of<br />

tobacco; enforce bans on tobacco advertising, promotion<br />

and sponsorship; and raise taxes on tobacco. The findings<br />

of the report on the current status of these measures are<br />

shown in Figure 1.<br />

The information is unequivocal. Despite the advances,<br />

the share of the world population covered by selected<br />

tobacco control policies is far from being a<strong>de</strong>quate.<br />

Nevertheless, as countries continue to build on the<br />

progress achieved since becoming Parties to the WHO<br />

FCTC, more people are being protected from the harms<br />

Share of world population<br />

100%<br />

90%<br />

80%<br />

70%<br />

60%<br />

50%<br />

40%<br />

30%<br />

20%<br />

10%<br />

0%<br />

46%<br />

Note: Changes of less than 1% are not labeled on the chart.<br />

Figure 1. Current status of the tobacco epi<strong>de</strong>mic regarding six <strong>de</strong>mand reduction measures (MPOWER) of the WHO FCTC<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 395-399<br />

11% 14% 15%<br />

of second-hand tobacco smoke, provi<strong>de</strong>d with help to quit<br />

tobacco use, exposed to effective health warnings through<br />

tobacco package labelling and mass media campaigns,<br />

protected against tobacco industry marketing tactics<br />

and covered by taxation policies <strong>de</strong>signed to <strong>de</strong>crease<br />

tobacco use and fund tobacco control and other health<br />

programmes. Perseverance by all countries in expanding<br />

the reach of tobacco control programmes is nee<strong>de</strong>d to<br />

achieve the goal of a tobacco-free world, and is critical to<br />

saving the lives of the billion people who may otherwise<br />

die from tobacco-related illness this century.<br />

brAziL: sTATUs of The TobAcco epiDemic AnD pUbLic<br />

heALTh responses<br />

Brazil is doing well in the international picture.<br />

From the <strong>de</strong>veloping countries that have completed the<br />

Global Adult Tobacco Survey, Brazil has one of the lowest<br />

prevalence of smokers (Figure 2) only behind Mexico<br />

and is probably one of the most successful tobacco<br />

control programmes among the major tobacco growing<br />

<strong>de</strong>veloping countries. The success of countries like Brazil<br />

in tobacco control have an additional value because of<br />

the sharp contrast between public health efforts, many<br />

times competing with many other health and social<br />

needs and the economic appeal of tobacco growers and<br />

manufacturing forces. In a major tobacco producer and<br />

Share of the world population covered by selected tobacco control policies, 2010<br />

M<br />

Monitoring<br />

P<br />

Smoke-free<br />

environments<br />

O<br />

Cessation<br />

programmes<br />

28%<br />

W<br />

Pack warnings Mass media<br />

6%<br />

E<br />

Advertising bans<br />

8%<br />

R<br />


Proportion of adults currently using tobacco<br />

Tobacco Control: a Parallel between the World and Brazil<br />

Prevalence of adult tobacco use in the 14 countries that completed the Global Adult Tobacco Survey, 2008-2010<br />

100%<br />

90%<br />

80%<br />

70%<br />

60%<br />

50%<br />

40%<br />

30%<br />

20%<br />

10%<br />

0%<br />

43%<br />

39%<br />

35%<br />

31% 31% 30% 29% 28% 27%<br />

Figure 2. Prevalence of adult tobacco use (Global Adult Tobacco Survey) in 14 countries<br />

exporter such as Brazil, tobacco industry and allies are<br />

constantly lobbying governments on the importance of<br />

their business to economic growth, <strong>de</strong>velopment and job<br />

generation and virtually always trying to <strong>de</strong>rail tobacco<br />

control initiatives.<br />

Brazil was among the countries that have shown that<br />

<strong>de</strong>spite the strong presence of the tobacco industry and<br />

tobacco related economic interests, a tobacco growing<br />

<strong>de</strong>veloping country can do pretty well in protecting their<br />

population against the tobacco epi<strong>de</strong>mic. Moreover,<br />

Brazil has particularly contributed to the international<br />

tobacco control efforts by chairing the Inter Governmental<br />

Negotiation Body of the WHO FCTC through its<br />

outstanding diplomacy.<br />

brAziL besT prAcTices on TobAcco conTroL<br />

The areas where Brazil is among the Highest Achieving<br />

Countries and Territories – 2010 of the Global Report of<br />

the Tobacco Epi<strong>de</strong>mic 2011 inclu<strong>de</strong>:<br />

Article 11 - Pictorial Health Warnings: Brazil was the<br />

first country in the world to ban misleading <strong>de</strong>scriptors of<br />

cigarette packs and the second in the world to introduce<br />

pictorial health warnings in tobacco products packages.<br />

Recent global <strong>de</strong>velopments have taken place since<br />

then, with an increasing number of countries such as<br />

the United States, Peru and Mexico mandating pictorial<br />

health warnings. Australia’s government has proposed<br />

25% 25%<br />

20%<br />

18% 16%<br />

plain packaging of tobacco products as one additional<br />

measure to ban the marketing of the tobacco industry<br />

and this policy can eventually be consi<strong>de</strong>red as a further<br />

step in Brazil’s regulation on packaging and labelling of<br />

tobacco products.<br />

Article 14 - Tobacco <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce treatment: According<br />

to the Report, between 2008 and 2010, one additional<br />

country (Turkey) has begun providing comprehensive<br />

tobacco <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce treatment that inclu<strong>de</strong>s a national<br />

quit line as well as coverage of costs for nicotine<br />

replacement therapy and at least some other cessation<br />

services. The progressive effort Brazil’s government is<br />

making in promoting smoking cessation is recognized in<br />

the report as part of the highest achieving countries in the<br />

world. Strengthening Brazil’s countrywi<strong>de</strong> toll-free quit<br />

line, offering health professionals training initiatives and<br />

evaluating on a regular basis smoking cessation policies<br />

for cost-effectiveness would contribute to this process.<br />

Taking advantage of the National Program for Control<br />

of Tuberculosis would be an opportunity to reduce both<br />

tuberculosis mortality and tobacco use.<br />

brAziL AnD The TobAcco epiDemic: confronTing neW<br />

chALLenges<br />

Despite the existing successes in tobacco control, there<br />

are no grounds for complacency when it comes to the<br />

tobacco epi<strong>de</strong>mic. Brazil has still many challenges ahead<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 395-399<br />


Bettcher DW, Costa e Silva VL<br />

398<br />

and has reported to be on the wedge of taking additional<br />

tobacco control measures.<br />

The first and probably the most urgent need is to<br />

establish mechanisms to monitor and counteract the<br />

growing pressure of the tobacco industry, who is using<br />

different groups as a mass of manoeuvre to oppose sound<br />

and nee<strong>de</strong>d tobacco control measures in the country.<br />

A public consultation held by the Brazilian National<br />

Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa in 2011 has shown<br />

how the industry can orchestrate a reaction against tobacco<br />

control measures such as the ban of additives and<br />

additional and important regulations at points of sales,<br />

which are all recommen<strong>de</strong>d by the WHOFCTC Gui<strong>de</strong>lines.<br />

The tobacco industry un<strong>de</strong>rmines this consultation<br />

process by using front groups, lobbying parliamentarians<br />

and manipulating tobacco farmers, employees of the<br />

hospitality industry and retailer groups 7-8 . The tobacco<br />

industry also uses lobbyists in Brazil’s government. Recently,<br />

a major newspaper in Brazil documented how the<br />

tobacco industry has tried to influence a member of the<br />

Brazil’s National Commission for the Implementation<br />

of the WHOFCTC (CONICQ) who was also a part of<br />

the Brazilian <strong>de</strong>legation to the Fourth Conference of the<br />

Parties to the WHOFCTC 9 . This <strong>de</strong>monstrates, according<br />

to article 5.3 Gui<strong>de</strong>lines, the need for extending<br />

the firewall boundaries between the government and the<br />

tobacco industry.<br />

Developments in other policy areas might also be<br />

of importance in the country. Investing in grants from<br />

national and international <strong>de</strong>velopment and research<br />

agencies for studying alternative livelihood seems to be<br />

a sensible approach for a tobacco growing country. The<br />

reason for that is simple. Tobacco farmers are the weakest<br />

part of the tobacco production chain and should be<br />

protected in regard to their health and livelihood. Furthermore,<br />

by giving attention to farmer’s needs, they will<br />

be more equipped to resist the influence of the tobacco<br />

industry, being empowered to <strong>de</strong>fend their legitimate<br />

interests. The current initiative from the Brazil’s Ministry<br />

of Agrarian Development should be commen<strong>de</strong>d and<br />

strengthened and results of their initiatives can serve<br />

as a basis to support other tobacco growing <strong>de</strong>veloping<br />

countries.<br />

The Global Tobacco Control Report also shows other<br />

important areas where the country is not among the Highest<br />

Achieving Countries and Territories – 2010 of the<br />

Global Report on the Tobacco Epi<strong>de</strong>mic 2011 that can<br />

be addressed in Brazil:<br />

Article 8 - 100% Smoke-free places: The GTCR2011<br />

has shown that between 2008 and 2010, 16 countries<br />

newly enacted nationwi<strong>de</strong> comprehensive smoke-free<br />

legislation, increasing to 31 the number of countries<br />

that provi<strong>de</strong> the highest level of protection against<br />

second-hand tobacco smoke exposure, showing that this<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 395-399<br />

is feasible and should be followed by other countries.<br />

Brazil has a national tobacco control law as from 1996<br />

regulating tobacco use in public places, but the smoking<br />

<strong>de</strong>signated areas allowed by the law have benefited<br />

the tobacco industry, that has teamed up with retailers<br />

associations and the hospitality industry to ensure a<br />

more “reasonable” regulation 10 . A total ban of smoking<br />

in public areas is still a challenge in the Brazil fe<strong>de</strong>ral<br />

legislation as it would complement the successful<br />

initiatives in many Brazilian states, pioneered by the<br />

state of São Paulo, that are already showing results 11 .<br />

Article 13 - Comprehensive bans on tobacco advertising,<br />

promotion and sponsorship (TAPS): According to the<br />

GTCR2011, between 2008 and 2010, three additional<br />

countries (Chad, Colombia and the Syrian Arab Republic)<br />

enacted comprehensive bans on TAPS that covered all<br />

forms of direct as well as indirect advertising. Brazil has<br />

enacted a comprehensive ban on TAPS at the beginning<br />

of this century but has allowed for an exception at points<br />

of sale. This policy can be strengthened by amending the<br />

law including a ban of advertising on points of sales as<br />

well as corporate social responsibility and other marketing<br />

strategies of the tobacco industry.<br />

Article 12 – High hitting communication campaigns:<br />

According to the GTCR2011, between 2008 and 2010,<br />

there are currently 23 countries, with a total of more<br />

than 1.9 billion people representing 28% of the world’s<br />

population, who have conducted media campaigns<br />

that were national in scope and that incorporated all<br />

appropriate characteristics. Low-and middle-income<br />

countries have been in the forefront of <strong>de</strong>veloping antitobacco<br />

mass media campaigns, showing that countries<br />

can successfully implement this intervention regardless<br />

of income classification. Examples inclu<strong>de</strong> India, Turkey<br />

and regions from the Russian Fe<strong>de</strong>ration.<br />

In Brazil, national public campaigns could also be<br />

strengthened and mass media campaigns would be<br />

instrumental in addressing tobacco use prevalence<br />

particularly among the poor and vulnerable populations<br />

as the tobacco prevalence in other groups has been sharply<br />

reduced over the years 12 . This would contribute to the<br />

already successful initiatives of Brazil’s government to<br />

reduce poverty and inequalities, in synchrony with the<br />

Millennium Development Goals.<br />

Article 6 - Taxes and prices increases: According to<br />

the GTCR2011, there are now 26 countries and one<br />

territory whose total taxes constitute more than 75%<br />

of the retail price. Since 2008, there have been 11<br />

countries and one territory (Argentina, Greece, Hungary,<br />

Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Madagascar, Romania,<br />

Slovenia, Turkey and West Bank and Gaza Strip) who<br />

have increased tobacco taxes so that they constitute more<br />

than 75% of the retail price. Economic measures are the

est buy in tobacco control. Brazil, with taxes rates of<br />

60% of retail price has consi<strong>de</strong>rable room to increase<br />

taxes and prices establishing a tobacco taxes and prices<br />

policy that will ultimately protect public health. Regular<br />

and progressive increases in tobacco taxes will result in<br />

further reduction in tobacco prevalence by reducing<br />

affordability particularly among youth and the poor.<br />

Strengthening policies to counteract illicit tra<strong>de</strong> and<br />

support the completion of the Protocol on Illicit Tra<strong>de</strong><br />

will contribute additionally to further countries’ public<br />

health objectives.<br />


even consi<strong>de</strong>ring that we are still far from protecting<br />

a big share of the world’s population of health, social and<br />

economic consequences of the tobacco epi<strong>de</strong>mic, the<br />

world is getting better when it comes to tobacco control.<br />

More countries have introduced policies and measures<br />

to curb the epi<strong>de</strong>mic, in both <strong>de</strong>veloped and <strong>de</strong>veloping<br />

world and the commitment and political will is present<br />

in all Who Member states.<br />

The Who fCtC has progressively more Parties<br />

(174 Parties as of 18 July 2011) and the Conference<br />

of the Parties has adopted several Gui<strong>de</strong>lines with the<br />

first protocol un<strong>de</strong>r the WhofCtC being finalized.<br />

Brazil’s role mo<strong>de</strong>l, experience and best practices have<br />

been essential in supporting the treaty negotiation and<br />

implementation, making history in tobacco control.<br />

The world continues to watch Brazil’s paths and relies<br />

on its lea<strong>de</strong>rship in advancing the global tobacco<br />

control agenda.<br />


The World Health Organization (WHO) has copyright<br />

in this Manuscript and has granted the <strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>Nacional</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> <strong>Câncer</strong>-Brazil permission for the reproduction of this<br />

article in the Revista Brasileira <strong>de</strong> Cancerologia.<br />

The authors thank A'Isha Alison Louise Commar for her<br />

support in the preparation of this paper.<br />


The authors of this paper directly participated in its<br />

planning, analysis and writing, and have approved the<br />

final version here submitted.<br />

Conflict of Interest: None<br />

Tobacco Control: a Parallel between the World and Brazil<br />


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3. Schmidt MI, Duncan BB, Silva GA, Menezes AM,<br />

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Chronic non-communicable diseases in Brazil: bur<strong>de</strong>n and<br />

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4. WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control<br />

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[cited 2011 Jul 16]. Available from: http://whqlibdoc.<br />

who.int/publications/2003/9241591013.pdf<br />

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Health Organization; c2009 [cited 2011 Jul 16].<br />

Available from: http://whqlibdoc.who.int/<br />

publications/2009/9789241563925_eng.pdf<br />

6. World Health Organization. WHO report on the global<br />

tobacco epi<strong>de</strong>mic, 2011: warning about the dangers of<br />

tobacco. Geneva: WHO; c2011.<br />

7. Quando falta informação, sobra dúvida para o<br />

consumidor [Informe publicitário]. O Globo. 31 maio<br />

2011: Ca<strong>de</strong>rno O País:5.<br />

8. International Tobacco Growers’ Association. Brazil<br />

(AFUBRA). Tobacco Courier. 2011 Mar; (49):21-2.<br />

[cited 2011 Jul 18]. Available from: http://xa.yimg.com/<br />

kq/groups/2165858/979909210/name/itga_tobacco_<br />

courier_march_2011_SMALL%2Epdf<br />

9. Carvalho MC. Servidora da União é acusada <strong>de</strong> espionar<br />

para a Souza Cruz. Folha <strong>de</strong> São Paulo. 14 jul 2011:<br />

Cotidiano:C6.<br />

10. Bialous SA, Presman S, Gigliotti A, Muggli M, Hurt R.<br />

A resposta da indústria do tabaco à criação <strong>de</strong> espaços<br />

livres <strong>de</strong> fumo no Brasil. Rev Panam Salud Públ. / Pan<br />

Am J Public Health. 2010;27(4):283-90.<br />

11. Issa JS, Abe TM, Pereira AC, Megid MC, Shimabukuro<br />

CE, Valentin LS, et al. The effect of Sao Paulo's smokefree<br />

legislation on carbon monoxi<strong>de</strong> concentration in<br />

hospitality venues and their workers. Tob Control. 2011<br />

Mar;20(2):156-62.<br />

12. <strong>Instituto</strong> Brasileiro <strong>de</strong> Geografia e Estatística (Brasil).<br />

Diretoria <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas. Coor<strong>de</strong>nação <strong>de</strong> Trabalho<br />

e Rendimento. Pesquisa <strong>Nacional</strong> por Amostra <strong>de</strong><br />

Domicílios: tabagismo 2008 [Internet]. Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro:<br />

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Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 395-399<br />


Literature Review<br />

FCTC, Workers’ Right to Health and Protection<br />

Article received on 4/11/11; accepted for publication on 06/30/11<br />

Article 8 of the World Health Organization Framework<br />

Convention on Tobacco Control from the Perspective of the<br />

Right to Health and Workers’ Protection<br />

O Artigo 8o da Convenção-Quadro para o Controle do Tabaco da Organização<br />

Mundial da Saú<strong>de</strong> sob a Perspectiva do Direito à Saú<strong>de</strong> e Proteção do Trabalhador<br />

El Artículo 8o <strong>de</strong>l Convenio Marco <strong>de</strong> la Organización Mundial <strong>de</strong> la Salud para<br />

el Control <strong>de</strong>l Tabaco bajo la Perspectiva <strong>de</strong>l Derecho a la Salud y Protección al<br />

Trabajador<br />

cristiane galhardo ferreira vianna 1 , maria helena barros <strong>de</strong> oliveira 2 , felipe Lacerda men<strong>de</strong>s 3 , Tania maria cavalcante 4<br />

Abstract<br />

Introduction: This article addresses the Who framework Convention on tobacco Control and <strong>de</strong>tails article 8 of<br />

the international treaty that provi<strong>de</strong>s protection from exposure to tobacco smoke and requires that states Parties shall<br />

adopt executive, administrative, legislative and other measures to protect their populations from the risks of second-hand<br />

tobacco smoke. Objective: to explore some of the challenges related to the implementation of smoke free environments<br />

in Brazil and to discuss the perspective of achieving this right. Method: a study based on documents researched in<br />

the Brazilian Congress, in the scielo library databank, in aca<strong>de</strong>mic documents and in the media. Results: from<br />

the analysis of the selected material on Brazilian tobacco control legislation, projects of law and lawsuits, some of the<br />

challenges related to the implementation of smoke free environments in Brazil un<strong>de</strong>r the framework of the Brazilian<br />

legal system from the perspective of the occupational health and Protection right are explored. Conclusion: as Brazil<br />

has ratified the treaty, it is mandatory that smoke free environments be implemented, since an a<strong>de</strong>quate framework<br />

of legal instruments sets up the i<strong>de</strong>al scenario to welcome an effective protection of Brazilian population`s health to<br />

the harms caused by second-hand tobacco smoke.<br />

Key words: smoking/legislation & jurispru<strong>de</strong>nce; tobacco smoke Pollution; smoking areas<br />

¹lawyer and a Master in Public health from the oswaldo Cruz foundation. Deputy secretary of the executive secretariat of national Commission<br />

for implementation of the framework Convention on tobacco Control (fCtC) from the Brazilian national Cancer institute (inCa). rio <strong>de</strong><br />

Janeiro (rJ), Brazil. Email: cfvianna@inca.gov.br.<br />

² lawyer. PhD in Public health from the oswaldo Cruz foundation. researcher of the oswaldo Cruz foundation and Coordinator of the human<br />

rights and health Group helena Besserman (Di hs), national school of Public health sergio arouca of fioCruz. rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (rJ), Brazil.<br />

Email: mhelen@ensp.fiocruz.br.<br />

³lawyer. expert in Civil responsibility and Consumer law from the universida<strong>de</strong> Candido Men<strong>de</strong>s (M uCa). executive secretary national<br />

Commission for the implementation of fCtC inCa. rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (rJ), Brazil. Email: fmen<strong>de</strong>s@inca.gov.br.<br />

4 Doctor. Master in Public health from the oswaldo Cruz foundation. executive secretariat of the national Commission for implementation of<br />

the fCtC/inCa. rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (rJ), Brazil. Email: taniac@inca.gov.br.<br />

Correspon<strong>de</strong>nce Address: fCtC / inCa. rua resen<strong>de</strong>, 128-302. Centro. rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (rJ), Brazil. CeP: 20231-092.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 401-410<br />


Vianna CGF, Oliveira MHB, Men<strong>de</strong>s FL, Cavalcante TM<br />

402<br />


tobacco smoking is recognized as a Public health<br />

problem worldwi<strong>de</strong>. Thousands of studies <strong>de</strong>monstrate<br />

that the use of tobacco is a causal factor of almost 50<br />

different diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases, cancer<br />

and chronic obstructive respiratory diseases 1 . according to<br />

the World health organization (Who), smoking is the<br />

leading cause of avoidable <strong>de</strong>ath in the world 2 .<br />

at national level, the main policy adopted regarding<br />

this subject by the national Program for tobacco Control,<br />

<strong>de</strong>veloped by the Brazilian national institute of Cancer<br />

(inCa) as from 1989 3 , and at international level, the<br />

first international treaty of Public health was negotiated<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r the auspices of Who – the framework Convention<br />

on tobacco Control (fCtC). The i<strong>de</strong>a of having an<br />

international instrument for tobacco control arose with<br />

the resolution of the World health assembly nº 48.11<br />

in 1995, and has become a fact eight years later with the<br />

adoption, unanimously, of the Wha resolution nº 56.1<br />

during the 56 th Wha 4 . The treaty entered in force in<br />

february 2003 after its 40 th ratification, becoming history<br />

as one of the united nations treaties that could faster get<br />

adhesions, entered into force and is being implemented.<br />

The fCtC has legally binding character and do not<br />

predict reserves, which means that states are obliged to<br />

act in accordance with the provisions of the treaty, and<br />

there may be legal consequences if not complied with and<br />

it is not possible to modify in any way the obligations<br />

assumed by them un<strong>de</strong>r the treaty. it articulates a set<br />

of intersectorial actions based on scientific evi<strong>de</strong>nce to<br />

respond to the globalization of tobacco epi<strong>de</strong>mic and to<br />

reaffirm the right of all people to the highest standards<br />

of health, which is clearly assumed in the first paragraph<br />

of its preamble: "The Parties to this Convention (are)<br />

<strong>de</strong>termined to give priority to protect the rights of Public<br />

health [...]" 4 .<br />

also in the preamble 4 , regarding secondhand smoking,<br />

paragraphs 6 and 7 are highlighted:<br />

recognizing that science has unequivocally shown<br />

that the use and exposure to tobacco smoke are<br />

causes of mortality, morbidity and disability and<br />

that diseases related to tobacco do not appear<br />

immediately after initiation of tobacco smoke<br />

exposure and use of any tobacco-<strong>de</strong>rived product;<br />

recognizing, even further, that cigarettes and other<br />

tobacco products are prepared in a sophisticated<br />

manner to create and maintain <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce, and<br />

that many of their compounds and the smoke<br />

they produce are pharmacologically active, toxic,<br />

mutagenic, and carcinogenic, and that tobacco<br />

<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce is separately classified as a disease by the<br />

main international diseases classifications systems.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 401-410<br />

athe fCtC expresses concern about the unfair<br />

practices from the tobacco industry, in the sense of<br />

"un<strong>de</strong>rmining or misrepresenting the activities of tobacco<br />

control", and adds, among their general obligations (article<br />

5.3), as follows:<br />

By establishing and implementing their policies<br />

for Public health on tobacco control, Parties shall<br />

act to protect these policies from commercial or<br />

other secured interests for the tobacco industry, in<br />

accordance with the national legistation 4 .<br />

Brazil became the 100 th Country to ratify the treaty,<br />

with the promulgation of Decree # 5,658, of January<br />

2 2006 5 , and is forced thereby to comply with the<br />

obligations established by the treaty, many of which were<br />

already been implemented in Brazil since their adoption<br />

in 2003, since national and comprehensive actions for<br />

tobacco control were already being articulated by the<br />

government since 1989. however, a juridical and political<br />

clash with direct repercussions on health has been taking<br />

shape in the country regarding to the compliance of<br />

article 8 from fCtC, which provi<strong>de</strong>s for the protection<br />

from exposure to tobacco smoke, <strong>de</strong>termining that the<br />

countries that are states Parties adopt administrative and<br />

legislative measures to protect their population from the<br />

risks of secondhand smoking.<br />

in July 2007, the Conference of the Parties (CoP),<br />

a fCtC body formed by the states Parties to the<br />

treaty, approved, at its second session, gui<strong>de</strong>lines6 that,<br />

<strong>de</strong>spite not binding, aim to gui<strong>de</strong> countries for the<br />

implementation of article 8. such proposal recommends<br />

banning smoking in closed environments as the only<br />

way to protect the population of secondhand smoking<br />

risks. The principles established in the gui<strong>de</strong>lines are the<br />

following:<br />

Principle 1 - effective measures to promote protection<br />

against exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ets)<br />

require the total elimination of smoking in certain places<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to achieve a 100% tobacco free environment;<br />

there are no safe levels of exposure to tobacco smoke;<br />

different initiatives for total tobacco smoke elimination,<br />

such as ventilation systems, air filtration and the use of<br />

exclusive smoking areas (whether or not separated by<br />

ventilation systems), have repeatedly shown its inefficiency<br />

and there is conclusive evi<strong>de</strong>nce that no engineering<br />

instrument can protect people against ets exposure and<br />

therefore must be rejected.<br />

Principle 2 - all people shall be protected against exposure<br />

to tobacco smoke. all closed environments, wheter or not<br />

for work, must be tobacco free.<br />

Principle 3 - a legislation that protects people's exposure<br />

to ets is necessary. Voluntary policies for smoke-free<br />

environments have repeatedly shown their inefficiency

and that do not provi<strong>de</strong> proper protection. to be effective,<br />

legislation must be simple, clear and enforceable.<br />

Principle 4 - Good planning and a<strong>de</strong>quate resources are<br />

essential for the successful implementation and oversight<br />

of the legislation on smoke-free environments.<br />

Principle 5 - Civil society has a central role to support<br />

and ensure compliance to measures of tobacco free<br />

environments and must be inclu<strong>de</strong>d as an active partner<br />

in the process <strong>de</strong>velopment, implementation and<br />

enforcement of such legislation.<br />

Principle 6 - The implementation of the smoke-free<br />

environment legislation, its enforcement and impact<br />

must be monitored and evaluated. This must inclu<strong>de</strong><br />

monitoring and responding to the tobacco industry<br />

activities to un<strong>de</strong>rmine the implementation and legislation<br />

compliance, as specified in article 20.4 of the fCtC.<br />

Principle 7 - Protecting people from exposure to tobacco<br />

smoke must be strengthened and, if necessary, expan<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

these actions must inclu<strong>de</strong> new or amen<strong>de</strong>d laws,<br />

adjustments and improvements in or<strong>de</strong>r to fulfill them<br />

and other measures that reflect new scientific evi<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

and case study experiences.<br />

The text gui<strong>de</strong>lines warn about the fact that the duty<br />

to protect the population against ets risks originate from<br />

human rights principles and fundamental freedoms. in<br />

view of the dangers related to the breathing of tobacco<br />

smoke, the respective protection duty is implied to<br />

the right to life and right to health, as well as of a<br />

healthy environment, as quoted in many international<br />

legal instruments *(Who Constitution, Convention<br />

on the Childrens rights, elimination of all forms<br />

of Discrimination against Women Convention and<br />

international Covenant on economic, social and Cultural<br />

rights) and formally embed<strong>de</strong>d in fCtC preamble<br />

and envisaged in the fe<strong>de</strong>ral Constitution from many<br />

countries, including ours, as seen articles 196 and 225<br />

from our fe<strong>de</strong>ral Constitution (fC).<br />

This study aims to explore some of the challenges<br />

related to the implementation of tobacco smoke-free<br />

environments in Brazil, and finally, discuss the prospects<br />

of achieving the right in question.<br />

METHOD<br />

regarding the methodology, this study is a qualitative,<br />

based on archival and historical research. The present<br />

study examined, in 2010, documental sources related<br />

to the fCtC in Brazil, to the existing fe<strong>de</strong>ral and state<br />

legislations about the subject, law Projects (lP) related<br />

FCTC, Workers’ Right to Health and Protection<br />

to smoking bans in collective places and workers’ health<br />

protection and Direct unconstitutionality actions (aDin)<br />

in the period between 2006 and 2010. The documents<br />

were available in websites from the Presi<strong>de</strong>ncy of the<br />

republic http://www.presi<strong>de</strong>ncia.gov.br, the senate in<br />

http://www.senado.gov.br and the supreme Court (stf)<br />

at http://www.stf.jus.br. normative instruments were<br />

selected containing the following keywords: "Convenção-<br />

Quadro para o Controle do tabaco, proibição <strong>de</strong> fumar<br />

em ambientes fechados e proteção à saú<strong>de</strong> do trabalhador”<br />

[framework Convention on tobacco Control, smoking<br />

indoors bans and protecting the workers’ health].<br />

The review was expan<strong>de</strong>d by virtual search using<br />

the same key words reported, from scielo database<br />

(scientific electronic library online). The procedure was<br />

also using snowball sampling to collect information on this<br />

topic from monographs, thesis and dissertations available<br />

at the inCa library documents published by experts in<br />

law, technical documents and material for diffusion,<br />

whether or edited, available on inCa/Ms webpages on<br />

http://www.inca.gov.br, from nGo Government alliance<br />

for tobacco Control on http://www.actbr.org.br, from<br />

Who on http://www.who.int/tobacco, and CoP fCtC<br />

on http://www.who.int/fCtC/n, as well as the national<br />

media coverage.<br />

The study uses the <strong>de</strong>finitions of terms provi<strong>de</strong>d in<br />

the gui<strong>de</strong>lines 6 from article 8, such as: “environmental<br />

tobacco smoke”- smoke emanated by a cigarette burning<br />

or other tobacco product usually combined with the<br />

smoke exhaled by the smoker"; tobacco smoke-free air -" is<br />

the air that is 100% free of tobacco smoke. This <strong>de</strong>finition<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong>s, but is not limited to the air in which tobacco<br />

smoke may not be seen, smelled, felt or measured"; “closed<br />

environment” – every place covered by a roof or enclosed<br />

by one or more walls or si<strong>de</strong>s, whatever material is used<br />

for the ceiling, walls or si<strong>de</strong>s, regardless of its permanent<br />

or temporary structure.<br />


The enshrining of health as a human right and as a<br />

fundamental right in the constitutions of several countries<br />

occurred at a time in history when the so called state of<br />

welfare was being <strong>de</strong>fen<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

in our country, the fe<strong>de</strong>ral Constitution of 1988<br />

inaugurated a new political and institutional moment<br />

in Brazil when reaffirming a <strong>de</strong>mocratic state and<br />

establishing a comprehensive social protection policy.<br />

health was recognized as a citizenship social right, this<br />

inscribing it in a list of integrated initiative actions set of<br />

Public authorities and society, whose prime objectives are<br />

* for further study on other international instruments in human rights, reading the following publication is recommen<strong>de</strong>d: exposicion al humo tobacco<br />

ajeno en las americas: one <strong>de</strong>rechos human perspective. Washington (DC): Paho, 2006.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 401-410<br />


