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language version - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

language version - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa


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2009 - 2014<br />

17.01.2011<br />












Понеделник - Lunes - Pondělí - Mandag - Montag - Esmaspäev - Δευτέρα<br />

Monday - Lundi - Dé Luain - Lunedì - Pirmdiena - Pirmadienis - Hétfő - It-Tnejn<br />

Maandag - Poniedziałek - Segunda-feira - Luni - Pondelok - Ponedeljek - Maanantai - Måndag<br />

Единство в многообразието - Unida en la diversidad - Jednotná v rozmanitosti - Forenet i mangfoldighed - In Vielfalt geeint - Ühinenud mitmekesisuses<br />

Eνωμένη στην πολυμορφία - United in diversity - Unie dans la diversité - Aontaithe san éagsúlacht - Unita nella diversità - Vienoti daudzveidībā<br />

Susivieniję įvairovėje - Egyesülve a sokféleségben - Magħquda fid-diversità - In verscheidenheid verenigd - Zjednoczona w różnorodności - Unida na diversidade<br />

Unită în diversitate - Zjednotení v rozmanitosti - Združena v raznolikosti - Moninaisuudessaan yhtenäinen - Förenade i mångfalden<br />

Неокончателно издание - Edición provisional - Prozatímní vydání - Foreløbig udgave - Vorläufige Ausgabe<br />

Esialgne versioon - Προσωρινή έκδοση - Provisional edition - Edition provisoire - Eagrán Sealadach - Edizione provvisoria<br />

Pagaidu versija - Negalutinė redakcija - Ideiglenes kiadás - Edizzjoni proviżorja - Voorlopige uitgave - Wydanie tymczasowe<br />

Edição provisória - Ediţie provizorie - Predbežné vydanie - Začasna razlicica č - Väliaikainen versio - Preliminär utgåva


1 - Възобновяване на заседанието ............................15<br />

2 - Одобряване на протокола от предишното<br />

заседание: вж протоколите..................................15<br />

3 - Декларация на председателството ......................15<br />

4 - Състав на комисиите и делегациите: вж.<br />

протокола .............................................................16<br />

5 - Изпращане на текстове на споразумения от<br />

Съвета: вж. протоколи ........................................16<br />

6 - Петиции: вж. протоколи......................................16<br />

7 - Действия, предприети вследствие позиции и<br />

резолюции на Парламента: вж. протоколи .......16<br />

8 - Въпроси за устен отговор и писмени декларации<br />

(внасяне): вж. протокола.....................................16<br />

9 - Ред на работа........................................................16<br />

10 - Внасяне на документи: вж. протоколи ............17<br />

11 - Декларация на председателя на Европейския<br />

парламент относно положението в Тунис.........17<br />

12 - Хармонизирани условия за пускането на пазара<br />

на строителните продукти (разискване)............22<br />

13 - Последиците в Европейския съюз от инцидента<br />

със заразените с диоксин фуражи (разискване) 28<br />

14 - Споразумение за партньорство между<br />

Европейския съюз и Република Камерун относно<br />

прилагането на законодателството в областта на<br />

горите - Споразумение между ЕС и<br />

Демократична република Конго относно<br />

прилагане на законодателството в областта на<br />

горите - Споразумения за доброволно<br />

партньорство (FLEGT) (разискване)..................38<br />

15 - Състав на Парламента: вж. протокола.............43<br />

16 - Споразумение за партньорство между<br />

Европейския съюз и Република Камерун относно<br />

прилагането на законодателството в областта на<br />

горите - Споразумение между ЕС и<br />

Демократична република Конго относно<br />

прилагане на законодателството в областта на<br />

горите - Споразумения за доброволно<br />

партньорство (FLEGT) (продължение на<br />

разискването).......................................................43<br />

17 - Междинно споразумение за партньорство между<br />

Европейската общност, от една страна, и<br />

държавите от Тихоокеанския басейн, от друга -<br />

Временно споразумение за партньорство между<br />

ЕО и държавите от Тихоокеанския басейн<br />

(разискване) .........................................................47<br />

18 - Международното осиновяване в Европейския<br />

съюз (разискване) ................................................54<br />

19 - Едноминутни изказвания (член 150 от<br />

Правилника за дейността) ..................................62<br />

20 - Европейски консенсус относно хуманитарната<br />

помощ (кратко представяне) ..............................68<br />

21 - Селското стопанство като сектор от<br />

стратегическо значение за продоволствената<br />

сигурност (кратко представяне).........................70<br />

22 - Дневен ред на следващото заседание: вж.<br />

протокола .............................................................76<br />

23 - Закриване на заседанието .................................76<br />


1 - Reanudación del período de sesiones .....................15<br />

2 - Aprobación del Acta de la sesión anterior: véase el<br />

Acta ........................................................................15<br />

3 - Declaración de la Presidencia.................................15<br />

4 - Composición de las comisiones y delegaciones:<br />

véase el Acta ......................................................... 16<br />

5 - Transmisión por el Consejo de textos de Acuerdos:<br />

véase el Acta ......................................................... 16<br />

6 - Peticiones: véase el Acta ....................................... 16<br />

7 - Curso dado a las posiciones y resoluciones del<br />

Parlamento: véase el Acta ..................................... 16<br />

8 - Preguntas orales y declaraciones por escrito<br />

(presentación): véase el Acta................................. 16<br />

9 - Orden de los trabajos ............................................. 16<br />

10 - Presentación de documentos: véase el Acta ........ 17<br />

11 - Declaración del Presidente del Parlamento Europeo<br />

sobre la situación en Túnez ................................... 17<br />

12 - Condiciones armonizadas para la comercialización<br />

de productos de construcción (debate) .................. 22<br />

13 - Consecuencias en la Unión Europea del caso de los<br />

piensos contaminados por dioxina (debate) .......... 28<br />

14 - Acuerdo UE-Camerún sobre las leyes forestales -<br />

Acuerdo UE-República del Congo sobre las leyes<br />

forestales - Acuerdos de Asociación Voluntaria<br />

FLEGT (debate) .................................................... 38<br />

15 - Composición del Parlamento: véase el Acta........ 43<br />

16 - Acuerdo UE-Camerún sobre las leyes forestales -<br />

Acuerdo UE-República del Congo sobre las leyes<br />

forestales - Acuerdos de Asociación Voluntaria<br />

FLEGT (continuación del debate)......................... 43<br />

17 - Acuerdo de Asociación Interino entre la CE y los<br />

Estados del Pacífico - Acuerdo de Asociación<br />

Interino entre la CE y los Estados del Pacífico<br />

(debate).................................................................. 47<br />

18 - Adopción internacional en la Unión Europea<br />

(debate).................................................................. 54<br />

19 - Intervenciones de un minuto (artículo 150 del<br />

Reglamento) .......................................................... 62<br />

20 - Consenso europeo sobre la ayuda humanitaria<br />

(breve presentación) .............................................. 68<br />

21 - La agricultura como sector estratégico en el<br />

contexto de la seguridad alimentaria (breve<br />

presentación) ......................................................... 70<br />

22 - Orden del día de la próxima sesión : véase el Acta<br />

............................................................................... 76<br />

23 - Cierre de la sesión ............................................... 76

4 17-01-2011<br />

CS OBSAH<br />

1 - Pokračování zasedání .............................................15<br />

2 - Schválení zápisu z předchozího denního zasedání: viz<br />

zápis........................................................................15<br />

3 - Prohlášení předsednictví.........................................15<br />

4 - Členství ve výborech a delegacích: viz zápis ........16<br />

5 - Texty dohod dodané Radou: viz zápis...................16<br />

6 - Petice: viz zápis ..................................................... 16<br />

7 - Další kroky na základě postojů a usnesení<br />

Parlamentu: viz zápis ............................................16<br />

8 - Otázky k ústnímu zodpovězení a písemná prohlášení<br />

(předložení): viz zápis ........................................... 16<br />

9 - Plán práce ..............................................................16<br />

10 - Předložení dokumentů: viz zápis ......................... 17<br />

11 - Prohlášení předsedy Evropského parlamentu k<br />

situaci v Tunisku ...................................................17<br />

12 - Harmonizované podmínky pro uvádění stavebních<br />

produktů na trh (rozprava).....................................22<br />

13 - Důsledky incidentu s krmivem kontaminovaným<br />

dioxinem pro Evropskou unii (rozprava)...............28<br />

14 - Dohoda EU-Kamerun o právu v oblasti lesnictví -<br />

Dohoda EU-Konžská republika o právu v oblasti<br />

lesnictví - Dobrovolné dohody o partnerství v rámci<br />

FLEGT (rozprava).................................................38<br />

15 - Složení Parlamentu: viz zápis..............................43<br />

16 - Dohoda EU-Kamerun o právu v oblasti lesnictví -<br />

Dohoda EU-Konžská republika o právu v oblasti<br />

lesnictví - Dobrovolné dohody o partnerství v rámci<br />

FLEGT (pokračování rozpravy)............................43<br />

17 - Prozatímní dohoda o partnerství mezi ES a<br />

tichomořskými státy - Prozatímní dohoda o<br />

partnerství mezi ES a tichomořskými státy (rozprava)<br />

...............................................................................47<br />

18 - Mezinárodní adopce v Evropské unii (rozprava).54<br />

19 - Jednominutové projevy (článek 150 jednacího řádu)<br />

...............................................................................62<br />

20 - Provádění Evropského konsensu o humanitární<br />

pomoci (krátké přednesení) ...................................68<br />

21 - Zemědělství jako strategického odvětví v souvislosti<br />

se zajišťováním potravin (krátké přednesení)........70<br />

22 - Pořad jednání příštího zasedání: viz zápis ........... 76<br />

23 - Ukončení zasedání...............................................76<br />


1 - Genoptagelse af sessionen ......................................15<br />

2 - Godkendelse af protokollen fra det foregående møde:<br />

se protokollen.........................................................15<br />

3 - Erklæring fra formanden ........................................15<br />

4 - Udvalgenes og delegationernes sammensætning: se<br />

protokollen ............................................................ 16<br />

5 - Tekster til aftaler sendt af Rådet: se protokollen ... 16<br />

6 - Andragender (jf. protokollen)................................ 16<br />

7 - Meddelelse om Kommissionens reaktion på<br />

Parlamentets udtalelser og beslutninger: se<br />

protokollen ............................................................ 16<br />

8 - Mundtlige forespørgsler og skriftlige erklæringer<br />

(modtagne dokumenter): se protokollen................ 16<br />

9 - Arbejdsplan............................................................ 16<br />

10 - Modtagne dokumenter: se protokollen ................ 17<br />

11 - Erklæring af formanden for <strong>Europa</strong>-Parlamentet om<br />

situationen i Tunesien............................................ 17<br />

12 - Harmoniserede betingelser for markedsføring af<br />

byggevarer (forhandling)....................................... 22<br />

13 - Konsekvenser i EU af sagen om dioxin i dyrefoder<br />

(forhandling) ......................................................... 28<br />

14 - Aftale EU-Cameroun om skovbrugsbestemmelser -<br />

Aftale EU/Republikken Congo om<br />

skovbrugsbestemmelser - FLEGTpartnerskabsaftaler<br />

(forhandling) .......................... 38<br />

15 - Parlamentets sammensætning: se protokollen ..... 43<br />

16 - Aftale EU-Cameroun om skovbrugsbestemmelser -<br />

Aftale EU/Republikken Congo om<br />

skovbrugsbestemmelser - FLEGTpartnerskabsaftaler<br />

(fortsat forhandling) ............... 43<br />

17 - Foreløbig partnerskabsaftale mellem EF og<br />

Stillehavslandene - Foreløbig partnerskabsaftale<br />

mellem EF og Stillehavslandene (forhandling)..... 47<br />

18 - International adoption i Den Europæiske Union<br />

(forhandling) ......................................................... 54<br />

19 - Indlæg af et minuts varighed (forretningsordenens<br />

artikel 150) ............................................................ 62<br />

20 - Europæisk konsensus om humanitær bistand<br />

(kortfattet forelæggelse) ........................................ 68<br />

21 - Landbruget som en strategisk sektor i forbindelse<br />

med fødevaresikkerhed (kortfattet forelæggelse).. 70<br />

22 - Dagsorden for næste møde: se protokollen.......... 76<br />

23 - Hævelse af mødet ................................................ 76

17-01-2011 5<br />


1 - Wiederaufnahme der Sitzungsperiode....................15<br />

2 - Genehmigung des Protokolls der vorangegangenen<br />

Sitzung: siehe Protokoll..........................................15<br />

3 - Erklärung des Präsidenten ......................................15<br />

4 - Zusammensetzung der Ausschüsse und Delegationen:<br />

siehe Protokoll....................................................... 16<br />

5 - Übermittlung von Abkommenstexten durch den Rat:<br />

siehe Protokoll.......................................................16<br />

6 - Petitionen: siehe Protokoll.....................................16<br />

7 - Weiterbehandlung der Standpunkte und<br />

Entschließungen des <strong>Parlaments</strong>: siehe Protokoll .16<br />

8 - Anfragen zur mündlichen Beantwortung und<br />

schriftliche Erklärungen (Vorlage): siehe Protokoll16<br />

9 - Arbeitsplan ............................................................16<br />

10 - Vorlage von Dokumenten: siehe Protokoll..........17<br />

11 - Erklärung des Präsidenten des Europäischen<br />

<strong>Parlaments</strong> zur Lage in Tunesien ..........................17<br />

12 - Harmonisierte Bedingungen für die Vermarktung<br />

von Bauprodukten (Aussprache) ...........................22<br />

13 - Folgen in der Europäischen Union der Entdeckung<br />

von Dioxin in Futtermitteln (Aussprache).............28<br />

14 - Abkommen EU/Kamerun über das Recht im<br />

Forstsektor - Abkommen EU/Republik Kongo über<br />

das Recht im Forstsektor - Freiwillige FLEGT-<br />

Partnerschaftsabkommen (Aussprache) ................38<br />

15 - Zusammensetzung des <strong>Parlaments</strong>: siehe Protokoll<br />

...............................................................................43<br />

16 - Abkommen EU/Kamerun über das Recht im<br />

Forstsektor - Abkommen EU/Republik Kongo über<br />

das Recht im Forstsektor - Freiwillige FLEGT-<br />

Partnerschaftsabkommen (Fortsetzung der<br />

Aussprache)...........................................................43<br />

17 - Interims-Partnerschaftsabkommen EG/Pazifik-<br />

Staaten - Interims-Partnerschaftsabkommen<br />

zwischen der EG und den Pazifik-Staaten<br />

(Aussprache)..........................................................47<br />

18 - Internationale Adoption in der Europäischen Union<br />

(Aussprache)..........................................................54<br />

19 - Ausführungen von einer Minute (Artikel 150 GO)62<br />

20 - Europäischer Konsens zur humanitäten Hilfe (kurze<br />

Darstellung)...........................................................68<br />

21 - Landwirtschaft als Sektor von strategischer<br />

Bedeutung für die Ernährungssicherheit (kurze<br />

Darstellung)...........................................................70<br />

22 - Tagesordnung der nächsten Sitzung: siehe Protokoll<br />

...............................................................................76<br />

23 - Schluss der Sitzung..............................................76<br />


1 - Istungjärgu jätkamine .............................................15<br />

2 - Eelmise istungi protokolli kinnitamine (vt protokoll)<br />

................................................................................15<br />

3 - Presidentuuri avaldus..............................................15<br />

4 - Parlamendi komisjonide ja delegatsioonide koosseis<br />

(vt protokoll) ......................................................... 16<br />

5 - Nõukogu edastatud kokkulepete tekstid (vt protokoll)<br />

............................................................................... 16<br />

6 - Petitsioonid (vt protokoll)...................................... 16<br />

7 - Parlamendi seisukohtade ja resolutsioonide<br />

vastuvõtmisele järgnev tegevus (vt protokoll) ...... 16<br />

8 - Suuliselt vastatavad küsimused ja kirjalikud<br />

deklaratsioonid (esitamine) (vt protokoll)............. 16<br />

9 - Tööplaan................................................................ 16<br />

10 - Esitatud dokumendid (vt protokoll)..................... 17<br />

11 - Euroopa Parlamendi presidendi sõnavõtt olukorra<br />

kohta Tuneesias..................................................... 17<br />

12 - Ehitustoodete ühtlustatud turustustingimused<br />

(arutelu)................................................................. 22<br />

13 - Sööda dioksiiniga saastumise juhtumi tagajärjed<br />

ELis (arutelu) ........................................................ 28<br />

14 - ELi ja Kameruni vaheline metsaõigusnormide alane<br />

leping - ELi ja Kongo Vabariigi vaheline<br />

metsaõigusnormide alane leping - Vabatahtlikud<br />

FLEGTi partnerluslepingud (arutelu).................... 38<br />

15 - Parlamendi koosseis (vt protokoll) ...................... 43<br />

16 - ELi ja Kameruni vaheline metsaõigusnormide alane<br />

leping - ELi ja Kongo Vabariigi vaheline<br />

metsaõigusnormide alane leping - Vabatahtlikud<br />

FLEGTi partnerluslepingud (arutelu jätkamine) ... 43<br />

17 - EÜ ja Vaikse ookeani piirkonna riikide vaheline<br />

majanduspartnerluse vaheleping - EÜ ja Vaikse<br />

ookeani piirkonna riikide vaheline<br />

majanduspartnerluse vaheleping (arutelu)............. 47<br />

18 - Rahvusvaheline lapsendamine Euroopa Liidus<br />

(arutelu)................................................................. 54<br />

19 - Üheminutilised sõnavõtud (kodukorra artikkel 150)<br />

............................................................................... 62<br />

20 - Humanitaarabi valdkonna Euroopa konsensus<br />

(lühiettekanne)....................................................... 68<br />

21 - Põllumajanduse tunnistamine strateegiliselt tähtsaks<br />

sektoriks toiduga kindlustatuse tagamisel<br />

(lühiettekanne)....................................................... 70<br />

22 - Järgmise istungi päevakord (vt protokoll) ........... 76<br />

23 - Istungi lõpp.......................................................... 76

6 17-01-2011<br />


1 - Επανάληψη της συνόδου ........................................15<br />

2 - Έγκριση των συνοπτικών πρακτικών της<br />

προηγούμενης συνεδρίασης: βλ. Συνοπτικά<br />

Πρακτικά................................................................15<br />

3 - Δήλωση της Προεδρίας ..........................................15<br />

4 - Σύνθεση των επιτροπών και αντιπροσωπειών: βλ.<br />

Συνοπτικά Πρακτικά .............................................16<br />

5 - Διαβίβαση από το Συμβούλιο κειμένων συμφωνιών:<br />

βλ. Συνοπτικά Πρακτικά .......................................16<br />

6 - Αναφορές: βλ. Συνοπτικά Πρακτικά .....................16<br />

7 - Συνέχεια που δόθηκε στις θέσεις και τα ψηφίσματα<br />

του Κοινοβουλίου: βλ. Συνοπτικά πρακτικά.........16<br />

8 - Προφορικές ερωτήσεις και γραπτές δηλώσεις<br />

(κατάθεση): βλ. Συνοπτικά Πρακτικά...................16<br />

9 - Διάταξη των εργασιών...........................................16<br />

10 - Κατάθεση εγγράφων: βλ. Συνοπτικά Πρακτικά ..17<br />

11 - Δήλωση του Προέδρου του Ευρωπαϊκού<br />

Κοινοβουλίου σχετικά με την κατάσταση στην<br />

Τυνησία .................................................................17<br />

12 - Εναρμονισμένοι όροι εμπορίας προϊόντων του<br />

τομέα των δομικών κατασκευών (συζήτηση)........22<br />

13 - Συνέπειες στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση από τον<br />

εντοπισμό διοξίνης σε ζωοτροφές (συζήτηση)......28<br />

14 - Συμφωνία ΕΕ-Καμερούν σχετικά με τη δασική<br />

νομοθεσία - Συμφωνία ΕΕ-Δημοκρατίας του Κονγκό<br />

σχετικά με τη δασική νομοθεσία - FLEGT -<br />

Εθελοντικές συμφωνίες εταιρικής σχέσης<br />

(συζήτηση) ............................................................38<br />

15 - Σύνθεση του Κοινοβουλίου: βλ. Συνοπτικά<br />

Πρακτικά...............................................................43<br />

16 - Συμφωνία ΕΕ-Καμερούν σχετικά με τη δασική<br />

νομοθεσία - Συμφωνία ΕΕ-Δημοκρατίας του Κονγκό<br />

σχετικά με τη δασική νομοθεσία - FLEGT -<br />

Εθελοντικές συμφωνίες εταιρικής σχέσης (συνέχεια<br />

της συζήτησης)......................................................43<br />

17 - Ενδιάμεση συμφωνία εταιρικής σχέσης μεταξύ της<br />

ΕΚ και των Κρατών του Ειρηνικού - Ενδιάμεση<br />

συμφωνία εταιρικής σχέσης μεταξύ της ΕΚ και των<br />

Κρατών του Ειρηνικού (συζήτηση) ......................47<br />

18 - Διεθνής υιοθεσία στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση<br />

(συζήτηση) ............................................................54<br />

19 - Παρεμβάσεις διάρκειας ενός λεπτού (άρθρο 150 του<br />

Κανονισμού)..........................................................62<br />

20 - Ευρωπαϊκή κοινή αντίληψη για την ανθρωπιστική<br />

βοήθεια (συνοπτική παρουσίαση) .........................68<br />

21 - Η γεωργία ως στρατηγικός τομέας στο πλαίσιο της<br />

επισιτιστικής ασφάλειας (συνοπτική παρουσίαση)70<br />

22 - Ημερήσια διάταξη της επόμενης συνεδρίασης: βλ.<br />

Συνοπτικά Πρακτικά .............................................76<br />

23 - Λήξη της συνεδρίασης.........................................76<br />


1 - Resumption of the session ......................................15<br />

2 - Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting: see<br />

Minutes...................................................................15<br />

3 - Statement by the President .....................................15<br />

4 - Composition of committees and delegations : see<br />

Minutes.................................................................. 16<br />

5 - Texts of agreements forwarded by the Council: see<br />

Minutes.................................................................. 16<br />

6 - Petitions: see Minutes............................................ 16<br />

7 - Action taken on Parliament’s positions and<br />

resolutions: see Minutes........................................ 16<br />

8 - Oral questions and written declarations (submission):<br />

see Minutes ........................................................... 16<br />

9 - Order of business................................................... 16<br />

10 - Documents received: see Minutes ....................... 17<br />

11 - Statement by the President of the European<br />

Parliament on the situation in Tunisia................... 17<br />

12 - Harmonised conditions for the marketing of<br />

construction products (debate) .............................. 22<br />

13 - Consequences in the European Union of the dioxin<br />

animal feed incident (debate) ................................ 28<br />

14 - EU-Cameroon forest law agreement - EU-Republic<br />

of Congo forest law agreement - FLEGT voluntary<br />

partnership agreements (debate)............................ 38<br />

15 - Composition of Parliament : see Minutes............ 43<br />

16 - EU-Cameroon forest law agreement - EU-Republic<br />

of Congo forest law agreement - FLEGT voluntary<br />

partnership agreements (continuation of debate)... 43<br />

17 - Interim Partnership Agreement between the EC and<br />

the Pacific States - Interim Partnership Agreement<br />

between the EC and the Pacific States (debate) .... 47<br />

18 - International adoption in the European Union<br />

(debate).................................................................. 54<br />

19 - One-minute speeches (Rule 150)......................... 62<br />

20 - European Consensus on humanitarian aid (short<br />

presentation).......................................................... 68<br />

21 - Agriculture as a strategic sector in the context of<br />

food security (short presentation).......................... 70<br />

22 - Agenda of the next sitting : see Minutes.............. 76<br />

23 - Closure of the sitting............................................ 76

17-01-2011 7<br />


1 - Reprise de la session...............................................15<br />

2 - Approbation du procès-verbal de la séance<br />

précédente: voir procès-verbal ...............................15<br />

3 - Déclaration de la Présidence...................................15<br />

4 - Composition des commissions et des délégations :<br />

voir procès-verbal..................................................16<br />

5 - Transmission par le Conseil de textes d'accords: voir<br />

procès-verbal .........................................................16<br />

6 - Pétitions: voir procès-verbal ..................................16<br />

7 - Suites données aux positions et résolutions du<br />

Parlement: voir procès-verbal ...............................16<br />

8 - Questions orales et déclarations écrites (dépôt): voir<br />

procès-verbal .........................................................16<br />

9 - Ordre des travaux...................................................16<br />

10 - Dépôt de documents: voir procès-verbal .............17<br />

11 - Déclaration du Président du Parlement européen sur<br />

la situation en Tunisie ...........................................17<br />

12 - Conditions harmonisées de commercialisation pour<br />

les produits de construction (débat).......................22<br />

13 - Conséquences dans l'Union européenne de la<br />

contamination d'aliments pour animaux par de la<br />

dioxine (débat).......................................................28<br />

14 - Accord UE-Cameroun sur l’application des<br />

réglementations forestières - Accord UE-République<br />

du Congo sur l'application des réglementations<br />

forestières - Accords de partenariat volontaires<br />

FLEGT (débat) ......................................................38<br />

15 - Composition du Parlement : voir procès-verbal ..43<br />

16 - Accord UE-Cameroun sur l’application des<br />

réglementations forestières - Accord UE-République<br />

du Congo sur l'application des réglementations<br />

forestières - Accords de partenariat volontaires<br />

FLEGT (suite du débat).........................................43<br />

17 - Accord de partenariat intérimaire CE/États du<br />

Pacifique - Accord de partenariat intérimaire entre la<br />

CE et les États du Pacifique (débat) ......................47<br />

18 - L'adoption internationale dans l'Union européenne<br />

(débat) ...................................................................54<br />

19 - Interventions d'une minute (article 150 du<br />

règlement) .............................................................62<br />

20 - Consensus européen sur l’aide humanitaire (brève<br />

présentation)..........................................................68<br />

21 - L'agriculture comme secteur stratégique dans le<br />

cadre de la sécurité alimentaire (brève présentation)<br />

...............................................................................70<br />

22 - Ordre du jour de la prochaine séance : voir procèsverbal.....................................................................76<br />

23 - Levée de la séance ...............................................76<br />


1 - Ripresa della sessione.............................................15<br />

2 - Approvazione del processo verbale della seduta<br />

precedente: vedasi processo verbale.......................15<br />

3 - Dichiarazione della Presidenza...............................15<br />

4 - Composizione delle commissioni e delle delegazioni<br />

: vedasi processo verbale....................................... 16<br />

5 - Trasmissione di testi di accordo da parte del<br />

Consiglio: vedasi processo verbale ....................... 16<br />

6 - Petizioni: vedasi processo verbale......................... 16<br />

7 - Seguito dato alle posizioni e risoluzioni del<br />

Parlamento: vedasi processo verbale..................... 16<br />

8 - Interrogazioni orali e dichiarazioni scritte<br />

(presentazione): vedasi processo verbale .............. 16<br />

9 - Ordine dei lavori.................................................... 16<br />

10 - Presentazione di documenti: vedasi processo<br />

verbale................................................................... 17<br />

11 - Dichiarazione del Presidente del Parlamento<br />

europeo sulla situazione in Tunisia ....................... 17<br />

12 - Condizioni armonizzate per la commercializzazione<br />

dei prodotti da costruzione (discussione) .............. 22<br />

13 - Conseguenze nell'Unione europea della presenza di<br />

diossina nei mangimi per animali (discussione).... 28<br />

14 - Accordo UE-Camerun sulle normative nel settore<br />

forestale - Accordo UE-Repubblica del Congo sulle<br />

normative nel settore forestale - Accordi volontari di<br />

partenariato FLEGT (discussione) ........................ 38<br />

15 - Composizione del Parlamento: vedasi processo<br />

verbale................................................................... 43<br />

16 - Accordo UE-Camerun sulle normative nel settore<br />

forestale - Accordo UE-Repubblica del Congo sulle<br />

normative nel settore forestale - Accordi volontari di<br />

partenariato FLEGT (seguito della discussione) ... 43<br />

17 - Accordo di partenariato interinale CE/Stati del<br />

Pacifico - Accordo di partenariato interinale tra la<br />

CE e gli Stati del Pacifico (discussione)................ 47<br />

18 - Adozione internazionale nell'Unione europea<br />

(discussione).......................................................... 54<br />

19 - Interventi di un minuto (articolo 150 del<br />

regolamento) ......................................................... 62<br />

20 - Consenso europeo in materia di aiuto umanitario<br />

(breve presentazione) ............................................ 68<br />

21 - Agricoltura come settore strategico per la sicurezza<br />

dell'approvvigionamento alimentare (breve<br />

presentazione) ....................................................... 70<br />

22 - Ordine del giorno della prossima seduta: vedasi<br />

processo verbale.................................................... 76<br />

23 - Chiusura della seduta........................................... 76

8 17-01-2011<br />


1 - Sesijas atsākšana.....................................................15<br />

2 - Iepriekšējās sēdes protokola apstiprināšana (sk.<br />

protokolu)...............................................................15<br />

3 - Priekšsēdētāja paziņojums......................................15<br />

4 - Komiteju un delegāciju sastāvs (sk. protokolu).....16<br />

5 - Padomes nosūtītie nolīgumu teksti (sk. protokolu) 16<br />

6 - Lūgumraksti (sk. protokolu) ..................................16<br />

7 - Saistībā ar Parlamenta nostājām un rezolūcijām<br />

veiktie pasākumi (sk. protokolu) ...........................16<br />

8 - Jautājumi, uz kuriem jāatbild mutiski, un rakstiskas<br />

deklarācijas (iesniegšana) (sk. protokolu) .............16<br />

9 - Darba kārtība .........................................................16<br />

10 - Dokumentu iesniegšana (sk. protokolu) ..............17<br />

11 - <strong>Eiropas</strong> Parlamenta priekšsēdētāja paziņojums par<br />

stāvokli Tunisijā ....................................................17<br />

12 - Saskaņoti būvizstrādājumu tirdzniecības nosacījumi<br />

(debates) ................................................................22<br />

13 - Dzīvnieku barībā atklātā dioksīna radītās sekas<br />

<strong>Eiropas</strong> Savienībā (debates) ..................................28<br />

14 - ES un Kamerūnas nolīgums par tiesību aktiem<br />

mežsaimniecības jomā - ES un Kongo Republikas<br />

nolīgums par tiesību aktiem mežsaimniecības jomā -<br />

Brīvprātīgie partnerattiecību nolīgumi par meža<br />

tiesību aktu ieviešanu, pārvaldību un kokmateriālu un<br />

koksnes izstrādājumu tirdzniecību (FLEGT)<br />

(debates) ................................................................38<br />

15 - Parlamenta sastāvs (sk. protokolu) ......................43<br />

16 - ES un Kamerūnas nolīgums par tiesību aktiem<br />

mežsaimniecības jomā - ES un Kongo Republikas<br />

nolīgums par tiesību aktiem mežsaimniecības jomā -<br />

Brīvprātīgie partnerattiecību nolīgumi par meža<br />

tiesību aktu ieviešanu, pārvaldību un kokmateriālu un<br />

koksnes izstrādājumu tirdzniecību (FLEGT) (debašu<br />

turpināšana) ...........................................................43<br />

17 - Partnerattiecību pagaidu nolīgums starp <strong>Eiropas</strong><br />

Kopienu un Klusā okeāna valstīm - Partnerattiecību<br />

pagaidu nolīgums starp <strong>Eiropas</strong> Kopienu un Klusā<br />

okeāna valstīm (debates) .......................................47<br />

18 - Starptautiskā adopcija <strong>Eiropas</strong> Savienībā (debates)<br />

...............................................................................54<br />

19 - Vienas minūtes uzstāšanās (Reglamenta 150. pants)<br />

...............................................................................62<br />

20 - <strong>Eiropas</strong> konsenss par humāno palīdzību (īss<br />

izklāsts) .................................................................68<br />

21 - Lauksaimniecības atzīšana par stratēģiski svarīgu<br />

nozari pārtikas nodrošinātībā (īss izklāsts)............70<br />

22 - Nākamās sēdes darba kārtība (sk. protokolu) ......76<br />

23 - Sēdes slēgšana .....................................................76<br />


1 - Sesijos atnaujinimas ...............................................15<br />

2 - Ankstesnio posėdžio protokolų tvirtinimas (žr.<br />

protokolą) ...............................................................15<br />

3 - Pirmininko pareiškimas ..........................................15<br />

4 - Komitetų ir delegacijų sudėtis (žr. protokola) ....... 16<br />

5 - Tarybos perduoti susitarimų tekstai (žr. protokolą)16<br />

6 - Peticijos (žr. protokolą) ......................................... 16<br />

7 - Veiksmai įgyvendinant Parlamento pozicijas ir<br />

rezoliucijas: žr. protokolą...................................... 16<br />

8 - Klausimai, į kuriuos atsakoma žodžiu, ir rašytiniai<br />

pareiškimai (gauti dokumentai) (žr. protokola)..... 16<br />

9 - Darbų programa..................................................... 16<br />

10 - Pateikti dokumentai (žr.protokolą) ...................... 17<br />

11 - Europos Parlamento Pirmininko pranešimas dėl<br />

padėties Tunise...................................................... 17<br />

12 - Darnios statybos produktų rinkodaros sąlygos<br />

(diskusijos) ............................................................ 22<br />

13 - Dioksino gyvūlių pašare įvykio pasekmės Europos<br />

Sąjungoje (diskusijos) ........................................... 28<br />

14 - ES ir Kamerūno susitarimas dėl miškų teisės aktų -<br />

ES ir Kongo susitarimas dėl miškų teisės aktų -<br />

Miškų teisės aktų vykdymo, miškų valdymo ir<br />

prekybos mediena (angl. FLEGT) savanoriškas<br />

partnerystės susitarimas (diskusijos) ..................... 38<br />

15 - Parlamento sudėtis (žr. protokola)....................... 43<br />

16 - ES ir Kamerūno susitarimas dėl miškų teisės aktų -<br />

ES ir Kongo susitarimas dėl miškų teisės aktų -<br />

Miškų teisės aktų vykdymo, miškų valdymo ir<br />

prekybos mediena (angl. FLEGT) savanoriškas<br />

partnerystės susitarimas (diskusijų tęsinys)........... 43<br />

17 - Europos bendrijos ir Ramiojo vandenyno valstybių<br />

laikinasis partnerystės susitarimas - EB ir Ramiojo<br />

vandenyno valstybių laikinasis partnerystės<br />

susitarimas (diskusijos) ......................................... 47<br />

18 - Tarptautinis įvaikinimas Europos Sąjungoje<br />

(diskusijos) ............................................................ 54<br />

19 - Vienos minutės kalbos (Darbo tvarkos taisyklių 150<br />

straipsnis) .............................................................. 62<br />

20 - Europos konsensuso dėl humanitarinės pagalbos<br />

(trumpas pristatymas)............................................ 68<br />

21 - Žemės ūkio pripažinimas strateginiu sektoriumi<br />

atsižvelgiant į aprūpinimo maistu saugumą (trumpas<br />

pristatymas)........................................................... 70<br />

22 - Kito posėdžio darbotvarkė (žr. protokola)........... 76<br />

23 - Posėdžio pabaiga ................................................. 76

17-01-2011 9<br />


1 - Az ülésszak folytatása ............................................15<br />

2 - Az előző ülés jegyzőkönyvének elfogadása: lásd a<br />

jegyzőkönyvet ........................................................15<br />

3 - Az elnök nyilatkozata .............................................15<br />

4 - A bizottságok és a küldöttségek tagjai: lásd a<br />

jegyzokönyvet .......................................................16<br />

5 - Megállapodások szövegeinek a Tanács általi<br />

továbbítása: lásd a jegyzőkönyvet.........................16<br />

6 - Petíciók: lásd a jegyzőkönyvet ..............................16<br />

7 - A Parlament álláspontjaival és állásfoglalásaival<br />

kapcsolatos további intézkedések: lásd a<br />

jegyzőkönyvet .......................................................16<br />

8 - Szóbeli választ igénylő kérdések és írásbeli<br />

nyilatkozatok (benyújtás): lásd a jegyzokönyvet...16<br />

9 - Ügyrend .................................................................16<br />

10 - Dokumentumok benyújtása: lásd a jegyzőkönyvet17<br />

11 - Az Európai Parlament elnökének a tunéziai<br />

helyzetről szóló nyilatkozata .................................17<br />

12 - Az építési termékek forgalmazására vonatkozó<br />

harmonizált feltételek (vita) ..................................22<br />

13 - A dioxinnal fertőzött takarmány esetének uniós<br />

következményei (vita) ...........................................28<br />

14 - Az EU és Kamerun közötti, az erdészeti<br />

jogszabályokról szóló megállapodás - Az Európai<br />

Unió és a Kongói Köztársaság közötti, az erdészeti<br />

jogszabályokról szóló megállapodás - FLEGT<br />

önkéntes partnerségi megállapodások (vita)..........38<br />

15 - A Parlament tagjai: lásd a jegyzokönyvet............43<br />

16 - Az EU és Kamerun közötti, az erdészeti<br />

jogszabályokról szóló megállapodás - Az Európai<br />

Unió és a Kongói Köztársaság közötti, az erdészeti<br />

jogszabályokról szóló megállapodás - FLEGT<br />

önkéntes partnerségi megállapodások (a vita<br />

folytatása)..............................................................43<br />

17 - Az EK és a csendes-óceáni államok közötti átmeneti<br />

partnerségi megállapodás - Az EK és a csendesóceáni<br />

államok közötti átmeneti partnerségi<br />

megállapodás (vita) ...............................................47<br />

18 - Nemzetközi örökbefogadás az Európai Unióban<br />

(vita) ......................................................................54<br />

19 - Egyperces felszólalások (az eljárási szabályzat 150.<br />

cikke).....................................................................62<br />

20 - A humanitárius segítségnyújtással kapcsolatos<br />

európai konszenzus (rövid ismertetés) ..................68<br />

21 - A mezőgazdaság stratégiai ágazatként történő<br />

elismerése az élelmezésbiztonsággal összefüggésben<br />

(rövid ismertetés)...................................................70<br />

22 - A következő ülésnap napirendje: lásd a<br />

jegyzokönyvet .......................................................76<br />

23 - Az ülés berekesztése............................................76<br />


1 - Tkomplija tas-sessjoni ............................................15<br />

2 - Approvazzjoni tal-Minuti tas-seduta ta' qabel: ara l-<br />

Minuti.....................................................................15<br />

3 - Dikjarazzjoni tal-President .....................................15<br />

4 - Kompożizzjoni tal-kumitati u tad-delegazzjonijiet :<br />

ara l-Minuti ........................................................... 16<br />

5 - Testi ta' ftehim imressqa mill-Kunsill: ara l-Minuti16<br />

6 - Petizzjonijiet: ara l-Minuti..................................... 16<br />

7 - Azzjonijiet meħuda skond il-petizzjonjiet u rriżoluzzjonijiet<br />

tal-Parlament: Ara l-Minuti.......... 16<br />

8 - Mistoqsijiet bi tweġiba orali u dikjarazzjonijiet bilmiktub<br />

(tressiq): ara l-Minuti ................................ 16<br />

9 - Ordni tas-seduta..................................................... 16<br />

10 - Dokumenti mressqa: ara l-Minuti........................ 17<br />

11 - Dikjarazzjoni mill-President tal-Parlament<br />

Ewropew dwar is-sitwazzjoni fit-Tuneżija............ 17<br />

12 - Kundizzjonijiet armonizzati għallkummerċjalizzazzjoni<br />

tal-prodotti għall-kostruzzjoni<br />

(dibattitu)............................................................... 22<br />

13 - Il-konsegwenzi fl-UE tal-każ tal-għalf ikkontaminat<br />

bid-diossina fil-Ġermanja (dibattitu)..................... 28<br />

14 - Ftehim UE-Kamerun dwar il-liġi tal-foresti - Ftehim<br />

UE-Repubblika tal-Kongo dwar ir-regolamenti talforesti<br />

- Ftehimiet ta' Sħubija Volontarja FLEGT<br />

(dibattitu)............................................................... 38<br />

15 - Kompożizzjoni tal-Parlament: ara l-Minuti......... 43<br />

16 - Ftehim UE-Kamerun dwar il-liġi tal-foresti - Ftehim<br />

UE-Repubblika tal-Kongo dwar ir-regolamenti talforesti<br />

- Ftehimiet ta' Sħubija Volontarja FLEGT<br />

(tkomplija tad-dibattitu) ........................................ 43<br />

17 - Ftehim Interim ta' Sħubija bejn il-KE u l-Istati tal-<br />

Paċifiku - Ftehim ta' Sħubija Interim bejn il-KE u l-<br />

Istati tal-Paċifiku (dibattitu) .................................. 47<br />

18 - L-adozzjoni internazzjonali fl-Unjoni Ewropea<br />

(dibattitu)............................................................... 54<br />

19 - Diskorsi ta' minuta (Artikolu 150 tar-Regoli ta'<br />

Proċedura) ............................................................. 62<br />

20 - L-implimentazzjoni tal-Konsensus Ewropew dwar<br />

l-għajnuna umanitarja: l-analiżi ta' nofs it-term tal-<br />

Pjan ta' Azzjoni tagħha u t-triq 'il quddiem<br />

(preżentazzjoni qasira) .......................................... 68<br />

21 - L-agrikoltura bħala settur strateġiku fil-kuntest tassigurtà<br />

tal-ikel (preżentazzjoni qasira) .................. 70<br />

22 - L-aġenda tas-seduta li jmiss: ara l-Minuti ........... 76<br />

23 - Għeluq tas-seduta ................................................ 76

10 17-01-2011<br />


1 - Hervatting van de zitting ........................................15<br />

2 - Goedkeuring van de notulen van de vorige<br />

vergadering: zie notulen .........................................15<br />

3 - Verklaring van de Voorzitter ..................................15<br />

4 - Samenstelling commissies en delegaties: zie notulen<br />

...............................................................................16<br />

5 - Van de Raad ontvangen verdragsteksten: zie notulen<br />

...............................................................................16<br />

6 - Verzoekschriften: zie notulen ................................16<br />

7 - Aan de standpunten en resoluties van het Parlement<br />

gegeven gevolg: zie notulen ..................................16<br />

8 - Mondelinge vragen en schriftelijke verklaringen<br />

(indiening): zie notulen .........................................16<br />

9 - Regeling van de werkzaamheden ..........................16<br />

10 - Ingekomen stukken: zie notulen ..........................17<br />

11 - Verklaring van de Voorzitter van het Europees<br />

Parlement over de situatie in Tunesië....................17<br />

12 - Geharmoniseerde voorwaarden voor het in de<br />

handel brengen van bouwproducten (debat)..........22<br />

13 - Gevolgen in de Europese Unie van het incident met<br />

dioxine in diervoeder (debat) ................................28<br />

14 - Overeenkomst EU-Kameroen inzake boswetgeving<br />

- Overeenkomst EU-Republiek Congo inzake<br />

boswetgeving - Vrijwillige<br />

partnerschapsovereenkomsten FLEGT (debat) .....38<br />

15 - Samenstelling Parlement: zie notulen..................43<br />

16 - Overeenkomst EU-Kameroen inzake boswetgeving<br />

- Overeenkomst EU-Republiek Congo inzake<br />

boswetgeving - Vrijwillige<br />

partnerschapsovereenkomsten FLEGT (voortzetting<br />

van het debat) ........................................................43<br />

17 - Tussentijdse partnerschapsovereenkomst tussen de<br />

EG en de staten in de Stille Oceaan - Tussentijdse<br />

partnerschapsovereenkomst tussen de EG en de<br />

staten in de Stille Oceaan (debat) ..........................47<br />

18 - Internationale adoptie in de Europese Unie (debat)<br />

...............................................................................54<br />

19 - Spreektijd van één minuut (artikel 150 van het<br />

Reglement) ............................................................62<br />

20 - Europese consensus betreffende humanitaire hulp<br />

(korte presentatie)..................................................68<br />

21 - De landbouw als strategische sector voor de<br />

voedselvoorziening (korte presentatie)..................70<br />

22 - Agenda van de volgende vergadering: zie notulen76<br />

23 - Sluiting van de vergadering ................................. 76<br />


1 - Wznowienie sesji....................................................15<br />

2 - Zatwierdzenie protokołu z poprzedniego posiedzenia:<br />

patrz protokół .........................................................15<br />

3 - Oświadczenia Przewodniczącego / Przewodniczącej5<br />

4 - Skład komisji i delegacji: Patrz protokól............... 16<br />

5 - Teksty porozumień przekazane przez Radę: patrz<br />

protokół ................................................................. 16<br />

6 - Petycje: patrz protokół........................................... 16<br />

7 - Działania podjęte w związku ze stanowiskami i<br />

rezolucjami Parlamentu: patrz protokół ................ 16<br />

8 - Pytania ustne i oświadczenia pisemne (składanie<br />

dokumentów): Patrz protokól................................ 16<br />

9 - Porządek obrad ...................................................... 16<br />

10 - Składanie dokumentów: patrz protokół ............... 17<br />

11 - Oświadczenie przewodniczącego Parlamentu<br />

Europejskiego na temat sytuacji w Tunezji........... 17<br />

12 - Zharmonizowane warunki wprowadzania do obrotu<br />

wyrobów budowlanych (debata) ........................... 22<br />

13 - Konsekwencje zatrucia pasz dioksynami dla Unii<br />

Europejskiej (debata)............................................. 28<br />

14 - Umowa UE-Kamerun dotycząca prawa leśnego -<br />

Umowa UE-Republika Konga dotycząca prawa<br />

leśnego - Dobrowolne umowy partnerskie w zakresie<br />

egzekwowania prawa, zarządzania i handlu w<br />

dziedzinie leśnictwa (FLEGT) (debata) ................ 38<br />

15 - Skład Parlamentu: Patrz protokól ........................ 43<br />

16 - Umowa UE-Kamerun dotycząca prawa leśnego -<br />

Umowa UE-Republika Konga dotycząca prawa<br />

leśnego - Dobrowolne umowy partnerskie w zakresie<br />

egzekwowania prawa, zarządzania i handlu w<br />

dziedzinie leśnictwa (FLEGT) (ciąg dalszy debat)43<br />

17 - Umowa przejściowa o partnerstwie między WE a<br />

państwami Pacyfiku - Umowa przejściowa o<br />

partnerstwie między WE a państwami Pacyfiku<br />

(debata).................................................................. 47<br />

18 - Adopcja międzynarodowa w Unii Europejskiej<br />

(debata).................................................................. 54<br />

19 - Wystąpienia jednominutowe (art. 150 Regulaminu<br />

PE)......................................................................... 62<br />

20 - Konsensus europejski w sprawie pomocy<br />

humanitarnej (krótka prezentacja)......................... 68<br />

21 - Rolnictwo jako sektor strategiczny w kontekście<br />

bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego (krótka prezentacja)<br />

............................................................................... 70<br />

22 - Porządek obrad następnego posiedzenia: Patrz<br />

protokól ................................................................. 76<br />

23 - Zamknięcie posiedzenia ...................................... 76

17-01-2011 11<br />


1 - Reinício da sessão...................................................15<br />

2 - Aprovação da acta da sessão anterior: ver Acta......15<br />

3 - Declaração da Presidência ......................................15<br />

4 - Composição das comissões e delegações : Ver Acta<br />

...............................................................................16<br />

5 - Transmissão de textos de acordos pelo Conselho: ver<br />

Acta .......................................................................16<br />

6 - Petições: ver acta ...................................................16<br />

7 - Seguimento dado às posições e resoluções do<br />

Parlamento: ver Acta............................................. 16<br />

8 - Perguntas orais e declarações escritas (entrega): Ver<br />

Acta .......................................................................16<br />

9 - Ordem dos trabalhos..............................................16<br />

10 - Entrega de documentos: ver Acta ........................17<br />

11 - Declaração do Presidente do Parlamento Europeu<br />

sobre a situação na Tunísia....................................17<br />

12 - Condições harmonizadas para a comercialização<br />

dos produtos de construção (debate) .....................22<br />

13 - Consequências na União Europeia do incidente<br />

ocorrido com alimentos para animais contaminados<br />

com dioxinas (debate) ...........................................28<br />

14 - Acordo UE-Camarões relativo à legislação florestal<br />

- Acordo UE-República do Congo relativo à<br />

legislação florestal - FLEGT - Acordos Voluntários<br />

de Parceria (debate)...............................................38<br />

15 - Composição do Parlamento: Ver Acta................. 43<br />

16 - Acordo UE-Camarões relativo à legislação florestal<br />

- Acordo UE-República do Congo relativo à<br />

legislação florestal - FLEGT - Acordos Voluntários<br />

de Parceria (continuação do debate)......................43<br />

17 - Acordo de Parceria Provisório entre a CE e os<br />

Estados do Pacífico - Acordo de Parceria provisório<br />

entre a CE e os Estados do Pacífico (debate) ........47<br />

18 - Adopção internacional na União Europeia (debate)<br />

...............................................................................54<br />

19 - Intervenções de um minuto (Artigo 150.º do<br />

Regimento)............................................................62<br />

20 - Consenso Europeu em matéria de Ajuda<br />

Humanitária (breve apresentação).........................68<br />

21 - A agricultura como um sector estratégico no<br />

contexto da segurança alimentar (breve apresentação)<br />

...............................................................................70<br />

22 - Ordem do dia da próxima sessão: Ver Acta.........76<br />

23 - Encerramento da sessão.......................................76<br />


1 - Reluarea sesiunii.....................................................15<br />

2 - Aprobarea procesului-verbal al şedinţei precedente: a<br />

se vedea procesul-verbal ........................................15<br />

3 - Declaraţia Preşedinţiei............................................15<br />

4 - Componenţa comisiilor şi delegaţiilor: consultaţi<br />

procesul-verbal...................................................... 16<br />

5 - Transmiterea de către Consiliu a textelor acordurilor:<br />

a se vedea procesul-verbal..................................... 16<br />

6 - Petiţii: a se vedea procesul-verbal ......................... 16<br />

7 - Continuări ale avizelor şi rezoluţiilor Parlamentului:<br />

a se vedea procesul-verbal..................................... 16<br />

8 - Întrebări orale şi declaraţii scrise (depunere):<br />

consultaţi procesul-verbal ..................................... 16<br />

9 - Ordinea lucrărilor .................................................. 16<br />

10 - Depunerea documentelor: a se vedea procesulverbal.....................................................................<br />

17<br />

11 - Declarație a Președintelui Parlamentului European<br />

cu privire la situaţia din Tunisia............................ 17<br />

12 - Condiţii armonizate pentru comercializarea<br />

produselor de construcţie (dezbatere).................... 22<br />

13 - Consecinţele în Uniunea Europeană ale incidentului<br />

privind hrana pentru animale contaminată cu dioxină<br />

(dezbatere)............................................................. 28<br />

14 - Acordul UE-Camerun privind legislaţia în domeniul<br />

forestier - Acordul UE-Republica Congo privind<br />

legislaţia în domeniul forestier - Acordurile de<br />

parteneriat voluntar FLEGT (dezbatere) ............... 38<br />

15 - Componenţa Parlamentului: consultaţi procesulverbal.....................................................................<br />

43<br />

16 - Acordul UE-Camerun privind legislaţia în domeniul<br />

forestier - Acordul UE-Republica Congo privind<br />

legislaţia în domeniul forestier - Acordurile de<br />

parteneriat voluntar FLEGT (continuarea dezbaterii)<br />

............................................................................... 43<br />

17 - Acordul interimar de parteneriat între CE și statele<br />

din Pacific - Acordul interimar de parteneriat între<br />

CE şi statele din Pacific (dezbatere)...................... 47<br />

18 - Adopţia internaţională în Uniunea Europeană<br />

(dezbatere)............................................................. 54<br />

19 - Intervenţii cu durata de un minut (articolul 150 din<br />

Regulamentul de procedură al PE)........................ 62<br />

20 - Consensul european privind ajutorul umanitar<br />

(prezentare succintă) ............................................. 68<br />

21 - Agricultura ca sector strategic în contextul<br />

securităţii alimentare (prezentare succintă)........... 70<br />

22 - Ordinea de zi a următoarei şedinţe: consultaţi<br />

procesul-verbal...................................................... 76<br />

23 - Ridicarea şedinţei ................................................ 76

12 17-01-2011<br />

SK OBSAH<br />

1 - Pokračovanie prerušeného zasadania......................15<br />

2 - Schválenie zápisnice z predchádzajúceho rokovania:<br />

pozri zápisnicu........................................................15<br />

3 - Vyhlásenie predsedníctva .......................................15<br />

4 - Zloženie výborov a delegácií: pozri zápisnicu.......16<br />

5 - Texty zmlúv poskytnutých Radou: pozri zápisnicu16<br />

6 - Petície: pozri zápisnicu..........................................16<br />

7 - Kroky podniknuté na základe pozícií a uznesení<br />

Parlamentu: pozri zápisnicu ..................................16<br />

8 - Otázky na ústne zodpovedanie a písomné vyhlásenia<br />

(predložené dokumenty): pozri zápisnicu..............16<br />

9 - Program práce........................................................16<br />

10 - Predložené dokumenty: pozri zápisnicu ..............17<br />

11 - Vyhlásenie predsedu Európskeho parlamentu o<br />

situácii v Tunisku ..................................................17<br />

12 - Harmonizované podmienky uvádzania stavebných<br />

výrobkov na trh (rozprava)....................................22<br />

13 - Dôsledky výskytu dioxínu v krmive pre zvieratá v<br />

Európskej únii (rozprava)...................................... 28<br />

14 - Dohoda medzi EÚ a Kamerunom o práve v lesnom<br />

hospodárstve - Dohoda medzi EÚ a Konžskou<br />

republikou o práve v lesnom hospodárstve -<br />

Dobrovoľné dohody o partnerstve v rámci režimu<br />

FLEGT (rozprava).................................................38<br />

15 - Zloženie Parlamentu: pozri zápisnicu..................43<br />

16 - Dohoda medzi EÚ a Kamerunom o práve v lesnom<br />

hospodárstve - Dohoda medzi EÚ a Konžskou<br />

republikou o práve v lesnom hospodárstve -<br />

Dobrovoľné dohody o partnerstve v rámci režimu<br />

FLEGT (pokračovanie rozpravy) ..........................43<br />

17 - Dočasná dohoda o partnerstve medzi ES a<br />

tichomorskými štátmi - Dočasná dohoda o<br />

partnerstve medzi ES a tichomorskými štátmi<br />

(rozprava) ..............................................................47<br />

18 - Medzištátne osvojenia v Európskej únii (rozprava)<br />

...............................................................................54<br />

19 - Jednominútové vystúpenia (článok 150) .............62<br />

20 - Európsky konsenzus o humanitárnej pomoci<br />

(stručná prezentácia) .............................................68<br />

21 - Poľnohospodárstvo ako strategické odvetvie v<br />

súvislosti s potravinovou bezpečnosťou (stručná<br />

prezentácia) ...........................................................70<br />

22 - Program rokovania na nasledujúci deň: pozri<br />

zápisnicu................................................................76<br />

23 - Skončenie rokovania............................................76<br />


1 - Nadaljevanje zasedanja...........................................15<br />

2 - Sprejetje zapisnika predhodne seje: glej zapisnik...15<br />

3 - Izjava predsedujočega.............................................15<br />

4 - Sestava odborov in delegacij: gl. zapisnik............. 16<br />

5 - Posredovanje besedil sporazumov s strani Sveta: gl.<br />

zapisnik ................................................................. 16<br />

6 - Peticije: glej zapisnik............................................. 16<br />

7 - Nadaljnje obravnavanje stališč in resolucij<br />

Parlamenta: glej zapisnik ...................................... 16<br />

8 - Vprašanja za ustni odgovor in pisne izjave<br />

(predložitev): gl. zapisnik...................................... 16<br />

9 - Razpored dela ........................................................ 16<br />

10 - Predložitev dokumentov: glej zapisnik................ 17<br />

11 - Izjava predsednika Evropskega parlamenta o<br />

razmerah v Tuniziji ............................................... 17<br />

12 - Določitev usklajenih pogojev za trženje gradbenih<br />

proizvodov (razprava) ........................................... 22<br />

13 - Posledice odkritja dioksina v živalski krmi za<br />

Evropsko unijo (razprava)..................................... 28<br />

14 - Sporazum med Evropsko unijo in Kamerunom o<br />

zakonodaji na področju gozdov - Sporazum med<br />

Evropsko unijo in Republiko Kongo o zakonodaji na<br />

področju gozdov - Prostovoljni partnerski sporazumi<br />

FLEGT (razprava)................................................. 38<br />

15 - Sestava Parlamenta: gl. zapisnik.......................... 43<br />

16 - Sporazum med Evropsko unijo in Kamerunom o<br />

zakonodaji na področju gozdov - Sporazum med<br />

Evropsko unijo in Republiko Kongo o zakonodaji na<br />

področju gozdov - Prostovoljni partnerski sporazumi<br />

FLEGT (nadaljevanje razprave)............................ 43<br />

17 - Začasni sporazum o partnerstvu med ES in<br />

pacifiškimi državami - Začasni sporazum o<br />

partnerstvu med ES in pacifiškimi državami<br />

(razprava) .............................................................. 47<br />

18 - Mednarodne posvojitve v Evropski uniji (razprava)<br />

............................................................................... 54<br />

19 - Enominutni govori (člen 150 poslovnika EP)...... 62<br />

20 - Evropsko soglasje o humanitarni pomoči (kratka<br />

predstavitev).......................................................... 68<br />

21 - Kmetijstvo kot strateški sektor v okviru prehranske<br />

varnosti (kratka predstavitev)................................ 70<br />

22 - Dnevni red naslednje seje: gl. zapisnik................ 76<br />

23 - Zaključek seje...................................................... 76

17-01-2011 13<br />


1 - Istuntokauden uudelleen avaaminen.......................15<br />

2 - Edellisen istunnon pöytäkirjan hyväksyminen: ks.<br />

pöytäkirja................................................................15<br />

3 - Puhemiehen julkilausuma.......................................15<br />

4 - Valiokuntien ja valtuuskuntien kokoonpano: ks.<br />

pöytäkirja...............................................................16<br />

5 - Neuvoston toimittamat sopimustekstit: ks. pöytäkirja<br />

...............................................................................16<br />

6 - Vetoomukset: ks. pöytäkirja ..................................16<br />

7 - Parlamentin kantojen ja päätöslauselmien johdosta<br />

toteutetut toimet: ks. pöytäkirja.............................16<br />

8 - Suulliset kysymykset ja kirjalliset kannanotot<br />

(vastaanotetut asiakirjat): ks. pöytäkirja................16<br />

9 - Käsittelyjärjestys ...................................................16<br />

10 - Vastaanotetut asiakirjat: ks. pöytäkirja................17<br />

11 - Euroopan parlamentin puhemiehen julkilausuma<br />

Tunisian tilanteesta................................................17<br />

12 - Rakennustuotteiden kaupan pitämistä koskevien<br />

ehtojen yhdenmukaistaminen (keskustelu)............22<br />

13 - Dioksiinia sisältävän eläinrehun tapaus ja sen<br />

vaikutukset Euroopan unionissa (keskustelu)........28<br />

14 - EU:n ja Kamerunin metsälainsäädäntösopimus -<br />

EU:n ja Kongon tasavallan<br />

metsälainsäädäntösopimus - Vapaaehtoiset FLEGTkumppanuussopimukset<br />

(keskustelu)....................38<br />

15 - Parlamentin kokoonpano: ks. pöytäkirja..............43<br />

16 - EU:n ja Kamerunin metsälainsäädäntösopimus -<br />

EU:n ja Kongon tasavallan<br />

metsälainsäädäntösopimus - Vapaaehtoiset FLEGTkumppanuussopimukset<br />

(jatkoa keskustelulle) .....43<br />

17 - EY:n ja Tyynenmeren valtioiden välinen<br />

väliaikainen kumppanuussopimus - EY:n ja<br />

Tyynenmeren valtioiden väliaikainen<br />

kumppanuussopimus (keskustelu).........................47<br />

18 - Kansainvälinen adoptio Euroopan unionissa<br />

(keskustelu) ...........................................................54<br />

19 - Minuutin puheenvuorot (työjärjestyksen 150 artikla)<br />

...............................................................................62<br />

