GRAEME SMITH CONSULTING Hydroponic Consultancy Services ...

GRAEME SMITH CONSULTING Hydroponic Consultancy Services ...

GRAEME SMITH CONSULTING Hydroponic Consultancy Services ...


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Budget<br />

Macedon Ranges Travel Service<br />

Air Travel & Insurance $29,421<br />

Practical Training Centre +<br />

Specialist Course Fees $28,131<br />

Hotels (x 4)<br />

Accommodation $16,771<br />

Hertz<br />

2 x Ford Transit Vans $6,025<br />

Fuel Stations<br />

Hire Car Fuel $700<br />

Australian Geographic<br />

Thank you Gifts (European growers) $324<br />

Villa Brutus<br />

Celebratory Dinner (end tour) $400<br />

British Airways<br />

Excess Baggage (books, notes, etc) $523<br />

Hortifair<br />

Expo Entry Fees $686<br />

Misc Fees<br />

Train $29<br />

Internet Access $36<br />

Study Tour CD’s $46<br />

International Phone $568<br />

Drivers (tour chauffeurs) $500<br />

Bank Processing & Foreign Exchange $574<br />

Total Tour Costs $84,734<br />

© Graeme Smith Consulting Page 23 of 26 June 2006

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