Vianna CGF, Oliveira MHB, Men<strong>de</strong>s FL, Cavalcante TM<br />

404<br />

welfare and social justice. from the fC point of view, the<br />

state is legally obliged to exert actions and health services,<br />

aiming at the construction of the new social or<strong>de</strong>r 7 .<br />

The right to health is related to the right to life, a<br />

basic and fundamental right. in this un<strong>de</strong>rstanding, as<br />

a fundamental right, the right to health, including the<br />

workers’ health, is subsumed in the concept of “human<br />

dignity", a basic principle of the republic, provi<strong>de</strong>d for<br />

in item 3, article 1 of the fe<strong>de</strong>ral Constitution, because<br />

it is not possible to talk about dignity if there is no any<br />

guarantee for the minimal health conditions for the<br />

individual. likewise, the protection of the right to health<br />

is manifested in a caput from fe<strong>de</strong>ral Constitution, article<br />

5, which preconizes the inviolability of the right to life,<br />

the most fundamental among the rights. irreconcilable,<br />

likewise, to protect life, without acting similarly with<br />

health8 and work.<br />

in addition, article 196 of the Constitution provi<strong>de</strong>s<br />

that "health is a universal right and obligation of the<br />

state, guaranteed by social and economic policies aiming<br />

at a reduction of disease risks and other ailments, and<br />

universal egalitarian access to actions and services for its<br />

promotion, protection and recovery", and article 225<br />

says that a ecologically and balanced environment is a<br />

right of all people, imposing to the Public authorities<br />

and the community the duty to <strong>de</strong>fend it and preserve it<br />

for present and future generations.<br />

By integrating the multilateral process that resulted<br />

in the adoption of fCtC from Who, Brazil reaffirmed<br />

its commitment with the Brazilian Public health and<br />

at international level, with sustainable <strong>de</strong>velopment<br />

and social justice. recognition that tobacco control<br />

has become a state Program was the creation of the<br />

interministerial Commission for implementation of<br />

the framework for tobacco Control (ConiCQ), by a<br />

<strong>de</strong>cree on august 1st 2003, in or<strong>de</strong>r to <strong>de</strong>fine strategies<br />

to internalize the gui<strong>de</strong>lines contained in the international<br />

treaty. The main objective of fCtC is human welfare as<br />

provi<strong>de</strong>d in its article 3:<br />

protect present and future generations of <strong>de</strong>vastating<br />

health, social, environmental and economic<br />

consequences generated by the use and exposure to<br />

tobacco smoke, providing reference for measures on<br />

tobacco control, to be implemented by the Parties<br />

at national, regional and international levels in<br />

or<strong>de</strong>r to continuously and substantially reduce the<br />

use prevalence of tobacco use and tobacco smoke<br />

exposure 4 .<br />

ArTicLe 8 from fcTc: effecTive proTecTion AgAinsT<br />

seconDhAnD smoking<br />

secondhand smoking causes severe and fatal diseases<br />

in adults, such as lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases<br />

and acute and chronic respiratory diseases; in children,<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 401-410<br />

it causes sud<strong>de</strong>n <strong>de</strong>ath syndrome, and and in newborns,<br />

low birthweight.<br />

it is estimated that secondhand smoking causes<br />

more than 600,000 premature <strong>de</strong>aths per year in the<br />

world 9 . The number of <strong>de</strong>aths of non-smokers due to<br />

secondhand smoking is alarming. in Brazil, according to<br />

a study performed by inCa in partnership with the rio<br />

<strong>de</strong> Janeiro fe<strong>de</strong>ral university (ufrJ), every day, at least<br />

seven Brazilians die from diseases caused by exposure<br />

to second hand smoke. The study showed that at least<br />

2,655 non-smokers die each year in Brazil due to diseases<br />

attributable to secondhand smoking 10 .<br />

however, the cost of ets exposure is not limited by<br />

the impact on illness and life expectation. ets exposure<br />

also imposes economic costs to people, businesses and<br />

society in general. These sums do not inclu<strong>de</strong> only medical<br />

direct and indirect costs, but also productivity losses.<br />

a study conducted by the Post-Graduation Program<br />

in engineering from ufrJ showed that secondhand<br />

smoking costs to government coffers at least 37 million<br />

dollars every year. The Brazilian unified health system<br />

(sus) spends r$ 19.15 million per year for diagnosis and<br />

treatment of diseases caused by secondhand smoking and<br />

the national institute of social security (inss) pays,<br />

per year, more than r$ 18 million to due pensions and<br />

benefits related to secondhand smoking 11 .<br />

the international agency for research on CanceriarC<br />

conclu<strong>de</strong>d that tobacco smoke that pollutes indoor<br />

environments is genotoxic and carcinogen for humans, and<br />

that non-smokers exposed to it inhale the same toxic active<br />

elements inhaled by active smokers 12 . When breathing<br />

ets, people are exposed to over four thousand chemical<br />

substances 13 . in virtue of this and many other scientific<br />

evi<strong>de</strong>nces attesting the harm caused by secondhand smoking,<br />

the framework Convention, in article 8, provi<strong>de</strong>d for<br />

protection against tobacco smoke exposure, and requires<br />

that countries which are states Parties on the treaty adopt<br />

administrative and legislative measures to protect their<br />

populations from the risks of secondhand smoking 4 .<br />

according to the publication Evaluating the Effectiveness<br />

of Smoke-free Policies, also published by iarC in 2009, the<br />

global situation regarding the promulgation of laws that<br />

protect people against secondhand smoking started to<br />

change after the approval of the fCtC in 2003 and was<br />

leveraged after the approval of gui<strong>de</strong>lines for the application<br />

of article 8 in 2007. in alphabetical or<strong>de</strong>r, according to the<br />

referenced publication, they highlight the countries that<br />

have enacted laws that completely bans indoor smoking:<br />

Bhutan, Botswana, estonia, france, Guinea, iran, ireland,<br />

italy, Malta, nigeria, norway, new zealand, swe<strong>de</strong>n,<br />

uganda, uruguay and the united Kingdom 14 .<br />

however, the Who report on tobacco epi<strong>de</strong>mic 9<br />

points a huge challenge faced in this area: of the 100 largest<br />

cities in the world, only 22 are completely free of ets.

AziLiAn LegisLATion DeALing AboUT This sUbJecT<br />

in Brazil, this matter is addressed nationally by the<br />

law 9294, of July 15 1996, which provi<strong>de</strong>s restrictions<br />

to the use and advertising of tobacco products, alcoholic<br />

beverages, medicines, pestici<strong>de</strong>s, pursuant to § 4 of article<br />

220 of the fe<strong>de</strong>ral Constitution.<br />

Despite the possible influence of the tobacco industry in<br />

its formulation and approval, the fe<strong>de</strong>ral law n° 9,294/96<br />

was, at that time, an important advancement step on<br />

tobacco control in Brazil, when among other provi<strong>de</strong>nces,<br />

banned the use of tobacco <strong>de</strong>rived products in public<br />

premises, whether private or public, except in areas<br />

exclusively <strong>de</strong>dicated to this objective, duly insulated and<br />

with proper aeration (article 2).<br />

By analyzing the provisions from article 2 of the law,<br />

it is noted that the <strong>de</strong>finition of the terms "public venue",<br />

"area solely inten<strong>de</strong>d for that purpose, duly insulated<br />

and proper aeration” was essentially important to apply<br />

that to a legal command. however, these <strong>de</strong>finitionswere<br />

not written in the law, and the promulgation of Decree<br />

2018 on october 1 1996 was nee<strong>de</strong>d, which regulates<br />

the fe<strong>de</strong>ral law. in the way it was written, the Brazilian<br />

legislation allowed the cigarette industry to <strong>de</strong>velop, in<br />

Brazil, as they had done in other countries, programs to<br />

keep tobacco as socially acceptable and permissible in all<br />

environments, encouraging coexistence between smokers<br />

and non-smokers. Motivation from this industry showed<br />

evi<strong>de</strong>nce that 100% ets-free areas would <strong>de</strong>crese cigarette<br />

consumption and, consequently, industry profits.<br />

The strategy from cigarette industry, implemented<br />

worldwi<strong>de</strong>, to make partnerships with bars, restaurants<br />

and hotels is also well documented. an example of<br />

this partnership is a program called Coexistence in<br />

harmony, in partnership with the international hotel<br />

and restaurant association, ihra, whose goal is to ensure<br />

that public spaces are to be divi<strong>de</strong>d in areas for smokers<br />

and non-smokers, instead of being 100% free of ets 15 .<br />

The interpretation of the referred law enables the<br />

statement that smoking is tolerated only in "areas solely<br />

<strong>de</strong>signed for that purpose, properly insulated with<br />

proper aeration". But what happens in practice is that<br />

these places are not exclusively to smoking. in most of<br />

these places there is effective service ren<strong>de</strong>ring, such as<br />

bars and restaurants, which exposes workers from these<br />

environments to the toxic effects of tobacco smoke on a<br />

daily basis. This interpretation of the law, favorable to the<br />

tobacco industry, was well documented in the article by<br />

Bialous et al.: the answer of the tobacco industry was the<br />

creation of smoke-free spaces in Brazil/ They researched<br />

internal documents of the tobacco companies, and one<br />

of these documents about this matter says 15 :<br />

a fe<strong>de</strong>ral law adopted in the two instances of<br />

national Congress will restrict smoking in public<br />

FCTC, Workers’ Right to Health and Protection<br />

places, including work environments, to isolated<br />

and properly ventilated areas. it is likely that the<br />

law will be signed by the Presi<strong>de</strong>nt. as the terms<br />

for specific restriction must be regulated within the<br />

next 60 days, the industry is jointly working to try<br />

to ensure a language allowing reasonable adaptation.<br />

the domestic legislation on smoking in closed<br />

environments is outdated regarding the best practices<br />

recommen<strong>de</strong>d by the fCtC as it allows areas reserved for<br />

smoking. scientific evi<strong>de</strong>nce 16 shows that the implementation<br />

of policies for an environment 100% free of tobacco smoke<br />

is the only effective solution to eliminate ets exposure in<br />

workplaces, and that separating smokers and non-smokers,<br />

cleaning the air and ventilation of buildings are not sufficient<br />

to eliminate non-smokers exposure to ets.<br />

a survey on smoking, conducted by the institute of<br />

Brazilian Geographic and statistics in 2008 showed that<br />

although this law has been in force since 1996, 27% of<br />

the population above 15 years old is still exposed to ets,<br />

especially in work environments 17 , which proves that the<br />

fe<strong>de</strong>ral law is not effective for the protection of people<br />

against tobacco smoke exposure.<br />

to perfect the law, the Ministry of health <strong>de</strong>veloped<br />

an lP proposing an amendment to article 2 of law<br />

9,294/96 to ban smoking completely from public or<br />

private collective places. This ll has been, apparently,<br />

at least for 2 years un<strong>de</strong>r analysis at the Civil office 18 .<br />

however, other 2 lPs are pending in the senate, they are:<br />

lP no 315/08, introduced by senator tiao Viana and lP<br />

316/08 authored by senator romero Jucá. an analysis<br />

of the texts of these lPs i<strong>de</strong>ntifies the lP authored by<br />

senator tiao Viana as the legislative initiative that meets<br />

the fCtC requirements, while lP of senator romero<br />

Juca allows fumódromos [places exclusively <strong>de</strong>signed for<br />

smoking] with services provi<strong>de</strong>d in these areas, so more<br />

people, especially workers, will be exposed to second hand<br />

smoke. however, even though the project laws – lPs were<br />

submitted in 2008, although there has been no <strong>de</strong>cision<br />

regarding approval or rejection of these lPs in the senate<br />

because of intense activity of legislative referral for analysis<br />

in several Committees of the office, this <strong>de</strong>lay is attributed<br />

to the intense lobby from tobacco companies 19 .<br />

With the gap left by current fe<strong>de</strong>ral law, laws<br />

creating indoor environments that are 100% smoke-free<br />

were enacted in seven states, such as amazon, Paraiba,<br />

Parana, rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, rondonia, roraima and sao<br />

Paulo; and in municipalities such as salvador, Juiz <strong>de</strong><br />

fora, Goiania, Maringa, Curitiba, Cornelio Procopio,<br />

Belem and tubarao.<br />

state standards, legislating on the subject already<br />

laid down by fe<strong>de</strong>ral law, led to questions about their<br />

constitutionality by segments representing the interests of<br />

the tobacco industry at the supreme fe<strong>de</strong>ral Court - stf.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 401-410<br />


Vianna CGF, Oliveira MHB, Men<strong>de</strong>s FL, Cavalcante TM<br />

406<br />

ADin emerges before The sUpreme coUrT<br />

in the supreme Court, three aDin ** are in progress<br />

in virtue of the laws enacted in the states banning smoking<br />

indoors. The first aDin, n° 4,249, was presented by the<br />

national Confe<strong>de</strong>ration of tourism and requires the<br />

unconstitutionality of sao Paulo state law n° 13,541/09.<br />

the second aDin (nº 4306), from the national<br />

Confe<strong>de</strong>ration of Goods tra<strong>de</strong>, services and tourism,<br />

is against the rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro state law n° 5,517/2009.<br />

finally, the aDin n° 4,351 questions the constitutionality<br />

of Parana state law n° 16,239/2009, and was required in<br />

conjunction by the other two aDin applicants.<br />

it should be noted that all laws questioned are in<br />

compliance with Who recommendations, effectively<br />

protecting the health of the population as they do not<br />

allow indoor smoking. The arguments of aDin applicants<br />

are that there was interference against the fe<strong>de</strong>ral<br />

legislative competence to establish general standards about<br />

consumption and protection to health, because there is a<br />

fe<strong>de</strong>ral law on the subject and that state laws are violating<br />

it, since they do not allow the fumódromos.<br />

the proceedings have not been tried yet, but<br />

there's an opinion from General attorney office 20 in<br />

favor of <strong>de</strong>claring the law’s constitutionality based on<br />

the un<strong>de</strong>rstanding that with the advent of fCtC, an<br />

international treaty ratified by Brazil in 2006, due it is<br />

later and upper hierarchy, in addition to discipline in a<br />

different way the fight against tobacco smoke exposure,<br />

the fe<strong>de</strong>ral law n° 9,294/96 would have been revoked.<br />

although the opinion does not take binding effect, it will<br />

be consi<strong>de</strong>red at occasion of the actions’ trial.<br />

Workers’ righT To heALTh<br />

the international labour organization (ilo)<br />

estimates that at least 200,000 workers die each year due<br />

to exposure to environmental ets at work environments 21<br />

and recognizes that tobacco smoke exposure in these<br />

environments is a threat to health and safety at work<br />

because it causes cancer and other serious diseases, besi<strong>de</strong>s<br />

bringing risk of fires and explosions 22 .<br />

in addition, in workplaces, secondhand smoking<br />

is consi<strong>de</strong>red an occupational hazard. in bars and<br />

restaurants, for example, waiters that are non smokers and<br />

are exposed to ets are, on average, two times more likely<br />

to <strong>de</strong>velop lung cancer than those who are not exposed to<br />

environmental tobacco smoke 19 .<br />

** direct action of unconstitutionality (aDin), provi<strong>de</strong>d in article 102, i, “a” of the fe<strong>de</strong>ral Constitution (fC) is an action that aims to <strong>de</strong>clare that<br />

a law or a fe<strong>de</strong>ral or state normative act, or part of them is unconstitutional, that is, contradicts the fC. article 103 has extensive writing as to the<br />

legitimation of aDin proposition and, if upheld, will be <strong>de</strong>clared unconstitutional, which produces effects against all and exclu<strong>de</strong>s the law of the legal.<br />

against the <strong>de</strong>cision that <strong>de</strong>clares a unconstitutionality, no appeal is allowed, except for <strong>de</strong>clared embargoes.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 401-410<br />

for adriana Pereira <strong>de</strong> Carvalho 23 ,<br />

in the case of exposure to tobacco smoke in the<br />

workplace, banning indoor smoking is a preventive<br />

measure of occupational character that must be<br />

guaranteed to all workers by the contractor for their<br />

services, by the state and society.<br />

according Celso antonio Pacheco fiorillo 24 , among<br />

the aspects that inclu<strong>de</strong> the environment, the working<br />

environment is found, and it is not restricted to employee<br />

work relations, but a place where human labor is provi<strong>de</strong>d,<br />

being protected by the Constitution, article 7, item 12,<br />

article 200, item 8 and article 225, also recognize that<br />

the most important aspect of the constitutional subject in<br />

the juridical protection is related to health of the human<br />

being in harmony with the already mentioned article 1,<br />

3 of the Constitution.<br />

Therefore, the promotion of environments 100%<br />

free of tobacco smoke is in consonance with the right<br />

guaranteed to an appropriate, healthy and wholesome<br />

work environment, as predicted in article 225 of the<br />

Constitution, and the right of all employees to the<br />

reduction of risks inherent to the work, as provi<strong>de</strong>d in<br />

article 7, item 12, recognizing that the possibility of<br />

smoking in workplaces violates these articles.<br />

in this sense, between the prospects of achieving<br />

the right of workers to implement environments free of<br />

tobacco smoke in Brazil, the Public Ministry action in<br />

some localities in the country can be highlighted, in the<br />

implementation of the current legislation in accordance<br />

with the terms of the fCtC and the fC, while a fe<strong>de</strong>ral<br />

law that bans smoking in enclosed environments is not<br />

approved.<br />

as to the matter regarding work environment, it<br />

continues to be governed by the Consolidation of labor<br />

laws (Clt), which, in article 157, assigns company the<br />

responsibility to comply with the standards and practice<br />

safety and occupational medicine regulations, in addition<br />

to instructing employees about the precautions to be<br />

taken to avoid work acci<strong>de</strong>nts or occupational diseases.<br />

The norm for safety and health at Work***, nr 09,<br />

establishes that the <strong>de</strong>sign and and implementation, by<br />

all employers and institutions which hire employees,<br />

of a Program for Prevention of environmental risks

is mandatory, aiming at the preservation of health<br />

and integrity of workers, by anticipation, recognition,<br />

evaluation and subsequent control of occurrence of<br />

existing or future environmental hazards at the working<br />

environment, taking into account environment and<br />

natural resources protection.<br />

according to nr 09, physical, chemical and biological<br />

agents existing in the workplace are consi<strong>de</strong>red environmental<br />

risks, which due to their nature, concentration or intensity<br />

and time of exposure, are capable of causing damage to the<br />

workers’ health (nr 9.1.5).<br />

in the international scenario of work environment<br />

protection, Brazil joined the two international treaties<br />

related to this subject of study. They are Conventions #<br />

148 and# 155 from ilo. The following provisions are<br />

highlighted:<br />

article 4 of the Convention n o 148<br />

1. national legislation shall provi<strong>de</strong> adoption of<br />

measures in the workplace to prevent and limit<br />

occupational hazards due to air contamination,<br />

noise and vibrations and to protect workers against<br />

such risks (emphasis ad<strong>de</strong>d).<br />

article 4 of the Convention n o 155<br />

1. each Member must, after consultation with the<br />

most representative organizations of employers and<br />

workers concerned, and taking into account the<br />

national conditions and practice, formulate, put<br />

into practice and periodically review a national<br />

policy coherent as to occupational security and<br />

health and work environment (emphasis ad<strong>de</strong>d).<br />

2. This policy will have the objective of preventing<br />

acci<strong>de</strong>nts and damage to health that are consequence<br />

of the work, related to the work activity or supervene<br />

at work, minimizing, to the extent that is reasonably<br />

practicable, the causes of hazards inherent to the<br />

work environment (emphasis ad<strong>de</strong>d).<br />

it is noteworthy that this scope perfectly fits ets in the<br />

workplace, consi<strong>de</strong>red to be carcinogenic and genotoxic to<br />

man, and for which there are no safe levels of exposure or<br />

ventilation system for indoor environments that are able<br />

to eliminate exposure to and risks of secondhand smoking.<br />

according Cavalcante 25 , secondhand smoke violates<br />

the worker's fundamental right to full health, guaranteed<br />

by the fe<strong>de</strong>ral Constitution, and in<strong>de</strong>mnification for<br />

FCTC, Workers’ Right to Health and Protection<br />

individual and collective moral damages (in a typical<br />

lawsuit of the Public Ministry of labor) based on articles<br />

186 and 927 caput and sole paragraph, both from the<br />

Civil Co<strong>de</strong>, combined with articles 8 and 769 of the<br />

Clt is due, when companies allow their employees to<br />

inhale tobacco smoke at work, exhaled by other workers<br />

or clients, thus exposing the worker to a situation of severe<br />

risk to health.<br />


it can be conclu<strong>de</strong>d that science has unambiguously<br />

already and unambiguously <strong>de</strong>monstrated the harms<br />

caused by exposure to the toxic substances present in<br />

tobacco smoke. This text has tried to show that there<br />

is a legal framework of national and international legal<br />

instruments that conforms a legal background prepared<br />

to welcome an effective protection to the health of the<br />

Brazilian population, including workers, as to the harms<br />

caused by ets.<br />

The current scenario where antagonistic law projects<br />

are simultaneously un<strong>de</strong>rway in the senate on the matter,<br />

which is object of this study, whose gui<strong>de</strong>lines have<br />

already been approved in Brazil, seems to show a drop<br />

arm between the interests of the Public health and the<br />

tobacco industry.This confront is similar to the barriers<br />

that Brazil faced in the process for the treaty ratification.<br />

in this scenario, the omission of our legislators to approve<br />

a law that takes into account the provisions of the fCtC,<br />

will keep causing serious consequences to peoples’ health.<br />

The fC was a milestone for the Brazilian Public<br />

health by recognizing the fundamental right to citizens<br />

and a duty of the state, to be provi<strong>de</strong>d through social and<br />

economic policies aiming at reducing the risk of diseases<br />

or other health problems and by ensuring universal and<br />

equally access to Public health actions and services.<br />

regarding the matter of smoke-free environments, the<br />

right to health for all, smokers and non-smokers, must<br />

be preserved, whether they are regular visitors to indoor<br />

places, or workers who ren<strong>de</strong>r services there, as well as the<br />

right to a healthy environment ets-free.<br />

anyway, it is important to remember that the<br />

international obligations assumed by Brazil impose, to<br />

all public authorities in the country, whether executive,<br />

*** The regulating norms, also called nr, were published by the Ministry of Work and eMployment, through ordinance # 3214/78, to establish the<br />

technical and legal requisites regarding the minimum occupational health and safety aspects. They are mandatory for any company or institution who<br />

hires workers un<strong>de</strong>r Clt, including private and public enterprises, government bodies, wether un<strong>de</strong>r direct or indirect administration, as well as bodies<br />

from legislative and Judicial Powers.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 401-410<br />


Vianna CGF, Oliveira MHB, Men<strong>de</strong>s FL, Cavalcante TM<br />

408<br />

legislative or judicial, the duty to promote the effective<br />

internalization of the fCtC in our country.<br />


Cristiane G. f. Vianna and Maria helena B. olveira<br />

worked on the conception, participated in the survey, data<br />

analysis and <strong>de</strong>sign of the final text of this article. other<br />

authors have worked in <strong>de</strong>sign and review of the article.<br />

Declaration of Conflicting Interests: Nothing to Declare<br />


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Vianna CGF, Oliveira MHB, Men<strong>de</strong>s FL, Cavalcante TM<br />

410<br />

Resumo<br />

Introdução: o artigo <strong>de</strong>screve em linhas gerais a Convenção-Quadro para o Controle do tabaco e trata <strong>de</strong> forma<br />

mais <strong>de</strong>talhada o artigo 8 o do tratado internacional, que dispõe sobre a proteção da exposição à fumaça do tabaco,<br />

<strong>de</strong>terminando que os países que são estados Partes da Convenção-Quadro para o Controle do tabaco adotem<br />

medidas executivas, administrativas, legislativas e outras, para proteção das suas populações dos riscos do tabagismo<br />

passivo. Objetivo: explorar alguns dos <strong>de</strong>safios relacionados à implementação <strong>de</strong> ambientes livres da fumaça do<br />

tabaco no Brasil e discutir as perspectivas <strong>de</strong> concretizar o direito em questão. Método: estudo baseado em pesquisa<br />

documental nos arquivos do Congresso nacional, no banco <strong>de</strong> informações scielo, em documentos acadêmicos e<br />

na mídia. Resultados: a partir da análise do material selecionado sobre a legislação brasileira relacionada ao tema, os<br />

Projetos <strong>de</strong> leis relacionados ao assunto em trâmite e as ações judiciais, exploraram-se alguns dos <strong>de</strong>safios relacionados<br />

à implementação <strong>de</strong> ambientes livres da fumaça do tabaco no Brasil com sua efetiva internalização no or<strong>de</strong>namento<br />

jurídico brasileiro sob a perspectiva do Direito à saú<strong>de</strong> e Proteção do trabalhador. Conclusão: Concluiu-se que,<br />

como o Brasil ratificou o tratado, é mandatório implementação <strong>de</strong> ambientes 100% livres da fumaça do tabaco, já<br />

que existe no or<strong>de</strong>namento jurídico um arcabouço <strong>de</strong> instrumentos legais que conformam um cenário preparado para<br />

recepcionar uma efetiva proteção à saú<strong>de</strong> da população brasileira com relação aos malefícios causados pela fumaça<br />

ambiental do tabaco.<br />

Palavras-chave: tabagismo/legislação & jurisprudência; Poluição por fumaça <strong>de</strong> tabaco; Áreas Destinadas ao tabagismo<br />

Resumen<br />

Introducción: ese artículo trata <strong>de</strong>l Convenio Marco <strong>de</strong> la organización Mundial <strong>de</strong> la salud para el Control <strong>de</strong>l<br />

tabaco, con el punto <strong>de</strong> partida <strong>de</strong>l análisis en la premisa establecida en el artículo 8 º <strong>de</strong>l tratado internacional que<br />

dispone sobre la protección en contra la exposición al humo <strong>de</strong>l tabaco, y <strong>de</strong>termina que los países que son estados Parte<br />

adopten medidas ejecutivas, administrativas, legislativas y otras para la protección <strong>de</strong> sus poblaciones <strong>de</strong> los riesgos <strong>de</strong>l<br />

tabaquismo pasivo. Objetivo: explorar algunos <strong>de</strong> los <strong>de</strong>safíos relacionados a la implementación <strong>de</strong> ambientes libres<br />

<strong>de</strong>l humo <strong>de</strong>l tabaco en Brasil y discutir las perspectivas <strong>de</strong> lograr el <strong>de</strong>recho en cuestión. Método: este estudio se basa<br />

en la investigación <strong>de</strong> archivos en el Congreso nacional, en la base <strong>de</strong> datos scielo, en trabajos académicos y en los<br />

medios <strong>de</strong> comunicación. Resultados: a partir <strong>de</strong>l análisis <strong>de</strong>l material seleccionado en la legislación brasileña sobre el<br />

tema, proyectos <strong>de</strong> leyes y acciones judiciales se exploraron algunos <strong>de</strong> los <strong>de</strong>safíos relacionados a la implementación <strong>de</strong><br />

ambientes libres <strong>de</strong>l humo <strong>de</strong>l tabaco en Brasil y su efectiva incorporación en el or<strong>de</strong>namiento jurídico brasileño bajo<br />

la perspectiva <strong>de</strong>l Derecho a la salud y Protección al trabajador. Conclusión: llega-se a la conclusión <strong>de</strong> que, como<br />

el Brasil ha ratificado el tratado es obligatorio implementar ambientes 100% libre <strong>de</strong> humo <strong>de</strong> tabaco, ya que existe<br />

un marco legal <strong>de</strong> instrumentos jurídicos que conforman un escenario preparado para acoger una efectiva protección<br />

<strong>de</strong> la salud <strong>de</strong> la populación brasileña acerca <strong>de</strong> los daños causados por el humo <strong>de</strong> segunda mano.<br />

Palabras clave: tabaquismo/legislación & jurispru<strong>de</strong>ncia; Contaminación por humo <strong>de</strong> tabaco; Áreas Destinadas<br />

a fumadores<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 401-410

Literature Review<br />

Nursing Interventions on Tobacco Control<br />

Article received on 3/23/11; accepted for publication on 6/17/11<br />

Nursing Interventions on Tobacco Control: an Integrative<br />

Review<br />

Intervenções <strong>de</strong> Enfermagem no Controle do Tabagismo: uma Revisão Integrativa<br />

Intervenciones <strong>de</strong> Enfermería en el Control <strong>de</strong>l Tabaquismo: una Revisión<br />

Integradora<br />

marcione Aparecida <strong>de</strong> souza moura 1 , maria <strong>de</strong> fátima batalha <strong>de</strong> menezes 2 , renata Dória mariano 3 , vagnára ribeiro da silva 4 ,<br />

Luana pinheiro <strong>de</strong> sousa 5<br />

Abstract<br />

Introduction: tobacco addiction is consi<strong>de</strong>red a serious public health problem and the nurse has got a very important<br />

role in the <strong>de</strong>sign of strategies to control this disease. Objective: to i<strong>de</strong>ntify nursing interventions related to tobacco<br />

control. Method: it is an integrative review. articles and abstracts published between 2000 and 2010 were researched<br />

in the lilaCs and MeDline databases, using the following keywords: enfermagem/tabagismo and tobacco/nursing;<br />

and articles published in the Cinahl databases between 2008 and 2010, using the keywords: tobacco/nursing/<br />

intervention. Result: following the strategies <strong>de</strong>fined for the study, the search resulted in 1,394 publications. 55<br />

publications were found in lilaCs, 1,231 in MeDline and 108 in Cinahl databases. of these productions, six<br />

full papers were selected from the latin american and 119 from international databases, of which 16 were full articles<br />

from Cinahl and 103 from MeDline. The first review found that 1,269 publications were not specifically related<br />

to the research question or did not meet the proposed inclusion criteria, resulting in 125 productions that were finally<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>red for the study. The findings suggest a number of interventions provi<strong>de</strong>d by nurses for various audiences and<br />

that 39 of them were directed at smoking cessation. Conclusion: faced to the productions evaluated, it was found<br />

that the nurse is a very important professional for tobacco addiction control and those interventions found show a<br />

relationship with the recommendations from scientific literature.<br />

Key words: smoking; nursing; intervention studies; smoking Cessat<br />

1 nurse and resi<strong>de</strong>nt in oncology nursing at the Brazilian national Cancer institute (inca). rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (rJ), Brazil. E-mail: marcionea@yahoo.com.br.<br />

2 Coordinator of Continuing education of the nursing Division of the Cancer hospital i / inCa. supervisor of the area of teaching and nursing of inca. PhD<br />

in nursing. rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (rJ), Brazil. E-mail: mfatbat@terra.com.br<br />

3 nurse and resi<strong>de</strong>nt in oncology nursing at the Brazilian national Cancer institute (inca). rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (rJ), Brazil. E-mail: renatamvet@hotmail.com.<br />

4 nurse and resi<strong>de</strong>nt in oncology nursing in inca. rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (rJ), Brazil. E-mail: vagnararibeiro@gmail.com<br />

5 nurse and resi<strong>de</strong>nt in oncology nursing in inca. rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (rJ), Brazil. e-mail: lua-pink@hotmail.com. Correspon<strong>de</strong>nce address: Marcione aparecida <strong>de</strong><br />

souza Moura. rua aymorés, 20 -apt. 301 – são sebastião – Viçosa (MG), Brasil. CeP: 365700-000.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 411-419<br />