20 - Yhteisön humanitaarista apua koskeva konsensus<br />

(lyhyt esittely) .......................................................68<br />

21 - Maatalouden tunnustaminen strategiseksi alaksi<br />

elintarviketurvan yhteydessä (lyhyt esittely).........70<br />

22 - Seuraavan istunnon esityslista: ks. pöytäkirja .....76<br />

23 - Istunnon päättäminen...........................................76<br />


1 - Återupptagande av sessionen..................................15<br />

2 - Justering av protokollet från föregående<br />

sammanträde: se protokollet...................................15<br />

3 - Uttalande av talmannen ..........................................15<br />

4 - Utskottens och delegationernas sammansättning: se<br />

protokollet ............................................................. 16<br />

5 - Avtalstexter översända av rådet: se protokollet..... 16<br />

6 - Framställningar: se protokollet.............................. 16<br />

7 - Kommissionens åtgärder till följd av parlamentets<br />

åtgärder och resolutioner: se protokollet ............... 16<br />

8 - Muntliga frågor och skriftliga förklaringar<br />

(ingivande): se protokollet .................................... 16<br />

9 - Arbetsplan ............................................................. 16<br />

10 - Inkomna dokument: se protokollet ...................... 17<br />

11 - Uttalande av <strong>Europa</strong>parlamentets talman om<br />

situationen i Tunisien ............................................ 17<br />

12 - Harmoniserade villkor för utsläppande av<br />

byggprodukter på marknaden (debatt)................... 22<br />

13 - Konsekvenserna i EU av incidenten med dioxin i<br />

djurfoder i Tyskland (debatt)................................. 28<br />

14 - Avtal EU/Kamerun om skogslagstiftningen - Avtal<br />

EU/Republiken Kongo om skogslagstiftningen -<br />

Frivilliga Flegt-partnerskapsavtal (debatt) ............ 38<br />

15 - Parlamentets sammansättning: se protokollet...... 43<br />

16 - Avtal EU/Kamerun om skogslagstiftningen - Avtal<br />

EU/Republiken Kongo om skogslagstiftningen -<br />

Frivilliga Flegt-partnerskapsavtal (fortsättning på<br />

debatten)................................................................ 43<br />

17 - Interimsavtal om partnerskap mellan EG och<br />

Stillahavsstaterna - Interimsavtal om partnerskap<br />

mellan EG och Stillahavsstaterna (debatt) ............ 47<br />

18 - Internationella adoptioner i Europeiska unionen<br />

(debatt) .................................................................. 54<br />

19 - Anföranden på en minut (artikel 150 i<br />

arbetsordningen).................................................... 62<br />

20 - Europeiska samförståndet om humanitärt bistånd<br />

(kortfattad redogörelse)......................................... 68<br />

21 - Jordbruket som en strategisk sektor inom ramen för<br />

livsmedelsförsörjning (kortfattad redogörelse) ..... 70<br />

22 - Föredragningslista för nästa sammanträde: se<br />

protokollet ............................................................. 76<br />

23 - Avslutande av sammanträdet............................... 76

14 17-01-2011

1-001<br />

1-002<br />

ПОНЕДЕЛНИК 17 ЯНУАРИ 2011 Г.<br />

LUNES 17 DE ENERO DE 2011<br />

PONDĚLÍ 17. LEDNA 2011<br />

MANDAG DEN 17. JANUAR 2011<br />

MONTAG, 17. JANUAR 2011<br />

ESMASPÄEV, 17. JAANUAR 2011<br />


MONDAY, 17 JANUARY 2011<br />

LUNDI 17 JANVIER 2011<br />

LUNEDI' 17 GENNAIO 2011<br />



Przewodniczący<br />

1-003<br />

1 - Wznowienie sesji<br />

1-004<br />

Przewodniczący. − Ogłaszam wznowienie sesji<br />

Parlamentu Europejskiego przerwanej w czwartek, 16.<br />

grudnia 2010 r.<br />

(Posiedzenie zostało otwarte o godz. 17.00)<br />

1-005<br />

2 - Zatwierdzenie protokołu z poprzedniego<br />

posiedzenia: patrz protokół<br />

1-006<br />

3 - Oświadczenia Przewodniczącego /<br />

Przewodniczącej<br />

1-007<br />

Przewodniczący. − Mam kilka uwag wstępnych. Jest to<br />

5 krótkich punktów.<br />

Dnia 27 stycznia mija 66. rocznica wyzwolenia<br />

niemieckiego nazistowskiego obozu koncentracyjnego i<br />

zagłady Auschwitz-Birkenau. Każdego roku w tym dniu<br />

czcimy pamięć ponad miliona zamordowanych tam<br />

ludzi. Daje nam to siłę do wspólnego budowania<br />

pokojowej przyszłości zjednoczonej Europy, która nie<br />

będzie znała w przyszłości takich koszmarów.<br />

Druga informacja: dnia 13 stycznia naród litewski<br />

obchodził 20. rocznicę krwawej niedzieli, kiedy to armia<br />

sowiecka dokonała próby obalenia demokratycznie<br />

wybranego rządu niepodległej Litwy. Litwini obronili<br />

swoją wolność i są dziś równoprawnymi członkami<br />

2011 M. SAUSIO 17 D., PIRMADIENIS<br />

2011. JANUÁR 17., HÉTFŐ<br />

IT-TNEJN, 17 TA' JANNAR 2011<br />

MAANDAG 17 JANUARI 2011<br />



LUNI 17 IANUARIE 2011<br />

PONDELOK 17. JANUÁRA 2011<br />

PONEDELJEK, 17. JANUAR 2011<br />



wspólnoty euroatlantyckiej. Wspominając tę ważną dla<br />

Europy rocznicę, solidaryzujemy się dzisiaj z<br />

Białorusinami, także naszymi sąsiadami, którzy<br />

oczekują jeszcze, by wolność i demokracja zagościły w<br />

ich kraju.<br />

Kolejna informacja: dnia 23 grudnia 2010 roku Unia<br />

Europejska przystąpiła do Konwencji Praw Osób<br />

Niepełnosprawnych Organizacji Narodów<br />

Zjednoczonych. Konwencja ta, wraz ze strategią w<br />

sprawie niepełnosprawności przygotowaną przez<br />

Komisję Europejską, pozwoli do 2020 roku zapewnić<br />

równość praw obywatelskich, politycznych i<br />

gospodarczych blisko 80 milionom obywateli Unii,<br />

którzy mają różnego rodzaju niepełnosprawności.<br />

Informacja czwarta: chciałbym także przypomnieć, że<br />

jesteśmy poważnie zaniepokojeni zniknięciem<br />

chińskiego adwokata pana Gao Zhishenga. Według<br />

najnowszych informacji jest on źle traktowany i<br />

poddawany torturom. Parlament Europejski kilkakrotnie<br />

już zajmował się sprawą pana Zhishenga. Dziś pragnę<br />

wezwać władze chińskie do ujawnienia miejsca jego<br />

pobytu i stanu zdrowia.<br />

Ostatnia informacja: od czasu naszego ostatniego<br />

spotkania przed świętami zakończyła się prezydencja<br />

belgijska, a przewodnictwo w Radzie Unii Europejskiej<br />

przejęły Węgry. Będziemy na temat obydwu prezydencji<br />

rozmawiali na tej sesji Parlamentu. W tym czasie<br />

mieliśmy też do czynienia z ważnymi wydarzeniami<br />

politycznymi: wybory na Białorusi, ostatnie wypadki w<br />

Tunezji. Obydwa te punkty są w porządku obrad naszej<br />

sesji plenarnej. Pragnę też przypomnieć, że w ostatnich<br />

tygodniach świat dotknęło kilka poważnych klęsk<br />

żywiołowych. Łączymy się w bólu z rodzinami ich ofiar<br />

i przekazujemy im, a także rządom tych krajów, nasze<br />


16 17-01-2011<br />

1-008<br />

4 - Skład komisji i delegacji: Patrz protokól<br />

1-009<br />

5 - Teksty porozumień przekazane przez<br />

Radę: patrz protokół<br />

1-010<br />

6 - Petycje: patrz protokół<br />

1-011<br />

7 - Działania podjęte w związku ze<br />

stanowiskami i rezolucjami Parlamentu:<br />

patrz protokół<br />

1-012<br />

8 - Pytania ustne i oświadczenia pisemne<br />

(składanie dokumentów): Patrz protokól<br />

1-013<br />

9 - Porządek obrad<br />

1-014<br />

Przewodniczący. − Rozdany został końcowy projekt<br />

porządku dziennego sporządzony zgodnie z art. 137<br />

Regulaminu przez Konferencję Przewodniczących na<br />

posiedzeniu w czwartek, 13 stycznia 2011 r.<br />

Zaproponowano następujące zmiany.<br />

1-015<br />

Potito Salatto (PPE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli<br />

colleghi, colgo l'occasione dell'ordine dei lavori per<br />

chiederle formalmente che l'Alto Rappresentante<br />

Catherine Ashton venga in Aula nel Parlamento a<br />

riferire sugli atti compiuti o che compirà per ciò che<br />

avviene per i cristiani nel mondo. Vorremmo che venisse<br />

qui con una sua relazione in modo che il Parlamento<br />

possa essere informato in maniera dettagliata su tutto.<br />

1-016<br />

Przewodniczący. − Przepraszam Pana bardzo, Kolego.<br />

Mamy na ten temat oficjalną debatę w środę o godz.<br />

15.00.<br />

1-017<br />

Νικόλαος Χουντής (GUE/NGL). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε,<br />

επικαλούμαι το άρθρο 173 περί εφαρμογής του<br />

Κανονισμού, για να επισημάνω ότι παραβιάζεται το<br />

άρθρο 116, διότι είναι η τρίτη συνεχής συνεδρίαση της<br />

Ολομέλειας του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου που στην<br />

ημερήσια διάταξη δεν περιλαμβάνεται το θέμα<br />

«Ερωτήσεις προς το Συμβούλιο», όπως προβλέπει το<br />

άρθρο 116. Σας παρακαλώ να μου εξηγήσετε γιατί<br />

γίνεται αυτό, πού οφείλεται και, σε κάθε περίπτωση, σας<br />

παρακαλώ να υπερασπισθείτε το δικαίωμα του<br />

Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και των βουλευτών να<br />

ασκούν κοινοβουλευτικό έλεγχο και στο Συμβούλιο.<br />

1-018<br />

Przewodniczący. − Decyzję w tej sprawie podejmiemy<br />

w najbliższym czasie. Sprawa dotyczy traktatu<br />

lizbońskiego i nowych relacji pomiędzy Parlamentem<br />

Europejskim a Radą. Jesteśmy teraz dwuizbowym<br />

parlamentem w Unii Europejskiej. Na równej stopie<br />

Parlament Europejski i Rada stanowią prawo. Zmieniły<br />

się relacje w Unii, ale ja bym proponował, żeby nie<br />

ciągnąć tej dyskusji, bo sprawa będzie w najbliższym<br />

czasie wyjaśniona. Bardzo dziękuję Panu za zwrócenie<br />

uwagi. Sprawa będzie wyjaśniona w najbliższym czasie.<br />

1-019<br />

Bernd Posselt (PPE). – Herr Präsident, was ich fraglich<br />

finde, ist, dass man im Hinblick auf mögliche künftige<br />

Änderungen einfach ohne jede Grundlage ein<br />

parlamentarisches Recht – nämlich die Fragestunde –<br />

streicht. Die Entscheidung ist – wie Sie selbst sagen –<br />

noch nicht gefallen. Und da sie noch nicht gefallen ist,<br />

müsste man die Fragestunde so lange durchführen, bis<br />

eine Entscheidung gefallen ist, und nicht in<br />

vorauseilendem Gehorsam schon eine Entscheidung<br />

exekutieren, die noch gar nicht gefallen ist. Ich sage<br />

Ihnen ganz ehrlich: Ich halte es für falsch, denn in den<br />

Fragen der Außenpolitik und der Erweiterungspolitik ist<br />

der Rat keine andere Kammer, sondern ein Organ, das<br />

wir natürlich parlamentarisch kontrollieren müssen!<br />

(Beifall)<br />

1-020<br />

Przewodniczący. − Dziękuję kolegom za uwagi w tej<br />

sprawie. Chciałbym Państwa zapewnić, że na najbliższej<br />

Konferencji Przewodniczących, gdzie jak Państwo<br />

wiecie, ustalane są porządki obrad, a więc w najbliższy<br />

czwartek, poruszę tę sprawę – żebyśmy ustalili, jak to<br />

będzie wyglądało w przyszłości. Konferencja<br />

Przewodniczących jest odpowiedzialna za porządek<br />

obrad i w najbliższy czwartek będziemy o tym<br />

rozmawiać. Dziękuję bardzo.<br />

Przechodzimy do porządku obrad.<br />

Poniedziałek<br />

Grupa Zielonych/Wolne Przymierze Europejskie<br />

wniosła, aby debata na temat sytuacji w Tunezji<br />

zakończona została rezolucją, czego nie planowaliśmy.<br />

A zatem jest propozycja, aby była w tej sprawie<br />

rezolucja. Rozumiem, że kolega Cohn-Bendit chce się<br />

wypowiedzieć na temat tego wniosku.<br />

1-021<br />

Daniel Cohn-Bendit (Verts/ALE). – Monsieur le<br />

Président, vous êtes au courant que les événements en<br />

Tunisie se sont précipités et d'ailleurs nous pouvons<br />

nous féliciter que M. Ben Ali ait quitté le pays. La<br />

situation de ces prochaines semaines va donc être très<br />

tendue en Tunisie. Je trouve que ce Parlement doit, dans<br />

une courte résolution, demander des choses très précises<br />

au Conseil et à la Commission. Vous savez qu'il y aura<br />

peut-être des élections d'ici six à huit semaines, nous<br />

n'avons donc pas le temps d'attendre février.<br />

Il faut que l'Union européenne agisse, il faut que nous<br />

agissions maintenant, et la base de notre action doit être<br />

une résolution que nous devrions voter jeudi à midi. Je

17-01-2011 17<br />

comprends que, vu la situation, c'est avec grand<br />

enthousiasme que cette assemblée va enfin pouvoir voter<br />

une résolution sur la Tunisie.<br />

1-022<br />

Francesco Enrico Speroni (EFD). – Signor Presidente,<br />

onorevoli colleghi, non credo che la risoluzione muterà<br />

la situazione in Tunisia, ed è per questo che sono contro.<br />

1-023<br />

(Parlament odrzucił wniosek)<br />

Czwartek<br />

1-024<br />

Przewodniczący. − W sprawie debat - na podstawie art.<br />

122 Regulaminu Konfederacyjna Grupa Zjednoczonej<br />

Lewicy Europejskiej/Nordycka Zielona Lewica złożyła<br />

wniosek o usunięcie z porządku obrad debaty w sprawie<br />

Brazylii: ekstradycja Cesare'a Battistiego. Pan Tavares<br />

chciałby przedstawić ten wniosek. Bardzo proszę.<br />

1-025<br />

Rui Tavares (GUE/NGL). – Mr President, some<br />

colleagues took the initiative of putting an urgency<br />

resolution on the agenda on Brazil’s refusal to extradite<br />

Cesare Battisti to Italy. I understand their motives, but as<br />

I shall demonstrate, this is not at present a human rights<br />

case. It is not an urgent case and it is not even a ‘breach<br />

of the Rule of Law’ case. Furthermore, it comes at a<br />

terrible moment when Brazil is facing the worst natural<br />

disaster in its history.<br />

Cesare Battisti is in prison. He is awaiting the decision<br />

of the Brazilian Supreme Court and the Supreme Court<br />

is currently not in session during the southern<br />

hemisphere’s summer holiday. There is no reason to<br />

believe that there will not be an independent decision. I<br />

expressed my solidarity with the families of the victims<br />

in this case, and rest assured I have no sympathy with<br />

political violence either from the right or the left, but we<br />

should use the urgencies to debate Southern Sudan, the<br />

case of Buchtar Tabuni in Indonesia, or the Palestinian<br />

man shot dead in his bed.<br />

Is the Parliament going to allocate to President Dilma<br />

Rousseff, just after her groundbreaking election and for<br />

no sound formal reason, the kind of debate that we<br />

usually reserve for people like Mugabe? I would ask you<br />

to remove Brazil from the urgencies on the agenda.<br />

1-026<br />

Mario Mauro (PPE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli<br />

colleghi, intanto intendo – a nome del mio gruppo e<br />

credo di tutto il Parlamento – sottolineare con forza la<br />

vicinanza che abbiamo nei confronti del popolo e del<br />

governo brasiliano per il lutto gravissimo collegato alle<br />

alluvioni di questi giorni: centinaia di persone che hanno<br />

perso la vita e a cui facciamo sentire la nostra vicinanza.<br />

Allo stesso tempo ribadisco a nome dei proponenti – e,<br />

mi auguro, di tutto il Parlamento – la nostra ferma<br />

intenzione di dibattere questo tema, perché l'istanza di<br />

giustizia non si è ancora compiuta, perché la vicenda di<br />

Cesare Battisti merita di essere ulteriormente giudicata<br />

dal Parlamento europeo che deve far sentire la sua voce<br />

in sede internazionale.<br />

1-027<br />

Judith Sargentini (Verts/ALE). – Voorzitter, ik wil het<br />

verzoek van de heer Tavares ondersteunen, omdat dit<br />

geen urgente zaak is – de heer Battisti zit in de<br />

gevangenis en er is geen reden om aan te nemen dat hij<br />

daar op korte termijn vrijkomt; mijns inziens zouden wij<br />

ons niet moeten mengen in individuele zaken van<br />

mensen die nog voor het gerecht staan.<br />

1-028<br />

10 - Składanie dokumentów: patrz protokół<br />

1-029<br />

11 - Oświadczenie przewodniczącego<br />

Parlamentu Europejskiego na temat sytuacji<br />

w Tunezji<br />

1-030<br />

Jerzy Buzek, President. − Szanowne Koleżanki i<br />

Koledzy! Z wielkimi obawami, ale i nadziejami<br />

obserwowaliśmy w ostatnich tygodniach wydarzenia,<br />

które mają miejsce w Tunezji. Pokojowe demonstracje<br />

w obronie słusznych postulatów zmieniły się w krwawe<br />

starcia - nad czym ubolewamy - gdy tunezyjskie władze<br />

zwróciły się przeciw swoim obywatelom. Dziś chylimy<br />

głowy przed ofiarami tych wydarzeń. Nasze głębokie<br />

współczucie kierujemy do tych wszystkich, którzy<br />

stracili swoich najbliższych. Szczególnie wspominamy<br />

pierwszą ofiarę starć – młodego Mohammeda Bouazizi.<br />

Ten tragiczny gest na trwałe zapisał się jako symbol fali<br />

demokratycznego odruchu tunezyjskiego społeczeństwa.<br />

Uczcijmy minutą ciszy pamięć tunezyjskich przyjaciół.<br />

Proszę o powstanie z miejsc.<br />

(minuta ciszy)<br />

Dziękuję bardzo. Drogie Koleżanki i Koledzy!<br />

„Jaśminowa rewolucja” trwa. Pod wieloma względami<br />

jest to prawdziwie historyczny czas. Chcę wyrazić<br />

głębokie uznanie dla odwagi i determinacji obywateli<br />

Tunezji. To oni są źródłem tych zmian. Jest to jednak<br />

dopiero początek długiej drogi. Jako Europejczycy<br />

dzielimy aspiracje Tunezyjczyków, chcemy im<br />

towarzyszyć w drodze ku ich pełnej realizacji.<br />

Europejczycy są szczególnie wyczuleni na<br />

sprawiedliwość społeczną, równość szans, wolność<br />

słowa, demokracji i prawdziwy pluralizm, kształtowanie<br />

własnej politycznej przyszłości. Dlatego nie<br />

pozostajemy dziś obojętni. Wzywamy, by zmiany te<br />

miały równocześnie pokojowy charakter. Muszą<br />

prowadzić do sprawiedliwości i rządów prawa. Mamy<br />

także fundamentalne postulaty. Po pierwsze, uwolnienie<br />

wszystkich arbitralnie aresztowanych. Po drugie,<br />

przeprowadzenie niezależnych śledztw wobec<br />

poważnych zarzutów korupcji, a także przypadków<br />

śmierci, nadużycia siły. Po trzecie, przejrzyste,<br />

prawdziwie demokratyczne wybory prezydenckie i<br />

parlamentarne, monitorowane przez lokalnych i<br />

zagranicznych obserwatorów i po czwarte, wspieramy

18 17-01-2011<br />

starania stworzenia rządu jedności narodowej, który<br />

reprezentowałby wszystkich Tunezyjczyków.<br />

Unię Europejską i Tunezję łączy długoletnie<br />

partnerstwo, to są nasi sąsiedzi zza Morza<br />

Śródziemnego. To partnerstwo musi służyć przede<br />

wszystkim naszym obywatelom, Tunezyjczykom i<br />

Europejczykom. Nasze partnerstwo, jeśli ma pozostać<br />

wiarygodnym i znaczącym, musi wspierać<br />

Tunezyjczyków w ich drodze ku głębokim przemianom.<br />

Musimy pomóc Tunezji odnieść sukces. Drogie<br />

Koleżanki i Koledzy! Bądźmy po stronie<br />

Tunezyjczyków.<br />

1-031<br />

Štefan Füle, Member of the Commission. − Mr<br />

President, the recent popular uprising in Tunisia is<br />

unprecedented in the modern history of the country. On<br />

17 December 2010, a young university graduate set<br />

himself on fire out of sheer desperation after police<br />

seized the fruit and vegetables that he was selling for a<br />

living. Less than a month later, nationwide protests have<br />

brought about the definitive departure of President Ben<br />

Ali.<br />

The European Union has condemned the violence of the<br />

repression during the last days of the regime. As I speak,<br />

the security situation remains precarious. Looting and<br />

violence are still being reported. Tunisia remains in a<br />

very delicate phase, although the first news about the<br />

formation of a national unity government is just coming<br />

in.<br />

Despite some uncertainty, the message of the Tunisian<br />

people is loud and clear: Tunisia wants to be a stable<br />

democracy that fully respects fundamental rights and<br />

freedoms. It wants free and fair, inclusive elections. The<br />

people want to write a new page in their history and we<br />

want to support them in that endeavour. Respect for the<br />

Constitution and the steps being taken, as we speak, to<br />

bring together a national solidarity government are<br />

moves in the right direction.<br />

Of course, this is only a start. The European Union has<br />

never ceased to remind Tunisia of its international<br />

obligations in the field of human rights and fundamental<br />

freedoms. Ever since the start of my term of office –<br />

since my hearing before this House in fact – I have<br />

repeated that enhanced status clearly means enhanced<br />

commitments in all areas of our relationship, including<br />

fundamental freedoms and human rights.<br />

I have stressed in all meetings with the Tunisian<br />

authorities, on behalf of the European Commission, that<br />

they had to deliver on their democratic and human rights<br />

commitments. At the very first session of negotiations<br />

on the action plan for statut avancé, I insisted<br />

personally, in an unprecedented and extremely clear<br />

way, that any use of the new Article 61a of the Penal<br />

Code would be seen by us as incompatible with statut<br />

avancé and with our shared values.<br />

And, by the way, if there were still sceptics on both sides<br />

who thought that these values were shared only in<br />

theory, they should listen again and again to the voice of<br />

the Tunisian street over the last days and weeks. What<br />

was this if not a solemn demand for democracy and for<br />

more economic justice?<br />

As Catherine Ashton and I stated this morning, the<br />

European Union stands ready to support a truly inclusive<br />

electoral process with appropriate guarantees. We hope<br />

its modalities can be announced as soon as possible,<br />

once the government of national unity has been shaped<br />

and starts its work. We are ready to provide immediate<br />

assistance in preparing and organising the electoral<br />

process, as well as lasting support for a genuine<br />

democratic transition.<br />

We are also working on a broader package to assist – as<br />

soon as the situation stabilises – with, inter alia,<br />

economic development, close attention to the social<br />

problems faced by Tunisia’s youth, and consolidating<br />

the rule of law and the judiciary.<br />

We will, of course, continue consulting closely with this<br />

House and with the Member States on this process.<br />

The European Neighbourhood Policy is based on<br />

essential values shared by the European Union and its<br />

partners: democracy, human rights and an open market<br />

economy, with a view to building together a shared area<br />

of democracy, stability and prosperity. The Commission<br />

has always stressed that these values were an essential<br />

component of our neighbourhood policy, towards both<br />

our southern and our eastern neighbours.<br />

With its strong middle class, high level of education,<br />

closeness to Europe and overall moderation, Tunisia is<br />

well placed to take the leap towards democracy that<br />

people have now asked for with such force and courage,<br />

and I think everyone should agree that the European<br />

Union also has a strong interest in a democratic,<br />

prosperous and stable Tunisia. We have a long-standing<br />

and robust relationship with Tunisia and close links<br />

between our peoples and our business communities. It is<br />

my ambition, and that of the Vice-President of the<br />

Commission/ High Representative of the Union for<br />

Foreign and Security Policy, that we should now<br />

strengthen our bilateral relations on the basis of new<br />

commitments by our partners on governance, respect for<br />

the rule of law and for fundamental freedoms, and<br />

economic and social reforms.<br />

We will do our utmost to help the Tunisian people to<br />

turn their aspirations into reality.<br />

1-032<br />

José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, en nombre<br />

del Grupo PPE. – Señor Presidente, los recientes<br />

acontecimientos de Túnez deberían invitarnos a<br />

reflexionar con sentido de la responsabilidad sobre, al<br />

menos, dos aspectos. En primer lugar, sobre el hecho de<br />

si las políticas de apoyo al statu quo en países ayunos de<br />

libertades democráticas contribuye realmente a la

17-01-2011 19<br />

estabilidad, en este caso, en nuestro entorno más<br />

próximo.<br />

Y en segundo lugar, señor Presidente, sobre el hecho<br />

relativo a si la desaparición de la escena política del<br />

señor Ben Ali es una condición suficiente para<br />

garantizar el alumbramiento de una verdadera transición<br />

democrática.<br />

Desde mi punto de vista, señor Presidente, la respuesta a<br />

estas dos preguntas es negativa. Por eso, señor Füle, se<br />

impone una profunda reflexión acerca de por qué la<br />

política de vecindad, en el espíritu del Proceso de<br />

Barcelona, no ha producido los efectos de<br />

democratización que estaban previstos y cómo<br />

podríamos o deberíamos corregir el tiro.<br />

En segundo lugar, la experiencia nos demuestra ―y hay<br />

muchos casos― que, cuando se produce un vacío de<br />

poder, los partidos más radicalizados, más extremistas,<br />

sustituyen el proceso, lo secuestran y quieren dar al<br />

traste con él.<br />

Señor Presidente, solamente en defensa de la libertad, el<br />

extremismo no es un vicio; solamente en defensa de la<br />

justicia, la moderación no es una virtud. Por ese<br />

imperativo ético, la Unión Europea tiene que movilizar<br />

todos sus esfuerzos para contribuir a que este proceso no<br />

descarrile.<br />

Celebro la declaración del señor Füle en el sentido de<br />

prestar asistencia electoral a Túnez, pero creo que es<br />

más importante todavía dar un paso más y acompañarlo<br />

con una misión de observación electoral de la Unión<br />

Europea. Y no solamente por este imperativo ético que<br />

está inscrito en el código genético de la Unión Europea,<br />

sino también, señor Presidente, por nuestro propio<br />

interés: porque de nada sirve viajar en primera clase si<br />

en clase turista hay un pasajero que viaja con una bomba<br />

en el maletín.<br />

1-033<br />

Pier Antonio Panzeri, a nome del gruppo S&D. –<br />

Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, condividiamo le<br />

preoccupazioni per quanto sta avvenendo in Tunisia ed<br />

esprimiamo il nostro cordoglio per le tante persone che<br />

hanno perso la vita durante le manifestazioni.<br />

La fase nuova e confusa che si è aperta dopo la fuga<br />

dell'ex presidente Ben Ali ora deve portare all'obiettivo<br />

che da più parti è stato sollecitato: l'avvio di riforme<br />

economiche e sociali in grado di rispondere alle<br />

aspettative di larghissima parte della popolazione e<br />

l'allargamento degli spazi di democrazia, perché siano<br />

sempre più coinvolte la società civile e le diverse forze<br />

di opposizione nell'azione pubblica e nel governo.<br />

È evidente che ogni paese ha il diritto a scegliersi la<br />

propria strada, ma noi siamo interessati al fatto che<br />

queste riforme si realizzino e che i cambiamenti siano<br />

effettivi e non un semplice maquillage. Ma ciò che sta<br />

avvenendo in Tunisia in questi giorni interroga tutti noi,<br />

interroga l'<strong>Europa</strong> con i suoi ritardi e i suoi errori.<br />

Nel 1995, a Barcellona, l'Unione europea lanciò il<br />

programma di partenariato con il Mediterraneo, che<br />

doveva comprendere una cooperazione economica,<br />

politica, militare, persino sociale e umana, ma nemmeno<br />

nei due obiettivi chiave si è realizzato. Per l'economia,<br />

c'è stato un drastico ridimensionamento dei progetti<br />

regionali e infrastrutturali perché i finanziamenti degli<br />

Stati europei non sono arrivati, quelli della Commissione<br />

restano in standby. La promessa di zona di libero<br />

scambio non esiste, ma il fallimento più evidente è sul<br />

piano politico, del quale occorre piena consapevolezza,<br />

Commissario.<br />

L'Unione per il Mediterraneo lanciata nel 2008 è rimasta<br />

una cosa di facciata. Il vertice che doveva tenersi nel<br />

novembre 2010 è stato rinviato sine die. Il problema è<br />

che i diversi governi europei non hanno e non vedono<br />

l'interesse per una vera cooperazione, preferiscono<br />

mantenere i rapporti con regimi discutibili, arroccati<br />

nella difesa delle ricchezze nazionali che controllano<br />

senza democrazia, mentre milioni di giovani vivono<br />

senza prospettive, se non quelle di un'emigrazione<br />

sempre più difficile.<br />

Non c'è da meravigliarsi, quindi, se sotto la spinta della<br />

crisi economica e sociale le manifestazioni in Tunisia si<br />

sono trasformate in uno tsunami capace di abbattersi<br />

pesantemente sulla struttura di potere esistente. Non<br />

regge più il realismo politico dell'<strong>Europa</strong> per paura del<br />

fondamentalismo islamico, così come forse è l'ora di<br />

mandare definitivamente in archivio una concezione<br />

tardo-coloniale che tende a riemergere ogni tanto nei<br />

rapporti con i paesi nordafricani.<br />

Ecco, proprio partendo da Barcellona serve una nuova<br />

visione europea verso il proprio Sud, verso il<br />

Mediterraneo, con maggiore credibilità rispetto al<br />

passato. Ciò significa – e glielo chiedo, Commissario,<br />

con forza – una profonda revisione delle politiche di<br />

partenariato e di vicinato sin qui seguite: non possiamo<br />

nascondere che sia la Commissione, sia il Consiglio<br />

erano persino pronti a discutere con la Tunisia l'accordo<br />

per lo statuto avanzato. Sulla base di quali criteri si<br />

riteneva possibile tutto questo ancora deve essere<br />

spiegato.<br />

Serve un cambio di linea, un cambio di passo e ciò può<br />

essere fatto – lo diciamo a Commissione e Consiglio –<br />

associando con maggiore convinzione questo<br />

Parlamento all'elaborazione e all'applicazione di una<br />

nuova idea di partenariato verso i paesi della sponda<br />

mediterranea. Tutto ciò non è solo nell'interesse di questi<br />

paesi, ma è soprattutto nell'interesse dell'<strong>Europa</strong>.<br />

Molti dei problemi che l'<strong>Europa</strong> mostra di avere possono<br />

essere affrontati e risolti solo attraverso un rapporto<br />

produttivo e virtuoso con tutti i paesi del Maghreb. La<br />

strada è stretta, ma è l'unica da percorrere, quella di<br />

sostenere riforme economiche e democratiche e, nello<br />

stesso tempo, mettere in campo tutti gli antidoti<br />

necessari contro il fondamentalismo e il terrorismo.

20 17-01-2011<br />

C'è da augurarsi che questa drammatica e amara lezione<br />

che proviene dalla Tunisia possa servire a tutti noi per<br />

avere maggiore consapevolezza di ciò che è utile fare, di<br />

ciò che è utile cambiare nell'azione europea.<br />

1-034<br />

Marietje Schaake, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr<br />

President, I would like to congratulate the Tunisian<br />

people for their bravery, courage and persistence in<br />

speaking up for opportunities and freedom, and I hope<br />

all can refrain from using violence and that there will be<br />

free and fair elections soon.<br />

Citizens spoke out against an oppressive regime which<br />

has used bullets and killed its youth. Only weak<br />

governments go to such lengths to preserve their<br />

artificially obtained corrupt power and wealth. Regimes<br />

derive their legitimacy from providing for the well-being<br />

of their citizens, not from closing universities and access<br />

to information and free communications.<br />

With regard to access to information, the Tunisian<br />

opposition used the internet, and the internet is<br />

becoming more and more important for peaceful<br />

opposition across the world. I learned about the uprising<br />

by the citizens’ movement in Tunisia through the<br />

internet and eyewitness accounts that were posted there,<br />

but it took about a month of the struggle before<br />

mainstream media and political leaders woke up to the<br />

realities of the street.<br />

In the same week – last week – the French Minister for<br />

Foreign Affairs offered help to the Tunisian Government<br />

in the form of riot police and assistance in policing.<br />

What is the Commission’s reaction to that offer, and<br />

where was the help for citizens in support of their rights?<br />

(Applause)<br />

The confrontation between the Tunisian Government<br />

and its people took place on the virtual highways of the<br />

internet as much as on the streets. The Tunisian<br />

Government was known for being among the most<br />

advanced in the use of filtering and censoring software,<br />

and over the past month it spared no efforts to repress<br />

people through these technologies. Repressive regimes<br />

across the world continue to use technologies to silence<br />

free speech.<br />

Today is Martin Luther King Day and it was Martin<br />

Luther King who said that a time comes when silence<br />

becomes betrayal. Commissioner Füle, that time has<br />

arrived. The United States has lost significantly in terms<br />

of credibility in its fight for leadership in internet<br />

freedom.<br />

The EU has a struggle ahead, about which we will speak<br />

tonight in relation to the upcoming Hungarian laws. But<br />

the young, freedom-loving generation across the world<br />

is looking to the symbolic example that Tunisia has<br />

given and is looking to the EU for support, and there is<br />

no reason why we should not lead in defending people’s<br />

freedoms, including on the internet.<br />

1-035<br />

Daniel Cohn-Bendit, au nom du groupe Verts/ALE. –<br />

Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, j'avoue que<br />

j'aurais aimé que ce Parlement soit à la hauteur de la<br />

fierté des Tunisiens qui ont su abattre le dictateur Ben<br />

Ali.<br />

Chers collègues, le dictateur est tombé, mais la dictature,<br />

la structure de la dictature existe toujours en Tunisie. Et<br />

aujourd'hui, il faut faire très attention. Des<br />

gouvernements européens, la majorité de ce Parlement<br />

ont, pendant des années, soutenu la structure de la<br />

dictature, et le dictateur tunisien. Encore la semaine<br />

dernière, la majorité des groupes refusait un débat sur la<br />

Tunisie et refusait une condamnation de Ben Ali.<br />

Ce qu'a fait la ministre des affaires étrangères française<br />

n'est que le dernier exemple de la complicité de<br />

l'Occident. Et pourquoi ? Pour la peur, parce qu'on avait<br />

peur de l'islamisme. On a raison d'avoir peur de la<br />

dictature de l'islamisme, mais qu'ont-ils à voir avec cela<br />

ces jeunes, ces Tunisiens qui n'avaient rien d'islamistes,<br />

qui se battaient pour la liberté? Et M. Bouazizi qui s'est<br />

immolé, c'est le Jan Palach de la Tunisie et quand Jan<br />

Palach s'est immolé, tout ce Parlement était derrière lui.<br />

Nous ne sommes même pas capables d'être derrière<br />

M. Bouazizi, voilà la vérité de ce Parlement.<br />

Maintenant il s'agit que la Commission agisse. Il s'agit<br />

simplement de dire une chose, de dire aux Tunisiens<br />

qu'une élection démocratique dans un pays qui vient de<br />

sortir de la dictature ne se fait pas en deux mois. Il n'y a<br />

pas une base de démocratie. La liberté d'expression, les<br />

médias, les radios, la télévision n'existent pas. Il n'existe<br />

qu'une imprimerie d'état.<br />

C'est pour cela que je demande à la Commission qu'elle<br />

prenne l'argent de l'accord d'association et qu'elle mette<br />

cet argent au service de la liberté d'expression en Tunisie<br />

et non pas au service d'organisations gouvernementales<br />

tunisiennes.<br />

Deuxièmement, le gouvernement de transition n'est pas<br />

un gouvernement d'unité nationale. Pourquoi? Parce que<br />

la majorité de ceux qui se sont battus ou de ceux qui sont<br />

en exil ne sont pas encore rentrés, ne sont pas reconnus,<br />

donc il faudra du temps pour que des forces<br />

démocratiques – non pas des forces qui avaient été<br />

"reconnues" par Ben Ali –, mais des forces réellement<br />

démocratiques, puissent se développer.<br />

L'Union européenne doit démonter que, pour nous, ce<br />

qui se passe en Tunisie, c'est la clé de la compréhension<br />

et de l'espoir pour tous les pays arabes. Démocratie et<br />

Islam veulent aller de pair et si nous sommes capables<br />

de soutenir la démocratie tunisienne en train de naître,<br />

nous verrons qu'en Égypte, en Jordanie, en Syrie, et<br />

partout, le peuple et les peuples vont s'élever contre leurs<br />

dictateurs.<br />

Nous avons une responsabilité, nous tous ici, parce<br />

qu'enfin des Tunisiens, donc une partie du monde arabe,<br />

nous montrent que l'espoir de liberté qu'on a vu en 89

17-01-2011 21<br />

dans les pays de l'Est, ce même espoir est aujourd'hui en<br />

train de naître dans un pays comme la Tunisie, demain<br />

en Algérie, après-demain en Égypte et en Jordanie.<br />

Donc c'est pour cela qu'il est inimaginable que ce<br />

Parlement reste assis et dise: "Ah oui, peut-être, on ne<br />

sait pas". On ne savait pas en 89 ce qu'allait devenir la<br />

Pologne. On ne savait pas avec Gorbatchev ce qu'allait<br />

devenir la Russie. Si à chaque fois que les peuples<br />

demandent la liberté, on leur demande une assurance,<br />

qu'ils nous disent que c'est sûr que ça ira dans une<br />

direction, on ne soutiendra jamais la liberté et c'est pour<br />

cela que je demande à la Commission: "Bougez, donnez,<br />

montrez aux Tunisiens que maintenant la realpolitik,<br />

c'est la politique de soutien à la démocratie et non plus à<br />

la structure de la dictature".<br />

(Applaudissements)<br />

1-036<br />

Charles Tannock, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr<br />

President, the upheaval in Tunisia is undoubtedly a<br />

reflection of people’s frustration at the country’s<br />

political stagnation and its relative economic stagnation.<br />

The flagrant corruption and wealth of the ruling family<br />

elite contrasted sharply with the high levels of poverty<br />

and unemployment among ordinary people.<br />

Former President Ben Ali paid the supreme price for<br />

failing to meet the expectations and aspirations of his<br />

people, but I do not agree with some assessments,<br />

particularly in the Green Group, that his government was<br />

one of the most repressive in the Arab world. Tunisia<br />

has been an example, in some ways, of a modern,<br />

secular and progressive Arab country. For example,<br />

polygamy and veils were banned and foreign direct<br />

investment and tourism were encouraged.<br />

Tunisia has managed to resist the efforts of violent<br />

Jihadis to undermine the integrity of its secular society.<br />

It is therefore essential that Tunisia’s political leaders –<br />

the new leaders that will now emerge – protect that<br />

legacy, because Salafist extremists will undoubtedly try<br />

to take advantage of the chaos and turmoil that will<br />

advance their dangerous agenda, which obviously also<br />

threatens European political objectives, including<br />

foreign policy objectives.<br />

Tunisia’s new political leadership also needs to<br />

understand that poor governance and gross inequality<br />

offer a fertile breeding ground for violent radicalism. I<br />

am encouraged that the interim leadership has promised<br />

substantial reforms because embarking on such a path<br />

will greatly strengthen Tunisia’s relationship with the<br />

European Union. In the meantime, my group calls for<br />

maximum restraint by the security forces and for the<br />

arrest and trial of the ancien regime’s presidential guard<br />

leadership responsible for the shooting, in the last few<br />

days, of innocent bystanders, in a futile attempt to<br />

destabilise the country. I congratulate the army on its<br />

professionalism in protecting the Republic’s institutions.<br />

We in the EU must give the new Tunisian government<br />

of unity every assistance and also afford every assistance<br />

to EU citizens, including British citizens, who are<br />

stranded, having been in Tunisia on a holiday.<br />

1-037<br />

Marie-Christine Vergiat, au nom du groupe<br />

GUE/NGL. – Monsieur le Président, chers collègues,<br />

c'est avec une certaine fierté et beaucoup d'émotion que<br />

j'interviens aujourd'hui dans cet hémicycle au nom de<br />

mon groupe, la Gauche unitaire européenne/Gauche<br />

verte nordique.<br />

En effet, nous avons été très peu nombreux – peu<br />

nombreuses même, dirais-je – sur ces bancs à dénoncer<br />

les dérives du régime tunisien et ce qu'il faisait subir à<br />

ceux et celles qui osaient, envers et contre tout, le<br />

critiquer et dénoncer ses pratiques et notamment la<br />

torture des défenseurs des droits de l'homme.<br />

Il a fallu qu'un jeune homme de 26 ans s'immole par le<br />

feu pour que le peuple tunisien se lève, pour qu'il n'ait<br />

plus peur, car il se sentait bien seul. L'espoir de liberté y<br />

est né. Il a fallu plus de cinquante morts pour que<br />

l'Union européenne ose un timide communiqué dans<br />

lequel elle appelait à la retenue dans l'usage de la force<br />

sans mettre en cause en quoi que ce soit le sacro-saint<br />

partenariat de l'Union européenne avec la Tunisie, sans<br />

condamner les violences, Monsieur Füle, jusqu'à samedi.<br />

Et le moins que l'on puisse dire, c'est que le régime<br />

tunisien ne vous a guère entendu depuis votre<br />

nomination.<br />

Ces mots de "retenue dans l'usage de la force" me sont<br />

restés en travers de la gorge. Le Parlement européen a<br />

été muet, hormis un timide communiqué de la délégation<br />

Maghreb. Ce n'est que samedi que vous vous êtes<br />

exprimé, Monsieur le Président, et aujourd'hui la<br />

majorité du Parlement européen a refusé une résolution<br />

écrite. Les instances européennes savent pourtant être<br />

plus véhémentes envers d'autres régimes. La Française<br />

que je suis sait quelles sont les responsabilités du<br />

gouvernement français et je ne reviendrai pas sur les<br />

propos de notre ministre des affaires étrangères.<br />

Visiblement, pour certains, le temps des colonies n'est<br />

pas encore révolu mais espérons que tout ceci fait partie<br />

du passé.<br />

Grâce au courage du peuple tunisien, en quelques jours<br />

le miracle tunisien, si cher à certains ici, s'est effondré et<br />

a montré son vrai visage. Aujourd'hui, la responsabilité<br />

de l'Union européenne est effectivement grande pour<br />

accompagner sans ingérence le peuple tunisien dans sa<br />

transition démocratique. L'Union européenne doit suivre<br />

le processus électoral, veiller à ce qu'une commission<br />

d'enquête indépendante fasse toute la lumière sur ce qui<br />

s'est passé, sur les violences et la corruption. Le peuple<br />

tunisien ne doit plus être spolié, les biens et les avoirs<br />

des familles Ben ali et Trabelsi doivent non seulement<br />

être surveillés, mais gelés.<br />

L'Union européenne a failli. Un long chemin devra être<br />

parcouru pour que les Tunisiens reprennent confiance.

22 17-01-2011<br />

Aujourd'hui, certes, les choses sont encore difficiles et il<br />

peut y avoir valeur d'exemple pour le Maghreb dans ce<br />

qui se passe là-bas. Nous savons que des soulèvements<br />

identiques peuvent avoir lieu dans tous ces pays où les<br />

Occidentaux font toujours passer leurs propres intérêts<br />

avant ceux des peuples concernés. Des hommes se sont<br />

déjà immolés en Algérie, en Égypte et en Mauritanie. Il<br />

est temps de passer des discours aux actes en matière de<br />

démocratie et de droits de l'homme. Il est temps de<br />

refonder les partenariats de l'Union européenne avec les<br />

pays du Sud et de construire enfin ceux-ci sur l'exigence<br />

démocratique, le respect des droits de l'homme et<br />

l'égalité, sinon l'Union européenne fera effectivement le<br />

lit des intégristes.<br />

1-038<br />

Gerard Batten, on behalf of the EFD Group. – Mr<br />

President, you made some remarks at the beginning of<br />

the debate about free and fair elections and good<br />

representative government and you asked us to support<br />

the people of Tunisia.<br />

No democrat could disagree. People will tolerate a lot<br />

from incompetent, corrupt governments, but push them<br />

too far and they will rebel. It is a doctrine of internal<br />

security services that any population is only three days<br />

away from riots and civil unrest when the food supplies<br />

run out.<br />

Are there any parallels to be drawn between what is<br />

happening in Tunisia and the European Union? The EU<br />

gives undemocratic and incompetent government. It has<br />

a political class that is increasingly detached from the<br />

wishes of its people. There is high youth unemployment<br />

in many countries in Europe as a direct result of EU<br />

policies. There are already riots and civil unrest in<br />

Greece due to its purely ideological commitment to the<br />

European single currency. Countries like Spain, Portugal<br />

and Ireland may soon follow Greece as their economies<br />

become untenable in the straitjacket of the euro.<br />

Do not think that it cannot happen in European<br />

countries. When governments become the enemies of<br />

their own people then the people will eventually rebel.<br />

I agree with what you said in your introduction but let us<br />

see those principles applied in Europe as well as in other<br />

countries of the world.<br />

1-039<br />

Przewodniczący. − Tym samym zamykamy punkt<br />

porządku obrad.<br />

1-040<br />

12 - Zharmonizowane warunki<br />

wprowadzania do obrotu wyrobów<br />

budowlanych (debata)<br />

1-041<br />

Przewodniczący. − Kolejnym punktem porządku<br />

dziennego jest zalecenie do drugiego czytania<br />

sporządzone w imieniu Komisji Rynku Wewnętrznego i<br />

Ochrony Konsumentów w sprawie stanowiska Rady w<br />

pierwszym czytaniu w sprawie przyjęcia rozporządzenia<br />

Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady ustanawiającego<br />

zharmonizowane warunki wprowadzania do obrotu<br />

wyrobów budowlanych i uchylającego dyrektywę Rady<br />

89/106/EWG (10753/3/2010 - C7-0267/2010 -<br />

2008/0098(COD)) (sprawozdawczyni: Catherine Stihler)<br />

(A7-0343/2010)<br />

1-042<br />

Catherine Stihler, rapporteur. − Mr President, it is a<br />

good way to start the New Year with this debate and<br />

tomorrow’s vote on the deal concluded under the<br />

Belgian Presidency on this important report on<br />

construction products.<br />

I would like to start by thanking all colleagues who<br />

made this possible for their hard work, their<br />

thoughtfulness and commitment to making this proposal<br />

a reality. I would also like to put on record my thanks to<br />

the IMCO Secretariat and to the Belgian Presidency, in<br />

particular to Mr Vertessen and Mr Haerynck for all their<br />

dedicated work.<br />

As I said in my report quoting the poet Robert Frost -<br />

‘Good fences make good neighbours’ (with an implied<br />

question mark). It is important that we maintain the<br />

momentum to complete the internal market and break<br />

down barriers to trade. As Mario Monti in his report on<br />

the Single Market acknowledges, ‘Europe is still in a<br />

phase of “market construction” that requires breaking<br />

down barriers to cross border activity, cutting dead wood<br />

of national administrative and technical barriers and<br />

overcoming corporate resistance’.<br />

With this proposal we have attempted to make the single<br />

market work more effectively, we have attempted to<br />

have clearer and more transparent systems in place so<br />

that products placed on the market are of the highest<br />

standards and that the construction industry has a fairer<br />

market place to trade within.<br />

Currently the construction industry is facing the<br />

economic challenges caused by the global financial<br />

meltdown of 2008 and exacerbated by the slow<br />

economic recovery we face across the EU. We should<br />

never forget what an important sector the construction<br />

industry is – 12 million EU citizens are directly<br />

employed in the sector and 26 million EU citizens are<br />

dependent on it – that is 38 million people reliant on the<br />

sector. For economic growth construction is essential for<br />

jobs and employment.<br />

It is also one of the most dangerous sectors to work<br />

within. Taking Germany, whose safety record is second<br />

to none, one construction worker in 5000 will suffer a<br />

fatal accident during their lifetime. The health and safety<br />

of those who work at the coalface of construction should<br />

always be remembered and it is important to have<br />

acknowledgement of this in the report.<br />

It was with this in mind that we successfully managed<br />

on both sides to come to some agreement on the issue of<br />

labelling hazardous substances, so that the report was in<br />

line with REACH but also helps those who work with

17-01-2011 23<br />

products which in the past have led to chronic conditions<br />

and death – conditions such as asbestos-related<br />

mesotheliomia and, to an extent, chronic obstructive<br />

pulmonary disease caused by working conditions and by<br />

inhaling dust.<br />

The proper labelling of hazardous substances can help<br />

those with these lung conditions and illustrates how<br />

interlinked our work here is. I am proud of the fact that<br />

this report was conducted and concluded under the<br />

European Year of the Lung. Lung health is so often<br />

neglected and I was delighted that in this Parliament we<br />

recognised its importance.<br />

I would also like to briefly comment on SMEs. In<br />

Parliament we are urged to ‘think small first’ and this<br />

should carry throughout our work. This is why we have<br />

managed to create a second stream for smaller<br />

corporations to place their products on the internal<br />

market and the system should make it cheaper and more<br />

practical for SMEs to reach a larger market place which<br />

can only increase their trading potential.<br />

On the separate issue over transparency concerning who<br />

serves on technical bodies and how they work, I think<br />

that we have moved the bodies which approve products<br />

further than was originally foreseen. The transparency<br />

over processes and the approval of products can only<br />

help break down the walls and barriers which exist in the<br />

European Union today. This should help companies in<br />

the EU, and in particular the special conditions set for<br />

micro-enterprises are also helpful in these tough<br />

economic conditions.<br />

In the European Union we should always strive for<br />

better regulation. Along with my shadow rapporteurs, I<br />

have modified the sections of the report which are no<br />

longer relevant or which were so unclear that no one was<br />

able to follow them or ensure their application. For an<br />

industry such as the construction sector it is imperative<br />

that the rules are clear and I look forward to seeing the<br />

difference these particular changes will make.<br />

The scale is huge and the challenges many, but today<br />

these new rules which will come into force through<br />

Member States in the next 24 months will help the<br />

construction sector as we attempt to create economic<br />

growth and, through this, jobs.<br />

1-043<br />

Antonio Tajani, Vicepresidente della Commissione. −<br />

Signor Presidente, onorevoli deputati, innanzitutto<br />

desidero ringraziare il Presidente che ci fa l'onore di<br />

presiedere un dibattito su un argomento così importante<br />

per la politica industriale e del mercato interno e<br />

desidero altresì ringraziare l'on. Stihler, relatore, che ha<br />

lavorato in modo approfondito su questa proposta e ci<br />

ha, grazie al suo impegno, permesso di raggiungere un<br />

accordo in seconda lettura.<br />

Voglio inoltre ringraziare vivamente tutti i relatori<br />

ombra e il presidente della commissione per il mercato<br />

interno, l'on. Harbour. I vostri sforzi collettivi sono stati<br />

determinanti per giungere ad una svolta durante i<br />

negoziati tra le Istituzioni in merito a questo dossier<br />

estremamente tecnico.<br />

La Commissione accoglie con favore il compromesso in<br />

seconda lettura da parte del Parlamento e del Consiglio;<br />

a prescindere dagli aspetti di natura tecnica, si tratta di<br />

un dossier di grande importanza. L'adozione del<br />

regolamento sui prodotti da costruzione rappresenta un<br />

passo di inestimabile rilievo per l'intero settore europeo<br />

della costruzione. I prodotti della costruzione<br />

rappresentano il 3% del PIL a livello europeo e in<br />

termini di occupazione le attività legate al settore della<br />

costruzione ricoprono il 6,5% del PIL a livello europeo e<br />

il 7,5% in termini occupazionali: nell'insieme questo<br />

porta il settore della costruzione a rivestire un peso del<br />

10% nell'ambito dell'economia europea, come ha<br />

ricordato nel corso del suo intervento la relatrice.<br />

Inoltre, l'adozione del regolamento sui prodotti da<br />

costruzione costituisce un passo in avanti importante<br />

nell'ambito della semplificazione e di una migliore<br />

legislazione e consolida nello stesso tempo il mercato<br />

interno per i prodotti di costruzione. Questo è stato<br />

anche il primo caso di applicazione pratica dei principi<br />

sanciti nell'ambito dello "Small business act". In effetti,<br />

alle imprese europee, specialmente alle più piccole,<br />

finalmente la normativa comunitaria offrirà strumenti<br />

abilitanti anziché l'esatto contrario, ossia moduli da<br />

compilare, trafile burocratiche e obblighi aggiuntivi.<br />

Non posso che essere soddisfatto di questo risultato, in<br />

modo particolare per le soluzioni apportate alle tre<br />

questioni considerate in precedenza più complicate: in<br />

primo luogo, per quanto riguarda la questione inerente le<br />

sostanze pericolose, la Commissione preparerà un<br />

rapporto su questo punto importante, informando il<br />

Parlamento e presentando, se del caso, le eventuali<br />

proposte legislative successive.<br />

In secondo luogo, il trattamento speciale riservato alle<br />

microimprese, da sempre ritenute fondamentali al fine di<br />

salvaguardare i principi dello "Small business act". Il<br />

risultato conseguito soddisfa questo criterio, mantenendo<br />

la possibilità di procedure semplificate per le<br />

microimprese.<br />

Infine, in varie parti del testo si riconosce la necessità di<br />

ridurre gli obblighi amministrativi delle imprese e quelli<br />

legati ai testi, non solo introducendo procedure<br />

semplificate per quel che riguarda la marcatura CE, ma<br />

anche mantenendo facoltativo l'uso delle valutazioni<br />

tecniche europee.<br />

Tuttavia, come indicato nella dichiarazione della<br />

Commissione allegata alla posizione del Consiglio in<br />

prima lettura, occorrerà verificare che le soluzioni scelte<br />

siano veramente le migliori per affrontare le necessità<br />

reali. In particolare, dovremo evitare di sottoporre le<br />

imprese, soprattutto le più piccole, ad obblighi<br />

amministrativi ingiustificati o comunque non necessari.<br />

È nostra intenzione monitorare attentamente questo<br />

aspetto e inserire le nostre conclusioni nella relazione al

24 17-01-2011<br />

Parlamento europeo e al Consiglio da elaborare dopo<br />

cinque anni dall'entrata in vigore del presente<br />

regolamento.<br />

Desidero inoltre puntualizzare che la Commissione<br />

intende collaborare da vicino con il Parlamento europeo<br />

e, naturalmente, con il Consiglio, in merito all'attuazione<br />

di questo regolamento. A tale proposito ho chiesto ai<br />

miei servizi – che ringrazio per il contributo che danno<br />

sempre all'attività legislativa della Commissione – di<br />

preparare una road map sull'implementazione, che ho<br />

intenzione di inviarvi non appena sarà possibile. Ciò<br />

riguarda in particolar modo i cosiddetti aspetti di<br />

comitatologia. Il Parlamento è un partner chiave della<br />

Commissione, e posso assicurarvi che intendo<br />

continuare a collaborare da vicino anche per quel che<br />

riguarda la fase successiva dell'adozione. D'altronde, 14<br />

anni passati in quest'Aula non sono trascorsi in vano.<br />

Infine, la Commissione ha ritenuto necessario presentare<br />

una dichiarazione riguardante la deroga all'accordo<br />

comune tra le istituzioni, relativa al termine per<br />

presentare obiezione nei confronti degli atti delegati. La<br />

Commissione tiene a sottolineare che il principio<br />

stabilito nel progetto di intesa comune prevede un<br />

termine per la presentazione delle obiezioni di due mesi,<br />

prorogabile per altri due.<br />

Nel caso in questione, la Commissione ritiene che non<br />

sussistano circostanze particolari che possano<br />

giustificare una deroga a tale principio. La Commissione<br />

si rammarica del fatto che il principio concordato nel<br />

progetto di intesa comune non sia stato rispettato e nella<br />

sua dichiarazione sottolinea che il caso dei prodotti di<br />

costruzione non può costituire un precedente.<br />

Ringrazio il Parlamento – anche attraverso il suo<br />

Presidente, che ringrazio ancora per aver partecipato a<br />

questo dibattito – dell'interesse con il quale ha esaminato<br />

questa proposta di semplificazione. Per concludere,<br />

vorrei mettere in risalto i vantaggi che ci aspettiamo da<br />

questa nuova normativa, nonché quelli risultanti per i<br />

produttori e gli utilizzatori dei prodotti da costruzione,<br />

come pure per le amministrazioni nazionali.<br />

Confermiamo anche la disponibilità della Commissione<br />

ad adempiere agli obblighi previsti dal testo del<br />

regolamento, in particolare ad elaborare le relazioni che<br />

le sono state richieste.<br />

Grazie ancora Signor Presidente, grazie agli onorevoli<br />

parlamentari per l'impegno e per la cooperazione<br />

dimostrata.<br />

1-044<br />

Andreas Schwab, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. – Herr<br />

Präsident, Herr Vizepräsident, liebe Kolleginnen und<br />

Kollegen! Auch von meiner Seite möchte ich zunächst<br />

ein herzliches Dankeschön an all diejenigen richten, die<br />

am Zustandekommen dieser Verordnung in zweiter<br />

Lesung aktiv mitgewirkt haben. Denn diese Verordnung<br />

– wie der Name es schon sagt – bringt eine<br />

Verbesserung im Verhältnis zur bestehenden Richtlinie.<br />

Das Baupolizeirecht ist ja in der Vergangenheit ein<br />

Stück weit Kernbereich nationaler Eigenständigkeit<br />

gewesen. Dass es uns gelungen ist, hier mit einer<br />

Verordnung den europäischen Binnenmarkt nach vorne<br />

zu bringen, ist sehr positiv.<br />

Zweitens enthält die Verordnung gerade für die<br />

mittelständische Wirtschaft, für kleine und mittlere<br />

Unternehmen, eine Reihe von wichtigen<br />

Erleichterungen, die ihnen das Wirtschaften und den<br />

Umgang im europäischen Binnenmarkt erleichtern<br />

werden. Und letztlich sind natürlich auch die<br />

Verbraucher Nutznießer dieser Verordnung, weil die<br />

Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit von Bauprodukten durch<br />

diese Verordnung erheblich verbessert wird.<br />

Ich darf auch für unseren Schattenberichterstatter, Herrn<br />

Professor Mayer, sprechen, der heute leider wegen<br />

Wahlkreisterminen noch in seinem Wahlkreis ist. Er hat<br />

mich gebeten, darauf hinzuweisen, dass es sich bei<br />

dieser Verordnung am Ende in zweiter Lesung um einen<br />

Kompromiss handelt, um einen guten Kompromiss, aus<br />

seiner Sicht aber doch noch einige Punkte zur<br />

Nacharbeit notwendig sind. Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass<br />

