Il contributo della geologia alla comprensione dei terremoti

Il contributo della geologia alla comprensione dei terremoti Il contributo della geologia alla comprensione dei terremoti


SESSIONE 1 Il contributo della geologia alla comprensione dei terremoti CONVENERS Fabrizio Galadini (INGV Milano) Paolo Boncio (Università degli Studi “G. d'Annunzio” Chieti) Alberto Pizzi (Università degli Studi “G. d'Annunzio” Chieti) Michele Saroli (Università degli Studi di Cassino) 1 SESSIONE 1

SESSIONE 1<br />

<strong>Il</strong> <strong>contributo</strong> <strong>della</strong> <strong>geologia</strong> <strong>alla</strong> <strong>comprensione</strong> <strong>dei</strong><br />

<strong>terremoti</strong><br />


Fabrizio Galadini (INGV Milano)<br />

Paolo Boncio (Università degli Studi “G. d'Annunzio” Chieti)<br />

Alberto Pizzi (Università degli Studi “G. d'Annunzio” Chieti)<br />

Michele Saroli (Università degli Studi di Cassino)<br />

1<br />


SESSIONE 1<br />

Struggling from surface observations to seismogenic structures, and<br />

the contribution of seismic reflection profiles<br />

Key words: Active tectonics, earthquake geology, seismogenic<br />

structures, seismic reflection profiles.<br />


Field geology data can greatly help defining the parameters<br />

that characterize active faults. Features like fault direction, fault<br />

length, and fault segmentation can often be constrained by careful<br />

field studies (eg., GALLI &BOSI, 2003). These studies are of<br />

paramount importance in paleoseismology, particularly as a way<br />

to assess the recurrence time interval of larger earthquakes.<br />

However, they address only the surface expression of tectonic<br />

processes that affect the upper kilometers of the Earth crust. On<br />

the other hand, earthquakes, particularly those of larger<br />

magnitude, tend to originate near the base of the brittle crust<br />

(MARONE &SCHOLZ, 1988). Therefore, the link between the<br />

seismogenic fault, located at some kilometers depth, and its<br />

surface expression is not always straightforward. The finding that<br />

in several instances, particularly in compresissonal regime,<br />

active faults can be blind (e.g., MYERS et alii, 2003) adds further<br />

complexities, sometimes resulting in poorly constrained inference<br />

on the seismogenic source. Data on fault length and fault slip can<br />

be used to define the seismogenic source. However, simplified<br />

fault slip models are usually adopted to fit surface observation,<br />

and the result is greatly affected by the quality and spatial<br />

coverage of available constraints.<br />

The seismicity of the Italian region has been well defined by<br />

20 years of instrumental rcording by the INGV seismic network<br />

(CHIARABBA et alii, 2005). Active tectonics occurs with a variety<br />

of structural styles, but deformation rates are rather low,<br />

(VANNUCCI et alii, 2004; SERPELLONI et alii, 2007), for instance<br />

with respect to the Anatolian and Aegean regions; therefore, the<br />

geomorphological/stratigraphic signal of blind faulting can be<br />

subdue, particularly when competing with processes like<br />

differential compaction, gravitational adjustments and fluid<br />

escape.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) ISMAR-CNR, Bologna,<br />


2<br />


Examples illustrating some of the open and debated issues<br />

concerning active tectonics in the Italian region will be presented,<br />

with particular emphasis on case studies from marine areas. Three<br />

examples of marine areas characterized by large historical<br />

earthquakes are briefly introduced in the followings.<br />

Peri-Gargano region - Seismic data support the conclusion<br />

that the Pliocene-Quaternary deformation offshore of the<br />

Gargano Promontory is progressively localized along a narrow E-<br />

W belt in the South (ARGNANI et alii, 2009a) and along a NE-SW<br />

belt in the North (ARGNANI et alii, 2002), whereas in the same<br />

time span the whole of the Gargano Promontory has been<br />

uplifted. The Present-Day deformation around the Gargano<br />

Promontory is mainly restricted to the regions located to the N-<br />

NE of the promontory. Deformation is typically rather diffuse and<br />

of limited extent; basement was likely involved, as suggested by<br />

both depth of earthquakes and trends of the structures, that bear<br />

little relationship with those of the adjacent fold and thrust belts.<br />

Compressional reactivation of extensional Mesozoic faults is<br />

considered as the most likely mechanism for Neogene<br />

deformation. Messina Straits – In the Messina Straits it is difficult<br />

to find a single fault that is long enough to account for the Mw<br />

7.1, 1908 Messina earthquake (ARGNANI et alii, 2009b, and<br />

references therein). Moreover, the trend of the observed faults,<br />

though consistent with faults onshore Calabria, is different from<br />

the trend of many of the faults proposed on the basis of inversion<br />

of seismological and geodetic data. Seismic data show that there<br />

is no N-S fault cutting the sedimentary successions south of the<br />

epicenter the 1908 earthquake. In fact, the only long fault that is<br />

cutting the sea floor is located at the SW tip of Calabria, trends<br />

NW-SE and dips to the west with a low angle. Such fault<br />

parameters are not compatible with the 1908 earthquake, as the<br />

hypocentral depth would be located too far to the west. A system<br />

of interconnected faults, partly exploiting pre-existing fault<br />

planes, can better describe the observed geological (i.e., long<br />

term) deformation; an interpretation that leaves the possibility to<br />

have more than a fault active at the same time. At present it is<br />

difficult to say whether the observed active faults are just the<br />

surface expression of a single, deeper and blind seismogenic<br />

fault, or if they truly represent the complex response of an area<br />

where more than one fault can be active at the same time. The

large magnitude of the 1908 earthquake makes the first<br />

hypothesis perhaps more appealing.<br />

Eastern Sicily - Oceanic lithosphere has been subducted under<br />

the Calabrian Arc during the opening of the Tyrrhenain backarc<br />

basin. A narrow, 200 km wide, oceanic slab is still present<br />

underneath Calabria, and the Calabrian Arc accretionary prism<br />

currently covers most of the Ionian Sea. Megathrusts originating<br />

large magnitude earthquakes have been shown to characterize the<br />

subduction interface of several Pacific plate boundaries<br />

(HYNDMAN et alii, 1997). Large historical earthquakes have been<br />

reported in the regions around the Ionian Sea, particularly in<br />

eastern Sicily, often with associated tsunamis (LORITO et alii,<br />

2008). The January 1693 earthquake, possibly the largest known<br />

Italian earthquake (CPTI, 2004), has been recently attributed to a<br />

subduction fault plane (GUTSCHER et alii, 2006); modelling of the<br />

related tsunami, however, show waves which are larger in<br />

Calabria than in eastern Sicily, unlike historical records (TINTI &<br />

ARMIGLIATO, 2003). The attribution of the January 1693<br />

earthquake to the extensional faults located offshore of eastern<br />

Sicily (ARGNANI & BONAZZI, 2005; ARGNANI, 2009) seems<br />

therefore to be preferred, as also tsunami modelling better fits the<br />

observations (ARGNANI et alii, 2004). It should be mentioned,<br />

however, that the 1693 earthquake has been located on land,<br />

according to other authors (see reviews in the DISS web site<br />, just to highlight the degree of<br />

uncertainty.<br />


ARGNANI A. (2009) - Evolution of the southern Tyrrhenian slab<br />

tear and active tectonics along the western edge of the<br />

Tyrrhenian subducted slab. In: Van Hinsbergen D. J. J.,<br />

Edwards M. A. and Govers R. (Eds) - Collision and Collapse<br />

at the Africa–Arabia–Eurasia Subduction Zone. Geol. Soc.,<br />

London, Spec. Publ., 311, 193–212.<br />

ARGNANI A. & BONAZZI C. (2005) - Tectonics of Eastern Sicily<br />

Offshore. Tectonics, 24, doi:10.1029/2004TC001656.<br />

ARGNANI A., BONAZZI C. & COSTA PISANI P. (2002) - Neogene<br />

deformation in the central Adriatic Sea. RealMod 2002, 2-4<br />

October 2002, Milano, 135-138.<br />

ARGNANI A., ROVERE M. & BONAZZI C. (2009a) - Tectonics of<br />

the Mattinata Fault offshore south Gargano (southern<br />

Adriatic Sea, Italy): implications on active deformation in the<br />

foreland of the Southern Apennines. G.S.A. Bull., 121, 1421-<br />

1440.<br />


Neotectonics and tsunamigenic potential of the Eastern Sicily<br />

Escarpment. Riassunti GNGTS, 2004, Roma.<br />

3<br />


F., ZGUR F. & LODOLO E. (2009b) - The results of the<br />

Taormina 2006 seismic survey: Possible implications for<br />

active tectonics in the Messina Straits. Tectonophysics, 476,<br />

159-169.<br />

CHIARABBA C., JOVANE L. & DI STEFANO R. (2005) - A new view<br />

of Italian seismicity using 20 years of instrumental<br />

recordings. Tectonophysics, 395, 251– 268.<br />

GALLI P. & BOSI V. (2003) - Catastrophic 1638 earthquakes in<br />

Calabria (southern Italy): New insights from<br />

paleoseismological investigation. J. Geoph. Res., 108,<br />

doi:10.1029/2001JB001713.<br />

CPTI (2004) - Catalogo Parametrico <strong>dei</strong> Terremoti Italiani,<br />

versione 2004 (CPTI04). INGV, Bologna.<br /><br />


TINTI S. (2006) - Source of the 1693 Catania earthquake and<br />

tsunami (southern Italy): New evidence from tsunami<br />

modeling of a locked subduction fault plane. Geoph. Res.<br />

Lett., 33, doi:10.1029/2005GL025442.<br />

HYNDMAN R.D., YAMAN M. & OLESKEVICH D.A. (1997) – The<br />

seismogenic zone of subduction thrust faults. The Island Arc,<br />

6, 244-260.<br />


G. (2008) - Earthquake-generated tsunamis in the<br />

Mediterranean Sea: Scenarios of potential threats to<br />

Southern Italy. J. Geoph. Res., 113,<br />

doi:10.1029/2007JB004943.<br />

MYERS D.J., NABELEK J.L. & YEATS R.S. (2003) – Dislocation<br />

modelling of blind thrusts in the eastern Los Angeles basin,<br />

California.. J. Geoph. Res., 108, doi:10.1029/2002JB002150.<br />

MARONE C. & SCHOLZ C.H. (1988) – The depth of seismic<br />

faulting and the upper transition from stable to unstable slip<br />

regime. Geoph. Res. Lett., 15, 621-624.<br />



Kinematics of the Western Africa-Eurasia plate boundary<br />

from focal mechanisms and GPS data. Geophys. J. Int, 169,<br />

1180-1200.<br />

TINTI S. & ARMIGLIATO A. (2003) – The use of scenarios to<br />

evaluate the tsunami impact in southern Italy. Marine<br />

Geology, 199, 221-243.<br />


GASPERINI P. & BOSCHI E. (2004) - An Atlas of<br />

Mediterranean Seismicity. Annali di Geofisica, suppl. vol. 47,<br />

247-306.<br />


SESSIONE 1<br />

Key words: Abruzzo, earthquake, L’Aquila, microzonation.<br />


The April 6 th , 2009 L’Aquila earthquake (5.8 Richter<br />

magnitude) caused severe damage to many ancient hill towns in<br />

the region, killing 308 residents, injuring about 11,600 and<br />

leaving about 65,000 homeless. Owing to an agreement between<br />

the Italian Civil Protection National Service, the Tuscany<br />

Regional Service for Seismic Prevention and the Earth Sciences<br />

Department of the Pisa University, the seismic microzonation of<br />

an area south-west of L’Aquila was performed.<br />

The study focused on the area including some of the most<br />

damaged villages, such as Bagno, Civita di Bagno, San Benedetto<br />

Fig. 1 - Destruction at San Benedetto.<br />

_________________________<br />

The 2009 L’Aquila earthquake (Central Italy):<br />

seismic microzonation of a severely hit area<br />




(*) Regione Toscana - Coordinamento Regionale Prevenzione Sismica,<br /><br />

(**) Università di Pisa - Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra,<br /><br />

4<br />

and Vallesindola (Fig. 1) where several people were killed.<br />


Following the standards and guidelines for the seismic<br />

microzonation issued by the Italian Civil Protection Department<br />

(GRUPPO DI LAVORO MS, 2008) many investigation were carried<br />

out: geologic and geo-engineering survey, geophysical<br />

prospecting, instrumental registration, and geotechnical analyses.<br />

Thus an underground model was defined and depicted by means<br />

of representative geological-technical sections, suitable for the<br />

subsequent modelling phase (FIANCHISTI et alii, 2009).<br />

In the study area geological formations and Plio-Quaternary<br />

continental deposits crop out.<br />

- The former belong to the M. Ocre-Valle Aterno-M.<br />

Camarda Succession and include (CENTAMORE et alii, 2006):<br />

Calcareniti a Briozoi member: it crops out close to the Civita<br />

Lake and is mainly formed of medium-thick strata of white or<br />

grey calcarenite and calcirudite with Bryozoa (Langhian p.p. -<br />

Serravallian). The rock is mainly strong and intersected by joint<br />

sets with moderate spacing, high persistence, moderate to high<br />

aperture and high roughness.<br />

Sandstone-pelite turbidite succession: it crops out at Bagno<br />

Grande and is formed of medium-thick, frequently massive<br />

yellow sandstone with medium-thin pelitic interbeds<br />

(sandstone/pelite > 2) (Lower Messinian p.p.). The rock is<br />

medium strong and intersected by closely spaced, very persistent,<br />

open, smooth or slightly rough, weathered and damp joints.<br />

- The Plio-Quaternary continental deposits include the Aielli-<br />

Pescina Supersynthem (Pliocene (?) - Middle Pleistocene)<br />

gathering most of them, and the Holocene and Present deposits<br />

(landslide bodies, debris, colluvium and alluvial deposits, etc.).<br />

The following ones are most represented:<br />

Fluvial-lacustrine deposits: they crop out close to the S.<br />

Maniero lake and are formed by massive sand with pelitic<br />

interbeds and lens-shaped conglomerate interbeds; these deposits<br />

are very consistent and intersected by two wide-spaced joint sets.<br />

Landslides: many landslides involve the slopes between<br />

Bagno, Civita di Bagno and San Benedetto. Most of them are<br />

dormant. Two coseismic landslides were identified: one on the<br />

slope south-west of the San Maniero lake, the other in the upper<br />

part of Bagno.

Fig. 2 - Geological-technical sections of the San Benedetto area.<br />

Subsequently the underground model was defined and<br />

depicted by means of representative geological-technical<br />

sections, based on geological, geotechnical, geophysical and<br />

seismological data. Fig. 2 shows the example of the San<br />

Benedetto - San Maniero Lake area, where the Plio-Quaternary<br />

deposits attain a great thickness and the bedrock is intersected by<br />

normal faults.<br />

Finally, 1st level and 3 rd level microzonation maps were<br />

performed.<br />

The 1st level map classifies the study area in three categories:<br />

stable zones, stable but amplification subject zones, and<br />

instability subject zones. This map roughly and qualitatively<br />

identifies the areas that could be characterized by specific seismic<br />

local effects.<br />

Fig. 3 - 3rd level map of the San Benedetto area.<br />

5<br />

The 3 rd level map, based on the knowledge of several data<br />

(seismic input, geological-technical model and cross sections, in<br />

situ and laboratory geotechnical data, geophysical and<br />

seismological data), identifies homogeneous geologicalgeophysical<br />

units and the related stratigraphic columns, on which<br />

the modelling was performed. Fig. 3 shows the 3 rd level map of<br />

the San Benedetto area.<br />


CENTAMORE E., CRESCENTI U. & DRAMIS F. (2006) - Foglio 359<br />

L’Aquila e Note <strong>Il</strong>lustrative. Dipartimento Difesa del Suolo -<br />

Servizio Geologico d’Italia. Tip. S.El.CA. (FI), 128 pp.<br />


VANNINI F., Eds. (2009) - Microzonazione sismica <strong>della</strong><br />

Conca Aquilana (terremoto 06-04-2009). Relazione tecnica<br />

finale di sintesi - Macroarea 9. Regione Toscana, Coord.<br />

Regionale Prevenzione Sismica (unpublished).<br />

GRUPPO DI LAVORO MS (2008) - Indirizzi e criteri per la<br />

microzonazione sismica. Conferenza delle Regioni e delle<br />

Province autonome - Dipartimento <strong>della</strong> protezione civile,<br />

Roma, 3 Vol. e DVD, 518 pp<br />


SESSIONE 1<br />

Key words: Active tectonics, Central Apennines, earthquake,<br />

L'Aquila, morphotectonics.<br />

In the Central Apennines, active extensional tectonics is<br />

accommodated by a dense array of normal faults. Major tectonic<br />

elements are typically located at the foot of fault escarpments,<br />

tens of kilometres long and some hundreds of meters high.<br />

Subordinate faults within major blocks produce additional<br />

topographic irregularities (i.e. minor graben and fault scarps; Fig.<br />

1; BLUMETTI et alii 1993; SERVA et alii 2002; BLUMETTI &<br />

GUERRIERI, 2007).<br />

During moderate to strong earthquakes (M>6) one or several<br />

or all these faults can be rejuvenated up to the surface, and should<br />

be therefore regarded as capable faults. Thus, their total throw is<br />

the result of a number of surface faulting events over the last few<br />

hundreds of thousands of years. This is true for landscapes that<br />

have a “typical” earthquake magnitude (i.e. the earthquake<br />

magnitude that better “characterizes” the local landscape; SERVA<br />

et alii 2002) of either 6 or 7.<br />

According to this model, in the L’Aquila region the seismic<br />

landscape is the result of repeated magnitude 7 events (Fig. 1).<br />

Thus, the maximum expected magnitude is around 7.<br />

Nevertheless, smaller events like the April 6 th 2009 case are<br />

frequent.<br />

This assessment is confirmed by the historical seismicity<br />

which has recorded in this area two events with Intensity X MCS<br />

occurred on 1461, November 26 th and 1703, February 2 nd . Two<br />

other destructive earthquakes hit the same area in 1349, IX-X<br />

MCS, and in 1762, IX MCS.<br />

Concerning the 1703, February 2 nd event, which was the third<br />

major seismic event of a seismic sequence that in two weeks<br />

shifted from Norcia to Montereale and finally to L’Aquila, a good<br />

dataset of geological effects was provided by contemporary<br />

reports (e.g. URIA DE LLANOS, 1703). This event produced about<br />

20 km of surface faulting along the Pizzoli fault (offsets up to<br />

about half a meter), and impressive secondary effects such as a<br />

river diversion, huge deep-seated gravitational movements and<br />

_________________________<br />

Morphotectonics and seismic hazard in the L’Aquila basin<br />



(*) ISPRA – Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale -<br />

Servizio Geologico d’Italia,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche ed Ambientali - Università degli<br />

Studi dell’Insubria<br />

6<br />

liquefaction phenomena involving the “ejection of stones and<br />

whitish sulphureous water” along the Aterno River (BLUMETTI,<br />

1995). Such evidence is in line with a characteristic set of ground<br />

effects for magnitude 7 in the Apennines (e.g., PORFIDO et alii.,<br />

2002) and therefore the 1703 event may be considered the typical<br />

earthquake producing the seismic landscape in the L’Aquila<br />

basin.<br />

Instead, surface faulting related to the 2009 event was nearly<br />

continuous along the Paganica Fault (BAGNAIA et alii, 1992) for a<br />

length in the order of 2.6 km with offset not exceeding 10 cm<br />

(BLUMETTI et alii, 2009). Only spot evidence of very small and<br />

thin fractures was reported elsewhere, NW and SE of the village<br />

of Paganica, both aligned or not to the Paganica fault ruptures.<br />

Minor coseismic surface ruptures occurred also along the<br />

Bazzano and Roio Faults. Secondary effects were mapped in an<br />

area not larger than 1,000 km2 including gravitational<br />

phenomena, most of them rock falls/avalanches and small slides,<br />

the latter often affecting artificial material (BLUMETTI et alii,<br />

2009).<br />

Thus, in terms of characteristics and distribution of geological<br />

effects, the 1703 earthquake intensity has been unquestionably<br />

higher than that in the 2009 one (at least one degree, according to<br />

the ESI intensity scale). As suggested by the local “seismic<br />

landscape” and the historical record, the 2009, April 6 th<br />

earthquake should not be seen as the maximum earthquake (e.g.<br />

“characteristic”) expected in the L’Aquila region. Furthermore,<br />

the paleoseismic record along the Paganica Fault has pointed out<br />

the stratigraphic evidence of coseismic effects larger than those<br />

produced in 2009.<br />

Therefore, surface displacements along several capable faults<br />

caused by moderate events should be seen as a typical feature of<br />

the seismic landscape of the Central Apennines (cfr. the 1997,<br />

September 26 th , Colfiorito earthquakes (Mw=5.6 and 6.0) and of<br />

regions characterized by similar crustal extension.

Fig. 1 – 3D view of seismic landscape in the L’Aquila zone. The major faults are marked by up to a thousand meters high fault escarpments. Minor listric fault<br />

within major blocks produce lower fault escarpments.<br />


BAGNAIA R., D’EPIFANIO A. & SYLOS LABINI S. (1992) – Aquilan<br />

and subequan basins: an example of quaternary evolution in<br />

central apennines, italy. Quaternaria Nova, 2, 187-209.<br />

BLUMETTI A.M., DRAMIS F. & MICHETTI A.M. (1993) - Faultgenerated<br />

mountain fronts in Central Apennines (Central<br />

Italy); geomorphological features and seismotectonic<br />

implications. Earth Surf. Proc. Land., 18, 203-223.<br />

BLUMETTI A.M. (1995) - Neotectonic investigations and evidence<br />

of paleoseismicity in the epicentral area of the January-<br />

February 1703 Central Italy earthquakes. Bulletin of the<br />

American Association of Engineering Geologists, Special<br />

Volume n. 6: "Perspectives in Paleoseismology", Texas A&M<br />

University, 7, 83-100.<br />

BLUMETTI A.M. & GUERRIERI L. (2007) - Fault-generated<br />

mountain fronts and the identification of fault segments:<br />

implications for seismic hazard assessment. Boll. Soc. Geol.<br />

It. (Ital.J.Geosci.), 126 (2), 307-322.<br />


VITTORI E. (2009) - Geological effects induced by the<br />

L’Aquila earthquake (6 April 2009; ML=5.8) on the natural<br />

7<br />

environment.<br />

_abruzzo_earthquake_report.pdf.<br />

CHIARABBA, alii (2009) - The 2009 L’Aquila (central Italy)<br />

Mw 6.3 earthquake: Main shock and aftershocks. Geophys.<br />

Res. Lett., 36, L18308.<br />

DEMANGEOT J. (1965) - Géomorphologie des Abruzzes<br />

Adriatiques. Mém. Doc. CNRS, Paris.<br />



L. (2003) - Areal distribution of ground effects induced by<br />

strong earthquakes in Southern Apennines (Italy). Surv.<br />

Geophys, 23, 529-562.<br />


(2002) - The Apennine intermountain basins: the result of<br />

repeated strong earthquakes over a geological time interval.<br />

Boll. Soc. Geol. It. Special Volume 1, 939-946.<br />

URIA DE LLANOS A. (1703) - Relazione overo itinerario fatto<br />

dall’auditore Alfonso Uria del Llanos per riconoscere li<br />

danni causati dalli passati terremoi seguiti li 14 Gennaro e 2<br />

Febraro M.DCCIII. Stamperia Gaetano Zenobj, Roma.<br />


SESSIONE 1<br />

Surface Fault Rupture Hazard Zoning: insights from the L’Aquila<br />

2009 earthquake (Mw 6.3, central Italy)<br />

Key words: Apennines of Italy, normal fault, seismic<br />

microzoning, surface fault rupture hazard.<br />


Surface fault rupture hazard (SFRH) is a localized hazard due<br />

to the breaching to the ground surface of the coseismic slip along<br />

a fault during large earthquakes. This might offset, tilt, warp and<br />

damage buildings sited across or in the vicinity of the fault trace.<br />

Thought SFRH should be one of the most easily avoided seismic<br />

hazard, being dependent on a well detectable geologic feature<br />

(the trace of an active fault), the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake<br />

(central Italy, Mw 6.3) demonstrates that we should make much<br />

more efforts in this direction. Indeed, during the 2009<br />

earthquake, normal surface faulting occurred across inhabited<br />

areas (e.g., Paganica, San Gregorio), producing mild-to-moderate<br />

damages on several facilities (pipelines, roads, highway) and<br />

dwellings, also of very recent construction.<br />

A reference point for actions aimed at mitigating the SFRH is<br />

the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act (A-P), which<br />

was adopted by the State of California since 1972 (Bryan and<br />

Hart, 2007). The A-P defines the Earthquake Fault Zones, that<br />

are regulatory zones around the surface traces of active faults<br />

within which fault rupture hazard may occur and detailed<br />

investigations (geological, high-resolution geophysical,<br />

paleoseismological) are required prior to building structures for<br />

human occupancy. The A-P also defines a Fault Setback, that is<br />

the distance from the trace of the ascertained active fault within<br />

which critical facilities and structures designed for human<br />

occupancy cannot be build. The minimum Fault Setback must be<br />

50 feet (ca. 15 m), unless proven otherwise.<br />

In Italy, there are not comparable regulations for planning and<br />

controlling new or renewed constructions across or close to<br />

active faults. The only regulatory notes addressing the problem<br />

are the Guidelines and Criteria for Seismic Microzoning<br />

(Working Group MS, 2008) which define specific micro-zones,<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Università “G. D’Annunzio” di Chieti–Pescara, Chieti,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento <strong>della</strong> protezione civile, Roma<br />

8<br />

named “Zones of Instability”, around active faults. But, there is<br />

not distinction between Earthquake Fault Zones and Fault<br />

Setbacks and general criteria in defining the shape and width of<br />

the zones are not explicated.<br />

In this note, we summarize the main geologic features of the<br />

surface ruptures that occurred during the L’Aquila 2009 normal<br />

faulting earthquake, with particular attention to the Paganica and<br />

San Gregorio inhabited areas. The main purpose is to provide<br />

insights on how field observations could be transferred into<br />

possible general criteria for shaping zones of local SFRH along<br />

Apennine-like active normal faults.<br />


The data from the Paganica (Fig. 1a) and San Gregorio (Fig.<br />

1b) faults are used here to propose criteria for shaping<br />

Earthquake Fault Zones (EFZ) and Fault Setbacks (S).<br />

The model of figure 1c might help in defining general criteria<br />

appropriate for normal faults, that are the most widespread active<br />

faults in Italy. We suggest that both the EFZ and S should be<br />

asymmetrically shaped around the trace of the active fault, whit a<br />

wider zone in the hanging wall compared to the footwall. This is<br />

in agreement with the observation that usually fault ruptures<br />

occur along the fault trace and in the hanging wall. This also<br />

matches with the general geologic observation that the<br />

deformation associated to a dip-slip fault mostly focuses in the<br />

hanging wall block. The width of the main deformation zone<br />

observed along the Paganica fault can be used for defining the<br />

minimum S. The proposed S at the hanging wall (Shw in Fig. 1c)<br />

is 40 m, which includes the belt of coseismic faulting and<br />

fracturing (30-35 m) plus a possible error (5 m) in mapping the<br />

ground ruptures. At the footwall, a general criterion should<br />

include a cartographic error in locating the trace of the active<br />

fault on topographic maps, even if the fault trace is certain. The<br />

error in tracing the fault on a 1:5,000-scale topographic map can<br />

be on the order of 5 m if the fault appears as a well defined fault<br />

plane on lithified rocks; but, it can increase to 10-15 m (2-3 mm<br />

on the map) if the fault appears as a degraded fault scarp on<br />

poorly consolidated deposits, as frequently observed. Therefore<br />

we propose a minimum footwall S (Sfw) of 15 m in order to<br />

account for such an operational uncertainty. The choice of 15 m<br />

is in line with most minimum S values adopted in the USA.

Fig. 1 – Sketches (not to scale) summarizing the occurrence of coseismic surface faulting/fracturing along the Paganica (a) and<br />

San Gregorio (b) normal faults and proposal of general criteria (c to e) for shaping and sizing the Earthquake Fault Zones<br />

(EFZ) and Fault Setbacks (S) at both the hanging wall (hw) and footwall (fw) of active normal faults; c) fault trace certainly<br />

mapped; d) fault trace “bracketed” with a zone of geologic uncertain (g.u.); e) uncertain fault trace.<br />

The EFZ should be wider than the minimum S. In fact, the<br />

EFZ should be a zone mapped before any earthquake during<br />

standard seismic microzoning actions and it should include all<br />

the reasonably inferred fault rupture hazards, including both the<br />

main fault and the possible active branches. Detailed<br />

investigations prior to building structures for human occupancy<br />

will define if there is additional hazard due to active branches or<br />

not. If the active branches are present, they will be traced in<br />

detail and the appropriate S will be defined. Using the Paganica<br />

fault as an example, the associated EFZ must include both the<br />

main deformation zone and the reactivated synthetic splays<br />

located far from the fault trace (120-140 m). Therefore, the EFZ<br />

should extend at the hanging wall of the main fault at least 150 m<br />

(EFZhw in Fig. 1c). At the footwall, probably a width of 30 m is<br />

sufficient for a fault trace certainly mapped (EFZfw in Fig. 1c).<br />

In cases of uncertain fault traces, instead of using wider<br />

EFZs, a “zone of geologic uncertainty” is needed. Figure 1d is an<br />

example of a fault trace “bracketed” within a zone of geologic<br />

uncertainty (g.u.). The resulting EFZ will be the sum of the<br />

hanging wall EFZ and footwall EFZ described above to the width<br />

of the zone of g.u.. In cases where the width of the area of g.u.<br />

cannot be assessed (e.g., areas with flat topography), a possibility<br />

is to adopt symmetric EFZs, centred on the most likely fault trace<br />

9<br />

and having the maximum width at both the hanging wall and<br />

footwall (e.g., 150 + 150 m).<br />

Considering the moderate magnitude (Mw 6.3) and small size<br />

of the coseismic ground offset (max. 10-12 cm) of the L’Aquila<br />

2009 earthquake, it is reasonable to consider this event close to<br />

the lower boundary of the earthquakes able to rupture the ground<br />

surface. This suggests that the dimensions of the EFZ and S<br />

proposed above should be considered as minimum values for<br />

normal faults in Italy.<br />


WORKING GROUP MS (2008) - Indirizzi e Criteri per la<br />

Microzonazione Sismica. Conferenza delle Regioni e delle<br />

Provincie autonome, Dipartimento <strong>della</strong> protezione Civile,<br />

Roma, 3 vol. and Cd-rom.<br />


SESSIONE 1<br />

Electrical tomography supporting the geological model for seismic<br />

microzoning: application in the L’Aquila earthquake area<br />

Key words: Abruzzo, electrical resistivity tomography,<br />

microzonation.<br />


As a consequence of the 6th april 2009 Abruzzo earthquake<br />

(Mw 6.3), the town of L’Aquila (Central Italy) and the<br />

surrounding villages along the Aterno river valley suffered huge<br />

damages with more than three hundred victims. After a first phase<br />

devoted to emergency activities, National Department of Civil<br />

Protection (DPC) planned extensive seismic microzoning studies<br />

in various municipalities affected by serious damages related to<br />

the earthquake; ISPRA was involved in coordinating the seismic<br />

microzoning of two Macro-Areas (dr. Amanti M. e Cesi C.<br />

coordinators) and executing geological surveys, geoelectrical<br />

prospection and seismic geotechnical modeling. Within the<br />

working group, the Geophysical Service of ISPRA designed and<br />

performed, in a few months, geoelectrical surveys on ten sites<br />

located in or close to the damaged municipalities surrounding<br />

the earthquake epicentre.<br />

This work concerns the application of geoelectrical resistivity<br />

tomography (ERT) for geological characterization supporting<br />

seismic microzoning studies. Some examples are showed, in<br />

which ERT has led to a decisive improvement of knowledge of<br />

geological setting and has contributed to the proper interpretation<br />

of the geophysical passive seismic results, allowing the location<br />

of subsequent geotechnical investigations also.<br />


The study sites were located toward the terminal portion of<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) I.S.P.R.A., Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca<br />

Ambientale,<br />


10<br />

the tectonic depression hosting the high and medium Aterno<br />

Valley for a length of about 30 km NW-SE direction, between the<br />

structural units of the Gran Sasso in the north, and Velino Sirente<br />

- Monti d'Ocre to south. As is well known, the depression has its<br />

origin and development in post-orogenic tectonics that led to the<br />

lowering of the structures and created conditions for significant<br />

continental sedimentation extended throughout the Quaternary<br />

(BOSI &BERTINI, 1970).<br />

The tectonic unit of the Gran Sasso is characterized by<br />

normal faults with NW-SE and EW direction which lower<br />

structures toward SW and bound tectonic depressions located<br />

immediately behind the frontal thrust. In turn Monti d'Ocre Unit,<br />

bounded northward by the thrust Monte Cagno-Monti d'Ocre, is<br />

characterized by direct faults NW-SE that displace compressional<br />

structures, lowering them toward NE and generating a series of<br />

elongated ridges in the Apennine direction. In this context an<br />

important direct fault system, characterized by Quaternary<br />

activity and probably still active, bounds the depression to the<br />

northeast.<br />

The studied areas have different geomorphological settings:<br />

most inhabited were builted along a rock slope or foothill areas<br />

(Stiffe, Valle Cupa, Arischia, Fossa, Casentino), else upon<br />

plateau (Pedicciano) sometimes terraced (S. Demetrio): the<br />

historic centre were generally those most damaged by earthquake,<br />

but significant damage were also found in areas of newer<br />

buildings such as in Arischia – via Macindole.<br />

The perimeter established by DPC for seismic microzoning<br />

studies was of relatively modest extension around historic centre<br />

of each town, with the associated expansion areas that were<br />

included in the study.<br />


In each site was carried out at least one multielectrode<br />

geoelectric investigation, which always occurred within the<br />

perimeters identified by DPC, as much as possible near the struck<br />

town with the aim of the geological characterization (depth of<br />

bedrock, geometry of sedimentary bodies, covers thickness, etc.).<br />

Electrode configurations were chosen by combining the need<br />

of obtaining information about lateral and vertical variations of<br />

soil resistivity with the largest depth of investigation required,

Fig. 1 – Preliminary modelling along a fault scarp in San Demetrio ne’<br />

Vestini (a), inversion of synthetic dataset (b) and the tomography obtained<br />

after survey (c).<br />

even along very uncomfortable slope with inclinations more than<br />

34% (Stiffe).<br />

Geoelectrical surveys were performed using a<br />

georesistivimeter SYSCAL R2 equipped with 72 or 96 electrodes<br />

equally spaced 5 meters: the length of profiles varies from 237.5<br />

to 475 m, the depth of investigation from 40 to about 75 m. Very<br />

often, in order to obtain a high quality S/N ratio (ZHOU et alii,<br />

2003) during surveying even upon complex topography, data<br />

were collected using two types of electrode configuration:<br />

Wenner-Schlumberger and Wenner arrays. Only in Arischia, due<br />

to the greater detail required, measurements were performed with<br />

Wenner, Dipole Dipole and Pole-dipole arrays using electrode<br />

distance of 2.5 meters. Data were subjected to qualitative analysis<br />

directly in the field and then processed with software<br />

Damaged building<br />

Higly damaged building<br />

Fig. 2 – High resolution tomographies collected in Arischia in the damaged<br />

area of via Macindole<br />

RES2DINV ® which provides further control over the quality of<br />

measured dataset and take into account topographic modelling in<br />

resistivity imaging inversion (LOKE , 2002).<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

11<br />


In some areas, poor of geological outcrops and with a<br />

flattening topography, the geoelectrical surveys led to a decisive<br />

improvement of geological model, as in the area of Pedicciano<br />

where only after ERT investigation the location and depth of the<br />

borehole could be established. In the area of San Demetrio ne’<br />

Vestini the target of ERT was to investigate the two main faults,<br />

trending NNW-SSE, which play an important role in seismic risk<br />

of this municipality: in this case ERT were carried out across<br />

fault scarps after modelling (with RES2DMOD ® ) to evaluate the<br />

best array to highlight electrical contrast between sedimentary<br />

layers (Fig.1).<br />

Moreover, in the area of Sant’Eusanio Forconese,<br />

geoelectrical surveys contributed to the better interpretation of<br />

single station HVSR measures and Seismic Arrays (ALBARELLO<br />

et alii, 2010), whereas in Arischia three high resolution ERT,<br />

carried out only few weeks after the 6th April 2009 mainshock,<br />

highlighted high resistivity contrasts in the subsurface of via<br />

Macindole damaged area. The geoelectrical survey contributed to<br />

identify the existence of an ancient landslide (pre-Holocene?) on<br />

which several damaged buildings were constructed (Fig. 2).<br />



PAOLUCCI E., PILEGGI D. & PUZZILLI L.M. (2010) – The<br />

contribution of the ambient v ibration prospecting in seismic<br />

microzoning: an example from the area damaged by the 6th<br />

April 2009 L’Aquila (Italy) earthquake, submitted to<br />

B.G.T.A.<br />

BOSI C. &BERTINI T. (1970) - Geologia <strong>della</strong> Media Valle<br />

dell'Aterno. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 9, 719-777<br />

DPC (2010) – La microzonazione sismica dell’area aquilana.<br />

On line at index.php?<br />

dir_pk=1275&cms_pk=17444<br />

LOKE M.H. (2002) The use of constraints in 2D and 3D<br />

resistivity modelling 8th EEGS-ES Meeting, Portugal, Sept.<br />

2002<br />

LOKE M.H. (2002) Topographic modelling in resistivity imaging<br />

inversion 62nd EAGE Conference & Technical Exhibition<br />

Extended Abstracts, D-2.<br />

ZHOU B. & DAHLIN T. (2003) - Properties and effects of<br />

measurement errors on 2D resistivity imaging surveying.<br />

Near Surface Geophysics, 105, 105-117<br />


SESSIONE 1<br />

Postseismic displacement field following the 6 April 2009 L’Aquila<br />

earthquake: relations between non-permanent GPS stations<br />

measurements and geological observations<br />





Key words: Active faults, CGTAbNET, non-permanent GPS<br />

stations, postseismic deformation.<br />

On April 6th, 2009 a wide area neighbouring L’Aquila town<br />

(Abruzzo, Italy) was hit by an earthquake of magnitude Mw 6.3.<br />

Large damages affected several infrastructures and buildings and<br />

about 300 lives were lost. By processing permanent GPS stations<br />

(PGPS) data (ANZIDEI et alii, 2009; CHELONI et alii, 2010;<br />

CIRELLA et alii, 2009; SERPELLONI et alii, 2009) and SAR<br />

imagery (ATZORI et alii, 2009; PAPANIKOLAOU et alii, 2010;<br />

WALTERS et alii, 2009) some authors highlighted a dm-sized<br />

ground deformation developed during the mainshock.<br />

Aftershocks with Mw > 5 occurred within one week after the<br />

mainshock, while tens of Mw>3 aftershocks were recorded within<br />

three months ( Field observations allowed<br />

to detect evidence for coseimic ground deformation in the form of<br />

km-long fault and fracture zones, mostly reactivating pre-existing<br />

known faults (e.g., EMERGEO WORKING GROUP et alii, 2009;<br />

BONCIO et alii, 2010). Re-measurements of coseismic faults and<br />

fractures during the first 45 days after the mainshock indicate an<br />

average afterslip throw-rate ranging from 0.5 to 0.6 mm/day and<br />

an average opening-rate ranging from 0.3 to 1 mm/day, along the<br />

Paganica rupture zone (BONCIO et alii, 2010). In this framework<br />

we built a network of non-permanent GPS stations (NPGPS)<br />

within the L’Aquila area among Fucino plain, Gran Sasso massif<br />

and Campotosto lake (the CGTAbNET), with the aim of<br />

depicting the post-seismic ground displacement field until July<br />

2009 and studying correlations with first-order geological<br />

structures.<br />

Compared to PGPS, NPGPS suffer from various sources of<br />

error that should be accurately estimated and/or removed.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Università degli Studi di Siena, Centro di GeoTecnologie e<br />

Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra,<br />

(**) Università “G. d'Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara, Dipartimento di<br />

Geotecnologie per l’Ambiente ed il Territorio,<br />

(°) Università degli Studi di Sassari, Dipartimento di Scienze Botaniche,<br />

Ecologiche e Geologiche,<br />

(°°) Ingeo Systems s.r.l. – Leica Geosystems S.p.A.<br />

12<br />

Nevertheless the latter provide data with high spatial density and<br />

geometry which may be strictly tailored to the regional-local<br />

geological framework (PESCI et alii, 2009). These characters<br />

suggest that NPGPS may be particularly useful when cm-sized<br />

signals can be expected, as it may be the case of afterslip<br />

transient deformation along coseismic faults and fractures.<br />

The CGTAbNET is made up of 68 stations spreading over a<br />

1800 km 2 area. The average baselines length is 14 km.<br />

Measurements were performed from 28th April to 30th July 2009<br />

by means of 16 L1-L2 GPS receivers. For five stations (Fucino,<br />

Isola del Gran Sasso, Cagnano, Campotosto, S. Demetrio ne’<br />

Vestini), we performed continuous (24h/day) acquisition<br />

throughout the fieldwork duration. We occupied the remaining<br />

stations (15 occupations per station and 4 h duration as an<br />

average) obtaining, for different epochs, measurements of<br />

CGTAbNET subsets with varying spatial configuration and size.<br />

These data were post-processed with the single baseline<br />

approach, by using final precise ephemerides and including in the<br />

analysis AQUI ( and INGP<br />

( PGPS. Then, we performed minimally<br />

constrained network adjustments (GRONTMIJ, 2008) of daily<br />

solutions of the CGTAbNET. By weighted least square linear<br />

regression, we obtained for the NPGPS, a) the average<br />

planimetric (E, N) velocities relative to INGP, b) the velocity<br />

error estimation. Estimated average 2D ground displacements for<br />

the 30th April - 30th July 2009 time span are ca. 45 ± 8 mm/year.<br />

Hence, these postseismic velocities are about one order greater<br />

than those estimated by PGPS (ANZIDEI et alii, 2009; CAPORALI,<br />

2003; CAPORALI et alii, 2003; PESCI et alii, 2009) in the Central<br />

Apennines area for the 1996-2008 interseismic period.<br />

The resulting ground displacement velocity map was finally<br />

analysed within the geological framework of the study area and<br />

compared to the ground deformation features collected in the<br />

field until May 2009. The results could provide some information<br />

about fault behaviour and postseismic deformation patterns both<br />

in the near- and far-field of the activated fault. Namely, along the<br />

coseismic rupture zones, the general patterns of postseismic and<br />

coseismic displacements are quite similar. This can be explained<br />

by coseismic and following aseismic slip with the same sense of

motion (NE to NNE extension) on the main fault (e.g., SHEN et<br />

alii, 1994). Therefore, although L’Aquila earthquake<br />

demonstrates that events of magnitude around 6.3 are capable to<br />

produce coseismic surface faulting in the Apennines, significant<br />

postseismic displacements suggest that strain was not completely<br />

released during the mainshock in the shallow part of the activated<br />

fault. Therefore total displacement on the fault must include a<br />

significant amount of afterslip displacement. This information<br />

may be of general interest for seismic hazard evaluation and<br />

paleoseismological interpretations. GPS measurements showed<br />

significant postseismic velocity rates also away of the rupture<br />

zone. The CGTAbNET data allowed to recognize adjoining<br />

zones, each one characterized by its own ground displacement<br />

field, which seem to be bounded by active normal faults. We<br />

explain this framework with a postseismic kinematic interaction<br />

among the L’Aquila faulted block and the surrounding fault<br />

blocks (e.g., blocks delimited by the Laga and Assergi faults).<br />




V. & SERPELLONI E. (2009) - Coseismic deformation of the<br />

destructive April 6, 2009 L'Aquila earthquake (central Italy)<br />

from GPS data. Geophys. Res. Lett., 36.<br />



BOSCHI E. (2009) - Finite fault inversion of DInSAR<br />

coseismic displacement of the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake<br />

(central Italy). Geophys. Res. Lett., 36.<br />


DI NACCIO D. & FERRARINI F. (2010) - Coseismic ground<br />

deformation of the 6 April 2009 L'Aquila earthquake (central<br />

Italy, Mw6.3). Geophys. Res. Lett., 37 (6).<br />

CAPORALI, A. (2003) - Average strain rate in the Italian crust<br />

inferred from a permanent GPS network - I. Statistical<br />

analysis of the time-series of permanent GPS stations.<br />

Geophys. Jour. Intern., 155 (1), 241-253.<br />

CAPORALI A., MARTIN S. & MASSIRONI M. (2003) - Average<br />

strain rate in the Italian crust inferred from a permanent GPS<br />

network - II. Strain rate versus seismicity and structural<br />

geology. Geophysical Jour. Intern., 155 (1), 254-268.<br />




(2010) - Coseismic and initial post-seismic slip of the 2009<br />

Mw 6.3 L'Aquila earthquake, Italy, from GPS measurements.<br />

Geophys. Jour. Intern., 181 (3), 1539-1546.<br />


L., MICHELINI A., LOMAX A. & BOSCHI E. (2009) - Rupture<br />

13<br />

history of the 2009 L'Aquila (Italy) earthquake from nonlinear<br />

joint inversion of strong motion and GPS data.<br />

Geophys. Res. Lett., 36.<br />






S., PUCCI S., VANNOLI P., VENUTI A. & VILLANI F. (2010) -<br />

Evidence for surface rupture associated with the Mw 6.3<br />

L'Aquila earthquake sequence of April 2009 (central Italy).<br />

Terra Nova, 22 (1), 43-51.<br />

GRONTMIJ N.V. (2008) - MOVE3 User Manual V.4.0. Grontmij<br />

Nederland bv, Roosendaal, The Netherlands, 55 p.<br />


&FOUNTOULIS I.G. (2010) - Deformation pattern of the 6 and<br />

7 April 2009, MW=6.3 and MW=5.6 earthquakes in L'Aquila<br />

(Central Italy) revealed by ground and space based<br />

observations. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 10 (1), 73-87.<br />

PESCI A., TEZA G. & CASULA G. (2009) - Improving strain rate<br />

estimation from velocity data of non-permanent GPS stations:<br />

the Central Apennine study case (Italy). GPS Solutions, 13<br />

(4), 249-261.<br />

SERPELLONI E., DEVOTI R. & CAVALIERE A. (2009) - Analysis of<br />

high-rate GPS data collected during the L'Aquila seismic<br />

sequence. Convegno Nazionale GNGTS, 16-19 Novembre<br />

2009, Trieste, Italy.<br />


BOCK Y. (1994) - Postseismic deformation following the<br />

Landers earthquake, California, 28 June, 1992. Bull. Seism.<br />

Soc. Am., 84, 780–791.<br />



ROBERTS G. (2009) - The 2009 L'Aquila earthquake (central<br />

Italy): a source mechanism and implications for seismic<br />

hazard. Geophys. Res. Lett., 36.<br />


SESSIONE 1<br />

Key words: Brittle-ductile transition, normal fault, seismic cycle<br />

thrust.<br />


We model a dip-slip fault cross-cutting the brittle upper crust<br />

and the ductile lower crust. In the brittle layer the fault is assumed<br />

to have stick-slip behaviour, whereas the lower ductile crust is<br />

inferred to deform in a steady-state shear. The conflicting<br />

behaviour of the two layers crossed by a seismogenic fault<br />

predicts a strain partitioning at the brittle-ductile transition<br />

(BDT), which is different in the extensional or compressional<br />

settings. During the interseismic period, along a normal fault<br />

there should form a dilated hinge at and above the BDT.<br />

Conversely, an over-compressed volume should develop above<br />

the thrust plane at the BDT. Along a normal fault the earthquake<br />

is associated with the coseismic closure of the stretched hangingwall<br />

generated during the interseismic period. Besides the shear<br />

stress overcoming the friction of the fault, the brittle fault moves<br />

when the weight of the hangingwall exceeds the strength of the<br />

dilated band. Along a thrust fault, the seismic event is rather<br />

associated with the sudden dilation of the previously overcompressed<br />

volume in the hangingwall, a mechanism requiring<br />

much more energy because generally done against gravity. The<br />

motion of an active fault at the BDT can be compared to a spring<br />

anchored to the ductile and brittle parts of the hangingwall.<br />

During the interseismic period, along a normal fault the spring is<br />

elongated, whereas it is compressed in the convergent setting.<br />

During the coseismic stage, the two systems reverse, i.e., the<br />

spring is compressed along a normal fault, while it is elongated<br />

along a thrust.<br />

The model predicts larger fluids discharge along a normal<br />

fault due to coseismic secondary porosity decrease, and viceversa<br />

along a thrust fault.<br />

A model for the seismic cycle<br />


_________________________<br />

(*) Università di Roma “La Sapienza”,<br />

(°) INGV, Roma<br />

14<br />

We tested the opposite scenarios with two examples from the<br />

Apennines and Taiwan. GPS data, fluid fluxes, energy dissipation<br />

and strain rate analysis support these contrasting evolutions. Our<br />

model also predicts, consistently with data, that the interseismic<br />

strain rate is lower along the fault segment more prone to seismic<br />

activation.<br />


Earthquakes are usually interpreted as the rupture of an<br />

asperity along a fault, and the shear stress overcomes the fault<br />

strength. Why is there a seismic cycle? Why seismicity is not<br />

more randomly distributed if an earthquake is simply associated<br />

to an asperity, which could be smeared out after fault motion?<br />

The origin of the earthquake recurrence or seismic cycle, i.e., the<br />

long interseismic period followed by the coseismic (and<br />

postseismic) period, remains quite obscure. The length of the<br />

interseismic period between two earthquakes along the same fault<br />

is attributed to a number of classic physical parameters, e.g., the<br />

relative velocity between the two walls of the fault, the<br />

composition of the crust, the mineralogy and foliation of the fault<br />

rocks, the morphology and length of the fault plane, the thermal<br />

state, the friction on the fault, the fluid pore-pressure, etc. (e.g.,<br />

SCHOLTZ, 1990; COLLETTINI et alii, 2009). All these parameters<br />

allow first a long, static accumulation of energy during the<br />

interseismic period, which is eventually radiated during the<br />

coseismic time, when the friction on the fault is overtaken. In this<br />

article we contribute to this topic with a geological model to<br />

justify the cyclic occurrence of earthquakes along a crustal fault,<br />

where the aforementioned physical parameters still determine the<br />

timescale of the recurrence. Here we investigate the role of the<br />

brittle-ductile transition (BDT) in controlling the seismic cycle.<br />

We propose a model that links the continuous ductile deformation<br />

at depth with the brittle episodic behaviour of shallow crustal<br />

layers and show how the BDT may play a relevant role in<br />

controlling the seismicity and its evolution in time. The model is<br />

tested numerically and applied to two areas where normal fault<br />

and thrust related earthquakes occurred, i.e., in the central<br />

Apennines (2009) and Taiwan (1999). GPS interseismic and<br />

coseismic data, dissipated energy and fluid flux discharge from<br />

the two cases are shown to be consistent with model predictions,

Fig. 1 – Assuming a steady stated strain rate in the ductile lower crust, stick-slip motion in the brittle upper crust, extensional and compressional faults<br />

generate opposite kinematics and mechanic evolution. In the extensional tectonic environment, the triangle of crust above the BDT remains “suspended”<br />

while a dilated area forms during the interseismic period. Once shear stress along the locked part of the fault becomes larger than fault strength, the<br />

hangingwall will collapse. Conversely, along a thrust plane, an area over-compressed separates the ductile shear from the overlying locked fault during the<br />

interseismic period. The hangingwall is expelled as a compressed spring during the coseismic period. Fluids discharge behaves differently as a function of<br />

the tectonic field (after DOGLIONI et alii, submitted).<br />

where normal faults and thrusts have opposite behaviour.<br />

Similarly to the effects of the lithostatic load, which enhances the<br />

rupture of normal faults and inhibits faulting along thrusts<br />

(CARMINATI et alii, 2004), the two types of faulting are<br />

asymmetric in terms of geological and mechanical behaviour.<br />

A simplified rheology of the crust predicts an upper brittle<br />

layer and a ductile lower crust (e.g., RUTTER, 1983). The<br />

transition between the brittle upper crust and the ductile lower<br />

crust should determine a different tectonic behaviour between the<br />

two domains. The steady state deformation in the ductile lower<br />

crust is in fact at odds with the stick-slip behaviour of the<br />

shallower brittle levels. The constant strain rates measured by<br />

GPS during interseismic periods suggest that the locked status of<br />

faults in the brittle layer does not inhibit continuous ductile shear<br />

below the BDT.<br />


CARMINATI E., DOGLIONI C. & BARBA S. (2004) - Reverse<br />

migration of seismicity on thrusts and normal faults. Earth<br />

Sci. Rev., 65, 195–222.<br />

15<br />


Fault zone fabric and fault weakness. Nature, 462 (7275),<br />

907-910, DOI: 10.1038/nature08585.<br />


Role of the brittle/ductile transition on the seismic cycle.<br />

Submitted.<br />

RUTTER E.H. (1986) - On the nomenclature of mode of failure<br />

transitions in rocks. Tectonophysics, 122, 381-387.<br />

SCHOLTZ C.H. (1990) - The Mechanics of Earthquakes and<br />

Faulting. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University<br />

Press, Ref. QE534.2.S37.<br />


SESSIONE 1<br />

Holocene activity of the Subequana Valley-Middle Aterno Valley<br />

normal fault system, south of the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake<br />

epicentre: implications for seismic hazard in central Apennines<br />



Key words: Active normal faulting, central Apennines , Coulomb<br />

stress diffusion, 2009 L’Aquila earthquake.<br />


The Subequana valley is one of the easternmost depression of<br />

the central Apennines. It is located south of the L’Aquila and<br />

Fossa-San Demetrio basins. The formation and evolution of the<br />

Subequana valley has been conditioned by the activity of a 8-10km<br />

long, NW-SE trending and SW dipping normal fault system<br />

that affects the SW slopes of Mt. Urano which bounds the<br />

depression to NE. The fault system, characterised by a complex<br />

structural evolution, has been responsible for the displacement of<br />

continental deposits spanning the whole Quaternary (MICCADEI et<br />

alii, 1997).<br />



Geological and geomorphological have been performed in the<br />

Subequana valley area, in particular along the south-western<br />

slope of Mt. Urano, aiming at finding useful elements to<br />

characterise the Late Pleistocene-Holocene kinematic behaviour<br />

of the normal fault system. For this purpose, we dug two<br />

paleoseismological trenches across one of the fault segments<br />

displacing the valley bottom. The trenches revealed two<br />

Holocene faulting events, determining minimum surface<br />

displacement of about 80 cm, with the last event occurred after<br />

2615±19BP (Fig.1a).<br />

Furthermore, geological observations performed at the<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) INGV, Sezione Milano-Pavia,<br />

(**) INGV, Sezione CNT,<br />

(°) Università degli Studi di Cassino,<br />

(°°) Università degli Studi Roma Tre,<br />

(+) Università di Roma “La Sapienza”,<br />

16<br />

northern tip of the Subequana Valley fault defined the presence of<br />

normal-to-transtensive transverse structural features. This faults,<br />

responsible for the displacement of Late Pleistocene-Holocene<br />

fluvial sediments, probably represent connecting faults between<br />

the Subequana Valley fault and the Middle Aterno Valley fault<br />

systems and the Middle Aterno Valley fault system, i.e. an<br />

extensional tectonic structure displaying a dextral en echelon<br />

arrangement with the Subequana Valley, and defined as active by<br />

GALADINI & GALLI (2000). Paleoseismological investigation<br />

(Fig.1b), still in progress, seem to confirm the activity of the<br />

Middle Aterno Valley fault system.<br />

Fig. 1 – Walls of the trenches dug across the Subequana<br />

Valley fault (a) and the Middle Aterno Valley fault (b).

Fig. 2 – Structural setting of the Middle Valle dell’Aterno and Subequana Valley.<br />


Hence, it is possible to hypothesise that the Subequana Valley<br />

fault and the Middle Aterno Valley fault represent the expression<br />

at the surface of the same seismogenic fault (Fig.2) and that can<br />

activate together during M 6.7-6.8 seismic events.<br />


GALADINI F. & GALLI P. (2000) - Active tectonics in the central<br />

Apennines (Italy): Input data for seismic hazard assessment.<br />

Natural Hazards, 22, 225-270.<br />

MICCADEI E., BARBERI R. & DE CATERINI G. (1997) - Nuovi dati<br />

geologici sui depositi quaternari <strong>della</strong> conca Subequana<br />

(Appennino abruzzese). <strong>Il</strong> Quaternario, 10 (2), 485-488.<br />

17<br />


SESSIONE 1<br />

The 2009 Abruzzo earthquake: the role of Geomorphology and<br />

Quaternary geology for the prevention of seismic risk<br />



Key words: Geomorphology, L’Aquila earthquake, Quaternary<br />

geology, seismic risk prevention.<br />

On April 6th 2009 at 3:32 a.m., after some three months of<br />

low magnitude tremor, a strong earthquake (MI Richter 5,8) hit<br />

the L’Aquila area. The event was characterized by an extensional<br />

movement along NW-SE fault planes with SW-NE extension<br />

(data available on line at<br />

Several post earthquake campaigns of geological and<br />

geomorphological surveys have been carried out in the L’Aquila<br />

area, however, so far, there is not a single geological model<br />

shared by the different scientific communities.<br />

The present work wants emphasize the role of detail<br />

geomorphologic survey (1:10.000 or even 1:5.000 scale) and<br />

Quaternary continental deposits analysis in the L’Aquila basin, as<br />

base for a correct seismic risk prevention, where historical<br />

seismicity and technical rules does not succeed in reducing<br />

seismic risk.<br />

The geomorphological effects (so called surface coseismic<br />

effects) occurred in the epicenter area (particularly Paganica,<br />

Tempera and Onna, that suffered heavy buildings damages), are<br />

mostly rock falls, debris landslides, small landslide reactivations,<br />

very shallow fissures and fractures with variable strike on<br />

different continental deposits, fissures on road pavement, fluvial<br />

embankment local falls, soil liquefaction, and even small snow<br />

avalanches. All these features occurred in almost ground water<br />

saturation of the Quaternary continental surface deposits of the<br />

L’Aquila basin.<br />

Geomorphological effects have been observed up to 50 km far<br />

from the epicenter area. The distribution shows a moderate<br />

directional trend that is NW-SE elongated markedly parallel to<br />

the main faults and particularly to the L’Aquila basin and to the<br />

complex geometry of the basin fill. It is characterized by high and<br />

variable thickness of Quaternary continental deposits (mostly<br />

lacustrine deposits and alluvial fan deposits), that is also<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Scuola di Scienze Ambientali, Università degli Studi di Camerino,<br /><br />

(**) DIGAT Università degli Studi "G. D'Annunzio" Chieti-Pescara<br />

(°) CNR-IGAG Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria<br />

(°°) Geoservizi Srl<br />

18<br />

confirmed by deep borehole and geophysical investigations.<br />

The distribution of the effects vs. the distance from the<br />

epicenter area shows a peculiar arrangement with few effects in<br />

the 0-5 km interval and a maximum in the 10-15 km interval (Fig.<br />

3a). It suggests a strong control of local topographic and<br />

geomorphologic setting on the effect distribution. The occurrence<br />

of no effects between 30 and 40 km, and several effects (mainly<br />

rock fall) in the 40-50 km interval, provide a further<br />

confirmation. These remote effects are due to a strong local<br />

topographic relief in the Aterno river gorges located close to the<br />

outlet of the river into the Sulmona basin.<br />

Some examples of the geomorphologic effects are rock-falls<br />

and toppling landslides, that occurred along structural controlled<br />

scarps or along calcareous slopes of wide karst landforms. Other<br />

examples evidence the relationship between structural landforms<br />

and landslides and subsidence, or collapse scarps on karst<br />

landforms. The latter are scarps tangential to sink-hole and open<br />

fissures, in many cases, with an annular arrangement, that<br />

suggests a relationship with buried karst landform. Many<br />

phenomena of debris flows also occurred, the evolution of which<br />

led to the denudation of large areas of slope.<br />

As reguards the rock falls, on the base of geomorphological<br />

and morphostructural analysis, the surveyed cases are referable to<br />

three main morphostructural settings: rock falls on calcareous<br />

faulted homocline ridges; rock falls on calcareous rock slopes of<br />

karst landforms; rock falls on scarps developed on conglomerates<br />

and breccias of the Quaternary continental deposits.<br />

These elements provide useful indications both at local scale,<br />

within the studies of seismic microzonation and seismic risk<br />

prevention, and at regional scale, for integration and detailing<br />

studies and inventory of landslides.

Key words: Active tectonics, earthquakes, paleoseismology,<br />

seismic hazard.<br />


The distribution and level of seismicity in Italy have been<br />

narrated since about the fifth century BC by the incomparably<br />

rich and continuous flow of written sources that have<br />

characterized our history through the centuries. These sources<br />

have made the Italian seismic catalogues the most complete and<br />

back-in-time extended in the World. Also for this reason, national<br />

seismic hazard studies have always been mainly based upon this<br />

unique, huge mass of valuable data. Nevertheless, whereas before<br />

we just supposed it, today we know that also the Italian<br />

catalogues reasonably “lack” many M=6.5 earthquakes, the<br />

seismogenetic structures responsible for which are possibly<br />

characterized by recurrence times that are longer than those<br />

accounted by the historical sources. Therefore, also in Italy<br />

earthquake data collected from “alternative” sources - such as<br />

those derived from geological studies - should finally become a<br />

necessary ingredient in seismic risk assessment.<br />


Certainly, with respect to the classical historical seismology,<br />

the most reliable alternative approach in ancient earthquakes<br />

hunting is paleoseismology. After a long gestation started with<br />

the introduction of the modern concepts on active tectonics (e.g.,<br />

GILBERT, 1884), the term paleoseismology finally appeared in<br />

Russia in the 1960’s, whereas the first modern studies were<br />

developed in United States, New Zealand and in Japan since the<br />

1970’s (insights in MCCALPIN, 1986).<br />

In Italy, the first paleoseismological case history was<br />

published by GIRAUDI in 1989, that is well after the scientific<br />

community realized that also in the bel paese surface faulting was<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento <strong>della</strong> Protezione Civile,<br />

(**) CNR-IGAG<br />

Paleoseismology in Italy: latest from L’Aquila<br />

PAOLO GALLI (*)(**)<br />

19<br />

really possible (i.e., 1980 Irpinia earthquake, Mw=6.9).<br />

Fig. 1 – View looking north of the 1980 surface faulting in the Pantano di San<br />

Gregorio (Mw 6.9, Irpinia earthquake). Vintage photo by Prof. F. Carraro.<br />

Indeed, since the Giraudi’s pioneering excavations in the<br />

Aremogna plain (Abruzzo), over the past 20 years some hundred<br />

paleoseismological trenches have been dug in Italy from the Alps<br />

to Sicily. The results of these works have supplied reliable and<br />

conclusive data on the recent activities of many famous, unknown<br />

and/or debated faults, mainly located along the central and<br />

southern Apennines. Through to many robust datings of surface<br />

fault events, they also have provided the ages of several<br />

unexpected or poorly known M=6.5 earthquakes, giving – in any<br />

case – the final proof concerning the Late Pleistocene-Holocene<br />

activity of each single fault.<br />

GALLI et alii (2008) reviewed most of these results, presenting<br />

also a first catalogue of 56 paleoearthquakes of Italy that<br />

occurred mainly in the past 6 kyr. In the intentions of these<br />

authors, the catalogue integrates the historical/ instrumental<br />

seismic compilation, and extends it beyond the recurrence time of<br />

the seismogenetic faults (2,000 ±1,500 yr). Since that review,<br />

other paleoseismological investigations have been carried out<br />

and/or published. For instance, some trenches were dug across a<br />

neglected primary fault running at the border amongst Latium,<br />

Abruzzi, Molise and Campania. Here, the Aquae Iuliae fault has<br />


SESSIONE 1<br />

Fig. 2 – Trench across the Mt. Pettino fault (L’Aquila). Note the rock-fault<br />

scarp and the whitish cataclastic zone on the background. The blackish<br />

stratum in the trench wall is a paleosol dated around 22ka. All the deposits in<br />

the hangingwall are faulted and dragged against the rocky footwall.<br />

been found “guilty” for both the southern catastrophic 1349<br />

mainshock (Mw=6.7), and several others previous earthquakes<br />

(GALLI &NASO, 2009). On the other hand, in the Subequana<br />

valley, the homonymous fault has been trenched by FALCUCCI et<br />

alii. (2009), who have found faulting trace during the Roman<br />

time.<br />

Recently, others studies have been performed in the area of<br />

the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake, both on its causative fault<br />

(Paganica-San Demetrio system) and on different conterminous<br />

faults (Mt. Marine, Mt. Pettino and Roccapreturo faults; CINTI et<br />

alii, 2009; GALLI et alii, 2009).<br />

Indeed, although in this sector of the chain the knowledge on<br />

active tectonics was though to be one of the best in Italy, it<br />

appears that amongst the hundred trenches dug along the<br />

Apennines, only one was previously located in the near field of<br />

the 2009 epicentre (Mt. Marine fault; see in GALLI et alii, 2008).<br />

Therefore, the preliminary results revealed a surprising<br />

behaviour of these faults. For instance, they show that the slip of<br />

the Paganica-San Demetrio fault may cause both 2009-like<br />

earthquakes (i.e., Mw ~6.3; see also the 1461 event), and also<br />

stronger ones, as in February 1703, when it ruptured together<br />

with the Mt. Marine and Mt. Pettino faults, generating a Mw ~6.7<br />

event.<br />

Notwithstanding this encouraging outline, it must be stressed<br />

that paleoseismology alone can not be considered a panacea in<br />

earthquake geology, especially when applied without the control<br />

of a comprehensive and robust geomorphological, stratigraphical,<br />

chronological and structural framework of the local and regional<br />

context. Moreover, the isolated trenching of geomorphic features<br />

(i.e., scarps, lineaments) or the analysis of occasional, limited<br />

outcrops may lead to hazardous mistakes; concerning both the<br />

interpretation of the investigated deformation (e.g., gravitational<br />

vs tectonic) and its stratigraphical and chronological constraint<br />

20<br />

(e.g., rejuvenating of deposits age).<br />

In particular, great attention should be paid in assessing the<br />

age of units in trench wall only on the basis of “blind”<br />

radiometric dating. The measured age of samples (and especially<br />

of bulk samples, and paleosols), which is usually analytically<br />

correct, must absolutely be consistent with the morphostratigraphical<br />

context of the area. Indeed, it is very common to<br />

obtain young “contaminated” 14C ages of old deposits or<br />

paleosols (e.g, near the ground surface), and thus to extrapolate<br />

non-existent paleoearthquakes (and/or fault slip-rates). In this<br />

perspective, paleoseismology should be seen as the crowning<br />

achievement of a long-term to short-term integrated approach,<br />

and not the starting (and often definitive) point in active tectonics<br />

studies.<br />



D., PIERDOMINICI, S., PUCCI, S.,BRUNORI, C.A. (2009) -.<br />

Looking for surface faulting ancestors of the L’Aquila April<br />

6, 2009 event: preliminary paleoseismological data and<br />

seismic hazard implications. GNGTS, 28° Convegno<br />

Nazionale, 27-29.<br />


LADINA C., PICCAREDA D. & FREDI P. (2009) - Evidenze di<br />

fogliazione normale tardo-olocenica nel settore compreso fra<br />

la conca Subequana e la Media Valle dell’Aterno. GNGTS,<br />

28° Convegno Nazionale, 161-163.<br />

GALLI P., GALADINI F. & PANTOSTI D. (2008) - Twenty years of<br />

paleoseismology in Italy. Earth Sci. Rev., 88, 89-117,<br />

doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2008.01.001.<br />

GALLI P. & NASO G. (2009) -. Unmasking the 1349 earthquake<br />

source (southern Italy). Paleoseismological and<br />

archaeoseismological indications from the Aquae Iuliae<br />

fault. J. Structural Geology, 31, 128-149.<br />

GALLI P., GIACCIO B., MESSINA P. & PERONACE E. (2009) -.<br />

Paleoseismological news from L'Aquila faults. GNGTS, 28°<br />

Convegno Nazionale, 34-37.<br />

GILBERT G. K. (1884) - A theory of the earthquakes of the Great<br />

Basin, with a practical application. Am. Jour. Sci., 3 rd ser.,<br />

49-53.<br />

GIRAUDI C. (1989) - Datazione di un evento sismico preistorico<br />

con metodi geologici e radiometrici: piani di Aremogna e<br />

Cinquemiglia. In E. Guidoboni (Ed.), I <strong>terremoti</strong> prima<br />

dell'anno Mille, ING-SGA, Bologna, 53-64.<br />

MCCALPIN, J.P. (1996) - Paleoseismology. Academic Press, San<br />

Diego, 588 pp.

Key words: Active tectonics, Alto Ofanto, earthquakes, Irpinia,<br />

paleoseismology, seismic hazard.<br />


Thirty years ago - on November 23, 1980 - the strongest<br />

earthquake (Mw 6.9) occurred in the 20th century in the southern<br />

Apennine rocked the villages of the Upper Ofanto Valley<br />

(Irpinia), causing almost 3000 fatalities.<br />

Indeed, this small region is one of the most seismically active<br />

of Europe; for instance, Conza <strong>della</strong> Campania – one of its more<br />

ancient settlement - has been struck at least seven times (Is>VIII<br />

MCS; GALLI, 2010) during the past millennium, each time rising<br />

again over its ruins. But after the 1980 earthquake, it has been<br />

deserted, and rebuilt by its inhabitants 1 km away from its former,<br />

pre-Roman settlement.<br />

Many of these earthquakes are almost unknown, and some do<br />

not still appear in the current seismic catalogue (CPTI, 2004);<br />

others are well characterised in terms of intensity distribution, but<br />

still lack any certain seismogenetic attribution. Only the 1980 one<br />

has conclusive data concerning its causative seismogenic<br />

structure, not only due to the large amount of instrumental data,<br />

but also because of the unequivocal surface faulting phenomena<br />

that drew the attention of some geologists on a previously<br />

unconsidered fault system (i.e., Mt. Marzano fault, and<br />

contiguous segments: MMFS. WESTAWAY &JACKSON, 1984).<br />

On the basis of 1) field study on faults and fault scarps and 2)<br />

archive research of minor earthquakes, we are currently trying to<br />

cast light on these aspects, which are both the basic ingredients<br />

for understanding the seismic hazard of the region.<br />



_________________________<br />

Earthquakes and fault(s) in the Upper Ofanto Valley<br />

(Irpinia,southern Italy)<br />



(*) Dipartimento <strong>della</strong> Protezione Civile,<br />

(**) CNR – IGAG, Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria, Roma<br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Camerino<br />

(°°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Pavia<br />

21<br />

CPTI (2004) reports two catastrophic earthquakes in the<br />

Upper Ofanto Valley (in 1694 and 1980, both with Mw~6.9),<br />

besides a couple of moderate events in 1853 and 1910 (Mw~5.9).<br />

Actually, our archive researches reveal the existence of other<br />

strong poorly known or unknown earthquakes in the same area<br />

(Fig. 1). These are the 1466 (Mw~6.4, see in GALLI et alii, 2006),<br />

1517, 1561, 1680 and 1692 events (Mw~5.8; CASTELLI et alii,<br />

2008; CARDUCCI et alii, 2009) and others of lower energy.<br />

Fig. 1 – Macroseismic epicentres of Mw>5.5 earthquakes in the Upper Ofanto<br />

Valley (black years from CPTI, 2004; blue, other sources in this paper). The blue<br />

lines are the surface evidences of the Mt. Marzano fault system, which was<br />

responsible for the 1980 event (see instrumental epicentre by WESTAWAY,<br />

1992), and, perhaps, for many others earthquakes. The dashed line envelops the<br />

1980 aftershocks distribution, that is, reasonably, the in-depth area of the fault.<br />

The macroseismic epicentres of all of these earthquakes fall<br />

within the area subtended by the MMFS (see Fig. 1). Moreover,<br />

some of the highest intensity datapoints distributions (e.g., of the<br />

1466 and 1980 earthquakes) are very similar, both in terms of<br />

geometry and intensity values. Others events appear to fill the gap<br />

of the 1980 surface rupture (1853), whereas others are located at<br />


SESSIONE 1<br />

the tips of the fault system. Finally, for one of the strongest<br />

earthquake (1694, Mw 6.9), we identified the description of a<br />

long surface faulting phenomenon in one of the historical<br />

accounts which could match with part of the MMFS.<br />

Therefore, considering the proximity and similarity of most of<br />

these earthquakes, we guess that some of them could have been<br />

generated by a single seismogenetic structure. Indeed, we do not<br />

exclude a priori alternative sources, since we are aware to know<br />

not enough on possible antithetic structures. These would<br />

necessary affect the silicoclastic units of the Ofanto-Ufita valleys,<br />

being thus not easily detectable at surface (GALLI et alii, 2006).<br />

However, in order to overcome this impasse, we focused<br />

firstly on the MMFS, trying to collect all the possible information<br />

concerning the surface faulting happened in November 1980.<br />

To do this we both interviewed dozen of peasants, shepherds<br />

and inhabitants of the area which was crossed by the different<br />

fault segments, and most of all those geologists who were<br />

involved in field survey after the 1980 earthquakes. We finally<br />

gathered many reliable, first-hand information, photographs, and<br />

unpublished reports.<br />

Fig. 2 – Deep gorge carved in the limestone footwall of the Mt. Marzano fault<br />

system. The bottom is offset by one of the N340 transfer fault between the main<br />

segments. Note the prominent rock-fault scarp.<br />

We also had the opportunity to study the high-resolution<br />

panchromatic airphotos taken in the days after the earthquake,<br />

where some the surface faulting stretches are visible (in the areas<br />

not affected by snowfall).<br />

Then we surveyed the entire ~40-km-long fault system,<br />

making observations, measures (structural, microtopography),<br />

and quick paleoseismic pit analyses - with 14C dating of samples<br />

– on the fault/fault scarp.<br />

On the basis of all the above we obtained some preliminary<br />

results, such as: 1) identification and 1:5000 mapping of the<br />

several surficial segments of the MMFS (e.g. in Fig. 2); 2)<br />

quantitative reassessment of the 1980 and previous surface<br />

ruptures on each segment; 3) hypotheses on which (group of)<br />

segments reasonably generated the historically documented<br />

earthquakes.<br />

22<br />


We are indebted with many colleagues who share with us<br />

their 1980 memories and photos, and in particular with F.<br />

Carraro, S. Lambiase and R. Westaway. We wish to thank also R.<br />

Berardi, C. Bosi, L. Carmignani, A. Cinque, P. Scandone, P.<br />

Marsan, F. Ortolani and I. Sgrosso. We thank also D. Pantosti,<br />

who generously provided her field maps and photos, discussing<br />

with us some unpublished data of Piano di Pecore trench. Thanks<br />

also to G. Di Trolio for the information on the 1980 damage<br />

along the Acquedotto Pugliese tunnel.<br />


CARDUCCI T., GALLI P. & PERONACE E. (2009) - Terremoti<br />

minori dell’Irpinia ed il loro ruolo nell’identificazione delle<br />

strutture sismogenetiche maggiori. Riassunti del 28°<br />

Convegno Nazionale GNGTS, Trieste, 16-19 Novembre<br />

2009, 93-95.<br />


The 1561 earthquake(s) in southern Italy: new insights into a<br />

complex seismic sequence. J. Earthquake Engineering, 12,<br />

1054-1077.<br />

GALLI P. (2010) – La storia sismica di Conza, in: E. Ricciardi<br />

(ed.), Conza. Storia, arte, fede, Conza <strong>della</strong> Campania.<br />


- Late Holocene earthquakes in southern Apennines:<br />

paleoseismology of the Caggiano fault. Int. J. of Earth<br />

Sciences, 95, 855-870.<br />

WESTAWAY R. (1992) - Seismic moment summation for historical<br />

earthquakes in Italy: tectonic implications. J. Geophys. Res.,<br />

97, 15437-15464.<br />

WESTAWAY R. & JACKSON J. (1984) - Surface faulting in the<br />

Southern Italian Campania-Basilicata earthquake of 23<br />

November 1980. Nature, 312, 436-438.

Active normal faulting and large scale gravitational deformation:<br />

the case of the Mt. Morrone SW slopes (central Apennines, Italy)<br />

Key words: Central Apennines, Sulmona basin, large scale<br />

gravitational deformation, active normal faulting.<br />


The present work aims to add new data to improve the<br />

comprehension of the relationship between tectonics and largescale<br />

gravitational deformations. According to the present<br />

literature, tectonics may play an active or passive role in the<br />

gravitational evolution of mountain slopes. The passive role is<br />

related to the structural setting inherited by previous, no more<br />

active, tectonic phases. Rock movements may occur along faults<br />

planes, being just triggered by erosional processes and/or seismic<br />

shaking. The role of active tectonics, instead, is represented by<br />

the morphological modifications that surface faulting produce on<br />

slopes, determining an increase of relief energy and (of) rocks<br />

stress. The present paper deals with the case of the Morrone<br />

ridge, a Neogene thrust front located in the outer sector of the<br />

central Apennine foreland fold and thrust belt (Abruzzi<br />

Apennines), in order to define the relationship between an active<br />

fault system potentially responsible for high-magnitude seismic<br />

events and the occurrence of large-scale gravitational movements.<br />

The Mt. Morrone relief delimits the eastern border of the<br />

Sulmona basin, a tectonic depression the formation of which is<br />

due to the activity of two parallel normal fault segments affecting<br />

the ~23 km long Mt. Morrone western slopes (GORI et alii,<br />

2009). The Late Pleistocene-Holocene activity of these normal<br />

fault branches has been already documented in the past. Along<br />

the same slope, landforms and structures, such as trenches and<br />

small depressions, representing the surficial expression of Deep<br />

Seated Gravitational Movement (DSGM), have been detected at<br />

different elevations (CICCACCI et alii, 1999). The highest trench<br />

is very long and almost continuous, bounding the higher part of<br />

the slope for over 20 km from the Pescara river valley to the<br />

_________________________<br />


ANDREA<br />


(*) INGV, Sezione Milano-Pavia,<br />

(**) Protezione Civile Nazionale,<br />

(°) CNR-IGAG,<br />

(°°) Università Roma Tre,<br />

23<br />

Pacentro village. A series of relatively shorter trenches, in the<br />

order of 1-2 km long, affects the middle-lower part of the slope.<br />



Geological, structural and geomorphological surveys have<br />

been carried out along this mountain slope in order to achieve<br />

information about the kinematic history and behaviour of these<br />

DSGM and to define their relationship with the fault system<br />

activity. Moreover, paleoseismological trenches have been dug<br />

across two of the gravitational trenches, in order to detect<br />

possible evidences and chronological constraints for the DSGM<br />

formation and evolution.<br />

All the data indicate that the DSGM affecting the SW slope of<br />

the Mt. Morrone took place after the Early-Middle Pleistocene,<br />

since slope-derived breccias, related to this chronological<br />

interval, have been displaced by the opening of a gravitational<br />

trench. Small displacements of colluvial units which fill the<br />

trenches (dated at 10660-10540 cal. b.C./ 10430-9910 cal. b.C.<br />

and 21440±120 BP) represent the effects of the gravitational<br />

deformation activity. This probably represents the secondary<br />

effect of the fault system activation, and indicates that the Mt.<br />

Morrone normal fault system played an active role in the<br />

evolution of the large-scale gravitational deformation.<br />



Geomorphologic evolution and neotectonics of the Sulmona<br />

intramontane basin (Abruzzi Apennines, central Italy). Z<br />

Geomorph N F, 118 (Suppl. Bd), 27-40.<br />


SPOSATO A., DRAMIS F. (2009) - Active normal faulting along<br />

the Mt. Morrone south-western slopes (central Apennines,<br />

Italy). Int. J. Earth Sci. DOI: 10.1007/s00531-009-0505-6.<br />


SESSIONE 1<br />

Key words: Active fault, Geomorphology, neotectonic,<br />

quaternary stratigraphy.<br />

The recent L’Aquila earthquake (Mw 6.3) reawakened the<br />

discussions concerning the relationships amongst the superficial<br />

geological setting, seismogenetic structure and coseismic surficial<br />

effects. This happened also during previous moderate<br />

earthquakes, such as the Umbria-Marche event in 1997 (Mw 6),<br />

when the surficial breaks were interpreted by some authors as due<br />

to surface faulting, whereas others claimed mainly for gravitydriven<br />

phenomena. As far as the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake, and<br />

as for stronger events (i.e., 1980 earthquake; Mw 6.9), the whole<br />

scientific community agreed on the tectonic genesis of the<br />

surficial breaks recognized all along the Paganica-San Demetrio<br />

fault system (PSDFS; e.g. in FALCUCCi et alii, 2009).<br />

Nevertheless, in this case the problems were related to the fact<br />

that this fault system was previously poorly known and not<br />

reported by the database of seismogenetic structures. Indeed, in<br />

the past, several others fault systems contiguous to the PSDFS<br />

have been investigated in the L’Aquila region (see in GALLI et<br />

alii, 2008 and reference therein). Many earthquake geologists<br />

pointed their attention toward these faults after the 2009 event,<br />

but none of these showed indication of surficial ruptures. Due to<br />

the small distance amongst regional fault systems, the main<br />

problem the scientific community had to face with was to unravel<br />

the relationships between faults (i.e., segmentation), that is if they<br />

might rupture sometime alone (generating moderate earthquake)<br />

and sometime together with the conterminous segments<br />

(generating high energy events).<br />

In order to understand these fundamental issues, it is strictly<br />

necessary to study the behavior and the time-space evolution of<br />

the active fault system. This yields to know both the past surface<br />

faulting events and the long term displacement history of the<br />

structure. The first target may be achieved through<br />

paleoseismological analyses, which usually provide information<br />

concerning the past 40 ka. The second one needs integrated<br />

studies of stratigraphy, geomorphology, structural geology,<br />

pedology, etc. (Quaternary Geology s.l.), which allow also to<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) CNR – Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria,<br /><br />

Quaternary geology and seismic hazard<br />


24<br />

improve the main fault parameters.<br />

These two approaches are often separately applied, and the<br />

ensuing results are sometimes even rather conflicting. The<br />

reasons for these potential disagreements relate to the different<br />

aims that move these studies, and to the different methodologies<br />

and forma mentis of geologists operating in the field of<br />

paleoseismology and Quaternary geology. Nevertheless, it should<br />

be noted that only the integration of both long-term and shortterm<br />

study approaches brings advantages, towards a better<br />

perceptive of the behaviour of active tectonic structures over<br />

time.<br />

This kind of interdisciplinary approach, which cannot be<br />

limited to quick (e.g., geomorphologic surveys) or local (isolated<br />

paleoseismological trenches) analyses, provides all the necessary<br />

information for the mapping of “certain” active faults, i.e. one of<br />

the main step toward the characterization of local and regional<br />

seismic hazard.<br />

In the past years, just applying this methodology, some of the<br />

researches aimed at the neotectonics characterization of<br />

seismically active regions have defined the succession of<br />

depositional and erosional events, allowing defining the<br />

chronology of the different phases. Examples come from the<br />

Latium-Abruzzi Apennine area, where the continental succession<br />

of several intermountain basins have been recognized, offering<br />

also a tentative correlation amongst them (BOSI et alii, 2003).<br />

The possibility to draw a stratigraphical and morphological<br />

framework with accurate chronological constraints has allowed<br />

either to define the tectonic evolution of each basin, or to propose<br />

regional models of the tectonic evolution. Moreover, it permitted<br />

to define the geometric and kinematics characters of several<br />

faults, giving the boundaries of their activity during time (e.g.<br />

figure 1).<br />

Unfortunately, these data were not yet available for the<br />

PSDFS, which prior to the 2009 earthquake was poorly known,<br />

its several segments being variously linked to other fault system<br />

by different authors (see MESSINA et alii, 2009). The weeks after<br />

the 2009 earthquake, Quaternary investigations coupled with<br />

paleoseismological trenching finally revealed the detailed<br />

geometry of the causative fault and the tectonic evolution of the<br />

area, besides the chronology of the last seismic events. This<br />

study allows to ascertain that the PSDFS may rupture also<br />

together with the Upper Aterno Fault System (GALADINI &<br />

GALLI, 2000), as in 1703 when it caused a Mw 6.7 earthquake.