Moura MAS, Menezes MFB, Mariano RD, Silva VR, Sousa LP<br />

412<br />


The World health organization (Who) consi<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

smoking as the leading cause of preventable <strong>de</strong>aths in<br />

the world 1 .<br />

tobacco smoking is <strong>de</strong>fined as a chronic disease with<br />

multiple relapses 2 , and has an entry in the international<br />

Classification of Diseases (iCD), due to the use of<br />

psychoactive substances. according to the Who, it is<br />

also consi<strong>de</strong>red a pediatric disease, since average smoking<br />

initiation occurs around the age of 15 3 .<br />

it is estimated that 3,000 children start smoking every<br />

day 4 . Therefore, public health experts agree that efforts to<br />

control tobacco use should be focused on youth 5 .<br />

in the next 50 years, tobacco use may cause about<br />

450 million <strong>de</strong>aths worldwi<strong>de</strong> 6 . Who believes that if<br />

this situation is not reversed, 10 years from now there<br />

will be about 10 million annual <strong>de</strong>aths related to tobacco<br />

consumption, and 70% of them will occur in poor<br />

countries 3 .<br />

it is believed that tobacco addiction is the cause<br />

of more <strong>de</strong>aths and disabilities than all other drugs<br />

combined 7 and that the annual mortality by tobacco is<br />

greater than the combination of <strong>de</strong>aths related to drug<br />

abuse, aiDs, suici<strong>de</strong>, homici<strong>de</strong> and vehicle acci<strong>de</strong>nts 4 .<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>ring that the tobacco industry is influential<br />

in most <strong>de</strong>veloping countries, fueling commerce and<br />

advertising, health agencies recommend that advertising on<br />

cigarette packages be inserted, warning about the danger<br />

to the health of both smoker and nonsmoker population 8 .<br />

This fact is part of a list of measures to prevent smoking<br />

in Brazil, whose impact reveals that there was a significant<br />

<strong>de</strong>cline in its prevalence in our country between 1989 and<br />

2006. about two <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s ago, the government launched<br />

the national Program for tobacco Control (Programa<br />

<strong>Nacional</strong> <strong>de</strong> Controle do Tabaco - PNCT), with a noticeable<br />

improvement on efforts as of 1990, with a focus on nonprice<br />

interventions such as the ban of advertising and<br />

smoking restrictions in public places 9 .<br />

in a survey released by the Ministry of health 3 , it<br />

was found that about 80% of smokers want to quit<br />

smoking, except that only 3% succeed each year. Quitting<br />

smoking is a very complex process, therefore the action<br />

of specialized professionals, effective techniques for<br />

treatment, and resources to assess individual needs, the<br />

<strong>de</strong>gree of nicotine <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce and readiness to quit<br />

smoking are necessary 10 .<br />

it is estimated that worldwi<strong>de</strong> there are about 17.3<br />

million nurses, making them the largest group of health<br />

professionals. accordingly, this group represents an<br />

important link to the <strong>de</strong>velopment of actions for tobacco<br />

control 11 .<br />

according to PnCt, it is up to nurses: to participate<br />

in the <strong>de</strong>velopment of technical materials; to train<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 411-419<br />

professionals; set goals; to train teams in health units,<br />

workplaces and schools; to encourage and monitor<br />

the process of smoking cessation by smokers; to adopt<br />

educational, regulatory and organizational measures; to<br />

implement preventive actions to secondhand smoke; to<br />

perform nursing consults focusing on cognitive behavioral<br />

approach and evaluation of the level of <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce on<br />

tobacco 12 .<br />

it is noteworthy that in the list of nursing diagnoses,<br />

according to the taxonomy of the north american<br />

nursing Diagnosis association (nanDa), there are<br />

reports of a diagnosis related to the motivation for<br />

smoking cessation, namely: health seeking behavior related<br />

to smoking cessation 13 .<br />

This diagnosis indicates a nursing intervention named<br />

assistance to quit smoking, which in turn points to a<br />

series of 33 related activities, as stated by the nursing<br />

interventions Classification (niC), among the most<br />

important: recording the current status of cigarette use<br />

and history of the smoker; <strong>de</strong>termining willingness of<br />

patients to stop smoking; providing smokers with clear<br />

and consistent advice; helping patients to i<strong>de</strong>ntify reasons<br />

to quit and barriers to smoking cessation; guiding the<br />

patient on the physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal<br />

and reassure them about their transience; providing<br />

information to patients about nicotine replacement<br />

products; helping patients to recognize situations that lead<br />

to smoking; encouraging them to participate in support<br />

groups or individual therapy; maintaining frequent<br />

contact by phone, always congratulating them on the<br />

progress and offering help in difficulties and relapses 14 .<br />

Given the above and consi<strong>de</strong>ring nurses as health care<br />

professionals in tobacco control activities worldwi<strong>de</strong>, this<br />

article aims to i<strong>de</strong>ntify nursing interventions related to<br />

tobacco control. Gui<strong>de</strong>d by this scenario, i<strong>de</strong>ntifying these<br />

interventions becomes critical, consi<strong>de</strong>ring the timely<br />

contribution that nurses provi<strong>de</strong> in the process of health<br />

care, working in various fields and specialties.<br />

METHOD<br />

it is an integrative review study with pre<strong>de</strong>termined<br />

steps 15 . to initiate the search, the theme, objectives, key<br />

words and research question related to the inclusion of<br />

nursing in tobacco control were <strong>de</strong>fined first. The research<br />

question was: what are the nursing interventions for<br />

tobacco control? This question is within the context of the<br />

creation of programs for tobacco control and emphasis on<br />

efforts in the fields of health and legislation of countries<br />

for the regulation of advertising and marketing of tobacco<br />

products.<br />

the searches were conducted in January 2011,<br />

in the latin american and Caribbean literature of<br />

health sciences (lilaCs), electronic in<strong>de</strong>x Medicus

of the national library of Medicine (MeDline) and<br />

Cumulative in<strong>de</strong>x to nursing and allied health literature<br />

(Cinahl) databases, by using the following keywords:<br />

"tabaco / enfermagem" and tobacco and nursing. on the<br />

latter database mentioned, the following <strong>de</strong>scriptors:<br />

tobacco / nursing / intervention were used to better<br />

operationalize the study.<br />

We used the following inclusion criteria: articles in<br />

Portuguese, english and spanish, available for free in<br />

these databases, abstracts and articles published during<br />

the period between 2000 and 2010, in both lilaCs and<br />

MeDline databases, and during the period from 2008<br />

to 2010 at the Cinahl database, that mentioned, in the<br />

abstract, reference to interventions / activities performed<br />

by nurses related to tobacco control.<br />

it is noteworthy that Cinahl database searches were<br />

conducted between 2008 and 2010 consi<strong>de</strong>ring that a<br />

systematic review involving the subject in matter was<br />

found, which had already analyzed existing publications<br />

during the period from 1983 to 2007. The publications<br />

mentioned in this review for the period between 2000 and<br />

2007 were found and consi<strong>de</strong>red as part of the mentioned<br />

systematic review.<br />

exclusion criteria were theses and dissertations as well<br />

as articles that did not address or report interventions /<br />

activities performed by nurses related to tobacco control.<br />

studies whose abstracts were unavailable and did not<br />

discuss this subject were also exclu<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

The searches were conducted by the authors of this<br />

article and, for the pre-selection of the articles found, an<br />

analysis of all abstracts available for categorization of the<br />

studies was performed.<br />

subsequently, we created three spreadsheets in excel<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to organize the articles obtained in each base, and<br />

duplicate publications were eliminated in one of them,<br />

and the one that displayed the full text was preserved.<br />

after pre-selection of articles by the initial reading of<br />

abstracts, a second analysis was performed through the<br />

perusal of pre-selected publications to <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> the inclusion<br />

and exclusion of these texts according to the established<br />

criteria. in this stage, the work was performed by two pairs<br />

of in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt reviewers.<br />

We used a specific tool for evaluating the articles<br />

to be inclu<strong>de</strong>d, which consists of article title, author,<br />

country, year, journal name, objectives, methodology,<br />

interventions, target audience and stages related to the<br />

smoker’s approach.<br />

for the preparation of the results, the following steps<br />

were performed: i<strong>de</strong>ntification of articles that answered<br />

the research question, number of articles related to the<br />

topic by year of publication, type of methodology adopted<br />

and the initiation and cessation interventions <strong>de</strong>scribed in<br />

the study. Quantitative analysis consists of <strong>de</strong>termination<br />

of frequency and percentage of items selected according<br />

Nursing Interventions on Tobacco Control<br />

to the databases, year of publication, area of specialty of<br />

periodicals, countries of publication of periodicals and<br />

implementation stages of interventions by nurses.<br />

it is noteworthy that, <strong>de</strong>spite recognizing the relevance<br />

of nanDa and niC taxonomies for the systematization<br />

of nursing care, we did not aim to correlate these activities<br />

with those found in the publications.<br />


following the strategies <strong>de</strong>fined, the search resulted<br />

in 1,394 publications. We found 55 publications in<br />

lilaCs, 1,231 in MeDline and 108 in Cinahl.<br />

of these productions, six full papers were selected in<br />

the latin american database and 119 in international<br />

databases, 16 full papers in Cinahl and103 productions<br />

in MeDline, as shown in table 1.<br />

The first review found that 1,269 publications were<br />

not specifically related to the research question, or did<br />

not meet the proposed inclusion criteria, leaving 125<br />

productions that were finally consi<strong>de</strong>red for the study.<br />

in table 2, we show the distribution of production,<br />

according to year of publication in these bases, with<br />

emphasis on 2006, 2008 and 2009, equivalent to 41.6%<br />

(n = 52), and lower number of productions in 2001 and<br />

2002, with only 8.8% (n = 11) studies, and the rest of the<br />

production accounting for 49.4% (n = 62) were published<br />

in other years.<br />

of the selected publications, it was observed that<br />

86.4% (n = 108) were published in journals that inclu<strong>de</strong><br />

the field of nursing and the remaining 13.6% (n = 17)<br />

were published in general health journals.<br />

it was observed that there was a significant number<br />

(n = 58) of review productions, including examples of all<br />

classifications, while the others (n = 67) presented several<br />

methods, <strong>de</strong>scribing an intervention provi<strong>de</strong>d by nurses<br />

in various areas. of these, 14 were reports of experience,<br />

13 were <strong>de</strong>scriptive studies, 11 were randomized clinical<br />

trials, 10 were epi<strong>de</strong>miological studies, seven were<br />

qualitative studies, five were surveys, five were quasiexperimental<br />

studies and two were experimental studies.<br />

There was a range of interventions provi<strong>de</strong>d by nurses,<br />

most notably those related to smoking cessation stage,<br />

comprising 67.2% (n = 39) of studies. interventions related<br />

to the phase of smoking initiation were documented in<br />

19% (n = 11) of publications and only 13.8% (n = 8)<br />

studies carried out maintenance work.<br />

it should be noted that the studies classified<br />

as maintenance were those who <strong>de</strong>scribed some<br />

intervention, but were not targeted directly to the<br />

smoker, for example, studies that focused on: <strong>de</strong>scription<br />

of smoking behavior, beliefs and practices of education,<br />

nurses’ standpoint about the attitu<strong>de</strong> of smoking; analysis<br />

techniques employed in tobacco control; evaluation of<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 411-419<br />


Moura MAS, Menezes MFB, Mariano RD, Silva VR, Sousa LP<br />

414<br />

Table 1. Quantitative analysis of the publications assessed and selected according to the databases<br />

Publications Evaluated Publications Selected Publications<br />

Database<br />

N N% N N%<br />

LILACS 2000-2010 55 4.0 6 4.8<br />

MEDLINE 2000-2010 1231 88.3 103 82.4<br />

CINAHL 2008-2010 108 7,7 16 12.8<br />

Total 1394 100 125 100<br />

Source: lilaCs and Medline from 2000 to 2010 and Cinahl from 2008 to 2010.<br />

Table 2. Quantitative analysis of the publications assessed and selected according to the databases and publishing year<br />

Year<br />

Database<br />

self-reflection of nurses and stu<strong>de</strong>nts, analysis of inci<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

/ prevalence.<br />

it was <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to <strong>de</strong>epen the analysis of publications<br />

involving stages of smoking initiation and cessation, as<br />

this is the main focus of the study. With respect to the<br />

countries where these interventions took place, the sample<br />

showed that 48% (n = 24) occurred in the u.s., only 4%<br />

(n = 2) were performed in Brazil and the remaining 48%<br />

(n = 24) occurred in various nations, totaling 15 countries.<br />

a significant number of interventions were directed<br />

to the population of smokers in various scenarios, such<br />

as universities, schools and hospitals with a focus on<br />

discussion or proposition of actions for tobacco control,<br />

as well as analysis of their impact, or even the perception<br />

of this, by health care professionals and / or aca<strong>de</strong>mics.<br />

as outlined in table 3, the main interventions are<br />

presented and the most updated reference are quoted<br />

in each topic listed, targeted for smoking initiation<br />

/ cessation, according to the target population, and<br />

having nurses as the primary professionals involved in<br />

this process.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 411-419<br />


N N% N N% N N% N N%<br />

2010 0 0 6 5,8 2 12.5 8 6.4<br />

2009 1 16.7 5 4.9 9 56.3 15 12<br />

2008 0 0 16 15.5 5 31.2 21 16.8<br />

2007 1 16.7 7 6.8 - - 8 6.4<br />

2006 1 16.7 15 14.6 - - 16 12.8<br />

2005 0 0 11 10.7 - - 11 8.8<br />

2004 2 33.2 10 9.7 - - 12 9.6<br />

2003 1 16.7 10 9.7 - - 11 8.8<br />

2002 0 0 5 4.9 - - 5 4<br />

2001 0 0 6 5.8 - - 6 4.8<br />

2000 0 0 12 11.6 - - 12 9.6<br />

Total 6 100 103 100 16 100 125 100<br />

Source: lilaCs and Medline from 2000 to 2010 and Cinahl from 2008 to 2010.<br />


according to the results obtained in the three bases<br />

selected, it appears that, in 2008, there was an increase<br />

in the number of publications related to nursing<br />

interventions for tobacco control, and a progressive<br />

reduction in subsequent years could be noticed.<br />

it is perceived that the most frequent nursing<br />

interventions were those aimed at smoking cessation,<br />

followed by actions related to smoking initiation. That<br />

is worrisome consi<strong>de</strong>ring that, to reduce the inci<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

of smoking in the world, the best strategy would be to<br />

prevent initiation, consi<strong>de</strong>ring the growing participation<br />

of adolescents in smoking and failure of cessation<br />

programs targeted to this audience.<br />

for interventions aimed at cessation, we observed<br />

that only 6% (n = 3) mentioned the use of medication<br />

associated with cognitive behavioral therapy. There is<br />

evi<strong>de</strong>nce that pharmacologic therapy combined with<br />

counseling and support is more effective and increases<br />

success rates in the process of smoking cessation 16 .

Intervention<br />

Number of<br />

Publications<br />

Phase of treatment<br />

of smoking<br />

Nursing Interventions on Tobacco Control<br />

Table 3. Analysis of the publications that reported an intervention directed at the initiation and / or the phase of smoking cessation according to the target<br />

audience<br />

Audience<br />

T, G, N, CI, PW /<br />

Creation of a specific program 16 C, I<br />

PPW, H<br />

Griffiths M, Kidd SA, Pike S, Chan J.The tobacco addiction recovery program: initial outcome findings. Arch Psychiatr<br />

Nurs. 2010 Aug; 24(4):239-46.<br />

Counseling 8 C, I T, PW/PPW, H, N, CI<br />

Butler KM Rayens MK, M Zhang, Maggio LG Riker C., et al. Tobacco <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce treatment education for<br />

baccalaureate nursing stu<strong>de</strong>nts. J Nurs Educ. 2009 May;48(5):249-54.<br />

Use of lectures 6 C, I T, N<br />

Chan SS, So WK, Wong DC, Lam TH. Building an integrated mo<strong>de</strong>l of tobacco control education in the nursing<br />

Curriculum: findings of a stu<strong>de</strong>nt’s survey. J Nurs Educ. 2008 May 47 (5) :223-6.<br />

Use of a questionnaire for evaluation and<br />

4 C, I G, N<br />

further action<br />

Carlsson N, Johansson A, G Hermansson, An<strong>de</strong>rsson, B. Gare Child health and attitu<strong>de</strong>s in nurses' roles<br />

reducing children´s tobacco smoke exposure. J Clin Nurs. 2010 Feb, 19 (3-4) :507-16.<br />

Telephone interview 4 C, I PW /PPWP, H, G<br />

McGowan A, Hamilton S, Barnett D, Nsofor M, Proudfoot J, et al. Breathe: the stop smoking service for<br />

pregnant women in Glasgow. Midwifery. 2010 Jun, 26 (3): e1-e13.<br />

Evaluation of efficacy 2 C. T, G<br />

Pbert L Osganian SK Gorak D Druker S, G Reed, et al. A school nurse-<strong>de</strong>livered adolescent smoking cessation<br />

intervention: a randomized controlled trial. Prev Med 2006 Oct; 43 (4):312 20.<br />

Advice together with pharmacotherapy 2 C. G, N<br />

Percival J, Milner D. Pharmacological management of smoking cessation. Br J Community Nurs. 2002 Apr; 7 (4)<br />

:202-5.<br />

Attendance at clinic 1 C. G<br />

Wadland WC, Soffelmayr B, Ives K. Enhancing smoking cessation of low-income smokers in managed care.<br />

JFam Pract. 2001 Feb; 50 (2) :138-44.<br />

Multi-component treatment 1 C. G<br />

Buchanan LM El-Banna M, White A Moses S Siedlik C., et al. An exploratory study of multicomponent<br />

Intervention treatment for tobacco <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncy. Nurs Scholarsh J 2004, 36 (4) :324-30.<br />

Cognitive behavioral therapy 1 C. PW/PPW<br />

J Groner, French G, K Ahijevych, Wewers ME. Process evaluation of a nurse-<strong>de</strong>livered smoking relapse<br />

prevention program for new mothers. J Community Health Nurs. 2005, 22:157-67.<br />

Using the literature combined with monitoring 1 C. H<br />

Gies CE, Buchman D, Robinson J, Smolen D. Effect on inpatient nurse-directed smoking cessation program.<br />

West J Nurs Res 2008 Feb, 30 (1) :6-19.<br />

Interview followed by monitoring 1 C. H<br />

Browning KK Ahijevych JL Jr Ross P Wewers WW. Implementing the Agency for Health Care Policy and<br />

Research´s Smoking Cessation Gui<strong>de</strong>line in a lung cancer surgery clinic. Oncol Nurs Forum 2000;27, 1248-54.<br />

Creation of a monitoring program 1 C. H<br />

Jonsdottir H, Jonsdottir R, Geirsdottir T, Sveinsdottir KS, Sigurdardottir T. Multicomponent individualized smoking<br />

cessation intervention for patients with lung disease. J Adv Nurs. Dec 2004, 48 (6) :594-604.<br />

Counseling together with pharmacotherapy and<br />

1 C. G<br />

following<br />

Chan S, Lam TH. Protecting sick children from exposure to passive smoking through mothers’ action: a<br />

randomized controlled trial of a nursing intervention. J Adv Nurs. 2006 Apr, 54 (4) :440-9.<br />

Counseling followed by monitoring 1 C. G<br />

SS Chan, TH Lam, Salili F, Leung GM DC Wong, et al. A randomized controlled trial of an individualized motivational<br />

intervention on smoking cessation for parents of sick children: a pilot study . Appl Nurs Res 2005 Aug;18(3):178-81.<br />

Caption: i = initiation, C = Cessation, t = teenager, G = general, n = nurse / nursing stu<strong>de</strong>nt, Ci = Chronically ill, PW / PPW = Pregnant women / postpartum<br />

women, h = hospitalized Patient.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 411-419<br />


Moura MAS, Menezes MFB, Mariano RD, Silva VR, Sousa LP<br />

416<br />

Currently, pharmacotherapy is used as a support and<br />

serves to facilitate the cognitive behavioral approach, which<br />

is the basis for smoking cessation. There are, at this time,<br />

some medications of proven effectiveness, mainly nicotine<br />

replacement medication, which is consi<strong>de</strong>red topnotch drugs 17 .<br />

Community nurses are well positioned to intervene<br />

with smokers, and currently nicotine replacement<br />

products are in the recipe form of these professionals 16 .<br />

regarding countries where these interventions<br />

occurred, the u.s. is at a prominent position, accounting<br />

for almost half of the sample of publications. in this<br />

country, even with advances in educational campaigns<br />

to control the disease in recent <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s, there are more<br />

than 45 million smokers and approximately 440,000<br />

<strong>de</strong>aths per year.<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>ring the <strong>de</strong>mand of smokers in the u.s., it is<br />

extremely important that nurses adopt the evi<strong>de</strong>nce-based<br />

practice to aid in smoking cessation, thereby contributing<br />

to the reduction of approximately 157 billion dollars in<br />

health costs per year 18 .<br />

in publications that focused on interventions<br />

for tobacco control in hospital environments, it was<br />

observed that 37.5% of these reported the maintenance<br />

of monitoring actions after discharge with a continuing<br />

professional approach to adults, adolescents, parents of<br />

sick children, and patients of heart and lung diseases.<br />

in the publications assessed, studies that performed<br />

counseling alone or in combination with pharmacotherapy<br />

with nicotine replacers, with or without contact after<br />

discharge were found.<br />

in a meta-analysis ma<strong>de</strong> by rigotti et al. 19 , the authors<br />

found that counseling of patients for smoking cessation<br />

done by nurses during the hospital stay, with maintenance<br />

of contact for over a month after discharge increased the<br />

chances of success by about 65% since a 6-12-month<br />

follow-up after hospitalization is recommen<strong>de</strong>d. The<br />

same authors point out that there is no evi<strong>de</strong>nce that<br />

the counseling intervention, carried out only during<br />

hospitalization, is effective in promoting smoking<br />

cessation. Counseling intervention is effective when given<br />

to all hospitalized smokers, being held in an intensive and<br />

prolonged way.<br />

Counseling and nicotine replacement therapy should<br />

be provi<strong>de</strong>d to all hospitalized smokers who are motivated<br />

to try to quit smoking 20 . for those who are not motivated,<br />

this is a favorable time and an excellent opportunity for<br />

nurses starting the approach.<br />

With regard to interventions aimed at women, there is<br />

the opportunity to approach smokers during the cervical<br />

screening test performed by the nurse. Concerning the<br />

interventions aimed at pregnant women, half of the studies<br />

that targeted this audience advocated for the maintenance<br />

of contact started during pregnancy until the postpartum<br />

period, aiming to prevent relapse.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 411-419<br />

These interventions are characterized by counseling<br />

alone, either by telephone or home visit, or the adoption<br />

of a counseling approach associated with nicotine<br />

repository drugs. This finding corroborates the u.s.<br />

gui<strong>de</strong>lines regarding the treatment of tobacco directed<br />

to pregnant women, which recommends counseling for<br />

smoking cessation associated with drugs, starting with<br />

short duration nrt 20 .<br />

in this sense, the findings suggest that nurses are aware<br />

that smoking poses a threat to the health of the fetus and<br />

neonate, in view of the various interventions targeted<br />

to pregnant and postpartum women. This fact suggests<br />

that the gestational and postpartum period seem to be<br />

moments of extreme sensitivity to quit smoking.<br />

another approach found in the publications was<br />

related to interventions targeting smokers with some kind<br />

of chronic disease, such as: chronic obstructive pulmonary<br />

disease (CoPD), cardiovascular disease and cancers of the<br />

lung and head / neck.<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>ring that smoking is a well established risk<br />

factor for cardiovascular disease 21 , it was found that nurses<br />

in this specialty proved themselves to be concerned with<br />

this situation, due to the number of actions related to<br />

these clients. accordingly, the poor production of nurses<br />

in oncology is extremely worrisome, given that smoking<br />

is a risk factor for the <strong>de</strong>velopment of several cancers.<br />

among the studies that inclu<strong>de</strong>d adolescents in the<br />

sample, we could notice that only a few of them were<br />

aimed at preventing smoking initiation. That shows that<br />

the approach to the subject should start from childhood.<br />

several studies have shown that smoking initiation<br />

occurs primarily between late childhood and young<br />

adolescence 22 . furthermore, the majority of smokers<br />

reports that they began smoking in adolescence when it<br />

is not perceived as a health risk 23 .<br />

nurses can contribute significantly in reducing the<br />

inci<strong>de</strong>nce of smoking initiation among young people,<br />

once they are consi<strong>de</strong>red as the main health professionals<br />

involved in education 22 .<br />

no intervention targeted at the el<strong>de</strong>rly in an<br />

environment outsi<strong>de</strong> the hospital could be noted<br />

in this sample, which shows disagreement with the<br />

recommendations, by which all smokers of any age should<br />

be benefited from the interventions for smoking cessation.<br />

it has been reported in the literature that these<br />

interventions are offered to seniors at rates below the<br />

i<strong>de</strong>al; however, it is stated that clinical nurses have a great<br />

opportunity to promote smoking interventions for this<br />

age group 24 .<br />

Many publications have focused on targeted<br />

interventions for nursing stu<strong>de</strong>nts and nurses with the<br />

purpose of contributing to this professional training,<br />

mentioning the need to approach the topic in the<br />

curriculum structure.

Clearly, the approaches and the credibility of future<br />

nurses and health professionals as agents for the treatment<br />

of smoking and tobacco-related diseases can be influenced<br />

by smoking 25 . This shows a need for greater awareness<br />

of these future professionals in or<strong>de</strong>r to be primarily<br />

responsible for controlling this epi<strong>de</strong>mic.<br />

it was found that the methodological option of<br />

randomized studies targeted to nursing interventions for<br />

tobacco control was poor. on this finding, it is suggested<br />

that evaluative research in this area of nursing, from the<br />

perspective of effectiveness be carry out, given that the<br />

nurse is an active health care professional in the control<br />

of tobacco-related diseases.<br />


During the nursing practice in tobacco control,<br />

intense motivation is nee<strong>de</strong>d to overcome the challenges<br />

encountered during this process, especially for specialists<br />

in oncology.<br />

in this sense, an innovative action was the creation<br />

of a site called "tobacco free nurses", sponsored by the<br />

american nurses association, which aims to provi<strong>de</strong><br />

instructional material to support the educational<br />

initiatives by nurses having in mind the <strong>de</strong>velopment of<br />

interventions related to tobacco control.<br />

We highlight the inclusion of smoking on the agenda<br />

of discussions and projects of the international Society of<br />

Nurses in Cancer Care (isnCC), promoting trainings and<br />

updating for oncology nurses, focusing on interventions<br />

directed at smoking cessation.<br />

We were able to i<strong>de</strong>ntify that, although nurses spend a<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>rable time with patients / families, working directly<br />

in the process of health education, we realized the need for<br />

targeted interventions to prevent initiation of smoking,<br />

with subsequent reduction in the inci<strong>de</strong>nce the disease.<br />

this study provi<strong>de</strong>d an overview about nursing<br />

interventions for tobacco control, but it had limitations<br />

in terms of Cinahl database references, for reasons<br />

explained above, without, however, having affected the<br />

scope of results.<br />

it was found that smoking is a promising area for<br />

nurses’ activities at all levels of care. in Brazil, such insight<br />

becomes crucial, since the country has a national program<br />

to fight smoking with the possibility of training for these<br />

professionals.<br />


all authors contributed to all phases of the study<br />

<strong>de</strong>sign, methodological <strong>de</strong>sign, data collection and<br />

analysis, critical revision and final writing.<br />

Declaration of Conflict of Interest: Nothing to Declare.<br />

Nursing Interventions on Tobacco Control<br />


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Nursing Interventions on Tobacco Control<br />

Resumo<br />

Introdução: o tabagismo é consi<strong>de</strong>rado um grave problema <strong>de</strong> saú<strong>de</strong> Pública e o enfermeiro é um profissional<br />

importante no <strong>de</strong>senvolvimento <strong>de</strong> estratégias relacionadas ao controle <strong>de</strong>ssa doença. Objetivo: i<strong>de</strong>ntificar as<br />

intervenções <strong>de</strong> enfermagem relacionadas ao controle do tabagismo. Método: trata-se <strong>de</strong> uma revisão integrativa.<br />

realizou-se a busca <strong>de</strong> artigos e resumos publicados no período <strong>de</strong> 2000 a 2010, nas bases <strong>de</strong> dados lilaCs e<br />

MeDline, por meio dos seguintes <strong>de</strong>scritores: enfermagem/tabagismo, tobacco/nursing; e artigos publicados na<br />

Cinahl, no período <strong>de</strong> 2008 a 2010, através dos <strong>de</strong>scritores tobacco/nursing/intervention. Resultado: seguindo as<br />

estratégias <strong>de</strong>finidas para o estudo, a busca resultou em 1.394 publicações. foram encontradas 55 publicações no<br />

lilaCs, 1.231 no MeDline e 108 na Cinahl. Dessas produções, foram selecionados seis artigos completos<br />

na base latino-americana e 119 nas bases internacionais, sendo 16 artigos completos na Cinahl e 103 produções<br />

no MeDline. a primeira análise verificou que 1.269 publicações não estavam relacionadas especificamente com<br />

a questão norteadora, ou não atendiam aos critérios <strong>de</strong> inclusão propostos, restando; portanto, 125 produções que<br />

foram <strong>de</strong>finitivamente consi<strong>de</strong>radas para esse estudo. os achados evi<strong>de</strong>nciaram diversas intervenções prestadas por<br />

enfermeiros para públicos variados, sendo que 39 <strong>de</strong>las foram direcionadas à cessação do fumar. Conclusão: Diante das<br />

produções avaliadas, verificou-se que o enfermeiro é um profissional <strong>de</strong> extrema importância no controle do tabagismo<br />

e as intervenções encontradas mostraram relação com o recomendado pela literatura científica.<br />

Palavras-chave: tabagismo; enfermagem; estudos <strong>de</strong> intervenção; abandono do hábito <strong>de</strong> fumar<br />

Resumen<br />

Introducción: el tabaquismo es consi<strong>de</strong>rado un grave problema <strong>de</strong> salud pública y el enfermero es un profesional<br />

importante en el <strong>de</strong>sarrollo <strong>de</strong> estrategias relacionadas al control <strong>de</strong> esa dolencia. Objetivo: i<strong>de</strong>ntificar las intervenciones<br />

<strong>de</strong> enfermería relacionadas con el control <strong>de</strong>l tabaquismo. Método: se trata <strong>de</strong> una revisión integradora. fue hecha la<br />

búsqueda <strong>de</strong> artículos y resúmenes publicados en el período <strong>de</strong> 2000 a 2010, a partir <strong>de</strong> las bases <strong>de</strong> datos lilaCs y<br />

MeDline por medio <strong>de</strong> los siguientes <strong>de</strong>scriptores enfermería/tabaquismo y tobacco/nursing y artículos publicados<br />

en la Cinahl en el período <strong>de</strong> 2008 a 2010, por medio <strong>de</strong> los <strong>de</strong>scriptores tobacco/nursing/intervention. Resultados:<br />

a partir <strong>de</strong> las estrategias <strong>de</strong>finidas para el estudio, la búsqueda resultó en 1.394 las publicaciones. 55 publicaciones<br />

se encuentran en lilaCs, 1.231 en MeDline y 108 en Cinahl. De las producciones, seis trabajos completos<br />

se seleccionaron en la base <strong>de</strong> américa latina y 119 en las bases <strong>de</strong> datos internacionales, 16 artículos completos<br />

en Cinahl y 103 producciones en MeDline. la primera análisis encontró que 1.269 publicaciones no estaban<br />

relacionados específicamente a la pregunta <strong>de</strong> investigación o no cumplían los criterios <strong>de</strong> inclusión propuestos, dando<br />

como resultado, 125 producciones que se consi<strong>de</strong>raron finalmente para este estudio. los hallados evi<strong>de</strong>nciaron diversas<br />

intervenciones prestadas por enfermeros para públicos variados, siendo que 39 <strong>de</strong> ellas fueron encaminadas a cesación<br />

<strong>de</strong>l fumar. Conclusión: Delante <strong>de</strong> las producciones evaluadas, se verificó que el enfermero es un profesional <strong>de</strong> extrema<br />

importancia en el control <strong>de</strong>l tabaquismo y las intervenciones encontradas mostraron relación con el recomendado<br />

por la literatura científica.<br />

Palabras clave: tabaquismo; enfermería; estudios <strong>de</strong> intervención; Cese <strong>de</strong>l tabaquismo<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 411-419<br />