Herr Vizepräsident Tajani darauf hingewiesen hat, dass<br />

das Parlament auch bei diesen im Nachgang noch<br />

fälligen Arbeiten eingebunden sein wird. Für ihn als<br />

Schattenberichterstatter reicht es nicht aus, dass das<br />

Verhalten der Hersteller von Bauprodukten und der<br />

Vertrieb ihrer Produkte allein geregelt werden, sondern<br />

die hier vorliegende Verordnung muss durch ein<br />

Regelwerk ergänzt werden, das die Grundsätze und die<br />

praktischen Regeln für die Verwendung und den Einbau<br />

von Bauprodukten ebenfalls festlegt. In diesem<br />

Zusammenhang sollte nach seiner Meinung die<br />

Kommission erwägen, der europäischen Normungsinstitution<br />

CEN ein Mandat zur Vorlage eines<br />

vereinheitlichten europäischen Regelwerks zu geben.<br />

Des Weiteren möchte er darauf hinweisen, dass die<br />

Kommission beobachten soll, ob die neue Bauprodukteverordnung<br />

zu einer ausreichenden Harmonisierung in<br />

allen Bereichen und nicht zu weiteren Sicherheitsproblemen<br />

und zu unfairem Wettbewerb führen wird.<br />

Aber nach den Ausführungen von Kommissar Tajani bin<br />

ich sicher, dass wir dies auch gemeinsam erreichen<br />

werden.<br />

1-045<br />



Αντιπρόεδρος<br />

1-046<br />

Evelyne Gebhardt, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion. –<br />

Frau Präsidentin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich<br />

möchte meinen ganz herzlichen Dank der<br />

Berichterstatterin Catherine Stihler aussprechen, die in<br />

diesem hochtechnischen Bereich eine sehr wichtige<br />

Arbeit geleistet hat.<br />

Denn es ist nicht nur ein technischer Bericht, es ist auch<br />

ein hochpolitischer Bericht, der uns vorliegt, ein Bericht,<br />

in dem auch hohe politische Standards respektiert

17-01-2011 25<br />

werden mussten. Es ging darum, die Belange der<br />

Wirtschaft, der Sicherheit und des Arbeitsschutzes<br />

miteinander in Einklang zu bringen. Und das ist der<br />

Berichterstatterin aus Sicht des Europäischen <strong>Parlaments</strong><br />

und der Sozialdemokratinnen und Sozialdemokraten<br />

hervorragend gelungen.<br />

Die Belange der Wirtschaft zu respektieren und zu<br />

sehen, wo ihre Probleme in diesem Bereich der<br />

Bauprodukte sind, war eine wesentliche Sache. Es ging<br />

auch darum, die Balance zwischen den großen<br />

Unternehmen und den kleinen und mittleren<br />

Unternehmen zu finden. Wir fanden es richtig, dass die<br />

Kommission vorgeschlagen hat, dass kleine<br />

Unternehmen weniger Regeln brauchen. Aber das<br />

bedeutet nicht – und darauf bezieht sich die Verbesserung,<br />

die gegenüber dem Vorschlag der<br />

Kommission gemacht wurde –, dass es weniger<br />

Sicherheit geben darf. Und die Standards müssen auch<br />

wirklich auf hohem Niveau sein. Und es ist uns<br />

gelungen, das in diesem Bereich umzusetzen.<br />

Es ist natürlich auch wichtig, die Sicherheit in den<br />

Vordergrund zu stellen, die für die Verbraucher und die<br />

Verbraucherinnen von ganz besonders großer<br />

Wichtigkeit ist. Denn wo ein Bauprodukt hergestellt und<br />

eingebaut wird, muss dafür gesorgt werden, dass die<br />

Benutzer dieses Produktes am Ende genau so sicher sind<br />

wie diejenigen, die vorher damit gearbeitet haben.<br />

Der dritte Punkt, der für uns Sozialdemokratinnen und<br />

Sozialdemokraten ganz besonders wichtig war, ist die<br />

Verbesserung des Arbeitsschutzes und dass dieser<br />

expressis verbis auch noch einmal hineingeschrieben<br />

wurde. Darauf hat Frau Stihler in ihren Ausführungen<br />

auch großen Wert gelegt. Denn es geht auch darum, dass<br />

bei diesen Bauprodukten häufig mit gefährlichen<br />

Substanzen und Stoffen gearbeitet wird. Dass in diesem<br />

Bereich dafür gesorgt wird, dass der höchstmögliche<br />

Schutz wirklich erreicht wird, ist von außerordentlicher<br />

Wichtigkeit. An diesen Schutz muss dann auch später –<br />

und daran müssen wir wohl noch arbeiten, Herr Tajani –<br />

bei der Entsorgung solcher Produkte, wenn sie nicht<br />

mehr gebraucht werden, gedacht werden.<br />

Ich bedanke mich noch einmal ganz herzlich bei der<br />

Berichterstatterin, die wirklich hervorragende Arbeit<br />

geleistet hat.<br />

1-047<br />

Heide Rühle, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Frau<br />

Präsidentin, auch mein Dank gilt Frau Stihler und allen<br />

Schattenberichterstattern. Ich glaube, wir haben in dieser<br />

zweiten Lesung einen guten Kompromiss hinbekommen,<br />

auch wenn – wie immer bei Kompromissen – natürlich<br />

nicht alle Seiten zufrieden sind.<br />

Ich möchte ausdrücklich die Anmerkungen von Herrn<br />

Prof. Meyer aufgreifen, die Herr Schwab zum Ausdruck<br />

gebracht hat. Ich glaube, bei der Kennzeichnung müssen<br />

wir noch nacharbeiten. Wir haben jetzt eine gute<br />

Harmonisierung der Bauprodukte, d.h. der Erstellung der<br />

Bauprodukte. Aber wo wir nacharbeiten müssen, ist<br />

beim Einbau, bei der Verwendung der Bauprodukte.<br />

Eine Möglichkeit ist es, dass die Kommission hier im<br />

Bereich der Eurocodes weiterarbeitet und es dann hier<br />

auch ein Mandat im Bereich der Eurocodes gibt, um zu<br />

einer Weiterentwicklung zu kommen.<br />

Die andere Möglichkeit ist, dass wir zu einer<br />

Harmonisierung des Verwendungsbereichs und des<br />

Anwendungsbereichs kommen, damit wir hier nicht<br />

wieder zurückfallen auf die nationale Ebene und eine<br />

Europäisierung nur im Bereich der Produkte selbst<br />

haben, aber nicht im Verwendungsbereich. Hier müssen<br />

wir nacharbeiten, und da hat die Kommission auch<br />

unsere volle Unterstützung, wenn sie zu weiteren<br />

Maßnahmen kommt.<br />

Ich möchte noch einen weiteren Punkt erwähnen, der<br />

wichtig war bei der Auseinandersetzung, ob wir<br />

zustimmen oder nicht. Es gab in den Verhandlungen<br />

leider einen Fehler der belgischen Ratspräsidentschaft.<br />

Die belgische Ratspräsidentschaft hat in der zweiten<br />

Lesung nach der ersten Lesung neue Bereiche eingeführt<br />

– Artikel 8.3 und Artikel 8.6 – ohne dass das Parlament<br />

seine volle Zustimmung gegeben hat. Nun hat die<br />

ungarische Ratspräsidentschaft dies in einem Brief<br />

aufgegriffen. Allerdings glaube ich nicht, dass die<br />

ungarische Ratspräsidentschaft den Konflikt wirklich<br />

verstanden hat. Ich möchte noch einmal darauf<br />

hinweisen, dass ich erwarte, dass der Rat künftig, wenn<br />

er in der zweiten Lesung neue Punkte einbringt, wirklich<br />

auf das Parlament zugeht und versucht, mit dem<br />

Parlament einen guten Kompromiss zu erzielen.<br />

Dennoch sind wir angesichts des Ergebnisses der<br />

Meinung, dass es keinen Sinn hat, wegen eines solchen<br />

Formfehlers diesen Kompromiss abzulehnen. Wir<br />

stimmen diesem Kompromiss zu, weil wir glauben, dass<br />

das ein wichtiger Schritt zu einer weiteren<br />

Harmonisierung des Sektors ist, und der Sektor hat eine<br />

große wirtschaftliche Bedeutung. Deshalb also unsere<br />

Zustimmung zu dieser zweiten Lesung.<br />

1-048<br />

Emma McClarkin, on behalf of the ECR Group. –<br />

Madam President, I would like to thank Mrs Stihler for<br />

her hard work. It has been a very long road.<br />

In Europe today, the construction sector directly<br />

employs 12 million EU citizens. In addition,<br />

approximately 92% of the manufacturers of construction<br />

materials are small and medium-sized enterprises – this<br />

amounts to over 65 000 individual businesses. Clearly,<br />

the construction sector is vital for the European<br />

economy, and we have a responsibility to the industry to<br />

help support it, especially after the economic crisis.<br />

There are many aspects of this report which produced<br />

something of a stalemate between many of us, such as<br />

the nature of EU legislation. It is not perfect, it is a<br />

compromise. Key issues included the declaration of<br />

performance or CE marking, where a successful<br />

agreement was made to ensure micro-enterprises do not<br />

face the same burdens as larger companies. On tackling

26 17-01-2011<br />

and identifying hazardous substances in construction<br />

products, we managed to broker a compromise ensuring<br />

no conflict with existing REACH regulations.<br />

I hope that this second-reading agreement will have real<br />

results and will encourage the free movement of<br />

construction products, improve standards across the EU<br />

and promote the recycling of construction products in<br />

future whilst, most importantly, not increasing<br />

bureaucratic burdens on businesses or confusing<br />

consumers.<br />

1-049<br />

Lara Comi (PPE). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli<br />

colleghi, accolgo con favore il compromesso raggiunto<br />

in relazione ad alcuni punti specifici che giudico di<br />

vitale importanza, in vista di un'efficace realizzazione<br />

degli obiettivi che con tale proposta legislativa ci<br />

proponiamo di raggiungere.<br />

Mi riferisco alla conservazione delle norme sulle<br />

procedure semplificate, volte sicuramente ad alleggerire<br />

gli oneri e a ridurre i costi sostenuti dalle imprese, specie<br />

per quanto riguarda le piccole e medie imprese. Ritengo<br />

infatti indispensabile, nel quadro di una congiuntura<br />

economica negativa come quella attuale, riconoscere<br />

l'importanza del ruolo rivestito dalle piccole e medie<br />

imprese, che costituiscono uno dei pilastri fondamentali<br />

su cui poggia la nostra economia.<br />

Inoltre, attraverso l'introduzione di meccanismi<br />

procedurali semplificati e in particolar modo con la<br />

riduzione dei tempi per l'immissione di nuovi prodotti<br />

sul mercato, la nuova regolamentazione favorisce<br />

sicuramente l'innovazione. Al tempo stesso, tutela i<br />

consumatori, ponendoli in condizione di beneficiare più<br />

tempestivamente di prodotti dal carattere innovativo<br />

senza perciò rinunciare alle garanzie di qualità e<br />

sicurezza che devono essere assicurate dal marchio CE.<br />

A mio avviso, quindi, l'accordo raggiunto rappresenta un<br />

ottimo compromesso capace di realizzare il giusto<br />

bilanciamento tra le esigenze dei produttori e quelle dei<br />

consumatori e di garantire così il corretto funzionamento<br />

del mercato in un settore che è veramente il traino della<br />

nostra economia europea.<br />

1-050<br />

Συλβάνα Ράπτη (S&D). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, ευχαριστώ<br />

πάρα πολύ την κυρία Stihler για την εξαιρετική δουλειά<br />

που έκανε. Μιλήσαμε όλοι για ένα τεχνικό θέμα. Και<br />

ευτυχώς η κυρία Gebhardt, εκ μέρους της Σοσιαλιστικής<br />

Ομάδας, υπογράμμισε ότι το θέμα δεν είναι μόνο<br />

τεχνικό, αλλά είναι και άκρως πολιτικό και οικονομικό.<br />

Γνωρίζουμε όλοι ότι η οικοδομή είναι βασικός πυλώνας<br />

της οικονομίας. Γνωρίζουμε όλοι ότι οι μικρομεσαίες<br />

επιχειρήσεις είναι η σπονδυλική στήλη της οικονομίας<br />

μας, μιας οικονομίας στο πλαίσιο της Ευρωπαϊκής<br />

Ένωσης που βρίσκεται σε εξαιρετικά δύσκολη<br />

κατάσταση. Άρα λοιπόν, η έκθεση της κυρίας Stihler<br />

είχε μία έντονη πολιτική σημασία. Και τα κατάφερε<br />

περίφημα!<br />

Καταφέραμε και πετύχαμε ένα συμβιβασμό, ένα καλό<br />

συμβιβασμό για όλους. Καταφέραμε να βρούμε την<br />

ισορροπία εκείνη που θα μας δώσει απλές διαδικασίες,<br />

τις οποίες θα μπορούν να εφαρμόσουν χωρίς εκπτώσεις<br />

στην ποιότητα οι μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις, και,<br />

ταυτοχρόνως, το μέγιστο δυνατό καλό αποτέλεσμα.<br />

Καταφέραμε να χτυπήσουμε την υπόθεση των<br />

επικίνδυνων ουσιών. Όλοι θυμόμαστε - και οι<br />

παλαιότεροι εμού εδώ θυμούνται πάρα πολύ καλά - την<br />

υπόθεση της μόλυνσης με αμίαντο του κτηρίου<br />

Berlaymont, που είχε κλείσει για πέντε ή έξι χρόνια. Για<br />

φανταστείτε τι θα γινόταν σε ολόκληρες πολιτείες μέσα<br />

στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση εάν δεν θα μπορούσαμε να<br />

χειριστούμε το θέμα των επικίνδυνων ουσιών.<br />

Έχουμε, τέλος, μπροστά μας ακόμη το θέμα της<br />

ασφάλειας και της διαφάνειας. Και εδώ νομίζω ότι τα<br />

κατάφερε περίφημα η κυρία Stihler στην έκθεσή της και<br />

στο συμβιβασμό που επιτεύχθηκε.<br />

Κλείνοντας, κυρία Πρόεδρε, θα ήθελα να ευχηθώ, όσο<br />

καλά τα καταφέραμε στην οικοδομή, άλλο τόσο καλά να<br />

μπορέσουμε να τα καταφέρουμε στην οικοδόμηση της<br />

ευρωπαϊκής Πολιτείας.<br />

1-051<br />

Malcolm Harbour (ECR). – Madam President, as chair<br />

of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer<br />

Protection, I want to associate myself very much with<br />

many of the remarks – in fact all the remarks, I think –<br />

that people have made on the work that Catherine Stihler<br />

has done. I think that taking over a complex dossier for a<br />

second reading and coming into our committee to do that<br />

has been a tough task which she has done extremely<br />

well.<br />

I would remark that it shows the importance of the<br />

second-reading procedure in this House, because we<br />

have been able to make significant improvements to the<br />

text of the position that we received from the Council.<br />

As Mrs Rühle in particular pointed out, we had some<br />

disagreements with them. We have a letter from the<br />

Hungarian Presidency on some of the detailed issues<br />

which will be published with the Minutes.<br />

I just want to make two concluding remarks in endorsing<br />

this agreement. The first is to say to you, Commissioner,<br />

in thanking you for your work with us, that we need to<br />

work very closely with you on the implementation of<br />

this proposal. As you pointed out, there are important<br />

aspects of comitology here and my committee is<br />

absolutely behind the need to follow up these proposals<br />

very seriously.<br />

Secondly, I think that this is an absolutely crucial sector<br />

and we do need to keep it under review, as many<br />

colleagues have said, to make sure that there are in effect<br />

no market barriers put in place that are going to stop it<br />

contributing vitally to the European economy.<br />

1-052<br />

Zuzana Roithová (PPE). – Já jsem velice spokojená s<br />

textem stavební směrnice, který dojednali zpravodajové

17-01-2011 27<br />

se vstřícnými komisaři Tajanim a Barnierem, pro dnešní<br />

druhé čtení. Díky tomu by se trh se stavebními výrobky<br />

měl zjednodušit. Sjednotí se nadšení, zjednoduší<br />

dokumentace a zruší různé zbytečné byrokratické<br />

praktiky. Zvláště vítám, že konečně zvítězil i názor, že<br />

budování staveb je poskytování stavebních služeb, a<br />

nikoli uvádění výrobků na trh, a že stavební činnost<br />

zahrnuje i případné nesériově vyrobené komponenty<br />

zabudované do staveb. Také firmy v České republice<br />

tuto malou reformu opravdu ocení, protože stará<br />

směrnice jim zvyšovala náklady, aniž by to mělo vliv na<br />

lepší kvalitu. Můj výbor IMCO se sjednotil a text přijal<br />

jednoznačně, a to i pokud jde o zjednodušení pro<br />

mikropodniky. A já věřím, že zítra tak učiní celý<br />

Parlament. Bude to další důkaz o zlepšování právního<br />

prostřední v Evropské unii směrem, který podporuje<br />

jednotný trh.<br />

1-053<br />

Anja Weisgerber (PPE). – Frau Präsidentin! Die<br />

Einigung hat mich nicht in allen Punkten überzeugt, aber<br />

ich weiß, dass die neue Verordnung im Vergleich zur<br />

derzeitigen Rechtslage eine deutliche Verbesserung<br />

darstellt. Denn erstmals bekommen wir eine einheitlich<br />

europäische technische Sprache für Leistungen von<br />

Bauprodukten und gestraffte und vereinfachte<br />

Verfahren. Wir haben den europäischen Binnenmarkt<br />

vorangebracht und damit den Firmen, aber durch<br />

einheitliche Sicherheitsanforderungen auch den<br />

Verbrauchern genutzt. Grundsätzlich halte ich<br />

Erleichterungen für Kleinstunternehmen von bürokratischen<br />

Vorschriften für wichtig und sinnvoll. Aber<br />

man muss auch berücksichtigen, dass aufseiten der<br />

Anwender auch Kleinstunternehmen tätig sind, die<br />

Bauprodukte verarbeiten, und diese müssen ebenso<br />

geschützt werden.<br />

Daher freue ich mich, dass mein Vorschlag in der<br />

Einigung angenommen wurde. Danach gelten für<br />

Kleinstunternehmen bei der Bewertung von Leistungsmerkmalen<br />

der Bauprodukte vereinfachte Verfahren.<br />

Wenden sie allerdings solch ein Verfahren an, so müssen<br />

sie die Gleichwertigkeit der angewandten Verfahren mit<br />

dem eigentlich europaweit vorgesehenen Verfahren<br />

nachweisen. Nur so gewährleisten wir, dass die Angaben<br />

zu Leistungsmerkmalen auch exakt und zuverlässig sind<br />

und dass auch die Sicherheit von Gebäuden in ganz<br />

<strong>Europa</strong> gewährleistet ist.<br />

1-054<br />

Antonio Tajani, Vicepresidente della Commissione. −<br />

Signor Presidente, onorevoli deputati, condivido le<br />

parole del presidente Harbour quando sottolinea<br />

l'importanza del testo che stiamo discutendo e che sarà<br />

approvato grazie a questo accordo dall'Assemblea,<br />

perché si tratta di una nuova normativa che darà<br />

importanti segnali al mercato ma, nello stesso tempo,<br />

fisserà delle buone regole, permettendo alle piccole e<br />

medie imprese di potersi sviluppare, soprattutto in<br />

questa fase finale della crisi, dove noi dobbiamo fare di<br />

tutto perché le piccole e medie imprese possano creare<br />

nuova occupazione e possano svilupparsi. Questo è<br />

l'obiettivo della Commissione europea, condiviso<br />

dall'impegno forte del Parlamento europeo, proprio<br />

grazie anche all'implementazione e allo sviluppo dello<br />

"Small business act".<br />

Semplificazione per le piccole e medie imprese, quindi<br />

riduzione degli impegni burocratici, ma, nel disegnare<br />

queste regole per la liberalizzazione del mercato e per lo<br />

sviluppo del mercato – come ha sostenuto nel corso del<br />

suo intervento anche l'on. Gebhardt – c'è un forte<br />

segnale che riguarda anche la sicurezza, sicurezza che<br />

riveste grande importanza per i lavoratori che operano<br />

nel settore delle costruzioni, ma anche per i consumatori.<br />

Mi pare che questo testo vada nella giusta direzione,<br />

fermo restando che è intenzione della Commissione non<br />

concludere con l'approvazione della norma frutto<br />

dell'accordo e del compromesso tra Consiglio e<br />

Parlamento: vogliamo continuare a lavorare nei prossimi<br />

anni e confermo questo impegno anche al presidente<br />

Harbour – che ha sottolineato la necessità di andare<br />

avanti – di dar vita ad una road map<br />

sull'implementazione che vi invierò appena possibile.<br />

Molti parlamentari nel corso di questo dibattito sono<br />

intervenuti sul tema dell'armonizzazione nel settore delle<br />

costruzioni, in modo particolare per quanto riguarda la<br />

sicurezza. Sono assolutamente cosciente e consapevole<br />

del problema e sono lieto di avere elaborato con il CEN<br />

gli Eurocodici, che sono norme armonizzate che<br />

riguardano proprio la sicurezza delle costruzioni. La<br />

Commissione, come sapete, sta preparando in questo<br />

momento una comunicazione sul tema della<br />

standardizzazione, che sarà presentata nel giro di poche<br />

settimane all'attenzione del Parlamento e del Consiglio,<br />

quindi signor Presidente, onorevoli deputati, credo che<br />

oggi e domani si compia un importante passo in avanti.<br />

Ripeto, non si tratta soltanto – e voglio ringraziare la<br />

relatrice per la pazienza avuta nell'operare su norme<br />

tecniche che però rappresentano la fotografia di un forte<br />

impegno politico – di norme tecniche, ma dietro ai<br />

tecnicismi si nasconde una scelta economica importante<br />

a favore delle piccole e medie imprese, che sono quelle<br />

che potranno creare nuovi posti di lavoro nei prossimi<br />

anni, e a favore di mezzo miliardo di cittadini europei.<br />

1-055<br />

Catherine Stihler, rapporteur. − Madam President,<br />

thank you to all colleagues who have taken the time to<br />

speak this afternoon and evening.<br />

I think Commissioner Tajani’s comments about<br />

partnership working, the roadmap and the issue of<br />

Eurocodes, which Mrs Rühle and (I think) Mr Schwab<br />

also mentioned, are important and that we take forward<br />

the good cooperation that we have had. It is a<br />

compromise that we have reached and there are some<br />

things colleagues might have liked in this compromise<br />

that we did not manage to get in, but Parliament<br />

managed to secure 75% of the amendments that we<br />

thought were important within this text, and that is no<br />

mean feat.

28 17-01-2011<br />

There is something that struck me throughout this<br />

debate. The construction sector is so vitally important to<br />

our economies for future growth, for jobs, that I would<br />

like to ask the President whether we can make sure there<br />

is an annual debate in this House on the construction<br />

sector, to take forward the cooperation that the<br />

Commissioner has offered to us and to make sure that<br />

we always place the importance on the construction<br />

sector that this House should do, given that 38 million<br />

people rely on the construction sector for their jobs.<br />

So, thank you, Madam President, thank you,<br />

Commissioner, and I look forward to the weeks, months<br />

and years ahead because the construction debate will<br />

continue in the Committee on the Internal Market and<br />

Consumer Protection and I for one will certainly be<br />

following it.<br />

1-056<br />

Πρόεδρος. – Η συζήτηση έληξε.<br />

Η ψηφοφορία θα διεξαχθεί την Τρίτη 18 Ιανουαρίου<br />

2011.<br />

Γραπτές δηλώσεις (άρθρο 149)<br />

1-057<br />

George Becali (NI), în scris. – Vreau să o felicit pe<br />

doamna raportor pentru conţinutul raportului său.<br />

Construcţiile reprezintă un domeniu în egală măsură<br />

sensibil şi important al economiei europene şi avem<br />

nevoie de armonizare. Spun sensibil nu doar din<br />

perspectiva modului în care acest sector a reacţionat la<br />

criză, ci mai ales din cea a numărului mare de lucrători,<br />

12 milioane, şi de IMM-ri, circa 65 000. Susţin puternic<br />

ideea că trebuie să recunoaştem pentru construcţii<br />

necesitatea unui nivel ridicat de siguranţă şi de sănătate a<br />

muncii. Mă refer în mod egal şi clar la accidentele de<br />

muncă, destul de frecvente, dar şi la substanţele<br />

periculoase utilizate în proces. În încheiere, adaug un<br />

singur lucru: piaţa unică în domeniul construcţiilor are<br />

nevoie de sprijin potrivit importanţei şi specificităţii<br />

sale, dar şi pentru aspectele sensibile de care vorbeam la<br />

începutul intervenţiei mele.<br />

1-058<br />

13 - Συνέπειες στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση από<br />

τον εντοπισμό διοξίνης σε ζωοτροφές<br />

(συζήτηση)<br />

1-059<br />

Πρόεδρος. – Το επόμενο σημείο είναι η δήλωση της<br />

Επιτροπής σχετικά με τις συνέπειες στην Ευρωπαϊκή<br />

Ένωση από τον εντοπισμό διοξίνης σε ζωοτροφές.<br />

1-060<br />

John Dalli, Member of the Commission. − Madam<br />

President, as you are well aware, the New Year started<br />

with a serious incident of dioxin contamination of<br />

animal feed in Germany. The Commission services have<br />

been monitoring developments closely and in full<br />

cooperation with the competent German authorities.<br />

I have already started considering possible measures<br />

which will ensure that our high-level food and feed<br />

safety system will become even more efficient. But let<br />

me start with the facts of the incident first: the incident<br />

came to light when a compound feed manufacturer<br />

notified the German competent authorities on 22<br />

December 2010 after having received the analytical<br />

result from a laboratory that a sample was found to be<br />

non-compliant with EU legislation after self-controlled<br />

tests.<br />

Between the middle of November and middle of<br />

December of last year a biodiesel manufacturer<br />

delivered seven consignments of fatty acids intended for<br />

technical purposes to a feed fat manufacturer who also<br />

produces fats for technical use. This latter company was<br />

at the same time a registered feed fat manufacturer;<br />

apparently blending of feed grade fat and technical fat<br />

took place. Four of these consignments delivered in the<br />

second half of November were later found to be<br />

contaminated with dioxins. The other three delivered to<br />

feed mills in the first half of December 2010 were not<br />

contaminated.<br />

However, until this was verified and for purely<br />

precautionary reasons, all consignments were regarded<br />

and treated as potentially contaminated. A total of<br />

almost 2 300 tonnes of potentially contaminated feed fat<br />

was delivered to 25 feed manufacturers in Germany. No<br />

deliveries of feed fat were made outside of Germany.<br />

Between 100 000 and 200 000 tonnes of feed containing<br />

2% to 10% of the potentially contaminated fat were<br />

delivered to about 4 800 farms in Germany. As a strictly<br />

precautionary measure all farms were blocked; their<br />

commercial activities suspended; there were laying hen,<br />

fattening poultry, goose, pig, dairy cattle, bovine and<br />

rabbit farms. Some deliveries of potentially<br />

contaminated feed for breeding hens were also made to<br />

France and Denmark.<br />

No food of animal origin from the blocked farms can be<br />

placed on the market until the farms are unblocked. This<br />

can only happen after it is ensured through analytical<br />

results and investigations that the farms are not<br />

contaminated at levels above those provided by the EU<br />

law. Currently, of these 4 800 farms that were originally<br />

blocked, 939 farms – mostly poultry and pig<br />

establishments – remain blocked. It appears that no<br />

contaminated food was traded or exported from<br />

Germany since the incident was notified, with a few<br />

exceptions.<br />

In the end, analytical results showed that the products<br />

were compliant with EU legislation. This is an example<br />

of the effectiveness of the EU’s traceability system and<br />

we will continue to be vigilant in this respect.<br />

The fortunate element of this incident is that the<br />

observed levels of dioxin in food where EU limits were<br />

exceeded have not been very high, which means that no<br />

immediate health risk for the consumer is expected as a

17-01-2011 29<br />

result of the consumption, if any, of the contaminated<br />

products during a short period of time.<br />

What has the Commission done to help manage the<br />

incident? My services have been in constant contact with<br />

the German authorities and they immediately<br />

disseminated all information to Member States through<br />

the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed. They have<br />

also been in touch with the competent authorities in third<br />

countries, providing a clear picture of the incident to our<br />

trade partners. Moreover, Commission officials met with<br />

stakeholders in the fats and oils industries to explore<br />

ways of further strengthening the monitoring of dioxin<br />

in feed.<br />

I personally contacted the German Federal Minister for<br />

Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Ilse Aigner,<br />

on 6 January, and we exchanged views on what needs to<br />

be done to avoid similar contamination and incidents in<br />

the future. Today, I again contacted the German<br />

Minister, as I was concerned by the recent news from<br />

last weekend that a feed manufacturer did not provide a<br />

full list of farms which received potentially<br />

contaminated feed, and provided incorrect information<br />

as regards the use of contaminated feed fat in compound<br />

feed, resulting in an additional blocking of several<br />

hundred farms.<br />

This concerns a very serious infringement of EU food<br />

safety provisions. Let me say it clearly: the German<br />

authorities are fully engaged in dealing with this<br />

contamination and are doing their best to deal with it<br />

urgently and decisively.<br />

I am informed that they are making available additional<br />

capacity for testing so that this is done and finished in<br />

the shortest possible time. However, it is important that<br />

the wider implications for the approach towards the<br />

safety of animal feed at EU level are also urgently<br />

addressed. For this reason, a team from the Food and<br />

Veterinary Office will visit Germany next week to assist<br />

the German authorities and to inform our overall<br />

knowledge and understanding of how this contamination<br />

happened and how it can be avoided in the future. The<br />

German authorities are informed and have agreed to this<br />

visit. I know that we can count on the full cooperation of<br />

our German colleagues.<br />

This incident will also be discussed during the<br />

Agricultural Council which will take place in Brussels<br />

next Monday 24 January. As I have already mentioned,<br />

we are reflecting on measures including legislative ones.<br />

The incident has highlighted the necessity to ensure the<br />

effectiveness of national control systems which underpin<br />

the confidence of all EU Member States and third<br />

countries in our food and feed safety measures. In order<br />

to address this issue, I am exploring the possibility of<br />

establishing a strict segregation of the production of fats<br />

and oils intended for feed and food purposes from the<br />

production of fats and oils for technical uses, and I am<br />

considering the possibility of legal requirements on<br />

reinforced controls on dioxins at different stages of the<br />

feed chains.<br />

I am confident that these measures when endorsed and<br />

adopted will bring the necessary improvements to our<br />

already solid food and feed safety systems.<br />

1-061<br />

Albert Deß, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. – Frau<br />

Präsidentin, Herr Kommissar! Vielen Dank, Herr<br />

Kommissar, für die sachliche Darstellung dieses Dioxin-<br />

Skandals in Deutschland. Mich macht es wütend, auch<br />

als Landwirt, dass wir uns immer wieder mit solchen<br />

Skandalen befassen müssen, bei denen die Ursache<br />

anscheinend in Schlamperei, aber auch in krimineller<br />

Energie liegt. Wir können noch so viele Gesetze und<br />

Verordnungen auf den Weg bringen – wir haben in<br />

<strong>Europa</strong> mit die strengsten Gesetze zur Produktion von<br />

Lebens- und Nahrungsmitteln, wir haben die niedrigsten<br />

Grenzwerte bei Inhaltsstoffen, die die Gesundheit<br />

unserer Verbraucher gefährden könnten –, und trotzdem<br />

sind wir vor solchen Gefahren nicht gefeit.<br />

Deshalb muss es auch eine Forderung sein – und dafür<br />

sind auch die Mitgliedstaaten zuständig –, dass dann,<br />

wenn die Staatsanwaltschaft feststellt, dass kriminelle<br />

Energie im Spiel ist, das Strafmaß massiv erhöht werden<br />

muss. Solche Leute dürfen nicht mit Geldstrafen<br />

davonkommen, hier sind Haftstrafen nwk1. Sie müssen<br />

weggesperrt werden, damit sie solches Unheil nicht<br />

mehr anrichten können.<br />

Ich bin sehr froh, Herr Kommissar, dass Sie den<br />

deutschen Behörden bescheinigt haben – das war auch<br />

mein Eindruck in Deutschland –, dass hier die<br />

entsprechenden Maßnahmen nacheinander ergriffen<br />

worden sind. Es wird in Deutschland zum Teil ein<br />

politisches Theater veranstaltet, das der Sache nicht<br />

gerecht wird. Wir müssen uns alle zusammensetzen und<br />

die strengen Bestimmungen, die wir haben, dort noch<br />

ergänzen, wo es notwendig ist.<br />

Sie haben eine Sache angesprochen, bei der Sie unsere<br />

vollste Unterstützung haben. Auch ich bin dafür – und<br />

ich spreche auch im Namen meiner Fraktion –, dass wir<br />

bei der Produktion von Lebensmitteln und anderen<br />

Produkten eine strenge Trennung einführen, damit<br />

solche Vermischungen nicht erfolgen können. Unsere<br />

Unterstützung haben Sie, Herr Kommissar, wenn es<br />

darum geht, unsere Vorschriften und unsere<br />

Verordnungen noch zu verbessern, damit solche<br />

Skandale in Zukunft noch besser verhindert werden<br />

können.<br />

1-062<br />

Ulrike Rodust, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion. – Frau<br />

