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WRD REPORT 2012<br />

<strong>EUROPE</strong><br />

Central and Eastern Europe (please see individual country summaries below)<br />

There was very good placement of the Angelina Jolie PSA for free, which was aired more than 490 times on 35 channels in five countries in Central Europe<br />

between 14 and 25 June, despite competition from paid advertisements during EURO12. Contacting high-level decision makers worked best in securing<br />

space, as well as pitching the spot as part of a global campaign.<br />

• Television remains the best way to reach a mass audience. Just one broadcast of the Angelina Jolie PSA on M1 in Hungary on 14 June, reached more than<br />

630,000 people. One broadcast in Poland on TVP1 (22 June) reached 2.3 million people, according to TVP reports.<br />

• A localized dilemmas campaign web page was developed in six languages, and launched on 14 July. Together, the site had some 9,000 unique visits<br />

between 14 June and 1 July, with people spending an average of 6 minutes on the site. This is more than twice as long as visitors normally spend on<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong>’s site in CE, suggesting people engaged with the campaign, did the quiz and watched the videos. (In Poland, the average visitor spent 10 minutes on<br />

the WRD 2012 campaign site)<br />

• Media websites drove most of the traffic to our campaign pages with campaign banners placed pro bono or direct links with text. Some media outlets<br />

were reluctant to run banners, which drive traffic away from their sites; others won’t run free banners with logos as they attract VAT for the media<br />

company.<br />

• Direct contact with journalists and editors worked best in securing media coverage for WRD. In Bulgaria, <strong>UNHCR</strong> was in the news every day between 14<br />

and 21 June. In Poland, the Global Trends report received massive coverage reaching a (conservative) estimate of 3 million people. Three <strong>UNHCR</strong> staff was<br />

interviewed on major influential TV programs during the campaign period.<br />

Across the region, some 144 media items appeared on WRD, including 20 interviews with <strong>UNHCR</strong> on major electronic media.<br />

• Novel approaches to placing the PSA saw our WRD spot placed on all flights of Bulgaria’s national airline reaching 44,000 passengers. A partnership with<br />

an indoor publicity company led to the PSA running every 9 minutes in 43 subway stations, supermarkets and airport terminals. The city bus company in<br />

Ljubljana, Slovenia, ran the spot on all its buses between 13 and 20 June (see the photo in the annex.)<br />

• The campaign generated record numbers of people viewing our regional English language Facebook page. The peak day was June 20 when we reached<br />

26,084 people. Overall in June, we gained 335 new fans (twice as many as the previous month) and 907 people were talking about our page - - a four-fold<br />

increase from the previous month.<br />

• A key lesson is to ensure campaign materials (banners & PSA) are ready earlier to secure more pro bono support from the media. This will allow us to<br />

show the final 2 spot to decision makers and secure more spaces earlier, freeing up valuable time just before WRD to focus on media relations.<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

Central Europe WRD campaign focus<br />

The <strong>UNHCR</strong> Regional Representation for Central Europe (RRCE) 1 adapted the global dilemmas campaign for World Refugee Day (WRD) in 2012, with<br />

elements of the campaign and the Angelina Jolie PSA used in local languages in five countries (Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland and Slovenia) with a PI<br />

presence and on the regional English language online platforms. The decision to adapt the global campaign was reached at the Regional PI meeting in mid-<br />

May 2012. While staff liked the idea behind the dilemmas campaign, it was felt the final messaging and execution (i.e. campaign materials, pictures and<br />

slogans) did not really fit the refugee situation in the region. The PI team was keen to revive the message on smuggling that had been signaled in earlier<br />

campaign concept notes. This left little time to adapt, produce and place materials and content but the regional team worked very hard to achieve good<br />

results.<br />

Lessons learned<br />

• Making personal contact and engaging with the media directly worked well. Fostering relations and a sustained campaign approach, offering new, unique<br />

and relevant content throughout, helped build trust between <strong>UNHCR</strong> and the media.<br />

• Being a co-sponsor of community events worked well in Bulgaria, leaving <strong>UNHCR</strong> free of the logistical tasks in event management and able to focus on<br />

media relations, interviews and social media.<br />

• Personal contacts and targeting high level management worked best in placing the PSA and the banners in the media.<br />

• Having all campaign materials – PSA, banner, videos, and website – available earlier would help securing pro bono support for the campaign, and free up<br />

staff to work on media relations and coverage for WRD.<br />

• The local calls to action require much more focused promotion. PI staff needs to find new angles to promote this over summer.<br />

• The campaign focus was finalized rather late (only at the PI meeting in mid-May) and while staff made Herculean efforts to pull everything off in time, we<br />

did perhaps take too much on in a short time period. In less than a month, the campaign was localized, built the websites in six languages, liaised with NGOs<br />

to develop the calls to action, developed local dilemmas for national sites, produced three local videos, translated the PSA and all campaign videos<br />

coordinating postproduction for six language versions, placed the PSA and web banners, conducted media relations, gave interviews and organized events.<br />

This may have overly dispersed our energies in some markets. Not all the local content was ready in time to build into media and social media plans.<br />

• Still, a lot was achieved in a short space of time and I really commend the members of the Central Europe PI team for their dedication and congratulate<br />

them on their success.<br />

Western Europe (please see individual country summaries below)<br />

On WRD, the <strong>UNHCR</strong> Representation to the European Institutions in Strasbourg co-organized and (spoke as experts in) an awareness-raising and consensusbuilding<br />

internal roundtable to prohibit the detention of unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) seeking asylum in Europe with the Council of<br />

Europe’s Children’s Rights Unit. Other speakers were from the European Court of Human Rights and other relevant EU authorities. The related legal<br />

standards and practices were discussed. On 19 June, the film “Eden à l'Ouest” by Costa-Gavras was screened at a cinema, followed by a debate with Jean-<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

Paul Costa, former President of the European Court of Human Rights and <strong>UNHCR</strong> Strasbourg Representative. Participants were sensitized about the<br />

difficulties faced by asylum seekers travelling to and arriving in Europe. A debate “How to Ensure respect for Human Rights in Europe” co-organised with a<br />

local NGO was held at the regional school for attorneys. <strong>UNHCR</strong> Rep, Assistant to the Mayor and CoE Commissioner for Human Rights informed the<br />

attending 60 lawyers, future attorneys and judges of the main challenges faced by refugees in Europe.<br />

Albania<br />

Handcrafts exhibition of Refugee Women – World Refugee Day<br />

On the occasion of World Refugee Day 2012, an exhibition with handicrafts of refugee Women in Albania was opened in the premises of the UN offices. The<br />

exhibition was initiated by the local Implementing Partner of UNCHR Tirana, Refugee Migrant Services in Albania and it was facilitated by them. The<br />

exhibition stayed open for three days and it consisted in about 50 items produced by all refugee women residing in Tirana (the capital). Refugee women<br />

used the opportunity to identify themselves through their work. They managed accurately. They included in their work parts of their past from the<br />

countries they are coming, pieces of art and culture, inherited techniques of preparing the handicrafts, and they feel other features they feel proud it<br />

belongs to their identity. Many of them see the handcrafting as a very efficient tool for integration in the country, given also many other difficulties to be<br />

adapted to the reality. It was worth to be mentioned that the women that were presented through this activity were from a very young age, 18-19 years old<br />

till over 60 years old. Many of the exhibition visitors expressed their curiosity not only in seeing the products but also asking on the techniques and<br />

specificities of the works, “I am working as a needlewoman for the last one year to earn my living in Albania,” said N.A, one of the participants who also<br />

sought the government’s support for promoting their handicrafts. <strong>UNHCR</strong> Tirana and RMSA feel enthusiastic for including women and young girls in this<br />

initiative and make them part of the commemoration of this year World Refugee Day. They are both working to facilitate refugee artisans and one of the<br />

purposes of this exhibition was to initiate and find markets for their future works.<br />

A newspaper Supplement on World Refugee Day<br />

As three years ago, <strong>UNHCR</strong> Tirana chose to conduct another 4 pager newspaper supplement in one of the national independent newspapers. As per a<br />

request for offer conducted Shqiptarja.com, a recently established press media, but with well distinguished journalists, editors and staff was chosen as the<br />

best offer. The daily press run of the mentioned paper is 5,000 copies. Materials introduced in the supplement were chosen and reviewed by <strong>UNHCR</strong> Tirana.<br />

Other asylum subsystem actors were invited and involved to place their input in the supplement. In concrete terms the ones that contributed were the<br />

Directorate for Nationality and Refugees in the Ministry of Interior and the Local Implementing Partner; RMSA.<br />


TV Channels broadcasted PSA spot<br />

WRD REPORT 2012<br />

Three National TV channels broadcasted twice per day (on 20 June 2012) the PSA spot translated/duplicated into Albanian language.<br />

Every minute 8 people are forced to flee their home, because of war and persecution. No one chooses to be a refugee. Over 43 million people around the<br />

world have displaced from their home. Remember them on this day. All three of them showed the pot free of charge and expressed a high level of interest<br />

in being cooperative in occasions as such towards <strong>UNHCR</strong> Tirana.<br />

Commemoration of the World Refugee Day in the premises of the National Reception Centre for Asylum Seekers, Babrru – Tirana<br />

On 20 th of June the Directorate for Nationality and Refugees (Ministry of Interior), in cooperation with <strong>UNHCR</strong> National Office in Tirana organized also a<br />

gathering in the premises of the National Reception Centre for Asylum Seekers on the occasion of WRD. Government officials, donors, international and<br />

national civil society organizations, refugees and asylum seekers participated in this gathering. The Head of the Directorate for Refugees and Nationality in<br />

the Ministry of Interior, Mrs. Drita Avdyli, thanked in her speech all, in a way or in another, have contributed and still contribute to the issue of refugees and<br />

other persons in the world who are in need of international protection. This is very precious and substantial contribution for the accomplishment of its<br />

international obligations by Albania, but above all it is a proof of the commitment of this country towards human rights in general and rights of refugees in<br />

particular.<br />

Summer Course for Refugee Children and Teenagers - Cultural Diversity and Refugee Integration<br />

A summer course for refugee children was organized in the framework of the World Refugee Day 2012 from 25 to 29 June 2012.<br />

11 refugee children of age 12-18 participated in it. It was perceived in a bi-dimensional approach; to build upon a theoretical framework of the concept of<br />

refugee while tried in the same time to involve the refugee youngsters in a multi-cultural environment in which experiences and activities will be merged<br />

throughout a week among the staff of the Reception centre, trainers and facilitators, <strong>UNHCR</strong> and refugee children. The idea was to place the refugee<br />

children in some premises outside the reception facilities, in the outskirts of Tirana, in order to act and inter-act independently from their daily routines.<br />

The activity was supported logistically by the staff of the Reception Centre and the formal permissions of the parents were ensured by the Social<br />

Counselors. The objective of this Summer Course was to increase the visibility of <strong>UNHCR</strong> to the public and achieve as well the full integration of refugees in<br />

Albania. A thorough evaluation process all the stages of the course was conducted by the trainers on a daily basis but also by the organizers, the Bethany<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

Advanced Training Centre. The participants appreciated the activity as very needed and interesting. They expressed very good impressions and opinions on<br />

all the aspects of this summer course. Certificates on the attend ace of Course were distributed the last day of the activity 29 June by the Head of <strong>UNHCR</strong><br />

National Office in Tirana<br />

Armenia<br />

This year’s World Refugee Day turned into a parade of public events organized by <strong>UNHCR</strong> Armenia and Partners, students, children, refugees and asylum<br />

seekers in Yerevan and in the regions. Official ceremonies, round tables and discussions, marches and flash-mobs, youth and media events, demonstration<br />

of WRD PSA-s, exhibitions and contests filled World Refugee Day 2012 commemorations through ensuring<br />

outmost WRD visibility throughout.<br />

World Refugee Day was, firstly, launched with Press Conference by the youth, the participants of a one-month<br />

project organized by Future is Yours Youth NGO aiming to raise awareness regarding refugees and WRD. This<br />

interview with the youth granted the opportunity for the audience to learn about refugee cause and give a<br />

better understanding of what it means to be a refugee. In the end, the children called for solidarity with<br />

refugees: There are millions of refugees who have lost everything. ‘One refugee family forced to flee is too<br />

many…’<br />

An official ceremony of signing a Memorandum of Understanding between <strong>UNHCR</strong> and the Human Rights<br />

Defender of the Republic of Armenia was held at the UN House with the participation of government officials,<br />

NGOs and UN colleagues. The event, co-hosted by Mr. Damtew Dessalegne, <strong>UNHCR</strong> Representative and Mr. Karen Andreasyan, Human Rights Defender,<br />

meant to build closer and even more constructive ties between the two offices to work hand in hand and give voice to the voiceless and empower the<br />

powerless.<br />

The specially produced WRD PSA with the participation of a prominent national footballer, Eduard Markarov,<br />

whose 70th anniversary was marked on 20 June, and Angelina Jolie’s WRD-2012 PSA were demonstrated during<br />

the event to raise the awareness of public on refugee perspective in Armenia and worldwide. The PSA-s were<br />

widely demonstrated during World Refugee week on 18 – 30 June 2012 during various events and on the screens<br />

of the city streets, monitors of Armenia International Airports, Moscow Cinema, through various public TV<br />


channels and social networks and at UN House.<br />

WRD REPORT 2012<br />

In the evening of June 20 <strong>UNHCR</strong>'s Partner, Women's Resource Centre Armenia organized WRD march with flash mob in the downtown of Yerevan to<br />

promote refugee women perspective worldwide. The participants, among them refugee women, passed their messages through the specially prepared<br />

sketch: T-shirts hanging on laundry rope with statements to describe how it feels to be a refugee woman, the sensations, challenges and the difficult path<br />

refugee women have to go through during the flight. One of the refugee women was telling her story of becoming a refugee.<br />