Fig. 1 – Tectonic evolution of the NE part of Fucino basin (AQ). 1) Dip of<br />

tilted layers; 2) top surfaces of non-tilted terraces; 3) traces of the paleo-<br />

Giovenco river; 4) normal fault (indentation towards the hangingwall); A)<br />

limestone (Miocene); B) Flysch (Miocene); C) Aielli and Cupoli Complexes<br />

(Pliocene- Lower Pleistocene); D) Pescina formation (Middle Pleistocene); E)<br />

Casoli formation (Middle Pleistocene); G) Pervole formation (Middle<br />

Pleistocene); H) deposits of the Upper Pleistocene-Holocene; S1…S6)<br />

erosional and depositional surfaces; F1, F2) faults of Early-Middle Pleistocene<br />

activity; F3) active fault. From MESSINA (1996) modified.<br />



(2003) - Plio-Quaternary continental deposits in the Latium-<br />

Abruzzi Apennines: the correlation of geological events<br />

across different intermontane basins. <strong>Il</strong> Quaternario, 16<br />

(1Bis), 55-76.<br />




- The Paganica fault and surface coseismic ruptures caused<br />

by the 6 April 2009 earthquake (L’Aquila, Central Italy).<br />

Seismol. Res. Lett., 80, 940-950.<br />

25<br />

GALADINI F. & GALLI P. (2000) - Active tectonics in the central<br />

Apennines (Italy) - input data for seismic hazard assessment.<br />

Nat. Haz., 22, 225–270.<br />

GALLI P., GALADINI F. & PANTOSTI D. (2008) - Twenty years of<br />

paleoseismology in Italy. Earth Sci. Rev., 88, 89–117.<br />

MESSINA P. (1996) - Tettonica mesopleistocenica <strong>dei</strong> terrazzi<br />

nord-orientali del Fucino (Italia centrale). <strong>Il</strong> Quaternario, 9,<br />

293–298.<br />


GORI S., PERONACE E. & SPOSATO A. (2009) - Evoluzione<br />

geologica e tettonica quaternaria dell'area interessata dal<br />

terremoto aquilano del 2009. Geoitalia, 28, 24-29.<br />


SESSIONE 1<br />

The crustal deformation associated to the seismic cycle measured by<br />

DInSAR techniques: a starting point for the geological analysis<br />

Key words: crustal deformation, L'Aquila seismic sequence,<br />

SAR interferometry, seismic cycle.<br />

Various analysis techniques based on interferometric satellite<br />

SAR data allow nowadays to measure sudden or slow ground<br />

movements with accuracies up to 0.5 cm in displacement, 1<br />

mm/yr in velocity, and with spatial resolutions up to 2.5 m. In the<br />

area of the 2009 Abruzzi earthquake the ground deformation was<br />

analysed for a seismic cycle interval of 18 yr, including the strain<br />

accumulation phase, the co-seismic and the initial post-seismic<br />

deformations.<br />

The regional inter-seismic deformation field shows the<br />

evidence of the tectonic processes acting in this sector of the<br />

Apennines, but does not seem to yield elements for a detailed<br />

seismic hazard analysis at the scale of the single seismogenic<br />

sources. New analytical and numerical models shall be developed<br />

to fully exploit the information content carried by these data.<br />

The co-seismic deformation associated to the main<br />

earthquakes of the Abruzzi sequence has been measured with<br />

unprecedented detail thanks to the new high resolution data from<br />

the Italian COSMO-SkyMed satellites (Figure 1). The visual<br />

inspection and the modeling of these data allowed to extract<br />

important information on the seismic source, on its surface<br />

expression, and on the indirect effects of the seismic shaking on<br />

the environment. The co-seismic deformation modeling was<br />

based on well-established analytical simulations of elastic<br />

dislocations, and on a new approach using numerical analysis.<br />

The latter allows to include as constraints the topography and the<br />

crustal heterogeneities, where known. The geophysical modeling<br />

generates important parameters which can be used to test and<br />

validate the geological analysis of the source.<br />

The post-seismic deformation measured on the 2009 Abruzzi<br />

faults has been modeled in terms of fault after-slip. Although<br />

small, it should be taken into account when calculating the total,<br />

per-event ground deformation, and when analysing the<br />

cumulated geological ground deformation.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Roma,<br /><br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto ASI-SIGRIS, con il <strong>contributo</strong><br />

finanziario dell’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana.<br />


26<br />

Our research shows that the detailed analysis and the<br />

geophysical modeling of high resolution measurements of the<br />

present ground deformation can generate important information<br />

to be carefully considered during the interpretation of the<br />

geological and geomorphological evolution of high seismic<br />

hazard regions.<br />

Fig. Fig. 1 – Differential 1 – Differential COSMO-SkyMed interferogram showing showing the co-seismic the co-seismic<br />

displacement field field generated generated by the by mainshock the mainshock source source dislocation. The The black black<br />

lines lines show show the field the field evidences evidences of surface of surface breakage. breakage. The The pentagon pentagon symbol symbol is is<br />

the mainshock the mainshock epicenter.<br />


Principal slip zones in limestone: microstructural characterization<br />

and implications for the seismic cycle<br />


Key words: Earthquakes, limestone, slip zones, friction<br />

experiments, microstructure.<br />


Earthquakes in central Italy and in other seismically-active<br />

areas of central Europe often nucleate within, and propagate<br />

through, carbonates in the upper crust. Two complementary ways<br />

of understanding the mechanical behaviour of carbonates during<br />

earthquake ruptures is to: 1) study exhumed faults, and; 2)<br />

conduct laboratory experiments designed to simulate the<br />

conditions that occur during earthquake rupture.<br />

A variety of field and geophysical evidence suggests that<br />

most displacement during individual earthquakes is localized to<br />

thin Principal Slip Zones (PSZs) within the fault core. PSZs<br />

potentially contain a record of passing earthquake ruptures and,<br />

more generally, deformation mechanisms throughout the seismic<br />

cycle. At present, however, there are no reliable microstructural<br />

or geochemical indicators of seismic slip in carbonate rocks. In<br />

addition, there is little information concerning the frictional<br />

properties of carbonate at seismic slip speeds (i.e. 1-10m/s). In<br />

this contribution, we present a detailed microstructural<br />

characterization of the PSZs of active, large-displacement faults<br />

from the Fucino basin in central Italy.<br />

To gain insights in to fault mechanical behaviour, future work<br />

will compare natural PSZ microstructures to those produced over<br />

a wide range of slip speeds and normal stresses using a recentlyinstalled<br />

rotary-shear friction apparatus at INGV, Rome.<br />


The PSZs we have studied are exhumed from

SESSIONE 1<br />

Fig. 1 – Detailed map (A) and photomicrograph mosaic (B) showing 3 distinct ultracataclasite layers found adjacent to the main slip surface in one sample from<br />

the Tre Monti fault, Fucino basin. Note the presence of: 1) a laterally-continuous, slip-surface-parallel calcite vein; 2) a sharp boundary between ultracataclasites<br />

1 and 2.<br />


Elastic properties evolution of the seismogenic Triassic Evaporites<br />

and implications for crustal modeling<br />


Key words: Cyclic stressing, elastic moduli, evaporites,<br />

laboratory experiments, seismic velocities.<br />

Earthquakes up to M ~ 6 nucleate within the Triassic<br />

Evaporites (TE) in the Northern Apennines of Italy, however this<br />

lithology is generally considered as a ductile horizons incapable<br />

of generating seismic rupture. TE are a sedimentary succession<br />

made up of a sequence of alternating sulphates (anhydrites and<br />

gypsum) and dolostones. The repeated seismic cycles lead to<br />

deformation, increasing the level of damage of the host rocks and<br />

hence changing their elastic moduli, which are key parameters for<br />

petrophysical characterizations and for reliable modeling of<br />

deformation processes. Therefore, here we focus on the elastic<br />

properties of TE testing samples coming from outcrop and from<br />

boreholes drilled in the central Italy. We obtained elastic<br />

parameters from both seismic velocities measurements (Vp and<br />

Vs) and increasing amplitude cyclic stressing experiments.<br />

At ambient pressure, P-wave velocities are in the range 4.6-<br />

6.6 km/s for dolostones, 4.1-6.2 km/s for anhydrites and 3.7-5.3<br />

km/s for gypsum-dolostones. Borehole samples show higher<br />

velocities respect to outcrop samples and the highest velocities<br />

were registered for borehole samples coming from undeformed<br />

areas. Cyclic loading provided highly variable unconfined<br />

compressive strength values ranging from 10 MPa for outcrop<br />

gypsum to ~ 200 MPa for borehole dolostones. However in all<br />

experiments the Young's modulus and the Poisson's ratio increase<br />

with increasing loading cycles. The increase in Young’s modulus,<br />

and Poisson’s ratio is characterized by a non constant pattern<br />

with increasing cycle number and it is more evident during the<br />

first loading/unloading cycles. This behavior is likely to be<br />

related to compaction-driven processes, in agreement with<br />

microstructural observations that show an evident pore collapse<br />

and increased crack damage as indicated from the<br />

microseismicity output (Acoustic Emissions), recorded<br />

throughout each experiment.<br />

Calculated dynamic (velocity derived) and static<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Perugia,<br /><br />

(**) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Roma<br />

(°) Department of Earth Sciences, University College London, England<br />

29<br />

(deformation-test derived) elastic moduli on the same rock<br />

samples have been then compared. Laboratory dynamic elastic<br />

moduli are in agreement with elastic moduli used in several<br />

models at the crustal scale however dynamic moduli are always<br />

higher by two to three times respect to the static.<br />

We interpret this behavior as due to frequency effects and we<br />

suggest that static moduli need to be taken in account for<br />

modeling slow deformation at the crustal scale.<br />


SESSIONE 1<br />

The new release of the Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources,<br />

DISS 3.1.1<br />



Key words: Active fault, active tectonics, DISS, seismic hazard,<br />

seismogenic source.<br />

The Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS) was<br />

conceived at the end of the 1990s by a group of scientists at<br />

Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia. The database was<br />

designed to host data about seismogenic source models intended<br />

to serve as geological input for ground-shaking SHA applications<br />

and was continuously updated since then (BASILI et alii, 2008).<br />

In 2005 there was a big turn in this process as we launched a<br />

new version of the database (DISS 3) which augmented the<br />

database with two innovative categories: the Composite<br />

b)<br />

Seismogenic Sources and the Debated Seismogenic Sources -<br />

alongside of the native Individual Seismogenic Sources.<br />

At this time we also made the database available online<br />

30<br />

through a dedicated web-dased GIS application. Its IT<br />

infrastructure was also kept up to date and guidelines on how to<br />

prepare new records have been distributed to potential<br />

<strong>contributo</strong>rs (BASILI et alii, 2009).<br />

During the years, DISS brought together a large amount of<br />

published and original data on Italian seismogenic sources having<br />

a potential for a magnitude 5.5+ earthquake and is now being<br />

extended to the rest of the Euro-Mediterranean area.<br />

We present highlights on the identification and<br />

characterization of new seismogenic sources in four key-areas in<br />

Italy, namely Lombardia-Emilia-Veneto (Southern Alps,<br />

Northern Apennines), Adriatic Sea, Ionian Sea, and<br />

Fig. 1 – Google-earth map of the DISS version 3.1.0 (DISS WORKING GROUP, 2009), current version available online. Polygons outline areas of significant<br />

updates that will be illustrated at the meeting.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Roma,<br /><br />

Abruzzo/Molise (central Apennines). These new sources describe<br />

youthful structures of the Alpine south-verging Apennine northverging<br />

contractional systems, the external fold-and-thrust system<br />

in the Adriatic and Ionian offshore, and the extensional domain of<br />

the inner central Apennines. For each of these areas we illustrate<br />

a combination of original data collected and interpreted by our<br />

group together with reviews of published literature. We will also<br />

outline contributions from several other scientists that

collaborated with us during the two-year term of “Project S1”<br />

funded by the Dipartimento Protezione Civile (Agreement 2007-<br />

2009).<br />

The main novelties include updates of the geometric and<br />

kinematic properties of seismogenic sources, new geological data<br />

and numerical constraints on deformation rates, new<br />

interpretations of faults that are thought to have generated a<br />

number of historical earthquakes.<br />



MARIANO S., TIBERTI M.M. & BOSCHI E. (2008) - The<br />

Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS), version<br />

3: summarizing 20 years of research on Italy's earthquake<br />

geology. Tectonophysics, 453, 20–43,<br />

doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2007.04.014.<br />


2009 (2009) - DISS3 tutorial series: Guidelines for compiling<br />

records of the Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources,<br />

version 3. Rapporti Tecnici INGV, 108, 20 pp.,<br /><br />

DISS WORKING GROUP (2009) - Database of Individual<br />

Seismogenic Sources (version 3.1.0): A compilation of<br />

potential sources for earthquakes larger than M 5.5 in Italy<br />

and surrounding areas. Available at:<br /><br />

31<br />


SESSIONE 1<br />

Active tectonics in the Sannio Apennine: insights from the April-July<br />

1990 Benevento seismic sequence<br />

Key words: Active tectonics, Apennine chain, 1990 Benevento<br />

earthquake, southern Italy.<br />

The Sannio is a region of the Italian southern Apennine chain<br />

that hosted destructive earthquakes in historical time.<br />

Since April 1990, a low energy seismic sequence affected<br />

again a small area of the region located N-NE of Benevento town<br />

on the northern side of the Calore River.<br />

The sequence, whose strongest shock (ML = 3.6) occurred<br />

on April 22 with epicentre to NE of Benevento and hypocentral<br />

depth located at about 15 km, lasted until July 1990. The<br />

earthquakes caused material damage to the villages around the<br />

epicentral area and no loss of lives.<br />

Data from field survey on surface faulting coupled with a<br />

reinterpretation of the available focal mechanism allow to<br />

recognize that the area was acted upon by a NE-SW extension<br />

coupled with a simultaneous NW-SE compression along faults<br />

striking WNW-ESE and NNE-SSW respectively.<br />

This resulted in both dextral and local reverse faulting as<br />

already reported for other Apennine areas (DI BUCCI &MAZZOLI,<br />

2003 and references therein).<br />

Taking into account the regional geodynamic reference frame<br />

and constraints, we suggest in agreement with DI BUCCI &<br />

MAZZOLI (2003) that the active geodynamic setting of the 1990<br />

seismic sequence was controlled by intraplate deformation of the<br />

foreland of the Apennine chain, Adria, due to a NW-SE<br />

convergence between the African and European plates.<br />


DI BUCCI D. & MAZZOLI S. (2003) - The October-November 2002<br />

Molise seismic sequence (southern Italy): an expression of<br />

Adria intraplate deformation. J. Geol. Soc., London, 160,<br />

503-506.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Università degli Studi del Sannio, Facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN,<br /><br />



SESSIONE 2<br />

Variazioni del livello del mare, eustatismo e tettonica<br />

lungo le coste del Mediterraneo<br />


Paolo Roberto Federici (Università di Pisa)<br />

Marta Pappalardo (Università di Pisa)<br />

33<br />


SESSIONE 2<br />

Key words: Coastal plain, late Holocene, lower Magra Valley,<br />

northern Tyrrhenian Sea, relative sea level rise.<br />


Two geognostic surveys were performed, using a vibracorer,<br />

in the plain surrounding the area of the ancient roman settlement<br />

of Luni (lower valley of Magra River, NW Italy), today at the<br />

border between Tuscany and Liguria and facing the northerrn<br />

Tyrrhenian Sea. The cores were drilled during the month of<br />

September in the successive years 2008 and 2009 and allowed to<br />

collect several stratigraphic logs that show the progressive<br />

evolution of the area during the late Holocene (BINI et alii, 2009).<br />

Some of the cores were located within lagoons evolved in<br />

their latest stages as marshes and swamps. Different<br />

sedimentological palaeo sea level indicators of different ages<br />

were identified in the logs. The aim of this work is to present the<br />

sedimentological sea level indicators and to discuss, as work<br />

hypothesis, their use to do a relative sea level rise curve for the<br />

late Holocene in the eastern Liguria.<br />


Peat from paralic swamps is considered one of the most<br />

reliable sea level indicators (PIRAZZOLI, 1991). It accumulates<br />

where water surface discharge into the sea is retarded by beach<br />

ridges or levees or in a lagoonal environment. A relative sea level<br />

rise (RSLR) is assumed to be balanced by an accretion of peat<br />

deposit while a sea level fall causes its weathering.<br />

An abrupt marine incursion, however, erodes and disturbs<br />

peat layers in coastal area. At the time of peat formation sea level<br />

was slightly lower than sampling depth. If peat layers are not<br />

_________________________<br />

First remarks on the late Holocene relative sea level from<br />

sedimentological palaeo sea level indicators in the lower Magra<br />

Valley coastal plain<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa,<br />;<br />

(**) Geographisches Institut, Universität zu Köln,<br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Parma,<br /><br />

34<br />

available, wood fragments, plant remains or shells of marine<br />

organisms can be used as sea level indicators (VÖTT, 2007).<br />

The weight of the contribution to the sea level rise curve of<br />

every dated sample has to be evaluated against its<br />

geomorphologic and sedimentologic meaning. The height of<br />

water column at the time of deposition of the sample should be<br />

estimated in a realistic manner, through the modern analogues<br />

found in neighbouring area. Nevertheless, considering the poor<br />

number of data deriving from environments where today the<br />

deposition of material similar to that used for the sea level rise<br />

curve occurs directly influenced by the present day sea level, we<br />

decide to use the uncertainty margins reported from the literature<br />

(see BRUNETTI et alii, 1998 and VÖTT, 2007 and references<br />

therein) discussing them in the light of the sedimentological<br />

features of the logs considered.<br />

Generally considering peat layers from coastal swamps,<br />

palaeo sea level may be assumed within 50 cm below the depth of<br />

the sample itself. If the sample derived from a thin layer of peat<br />


Fig. 1 – Location map of the drilled cores.<br />

Magra. The three cores are aligned along a N-S transect, roughly<br />

directed from land (LUNI4) towards the sea (LUNI5).<br />

In the core LUNI5 three potential sea level indicators have<br />

been identified. The basal peat lying on the deposit representing<br />

the fan of the Parmignola Stream, the creek descending towards<br />

the sea from the hills backing the roman colony, has been dated at<br />

about 5,840 years BP. At about 6 metres of depth, a piece of<br />

wood deposited inside the lagoon yelded an age about 2,000<br />

years younger than the basal peat. Finally, the sharp border<br />

marking the passage between the lagoon and the overlying marsh<br />

has been dated to about 2,700 years BP.<br />

The cores LUNI4 and ORTO06 were drilled in two different<br />

sites along the outer rim of the Seccagna area, representing the<br />

rim of the area once occupied by the lagoon. Both the sequences<br />

show a marsh lying directly on the deposit of the Parmignola<br />

Stream alluvial fan. The gyttja representing the onset of the<br />

marsh has been dated at about 2,200 year BP in ORTO06 while<br />

the contact between the marsh and the overlying alluvial deposit<br />

has been dated at about 300 years via a plant remain in LUNI4.<br />


The sedimentological features interpreted as sea level<br />

indicators were arranged in a relative sea level rise curve. Since<br />

6,000 BP, the sea level was not higher than present day. The data<br />

of the lower Magra River Valley were evaluated in comparison<br />

with others from neighbouring areas discussing their meaning in<br />

term of relative movement between land and sea.<br />

35<br />



PAPPALARDO M. (2009) – Geoarchaeological sea-level prozie<br />

from a silted-up Harbour: A case study of the Roman colony<br />

of Luni (northern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). Quat. Int., 206, 147-<br />

157.<br />


PIRAZZOLI P.A. (1998) – Sea-level and subsidence data from<br />

a Late Holocene back-barrier lagoon (Valle Standiana,<br />

Ravenna, Italy). Mar. Geol., 150, 29-37.<br />

PIRAZZOLI P.A. (1991) – World Atlas of Holocene sea-level<br />

changes. Elsevier Oceanogr., Ser. 58, Amsterdam, London,<br />

New York, Tokyo.<br />

VÖTT A. (2007) – Relative sea level changes and regional<br />

tectonic evolution of seven coastal areas in NW Greece since<br />

the mid-Holocene. Quat. Sci. Rev., 26, 894-919.<br />


SESSIONE 2<br />

Contribute of sequence stratigraphy in the study of depositional<br />

marine terraces: the Metaponto area example (southern Italy)<br />


Key words: Depositional marine terraces, sequence<br />

stratigraphy, Southern Italy.<br />

The hinterland of the Taranto Gulf (the Metaponto area)<br />

represents a sector of the Bradanic Trough, that is the<br />

Apenninic foredeep in southern Italy. It is characterized by the<br />

occurrence of coarse-grained Quaternary deposits that represent<br />

the outcropping and upper part of the Bradanic Trough infill.<br />

36<br />

These coarse-grained deposits are coastal s.l. in origin and<br />

historically viewed as linked to a flight of marine terraces<br />

developed during Middle and Late Pleistocene (Fig. 1).<br />

A detailed sedimentological and stratigraphic study was<br />

performed in a selected part of the Metaponto area, between<br />

Cavone and Basento Rivers; the analysed successions are very<br />

complex and record high-frequency relative sea-level changes.<br />

Following a sequence-stratigraphic approach, several fourth-<br />

Fig. 1 – Geological setting of the study area (from CILUMBRIELLO et alii, 2008, after BRÜCKNER, 1980, and SELLA et alii, 1988).<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Geologia e Geofisica, Università "Aldo Moro" di Bari,<br /><br />

order sequences made up of different systems tracts comprised<br />

of higher-order sequences (either simple sequences or sets of<br />

simple sequences) may be recognized.<br />

Highstand Systems Tracts (HST) within fourth-order<br />

sequences are the best developed features and mainly

Fig. 2 – Sequence stratigraphic interpretation of depositional marine tarraces in the study area (after CILUMBRIELLO 2008 and CILUMBRIELLO et alii, 2008,)<br />

correspond to sets of simple sequences; sets are<br />

stratigraphically organized in a downward shifting<br />

configuration. According to chronostratigraphic data, these<br />

fourth-order HSTs may be referred to interglacial stages 9, 7,<br />

and 5 of the OIT/RSL curve (OIT = Oxygen Isotope Timescale;<br />

RSL = Relative Sea-Level curve) (Fig. 2).<br />

Within each fourth-order HST, the HST of the highest<br />

simple sequence of each set corresponds to a coastal sigmoidal<br />

body, the top of which is a terraced surface. Only the HSTs of<br />

these simple sequences may be viewed as “classic” depositional<br />

marine terraces. According to chronostratigraphic data, these<br />

HSTs of simple sequences may be correlated to substages of<br />

OIT/RSL curve, namely to MIS (Marine Isotope Stage) 9.5,<br />

9.3, 9.1, 7.5, 7.3, 7.1, 5.5, 5.3, and 5.1.<br />

Detailed facies analyses, stratigraphic correlations of the<br />

measured sections, and sequence-stratigraphic considerations<br />

show that the terraced marine-deposits cropping out in the<br />

Metaponto area record high-frequency relative sea-level<br />

changes, each of which can not be simply linked to a terraced<br />

surface. A higher number of sea-level oscillations is locally<br />

recorded below each terraced surface, and studies based only<br />

on geomorphological evidences are unable to describe the<br />

complex interaction between regional uplift and relative sealevel<br />

changes. Sequence stratigraphy may be an useful tool to<br />

37<br />

better define the development of these terraced marinedeposits,<br />

the terraced surface being genetically linked only to<br />

the upper part of a flat topped marine succession.<br />


BRÜCKNER H. (1980) - Marine Terrassen in Süditalien. Eine<br />

quartärmorphologische Studie über das Küstentiefland von<br />

Metapont. Düsserdolfer Geographische Schriften 14, 225<br />

pp.<br />

CILUMBRIELLO A. (2008) - Stratigrafia sequenziale <strong>dei</strong> depositi<br />

del Pleistocene medio-superiore del metapontino<br />

nell’evoluzione del bacino di avanfossa appenninico<br />

meridionale. PhD Thesys, Università di Bari, 105 pp.<br />


Quaternary terraced marine-deposits of the Metaponto<br />

area (Southern Italy) in a sequence-stratigraphic<br />

perspective. Geoacta, Sp. Publ.. 1, 27-54.<br />

SELLA M., TURCI C. & RIVA A. (1988) - Sintesi geopetrolifera<br />

<strong>della</strong> Fossa bradanica (avanfossa <strong>della</strong> catena appenninica<br />

meridionale). Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 41, 87-107.<br />


SESSIONE 2<br />

Key words: Neogene-Quaternary sequence, radiocarbon dating,<br />

Scarlino Plain.<br />


The Scarlino Plain represents the coastal sector of the Pecora<br />

River catchment. It is a depression filled with a succession of<br />

Neogene - Quaternary sediments up to 200 meters thick<br />

(TANELLI, 2009). In 1998-2000 the arsenic problem in the<br />

Scarlino Plain was firstly identified, when high As levels were<br />

recognized in soils, sediments and in piezometers monitoring the<br />

shallow groundwater (COSTAGLIOLA et alii, 2010). Since then<br />

many geochemical, mineralogical and stratigraphic studies have<br />

been carried out, by the Environmental Protection Regional<br />

Agency of Tuscany and the Department of Earth Sciences of the<br />

University of Florence.<br />

These studies pointed out that the As in the Scarlino Plain is<br />

the result of both geogenic (erosion of As-rich rocks, followed by<br />

river transport and deposition) and anthropogenic (leaching of<br />

As-rich waste piles, related the industrial plant located in the<br />

Casone area in the Scarlino Plain to produce sulfuric acid)<br />

sources.<br />

Two boreholes (La Botte and Vetricella) were drilled in the<br />

Scarlino Plain, in order to analyze the arsenic distribution within<br />

the Neogene-Quaternary succession. La Botte borehole is located<br />

in the central-distal part of the plain, whereas the Vetricella<br />

borehole is in the proximal part of the plain, about 3,5 km north<br />

of the first one. La Botte is 147 m long and intercepted the<br />

Ligurian bedrock at 141 m b.s. The Vetricella borehole is 92 m<br />

long and it is drilled exclusively within the Neogene-Quaternary<br />

sediments; the drilling has been stopped near the bedrock<br />

identified through geoelectrical surveys (ROSSATO et alii, 2009).<br />

The detailed stratigraphic analysis of La Botte and Vetricella<br />

cores identified continental sediments typical of a fluvial<br />

environment. We recognize the alternation of coarse channel and<br />

floodplain deposits, interlayered with mass flow deposits typical<br />

of a foot slope. These sediments are in large part related to<br />

paleoPecora River, and to a paleoPecora tributary, similar to the<br />

present-day, Gora delle Ferriere creek.<br />

_________________________<br />

Preliminary radiocarbon datings of Late Quaternary sediments in<br />

the Scarlino Plain (Grosseto, Italy)<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Firenze,<br /><br />

(**) INFN Sezione di Firenze<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto Prin 2006 (G. Tanelli) con il<br />

<strong>contributo</strong> finanziario del MIUR, dell’Università di Firenze e dell’ARPAT.<br />


G.<br />


38<br />


In this contest, some radiocarbon datings of the first 20 m of<br />

the Late Quaternary succession in the La Botte and Vetricella<br />

boreholes have been performed in order to calibrate the<br />

paleogeographic reconstruction of Scarlino Plain. Furthermore<br />

these radiocarbon datings, the first measurements of the Scarlino<br />

Plain chronology, could help us to better define the conceptual<br />

model concerning the As anomaly in the plain.<br />

For the radiocarbon measurements one charcoal fragment<br />

and six sediment samples (bulk analysis) (WATANABE et alii,<br />

2007; CHITI et alii, 2008) have been collected.<br />

For bulk analysis six samples of sediments were taken, two in<br />

La Botte borehole (at 10 m b.s. and 16 m b.s. respectively) and<br />

four in Vetricella borehole (at 4, 7, 17.5 and 20 m b.s.<br />

respectively).<br />

After the chemical pre-treatment of sediment samples,<br />

conducted using the AAA method for the extraction of humus<br />

fraction (XU &ZHENG, 2003), only for two sediment samples we<br />

have obtained sufficient humic acids for the radiocarbon datings<br />

(LB10 and LV20). The charcoal (LB5.5) and sediments (LB10<br />

and LV20) radiocarbon analyses were performed performed by<br />

Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) at the INFN-LABEC of<br />

Florence (FEDI et al., 2007).<br />

The samples analyzed from La Botte borehole are located,<br />

starting from the top of the stratigraphic sequence, at 5.5 m b.s.<br />

(charcoal sample labelled LB5.5) and at 9.5 m b.s. (labelled<br />

LB10) respectively. The first one is related to unit a consisted of<br />

gravels in a muddy matrix with an important organic fraction,<br />

and the second one comes from unit b characterized by gravels<br />

in a muddy matrix. The LV20 sample was taken at a depth of 20<br />

m b.s. in Vetricella borehole, and it corresponds to the unit c<br />

which consists of pelitic layers interbedded by sand and gravels<br />

levels.<br />

Since the samples have been taken from both the boreholes, a<br />

spatial stratigraphic correlation can be made in order to compare<br />

the obtained values as illustrated in Fig.1.<br />

The calibrated ages for the LB5.5 (3904-5644 years before<br />

present) and LB10 (8705-9527 years before present) are related<br />

to the stratigraphic units labelled a and b respectively, both in<br />

Vetricella and La Botte boreholes.<br />

It is particular interesting to note that the sample LV20 has a<br />

rather wide calibrated age range (about 3000 years), between 15-<br />

18 Ka before present, a period that was characterized by major<br />

climatic changes. The last glacial peak, called LGM (Last Glacial

Maximum) is in fact dated around 20 Ka b.p., while in the age<br />

range from 15 to16 Ka there was a reversal in a post-glacial<br />

Fig. 1 – In figure are shown the first 20 m of Quaternary sequence in La Botte<br />

and Vetricella boreholes. The samples for radiocarbon datings and the<br />

calibrated ages obtained by measure (years before present) are indicated in the<br />

columns. At right of the columns are shown the average sedimentation rates.<br />

With a, b, c are labeled the stratigraphic units.<br />

phase (OROMBELLI et alii, 2005).<br />

The sample LV20 belongs to a unit which consists of constant<br />

stratigraphic thicknesses across the investigated Scarlino plain,<br />

with a slight deepening in La Botte area (unit c). This deepening,<br />

limited to the axial zone of the plain suggests a paleovalley<br />

related to the post-glacial phase mentioned above. In this phase<br />

the sea-level went back closer to the valley area thus allowing a<br />

more uniform sediments deposition, that forms the flood plain. It<br />

is therefore more reliable for the sample LV20 a calibrated age<br />

close to lower limit of the dating range (15 Ka); whereas the<br />

deposits that represent the previous glacial period are probably<br />

related to the lower stratigraphic units.<br />

A rough calculation of the sedimentation rate, considering the<br />

radiocarbon ages of the measured samples and their depths (5.5<br />

m, 10 m and 20 m b.s.), provide an average rates of 1.29 – 1.08<br />

mm/yr (Fig. 1). These values are congruent with the mean<br />

sedimentation rate reported for the Ombrone alluvial plain<br />

(BISERNI &VAN GEEL, 2005).<br />

The data discussed here represent the first geochronological<br />

data in the Scarlino Plain and these are an important help to<br />

understand the stratigraphy of the area above all related to the<br />

39<br />

glacial – postglacial phases in the coastal area of Tuscany during<br />

the Late Quaternary.<br />


BISERNI G. & VAN GEEL B. (2005) - Reconstruction of<br />

Holocene palaeoenvironment and sedimentation history of the<br />

Ombrone alluvial plain (South Tuscany, Italy). Rev. Palaeobot.<br />

Palyno., 136, 16-28.<br />


CURIEL YUSTE J. & SIRIGNANO C. (2008) - Radiocarbon dating<br />

reveals different past managements of adjacent forest soils in the<br />

Campine region, Belgium. Geoderma, 149, 137-142.<br />


BENEDETTO F. & LATTANZI P. (2010) - Quaternary sediment<br />

geochemistry as a proxy for toxic element source: A case study of<br />

arsenic in the Pecora Valley (southern Tuscany, Italy). Chem.<br />

Geol. 270, 80-89.<br />


MANDÒ P.A. (2007) - The 14 C AMS facility at LABEC, Florence.<br />

Nucl. Instrum. Meth B, 259, 18-22.<br />

OROMBELLI G., RAVAZZI C. & CITA M.B. (2005) -<br />

Osservazioni sul significato del termine LGM (UGM)<br />

tardoglaciale e postglaciale in ambito globale, italiano e alpino.<br />

<strong>Il</strong> Quaternario, 18 (2), 147-155.<br />

ROSSATO L., GABBANI G., TANELLI G. (2009) - Geoelectrical<br />

survey in Scarlino plain (Southern Tuscany).<br />

10.1474/epitome.03.1738. Geoitalia, VII Forum Italiano Di<br />

Scienze Della Terra, Rimini, 9-11 settembre 2009.<br />

TANELLI G. (2009) – La zona mineraria di Boccheggiano-<br />

Montieri e gli impianti di Scarlino. In: Georisorse e Ambiente.<br />

Aracne Editore, Roma (ISBN 978-88-548-2615-1), 78-93.<br />

WATANABE T.A., NAKAMURA T.A & KAWAI T.B. (2007) -<br />

Radiocarbon dating of sediments from large continental lakes<br />

(Lakes Baikal, Hovsgol and Erhel). Nucl. Instrum. Meth, 259 (1),<br />

565-570.<br />

XU S. & ZHENG G. (2003) - Variations in radiocarbon ages of<br />

various organic fractions in core sediments from Erhai Lake, SW<br />

China. Geochem. J., 37, 135-144.<br />


SESSIONE 2<br />

Key words: Marine terraces, Policastro Gulf, Quaternary,<br />

Southern Apennines Thyrrhenian margin.<br />


The Tyrrhenian margin of the Southern Apennines is defined<br />

by the alternation of large bays and headlands, which represent<br />

the surface expression of a horst-and-graben structure related to<br />

major NE-trending faults (e.g. MOUSSAT et alii, 1986). This<br />

structure, which developed during the Quaternary, represents the<br />

response to NW-trending stretching which governed sea-floor<br />

spreading in the southern portion of the Tyrrhenian extensional<br />

basin (e.g. KASTENS et alii., 1990; CAIAZZO et alii, 2006). Based<br />

on subsurface and offshore data, the peri-Tyrrhenian grabens<br />

were affected by Quaternary subsidence on the order of 2000-<br />

3000 m (IPPOLITO et alii, 1973; BIGI et alii, 1983; BRANCACCIO<br />

et alii, 1991). Since middle Pleistocene times, extension in the<br />

northern grabens was accompanied by volcanic activity (e.g.<br />

BROCCHINI et alii, 2001; MILIA et alii, 2003). In the late<br />

Quaternary, large sediment supply by major fluvial basins and<br />

volcanoes and slower subsidence, allowed the development of<br />

coastal plains in the inner portions of the Garigliano, Campano,<br />

and Salerno Gulf grabens. Coeval to the peri-Tyrrhenian graben<br />

subsidence, uplift of the interposed horst blocks took place. This<br />

is shown by the flights of marine terraces well preserved in the<br />

carbonate headlands, which develop up to some hundreds of<br />

metres of elevation.<br />

In the rocky coastal belt of the Policastro gulf, several marine<br />

terraces are preserved. In addition, coastal (with shore and fan<br />

delta facies) and alluvial deposits and subaerial landforms are<br />

locally present. These deposits and landforms provide constraints<br />

to the amount and timing of vertical motions (both absolute and<br />

relative) which affected the Policastro gulf coastal perimeter, and<br />

allow outlining the style of the extensional tectonics which<br />

affected the Southern Apennines Tyrrhenian margin during the<br />

Quaternary.<br />

_________________________<br />

The marine terraces of the Policastro Gulf: new insights on the<br />

evolution of the southern Apennines Tyrrhenian margin<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Napoli<br />

“Federico II”,,,<br />

40<br />

Fig. 1 – The Policastro Gulf coastal belt. In the gray rectangles are given the<br />

elevation (m a.s.l.) of the highest paleo-shorelines and their chronological<br />

attributions: EP=Early Pleistocene, MP=Middle Pleistocene.<br />


The stratigraphical, geomorphological and morphostructural<br />

study carried out in the Policastro graben coastal belt, from Mt.<br />

Bulgheria headland (Campania) to the Lao river plain (northern<br />

Calabria, Fig.1), has shown that both the amount and maximum<br />

elevation of uplifted marine terraces are uneven moving along<br />

this rocky coast. The richest successions of deposits and<br />

landforms occur in the northwestern border of the Policastro<br />

graben (Mt. Bulgheria headland), and in the Torre S. Nicola-Lao<br />

river outlet sector (in which a flight of ten terrace orders is<br />

present). In these two areas, the highest marine terraces are<br />

located at 400 m and 240 m a.s.l. respectively.<br />

Biostratigraphical data, and integrated paleoecological,<br />

biostratigraphical and paleomagnetic data, constrain marine<br />

terraces at 400 m and 280 m a.s.l. in Mt. Bulgheria area to the<br />

early Santernian and to the early Emilian respectively (ASCIONE<br />

&ROMANO, 1999; CAIAZZO et alii, 2006), and the 100 m a.s.l.<br />

marine terrace in the Torre S. Nicola-Lao river sector to the early<br />

Middle Pleistocene (MIS 19–15) based on the age of the Fornaci<br />

S. Nicola marine succession (FILOCAMO et alii, 2009).

Other sectors of the coastal belt are characterized by a lesser<br />

amount of terraces and by lower elevation of the highest<br />

shorelines, e.g.: (i) in the Noce river coastal plain the highest<br />

shore deposits are raised up to 170 m a.s.l., (ii) in the Sapri gulf<br />

coastal belt the highest terraces are found 100 m a.s.l., and (iii) in<br />

the Maratea coastal sector small size abrasion terraces reach 70-<br />

75 m of elevation (FILOCAMO, 2007).<br />

Collectively, evidences from the Policastro area are<br />

interpreted as the result of the dyachronous (spanning from the<br />

early Santernian to the middle Pleistocene) outline of the coastal<br />

perimeter. The latter is related to the fragmentation of the<br />

Tyrrhenian margin by NE-trending and NW-trending faults<br />

bounding minor horst and graben structures.<br />


Data from the Policastro gulf coastal belt provide constraints<br />

to the Quaternary evolution of this area. In addition, the<br />

Policastro gulf coastal belt provides new insights on the evolution<br />

of the Southern Apennines Tyrrhenian margin. In this area, in<br />

fact, evidences relevant to unravel the style of Tyrrhenian<br />

extensional processes, which are largely obscured by thick<br />

alluvial covers in the western borders of the more northerly peri-<br />

Tyrrhenian grabens, are exposed on surface.<br />

The western border of the Policastro graben reflects the major<br />

horst-and-graben structure of the Tyrrhenian margin of the<br />

Southern Apennines. This block faulting may be essentially<br />

framed in early Pleistocene times, a time span during which local<br />

subsidence episodes (well testified in Mt. Bulgheria and in the<br />

Noce and Lao river plains) took place. Since the Middle<br />

Pleistocene, the uplift trend became dominant in the whole<br />

coastal belt. This was probably accompanied by minor<br />

differential motions, as suggested by the slight uplift of the Late<br />

Pleistocene paleo-shorelines (ESPOSITO et alii, 2003) in the<br />

northwestern border of the graben.<br />


ASCIONE A. & ROMANO P. (1999) - Vertical movements on the<br />

eastern margin of the Tyrrhenian extensional basin. New data<br />

from Mt. Bulgheria (Southern Apennines, Italy).<br />

Tectonophysics, 315, 337-356.<br />


SARTORI R., SCANDONE P. & TURCO E., (Eds.) (1983) -<br />

Structural Model of Italy. C.N.R., Progetto Finalizzato<br />

Geodinamica, Roma.<br />


F., SANTANGELO N. & SANTO A. (1991) - Geomorphology<br />

and neotectonic evolution of a sector of the Tyrrhenian flank<br />

41<br />

of the Southern Apennines (Region of Naples, Italy). Z.<br />

Geomorph., Suppl. -Bd. 82, 47-58.<br />


GORLA L. (2001) - Quaternary evolution of the southern<br />

sector of the Campana Plain and early Somma-Vesuvius<br />

activity: insight from the Trecase 1 well. Mineral. Petrol., 73,<br />

67-91.<br />

CAIAZZO C., ASCIONE A. & CINQUE A. (2006) - Late Tertiary-<br />

Quaternary tectonics of the Southern Apennines (Italy): New<br />

evidences from the Tyrrhenian slope. Tectonophysics, 421,<br />

23-51.<br />



Quaternary shorelines in southern Cilento (Mt. Bulgheria):<br />

morphostratigraphy and U/Th chronology. <strong>Il</strong> Quaternario, 16<br />

(1), 3-14.<br />

FILOCAMO F. (2007) - Evoluzione quaternaria del margine<br />

tirrenico dell’Appennino meridionale tra il Golfo di Sapri e<br />

la foce del fiume Lao: studio stratigrafico e geomorfologico.<br />

PhD Thesis, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.<br />

Available at<br />



- Geomorphology and tectonics of uplifted coasts: New<br />

chronostratigraphical constraints for the Quaternary<br />

evolution of Tyrrhenian North Calabria (southern Italy).<br />

Geomorphology, 105 (3-4), 334-354.<br />

IPPOLITO F., ORTOLANI F. & RUSSO M. (1973) - Struttura<br />

marginale tirrenica dell’Appennino campano:<br />

reinterpretazione di dati di antiche ricerche di idrocarburi.<br />

Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 12, 227-250.<br />

KASTENS K., MASCLE J. et al. (Eds.) (1990) - Proceedings of<br />

Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results 107. Ocean<br />

Drilling Program, College Station, TX<br />

MILIA A., TORRENTE M.M., RUSSO M. & ZUPPETTA A. (2003) -<br />

Tectonics and crustal structure of the Campania continental<br />

margin: relationships with volcanism. Mineral. Petrol., 79,<br />

33-47.<br />

MOUSSAT E., REHAULT J.P. & FABBRI A. (1986) - Rifting et<br />

èvolution tectono-sèdimentaire du Bassin Tyrrhènien au cours<br />

du Neogene et du Quaternaire. Gior. di Geol., ser. 3, 48 (1/2),<br />

41-62.<br />


SESSIONE 2<br />

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SESSIONE 2<br />

Key words: Eustasy, MIS 5, sea level change, sea level indicator,<br />

southern Italy.<br />

The studies on the reconstruction of Quaternary sea level<br />

history are based on several methodological approaches, the main<br />

relying on the following criteria:<br />

i) oxygen isotope ratios are used to infer continental ice<br />

volume estimates and thus sea level history;<br />

ii) local sea level curves are predicted on the basis of glaciohydro-isostatic<br />

models;<br />

iii) field data are collected by surveying the geological sea<br />

level indicators on tectonically stable areas in order to reconstruct<br />

the eustatic sea level fluctuations in terms of number, vertical<br />

amount and duration. Such reconstructions are more reliable<br />

whether stable areas include different geomorphological settings<br />

allowing different types of sea level markers to be correlated.<br />

The Campania sector of the southern Apennines Tyrrhenian<br />

belt is a very favourable geological context for studying the<br />

Quaternary sea level history. This area is characterised by coastal<br />

geomorphological land systems varying from submerged to<br />

uplifted rocky coasts interrupted by prograding coastal plain, and<br />

giving rise to alternating high-energy and sheltered coastlines.<br />

The Campania regional tectonic setting is quite<br />

undifferentiated. With the exception of the Campanian Plain<br />

coastal graben, which was affected by volcano-tectonic ground<br />

movements, the pattern of the vertical displacement, emerging<br />

from investigation on the MIS 5.5 marker, is that of a<br />

substantially stable region during the late Quaternary. The<br />

headlands (Sorrento Peninsula and Cilento) bounding the peri-<br />

Tyrrhenian tectonic depressions have been stable to slightly<br />

uplifting (average rate of 0.1/0.01 mm/y) during the last 130 ka;<br />

in this time span the Sele plain/Salerno gulf graben underwent a<br />

mean uplift trend of 0.1 mm/y while the northernmost Garigliano<br />

coastal plain was stable. These rates are based on total vertical<br />

displacements of 2/4 meters during the last 130 ka, thus of the<br />

same order of the uncertainty affecting the determination of the<br />

eustatic sea level elevation during the MIS 5.5 highstand.<br />

In the last decades, several researches on the geological<br />

_________________________<br />

The sea level changes during the MIS 5: eustatic fluctuation data<br />

from the southern Tyrrhenian coasts of Italy<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Napoli Federico II,<br />,,,<br />

44<br />

record of sea level along the southern Apennine Tyrrhenian<br />

coasts have been carried out by the geomorphologists of the<br />

University of Naples Federico II (BRANCACCIO et alii, 1978,<br />

1986, 1990; CINQUE &ROMANO, 1990; BARRA et alii, 1991;<br />

BARATTOLO et alii, 1992; ROMANO et alii, 1992; ANTONIOLI et<br />

alii, 1994; ROMANO et alii, 1994; IANNACE et alii, 2001; RICCIO<br />

et alii, 2001; ESPOSITO et alii, 2002; IANNACE et alii, 2003;<br />

FERRANTI et alii, 2006; MARCIANO et alii, 2008; SANTANGELO et<br />

alii, 2010). They were addressed to the strandlines survey and<br />

dating and to the study of associate continental deposits as well,<br />

the latter being also fruitful in providing chronological constraints<br />

for the sea level markers. At this aim, U-series dating on<br />

carbonate concretions (speleothems and carbonates formed in<br />

supersaturated marine waters) or geochemical analyses of<br />

pyroclastic fallout deposits were also performed. The resulting<br />

framework consists in a detailed paleo-shoreline reconstruction of<br />

the Campania region dating back to the Last Interglacial, and in a<br />

rich elevation/age data set concerning the sea level fluctuations<br />

during MIS 5, by which several relative sea level curves are<br />

reconstructed.<br />

By the data set it results that, with the exception of the slight<br />

post-Eutyrrhenian offset affecting the southern Campania coasts,<br />

the shapes of the different curves, i.e. number, amplitude and<br />

elevation of the sea level highstands occurred during MIS 5.5,<br />

MIS 5.3 and MIS 5.1, are comparable. This suggests that the<br />

obtained curves reflect the eustatic behaviour of the sea level in<br />

the MIS 5. In particular, the curves point to the occurrence of a<br />

double peak during the MIS 5.5 (which is also evidenced by<br />

global data), and to a fluctuating sea level position around the<br />

present day datum during MIS 5.3 and MIS 5.1. These sea level<br />

positions are consistent with field data from other stable coasts of<br />

the western Mediterranean sea, e.g. the Baleari islands.<br />



Emergerd and submerged Quaternary marine terraces of<br />

Palinuro Cape (Southern Italy). Mem. Descr. Carta Geol.<br />

d’It., 52, 237 -260.<br />

BARRA D., CINQUE A., GEWELT M. & HURTGEN C. (1991) -<br />

L’ospite caldo Sylvestra semins (Bonaduce, Masoli e<br />

Pugliese, 1976) (Crustacea, Ostracoda): un possibile marker

dell’ultimo interglaciale dell’area mediterranea. <strong>Il</strong><br />

Quaternario, 4, 327-332.<br />


ROMANO P. & RUSSO ERMOLLI E. (1992) - Geomorfologia ed<br />

evoluzione tettonica quaternaria dell’isola di Capri. Studi<br />

Geologici Camerti, Volume Speciale 1992/1, 265-269.<br />


(1978) - 230 Th- 238 U Dating of corals from a Tyrrhenian beach<br />

in Sorrentine Peninsula (Southern Italy). Quaternaria, 20,<br />

175-183.<br />


DELITALA L. (1986) - Isoleucine Epimerization dating and<br />

tectonic significance of Upper Pleistocene sea-level features<br />

of the Sele Plain (Southern Italy). Z. Geomorph. N.F., Suppl.<br />

Bd. 62,159-166.<br />


M. & DELITALA L. (1990) - Segnalazione e datazione di<br />

depositi marini tirreniani sulla costa campana. Boll. Soc.<br />

Geol. It., 109, 259-265<br />

CINQUE A. & ROMANO P. (1990) - Segnalazione di nuove<br />

evidenze di antiche linee di riva in Penisola sorrentina<br />

(Campania). Geogr. Fis. Dinam. Quat., 13, 23-36.<br />



Quaternary shorelines in southern Cilento (M. Bulgheria):<br />

morphostratigraphy and chronology. <strong>Il</strong> Quaternario, 16 (1),<br />

11-22.<br />




(2006) – Markers of the last interglacial sea level high stand<br />

along the coast of Italy: Tectonic implications. Quat. Int.,<br />

145, 30-54.<br />


TUCCIMEI P. (2001) – The OIS 5c along Licosa cape<br />

promontory (Campania region, southern Italy):<br />

morphostratigraphy and U/Th dating. Z. Geomorph. N.F., 45<br />

(3), 307-319.<br />

IANNACE A., ROMANO P. & TUCCIMEI P. (2003) – U/Th dating<br />

and geochemistry of carbonate concretions associated with<br />

Upper Pleistocene fossil shorelines of the Sorrento Peninsula<br />

(Conca <strong>dei</strong> Marini, southern Italy). <strong>Il</strong> Quaternario – Volume<br />

Speciale INQUA, Ital. J.Quat. Sci., 16 (1Bis), 49-54.<br />


SANTO A. & VILLA I. (2008) - Late quaternary tephra layers<br />

along the Cilento coastline (southern Italy). J. Volcanol.<br />

Geoth. Res., 177, 227–243.<br />

45<br />

RICCIO A., RIGGIO F. & ROMANO P. (2001) – Sea level<br />

fluctuations during Oxygen Isotope Stage 5: new data from<br />

fossil shorelines in the Sorrento Peninsula (Southern Italy).<br />

Z. Geomorph. N.F. 45, (1), 121-137.<br />

ROMANO P. (1992) - La distribuzione del Pleistocene marino<br />

lungo le coste <strong>della</strong> Campania: stato delle conoscenze e<br />

prospettive di ricerca. Studi Geologici Camerti, Volume<br />

Speciale 1992/1, 265-269.<br />

ROMANO P., SANTO A. & VOLTAGGIO M. (1994) - L’evoluzione<br />

geomorfologica <strong>della</strong> pianura del Fiume Volturno<br />

(Campania) durante il tardo Quaternario (Pleistocene mediosuperiore-<br />

Olocene). <strong>Il</strong> Quaternario, 7 (1), 41-56.<br />



TOSCANO F. & VILLA I. (2010) - Late Quaternary buried<br />

lagoons in the northern Campania plain (southern Italy):<br />

evolution of a coastal system under the influence of volcanotectonics<br />

and eustatism. Ital. J. Geosci . (Boll.Soc.Geol.It.),<br />

129 (1), 156-175.<br />


SESSIONE 2<br />

Submerged shorelines off the Gallinara Island (Ligurian Sea, NW<br />

Mediterranean)<br />

Key words: Ligurian Sea, marine landforms, underwater<br />

geomorphology.<br />


In coastal stable to slowly uplifting/subsiding areas, most of<br />

the marine landforms produced during Middle and Late<br />

Quaternary are presently submerged. Even though sedimentation<br />

can rapidly obliterate coastal landforms in many underwater<br />

contexts, along submerged promontories and coastal islands<br />

usually the sedimentation is low and landforms inherited by past<br />

sea levels can be identified and mapped. In this study we focus on<br />

the submerged coastal area of the Gallinara Island, located in the<br />

NW Mediterranean Sea (Fig.1) in order to describe its<br />

geomorphological features, in particular those inherited by past<br />

sea levels.<br />

The Gallinara Island is characterized by rocky cliffs of<br />

quartzites interbedded with strata of polygenic conglomerates<br />

(Quarziti di Monte Bignone Unit - Creataceous). For its<br />

coastlines have not been reported evidences of emerged paleo<br />

shorelines, while in the coastal sector facing it (Alassio) OXILIA &<br />

VICINO, 1984 report a shoreline attributed to MIS 5.5 located at<br />

about 4 meters asl. In general, along the coastline comprised<br />

between Savona and Ventimiglia, the paleo-shoreline elevations<br />

relative to MIS 5.5 have been reported from 5 to 12 m a.s.l.<br />

(FEDERICI &PAPPALARDO, 2006 and reference therein); the Late<br />

Quaternary tectonic behavior of this coastal tract is thus<br />

considered typical of stable to slowly uplifting areas<br />

(AMBROSETTI et alii, 1987).<br />

Surveys were carried out using scuba diving techniques in<br />

four transects and eight spot diving surveys within the study area<br />

(Fig.1). Aerial photos allowed to identify the presence/absence of<br />

seagrass meadows in the shallow part of the study area.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dip.Te.Ris., Università degli studi di Genova,<br />


46<br />


Surveys allowed to draw a geomorphological sketch map of<br />

the study area (Fig.1). The eastern and southern parts of the<br />

island are characterized by plunging cliffs, separated by a large<br />

rockfall ending at 27-30 m depth. In this sector, a slope rupture is<br />

evident both in the rockfall deposit and in the cliff at 15-20 m<br />

depth. Several caves of structural origin (differential erosion of<br />

strata) have been identified along these cliffs at -24/-26 m. These<br />

caves appear to have been reworked by the sea, as their walls are<br />

characterized by abrasion notches decreasing in amplitude<br />

towards the closure of the cave. The other sectors of the island<br />

show a different morphology: the cliff ends at 5-8 m depth in<br />

rockfall deposits. In general, at 25-30m depth, the rockfall<br />

deposits are substituted by loose sediments.<br />

The surveys carried out in the study area allowed to identify<br />

some evidence which could be related to former shorelines: the<br />

slope rupture at 15-20 m depth, and the reworked caves at 27-30<br />

m depth could in fact represent respectively the outer margin of a<br />

marine terrace, and the effect of marine abrasion in a shallow or<br />

coastal environment. These levels appear to be in bathymetric<br />

analogy with those found in several stable to slowly uplifting<br />

areas along the Italian coastlines. Nevertheless, this interpretation<br />

calls for more reliable data for which concern: i) marine origin of<br />

the observed landforms, and more precise depth of the sea<br />

level(s) associated to them. It is possible that the two elements<br />

represent different aspects of the same shoreline: while the upper<br />

marine terrace was forming, the caves were shaped by marine<br />

abrasion in shallow (7-10m) water. Nowadays, the caves are no<br />

more subjected to marine abrasion. ii) Age of the ancient sea<br />

level(s): as no direct chronological constraint is possible, due to<br />

the absence of dateable material, hypotheses can be made on the<br />

basis of bathymetric cross-correlations. According to the present<br />

knowledge, the coastal part of the study area can be considered<br />

tectonically stable, and the glacio-hydro isostatic rebound<br />

characterizing it after LGM can be constrained within few meters<br />

(BARD et alii, 2002). Under such conditions, any sea level<br />

observed through a geomorphological marker can be in first<br />

approximation compared with its eustatic value, without further<br />

corrections for tectonic or isostatic effects. According to eustatic<br />

curves (e.g. WAELBROECK et alii, 2002), different Marine Isotope<br />

Stages (5.1, 5.3, 7.1, 7.3 and 7.5) peaked below MIS 5.5 and 1

Fig. 2 –Geomorphological sketch map of the underwater part of Gallinara Island and location of transects and spot diving surveys.<br />

sea levels and near the levels described in this study. Therefore,<br />

the shorelines identified in this study can have been shaped by<br />

one or more sea level highstands lower than the present one. In<br />

the case of their MIS 7 age, further studies would be needed to<br />

identify the causes of their preservation during two entire glacial<br />

cycles (MIS 6 and MIS 2).<br />


OXILIA M. & VICINO G. (1984) - Scoperta di un livello marino<br />

fossilifero del quaternario ad alassio (Savona). Riv. Ing.e Int.<br />

3-4, 85-86.<br />

FEDERICI P. & PAPPALARDO M. (2006) - Evidence of MIS 5.5<br />

highstand in Liguria (Italy) and its tectonic significance.<br />

Quat. Int. 145-146, 68-77.<br />


PAPANI G., VEZZANI L.& ZANFERRARI A. (1987) - Neotectonic<br />

Map of Italy, Scale 1:500 000. CNR, Rome.<br />

BARD E., ANTONIOLI F. & SILENZI S. (2002) - Sea-level during the<br />

penultimate interglacial period based on submerged<br />

stalagmite from Argentarola cave (Italy). Earth and Plan. Sc.<br />

Lett. 196 (3-4), 135-146.<br />



(2002) - Sea-level and deep water temperature changes<br />

derived from benthic foraminifera isotopic records. Quat. Sc.<br />

Rev. 21, 295-305.<br />

47<br />


SESSIONE 2<br />

Sea level changes in the Gulf of Orosei based on continental and<br />

marine cave deposits<br />

Key words: Cave sediments, OSL, sea level changes,<br />

speleothems, U/Th dating.<br />


The Gulf of Orosei is located in central-east Sardinia and is<br />

composed of a long carbonate cliff interrupted by some beaches<br />

where fluviokarstic canyons open out into the sea. From a<br />

geological point of view this over 200 km 2 karst area, entirely<br />

comprised in the territories of Urzulei, Dorgali and Baunei, is<br />

composed of a Mesozoic carbonate sequence covering Palaeozoic<br />

basements rocks, constituted of Variscan phyllites and granites.<br />

The carbonate plateau dips toward the East and is locally covered<br />

by Quaternary basalts and slope deposit. The Jurassic succession<br />

starts with continental fluvio-lacustrine sediments followed by<br />

dolostone and limestone beds reaching a total thickness of about<br />

800 meters. The systems of faults and the general structure of this<br />

coastal karst area, confined by underlying impermeable basement<br />

rocks, oblige water, infiltrating in the western part of the massif,<br />

to flow towards the east with submarine springs located along the<br />

coast (Bue Marino, Cala Luna, Bel Torrente, Fico Cave,<br />

Mudaloro (Utopia) and Goloritzé). The interaction between fresh<br />

water, discharged from the continental area through karst springs,<br />

and sea water, combined with the action of waves, has allowed<br />

the development of large cave entrances along the coastline (DE<br />

WAELE, 2004). These caves are ideal places for ancient<br />

continental and marine deposits to be preserved. Bue Marino<br />

cave is certainly the most important karst system along this coast.<br />

This cave system, composed of more than 17 km of passages,<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Botaniche, Ecologiche e Geologiche,<br />

Università di Sassari,<br />

(**) Istituto Italiano di Speleologia, Università di Bologna,<br /><br />

(°) Departamento de Hidro<strong>geologia</strong> y Quimica Analitica. Universidad de<br />

Almeria, Spain,<br />

LAURA SANNA (*) (°), JO DE WAELE (*)(*), GIANCARLO PASINI (**),<br />


48<br />

opens to the sea with several entrances, some of which are more<br />

than 20 meters wide. It is in these entrance parts that large<br />

deposits of marine and continental sediments can be observed.<br />

The entrance parts also show clear evidences of past sea level still<br />

stands (Lithophaga holes, dune deposits covered with flowstone,<br />

marine sediments).<br />


Marine and continental deposits have been studied in detail in<br />

the late 70’s (CAROBENE & PASINI, 1982) and their<br />

sedimentological significance has been clarified rather well. The<br />

succession of depositional events, instead, has not been clearly<br />

understood, and hypotheses on the age of the sedimentological<br />

cycles were only based on stratigraphical relationships.<br />

Four different levels of flowstones can be distinguished:<br />

referring to CAROBENE &PASINI (1982) they can be indicated as<br />

follows: (i) AL1, the oldest constituted of 10-50 cm of reddish<br />

calcite covered by a marine conglomerate made of limestone and<br />

granite clasts with some basaltic and speleothems pieces. The<br />

conglomerate is covered by (ii) AL2 flowstones, made of white<br />

calcite, deposited before the sand fillings. These two AL1 and<br />

AL2 layers are cut by tidal notches. The following (iii) AL3 is a<br />

pale yellow flowstone deposited on top of the partially eroded<br />

sands. All these speleothems are bored with Lithophaga holes.<br />

AL4 flowstone (iv) represents the last generation of speleothems<br />

and is composed of stalagmites and stalactites covering all older<br />

sediments. AL4 lacks Lithophaga holes and, therefore, has never<br />

been underwater.<br />

Clastic sediments are represented by medium-coarse grained<br />

bioclastic-rich sands, of a probable aeolian origin. Lithophaga<br />

boreholes have been observed aswell. In some place these<br />

deposits are covered by reddish sediments probably derived from<br />

flood pulses of the underground river. Also a limestone breccia,<br />

of probable cryogenic origin, occurs interlayered in between<br />

sandstones.<br />

In the winter of 2009 a sampling campaign has been<br />

undertaken in order to date the various sedimentary levels in the<br />

Sand and Fossil Galleries of Bue Marino cave. Three different<br />

levels of flowstone and 4 levels of sandstones have been sampled

for U/Th and OSL dating respectively.<br />

For U/Th separation in carbonates of speleothems we used the<br />

isotopic dilution procedure with TRU-resin in chloridric and<br />

fluoridric acid. The U-Th ratio was measured with an ICP<br />

Multicollector Spectrometer at the University of Oslo.<br />

Three samples blocks (~50 x 50 x 40 cm) and one opaque<br />

PVC tube (D = 8 cm; L = 40 cm) of freshly exposed sandstone<br />

deposits were collected for OSL dating purposes. The inner cores<br />

of sandstone samples were chemically treated (by using<br />

hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide) to separate siliciclastic<br />

grains from carbonate and any residual organic material, and then<br />

sieved to between 180 and 250 μm. Initial checks for any residual<br />

feldspar contamination were conducted. This proved negative so<br />

a single aliquot regenerative (SAR) protocol was used for De<br />

measurement. The pre-heat value of 260°C was experimentally<br />

derived based on a pre-heat plateau test and a cut heat of 220°C<br />

was applied to each aliquot before the test dose measurement.<br />

Five regeneration points were measured during the SAR<br />

procedure, including a recycling point which was used to check<br />

the adequate sensitivity correction. All aliquots had recycling<br />

values within 0.95 ± 0.06 and a dose recovery test shows an<br />

average value of 1.0 ± 0.1. De distributions of all samples show a<br />

single peak which is considered a good indicator of fully<br />

bleached, undisturbed sediments. Dose rate calculations are based<br />

on high-resolution gamma spectrometry to give natural<br />

radionuclide concentrations. Corrections for cosmic ray, water<br />

content and cementation contributions at the final dose rate were<br />

calculated.<br />

Given the high reproducibility of sample De values, the<br />

resultant OSL ages are thought to be a reliable indication of the<br />

age of sediment burial. OSL analyses were carried out at the<br />

Nordic laboratory for Luminescence Dating (Denmark).<br />


The preliminary U/Th data are in good agreement with those<br />

estimated by CAROBENE & PASINI (1982). In particular the oldest<br />

flowstone AL1 has given an age of 262+/-100 ka and is, despote<br />

the large error, surely much older than MIS 5e, and probably<br />

related to warm stage MIS9.<br />

The flowstone AL3 has given an age of 84+/-14 ka, while the<br />

broken stalagmite embedded in the sandstone was dated 128+/-20<br />

ka. On the basis of these dates we can refer these periods of<br />

flowstone formation to the high sea level phases of MIS 5a, MIS<br />

5e, during relatively warm periods.<br />

The sandstones, interlayered in between the flowstone levels<br />

were carried into the system during relative sea level fall and low<br />

stands related to colder stages. The older sandstones (BUE 2)<br />

have given an OSL age of 73+/-5 ka. Other two samples of sands<br />

(BUE 4 and 5) immediately and half a metre below the calcite<br />

floor have given ages of 56+/-4 ka and 57+/-5 ka respectively.<br />

49<br />

Further U/Th and OSL analysis are being carried out to get a<br />

more detailed view on the various phases of speleothem and<br />

clastic sediment deposition.<br />


The first chronological data on sediments in the Bue Marino<br />

cave are shedding light on the evolution of this cave system in a<br />

changing coastal environment during Late Pleistocene-Holocene.<br />

These U/Th and OSL dates are still too scarce to be able to trace<br />

a detailed scale of events, but more datings are under way.<br />


CAROBENE L. & PASINI G. (1982) - Contributo <strong>alla</strong> conoscenza<br />

del Pleistocene superiore e dell'Olocene del Golfo di Orosei<br />

(Sardegna orientale). Boll. Soc. Adr. Sci., 64, 5-35.<br />

DE WAELE J., (2004) - Geomorphologic evolution of a coastal<br />

karst: the Gulf of Orosei (Central-East Sardinia, Italy). Acta<br />

Carsologica, 33, 37-54.<br />

MURRAY A.S., MARTEN R., JOHNSTON A. & MARTIN P. (1987) -<br />

Analysis for naturally occurring radionuclides at<br />

environmental concentrations by gamma spectrometry. J.<br />

Rad. Nucl. Chem., 115, 263–288.<br />


SESSIONE 2<br />

for U/Th and OSL dating respectively.<br />

For U/Th separation in carbonates of speleothems we used the<br />

isotopic dilution procedure with TRU-resin in chloridric and<br />

fluoridric acid. The U-Th ratio was measured with an ICP<br />

Multicollector Spectrometer at the University of Oslo.<br />

Three samples blocks (~50 x 50 x 40 cm) and one opaque<br />

PVC tube (D = 8 cm; L = 40 cm) of freshly exposed sandstone<br />

deposits were collected for OSL dating purposes. The inner cores<br />

of sandstone samples were chemically treated (by using<br />

hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide) to separate siliciclastic<br />

grains from carbonate and any residual organic material, and then<br />

sieved to between 180 and 250 μm. Initial checks for any residual<br />

feldspar contamination were conducted. This proved negative so<br />

a single aliquot regenerative (SAR) protocol was used for De<br />

measurement. The pre-heat value of 260°C was experimentally<br />

derived based on a pre-heat plateau test and a cut heat of 220°C<br />

was applied to each aliquot before the test dose measurement.<br />

Five regeneration points were measured during the SAR<br />

procedure, including a recycling point which was used to check<br />

the adequate sensitivity correction. All aliquots had recycling<br />

values within 0.95 ± 0.06 and a dose recovery test shows an<br />

average value of 1.0 ± 0.1. De distributions of all samples show a<br />

single peak which is considered a good indicator of fully<br />

bleached, undisturbed sediments. Dose rate calculations are based<br />

on high-resolution gamma spectrometry to give natural<br />

radionuclide concentrations. Corrections for cosmic ray, water<br />

content and cementation contributions at the final dose rate were<br />

calculated.<br />

Given the high reproducibility of sample De values, the<br />

resultant OSL ages are thought to be a reliable indication of the<br />

age of sediment burial. OSL analyses were carried out at the<br />

Nordic laboratory for Luminescence Dating (Denmark).<br />


The preliminary U/Th data are in good agreement with those<br />

estimated by CAROBENE & PASINI (1982). In particular the oldest<br />

flowstone AL1 has given an age of 262+/-100 ka and is, despote<br />

the large error, surely much older than MIS 5e, and probably<br />

related to warm stage MIS9.<br />

The flowstone AL3 has given an age of 84+/-14 ka, while the<br />

broken stalagmite embedded in the sandstone was dated 128+/-20<br />

ka. On the basis of these dates we can refer these periods of<br />

flowstone formation to the high sea level phases of MIS 5a, MIS<br />

5e, during relatively warm periods.<br />

The sandstones, interlayered in between the flowstone levels<br />

were carried into the system during relative sea level fall and low<br />

stands related to colder stages. The older sandstones (BUE 2)<br />

have given an OSL age of 73+/-5 ka. Other two samples of sands<br />

(BUE 4 and 5) immediately and half a metre below the calcite<br />

floor have given ages of 56+/-4 ka and 57+/-5 ka respectively.<br />

50<br />

Further U/Th and OSL analysis are being carried out to get a<br />

more detailed view on the various phases of speleothem and<br />

clastic sediment deposition.<br />


The first chronological data on sediments in the Bue Marino<br />

cave are shedding light on the evolution of this cave system in a<br />

changing coastal environment during Late Pleistocene-Holocene.<br />

These U/Th and OSL dates are still too scarce to be able to trace<br />

a detailed scale of events, but more datings are under way.<br />


CAROBENE L. & PASINI G. (1982) - Contributo <strong>alla</strong> conoscenza<br />

del Pleistocene superiore e dell'Olocene del Golfo di Orosei<br />

(Sardegna orientale). Boll. Soc. Adr. Sci., 64, 5-35.<br />

DE WAELE J., (2004) - Geomorphologic evolution of a coastal<br />

karst: the Gulf of Orosei (Central-East Sardinia, Italy). Acta<br />

Carsologica, 33, 37-54.<br />

MURRAY A.S., MARTEN R., JOHNSTON A. & MARTIN P. (1987) -<br />

Analysis for naturally occurring radionuclides at<br />

environmental concentrations by gamma spectrometry. J.<br />

Rad. Nucl. Chem., 115, 263–288.

Fossil dunes and desert flora along the southern margin of Chott el<br />

Jerid (Southern Tunisia)<br />

Key words: Chott el Jerid, fossil dunes, fossil flora, rhizoliths,<br />

Tunisia.<br />


Chott el Jerid is a large, salt-covered, depression in southern<br />

Tunisia, located some 100 km west of Gabes and extended along<br />

an East-West direction up to 20 km from the border with Algeria.<br />

The dried lake is bordered to the North by the Atlas Mountains,<br />

and to the South and West by the margin of the Grand Erg<br />

Oriental. After major flooding events the flat expansion of Chott<br />

el Jerid becomes an ephemeral lake, but usually it is covered by a<br />

crust of salt and gypsum, and the ground below is soaked by a<br />

salt brine. Dissolution of Cretaceous to Tertiary evaporite<br />

sediments from the mountains surrounding the chott is the source<br />

for the salt deposited in Chott el Jerid (ROBERTS &MITCHELL,<br />

1987).<br />

The area described in this paper is located just West of Douz,<br />

on the southern margin of Chott el Jerid, where low-relief<br />

“promontories” and “islets” mark the transition between the chott<br />

saltpan and the rocky land.<br />

These small elevations are part of a fossilized dunes field<br />

extended over a huge area South of the chott. Spectacular<br />

outcrops of the fossilized dunes occur along the margin of the<br />

chott, where they form isolated ridges with eroded flanks<br />

exposing the internal eolian cross-lamination. Further South the<br />

fossilized dunes are laterally connected, and largely masked by a<br />

veneer of modern dunes.<br />


Fossilized sand dunes at the southern margin of Chott el Jerid<br />

form 1 to 2 km-long ridges trending along 80° Azimuth direction.<br />

Height of the ridges is about 5 m, and distance between parallel<br />

crests is about 120-150 m. Size and shape of the fossilized<br />

transverse dunes markedly contrasts with the small modern<br />

barchans migrating above them, and the relative orientation<br />

between the two dunes systems indicates a 90° rotation in the<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Baker Hughes Inteq,<br />

PAOLO SUDIRO (*)<br />

51<br />

direction of dominant winds.<br />

Interdunes areas are not preserved at the chott margin, where<br />

the fossil dunes form elongated mesas with steep eroded flanks,<br />

and depressions between the ridges are filled by the same spongy<br />

evaporitic deposit forming the bottom of the chott.<br />

Evidence exists of two humid episodes at about 90 and 150 ka<br />

when the southern Tunisian chotts became permanent lakes<br />

(CAUSSE et alii, 1989), while it is highly controversial a direct<br />

connection to the Mediterranean at 35 ka (RICHARDS &VITA-<br />

FINZI, 1982). High water level in Chott el Jerid during the humid<br />

periods could explain the erosion of the fossil dunes at the chott<br />

margin, and the missing of interdunes deposits, because the area<br />

was then a lake shore exposed to waves erosion. Small bivalve<br />

shells (diameter of 3-4 mm) frequently occur in the loose sand of<br />

the toes of the eroded fossilized dunes at the chott inlets. These<br />

shells were not probably airborne from the Mediterranean coast,<br />

and are not included in the sand making the ancient or actual<br />

dunes. Therefore the bivalves were living in the flooded chott,<br />

and were left by waves and currents along its shore, indicating<br />

that these depressed areas were once submerged.<br />

Fig. 1 – Cross-section of a fossilized sand dune along a road cut on the<br />

southern margin of Chott el Jerid. Height of the small cliff is about 2 m.<br />

Several root borings dot the face of the cliff. The picture is oriented with<br />

North to the right,and South to the left.<br />

Quartz is the dominant component of the active dunes around<br />

Chott el Jerid, but gypsum becomes more frequent towards the<br />

East, indicating a local source for the eolian sedimentation<br />

(BARCZUK & DLUZEWSKI, 2005). Fossil dunes, made, as the<br />


SESSIONE 2<br />

modern ones, of very fine to fine sand that could preserve even<br />

the finest details of the buried vegetation, have probably a similar<br />

composition; however, the widespread occurrence of solutionredeposition<br />

features in the fossil dunes (caliche hardpans,<br />

solution pipes, mineralized vegetation fossils) indicates a higher<br />

percentage of soluble minerals compared to the modern dunes.<br />

The top surface of the fossilized dunes consists of a 20 to 50<br />

cm-thick caliche hardpan, made of concretions, cauliflower-like<br />

efflorescences, large lithified mud cracks extending downward in<br />

spiky crystalline overgrowths, and mounds of fossil vegetation.<br />

At places, wedge-like solution pipes cross the dunes, usually<br />

running along sub-vertical fractures.<br />

Fig. 2 – Top of a fossilized dune along the southern margin of Chott el Jerid.<br />

The little mounds dotting the dune summit (maximum height 30 cm, diameter<br />

about 1 m) are fossilized bushes and consist of roots, trunks, lower branches<br />

and broken branches, all replaced by carbonate encrustations. The view is<br />

from South looking North, i.e. from the edge of the chott towards the interior<br />

of the salt pan.<br />


Sub-circular mounds (diameter 1 m, height 30 cm), made of<br />

stumps, lower branches, broken branches, and roots of fossil<br />

bushes, cover the undulated top surface of the fossilized dunes.<br />

Trunks and larger branches have been fossilized by concentric<br />

crystal rims that could be a replica of the annual rims of the living<br />

plants. Roots of various sizes are also exposed along the slopes of<br />

the eroded dunes: from long root borings crossing the full section<br />

of the dunes, to root casts and, at places, large areas covered by<br />

thick nets of millimetre-size rhizoliths.<br />

Modern dead vegetation is degraded in the desert by intense<br />

de-hydratation and seasoning, and the full range of degradation<br />

features displayed by the modern vegetation is also preserved by<br />

the fossil counterparts, like the mineralized fragments of<br />

carbonized branches with scorched bark on one side and a windpolished<br />

surface on the other one.<br />

52<br />

The density of the fossilized vegetation is high compared to<br />

the one of the actual mobile dunes, where sparse bushes usually<br />

grow in the interdunes depressions and not on top of the dunes.<br />

However, if the ground is stabilized, also the living vegetation is<br />

dense, especially in the depressed areas closer to the ground<br />

water, and the morphology of the fossil vegetation indicates that<br />

the type of bushes preserved in the fossilized dunes is similar to<br />

the one living today in the same area. Therefore, although the<br />

climate was probably more humid when the dunes were stabilized<br />

and fossilized, the area was still too arid for the growth of larger<br />

trees. The dunes were also probably stabilized before they were<br />

colonized by the vegetation.<br />

Fig. Fig. 3 – Close-up 3 – Close-up view view of a of cluster a cluster of broken of broken branches branches of a of fossilized a fossilized desert desert<br />

bush bush on the on edge the edge of a fossilized of a fossilized sand sand dune.<br />

dune.<br />



OUEZDOU H. & ZOUARI K., (1989) - Two high levels of<br />

continental waters in the southem Tunisian chotts at about 90<br />

and 150 ka. Geology, 17 , 922-92.<br />

BARCZUK A. & DLUZEWSKI M. (2005) Importance of the<br />

petrological approach in studies of the desertification in<br />

Northern Sahara. Mineral. Soc. of Poland – Spec. Papers, 26,<br />

137-140.<br />

RICHARDS G. W. & VITA-FINZI C. (1982) - Marine deposits<br />

35,000-25,000 years old in the Chott el Jerid, southern<br />

Tunisia. Nature, 295/5844, 54-55.<br />

ROBERTS, C. R., & MITCHELL, C. W. (1987) - Spring mounds in<br />

southern Tunisia. In: Frostick, L. & Reid, I. (Eds), Desert<br />

Sediments: Ancient and Modern, Geol. Soc. of London, Spec.<br />

Pub. 35, 321-334.

Key words: Aegean Sea, coastal tectonics, geomorphological<br />

markers, Lesvos Island, palaeo-shoreline.<br />


Detailed mapping of raised shorelines has been often used as<br />

tool to quantify coastal vertical displacements (FERRANTI et alii,<br />

2007). Along the Mediterranean coastlines, progress in<br />

understanding the co-seismic motions of the region has been<br />

achieved by accurate analyses of geomorphological records of<br />

Pleistocene and Holocene displacements preserved in uplifted<br />

palaeo-shorelines (PIRAZZOLI, 2004; FERRANTI et alii, 2007).<br />

Many studies were carried in the Aegean Sea (PIRAZZOLI et alii,<br />

2005; STIROS et alii, 2009), a rapidly extending areas of<br />

continental crust characterized by the southern Aegean moving at<br />

a rate of about 35 mm/yr relatively to Eurasia. The northern part<br />

of the Aegean area is strongly influenced by the North Anatolian<br />

Trough (NAT) fault system characterized by a principal dextral<br />

strike-slip displacement and, in the adjacent area, by mainly<br />

synthetic and antithetic shear extensional structures and rarely<br />

constructional structures (SOULAKELLIS et alii, 2006). This study<br />

was carried out in Lesvos Island (NE Aegean Sea) the third<br />

largest Greek island covering an area of about and 1,630 km2 and<br />

bordered by about 370 kilometers of coastline. It lies south of the<br />

North Anatolic Fault and presents a fault pattern reflecting three<br />

different neotectonic phases, determined for the wider North<br />

Aegean area. For our study, great importance is assumed by the<br />

last phase, started in the Pleistocene, that created E-W normal<br />

faults and re-activated pre-existing structures. The geology of the<br />

Island presents, in the eastern part, the basement composed of<br />

Alpidic and pre-Alpidic rocks, instead the western part is covered<br />

by post-Alpine formations, mainly represented by Miocene<br />

volcanic rocks (SOULAKELLIS et alii, 2006).<br />

A detailed mapping of paleo-shorelines of the island was<br />

carried out, including both erosional and depositional sea level<br />

markers. The field mapping were not focused only to the on land<br />

part of the coast areas but several underwater transects were<br />

_________________________<br />

Spatial distribution of the paleo-shorelines in Lesvos Island.<br />

Evidence of differential coastal uplift in the area?<br />


(*) Dip.Te.Ris., University of Genova (Italy),<br />

(**) Department of Geography, University of Aegean (Greece)<br />

53<br />

carried out mapping the submerged geomorphology until about –<br />

15 m.<br />


The sea levels markers found in the study area mainly<br />

consisted in beachrock outcrops, shore platforms and tidal<br />

notches (Fig 2a). Several beachrock resulted to be composed by<br />

multiple generations. Their altitude varied between – 5 to + 2 m<br />

respect the present sea level. Debates about the use of beachrocks<br />

as sea level indicators are present in literature (BERNIER &<br />

DALONGEVILLE, 1999; KELLETTAT, 2006; VOUSDOUKAS et alii,<br />

2007). In this study we considered beachrocks as markers of past<br />

sea level mainly because of their altimetric correlation with other<br />

erosional markers. As an example a 5 km long raised shore<br />

platform was mapped in the area of Agios Fokas-Vrisa its internal<br />

margin being at + 1,2 ± 0,3 m asl (fig.1). In the same area, a<br />

beackrock deposit has been found at nearly the same altitude.<br />

Fig. 1-<br />

The uplifted shore platform of Agios Fokas (internal margin at + 1.2<br />

± 0.3 m asl).<br />

Along the limestone rocky coastlines of the island series of<br />

tidal notches were observed and mapped. In particular the south<br />

eastern part showed three generations of notches with the highest<br />

located at about 11 m above the sea level. In the northern part<br />

only one generation, at present sea level, was observed. The<br />

preliminary analysis of the mapped geomorphological indicators,<br />


SESSIONE 2<br />

Fig. 2 – Spatial distribution (a) and relative elevation on the present sea level (b) of the geomorphological markers in Lesvos island.<br />

not yet supported by chronological dating, evidenced strong<br />

differences on the altimetric distribution of the paleo-shorelines<br />

along the Lesvos coastlines (fig.2b).<br />

These preliminary results provide suggestive evidence that the<br />

south eastern part of the Island is subjected to important uplift<br />

phenomena as highlighted by the several displaced sea level<br />

markers mapped along this coastal area. On the contrary, the<br />

central, the eastern and the north-western part of the Island,<br />

despite the high tectonic activity characterizing the region did not<br />

present any evidences of raised shorelines. This spatial<br />

distribution of the paleo-shorelines could become crucial if<br />

related with the active tectonics of the area. In fact, Lesvos island<br />

is located in a complex area subjected to the parallel activity of<br />

both strike slip and normal faults resulting in a transestensive<br />

tectonics (ROUMELIOTI et alii, 2010). Radiometric dating is being<br />

carried out on beachrock cements and on other deposits found<br />

upon raised shore platforms, and will likely allow to quantify<br />

rates of uplift, providing new data about the neotectonic behavior<br />

of this part of the Aegean Sea.<br />


BERNIER P. & DALONGEVILLE R. (1996). Mediterranean coastal<br />

changes in beach-rock cementation. Z. Geomorph. N.F.,<br />

Supp. 102, 185-198.<br />


S. & VERRUBBI V. (2007). The contribution of regional uplift<br />

and coseismic slip to the verticalcrustal motion in the<br />

Messina Straits, southern Italy: Evidence from raised Late<br />

54<br />

Holocene shorelines. J. Geoph. Res., 112, B06401,<br />

doi:10.1029/2006JB004473<br />

KELLETTAT D. (2006). Beachrock as Sea-Level Indicator?<br />

Remarks from a Geomorphological Point of View. J. Coast,<br />

Res. 22, 6: 1558-1564.<br />

PIRAZZOLI P.A. (2005). A review of possible eustatic,isostatic<br />

and tectonic contributions in eight late-Holocene relative<br />

sea-level histories from the Mediterranean area. Quat. Sci.<br />

Rev. 24 1989–2001<br />


(2004). Holocene and Quaternary uplift in the central part of<br />

the southern coast of the Corinth Gulf (Greece). Mar. Geol.<br />

212, 35-44<br />


YATES J. (2006). Fusing Landsat-5/TM Imagery and Shaded<br />

Relief Maps in Tectonic and Geomorphic Mapping: Lesvos<br />

Island, Greece. Phot. Eng & Rem. Sens. 72, 6: 693-700.<br />

STIROS S.C., PIRAZZOLI P.A. & FONTUGNE M. (2009). New<br />

evidence of Holocene coastal uplift in the Strophades Islets<br />

(W Hellenic Arc, Greece). Mar. Geol., 267, 207–211.<br />


Beachrock occurrence, characteristics, formation<br />

mechanisms and impacts. Earth Sc. Rev., 85, 23-46.