Literature Review<br />

Polymorphisms, Nicotine and Lung Cancer<br />

Article submitted on 02/15/11; accepted for publication on 06/27/11<br />

Genetic Polymorphisms in the Nicotinic Receptors and Lung<br />

Cancer: an Overview<br />

Polimorfismos Genéticos nos Receptores Nicotínicos e <strong>Câncer</strong> <strong>de</strong> Pulmão: uma<br />

Visão Geral<br />

Polimorfismos Genéticos en los Receptores Nicotínicos y Cáncer <strong>de</strong> Pulmón: una<br />

Visión General<br />

Alessandra berna<strong>de</strong>te Trovó <strong>de</strong> marqui 1 , vera Lúcia bonfim 2 , mariangela Torreglosa ruiz 3<br />

Abstract<br />

Introduction: lung cancer is the most common malignant tumor. it was responsible for 20,485 <strong>de</strong>aths in 2008 in<br />

Brazil and 90% of diagnosed cases are associated with tobacco consumption. nicotine is the primary component of<br />

tobacco in cigarettes and variants in the genes that enco<strong>de</strong> subunits of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor participate<br />

in both etiology and progression of lung cancer. Objective: to carry out a review about lung cancer and single<br />

nucleoti<strong>de</strong> polymorphisms in genes which enco<strong>de</strong> subunits of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Method: a review in<br />

literature of articles published in the last five years, in english and in researches with human beings, through electronic<br />

search at PubMed database. Results: The 15q25 region contains single nucleoti<strong>de</strong> polymorphisms of the CHRNA5,<br />

CHRNA3 and CHRNB4 genes and is associated with risk of lung cancer and nicotine addiction. There is a strong<br />

association between single nucleoti<strong>de</strong> polymorphisms 1192G>a and 645C>t from CHRNA5 and CHRNA3 genes<br />

respectively, and lung cancer. other polymorphisms in 15q25 associated with this kind of cancer inclu<strong>de</strong>: 24289a>G,<br />

28757t>C, 14621a>C, 10611t>C and 5539C>G from the CHRNA5 gene27011C>t, 3393G>a, 30238C>t from<br />

the CHRNA3 gene and 49711634C>G from the CHRNB4 gene. Conclusion: The studies published suggested that<br />

in the investigation of single nucleoti<strong>de</strong> polymorphisms, both ethnicity and functional effect of that variant should<br />

be consi<strong>de</strong>red to the functioning and genic expression.<br />

Key words: Polymorphism, single nucleoti<strong>de</strong>; lung neoplasms; receptors, nicotinic; Chromosomes, human, Pair 15<br />

1 PhD in Genetics from universida<strong>de</strong> estadual Paulista (unesP). adjunct Professor at the Department of Biological and natural sciences. universida<strong>de</strong> fe<strong>de</strong>ral<br />

do triângulo Mineiro.<br />

2 PhD in functional and Molecular Biology from universida<strong>de</strong> estadual <strong>de</strong> Campinas (uniCaMP). adjunct Professor at the exact and natural sciences and<br />

education institute. universida<strong>de</strong> fe<strong>de</strong>ral do triângulo Mineiro.<br />

3 PhD in health sciences from faculda<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Medicina <strong>de</strong> são José do rio Preto (faMerP). adjunct Professor at the exact and natural sciences and education<br />

institute. universida<strong>de</strong> fe<strong>de</strong>ral do triângulo Mineiro.<br />

Corresponding address: Mariangela torreglosa ruiz. Department of Biological sciences. exact and natural sciences and education institute. universida<strong>de</strong> fe<strong>de</strong>ral<br />

do triângulo Mineiro. av. frei Paulino, 30 - Bairro abadia. uberaba (MG), Brazil. Ce P: 38025-180. Email: mariangela@cienciasbiologicas.uftm.edu.br.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 421-428<br />


Marqui ABT, Bonfim VL, Ruiz MT<br />

422<br />


lung Cancer is the most common of all malignant<br />

tumors, showing a 2% increase each year in its world<br />

inci<strong>de</strong>nce. in Brazil, it was responsible for 20,485 <strong>de</strong>aths in<br />

2008, and was the type the caused more <strong>de</strong>aths. for 2010,<br />

about 27,630 new cases were estimated 1 .<br />

this type of cancer is frequently mentioned as a<br />

malignancy attributed only to environmental factors<br />

and, in 90% of the cases diagnosed, it is associated to the<br />

consumption of tobacco <strong>de</strong>rivatives 2 .<br />

approximately 4,000 chemical products have been<br />

i<strong>de</strong>ntified in cigarette smoke, more than 60 of which are<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>red carcinogenic, according to analysis done by the<br />

international agency for research on Cancer 3 . of these<br />

compounds, nicotine is the primary component of tobacco,<br />

being a weak base (pKa=8.0), as its absorption through<br />

mucous membranes is ph <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt. studies <strong>de</strong>monstrated<br />

that nicotine absorption through the oral mucosa is low while<br />

absorption through the lungs is fast 4 . nicotine is metabolized<br />

rapidly and extensively, mainly by the liver, within 1-2 hours,<br />

especially by the CyP2a6 enzyme (and to a lesser extent<br />

by CyP2B6 anD ByP2e1) to the formation of cotinine.<br />

Cotinine is the non-active metabolite and has a long plasma<br />

half-life, and it is wi<strong>de</strong>ly used as a quantitative marker of<br />

nicotine exposure and as a way of measuring smoking habits 4 .<br />

in the central nervous system, nicotine influences<br />

cholinergic transmission by acting on the nicotinic<br />

acetylcholine receptors (naChr), opening cation channels<br />

and causing neuronal excitation, mediating, thus, the<br />

complex nicotine actions in tobacco users. it has also<br />

been observed that chronic exposure to nicotine produces<br />

behavioral and physiological changes, which inclu<strong>de</strong> increase<br />

in synaptic force, altered gene expression and upregulation<br />

of naChr 5 . other studies have <strong>de</strong>monstrated that nicotine<br />

can promote the proliferation of cancer cells, migration,<br />

invasion and tumor angiogenesis, besi<strong>de</strong>s performing a key<br />

role in apoptosis suppression in lung cancer cells, through<br />

akt pathway activation 4,6-9 .<br />

The nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (naChrs) present<br />

nine a subunits (a1 to a7, a9 to a10) and four b subunits<br />

(b1 to b4). The a3, a5 and a7 subunits are present in<br />

bronchial epithelium; b4 in cells of the alveolar epithelium;<br />

and a3, a5, a7, b2 and b4 in neuroendocrine lung cells and<br />

cell lines from human small cell lung cancer. Genes for the<br />

nicotine acetylcholine receptors coding for the a subunit are<br />

<strong>de</strong>nominated, according to the name in english, Cholinergic<br />

receptor nicotinic and are subdivi<strong>de</strong>d into CHRNA1,<br />



CHRNB3 and CHRNB4 for b subunits 8 .<br />

recently, three studies have been mapping lung cancer<br />

susceptibility locus 15q25 containing CHRNA3, CHRNA5<br />

and CHRNB4 genes 10-12 . nicotinic acetylcholine receptors<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 421-428<br />

expressed in key regions of the brain perform an important<br />

role in controlling the act of smoking. These receptors<br />

are also expressed in lung epithelial cells, where they<br />

execute signal transduction, binding to nicotine and or its<br />

carcinogenic <strong>de</strong>rivatives [ex.: 4-methtylnitrosamino)-1-(3pyridyl)-1-butanone,<br />

nnK), resulting in cell proliferation<br />

and neoplastic transformation. Thus, variations in these<br />

receptors are strong candidates of risk factors for nicotine<br />

addiction and lung cancer. Therefore, it seems plausible that<br />

genetic variations such as: single nucleoti<strong>de</strong> polymorphism<br />

(snP) in the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors that affect<br />

gene expression or protein function can be associated to the<br />

act of smoking and the lung cancer risk related to smoking.<br />

The present study had as its objective to perform a review<br />

on lung cancer and snP in genes coding for subunits of the<br />

nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.<br />


This work consists in a bibliographical review that used<br />

the PubMed databank (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/).<br />

The key words used in the articles search were “nicotinic<br />

receptor anD lung cancer”.<br />

The time period for the search was 5 years (2005-<br />

2010), related to the human species and in the english<br />

language. also, relevant articles cited in the references of<br />

the studies found in PubMed and which were within the<br />

inclusion criteria for this work were analyzed: complete<br />

original articles that approached information on lung<br />

cancer, nicotine and polymorphisms in nicotinic receptors.<br />

for those articles which were not available online, a copy<br />

of the manuscript was requested to the author by email.<br />

The exclu<strong>de</strong>d articles associated snPs in these genes<br />

to other types of cancer, nicotine addiction, alcohol<br />

addiction, other pulmonary conditions (emphysema,<br />

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (CoPD), were<br />

either reviews or letters to the editor, or approached gene<br />

expression, methylation and silencing.<br />


after bibliographical search, 57 articles were found<br />

about the subject and, following the previously established<br />

inclusion criteria, 25 were selected, 15 associating<br />

polymorphism in the 15q25 chromosomal region to<br />

lung cancer.<br />

recent studies i<strong>de</strong>ntified the 15q25 chromosomal<br />

region as a susceptibility locus to lung cancer. this<br />

region inclu<strong>de</strong>s six genes, among them: PMsa4, ireB2,<br />

loC123688, Chrna5, Chrna3 and ChrnB4,<br />

the last three coding for nicotinic acetylcholine receptor<br />

subunits 10-12 . Consi<strong>de</strong>ring that nicotine is the main alkaloid<br />

from tobacco and this is a risk factor for lung cancer,<br />

polymorphisms in the genes of nicotinic acetylcholine

eceptors can be involved in lung tumorigenesis. This<br />

observation has been inducing researchers to investigate<br />

snP effects on genes CHRNA5, CHRNA3 and CHRNB4<br />

in the pathogenesis of lung cancer. table 1 contains<br />

the synthesis of articles that related snPs in the 15q25<br />

chromosomal region to lung cancer and presents the<br />

summarized findings of these works (table 1).<br />

the gene that co<strong>de</strong>s for α5 subunit (Chrna5)<br />

contains the snP 1192G>a, characterized by a<br />

Table 1. Summary of the articles that correlated SNP in the 15q25 chromosomal region to lung cancer<br />

Gene<br />

CHRNA5<br />

CHRNA3<br />

SNP i<strong>de</strong>ntifier<br />

(dbSNP)/ Nucleoti<strong>de</strong><br />

change<br />

16969968/1192g>A<br />

1051730/645c>T<br />

Polymorphisms, Nicotine and Lung Cancer<br />

Sample size Study type/Main findings Reference<br />

1,154 smokers of european origin<br />

1,137 population based controls<br />

711 patients with lung cancer<br />

362 population based controls<br />

CHRNA3 1051730/645c>T 13,945 smokers<br />

4,302 non-smokers<br />

655 patients with lung cancer<br />

28,752 population based controls<br />

CHRNA5<br />

CHRNA3<br />

16969968/1192g>A<br />

1051730/645c>T<br />

1,989 lung cancer cases<br />

2,625 controls central europe<br />

CHRNA5 16969968/1192g>A 2,284 individuals <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt on<br />

alcohol and their families<br />

CHRNA5 16969968/1192g>A 17,300 individuals<br />

- 3,989 lung cancer cases<br />

- 3.968 upper aerodigestive tract<br />

cancer cases<br />

- 9,434 population controls<br />

CHRNA5 16969968/1192g>A pulmonary tissue from 68 patients<br />

with lung cancer<br />

CHRNA5 16969968/1192g>A<br />

3 haplotypes (<strong>de</strong>lTTc, insATc,<br />

and insTgg)<br />

Tumor tissues of 68 patients who<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rwent lobotomy<br />

CHRNA5 16969968/1192g>A 302 patients with lung<br />

a<strong>de</strong>nocarcinoma<br />

CHRNA3 1051730/645c>T 467 patients with lung cancer<br />

388 African-American controls<br />

CHRNA3 1051730/645c>T 9,040 smokers with european<br />

ancestors<br />

CHRNA5<br />

CHRNA3<br />

16969968/1192g>A<br />

1051730/645c>T<br />

819 smokers from hawaii<br />

99 patients from the Tobacco<br />

reduction intervention study<br />

program<br />

137 smoker patients<br />

substitution of the aminoacid aspartic acid/D (co<strong>de</strong>d by<br />

the G allele) to asparagine/n (co<strong>de</strong>d by a, the risk allele)<br />

in position 398 (D398n) of the Chrna5 protein. This<br />

gene variant is localized in the central portion of the<br />

second intracellular loop and although the function of<br />

this loop and the biological consequences of this alteration<br />

have not been completely un<strong>de</strong>rstood yet, this aminoacid<br />

is highly conserved among species, suggesting it might<br />

have functional importance 10-12 . Bierut et al. 13 did some<br />

case-control/increased risk for lung cancer /<br />

or = 1.32; p< 1,10 -17 )<br />

case-control/Association with the quantity of<br />

cigarettes (5 x 10 -16 )<br />

case-control/strong association with the disease<br />

(p= 3.10 -9 and 5,10 -9 ) respectively for genes<br />

CHRNA5 and CHRNA3<br />

cohort/functional analysis of polymorphism –<br />

variants do not differ in expression (p=0.007)<br />

case-control/elevated risk for lung cancer<br />

regardless of alcohol and cigarette (or= 1.30,<br />

ci 95% 1.23–1.38, p= 10 -18 )<br />

case-control/mrnA levels 2.5-fold lower in<br />

individuals homozygous for the non-risk allele<br />

(p = 8.04.10 -6 )<br />

cohort/significance with transcript levels (units<br />

for relative quantification = 1.82)<br />

cohort/snp is rare in the Japanese population<br />

and correlates with reduced survival (log rank<br />

test p=0.0146)<br />

case-control/Association of the variant to lung<br />

cancer in individuals that never smoked (or =<br />

1.81, ci 95% = 1.26 a 2.59, p = 0.00137)<br />

case-control/Association to lung cancer (p =<br />

1.4 × 10 -8 )<br />

cohort/elevated risk for lung cancer (p =<br />

0.003)<br />

Amos et al., 2008 10<br />

Thorgeirsson et al.,2008 11<br />

hung et al., 2008 12<br />

bierut et al., 2008 13<br />

Lips et al., 2010 14<br />

falvella et al., 2009 15<br />

falvella et al., 2010 16<br />

sasaki et al., 2010 17<br />

Amos et al., 2010 19<br />

Thorgeirsson et al., 2010 20<br />

Le marchand et al., 2008 21<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 421-428<br />


Marqui ABT, Bonfim VL, Ruiz MT<br />

424<br />

Table 1. Continuation<br />

Gene<br />

CHRNA5<br />

CHRNA3<br />

CHRNA5<br />

CHRNA5<br />

CHRNA3<br />

CHRNA5<br />

CHRNB4<br />

CHRNA3<br />

CHRNA5<br />

CHRNA3<br />

CHRNA3<br />

SNP i<strong>de</strong>ntifier<br />

(dbSNP)/ Nucleoti<strong>de</strong><br />

change<br />

16969968/1192g>A<br />

1051730/645c>T<br />

16969968/1192g>A<br />

684513/5539c>g<br />

1051730/645 c>T<br />

11637635/24289A>g<br />

17408276/28757T>c<br />

17486278/14621A>c<br />

16969968/1192g>A<br />

7178270/49711634c>g<br />

578776/30238c>T<br />

667282/10611T>c<br />

12910984/27011c>T<br />

6495309/3393g>A<br />

functional studies of this polymorphism in smokers and<br />

alcohol <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt and their family. evi<strong>de</strong>nces that this<br />

aminoacid change is functionally relevant was supported<br />

by the fact that, in vitro, the nicotinic receptor with the<br />

aspartic acid variant (D398) showed a higher maximum<br />

response to the nicotinic agonist when compared to the<br />

nicotinic receptor with substitution of the aminoacid<br />

asparagine (n398). another finding is that these two<br />

variants do not differ in expression, indicating that such<br />

variants of the α5 subunit alter the receptor function<br />

without affecting its expression. lips et al. 14 also did<br />

some <strong>de</strong>tailed analysis of snP 1192G>a in 17,300<br />

individuals (3,898 cases of lung cancer/lC; 3,968 cases<br />

of upper aerodigestive tract cancer/uaDt – oral cavity,<br />

oropharynx, hypopharynx, larynx and esophagus – all<br />

types of cancer strongly associated with smoking and<br />

9,434 population based controls). This polymorphism<br />

was associated to elevated risk of lung cancer among<br />

smokers, former smokers and non-smokers, that is, in<br />

regardless of tobacco smoking, possibly through a direct<br />

effect on the bronchial epithelium. a previous study using<br />

cell lines showed that genes for the nicotinic receptor are<br />

expressed in lung cancer lC cells and could perform a<br />

role in lung carcinogenesis 7 . an association between snP<br />

1192G>a of the gene CHRNA5 and uaDt cancer was<br />

also <strong>de</strong>monstrated, but smaller when compared to lC.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 421-428<br />

Sample size Study type/Main findings Reference<br />

1,250 cases of lung cancer (562<br />

a<strong>de</strong>nocarcinomas, 391 squamous<br />

cell carcinomas, 297 small cell<br />

carcinomas)<br />

1,154 individuals with lung cancer<br />

1,137 population based controls<br />

547 individuals with kidney or<br />

blad<strong>de</strong>r cancer<br />

448 african-american patients with<br />

lung cancer<br />

611 population controls<br />

1,152 patients with lung cancer from<br />

the chinese population<br />

1,152 chinese population controls<br />

cohort/haplotype associated to susceptibility to<br />

lung cancer in a small subgroup of the<br />

population of Japanese regardless of smoking<br />

habit (or= 2.3, ci 95% = 1.5–3.7,<br />

p= 0.00028)<br />

case control/ Association of variants of the<br />

region 15q25 with lung cancer (or= 1.31;<br />

p =9.84x10 -6 )<br />

case-control/snp rs17486278 in gene chrnA5 has<br />

or = 1.28; ci 95% 1.07-1.54; p = 0.008 and<br />

snp rs 7178270 g in gene CHRNB4 has or 0.78, ci<br />

95%: 0.66-0.94; p =0.008 for the lung cancer risk.<br />

The associations to lung cancer remain significant<br />

after adjustment to cigarette packages consumed per<br />

year. rs7178270 <strong>de</strong>creased the risk for lung cancer in<br />

women but not in men; interaction of gen<strong>de</strong>r<br />

(p = 0.009)<br />

case-control/or = 1.52; ci 95% (1,35-1,71;<br />

p = 2.0 x 10 -12 )<br />

or= 1.44; ic 95% (1.28–1.63; p = 2.7 × 10 -9 )<br />

or = 1.43; ic 95% (1.27–1.61; p = 2.6 × 10 -9 )<br />

shiraishi et al., 2009 22<br />

spitz et al., 2008 23<br />

hansen et al., 2010 24<br />

Wu et al., 2009 25<br />

another interesting finding was the association of this<br />

snP with early age for lC beginning; however, according<br />

to the authors, this information needs to be confirmed<br />

in additional studies. still as to CHRNA5 gene, a study<br />

showed that levels of this transcript were elevated by<br />

30-fold in lung a<strong>de</strong>nocarcinoma when compared with<br />

normal lung tissue in patients that were submitted to<br />

pulmonary lobectomy 15 . These authors also showed that<br />

the mrna levels corresponding to CHRNA5 were about<br />

2.5-fold lower in individuals homozygous for the risk<br />

allele (n398), compared to individuals homozygous to<br />

the non-risk allele.<br />

falvella et al. 16 i<strong>de</strong>ntified six haplotypes of the<br />

CHRNA5 gene, three of which are in the 5´ promoter<br />

region and the others in the 3´utr. The association<br />

between these polymorphisms and CHRNA5 expression<br />

levels was evaluated by real time PCr. The three variants<br />

of the promoter region were associated to statistically<br />

significant differences in the expression of CHRNA5,<br />

opposite to what happened to 3´utr variants. Thus, the<br />

results point out to a critical role for polymorphisms in<br />

the CHRNA5 promoter region in transcription regulation.<br />

such polymorphisms can modify the binding sites for<br />

transcription factors and can alter expression levels of<br />

CHRNA5 and the risk for nicotine <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce, lung<br />

cancer and CoPD. still, haplotypes of the promoter

egion (<strong>de</strong>lttC, insatC and instGG) of the CHRNA5<br />

gene were evaluated as to snP 1192G>a (asp398asn)<br />

of Chrna5 exon 5. The variant instGG is associated<br />

to the risk allele asn398 and associated with low mrna<br />

levels in normal lung tissue and high risk to nicotine<br />

<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce, lung cancer and CoPD. on the other hand,<br />

the other two polymorphisms are associated with allele<br />

asp398, elevated mrna levels and low risk to previously<br />

mentioned conditions.<br />

The sasaki et al. 17 study investigated the D398n<br />

polymorphism of CHRNA5 among Japanese with lung<br />

a<strong>de</strong>nocarcinoma and <strong>de</strong>tected that only nine cases<br />

(2.98%) exhibited this genetic variant. however, patients<br />

with this polymorphism presented a worse prognosis (five<br />

out of nine patients had died, average survival time of 27.1<br />

months), when compared with patients with the wild allele<br />

(74 out of 293 had died, average survival time of 113.9<br />

months). such results evi<strong>de</strong>nce that this snP is rare in the<br />

Japanese population and correlates with reduced survival.<br />

another variant associated with lung cancer is the snP<br />

645C>t of the gene CHRNA3 also localized in 15q25 10-12 .<br />

a previous study showed that variations in the nicotinic<br />

acetylcholine receptor gene can increase the risk for lung<br />

cancer through a mechanism in which a subunit from<br />

CHRNA3 binds to nnK and, subsequently, encourages<br />

nfkB to induce cell proliferation 18 . a recent study from<br />

amos et al, in 467 patients with lung cancer and 388<br />

population based controls, showed association of this<br />

variant with lung cancer only in individuals that never<br />

smoked 19 . This snP was also associated to lung cancer<br />

by Thorgeirsson et al. 20 .<br />

the variants in genes CHRNA5 (1192G>a) and<br />

CHRNA3 (645C>t) were evaluated in 819 smokers and<br />

showed elevated risk for lung cancer when compared<br />

with smokers that do not have this allele, even if they<br />

smoke the same number of cigarettes 21 . these same<br />

polymporphisms showed association as to histological<br />

types and the act of smoking in 1,250 patients with lung<br />

cancer (562 with a<strong>de</strong>nocarcinoma, 391 with squamous<br />

cell carcinoma and 297 with small cell carcinoma) and<br />

936 hospital-based Japanese controls. The results indicated<br />

that snP in the gene CHRNA confer susceptibility to lung<br />

cancer in a small subgroup of Japanese in a way that is<br />

regardless of smoking 22 . spitz et al. 23 tried to associate the<br />

polymorphisms in genes CHRNA5 and CHRNA3 through<br />

genotyping of smokers with blad<strong>de</strong>r or kidney cancer<br />

and smoking population based controls and did not find<br />

association, reinforcing the hypothesis of participation<br />

of these polymorphisms only in lung carcinogenesis. The<br />

snP 5539C>G, localized in the first intron of the gene<br />

CHRNA5, was also associated to the risk of lung cancer,<br />

besi<strong>de</strong>s the ones previously <strong>de</strong>scribed above 19 .<br />

a study done by hansen et al. 24 i<strong>de</strong>ntified,<br />

besi<strong>de</strong>s snP1192G>a, three other polymorphisms<br />

Polymorphisms, Nicotine and Lung Cancer<br />

associated with lung cancer, pertaining to gene<br />

CHRNA5 (24289a>G, 28757t>C and 14621a>C)<br />

and one to gene CHRNA3 (30238C>t). This was the<br />

only study that correlated variant in gene CHRNA4<br />

(49711634C>G) to lung carcinogenesis and an<br />

association to lower risk of this neoplasia only among<br />

females, showing a gen<strong>de</strong>r-specific effect. it is still<br />

worth highlighting that, according to the literature, the<br />

polymorphism 1192G>a is one of the most commonly<br />

associated to lung cancer and the 30238C>t is wi<strong>de</strong>ly<br />

related to nicotine <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce.<br />

as to ethnical distribution, polymorphisms 645C>t<br />

and 1192G>a of genes CHRNA3 and CHRNA5,<br />

respectively, were associated with elevated risk for lung<br />

cancer in european caucasians 10-12 and among Japanese 22 .<br />

however, these two snPs were investigated in 1,152<br />

cases of lung cancer and 1,152 controls and have not<br />

been associated with lung cancer risk in the Chinese<br />

population 25 . Thus the data obtained by Wu et al. 25<br />

reinforce the region 15q25 as one of susceptibility to lung<br />

cancer, but emphasize the difference in genetic markers<br />

among ethnical different populations and the need to<br />

conduct these studies in several populations. This same<br />

study i<strong>de</strong>ntified three new polymorphisms associated to<br />

lung cancer in these populations: 10611tt and 3393G>a of gene CHRNA3.<br />

such variants were investigated in 3,565 cases of lung<br />

cancer and 3,456 controls from north and south China.<br />

still, polymorphism 3393G>a localized in the promoter<br />

region of the gene CHRNA3 affected the binding capacity<br />

to the transcriptional factor oct-1, resulting in increased<br />

expression of CHRNA3, suggesting it might be a causal<br />

snP for lung cancer susceptibility.<br />


in conclusion, the studies that showed association of<br />

snP from region 15q25 with lung cancer are very recent.<br />

The polymorphisms associated with lung carcinogenesis<br />

belong mainly to genes CHRNA5 and CHRNA3, with<br />

special attention to variants 1192G>a and 645C>t.<br />

however, the articles <strong>de</strong>scribing investigation of<br />

the contribution of these polymorphisms to lung<br />

carcinogenesis are scarce. This shows the necessity of<br />

additional studies in populations of different ethnical<br />

origins, since a genetic association, although valid for<br />

a specific ethnical population might not be relevant to<br />

individuals of other ethnicity. Besi<strong>de</strong>s that, the functional<br />

effect of every snP has to be consi<strong>de</strong>red to <strong>de</strong>termine<br />

if that genetic variant plays its role on the function and<br />

expression of the gene, even if it is rarely observed in<br />

that specific population.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 421-428<br />


Marqui ABT, Bonfim VL, Ruiz MT<br />

426<br />


alessandra Berna<strong>de</strong>te trovó <strong>de</strong> Marqui and Mariangela<br />

torreglosa ruiz participated in the conception, <strong>de</strong>sign,<br />

acquisition and interpretation of the data and in the<br />

critical and final writing of this manuscript; Vera lúcia<br />

Bonfim participated in the acquisition and interpretation<br />

of data and the final and critical writing of the manuscript.<br />

Declaration of Conflicting Interests: Nothing to <strong>de</strong>clare<br />


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Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 421-428<br />


Marqui ABT, Bonfim VL, Ruiz MT<br />

428<br />

Resumo<br />

Introdução: o câncer <strong>de</strong> pulmão é o mais comum <strong>de</strong> todos os tumores malignos. responsável por 20.485 mortes, em<br />

2008, no Brasil, e, em 90% dos casos diagnosticados, está associado ao consumo <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>rivados <strong>de</strong> tabaco. a nicotina é<br />

o componente primário do tabaco presente no cigarro e, variantes genéticas nos genes que codificam subunida<strong>de</strong>s do<br />

receptor <strong>de</strong> acetilcolina nicotínico participam na etiologia e progressão do câncer <strong>de</strong> pulmão. Objetivo: realizar uma<br />

revisão sobre o câncer <strong>de</strong> pulmão e polimorfismos <strong>de</strong> nucleotí<strong>de</strong>os únicos em genes codificadores <strong>de</strong> subunida<strong>de</strong>s dos<br />

receptores <strong>de</strong> acetilcolina nicotínicos. Método: foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica por meio <strong>de</strong> busca eletrônica na<br />

base <strong>de</strong> dados PubMed, tendo como limites artigos publicados nos últimos cinco anos, publicação em língua inglesa<br />

e pesquisas em seres humanos. Resultados: a região 15q25 que contém os polimorfismos <strong>de</strong> nucleotí<strong>de</strong>os únicos<br />

dos genes CHRNA5, CHRNA3 e CHRNB4 está associada a risco <strong>de</strong> câncer <strong>de</strong> pulmão e <strong>de</strong>pendência a nicotina. os<br />

trabalhos selecionados mostraram forte associação dos polimorfismos <strong>de</strong> nucleotí<strong>de</strong>os únicos 1192G>a e 645C>t dos<br />

genes CHRNA5 e CHRNA3, respectivamente com câncer <strong>de</strong> pulmão. outros polimorfismos localizados em 15q25<br />

associados a esse tipo <strong>de</strong> câncer incluem: 24289a>G, 28757t>C, 14621a>C, 10611t>C e 5539C>G do gene<br />

CHRNA5; 27011C>t, 3393G>a, 30238C>t do gene CHRNA3 e o 49711634C>G do gene CHRNB4. Conclusão:<br />

os trabalhos publicados evi<strong>de</strong>nciaram que, na investigação <strong>de</strong> polimorfismos, <strong>de</strong>vem ser consi<strong>de</strong>rados a etnicida<strong>de</strong> e<br />

o efeito funcional daquela variante para o funcionamento e expressão gênica.<br />

Palavras-chave: Polimorfismo <strong>de</strong> um Único nucleotí<strong>de</strong>o; neoplasias Pulmonares; receptores nicotínicos; Cromossomos<br />

humanos Par 15<br />

Resumen<br />

Introducción: el cáncer <strong>de</strong> pulmón es el más común <strong>de</strong> todos los tumores malignos. responsable <strong>de</strong> 20.485 muertes<br />

en 2008 en Brasil, siendo que el 90% <strong>de</strong> los casos diagnosticados está asociado al consumo <strong>de</strong> tabaco. la nicotina es<br />

el principal componente primario <strong>de</strong>l tabaco presente en el humo <strong>de</strong>l cigarrillo y variantes genéticas en los genes que<br />

codifican las subunida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>l receptor nicotínico <strong>de</strong> acetilcolina participan en la etiología y progresión <strong>de</strong>l cáncer <strong>de</strong><br />

pulmón. Objetivo: realizar una revisión sobre el cáncer <strong>de</strong> pulmón y polimorfismos <strong>de</strong> nucleótido único en genes que<br />

codifican las subunida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> los receptores nicotínicos <strong>de</strong> la acetilcolina. Método: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica,<br />

mediante la búsqueda electrónica en la base <strong>de</strong> datos PubMed, <strong>de</strong> los artículos publicados en los últimos cinco años,<br />

publicaciones en idioma inglés e investigaciones en seres humanos. Resultados: la región 15q25 que contiene los<br />

polimorfismos <strong>de</strong> nucleótido único <strong>de</strong> los genes CHRNA5, CHRNB4 y CHRNA3 está asociada con el riesgo <strong>de</strong> cáncer<br />

<strong>de</strong> pulmón y adicción a la nicotina. los trabajos seleccionados mostraron una fuerte asociación entre los polimorfismos<br />

<strong>de</strong> nucleótido único 1192G>a y 645C>t <strong>de</strong> los genes CHRNA5 y CHRNA3, respectivamente, con cáncer <strong>de</strong> pulmón.<br />

otros polimorfismos localizados en 15q25 asociados a este tipo <strong>de</strong> cáncer incluyen: 24289a>G, 28757t>C, 14621a>C,<br />

10611t>C y 5539C>G <strong>de</strong>l gen CHRNA5; 27011C>t, 3393G>a, 30238C>t <strong>de</strong>l gen CHRNA3 y 49711634C>G<br />

