Il contributo della geologia alla comprensione dei terremoti

Il contributo della geologia alla comprensione dei terremoti Il contributo della geologia alla comprensione dei terremoti


SESSIONE 1 Struggling from surface observations to seismogenic structures, and the contribution of seismic reflection profiles Key words: Active tectonics, earthquake geology, seismogenic structures, seismic reflection profiles. INTRODUCTION Field geology data can greatly help defining the parameters that characterize active faults. Features like fault direction, fault length, and fault segmentation can often be constrained by careful field studies (eg., GALLI &BOSI, 2003). These studies are of paramount importance in paleoseismology, particularly as a way to assess the recurrence time interval of larger earthquakes. However, they address only the surface expression of tectonic processes that affect the upper kilometers of the Earth crust. On the other hand, earthquakes, particularly those of larger magnitude, tend to originate near the base of the brittle crust (MARONE &SCHOLZ, 1988). Therefore, the link between the seismogenic fault, located at some kilometers depth, and its surface expression is not always straightforward. The finding that in several instances, particularly in compresissonal regime, active faults can be blind (e.g., MYERS et alii, 2003) adds further complexities, sometimes resulting in poorly constrained inference on the seismogenic source. Data on fault length and fault slip can be used to define the seismogenic source. However, simplified fault slip models are usually adopted to fit surface observation, and the result is greatly affected by the quality and spatial coverage of available constraints. The seismicity of the Italian region has been well defined by 20 years of instrumental rcording by the INGV seismic network (CHIARABBA et alii, 2005). Active tectonics occurs with a variety of structural styles, but deformation rates are rather low, (VANNUCCI et alii, 2004; SERPELLONI et alii, 2007), for instance with respect to the Anatolian and Aegean regions; therefore, the geomorphological/stratigraphic signal of blind faulting can be subdue, particularly when competing with processes like differential compaction, gravitational adjustments and fluid escape. _________________________ (*) ISMAR-CNR, Bologna, ANDREA ARGNANI (*) 2 SOME EXAMPLES Examples illustrating some of the open and debated issues concerning active tectonics in the Italian region will be presented, with particular emphasis on case studies from marine areas. Three examples of marine areas characterized by large historical earthquakes are briefly introduced in the followings. Peri-Gargano region - Seismic data support the conclusion that the Pliocene-Quaternary deformation offshore of the Gargano Promontory is progressively localized along a narrow E- W belt in the South (ARGNANI et alii, 2009a) and along a NE-SW belt in the North (ARGNANI et alii, 2002), whereas in the same time span the whole of the Gargano Promontory has been uplifted. The Present-Day deformation around the Gargano Promontory is mainly restricted to the regions located to the N- NE of the promontory. Deformation is typically rather diffuse and of limited extent; basement was likely involved, as suggested by both depth of earthquakes and trends of the structures, that bear little relationship with those of the adjacent fold and thrust belts. Compressional reactivation of extensional Mesozoic faults is considered as the most likely mechanism for Neogene deformation. Messina Straits – In the Messina Straits it is difficult to find a single fault that is long enough to account for the Mw 7.1, 1908 Messina earthquake (ARGNANI et alii, 2009b, and references therein). Moreover, the trend of the observed faults, though consistent with faults onshore Calabria, is different from the trend of many of the faults proposed on the basis of inversion of seismological and geodetic data. Seismic data show that there is no N-S fault cutting the sedimentary successions south of the epicenter the 1908 earthquake. In fact, the only long fault that is cutting the sea floor is located at the SW tip of Calabria, trends NW-SE and dips to the west with a low angle. Such fault parameters are not compatible with the 1908 earthquake, as the hypocentral depth would be located too far to the west. A system of interconnected faults, partly exploiting pre-existing fault planes, can better describe the observed geological (i.e., long term) deformation; an interpretation that leaves the possibility to have more than a fault active at the same time. At present it is difficult to say whether the observed active faults are just the surface expression of a single, deeper and blind seismogenic fault, or if they truly represent the complex response of an area where more than one fault can be active at the same time. The