On 21 June, Mission Armenia NGO, <strong>UNHCR</strong>'s long-standing Partner on the social assistance to vulnerable elderly<br />

refugees, organized a World Refugee Day event in the Iraqi community, Darbnik village in Kotayk marz. The<br />

exhibition/sale of handicraft by refugees, combined with traditional goodies prepared and offered by refugees,<br />

made a splash. Concert with songs, dances and poem reciting by Iraqi refugees trimmed the event and<br />

performances by a dancing group comprising elderly refugees from Azerbaijan, made the event a real success.<br />

A drawing contest on refugee/WRD theme by children from the 4 refugee communities in Ararat marz (Nizami,<br />

Khachpar, Hayanist and Sis villages) was organized by Save the Children International in the youth centre of Sis<br />

village. The Sis village mayor mentioned in his welcoming speech that he was well aware refugees’ challenges<br />

and issues being once a refugee himself.<br />

On Thursday, 21 June morning, a group of 150 high-school students, the volunteers of Future of Yours NGO,<br />

Diaspora youth from Birth Right Armenia and Armenian Volunteer Corps, joined by UN colleagues organized a<br />

grandiose WRD march in the downtown of Yerevan.<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong> Armenia’s Partner, the Armenian Red Cross Society (ARCS) organized cuisine contest by asylum seekers and refugees in Lovers Park, a popular place<br />

in Yerevan. The traditional dishes prepared by refugees and asylum seekers were tested both by the visitors of the park and the invitees who were to vote<br />

for the ‘most delicious’ team. The contest results were announced, winners’ and encouragement prizes awarded.<br />

The Erebuni Plaza hall hosted around 200 guests from government institutions, diplomatic missions, local and international organizations, university and<br />

school children. The youth, high-school children and refugees, presented their achievements gained through the one-month, prior to WRD awarenessraising<br />

activities and promotion of refugee cause which Future is Yours NGO had organized for them with the support of <strong>UNHCR</strong> Armenia.<br />

WRD 2012 events ensured active participation and involvement of public. They gained the attention of wider audience thanks to excellent promotion of the<br />

World Refugee Day – 2012 combined with WRD/<strong>UNHCR</strong> visibility through specially produced<br />

Dilemma campaign posters, banners and T-shirts ‘Einstein was a refugee’ and 1 is too many; hats and <strong>UNHCR</strong> flags. WRD Press Release was issued, TV, print<br />

and electronic media covered the World Refugee Day events and held interviews with <strong>UNHCR</strong> Representative and Partners.<br />

Austria<br />

Youth plays and games, umbrella march, DVD, brochure<br />

Three refugee actors of the play "Die Reise" ("the journey"), currently staged in Vienna, told their own life stories and staged<br />

a play enacting their lives. Children then interactively developed their own stories and screened them as short plays on flight<br />

and asylum topics. Some 70 students participated in the "Model UN" simulation game where new resolutions for refugee<br />

protection (adapted to current refugee situations) were drafted, debated and voted on.<br />

Students represented the UN and <strong>UNHCR</strong>, member states, the World Bank, NGOs, etc. <strong>UNHCR</strong> Austria participated in the Austrian edition of the European<br />

umbrella march, which was followed by statements of refugees, NGOs, artists and <strong>UNHCR</strong>. On WRD, <strong>UNHCR</strong> released its new brochure "Look behind your<br />

prejudices" encouraging introspection on 7 widespread prejudices against asylum seekers and including testimonials from refugees. Some of these were<br />

interviewed for WRD by a radio station and press. Austria also disseminated the Dilemma campaign via the web and social media.<br />

The PSA was placed in cinemas and TV channels as well. The updated <strong>UNHCR</strong> DVD Protecting Refugees including new material , e.g., the film A Life on Hold<br />

on the global need for resettlement and the Marathon spot (in cooperation with DE; CH) - all translated or dubbed in German – was released.<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

Azerbaijan<br />

Azerbaijan – Event, Special Envoy’s PSA, Press Release and food distribution<br />

The 2012 World Refugee Day was observed at the International Mugam Centre in Baku, Azerbaijan on the 20th of June. The event was a joint venture with<br />

the Government of Azerbaijan and was attended by some 350 participants, including representatives of diplomatic corps, parliamentarians, high ranking<br />

Government officials, representatives of UN agencies and non-governmental organizations, as well as community representatives of refugee and internally<br />

displaced persons. Deputy Prime Minister, Head of the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs Ali Hasanov made the opening speech and highlighted the<br />

purpose and importance of celebrating World Refugee Day. He also underlined Azerbaijan’s own displacement problem with almost 600,000 internally<br />

displaced persons.<br />

The Public Service Announcement by <strong>UNHCR</strong> Special Envoy, Angelina Jolie, was followed by the speech of Dag Sigurdson, <strong>UNHCR</strong> Representative in<br />

Azerbaijan. A short slide show prepared by refugee youth living in Azerbaijan and illustrating their life story, challenges and aspirations was displayed for<br />

the audience. The official part was followed by a cultural performance organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. The programme<br />

included traditional and modern music performances. After the official part of the programme, the invited guests proceeded to the lobby where they could<br />

enjoy refreshments, intermingle and have a look and purchase handicraft items produced by refugee women.<br />

Through the joint efforts of <strong>UNHCR</strong> and the Government of Azerbaijan, the event successfully achieved its main objective of raising public awareness about<br />

the challenges of displacement both in Azerbaijan and around the globe. All major local television channels, news agencies and newspapers provided media<br />

coverage of the event.<br />

Special Envoy’s PSA<br />

The Public Service Announcement (PSA) by <strong>UNHCR</strong> Special Envoy Angelina Jolie was broadcasted from 18 June to 26 June 2012 by all major television<br />

channels of Azerbaijan, including regional ones.<br />

The PSA has been played on all digital monitors at Baku Subway stations and wagons since 16 June 2012 and on five monitors located in the busiest parts of<br />

the city since 21 June 2012. It is agreed to continue demonstrating the PSA on those monitors by 23 July 2012.<br />

The PSA was placed on the website of Azerbaijan State Telegraph Agency on 13 June 2012 as a multimedia material for the broader use by press agencies.<br />

Press Release<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

Press Release issued by the <strong>UNHCR</strong> Communications and Public Information Service was circulated among Azerbaijani media in English, French and<br />

Azerbaijani languages on 18 June 2012.<br />

Food distribution<br />

Thanks to an in-kind donation of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, Saudi Arabian International Non-Governmental Organisation, food assistance was<br />

delivered to refugees and asylum seekers registered by <strong>UNHCR</strong> Azerbaijan at the Refugee Women and Youth Centre on the eve of World Refugee Day 2012.<br />

Belarus<br />

Role-playing game “Youth on the run”<br />

On May 25—27, the Belarusian Red Cross Society with the support of the <strong>UNHCR</strong> Office in Belarus in the<br />

framework of the EU—<strong>UNHCR</strong> project “Local Integration of Refugees in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine”<br />

organised a role-playing game “Youth on the run” (a 24-hour simulation of the mass refugee flee situation). It<br />

was conducted near Logoisk (Minsk Region) for some 50 young people (including 18 volunteer instructors) to<br />

better familiarize with and understand refugee issues from the inside through imitating their hard way to a<br />

new life. The game was conducted with youth in order to promote tolerant attitude towards refugees and<br />

asylum-seekers, people who need protection and assistance in a new country for them. Such a game shows<br />

young people which problems people face when they try to get into another country for refuge.<br />

Republican Festival of National Cultures<br />

The 9th Republican Festival of National Cultures took place in Grodno on June 1-3, 2012. The number of participants has<br />

been increasing year to year; if the first festival featured only 11 ethnic associations, this year it hosted 33 of them.<br />

About 2,000 people participated in various events of the forum. These were artists, craftsmen, diplomatic missions,<br />

representatives of Belarusian communities abroad and delegations from twin-towns. <strong>UNHCR</strong> Representative in the<br />

Republic of Belarus, Ms. Sholeh Safavi, participated in the event for the 3rd time. She made a speech at the opening<br />

ceremony of the Festival, visited most of the ethnic booths, while focused on Georgian and Afghan stalls where refugee<br />

community members performed their dances, songs, cooked national dishes, etc.<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

Children’s Art Exhibition<br />

On June 6, 2012 the Children’s Art Exhibition, “Is it difficult to be a refugee?” was opened in the Museum of History of Minsk City. More than 100 works<br />

were exhibited; special place was given to refugee children works. It was really interesting to see how children from entire Belarus reflected their vision of<br />

the refugee problem. Through the participation in the contest children have learned about problems refugees face in their daily live, and it taught them to<br />

be tolerant and merciful. Everyone can visit the exhibition till June 30, 2012.<br />

Football Match<br />

On June 7, 2012 there was a friendly football match between national teams of Belarus and Lithuania. As it was agreed with the Association “Belarus<br />

Football Federation”, after a warm-up of the teams and 15 min prior to the beginning of the match, the stadium announcer communicated <strong>UNHCR</strong>’s special<br />

message devoted to the World Refugee Day. This was one of the activities aimed at raising awareness of the general public about the refugee issues.<br />

Competition on Refugee Law «New Horizon»<br />

On June 13—14, 2012 in the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus the VI International Competition on Refugee Law «New<br />

Horizon» was held, in which representatives of institutions of higher education of ministries of internal affairs and border service from Azerbaijan, Belarus,<br />

Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan took part. Two-day programme of the competition included a number of competitive tasks both of academic<br />

nature and physical shape testing. Representatives of the Police Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan took the first prize.<br />

Press-Conference<br />

On June 19, 2012 the press-conference devoted to the World Refugee Day 2012 was held in the National Press Centre of the Republic of Belarus. Ms.<br />

Sholeh Safavi, <strong>UNHCR</strong> Representative in the Republic of Belarus, Mr. Aleksey Begun, the Head of the Department on Citizenship and Migration of the<br />

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, and Mr. Vasiliy Zorin, the Head of the Department of Preliminary Inquiry of the State Border<br />

Committee of the Republic of Belarus, took part in it.<br />

Children’s Gala-Concert<br />

On June 20, 2012 the children’s gala-concert dedicated to the World Refugee Day was held in the “House of<br />

Moscow”. All <strong>UNHCR</strong> partners such as representatives of line Ministries, local and regional authorities,<br />

diplomatic missions, NGO partners, public society and refugee comminity participated in the event. During the<br />

concert the awarding ceremony of the winners of the contest of children’s art works “Is it difficult to be a<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

refugee?” was held, the one that was organised by the <strong>UNHCR</strong> Office in Belarus together with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and the<br />

CCA “Evrika”.<br />

Social video with Angelina Jolie<br />

Video message of the <strong>UNHCR</strong> Goodwill Ambassador Ms. Angelina Jolie “World Refugee Day” – “Do One Thing” was broadcasted at the subway stations of<br />

Minsk and at the second national channel ONT in the course of June 2012.<br />

Belgium<br />

Together with its partners, late in the evenings of 18 and 19 June, <strong>UNHCR</strong> projected the simulation of an attack (featuring a bombarded refugee) on a<br />

historic building in a busy square in the EU neighbourhood. Complete with dramatic music, helicopter sounds and gunfire, the spectacular event was<br />

designed to demonstrate that anyone can be forced to flee under circumstances. The event was viewed by the hundreds of young people at the square and<br />

subsequently by 20,000 online newspaper readers. The matchstick spot was played on the leading Flemish and Francophone TV stations every evening and<br />

on all the Francophone and Flemish refugee stations throughout the week of WRD. Interest for the event had been raised via the site<br />

www.refugeeforaday.be, which registered 5000 hits, as well as by a viral Facebook campaign, which chars the photographs of those who join it, reminding<br />

them of what happens to refugees. The program was installed by 1000 Facebook members and shared by 2000. On the morning of WRD, 400 NGO<br />

volunteers distributed 25000 bike spoke cards at 25 railway stations.<br />

The movie “The Mission” was projected, watched by several hundred young people who took home bookmarks and Dilemma posters. The Global Trends<br />

report combined with the WRD activities led to very wide media coverage. Next to several interviews with <strong>UNHCR</strong>, including a joint interview with the<br />

Regional Rep and the Europe Bureau Director, the WRD activities were picked up by almost all media in Belgium. The matchstick spot was played on the<br />

leading Flemish and Francophone TV stations every evening and on all the Francophone and Flemish refugee stations throughout the week of WRD. Interest<br />

for the event had been galvanized via a dedicated website www.refugeeforaday.be and a viral Facebook campaign, which chars the photographs of those<br />

who join it, reminding them of what happens to refugees. This was spread by 1000 Facebook members. On the morning of WRD, 400 volunteers distributed<br />

at 25 railway stations 25000 bike spoke cards. When pegged to bike spokes, the cards sound like machine guns. The Global Trends report combined with<br />

the WRD activities led to very wide media coverage. Next to several interviews with <strong>UNHCR</strong>, the activities were picked up by almost all media in Belgium.<br />


Bosnia and Herzegovina<br />

WRD REPORT 2012<br />

Overall aims<br />

In Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), for World Refugee Day <strong>UNHCR</strong> organized an event open to the community to raise<br />

awareness of the challenges facing returnees, refugees and internally displaced persons, especially those who live in<br />

the collective centers throughout the country. The overall goal was the mobilization of national and international<br />

partners, not only on Annex 7 activities but also in relation to asylum and statelessness.<br />

Theme and purpose<br />

In BiH, <strong>UNHCR</strong> was concerned that the global theme “1 is too many” could be misunderstood and misconstrued in the current context in the country, for<br />

example that one refugee recognized or given citizenship is too many. Therefore <strong>UNHCR</strong> in BiH focused on protection, choosing a new theme to be<br />

highlighted for the event and for the exhibition: “Protection: a Human Right”. This theme was identified as being broad enough to encompass all of our<br />

persons of concern and areas of focus. Also, it can be applied to the past displacement as well as to newly arrived asylum seekers and refugees, and to<br />

persons at risk of statelessness. Global WRD materials, including Angelina Jolie’s video statement, were nonetheless distributed and featured at all related<br />

events.<br />

The Exhibition<br />

The World Refugee Day 2012 in BiH was marked by a range of events between 19 and 26 June. The main event was a photography exhibition held in the Art<br />