<strong>de</strong>l gen CHRNB4. Conclusión: los trabajos publicados muestran que en la investigación <strong>de</strong> polimorfismos <strong>de</strong>bemos<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>rar el origen étnico y el efecto funcional <strong>de</strong> aquella variante para el funcionamiento y la expresión génica.<br />

Palabras clave: Polimorfismo <strong>de</strong> nucleótido simple; neoplasias Pulmonares; receptores nicotínicos; Cromosomas<br />

humanos Par 15<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 421-428

Digest<br />

Special Research on Tobacco (PETab) – Brazil Report<br />

Digest submitted on 05/31/11; accepted for publication on 06/15/11<br />

Global Adult Tobacco Survey – Brazil Report<br />

Pesquisa Especial <strong>de</strong> Tabagismo (PETab) – Relatório Brasil<br />

Encuesta Global <strong>de</strong> Tabaquismo en Adultos – Informe Brasil<br />

National Cancer Institute (Brazil). Pan-American Health Organization.<br />

Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro: INCA, 2011. 199p.<br />

ISBN: 978-85-7318-182-1 (INCA)<br />

978-92-75-73137-6 (OPAS)<br />

Taís facina 1<br />

The book Special Research on Tobacco (PETab) – Brazil Report, released in June, 2011 in a partnership between<br />

the Brazilian national Cancer institute (inCa) and the Pan-american health organization (oPas), provi<strong>de</strong>s an<br />

unprece<strong>de</strong>nted overview on the use of tobacco <strong>de</strong>rived products in Brazil.<br />

Petab is the name given in Brazil to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (Gats), a systematic monitoring survey about<br />

tobacco use and key indicators for tobacco control, which follows a global mo<strong>de</strong>l and has already been implemented<br />

in 14 countries, favoring the production of comprehensive and standardized information with national representation<br />

and international comparability.<br />

Coordinated by the Ministry of health, through an executive Committee composed by the secretariat for health<br />

surveillance (sVs), by inCa and by the national health surveillance agency (anVisa), Petab also counted on<br />

the collaboration of the following institutions: 1) oswaldo Cruz foundation (fiocruz), responsible for the health<br />

supplement of the national survey by home sampling (PnaD); 2) Brazilian institute of Geography and statistics<br />

(iBGe), responsible for the implementation of the research following the Gats standard protocol; 3) oPas; 4)<br />

Gats international Committee.<br />

among Gats general objectives are: to produce national and regional estimates on the tobacco use, environmental<br />

exposure to tobacco smoke and cessation; to evaluate the impact of tobacco control and prevention initiatives; to<br />

support the capacity of the countries to project, implement and evaluate programs for control and prevention of tobacco<br />

use; to allow international comparison of data. and, among the specific objectives: the prevalence of use of smoked<br />

and non-smoked tobacco products; environmental exposure to tobacco smoke; cessation; exposure to pro- and antitobacco<br />

advertisements; knowledge and attitu<strong>de</strong>s; average price and average monthly cost with industrialized cigarettes.<br />

The research involves several dimensions related to the most important strategies to reduce the morbidity and<br />

mortality associated to tobacco and had, as target population, people who were 15 years old or above, summing up<br />

about 40 thousand interviews.<br />

The results showed there was in Brazil, in 2008, 24.6 million smokers in this adult population (17.2%), with<br />

21.6% of prevalence among men and 13.1% among women. another observation was that the average age for smoking<br />

initiation ranged from 17 to 19 years old (among daily smokers and former daily smokers with ages ranging from 20<br />

to 34 years old).<br />

although this percentage is larger among men, it is also among people in the range of 45 to 64 years old (22.7%),<br />

among those living in the south (19%), among the ones living in rural areas (20.4%), among the ones having lower<br />

school levels (25.7% among the ones who have not gone to school or who have gone for less than a year) and among<br />

the ones with lower income (23.1%).<br />

1 Journalist, post-graduated in “Production of the Book”, editor of scientific publications at the Brazilian national Cancer institute.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 429-430<br />


another important observation was that in the north and northeast, there is a significant percentage of smokers<br />

that use handma<strong>de</strong> rolled cigarettes, a factor that causes concern as to the actions that can be taken to inform them<br />

about the risks and methods of smoke cessation.<br />

regarding the motivation of the Brazilian smokers to interrupt tobacco use, it is possible to realize that a significant<br />

part of this population tried to quit smoking within the last 12 months (45.6%), which corresponds to approximately<br />

12 million smokers, and this rate is 48% among young people. and in or<strong>de</strong>r to offer more a<strong>de</strong>quate quitting strategies<br />

to different smoker groups who wish to quit, the greatest challenge of the national Program for tobacco Control is<br />

exactly what this survey adds in contribution: un<strong>de</strong>rstanding the characteristics of the smoker populations (<strong>de</strong>gree of<br />

addiction, population groups more vulnerable to the actions of the tobacco industry, differences in access to health<br />

services, etc).<br />

another aspect that causes concern and that was revealed by the survey was the quantity of non-smokers exposed<br />

to second hand smoke in at least one of the environments studied, which is about 22 million people, either in the<br />

work environment, or health centers, or restaurants, or public transportation or in government offices and buildings.<br />

These data point out to the urgent necessity that the recommendations envisioned by the framework Convention<br />

for tobacco Control, mainly regarding the article that refers to protection from second-hand smoking, be totally<br />

implemented in Brazil.<br />

about the dissemination of information on the risks of use and exposure to second hand smoke for health, the<br />

survey indicated that the country is on the right path: about 96% of those who were interviewed believe smoking can<br />

cause serious damages to health, while 91% believe smoking can cause serious health damage to non-smokers. it was<br />

also found that 67% of individuals had noted anti-tobacco information on the radio or television and 65% thought<br />

about quitting after seeing the warnings on cigarette packages. These data reveal that there is, among people, great<br />

awareness about the health problems related to tobacco and high perception of the counter-advertisement diffused<br />

in the media in general and on cigarette packages, a result of the several actions of the national Program for tobacco<br />

Control over the last <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s.<br />

regarding the economic aspects, it was observed that the expenses with cigarettes vary from 4.8% to 7% of the<br />

family expenses, enabling the conclusion that a prices and taxes policy is more and more necessary, mainly in a scenario<br />

where the purchasing power of the Brazilians has increased and justifies an increase in cigarette taxes.<br />

it is expected that Petab will have a five-year periodicity and the next steps of the national Policy for tobacco<br />

Control will be gui<strong>de</strong>d by them.<br />

430 Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 429-430


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Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459<br />


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432 Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459

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both si<strong>de</strong>s, double-spaced in all sections, paper size a4 (210 x 297mm) and numbered pages.<br />

to provi<strong>de</strong> greater clarity in the <strong>de</strong>livery of the subject and direct location of each item, the text is divi<strong>de</strong>d into<br />

logical parts, according to related topics.<br />

example:<br />

introDuCtion (PriMary seCtion)<br />

Material anD MethoD (PriMary seCtion)<br />

Data collection (secondary section)<br />

Variables (tertiary section)<br />

for the presentation of section titles, the type and size of letters should be gradually highlighted, noting that all<br />

primary sections must be written in the same way, and so must all the secondary sections and so on.<br />

The text of each section of a document may inclu<strong>de</strong> a series of paragraphs which should be characterized by lowercase<br />

letters of the alphabet (a, b, c,...) followed by parentheses, and immediately preceding the first word of your text.<br />

example:<br />

a) write a scientific article.<br />

b) illustrate the text.<br />

mAin gUiDeLines on eAch secTion<br />

1. Title page or cover sheet<br />

it should contain: a) title of article, alternating uppercase and lowercase letters, in Portuguese, english and spanish;<br />

b) short title with up to 40 characters; c) author’s full name(s). The <strong>de</strong>signation of authorship should be based on the<br />

iCMJe resolutions which consi<strong>de</strong>rs author the one who contributes substantially to the <strong>de</strong>sign or planning of the study,<br />

the retrieval, analysis or interpretation of data, as well as to the writing and/or critical review and final approval of the<br />

published version. in institutional (collective authorship) and multicenter studies, those who are responsible for them<br />

should have their names specified and everyone who is consi<strong>de</strong>red an author must meet the criteria mentioned above;<br />

d) informing, in a footnote, each author’s professional category, his or her highest aca<strong>de</strong>mic <strong>de</strong>gree, the name(s) of<br />

<strong>de</strong>partment(s) and institution(s) to which the research must be assigned, email address, city, state, country; e) name,<br />

address and telephone number of the author who is responsible for the correspon<strong>de</strong>nce on the manuscript; f) <strong>de</strong>scription<br />

of each author’s individual contribution for the manuscript (e.g.: .... he/she worked with the conception and final writing<br />

and ......with the research and methodology); g) acknowledgements: other collaborators who do not meet the authorship<br />

criteria mentioned above should have their names listed in this item and their type of collaboration specified. The authors<br />

are responsible for obtaining written authorization from the people acknowledged, since they are thought to agree with<br />

the research content; h) conflict of interest statement (write in "no comment" or disclose any conflicts); i) for subsidized<br />

research, the sponsor and process number (if any) must be informed.<br />

2. Abstract and <strong>de</strong>scriptors (keywords)<br />

all articles should inclu<strong>de</strong> structured abstracts in Portuguese, english and spanish, followed by <strong>de</strong>scriptors in their<br />

respective languages. The terminology for the <strong>de</strong>scriptors must be named in the article as follows: palavras-chave,<br />

key words and palabras clave. each abstract should contain at least 150 and maximum of 250 words, introduction,<br />

objective(s), methodology, results, conclusion and at least three and maximum of six <strong>de</strong>scriptors. The <strong>de</strong>scriptors are<br />

key words that help the in<strong>de</strong>xing of articles in national and international databases. to <strong>de</strong>termine the <strong>de</strong>scriptors, you<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459<br />


should consult the list of “Descritores em Ciências da saú<strong>de</strong>” [Descriptors in health sciences] (DeCs-lilacs- http://<br />

<strong>de</strong>cs.bvs.br) prepared by BireMe.<br />

in the abstract, reference citations must not be ma<strong>de</strong>, and abbreviations and/or acronyms, as well as charts, tables<br />

and images must not be inclu<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

in case of abstracts of papers presented in oncology events or that should be highlighted and have been accepted for<br />

publication in rBC, it is the authors’ responsibility to ensure compliance with the Journal standards before forwarding<br />

them, and it is his/her full responsibility to ensure language accuracy and correction.<br />

3. Introduction<br />

The introduction must be objective with clear <strong>de</strong>finition of the problem studied, highlighting its importance and<br />

the gaps in knowledge; the literature review must be strictly relevant to the subject of the study, in or<strong>de</strong>r to provi<strong>de</strong><br />

the background for un<strong>de</strong>rstanding the current knowledge on the subject and highlighting the importance of the new<br />

study. it must inform the objective(s) of the study.<br />

4. Methods<br />

it should objectively inform the type of study (prospective, retrospective; clinical or experimental trial; if the<br />

distribution of the cases was randomized or not; qualitative etc.), the methods employed, the population studied<br />

(clearly <strong>de</strong>scribe the selection of subjects for observational and experimental studies – patients or laboratory animals,<br />

including control groups-, as well as for qualitative studies), the data source and selection criteria or experimental<br />

group, including control groups. i<strong>de</strong>ntify the equipment and reagents used. also <strong>de</strong>scribe the statistical methods used<br />

and the comparisons for which each test was employed.<br />

Clinical trial reports should present information on all major elements of the study, including the protocol<br />

(population studied, interventions or exposures, outcomes - and the logic of statistical analysis), intervention<br />

characteristics (methods of randomization, indication of treatment groups) and masking methods.<br />

authors submitting review articles should present the procedures used to locate, select, obtain, classify and synthesize<br />

information in addition to <strong>de</strong>fining the inclusion and exclusion criteria of studies selected for review.<br />

When experiments in humans are reported, inform if the procedures were followed in accordance with the ethical<br />

standards of the institutional ethics Committee for human research, with the helsinky Declaration (latest version<br />

of 2000) and the resolution 196/96 (res. Cns 196/96). Do not use patients’ names, initials or registration numbers,<br />

especially in illustrative material. for experiments involving animals, inform the compliance with the standards of<br />

institutions, the national research Council or any national law concerning the use and care of laboratory animals.<br />

This section also inclu<strong>de</strong>s the mentioning of the document, indicating the protocol number, the eC of the institution<br />

to which the authors are bound and which approved the study performed.<br />

5. Results<br />

relevant results for the study purpose which will be discussed must be presented. only results which have been<br />

found must be <strong>de</strong>scribed, without any interpretations or comparisons. results, tables and illustrations must be presented<br />

in a logical sequence. The text must complement and not repeat what is being <strong>de</strong>scribed in tables and illustrations.<br />

tables and illustrations must be restricted to those that are really necessary to explain the argument of the article and<br />

to support it. use graphs as an alternative to tables with too many entries; do not duplicate data in graphs and tables.<br />

avoid non-technical uses of technical terms in statistics, such as: "random" (which implies a randomizing <strong>de</strong>vice),<br />

"normal," "significant," "correlation" and "sample" non-technically. statistical terms, abbreviations and symbols must<br />

be <strong>de</strong>fined. in case reports, the sections "methods" and "results" are replaced by the case <strong>de</strong>scription.<br />

6. Discussion<br />

This section should provi<strong>de</strong> the authors' interpretation, compare the results with the literature, relate the<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>rations to other relevant studies, indicate the study limitations, and highlight new and important aspects of<br />

the study and its conclusions, including suggestions for future research.<br />

The discussion can be presented along with the results according to the author’s preference.<br />

Do not repeat, in <strong>de</strong>tail, data or other materials <strong>de</strong>scribed in the sections "introduction" or "results".<br />

7. Conclusion<br />

The conclusion should be based on the findings and bound to the study aims. unqualified statements and conclusions<br />

not fully supported by data should not be reported in this section. The allusion to studies that have not been completed<br />

434 Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459

must be avoi<strong>de</strong>d. new hypotheses can be suggested provi<strong>de</strong>d they are clearly justified as such. recommendations,<br />

when appropriate, can be inclu<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

8. References<br />

in the text, references should be numbered in arabic numerals, in superscripted (e.g.: The extension of survival,<br />

among others1), consecutively, according to the or<strong>de</strong>r they first appear in the text and without reference to the authors.<br />

The same standard can be applied to tables and legends. in case of sequential citation, separate the numbers by a dash<br />

(e.g.: 1-2); when intercalated, use commas (ex: 1, 3, 7).<br />

references are limited to 25.<br />

references should not be inclu<strong>de</strong>d in the abstract. only relevant references and those which were used in the study<br />

must be consi<strong>de</strong>red.<br />

references should be checked in the original documents. in case of a citation of a reference mentioned by another<br />

author, the term "apud" should be used.<br />

The accuracy of references is the authors’ responsibility.<br />

The gui<strong>de</strong>lines below aim to provi<strong>de</strong> authors with examples of references presented in their researches informing<br />

on their standardization. They are based on standards for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals: writing<br />

and editing for Biomedical Publication, Vancouver style, ma<strong>de</strong> by the iCMJe. The most common occurrences of<br />

references by type of referenced material will be presented. some comments listed below are the result of occurrences<br />

in journal articles submitted for publication.<br />

to standardize the journals titles in the references, locatorPlus is used as a gui<strong>de</strong>; referencing source of the National<br />

Library of Medicine, which provi<strong>de</strong>s, on the option Journal Title, the title and/or the abbreviation used. in some sources,<br />

the title is already standardized (PubMed, lilacs and Medline). if the form used is not standard, inform it in full and<br />

avoid using a nonstandard abbreviation that makes i<strong>de</strong>ntification difficult.<br />

to inform authorship, names must be inserted in the or<strong>de</strong>r they appear in the publication up to a maximum of<br />

six authors, starting by surname and followed by initials of all pre-names, separating each author by a comma (1). if<br />

the publication presents more than six authors, the first six are mentioned; then, a comma followed by the expression<br />

et al is used. (2).When the author's surname inclu<strong>de</strong>s kinship - filho, sobrinho, Junior, neto [common for names<br />

in Portuguese] - this must be placed after the last name: João dos santos <strong>de</strong> almeida filho - almeida filho Js, José<br />

rodrigues Junior – rodrigues Junior J.<br />

to standardize titles, lowercase letters must be used for the whole period, except for the first word which is always<br />

capitalized. The following proper nouns are exceptions: personal names, names of sciences or disciplines, educational<br />

institutions, countries, cities or similar, and names of public or private establishments.<br />


1. Article by a maximum of six authors<br />

Kakuda Jt, stuntz M, trivedi V, Klein sr, Vargas hi. objective assessment of axillary morbidity in breast cancer<br />

treatment. am surg 1999; 65: 995-8. note.: use 995-8, do not use 995-998.<br />

2. Article by more than six authors<br />

zheng h, takahashi h, Murai y, Cui z, nomoto K, Miwa s, et al. Pathobiological characteristics of intestinal<br />

and diffuse-type gastric carcinoma in Japan: an immunostaining study on the tissue microarray. J Clin Pathol<br />

2007 Mar; 60(3):273-7.<br />

3. Article whose author is an institution<br />

use the name of the institution indicating in brackets the country, if it is a public institution (a) in case of a private<br />

institution, only the name of the institution is used. inform the hierarchy (b) to which the institution is subject to for<br />

its perfect i<strong>de</strong>ntification (do not use directly: Department of health Care. Where from?).<br />

4. Article with multiple organizations authorship<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong> all. (a) Brazilian national Cancer institute (Brazil). encontro internacional sobre rastreamento <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>Câncer</strong> <strong>de</strong> Mama. revista brasileira <strong>de</strong> cancerologia 2009 abr.-jun.; 2 (55): 99-113. (b) Brazil. Ministry of health.<br />

1 available at: (http://locatorplus.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?DB=local&PaGe=first).<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459<br />


Department of health Care. Department of Primary Care. national Coordination of oral health. Projeto sB Brasil<br />

2003: condições <strong>de</strong> saú<strong>de</strong> bucal da população brasileira 2002-2003: resultados principais. Brasília, 2004b. [accessed<br />

on apr 2004]. available at:<br />

5. Author indicating kinship in his/her name<br />

Mattes rD, Curram Jr WJ, alavi J, Powlis W, Whittington r. Clinical implications of learned food aversions in<br />

patients with cancer treated with chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Cancer 1992; 70 (1): 192-200..<br />

6. Article without indication of authorship<br />

Pelvic floor exercise can reduce stress incontinence. health news 2005 apr; 11(4):11.<br />

7. Article indicating its type (review, abstract, editorial)<br />

facchini luiz augusto. aBrasCo 30 anos: ciência, educação e prática com compromisso social. [editorial] Public<br />

health supplement [journal on the internet]. 2010 Jan [cited 2010 aug 23]; 26 (1): 4-4. available at: .<br />

8. Article published in a journal supplement<br />

nascimento af, Galvanese atC. avaliação da estrutura dos centros <strong>de</strong> atenção psicossocial do município <strong>de</strong> são<br />

Paulo, sP. rev saú<strong>de</strong> Pública 2009; 43 suppl.1: 8-15.<br />

9. Article published in a part of an edition<br />

fukuzawa M, oguchi s, saida t. Kaposi's varicelliform eruption of an el<strong>de</strong>rly patient with multiple myeloma. J<br />

am acad Dermatol. 2000 May; 42(5 Pt 2):921-2.<br />

10. Article published without indicating the volume or number of edition<br />

schwartz-Cassell t. feeding assistants: based on logic or way off base? Contemp longterm Care. 2005 Jan: 26-8.<br />

11. Article published with pagination indicated in Roman numerals<br />

nagpal s. an orphan meets family members in skin. J invest Dermatol. 2003; 120(2):viii-x.<br />

12. Article with retraction or erratum published should have its publication informed in the reference<br />

Mokdad ah, Marks Js, stroup Df, Gerberding Jl. Correction: actual causes of <strong>de</strong>ath in the united states, 2000.<br />

JaMa. 2005 Jan 19; 293(3):293-4. erratum for: JaMa. 2004 Mar 10; 291(10):1238-45.<br />

13. Article with electronic publication before print version<br />

Bicalho PG, hallal PC, Gazzinelli a, Knuth aG, Velásquez-Melén<strong>de</strong>z G. ativida<strong>de</strong> física e fatores associados em<br />

adultos <strong>de</strong> área rural em Minas Gerais, Brasil. rev saú<strong>de</strong> Pública [accessed on aug 23, 2010]. available at: Published in 2010.<br />

epub 30-Jul-2010. doi: 10.1590/s0034-89102010005000023.<br />

14. Article provi<strong>de</strong>d with DOI<br />

Cal<strong>de</strong>ira aP, fagun<strong>de</strong>s GC, aguiar Gn <strong>de</strong>. intervenção educacional em equipes do Programa <strong>de</strong> saú<strong>de</strong> da família para<br />

promoção da amamentação. rev saú<strong>de</strong> Pública 2008;42(6):1027-1233. doi: 10.1590/s0034-89102008005000057.<br />

15. Article in press<br />

Barroso t, Men<strong>de</strong>s a, Barbosa a. analysis of the alcohol consumption phenomenon among adolescents: study<br />

carried out with adolescents in intermediate public education. rev latino-am enfermagem. in press 2009.<br />


16. Book<br />

hoppenfeld s. Propedêutica ortopédica: coluna e extremida<strong>de</strong>s. rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro: atheneu; 1993. 294 p.<br />

17. Book indicating editor, organizer, coordinator<br />

Ba<strong>de</strong>r MK, littlejohns lr, editors. aann core curriculum for neuroscience nursing. 4th. ed. st. louis (Mo):<br />

saun<strong>de</strong>rs; c2004. 1038 p.<br />

18. Book edited by an institution<br />

World Cancer research fund (usa). food, nutrition, physical activity and prevention of cancer: a global<br />

perspective. Washington (DC): american institute for Cancer research; 2007.<br />

19. When the author of the chapter is the author of the book; reference of book chapter<br />

ferreira sa. nervos proximais do membro superior. in: ____. lesões nervosas periféricas diagnóstico e tratamento.<br />

são Paulo: santos; 2001. p. 35-48.<br />

436 Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459

20. Book with no authorship informed<br />

hiV/aiDs resources: a nationwi<strong>de</strong> directory. 10th ed. longmont (Co): Gui<strong>de</strong>s for living; c2004. 792 p.<br />

21. Conference annals<br />

harn<strong>de</strong>n P, Joffe JK, Jones WG, editors. Germ cell tumours V. Proceedings of the 5th Germ Cell tumour Conference;<br />

2001 sep 13-15; leeds, uK. new york: springer; 2002.<br />

22. Paper presented at conferences<br />

Christensen s, oppacher f. an analysis of Koza's computational effort statistic for genetic programming. in: foster<br />

Ja, lutton e, Miller J, ryan C, tettamanzi aG, editors. Genetic programming. euroGP 2002: Proceedings of<br />

the 5th european Conference on Genetic Programming; 2002 apr 3-5; Kinsdale, ireland. Berlin: springer; 2002.<br />

p. 182-91.<br />

23. Legislation<br />

Provi<strong>de</strong>s for the regulation of nursing Practice. law no. 7.498, June 25, 1986. fe<strong>de</strong>ral official Gazette. section<br />

i, fls. 9.273-9.275 (Jun 26, 1986). 1986.<br />

24. Theses and dissertations<br />

Ver<strong>de</strong> sMMl. impacto do tratamento quimioterápico no estado nutricional e no comportamento alimentar <strong>de</strong><br />

pacientes com neoplasia mamária e suas consequências na qualida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> vida [dissertation]. são Paulo: university<br />

of são Paulo; 2007.<br />

9. Tables<br />

tables must be on separate sheets. Do not submit tables in image format, so that an occasional editing can be<br />

performed. tables must be numbered consecutively according to the first citation in the text and each one must have<br />

a brief title. for each column, <strong>de</strong>fine a short or abbreviated heading. Write explanations in footnotes, not in the<br />

hea<strong>de</strong>r. explain, in footnotes, all nonstandard abbreviations used in each table. for footnotes, use roman numerals.<br />

i<strong>de</strong>ntify statistical measures of variations, such as: standard <strong>de</strong>viation and standard error.<br />

Do not use internal, horizontal or vertical lines.<br />

Make sure that each table is cited in the text by their numbers rather than: the following table, the table below.<br />

if data from another source, published or not, are used, you must obtain permission and fully acknowledge it.<br />

The use of large tables or in excess, in relation to text, may cause difficulty in the presentation of the pages.<br />

10. Illustrations<br />

send the required number of illustrations or "images". handma<strong>de</strong> drawing or typewritten legends are not allowed.<br />

Photos must be scanned, in black and white, usually 12 x 17cm, not larger than 20 x 25cm, X-ray films or other<br />

materials. letters, numbers and symbols should be clear and large enough so that, when reduced for publication, they<br />

are still legible. titles and explanations must be below the legends and not in the illustrations.<br />

if photographs of people are used, the subjects must not be i<strong>de</strong>ntifiable or their pictures must be accompanied by<br />

written consent for publication.<br />

Pictures must be numbered according to the or<strong>de</strong>r they are mentioned in the text. if a picture has been published,<br />

the original source must be acknowledged and a written authorization from the copyright hol<strong>de</strong>r must be submitted<br />

to reproduce the material. The authorization is required, either from the author or the publishing company, except<br />

for public domain documents.<br />

rBC is published in black and white and all illustrations are reproduced in black and white.<br />

illustrations should be provi<strong>de</strong>d as follows:<br />

• Digital file format .TIFF, .JPG, .EPS, with minimum resolution of:<br />

300 dpi for common photographs<br />

600 dpi for photographs containing thin lines, arrows, legends, etc.<br />

1,200 dpi for drawings and graphics<br />

11. Nomenclature<br />

Biomedical nomenclature standardization must be strictly followed, as well as abbreviations and conventions used<br />

in specialized disciplines.<br />

original texts in Portuguese must be in compliance with the orthographic agreement from January 1st, 2009.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459<br />


TechnicAL reQUiremenTs overvieW for mAnUscripTs sUbmission<br />

Before sending the manuscript by email to rbc@inca.gov.br, check whether the “instruções para autores” [Publication<br />

Gui<strong>de</strong>lines for authors] available at www.inca.gov.br/rbc were followed and check the items listed below:<br />

• Submit the complete manuscript file in Microsoft Word 6.0 or 7.0.<br />

• Use double-spacing throughout the document.<br />

• Begin each section or component on a new page.<br />

• Review the sequence: title page/cover sheet - title in Portuguese, English and Spanish; abbreviated title; authorship;<br />

resumo and palavras-chave; abstract and key words; resumen and clave; acknowledgements; conflict of interest<br />

statement; statement of grant; text; references; tables; charts; pictures with legends (each on separate pages).<br />

• Provi<strong>de</strong> three to six keywords and the respective palavras-chaves and palabras clave.<br />

• References: numbered, superscribed, in or<strong>de</strong>r of appearance in the text, properly spelled and no more than 25. Verify<br />

that all work is cited in the list of references and that all work listed is cited in the text.<br />

• Provi<strong>de</strong> illustrations, photos or drawings separately, not assembled (20 x 25 cm maximum).<br />

• Inclu<strong>de</strong> a submission letter available at “Instruções para Autores” [Publication Gui<strong>de</strong>lines for Authors]. If the<br />

manuscript was produced by more than one author, each one must complete and sign the letter and the author<br />

responsible for submission must send it in digitized format .JPG with the manuscript file to rbc@inca.gov.br.<br />

• Inclu<strong>de</strong> permission to reproduce previously published material or to use illustrations that may i<strong>de</strong>ntify individuals.<br />

• Inclu<strong>de</strong> written permission from persons acknowledged, when applicable.<br />

• Inclu<strong>de</strong> document evi<strong>de</strong>ncing the approval of the paper by the EC or ICF, when applicable.<br />

438 Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459

Submission Letter to Revista Brasileira <strong>de</strong> Cancerologia (Brazilian Journal of Oncology)<br />

Please, complete and submit this form along with the original manuscript of your paper to: rbc@inca.gov.br. if the<br />

manuscript has more than one author, each one must complete, sign and forward this letter to the author responsible<br />

for submitting it so as it is converted into the format .JPG and sent to rBC together with the manuscript.<br />

Manuscript title ________________________________________________________________________<br />

______________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Classification of the manuscript:<br />

( ) original article<br />

( ) systematic review of literature<br />

( ) Case report / Case series<br />

( ) article opinion<br />

( ) review<br />

( ) abstract<br />

( ) letter to the editor<br />

each author must inform his/her contributions, marking with the letter X the fields below:<br />

1. The author contributed to:<br />

( ) The <strong>de</strong>sign and planning of the research project<br />

( ) obtaining and/or in analyzing and interpreting data<br />

( ) Writing and critical review<br />

2. Conflict of interest:<br />

( ) The author has no conflicts of interest, including specific financial interests and relationships and affiliations<br />

relating to the subject or materials discussed in the manuscript.<br />

( ) The author confirms that all funds, other financial support, and material/human support for this research<br />

and/or work are clearly i<strong>de</strong>ntified in the manuscript submitted to assessment from the "editorial Board of the rBC"<br />

3. acknowledgements:<br />

( ) The author confirms that people who have contributed substantially to the work <strong>de</strong>veloped in this manuscript,<br />

but who do not meet the criteria for authorship, have been mentioned in the "acknowledgments" section of the<br />

manuscript containing the <strong>de</strong>scription of their specific contributions.<br />

( ) The author confirms that people mentioned in the "acknowledgements" have given their written permission<br />

to be inclu<strong>de</strong>d in it.<br />

( ) The author confirms that if the "acknowledgements" were not inclu<strong>de</strong>d in the manuscript submitted was because<br />

there was no substantial contribution to the manuscript other than the authors’.<br />

4. Copyright transfer / Publication<br />

i state that, in case this manuscript is accepted for publication, i agree that its copyright will be owned by rBC,<br />

and that its reproduction in other journals, even if partially, is prohibited whether printed or electronic, as well as its<br />

translation into other languages for publication, without previous rBC authorization and that, in case of acceptance,<br />

i will acknowledge this Journal.<br />

_<br />

author _________________________________ signature ___________________________________<br />

Date ___________________________________ e-mail ____________________________________<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459<br />



informAções gerAis<br />

a revista Brasileira <strong>de</strong> Cancerologia (rBC) é uma publicação trimestral que tem por finalida<strong>de</strong> divulgar trabalhos<br />

relacionados a todas as áreas da Cancerologia. são aceitos para publicação textos em português, inglês e espanhol.<br />

a rBC adota os "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for<br />

Biomedical Publication" do International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (iCMJe) (http://www.icmje.org). o<br />

original, incluindo tabelas, ilustrações e referências, <strong>de</strong>ve seguir esses requisitos.<br />

os manuscritos <strong>de</strong>vem ser inéditos e <strong>de</strong>stinar-se exclusivamente a rBC, não sendo permitida sua apresentação<br />

simultânea a outro periódico. os conceitos e opiniões expressos nos artigos, bem como a exatidão e a procedência<br />

das citações, são <strong>de</strong> exclusiva responsabilida<strong>de</strong> do(s) autor(es). Manuscritos que se referem a partes <strong>de</strong> uma mesma<br />

pesquisa têm a submissão <strong>de</strong>sencorajada por essa revista.<br />

os manuscritos publicados passarão a ser proprieda<strong>de</strong> da rBC, sendo vedada tanto sua reprodução, mesmo que<br />

parcial, em outros periódicos, como sua tradução para publicação em outros idiomas, sem prévia autorização <strong>de</strong>sta.<br />

os manuscritos aceitos para publicação po<strong>de</strong>rão ser modificados para se a<strong>de</strong>quar ao estilo editorial-gráfico da<br />

revista, sem que, entretanto, nada <strong>de</strong> seu conteúdo técnico-científico seja alterado.<br />

no caso <strong>de</strong> o manuscrito incluir tabelas e ilustrações previamente publicadas por outros autores e em outros<br />

veículos, é <strong>de</strong>ver do autor fornecer comprovante <strong>de</strong> autorização <strong>de</strong> reprodução, assinado pelos <strong>de</strong>tentores dos direitos<br />

autorais dos mesmos.<br />

os leitores <strong>de</strong> periódicos biomédicos merecem ter a confiança <strong>de</strong> que o que estão lendo é original, a menos que<br />

exista uma <strong>de</strong>claração clara <strong>de</strong> que o artigo está sendo republicado por escolha do autor e do editor. as bases para essa<br />

posição são as leis internacionais <strong>de</strong> direito autoral, a conduta ética e o uso <strong>de</strong> recursos, obe<strong>de</strong>cendo a uma lógica <strong>de</strong><br />

custo efetivida<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Quando parte do material do manuscrito já tiver sido apresentada em uma comunicação preliminar, em simpósio,<br />

congresso etc., esse fato <strong>de</strong>ve ser citado como nota <strong>de</strong> rodapé na página <strong>de</strong> título, e uma cópia do texto da apresentação<br />