large magnitude of the 1908 earthquake makes the first hypothesis perhaps more appealing. Eastern Sicily - Oceanic lithosphere has been subducted under the Calabrian Arc during the opening of the Tyrrhenain backarc basin. A narrow, 200 km wide, oceanic slab is still present underneath Calabria, and the Calabrian Arc accretionary prism currently covers most of the Ionian Sea. Megathrusts originating large magnitude earthquakes have been shown to characterize the subduction interface of several Pacific plate boundaries (HYNDMAN et alii, 1997). Large historical earthquakes have been reported in the regions around the Ionian Sea, particularly in eastern Sicily, often with associated tsunamis (LORITO et alii, 2008). The January 1693 earthquake, possibly the largest known Italian earthquake (CPTI, 2004), has been recently attributed to a subduction fault plane (GUTSCHER et alii, 2006); modelling of the related tsunami, however, show waves which are larger in Calabria than in eastern Sicily, unlike historical records (TINTI & ARMIGLIATO, 2003). The attribution of the January 1693 earthquake to the extensional faults located offshore of eastern Sicily (ARGNANI & BONAZZI, 2005; ARGNANI, 2009) seems therefore to be preferred, as also tsunami modelling better fits the observations (ARGNANI et alii, 2004). It should be mentioned, however, that the 1693 earthquake has been located on land, according to other authors (see reviews in the DISS web site, just to highlight the degree of uncertainty. REFERENCES ARGNANI A. (2009) - Evolution of the southern Tyrrhenian slab tear and active tectonics along the western edge of the Tyrrhenian subducted slab. In: Van Hinsbergen D. J. J., Edwards M. A. and Govers R. (Eds) - Collision and Collapse at the Africa–Arabia–Eurasia Subduction Zone. Geol. Soc., London, Spec. Publ., 311, 193–212. ARGNANI A. & BONAZZI C. (2005) - Tectonics of Eastern Sicily Offshore. Tectonics, 24, doi:10.1029/2004TC001656. ARGNANI A., BONAZZI C. & COSTA PISANI P. (2002) - Neogene deformation in the central Adriatic Sea. RealMod 2002, 2-4 October 2002, Milano, 135-138. ARGNANI A., ROVERE M. & BONAZZI C. (2009a) - Tectonics of the Mattinata Fault offshore south Gargano (southern Adriatic Sea, Italy): implications on active deformation in the foreland of the Southern Apennines. G.S.A. Bull., 121, 1421- 1440. ARGNANI A., TINTI S., ARMIGLIATO A&BONAZZI C. (2004) - Neotectonics and tsunamigenic potential of the Eastern Sicily Escarpment. Riassunti GNGTS, 2004, Roma. 3 ARGNANI A., BRANCOLINI G., BONAZZI C., ROVERE M, ACCAINO F., ZGUR F. & LODOLO E. (2009b) - The results of the Taormina 2006 seismic survey: Possible implications for active tectonics in the Messina Straits. Tectonophysics, 476, 159-169. CHIARABBA C., JOVANE L. & DI STEFANO R. (2005) - A new view of Italian seismicity using 20 years of instrumental recordings. Tectonophysics, 395, 251– 268. GALLI P. & BOSI V. (2003) - Catastrophic 1638 earthquakes in Calabria (southern Italy): New insights from paleoseismological investigation. J. Geoph. Res., 108, doi:10.1029/2001JB001713. CPTI (2004) - Catalogo Parametrico dei Terremoti Italiani, versione 2004 (CPTI04). INGV, Bologna. GUTSCHER M.-A., ROGER J., BAPTISTA M.-A., MIRANDA J.M. & TINTI S. (2006) - Source of the 1693 Catania earthquake and tsunami (southern Italy): New evidence from tsunami modeling of a locked subduction fault plane. Geoph. Res. Lett., 33, doi:10.1029/2005GL025442. HYNDMAN R.D., YAMAN M. & OLESKEVICH D.A. (1997) – The seismogenic zone of subduction thrust faults. The Island Arc, 6, 244-260. LORITO S., TIBERTI M.M., BASILI R., PIATANESI A. & VALENSISE G. (2008) - Earthquake-generated tsunamis in the Mediterranean Sea: Scenarios of potential threats to Southern Italy. J. Geoph. Res., 113, doi:10.1029/2007JB004943. MYERS D.J., NABELEK J.L. & YEATS R.S. (2003) – Dislocation modelling of blind thrusts in the eastern Los Angeles basin, California.. J. Geoph. Res., 108, doi:10.1029/2002JB002150. MARONE C. & SCHOLZ C.H. (1988) – The depth of seismic faulting and the upper transition from stable to unstable slip regime. Geoph. Res. Lett., 15, 621-624. SERPELLONI E., VANNUCCI G., PONDRELLI S., ARGNANI A., CASULA G., ANZIDEI M., BALDI P. & GASPERINI P. (2007) – Kinematics of the Western Africa-Eurasia plate boundary from focal mechanisms and GPS data. Geophys. J. Int, 169, 1180-1200. TINTI S. & ARMIGLIATO A. (2003) – The use of scenarios to evaluate the tsunami impact in southern Italy. Marine Geology, 199, 221-243. VANNUCCI G., PONDRELLI S., ARGNANI A., MORELLI A., GASPERINI P. & BOSCHI E. (2004) - An Atlas of Mediterranean Seismicity. Annali di Geofisica, suppl. vol. 47, 247-306. SESSIONE 1

