Rudarski radovi br 4 2011 - Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor

Rudarski radovi br 4 2011 - Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor

Rudarski radovi br 4 2011 - Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor


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further testing, the laboratory plant was<<strong>br</strong> />

designed for slag granulation which will<<strong>br</strong> />

give large quantities of granulated slag,<<strong>br</strong> />

needed for the experiments.<<strong>br</strong> />

3. DESCRIPTION OF GRANULATOR<<strong>br</strong> />

The constructed granulator is mobile,<<strong>br</strong> />

so it can handle a variety of laboratory<<strong>br</strong> />

smelting furnaces that have different functional<<strong>br</strong> />

purpose. Furnaces are located in the<<strong>br</strong> />

laboratory in the Mining and Metallurgy<<strong>br</strong> />

<strong>Bor</strong>. The construction of granulator allows<<strong>br</strong> />

rapidly cooling of slag by jets, which are<<strong>br</strong> />

located on the front side of tank, just behind<<strong>br</strong> />

the cylinder, with a submerged part<<strong>br</strong> />

in cooling water. A reception cage, with<<strong>br</strong> />

perforated bottom, is below a roller, which<<strong>br</strong> />

accepts the resulting granules and those,<<strong>br</strong> />

after discharge the total amount of slag<<strong>br</strong> />

from the furnace, is removed with a crane,<<strong>br</strong> />

and after filtering, stored in a cage for<<strong>br</strong> />

granulated slag.<<strong>br</strong> />

In figures 1 and 2, respectively, are<<strong>br</strong> />

given the visual 3D reviews of constructed<<strong>br</strong> />

granulator of smelter slag and one of the<<strong>br</strong> />

laboratory smelting furnaces, which, as<<strong>br</strong> />

already stated, are located in the laboratory<<strong>br</strong> />

for pyrometallurgy in the Mining and<<strong>br</strong> />

Metallurgy <strong>Institut</strong>e <strong>Bor</strong>.<<strong>br</strong> />

Laboratory granulator and furnace are<<strong>br</strong> />

compatible and work in conjunction when<<strong>br</strong> />

heated and molten slag is discharged directly<<strong>br</strong> />

into the laboratory granulator for<<strong>br</strong> />

rapid cooling. Then, the complex process<<strong>br</strong> />

of smelter slag hardening is carried out<<strong>br</strong> />

through its precrystali<strong>za</strong>tion and complex<<strong>br</strong> />

mineralogical transformation to a complete<<strong>br</strong> />

cooling of the same and formation<<strong>br</strong> />

the glassy fayalite structure with the remains<<strong>br</strong> />

of copper in some mineral or free -<<strong>br</strong> />

metal-elemental form in the total amount<<strong>br</strong> />

of about 1%.<<strong>br</strong> />

During the rapid cooling of slag, gases<<strong>br</strong> />

are released with water vapor, which accepts<<strong>br</strong> />

the hood where the condensation of<<strong>br</strong> />

water vapor is carried out, and the rest of<<strong>br</strong> />

gas with non-condensed water vapor is led<<strong>br</strong> />

into the system for waste gas treatment,<<strong>br</strong> />

which is so constructed to serve also the<<strong>br</strong> />

other laboratory smelting furnaces.<<strong>br</strong> />

Fig. 1. Visual 3D review of designed granulator for smelter slag<<strong>br</strong> />

No 4, <strong>2011</strong>. 101<<strong>br</strong> />


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