<strong>de</strong>ve acompanhar a submissão do manuscrito.<br />

na submissão <strong>de</strong> manuscritos ou resumos <strong>de</strong> pesquisa clínica, ensaios clínicos, pesquisa básica, pesquisa aplicada,<br />

pesquisa <strong>de</strong> tradução; estudos laboratoriais, estudos epi<strong>de</strong>miológicos (prospectivos ou retrospectivos); utilização <strong>de</strong> dados<br />

<strong>de</strong> prontuários, pesquisa em banco <strong>de</strong> dados; relatos <strong>de</strong> casos; entrevistas, questionários, inquéritos populacionais; é<br />

obrigatória a inclusão <strong>de</strong> documento, com o número <strong>de</strong> protocolo, <strong>de</strong> que todos os procedimentos propostos tenham<br />

sido avaliados e aprovados pelo Comitê <strong>de</strong> Ética em Pesquisa (CeP) da instituição a que se vinculam os autores ou,<br />

na falta <strong>de</strong>ste, por um outro CeP indicado pela Comissão nacional <strong>de</strong> Ética em Pesquisa do Ministério da saú<strong>de</strong>.<br />

os pacientes têm direito à privacida<strong>de</strong>, fato que não <strong>de</strong>ve ser infringido sem um consentimento informado. as<br />

informações <strong>de</strong> i<strong>de</strong>ntificação pessoal não <strong>de</strong>vem ser publicadas em <strong>de</strong>scrições escritas, fotografias, genealogias e relatos<br />

<strong>de</strong> caso, a menos que a informação seja essencial para propósitos científicos e que o paciente (ou seus pais ou tutores)<br />

outorgue um consentimento informado por escrito, autorizando a publicação.<br />

Devem omitir-se <strong>de</strong>talhes <strong>de</strong> i<strong>de</strong>ntificação se não forem essenciais, mas os dados do paciente nunca <strong>de</strong>verão ser<br />

alterados ou falsificados numa tentativa <strong>de</strong> conseguir o anonimato. o anonimato completo é difícil <strong>de</strong> conseguir,<br />

<strong>de</strong>vendo-se obter o consentimento informado se houver alguma dúvida. Por exemplo, mascarar a região ocular em<br />

fotografias <strong>de</strong> pacientes é uma proteção ina<strong>de</strong>quada para o anonimato.<br />

a rBC, ao reconhecer a importância do registro e divulgação internacional, em acesso aberto, <strong>de</strong> informações<br />

sobre estudos clínicos, apoia as políticas para registro <strong>de</strong> ensaios clínicos da organização Mundial da saú<strong>de</strong> (oMs) e<br />

do iCMJe. Desta forma, serão aceitos para publicação apenas os artigos <strong>de</strong> pesquisas clínicas que tenham recebido um<br />

número <strong>de</strong> i<strong>de</strong>ntificação em um dos registros <strong>de</strong> ensaios Clínicos validados pelos critérios estabelecidos pela oMs e<br />

iCMJe, cujos en<strong>de</strong>reços estão disponíveis no sítio do iCMJe (http://www.icmje.org).<br />

Conflitos <strong>de</strong> interesses <strong>de</strong>vem ser reconhecidos e mencionados pelos autores. entre essas situações, menciona-se a<br />

participação societária nas empresas produtoras das drogas ou equipamentos citados ou utilizados no trabalho, assim<br />

como em concorrentes da mesma. são também consi<strong>de</strong>radas fontes <strong>de</strong> conflito os auxílios recebidos, as relações <strong>de</strong><br />

subordinação no trabalho, consultorias etc.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459<br />


a submissão do manuscrito à rBC <strong>de</strong>ve ser por e-mail para rbc@inca.gov.br, com o texto integral, tabelas, gráficos,<br />

figuras, imagens, CeP e termo <strong>de</strong> Consentimento livre e esclarecido (se aplicável) e <strong>de</strong> acordo com as normas da<br />

revista. a “Carta <strong>de</strong> submissão” individual e assinada por cada um dos autores (mo<strong>de</strong>lo disponível em http://www.<br />

inca.gov.br/rbc) <strong>de</strong>ve também ser enviada nesta oportunida<strong>de</strong>.<br />

processo De AvALiAção Dos mAnUscriTos<br />

a publicação dos trabalhos <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>rá da observância das normas da rBC e da <strong>de</strong>cisão do seu Conselho editorial.<br />

o processo <strong>de</strong> avaliação inicia-se com o editor científico que avalia se o artigo recebido traz contribuições para a área da<br />

Cancerologia e se é <strong>de</strong> interesse para os leitores. avalia também se o original está elaborado <strong>de</strong> acordo com as instruções<br />

recomendadas pela revista. os manuscritos consi<strong>de</strong>rados pertinentes, mas, em <strong>de</strong>sacordo com essas instruções, serão<br />

<strong>de</strong>volvidos aos autores para as adaptações necessárias, antes da avaliação pelo Conselho editorial.<br />

o manuscrito aceito é encaminhado para análise e emissão <strong>de</strong> parecer dos membros do Conselho editorial e/ou<br />

Conselho Ad Hoc, ambos formados por profissionais <strong>de</strong> notório saber nas diversas áreas da oncologia. nesse processo,<br />

o sigilo e o anonimato serão adotados para autor(es) e pareceristas. a análise dos pareceristas é realizada com base no<br />

formulário “Parecer do Conselho editorial” disponível nas instruções para publicação na rBC em http://www.inca.<br />

gov.br/rbc.<br />

após emissão do parecer, o manuscrito é enviado ao editor científico que toma ciência dos pareceres emitidos<br />

e os analisa em relação ao cumprimento das normas <strong>de</strong> publicação da revista e <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> sobre a aceitação ou não do<br />

artigo, assim como das alterações solicitadas, processo sobre o qual tem plena autorida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>cisão. o parecer é então<br />

enviado para os autores por e-mail.<br />

após avaliação os manuscritos, po<strong>de</strong>rão ser classificados em: manuscrito aprovado sem restrições, que será<br />

encaminhado ao revisor técnico para revisão e posterior publicação; manuscrito aprovado com restrição, que será<br />

encaminhado ao(s) autor(es) com as solicitações <strong>de</strong> ajuste por e-mail. o manuscrito revisado <strong>de</strong>ve ser reapresentado<br />

pelo(s) autor(es) à rBC, por e-mail, acompanhado <strong>de</strong> carta informando as alterações realizadas ou, quando não<br />

realizadas, apresentando as <strong>de</strong>vidas justificativas. não havendo retorno do trabalho em quarenta e cinco (45) dias,<br />

será consi<strong>de</strong>rado que os autores não têm mais interesse na publicação; manuscrito não aprovado, nesse caso o autor<br />

receberá notificação <strong>de</strong> recusa por e-mail.<br />

o manuscrito aprovado será publicado <strong>de</strong> acordo com o fluxo e o cronograma editorial da revista.<br />

cATegoriA Dos mAnUscriTos<br />

são consi<strong>de</strong>rados para publicação os seguintes tipos <strong>de</strong> manuscritos:<br />

• Artigos Originais – são artigos nos quais são informados os resultados obtidos em pesquisas <strong>de</strong> natureza empírica ou<br />

experimental original cujos resultados possam ser replicados e/ou generalizados. também são consi<strong>de</strong>rados originais<br />

as pesquisas <strong>de</strong> metodologia qualitativa e as formulações discursivas <strong>de</strong> efeito teorizante. Como estrutura <strong>de</strong>vem<br />

apresentar: introdução, método, resultados, discussão e conclusão. o máximo <strong>de</strong> laudas é 20, incluindo figuras,<br />

tabelas, gráfico, etc. que não <strong>de</strong>vem ultrapassar 5.<br />

• Revisão da Literatura – trata-se <strong>de</strong> revisão sistematizada e atualizada da literatura sobre um tema específico e que<br />

<strong>de</strong>ve dar ao leitor uma cobertura geral <strong>de</strong> um assunto. não serão aceitas revisões narrativas. Devem ser <strong>de</strong>scritos<br />

os tipos <strong>de</strong> revisão (integrativa, sistemática, metanálise), os métodos e procedimentos adotados para a realização<br />

do trabalho. a interpretação e conclusão dos autores <strong>de</strong>vem estar presentes. Como estrutura <strong>de</strong>vem apresentar:<br />

introdução, método, resultados, discussão e conclusão. o máximo <strong>de</strong> laudas é 20, incluindo figuras, tabelas, gráfico,<br />

etc. que não <strong>de</strong>vem ultrapassar 5.<br />

• Relato <strong>de</strong> Casos/ Série <strong>de</strong> Casos - é a <strong>de</strong>scrição <strong>de</strong>talhada e análise crítica <strong>de</strong> um ou mais casos, típicos ou atípicos,<br />

baseado em revisão bibliográfica ampla e atual sobre o tema. o autor <strong>de</strong>ve apresentar um problema em seus múltiplos<br />

aspectos, sua relevância. o máximo <strong>de</strong> laudas é 15, incluindo figuras, tabelas, gráfico etc. que não <strong>de</strong>vem ultrapassar 4.<br />

• Artigo <strong>de</strong> Opinião – trata-se <strong>de</strong> opinião qualificada sobre tema específico em oncologia. Não necessita <strong>de</strong> resumo.<br />

o máximo <strong>de</strong> laudas é 10, incluindo tabelas, gráfico, etc. que não <strong>de</strong>vem ultrapassar 2.<br />

• Resenha – resenha crítica <strong>de</strong> livro relacionado ao campo temático da Cancerologia, publicado no último ano. O<br />

máximo é <strong>de</strong> 4 laudas .<br />

• Resumos <strong>de</strong> dissertações, teses, <strong>de</strong> trabalhos que mereçam <strong>de</strong>staque ou apresentados em eventos <strong>de</strong> oncologia nos<br />

últimos 12 meses, contados da data <strong>de</strong> envio do resumo - trata-se da informação sob a forma sucinta <strong>de</strong> trabalho<br />

442 Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459

ealizado. Portanto, <strong>de</strong>ve conter a natureza e os propósitos da pesquisa e um comentário sobre a metodologia,<br />

resultados e conclusões mais importantes. seu objetivo é a transmissão aos pesquisadores <strong>de</strong> maneira rápida e fácil<br />

da natureza do trabalho, suas características básicas <strong>de</strong> realização e alcance científico afirmado. Devem conter no<br />

mínimo 150 até 250 palavras e seguir as normas da revista quanto à estruturação, à forma e ao conteúdo, inclusive<br />

no que se refere aos <strong>de</strong>scritores.<br />

• Cartas ao Editor – po<strong>de</strong>m estar relacionadas à matéria editorial ou não, mas <strong>de</strong>vem conter informações relevantes<br />

ao leitor. no caso <strong>de</strong> críticas a trabalhos publicados em fascículo anterior da revista, a carta é enviada aos autores<br />

para que sua resposta possa ser publicada simultaneamente. as cartas po<strong>de</strong>m ser resumidas pela editoria, mas serão<br />

mantidos os pontos principais. o máximo é <strong>de</strong> 4 laudas.<br />

prepAro Do mAnUscriTo<br />

o original <strong>de</strong>ve ser escrito na terceira pessoa do singular com o verbo na voz ativa (aBnt.nBr-6028, 2003, p.2).<br />

o processador <strong>de</strong> textos utilizado <strong>de</strong>ve ser o Microsoft Word 6.0 ou 7.0, fonte times new roman tamanho 12,<br />

margens <strong>de</strong> 30mm em ambos os lados, espaço duplo em todas as seções, tamanho do papel a4 (210 x 297mm) e<br />

páginas numeradas.<br />

Para permitir maior clareza na exposição do assunto e localização direta <strong>de</strong> cada item, divi<strong>de</strong>-se o texto em partes<br />

lógicas, or<strong>de</strong>nadas por assuntos consi<strong>de</strong>rados afins.<br />

exemplo:<br />

introDuÇÃo (seÇÃo PriMÁria)<br />

Material e MÉtoDo (seÇÃo PriMÁria)<br />

Coleta <strong>de</strong> dados (seção secundária)<br />

Variáveis (seção terciária)<br />

na apresentação dos títulos das seções, <strong>de</strong>ve-se dar <strong>de</strong>staque gradativo ao tipo e corpo das letras, observando que<br />

todas as seções primárias <strong>de</strong>vem estar escritas da mesma maneira, assim como todas as secundárias e assim por diante.<br />

o texto <strong>de</strong> cada seção <strong>de</strong> um documento po<strong>de</strong> incluir uma série <strong>de</strong> alíneas, que <strong>de</strong>vem ser caracterizadas pelas<br />

letras minúsculas do alfabeto (a, b, c,...) seguidas <strong>de</strong> parênteses e que precedam imediatamente à primeira palavra<br />

<strong>de</strong> seu texto.<br />

exemplo:<br />

a) escrever um artigo científico.<br />

b) ilustrar o texto.<br />

principAis orienTAções sobre cADA seção<br />

1. Página <strong>de</strong> título ou folha <strong>de</strong> rosto<br />

Deve conter: a) título do artigo, alternando letras maiúsculas e minúsculas, em português, inglês e espanhol; b) título<br />

abreviado com até 40 caracteres; c) nome(s) por extenso do(s) autor(es). a <strong>de</strong>signação <strong>de</strong> autoria <strong>de</strong>ve ser baseada nas<br />

<strong>de</strong>liberações do iCMJe, que consi<strong>de</strong>ra autor aquele que contribui substancialmente na concepção ou no planejamento<br />

do estudo; na obtenção, na análise e/ou interpretação dos dados; assim como na redação e/ou revisão crítica e aprovação<br />

final da versão publicada. em estudos institucionais (<strong>de</strong> autoria coletiva) e estudos multicêntricos, os responsáveis <strong>de</strong>vem<br />

ter seus nomes especificados e todos consi<strong>de</strong>rados autores <strong>de</strong>vem cumprir os critérios acima mencionados; d) indicar para<br />

cada autor, em nota <strong>de</strong> rodapé, a categoria profissional, o mais alto grau acadêmico, o(s) nome(s) do(s) <strong>de</strong>partamento(s)<br />

e instituição(ões) a que o trabalho <strong>de</strong>verá ser atribuído, en<strong>de</strong>reço eletrônico, cida<strong>de</strong>, estado e país; e) nome, en<strong>de</strong>reço<br />

e telefone do autor responsável pela correspondência sobre o manuscrito; f) <strong>de</strong>scrição da contribuição individual <strong>de</strong><br />

cada autor no manuscrito (ex: .... trabalhou na concepção e na redação final e ...... na pesquisa e na metodologia); g)<br />

agra<strong>de</strong>cimentos: os <strong>de</strong>mais colaboradores, que não se enquadram nos critérios <strong>de</strong> autoria acima <strong>de</strong>scritos, <strong>de</strong>vem ter<br />

seus nomes referidos nesse item especificando o tipo <strong>de</strong> colaboração. os autores são responsáveis pela obtenção <strong>de</strong><br />

autorização escrita das pessoas nomeadas nos agra<strong>de</strong>cimentos, já que se po<strong>de</strong> inferir que as mesmas concordam com o<br />

teor do trabalho; h) <strong>de</strong>claração <strong>de</strong> conflito <strong>de</strong> interesses (escrever “nada a <strong>de</strong>clarar” ou revelar quaisquer conflitos); i) para<br />

trabalhos subvencionados, i<strong>de</strong>ntificar o patrocinador e número <strong>de</strong> processo (se houver).<br />

2. Resumo e <strong>de</strong>scritores (palavras-chave)<br />

todos os artigos <strong>de</strong>verão conter resumos estruturados em português, inglês e espanhol, acompanhados dos<br />

<strong>de</strong>scritores nos respectivos idiomas. a terminologia para os <strong>de</strong>scritores <strong>de</strong>ve ser <strong>de</strong>nominada no artigo como a seguir:<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459<br />


palavras-chave, key words e palabras clave. Cada resumo <strong>de</strong>verá conter no mínimo 150 palavras e no máximo 250,<br />

introdução, objetivo(s), metodologia, resultados, conclusão e vir acompanhado <strong>de</strong> no mínimo três e no máximo<br />

seis <strong>de</strong>scritores. os <strong>de</strong>scritores são palavras fundamentais que auxiliam na in<strong>de</strong>xação dos artigos em bases <strong>de</strong> dados<br />

nacionais e internacionais. Para <strong>de</strong>terminar os <strong>de</strong>scritores, <strong>de</strong>ve-se consultar a lista <strong>de</strong> “Descritores em Ciências da<br />

saú<strong>de</strong>” (DeCs-lilaCs- http://<strong>de</strong>cs.bvs.br) elaborada pela Bireme.<br />

no resumo, não <strong>de</strong>vem ser feitas citações <strong>de</strong> referências, nem se <strong>de</strong>vem incluir abreviaturas e/ou siglas, bem como<br />

quadros, tabelas ou figuras.<br />

no caso <strong>de</strong> resumos <strong>de</strong> trabalhos apresentados em eventos <strong>de</strong> oncologia ou que mereçam <strong>de</strong>staque e que foram<br />

aceitos para publicação na rBC, caberá aos autores proce<strong>de</strong>r à a<strong>de</strong>quação às normas da revista antes <strong>de</strong> encaminhálos,<br />

sendo <strong>de</strong> sua inteira responsabilida<strong>de</strong> a precisão e correção da linguagem.<br />

3. Introdução<br />

Deve ser objetiva com <strong>de</strong>finição clara do problema estudado <strong>de</strong>stacando sua importância e as lacunas do<br />

conhecimento; a revisão <strong>de</strong> literatura <strong>de</strong>ve ser estritamente pertinente ao assunto tratado no estudo, <strong>de</strong> modo a<br />

proporcionar os antece<strong>de</strong>ntes para a compreensão do conhecimento atual sobre o tema e evi<strong>de</strong>nciar a importância do<br />

novo estudo. Deve conter o(s) objetivo(s) do estudo.<br />

4. Métodos<br />

Deve indicar <strong>de</strong> forma objetiva o tipo <strong>de</strong> estudo (prospectivo, retrospectivo; ensaio clínico ou experimental; se a<br />

distribuição dos casos foi aleatória ou não; qualitativo etc), os métodos empregados, a população estudada (<strong>de</strong>screver<br />

claramente a seleção dos indivíduos dos estudos observacionais ou experimentais - pacientes ou animais <strong>de</strong> laboratório,<br />

incluindo controles, bem como dos estudos qualitativos), a fonte <strong>de</strong> dados e os critérios <strong>de</strong> seleção ou grupo experimental,<br />

inclusive dos controles. i<strong>de</strong>ntificar os equipamentos e reagentes empregados. Descrever também os métodos estatísticos<br />

empregados e as comparações para as quais cada teste foi empregado.<br />

os relatos <strong>de</strong> ensaios clínicos <strong>de</strong>vem apresentar informação <strong>de</strong> todos os elementos principais do estudo, incluindo<br />

o protocolo (população estudada, intervenções ou exposições, resultados - e a lógica da análise estatística), atributos<br />

das intervenções (métodos <strong>de</strong> aleatorização, indicação dos grupos <strong>de</strong> tratamento) e os métodos <strong>de</strong> mascaramento.<br />

os autores que enviarem artigos <strong>de</strong> revisão <strong>de</strong>verão apresentar os procedimentos adotados para localizar, selecionar,<br />

obter, classificar e sintetizar as informações além <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>finir os critérios <strong>de</strong> inclusão e exclusão dos estudos selecionados<br />

para a revisão.<br />

Quando forem relatados experimentos com seres humanos, indicar se os procedimentos seguidos estiveram <strong>de</strong><br />

acordo com os padrões éticos do Comitê <strong>de</strong> Pesquisa em seres humanos institucional, com a Declaração <strong>de</strong> Helsinky<br />

(última versão <strong>de</strong> 2000) e com a resolução 196/96 (res. Cns 196/96). não usar os nomes dos pacientes, iniciais ou<br />

números <strong>de</strong> registro, especialmente no material ilustrativo. no caso <strong>de</strong> experimentos envolvendo animais, indicar se<br />

foram seguidas as normas das instituições, dos Conselhos nacionais <strong>de</strong> Pesquisa ou <strong>de</strong> alguma lei nacional sobre uso<br />

e cuidado com animais <strong>de</strong> laboratório.<br />

Dessa seção, também faz parte a menção do documento, indicando o número <strong>de</strong> protocolo, do CeP da instituição<br />

a que se vinculam os autores e que aprovou o estudo realizado.<br />

5. Resultados<br />

apresentar os resultados relevantes para o objetivo do trabalho e que serão discutidos. Devem ser <strong>de</strong>scritos somente<br />

os resultados encontrados, sem incluir interpretações ou comparações. apresentar os resultados, tabelas e ilustrações<br />

em sequência lógica, atentando para que o texto complemente e não repita o que está <strong>de</strong>scrito em tabelas e ilustrações.<br />

restringir tabelas e ilustrações àquelas necessárias para explicar o argumento do artigo e para sustentá-lo. usar gráficos<br />

como uma alternativa às tabelas com muitas entradas; não duplicar os dados em gráficos e tabelas. evitar uso <strong>de</strong><br />

termos técnicos <strong>de</strong> estatística, tais como: “random” (que implica uma fonte <strong>de</strong> aleatorização), “normal”, “significante”,<br />

“correlação” e “amostra” <strong>de</strong> forma não técnica. Definir os termos estatísticos, abreviações e símbolos. nos relatos <strong>de</strong><br />

casos, as seções “métodos” e “resultados” são substituídas pela <strong>de</strong>scrição do caso.<br />

6. Discussão<br />

Deve conter a interpretação dos autores, comparar os resultados com a literatura, relacionar as observações a outros<br />

estudos relevantes, apontar as limitações do estudo, enfatizar os aspectos novos e importantes do estudo e as conclusões<br />

<strong>de</strong>rivadas, incluindo sugestões para pesquisas futuras.<br />

444 Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459

a discussão po<strong>de</strong> ser redigida junto com os resultados se for <strong>de</strong> preferência do autor.<br />

não repetir em <strong>de</strong>talhe dados ou outros materiais colocados nas seções <strong>de</strong> “introdução” ou “resultados”.<br />

7. Conclusão<br />

Deve ser fundamentada nos resultados encontrados e vinculada aos objetivos do estudo. afirmações não qualificadas<br />

e conclusões não apoiadas por completo pelos dados não <strong>de</strong>vem constar <strong>de</strong>ssa seção. evitar fazer alusão a estudos<br />

que não tenham sido concluídos. estabelecer novas hipóteses, quando estiverem justificadas claramente como tais.<br />

recomendações, quando apropriadas, po<strong>de</strong>rão ser incluídas.<br />

8. Referências bibliográficas<br />

Devem ser numeradas no texto por números arábicos, em sobrescrito (ex: a extensão da sobrevivência, entre<br />

outros 1 ), <strong>de</strong> forma consecutiva, <strong>de</strong> acordo com a or<strong>de</strong>m que são mencionadas pela primeira vez no texto e sem menção<br />

aos autores. a mesma regra aplica-se às tabelas e legendas. no caso <strong>de</strong> citação sequencial, separar os números por traço<br />

(ex: 1-2); quando intercalados, use vírgula (ex.: 1,3,7).<br />

as referências não po<strong>de</strong>m ultrapassar o número <strong>de</strong> 25.<br />

não <strong>de</strong>vem ser incluídas referências no resumo. Deve-se constar apenas referências relevantes e que realmente<br />

foram utilizadas no estudo.<br />

as referências <strong>de</strong>vem ser verificadas nos documentos originais. Quando se tratar <strong>de</strong> citação <strong>de</strong> uma referência citada<br />

por outro autor <strong>de</strong>verá ser utilizado o termo “apud”.<br />

a exatidão das referências é <strong>de</strong> responsabilida<strong>de</strong> dos autores.<br />

as orientações abaixo objetivam trazer para os autores exemplos <strong>de</strong> referências apresentadas em seus trabalhos<br />

informando sobre a padronização das mesmas. estão baseadas nas normas para Manuscritos submetidos a revistas<br />

Biomédicas: escrever e editar para Publicações Biomédicas, estilo Vancouver, formuladas pelo iCMJe. serão apresentadas<br />

as ocorrências mais comuns <strong>de</strong> referências por tipos <strong>de</strong> material referenciado. algumas observações listadas abaixo são<br />

fruto <strong>de</strong> ocorrências em artigos <strong>de</strong> periódicos submetidos à publicação.<br />

Para a padronização dos títulos dos periódicos nas referências é utilizado como guia o LocatorPlus 1 , fonte <strong>de</strong> consulta<br />

da National Library of Medicine, que disponibiliza, na opção Journal Title, o título e/ou a abreviatura utilizada. em<br />

algumas fontes, o título já vem padronizado (PubMed, lilacs e Medline). Caso não seja utilizada a forma padrão dê<br />

preferência, informá-lo por extenso evitando utilizar uma abreviatura não padronizada que dificulte sua i<strong>de</strong>ntificação.<br />

Para a indicação <strong>de</strong> autoria, incluem-se os nomes na or<strong>de</strong>m em que aparecem na publicação até seis autores,<br />

iniciando-se pelo sobrenome seguido <strong>de</strong> todas as iniciais dos pré-nomes separando cada autor por vírgula (1). no<br />

caso da publicação apresentar mais <strong>de</strong> seis autores, são citados os seis primeiros; utiliza-se vírgula seguida da expressão<br />

et al. (2). Quando o sobrenome do autor incluir grau <strong>de</strong> parentesco – filho, sobrinho, Júnior, neto - este <strong>de</strong>ve ser<br />

subsequente ao último sobrenome: João dos santos <strong>de</strong> almeida filho - almeida filho Js, José rodrigues Junior -<br />

rodrigues Junior J.<br />

Para padronização <strong>de</strong> títulos <strong>de</strong> trabalhos, utilizam-se letras minúsculas em todo o período, com exceção da primeira<br />

palavra que começa, sempre, com letra maiúscula. fogem à regra nomes próprios: nomes <strong>de</strong> pessoas, nomes <strong>de</strong> ciências<br />

ou disciplinas, instituições <strong>de</strong> ensino, países, cida<strong>de</strong>s ou afins, e nomes <strong>de</strong> estabelecimentos públicos ou particulares.<br />


1. Artigo com até seis autores<br />

Kakuda Jt, stuntz M, trivedi V, Klein sr, Vargas hi. objective assessment of axillary morbidity in breast cancer<br />

treatment. am surg 1999; 65: 995-8. obs.: usar 995-8, não usar 995-998.<br />

2. Artigo com mais <strong>de</strong> seis autores<br />

zheng h, takahashi h, Murai y, Cui z, nomoto K, Miwa s, et al. Pathobiological characteristics of intestinal<br />

and diffuse-type gastric carcinoma in Japan: an immunostaining study on the tissue microarray. J Clin Pathol<br />

2007 Mar;60(3):273-7.<br />

1 Disponível em: (http://locatorplus.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?DB=local&PaGe=first).<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459<br />


3. Artigo cujo autor é uma Instituição<br />

utilizar o nome da instituição indicando entre parênteses o país quando for uma instituição pública (a) no caso<br />

<strong>de</strong> uma instituição particular utiliza-se somente o nome da instituição. observar a hierarquia (b) à qual a instituição<br />

está subordinada para sua perfeita i<strong>de</strong>ntificação (não utilizar direto: secretaria <strong>de</strong> atenção à saú<strong>de</strong>. De on<strong>de</strong>?).<br />

4. Artigo com autoria <strong>de</strong> múltiplas organizações<br />

incluem-se todas. (a) instituto nacional <strong>de</strong> <strong>Câncer</strong> (Brasil). encontro internacional sobre rastreamento <strong>de</strong> <strong>Câncer</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> Mama. revista brasileira <strong>de</strong> cancerologia 2009 abr.-jun.; 2 (55): 99-113. (b) Brasil. Ministério da saú<strong>de</strong>. secretaria<br />

<strong>de</strong> atenção à saú<strong>de</strong>. Departamento <strong>de</strong> atenção Básica. Coor<strong>de</strong>nação nacional <strong>de</strong> saú<strong>de</strong> Bucal. Projeto sB Brasil 2003:<br />

condições <strong>de</strong> saú<strong>de</strong> bucal da população brasileira 2002-2003: resultados principais. Brasília, 2004b. [acesso em abr<br />

2004]. Disponível em: <br />

5. Autor com indicação <strong>de</strong> parentesco em seu nome<br />

Mattes rD, Curram Jr WJ, alavi J, Powlis W, Whittington r. Clinical implications of learned food aversions in<br />

patients with cancer treated with chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Cancer 1992; 70 (1): 192-200.<br />

6. Artigo sem indicação <strong>de</strong> autoria<br />

Pelvic floor exercise can reduce stress incontinence. health news 2005 apr;11(4):11.<br />

7. Artigo com indicação <strong>de</strong> seu tipo (revisão, abstract, editorial)<br />

facchini luiz augusto. aBrasCo 30 anos: ciência, educação e prática com compromisso social. [editorial] Cad<br />

saú<strong>de</strong> Pública [periódico na internet]. 2010 Jan [citado 2010 ago 23] ; 26(1): 4-4. Disponível em: .<br />

8. Artigo publicado num suplemento <strong>de</strong> periódico<br />

nascimento af, Galvanese atC. avaliação da estrutura dos centros <strong>de</strong> atenção psicossocial do município <strong>de</strong> são<br />

Paulo, sP. rev sau<strong>de</strong> Publica 2009; 43 suppl.1: 8-15.<br />

9. Artigo publicado na parte <strong>de</strong> um número<br />

fukuzawa M, oguchi s, saida t. Kaposi's varicelliform eruption of an el<strong>de</strong>rly patient with multiple myeloma. J<br />

am acad Dermatol. 2000 May;42(5 Pt 2):921-2.<br />

10. Artigo publicado sem indicação <strong>de</strong> volume ou número do fascículo<br />

schwartz-Cassell t. feeding assistants: based on logic or way off base? Contemp longterm Care. 2005 Jan:26-8.<br />

11. Artigo publicado com paginação indicada em algarismos romanos<br />

nagpal s. an orphan meets family members in skin. J invest Dermatol. 2003;120(2):viii-x.<br />

12. Artigo contendo retratação ou errata publicadas, a referência <strong>de</strong>ve conter a indicação da publicação das mesmas<br />

Mokdad ah, Marks Js, stroup Df, Gerberding Jl. Correction: actual causes of <strong>de</strong>ath in the united states, 2000.<br />

JaMa. 2005 Jan 19;293(3):293-4. erratum for: JaMa. 2004 Mar 10;291(10):1238-45.<br />