SESSIONE 3<br />

Mo<strong>della</strong>zione geologica tridimensionale: ricostruzione<br />

di strutture crostali e sub-crostali e loro applicazioni<br />


Chiara D'Ambrogi (Servizio Geologico d'Italia Roma)<br />

Davide Scrocca (CNR Roma)<br />

Giovanni Toscani (Università di Pavia)<br />

55<br />


SESSIONE 3<br />

Key words: Finite-element models, inherited fault systems, Italy,<br />

seismogenic faults.<br />

In the world there is an ongoing effort for the realization of<br />

seismic hazard maps in which seismogenic fault systems play a<br />

primary role. For regions poorly known from a seismotectonic<br />

point of view, however, these maps have to include those fault<br />

systems, derived from the literature, that are compatible with the<br />

current stress field.<br />

On the other hand, there are cases where severe earthquakes<br />

occur on seismogenic faults that are mis-oriented with respect to<br />

the active stress field, e.g.: the San Andreas fault, in California<br />

(CHÉRY et alii, 2004); the Alpine fault, in New Zealand (WARR<br />

&COX, 2001; LIU &BIRD, 2002); the Castle Mountain fault, in<br />

Alaska (BUNDS, 2001); and the Molise-Gondola shear zone, in<br />

Italy (hereinafter MGsz, DI BUCCI et alii, 2006). This occurrence<br />

poses a problem of uncorrect hazard estimation (e.g., escape<br />

tectonics in Los Angeles; WALLS et alii, 1998).<br />

The MGsz appears as a ~15 km-wide and ~180 km-long<br />

corridor, running W-E at the latitude 41.6°N from the Adriatic<br />

foreland off-shore to the core of the Apennines fold-and-thrust<br />

belt. The MGsz is an inherited structure: the oldest evidence for<br />

its activity dates back to the Jurassic. Its Meso-Cenozoic<br />

evolution records a long history of subsequent tectonic phases<br />

(e.g., Mesozoic extension or Cenozoic shortening) during which<br />

the MGsz slipped both as right- and as left-lateral. The algebraic<br />

sum of strike-slip displacements estimated for the off-shore part<br />

of the MGsz leads to ~15 km of right-lateral offset (DE’<br />


The MGsz is presently active and seismogenic, as<br />

demonstrated by the Mw 6.8, 1627 Gargano earthquake and by<br />

the Mw 5.8-5.7, 2002 Molise earthquakes (CPTI WORKING<br />

GROUP, 2004). The stress drop associated with these earthquakes<br />

_________________________<br />

Low-friction shear zones: the Molise-Gondola case study<br />


(*) Dipartimento <strong>della</strong> Protezione Civile,<br />;<br />

(**) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia,;<br /><br />

This research has benefited from funding provided by the Italian Presidenza<br />

del Consiglio <strong>dei</strong> Ministri – Dipartimento <strong>della</strong> Protezione Civile (DPC).<br />

Scientific papers funded by DPC do not represent its official opinion and<br />

policies.<br />

56<br />

is low (CALDERONI et alii, 2010). The horizontal slip rate based<br />

on VHR seismic profiles on the off-shore part of the MGsz,<br />

referred to the past 240 ka, ranges between 0.08-0.78 mm/a. (DI<br />

BUCCI et alii, 2009). For the exposed part of the same shear zone,<br />

TONDI et alii (2005) estimated a Late Pleistocene and Holocene<br />

slip rate of 0.7-0.8 mm/a. Finally, from a GPS network straddling<br />

the entire shear zone, FERRANTI et alii (2008) obtained a slip rate<br />

of 2 mm/a.<br />

The E-W strike of the shear zone, however, is not perfectly<br />

oriented with respect to the regional stress field, that shows a<br />

NW-SE sriking σhMax (MONTONE et alii, 2004).<br />

The present-day MGsz activity suggests us that it behaves as a<br />

weak shear zone, i.e. that the friction coefficient μ is sufficiently<br />

low, according to the Mohr-Coulomb criterion (BEELER et alii,<br />

2000).<br />

This work is aimed at quantifying the μ_eff value for the<br />

Fig. 1 – Study area and grid used in our finite-element models (major fault<br />

systems simplified and redrawn from DISS WORKING GROUP, 2009).<br />

MGsz and verifying that the seismic moment is balanced. To do<br />

this, we implemented a set of finite-element numerical models<br />

(Fig. 1). These three-dimensional models are referred to the<br />

entire lithosphere and encompass several major shear zones. The<br />

computation has been carried out with SHELLS software (BIRD

&KONG, 1994), and verified through a comparison with GPS<br />

data for the horizontal velocities (DEVOTI et alii, 2007), focal<br />

mechanisms for the tectonic regime (DEL GAUDIO et alii, 2004)<br />

and break-out data for the σhMax orientation (MONTONE et alii,<br />

2004).<br />

We chose to use a finite-element numerical modeling because<br />

direct observation on the fault gauge is possible only for a limited<br />

part of the shear zone, which is mainly buried or submerged.<br />

Moreover, analyses based on the instrumental seismicity are not<br />

possible, due to the limited number of recorded data.<br />

Results from our modeling show that: (i) the MGsz is<br />

significantly weaker than the average of the considered Italian<br />

faults; (ii) the μ_eff value for the MGsz is = 0.1; and (iii) with the<br />

latter value the moment rate is balanced.<br />



(2000) - Pore fluid pressure, apparent friction, and Coulomb<br />

failure. J. Geophys. Res., 105 (B11), 25,533-25,542.<br />

BIRD P. & KONG X. (1994) - Computer simulations of California<br />

tectonics confirm very low strength of major faults. Geol.<br />

Soc. Am. Bull., 106 (2), 159-174.<br />

BUNDS M.P. (2001). - Fault strength and transpressional<br />

tectonics along the Castle Mountain strike-slip fault, southern<br />

Alaska. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 113, 908-919.<br />


Do Strike-Slip Faults of Molise, Central–Southern Italy,<br />

Really Release a High Stress?. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 100<br />

(1), 307-324; doi: 10.1785/0120090046<br />

CHÉRY J., ZOBACK M.D. & HICKMAN S. (2004) - A mechanical<br />

model of the San Andreas fault and SAFOD Pilot Hole stress<br />

measurements. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31 (L15S13),<br />

doi:10.1029/2004GL019521<br />

CPTI WORKING GROUP (2004) - Catalogo Parametrico <strong>dei</strong><br />

Terremoti Italiani. Version 2004 (CPTI04), INGV, Bologna.<br /><br />

DE’ DOMINICIS A. & MAZZOLDI G. (1987) - Interpretazione<br />

geologico-strutturale del margine orientale <strong>della</strong> Piattaforma<br />

apula. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 38, 163-176.<br />


N. & CIMINI G.B. (2007) - A critical revision of the seismicity<br />

of Northern Apulia (Adriatic microplate — Southern Italy)<br />

and implications for the identification of seismogenic<br />

structures. Tectonophysics, 436, 9-35.<br />

57<br />

DEVOTI R., RIGUZZI F., CUFFARO M. & DOGLIONI C. (2008) - New<br />

GPS constraints on the kinematics of the Apennines<br />

subduction. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 273, 163-<br />

174 doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2008.06.031<br />


VALENSISE G. (2006) - Seismotectonics of the southern<br />

Appenines and Adriatic foreland: Insights on active regional<br />

E-W shear zones from anologue modelling. Tectonics 25,<br />

TC4015, doi: 10.1029/2005TC001898<br />


VALENSISE G. (2009) - Marine palaeoseismology from very<br />

high resolution seismic imaging the Gondola Fault Zone<br />

(Adriatic foreland). Terra Nova, 21, 393-400.<br />

DISS WORKING GROUP (2009) - Database of Individual<br />

Seismogenic Sources (DISS), Version 3.1.0: A compilation of<br />

potential sources for earthquakes larger than M 5.5 in Italy<br />

and surrounding areas., © INGV<br />

2009.<br />



PEPE F. & SULLI A. (2008) - Active deformation in Southern<br />

Italy, Sicily and southern Sardinia from GPS velocities of the<br />

Peri-Tyrrhenian Geodetic Array (PTGA). Boll. Soc. Geol. It.<br />

(Ital. J. Geosci.), 127, 1-18.<br />

LIU Z. & BIRD P. (2002) - Finite element modeling of<br />

neotectonics in New Zealand. J. Geophys. Res., 107 (B12),<br />

2328, doi:10.1029/2001JB001075<br />


- An improved stress map for Italy and surronding regions<br />

(central Mediterranean). J. Geophys. Res., 109 (B10410),<br />

doi: 10.1029/2003JB002703<br />


(2005) - Strumental and time contraints for dextral shear<br />

along the seismogenic Mattinata Fault (Gargano, Southern<br />

Italy). J. Geodyn., 40, 134-152.<br />


PFANNER J., DOLAN J. & FANG P. (1998) - Escape tectonics in<br />

the Los Angeles metropolitan region and implications for<br />

seismic risk. Nature, 394, 356-360.<br />

WARR L.N. & COX S. (2001) - Clay mineral transformations and<br />

weakening mechanisms along the Alpine Fault, New Zealand.<br />

Geol. Soc. London, Special Publications, 186, 85-101.<br />


SESSIONE 3<br />

Three dimensional modelling in mineral exploration: a case study<br />

from the El Creston porphyry-moly deposit (Sonora, Mexico)<br />

Key words: 3D modeling and visualization, Mexico, porphyrymoly<br />

deposits, Sonorian basin-and-range, subsurface<br />

exploration.<br />

The surface and subsurface exploration in mining involves<br />

at least geological mapping and intense drilling, along with<br />

geochemical assays, remote-sensing, geophysics and<br />

geotechnics. The data collected are handled in specific software<br />

in order to reconstruct consistent three-dimensional (3D)<br />

models that include the ore, lithological and alteration shells,<br />

and all the relevant structures. Especially in the case of deep<br />

erosion and/or tectonic activity, it is possible to observe<br />

different portion of the magmatic-hydrothermal system, from<br />

the deep roots to the periphery. The use of the modelling and<br />

visualization techniques in 3D and the 3D restoration is<br />

effective in mining exploration and provides remarkable helps<br />

for correctly understand and correlate large datasets, and<br />

propose coherent interpretations.<br />

The El Creston is a porphyry-moly deposit with proven and<br />

probable mineral reserve of 146,705,000 tonnes grading<br />

0.077% Mo, plus copper, minor zinc and silver as main byproducts.<br />

The project is now moving to full feasibility, along<br />

with the follow-up of the exploration program, aimed to extend<br />

the proven reserve. The deposit is related with the intrusion of a<br />

quartz-monzonitic to monzogranitic porphyry stock (55Ma),<br />

intruding a metamorphosed Proterozoic sequence. The gross of<br />

the deposit is hosted in the “Creston” meta-granite (1.73Ga)<br />

and in a hydrothermal breccia (54Ma); the feeder of the deposit<br />

is identified as a quartz-eyes bearing porphyry granite,<br />

representing the late stages of the quartz-monzonitic intrusion.<br />

The mineralized system underwent a complex tectonic history,<br />

including extensional faulting and uplift from Miocene to<br />

Quaternary. The most relevant structures are low-angle normal<br />

faults (dipping N35/30°) with horizontal displacement of 450 to<br />

250 mts; late high-angle faults (E-W and NW-SE trending)<br />

weakly dissect all the previous structures.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Universitá di Siena.<br /><br />


58<br />

This is a good example for demonstrate the utility if the<br />

modelling techniques and structural geology in the exploration<br />

phases, from fieldwork follow-up, to drill hole plan and target<br />

prediction.<br />

The existing surface and subsurface data allow an accurate<br />

reconstruction of the subsurface geology; the existing 145 core<br />

logs and the geological survey data have been used for<br />

extensive geological and grade modelling. The initial (current)<br />

model has been restored, in order to better imagine the shape of<br />

the original (pre-deformation) mineralized system, identify<br />

additional targets and estimate the erosion play.<br />

This contribution aims to stress the importance of 3D<br />

modelling in many fields of the geosciences.

Key words: 3D geological modelling, geometrical coherence,<br />

kinemetics analysis.<br />

The use of three-dimensional (3D) modelling and<br />

visualization techniques is an effective tool that helps in the<br />

understanding of the geometry and evolution of the geological<br />

structures. These techniques are routinely used in the oil & gas<br />

and in the mine industries, where significant investments are<br />

accompanied by careful planning and monitoring through<br />

digital modelling. With the increasing need of understand threedimensional<br />

coherence of large and multidisciplinary datasets,<br />

the 3D modelling practice has been extended to field-based<br />

investigations and serves as a predictive tool in areas with poor<br />

sub-surface data. In the latter case, the study of analogue<br />

outcrops is used to predict the 3D behaviour of subsurface<br />

structures. The ability of modelling structures with strong<br />

geometrical coherency between surface and subsurface data in<br />

a geologically viable way, and in the true 3D space, is enhanced<br />

by the 3D kinematical balancing exercise (DEE et alii, 2005).<br />

This is normally achieved by using specific algorithms, (EGAN<br />

et alii., 1997; BUDDIN et alii., 1997; MORETTI, 2008) currently<br />

available in some software. We use the software MOVE®<br />

(MVE inc) to handle cross-sections, map and well data, and<br />

create viable 3D models.<br />

Different modelling techniques are used for reconstruct the<br />

current (deformed) architectural geometry in tectonically<br />

complex areas. We tailored workflows for geological modelling<br />

that include the use of georeferred field data, interpreted<br />

geological maps and cross-sections; when available, subsurface<br />

data like well logs and seismic images are used for better<br />

constrain the model. Surfaces representing lithological<br />

boundary and faults have been obtained in different ways,<br />

either by interpolation of the starting data (field measurements,<br />

best constrained map traces of the structures), or starting from<br />

reference surfaces (used as a proxy for subsequent morphing by<br />

using structural thickness and attitude constraints. Subsequent<br />

balancing methods in both cross-section and 3D are used for<br />

_________________________<br />

3D modeling and cross-section restoration as tools for imaging<br />

geological structures<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Universitá di Siena,<br /><br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Universitá <strong>della</strong> Basilicata,<br />

Potenza<br />



59<br />

constrain the geological model with a trial-and error procedure.<br />

Our experience demonstrates the effectiveness of the 3D<br />

modelling techniques in different tectonic settings. Here we are<br />

presenting map-scale examples of models obtained in areas of<br />

the inner and the central zones of the Apennines, respectively in<br />

areas where the post-collisional extension is prevalent, and<br />

areas where the effects of the contraction does.<br />

1) The first example is a 3D model of the NE margin of the<br />

Larderello-Travale geothermal field (southern Tuscany),<br />

showing the geometry of Pliocene-Quaternary normal faults<br />

that bound the western edge of the Pomarance-Anqua basin<br />

(upper Miocene to Pleistocene; BOSSIO et alii, 1993). These<br />

faults are reflecting a regional trend characterizing the<br />

Larderello geothermal field, cross-cut all the local tectonostratigraphic<br />

pile, down to the current brittle-ductile transition,<br />

and are believed to play a strong control on the circulation of<br />

the geothermal fluids (BELLANI et alii, 2004).<br />

The modelled faults have been imaged using the<br />

stratigraphic cut-offs resulting from cross-sections; the<br />

geometry of the faulted units is balanced consistently with the<br />

geometry of the modelled faults and assuming the tectonic<br />

transport perpendicular to the main faults.<br />

2) The second example model is a transect of the Umbria-<br />

Marche Apennines, where map-scale structures belonging to a<br />

linked fold-and-thrust belt (TAVARNELLI, 1996) have been<br />

modelled in a balanced 3D model, obtained from 5 balanced<br />

cross-sections. The sequential back stripping of the<br />

compressive deformation (i.e., restoring sequentially the<br />

stratigraphic tops to the depositional position) allowed<br />

reconstructing the pre-compressive geometry of the precursor<br />

sedimentary basins. The position of early extensional ramps is<br />

closely related to the nucleation of thrust fault, as commonly<br />

observed in cases of positive structural inversion (GILLCRIST et<br />

alii, 1997). The forward modelling of the structures allowed a<br />

quasi-quantitative estimation of the finite strain caused by<br />

faulting and folding.<br />

3) The third example is the model of a faulted anticline in<br />

the Val d’Agri basin (southern Apennines), where normal faults<br />

nucleated at the steep flanks of an upright fold (the Monte<br />

Corno anticline), affecting the tectonic units pile, on which the<br />

Lagonegro I (platform carbonates to shales, Carnian to<br />

Cretaceous in age) is the deepest tectonic unit outcropping in<br />

the study area. The projection of field data along local<br />

structural axis allowed reconstructing the shape of the fold, and<br />


SESSIONE 3<br />

constraining the interpretation of its faulted portions. Starting<br />

from a reference surface (the top of the Calcari con selce fm.),<br />

we reconstructed the local stratigraphic sequence by using<br />

structural thickness constraints. The post-compressive normal<br />

faults pattern is derived from the inferred map-traces and<br />

imaged in cross-section.<br />

We stress the need of 3D geometrical coherence between<br />

geological maps and related cross-sections, and the utility of<br />

the 3D modelling and visualization techniques in achieve best<br />

results and geometrically consistent linked structures.<br />



G. (2004) - Heat flow, deep temperatures and extensional<br />

structures in the Larderello Geothermal Field (Italy):<br />

constraints on geothermal fluid flow. J. Volcanol. Geoth.<br />

Res., 132, 15-29.<br />



(1993) - Rassegna delle conoscenze sulla stratigrafia del<br />

neoautoctono toscano. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 49, 17-98.<br />

BUDDIN T.S., KANE S.L., WILLIAMS G.D. & EGAN S.S. (1997) -<br />

A sensitivity analysis of 3-dimensional restoration<br />

techniques using vertical and inclined shear constructions.<br />

Tectonophysics, 269, 33–50.<br />


(2005) - Best practice in structural geological analysis.<br />

First Break, 23, 49-54.<br />


HODGETTS D. (1999) - Computer modelling and<br />

visualisation of the structural deformation caused by<br />

movement along geological faults. Comput. Geosci., 25 (3),<br />

283-297.<br />

GILLCRIST, R., COWARD, M.&MUJER, J. (1987) – Structural<br />

inversion and its controls: examples from the Alpine<br />

foreland and the French alps. Geodin. Acta, 1, 5-34.<br />

MORETTI I. (2008) - Working in complex areas: New<br />

restoration workflow based on quality control, 2D and 3D<br />

restorations. Mar. Petrol. Geol., 25 (3), 205-218.<br />

TAVARNELLI, E. (1996) – Thethyan heritage in the<br />

development of the Neogene Umbria-Marche fold-andthrust<br />

belt, Italy: a 3D approach. Terra Nova, 8, 470-478.<br />


Sedimentological and structural analysis of a “tight reservoir” in the<br />

Hassi Terfa field (North Algerian Sahara)<br />

Key words: Burial, correlation, diagenesis, fracture, Hassi Terfa,<br />

reservoir, saharian-platform.<br />

The first sedimentary deposits overlying the saharian platform<br />

noted for its flatness are of paleozoic age.<br />

The burial associated with diagenesis phenomena compacted<br />

several geological levels, especially in the Ordovician. The<br />

Hassi-Terfa field, which is one of the satellite structures<br />

surrounding the giant Hassi Messaoud field, is mostly<br />

characteristic. It is being located in the triassic petroleum<br />

province.<br />

The ordovician system contains a compact formation<br />

called “the Hamra quarzites”. It is also a hydrocarbon reservoir<br />

but with rather bad petrophysical properties. Statistical analysis<br />

of porosity and permeability factors shows a typical bimodal<br />

distribution. This is rightly due to being fractures. The mapping<br />

of isopermeability factor of this reservoir indicates a distribution<br />

largely depending on the fractured zones caused by different<br />

steps of deformation along the geological time.<br />

A significant correlation between the isopermeability and<br />

isofracturation maps is clearly shown .This reservoir which<br />

produces hydrocarbons by natural fracturation can be ranged as a<br />

“fracturated reservoir”. Therefore, it is a need to look after areas<br />

highly fracturated for all new wells projected to drilling .Thus<br />

substantial increased hydrocarbons are extracted.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Fields Départment, Hydrocarbon & Chemistry Faculty, University of<br />

Boumerdes – Algeria,,<br />


61<br />


SESSIONE 3<br />

3D reconstruction of the structural setting, reservoir modeling and<br />

simulation of an off-shore area from available seismic reflection data<br />

interpretation: evidences and constraints in the research of potential<br />

structures for geological storage of CO2<br />



Key words: CO2 storage, reservoir , simulation, tridimensional.<br />

A re-interpretation of available seismic reflection surveys<br />

dataset in an off-shore study area has been performed to focus on<br />

its structural setting and to identify potential geological structures<br />

for CO2 injection.<br />

The stratigraphic succession of this area is constrained by a<br />

deep well, and is characterized by a sedimentary succession of<br />

terrigenous marine units resting above a marly-sandy-calcarenitic<br />

succession, which is tectonically superimposed above calcareous<br />

units and evaporites.<br />

Seismic reflection data interpretation show that this area was<br />

affected by several deformational stages, which caused firstly the<br />

formation of compressional (thrusts, back-thrusts and fold<br />

structures) and then extensional features (horst, graben and halfgraben<br />

structures, bordered by normal faults).<br />

This tectonic stages isolated volumes or rocks that could be<br />

considered as structural traps potentially suitable for geological<br />

storage of CO2. Both compressional (anticlines and thrust-related<br />

anticlines) and positive extensional structures (horst) could be<br />

targets of this research.<br />

The marly-sandy-calcarenitic succession (and the terrigenous<br />

marine units above it) can be considered as cap-rock, whereas<br />

calcareous fractured formations (hosting a regional deep aquifer)<br />

can be considered as reservoirs.<br />

The original raster seismic reflection data have been<br />

transformed into SEG-Y vectorial data format. The SEG-Y files<br />

were loaded in a digital database and a tri-dimensional<br />

reconstruction of the structural setting of the area has been<br />

accomplished via dedicated softwares. The interpretation was<br />

carried out through manual picking of the relevant seismic<br />

horizons and discontinuities. Principal surfaces of top cap-rock<br />

and top reservoir units have been computed taking into account<br />

normal faults and thrusts surfaces geometry, also reconstructed.<br />

The reconstruction of top reservoir surface have been checked via<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), sezione Roma1,<br />

UF geochimica <strong>dei</strong> fludi, stoccaggio geologico e geotermia<br /><br />

(**) Independent Energy Solutions S.r.l.<br />

(°) CNR-IGAG c/o Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”<br />

62<br />

cross correlation between units signals on seismic lines (in ms<br />

two way time) and the analogue measured thickness in the well<br />

stratigraphy (in meters).<br />

This workflow allowed to identify and map a positive<br />

reservoir trap structure completely surrounded by cap-rock<br />

lithologies.<br />

A depth conversion from time (twt ms) to depth (meters<br />

below sea level) of all the computed surfaces have been then<br />

performed by construction of isopachs maps for each seismic<br />

units, even referring to the geological literature on rocks seismic<br />

velocities.<br />

This methodology led to the reconstruction of a reliable tridimensional<br />

geometry of the reservoir potentially suitable for<br />

CO2 injection. Moreover, this process also allowed the<br />

calculation of the trap volume. After this process, a modelling<br />

and simulation of the CO2 behaviour in the reservoir after<br />

injection have been performed, considering the fluid flux through<br />

the pore, volume of the reservoir, the injected gas composition<br />

and the petrophysical properties of the reservoir rocks.

3D model reconstruction of mineralizations in Alpine context.<br />

Examples of geomatics approach on the talc mineralization mine in<br />

Germanasca Valley and the Balangero asbestos mine (Western Alps)<br />



Key words: 3D modelling, digital elevation models, geomatics,<br />

structural geology, Western Alps.<br />


This work represents a multi-disciplinary approach where<br />

geological, structural and stratigraphic logs data were combined<br />

in a GIS environment, to obtain a 3D reconstruction and 3D<br />

geometrical model of the mineralizations hosted in different<br />

Alpine structural contexts. Two cases regarding talc (Germanasca<br />

valley) and asbestos mineralizations (Lower Lanzo valley) in the<br />

inner Western Alps were considered.<br />

In the Germanasca valley, the talc mineralization horizon,<br />

currently exploited by the Luzenac Val Chisone S.p.A, is hosted<br />

in the poly-metamorphic basement of the Dora-Maira Unit<br />

(SANDRONE et alii, 1993 with references therein), a continental<br />

crust unit belonging to the Penninic Domain of the Western Alps.<br />

The mineralization horizon geometry is particularly complex as it<br />

is folded by at least four ductile deformation phases. Moreover,<br />

the talc horizon is dissected by brittle faults with different<br />

orientation that may have displaced the mineralization. In the<br />

Lanzo valley the asbestos mineralization have been intensively<br />

exploited up to the end of the last century, particularly near the<br />

Balangero village, where one of the biggest asbestos mine in the<br />

world is present. In this area the asbestos mineralization are<br />

associated mostly to E-W striking semi-brittle to brittle faults,<br />

which dissect the serpentinites of the Lanzo Ultramafic Complex<br />

(BALESTRO et alii, 2009 with references therein).<br />


The Geomatics methods and techniques have been essential<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Torino,<br /><br />

(**) SEA Consulting s.r.l<br />

(°) A.R.P.A. Piemonte<br />

(°°) Rio Tinto Minerals, Luzenac Val Chisone S.p.A.<br />

63<br />

for the study of the Western Alps landscape and the<br />

reconstruction of the whole geological/geomorphological aspects,<br />

multitemporal and multispatial ones.<br />

Two research lines have been started: the first one includes<br />

analysis based on the comparison of digital elevation models<br />

(DEMs) derived from digitized historical records, specifically<br />

topographical maps to define changes in the mine exploitation;<br />

the second one is devoted to using a link between GIS tools and<br />

3D environment.<br />

Fig. 1 – Original Surface. Digital Elevation Model derived from hystorical<br />

map of Balangero mine zone.<br />

dump<br />

Fig. 2 – Current Situation.- Digital Elevation Model derived from the recent<br />

official Cartography of Balangero mine.<br />

In the first step a quantitative analysis was performed with the<br />

aim of identifying changes in the mining exploitation. This<br />

analysis was based on the comparison of digital elevation models<br />

(DEMs) derived from historical records, specifically maps and<br />


SESSIONE 3<br />

Fig. 3 – Left - multitemporal survey with geology draped on the recent DEM available. Right - location of hystorical geognostic surveys and galleries versus<br />

present topographic surface. Many boreholes are now "suspended."<br />

terrestrial surveys. The DEMs were generated by means of a GIS<br />

workstation, with semi-automatic and automatic procedures<br />

(D’AGATA &ZANUTTA, 2007). The results can indicate the terrain<br />

modifications due to the mine activities (fig.1 and 2)<br />

In the second case cartographic geological and structural data<br />

collected in the field and managed by Geographic Information<br />

Systems (GIS) technology can be used for 3D reconstruction of<br />

complex geological bodies. Using a link between GIS tools and<br />

3D environment, stratigraphical and tectonic surfaces can be<br />

reconstructed taking into account any geometrical constraint<br />

derived from field observations (ZANCHI et alii, 2009).<br />

Geometric features and related attributes are collected into<br />

GIS-geodatabase and used for the 3D modelling by following<br />

steps: (1) topographic data was used for digital elevation model;<br />

(2) stratigraphic, structural and tectonic boundaries, and linear<br />

features was used as 2D polylines; (3) boreholes data was used to<br />

constrain the geological bodies.<br />

The data was imported into 3D environment, the following<br />

steps should be performed: (1) reconstruction of the topographic<br />

surface; (2) 3D mapping of the linear geological boundaries and<br />

linear features; (3) definition of geometrical constraints from<br />

borehole data; (4) construction of a network of cross-sections<br />

based on field observations and geometrical constraints; (5)<br />

creation of 3D surfaces, closed volumes and grids from the<br />

constructed objects.<br />

Two examples of the reconstruction of complex geological<br />

bodies from the Italian Western Alps are presented here. The<br />

methodology demonstrates that 3D modelling has allows the<br />

checking of the geometrical consistency of the interpretative 2D<br />

sections and of the field geology, through a 3D visualisation of<br />

geometrical models (fig. 3).<br />

64<br />




FORNO M.G. (2009) � Note illustrative <strong>della</strong> Carta Geologica<br />

d’Italia <strong>alla</strong> scala 1:50.000 – Foglio 155 Torino Ovest.<br />

ISPRA – Istituto Superiore Protezione Ricerca Ambientale.,<br />

146 pp.<br />

D’AGATA C. & ZANUTTA A. (2007) �Reconstruction<br />

of the recent<br />

changes of a debris-covered glacier (Brenva Glacier, Mont<br />

Blanc Massif, Italy) using indirect sources: Methods, results<br />

and validation. Global Planet. Change, 56, 57-68.<br />

SANDRONE R., CADOPPI P., SACCHI R. & VIALON P. (1993) � The<br />

Dora-Maira Massif. In: von Raumer J.F. & Neubauer F.<br />

(Eds.) - Pre-Mesozoic Geology in the Alps. Springer-Verlag,<br />

Berlin, 317-325.<br />


GUERRA G. (2009) �3D<br />

reconstruction of complex geological<br />

bodies: Examples from the Alps. Comput. Geosci., 35, 49-69.

Mapping the anthropic backfill thickness of the historical center of<br />

Rome (Italy) by using kriging with external drift<br />




Key words: Backfill surface, digital terrain model,<br />

external drift, geostatistics.<br />


The role played by anthropic backfilling units with<br />

poor geotechnical characteristics to induce seismic<br />

amplification and differential settlements has been<br />

demonstrated by studying the distribution of the<br />

numerous damages that occur in urban environments.<br />

As a matter of fact, the historical centre of Rome is<br />

characterized by the presence of a complex drainage<br />

network filled up by recent alluvial deposits and<br />

subsequently hidden by the anthropic cover which<br />

accumulated during the centuries of urban<br />

development. In this work geostatistical interpolation<br />

techniques by using different kriging methods were<br />

employed and compared in order to determine the best<br />

spatial predictor of the anthropic backfill bottom<br />

surface in the historical center of Rome (Italy). A<br />

bottom surface map was than generated and the<br />

thickness map was calculated by subtracting this new<br />

map to the Digital Terrain Model (DTM).<br />


A set of about 1000 measurements of anthropic<br />

backfill lower boundary (in meters a.s.l.) obtained from<br />

boreholes irregularly distributed all over the study area<br />

was used for the prediction. Data used in this work was<br />

archived in the UrbiSIT database, developed by IGAG<br />

for the Dipartimento <strong>della</strong> Protezione Civile (i.e. Italian<br />

Civil Protection National Sevice).<br />

The application of kriging methods assume that the<br />

spatial variation of the study variable is too irregular to<br />

be modelled by a continuous mathematical function,<br />

and its spatial variation could be better predicted by a<br />

_________________________<br />

(*)CNR-IGAG, Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria,<br /><br />

(**)Dipartimento <strong>della</strong> Protezione Civile Nazionale<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto UrbiSIT, con il <strong>contributo</strong><br />

finanziario del Dipartimento <strong>della</strong> Protezione Civile Nazionale<br />

65<br />

probabilistic surface.<br />

Variography have been used to describe the way in<br />

which similar observation values are clustered in space,<br />

in accordance with Tobler’s first law of geography,<br />

giving the measure of the dissimilarity of data pairs as<br />

the spatial separation between them increases. In<br />

particular, ordinary kriging (OK) and universal kriging<br />

(UK) have been applied, preliminarily. Furthermore,<br />

mixed methods are also used and compared in<br />

exploiting the ability of regression to relate the target<br />

variable to other spatially distributed variables (i.e<br />

kriging with external drift, KED). The KED is a<br />

particular case of UK that allows the prediction of a<br />

variable Z, note only at a limited set of points in the<br />

study area, through another variable S, exhaustively<br />

known in the same area. Variable Z is modeled with a<br />

random function Z(x) and S as a deterministic variable<br />

S(x). The KED method thus consists in incorporating<br />

into the kriging system additional universality<br />

conditions about one or several ED variables measured<br />

exhaustively in the study spatial domain. The variable<br />

S(x) need to be known at all locations xi of the samples<br />

of Z(xi), as well as at the node of the prediction grid.<br />

As a good correlation still exists between the<br />

backfill basal surface morphology and the present day<br />

topography of the historical center, DTM data at the<br />

spatial resolution of 20x20m were used as external drift<br />

variable for kriging interpolation. The root mean<br />

square error (RMSE) was computed from the<br />

validation sample (observed data) and predicted values.<br />

The collected data have been interpolated by using a<br />

50x50m spatial grid to produce the final map. The<br />

study of spatial variability by modeling the<br />

experimental variograms highlights an anisotropic<br />

behaviour of the data in the N320-330 direction with a<br />

major and minor axes of about 3000 m and 1500,<br />

respectively (anisotropy ratio, R=2). This anisotropic<br />

behavior generally agree with the main morphological<br />

features of the area. The experimental variograms have<br />

been modeled by using a spherical model with a nugget<br />

of 45, a sill of 250 and a range of about 3000 m (γ=<br />

45+250 sph (3000). The model was used in the kriging<br />

algorithm in order to estimate backfill bottom values at<br />

unsampled location.<br />


SESSIONE 3<br />

a b c<br />

Figure 1. Scatteplots of cross-validation results obtained by using different interpolation methods. Ordinary Kriging (a) provides a regression<br />

coefficient (r 2 ) of 0.851, Universal Kriging (b) a regression coefficient (r 2 ) of 0.702, and Ordinary Kriging with external drift (c) a regression coefficient<br />

(r 2 ) of 0.952.<br />

Estimated surface obtained by using OK and UK<br />

provides cross-validation results with a regression<br />

coefficient (r 2 ) of 0.851 and 0.702, respectively. By<br />

adding into the ordinary kriging system the additional<br />

condition provided by the external drift variable (i.e.,<br />

DTM), the estimation of the backfill-bottom surface<br />

has been improved, in fact the cross-validation gives a<br />

regression coefficient (r 2 ) of 0.952 (Fig. 1). A further<br />

attempt by using DTM as covariate in the cokriging<br />

(CoK) algorithm provides a good regression coefficient<br />

(0.902), however the CoK is a time consuming<br />

procedure with respect to the KED because it needs to<br />

adjust the variograms of the variable, of the covariate<br />

and of the cross-variate.<br />

In the presented case study, kriging with an external<br />

drift seems to give the most coherent results in<br />

accordance with cross-validation statistics. If there is a<br />

correlation between backfill basal surface morphology<br />

and topography, it seems logical that the inclusion of<br />

topographic information should improve the estimates<br />

(Fig. 2). Furthermore, KED has the advantage of<br />

requiring a less demanding variogram analysis than<br />

cokriging. The application of a numerical technique<br />

based on the theory of Intrinsic Random Functions of<br />

order k (IRF-k), for the optimum spatial interpolation<br />

could be the next step of this research. This technique<br />

should better improve the construction of geostatistical<br />

generalized estimators composed by two<br />

functions: one random portion, while the second<br />

portion is deterministic containing the spatial trend of<br />

the non-stationary parameter.<br />

Figure 2. Map of the backfill-bottom surface (above) of the historical centre<br />

of Rome obtained by using ordinary kriging with external drift (KED).<br />

Below the map of the backfill thickness is shown, the map has been<br />

obtained by subtracting the grid of the backfill bottom surface from the<br />

DTM.<br />


3D reconstruction of the periadriatic portion of the Apennines foldand-thrust-belt<br />

(Marche –Abruzzi onshore)<br />

Key words: Anticlines, fold-and-thrust-belt, seismic lines.<br />


The more external part of the Apennines fold and thrust belt is<br />

located in the Periadriatic basin and is mostly buried under a synand<br />

post- orogenic, Plio-Pleistocene, siliciclastic sequence.<br />

The structural setting of this sector of the fold-and-thrust belt<br />

is the results of the combination of extremely superficial thrustrelated<br />

anticlines and their respective deeper ramps. The formers<br />

mainly affect the siliciclastic foredeep deposits and the<br />

synorogenic sequences (Pliocene-Pleistocene), whereas the<br />

second ones, constituting the deeper thrust system, crosscut the<br />

Triassic-Miocene carbonates and the overlying Messinian-<br />

Pliocene siliciclastic sediments. The result is a belt characterized<br />

by deeper ramps in the carbonate sequence, long flats developed<br />

at their top, and shallower ramps and related anticlines involving<br />

the Plio-Pleistocene siliciclastic sequence. This geometric<br />

organization influences the sequence of thrust-system propagation<br />

and characterises the evolution of syn-tectonic basins<br />

(CENTAMORE et alii., 1992; ORI et alii., 1991). Moreover,<br />

spacing and location of thrust ramps seems to be controlled by<br />

pre-existing discontinuities that affect the foreland ramp (normal<br />

faults).<br />

The present study has the aim to build a 3D model of this<br />

portion of the chain, using the interpretation of our available 2D<br />

seismic dataset (Fig.1) and collecting together a considerable<br />

amount of data.<br />


The reconstruction of this sector of the Apennines allows to<br />

_________________________<br />



(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università “La Sapienza”, Roma.<br /><br />

(**)<br />

(°) Medoilgas Italia S.p.A.,<br />

67<br />

correlate and follow in the third dimension the main thrust fronts<br />

recognized using seismic lines interpretation and already known<br />

in literature (ARGNANI et alii, 1991; CENTAMORE et alii, 1992;<br />

ORI et alii, 1992). The 3D model comprises the area in the<br />

footwall of the Teramo Thrust (BIGI et alii, 1999; BIGI et alii,<br />

2009) which tectonically translated eastward the Messinian<br />

domain onto the younger Pliocene domain. To the east of this<br />

thrust, seismic lines interpretation pointed out the occurrence of<br />

two main N-S thrust-related-anticlines buried below the<br />

siliciclastic Plio-Pleistocene deposits: the inner trend, located<br />

close to the outcropping front of the chain (in the western portion<br />

of the basin) and the coastal trend, located close to the present<br />

coast line. Since the activity of those structures starts during the<br />

upper part of Lower Pliocene, they subdivide the basin in several<br />

Fig. 1 – Location map of the study area<br />

depocenters: the inner one, which shows the shape of a wide<br />

syncline and the outer one, bounded to the east by the Costiera<br />

structure (ORI et alii., 1991). More eastward, a wedge-shape<br />

Lower Pliocene - Pleistocene sequence is recognized,<br />

corresponding to the new foredeep basin deposits.<br />

The main structure reconstructed in the 3D model (Fig .<br />

2) are<br />

the Nereto - Bellante thrust and the younger and deeper<br />

Villadegna - Costiera thrust. The former reaches the maximum<br />

offset and structural elevation in the northern sector (between<br />

Teramo and Ascoli Piceno), whereas the Villadegna structure is<br />

more evident in the southern area and shows a regional northward<br />

axial plunging, evidenced in the 3D model.<br />


SESSIONE 3<br />

Fig. 2 – 3D MOVE recostruction of the principal structural trends and main horizons pointed out by seismic interpretation.<br />

The geometry of the thrust and related growth folds suggests a<br />

deformation mechanism of those structures, characterized by two<br />

main steps. In the first part of thrust evolution, the main anticline<br />

becomes active as a wedge thrust. It shows a fore-thrust ramp,<br />

that cuts the pre-Messinian footwall succession and is linked to a<br />

deep detachment level (Permo-Triassic deposits). During this<br />

stage the growing anticline partially controlled the foredeep<br />

sedimentation, acting as a structural high inside the foredeep; the<br />

development of a backthrust located at the top of the carbonate<br />

succession is also possible. At the tip point of the forethrust,<br />

when it reaches the top of Apulian platform in the footwall, a new<br />

flat develops, involving the siliciclastic deposits of sedimentary<br />

sequences. These flats evolve at the thrust front with the growing<br />

anticlines (Bellante - Nereto and Costiera structures) that control<br />

the depocenters location of Pliocene-Pleistocene foredeep<br />

deposits.<br />


ARGNANI A., ARTONI A., ORI G.G. & ROVERI M. (1991) -<br />

L’avanfossa centro-adriatica: stili strutturali e<br />

sedimentazione. Studi Geolog. Camerti. vol. spec., 1991/1,<br />

371-381.<br />

ARTONI A. & CASERO P. (1997) - Sequential balancing of growth<br />

structures, the late Tertiary example from the central<br />

Apennines. Bull. Soc. Gèol. France, 168, 35-49.<br />

CASERO P. (2004) - Structural setting of petroleum exploration<br />

plays in Italy. Spec. Vol. of the Italian Geological Society for<br />

the IGC 32 Florence 2004, 189-199.<br />

CASNEDI R. & SERAFINI G. (1994) – Interpretazione geologica<br />

<strong>della</strong> sezione sismica nella valle del Vomano (Abruzzo). Atti<br />

Tic. Sc. Terra, serie speciale, 2, 45-49.<br />



Tectonics and sedimentation within a Messinian foredeep in<br />

the Central Apennines, Italy. J. Petroleum Geol., 22, 5-18.<br />

68<br />



CANNATA D. (2009) - Stratigraphy, structural setting and<br />

burial history of the Messinian Laga basin in the context of<br />

Apennine foreland basin system. J. Of Mediterranean Earth<br />

Sciences, 1, 61-84.<br />





U. (1992) – Carta geologica <strong>dei</strong> bacini <strong>della</strong> Laga e del<br />

Cellino e <strong>dei</strong> rilievi carbonatici circostanti (Marche<br />

meridionali, Lazio nord orientale, Abruzzo settentrionale).<br />

S.E.L.C.A., Firenze.<br />


R., COLALONGO M.L. & MOSNA S. (1991) - The Pliocene-<br />

Pleistocene Adriatic Foredeep (Marche and Abruzzo, Italy):<br />

an integrated approach to surface and subsurface geology. In<br />

Agip EAPG (eds), 3 rd E.A.P.G. Conference. Adriatic<br />

Foredeep Field Trip, Guide Book, 85 pp.<br />


SANTINI U. (1991) - La zona di giunzione tra l’arco<br />

appenninico settentrionale e l’arco appenninico meridionale<br />

nell’Abruzzo e nel Molise. Studi Geolog. Camerti. vol. spec,<br />

1991/2, 417-441.

Key words: 3D modelling, seismic hazard assessment.<br />

In the frame of S1 - Seismological Project funded by the<br />

Italian Civil Protection Department 3D modelling and<br />

visualization techniques have coupled and supported the<br />

traditional methods for the seismic hazard assessment.<br />

Great amount of data, both geological and geophysical, are<br />

produced and collected in the S1 Project “Definition of the<br />

seismic potential in Italy for the evaluation of the seismic<br />

hazard”; they are characterized by different distribution and<br />

different degree of detail, although national wide datasets are<br />

prevailing.<br />

Analysis and comparison of geological and geophysical<br />

datasets describing crustal and sub-crustal structures have been<br />

performed in a 3D environment addressing the inconsistencies in<br />

the original datasets and defining areas where more details are<br />

needed.<br />

The main original datasets are: geological data from seismic<br />

profiles for specific areas (i.e.: Po Plain, central Adriatic offshore,<br />

Marche-Abruzzi on-shore), the Database of seismogenic<br />

sources (DISS WORKING GROUP, 2009), the Catalogue of the<br />

Italian Seismicity (CSI, CASTELLO et alii, 2006), the depth model<br />

for the Mohorovicic discontinuity for the Italian region and<br />

surrounding seas, the cellular model for the lithosphereasthenosphere<br />

system.<br />

The integration of these multi-scale datasets has pointed out<br />

critical areas with major differences between them; further<br />

analyses have been performed to distinguish discrepancies<br />

deriving from the techniques for data acquisition, rather than<br />

from different interpretations of original datasets (Fig. 2) or<br />

produced by the interpolation algorithms chosen in the 3D<br />

modelling software.<br />

This procedure allows to verify the model consistency related<br />

to the available data and to rebuild or update the model owing to<br />

information updating.<br />

_________________________<br />

3D modelling of multi-scale geological and geophysical data:<br />

data integration and model validation<br />

(*) ISPRA, Servizio Geologico d’Italia/Dipartimento Difesa del Suolo.,<br />;<br />

This research has benefited from funding provided by the Italian Presidenza<br />

del Consiglio <strong>dei</strong> Ministri - Dipartimento <strong>della</strong> Protezione Civile (DPC).<br />

Scientific papers funded by DPC do not represent its official opinion and<br />

policies.<br />


69<br />

Two main type of elaborations and data integration have been<br />

carried out in the Project: 3D models of crustal structures,<br />

including seismogenic sources and their geological constraints;<br />

3D model of the lithosphere-astenosphere system for the Italian<br />

region.<br />

The 3D model of the crustal structures combines geometric<br />

data deriving from Database of seismogenic sources (DISS) with<br />

geological constraints, regional or national wide, and earthquake<br />

locations (CSI).<br />

The resulting 3D objects are: surfaces representing the<br />

geometry of each Individual seismogenic Source, surfaces<br />

wrapping an unspecified number of Individual Sources and<br />

defining Composite seismogenic Sources, points defining the<br />

earthquake location parameters and their related magnitude,<br />

surfaces representing key horizons (e.g.: base of Pliocene<br />

deposits) representing national wide datasets or regional 3D<br />

models (Fig.1). These 3D crustal models are essential as input for<br />

further 3D structural analyses supporting seismic hazard<br />

assessment, such as the evaluation of the slip rates.<br />

Fig. 1 – 3D crustal model for the Po Plain integrating geological cross<br />

sections, earthquake locations, composite seismogenic sources (CS) and the<br />

base of Pliocene deposits.<br />

The 3D model for the lithosphere-asthenosphere system<br />

includes three surfaces representing the Moho discontinuity,<br />

distinguished in European, Tyrrhenian and Adriatic, and volumes,<br />

defined by different thickness (h), Vs, Vp and Density values, and<br />

describing the main characteristics of the lithosphereasthenosphere<br />

system.<br />


SESSIONE 3<br />

Fig. 2 – Geological cross section from 3D model of the lithosphere-astenosphere system. Area with major differences between datasets is outlined. The<br />

highlighted model inconsistency (Adriatic Moho overriding Tyrrhenian Moho) has been corrected in the following elaborations.<br />

The final result is a 3D imagery of seismogenic structures and<br />

earthquake locations for the entire Italian region coupled with a<br />

preliminary 3D elaboration of the structural model for the<br />

lithosphere-asthenosphere system.<br />

The comparison within these datasets highlights the existing,<br />

both geometrical and parametrical, inconsistencies in the defined<br />

models supporting the definition of a more comprehensive model<br />

(Fig. 2).<br />



CSI - Catalogo <strong>della</strong> sismicità italiana (1981-2002), version<br />

1.1”, INGV-CNT.<br /><br />

DISS WORKING GROUP (2009) - Database of Individual<br />

Seismogenic Sources (DISS), version 3.1.0: A compilation of<br />

potential sources for earthquakes larger than M 5.5 in Italy<br />

and surroundings areas., © INGV<br />

2009 – Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia.<br />


Keywords: Energy, mapping, technologies<br />

With increasing need for resource security (energy, raw<br />

materials, water), waste management, sequestration along with a<br />

more sensitive management of the environment geologists need to<br />

be able to deliver better predictive sub-surface models where<br />

both precision and accuracy are understood.<br />

As uncertainty in geological interpretations can be large and is<br />

often unconstrained by hard data a single interpretation may not<br />

be adequate to characterise and understand the relationship<br />

between surface and subsurface geology.<br />

These models need to be accessible to stakeholders and end<br />

users, not just to geologists.<br />

Traditional paper and pencil representations of the surface<br />

and subsurface accompanied by descriptive geo-histories are no<br />

longer represent appropriate deliverables for these evolving needs<br />

where the end user requires a digital model that can be visualised<br />

and manipulated as input for work by other discipline groups.<br />

By looking at geology from a consumer point of view we can<br />

adopt and adapt best practice from a wide range of technologies<br />

to develop professional workflows, training and the necessary<br />

tools to meet this new paradigm.<br />

This contribution illustrates one approach to how we might<br />

address this for the 21 st century and integrate the needs of a range<br />

of end user communities.<br />

_________________________<br />

Mapping in 4 dimensions - raising the game in geology<br />

for the 21 st century<br />

(*) MVE Midland Valley Exploration Ltd.<br />

ALAN GIBBS (*)<br />

71<br />


SESSIONE 3<br />

Three-dimensional geological and geomechanical modeling of the<br />

Northern Apennine front in the Po Plain<br />



Key words: 3D model, geomechanics, Po Plain, thrust system.<br />


In this work we built a three-dimensional geometrical model<br />

of a sector of the Ferrara-Romagna fold and thrust system buried<br />

under the Plio-Pleistocene sediments of the Po Plain in order to<br />

model numerically the active stress field of the region.<br />

The geometrical model was built using the commercial<br />

software Petrel 2009 (Schlumberger). The input data include:<br />

1. the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the topography<br />

surface;<br />

2. the grid of the Plio-Pleistocene base;<br />

3. the grid of the Cretaceous top, realized by digitizing the map<br />

published by CASERO et alii (1990);<br />

4. the composite seismogenic sources of the Database of<br />

Seismogenic Sources (DISS) version 3.1.0;<br />

5. some geological sections reported in the literature<br />

(BOCCALETTI et alii, 2003; FANTONI &FRANCIOSI, 2009;<br />

PIERI &GROPPI, 1981).<br />

Once collected, these data were imported into Petrel, using<br />

the following procedure. Originally, the DEM, grid horizons and<br />

DISS seismogenic sources have been imported as points defined<br />

by three coordinate values (Easting, Northing and depth). Later,<br />

these data were converted from points to surfaces. The geological<br />

sections have been imported to control the geometry of horizons<br />

and faults. Both faults and horizons were adjusted to make them<br />

coherent with the sections.<br />

The main tectonic elements in the model consist of a set of<br />

ramps that converge downward to the main detachment likely<br />

located within the Upper Triassic units.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria, CNR, Roma,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Universita` degli Studi di Roma<br />

‘‘La Sapienza’’<br />

(°) Independent Resources plc, Roma<br />

(°°) Schlumberger, Bracknell, UK<br />

This research has benefited from funding provided by the Italian Presidenza<br />

del Consiglio <strong>dei</strong> Ministri – Dipartimento <strong>della</strong> Protezione Civile (DPC)<br />

and by Independent Resources plc. Scientific papers funded by DPC do not<br />

represent its official opinion and policies.<br />

72<br />

Fig. 1 – 3D structural model built in Petrel 2009. The main surface<br />

corresponds to the top Cretaceous (modified after CASERO et alii, 1990),<br />

rectangles are the main seismogenic sources (DISS 3.1.0), and dots are<br />

ipocentres according to the CSI 1.1 catalogue.<br />

Afterwards this geometry was imported in Visage for the<br />

numerical modelling.<br />

A 3D model has been realised to simulate the present-day<br />

stress field of the Northern Apennines frontal thrust system. An<br />

elasto-plastic rheology was adopted for the modelling using the<br />

Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. Geomechanical properties for<br />

each formation and faults comprised Young’s modulus, Poisson’s<br />

ratio, density, frictional angle, cohesion and they were assumed<br />

on the basis of published geological data.<br />

The models were performed in three steps with different<br />

boundary conditions. In the first step we simulated the lithostatic<br />

stress (Sv), obtaining a model in equilibrium with gravity. The<br />

side boundaries were constrained horizontally. Afterwards, loads<br />

were added to simulate a regional stress state comprising the<br />

tectonic loading component (SH and Sh). However, to evaluate<br />

the validity of the results, the model solutions were compared<br />

with the map of the active stress field and with the data of<br />

seismicity in the same area. In the last step of the simulation<br />

(tectonic phase) we forced the models with a 1 meter<br />

displacement (applied onto the SW lateral boundary) directed<br />

toward NE, simulating the shortening occurring in the region in<br />

1000 years, according the present-day plate kinematics of the<br />

Northern Apennines region. The tectonic displacement was<br />

applied by 0.1 step increments to evaluate the change of the<br />

mechanical properties along the principal tectonic features.

Fig. 2 – Orientation and magnitude (in kPa) of the major stress axes<br />

predicted by the mechanical model. Map view. Notice the rotation of the<br />

stress axes, that is controlled by the rheological behaviour of the materials<br />

and by the occurrence of faults.<br />


Schlumberger is grateful acknowledged for making available the<br />

Petrel and Visage softwares. Chiara D’Ambrogi kindly provided<br />

some of the digital data. Rob Marsden, John Fuller, Roberto<br />

Bencini and Alessandro Romi are also thanked for fruitful<br />

discussion.<br />



L., PICCARDI L., TANINI C. & VANNUCCI G. (2003) - Carta<br />

sismotettonica <strong>della</strong> regione Emilia-Romagna. Scala<br />

1:250.000. Regione Emilia-Romagna.<br />

CASERO P., RIGAMONTI A. & IOCCA M. (1990) - Paleogeographic<br />

relationships during cretaceous between the Northern<br />

Adriatic area and the eastern Southern Alps. Mem. Soc.<br />

Geol. It., 45, 807-814.<br />

FANTONI R. & FRANCIOSI R. (2008) - Geological framework of<br />

Po Plain and Adriatic foreland system. In: Proceedings of the<br />

70 th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Rome.<br />

FANTONI R. & FRANCIOSI R. (2009) - Mesozoic extension and<br />

Cenozoic compression in Po Plain and Adriatic foreland.<br />

Rendiconti online Soc. Geol. It., 9, 28-31.<br />

PIERI M. & GROPPI G. (1981) - Subsurface geological structure of<br />

the Po Plain, Italy. Progetto finalizzato Geodinamica-<br />

Sottoprogetto 5, Modello strutturale, C.N.R., 414, Rome.<br />

73<br />


SESSIONE 3<br />

Key words: Algeria, fracturing, oil field.<br />

The field of Hassi Messaoud is located 850 km south east of<br />

Algiers, 300 km from the Tunisian border and 80 km east of<br />

Ouargla. It has an area of 4200 km 2 . It is considered the largest<br />

field of the Triassic Province. By its size and its reserve is the<br />

largest oil field in Algeria.<br />

From a geological perspective, the field of Hassi Messaoud is<br />

in the center of the Triassic Province in the south east of Algeria.<br />

The field of Hassi Messaoud is divided into production areas<br />

bounded by faults sometimes. We chose the Zone 4 field of<br />

Hassi Messaoud, because it shows a marked by intense tectonic<br />

development of faults and fractures. These fractures contribute<br />

differently to the productivity of the reservoir and this sometimes<br />

in the same lithologic levels.<br />

The majority of fractures have a preferred direction NE-SW<br />

which is subparallel to the direction of the breakout so many of<br />

them are closed (SH = NW-SE). The fractures are perpendicular<br />

to them are infrequent but are open.<br />

The well tests indicate that the reservoir behaves<br />

heterogeneous environment, as well found in a fault zone have<br />

better petrophysical parameters. However, the wells located away<br />

from major accidents are more frequent secondary permeabilities<br />

and higher who are in contact with open fractures. Thus fractures<br />

may play a positive role (secondary porosity and permeability) or<br />

negative (barrier permeability by silicification tectonics) in<br />

productivity; they can also be the source of major problems such<br />

as breakthrough of water or gas. Our study focuses on the<br />

analysis and modeling of petrophysical parameters and fracturing.<br />

For this we have combined several approaches using imaging<br />

sides the well test and onventional logging. All acquisitions were<br />

processed using multiple software PETREL namely, the<br />

Interactive Petrophysics and Sapphire. We have reached a 3D<br />

geological model with the distribution of secondary porosity and<br />

permeability.<br />

_________________________<br />

Analysis and modeling of the fracturing of the oil field area 4 of<br />

Hassi Messaoud (Algeria)<br />

(*) Faculty of Hydrocarbon-University of Boumerdes, Algeria,<br /><br />



Long-term geological slip rates of the Emilia thrust front (Northern<br />

Apennines) from 3D modelling of key buried horizons<br />


Key words: 3D modelling, Emilian Arc, Northern Apennines, slip<br />

rates.<br />


The Northern Apennines fold and thrust belt (NA) developed<br />

during the Neogene and Quaternary in the framework of the<br />

African and European plates convergence. GPS studies show that<br />

plate convergence at the Italian latitude is going on with rates<br />

ranging between 3 and 8 mm/a (e.g. NOCQUET &CALAIS, 2004;<br />

SERPELLONI et alii, 2007).<br />

The outermost thrust front of the NA belt are buried below the<br />

Plio-Quaternary marine and continental deposits infilling the Po<br />

Plain basin or are partially exposed along its southern margin,<br />

and are organized in three complex arcs that from west to east<br />

are: the Monferrato, the Emilian, and the Ferrara-Romagna arcs.<br />

The buried compressional structures were extensively studied by<br />

seismic exploration lines and deep well logs. These subsurface<br />

data show a system of N to NE-verging blind thrusts and folds<br />

that controlled the deposition of the syntectonic sedimentary<br />

wedges, with the Plio-Quaternary sequence locally up to 7-8 km<br />

thick. The fast sedimentation (BARTOLINI et alii, 1996) hid the<br />

growing structures, and as a consequence there are few direct<br />

surface evidences of the possible ongoing activity of the thrusts.<br />

One of the few and most notably exception to this general rule is<br />

the San Colombano Hill, that is an outcropping anticline located<br />

at the leading edge of the Emilian Arc, involving upper Pliocene<br />

and lower Pleistocene sediments and cored by Miocene deposits.<br />

Present-day activity of the frontal thrusts of the NA is testified<br />

by historical and instrumental seismicity, the latter characterized<br />

by contractional focal mechanisms (PONDRELLI et alii, 2006), and<br />

by the influence on the drainage network (BURRATO et alii, 2003)<br />

75<br />

and faulting and folding of recent sediments. The historical and<br />

instrumental Italian seismic catalogues show that the southern Po<br />

Plain is affected by low to moderate seismicity, with Mmax up to<br />

5.8 (CPTI WORKING GROUP, 2004; CASTELLO et alii, 2006; DISS<br />

WORKING GROUP, 2009). The borehole breakouts and the focal<br />

mechanisms both show Shmax oriented perpendicular to the trend<br />

of the buried thrust fronts (MONTONE et alii, 2004).<br />

GPS studies constrain a weak SW-NE shortening across the<br />

Po Plain, with rates of less than 1 mm/a (SERPELLONI et alii,<br />

2005). The shortening is accomplished in the frame of a CCW<br />

relative rotation of the Adriatic promontory respect to Eurasia,<br />

with a pole of rotation located in the western Alps (CALAIS et alii,<br />

2002). As a consequence the rates of convergence are expected to<br />

diminish westward in agreement with the observed lowering of<br />

the seismic moment release.<br />


In this study we present a 3D reconstruction of the central<br />

portion of the Emilian Arc along a 50 km long, NNE-oriented<br />

swath, running from the outcropping thrust wedge to the south<br />

and including the outermost buried anticlines of the NA to the<br />

north (Fig. 1). The study section was chosen because of available<br />

public subsurface data, it is located in between the two regional<br />

sections published by TOSCANI et alii (2006), and it is<br />

perpendicular to the main trend of the buried structures. The main<br />

goal of this study is to calculate long-term (Pliocene-Holocene)<br />

geological slip rates of the thrust underlying the buried fold.<br />

We follow a similar approach as that used by SCROCCA et alii<br />

(2007). We reconstructed in 3D the subsurface geometry of pre-<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) ISPRA, Servizio Geologico d’Italia/Dipartimento Difesa del Suolo,<br /> ,<br />

(**) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia,<br /><br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pavia,<br /><br />

This research has benefited from funding provided by the Italian Presidenza<br />

del Consiglio <strong>dei</strong> Ministri - Dipartimento <strong>della</strong> Protezione Civile (DPC).<br />

Scientific papers funded by DPC do not represent its official opinion and<br />

policies. Fig. 1 – 3D model of the studied area.<br />


SESSIONE 3<br />

and syn-tectonic strata, using for the deep portion of the model<br />

structural surfaces derived from interpreted cross-sections<br />

(TOSCANI et alii, 2006), constrained by the stratigraphy of deep<br />

oil well logs. The shallow portion of the model was derived by<br />

the stratigraphic data used for the reconstruction of the regional<br />

aquifers (REGIONE EMILIA ROMAGNA & ENI-AGIP, 1998;<br />


After the model building a decompaction workflow was<br />

applied to the 3D model in order to remove the effects of rock<br />

volume change due to porosity reduction through time allowing<br />

the better definition of the slip rates. The horizons backstripping<br />

allows the underlying rocks to vertically decompact, as a result of<br />

the removal of the overburden.<br />

Using algorithms supplied by the software package Move<br />

(MVE, Ltd) we restored the effects of compaction history for the<br />

acquifer horizons dated to 0.45 My, 0.65 My, 0.8 My and for the<br />

top of Pliocene and Messinian. The decompaction was performed<br />

with the 3DMove Decompaction tool, using the flexural isostasy<br />

setting and assuming a sub-aerial load for the two uppermost<br />

aquifers (0.45 My, and 0.65 My) and a submarine load for the<br />

deepest aquifer (0.8 My) and the underlying Pleistocene (1.8 My)<br />

and Pliocene deposits (5.3 My).<br />

We performed the slip rate calculations for the unfaulted<br />

horizons using two methods, that gave comparable results: 1) an<br />

elastic half-space dislocation modelling of surface deformation,<br />

and 2) a trishear fault propagation modelling (Trishear algorithm<br />

in 2DMove). To better describe the evolution of main thrust we<br />

calculated the slip rate also on the faulted horizons (top Pliocene<br />

and top Messinian); the calculation was extended to the whole 3D<br />

model to verify the lateral variation along the thrust. The<br />

Separation tool in 3DMove was used to measure the heave, throw<br />

and slip between fault cutoffs.<br />


BARTOLINI C., CAPUTO R. & PIERI M. (1996) – Pliocene-<br />

Quaternary sedimentation in the Northern Apennine<br />

Foredeep and related denudation. Geol. Mag., 133 (3), 255-<br />

273.<br />

BURRATO P., CIUCCI F. & VALENSISE G. (2003) – An inventory of<br />

river anomalies in the Po Plain, Northern Italy: evidences for<br />

active blind thrust faulting. Ann. Geophys., 46 (5), 865-882.<br />

CALAIS E., NOCQUET J. M., JOUANNE F. & TARDY M. (2002) –<br />

Current strain regime in the western Alps from continuous<br />

Global Positioning System measurements, 1996-2001.<br />

Geology, 7, 651-654.<br />


CSI Catalogo <strong>della</strong> sismicità italiana 1981-2002, versione<br />

1.1. INGVCNT, Roma<br />

76<br />

CPTI WORKING GROUP (2004) – Catalogo Parametrico <strong>dei</strong><br />

Terremoti Italiani, version 2004 (CPTI04). INGV, Milan,<br />

available from<br />

DISS WORKING GROUP (2009) – Database of Individual<br />

Seismogenic Sources (DISS), Version 3.1.0: A compilation of<br />

potential sources for earthquakes larger than M 5.5 in Italy<br />

and surrounding areas., © INGV<br />

2009.<br />


- An improved stress map for Italy and surrounding regions<br />

(central Mediterranean). J. Geophys. Res., 109, doi:<br />

10.1029/2003JB002703.<br />

NOCQUET J. M. & CALAIS E. (2004) – Crustal velocity field of<br />

western Europe from permanent GPS array solutions, 1996-<br />

2001. Geophys. J. Int., 154, 72-88.<br />


GASPERINI P. & VANNUCCI G. (2006) – The Italian CMT<br />

dataset from 1977 to the present. Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 159<br />

(3-4), 286-303, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2006.07.008.<br />

REGIONE EMILIA-ROMAGNA & ENI-AGIP (1998) – Riserve<br />

idriche sotterranee nella Regione Emilia-Romagna. A cura di<br />

G. Di Dio. S.EL.C.A., Firenze.<br />

REGIONE LOMBARDIA & ENI (2002) – Geologia degli Acquiferi<br />

Padani <strong>della</strong> Regione Lombardia. A cura di C. Carcano & A.<br />

Piccin .S.EL.C.A., Firenze.<br />


(2007) – Slab retreat and active shortening along the centralnorthern<br />

Apennines. In: Lacombe O., Lavé J., Roure F. &<br />

Verges J. (Eds.), Thrust belts and Foreland Basins: from fold<br />

kinematics to hydrocarbon systems.. Springer, 471–487.<br />


(2005) – Crustal velocity and strain-rate fields in Italy and<br />

surrounding regions: new results from the analysis of<br />

permanent and non-permanent GPS networks. Geophys. J.<br />

Int., 161, 861-880, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246x.2005.02618.x,<br />

1-20.<br />



Kinematics of the Western Africa-Eurasia plate boundary<br />

from focal mechanisms and GPS data. Geophys. J. Int., 169,<br />

1180-1200, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03367.x.<br />

TOSCANI G., SENO S., FANTONI R. & ROGLEDI S. (2006) -<br />

Geometry and timing of deformation inside a structural arc:<br />

the case of the western Emilian folds (Northern Apennine<br />

front, Italy). Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 125 (2006), 59-65.

Analogue experiments and numerical modeling exploring the<br />

relationship between volcanoes and thrusting<br />


Key words: Analogue modelling, granite emplacement,<br />

numerical modelling, structural geology.<br />


Although magma emplacement in compressional settings is<br />

now generally accepted and described in different natural<br />

examples (e.g., TIBALDI, 2008; GONZALEZ et alii, 2009 and<br />

references therein), the modalities of interaction between<br />

volcanic edifices and contractional structures still remain in part<br />

to be defined. Analogue modeling studies have shown a strong<br />

interaction between magma uprising and contractional<br />

deformation, with active thrust systems representing a<br />

preferential pathway for ascending magma (e.g., GALLAND et<br />

alii, 2007; MONTANARI et alii, 2010). Magma migration and<br />

emplacement, in turn, have shown to be able to control the<br />

architecture of thrust systems: the effects of both migration of the<br />

low-viscosity fluids that may act as a basal detachment for the<br />

compressive structures (e.g., GALLAND et alii, 2007), and the<br />

load of volcanic edifices (when magma reaches the surface) may<br />

reorient the local stress/strain fields (e.g., MARQUES &COBBOLD,<br />

2002), resulting in the final arcuature of the thrust systems in<br />

front of the volcanoes or migrating magma. In this study, we<br />

present the results of both analogue and numerical modeling that<br />

provide further insights into the relations between volcanoes and<br />

thrust faults. The models implement previous experimental works<br />

by accounting for the presence of an upper crustal active magma<br />

chamber below a volcano, introducing a strong rheological<br />

heterogeneity able to exert a strong potential control in<br />

stress/strain localization during deformation. Results indicate that<br />

the presence of a volume of low-viscosity magma is able to<br />

strongly influence the structural pattern, acting as a strain<br />

attractor for the compressional deformation.<br />


The experiments were performed at the TML of the C.N.R.-<br />

IGG, with an apparatus to model pure shear and simple shear<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Centro di Eccellenza per la Geotermia di Larderello,<br /><br />

(**) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, CNR,<br />

(°) Institute Experimental Mineralogy RAS,<br />

77<br />

deformation. The models were made of a single pack of quartzsand,<br />

simulating the brittle upper crust, containing a central<br />

elliptic rheological heterogeneity (magma chamber), reproduced<br />

by a low viscosity mixture of silicone and oleic acid (for material<br />

properties see MONTANARI et alii, 2010). The analogue magma<br />

chamber has the shape of an ellipsoid and was present by the<br />

beginning of deformation. Comparative tests included the<br />

presence of a surface conic volcanic edifice (made of quartzsand)<br />

above the magma chamber in order to evaluate its effect on<br />

the pattern of deformation.<br />

Geometrical, rheological, kinematical and dynamical<br />

similarity ensured scaling to the natural process under<br />

investigation (MONTANARI et alii, 2010), with a length ratio of<br />

l*~1.10 -5 (1 cm in the model represents ~1 km in nature) and a<br />

velocity ratio of v*~6.5.10 -3 (the ~2 cm/h of model shortening<br />

correspond to a natural shortening rate of ~27 mm/yr).<br />

Shortening results in arcuate contractional structures, which<br />

curve towards the low-viscosity magma (Fig. 1). The main thrust<br />

is thus “captured” by the low-viscosity silicone, which is<br />

shortened and uplifted creating a structural relief and a small<br />

collapsed structure at the top.<br />

In the presence of a magma chamber, the inclusion of a<br />

volcano at surface has no influence on the resulting structural<br />

pattern and the main thrust is still characterized by an arcuature<br />

towards the low-viscosity magma (Fig. 1).<br />


Sand-box analogue results presented above can be<br />

rationalized with simple numerical simulations. For the<br />

calculation it was used FEM code designed for the modeling of<br />

the deformations of liquid inclusion in the non-isothermal<br />

Maxwell solid with strain and temperature dependent viscosity<br />

(SIMAKIN & GHASSEMI, 2010). Stress distribution around<br />

chamber can be approximately evaluated in two 2D sections<br />

(vertical and horizontal) through its center; as in the analogue<br />

modeling, chamber has shape of the ellipsoid with short vertical<br />

axis. In the vertical section two configurations (with and without<br />

volcanic load) have been considered.<br />

During compression, the roof layer experiences uplift, as<br />

observed in the analogue models. In the case without volcanic<br />

cone, uplift is characterized by a smooth gauss-like shape.<br />

Conversely, in the presence of a volcano, a combination of<br />

overall uplift and subsidence under volcanic edifice produces<br />

discontinuities in the displacement field at the cone edges.<br />


SESSIONE 3<br />

Taking into account particular mechanical properties (e.g. values<br />

of the internal friction angle and cohesion for sand model or<br />

rocks for Mohr-Coulomb criteria) failure analysis based on the<br />

calculated stress state was performed. Maximum shear stress is<br />

concentrated on the boundary of the magma chamber and<br />

extended in butterfly–like fashion with axis of symmetry<br />

coinciding with principal stresses directions. 3D failure pattern<br />

revealed in analogue study in general follows these 2D hints.<br />

Thrust fault trajectory near the buried magma chamber is<br />

expected to follow zones with increased shear stress (“wings”<br />

from Fig. 1) and pass slightly outside chamber contour<br />

projection.<br />


The modelling results (Fig.1) support the idea that magma<br />

chambers acting as long-lived weakness zone within the<br />

otherwise strong upper crust play a major role in the structural<br />

pattern resulting from shortening. As highlighted by the above<br />

numerical investigations, the magma chamber induces stress<br />

concentration and focuses compressional deformation thus acting<br />

as a “strain attractor” for the advancing thrust front. As a result,<br />

the compressive structures curve towards (and not away from)<br />

the advancing thrusts, giving rise to an opposite arcuature of<br />

structures with respect to that resulting (Fig.1) from previous<br />

works (e.g., MARQUES &COBBOLD, 2002; GALLAND et alii,<br />

Fig. 1 – Influence of an upper crustal magma chamber on deformation and<br />

comparison with previous findings.<br />

2007). In our analogue models the effect of a superimposed<br />

volcanic edifice is insignificant in presence of an upper crustal<br />

magma chamber, as no detectable differences in terms of general<br />

architecture of the thrust systems are observed in models with or<br />

without the volcano. This implies that the effect of volcano<br />

78<br />

loading on the structural pattern is –for the adopted boundary<br />

conditions- subordinated to the stress concentration induced by<br />

the magma chamber, thus possibly limiting findings of the<br />

previous volcano load models (e.g., MARQUES & COBBOLD,<br />

2002) to the cases of inactive volcano (with solidified or absent<br />

magma chamber) or volcanoes with very deep (lower crustal or<br />

subcrustal) magma chambers. Volcanic edifices developed<br />

coevally and interacting with compressional structures as in the<br />

Andean chain (e.g., TIBALDI, 2008; GONZALEZ et alii, 2009) or in<br />

several other places in the world (e.g, TIBALDI et alii, 2010), may<br />

be excellent candidates for testing the above results. As in the<br />

models, complex faults patterns at these edifices may be the<br />

result of the role of strain attractors played by shallow magma<br />

chambers on the advancing thrust front, in addition to other<br />

possible parameters such as volcanic load (MARQUES &<br />

COBBOLD, 2002) or magma migration (GALLAND et alii, 2007).<br />



HALLOT, E. (2007) - Rise and emplacement of magma during<br />

horizontal shortening of the brittle crust: Insights from<br />

experimental modelling. J. Geoph. Res., 112, B06402,<br />

DOI:10.1029/2006JB004604.<br />


J.B.H. (2009) - Coeval compressional deformation and<br />

volcanism in the central Andes, case studies from northern<br />

Chile (23_S–24_S). Tectonics, 28, TC6003,<br />

DOI:10.1029/2009TC002538, 2009.<br />

MARQUES F.O., & COBBOLD P.R. (2002) - Topography as a<br />

major factor in the development of arcuate thrust belts:<br />

insights from sandbox experiments. Tectonophysics, 348,247-<br />

268.<br />


M., & MORATTI G. (2010) - Experimental investigation on<br />

granite emplacement during shortening. Tectonophysics, 484,<br />

147–155.<br />

SIMAKIN A.G., & GHASSEMI A. (2010) - The role of magma<br />

chamber-fault interaction in caldera forming eruptions. B.<br />

Volcanol., 72, 85–101.<br />

TIBALDI A. (2008) - Contractional tectonics and magma paths in<br />

volcanoes. J. Volcanol. Geoth. Res., 176, 291-301.<br />

TIBALDI A., F.A. PASQUARÈ, & D.TORMEY, (2010) - Volcanism<br />

in reverse and strike-slip fault settings. In: New Frontiers in<br />

Integrated Solid Earth Sciences, Editors: S. Cloetingh, J.<br />

Negendank, Springer-Verlag, 315-348, DOI: 10.1007/978-90-<br />


A FEM numerical modelling of the polyphase inversion tectonics in<br />

Central Apennines (Italy)<br />

Key words: Central Apennines, numerical modelling,<br />

polyphase inversion tectonics.<br />


The Central Apennines is an arcuate fold and thrust belt,<br />

characterized by NNE-SSW oblique thrust ramps like the<br />

Olevano-Antrodoco-Sibillini and the Sangro-Volturno, strongly<br />

influenced by the Mesozoic paleomargin architecture (e.g.,<br />

SATOLLI & CALAMITA, 2008 and references therein). These<br />

oblique thrust ramps sign the separation of the Central<br />

Apennines with the Northern Apennines and the southern<br />

Apennines respectively (BOCCALETTI et alii, 2005).<br />

In the Central Apennines, the relationships between thrusts<br />

and normal faults along the Olevano-Antrodoco-Sibillini<br />

oblique thrust ramp allowed us to recognize a tectonic history<br />

characterized by Neogene positive and Quaternary negative<br />

inversion tectonics.<br />

The reconstructed 3D geological inversion tectonics model<br />

has been tested through numerical modelling which can<br />

evaluate well- or mis- oriented pre-existing faults respect to the<br />

new compressive and extensional tectonic phases that interested<br />

the Apennine chain during the Neogene-Quaternary time.<br />


The Central Apennines arcuate chain is characterized by<br />

NW-SE trending thrusts and related folds branching to the SE<br />

along the NNE-SSW Olevano-Antrodoco-Sibillini and Sangro-<br />

Volturno oblique thrust ramps. An inversion tectonics model<br />

has been reconstructed, in which NNE-SSW cross-structures<br />

have been interpreted as pre-thrusting normal faults that<br />

undergone reactivation during Messinian-Pliocene positive<br />

inversion, while NW-SE faults represent pre-thrusting normal<br />

faults displaced by thrusts, according to shortcut trajectories<br />

and subsequently reactivated as normal faults during quaternary<br />

negative inversion tectonics (CALAMITA et alii, 2009a and b)<br />

(Fig. 1).<br />

This 3D geological inversion tectonics model has been<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università “G. d’Annunzio”,<br />

Chieti-Pescara,<br />

79<br />

tested through the slip tendency analysis (MORRIS et alii, 1996;<br />

COLLETTINI & TRIPPETTA, 2007) which shows if the preexistent<br />

faults are well oriented or misoriented respect to the<br />

Neogene compressive and Quaternary extensional field stress.<br />

The 3D geological model has been tested according to a<br />

numerical modelling with the aim to reproduce the whole<br />

deformation pattern also in correspondence of the hangingwall<br />

and footwall blocks of the faults.<br />

A double layer has been selected to simulate the system: a<br />

brittle upper crust (10-15 km thick) and a middle-lower crust<br />

whose behaviour is assumed to be ductile (BONCIO et alii,<br />

2004).<br />

The first step of the numerical modelling is to define the<br />

boundary conditions for the whole system.<br />

The surface extension of the fault system is considered of<br />

20-30 km (PIZZI &GALADINI, 2009 and references therein).<br />

The Norico-Bathoniano (50 My) rifting process has been<br />

reconstructed for the Southern Alps by BERRA &CARMINATI<br />

(2009). During Cretaceous and Miocene times these structures<br />

have been reactivated as normal or trascurrent faults also<br />

Fig. 1 – 3D polyphase inversion tectonics model (not in scale): I) prethrusting<br />

normal faults; II and III) Neogene positive inversion tectonics<br />

through reactivation of the NNE-SSW trending normal faults and shortcut of<br />

the NW-SE trending normal faults; III) quaternary negative inversion<br />

tectonics of the NW-SE trending normal faults. Light grey represents the<br />

sedimentary cover (5-9 km thick). White and black lines represent active and<br />

inactive structures, respectively.<br />

during the development of foredeep basins. During the<br />

Messinian the Monti Sibillini area was involved in the orogenic<br />

phase (1-2 My long) (CALAMITA et alii, 1991). The<br />

reactivaction of NW-SE trending normal faults started in the<br />

early Pleistocene (1-1.2 Ma) as documented by the sediments<br />


SESSIONE 3<br />

that fill quaternary tectonic depressions (CALAMITA et alii,<br />

2000 and references therein).<br />

The crustal volume is assumed to be a continuum that<br />

undergone stress and strain in geological time, as a<br />

consequence it will deform as a fluid and the dynamic equation<br />

that describe this behaviour is assumed to be the Navier-Stokes<br />

equation:<br />

∂ p 1 ∂ ⎛ ∂ v j ⎞ 2<br />

Dvi<br />

− + ? ⎜ ⎟ + ? ∇ vi<br />

+ ?Xi<br />

= ?<br />

∂ x i 3 ∂ x ⎜<br />

i x ⎟<br />

⎝ ∂ j ⎠<br />

Dt<br />

where: p is the pressure; ? is the viscosity; vi and vj are the<br />

2<br />

velocity components; ∇ is the Laplacian; ? is the material<br />

density; X is the body force per unit mass and Dvi/Dt is the<br />

(Lagrangian) total time derivative of the velocity vi.<br />

The interaction between the two layer of the modelled<br />

volume could be described through the viscous-elastic Maxwell<br />

body of which generic equation is:<br />

s&<br />

s<br />

e & = +<br />

2μ<br />

2?<br />

M<br />

where: μM and ?M are the Maxwell rigidity and viscosity,<br />

respectively, s is the stress; e& is the strain rate and s& is the<br />

time derivative of the stress (RANALLI, 1995).<br />

The brittle strength of the fault surface is described by the<br />

Mohr-Coulomb’s law (for faults of neo-formation):<br />

t = c + μf(s n – Pf)<br />

and by the Amonton’s law (for reactivated faults):<br />

t = μs(s n – Pf)<br />

where: t is the shear stress; c is the coesion; μf is the friction<br />

internal coefficient; s n is the normal stress; Pf is the pore fluid<br />

pressure and μs is the friction coefficient of BYERLEE (1978).<br />

This complex system of equations that describes the<br />

geological model will be implemented through an appropriate<br />

Finite Element Method, FEM, technique. The movement of<br />

hangingwall and footwall blocks of the faults before and after<br />

the rupture will be then numerically estimated. Through this<br />

approach we expect to acquire more elements in order to test<br />

the proposed geological inversion tectonics model and to<br />

evaluate the reciprocal influence of each structures on the other.<br />

These observations have implications in the definition of the<br />

tectonic evolution of the Apennine chain and in the seismic<br />

hazard assessment.<br />

M<br />


BERRA F. & CARMINATI E. (2009) – Subsidence history from a<br />

backstripping analysis of the Permo-Mesozoic succession<br />

of the Central Southern Alps (Northern Italy). Basin<br />

Research, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2117.2009.00453.x.<br />


Neo-Catena litosferica appenninica nata a partire dal<br />

Pliocene inferiore come espressione <strong>della</strong> convergenza<br />

Africa-Europa. Boll. Soc. Geol. It, 124, 87-105.<br />

BONCIO P., LAVECCHIA G. & PACE B. (2004) – Defining a<br />

model of 3D seismogenic sources for Seismic Hazard<br />

Assessment applications: the case of central Apennines<br />

(Italy). J. Seismol., 8, 407-425.<br />

80<br />

BYERLEE J.D. (1978) – Friction of rocks. Pure Appl. Geophys.,<br />

116, 615-626.<br />


(1991) – Stile deformativo e cronologia <strong>della</strong> deformazione<br />

lungo la traversa M. S. Vicino-Polverigi (Appennino<br />

marchigiano esterno). Studi Geol. Camerti, vol. spec.,<br />

1990, 69-86.<br />


PIZZI A., RIPEPE M., SCISCIANI V. & TURCO E. (2000) –<br />

Quaternari faults and seismicity in the Umbro-Marchean<br />

Apennines (Central Italy): evidence from the 1997<br />

Colfiorito earthquake. J.Geodyn., 29, 245-264.<br />


TAVARNELLI E. (2009a) – Structural inheritance of pre- and<br />

syn- orogenic normal faults on the arcuate geometry of<br />

Pliocene-Quaternary thrusts: examples from the Central<br />

and Southern Apennine Chain. Ital. J. Geosci. (Boll. Soc.<br />

Geol. It.), 128/2, 381-394.<br />


G. (2009b) – Assetto tettonico e sismicità nell’Appennino<br />

centrale. Riassunti del 28° Convegno GNGTS.<br />

COLLETTINI C. & TRIPPETTA F. (2007) - A slip tendency<br />

analysis to test mechanical and structural control on<br />

aftershocks rupture planes. Earth Plan. Sci. Lett., 255, 402-<br />

413.<br />

MORRIS A., FERRIL A. & HENDERSON D. B. (1996) - Slip<br />

tendency analysis and fault reactivation. Geology, 24 (3),<br />

275-278.<br />

PIZZI A. & GALADINI F. (2009) – Pre-existing cross-structures<br />

and active fault segmentation in the northern-central<br />

Apennines (Italy). Tectonophysics, 476, 304-319.<br />

SATOLLI S. & CALAMITA F. (2008) – Differences and<br />

similarities between the Central and Southern Apennines<br />

(Italy): examining the Gran Sasso vs. the Matese-Frosolone<br />

salients using paleomagnetic, geological and structural<br />

data. J. Geophysical Res., 113, B10101. doi:<br />

10.1029/2008JB005699.<br />

RANALLI G. (1995) – Rheology of the Earth. Chapman e Hall,<br />

second edition, 413 pp.