Gallery of BiH in Sarajevo, featuring the work of South Africa-born Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer, Mr. Greg Marinovich who visited vulnerable<br />

minority returnees, and displaced families living in collective centres, in various parts of BiH in March 2012. 34 photographs were selected for display.<br />

Mr. Marinovich, co-author of The Bang-Bang Club: Snapshots from a Hidden War, a non-fiction book on South Africa’s transition to democracy, has spent 18<br />

years documenting conflict around the globe. His photographs have appeared in notable international publications such as Time, Newsweek, The New York<br />

Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and The Guardian.<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

An evening reception for the opening of the exhibition was held on 19 June 2012. The speakers included Mr. Andrew Mayne, <strong>UNHCR</strong> Representative in BiH,<br />

Mr. Damir Ljubic, BiH Minister for Human Rights and refugees, Mr. Sadik Ahmetovic, BiH Minister of Security and Dr. Valentin Inzko, High Representative in<br />

BiH.<br />

Given that only a small number of speakers would be able to make statements at the reception for the exhibition<br />

opening, a joint press release was also issued earlier on 19 June to emphasize the coalition of international and<br />

national partners that are involved in providing protection and in defending it as a human right. The press release<br />

included coordinated World Refugee Day statements from the EU Special Representative, the Minister of Human Rights<br />

and Refugees, the Minister of Security, the High Representative, the Heads of Delegation of the OSCE and the Council<br />

of Europe, the UN Resident Coordinator, the Head of the legal aid partner Vasa Prava BiH (representing civil society)<br />

and the <strong>UNHCR</strong> Representative.<br />

The exhibition opening event was attended by representatives of the diplomatic corps, <strong>UNHCR</strong>, OHR, the EU Delegation in BiH, the OSCE, the Ministry of<br />

Security, Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees, the Entity governments (the Federation of BiH and the Republika Srpska), and <strong>UNHCR</strong>’s NGO partners.<br />

The exhibition was opened to the public from 20 to 26 June, from 12 noon to 8 pm each day, including Saturday and Sunday. Representatives from <strong>UNHCR</strong><br />

and implementing partners were present every day during the working hours of the Gallery as hosts of this event. A small but steady trickle of national and<br />

international visitors attended.<br />

In addition, the partners hosted the following in the BiH Art Gallery, open to the public:<br />

20 June:<br />

Foundation for Local Democracy: 12:00-16:00, arts and crafts for children.<br />

Bosnia-Herzegovina Women’s Initiative: 13:00-15:00, a group of women from the asylum center visited the exhibition.<br />

21 June:<br />

Foundation for Local Democracy: 12:00-16:00, arts and crafts for children.<br />

Bosnia-Herzegovina Women’s Initiative: 13:00-15:00, a group of refugee children from private accommodation in Sarajevo visited the exhibition; certificates<br />

were distributed for best pupils and athletes.<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

Hilfswerk Austria International: 12:00-14:00, a group of beneficiaries of social housing project in Ilijas visited the exhibition.<br />

22 June: Foundation for Local Democracy 12:00-16:00, arts and crafts for children.<br />

23 June: Foundation for Local Democracy 12:00-16:00, arts and crafts for children.<br />

Other related events<br />

Other events that took place to coincide with the World Refugee Day 2012 included a visit by Mr. Andrew Mayne and Mr. Damir Ljubic, BiH Minister for<br />

Human Rights and Refugees, to the refugee centre in Salakovac near Mostar that currently houses 43 persons, mostly from Kosovo. Also, a football match<br />

between two local teams was hosted at the Salakovac centre. Certificates of achievement were awarded to refugee children. Minister Ljubic used the<br />

occasion to reiterate his commitment to closing all of the remaining collective centres in BiH over the next two years, in which close to 8,600 individuals are<br />

still accommodated on a temporary basis.<br />

Mr. Andrew Mayne met with local authorities in Vlasenica, Omaci and Derventa and also attended the handover of income generation support to persons<br />

of concern.<br />

Bulgaria<br />

Bulgaria co-hosted and participated in several WRD events, including a multicultural concert in the central park of the National Theatre, which also<br />

generated positive media coverage. There was also a stakeholder meeting on Bulgaria as a future resettlement country, a refugee children’s drawing<br />

competition and visit for refugee children to see sleeping beauty to mark WRD.<br />

In Bulgaria, <strong>UNHCR</strong> was in the news media every day between 14 June to 21 June across multiple and influential media channels in TV, print, radio and<br />

online. The Global Trends report received the widest coverage, followed by the Dilemmas Campaign launch on 14 June, and the WRD press release.<br />

Additional coverage was received during the 17 June multicultural event and the national multi-stakeholders meeting on resettlement on 19 June. <strong>UNHCR</strong><br />

also organized TV interviews with three refugees in Bulgaria who have integrated well on a programme that interviews people in a taxi, while touring Sofia.<br />

In Bulgaria, the PSA was placed on bTV debuting just before the popular morning programme “Before Lunch”, then three screenings a day for ten days and<br />

five screenings on WRD. The Programata cultural guide hosted the PSA for one week. The spot screened 33 times in total.<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

Croatia<br />

On 18th of June <strong>UNHCR</strong> Croatia participated at the event organised by the Ministry of Interior and the Croatian Red Cross in the Reception Centre for<br />

Asylum Seekers in Kutina. Football team Lokomotiva from Kutina also participated in marking of this day by playing a game with asylum seekers. <strong>UNHCR</strong><br />

provided T-shirts worn by participants with the motif ‘somewhere/nowhere’.<br />

On the occasion of World Refugee Day, <strong>UNHCR</strong> and the Centre for Peace Studies organized on 19th of June a roundtable entitled "Affirmation of integration<br />

policies and practices in the local community" in the House of Human Rights in Zagreb. The aim of the roundtable was to stimulate the development of<br />

integration policies and practices in the city of Zagreb.<br />

20 June, <strong>UNHCR</strong> Croatia, MoI, Croatian Red Cross, Centre for Peace Studies and Jesuit Refugee Service organized, in the sports center Utrina, an exhibition<br />

of art made by asylum seekers, tasting of food made according to recipes from the seekers domicile countries and a football tournament between UN,<br />

asylum seekers, ecumenical and CRC teams. <strong>UNHCR</strong> provided T-shirts and 10 footballs later to be used by Reception centers for recreational purposes of<br />

A/S. Novosti weekly published an interview with <strong>UNHCR</strong> Croatia Representative Mr. Terence Pike. The topics were of somewhat global nature, however the<br />

majority of questions and answers were closely linked to regional and Croatia refugee/returnee issue.<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong> Croatia titled the GWA Jolie 2012 video clip into Croatia and distributed it to three major TV and two cinema outlets (HTV, Nova TV, RTL, Cinestar),<br />

which ran the clip during the WRD week.<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong> Croatia produced 100 posters (and another 100 were printed for free) and distributed them to implementing partners for use in their facilities, local<br />

community and key WRD and other events. The posters followed the PI guidance however the photos and messages were localized.<br />

Czech Republic<br />

The Czech Republic marked WRD on June 20 with a refugee festival organized by NGOs and supported by <strong>UNHCR</strong>. In the Czech Republic, the Head of Office<br />

organized and made a number of media appearances on radio and television where she spoke about the situation for refugees in that country. The WRD<br />

events in Košice, Slovakia, also received some media attention, and Afghan women staying at the Emergency Transit Centre were interviewed by local<br />

television.<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

Cyprus<br />

An event to award the winners of the school competition "Even 1 victim of xenophobia and racism is too many" took place on the 19 th of June. The event<br />

was well attended by students, parents and teachers as well as refugees and migrants. During the event, <strong>UNHCR</strong> Representative made an opening speech<br />

and awarded the winners of the competition and the PSA of Angelina Jolie was also released.<br />

Two press releases were shared with media and other contacts prior and after the event (to inform about the winners of the competition). The event was<br />

covered by three newspapers and PI officer gave a radio interview on the occasion of the competition and WRD.<br />

A special webpage has been designed, where the winning posters and videos can be seen.<br />

Background information on the competition<br />

The school competition "Even 1 victim of xenophobia and racism is too many"- the title inspired from the 1 campaign as well as from <strong>UNHCR</strong> Greece<br />

campaign “Even 1 victim of racist violence is too many”- was jointly launched beginning of 2012 by <strong>UNHCR</strong> Cyprus, Ombudsman and the Representation in<br />

Cyprus of the European Commission; and approved by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The competition was announced in two categories, namely<br />

posters and videos and schools were invited to participate in the competition by submitting one work.<br />

The objectives of the competition were:<br />

- To foster understanding and empathy for migrants in general and for asylum seekers and refugees in particular.<br />

- To underscore the positive contribution that migrants, including refugees, do make in their hosting society.<br />

- To counter negative perceptions and attitudes towards migrants in general, including refugees and asylum seekers who have sought protection in Cyprus.<br />

- To promote tolerance, social cohesion and peaceful coexistence between students of different cultures, beliefs and religions.<br />

The objectives were formally announced in the circular of the Ministry and it was envisaged from the onset that the award ceremony would take place on<br />

the occasion of the World Refugee Day.<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong>'s Dilemma campaign press ads<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

Press ads with the dilemma posters have been published in two newspapers and one magazine; overall 4 times, during the Refugee week. The newspapers<br />

will continue publishing the press ads, free of charge, until the end of the year upon availability; no specific media plan has been agreed but previous<br />

experience (e.g. with the posters of the 1 campaign last year) has shown that <strong>UNHCR</strong> posters appear in the two newspapers, on average, twice a month.<br />

Global trends 2011 press release was published in 4 newspapers. AJ's audio-visual message shared with the national broadcasting channel, which accepted<br />

to release it on a pro bono basis. UN SG's message published in 1 newspaper.<br />

France<br />

Newspaper supplement, student contest, press conference<br />

Le Monde diplomatique published a 4- pages supplement on <strong>UNHCR</strong> and its populations of concern in the English, French and Arabic versions of its June<br />

edition. It included an article by the High Commissioner and an ad from the 1 campaign. The HC’s article will be re-printed in the Spanish, Portuguese and<br />

Italian editions, as well as in Egypt’s largest newspaper, Al Ahram. In its 5th year, the winning article of the <strong>UNHCR</strong>- Le Monde 5th year of competition for<br />

journalism students was published in the daily’s June 20 edition, with a reference to <strong>UNHCR</strong> and WRD. Winners can also visit a <strong>UNHCR</strong> operation in the<br />

field.<br />

Georgia<br />

Goodwill Ambassador Public Service Announcement (GWA PSA)<br />

For the third year running, thanks to generous support of Georgian Public Broadcaster, the official <strong>UNHCR</strong> Public Service Announcement (PSA) with<br />

Goodwill Ambassador, Ms. Angelina Jolie, was broadcasted free of charge on Georgian Public Broadcaster-1TV (covers 85% of country) to the Georgian<br />

public reminding about World Refugee Day and displacement of over 42 million people around the world, from 17 to 24 June 2012.<br />

The monument of Mother Georgia in UN blue color<br />

For the fourth year running, thanks to support of Tbilisi Mayor Mr. Gigi Ugulava, monument Mother Georgia was<br />

illuminated in UN blue from 17 to 24 June 2012, alongside the other historic buildings and monuments worldwide.<br />

Radio programme related to IDP issues<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

On 14 June 2012, in framework of a joint UN radio project, a radio programme was dedicated to IDPs residing in Shida Kartli region and their problems. The<br />

programme involved representative from the Ministry of IDPs from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees of Georgia (MRA), Head of<br />

Kurta Municipaliti, Shida Kartli region, and <strong>UNHCR</strong> Assistant Protection Officer from Tbilisi Office. The radio programme was transmitted at 16:00, on<br />

www.radio1.ge, 102.4 FM, and it was possible to listen to it also on Facebook page of the Radio channel. To reach persons of concern to <strong>UNHCR</strong> directly,<br />

IDPs residing in eight different settlements were directly involved in the programme – they were asked to prepare questions for the participants of the<br />

programme in advance, and during the programme, the programme anchors phoned them and gave possibility to ask their questions live.<br />

IDP and refugee children meet famous Georgian book writers, artist and <strong>UNHCR</strong><br />

On 18 June 2012, refugee and internally displaced children met writers Ms. Tea Topuria and Mr. David Dephy Gogibedashvili, artist Mr. Zaliko Sulakauri and<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong> Assistant Protection Officer from Tbilisi Office at the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia in the framework of World Refugee Day. <strong>UNHCR</strong><br />

Georgia, together with the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia, organized an event for 60 refugees and internally displaced children at age of 5 to 13<br />

from Pankisi Valley and IDP settlement close to Tbilisi. The event gave a unique possibility for these children to see the National Parliamentary Library of<br />

Georgia, meet the writers and artists, as well as to learn more about common experiences of IDPs and refugees, to learn about children’s rights, and to<br />

share their aspirations for the future. The event was generously supported by the Tbilisi Mayor’s Office, which provided buses for bringing children to<br />

Tbilisi, as well as “Palitra media” which donated books for all 60 children.<br />

Media: the event was covered by Library TV, which shared the video through online and social media (which is very popular in Georgia).<br />

IDP children write their messages to Ms. Angelina Jolie, the Special Envoy of the High Commissioner for Refugees<br />

On 19 June 2012, around 70 internally displaced children gathered in a sports hall in the Koda IDP settlement (close to Tbilisi). In time when the PSA of Ms.<br />

Angelina Jolie was broadcasted on the main television channel of Georgia, 1TV (Georgian Public Broadcaster), children wrote their messages to the Special<br />

