Rudarski radovi br 4 2011 - Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor

Rudarski radovi br 4 2011 - Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor

Rudarski radovi br 4 2011 - Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor


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literature data, semi-detailed poludetaljna<<strong>br</strong> />

geophysical investigations were carries out<<strong>br</strong> />

(using the gravimetric method), during<<strong>br</strong> />

1969 (Department for Geological and<<strong>br</strong> />

Geophysical Studies, Belgrade). There are<<strong>br</strong> />

no data on the extent and density of these<<strong>br</strong> />

investigations.<<strong>br</strong> />


OF WIDER SURROUNDINGS OF<<strong>br</strong> />

THE CLAY DEPOSIT DUŠANOVAC<<strong>br</strong> />

Terrain of wider surroundings of the<<strong>br</strong> />

clay deposit Dušanovac, is situated on the<<strong>br</strong> />

leaf Negotin BMG [5], scale 1:100,000<<strong>br</strong> />

(Figure 2). The oldest sediments in this<<strong>br</strong> />

area are the Tithonian – Valanginian limestones<<strong>br</strong> />

near Mokranje and Rajac, which lie<<strong>br</strong> />

across the Senonian. They represent the<<strong>br</strong> />

allochthonous formations, taken from the<<strong>br</strong> />

west on the Mokranje cover. The Senonian<<strong>br</strong> />

sediments are developed in the flysch facies.<<strong>br</strong> />

He Senonian sediments are sandstones,<<strong>br</strong> />

shales and conglomerates. Their<<strong>br</strong> />

floor has not been established, until the<<strong>br</strong> />

Miocene strata are roof. In superposition<<strong>br</strong> />

terms, there are three parts:<<strong>br</strong> />

►lower, with replacement of sandstones<<strong>br</strong> />

and shales, and poorly<<strong>br</strong> />

marked traces of lamination;<<strong>br</strong> />

►intermediate, with observed alternation<<strong>br</strong> />

in sandstone, conglomerates<<strong>br</strong> />

and shales; and<<strong>br</strong> />

►upper, with sequences sandstoneshales,<<strong>br</strong> />

very rich with lamination<<strong>br</strong> />

and other texture forms. The Senonian<<strong>br</strong> />

flysch basin was probably the<<strong>br</strong> />

north-south direction, while the paleotransport<<strong>br</strong> />

of material came from<<strong>br</strong> />

the southeast, in the field of Moesian<<strong>br</strong> />

platform. The sediments generally<<strong>br</strong> />

fall in the west-southwest direction.<<strong>br</strong> />

The Neogene sediments [5] have a<<strong>br</strong> />

great extent. Based on rich fossil of molluscs<<strong>br</strong> />

and microfauna, the Neogene complex<<strong>br</strong> />

is divided into Thornton, Sarmatian,<<strong>br</strong> />

and Meothian and Pontian. The oldest<<strong>br</strong> />

Quaternary sediments are represented by<<strong>br</strong> />

lake gravels and sands with Elephas<<strong>br</strong> />

medridionalis. They lie in the form of isolated<<strong>br</strong> />

erosion patches, unconformably over<<strong>br</strong> />

the Sarmatian and Senonian. These creations<<strong>br</strong> />

are the products of a lake phase, during<<strong>br</strong> />

the Lower Pleistocene. Younger Quaternary<<strong>br</strong> />

formations are represented by the<<strong>br</strong> />

river- lake sediments.<<strong>br</strong> />

The Danube cut into older sediments<<strong>br</strong> />

four cterraces, which are made of gravel,<<strong>br</strong> />

loam and sand dust. Terrace gravels build<<strong>br</strong> />

up lower parts of profile, while loam and<<strong>br</strong> />

sand dusts, sometimes loess habit lie<<strong>br</strong> />

above the gravel. Such grain-size ratio<<strong>br</strong> />

points the creation of facies in the conditions<<strong>br</strong> />

of various dynamic phases of the<<strong>br</strong> />

Danube, with each individual cycle.<<strong>br</strong> />

No 4,<strong>2011</strong>. 21<<strong>br</strong> />


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