Präsidentin! Herr Kommissar, ich bin etwas erstaunt<br />

über Ihre Ausführungen. Ich nehme die Presse –<br />

zumindest in Deutschland – etwas anders wahr. Auch<br />

mich macht es unglaublich wütend, dass es immer<br />

wieder Skandale im Bereich der Lebensmittelsicherheit<br />

gibt. Wir dürfen das nicht zulassen. Mir ist bewusst, dass<br />

Verordnungen und Gesetze allein nicht verhindern<br />

können, dass es kriminelle Machenschaften in diesem

30 17-01-2011<br />

Bereich gibt. Aber wir müssen alles daransetzen, damit<br />

es den Verantwortlichen so schwer wie möglich gemacht<br />

wird. Die Kommission muss die Mitgliedstaaten<br />

auffordern, ihr Strafmaß in diesem Bereich dringend zu<br />

überprüfen. Ein mutwilliger und fahrlässiger Umgang<br />

mit Lebensmitteln und Futtermitteln darf nicht mit<br />

banalen Strafen vergolten werden. Oft ist es doch nur so,<br />

dass Geldstrafen im Vergleich zu dem Gewinn so<br />

niedrig sind, dass sie aus der Portokasse bezahlt werden.<br />

Ganz wichtig ist es außerdem, die Anzahl der staatlichen<br />

Kontrolleure zu erhöhen. Das aktuelle Beispiel in<br />

Deutschland zeigt sehr gut, dass das Prinzip der<br />

Eigenkontrolle große Mängel hat. Ich weise darauf hin,<br />

dass es notwendig ist, dass das Verursacherprinzip in der<br />

gesamten Kette konsequent greift – vom Futtertrog bis<br />

zum Teller. Denn im Futtertrog fängt die Sicherheit<br />

unserer Lebensmittel bereits an.<br />

Es dürfen nicht Unschuldige das kriminelle Verhalten<br />

anderer ausbaden. Bis jetzt ist nicht geklärt, wer für die<br />

Verluste der Landwirte aufgrund des Dioxin-Skandals<br />

aufkommen wird. Die in die Insolvenz gegangenen<br />

Verursacher bestimmt nicht, denn da ist gar kein Geld zu<br />

holen. Das kann nicht sein! Hier sollte über einen<br />

europäischen Topf nachgedacht werden, in den die<br />

Futtermittelhersteller alle einzahlen müssen. Die immer<br />

wieder auftretenden Probleme bei der Lebensmittelsicherheit<br />

machen eines immer wieder deutlich: Wir<br />

müssen für die ganze Prozesskette, sowohl Lebens- als<br />

auch Futtermittel, die komplette Rückverfolgbarkeit<br />

sicherstellen. Hier sind die EU-Verordnung und die<br />

nationalen Gesetze nachzubessern.<br />

1-063<br />

Corinne Lepage, au nom du groupe ALDE. – Madame<br />

la Présidente, Monsieur le Commissaire, nous avons<br />

connu quatre incidents de ce type en dix ans en Europe.<br />

S'il faut se féliciter que notre système d'alerte ait<br />

convenablement fonctionné, la survenance de ce type<br />

d'incident est absolument inacceptable. La santé des<br />

consommateurs européens ne peut pas être la variable<br />

d'ajustement d'un système qui privilégie la réduction des<br />

coûts et qui, effectivement, est un encouragement<br />

indirect lorsque les sanctions sont aussi faibles qu'elles<br />

le sont.<br />

Et pourtant, Monsieur le Commissaire, nous avons<br />

besoin, et vous le savez mieux que quiconque, d'avoir la<br />

confiance de nos concitoyens. Dès lors, quelles actions<br />

envisagez-vous? Vous avez parlé, et je m'en réjouis, il y<br />

a un instant, d'obliger à séparer l'usage de la préparation<br />

des graisses industrielles et des graisses destinées à<br />

l'alimentation. Cela doit être une obligation, Monsieur le<br />

Commissaire, et non pas une simple faculté dans le<br />

processus de fabrication, pour que nous ayons beaucoup<br />

plus de certitudes.<br />

Deuxièmement, il est tout à fait anormal que<br />

l'insolvabilité puisse être ainsi organisée. Quelles actions<br />

peut-on mettre en place, Monsieur le Commissaire, pour<br />

garantir que de tels actes ne restent pas impunis car la<br />

responsabilité est encore le meilleur gardien de la<br />

sécurité?<br />

Et, enfin, en dernier lieu, quelles actions envisagez-vous<br />

de mettre en place pour améliorer la surveillance établie<br />

par les États? Il s'est quand même passé près de trois<br />

semaines entre le moment où ont été livrées ces graisses<br />

et le moment où l'alerte a été donnée. Ce n'est bien<br />

entendu pas du tout la faute de la Commission, mais,<br />

simplement, cela pose problème aux consommateurs<br />

dans l'intervalle. Pensez-vous que nous pouvons<br />

améliorer la situation sur ce point, Monsieur le<br />

Commissaire?<br />

1-064<br />

Martin Häusling, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. –<br />

Frau Präsidentin, Herr Kommissar, liebe Kolleginnen<br />

und Kollegen! Man muss feststellen, dass das Vertrauen<br />

der Verbraucher wieder einmal ganz erheblich gestört ist<br />

und die Verbraucher sich natürlich fragen: Was machen<br />

die nationalen Behörden und was macht die EU, um<br />

diesen Giftmischern das Handwerk zu legen? Im<br />

Gegensatz zum Herrn Kommissar glaube ich, dass es<br />

nicht etwa ein Zwischenfall oder ein dummer Zufall war.<br />

Ich glaube, dass mittlerweile ein System dahintersteckt,<br />

dass bestimmte Unternehmen mit dem Verschnitt von<br />

Stoffen, die eigentlich nicht in die Futtermittel gehören,<br />

Millionensummen verdienen und sich letztendlich aus<br />

der Haftung stehlen und Bauern und Verbraucher die<br />

Betroffenen sind.<br />

Ich glaube, an diesem Punkt müssen wir ansetzen, und<br />

man muss sich natürlich auch fragen: Setzt die Kontrolle<br />

an der falschen Stelle an? Es gibt in Deutschland ein<br />

Handvoll Unternehmen, die im Futtermittelbereich mit<br />

Fett arbeiten. Warum setzt man da nicht gezielt in der<br />

Kontrolle an? Warum verlässt man sich auf<br />

Eigenkontrollen und bekommt eher zufällig Werte<br />

geliefert, denen man dann vonseiten der staatlichen<br />

Kontrolle hinterherlaufen muss? Das heißt, wir brauchen<br />

europaweit eine risikobasierte Überwachung, und da<br />

geht die Frage an Sie, Herr Kommissar: Was macht die<br />

EFSA an dieser Stelle? Ist dies ein deutscher Fall, oder<br />

gibt es in <strong>Europa</strong> weitere Fälle, die vielleicht nur nicht<br />

entdeckt sind?<br />

Wir brauchen – ich glaube, darüber herrscht<br />

Einvernehmen – eine Positivliste, was eigentlich in die<br />

Futtermittel hineingehört? Wir brauchen strenge<br />

Zulassungsregeln für die Betriebe, und wir brauchen<br />

eine Haftungspflicht und eine Trennung der<br />

Warenströme. Aber ich glaube, wir brauchen auch – und<br />

das muss man an dieser Stelle wieder sagen – ein<br />

grundsätzliches Umsteuern in vielen Bereichen der<br />

Politik. Denn schlussendlich sollte das Futter der Tiere<br />

vom Acker kommen und nicht aus Industriebetrieben.<br />

Die Bauern müssen wissen, womit sie ihre Tiere füttern,<br />

und die Verbraucher müssen auch wissen, woher das<br />

Futter kommt. Das müssen wir gewährleisten. Da<br />

können und müssen wir bei der Agrarreform ansetzen,<br />

dass wir hier wieder etwas zurückdrehen. Denn<br />

letztendlich trägt die ganze Landwirtschaft den Schaden,

17-01-2011 31<br />

den einige kriminelle Panscher hier anrichten, und das<br />

müssen wir grundsätzlich verhindern!<br />

1-065<br />

James Nicholson, on behalf of the ECR Group. –<br />

Madam President, I sympathise totally with the position<br />

that many German farmers find themselves in at the<br />

present time.<br />

I had this experience about two years ago in Northern<br />

Ireland when we went through a very similar exercise.<br />

The people who really suffered in this were the farmers<br />

who were not actually involved in any way at all. I think<br />

the word ‘criminal’ has been mentioned here and there<br />

are those with criminal intent who have been involved in<br />

this. We have to ask why they do it, and whether they<br />

are doing it to make a lot of extra money, as Mr<br />

Häusling says. If they are, they should be prosecuted for<br />

it.<br />

But we should make it very clear that it is not those who<br />

are producing food that are responsible. It is the<br />

providers of the feed to those who are producing the<br />

food that are responsible. We must take action against<br />

these people to make sure that it does not happen and to<br />

restore consumer confidence. I can well understand why<br />

consumer confidence should be shaken at this moment.<br />

As someone said, this has happened before and it should<br />

not be allowed to happen again. Let us not simply go<br />

wholesale and bring in new legislation. Let us<br />

implement what we have.<br />

1-066<br />

Sabine Wils, im Namen der GUE/NGL-Fraktion. – Frau<br />

Präsidentin! Mahlen, mischen, mogeln – das sind die<br />

drei goldenen „M“ der Futtermittelindustrie in<br />

Deutschland. Seit 1999 gab es allein in Deutschland fünf<br />

Dioxin-Skandale. Futtermittelhersteller und Lebensmittelkonzerne<br />

scheren sich dort offensichtlich nicht um<br />

EU-Richtlinien und nationale Gesetze, wenn es darum<br />

geht, mit billigen Lebensmitteln große Gewinne zu<br />

machen. Der Wettbewerb um Niedrigstpreise im<br />

Lebensmittelmarkt ist hart in Deutschland. Das Futter<br />

für die Massentierhaltung soll daher möglichst billig<br />

sein. Staatliche Kontrollen finden bei den Futter- und<br />

Lebensmittelproduzenten kaum statt. Der Staat hat<br />

zunehmend auf die Eigenkontrolle der Hersteller gesetzt<br />

und qualifiziertes Personal eingespart. Unter diesen<br />

Bedingungen konnten jetzt mit Dioxin kontaminierte<br />

technische Fettabfälle aus der Biodieselherstellung in die<br />

Futter- und Lebensmittelkette gelangen.<br />

Der aktuelle Dioxin-Skandal hätte verhindert werden<br />

können, wenn das Fett auf Dioxine untersucht worden<br />

wäre, bevor es in das Futter gemischt wurde. Dann wäre<br />

die Belastung rechtzeitig aufgefallen. Jetzt werden<br />

wieder unzählige Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher<br />

zusätzlich mit Dioxinen belastet. 80 % des Dioxins, das<br />

wir aufnehmen, kommt über tierische Lebensmittel –<br />

also über Fleisch, Milch und Eier – in unseren Körper.<br />

Foodwatch fordert zu Recht, dass Futtermittelhersteller<br />

verpflichtet werden müssen, jede Charge einer<br />

Futtermittelzutat auf Dioxine und PCB zu testen, bevor<br />

sie das Futter mischen. Es darf keine einzige Zutat in das<br />

Futter gelangen, die nicht die Grenzwerte einhält.<br />

Hochbelastete Chargen müssen nachweisbar vernichtet<br />

werden. Nur so können weitere Panschereien und<br />

Verdünnungen von Schadstoffen verhindert werden.<br />

Auch die Labore müssen verpflichtet werden,<br />

Grenzwertüberschreitungen bei den staatlichen<br />

Aufsichtsbehörden zu melden. Für Fleisch muss eine<br />

Kennzeichnungspflicht zur Rückverfolgbarkeit<br />

eingeführt werden. Die aktuellen und die bisherigen<br />

Lebensmittelskandale in Deutschland haben gezeigt,<br />

dass staatliche Routinekontrollen bei den Futtermittelherstellern<br />

und den Tierproduzenten unabdingbar<br />

sind. Wie wollen Sie das durchsetzen, Herr Kommissar?<br />

1-067<br />

Peter Liese (PPE). – Frau Präsidentin, Herr Kommissar,<br />

liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Verbraucher und<br />

Landwirte müssen vor verantwortungslosen Futtermittel-<br />

und Futterfett-Panschern besser geschützt werden. Ihnen<br />

muss europaweit das Handwerk gelegt werden. Eine<br />

Kollegin sprach gerade nur über Deutschland, aber wir<br />

hatten leider Dioxin-Skandale und ähnliche Skandale in<br />

der Vergangenheit auch in anderen Mitgliedstaaten.<br />

Zunächst hat der Staatsanwalt das Wort, denn hier geht<br />

es um kriminelle Handlungen. Ich hoffe, dass die<br />

deutschen Staatsanwälte und die vielleicht noch<br />

involvierten Organisationen aus anderen Ländern – es<br />

wird ja auch von den Niederlanden als einem Teil der<br />

Kette gesprochen – schneller arbeiten als die<br />

Staatsanwälte in Irland. Dort sind nämlich erst jetzt die<br />

Verantwortlichen für einen Skandal im Jahr 2008<br />

verurteilt worden. Da müssen wir insgesamt schneller<br />

werden.<br />

Ich bitte darum, diesen Skandal – es ist ein Skandal – ins<br />

richtige Verhältnis zu setzen. Die Werte waren maximal<br />

vierfach erhöht. Das ist schlimm, und wir haben aus<br />

guten Gründen einen Vorsorgewert, der nicht<br />

überschritten werden darf. Aber der Vorsorgewert ist<br />

bewusst so gewählt, dass wir erst bei hundertfacher<br />

Überschreitung in die Bereiche kommen, wo im<br />

Tierversuch langfristig Schäden festgestellt wurden. Es<br />

geht also nicht um akute Gefahren, es geht um Vorsorge.<br />

Bei dem Skandal in Belgien 1999 waren die Werte 700mal<br />

so hoch wie der jetzige EU-Grenzwert. Außerdem<br />

haben wir die Dioxinbelastung in der Umwelt seit 1990<br />

durch Maßnahmen der EU – z.B. die Chemikaliengesetzgebung,<br />

verbesserte Standards bei<br />

Müllverbrennungsanlagen usw. – auf ein Zehntel<br />

reduziert. Trotzdem brauchen wir in der<br />

Nahrungsmittelkette Maßnahmen, die europaweit<br />

ergriffen werden müssen. Wir brauchen Dioxin-<br />

Monitoring, wir brauchen eine Trennung der Fette, ich<br />

meine, wir brauchen ein EU-weites Reinheitsgebot für<br />

Futtermittel, und wir brauchen eine bessere Absicherung<br />

der Landwirte, die nichts dafür können, dass es in der<br />

Futtermittelkette immer wieder zu solchen<br />

Schlampereien und kriminellen Machenschaften kommt.<br />


32 17-01-2011<br />

Capoulas Santos, em nome do Grupo S&D – Senhora<br />

Presidente, nunca é demais repetir que a <strong>Europa</strong> dispõe<br />

de normas mais exigentes do que as que existem em<br />

qualquer outra parte do Mundo no que diz respeito à<br />

qualidade dos produtos alimentares e esta imagem não<br />

pode ser posta em causa. Exigem-no os nossos<br />

consumidores, os mercados para onde exportamos e os<br />

nossos produtores, que fazem um grande esforço em<br />

trabalho e investimento para as respeitar.<br />

Se a contaminação, recentemente ocorrida na Alemanha,<br />

tivesse acontecido em muitas outras partes do mundo,<br />

nunca sequer provavelmente teríamos tido conhecimento<br />

dela. Mas não. Aconteceu na União Europeia. E o que se<br />

passou na Alemanha é inaceitável e deve ser, não só<br />

cabalmente esclarecido, assim como rapidamente<br />

responsabilizados os autores daquilo que parece tratar-se<br />

de um crime e não de um acidente.<br />

Não parece estar ainda totalmente esclarecida a origem<br />

da contaminação e isto causa-me grande estranheza. Não<br />

está claramente definida qual a responsabilidade das<br />

autoridades alemãs sobre eventuais falhas no controlo.<br />

Parece que o conhecimento se deveu a uma<br />

comunicação da empresa e não a um controlo das<br />

autoridades.<br />

Não estão apurados os responsáveis e a gravidade desta<br />

situação exige um esclarecimento objectivo por parte da<br />

Comissão.<br />

1-069<br />

Britta Reimers (ALDE). – Frau Präsidentin, Herr<br />

Kommissar, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Bei dem<br />

jetzigen Dioxin-Vorfall geht es um mehr als nur um<br />

einen Skandal. Hier wird den Menschen <strong>Europa</strong>s ihr<br />

Spiegelbild offenbart. Wie lange schon beklagen wir,<br />

dass in der Landwirtschaft ein extremer Preis- und<br />

Überlebenskampf tobt, angeheizt durch das unersättliche<br />

Verlangen nach immer billigeren Lebensmitteln.<br />

Dieser Kampf ist längst kein einfaches Kräftemessen<br />

mehr, sondern es ist mehr. Und dabei greifen Einzelne<br />

zunehmend häufiger zu immer kriminelleren Mitteln und<br />

Methoden. Hierbei jedoch werden wir alle nur verlieren.<br />

Wir können noch mehr Gesetze und Richtlinien erlassen,<br />

wir können noch mehr Kontrollen mit noch mehr Kosten<br />

durchführen, wir können noch härtere Strafen verhängen<br />

– nichts davon wird gegen die kriminelle Energie eines<br />

solch harten Existenzkampfs ankommen.<br />

Wir müssen endlich die Ursache dieses Übels angehen.<br />

Das Immer-mehr- und Immer-billiger-Wollen, muss<br />

endlich sein Ende finden. Als Landwirtin habe ich die<br />

Ohnmacht gegenüber solchen kriminellen<br />

Machenschaften Einzelner – wie in diesem Fall – nun<br />

direkt vor der Haustür erlebt. Ich habe mit meinen<br />

Berufskollegen gezittert, wer denn nun als nächstes an<br />

der Reihe ist und unschuldig in diesen Sog gezogen<br />

wird.<br />

Deswegen frage ich die Kommission: Was wollen Sie<br />

und ihre Kollegen tun, damit Lebensmittel wieder mehr<br />

Wert erhalten? Ich begrüße Ihre Vorschläge, aber Sie<br />

werden das Hauptproblem nicht lösen.<br />

1-070<br />

Bart Staes (Verts/ALE). – Voorzitter, collega's,<br />

mijnheer de commissaris, dit schandaal geeft me een<br />

echt een déjà-vu-gevoel, want de crisis verloopt<br />

inderdaad bijna identiek als twaalf jaar geleden in<br />

België. Al te veel incidenten toonden de afgelopen tien<br />

jaar aan dat er in de sector van de oliën en de vetten in<br />

de diervoedersector nogal wat actoren rondlopen die<br />

vanuit een gewetenloze hebzucht en op criminele wijze<br />

bereid zijn fraude te plegen, fraude ten nadele van het<br />

inkomen van boeren en boerinnen, fraude ten nadele van<br />

de gezondheid van consumenten. Dat is onaanvaardbaar.<br />

Vandaar dat er dus inderdaad nood is aan een soort<br />

stresstest voor de bestaande wetgeving. Ik hoop dat de<br />

landbouwraad daarop zal ingaan.<br />

Maar er is ook nood aan controle en toezicht. Binnen de<br />

sector is er nogal wat autocontrole. Welnu, op iedere<br />

vorm van autocontrole moeten strengere extra controles<br />

door de nationale overheden worden uitgevoerd. Dat<br />

moet gebeuren in een goede ratio. Ten tweede vind ik<br />

ook dat er meer controle moet komen van het Food &<br />

Veterinary Office in Ierland. Er moet meer controle op<br />

de controle komen. Ik heb gelezen dat er in de afgelopen<br />

tien jaar maar drie missies hebben plaatsgevonden door<br />

het FVO. Dat is te weinig, dat aantal moet omhoog.<br />

Commissaris, wilt u het FVO instructies geven om het<br />

aantal missies ter zake van dioxineproblemen op te<br />

voeren.<br />

1-071<br />

Jaroslav Paška, za skupinu EFD. – Európska únia si za<br />

dlhé roky svojho pôsobenia vytvorila nesmierne bohatú<br />

štruktúru rozličných nariadení a predpisov, ktoré majú<br />

u verejnosti vzbudiť dojem, že Únia dbá o čistotu a<br />

kvalitu našich potravín. Na posilnenie tohto dojmu<br />

zamestnala množstvo všelijakých odborníkov,<br />

kontrolórov, veterinárov a úradníkov a vybudovala<br />

bohaté inštitucionálne zázemie garantujúce akúsi<br />

európsku kvalitu potravín.<br />

No vážení, dnes vidíme, ako to funguje. Európa je<br />

zaplavená ťažko kontaminovanými potravinami a naša<br />

byrokratická mašinéria zjavne nevie, čo s tým. Pre<br />

pochopenie vážnosti situácie si najskôr pripomeňme, čo<br />

nám to kšeftári s potravinami naservírovali.<br />

Vedecká komunita považuje dioxín za najjedovatejšie<br />

chemikálie, ktoré kedy človek vyprodukoval. Sú<br />

karcinogénom najvyššieho stupňa, ale spôsobujú aj<br />

zníženie bunkovej a hormonálnej imunity, zvýšenú<br />

náchylnosť na infekcie, zníženú plodnosť, zvýšenú<br />

potratovosť, dysfunkciu vaječníkov, poruchy pôrodu,<br />

zvýšenú úmrtnosť plodov, poruchy vývoja centrálnej<br />

nervovej sústavy, patologické zmeny steroidných<br />

hormónov a receptorov atď.<br />

Nerozkladajú sa. Hromadia sa v tkanivách živých<br />

organizmov a Svetová zdravotnícka organizácia uvádza,<br />

že ak sa do priameho obehu dostane dioxín s veľkosťou

17-01-2011 33<br />

jedného zrnka ryže, zodpovedá to množstvu ročného<br />

limitu pre milión ľudí.<br />

Dnes sa dodatočne dozvedáme, že nemecká spoločnosť<br />

Harles and Jentzsch obohacovala dioxínmi krmivá pre<br />

zvieratá a od marca 2010 dodala na trh až tri tisíc ton<br />

dioxínmi znečisteného tuku. Podľa súčasných zistení<br />

putovali kontaminované vajcia do Holandska, Veľkej<br />

Británie, mäso do Francúzska a Dánska.<br />

Pýtam sa preto, pán komisár, ako je možné, že podnik,<br />

ktorý dodáva kŕmne zmesi tisícom farmárov, nie je<br />

evidovaný v predpísanom systéme kontroly? Aká je<br />

súčinnosť štátnych inštitúcií v Nemecku, keď sa podniku<br />

umožní vyrábať kŕmne zmesi bez toho, aby bol súčasne<br />

zaevidovaný do systému kontroly? Ako prebiehali<br />

veterinárne kontroly na farmách, keď veterinárni<br />

kontrolóri od marca 2010 do decembra minulého roku<br />

nezistili kontamináciu krmiva? A vážení, ako to je s<br />

likvidáciou týchto potravín? Hovoríme o likvidovaných<br />

vajciach a likvidovanom mäse a čo...<br />

(Rečník bol prerušený predsedajúcou)<br />

1-072<br />


Vizepräsidentin<br />

1-073<br />

Janusz Wojciechowski (ECR). – Pani Przewodnicząca!<br />

Mamy do czynienia ze skandalem, ale skandal to za<br />

mało powiedziane. To jest wielkie zagrożenie życia i<br />

zdrowia dla tysięcy ludzi. Liczę na to, że winni zostaną<br />

ustaleni i właściwie ukarani, ale ta sprawa niech będzie<br />

też powodem do refleksji nad modelem rolnictwa, jaki<br />

nam się wytworzył w Unii Europejskiej. Rolnictwo stało<br />

się przemysłem. Już nie mamy hodowli zwierząt, tylko<br />

produkcję mięsa, mamy wielkie fermy, mamy przemysł<br />

paszowy i zwierzęta karmione paszami, i to z<br />

dioksynami, paszami genetycznie modyfikowanymi,<br />

niezbadanymi do końca, i ten model rolnictwa się nie<br />

sprawdza. To jest model, który nie gwarantuje<br />

bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego.<br />

Wyjściem jest większy szacunek i respekt do takich<br />

gospodarstw, jakie mamy jeszcze w Europie, w Polsce i<br />

w innych krajach – opartych na własnej produkcji pasz.<br />

Powinniśmy to popierać.<br />

1-074<br />

Kartika Tamara Liotard (GUE/NGL). – Commissie,<br />

al in maart 2010 wist het verantwoordelijk bedrijf dat het<br />

producten verkocht met gevaarlijk hoge<br />

dioxineconcentraties. Hoe kan het dat dat bij geen enkele<br />

overheidscontrole is gebleken, zodat er toen al<br />

maatregelen hadden kunnen worden genomen? Zijn de<br />

huidige mechanismen voor controle op onze<br />

voedselveiligheid eigenlijk wel voldoende? Blijkbaar<br />

niet, want dan had deze dioxinecrisis kunnen worden<br />

voorkomen.<br />

Voedselschandalen volgen elkaar op. Niet alleen<br />

dioxinecrises, maar denk ook aan de kloonproducten die<br />

vorig jaar ongezien in onze winkels terechtkwamen.<br />

Regels zijn er genoeg, maar de controle op<br />

voedselveiligheid moet beter en frequenter worden<br />

uitgevoerd en bovendien moeten de uitkomsten van deze<br />

controles openbaar worden. Het gaat hier om de<br />

veiligheid van ons voedsel en om de gezondheid van<br />

onze burgers.<br />

Bovendien roep ik de Commissie op om de gedupeerde<br />

boeren die zonder het te weten hun eigen vee<br />

vergiftigden, te steunen bij schadeclaims tegen de<br />

verantwoordelijke bedrijven.<br />

1-075<br />

John Stuart Agnew (EFD). – Madam President, I<br />

would like to declare an interest: I am a British egg<br />

producer.<br />

The dioxin contamination appears to be a consequence<br />

of the failure to adhere to the more rigorous processing<br />

standards needed for animal feed, as opposed to the less<br />

demanding process used to convert rapeseed to biofuel.<br />

The EU’s enthusiasm for biofuels can therefore have<br />

unintended consequences. In my view, however, this is<br />

not a matter for the EU. It will not be solved by – and<br />

certainly does not need – extra regulation. The Germans<br />

have identified a problem, they have told us about it and<br />

they are taking the necessary steps.<br />

In the UK we have a comprehensive assurance scheme<br />

called the Lion Code. It covers both animal feed<br />

production in the mill and egg production on the farm,<br />

thus ensuring that incidents like this are highly unlikely.<br />

So, if any of you are insistent on top quality eggs, ‘ask<br />

for the Lion’ and British producers will be delighted to<br />

supply you.<br />

1-076<br />

Michel Dantin (PPE). – Madame la Présidente,<br />

Monsieur le Commissaire, je crois qu'il faut d'abord<br />

nous réjouir, car si nous parlons aujourd'hui d'une crise,<br />

c'est parce que notre système a quand même fonctionné.<br />

Nous possédons le système de protection du<br />

consommateur qui se situe au niveau le plus élevé au<br />

monde. Il faut que les consommateurs aient cela à<br />

l'esprit actuellement. Mais le système n'a pas fonctionné<br />

correctement et, avant d'en inventer un autre, je crois<br />

qu'il faut effectivement examiner avec attention<br />

complètement les raisons qui ont conduit à un tel retard<br />

dans la découverte du problème et nous interroger sur les<br />

causes de ce retard.<br />

Mais il faut aussi – me semble-t-il – que nous nous<br />

interrogions sur le pourquoi, au-delà de la dénonciation<br />

de l'acte criminel. Je crois que nous avons engagé le<br />

monde agricole et agroalimentaire dans une course aux<br />

bas coûts, dans une course aux prix les plus bas en<br />

matière de fourniture et nous ne sommes plus à l'abri de<br />

ce genre de déviation avec des comportements qui ne<br />

sont pas qualifiables.<br />

Alors, Monsieur le Commissaire, envisagez-vous un<br />

renforcement des pénalités pour de tels actes? Ma<br />

deuxième question concerne la façon dont nous

34 17-01-2011<br />

apporterons un soutien immédiat – je dis bien<br />

immédiat – aux éleveurs concernés. Car les marges sont<br />

tellement faibles que, si certains n'obtiennent pas des<br />

soutiens très vite, voire des avances sur des sommes qui<br />

leur seront dues un jour, ces éleveurs auront disparu le<br />

jour où la procédure aura abouti suivant une vitesse que<br />

je qualifierais "de normale".<br />

1-077<br />

Franz Obermayr (NI). – Frau Präsidentin! Darf ich die<br />

Frage an meinen Vorredner richten? Er hat gesagt, dass<br />

das System grundsätzlich funktioniert. Mich würde<br />

interessieren, ob er weiß, dass nicht das System<br />

aufgedeckt hat, sondern es Verbraucher waren, die hier<br />

zum Aufdecken beigetragen haben.<br />

Zum Zweiten möchte ich meinen Vorredner hinsichtlich<br />

seines Informationsstandes fragen, ob er auch weiß, dass<br />

es Studien gibt, wonach die Bürger sehr wohl gerne<br />

bereit sind, etwas mehr zu zahlen, wenn sie die<br />

Gewissheit hätten, dass die Produkte aus artgerechter<br />

Haltung kommen und qualitativ hochwertig sind.<br />

1-078<br />

Michel Dantin (PPE). – Madame la Présidente, je pense<br />

que le collègue qui a posé une question avait plus un<br />

commentaire à faire sur une situation qu'une question à<br />

me poser. Évidemment, nous savons que le système a<br />

dérapé. Mais je voudrais souligner, vis-à-vis du<br />

consommateur européen, la sévérité de notre système de<br />

protection. Nous ne pouvons pas laisser dire sans arrêt<br />

que rien n'est fait, alors que nous avons le standard le<br />

plus haut au monde.<br />

1-079<br />

Paolo De Castro (S&D). – Signor Presidente, Signor<br />

Commissario, onorevoli colleghi, ringrazio anch'io<br />

innanzitutto il Commissario John Dalli per essere venuto<br />

oggi in Aula a riferire su questo caso che allarma i<br />

consumatori europei.<br />

La prossima settimana anche la commissione<br />

agricoltura, che mi onoro di presiedere, approfondirà<br />

ulteriormente il dibattito sulle conseguenze di questo<br />

grave episodio. Nonostante l'<strong>Europa</strong> sia molto<br />

impegnata sul fronte della sicurezza alimentare, sono<br />

necessari ulteriori sforzi in tema di trasparenza e<br />

controlli per evitare altri casi di contaminazione<br />

alimentare.<br />

Ricordo che nell'ultimo anno il Parlamento ha approvato<br />

una relazione di iniziativa sulla qualità dei prodotti<br />

agricoli e soprattutto quest'Aula ha approvato in prima<br />

lettura il regolamento sulle informazioni alimentari ai<br />

consumatori, che ha introdotto l'indicazione obbligatoria<br />

in etichetta del luogo di provenienza per i prodotti<br />

agricoli. Un'importante novità che purtroppo, però, ha<br />

avuto una battuta d'arresto l'8 dicembre in Consiglio<br />

Salute. Noi in seconda lettura tenteremo di reintrodurla,<br />

perché si tratta di un importante traguardo di tutela e<br />

trasparenza per i consumatori europei.<br />

Il Parlamento quindi si muove nella giusta direzione,<br />

dimostrando di stare dalla parte dei consumatori.<br />

Auspichiamo anche da parte del Consiglio e della<br />

Commissione un atteggiamento analogo.<br />

1-080<br />

Marit Paulsen (ALDE). – Fru talman, herr<br />

kommissionsledamot! Jag måste hålla med det som flera<br />

av kollegerna redan påpekat, nämligen att den nuvarande<br />

lagstiftningen till stor del fungerar. Det är inte där<br />

problemet ligger. Problemet ligger istället i efterlevnad,<br />

kontroll och sanktionssystem. Sanktionssystemen har vi<br />

på EU-nivå inte rätt att lägga oss i, och vi måste komma<br />

ihåg att om vi skriver lagar utan att det samtidigt finns<br />

sanktionssystem så skriver vi väldigt många lagar rent ut<br />

sagt i vatten, knappast ens på papper. Det fungerar inte.<br />

Men kommissionsledamoten tog upp någonting som är<br />

oerhört viktigt. Jag var föredragande för den förordning<br />

som ligger till grund för foderkontrollerna.<br />

Kommissionsledamoten tog upp frågan om den strikta<br />

åtskillnaden av råvaror för foderindustrin och för<br />

tekniska ändamål, i detta fall fett.<br />

Mitt förslag för tio år sedan var att alla produkter av<br />

tveksamt ursprung skulle färgas. För ärligt talat jag<br />

tycker väldigt, väldigt synd om de bönder som gång på<br />

gång ska drabbas av gift i fodret utan att de kan göra<br />

något.<br />

1-081<br />

Licia Ronzulli (PPE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli<br />

colleghi, ho voluto essere uno dei firmatari di questa<br />

interrogazione perché ritengo sia fondamentale, dopo<br />

l'incidente avvenuto nelle scorse settimane, aprire un<br />

dibattito sulla sicurezza alimentare.<br />

Quanto sono veramente sani e nutrienti i prodotti che<br />

ogni giorno milioni di cittadini europei consumano?<br />

Siamo realmente certi che i prodotti presenti sulle nostre<br />

tavole sono sicuri? La qualità delle materie prime è<br />

fondamentale per garantire la genuinità del prodotto<br />

finale; un controllo costante, dal campo alla tavola, è<br />

l'unico mezzo per evitare la contaminazione dei prodotti<br />

alimentari e per individuare immediatamente i potenziali<br />

rischi.<br />

Il nuovo incidente tedesco conferma la necessità di<br />

rendere obbligatoria in tutti i prodotti, anche quelli<br />

trasformati, l'indicazione di origine in etichetta, come ha<br />

già sottolineato il collega De Castro. Dobbiamo tutelare<br />

il diritto del consumatore a conoscere la provenienza di<br />

ogni prodotto che sta acquistando e la sicurezza<br />

alimentare dei nostri prodotti può essere garantita<br />

soltanto con una condivisione di responsabilità di tutti<br />

gli operatori.<br />

È vero, già oggi la legislazione europea prevede controlli<br />

e procedure per garantire che il cibo che arriva sulla<br />

nostra tavola sia idoneo al consumo e i rischi di<br />

contaminazione siano ridotti al minimo, ma il nostro<br />

obiettivo deve ora essere quello di contribuire<br />

quotidianamente al miglioramento della qualità degli<br />


17-01-2011 35<br />

Sottolineo con orgoglio che domani il parlamento<br />

italiano approverà una legge che estende l'indicazione<br />

del marchio di origine obbligatorio a tutti i prodotti<br />

alimentari oggi privi dello stesso. Finalmente sapremo la<br />

provenienza di prodotti quali carni suine, anche il latte a<br />

lunga conservazione, la frutta, la verdura e alcune bibite<br />

come l'aranciata.<br />

Spero che l'<strong>Europa</strong> prenda spunto da questa legge, io mi<br />

impegnerò attivamente per garantire una più ampia<br />

trasparenza, informazione e tutela dei diritti del<br />

consumatore, strumenti che ritengo fondamentali per<br />

favorire un'alimentazione sana e genuina.<br />

1-082<br />

Marita Ulvskog (S&D). – Fru talman! Den viktiga<br />

frågan nu den är hur vi undviker nya skandaler, nya<br />

risksituationer. Det är bra att kommissionsledamoten<br />

åker till Tyskland och det är självklart att jordbruksrådet<br />

måste diskutera saken. Det hade varit en skandal i sig<br />

om de inte hade gjort det. Det behöver fortfarande göras<br />

saker på det här området. Ja, vi behöver kraftfulla<br />

sanktioner som medlemsländerna förstår att de måste<br />

besluta om.<br />

Framförallt behöver vi ett slut på självkontrollen. För<br />

andra branscher och företag är det fullkomligt självklart<br />

att det är oberoende myndigheter som ska övervaka att<br />

regelverken efterlevs. Men det gäller alltså inte i den<br />

bransch som handlar om att producera födoämnen som<br />

vi människor lever på.<br />

Att skylla på stordrift, lågpriskonkurrens och annat går<br />

helt inte. Som konsumenter vill vi inte äta giftig mat. Vi<br />

måste se till att konsumenterna får veta när de faktiskt<br />

gör det och att de får reda på att de inte ska behöva göra<br />

det.<br />

1-083<br />

Antonyia Parvanova (ALDE). – Madam President, the<br />

December contamination in Germany which we are<br />

discussing today and the blatant breach observed in our<br />

food safety chain not only seriously put at risk the health<br />

of thousands of consumers, but also revealed remaining<br />

weaknesses in our food traceability system. It is indeed<br />

more than worrying that the German authorities, and the<br />

Commission itself, were not able to guarantee that none<br />

of the contaminated raw products, such as eggs, entered<br />

the food chain by being included as ingredients in<br />

processed food.<br />

Traceability is quite often seen as a burden for the food<br />

industry, but it appears crucial when it comes to an<br />

emergency situation such as the one discussed today and<br />

should be considered as a prerequisite in protecting<br />

consumers’ health and safety. I would therefore like to<br />

put two questions to the Commission.<br />

Firstly, can it now be certain and confirm that none of<br />

the contaminated eggs or any single product affected<br />

entered the food chain via their utilisation in processed<br />

foods?<br />

Secondly, does it intend to reinforce traceability and<br />

information measures in order to guarantee an optimal<br />

protection of consumers in future food crises with health<br />

implications?<br />

1-084<br />

Elisabeth Köstinger (PPE). – Frau Präsidentin, sehr<br />

geehrter Herr Kommissar! Die europäischen<br />

Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten sind durch den<br />

deutschen Dioxin-Skandal verunsichert und fordern zu<br />

Recht höchste Sicherheit und lückenlose<br />

Nachvollziehbarkeit in der Lebensmittelerzeugung.<br />

Letztendlich wurde durch fahrlässiges Verhalten von<br />

Futtermittelkonzernen das internationale Ansehen der<br />

Landwirtschaft beschädigt. Die Kommission ist<br />

dringlichst aufgefordert, das Vertrauen in die<br />

europäische Qualitätsproduktion in der Landwirtschaft,<br />

die höchste Standards erfüllt, wiederherzustellen.<br />

Die lückenlose Ermittlung der Verantwortlichen und die<br />

Schadensbegrenzung im deutschen Dioxin-Skandal sind<br />

nur der Anfang. Es müssen rasche und umfassende<br />

Maßnahmen getroffen werden, um solche Praktiken der<br />

Futtermittelhersteller zukünftig zu verhindern. Die<br />

Futtermittelkette ist keine Müllentsorgungsstelle und<br />

Industrieabfallprodukte haben im Tierfutter nichts<br />

verloren. Ich plädiere für schärfere und EU-weit<br />

einheitliche Regeln, vor allem beim Transport. Bereits<br />

eine Verunreinigung von Futtermitteln ist nicht zu<br />

akzeptieren. Unabdingbar ist aber vor allem die<br />

lückenlose und umfassende Kontrolle solcher Konzerne.<br />

Kein Landwirt, der mehrmals jährlich überprüft wird,<br />

kann die derzeit vorherrschende Kontrollpraxis von<br />

Futtermittelkonzernen verstehen. Trotzdem ist<br />

anzumerken, dass der gerade diskutierte Fall durch eine<br />

Eigenanzeige ins Rollen gebracht wurde und die<br />

zuständigen Behörden richtig reagiert haben.<br />

Vor allem gilt es aber, das Augenmerk auf die zu<br />

Unrecht geschädigten Bauern zu richten. Diese brauchen<br />

dringend Unterstützung, denn der entstandene Schaden<br />

darf auf keinen Fall auf sie abgewälzt werden. Tausende<br />

Existenzen sind derzeit bedroht. Am vergangenen<br />

Freitag brach der Erzeugerpreis im Schweinemastbereich<br />

um 23 Cent je Kilogramm ein. Bereits zum<br />

Jahreswechsel hatten die Mäster einen Rückgang von<br />

13 Cent zu verkraften. Verschärft wird die Lage<br />

dadurch, dass in den vergangenen Wochen die<br />

Futterkosten stark gestiegen sind. Hier sind rasche<br />

Lösungen gefordert. Das Vertrauen der Konsumenten in<br />

landwirtschaftliche Produkte darf auf keinen Fall<br />

aufgrund von Profitgier und Fahrlässigkeit verspielt<br />

werden.<br />

1-085<br />

Catherine Stihler (S&D). – Madam President, as we<br />

have heard, dioxin is a dangerous chemical which is<br />

known to cause cancer, and in this instance it entered the<br />

food chain when chemicals meant for use in biofuels<br />

were accidentally used in animal feed.<br />

Some test results from the Agriculture Ministry in<br />

Schleswig-Holstein have shown that the fat in the feed<br />

contained 77 times the approved amount of dioxin. The<br />

Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed is designed to<br />

protect European consumers from exactly these types of

36 17-01-2011<br />

contamination. By the time the alarm was raised,<br />

contaminated products were all over Germany and other<br />

parts of the EU, even in UK quiches, which were<br />

removed from supermarket shelves as a precautionary<br />

measure.<br />

This is not the first dioxin scare. We have had problems<br />

with mozzarella from Italy, pork products in Ireland and<br />

cattle products in Northern Ireland. What we want to<br />

know from the Commission is why this rapid alert<br />

system has again failed to protect consumers, and what<br />

the Commission is going to do to put it right.<br />

1-086<br />

Σπύρος Δανέλλης (S&D). – Κύριε Επίτροπε, δώδεκα<br />

χρόνια μετά το σκάνδαλο διοξινών στις βελγικές<br />

ζωοτροφές, εντοπίστηκαν τώρα διοξίνες σε ζωοτροφές<br />

στη Γερμανία, χώρα με παράδοση στην πειθαρχία και<br />

τους αξιόπιστους θεσμούς. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι το<br />

σύστημα ελέγχων δεν είναι επαρκώς αυστηρό,<br />

στοχευμένο, διαφανές και αντικειμενικό και δεν<br />

συνοδεύεται από επαρκή αντικίνητρα και κυρώσεις. Τα<br />

κενά αυτά πρέπει να καλυφθούν με σοβαρότητα και<br />

ευθύνη έναντι του καταναλωτή, ιδιαίτερα, σε μία εποχή<br />

που η οικονομική κρίση ευνοεί την εξεύρεση αθέμιτων<br />

λύσεων για μείωση του κόστους παραγωγής. Δεν είναι<br />

δυνατόν να περιμένουμε ότι, ιδιαίτερα σε αντίξοες<br />

οικονομικές συνθήκες, τα προβλήματα θα<br />

αυτορρυθμίζονται στη βάση ενός συστήματος ηθικών<br />

αξιών. Και βέβαια, οι καταναλωτές πρέπει να έχουν<br />

άμεση και πλήρη πληροφόρηση για τον κίνδυνο στον<br />

οποίο εκτίθενται.<br />

Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση υπερηφανεύεται ότι έχει θεσπίσει<br />

αυστηρούς όρους για τη διασφάλιση της δημόσιας<br />

υγείας, της προστασίας του περιβάλλοντος, της ευζωίας<br />

των ζώων. Θα πρέπει όμως και να διασφαλίσει την<br />

απαρέγκλιτη εφαρμογή τους εάν δεν θέλει η πολιτική<br />

της να περιορισθεί απλώς σε...<br />

(Η Πρόεδρος αφαιρεί το λόγο από τον ομιλητή.)<br />

1-087<br />

Franz Obermayr (NI). – Frau Präsidentin! Vorab: Für<br />

mich ist es keine Fahrlässigkeit, sondern vorsätzlich<br />

kriminell. Was brauchen wir? Wir brauchen ein paar<br />

wichtige Punkte: eine zwingende EU-weite<br />

Kennzeichnungspflicht. Aber nicht nur der<br />

Schlachtungsort, sondern auch der Herkunftsort muss<br />

vermerkt sein. Die Verbraucher werden gegenwärtig<br />

bewusst getäuscht. Die Studien zeigen ganz klar, dass<br />

die Leute gerne Geld ausgeben würden. Nur wollen sie<br />

die Kette, woher das Produkt kommt und woher es auch<br />

wirklich stammt, lückenlos nachvollziehen.<br />

Zweitens: Wir brauchen strengere Kontrollen.<br />

Schließlich waren es eben doch keine Lebensmittelkontrolleure<br />

und auch keine EU-Agentur für<br />

Lebensmittelsicherheit, die die Feststellung getroffen<br />

haben, sondern das Unternehmen selbst.<br />

Drittens brauchen wir eine klare Trennung von<br />

Nahrungsmittelfetten und einer Fettherstellung für<br />

technische Zwecke. Ich halte es da sehr mit Pythagoras,<br />

der es wieder einmal sehr treffend formuliert hat: „Denn<br />

alles, was der Mensch den Tieren antut, kommt letztlich<br />

wieder auf den Menschen zurück.“<br />

1-088<br />

Mairead McGuinness (PPE). – Madam President, in<br />

Ireland two years ago, in December 2008, we had a<br />

problem. I wonder what the Commission has done in the<br />

two years to avoid this current crisis.<br />

I have a specific question: Member State authorities are<br />

crying out for guidelines from the Directorate-General<br />

for Health and Consumers. On the feed hygiene<br />

regulations, they want guidance and a workshop. Will<br />

you please make a commitment tonight to give them<br />

what they are requesting?<br />

I have three other points to make. We need very clearly<br />

to identify the high-risk products, the high-risk<br />

processors and the location and names of the high-risk<br />

producers, and at the very least we need total<br />

segregation of products that are destined for the animal<br />

feed chain and thus for the food chain. It is not rocket<br />

science.<br />

We also need, as others have said, controls along the<br />

way so that we detect those who continue to try and<br />

break the rules to make money. Cutting costs is about<br />

cutting corners. The problem is that it costs Europe<br />

billions; it takes away consumer confidence and ......<br />

(The President cut the speaker off)<br />

1-089<br />

Karin Kadenbach (S&D). – Frau Präsidentin, Herr<br />

Kommissar! Ich bin keine Agrar-Romantikerin, d.h. ich<br />

glaube nicht an die Werbesprüche von den glücklichen<br />

Hühnern und den glücklichen Schweinen, weil ich<br />

tagtäglich etwas anderes erlebe.<br />

Aber ich glaube trotzdem, dass die Verbraucherinnen<br />

und Verbraucher in <strong>Europa</strong> ein Anrecht darauf haben,<br />

Lebensmittel vorzufinden, die sicher sind. Daher die<br />

erste große Forderung: Wir brauchen strenge Kontrollen,<br />

und wir brauchen strenge Strafen. Wir brauchen aber<br />

auch – ich glaube, das hat die heutige Diskussion klar<br />

gezeigt – eine andere Agrarstruktur in <strong>Europa</strong>. Heute<br />

sitzt Kommissar Dalli vor uns, der für die Gesundheit<br />

zuständig ist, und ein bisschen ist er heute derjenige, der<br />

zum Handkuss kommt. Wir müssen auch in Richtung<br />

Agrarreform gerade aus diesem Skandal heraus lernen<br />

und in <strong>Europa</strong> für eine Struktur in der Agrarwirtschaft<br />

sorgen, die auf der einen Seite die Bedürfnisse der<br />

Landwirtschaft und der Landwirte erfüllt, auf der<br />

anderen Seite aber auch die Sicherheit der<br />

Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher gewährleistet.<br />

Ich würde darum ersuchen, dass wir aus diesem Skandal<br />

wirklich lernen.<br />

1-090<br />

Richard Ashworth (ECR). – Madam President, we<br />

have had a number of incidents like this over the years. I<br />

would have thought that by now the importance of

17-01-2011 37<br />

traceability and quality assurance would be well<br />

understood and that the structures and regulations ought<br />

to be in place to prevent incidents like this.<br />

This raises a number of very serious concerns. Firstly, it<br />

is extremely damaging to consumer confidence in the<br />

food industry and, secondly, it is always the farmers who<br />

are the innocent parties. It is always the farmers who<br />

suffer a disproportionate effect when compared to the<br />

consequences for the food-processing industry.<br />

I am reasonably satisfied that the German authorities,<br />

and the Commissioner and his team, took reasonable,<br />

appropriate and swift action when they were aware that<br />

there was a problem. Nevertheless, a number of very<br />

serious questions arise – questions about the behaviour<br />

of some sectors of the processing industry where,<br />

clearly, more needs to be done by way of prevention,<br />

more needs to be done by way of punitive powers where<br />

the consequence of this action …<br />

(The President cut the speaker off)<br />

1-091<br />

João Ferreira (GUE/NGL). – Senhora Presidente,<br />

Senhor Comissário, a descoberta de produtos<br />

contaminados com dioxinas e a sua disseminação por<br />

diversos circuitos de comercialização constitui um facto<br />

da maior gravidade.<br />

Sem prejuízo de se apurarem cabalmente as<br />

responsabilidades e as consequências deste facto e de se<br />

rastrear o destino dos produtos contaminados, este<br />

incidente convoca-nos a uma reflexão mais profunda<br />

sobre o falhanço de todo o quadro regulamentar<br />

existente.<br />

Aqui está um exemplo das consequências de uma<br />

política agrícola comum orientada para o mercado, que<br />

promove modelos de produção intensiva de cariz<br />

exportador, que favorece a grande agro-indústria e que<br />

aniquila a pequena e média agricultura e a agricultura<br />

familiar. Que inviabiliza em vez de promover, como<br />

seria necessário, a produção e o consumo locais<br />

susceptíveis de garantir uma muito maior<br />

rastreabilidade.<br />

Aqui está mais um exemplo de como também por razões<br />

de saúde pública e de segurança e qualidade alimentar se<br />

impõe uma profunda modificação da actual Política<br />

Agrícola Comum.<br />

1-092<br />

Marc Tarabella (S&D). – Madame la Présidente,<br />

Monsieur le Commissaire, on peut faire état d'un certain<br />

ras-le-bol par rapport à ces crises à répétition, dont une<br />

en Belgique en 1999, très similaire à la crise actuelle et<br />

qui fut une crise à grand échelle.<br />

Très clairement, nous avons les mesures les plus strictes<br />

au monde. Je ne crois pas qu'il convienne de les alourdir.<br />

Il faut simplement les faire mieux fonctionner. Et,<br />

probablement, l'une des premières mesures à adopter<br />

serait le renforcement des sanctions infligées à ces<br />

criminels, car il ne s'agit évidemment pas de la<br />

maladresse d'un lampiste, mais plutôt d'un crime<br />

organisé par des criminels en col blanc, qui veulent<br />

maximiser leur profit.<br />

Deuxièmement, une autre priorité pourrait, semble-t-il,<br />

être de renforcer et de mieux cibler les contrôles en<br />

fonction des risques. Troisièmement, comme<br />

Catherine Stihler l'a dit, le système Rapex, rapid<br />

exchange, qui est normalement de nature à fonctionner<br />

pour que tous les États membres soient avertis d'un<br />

risque potentiel, a probablement manifesté certaines<br />

faiblesses à cet égard.<br />

J'aurais voulu votre opinion à ce sujet, Monsieur le<br />

Commissaire.<br />

1-093<br />

Peter Jahr (PPE). – Frau Präsidentin! Die deutsche<br />

Futtermittelindustrie hat ein gutes System der<br />

Selbstkontrolle. Dieses System funktioniert allerdings<br />

nicht bei krimineller Energie und bei kriminellen<br />

Machenschaften. Wer vorsätzlich oder illegal verbotene<br />

Mittel in Futtermittel beimischt, entzieht sich auch<br />

vorsätzlich dieser Selbstkontrolle.<br />

Für mich gibt es da in Ergänzung zu meinen Kollegen<br />

noch drei wichtige Hauptschlussfolgerungen: Erstens<br />

brauchen wir mehr staatliche Kontrolle. Zweitens<br />

brauchen wir eine lückenlose Meldepflicht von<br />

Futtermitteltestergebnissen, die auch bei entsprechenden<br />

Kontrollen vorgehalten werden müssen. Drittens<br />

brauchen wir für die, die kriminell werden, härtere<br />

Strafen. Das ist kein Kavaliersdelikt, das ist mit Vorsatz<br />

gemacht worden.<br />

Zum Schluss müsste ich noch einmal daran erinnern,<br />

dass in diesem Futtermittelskandal die Landwirte die<br />

Hauptleidtragenden sind, die zurzeit ihre Produkte<br />

überhaupt nicht bzw. nur mit großem Wertverlust<br />

verkaufen können.<br />

1-094<br />

John Dalli, Membru tal-Kummissjoni. − Jiena meta<br />

nisma' dawn il-kummenti, illi għalihom nirringrazzja lil<br />

dawk kollha li ħadu sehem f'dan id-dibattitu, ma jistax<br />

ikun ma nirriflettix fuq il-kritika li jkollna, mhux fuq<br />

hekk biss, imma fuq kważi kull ħaġa li nagħmlu bħala<br />

Ewropa, dwar il-burokrazija żejda illi aħna nimponu fuq<br />

kulħadd meta nagħmlu regolamenti u meta aħna nesiġu<br />

ċerti kontrolli. Ikollna konsumaturi, ikollna imprendituri,<br />

ikollna negozjanti, kulħadd igerger illi qegħdin nimponu<br />

ħafna xkiel biex l-affarijiet jimxu sewwa.<br />

Però meta jinqalgħu każi bħal dan tad-diossina, naraw,<br />

kif qed nisimgħu llum, kemm fil-fatt hemm bżonn illi<br />

jkollna ċerti kontrolli kif għandna in place bħalissa,<br />

kemm huma importanti u kemm jeħtieġ illi nkunu<br />

assidwi fil-mod kif nistgħu aħna nimplimentawhom.<br />

Bħala konsumatur niddejjaq ħafna illi niġi ffaċċjat<br />

b'sitwazzjoni bħal din, illi, bħalkom il-konsumaturi u<br />

bħall-konsumaturi kollha li għandna fl-Ewropa, jheddu<br />

l-konfidenza li għandna fis-safety tal-prodotti Ewropej.<br />

U nirrabja meta nagħraf li dan ikun qed jiġri minħabba

38 17-01-2011<br />

nies li jkunu kisru l-liġi għax iridu jiksru l-liġi, u mhux<br />

xi żball ordinarju.<br />

Fil-fatt, kif għadu kemm qal l-aħħar kelliem li tkellem<br />

illum, ebda sistema ma taħdem fejn hemm il-kriminalità.<br />

Fejn ikollok nies li jridu jiksru l-liġi, ma tistax ikollok<br />

sistema perfetta illi se tiggarantixxi li kollox se jmur<br />

ħarir, li kollox se jmur tajjeb. U għalhekk l-importanti hu<br />

illi nagħmlu minn kollox biex nassiguraw illi għandna xxibka<br />

minsuġa tajjeb, b'toqob mill-aktar irqaq illi<br />

minnhom dawn il-kriminali ma jistgħux jgħaddu.<br />

Jiena, l-esperjenza tiegħi, ilni nagħmel leġiżlazzjoni<br />

f'pajjiżi mill-1987, ili mat-23 sena nagħmel<br />

leġiżlazzjonijiet u, kulmeta nagħmel liġi, dejjem nara li<br />

l-problema kbira mhux il-klawżoli li se tagħmel fil-liġi,<br />

però biex tipprova taħseb kif dik il-liġi se tiġi miksura u<br />

għalhekk x'tista' tagħmel biex tikkontrolla biex ma<br />

tinkisirx. U jiena naħseb issa li aħna qegħdin fil-fatt f'din<br />

il-fażi tar-realtà. Aħna ma rridux illi jerġgħu jiġru dawn<br />

l-affarijiet u rridu nagħmlu minn kollox biex naraw li ssistema<br />

tagħna hija waħda li almenu min se jipprova<br />

jiskappa, min se jipprova ma jaħdimx skont ir-regoli li<br />

għandna u li aħna nagħmlu bejnietna lkoll, naqbduh u<br />

naqbduh mill-aktar fis.<br />

Nistgħu naġixxu meta aħna nkunu nafu b'dak li qed jiġri,<br />

ma tistax taġixxi fl-injoranza ta' dak li qed jiġri. U<br />

għalhekk kumment, pereżempju fuq ir-Rapid Alert<br />

System, jiena ma ngħidx li r-Rapid Alert System ma<br />

ħadmitx - ir-Rapid Alert System ħadmet tajjeb għax issekonda<br />

li konna nafu bl-affarijiet, kulħadd kien<br />

informat b'dak li qed jiġri. Dik hija r-Rapid Alert System,<br />

u b'dak il-mod ħadmet ħafna.<br />

U rridu naraw ukoll li nsaħħu kemm jista' jkun irregolamenti<br />

u r-regolamentazzjoni li għandna. Jien<br />

naqbel, pereżempju, ukoll ma' Ms McGuinness li qalet<br />

dwar l-importanza li nagħtu lill-guidelines u li nesiġu li<br />

dawk l-elementi fil-katina tal-ikel fejn hemm ir-riskju,<br />

nagħmlu l-akbar kontrolli fuq dawn ir-riskji. U għal dan<br />

il-għan, pereżempju, waħda mill-affarijiet li qegħdin<br />

nipprovaw, jew li ser nissuġġerixxu hija li ma nibqgħux<br />

biss f'ċerti elementi ta' riskju, naċċettaw sempliċi<br />

reġistrazzjoni ta' kumpaniji, bħal pereżempju l-feed<br />

mills, imma li jkun hemm approvazzjoni wara li jkunu<br />

saru ċerta due diligence exercises fuq l-applikant kif<br />

ikun.<br />

Irridu wkoll nassiguraw li dak li ġara fil-fatt qiegħed taħt<br />

kontroll. Jiena mal-awtoritajiet kompetenti fil-Ġermanja<br />

qiegħed f'kuntatt kontinwu u jiena sodisfatt li qegħdin<br />

jagħmlu dak kollu li hu possibbli biex, mhux biss<br />

jikkontjenu s-sitwazzjoni kollha malajr kemm jista' jkun,<br />

biex inkunu nafu l-informazzjoni kollha u sħiħa tassitwazzjoni<br />

kemm jista' jkun malajr, però li jieħdu wkoll<br />

azzjoni.<br />

U jiena infurmat pereżempju li dak il-prodottur ta' feed<br />

mill li ta informazzjoni qarrieqa, għaliex kien qal li<br />

ssupplixxa biss għaxar farms meta fil-fatt kien<br />

issupplixxa disa' mija, dan diġà qiegħed taħt proċeduri li<br />

ttieħdu mill-prosekuzzjoni ġewwa l-Ġermanja, għaliex<br />

din kienet informazzjoni ħażina li setgħet ġabet ħafna<br />

konsegwenzi. Aħna wkoll nistgħu nassiguraw li lprodotti<br />

li marru barra mill-Ġermanja, bħal, pereżempju,<br />

bajd, li kien intiż biex ikun jista' jiġi użat ukoll għallmanifattura<br />

tal-ikel, ġie użat fil-manifattura tal-ikel, però<br />

billi kien ukoll imħallat imbagħad ma' prodotti oħrajn li<br />

ma kinux Ġermaniżi, meta ġew ittestjati dawn ilprodotti,<br />

instab li l-livell tad-diossina kien baxx ħafna.<br />

U rrid nagħmel hawnhekk l-aħħar kumment, għax il-ħin<br />

għadda: fil-fatt naqbel ukoll jien li kemm jista' jkun<br />

ikollna sanzjonijiet mill-aktar ħorox kontra min jabbuża.<br />

Wieħed irid jifhem però li dan it-tip ta' miżuri mhumiex<br />

xi ħaġa li nistgħu nagħmluhom aħna bħala<br />

Kummissjoni, jew nistgħu nimponuhom aħna bħala<br />

Kummissjoni, imma huma affarijiet li l-Istati Membri<br />

jridu kemm jista' jkun jinfurzawhom fil-pajjiż tagħhom.<br />

1-095<br />

Die Präsidentin. − Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.<br />

1-096<br />

14 - Abkommen EU/Kamerun über das<br />

Recht im Forstsektor - Abkommen<br />

EU/Republik Kongo über das Recht im<br />

Forstsektor - Freiwillige FLEGT-<br />

Partnerschaftsabkommen (Aussprache)<br />

1-097<br />

Die Präsidentin. − Als nächster Punkt folgt die<br />

Gemeinsame Aussprache<br />

– Forstrecht (Kamerun, Republik Kongo)<br />

– Abkommen EU/Kamerun über das Recht im<br />

Forstsektor<br />

Empfehlung von Yannick Jadot im Namen des<br />

Ausschusses für internationalen Handel (A7-0371/2010)<br />

Empfehlung zu dem Vorschlag für einen Beschluss des<br />

Rates über den Abschluss eines freiwilligen<br />

Partnerschaftsabkommens zwischen der Europäischen<br />

Union und der Republik Kamerun über Rechtsdurchsetzung,<br />

Politikgestaltung und Handel im<br />

Forstsektor sowie über die Einfuhr von Holzprodukten<br />

in die Europäische Union (FLEGT)<br />

[12796/2010 - C7-0339/2010 - 2010/0217(NLE)]<br />

– Abkommen EU/Republik Kongo über das<br />

Recht im Forstsektor<br />

Empfehlung von Yannick Jadot im Namen des<br />

Ausschusses für internationalen Handel (A7-0370/2010)<br />

Empfehlung zu dem Vorschlag für einen Beschluss des<br />

Rates über den Abschluss eines freiwilligen<br />

Partnerschaftsabkommens zwischen der Europäischen<br />

Union und der Republik Kongo über Rechtsdurchsetzung,<br />

Politikgestaltung und Handel im<br />

Forstsektor sowie über die Einfuhr von Holzprodukten<br />

in die Europäische Union (FLEGT)<br />

[10028/2010 - C7-0170/2010 - 2010/0062(NLE)]<br />

– Anfrage zur mündlichen Beantwortung<br />

[2010/3015(RSP)] an die Kommission über FLEGT -<br />

Freiwillige Partnerschaftsabkommen mit Kongo und<br />

Kamerun und weitere geplante freiwillige

17-01-2011 39<br />

Partnerschaftsabkommen von Yannick Jadot, Catherine<br />

Bearder, David Martin, Joe Higgins, Daniel Caspary (O-<br />

0202/2010 - B7-0802/2010) im Namen der<br />

Fraktion der Grünen / Freie Europäische Allianz<br />

Fraktion der Allianz der Liberalen und Demokraten für<br />

<strong>Europa</strong><br />

Fraktion der Progressiven Allianz der Sozialisten und<br />

Demokraten im Europäischen Parlament<br />

Konföderale Fraktion der Vereinigten Europäischen<br />

Linken/Nordische Grüne Linke<br />

Fraktion der Europäischen Volkspartei<br />

(Christdemokraten)<br />

1-098<br />

Yannick Jadot, rapporteur. − Madame la Présidente,<br />

Monsieur le Commissaire, chers collègues, je voudrais<br />

déjà exprimer à tous mes collègues mes remerciements<br />

pour le travail que nous avons mené en commun sur<br />

cette question, qui a permis que l'ensemble des groupes<br />

politiques de ce Parlement ait une position commune et<br />

soit amené à poser une question orale et à rédiger une<br />

résolution qui accompagne les accords de partenariat<br />

volontaire.<br />

Le sujet est d'importance. Vous le savez tous, la forêt<br />

recule. Toutes les deux secondes dans le monde, c'est<br />

l'équivalent d'un terrain de football qui est détruit, c'est<br />

en un an l'équivalent du territoire de la Grèce qui est<br />

déforesté et c'est évidemment dramatique. C'est<br />

dramatique du point de vue de la diversité: ce sont<br />

quelques milliers d'espèces végétales et animales qui<br />

sont mises en danger alors que les forêts les plus<br />

touchées – les forêts tropicales – comprennent la moitié<br />

de la biodiversité terrestre. C'est évidemment dramatique<br />

aussi du point de vue des changements climatiques: la<br />

déforestation contribue à hauteur de 20 % à l'effet de<br />

serre. Enfin, la déforestation met en danger quelques<br />

centaines de millions de personnes qui, soit vivent dans<br />

les forêts, soit vivent de la forêt.<br />

L'exploitation et l'industrie forestières figurent parmi les<br />

principales causes de la déforestation, en particulier,<br />

dans la zone qui nous intéresse aujourd'hui: le bassin du<br />

Congo. On estime que 20 à 40 % du bois coupé et<br />

échangé dans le monde est du bois illégal. La question<br />

que nous évoquons aujourd'hui est donc évidemment<br />

essentielle.<br />

Ces accords de partenariat volontaire ont été approuvés<br />

dans le cadre de la procédure d'approbation au sein de la<br />

commission du commerce international. Cette procédure<br />

permet, grâce au traité de Lisbonne, au Parlement<br />

européen de s'exprimer mais, en même temps, il peut<br />

uniquement dire oui ou non. C'est donc pour cela que ce<br />

débat est extrêmement important, parce qu'il nous<br />

permet de rentrer davantage dans le détail et qu'il vous<br />

permet, Monsieur le Commissaire, en tant que<br />

représentant la Commission, de répondre aux questions<br />

que vous adresse le Parlement.<br />

Ces accords sont importants, ils permettent d'assurer la<br />

traçabilité du bois. Ils mettent aussi en place des<br />

procédures de vérification indépendantes, et<br />

accompagnent les politiques et la gouvernance<br />

forestières dans les pays concernés. Aujourd'hui, nous<br />

parlons du Congo Brazzaville et du Cameroun.<br />

Mais déjà un premier point avant de rentrer dans ces<br />

accords et dans les questions du Parlement: il faut bien<br />

faire la différence entre le bois légal et le bois durable.<br />

Évidemment, nous traitons ici de la légalité du bois mais<br />

qui dit légalité du bois ne dit pas durabilité de<br />

l'exploitation forestière.<br />

Donc, la première question générale que je poserais à la<br />

Commission est: comment la Commission s'engage-telle<br />

à assurer la cohérence globale autour de la question<br />

des forêts – l'année 2011 est l'année internationale des<br />

forêts – en prenant en compte ce qui a été dit à Nagoya,<br />

en prenant en compte ce qui a aussi été décidé à Cancun,<br />

notamment sur le mécanisme REDD-plus et en tenant<br />

compte également des accords commerciaux négociés<br />

qui parfois, en libéralisant le commerce du bois,<br />

participent à la déforestation?<br />

Ensuite, nous attendons toujours une réponse de la<br />

Commission européenne sur la question des<br />

agrocarburants et des changements indirects d'affectation<br />

des sols. Vous savez que le Parlement vous a demandé<br />

d'intégrer ces enjeux dans les critères d'évaluation de<br />

durabilité des agrocarburants.<br />

Concernant plus spécifiquement les accords de<br />

partenariat volontaire, il y a beaucoup d'éléments<br />

positifs: nous avons fortement apprécié le travail de<br />

négociation et, notamment, d'association des acteurs de<br />

la société civile au Cameroun et en République du<br />

Congo; on sait que ce n'est pas facile et de ce point de<br />

vue là, il apparaît que ces accords de partenariat<br />

volontaire sont un succès.<br />

Mais, comme je le disais tout à l'heure, un certain<br />

nombre de questions et de demandes demeurent:<br />

Monsieur le Commissaire, êtes-vous prêt à venir, par<br />

exemple, tous les six mois ou six mois après la signature<br />

d'un accord, nous rendre compte de la mise en œuvre de<br />

l'accord? Parce qu'il est évident que, entre la qualité de<br />

la négociation et la mise en œuvre, il peut y avoir une<br />

grande différence. Nous souhaiterions donc que vous<br />

veniez nous dire si les acteurs, notamment les acteurs de<br />

la société civile, continuent à être associés à la mise en<br />

œuvre. Dans des pays où il n'est pas toujours facile de se<br />

plaindre, notamment quand il y a de la corruption, est-ce<br />

qu'il est prévu des mécanismes de plaintes – notamment<br />

indépendants – qui permettraient à ces acteurs de la<br />

société civile de dénoncer une mauvaise mise en œuvre,<br />

de dire que leur parole n'est plus écoutée? De la même<br />

façon, nous souhaiterions que vous fassiez régulièrement<br />

rapport sur les impacts de la mise en œuvre de ces<br />

accords, pour que vous nous disiez où nous en sommes,<br />

à la fois en termes de cohérence globale de l'action de la<br />

Commission sur les forêts, et en termes de mise en<br />

œuvre spécifique sur la question de la légalité du bois.<br />

Enfin un dernier élément: vous prétendez que, dans ces<br />

accords, il n'y a pas de budget. Or, il va évidemment

40 17-01-2011<br />

falloir des budgets pour accompagner ces politiques,<br />

donc pouvez-vous clarifier la question budgétaire autour<br />

de ces accords de partenariat volontaire?<br />

1-099<br />

Catherine Bearder, author. − Madam President, the<br />

tropical rainforests in Cameroon and the Congo are<br />

precious and we must welcome this voluntary agreement<br />

to address the sustainability of the harvesting of the<br />

timber that they contain.<br />

The forests belong not only to the people of these<br />

countries but they are part of the ecosystem of the<br />

planet, they are key to the life-sustaining systems and<br />

they contain billions of tons of carbon.<br />

Halting deforestation is one of the ways that we should<br />

be tackling climate change, and governments around the<br />

globe have been trying to do this for years. These two<br />

countries should be congratulated for their courage and<br />

foresight in signing up to these voluntary agreements<br />

with the EU.<br />

However, regulating and enforcing these agreements<br />

will prove a challenge. Heaven knows, building in<br />

sustainable management of our own continent’s<br />

resources is hard enough. But the will is there and for<br />

that we should be very pleased. Careful management can<br />

bring down illegal and unsustainably imported timber.<br />

At the moment the amount of timber that is illegally<br />

harvested and imported into the EU constitutes almost<br />

one fifth of the timber products on our markets, despite<br />

Parliament and others trying to tackle this. Enforcement<br />

will be made easier with the involvement of local people<br />

and civil society in these countries, and we must ensure<br />

that their right to be heard and involved is maintained<br />

and listened to. After all, they have the most to lose if<br />

their forests are removed.<br />

The widespread removal of tropical timber is driven by<br />

an insatiable appetite for products to grace our homes.<br />

We should value this resource better and take greater<br />

care of the resource that not only sustains a whole host<br />

of plant and animal species but is slow-growing and<br />

takes many years to reach maturity.<br />

We must take care not to undermine our own efforts to<br />

fight deforestation and climate change by<br />

simultaneously providing the largest market for illegal<br />

timber products in the world.<br />

The result of these agreements may mean that tropical<br />

timber reaches a higher price, and that is something that<br />

we should not object to. It is not only a limited resource,<br />

but it is the only thing that local people have to sell.<br />

They know the true value of their resource and with this<br />

agreement, so will we.<br />

These people are our eyes and ears in the forest and we<br />

need their help to enforce the agreements. They need us<br />

to support their ability to voice any concerns. These<br />

agreements are a two-way process and we look to you,<br />

Commissioner, to be able to enforce it.<br />

The VPAs (Voluntary Partnership Agreements) are good<br />

for the planet, good for our partner countries and good<br />

for the EU. We must ensure that the agreements work<br />

and that any breaches are monitored and addressed.<br />

Then we must look to other countries in Africa, Asia and<br />

South America to sign up to similar agreements as soon<br />

as possible and I look forward to working with you and<br />

the Commission to achieve this.<br />

1-100<br />

David Martin, author. − Madam President, let me begin<br />

by thanking Yannick Jadot for his exemplary<br />

cooperation with his shadows. We all worked extremely<br />

well on this report and I am delighted – as he has said –<br />

that we managed to reach a broad consensus.<br />

The agreements with Congo and Cameroon, taken<br />

together with Ghana, means that some of Africa’s most<br />

vulnerable forests are now covered by Voluntary<br />

Partnership Agreements. The existence of these<br />

agreements, as the two previous speakers have said, is to<br />

be warmly welcomed. They provide a mechanism for<br />

tackling the massive illegal trade in timber. They<br />

provide an opportunity for the better management of a<br />

vital natural resource and, hopefully, they will bring<br />

greater transparency and help us tackle corruption in the<br />

forest sector, which unfortunately in Africa is endemic at<br />

the moment.<br />

But, while welcoming these agreements, I nevertheless<br />

share with the rapporteur a number of concerns. I would<br />

just like to express three this evening.<br />

First and foremost, the danger – it is not the intention,<br />

but there is a danger – of agreeing such a framework is<br />

that it is seen as providing a framework for large-scale<br />

exploitation of our forests, leading to the opposite of the<br />

purpose of the agreement, namely further degradation<br />

and further deforestation, thus contributing to the very<br />

destruction of the global environment we are trying to<br />

avoid. What we want is an agreement that contributes to<br />

the conservation and sustainable management of our<br />

biodiversity resources. I agree with the rapporteur that<br />

this means that the Commission has to constantly<br />

monitor the situation and report back regularly on how<br />

the agreement is progressing.<br />

Secondly, indigenous people, who are so often the<br />

victims of environmental exploitation, should benefit<br />

from this agreement. The promise in the Voluntary<br />

Partnership Agreement by the Congolese Government to<br />

promote a law ensuring that the rights of indigenous<br />

people are promoted and respected must be delivered<br />

upon. Again I urge the Commission, in their contact with<br />

the Government, to continually press for the delivery of<br />

this promise until it is there on the statute book in the<br />

Congo.<br />

Thirdly, we must ensure – and I agree with Catherine<br />

Bearder who mentioned this – that appropriate funds are

17-01-2011 41<br />

available to properly implement this Agreement. No<br />

matter how good an agreement is on paper, without the<br />

resources to carry it out, it is a meaningless piece of<br />

paper. As has been indicated, there are no financial<br />

packages attached to the Agreement itself. It is up to us<br />

– both the Commission to propose, and Parliament and<br />

Council to put into the budget appropriate budgetary<br />

facilities – to make this Agreement work. That means<br />

we need to have money to verify the legality of timber<br />

coming into the European Union, we need money to<br />

train, equip and give the technical expertise to those<br />

operating in the African countries we have VPAs with,<br />

and we also need resources to carry out the monitoring<br />

that I have already mentioned.<br />

So we need to make sure, in the coming months, that we<br />

deliver the financial framework to make a success of<br />

these agreements. I repeat that these are good<br />

agreements but, like all agreements, they will depend on<br />

the goodwill and vigilance of individuals – the nongovernment<br />

organisations, the Member States, the<br />

Congolese and Cameroon Governments – to deliver on<br />

their promises to make sure these agreements work in<br />

practice. They should lead to better management of our<br />

forests and better management of vital global resources<br />

but, if wrongly handled, they could take us in the<br />

opposite direction. We look to the Commission to keep a<br />

beady eye on the progress that is being made.<br />

1-101<br />

Joe Higgins, author. − Madam President, we agree with<br />

the general approach of Yannick Jadot to this issue. I<br />

welcome any agreement that guarantees protection of the<br />

rainforests of our planet, if such agreements also<br />

advance the protection of the indigenous people of the<br />

forest and give a better life to the majority of the people<br />

in the countries concerned.<br />

It must be said at the start that both the Republic of<br />

Congo and Cameroon have highly repressive<br />

governments. Cameroon is very high in the Corruption<br />

Index kept by Transparency International, and in the<br />

Republic of Congo there has been horrific exploitation<br />

of some sections of the population, notably the pygmy<br />

people, although a new law has just been passed and<br />

people will wait to see what this does to protect<br />

indigenous people.<br />

The logging industry in these countries is implicated in<br />

corruption and in the exploitation of workers and the<br />

deforestation involved is a huge threat to the livelihoods<br />

of the indigenous people. It is for this reason that the<br />

original resolution of the European United Left Group<br />

calls for the logging industry to be in public ownership<br />

and under democratic control, crucially involving<br />

workers in the industry and the indigenous communities<br />

in the forests affected by logging.<br />

The Left’s resolution also points out that illegal logging<br />

is related to poverty levels in the countries concerned. It<br />

can provide an income for individuals and their families<br />

who would otherwise go hungry, and therefore ending<br />

illegal logging is also linked to ending the poverty and<br />

deprivation of many communities in the relevant<br />

countries.<br />

This will not be done by the corrupt local elites, nor by<br />

European multinational corporations whose key<br />

motivation is private profit, but by the forestry workers<br />

and the indigenous peoples themselves taking<br />

democratic ownership of their resources. In this sense,<br />

the people of sub-Saharan Africa can take inspiration<br />

from their brothers and sisters in Tunisia in their heroic<br />

struggle against a corrupt dictatorship over the past<br />

weeks.<br />

1-102<br />

Daniel Caspary, Verfasser. − Frau Präsidentin! Meine<br />

geschätzten Kollegen mehrerer Exportländer von<br />

tropischem Hartholz haben begonnen, freiwillige<br />

Partnerschaftsabkommen mit der EU im Rahmen des<br />

FLEGT-Aktionsplans zu unterzeichnen. Die<br />

Europäische Union wird die Reformen für eine<br />

verantwortungsvolle Forstverwaltung und für einen<br />

Kapazitätsausbau unterstützen, insbesondere die<br />

Einführung von Herkunftssicherungs- und Legalitätsnachweissystemen<br />

für Holzprodukte.<br />

Was mir besonders wichtig ist: Wenn es der<br />

Verbesserung der Transparenz und der Verhinderung<br />

von Umweltschäden bei forstwirtschaftlichen<br />

Tätigkeiten hilft, dann ist es gut, dass die Partner die<br />

Verpflichtung eingehen, geltende Rechtsvorschriften zu<br />

ändern und zu verbessern. Ausdrücklich begrüße ich<br />

auch, dass sich die Europäische Union verpflichtet hat,<br />

beim Aufbau von Kapazitäten in den holzerzeugenden<br />

Ländern Unterstützung zu leisten, vor allem bei der<br />

Einführung von Herkunftssicherungs- und Legalitätsnachweissystemen<br />

für Holz und Holzprodukte.<br />

Zwei weitere Punkte möchte ich nennen: Die<br />

freiwilligen Partnerschaftsabkommen werden von der<br />

Idee getragen, dem Handel mit illegal geschlagenem<br />

Holz und daraus hergestellten Erzeugnissen gemeinsam<br />

ein Ende zu setzen und einen Beitrag dazu zu leisten, der<br />

Entwaldung, der Waldschädigung und deren Folgen in<br />

Gestalt von CO2-Emissionen sowie dem Verlust der<br />

biologischen Vielfalt weltweit Einhalt zu gebieten.<br />

Eine weitere großflächige Ausbeutung der tropischen<br />

und anderer besonders artenreicher Wälder mit hoher<br />

Kohlenstoffspeicherkapazität ist nicht zu verantworten<br />

und kann zu einer weiteren Entwaldung und<br />

Waldschädigung führen und somit weltweit verheerende<br />

Folgen für die Umwelt haben.<br />

Deshalb sind diese Abkommen ein kleiner, aber ein<br />

guter Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Ich teile<br />

ausdrücklich die angesprochenen Punkte meiner<br />

Vorredner, danke dem Berichterstatter für die gute<br />

Zusammenarbeit und würde mich freuen, wenn wir mit<br />

diesen Abkommen wirklich vorankommen könnten, um<br />

unsere Welt ein Stück besser zu machen.<br />

1-103<br />

Andris Piebalgs, Member of the Commission. − Madam<br />

President, I would like to start by thanking the

42 17-01-2011<br />

rapporteur, Mr Jadot, for his support for the Voluntary<br />

Partnership Agreements on Forest Law Enforcement,<br />

Governance and Trade with Congo and Cameroon. I<br />

hope this House will follow the recommendations for<br />

consent to conclude these two agreements. This would<br />

also encourage the parliaments in both Cameroon and<br />

Congo to complete their consideration.<br />

It is important that both the European Union and our<br />

partner countries endorse the VPAs, since illegal logging<br />

is a problem for all. I know that illegal logging is just the<br />

visible tip of the iceberg. Basically we are talking about<br />

starting to work together for sustainable management of<br />

forestry resources. And, to answer one of the<br />

rapporteur’s suggestions immediately, I could say that,<br />

yes, I am ready to come here every six months, as<br />

Parliament calls me, to monitor the implementation of<br />

these agreements.<br />

It is true that this is a commitment. There are risks but<br />

this is the only way, in my opinion, to achieve really<br />

sustainable management of this resource, because if we<br />

do not do this, we will not manage to be successful<br />

through declarations alone.<br />

For our partner countries there is a lot of commitment,<br />

but I believe that one important factor is the loss that<br />

results from illegal logging. Each year, USD 10-15<br />

billion is lost in revenue. Illegal logging also has<br />

extremely negative consequences for indigenous<br />

peoples, for biodiversity and in terms of climate change.<br />

At the same time, it is also important to emphasise that<br />

the EU is one of the biggest markets for tropical wood.<br />

This means that our approach is extremely important in<br />

how the whole issue is being addressed. Of the tropical<br />

wood arriving in the EU, 20% comes from illegal<br />

sources, so we have an obligation to ensure that we<br />

source only legal wood.<br />

The climate change issue is another concern for<br />

everyone, and the protection of forests needs to start<br />

somewhere. It is very simple to say that we need to pay<br />

to protect forests: it is a simple formula, but applying it<br />

requires a lot of commitment from both sides.<br />

I shall try to answer a couple of questions that have been<br />

put to me. On enforcement and implementation, the<br />

VPA establishes a joint committee to monitor<br />

implementation of the agreement. It will also establish<br />

an independent audit to analyse the legality assurance<br />

system and its effectiveness and efficiency. There is also<br />

an annual reporting mechanism, and the annual report<br />

will be made public and will definitely be available to<br />

the European Parliament.<br />

Moreover, in preparation for the VPAs, we have<br />

involved civil society and indigenous peoples. Until now<br />

they had been completely left out of the process, so we<br />

have agreed, under the new agreements, to set up multistakeholder<br />

committees to monitor, or guide, the<br />

implementation process where indigenous people are<br />

involved.<br />

In addition, the VPAs include a complaints mechanism,<br />

and the independent auditor will have access to, and will<br />

rely on, information from a wide array of sources,<br />

including civil society and communities.<br />

There is a definite cost in terms of resources. Between<br />

2002 and 2008, the EU contributed EUR 544 million to<br />

forestry in general in the developing world, some of it<br />

directed to FLEGT work in individual countries. The<br />

Commission has so far spent a further EUR 35 million to<br />

support FLEGT more generally, and we will spend<br />

EUR 35 million more between 2011 and 2013. I would<br />

emphasis, too, that Member States also make fiscal<br />

contributions.<br />

We have also dedicated human resources to the<br />

implementation of FLEGT. I have seven civil servants<br />

dealing with this, and they are working closely with the<br />

European Forest Institute and national forest authorities.<br />

An additional effort has been made in the form of the<br />

Illegal Timber Regulation, adopted in 2010 as a key<br />

element of the FLEGT action plan, and this will<br />

complement the VPA approach. It will discourage<br />

unregulated, unsustainable exploitation of forests.<br />

The recent agreement in Cancún on action to reduce<br />

emissions due to deforestation and forest degradation<br />

(known as ‘REDD’) will facilitate further Commission<br />

support for developing countries. Our future work on<br />

forest governance through VPAs will be helped by the<br />

fact that REDD makes provision for governance and for<br />

observance of the rights of indigenous peoples and<br />

members of local communities.<br />

I take note of the human rights situation in partner<br />

countries. I agree with the draft motion for a resolution<br />

that the Commission should continue to focus on these<br />

issues. I can assure you that we keep human rights issues<br />

at the centre of our political dialogue with the partner<br />

countries, and I can assure you that the fight against<br />

corruption is one of the issues we address when dealing<br />

with the partner countries.<br />

But I would emphasise one particular point that<br />

represents encouragement for the whole process: the fact<br />

that partner countries feel engaged. Without real<br />

engagement from our partner countries, given all the<br />

weaknesses at administrative level, we cannot protect<br />

forests more effectively.<br />

I know that this is the start of the process, but it is a start<br />

being made by both sides, and I am always ready to<br />

come to Parliament to report on how the implementation<br />

is going. However, with FLEGT we are definitely not<br />

taking a wrong step. It is a step in the right direction: we<br />

are not increasing the risk. Perhaps we are not providing<br />

entirely sufficient solutions, but at least it is a decent<br />

step that we can be proud of.