Envoy expressing their wishes to get back home, as well as their sympathies to Ms. Angelina Jolie. The video of this activity was broadcasted on 1TV on the<br />

next morning. It was a part of the morning programme “Moambe” (described separately below).<br />

Main event Gori, Shida Kartli region (central Georgia, bordering with South Ossetia)<br />

On 20 June 2012, together with the Ministry for Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees of Georgia<br />

(MRA), the Governor’s Office of Shida Kartli region, partner organizations Rural Development for Future Georgia (RDFG) and the Charity Humanitarian<br />

Centre "Abkhazeti" (CHCA), and the Georgian Football Federation the main event for World Refugee Day 2012 was organized in Gori, Shida Kartli.<br />

The main objectives were:<br />

1) To raise awareness of World Refugee Day;<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

2) To call for solidarity and respect of rights of refugees, IDPs and stateless persons;<br />

3) To pass the message “Living in dignity – durable solutions for displaced persons”<br />

4) To attract attention of the donor community and society in general;<br />

5) To call to help IDPs rebuild their lives (from the official call “You can help refugees rebuild their lives”)<br />

Germany<br />

Symposium, press, Facebook<br />

Some 300 local and national media picked up the Global Trends report, combined with statements, interviews (radio),<br />

photos, videos, links to PSA, dilemma stories and social media. The federal government website and Germany’s two<br />

leading magazines SPIEGEL and BILD covered refugee issues comprehensively, complete with a picture gallery on the<br />

online version.<br />

The 12th Refugee Symposium in Berlin, co-organized by <strong>UNHCR</strong>, attracted some 300 national and international lawyers<br />

and representatives from (partner) organizations, with a focus on the Dublin II Regulation. Keynote speakers in the<br />

debates included Europe Bureau Director, <strong>UNHCR</strong>’s Rep. for Austria and Germany, and diverse authorities and political<br />

actors from all German parties. The WRD sub-site posted Dilemma pictures, PSA, and Global Trends. The postings on <strong>UNHCR</strong> Germany’s Facebook attracted<br />

a record number of visitors (more than 2,150).<br />

Greece<br />

Below are some highlights of WRD activities conducted by <strong>UNHCR</strong> Greece in June 2012. This year’s WRD coincided with a rather turbulent period for<br />

Greece, including the much-anticipated second round of national elections on 17 June and the formation of a new government a few days later, amid an<br />

environment of deepening economic crisis and social tensions. Nevertheless, all WRD-related activities and <strong>UNHCR</strong> received considerable visibility while the<br />

feedback received has so far been very positive.<br />

Awards Ceremony for Greek and refugee students on the occasion of the World Refugee Day<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong> Greece and the Youth Awareness Committee organized on 23 June in “Technopolis” artistic complex of Athens<br />

Municipality the Annual Student Awards Ceremony to honor primary and secondary education students, as well as UASC<br />

who excelled in the 2011 Student Contest on the theme of racism and xenophobia. More than 400 students, UASC,<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

parents, members of the academia, representatives of NGOs and political parties, artists and journalists joined a touching and colorful ceremony in order to<br />

raise their voice against intolerance and fear and send messages of solidarity.<br />

The National Student Contest of 2011 garnered the largest number of entries in recent years, while the response of students from the periphery as well<br />

UASC hosted in reception centers was overwhelming. Students from various parts of Greece including border areas (Alexandroupoli, Nea Vyssa of Evros,<br />

Rodopi, Preveza, Symi, Kalymnos, Kalamata, Kefalonia, Athens etc.) excelled with their essays, interviews, photos and spread stories, including the Greek<br />

School in Hanover, Germany and the Polish School in Athens. Twenty seven of these students , as well as seventeen asylum seeking minors from reception<br />

facilities of Agria and Makrinitsa in Volos, Lesvos and Crete were awarded during the Ceremony by the Secretary General for Youth, the GWA George<br />

Dalaras, representatives of the education community, the civil society and the media, among others. Refugee and migrant communities (Cultural Centre of<br />

the Peoples of the East “Gefira”, United African Women Organization, Mandela Girls dance group, and the Syrian community) participated in the ceremony<br />

offering a “taste” of their culture with traditional dances and cuisine. The Art School of Gerakas staged a theatrical play based on an African tale, while<br />

attendants had also the opportunity to visit an art exhibition with African masks, totems, shields and figures made by students. Student projects and<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong> videos were also projected on the screens during the event.<br />

One TV station (NET TV) covered the event with a reportage broadcasted on prime time during the evening news bulletin of the same day and the midday<br />

news bulletin of the following day, while 2 radio stations (ERA FM and Athens 98,4 FM) covered the event. Another one (NET 105,8) dedicated a radio talk<br />

show on the Awards Ceremony on Saturday 30 June, hosting interviews of awarded students and UASC from the reception centers of Lesvos and<br />

Makrinitsa-Volos. A web story was uploaded on the website in Greek and English. A video-clip was compiled by a film director from the six – hours filmed<br />

plans of the ceremony. The video clip was uploaded on <strong>UNHCR</strong> Greece YouTube channel.<br />

Dilemmas Campaign<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong> Greece launched the Dilemmas Campaign on 14 June, with a web story and several posts on the<br />

local social media accounts. A similar message was sent to blogs to promote the campaign. The campaign<br />

included the main landing page (www.unhcr.gr/takeaction), three videos with refugee survivors, including<br />

one shot in Greece (with an unaccompanied child in Patras), the three Dilemmas posters, e-banners (both<br />

flash and static), social media profile pictures and templates, free post-cards and mouse-pads locally<br />

created, the Angelina Jolie PSA and a PSA with Greek International Correspondent/Documentary Film<br />

maker Sotiris Danezis.<br />

Since the launch of the “takeaction” campaign there were 16,497 unique page views on the website. Based<br />

on Google analytics, the website on 20th June had 2,045 page views compared to 1,035 unique page views<br />


on 20th June 2011, increasing the performance by 97.58%.<br />

WRD REPORT 2012<br />

During WRD the total Facebook reach was 33,096 people, increasing the overall performance by 97%. The posts about the campaign engaged existing and<br />

new users, peaking at the 21st of June. The main campaign social media plan was followed, while posts about the events in Greece were also added. The<br />

total number of Facebook posts created and uploaded for the campaign during June was 30.<br />

The main post about the takeaction page was shared 240 times and engaged 1,254 users.<br />

During June and as a main result of the dilemmas campaign there were 220 new Facebook registered users. On Twitter, the <strong>UNHCR</strong> Greece profile was retweeted<br />

and favorite several times, while 105 new followers were added, including highly followed personalities and groups, as well as political parties.<br />

All campaign videos (PSAs with A.Jolie and S.Danezis, three Dilemmas videos) were subtitled in house into Greek and modified to include the Greek logos.<br />

So far, the videos have been viewed 1,500 times on YouTube and shared by different users, blogs and websites. The PSA with Sotiris Danezis was broadcast<br />

free-of-charge by national and local TV Channels from 21 June to 21 July 2012. According to broadcasting statistics, the video was displayed a total of 383<br />

times, including prime-time zones, like the semi-finals of EURO 2012. The amount saved is estimated at over 18,000 euros.<br />

In addition, Mr. Danezis and Goodwill Ambassador Mr. Dalaras used their own Facebook and Twitter accounts to promote the PSA and Dilemmas campaign.<br />

All videos and campaign material were also posted on several key blogs and portals such as:<br />

Apart from the digital space, WRD material was promoted as follows:<br />

- 75,000 free post-cards were printed and distributed at entertainment touch points (cafeterias, restaurants, cinemas) around Greece. In addition, Olympic<br />

Airways distributed free post-cards to all passengers who traveled with the said company on 20 June.<br />

- Posters were on display in Athens International Airport and in 38 provincial airports around Greece, in railway stations in Athens, in STER multiplex<br />

cinemas and at three central independent cinemas in Athens, as well as at Olympic Airways premises for three weeks from the 20th of June onwards. A<br />

slideshow of Dilemmas posters was also on display on screens of tram vehicles in Athens for three weeks between the13th of June and the 6th of July .<br />

- Angelina Jolie PSA featured on screens of Athens metro stations and railway stations for three weeks from the middle of June onwards.<br />

- Dilemmas posters were printed on 500 mouse pads and distributed during the Student Award Ceremony on 23 June<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

Support to Cyprus: <strong>UNHCR</strong> Greece provided help in the adaptation of takeaction landing page for Cyprus www.unhcr.org.cy/takeaction/ Facebook pictures/<br />

videos with refugee survivors / main webpage and Angelina Jolie PSA. All WRD-related translations were also shared with Cyprus.<br />

Global View 2012<br />

Global View 2012 was adapted into Greek and broadcast by Greek State TV ET1 on 20 June, prime time. Additionally, ET-1 broadcast a series of refugeerelated<br />

documentaries after midnight. A <strong>UNHCR</strong> logo appeared on the screen of the two State TV channels (ET1 & NET) throughout the day.<br />

Hungary<br />

In Hungary, <strong>UNHCR</strong> staged a roundtable discussion on refugee dilemmas attended by about 85 people. The event was scheduled between sessions at a<br />

refugee and migrant film festival at the Europa Pont venue of the European Commission in Budapest at Millenáris Park. Meanwhile, the PR Company that<br />

organized the magazine on refugees, On the road, also staged three art installations highlighting the refugee experience<br />

at major transport hubs in Budapest. The government organized various WRD events at facilities hosting refugees and<br />

asylum-seekers.<br />

Media coverage came from press releases on the campaign launched on 14 June, the Global Trends release and 18 June,<br />

and from some events including the UNCHR roundtable discussion on refugee dilemmas in Hungary and events at<br />

refugee centers organized by the government. There were a few stories in the media on WRD itself, which outlets<br />

produced using a mix of materials. The daily Nepszabadsag dedicated an entire page with several articles on refugees. A<br />

free magazine on refugee issues (with a forward by the <strong>UNHCR</strong> Representative) was produced by a PR company with<br />

European Refugee Fund money and handed out to the public at metro stations by refugees.<br />

Furthermore, the PSA was aired 72 times on 8 channels between 14 and 23 June, including the right wing channel Echo TV, which broadcast the spot 15<br />

times. While most stations originally wanted to be paid at a discounted price, all agreed after some persuasion to air the spot for free, with the exception of<br />

HirTV (a right wing pro-government news channel), which declined. So far, viewing data is available from only 4 government channels (M1, M2, DunaTV and<br />

Dunaworld) where the number of 18+ viewers who saw the PSA (20 times across the five channels) was 2,156,044. One airing of the spot (on 14 June, just<br />

before 8.30pm) reached more than 631,000 people.<br />

Ireland<br />

Gala film event, soccer, bookshops, Facebook, Twitter<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

On WRD <strong>UNHCR</strong> organised a gala film screening about the resettlement of 2 Karen families, attended by resettled Karen with their costumes and music, the<br />

Minister for Justice, Defense and Equality and over 100 relevant authorities. The Minister spoke positively about <strong>UNHCR</strong>, the pledge on resettlement and<br />

publishing asylum legislation this year.<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong> collaborated with Sport against Racism Ireland (SARI) for the third year to hold the Fair Play Cup soccer game, with asylum-seekers, media teams,<br />

NGO workers and government officials participating.<br />

An opinion piece by <strong>UNHCR</strong> Ireland in the Irish Times on WRD looked at global refugee issues and the lengthy delays in the Irish asylum system. <strong>UNHCR</strong><br />

highlighted books on refugees in 135 libraries and in a bookshop chain, arousing interest with posters, bookmarks and booklists, linked to a social media<br />

guide (Facebook, Twitter and blogs) and press materials. NGOs incorporated the Dilemmas and Do 1 thing themes in their own campaigns and <strong>UNHCR</strong> WRD<br />

activities in their external communications. Attention to all activities was widely attracted via the traditional and social media, e.g., Facebook usage which<br />

had more than quadrupled during WRD week. The Angelina Jolie spot was strategically placed on traditional and digital media to raise awareness about the<br />

campaign.<br />

Italy<br />

Overview<br />

Following the support given to a number of relevant movie features over the last couple of years, this year, in<br />

occasion of the World Refugee Day, <strong>UNHCR</strong> Italy wanted to highlight the positive collaboration with the film<br />

industry, where documentaries and fictional works contribute to uphold the values of reception, solidarity,<br />

rescue at sea and the respect of human rights.<br />

It was therefore decided to organize a public event at the “Casa del Cinema” in Rome were the directors of<br />

four movie/documentary features that <strong>UNHCR</strong> Italy had supported through patronage were invited and<br />

where their films would have been shown to the public.<br />

Activities<br />

On the night of the 19-20 June the Colosseum was spotlighted in blue with <strong>UNHCR</strong> logo.<br />

On the 20 th of June, World Refugee Day conference was held in the presence of the Ministry of Integration and Cooperation Mr<br />

Andrea Riccardi, the Head of RAI state TV social department Mr Carlo Romeo, “Tavolo Asilo” (NGOs board) representative, Mr<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

Oliviero Forti from Caritas, directors and actors of movie features, namely Ermanno Olmi, director of the Cardboard village and Donatella Finocchiaro,<br />

female protagonist in Terraferma and folk singer Fiorella Mannoia, <strong>UNHCR</strong> testimonial for the WRD and starring in the Italian version of the PSA.<br />

During the conference Angelina Jolie's and Fiorella Mannoia's PSA were presented. Mannoia's spot has been broadcasted pro bono by RAI state TV (15-23<br />

June) and by the major private broadcasters (incl. SKY and LA7). Angelina Jolie's PSA has been screened, pro bono, in the main train stations network<br />

channel (17-23 June), at Milano Malpensa and Milan Linate airports (20 June) and in 300 movie theaters all over the country (15 June - 5 July).<br />

Films review: in the afternoon four films that received <strong>UNHCR</strong>'s support over the last two years were shown: Terraferma by Emanuele Crialese, Il volo by<br />

Wim Wenders, Mare chiuso by Andrea Segre and the Cardboard village by Ermanno Olmi.<br />

