Rudarski radovi br 4 2011 - Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor

Rudarski radovi br 4 2011 - Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor

Rudarski radovi br 4 2011 - Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor


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obtained from one excavated base in the<<strong>br</strong> />

excavation field, which is done by simultaneous<<strong>br</strong> />

operation of three sites. Such formed<<strong>br</strong> />

excavation sites make one pillar stope.<<strong>br</strong> />

Capacity of excavation the pillar stope<<strong>br</strong> />

with the technology of obtaining the DDB<<strong>br</strong> />

consists of the sum capacity of stope in progress<<strong>br</strong> />

(Phase I) and stope in drawing (with<<strong>br</strong> />

over stope obtaining - Phase II and III).<<strong>br</strong> />

Qv=qvn + qvp<<strong>br</strong> />

where:<<strong>br</strong> />

qvn - stope capacity in progress,<<strong>br</strong> />

qvp – stope capacity in drawing.<<strong>br</strong> />

Stope capacity in progress is:<<strong>br</strong> />

qvn = Fn x γ x n1<<strong>br</strong> />

where:<<strong>br</strong> />

Fn = 8.52 m 2 – stope profile in progress<<strong>br</strong> />

γ = 1.30 – bulk density of coal<<strong>br</strong> />

n1 = stope progress in a shift (m/shift)<<strong>br</strong> />

Values Fn and γ are constant, until<<strong>br</strong> />

value n1 is variable and mainly depends on<<strong>br</strong> />

work organi<strong>za</strong>tion and used mechani<strong>za</strong>tion.<<strong>br</strong> />

Stope capacity in drawing is calculated<<strong>br</strong> />

by the expression:<<strong>br</strong> />

qvp = Fp x γ x ζ x n2, (t/shift)<<strong>br</strong> />

where:<<strong>br</strong> />

Fp – stope cross section in drawing (m 2 )<<strong>br</strong> />

γ – bulk density of coal (1.30)<<strong>br</strong> />

ζ – utili<strong>za</strong>tion coefficient<<strong>br</strong> />

n2 – rate of stope drawing (m/shift)<<strong>br</strong> />

Fp = (S x d) - Fn<<strong>br</strong> />

Cross section area is determined by<<strong>br</strong> />

slope width S (8.5 m 2 ), coal seam thickness<<strong>br</strong> />

d less the stope profile in progress<<strong>br</strong> />

(8.5 m 2 )<<strong>br</strong> />

Fp = 8.5 d – 8.5<<strong>br</strong> />

Utili<strong>za</strong>tion coefficient is adopted as a<<strong>br</strong> />

value γ = 0.70 %, obtained based on statistical<<strong>br</strong> />

analysis of experienced data.<<strong>br</strong> />

Total available working time per shift<<strong>br</strong> />

is different from mine to mine, and for the<<strong>br</strong> />

needs of calculation the duration time of<<strong>br</strong> />

individual work operations, the following<<strong>br</strong> />

average values were adopted:<<strong>br</strong> />

- working time in a pit.............. 450 min<<strong>br</strong> />

- coming to a site ...................... 30 min<<strong>br</strong> />

- <strong>br</strong>eak during shift ................... 30 min<<strong>br</strong> />

- departure from site ................. 30 min<<strong>br</strong> />

- effective working time per shift... 360 min<<strong>br</strong> />

Time of coal production cycle depends<<strong>br</strong> />

on time of some working operations:<<strong>br</strong> />

T = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 + t5 + t6, (min)<<strong>br</strong> />

where:<<strong>br</strong> />

t1 – time of preparation works (min)<<strong>br</strong> />

t2 – time for making the blast holes<<strong>br</strong> />

(min)<<strong>br</strong> />

t3 – time for charging and ignition the<<strong>br</strong> />

blast holes (min)<<strong>br</strong> />

t4 – time for loading and transport of<<strong>br</strong> />

coal<<strong>br</strong> />

t5 – time for support or stope ensuring<<strong>br</strong> />

(min)<<strong>br</strong> />

t6 – time for reali<strong>za</strong>tion the ancillary<<strong>br</strong> />

working operations (min)<<strong>br</strong> />

Times t1, t5 and t6 for all seam thicknesses<<strong>br</strong> />

have the same values, until the<<strong>br</strong> />

times t2, t3 and t4 are directly dependent on<<strong>br</strong> />

a seam thickness that is excavated.<<strong>br</strong> />

Based on time analysis of working operations<<strong>br</strong> />

(t2, t3 and t4) and change of seam<<strong>br</strong> />

thickness (d= 3 – 10 m), a curve of progress<<strong>br</strong> />

rate change – stope drawing, was<<strong>br</strong> />

formed.<<strong>br</strong> />

b<<strong>br</strong> />

(m/shift),<<strong>br</strong> />

n2 = a + d<<strong>br</strong> />

where:<<strong>br</strong> />

a = 0,62 and b = 1.75, a coefficient obtained<<strong>br</strong> />

by analysis the time of reali<strong>za</strong>tion<<strong>br</strong> />

of some working operations.<<strong>br</strong> />

No 4, <strong>2011</strong>. 76<<strong>br</strong> />


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