13. Artigo com publicação eletrônica anterior à versão impressa<br />

Bicalho PG, hallal PC, Gazzinelli a, Knuth aG, Velásquez-Melén<strong>de</strong>z G. ativida<strong>de</strong> física e fatores associados em<br />

adultos <strong>de</strong> área rural em Minas Gerais, Brasil. rev sau<strong>de</strong> Publica [acesso 2010 ago 23]. Disponível em: Publicado 2010.<br />

epub 30-Jul-2010. doi: 10.1590/s0034-89102010005000023.<br />

14. Artigo provido <strong>de</strong> DOI<br />

Cal<strong>de</strong>ira aP, fagun<strong>de</strong>s GC, aguiar Gn <strong>de</strong>. intervenção educacional em equipes do Programa <strong>de</strong> saú<strong>de</strong> da família para<br />

promoção da amamentação. rev saú<strong>de</strong> Pública 2008;42(6):1027-1233. doi: 10.1590/s0034-89102008005000057.<br />

15. Artigo no prelo<br />

Barroso t, Men<strong>de</strong>s a, Barbosa a. analysis of the alcohol consumption phenomenon among adolescents: study<br />

carried out with adolescents in intermediate public education. rev latino-am enfermagem. in press 2009.<br />


16. Livro<br />

hoppenfeld s. Propedêutica ortopédica: coluna e extremida<strong>de</strong>s. rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro: atheneu; 1993. 294 p.<br />

17. Livro com indicação <strong>de</strong> editor, organizador, coor<strong>de</strong>nador<br />

Ba<strong>de</strong>r MK, littlejohns lr, editors. aann core curriculum for neuroscience nursing. 4th. ed. st. louis (Mo):<br />

saun<strong>de</strong>rs; c2004. 1038 p.<br />

446 Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459

18. Livro editado por uma Instituição<br />

World Cancer research fund (usa). food, nutrition, physical activity and prevention of cancer: a global perspective.<br />

Washington (DC): american institute for Cancer research; 2007.<br />

19. Quando o autor do capítulo é o autor do livro, referência <strong>de</strong> capítulo <strong>de</strong> livro<br />

ferreira sa. nervos proximais do membro superior. in: ____. lesões nervosas periféricas diagnóstico e tratamento.<br />

são Paulo: santos; 2001. p. 35-48.<br />

20. Livro sem indicação <strong>de</strong> autoria<br />

hiV/aiDs resources: a nationwi<strong>de</strong> directory. 10th ed. longmont (Co): Gui<strong>de</strong>s for living; c2004. 792 p.<br />

21. Anais <strong>de</strong> conferências<br />

harn<strong>de</strong>n P, Joffe JK, Jones WG, editors. Germ cell tumours V. Proceedings of the 5th Germ Cell tumour Conference;<br />

2001 sep 13-15; leeds, uK. new york: springer; 2002.<br />

22. Trabalho apresentado em conferências<br />

Christensen s, oppacher f. an analysis of Koza's computational effort statistic for genetic programming. in: foster<br />

Ja, lutton e, Miller J, ryan C, tettamanzi aG, editors. Genetic programming. euroGP 2002: Proceedings of<br />

the 5th european Conference on Genetic Programming; 2002 apr 3-5; Kinsdale, ireland. Berlin: springer; 2002.<br />

p. 182-91.<br />

23. Legislação<br />

Dispõe sobre a regulamentação do exercício da enfermagem. lei no. 7.498, 25 <strong>de</strong> junho <strong>de</strong> 1986. Diário oficial<br />

da união. seção i, fls. 9.273-9.275 (Jun 26, 1986). 1986.<br />

24. Teses e dissertações<br />

Ver<strong>de</strong> sMMl. impacto do tratamento quimioterápico no estado nutricional e no comportamento alimentar <strong>de</strong><br />

pacientes com neoplasia mamária e suas consequências na qualida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> vida [dissertação]. são Paulo: universida<strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> são Paulo; 2007.<br />

9. Tabelas<br />

as tabelas <strong>de</strong>verão constar em folhas separadas. não enviar as tabelas em forma <strong>de</strong> imagem, <strong>de</strong> forma a permitir<br />

sua edição. numerar as tabelas em or<strong>de</strong>m consecutiva <strong>de</strong> acordo com a primeira citação no texto e dar um título curto<br />

a cada uma. Definir para cada coluna um cabeçalho abreviado ou curto. Colocar as explicações em rodapés, não no<br />

cabeçalho. explicar, em notas <strong>de</strong> rodapé, todas as abreviações não padronizadas usadas em cada tabela. Para notas <strong>de</strong><br />

rodapé, utilizar numeração romana.<br />

i<strong>de</strong>ntificar medidas estatísticas <strong>de</strong> variações, tais como: <strong>de</strong>svio-padrão e erro-padrão.<br />

não usar linhas internas, horizontais ou verticais.<br />

Constatar que cada tabela esteja citada no texto por sua numeração e não por citação como: tabela a seguir, tabela<br />

abaixo.<br />

se forem usados dados <strong>de</strong> outra fonte, publicada ou não, obter autorização e agra<strong>de</strong>cer por extenso.<br />

o uso <strong>de</strong> tabelas gran<strong>de</strong>s ou em excesso, em relação ao texto, po<strong>de</strong> produzir dificulda<strong>de</strong> na forma <strong>de</strong> apresentação<br />

das páginas.<br />

10. Ilustrações<br />

enviar o número requerido <strong>de</strong> ilustrações ou “figuras”. não são aceitáveis <strong>de</strong>senhos à mão livre ou legendas<br />

datilografadas. as fotos <strong>de</strong>vem ser digitalizadas, em branco e preto, usualmente <strong>de</strong> 12 x 17cm, não maiores do que<br />

20 x 25 cm, filmes <strong>de</strong> raios X ou outros materiais. as letras, os números e símbolos <strong>de</strong>vem ser claros e <strong>de</strong> tamanho<br />

suficiente, <strong>de</strong> tal forma que, quando reduzidas para a publicação, ainda sejam legíveis. Colocar os títulos e explicações<br />

abaixo das legendas e não nas próprias ilustrações.<br />

se forem usadas fotografias <strong>de</strong> pessoas, os sujeitos não <strong>de</strong>vem ser i<strong>de</strong>ntificáveis ou suas fotografias <strong>de</strong>vem estar<br />

acompanhadas por consentimento escrito para publicação.<br />

as figuras <strong>de</strong>vem ser numeradas <strong>de</strong> acordo com a or<strong>de</strong>m em que foram citadas no texto. se uma figura já foi publicada,<br />

agra<strong>de</strong>cer à fonte original e enviar a autorização escrita do <strong>de</strong>tentor dos direitos autorais para reproduzir o material.<br />

a autorização é requerida, seja do autor ou da companhia editora, com exceção <strong>de</strong> documentos <strong>de</strong> domínio público.<br />

a rBC é uma publicação em preto e branco e por isso todas as ilustrações serão reproduzidas em preto e branco.<br />

as ilustrações <strong>de</strong>vem ser fornecidas da seguinte forma:<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459<br />


• Arquivo digital em formato .TIFF, .JPG, .EPS, com resolução mínima <strong>de</strong>:<br />

300 dpi para fotografias comuns<br />

600 dpi para fotografias que contenham linhas finas, setas, legendas etc.<br />

1.200 dpi para <strong>de</strong>senhos e gráficos<br />

11. Nomenclatura<br />

Devem ser observadas rigidamente as regras <strong>de</strong> nomenclatura biomédica, assim como abreviaturas e convenções<br />

adotadas em disciplinas especializadas.<br />

os originais em língua portuguesa <strong>de</strong>verão estar em conformida<strong>de</strong> com o acordo ortográfico datado <strong>de</strong> 1º <strong>de</strong><br />

Janeiro <strong>de</strong> 2009.<br />

resUmo Dos reQUisiTos Técnicos pArA A ApresenTAção De mAnUscriTos<br />

antes <strong>de</strong> enviar o manuscrito por e-mail, para rbc@inca.gov.br, confira se as “instruções para autores” disponível<br />

em www.inca.gov.br/rbc foram seguidas e verifique o atendimento dos itens listados a seguir:<br />

• Submeter o arquivo integral do manuscrito em Microsoft Word 6.0 ou 7.0.<br />

• Usar espaço duplo em todas as partes do documento.<br />

• Começar cada seção ou componente em uma nova página.<br />

• Revisar a sequência: página-título/folha <strong>de</strong> rosto – título em português, inglês e espanhol; título abreviado; autoria;<br />

resumo e palavras-chave, abstract e key words, resumen e palabras clave; agra<strong>de</strong>cimentos; <strong>de</strong>claração <strong>de</strong> conflito <strong>de</strong><br />

interesse; <strong>de</strong>claração <strong>de</strong> subvenção; texto; referências; tabelas, quadros, figuras com legendas (cada uma em páginas<br />

separadas).<br />

• De três a seis palavras-chave e respectivas key words e palabras clave.<br />

• Referências: numeradas, em sobrescrito, na or<strong>de</strong>m <strong>de</strong> aparecimento no texto, corretamente digitadas, e não<br />

ultrapassando o número <strong>de</strong> 25. Verificar se todos os trabalhos citados estão na lista <strong>de</strong> referências e se todos os<br />

listados estão citados no texto.<br />

• Apresentar ilustrações, fotos ou <strong>de</strong>senhos separados, sem montar (20 x 25 cm máximo).<br />

• Incluir carta <strong>de</strong> submissão disponível nas “Instruções para Autores”. Caso o manuscrito tenha mais que um autor,<br />

cada um <strong>de</strong>les <strong>de</strong>verá preencher e assinar a carta e o autor responsável pela submissão <strong>de</strong>ve enviar a mesma digitalizada<br />

em formato .JPG junto com o arquivo do manuscrito para rbc@inca.gov.br.<br />

• Incluir permissão para reproduzir material previamente publicado ou para usar ilustrações que possam i<strong>de</strong>ntificar<br />

indivíduos.<br />

• Incluir autorização escrita das pessoas nomeadas nos agra<strong>de</strong>cimentos, quando aplicável.<br />

• Incluir documento comprovando a aprovação do trabalho por CEP ou TCLE, quando aplicável.<br />

448 Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459

Carta <strong>de</strong> Submissão à Revista Brasileira <strong>de</strong> Cancerologia<br />

Por favor, preencha e envie este formulário juntamente com o original do seu trabalho para o e-mail: rbc@inca.gov.<br />

br. Caso o manuscrito tenha mais que um autor, cada um <strong>de</strong>les <strong>de</strong>verá preencher, assinar e encaminhar esta carta para o<br />

autor responsável pela submissão, para digitalizar em formato .JPG e enviar à rBC em anexo, junto com o manuscrito.<br />

Título do manuscrito _____________________________________________________________________<br />

______________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Classificação do manuscrito:<br />

( ) artigo original<br />

( ) revisão sistemática da literatura<br />

( ) relato <strong>de</strong> Caso/série <strong>de</strong> Casos<br />

( ) artigo <strong>de</strong> opinião<br />

( ) resenha<br />

( ) resumo<br />

( ) Carta ao editor<br />

Cada autor <strong>de</strong>ve indicar suas contribuições, marcando com a letra X os campos abaixo:<br />

1. o autor contribuiu:<br />

( ) na concepção e planejamento do projeto <strong>de</strong> pesquisa<br />

( ) na obtenção e/ou análise e interpretação dos dados<br />

( ) na redação e revisão crítica<br />

2. Conflito <strong>de</strong> interesses:<br />

( ) o autor não tem conflitos <strong>de</strong> interesse, incluindo interesses financeiros específicos e relacionamentos e afiliações<br />

relevantes ao tema ou materiais discutidos no manuscrito.<br />

( ) o autor confirma que todos os financiamentos, outros apoios financeiros, e apoio material/humano para esta<br />

pesquisa e/ou trabalho estão claramente i<strong>de</strong>ntificados no manuscrito enviado para avaliação do “Conselho editorial<br />

da rBC”.<br />

3. agra<strong>de</strong>cimentos:<br />

( ) o autor confirma que as pessoas que contribuíram substancialmente ao trabalho <strong>de</strong>senvolvido neste texto, mas<br />

que não aten<strong>de</strong>m aos critérios para autoria, foram mencionadas nos “agra<strong>de</strong>cimentos” do manuscrito com a <strong>de</strong>scrição<br />

<strong>de</strong> suas contribuições específicas.<br />

( ) o autor confirma que todos que foram mencionados nos “agra<strong>de</strong>cimentos” <strong>de</strong>ram sua permissão por escrito<br />

para serem incluídos no mesmo.<br />

( ) o autor confirma que, se os “agra<strong>de</strong>cimentos” não foram incluídos no texto submetido, foi porque não houve<br />

nenhuma contribuição substancial <strong>de</strong> outros ao manuscrito além dos autores.<br />

4. transferência <strong>de</strong> Direitos autorais/Publicação<br />

Declaro que em caso <strong>de</strong> aceitação do manuscrito para publicação, concordo que os direitos autorais a ele passarão<br />

a ser proprieda<strong>de</strong> da rBC, sendo vedada tanto sua reprodução, mesmo que parcial, em outros periódicos, sejam eles<br />

impressos ou eletrônicos, assim como sua tradução para publicação em outros idiomas, sem prévia autorização <strong>de</strong>sta<br />

e, que no caso <strong>de</strong> obtenção do mesmo, farei constar o competente agra<strong>de</strong>cimento à revista.<br />

autor ___________________________________ assinatura _________________________________<br />

Data ___________________________________ e-mail ____________________________________<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459<br />



informAción generAL<br />

la revista Brasileña <strong>de</strong> oncología (rBC) es una publicación trimestral que tiene como objetivo publicar trabajos<br />

relacionados con todas las áreas <strong>de</strong> oncología. se aceptan trabajos en Portugués, inglés y español.<br />

rBC adopta los "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for<br />

Biomedical Publication" [requisitos <strong>de</strong> uniformidad para Manuscritos enviados a revistas Biomédicas] <strong>de</strong>l Comité<br />

internacional <strong>de</strong> editores <strong>de</strong> revistas Médicas (iCMJe) (http://www.icmje.org). el documento original, incluyendo<br />

tablas, ilustraciones y referencias <strong>de</strong>be seguir estos requisitos.<br />

los manuscritos <strong>de</strong>ben ser inéditos y <strong>de</strong>stinados exclusivamente a rBC, y su presentación simultánea a otro periódico<br />

no está permitida. los conceptos y opiniones expresadas en los artículos, así como la exactitud y proce<strong>de</strong>ncia <strong>de</strong> las<br />

citas son <strong>de</strong> la exclusiva responsabilidad <strong>de</strong>l (<strong>de</strong> los) autor(es). los manuscritos que se refieren a partes <strong>de</strong> la misma<br />

investigación tienen el envío <strong>de</strong>sincentivado por esta revista.<br />

los manuscritos publicados pasan a ser propiedad <strong>de</strong> rBC, y queda prohibida su reproducción, incluso parcial,<br />

en otros periódicos, como su traducción para su publicación en otros idiomas sin autorización previa <strong>de</strong> esta.<br />

los manuscritos aceptados para publicación pue<strong>de</strong>n ser modificados para a<strong>de</strong>cuarse al estilo editorial-gráfico <strong>de</strong> la<br />

revista, sin, entre tanto, cambiar su contenido técnico-científico.<br />

si el manuscrito incluye tablas e ilustraciones publicadas anteriormente por otros autores y otros vehículos, el autor<br />

<strong>de</strong>be presentar comprobantes <strong>de</strong> autorización para la reproducción, firmado por los titulares <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>rechos <strong>de</strong> estos.<br />

los lectores <strong>de</strong> las revistas médicas merecen confiar en lo que leyen, a menos que haya una <strong>de</strong>claración clara <strong>de</strong> que<br />

el artículo está reeditado por la elección <strong>de</strong>l autor y editor. las bases para esta posición son las leyes internacionales <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong>rechos <strong>de</strong> autor, la conducta ética y el uso <strong>de</strong> recursos <strong>de</strong> acuerdo con una lógica <strong>de</strong> costo efectividad.<br />

Cuando parte <strong>de</strong>l material <strong>de</strong>l manuscrito ya haya sido presentado en una comunicación preliminar, en simposio,<br />

congreso etc., este hecho <strong>de</strong>be ser citado como una nota a pie <strong>de</strong> página <strong>de</strong> la portada y una copia <strong>de</strong>l texto <strong>de</strong> la<br />

presentación <strong>de</strong>be acompañar el envío <strong>de</strong>l manuscrito.<br />

en el envío <strong>de</strong> manuscritos o resúmenes <strong>de</strong> la investigación clínica, ensayos clínicos, investigación básica,<br />

investigación aplicada, investigación <strong>de</strong> traducción; estudios <strong>de</strong> laboratorio, estudios epi<strong>de</strong>miológicos (prospectivos o<br />

retrospectivos); el uso <strong>de</strong> datos <strong>de</strong> prontuarios, investigación en base <strong>de</strong> datos; reporte <strong>de</strong> casos; entrevistas, cuestionarios,<br />

averiguaciones poblacionales; es obligatoria la inclusión <strong>de</strong> documento, con número <strong>de</strong> protocolo, <strong>de</strong> que todos los<br />

procedimientos propuestos hagan sido evaluados y aprobados por el Comité Ético en investigación Clínica (CeiC)<br />

<strong>de</strong> la institución a la cual se vinculan los autores o, en la falta <strong>de</strong> esto, por un otro CeiC indicado por el Comité<br />

nacional <strong>de</strong> Ética en investigación Clínica <strong>de</strong>l Ministerio <strong>de</strong> sanidad.<br />

los pacientes tienen <strong>de</strong>recho a privacidad, hecho que no <strong>de</strong>be ser infringido sin el consentimiento informado.<br />

la información <strong>de</strong> i<strong>de</strong>ntificación personal no <strong>de</strong>be ser publicada en <strong>de</strong>scripciones escritas, fotografías, genealogías y<br />

reporte <strong>de</strong> casos, a menos que la información sea esencial para fines científicos y que el paciente (o sus padres o tutor)<br />

otorgue un consentimiento informado por escrito, autorizando su publicación.<br />

Deben se omitir los <strong>de</strong>talles <strong>de</strong> i<strong>de</strong>ntificación, si no son fundamentales, pero los datos <strong>de</strong>l paciente nunca <strong>de</strong>ben<br />

ser alterados o falsificados en un intento <strong>de</strong> lograr el anonimato. el completo anonimato es difícil <strong>de</strong> lograr, por eso<br />

es necesario obtener el consentimiento informado si hay alguna duda. Por ejemplo, enmascarar la región ocular en las<br />

fotografías <strong>de</strong> los pacientes es una protección ina<strong>de</strong>cuada para el anonimato.<br />

rBC, una vez que reconoce la importancia <strong>de</strong> la difusión internacional, <strong>de</strong> libre acceso, <strong>de</strong> información sobre<br />

estudios clínicos, apoya las políticas para el registro <strong>de</strong> ensayos clínicos <strong>de</strong> la organización Mundial <strong>de</strong> la salud (oMs)<br />

y <strong>de</strong>l iCMJe. Por lo tanto, serán aceptados para su publicación sólo artículos <strong>de</strong> investigación clínica que han recibido<br />

un número <strong>de</strong> i<strong>de</strong>ntificación en uno <strong>de</strong> los registros <strong>de</strong> ensayos Clínicos por los criterios establecidos por la oMs e<br />

iCMJe, cuyas direcciones están disponibles en el sitio <strong>de</strong>l iCMJe (http://www.icmje.org).<br />

los conflictos <strong>de</strong> intereses <strong>de</strong>ben ser reconocidos y mencionados por los autores. entre estas situaciones, se menciona<br />

la participación en empresas productoras <strong>de</strong> los medicamentos o equipos citados o utilizados en el trabajo, así como<br />

sus competidores. también se consi<strong>de</strong>ran fuentes <strong>de</strong> conflicto la ayuda recibida, las relaciones <strong>de</strong> subordinación en el<br />

trabajo, consultorías etc.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459<br />


el envío <strong>de</strong>l manuscrito a rBC <strong>de</strong>be ser por correo electrónico a rbc@inca.gov.br, con el texto completo, tablas,<br />

gráficos, figuras, imágenes, código postal y Consentimiento informado (si aplicable) y <strong>de</strong> conformidad con los estándares<br />

<strong>de</strong> la revista. la "Carta <strong>de</strong> presentación" individual y firmada por cada uno <strong>de</strong> los autores (mo<strong>de</strong>lo disponible en el<br />

http://www.inca.gov.br/rbc) también <strong>de</strong>be ser encaminada.<br />

proceso De evALUAción De Los mAnUscriTos<br />

la publicación <strong>de</strong> la obra <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>rá <strong>de</strong>l cumplimiento <strong>de</strong> los estándares <strong>de</strong> rBC y <strong>de</strong> la <strong>de</strong>cisión <strong>de</strong> su Consejo<br />

editorial. el proceso <strong>de</strong> evaluación comienza con el editor científico que evalúa si el artículo recibido incluye<br />

contribuciones en el campo <strong>de</strong> la oncología y si es <strong>de</strong> interés para los lectores. también evalúa si el documento<br />

original está preparado <strong>de</strong> acuerdo con las instrucciones recomendadas por la revista. los manuscritos consi<strong>de</strong>rados<br />

pertinentes, pero en <strong>de</strong>sacuerdo con estas instrucciones, serán <strong>de</strong>vueltos a los autores para los ajustes necesarios, antes<br />

<strong>de</strong> la evaluación por el Consejo editorial.<br />

la versión aceptada es encaminada para análisis y emisión <strong>de</strong> la opinión <strong>de</strong> los miembros <strong>de</strong>l Consejo editorial y/o<br />

Ad Hoc, ambos formados por profesionales <strong>de</strong> gran<strong>de</strong> conocimiento en diversas áreas <strong>de</strong> la oncología. en ese proceso,<br />

la confi<strong>de</strong>ncialidad y el anonimato serán adoptados para autor(es) y para la junta <strong>de</strong> opinión. el análisis <strong>de</strong> la junta<br />

<strong>de</strong> opinión se realiza con base en el formulario “Parecer do Conselho editorial” [opinión <strong>de</strong>l Consejo editorial],<br />

disponible en las instrucciones para la publicación en rBC en el http://www.inca.gov.br/rbc.<br />

Después <strong>de</strong> emitir la opinión, el manuscrito es enviado al editor científico que tiene el conocimiento <strong>de</strong> las opiniones<br />

emitidas y analiza el cumplimiento <strong>de</strong> los estándares <strong>de</strong> publicación <strong>de</strong> la revista y <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> sobre la aceptación o no<br />

<strong>de</strong>l artículo, así como las alteraciones solicitadas, proceso sobre el cual tiene plena autoridad <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>cisión. la opinión<br />

es, entonces, enviada a los autores por correo electrónico.<br />

Después <strong>de</strong> la evaluación, se pue<strong>de</strong> clasificar los manuscritos como: manuscrito aprobado sin restricciones, que será<br />

encaminado al revisor técnico para su revisión y posterior publicación; manuscrito aprobado con restricciones, que será<br />

enviado al (los) autor(es) con las solicitu<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> ajuste a través <strong>de</strong> correo electrónico. el manuscrito revisado <strong>de</strong>be ser<br />

presentado nuevamente por el (los) autor(es) a rBC, por correo electrónico, acompañado <strong>de</strong> una carta informando las<br />

alteraciones realizadas o, si no hay tales alteraciones, presentando motivos que la respal<strong>de</strong>n. Puesto que no hay regreso<br />

<strong>de</strong>l trabajo en cuarenta y cinco (45) días, se consi<strong>de</strong>rará que los autores no tienen interés en la publicación; manuscrito<br />

no aprobado, en ese caso el autor recibirá una notificación <strong>de</strong> recusación por correo electrónico.<br />

el manuscrito aprobado será publicado <strong>de</strong> conformidad con el flujo y el cronograma <strong>de</strong>l editorial <strong>de</strong> la revista.<br />

cATegoríA De Los mAnUscriTos<br />

son consi<strong>de</strong>rados para su publicación los siguientes tipos <strong>de</strong> manuscritos:<br />

• Artículos originales - son artículos en que se presentan los resultados obtenidos en investigaciones empíricas o<br />

experimentales originales cuyos resultados pue<strong>de</strong>n ser replicados y/o generalizados. también son consi<strong>de</strong>radas<br />

originales las investigaciones <strong>de</strong> metodología cualitativa y las formulaciones discursivas <strong>de</strong> teorización. Como<br />

estructura <strong>de</strong>ben proporcionar: introducción, método, resultados, discusión y conclusión. el máximo es <strong>de</strong> 20<br />

páginas, incluyendo figuras, tablas, gráficos etc. (no <strong>de</strong>ben ultrapasar 5).<br />

• Revisión <strong>de</strong> la Literatura – es una revisión sistematizada y actualizada <strong>de</strong> la literatura sobre un tema específico y que<br />

<strong>de</strong>be dar al lector una cobertura general <strong>de</strong> un tema. revisiones narrativas no son aceptadas. Deben ser <strong>de</strong>scritos los<br />

tipos <strong>de</strong> revisión (integrativa, sistemática, meta-análisis), los métodos y procedimientos utilizados para realizar el<br />

trabajo. la interpretación y conclusión <strong>de</strong> los autores <strong>de</strong>ben estar presentes. Como estructura <strong>de</strong>ben proporcionar:<br />

introducción, método, resultados, discusión y conclusión. el máximo es <strong>de</strong> 20 páginas, incluyendo figuras, tablas,<br />

gráficos etc. (no <strong>de</strong>ben ultrapasar 5).<br />

• Reporte <strong>de</strong> caso/Serie <strong>de</strong> Casos - es la <strong>de</strong>scripción <strong>de</strong>tallada y el análisis crítico <strong>de</strong> uno o más casos, típicos o atípicos,<br />

basado en revisión bibliográfica extensa y actualizada sobre el tema. el autor <strong>de</strong>be presentar un problema en sus<br />

muchos aspectos, su pertinencia. el máximo es <strong>de</strong> 15 páginas, incluyendo figuras, tablas, gráficos etc. (no <strong>de</strong>ben<br />

ultrapasar 4).<br />

• Artículo <strong>de</strong> Opinión – es una opinión calificada sobre un tema específico en oncología. No necesita resumen. El<br />

máximo es <strong>de</strong> 10 páginas, incluyendo tablas, gráficos etc. (no <strong>de</strong>ben ultrapasar 2).<br />

• Reseña - reseña crítica <strong>de</strong> libros relacionado con el ámbito temático <strong>de</strong> Oncología, publicado el año pasado. El<br />

máximo es <strong>de</strong> 4 páginas.<br />

452 Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459

• Resúmenes <strong>de</strong> disertación doctoral, <strong>de</strong> tesis, <strong>de</strong> trabajos que merezcan <strong>de</strong>staque o que han sido presentados en eventos<br />

<strong>de</strong> oncología en los últimos 12 meses, a partir <strong>de</strong> la fecha <strong>de</strong>l resumen - es la información en forma sucinta <strong>de</strong> trabajo<br />

realizado. Por lo tanto, <strong>de</strong>be incluir la naturaleza y los propósitos <strong>de</strong> la investigación y algunas observaciones sobre<br />

la metodología, resultados y conclusiones más importantes. su objetivo es transmitir a los investigadores <strong>de</strong> forma<br />

rápida y fácil la naturaleza <strong>de</strong>l trabajo, sus características básicas <strong>de</strong> los logros y el alcance científico afirmado. Deben<br />

contener por lo menos 150 a 250 palabras y seguir los estándares <strong>de</strong> la revista con respecto a la estructura, forma<br />

y contenido, incluso en relación con los <strong>de</strong>scriptores.<br />

• Cartas al Editor - pue<strong>de</strong>n estar relacionadas con cuestiones editoriales o no, pero <strong>de</strong>ben contener informaciones<br />

relevantes para el lector. en el caso <strong>de</strong> críticas a trabajos publicados en la edición anterior <strong>de</strong> la revista, la carta es<br />

enviada a los autores para que su respuesta sea publicada al mismo tiempo. las cartas pue<strong>de</strong>n ser resumidas por los<br />

editores, pero los principales puntos serán mantenidos. el máximo es <strong>de</strong> 4 páginas.<br />

prepArAción DeL mAnUscriTo<br />

el original <strong>de</strong>be ser escrito en el verbo en tercera persona <strong>de</strong>l singular, en la voz activa (aBnt.nBr-6028, 2003, p. 2).<br />

el procesador <strong>de</strong> texto utilizado <strong>de</strong>be ser el Microsoft Word 6.0 o 7.0, fuente Times New Roman tamaño 12, márgenes<br />

<strong>de</strong> 30mm en ambos lados, doble espacio en todas las secciones, papel <strong>de</strong> tamaño a4 (210 x 297mm) y páginas numeradas.<br />

Para permitir una mayor claridad en la exposición <strong>de</strong>l tema y la localización particular <strong>de</strong> cada ítem, se divi<strong>de</strong> el<br />

texto en partes lógicas, <strong>de</strong> acuerdo con los temas relacionados.<br />

ejemplo:<br />

introDuCCión (seCCión PriMaria)<br />

Material y MÉtoDo (seCCión PriMaria)<br />

la recogida <strong>de</strong> datos (sección secundaria)<br />

Variables (sección terciaria)<br />

en la presentación <strong>de</strong> los títulos <strong>de</strong> las secciones, hay que <strong>de</strong>stacar gradualmente el tipo y el tamaño <strong>de</strong> las letras,<br />

señalando que todas las secciones primarias <strong>de</strong>ben estar escritas en la misma manera, así como todas las secundarias<br />

y así sucesivamente.<br />

el texto <strong>de</strong> cada sección <strong>de</strong> un documento pue<strong>de</strong> incluir una serie <strong>de</strong> párrafos que <strong>de</strong>ben ser caracterizados por<br />

las letras minúsculas <strong>de</strong>l alfabeto (a, b, c,...) seguidos <strong>de</strong> paréntesis, y que precedan inmediatamente la primera<br />

palabra <strong>de</strong> su texto.<br />

ejemplo:<br />

a) escribir un artículo científico.<br />

b) ilustrar el texto.<br />

principALes orienTAciones AcercA De cADA sección<br />

1. Página <strong>de</strong> título o portada<br />

Debe contener: a) título <strong>de</strong>l artículo, alternando letras mayúsculas y minúsculas, en portugués, inglés y español; b)<br />

título abreviado <strong>de</strong> hasta 40 caracteres; c) nombre(s) por extenso <strong>de</strong>l (<strong>de</strong> los) autor(es). la <strong>de</strong>signación <strong>de</strong> la autoría <strong>de</strong>be<br />

basarse en las <strong>de</strong>liberaciones iCMJe, que consi<strong>de</strong>ra el autor aquel que contribuye sustancialmente en el diseño o en la<br />

planificación <strong>de</strong>l estudio; en la obtención, en el análisis y/o interpretación <strong>de</strong> los datos; así como en la redacción y/o<br />

revisión crítica y aprobación final <strong>de</strong> la versión publicada. los estudios institucionales (<strong>de</strong> autoría colectiva) y estudios<br />

multicéntricos, los responsables <strong>de</strong>ben tener sus nombres especificados y todos consi<strong>de</strong>rados autores <strong>de</strong>ben cumplir<br />

con los criterios arriba mencionados; d) indicar para cada autor, en una nota a pie <strong>de</strong> página, la categoría profesional,<br />

el más alto grado académico, el (los) nombre(s) <strong>de</strong>l (<strong>de</strong> los) <strong>de</strong>partamento(s) e institución(es) a que el trabajo <strong>de</strong>be<br />

ser asignado, correo electrónico, ciudad, estado y país; e) nombre, dirección y teléfono <strong>de</strong>l autor responsable por la<br />

correspon<strong>de</strong>ncia sobre el manuscrito; f) <strong>de</strong>scripción <strong>de</strong> la contribución individual <strong>de</strong> cada autor en el manuscrito<br />