Collaboration with Fiorella Mannoia and Feltrinelli Mediastores: A T-shirt with the slogan “I’m a refugee, I’m black, I’m white, I’m a man, I’m a woman, I’m<br />

a believer, I’m an atheist, I’m a human being” has been produced by impure label for <strong>UNHCR</strong> and sold in a number of Feltrinelli mediastores<br />

(Librerie la Feltrinelli). Part of the income funds <strong>UNHCR</strong> projects. The T-shirt is worn by Fiorella Mannoia in her current tour “Sud”.<br />

Many other events of various kinds have been organized by NGOs and civil society associations all over the Italian territory with the support of <strong>UNHCR</strong> also<br />

through the provision of awareness materials.<br />

Kosovo I. World Refugee Day Communication Objectives<br />

_ Increase awareness and understanding of Asylum Seekers and Refugee issues in Kosovo.<br />

_ Increase awareness and understanding of <strong>UNHCR</strong> in Kosovo by promoting inter-ethnic dialogue and peaceful coexistence among communities.<br />

_ Support HQ’s global communication platform.<br />

_ Promote <strong>UNHCR</strong> global website supporting HQ fundraising objectives.<br />

II. Communication Target Groups and Key Messages<br />

1. Pristina/Office of Chief of Mission<br />

a. Kosovo institutions, Legislative, Executive and Judicial / in particular the Ministry of Internal Affairs.<br />

b. International Community/Donor Community.<br />

c. Civil Society, Media and public opinion.<br />

Strategy: To advocate for promoting the understanding of Asylum Seekers/Refugee needs and rights.<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

2. Field Offices<br />

a. <strong>UNHCR</strong> Kosovo persons of concern (Refugees/Returnees/IDPs) and minority communities.<br />

b. Receiving Communities.<br />

Strategy: To involve, under the egida of <strong>UNHCR</strong>, both persons of concern and receiving community, by<br />

promoting inter-ethnic activities. Kosovo being a post-conflict region, the Dilemmas campaign was considered as not suitable/adaptable yet<br />

to the Kosovo target/audience. In line with EU Bureau priorities, <strong>UNHCR</strong> Kosovo promoted the following messages: There are over 10 million refugees who<br />

have lost everything. 1 refugee without hope is too many.<br />

The Kosovo institutions need to ensure that refugees and asylum seekers have access to their rights (proper reception conditions, fair and efficient status<br />

determination procedures, respect of the principle of non-refoulement as well as access to other rights in Kosovo).<br />

III. Activities’ Snapshot<br />

1. Pristina/Office of Chief of Mission<br />

a. Following the <strong>UNHCR</strong> tradition, and in order to “highlight” the needs of Asylum seekers and Refugees, the<br />

Pristina national Library was illuminated in blue during the night on the eve of the WRD.<br />

b. On 20 June, the official WRD celebration, including a lecture on refugees’ rights, open to media and co-chaired<br />

by <strong>UNHCR</strong> and its legal partner (the local NGO Civil Rights Programme/Kosovo), was held at the National Library.<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong> Chief of Mission, Snr. Political Advisor and Chief of Staff of the Kosovo President Office, Representative of<br />

the Kosovo Assembly (Commission for Human Rights, Gender Equality, Missing Persons and Petitions), Deputy<br />

Prime Minister / Minister of Justice and Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs<br />

gave speeches calling to respect the rights of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Kosovo. In the presence of Kosovo Institutions (Office of the Prime Minister,<br />

Ministry of Communities and Return, Ministry of Local Governance Administration, Ombudsperson, MIA Department for Citizenship, Asylum and Migration,<br />

etc). International community (Embassies, EU Office in Kosovo, OSCE, UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, IOM, EULEX, and others), civil society and media, the speakers<br />

underlined the need to provide refuge to those who flee their countries because of persecution and human rights violations. Official remarks were followed<br />

by a lecture on Refugee Protection, international instruments and standards, held by <strong>UNHCR</strong> Protection Officer, Ms. Hinako Toki [on the left], and by a<br />

lecture on the national legal framework and standards in Kosovo, held by the CRP/K Executive Director, Mr. Naim Osmani. Some 100 persons attended the<br />

event, including media-representatives from all TV networks in Kosovo.<br />

2. Field Offices<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong> Kosovo Field Offices organized activities aimed at promoting inter-ethnic dialogue and pacific coexistence in five different locations.<br />


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Field Office Pristina<br />

On 18 June, K/Albanian, K/Serb and K/RAE youth enjoyed sport activities in the swimming pool of Gracanica, Pristina region. The Local Red Cross supported<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong> in guarding the safety of children. The private company Rugova donated water bottles for all participants.<br />

Field Office Gjilan/Gnjilane<br />

A football tournament involving returnees and K/IDPs from Kamenicë/a and Ranillug/Ranilug municipalities, receiving community and local authorities was<br />

held on 19 June. Kosovo Assembly Member representing Ranillug/Ranilug, Deputy Mayor of Kamenicë/a<br />

municipality, Mayor of Ranillug/Ranilug Municipality, Heads of Municipal Offices for Communities and Return<br />

in both municipalities, Director of General Administration in Kamenicë/a, Director for Sport and Cultural in<br />

Kamenicë/a, Directors for Public Information at both municipalities, OSCE, IPs and other local officials attended<br />

the event. Picture: <strong>UNHCR</strong> staff and the teams.<br />

Field Office Peja/Pec<br />

On 19 June, Field Office Peja/c inaugurated a “<strong>UNHCR</strong> corner” within the Regional Library “Azem Shkreli” of Peja/c. UN publications from different agencies<br />

on development, humanitarian and MDG topics were donated. Representatives of local authorities, international community, local NGOs, and library<br />

members attended the event. Picture: <strong>UNHCR</strong> staff with the Director of Directorate of Youth, Culture and Sport and the<br />

Regional Library Director.<br />

Field Office Mitrovice/a<br />

In Mitrovice/a South, 227 K/Albanian IDP children, living in temporary collective center, were encouraged writing poems<br />

and drawing, following the theme "My life as refugee”. Sport activities and games closed the day. The same activities were<br />

organized by Field Office Zvecan, in the North, where 38 Serbs IDP/Refugee children from the collective center Velji Breg in<br />

Zubin Potok participated in. Beneficiaries, Collective Centers’ municipal officers and IPs attended and supported <strong>UNHCR</strong>.<br />

Following the <strong>UNHCR</strong> tradition, and in order to “highlight” the needs of Asylum seekers and Refugees, the Pristina national<br />

Library was illuminated in blue during the night on the eve of the WRD. On 20 June, broadcasting of official PSA at national TVs; broadcasting of <strong>UNHCR</strong><br />

video “Making the difference” (subtitled into local languages).<br />

Communication Mix m<br />

Media relations: Lecture open to media; Press kit; video news release; interviews.<br />

Advertisement: On 20 June, broadcasting of official PSA at national TVs; broadcasting<br />

of <strong>UNHCR</strong> video “Making the difference” (subtitled into local languages).<br />

During all the week of WRD: Digital banner “Boat” was posted on the most relevant<br />


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Kosovo daily website (koha.net) in Albanian language, targeting diaspora people living<br />

abroad.<br />

PR materials: The official poster “1 refugee without hope is too many”, was translated<br />

into local languages, and T-shirts were printed locally. Visibility materials were distributed<br />

to beneficiaries, Municipalities and partners.<br />

Media Coverage<br />

Main local TV networks and Web news-providers took the news and reported the key messages<br />

conveyed during the events.<br />

TV networks<br />

Radio Television Kosovo (RTK) broadcasted a report from the event organized at the Library in the news-edition at 11:00 PM. The report included a<br />

statement of the Chief of Mission and the Deputy Prime Minister. The report also included a visit to the asylum centre in Magura, where an asylum seeker<br />

was briefly interviewed. COM statement: “…Kosovo has become a destination for persons in need of protection from different countries. We shall remind<br />

ourselves of our collective and individual responsibilities towards those in need of our help.” The DPM was quoted while making an appeal to K/Serbs IDPs<br />

to return to Kosovo. The feature included situation and figure of refugees worldwide. PI Associate was interviewed for the morning broadcast at RTK at 7:30<br />

AM. He provided information on the activities held in the filed and announced the National Library’ illumination. Information and figures on K/IDPs, asylumseekers<br />

in Kosovo, and the general meaning of WRD were also shared during the interview.<br />

-TV KohaVision broadcasted a report from the Library event on the news editions at 19:00/ 11:30. The report included quotations by CoM and Deputy<br />

Prime Minister. Koha Vision also filmed a visit of the Kosovo Ombudsperson to the recently built asylum centre and shown the conditions there.<br />

-TV 21 broadcasted a report from the event at the Library at the news editions at 18:30 and 10:00 PM. Three speakers were quoted at the report: CoM,<br />

Deputy Prime Minister and the representative from Kosovo President’s office.<br />

-TV Dukagjini broadcasted report about <strong>UNHCR</strong> corner at the Regional Library in Peja/Pec.<br />

-TV from Media Centre (program in Serbian) attended the event held in National Library.<br />

Luxembourg<br />

Bookshops, libraries and front-page news<br />

Following interviews with <strong>UNHCR</strong>’s Senior External Relations Officer, the <strong>UNHCR</strong> and refugees featured in the first four pages of the country’s leading<br />

newspaper, complete with pictures, statistics and personal stories. A number of bookshops and libraries also featured books proposed by <strong>UNHCR</strong>,<br />

highlighted by bookmarks and posters. Libraries also promoted books given to them by <strong>UNHCR</strong>.<br />


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Macedonia<br />

On the occasion of the 2012 World Refugee Day, the <strong>UNHCR</strong> Representation in Skopje, together with the refugees and one of its implementing partners,<br />

the City Red Cross of Skopje, organized events on 19 and 20 June under the slogan: "No one chooses to be a refugee".<br />

“For many refugees the choice is between the horrific or something worse. As so often, the best way of understanding is to put ourselves in the shoes of<br />

someone else. The question is what I, you, each of us, would do? Your understanding can help those who are forced to flee trying to find safety, regain<br />

hope and rebuild their lives! <strong>UNHCR</strong> will continue helping those who are forced to flee to find safety, regain hope and rebuild their lives, in continuous<br />

cooperation with the Government, the civil society, NGOs and all those willing to take action.” This is an extract from the speech of <strong>UNHCR</strong> Skopje<br />

Representative, Mr. Mohammad Arif on WRD in the Primary school Brakja Ramiz and Hamid, Shuto Orizari municipality in Skopje.<br />

The objective of 2012 events was to increase the public understanding of refugee issues and educate our audience as to who the refugees are and why they<br />

need our help.<br />

On 15 June, we started our PI activities by raising public awareness. The following activities took place:<br />

- The campaign banner “Boat”, translated into local languages (Macedonian, Albanian and Roma), and<br />

was placed on billboards in five frequent locations in the city of Skopje. They will be exhibited for 3<br />

months.<br />

- We shared the <strong>UNHCR</strong> Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie Public Service Announcement for World<br />

Refugee Day “No one chooses to be a refugee” with 11 TV Stations in Skopje, translated and subtitled<br />

into local languages (Macedonian, Albanian and Roma). The announcement was transmitted free-ofcharge<br />

on 20 and 21 June, several times during the day. It reached the audience from the whole<br />

country and wider, due to their satellite transmission.<br />

- Campaign digital banners were placed on the websites of our implementing partners: the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the City Red Cross of<br />

Skopje and the Macedonian Young Lawyers Association (MYLA) and the website of the Macedonian Information Agency (MIA), which is the leader<br />

news agency in the country. The Macedonian Red Cross E-newsletter, with audience of some 60.000 persons in state institutions, international<br />

organizations and non-governmental organizations published information on the WRD.<br />

- Refugee children, accompanied by Red Cross volunteers visited the city ZOO.<br />

- Food parcels were distributed to 70 most socially endangered refugee families.<br />

- Equipment was donated to a primary school in a Roma neighborhood, where out of total of 2200, 102 are refugee children.<br />


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- Refugee children and the Community Centre team attended TV shows on 2 TV stations, to present their activities in the area of education and to<br />

announce the World Refugee Day.<br />

- <strong>UNHCR</strong> IP MYLA together with one student from the Faculty of Fine Arts helped for one week period a group of asylum seekers accommodated in<br />

the Reception Centre for Asylum Seekers in Vizbegovo to draw paintings with motives from their own countries. The exhibition followed on the<br />

WRD in the Reception Centre and in the late afternoon hours in an art cafe in Skopje downtown. WRD campaign banner placed on a billboard in the<br />

Old Bazaar in Skopje.<br />

For our PI events, we used last year’s promotion materials, such as printed “1” campaign t-Shirts, wristbands and notebooks, as well as five campaign<br />

posters. On 19 June, we started marking the World Refugee Day in the Community Support Centre (CSC) for refugees, with a performance by refugee pupils<br />

who attended extra-curricular activities in the CSC’s Education Centre. The CSC, located in the municipality of Shuto Orizari, is managed by the City Red<br />

Cross of Skopje and supported by <strong>UNHCR</strong>, as most of some 1,600 refugees, mainly Roma from Kosovo, are accommodated in this municipality, situated near<br />

the capital, Skopje.<br />

Symbolic gifts were awarded to all pupils who successfully completed primary school (i.e. <strong>UNHCR</strong><br />

notebooks, football balls with the <strong>UNHCR</strong> logo, coloring books, etc.). The <strong>UNHCR</strong> Skopje Representative<br />

addressed the pupils, emphasizing the importance of education and praising those who completed the<br />

school, who should represent a good example and motivate the others to attend education.<br />

The City Red Cross Secretary followed with a short overview of the achieved results in the school year<br />

2011/2012. The City Red Cross awarded the 10 most active children in the CSC’s Education Centre with a<br />

seven-day vacation in the summer resort “Solferino” in Struga at the Ohrid Lake. Children were wearing<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong> t-shirts.<br />

