Rudarski radovi br 4 2011 - Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor

Rudarski radovi br 4 2011 - Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor

Rudarski radovi br 4 2011 - Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor


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- Study the conditions of smelter slag<<strong>br</strong> />

granulation in order to obtain as much<<strong>br</strong> />

as possible finer granules through the<<strong>br</strong> />

variation of geometrical-structural,<<strong>br</strong> />

technological and operational parameters<<strong>br</strong> />

of laboratory granulator of<<strong>br</strong> />

smelter slag.<<strong>br</strong> />

As the second:<<strong>br</strong> />

- Creating the large quantities of various<<strong>br</strong> />

types of granulated slag for technological<<strong>br</strong> />

testing the flotation concentration<<strong>br</strong> />

of useful components.<<strong>br</strong> />

And final:<<strong>br</strong> />

- Designing the new or changed technological<<strong>br</strong> />

process of flotation concentration<<strong>br</strong> />

the useful components and energy<<strong>br</strong> />

and technology more efficient.<<strong>br</strong> />

Also, this new laboratory device represents<<strong>br</strong> />

a model that will be used in addition<<strong>br</strong> />

to the above mentioned tests and for construction<<strong>br</strong> />

a larger semi-industrial or industrial<<strong>br</strong> />

granulator of smelter slag.<<strong>br</strong> />

5. CONCLUSION<<strong>br</strong> />

For the needs of improvement the results<<strong>br</strong> />

of flotation processing the smelting<<strong>br</strong> />

slag, a laboratory device was designed for<<strong>br</strong> />

granulation which will be used for obtaining<<strong>br</strong> />

larger amounts of granules, required<<strong>br</strong> />

for further technological studies, by simplest<<strong>br</strong> />

way in the laboratory. The new laboratory<<strong>br</strong> />

device is a model that will be used<<strong>br</strong> />

for construction of larger semi-industrial<<strong>br</strong> />

or industrial granulator of smelter slag. In<<strong>br</strong> />

this way, the flotation processing of<<strong>br</strong> />

smelter slag will be energy and technology<<strong>br</strong> />

more efficient.<<strong>br</strong> />

REFERENCES<<strong>br</strong> />

[1] Main Mining Desing of Slag<<strong>br</strong> />

Excavation from the Technigenic<<strong>br</strong> />

Deposit “Slag Depot 1”, verification of<<strong>br</strong> />

technological process of obtaining the<<strong>br</strong> />

concentrate and surpasing the flotation<<strong>br</strong> />

tailing dump “RTH” in <strong>Bor</strong> to K+378<<strong>br</strong> />

for annual production of 1,200,000 t of<<strong>br</strong> />

slag. MMI <strong>Bor</strong>, Archives of<<strong>br</strong> />

Department for Mining and Mineral<<strong>br</strong> />

Processing, October 2007 (in Serbian)<<strong>br</strong> />

[2] Srđana Magdalinović, Ph.D. Dragan<<strong>br</strong> />

Milanović, Branislav Čađenović, Vesna<<strong>br</strong> />

Marjanović: Technological Method for<<strong>br</strong> />

Slag Granulation for Size-range<<strong>br</strong> />

Reduction at the Inlet into the Flotation<<strong>br</strong> />

Process, Mining Engineering, 2/<strong>2011</strong><<strong>br</strong> />

No 4, <strong>2011</strong>. 104<<strong>br</strong> />


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