Key words: Cingoli anticline, cross section balancing, move<br />

software, 3D modelling.<br />


The definition of the fracture system network in a carbonate<br />

fault-related fold has relevant implications for fluid flow in the<br />

subsurface. Quantitative characterization of fault and fracture<br />

patterns has several industrial applications, such as modelling of<br />

hydrocarbon migration, trapping, sealing, and production as well<br />

as geothermal energy production, CO2 storage or pollutant<br />

dispersion studies.<br />

During the last years systematic studies have been carried out<br />

in order to develop techniques for predicting fault and fracture<br />

distribution in carbonate reservoir. Several approaches have been<br />

developed to this aim: stochastic, geometrical/kinematical, which<br />

includes restoration and forward modelling, curvature analysis,<br />

and lately geomechanic modelling. Many of these techniques<br />

require, as input data, a 3D-model of the fold. In order to<br />

construct this model, it may be helpful to build a series of<br />

balanced geological cross sections.<br />

In this work, we study a fold anticline located in the foothills<br />

of the Umbria-Marche Apennines, i.e., the Cingoli anticline. By<br />

integrating the available literature data and those directly<br />

collected in the field, a set of geological cross-sections across this<br />

structure has been built to develop a viable and geometrically<br />

correct 3D geological model of the most important structural<br />

horizons. This model will be used as a base for future analysis of<br />

the fracture patterns involving lithologically and mechanically<br />

different formations by means of geomechanical models.<br />

_________________________<br />

3D-Modelling of the Cingoli Anticline<br />



(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra e Geoambientali, Università Alma Mater<br />

Studiorum di Bologna<br />, ,<br /><br />

(**) IGAG- CNR,<br />

(°) ISPRA, Servizio Geologico d’Italia/Dipartimento Difesa del Suolo,<br /><br />

This work has been supported by Independent Energy Solutions S.r.l..<br />

81<br />


The Cingoli anticline is located a few kilometres to the East of<br />

the Umbria-Marche fold and thrust belt in the central Apennines.<br />

It is formed by the typical pelagic Umbria-Marche sequence<br />

overlaying the shallow water carbonate of the Calcare Massiccio<br />

Fm, which is outcropping in the core of the fold. The anticline<br />

has a NW-SE axial trend in its northern portion whereas, in the<br />

South, it turns to a N-S orientation. The anticline is confined to<br />

the West by the Apiro-San Severino thrust, which brings the<br />

Aliforni syncline above the western limb of the Cingoli structure.<br />

The northern and the southern terminations of the Cingoli<br />

anticline are characterized by E-W transpressive sinistral highangle<br />

faults and by N20° dextral transpessive faults respectively<br />

(DEIANA et alii, 2002).<br />

The frontal thrust is buried by Lower Pliocene deposits, which<br />

lay unconformably upon the carbonate sequence and the pre-<br />

Pliocene sediments. The eastern limb of the Cingoli anticline is<br />

characterized by a back-thrust of Upper Messinian-lower<br />

Pliocene age, considered by CALAMITA et alii (1990) a<br />

reactivation of a synsedimetary fault.<br />

The anticline is characterized by Apennine-oriented and<br />

transverse faults. The latter break the anticline structure and they<br />

usually have a vertical displacement but weak or null horizontal<br />

offset (CIANCETTI &NANNI, 1989).<br />

Finally, the Cingoli area is cut by pre-orogenic faults related<br />

both to the early Jurassic rifting (N-S) and to the Miocene prethrusting<br />

normal faults. These pre-thrusting tectonic elements<br />

represent fundamental features for the tectonic evolution of the<br />

area.<br />

The compressive deformation started after the deposition of<br />

the Gessoso-solfifera Fm (Messinian), and it was followed by<br />

subsidence leading to the deposition of transgressive lower<br />

Pliocene clay deposits. After this period the area was deformed<br />

within the Apennine fold and thrust belt (DEIANA et alii,2002;<br />

CIANCETTI &NANNI, 1989).<br />


SESSIONE 3<br />

Fig. 1 – 3D dataset visualization in Move©.<br />



Several datasets, related to both surface and subsurface<br />

geology, have been collected and integrated. All available data<br />

have been geo-referenced. The data include the following:<br />

� Geological map at 1:10000 scale (CARG Project);<br />

� C.T.R. 1:10000;<br />

� Attitude set provided by the Regione Marche –<br />

Servizio Ambiente e Paesaggio<br />

P.F. Informazioni Territoriali ed Ambientali e<br />

Beni Paesaggistici;<br />

� Satellite images downloaded from<br />;<br />

� Structural maps;<br />

� DEM of the 291/292/301/302 geological sheets with<br />

a 40m cell resolution – gently provided by ISPRA;<br />

� Public and proprietary seismic reflection profiles.<br />

In addition, we conducted detailed structural surveys in<br />

relevant areas along the cross section traces.<br />

All data have been integrated in 3D Move (© Midland Valley<br />

Exploration), a 3D modelling software able to build geological<br />

cross sections, restore volume and to perform forward modelling.<br />

Through the data collected and those extrapolated from the<br />

literature several geological cross sections, parallel to the tectonic<br />

transport direction, have been constructed in 3D Move.<br />

All surface data (attitude of the strata, top formation outcrops,<br />

faults, etc.) and the geological cross sections have been used to<br />

build a consistent 3D model of the Scaglia, Fucoidi and Calcare<br />

Massiccio Formations.<br />

This model has been useful to analyse the fracture sets with<br />

respect to structural position in the fold. The analysis of the<br />

fractures suggests that the fracture pattern and orientation is<br />

strictly connected to flexural slip in the two limbs of the<br />

anticline.<br />

82<br />


Midland Valley Exploration is grateful acknowledged for<br />

making available the Move software (ASI – academic Software<br />

Initiative).<br />

We are kindly grateful to ISPRA and to Regione Marche -<br />

Servizio Ambiente e Paesaggio, P.F. Informazioni Territoriali ed<br />

Ambientali e Beni Paesaggistici for providing useful dataset.<br />

We also thank Roberto Bencini, Giuseppe Vico and Elio<br />

Bianchi for the useful discussions.<br />



– Stile strutturale e cronologia <strong>della</strong> deformazione lungo la<br />

traversa M.S. Vicino – Polverii (Appenino marchigiano<br />

esterno). Studi Geologici Camerti, Vol. Spec., 1990, 69-86.<br />

CIANCETTI G. & NANNI T. (1989) – Note sulla <strong>geologia</strong><br />

dell’anticlinale di Monte Acuto di Cingoli (Marche). Boll.<br />

Soc. Geol. It., 108, 553-564.<br />



M. (2002) – Tectonic evolution of the external zones of the<br />

Umbria-Marche Apennines in the Monte San Vicino-Cingoli<br />

area. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., vol. spec. 1, 229-238.

Key words: Integration, Petrel, seismic to simulation, static<br />

model, uncertainty.<br />


Petrel can be defined as an integrated software platform<br />

aimed to realize the entire workflow commonly referred as<br />

"seismic to simulation" in the oil & gas jargon.<br />

This means that Petrel can act as a supporting tool to take<br />

decisions, interpret results, quantify reserves and take in account<br />

risks and uncertainties in all the phases in which oil & gas<br />

companies are involved, in respect of understanding the reservoir,<br />

modeling the subsurface and the presence and flow of fluids and<br />

eventually rank and evaluate the economic feasibility of the<br />

prospects.<br />

Fig. 1 – The integrated 3D canvas of Petrel.<br />

There are at least four points worth to mention to understand<br />

this approach:<br />

_________________________<br />

Petrel as an open and unified platform to accurately model the<br />

subsurface and its uncertainties, beyond the oil industry<br />

(*) Schlumberger Italiana,<br />

(Petrel, ECLIPSE, VISAGE, Petromod are mark of Schlumberger)<br /><br />


83<br />

- the first one is the seamless integration: Petrel provides a<br />

unique common multi-domain workspace which increases<br />

collaboration at all the levels, at any scale of study. At the same<br />

time, this reduces data redundancy and accelerates the outcome of<br />

any project, also because the intuitive and consistent interface<br />

looks the same for every process. Integration is not ending within<br />

Petrel but keeps on linking dynamic and geo-mechanic simulation<br />

(ECLIPSE and VISAGE), petroleum systems analysis<br />

(Petromod ) and further more;<br />

- the second one is the "openness": Petrel is based on a<br />

"software development platform" which allows virtually anyone<br />

to add any piece of functionality at any time to extend Petrel<br />

capabilities and accomplish any specific workflow. This is true<br />

for oil & gas companies, for universities performing research<br />

projects and for competitors using Petrel as a platform to leverage<br />

their product;<br />

- the third one is that Petrel is enabled for uncertainty<br />

analysis: since a model is just a simplification of the reality and<br />

interpretations are always subjective, Petrel is dealing with this<br />

inevitable uncertainty by using an "engine" capable to produce<br />

multiple and equi-probable realizations of the base case model, at<br />

any step of the workflow. In a "reserve estimation" language, this<br />

means more predictability and quantitative approach for the risk<br />

analysis;<br />

- the fourth one is the "leading-edge" technology: patented<br />

algorithms, innovative solutions, industry-recognized<br />

technologies are the result of the enormous R&D investment<br />

inside Petrel. This effort helps to increase the accuracy in<br />

characterizing and modeling even complex reservoirs, mainly<br />

now that "easy oil" has gone.<br />


This is not the whole story: Petrel is targeting not only the<br />

"conventional oil" industry.<br />

There are either emerging and promising sectors like the<br />

unconventional oil & gas and the CO2 sequestration and storage,<br />

and others with a long story but nowadays getting more and more<br />

attention like the geothermal industry, the gas storage business<br />

and, not least, the academic world.<br />


SESSIONE 3<br />

All of them represent suitable subjects more than likely to<br />

welcome Petrel approach and take advantage of all the<br />

capabilities described above, whenever the purpose is to model<br />

the subsurface, regardless of the business context.<br />

Petrel seamless integration with other software suites<br />

dedicated to specific tasks (like ECLIPSE** and VISAGE**) and<br />

the capability to be extendable with customized functionalities<br />

offer a complete solution to a large range of industry challenges.<br />

Fig. 2 – Petrel is an open and extendable solution.<br />


This presentation is aimed to demonstrate, first of all, what<br />

Petrel is and its strength of representing a single and unified<br />

application to produce reliable shared earth models, as<br />

recognized inside the oil & gas community.<br />

But it is also willing to show how Petrel, alone or coupled<br />

with other ad-hoc applications, can be the ideal tool also outside<br />

the conventional oilfield environment and how is virtually open<br />

to any input in very different environments or contexts.<br />

Indeed, this is the natural consequence of focusing on<br />

innovation from the very beginning.<br />

As a proof of fact, relevant case histories and examples will<br />

be shown to describe the application of Petrel in various industry<br />

and academic benchmarks.<br />


Key words: CO2 sequestration, magnesite, serpentine.<br />


Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions may be offset by<br />

sequestering carbon dioxide (CO2) through the carbonation of<br />

magnesium silicate minerals (i.e., Mg2SiO4 olivine,<br />

Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 serpentine, CaSiO3 wollastonite) to form<br />

magnesium carbonate minerals (i.e., MgCO3 magnesite,<br />

MgCa(CO3)2 dolomite, CaCO calcite, FeCO siderite,<br />

NaAl(CO)(OH) dawsonite). This technology attempts to mimic<br />

natural low-temperature alteration (carbonation) of widespread<br />

silicate rocks (i.e., peridotite, serpentinite, basalt) that trap safely<br />

CO2 over geological times. Southern Tuscany presents more than<br />

3 Gt of magnesite - equivalent to 1,6 Gt of trapped CO2 – that<br />

have been formed in the past thought the carbonation of<br />

serpentinite (BOSCHI et alii, 2009). In addition, extensive<br />

outcrops of unaltered serpentinites (Ligurian Units) as well as<br />

deeper occurrences are found at the base of, or embedded in,<br />

dominantly argillitic units, largely consisting of low-permeability<br />

shales and marls. Considering the outcropping rocks, exposed in<br />

Tuscany over an area of about 230 km 2 , a mineralogical<br />

sequestration up to 100 Gt of CO2 is theoretically possible -<br />

equivalent of about 200 years of Italian GHG emissions. Even<br />

assuming a lower performance of mineralogical GHG<br />

sequestration in Tuscan ophiolite, it is clear that the potentiality<br />

of this technology is very interesting. Here, we present a 3D<br />

geological reconstruction of a continuous serpentinite layer,<br />

buried under 300 m of argillitic formations, at Gabbro (Southern<br />

Tuscany). This reconstruction is the first important step to count<br />

realistically the potentiality of an in situ CO2 sequestration in<br />

Tuscany.<br />

We selected the study area from all the lithologic and<br />

stratigraphic wells data extracted from The Italian National<br />

Geothermal Database, managed at our Institute<br />

( The database contains data for<br />

3193 wells and 586 thermal springs for the whole Italian<br />

territory, and, in particular, 770 wells from Tuscany.<br />

_________________________<br />

3D geological reconstruction of serpentinite bodies in Tuscany:<br />

insights for in-situ CO2 sequestration<br />

(*) CNR - Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse,,<br />,<br />


85<br />


In the study area, the Ligurian Units are represented by a<br />

complex stacking sequence, made up by several tectonic units<br />

that include ophiolites, sedimentary covers (cherts, limestones<br />

and shales), and turbiditic sediments. The main exposed<br />

ophiolitic bodies, dominated by serpentinites with minor gabbros<br />

and basalts, form an ENE trending, discontinuous outcrop<br />

alignment (from Bolgheri to Casole d'Elsa). The Ligurian units<br />

lie tectonically above a stack formed by units of continental<br />

affinity (Tuscan units). The latter (Tuscan Nappe and the<br />

Palaeozoic–Triassic metamorphic basement) crop out extensively<br />

to the south of the study area, while in the Gabbro area they are<br />

buried at a depth of about 1300–1500 m below the sea level, as<br />

indicated by the geothermal exploratory wells. Owing to this<br />

geological setting, ophiolities in the Gabbro area are buried at<br />

several hundred meters depth and are potentially exploitable for<br />

in-situ CO2 sequestration.<br />

Wells containing ophiolites were selected from the database,<br />

and lithological, stratigraphical, as well as temperature data were<br />

retrieved. The result of these queries provided a map showing the<br />

most suitable place that follow the main requirements to have<br />

efficient and safe carbonation: temperature around 150 °C,<br />

moderate depth and argillitic envelope. Some wells provide these<br />

requirements displaying serpentinite/gabbros/basalt embedded in<br />

argillitic units at a ranging depth from 150 m to 400 m, and a<br />

temperature of about 80°-170 °C. The peculiarity of the study<br />

area (Fig. 1) is the proximity to the Larderello Geothermal field<br />

with its anomalous heat flow that allows reaching significant<br />

temperature also at relatively shallow depth, enhancing<br />

spontaneously the reaction of carbonation in presence of CO2.<br />


The data from the selected wells have been used as input data<br />

for the 3D geological reconstruction, that has been performed<br />

using a 3D geological modeling software, “3DGeomodeler”. This<br />

software was developed by BRGM and Australian Intrepid<br />

Geophysics. Input data could be geological maps, geological<br />

cross-sections, borehole, as well as geophysical data (i.e.<br />

gravimetric and magnetic data). 3DGeomodeler uses the implicit<br />

surfaces to model the geological surfaces; this method is based<br />


SESSIONE 3<br />

Fig. 1 – Study area map.<br />

on the potential field theory, where a set of smoothly curving,<br />

sub-parallel geological surfaces in 3D spaces con be seen to be<br />

analogous to a set of iso-potential surfaces of a scalar (potential)<br />

field (MC INERNEY et alii, 2005). Once the geological model is<br />

ready the result block diagram can be visualized, as horizontal<br />

slices or vertical cross-sections.<br />


Our resulting 3D geological model highlights the presence of<br />

well-confined serpentinite bodies with lateral continuity that are<br />

potentially exploitable for in-situ CO2 sequestration. Our ongoing<br />

research will continue with a detailed petrographic and<br />

structural studies of ophiolites exposed at surfaces and cored by<br />

exploratory wells in order to evaluate the permeability of these<br />

rocks.<br />



(2009) - Enhanced CO2-mineral sequestration by cyclic<br />

hydraulic fracturing and Si-rich fluids infiltration into<br />

serpentinites at Malentrata (Tuscany, Italy). Chem. Geol.,<br />

265, 209–226 - DOI:10.1016/J.CHEMGEO.2009.03.016.<br />


LEES T. (2005) - Building 3D Geological Models Directly<br />

from the Data ? A new approach applied to Broken Hill,<br />

Australia. Digital Mapping Techniques.<br />


SESSIONE 4<br />

Processi tettonici, magmatici e metamorfici nella<br />

crosta continentale profonda e nel mantello<br />

sub-continentale del sistema Africa-Europa<br />


Eugenio Piluso (Università <strong>della</strong> Calabria)<br />

Giovanna Rizzo (Università <strong>della</strong> Basilicata)<br />

87<br />


SESSIONE 4<br />

Peridotite xenoliths from Ethiopia: inferences on mantle processes<br />

from Plume to Rift settings<br />

Key words: CFB, mantle dynamics, mantle plume, mantle<br />

xenoliths, metasomatism, rift.<br />

A comprehensive petrological study has been carried out on<br />

Ethiopian mantle xenoliths entrained in Neogene-Quaternary<br />

alkaline lavas both overlying the Continental Flood Basalt (CFB)<br />

area (Dedessa River – Wollega Region, Injibara – Gojam<br />

Region) and from southern Main Ethiopian Rift (MER – Mega,<br />

Sidamo Region) in order to investigate the mantle evolution from<br />

plume to rift settings.<br />

Mantle xenoliths from the plateau area (Injibara, Dedessa<br />

River) range in composition from spinel lherzolite to harzburgite<br />

and olivine websterite, showing P-T equilibration conditions in<br />

the range 1.3–0.9GPa/1050–950°C.<br />

These xenoliths show flat chondrite(ch)-normalized bulk-rock<br />

REE patterns, with only few LREE-enriched samples (LaN/YbN<br />

up to 7) in the most refractory lithotypes. Clinopyroxene (cpx)<br />

REE patterns are mostly LREE depleted (LaN/YbN down to 0.2)<br />

or enriched (LaN/YbN up to 4.4). Sr-Nd isotopes on separated cpx<br />

mainly show compositions ( 87 Sr/ 86 Sr < 0.7030; 143 Nd/ 144 Nd ><br />

0.5132) approaching the Depleted Mantle end-member, or<br />

displaced ( 87 Sr/ 86 Sr 0.7033-0.7034; 143 Nd/ 144 Nd 0.5129-0.5128)<br />

toward the Enriched Mantle components which characterise the<br />

Afar plume signature and the related Ethiopian Oligocene CFBs;<br />

3 He/ 4 He ratios in olivines range from 6.6 to 8.9 R/Ra, slightly<br />

higher than those from other African mantle xenolith occurrences.<br />

These characteristics suggest that most xenoliths reflect<br />

complex asthenospere/lithosphere interactions due to<br />

refertilisation processes by mafic subalkaline melts that infiltrated<br />

and reacted with the pristine peridotite parageneses ultimately<br />

leading to the formation of olivine-websterite domains (Fig. 1a<br />

and b).<br />

On the other hand, mantle xenoliths from southern MER<br />

(Mega) consist of spinel lherzolite to harzburgites showing<br />

various degree of deformation and recrystallization, coupled with<br />

a wider range of P-T equilibration conditions, from 1.6±0.4<br />

GPa/1040±80°C to 1.0±0.2 GPa/930±80°C. Bulk rock REE<br />

patterns show generally flat HREE ranging from 0.1 x ch in<br />

_________________________<br />



(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Ferrara,<br /><br />

(**) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse - CNR, Sezione di Pisa<br />

(°) Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre, East Kilbride,<br />

Glasgow, UK<br />

88<br />

harzburgites up to 2 x ch in fertile lherzolites, and are variably<br />

enriched in LREE, with LaN/YbN up to 42 in the most refractory<br />

lithologies.<br />

The constituent clinopyroxenes have flat HREE distribution<br />

and LaN/YbN between 0.1 and 55, in general agreement with the<br />

respective bulk rock chemistry. Sr-Nd-Pb on separeted<br />

clinopyroxenes are 87 Sr/ 86 Sr 0.7022-0.7031, 143 Nd/ 144 Nd 0.5130-<br />

0.5138, 206 Pb/ 204 Pb 18.38-19.34 for lherzolites, and 87 Sr/ 86 Sr<br />

0.7027-0.7033, 143 Nd/ 144 Nd 0.5128-0.5130, 206 Pb/ 204 Pb 18.46-<br />

18.52 for harzburgites, thus spanning in composition between the<br />

DM and HIMU mantle end-members; the helium isotopic<br />

composition varies between 7.1 to 8.0 R/Ra, closely comparable<br />

with the xenoliths from the plateau area.<br />

Regional comparison shows that HIMU-like alkali-silicate<br />

melt(s) were among the most effective metasomatising agent(s) in<br />

mantle sections beneath southern MER (Fig. 1c) as well as along<br />

the Arabian rifted continental margins and the whole East<br />

African Rift System (EARS).<br />

The decidedly different types of metasomatic agents recorded<br />

in Ethiopian mantle xenoliths from the CFB area and the Rift<br />

systems, clearly reflect distinct tectonomagmatic settings, i.e. the<br />

plume-related subalkaline magmatism (Fig. 1a and b) and the riftrelated<br />

alkaline volcanism which extends far beyond the influence<br />

of the Afar plume (Fig. 1c).<br />



Continental Flood Basalts and Mantle Plumes: a Case Study<br />

of the Northern Ethiopian Plateau. J. Petrol., 50, 1377-1403.


Fig. 1 – Schematic cross-sections illustrating the tectonomagmatic evolution of the Afro-Arabian system from Oligocene to Present. In (a) the Afar plume impinged<br />

the Afro-Arabian lithosphere generating the Oligocene Northern Ethiopia-Yemen CFBs from a thermally and compositionally zoned plume head (modified after<br />

BECCALUVA et alii, 2009). Lithospheric mantle sections were widely rifertilized by plume-related melts (similar to LT and HT1 tholeiites) as evidenced by mantle<br />

xenoliths exhumed by alkaline quaternary lavas at Injibara and Dedessa River. In (b) is shown the Neogene-Quaternary evolution characterised by a generalized<br />

extensional regime and ultimately leading to the development of MER and the oceanic opening of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. This is accompanied by the gradual<br />

vanishing of the Afar plume head testified by the alkaline-transitional affinity of both Miocene shield volcanoes on the Northern Ethiopian Plateau, and the Neogene-<br />

Quaternary transitional to alkaline volcanism of the Afro-Arabian rift system. In (c) is shown an E-W section across the southernmost part of the present day MER.<br />

Pliocene-Quaternary alkaline lavas at the eastern border of MER entrained lithospheric 2 mantle xenoliths which were metasomatised by HIMU-like alkali-silicate<br />

melts: this reflects the prevalent geochemical signature of the metasomatising agents of the Afro-Arabian rift system as well as of the Northern African Plate.<br />

89<br />


SESSIONE 4<br />

Geodynamic control on orogenic and anorogenic magmatic cycles in<br />

the Cenozoic evolution of the Western Mediterranean<br />


Key words: Anorogenic magmas, Cenozoic Mediterranean<br />

volcanism, mantle dynamics, orogenic magmas, roll-back<br />

subduction.<br />

The genetic relationships between orogenic and anorogenic<br />

magmatic cycles have been investigated in two Cenozoic case<br />

studies of the Western Mediterranean area: 1) in Sardinia the<br />

orogenic magmatism (38 – 12 Ma) is followed by the anorogenic<br />

volcanism, mostly since about 6 Ma; 2) in Southern Spain the<br />

anorogenic volcanism follows the orogenic cycle (20 – 6 Ma)<br />

after a gap of 0 – 4 Ma in the Calatrava and T<strong>alla</strong>nte districts.<br />

For both regions the older orogenic magmatism appears to be<br />

related to a single subduction process of the Ionian oceanic<br />

lithosphere, which developed diachronously since Middle-Late<br />

Eocene, beneath the Paleo-European-Iberian continental margin,<br />

and migrated southeastwards with time up to the present position<br />

in the Eolian-Calabrian Arc and the Betic-Alboran regions (Fig<br />

1A).<br />

Relics of subducted lithosphere are geophysically recorded as<br />

nearly-vertical single bodies down to 500 km, flattening for<br />

several hundreds kilometres under the Tyrrhenian-Sardinia and<br />

Southern Iberian margin, respectively.<br />

These relics of subducted slabs, which pond over large areas<br />

of the Mantle Transition Zone, appear to play a significant role<br />

also in the genesis of the younger anorogenic magmas, whose<br />

major volcanic fields lay above the frontal part of the subducted<br />

slab where convective instabilities and upward mantle flow<br />

components are geophysically recorded and supported by<br />

laboratory and 3D numerical models.<br />

Consequently, convective instabilities, generated as a dynamic<br />

response at the periphery of a retreated subducted slab and<br />

involving localized mantle upwellings and rising of hotter<br />

metasomatising agents, could have been fundamental factors in<br />

triggering partial melting in the overlying upper<br />

mantle/lithosphere.<br />

Due to effective slab roll-back and inter-arc extension in both<br />

Eolian-Tyrrhenian and Betic-Alboran regions, the magma sources<br />

of the previous orogenic cycles are completely replaced by<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Ferrara,<br /><br />

(**) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse-CNR, Sezione di Pisa<br />

90<br />

“fresh” mantle diapirs from which anorogenic magmas will be<br />

generated.<br />

The widespread HIMU signature of the Mediterranean<br />

anorogenic magmatism, particularly evident in the Calatrava<br />

volcanism, is in agreement with the model above, since the<br />

HIMU mantle end-member is classically interpreted as the result<br />

of long-term recycling of oceanic basalts/gabbros (or their<br />

eclogitic equivalents) within the mantle via ancient (Pre-<br />

Paleozoic) subduction.<br />

Similarly, the geochemical component EMI, strongly<br />

represented in the Sardinian anorogenic lavas, would require the<br />

involvement of lower crust lithologies within the mantle sources,<br />

resulting from either ancient subduction or delamination of<br />

previously thickened continental crust.<br />

In this model, the on-going subduction processes of the<br />

Mediterranean chains do not provide chemical “ingredients” to<br />

the mantle sources of the anorogenic magmas, but represent<br />

fundamental factors that trigger magma-genesis remobilizing old,<br />

deep and very fertile mantle domains (Fig. 1B and C) .


Fig. 1 – (A) Tectonomagmatic sketch map of the Western Mediterranean. Lithospheric cross-sections beneath the Betic-Alboran region (B) and the Eolian-Calabrian<br />

arc (C). Legend: 1 - Lithosphere. 2 - Balearic and Tyrrhenian interarc basins. 3 - Late Eocene-Miocene orogenic volcanism and related mantle sections. 4 - Late<br />

Miocene-Quaternary anorogenic volcanism and related mantle sections. 5 - Inferred boundary of the subduction system and related orogenic volcanism at different<br />

ages; open triangles refer to slab detachments/windows. 6 - Compressional thrust front of the Alps, Betic Cordillera and Apennines-Maghrebian Chain. 7 - Mantle<br />

peridotite massifs of Ronda and Beni Bousera. 8 - Fluid components rising to the lithosphere and metasomatising anorogenic magma sources. 9 - Mantle flow<br />

components and convective instabilities triggered at the front and edges of the subducted slabs.<br />

2<br />

91<br />


SESSIONE 4<br />

Crustal structure of Tolfa domes complex (northern Latium – Italy)<br />

inferred from receiver functions analysis: an interplay between<br />

tectonics and magmatism<br />


(*<br />


Key words: Domes complex, northern Latium, receiver functions<br />

analysis.<br />

The Tolfa-Cerite volcanic district developed along the<br />

Tyrrhenian passive margin of central Italy, as part of magmatic<br />

processes started during the middle Pliocene and still poorly<br />

known, since the absence of information on the deep crustal<br />

structure and geometry of the intrusive bodies.<br />

After the onset of extension in the Tyrrhenian domain (Late<br />

Miocene), the emplacement of the Tolfa and Ceriti intrusive<br />

bodies occurred in a general back-arc regime, at a low stretching<br />

rate. Lithospheric discontinuities and normal faults, located at the<br />

edge of Mio-Pliocene basins, were used as preferential pathways<br />

for the rising of magmatic masses from the mantle to the surface.<br />

We used teleseismic recordings at the TOLF and MAON<br />

broad band station of the INGV seismic network (located<br />

between the Argentario promontory and Tolfa-Ceriti dome<br />

complexes) to image the main seismic velocity discontinuities by<br />

receiver function analysis (RF's). The analysis of data recorded at<br />

a temporary seismic network, deployed around the Tolfa domes<br />

complex, allows us to achieve a pseudo-3D model of the crustal<br />

structure beneath the intrusive complex.<br />

The analysis of these data show the Moho at a depth of 23 km<br />

and an unexpected velocity decrease between 12 and 18 km<br />

underneath the Tolfa domes complex, consistent with a slight<br />

dropdown of the Vp/Vs ratio, and imputable to the regional<br />

thermal anomaly induced by the opening of the Tyrrhenian sea.<br />

Above this low Vs layer, we find some interesting features<br />

corresponding to:<br />

- a low Vs shallow and 2 km thick layer of Liguride and Plio-<br />

Pleistocene units (z = 0-2 km of depth)<br />

- a high Vs 4-5 km thick anisotropic layer of limestones (z =<br />

2-7 km of depth)<br />

- a very high Vs (3.8 km/s) 4 km thick layer probably<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), sezione Roma1,<br />

UF geochimica <strong>dei</strong> fludi, stoccaggio geologico e geotermia,<br /><br />

(°) Università degli Studi Roma3, Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche<br />

92<br />

corresponding to the metamorphic basement.<br />

The analysis of the geometry of the velocity changes between<br />

these layers (from the surface to the bottom of metamorphic<br />

basement), also yield evidence of crustal block tilting, due to the<br />

development of the eastern continental passive margin of the<br />

Tyrrhenian sea.<br />

Comparison of RF’s Tolfa domes complex models with<br />

MAON station data also led to important considerations<br />

confirming the initial evolutive phase of the Tyrrhenian sea<br />

opening, in association with the first occurrences of intrusive<br />

magmatism in these areas.

Key words: Calabrian Peloritani Orogen, Mediterranean<br />

geodynamics, PT pseudosection, tectono-metamorphic<br />

evolution.<br />


The Calabrian orogenic segment is mostly constituted by<br />

remnants of the original southern European Hercynian chain<br />

reworked during the Alpine-Apennine orogeny, which locally<br />

generated exclusive Alpine metamorphic complexes as well as<br />

weakly to pervasively overprinted basement blocks. This<br />

evolution led to the formation of a composite terrane (i.e.<br />

Calabride Composite Terrane - CCT) constituted by basement<br />

rocks presently merged in several Hercynian or possibly older<br />

sub-terranes, locally overprinted by the different stages of the<br />

Alpine metamorphic cycle (PEZZINO et alii, 2008).<br />

In this scenario, several questions are still debated about the<br />

geodynamic history of this southern Alpine sector chain such as<br />

the unclear correlation between Northern- and Southern-<br />

Calabride Composite Terranes. The former is characterised by<br />

Europe- and Africa-verging tectonic transport and by the<br />

presence of Alpine ophiolitic units, while the latter by an<br />

exclusive Africa-verging tectonic transport and by the absence of<br />

ophiolitic units. Furthermore, up to now, available data have not<br />

allowed any reliable correlation among the various tectonic units<br />

which compose the Southern Calabride Composite Terrane<br />

(SCCT), as revealed by the PT trajectories of the constituting<br />

tectono-metamorphic units. The present contribution has the aim<br />

to compare the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Serre and<br />

Aspromonte Massifs, presently juxtaposed within the present-day<br />

framework of the SCCT.<br />


The SCCT is constituted by the Serre and Aspromonte<br />

_________________________<br />

The composite framework of the southern sector of the<br />

Calabria Peloritani Orogen<br />



(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università degli studi di Catania,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli studi <strong>della</strong><br />

Calabria<br />

93<br />

Massifs and by the Peloritani range in Sicily.The Serre Massif<br />

occupies the northern sector of the SCCT and represents a nearly<br />

complete preserved Hercynian crustal section, consisting of lower<br />

crustal granulites, middle crustal granitoids and upper crustal<br />

paragneisses and phyllites.<br />

According to ACQUAFREDDA et alii, (2006, 2008) and ANGÌ et<br />

alii, (2010), the Serre Massif experienced a multistage<br />

metamorphism consisting of an orogenic cycle waning at the time<br />

of the emplacement of late- to post-tectonic granitoids, which was<br />

responsible in turn for a quasi-static thermal metamorphic<br />

overprint. By contrast, according to CIRRINCIONE et alii (2008),<br />

the adjoining Aspromonte Massif is characterised by an Alpine<br />

derived nappe-pile structure composed by the superposition of<br />

three tectonic units characterised by different tectonometamorphic<br />

histories. The deepest one (i.e. Madonna di Polsi<br />

Unit) is the result of one single Alpine metamorphic cycle,<br />

characterised by an early HP/LT stage, evolving to a late<br />

mylonitic shearing event. The overlying unit (i.e. Aspromonte-<br />

Peloritani Unit) is composed by Hercynian basement rocks in<br />

which mineralogical assemblages were locally overgrown by the<br />

same late Alpine mylonitic shearing parageneses as identified in<br />

the deepest unit. Finally, according to GRAEßNER &SCHENK<br />

(1999), the uppermost unit (i.e. Stilo Unit) of the tectonic pile is<br />

exclusively characterised by a Hercynian HT/LP metamorphism<br />

producing a sequence of metamorphic zones from chlorite to<br />

sillimanite–muscovite, passing through the biotite-garnet and<br />

staurolite–andalusite isograds.<br />


The integrated presentation of inferred petrological and<br />

microstructural PT estimates here presented, suggests a first<br />

proposal of geology review based on a geodynamic model where<br />

the Southern Calabride Composite Terrane is characterised by the<br />

presence of both mono- and poly-orogenic chain sectors presently<br />

framed within the same belt. According to PEZZINO et alii,<br />

(2008), the Alpine geodynamic evolution of the Aspromonte<br />

Massif can be defined indeed as the result of a prograde crustal<br />

thickening phase beneath the European plate, which was followed<br />

by an Africa-verging late-Alpine exhumation along a deep-seated<br />

mylonitic shear zone, responsible for both the mylonitic overprint<br />

affecting the early-Alpine rocks of the deepest unit as well as for<br />


SESSIONE 4<br />

the local Alpine reworking of the Hercynian basement rocks.<br />

Conversely, the Serre Massif seems to have been unaffected by<br />

the Alpine-Apennine reworking, except for its final exhumation<br />

stages. The Serre Massif is indeed the result of a single Hercynian<br />

type metamorphic cycle, characterised by a multistage orogenic<br />

evolution consisting of a prograde thickening stage, followed by a<br />

late-Hercynian retrograde shearing evolution, which produced the<br />

mylonitic rocks partly recovered by the subsequent late- to posttectonic<br />

intrusion of the granitoid bodies, which gave rise to a<br />

quasi-static thermal metamorphic overprint. This integrated data<br />

presentation can be framed within a new geodynamic scenario<br />

where the SCCT is the result of the juxtaposition of an internal<br />

(i.e. the Serre Massif) and an external (i.e. the Aspromonte<br />

Massif) sectors belonging to the southern European Alpine<br />

margin along deep seated transcurrent faults which probably<br />

played a key role, since Oligocene, in shaping the present-day<br />

framework of this Alpine sector chain.<br />



G. (2006) - Petrological evidence for crustal thickening and<br />

extension in the Serre granulite terrane (Calabria, southern<br />

Italy). Geol. Mag.,143 (2), 145-163.<br />


(2008) - Multi-stage dehydrationdecompression in the<br />

metagabbros from the lower crust rocks of the Serre<br />

(southern Calabria, Italy). Geol. Mag.,145 (3), 397–411.<br />


G. & PEZZINO A., (2010) - Metamorphic evolution of<br />

preserved Hercynian crustal section in the Serre Massif<br />

(Calabria-Peloritani Orogen, southern Italy). Lithos,115 (1-<br />

4), 237-262.<br />


(2008) - Poly-orogenic multi-stage metamorphic evolution<br />

inferred via P–T pseudosections: an example from<br />

Aspromonte Massif basement rocks (Southern Calabria,<br />

Italy). Lithos,103, 466–502.<br />

GRAEßNER T. & SCHENK, V., (1999) - Low-pressure<br />

metamorphism of Palaeozoic pelites in the Aspromonte,<br />

southern Calabria. Constraints for the thermal evolution in<br />

the Calabrian cross-section during the Hercynian orogeny.J.<br />

Met. Geol., 17, 157-172.<br />



DEVUONO E.,<br />

(2008) - Alpine metamorphism in the Aspromonte Massif:<br />

implications for a new framework for the southern sector of<br />

the Calabria-Peloritani Orogen (Italy). Int. Geol. Rev., 50,<br />

423–441.<br />


Nature of the upper mantle and metasomatic processes on Eastern<br />

Anti-Atlas Moroccan<br />

Key words: Alkaline complex, Moroccan, Mössbauer<br />

spectroscopy, nephelinites, upper mantle.<br />

The Pleistocenic anorogenic Jbel Saghro alkaline complex<br />

was emplaced close to the eastern edge of the Moroccan Anti-<br />

Atlas. Within the northern part, two types of nephelinite were<br />

recognized (IBHI et alii, 2002): the first one (olivine-rich<br />

nephelinite) constitutes the main volcanic mass the South-atlasicfault,<br />

where the volcanism had been active at least during 2 Ma,<br />

between 9.6 and 7.5 +/- 0.1 Ma (BERRAHMA et alii, 1993). The<br />

second group outcrops in the North (Foum El Kouss). It is<br />

represented by pyroxene nephelinites which are younger since the<br />

measured ages are of 2.9 +/- 0.1 Ma, and bears carbonatitic<br />

xenoliths and metasomatised peridotite xenoliths (IBHI &NACHIT,<br />

1999).<br />

Considering the small volume of erupted magmas, the Jbel<br />

Saghro volcanism is similar to that of ‘low-volcanicity rifts’<br />

characterised by fissure-fed volcanic activity with small eruptive<br />

volumes of relatively undifferentiated magmas, and a wide range<br />

of chemical compositions from tholeiitic to extremely alkaline<br />

(BARBERI et alii, 1982, BECCALUVA et alii, 1998).<br />

According to Hart’s textural nomenclature of peridotites, the<br />

peridotite xenoliths contained in the nephelinites of Jbel Saghro<br />

are all porphyroclastic with a granuloblastic tendency.<br />

They have a modal composition relatively homogenous which<br />

situates them in Streckeisen's classification near the limit of the<br />

field of lherzolites and that of harzburgites. Two main enclave<br />

types have been determined by their petrography:<br />

- The first one does not contain any trace of destabilisation. It<br />

is characterized by an assemblage of minerals in equilibrium and<br />

with composition typical of mantle lherzolites : olivine (Fo90 -<br />

Fo91), orthopyroxene (En90 - En92), diopside (Ca46 – 59 Fe05 -<br />

07 Mg43 - 47) and spinelle (Mg/(Mg+Fe) = 0.82 and Cr/(Cr+Al)<br />

= 0.10), which can be considered as primary.<br />

- The second one, which occurs only in pyroxene nephelinites,<br />

is characterized by the presence of millimetric and pale-green<br />

reactional aggregates which are scattered throughout the sample<br />

and filled by a microgranular mineral assemblage. These<br />

_________________________<br />



(*) 1LPMM, Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra - Università di Ferrara<br />

Lavoro eseguito con il <strong>contributo</strong> finanziario CNRST-CNRI<br />

95<br />

aggregates are interconnected by a microveinlet network. The<br />

microgranular mineral assemblage consists of green diopside<br />

(containing up to 0.67 wt. % Al2O3 and 2.2 wt. % Cr2O3) rich in<br />

fluid inclusions of CO2, olivine (Fo90 - Fo91), chromite<br />

(Cr/(Cr+Al) = 0.72 to 0.79) and interstitial anorthoclase (Ab52 -<br />

56, Or41 - 45, An01 - 02). The scanning electronic microscope<br />

reveals the presence of apatite phases in these aggregates, but too<br />

small to be analysed by electron microprobe.<br />

The use of a correction equation based on a calibration of<br />

analyses with an electron microprobe in relation to those carried<br />

out with Mössbauer spectroscopy gives more precise evaluation<br />

of Fe3+ in spinels (IBHI et alii, 1999). In fact, it allows a<br />

calculation of the oxygen fugacity in peridotitic xenoliths. The<br />

obtained results show that the peridotites of the Foum El Kouss<br />

massif crystallised under oxygen fugacity which were higher<br />

(log(fO2) – log(fO2)FMQ averaging 0.18 to 0.25).<br />

The aggregates are formed by a secondary mineralogical<br />

paragenesis. Their dispersion and their relation with the primary<br />

minerals suggest that they are the product of a reaction between<br />

the lattes and a carbonatic fluid which has penetrated through the<br />

enclaves.<br />

All the analysed xenoliths are enriched in LREE relative to<br />

HREE and have U-shaped REE patterns, with strongly depleted<br />

middle REE. Since NAVON &STOLPER (1987), U-shaped REE<br />

patterns are generally attributed to chromatographic effects<br />

resulting from interstitial percolation of small melt fractions<br />

through LREE-depleted peridotites. However, the Foum El Kouss<br />

(North of the South-atlasic-fault) xenoliths display more complex<br />

distributions of trace elements, are enriched in LILE (Rb, Ba, Th,<br />

LREE and Sr) and shows negative anomalies of HFSE (Nb, Ta,<br />

Zr and Hf). Such trace-element distribution is generally attributed<br />

to carbonate melt metasomatism (RUDNICK et alii, 1993). The<br />

variation observed across the South-atlasic-fault confirms that<br />

this fault system represent a major lithospheric discontinuity.<br />




(1998) - Nephelinitic to tholeiitic magma generation in a<br />

transtensional tectonic setting:an integrated model for the<br />

iblean volcanism, Sicily J. Petrol., 39, 1547-1576.<br />


SESSIONE 4<br />


(1993) - Premières données géochronologiques sur le<br />

volcanisme alcalin du Jbel Saghro, Anti-Atlas, Maroc. J. Afr.<br />

Earth Sci., 17 (3), 333-341.<br />


(1998) - Quantification et bilan de matiere de la reaction<br />

clinopyroxene-spinelle lors de la formation du plagioclase<br />

dans les lherzolites a spinelle Estudias Geai., 54, 173-179.<br />

IBHI A. & NACHIT H. (1999) - Découverte d'une association<br />

d'enclaves carbonatite-lherzolite dans le volcanisme Plio-<br />

Quaternaire de Foum El Kouss (Jbel Saghro): mise en<br />

évidence d'un manteau carbonaté à l'aplomb de l'Anti-Atlas<br />

oriental marocain. Géol. Méditerranéenne, 36, (1/2) 19-28.<br />

IBHI A., KHATIB D. & HERNANDEZ J. (1999) - Evaluation du Fe 3+<br />

dans les spinelles pour l'obtention de la fugacité d'oxygène<br />

des nodules ultrabasiques. Ann. Chim. Sci. Mat., 24, 487-<br />

492.<br />

IBHI A., NACHIT H., ABIA EL H. & HERNANDEZ J. (2002) -<br />

Intervention des ségrégats carbonatitiques dans la<br />

pétrogenèse des néphélinites à pyroxène de Jbel Saghro<br />

(Anti-Atlas, Maroc). Bull. Soc. Géol. France, 173, 37-43.<br />

NAVON O. & STOLPER E. (1987) - Geochemical consequence of<br />

melt percolation : The upper mantle as a chromatographic<br />

column, J. Geol., 95, 285-307.<br />

RUDNICK R.L., MCDONOUGH W.F. & CHAPPEL B.W. (1993) -<br />

Carbonatite metasomatism in the Northern Tanzania mantle :<br />

Petrographic and geochemical characteristics, Earth Planet.<br />

Sc. Lett., 114, 463-475.<br />

FEKKAKA A., POUCLET A. & BENHARREFC M. (2003) - The<br />

Middle Neoproterozoic Sidi Flah Group (Anti-Atlas,<br />

Morocco): synrift deposition in a Pan-African<br />

continent/ocean transition zone. J. Afr. Earth Sci., 37 (1-2),<br />

73-87.<br />


Relations between grain size and Th-Pb ages of monazite: examples<br />

from high-grade metapelitic gneiss from the Ulten Zone, eastern Alps<br />

Key words: HP metamorphism, monazite LA-ICP-MS dating,<br />

Ulten Zone, Variscan.<br />


Recent studies indicate that monazite is a well suited mineral<br />

for dating amphibolite–facies and higher-grade metamorphic<br />

events of metapelites (KRENN &FINGER, 2007; LANGONE et alii,<br />

2010). Monazite, similarly to zircon, can record multiple<br />

geologic events within single grains. Moreover, different<br />

generations of monazite can be crystallised in response to<br />

changes of the pressure-temperature conditions. In the latter case,<br />

textural and chemical criteria are needed to distinguish earlystage<br />

monazite from peak and late-stage monazite. Generally,<br />

much effort is spent to locate monazite included in other host<br />

minerals (e.g. garnet, micas). Enclosed monazite is believed to<br />

yield older ages compared to the age obtained from matrix<br />

monazite thanks to the armouring effect of host minerals.<br />

However, the assumption of a complete shielding by<br />

porphyroclasts/blasts is debated (MARTIN et alii, 2007). Shielded<br />

monazite is frequently associated with microcracks/microveins<br />

thus allowing mass exchange between host interiors and the<br />

surroundings. As a consequence, an unequivocal correlation<br />

between monazite textural site and ages is difficult (e.g. MARTIN<br />

et alii, 2007).<br />

Another textural criterion that is usually neglected during the<br />

petrographic observation preliminary to the radiometric study is<br />

monazite dimensions. Within the same textural site (e.g. within<br />

the matrix or included in garnet), monazite grain size may vary<br />

considerably. This observation suggests that different generations<br />

of monazite can coexist within the same textural site.<br />

This hypothesis has been tested in a garnet-kyanite paragneiss<br />

from the Variscan Ulten Zone (UZ), which contains monazite in<br />

different textural sites and with highly variable grain size.<br />

Monazite grains have been detected and characterised, in terms of<br />

microstructural position, at the SEM. Chemical analyses and Xray<br />

elemental (Th, Ca, Y, La and Ce) mapping have been<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra e Geologico-Ambientali<br />

dell’Università di Bologna,;<br />

(**) Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallchemie, Universität Stuttgart,<br /><br />

(°) C.N.R - I.G.G. U.O di Pavia,<br />

97<br />

performed by electron microprobe (EMP). On selected monazite<br />

grains, in situ U-Th-Pb dating by LA-ICP-MS directly in thin<br />

section has also been carried out.<br />


The Ulten Zone (UZ) is a high-grade basement now in the<br />

uppermost position of the Upper Austroalpine edifice of the<br />

eastern Alps (Trentino Alto-Adige). It represents a portion of<br />

Variscan deep crust that has well recorded the metamorphic<br />

evolution related to the collision between Laurussia and<br />

Gondwana. The UZ mainly consists of high-grade garnet-kyanite<br />

paragneiss that underwent partial melting at 340-330 Ma<br />

(TUMIATI et alii, 2003; Sm-Nd whole rock and internal isochron).<br />

For the present work, a foliated garnet-kyanite paragneiss<br />

consisting of (in order of decreasing abundance) quartz, white<br />

mica, plagioclase, biotite, garnet, kyanite and accessory phases<br />

(rutile, ilmenite, monazite, apatite, zircon and graphite) has been<br />

selected. The high white-mica content suggests an unmelted<br />

nature of the rock because this rock is probably from a relatively<br />

dry and also cold portion of the ca. 1 km thick pile of the UZ<br />

deep crust. This is also confirmed by multi-equilibria<br />

thermobarometry involving garnet + white mica + biotite solidsolutions<br />

yielding 9-10 kbar, 520 °C (using garnet core and mica<br />

inclusions therein) for an early metamorphic stage.<br />

On the basis of textural position, monazite grains were<br />

grouped in: i) monazite grains within garnet and kyanite<br />

porphyroblasts (hereafter, included Mnz), and ii) monazite grains<br />

disseminated within the matrix (Fig. 1) and/or interstitial within<br />

apatite aggregates (hereafter, matrix Mnz). The dimensions vary<br />

of one order of magnitude, from 30x20 μm 2 to 500x250 μm 2 .<br />

Locally, monazite is partially or totally intersected by<br />

microcracks. In a few cases, these fractures create a connection<br />

between the included Mnz and the matrix. Rarely monazite<br />

contains small rounded inclusions of matrix forming minerals<br />

(e.g. quartz) and of xenotime and Th-rich oxides.<br />



In the analysed sample, the 208 Pb/ 232 Th ages range nearly<br />

continuously between 365 and 306 Ma, defining three major<br />

clusters at ca. 350, 333, and 314 Ma. Monazite grains yielding<br />


SESSIONE 4<br />

Th-Pb ages in the range of ca. 350 Ma correspond to large matrix<br />

Mnz (Fig. 1). These grains are characterised by single or multiple<br />

Th(+Ca)-rich internal domains surrounded by La+Ce-rich<br />

external domains, suggesting a pseudomorphic replacement of<br />

<strong>alla</strong>nite during the prograde metamorphic history. The Th-Pb<br />

ages clustering at ca. 330 Ma have been obtained from smaller<br />

matrix Mnz, from overgrowths of the larger matrix Mnz (Fig. 1)<br />

and from included Mnz, or domains of it. Locally, the matrix<br />

Mnz at ca. 330 Ma are characterised by Th(+Ca)-rich internal<br />

domains surrounded by La+Ce-rich external domains. The Th-Pb<br />

ages of ca. 330 Ma have been attributed to a second<br />

crystallisation/re-equilibration event which occurred during peak<br />

or near-peak metamorphic conditions and anatexis. The minor<br />

younger Th-Pb ages (ca. 314 Ma) resulted from dating of external<br />

domains of matrix Mnz and have been assigned to a retrograde<br />

metamorphic evolution. Locally, these younger domains are<br />

characterised by high Y concentration, which can be attributed to<br />

the retrograde garnet breakdown (e.g. KRENN et alii, 2009).<br />


Different monazite grains form a single thin section yield an<br />

age span of nearly 60 Ma, from prograde amphibolite-facies<br />

conditions through peak metamorphism to subsequent retrograde<br />

amphibolite-facies conditions. We noted that the textural site<br />

occupied by monazite does not deliver relative time information:<br />

coarser monazite retains older ages, regardless its textural site.<br />

The armouring effect may be absent where microcracks connect<br />

included Mnz and the matrix. Interestingly, unshielded matrix<br />

Mnz can also retain older ages, thus suggesting a limited isotopic<br />

resetting by metamorphic fluids. We suggest that sorting<br />

monazite grains based on their size may provide different age<br />

populations and thus a more complete geochronologic history of<br />

the rock. The larger older grains can be seen as clasts formed<br />

during the prograde metamorphic history and survived the peak<br />

metamorphism, during which they developed locally only<br />

overgrowth domains (Fig. 1).<br />

Fig. 1 – Th-elemental map of matrix Mnz showing 208Pb/232Th<br />

(white) and 206Pb/238U (grey) ages. The white circles represent the<br />

ablated areas of ca. 20 μm diameter.<br />

98<br />


KRENN E. & FINGER F. (2007) – Formation of monazite and<br />

rhabdophane at the expense of <strong>alla</strong>nite during Alpine low<br />

temperature retrogression of metapelitic basement rocks from<br />

Crete, Greece: microprobe data and geochronological<br />

implication. Lithos, 95, 130–147.<br />


(2009) - Two types of metamorphic monazite with contrasting<br />

La/Nd, Th, and Y signatures in an ultrahigh-pressure<br />

metapelite from the Pohorje Mountains, Slovenia: Indications<br />

for pressure-dependent REE exchange between apatite and<br />

monazite? Am. Mineral., 94, 801–815.<br />


ROTTURA A. & TIEPOLO M. (2010) – P-T-t path of the<br />

Hercynian low-pressure rocks from the Mandatoriccio<br />

complex (Sila Massif, Calabria, Italy): new insights for<br />

crustal evolution. J. Metamorp. Geol., 28, 1367-162.<br />

MARTIN A.J., GEHRELS G.E. & DE CELLES P.G. (2007) - The<br />

tectonic significnce of (U,Th)/Pb ages of monazite inclusions<br />

in garnet from the Himalaya of central Nepal. Chem. Geol.,<br />

244,1-24.<br />

TUMIATI S., THÖNI M., NIMIS P., MARTIN S. & MAIR V. (2003) -<br />

Mantle-crust interactions during Variscan subduction in the<br />

Eastern Alps (Nonsberg-Ulten zone): geochronology and new<br />

petrological constraints. Earth Plan. Sci. Lett., 210, 509-526.

Basic magmatism in the Triassic sequences from the Alpujarride<br />

Complex (Betic Cordillera, Spain) and the Lungro-Verbicaro Unit<br />

(Southern Apennines, Italy)<br />


Key words: Alpujarride Complex, Lungro-Verbicaro unit,<br />

Triassic basic magmatism.<br />

This research project is focused on the study of the basic<br />

magmatism in the Triassic metacarbonate and metapelitic rocks<br />

belonging to the Alpujàrride Complex (Betic Cordillera, SE<br />

Spain) and Lungro-Verbicaro Unit (Southern Apennines, Italy).<br />

These domains were involved in the geodynamic processes active<br />

in the Mediterranean region from the Mesozoic onwards and, in<br />

particular, in the opening of the Jurassic Tethys.<br />

In literature, both the HP/LT Alpujàrride Complex and the<br />

San Donato Unit are interpreted as passive margin successions<br />

deposited during the Triassic rifting, pointing to a stratigraphic<br />

correlation for that regarding the paleogeographic context.<br />

The aim of this study is to characterize the source, the<br />

petrogenetic process and to determine the age of the basic<br />

magmatism affecting the Betic and the Triassic successions, in<br />

order to test this hypothesis.<br />

Triassic magmatic rocks in the Mediterranean area are<br />

distributed along the orogenic Apennines-Alpine-Dinaric-<br />

Hellenic-Reef-Betic belts. In the Northern Calabria basic rocks<br />

are represented by pillow-lavas and dykes cutting through<br />

Triassic and Jurassic formations (IANNACE et alii, 2007). In the<br />

Betic Cordillera gabbros intrude sedimentary successions until<br />

Middle Trias (VERA, 2004 and references therein).<br />

Preliminary petrographic analysis on samples from both the<br />

studied areas allow to recognize three main lithotypes: i)<br />

metagabbros showing ophitic to subophitic texture, with a<br />

mineral assemblage made of Pl+Cpx+Amph+Ep-Chl+Qz+Mg; ii)<br />

fine grained metabasites whose original magmatic texture is<br />

completely reworked by metamorphic recrystallization, the<br />

mineral assemblage is mede of Na-amph+ Stp+ Chl+ Pmp+ Cal+<br />

Mg; iii) gabbros with ophitic structure with mineral assemblage<br />

made of Pl+ Cpx+ Na-Cl-amph+ Act+ Ep+ Bt+ K-mica+ Chl+<br />

Mg.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università <strong>della</strong> Calabria,<br /><br />

(**) Departamento de Ciencias y del Medio Ambiente, Universidad de<br />

Alicante<br />

99<br />

Bulk rock compositions obtained by XRF indicate the<br />

presence of two suites: 1) the samples from Northern Calabria<br />

and four from the Betic Cordillera show an alkaline to alkalinetransitional<br />

character and have a relatively low Y/Nb vs Zr/Nb<br />

ratio; For these samples, according to the La/10-Y/15-Nb/8<br />

diagram, a continental to intracontinental rift context is supposed;<br />

2) most of the samples from the Alpujarride complex show a<br />

linear fractionation trend in the Ti/V diagram, according to the<br />

La/10-Y/15-Nb/8 diagram they plot in the basalt calc-alkaline<br />

fields.<br />




ZAMPARELLI V. & BONARDI G. (2007) - The carbonate<br />

tectonic units of northern Calabria (Italy): A record of<br />

Apulian paleomargin evolution and Miocene convergence,<br />

continental crust subduction, and exhumation of HP-LT<br />

rocks. J. Geol. Soc., London, 164, 1165-1186<br />

VERA J.A., (ed.) (2004) – Geologia de Espana. SGE-IGME,<br />

Madrid.<br />


SESSIONE 4<br />

Combining zircon chemical composition and geochronology (Pb/Pb<br />

dating) to characterize the Southalpine and the Austroalpine<br />

quartzphyllite complexes from the eastern Alps<br />

Key words: Austroalpine Complexes, evaporation method,<br />

quartzphyllite, Southalpine Complexes, zircon.<br />


Zircon evaporation thermal ionisation mass spectrometry<br />

(TIMS) is used in geochronology to determine absolute<br />

207 Pb/ 206 Pb ages and to distinguish between crystal rim and core,<br />

providing precise information about the time of magmatic crystal<br />

growth, partial dissolution, and/or metamorphic overgrowth<br />

(KLÖTZLI, 1997).<br />

Detrital zircon composition and geochronology has been used<br />

to constrain the thermal evolution of orogenic systems;<br />

furthermore zircon is used both as a thermometer for<br />

crystallization conditions and as petrogenetic indicator (e.g.,<br />

PUPIN, 1980; VAVRA, 1993; HANCHAR &HOSKIN, 2003). The<br />

typological study of zircon populations is, for instance, an<br />

extremely valuable tool to identify the protholith features (PUPIN,<br />

1980). Moreover, zircon is widely used in geochronological<br />

studies (e.g., MEZGER &KROGSTAD, 1997; PARRISH &NOBLE,<br />

2003; HANCHAR &HOSKIN, 2003).<br />

Trace-element contents and elemental ratios have been<br />

suggested both as indicator of magma fractionation and as a<br />

estimate of magma source (e.g., PUPIN, 1992, 1994).<br />

This paper present Pb-Pb single zircon evaporation data and<br />

typological and geochemical study on the Austroalpine (Goldeck,<br />

Gailtal, Thurntaler) and the Southalpine quartz-phyllites<br />

(Vetriolo, Recoaro). The data are discussed for a tentative<br />

comparison of the two complexes.<br />


The Austroalpine and Southalpine basement were located in<br />

the northern margin of the Adria microplate. The northern margin<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Università <strong>della</strong> Calabria,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Chimica, Università <strong>della</strong> Basilicata, Potenza,<br /><br />


100<br />

of the Adria microplate is cut by the EW tectonic Insubric Line<br />

which separates the Austroalpine basement from the Southalpine<br />

(Fig. 1). Two tectonic lines cut the Austroalpine basement: the<br />

Defferegen-Anterselva-Valles (DAV) and the Kalkstein-V<strong>alla</strong>rga<br />

faults. All these two basements were involved in the Alpine<br />

orogeny and were affected by a variously aged Alpine<br />

metamorphism (SASSI et alii, 2004).<br />

The Austroalpine and Southalpine complexes consist of a<br />

rather monotonous series of mainly meta-pelitic rocks with<br />

interbedded thick mafic vulcanites, subordinate acidic vulcanites<br />

as well as thin carbonate layers. The Austroalpine and<br />

Southalpine quartzphyllite complexes were overprinted by at<br />

least a pre-Permian greenschist facies metamorphism and took<br />

place under low pressure conditions and a metamorphic thermal<br />

gradient of about 40°C/Km (MAZZOLI &SASSI, 1988; SASSI et<br />

alii, 1994).<br />

Fig. 1 – Simplified geological map displaying the distribution of basement<br />

units in tha Alps and location of sampling areas (modified from SASSI et alii,<br />

2004).<br />

Alpine overprinting, where present, is of variable intensity.<br />

Scarce fossil records, mostly conodonts and acritarchs, have<br />

given rise to a partly resolved stratigraphy of incomplete known<br />

sections. In fact in the Southalpine quartz-phyllite an acritarch<br />

assemblage was locally found (Col di Foglia, near Agordo)<br />

suggesting a Late Cambrian to Tremadocian sedimentation age<br />

(SASSI et alii, 1984). In the Austroalpine quartz-phyllite the range<br />

of biostratigraphic data suggests a general late Ordovician to<br />

Devonian age, mainly based on conodonts from carbonate strata

(SASSI et alii, 1994). All data (SASSI et alii, 1994) suggest the<br />

hypothesis that the Austroalpine and Southalpine complexes in<br />

the Eastern Alps shared a common Paleozoic evolution at least<br />

since Upper Ordovician.<br />

The zircon studied come from the quartz-phyllite<br />

Austroalpine Complex (Thurntaler, Gailtal and Goldeck) and<br />

from the quartz-phyllite Southalpine Complex (Recoaro,<br />

Vetriolo) and their location is shown in figure 1.<br />


Combination of zircon morphology and geochronological<br />

analyses (single zircon evaporation technique) was used in order<br />

to obtain significant constraints for the age of the studied<br />

protoliths.<br />

The Austroalpine quartzphyllites are grey, fine to medium<br />

grained and display a schistosity that in some cases is crenulated.<br />

The Austroalpine quartzphyllites consists of quartz, plagioclase,<br />

garnet, white mica and chlorite. Zircon, ilmenite, apatite and<br />

titanite are common accessory minerals. Alternating layers of<br />

different grain size and composition are present. The garnet in<br />

some cases is presents in porfiroblasts and surrounded by a<br />

lepidoblastic interlacing of chlorite and white mica. In some cases<br />

occurs as poikiloblasts. The bands enriched in quartz and<br />

plagioclase show a granoblastic texture.<br />

The Southalpine quartzphyllites are grey or grey-green, finegrained<br />

that is in some cases is transposed and crenulated. The<br />

Southalpine quartzphyllites consists of quartz, albite, white mica<br />

and chlorite. Zircon, ilmenite, apatite and titanite are common<br />

accessory minerals. The Southalpine quartzphyllites are banded<br />

with bands enriched in quartz and albite that show a typical<br />

granoblastic texture and bands enriched in chlorite and white<br />

mica that occurs in elongate flakes and show a lepidoblastic<br />

texture.<br />

The zircons from Austroalpine and Southalpine<br />

quartzphyllites show many differences for shape, colour, size,<br />

types of inclusions, cracks, and turbidity based on the<br />

morphological study, suggesting the existence of two distinct<br />

groups.<br />

Electron microprobe analyses (Si, Zr, Hf, P, HREE) indicate<br />

homogeneous compositions, suggestive of probably common<br />

source-areas characterized by granitoid rocks.<br />

The zircon ages of the Southalpine and Austroalpine quartzphyllites<br />

are quite different and those of the Austroalpine samples<br />

are younger than the Southalpine studied samples. Protolith Pb–<br />

Pb zircon ages data define two principal evolution lines. The<br />

Australpine Complexes are characterized by an older evolution<br />

typical of subduction-related magmatism, started by 598-Ma N-<br />

MORB-type, which mainly involved depleted mantle sources. It<br />

finished with mainly crustal source 379–341-Ma acid magmatites.<br />

The Southalpine Complexes zircon ages show an evolution line<br />

101<br />

by tholeiitic and 473-Ma alkaline within-plate basalt type suites<br />

in both pre- and post-Early-Ordovician units characterized by an<br />

intraplate mantle metasomatism and enrichment trend along<br />

multicomponent sources. These magmatic evolution lines can be<br />

related to a plate tectonic scenario that involved terranes in a<br />

progressively mature Neoproterozoic to Ordovician active<br />

margin, and a subsequent Palaeo-Tethys passive margin along the<br />

north Gondwanan periphery.<br />


HANCHAR J.M. & HOSKIN P.W.O. (2003) - Zircon. Rev. Mineral.<br />

Geochem., 53, 1-500.<br />

KLÖTZLI U.S. (1997) - Single zircon evaporation thermal<br />

ionisation mass spectrometry: method and procedures.<br />

Analyst, 122, 1239-1248.<br />

MAZZOLI C. & SASSI R. (1988) - Caratteri del metamorfismo<br />

ercinico nella fillade sudalpina ad ovest di Bressanone. Mem.<br />

Sci. Geol., 40, 295-314.<br />

MEZGER K&KROGSTAD J. (1997) - Interpretation of discordant<br />

U-Pb in zircon ages: an evaluation. J. Metamorph. Geol., 15,<br />

127-140.<br />

PARRISH R.R. & NOBLE S.R. (2003) - Zircon U-Th-Pb<br />

Geochronology by Isotope Dilution - Thermal Ionization<br />

Mass Spectrometry (ID-TIMS). In: Hanchar JM and Hoskin<br />

PWO (Eds), Zircon. Rev Miner Geochem, 53, 183-213.<br />

PUPIN J.P. (1980) - Zircon and granite petrology. Contrib.<br />

Mineral. Petrol., 73, 207-220.<br />

PUPIN J.P. (1992) - Les zircons des granites océaniques et<br />

continentaux: couplage typologie-géochimie des éléments en<br />

traces. Soc. Géol. France, Bull., 163, 495–507.<br />

PUPIN J.P. (1994) - Caractérization des protolithes des<br />

migmatites et granites anatectiques crustaux d'après l'étude<br />

des zircons. 319, C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris série II, 1191-1197.<br />


ZIRPOLI G. (1994) - A tentative comparision of the Paleozoic<br />

evolution of the Austoalpine and Southalpine quartzphyllites<br />

in the Eastern Alps. Per. Mineral., 63, 35-52.<br />


SPIESS R. (2004) - The crystalline basements of the Italian<br />

eastern Alps: a review of the metamorphic features. Per.<br />

Mineral., 73, 23-42.<br />

VAVRA G. (1993) - A guide to quantitative morphology of<br />

accessory zircon. Chem. Geol., 110, 15-28.<br />


SESSIONE 4<br />

Magmatic and metamorphic processes in late-Hercynian lower crust<br />

section from the Northern Calabria<br />

Key words: Crust, late-Hercynian, Northern Calabria.<br />

The northern sector of the Calabrian Arc is a Cenozoic nappe<br />

stack formed of three main tectonic complex, from the bottom to<br />

the top: the Apenninic units derived from the Apulian passive<br />

continental margin, the ophiolite-bearing units with Jurassic<br />

Thetys affinity and an Hercynian crust complex, referred to as<br />

Calabride nappe. New data allow to define the Calabride nappe,<br />

cropping out in the Catena Costiera range and in the Sila massif,<br />

as a continous continental lithospheric section whose main<br />

tectonic framework was achieved between Hercynian and early<br />

Mesozoic times and remobilized during Tertiary.<br />

The deepest part of the Hercynian continental crust and the<br />

crust-to-mantle boundary are exposed in the northern sector of<br />

the Catena Costiera area.<br />

The continental crust rocks are formed of garnet-biotitegneiss,<br />

garnet-pyroxene-beraing granulites, migmatites, restites,<br />

small oxide-silicate-bearing marble lenses and small stocks of<br />

calcalkaine-peraluminous granitic rocks.<br />

The mantle rocks mainly consist of Spl-amphibole-peridotites,<br />

which sometimes include folded, transposed and boudinated<br />

pyroxenite veins.<br />

The peridotites are severely serpentinized, altough small, less<br />

serpentinized portions are locally preserved. The contact between<br />

mantle and crustal rocks is marked by gabbroic intrusions that<br />

show a tholeiitic fractionation trend. The gabbros crop out as<br />

centimetric veins, as metric dykes intruded within peridotites and<br />

as decametric banded-textured bodies enclosed between crustal<br />

granulites and mantle ultramafites, showing sharp contacts with<br />

the country rocks.<br />

The physical conditions inferred from deepest crustal rocks<br />

are 0.9-1.1 GPa, P and 750-800°C, T for the Hercynian (300<br />

m.y.) granulitic metamorpic climax.<br />

After the metamorphic climax, the thermobarometric data<br />

documented a composite decompression path characterized by a<br />

first stage of anydrous adiabatic decompression to 800°C, T, and<br />

0.8 GPa, P, followed by a second stage of decompression and<br />

cooling to about 650-700°C, T and 0.6-0.7 GPa, P. The<br />

calculated P-T-path for crustal rocks documented a post<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università <strong>della</strong> Calabria,<br /><br />


102<br />

Hercynian lithospheric scale thermal anomaly, probably due to an<br />

astenospheric upwelling that caused partial melting in the upper<br />

mantle.<br />

The upper mantle partial melting is likely responsible for the<br />

Triassic underplating magmatism that produced gabbro intrusions<br />

at the crust to mantle interface during the decompression.<br />

On the basis of the above data, it can be inferred that a lower<br />

crust-mantle transition, sealed by gabbroic intrusion, formed<br />

during late Permian- early Triassic time in the Northern Calabria.<br />

During subsequent Tethyan rifting phase, these rocks were<br />

exhumed at higher crustal levels as testified by the occurences of<br />

unmetamorphosed basaltic dyke that cross cut the migmatites, A<br />

whole rocks K-Ar age of 120Ma has been determined for these<br />

dyke. During the Tertiary Apenninic convergence the deepest<br />

part of the Calabrian continental lithosphere were accreted onto<br />

the present Northern Calabria nappe stack.

Contribution to the knowledge of the Hyblean lithosphere (southeastern<br />

Sicily, Italy): the petrophysical approach<br />

Key words: Deep seated xenoliths, Hyblean Plateau,<br />

petrophysics.<br />


The Hyblean Plateau, cropping out in the south-eastern corner<br />

of Sicily (Italy), consists of a thick Meso-Cenozoic carbonate<br />

sequence and of Neogene-Quaternay open shelf terrigenous<br />

sediments with interbedded volcanic basic rocks. The volcanic<br />

activity occurred according to more episodes: the eldest from late<br />

Triassic to the end of Cretaceous (alkali basalts with OIB<br />

affinity); in the late Miocene the activity is characterised by the<br />

emplacement of alkaline basic tuff breccia pipes within both<br />

shallow and deep water carbonate sediments. During Pliocene<br />

and early Pleistocene fissural eruptions occurred along a NW-SE<br />

fault system. Finally, the Neogene products mostly consist of<br />

tholeiitic basalts, alkaline basalts and basanites (ROCCHI et alii,<br />

1998; BECCALUVA et alii, 1998; DI GRANDE et alii, 1999).<br />

In this paper, attention focused on deep-seated xenoliths<br />

occurring within Miocene tuff-breccias from Valle Guffari,<br />

whose diatremes have been interpreted as part of a seamount belt<br />

located within the carbonate ramp (SUITING &SCHMINKE, 2009).<br />

Collected specimens consist of spinel facies peridotites (lherzolite<br />

and harzburgite) and different types of spinel bearing pyroxenites<br />

(Cr-diopside websterites, Al-augite websterites, spinel and garnet<br />

clinopyroxenites; ATZORI et alii, (1999) and therein references)<br />

accompanied by a feldspar bearing suite mostly represented by<br />

mafic granulites and minor metagabbros and anorthosites<br />

(PUNTURO et alii, 2000).<br />

In order to contribute to knowledge of the inaccessible<br />

lithosphere beneath the Hyblean Plateau, a petrophysical<br />

investigation was carried out on a selection of representative<br />

litho-types.<br />


_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università degli Studi di Catania,<br /><br />


103<br />

Fig. 1 – Location of the Hyblean Plateau. Star indicates Valle Guffari.<br />

Petrography<br />

The petrographic features of the Hyblean xenoliths from Valle<br />

Guffari may be summarized as follows: peridotites (harzburgites<br />

and harzburgitic lherzolites) are constituted by olivine (Fo89-91),<br />

orthopyroxene (En88-91; mg#90-92), clinopyroxene (Cr-Diopside;<br />

En51-54Fs2-4Wo44–48 ), Cr-rich spinel (Cr number= 23-35) and very<br />

rare phlogopite, this latter testifies metasomatic events within the<br />

Hyblean mantle (PUNTURO, 1998). They exhibit a widespread<br />

protogranular texture, with grain size ranging from medium (1-<br />

4mm) to coarse (2-6mm); olivine and orthopyroxene are kinkbanded,<br />

Cr-diopside and spinel show smaller grain size.<br />

Pyroxenites show various features, in terms of texture, colour<br />

and grain size: Cr-Diopside websterites (Cr-diopside, Ca-poor<br />

pyroxene, Cr-Al spinel, ±olivine and amphibole) occur as veins<br />

into peridotites are green and coarse with xenomorphic granular<br />

texture; Al-diopside websterites are black and polygonal textured,<br />

constituent minerals are Al-diopside, Ca-poor pyroxene, Alspinel,<br />

garnet (Py54.5Alm32Grs13.5); pyroxenes often exhibit<br />

exolution lamellae. Al-augite pyroxenites are constituted by Alclinopyroxene,<br />

Al-spinel, garnet (Py64Alm25.6Grs9.6) and have<br />

been interpreted as igneous adcumulitic products; they look<br />

glassy black and are ultracoarse (>20mm); intergranular glass is<br />

very common.<br />

Among feldspar-bearing xenoliths, mafic granulite is the most<br />

abundant litho-type; texture is polygonal with grain size from fine<br />

(0.3-1 mm) to medium. Constituent minerals are plagioclase, Ca-<br />


SESSIONE 4<br />

pyroxene, Ca-poor pyroxene and Al-spinel; amphibole is very<br />

rare. Metagabbro and metadiorite (plagioclase, Ca-pyroxene, Fe-<br />

Ti oxides, apatite) and anorthosite (plagioclase ± Al-spinel and<br />

pyroxene) occur at a lesser extent.<br />

Pressure-temperature estimates, based on the coesistence of<br />

two pyroxenes plus garnet assemblage within pyroxenites<br />

(ATZORI et al., 1999) provided equilibration values of 0.98GPa at<br />

740°C for spinel pyroxenite and 1.32GPa at 1040°C for garnet<br />

pyroxenite. As far as mafic granulite, P-T estimate are not<br />

reliable because of evident disequilibiurm features; however, the<br />

occurrence of spinel with no evidence of olivine or garnet would<br />

suggest as the temperature interval for the mafic granulite plots<br />

within the equilibration field of Al-diopside websterite. It is<br />

worth noting that pressure estimates by NIMIS &ULMER (1998)<br />

gave values of 0.5GPa for clinopyroxene within gabbros.<br />

Petrophysical investigation<br />

Three deep-seated xenoliths, representative of the main lithotypes<br />

occurring within the studied suite, were selected for<br />

petrophysical investigation: one spinel-harzburgite, one<br />

pyroxenite and one mafic granulite.<br />

The seismic properties of this suite of deep-seated xenoliths<br />

were experimentally determined with a multi-anvil apparatus at<br />

confining pressure up to 600MPa (room temperature) and up to<br />

600°C (at 600MPa), by using the ultrasonic transmission pulse<br />

technique. For a more complete experimental dataset see<br />

PUNTURO et al. (2000). Average Vp and Vs values as well as Vprelated<br />

seismic anisotropy are here presented as a function of<br />

pressure and temperature. The average of P-wave velocities at<br />

600MPa at 600°C are 7.15 km/s, 7.46km/s and 6.41km/s for<br />

spinel harzburgite, pyroxenite and mafic granulite, respectively.<br />

The corresponding average values of S-wave velocities are<br />

4.02km/s, 4.22km/s and 3.59km/s. Vp-related seismic anisotropy<br />

ranges from 2.02 to 1.26 to 0.91. All of the three xenoliths exhibit<br />

very weak shear wave splitting within the foliation plane<br />

(0.08km/s). Density values at 600MPa and 600°C are 3.038<br />

g/cm 3 , 3.295 g/cm 3 and 2.958g/cm 3 for spinel harzburgite,<br />

pyroxenite and mafic granulite, respectively.<br />


The petrophysical study carried out on the xenoliths from<br />

Valle Guffari is aimed as a contribution to the comprehension of<br />

the Hyblean inaccesible lithosphere; for this reason, investigation<br />

was carried out on a suite of litho-types considered to be more<br />

representative of large scale lithological units. At the same time,<br />

obtained information permit available geophysical data to be<br />

constrained and interpreted at a better extent; this particularly<br />

holds for unravelling the nature of the Hyblean lithosphere, which<br />

is still matter of debate.<br />

104<br />



Garnet-bearing pyroxenite xenoliths from Hyblean Plateau<br />

(South-Eastern Sicily, Italy) – Mineral.and Petrol., 27, 1-17.<br />



(1998) - Nephelinitic to Tholeiitic Magma Generation in a<br />

transtentional Tectonic Setting: an Integrated Model for the<br />

Iblean Volcanism, Sicily. J. Petrol., 39 (9):1-30.<br />

NIMIS P. & ULMER P. (1998) - Clinopyroxene geobarometry of<br />

magmatic rocks. Part 1: an expanded structural<br />

geobarometer for anhydrous and hydrous, basic and<br />

ultrabasis systems. Contrib. Miner. Petrol., 133, 122-135.<br />

PUNTURO R., KERN H., SCRIBANO V. & ATZORI P. (2000) -<br />

Petrophysical and petrological characteristics of deep-seated<br />

xenoliths from Hyblean Plateau, south-eastern Sicily, Italy:<br />

suggestions for a lithospheric model. Mineral. Petrogr. Acta,<br />

43, 1–20.<br />

ROCCHI S., LONGARETTI G. & SALVADORI M. (1998) - Subsurface<br />

Mesozoic and Cenozoic magmtism in south-eastern Sicily:<br />

distribution, volume and geochemistry magmas. Acta<br />

Vulcanologica, 10 (2), 395-408.<br />

DI GRANDE A., LO GIUDICE A. & TRANCHINA A. (1999) - Carta<br />

Geopetrografica delle vulcaniti subaree dell’area “M. Lauro-<br />

M.Santa Venere” (Monti Iblei, Sicilia sud-orientale).<br />

SUITING I. & SCHMINKE H. (2009) - Iblean diatremes 2: shallow<br />

marine volcanism in the Central Mediterranean at the onset<br />

of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (Iblean Mountains, SE-Sicily)<br />

– a multidisciplinary approach. Int. J., Earth Sci. (Geol.<br />

Rundsch). DOI 10.1007/s00531-009-0495-4.