17-01-2011 43<br />

1-104<br />


Vice-President<br />

1-105<br />

15 - Composition of Parliament : see<br />

Minutes<br />

1-106<br />

16 - EU-Cameroon forest law agreement -<br />

EU-Republic of Congo forest law agreement<br />

- FLEGT voluntary partnership agreements<br />

(continuation of debate)<br />

1-107<br />

President. − We now return to the debate.<br />

1-108<br />

Eva Joly, rapporteure pour avis de la commission du<br />

développement. − Madame la Présidente, Monsieur le<br />

Commissaire, chers collègues, ces accords de partenariat<br />

entre l'Union européenne, le Cameroun et le Congo<br />

devraient être en principe une bonne nouvelle pour ces<br />

populations, une bonne nouvelle pour la biodiversité.<br />

Mais ce n'est qu'une étape d'un long processus que le<br />

Parlement européen suivra avec vigilance.<br />

Si nous voulons que cet accord permette la mise en place<br />

d'un commerce du bois réglementé, transparent,<br />

respectueux de l'environnement, au bénéfice des<br />

populations locales et non plus de quelques groupes plus<br />

ou moins légaux, l'Union européenne doit faire en sorte<br />

que les droits des populations locales et indigènes soient<br />

pleinement respectés et que leur participation aux<br />

consultations soit effective. Elle doit aider au<br />

renforcement des capacités des acteurs, à la lutte contre<br />

la corruption, à la mise en place d'une véritable<br />

gouvernance forestière.<br />

Les accords ne doivent pas être un prétexte pour<br />

perpétuer le pillage des ressources naturelles des pays en<br />

développement, mais bien permettre un rééquilibrage<br />

des relations entre l'Union européenne et ces pays.<br />

1-109<br />

Christofer Fjellner, för PPE-gruppen. – Fru talman!<br />

Dessa s.k. Flegt-avtal som vi ska rösta om i morgon<br />

rörande Kongo och Kamerun är viktiga europeiska<br />

verktyg, eller vapen, i kampen mot illegal<br />

skogsavverkning. Därför välkomnar jag dem.<br />

Den illegala skogsavverkningen är ett väldigt stort<br />

problem, så väl miljömässigt som ekonomiskt och<br />

socialt. Det är samtidigt viktigt att komma ihåg att det<br />

sällan är själva sjukdomen, i detta fall den illegala<br />

avverkningen, som skapar förutsättningar för handeln<br />

med illegalt timmer. Den är snarare ett symptom och en<br />

följd av många andra sjukdomar som i många fall är<br />

ännu allvarligare – fattigdom, avsaknad av äganderätt,<br />

korruption och i vissa fall krig.<br />

Problemen är som störst i några av världens allra<br />

fattigaste länder. Därför är jag väldigt glad över att<br />

kommissionen tagit fasta på det när man utformat och<br />

förhandlat fram avtalen. Man har så att säga bytt<br />

frihandel i utbyte mot att de berörda länderna gör<br />

reformer för att stärka äganderätten, bekämpar<br />

korruption och se till att införa en vettig<br />

skogslagstiftning.<br />

Att man skjuter in sig på grundorsakerna snarare än<br />

symptomen är det som talar mest för att det vi gör<br />

imorgon är ett steg i rätt riktning. Samtidigt är det viktigt<br />

att komma ihåg, framför allt inför kommande<br />

förhandlingar med andra länder, att när vi bekämpar<br />

handeln med illegalt avverkat timmer så får vi inte<br />

hindra fattiga länder från att exportera en av sina mest<br />

värdefulla råvaror. Vi får inte göra det svårare för dem<br />

att använda det här fantastiska naturmaterialet som trä<br />

är. Det goda inte blir det bästas fiende.<br />

Jag vill påminna om att mitt land Sverige en gång i tiden<br />

blev rikt just genom att exportera timmer. Den<br />

möjligheten får vi inte förhindra för dagens fattiga<br />

länder. När ni nu går vidare och förhandlar fram avtal<br />

hoppas jag att ni fortsätter kampen mot just illegalt<br />

avverkat timmer och inte mot handeln med trä.<br />

1-110<br />

George Sabin Cutaş, în numele grupului S&D. –<br />

Comisia Europeană a început procesul încheierii unor<br />

acorduri de parteneriat voluntare cu ţări care exportă<br />

lemn în Uniunea Europeană. În acest context, consider<br />

că este importantă elaborarea unei structuri de<br />

participare activă a comunităţilor locale, atât pentru<br />

monitorizarea punerii în aplicare a acordului, cât şi<br />

pentru ameliorarea cadrului de guvernanţă din sectorul<br />

forestier şi, nu în ultimul rând, cu scopul de a evita, pe<br />

cât posibil, corupţia.<br />

Implicarea societăţii civile în procesul de elaborare a<br />

acordului cu Camerun reprezintă un semnal pozitiv în<br />

acest sens. Totodată, măsuri concrete sunt necesare<br />

pentru continuarea acestui tip de dialog în toate ţările<br />

semnatare. Trebuie urmărită, de asemenea, clădirea unei<br />

industrii a lemnului durabile din punct de vedere social<br />

şi de mediu, inclusiv prin reducerea despăduririi şi a<br />

degradării forestiere în aceste ţări. Acordurile trebuie să<br />

respecte angajamentele internaţionale ale Uniunii<br />

Europene în ceea ce priveşte mediul şi dezvoltarea<br />

durabilă.<br />

1-111<br />

Chris Davies, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Madam<br />

President, we are debating Voluntary Partnership<br />

Agreements. These are lovely words, they are good<br />

words: they represent a European Union that is not<br />

trying to impose its will upon developing nations but is<br />

trying to lend a helping hand to achieve common goals.<br />

Yet the practicalities of an agreement with a state the<br />

size of Congo create all sorts of daunting problems.<br />

The size of the state alone is something akin to that of<br />

Europe; the governance for much of that state is nonexistent;<br />

corruption levels are quite extraordinary –<br />

Transparency International puts the Republic of Congo<br />

almost bottom of its league table.

44 17-01-2011<br />

Then there is the number of staff we have working to<br />

ensure that this agreement delivers on its goals – just a<br />

handful of people; the profits of illegal logging are<br />

absolutely vast and perhaps greater than anything we can<br />

offer by way of compensation; and the markets for<br />

illegal wood are in countries like China, which may not<br />

be paying anything like the attention that we pay, and<br />

the respect that should be paid, to maintaining forests.<br />

All these problems suggest that voluntary partnerships,<br />

however good our intentions, will have difficulty<br />

delivering the goals. So what assurances can the<br />

Commission give us that every possible step will be<br />

taken to ensure that our high ambitions here will truly be<br />

realised, and that we can all have confidence that these<br />

voluntary partnership agreements, as we make them in<br />

future, will deliver on the goals we have set?<br />

1-112<br />

Anna Rosbach, for EFD-Gruppen. – Fru formand!<br />

Jordens skove er verdens lunger, og vi skal gøre alt,<br />

hvad vi kan, for at beskytte dem. I en tid med en hurtigt<br />

voksende verdensbefolkning og dermed et generelt<br />

voksende behov for ressourcer, udflyttende<br />

arbejdspladser til fjerne verdensdele og en økonomisk<br />

krise ser jeg hellere, at vi i EU bruger mere europæisk<br />

træ, end at vi importerer eksotisk træ fra lande, hvor det<br />

er svært at kontrollere ulovlig skovhugst, og hvor vi<br />

tilligemed ikke kan styre korruptionen.<br />

Når vi fjerner tropiske skove, forringer vi biodiversiteten<br />

i områderne og er med til at udrydde en lang række<br />

truede dyrearter og ændre klimaet. Og det er helt<br />

unødvendigt! Især når der eksisterer glimrende<br />

alternativer. For hvis vi igen lærer at rejse mere skov i<br />

<strong>Europa</strong> og bruger mere europæisk træ, vil disse<br />

problemer forsvinde. Hvorfor skal vore haveborde være<br />

af regnskovstræ, eller hvorfor er eksotiske parketgulve<br />

smartere end gulve af EU-træ?<br />

Men når det er sagt, og da jeg ikke kan stoppe EUborgernes<br />

brug af eksotisk og tropisk træ, er det vigtigt,<br />

at de her foreliggende aftaler bliver vedtaget. Det er<br />

vigtigt, at vi er med til at sikre en bedre kontrol med de<br />

træprodukter og det træ, vi importerer. Vi skal forsøge at<br />

sikre os mod korruption, hvilket er ekstremt svært, hvad<br />

aftalerne da også bærer præg af. Derfor har jeg heller<br />

ingen illusion om, at vi hermed får udryddet al illegal<br />

skovhugst i hverken Cameroun eller Congo - desværre!<br />

Jeg havde hellere set bindende aftaler i stedet for<br />

frivillige. Men det er klart, at det er bedre med frivillige<br />

aftaler end slet ingen aftaler, og derfor støtter jeg dem.<br />

Generelt håber jeg dog at se flere initiativer til<br />

beskyttelse af verdens skove, især når det gælder EU's<br />

aftaler med lande fra problematiske dele af verden.<br />

1-113<br />

Andreas Mölzer (NI). – Frau Präsidentin! Das<br />

Partnerschaftsabkommen mit Kamerun im Forstsektor<br />

ist meines Erachtens zwar löblich und kommt im<br />

Internationalen Jahr der Wälder der EU auch aus<br />

Imagegründen sehr gelegen. Aber ob das Abkommen<br />

das Papier wert ist, auf dem es unterschrieben wird,<br />

muss leider bezweifelt werden.<br />

Immerhin steht Korruption in Kamerun auf der<br />

Tagesordnung. Umweltorganisationen werfen dem Staat<br />

vor, dass der Regierung Umweltverbrechen der<br />

Forstindustrie sehr wohl bewusst sind, Korruption aber<br />

die Kontrolle und die Strafverfolgung verhindert.<br />

Immerhin sollen ausländische Firmen mehr als 60 % der<br />

Holzgewinnung und Holzverarbeitung und drei Viertel<br />

des Holzexports kontrollieren. Nur wenn sichergestellt<br />

ist, dass sich ausländische Firmen nicht länger an<br />

einheimischen Firmen, denen das Forst- und Umwelt-<br />

Know-how völlig fehlt, abputzen, und wenn Kamerun<br />

die Korruption in den Griff bekommt, hat ein solches<br />

Abkommen Sinn. Bei aller Sorge über die Vernichtung<br />

der Regenwälder darf diese nicht als Vorwand dienen, in<br />

<strong>Europa</strong> den Waldbesitzern die Nutzung der Wälder zu<br />

versagen, denn die meisten EU-Länder weisen eine<br />

vorbildhafte Waldbewirtschaftung auf.<br />

1-114<br />

Filip Kaczmarek (PPE). – Pani Przewodnicząca!<br />

Miesiąc temu wraz z delegacją Komisji Rozwoju byłem<br />

w Republice Konga, gdzie rozmawialiśmy również o<br />

inicjatywie FLEGT z przedstawicielami władz,<br />

ekspertami i organizacjami pozarządowymi.<br />

Przemysł drzewny jest branżą bardzo ważną dla tego<br />

kraju. Jest drugim źródłem dochodów eksportowych po<br />

ropie naftowej. Warto przypomnieć, że to, co się dzieje z<br />

dochodami z ropy naftowej i z ich wykorzystaniem nie<br />

jest dla nas do końca przejrzyste i jasne, albo<br />

przynajmniej informacje są przekazywane z dużym<br />

opóźnieniem. Jednocześnie rząd Republiki Konga<br />

wyraża troskę o przyszłość obszarów leśnych i planuje<br />

dużą akcję zalesiania. Oczywiście nie wiemy jeszcze,<br />

czy ten program zalesiania się powiedzie, ale na pewno<br />

warto życzyć rządowi Konga, aby tak się stało. Dlatego<br />

też takie ważne jest, aby wzmocnić legalny obrót<br />

drewnem. Równie istotne jest to, aby FLEGT<br />

funkcjonował w krajach sąsiednich, dlatego że inaczej,<br />

np. wskutek przemytu, porozumienie może się okazać w<br />

praktyce nieskuteczne.<br />

Nie wiemy też jeszcze, czy standardy, które promujemy<br />

w zakresie legalnego handlu drewnem staną się<br />

obowiązujące i funkcjonujące globalnie – niektórzy<br />

mówcy zwracali już na ten problem uwagę. Tak czy<br />

inaczej musimy się starać, aby ten system okazał się<br />

skuteczny. Musimy też pomóc w wywieraniu presji na<br />

innych importerów (spoza Europy), aby stopniowo<br />

eliminować nielegalny handel drewnem.<br />

Inicjatywa FLEGT ma znaczenie zarówno dla<br />

ograniczenia ubóstwa, jak i dla ochrony środowiska,<br />

powstrzymywania zjawisk wylesiania oraz rozwoju<br />

zróżnicowanej gospodarki w wielu krajach. W<br />

przypadku Republiki Konga idzie to w parze z inną<br />

potrzebą, a mianowicie z potrzebą rozwoju rolnictwa i<br />

zmniejszenia importu żywności. Dzięki FLEGT<br />

światowy handel drewnem może stać się bardziej

17-01-2011 45<br />

sprawiedliwy, bardziej zróżnicowany i bardziej<br />

przyjazny środowisku. Mamy nadzieję, że tak się stanie.<br />

1-115<br />

Κρίτων Αρσένης (S&D). – Κύριε Επίτροπε, τα<br />

συγχαρητήρια μου για την ουσιαστική ολοκλήρωση των<br />

διαπραγματεύσεων για τις δύο αυτές συμφωνίες. Θα<br />

ήθελα όμως να εκφράσω την ανησυχία μου γιατί έχουν<br />

παγώσει οι διαπραγματεύσεις FLEGT με την Ινδονησία<br />

και τη Μαλαισία.<br />

Κύριε Επίτροπε, έχετε στα χέρια σας, ως Επιτροπή, ένα<br />

σημαντικό εργαλείο: τον κανονισμό για την ξυλεία.<br />

Αυτός ο κανονισμός εξαιρεί τις χώρες με τις οποίες έχει<br />

συναφθεί συμφωνία FLEGT από τις διαδικασίες που<br />

προβλέπει ο κανονισμός. Είναι ένα σημαντικό εργαλείο<br />

για να δώσουμε νέα δυναμική στις διαπραγματεύσεις.<br />

Χρειάζεται πράγματι να ολοκληρώσουμε τις συμφωνίες<br />

FLEGT με όλες τις χώρες που έχουν σημαντικά τροπικά<br />

δάση είτε στην Ασία είτε στη Λατινική Αμερική, αλλά<br />

και με τους μεγάλους μεταπράτες της ξυλείας, όπως το<br />

Βιετνάμ, η Καμπότζη, το Λάος, η Κίνα και τόσες άλλες<br />

χώρες.<br />

Αυτές οι χώρες ακολουθούν τη δική τους πορεία·<br />

θεσπίζουν τις δικές τους διαδικασίες για να<br />

εκσυγχρονιστούν και να μπορούν να παρακολουθούν τη<br />

νόμιμη υλοτόμηση. Το ερώτημα είναι: εμείς κάνουμε<br />

ό,τι χρειάζεται; Τα 27 κράτη μέλη παίρνουν τις<br />

κανονιστικές αποφάσεις για την εισαγωγή ξυλείας από<br />

χώρες FLEGT;<br />

Τέλος, για τον κανονισμό της ξυλείας απαιτείται μία<br />

σειρά κατ’ εξουσιοδότηση πράξεων. Έχουμε δύο χρόνια<br />

μέχρι την πλήρη εφαρμογή του κανονισμού. Η Επιτροπή<br />

πρέπει να επισπεύσει τις διαδικασίες, να προχωρήσει<br />

στις κατ’ εξουσιοδότηση πράξεις για να γνωρίζουν οι<br />

χώρες τις λεπτομέρειες στις οποίες πρέπει να<br />

προσαρμοσθούν.<br />

1-116<br />

Seán Kelly (PPE). – A Uachtaráin, gan dabht ar bith is<br />

ceist i bhfad níos tábhachtaí é seo ná an phoiblíocht a<br />

gheobhaidh sé.<br />

1-117<br />

One of the great scandals of the 20 th century was the<br />

continuous and systematic chopping down of forests,<br />

especially in the Third World, done not by individuals<br />

who knew no better and cannot be faulted, but by big<br />

greedy businesses and corrupt governments. That is why<br />

this agreement is to be welcomed wholeheartedly and I<br />

hope it will be implemented, because if it is not, it will<br />

not be worth the paper it is written on.<br />

On the broader front, we also have to ensure that other<br />

policies of the European Union do not contribute to<br />

continued deforestation. I am referring to the proposed<br />

agreement on Mercosur which many people feel will<br />

encourage farmers to chop down the forests in those<br />

countries so that they can export agricultural products<br />

into Europe.<br />

So we have to be vigilant.<br />

1-118<br />

Go raibh maith agat.<br />

1-119<br />

João Ferreira (GUE/NGL). – Senhora Presidente, a<br />

exploração de madeira ilegal em países da África<br />

Central, como os Camarões e o Congo, constitui uma<br />

ameaça à integridade de recursos de que depende a<br />

existência e o modo de vida das comunidades locais e<br />

das populações indígenas. Uma ameaça a um<br />

ecossistema repositório de uma enorme biodiversidade e<br />

com uma importância muito grande na regulação dos<br />

ciclos biogeoquímicos.<br />

Perante o avanço da destruição da floresta tropical nesta<br />

região – alimentado, é bom não o esquecermos, pela<br />

procura de operadores e importadores dos países<br />

industrializados, particularmente da União Europeia – a<br />

solução não pode ser legalizar o que hoje é ilegal, ou<br />

seja, a exploração insustentável da floresta, legitimando<br />

de alguma forma a usurpação da terra às comunidades<br />

locais e a ocupação de extensas áreas de floresta por<br />

empresas madeireiras, como vem sucedendo.<br />

A política de cooperação e de ajuda ao desenvolvimento<br />

da União Europeia tem aqui um papel muito importante,<br />

apoiando uma diversificação da economia destes países<br />

e invertendo um modelo assente na dependência elevada<br />

da exploração e exportação de um número reduzido de<br />

matérias-primas para os países industrializados.<br />

1-120<br />

Paul Rübig (PPE). – Frau Präsidentin! Ich glaube, dass<br />

das Thema Holz uns in Zukunft noch weit intensiver<br />

beschäftigen wird. Deshalb ist es für das Abkommen<br />

wichtig, dass man dem Bereich Forschung eine<br />

dementsprechende Unterstützung gibt und vor allem<br />

auch im Bereich der Aus- und Weiterbildung schaut,<br />

dass die kleinen und mittleren Betriebe in Kamerun und<br />

im Kongo die Möglichkeit bekommen, sich ökologisch<br />

in diesem Bereich entsprechend weiterzuentwickeln.<br />

Deshalb freut es mich, dass diese Diskussion stattfindet.<br />

Es ist für uns alle wichtig, dass der Bedarf an Holz auch<br />

in Zukunft sichergestellt ist.<br />

1-121<br />

Franz Obermayr (NI). – Frau Präsidentin! 40 % der<br />

Fläche Kameruns sind von Wald bedeckt. Noch, müssen<br />

wir sagen, denn Kamerun ist zwar der größte<br />

Tropenholzexporteur Afrikas, aber in keinem anderen<br />

Land werden die Wälder so massiv abgeholzt.<br />

Experten schätzen, dass in 10 bis 15 Jahren die<br />

ökologisch wertvollen Baumarten aus dem Kongo-<br />

Becken verschwunden sein werden, wenn die<br />

Abholzung so weiter geht. Was ist zu tun? Wesentlich<br />

für den Schutz der Tropenwälder Kameruns ist vor allem<br />

die Bekämpfung der Korruption, sowohl auf<br />

Beamtenebene, aber auch bei den privaten Pächtern,<br />

weiterhin eine wirksame Strafverfolgung und natürlich<br />

eine nachhaltige Fortwirtschaft. Wo viel gefällt wird,<br />

muss auch etwas nachwachsen. Und ganz wesentlich ist<br />

eine bessere Ausbildung der Holzarbeit, um frühe<br />

Schäden beim Abholzen zu vermeiden.

46 17-01-2011<br />

Vor allem sind die europäischen Unternehmen in die<br />

Pflicht zu nehmen, denn rund 80 % des Ertrags werden<br />

nach <strong>Europa</strong> verschifft. Hier muss die EU auch<br />

entsprechend ansetzen, um direkt durchzugreifen.<br />

Freiwilligkeit ist gut, doch in diesem Zusammenhang<br />

kommen wir mit ihr auf keinen guten Grund und auf<br />

keinen grünen Zweig. Wir müssen die Unternehmen in<br />

die Pflicht nehmen!<br />

1-122<br />

Andris Piebalgs, Member of the Commission. − Madam<br />

President, the debate definitely went beyond the scope of<br />

this Voluntary Partnership Agreement. It is not only<br />

trade that affects forests: the forest is an energy resource<br />

for these countries, and population growth also has an<br />

impact on the forest.<br />

So I would like to emphasise again that this is a first step<br />

in addressing just one of the areas of concern. I know<br />

that it is not a solution, but you have to start somewhere<br />

in addressing the issues.<br />

Also, I would not like to discourage you with regard to<br />

the level of commitment of the countries concerned. I<br />

know that dealing with these countries is sometimes not<br />

simple, but they are countries with a difficult history.<br />

They got their independence 50 years ago, and not<br />

exactly in the same circumstances as some of our<br />

countries got independence, so things take time. It takes<br />

time to establish state institutions capable of fighting<br />

corruption or establishing the management of resources,<br />

and they are on the right track. In Africa, in particular,<br />

they have economic growth even in times of crisis, and<br />

this means they are getting stronger and getting better.<br />

I realise this is just one indicator, but overall there has<br />

been encouraging news, and the only way we can<br />

improve the process is by working together. That is<br />

where we come in with sustainable forest management:<br />

we are talking about Congo-Brazzaville (the Republic of<br />

the Congo) and Cameroon today, but we are also<br />

working with the Democratic Republic of the Congo and<br />

with Indonesia. We are still negotiating but we have<br />

high hopes of a positive conclusion.<br />

So I would say that the risks here are minimal.<br />

Commitment is the starting point and I look on this<br />

process as a very positive one.<br />

We should also consider the global commitment to fight<br />

climate change. Cancún gave some assurances that other<br />

parts of the world also take things seriously in that<br />

regard. We are not the only ones who would like the<br />

world to be fair and sustainable, and other parts of the<br />

world will learn from us.<br />

Let us take, for example, energy efficiency drives. We<br />

made a start, and other parts of the world have followed.<br />

The same applies to resource efficiency. If we can use<br />

less timber, then other parts of the world will definitely<br />

learn from our example. I believe there are a lot of ways<br />

in which we can lead.<br />

Last but not least, I would like, once again, to guarantee<br />

that the Commission will conduct monitoring, not only<br />

by my own staff but also through the EU delegations and<br />

the Member State delegations that we have. This is one<br />

of the processes in which we share our efforts with the<br />

Member States. The Commission does not simply work<br />

alone and, in many respects, Member States’ experience<br />

has been particularly crucial in concluding this voluntary<br />

partnership agreement.<br />

I would ask this House really very much to deal with this<br />

consent process because I believe it is a healthy process,<br />

it goes in the right direction and at the same time does<br />

not provide the answers on all the issues that you have<br />

raised today.<br />

1-123<br />

Yannick Jadot, rapporteur. − Madame la Présidente,<br />

Monsieur le Commissaire, une nouvelle fois merci aux<br />

collègues qui sont intervenus. Je crois que nous sommes<br />

à peu près tous intervenus dans le même sens: rappeler<br />

ce point essentiel à travers l'APV, qui est le lien entre le<br />

développement, l'environnement et le renforcement de la<br />

société civile.<br />

Je crois qu'aujourd'hui, s'il y a un levier sur lequel on<br />

peut construire un développement durable dans ces pays,<br />

notamment les pays africains, c'est évidemment le<br />

renforcement de la société civile. Tant que, dans ces<br />

pays-là, le seul ou le principal élément de démocratie, ce<br />

sera le vote pour le président, on le voit bien – l'histoire<br />

de la Côte d'Ivoire nous le rappelle malheureusement –<br />

on n'avancera pas suffisamment.<br />

Donc, le renforcement de la société civile, le fait qu'elle<br />

soit partie prenante permanente dans la mise en œuvre<br />

de ces accords, dans le suivi de l'exploitation forestière,<br />

dans la discussion sur les conditions de cette exploitation<br />

forestière et sur le partage des revenus liés à cette<br />

exploitation forestière, est essentiel.<br />

C'est à travers ce renforcement de la société civile aussi<br />

qu'on répond le mieux à l'argument qui nous est présenté<br />

souvent sur la question de la Chine. Pourquoi faudrait-il<br />

répondre aux critères d'une coopération forte avec<br />

l'Europe, des critères sociaux, démocratiques,<br />

environnementaux, alors que la Chine nous offre un<br />

boulevard en matière de corruption ou de pillage? Eh<br />

bien le renforcement, justement, de cette société civile,<br />

est le meilleur rempart à ce système que tente<br />

notamment d'imposer la Chine dans les pays du Sud.<br />

Et puis, vous l'avez dit, Monsieur le Commissaire,<br />

l'Europe est un grand marché pour les bois tropicaux,<br />

mais c'est aussi – et c'est essentiel pour tous les<br />

exploitants, pour toute l'industrie – un marché stable et<br />

rémunérateur et cela, c'est très important aussi comme<br />

levier dans ces pays.<br />

Merci de votre souhait de travailler avec le Parlement<br />

européen. Nous sommes très heureux de cette<br />

collaboration à venir.<br />


17-01-2011 47<br />

President. − The debate is closed.<br />

The vote will take place on Wednesday (19 January<br />

2011).<br />

1-125<br />

17 - Interim Partnership Agreement<br />

between the EC and the Pacific States -<br />

Interim Partnership Agreement between the<br />

EC and the Pacific States (debate)<br />

1-126<br />

President. − The next item is the joint debate on<br />

– the report by David Martin, on behalf of the<br />

Committee on International Trade, on the<br />

recommendation on the draft Council decision on the<br />

conclusion of the Interim Partnership Agreement<br />

between the European Community, of the one part, and<br />

the Pacific States, of the other part (05078/2010 – C7-<br />

0036/2010 – 2008/0250(NLE)) (A7-0365/2010),<br />

– the oral question to the Commission on Interim<br />

Partnership Agreement between the European<br />

Community, of the one part, and the Pacific States, of<br />

the other part, by Vital Moreira, David Martin, on behalf<br />

of the Committee on International Trade (O-0212/2010 -<br />

B7-0807/2010).<br />

1-127<br />

David Martin, rapporteur. − Mr President, firstly I<br />

would like to say that I know that, for good reasons,<br />

Commissioner De Gucht cannot be with us this evening.<br />

I would like to thank him for taking the trouble to call<br />

me last week and explain why he is unable to be here,<br />

and I would like to thank him and his team at DG Trade<br />

for their cooperation, and in particular Martin Dihm for<br />

all his assistance.<br />

I have tried, in my role as rapporteur, to follow on from<br />

the good work of the previous rapporteur, my former<br />

colleague Glyn Ford. I am fortunate that the adoption of<br />

Glyn’s resolution in 2009 meant that Parliament already<br />

had a clear position on the EC-Pacific Interim Economic<br />

Partnership Agreement. Parliament’s formal position<br />

then is the one that I have tried to follow in my report<br />

and question today.<br />

I would like to thank Donatella Pribaz, who was the<br />

committee administrator responsible. This turned out to<br />

be her last report for the committee before her<br />

promotion, so I would like to wish her well in her new<br />

job and thank her for making my task here easier.<br />

Finally, in terms of acknowledgements, I would also like<br />

to welcome the presence here of the Ambassador for<br />

Papua New Guinea and to thank him and his staff for<br />

their close collaboration. The insights they provided<br />

allowed me to make specific input to the report.<br />

Firstly, I would like to make a few general remarks on<br />

the agreement and the regional context. Secondly, I plan<br />

to discuss three specific aspects of the EPA which I<br />

believe it is important to highlight: namely Aid for<br />

Trade, the Fijian political situation and fisheries.<br />

Thirdly, I will comment on the future of EC-Pacific<br />

trading relations.<br />

In terms of the background and regional integration, this<br />

interim – or goods only – EPA has been negotiated with<br />

two Pacific states – Papua New Guinea and Fiji. These<br />

are the two Pacific island states that have the highest<br />

levels of trade with the EU and have key exports<br />

destined for the EU market: tuna and sugar respectively.<br />

The EPA gives Papua New Guinea and Fiji duty-free<br />

and quota-free access to the EU market in return for the<br />

gradual liberalisation of their markets over a 15-year<br />

period. Papua New Guinea has committed to liberalising<br />

88% of EU imports on the date of application of this<br />

agreement, and Fiji will liberalise 87% over a 15-year<br />

period.<br />

The remaining 12 Pacific states either enjoy duty-free<br />

and quota-free access through the Everything But Arms<br />

scheme or, because of their low level of trade with the<br />

EU, have very little interest in an interim EPA.<br />

Nevertheless, I believe it is important that, as we move<br />

towards a full EPA, we should pursue our objective of<br />

regional integration and continue to press for a full EPA<br />

involving all the Pacific states.<br />

In terms of the content of the resolution, Parliament has<br />

to consent to this agreement before it can be ratified. We<br />

will vote on Wednesday – as you have indicated,<br />

Madam President – on two different reports, firstly on<br />

consent, which I am recommending that we give, and<br />

secondly on the accompanying motion for a resolution.<br />

There are other issues in the motion for a resolution but,<br />

as I have said, I want to comment particularly on three.<br />

First, regarding Aid for Trade, funding for<br />

implementation is crucial to achieving the agreement’s<br />

objectives of economic diversification and poverty<br />

alleviation. It is important that a fair and equitable share<br />

of the EUR 2 billion set aside in the 2007 Aid for Trade<br />

Strategy is directed towards the Pacific region. It is also<br />

important to highlight that this interim EPA was<br />

conceived as a short-term measure to safeguard the<br />

Pacific’s trade preferences following the World Trade<br />

Organisation (WTO) ruling.<br />

Bearing that in mind, it should not be seen as a sign of<br />

EU acceptance of the political regime in Fiji. I would<br />

urge the Fijian Government to make moves towards<br />

democracy. I hope that the necessary reforms can take<br />

place to allow financial support for the Fijian sugar<br />

industry to be allocated.<br />

On fishing, the fisheries sector plays a key role in Papua<br />

New Guinea’s economy and – importantly – provides<br />

employment and income to its citizens. In the three tuna<br />

processing plants which export to the EU there are 5700<br />

employees, the majority of whom are women. This is a<br />

country where it is sometimes difficult to find good<br />

employment for women.

48 17-01-2011<br />

I support the purpose of the flexible rules of origin in<br />

this agreement, namely to develop the processing<br />

industry, but it is essential that the industry develops in a<br />

sustainable manner. Environmental considerations are<br />

paramount and I have asked, in my report, for the<br />

Commission to monitor this aspect and to report back<br />

regularly to Parliament on compliance with the<br />

regulation on illegal, unreported, and unregulated<br />

fishing.<br />

I appreciate that there are some concerns in this House –<br />

and specifically in the Committee on Fisheries – about<br />

the potential impact of Papua New Guinea’s tuna<br />

imports on the EU industry. However, when we look at<br />

the latest figures, we can see that during the period<br />

2003-2009, imports made up around only 2% of total<br />

preserved and prepared fish imports and around only 3%<br />

of preserved and prepared tuna imports. I do not believe<br />

that this low level of imports will threaten the domestic<br />

EU industry, especially if we take into account the<br />

limited capacity of the Pacific states’ fishing fleets and<br />

the limited on-land processing capacity.<br />

Nevertheless, it is of course right that we should<br />

continue to monitor the situation and that, if there are<br />

any unexpected increases in fishing products coming<br />

from Papua New Guinea, the Commission should take<br />

appropriate action. As I mentioned earlier, I hope that<br />

the Pacific states can agree a comprehensive regional<br />

EPA.<br />

In my report I have recommended the inclusion of<br />

several points of substance in future negotiations, which<br />

I hope the Commission will take into account. These<br />

include intellectual property. Too often we talk about<br />

intellectual property from one side only, but I hope that<br />

we will look at intellectual property in terms of<br />

including traditional knowledge. I also hope we will add<br />

transparency in government procurement as well as<br />

provision for issuing working visas of up to 24 months.<br />

As we move towards a full EPA, I hope the Commission<br />

will involve all the Pacific states but, in the meantime,<br />

let us press ahead and get the interim EPA with PNG<br />

and Fiji on the books and working as a demonstration of<br />

what we can achieve in the future.<br />

1-128<br />


Vicepresidente<br />

1-129<br />

Andris Piebalgs, Member of the Commission. − Mr<br />

President, I would like to thank the rapporteur for his<br />

report and particularly for his positive attitude on<br />

consent to the interim Economic Partnership Agreement<br />

with the Pacific states of Papua New Guinea and Fiji. I<br />

hope that this House will follow his advice.<br />

Consent by the European Parliament – for the first time<br />

on a trade agreement under the Lisbon Treaty – has<br />

important political significance because this is a trade<br />

agreement with a long-term development focus and<br />

because of the momentum it will provide to ongoing<br />

negotiations on the comprehensive EPA with the Pacific<br />

region.<br />

Back in 2007, the immediate purpose of the interim<br />

agreement was to secure continued access to the EU<br />

market for those countries in the Pacific region which<br />

most depend on it, given the impending expiry of the<br />

Cotonou trade regime. The Commission’s commitment<br />

to concluding negotiations on a comprehensive EPA<br />

with the Pacific region as a whole remains unchanged<br />

and we are currently engaged in negotiations with our<br />

Pacific partners.<br />

We can go forward only if we accept the special nature<br />

of the Pacific region and tailor the EPA accordingly. We<br />

are talking about small and remote island states which<br />

differ greatly in their economic situation, development<br />

needs and relations with the EU. Some countries have<br />

‘least developed country’ status and are therefore<br />

covered by the EU’s Everything But Arms trade regime;<br />

some have little, if any, trade with the Union. We are<br />

therefore open to entering into the trade relationships<br />

that best suit the Pacific region as a whole, and the<br />

ongoing negotiations will inform the ultimate choices.<br />

Whatever approach we opt for, it is absolutely crucial to<br />

ensure that any agreement will indeed contribute to the<br />

development of the countries concerned. That is why<br />

there is also financial assistance to enhance trade<br />

capacity. That is why we will allow partner countries in<br />

the developing world to exclude more sensitive products<br />

from the trade agreements: something that we would not<br />

allow other countries to do. In this context, I have duly<br />

taken note of the concerns expressed about the<br />

derogation in the interim EPA from the standard rules of<br />

origin for fisheries products.<br />

It is precisely for development reasons that we granted<br />

this derogation and we did so on the basis of our<br />

informed judgment that Papua New Guinea’s small<br />

market share makes it unlikely that its tuna exports could<br />

damage the interests of the EU industry. The European<br />

Union and Papua New Guinea have applied these rules<br />

provisionally since 2008 and, whereas export figures<br />

have fluctuated, no upward trend has been detected. Let<br />

me also reassure you that the Commission does not<br />

intend to offer similar arrangements to any other region.<br />

The Commission will, in any event, closely monitor the<br />

implementation of the derogation and will report to<br />

Parliament on the basis of a study which will be<br />

prepared before the end of 2011.<br />

Some of you were also present in September last year<br />

when the current elected Prime Minister addressed the<br />

INTA Committee. He expressed the readiness of his<br />

government to grant EU vessels and investors access to<br />

Papua New Guinea’s waters. We take this oral<br />

declaration very seriously and we will continue to<br />

engage with our partners till it comes to fruition.<br />

Parliament’s consent will allow us to launch the<br />

implementation mechanisms provided for the agreement;

17-01-2011 49<br />

one of these is the Trade Committee, which could be<br />

convened this spring and which provides a platform for<br />

raising all the issues relating to mutual obligations under<br />

the interim EPA. Your vote is therefore crucial to<br />

helping us move forward on this and other important<br />

issues.<br />

With regard to Fiji, the country did sign the interim EPA<br />

but it does not apply it provisionally. This makes Papua<br />

New Guinea currently the only country provisionally<br />

applying the EU-Pacific interim EPA. Fiji continues, for<br />

the time being, to have access to the EU market under<br />

the Market Access Regulation, since the Council has not<br />

adopted trade sanctions. As you are aware, the EU<br />

decided to suspend development aid to Fiji because of<br />

the political situation in the country. Resumption of aid<br />

would presuppose progress in governance in Fiji and, in<br />

particular, a return to democratic principles of<br />

government, but at the moment there is no tangible<br />

progress in Fiji in this regard.<br />

The EPA we have discussed today is only an interim<br />

arrangement to ensure that access to the EU market is<br />

not lost. The Commission is fully committed to continue<br />

negotiations on a comprehensive EPA with the Pacific<br />

region.<br />

1-130<br />

Carmen Fraga Estévez, ponente de opinión de la<br />

Comisión de Pesca. − Señor Presidente, señor<br />

Comisario, la exención a las normas de origen parte de<br />

un gravísimo error de cálculo que ha hecho la Comisión<br />

sobre su impacto, no solo en el sector atunero<br />

comunitario, que es muy serio, sino en la propia zona del<br />

Pacífico ―a la que se pretende ayudar―, cuando los<br />

beneficiarios reales son casi exclusivamente las voraces<br />

flotas de China y el Sudeste Asiático y su industria de<br />

transformación.<br />

La DG Comercio ha establecido esta exención<br />

basándose en que Papúa Nueva Guinea no tiene<br />

capacidad pesquera para explotar sus recursos. Sin<br />

embargo, según los datos más recientes de la Western<br />

and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, hay 41<br />

cerqueros con pabellón de Papúa Nueva Guinea<br />

operando en la zona, con un total de capturas que en el<br />

año 2009 se elevó a casi medio millón de toneladas y, de<br />

ellas, más de 75 000 (entre semitransformados y<br />

transformados) acabaron en la Unión Europea, lo que<br />

sitúa a Papúa Nueva Guinea entre los seis principales<br />

exportadores a la Unión Europea. No es cierto, por tanto,<br />

como dicen ustedes, que para desarrollar el sector<br />

pesquero de Papúa Nueva Guinea fuera necesario dar<br />

entrada libre a otras flotas.<br />

En ningún caso la Unión Europea puede falsear sus<br />

compromisos con el desarrollo sostenible. No obstante,<br />

estamos viendo como, al amparo de esta exención y a fin<br />

de dar entrada a los inversores asiáticos, Papúa Nueva<br />

guinea ha enmendado su legislación para que no sea<br />

posible presentar denuncias por daños medioambientales<br />

y ha puesto en marcha una normativa de in<strong>version</strong>es que<br />

permite contratar a trabajadores locales y a mano de obra<br />

barata procedente de Asia con las peores garantías<br />

laborales que quepa imaginar.<br />

Si a ello añadimos que Papúa Nueva Guinea lidera ―en<br />

la organización regional de pesca que he citado antes―<br />

una negativa rotunda a cualquier norma internacional de<br />

gestión y control de la pesca el resultado es que, mientra<br />

que la DG Asuntos Marítimos y Pesca pone toda la<br />

carne en el asador para luchar contra la pesca ilegal,<br />

otros le abren las puertas. Yo, señor Comisario, vengo<br />

ahora mismo de la Western and Central Pacific Fisheries<br />

Commission y sé muy bien la posición que ha mantenido<br />

Papúa Nueva Guinea. Por eso, me mantengo en la<br />

posición de la Comisión de Pesca de pedir que se<br />

suspenda la exención en la revisión del acuerdo del que<br />

estamos hablando.<br />

1-131<br />

Laima Liucija Andrikienė, on behalf of the PPE<br />

Group. – Mr President, as shadow rapporteur for the<br />

PPE Group, I would like to start by saying that we<br />

welcome the increasing role of the EU as a trading<br />

power in every region of the world, including the Pacific<br />

region.<br />

The agreement, as it is now, is not a perfect one, not<br />

least because it is not a comprehensive EPA, but only an<br />

interim one. We hope that the Commission will be in a<br />

position to negotiate, in due time, a comprehensive EPA<br />

including a larger number of countries in the region.<br />

Secondly, the current agreement concerns only a small<br />

part of EU trade, since the share of EU trade accounted<br />

for by the whole of the Pacific region is just 0.06%, and<br />

yet some areas have caused us concern, most notably on<br />

the issue of the derogation from the rules of origin for<br />

fishery products.<br />

In our resolution we raise our concern that a number of<br />

countries, such as the Philippines, Thailand, China, the<br />

United States, Australia and others, will be able to take<br />

advantage of this derogation and potentially export large<br />

quantities of processed fisheries products to the EU,<br />

potentially harming the interests of the EU fish<br />

processing and canning industry.<br />

We therefore encourage the Commission to act on<br />

Parliament’s request for it to conduct an impact<br />

assessment study and, in the event that the assessment<br />

demonstrates a destabilising effect on the EU’s fish<br />

processing and canning industry, for it to initiate the<br />

procedure leading to suspension of the exceptional<br />

arrangements in this agreement regarding rules of origin.<br />

1-132<br />

George Sabin Cutaş, în numele grupului S&D. –<br />

Actualul acord interimar de parteneriat încheiat în<br />

noiembrie 2007 de Comisia Europeană şi statele Papua-<br />

Noua Guinee şi Fiji a fost aspru criticat de către<br />

societatea civilă şi de către politicienii din regiunea<br />

Pacificului. Aceştia au subliniat consecinţele negative pe<br />

care acordul le-a avut asupra nivelului de solidaritate<br />

interregională şi a dorinţei politice de integrare<br />

economică în regiune.

50 17-01-2011<br />

Aceasta din urmă a fost divizată în grupuri care au<br />

negociat în mod individual şi sub presiuni obţinerea unui<br />

acord intermediar cu Comisia Europeană. Totodată, se<br />

crede că acordarea statutului de produs originar,<br />

derogare de la plata taxelor vamale în Uniune pentru<br />

produsele piscicole de provenienţă din Papua Noua<br />

Guinee şi Fiji a condus la crearea unui centru de<br />

procesare a acestor produse, inclusiv a unor produse<br />

neoriginare, de către firme din statele vecine, cu scopul<br />

de a profita de avantajele derogării.<br />

Acest proces ar avea efecte nefaste asupra industriei,<br />

lucrătorilor şi veniturilor locale, ţinând cont de faptul că<br />

industria piscicolă este una dintre cele mai importante<br />

generatoare de locuri de muncă în aceste ţări. De<br />

asemenea, el ar reprezenta o concurenţă neloială pentru<br />

produsele europene. Prin urmare, este posibil ca acordul<br />

să fi avut efecte contrare celor dorite.<br />

Astfel, Comisia Europeană trebuie să se asigure că<br />

viitorul acord de parteneriat va contribui atât la<br />

dezvoltarea unei industrii piscicole locale sustenabile,<br />

creatoare de locuri de muncă, cât şi la o integrare<br />

regională mai strânsă, spre exemplu, prin negocierea<br />

viitorului acord cu regiunea Pacificului în întregimea sa.<br />

1-133<br />

Isabella Lövin, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr<br />

President, one of the objectives of the EPAs is to<br />

promote regional integration. What we have seen so far<br />

is that this is not happening. On the contrary, in the case<br />

of the Pacific, the EU is undermining unity by offering<br />

interim agreements to some ACP countries, with special<br />

conditions attached.<br />

The derogation from the rules of origin for fish<br />

processed in Papua New Guinea and Fiji is an example<br />

of this. I believe that this derogation is potentially<br />

hazardous and that it must be thoroughly evaluated in<br />

2011, as already agreed.<br />

I say this because it is important to have facts when<br />

discussing this matter. What are the effects on global<br />

fish stocks, on employment and on the environment in<br />

Papua New Guinea? What are the social conditions of<br />

the workers? All this must be fully and transparently<br />

assessed, and then the derogation may or may not be<br />

abolished on that basis, and not on the basis of<br />

complaints from the Spanish fishing industry which,<br />

itself, fishes in Papua New Guinea but never lands fish<br />

there – and, by the way, does not pay customs duty when<br />

it sells the fish as European on the European market.<br />

1-134<br />

Elie Hoarau, au nom du groupe GUE/NGL. – Monsieur<br />

le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, je pense qu'il est<br />

quelque peu abusif de dénommer les accords de<br />

partenariat économique intérimaires "accords Pacifique",<br />

puisque, sur les quinze États ACP de la zone, seuls deux<br />

d'entre eux sont signataires.<br />

À l'évidence, ces accords prennent davantage la forme<br />

d'accords bilatéraux que de véritables accords régionaux,<br />

accords bilatéraux qui s'écartent des objectifs affichés<br />

des APE, à savoir l'intégration régionale. Comment ne<br />

pas voir là l'illustration de ce que dénoncent, dans le<br />

Pacifique comme en Afrique, les acteurs de la société<br />

civile, à savoir qu'un certain nombre de pays ACP ont<br />

été contraints de signer des accords individuels parce<br />

que la Commission n'a pas su faire des APE un véritable<br />

instrument de partenariat de développement?<br />

Ces fortes pressions exercées par les négociateurs<br />

européens sur les États ACP ont été dénoncées par les<br />

pays ACP eux-mêmes à l'occasion de la 92 e session du<br />

Conseil des ministres d'Afrique, des Caraïbes et du<br />

Pacifique, qui s'est tenue à Bruxelles du 8 au<br />

12 novembre 2010. La réalité tragique des APE, accords<br />

négociés par la Commission européenne, est telle qu'ils<br />

sont un échec avant même leur entrée en vigueur. Un<br />

échec tel que nombre de pays ACP demandent aux États<br />

membres de l'Union européenne d'examiner la<br />

possibilité de réviser le mandat de négociation donné à<br />

la Commission européenne en juin 2002.<br />

1-135<br />

Andreas Mölzer (NI). – Herr Präsident! Im<br />

Zusammenwirken mit der derzeitigen Marktsituation<br />

führt die Reform der EU-Zuckermarktordnung dazu,<br />

dass der EU-Zuckerpreis unter dem internationalen Preis<br />

liegt.<br />

Die langjährigen Abnahmeverträge mit den<br />

Zuckerrohproduzenten in Afrika, der Karibik oder dem<br />

Pazifik werden bei dieser Preissituation wohl nur sehr<br />

schwer haltbar sein. Dass die Bauern in den AKP-<br />

Staaten ihre Ware lieber zu höheren Preisen auf dem<br />

Weltmarkt verkaufen, statt sie günstig in der EU zu<br />

vertreiben, mag bei den Schwierigkeiten rund um die<br />

neuen AKP-Abkommen eine Rolle gespielt haben.<br />

Wenn nun dieser Anreiz wegfällt und gleichzeitig eine<br />

Meistbegünstigungsklausel in Kauf genommen werden<br />

muss und zudem noch die Staatseinnahmen mit dem<br />

Wegfall der Zolleinnahmen sinken, ist es ja kein<br />

Wunder, dass die AKP-Staaten so zögerlich waren.<br />

In diesem Zusammenhang wird sicherlich ein<br />

Augenmerk auf die Fischerei gelegt werden müssen, und<br />

zwar nicht nur, ob Papua-Neuguinea und Fidschi<br />

anderen Handelspartnern Zugang zu ihren<br />

Fischereigewässern gewährt haben. Vielleicht sollte man<br />

auch aufklären, ob die Vorwürfe stimmen, dass sich<br />

etwa die spanische Fischereiflotte aufgrund der EU-<br />

Einschränkungen und der Fangquoten in den Pazifik<br />

verlagert hat und dort unter fremder Flagge fischt.<br />

1-136<br />

Francisco José Millán Mon (PPE). – Señor Presidente,<br />

yo también quiero expresar mi preocupación por el<br />

impacto de este acuerdo en el sector pesquero del atún<br />

en conserva, muy importante en España y en especial en<br />

Galicia, mi circunscripción.<br />

Este impacto negativo obedece, como se ha dicho, a una<br />

concesión sin precedentes y mal fundamentada: la<br />

exención de las normas de origen en los productos<br />

transformados de la pesca, cuando así se solicite, por no<br />

disponer de materia prima autóctona suficiente.

17-01-2011 51<br />

Pues bien, es lo primero que ha hecho Papúa Nueva<br />

Guinea, y la exención ya se está aplicando. Papúa Nueva<br />

Guinea se convierte así en una gran plataforma de<br />

transformación y exportación de atún proveniente de los<br />

grandes competidores de la industria europea, es decir,<br />

Filipinas, Tailandia, China y los Estados Unidos.<br />

Realmente, ellos son los grandes beneficiarios del<br />

acuerdo.<br />

Se estima que la producción de atún se elevará<br />

finalmente a cuatrocientas mil toneladas al año, dirigidas<br />

al mercado europeo, que consume actualmente un total<br />

de unas setecientas diez mil. El impacto será muy grave,<br />

ya que los precios del atún procedente de Papúa Nueva<br />

Guinea son un tercio más baratos que los europeos, por<br />

los bajos salarios y los inexistentes estándares<br />

medioambientales.<br />

En mi tierra, en Galicia, se considera una competencia<br />

imbatible, que tendrá graves consecuencias en el<br />

empleo. Deseo que el estudio de impacto que anuncia la<br />

Comisión Europea tenga el mayor rigor posible y tenga<br />

en cuenta las consecuencias, a corto y medio plazo, de<br />

esa exención de las normas de origen.<br />

Espero que ponga fin, cuanto antes, a la aplicación de<br />

esta exención. Es una medida excepcional y transitoria.<br />

Sin embargo, parece que en Papúa Nueva Guinea la<br />

consideran permanente. De lo contrario, no se harían<br />

esas in<strong>version</strong>es. Espero, además, que esta exención no<br />

vuelva a recogerse en otros acuerdos, y tampoco en el<br />

acuerdo definitivo. Pero, en la actualidad, ya hay un<br />

problema con el acuerdo provisional y debe subsanarse.<br />

1-137<br />

Josefa Andrés Barea (S&D). – Señor Presidente, el<br />

Acuerdo de Asociación con Papúa Nueva Guinea y Fiyi<br />

conlleva, como se está diciendo aquí, una exención a las<br />

normas de origen. Afecta, sobre todo, al atún, como ha<br />

dicho el ponente. ¿Qué queremos con este acuerdo?<br />

Queremos el desarrollo del sector pesquero y la<br />

superación de la pobreza en estos archipiélagos, esto es,<br />

la ayuda al desarrollo.<br />

¿Pero qué efectos negativos tiene que terceros países se<br />

beneficien de este trato preferencial?<br />

Estamos escuchando aquí las denuncias que se están<br />

produciendo. Queremos una situación equilibrada. La<br />

Comisión nos acaba de decir que hay análisis claros. Sin<br />

embargo, la opinión que aquí se expresa es que no es así.<br />

En 2008 se dijo que no existía ningún tipo de distorsión<br />

y se nos anunció un informe de impacto.<br />

Queremos una situación equilibrada. Queremos una<br />

revisión, consulta y controles. Queremos saber si este<br />

acuerdo sirve para la ayuda al desarrollo de este<br />

archipiélago. Y también queremos saber si se cumplen<br />

las medidas sanitarias ―algo muy importante para los<br />

productos que se importan―, la gestión sostenible de la<br />

pesca, la lucha contra la pesca ilegal ―elemento<br />

fundamental― y un elemento también muy importante<br />

que nos mostraría la forma de trabajar de estos terceros<br />

países que pueden estar radicados en Papúa Nueva<br />

Guinea, como es el cumplimiento de las normas<br />

internacionales de trabajo.<br />

Queremos dar sostenimiento a este acuerdo, queremos<br />

ayudar al cumplimiento de este acuerdo, pero también<br />

queremos que este acuerdo sirva para el desarrollo de<br />

Papúa Nueva Guinea y de Fiyi y que no perjudique a la<br />

industria española.<br />

1-138<br />

Alain Cadec (PPE). – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur<br />

le Commissaire, chers collègues, je tiens à attirer votre<br />

attention sur la dérogation aux règles d'origine accordée<br />

à la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, concernant les produits<br />

de la pêche transformés, notamment les conserves de<br />

thon, qui me semble extrêmement dangereuse.<br />

Ce pays ACP bénéficie d'un accès préférentiel au<br />

marché européen, c'est-à-dire d'une exonération totale<br />

des droits de douane sur les conserves de thon qu'il<br />

exporte sur notre marché. Je ne mets pas en doute la<br />

politique de développement que l'accord met en œuvre.<br />

En revanche, la dérogation aux règles d'origine sur les<br />

conserves de thon est totalement inacceptable.<br />

Cette dérogation permet aux opérateurs extérieurs de<br />

s'implanter en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée et elle ne<br />

profite donc que très peu à l'emploi et à la population<br />

locale. Il faut permettre l'aide au développement, mais<br />

une aide juste et efficace, qui profite aux régions<br />

concernées.<br />

Les importations communautaires de thon sont passées<br />

de 9 200 à 16 200 tonnes de 2008 à 2009. Elles ont<br />

doublé en un an seulement. Ce phénomène ne peut que<br />

s'aggraver si cette dérogation est maintenue. De plus, ces<br />

produits ne respectent pas les mêmes normes sociales,<br />

sanitaires et de préservation de la ressource que les<br />

normes imposées aux produits européens. Il est<br />

notamment impossible de vérifier l'origine des captures.<br />

Chers collègues, la Commission européenne n'a-t-elle<br />

pas pris le temps de lire mon rapport sur l'origine des<br />

importations des produits de la pêche et de l'aquaculture<br />

dans l'Union européenne?<br />

En tous les cas, si c'est le cas, c'est à désespérer. Nous ne<br />

pouvons pas de la sorte sacrifier les emplois européens<br />

et la qualité des produits vendus sur le marché européen.<br />

Je ne veux pas qu'une situation destructrice pour<br />

l'industrie de la transformation européenne se mette en<br />

place durablement.<br />

1-139<br />

Ulrike Rodust (S&D). – Herr Präsident, Herr<br />

Kommissar, meine lieben Kolleginnen und Kollegen!<br />

Für mich als Koordinatorin des Fischereiausschusses ist<br />

in diesem Übergangsabkommen besonders der Aspekt<br />

der Fischerei interessant. Hier gab es im Vorfeld einige<br />

Kontroversen hinsichtlich der Lockerung der<br />

Ursprungsregelung für Papua-Neuguinea. Ich unterstütze<br />

die Auffassung der Kommission, durch diese Lockerung<br />

die Wirtschaft eines der ärmsten Länder unserer Erde

52 17-01-2011<br />

anzukurbeln. Das darf auch – davon bin ich fest<br />

überzeugt – uns Fischereipolitikern nicht egal sein. Ich<br />

verstehe gleichzeitig die Sorgen der europäischen<br />

Industrie, kann mir aber, ehrlich gesagt, nicht vorstellen,<br />

dass die gewährten Erleichterungen dazu führen, dass<br />

Papua-Neuguinea eine ernstzunehmende Konkurrenz für<br />

unsere Konservenindustrie wird.<br />

Aber wir müssen wachsam sein, denn es ist natürlich<br />

niemandem geholfen, wenn wir unsere halbe<br />

Konservenindustrie in den Pazifikraum verlagern. Ich<br />

muss aber dazu sagen, dass uns in der Diskussion über<br />

dieses Abkommen sehr widersprüchliche Informationen<br />

hinsichtlich der Frage vorlagen, in welchem Umfang in<br />

Papua-Neuguinea investiert wird und welche Staaten<br />

indirekt von der Lockerung der Ursprungsregelung<br />

profitieren. Ich bitte deshalb die Kommission dringend,<br />

die Anwendung dieser Ausnahmeregelung genau zu<br />

überwachen und dem Parlament rechtzeitig über die<br />

Auswirkungen auf die Entwicklung in Papua-Neuguinea<br />

und die Auswirkungen auf die europäische<br />

Konservenindustrie Bericht zu erstatten. Wenn diese<br />

Regelung nicht die gewünschten Ergebnisse vor Ort<br />

erzielt und nicht vertretbaren Schaden für europäische<br />

Firmen bedeutet, müssen wir bei der Verhandlung des<br />

endgültigen Abkommens neu entscheiden. Halten Sie<br />

uns bitte auf dem Laufenden!<br />

1-140<br />

Pablo Zalba Bidegain (PPE). – Señor Presidente, en<br />

primer lugar, me gustaría aclarar que estoy a favor de<br />

estrechar vínculos comerciales entre la Unión Europea y<br />

Papúa Nueva Guinea que favorezcan el desarrollo de<br />

esta región, pero que favorezcan un desarrollo<br />

sostenible.<br />

Creo sinceramente que este acuerdo, tal y como lo<br />

hemos planteado actualmente, no es un buen acuerdo.<br />

Estoy absolutamente en contra de una cláusula del<br />

mismo que considero injusta: la exención a las normas<br />

de origen, porque no solo pone en peligro el desarrollo<br />

sostenible de Papúa Nueva Guinea sino que, como bien<br />

hemos escuchado aquí, pone en peligro toda una<br />

industria europea, la industria conservera. Esta<br />

concesión debería ser absolutamente excepcional, y no<br />

debería haberse aplicado en el caso de Papúa Nueva<br />

Guinea. Además, no olvidemos el serio precedente que<br />

esta medida está sentando, y sentará, en futuras<br />

negociaciones de la Unión Europea.<br />

En mi opinión, hubiese sido necesaria una resolución<br />

mucho más clara y contundente al respecto que indicase<br />

categóricamente que, en la próxima revisión del<br />

Acuerdo de Asociación Interino, se suspenda<br />

definitivamente la exención a las normas de origen. Por<br />

tanto, quiero pedir a la Comisión que tenga en cuenta las<br />

dramáticas consecuencias que esta concesión va a tener,<br />

primero, en la industria conservera europea y, segundo,<br />

en la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente y en los recursos<br />

naturales de Papúa Nueva Guinea, y el precedente tan<br />

negativo que sienta para futuras negociaciones. Por<br />

mucho que la Comisión haya reconocido que no será un<br />

precedente, la presión estará ahí. Por tanto, pido a la<br />

Comisión que decida poner fin, cuanto antes, a la<br />

exención a las normas de origen.<br />

1-141<br />

Mairead McGuinness (PPE). – Mr President, I actually<br />

came down to participate in the next debate but I have<br />

been watching this debate from my office and I am<br />

concerned, like others who have spoken in the debate<br />

here, about the idea of flexibility on rules of origin.<br />

In the last seven days there was a programme on British<br />

television, part of a whole Channel Four series about the<br />

fishing industry, in which, I am afraid, the European<br />

Union’s fisheries policy came in for severe criticism,<br />

and we are getting lots of e-mails from concerned<br />

citizens.<br />

This specific issue did not arise, but I would just like to<br />

stand up and support those colleagues who have<br />

expressed huge concern about a proposal that is<br />

supposed to be positive as a development tool, but in<br />

fact could be quite negative, not just from a European<br />

perspective, but also for the very countries we are trying<br />

to assist.<br />

1-142<br />

Andris Piebalgs, Member of the Commission. − Mr<br />

President, this was an extremely interesting debate.<br />

There is poverty in the world. We need to deal with it.<br />

One way would be the transfer of financial resources,<br />

but it is much better to give the people the opportunity to<br />

make a decent living from the work they do. The three<br />

tuna processing facilities in Papua New Guinea which<br />

are authorised to export tuna to the EU employ around<br />

5 700 people, most of whom are women. Jobs are at<br />

stake in Papua New Guinea, which is one of the most<br />

poverty-stricken countries.<br />

When it proposes derogations, the Commission takes<br />

due account of the risks involved and looks to create<br />

safeguards. The Commission takes the view that it is<br />

highly unlikely that Papua New Guinea’s exports will<br />

cause any serious disruption to the EU’s fishing and<br />

canning industry given the low volume of trade between<br />

Papua New Guinea and the EU, and Papua New<br />

Guinea’s low market-share in the EU tuna market of<br />

around 3% in recent years. Provisional application dates<br />

from 2008, and we have some experience with figures. It<br />

will not cause any disruption to Europe’s fishing or<br />

canning industries. The development of trade flows will<br />

be further analysed in a study on the effect of the<br />

implementation of the special rules of origin for fishery<br />

products which will be prepared in 2011.<br />

In addition, the Commission will monitor trade with<br />

PNG and will not hesitate to take appropriate measures<br />

if a serious disturbance of the EU market becomes<br />

evident. The Interim Agreement explicitly allows for the<br />

application of such measures in its Chapter 2 on trade<br />

defence instruments. There is no indication at this stage<br />

of any negative impact of Papua New Guinea’s exports<br />

of fishery products on the canning industry in other ACP<br />

or GSP+ countries. This aspect will also be looked at in<br />

the study I have just mentioned.