Awarded refugee children with the <strong>UNHCR</strong> Skopje Representative and Secretary/PI, together with the awarded refugee children and the Secretary of the<br />

City Red Cross of Skopje during the event organized in the CSC’s Education Centre, organized by <strong>UNHCR</strong> Skopje and the City Red Cross of Skopje, on the<br />

Occasion of WRD On 20 June, the main event took place in the Primary school “Brakja Ramiz i Hamid”, located in Shuto Orizari Municipality where most of<br />

Roma refugee children attend the primary school. The event was organized together with the School Director and the City Red Cross of Skopje. Refugee<br />

children and their parents attended the event. The Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy and a Government official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs<br />


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addressed the audience. The <strong>UNHCR</strong> Representative followed. He spoke of the situation with the world refugees and aimed to raise the public<br />

understanding of the situation of refugees.<br />

Afterwards, performance followed by refugee children attending the school, consisted of musical choreography, reciting a poem, first aid demonstration<br />

and flash mob dance. The performance was very much welcomed by the audience. Children that were performing were wearing <strong>UNHCR</strong> campaign t-shirts.<br />

In the back of the stage, two big screens were placed to transmit the PSA (Angelina Jolie’s message) for the World Refugee Day.<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong> Skopje Representative, City Red Cross Secretary, Macedonian Red Cross President, the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy and a government<br />

official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs attending the event organized in the primary school in Shuto Orizari municipality, on the occasion of WRD. Two<br />

refugee children reciting a poem during the event organized in the primary school in Shuto Orizari municipality, on the occasion of WRD. Some 10<br />

Macedonian media published reports in relations with <strong>UNHCR</strong> activities, with special accent on World Refugee Day, also announcing the <strong>UNHCR</strong>’s 2011<br />

Global Report.<br />

Moldova<br />

Each year on World Refugee Day, 20th of June, the United Nations honors the courage and perseverance of uprooted and stateless people whose number<br />

more than 42 million worldwide and events to commemorate World Refugee Day 2012 in the Republic of Moldova were held.<br />

In the MallDova shopping center's 3rd floor "Artium" gallery, a photographic poster exhibition depicting EU/<strong>UNHCR</strong> co-funded refugee integration projects<br />

in the Republic of Moldova was on display until 22nd June. Integration is an important theme for <strong>UNHCR</strong> this year as the Republic of Moldova's new law on<br />

the integration of foreigners and refugees takes effect from July.<br />

A special video spot portraying refugees as marathon runners was broadcasted on TV and is being shown on Chisinau trolleybuses until 30th June. The<br />

special “marathon” video promotes the integration needs of refugees, an activity that under Moldova’s new law was coordinated by the Bureau for<br />

Migration and Asylum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and involved important cross-ministerial cooperation,.<br />

Refugees, representatives from government ministries, the diplomatic corps, news media, UN agencies and civil society groups competed in a table tennis<br />

tournament on 23rd June. Members of the public are invited to watch the tournament from 10 am, at State University of Moldova Specialised Table Tennis<br />

Arena (6 Testimiteanu Street, behind MallDova), in Chisinau.<br />


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Events to commemorate World Refugee Day also took place at Chisinau International Airport, as over 27 th -28 th June the airport’s Arrivals Hall hosted<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong> Moldova's "tent" and a display hundreds of mini-tents promoting refugee integration. With EU funding, since 2009 <strong>UNHCR</strong> has trained border<br />

authorities working at the airport and other international crossing points in good practices for handling asylum claims by persons seeking protection in<br />

Moldova.<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong> is almost entirely funded from voluntary contributions, so public awareness and support plays a vital role in <strong>UNHCR</strong>'s work. One of the world's<br />

leading humanitarian agencies, <strong>UNHCR</strong> has twice been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (1954 and 1981) for its work assisting millions of the world’s<br />

refugees from persecution and war.<br />

There are more than 2,000 persons under <strong>UNHCR</strong>’s mandate in the Republic of Moldova, mainly stateless persons but also refugees from other former<br />

Soviet states, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.<br />

The Netherlands<br />

Children defend their rights, women’s magazine<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong> participated in an action drawing attention to the Convention on the Rights of the Child,<br />

staged at the main square in The Hague on 20 June, attended by 1000 people. A panel of judges<br />

discussed 4 issues in Dutch alien law jeopardizing the children’s rights:<br />

(i) To develop and respect the identity of rooted children;<br />

(ii) For stateless children, to obtain a nationality (defended by <strong>UNHCR</strong>);<br />

(iii) To an adequate standard of life and freedom of movement for the 300 children in Dutch asylum<br />

centers, and<br />

(iv) Not to be separated from parents who are third-country nationals.<br />

The topics were introduced to the panel of judges by the children experiencing the problems, via a story, a rap song or an interview while legal experts<br />

presented a short plea on the respective topics. An interview with Special Volunteer Lauren Verster in 4 full pages of the women’s magazine Flair (600,000<br />

readers) about her mission to Dadaab was published in the week of WRD.<br />


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Poland<br />

Integration picnic – Brwinów<br />

To celebrate World Refugee Day, thanks to <strong>UNHCR</strong> co-financing, Polish Migration Forum organized an Integration Picnic In the school of Brwinow, where<br />

Polish and Chechen pupils learned together. The Chechen pupils are asylum seekers living in the reception center in a nearby village of Moszna.<br />

The school in Brine hosted a year-long Project, run by PFM, called „Brwinów: moje okno Na świat”, which means: Brwinów: my window to the Word. The<br />

project was meant to show both Polish and Chechen children a positive experience of multiculturalism. They were exposed to various cultures, offered<br />

intercultural training and workshops, and had an opportunity to experience other cultures personally – through arts and sports activities.<br />

The Integration Picnic was a culmination, and form of summary, of this Project. The children had a chance to present their achievements and skills attained<br />

during the project and show to their parents how peaceful intercultural cooperation between them developed and works.<br />

Timing and guests<br />

In Poland, 20 June was a Day of residential elections; the date of the picnic was moped to 12 June. The event was opened. Around 800 people took part in<br />

it. The integration picnic took a form of a big school event in Brine – traditionally organized at the end of the school year. This year the event was focused<br />

on refugees. Local officials, including the local governor of Brwinow attended as well.<br />

Attractions<br />

The picnic included: A performance on Fryderyk Chopin, Polish composer and a refugee – prepared by Polish pupils.<br />

� A theatre performance based on a Chechen legend, by Polish pupils;<br />

� Multimedia presentation on refugees, prepared by PFM;<br />

� Presentation of Chechen national dances (by Chechen children)<br />

� Polish-Chechen capoeira performance (the children learned capoeira as part of the project, the performance allowed them to present what they have learned to<br />

parents and broader audience)<br />


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� Polish-Chechen presentation and making of jewelery and other arts products made by Polish and Chechen girls within the Project.<br />

� Presentation of the Brwinow Club: window to the Word (series of meetings of the children with other cultures)<br />

� Mini-multicultural workshops: capoeira lesson, arts lesson (jewelery making and music)<br />

The children decorated the school with posters on refugees, Chechnya, various cultures. The Chechen mothers prepared Chechen national dishes (and<br />

Polish moms – dishes of various cultures: Polish, French, and Ukrainian).<br />

In Poland, the spot was aired more than 216 times on 12 channels (more TV data is yet to come in), including in prime time spots like after the Wiadomosci<br />

evening news programme and during half time of the EURO2012 quarterfinal. One broadcast on TVP1 on 22 June reached 2.3 million viewers. The spot was<br />

also integrated into <strong>UNHCR</strong> media appearances for the WRD, including just after 7 interviews with the PI Officer and Head of Office on Polstat and TVP, and<br />

used in an earlier TV piece for WRD as part of a report on asylum-seekers in Poland from a media trip to border regions organized by <strong>UNHCR</strong>. The spot was<br />

also placed on 10 big platforms, including Onet.pl with 16 million users per month and Gazeta.pl with 11,8 million users, and other respected dailies and<br />

opinion weeklies, as well as a very popular gossip column.<br />

Poland had significant media coverage for WRD in 2012, overturning the received wisdom that media were not likely to get involved on refugee issues in<br />

that country. TV, radio, press and the main news portals in Poland showed a lot of sympathy towards refugees and asylum-seekers. A few weeks before<br />

WRD, UNCHR organized a media trip to the Terespol checkpoint (on the border with Belarus) and reception and detention centres at Biala Podlaska/Kolonia<br />

Horbow generating impressive coverage despite the domination of EURO12. Panorama TVP (with 1.5 million viewers), for example, combined its stories<br />

from the visit with WRD material, incorporating part of the AJ PSA into its report. The Global Trends release gave the hard news kick to the WRD campaign,<br />

generating massive coverage reaching a conservative estimate of 3 million people. The campaign press release was picked up by 10 media outlets which<br />

also hosted the PSA, and a further five outlets/blogs/NGOs that did not run the PSA. <strong>UNHCR</strong> staffs were interviewed on three influential TV programmes in<br />

the campaign period.<br />

The results<br />

The aim of the picnic was to raise awareness of the local community of refugees and to develop their openness to other cultures. In addition, we aimed at<br />

giving the Chechen children the opportunity to display their skills and achievements – to their parents, but also Polish pupils and community. Both those<br />

aims were fully achieved. All exemplifications of the Chechen culture, with cuisine especially, were received with great interest. The audience was also<br />

impressed with the results of the projects: capoeira and arts (as the results were truly impressive). For the first time, the Chechen children were seen in a<br />

positive light. Also, for the first time the Chechen parents saw their children as successful and admired in the Polish school context.<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

Portugal<br />

As for our plans for WRD, I am very happy to inform that this year was concentrated in the Portuguese Parliament. The President of the Portuguese<br />

Parliament invited CPR to integrate the WRD initiatives in the Parliament, thus assuring a wider visibility, the participation of the MPs and other important<br />

political stakeholders, and also the refugees residing in Portugal, in the events. The program included a session with testimonies of refugees (presided by<br />

the President of the Parliament and the President of CPR), a photo exhibition and a concert. The entrance was free. The National Parliament was decorated<br />

with the materials from the “1” Campaign and the Dilemma Campaign. Also, the videos and the PSA were transmitted by AR TV (the Parliament’s TV Cable<br />

Channel). They were already translated and broadcasted after June 11th. We’ve also made some TV SPOTS (15”) to advertise WRD in the Parliament, with<br />

the assistance of the Parliament’s staff.<br />

Romania<br />

In Romania, refugee children from the Emergency Transit Centre in Timisoara took part in a drawing contest on the theme of the Dilemmas campaign while<br />

on a special outing to Baile Lipovei, a nearby spa resort on 19 June. Various NGOS organized other activities in Bucharest.<br />

In Romania, most of the media coverage was generated by the campaign launch press release on 14 June, with lesser coverage from the global trends press<br />

release (on 18 June) and the WRD press release on 20 June. From the last press release, one TV media site ran the video on Saad’s dilemma. The campaign<br />

press release led to some interviews with <strong>UNHCR</strong> staff, and TV in Timisoara covered a local event with refugee children organized by NGOs.<br />

In Romania, the PSA was broadcast 154 times on 11 TV stations between 16 and 22 June, despite the shortage of primetime spots during the EURO2012<br />

final tournament, and the saturation of space with paid commercials. Romania had great success placing the PSA in other places, like airlines, subways, and<br />

supermarkets. The national carrier Tarom played the PSA on its flights before Takeoff and landing from 14 to 21 June. The spot was seen by 44,093<br />

passengers on flights to Paris, London, Frankfurt, Brussels, Vienna, Munich, Dubai, Istanbul, Amsterdam, Rome, Cluj and Timisoara. A partnership with an<br />

indoor publicity company, Monopoly, saw the PSA placed in the Henry Coanda International Airport terminal in Budapest, at 43 subway stations, in five<br />

supermarkets, and universities. The PSA was shown every nine minutes from 18 to 22 June at these indoor venues. Only two TV stations and one online<br />

magazine did not respond to the request.<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

Russia<br />

On 20 June, in Moscow: Roundtable in the Russian State Library (Hall of International Organizations) brought together students and teachers, young<br />

refugees, partners from NGOs and civil society, public authorities, librarians, UN country team and other socially minded people.<br />

The event focused on the WRD messages, the 1 Concept-2012; current challenges of refugee protection and also<br />

included:<br />

- Presentation of results of the recent Public Opinion Survey about attitudes to refugees in Russia,<br />

- Presentation of the “State of the World Refugees”,<br />

- Special Envoy PSA, PSA was subtitled in Russian, placed on the web site and disseminated to Implementing Partners<br />

and shown at public events; PSA with Angelina Jolie was translated and placed on the local web site and web sites of<br />

implementing partners, also served as an introduction to all WRD events. However, its late release by the HQ and<br />

lengthy clearance procedures necessary for placing the PSA in other media sources limited its use to Internet.<br />

- Presentation of 20 years of DAFI activities in Russia.<br />

The centerpiece of this and other public events held around 20 June was the launch of the new educational tool - the Russian language version of “Against<br />

All Odds” online game. It has been translated and adapted by <strong>UNHCR</strong> Office in the Russian Federation, and the online exercise by Roundtable participants<br />

will provide a valuable and informal input to the Round table deliberations. A DVD version of the game was distributed among participants for further use in<br />

relevant institutions.<br />

On 20 and 21 June WRD events was held in Ochyor (Perm Region), location of the Temporary Accommodation Centre attached to the Federal Migration<br />

Service of Russia, in St.-Petersburg and in Verbilki (Moscow Region) - both areas hosting a considerable number of refugees and being sites of <strong>UNHCR</strong>'s and<br />

IPs operations. <strong>UNHCR</strong> missions contributed to both events that involved local authorities and host communities, FMS representatives and mass media, and<br />

will consist in sharing personal stories, viewing PSA, etc. Presentations related to WRD, viewing of Special Envoy PSA, folklore performances, master classes<br />

in various crafts, photo contests, sports activities, prepared by TAC residents and the local community, was complemented by launch of the online game.<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