Hybridization of the peridotite layers from the Serre lower-crust<br />

section (Calabria)<br />

Key words: Calabria, hybriditization, lower-crust section, Serre<br />

Massif.<br />

The metasomatic processes and the metasomatising agents<br />

affecting mantle peridotites have been studied and documented in<br />

both mantle xenoliths in basaltic rocks and in Alpine-type<br />

peridotite.<br />

Conversely the metasomatic transformations that interested<br />

the peridotites forming part of a basic lower-continental crust<br />

sequence and interlayered with cumulitic metagabbros, are less<br />

studied and almost unknown.<br />

The deepest part of the continental crust section outcrops in<br />

the northerwestern part of the Serre Massif, southern Calabria. It<br />

is mainly formed of metagabbroic rocks and pyriclasites.<br />

Ultramafic rocks occur as continous metric layers or as<br />

decimetric lenses within metagabbroic sequences.<br />

The ultramafic rocks comprehend phlogopite-bearing and<br />

orthopyroxene-rich peridotites, and phlogopite-bearing<br />

orthopyroxenite.<br />

The metagabbros and ultramafics rocks of the Serre Massif<br />

are intruded by trondhjemitic-tonalitic dykes. The occurrence of<br />

phlogopite and orthopyroxene-rich portions and veinlets in the<br />

peridotites from the Serre Massif indicates that the rocks<br />

underwent metasomatic events.<br />

The Curinga ultramafics carry a peculiar chemical<br />

composition. To account for that a hybriditization process<br />

between trondhjemitic-tonalitic melt and peridotites has been<br />

suggested and the composition of different mixtures were<br />

calculated according to the data and procedure of the literature.<br />

The comparison between the composition of the calculated<br />

mixtures and that of the Serre peridotites shows that the latters<br />

have compositions comparable with mixtures of about 20-30 wt%<br />

of trondhjemitic-tonalitic melt; whereas the phlogopite<br />

orthopyroxenite composition may be obtained with mixture up to<br />

50 wt% of the contaminant agent.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Chimica, Università <strong>della</strong> Basilicata, Potenza,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università <strong>della</strong> Calabria,<br /><br />


105<br />


SESSIONE 4<br />

Rodingites from Frido Unit: evidences for metasomatic alteration<br />

Key words: Frido Unit, metasomatism, rodingites, Southern<br />

Apennine.<br />


The Southern Apennine Chain is a fold-and-thrust belt,<br />

formed between the upper Oligocene and the Quaternary ages<br />

(PATACCA &SCANDONE 2007 and references therein), resulting<br />

from the convergence between African and European plates and<br />

the simultaneous rollback of the SE-directed Ionian subduction<br />

(GUEGUEN et alii, 1998; CELLO &MAZZOLI 1999; DOGLIONI et<br />

alii, 1999). The Apennine accretionary wedge is related to the<br />

northward subduction of an Alpine Tethys (Stampfli et alii, 2002)<br />

sea floor remnant, also known as western Tethys (BORTOLOTTI &<br />

PRINCIPI, 2005), under Europe since Oligocene times. In the late<br />

Miocene age, the slab rollback reached another oceanic remnant<br />

in the Ionian sea region constituted by the westernmost part of the<br />

Neotethys Ocean (STAMPFLI et alii, 2002). The ophiolitic<br />

sequences, which are part of the southern Apennines, are<br />

remnants of the Ligurian sector lithosphere of the Jurassic<br />

western Tethys which. The Liguride tectonic units are derived<br />

from the western Tethys Ocean which separated the European<br />

plate from the African one, situated at the NW and the SE,<br />

respectively. These units outcrop extensively in the southern<br />

Apennines, especially in the north-eastern slope of the Pollino<br />

Ridge. They consist of sedimentary sequences ranging from the<br />

Upper Jurassic to the upper Oligocene ages and several bodies of<br />

oceanic and continental crust. These sequences are divided up<br />

into different tectonic units some of which show a very low to<br />

low-grade metamorphic overprint (VEZZANI, 1969).<br />

The ophiolitic rocks occurring in the Frido Unit consist of<br />

serpentinites derived from mantle lherzolite and subordinately<br />

harzburgites. Serpentinites are frequently associated with<br />

metagabbros, metabasalts with a relic pillow structure<br />

(LANZAFAME et alii, 1979; SPADEA, 1982; 1994) as well as<br />

tectonic slices made of diabase and medium-to high grade<br />

metamorphic rocks (such as amphibolites, gneiss, and granofels).<br />

___________________________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università degli studi <strong>della</strong><br />

Basilicata,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Chimica, Università degli studi <strong>della</strong> Balilicata,<br /><br />


106<br />


Rodingites outcrop as dikes cutting through serpentinites and<br />

are a few centimeters thick, grey-whitish and show a ductile<br />

deformation. The ultramafic rocks consist of serpentinized<br />

peridotite derived from lherzolites and subordinately<br />

harzburgites. Petrography and mineral chemistry of rodingites<br />

facilitated the finding of the igneous and metamorphic mineral<br />

assemblages related both to the primary magmatic protolith and<br />

to the subsequent metamorphic evolution. Rodingites show<br />

granoblastic texture. The primary igneous assemblage consists of<br />

plagioclase and clinopyroxene; these minerals cannot be<br />

preserved in rodingites due to a more accentuated rodingitic<br />

alteration. The metamorphic mineral assemblage consists of<br />

garnet, prehnite, chlorite, pumpellyite and quartz. Accessory<br />

minerals are titanite, epidote, opaque minerals, zircon and apatite.<br />

The veins cut through rodingites filled of prehnite, pumpellyite,<br />

chlorite and calcite and show cataclastic-mylonitic deformations.<br />

In order to obtain mineral chemistry electron microprobe analyses<br />

were performed on the garnet, chlorite, titanite and ilmenite.<br />

Garnet overgrowing on plagioclase is hydrogrossularite. Typical<br />

rodingitization reactions in rodingitic dikes are shown by the<br />

replacement of plagioclase by hydrogrossularite (SANSONE et alii,<br />

2009).<br />


CELLO G. & MAZZOLI S. (1999) - Appenine tectonics in southern<br />

Italy: a rewiew. J. Geodin., 27, 191-211.<br />


(1999) - On the origin of west-directed subduction zones and<br />

applications to the western Mediterranean. In: B.Durand,<br />

L.Jolivet, F.Horváth and. M. Séranne (Eds) - The<br />

Mediterranean basins: Tertiary Extension withing the Alpine<br />

Orogenen. Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ., 156, 541-561.<br />

GUEGUEN E., DOGLIONI C. & FERNANDEZ M. (1998) - On the<br />

post-25 Ma geodynamic evolution of the western<br />

Mediterranean. Tectonophysics, 298, 259-269.<br />

LANZAFAME G., SPADEA P. & TORTORICI L. (1978) - Provenienza<br />

ed evoluzione <strong>dei</strong> Flysch Cretacico - Eocenici <strong>della</strong> regione

Calabro-Lucana. II: Relazioni tra ofioliti e Flysch Calabro-<br />

Lucano. Ofioliti, 3, 189–210.<br />

LANZAFAME G., SPADEA P. & TORTORICI L. (1979) - Mesozoic<br />

Ophiolites of Northern Calabria and Lucanian Apennine<br />

(Southern Italy). Ofioliti, 4 ,173-182.<br />

PATACCA E. & SCANDONE P. (2007) - Geology of the Southern<br />

Apennines. In: Mazzotti A., Patacca E. &. Scandone P. Eds.,<br />

Results of the CROP Project, Sub-project CROP-04 Southern<br />

Apennines (Italy). Boll. Soc. Geol. It., Spec. Issue, 7, 75-119.<br />

SANSONE M.T.C., RIZZO G. & MONGELLI G. - Petrochemical<br />

characterization of mafic rocks from Ligurian ophiolites,<br />

southern Apennines. Int. Geol. Rev., DOI:<br />

10.1080/00206810902954993.<br />

SPADEA P. (1982) - Continental crust rock associated with<br />

ophiolites in Lucanian Apennine (Southern Italy). Ofioliti, 7,<br />

501-522.<br />

SPADEA P. (1994) - Calabria-Lucania ophiolites. Boll. Geofis.<br />

Teor. Appl., 36, 271-281.<br />


Western Alps geological constraints on western Tethyan<br />

reconstructions. In: Rosembaum G. & Lister G. S., Eds.,<br />

Reconstruction of the evolution of the Alpine-Himalayan<br />

Orogen. J. Virtual Expl., 8, 77-106.<br />

VEZZANI L. (1969) - La Formazione del Frido (Neocomiano-<br />

Aptiano) tra il Pollino ed il Sinni. Geol. Rom., 8, 129-176.<br />

107<br />


SESSIONE 4<br />

Key words: Adamello batholith, dunite, geochronology, wehrlite,<br />

zircon.<br />


The eclogites from the Piedmontese domain of the Western<br />

Alps provide evidence for subduction of oceanic lithosphere and<br />

show crystallisation ages mainly ranging from ~50 to 44 Ma<br />

(RUBATTO et alii, 1998; RUBATTO & HERMANN, 2003;<br />

DUCHESNE et alii, 1997; BOWTELL et alii, 1994). However, no<br />

igneous activity synchronous with this HP-UHP event was ever<br />

found in the Alpine belt. The oldest magmatic products are dated<br />

at 40-42 Ma (HANSMANN &OBERLI, 1991; DEL MORO et alii,<br />

1983) and were found for the southern portion of the Adamello<br />

batholith.<br />


In different localities of the southern Adamello batholith (Re<br />

di Castello Unit), dunitic to wehrlitic clots were found in<br />

amphibole-rich mafic and ultramafic intrusives. Ultramafic clots<br />

consist of olivine (Fo = 85-87 mol%, Ni = 1180-1400 ppm), Crrich<br />

spinel and minor clinopyroxene. Clinopyroxene has high<br />

mg# (up to 0.90) and Cr contents (up to 4560 ppm). Its chondrite<br />

normalised REE pattern has slight depleted to nearly flat LREE<br />

(LaN/SmN = 0.7-1.0) and almost flat HREE at about 2-3 times C1<br />

chondrite. The incompatible trace element pattern reveals<br />

depletions in Nb, Zr, Hf and Pb with respect to neighbouring<br />

elements.<br />

The compositions of the melts in equilibrium with<br />

clinopyroxene was calculated by applying Cpx/L D suitable for<br />

basaltic systems. The incompatible element pattern of calculated<br />

melts is characterised by low concentrations of HREE, Zr and Hf<br />

(at ~0.2 times N-MORB) and marked enrichment in LREE, Pb,<br />

_________________________<br />

Evidence for a hidden subduction-related igneous activity in the<br />

Alps during Early Eocene<br />


(*) C.N.R - I.G.G. U.O di Pavia,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pavia,<br /><br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra e Geologico-Ambientali<br />

dell’Università di Bologna,<br />

108<br />

Th and U. In addition, calculated equilibrium melts display<br />

negative Nb anomaly (NbN/LaN = 0.3) and high SrN/YN values.<br />

According to the textural and chemical features, the dunitic to<br />

wehrlitic clots represent fragments of ultramafic intrusives<br />

crystallised from subduction-related, high-Mg melts. These rocks<br />

were dismembered by the injection of volatile-rich melts, which<br />

gave rise to host amphibole-rich mafic and ultramafic intrusives.<br />


Zircons were separated from amphibole-rich intrusives<br />

hosting the dunitic to wehrlitic clots. The cathodoluminescence<br />

characterisation of zircon internal structures revealed two<br />

different typologies: i) pseudo-prismatic zircons with welldeveloped<br />

oscillatory zoning and quartz inclusions; ii) anhedral<br />

zircons with xenocrystic cores overgrowth by rims with a welldeveloped<br />

oscillatory or sector zoning. In particular, xenocrystic<br />

cores exhibit light grey or low CL emission; a weak oscillatory<br />

zoning is locally recognisable.<br />

U-Pb determinations were carried out on the different zircon<br />

domains. Three different age populations have been<br />

distinguished. The major age peak is at ~40 Ma and pertains to<br />

zircon domains with well-developed oscillatory zoning in zircon<br />

type I or to the rim of zircon type-II. The xenocrystic zircon<br />

domains with light grey CL emission define a statistically<br />

distinguishable peak at ~44 Ma. The xenocrystic zircon domains<br />

with low CL emission show the oldest ages, which define a peak<br />

at ~50 Ma. In addition, a few U-Pb analyses of the darkest<br />

xenocrystic domains have furnished up to 58 Ma old ages. The<br />

xenocrystic zircon domains do not show negative Eu anomaly in<br />

their REE patterns and thus they were not equilibrated with<br />

plagioclase.<br />

The zircon domains dated at ~40 Ma formed during the latest<br />

igneous event and most likely record the emplacement of the<br />

amphibole-rich mafic and ultramafic intrusives hosting the dunitic<br />

to wehrlitic clots. This conclusion is consistent with the ~40 Ma<br />

age indicated by HANSMANN & OBERLI (1991; U-Pb TIMS<br />

zircon data) for the crystallisation of mafic rocks from the Re di<br />

Castello Unit, and with the age of 41.8 ± 1.4 Ma (K/Ar in<br />

hornblende) reported by DEL MORO et alii (1983) for a quartzbearing<br />

gabbro of the same Unit. The xenocrystic zircon domains<br />

dated at ~44 Ma and ~50 Ma show evidence for an older<br />

magmatic event synchronous with the HP and UHP

metamorphism recorded by the eclogites from the Piedmontese<br />

domain (RUBATTO et alii, 1998; RUBATTO &HERMANN, 2003;<br />

DUCHESNE et alii, 1997; BOWTELL et alii, 1994).<br />


A subduction-related igneous activity that formed dunitic to<br />

wehrlitic to intrusives predated the early magmatic pulses that<br />

gave rise to the Adamello batholith. The formation of the dunites<br />

to wehrlites was most likely related to the subduction of oceanic<br />

lithosphere in the Early Eocene.<br />


BOWTELL S.A., CLIFF R.A. & BARNICOAT A.C. (1994) - Sm–Nd<br />

isotopicevidence on the age of eclogitization in the Zermatt-<br />

Saas ophiolite. J. Met. Geol., 12, 187–196.<br />


CALLEGARI E. (1983) – Rb/Sr and K/ar chronology of<br />

Adamello Granitoids, southern Alps. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 26,<br />

285-299.<br />


LARDEAUX J.M. & ALBAREDE F. (1997) - The Lu–Hf dating<br />

of garnets and the ages of the Alpine high-pressure<br />

metamorphism. Nature, 387, 586 – 589.<br />

HANSMANN W. & OBERLI F. (1991) - Zircon inheritance in an<br />

igneous rock suite from the southern Adamello batholith<br />

(Italian Alps). Contrib. Mineral. Petrol ., 107, 501–518.<br />

RUBATTO D., GEBAUER D. & FANNING M. (1998) - Jurassic<br />

formation and Eocene subduction of the Zermatt-Saas-Fee<br />

ophiolites; implications for the geodynamic evolution of the<br />

Central and Western Alps. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 132, 269.<br />

RUBATTO D. & HERMANN J. (2003) - Zircon formation during<br />

fluid circulation in eclogites (Monviso, Western Alps):<br />

implicationsfor Zr and Hf budget in subduction zones.<br />

Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 67, 2173–2187.<br />

109<br />


SESSIONE 5<br />

Modelli matematico-statistici nelle GeoScienze<br />


Antonella Buccianti (Università di Firenze)<br />

Carlo Cardellini (Università di Perugia)<br />

111<br />


SESSIONE 5<br />

An analogue model of triple junction for the Neapolitan volcanism<br />

Key words: analogical models, caldera, Phlegraean Fields.<br />

The Phlegraean Fields, whose name recalls myths and ancient<br />

traditions, is a volcanic complex that extends over the city of<br />

Naples and its western surroundings; it takes up the central sector<br />

of the Campanian Plain, a Plio–Quaternary graben which formed<br />

during the distensive tectonic phase associated with the opening<br />

of the Tyrrhenian basin (LUONGO et alii, 1991).<br />

The volcanic field is constituted of two calderas, associated to<br />

large explosive eruptions, and of several monogenic cones. The<br />

oldest caldera is related to the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption,<br />

the largest eruption of this area, that occurred about 39 ka B.P.,<br />

and the youngest caldera was formed 15 ka B.P. with the<br />

Neapolitan Yellow Tuff eruption (SCARPATI et alii, 1993).<br />

The dating was obtained by the 40 Ar / 39 Ar method (RICCI et<br />

alii, 2000; DE VIVO et alii, 2001; INSINGA et alii, 2004; DEINO et<br />

alii, 2004).<br />

Two questions arise from the analysis of the volcanic history<br />

of the Phlegraean area: 1) genesis of volcanism of the whole<br />

Neapolitan volcanic area; 2) actual location of the caldera<br />

boundary of the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption.<br />

The two points are strictly related because the mechanism of<br />

the migration of the magma towards the surface and its<br />

outpouring produce the present structure of the caldera.<br />

In order to find a solution we analyzed, at first, data available<br />

from the literature and an analytical model (LUONGO et alii,<br />

1991) proposed for the Phlegraean Fields, and after analogical<br />

models to simulate the process of the building up of the<br />

Campanian Ignimbrite caldera.<br />

An accurate analysis of the data available from the literature<br />

showed that many authors have outlined the rim of the<br />

Campanian Ignimbrite Caldera both on land and at sea, but<br />

without any reliable geological constraint (ROSI & SBRANA,<br />

1987; ORSI et alii, 1996; PERROTTA et alii, 2006) for which<br />

concern the existence of the caldera rim at sea (BARBERI et alii,<br />

1991; ZOLLO et al., 2003; JUDENHERC & ZOLLO, 2004).<br />

Our research began with assumption that at the origin of the<br />

Neapolitan volcanism there is a mantle upwelling occurring about<br />

2 Ma B.P., associated with tensile tectonics generated by the<br />

opening of Tyrrhenian basin: the rising plume generates a crustal<br />

tumescence, a triple junction and a detumescence.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra – Università degli studi di Napoli<br />

“Federico II”,,<br />


112<br />

After the check that evidences of the rising plume there are in<br />

the Phlegraean Fields and the study of the analytical model, that<br />

links the phlegraean caldera resurgence to a hotspot, we built two<br />

analogue models, set by volcanological, geophysical and<br />

geochemical constraints, in order to simulate a rising plume.<br />

For the two models a gelatine layer was used as analogue to the<br />

crust. According to empiric evidences, the material showed a<br />

brittle behaviour for a temperature below +7 C and a viscous one<br />

for a temperature above +7 °C. The difference between the<br />

models was the type of source: in the first model, a silicon<br />

balloon was placed at the bottom of the gelatine layer and was<br />

slowly inflated to simulate a rising plume (Fig. 1); in the second<br />

model, animal fat was injected in the gelatine through a conduit<br />

in order to constrain the material during the upward migration<br />

(Fig. 2).<br />

The effects of two experiments were similar on the surface:<br />

crustal tumescence, tripartite fracture and detumescence.<br />

Fig. 1 – Analogue model by gelatine and balloon.<br />

Fig. 2– Analogue model by gelatine and fat.

The analogue models allowed to obtain the pressure for the<br />

overburden uplift and the triple junction by the ratio between the<br />

lithostatic pressure of the overburden and the pressure in the<br />

balloon, in the first model, and the ratio between the lithostatic<br />

pressure and the pressure necessary for the ascent of the fat, in<br />

the second model. These ratios were utilized for the Phlegraean<br />

Fields to obtain the pressure exerted by the magmatic source.<br />

The pressure values obtained by the analogue models are<br />

similar to the analytical ones, confirming that the models are a<br />

reliable representation of the examinated process.<br />

Moreover, the analogical models were used to determine the<br />

plume diameter, responsible of the observed deformation in the<br />

Phlegraean Fields, and to calculate ground uplifts produced by<br />

the same plume.<br />

The results of the proposed analogue models show that the<br />

Phlegraean Fields take up the centre of a triple junction whose<br />

Fig. 3– Location of the triple junction associated to the whole Neapolitan<br />

Volcanism. PF: Phlegraean Fields; I: isle of Ischia; V: Vesuvius; P?: Villa<br />

Literno volcanism.<br />

arms, arranged at about 120° from each other, are responsible of<br />

tectonic structures of the whole Neapolitan volcanism (fig. 3).<br />

In addition, the analogue models suggest that the caldera<br />

formation is not due to the overburden collapse following a large<br />

explosive eruption that empties a shallow magma reservoir, but to<br />

erosion of conduit and widening of vents due to tephra ejection at<br />

supersonic speed through the opening fractures.<br />


BARBERI F., CASSANO E., LA TORRE P. & SBRANA A.. (1991) -<br />

Structural evolution of Campi Flegrei caldera in light of<br />

volcanological and geophysical data. J. Volcanol. Geoth.<br />

Res., 48, 33 – 49.<br />

DEINO A..L., ORSI G., DE VITA S. & PIOCHI M. (2004) - The age<br />

of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff caldera – forming eruption<br />

113<br />

(Campi Flegrei caldera, Italy) assessed by 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating<br />

method. J. Volcanol. Geoth. Res., 133, 157–170.<br />


W.A.., SPERA F.J. & BELKIN H.E. (2001) - New constraints on<br />

the pyroclastic eruptive history of the Campanian volcanic<br />

Plain (Italy). Mineral. Petrol., 73, 47–65.<br />



(2004) – 40 Ar/ 39 Ar Dating of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff<br />

eruption (Campi Flegrei, southern Italy):Volcanological and<br />

Chronostratigraphic Implications. EGU Assembly, Nice.<br />

JUDENHERC S. & ZOLLO A. (2004) - The Bay of Naples (Southern<br />

Italy): constraints on the volcanic structures inferred from a<br />

dense seismic survey. J. Geophys. Res., 109, B10312.<br />


(1991) - The mechanics of Campi Flegrei resurgent caldera –<br />

a model. J. Volcanol. Geoth. Res., 45, 161–172.<br />


(1991) - A physical model for the origin of volcanism of the<br />

Tyrrhenian margin: the case of Neapolitan area. J. Volcanol.<br />

Geoth. Res., 48, 173–185.<br />

ORSI G., DE VITA S. & DI VITO M. (1996) - The restless resurgent<br />

Campi Flegrei nested caldera (Italy): Constrains on its<br />

evolution and configuration. J. Volcanol. Geoth. Res., 74,<br />

179 – 214.<br />


The Campi Flegrei caldera boundary in the city of Naples. In<br />

B. DE VIVO (Ed.) - Volcanism in the Campania Plain:<br />

Vesuvius, Campi Flegrei and Ignimbrites. pp. 85 – 96.<br />

Elsevier, New York.<br />


&MELLUSO L. (2000) - Volcanological, geochemical and<br />

geochronological data from ancient pyroclastic successions<br />

of Campi Flegrei (Italy). AGU 2000 Fall Meeting, Eos,<br />

Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 81(48).<br />

ROSI M. & SBRANA A. (1987) - Phlegraean Fields. CNR, Quad.<br />

Ric. Sci., 114, 1 – 175.<br />

SCARPATI C., COLE P.D. & PERROTTA A.. (1993) - The<br />

Neapolitan Yellow Tuff – A large volume multiphase eruption<br />

from Campi Flegrei, southern Italy. B. Volcanol., 55, 343 –<br />

356.<br />



MICHELINI A. & MUSACCHIO G. (2003) - Evidence for the<br />

buried rim of Campi Flegrei caldera from 3-D active seismic<br />

imaging. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(19), 2002,<br />

doi:10.1029/2003GL018173.NO.19.<br />


SESSIONE 5<br />

Key words: Effective parameters, relaxation, thermoelasicity,<br />

viscosity.<br />


Solid geological environments, or in other words, rocks were<br />

never homogeneous. They always have different types of<br />

heterogeneity, such as the inclusions of other material, pores,<br />

cracks, and dislocations. The primary method of studying these<br />

inclusions is the laboratory experiments. However, reliable<br />

explanations of laboratory experiments are impossible without<br />

theoretical research. In the mechanics of heterogeneous mediums<br />

methods of averaging the physical fields are developed based on<br />

the theory of random functions. Application of this method to<br />

explain the properties of rocks is promising. Reliable<br />

mathematical modeling of processes in rocks will draw the<br />

correct conclusions when interpreting the data of geophysical<br />

observations.<br />



The problem of finding effective parameters of stochastically<br />

inhomogeneous mediums was considered by many researchers<br />


SANCHES-PALENSIA, 1984; FEDORYSHYN, 1999). The final<br />

formulas for averaging almost all physical parameters are<br />

developed: elasticity modules, electrical conductivity, dielectric<br />

and magnetic constant. In order to find all these parameters the<br />

same approach is used – averaging of differential equations<br />

where coefficients are unknown parameters.<br />

r r<br />

r<br />

∗ r<br />

Lu<br />

= −f<br />

; L u = −f<br />

Here L is differential operator where coefficients are random<br />

∗<br />

functions, L is the same differential operator, but the coefficients<br />

in it are effective parameters. All methods use the same<br />

_________________________<br />

Study of basic physical properties of rocks based on theory of<br />

stochastic inhomogeneous mediums<br />

(*) Carpatian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geoptysics NASU,<br /><br />


114<br />

approximation when fluctuations of fields within component of<br />

medium are neglected. At application of these methods to the<br />

geological mediums we have two problems. The first problem is<br />

that the internal geometric structure of the environment is<br />

unknown and application of the developed methods should<br />

introduce empirical coefficients taken from laboratory<br />

experiments. In this work it is proposed to link the neglecting of<br />

fluctuations of fields with the problem of introduction of<br />

empirical coefficients, i.e., it is proposed to introduce empirical<br />

coefficients where fluctuations of fields are neglected. In such<br />

way effective elastic modules, the velocity of elastic waves in<br />

porous media and electrical conductivity are derived. And the<br />

method of estimation of reservoir properties of rocks according to<br />

laboratory and field observations is developed.<br />



The second problem is that those differential equations that<br />

are valid for each component are not sufficiently good for<br />

describing the geological environment in general. That is, for<br />

rocks it is not sufficient to find effective physical parameters, we<br />

need to have improved differential equations for describing the<br />

behavior of rocks. In this work the process of averaging the wave<br />

Fig.1. - Dependence of the length of the wave vector of<br />

frequencies, taking into account non-locality.<br />

equation takes into account non-local relations between stress and<br />

strain. σ = C 4ε<br />

+ C6∇∇ε<br />

, where 4 C is fourth range tensor, C6 is<br />

sixth range tensor. As a result we obtained differential equation<br />

of 4-th order, which describes the distribution of four different<br />

waves. In Figure 1 it is shown the dispersion characteristics of

these waves. As we can see, in heterogeneous mediums besides<br />

ordinary waves (curve 1) "standing waves" appear with length of<br />

approximately equal to the average size of non-homogeneities<br />

and it weakly depends on frequency (curve 2). A similar<br />

situation exists in the crystal lattice. In the atomic crystal lattice<br />

there are only acoustic phonons, and in the diatonic lattice more<br />

optical phonons appear.<br />



Thermal conductivity is also the physical quantity for which<br />

the effective value should be determined. To do this we need to<br />

average common system of equations of mechanics and heat<br />

balance, using the Duhamel-Neumann law. But in this case the<br />

evaluation of stress fluctuations is more important problem than<br />

finding effective thermo elastic parameters. In heterogeneous<br />

mediums the thermal stress will always occur due to different<br />

coefficients of thermal expansion of components. Partial melt,<br />

which exists in asthenosphere, can also be considered as a twocomponent<br />

thermo elastic medium. Melting is a phase transition<br />

of first sort, accompanied by the volume increasing. The region<br />

of partial melt is at depth of 80-100 kilometers, and there is no<br />

room for expansion, so the melting process is accompanied by the<br />

emergence of internal overpressure. This paper evaluates the<br />

internal pressure in asthenosphere due to partial melt. In Figure 2<br />

it is shown the pressure dependence on the depth at heating the<br />

medium by 2 º C.<br />

Fig.2. - Dependence of overpressure in the partial<br />

melt on depth.<br />


Most of the processes taking place in geological mediums are<br />

not subordinated to classical mechanics. A significant part of<br />

their behavior is described by rheological properties: viscosity<br />

and relaxation. Definition and solution of the problem of<br />

viscoelasticity of heterogeneous environments is extremely<br />

difficult problem that is why we can hope to find solutions only<br />

115<br />

for separate problems. In this paper the attempt is made to build a<br />

common system of equations for saturated porous medium, which<br />

would describe the liquid filtration process and relaxation of<br />

stresses in the solid component. A two-component viscoelastic<br />

cracked and porous medium saturated with liquid is considered.<br />

For such medium the equations of viscoelasticity are written. For<br />

hard part of rocks the Maxwell viscosity model is taken<br />

d d d<br />

σs + τσ�<br />

s = 2μεs<br />

, and for pore material – the Voigt viscosity<br />

d d d<br />

model σf<br />

= 2 με f + ηε�<br />

f . As a result of statistical averaging of<br />

these equations the equation of fluid filtration is derived<br />

K ∂p<br />

∇p<br />

− = 0 ,<br />

kη<br />

∂t<br />

and equations for estimation of stress changes due to relaxation in<br />

hard component of rock<br />

d<br />

∂σs<br />

∗⎛<br />

p ⎞<br />

σs<br />

+ τ = C ⎜ε<br />

s + ⎟ .<br />

∂t<br />

⎝ K ⎠<br />

This mathematical model can be used to define layer pressure in<br />

the oil and gas fields.<br />


FEDORYSHYN O. (1999) – Prognozirovanie svoistv<br />

microneodnorodnykh materialov s razlichnymi tipami<br />

vkluchenij, (Predicting the properties of microscopically<br />

inhomogeneous materials with different types of inclusions).<br />

Math. Methods and Phys.-Mech. Fields. 42, 136-140.<br />

SHERMERHOR T. (1977) – Teoria uprugosti<br />

microneodnorodnykh sred (Theory of Elasticity of<br />

Microscopically Inhomogeneous Media). Nauka, Moscow,<br />

400 pp.<br />

KHOROSHUN L. & SHCHERBAKOV A. - (1979) Prochnost i<br />

deformativnost arbolita, (Strength and Deformability of<br />

Arbolite). Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 191 pp.<br />

SANCHES-PALENSIA E. (1984) Inhomogeneous media and<br />

vibration theory. Mir, Moscow, 472 pp.<br />


SESSIONE 5<br />

Transient behaviour simulation of large, explosive, and ignimbrite<br />

forming eruptions by a multiphase thermo-fluid dynamic model<br />

Key words: Ignimbrite-forming eruptions, multiphase dynamic<br />

model, stratified deposits, two-dimensional numerical<br />

simulations.<br />


A multiphase thermo-fluid dynamic model has been improved<br />

to assess the effect of a range of particle size on the transient<br />

two-dimensional behaviour of large, explosive, and ignimbrite<br />

forming eruptions. The model accounts for mechanical and<br />

thermal non-equilibrium conditions between a continuous gas<br />

phase and N solid phases characterized by specific physical<br />

properties (NERI et alii). The dynamics of the process was<br />

simulated by adopting a grid scale approach able to resolve the<br />

meso-scale features of the flow and the high sub-grid gas<br />

turbulence. Viscous and interphase effects were expressed in<br />

terms of newtonian stress tensors and gas-particle or<br />

particle-particle coefficients (DARTEVELLE et alii). Several<br />

numerical simulations of such collapsing explosive eruptions<br />

were carried out. Their dynamics depict the formation of the<br />

vertical jet, the column collapse, the building of the pyroclastic<br />

fountain, the generation of radially spreading pyroclastic current,<br />

and the development of thermal convective instabilities in the<br />

fountain and in the current. The results highlight the importance<br />

of the multiphase development of the model and describe several<br />

mechanical and thermal non-equilibrium effects. Low<br />

concentration zones tend to follow the dynamics of the hot<br />

ascending gas, both in the convective plume above the fountain,<br />

and in the propagation of the associated pyroclastic current. High<br />

concentration parts tend to sediment mainly along the ground,<br />

both in the proximal area for the mixing of material in the<br />

fountain, and in the boundary layer for the loss of momentum.<br />


Two large, explosive, and ignimbrite forming eruptions<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli studi di Napoli<br />

“Federico II”,<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto “Meccanismi eruttivi, di trasporto<br />

e deposizionali di eruzioni pliniane” con il <strong>contributo</strong> finanziario<br />

dell’Università degli studi di Napoli “Federico II”<br />


116<br />

Fig. 1 – A picture of a stratified pyroclastic current with a concentrated<br />

boundary layer (from BRANNEY &KOKELAAR, 2003).<br />

occurred during the last 40 ka in the Campi Flegrei volcanic field.<br />

The oldest (39 ka) and largest (>300 km 3 ) is the Campanian<br />

Ignimbrite (CI) that emplaced a grey to yellow ash deposit widely<br />

dispersed. The general features of the CI are quite similar to the<br />

standard ignimbrite (SPARKS et alii, 1973). The youngest is the<br />

Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (NYT), a phreatoplinian eruptive event<br />

(50 km 3 in DRE) occurred about 15 ka ago (DEINO et alii, 2004).<br />

Two different depositional members (A and B) have been<br />

identified. The member B is constituted by pyroclastic currents<br />

deposits which form a thinly stratified succession tens of metres<br />

thick, with hundreds of layers centimetres to metres thick<br />

(SCARPATI et alii, 1993). This succession is composed of six<br />

depositional units: massive, inverse-graded, regressive<br />

sand-wave, stratified, particle aggregate, and vesicular. Vertical<br />

and horizontal facies variations testify the unsteady and<br />

non-uniform nature of the parental pyroclastic currents. The<br />

stratified unit is poorly sorted and characterized by numerous<br />

laminae whose thickness vary from a few millimetres to about ten<br />

centimetres (COLE & SCARPATI, 1993). The thinly stratified<br />

nature of this unit can be interpreted as the deposition product<br />

from a concentrated boundary layer of a turbulent, stratified<br />

pyroclastic current, where sedimentation is mainly due to traction<br />

carpet motion (BRANNEY &KOKELAAR, 2003). For a more clear<br />

view, in Fig. 1 a schematic picture of the dynamics of a stratified<br />

pyroclastic current is represented, together with the associated<br />

concentrated and traction-dominated boundary layer.

Fig. 2 – Two snapshots at 90 s and 135 s of a numerical simulation of a collapsing explosive eruption together with the associated pyroclastic current and rising<br />

phoenix clouds around five hundred metres and between two and four kilometres.<br />

The numerical simulations carried out recently reproduce the<br />

behaviour of a pyroclastic current emplacing such type of<br />

stratified units. In Fig. 2 two snapshots at 90 and 135 seconds of<br />

a numerical simulation of a collapsing explosive eruption are<br />

shown. After about five hundred metres, the high-concentration<br />

(red) layer may be assimilated to the concentrated and<br />

traction-dominated boundary layer, while the stratified and<br />

turbulent section (orange ? blue) represents the main part of the<br />

pyroclastic current. Closer to source, phoenix clouds start to form<br />

because the flow system is losing its horizontal momentum. At<br />

greater distances, other rising phoenix clouds come out for<br />

turbulence from the high-concentrated basal part. Our final<br />

purpose is to relate stratified ignimbrites with the simulated<br />

turbulent pyroclastic current.<br />


BRANNEY M.J. & KOKELAAR P. (2003) – Pyroclastic density<br />

currents and the Sedimentation of ignimbrites. Geol. Soc.<br />

Lond. Mem., 27, 1-142.<br />

COLE P.D. & SCARPATI C. (1993) – A facies interpretation of the<br />

eruption and emplacement mechanisms of the upper part of<br />

the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff, Campi Flegrei, Southern Italy.<br />

Bull. Volcanol., 55 (5), 311-326.<br />


J.W. (2004) – Numerical modelling of geophysical granular<br />

117<br />

flows: Computer simulations of plinian clouds and pyroclastic<br />

flows and surges. Geochem. Geophys. Geosys. , 5 (8), 1-36.<br />

DEINO A.L., ORSI G., DE VITA S.&PIOCHI M. (2004) – The age of<br />

Neapolitan Yellow Tuff caldera-forming eruption (Campi<br />

Flegrei caldera – Italy) assessed by 40 Ar / 39 Ar dating method.<br />

J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 133 (1-4), 157-170.<br />


(2003) – Multiparticle simulation of collapsing volcanic<br />

columns and pyroclastic flows. J. Geophys. Res., 108 (B4),<br />

1-24.<br />

SCARPATI C., COLE P.D. & PERROTTA A. (1993) – The<br />

Neapolitan Yellow Tuff: A large multiphase eruption from<br />

Campi Flegrei, Southern Italy. Bull. Volcanol., 55 (5), 343-<br />

356.<br />

SPARKS R.S.J., SELF S. & WALKER G.P.L. (1973) – Products of<br />

ignimbrite eruptions. Geology, 1 (3), 115-118.<br />


SESSIONE 5<br />

Application of cellular automaton model for river morphological<br />

studies: CAESAR and the Pellice River (Piedmont, Italy)<br />


Key words: CAESAR, cellular automaton model, Italy,<br />

morphological changes, Piedmont.<br />


The cellular automaton concept is based on the continued<br />

interaction of a series of local process “rules” that governs the<br />

behavior of the entire system (WOLFRAM, 1983).<br />

In the geomorphological contest, the basic principles of<br />

cellular modeling are that landforms are represented by a lattice<br />

of cells and that the interactions between cells (routing of water<br />

and sediment for rivers) are treated using simple rules based on<br />

abstractions of the governing physics (NICHOLAS, 2005).<br />

The first models used in the river geomorphological contest<br />

were applied to the braided river modeling (MURRAY &PAOLA,<br />

1994). Then, other studies have followed, always in the river<br />

dynamic contest, also considering alluvial fans and artificial<br />

channels (COULTHARD et alii, 2002; THOMAS & NICHOLAS,<br />

2002).<br />

CAESAR, Cellular Automaton Evolutionary Slope And River<br />

model, is a open source cellular model which can be run in two<br />

modes: a catchment mode with no external influxes other than<br />

rainfall; and a reach mode with one or more points through which<br />

sediment and water enter to the system (VAN DE WIEL et alii,<br />

2007). The CAESAR model employs a scanning algorithm that<br />

“pushes” water across a grid to the cells in front, along four<br />

directions (fig. 1; COULTHARD et alii, 2002 and COULTHARD et<br />

alii, 2007). This overcomes some problem for braided and<br />

meandering river.<br />

The bed-load transport can be calculated with WILCOCK &<br />

CROWE (2003) or EINSTEIN (1950) formula.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Department of Science, Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” di Chieti-<br />

Pescara,<br />

(**) CNR-IRPI U.O.S. di Torino,<br />

(°) CNR-IRPI U.O.S. di Torino,<br />

This research began in the context of a PhD in collaboration with the<br />

Department of Science of Chieti University and then in the context of PRIN<br />

2007 “Present evolutionary trends and possible future dynamics of alluvial<br />

channels in Northern and Central Italy” (national co-ordinator: Dr Nicola<br />

Surian, University of Padua; local co-ordinator: Ing. Giorgio Lollino, CNR-<br />

IRPI of Turin) with the economic contribution of Research and University<br />

Minister.<br />

118<br />

The cellular model was applied on some part of Pellice River,<br />

a Po River tributaries, characterized by a 905 km 2 wide drainage<br />

basin.<br />

Fig. 1 – Schematic representation of the scanning algorithm of CAESAR<br />

(COULTHARD et alii, 2002)<br />


The Pellice river is characterized by a single and multi-thread<br />

pattern: wandering in the upper part and meandering in the lower,<br />

near the Po river confluence. The river can be considered a<br />

cobble – gravel bed in the upper part and a gravel – sand bed in<br />

the lower, near the confluence.<br />

The geomorphological characteristics were analyzed by indepth<br />

studies on the planimetric variation occurred in the last one<br />

hundred and fifty years. The studies were conducted using<br />

historical maps (1880-1945) and aerophotographs (1945-1999).<br />

The CAESAR simulations in reach mode request a digital<br />

terrain model (DTM), hydrometric and discharge data and<br />

granulometric data. The DTM has been obtained by a LiDAR<br />

survey made on February 2007, the hydrometric data have been<br />

acquired from both the Hydrological Annals and the regional<br />

hydrometric service (ARPA Piemonte, the local district

Fig. 2 – Schematic cross-section along one of the studied Pellice River reach. In blue the original DTM, in green and red two different simulation: number one<br />

without lateral erosion and the number two with lateral erosion. The distance of point along the cross-section is 1 m and the simulation time is one year.<br />

Environmental Protection Agency). The granulometric data were<br />

measured thanks a field survey during the 2008 summer.<br />

Then, a census of the civil and engineering defense has been<br />

done. The census has done both by field survey and archive<br />

investigation.<br />

The simulations have been done on a two-three kilometers<br />

long river reach for a period of one year. The hydrometric data<br />

are the measured value at one of the water gauge in the basin<br />

(about 6 km up-stream). The erosion method use Einstein<br />

formula, because the granulometric characteristics of the reach.<br />

Velocity was fixed 3 m/s. the maximum erodible limit was 0.01m.<br />

The first results point out fifty cm – one hundred cm variation<br />

of the section due to both erosion and deposit phenomena (fig. 2).<br />


COULTHARD T.J., MACKLIN M.G. & KIRBY M.J. (2002) - A<br />

Cellular Model Of Holocene Upland River Basin And<br />

Alluvial Fan Evolution. Earth Surf. Proc. Land., 27, 269-288.<br />

COULTHARD T.J., HICKS D.M. & VAN DE WIEL M.J. (2007) -<br />

Cellular modelling of river catchments and reaches:<br />

advantages, limitations and prospects. Geomorphology, 90,<br />

192-207.<br />

EINSTEIN H.A. (1950) - The bed-load function for sediment<br />

transport on open channel flows. Technical Bulletin USDA,<br />

Soil Conservation Service, 1026, 71.<br />

119<br />

MURRAY A.B. & PAOLA C. (1994) - A cellular model of braided<br />

rivers. Nature, 371, 54-57.<br />

NICHOLAS A. P. (2005) - Cellular modelling in fluvial<br />

geomorphology. Earth Surf. Proc. Land., 30, 645-649.<br />

THOMAS R. & NICHOLAS A.P. (2002) - Simulation of braided<br />

river flow using a new cellular routing scheme.<br />

Geomorphology, 43, 179-195.<br />


(2007) - Embedding reach-scale fluvial dynamics within the<br />

CAESAR cellular automaton landscape evolution model.<br />

Geomorphology, 90, 283-301.<br />

WILCOCK P.R. & CROWE J.C. (2003) - Surface-based transport<br />

model for mixed-size sediment. J. Hydraul. Eng.-ASCE,<br />

129(2), 120-128.<br />

WOLFRAM S. (1983) - Statistical Mechanics of Cellular<br />

Automata. Rev. Mod. Phys., 55, 601-644.<br />


SESSIONE 5<br />

Key words: Diffusion, kaolinite, mathematical modeling,<br />

sodalite.<br />

Sodalite [Na4(AlSiO4)3Cl]2 experimental synthesis was here<br />

performed in alumina crucibles at 850°C and ambient pressure by<br />

the mixing of kaolinite plus NaCl. A continuous loss in weight of<br />

the NaCl plus metakaolinite starting matrix contained in the<br />

alumina crucible heated in oven was testified and attributed to Cl<br />

vaporization. An analytical mathematical model to solve the<br />

parabolic differential equation related to the chlorine diffusion<br />

processes occurring within the crucible has just been proposed in<br />

a previous paper (in press). The comparison between the<br />

experimental data and the theoretical results was satisfactory<br />

enough. Even so, a better matching has been pursued through an<br />

improvement of the analytical expression.<br />

In the previous paper, the solution of a simple differential<br />

equation with homogeneous Newmann condition, related to the<br />

diffusion of Cl mass through a truncated cone (the crucible) and<br />

then released to the oven atmosphere, was selected. The<br />

following was the expression of the Cl mass released to the oven<br />

atmosphere at the time τ after the start of the transient (STRANG,<br />

1986; ZWILLINGER, 1986) :<br />

=<br />

⎪⎧<br />

⎡<br />

( )<br />

( − )<br />

( )<br />

( − ) ( − ) ( − ) ⎤⎪⎫<br />

⎨ − ∑ − ⎢ ⋅ − ⋅ −<br />

⎥⎬<br />

⎪⎩<br />

⎢⎣<br />

⎥⎦<br />

⎪⎭<br />

∞<br />

M(<br />

τ ) rel<br />

n<br />

n 2<br />

π<br />

2<br />

n −λ<br />

D 1 2 B b 1 B b<br />

n τ<br />

M 0 1<br />

1 e<br />

B h 2 h b 2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

2h<br />

V n= 0<br />

λn<br />

λn<br />

λn<br />

where 0<br />

An empirical-analytical mathematical model to simulate the loss in<br />

weight of Cl during the synthesis process of sodalite by the use of<br />

meta kaolinite<br />

(1)<br />

M was the total inventory of Cl mass, assumed available<br />

1 2<br />

2<br />

inside the crucible; while V h(<br />

B + Bb + b )<br />

= π was the<br />

12<br />

volumetric capacity of the crucible, considered as a truncated<br />

cone; ‘ B ’ and ‘b’ were, respectively, the diameter of the major<br />

( 2n + 1)<br />

π<br />

and minor base of the cone, and λn<br />

= , n = 0,<br />

1,<br />

2,<br />

3...<br />

2h<br />

were the eigenvalues associated to eigenfunctions cos( λnx)<br />

(ZWILLINGER, 1986). The order of the magnitude of diffusion<br />

coefficient D (assumed constant as a first step), has been assumed<br />

________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze, Università D’Annunzio, Chieti,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Geotecnologie per l’Ambiente ed il Territorio,<br />

Università D’Annunzio, Chieti,<br />


120<br />

equal to 10 -9 m 2 /s. The series, in the above relation, has been<br />

truncated at the 10 th term, because of the decreasing exponential<br />

numerical values with the increasing order of the eigenvalue λ n .<br />

Experimental data and numerical results, when compared,<br />

although satisfactory enough, suggest the necessity of some<br />

modelling improvements. Fig. 1 shows the comparison between<br />

experimental data and the results obtained by expression (1) for<br />

different values of diffusion coefficient D. It is evident that the<br />

assumption of a simple diffusion of Cl through the crucible, in<br />

order to describe experimental data, is able to provide only poor<br />

results.<br />

weight lost (g)<br />

2,5<br />

2,0<br />

1,5<br />

1,0<br />

0,5<br />

experimental data and analytical results<br />

experimental data<br />

numerical results:<br />

[D] =m 2 /s<br />

D =1.1x10 -9<br />

D =1.5x10 -9<br />

D =2.0x10 -9<br />

D =2.5x10 -9<br />

0,0<br />

0 100 200<br />

time (hour)<br />

300 400<br />

Fig. 1 –Comparison among eexperimental data and analytical solution<br />

of a simple diffusion differential equation.<br />

After about 120 hours, the best results has been obtained<br />

−9<br />

2<br />

assuming D = 2.<br />

5×<br />

10 m / s . Before that time, however, lower<br />

diffusion coefficient values are more suitable to match<br />

experimental measures. As a consequence, a simple diffusion<br />

equation appeared to be not well suitable to numerically describe<br />

this kind of phenomena. Thus the attempt was to modify directly<br />

the analytical solution in order to achieve a better matching<br />

between experimental measures and analytical results. The first<br />

attempt to modelling this kind of phenomena through a simple<br />

diffusion differential equation was based on the assumption that<br />

all the Cl atoms were free to diffuse through the NaCl matrix<br />

contained in the crucible. This hypothesis subtends another<br />

assumption: the entire matrix of NaCl molecules was at a<br />

temperature over the Cl ionization temperature since the transient<br />

(and the subsequent set of experimental measures) started. Just<br />

only two are the parameters that can be changed: diffusion<br />

coefficient and the actual free Cl gas availability inside the NaCl

matrix during the transient. First we employed a time variable Cl<br />

mass inside the matrix and free to diffuse. The following<br />

expression was assumed:<br />

−BF<br />

⋅τ<br />

M () τ avail = M tot ⋅ ( 1−<br />

e )<br />

(2)<br />

M τ was the total Cl mass inside the NaCl matrix<br />

Where ( ) avail<br />

that at the instant τ has been converted into free gas and has<br />

been available to diffuse through the matrix; M tot (2.56 g) was<br />

the total mass of Cl contained in whichever form inside the NaCl<br />

matrix; BF coefficient was related to conductive-convective<br />

thermal conditions of the matrix respectively inside and on the<br />

surface of the crucible, through Biot and Fourier adimensional<br />

numbers, (KREITH, 1973). A physical justification of expression<br />

(2) could be provided by considering a non complete crucible<br />

heating at 850°C.<br />

−BF<br />

⋅τ<br />

Thus M 0 ≡ M () τ avail = M tot ⋅ ( 1−<br />

e ) expression has been<br />

introduced into equation (1):<br />

M(<br />

τ )<br />

M<br />

tot<br />

rel<br />

≅<br />

⋅(<br />

1 − e<br />

−B<br />

⎪⎧<br />

⋅τ<br />

π<br />

) ⎨1<br />

−<br />

3<br />

⎪⎩ 2h<br />

V<br />

n ( −1)<br />

( B ⋅ h)<br />

n<br />

( B − b)<br />

( −1)<br />

( B b)<br />

⎡ τ<br />

2<br />

−<br />

⎢<br />

− 2 h ⋅ b − 2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

⎢⎣<br />

λn<br />

λn<br />

λ<br />

10<br />

2<br />

n −λn<br />

D<br />

∑ ( −1)<br />

e<br />

n= 0<br />

n<br />

(3)<br />

Then some parametric studies have been carried out to select the<br />

optimal numerical parameter values of both BF and D, in order<br />

to acquire the best matching among experimental data and semi<br />

analytical results. The first numerical experiments suggested the<br />

−6<br />

−1<br />

employment of the following values BF = 5.<br />

× 10 s , for all<br />

the simulations carried out.<br />

weight lost (g)<br />

2,5<br />

2,0<br />

1,5<br />

1,0<br />

0,5<br />

experimental data and analytical results<br />

experimental data<br />

analytical results [D] = m 2 /s:<br />

Variable conc Mfree =1.5 g; D =variable<br />

Variable conc Mfree =1.5 g; D =2.5x10 -9<br />

0,0<br />

0 100 200<br />

time (hour)<br />

300 400<br />

Fig. 2 – Final comparison among experimental data and numerical<br />

results.<br />

Thus the diffusion coefficient was increased from<br />

−9<br />

2<br />

−9<br />

2<br />

D = 1.<br />

1×<br />

10 m / s up to D = 2.<br />

5×<br />

10 m / s improving the<br />

quality of the matching, but even so, the results were not very<br />

satisfactory yet within the entire range. Some further parametric<br />

studies suggested that an improvment would has been obtained if<br />

the curve was homothetically translated up. By a physical point<br />

of view, a reasonable and suitable assumption, aimed to justify<br />

this “mathematical” operation, was to suppose that some Cl mass<br />

was already available to diffuse freely through the matrix, just<br />

2<br />

⎤⎪⎫<br />

⎥⎬<br />

⎥⎦<br />

⎪⎭<br />

121<br />

since the start of transient. It means that the expression (2) and<br />

consequently the expression (3), should be substituted by:<br />

−BF⋅τ M = M τ = M − M ⋅ 1−<br />

e + M<br />

(4)<br />

0<br />

() ( tot free ) ( ) free<br />

avail<br />

where M free was supposed to be the Cl mass already free to<br />

diffuse since the transient start. This assumption improved<br />

significantly the capability of the model to match experimental<br />

data for the first 100 hours as it is shown, in Fig. 2, by “clear<br />

triangle up” line with = 1.<br />

5g<br />

. The same figure shows the<br />

M free<br />

comparison between the model with M = 2.<br />

56 g and<br />

−9<br />

2<br />

D = 2.<br />

5×<br />

10 m / s (both constant for the entire transient,<br />

“dark triangle down”) and the experimental data. At the 100 th<br />

hour, the experimental plot displays a steeper trend. This<br />

behaviour could be explained supposing that, at that time, the<br />

actual diffusion coefficient was higher than the value assumed<br />

carrying out the previous numerical calculations. Thus, within<br />

that time range, a raising of diffusion coefficient was supposed.<br />

In Fig. 3, both diffusion coefficient and Cl available mass trend<br />

have been displayed.<br />

diffusion coefficient D/10 -9 (m 2 /s)<br />

3,4<br />

3,2<br />

3,0<br />

2,8<br />

2,6<br />

2,4<br />

diffusion coeff (D)<br />

available Cl mass<br />

D<br />

parameters<br />

( ) [ ] ⎟ ⎟<br />

2<br />

−9 = × ⎜<br />

−2<br />

τ m / s 2.<br />

5 10 1+<br />

7.<br />

× 10 × e130×<br />

3600<br />

2 ( m / s)<br />

2.<br />

5<br />

D =<br />

−6 −5×<br />

10 ⋅τ<br />

()[ τ g]<br />

= 1.<br />

06×<br />

( 1−<br />

e ) 1.<br />

5<br />

M avail +<br />

( ) [ ] ⎟ ⎟<br />

2<br />

−9 = × ⎜<br />

−2<br />

τ m / s 2.<br />

5 10 1+<br />

7.<br />

× 10 × e 130×<br />

3600<br />

0 100 200<br />

time (hours)<br />

300 400<br />

Fig. 3 – Implemented key parameters<br />

D<br />

Through the last improvement, based any way on physical<br />

considerations, a very good matching between experimental data<br />

and numerical simulations has been achieved, as it is shown in<br />

Fig. 2 (“clear circle” vs “dark triangle down”).<br />

⎛<br />

⎜<br />

⎝<br />


KREITH F. (1973) - Principles of Heat Transfer. Dun-Donnelley<br />

Publishing Corporation New.<br />

STRANG G. (1986) - Introduction to Applied Mathematics. Wellesley-<br />

Cambridge Press U.S.A.<br />

ZWILLINGER D. (1986) - Handbook of Differential Equations. Academic<br />

Press, Inc.<br />

⎛<br />

⎜<br />

⎝<br />

0<br />

−τ<br />

⎞<br />

⎠<br />

τ<br />

⎞<br />

⎠<br />

2,8<br />

2,6<br />

2,4<br />

2,2<br />

2,0<br />

1,8<br />

1,6<br />

1,4<br />

available Cl mass inside crucible (g)<br />


SESSIONE 5<br />

Key words: Digital terrestrial photogrammetry, distinct elements<br />

numerical methods, laser scanning, marble quarry, stability<br />

analysis.<br />


The knowledge of the structural setting of slopes is essential<br />

when considering the stability in rock exploitation planning. In<br />

addition to the physical-mechanical properties of the intact<br />

material and its discontinuities, the analysis of stability requires<br />

information about the geometrical-structural setting of slopes and<br />

joints.<br />

Physical-mechanical parameters are derived from in situ and<br />

laboratory tests, while geometrical characteristics traditionally<br />

derive from direct attitude measurements on the field. If<br />

accessibility problems do not allow direct measurement of<br />

discontinuity surfaces by traditional geological methods, data are<br />

achievable only by statistical approaches; unfortunately, this is<br />

useless for deterministic analysis of slopes characterized by<br />

appreciable outcrops and evident joint systems.<br />

In such cases, Laser Scanning (LS) represents a useful<br />

technique that allows detailed surveys of the geometricalstructural<br />

setting even in inaccessible sites. Moreover Digital<br />

Terrestrial Photogrammetry (DTP) can be used for the<br />

interpretation of shadows and for the identification of bolts,<br />

previous installed in the slope, unappreciable in the point clouds<br />

from LS.<br />

The equipment necessary for the photogrammetric survey can<br />

be arranged either on an aerostatic balloon, an helicopter or an<br />

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) so that, through vertical strips<br />

of acquisition, it is possible to obtain a complete stereoscopic<br />

viewing of the slopes.<br />

All this deterministic information, integrated by data from<br />

fieldwork, such as geological-engineering surveys, and material<br />

and joints properties, allows the application of distinct elements<br />

_________________________<br />

Application of distinct elements methods for rocky slope stability<br />

analysis in the Carrara Marble District (Apuan Alps)<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Siena,<br /><br />

(**) Copernico SRL, Montalcino, Siena,<br />

122<br />

methods for the slope stability analysis. Moreover, the<br />

combination of these updated techniques of survey and analysis,<br />

consents to obtain several information to be used for the risk<br />

mapping and hazard mitigation in quarries.<br />


The present paper describes the acquisition and processing<br />

procedures of data performed by LS and DTP, aimed to the study<br />

of quarry fronts stability through the distinct elements numerical<br />

methods. The quarry, located in the Carrara Marble District, is<br />

about 150 meters wide and over 100 meters high and it is made<br />

up by Ordinario and Venato marbles (Lower-Middle Lias – Fig.<br />

1).<br />

Data coming from LS surveys has been elaborated in order to<br />

create the Digital Dense Slope Model (DDSM), from the points<br />

cloud, and from it to compute the slopes attitude and joints<br />

attitude, spacing and persistence (Fig. 2a). With the aim of<br />

carrying out a preliminary kinematic analysis, the joints attitude<br />

has been statistically analyzed by the use of Dips software<br />

(Rocscience TM ).<br />

Fig.1 – LS in a marble quarry of the Apuan Alps.<br />

Then, in order to assess the accuracy of the adopted<br />

methodology for the extraction of geometrical info from LS and<br />

DTP, the joint systems resulted from statistical analysis have<br />

been compared with those from the geological-engineering<br />

survey. These last have been carried out in accessible and safe

Fig. 2 – a: Example of topographic profile (blue) and discontinuity systems (red) obtained by DDSM and DTP. b: Example of displacement vectors and Factor<br />

of Safety calculated from the UDEC simulation.<br />

quarry areas whit the aim of getting the physical-mechanical<br />

properties of intact material and its discontinuities necessary to<br />

calculate the mass rock shear strength.<br />

The areas verified by fieldwork represent 1/10 of the<br />

extension of the total study zone (the one acquired by LS and<br />

DTP); this fact confirms the evident advantage of the use of such<br />

modern technologies for getting geometrical-structural data for<br />

the whole slope.<br />

From the processing of the DDSM, 14 topographic profiles<br />

have been created. These profiles have been drawn toward the<br />

directions correspondent to the more probable movements of<br />

sliding blocks; such directions have been gained thank to the<br />

kinematic stability analysis previous performed.<br />

The stability analysis of the slope has been done through<br />

UDEC 4.0 software (Universal Distinct Element Code -<br />

ITASCA TM ).<br />

For every profile, within UDEC environment, all the<br />

engineering-geological parameters necessary for the<br />

characterization of the quarry fronts has been inserted. Then,<br />

from the simulation of the probable movements of blocks and the<br />

calculation of the Factor of Safety (Fig. 2b), it has been possible<br />

to compute the displacement velocity and the stress conditions.<br />

Results indicate that most part of the slope is stable even if, in<br />

some cases, the simulation shows displacements that are<br />

symptomatic of a precarious stability; there, it could be necessary<br />

to rapidly plan the inst<strong>alla</strong>tion of stabilization works.<br />

Moreover, it has been possible to determine the important<br />

contribute of the bolts previous installed in the slope; in many<br />

areas, the simulation without them, has pointed out a condition of<br />

instability.<br />

123<br />


SESSIONE 5<br />

Slope stability analysis and rock fall simulation for the assessment of<br />

geological risk of a railroad line<br />

Key words: Digital terrestrial photogrammetry, laser scanning,<br />

limit equilibrium method, rock fall simulation.<br />


With the increasing awareness to the geological risks, the<br />

study of slope stability plays a key role in the Earth Sciences,<br />

especially in areas of high vulnerability for the presence of<br />

infrastructures and human activities.<br />

These issues require an accurate study of the geological<br />

processes based on several independent or integrated<br />

measurements techniques; nowadays, Digital Terrestrial<br />

Photogrammetry (DTP) and Laser Scanning (LS), together with<br />

the necessary geological-engineering measurements about intact<br />

material and joints, are the principal techniques used for the slope<br />

stability analysis.<br />

These methodologies, in addition to the advent of modern<br />

calculation systems, consent to carry out accurate and<br />

deterministic rocky slopes stability analysis and to simulate the<br />

rock falls useful for the risk zonation and mitigation.<br />


The present paper describes the rock slope stability and<br />

runout analysis of rocky unstable blocks on a slope, 500 m wide<br />

and 600 m high, overhanging the railroad line Domodossola –<br />

Iselle (Fig. 1).<br />

In addition to the traditional geological, geomorphological<br />

and engineering–geological surveys, DTP has been used to<br />

perform a detailed analysis of rocky blocks sited in inaccessible<br />

areas. The stereopairs acquisition has been done by means of an<br />

helicopter.<br />

In order to accomplish the investigation, DTP has been<br />

combined with LS with the aim of creating the DDSM (Digital<br />

Dense Surface Model) of the slope.<br />

Aims of the work are the assessment of the rock falls<br />

potentially dangerous for the railroad line, of the efficiency of<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Siena,<br /><br />


124<br />

existing protection measures and the prompt of mitigation and<br />

monitoring strategies.<br />

In order to collect the exact position and size of blocks and<br />

wedges, a digital interpretation of stereopairs coming from DTP<br />

has been carried out. Subsequently, the stereorestitution of<br />

blocks and discontinuity surfaces has allowed to obtain all the<br />

necessary data for the computation of stability, performed by<br />

limit equilibrium methods (Rocplane and Swedge - Roscience TM ).<br />

The photointerpretation has been also used to realize the land<br />

cover map (ex. outcropping rock, soil covered by vegetation) and<br />

to recognize the mitigation and protection measures already<br />

installed to be used as input data in the runout analysis.<br />

Starting from blocks position the DDSM has allowed to<br />

determine the most probable trajectories of rock falls along the<br />

slope (Fig. 2a). These have been calculated by means of a GIS<br />

procedure by the use of the ArcHydro module of Esri TM ArcMap<br />

assuming a correspondence between probable trajectories and<br />

flowdirection (Fig. 2a).<br />

Fig.1 – Rock slope overhanging the railroad line Domodossola – Iselle<br />

The morphologic profile of rock falling paths has been<br />

obtained by the interpolation of 3D points coming from a<br />

properly procedure developed inside Esri TM Arcinfo Workstation<br />

environment integrated with the Easy Profiler tool of Esri TM<br />

ArcMap.<br />

The physical-mechanical characteristics of blocks, the<br />

morphologic profile, the land cover and the location of the<br />

protection barriers (classified according to the height – from 2 to<br />

4 m – and to the preservation status), have been used as input

Fig. 2 – a: Example of the most probable trajectory of a rock fall along the slope. b: Example of a rockfall simulation along the profile and graphical results of<br />

end points and kinetic energy along the falling path<br />

data in RocFall2D (Roscience TM ) software to calculate the<br />

runout.<br />

Local slope land cover has been managed by a statistical<br />

approach utilizing the coefficient of normal and tangential<br />

restitution; in this way, probabilistic results about rock fall end<br />

point and kinetic energy along the falling path and on the barriers<br />

have been obtained (Fig. 2b).<br />

Considering the railroad line proximity, the analysis has<br />

shown the high probability to reach the train track for some<br />

unstable block. Some other ends their fall mainly in<br />

correspondence of vegetated and less steep areas; the remaining<br />

blocks are stopped by the existing protection measures.<br />

Results from this work have allowed the hazard zoning in<br />

respect to the railway; moreover, comparing them with results<br />

coming from the rock slope stability analysis it has been possible<br />

to suggest the proper protection methods in different areas.<br />

125<br />


SESSIONE 5<br />


SESSIONE 6<br />

Ofioliti del sistema Appennino - Corsica - Alpi<br />

Occidentali<br />


Alessandra Montanini (Università di Parma)<br />

Luca Pandolfi (Università di Pisa)<br />

127<br />


SESSIONE 6<br />

The Middle Triassic to Late Jurassic ophiolites along the Albania to<br />

Greece geotraverse: a tool for the reconstruction of the Mesozoic to<br />

Tertiary tectonic history of Dinaric-Hellenic Belt<br />



Key-words: Albania, back-arc, fore-arc, ophiolites, Greece,<br />

Mesozoic, obduction, subduction, Tertiary.<br />


The Dinaric-Hellenic Belt is an Alpine collisional belt which<br />

extends from Slovenia to the southern Greece. This belt is<br />

derived from the collision between the Adria Plate and the<br />

southern Eurasia Macroplate that resulted by the closure, due to<br />

subduction, of the interposed Vardar Ocean (BORTOLOTTI et alii,<br />

2005 and quoted references).<br />

Many models about the tectonic evolution of the Dinaric-<br />

Hellenic Belt have ben proposed (see for instance the discussion<br />

in the recent papers provided by SCHMID et alii., 2008 and<br />

ROBERTSON et alii, 2009). A valuable tool to check the different<br />

geodynamic models is represented by the stratigraphic,<br />

geochemical and tectonic features of the ophiolites.<br />

To provide valuable contributions to the scientific debate, a<br />

study of the different ophiolite sequences cropping out along the<br />

Albania to Greece geotraverse is provided. In addition, a<br />

geodynamic model is proposed according to the collected data.<br />



Along the Albania to Greece geotraverse, three main domains<br />

can be identified; the lowermost is represented by the units<br />

derived from the Adria continental margin, that are overlain by<br />

the units of the Vardar Domain, i.e. an assemblage of oceanic and<br />

continental units, that in turn, are overlain by the continental units<br />

________________________<br />

(°) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, CNR,<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Firenze<br />

(°°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Ferrara<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto PRIN con il <strong>contributo</strong> finanziario<br />

dell’Università di Ferrara, Firenze e Pisa.<br />

128<br />

of the Serbo-Macedonian-Rhodope Massif, regarded as<br />

representative of the deformed western margin of the Eurasia<br />

Macroplate. The Vardar Domain belongs several ophiolite units,<br />

that are distributed along two main alignment, i.e. the External<br />

(EOB) and Internal ophiolite (IOB) belt, that are in turn separated<br />

by the tectonic window where the Pelagonian-Korab units is<br />

exposed. The ophiolitic units include coherent oceanic sequences<br />

of different age and geodynamic significance, but also slices of<br />

metamorphic sole and ophiolite-bearing mélanges, referred as<br />

sub-ophiolite mélange.<br />

Thus, the western alignment (EOB) include the Mirdita, South<br />

Albania, Pindos, Koziakas and Otrys, Vardoussia and Argolis<br />

ophiolitic units, whereas to the eastern one (IOB) are referred as<br />

the Vourinos, Evvia, Almopias and Guevgueli ophiolitic units.<br />

The latter alignment represents the most internal ophiolites of the<br />

Dinaric-Hellenic Belt. Sum up all the features from IOB and<br />

EOB allows a reconstruction of an overall picture of the<br />

geological setting of the ophiolites along the Albania to Greece<br />

geotraverse. The reconstructed setting includes, from bottom to<br />

the top: 1) a ophiolite-bearing sub-ophiolite mélange; 2) Middle<br />

to late Triassic MOR ophiolites, strongly deformed under very<br />

low-grade metamorphism; 3) Middle Jurassic MOR-IAT<br />

ophiolites that represent a fore-arc oceanic basin opened inside a<br />

MOR trapped crust; 4) Middle Jurassic IAT ophiolites that<br />

represent a fore-arc oceanic basin; 5) BABB ophiolites<br />

(Guevgueli ophiolites) of uppermost Middle Jurassic age. Both<br />

the MOR-IAT and IAT ophiolites show a metamorphic sole at<br />

their base, whereas MOR and BABB ophiolites do not display<br />

evidences of metamorphic sole. In addition, the BABB ophiolites<br />

are thrust onto the Paikon unit, that is intepretd as a remnants of a<br />

Middle Jurassic continental arc. In turn, the BABB ophiolites are<br />

thrust by the continental units of the Serbo-Macedonian-Rhodope<br />

Massif.<br />



The history started in the Early Triassic with a rifting stage<br />

followed by the Middle to Late Triassic MOR (TOP in Fig.1)<br />

oceanic opening (Vardar Ocean) between the Adria (including<br />

the Pelagonian-Korab unit) and the Eurasia continental margin.

Subsequently, in the Early Jurassic, the MOR oceanic basin was<br />

affected by convergence resulting into the development of an<br />

intraoceanic east-dipping (present-day coordinates) subduction<br />

zone, where the role of the lower and upper plates were played,<br />

Fig. 1 – Bidimensional reconstruction of the Mesozoic to Tertiary tectonic<br />

history of the Dinaric-Hellenic belt.<br />

respectively by Adria and Eurasia Plates. This event originated in<br />

the Middle Jurassic a wide supra-subduction zone, consisting of<br />

an IAT oceanic basin (JOb in Fig.1) opened in a MOR trapped<br />

crust (JOa in Fig.1). This suprasubduction zone was bounded to<br />

the west by an accretionary wedge, whose remnants are<br />

represented by the slices of Middle to Late Triassic MOR<br />

ophiolites. In the Middle Jurassic, the subduction of oceanic<br />

lithosphere was still active with a progressive retreat of the slab.<br />

As consequence, a fore-arc oceanic basin opened in the<br />

lowermost Middle Jurassic into the trapped MOR oceanic crust,<br />

whose remnants are represented by the MOR- and IAT-related<br />

magmatic sequences. In the same time, a continental volcanic arc<br />

(Paikon arc) developed in the westernmost border of the Eurasian<br />

plate. Soon after, the extension in the intra-continental back-arc<br />

129<br />

area resulted in the production of BABB ophiolitic sequences<br />

(JOc in Fig.1) associated with calc-alkaline magmatism<br />

(Guevgueli ophiolites). The extension in the Guevgueli back-arc<br />

was most likely favoured by strike-slip tectonics. The continuous<br />

convergence resulted in the involvement of the Pelagonian<br />

continental crust (Adria) in the subduction. This event produced a<br />

sharp shifting from extension to compression in the suprasubduction<br />

zone, leading to the obduction of the oceanic<br />

lithosphere, in two different stages, respectively the intraoceanic<br />

and continental phases (GAGGERO et alii, 2009). The<br />

intraoceanic stage (Middle-Late Jurassic boundary) was<br />

characterized by the westward thrusting of young and still hot<br />

section of the oceanic lithosphere leading to development of<br />

metamorphic soles. The continental stage (Late Jurassic-Early<br />

Cretaceous) was characterized by the emplacement of the<br />

ophiolitic nappe onto the continental margin. In the same time<br />

span, the compression, that affected also the volcanic arc and the<br />

neighbouringh marginal oceanic basin, resulted along the<br />

Albania-Greece geotraverse into a continental collision. From<br />

Late Cretaceous to Late Miocene the progressive migration of the<br />

deformation front toward the Adria Plate developed. In this<br />

frame, the root of the fore-arc-derived ophiolite nappe (EOB and<br />

IOB) can be today identified in the Vardar domain. In the Middle<br />

to Late Miocene, an extensional tectonics occurred in the internal<br />

zones of the Dinaric-Hellenic belt, while the compression was<br />

still active in the westernmost areas of the Adria Plate. Thus, the<br />

Pelagonian-Korab tectonic window, i.e. a core of continental<br />

crust units cropping below the ophiolites from EOB and IOB, can<br />

be interpreted as the result of the Tertiary extensional tectonics<br />

that affected the internal areas of the Dinaric-Hellenic Belt.<br />



(2005) - Mesozoic to Tertiary tectonic history of the Mirdita<br />

ophiolites, northern Albania. The Island Arc, 14, 471-493<br />


Modelling of oceanic lithosphere obduction: constraints from<br />

the metamorphic sole of Mirdita ophiolites (Northern Albania).<br />

Ofioliti, 34, 17-43.<br />

ROBERTSON A.H.F., KARAMATA S. & SARIÇ K., (2009) -<br />

Overview of ophiolites and related units in the Late Palaeozoic–<br />

Early Cenozoic magmatic and tectonic development of Tethys in<br />

the northern part of the Balkan region. Lithos, 108, 1-36.<br />



(2008) - The Alpine-Carpathian-Dinaridic orogenic system:<br />

correlation and evolution of tectonic units. Swiss Journal of<br />

Geoscience, 101, 139-183.<br />


SESSIONE 6<br />

Radiolarian ages and geochemical data on the ophiolites from the<br />

Koziakas massif (Greece)<br />



Key-words: Basalts, Greece, morb, Middle-Late Triassic,<br />

ophiolites, radiolarians, Koziaka.<br />


The Koziakas massif, located at the western boundary of the<br />

Thessaly plain, consists of a stack of thrust units emplaced<br />

westward onto the Pelagonian s.l., which in turn thrusts onto the<br />

Eocene Pindos Flysch. The dismembered units of the Koziakas<br />

are unconformably overlain by the Oligocene-Miocene molasse<br />

of the Mesohellenic trough (SACCANI et alii, 2003; POMONIS et<br />

alii, 2005).<br />


In the Koziakas massif, at the top of the “Pelagonian”<br />

succession, three ophiolitic tectonic units crop out.<br />

a) the “Mélange and Fourka Units”. At the base of the Fourka<br />

Unit scattered outcrops of ophiolite-bearing mélange crop out.<br />

The Fourka Unit consists of thrust sheets and blocks of pillow<br />

lavas locally covered by radiolarian cherts.<br />

b) an “Ophiolite Unit”, consists of slivers of sheared<br />

serpentinites, locally containing dunite bodies, plagiogranite and<br />

boninite dykes.<br />

All volcanic rocks studied herein come from the “Fourka<br />

Unit” and consist of basalts and basaltic andesites. Six samples<br />

display a clear alkaline affinity and are similar to the alkaline<br />

within-oceanic plate (WPB) and are interpreted to have generated<br />

in a seamount setting. Two samples display similarities with<br />

enriched MORB (E-MORB) and are interpreted as formed from a<br />

N-MORB type mantle source slightly enriched by a plume<br />

component during the early stage of oceanic spreading or in an<br />

off-axis oceanic setting.<br />

We examined 32 samples for radiolarian analyses. The<br />

assemblages of the samples collected near the WPBs indicate a<br />

Middle and a Late Triassic age, while the radiolarites collected<br />

near the E-MORBs indicate a Late Triassic age.<br />

_________________________<br />

(°) CNR, Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse,<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Firenze<br />

(**) Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration (IGME), Athens, Greece<br />

(***) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Ferrara<br />

130<br />


The occurrence of Late Triassic WPBs and E-MORBs point<br />

out for the existence of an oceanic setting in which the N-MORB<br />

asthenospheric source was influenced by a plume-type<br />

component and resulted in the off-axis eruption of enriched<br />

alkaline basalts and enriched MORB-type basalts. This<br />

conclusion is in agreement with similar results obtained from<br />

other sectors of the Hellenide ophiolites. During the post-Late<br />

Jurassic compressive tectonic phase, which affected the Internal<br />

Hellenides, the Mélange and Ophiolitic Units tectonically<br />

overthrust the “Pelagonian” continental margin represented by the<br />

sedimentary units of the Koziakas Massif. During the post-Late<br />

Eocene compressive tectonic phase all these units were refolded<br />

and thrust southwestwards onto the Eocene Pindos Flysch.<br />



Geological evolution of the Koziakas Ophiolitic complex<br />

(western Thessaly, Greece) .<br />

Ofioliti, 30 (2), 75-84.<br />

SACCANI E., PHOTIADES A. & PADOA E. (2003) - Geochemistry,<br />

petrogenesis and tectono-magmatic significance of volcanic<br />

and subvolcanic rocks from the Koziakas Mélange (Western<br />

Thessaly, Greece). Ofioliti, 28 (1), 43-57.

Key words: Calabrian Arc, cold subduction, Diamante-<br />

Terranova ophiolite, lawsonite blueschists.<br />

The Diamante-Terranova unit is part of the Northern<br />

Calabrian Arc nappe stack and consists of HP-LT<br />

metamorphosed rocks with an ophiolitic affinity. The basement<br />

rocks are characterized by the interlayering of blue and green<br />

metabasites; this is observed at different scale and marks a<br />

pervasive foliation. The blue layers preserves a pristine blueschist<br />

facies mineralogical assemblage made of Na-amphibole<br />

+lawsonite +Na-pyroxene +chlorite +phengite +titanite<br />

+pumpellyite +quartz +calcite; the green layers consist of of Naamphibole<br />

+Na-Pyroxene+ epidote +lawsonite +chlorite<br />

+phengite +titanite +pumpellyite +quartz +calcite, they have been<br />

previously interpreted as a greenschist-facies overprint (CELLO et<br />

alii, 1996; ROSSETTI et alii, 2004; LIBERI et alii, 2006). The<br />

preservation of a pristine blueschist facies mineralogical<br />

assemblage, characterized by the presence of fresh lawsonite, is<br />

not a common feature in the Western Mediterranean orogens and<br />

is not consistent with a greenschist facies overprint. New<br />

petrological, geochemical and microstuctural studies were<br />

performed in order to unravel this problem.<br />

On the base of the obtained data, the blue layers are referred<br />

to lawsonite-blueschists and the green layers are referred to<br />

epidote-blueschists, both reaching 1.0 GPa, P at about 380°C, T<br />

during the metamorphic climax. Geochemical characterization of<br />

the two layers pointed out different bulk rock composition, in<br />

particular the Fetot enrichment and the Si depletion in the<br />

epidote-blueschist, implying differences in the protolith<br />

composition. This fact determined the coexistence of two<br />

different chemical microdomains that led to the development of<br />

different prograde blueschist paragenesis in the green and blue<br />

layers at the same P-T conditions.<br />

_________________________<br />

The Diamante-Terranova retrograde lawsonite blueschist<br />

(Calabrian Arc): an Alpine P-T cold exhumation path<br />



(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università <strong>della</strong> Calabria,<br /><br />

(**) Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California,<br />

Berkeley<br />

(°) Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, California State<br />

University, Fresno<br />

131<br />

In both green and blue layers, the retrograde path is<br />

characterized by the blastesis of a late lawsonite, growing at high<br />

angle on the HP mineralogical assemblage, followed by a<br />

pumpellyite-actinolite facies overprint. Lawsonite pseudomorphs<br />

are frequently reported from the Alpine belt as a relict phase of<br />

the prograde metamorphism or the peak pressure mineralogical<br />

assemblage. In constrast, lawsonite of the Diamante-Terranova<br />

ophiolite unit is fresh and growths during the retrogression path,<br />

replacing epidote as the late stable Ca-Al silicate and suggesting a<br />

counterclockwise path. Accordingly, detailed microprobe<br />

analysis on Na-amphibole displays triple core-rim zonation with<br />

crossite cores (NaAm1), glaucophane mantles (NaAm2), and<br />

crossite rims (NaAm3). In particular, increasing AlVI contents<br />

followed by decreasing AlVI indicate prograde burial and<br />

retrograde exhumation path. At the same time, the gradual<br />

decrease in AlIV content from cores to rims indicates<br />

temperature decrease.<br />

Differences in the bulk composition of the protolith led to<br />

formation of two different peak metamorphic paragenesis for the<br />

epidote-blueschists and lawsonite-blueschists. The<br />

decompression path followed a very cool geothermal gradient, in<br />

contrast with the other ophiolite units cropping out within the<br />

Calabrian Arc and the Western Mediterranean orogens,<br />

characterized by an isothermal decompression and a greenschist<br />

facies overprint during their exhumation.<br />


CELLO G., INVERNIZZI C., & MAZZOLI S. (1996) - Structural<br />

signature of tectonic processes in the Calabrian Arc,<br />

southern Italy: Evidence from oceanic-derived Diamante-<br />

Terranova unit. Tectonics, 15 (1), 187-200.<br />

LIBERI F., MORTEN L. & PILUSO E. (2006) – Geodynamic<br />

significance of ophiolites within the Calabrian Arc. Isl. Arc,<br />

15, 26-43.<br />


(2004) - Alpine orogenic PT-t-deformation history of the<br />

Catena Costiera area and surrounding regions (Calabrian<br />

Arc, southern Italy): The nappe edifice of north Calabria<br />

revised with insights on the Tyrrhenian-Apennine system<br />

formation. Tectonics, 23.<br />


SESSIONE 6<br />

Tectono-magmatic evolution of the External Ligurian mantle section<br />

(Northern Apennine, Italy)<br />


Key words: ophiolite, subcontinental mantle, pyroxenite,<br />

Northern Apennine, rifting<br />

In the External Ligurian units, ophiolites consist of slices of<br />

exhumed subcontinental mantle, basalts and rare gabbroic rocks.<br />

These ophiolites are associated with continental crust rocks,<br />

locally retaining primary relationships. This association was<br />

interpreted as a fossil ocean-continent transition along a nonvolcanic<br />

continental margin (MARRONI et alii, 1998; TRIBUZIO et<br />

alii, 2004; MONTANINI et alii, 2008). The mantle exhumation<br />

occurred through high-T ductile deformations developed along<br />

hectometre-size shear zones, followed by a polyphase brittle<br />

deformation under decreasing temperature conditions, coupled<br />

with hydration and formation of serpentine, carbonate and Fe-Ni<br />

sulphide cataclasites (MONTANINI et alii, 2006). The External<br />

Ligurian mantle section represents a tectonic sampling of deep<br />

levels of subcontinental lithosphere and provides a good<br />

opportunity of throwing light into structural and compositional<br />

modifications of subcontinental lithospheric mantle in response to<br />

the extensional processes leading to the formation of an oceanic<br />

basin.<br />

The External Ligurian peridotites occur as decametre- to<br />

kilometre-size bodies and include (i) porphyroclastic spinel<br />

tectonites showing incipient re-equilibration in the plagioclase<br />

facies (RAMPONE et alii, 1995); (ii) plagioclase-facies mylonites<br />

with spinel tectonite relics (MONTANINI et alii, 2006), (iii) coarse<br />

granular rocks enriched in plagioclase as a result of interaction<br />

with asthenospheric melts (PICCARDO et alii, 2004). The<br />

peridotites locally retain extremely depleted Nd-Sr isotope<br />

compositions, coupled with Proterozoic Os model ages<br />

(RAMPONE et alii, 1995; SNOW et alii, 2000). The spinel-facies<br />

assemblage of the peridotites is characterized by Na2O and<br />

Al2O3-rich clinopyroxene with slight LREE depletion, spinel with<br />

low Cr# and by the presence of disseminated Ti-rich amphibole.<br />

Taken as a whole, the External Ligurian peridotites were<br />

considered to represent relatively fertile MORB-type mantle<br />

accreted to the lithosphere in Proterozoic times (RAMPONE et alii,<br />

1995). However, an increasing number of observations and recent<br />

studies (e.g. LE ROUX et alii, 2007; SOUSTELLE et alii, 2009)<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Parma,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pavia<br />

(°) Department of Geology, Royal Holloway, University of London (UK)<br />

132<br />

show that lherzolite massifs may be the result of multiple<br />

refertilization events during or before their emplacement. The<br />

occurrence of different types of pyroxenites, the widespread<br />

amphibole formation and the evidence of interaction with<br />

asthenospheric melts during their shallow evolution seem in<br />

agreement with this notion.<br />

The peridotite plagioclase mylonites include garnet<br />

clinopyroxenites and orthopyroxene-rich websterites layers<br />

showing Opx + Spl ± Cpx symplectites after Mg-rich garnet<br />

(MONTANINI et alii, 2006). The garnet clinopyroxenites, in<br />

particular, record an early stage of equilibration in the<br />

subcontinental lithosphere at high P (~2.8 GPa) and temperature<br />

conditions (~1150°C). They provided Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf<br />

isochrons testifying a retrograde, rifting-related history of slow<br />

cooling in the plagioclase stability field between 220 and 186<br />

Ma, which followed the decompression from the garnet stability<br />

field (MONTANINI et alii, 2006). The plagioclase mylonites may<br />

have formed by an extensional shearing event related to<br />

lithospheric “necking stage” caused by the ascent of underlying<br />

asthenosphere, as predicted by numerical, analogue and<br />

conceptual models of formation of non-volcanic-rifted margins<br />

(WHITMARSH et alii, 2001; MICHON &MERLE 2003).<br />

The garnet clinopyroxenites are Al2O3- and FeO-rich mafic<br />

rocks with moderate to extreme LREE depletion, positive Eu-Sr<br />

anomaly and nearly flat MREE and HREE. They also include<br />

rocks lacking Eu anomaly which display a gradual increase from<br />

LREE to HREE and high amounts of Sc and V. The websterites<br />

have high mg#, Cr and Ni values, similar or slightly lower than<br />

those of enclosing peridotites. The websterite REE patterns,<br />

subparallel at higher concentration levels to those of the<br />

peridotites, have moderate LREE depletion. Clinopyroxenes from<br />

both websterites and peridotites display slight LREE<br />

depletion, positive Eu anomalies and nearly flat HREE. The<br />

petrogenesis of garnet clinopyroxenites may be related to<br />

recycling of crustal plagioclase-bearing mafic protoliths that<br />

underwent variable degrees of partial melting in the garnet<br />

stability field or to high pressure cumulus processes from melts of<br />

recycled crust, whereas melt-rock reaction may be a viable<br />

process to explain the websterite origin. In particular, the<br />

websterite petrogenesis is consistent with peridotite replacement<br />

by olivine-undersaturated melts through olivine consumption and<br />

pyroxene ± garnet forming reactions. Reactions at lower<br />

melt/rock ratio may have also caused peridotite refertilization. In<br />

addition, a later infiltration of silica-undersaturated melts under

spinel facies conditions, preceding ductile stretching and<br />

dispersion of pyroxenites into the host peridotite, is evidenced by<br />

orthopyroxene-consuming reactions in both websterites and<br />

peridotites, generally associated with crystallization of Tipargasite<br />

+ olivine ± clinopyroxene ± Ni-rich sulphides.<br />

Most pyroxenites have TDM(Nd) and TDM(Hf) younger than<br />

the exhumation age, thus arguing for fractionation of Sm/Nd and<br />

Lu/Hf ratios related to the Mesozoic rifting. Nd-Hf isotope<br />

compositions recalculated for the minimum age of fractionation<br />

vary in a wide range (ε Nd = +4.3 to +12.6, ε Hf = + 2.8 to +<br />

31.5). Most samples, however, fall close or slightly below the<br />

mantle array. The observed isotope heterogeneity presumably<br />

reflects protoliths of different ages crystallized from MORB-type<br />

to slightly enriched melts. Local preservation of highly radiogenic<br />

Hf compositions in the pyroxenites may be attributed to an older<br />

fractionation event involving garnet-bearing lithologies. Nd-Hf<br />

isotopic compositions of clinopyroxenes from the peridotites and<br />

websterites vary from the low end of MORB range to slightly<br />

enriched compositions.<br />

The coarse granular peridotites enriched in plagioclase of the<br />

External Liguride domain are characterized by large plagioclase<br />

patches replacing spinel, clinopyroxene porphyroclasts replaced<br />

by orthopyroxene + plagioclase or rimmed by orthopyroxeneplagioclase<br />

symplectites, and gabbroic microgranular pods. These<br />

peridotites also show the successive intrusion of gabbros to<br />

basalts. Clinopyroxenes from the plagioclase-enriched peridotites<br />

have concave upward REE patterns, Eu-Sr negative anomalies<br />

and significant REE and Zr enrichment with respect to the<br />

porphyroclastic clinopyroxenes of rocks unaffected by<br />

impregnation. The geochemical features of the impregnated<br />

peridotites were most likely due to interaction with low-degree<br />

fractional melts of a MORB-type source (PICCARDO et alii, 2004;<br />

MÜNTENER et alii, 2010).<br />

The subcontinental mantle bodies from External Ligurian<br />

units preserve evidence for entrainment of crustal rocks testified<br />

by rare relics of garnet pyroxenites which were likely derived<br />

from plagioclase-rich mafic cumulates. The fertile nature of the<br />

External Ligurian mantle is attributed to superposition of several<br />

refertilization events under decreasing P-T conditions: (i)<br />

formation of the orthopyroxene-rich websterite layers through<br />

pyroxene-forming reactions and olivine consumption involving<br />

olivine-undersaturated melts (pyroxenite-derived liquids and/or<br />

asthenospheric melts?); (ii) infiltration of silica-undersaturated<br />

melts at spinel facies conditions leading to crystallization of Tiamphibole<br />

+ olivine ± clinopyroxene; (iii) percolation and<br />

impregnation by MORB-type melts in the plagioclase stability<br />

field.<br />


133<br />


J.M., VAUCHEZ A., & RICHES A.J.V. (2007) - The Lherz spinel<br />

lherzolite: Refertilized rather than pristine mantle. Earth<br />

Planet. Sci. Lett., 259, 599-612.<br />


The association of continental crust rocks with ophiolites in<br />

the Northern Apennines (Italy): implications for the<br />

continent-ocean transition in the Western Tethys.<br />

Tectonophysics, 292, 43-66.<br />

MICHON, L. & MERLE, O. (2003) - Mode of lithospheric<br />

extension: conceptual models from analogue modelling.<br />

Tectonics, 22, 1028<br />


Exhumation history of a garnet pyroxenite-bearing mantle<br />

section from a continent–ocean transition (Northern<br />

Apennine ophiolites, Italy). J. Petrol., 47, 1943–1971.<br />

MONTANINI A., TRIBUZIO R. & VERNIA L. (2008) - Petrogenesis<br />

of basalts and gabbros from an ancient continent–ocean<br />

transition (External Liguride ophiolites, Northern Italy)<br />

Lithos, 101, 453-479<br />


(2010) - Plagioclase Peridotites in Ocean–Continent<br />

Transitions: Refertilized Mantle Domains Generated by Melt<br />

Stagnation in the Shallow Mantle Lithosphere. J. Petrol., 51,<br />

255 - 294.<br />


- Ophiolitic peridotites of the Alpine-Apennine system: mantle<br />

processes and geodynamic relevance. Int. Geol. Review, 46,<br />

1119-1159.<br />


BOTTAZZI P. & OTTOLINI L. (1995) - Petrology, mineral and<br />

isotope geochemistry of the External Liguride peridotites<br />

(northern Apennine, Italy). J. Petrol., 36, 81-105.<br />

SNOW J.E., SCHMIDT G. & RAMPONE E. (2000) - Os isotopes and<br />

highly siderophile elements (HSE) in the Ligurian ophiolites,<br />

Italy. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 175, 119-132<br />


VAUCHEZ A. (2009) - Deformation and Reactive Melt<br />

Transport in the Mantle Lithosphere above a Large-scale<br />

Partial Melting Domain: the Ronda Peridotite Massif,<br />

Southern Spain. J. Petrol., 50, 1235 - 1266<br />

TRIBUZIO R., THIRLWALL M. & VANNUCCI R. (2004) - Origin of<br />

the gabbro-peridotite association from the Northern<br />

Apennine ophiolites (Italy). J. Petrol., 45, 1109-1124.<br />


Evolution of magma-poor continental margins from rifting to<br />

seafloor spreading. Nature, 413, 150-154.<br />


SESSIONE 6<br />

Key words: Northern Apennines, stratigraphy, tectonic evolution.<br />

The Val Marecchia Nappe, cropping out in the upper Tiber,<br />

Savio, Marecchia and Foglia valleys, constitutes the highest<br />

tectonic unit of the North-eastern Apennines, overthrusting both<br />

Tuscan and Umbro-Marchean Units. The nappe, made up of a<br />

Meso-Cenozoic mainly pelitic and calcareous succession with<br />

interbedded ophiolite-derived olistoliths, breccias and sandstones,<br />

has been ascribed to the most eastern zone of the External<br />

Ligurian Domain, located close to the Adria margin (Calvana<br />

Supergroup or Monte Morello Unit). However, some authors<br />

considered the Calvana Supergroup as belonging to the Subligurian<br />

Domain, because its stratigraphic succession is quite<br />

similar to those of the Sub-ligurian Units, the latter originated<br />

from the thinned continental crust of the westernmost part of the<br />

Adria plate.<br />

Actually, the stratigraphic succession of the Val Marecchia<br />

Nappe is debated. It has been generally considered to start with a<br />

Base Complex, consisting of several Upper Cretaceous-middle<br />

Eocene dominantly pelitic formations, which laterally and<br />

vertically grade one into another.<br />

Upwards, the Base Complex formations are followed by the<br />

Eocene Monte Morello Fm, comprising up to 700 m of marly,<br />

marly-calcareous and calcareous turbidites, with interbedded<br />

minor thin siliciclastic turbidic beds.<br />

Recently, PLESI et alii (2002) recognized, in the western side<br />

of the upper Tiber Valley, Mid-Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous<br />

ocean-derived magma-tic and sedimentary rocks, that upwards<br />

grade into the Base Complex formations of the Val Marecchia<br />

Nappe.<br />

Researches, carried out in the Tiber and Marecchia valleys,<br />

allowed to recognize for the Val Marecchia Nappe a continuous<br />

stratigraphic succession, consisting, from bottom to top, of: a)<br />

magmatic substratum, made up mainly of more or less<br />

serpentinized peridotites, cut by gabbro dykes, and by minor<br />

basalts and magmatic breccias; b) radiolarites; c) Calpionella<br />

_________________________<br />

The stratigraphic succession of the Val Marecchia Nappe: insights<br />

into the paleogeographic and tectonic evolution of northern<br />

Apennines<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Tecnologie Chimiche e<br />

Ambientali, Università di Urbino,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università “Federico II” di<br />

Napoli<br />

(***) Badley Ashton and Associates Ltd., Winceby, Horncastle, LN9 6PB,<br />

Lincolnshire (United Kingdom).<br />



134<br />

limestones; d) Palombini shales; e) Sillano Fm; f) Monte Morello<br />

Fm; g) Argille Varicolori Fm; h) Monte Senario Sandstone Fm.<br />

Biostratigraphic data point out a systematic re-working of<br />

very abundant Cretaceous to Eocene foraminifers and coccoliths,<br />

that co-exist with taxa indicating younger ages. The Sillano Fm<br />

reaches the late Eocene, the Monte Morello Formation is<br />

Oligocene in age and upwards continues with the upper<br />

Oligocene-lower Aquitanian Argille Varicolori Fm, followed by<br />

the lower Miocene Monte Senario Sandstone Fm.<br />

This succession is quite similar to those characterizing the<br />

Sicilide Complex of Southern Apennines and the Flysch Basin<br />

Complex of the Maghrebian Chain from Sicily to Gibraltar<br />

Straits, and was accreted to the Paleo-Apenninic Chain only<br />

starting from the early Miocene. Consequen-tly, the Val<br />

Marecchia nappe succession - and maybe the whole Sub-ligurian<br />

Complex - deposited in an oceanic realm, different from the<br />

Ligurian domain and located in a more external paleogeo-graphic<br />

position, constituting the northwards continuation<br />

of the Maghrebian Flysch Basin-Lucanian<br />

Ocean system.<br />


PLESI G., GALLI M. & DANIELE G. (2002) – The Monti Rognosi<br />

Ophioliitc Unit (cfr. Calvana Unit Auct.) paleogeographic<br />

position in the Ex-ternal Ligurian Domain, relationships with<br />

the tectonic units derived from the Adriatic margin. Boll. Soc.<br />

Geol. It., Vol. Spec. 1, 273-284.