17-01-2011 53<br />

I should like to add that, independently of any special<br />

rules of origin or preferential trade agreements, countries<br />

and companies exporting fish or fishery products to the<br />

EU will always have to comply with the regulation on<br />

illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and with the<br />

EU’s health and food safety requirements. I believe that<br />

the Commission has considered the matter very carefully<br />

before bringing this measure forward.<br />

I shall now turn to a broader issue: the EPA in general.<br />

Trade is far from simple. As I have said, the only way to<br />

eradicate poverty is to allow growth in the developing<br />

world. It is true that regional cooperation is rather<br />

difficult at the start. It is not just trade agreements that<br />

make regional development happen. That is why we<br />

have earmarked EUR 45 million for aid for trade in the<br />

Oceania region. This is three times more than was<br />

provided for under the ninth EDF. It is only by<br />

facilitating trade flows that you can expect regional trade<br />

to take place. If we look at all developing countries,<br />

basically all trade is based on monoculture – one<br />

particular export item with a high fluctuation rate. This<br />

has a highly disruptive effect in the countries concerned.<br />

When we talk about migratory flows, security, safety<br />

and justice in the world, we cannot just say that we do<br />

not care about it. We should care about it, and our<br />

departments have carried out an extensive study. We are<br />

proposing very decent measures which are completely in<br />

line with all the European Union’s objectives.<br />

I believe that the measure is right and that the necessary<br />

safeguards are in place in case anything goes wrong. I<br />

believe we have judged this correctly and I therefore<br />

lend my support to this agreement.<br />

1-143<br />

David Martin, author. − Mr President, I will be brief. I<br />

find myself almost, indeed entirely, in agreement with<br />

the Commissioner on this subject.<br />

Firstly, to repeat, it is important that we sign the interim<br />

EPA because, if we do not, existing trade preferences for<br />

Papua New Guinea and Fiji will disappear, under the<br />

WTO ruling. The interim EPA is precisely that: it is an<br />

interim arrangement, and I agree with all the colleagues<br />

who say that our objective in the long run should be a<br />

full, comprehensive EPA with all the Pacific countries,<br />

encouraging regional integration in the Pacific. But we<br />

have to take this step at the moment to ensure the<br />

continuation of preferences for the two largest countries<br />

in the Pacific region.<br />

On fishing, the Commission has made it very clear that<br />

what we have here is an exception. This will be the only<br />

derogation. There are no other parts of the world to<br />

which we intend giving such a derogation. Why are we<br />

giving a derogation to Papua New Guinea? I will tell<br />

you: it is because Papua New Guinea is literally on the<br />

other side of the world, and the likelihood of EU fishing<br />

fleets exploiting that area extensively is limited,<br />

although they are free to do so. There is nothing to stop<br />

EU fishing fleets fishing in Papua New Guinea waters<br />

and landing their catch and getting their catch canned in<br />

Papua New Guinea – and, as has been said earlier, that<br />

would be very good for development, and indeed we<br />

should encourage it.<br />

But the situation at present is that Chinese boats, Thai<br />

boats and boats of other Asian nationalities are fishing in<br />

Papua New Guinea’s waters and landing their fish back<br />

in their own country, giving no opportunity for<br />

development in Papua New Guinea.<br />

There is a development opportunity here in terms of<br />

providing jobs, particularly for women. We often<br />

complain that we do not do enough in our development<br />

policy to encourage downstream activity. Here we are<br />

actually doing something positive for downstream<br />

activity. As the Commissioner has said, in order to<br />

qualify the fish still needs to meet all the standards under<br />

the regulation on illegal, unreported and unregulated<br />

fishing. It has to meet all our sanitary and phytosanitary<br />

conditions. That is absolutely essential. The three<br />

factories in Papua New Guinea meet these standards at<br />

the moment and are providing useful jobs. If we have a<br />

sudden increase in the number of factories, and a sudden<br />

surge in imports from Papua New Guinea, then of course<br />

we will have to revisit the situation and potentially take<br />

action.<br />

At the moment, however, the statistics speak for<br />

themselves. This agreement has been in place since<br />

2008. There has been no surge. There is no threat to the<br />

European tuna industry. I have met, as rapporteur, with<br />

the leaders of the Spanish tuna industry and they<br />

themselves have said to me that there is no current<br />

threat. What they are worried about is the future. They<br />

accept that at the moment there is no serious threat to the<br />

EU industry. So let us not exaggerate the situation. Let<br />

us not make a poor developing country pay for our<br />

preoccupation with our own self-interest.<br />

1-144<br />

Presidente. − Comunico di aver ricevuto una proposta<br />

di risoluzione conformemente all'articolo 115, paragrafo<br />

5, del regolamento.<br />

La discussione è chiusa.<br />

La votazione si svolgerà mercoledì 19 gennaio 2011.<br />

Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 149)<br />

1-145<br />

Helmut Scholz (GUE/NGL), schriftlich. – Das<br />

Interims-Partnerschaftsabkommen zwischen der<br />

Europäischen Gemeinschaft und Fidschi und Papua-<br />

Neuguinea greift in den komplizierten und komplexen<br />

Integrationsprozess in der pazifischen Region ein. Es<br />

leistet leider kaum erkennbare entwicklungspolitische<br />

Förderung für die beiden Staaten. Ich möchte daran<br />

erinnern, dass der Militärputsch in Fidschi 2006 vom<br />

Europäischen Parlament, vom Rat und auch von der<br />

Kommission einhellig verurteilt wurden. Die bis heute<br />

andauernde Diktatur wird nun mit dem Abschluss dieses<br />

Handelsabkommens quasi als Vertragspartner anerkannt.

54 17-01-2011<br />

Das Bemühen unserer Partner in Australien, Neuseeland<br />

und anderen Ländern der Region um eine Rückkehr zur<br />

Demokratie in Fidschi wird durch diesen Vertrag<br />

unterwandert. Als ich in unserer Sitzung im<br />

Handelsausschuss die Unterdrückung der Demokratie<br />

durch die Militärs in Fidschi kritisierte, war die Antwort<br />

von deren Vertretern: „But we are in control!“ Was ich<br />

für blanken Zynismus hielt, scheint nun den Ansprüchen<br />

der Kommission an die Legitimität ihrer Vertragspartner<br />

zu genügen. Meine Fraktion wird gegen dieses<br />

Abkommen stimmen. Ich werde mich dafür einsetzen,<br />

das Abkommen so lange auszusetzen, bis die<br />

Demokratie in Fidschi wiederhergestellt ist.<br />

1-146<br />

18 - Adozione internazionale nell'Unione<br />

europea (discussione)<br />

1-147<br />

Presidente. − L'ordine del giorno reca la discussione<br />

sull'interrogazione orale alla Commissione sull'adozione<br />

internazionale nell'Unione europea, di Roberta Angelilli<br />

(O-0193/2010 - B7-0670/2010).<br />

1-148<br />

Roberta Angelilli, Autore. − Signor Presidente,<br />

onorevoli colleghi, molti colleghi, insieme a me, sono<br />

stati sensibilizzati nel corso degli anni sul problema dei<br />

minori abbandonati, orfani o bambini di strada. Tra le<br />

associazioni che mi hanno contattato c'è quella degli<br />

Amici dell'adozione.<br />

Di questi bambini abbandonati ce ne sono tanti e non<br />

solo nel terzo mondo, ma anche in <strong>Europa</strong>. Sono<br />

bambini che diventano invisibili e finiscono nel circuito<br />

vizioso della povertà e dell'esclusione sociale o, peggio<br />

ancora, vengono sfruttati dalla criminalità organizzata<br />

per l'accattonaggio, il lavoro nero, la prostituzione, il<br />

traffico di organi o di adozioni illegali; sono bambini che<br />

spesso passano la loro infanzia tra assistenti sociali ed<br />

orfanotrofi.<br />

A questi bambini noi dobbiamo garantire il diritto ad<br />

essere adottati, il diritto ad avere una famiglia. Un<br />

bambino deve rimanere il meno possibile in un istituto.<br />

L'obiettivo, ovviamente, è l'interesse superiore del<br />

minore, quindi l'adottabilità deve essere concessa<br />

certamente con accortezza, sotto la scrupolosa vigilanza<br />

delle competenti autorità nazionali, ma se ci sono le<br />

condizioni, i bambini hanno il diritto di essere adottati,<br />

innanzitutto a livello nazionale, ma anche a livello<br />

internazionale, all'interno dell'Unione europea.<br />

So che la Commissione è sensibile, seppur si tratta di<br />

una competenza squisitamente nazionale, ma sarebbe<br />

appunto auspicabile una sorta di coordinamento tra<br />

Commissione e Stati membri per buone prassi e strategie<br />

capaci di garantire la massima trasparenza, per evitare<br />

adozioni illegali e adozioni facili, ma anche per ottenere<br />

da tutti gli Stati membri la massima collaborazione nel<br />

garantire il diritto all'adozione e per evitare che i<br />

bambini siano abbandonati a se stessi o, come dicevo<br />

prima, abbandonati all'interno di un istituto.<br />

1-149<br />

Kristalina Georgieva, Member of the Commission. −<br />

Mr President, thank you for bringing forward this<br />

important question. The protection and promotion of<br />

children’s rights is a priority for the Commission,<br />

especially since the launch of the communication<br />

entitled ‘Towards an EU strategy on the rights of the<br />

child’ in 2006. The strategy on the rights of the child<br />

focuses on the fundamental rights of children, including<br />

the protection of the best interests of the child as<br />

enshrined in the European Charter of Fundamental<br />

Rights.<br />

The Commission is determined to ensure that all<br />

fundamental rights encompassed in the Charter are duly<br />

respected by all EU actions, both legislative and nonlegislative.<br />

This practice will be upheld and further<br />

developed in the forthcoming communication on the<br />

rights of the child that the Commission will be<br />

publishing this year. As of this year, 2011, the<br />

Commission will also be reporting annually on progress<br />

made on the application of the EU Charter of<br />

Fundamental Rights.<br />

We have to remember that the provisions of the Charter<br />

are addressed to the institutions and bodies of the Union,<br />

with due regard for the principle of subsidiarity, and to<br />

the Member States only when they are implementing<br />

Union law. We therefore have to remember that,<br />

currently, no European Union legislation on<br />

international adoption exists. The subject is regulated by<br />

the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on protection of<br />

children and cooperation in respect of inter-country<br />

adoption, as well as by national laws. All the Member<br />

States are party to that Convention, but the EU is not. Its<br />

aim is to implement Article 21 of the UN Convention on<br />

the Rights of the Child by establishing safeguards to<br />

ensure that inter-country adoptions take place in the best<br />

interests of the child and that the child’s fundamental<br />

rights are respected.<br />

Internationally, the Commission supports the accession<br />

of third countries to the 1993 Hague Convention on<br />

inter-country adoption and its correct implementation by<br />

participating in relevant meetings of the contracting<br />

parties. The Commission does not consider specific<br />

European rules on intra-EU adoptions to be necessary, as<br />

all 27 EU Member States are parties to the Hague<br />

Convention. That being said, the Commission is closely<br />

following the issue of international adoption within the<br />

European Union, given the link between adoption and<br />

children’s rights. The Commission has taken steps to see<br />

how countries are implementing the convention on<br />

adoption, and, in November 2009, provided a forum for<br />

an exchange of views on the issue.<br />

The Commission’s Green Paper on the free circulation<br />

of public documents, published on 14 December 2010,<br />

addresses the lack of mutual recognition of adoption<br />

decisions as civil status acts between Member States and<br />

its impact on the freedom of movement of EU citizens.<br />

This is a specific step which addresses the question<br />

raised today.

17-01-2011 55<br />

1-150<br />

Salvatore Iacolino, a nome del gruppo PPE. – Signor<br />

Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, Signora Commissario,<br />

non v'è dubbio che il tema dell'adozione internazionale<br />

sia un tema di particolare rilevanza e bene ha fatto la<br />

collega Angelilli a sottoporlo al Parlamento europeo in<br />

questa sessione.<br />

Procedure più snelle e semplificate, costi che in atto<br />

sono particolarmente rilevanti, dai 20 ai 30 000 euro per<br />

adozione, difficoltà a dare una risposta concreta a<br />

un'esigenza, quella della famiglia, quella dei genitori di<br />

diventare appunto tali. Ragazzi vulnerabili e spesso<br />

abbandonati che si pongono talvolta in condizione di<br />

invisibilità, mi riferisco in particolare ai flussi di<br />

emigranti clandestini e ai tanti ragazzi che sono<br />

sottoposti, dopo essere stati collocati nei centri di<br />

identificazione ed espulsione, a quella tratta vergognosa<br />

di schiavitù nella quale molto spesso gli stessi vengono<br />

coinvolti.<br />

Ci vogliono contributi nei confronti della famiglia; il<br />

modello italiano, il modello di altre realtà, può essere<br />

seguito: detrazione per le spese legate al costo<br />

dell'adozione internazionale, crediti agevolati alle<br />

banche, procedure, dicevamo, snelle e semplificate, con<br />

meccanismi reali di monitoraggio su ciò che accade nei<br />

vari Stati membri, prevenzione reale sul traffico degli<br />

esseri umani – recentemente il Parlamento è intervenuto<br />

con un dossier specifico – contrasto reale alle adozioni<br />

illegali e trasparenza.<br />

E, perché no, se vogliamo restituire centralità alla<br />

famiglia, come spesso riferiamo in questo consesso,<br />

dobbiamo fare in modo che le associazioni, quelle<br />

associazioni che molto spesso sono il veicolo<br />

fondamentale di queste adozioni siano caratterizzate da<br />

standard di garanzia particolarmente elevati.<br />

Se c'è un suggerimento – e concludo – alla Signora<br />

Commissario, è: perché non prevedere una modalità di<br />

accreditamento europeo nei confronti di queste<br />

associazioni, fare in modo che queste associazioni si<br />

muovano con trasparenza, chiarezza e concretezza, ma<br />

con una linea elevata di garanzia che tuteli veramente i<br />

diritti inviolabili e intangibili dei minori?<br />

1-151<br />

Monika Flašíková Beňová, za skupinu S&D. –<br />

Hovoríme tu v tejto večernej hodine o veľmi citlivej<br />

téme, pretože hovoríme o tých najmenších, o tých, ktorí<br />

potrebujú našu lásku a potrebujú našu opateru.<br />

Problém opustených detí v Európe sa stáva čoraz<br />

závažnejším. Vzniknutá situácia je v dnešných dňoch v<br />

oveľa väčšej miere vecou zodpovednosti práve<br />

bezprostredného okolia. Aj prostredníctvom práva<br />

osvojiť si dieťa na medzinárodnej úrovni je možné<br />

predísť tomu, aby boli mnohé deti nútené žiť v detských<br />

domovoch, kde napriek veľkej starostlivosti, ktorú<br />

dostávajú, nikdy nepocítia takú tú skutočnú materskú<br />

lásku alebo otcovské pohladenie.<br />

Je preto potrebné zefektívniť systém adopcií tak, aby si<br />

opustené deti v čo najskoršom veku mohli nájsť<br />

náhradnú rodinu. Treba napríklad zúžiť práva<br />

biologických rodičov, ak o dieťa neprejavujú skutočný<br />

záujem po určitý čas. Skrátilo by sa tým obdobie, ktoré<br />

dieťa trávi v detskom domove, lebo nie je tzv. právne<br />

voľné. Takto by tiež bolo možné do určitej miery<br />

eliminovať zbytočné časové prieťahy v celom adopčnom<br />

procese.<br />

Množstvo dohovorov o ochrane maloletých legislatívne<br />

upravuje snahu kompetentných konať v prospech a v<br />

záujme týchto detí. Ochrana práv dieťaťa je rovnako<br />

jedným z hlavných cieľov Európskej únie. Vhodnými<br />

krokmi je preto potrebné aj naďalej postupovať tak, aby<br />

bol za každých okolností chránený najmä najlepší<br />

záujem dieťaťa.<br />

1-152<br />

Cecilia Wikström, för ALDE-gruppen. – Herr talman!<br />

Jag vill inleda med att tacka Roberta Angelilli för<br />

initiativet och tacka för svaret till kommissionsledamot<br />

Georgieva. Det här är en viktig debatt.<br />

Ett hem att kalla sitt eget, en familj som skyddar en, som<br />

värmer och värnar ett skört litet barn är något som<br />

väldigt många barn runtom i <strong>Europa</strong> idag saknar. Det är<br />

en dröm för de barn som växer upp på institutioner.<br />

Vi måste alla nu göra vårt yttersta för att föräldralösa<br />

eller övergivna barn inte ska behöva växa upp på<br />

barnhem och andra institutioner utan i familjer där de får<br />

den ömhet som kan bära dem ända in i vuxenlivet, så att<br />

de blir hela vuxna och inte trasiga.<br />

I våra medlemsstater har vi olika uppfattningar om vilka<br />

individer som kan utgöra en familj. Jag tror ändå att vi<br />

kan vara överens om att en familj kan se olika ut men att<br />

det är som är viktigast är att man möter barnet med<br />

kärlek och omsorg.<br />

Jag hoppas att vi också kan enas kring hur viktigt<br />

samarbetet kring politiska strategier och instrument för<br />

internationella adoptioner är. Jag utgår från att<br />

kommissionen tar täten i det här arbetet. Jag ser också<br />

fram emot att tillsammans med kollegorna arbeta fram<br />

en gemensam resolution i den här frågan. I den mån vi<br />

kan bidra till att föra samman ett övergivet föräldralöst<br />

barn med en familj som längtar efter barn har vi bidragit<br />

med något mycket stort.<br />

Låt oss också komma ihåg hur viktigt det är hur möter<br />

dessa våra minsta bröder och systrar. Om vi möter dem<br />

med kärlek ökar vi gryningsljuset på jorden. Det tror jag<br />

är en livsuppgift för alla, oaktat vilken roll vi har i<br />

samhället.<br />

1-153<br />

Marina Yannakoudakis, on behalf of the ECR Group.<br />

– Mr President, adoption is a positive way of providing a<br />

new family for children who cannot be brought up by<br />

their birth parents, or children who lose their parents. To<br />

adopt a child in the UK, checks and vetting procedures<br />

are robust, and prospective parents need to be accepted

56 17-01-2011<br />

by an adoption agency. The welfare of the child is and<br />

should be at the heart of the adoption process.<br />

The issue of inter-country adoptions is more complex<br />

than national adoption, but I am very grateful to the PPE<br />

Group for bringing this issue forward. Whilst it is to be<br />

commended that we try and move forward in it, I have<br />

concerns that international adoption does bring risks –<br />

risks that have already been mentioned, such as child<br />

abuse and malpractice, that undermine the welfare of the<br />

child.<br />

That is why I believe that all Member States need to<br />

ensure that their adoption laws are regulated in a way<br />

that promotes the interests of the child. Member States<br />

must work together to ensure that the legal process of<br />

adoption between the providing and receiving countries<br />

is transparent, robust and holds the child’s welfare as its<br />

priority.<br />

1-154<br />

Слави Бинев (NI). – уважаема г-жо комисар<br />

Георгиева, скъпи колеги, ще дам пример с България,<br />

където проблемът с изоставените деца става все посериозен<br />

и са необходими спешни мерки, за да се<br />

овладее ситуацията. Системи, подобни на<br />

българската, в които огромен процент деца се дават<br />

за международно осиновяване, са вредни.<br />

От друга страна, докато системите за грижи за<br />

децата са такива, международното осиновяване може<br />

да се окаже единствената възможност за семейство и<br />

нормален живот за мнозина от децата в домовете.<br />

Когато подобряваме цялостната система, трябва да<br />

внимаваме да не им отнемаме този шанс.<br />

Необходими са мерки, които да улеснят процедурата<br />

за международно осиновяване, но и да гарантират<br />

интересите на децата ни. Да гарантират, че така<br />

наречените "осиновители" не гонят само европейско<br />

гражданство, нещо, което в момента им се<br />

позволява.<br />

Не трябва аз да питам дали го правят от чисто сърце<br />

или користни цели. Това е работа на тези, които ще<br />

проведат интервюто за осиновяване и ще внимават<br />

за интересите на нашите деца. Принципите на<br />

Конвенцията на ООН за правата на детето и<br />

съпътстващата ги философия трябва да са в основата<br />

на правото на международното осиновяване в<br />

рамките на Европейския съюз.<br />

1-155<br />

Elena Băsescu (PPE). – Apreciez interesul colegilor<br />

mei din delegaţia italiană pentru situaţia copiilor<br />

abandonaţi, interes pe care îl împărtăşim cu toţii, de<br />

altfel, însă această problematică ţine doar de competenţa<br />

naţională. Am insistat să iau parte la această dezbatere,<br />

deoarece provin dintr-o ţară asupra căreia se fac presiuni<br />

pentru reluarea adopţiilor internaţionale şi pentru<br />

modificarea legislaţiei aflate în vigoare. Însă, în<br />

România, există mai multe familii doritoare să adopte,<br />

decât copii adoptabili, iar legislaţia noastră, la care au<br />

participat şi numeroşi experţi internaţionali, este în<br />

perfectă coordonare cu cea europeană.<br />

Referindu-mă acum la această rezoluţie, menţionez că<br />

sintagma „dreptul copilului de a fi adoptat<br />

internaţional”, cum prevede punctul d, nu este<br />

recunoscută de convenţia ONU şi de cea de la Haga.<br />

Adopţia internaţională reprezintă doar o opţiune. Aceşti<br />

copii ajung în sistem datorită situaţiei precare a<br />

familiilor din care provin, care, conform legislaţiei şi<br />

convenţiilor internaţionale, nu trebuie să reprezinte un<br />

motiv pentru adopţie. De aici, numărul mare de copii<br />

aflaţi în centrele de plasament. 22 966 copii au, totuşi,<br />

un părinte. Legislaţia din România nu prevede decăderea<br />

din drepturile părinteşti decât în cazul unui abuz. Deci,<br />

aceşti copii nu sunt în situaţia de a fi adoptaţi. La fel şi<br />

cei 22 285 de copii aflaţi în asistenţă maternală.<br />

Raţionamentul rezoluţiei trebuie axat pe interesul<br />

superior al copilului, aşa cum au spus şi colegii mei<br />

înainte şi nu al celui care adoptă. Fiecare stat şi nu<br />

altcineva are obligaţia de a alege soluţiile cele mai<br />

potrivite pentru copiii săi.<br />

În final, recomand tuturor o mai bună cunoaştere a<br />

legislaţiilor naţionale. Mă refer aici la faptul că, de<br />

exemplu, mai multe tribunale de minori din Italia au<br />

emis în 2009 şapte hotărâri de adopţie pentru copii din<br />

România, fără să ţină cont de legislaţia noastră.<br />

1-156<br />

Victor Boştinaru (S&D). – Salut această dezbatere în<br />

plenul Parlamentului European, pornind de la premiza că<br />

protecţia drepturilor copilului este şi trebuie să fie o<br />

prioritate a fiecărui stat membru al Uniunii noastre.<br />

Scopul final pentru toţi cei prezenţi aici este promovarea<br />

interesului copiilor.<br />

Bineînţeles, criterii comune şi stricte, pe care statele<br />

membre să le implementeze, sunt necesare pentru<br />

ameliorarea condiţiilor de îngrijire şi trai ale copiilor<br />

instituţionalizaţi şi abandonaţi şi pentru protecţia lor<br />

atunci când aceştia sunt adoptaţi şi, mai ales, acum, în<br />

condiţiile în care austeritatea bugetară pare să fie singura<br />

idee a guvernelor de dreapta din Uniunea Europeană. În<br />

consecinţă, primul pas este asigurarea unei îngrijiri<br />

corespunzătoare pentru aceşti copii; în al doilea rând,<br />

lupta împotriva traficului de copii şi a prostituţiei<br />

infantile; în al treilea rând, să nu uităm că, în interesul<br />

copiilor, trebuie dată întâietate adopţiilor de către un<br />

membru al familiei şi adopţiilor naţionale; în al patrulea<br />

rând, abia, adopţiile internaţionale.<br />

Pentru că aici putem trage doar concluziile din trecut,<br />

deschiderea porţilor pentru adopţiile intenţionale în<br />

România a însemnat crearea unor reţele de trafic de copii<br />

fără precedent, cazuri de răpire a copiilor şi vânzarea lor<br />

spre Occident, în colaborare cu organizaţii europene şi<br />

internaţionale. Între 1997-2000, doamnă Comisar,<br />

România „a exportat” 9 150 copii, iar ţara mea nu va<br />

mai accepta niciodată o asemenea monstruozitate.<br />

Aş dori, în final, să vă rog, prin intermediul<br />

dumneavoastră, ca doamna Comisar Reding să clarifice<br />

alegaţiile apărute în mass-media românească şi<br />

internaţională privitoare la Agenţia Europeană de<br />

Supraveghere a Adopţiilor Internaţionale, propunere

17-01-2011 57<br />

care apare şi în studiul comandat de Comisia Europeană.<br />

Un coleg europarlamentar aşteaptă, încă, răspunsul<br />

doamnei Comisar Reding la o întrebare.<br />

1-157<br />

Alexandra Thein (ALDE). – Herr Präsident! Erst vor<br />

kurzem haben wir im großen Plenarsaal unseres<br />

<strong>Parlaments</strong> in Brüssel einen internationalen Workshop<br />

zur elterlichen Verantwortung und zum Schutz von<br />

Kindern veranstaltet, den zu leiten ich die Ehre hatte. In<br />

<strong>Europa</strong> gibt es immer mehr ausgesetzte und aufgegebene<br />

Kinder, die nicht auf Dauer in Waisenhäusern leben<br />

sollen. Es ist deshalb unsere Pflicht als Gesetzgeber, das<br />

Recht auf internationale Adoption innerhalb der EU zu<br />

stärken, damit diesen Kindern geholfen werden kann.<br />

Dies verlangt auch Artikel 24 unserer Grundrechtecharta,<br />

in der es heißt: „Kinder haben Anspruch auf den<br />

Schutz und die Fürsorge, die für ihr Wohlergehen<br />

notwendig sind.“<br />

Wir haben zwar das Haager Adoptionsübereinkommen<br />

und ein Übereinkommen des <strong>Europa</strong>rats, diese sind<br />

jedoch nicht ausreichend. Bei internationalen<br />

Adoptionen bestehen noch große rechtliche Probleme in<br />

der Praxis. Hier helfen nur internationale Regelungen,<br />

die die immer noch bestehenden unterschiedlichen<br />

nationalen Regelungen beseitigen und durch klare und<br />

einfache Prinzipien ersetzen. Dabei darf bei allem<br />

gesetzgeberischen Eifer nicht aus dem Blickfeld geraten,<br />

dass die EU mit der Haager Konferenz für<br />

internationales Privatrecht kooperieren muss, um ein<br />

abgestimmtes Vorgehen zu gewährleisten. Die EU sollte<br />

also auf diesem Gebiet nicht das Rad neu erfinden. Ich<br />

begrüße die entsprechenden Erklärungen der<br />

Kommissarin.<br />

1-158<br />

Ryszard Czarnecki (ECR). – Panie Przewodniczący!<br />

To bardzo ważny, ale też drażliwy temat. Przypomnę, że<br />

w Parlamencie Europejskim zeszłej kadencji mieliśmy<br />

problem adopcji rumuńskich dzieci przez rodziców w<br />

Izraelu i budziło to poważne perturbacje, także natury<br />

politycznej. Teraz kolejna inicjatywa, która – jak sądzę –<br />

ma dobre intencje, ale jak widać budzi emocje. Myślę,<br />

że tutaj trzeba bardzo uważać, aby nie wylać dziecka z<br />

kąpielą, aby troszcząc się o dobre przyszłe życie dla<br />

dzieci, nie spowodować sytuacji, w której pójdziemy na<br />

skróty, w której otworzymy furtkę dla pospiesznych<br />

adopcji i tak naprawdę pozwolimy na odbieranie dzieci<br />

rodzicom. Przed tym bardzo mocno bym przestrzegał.<br />

1-159<br />

Csanád Szegedi (NI). – Tisztelt elnök úr, tisztelt<br />

képviselőtársaim! Örülök, hogy a nemzetközi<br />

örökbefogadás témaköre, az elhagyott gyermekek ügye<br />

napirendre került az Európai Parlamentben. Rendkívül<br />

fontosnak tartom, hogy úgy en bloc a gyermekek<br />

védelme mind az Európai Parlamentben, mind pedig az<br />

Európai Unióban kiemelt prioritás legyen. Az elhagyott,<br />

elhagyatott gyermekek védelmében mindannyiunknak<br />

példát kell mutatni. Nekik is joguk van ahhoz, hogy<br />

egészséges, mind testileg, mind lelkileg egészséges<br />

felnőtté váljanak. Ehhez pedig elengedhetetlen, hogy<br />

ezek az elhagyott, elhagyatott, árva gyermekek<br />

családban, egészséges környezetben nőjenek fel.<br />

Mindent meg kell tennünk annak érdekében, hogy minél<br />

kevesebb gyermek kerüljön árvaházakba. Különös<br />

megvilágítást kap az elhagyott gyermekek témaköre,<br />

hogyha az elöregedő Európára gondolunk, ahol minden<br />

gyermek a saját jövőnk záloga is egyben.<br />

1-160<br />

Edit Bauer (PPE). – Elnök úr! Kedves biztos asszony!<br />

Szeretném megköszönni az Ön alapos válaszát. Azzal<br />

együtt, hogy tudjuk, hogy a Hágai Szerződés<br />

gyakorlatilag szabályozza a nemzetközi örökbefogadást,<br />

azt is tudjuk, hogy a 27 tagországból 26 részese ennek a<br />

szerződésnek, és abban is igaza van Önnek, hogy ez a<br />

szubszidiaritás kérdése, hogy hogy alkalmazzák ezt a<br />

nemzetközi egyezményt. Ezzel együtt én úgy érzem,<br />

hogy nem lehet közömbös, az élet kikényszeríti, hogy ne<br />

csak akkor foglalkozzunk a gyerekek problémájával,<br />

amikor botrányok vannak, amikor kiderül, hogy több<br />

száz gyereket adtak el ide, több száz gyereket, vagy több<br />

mint ezer gyereket adtak el amoda. Ennek a másik oldala<br />

az, hogy azokat a gyerekeket, akikről tudjuk, hogy<br />

léteznek az Európai Unióban ezerszámra, örökbe<br />

lehessen adni. A téma megkerülhetetlen, mert az Európai<br />

Unió felelős a gyerekek jogainak betartásáért, miközben<br />

azt is látjuk, hogy az örökbefogadás körül, bizony annak<br />

következtében, hogy egyes jogokat túldimenzionál a<br />

nemzeti jogszabály és a nemzeti gyakorlat, így<br />

örökbefogadhatatlanná válnak a gyerekek és így<br />

csorbulnak a más jogaik. Biztos asszony! Én nagyon<br />

szeretném Önt arra kérni, hogy azt, amit elmondott a<br />

bevezetőjében, hogy nincs olyan nemzetközi jogszabály,<br />

ami az Európai Unióban már lehetne, hogy az<br />

örökbefogadásról szóló dokumentumokat a tagországban<br />

elismerjék, hogy ebben a kérdésben szükséges gyorsan<br />

előre lépnünk.<br />

1-161<br />

Zita Gurmai (S&D). – Elnök úr, biztos asszony, kedves<br />

kollégák! A nemzetközi örökbefogadás legalább olyan<br />

súlyú kérdés, mint a határokon átnyúló válások ügye, és<br />

legalább olyan figyelmet is igényel, már csak azért is,<br />

mert legtöbbször a felnőttek döntéseinek érzelmileg,<br />

anyagilag és minden lehetséges értelemben<br />

kiszolgáltatott gyermekekről van szó, akiket a<br />

legmagasabb szintű közösségi védelem illet meg.<br />

A nemzetközi örökbefogadás kapcsán szóbeli kérdést<br />

benyújtók érdeklődése elsősorban a jogi környezetre<br />

vonatkozott. A gyakorlat áttekintése legalább olyan<br />

fontos, mint a jogszabályalkotás. Új vagy egyáltalán jó<br />

szakpolitikai döntés, új jogszabályi környezet ugyanis<br />

csak megbízható adatok, statisztikák illetve a tényleges<br />

gyakorlat ismeretében alakítható ki. Csak pontos<br />

adatokból állapítható meg, hogy egyáltalán szükséges-e<br />

hozzányúlni a szabályozáshoz, ezért tartom a kollégák<br />

által feltett kérdést kiemelt jelentőségűnek. Mivel<br />

azonban szerintem ezt az egész kérdéskört nagyon<br />

átfogóan kell kezelni, szeretnék egy lépéssel hátrébb<br />

lépni, mint a kérdésfeltevők tették.<br />

A következő kérdéseket szeretném feltenni a<br />

Bizottságnak: vannak-e pontos statisztikai adataink az<br />

Unión belüli, illetve a harmadik országok

58 17-01-2011<br />

közreműködésével létrejövő nemzetközi örökbefogadási<br />

esetekről? Egészen pontosan milyen adatokat gyűjtünk<br />

ebben a témában? Milyen módszerekkel? Ki gyűjti az<br />

adatokat, és ha a tagállamok gyűjtik, akkor egységes-e<br />

ez a módszertan? Ha nemzetközi örökbefogadásra kerül<br />

sor akár az Unión belül, akár a harmadik fél<br />

közreműködésével, akkor a szülők és a gyerekek<br />

kiválasztása, illetve előzetes felkészítése hogyan néz ki?<br />

A felkészítést hogyan ellenőrizzük? Vannak-e erre közös<br />

szabályaink? Milyen különbségek vannak a tagállamok<br />

gyakorlatai között? Van-e életkori limit akár az<br />

örökbefogadóra, akár a gyermekre nézve? Kapnak-e az<br />

örökbefogadó szülök folyamatos szakmai támogatást?<br />

Van-e megbízható, rendszeres utókövetés? Lehet-e<br />

tudni, hogy az örökbefogadó szülők milyen<br />

gyakorisággal ütköznek problémákba, és hogy ezek a<br />

problémák milyen jellegűek? Milyen segítséget<br />

nyújtanak a tagállamok problémás esetekben?<br />

Köszönöm szépen a figyelmet, és köszönöm biztos<br />

asszony kiváló munkáját!<br />

1-162<br />

Sonia Alfano (ALDE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli<br />

colleghi, da alcuni anni in Italia numerose famiglie e<br />

altrettanti bambini rumeni subiscono le conseguenze del<br />

blocco delle adozioni internazionali da parte della<br />

Romania.<br />

La Convenzione dell'Aia rappresenta il quadro di<br />

riferimento da attuare in maniera uniforme in tutti i paesi<br />

dell'Unione europea e in questo bisogna che la Romania<br />

faccia uno sforzo per adeguarsi. Se la Romania ritiene<br />

che il blocco delle adozioni internazionali sia funzionale<br />

a tutelare i bambini, ad esempio per il rischio che si<br />

sviluppi un traffico illegale degli stessi, affronti anche<br />

con l'aiuto dell'Unione europea questa problematica,<br />

inasprendo i controlli e con normative severe; è<br />

necessario però un impegno affinché tante famiglie per<br />

bene possano accogliere bambini che meritano una<br />

seconda opportunità di avere un'infanzia felice.<br />

Chiedo quindi alla Commissione in che maniera intende<br />

supportare un eventuale impegno della Romania a<br />

cancellare la moratoria sulle adozioni internazionali e,<br />

inoltre, vorrei conoscere la posizione della Commissione<br />

riguardo alla possibilità di creare un'Agenzia europea per<br />

le adozioni, anche alla luce degli studi effettuati.<br />

1-163<br />

Janusz Wojciechowski (ECR). – Panie<br />

Przewodniczący! Adopcja może być i często jest<br />

dobrodziejstwem dla dziecka, ale procedury z nią<br />

związane mogą być też powodem nadużyć, takich jak<br />

handel dzieci czy wyrywanie dzieci do adopcji z rodzin,<br />

które wcale nie porzuciły swoich dzieci, tylko często z<br />

powodu biedy nie są w stanie zapewnić im właściwych<br />

warunków. Ta wielka liczba dzieci w sierocińcach, o<br />

której wspominamy w dzisiejszej debacie, to często nie<br />

są dzieci porzucone, ale właśnie dzieci rodziców<br />

biednych, którzy nie radzą sobie z trudną sytuacją<br />

życiową. Takim rodzinom trzeba pomóc. Państwa za<br />

dużo mniejsze kwoty mogłyby pomóc tym rodzinom,<br />

wcale nie zabierając dzieci do sierocińca, a w<br />

konsekwencji dalej do adopcji. Powinniśmy przyjąć<br />

jednoznaczną zasadę – w Unii Europejskiej powinno być<br />

to obowiązujące – nigdy nie zabierać dzieci z rodzin z<br />

powodu biedy, pomagać, nie zabierać dzieci. Bieda nie<br />

może być przyczyną zabierania dziecku jego naturalnej<br />

rodziny.<br />

1-164<br />

Raffaele Baldassarre (PPE). – Signor Presidente,<br />

onorevoli colleghi, Signora Commissario, oggi ci<br />

troviamo a discutere di quello che rappresenta un<br />

terribile controsenso per un'Unione che vuole assicurare<br />

la piena libertà di movimento dei propri cittadini ed<br />

essere funzionale alle esigenze degli stessi; un<br />

controsenso che rivela un concreto bisogno di aiuto da<br />

parte di taluni e l'impossibilità da parte di altri di poter<br />

offrire l'aiuto sollecitato.<br />

Quello delle difficoltà e degli ostacoli che si<br />

frappongono all'adozione internazionale è un paradosso<br />

che si traduce in un dramma per migliaia di bambini e<br />

famiglie all'interno dell'Unione europea. Le numerose<br />

convenzioni internazionali hanno dato prova di poter<br />

affrontare i problemi legati alle adozioni solo in maniera<br />

parziale: ciò è dovuto, da un lato, alla specificità di ogni<br />

convenzione e alla natura esclusiva delle stesse;<br />

dall'altro, però, il limite degli sforzi sinora profusi è nel<br />

carattere intergovernativo delle strutture e dei processi<br />

decisionali esistenti.<br />

Il trattato di Lisbona e la Carta dei diritti fondamentali<br />

offrono oggi i capisaldi giuridici e l'approccio politico,<br />

naturalmente, cambia. La protezione e il benessere dei<br />

bambini rientra ufficialmente tra i pilastri dei diritti<br />

salvaguardati dell'Unione. È questa la base del dibattito<br />

odierno e dell'interrogazione orale presentata, una base<br />

sulla quale poggia una discussione più ampia che<br />

dovrebbe essere a cuore di questo Parlamento, che<br />

dovrebbe essere puntuale e attenta in questo Parlamento<br />

e perseguita con la tenacia di cui la collega Angelilli ha<br />

dato prova.<br />

Permettetemi di ricordare Saint-Exupéry, il quale diceva:<br />

"Tutti i grandi sono stati bambini una volta, ma pochi di<br />

essi se ne ricordano".<br />

1-165<br />

Petru Constantin Luhan (PPE). – Întrebarea orală de<br />

la care a pornit Rezoluţia privind adopţiile internaţionale<br />

aduce pe agenda Parlamentului European un subiect de o<br />

importanţă majoră.<br />

Adopţia internaţională poate fi considerată numai ca un<br />

mijloc alternativ, după ce au fost epuizate măsurile de<br />

adopţie la nivel naţional. De asemenea, adopţia<br />

internaţională prezintă o serie de particularităţi şi<br />

dificultăţi care ţin, în mare măsură, de interacţiunea<br />

limitată dintre copil şi adoptori, în perioada anterioară<br />

adopţiei, precum şi de probleme de adaptare lingvistică<br />

şi culturală întâmpinate de acesta ulterior adopţiei.<br />

Principiul interesului superior al copilului şi nu al<br />

adoptorului, după cum rezultă din Convenţia ONU şi din<br />

cea de la Haga, trebuie să stea la baza rezoluţiei<br />

Parlamentului European, axându-se pe dezvoltarea<br />

acestuia într-un mediu familiar, ce asigură continuitate

17-01-2011 59<br />

în creşterea copilului şi luând în considerare<br />

backgroundul etnic, religios, cultural şi lingvistic al<br />

acestuia.<br />

Esenţial în analizarea temei privind adopţiile şi<br />

elaborarea rezoluţiei este principiul reintegrării copilului<br />

din sistemul de protecţie în familia biologică sau extinsă.<br />

Aş dori să atrag atenţia asupra unei confuzii ce se face<br />

adesea între numărul copiilor separaţi de părinţii lor, dar<br />

aflaţi în sistemul de protecţie şi numărul copiilor<br />

adoptabili. Copiii separaţi de părinţii lor beneficiază de<br />

protecţie din partea statului pentru o perioadă limitată şi<br />

nu sunt adoptabili. Consider că nu avem nevoie de<br />

mecanisme de control şi că principiile existente la nivel<br />

internaţional, legate de acestea, sunt suficiente.<br />

1-166<br />

Marco Scurria (PPE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli<br />

colleghi, noi stiamo affrontando stasera questo dibattito,<br />

frutto anche dell'intervento di tante associazioni che in<br />

tutto il continente, in tutta l'Unione europea si sono<br />

rivolte a noi per, appunto, affrontare questo tema così<br />

delicato che abbiamo trasformato, a cominciare da<br />

Roberta Angelilli, in questa interrogazione.<br />

Ci hanno sottoposto un problema molto semplice,<br />

almeno sembra, da un punto di vista dialettico: ci sono<br />

tanti bambini negli istituti europei e ci sono tante<br />

famiglie che vogliono adottare bambini, ma spesso<br />

questo incrocio non avviene e i bambini continuano a<br />

rimanere negli istituti e le famiglie continuano a<br />

rimanere senza bambini.<br />

Bambini che, chiaramente, hanno la nostra priorità, la<br />

nostra attenzione, e quindi hanno bisogno di tutte le<br />

accortezze del caso, ma bambini che, quando rimangono<br />

per troppi anni negli istituti, spesso in questi istituti<br />

diventano oggetto dei mercanti di prostituzione e di<br />

traffici di organi per i nuovi mercanti di schiavi.<br />

Tutto questo avviene mentre appunto molte famiglie<br />

vorrebbero aprire le loro case a questi bambini e allora<br />

sono molto contento di aver ascoltato il Commissario<br />

per le misure che intende adottare, a cui dovremmo<br />

aggiungere, però, la possibilità di una maggiore<br />

cooperazione tra gli Stati in materia di collaborazione, di<br />

adozione internazionale, insieme ovviamente ad una<br />

vigilanza sulla tutela del minore adottato.<br />

Chiediamo quindi procedure più snelle nell'interesse<br />

delle famiglie e dei bambini, perché tra qualche anno<br />

questi ex bambini e ragazzi diventati uomini e donne<br />

non debbano chiedersi perché un'<strong>Europa</strong> piena di<br />

potenziali famiglie accoglienti li ha lasciati nella loro<br />

condizione.<br />

1-167<br />

Anna Záborská (PPE). – Dovoľte mi trochu iný pohľad<br />

na adopcie. Deti si zaslúžia to najlepšie. To v prvom<br />

rade znamená, že si zaslúžia rodinu. Vlastnú alebo<br />

náhradnú, s milujúcou matkou a otcom. V ceste k takejto<br />

rodine nesmú stáť hranice ani Európska únia. A hoci<br />

hlavné slovo v otázke adopcií majú členské štáty, našou<br />

povinnosťou je túto cestu uľahčiť.<br />

Nezabúdajme však na to, že na prvom mieste musí<br />

zostať snaha o dobro dieťaťa. Snaha pomôcť jeho<br />

rodičom, ak sa ocitnú v ťažkostiach. Sociálna situácia<br />

rodičov nesmie byť dôvodom na rozhodnutie o adopcii<br />

ich dieťaťa. Zobrať dieťa chudobným rodičom je<br />

jednoduché, ale zároveň to najhoršie, čo môžeme<br />

dieťaťu urobiť. A to platí dvojnásobne o<br />

medzinárodných adopciách.<br />

Ako jedna z tých, ktorí sú podpísaní pod otázkou o<br />

medzinárodných adopciách, ktorú sme predložili<br />

Komisii, som veľmi rada, že táto téma oslovila veľa<br />

mojich kolegov. Alebo bola by som ešte radšej, keby<br />

sme s rovnakou energiou a nástojčivosťou zohľadňovali<br />

dobro rodiny a jej potreby pri všetkých európskych<br />

politikách.<br />

1-168<br />

Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra (PPE). –<br />

Señor Presidente, la adopción internacional inspirada en<br />

los principios de prevalencia del interés superior del<br />

niño y del respeto de sus derechos fundamentales resulta<br />

un medio apropiado para procurar una familia a los que<br />

no se les puede encontrar una familia en sus países de<br />

origen.<br />

El tráfico de seres humanos, la explotación sexual y la<br />

esclavitud laboral constituyen una terrible realidad que<br />

afecta a cientos de millones de menores. Veamos<br />

algunos datos: hay más de ciento cuarenta y cinco<br />

millones de niños abandonados en el mundo; solo en<br />

Rusia, más de seiscientos mil viven en la calle; desde<br />

1980, más de dos millones de niños han muerto en los<br />

conflictos armados; más de seiscientos millones de niños<br />

viven en situación de extrema pobreza; más de cinco<br />

millones mueren cada año; más de ciento treinta<br />

millones de niños en países desarrollados crecen sin<br />

tener acceso a la educación básica, por causa de su<br />

pobreza, y, de ellos, el 60 % son niñas; siete millones de<br />

niños están sometidos a esclavitud sexual en el mundo.<br />

Por todo ello, debemos impulsar mecanismos que<br />

favorezcan un instrumento de adopción internacional<br />

inspirado en la protección del menor, armonizando para<br />

ello los diferentes requisitos y procedimientos previstos<br />

en las legislaciones de los Estados miembros, aplicando<br />

singularmente el artículo 21 de la Carta de los Derechos<br />

del Niño y tomando en consideración el artículo 24 de<br />

nuestra Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales.<br />

1-169<br />

Erminia Mazzoni (PPE). – Signor Presidente,<br />

onorevoli colleghi, Signor Commissario, ho sottoscritto<br />

questa interrogazione proposta dalla collega Angelilli<br />

perché ritengo che ancor di più all'indomani di Lisbona<br />

l'Unione europea non possa non porre tra le proprie<br />

priorità la tutela dei minori.<br />

Le procedure di adozione sono, a mio avviso, solo la<br />

cartina di tornasole di una deriva sociale della quale<br />

abbiamo il dovere di farci carico ponendo degli argini. I<br />

minori, nel migliore dei casi, diventano oggetto di<br />

scambi commerciali che sono sicuramente non dignitosi

60 17-01-2011<br />

per ciascuno di noi, ma purtroppo sono spesso anche<br />

vittime di sfruttamento e di violenza.<br />

Al di là del fenomeno dei cosiddetti fantasmi, cioè di<br />

quei nati in condizione di clandestinità e di abbandono<br />

che non vengono censiti dal sistema, si conta un numero<br />

incerto di bambini in stato di adottabilità, cui<br />

corrisponde un numero di coppie che richiedono<br />

l'adozione, che non si incontrano per questioni di<br />

interpretazione legislativa e di burocrazia ingombrante.<br />

L'Unicef ha di recente pubblicato uno studio dal quale<br />

emergono dati allarmanti anche in molti paesi europei.<br />

Come presidente della commissione per le petizioni mi<br />

sono imbattuta più volte in casi di conflitti normativi tra<br />

paesi dell'Unione dai quali derivano conseguenze<br />

negative, a volte drammatiche, solo per i minori.<br />

Le complesse procedure previste in molti ordinamenti<br />

nazionali non sempre si rivelano proficue per l'interesse<br />

del minore, i tempi lunghi contrastano con l'esigenza di<br />

promuovere il passaggio del minore entro il primo anno<br />

di vita per ridurre il trauma dello sradicamento e di<br />

evitare una lunga permanenza negli orfanotrofi, anche<br />

perché consideriamo che, superato un certo limite di età,<br />

purtroppo, vengono richiesti meno dal mercato.<br />

Alla luce di questi dati, credo che sia opportuno dar<br />

corso alla necessità avvertita da tempo di un<br />

coordinamento a livello europeo delle normative<br />

nazionali che consenta, da un canto, la semplificazione<br />

delle procedure delle adozioni intraeuropee e che,<br />

dall'altro, garantisca il rispetto dei principi fondamentali<br />

nelle adozioni da paesi extraeuropei.<br />

1-170<br />

Carlos Coelho (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, Senhora<br />

Comissária, caras e caros Colegas, felicito a colega<br />

Angelilli pela oportunidade desta pergunta oral. Sou dos<br />

que consideram que temos de desenvolver políticas mais<br />

eficazes de protecção das crianças que visem prevenir<br />

situações de pobreza, de abuso e de abandono das<br />

crianças e, paralelamente, de alternativas ao seu<br />

internamento em instituições, onde a adopção deverá<br />

desempenhar um papel crucial.<br />

A UNICEF reconhece que não se reduziu o número de<br />

crianças em instituições e que o aumento de adopções<br />

ficou muito aquém do crescimento do número de<br />

crianças institucionalizadas, pelo que temos que fazer<br />

um exame dentro de nós. É importante proceder a uma<br />

avaliação geral do direito e da prática administrativa e<br />

judiciária relativamente aos processos de adopção<br />

existentes nos vários Estados-Membros de forma a<br />

podermos identificar os eventuais obstáculos ao seu bom<br />

funcionamento.<br />

E, relativamente aos países terceiros, temos de vigiar o<br />

problema das adopções irregulares ou ilegais que incide<br />

principalmente sobre as regiões mais pobres. É por<br />

exemplo o caso da Guiné-Bissau, em que mais de 50 %<br />

das crianças não foram registadas, o que facilita o<br />

desenvolvimento da acção criminosa de redes de tráfico<br />

de crianças.<br />

Creio, assim, ser necessária uma estratégia europeia de<br />

protecção dos interesses das crianças no âmbito dos<br />

procedimentos de adopção internacional, de forma a<br />

evitar e prevenir o rapto, a venda ou o tráfico de seres<br />

humanos.<br />

1-171<br />

Mairead McGuinness (PPE). – Mr President, in Ireland<br />

the motto of the International Adoption Association is<br />

that families are made in many ways. The debate tonight<br />

reflects the interest that there is in adoption. There are<br />

over 1 200 members of that Association: many have<br />

adopted and some wish to adopt.<br />

Our attitudes to adoption have changed utterly. In<br />

Ireland we come from a past where mothers –<br />

particularly single mothers – had their babies taken from<br />

them and given away to others to be adopted. That is not<br />

a good history, but it is certainly one that has now<br />

conditioned how we think of adoption: the child must be<br />

at the centre of it. Certainly, the birth families are very<br />

important in all of this.<br />

Equally, we have a duty and a responsibility to give the<br />

very best possible home to all our children. Each<br />

Member State – and that is the level on which this<br />

should operate – needs to protect children within its own<br />

borders. Europe should provide a coordinating role.<br />

I hope that in Ireland we will have a referendum on the<br />

rights of the child. We talk about it a lot, but we are not<br />

so effective in actually dealing with it. I am hopeful that<br />

the referendum will happen. The situation will certainly<br />

improve then. This has been a really useful debate and I<br />

thank colleagues for it.<br />

1-172<br />

Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, the greatest gift that<br />

we can give to any child is that of a happy home. Most<br />

children find that in their own home with their natural<br />

parents. Many though, get this with their adoptive<br />

parents.<br />

Either is preferable to an institutional life, provided of<br />

course that there is no corruption or exploitation<br />

involved.<br />

To find the balance is very difficult, but I think that we<br />

need – while taking into consideration the Hague<br />

Convention etc. – where there are prospective adoptive<br />

parents who are bona fide and beyond reproach, to<br />

facilitate them more in giving the gift of a happy home<br />

to a child who has not otherwise got one, and not<br />

encumbering them with lengthy, expensive, drawn-out<br />

processes.<br />

We need to get the balance right because, as a teacher, I<br />

came across many adopted children and the vast<br />

majority were in very good homes.<br />


17-01-2011 61<br />

Mario Pirillo (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli<br />

colleghi, onorevole Angelilli, Signora Commissario, la<br />

protezione e la cura del benessere dei minori sono<br />

divenuti, con l'entrata in vigore del trattato di Lisbona,<br />

uno dei diritti fondamentali che l'<strong>Europa</strong> tutela in<br />

maniera vincolante. Ciononostante, si registrano ancora<br />

in <strong>Europa</strong> troppi episodi di abbandono di minori, che<br />

finiscono nel migliore dei casi in orfanotrofio. Una<br />

situazione drammatica, che per le nostre democrazie non<br />

può essere tollerata.<br />

Occorre per questo mettere in campo tutte le energie<br />

necessarie per impedire che questa situazione diventi<br />

ingestibile, adottando una strategia per innalzare il<br />

livello di attenzione e favorendo al massimo il diritto di<br />

adottare i minori a livello internazionale.<br />

Per fare ciò, innanzitutto, serve una precisa fotografia<br />

della situazione in tutti i paesi membri, con un<br />

monitoraggio costante da effettuare magari attraverso<br />

l'istituzione di un osservatorio permanente sui diritti dei<br />

minori. Inoltre, è necessario avere un quadro<br />

complessivo delle misure in essere prese dall'Unione<br />

europea e di quelle che potrebbero essere intraprese per<br />

tutelare al massimo i minori che devono essere adottati<br />

dai cittadini europei.<br />

1-174<br />

Catherine Bearder (ALDE). – Mr President, the wide<br />

range of instruments which currently govern<br />

international adoptions has led to confusion over whose<br />

role it is to safeguard the rights of children subject to<br />

international adoptions. The Commission needs to focus<br />

further on the competent authorities, and ensure that<br />

those regulating the adopters’ and the adopted children’s<br />

rights are making sure that basic minimum standards are<br />

adhered to, and that, in the longer term, the child is able<br />

to maintain a link to its birth country and its culture.<br />

Specifically, urgent measures must be taken to react to<br />

the abuse and trafficking of children, which, as a report<br />

in my own country today shows, is alarmingly on the<br />

rise both within and across European borders. Child<br />

trafficking and child laundering – the stealing of<br />

children who are subsequently sold to adoptive parents<br />

as legitimate orphans – is a phenomenon which does not<br />

receive adequate attention at an international level.<br />

I would call on the Commission to play a more active<br />

role in the field of international adoption, to take<br />

concrete steps to improve the convoluted and confused<br />

legislative framework which currently governs<br />

international adoption in the EU, and to protect those<br />

most vulnerable young people.<br />

1-175<br />

Miroslav Mikolášik (PPE). – V tejto chvíli hovoríme o<br />

medzinárodných adopciách preto, lebo v každom štáte<br />

existujú deti, ktoré akosi nemožno alebo nie je možné<br />

z rôznych dôvodov umiestniť vo fungujúcich rodinách<br />

alebo v náhradných rodinách v tom-ktorom štáte<br />

samotnom.<br />

Je neprípustné, aby sa opakovali také situácie, ako sme v<br />

nedávnej minulosti boli svedkami toho, že jedna<br />

bohatšia krajina, napríklad Taliansko, mala možnosť vo<br />

väčšej miere adoptovať deti z chudobnejšieho<br />

Rumunska. Určite, tak ako aj niektorí kolegovia už v<br />

tejto večernej hodine povedali, chudoba nemôže byť<br />

dostatočným dôvodom na to, aby sme zobrali dieťa z<br />

rodiny a umožnili medzinárodnú adopciu.<br />

A chcem veľmi zdôrazniť, aby sme v tejto situácii dávali<br />

veľký pozor, aby boli zachovávané nielen národné<br />

zákony, ale aj medzinárodné. Aby sa zabránilo riziku<br />

zneužívania, obchodovania a únosov detí.<br />

1-176<br />

George Sabin Cutaş (S&D). – Doresc să fac, de<br />

asemenea, referire la Convenţia ONU prin care se spune<br />

că adopţiile internaţionale nu pot fi decât o alternativă de<br />

ajutorare a copilului, atunci când acestuia nu îi poate fi<br />

găsită o familie adoptivă sau când nu poate fi îngrijit<br />

corespunzător în ţara sa de origine.<br />

Riscurile unei liberalizări a adopţiilor internaţionale sunt<br />

multiple. Pe de o parte, creşte posibilitatea traficului de<br />

copii şi a abuzurilor survenite ca urmare a intereselor de<br />

ordin financiar şi a dificultăţilor de monitorizare a<br />

situaţiei post adopţie. Pe de altă parte, separarea<br />

copilului de părinţii săi biologici, de locul său de origine,<br />

poate avea consecinţe nefaste de ordin psihologic, social<br />

şi educaţional. Atunci când vorbim despre adopţii<br />

trebuie să avem, în primul rând, în vedere asigurarea<br />

bunăstării copilului şi, prin urmare, nu trebuie exercitate<br />

presiuni asupra statelor membre ale Uniunii, cu tradiţii şi<br />

proceduri legale diverse în domeniul adopţiilor, pentru<br />

liberalizarea adopţiilor internaţionale.<br />

1-177<br />

Antonyia Parvanova (ALDE). – Mr President, I would<br />

again like to draw your attention to the practice of illegal<br />

adoption. There is an organised crime network in Europe<br />

– and especially in south-eastern Europe – which deals<br />

in this. Hundreds of children are being illegally adopted<br />

or put up for trade.<br />

After everything that we have succeeded in doing here in<br />

Parliament, we should not have just one small recital on<br />

this issue in the Human Trafficking Directive. I call on<br />

the Commission to take special measures to prevent this<br />

horrible crime, and also to punish the perpetrators. We<br />

could not cope, country by country, at national level,<br />

with this very vicious practice. It constitutes organised<br />

crime, and I therefore insist that it should be dealt with<br />

at EU level.<br />

1-178<br />

Marian-Jean Marinescu (PPE). – Rezoluţia referitoare<br />

la adopţia internaţională în Uniune trebuie să menţioneze<br />

clar următoarele aspecte: familiile care intenţionează să<br />

recurgă la adopţia internaţională trebuie să aibă avizul<br />

instituţiei naţionale competente din ţara din care provin;<br />

adopţia internaţională trebuie să se realizeze numai sub<br />

responsabilitatea autorităţilor competente din cele două<br />

state membre, a familiei şi a copilului.