Also, WRD events in Russia gave a start to PA campaign to mark <strong>UNHCR</strong>’s 20 years in Russia (in October 2012).<br />

In 2012, WRD activities in the Russian Federation were planned and implemented with consideration to HQ guidance and the local operational<br />

environment, namely, the size of the country, the low number of refugees and asylum seekers and their concentration in certain areas, the focus on youth,<br />

etc.<br />

The following global advocacy messages were selected for WRD 2012.<br />

� 1 refugee without hope is too many.<br />

� 1 person forced to flee is too many.<br />

� 1 family torn apart by war is too many.<br />

The Dilemma campaign concept (and relevant visibility images) proposed by the HQ for 2012 was adopted and used in presentations at WRD events.<br />

Digital banners with Dilemma slogan were translated and placed on the web site.<br />

In addition, in early June 2012 <strong>UNHCR</strong> completed the long-standing project of translating into Russian and adapting the online interactive game “Against All<br />

Odds”. Developed by the <strong>UNHCR</strong> Office in Nordic countries in 2005 and since then translated into ten other languages, the game reflects the spirit of the<br />

Dilemma campaign: it reveals the dilemmas refugees face when fleeing from home, crossing borders, hiding from militants, adapting to new mode of life,<br />

etc. This major educational and PA tool tailored to the local context and equipped with relevant local reading materials was promoted through various<br />

channels. The launch of the online game was timed to the WRD. The online version was placed on the internet; CDs with a simplified version of the game<br />

were produced and distributed among participants of WRD commemorations in various regions. Judging by the interest in the game expressed by<br />

participants of WRD events, this approach was well justified. It helped reinforce the main campaign messages, build empathy and relate emotionally to the<br />

plight of refugees, increase public understanding of refugee issues, and educate our audiences as to the choices refugees have to make and the necessity<br />

for their protection and help.<br />

The <strong>UNHCR</strong> Office in Russia took part in the <strong>UNHCR</strong>’s public opinion survey (April - May 2012), which was seen as a good opportunity to outline the<br />

communication strategy around the Dilemma campaign and beyond. Preliminary survey results (in terms of attitudes to refugees and migrants in Russia)<br />

shared with the Office in mid-June, were quite positive, and the Office intended to make them public during WRD. However, the HQ’s embargo on releasing<br />

comparative results in June did not allow doing it, which is seen as an opportunity lost. In any case, comparative survey results will be used once officially<br />

released.<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

The WRD in 2012 also served as a launching pad for another PA campaign commemorating <strong>UNHCR</strong>’s 20 years in Russia (to be officially marked in October).<br />

The reference to this landmark and the outline of <strong>UNHCR</strong>’s operations in Russia added value to the WRD commemorations.<br />

On 20-21 June three public events under common slogans were held in different regions of Russia:<br />

� In Moscow, the Russian State Library (the oldest and most renowned federal library in the Russian Federation) and <strong>UNHCR</strong> co-hosted the Round<br />

Table, attended by governmental and non-governmental partners, professors and students of Moscow universities, legal clinics, youth NGOs,<br />

persons of concern residing in the Moscow Region, UN country team, Russian and International Red Cross, members of <strong>UNHCR</strong>-led interagency<br />

working groups on Social Issues/AGDM and on Tolerance, journalists and librarians. The presentation of WRD messages and the launch of the<br />

“Against All Odds” game sparked a lively discussion on the value of integration, the importance of educating public tolerance and raising awareness<br />

about refugee protection. <strong>UNHCR</strong>’s efforts in these spheres were highly evaluated by speakers, and a greeting message on the occasion of WRD<br />

from Vladimir Lukin, RF Ombudsman on Human Rights, was released.<br />

� In Verbilki, a town to the North of Moscow and the domicile of several dozens of refugee families, the WRD events were organised by the<br />

community and <strong>UNHCR</strong>’s social partner Magee. It was attended by the local authorities, children and the host community that for years have<br />

contributed to creating the friendly environment for <strong>UNHCR</strong>’s persons of concern, conducive for their adaptation and integration in Russia.<br />

� In Ochyor, a town in the Urals and the site of the Temporary Accommodation Centre (TAC) managed by the FMS of Russia, the <strong>UNHCR</strong>’s mission<br />

was timed to the WRD and became an integral part of WRD commemorations organised by TAC management together with the local authorities,<br />

the office of the Perm Ombudsperson and the muftiyat. Among the guests there were local authorities, the host community, NGO guests from<br />

Perm and TAC residents.<br />

� In St. Petersburg, <strong>UNHCR</strong>’s social and legal partner St. Petersburg Red Cross joined a meeting with the <strong>UNHCR</strong> Representative and the newly<br />

appointed St. Petersburg Ombudsman for Human Rights, with whom a number of mutual concerns were raised and opportunities for collaboration<br />

discussed.<br />

Slovakia<br />

In Slovakia, refugees at the Emergency Transit Centre joined asylum-seekers and others of concern on a sightseeing tour of the historical city of Košice. A<br />

group of Afghan women were interviewed by the media and afterwards performed a national dance. A football match between Afghan, Somalia and local<br />

teams followed the performance. In Bratislava, UNCHR staff took part in an umbrella march, symbolizing support for refugee protection.<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

Slovenia<br />

In Slovenia, the media reported on the global trends press release, with some integrating short stories on refugees in Slovenia (from the former Yugoslavia).<br />

There was some extra coverage of WRD events and other stories quoting NGOs and government on refugee issues in the country. In Slovenia, the<br />

government organized a cultural event at the asylum home in Ljubljana, and various film and cultural events were organized by NGOs.<br />

The PSA was aired 15 times by the Slovene public broadcaster (RTS) on 3 stations. It was also aired on public buses in Ljubljana between 13 to 20 June, at a<br />

cinema on 20 June and on two NGO websites (unaslovenia.org and Begunec.si). An estimated 342,000 people saw the spot in a country with a population of<br />

just 2 million. <strong>UNHCR</strong>’s IP Slovenska filantropija declined to screen the PSA during its film festival for WRD as they thought it was ‘not about refugees, but<br />

about <strong>UNHCR</strong> promotion.’<br />

Spain<br />

Activities<br />

Given the current economic crisis and the political and social context in the country, including the severe cuts to NGOs<br />

dealing with asylum & new authorities as the result of the general elections late 2011, this BO decided to “join forces” and<br />

to invite NGOs and government counterparts to celebrate all together the WRD in one single event in Madrid. The main<br />

objectives were to highlight the relevance of keeping open the space for the international protection; remind all concern of<br />

what is a refugee and what does it mean; underline the importance of resettlement; show unity between the actors<br />

involved on asylum issues, and our willingness to work with the Government to improve & solve the current gaps on<br />

asylum.<br />

In addition to the main activity on the 20J in Madrid, there were other events around this date taking place, including activities organized by the offices of<br />

the Spanish National Association in different Spanish cities, some of which with the participation of this Office staff.<br />

Activities in Madrid<br />

20th June - <strong>UNHCR</strong> coordinated a joint commemoration event on 20J with the main NGO dealing with asylum-seekers and<br />

refugees in Spain in Madrid. In addition to refugee testimonies (political and gender persecution grounds), we counted with the<br />

presence of high-profile authorities from Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Employment that conveyed their experience in the<br />

recently undertaken resettlement selection mission to Shousha camp in Tunisia. The event took place an 11:00 in a cultural<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

center of the Lavapies neighborhood, gathering point for immigrant population in Madrid. Audience was media, refugees and asylum seekers, academics<br />

and counterparts.<br />

At the end of the event, <strong>UNHCR</strong>, NGOs and the audience, joined the third European Umbrella's march, walking from the Cultural center to the Lavapies<br />

Square, where a photo exhibition on Libya was placed. Using the symbol of the umbrella to signify protection, participants marched with white umbrellas to<br />

demonstrate support for refugees' rights, as it was done in Austria, France, the Netherlands and Slovakia.<br />

09.06.2012 – Madrid Gospel Choir, Charity concert and bike fest, in the School GSD Las Suertes (C/ Rafael de León, 10)<br />

16.06.2012 – Charity Basketball Championship in CB de Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid<br />

22.06.2012 – WRD Party with refugees and asylum seekers at Refugee Reception Center in Vallecas Madrid<br />

29.06.2012 – WRD “rainbow” Party in the Refugee Reception Center of Alcobendas, Madrid, run by the Government (Ministry of Employment and Social<br />

Security), with refugees and local community.<br />

Catalonia<br />

21-22.06.2012 - Live Colombia: A series of activities concerning Colombia, took place the Café del Teatre of l’Escorxador, Lérida. There was a round table<br />

discussion about “Human Rights in Colombia”, a Colombian crafts show, cineforum, musical performances and a tasting of products from the region. This<br />

event was organized by the City Council of Lleida, the Catalan Committee of <strong>UNHCR</strong> and other organizations.<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong> Exhibition “To be a Refugee”: during the month of June they had a streamlined expo organized around a tent.<br />

20.06.2012 - World Wide Refugee Day Act in Barcelona: it was organized by the Immigration Board of the City Council of Barcelona and the organizations<br />

that work for forcibly displaced people. It took place at 18:00h at the Library of Jaume Fuster.<br />

Basque Country<br />

–The football players of the Bilbao Athletic Club supported the <strong>UNHCR</strong> Basque Committee with public announcement and by sharing information about<br />

female refugees and the help that <strong>UNHCR</strong> offers them.<br />

Valencia Community<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

The office in Valencia of the Spanish National Association, together with NGOs dealing with asylum carried out a number of awareness activities throughout<br />

the month of June.<br />

Ceuta<br />

16-22.06.2012 – Ceuta Refugee Week: El Centro Estancia Temporal de Inmigrantes de Ceuta (Aliens Transit Center) and a local NGO “Red de Lucha contra la<br />

Pobreza” organized a presentation and roundtable discussion on Asylum and Refuge in the Auditorio de las Murallas Reales, where a<br />

lecture by a <strong>UNHCR</strong> staff was given. The activity was complemented with the installation of the <strong>UNHCR</strong> exposition “One day we had<br />

to run”.<br />

Andalusia<br />

15-20.06.2012 - “Put yourself in the refugee’s shoes”: there was a gymkhana that took place at the forum of Sevilla, organized by<br />

the office in Seville of the <strong>UNHCR</strong> Spanish National Association. The people that attended the event could experience what a<br />

refugee has to go through in the different stages of his life. This project was done in collaboration with the Andalucian Refional<br />

Government, the City Council and Refugee Centers + NGOs<br />

Asturias<br />

1-2.06.2012 - Solidarity Music Festival: took place in the Town Hall Square of Villaviciosa.<br />

Promotional Materials<br />

From Headquarters:<br />

- Dilemma campaign translated and adapted into Spanish and placed in the Spain’s web site<br />

www.acnur.org / landing page. Since the mobile application linked to the campaign could<br />

not be adapted into Spanish, this application was replaced by information on the <strong>UNHCR</strong><br />

on-line game “Against all odds” (Contra Viento y marea).<br />

- Posters from Dilemmas campaign – locally made and printed in Spanish with the original<br />

artwork from HQs. Distributed to NGOs, government partners, <strong>UNHCR</strong>’s National<br />

Association’s offices<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

- Video PSA – Angelina Jolie, Juanes, Elena Anaya –Spanish actress who worked with Almodovar director in his latest film-. Videos adapted into<br />

Spanish from testimonies of refugees and displaced people for the Dilemmas campaign. All of them have been placed on the website and in media.<br />

- Elena Anaya’s video was also placed at the screens of the Underground stations of Madrid the week of WRD<br />

- Global trends – Translated and adapted to Spanish – shared with Latin America offices. It was shared with journalists placed on the website and<br />

received a wide media coverage.<br />

- SOWR No promotion off the State of the World Refugee was made as this Office is developing the Spanish version of the book to be launched at<br />

the end of the year. There were already lots of information on refugees and <strong>UNHCR</strong> activities in June to feed the media (other organizations are<br />

competing for media space as well for WRD)<br />

- Locally developed/used :<br />

- 40” Video for WRD with testimonies by refugees, and the slogan “They are Refugees – help us to protect them”, done by <strong>UNHCR</strong> and place on TVs,<br />

on-line media, shown on WRD event and placed on web sites of <strong>UNHCR</strong> and all entities dealing with asylum and refugee issues in Spain.<br />

- Posters locally produced in line with WRD video – with captures of the video and the logos of all entities participating on the WRD celebration.<br />

- Stickers with a drawing of an umbrella and the slogan “They are Refugees – help us to protect them”.<br />

- 100 Umbrellas for a demonstration at the end of the WRD celebration, joining the ECRE march in different European capitals.<br />

- Photo exhibition of the Libya crisis - placed at the square of Lavapiés, an immigrant’s neighborhood, where the umbrellas demonstration was<br />

ending.<br />

- Further materials on the “Put yourself on a Refugee’s shoes” where re-edited at the request of Schools, Sports clubs and NGOs in different Spanish<br />

cities using the campaign in the context of WRD.<br />

Sweden<br />

The site went live on the 13th of June - Protect 500 refugee families for WRD. The paid banner campaign via MEC<br />

came up the same day/day after. They also arrange for a video network to spread the AJ PSA for free. It has been<br />

picked up by bloggers. The Aftonbladet (the biggest tabloid and web site in Sweden) launched their support for the<br />

campaign and had 4 pages in print and articles online about South Sudan. Also a live chat between South Sudan and<br />

readers of the tabloid was held and an ob-ed in the paper. Aftonbladet is spreading and pushing the campaign through<br />

their social media channels. Further, Aftonbladet continued the campaign online and had stories from Dadaab. There<br />

were bloggers posting about the campaign. We continued to work to get people to Tweet about the campaign and<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

had many big ones already. Moreover, the Ericson Globe was blue. Sony Mobile posted information about the WRD mobile application on their blog: Sony<br />