Middle Jurassic radiolarian fauna from the cherts in Skenderbej<br />

region (Central Albania)<br />

Key words: Jurassic, radiolarian cherts.<br />

The radiolarian assemblages described here come from<br />

sections Skenderbej 1 and Skenderbej 2, which belong<br />

respectively, to the platformic and pelagic continental formations<br />

situated at the eastern periphery of Shebeniku ophiolitic unit.<br />

The section Skenderbej 1 is localized about 300 meters in the<br />

north of Skenderbej1 village (near to Librazhdi city, central<br />

Albania). The section consist of:<br />

Stromatolitic limestone, capped by hardground<br />

Radiolarian chert (about 6 m thick)<br />

Ophiolitic breccias<br />

3 samples are taken: Sk3, Sk4 and Sk5 respectively, 1m, 1.8m<br />

e 5.8 m above the limestone; but only sample Sk5 yielded a well<br />

preserved radiolarian fauna. The samples have been etched with<br />

hydrofluoric acid at different concentrations. The complete faunal<br />

assemblages from sample Sk5 is the seguent:<br />

Sample Sk5: Eucyrtidiellum semifactum Nagai & Mizutani;<br />

Eucyrtidiellum unumaense s.l. (Yao); Parvicingula dhimenaensis<br />

s.l. Baumgartner; Tricolocapsa sp. cf. T. sp. S. (BAUMGARTNER<br />

et alii, 1995); Tricolocapsa conexa Matsuoka; Tricolocapsa<br />

plicarum s. l. Yao; Tricolocapsa plicarum ssp. A.<br />

(BAUMGARTNER et al., 1995); Theocapsomma cordis Kocher;<br />

Unuma sp. A. (Baumgartner et al., 1995).<br />

The age of sample Sk5 is 5 U.A.Z. or Late Bajocian-Early<br />

Bathonian due to the coexistence of Eucyrtidiellum semifactum<br />

and Tricolocapsa plicarum ssp. A.<br />

The section Skenderbej 2 is localized in the south of Rajca<br />

village, near to Bushtrica river. This section consist of:<br />

Pelagic cherty limestone, capped by hardground<br />

Radiolarian cherts; in this level limestone intercalation are<br />

also present “Blocks in matrix” melange.<br />

Sample Sk2, which is taken about 4 meters above the<br />

limestones, yielded a poor radiolarian fauna. The age of this<br />

sample is 5-8 U.A.Z. or Late Bajocian- Early Bathonian to Late<br />

Callovian- Early Oxfordian due to the presence of Eucyrtidiellum<br />

unumaense pustulatum.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Polytechnic University of Tirana, Earth Sciences Department,<br /><br />

MENSI PRELA (*)<br />

135<br />






L., VISHNEVSKAJA V., WIDZ, D&YAO A., 1995.- Middle<br />

Jurassic to Early Cretaceus radiolarian of Tethys :<br />

occurrences, systematics, biochronology. Mem. Geol.,<br />

Lausanne, 23, 1013-1048.<br />


SESSIONE 6<br />

Key words: Jurassic, radiolarian cherts.<br />


The radiolarian cherts of Jurassic age occur to a limited extent<br />

in the Kosova area (KNOBLOCK &LEGLER, 2006). They are<br />

exposed in the northern part of Vardari zone, onto the Rahoveci<br />

ophiolite unit (Çupeva village), in Nerodima region, in Vrella and<br />

Istogu area (in Nord of Skutari-Pec Line) and in Drenovc village<br />

(near the source of Drini i Bardhe river) (fig. 1).<br />

In Vardari zone, radiolarian cherts occur about 1 km in the<br />

South of Selance village. They are characterized by reddish 3 to<br />

12 cm thick chert beds, sometimes alternating with red shale<br />

interlayer. Radiolarian cherts lie on the top of volcanic rocks<br />

(MORB type) and are overlain by olistostrome formation. The<br />

age of olistostrome formation is related to Late Jurassic.<br />

The Rahoveci ophiolite unit represents the northern<br />

continuation of Mirdita ophiolite. (ELEZAJ & KODRA, 2008).<br />

Different from Vardari zone, in the Rahoveci area (Çupeva<br />

village), radiolarian cherts rest unconformably on both the<br />

“blocks in matrix” mélange (Simoni mélange) and the rocks of<br />

mantelic provenance, which are in tectonic contact with Simoni<br />

mélange.<br />

In Nord of Skutari-Pec Line, (in Vrella and Istogu mountains)<br />

and in the Nerodima region, occur the Upper Triassic –Lower<br />

Jurassic neritic carbonate rocks. At the top, this carbonatic<br />

formation show an erosional surface (hardground). This<br />

continental succession is capped by Jurassic radiolarian cherts.<br />

In the section of Drenovc village (source of Drini i Bardhe<br />

river), radiolarian cherts (about 100 m thick), rest conformably<br />

on the Middle Triassic-Early Jurassic cherty limestones.<br />

_________________________<br />

Occurrence of Jurassic radiolarian cherts in Kosova region<br />

(*) Polytechnic University of Tirana, Earth Sciences Department,<br /><br />

MENSI PRELA (*)<br />

136<br />

Fig. 1 - Localisation of radiolarian chert sections in Kosova region.<br />


KNOBLOCH A. &LEGLER C. (2006) – Geological map of Kosovo<br />

1: 200 000<br />

ELEZAJ Z. &KODRA A. (2008) – Gjeologjia e Kosoves. Studim<br />


Interplay between tectonic and magmatic events during exhumation<br />

of a gabbro-peridotite section to the seafloor<br />

(Internal Ligurian ophiolites)<br />

Key words: Exhumation, gabbro-peridotite section, internal<br />

Ligurian ophiolites, mantle lherzolites, pyroxenites.<br />

The Scogna-Rocchetta Vara ophiolite (Internal Ligurian units,<br />

Northern Apennine) is attributed to an intra-oceanic domain of<br />

the Jurassic Ligure-Piemontese basin and is characterised by the<br />

lack of the basalt flow layer, similar to many magma-poor<br />

segments from (ultra-)slow spreading ridges (e.g. KELEMEN et<br />

alii. 2007). The mantle sequence of the Scogna-Rocchetta Vara<br />

ophiolite consists mostly of spinel facies lherzolites with<br />

tectonitic to mylonitic fabric. The chemical compositions of<br />

porphyroclastic clinopyroxene from these lherzolites document a<br />

depleted geochemical signature, similar to what found by<br />

RAMPONE et alii (1996) and PICCARDO et alii (2004) for another<br />

mantle sequence of Internal Ligurian ophiolites. The lherzolites<br />

locally include thin pyroxenite layers, which are boudinaged and<br />

elongated concordantly with respect to the foliation of host rocks.<br />

The origin of the pyroxenites is attributed to infiltration of<br />

MORB-type melts under spinel facies conditions. In addition, the<br />

lherzolites contain a high modal proportion of plagioclase, which<br />

commonly forms micro-veins that are oriented nearly parallel to<br />

the spinel facies foliation of host rocks. These veinlets show that<br />

the decompression of the mantle sequence to plagioclase facies<br />

conditions was associated with melt impregnation by silicaoversatured<br />

melts. The lherzolite structures are locally replaced<br />

by dunite bodies, which include spinel trails that are oriented<br />

nearly concordant with the contact with host lherzolites and their<br />

foliation. These dunites are interpreted to derive from pyroxene<br />

reactive dissolution by silica-undersaturated melts. The mantle<br />

ultramafics are crosscut by two generations of gabbroic bodies,<br />

which both retain a MORB-type geochemical signature. The first<br />

is represented by olivine-rich gabbroic dykes that are nearly<br />

parallel to the mantle structures and display diffuse contacts with<br />

host peridotites. These dykes are post-dated by sills made up of<br />

clinopyroxene-rich gabbro, which show sharp planar boundaries<br />

and crosscut at a high angle the foliation of host peridotites. The<br />

formation of the gabbroic sills is most likely associated with the<br />

_________________________<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pavia,<br /><br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pavia<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pavia & C.N.R. -<br />

Istituto (**) di Dipartimento Geoscienze e di Georisorse, Scienze <strong>della</strong> Unità Terra, di Pavia)<br />

Università di Pavia & C.N.<br />

Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, Unità di Pavia)<br />


137<br />

building of a huge gabbroic pluton (up to 400 m thick) that<br />

intrudes the mantle sequence. The gabbroic pluton mostly<br />

consists of clinopyroxene-rich gabbros and minor olivine-gabbros<br />

to troctolites. Gabbros to troctolites are locally characterised by a<br />

weak modal and/or grain size layering, which is nearly parallel to<br />

the orientation of the gabbroic sills. The gabbroic pluton contains<br />

up to 80 m thick bodies made up of olivine-rich troctolites and up<br />

to 50 m thick mantle lenses. The structural and compositional<br />

features of these mantle lenses reveal the same origin and<br />

exhumation-related history of the mantle sequence enclosing the<br />

gabbroic pluton. In particular, the structures of the mantle lenses<br />

and the mantle sequence are geometrically concordant. The<br />

clinopyroxene-rich gabbros from the gabbroic pluton are in<br />

places characterised by a ductile shear foliation that forms a low<br />

angle with respect to the igneous layering. The ductile<br />

deformation evolution comprises early re-crystallisation of<br />

clinopyroxene and plagioclase (± Ti-pargasite) at T ~850 °C,<br />

followed by an amphibolite facies event associated with<br />

development of hornblende and plagioclase at T ~700 °C. The<br />

gabbroic pluton is finally crosscut by basalt dykes with chilled<br />

margins, which form a high angle with respect to the igneous<br />

fabric of host gabbros. The basalt dyking represents the last event<br />

of injection of MORB-type melts that occurred during<br />

exhumation of studied section to the seafloor.<br />



OTTOLINI L. (1996) - Trace element and isotope geochemistry<br />

of depleted peridotites from an N-MORB type ophiolite<br />

(Internal Liguride, N.Italy). Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 123, 61-<br />

76.<br />


Ophiolitic peridotites of the Alpine–Appenine system: mantle<br />

processes and geodynamic relevance. Int. Geol. Rev. 46,<br />

1119–1159.<br />

KELEMEN P.B., KIKAWA E., MILLER D.J. & PARTY, S.S. (2007).<br />

Leg 209 summary: Processes in a 20-km-thick conductive<br />

boundary layer beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 14°–16°N.<br />

In: Kelemen P.B., Kikawa E. & Miller D.J. (Eds.) - Proc.<br />

ODP Sci. Results, 209, 1–33.<br />


SESSIONE 6<br />

Metadolerites from the Frido Unit ophiolites (Southern Apennine):<br />

oceanic and orogenic evolution<br />

Key words: Frido Unit, HP/LT metamorphism, metadolerite<br />

dykes, ocean-floor metamorphism, ophiolites, Southern<br />

Apennine.<br />



The Southern Apennine Chain is a fold-and-thrust belt,<br />

formed between the upper Oligocene and the Quaternary ages<br />

(PATACCA &SCANDONE 2007 and references therein), resulting<br />

from the convergence between African and European plates and<br />

the simultaneous rollback of the SE-directed Ionian subduction<br />

(GUEGUEN et alii, 1998; CELLO &MAZZOLI 1999; DOGLIONI et<br />

alii, 1999). The Apennine accretionary wedge is related to the<br />

northward subduction of an Alpine Tethys sea floor remnant, also<br />

known as western Tethys (BORTOLOTTI &PRINCIPI 2005) below<br />

European plate since Oligocene times. In late Miocene, the slab<br />

rollback reached another oceanic remnant in the Ionian sea region<br />

represented by the westernmost part of the Neotethys Ocean<br />

(STAMPFLI et alii, 2002). The ophiolitic sequences, which are part<br />

of the southern Apennines, are remnants of the Ligurian sector<br />

lithosphere of the Jurassic western Tethys which. The Liguride<br />

tectonic units are derived from the western Tethys Ocean which<br />

separated the European plate from the African one. These units<br />

extensively crop out in the southern Apennines, especially in the<br />

north-eastern slope of the Pollino Ridge. They consist of<br />

sedimentary sequences ranging from the Upper Jurassic to the<br />

upper Oligocene ages and several bodies of oceanic and<br />

continental crust. These sequences are divided up into different<br />

tectonic units some of which show a very low to low-grade<br />

metamorphic overprint (VEZZANI, 1969).<br />

The ophiolitic rocks occurring in the Frido Unit consist of<br />

serpentinites derived from mantle lherzolites and, subordinately,<br />

harzburgites. Serpentinites are frequently associated with<br />

metagabbros, metabasalts with a relict pillow structure<br />

(LANZAFAME et alii, 1979; SPADEA, 1982; 1994) as well as with<br />

tectonic slices made of diabase and medium-to high grade<br />

metamorphic rocks (such as amphibolites, gneisses, and<br />

granofels). The metasedimentary rocks of this unit form a<br />


138<br />

sequence of shales, quartzarenite, and limestone. The ophiolites<br />

of the North Calabria Unit (BONARDI et alii, 1988) consist of<br />

metabasalts, mostly pillow lavas and pillow-breccias, crosscut by<br />

rare diabase dikes. The sedimentary cover is made up of<br />

radiolarian cherts and marly limestone (LANZAFAME et alii,<br />

1979). In the Timpa delle Murge-Timpa Pietrasasso area<br />

(LANZAFAME et alii, 1978), the most complete ophiolitic<br />

sequence cropping out on the Calabrian–Lucanian boundary can<br />

be observed.<br />


Metadolerites occur as dikes cutting through serpentinized<br />

peridotites. Metadolerites have different kinds of texture<br />

reflecting various degree of crystallinity and strain: porphyritic or<br />

aphyric, intersertal/intergranular, blastophitic, cataclastic to<br />

mylonitic. In all metadolerites, primary plagioclase and<br />

clinopyroxene are preserved. The metamorphic mineral<br />

assemblage consists of brown amphibole, green amphibole,<br />

chlorite, blue amphibole, pumpellyite, prehnite, quartz, epidote,<br />

white mica, lawsonite and plagioclase (Pl2 and Pl3). Accessory<br />

phases are opaque minerals, Fe-hydroxides and zircon.<br />

Metadolerites are cross- cut by veins filled with pumpellyite,<br />

chlorite, prehnite, tremolite, plagioclase, white, mica, quartz,<br />

lawsonite, epidote and zircon.<br />

The veins are straight, a few millimetres in thickness and<br />

occur isolated or in closely spaced sets. The vein morphology<br />

ranges from planar to sinuous and irregular. On the basis of<br />

metamorphic mineral phases three different types of metadolerite<br />

can be distinguished: i) rocks with a high content of prehnite<br />

crystals in cataclastic–mylonitic bands, exhibiting an intersertal<br />

or a blastophitic texture or a mylonitic fabric and in some cases a<br />

seriate texture; ii) rocks with brown horneblende showing an<br />

intersertal or a blastophitic texture or a partially blastophitic and<br />

foliate texture in one specimen; iii) rocks with brown horneblende<br />

and blue amphibole with an intersertal or a blastophitic texture.<br />

Primary clinopyroxene is replaced by brown and green<br />

amphiboles interpreted as being of oceanic origin; brown<br />

amphiboles show Mg-hastingsite, edenite, pargasite, Fehastingsite,<br />

Mg-horneblende and tschermakite compositions,<br />

whereas green amphiboles show Mg-hastingsite, hastingsite,<br />

edenite, Mg-horneblende, tschermakite and Fe-tschermakite<br />

compositions. Other minerals developed in the amphibolite facies<br />

conditions are: oligoclase, titanite and apatite. The blue

amphiboles have a winchite and barroisite composition and are<br />

interpreted as being originated during the early stages of the<br />

orogenic metamorphism, since they rim the oceanic brown and<br />

green amphiboles.<br />

The mineral assemblage of orogenic metamorphism is typical<br />

of the LT-blueschist facies conditions and consists of<br />

glaucophane, Mg-riebeckite, lawsonite, phengite, pumpellyite and<br />

aegirine-augite.<br />

Bulk-rock composition of metadolerites suggests that<br />

protoliths of the mafic rock have a N-MORB-type affinity. Carich<br />

metadolerites are affected by ocean-floor rodingitic<br />

alteration, whereas Na-rich metadolerites show a spilitic<br />

alteration.<br />

The study of metadolerites from the Frido Unit shows<br />

evidence of the entire evolution from their origin in the ocean<br />

floor to their emplacement in the accretionary wedge. Textural<br />

and mineralogical observations suggest that the metadolerites of<br />

the Frido Unit have been affected by both ocean-floor<br />

metamorphism under amphibolite to greenschist facies and<br />

subsequent orogenic metamorphism under relatively HP/LT<br />

conditions. The HP/LT orogenic metamorphism reflecting<br />

underplating of the ophiolitic suite at the base of the Liguride<br />

accretionary wedge during subduction produced mineral<br />

assemblages typical of the lawsonite-glaucophane facies. Such<br />

polyphase metamorphic evolution has been entirely preserved in<br />

the metadolerites, probably in response to inhomogeneous<br />

deformation within the Apennine accretionary wedge.<br />



P. & PERRONE V. (1988) - <strong>Il</strong> Complesso Liguride Auct.: stato<br />

delle conoscenze attuali e problemi aperti sulla sua evoluzione<br />

Pre - Appenninica ed i suoi rapporti con l’Arco Calabro. Mem.<br />

Soc. Geol. It., 41, 17-35.<br />

CELLO G. & MAZZOLI S. (1999) - Appenine tectonics in southern<br />

Italy: a rewiew. Journal of Geodinamics, 27, 191-211.<br />


(1999) - On the origin of west-directed subduction zones and<br />

applications to the western Mediterranean. In: Durand B., Jolivet<br />

L., Horváth F. &. Séranne M.. Eds, The Mediterranean basins:<br />

Tertiary Extension withing the Alpine Orogenen. Geological<br />

Society, London, Special Publications, 156, 541-561.<br />

GUEGUEN E., DOGLIONI C. & FERNANDEZ M. (1998) - On the<br />

post-25 Ma geodynamic evolution of the western Mediterranean.<br />

Tectonophysics, 298, 259-269.<br />


Provenienza ed evoluzione <strong>dei</strong> Flysch Cretacico-Eocenici <strong>della</strong><br />

regione Calabro-Lucana. II: Relazioni tra ofioliti e Flysch<br />

139<br />

Calabro-Lucano. Ofioliti, 3, 189–210.<br />

LANZAFAME G., SPADEA P. & TORTORICI L. (1979) - Mesozoic<br />

Ophiolites of Northern Calabria and Lucanian Apennine<br />

(Southern Italy). Ofioliti, 4 ,173-182.<br />

PATACCA E. & SCANDONE P. (2007) - Geology of the Southern<br />

Apennines. In: Mazzotti A., Patacca E. &. Scandone P. Eds.,<br />

Results of the CROP Project, Sub-project CROP-04 Southern<br />

Apennines (Italy). Boll. Soc. Geol. It., Spec. Issue, 7, 75-119.<br />

SPADEA P. (1982) - Continental crust rock associated with<br />

ophiolites in Lucanian Apennine (Southern Italy). Ofioliti, 7,<br />

501-522.<br />

SPADEA P. (1994) - Calabria-Lucania ophiolites. Boll. Geofis.<br />

Teor. Appl., 36, 271-281.<br />


(2002). Western Alps geological constraints on western Tethyan<br />

reconstructions. In: Rosembaum G. & Lister G. S., Eds.,<br />

Reconstruction of the evolution of the Alpine-Himalayan Orogen.<br />

J. Virtual Expl., 8, 77-106.<br />

VEZZANI L. (1969) - La Formazione del Frido (Neocomiano-<br />

Aptiano) tra il Pollino ed il Sinni. Geol. Rom., 8, 129-176.<br />


SESSIONE 6<br />

Spl-peridotites from the Frido Unit ophiolites (Southern Apennine):<br />

evidence for oceanic metamorphism<br />


Key words: Frido Unit, ocean-floor metamorphism, ophiolite,<br />

serpentinite, Southern Apennine.<br />


The southern Apennine chain is a fold-and thrust belt formed<br />

between the upper Oligocene and Quaternary as a result of the<br />

convergence between the African and European plates (PATACCA<br />

&SCANDONE, 2007, and reference therein) and a simultaneous<br />

SE-directed rollback of the Ionian subducting lithospere<br />

(DOGLIONI et al., 1999; GUEGUEN et alii,, 1998; STAMPFLI et alii,<br />

2002). The ophiolitic sequences, which are part of the Southern<br />

Apennines, are remnants of the Ligurian oceanic lithosphere<br />

pertaining to the Jurassic western Tethys.<br />

The ophiolites crop out in the north-eastern slope of the<br />

Pollino Ridge (Calabria-Lucania border zone) and are enclosed<br />

within remnants of the Liguride accretionary wedge now<br />

incorporated in the Southern Apennine chain.<br />

The Liguride Units of the Southern Apennines include<br />

sequences characterized by HP/LT metamorphic overprint in the<br />

Frido Unit (VEZZANI, 1969) and sequences lacking orogenic<br />

metamorphism in the North-Calabria Unit (BONARDI et alii,<br />

1988). The ophiolitic rocks occurring in the Frido Unit include<br />

serpentinites derived from a lherzolitic to harzburgitic mantle, as<br />

suggested by and petrographical and microstructural features.<br />

The serpentinites are frequently associated with tectonic slices<br />

and dykes composed of diabase and medium to high-grade<br />

metamorphic rocks such as amphibolites, gneisses, granofels as<br />

well as of gabbros and pillow basalts.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università degli Studi <strong>della</strong><br />

Basilicata - Potenza,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Chimica, Università degli studi <strong>della</strong> Basilicata -<br />

Potenza.<br />

(°) Dipartimento Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli studi di Milano.<br />

140<br />

Mafic and ultramafic rocks, with garnet-bearing felses,<br />

amphibolites, gneiss and granitoides occur as tectonic slices<br />

within a matrix mainly composed of calcschists and phyllites<br />

(LANZAFAME et alii., 1979; SPADEA, 1982, 1994).<br />


The studied serpentinites of the Frido Unit show mesh and<br />

xenomorphic textures. Primary mantle minerals are represented<br />

by olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and spinel.<br />

Pseudomorphic minerals are serpentine, magnetite and tremolite.<br />

Olivine is replaced by serpentine forming a mesh texture;<br />

orthopyroxene is mostly altered to bastite and in some cases<br />

shows exsolution lamellae of clinopyroxene and kink bands.<br />

Clinopyroxene is armoured by a tremolite rim. Spinel shows a<br />

holly-leaf habit (MERCIER &NICOLAS, 1975) and is often rimmed<br />

by Cr-chlorite. The core of the analyzed spinel has a Cr-Al spinel<br />

composition corresponding to chromite (Al2O3 = 29-31 wt.%;<br />

Cr2O3 = 28-37 wt.%), whereas the rim has a Fe-Cr spinel<br />

composition corresponding to ferritchromite (Al2O3 = 1-2 wt.%;<br />

Cr2O3 = 28-30 wt.%). The Cr-Al spinel/ferritchromite ratio may<br />

be various in different spinel porphyroclasts. Serpentine has a<br />

fibrous stretched subidiomorphic habit, it is colourless or pale<br />

green. Tremolite is present as nematoblasts associated with<br />

orthopyroxene. Magnetite replaces spinel or occurs within the<br />

mesh textured serpentine.<br />

The metamorphic assemblages in the Frido Unit serpentinites<br />

allowed to infer the physical conditions operating during<br />

serpentinization. The mineralogical assemblages found are<br />

typical of the amphibolite facies, greenschist-amphibolite<br />

transition and greenschist facies conditions. Serpentinites are cut<br />

by veins filled with mineralogical assemblages typical of<br />

prehnite-pumpellyite facies likely related to the late orogenic<br />

Apennine evolution.<br />

The geochemical features of serpentinites show differences in<br />

compositions with respect to the Primitive Upper Mantle (PUM).<br />

These are likely related to serpentinization processes, since trace<br />

elements normalized to PUM show different trends, comparable

to Residual MORB Mantle and to Primitive Upper Mantle<br />

respectively. HP/LT metamorphic conditions can be documented<br />

in mafic dykes enclosed in serpentinites, but similar conditions<br />

are not recognizable in serpentinites.<br />



P. & PERRONE V. (1988) - <strong>Il</strong> Complesso Liguride Auct.: stato<br />

delle conoscenze attuali e problemi aperti sulla sua evoluzione<br />

Pre - Appenninica ed i suoi rapporti con l’Arco Calabro. Mem.<br />

Soc. Geol. It., 41, 17-35.<br />


(1999) - On the origin of west-directed subduction zones and<br />

applications to the western Mediterranean. In: Durand B., Jolivet<br />

L., Horváth F. &. Séranne M.. Eds, The Mediterranean basins:<br />

Tertiary Extension withing the Alpine Orogenen. Geological<br />

Society, London, Special Publications, 156, 541-561.<br />

GUEGUEN E., DOGLIONI C. & FERNANDEZ M. (1998) - On the<br />

post-25 Ma geodynamic evolution of the western Mediterranean.<br />

Tectonophysics, 298, 259-269.<br />

LANZAFAME G., SPADEA P. & TORTORICI L. (1979) - Mesozoic<br />

Ophiolites of Northern Calabria and Lucanian Apennine<br />

(Southern Italy). Ofioliti, 4 ,173-182.<br />

PATACCA E. & SCANDONE P. (2007) - Geology of the Southern<br />

Apennines. In: Mazzotti A., Patacca E. &. Scandone P. Eds.,<br />

Results of the CROP Project, Sub-project CROP-04 Southern<br />

Apennines (Italy). Boll. Soc. Geol. It., Spec. Issue, 7, 75-119.<br />

SPADEA P. (1982) - Continental crust rock associated with<br />

ophiolites in Lucanian Apennine (Southern Italy). Ofioliti, 7,<br />

501-522.<br />

SPADEA P. (1994) - Calabria-Lucania ophiolites. Boll. Geofis.<br />

Teor. Appl., 36, 271-281.<br />


Western Alps geological constraints on western Tethyan<br />

reconstructions. In: Rosembaum G. & Lister G. S., Eds.,<br />

Reconstruction of the evolution of the Alpine-Himalayan Orogen.<br />

J. Virtual Expl., 8, 77-106.<br />

VEZZANI L. (1969) - La Formazione del Frido (Neocomiano-<br />

Aptiano) tra il Pollino ed il Sinni. Geol. Rom., 8, 129-176.<br />

141<br />


SESSIONE 6<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Acquiferi e loro gestione<br />


Giovanni Beretta (Università di Milano)<br />

Pietro Celico (Università di Napoli "Federico II")<br />

Massimo Civita (Politecnico di Torino)<br />

Vincenzo Francani (Politecnico di Milano)<br />

Giovanni Barrocu (Università di Cagliari)<br />

Giovanni Sarti (Università di Pisa)<br />

Alessandro Amorosi (Università di Bologna)<br />

143<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Co-seismic and post-seismic hydrogeological and hydrochemical<br />

response to the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake<br />




Key words: Discharge increase of springs, earthquake, Gran<br />

Sasso massi, groundwater flow, increase of water table, Italy.<br />

The Mw = 6.3 L’Aquila earthquake on April 6, 2009 in the<br />

Gran Sasso carbonate fractured aquifer produced changes in the<br />

groundwater flow system that had short- and mid-term effects on<br />

the recharge and discharge areas:<br />

1) the sudden disappearance at the time of the mainshock of some<br />

springs located exactly along the surface trace of the Paganica<br />

Fault;<br />

2) an immediate increase in the discharge of the Gran Sasso<br />

highway tunnel drainages (+20%) and of other springs (+10%);<br />

3) a progressive increase of the water table elevation (+1m) at the<br />

boundary of the Gran Sasso aquifer during following months.<br />

Using data collected since the 1990s (Tab. 1) that includes<br />

aftershock monitoring as well as data regarding spring discharge,<br />

water table elevations and rainfall events, a conceptual model of<br />

the earthquake’s consequences on the Gran Sasso aquifer is<br />

proposed herein (Fig. 1) in accordance with previous studies<br />

(MUIR-WOOD &KING, 1993; SATO et alii, 2000; MONTGOMERY<br />

144<br />

et alii, 2003). In this model that excludes the contribution of<br />

seasonal recharge, the short-term hydrologic effects registered<br />

immediately after the mainshock are determined to have been<br />

caused by a pore pressure increase related to aquifer deformation.<br />

Mid-term effects observed in the months following the mainshock<br />

suggest that there was a change in groundwater hydrodynamics.<br />

Supplementary groundwater that flows toward aquifer boundaries<br />

and springs in discharge areas reflects a possible increase in<br />

hydraulic conductivity in the recharge area. This increase can be<br />

related to fracture clearing and/or dilatancy.<br />

Additional monitoring including hydrochemical data<br />

collection allows a refinement of the proposed model. The<br />

preliminary outcomes of the hydrochemical spot sampling of the<br />

pre-seismic (2001 – 2007) (ADINOLFI FALCONE et alii, 2008),<br />

post-seismic (april 2009) and after-seismic (july and september<br />

# Spring Elevation Epicenter Pre-mainshock Post-mainshock % difference Time delay After the mainshock<br />

(m a.s.l.) distance (km) discharge (L/s) discharge (L/s)<br />

(min)<br />

(-)<br />

(L/s)<br />

1 Highway tunnels W drainage 967 16 468 620 (*) +32

Fig. 1 – 1) Conceptual scheme of groundwater changes caused by the L’Aquila earthquake; RAQ – regional aquiclude; TH – permeability boundary (main regional<br />

thrust); HT – highway tunnels (950 - 1000 m asl); RA - high elevation recharge area (2700 - 1500 m asl); TKP – high elevation tectono-karstic plain (preferential<br />

recharge area); HEDA – high elevation discharge area (750-1600 m asl); LEDA – low elevation discharge area (270 - 350 m asl); SSWT - spring-summer water table<br />

(groundwater recharge period); FWWT – Fall-winter water table (groundwater exhaustion period). 2) Conceptual sketch of groundwater changes caused by the<br />

L’Aquila earthquake in the main discharge area (LEDA). A- situation before the mainshock; B- short-term response after the mainshock. Pore pressure causes the<br />

water table to raise with instantaneous spring discharge increases relative to the pre-mainshock state (dotted line); C- mid-term response associated with a change in<br />

the bulk hydraulic conductivity of the recharge area. This causes spring discharge increases with respect to those of the pre-mainshock period (dotted line).<br />

to the pre- and after-seismic ones could be more magnified,<br />

considering the higher values of discharge (Tab. 1) which diluted<br />

the hydrochemical content. This dilution effect can be attributed<br />

to the high recharge rate recorded during 2009 with respect to the<br />

previous ones and it was more evident in the Tempera and Vera<br />

spring group, where the discharge values in the post-seismic<br />

period were 70% higher than those of pre- and after-seismic<br />

periods (AMORUSO et alii, 2010). Complete interpretation of both<br />

quantitative and hydrochemical data is necessary to determine the<br />

long-term consequences of this earthquake on the groundwater<br />

flow of the Gran Sasso carbonate massif, as suggested also by<br />

other geochemical monitoring results (CHIODINI et alii, 2010).<br />

Tab. 2 – Rn (pC/L), T (°C), pH and E.C.: electrical conductivity (μS/cm) of<br />

Tempera and Vera groundwater; pre-seismic period: spring and summer months<br />

from 2002 to 2007 and post-seismic period: from april 17 to july 12 2009. AV:<br />

average value; ST DEV: standard deviation.<br />


145<br />


SPIZZICO M. & TALLINI M. (2008) - Chemical and isotopic<br />

(δ 18 O‰, δ 2 H‰, δ 13 C‰, 222 Rn) multi-tracing for groundwater<br />

conceptual model of carbonate aquifer (Gran Sasso INFN<br />

underground laboratory – central Italy). J. Hydrol., 357,<br />

368– 388.<br />


(2010) – Co-seismic and post-seismic hydrogeological<br />

response of the Gran Sasso carbonate aquifer to the L’Aquila<br />

earthquake (central Italy). Geophysical Research Abstracts;<br />

12, EGU2010-6954 general Assembly 2010.<br />


INGUAGGIATO S. & FRONDINI F. (2010) - One year of<br />

geochemical monitoring of groundwater in the Abruzzi region<br />

after the 2009 earthquakes. Geophysical Research Abstracts;<br />

12, EGU2010-14951 general Assembly 2010.<br />


Streamfow response to the Nisqually earthquake; Earth and<br />

Plan. Sci. Lett., 209, 19-28.<br />

MUIR-WOOD R. & KING GCP. (1993) - Hydrological signatures<br />

of earthquake strain; J. Geophys. Res., 1993, 22035-22068.<br />

SATO T., SAKAI R., FURUYA K. & KODAMA T. (2000) - Coseismic<br />

spring flow changes associated with the 1995 Kobe<br />

earthquake. Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 1219-1222.<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Key words: Aquifer stratigraphy, fluvial architecture, Po Plain,<br />

Quaternary.<br />

Increasing demand of groundwater for municipal and<br />

agricultural use is shifting applied sedimentology in focus toward<br />

detailed reservoir and hydrostratigraphic characterization. In this<br />

respect, sequence stratigraphy has proved to be a powerful tool<br />

for delineating aquifer geometry and the vertical stacking of<br />

regional hydrostratigraphic units.<br />

The Po Plain is one of the largest alluvial plains in Europe<br />

and makes up an appealing target for water research. Extensive<br />

subsurface investigations have been performed during the last<br />

decade in the Po Basin, with the aim of defining a general<br />

framework of aquifer distribution within the middle-late<br />

Quaternary alluvial succession (REGIONE EMILIA-ROMAGNA &<br />


2002).<br />

Detailed sedimentological analyses, concurrently with a<br />

multiproxy investigation of cores and its framing into a sequencestratigraphic<br />

context, provide the basis for depicting aquifer<br />

architecture on a regional scale, including specific facies<br />

connotation of aquifer systems (AMOROSI, 2008; AMOROSI et alii,<br />

2008; AMOROSI &PAVESI, 2010).<br />

Large-scale stratigraphic architecture of the Po Basin reflects<br />

the complex interplay between thrust tectonics, subsidence and<br />

sea-level change during the middle-late Quaternary.<br />

Two major unconformities, identified on a seismic basis and<br />

dated to about 400 and 870 ka, respectively, represent the lower<br />

bounding unconformities of depositional sequences that can be<br />

tracked throughout the basin.<br />

A distinctive cyclic organization of facies characterizes the<br />

stratigraphic architecture of the Po Basin. Particularly, the Po<br />

Basin fill is characterized by the stacking of eight successive<br />

“transgressive-regressive” sequences, falling in the Milankovitch<br />

(100 ka) band, the accumulation of which was strongly controlled<br />

_________________________<br />

Contrasting fluvial architecture in the middle-late Quaternary<br />

succession of the Po Plain: implications for aquifer stratigraphy<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche e Ambientali, Università di<br />

Bologna,<br />


146<br />

by middle-late Quaternary interglacial/glacial cycles. These<br />

depositional cycles form the major stratigraphic units of the<br />

geological map to 1:50,000 scale.<br />

Landward of maximum marine ingression, the middle-late<br />

Quaternary deposits consist of a thick alluvial succession. The<br />

lower parts of sequences, which are correlative at seaward<br />

locations with retrograding (transgressive) coastal and shallowmarine<br />

deposits, are made up chiefly of monotonous successions<br />

of silt-clay overbank deposits (with thin and lenticular fluvialchannel<br />

sands), forming major permeability barriers.<br />

These display upward transition to increasingly amalgamated<br />

and more laterally extensive fluvial-channel sand bodies, which<br />

form distinctive aquifer systems.<br />

High-resolution stratigraphy from the late Quaternary alluvial<br />

deposits of the Bologna area provides new insights for detailed<br />

comparison of fluvial architecture within “glacial” (Last Glacial<br />

Maximum) versus “interglacial” (Holocene) alluvial deposits.<br />

Isolated fluvial geometries are clearly related to stratigraphic<br />

intervals showing expansions of warm-temperate vegetation<br />

(interglacial conditions), while laterally extensive, amalgamated<br />

sand bodies appear to be related to phases of low accommodation<br />

under lowstand and early transgressive cold-climate conditions.<br />

This contrasting fluvial style is likely to represent a peculiar<br />

feature of alluvial architecture beneath modern alluvial plains.<br />


AMOROSI A. (2008) - Delineating aquifer geometry within a<br />

sequence stratigraphic framework: Evidence from the<br />

Quaternary of the Po River Basin, Northern Italy. In: A.<br />

Amorosi, B.U. Haq and L. Sabato (Eds.) Advances in<br />

Application of Sequence Stratigraphy in Italy. GeoActa<br />

Special Publication, 1, 1-14.<br />

AMOROSI A. & PAVESI M. (2010) - Aquifer stratigraphy from the<br />

middle-late Pleistocene succession of the Po Basin. Mem.<br />

Descr. Carta Geol. It., 90.<br />


(2008) - Climatic signature of cyclic fluvial architecture from<br />

the Quaternary of the central Po Plain, Italy. Sediment.<br />

Geol., 209, 58-68

REGIONE EMILIA-ROMAGNA & ENI–AGIP (1998) - Riserve<br />

idriche sotterranee <strong>della</strong> Regione Emilia-Romagna.<br />

S.EL.CA. (Firenze).<br />


degli acquiferi Padani <strong>della</strong> Regione Lombardia. S.EL.CA.<br />

(Firenze).<br />

147<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Modeling and design of a groundwater remediation system by using<br />

recirculation of treated water: a case history<br />

Key words: Groundwater modeling, phenols, reinjection and<br />

recirculation.<br />

The consolidated approach to groundwater remediation in<br />

Italy includes a limited number of technical solutions that<br />

generally imply a Pump &Treat system and the discharge of the<br />

treated water as wastewater into a sewer or into a ditch.<br />

This case study is related to an industrial site located in the Po<br />

plain, mainly impacted by phenols and other organic compounds<br />

from leaking underground tanks. At this site a remediation system<br />

combining pumping of groundwater, on-site treatment, addition<br />

of oxygen and up-gradient reinjection of the treated water has<br />

been designed and approved by the local authorities.<br />

According to the current Italian regulation contaminated sites<br />

(Legislative Decree No. 152 of April 3, 2006), the impact was<br />

notified to the local authorities. According to the general criteria<br />

set by the above mentioned Legislative Decree, further to the<br />

exceedance of the threshold limits, a risk assessment study has to<br />

be conducted in order to define site-specific Risk Threshold<br />

Concentrations. The results of the environmental investigation<br />

showed that the contamination is mainly dissolved and located in<br />

the shallower aquifer, at a depth of 3-4 m below ground surface<br />

(“bgs”).<br />

The aquifer, which has a thickness of 1-1.5 m and is overlying<br />

a thick silty clay layer, is unconfined and has a moderate<br />

permeability. The geometric features of the aquifer were defined<br />

by drilling a number of monitoring wells, conducting slug tests<br />

and pumping tests, and by a geophysical survey (Fig. 1).<br />

The chemical parameters were surveyed by periodical<br />

groundwater sampling and chemical analyses.<br />

The design of the remediation system was supported by a<br />

dedicated groundwater modeling.<br />

Groundwater modeling was applied to the Site following the<br />

modeling protocol indicated in Applied Groundwater Modeling<br />

(ANDERSON & WOESSNER, 1992). The purpose of the<br />

groundwater modeling was to assess the hydraulic efficiency of<br />

the proposed remediation system. It includes a containment<br />

system made of pumping wells and a drainage trench (Pump &<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Golder Associates S.r.l., Torino,<br />


148<br />

Fig. 1 – Tomographical model of electrical resistivity – 3D view, west side.<br />

Treat) located down-gradient of the contaminated area, combined<br />

with an reinjection system of oxygenated water (up-gradient).<br />

In this work a series of steps were followed:<br />

• Groundwater model construction<br />

• Groundwater model calibration<br />

• Predictions.<br />

At first code FEFLOW 5.4 was selected, a finite element<br />

numerical code capable of simulating groundwater flow and<br />

chemical transport under complex boundary conditions, suitable<br />

to achieve the objectives mentioned. The Site conceptual model,<br />

identifying hydrostratigraphic units (geologic units of similar<br />

hydrogeologic properties), system boundaries and values of<br />

hydrodynamic parameters was then reproduced. Consequently,<br />

the numerical model was designed.<br />

The groundwater model was calibrated by modifying the<br />

boundary conditions and the hydraulic conductivity values until<br />

there was a reasonable match between the simulated hydraulic<br />

head values and those measured in the field.<br />

Once calibrated, the numerical model was used for assessing<br />

the hydraulic performance of the proposed pumping and<br />

reinjection systems evaluating different scenarios in terms of<br />

number of pumping wells, length of the drainage trench and<br />

number of reinjection wells (Fig. 2).<br />

The best/final configuration for the remediation system<br />

identified was:<br />

• 3 pumping wells and one drainage trench (15 m length);<br />

• 4 oxygenated water reinjection wells.

Fig. 2 – Detail of the results of prediction of the recirculation of groundwater resulting from the P&T and reinjection.<br />


ANDERSON M.P. & WOESSER W.W. (1992) – Applied<br />

groundwater modeling. Academic Press, San Diego, 385 pp.<br />

149<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Geological-structural analisys and hydrogeology of carbonate ridge<br />

between Ambro and Fiastrone rivers (Umbria-Marche Apennine)<br />


Key words: Hydrogeology, hydraulic conductivity, limestone<br />

acquifers.<br />


In the present work has been characterized and verified the<br />

actual geological and structural setting of a portion of the<br />

carbonate ridge located in the Monti Sibillini area, and between<br />

the Ambro river and the Fiastrone river.<br />

Recognition, spatial layout of the main tectonic elements and<br />

analysis of the slotted associated with them has allowed an<br />

accurate description of the main feeding areas, the routes of<br />

underground drainage, the geological conditions leading to the<br />

main event of emergency water. The directions of maximum<br />

hydraulic conductivity, obtained by the method of geometricstatistical<br />

Kiraly on a variety of complex hydrogeological, are<br />

arranged around NNW-SSE, in agreement with the available<br />

space of the majority of the lines of discontinuity. The meaning<br />

of these Apennine tectonic elements, together with the axial<br />

culmination of macro structures then, would be responsible for a<br />

strong preferential direction of flow towards the north of the deep<br />

aquifers that are superficial, albeit the latter with some deviation<br />

to either the eastern and western sectors.<br />

The analysis confirms the importance that a plan of geological<br />

and structural characterization becomes more specific in the<br />

context of the movement of water within the rock masses.<br />


Results from field observations carried out for this thesis<br />

suggest that the groundwater circulation in the upper portion of<br />

Tennacola stream is closely influenced by the hydrogeological<br />

characteristisc of emerging formations and by the tectonic-<br />

_________________________<br />

(*)<br />

(**)<br />

(°) Scuola di Dottorato in Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Camerino<br />

(°°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di<br />

Camerino,<br />

150<br />

structural setting of entire system.<br />

The porpoise of this work of thesis was the detailed<br />

geological-structural characterization of a portion of the Umbria-<br />

Marche Apennine thus to describe the main groundwater ways<br />

circulation and the zones of feeding associated, let alone a<br />

conceptual scheme to define the hydrogeological conditions that<br />

characterize the phenomena of sources taken in consideration.<br />

For this work we have taken care of census water points being<br />

inside the study area, that carried to identification of 18 sources,<br />

34 hydrometric measures stations, and 6 wells dispersed in the<br />

hydrographical basin of the Tennacola stream.<br />

The data collected during the geological-structural survey<br />

allowed to characterize fractured rocks heaps represented by<br />

Maiolica Formation in Monte Castel Manardo. It is the aquifer<br />

hanging from which the Tennacola stream and different sources<br />

origin. The diagrams that relate the spacing with strata thickness<br />

design an increasing linear relation with a = 0,47 for the set 85/80<br />

and a = 0,62 for the set 220/70 and length and spacing of<br />

fractures follow an exponential curve second a poissonian<br />

distribution with 0,80>R2>0,84.<br />

As the fractures connectivity approaches itself to the base of<br />

formation it seems to decrease. Moreover, through collected data,<br />

it has been possible to obtain an hydraulic conductivity value<br />

from the formula’s application proposed from Kiraly (1975) for<br />

the characterization of the rocks heaps, that, even though clear<br />

simplifications, provides a real parameter that can be compared<br />

with that obtained from the Darcy’s law.<br />

In the aquifer units of Maiolica and Scaglia Formations rain<br />

waters are rapidly delivered to the spring area through the<br />

unsatured zone by micro-karstic and fissuration; instead in the<br />

superficial complexes composed of detrital and alluvial deposits,<br />

the rapidity of groundwater flow is influenced by the tessitural<br />

architecture of deposits. Both situations evidence a good<br />

correspondence between structural setting and groundwater<br />

circulation.<br />

From these results it has been possible to define that the<br />

Carbonate ridge near Pizzo di Meta is a structure stopped by<br />

tectonics and stratigraphic contacts with low permeability bodies;<br />

the structure drainage may continue towards external basin<br />

situated in the North. To the South, the basal groundwater flow<br />

guarantees the feeding of the Fiastrone river relationship with the<br />

bending that the thrust assumes near the structural highs of Monte<br />

Sassotetto e Monte Valvasseto. Particularly, although the Monte

Fig. 1 – Monte Castel Manardo Anticline. NEO: Calcare Massiccio formation, MSE: Marne del Monte Serrone formation, PSD: Calcari a Posidonia formation,<br />

MAJ: Maiolica formation.<br />

Valvasseto structure is constituted for the majority by limestone<br />

of Massiccio complex it does not supply contributions at all to<br />

Tennacola stream capacity.<br />

This portion of carbonate ridge represents a watershed of the<br />

bases aquifer that stretches to flow down the major part of water<br />

toward the Fiastrone river and toward the deep valley of Ambro<br />

river, testified from the presence of linear spring. In according to<br />

such considerations it has been possible to recognize into the<br />

inside of the Monte Castel Manardo macro-anticline several<br />

suspended hydrological bodies supported by low conductibility<br />

layers witch feed both the Tennacola stream and several sources.<br />

The sources situated at the entrance of Tre Santi valley are<br />

feed by Scaglia and Maiolica Formation that represent the reverse<br />

forelimb of fold and they are confined as a horses defined by<br />

several segment of Monti Sibillini thrust zone (CENTAMORE et<br />

alii, 1971; CHIOCCHINI et alii, 1976; LAVECCHIA, 1979;<br />

CALAMITA et alii, 1990; DEIANA et alli, 1994; PIERANTONI et alii,<br />

2005).<br />



PIERUCCINI V. (1971) - Contributo <strong>alla</strong> conoscenza del<br />

Giurassico dell’Appennino umbro-marchigiano. Studi<br />

Geologici Camerti, 1.<br />

151<br />


PIERUCCINI U. (1976) - Geologia <strong>dei</strong> Monti Sibillini Nord-<br />

Orientali. Studi Geologici Camerti, 2, 7-44.<br />

DEIANA G. & PIALLI G. (1994) - The structural provinces of the<br />

Umbria-Marche Appennines. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 48, 473-<br />

484.<br />


BORRACINI F. & MAZZOLI S. (2005) - Geometrie strutturali<br />

lungo la thrust zone del fronte montuoso umbromarchigiano-sabino.<br />

Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 124, 395-411.<br />

KIRALY L. (1975) - Rapport sur l’état actuel des connaissances<br />

dans le domaine des caractères physiques des roches<br />

karstiques. In: Burger A., Dubertret L. Eds., Hydrogéologie<br />

des terrains karstiques, IAH, Paris, 53-67.<br />

LAVECCHIA G. (1979) - Analisi cinematica del sovrascorrimento<br />

del F.Fiastrone (Sibillini Nord-Orientali). Boll. Soc. Geol. It.,<br />

98, 457-468.<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Aquifers and integrated water resources management in coastal<br />

areas<br />

Key words: Coastal zone, deltas, groundwater, pollution,<br />

seawater intrusion, water quality.<br />

Coastal areas, consisting of the emerged and submerged parts<br />

of the coast, are the final part of catchments and transition zones<br />

between continents and seas, where the fragile natural<br />

equilibrium between fresh, brackish and salt water interfaces may<br />

be easily jeopardized by human actions. This equilibrium is, of<br />

course, strongly dependent upon the interactions between rock<br />

and water, and sea level variations due to subsidence and<br />

changing climate. The natural water cycle is a process strongly<br />

affected by human activities, and need time and space, which are<br />

ineluctable boundary conditions for sustainable water resource<br />

development and good life quality.<br />

Coastal aquifers are important freshwater sources, especially<br />

in deltas. A large proportion of the world’s population (about<br />

70%) dwells in coastal zones, and many coastal areas are so<br />

heavily urbanized that the need for freshwater, to meet domestic,<br />

agricultural and industrial demands, is even more acute. Many of<br />

these sprawling urban areas have mushroomed with little or no<br />

planning, so that groundwater is endangered by overexploitation<br />

and degradation due to mismanagement, and lack of drainage,<br />

sewage systems and sanitation. The situation may be critical in<br />

areas with a heavy tourist influx, especially in seaside resorts<br />

where hotels and large residential areas have been sprung up by<br />

the sea, swelling the population.<br />

Excess pumping produces seawater intrusion directly from the<br />

sea or by upconing of connate waters trapped in depth into<br />

ancient unleached sediments. Over the last few decades, saltwater<br />

intrusion in coastal aquifers has become a major environmental<br />

problem worldwide.<br />

Freshwater is threatened not only by saltwater encroachment<br />

but also by pollution produced by human activities, especially in<br />

developing countries, where the problem of water resources<br />

management is more acute. In recent years, public attention has<br />

been focused on groundwater contamination by hazardous<br />

industrial waste, leachate from landfills, oil spills, mining<br />

activities, industrial facilities, unsuitable engineering works,<br />

agricultural activities, and sites of radioactive waste repositories,<br />

to mention but a few of the more acute pollution sources. In most<br />

cases, the source of contamination is above ground surface, with<br />

contaminants passing through the unsaturated zone on their way<br />

to an underlying aquifer.<br />

Deltaic areas are particularly vulnerable to floods and<br />


152<br />

consequent pollution of surface groundwater and soil.<br />

In heavily populated areas, potential pollution sources are<br />

difficult to remove so as to define a minimum protection zone<br />

depending on local hydrogeological conditions around springs<br />

and wells in order to grant groundwater of acceptable good<br />

quality. However, any potential pollution source should be<br />

encircled by a respect zone, so that remediation actions would be<br />

successful in case of an accident.<br />

Drinking water of good quality from contaminated coastal<br />

aquifers may be mainly supplied in short term by treating<br />

contaminated groundwater, even with mobile modular treatment<br />

plants. The treatment of surface water may be more problematic,<br />

depending on the water quality, which can be strongly degraded<br />

by solid and liquid wastes directly thrown into rivers.<br />

If water quantity and quality are not enough to satisfy local<br />

demands, water is to be imported from elsewhere and/or its<br />

quality is to be improved by treatment processes. In fact, water<br />

supply is a typical problem of integrated regional and urban<br />

planning, as it implies transfer and allocation of water resources<br />

from an area to another so as to avoid conflicts among different<br />

users. The problem is to be assessed considering scientific,<br />

technological, socio-economical and political aspects, and<br />

different people’s point of view, so as to find proper solutions,<br />

involving stakeholders and users.<br />

When taking into account the mutual relationship between<br />

continental and sea waters, the interrelations between surface<br />

waters and groundwater are to be carefully considered under<br />

present and future conditions. Water budgets should be made in<br />

terms of integrated water resources to be defined taking into<br />

account the water quantity and quality needed for different uses,<br />

with reference to watersheds and areas of interests.<br />

Unfortunately, evaluating the influence of groundwater discharge<br />

into the ocean has proven to be very difficult. In spite of the<br />

recognition that many land-sea interface of the world are<br />

characterized by "leaky" continental margins, it is still unclear<br />

how important these "leaks" are in terms of overall marine<br />

geochemical budgets.<br />

The management of coastal zones requires that the dynamics<br />

of coastal aquifers is properly defined, considering the local<br />

effects of water resources development and the results of inland<br />

human actions. Environmental impact and economic effects<br />

associated with saltwater intrusion phenomena requires<br />

monitoring and analysis of the response of the threatened system

and involves the use of reliable models enabling the prediction of<br />

future scenarios.<br />

Aquifer and extensively coastal zone management by its very<br />

nature is very complex. In addition to the hydrogeological input,<br />

it requires contributions from oceanographers, legal specialists,<br />

social scientists and political scientists to develop practical<br />

approaches for governments to adopt. The remediation of<br />

contaminated aquifers may be a necessary step which requires the<br />

integrated planning of all human activities in the urban area under<br />

consideration, and the construction of suitable sanitation<br />

infrastructures.<br />

Major respect of hygienic rules and better population<br />

distribution inland seem necessary in many countries. The natural<br />

water cycle is a process strongly affected by human activities, and<br />

need time and space, which are ineluctable boundary conditions<br />

for sustainable water resource development and good life quality.<br />

Meeting the growing challenge of water scarcity in the future<br />

requires that all appropriate and available technologies be utilized<br />

for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.<br />

Greater integration implies that coastal areas as well as their<br />

integrated water resources be managed simultaneously, paying<br />

due respect to the environment. In coastal areas natural water<br />

resources may be integrated with non-conventional waters<br />

obtained by sea and salty water desalination, and of used water<br />

treatment. Waste waters should be treated and recycled in any<br />

case, especially for the benefit of industrial farming. Polluted<br />

groundwater should be rehabilitated also for environmental<br />

reasons, and depleted aquifers artificially recharged with different<br />

methods, depending on local conditions.<br />

153<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

A sustainability decision support tool for remediation options with<br />

respect to the environmental, social, economical as well as technical<br />

dimensions<br />

Key words: Optimization, remediation, sustainability.<br />

The growing technological development of the last decades<br />

has enlarged the number of options for remediation of<br />

contaminated lands. Therefore, considering also the constraints<br />

given to pressing environmental legislation, an holistic approach<br />

to remediation activities is suggested in order to comprehend in<br />

the decision making process for choosing the more suitable<br />

remediation option not only technical elements, but also<br />

environmental, economical and social aspects.<br />

At this aim Golder Associates has developed a sustainability<br />

decision support tool, GoldSET©, to evaluate the strengths and<br />

weaknesses of engineering projects with respect to the<br />

environmental, social, economical as well as technical<br />

dimensions.<br />

It allows for an unbiased comparison of different options on<br />

the basis of sustainability principles. As such, it can help identify<br />

optimal solutions in a decision-making process based on the<br />

principles of sustainable development.<br />

This sustainability analysis results in a “triple-bottom-line”<br />

assessment, expanding the traditional analytical framework from<br />

financial performance to environmental, social and economical<br />

performance. By providing a comprehensive and transparent<br />

framework to understand and manage the sustainability issues of<br />

a project, GoldSET© can achieve the following benefits:<br />

- improve the decision process involving complex issues by<br />

providing a framework to enhance the understanding of the<br />

impacts associated to these issues;<br />

- support proactive stakeholder engagement – the evaluation<br />

process is meant to be rigorous and transparent so that<br />

stakeholders can better understand the alternatives and their<br />

respective impacts;<br />

- ease communication facilitating the issuing of a social<br />

licence to operate a project - the visual representation of<br />

performance with respect to sustainable development is a<br />

fundamental element which can be instrumental in improving the<br />

communication with communities;<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Golder Associates S.r.l., Turin,<br />

154<br />

- optimization of options – provides a framework to compare<br />

alternatives with a set of key criteria, trade-offs leading to<br />

optimized decisions are facilitated;<br />

- improve corporate image: A decision supported by a<br />

sustainability framework is an effective demonstration of a<br />

corporation’s willingness to move forward with sustainable<br />

development, which can consequently promote a positive<br />

corporate image.<br />

The end result is a visual compilation of the sustainability<br />

performance. The visual presentation demonstrates the elements<br />

of each option and allows for effective decisions. The three axes<br />

of the triangle present the performance of an option with respect<br />

to the three dimensions of sustainable development.<br />

Results are compared taking into consideration the<br />

sustainability performances resulting from the visual compilation.

Key words: Friuli Venezia Giulia aquifers, groundwater, water<br />

quality, water resources.<br />


One of the objectives of the European Directive 2000/60 and<br />

the Legislative Decree 152/06 is the sustainability of waterbalance<br />

in a reference area with the aim of protecting water<br />

resources. Thorough verification of the water-balance it will be<br />

possible to obtain the consumption sustainable water value and,<br />

together with other protective measures planned, the achievement<br />

of environmental quality.<br />

The constantly increasing water demand for human<br />

consumptions and the constant use of water resources induced to<br />

study deeply the Friuli Venezia Giulia Plain (north eastern part of<br />

Italy) where all the water resources of the Region are storeged.<br />

The aim of the present research is to realize a water-balance in<br />

order to understand the amount of the water resource and its use.<br />

To reach this aim, the Geosciences Department from Trieste<br />

University has been engaged by the Hydraulic Survey of the<br />

Friuli Venezia Giulia Region in order to coordinate an integrated<br />

study finalized to the Friuli Venezia Giulia Plain confined and<br />

unconfined aquifer geometries reconstruction and to provide<br />

guide-lines for water rational exploitation (Agreement D.G.R. n.<br />

1827 dd. 27.07.2007).<br />

Water-balance means the comparison between the water<br />

resources, available or obtainable, and the withdrawn in the<br />

reference area. In order to define water consumption, 2 Data<br />

Base: one for the domestic use (47709 estimated water-wells),<br />

and the other one for all the other uses (7930 water-wells) have<br />

been analyzed. Potable, agricultural, industrial, hygienic and<br />

sanitary, fish breeding and geothermal uses have been<br />

considered. For every single use have been calculated the<br />

number of withdrawal points and the amount of withdrawal for<br />

_________________________<br />

Water sustainability in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Plain<br />


(*) Università degli Studi di Trieste, Dipartimento di Geoscienze,<br /> , , ,<br /><br />

(**) Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Servizio Idraulica,<br /> ,<br />


155<br />

every single aquifer. Figure 1 is showing the actual situation.<br />

Precipitation, evapotraspiration, runoff, infiltration and river<br />

discharge were used to obtain input and output water values from<br />

the regional system. As result, the water availability for the Low<br />

Plain depends from the High Plain recharge and from the water<br />

insisting on the mountain basin (197,7 m 3 /s) but also the total<br />

water extractions are consistent (59,3 m 3 /s). In fact, the total<br />

withdrawal value evaluated by the census of 55639 sampling<br />

points present in the Friuli Venezia Giulia is 59,3 m 3 /s, of which<br />

10,2 m 3 /s are relative to groundwater phreatic withdrawals of the<br />

Low Plain. 49.1 m 3 /s is therefore the amount of the groundwater<br />

withdrawals from the phreatic High Plain and the artesian<br />

aquifers. To this value must be added the withdrawal contribution<br />

from the Veneto Region (in Tagliamento right side).<br />

The withdrawals intensity is well explained in the Figure 1<br />

where they are expressed in l/s for km 2 for every single water<br />

body. The total amount of withdrawals for single aquifer is<br />

represented in Figure 2. While from a comprehensive analysis the<br />

current use of the water resource seems to be sustainable, a<br />

specific analysis made on the single water body shows great,<br />

critical and substantial unevenness. In particular, it highlights the<br />

overfishing of the area located in the Tagliamento right side<br />

where consumers are heavily unbalanced in relation to charging.<br />

The hydroelectric and irrigation withdrawals on the mountain<br />

rivers create a significant deficit in the recharge of the High Plain<br />

in the Tagliamento right side. The result is the crisis on the<br />

artesian groundwater in the Low Plain on the right side of<br />

Tagliamento River. This imbalance is offset by increasing recall<br />

of phreatic and artesian groundwater from the left side of<br />

Tagliamento. The withdrawals that interest, with different<br />

intensity, all the artesian aquifers, induce an always greater<br />

mixing in the waters with the consequent substitution of the deep<br />

ones with the phreatic. Water age analyses indicate that the<br />

waters deeper than 110 m from the ground level (aquifer C), are<br />

older than 15000 years (CUCCHI et alii, 2008). This is a resource<br />

of really high quality but with a low natural recharge. The force<br />

exerted by the wild withdrawals, cause a depletion of water and<br />

take to their accelerate substitution by younger waters having<br />

match lower quality. The balance is not sustainable any more,<br />

water table is subsiding 0,1-0,4 m/yr (CUCCHI et alii, 1999), the<br />

pressure of the confined aquifers is dropping and this imply a<br />

different policy geared towards a conscious use of the resource.<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Fig. 1 – Intensity water withdrawals (l/s at km 2 ).<br />

Fig. 2 – Water withdrawals (m 3 /s) divided on single different body water. Diagrams are on logarithmic scale.<br />


CUCCHI F., FRANCESCHINI G. & ZINI L., (2008) -<br />

Hydrogeochemical investigations and groundwater provinces<br />

of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Plain aquifers, northeastern<br />

Italy. Environ. Geol., 55, 985-999.<br />

CUCCHI F., MASSARI G. & OBERTI S. (1999) - Water table<br />

fluctuations in the northern Friuli Plain. Gortania, 21, 41-51.<br />


Key words: Alluvial sediments geodatabase, GIS,<br />

hydrostratigraphy, Quaternary.<br />


In alluvial plain settings, the correct knowledge of subsurface<br />

geometries is of paramount relevance both for hydrostrigraphic<br />

reconstructions and for models aiming to manage the sustainable<br />

exploitation of groundwater. The integrity of the geographic and<br />

geometric attributes of surface and subsurface data-sets<br />

(geomorphology, geology, hydrology) is a strong condition to<br />

aquifer characterization purposes. The management of the data<br />

flow is relevant point to monitor and improve the different steps<br />

of an hydrogeological study. An example of GIS-based data<br />

management of the hydrostratigraphic work-flow is presented<br />

here, concerning a limited sector of the Adda Lambro interfluve<br />

area.<br />


The case study is a small area of the Adda – Lambro<br />

interfluve South of Milan, close to Cassano d’Adda. The area<br />

represents a relevant knot for the hydrogeology of this part of the<br />

Po plain. It spans from the Holocene lower terrace of the Adda<br />

valley to the high terraces of the Middle Pleistocene alluvial fans.<br />

In the subsurface, the transition from the northern glacio-fluvial<br />

alluvial fans and incised valleys to the braided river depositional<br />

systems occurs (BINI et alii, 2004; BERSEZIO et alii, 2004). This<br />

hinge corresponds to the change from a single phreatic aquifer<br />

(North) to a stack of partly confined aquifer complexes<br />

(South),that is accompanied by the emergence of the shallowest<br />

water nappe along the well-known belt of plain springs<br />

(fontanili).<br />

Five data-types have been collected (original and literature<br />

data): 1) geomorphological and morphometrical data; 2) surface<br />

pedological, textural and sedimentological data; 3) poro-perm<br />

_________________________<br />

Gis management of multiple data-sets for hydrostratigraphic<br />

reconstruction in alluvial plains.<br />

An example from the Adda-Lambro plain in Lombardy<br />

(*) Università degli Studi di Milano Dipartimento Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra<br />

“A.Desio”,<br />


157<br />

properties of aquifer analogues; 4) subsurface stratigraphic data;<br />

5) hydrological and meteorological data (rainfall, temperature,<br />

humidity).<br />

The data-sets have been managed by arcGIS®. A geodatabase<br />

(file geodatabase) has been designed and loaded, in order to<br />

handle the 4 data types as previously mentioned. The<br />

relationships between surface and subsurface data have been<br />

carefully addressed, aiming to obtain a flexible data-base<br />

structure, account for both the XY (map view) and the XZ - YZ<br />

(cross section view) plains.<br />


As a first step, a new DTM (Fig. 1) has been computed by<br />

kriging of hundreds of elevation points, obtained from the CTR<br />

Regione Lombardia and new field data, collected to highlight any<br />

subtle topographic break (i.e. minor terrace scarps) of the<br />

regional topographic gradient. Then, aspect and slope have been<br />

studied. Two domains of centripetal shallow drainage have been<br />

1<br />

Fig. 1 – DEM modified. 1) Main axis drainage; 2) Adda river; 3) Cassano<br />

d'Adda town<br />

recognized, with respect to a N-S striking medial axis Fig.1).<br />

Subsurface data have been organized in a relational data-base,<br />

consisting of tables with one-to-many relation to the surface data,<br />

from which the geographic attributes are inherited. Subsurface<br />

data can be viewed and/or edited along any horizontal and<br />

vertical section. The switch from horizontal (map) to vertical<br />

(cross–section) editing is based on a script, which makes it an<br />

autonomous and automatic procedure.<br />

The subsurface geological interpretation has been obtained<br />

3<br />

2<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Fig.2 – Vertical section sketch. 1) subsurface geological data shown with<br />

different colours and thikness; 2) Geological surface drawn with different<br />

colour and thikness according to their relative hierarchy ; 3) "Map" of<br />

interpolated litological propreties related to permeability in five different class<br />

(light and dark blue, yellow, light and dark gray).<br />

after visualization of surface and subsurface maps and vertical<br />

cross-sections, that contain all the data coherently input into the<br />

geodatabase (Fig.2). The hierarchic stack of bounding<br />

stratigraphic surfaces has been compared to the existing<br />

literature. Interpolation of lithological, textural and poro-perm<br />

properties has been computed both in map and in cross-section<br />

projections, by implementation of ad hoc interpolation tools.<br />

Once the geological and hydrostratigraphic features have been<br />

defined and mapped on known vertical and horizontal plains,<br />

potential field modeling (Chiles at al., 2004) has been applied, by<br />

the use of the Geomodeller ® software. Again, the migration<br />

from the GIS environment to the new software has been made<br />

automatic by a specific script.<br />


The implementation of the work-flow permitted to evaluate<br />

several alternatives and to estimate sensitivity and uncertainty. A<br />

substantial refinement of the available geometrical and geological<br />

models of the subsurface has been obtained, in terms of a<br />

satisfactory match between surface and subsurface data, a<br />

sufficiently good shaping and spatial positioning of sedimentary<br />

bodies and of an ameliorable characterization of their internal<br />

architecture.<br />

The new 3-D model allowed for the assessment of a new<br />

hydrostratigraphic framework, that forecasts the shape and<br />

location of complex aquifer systems. The 3-D rendering<br />

158<br />

highlights the very low continuity of the most and least permeable<br />

sedimentary bodies (aquifers and aquicludes). Connectivity and<br />

spatial heterogeneity of aquifer systems indicate that preferential<br />

flow paths should exist and should be accounted for during flow<br />

and transport modeling experiments. Forecasting the location and<br />

spatial extent of hydrogeological windows is one of the results<br />

made possible by the use of several modeling routines applied to<br />

the Geodatabase.<br />

Excluding the 3-D rendering of maps and cross-sections, the<br />

entire work has been developed in the same GIS environment. In<br />

spite of some minor pitfalls (like the poor visualization of crosssections),<br />

this gave the great opportunity to track systematically<br />

the geographic location of any entity or object. This is<br />

fundamental at the regional scale, for correct positioning of any<br />

spatial feature or property of any sedimentary unit. The use of the<br />

Geodatabase permitted to evaluate many alternatives, computing<br />

and comparing the statistical errors at any step.<br />


BINI A., STRINI A., VIOLANTI D. & ZUCCOLI L. (2004) – Geologia<br />

di sottosuolo dell’alta pianura a NE di Milano. <strong>Il</strong><br />

Quaternario, 17 (2/1): 343 – 354.<br />


C. (2004) – Aquifer architecture of the Quaternary alluvial<br />

succession of the Southern Lambro Basin (Lombardy, Italy).<br />

<strong>Il</strong> Quaternario, 17 (2/1): 361 – 378.

The hydrogeological model of the thermal fluids of Viterbo – Cimini<br />

Mountains area as a tool for their management<br />


Key words: Carbonate rocks, Cimini Mountains,<br />

hydrogeological model, recharge area, thermal fluids<br />

management.<br />

Viterbo city, located in the lower part of the Cimini<br />

Mountains northwestern slope, is well known since Roman Age<br />

because of its thermal water and developed between 8th and 12 th<br />

centuries.<br />

The overall stratigraphic – structural reconstruction of the<br />

Viterbo - Cimini Mountains area with several hot springs by<br />

deep well logs and geophysical data (geoelectric, seismic and<br />

gravimetric surveying) allowed to recognize that the architecture<br />

of the tectonic edifice, below the Pleistocene Cimino and Vicano<br />

volcanic districts cover (CIMARELLI & DE RITA, 2006), is<br />

characterized by overlapping of the Ligurian Late Cretaceous –<br />

Eocene Tolfa Flysch on to the Mesozoic - Cenozoic Tuscan<br />

Nappe and Umbria – Marche Succession (fig.1). The Pliocene –<br />

Pleistocene extensional tectonic phases split the structural edifice<br />

into some uplifted blocks and a graben trending SW - NE which<br />

hosts the Early Pliocene marine mainly muddy sediments, later<br />

uplifted due to the intrusion of magmatic bodies that fed the<br />

Cimino and Vicano volcanism during Pleistocene.<br />

As a consequence of the stratigraphic – structural setting two<br />

aquifers have been detected: a shallow one consisting of the<br />

volcanic units, bottom delimited by muddy sediments and Tolfa<br />

Flysch of very low permeability; a deep carbonate and dolostone<br />

– evaporite one consisting of the Tuscan Nappe and Umbria –<br />

Marche Succession, confined between the bottom phyllite –<br />

quartzite substrate with low permeability and the top Tolfa<br />

Flysch. The upper aquifer hosts bicarbonate – alkaline hearth<br />

water with low salinity and temperature of 13° - 20°C, whilst the<br />

carbonate aquifer hosts a circulation of sulphate – alkaline hearth<br />

water with high salinity that emerge in the thermal area of Viterbo<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Università <strong>della</strong> Tuscia,<br />

(**) Università <strong>della</strong> Tuscia,<br />

(°) Università La Sapienza,<br />

(°°) ISPRA,<br />

159<br />

with a temperature of 30° - 60°C. The hydrostructure of the two<br />

aquifers and the overall geochemistry characters of ground waters<br />

suggest that the recharge area of cold waters is located in the<br />

Mounts Cimini, whilst hot waters of the carbonate resevoit and<br />

the Viterbo hot springs are derived from a circuit of waters that<br />

emerge along the River Nera near Narni, about 34 km ENE of<br />

Viterbo, with a high salinity, a temperature of 16° - 18°C, a<br />

sulphate – alkaline hearth composition and a discharge of 13.5<br />

m 3 /sec, whose recharge area is located in the River Nera<br />

watershed including the Amelia ridge and the Spoleto, Reatini<br />

and Sabini Mounts consisting of the Umbria – Marche<br />

Succession (BONI et alii, 1998). Then these waters mix with<br />

waters of the surface Pleistocene sandy - gravely aquifer resting<br />

directely on the Late Triassic – Early Liassic aquifer of the<br />

Umbria – Marche Succession along the River Tevere valley, flow<br />

westward under the River Tevere valley, heat progressively<br />

approaching thermal anomaly of the Viterbo – Cimini Mountains<br />

Fig. 1 – Block diagram of the area west of Viterbo as far as Vetr<strong>alla</strong>.<br />

Legend: 1 volcanic units of the Vicano District (middle–late Pleistocene); 2<br />

Tolfa Flysch (Late Cretaceous–Eocene); Tuscan Nappe: 3 Scaglia-Diaspri-<br />

Calcari selciferi-Rosso ammonitico (Early Liassic–Paleogene); 4 Calcare<br />

massiccio (Early Liassic); 5 Calcare cavernoso-Anidriti di Burano Formation<br />

(Late Triassic); 6 normal fault; 7 thrust; 8 well; 9 rising of thermal fluids.<br />

ST1, ST2, ST4, ST5 = Terni Company wells. V1 and V2 = Enel wells.<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Fig. 22- Block - Block diagram showing of of the the stratigraphic reconstruction of of the the area area between the the Cimini Mountains, Viterbo and and the the Amelia ridge, the the springs of of Viterbo<br />

thermal area, of of Orte Orte and and of of the the River Nera valley and and the the overall circuit of of groundwaters (yellow arrows). Legend: 1 1 alluvial sediments (Pleistocene–Holocene); 2 2<br />

magma intrusions of of the the Cimino and and Vicano districts (Pleistocene); 3 3 volcanic units of of the the Cimino and and Vicano districts (Pleistocene); 4 4 clayey and and sandy–gravely<br />

sediments (Pliocene–early Pleistocene); 5 5 mainly clayey sediments (early Pliocene); 6 6 Tolfa Flysch (Late Cretaceous–Eocene); 7 7 units of of the the Tuscan Nappe (Late<br />

Triassic–Paleogene); 8 8 units of of the the Umbria Marche Succession (Late Triassic–Paleogene); 9 9 phyllite–quartzite substrate (Permian); 10 10 thrust; 11 11 normal fault; 12 12<br />

springs of of the the River Nera; 13 13 thermal springs of of Orte Orte and and Viterbo; 14 14 route of of groundwaters that that feed feed the the springs along the the River Nera and and the the thermal springs of of Orte Orte<br />

and and Viterbo; 15 15 well. ST5 ST5 Terni Company well. C1 C1 Enel well.<br />

area, feed the thermal spring of Orte with a temperature of 30°C<br />

and further on, with uprising temperature, the carbonate reservoir<br />

and the springs of the area W of Viterbo (CHIOCCHINI et alii,<br />

2010; fig. 2). The discharge measurements of the springs and<br />

wells of the Viterbo area were drastically reduced from about 60<br />

to 100% as compared to the initial discharge. This negative trend,<br />

probably due also to obstruction of the emission conduits, may be<br />

connected to the very long activity of the thermal system, which<br />

started before 0.150 +/- 0.030 Ma, producing a volume of<br />

approximately 113.5 million m 3 of travertines after deposition of<br />

the Tufo Rosso a Scorie Nere Unit. It is clear that the thermal<br />

resource, utilized for therapeutic purposes in the past in at least<br />

three thermal facilities (and at the moment in two facilities), is<br />

exploited at an insuperable level. In order to avoid endangering<br />

the exploitation potential of the thermal resource, it is necessary<br />

to produce an overall territory planning of the area west of<br />

Viterbo with the aim of protecting the most important spring<br />

(Bullicame), one of the main symbols of Viterbo city, and to<br />

avoid indiscriminate pumping of the thermal waters.<br />

Thus this study contributes to a better understanding of the<br />

geothermal systems in complex stratigraphic - structural and<br />

160<br />

hydrogeological settings. Furthermore the hydrogeological model<br />

can be a useful tool to study similar complex settings in different<br />

areas and can provide a useful contribution to the rational<br />

management and exploiting of thermal resources.<br />


BONI C., BONO P. & CAPELLI G. (1988) - Schema idrogeologico<br />

dell’Italia Centrale. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 35, 991 - 1012.<br />


A stratigraphic and geophysical approach to studying the<br />

deepcirculating groundwater and thermal springs, and their<br />

recharge areas, in Cimini Mountains–Viterbo area, central<br />

Italy. Hydrogeol. J., DOI: 10.1007/s10040-010-0601-5.<br />

CIMARELLI C. & DE RITA D. (2006) - Structural evolution of the<br />

Pleistocene Cimini trachytic volcanic complex (central Italy).<br />

Bull. Volcanol., 68, 538–548.