SESSIONE 1<br />

Struggling from surface observations to seismogenic structures, and<br />

the contribution of seismic reflection profiles<br />

Key words: Active tectonics, earthquake geology, seismogenic<br />

structures, seismic reflection profiles.<br />


Field geology data can greatly help defining the parameters<br />

that characterize active faults. Features like fault direction, fault<br />

length, and fault segmentation can often be constrained by careful<br />

field studies (eg., GALLI &BOSI, 2003). These studies are of<br />

paramount importance in paleoseismology, particularly as a way<br />

to assess the recurrence time interval of larger earthquakes.<br />

However, they address only the surface expression of tectonic<br />

processes that affect the upper kilometers of the Earth crust. On<br />

the other hand, earthquakes, particularly those of larger<br />

magnitude, tend to originate near the base of the brittle crust<br />

(MARONE &SCHOLZ, 1988). Therefore, the link between the<br />

seismogenic fault, located at some kilometers depth, and its<br />

surface expression is not always straightforward. The finding that<br />

in several instances, particularly in compresissonal regime,<br />

active faults can be blind (e.g., MYERS et alii, 2003) adds further<br />

complexities, sometimes resulting in poorly constrained inference<br />

on the seismogenic source. Data on fault length and fault slip can<br />

be used to define the seismogenic source. However, simplified<br />

fault slip models are usually adopted to fit surface observation,<br />

and the result is greatly affected by the quality and spatial<br />

coverage of available constraints.<br />

The seismicity of the Italian region has been well defined by<br />

20 years of instrumental rcording by the INGV seismic network<br />

(CHIARABBA et alii, 2005). Active tectonics occurs with a variety<br />

of structural styles, but deformation rates are rather low,<br />

(VANNUCCI et alii, 2004; SERPELLONI et alii, 2007), for instance<br />

with respect to the Anatolian and Aegean regions; therefore, the<br />

geomorphological/stratigraphic signal of blind faulting can be<br />

subdue, particularly when competing with processes like<br />

differential compaction, gravitational adjustments and fluid<br />

escape.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) ISMAR-CNR, Bologna,<br />


2<br />


Examples illustrating some of the open and debated issues<br />

concerning active tectonics in the Italian region will be presented,<br />

with particular emphasis on case studies from marine areas. Three<br />

examples of marine areas characterized by large historical<br />

earthquakes are briefly introduced in the followings.<br />

Peri-Gargano region - Seismic data support the conclusion<br />

that the Pliocene-Quaternary deformation offshore of the<br />

Gargano Promontory is progressively localized along a narrow E-<br />

W belt in the South (ARGNANI et alii, 2009a) and along a NE-SW<br />

belt in the North (ARGNANI et alii, 2002), whereas in the same<br />

time span the whole of the Gargano Promontory has been<br />

uplifted. The Present-Day deformation around the Gargano<br />

Promontory is mainly restricted to the regions located to the N-<br />

NE of the promontory. Deformation is typically rather diffuse and<br />

of limited extent; basement was likely involved, as suggested by<br />

both depth of earthquakes and trends of the structures, that bear<br />

little relationship with those of the adjacent fold and thrust belts.<br />

Compressional reactivation of extensional Mesozoic faults is<br />

considered as the most likely mechanism for Neogene<br />

deformation. Messina Straits – In the Messina Straits it is difficult<br />

to find a single fault that is long enough to account for the Mw<br />

7.1, 1908 Messina earthquake (ARGNANI et alii, 2009b, and<br />

references therein). Moreover, the trend of the observed faults,<br />

though consistent with faults onshore Calabria, is different from<br />

the trend of many of the faults proposed on the basis of inversion<br />

of seismological and geodetic data. Seismic data show that there<br />

is no N-S fault cutting the sedimentary successions south of the<br />

epicenter the 1908 earthquake. In fact, the only long fault that is<br />

cutting the sea floor is located at the SW tip of Calabria, trends<br />

NW-SE and dips to the west with a low angle. Such fault<br />

parameters are not compatible with the 1908 earthquake, as the<br />

hypocentral depth would be located too far to the west. A system<br />

of interconnected faults, partly exploiting pre-existing fault<br />

planes, can better describe the observed geological (i.e., long<br />

term) deformation; an interpretation that leaves the possibility to<br />

have more than a fault active at the same time. At present it is<br />

difficult to say whether the observed active faults are just the<br />

surface expression of a single, deeper and blind seismogenic<br />

fault, or if they truly represent the complex response of an area<br />

where more than one fault can be active at the same time. The

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