Mobile was interested in donating handsets to <strong>UNHCR</strong> HQ for demonstrations of the WRD application.<br />

Switzerland<br />

Refugee Days in partnership with the Swiss Refugee Council and the Federal Office for Migration<br />

As in previous years, the Office for Switzerland and Liechtenstein (OSL) partnered with the Swiss Refugee<br />

Council (OSAR) and the Swiss Federal Office for Migration (FOM) for a joint campaign for the “Refugee<br />

Days“. These combine the National Refugee Day, which had been introduced by the Swiss Refugee Council<br />

(OSAR) in 1980 and is celebrated on the third Saturday in June every year, the “Refugee Sunday” which<br />

immediately follows the National Refugee Day and where churches may take the lead in planning activities<br />

around this theme and World Refugee Day (WRD), as latter is generally very close to these days. Activities<br />

are linked to maximize resources and to allow activities over a period of time. OSL thus cooperated with<br />

OSAR and the FOM on a campaign with short videos focusing on refugees,joint visibility through social<br />

media, flyers and posters, and additional activities/events. Given the size and weight of the Swiss-German<br />

part of Switzerland, and the far more restrictive public and political mood, OSL invested more resources in<br />

activities there. In Geneva, HQ took the lead in organizing activities.<br />

Football match with parliamentarians, prominent persons and refugees - Team “Refugees United”<br />

On 15 June, the <strong>UNHCR</strong> Office for Switzerland and Liechtenstein, the Swiss Refugee Council (OSAR) and the Federal<br />

Office for Migration (FOM) co-organized a football match with mixed teams of parliamentarians, prominent people<br />

and refugees under the slogan “Miteinander statt gegeneinander Fussballspielen (Playing football together rather<br />

than against each other)”. The match was moderated by a radio moderator.<br />

OSL invested extensively in media relations in cooperation with OSAR and the FOM. During the halftime and after<br />

the game, there were opportunities to engage with the football players and to interview them. As participants<br />

were from throughout Switzerland, this permitted coverage in a number of newspapers, as well as local and public radio stations and TV reported on<br />

the football game, even if at least one noted that the game occurred right after two days of very heavy negative debates in the Parliament on asylum,<br />

and that parliamentarians were with one exception from the left spectrum. Given the very postive media coverage, plans are to repeat this event for the<br />


Refugee Days 2013.<br />

WRD REPORT 2012<br />

Impact: The commitment of parliamentarians as well as local prominent persons could be reinforced. Additionally, the event permitted positive reporting<br />

on refugees to reach a wider public through different local and regional media and Facebook. In addition, OSL was able to establish and reinforce positive<br />

contacts with parliamentarians as well as with the Director of the FOM, who was also present during the entire game.<br />

Keynote Speeches and Podium Discussions and Information Stands<br />

As 16 June is National Refugee Day, events are organized locally in many different cities and towns of Switzerland. Since Switzerland tends to be very<br />

local (e.g. with respect to media, reporting, decision-making, etc.), any one event is very unlikely to draw national attention. Local presence is thus<br />

important. The Head of Office was thus invited to give a key note address at the Refugee Days event in Basel, together with the competent Governing<br />

Councillor of Basle.<br />

Bundeshaus (Federal Parliament Building) on National Refugee Day<br />

The Head of Office was also invited to participate in a high profile podium discussion in Zuerich on World Refugee Day together with the Director of the<br />

Federal Office for Migration, the competent Governing Councillor of Zuerich and a refugee. The Office for Switzerland (OSL) was also present with<br />

stands, information materials, visibility materials including publications, brochures, flyers, postcards and balloons in Berne, Lausanne and Zurich. In<br />

Berne, OSL had the opportunity to have an information stand located directly adjacent to the Bundeshaus (Federal Parliament Building). The aim was to<br />

increase positive awareness for refugees and others in need of international protection, as well as <strong>UNHCR</strong>, through direct contact, and to establish and<br />

reinforce linkages with local NGOs and other actors. In all three cities the activities raised a high degree of interest. Many people came to become<br />

informed about the work of <strong>UNHCR</strong> and many children came to get a balloon.<br />

Impact: Participation in various refugee events in Switzerland permitted the reaching of thousands of persons<br />

locally and supported awareness raising and sensitizing to refugee issues. Additionally, particularly the events<br />

in Basle and Zuerich presented useful opportunities to establish contacts and engage informally with<br />

different potential counterparts.<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

Abbot Martin Werlen twittered about the Event<br />

Illumination of the Einsiedeln Monastery in blue OLS illuminated, in cooperation with the light artist Gerry Hofstetter (who was also working with<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong> for the Nansen Event), the Einsiedeln Monastery in blue on 20 June 2012.<br />

The event was a notable one attracting many people who came to inform themselves about the reason for the illumination. Pictures from the event<br />

were used by a wide number of media. To promote this event, the abbot Martin Werlen of the Einsiedeln Monastery advertised it via twitter. He also<br />

became engaged in the national asylum debate, recommending politicians to focus on Christian values (addressing in particular the Christian<br />

Democratic Party).<br />

Impact: The event was a useful opportunity to raise more positive awareness of refugees. An estimated 250 visitors came to see the event on the spot.<br />

More persons were reached through the local media and authorities, and through the twitter account of the Abbot of Einsiedeln, who has almost 4000<br />

followers.<br />

Broadcast of PSA in Train Stations<br />

The Office for Switzerland (OSL) is exploring different opportunities to ensure playtime for the WRD PSA by Angelina<br />

Jolie, including cinemas, open-air festivals, etc. Challenges are that there is no tradition for airingPSA pro bono and<br />

that <strong>UNHCR</strong> videos/PSA are quickly rejected as “political” messages (no matter how “humanitarian” or “neutral”). If<br />

accepted, the rates offered for showing the PSA are generally extremely expensive. Nonetheless, OSL was able to<br />

negotiate several opportunities to present it for free.<br />

This includes several major train stations in Switzerland (Basel, Berne, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St.Gallen,<br />

Winterthur, Zürich and Zug) which offered to show <strong>UNHCR</strong> campaign posters as well as the PSA on e-boards for free<br />

(whenever there is free, i.e. unsold, advertising time during the second half of the year 2012). An Open-Air-Cinema<br />

has also agreed to screen the PSA three times free of charge. Additionally, the Swiss public television channel SF<br />

offered to broadcast an <strong>UNHCR</strong> video 52 times on prime-time for a fraction of the total cost.<br />

Impact: The various avenues above have the potential to reach and possibly sensitize a considerable public, particularly the offer of the Swiss public<br />

television channels to show the PSA at prime times.<br />

Turkey<br />

Ankara<br />

Main event of the WRD 2012 in Turkey was the launching of the book, “Tarik and the White Crow”, collectively written by 10 refugee children of 6-7 years<br />

old at an organised workshop in a refugee town. The launching of the book took place at an event in a new mall in Ankara, Kent Park, on the 20<br />

44<br />

th of June.

WRD REPORT 2012<br />

The children who wrote the story, and the book which reflects their understanding of their situation, was the focus of the event. The launch of the book<br />

was supported by a “Walk for Refugees” activity with the support of some very well-known celebrities in Turkey.<br />

The book “Tarik and the White Crow” is sponsored by <strong>UNHCR</strong> Turkey and published by Sarigaga publishing house. The<br />

kids, who named themselves the “Polar Star Collective”, expressed from their perspective the importance of tolerance,<br />

acceptance and community in the book.<br />

Ms. Hadise, Turkey’s Eurovision Contest Singer of three years ago, Ms. Pelin Batu, a well known Actress, and Mr. Erkan<br />

Tan, a renowned TV Presenter joined the walk which was choreographed and joined by a famous stylist, Mr. Hakan<br />

Akkaya. During the opening remarks, Ms. Carol Batchelor, the <strong>UNHCR</strong> Representative in Turkey and Mr.Salih Bezci, the President of the Chambers of<br />

Commerce have underlined the importance of the protection of refugees who are forced to leave their countries because of violence or persecution. Ms.<br />

Batchelor thanked Turkey for its historical hospitality for the refugees.<br />

The event was attended in person by a few hundred spectators and live broadcasted by national and local TVs throughout Turkey.<br />

On the 20th of June, the wife of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, Mrs. Nevin Gokcek, hosted a lunch for the members of the Polar Star Collective and their<br />

accompanying parents, as well as for the celebrities at the Municipality Guest House in Ankara.<br />

The book<br />

“Tarik and the White Crow” was written at a workshop, organised by <strong>UNHCR</strong> and Sarıgaga Books, which was held on 26th of<br />

February 2012, in the office of <strong>UNHCR</strong>’s implementing partner ASAM (Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants),<br />

in Isparta. Ten children from Somalia, Sudan, Iran and Afghanistan aged between 6 and 7, gathered to write this story. They called<br />

themselves "The Polar Star Collective" illustrated by Sadi Güran. 1000 copies are printed by Sarıgaga Books. The book is sponsored<br />

by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Turkey and will be distributed to Government, Embassy and partners as<br />

well as to the primary schools in Turkey, especially in satellite cities where refugees are assigned to live, in order to raise awareness among the local<br />

children. The story is about a child name Tarik and his father who had to leave their home after a dark cloud threatened their island. They sailed away in<br />

order to find a new place to live. During their journey, they were helped by a white crow. The story illustrates the importance of empathy, tolerance,<br />

acceptance and new beginnings.<br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

TV Spot<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong> Turkey advised TV stations to broadcast Angelina Jolie’s TV spot. <strong>UNHCR</strong> had received a support letter from<br />

Supreme Board of Radio and Television (RTUK).<br />

Istanbul<br />

United Kingdom<br />

In order to celebrate the world refugee day and raise awareness among the people of<br />

Istanbul, <strong>UNHCR</strong> Istanbul FU organised, in partnership with the Governorate of Istanbul and<br />

ASAM:<br />

Two live concerts by Enzo and Yabanci Degiliz<br />

- On a special wagon attached to the famous Nostalgic Tram in Istiklal, the main commercial street in Istanbul<br />

- Decoration of the wagon with <strong>UNHCR</strong> banners and balloons<br />

- Distribution of flyers raising awareness about the refugees<br />

Approximately 400 activities took place during Refugee Week, publicized via the new Refugee Week website and attracting<br />

some 91,500 participants across the UK. <strong>UNHCR</strong> was the main funder of Refugee Week activities, coordinated under a new<br />

umbrella organization that includes 10 NGOs, and where <strong>UNHCR</strong> is a major partner. <strong>UNHCR</strong> also trained partners and<br />

volunteers (including refugees) in social media and campaigning to carry out their own events, including with <strong>UNHCR</strong> material.<br />

1,500 balloons, 3,000 badges, 13,500 flyers and 1,850 posters were distributed to schools, local authorities and refugee<br />

communities carrying out Refugee Week activities.<br />

In this year’s “Unsung Heroes“ campaign, highlighting the contributions of refugees to the 2012 Olympics, <strong>UNHCR</strong> placed<br />

posters in 60 London Underground stations for three weeks, reaching approximately 1.5 million commuters. In the annual free<br />

Celebrating Sanctuary festival on London’s Southbank, funded by the Arts Council and featuring refugee performances, <strong>UNHCR</strong><br />


WRD REPORT 2012<br />

had a tent and two stalls, where staff discussed refugee issues with passers-by, distributing materials and fundraising by selling T-shirts and books. <strong>UNHCR</strong><br />

and Refugee Week organized a Casablanca evening at the Victoria and Albert museum on 22 June. The museum was transformed into Rick’s café, while<br />

guests in black and white dress code (to match the film) were treated to performances and workshops by refugees. The journalist invited by <strong>UNHCR</strong> gave a<br />

thought-provoking opening talk. The event was covered in The Spectator magazine and attended by an estimated 4,000 people.<br />

On 18 June, the <strong>UNHCR</strong> Rep took part in a panel discussion at the Jewish Museum on challenges facing refugees in<br />

a recession. On WRD, the <strong>UNHCR</strong>/ Magnum exhibition ’60 Years, 6 Lives’ was launched in Scotland’s Paisley<br />

Museum with an opening talk by refugees and the local mayor. <strong>UNHCR</strong> London’s Dilemma webpage<br />

unhcr.org.uk/dilemma had over 9,000 unique visitors. Dilemma campaign posters with a UK-specific QR code and<br />

website details were distributed to schools, universities and UN Associations. On World Refugee Day, <strong>UNHCR</strong>’s<br />

Global Trends report was featured in the Guardian’s Datablog, which produced an interactive map showing key<br />

statistics http://bit.ly/Mwipdk, Refugee Week alone generated over news 200 articles in the UK.<br />

The office this year developed new partnerships with the Times Educational Supplement, and with Blackwell’s, the bookshop. Both partners promoted the<br />

Dilemmas campaign online: the TES resources webpages had a refugee special focus for June, hosting <strong>UNHCR</strong>’s Dilemmas posters, teaching materials and<br />

lesson plans, which were promoted to over 30,000 Twitter followers. The Blackwell bookshop’s homepage incorporated the Dilemmas banner, and a list of<br />

literature on forced migration, as well as the <strong>UNHCR</strong> logo and WRD details in their e-newsletter distributed to over 318,000 people. The ‘My Life as a<br />

Refugee’ smart phone app was launched via the <strong>UNHCR</strong>’s call to action webpage, to mixed reviews. In this year’s Simple Acts campaign, promoted by<br />

<strong>UNHCR</strong> and by leading museums, 7,280 Simple Acts flyers were distributed. 27,863 Simple Acts have been completed so far. The office’s Facebook in WRD<br />

week was visited by over 71,000 people, (2800% more than average), many of whom passed on Dilemma stories. Tweet followers went up by 10 per cent in<br />

WRD week. <strong>UNHCR</strong> greatly extended its reach through these social media this year.<br />


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