Analysis of the possibility of parameters reduction in SINTACS method<br />

Keywords: Contamination vulnerability, groundwater, Pearson<br />

correlation coefficient, SINTACS.<br />


The estimation of contamination vulnerability, especially<br />

referred to complex aquifers, is often difficult to assess,<br />

depending on many hydrogeological factors. Their evaluation is<br />

frequently characterized by a general uncertainty due to<br />

unavoidable inaccuracy and/or incompleteness of field data. The<br />

problem can be worsened by non-linear behaviors of the<br />

inhomogeneous elements of water systems, which can exhibit<br />

non-independence features (DUCCI, 2010). Consequently,<br />

contamination vulnerability mapping, performed by the wellknown<br />

SINTACS standard (CIVITA &DE MAIO, 2000), appear to<br />

be sometimes inadequate to perform reliable models of water<br />

systems. This is particularly true for deterministic as well as<br />

stochastic approaches in defining certain parameters, as hydraulic<br />

conductivity and depth to water ones. In order to minimize the<br />

related uncertainties, analytic calculation routines have been<br />

recently adopted by dedicated software, i.e. implemented in<br />

Matlab ® environment. The goal was to examine possible<br />

redundancies among parameters, so modifying SINTACS method<br />

and leading to a simplified vulnerability mapping (CIMINO et alii,<br />

2009).<br />

This paper shows the preliminary results of a study about the<br />

correlation aspects among the parametric maps of SINTACS<br />

system. More SINTACS applications have been considered as<br />

test-sites on coastal belts Italian Peninsula. Modifications to the<br />

available standard were experimented leading to new protocols<br />

more appropriate for the surveyed areas.<br />


The Volturno River Plain. The main aquifer of the southern<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Fisica e Tecnologie Relative, Università di Palermo,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Ingegneria Idraulica, Geotecnica e Ambientale,<br />

Università di Napoli,<br />

161<br />

part of the Volturno River Plain (~1000 km 2 ) is constituted by<br />

alluvial, pyroclastic and marine porous sediments. These<br />

sediments often underlie tufaceous rocks (Campanian<br />

Ignimbrite), with low permeability and thickness increasing<br />

toward the mountains. In fact, at the foot of the mountains the<br />

aquifer is confined by the tuffs; in the flat area, the<br />

hydrogeological conditions are strongly related to the thickness<br />

and to the physical characteristics of these tuffs, which play the<br />

role of semi-confining or confining bed.<br />

Even though groundwater preferably moves in the deposits<br />

with coarse granulometry, the levels with different granulometry<br />

constitute a single groundwater body. The piezometric surface<br />

shows a groundwater divide, which separates the flow in two<br />

parts: the first directed towards W and the second towards S, in<br />

the eastern part of Naples. The main sources of recharge are<br />

rainfall and underflow from the adjacent relieves: the limestone<br />

Mesozoic mountains (NE), the Somma-Vesuvius volcano (S) and<br />

the Phlegrean Fields pyroclastic hills (SW). The groundwater<br />

chemical facies is the calcium bicarbonate type at the foot of the<br />

mountains, and more alkaline toward the coastline, due to the<br />

influence of the pyroclastic and alluvial aquifers of the plain.<br />

Saline contamination of groundwater along the coastline is<br />

restricted to a sector close to the Volturno River mouth. Human<br />

activities are the cause of widespread NO3 contamination, with<br />

many wells showing very high nitrate concentrations, often<br />

exceeding the threshold limit of 50 mg/l. Close to the Volturno<br />

River lower nitrate content is related to reducing conditions. Low<br />

sulphate contents and high Fe and Mn contents corroborate the<br />

presence of a reducing zone.<br />

In order to construct the aquifer vulnerability maps at medium<br />

scale (1:50,000), the parametric method SINTACS has been<br />

applied to the main aquifer (CORNIELLO &DUCCI, 2001; 2005).<br />

The SINTACS Vulnerability map shows prevalent moderate<br />

vulnerability degree; the high vulnerability class appears near the<br />

coast (for the effect of the layers: Vadose Zone, Soil media and<br />

Recharge), where the granulometry is higher, and at the foot of<br />

the surrounding mountains (for the effect of the layers: Hydraulic<br />

conductivity and Recharge). Lowest vulnerable areas occur in<br />

correspondence of the outcropping area of the clayey-peat Unit.<br />

The Acquedolci coastal plain. The Acquedolci plain is located<br />

in the Northern Sicily coastal sector. Geological formations can<br />

be grouped in a few hydrostructural complexes, characterized by<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

very different permeability, mainly distinguishing: 1) a<br />

Quaternary sandy-gravelly-arenaceous unit, permeable for<br />

porosity, that hosts a conspicuous shallow aquifer, a Mesozoic<br />

calcareous complex, highly permeable for fractures and karst,<br />

forming a notable deep aquifer supplying the former through the<br />

foothills detritus. 3) Tertiary clayey-marly-arenaceous units,<br />

including Flysch complexes, this locally performing a tamponage<br />

effect as respect to the groundwater circulation. Permeability is<br />

wholly medium to low.<br />

Numerous minor yield springs rise diffusely in the territory:<br />

they have been accurately inventoried constituting local<br />

groundwater reserve resources.<br />

The general high permeability of coastal and inland rocks<br />

affects aquifer vulnerability as well as the pollution risk of<br />

groundwater for nitrates and sea-water encroachment (CIMINO et<br />

alii, 2008a). In particular in the littoral belt, the spreading of<br />

agricultural practices with a large consumption of fertilizers and<br />

pesticides causes a notable pollution of groundwater. The<br />

contemporary occurrence of nitrates and bacteria confirms the<br />

heavy anthropic intervention. Vulnerability is medium to high for<br />

the 74% of the investigated area, while only 1 % is characterized<br />

by low to very low vulnerability scores (CIMINO et alii, 2008b).<br />



Pearson correlation coefficient ρ is used as an analysis tool to<br />

validate consistency of SINTACS parameters for the studied<br />

areas. A Matlab ® routine has processed all the possible<br />

combinations of couples of non-weighted matrixes, recognizing<br />

similarity and/or singularity grades. The aim is to propose the<br />

elimination of parameters affected by redundancy in vulnerability<br />

assessment. Preliminary outcomes show, for both areas, different<br />

ρ values, allowing categorizing SINTACS parameters on the basis<br />

of their non-independence or singularity features (Fig. 1,<br />

Acquedolci plain, Infiltration, Depth to water and Slope).<br />

Further step of this investigation is to validate this redundancy<br />

analysis comparing final vulnerability maps by the same<br />

correlation procedure. As rough SINTACS matrixes have been<br />

here used, the possible involvement of weights constitutes the<br />

next phase of this research. The availability of a greater number<br />

of test-sites is clearly necessary: consequently, it will be possible<br />

to statistically validate the proposed procedure leading to develop<br />

adjustments to vulnerability assessment.<br />

162<br />

Pearson correlation coefficie<br />

1,00<br />

0,95<br />

0,90<br />

0,85<br />

0,80<br />

0,75<br />

0,70<br />

0,65<br />

Serie1<br />

Serie2<br />

Serie3<br />

Serie4<br />

Serie5<br />

Serie6<br />

Serie7<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10<br />

Matching steps<br />

Fig.1 - . Pearson correlation coefficients (ρ) for the seven SINTACS parameters<br />

by couple matrix matching and progressive sliding along x-y axes. Series 3, 5 and<br />

6 (Infiltration, Depth to water and Slope) show minor ρ values.<br />

yy<br />



Image processing in pollution vulnerability assessment of Sicily<br />

aquifers. Epitome, 3, 26-27.<br />


geophysical and geochemical approach for seawater intrusion<br />

assessment in the Acquedolci coastal aquifer (Northern Sicily).<br />

Environm. Geol., 55, 1473-1482.<br />


- Recenti elaborazioni idrogeologiche e geofisiche nella fascia<br />

costiera di Acquedolci - San Fratello (Messina). Acque Sotterranee,<br />

25, 114, 9-23.<br />

CIVITA M. & DE MAIO M. (2000) - SINTACS R5. Pitagora Ed., Bologna,<br />

Italy, 226 pp.<br />

CORNIELLO A. & DUCCI D. (2001) - The risk contamination map of the<br />

aquifer underlying the middle Volturno River plain. Proceedings of<br />

the 3rd International Conference on “Future Groundwater at Risk”<br />

Lisbon (Portugal), June 2001, 25-33.<br />

CORNIELLO A. & DUCCI D. (2005) - Carta <strong>della</strong> vulnerabilità<br />

all’inquinamento del settore meridionale <strong>della</strong> Piana del F.<br />

Volturno. 2nd International Workshop Aquifer vulnerability<br />

assessment and mapping - 4th Congress on the Protection and<br />

Management of Groundwater, Colorno, Italy, September 21-23<br />

2005.<br />

DUCCI D. (2010) - Aquifer vulnerability assessment methods: the nonindependence<br />

of parameters problem J. Water Resource and<br />

Protection, 2, 298-308.<br />

6<br />

5<br />


Key words: Campania, carbonate aquifers, Conca di Acerno,<br />

groundwater resource evaluation, hydrogeochemistry.<br />


The area concerned is the Acerno basin “Conca di Acerno”,<br />

an intra-Apennine sink, sloping down in the south-western portion<br />

of the Picentini Mountains (SA). The Conca di Acerno is located<br />

at an altitude ranging between 700 and 750 m a.s.l. and it is<br />

extended in direction NW-SE. It is bordered by carbonate mountains:<br />

the Raia-Telegrafo Mts to the west, by the Accellica Mts<br />

(1660 m a.s.l.) to the north-west, by Cervialto Mt to the East, by<br />

the Polveracchio Mt to the South-East.<br />

In the past, the Conca di Acerno was a lake basin, subsequently<br />

filled by river and lake deposits and afterwards cut again<br />

by the surface water. This has determined the existing morphology<br />

which is characterized by terraced surfaces, (one of them<br />

holds the small village of Acerno) and by deep valleys. Between<br />

them, the Tusciano river valley lies to the south of Acerno and<br />

the deep, narrow valley of Isca <strong>della</strong> Serra crosses the paleo-basin<br />

from North to South.<br />

Along the river-beds of the river Tusciano and the torrent Isca<br />

<strong>della</strong> Serra, on the outskirts of the village of Acerno, there are<br />

two important groups of springs (total flow rate 800 l/s), tapped<br />

by the Ausino Consortium.<br />

In the last thirty years, several hydrogeological studies were<br />

carried out in the area (BUDETTA & DE RISO, 1982; PISCOPO et<br />

alii, 1993, 2001). Moreover, at the end of the nineties, the Ausino<br />

Consortium, with the aim to tap groundwater supplies on the right<br />

of the river Tusciano, carried out hydrogeological surveys. This<br />

data provided a basis for reviving the interest in the hydrogeological<br />

problems of the area.<br />

Really, all this data, integrated by piezometric, hydrochemical<br />

and isotopic (d 18 O e d 2 H) surveys, has enabled to better define the<br />

_________________________<br />

Overview of the hydrogeology of the “Conca di Acerno” (SA)<br />


(*) Department of Hydraulic, Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering<br />

University of Naples Federico II – e-mail:;<br />

(**) ISPRA, Roma – e-mail:<br />

Study funded by the PRIN “Nitrate Contamination in Groundwater"<br />

launched in 2007 (National and Local Project Coordinator, Prof. Alfonso<br />

Corniello).<br />

163<br />

different hydrogeological aspects related to the origin of the<br />

springs and it represents the basis for the groundwater flow modelling,<br />

which is already under construction by using the<br />

MODFLOW calculation code.<br />


The most common lithotypes in the study area, included in a<br />

rather complex geological and structural setting (ISPRA), consist<br />

of Mesozoic carbonate rocks. These include older dolomitic<br />

rocks (in the south-eastern sector of the area) and limestones,<br />

outcropping in the eastern sector. Within the “Conca di Acerno”<br />

at the top of the dolomitic rocks, there are river and lake sediments<br />

(Pleistocene), including cemented breccia at the base, an<br />

Fig. 1: Hydrogeological map of the "Conca di Acerno area". 1) Alluvial deposits<br />

(prevalently gravel and sand, with silt). Medium-high permeability; 2)<br />

Slope debris and debris deposits. Medium-high permeability; 3) Marlycalcareous-clayey<br />

deposits. Very-low permeability; 4) Limestone. High-very<br />

high permeability; 5) Dolomitic limestone. High permeability 6) Dolostone.<br />

Medium-high permeability; a) fault; b) groundwater flow divide; c) groundwater<br />

flow direction (dotted symbol represents shallow flow); d) spring.<br />

intermediate silty-sandy level and conglomerate at the top.<br />

Part of the recharge flows towards various small springs<br />

spread over the entire basin; but the larger volume of the recharge<br />

contributes to feed a deep circulation in the dolomitic bedrock of<br />

the Conca di Acerno. The groundwater of this aquifer flows towards<br />

the two above mentioned groups of springs,located at the<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

east (Ausino, Ausinetto and Avella group; total flow 400 l/s) and<br />

the at the south (Olevano spring).of the Acerno village. Moreover,<br />

groundwater produces a noticeable increase in streamflow<br />

of the river Tusciano and of the Isca <strong>della</strong> Serra torrent.<br />

The first group of springs, located on the left of the Isca <strong>della</strong><br />

Serra torrent at an elevation between 563 and 569 m a.s.l., is the<br />

outcrop of the groundwater table of the dolomitic bedrock, here<br />

fairly shallow (approx. 50 m), confined by the lake deposits of<br />

the Conca.<br />

Fig. 2: Exploitation of the groundwater leakages through the Tusciano riverbed.<br />

The Olevano spring (200 l/s) is located on the right bank of<br />

the river Tusciano (at approx. 552 m a.s.l.), at the foot of a high<br />

ridge formed by breccia belonging to the river-lake deposits. Still<br />

on the right bank, not far from the spring, there is the above mentioned<br />

significant diffuse leakages of ground water through the<br />

riverbed.<br />


The study of available and acquired data yielded the following<br />

main results about groundwater flow system in the Acerno<br />

basin (Conca di Acerno), sometimes in disagreement with previous<br />

studies:<br />

• two different groundwater flows have been identified: the<br />

first one in the carbonate bedrock (feeding the Ausino, Ausinetto<br />

and Avella spring group) and the other one in the river and lake<br />

sediments of the basin (feeding the Olevano spring and the leakages<br />

through the Tusciano riverbed;<br />

• a significant flow increase in the Tusciano river has been<br />

identified coming from the right bank of the river Tusciano;<br />

• analyses of chemical, isotopic and piezometric data<br />

showed that occurs an interaction between the two aquifers, and<br />

between these and the hydrographic network;<br />

• the limits of the groundwater basin feeding the Acerno<br />

spring group have been established more accurately, especially<br />

on the basis of the carried out hydrogeological balance. In fact,<br />

164<br />

the area of the groundwater basin has been reduced and, to the<br />

east, brought to correspond with the position of an important tectonic<br />

lineament, located south of the Mt. Raia <strong>della</strong> Licina;<br />

• level with the river Tusciano, major tectonic lineaments<br />

act as a groundwater flow barrier toward south.<br />

The further step of this study has been to construct a groundwater<br />

flow model to achieve the optimal simulation of the hydrodynamic<br />

characteristics of carbonate aquifers. Pursuing this objective,<br />

and especially the estimation of the surface-groundwater<br />

interaction, the hydraulic characterization of the limestone aquifers<br />

has been carried out also through geostructural analysis of<br />

outcrops.<br />


BUDETTA P. & DE RISO R. (1982) - Studio idrogeologico delle<br />

sorgenti <strong>della</strong> conca di acerno (Monti Picentini). Memorie e<br />

note dell’Istituto di Geologia Applicata, 16, 7-27.<br />

PISCOPO V., AQUINO S., GENCO S. & SCIUMANÒ E. (2001) - Sulla<br />

presenza di falde sospese nel rilievo carbonatico del Monte<br />

Accellica (Campania). Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 56, 235-241.<br />


(1993) - Schema idrogeologico <strong>dei</strong> Monti Accellica e Licinici<br />

(Campania). Geol. Appl. Idrogeol., 28, 611-617.

Monitoring water and underground flow in the gypsum karst areas<br />

of Emilia Romagna region<br />

Key words: Monitoring, gypsum, karst, hydrogeology, chemistry.<br />


Karst areas in Emilia Romagna region are almost exclusively<br />

hosted in evaporites. Although gypsum outcrops occupy less than<br />

1% of the entire regional territory, these areas host almost 600<br />

caves (DEMARIA, 2003). Gypsum karst constitute very important<br />

habitats hosting many plant and animal species that are found<br />

only in these areas. Most of the evaporite outcrops are part of the<br />

Habitat network and are designed as Sites of Communitary<br />

Interest (SIC). These sites are: SIC IT4030009 Triassic Gypsum<br />

(Upper Secchia Valley, Reggio Emilia), SIC IT4030017 Cà del<br />

Vento-Cà del Lupo-Gypsum of Borzano (Reggio Emilia), SIC<br />

IT4050001 Gypsum areas of Bologna-Abbadessa Calanchi<br />

(Bologna), SIC IT4050027 Gypsum areas of Monte Rocca,<br />

Monte Capra and Tizzando (Zola Predosa, BO), SIC IT4070011<br />

Vena del Gesso Romagnola (Faenza/Imola) and SIC IT4090001<br />

Onferno (Rimini)(Figure 1).<br />

The underground water circulation and quality of these areas<br />

has been studied only fragmentarily (FORTI& FRANCAVILLA,<br />

1990), with some karst areas that are particularly well known<br />

from a hydrogeological point of view (e.g. Poiano springs)<br />

(AA.VV., 1988; CHIESI &FORTI, 2009), others that have been<br />

studied moderately in the past (e.g. Spipola and Rio Stella Basino<br />

cave systems, Borzano karst area) (FORTI et alii, 1985, 1989;<br />

FORTI & CHIESI, 2001) and some for which only scarce<br />

information is available (e.g. Gypsum areas of Rontana and<br />

Castelnuovo) (BENTINI &LUCCI, 1999). For many areas there is<br />

almost nothing known on quantity and quality of underground<br />

water in the gypsum karsts.<br />

In the framework of a Project LIFE+, together with a series of<br />

environmental projects, the monitoring of the waters in these<br />

SICs has been programmed in the period 2010-2014 with the aim<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Italian Institute of Speleology, University of Bologna,<br /><br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto LIFE+ 08 NAT/IT/00369<br />

“GYPSUM” con la collaborazione <strong>della</strong> Federazione Speleologica <strong>della</strong><br />

Regione Emilia Romagna, del Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra e<br />

Geologico-Ambientali (B.<br />

dell’Università di Bologna<br />

Capaccioni) e <strong>della</strong> Facoltà di Agraria<br />

JO DE WAELE (*)<br />

165<br />

of assessing the quality and quantity of water entering and leaving<br />

the gypsum outcrops ex-ante and ex-post. These chemical and<br />

microbiological data will be useful to assess the quality of these<br />

natural environments and to undertake, if necessary, measures to<br />

mitigate the impact of these habitats.<br />


Since May 2010 a sampling campaign has started on a total of<br />

more than 40 sites representing the major sinking streams,<br />

underground streams and karst springs of the 6 SICs. Sampling<br />

will take place once every three months for a total of at least 5<br />

samples (15 months). In 4 of the most important karst systems<br />

(Onferno cave, Rio Stella-Rio Basino karst system, Spipola-<br />

Acquafredda cave system and Tanone <strong>della</strong> Gaggiolina cave)<br />

weirs have been constructed to allow the continuous monitoring<br />

of water level (and thus flowrate), electrical conductivity and<br />

temperature with a Data logger DLN70 multi.<br />

Three samples are collected at each site (250 ml and 500 ml<br />

of normal water and 100 ml of water filtered with a 0.45 μm<br />

sterile filter and acidified with 1 ml of concentrated HNO3). At<br />

each sampling site pH, temperature and conductivity are<br />

measured in situ with a Hanna Combo portable sensor. The 500<br />

ml bottle is sent for microbiological analyses.<br />

Fundamental metals (Na+, K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+) will be<br />

analysed with an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS),<br />

minor and trace metals and semimetals (Pb, As (tot.), Cu, Zn, Cd<br />

etc.) with ICP-OES instead. Major anions (SO42+, Cl-, F-, Brand<br />

NO3-) will be analysed with Ionic Chromatography, the<br />

nitrogen species (NH4+, NO2-) by Colorimetry, Chemical<br />

Oxygen Demand (COD) through a return titration after oxidation<br />

with Potassiumdichromate.<br />


This monitoring campaign will start to give its first results in<br />

the early summer, after the first samples taken in May 2010 will<br />

have been analysed. By that time also the 4 weir and monitoring<br />

sensors will be in full activity.<br />

The chemical results will allow to identify possible pollution<br />

in some of the monitored sites, and will in general allow to assess<br />

the quality of the waters entering and exiting the karst areas.<br />

Further sampling might reveal variations in the chemical and<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Fig. 1 - Gypsum karst areas in Emilia Romagna region.<br />

microbiological quality of the waters due to sporadic episodes of<br />

pollution.<br />

In the sites in which variations are generally low and there are<br />

no signs of pollution sampling will be reduced after around 15<br />

months (after the 5 th sample) to one sample a year. Some<br />

important stations (e.g. Rio Stella-Rio Basino and Spipola) will<br />

be monitored for the entire 5 years of the LIFE+ project.<br />


AA.VV. (1988) - L'area carsica dell'alta Val di Secchia,<br />

studio interdisciplinare <strong>dei</strong> caratteri ambientali. Studi e<br />

Documentazioni, 42. Reg. Emilia Romagna – Prov.<br />

Reggio Emilia, 1-303.<br />

BENTINI L. & LUCCI P. (1999) – Le grotte <strong>della</strong> Vena del<br />

Gesso Romagnola. I gessi di Rontana e Castelnuovo.<br />

FSRER, 23-26.<br />

CHIESI M. & FORTI P. (eds.) (2009) - <strong>Il</strong> Progetto Trias: studi<br />

e ricerche sulle evaporiti triassiche dell’alta valle di<br />

Secchia e sull’acquifero carsico di Poiano (Reggio<br />

Emilia). Mem. Ist. It. Spel., s. II, 22, 1-164.<br />

166<br />

DEMARIA D. (2003) – Emilia Romagna. In: Madonia G. &<br />

Forti P. (Eds.), Le aree carsiche gessose d’Italia. Mem. Ist.<br />

It. Spel., s. II, 14, 159-184.<br />

FORTI P. & CHIESI M. (2001) – Idro<strong>geologia</strong>, idrodinamica e<br />

meteorologia ipogea <strong>dei</strong> gessi di Albinea, con particolare<br />

riguardo al Sistema carsico afferente <strong>alla</strong> Tana <strong>della</strong><br />

Mussina di Borzano (Er-RE 2) (Albinea-Reggio Emilia).<br />

In: Chiesi M. (Ed.), L’area carsica di Borzano (Albinea-<br />

Reggio Emilia). Mem. Ist. It. Spel., s. II, 11, 1-139.<br />

FORTI P. & FRANCAVILLA F. (1990) - Gli acquiferi carsici<br />

dell’Emilia-Romagna: conoscenze attuali e problemi di<br />

salvaguardia. At. Parm., Acta Nat., 26 (1-2), 69-80.<br />


FINOTELLI F. (1985) - Evoluzione idrogeologica <strong>dei</strong><br />

sistemi carsici dell’Emilia-Romagna: 1- Problematica<br />

generale; 2- <strong>Il</strong> complesso Spipola - Acqua Fredda.<br />

Regione Emilia Romagna, Tip. Moderna, Bologna, 1-60.<br />


A. (1989) - Evoluzione idrogeologica <strong>dei</strong> sistemi carsici<br />

dell’Emilia- Romagna: il complesso Rio Stella-Rio Basino<br />

(Riolo Terme, Italia). Atti XV Congr. Naz. Spel., 349-<br />


A multidisciplinary approach for the management of the water<br />

resources hosted in the multi-layer coastal aquifers of Central-<br />

Southern Tuscany<br />




Key words: Central-Southern Tuscany, geology, hydrogeology,<br />

hydrogeochemistry, water management.<br />


The correct management of subterranean water resources<br />

must be based on the knowledge of their geologicalhydrogeological-geochemical<br />

framework. Stemming from this<br />

axiom, the subterranean water resources hosted in the multi-layer<br />

aquifers below the coastal plains of the Cecina River, Cornia<br />

River, Follonica, Grosseto, and Albegna River (Fig. 1) were<br />

recently investigated through a multidisciplinary approach in the<br />

Fig. 1 – Location of the SSWB (Significant Subterranean Water Bodies) studied.<br />

framework of the Significant Subterranean Water Bodies<br />

(SSWB) Project funded by the Tuscany Region.<br />

167<br />


The first step of this investigation consisted in the geometrical<br />

reconstruction of the geological sequences of interest, through the<br />

interpretation of available stratigraphical data, aimed at the<br />

distinction of main aquifer, aquitard, and aquiclude levels (Fig.<br />

2). The total volumes and the percentages of the different grain<br />

sizes were also calculated for each hydrogeological complex.<br />

Fig. 2 – Block Diagram of Hydrostratigraphic model.<br />

The second step was addressed to elaborate the piezometric<br />

surfaces (Fig. 3) during low-flow and high-flow conditions, to<br />

individuate the flow pattern and the most exploited zones of the<br />

multi-layer aquifers. Moreover, considering the saturated zone<br />

and applying an effective porosity (weighed in function of grain<br />

sizes percentages), the amounts of the total water volumes stored<br />

in the aquifer system were estimate.<br />

The third step comprised the hydrogeochemical<br />

characterization of the areas of interest, through the adoption of<br />

both:<br />

(i) a deterministic approach, including the elaboration and<br />

interpretation of diagrams for water classification (Fig. 4), Eh-pH<br />

plots, calculation of water speciation and saturation state with<br />

respect to relevant solid phases, activity diagrams, etc.<br />

(ii) a geo-statistical approach for mapping the most<br />

significant geochemical parameters (Fig. 5), such as the<br />

concentrations of chloride, sulfate, nitrate and boron.<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Fig. 3– Piezometric sketch map.<br />

Fig. 4 – Langelier Ludwig-Cl.<br />

168<br />

Fig. 5 – Example of geo-statistical mapping.

The study of the seawater intrusion in the Versiliese-Pisan coastal<br />

plain (North-Western Tuscany) by means of hydrogeological,<br />

chemical and isotopic tools<br />


Key words: Hydrochemistry, hydrogeology, Northern Tuscany,<br />

piezometric condition, seawater intrusion, water isotopes.<br />


The multilayered aquifer system of the Versiliese-Pisan<br />

coastal plain is mainly made up of sandy and gravelly horizons.<br />

The aquifers are locally affected by intense exploiting for<br />

drinking, industrial and irrigation uses, which favours seawater<br />

intrusion. In order to study this phenomenon and understand the<br />

mixing mechanism with freshwater, a project co-financed by the<br />

Migliarino-S.Rossore-Massaciuccoli Regional Park is being<br />

carried out since 2005. This project consists in a multidisciplinary<br />

study carried out by means of hydrostratigraphic correlations,<br />

water level measurements and physico-chemical (electric<br />

conductivity-EC, temperature, pH), chemical (principal chemical<br />

elements and Br) and isotopic analysis (18O/16O and 2H/1H<br />

ratios).<br />

The main results regarding the zones between Burlamacca<br />

Canal and Bufalina Ditch (zone A) and between Arno River and<br />

Scolmatore Canal (zone C) are presented (detailed description of<br />

the results are available in Doveri et alii, 2009). In the<br />

intermediate area (zone B) the study is still in progress.<br />

In the zone A the 30 m thick unconfined sandy aquifer was<br />

studied, whereas in the zone C the confined gravelly aquifer (10-<br />

20 m thick) located at a depth between 50 and 100 m below the<br />

sea-level was analyzed. Sampling and field measurements were<br />

carried out both in high and low level conditions and, where<br />

possible (piezometers and wells without pump), for groundwater<br />

of the unconfined sandy aquifer (zone A) sampling was done at<br />

different depths in order to verify the freshwater-seawater<br />

interface.<br />


The unconfined sandy aquifer (Zone A): water level contour<br />

________________________<br />

(*) Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources (IGG) - CNR, Pisa<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra - Università di Pisa<br /><br />

(°) Geologist, external collaborator, e-mail<br />

169<br />

Fig. Fig. 1 – 1 Oxygen-18 – Oxygen-18 vs. vs. Electric Electric Conductivity. (1 (1 and and 2 - 2well/piezometer - well/piezometer in in<br />

Sept.’05 and and Apr.’06, respectively; 3 and 3 and 4 -4 surface - surface water water in in Sept.’05 and and<br />

Apr.’06, respectively; 5 - 5 seawater; - seawater; 6 -6 mixing - mixing curve curve between local local freshwater and and<br />

Massaciuccoli Lake Lake water; water; 7 - 7 mixing - mixing curve curve between local local freshwater and and<br />

seawater. Labels Labels with with suffix suffix BIS, BIS, TER, TER, etc. etc. are are related related to different to different depth depth samples).<br />

obtained for this aquifer showed low piezometric heads, up to<br />

negative values, in the zone close to the shoreline and in the<br />

internal part of the study area, close to the Massaciuccoli Lake<br />

and the “artificial canals and lakes (quarries) system”. These<br />

piezometric minimums are linked to groundwater pumping,<br />

principally by tourism establishments and nurseries gardening.<br />

Lower (600-800 μS/cm) and higher (up to 17,000 μS/cm) EC<br />

values were found in the high and low water level zones,<br />

respectively. The highest EC was detected in surface water, in<br />

particular in the Burlamacca Canal. Most of the analysed water<br />

samples, that have low EC, are characterized by HCO3-Ca<br />

composition, whereas water with high EC are of the Cl-Na type.<br />

As pointed out in Fig.1, most samples with lower EC have<br />

δ 18 O‰ values between -5.0 and - 6.0, which are compatible with<br />

local rainfall infiltration. Some groundwater and surface water<br />

samples are characterized by higher values of both EC and<br />

δ 18 O‰, plotting along the seawater-freshwater mixing curve.<br />

This behaviour is more evident for groundwater sampled at<br />

higher depths and for the sample collected in the Burlamacca<br />

Canal (BB18). A maximum salt water percentage variable in the<br />

intervals 15-30% (depending of the seasonal period) was<br />

identified. The freshwater-seawater mixing is present both in the<br />

zone near the shoreline and in the internal zone. In the second<br />

case the presence of salt water in the aquifer is connected to<br />

drainage from the artificial lakes and canals, which receive<br />

seawater through the Burlamacca Canal. Analysis of samples<br />

collected at different depths highlighted that the freshwater-<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

seawater transition zone is at a depth of about 25 and 20 m near<br />

the shoreline and in the internal side of the studied territory,<br />

respectively.<br />

Massaciuccoli Lake and its emissary (BB47) have very<br />

different features in agreement with the results of BANESCHI<br />

(2006) study, which highlight that the chemical and isotopic<br />

properties of these water bodies are influenced by both anthropic<br />

contribution and a high evaporation rate.<br />

The confined gravelly aquifer (Zone C): the overexploitation<br />

of the gravelly aquifer determines water levels below the sealevel<br />

on most of the coastal territory. Two local and more<br />

accentuated piezometric depressions are present in the S. Piero<br />

and Calambrone zones (Fig.1), where the main farms are present.<br />

In the water-wells belonging to these areas we also recorded<br />

higher EC values (7,000 and 6,460 μS/cm, respectively).<br />

Chemical composition points out that in the study area the<br />

gravelly aquifer is characterized by a water circulation with<br />

prevalently Ca/HCO3-SO4 composition, which evolves towards<br />

Na/Cl composition. Samples with high Cl contents have Na/Cl<br />

and Br/Cl ratios comparable to those of seawater. As regards the<br />

isotopic contents, most groundwater samples are grouped into<br />

values of δ 18 O‰ and δ 2 H‰ of about -6.5/-6.8 and -37/-40,<br />

respectively. Such values are typical of the water circulating in<br />

the confined gravelly aquifer of the internal portion of the Pisan<br />

Fig. 2 – Piezometric sketch map of the confined gravelly aquifer.<br />

Plain (GRASSI & CORTECCI, 2005) and are representative of<br />

recharge altitude higher than the plain. For some samples a shift<br />

of isotopic ratios from the main group toward higher values of<br />

δ 18 O‰ and δ 2 H‰ was observed. This behaviour is particularly<br />

evident for surface water sampled in the Arno River. Comparing<br />

the δ 18 O‰ and Cl contents (Fig.3), we observe that the samples<br />

with higher values of such parameters in some cases belong to the<br />

curve of mixing between gravelly aquifer groundwater and<br />

170<br />

Fig. 3 – Binary diagram?δ 18 O‰ vs. Cl (GG-SW: gravel groundwater-seawater<br />

mixing; SG-SW: sand groundwater-seawater mixing).<br />

seawater, in other cases they stay between this curve and that<br />

representative of the mixing between shallow sandy aquifer<br />

groundwater and seawater. The presence of seawater was verified<br />

in maximum percentages of about 7-9%. Higher fractions of salt<br />

water insist in the two zones where high pumping rates determine<br />

a water level largely below the sea-level. In the first zone, located<br />

in the southern part within 2 km from the shoreline, chemical and<br />

isotopic data clearly show a direct seawater intrusion through the<br />

gravelly aquifer. For the second zone, located near the Arno<br />

River and about 6 km far from the sea, in order to justify the<br />

isotopic behaviour it is necessary to admit that the seawater in the<br />

mixing process derives from the Arno river-shallow sandy<br />

aquifer system, which is, in a limited area, likely in contact with<br />

the gravelly aquifer.<br />


BANESCHI I. (2006) - Geochemical and Environmental study of a<br />

coastal ecosystem: Massaciuccoli Lake (Northern Tuscany,<br />

Italy). PhD. Cà Foscari University of Venice.<br />


Studio idrogeologico-geochimico dell’acquifero freatico<br />

nella zona compresa tra il Canale Burlamacca ed il Fosso<br />

<strong>della</strong> Bufalina (Viareggio, Toscana). Eng. Hydro. Env.<br />

Geology (Giornale di Geologia Applicata), 12, 101-117.<br />

GRASSI S. & CORTECCI G. (2005) - Hydrogeology and<br />

Geochemistry of multilayered confined aquifer of the Pisa<br />

Plain. Appl. Geochem., 20, 41-54.

Pianosa Island (Tuscan Archipelago, Italy) groundwater:<br />

hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical features<br />

of a very peculiar aquifer<br />


Key words: Aquifer, hydrogeochemistry, hydrogeology, Pianosa<br />

Island, Tuscan Archipelago.<br />


The Pianosa Island, one of the 7 islands of the Tuscan<br />

Archipelago, is formed by Neogenic-Quaternary sedimentary<br />

rocks and is characterized by an unusual and peculiar flat<br />

morphology (Fig. 1). This feature, together with good<br />

hydrogeological properties of the bedrock, assures significant<br />

groundwater resources, in spite of the island little extent (just<br />

10.2 km 2 ) and the poor rainfall amount recorded on it (less than<br />

500 mm mean annual precipitation). This situation allowed in the<br />

past of supporting the presence of about 2,000 people.<br />

Pianosa Island<br />

Pianosa<br />

Island<br />

Fig. 1 – Location map of the Pianosa Island.<br />

Elba<br />

Island<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse – C.N.R., Pisa,<br />

(**) Università di Pisa - Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra,<br /><br />

(***) Provincia di Livorno,<br />

171<br />

Unfortunately, in the 90’s the intense exploitation of the<br />

aquifer and the land use (partly destined to agricultural activity,<br />

partly to cattle-breeding, associated to the local penal settlement)<br />

caused a progressive deterioration of the water resource,<br />

highlighted by seawater intrusion and pollution.<br />

The closing of the penal settlement (occurred in 1998)<br />

determined a requalification of the groundwater, with raising of<br />

the piezometric level and improvement of the water quality,<br />

although high NO3 values are currently found in some shallow<br />

wells, probably again associated to the past land use.<br />

The aim of this research is the characterization of the aquifer<br />

Fig. 2 – Piezometric map of the Pianosa Island phreatic aquifer.<br />

system of Pianosa Island from a hydrogeological and<br />

hydrogeochemical point of view, by means of a multidisciplinary<br />

approach, using classic hydrogeological methods and<br />

hydrochemical-isotopic methods. In fact, with the exception of<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Fig. 3 – Geological cross-section of Pianosa Island (after Sandrelli & Foresi, 2005 modified). Marina del Marchese Fm.: marl and silty marl with calcareniti<br />

interbedded, Burdigalian; Golfo <strong>della</strong> Botte Fm.: clay with conglomerate and sandstone interbedded, Up. Tortonian-Messinian (?); Pianosa Fm.: calarenite,<br />

Pliocene-Pleistocene (?).<br />

some published papers (e.g. RAGGI, 1983; BARTOLETTI et alii,<br />

2003; NICOTRA et alii, 2010) and unpublished reports (e.g.<br />

Provincia di Livorno, Arpat), the Pianosa aquifer is not so known.<br />


The study highlighted that the groundwater circulation is<br />

Fig. 4 – Piper-Hill diagram of the Pianosa groundwater.<br />

substantially controlled by the hydro-structural conditions of the<br />

aquifer system. The morphology of the water table (Fig. 2) shows<br />

a general W-E flow direction, due to the dip direction of the<br />

contact between the outcropping permeable calcarenite and the<br />

underlying impermeable marly-clayey rocks (Fig. 3).<br />

Nevertheless, the last presents conglomerate and sandstone<br />

intercalations, sometimes in contact with calcarenite. The contact<br />

zones let the continuity of the groundwater circulation, which is<br />

phreatic in the calcarenite, and confined in the conglomerate and<br />

sandstone horizons (the main wells currently used are drilled in<br />

these horizons). These particular hydrodynamic conditions are<br />

also well experienced by the difference analyzed between the<br />

water level measured in shallow and deep wells located in the<br />

same zone.<br />

The groundwater budget points out that the aquifer system<br />

172<br />

recharge occurs in a limited period of the year (January-March),<br />

as confirmed also by isotopic data.<br />

In agreement with the hydro-structural and piezometric<br />

conditions, the hydrogeochemical analyses confirm the recharge<br />

of the confined horizons (conglomerate and sandstone) by the<br />

superficial calcarenite. The isotopic data indicate that the aquifer<br />

system is supplied by direct infiltration of rainfall.<br />

From a chemical point of view, most groundwater samples is<br />

classifiable as intermediate facies, Na-Cl/Ca-HCO3 (Fig. 4),<br />

produced by the combination of two phenomena: the sea spray<br />

and the circulation in a prevalently carbonate aquifer. In the<br />

Eastern portion of the island, clearly Na-Cl groundwater prevails.<br />

The water table conditions and the isotopic data highlight the<br />

seawater intrusion phenomenon in the unconfined aquifer in this<br />

area. Comparing recent and past data, we can note a significant<br />

predisposition to this phenomenon. In fact, the seawaterfreshwater<br />

interface is at present going backwards in comparison<br />

with the past situation, characterized by larger exploitation.<br />

Nevertheless, such regression is not so accentuated, due to the<br />

scarcity of rainfall occurred in the years before this research.<br />


BARTOLETTI E., BINI A. & RUCCI C. (2003) - Un acquifero in<br />

mezzo al mare: l’Isola di Pianosa. Atti del 4° European<br />

Congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartografy and<br />

Information System, Bologna 17-20 giugno 2003.<br />


PUCCINELLI A. (2010) - Risultati preliminari dello studio<br />

<strong>della</strong> circolazione idrica sotterranea nell'Isola di Pianosa<br />

(Arcipelago Toscano, prov. Livorno). Atti Congresso Codice<br />

Armonico 2010 - III Congresso Regionale di Scienze<br />

Naturali. Castiglioncello (LI), 11-13/03/2010, 96-107.<br />

RAGGI G. (1983) - Le acque del sottosuolo dell’Isola di Pianosa.<br />

Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat., Mem., Serie A, 90, pagg. 75-84.<br />

SANDRELLI E. & FORESI L.M. (2005) - Carta Geologica 1:10.000<br />

del Foglio 341 – Regione Toscana - Servizio Geologico,<br />

Translocation of Cr, Co and Pb from soil and water to forage plants<br />

and their accumulation capacity<br />

Key words: Accumulation capacity, chromium, cobalt, lead, soil,<br />

water.<br />

Chromium, cobalt and lead are among the most metalloid and<br />

metals present in the environment. These contaminants are among<br />

the most dangerous heavy metals to humans and the environment,<br />

because of their toxicity towards all living organisms and their<br />

accumulation capability.<br />

When present in soil and water, they can accumulate in living<br />

organisms, enter in food chain and affect human health, due to<br />

their toxicity. In this work we investigated the accumulation of<br />

Cr, Co and Pb by Trifolium repens Huia, Lotus corniculatus,<br />

Festuca Arundinacea Demeter, Dactylis Glomerata, Trifolium<br />

Pratensis, Lolium Perenne Livree, Lolium Multiflorum e Phleum<br />

Pratense, the mix of these seeds for forage is commonly sold.<br />

Soil samples were collected and, after being analyzed, 4<br />

different concentrations of trace elements were added:<br />

for Pb 10 μgL -1 ,100 μgL -1 , 200 μgL -1 and 500 μgL -1 ,<br />

for Cr and Co 50 μgL -1 , 500 μgL -1 , 1000 μgL -1 and 2500 μgL -1<br />

Only Trifolium repens, Lotus corniculatus and Festuca<br />

Arundinacea survived the highest concentration of metals, the<br />

others died after 1 month (62.5%). The concentrations of metals<br />

absorbed or stabilized were determined for shoots of plants, roots<br />

of plants and soil, it is important to evaluate the behavior of each<br />

component.<br />

The metal concentration in biomass was measured for all<br />

plants and the bioconcentration factor (BCF metal concentration<br />

ratio of plant roots to soil) and translocation factor (TF, metal<br />

concentration ratio of shoots to roots) were calculated.<br />

The behavior of each plant depends on the metal and its<br />

concentration in the water. Analyzing the concentration of Pb<br />

equal to 50 times the limit of law, in roots of Trifolium repens<br />

reaches 5 ppb, while in Phleum pratense climax Pb reaches 145<br />

ppb. Pb in other plants is fixed at the roots with a concentration<br />

between 15 ppb and 95 ppb. Pb in the shoots of Festuca<br />

Arundinacea does not reach 10 ppb, in all other plants the<br />

concentration of Pb in the shoots varies between 25 ppb and 55<br />

ppb. Exception is Trifolium pratensis where the concentration of<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Politecnico di Torino,<br />


1<br />

173<br />

Pb in the shoots reached 95 ppb.<br />

The concentration of Co in roots of Trifolium repens,<br />

Trifolium pratensis and Lotus corniculatus reaches 5 ppb, while<br />

in Phleum pratense climax Co reaches 62 ppb. Co in other plants<br />

is fixed at the root with a concentration between 28 ppb and 40<br />

ppb. Co in the shoots of Festuca Arundinacea, del Lotus<br />

corniculatus, <strong>della</strong> Dactylis Glomerata does not reaches 5ppb, in<br />

all other plants the concentration of Co in the shoots varies<br />

between 10 ppb and 28 ppb. Trifolium repens is the exception,<br />

the concentration of Co in the shoots reached 35 ppb.<br />

In the roots of Dactylis Glomerata, Festuca arundinacea and<br />

Lolium perenne Liveries the concentration of Cr reaches 140 ppb,<br />

while in Lotus corniculatus Cr stops at 10 ppb. Only Phleum<br />

Pratense climax has stabilized to roots the concentration of Cr<br />

equal to 200 ppb. Cr in the shoots of plants has reached the<br />

concentrations between 10 ppb and 30 ppb. Only Dactylis<br />

Glomerata not exceed 5 ppb. Exceptions are the Trifolium repens<br />

and Trifolium pratensis where the concentration of Cr in the<br />

shoots varies between 110 ppb and 142 ppb.<br />

This work is novel because the results show:<br />

the plants can grow in the presence of metals, they can capture<br />

and transfer them to the aerial parts;<br />

special attention has been paid to these crop plants for their<br />

possible use in phytoremediation<br />

expecially to avoid the possible introduction of the metals<br />

accumulated in aerial parts into the food chain when they grow in<br />

contaminated areas.<br />

The metal that moves from soil to plants does not always<br />

reflect the metal entering in the feed and food. We propose for<br />

next studies to analyze the metals present in the food in order to<br />

evaluate a “food chain transfer coefficient”.<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Key words: Basic quality, groundwater, hydrochemical facies,<br />

metals, Susa Valley.<br />


The aim of this study is to characterize in hydrogeochemical<br />

terms the unconfined aquifer of an area that extends from the<br />

entrance to the Susa Valley to the City of Bussoleno (Piemonte,<br />

Italy).<br />

The concentrations of the main ions and of some heavy metals<br />

(arsenic, hexavalent chromium, nickel, lead, rubidium, uranium<br />

and vanadium) were determined.<br />

Through diagrams and maps it was possible to identify the<br />

hydrochemical facies of the analysed water, the basic quality of<br />

the water destined for human supply and the pollution due to<br />

metals.<br />

Schöeller’s diagram, along with the characteristic ionic ratios,<br />

have enabled to identify four hydrochemical facies characterized<br />

by the dominance of Bicarbonate and Calcium; in some samples<br />

there was a higher content of chloride and alkaline, while one<br />

sample was detected dominance of Sulphate.<br />

The identified hydrochemical facies depend on the<br />

mineralogical composition and lithology, the trend of the flow<br />

field, the decanting of waters from areas to higher altitudes<br />

especially on the left orographic side, the recharge areas framed<br />

between Reano, Avigliana and Buttigliera Alta and anthropic<br />

influence.<br />

In order to evaluate the possible use of the groundwater<br />

resources from the drinking water point of view, the quality was<br />

evaluated on the basis of certain parameters that cause a<br />

deterioration in the classification of use of the water (electrical<br />

conductivity, chlorides, nitrates, sulphates, ammonium ion, iron,<br />

manganese).<br />

According to the classification set by the Ronchi Decree,<br />

Decree. 152/99, the waters of the unconfined aquifer have a<br />

significant, if not relevant, anthropic impact in most of the study<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Politecnico di Torino,<br />

Hydrogeochemical study of the unconfined aquifer<br />

of Low Susa Valley<br />


174<br />

area.<br />

The results obtained show how the groundwater of the<br />

unconfined aquifer is unsuitable for human supply; in the<br />

majority of cases, the quality of the water depends on the high<br />

concentrations of iron and manganese dissolved in the<br />

groundwater.<br />

The study of concentrations of major metals, it appears to be<br />

the basis of the aquifer vulnerability with the ability to identify<br />

danger centers. Through the isoconcentration maps it has been<br />

possible to highlight that there are some areas, generally highly<br />

industrialized, where concentrations of metals show maximum<br />

peaks that deviate far from the adjacent areas with rural<br />

settlements.<br />

The trend of the concentration of metals is consistent with the<br />

hydrodynamics of the aquifer and in general presents a maximum<br />

in the left orographic side, where there is a confirmation of the<br />

low quality of water for human supply.<br />

In addition to some main heavy metals such as chromium,<br />

nickel and lead, nitrates also have the same areas with the greatest<br />

concentration, probably due to the presence in the territory of<br />

invasive human activities.

Key words: Hydrochemical, hydrodynamical, springs,<br />

vulnerability of the aquifers.<br />

Some years ago, the Applied Hydrogeologic Work Group of<br />

the Politecnico di Torino installed a series of automatic water<br />

level, temperature and electric conductivity acquiring devices,<br />

and have carried out sampling and chemical analyses at different<br />

springs in the mountainous sector of the Ligurian Alps which are<br />

supplied by aquifers in debris-alluvial deposits.<br />

The main results obtained from four springs that are situated<br />

at heights of between 900 and 1900 m a.s.l., three of which are<br />

presently tapped for drinkable water, are presented in this work.<br />

The four springs are characterised by a rather similar<br />

hydrogeologic situation with aquifers located in rather coarse<br />

sediments belonging to mixed fans of debris and alluvial deposits<br />

over a relatively fractured metamorphic bedrock made up of<br />

meta-vulcanite and quartz. The supply of these aquifers is only in<br />

part due to direct infiltration from meteoric contributions, while a<br />

remarkable loss component prevails below the bedrock in rivers<br />

that flow along the fans themselves. This hydrogeologic situation<br />

is rather common throughout the Piedmontese Alps where many<br />

springs with these characteristics, even with somewhat reduced<br />

discharges, are tapped for drinkable water purposes in order to<br />

supply small sized aqueducts that are widespread and essential<br />

for the economy of the territory. The study of their vulnerability<br />

to contamination is therefore necessary for a correct management<br />

of the water resources<br />

The examined springs are: the Balmetta spring (960 m a.s.l.),<br />

the Fontanas spring (1200 m a.s.l.) and the lower Borello spring<br />

(945 m a.s.l.), which in part supplies the Villanova Mondovi,<br />

Chiusa Pesio and the Langhe and Cuneo Alps Aqueduct<br />

Consortium (CALAC). The Laghetto del Marguareis spring<br />

(1220 m a.s.l.) is in part used to produce electric energy for the<br />

alpine shelter nearby.<br />

All these springs are characterised by a similar discharge<br />

trend with a long winter low water period, and important spring<br />

spate, connected to snow melting, a summer low water period<br />

interrupted by parasitic spates and autumnal spates connected to<br />

the local meteorological trend.<br />

_________________________<br />

Functioning and vulnerability of springs supplied by aquifers in<br />

debris-alluvial deposits (Ligurian Alps – Piedmont, Italy)<br />


(*) Politecnico di Torino,<br />

175<br />

The Balmetta spring has a discharge that varies between 10<br />

and 40 l/s with somewhat rapid water flow variations, passing<br />

from 10 to 30 l/s in only two hours. The yearly maximum<br />

discharge half time is about three days, thus showing an elevated<br />

degree of vulnerability of the spring. The temperature and electric<br />

conductivity (EC) trends of the water show a “substitution” type<br />

response with maximum EC values of about 125 μS/cm during<br />

the low water periods and a minimum of about 35μS/cm when the<br />

main discharge increases occur. The rapid mineralization<br />

decrease, over a period of some hours, highlights the arrival of<br />

new-infiltration water. The temperatures of the groundwater show<br />

a trend that is generally influenced, with delays of about 1-2<br />

months, by the seasonal conditions, with maximum values of<br />

about 8° C in the months of September-October and minimum<br />

values of about 5° C in April-May. The general trend is disturbed<br />

by temporary increases and decreases of the temperature, of an<br />

order of some tenths of a degree, thus highlighting the direct<br />

supply of new-infiltration water. The hydrochemical data of the<br />

spring water have confirmed an elevated degree of vulnerability<br />

of the aquifer, which was obtained from the yearly maximum<br />

discharge half time<br />

The Fontanas spring (Pesio Valley) is characterised by a very<br />

similar yearly water flow trend to that of the Balmetta spring, but<br />

it has greater discharge variations with values of about 5 l/s<br />

during the winter and summer low water periods and maximum<br />

values of about 60 l/s during the principal infiltration events. The<br />

yearly maximum discharge half time, which is about 2 days,<br />

highlights an elevated degree of vulnerability to contamination.<br />

The temporal trend of the principal natural tracers (temperature<br />

and electric conductivity of the water) also shows a remarkable<br />

similarity with the Balmetta spring and a marked typical<br />

“substitution” response which points out the rapid arrival of the<br />

new-infiltration water in spring. The mineralization of the water<br />

is slightly higher than the previous spring (between 170 and 100<br />

μS/cm), and is conditioned by the presence of carbonate rock<br />

clasts and by the debris-alluvial rock mass.<br />

The Laghetto del Marguareis spring (Pesio Valley) is<br />

characterised by slightly greater discharges that reach values of<br />

about 90 l/s during the spring spates, when the discharge<br />

connected to the snow melting are summed together with the<br />

rainfall contributions. The water flow in the winter months settles<br />

at around 30 l/s and remains relatively constant between the<br />

months of November and March, while the same value undergoes<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

remarkable increases in the summer-autumn period, reaching a<br />

value of 80 l/s after storms or in the autumnal rainfall periods.<br />

The yearly maximum discharge half time (which is usually<br />

reached in the spring period) is of about 13 days, which<br />

underlines a high degree of vulnerability.<br />

This value is conditioned to a great extent by the type of<br />

infiltration supply, which involves a snow melting process that<br />

continues for several months and which greatly influences the<br />

exhaustion curve of the spring.<br />

The electric conductivity, which in low water periods is about<br />

95 μS/cm, decreases very rapidly after important spate events and<br />

reaches values of even less than 50 μS/cm, again highlighting a<br />

“substitution” response. The temperature of the water, which is<br />

conditioned by the mean height of the supply, that is, above 2000<br />

m, is characterised by very low values of between 3-3.8° C,<br />

which are recorded in the winter and summer low water periods,<br />

and minimum values of about 2.4° C during the spring spates.<br />

Although the temperature values of the water are not very<br />

significant, because of the remarkable height of the examined<br />

system, the rapid variations of the mineralization values in time<br />

indicate that the new-infiltration water arrives in very brief times<br />

and therefore indicate a rather elevated degree of vulnerability of<br />

the aquifer.<br />

The lower Borello spring (Corsaglia Valley) is characterised<br />

by a more constant yearly water discharge trend than the<br />

previously mentioned springs and shows summer and winter low<br />

water values of about 35 l/s and maximum values of less than 80<br />

l/s during the principal infiltration events. The yearly maximum<br />

discharge half time (for the year 2007) furnished a value of about<br />

9 days, thus indicating a high degree of vulnerability. The electric<br />

conductivity is characterised by remarkable oscillations, with<br />

maximum values of 210 μS/cm, recorded in the low water<br />

periods, which fall to 130 μS/cm during the spates. The<br />

fluctuations of the temperature of the water are even greater and<br />

reach values of about 4° C in the winter season and go above 11°<br />

C in the summer period.<br />

These oscillations are closely connected to the way these<br />

springs are supplied; they receive a direct contribution from the<br />

losses from an important river below the bedrock (the Corsaglia<br />

stream) which flows at just a few metres from the spring zone.<br />

Two tests conducted with artificial tracers have confirmed that<br />

the groundwater arrives at the spring in a period of just one hour.<br />

The vulnerability of this aquifer is therefore decidedly elevated.<br />

The examples mentioned above highlight the importance of<br />

continuous monitoring systems in order to evaluate the<br />

vulnerability of the aquifers and, as a consequence, to dimension<br />

the areas of the spring tapped for drinkable water purposes that<br />

have to be respected.<br />

The inst<strong>alla</strong>tion of suitable instrumentation at the tapping<br />

points (multi-parametric probes, which are currently available a<br />

very reasonable prices) would allow data to be acquired that is<br />

indispensable for the subsequent elaborations: with the values of<br />

176<br />

the spring discharge it is possible to calculate the yearly<br />

maximum discharge half time, while it is also possible to gather<br />

other information relative to the functioning and therefore the<br />

vulnerability of a given aquifer from the interpretation of the<br />

yearly trend of the temperature and electric conductivity of the<br />


Hydrogeological and geochemical features of the sandy unconfined<br />

aquifer between Marina di Pisa and Calambrone (NW Tuscany)<br />

affected by seawater intrusion<br />

Key words: Coastal Pisan Plain, geochemistry, hydrogeology,<br />

isotope, seawater intrusion.<br />


The Pisa Plain underground is formed by a complex<br />

hydrogeologic structure, composed by discontinuous superficial<br />

unconfined horizons and a multilayered confined aquifer, whose<br />

main lithostratigraphic, hydrogeologic, piezometric and<br />

hydrochemical features were described by several authors (e.g.<br />

BALDACCI et alii, 1994; GRASSI & CORTECCI, 2005). The<br />

unconfined aquifer, which is more or less continuously present in<br />

most part of the Pisan Plain, in the study area is prevalently<br />

characterized by sand and silty sand (15-17 m thick in the<br />

northern portion, 9-12 m in the southern one). Below a clayey<br />

impermeable basement is recognized. This area is characterized<br />

by a significant anthropogenic pressure, due to the presence of<br />

some tourist resorts, with bathing, sporting structures (golf,<br />

racecourse, sporting centre) and agricultural activities in the<br />

immediate inland. They need of considerable water amount, often<br />

drawn from the unconfined aquifer. This area is therefore<br />

particularly fragile from an environmental point of view. In order<br />

to check the state of the seawater intrusion in the unconfined<br />

aquifer, many hydrogeological and geochemical surveys have<br />

been carried out.<br />


Water table morphology and evolution were examined using<br />

37 piezometers from April to September 2009. There is a general<br />

and expected water table lowering, related to recharge reduction<br />

and pumping rise, with partial reversal of trend already in<br />

September.<br />

During the investigated period high piezometric levels<br />

(always above the sea level) are recognized close to the coastline<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Università di Pisa – Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra,<br /><br />

(**) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse (CNR di Pisa),<br />

177<br />

between Tirrenia and Calambrone (dune area). In the remaining<br />

area, the water table is usually below the sea level, with marked<br />

minimums in August and September in the inland between<br />

Tirrenia and Calambrone and in the Marina di Pisa inland.<br />

In Fig. 1 the water table map, obtained in August, is shown.<br />

This period corresponds to the low stage in 2009.<br />

Fig. 1 - Water table map in August 2009.<br />

In April and September 2009 the electric conductivity (EC)<br />

data were also collected, and conductimetric logs in several<br />

piezometers were obtained, providing an indirect and quick<br />

measure of the water salinity. In agreement with piezometric data,<br />

near the coastline EC is lower than the remaining area. This<br />

feature conflicts with that expected referring to seawater intrusion<br />

phenomenon and it could be explained only admitting pumping<br />

that favours the seawater drawing in aquifer. However, the EC<br />

values are not in general so low, with minimums of about 2,000<br />

μS/cm at a depth of -2 m a.s.l. Fig. 2 shows the September EC<br />

map referred to the depth of -10 m a.s.l.: the aquifer is almost<br />

involved in seawater intrusion, with particularly worrying<br />

situation in the Marina di Pisa and Calambrone inlands.<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Fig. 2 - Electric conductivity map (at -10 m a.s.l.) in September 2009.<br />


In order to obtain detailed information about seawater<br />

intrusion in the unconfined aquifer and for a better<br />

comprehension of the hydrogeological setting mentioned above,<br />

three sampling surveys were carried out in September 2008, May<br />

2009 and February 2010. Samples were collected by means of in<br />

situ analyses (physical-chemical parameters), laboratory analyses<br />

of main chemical components (Ca, Mg, Na, K, Cl, SO4, NO3,<br />

NH4, NO2) and some stable isotope ratios ( 2 H/ 1 H and 18 O/ 16 O of<br />

H2O). Based on the Langelier-Ludwig diagram it is possible to<br />

distinguish three main groups of water with distinctive<br />

composition: Ca-HCO3 water, representative of circulation in<br />

alluvial aquifer; Na-Cl water, whose composition is generally due<br />

to the mixing of Ca-HCO3 with seawater; and Na-HCO3 water,<br />

whose composition is probably due to ionic exchange process<br />

between Ca 2+ in solution and Na + in clay minerals. Some samples<br />

show intermediate composition among the above described<br />

hydrochemical facies. Isotopic composition of many samples<br />

collected near the Arno and Scolmatore rivers and the inland<br />

plain indicates the presence of seawater. Using correlation<br />

diagrams and mixing line, the rate between freshwater and<br />

seawater was determined (Fig. 3).<br />

178<br />

δ 18 O ‰<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

unconfined aquifer<br />

confined aquifer<br />

Butteri et al., 2009<br />

confined aquifer<br />

RMC1 e RMC2<br />

10 100 1000<br />

Cl (mg/l)<br />

10000 100000<br />

Fig. 3 - Binary diagram 18O versus Chlorine, The mixing line is<br />

reported in red.<br />


Based on hydrogeological and geochemical-isotopic<br />

approach, the results confirm that the seawater intrusion occurs<br />

mainly both by direct drawing in aquifer, above all near Arno and<br />

Scolmatore outpouring, and by circulation along the river with<br />

consequent aquifer infiltration. The Marina di Pisa inland, Camp<br />

Darby and Tirrenia sporting centre result particularly fragile<br />

zones. The percentage of seawater in samples collected in this<br />

zone is highest than 50%.<br />

The dune area between Marina di Pisa and Calambrone can<br />

be considered a recharge area by direct infiltration of rainfall.<br />

The confided aquifer usually is separated by unconfined<br />

aquifer, but locally there are hydraulic connections. This is<br />

generally due to bad-completion wells.<br />



100%<br />

RMS 51<br />

RMS 46<br />

RMS 50<br />

80%<br />

RMS 53<br />

BALDACCI F., BELLINI L. & RAGGI G. (1994) - Le risorse idriche<br />

sotterranee <strong>della</strong> Pianura Pisana. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat.<br />

Mem., ser. A, 101, 241-322.<br />

GRASSI S. & CORTECCI G. (2005) - Hydrogeology and<br />

Geochemistry of multilayered confined aquifer of the Pisa<br />

Plain. Appl. Geochem., 20, 41-54.<br />

10%<br />


Key words: Advective transport, heat flow, low-enthalpy GWHP,<br />

Turin.<br />


The increasing diffusion of low-enthalpy geothermal openloop<br />

groundwater heat pumps (GWHP) providing buildings air<br />

conditioning requires a careful assessment of the overall effects<br />

on groundwater system, especially in the urban areas (LO RUSSO<br />

&CIVITA, 2009; NAM &OOKA, 2010).<br />

In the present study we discuss the first experimental results<br />

derived by the groundwater monitoring around an injection well<br />

of an open-loop GWHP operating at the Politecnico of Turin.<br />

Through multiparameter probes installed in the injection well<br />

(P4) and into a downgradient piezometer (S2) it is possible to<br />

control the movement of the thermal plume over time. The multitemporal<br />

thermal logs in S2 highlighted the plume thermal<br />

stratification in the aquifer and confirmed the hypothesis about<br />

the prevailing advective transport component for heat flow.<br />


Downhole log data in the study area indicate the presence of<br />

two lithologic zones with distinct hydraulic properties.<br />

Unit 1 – (Middle Pleistocene – Holocene; from the surface to<br />

47 m depth). Continental alluvial cover composed mainly of<br />

coarse gravel and sandy sediments (locally cemented) derived<br />

from alluvial fans aggraded by the Alpine rivers downstreaming<br />

towards the east. The base of Unit 1 (erosional surface) dips<br />

gently (0.5%) towards the north-east, overlaying Unit 2.<br />

Unit 2 – (Early Pliocene – Middle Pleistocene; from 47 m<br />

depth). Fossiliferous sandy–clayey layers with subordinate fine<br />

gravely and coarse sandy marine layers or by quartz-micaceous<br />

sands with no fossil evidences.<br />

The GWHP plant interferes only with the Unit 1 by means of<br />

_________________________<br />

Evidences of advective heat transport related to an open-loop<br />

groundwater heat pump plant (Turin, NW Italy)<br />

(*) DITAG-Politecnico di Torino (Land, Environment and Geo-Engineering<br />

Department),<br />

This work derives from the research program “Geothermal resources” and<br />

has been partially funded by the Regione Piemonte.<br />


179<br />

an abstraction well (P2) and one injection well (P4). A<br />

piezometer (S2) monitors the aquifer and is located downgradient<br />

respect P4. The respective distances are: P2-P4 = 78 m, P2-S2 =<br />

109 m, P4-S2 = 37 m.<br />

First a step drawdown test was performed in P4 to evaluate<br />

the hydraulic properties of the Unit 1. The test yielded a<br />

transmissivity (T1) of 1.55x10 -2 m 2 /s. The hydraulic conductivity<br />

(K1 = 5.53x10 -4 m/s) was calculated assuming and average<br />

saturated thickness of 28 m. The effective porosity n was e<br />

assumed 0.1. The measured undisturbed hydraulic gradient is<br />

( dh dl ; i= 0.33%). The undisturbed average linear velocity vx<br />

(1.58 m/d) (FETTER, 1999) is thus calculated as follows:<br />

K dh<br />

vx<br />

= ⋅ (1)<br />

n dl<br />

e<br />

Due to the gradient increase (up to 0.4%) during the injection<br />

of warm water in the P4 in the GWHP plant functioning phase,<br />

the actual average velocity slightly grows up to 1.91 m/d<br />

according with Eq.1.<br />


The GWHP plant started its operation on May 14th, 2009 and<br />

switch off on September, 20th 2009. Monitoring of hydraulic<br />

levels, electrical conductivity EC and temperature T in P4 and S2<br />

started in February 2009 and ended in November 2009. Analysis<br />

of data clearly highlights three phases (Fig. 1). The phase 1<br />

(February-May) corresponds to the period when the plant had not<br />

yet started. The T in the P4 and S2 is constant around 15°C. The<br />

relative increase in the T P4 (end of March) is connected to a<br />

plant functioning test and is not revealed in the S2. The values of<br />

EC are almost stationary. The phase 2 (May-September)<br />

corresponds to the functioning period. The T and EC values<br />

recorded in the P4 and S2 vary considerably. The oscillations in<br />

the T P4 depends on the daily and weekly cycles of the heat<br />

pump. The maximum recorded value reaches 28.7°C. The T<br />

recorded in the S2 clearly identify the aquifer response to the<br />

passage of the thermal plume with a significant delay (20 days)<br />

respect the injection in the P4. The T increase rate in S2 is<br />

approximately 1°C/day for the first 15 days, then slows down and<br />

levels off to 0.5°C/day during the last part of the increasing<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

period. The highest T measured in S2 was 22°C (September,<br />

17th). The oscillations in the injection temperature in the P4 are<br />

smoothed but revealed also in the S2. The EC values tend to vary<br />

out of phase with the temperature: when the T increases there is a<br />

reduction of EC.<br />

Fig. 1 – Monitoring data.<br />

The third phase (September-November) corresponds to the<br />

period after the plant closure. The parameter values gradually<br />

tend to restore the baseline. The T P4 decreases sharply while the<br />

T S2 reduces progressively losing about 1°C/week and reaching<br />

the initial temperature (around 15°C) after two months.<br />


The injection of the hot water in the P4 occurs by means of<br />

discharge in the upper part of the water column in the well.<br />

Therefore the thermal plume is originated by a point source<br />

located on the top of the water table. In order to verify the<br />

presence of a thermal stratification in the plume, one thermal log<br />

has been conducted in the S2 during the phase 1 (natural<br />

conditions). The result has been compared with those derived by<br />

3 thermal logs conducetd during the phase 3. Results highlight the<br />

aquifer thermal stratification (Fig. 2) and the progressive<br />

restoring of the initial conditions several weeks after the plant<br />

closure.<br />

180<br />

Fig. 2 – S2 thermal logs<br />


Results seem to confirm the prevalence of heat advective<br />

transport component respect the dispersive phenomena. This<br />

hypothesis appears validated by the following evidences.<br />

1) The delay (20 days) in the S2 temperature increase is<br />

compatible with the calculated aquifer average linear velocity<br />

(1,58-1,91 m/d) and the P4-S2 distance (37 m).<br />

2) The thermal stratification in the aquifer is probably linked<br />

to the different values of horizontal and vertical hydraulic<br />

conductivity in the geological layers. Groundwater tend to flow<br />

horizontally. Heat is carried along mainly with the flowing<br />

groundwater.<br />

3) The electrical conductivity appears to vary with an<br />

oscillatory behaviour, out of phase with respect to temperature.<br />

Uniquely difficult to explain, this phenomenon could be<br />

considered as a marker of different geochemical characteristics in<br />

the flowing water and thus a further confirmation of the<br />

prevailing heat advective phenomena in the moving water.<br />


FETTER C.W. (1999) – Contaminant Hydrogeology. Prentice-<br />

Hall, New-Jersey (USA), 500 pp.<br />

LO RUSSO S. & CIVITA M.V. (2009) - Open-loop groundwater<br />

heat pumps development for large buildings: A case study.<br />

Geothermics 38(3), 335-345.<br />

NAM Y., OOKA R. (2010) - Numerical simulation of ground heat<br />

and water transfer for groundwater heat pump system based<br />

on real-scale experiment. Energ. Buildings 42, 69–75.

Key words: Evaporites, relations between ground and surface<br />

waters, sulphates.<br />

Based on a sampling net of 103 points, the hydrogeochemical<br />

characterization of the Aosta Plain unconfined aquifer has<br />

showed that 80% of the more than 800 groundwaters sampled<br />

from June 2006 to May 2009 has a Ca-HCO3 composition.<br />

Instead, 8,4% of the samples shows sulphates concentrations<br />

higher than carbonate and chlorides ones. This predominant<br />

inversion is detected in a few numbers of wells, located in a<br />

delimited area including the plain zones of tree municipalities. To<br />

establish the hydrodynamic relations between surface waters and<br />

groundwaters, the Dora Baltea River and the main torrents<br />

flowing on the study area are sampled too. Along the Dora Baltea<br />

course the sulphates concentration increases after the confluence<br />

of the Gressan and the Clou-Neuf torrents, highlighting the<br />

sulphates contribution from their drainage basins. The chemical<br />

analysis on the two torrent samples confirms it. The Gressan<br />

torrent influence, in particular, is conditioned by the water<br />

derivation for agricultural uses. In winter time its water is free to<br />

flow into Dora Baltea strongly increasing the amount of sulphates<br />

of the river. On the contrary, in summer time the contribution is<br />

not relevant.<br />

Considering the absence of hazard sources connected to<br />

human activities, it is reasonable to introduce the hypothesis of<br />

natural occurrence of sulphates in ground and surface waters. The<br />

sulphate natural sources in the area are represented by the<br />

Triassic carbonated rocks connected to continental margins and<br />

located between the ophiolits of the Zona Piemontese system.<br />

Some slope collapse phenomena near Pila seem to be connected<br />

to the presence of this kind of rocks and to their dissolution.<br />

Bibliography data confirm high values of sulphates in sources<br />

sampled.<br />

Moreover, the graph showing the amount of SO4 2- versus the<br />

amount of Ca 2+ puts on evidence that for the waters sampled in<br />

_________________________<br />

Natural occurrance of sulphates in ground and surface waters in<br />

Aosta Plain (Italy)<br />

(*) Politecnico di Torino,<br />

Lavoro eseguito con il <strong>contributo</strong> finanziario <strong>della</strong> Regione Autonoma<br />

Valle d'Aosta<br />


181<br />

the area of Gressan, Charvensod and Pollein a sulphites oxidation<br />

can be introduced to explain the sulphates input. The weathering<br />

process could involve minerals such as pyrites.<br />

Fig. 1 – the graph shows the amount of SO4 2- versus the amount of Ca 2+ in wells<br />

(red), in Dora Baltea River (yellow) and in torrents (blue). A sulphate input and a<br />

possible sulphite oxidation are introduced to explain the composition of the<br />

waters sampled in Charvensod, Gressan and Pollein areas.<br />

A 60 m deep drilling has been especially set up to describe the<br />

stratigraphic sequence of the slope. It has confirmed the presence<br />

of evaporites and of the dissolution phenomena.<br />

To sum up, the hydrochemical study has confirmed a lateral<br />

input of groundwater from the right slope, characterized by<br />

evaporites rocks, to the plain aquifer and the weathering of<br />

surface glacial deposits partially made by evaporites rocks,<br />

present at the base of the slope.<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Hydrochemistry and stable isotope for groundwater hydrodynamics<br />

analysis in a karst aquifer (Alpi Apuane, Italy)<br />


Key words: Apuan Alps, geochemistry, karst, stable isotopes.<br />


Since 1960 isotopic techniques have been increasingly<br />

applied to hydrological studies. Recently, LONGINELLI &SELMO<br />

(2003) have drawn the isotopic map of Italy, based on the data of<br />

77 different locations were composite monthly samples of<br />

precipitations were taken over time intervals ranging from one to<br />

seven years. Although the huge work done by LONGINELLI &<br />

SELMO (2003) represents a giant step forward in stable isotope<br />

geochemistry, its scale is not sufficient for most local studies,<br />

requiring a more detailed knowledge of the isotopic composition<br />

of rain waters in the area of interest, that is: (i) at different<br />

elevations, to quantify the vertical isotopic gradient, and (ii) on<br />

the distinct flanks of mountain chains, if present, to take into<br />

account possible orographic effects. Generally, these data are<br />

obtained by a series of rainfall stations that allow collection of<br />

precipitations for at least a period of three years. Due to the large<br />

fluctuations in the isotopic composition of rains, it is then<br />

essential to compute the weighted mean of δD and δ 18 O values.<br />

When isotopic data regarding rain falls are limited or not<br />

available, is possible to use a different approach to the problem,<br />

focussing on the isotopic characteristics of spring waters of rapid<br />

flow and small circuit, with discharge elevations not very<br />

different from the infiltration altitudes. In addition, it is advisable<br />

to carry out repeated surveys, to take into account possible<br />

seasonal isotopic variations reflecting the isotopic changes of the<br />

rains recharging them. This methodology was used by MUSSI et<br />

alii, (1998) in the Apuan Alps-Garfagnana area.<br />

Recently, we applied this approach in the framework of a<br />

chemical and isotopic study of the groundwaters circulating in the<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa,<br />;<br />

(**) DipTerRis., Università di Genova,<br />

(°) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, CNR di Pisa,<br />

(°°) Institute of Material Science, NCSR "Demokritos" Attiki, Greece,<br /><br />

182<br />

southern sector of the Apuan Alps, whose preliminary results are<br />

presented in this communication.<br />

Geological and hydrogeological setting<br />

The investigated area is located in the northwestern corner of<br />

Tuscany. The area has notable variations in altitude, with<br />

maximum elevations of 1800 m asl. Rainfall is very high in the<br />

mountains, where it locally reaches values of 3000 mm/a and<br />

even >3200 mm/a on the ridge of the Apuan Alps. In contrast,<br />

precipitation is typically close to 1000 mm/a in the plain near the<br />

seacoast (BALDACCI et alii, 1993). Two main tectonic and<br />

stratigraphic units are present in the study area: the metamorphic<br />

sequence of the Apuan Alps and the corresponding members of<br />

the Tuscan nappe. The Apuan Alps are a metamorphic core<br />

complex outcropping in a tectonic window of the Northern<br />

Apennines nappe cover. This was overthrusted during the Alpine-<br />

Apennine orogeny, which began ~27 Ma and is also responsible<br />

for widespread metamorphic effects in the underlying units<br />

(CARMIGNANI & KLIGFIELD, 1990). The different lithologies,<br />

within an articulated tectonic and orographic context, create a<br />

wide variability in permeability, but on the whole shallow<br />

hydrological circuits have a very rapid circulation. The Paleozoic<br />

basement is characterised by low permeability, whereas high<br />

permeability is typical of the carbonate formations, such as the<br />

Marmi and Grezzoni of the Apuan Alps and the Calcare<br />

Cavernoso and Massiccio of the Tuscan nappe, which are the<br />

main regional water circulation systems.<br />


To obtain detailed information about groundwater flowpaths<br />

and spring recharge areas two sampling surveys were carried out<br />

during May and September 2009. In Fig. 1 the location of all the<br />

sampled springs is shown. Water temperature, electrical<br />

conductivity, pH, Eh, total alkalinity and ammonia concentration<br />

were determined in the field. Moreover water samples for<br />

chemical and isotopic analyses were collected. The concentration<br />

of major components (Ca, Mg, Na, K, Cl, SO4, NO3 and SiO2),<br />

selected trace components (B, F, Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn)<br />

and some stable isotope ratios ( 2 H/ 1 H and 18 O/ 16 O of H2O and<br />

13 12<br />

C/ C of Total Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, TDIC) were<br />

determined on all samples.

Fig. 1 – Schematic hydrogeological map of the study, in which permeability units are distinguished. The location and composition of sampled springs is also<br />

shown.<br />


Based on the Langelier-Ludwig diagram it is possible to<br />

distinguish three main groups of water with distinctive<br />

composition (Ca-HCO3, CaSO4 and NaCl) and samples with<br />

intermediate characteristics produced through mixing. Ca-HCO3<br />

waters proceed from shallow circuits hosted in fractured and<br />

karstified carbonate rocks and alluvial aquifers; Ca-SO4 waters<br />

are representative of relatively deep circuits in carbonateevaporite<br />

formations, whereas low-conductivity Na-Cl waters are<br />

slightly modified rain waters relatable to rapid flows and shallow<br />

circulation. The plot of δD vs. δ 18 O values suggests that all the<br />

collected waters are of meteoric origin, whereas the different<br />

isotopic ratios mainly depending on the infiltration altitude. High<br />

flow-rate springs related to karstic circuits were neglected,<br />

whereas low-discharge springs (< 0.5 l/s) were selected to<br />

calculate the mean isotopic vertical gradient of the study area,<br />

which resulted to be -0.116‰/100 m. This figure is significantly<br />

lower than that found by LONGINELLI & SELMO (2003) for<br />

different Italian areas, confirming the need for a local calibration<br />

of the isotope-altitude relation. TDIC and δ 13 CTDIC values were<br />

used as chemical and isotopic tracers to evaluate the contribution<br />

of different water components to spring discharge. The rationale<br />

for this exercise is that in the unsaturated zone (UZ) and saturated<br />

zone (SZ) water-rock interactions do not obey the same kinetics.<br />

The mixing rate between water coming from UZ, characterised by<br />

183<br />

a short residence time, and water from the saturated zone SZ,<br />

with a longer residence time, was therefore evaluated. As a<br />

preliminary step to further geochemical modelling, speciation<br />

calculations were performed by means PHREEQC to evaluate the<br />

saturation state with respect to the minerals of interest. Reaction<br />

path modelling of water-carbonate rock-gas interactions will be<br />

used to investigate the release and fate of selected trace<br />

constituents.<br />


BALDACCI F., CECCHINI S., LOPANE G. & RAGGI C., (1993) - Le<br />

risorse idriche del bacino del fiume Serchio ed il loro<br />

<strong>contributo</strong> all’alimentazione <strong>dei</strong> bacini idrografici adiacenti<br />

- Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 49, 365-391.<br />

CARMIGNANI L. & KLIGFIELD R. (1990) - Crustal extension in the<br />

northern Apennines: the transition from compression to<br />

extension in the Alpi Apuane core complex - Tectonics, 9, (6),<br />

1275-1303.<br />

LONGINELLI A. & SELMO E. (2003) - Isotopic composition of<br />

precipitation in Italy: a first overall map -<br />

J. of Hydrology, 270, (1-2), 7 5-88.<br />

MUSSI M., LEONE G. & NARDI I. (1998) - Isotopic geochemistry<br />

of natural water from the Apli Apuane- Garfagnana area,<br />

northern Tuscany, Italy - Miner Petrogr. Acta , 41, 163-168.<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Effects of deep saline CO2-rich waters in the shallow aquifers from<br />

the Mazarrón-Gañuelas Tertiary basin (central-southern Spain)<br />



Key words: carbon and helium isotopes, CO2-rich waters, mixing<br />

process, water and gas geochemistry.<br />


The study area (about 180 km 2 ), located in the Mazarrón-<br />

Gañuelas Tertiary basin (Murcia) (central-southern Spain), is part<br />

of the Alto Guadalentín Valley, which lies in the Betic<br />

Cordilleras (SE Spain), pertaining the eastern sector of the<br />

Alborán Domain. The ENE-WSW Betic Cordillera shapes a W-E<br />

elongated orogenic belt corresponding to the western Alpine<br />

orogenic belt in the Mediterranean area. The Guadalentín Valley<br />

is one of the Late-Neogene to Quaternary sedimentary basins<br />

developed along the set of NE–SW active strike-slip fault<br />

systems of the Eastern Betic Shear Zone. During the Plio-<br />

Pleistocene, compressive tectonics disjointed the Alborán<br />

Domain into sub-basins and E-W and WSW-ENE large folds<br />

were developed, likely representing the zone of crustal thinning<br />

and magmatism. The rifting and accompanying crustal thinning<br />

were part of the tectonics in the western Mediterranean and<br />

related to the formation of the Rhine basin in Germany and both<br />

the Rhone and Algero-Provençal basins in France (SANZ DE<br />

GALDEANO, 1990). In the SE part of the Iberian Peninsula, the<br />

Betic Cordilleras shows hydrothermal activity, which produced<br />

CO2 enrichment in groundwater. For this reason in the eighties, in<br />

_________________________<br />

(°) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse CNR, Pisa (Italy),<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Firenze,;<br /><br />

(**) Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra, Zaragoza (Spain),<br />,<br />

(***) Dept of Earth and Env. Sciences, Rochester (USA),<br /><br />

(°°) CIEMAT-Departamento de Medio Ambiente, Madrid (Spain),<br />;<br />

(°°°) Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra CSIC, Granada (Spain),<br /><br />

This work is funded by MICINN (Spain) and FEDER Funds (UE) in the<br />

framework of the PSE Project (PSE-120.000-2008-6) (Principal Researcher<br />

PhD Del Villar).<br />

184<br />

the Alto Reventón, within the Mazarrón-Gañuelas basin, two<br />

wells (El Saladillo and El Reventón) were drilled for geothermal<br />

energy prospecting at the depth of 535 and 710 m, respectively.<br />

The rocks constituting the main reliefs and its substratum<br />

belong to the Nevado–Filábride Complex (Paleozoic schist and<br />

quartzite as well as Permian to the Upper Triassic quartzite,<br />

micaschist, metabasite and marble formations) and to the<br />

Maláguide Complex (Permo-Triassic sandstone, quartzite, shale,<br />

conglomerate and limestone units) (ALONSO-CHAVES., et aiil<br />

2004).<br />

These formations are overlied by Miocenic sediments (mainly<br />

marls, sand- and limestones and conglomerates) and riodacite<br />

rocks. Plio-Quaternary conglomerate, sandstone, silt and clay<br />

rocks close the stratigraphic sequence. The aquifer of the Alto<br />

Guadalentín is divided into 2 separated horizons: i) a shallow<br />

reservoir within in the Plio-Quaternary rocks, forming the main<br />

aquifer and ii) a deep reservoir within in the Nevado–Filábride<br />

Complex, characterized by secondary permeability. Since 1960,<br />

and especially in the last 20 years, cool-season agriculture has<br />

strongly developed in this area. This has favored a sharp increase<br />

in water demand. The increasing water consumption has resulted<br />

in an overexploitation of the Alto Guadalentín detrital aquifer,<br />

which, consequently, was strongly contaminated by a the deepseated<br />

saline CO2-rich aquifer. This occurrence has forced the<br />

local farmers to abandon the wells or to diluite the well water<br />

with fresh water. In this framework a preliminary investigation on<br />

about 20 waters and dissolved gases collected in the Mazarrón-<br />

Gañuelas basin at different depth (>50 ÷ 300 m) was carried out<br />

with the aim to i) geochemically and isotopically characterize the<br />

effects of the deep-seated CO2-rich saline aquifer with the<br />

shallower ones and ii) assess the geochemical processes deriving<br />

by this mixing in terms of water quality.<br />


Temperature, pH and electrical conductivity of the well<br />

waters were measured in the field during a survey carried out in<br />

March 2010, whereas major and minor ion chemistry were<br />

analyzed in the laboratory by using routine methods. The<br />

dissolved gases were collected after withdrawing the well water<br />

at surface with a bailer, whose lower end was connected via a<br />

silicone tube to a 250 mL pre-evacuated vial that was filled with

the water for about 2/3 of its volume (TASSI et alii, 2008). The<br />

dissolved gas composition and the δ 13 C-CO2 (V-PDB ‰) values<br />

were determined according to VASELLI et alii (2006) and TASSI et<br />

alii (2008). Groundwater temperatures are between 21.4 and 45.7<br />

°C, electrical conductivity was in the range of 886-11,290 μS/cm,<br />

and the pH values are between 6.30 and 8.99. The water<br />

composition is characterized by 5 chemical facies: Na(K)-SO4<br />

(32%), Na(K)-Cl (26%), Na(K)-HCO3 (16%), Ca-SO4 (16%) and<br />

Ca(Mg)-HCO3 (10%) (Fig. 2). This variability is likely favored<br />

by the depth of the fractures affecting the substratum, which<br />

allows the rise of a deep-seated CO2-rich saline aquifer<br />

represented by the two exploration wells: El Reventon and El<br />

Saladillo. Carbon dioxide is the most abundant compound in the<br />

dissolved gases, being the concentration of this gas >80 % by vol.<br />

in >75% of collected samples.<br />

Fig. 2 – Anion and cation ternary diagrams for the Mazarrón-Gañuelas<br />

groundwaters (s.w: sea water)<br />

The N2/O2 ratios, which are higher than those in the air (3.73),<br />

with the exception of 3 samples likely affected by air during<br />

sampling, suggest that O2 is promptly consumed in oxidative<br />

process occurring underground. Accordingly, the O2/Ne<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Holocene stratigraphy of the south Venetian Plain:<br />

new insight data and correlations<br />

Key words: alluvial ridge, Holocene, palaeochannel, Venetian<br />

Plain<br />

The late Holocene distal tract of the Adige sedimentary<br />

system is bounded to the north by the Brenta River megafan and<br />

to the south by the Po sedimentary system (MURST, 1997;<br />

FONTANA, et alii, 2008). This latter boundary is not well defined,<br />

as branches of the Po River have occasionally intersected the<br />

Adige alluvial plain and, vice versa, Adige channels have crossed<br />

the Po Plain.<br />

The study area is located within the belt where the Adige and<br />

Po rivers have interfingered in the past. This alluvial plain is<br />

characterized by a complex network of alluvial ridges formed by<br />

the aggradation of sandy and silty channel deposits, natural levees<br />

and minor proximal crevasse splays (VEGGIANI, 1972; PERETTO,<br />

1986; MARCOLONGO, 1987; CASTIGLIONI, 2001; PIOVAN et alii<br />

2010). The interdistributary depressions are generally silty-clay,<br />

but frequently show evidence of accumulation of organic deposits<br />

in extensive swamps or are occupied by dense networks of distal<br />

crevasse channels and splays.<br />

High-resolution sedimentological and geochronological data,<br />

here presented, allow the description of major alluvial ridges. As<br />

well, the correlation among stratigraphical elements is shown in a<br />

number of cross-sections.<br />

A stratigraphic marker is provided by a calcic horizon which<br />

has been reached at average depth of 7 m in Cona and Conselve<br />

cross-sections. It can be correlated with the “caranto” palaeosoil<br />

of the Lagoon of Venice (GATTO &PREVIATELLO, 1974; MOZZI<br />

et alii 2003), which formed during the sedimentary hiatus and<br />

sub-aerial exposure of the alluvial plain between the end of the<br />

Last Glacial Maximum and the post-glacial transgression. This<br />

buried soil marks the top of the Late Pleistocene sequence in the<br />

whole Venetian-Friulian Plain (FONTANA et alii, 2008).<br />

Another important element for stratigraphic reconstruction is<br />

a 1 m thick peat layer recognized in the whole study area at the<br />

average depth of 5 m. Chronostratigraphic evidence indicates that<br />

this major organic-rich sedimentary event in the fluvial series<br />

may correlate with the marine maximum flooding surface.<br />

___________________________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Geografia, Università di Padova,<br />


186<br />

The radiocarbon dating of the bottom of this peat layer is<br />

4435±5306 cal BP at Cona and 3557±3699 cal BP at Conselve,<br />

just ca. 1 m above the calcic palaeosoil; this points to condensed<br />

alluvial sedimentation during the early Holocene. Other ages<br />

from the bottom of this layer are 4570±5330 cal BP in Saline and<br />

5595±5754 cal BP in Santa Margherita. The radiocarbon dating<br />

at the top of the peat provided the ages of 3455±4094 cal BP in<br />

Cona, 3201±3354 cal BP in Conselve, 4237±4979 cal BP in<br />

Saline and 3158±3383 cal BP in Santa Margherita cross sections.<br />

Radiocarbon datings evidence that the base of the peat layer is<br />

progressively younger in more landward locations. Peat started to<br />

form around 5700 cal BP in Santa Margherita, the place nearest<br />

to the coastline, at 5300±4400 cal BP in Saline-Cona and 3600<br />

cal BP in Conselve.<br />

After peat deposition, a phase of major aggradation occurred<br />

in the area, which resulted in the formation of alluvial ridges.<br />

Radiocarbon datings on organic clays in natural levee deposits in<br />

Conselve and Santa Margherita cross sections give the ages of<br />

1950±2119 cal BP at 3.53 m depth and 1995±2157 cal BP at 2.5<br />

m depth respectively. This evidences continuous aggradation<br />

until Roman times, mainly related to the Adige alluvial system as<br />

around 3000 BP the Po di Saline-Cona palaeochannel was not<br />

anymore active (PIOVAN et alii, 2010).<br />


CASTIGLIONI G. B. (2001) - Response of the fluvial system to<br />

environmental variations. In G. B. Castiglioni, and G. B.<br />

Pellegrini (Eds.), <strong>Il</strong>lustrative Notes of the Geomorphological<br />

Map of Po Plain (Italy). Geog. Fis. Dinam. Quat. 4, 165-188.<br />

GATTO P., & PREVIATELLO P. (1974) - Significato stratigrafico,<br />

comportamento meccanico e distribuzione nella laguna di<br />

Venezia di un’argilla sovraconsolidata nota come “caranto”.<br />

C.N.R., Ist. Dinamica Grandi Masse, TR70, 1-45.<br />

MARCOLONGO B. (1987) - Ricostruzione paleoidrografica<br />

attraverso interpretazione di immagini telerilevate. In B.<br />

Marcolongo (Eds.) - Paleoidrografia tardoquaternaria <strong>della</strong><br />

pianura veneta sudoccidentale e il suo significato in una<br />

ricostruzione paleo climatica. C.N.R., Padova, 6-9.<br />


Stratigraphy, palaeopedology and palynology of Late

Pleistocene and Holocene deposits in the landward sector of<br />

the Lagoon of Venice (Italy), in relation to the “caranto”<br />

level. <strong>Il</strong> Quaternario, 16(1b), 193-210.<br />


TECHNOLOGY (1997) - Geomorphological Map of Po Plain.<br />

MURST-S.El.Ca,3 sheet, scale 1:250000, Firenze.<br />

PERETTO R. (1986) - Ambiente e strutture antropiche nell'antico<br />

Polesine. In AA.VV. (Eds.) - L'antico Polesine.<br />

Testimonianze archeologiche e paleoambientali. Antoniana<br />

s.p.a., Padova, 21-100.<br />

PIOVAN S., P. MOZZI & C. STEFANI (2010) - Bronze Age<br />

palaeohydrography of the southern Venetian Plain.<br />

Geoarchaeology, 25, (1), 6-35.<br />

VEGGIANI A. (1972) - <strong>Il</strong> ramo del Po di Adria nella tarda Età del<br />

Bronzo. Padusa, 8(3-4), 123-126.<br />

187<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Groundwater quality assessment of the Palermo Mts.<br />


Key words: Groundwater quality, hydrogeochemistry,<br />

hydrogeology, pollution.<br />

The 20st century and the begin of the 21st are characterized<br />

by important global climate changes, most of them phenomena<br />

can be attributed to the emissions of greenhouse gases by human<br />

activities (PATZ et alii, 2000; HAINES et alii, 2004; MCMICHAEL<br />

et alii, 2004; EPSTEIN et alii, 2005). The rainfall reduction and<br />

extermination are playing an important role on the degradation of<br />

the water quality and availability.<br />

The increased water demand and the bad management policy<br />

have further damaged the fragile eco-system with waste and<br />

pollution phenomena, deforestation and desertification processes.<br />

Sicily, located in the Central Mediterranean, is an aridsemiarid<br />

region, the groundwater resources are unequally<br />

distributed in the island and greatly depending from its geological<br />

setting.<br />

The Carbonatic Mesozoic reliefs of the Palermo Mts.<br />

(Western Sicily) were selected in order to investigate<br />

groundwater contamination and spatial relationships among<br />

groundwater quality, topography, geology, landuse and pollution<br />

sources, because these karst aquifers are the main groundwater<br />

resources used for human supply of Palermo, with about 700.000<br />

inhabitants.<br />

The hydrogeological framework of these tectonic unities,<br />

stacked according to the ramp-flat geometries, shows<br />

occasionally an hydraulic connection to the bordering tectonic<br />

unities or to the sea. The groundwater flow is essentially<br />

controlled by the principal tectonic lineations, by the overlapping<br />

plains of the pelitic deposits and by several karstic forms<br />

(CONTINO et alii, 1999; CALVI et alii, 2000).<br />

Chemical analysis results indicate that groundwaters show<br />

wide concentration ranges in major inorganic ions, reflecting<br />

complex hydrochemical processes, dominated by the<br />

calcium/magnesium (Ca 2+ /Mg 2+ ) and bicarbonate (HCO3 - ) ions.<br />

The predominant water type of groundwater samples is the<br />

calcium magnesium carbonate facies in the recharge area.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Palermo,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Geologia e Geodesia dell’Università di Palermo,<br />

Palermo<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto PRIN 2007 con il <strong>contributo</strong><br />

finanziario dell’Università di Palermo<br />

188<br />

Moreover the results explained the importance of cation<br />

exchange, mineral weathering, and anthropogenic activities on<br />

groundwater chemistry. It was indicated that cation exchange and<br />

Cl-salt inputs are the major process controlling the water<br />

chemistry on the flat zones. The irrigated agriculture and the<br />

overexploitation of groundwater aquifers are leading to seawater<br />

intrusion and severe deterioration of groundwater quality at<br />

coastal areas, compromising also the main karst aquifers.<br />


PATZ J.A., MCGEEHIN M.A. & BERNARD S.M. (2000) - The<br />

potential health impacts of climate variability and change for<br />

the United States: executive summary of the report of the<br />

health sector of the U.S. National Assessment. Environ Health<br />

Perspect, 108, 367–76.<br />

HAINES A. & PATZ J.A. (2004) - Health effects of climate change.<br />

JAMA, 291, 99 –103.<br />

MCMICHAEL A. & WOODRUFF R. (2004) - Climate change and<br />

risk to health. BMJ, 329, 1416–1417.<br />

EPSTEIN P.R. (2005) - Climate change and human health. N.<br />

Engl. J. Med., 353, 1433–1436.<br />

CONTINO A., CUSIMANO G. & FRIAS FORCADA A. (1999) - Nuovi<br />

contributi <strong>alla</strong> conoscenza dell’assetto idrostrutturale <strong>dei</strong><br />

Monti di Palermo, Geologi di Sicilia, 2, 3.<br />


FORCADA A., HAUSER S. & PELLERITO S. (2000) -<br />

Hydrostructures related to the Piana di Palermo aquifers and<br />

their hydrogeochimical characteristics. In: R. Catalano & G.<br />

Lo Cicero (Eds.), Sicily, a Natural Laboratory, in the<br />

Mediterranean Area: Structures, Seas, Resources and<br />

Hazards. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 55, 473-481.