(ejemplo: .... trabajó en el diseño y redacción final y ...... en la investigación y metodología); g) agra<strong>de</strong>cimientos:<br />

otros colaboradores, que no cumplan los criterios <strong>de</strong> autoría arriba <strong>de</strong>scritos, <strong>de</strong>ben tener sus nombres referidos en<br />

este ítem, especificando el tipo <strong>de</strong> colaboración. los autores son responsables <strong>de</strong> obtener la autorización por escrito<br />

<strong>de</strong> las personas referidas en los agra<strong>de</strong>cimientos, ya que y pue<strong>de</strong> inferir que están <strong>de</strong> acuerdo con el contenido <strong>de</strong>l<br />

trabajo; h) <strong>de</strong>claración <strong>de</strong> conflicto <strong>de</strong> intereses (escribir "nada a <strong>de</strong>clarar" o revelar cualquier conflicto); i) para trabajos<br />

subvencionados, i<strong>de</strong>ntificar el patrocinador y el número <strong>de</strong>l proceso (si hay alguno).<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459<br />


2. Resumen y <strong>de</strong>scriptores (palabras clave)<br />

todos los artículos <strong>de</strong>ben incluir resúmenes estructurados en portugués, inglés y español, acompañados por los<br />

<strong>de</strong>scriptores en sus respectivos idiomas. la terminología para los <strong>de</strong>scriptores <strong>de</strong>be ser <strong>de</strong>nominada en el artículo como<br />

sigue: Palabras-chave, key words y palabras clave. Cada resumen <strong>de</strong>be tener al mínimo 150 palabras y al máximo 250,<br />

introducción, objetivo(s), metodología, resultados, conclusión, acompañados <strong>de</strong> un mínimo <strong>de</strong> tres y un máximo <strong>de</strong><br />

seis <strong>de</strong>scriptores. los <strong>de</strong>scriptores son palabras esenciales que ayudan a la in<strong>de</strong>xación <strong>de</strong> artículos en bases <strong>de</strong> datos<br />

nacionales e internacionales. Para <strong>de</strong>terminar los <strong>de</strong>scriptores, es necesario consultar la lista <strong>de</strong> “Descritores em Ciências<br />

da saú<strong>de</strong>” [Descriptores en Ciencias <strong>de</strong> la salud] (DeCs-lilacs- http://<strong>de</strong>cs.bvs.br) preparada por BireMe.<br />

en el resumen no <strong>de</strong>ben ser hechas citas <strong>de</strong> referencias, tampoco abreviaturas y/o siglas <strong>de</strong>ben ser incluidas, así<br />

como gráficos, tablas o figuras.<br />

en el caso <strong>de</strong> los resúmenes <strong>de</strong> los trabajos presentados en eventos <strong>de</strong> oncología o que merezcan <strong>de</strong>staque y que<br />

han sido aceptados para su publicación en rBC, es responsabilidad <strong>de</strong> los autores cumplir con los estándares <strong>de</strong> la<br />

revista antes <strong>de</strong> enviarlos, a<strong>de</strong>más <strong>de</strong> la precisión y exactitud <strong>de</strong>l lenguaje.<br />

3. Introducción<br />

la introducción <strong>de</strong>be ser objetiva con la <strong>de</strong>finición clara <strong>de</strong>l problema estudiado <strong>de</strong>stacando su importancia y las<br />

lagunas en el conocimiento; la revisión <strong>de</strong> la literatura <strong>de</strong>be ser estrictamente pertinente al tema <strong>de</strong>l estudio, con el fin<br />

<strong>de</strong> proporcionar los antece<strong>de</strong>ntes para la comprensión <strong>de</strong>l conocimiento actual sobre el tema y <strong>de</strong>stacar la importancia<br />

<strong>de</strong>l nuevo estudio. Debe contener el (los) objetivo(s) <strong>de</strong>l estudio.<br />

4. Métodos<br />

Debe indicar, <strong>de</strong> manera objetiva, el tipo <strong>de</strong> estudio (prospectivo, retrospectivo; ensayo clínico o experimental; si la<br />

distribución <strong>de</strong> los casos fue aleatoria o no, cualitativa etc.), los métodos empleados, la población estudiada (<strong>de</strong>scribir<br />

claramente la selección <strong>de</strong> los sujetos <strong>de</strong> los estudios observacionales o experimentales – pacientes o animales <strong>de</strong><br />

laboratorio, incluyendo grupos <strong>de</strong> control, así como <strong>de</strong> los estudios cualitativos), la fuente <strong>de</strong> datos y los criterios <strong>de</strong><br />

selección o grupo experimental, incluso <strong>de</strong> los controles. i<strong>de</strong>ntificar el equipo y los reactivos utilizados. Describir,<br />

también, los métodos estadísticos utilizados y las comparaciones para las cuales cada prueba fue utilizada.<br />

los reportes <strong>de</strong> ensayos clínicos <strong>de</strong>ben presentar información sobre todos los elementos principales <strong>de</strong>l estudio,<br />

incluyendo el protocolo (población <strong>de</strong> estudio, intervenciones o exposiciones, resultados - y la lógica <strong>de</strong> análisis<br />

estadístico), atributos <strong>de</strong> las intervenciones (métodos <strong>de</strong> aleatorización, indicación <strong>de</strong> los grupos <strong>de</strong> tratamiento) y los<br />

métodos <strong>de</strong> enmascaramiento.<br />

los autores que enviaren artículos <strong>de</strong> revisión, <strong>de</strong>ben presentar los procedimientos adoptados para localizar,<br />

seleccionar, obtener, clasificar y sintetizar las informaciones, a<strong>de</strong>más <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>finir los criterios <strong>de</strong> inclusión y exclusión<br />

<strong>de</strong> los estudios seleccionados para su revisión.<br />

Cuando experimentos con seres humanos fueren reportados, indicar si los procedimientos seguidos estuvieron <strong>de</strong><br />

acuerdo con las normas éticas <strong>de</strong>l Comité <strong>de</strong> investigación en seres humanos, con la Declaración <strong>de</strong> Helsinky (última<br />

versión <strong>de</strong> 2000) y con la resolución 196/96 (res. Cns 196/96). no utilizar los nombres <strong>de</strong> los pacientes, iniciales o<br />

números <strong>de</strong> registro, especialmente en el material ilustrativo. en el caso <strong>de</strong> los experimentos con animales, indicar si<br />

fueron seguidas las normas <strong>de</strong> la institución, <strong>de</strong> los Consejos nacionales <strong>de</strong> investigación o <strong>de</strong> cualquier ley nacional<br />

sobre el uso y cuidado con animales <strong>de</strong> laboratorio.<br />

De esta sección, también hace parte la mención <strong>de</strong>l documento, indicando el número <strong>de</strong> protocolo, <strong>de</strong>l CeiC <strong>de</strong><br />

la institución a que se vinculan los autores y que aprobó el estudio.<br />

5. Resultados<br />

Presentar los resultados pertinentes para el objetivo <strong>de</strong>l trabajo y que serán discutidos. sólo los resultados encontrados<br />

<strong>de</strong>ben ser <strong>de</strong>scritos, sin incluir las interpretaciones o comparaciones. Presentar los resultados, tablas e ilustraciones en<br />

una secuencia lógica, teniendo en cuenta que el texto <strong>de</strong>be complementar y no repetir lo que se <strong>de</strong>scribe en las tablas<br />

e ilustraciones. restringir tablas e ilustraciones a las que sean necesarias para explicar el argumento <strong>de</strong>l artículo y para<br />

embasarlo. usar gráficos como una alternativa a las tablas con muchas entradas; no duplicar los datos en gráficos y tablas.<br />

evitar el uso <strong>de</strong> términos técnicos en estadística, tales como: "random" (lo que implica una fuente <strong>de</strong> aleatorización),<br />

"normal", "significante", "correlación" y “muestra” <strong>de</strong> manera no técnica. Definir los términos estadísticos, abreviaturas<br />

y símbolos. en los reportes <strong>de</strong> casos, las secciones "métodos" y "resultados" se sustituyen por la <strong>de</strong>scripción <strong>de</strong>l caso.<br />

454 Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459

6. Discusión<br />

Debe contener la interpretación <strong>de</strong> los autores, comparar los resultados con la literatura, relacionar las observaciones<br />

con otros estudios relevantes, indicar las limitaciones <strong>de</strong>l estudio, enfatizar los aspectos nuevos e importantes <strong>de</strong>l estudio<br />

y las conclusiones <strong>de</strong>rivadas, incluyendo sugerencias para futuras investigaciones.<br />

la discusión pue<strong>de</strong> ser redactada junto con los resultados si esa es la preferencia <strong>de</strong>l autor.<br />

no repetir con <strong>de</strong>talles los datos u otros materiales colocados en las secciones "introducción" o "resultados".<br />

7. Conclusión<br />

la conclusión <strong>de</strong>be basarse en los resultados encontrados y estar vinculada a los objetivos <strong>de</strong>l estudio. afirmaciones<br />

no calificadas y conclusiones no plenamente respaldadas por los datos no <strong>de</strong>ben constar en esta sección. no hacer<br />

alusiones a estudios que no han sido completados. establecer nuevas hipótesis, cuando éstas fueren claramente<br />

justificadas como tales. recomendaciones, cuando apropiadas, pue<strong>de</strong>n ser incluidas.<br />

8. Referencias<br />

Deben ser numeradas en el texto por números arábigos en sobrescrito (por ejemplo, la extensión <strong>de</strong> la supervivencia<br />

entre otros1), <strong>de</strong> manera consecutiva, <strong>de</strong> acuerdo con el or<strong>de</strong>n en que son mencionadas por la primera vez en el texto<br />

y sin mención <strong>de</strong> los autores. la misma regla se aplica a las tablas y leyendas. en el caso <strong>de</strong> la cita secuencial, separar<br />

los números por un guión (por ejemplo, 1-2), cuando intercalados, utilice una coma (por ejemplo: 1,3,7).<br />

las referencias no pue<strong>de</strong>n exce<strong>de</strong>r el número <strong>de</strong> 25.<br />

las referencias no <strong>de</strong>ben ser incluidas en el resumen. sólo <strong>de</strong>ben constar referencias pertinentes y que <strong>de</strong> hecho<br />

hagan sido usadas en el estudio.<br />

las referencias <strong>de</strong>ben ser verificadas en los documentos originales. en caso <strong>de</strong> ser una cita <strong>de</strong> una referencia<br />

mencionada por otro autor, <strong>de</strong>be utilizarse el término "apud".<br />

la exactitud <strong>de</strong> las referencias es responsabilidad <strong>de</strong> los autores.<br />

las siguientes directrices tienen el objetivo <strong>de</strong> llevar a los autores ejemplos <strong>de</strong> referencias presentadas en sus trabajos<br />

para informar su estandarización. se basan en los requisitos <strong>de</strong> uniformidad para Manuscritos enviados a revistas<br />

Biomédicas: escribir y editar para Publicaciones Biomédicas, estilo Vancouver, formuladas por el iCMJe. serán<br />

presentadas las ocurrencias más comunes <strong>de</strong> referencias por tipos <strong>de</strong> material referenciado. algunas observaciones<br />

listadas abajo resultan <strong>de</strong> ocurrencias en artículos <strong>de</strong> periódicos enviados para publicación.<br />

Para estandarizar los títulos <strong>de</strong> los periódicos en las referencias, se utiliza como una guía locatorPlus ; fuente <strong>de</strong><br />

consulta <strong>de</strong> la national library of Medicine [Biblioteca nacional <strong>de</strong> Medicina], que dispone, en la opción Journal<br />

title [título <strong>de</strong> Periódico], el título y/o la abreviatura utilizada. en algunas fuentes, el título ya es estandarizado<br />

(PubMed, lilacs y Medline). Caso no sea usada la forma estándar preferida, informar por extenso evitando utilizar<br />

una abreviatura no estandarizada que dificulte su i<strong>de</strong>ntificación.<br />

Para la indicación <strong>de</strong> autoría, se incluyen los nombres en la or<strong>de</strong>n en que aparecen en la publicación hasta seis<br />

autores, comenzando por el apellido seguido <strong>de</strong> todas las iniciales <strong>de</strong> los nombres separando cada autor por coma (1). si<br />

la publicación presenta más <strong>de</strong> seis autores, los seis primeros son citados; se usa coma seguida <strong>de</strong> la expresión et al. (2). si<br />

el apellido <strong>de</strong>l autor incluye grado <strong>de</strong> parentesco – filho, sobrinho, Júnior, neto [comunes en portugués] – éste <strong>de</strong>be ser<br />

subsecuente al último apellido: João dos santos <strong>de</strong> almeida filho - almeida filho Js, José rodrigues Junior - rodrigues<br />

Junior J.<br />

Para estandarizar los títulos <strong>de</strong> los trabajos, se utilizan letras minúsculas en todo el período, excepto la primera<br />

palabra que comienza, siempre, con mayúscula. rompen la regla nombres propios: nombres <strong>de</strong> personas, nombres<br />

<strong>de</strong> las ciencias o disciplinas, instituciones <strong>de</strong> enseñanza, países, ciuda<strong>de</strong>s o similares, y nombres <strong>de</strong> estabelecimientos<br />

públicos o privados.<br />


1. Artículo con hasta seis autores<br />

Kakuda Jt, stuntz M, trivedi V, Klein sr, Vargas hi. objective assessment of axillary morbidity in breast cancer<br />

treatment. am surg 1999; 65: 995-8. n.: utilizar 995-8, no utilizar 995-998.<br />

2. Artículo con más <strong>de</strong> seis autores<br />

zheng h, takahashi h, Murai y, Cui z, nomoto K, Miwa s, et al. Pathobiological characteristics of intestinal<br />

and diffuse-type gastric carcinoma in Japan: an immunostaining study on the tissue microarray. J Clin Pathol<br />

2007 Mar;60(3):273-7.<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459<br />


3. Artículo cuyo autor es una Institución<br />

utilizar el nombre <strong>de</strong> la institución indicando entre paréntesis el país, cuando es una institución pública (a) si es<br />

una institución privada, se utiliza sólo el nombre <strong>de</strong> la institución. observar la jerarquía (b) a la que la institución<br />

está sujeta a su perfecta i<strong>de</strong>ntificación (no se utilizar directamente: secretaria <strong>de</strong> salud. ¿De dón<strong>de</strong>?).<br />

4. Artículo con autoría <strong>de</strong> múltiples organizaciones<br />

se incluyen todas. (a) instituto nacional <strong>de</strong>l Cáncer (Brasil). encontro internacional sobre rastreamento <strong>de</strong> <strong>Câncer</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> Mama. revista brasileira <strong>de</strong> cancerologia 2009 abr.-jun.; 2 (55): 99-113. (b) Brasil. Ministerio <strong>de</strong> sanidad.<br />

secretaria <strong>de</strong> salud. Departamento <strong>de</strong> atención Primaria. Coordinación nacional <strong>de</strong> salud Bucal. Projeto sB<br />

Brasil 2003: condições <strong>de</strong> saú<strong>de</strong> bucal da população brasileira 2002-2003: resultados principais. Brasília, 2004b.<br />

[accedido en abril 2004]. Disponible en: <br />

5. Autor indicando parentesco en su nombre<br />

Mattes rD, Curram Jr WJ, alavi J, Powlis W, Whittington r. Clinical implications of learned food aversions in<br />

patients with cancer treated with chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Cancer 1992; 70 (1): 192-200.<br />

6. Artículo sin indicación <strong>de</strong> autoría<br />

Pelvic floor exercise can reduce stress incontinence. health news 2005 apr;11(4):11.<br />

7. Artículo con indicación <strong>de</strong> su tipo (revisión, resumen, editorial)<br />

facchini luiz augusto. aBrasCo 30 anos: ciência, educação e prática com compromisso social. [editorial]<br />

suplemento <strong>de</strong> salud Pública [periódico en internet]. 2010 ene [citado el 23 <strong>de</strong> agosto 2010]; 26 (1): 4-4.<br />

Disponible en: .<br />

8. Artículo publicado en un suplemento <strong>de</strong> un periódico<br />

nascimento af, Galvanese atC. avaliação da estrutura dos centros <strong>de</strong> atenção psicossocial do município <strong>de</strong> são<br />

Paulo, sP. rev sau<strong>de</strong> Publica 2009; 43 suppl.1: 8-15.<br />

9. Artículo publicado en la parte <strong>de</strong> un número<br />

fukuzawa M, oguchi s, saida t. Kaposi's varicelliform eruption of an el<strong>de</strong>rly patient with multiple myeloma. J<br />

am acad Dermatol. 2000 May;42(5 Pt 2):921-2.<br />

10. Artículo publicado sin indicación <strong>de</strong> volumen o número <strong>de</strong>l fascículo<br />

schwartz-Cassell t. feeding assistants: based on logic or way off base? Contemp longterm Care. 2005 Jan:26-8.<br />

11. Artículo publicado con la paginación indicada en números romanos<br />

nagpal s. an orphan meets family members in skin. J invest Dermatol. 2003;120(2):viii-x.<br />

12. Artículo que contiene retracción o erratas publicadas, la referencia <strong>de</strong>be contener la indicación <strong>de</strong> su<br />

publicación<br />

Mokdad ah, Marks Js, stroup Df, Gerberding Jl. Correction: actual causes of <strong>de</strong>ath in the united states, 2000.<br />

JaMa. 2005 Jan 19;293(3):293-4. errata para: JaMa. 2004 Mar 10;291(10):1238-45.<br />

13. Artículo con la publicación electrónica anterior a la versión impresa<br />

Bicalho PG, hallal PC, Gazzinelli a, Knuth aG, Velásquez-Melén<strong>de</strong>z G. ativida<strong>de</strong> física e fatores associados em<br />

adultos <strong>de</strong> área rural em Minas Gerais, Brasil. rev sau<strong>de</strong> Publica [accedido el 23 <strong>de</strong> agosto 2010]. Disponible en:<br />

Publicado<br />

2010. epub 30-Jul-2010. doi: 10.1590/s0034-89102010005000023.<br />

14. Artículo proveído <strong>de</strong> DOI<br />

Cal<strong>de</strong>ira aP, fagun<strong>de</strong>s GC, aguiar Gn <strong>de</strong>. intervenção educacional em equipes do Programa <strong>de</strong> saú<strong>de</strong> da<br />

família para promoção da amamentação. rev saú<strong>de</strong> Pública 2008;42(6):1027-1233. doi: 10.1590/s0034-<br />

89102008005000057.<br />

15. Artículo en la prensa<br />

Barroso t, Men<strong>de</strong>s a, Barbosa a. analysis of the alcohol consumption phenomenon among adolescents: study<br />

carried out with adolescents in intermediate public education. rev latino-am enfermagem. en prensa 2009.<br />


16. Libro<br />

hoppenfeld s. Propedêutica ortopédica: coluna e extremida<strong>de</strong>s. rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro: atheneu; 1993. 294 p.<br />

456 Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459

17. Libro con indicación <strong>de</strong> editor, organizador, coordinador<br />

Ba<strong>de</strong>r MK, littlejohns lr, editors. aann core curriculum for neuroscience nursing. 4th. ed. st. louis (Mo):<br />

saun<strong>de</strong>rs; c2004. 1038 p.<br />

18. Libro editado por una Institución<br />

World Cancer research fund (usa). food, nutrition, physical activity and prevention of cancer: a global<br />

perspective. Washington (DC): american institute for Cancer research; 2007.<br />

19. Cuando el autor <strong>de</strong>l capítulo es el autor <strong>de</strong>l libro, referencia <strong>de</strong> capítulo <strong>de</strong> libro<br />

ferreira sa. nervos proximais do membro superior. in: ____. lesões nervosas periféricas diagnóstico e tratamento.<br />

são Paulo: santos; 2001. p. 35-48.<br />

20. Artículo sin indicación <strong>de</strong> autoría<br />

hiV/aiDs resources: a nationwi<strong>de</strong> directory. 10th. ed. longmont (Co): Gui<strong>de</strong>s for living; c2004. 792 p.<br />

21. Actas <strong>de</strong> conferencias<br />

harn<strong>de</strong>n P, Joffe JK, Jones WG, editors. Germ cell tumours V. Proceedings of the 5th Germ Cell tumour Conference;<br />

2001 sep 13-15; leeds, uK. new york: springer; 2002.<br />

22. Trabajo presentado en las conferencias<br />

Christensen s, oppacher f. an analysis of Koza's computational effort statistic for genetic programming. in: foster<br />

Ja, lutton e, Miller J, ryan C, tettamanzi aG, editors. Genetic programming. euroGP 2002: Proceedings of<br />

the 5th european Conference on Genetic Programming; 2002 apr 3-5; Kinsdale, ireland. Berlin: springer; 2002.<br />

p. 182-91.<br />

23. Legislación<br />

Dispone sobre la regulación <strong>de</strong> la Práctica <strong>de</strong> enfermería. ley n º 7.498, 25 <strong>de</strong> junio <strong>de</strong> 1986. Diário oficial <strong>de</strong><br />

la unión. sección i, págs. 9.273-9.275 (26 <strong>de</strong> junio <strong>de</strong> 1986). 1986.<br />

24. Tesis y disertaciones<br />

Ver<strong>de</strong> sMMl. impacto do tratamento quimioterápico no estado nutricional e no comportamento alimentar <strong>de</strong><br />

pacientes com neoplasia mamária e suas consequências na qualida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> vida [disertación doctoral]. são Paulo:<br />

universidad <strong>de</strong> são Paulo; 2007.<br />

9. Tablas<br />

las tablas <strong>de</strong>ben presentarse en hojas separadas. no enviar las tablas en formato <strong>de</strong> imagen, para permitir su edición.<br />

numerar las tablas consecutivamente <strong>de</strong> acuerdo con la primera cita en el texto y asignar un título breve para cada<br />

una. Definir para cada columna una cabecera abreviada o corta. Colocar las explicaciones en notas a pie <strong>de</strong> página, no<br />

en la cabecera. explicar, en todas las notas a pie <strong>de</strong> página, todas las abreviaturas no estandarizadas utilizadas en cada<br />

tabla. Para las notas a pie <strong>de</strong> página, utilice los números romanos.<br />

i<strong>de</strong>ntificar las medidas estadísticas <strong>de</strong> variaciones, tales como: <strong>de</strong>sviación estándar y error estándar.<br />

no utilizar líneas internas, horizontales o verticales.<br />

Constatar que cada tabla esté citada en el texto por su número y no por cómo es citada: la siguiente tabla, la tabla<br />

<strong>de</strong> abajo.<br />

si se utilizan datos <strong>de</strong> otra fuente, publicada o no, obtener la autorización y agra<strong>de</strong>cer por extenso.<br />

el uso <strong>de</strong> tablas gran<strong>de</strong>s o en exceso, en relación con el texto pue<strong>de</strong> ocasionar dificulta<strong>de</strong>s en la forma <strong>de</strong> presentación<br />

<strong>de</strong> las páginas.<br />

10. Ilustracines<br />

enviar el número requerido <strong>de</strong> ilustraciones o “figuras”. no son aceptables los diseños a mano alzada o subtítulos<br />

mecanografiados. las fotos <strong>de</strong>ben ser escaneadas en blanco y negro, generalmente <strong>de</strong> 12 x 17 cm, no más gran<strong>de</strong><br />

que 20 x 25 cm, películas <strong>de</strong> rayo-X u otros materiales. las letras, los números y los símbolos <strong>de</strong>ben ser claros y lo<br />

suficientemente gran<strong>de</strong>s, para que cuando fueren reducidos para su publicación, todavía sean legibles. Colocar los<br />

títulos y explicaciones <strong>de</strong>bajo <strong>de</strong> los subtítulos y no en las propias ilustraciones.<br />

si se usan fotografías <strong>de</strong> personas, los sujetos no <strong>de</strong>ben ser i<strong>de</strong>ntificables o sus fotografías <strong>de</strong>ben estar acompañadas<br />

por consentimiento escrito para publicación.<br />

las figuras <strong>de</strong>ben ser numeradas <strong>de</strong> acuerdo con la or<strong>de</strong>n en que fueron citadas en el texto. si una figura ya fue<br />

publicada, agra<strong>de</strong>cer la fuente original y enviar la autorización escrita <strong>de</strong>l titular <strong>de</strong> los <strong>de</strong>rechos <strong>de</strong> autor para reproducir<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459<br />


el material. la autorización es requerida, sea <strong>de</strong>l autor o <strong>de</strong> la compañía editora, con la excepción <strong>de</strong> los documentos<br />

<strong>de</strong> dominio público.<br />

rBC es una publicación en blanco y negro y, así, todas las ilustraciones serán reproducidas en blanco y negro.<br />

las ilustraciones <strong>de</strong>ben ser proveídas en la siguiente manera:<br />

• Archivo digital en formato .TIFF, .JPG, .EPS, con una resolución mínima <strong>de</strong>:<br />

300 dpi para fotografías comunes<br />

600 dpi para fotografías que contienen líneas finas, setas, subtítulos etc.<br />

1.200 dpi para diseños y gráficos<br />

11. Nomenclatura<br />

Debe ser observada estrictamente la estandarización <strong>de</strong> nomenclatura biomédica, así como abreviaturas y<br />

convenciones adoptadas por las disciplinas especializadas.<br />

los textos originales en portugués <strong>de</strong>ben estar conforme el acuerdo ortográfico, <strong>de</strong> 1 <strong>de</strong> enero <strong>de</strong> 2009.<br />

resUmen De Los reQUisiTos Técnicos pArA LA presenTAción De mAnUscriTos<br />

antes <strong>de</strong> enviar su manuscrito por correo electrónico a rbc@inca.gov.br, asegúrese <strong>de</strong> que las “instruções para autores”<br />

[instrucciones para los autores], disponible en www.inca.gov.br/rbc han sido seguidas y verifique el cumplimiento <strong>de</strong><br />

los ítems listados a continuación:<br />

• Enviar el archivo completo <strong>de</strong>l manuscrito en Microsoft Word 6.0 o 7.0.<br />

• Utilizar doble espacio en todas las partes <strong>de</strong>l documento.<br />

• Comenzar cada sección o componente en una página nueva.<br />

• Revisar la secuencia: portada - título en portugués, inglés y español; título abreviado; autoría; resumo y palabras-chave,<br />

abstract y key words, resumen y palabras clave; agra<strong>de</strong>cimientos; <strong>de</strong>claración <strong>de</strong> conflicto <strong>de</strong> interese; <strong>de</strong>claración <strong>de</strong><br />

subvención; texto; referencias; tablas, cuadros, figuras con subtítulos (cada una en páginas separadas).<br />

• De tres a seis palavras-chave y sus respectivas key words y palabras clave.<br />

• Referencias: Numeradas, en sobrescrito, por or<strong>de</strong>n <strong>de</strong> aparición en el texto, correctamente escrito y que no exceda<br />

el número <strong>de</strong> 25. Verificar si todos los trabajos citados están en la lista <strong>de</strong> referencias y si todos los listados son<br />

citados en el texto.<br />

• Presentar ilustraciones, fotografías o dibujos separados, sin (20 x 25 cm máximo).<br />

• Incluir la carta <strong>de</strong> presentación disponible en la sección “Instruções para Autores” [Instrucciones a los autores]. Si<br />

el manuscrito tiene más <strong>de</strong> un autor, cada uno <strong>de</strong>be llenar y firmar la carta y el autor responsable por el envío <strong>de</strong>be<br />

encaminarla en formato digital .JPG junto con el archivo <strong>de</strong>l manuscrito a rbc@inca.gov.br.<br />

• Incluir los permisos para reproducir material previamente publicado o para usar ilustraciones que puedan i<strong>de</strong>ntificar<br />

a los individuos.<br />

• Incluir la autorización escrita <strong>de</strong> las personas referidas en los agra<strong>de</strong>cimientos, cuando aplicable.<br />

• Incluir documento evi<strong>de</strong>nciando la aprobación <strong>de</strong>l trabajo por el CEIC o, cuando aplicable.<br />

458 Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459

Carta <strong>de</strong> presentación a la Revista Brasileña <strong>de</strong> Oncología<br />

Por favor, rellene y envíe este formulario junto con el texto original a: rbc@inca.gov.br. si el manuscrito tiene<br />

más <strong>de</strong> un autor, cada uno <strong>de</strong>be rellenar, firmar y encaminar esta carta para el autor responsable por el envío, para<br />

transformarla en formato digital .JPG y encaminar a rBC en anexo, junto con el manuscrito.<br />

Título <strong>de</strong>l manuscrito _____________________________________________________________________<br />

______________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Clasificación <strong>de</strong>l manuscrito:<br />

( ) artículo original<br />

( ) revisión sistemática <strong>de</strong> la literatura<br />

( ) reporte <strong>de</strong> Caso / serie <strong>de</strong> Casos<br />

( ) artículo <strong>de</strong> opinión<br />

( ) reseña<br />

( ) resumen<br />

( ) Carta al editor<br />

Cada autor <strong>de</strong>be indicar sus contribuciones, anotando con la letra X los campos abajo:<br />

1. el autor ha contribuido:<br />

( ) en el diseño y la planificación <strong>de</strong>l proyecto <strong>de</strong> investigación<br />

( ) en la obtención y/o análisis e interpretación <strong>de</strong> datos<br />

( ) en la composición y revisión crítica<br />

2. Conflicto <strong>de</strong> interés:<br />

( ) el autor no tiene conflictos <strong>de</strong> interés, incluyendo los intereses financieros específicos y relaciones y afiliaciones<br />

relevantes con el tema o los materiales tratados en el manuscrito.<br />

( ) el autor confirma que todas las financiaciones, otros tipos <strong>de</strong> apoyos financieros y apoyo material/humano para<br />

esta investigación y/o el trabajo se i<strong>de</strong>ntifican claramente en el manuscrito enviado para la evaluación <strong>de</strong>l "Consejo<br />

<strong>de</strong> editorial <strong>de</strong> la rBC".<br />

3. agra<strong>de</strong>cimientos:<br />

( ) el autor confirma que las personas que han contribuido sustancialmente al trabajo <strong>de</strong>sarrollado en este texto,<br />

pero que no cumplen con los criterios <strong>de</strong> autoría, han sido mencionados en la sección "agra<strong>de</strong>cimientos" <strong>de</strong>l manuscrito<br />

que contiene la <strong>de</strong>scripción <strong>de</strong> sus contribuciones específicas.<br />

( ) el autor confirma que todos los que son mencionados en los "agra<strong>de</strong>cimientos" han dado su autorización por<br />

escrito para ser incluidos en esta sección.<br />

( ) el autor confirma que si los "agra<strong>de</strong>cimientos" no fueron incluidos en el texto enviado, fue porque<br />

no hubo una contribución sustancial <strong>de</strong> otros al manuscrito a<strong>de</strong>más <strong>de</strong> los autores.<br />

4. transferencia <strong>de</strong> Derechos <strong>de</strong> autor / Publicación<br />

yo <strong>de</strong>claro que si el manuscrito es aceptado para su publicación, estoy <strong>de</strong> acuerdo que los <strong>de</strong>rechos <strong>de</strong> autor serán<br />

propiedad <strong>de</strong> rBC, siendo prohibida su reproducción, incluso parcial, en otros periódicos, impresos o electrónicos,<br />

así como su traducción para la publicación en otros idiomas, sin su previa autorización y que, en caso <strong>de</strong> obtención<br />

<strong>de</strong> ésta, haré constar el <strong>de</strong>bido agra<strong>de</strong>cimiento a la revista.<br />

autor ___________________________________ firma ____________________________________<br />

fecha ___________________________________ e-mail ____________________________________<br />

Brazilian Journal of Cancerology 2011; 57(3): 431-459<br />


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