62 17-01-2011<br />

De asemenea, monitorizarea copiilor adoptaţi prin<br />

procedura de adopţie internaţională trebuie să fie<br />

efectuată de către instituţia naţională cu atribuţii în acest<br />

domeniu. Nu în ultimul rând, este necesar ca autorităţile<br />

naţionale competente să raporteze periodic statului<br />

membru din care provine copilul adoptat, prin procedura<br />

de adopţie internaţională, cu privire la procesul de<br />

dezvoltare a acestuia.<br />

1-179<br />

Catherine Stihler (S&D). – Mr President, I just wanted<br />

to add something about kinship care, and support to<br />

kinship carers.<br />

Most kinship carers are grandparents and find<br />

themselves being the main caregivers for their<br />

grandchildren, normally because the parent either has a<br />

drug addiction or has died through that drug addiction.<br />

The issue I wanted to bring to this House’s attention is<br />

the good work that Mentor UK has been doing on the<br />

rights of kinship carers. Some kinship carers adopt their<br />

grandchildren. Others do not, but are in a caring<br />

relationship with that child and provide a stable and safe<br />

home for them. However, the rights of kinship children<br />

are often actually less than those of children who are in<br />

proper care. This is something which I felt people had<br />

touched upon in this debate, but I would urge you, if you<br />

are interested in the issue of kinship carers, to look at the<br />

work of Mentor UK and the help that is given to kinship<br />

carers in different countries.<br />

1-180<br />

Kristalina Georgieva, Member of the Commission. −<br />

Mr President, let me first echo the sentiments of those<br />

who expressed thanks to Ms Angelilli for initiating a<br />

very rich debate this evening. I have five points to make<br />

in summing up the debate.<br />

First, the Commission fully agrees with the views that<br />

have been expressed on the importance of protecting and<br />

promoting the rights of children in inter-country<br />

adoptions. This is and will remain the main objective of<br />

the Commission as we participate in discussions on this<br />

topic, both in the context of the Hague Convention and<br />

in our work on the rights of children in Europe.<br />

On this issue, I would point out that in the forthcoming<br />

communication on children’s rights, we will present<br />

actions to promote the rights of the child for the period<br />

between 2011 and 2014. These will include actions<br />

aimed at improving the support the Commission<br />

provides to Member States in the implementation of the<br />

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.<br />

As I mentioned with reference to the Green Paper, we<br />

are also taking steps that will facilitate the circulation of<br />

civil status acts as adoption decisions – in other words,<br />

the mutual recognition of national adoption decisions<br />

within the EU.<br />

With regard to MEPs’ concerns that the issue is sensitive<br />

and should be seen in the context of national needs and<br />

national legislation, the Commission would like to<br />

underline that the Romanian law on international<br />

adoptions is the sole responsibility of the Romanian<br />

Government. The measure that has been taken must be<br />

seen in connection with the abusive practices in intercountry<br />

adoption in Romania in the past. The<br />

Commission is closely following developments in<br />

Romanian legislation, but I would like to stress again<br />

that it is Romania’s sole responsibility to further develop<br />

this law.<br />

On monitoring, it is our strong belief that the appropriate<br />

institution is the Special Commission of the Hague<br />

Convention on the Protection of Children and<br />

Cooperation in respect of Inter-Country Adoption. The<br />

Commission participates in that monitoring body. We<br />

will take many of the points that have been made this<br />

evening into account when we think about how we<br />

participate in the work of this body.<br />

The Commission considers accreditation to be a matter<br />

of national authority. It relates to family laws that<br />

Member States have and develop, and therefore it is<br />

appropriate that it should be addressed at that level.<br />

Finally, I will convey to Vice-President Reding the<br />

points that have been made here this evening, including<br />

the question raised by one Member in relation to which<br />

an answer is expected.<br />

As the godmother of an adopted boy, I have seen how<br />

emotional and difficult the issue of adoption can be, and<br />

how many factors are involved in a decision to adopt. I<br />

have listened to the debate this evening not only with<br />

great interest, but also with a sense that it is a matter not<br />

just of legislation, but also of hearts and minds.<br />

Therefore let us pray that hearts and minds are brought<br />

into play in a way that best protects the interests of<br />

children, both our children and children in other<br />

countries.<br />

1-181<br />

Presidente. − Comunico di aver ricevuto cinque<br />

proposte di risoluzione conformemente all'articolo 115,<br />

paragrafo 5, del regolamento.<br />

La discussione è chiusa.<br />

La votazione si svolgerà mercoledì 19 gennaio 2011.<br />

1-182<br />

19 - Interventi di un minuto (articolo 150 del<br />

regolamento)<br />

1-183<br />

Presidente. − L'ordine del giorno reca gli interventi di<br />

un minuto su questioni di rilevanza politica.<br />

1-184<br />

Zuzana Roithová (PPE). – Je to již 19 měsíců, kdy<br />

Kanada náhle a jednostranně zavedla vízovou povinnost<br />

pro občany České republiky, která jako člen Unie nesmí<br />

zavést reciproční víza pro všechny Kanaďany. Předseda<br />

Barroso ihned řekl, že to je unijní, nikoli bilaterální<br />

problém, ale bohužel komisařka Malmströmová to neřeší<br />

jako prioritu, jen pasivně monitoruje bilaterální pracovní<br />

jednání. Rada na mou interpelaci řekla, že o reciprocitě<br />

Unie nejedná, neboť dosud ani nedostala žádné návrhy

17-01-2011 63<br />

od komisařky. Čeští občané tak jsou de facto<br />

evropskými občany druhé kategorie, pokud jde o jejich<br />

práva, a diví se, že Kanaďané do České republiky jezdí<br />

dál bez víz.<br />

Upozorňuji, že liknavost Komise zvyšuje také riziko, že<br />

český parlament odloží ratifikace smluv mezi Unií a<br />

Kanadou. Nemá totiž jinou možnost, jak bránit práva<br />

občanů, když EU selhává a netlačí na Kanadu. Proto<br />

žádám spolu s vámi, aby paní komisařka neprodleně<br />

jednala s Kanadou a také se postavila za Rumuny a<br />

Bulhary. Anebo společná vízová politika a princip<br />

solidarity už nejsou evropskými hodnotami? Je si paní<br />

komisařka vědoma, co vše je dnes ve hře?<br />

1-185<br />

Petru Constantin Luhan (PPE). – Consumul de<br />

substanţe psihotrope şi psihoactive ce se situează, de<br />

regulă, în zona gri a legislaţiei are efecte mult mai<br />

nocive decât drogurile cunoscute până acum. Aceste<br />

substanţe sunt întâlnite în mod frecvent în <strong>Europa</strong>, în<br />

magazinele de vise şi sunt cunoscute sub numele de<br />

etnobotanice, un termen inventat pentru a da un aspect<br />

nevinovat traficului şi consumului de droguri.<br />

Ţări precum Polonia, Israel, Suedia, Danemarca, Anglia,<br />

Germania au interzis deja un număr semnificativ de<br />

substanţe identificate ca fiind psihotrope şi psihoactive.<br />

Substanţele comercializate, deşi nu fac parte din lista<br />

substanţelor interzise, sunt foarte greu de supus<br />

controlului, punând corpul medical în imposibilitatea de<br />

a oferi ajutor, deoarece combinaţiile chimice folosite au<br />

reacţii necunoscute. Singura măsură ce se poate lua este<br />

aceea de a interzice funcţionarea acestor magazine, după<br />

care trebuie să ne concentrăm eforturile asupra eliminării<br />

comercializării prin intermediul internetului.<br />

1-186<br />

Άννυ Ποδηματά (S&D). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η<br />

συνεχιζόμενη κρίση στην ευρωζώνη θέτει όλους –<br />

ευρωπαϊκά θεσμικά όργανα, κράτη μέλη, πολιτικές<br />

ηγεσίες – ενώπιον των ευθυνών μας. Πρέπει να πάρουμε<br />

την πρωτοβουλία των κινήσεων από τις αγορές, να<br />

δώσουμε μια ολοκληρωμένη και πειστική απάντηση<br />

στην κρίση συμπληρώνοντας - και όχι υποκαθιστώντας<br />

ή παραβλέποντας - τις ευθύνες που έχουν αναλάβει τα<br />

κράτη μέλη να εκπληρώσουν τις υποχρεώσεις τους. Σ’<br />

αυτό το πλαίσιο, ευρωπαϊκές προσωπικότητες, πολιτικά<br />

κόμματα, κινήσεις πολιτών, ευρωπαϊκά συνδικάτα<br />

υποστηρίζουν ότι τα ευρωομόλογα μπορούν να παίξουν<br />

ένα ρόλο κλειδί για την υπέρβαση της κρίσης χρέους και<br />

τη διασφάλιση της σταθερότητας του ευρώ.<br />

Θέλω λοιπόν να τονίσω ότι το Συμβούλιο πρέπει να<br />

ανταποκριθεί άμεσα στο αίτημα που διατύπωσε το<br />

Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο με το ψήφισμά του στις 16<br />

Δεκεμβρίου 2010 και να δώσει ένα ξεκάθαρο σήμα στην<br />

Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή ώστε να προχωρήσει σε ενδελεχή<br />

μελέτη του θέματος και σε υποβολή συγκεκριμένων<br />

προτάσεων.<br />

1-187<br />

Graham Watson (ALDE). – Mr President, I rise to<br />

make a statement about the plight of hundreds of<br />

thousands of airline passengers in Europe in the 10 days<br />

before Christmas and the chaos in the arrangements for<br />

transporting them and their baggage to their intended<br />

destinations. The failure of our airlines and our airports<br />

to deal with a few centimetres of snow in a few Member<br />

States caused devastating delay, disruption and despair<br />

for travellers.<br />

I call on Parliament’s Committee on Transport and<br />

Tourism, the Union’s Transport Commissioner and<br />

transport ministers in the Council to conduct an inquiry<br />

into the disruption, to make provisions to prevent its<br />

recurrence, to ensure that those affected are properly<br />

compensated, and to study a sharing of the burden of<br />

compensation in future between the airline companies<br />

and others involved, such as airport operators.<br />

Unusual snowfalls and uncommonly low temperatures,<br />

as predicted in 2009 by the Potsdam Institute, arise from<br />

the melting of the Arctic ice cap. They will become<br />

more frequent. We cannot prevent them, however much<br />

we must try to limit them, but we can – and we must –<br />

be prepared for them.<br />

1-188<br />

Ryszard Czarnecki (ECR). – W Moskwie ogłoszono<br />

wyniki raportu specjalnej komisji badającej przyczyny<br />

katastrofy polskiego samolotu pod rosyjskim miastem<br />

Smoleńsk 10 kwietnia zeszłego roku. W tej katastrofie<br />

zginął prezydent Polski i 96 innych pasażerów, w tym<br />

szereg najważniejszych osób w państwie. Ten raport jest<br />

absolutnie skandaliczny. Zawiera szereg kłamstw i<br />

ewidentnie spycha odpowiedzialność za tę katastrofę na<br />

stronę polską, całkowicie pomijając poważne błędy po<br />

stronie rosyjskiej, np. złe naprowadzanie tego samolotu<br />

przez kontrolerów wieży lotniczej w Smoleńsku. Strona<br />

rosyjska nie uwzględniła bardzo wielu uwag Polski do<br />

tego raportu, 20 stron uwag zostało po prostu<br />

zlekceważonych. To sprawa bardzo przykra, tym<br />

powinna się zająć Unia Europejska.<br />

1-189<br />

João Ferreira (GUE/NGL). – Senhor Presidente,<br />

terminou 2010, declarado o Ano Europeu de Combate à<br />

Pobreza e à Exclusão Social, ano em que a União<br />

Europeia, com inauditos cinismo e hipocrisia, pôs em<br />

marcha políticas e orientações que tiveram e têm como<br />

consequência o significativo aumento da pobreza e da<br />

exclusão social.<br />

Em Portugal, o orçamento de Estado para 2011,<br />

concebido e aprovado sob a pressão e o aplauso da<br />

União Europeia, conduzirá o país à recessão económica<br />

e à regressão no plano social, com subida do<br />

desemprego, já hoje em níveis históricos, e alastramento<br />

da pobreza e da exclusão social.<br />

Somam-se a tudo isto as inaceitáveis pressões e<br />

chantagens que se abateram sobre o país nas últimas<br />

semanas e que aqui queremos vivamente denunciar, o<br />

crescente tom de ameaça do capital financeiro e das<br />

instituições ao seu serviço para que o país e o seu povo<br />

se submetam e aceitem a injustiça e o esbulho, para que

64 17-01-2011<br />

aceitem a drenagem de recursos do país para os bolsos<br />

do capital financeiro.<br />

Uma coisa é certa: espera-nos um ano de muitas lutas, se<br />

persistirem por este caminho.<br />

1-190<br />

Angelika Werthmann (NI). – Mr President, with regard<br />

to Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human<br />

Rights, and to Article 10 of the Charter of Fundamental<br />

Rights of the European Union, I was informed that, on<br />

Christmas Day, a massive abuse of religious freedom<br />

took place in the Church of St Synesios in the occupied<br />

town of Rizokarpaso.<br />

The so-called authorities, supported by Turkey, had<br />

stopped the Saturday service on the pretext that no<br />

application had been made to hold the mass that day,<br />

although according to the Church of Cyprus, such<br />

permission was requested at the beginning of December,<br />

as has been the case for the last 36 years.<br />

Mr President, I strongly encourage you to take the<br />

appropriate steps to guarantee religious freedom on the<br />

soil of a European Union Member State.<br />

1-191<br />

Ioannis Kasoulides (PPE). – Mr President, on<br />

Christmas Day, the Turkish Security forces in<br />

Rizokarpaso, in the occupied part of Cyprus, interrupted<br />

by force the Christmas mass being celebrated by the few<br />

remaining – elderly – Christians there, evicted the priests<br />

from the church and ordered the congregation to leave.<br />

The excuse was that they had been given written<br />

permission for Sunday mass, but that Christmas was on<br />

a Saturday.<br />

Demanding written permission for mass is a restriction<br />

of the freedom of religion in itself, let alone to interrupt<br />

a Christmas Day mass on the grounds of a petty<br />

bureaucratic excuse – all this in a Member State of the<br />

Union, by ordinance of a country aspiring to join it.<br />

Under the Vienna Agreement, 12 000 Greek Cypriots<br />

enclaved in the Karpass Peninsula were allowed to live<br />

there after the Turkish invasion. Today there are 300.<br />

Now you understand why.<br />

1-192<br />

Alf Svensson (PPE). – Herr talman! Jag tror det vore av<br />

mycket stort värde att EU från högsta nivå startade en<br />

interreligiös dialog. Jag skulle gärna se att EU försökte<br />

få Turkiet att stå värd för en sådan dialog. Vi vet alla hur<br />

kristna har behandlats runtom i världen, på olika håll i<br />

Mellanöstern, kopterna i Egypten, kristna irakier i Irak<br />

etc., etc. Vi kan inte, enligt min bestämda uppfattning,<br />

bara referera, åhöra och åse detta, utan vi måste göra<br />

någonting konkret.<br />

Det första vi måste göra, enligt mitt sätt att se, är att<br />

skapa en dialog. Det vore värdefullt om Turkiet, med<br />

den brobyggaranda som trots allt tror jag finns där, fick<br />

stå värd för den typen av dialog. Det handlar om judar,<br />

om kristna, om muslimer. Låt oss få till stånd en bred<br />

interreligiös dialog i EU:s regi.<br />

1-193<br />

Philippe Juvin (PPE). – Monsieur le Président, en Iraq,<br />

en Égypte, les chrétiens disent: "Notre calvaire est<br />

lourd". Bientôt, chers collègues, il n'y aura plus de<br />

chrétiens sur les terres qui ont vu naître le christianisme.<br />

En Turquie – on en parlait il y a quelques instants –,<br />

pays musulman laïc, pays qui frappe à notre porte, 20 %<br />

de la population était chrétienne il y a cent ans, ils sont<br />

moins de 1 % aujourd'hui.<br />

Le mouvement auquel nous assistons est en réalité un<br />

mouvement de fond. Le monde arabo-musulman<br />

persécute ses chrétiens, les condamne, empêche leur<br />

con<strong>version</strong>, les punit, les tue. On voit très bien que la<br />

religion, l'islam, devient une religion d'État. Le résultat<br />

est là, la religion chrétienne est la plus persécutée au<br />

monde.<br />

Or, chers collègues, défendre les chrétiens d'Orient, c'est<br />

augmenter les chances de faire contrepoids à la montée<br />

de l'extrémisme de l'islam. La présence des chrétiens<br />

partout est un facteur d'équilibre. Il faut donc<br />

absolument la défendre.<br />

Et vraiment, je me demande, chers collègues, où sont<br />

passés les défenseurs des droits de l'homme, qui se<br />

félicitent, comme nous, que l'Occident soit laïc et<br />

pluraliste et qui baissent honteusement les yeux devant<br />

un Orient qui devient peu à peu réservé à une seule<br />

religion.<br />

1-194<br />

Frédéric Daerden (S&D). – Monsieur le Président,<br />

chers collègues, le gouvernement hongrois a décidé, fin<br />

de l'année 2010, de ne plus subventionner l'Institut de la<br />

petite enfance créé par Emmi Pikler à Budapest.<br />

Cette scientifique hongroise a créé ce centre pour qu'il<br />

développe des méthodes pédagogiques à destination des<br />

tout petits sur des bases scientifiques. L'efficacité de ces<br />

méthodes pour le développement psychomoteur des<br />

enfants a été reconnue internationalement. Des<br />

institutions de la petite enfance calquée sur ce modèle se<br />

sont multipliées en Europe, jusque dans ma propre ville<br />

belge.<br />

Il est dommage qu'à la sortie de l'année européenne de<br />

lutte contre la pauvreté, notamment la pauvreté infantile,<br />

un tel signal soit donné par la Hongrie. Cette décision est<br />

surprenante, vu le rayonnement international de cet<br />

Institut Pikler et les autorités administratives hongroises<br />

ayant annoncé leur volonté de continuité dans les<br />

fonctions de celle-ci. Je m'interroge donc, mais sans<br />

aucun préjugé, sur les motifs qui ont présidé à cette<br />

décision du gouvernement hongrois.<br />

1-195<br />

Ramon Tremosa i Balcells (ALDE). – Mr President, I<br />

would like to express concerns over the Agreement<br />

between the EU and Morocco. The future of the<br />

agriculture sectors in the Euro-Mediterranean countries

17-01-2011 65<br />

will be seriously affected if this Agreement remains as it<br />

is now.<br />

We have to open our borders and reach an agreement<br />

with the European agricultural sectors, and not one<br />

behind their backs. The Commission has carried out<br />

studies that clearly show that the Euro-Mediterranean<br />

countries will be the most negatively affected by the EU-<br />

Morocco Agreement.<br />

I would not ratify this Agreement without the inclusion<br />

of some clauses concerning the labour market, the social<br />

dimension and the environment in Morocco. If we do<br />

nothing, it is our farming activity and food chain<br />

industry that will risk losing out, especially in the Euro-<br />

Mediterranean countries. These are the concerns I<br />

wanted to share with you tonight.<br />

1-196<br />

Constance Le Grip (PPE). – Monsieur le Président, je<br />

voulais à mon tour, à l'instar de plusieurs de nos<br />

collègues, aborder la question de la persécution des<br />

chrétiens partout dans le monde, notamment des<br />

chrétiens d'Orient.<br />

Nul n'est besoin de rappeler les actes horribles<br />

récemment perpétrés. Je voudrais rappeler tout à fait<br />

solennellement que défendre les chrétiens en Orient<br />

comme partout dans le monde, plaider pour la liberté<br />

religieuse, la diversité des croyances, c'est plaider pour<br />

la liberté, la démocratie et les droits de l'homme, qui<br />

sont des valeurs au cœur du projet européen et qui sont,<br />

bien sûr, en tout cas nous en sommes tous convaincus<br />

ici, des valeurs universelles.<br />

Il est vraiment temps maintenant, par-delà l'indignation,<br />

l'émotion, les condamnations solennelles, de passer des<br />

paroles aux actes. J'appelle donc instamment les<br />

autorités de l'Union européenne, la haute représentante<br />

pour les affaires étrangères et la politique de sécurité<br />

mais également tous nos gouvernants, les ministres des<br />

affaires étrangères à engager des mesures précises, à<br />

mettre en place un plan d'action précis, concret pour<br />

faire du respect de la diversité religieuse et de la lutte<br />

contre toutes les formes de persécution religieuse une<br />

priorité.<br />

1-197<br />

Tamás Deutsch (PPE). – Tisztelt elnök úr, kedves<br />

képviselőtársaim! Magyarországon tavaly májusig nyolc<br />

esztendőn keresztül a szocialisták és a liberálisok<br />

koalíciója volt hatalmon. Magyarországon nyolc<br />

esztendőn keresztül folyamatosan gyengült a<br />

demokrácia, tömegessé vált az emberi jogok sérelme.<br />

Magyarországon gyengült nyolc esztendőn keresztül a<br />

sajtószabadság. Ezzel kapcsolatban az európai<br />

szocialistáknak és az európai liberálisoknak szava sem<br />

volt. Tavaly májusban a magyar polgárok elsöprő<br />

többsége leváltotta ezt a szocialista-liberális kormányt és<br />

Európában példa nélküli többséggel a Fidesz-<br />

Kereszténydemokrata kormányt jutatta hatalomhoz. Ez a<br />

kormány tavaly év végén egy új médiatörvényt fogadott<br />

el, amelyik garanciáját adja a sajtószabadságnak. Ilyen<br />

körülmények között éri éles támadást Magyarországot és<br />

az Unió soros elnöki tisztségét betöltő magyar kormányt.<br />

Nem egyeztethető össze az európai értékekkel ez a<br />

kettős mérce. Ez ellen fel kell emelnünk a szavunkat.<br />

1-198<br />

Sergej Kozlík (ALDE). – Pred tromi rokmi došlo k<br />

rozšíreniu schengenského priestoru o nové členské<br />

krajiny. Avšak na hraniciach medzi starými a novými<br />

členskými krajinami stále existujú obmedzujúce<br />

opatrenia.<br />

Napríklad na hraničnom prechode Rusovce – Kittsee, je<br />

to diaľničný prechod medzi Slovenskom a Rakúskom,<br />

rakúska strana uplatňuje výrazné obmedzenie rýchlosti<br />

na 30 km/h. Pritom prejazd je ešte výrazne zúžený<br />

betónovou zábranou.<br />

Nie je ničím výnimočným, že na tejto hranici sa<br />

pravidelne vykonáva kontrola rýchlosti prechádzajúcich<br />

vozidiel a dosť často aj policajné kontroly dokladov<br />

a obsahu kufrov áut.<br />

Členstvo v Schengene predsa znamená voľný pohyb<br />

ľudí a tovarov. Na to, že občan prekračuje hranicu<br />

členského štátu Únie, by ho mala upozorniť len obyčajná<br />

informačná tabuľa. Uvedené správanie, a to nielen v<br />

prípade Rakúska, je porušovaním pravidiel Schengenu a<br />

Európska komisia by mala na to dať principiálnu<br />

odpoveď.<br />

1-199<br />

Marek Henryk Migalski (ECR). – Panie<br />

Przewodniczący! Moi poprzednicy mówili o<br />

dyskryminacji chrześcijan. Ja też chciałbym powiedzieć<br />

o pewnej formie dezawuowania części państw<br />

europejskich. W ciągu ostatnich paru tygodni na<br />

początku prezydencji Węgier padło bardzo wiele<br />

krytycznych słów pod adresem Węgrów i bardzo często<br />

te słowa były nieuzasadnione i nieusprawiedliwione.<br />

Niestety oprócz słów ministra spraw zagranicznych<br />

Luksemburga również bardzo niesprawiedliwe słowa,<br />

chyba obrażające Węgrów, padły z ust polityków tej<br />

Izby, między innymi pana Martina Schulza. Myślę, że to<br />

jest przejaw pewnej wiary, że państwa w Unii<br />

Europejskiej dzielą się na lepsze i gorsze. Lepsze są te,<br />

które są tutaj już od dłuższego czasu, a gorsze są te,<br />

które są tutaj dopiero od 2004 roku.<br />

Myślę, że ten typ dyskryminacji powinien się<br />

zakończyć, wszyscy powinni się przyzwyczaić do tego,<br />

że nowe państwa są pełnoprawnymi członkami Unii<br />

Europejskiej, zwłaszcza na tej sali. Dlatego proszę o to,<br />

żeby osoby na tej sali, które pozwalają sobie na tego<br />

typu dyskryminację, dyscyplinować i karać.<br />

1-200<br />

Alajos Mészáros (PPE). – Sokakkal együtt én is<br />

üdvözlöm a magyar EU-elnökséget. Büszke vagyok arra,<br />

hogy ez a közép-európai tagállam a 2004-ben<br />

csatlakozottak közül harmadikként láthatja el ezt a<br />

megtisztelő és felelősségteljes küldetést. Nem fér hozzá<br />

kétség, hogy Magyarország mindig is a demokrácia<br />

élharcosai közé tartozott. Ki kérdőjelezné meg 1956-ot,<br />

1989-et vagy 2006 őszét. Ezért nagyon megdöbbent az a

66 17-01-2011<br />

negatív kampány, amelyet bizonyos politikai erők a<br />

soros EU-elnök ellen indítottak, többek között a magyar<br />

médiatörvény ürügyén. Egészen nyilvánvaló, hogy nem<br />

jogi kérdésről van itt szó, hanem a politikai vesztesek<br />

támadásáról. Ők próbálják kikezdeni az egységes<br />

európai eszmét. A kultúrtörténeti szőnyegen ábrázolt<br />

Magyarország térképéhez pedig ennyit: aki nem képes<br />

szembenézni a történelemmel, az a jövőt sem látja<br />

tisztán. Úgy, ahogy egy francia, egy német vagy lengyel<br />

beszélhet nemzete múltjáról, megteheti ugyanezt egy<br />

magyar is. Nagyon felelőtlennek és veszélyesnek tartom<br />

az elnöklő országunk ilyen jellegű lejáratását éppen<br />

akkor, amikor a legnagyobb összefogásra lenne<br />

szükségünk.<br />

1-201<br />

Γεώργιος Παπανικολάου (PPE). – Κυρίες και κύριοι<br />

συνάδελφοι, η Ελλάδα αποτελεί τη βασική πύλη<br />

εισόδου παρανόμων μεταναστών προς όλη την Ευρώπη.<br />

Σύμφωνα με την FRONTEX, το 90% των<br />

λαθρομεταναστών που καταφεύγουν στην Ευρώπη<br />

μπαίνουν από την Ελλάδα.<br />

Αντιμετωπίζουμε στην Ελλάδα, λοιπόν, μια μεγάλη<br />

κρίση σε ό,τι αφορά το ζήτημα αυτό. Το τελευταίο<br />

διάστημα η ελληνική κυβέρνηση ανακοίνωσε την<br />

πρόθεσή της να δημιουργήσει ένα φράχτη στα χερσαία<br />

σύνορά μας με την Τουρκία. Διερωτάται κανείς αν μία<br />

τέτοια λύση μπορεί στρατηγικά να βοηθήσει στην<br />

επίλυση του προβλήματος, αν αρκεί αυτό. Φυσικά και<br />

όχι. Όσους φράχτες και να φτιάξουμε, όσες προσπάθειες<br />

και να κάνουμε, χρειάζεται συνολική στρατηγική και<br />

αλληλεγγύη μεταξύ των ευρωπαϊκών κρατών. Και για<br />

να ξεκινήσουμε σωστά, το πρώτο που πρέπει να<br />

κάνουμε είναι να εδραιώσουμε μια καλή συνεργασία για<br />

τα θέματα αυτά με τη βασική χώρα προέλευσης, την<br />

Τουρκία.<br />

Εκκρεμεί η υπογραφή σύμβασης Ευρώπης-Τουρκίας.<br />

Γνωρίζουμε πολύ καλά ότι, για να καταλήξουμε σε μία<br />

συμφωνία και να προχωρήσουμε στην εφαρμογή της,<br />

χρειάζονται ενάμιση με δύο χρόνια· μέχρι τότε, λοιπόν,<br />

ας εφαρμόσουμε τη διμερή συμφωνία που υπάρχει με<br />

την Ελλάδα από το 2002, όπως έκαναν και άλλες χώρες<br />

του Νότου και ρύθμισαν το πρόβλημα.<br />

1-202<br />

Catherine Stihler (S&D). – Mr President, next week all<br />

across the world people will be celebrating the life of<br />

Scotland’s national poet, Robert Burns. As many of you<br />

know, a central part of a Burns supper is a haggis.<br />

Currently there is a ban in the USA on importing<br />

Scottish haggis, yet one in three Americans claim<br />

Scottish ancestry and would like to try some authentic<br />

Scottish haggis. What action can the Commission and<br />

the Council take in their transatlantic dialogues to put<br />

Scottish haggis back, not just on the agenda, but also on<br />

the menu when it comes to American traditional Scottish<br />

Burns suppers?<br />

1-203<br />

Sonia Alfano (ALDE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli<br />

colleghi, il 13 e il 14 gennaio si è svolto nello<br />

stabilimento FIAT di Mirafiori un referendum con il<br />

quale gli operai e gli impiegati sono stati chiamati a<br />

votare a favore o contro il piano di rilancio dello<br />

stabilimento torinese.<br />

Il piano di rilancio è basato su un nuovo contratto<br />

collettivo che intacca diritti fondamentali dei lavoratori,<br />

quali quello alla malattia, allo sciopero, addirittura<br />

quello alla pausa intermedia durante otto ore ad una<br />

catena di montaggio. Il referendum è illegittimo, perché<br />

l'amministratore delegato Sergio Marchionne ha<br />

minacciato gli operai che, in caso di vittoria dei "no"<br />

all'accordo, l'azienda avrebbe abbandonato la produzione<br />

italiana, trasferendo tutto altrove.<br />

Questa strategia della paura, di un capitalismo al ribasso<br />

senza regole e senza diritti, ha avuto il sostegno del<br />

governo e addirittura di gran parte del Partito<br />

Democratico, partito di opposizione con radici nel<br />

Partito Comunista Italiano. Gli unici sindacati a opporsi<br />

sono stati la FIOM e la CGIL e sono state estromesse<br />

dalla rappresentanza sindacale.<br />

Ciononostante, il "sì" ha vinto con solo il 54% dei voti.<br />

Con questo accordo, l'Italia dei diritti torna indietro di<br />

parecchi decenni. È giusto che l'<strong>Europa</strong> sappia e ne<br />

tenga conto.<br />

1-204<br />

Ρόδη Κράτσα-Τσαγκαροπούλου (PPE). – Κύριε<br />

Πρόεδρε, θα ήθελα να αναφερθώ στην ανησυχητική<br />

κατάσταση σε χώρες εταίρους της Μεσογείου και τις<br />

επιπτώσεις που μπορεί να έχει η κατάσταση αυτή στις<br />

σχέσεις μας, στην ασφάλεια, στην ευημερία στην<br />

περιοχή.<br />

Μιλήσαμε σήμερα το απόγευμα για τις ραγδαίες<br />

ανατροπές στην Τυνησία· κοινωνικές ταραχές υπάρχουν<br />

σε χώρες του Μαγκρέμπ και του Μασρέκ· νέα πολιτική<br />

αστάθεια στο Λίβανο, ενώ αδιέξοδα συνεχίζουν να<br />

υπάρχουν στην ειρηνευτική διαδικασία. Πρέπει να μας<br />

απασχολήσει σοβαρά η κατάσταση αυτή, διότι οι χώρες<br />

της Μεσογείου είναι χώρες εταίροι και όχι μόνο χώρες<br />

γείτονες.<br />

Θα σας θυμίσω ότι στην Τυνησία από το 1995 μέχρι<br />

σήμερα έχουν διατεθεί ποσά άμεσης βοήθειας που<br />

υπερβαίνουν το 1 δισεκατομμύριο ευρώ, πέρα από τα<br />

χαμηλότοκα δάνεια της Ευρωπαϊκής Τράπεζας<br />

Επενδύσεων, και μέχρι το 2013 έχουμε προγραμματίσει<br />

σημαντικά ποσά άμεσης βοήθειας.<br />

Θα ήθελα λοιπόν να κάνω μια έκκληση, κύριε Πρόεδρε.<br />

Να κάνουμε μία σοβαρή πολυμερή συζήτηση με<br />

απολογισμό των σχέσεών μας, να δούμε τις προοπτικές<br />

και τις διαδικασίες που πρέπει να ακολουθήσουμε, και η<br />

Ύπατη Εκπρόσωπος να μας παρουσιάσει ένα<br />

ολοκληρωμένο σχέδιο γειτονίας μέσα στο πλαίσιο της<br />

Ένωσης για τη Μεσόγειο για να αντιμετωπίσουμε τις<br />

κρίσεις αυτές από κοινού με τις χώρες εταίρους.<br />

1-205<br />

Joe Higgins (GUE/NGL). − Mr President, in December<br />

Commission President Barroso told me by letter that his

17-01-2011 67<br />

meeting with President Nazarbayev last October would<br />

help advance respect for human rights in Kazakhstan.<br />

The same was said about granting Kazakhstan the chair<br />

of the OSCE in 2010 and holding a major OSCE summit<br />

in Astana in December. However, world leaders had<br />

scarcely left that summit when it was announced that a<br />

referendum was to be held in March to cancel the<br />

presidential election in 2012, thus keeping Nazarbayev<br />

in power until 2020.<br />

Harassment of the opposition press and of human rights<br />

defenders is being stepped up. Activists from the leftwing<br />

movement ‘Kazakhstan 2012’ are being harassed<br />

and jailed.<br />

I demand that the EU stop boosting the Nazarbayev<br />

dictatorship. The independent trade union and social<br />

movements in Kazakhstan must be fully supported so<br />

that they can lead mobilisation to end this dictatorship –<br />

just as people power in Tunisia ended the Ben Ali<br />

dictatorship – and put in place structures to bring the<br />

wealth of Kazakhstan into the democratic ownership of<br />

the majority.<br />

1-206<br />

Krisztina Morvai (NI). – (a képviselő mikrofonja nem<br />

volt bekapcsolva, így a mondat eleje nem hallható)...a<br />

Bizottságnak a rendkívüli ülése. Mi más is lett volna a<br />

téma, mint a magyar médiatörvény? Nem akartam hinni<br />

a fülemnek, amikor befolyásos szocialista és liberális<br />

képviselőtársaink azt követelték, hogy az Európai Unió<br />

indítson úgynevezett súlyos jogsértési eljárást<br />

Magyarországgal, a jelenlegi soros elnökkel szemben.<br />

Ez a rendelkezésre álló legsúlyosabb szankció. Ilyen<br />

szankciót, sem pedig semmilyen szankciót nem<br />

alkalmaztak akkor, amikor 2002 és 2010 között a<br />

szocialista és liberális kormány Magyarországon minden<br />

egyes tüntetést szétveretett, emberek százait börtönözte<br />

be önkényesen, szemeket lövetett ki és súlyos<br />

sérüléseket okozott. Ha ezek után az Európai Unió<br />

súlyos jogsértési eljárást fog a jelenlegi magyar kormány<br />

és állam ellen indítani, akkor végre kinyitja azoknak a<br />

szemét, akiknek bármiféle illúziójuk volt az Európai<br />

Unió Magyarországhoz való hozzáállásával<br />

kapcsolatban, és azt gondolom, hogy a magyar nemzet<br />

követelni fogja az Európai Unióból való kilépésünket, és<br />

lesznek, akik követnek bennünket.<br />

1-207<br />

Antigoni Papadopoulou (S&D). – Mr President, I also<br />

want to raise the issue of respect for religious freedom<br />

for all, without discrimination, because this is a basic<br />

human right.<br />

That human right was violated in my country for the few<br />

Christians attending Christmas mass at the church of<br />

Agios Synesios in the occupied village of Rizokarpaso.<br />

The so-called police of the Turkish occupying regime<br />

entered the church and forced the priest to terminate the<br />

Christmas Day service and then forced the enclaved<br />

Greek Cypriots attending the mass to evacuate the<br />

church.<br />

The European Parliament must strongly condemn such<br />

actions, which reveal the ugly and oppressive face of the<br />

Turkish occupation of the northern part of Cyprus, in<br />

violation of European law and human rights and the<br />

Third Vienna agreement of 1975.<br />

The EU must stop Turkey and its subordinate local<br />

administration in the occupied part of Cyprus from<br />

committing further violations, and from continuing the<br />

ethnic cleansing of the remaining 300 Christian Greek<br />

Cypriots.<br />

1-208<br />

Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, the Food<br />

Supplements Directive was adopted in 2002 but, almost<br />

nine years later, it has still not been fully implemented.<br />

The Commission has yet to produce a proposal to<br />

harmonise the maximum amounts of vitamins and<br />

minerals that can be included in food supplements as<br />

required by the directive. This failure means that<br />

companies have to produce multiple product<br />

formulations to comply with different national laws.<br />

This is unfair and expensive, especially as a scientific<br />

model for setting maximum amounts is available. The<br />

Commission itself cited this in a paper in 2006.<br />

It begs the question of why the proposal has not been<br />

produced? Perhaps, to paraphrase Robbie Burns, whom<br />

somebody mentioned a minute ago, ‘The best laid plans<br />

of mice and men and the Commission gang aft agley’. It<br />

needs to happen very soon, because EU legislation is<br />

intended to make it easier for companies to compete in<br />

the internal market by standardising requirements. The<br />

sooner it happens, the better. I urge the Commission to<br />

get a move on.<br />

1-209<br />

Илиaна Ивaнова (PPE). – уважаеми колеги,<br />

напоследък обществеността в България е свидетел на<br />

поредица от публикации за предполагаемо<br />

използване на специални разузнавателни средства за<br />

подслушване на висши управляващи. Източникът на<br />

тази информация е неясен, с неясен произход и<br />

автентичност, остава анонимен и никой не поема<br />

отговорността за разпространението й.<br />

Ясно изразената воля за реформи и борба с<br />

организираната престъпност от правителството,<br />

недопускането на влияние от страна на бившата<br />

Държавна сигурност, както и фактът, че тази година<br />

в България предстоят президентски и местни избори,<br />

дадоха старт на тази кампания, създаваща<br />

напрежение и насаждаща недоверие в управлението.<br />

Интерес от това състояние имат кръговете на<br />

влияние, които покровителстваха и се<br />

облагодетелстваха от срастването на престъпността с<br />

държавата. Днес те търсят реванш за засегнатите си<br />

интереси.<br />

Искам да ви уверя, че България е правова държава, в<br />

която такива средства се прилагат от органите само в<br />

рамките на закона и че управлението ще продължи<br />

реформите по пътя, който е поело, недопускайки

68 17-01-2011<br />

нелегитимни интереси да пречат на борбата с<br />

престъпността.<br />

1-210<br />

Станимир Илчев (ALDE). – през последните<br />

месеци в България наистина расте тревогата сред<br />

обществото от ескалацията в използването на<br />

специални разузнавателни средства. Но към този<br />

проблем има и друга гледна точка. Подслушванията<br />

се превръщат като че ли във фетиш за някои<br />

политици и ръководители на съвременните<br />

специални служби.<br />

Ефективността в борбата с престъпността не се е<br />

повишила. Още по-неприемлива е назряващата<br />

страхова психоза от тези подслушвания. Наистина<br />

не са ясни авторите на тази вакханалия: дали това са<br />

хора от сектора за сигурност, дали са техни бивши<br />

колеги или нелегитимни структури, които имат<br />

дестабилизиращи намерения. Съдържанието на<br />

подслушваните разговори мистериозно циркулира из<br />

медиите. В такъв разговор участва и министърпредседателят<br />

на България. Съдържанието е<br />

дискредитиращо, но той твърди, че записът е<br />

манипулиран.<br />

Отвъд тази неприятна фактология е усещането на<br />

българските граждани, че институциите не работят<br />

добре, че брутално се нарушават човешки права. И<br />

затова като новоприета страна член на Европейския<br />

съюз България се нуждае от съдействие, за да<br />

преструктурира своите специални служби.<br />

1-211<br />

Presidente. − C'è una lunga lista di interventi, quindi<br />

pregherei tutti gli oratori di essere puntuali e rigorosi<br />

nell'attenersi ad un minuto.<br />

1-212<br />

20 - Consenso europeo in materia di aiuto<br />

umanitario (breve presentazione)<br />

1-213<br />

Presidente. − L'ordine del giorno reca la relazione di<br />

Michèle Striffler, a nome della commissione per lo<br />

sviluppo, sull'attuazione del consenso europeo sull'aiuto<br />

umanitario: bilancio di metà percorso del suo piano<br />

d'azione e prospettive future [2010/2101(INI)].<br />

1-214<br />

Michèle Striffler, rapporteure. − Monsieur le Président,<br />

Madame la Commissaire, chers collègues, le contexte<br />

humanitaire global s'est aggravé, les défis et besoins<br />

humanitaires sont immenses et il y a une multiplication<br />

des terrains d'intervention.<br />

Le consensus européen pour l'aide humanitaire est un<br />

instrument fondamental qui garde toute sa pertinence<br />

dans ce contexte humanitaire en pleine mutation. Les<br />

défis humanitaires peuvent trouver leur réponse dans une<br />

application rigoureuse du consensus et de son plan<br />

d'action. Cependant, le consensus reste encore trop<br />

méconnu au-delà des partenaires humanitaires. Un effort<br />

est donc à effectuer afin de renforcer sa visibilité et de<br />

mieux le faire connaître auprès des États membres et des<br />

acteurs impliqués. Il faut plaider pour que ce consensus<br />

soit diffusé, compris et appliqué au sein du service<br />

européen d'action extérieure et par les acteurs militaires.<br />

En 2009 a été mis sur pied le groupe de travail sur l'aide<br />

humanitaire et l'aide alimentaire au sein du Conseil, qui<br />

est devenu un forum pertinent, mais dont le rôle devrait<br />

être renforcé en termes de coordination entre États<br />

membres et de suivi de la mise en œuvre du consensus et<br />

de plaidoyer pour l'aide humanitaire vis-à-vis des autres<br />

groupes de travail du Conseil du COPS.<br />

La révision à mi-parcours du plan d'action est une<br />

occasion unique de renforcer l'action dans des domaines<br />

méritant plus d'attention tels que, premièrement, la<br />

promotion des principes humanitaires et du droit<br />

international humanitaire, car l'aide humanitaire n'est pas<br />

un instrument de gestion de crise et il convient de<br />

regretter la politisation croissante de l'aide humanitaire<br />

et de ses conséquences sur le respect de l'espace<br />

humanitaire. Un deuxième domaine concerne les<br />

questions liées à la qualité, à la coordination et à la<br />

cohérence dans le cadre de la fourniture de l'aide<br />

humanitaire de l'Union européenne, et un troisième<br />

élément est la clarification de l'utilisation des moyens et<br />

capacités militaires et de protection civile en conformité<br />

avec le consensus humanitaire et les directives des<br />

Nations unies.<br />

La distinction entre les mandats des acteurs militaires et<br />

humanitaires doit rester bien claire et un dialogue entre<br />

acteurs militaires et humanitaires est nécessaire afin de<br />

favoriser une compréhension mutuelle.<br />

De plus, j'invite dans mon rapport la Commission<br />

européenne à présenter des propositions législatives très<br />

ambitieuses afin de créer une force européenne de<br />

protection et je me félicite de la récente communication<br />

de la Commission sur le renforcement des capacités de<br />

réponse de l'Union européenne en cas de catastrophe.<br />

Enfin, il faut renforcer la dimension "réduction des<br />

risques de catastrophe" et le lien entre l'aide d'urgence,<br />

la réhabilitation et le développement.<br />

Le traité de Lisbonne a introduit le service européen<br />

d'action extérieure. Nous nous sommes donc attachés, au<br />

cours des négociations, à défendre l'indépendance de la<br />

DG ECO et à éviter toute instrumentalisation possible de<br />

l'aide humanitaire à des fins de politiques étrangères.<br />

Des règles strictes et transparentes doivent être mises en<br />

place pour la coopération et la coordination entre le<br />

service européen d'action extérieure et la Commission<br />

pour la gestion d'une crise de grande ampleur.<br />

Pour finir, j'aimerais attirer votre attention sur la<br />

multiplication des violences sexuelles – Je pense en<br />

particulier à l'Est de la République du Congo dans le<br />

Kivu – et sur l'importance d'intégrer systématiquement<br />

le genre et la santé reproductive dans la réponse<br />

humanitaire dans les services de santé de première<br />


17-01-2011 69<br />

1-215<br />

Anna Záborská (PPE). – Monsieur le Président, je<br />

félicite M me Striffler pour son rapport. Il omet cependant<br />

de mentionner les acteurs qui fondent leur engagement<br />

sur la religion, notamment chrétienne. Le texte du<br />

consensus européen mentionne bien la Croix-Rouge<br />

mais ignore d'autres acteurs disposant du même statut en<br />

droit international mais qui se fondent sur la religion<br />

chrétienne comme par exemple l'Ordre de Malte.<br />

Ainsi, ce rapport apporte une nouvelle preuve de la<br />

négligence avec laquelle les institutions européennes<br />

accueillent l'engagement des acteurs chrétiens dans<br />

l'intervention humanitaire. Les religions n'ont pas<br />

seulement l'obligation, mais aussi la compétence<br />

nécessaire pour intervenir rapidement dans les situations<br />

de crise et de catastrophe naturelle.<br />

J'invite le rapporteur à proposer un amendement oral<br />

pour reconnaître l'utilité et l'efficacité des acteurs qui<br />

fondent leur travail sur la foi chrétienne.<br />

1-216<br />

Miroslav Mikolášik (PPE). – Európska únia spolu s<br />

členskými štátmi sú najvýznamnejším svetovým darcom<br />

humanitárnej pomoci. A je to naša morálna povinnosť.<br />

Európsky konsenzus o humanitárnej pomoci sa stal<br />

významným medzníkom, čo dosvedčuje aj analýza<br />

akčného plánu realizácie humanitárnej pomoci. Správa<br />

však poukazuje aj na konkrétne slabiny systému a iné<br />

prekážky, ktoré bránia efektívnemu a rýchlemu prísunu<br />

humanitárneho tovaru a služieb pre najzraniteľnejšie<br />

obyvateľstvo v krízových oblastiach.<br />

Verím, že Lisabonská zmluva prinášajúca celý rad<br />

inovácií v oblasti humanitárnej pomoci Európskej únie,<br />

ktorá je odteraz aj samostatnou politikou, bude vhodne<br />

a promptne využitá na zlepšenie dosahovania<br />

hmatateľných výsledkov v súlade s rešpektovaním<br />

ľudskej dôstojnosti, humanitárnych hodnôt a<br />

dodržiavaním ľudských práv, ako sú zakotvené v<br />

medzinárodnom práve, napríklad aj pri rýchlej pomoci<br />

pri katastrofách.<br />

1-217<br />

Zuzana Roithová (PPE). – Trvalé zvyšování počtu a<br />

rozsahu humanitárních katastrof ve třetích zemích, které<br />

je mimo jiné i důsledkem klimatických změn, vyžaduje<br />

kvantitativní, ale i kvalitativní zlepšení humanitární<br />

pomoci. A proto plně podporuji opatření zmíněná ve<br />

zprávě, včetně transformace civilní ochrany členských<br />

států, aby mohla sloužit i jako akceschopná<br />

koordinovaná pomoc Evropské unie. Za naléhavé ovšem<br />

považuji také zlepšit bezpečnost humanitárních<br />

pracovníků. Myslím, že by Komise měla vyčlenit<br />

kapacity také na šíření osvěty zejména na Haiti, aby<br />

postižení obyvatelé chápali příčiny a následné okolnosti<br />

jejich katastrofy a pomáhali chránit bezpečnost<br />

humanitárních pracovníků, a nikoli naopak. Jinak je<br />

nutné – a nikoli nežádoucí – využívat ochrany<br />

armádních sil.<br />

1-218<br />

Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, I should briefly like<br />

to ask some questions. Regarding the European Union, I<br />

know that we are wonderful for donating aid to where it<br />

is needed, but it often goes through NGOs. Are there any<br />

NGOs that have not been up to scratch, or that have been<br />

the subject of complaints in the countries in which they<br />

operate, or that the European Union itself might have<br />

reservations about? In other words, do we just give the<br />

aid and the supplements – let us put it that way – to the<br />

NGOs annually? Where is the accountability?<br />

In the light of some programmes I have seen recently, I<br />

was rather concerned about allegations being made as to<br />

what some of the NGOs were doing and their lack of<br />

accountability. Having said that, I know that the vast<br />

majority are doing good work and are properly<br />

motivated.<br />

1-219<br />

Peter Jahr (PPE). – Herr Präsident! Vielen Dank an die<br />

Berichterstatterin, dass wir diese Problematik heute in<br />

diesem Haus diskutieren können. Ich habe noch zwei<br />

Anmerkungen bzw. Fragen, die mich immer bei der<br />

humanitären Hilfe umtreiben: Erstens ist es unstrittig<br />

und wichtig, dass man natürlich hilft, wenn Menschen in<br />

Not sind, aber – das hat mein Vorredner schon gesagt –<br />

man sollte auch immer wieder die Frage stellen: Werden<br />

diese Mittel auch angemessen und ordentlich<br />

verwendet?<br />

Zweitens dürfen wir auch nicht vernachlässigen:<br />

Humanitäre Hilfe, Menschen geraten in Not, das ist<br />

richtig. Das können Naturkatastrophen sein, aber es sind<br />

auch zunehmend von Menschen selbst verursachte<br />

Katastrophen. Dazu zählen insbesondere politische oder<br />

auch kriegerische Auseinandersetzungen. Wir müssen<br />

bedenken, dass humanitäre Hilfe Soforthilfe ist, wir aber<br />

gleichzeitig auch die Ursachen, nämlich die politischen<br />

Gewalttaten, beseitigen müssen.<br />

1-220<br />

Kristalina Georgieva, Member of the Commission. −<br />

Mr President, I very much welcome Mrs Striffler’s<br />

report, as well as Parliament’s involvement in and<br />

continued strong advocacy for effective European<br />

humanitarian action.<br />

The consensus was adopted in 2007. It provides an<br />

essential common policy framework for the EU – a<br />

common vision accompanied by an action plan. Both the<br />

Member States and the Commission have a shared<br />

responsibility to make sure that the consensus is well<br />

implemented.<br />

I want to stress that what comes very clearly out of the<br />

report is the message that humanitarian principles,<br />

international humanitarian law and protection of the<br />

humanitarian space have to be at the centre of our action<br />

on the consensus. Four-fifths of our humanitarian aid<br />

goes to people in need in conflict-related, man-made<br />

emergencies. For us to be able to reach these people it is<br />

critical that our aid is independent and neutral and that it<br />

is perceived in this way.

70 17-01-2011<br />

I would like to give you one example of this. I have just<br />

come back from Yemen where, together with the UN<br />

High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Gutierrez,<br />

we engaged on the humanitarian access issue with<br />

high-level government officials and representatives of<br />

the al-Houthi rebel movement. For the first time we<br />

obtained commitment on their part to facilitate<br />

humanitarian access and respect delivery of aid to all<br />

Yemeni people in need, in line with the humanitarian<br />

principles of neutrality and independence. Having spent<br />

a number of hours with men with Kalashnikovs, I would<br />

like to observe that we in Europe do bring this value of<br />

neutrality that is a bridge to people in need. In the<br />

Yemeni case, there are 300 000 internally displaced<br />

people and many more hundred thousands affected by<br />

six wars in six years in the north of Yemen.<br />

Of course, for a long-lasting impact, humanitarian aid is<br />

not the right instrument. It is development that can lay<br />

the foundation for lasting peace. We in the Commission<br />

have completed a year-long review process of the<br />

European consensus action plan, in close liaison with<br />

our Member State and humanitarian partners. On 8<br />

December, the Commission adopted a Communication<br />

on this. The review shows that over the past three years<br />

we have made significant contributions to strengthening<br />

the humanitarian response in terms of advocacy and<br />

humanitarian action, as well as by bringing humanitarian<br />

aid and civil protection together.<br />

We also concluded that there is scope for further<br />

improvement in three areas.<br />

Firstly we need to promote the quality and effectiveness<br />

of aid by good assessment, a well-coordinated response<br />

and investment in disaster risk reduction and local<br />

capacity. At a time when needs are growing and budgets<br />

are constrained, this is critical.<br />

Let me just respond here to the question of<br />

accountability. Obviously we need to stretch every euro<br />

to the full and deliver it with the highest possible quality<br />

and in the most effective way. In order to ensure that our<br />

partners – UN agencies and NGOs – are accountable, we<br />

review one-third of all partners and one-third of all<br />

projects every year. We have our own humanitarian aid<br />

offices in all the hotspot areas of the planet to be the ears<br />

and the eyes of our taxpayers, including in Yemen,<br />

because of increasing humanitarian needs. I recently cut<br />

the ribbon of our humanitarian aid office there.<br />

The second issue concerning which we can see room for<br />

improvement is the strengthening of the European voice.<br />

We are the largest donor and have to make sure that we<br />

speak very clearly with one voice. We must also reach<br />

out to other donors so that we play our leadership role,<br />

vis-à-vis traditional donors, but also by engaging new<br />

donors.<br />

Thirdly we need to ensure coherence which means<br />

working, together with the External Action Service, with<br />

military actors to make sure that a principled<br />

humanitarian approach is safeguarded and is also<br />

promoted in Europe.<br />

Let me finish by once again thanking Mrs Striffler for<br />

her work on this issue and calling upon Parliament to<br />

continue the discussion on this topic. The world has<br />

changed. Unfortunately there will be more and more<br />

natural and man-made disasters. Whatever action we<br />

take will determine not only the lives of the people<br />

affected, but also the moral standing and the capacity of<br />

the EU to lead in the world.<br />

1-221<br />

Presidente. − La discussione è chiusa.<br />

La votazione si svolgerà martedì 18 gennaio 2011.<br />

1-222<br />

21 - Agricoltura come settore strategico per<br />

la sicurezza dell'approvvigionamento<br />

alimentare (breve presentazione)<br />

1-223<br />

Presidente. − L'ordine del giorno reca la relazione di<br />

Daciana Octavia Sârbu, a nome della commissione per<br />

l'agricoltura e lo sviluppo rurale, sul riconoscimento<br />

dell'agricoltura come settore strategico per la sicurezza<br />

dell'approvvigionamento alimentare [2010/2112(INI)].<br />

1-224<br />

Daciana Octavia Sârbu, Raportoare. − Sunt onorată să<br />

vă prezint raportul meu, care vorbeşte despre importanţa<br />

strategică a agriculturii în asigurarea securităţii<br />

alimentare a Uniunii Europene. Agricultura este<br />

neglijată în discuţiile privind strategia şi viitorul Uniunii<br />

Europene, iar raportul vine să arate că <strong>Europa</strong> nu se află<br />

într-o situaţie de securitate alimentară, că fermierii şi<br />

întregi zone rurale sunt în pericol de dispariţie şi că noile<br />

provocări, cum sunt schimbările climatice, tind să<br />

destabilizeze rezervele alimentare, deja în scădere, nu<br />

doar în <strong>Europa</strong>, ci şi în lume.<br />

În contextul în care producţia de alimente trecuie să<br />

crească până în anul 2050, cu cel puţin 70%, pentru a<br />

satisface nevoia de hrană a populaţiei la nivel global,<br />

este nevoie ca securitatea alimentară să se afle în centrul<br />

dezbaterilor atât la nivel mondial, cât şi european.<br />

Uniunea Europeană trebuie să răspundă ferm acestor<br />

provocări, iar prin acest Raport încercăm să propunem<br />

astăzi câteva căi concrete de acţiune.<br />

În primul rând, avem nevoie de o politică agricolă<br />

comună puternică, menită să garanteze securitatea<br />

alimentară atât a cetăţenilor săi, cât şi să contribuie la<br />

asigurarea securităţii alimentare la nivel mondial, în<br />

contextul resurselor limitate şi al efectelor schimbărilor<br />

climatice. Nu putem vorbi despre securitatea alimentară<br />

dacă nu abordăm două probleme esenţiale şi anume:<br />

volatilitatea pieţelor şi a preţurilor şi rezervele de hrană<br />

în scădere la nivel mondial.<br />

În ceea ce priveşte volatilitatea preţurilor, am solicitat<br />

Comisiei ca, în cadrul noii PAC, să consolideze rolul<br />

instrumentelor de intervenţie pe piaţă şi să ia măsuri mai<br />

consistente pentru limitarea speculaţiilor pe pieţele

17-01-2011 71<br />

agricole. În zilele noastre, rezervele de alimente la nivel<br />

global sunt mult mai limitate decât în trecut, conform<br />

estimărilor, acestea putând acoperi nevoia de hrană de la<br />

nivel mondial doar o lună şi jumătate. De aceea, am<br />

considerat că ar fi benefic să se creeze un sistem global<br />

de rezerve alimentare, atât rezerve de urgenţă, pentru a<br />

reduce foametea, cât şi rezerve care să fie folosite pentru<br />

reglementarea preţurilor pe pieţele agricole, care să se<br />

afle sub egida internaţională şi să se prijine pe expertiza<br />

instituţiilor deja existente, precum ONU sau FAO. Cred<br />

că Uniunea Europeană trebuie să fie iniţiatorul acestui<br />

demers, de aceea am cerut Comisiei să îşi asume acest<br />

rol.<br />

O altă chestiune importantă abordată în acest Raport este<br />

situaţia tinerilor agricultori. Dacă ne gândim la viitorul<br />

agriculturii europene, atunci trebuie să acordăm mai<br />

multă atenţie tinerilor agricultori. La nivel european,<br />

doar 7% din agricultori sunt sub 35 ani. De aceea, am<br />

cerut Comisiei să se prevadă măsuri de încurajare a<br />

acestora.<br />

Pe de altă parte, am subliniat necesitatea păstrării<br />

diversităţii agriculturii europene. În acest sens, am<br />

menţionat faptul că practicile agricole tradiţionale,<br />

exploataţiile familiale, fermele mici, dar şi agricultura<br />

ecologică pot aduce o contribuţie valoroasă la asigurarea<br />

securităţii alimentare şi am solicitat crearea de programe<br />

la nivel european, care să sprijine aceste tipuri de<br />

agricultură. Să nu uităm însă că şi pe teritoriul Uniunii<br />

încă există sărăcie şi foamete şi că milioane de europeni<br />

au apelat în această iarnă la ajutoare alimentare<br />

europene. De aceea, în contextul crizei economice, este<br />

de o importanţă majoră menţinerea programului<br />

european „Ajutoare alimentare pentru persoanele cele<br />

mai defavorizate”, cu finanţare europeană.<br />

În încheiere, aş dori să mulţumesc raportorilor din umbră<br />

şi celorlalţi colegi din Comisia pentru agricultură pentru<br />

buna colaborare şi pentru contribuţiile aduse în<br />

redactarea acestui raport, cât şi secretariatului Comisiei<br />

pentru agricultură şi sper ca, împreună, să adoptăm<br />

mâine un raport care să răspundă aşteptărilor cetăţenilor<br />

europeni.<br />

1-225<br />

Mairead McGuinness (PPE). – Mr President, I would<br />

like to thank Mrs Sârbu, our rapporteur, for the excellent<br />

work she has done on this report and for her cooperation<br />

with all the shadows. This follows work which I carried<br />

out in the previous mandate on the role of the common<br />

agricultural policy and global food security.<br />

I regret that we are debating this report just before<br />

midnight. Perhaps it will be at a minute to midnight that<br />

Europe and the world wake up to the realities of how<br />

insecure we are when it comes to food production.<br />

This report is extremely welcome in our overall debate<br />

on this issue and in the context of our debate on reform<br />

of the common agricultural policy.<br />

I had some concerns, but I think they are reflected in the<br />

final text. The idea that one form of production system is<br />

better than another – that organic, small, local is better –<br />

is not a good argument. We need all production systems<br />

to contribute to our food security. We do need to address<br />

market volatility and speculation and I do not think we<br />

have all the answers yet.<br />

The single key problem with agriculture is low incomes<br />

for farmers. Young farmers will not work for nothing,<br />

and we have to address the low income problem if we<br />

want security of food supply.<br />

1-226<br />

Miroslav Mikolášik (PPE). – V dôsledku neustáleho<br />

rastu populácie sme nútení čoraz intenzívnejšie sa<br />

zaoberať otázkou potravinovej bezpečnosti, prístupu<br />

k primeranej, zdravotne neškodnej a výživnej strave.<br />

S cieľom zaistiť potravinovú bezpečnosť je preto<br />

nevyhnutné zvýšiť transparentnosť a spravodlivosť v<br />

samotnom potravinovom reťazci. Zabezpečiť<br />

spravodlivú návratnosť pre poľnohospodárov, zisky a<br />

tvorbu cien, ako aj životaschopné poľnohospodárstvo.<br />

Osobne považujem za vysoko dôležité uplatňovanie<br />

ráznej politiky rozvoja vidieka, prostredníctvom ktorej<br />

zachováme životaschopnosť vidieckej Európy a zvýšime<br />

konkurencieschopnosť poľnohospodárstva, podporíme<br />

inovácie a v konečnom dôsledku aj samotnú<br />

zamestnanosť.<br />

Poľnohospodárstvo má veľký význam predovšetkým v<br />

znevýhodnených oblastiach a aj preto treba prijímať<br />

stimuly, ktoré podporia poľnohospodárstvo vidieka,<br />

prilákajú do poľnohospodárstva viac mladých ľudí a<br />

napomôžu znížiť regionálne rozdiely a zabezpečia trvalo<br />

udržateľný rozvoj.<br />

1-227<br />

Luís Paulo Alves (S&D). – Quero dar os meus parabéns<br />

sinceros à colega Sârbu pela excelência do relatório<br />

produzido, aconselhando vivamente a que a Comissão o<br />

tenha em conta, sobretudo naqueles aspectos em que a<br />

dimensão complexa das questões agrícolas – que em<br />

muito ultrapassam a dimensão estrita da agricultura –<br />

exigem o envolvimento de outras áreas como a da<br />

concorrência do mercado interno e da regulação<br />

financeira, bem como também exigem o seu tratamento<br />

noutros palcos extracomunitários como o G-20 ou a<br />

OMC.<br />

As questões absolutamente determinantes para a<br />

agricultura, para os agricultores e para a disponibilização<br />

em quantidade e qualidade suficiente de alimentos às<br />

populações da <strong>Europa</strong> e do mundo só poderão de facto<br />

ser enfrentadas se o forem em todas estas suas<br />

dimensões, e os objectivos ambiciosos da reforma da<br />

PAC só poderão ser alcançados se a reforma ultrapassar<br />

as fronteiras estritas da agricultura e os seus objectivos<br />

forem igualmente tidos em conta nas necessárias<br />

intervenções nas outras áreas de políticas e nos outros<br />

organismos de carácter global.

