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Semiparametric transformation models 167<br />

The first pair of equations for Ψ0 and Ψ2 in part (i) follows by setting g1(s, t) =<br />

1 = g3(s, t). With s fixed, the equations<br />

�<br />

¯h1(s, t)− ¯h1(s, u+)b(du)c1((u, t)) = ¯g1(s, t),<br />

have solutions<br />

�<br />

¯h3(s, t)−<br />

[s,t)<br />

(s,t]<br />

�<br />

¯h1(s, t) = ¯g1(s, t) +<br />

�<br />

¯h3(s, t) = ¯g3(s, t) +<br />

¯h3(s, u−)c(du)b3([u, t]) = ¯g3(s, t),<br />

[s,t)<br />

(s,t]<br />

¯g1(s, u+)b(du)Ψ1(u, t−),<br />

¯g3(s, u−)c(du)Ψ3(u, t+).<br />

The second pair of equations for Ψ0 and Ψ2 in part (i) follows by setting ¯g1(s, t)≡<br />

1 ≡ ¯g3(s, t). Next, the “odd” functions can be represented in terms of “even”<br />

functions using Fubini.<br />

9. Gronwall’s inequalities<br />

Following Gill and Johansen [18], recall that if b is a cadlag function of bounded<br />

variation,�b�v≤ r1 then the associated product integralP(s, t) =π(s,t] (1+b(du))<br />

satisfies the bound|P(s, t)|≤π(s,t] (1 +�b�v(dw))≤exp�b�v(s, t] uniformly in<br />

0 < s < t≤τ. Moreover, the functions s→P(s, t), s≤t≤τ and t→P(s, t), t∈<br />

(s, τ] are of bounded variation with variation norm bounded by r1er1 .<br />

The proofs use the following consequence of Gronwall’s inequalities in Beesack<br />

[3] and Gill and Johansen [18]. If b is a nonnegative measure and y∈ D([0, τ]) is a<br />

nonnegative function then for any x∈D([0, τ]) satisfying<br />

�<br />

0≤x(t)≤y(t) + x(u−)b(du), t∈[0, τ],<br />

we have<br />

�<br />

0≤x(t)≤y(t) +<br />

Pointwise in t,|x(t)| is bounded by<br />

max{�y�∞,�y − �<br />

�∞}[1 +<br />

(0,t]<br />

(0,t]<br />

(0,t]<br />

y(u−)b(du)P(u, t), t∈[0, τ].<br />

b(du)P(u, t)]≤{�y�∞,�y − � t<br />

�∞} exp[ b(du)].<br />

0<br />

We also have�e −b |x|�∞≤ max{�y�∞,�y − �∞}. Further, if 0�≡ y∈ D([0, τ]) and b<br />

is a function of bounded variation then the solution to the linear Volterra equation<br />

x(t) = y(t) +<br />

is unique and given by<br />

�<br />

x(t) = y(t) +<br />

(0,t]<br />

� t<br />

0<br />

x(u−)b(du)<br />

y(u−)b(du)P(u, t).

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