72 17-01-2011<br />

Este relatório deixou-o bem claro e eu saúdo-o por isso.<br />

1-228<br />

Janusz Wojciechowski (ECR). – Panie<br />

Przewodniczący! Też przyłączam się do gratulacji dla<br />

pani Sârbu za znakomite sprawozdanie, które uważam<br />

za jedno z najważniejszych w tej kadencji.<br />

Ludzi na świecie jest coraz więcej, ziemi pod uprawę<br />

coraz mniej. Żywność staje się produktem strategicznym<br />

w coraz większym stopniu. O ile ropę naftową można<br />

zastąpić energią słoneczną czy atomową, o tyle<br />

żywności pochodzącej z ziemi nie da się zastąpić<br />

niczym. W Unii Europejskiej zachowujemy się niekiedy<br />

tak, jakbyśmy ciągle borykali się z problemem<br />

nadprodukcji żywności. Cała polityka rolna Unii<br />

Europejskiej w ostatnich latach nastawiona była na to<br />

jak ograniczać produkcję rolną, jak ją zmniejszać.<br />

Dzisiaj na horyzoncie są już czasy, kiedy żywności<br />

będzie brakować. Bardzo dobrze, że z Parlamentu,<br />

dzięki sprawozdaniu pani Sârbu, wychodzi ten sygnał,<br />

że sytuacja się zmieniła i polityka rolna Unii<br />

Europejskiej też musi się zmienić. Musimy szanować<br />

rolnictwo – gwarancję naszego bezpieczeństwa<br />

żywnościowego.<br />

1-229<br />

Peter Jahr (PPE). – Herr Präsident! Es ist nun einmal<br />

in der Politik so wie im täglichen Leben: Das, was man<br />

hat, das schätzt man am wenigsten. Und so scheint es ja<br />

auch offenbar so, dass wir in der Europäischen Union<br />

einen Überfluss an Nahrungsmitteln haben, und es gibt<br />

ja immer noch genügend zu kaufen. Wenn man die<br />

Futtermittelexporte gegenrechnet, haben wir in der<br />

Europäischen Union einen Selbstversorgungsgrad von<br />

88 %. Das heißt, auch wir in der Europäischen Union<br />

müssen aufpassen, dass der Selbstversorgungsgrad an<br />

landwirtschaftlichen Produkten und Nahrungsmitteln<br />

gewährleistet ist.<br />

Deshalb bin ich der Berichterstatterin, Frau Sârbu sehr<br />

dankbar, dass sie dieses Problem wieder in den<br />

Mittelpunkt gerückt hat. Auch wir brauchen in der<br />

Europäischen Union eine gemeinsame Agrarpolitik, die<br />

die Menschen in unserer Union ausreichend mit<br />

Lebensmitteln versorgt. Angesichts einer wachsenden<br />

Weltbevölkerung oder der Auswirkungen des<br />

Klimawandels und steigender Energiepreise wird<br />

deutlich, dass die Landwirte in <strong>Europa</strong> dies zukünftig<br />

nicht alleine bewältigen können. Wir brauchen dazu<br />

auch eine strategische Abstimmung in der Welt.<br />

1-230<br />

Csaba Sándor Tabajdi (S&D). – Az Unió biztonságos<br />

élelmiszer-ellátása a következő évtizedek egyik<br />

legnagyobb biztonságpolitikai kihívása lesz. A Sârbujelentésnek<br />

ez a legnagyobb értéke, ami rámutat arra,<br />

hogy egy-két évtized múlva az élelmiszer és az édesvíz<br />

olyan stratégiai termék lesz, mint most a kőolaj és a<br />

földgáz. Azért is jó az időzítése a jelentésnek, mivel<br />

most folynak a közös agrárpolitika jövőjéről szóló viták,<br />

most folyik a 2014 utáni költségvetés tervezése, és sokan<br />

fenik a fogukat a közös agrárpolitika költségvetésének<br />

megcsorbítására. Nagyon fontos, hogy ez a közös<br />

agrárpolitika a jövőben megfelelő forrásokkal<br />

rendelkezzen. Ehhez meg kell győzni a<br />

pénzügyminisztereket, a döntéshozókat, hogy az<br />

élelmiszer-gazdaság az Európai Unióban nem csak<br />

élelmiszert termel, hanem olyan közjavakat,<br />

környezetvédelmi szociális közjavakat is, amelyeket a<br />

mezőgazdaság nélkül semmi módon nem tudnánk<br />

szavatolni és megtermelni.<br />

1-231<br />

Krisztina Morvai (NI). – Az élelmiszer–biztonságról<br />

szólva zavaró számomra, hogy az Európai Unió<br />

országait egységes egészként kezeli a jelentés. Az új<br />

tagállamokban egészen más a helyzet, mint a régiekben.<br />

Magyarországgal kapcsolatban például hadd tegyek fel<br />

két kérdést. Hogyan lehetséges, hogy egy csodálatos<br />

mezőgazdasági adottságokkal rendelkező országban<br />

gyermekéhezésről beszélhetünk? Az Európai Unió<br />

közepén gyerekek és felnőttek is éheznek. A másik<br />

kérdésem: hogyan lehetséges, hogy olyan egészségtelen<br />

irányban változott a mezőgazdaságunk, hogy hatalmas<br />

területeken ipari jelleggel nyersanyagot állítunk elő,<br />

elsősorban valamiféle –elnézést a kifejezésért, de –<br />

gyarmati jelleggel, és ugye a feldolgozása ennek az<br />

élelmiszernek külföldön folyik, ott termelik meg azt a<br />

profitot, amit aztán – megint csak visszahozva<br />

Magyarországra a feldolgozott élelmiszert – realizálnak<br />

magas áron. Valami alapvető probléma van mindezzel.<br />

1-232<br />

Seán Kelly (PPE). – A Uachtaráin, cosúil le cainteoirí<br />

eile ba mhaith liom comhghairdeas a ghabháil leis an<br />

rapóirtéir Bean Uí Sârbu as an dea-obair san ábhar seo.<br />

1-233<br />

In four minutes, Mrs Sârbu covered a multitude of<br />

issues. I am not going to go over all the things she<br />

mentioned, but I would like to reiterate two points. First,<br />

there is a need for a well-funded CAP. I hope this<br />

Parliament will play a key role in ensuring that the CAP<br />

is not demeaned or diminished in any way. Second, we<br />

need to ensure that young people are encouraged to go<br />

into farming as a livelihood.<br />

Furthermore, we have a policy of encouraging the<br />

growth of energy crops on good agricultural land. In<br />

view of the fact that we may be facing a food shortage<br />

worldwide, with a population increasing at a rate of<br />

80 million per year, should we reassess that policy? Are<br />

we robbing Peter to pay Paul, or perhaps robbing Paul<br />

and Peter and finishing up with nothing? That is the<br />

question I would like to ask.<br />

1-234<br />

Csanád Szegedi (NI). – Tisztelt elnök úr, tisztelt<br />

képviselőtársaim! A jelentésből egyértelműen kitűnik,<br />

hogy a mezőgazdaság területén sem mehet minden úgy,<br />

ahogy eddig ment. Nem mehet az tovább, hogy a világ<br />

egyik végéből a másik végére szállítunk, illetve a<br />

nagyvállalatok szállítanak mezőgazdasági termékeket.<br />

Ugye, ez működhet természetellenes módon. Európába<br />

hoznak be, köztük Magyarországra is almát, paprikát,<br />

paradicsomot, és nem is Spanyolországból vagy<br />

Hollandiából nagyrészt, hanem Kínából, Brazíliából, hát<br />

hústermékeket. Mehet ez így, csak hát azokat a

17-01-2011 73<br />

termékeket fel kell tenni a szállítóeszközre, mondjuk<br />

hajóra, heteken-hónapokon át utaznak. Ezeket<br />

különböző tartósítószerekkel tartósítani kell, amik az<br />

emberek számára nagy fogyasztás esetén mérgezőek.<br />

Namost az emberek a nagy kereskedelmi láncokban<br />

ehhez a termékekhez jutnak hozzá, és aztán<br />

csodálkoznak, mi ez a sok betegség, daganatos, rákos<br />

megbetegedés. Hát nyilvánvaló, hogy az ételszínezékek<br />

és a mesterséges adalékanyagok ezeknek a kiváltói.<br />

Hozzá kell tennem, hogy a kisgazdákat kell támogatni,<br />

hogy egy kialakulóban lévő élelmiszerválságban Európa<br />

mentőövei lehessenek, ezért a multicégek helyett a<br />

kisgazdákat kell támogatni.<br />

1-235<br />

João Ferreira (GUE/NGL). – Senhor Presidente, o<br />

reconhecimento da agricultura como um sector<br />

estratégico no contexto da segurança alimentar de que<br />

nos fala este relatório é indissociável do reconhecimento<br />

e promoção do conceito da soberania alimentar. Quanto<br />

maior a dependência alimentar de um país, maior a sua<br />

insegurança alimentar, maior a dificuldade em assegurar<br />

o abastecimento de alimentos à sua população em<br />

quantidade e qualidade suficientes.<br />

A soberania alimentar é o melhor seguro contra a<br />

volatilidade dos preços dos bens alimentares, assunto<br />

que volta dramaticamente a estar na ordem do dia. Esta<br />

volatilidade tem tido origem fundamentalmente na<br />

especulação financeira exercida sobre os produtos<br />

alimentares, área em que os especuladores, fundos de<br />

investimento, hedge funds, fundos de pensões, grandes<br />

bancos, se foram concentrando à medida que outras<br />

bolhas especulativas foram secando ou rebentando.<br />

A única maneira de impedir esta especulação é acabar<br />

com os instrumentos que a viabilizam, nomeadamente<br />

com alguns produtos financeiros como os derivados<br />

OTC.<br />

Infelizmente, as medidas que a União Europeia adoptou<br />

neste domínio estão muito longe de poder travar esta<br />

sinistra engrenagem da especulação e as suas desumanas<br />

consequências – como vem, aliás, reconhecer um<br />

relatório recente das Nações Unidas da autoria do relator<br />

especial para o direito à alimentação.<br />

1-236<br />

Lívia Járóka (PPE). – Mr President, we are discussing<br />

the poorest of the poor – the European Roma – and,<br />

together with the new Hungarian Presidency, we are all<br />

addressing the European Roma strategy.<br />

Among inter-sectoral issues that concern the poorest of<br />

the poor, agriculture is very rarely addressed, notably<br />

because no land is owned by the poorest of the poor in<br />

Europe. So we are talking not just about food security<br />

but about having food on the table. As one of my<br />

colleagues has already said, this is an essential question<br />

for the EU today. I believe that the agricultural sector –<br />

and the Commission’s work on these documents – has to<br />

be in line with all the EU micro-regional development<br />

projects which are concerned with fighting poverty and<br />

securing food on the table for future generations.<br />

1-237<br />

Kristalina Georgieva, Member of the Commission. −<br />

Mr President, the Commission very much welcomes this<br />

timely report, as food prices are rising sharply, mainly<br />

due to erratic weather conditions and natural disasters,<br />

but also to increases in energy prices that impact on the<br />

cost of food.<br />

Therefore I want to thank the rapporteur, Mrs Sârbu, and<br />

the members of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural<br />

Development for their efforts.<br />

Food security is fundamental for the almost one billion<br />

people around the world that still suffer from hunger, but<br />

it is also important for vulnerable populations across<br />

Europe. For them, the common agricultural policy<br />

makes a real difference. The – sometimes criticised –<br />

CAP has managed to provide EU citizens with food at<br />

affordable prices and has ensured food security in<br />

Europe. This must continue. Food security is identified<br />

as a central issue in the communication on the common<br />

agricultural policy towards 2020 that was adopted on 18<br />

November by the Commission.<br />

The report that Mrs Sârbu has put in front of us<br />

underlines the issue of excessive price volatility, which<br />

is closely linked to food security because of the impact it<br />

has both on farmers and on consumers.<br />

The Commission fully agrees that there is a need to<br />

tackle excessive price volatility. We must collectively<br />

look for better regulation, supervision and transparency<br />

to address market issues, and this requires not only<br />

better financial regulations but also substantially<br />

improved transparency on the market.<br />

The report recommends the creation of a global food<br />

system. Not an easy subject. We have had experiences in<br />

the past of commodity boards. They have proved not to<br />

be successful and therefore this topic undoubtedly<br />

requires more detailed debate. It also requires analysis of<br />

the experience we have gained, for example from the<br />

EUR 1 billion Food Facility adopted by the Commission<br />

in 2008, and also from the work that the Commission<br />

undertakes closely with the FAO and the World Food<br />

Programme to ensure that bumper stocks are<br />

pre-positioned in order to soften the blow of rising food<br />

prices.<br />

All these efforts can be developed when the G20 looks<br />

closely into the food stocks issue, and you can be<br />

assured that the European Commission will be an active<br />

participant in the related deliberations in the coming<br />

weeks.<br />

The report has made a call, echoed by many of you here<br />

this evening, for a strong agricultural and rural<br />

development policy in Europe, capable of ensuring food<br />

security for all, with the support of research and<br />

innovation to face the challenges of producing more<br />

with the fewer resources we have and will have.

74 17-01-2011<br />

The Commission fully agrees with this. There is no more<br />

relevant instrument to fulfil these objectives than a<br />

strong common agricultural policy able to guarantee the<br />

economic and environmental competitiveness of<br />

agriculture and – as some of you said – able to bring<br />

young people into the agricultural sector of Europe.<br />

1-238<br />

Presidente. − La discussione è chiusa.<br />

La votazione si svolgerà martedì 18 gennaio 2011.<br />

Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 149)<br />

1-239<br />

Sergio Berlato (PPE), per iscritto. – Signor Presidente,<br />

onorevoli colleghi, la sicurezza alimentare rappresenta<br />

una priorità politica sia a livello comunitario sia<br />

mondiale. Il processo di globalizzazione della catena<br />

alimentare fa emergere costantemente nuove sfide e,<br />

talvolta, anche rischi per la salute e per gli interessi dei<br />

consumatori.<br />

Una delle principali sfide che l’Unione europea dovrà<br />

affrontare è rappresentata dall’elaborazione di riforme<br />

agricole e alimentari volte a soddisfare le esigenze della<br />

popolazione mondiale. Secondo dati recenti,<br />

quest’ultima è in continua crescita e si prevede che<br />

aumenterà del 40% circa entro il 2050, determinando un<br />

aumento della domanda di alimenti che si stima<br />

raddoppi rispetto agli attuali fabbisogni.<br />

Per far fronte al crescente aumento della domanda<br />

mondiale di prodotti agricoli e alimentari, gli Stati<br />

membri e l’Unione saranno chiamati a garantire la<br />

sicurezza dell’approvvigionamento alimentare. Per<br />

realizzare tale obiettivo, l'UE dovrà garantire la<br />

sicurezza dei prodotti alimentari tenendo conto delle loro<br />

specificità e assicurando, allo stesso tempo, il corretto<br />

funzionamento del mercato interno.<br />

Da ultimo, sollecito l'attenzione della Commissione su<br />

tutte le possibili misure volte a migliorare la formazione<br />

dei giovani sul lavoro ed a creare opportunità di lavoro<br />

per i laureati nel campo della sicurezza alimentare, con il<br />

principale obiettivo di contribuire all'occupazione nel<br />

settore agricolo.<br />

1-240<br />

Zuzana Brzobohatá (S&D), písemně. – Je zcela<br />

správné podtrhnout význam potravinového zajištění<br />

obyvatelstva EU, které je jejich základním lidským<br />

právem. Evropská unie proto musí usilovat o zajištění<br />

zdravotně nezávadných a výživných potravin, které<br />

budou ekonomicky a fyzicky dostupné pro všechny<br />

občany EU a umožní jim tak vést aktivní a zdravý život.<br />

Je třeba striktně dbát na dodržování nejvyšších standardů<br />

potravinové a zemědělské produkce, na bezpečnost a<br />

kvalitu potravin stejně jako na jejich ekologickou<br />

udržitelnost. Nicméně v této souvislosti je třeba<br />

upozornit také na striktní vyžadování stejných<br />

kvalitativních a bezpečnostních standardů, pokud jde o<br />

potraviny dovážené z třetích zemí, tak aby byla chráněna<br />

konkurenceschopnost evropských zemědělců. Ráda bych<br />

také podpořila opatření, která budou zemědělce<br />

motivovat k vyšší energetické účinnosti, neboť<br />

energetické náklady jsou klíčový faktor pro míru<br />

ziskovosti zemědělské činnosti. Jako nejdůležitější v<br />

celé zprávě vidím důrazný apel na Komisi, aby ve<br />

veřejném zájmu zajistila ve spolupráci s členskými státy<br />

přístup veřejnosti k informacím o výsledcích kontrol<br />

zajišťování potravin, zejména rychlým sdílením těchto<br />

informací mezi členskými státy. Nesmí se prostě<br />

opakovat stejné selhání jako prodej masa obsahujícího<br />

stopy dioxinu, jako tomu je nyní v Německu, kdy ostatní<br />

členské státy byly nedostatečně a pozdě informovány o<br />

nastalé situaci.<br />

1-241<br />

Robert Dušek (S&D), písemně. – Zabezpečení dodávek<br />

potravin považujeme za jedno ze základních lidských<br />

práv. Již dnes je ve světě 900 milionů lidí, kteří kvůli<br />

chudobě trpí neustálým hladem. Do roku 2050 má<br />

světová populace překročit počet 9 miliard lidí a světová<br />

produkce potravin se bude muset zvýšit až o 70 %.<br />

Zemědělství má na jedné straně zvyšovat produkci a na<br />

druhé straně se potýká s vysokými cenami energií, stále<br />

se zmenšující neznečištěnou půdní plochou a s následky<br />

klimatických změn. Musíme řešit nestabilitu a kolísání<br />

cen způsobené spekulacemi na komoditních trzích i<br />

ubývání zásob potravin. Budoucí zajištění dodávek<br />

základních potravin vyžaduje silnou společnou<br />

zemědělskou politiku. SZP by měla zlepšit zabezpečení<br />

dodávek potravin zvýšením produktivity a podporovat<br />

ekologicky udržitelnou produkci potravin i tradiční<br />

zemědělství, drobné zemědělce, ekologické farmy,<br />

místní a regionální distribuci potravin. Tyto modely<br />

zemědělství přispívají k zajišťování dodávek potravin,<br />

neboť využívají po generace vyzkoušené metody a<br />

postupy v jednotlivých oblastech EU. Zemědělství je<br />

nejstrategičtější politikou EU, jeho úspěšnost pomůže<br />

zajistit přežití evropské populace v době potravinové<br />

krize. Aby mohla společná zemědělská politika bojovat s<br />

následky klimatických změn, s udržením cen potravin na<br />

akceptovatelné úrovni a zvyšovat dodávky nezávadných<br />

základních potravin, je nezbytné, aby její rozpočet zůstal<br />

zachován na minimálně stávající úrovni.<br />

1-242<br />

Sandra Kalniete (PPE), rakstiski. – <strong>Eiropas</strong><br />

lauksaimniecība ir viena no Savienības stratēģiski<br />

svarīgākajām nozarēm, jo tā nodrošina ar pārtiku vairāk<br />

nekā 500 miljonus iedzīvotāju. Lai <strong>Eiropas</strong><br />

lauksaimniecības politika varētu sasniegt savu galveno<br />

uzdevumu, proti, nodrošināt <strong>Eiropas</strong> iedzīvotājus ar<br />

veselīgu un kvalitatīvu pārtiku par samērīgām cenām,<br />

vienlaikus saglabājot pienācīgus ienākumus<br />

lauksaimniekiem, tai ir jābūt konkurētspējīgai globālajā<br />

tirgū un jānodrošina godīga konkurence <strong>Eiropas</strong> iekšējā<br />

tirgū. Tāpēc mūsu uzdevums KLP reformas ietvaros ir<br />

nodrošināt vienlīdzīgas konkurences iespējas visiem<br />

<strong>Eiropas</strong> lauksaimniekiem. ES valstis nav saskārušās ar<br />

pārtikas nodrošinātības problēmām, tomēr šādi riski<br />

pastāv nākotnē, un mums ir jāspēj attiecīgi reaģēt, pirms<br />

tas ir noticis. Jāņem vērā, ka lauksaimnieki jau šobrīd<br />

strādā ar minimāliem ienākumiem vai pat zaudējumiem,<br />

kas nelabvēlīgi ietekmē viņu spēju uzturēt ražošanu. Arī<br />

dabas kataklizmas ietekmē pārtikas cenas veikalos un

17-01-2011 75<br />

līdz ar to arī pārtikas pieejamību cilvēkiem. Mums ir<br />

jāapzinās lauksaimniecības stratēģiskā nozīme <strong>Eiropas</strong><br />

Savienībā un jādara viss, lai nākotnē <strong>Eiropas</strong> cilvēkiem<br />

nenāktos pieredzēt situācijas, kad iestājas pārtikas<br />

nepietiekamība, jo ES politiķi un valdības nebūs laikus<br />

saskatījuši riskus un tos novērsuši. Lauksaimniecības<br />

atzīšana par stratēģiski svarīgu nozari pārtikas<br />

nodrošinātībā ir svarīgs solis, lai mēs nākotnē izvairītos<br />

no pārtikas nodrošinājuma problēmām.<br />

1-243<br />

Elżbieta Katarzyna Łukacijewska (PPE), na piśmie. –<br />

Drogie Koleżanki i Koledzy! <strong>Europa</strong> potrzebuje<br />

Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej, która zapewni rozwój, a nie<br />

stagnację europejskiego rolnictwa. Polityka rolna musi<br />

odpowiadać na wyzwania europejskie i globalne,<br />

zwłaszcza gdy weźmiemy pod uwagę fakt, że według<br />

Światowej Organizacji ds. Wyżywienia i Rolnictwa<br />

produkcja żywności musi wzrosnąć co najmniej o 70%,<br />

aby zaspokoić populację światową, która do 2050 roku<br />

ma przekroczyć 9 mld. Widać zatem, że Wspólna<br />

Polityka Rolna powinna zwiększać bezpieczeństwo<br />

żywnościowe poprzez zwiększenie wydajności przy<br />

jednoczesnym promowaniu zrównoważonej<br />

środowiskowo polityki żywności. Chciałabym zwrócić<br />

uwagę, że uregulowania w tym zakresie powinny być<br />

przejrzyste. Cenię sobie inicjatywy, które zalecają<br />

promocję różnorodności rolnictwa, uwzględnienie<br />

rolnictwa tradycyjnego i ekologicznego. Dodatkowo<br />

ważnym aspektem jest zagwarantowanie młodym<br />

rolnikom dostępu do ziemi i kredytów, aby realizować<br />

cele WPR takie jak innowacyjność, modernizacja,<br />

wzmocnienie konkurencyjności, a przede wszystkim<br />

nowoczesne rolnictwo.<br />

1-244<br />

Rareş-Lucian Niculescu (PPE), în scris. – Salut<br />

raportul referitor la recunoaşterea agriculturii ca sector<br />

strategic în contextul securităţii alimentare dar, în acelaşi<br />

timp, îmi exprim regretul pentru faptul că Parlamentul a<br />

decis să aloce atât de puţin timp pentru dezbaterea<br />

acestuia. Tema este cu atât mai actuală în această<br />

perioadă, în care am devenit conştienţi de modul în care<br />

criza alimentară poate afecta stabilitatea statelor. Revolta<br />

din Tunisia a avut printre motivaţii scumpirea<br />

alimentelor. Algeria, India, Bangladesh sunt state în care<br />

scumpirea alimentelor a provocat tensiuni serioase.<br />

Sporirea culturilor de biodiesel, speculaţiile financiare,<br />

reorientarea extrem de rapidă a producătorilor către<br />

culturi agricole mai rentabile, nu în ultimul rând,<br />

schimbarea obiceiurilor alimentare ale cetăţenilor multor<br />

state sunt, de asemenea, teme noi, legate strâns de<br />

subiectul raportului de astăzi.<br />

Un comentariu final: într-un top al vulnerabilităţii la<br />

creşterea preţului alimentelor, realizat de o bancă<br />

japoneză, dintre 40 de ţări cele mai vulnerabile, patru<br />

sunt membre ale Uniunii Europene, un alt stat va deveni<br />

curând membru al UE, iar 3 state sunt vecini imediaţi ai<br />

Uniunii. Un top interesant care trebuie să ne dea de<br />

gândit.<br />

1-245<br />

Iosif Matula (PPE), în scris. – Creşterea cererii de<br />

alimente la nivel global, ca efect al creşterii populaţiei<br />

planetei, se reflectă în mod evident asupra resurselor<br />

naturale de hrană şi implică noi reglementări şi precauţii<br />

în domeniul securităţii alimentare. UE are misiunea<br />

prioritară de a garanta statelor membre dreptul la<br />

securitate alimentară şi de a susţine ţările în curs de<br />

dezvoltare să atingă un nivel adecvat de siguranţă<br />

alimentară. Consider importantă promovarea producţiei<br />

şi comercializării alimentelor tradiţionale locale.<br />

Produsele alimentare cu referinţă regională prezintă<br />

multiple beneficii prin: costurile reduse de transport şi<br />

reducerea riscului de perisabilitate. Există multe regiuni<br />

cu un pronunţat potenţial agricol neexploatat din cauza<br />

unor dezechilibre în plan social sau economic, pe fondul<br />

accentuării îmbătrânirii populaţiei rurale sau<br />

industrializării. Astfel, importante suprafeţe agricole nu<br />

sunt utilizate eficient. Un rol cheie în asigurarea<br />

securităţii alimentare îl pot avea autorităţile regionale<br />

prin sprijinirea capacităţii agricole a regiunilor ce deţin<br />

acest potenţial. UE este unul dintre liderii mondiali în<br />

domeniul cercetării şi inovării, inclusiv în agricultură.<br />

Cu o majoritate a populaţiei urbane în continuă creştere,<br />

apare o nouă provocare: cât de prioritară este<br />

dezvoltarea agriculturii urbane în vederea asigurării<br />

securităţii alimentare, prin diverse modele cum ar fi<br />

agricultura urbana pe verticală?<br />

1-246<br />

Pavel Poc (S&D), písemně. – Chápeme-li zemědělství<br />

jako strategické odvětví, pak nezbytnou podmínkou<br />

zajištění bezpečnosti dodávek potravin je soběstačnost<br />

EU minimálně na úrovni produkce základních potravin a<br />

krmiv. Závislost EU na dovozu zemědělských produktů<br />

způsobuje růst cen potravin a poškozuje jejich přímé<br />

producenty v obchodním řetězci. Podle Organizace OSN<br />

pro výživu a zemědělství (FAO) by se do roku 2050<br />

mohla poptávka po potravinách a krmivech zvýšit o<br />

70 %. Bude proto třeba uplatnit všechny formy<br />

zemědělství, které jsou k dispozici, a významně podpořit<br />

finanční investice do vědy a výzkumu v této oblasti.<br />

Účinné využívání tradičních zemědělských odrůd, které<br />

jsou pro určité regiony charakteristické, také vyžaduje<br />

větší podporu a zájem veřejnosti. Například posouzení<br />

environmentálního dopadu produkce potravin a<br />

přepravních vzdáleností je pro spotřebitele snadno<br />

srozumitelné. Současné až 50% plýtvání v rámci celého<br />

řetězce výroby nebo neúměrný růst nákladní dopravy<br />

nejsou faktory slučitelné se zajištěním bezpečnosti<br />

potravinových dodávek. Nelze předstírat snahu o<br />

zajištění bezpečnosti dodávek potravin ani ochranu<br />

životního prostředí a současně tolerovat závislost na<br />

dovozu produktů vypěstovaných na jiném kontinentě a<br />

dovážených tisíce kilometrů. Taková praxe vytváří<br />

obrovskou ekologickou stopu a současně nutí rozvojové<br />

země dovážet téměř veškeré potřebné potraviny, činí je<br />

závislými, ničí jejich hospodářství, zbídačuje jejich<br />

obyvatelstvo a ničí jejich životní prostředí.

76 17-01-2011<br />

1-247<br />

22 - Ordine del giorno della prossima<br />

seduta: vedasi processo verbale<br />

1-248<br />

23 - Chiusura della seduta<br />

1-249<br />

(La seduta è tolta alle 23.30)


В настоящото издание (достъпно и в интернет - вж.<br />

страница последна) всяко изказване фигурира на<br />

езика, използван от оратора. Окончателно издание<br />

е достъпно едва впоследствие. Ораторите, които<br />

желаят в текста на изказванията им да бъдат<br />

нанесени корекции, следва да ги представят на<br />

Отдел "Протоколи и пълни стенографски протоколи<br />

на пленарни заседания" в едноседмичен срок<br />

на адреса, посочен на страница последна (по<br />

електронна поща поставете в полето "Относно"<br />

"CRE / дата").<br />


La presente edición (disponible también en Internet -<br />

véase última página) contiene todas las intervenciones<br />

en la lengua usada por el orador. La edición<br />

definitiva estará disponible posteriormente. Las<br />

correcciones que los oradores deseen efectuar en el<br />

texto de su intervención deben enviarse a la Unidad de<br />

Actas y Actas Literales de la Sesión Plenaria en el plazo<br />

de una semana a la dirección que figura en la última<br />

página (para el e-mail: asunto «CRE / fecha»).<br />


V tomto vydání (které je rovněž k dispozici na<br />

internetu – viz poslední strana) je každé vystoupení<br />

zaznamenáno v jazyce, ve kterém je řečník přednesl.<br />

Řečníci, kteří si přejí provést opravy ve znění svých<br />

vystoupení, mohou do jednoho týdne předat opravy<br />

oddělení pro doslovný záznam a zápis z plenárního<br />

zasedání na adresu uvedenou na poslední straně (v<br />

příslušném e-mailu uvést v předmětu zprávy (subject):<br />

„CRE / datum“).<br />


Denne udgave (findes også på internettet - se sidste<br />

side) indeholder samtlige taler på det af taleren<br />

anvendte sprog. En endelig udgave offentliggøres<br />

senere. Enheden for Plenarmødeprotokoller og -<br />

referater bør inden en uge, på den adresse der er<br />

angivet på sidste side, underrettes om de ændringer,<br />

som talerne måtte ønske at foretage i deres indlæg<br />

(ved henvendelse pr. e-mail, skriv venligst "CRE / dato"<br />

under "subject").<br />


Diese Ausgabe (auch im Internet abrufbar — siehe<br />

hintere Umschlagseite) enthält alle Reden in der vom<br />

Redner verwendeten Sprache. Eine endgültige Ausgabe<br />

wird später veröffentlicht. Etwaige Korrekturen,<br />

die die Redner am Text ihrer Reden vorzunehmen<br />

wünschen, sollten innerhalb einer Woche dem Referat<br />

Plenarprotokolle an die auf der Rückseite angegebene<br />

Adresse zugesandt werden (für E-Mail: im Betreff<br />

erwähnen: CRE / Datum).<br />


Käesolevas versioonis (mis on kättesaadav ka internetis<br />

– vt viimast lehekülge) on toodud kõikide sõnavõttude<br />

originaaltekstid. Lõplik versioon avaldatakse hiljem.<br />

Sõnavõtjatel, kes soovivad oma sõnavõtus teha<br />

muudatusi, palutakse edastada muudatused ühe<br />

nädala jooksul täiskogu istungite protokollide üksusele<br />

viimasel leheküljel toodud aadressil (e-posti puhul<br />

märkida teemaks „CRE / kuupäev”).<br />

Списък на съкращенията на политическите групи<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

Група на Европейската народна партия (Християндемократи)<br />

Група на прогресивния алианс на социалистите и демократите в<br />

Европейския парламент<br />

Група на Алианса на либералите и демократите за Европа<br />

Група на Зелените/Европейски свободен алианс<br />

Европейски консерватори и реформисти<br />

Конфедеративна група на Европейската обединена левица -<br />

Северна зелена левица<br />

Група „Европа на свободата и демокрацията”<br />

Независими членове<br />

Lista de las siglas de los grupos políticos<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

Grupo del Partido Popular Europeo (Demócrata-cristianos)<br />

Grupo de la Alianza Progresista de los Socialistas y Demócratas en<br />

el Parlamento Europeo<br />

Grupo de la Alianza de los Demócratas y Liberales por <strong>Europa</strong><br />

Grupo de los Verdes/Alianza Libre Europea<br />

Grupo de los Conservadores y Reformistas Europeos<br />

Grupo Confederal de la Izquierda Unitaria Europea/Izquierda Verde<br />

Nórdica<br />

Grupo <strong>Europa</strong> de la Libertad y de la Democracia<br />

No inscritos<br />

Seznam zkratek politických skupin<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

Skupina Evropské lidové strany (Křesťanští demokraté)<br />

Skupina Pokrokové aliance socialistů a demokratů v Evropském<br />

parlamentu<br />

Skupina Aliance liberálů a demokratů pro Evropu<br />

Skupina Zelených/Evropské svobodné aliance<br />

Skupina Evropských konzervativců a reformistů<br />

Skupina konfederace Evropské sjednocené levice a Severské zelené<br />

levice<br />

Skupina Evropa svobody a demokracie<br />

Nezařazení poslanci<br />

Liste over forkortelserne for de politiske grupper<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

Det Europæiske Folkepartis gruppe (Kristelige Demokrater)<br />

Gruppen for Det Progressive Forbund af Socialdemokrater i <strong>Europa</strong>-<br />

Parlamentet<br />

Gruppen Alliancen af Liberale og Demokrater for <strong>Europa</strong><br />

Gruppen De Grønne/Den Europæiske Fri Alliance<br />

Gruppen De Europæiske Konservative og Reformister<br />

Den Europæiske Venstrefløjs Fællesgruppe/Nordisk Grønne Venstre<br />

Gruppen for Europæisk Frihed og Demokrati<br />

Løsgængere<br />

Liste der Abkürzungen der Fraktionen<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

Fraktion der Europäischen Volkspartei (Christdemokraten)<br />

Fraktion der Progressiven Allianz der Sozialisten & Demokraten<br />

im Europäischen Parlament<br />

Fraktion der Allianz der Liberalen und Demokraten für <strong>Europa</strong><br />

Fraktion der Grünen / Freie Europäische Allianz<br />

Fraktion Europäische Konservative und Reformisten<br />

Konföderale Fraktion der Vereinigten Europäischen<br />

Linken/Nordische Grüne Linke<br />

Fraktion <strong>Europa</strong> der Freiheit und der Demokratie<br />

Fraktionslos<br />

Fraktsioonide lühendite nimekiri<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

Euroopa Rahvapartei (kristlike demokraatide) fraktsioon<br />

Euroopa Parlamendi Sotsialistide ja Demokraatide Progressiivse<br />

Liidu fraktsioon<br />

Euroopa Demokraatide ja Liberaalide Liidu fraktsioon<br />

Roheliste / Euroopa Vabaliidu fraktsioon<br />

Euroopa Konservatiivide ja Reformistide fraktsioon<br />

Euroopa Ühendatud Vasakpoolsete / Põhjamaade Roheliste<br />

Vasakpoolsete liitfraktsioon<br />

Vaba ja Demokraatliku Euroopa fraktsioon<br />

fraktsioonilise kuuluvuseta parlamendiliikmed<br />

BG<br />

ES<br />

CS<br />

DA<br />

DE<br />



Η παρούσα έκδοση (διαθέσιμη και στο Διαδίκτυο - βλ.<br />

οπισθόφυλλο) περιέχει τα πρωτότυπα όλων των<br />

αγορεύσεων. Η τελική έκδοση θα είναι διαθέσιμη<br />

αργότερα. Οι αγορητές που επιθυμούν να επιφέρουν<br />

διορθώσεις στις αγορεύσεις τους καλούνται να τις<br />

διαβιβάσουν στη μονάδα Πρακτικών της Ολομέλειας<br />

στο αργότερο μέσα σε μία εβδομάδα στη διεύθυνση<br />

που αναγράφεται στο οπισθόφυλλο (για το e-mail: να<br />

αναγράφεται στο θέμα "CRE / ημερομηνία").<br />


This edition (also available on the Internet – see back<br />

cover) contains the texts of all speeches in the original<br />

<strong>language</strong> used by the speaker. The final edition will be<br />

available later. Speakers wishing to correct their<br />

speeches are requested to send any corrections<br />

within a week to the Plenary Records Unit at the<br />

address shown on the last page (if using e-mail,<br />

please enter ‘CRE / date’ in the subject line).<br />


Dans la présente édition (disponible également sur<br />

Internet - v. dernière page) chaque intervention figure<br />

dans la langue utilisée par l'orateur. Une édition<br />

définitive sera disponible ultérieurement. Les orateurs<br />

qui désirent voir apporter des corrections au texte de<br />

leur intervention sont priés de transmettre celles-ci à<br />

l'unité des Procès-verbaux et des Comptes rendus de<br />

la plénière dans un délai d'une semaine à l'adresse<br />

figurant en dernière page (pour l'e-mail: mentionner<br />

dans le sujet "CRE / date").<br />


Is é atá san eagrán seo (atá ar fáil ar an Idirlíon chomh<br />

maith - feic clúdach cúil) ná téacsanna bunaidh de<br />

gach aitheasc. Beidh eagrán deiridh ar fáil níos déanaí.<br />

Ba cheart do chainteoirí aon cheartúcháin a chur in<br />

iúl don Aonad do Thaifead na gCruinnithe Iomlánacha<br />

trí ríomhphost a sheoladh laistigh de sheachtain<br />

chuig an seoladh ar an leathanach deiridh (cuir<br />

'CRE/dáta' mar ábhar an ríomhphoist le do thoil).<br />


La presente edizione (disponibile anche su Internet<br />

all'indirizzo indicato all'ultima pagina) contiene tutti i<br />

discorsi nella lingua usata dall'oratore. L'edizione<br />

definitiva sarà pubblicata successivamente. Gli oratori<br />

che desiderino rivedere il testo dei loro interventi<br />

sono pregati di far pervenire le correzioni entro una<br />

settimana all'unità Processi verbali e resoconti<br />

integrali della seduta plenaria all'indirizzo indicato<br />

all'ultima pagina (per l'e-mail indicare nell'oggetto<br />

"CRE / data").<br />


Šajā izdevumā (pieejams arī internetā — sk. pēdējo<br />

lappusi) visas runas ir oriģinālajā valodā. Galīgā versija<br />

būs pieejama vēlāk. Runātāji, kas vēlas labot savas<br />

runas, tiek lūgti izlaboto tekstu vienas nedēļas laikā<br />

nosūtīt Plenārsēžu protokolu un stenogrammu<br />

nodaļai uz adresi, kura norādīta pēdējā lappusē (epastā<br />

kā tematu rakstīt: CRE / datums).<br />

Συντομογραφίες των πολιτικών ομάδων<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

Ομάδα τoυ Ευρωπαϊκoύ Λαϊκoύ Κόμματoς (Χριστιαvoδημoκράτες)<br />

Ομάδα της Προοδευτικής Συμμαχίας των Σοσιαλιστών και<br />

Δημοκρατών στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο<br />

Ομάδα της Συμμαχίας Φιλελευθέρων και Δημοκρατών για την<br />

Ευρώπη<br />

Ομάδα τωv Πρασίvωv / Ευρωπαϊκή Ελεύθερη Συμμαχία<br />

Ευρωπαίοι Συντηρητικοί και Μεταρρυθμιστές<br />

Συνομοσπονδιακή Ομάδα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ενωτικής<br />

Αριστεράς/Αριστερά των Πρασίνων των Βορείων Χωρών<br />

Ευρώπη ελευθερίας και δημοκρατίας<br />

Μη Εγγεγραμμένοι<br />

List of abbreviations denoting political groups<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)<br />

Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the<br />

European Parliament<br />

Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe<br />

Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance<br />

European Conservatives and Reformists Group<br />

Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left<br />

Europe of Freedom and Democracy Group<br />

Non-attached Members<br />

Liste des sigles des groupes politiques<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

Groupe du Parti populaire européen (Démocrates-Chrétiens)<br />

Groupe de l'Alliance progressiste des Socialistes et Démocrates au<br />

Parlement européen<br />

Groupe Alliance des démocrates et des libéraux pour l'Europe<br />

Groupe des Verts/Alliance libre européenne<br />

Groupe des Conservateurs et Réformistes européens<br />

Groupe confédéral de la Gauche unitaire européenne/Gauche verte<br />

nordique<br />

Groupe Europe Liberté Démocratie<br />

Non-inscrits<br />

Liosta de ghiorrúcháin na ngrúpaí polaitiúla<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

Grúpa Pháirtí an Phobail Eorpaigh (Na Daonlathaithe Críostaí)<br />

An Grúpa d’Aontas Forchéimnitheach na Sóisialaithe agus na<br />

nDaonlathaithe i bParlaimint na hEorpa<br />

Grúpa Chomhghuaillíocht na Liobrálaithe agus na nDaonlathaithe<br />

An Grúpa Glas/Grúpa na Saor-Chomhghuaillíochta Eorpaí<br />

An Grúpa do Choimeádaigh agus Leasaitheoirí na hEorpa<br />

Grúpa Cónasctha den Chlé Aontaithe Eorpach - den Chlé Ghlas<br />

Nordach<br />

An Grúpa d’Eoraip na Saoirse agus an Daonlathais<br />

Feisirí Neamhcheangailte<br />

Elenco delle sigle dei gruppi politici<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

Gruppo del Partito popolare europeo (Democratico Cristiano)<br />

Gruppo dell'Alleanza Progressista di Socialisti e Democratici al<br />

Parlamento europeo<br />

Gruppo dell'Alleanza dei Democratici e dei Liberali per l'<strong>Europa</strong><br />

Gruppo Verde/Alleanza libera europea<br />

Gruppo dei Conservatori e Riformisti europei<br />

Gruppo confederale della Sinistra unitaria europea/Sinistra verde<br />

nordica<br />

Gruppo <strong>Europa</strong> della libertà e della democrazia<br />

Non iscritti<br />

Saraksts ar politisko grupu saīsinājumiem<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

<strong>Eiropas</strong> Tautas partijas grupa (Kristīgie demokrāti)<br />

<strong>Eiropas</strong> Parlamenta sociālistu un demokrātu progresīvās alianses<br />

grupa<br />

<strong>Eiropas</strong> Liberāļu un demokrātu apvienības grupa<br />

Zaļo un <strong>Eiropas</strong> Brīvās apvienības grupa<br />

<strong>Eiropas</strong> Konservatīvo un reformistu grupa<br />

<strong>Eiropas</strong> Apvienotā kreiso un Ziemeļvalstu Zaļo kreiso spēku<br />

konfederālā grupa<br />

grupa „Brīvības un demokrātijas Eiropa”<br />

Pie politiskajām grupām nepiederošie deputāti<br />

EL<br />

EN<br />

FR<br />

GA<br />

IT<br />



Šioje redakcijoje (ją taip pat galima rasti internete – žr.<br />

paskutinį puslapį) pateikiami visų pranešimų tekstai<br />

originalo kalba. Galutinė redakcija bus paruošta<br />

vėliau. Kalbėjusiųjų, norinčių pataisyti savo<br />

pranešimus, prašome pateikti savo pataisymus<br />

Plenarinių posėdžių protokolų ir stenogramų skyriui<br />

paskutiniame puslapyje nurodytu adresu ne vėliau<br />

kaip per vieną savaitę (siunčiant el. paštu, dalyko<br />

skiltyje nurodykite CRE / data).<br />


A jelen kiadásban (amely az Interneten is<br />

hozzáférhető, ld. az utolsó oldalt) minden felszólalás a<br />

felszólaló által használt nyelven szerepel. A végleges<br />

kiadás elkészítésére később kerül sor. Azok a<br />

felszólalók, akik javításokat kívánnak tenni<br />

felszólalásuk szövegében, szíveskedjenek a kívánt<br />

javításokat egyhetes határidőn belül eljuttatni<br />

a plenáris ülések jegyzőkönyvéért és szó szerinti<br />

jegyzőkönyvéért felelős osztályhoz, az utolsó oldalon<br />

szereplő címre (az e-mailek tárgyában tüntesse fel a<br />

következőt: „CRE / dátum”).<br />


Din l-edizzjoni (li tinstab ukoll fuq l-Internet - ara lqoxra<br />

ta' wara) fiha t-testi oriġinali tad-diskorsi kollha.<br />

L-edizzjoni finali tkun disponibbli aktar 'il quddiem.<br />

Dawk li jixtiequ jikkoreġu d-diskors tagħhom huma<br />

mitluba li jgħaddu, fi żmien ġimgħa, l-verżjonijiet<br />

riveduti lill-Unità tal-Minuti u ta' l-Atti tal-Plenarja, flindirizz<br />

indikat fuq il-qoxra ta' wara (jekk tuża l-email,<br />

jekk jogħġbok ikteb CRE / id-data fil-linja indikata).<br />


Deze uitgave (ook te vinden op Internet - zie<br />

achterkant) omvat alle redevoeringen in de taal<br />

waarin zij zijn uitgesproken. Een definitieve versie in<br />

elk van de officiële talen zal op een later tijdstip<br />

verschijnen. Sprekers die verbeteringen in de tekst<br />

van hun redevoeringen wensen aan te brengen,<br />

kunnen deze binnen een week aan de Afdeling<br />

notulen en volledig verslag plenaire vergaderingen<br />

op het op de achterkant aangegeven adres doen<br />

toekomen (Voor e-mail: onder onderwerp vermelden:<br />

CRE / datum).<br />


Niniejsze wydanie (dostępne również na stronach<br />

internetowych - zob. ostatnia strona) zawiera teksty<br />

wszystkich przemówień w językach mówców.<br />

Wydanie ostateczne będzie dostępne później. Mówcy,<br />

którzy chcieliby wnieść poprawki do tekstu swojego<br />

przemówienia, proszeni są o przesłanie poprawek do<br />

Wydziału protokołów i stenogramów z posiedzenia<br />

plenarnego w terminie jednego tygodnia na adres<br />

podany na ostatniej stronie (zaznaczając w temacie<br />

wiadomości e-mail: CRE / data).<br />


A presente edição (também disponível na Internet - cf.<br />

última página) contém todas as intervenções na<br />

língua utilizada pelo respectivo orador. A edição<br />

definitiva será publicada ulteriormente. As correcções<br />

que os oradores desejem efectuar no texto das<br />

respectivas intervenções devem ser transmitidas, no<br />

prazo de uma semana, à Unidade da Acta e do Relato<br />

Integral das Sessões, para o endereço que figura na<br />

última página deste caderno (para a transmissão via<br />

e-mail, é necessário inscrever a menção "CRE / data"<br />

no campo assunto).<br />

Frakcijų pavadinimų sutrumpinimų sąrašas<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

Europos liaudies partijos (krikščionių demokratų) frakcija<br />

Europos Parlamento socialistų ir demokratų pažangiojo aljanso<br />

frakcija<br />

Liberalų ir demokratų aljanso už Europą frakcija<br />

Žaliųjų frakcija / Europos laisvasis aljansas<br />

Europos konservatorių ir reformuotojų frakcija<br />

Europos vieningųjų kairiųjų jungtinė frakcija / Šiaurės šalių žalieji<br />

kairieji<br />

Laisvos ir demokratiškos Europos frakcija<br />

Nepriklausomi nariai<br />

A képviselőcsoportok betűszó szerinti listája<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

az Európai Néppárt (Kereszténydemokraták) képviselőcsoportja<br />

az Európai Szocialisták és Demokraták Progresszív Szövetsége<br />

képviselőcsoport<br />

Liberálisok és Demokraták Szövetsége Európáért képviselőcsoport<br />

a Zöldek/Európai Szabad Szövetség képviselőcsoport<br />

Európai Konzervatívok és Reformisták képviselőcsoport<br />

az Egységes Európai Baloldal/Északi Zöld Baloldal képviselőcsoport<br />

a Szabadság és Demokrácia Európája képviselőcsoport<br />

független képviselők<br />

Lista ta' abbrevjazzonijiet ta' gruppi politiċi<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

Grupp tal-Partit Popolari Ewropew (Demokristjani)<br />

Grupp tal-Alleanza Progressiva tas-Soċjalisti u d-Demokratiċi fil-<br />

Parlament Ewropew<br />

Grupp ta' l-Alleanza tal-Liberali u d-Demokratiċi għall-Ewropa<br />

Grupp tal-Ħodor/Alleanza Ħielsa Ewropea<br />

Konservattivi u Riformisti Ewropej<br />

Grupp Konfederali tax-Xellug Magħqud Ewropew - Xellug Aħdar<br />

Nordiku<br />

Grupp għall-Ewropa ħielsa u demokratika<br />

Membri mhux affiljati<br />

Lijst van afkortingen van de fracties<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

Fractie van de Europese Volkspartij (Christen-democraten)<br />

Fractie van de Progressieve Alliantie van Socialisten en Democraten<br />

in het Europees Parlement<br />

Fractie Alliantie van Liberalen en Democraten voor <strong>Europa</strong><br />

Fractie De Groenen/Vrije Europese Alliantie<br />

Fractie Europese Conservatieven en Hervormers<br />

Confederale Fractie Europees Unitair Links/Noords Groen Links<br />

<strong>Europa</strong> van Vrijheid en Democratie<br />

Niet-ingeschrevenen<br />

Lista skrótów grup politycznych<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

Grupa Europejskiej Partii Ludowej (Chrześcijańscy Demokraci)<br />

Grupa Postępowego Sojuszu Socjalistów i Demokratów w<br />

Parlamencie Europejskim<br />

Grupa Porozumienia Liberałów i Demokratów na rzecz Europy<br />

Grupa Zielonych / Wolne Przymierze Europejskie<br />

Grupa Europejskich Konserwatystów i Reformistów<br />

Konfederacyjna Grupa Zjednoczonej Lewicy Europejskiej / Nordycka<br />

Zielona Lewica<br />

Grupa Europy Wolności i Demokracji<br />

Niezrzeszeni<br />

Lista das siglas dos grupos políticos<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

Grupo do Partido Popular Europeu (Democratas-Cristãos)<br />

Grupo da Aliança Progressista dos Socialistas e Democratas no<br />

Parlamento Europeu<br />

Grupo da Aliança dos Democratas e Liberais pela <strong>Europa</strong><br />

Grupo dos Verdes/Aliança Livre Europeia<br />

Grupo dos Conservadores e Reformistas Europeus<br />

Grupo Confederal da Esquerda Unitária Europeia/Esquerda Nórdica<br />

Verde<br />

Grupo <strong>Europa</strong> da Liberdade e da Democracia<br />

Não-inscritos<br />

LT<br />

HU<br />

MT<br />

NL<br />

PL<br />



În prezenta ediție (disponibilă și pe internet –<br />

consultați ultima pagină), fiecare intervenție figurează<br />

în limba utilizată de către vorbitor. Ediția definitivă va<br />

fi disponibilă la o dată ulterioară. Vorbitorii care<br />

doresc să aducă modificări textului intervenției lor<br />

sunt rugați să le transmită în termen de o<br />

săptămână Unității Procese-verbale și Stenograme<br />

Ședințe Plenare, la adresa indicată pe ultima pagină<br />

(în cazul trimiterilor pe e-mail: menționați la rubrica<br />

subiect „CRE/data”).<br />


Toto vydanie, ktoré sa nachádza aj na internete (pozri<br />

poslednú stranu), obsahuje znenie všetkých prejavov<br />

uvedené v pôvodnom jazyku rečníka. Konečná verzia<br />

bude k dispozícii neskôr. Rečníci, ktorí chcú vložiť<br />

opravy do svojich prejavov, môžu zaslať všetky opravy<br />

na adresu Oddelenia pre zápisnice a doslovné zápisy z<br />

plenárnej schôdze uvedenú na poslednej strane, a to<br />

do jedného týždňa (ak ide o e-mailovú korešpondenciu,<br />

treba uviesť ako predmet = CRE / dátum).<br />


V začasni različici (na razpolago tudi na svetovnem<br />

spletu - glej hrbtno stran) so govori v jeziku, v katerem<br />

je govorec nastopil. Naknadno bo na razpolago tudi<br />

končna različica. Govorci, ki želijo vnesti popravke v<br />

besedilo svojega govora, naj jih v roku enega tedna<br />

posredujejo službi za zapisnike in dobesedne zapise<br />

plenarnega zasedanja na naslov, naveden na hrbtni<br />

strani (prek elektronske pošte: omenjeno v zadevi<br />

"CRE / datum").<br />


Julkaisu (joka on saatavilla myös Internetissä – katso<br />

takakansi) sisältää kaikkien puheiden alkuperäiset<br />

versiot. Lopullinen julkaisu ilmestyy myöhemmin.<br />

Puhujia, jotka haluavat tehdä korjauksia puheisiinsa,<br />

pyydetään toimittamaan korjatut versiot täysistuntopöytäkirjoista<br />

ja sanatarkoista istuntoselostuksista<br />

vastaavalle yksikölle viikon kuluessa takakannessa<br />

mainittuun osoitteeseen (sähköpostia varten:<br />

asiakenttään maininta "CRE / päivämäärä").<br />


Denna utgåva (som också finns tillgänglig på Internet<br />

– se nedan) innehåller samtliga anföranden på<br />

originalspråket. En slutlig <strong>version</strong> kommer att<br />

offentliggöras senare. Talare som önskar justera sina<br />

anföranden ombeds skicka den justerade <strong>version</strong>en<br />

till enheten för plenarsammanträdesprotokoll inom<br />

en vecka, se adress nedan (för e-post: ange som<br />

ärende ”CRE / datum”).<br />

Lista siglelor grupurilor politice<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

Grupul Partidului Popular European (Creștin Democrat)<br />

Grupul Alianței Progresiste a Socialiștilor și Democraților din<br />

Parlamentul European<br />

Grupul Alianței Liberalilor și Democraților pentru <strong>Europa</strong><br />

Grupul Verzilor/Alianța Liberă Europeană<br />

Grupul Conservatorilor și Reformiștilor Europeni<br />

Grupul Confederal al Stângii Unite Europene/Stânga Verde Nordică<br />

Grupul <strong>Europa</strong> Libertății și Democrației<br />

Deputați neafiliați<br />

Zoznam skratiek politických skupín<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

Poslanecký klub Európskej ľudovej strany (kresťanských<br />

demokratov)<br />

Skupina Pokrokovej aliancie socialistov a demokratov v Európskom<br />

parlamente<br />

Skupina Aliancie liberálov a demokratov za Európu<br />

Skupina zelených/Európska slobodná aliancia<br />

Európski konzervatívci a reformisti<br />

Konfederatívna skupina Európskej zjednotenej ľavice - Severskej<br />

zelenej ľavice<br />

Skupina Európa slobody a demokracie<br />

Nezaradení poslanci<br />

Seznam kratic političnih skupin<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

skupina Evropske ljudske stranke (krščanskih demokratov)<br />

skupina Napredne zveze socialistov in demokratov v Evropskem<br />

parlamentu<br />

skupina Zavezništva liberalcev in demokratov za Evropo<br />

skupina Zelenih/Evropske svobodne zveze<br />

skupina Evropskih konservativcev in reformistov<br />

konfederalna skupina Evropske združene levice - Zelene nordijske<br />

levice<br />

skupina Evropa svobode in demokracije<br />

samostojni poslanci<br />

Poliittisten ryhmien lyhenteet<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />

Euroopan kansanpuolueen (kristillisdemokraatit) ryhmä<br />

Euroopan parlamentin sosialistien ja demokraattien progressiivisen<br />

liiton ryhmä<br />

Euroopan liberaalidemokraattien liiton ryhmä<br />

Vihreät / Euroopan vapaa allianssi -ryhmä<br />

Euroopan konservatiivit ja reformistit<br />

Euroopan yhtyneen vasemmiston konfederaatioryhmä /<br />

Pohjoismaiden vihreä vasemmisto<br />

Vapaa ja demokraattinen Eurooppa<br />

Sitoutumattomat<br />

Förteckning över förkortningarna för de politiska grupperna<br />

PPE<br />

S&D<br />

ALDE<br />

Verts/ALE<br />

ECR<br />

GUE/NGL<br />

EFD<br />

NI<br />


Secrétariat général - Procès-verbaux et Comptes rendus de la Plénière<br />

L-2929 LUXEMBOURG<br />

e-mail : pv-cre@europarl.europa.eu<br />

Internet : http://www.europarl.europa.eu<br />

(aller vers: "Activités", "Plénière", "Débats")<br />

Europeiska folkpartiets grupp (kristdemokrater)<br />

Gruppen Progressiva alliansen av socialister och demokrater i<br />

<strong>Europa</strong>parlamentet<br />

Gruppen Alliansen liberaler och demokrater för <strong>Europa</strong><br />

Gruppen De gröna/Europeiska fria alliansen<br />

Gruppen Europeiska konservativa och reformister<br />

Gruppen Europeiska enade vänstern/Nordisk grön vänster<br />

Gruppen Frihet och demokrati i <strong>Europa</strong><br />

Grupplösa<br />

RO<br />

SK<br />

SL<br />

FI<br />


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