Surface water and groundwater monitoring and numerical modeling of<br />

the southern sector of the Massaciuccoli Lake basin (Italy)<br />



Key words: Groundwater numerical modeling, MODFLOW-<br />

2000, water management and planning<br />


Investigating the natural system and evaluating a reliable<br />

water budget are fundamental and mandatory steps prior to any<br />

remedial action development that may impact the water cycle.<br />

During a project aimed at defining mitigation schemes to the<br />

eutrophication problem, a detailed quantitative surface- and<br />

ground-water monitoring of the southern sector of the<br />

Massaciuccoli Lake basin was performed. The acquired data were<br />

then processed to build a numerical model of the first aquifer.<br />

The Lake of Massaciuccoli (7 km 2 wide and 1.5/2 m deep)<br />

and its palustrine nearby areas (about 13 km 2 wide) constitute a<br />

residual coastal lacustrine and marshy area. Large part of the<br />

basin has been reclaimed since 1930 by means of pumping<br />

stations forcing water from the drained areas into the lake. In the<br />

study domain two mechanically drained sub-catchments are<br />

present: the Vecchiano and the Massaciuccoli Bonifica (Fig. 1).<br />

An update review of the literature was performed and several<br />

stratigraphical data analysed to provide a hydrostratigraphical<br />

simplified conceptual model. The main hydrostratigraphic unit is<br />

defined by sand deposits which constitute a 30 to 40 m thick<br />

superficial aquifer on the west side, and pinching out on the<br />

eastern margin while passing to sandy to clayey silt unit. These<br />

two units are overlain by recent deposits (few meters thick)<br />

showing a North-South trend moving from the alluvial fan<br />

deposits (silty to clayey sands) of the Serchio River to peaty clay<br />

and then peat. In terms of hydrological boundaries, the<br />

investigated domain is bordered by carbonate to arenaceous<br />

reliefs on the east and by a potentiometric high in the sandy<br />

coastal shallow aquifer on the west. South and North of the<br />

domain, the Serchio River and the Lake Massaciuccoli water<br />

body respectively are hydraulically connected with the superficial<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Land Lab - Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Agronomia e Gestione dell'Agroecosistema –<br />

Università degli Studi di Pisa,<br />

189<br />

Fig. Fig. 1 – Study 1 – Study area area setting.<br />

setting.<br />

aquifer. Hydrogeochemical analysis confirmed the hypothesis on<br />

the conceptual model (PISTOCCHI et alii, 2010).<br />



Surface water discharges of several drains were monitored<br />

monthly to determine baseflow. Measurements were performed<br />

by means of an acoustic digital current meter (OTT ADC; OTT<br />

MESSTECHNIK GMBH, 2008) due to low flow velocities. At the<br />

same time groundwater head in the superficial aquifer was<br />

monitored during several campaign in order to get a deeper<br />

insight on the boundary conditions. On the other hand, this kind<br />

of activities showed that traditional monitoring in reclaimed land<br />

area is not appropriate to represent the groundwater flow field,<br />

because of the presence of several drains, which would require a<br />

large number of monitoring wells. Anyway, they confirm that<br />

recharge to the aquifer occurs also by means of lake seepage, and<br />

from the sand dune aquifer to the Vecchiano Bonifica, while the<br />

carbonate relief aquifer discharges into the Massaciuccoli<br />

Bonifica.<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Then, in order to define the groundwater flow field and to<br />

estimate baseflow to the drainage ditches a groundwater<br />

numerical model by means of the MODFLOW-2000 (HARBAUGH<br />

et alii, 2000) code was implemented. A transient simulation,<br />

using time steps ranging 2.5 to 5 days, was performed and<br />

calibrated for the period July 2008- December 24 2009. The<br />

conceptual model was translated into a numerical one by means<br />

of a grid of 11.9x10.6 km, with 25x25 m cells, and three layers,<br />

the first one representing superficial deposits while the second<br />

and third one the sandy aquifer. Values for hydraulic<br />

conductivities and storage were derived both from site-specific<br />

tests, previous studies and literature data. In terms of boundary<br />

conditions, the lake, the sea and the Serchio River were<br />

represented using a time-variant Dirichlet condition, while<br />

recharge due to meteoric precipitation and inflow from the<br />

eastern carbonate aquifer were simulated by means of a<br />

Neumann’s condition. The drainage network as well as the canals<br />

used for irrigation purposes during the summer period were<br />

reproduced using a Cauchy boundary. Initial conditions were<br />

derived by a steady-state simulation calibrated on low-flow<br />

conditions. Calibration was performed under steady and transient<br />

state by means of automated and trial and error methods using<br />

both heads and surface water flow measurements. Having several<br />

different sets of measurements and two kind of variables to<br />

perform calibration helped in constraining uncertain parameters<br />

and therefore the solution of the flow field.<br />

The implemented model allows to define the groundwater<br />

flow field (Fig. 2), to estimate the baseflow volume drained by<br />

the Vecchiano and Massaciuccoli Bonifica, and to quantify the<br />

relative groundwater contribution to these sub-catchments by the<br />

adjoining areas. These data, compared to the overall water budget<br />

(PISTOCCHI et alii, 2010), shows that nearly 80% of the water<br />

Fig. 2 – Simulated head in the investigated domain at the end of the spring period 2009.<br />

190<br />

raised by the pumping stations from the two Bonifica into the lake<br />

is constituted by groundwater drained form the superficial<br />

aquifer. Hence, the analysis of the transfer processes of pollutants<br />

into the lake due to the reclaimed land shall take in account both<br />

transport processes in the aquifer and physico-chemical processes<br />

in the hyporheyc zone.<br />



(2000) - MODFLOW-2000, the U.S. Geological Survey<br />

modular ground-water model -- User guide to modularization<br />

concepts and the Ground-Water Flow Process. U.S.<br />

Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-92, 121 pp.<br />

OTT MESSTECHNIK GMBH (2008) – OTT Acoustic Digital Current<br />

Meter.<br />

<br />

[Accessed June 7 2010]<br />



BONARI E. (2010) - Water quality and agricultural practices:<br />

the case study of southern Massaciuccoli reclaimed land<br />

(Tuscany, Italy). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12,<br />

EGU2010-12984-3, 2010 EGU General Assembly 2010.

Groundwater numerical modeling of the Bientina-Cerbaie aquifer<br />

system as a tool for water management<br />

Key words: Aquifer overexploitation, water budget mith,<br />

groundwater numerical modeling<br />

Aquifer mismanagement may have negative impacts on the<br />

quali-quantitative status of the groundwater resource, especially<br />

in areas where severe conflicts on water use among various<br />

stakeholders take place. In this context, relying aquifer<br />

exploitation just on the concept of equilibrium given in the<br />

traditional water balance (sustainable development=rate of<br />

natural recharge) may lead to aquifer overexploitation or even<br />

groundwater mining (“the water budget myth”; Bredehoeft,<br />

2002). This because the increased recharge and decreased<br />

discharge induced by pumping introduces an error related to the<br />

modification of the aquifer steady-state (Zhou, 2009).<br />

Since groundwater numerical modeling allows the evaluation<br />

of response dynamics of groundwater systems, it constitutes a<br />

reliable methodology to rigorously cope with the abovementioned<br />

topic. Groundwater numerical modeling using the<br />

USGS code MODFLOW-2000 (HARBAUGH et alii, 2000) was<br />

applied to the groundwater system of Bientina- Cerbaie (Tuscany,<br />

Italy), where several well fields supply groundwater for drinkable<br />

and industrial uses, within the LIFE06 ENV/IT/255 Action for<br />

Systemic Aquifer Protection project (ASAP, 2010). The study<br />

area presented during the last 10-20 years phenomena such as<br />

continuous water-level drawdown, water quality deterioration,<br />

subsidence; all these indicators may be related to aquifer<br />

overexploitation (CUSTODIO, 2002). The main aim of the analysis<br />

was:<br />

- to evaluate the transient state of the aquifer system,<br />

- to investigate the provenance of the recharge induced by<br />

pumping,<br />

- to estimate the impact of a reduction of pumping rates of the<br />

drinking water wells on the aquifer head,<br />

- and to test the use of the model as a groundwater<br />

management tool.<br />

The geometry and hydrostratigraphy of the aquifer system was<br />

conceptualised analysing about 300 stratigraphic data and<br />

hydrodynamic parameters available from pumping tests (Fig.2).<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Land Lab - Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna,<br />

(**) Acque Ingegneria Srl,<br />

(°) H2O Ingegneria Srl,<br />

191<br />

Several uncertainties arose already at this stage due to the<br />

reliability and distribution of stratigraphic data coming from<br />

different sources, and to the scarce number of hydrodynamic<br />

parameters available compared to the study area vertical and<br />

horizontal extension. Because of that, applying the principle of<br />

parsimony (HILL &TIEDEMANN, 2007) and following previous<br />

interpretation (AGUZZI et alii, 2006; BALDACCI et alii, 1994), the<br />

hydrogeological system was simplified in three main<br />

hydrostratigraphic units (HU):<br />

- HU1: clayey to peaty fine deposits;<br />

- HU2: Conglomerato del Serchio (gravel) and Unità delle<br />

Cerbaie (mainly sands and gravel);<br />

- HU3: silty to gravelly sediments Early Pleistocene to<br />

(Early?) Middle-Upper Pliocene in age.<br />

Fig. 1 – Study domain, stratigraphic data and hydrodynamic parameter<br />

distribution.<br />

No data were available about the depth at which a no-flow<br />

boundary at the bottom of HU3 could be identified. Hence, the<br />

model bottom was set at depth of -150 m a.m.s.l. This assumption<br />

was tested to evaluate any impact of the bottom domain boundary<br />

condition on the outflow due to pumping rates in the study<br />

domain. At such a depth we estimated that it was not affected by<br />

any inflow or outflow bottom boundary.<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

The conceptual model was translated into a numerical one by<br />

means of a grid of 21.0x17.5km, with 100x100 m cells, refined to<br />

25X25 m in the areas of well fields, and three layers, one for each<br />

HU. Because of the lack of a regional sketch of the groundwater<br />

flow field, assigning boundary conditions was not a<br />

straightforward operation. Based on few field studies and on<br />

hydrological considerations, we inferred the missing<br />

hydrodynamic limits. Boundary conditions were then defined as<br />

following:<br />

- inflow from the Lucca aquifer from the northern limit;<br />

- outflow to the Valdinievole-Fucecchio and the Valdarno<br />

inferiore-Santa Croce aquifer system on the North/East-East side;<br />

- inflow from the Monti Pisani; and<br />

- outflow from the Bientina plain to the Arno River aquifer<br />

system.<br />

Transient simulations, using 15-day time steps, were<br />

performed, calibrated and validated for the period January 2003-<br />

September 2009, starting by a general steady-state simulation<br />

referred to Autumn 2002 (Fig. 2). Results were obtained both for<br />

head distribution in time and space during the investigated period<br />

and the inflow and outflow from the analysed system. The model<br />

solution well represents the groundwater flow field where it was<br />

known by previous studies (ASAP, 2010) and it provides head<br />

distribution for areas where the flow field is still unknown (i.e.<br />

the Cerbaie domain). Results also show that a joint effort in<br />

planning the water use is required in some part of the domain, as<br />

i.e. in the Porcari area. A 10% reduction in pumping rates at the<br />

Cerbaie well field produced a simulated head raise of about 0.3-<br />

0.5 m. The latter was in good agreement with head values<br />

monitored during the ASAP project, when a real pumping rate<br />

reduction took place.<br />

Anyway, because of all the above-mentioned uncertainties<br />

within the conceptual model, quantitative flow evaluations may<br />

only be considered as preliminary outcomes. Defining reliable<br />

and validated boundary conditions, especially on the eastern side<br />

of the domain, becomes a crucial step in estimating the water<br />

budget or prior to perform predictive simulations, i.e. at Porcari<br />

or Cerbaie well field area. Then, before setting any water<br />

management scheme, based on unrealistic assumptions, it is<br />

necessary that governing authorities finance field work (mainly in<br />

terms of hydrostratigraphic and hydrodynamic investigations), as<br />

large part of the domain is still not known by an hydrological<br />

point of view.<br />

This study shows that we require modeling tools, not only to<br />

get quantitative estimates useful for water planning, but also to<br />

guide further hydrological investigations and to get the maximum<br />

from data obtained by direct or indirect field investigations.<br />

Thanks to its capability, groundwater modelling should be an<br />

ordinary methodology applied by the water authorities to plan<br />

and to manage the water resource, especially in areas where<br />

complex withdrawal schemes are present and a continuous new<br />

equilibrium is reached.<br />

192<br />

Fig. 2 – Computed head in the steady state simulation related to a<br />

general condition of the groundwater flow field in Autumn 2002.<br />



G. & VAIANI S.C. (2006) - Stratigraphic architecture and<br />

aquifer systems in the eastern Valdarno Basin, Tuscany.<br />

GeoActa, 5, 2006, pp. 39-60.<br />

ASAP (2009) - [WWW] <br />

[Accessed June 7 2010].<br />

BALDACCI F., BELLINI L. & RAGGI G. (1994) – Le risorse idriche<br />

sotterranee <strong>della</strong> pianura di Pisa. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat.,<br />

Mem., Serie A, 101, pp.241-322.<br />

BREDEHOEFT J. D. (2002) - The water budget mith revisited: why<br />

hydrogeologist model. Ground Water 40 (4), 340-345.<br />

CUSTODIO E. (2002) - Aquifer overexploitation: what does it<br />

mean? Hydrogeol. J., 10, 254-277.<br />


(2000) - MODFLOW-2000, the U.S. Geological Survey<br />

modular ground-water model -- User guide to modularization<br />

concepts and the Ground-Water Flow Process. U.S.<br />

Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-92, 121 pp.<br />

HILL M.C. & TIEDEMANN C.R. (2007) - Effective Groundwater<br />

Model Calibration: With Analysis of Data, Sensitivities,<br />

Predictions, and Uncertainty. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,<br />

Hoboken, New Jersey, US.<br />

ZHOU Y. (2009) – A critical review of groundwater budget mith,<br />

safe yield and sustainability. J. Hydrol., 370, 207-313.

SID&GRID: hydroinformatics system for the management of the<br />

water resource<br />



Key words: DBMS and GIS, hydrological models, water<br />

management and planning<br />

The water resource is facing a growing pressure due to<br />

anthropogenic impact and varying climate conditions. Hence, the<br />

management of such a resource constitutes one of the most<br />

important environmental problems to deal in the next years<br />

(UNESCO, 2003). Recommendations have then been issued by<br />

the European Environment Agency focusing on the need for the<br />

implementation of new tools and technologies (EEA, 2009).<br />

If we consider the Italian example, several authorities are<br />

governing the water resource (Regione, Provincia, Autorità di<br />

Bacino, etc.), while, usually, shared companies (private and<br />

public) supply water and services to several stakeholders for<br />

farming, industrial production, and drinking water. Nowadays,<br />

the absence of shared tools that allow the integrated management<br />

leads to a qualitative approach only, raising conflicts among<br />

stakeholders difficult to manage for the various institutions.<br />

Another problem is related to the traditional separation in the<br />

quantitative analysis of the water cycle between surface- and<br />

ground-water, which finally leads to: hard integration of the<br />

analysis performed and unreliable assessment of water resource<br />

availability and of the impacts due, i.e., to land cover<br />

modification and climate change.<br />

The research project SID&GRID, started April 2010, aims to<br />

develop a Decision Support System (DSS) defined by a<br />

framework based on open source and public domain solutions for<br />

the planning and management of the water resource to be share<br />

by the final users of the project partnership (e.g. river authorities<br />

and water service companies). It will consist in watershed-scale<br />

model able to simulate surface and subsurface flow in a threedimensional<br />

domain. The SID&GRID solution will be able to<br />

connect the DataBase Management System (DBMS), catchment<br />

models and GIS interface by Open Source applications and<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Land Lab - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna,<br />

(**) Dip. Mat. U. Dini - Università di Firenze,<br />

(°) Istituto ISTI - CNR,<br />

The project is financed by the Regione Toscana under the POR-FSE 2010-<br />

2013.<br />

193<br />

library, choosing the most effective and efficient integration<br />

approach (Fig. 1).<br />

The project will last 3 years and it is divided in 7<br />

workpackages (WP). A technical review on the state of the art<br />

about the integration between Geographic Information System<br />

(GIS) and hydrological models constitutes the core activity of the<br />

first WP and it is a present ongoing task. It involves the collection<br />

and review of previous and current experiences from National<br />

and International research program.<br />

This study phase showed three macro approaches in national<br />

and international experiences: the first is based on the OpenMI<br />

standard implementation into GIS core system to exchange and<br />

run OpenMI compliant model (OPEN MI ASSOCIATION, 2006); the<br />

second approach provides an algorithms models integration into<br />

GIS analysis tools (for example, 2D and 3D Ground Water<br />

Model in GRASS GIS 6; Carrera-Hernandez and Gaskin, 2004);<br />

the third and last approach is based on the USGS application<br />

solution (MARKSTROM & KOCZOT, 2008) to customize, run,<br />

calibrate and visualize models and their output data supported by<br />

an Object User Interface (with a map window for spatial data).<br />

During the first year, the DBMS (Data Base Management<br />

System) and the GIS architecture will be designed and developed<br />

to pre-process, process and output data model (spatial and no<br />

spatial) visualization.<br />

Physically based hydrological models rely on the solutions of<br />

general conservation equations of fluid mechanics and associated<br />

boundary conditions. They may fall into three categories based on<br />

(BITTELLI et alii, 2010): domain simplification (i.e., SHE model;<br />

BATHURST &CONNELL, 1992); simplified domain (i.e.: Sutra;<br />

VOSS &PROVOST, 2002; Modflow; MCDONALD &HARBAUG,<br />

1988); replacement of physical equations with simplified semiempirical<br />

models (i.e.: SWAT; ARNOLD et alii, 1999). The<br />

review of such models will allow the knowledge of the potential,<br />

flexibility and weakness of each of them. Once this review will be<br />

accomplished, our main goal will be the coupling of explicit<br />

codes solving subsurface flow with those solving the surface<br />

flow. Attention will be posed in the development and/or<br />

improvement of the simulation of particular hydrological<br />

processes (i.e. evapotranspiration processes).<br />

Further WP include the development of the DBMS and GIS<br />

architecture (WP 2), and of the following coupling hydrological<br />

code (WP 3). The software Graphical User Interface (GUI) is due<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Share and<br />

Interoperability<br />

Web<br />

OGC<br />

Interface<br />

Pre-processing Simulation Post-processing<br />

GIS Engine Hydro-code<br />

SID&GRID<br />

to be completed at the end of WP 4. The developed tool will be<br />

tested starting by the second year of the project on the test site of<br />

the Lucca plain hydrological system (WP 5). Finally,<br />

dissemination activities (workshops, seminars, free lectures, as<br />

well as an educational package) are the main task of WP 6. WP 7<br />

is a huge workpackage of coordinating and administrative<br />

actions. To be updated about such events, please, follow us at the<br />

website:<br />



(1999) - Soil and Water Assessment Tool. Model description.<br />

Technical report Texas Agricultural Experiment Station,<br />

USDA-ARS, Grassland, Soil and Water Research Laboratory-<br />

Agricultural Research Service Blackland Research Center.<br />

BATHURST J.C. & CONNELL P.E.O. (1992) - The system<br />

hydrologique Européen. Hydrol. Process., 6, 265–77.<br />


BROOKS E.S. & ANTOLINI G. (2010) - Development and<br />

testing of a physically based, three-dimensional model of<br />

surface and subsurface hydrology. Adv. Wat. Resour., 33,<br />

106–122.<br />

CARRERA-HERNANDEZ J. J. & GASKIN J. S. (2004) - GMT: a<br />

groundwater modelling tool for integrated water<br />

management in FEM-MODFLOW and more. Proceedings of<br />

the conference held at Karlovy Vary: Czech Republic.<br />

Graphical User Interface of Control System<br />

194<br />

GeoDBMS<br />

Cloud GeoDBMS<br />

Fig. 1 - SID&GRID logic infrastructure.<br />

Output<br />

Data<br />

Analyzer<br />

EEA (2009) - Water resources across Europe – confronting<br />

water scarcity and drought. EEA Report n. 2, 2009.<br />

MARKSTROM S.L. & KOCZOT K.M. (2008) - User’s Manual for<br />

the Object User Interface (OUI): An Environmental Resource<br />

Modeling Framework. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File<br />

Report 2008-1120, 39 p.<br />

MCDONALD M.G. & HARBAUGH, A.W. (1988) - A modular threedimensional<br />

finite-difference ground-water flow model: U.S.<br />

Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources<br />

Investigations, Book 6, Chap. A1, 586 pp.<br />

OPEN MI ASSOCIATION (2006) - [WWW] [Accessed 18 May 2010]<br />

UNESCO (2003) - The World Water development report water<br />

for people, water for life. UNESCO publishing.<br />

VOSS C.I. & PROVOST A.M. (2002) - Sutra, a model for saturated–<br />

unsaturated variable density ground-water flow with energy or<br />

solute transport. US Geological Survey, Open-file report 02-<br />

4231, 250 pp.

Key words: Arno plain, channel stacking patterns, fluvial<br />

architecture, late Holocene, palaeohydrography.<br />

During the last decades in response to a worldwide rising<br />

demand of clean drinking water, researches concerning<br />

management and conservation of water resources in coastal and<br />

alluvial plains have attracted an increasing attention. Since<br />

aquifer systems structures and distribution reflect facies patterns<br />

and sediment-bodies geometries, realistic models of groundwater<br />

circulation must rely upon detailed subsurface stratigraphic<br />

reconstructions.<br />

The Quaternary successions buried beneath present coastal<br />

plains are characterized by a vertical stacking pattern of<br />

transgressive-regressive sequences falling within the<br />

Milankovitch (100ka) band. Thus, fluvial deposits show different<br />

depositional architectures and trends depending on their position<br />

in the sedimentary cycle. Regionally extensive amalgamated<br />

fluvial bodies (channel belts) formed during relatively low<br />

accommodation phases, induced by regressive glacial conditions.<br />

On the contrary, thinner and lenticular fluvial-channel sands<br />

within predominant mud-prone floodplain deposits usually<br />

occurred during the late stages of sea-level rise under interglacial<br />

high-accommodation conditions (highstand systems tract).<br />

Late Holocene fluvio-deltaic successions buried beneath<br />

present alluvial and coastal plains represent a good basis for<br />

better understand sand bodies distribution and geometries within<br />

the highstand successions.<br />

A large georeferenced subsurface database was used for the<br />

first time to provide a high-resolution reconstruction of the fluvial<br />

architectural elements recorded within the mid-late Holocene<br />

succession of the Arno plain and evaluate impacts of climate and<br />

human activity on river dynamics. Our attention was focused<br />

around the city of Pisa, characterized by an elevated<br />

concentration of subsurface data (cores and penetration tests) and<br />

archeological sites spanning from the Iron Age to Late Medieval<br />

times.<br />

_________________________<br />

Fluvial architecture of the Holocene succession<br />

in the Arno coastal plain<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche e Ambientali, Università di Bologna,<br />,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa,<br />

195<br />

Fluvial architectural elements composing the late highstand<br />

succession are reconstructed through several stratigraphic<br />

sections oriented transversal to the present Arno River course.<br />

Above laterally extensive lagoonal deposits locally known as<br />

“pancone”, the fluvio-deltaic succession is composed of isolated<br />

to amalgamated channel sand bodies, of variable thickness,<br />

within predominant flood-basin fine-grained deposits.<br />

Using upper boundaries of channel bodies as stratigraphic<br />

markers, four channel-belts (Units I-IV) are identified.<br />

Chronology of fluvial deposits is established integrating absolute<br />

radiocarbon ages with archaeological artifacts.<br />

Units I and II, respectively dated to the pre-Roman and<br />

Roman period, are composed of locally amalgamated, 2-8 mthick<br />

channel bodies. Despite an overall aggradational trend,<br />

Units I and II erode the underlying lagoonal deposits down to 4<br />

m. Proximity of Pisa to the coast suggests a possible control<br />

driven by small amplitude sea-level fall; however, a significant<br />

contribution of climate and human activity can not be excluded.<br />

More isolated and relatively thinner fluvial channel bodies<br />

compose Units III and IV, deposited during the post-Roman<br />

period.<br />

In addition, stratigraphic data have been synthesized to<br />

produce four palaeogeographical maps, reporting the main<br />

modifications that affected the drainage network of the Arno<br />

plain from late Neolithic-Eneolitic time to present. Between the<br />

pre-Roman age and the XII century AD, the Arno plain shows a<br />

complex palaeohydrographic system characterized by several<br />

active palaeochannels (Units I-III). According to historical<br />

sources and geomorphological maps, our data clearly document<br />

the confluence between Arno and an old branch of Serchio River<br />

(known as Auser) in correspondence of the city of Pisa. Only one<br />

active fluvial course almost coinciding with the present Arno<br />

River flows in the study area during the past 800 years (Unit IV),<br />

due to the embankment of the Auser.<br />

Our results confirm that fluvio-deltaic successions developed<br />

under interglacial, high-accomodation conditions are<br />

characterized by isolated to locally amalgamated channel-belt<br />

units, with vertical dimension generally exceeding horizontal<br />

extension. These deposits also hold the potential for developing<br />

detailed reconstructions of deltaic and alluvial plain<br />

palaeohydrography, including past hydrological events occurred<br />

in response to climatic fluctuations and changes in land-use.<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Detecting incised valleys in the subsurface of the Metaponto coastal<br />

plain (Southern Italy)<br />



Key words: Coastal plain, incised valley, Metaponto.<br />

The stratigraphic architecture of the Metaponto coastal<br />

plain subsurface (Southern Italy) was obtained from a data set<br />

composed of twenty continuously cored boreholes and over 350<br />

drills, 50-120 m deep. In particular, sedimentological,<br />

biostratigraphical and chronostratigraphical analyses were<br />

performed on four continuously cored boreholes.<br />

Furthermore, some profiles, parallel and transversal to the<br />

present-day shoreline, permitted correlations between the<br />

stratigraphic logs obtained from all boreholes. Thanks to the<br />

recognition of two discontinuity surfaces of regional extent, the<br />

Metaponto buried succession may be subdivided into three<br />

units.<br />

The middle-upper(?) Pleistocene lower unit (“substratum”),<br />

at least 60 m thick, is made up of silty and clayey-silty shelftransition<br />

deposits passing upward and landward to sandy and<br />

sandy-gravelly deltaic deposits.<br />

The upper boundary of this lower unit is represented by a<br />

very irregular surface which locally deepens up to 90 m and<br />

this can be related to incised valleys formed during time spans<br />

of subaerial exposition induced by relative fallings and lowstands<br />

of the sea level.<br />

These “paleovalleys”, mainly filled by estuarine deposits,<br />

developed during two time spans comprising between the<br />

Marine Isotope Stage 4 (MIS 4) and the Last Glacial Maximum<br />

(LGM). The middle unit, called unit MP1 (Metaponto Plain 1),<br />

lying on the substratum discontinuously, is late Pleistocene in<br />

age and has a thickness of 15 m.<br />

However, this thickness reaches 60 m when a paleovalley is<br />

filled. The unit MP1 is composed in the first case of sandygravelly<br />

fluvial and/or deltaic deposits; in the second case, the<br />

paleovalley is filled with silty-sandy estuarine to deltaic<br />

deposits. The upper unit, called unit MP2 (Metaponto Plain 2),<br />

lying either on the unit MP1 or on the substratum, is late<br />

Pleistocene and Holocene in age. The unit MP2 has a thickness<br />

of 30 m. However, when<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Geologia e Geofisica, Università "Aldo Moro" di Bari<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Strutture, Geotecnica, e Geologia Applicata,<br />

Università <strong>della</strong> Basilicata, Potenza<br />

(***) IMAA-CNR, Tito Scalo, Potenza<br />,<br />

196<br />

paleovalleys are filled, thickness may reach 90 m. In the first<br />

case the unit MP2 is made up of silty-clay offshore-transition<br />

deposits passing upward to silty-sandy deltaic deposits and<br />

finally to sandy fluvial deposits; in the second case, the<br />

paleovalley fill, is composed of sandy-gravelly fluvial deposits<br />

passing upward to silty and sandy estuarine deposits.<br />

The non-invasive and low cost geophysical method of the<br />

H/V spectral ratio (HVSR) of microtremors was tentatively<br />

employed in order to draw the 3-D surface of unconformities<br />

recognized through sedimentological analyses and 2-D<br />

lithostratigraphic correlations. A 4-layers model of the<br />

Metaponto coastal plain subsurface was used in the geophysical<br />

investigation.<br />

The inversion of the HVSR data has been performed using<br />

the velocities of the shear waves calculated by some down-hole<br />

tests, and the main geophysical unconformity was recorded<br />

below the uppermost unit (MP2), corresponding to the topmost<br />

two layers of the 4-layers model. A 3-D view of this main<br />

geophysical unconformity shows a surface with the occurrence<br />

of some deeper, narrow, and sinuous zones running roughly<br />

perpendicularly to the present-day coastline and at depths of up<br />

to 90 m below present-day sea-level.<br />

These narrows likely correspond to paleovalleys developed<br />

during the LGM and buried below the Metaponto coastal plain.<br />

The satisfactory fit obtained by the comparison of geophysical<br />

sections to geological ones highlights the reliability of the<br />

HVSR method for reconstructing the geometry of buried<br />

paleomorphologies characterized by an appreciable contrast of<br />

seismic impedance between “substratum” and “cover”.

Fig. 1 – a) Schematic geological map of the Southern Italy; b) study area with location of wells used to realize the geological cross-section of Fig. 2. Trace of<br />

sections in Figs 2 and 3 are also shown. .<br />

Fig. 2 – Cross section parallel to the present-day shoreline showing the stratigraphic architecture of buried Metaponto coastal plain succession (see Fig. 1b for<br />

location).<br />

Fig. 3 – Comparison of geophysical with geological data along the same cross-section (see Fig. 1b for location).<br />

197<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Natural contamination by arsenic and other trace elements in<br />

Northern Latium volcanic aquifers: a serious problem for drinking<br />

water supply management<br />

Key words: Arsenic, groundwater management, Latium<br />

volcanic aquifers.<br />

The district of Viterbo is located in the northern area of<br />

Latium italian region and includes 61 municipalities for a<br />

population of about 285.000 inhabitants and a total surface of<br />

about 3700 Km2 (ISTAT, 2001).<br />

The drinking water demand is predominantly met by<br />

springs and wells both exploiting the confined aquifers of<br />

volcanic substratum; this is a remarkable difference with the<br />

other four Latium districts, fed prevalently by huge adduction<br />

networks exploiting the pre-Appenninic carbonatic springs.<br />

The geological sketch shows wide volcanic lithologies<br />

outcrops, due to the intense activity of three main districts<br />

Sabatino, Cimino-Vicano and Vulsino (BALDI et alii, 1974;<br />

LOCARDI et alii, 1976; CAPELLI et alii, 2005) that involved the<br />

region between the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs.<br />

From a hydrogeological point of view, the volcanic<br />

formations host many aquifer horizons with some local<br />

hydraulic connections among them and major<br />

groundwater/surface water exchanges; the hydrographical<br />

network is prevalently made by young streams with a radial<br />

trend around the volcanic complexes hosting the two lakes of<br />

Bolsena and Vico. The first one is the greatest volcanic lake in<br />

Europe, having a surface of about 113 Km2 and a mean depth<br />

of about 80 m with a top of 150 m.<br />

Recent studies identified in the area 11 different<br />

hydrogeological basins with total groundwater availability, in<br />

term of direct rainfall recharge, of about 400 Mm3/a (CAPELLI<br />

et alii, 2005).<br />

Still today, a big groundwater amount is withdrawn, for<br />

drinking purposes, by hundreds of water wells scattered on the<br />

territory that symbolize the inheritance of the past management<br />

system, ran on municipality’s base and actually converged on<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Università di Roma “La Sapienza” Dipartimento di Idraulica, Trasporti e<br />

Strade, Facoltà di Ingegneria,<br />,<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito <strong>della</strong> Convenzione tra il DITS “Sapienza”<br />

Università di Roma e la Regione Lazio<br />


198<br />

the single responsibility of the Integrated System Service (SII)<br />

Manger, according to the national Law 152/06.<br />

As widely reported in literature (AIUPPA et alii, 2003;<br />

CONIO et alii, 2004; VIVONA et alii, 2007), also in this case the<br />

geochemical features of these volcanic groundwater show a not<br />

negligible presence of important toxic elements like Fluorum,<br />

Vanadium, Selenium and, above all, Arsenic.<br />

Moreover, the Italian laws evolution in environmental field,<br />

following the European Framework Directives, lead to an<br />

actual situation where the most part of groundwater exploited<br />

still today in the Viterbo district for drinking usage are now<br />

outlawed due to the more strict limits for the above mentioned<br />

elements concentrations.<br />

For example, the old government ordinance Dpr 236/88<br />

provided a threshold for the As concentration of 50 μg/l; in<br />

2001, the new ordinance D.Lgs.31/2001, following the EU<br />

Directive 98/83/CE concerning the drinking water quality<br />

parameters, updated this threshold to 10 μg/l causing many<br />

illegal situations on the whole country.<br />

The possible derogations included in these ordinances are<br />

going to expire in 2010 producing a critical situation for the<br />

SII Managers which have to consider the treatment plants<br />

inst<strong>alla</strong>tions or some other alternative water management<br />

scenario.<br />

In this context and in the framework of a Scientific<br />

Agreement between the DITS “Sapienza” of Rome and the<br />

Latium Region, with the purpose to better understand the<br />

contamination state of the art and to define different strategies<br />

for the drinking water supplying for the Viterbo district, a fine<br />

study about the spatial distribution of the Arsenic and the other<br />

elements on drinking sources have been started.<br />

The present work shows the first results of data<br />

elaborations related to the monitoring campaigns conducted in<br />

2008-2009 on 160 wells and 80 springs in order to assess the<br />

concentrations of As, F, V and Se; besides the spatial elements<br />

distribution in groundwater sources and the statistical analysis<br />

performed to study the different elements correlations, some<br />

general suggestion to take this emergency situation in account<br />

in a medium-long period are presented.

Fig. 1 – Drinking water monitoring network distribution.<br />



VALENZA M. (2003), The aquatic geochemistry of arsenic<br />

in volcanic groundwater from southern Italy, Applied<br />

Geochemistry 18, 1283-1296.<br />


(1974) – Studio geologico <strong>della</strong> copertura vulcanica<br />

laziale nella zona <strong>dei</strong> laghi di Bolsena, Vico, Bracciano,<br />

Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 13, 575-606.<br />

CAPELLI G., MAZZA R. & GAZZETTI C. (2005) – Strumenti e<br />

strategie per la tutela e l’uso compatibile <strong>della</strong> risorsa<br />

idrica nel Lazio – Gli acquiferi vulcanici, Pitagora Ed.,<br />

Bologna.<br />

ISTAT (2001) – Censimento <strong>della</strong> popolazione.<br />


(1976), The main volcanic group of latium (Italy):<br />

relations between structural evolution and petrogenesis.<br />

Geol. Romana, 15, 279-300.<br />

199<br />

PREVITERA D. (2002) – La presenza di vanadio nelle acque<br />

destinate al consumo umano dell’area catanese, Boll.<br />

Chim. Igien., 53, 309-326.<br />

VIVONA R., PREZIOSI E., MADÈ B. & GIULIANO G. (2007) -<br />

Occurrence of minor toxic elements in volcanicsedimentary<br />

aquifers: a case study in central Italy, Hydr.<br />

Journ., 15(6), 1183-1196.<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Key words: Aquifers, Arno coastal plain, Late Quaternary<br />

stratigraphy, Tuscany.<br />


The increasing importance of water resources and aquifer<br />

pollution are a priority in densely populated areas such as coastal<br />

plains. The need for a better understanding of groundwater<br />

circulation and transport processes in aquifers of modern alluvial<br />

and coastal plains requires a very accurate reconstruction of their<br />

subsurface sedimentary architecture. A realistic 3D representation<br />

of the subsurface architecture needs a reliable chronostratigraphic<br />

framework, where the relationships among lithofacies are forced<br />

within a coherent depositional evolution in terms of space and<br />

time. In this study we propose a reconstruction of the<br />

multilayered aquifers from the subsurface of the subsiding Arno<br />

coastal plain (Tuscany, Italy), characterized by the presence of<br />

multiple incised valley-fill sequences, 3 to 7 km wide and up to<br />

35 m thick, prevalently constituted by fine grained-deposits.<br />

The study area comprises the southern sector of the Viareggio<br />

Basin, which developed along the Tyrrhenian margin since Late<br />

Tortonian, due to the opening of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the<br />

counter-clockwise migration of the chain foredeep-foreland<br />

system. The Viareggio Basin is bounded by the Versilia coastal<br />

plain and Pisani Mountains to the north, and by Pisa and Leghorn<br />

hills to the south.<br />


A multidisciplinary study (sedimentological, stratigraphic and<br />

micropalaeontological) of 33 continuous cored boreholes,<br />

integrated with a large georeferenced data base consisting of<br />

about 2600 well logs, allows the detailed subsurface stratigraphy<br />

reconstruction of the uppermost 100 m of Late Quaternary<br />

_________________________<br />

Reconstruction of multilayered aquifers from the Late Quternary<br />

succession of the Arno coastal plain (Tuscany, Italy)<br />


(*) Dipartimento Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra Università di Pisa,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche e Ambientali Università di Bologna,<br />,<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca tra Università di Pisa e<br />

Comune di Pisa per la realizzazione <strong>della</strong> carta del tetto delle argille<br />

compressibili<br />

200<br />

Deposits (AGUZZI et alii, 2007, AMOROSI et alii, 2008). The<br />

lateral and vertical facies relationships, within a<br />

chronostratigraphic framework derived from 14 C isotope and<br />

pollen profiles, yield the primary data for stratigraphic<br />

correlation, and consequently the geometric reconstruction of the<br />

aquifers.<br />


An alternation of marine and alluvial deposits constitutes the<br />

Arno valley subsurface. Two transgressive-regressive sequences<br />

(T-R) are identified in the uppermost 100 m of the study area<br />

(AGUZZI et alii, 2007). Sandy-to-muddy coastal shallow-marine<br />

sediments deposited under rising and highstand sea-level<br />

conditions (OIS 1 and 5e?) constitute the lower part of each T-R<br />

sequence. Fine-to-coarse grained alluvial sediments, related to<br />

falling and lowstand sea-level conditions (OIS 4–2 and 6,<br />

respectively), developed between these two marine sequences.<br />

During OIS 3-2 transition, a 35-40 m deep and 5-7 km wide<br />

incised-valley was formed. Subsequently, the valley was filled by<br />

transgressive muddy estuarine to coastal plain deposits since<br />

about 12 kyr BP (AMOROSI et alii, 2008). The stratigraphic<br />

architecture beneath the Lateglacial-Holocene valley bodies<br />

evidences that multiple fluvial incision and subsequent valley<br />

filling cycles occurred in response to late Quaternary sea-level<br />

fluctuations. Below the LGM fluvial deposits, older estuarine<br />

clays are recognized at depths ranging from 40 to 90 m. The<br />

physical correlations with nearshore deposits imply that this<br />

valley fill is related to an older phase of generalized fluvial<br />

incision, probably occurred during OIS 6-5 transition. The<br />

definition of a stratigraphic architecture model for the uppermost<br />

100 m of the Pisa coastal plain subsurface enables the<br />

identification of a sand-gravel multi-layered confined aquifer,<br />

Late Pleistocene- Holocene in age, that becomes unconfined in its<br />

shallow portion.<br />

On the basis of facies characterization, late Quaternary<br />

aquifers of fluvial origin (OIS 4–2 and 6) are characterized by a<br />

lenticular geometry, wedging out away from the channel axis,<br />

whereas aquifers within coastal-marine sands (OIS 1 and 5e)<br />

constitute laterally extensive sedimentary bodies displaying a<br />

landward-wedging geometry.<br />

The high silt/clay ratio within the fine-grained overbank units<br />

and shallow-marine muddy deposits that separate sand and gravel<br />

channel bodies and transgressive and highstand sands

espectively, suggests that these sediments do not probably form<br />

true aquicludes, and consequently that aquifers could be locally<br />

interconnected.<br />

The presence of two incised valley systems, 5 to 7 km wide,<br />

cutting aquifers of fluvial origin, hinders their three-dimensional<br />

representation and consequently the elaboration of realistic<br />

models of groundwater circulation and transport. Since the valley<br />

fill consists of about 35-40 m thick muddy estuarine deposits,<br />

working as a permeability barrier, they constitute an interruption<br />

of the continuity of water circulation.<br />

A conceptual model for the Arno coastal plain multilayered<br />

aquifers is here proposed taking into account all of the factors<br />

described above. The predictive value of this model might be<br />

validated by progressive data implementation by means of<br />

additional continuous cored boreholes and geophysical analyses,<br />

given the significance of the definition of a 3D palaeogeographic<br />

reconstruction of the palaeovalleys. Thus, the model might be<br />

confirmed, modified or improved in order to increase its value as<br />

a basic tool to set up fluid circulation models progressively more<br />

reliable, necessary to the proper management of water resources.<br />

The likely allocyclic (subsidence and climatic) control on the<br />

depositional architecture of the Pisa plain subsurface suggests<br />

that other subsiding coastal plains might have experienced the<br />

formation of multiple incised valleys. Consequently, this<br />

occurrence might imply aquifer systems characterized by such<br />

complex geometry, which is probably underestimated.<br />



ROSSI, V., SARTI, G. & VAIANI, S.C., (2007) - . Late<br />

Quaternary climatic evolution of the Arno coastal plain<br />

(Western Tuscany, Italy) from subsurface data. Sediment.<br />

Geol. 211, 211–229.<br />

AMOROSI A., SARTI G.,ROSSI V. & FONTANA V. (2008) –<br />

Anatomy and sequence stratigraphy of the late Quaternary<br />

Arno valley fill (Tuscany, Italy). In: A. Amorosi, B.U. Haq<br />

and L. Sabato, (Eds)- Advances in Application of Sequence<br />

Stratigraphy in Italy. Geoacta Spec. Pubb., 1, 55-66.<br />

201<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Mapping of a highly compressible lagoonal horizon in the Holocene<br />

of the Arno coastal plain: implications for proper urban planning in<br />

the city of Pisa<br />

Key words: Highly compressibile lagoonal horizon, Holocene,<br />

pancone, contouring maps, Pisa plain.<br />


Over the last decades an increasing interest toward the recent<br />

evolution of present alluvial and coastal plains has been recorded,<br />

due to their widespread socio-economic significance and intense<br />

anthropogenic pressure. A proper land use, which includes the<br />

monitoring of subsidence-related processes, water resource<br />

management, archaeological and building conservation, must rely<br />

upon a detailed reconstruction of the subsurface stratigraphic<br />

architecture and characterization of sedimentary units with<br />

peculiar geotechnical properties.<br />

In the subsurface of the Arno coastal plain, around the city of<br />

Pisa, a homogenous highly compressible clayey layer (known as<br />

“pancone”) is recorded within the upper 20 meters of the<br />

Holocene succession. This horizon with peculiar<br />

sedimentological characteristics represents an important<br />

geotechnical weak point, as evidenced by the structural failure of<br />

the leaning tower, which made the city of Pisa famous all around<br />

the world. Thus, detailed knowledge of its spatial distribution<br />

patterns and geometry represents an issue of paramount<br />

importance for a reliable Pisa urban planning.<br />


Detailed mapping and facies characterization of pancone was<br />

carried out on the basis of a multidisciplinary approach, involving<br />

the University of Pisa and Comune of Pisa. A large georeferenced<br />

database consisting of about 2600 well logs was investigated,<br />

with particular attention to 33 continuous cores which were<br />

carefully described in terms of sedimentological characteristics<br />

_________________________<br />


FUSANI (*) & MIRIAM POTENZA (**)<br />

(*) Dipartimento Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra Università di Pisa,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche e Ambientali Università di Bologna,<br />,<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca tra Università di Pisa e<br />

Comune di Pisa per la realizzazione <strong>della</strong> carta del tetto delle argille<br />

compressibili<br />

202<br />

(mean grain size, texture, colour, sedimentary structures and<br />

accessory materials). The high-resolution stratigraphic analysis of<br />

the subsurface database was integrated with microfossil<br />

investigations performed on four reference cores, guaranteeing an<br />

accurate facies characterization. The soft horizon under<br />

examination was chronologically constrained on the basis of three<br />

radiocarbon dating, integrated with pollen interpolated ages<br />

(AMOROSI et alii, 2009) and a radiocarbon age published in<br />

BENVENUTI et alii (2006).<br />


The high compressibility of pancone facilitates its distinction<br />

from normally or overconsolidated clays recorded at different<br />

stratigraphic levels within the Holocene succession. This peculiar<br />

geotechnical characteristic makes pancone a stratigraphic marker,<br />

supporting its identification and mapping in the subsurface of the<br />

Arno coastal plain.<br />

As a whole, pancone marks the transition from the Arno valley<br />

fill to the post-valley fill succession (AMOROSI et alii., 2008)<br />

around 8,000-6,000 cal yr BP and is composed of two different<br />

Fig. 1 – Homogeneous lagoonal clays with Cardium shells (P1 lithofacies)<br />

from a working-face close to Pisa railroad station.<br />

lithofacies (named P1 and P2). East of Pisa, this soft horizon<br />

shows a total thickness of about 10 meters and consists of<br />

predominant lagoonal clays (lithofacies P1, Fig.1) sandwiched

etween soft backswamp fine-grained deposits (lithofacies P2).<br />

Around the city of Pisa and at more seaward locations, pancone<br />

is almost entirely made up of 10-15m thick lagoonal clays<br />

laterally passing to backswamp deposits, restricted to the<br />

interfluvial areas of the Arno paleovalley.<br />

Across the entire study area, the lower boundary of the marker<br />

shows a rather linear trend; on the contrary, the upper boundary is<br />

more irregular, recording a complex delta and alluvial plain<br />

progradation. Aggradation of soft backswamp or normal<br />

consolidated fine-grained deposits occurred alongside the<br />

erosional superposition of distributary and fluvial channel sands<br />

onto lithofacies P1, documenting localised deep channel<br />

incisions. As a consequence, total thickness of pancone varies<br />

and locally decreases up to 5 meters. particularly around the city<br />

of Pisa, where a complex drainage network occurred since the<br />

first stages of progradation. Therefore, the foundation stability<br />

problems in the Arno coastal plain are influenced not only by the<br />

presence of pancone and its total thickness, but also by the<br />

complex relationships with the overlying deposits.<br />

The realization of contouring maps regarding the spatial<br />

distribution of bottom and top of pancone allows to identify the<br />

most vulnerable areas and develop a proper urban planning. This<br />

work testifies that the high-resolution stratigraphic analysis of<br />

coastal plain areas could represent a useful tool for a good land<br />

management.<br />



Climatic signature of millenial-scale parasequences from<br />

Lateglacial-Holocene transgressive deposits of Arno valley<br />

fill (Tuscany, Italy). Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclim. 273, 142-152.<br />

AMOROSI A., SARTI G., ROSSI V. & FONTANA V. (2008) –<br />

Anatomy and sequence stratigraphy of the late Quaternary<br />

Arno valley fill (Tuscany, Italy). In: A. Amorosi, B.U. Haq<br />

and L. Sabato, (Eds)- Advances in Application of Sequence<br />

Stratigraphy in Italy. Geoacta Spec. Pubb., 1, 55-66.<br />


M.E. (2006) – Late-Holocene catastrophic floods in the<br />

terminal Arno River (Pisa, Central Itlay) from the story of a<br />

Roman riverine harbour. Holocene, 16, 863-876:<br />

203<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Groundwater resource of the Geropotamos coastal aquifer<br />

of Crete, Greece: hydrochemical and isotopic analysis<br />


Key words: Geropotamos basin, Greece, groundwater, sea water<br />

intrusion, water quality<br />


In Greece, most of the groundwater recourses are generated<br />

and widespread into deep carbonate and coastal aquifers, many of<br />

which are subject to significant quality degradation processes<br />

caused by salination of the water. This degradation quality, as<br />

confirmed by SDAO et alii, 2009 is generated by sea water<br />

intrusion processes. As reported from this study, the main coastal<br />

aquifers of the Crete island, are affected by sea intrusion<br />

processes, creating many problems with water supply of the<br />

island. Particularly, with regard to the large amount of<br />

groundwater flowing within the final part of the Geropotamos<br />

River basin, is increasingly subject to significant quality<br />

degradation processes generated both by the widespread human<br />

activities and especially from the phenomena of water salination.<br />

The study area is located on the northern part of Geropotamos<br />

River basin, about 30 km eastern of Rethymnon city covering an<br />

area of about 40 km 2 . The most recent census conducted in 2001<br />

came from the General Secretariat of National Statistical Service<br />

of Greece and shown that 4,665 people live in the investigated<br />

area. Occupations of the local population are mainly agriculture,<br />

stock farming. The farming consists mainly of sheep and goats.<br />

Finally, tourism is an important part of the local economy, too.<br />


The Geropotamos Basin represents an important aquifer<br />

system of the northern coast of the Crete region. Most of the<br />

groundwater flows in wide and deep carbonate aquifers. The<br />

central and the western sectors are characterized mainly by<br />

Miocene biogenic limestones, marls, clays and conglomerates.<br />

The Tripolis and Ionion nappes of the bedrock, constituted by<br />

clastic limestones and dolomites outcrop in the eastern part of the<br />

area. Karst water-bearing carbonate rocks of Late Triassic to<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) University of Basilicata;<br />

(**) Institute for the Environment, Brunel University, UK<br />

(°) Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Greece<br />

204<br />

Early Cretaceous age (Tripolis carbonates) overlying the Ionion<br />

Nappes and Permian Plattenkalk Limestones. The south-western<br />

sector consists of Neogene sediments while Quaternary deposits<br />

cover the older nappes. The Phyllite-quartzite nappe is the oldest<br />

rock of the study area lays on the northern part of Geropotamos<br />

basin (KALISPERI et alii, 2008). The permeability of the aquifer<br />

host rocks is very different from the coast sector to the central<br />

part of the Geropotamos Basin. The main recharge of the study<br />

aquifer is expected to come from a) the mountainous area at the<br />

eastern and southern sectors which consists of highly permeable<br />

formations and b) leakages from the dense river banks (network).<br />

The principal hydrogeological complex is represents by the<br />

carbonate karstic host rocks, of the Tripolis and Ionian nappes,<br />

with high-medium permeability values.<br />


For the present study 22 public drills (9 drills for potable<br />

water, and 13 used only for irrigation) and 2 springs have been<br />

selected. For the physical parameters determination, as well as for<br />

the major ions analysis three samplings took place during 2008.<br />

The chemical analyses were performed at the Laboratory of<br />

Environmental Chemistry and Biochemical Processes of TEI of<br />

Crete (Branch of Chania). The stable isotopes analysis were<br />

carried out at the National Institute of Oceanography and<br />

Experimental Geophysics – OGS – Trieste, Italy. Some physicchemical<br />

parameters (i.e., pH, Electrical Conductivity, Alkalinity,<br />

Cl - , NO3 - ),were made upon sampling. Standard procedures for<br />

water chemical were carried out as reported in “Standard<br />

Methods for the examination of water and wastewater” (2005)<br />

handbook. The stable isotopes concentration (δ 18 O, δD) were<br />

measured using a common equilibration techniques with a<br />

Finnigan MAT Delta-S mass spectrometer equipped with two<br />

equilibration units for the online determination of hydrogen and<br />

oxygen isotopic composition (MEYER et alii, 2000). The isotopic<br />

concentration given, for the isotopic analysis of δ 18 O and δD,<br />

performed in the present study, in units Standardization, is based<br />

on international reference materials V-SMOW (Vienna Standard<br />

Mean Ocean Water).<br />


The analyzed groundwater are characterized by temperature<br />

values ranging from 18.1 to 22.9 °C. A slightly basic pH with<br />

values ranging from 6.7 and 8.07 were found. High electrical

conductivity, ranging from 726 and 6470 μS/cm, were detected,<br />

while the values of total dissolved solids (TDS) are between 270<br />

and 3700 mg/l. The TDS values are strongly correlated with the<br />

water conductivity (r 2 =0.99), indicating that the main dissolved<br />

species are present as ions. The Geropotamos groundwaters<br />

generally display a trend from a bicarbonate alkaline-earth, to<br />

chloride-sodium compositions. These different chemical<br />

compositions are related to simple water interaction with host<br />

carbonate rocks and probably to the sea water intrusion<br />

processes, respectively. From the geochemical data results that<br />

groundwater flowing within the carbonate and karstic host rocks<br />

of the Tripolis and Ionian nappes ranges in composition from<br />

bicarbonate alkaline to bicarbonate alkaline-earth, with a<br />

particular enrichment in SO4. The different hydrogeochemical<br />

compositions were found closest to the coast area where the wells<br />

are drilled within the Neogene and Quaternary deposits. These<br />

groundwater as higher TDS values are Na-Cl sulphatebicarbonate<br />

alkaline in composition. Their particular enrichment<br />

in Na, Cl, and SO4 is likely due to a salty intrusion. During<br />

seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers mainly two kinds of<br />

hydrochemical processes take within the aquifer system: a)<br />

mixing processes and b) ion exchange phenomena. In many cases<br />

conventional hydrogeochemical studies are not sufficient to<br />

characterize groundwater hydrodynamics or to detect recharge<br />

areas and source areas of recharged water.<br />

Very often the stable isotopic composition of water is<br />

modified by processes like evaporation, evapotranspiration,<br />

condensation, even sea water intrusion and hence the recharge<br />

water in a particular environment will have a characteristic<br />

signature that represents a natural tracer for water flow<br />

movement. Specially, oxygen ( 18 O) and hydrogen ( 2 H) isotopes of<br />

waters are ideal conservative tracers of water sources because<br />

they are parts of the water molecule itself. The mean isotopic<br />

concentration of the groundwaters collected during the present<br />

study, ranged from -5.6‰ to -6.4 ‰ for δ 18 O and from -29 ‰ to -<br />

35 ‰ for δD. All the samples fall between the EMMWL (GAT &<br />

CARMI, 1971) and the GMWL (CRAIG, 1961). As reported by<br />

CRAIG (1961) several processes can modify the isotopic<br />

composition of the meteoric waters, leading to shifts of the<br />

isotopic composition with respect to the GMWL. In the studied<br />

case the original isotopic composition of the rain water is<br />

modified by different factors. In fact, the groundwater isotopic<br />

composition displayed a shift from the GMWL toward the<br />

WMMWL due to the more arid vapor source, falling within the<br />

variation range that is characteristic for the coastal areas at the<br />

low altitudes. The δD values shows a slightly variation indicating<br />

at least one meteoric water sources, probably the EMMWL.<br />

Based on the oxygen and hydrogen isotope data and the general<br />

water chemistry, it is proposed that the groundwaters enriched in<br />

18 O and 2 H, flow within the regional carbonate and karst aquifers.<br />

The water samples collected closest to the coast sector shown an<br />

isotopic composition in 18 O and 2 H which is also enriched in<br />

205<br />

heavy isotopes, consists with a seawater dilution. The<br />

investigated groundwaters should therefore be considered as a<br />

mixture in various proportions of a sea-water component and a<br />

freshwater component.<br />


Groundwaters from Geropotamos River Basin exhibit a high<br />

salinity caused by the dilution in various proportion of salty<br />

intrusion. The distribution of the salinity is sometimes<br />

independent from the coastal sector. The dilution effect is likely<br />

to be related to the geometry of the fault network that guides the<br />

freshwater from the mountain ranges surrounding the aquifer<br />

system toward the Geropotamos River Basin itself. The seawater<br />

component trapped in the investigated aquifer is probably mixed<br />

with different fresh groundwaters from karst aquifer of the<br />

Tripolis and Ionian nappes or the shallow aquifer of the basin<br />

(Neogene sediments and Quaternary deposits covering the older<br />

tectonic nappes). The evidence presented in the previous chapters<br />

is best interpreted that the saline water is due to seawater<br />

intrusion. This disproves previous works. Hence, during the<br />

winter period precipitation (mainly snow and rain), falling mostly<br />

in the mountains (Psiloritis Mountain and Talea Ori Mountain),<br />

either runs off surficially (creating Geropotamos River), or soaks<br />

into the ground as infiltration (replenishment of deep aquifer -<br />

plattenkalk nappe, or phreatic aquifer - Neogene sediments).<br />

During summer season, seawater intrudes inland through faults<br />

with NE-SW direction, contaminating the fresh groundwaters<br />

quality.<br />


CRAIG H., (1961) - Isotopic variation in meteoric waters.<br />

Science, 133, 1702-1203.<br />

GAT J.R. & CARMI H., (1971) - Evolution of the isotopic<br />

composition of atmospheric waters in the Mediterranean Sea<br />

area. J. Geophys. Res., 75, 3039–3040.<br />


(2000) - Isotope studies of hydrogen and oxygen in ground<br />

ice. –Experiences with the equilibration technique. Isotopes<br />

Environ. Health Stud, 36, 133-149.<br />



(2009) - Groundwater high salinity in Geropotamos basin<br />

(Crete, Greece): sea water intrusion or Miocene Evaporites<br />

water interaction processes? Supplement to Geochim.<br />

Cosmochim. Ac., 73 (13).<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Key words: Alluvial plain, Emilia Romagna, subsurface aquifers.<br />

During the last twenty years studies and researches done by<br />

Emilia-Romagna Region Geological Survey permitted to achieve<br />

a detailed framework in geology and aquifers distribution in the<br />

Emilia-Romagna alluvial plain.<br />

Thanks to the availability of many subsurface geological maps<br />

published at different scale in geological and hydrogeological<br />

project, now we set up a detailed information on three<br />

dimensional geometry of coarse and fine deposits in the<br />

subsurface.<br />

Other information, consisting in more than hundred geological<br />

sections, are in<strong>geologia</strong>/canali/cartografia/sito_cartografia/web<br />

_gis_sezioni_geo.htm.<br />

These knowledge in aquifers and aquitards or aquicludes<br />

distribution permitted to support management of water resources<br />

at a regional and local scale, starting from the implementation of<br />

Water Framework Directive (2000/60 EC), and Groundwater<br />

Directive (2006/118 EC).<br />

Other application now in progress is related to drought and<br />

salt intrusion in costal aquifers.<br />

This topic was approached one years ago with drilling of<br />

thirty piezometers along the Adriatic cost in both unconfined and<br />

confined aquifers.<br />

The survey of electrical conductivity was performed every<br />

two months in every site and shows different evolution of salt<br />

intrusion phenomena.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Geological Seismic and soil Survey Emilia-Romagna Region,<br /><br />

Geology and subsurface aquifers in<br />

Emilia-Romagna alluvial plain – Italy<br />

PAOLO SEVERI (*)<br />


Hydrogeological modelling for groundwater resources management: a case<br />

study for the industrial water supply<br />

Key words: Groundwater resources management,<br />

hydrogeological model.<br />


The groundwater balance and the dynamics of the<br />

groundwater flow depend on several factors such as the<br />

hydrogeological properties of the rocks, the aquifer structure and<br />

geometry, the recharge and the outflow motion, the interaction<br />

with other surface or sub-surface water bodies.<br />

The application of flow models in hydrogeology provides a<br />

useful tool for the groundwater circulation analysis because they<br />

allow all the hydrodynamic factors to be taken into account and<br />

to better understand the direct effects of many external pressures<br />

on the groundwater system.<br />

Therefore the hydrogeological models are usually applied for<br />

the groundwater resources evaluation and for its management<br />

strategies definition.<br />

In this study the three-dimensional, finite difference<br />

MODFLOW model was applied in order to optimize the<br />

groundwater pumping distribution in a well field for the water<br />

supply of an industrial pole.<br />



The study site is located in a central sector of the Tavoliere di<br />

Puglia alluvial plain, closed to Foggia, which is characterized by<br />

a wide alluvial heterogeneous aquifer (MAGGIORE &<br />

PAGLIARULO, 2003). The aquifer is not too deep and the<br />

groundwater level depth varies all over the area.<br />

The aquifer texture is quite heterogeneous because it is<br />

constituted by gravel, clay, sand and silt levels, even if they are<br />

discontinuously present in the subsoil and the aquifer are<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) C.R.A. – Unità di Ricerca S.C.A., Bari,<br />

The present study was carried out during the PhD school in Geomorphology<br />

and Environmental Dynamics (XVIII ciclo), in the Geologic and<br />

Geophysics Department of the University of Bari.<br />


207<br />

hydraulically connected to each other, so that the groundwater<br />

system may be considered as a single layer aquifer.<br />

The aquifer permeability is also heterogeneous, ranging from<br />

10 -4 to 10 -5 m/s in the study site.<br />

In some cases the aquifer may be over 30 m thick, closed to<br />

Foggia, whereas some times the thickness is considerably reduced<br />

due to the presence of clayey and silty layers (Fig.1).<br />

The aquifer is confined by the presence of a silty layer on the<br />

top, which strongly reduce the surface recharge of the aquifer in<br />

the alluvial plain, so that it is fed by water infiltrating from the<br />

upstream sectors of the hydrogeological basin (TADOLINI et alii,<br />

1989).<br />

The groundwater flow is mainly directed from NO to SE, with<br />

the piezometric level ranging from about 150 m to 50 m a.s.l.,<br />

with a 0,4-0,6 % piezometric gradient.<br />

The flow model was set up as a single layer model of type 3,<br />

that is with convertible flow conditions from confined to<br />

unconfined. The hydrogeological system was discretized into<br />

34594 cells with a base mesh of 100 m, passed to a 5 m mesh<br />

closet to the pumping wells.<br />

Dirichlet boundary conditions with variable potential head<br />

were used on the upstream and downstream edge of the model<br />

area, whereas no flow boundaries were located on the boundaries<br />

parallel to the main groundwater flow direction. The well<br />

package was also activated in 30 cells to simulate groundwater<br />

pumping from the well field.<br />

The groundwater model was calibrated in both steady state<br />

and transient conditions, by using the weighted least squared<br />

objective function, in order to minimize the differences between<br />

the numerical solution and the real head values. The calibrated<br />

model was then applied to simulate different groundwater<br />

conditions in order to define the effect of the pumping wells on<br />

the groundwater circulation.<br />


Some simulations were carried out by using the numerical<br />

solution in the forward mode to simulate the natural conditions of<br />

the aquifer, without water abstraction, and the actual perturbation<br />

due to pumping conditions. These simulations have pointed out<br />

the presence of a wide depression of the piezometric surface,<br />

which falls about 5 m below the undisturbed conditions.<br />

The application of the model in the inverse mode allowed to<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Quota (m s.l.m .)<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

0 1000 2000<br />

Distanza (m)<br />


better understand the reason of the greater productivity of some<br />

wells with respect to the others, mainly due to their location along<br />

the groundwater flow direction.<br />

The critical conditions for the pumping wells were simulated<br />

by fixing the water level in the wells as a critical target, below<br />

which the productivity of the wells is compromised, and<br />

calculating the maximum pumping rate for each wells.<br />

The situations were simulated by assuming these critical<br />

conditions in order to evaluate their effect on the total pumping<br />

rate, such as to deepen the pumping structure in the wells, to<br />

activate some wells instead of some other wells or to change their<br />

locations.<br />

Inverse modelling provided the best pumping rate distribution<br />

by considering the actual settings of the well field, with a total<br />

rate of 229 l/s was estimated.<br />

Moreover, by simulating a different location for the pumping<br />

wells the model has proved an increased well productivity by<br />

placing the wells perpendicularly to the groundwater flow<br />

direction. In this condition the total pumping rate increased to<br />

over 250 l/s, allowing the industrial site to be satisfactory for<br />

their water supply.<br />


MAGGIORE M. & PAGLIARULO P. (2004) – Circolazione idrica ed<br />

equilibri idrogeologici negli acquiferi <strong>della</strong> Puglia. Atti del<br />

convegno “Uso e tutela <strong>dei</strong> corpi idrici sotterranei pugliesi”,<br />

allegato <strong>alla</strong> rivista Geologi e Territorio, 1, 13-35.<br />


falda idrica compresa tra Vico del Gargano e Ischitella<br />

(Puglia): caratteristiche ed equilibrio idrologico. Giornale<br />

del Genio Civile, 10.<br />

P54<br />

208<br />

Foggia Stabilimento industriale<br />

P71 P46 P22 P25 P27<br />

Argille grigio - azzurre Argillesabbiose Argilleelimiargillosigialli Ghiaieesabbie<br />

Fig. 1 – Geolithological cross-section of the aquifer.<br />


Key words: Aquifer recharge, GIS, hydrogeology, Python.<br />

Water has become a resource to preserve and protect; we live<br />

in a world by now polluted and deeply exploited where search for<br />

water is like a gold quest in some global reality.<br />

For years it has worked to definition and protection of water<br />

resources available correctly. In this view from the eighties<br />

through the model called "Hydrogeological inverse assessment”<br />

(CIVITA, 1983) has tried to define and quantify the aquifers<br />

recharge. The aquifer recharge is the starting point for a proper<br />

definition of the available resources and delineation of protection<br />

areas. The method over the years has evolved and improved<br />

(CIVITA &DE MAIO, 2001). But in a context of global use this<br />

method is implemented in Python script because it could run in a<br />

GIS environment.<br />

Python was born in Amsterdam in 1989, thanks to Guido van<br />

Rossum, this is now one of the most popular open source<br />

languages in the world. The introduction, in ESRI ArcGIS<br />

environment, of the possibility of integrating Python, it has<br />

opened the possibility of developing methodologies to implement<br />

these long and difficult operation in short passages and it has<br />

reduced the time of analysis and scenarios construction.<br />

The inverse hydrogeological balance method (CIVITA et alii,<br />

1995; CIVITA &DE MAIO, 2001) allows an estimation to be made<br />

of the infiltration rate, in an area in which the hydrogeological<br />

limits are known, by making use of a series of normally available<br />

parameters of a climatic nature, such as rainfall and temperature,<br />

and of a topographic nature, such as elevation height and slope<br />

dip, together with parameters of a hydrogeological nature, such as<br />

the ground and outcropping rock permeability characteristics.<br />

Verification of the obtained results can usually be carried out<br />

by comparing the estimation of the thus obtained specific active<br />

recharge (input) with any available data of a bibliographic or<br />

experimental nature relative to the water potentialities in the<br />

study area (output).<br />

_________________________<br />

A GIS Tool to apply the hydrogeological inverse assessment<br />

(*) Politecnico di Torino,,<br />,<br />


209<br />

Once the hydro structural limits of the area and the general<br />

relations that are valid for the entire area of interest have been<br />

established, the methodological approach foresees a subdivision<br />

into square cells (square finite elements or EFQ) with sides that<br />

must be defined on the basis of the extension of the area under<br />

examination and of the density of the available data.<br />

The use of GIS allows continuous data update, its display as<br />

well as its internet consultation.<br />


CIVITA M. (1995) - Sul “rischio derivato” dall’impatto delle<br />

catastrofi naturali. Atti XIII Giornata dell’Ambiente: “Eventi<br />

Estremi: previsioni meteorologiche e Idro<strong>geologia</strong>”, Atti <strong>dei</strong><br />

Convegni Lincei, 129, 131-136.<br />

CIVITA M., COCOZZA T., FORTI P., PERNA G. & TURI B. (1983) -<br />

Idro<strong>geologia</strong> del bacino minerario dell'Iglesiente (Sardegna<br />

Sud Occidentale). Mem. Ist. Ital. Speleol., 2, 2, 137 pp.<br />

CIVITA M. & DE MAIO M. (2001) - Average ground water<br />

recharge in carbonate aquifers a GIS processed numerical<br />

model, 7 th conference on Limestone Hydrology and Fissured<br />

Media. Besançon, 20-23 sept. 2001, 93-100.<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />

Hydrodynamics, geochemistry, and vulnerability of springs fed by<br />

highly karstified aquifers (Ligurian Alps – Piedmont, Italy)<br />

Key words: hydro-chemistry, hydrodynamics, karstic springs,<br />

vulnerability of aquifers.<br />

In the Ligurian Alps sector, there is a series of springs fed by<br />

highly karstified aquifers that are characterized by impressive<br />

variations in their flow-rate and modest mineralization. Several<br />

years ago, an applied hydro-geology team that works at the<br />

Polytechnic University of Turin installed a series of automatic<br />

detectors to record the water level, temperature, and electric<br />

conductivity values.<br />

The team has also collected samples, carried out chemical<br />

analyses at the different points where the water emerges, and<br />

conducted tests with artificial tracers that have allowed them to<br />

characterize the springs being studied.<br />

Among the many springs in the area, the functioning of two<br />

main groups will be illustrated: the springs known as Sorgenti<br />

delle Vene-Fuse, fed by the massif of Monte Mongioie, and the<br />

Sorgenti del Pesio-Pesio 18 springs, fed by the massif of Monti<br />

delle Carsene. The aquifers that feed these springs are<br />

characterized by recharg areas composed of ample glacial-karstic<br />

valley at heights ranging between 2000 m and 2600 m above sea<br />

level; they lack covering but do have numerous micro-forms and<br />

sinkholes that allow a very rapid infiltration of the water.<br />

The rocky cluster, which is part of the succession of the<br />

Brianzonese Ligure, is composed of an impermeable<br />

metamorphic basal complex (meta-vulcanite and permo-triassic<br />

quartzite) followed by a carbonatic succession with limestone,<br />

dolomite limestone and Triassic dolomite, pure Jurassic<br />

limestone, and cretaceous arenaceous limestone. The carbonate<br />

succession is locally covered with low-permeability strips of<br />

slates from the Cretaceous-Eocene.<br />

The geometry and height of the impermeable basement<br />

heavily affect the run-off of underground waters towards the<br />

springs area where they emerge in the proximity of a defined<br />

permeability limit that exists between the metamorphic basement<br />

and the carbonatic cover. The carbonatic cluster presents a<br />

limited fracturing and a highly developed karstification with<br />

important collectors that can rapidly drain the penetration waters.<br />

The underground circulation is characterized by a large<br />

number of vertical cavities, temporarily active due to infiltration<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Politecnico di Torino,<br />

210<br />

deposits, with differences in level exceeding 500-800 m. These<br />

vertical cavities reach large sub-horizontal ducts where full-load<br />

morphologies and vadose entrecement forms can be found. These<br />

ducts act as important free surface run-off pathways that alternate<br />

with short full-load sections in the absence of a traditional<br />

saturated zone.<br />

This flow network organization is typical of systems with a<br />

“dominant main conduit” that heavily condition the waters’<br />

hydro-dynamics and geochemistry. The variations in the flow-rate<br />

of these emerging waters are very prominent and strongly<br />

conditioned by the local meteorological regimen. After a<br />

prolonged low-flow winter, characterized by minimum values that<br />

range between 20 and 50 L/s, there is an important flood due to<br />

the snowmelt that is characterized by daily oscillations of<br />

hundreds of liters per second.<br />

The minimum values are recorded between 12 pm and 1 pm<br />

and the maximum values are seen between 9 pm and 10 pm.<br />

Thus, there is a very fast response to the daily infiltration event.<br />

Spring showers provide a further contribution to the increase in<br />

the flow-rate that can reach thousands of liters per second.<br />

The contribution provided by the snowmelt decreases slowly<br />

until June-July, when daily variations in water flow can still be<br />

recorded. In summer and autumn, flow rates reach quite low<br />

values, lower than 50 L/s, but there are violent flood episodes<br />

wherein the maximum yearly values are reached for brief, 1-2 h,<br />

time periods (Vene spring 3500 L/s, Fuse spring 2900 L/s, Pesio<br />

spring 3300 L/s, Pesio 18 spring 64 L/s).<br />

The flood increases in water flow are very rapid and pass<br />

from minimum to maximum values within 1-2 h. The decreases<br />

are also rapid, with half-time values for maximum flow rate<br />

ranging from 8 h to 10 h.<br />

The trend of water flow for the Pesio 18 spring is totally<br />

distinct, characterized by a much more constant yearly regimen<br />

and a maximum flow-rate half time of 39 days.<br />

The behavior of this spring, which is located below the Pesio<br />

spring, depends only on the morphological characteristics of the<br />

karstic reticulate in the area facing the emerging waters. Tests<br />

performed with tracers and on the water chemistry have shown<br />

that Pesio 18 belongs to the same karstic system as the Pesio<br />

springs.<br />

Continuous monitoring of water flow rate, electric<br />

conductivity, and temperature shows a typical “prevailing<br />

substitution” marked by a rapid decrease in mineralization values

during floods. Electric conductivity values are halved within a<br />

few hours during a flood event, demonstrating that recent<br />

penetration waters reach the spring in a very short time without<br />

any swabbing phenomenon. As the flow peak decreases, the<br />

electric conductivity gradually returns to ordinary values. Tracer<br />

tests also reveal different water flow velocities, with values<br />

exceeding 150 m/h during floods and values being reduced to 15<br />

m/h during shortages.<br />

Aquifers fed by the Pesio-Pesio 18 and Vene-Fuse springs are<br />

extremely vulnerable to pollution, even though their vulneration<br />

is quite limited given the almost complete absence of dangerous<br />

centers in their supplying areas, with the exception of limited<br />

pasture areas in summer, in correspondence of argillaceous schist<br />

outcrops.<br />

Applying the methodology of the half-time of the maximum<br />

yearly flow rate with periods in the range of 8-10 h with water<br />

flow velocity values obtained using tracers (maximum velocity ><br />

150 m/h), the Vene-Fuse springs and Pesio springs yielded<br />

similar results. The Pesio 18 spring is an exception: there, the<br />

half time shows a medium degree of vulnerability, while the<br />

tracer tests show that the time to reach the two springs are very<br />

rapid, differing by only 3 h.<br />

Also the hourly electric conductivity recordings, measured for<br />

a few years at the Pesio and Pesio 18 springs, show similar values<br />

and trends for the two emerging waters, highlighting a strong link<br />

between the two springs. The inconsistency between the results<br />

obtained was due only to the specific hydro-geologic situation in<br />

the area facing the emerging point.<br />

In conclusion, both hydro-dynamic and hydro-chemical<br />

monitoring systems are important in studies of spring functioning<br />

and vulnerability. In particular, we would like to point out the<br />

need to reduce the acquisition time to approximately 1 h in order<br />

to show in an extremely detailed way the behavior of a hydrogeological<br />

system.<br />

Furthermore, precise knowledge of a spring’s hydrogeological<br />

regimen makes it possible to collect the most useful<br />

water sampling data which need to be analyzed from the most<br />

representative moments.<br />

211<br />


SESSIONE 7<br />


SESSIONE 8<br />

Acquisizione - rappresentazione - gestione e<br />

condivisione delle informazioni geologiche<br />


Mauro De Donatis (Università di Urbino)<br />

Simone Sterlacchini (CNR Milano)<br />

Fabrizio Piana (CNR Torino)<br />

Andrea Taramelli (Servizio Geologico d'Italia Roma)<br />

Serafino Angelini (LAC Firenze)<br />

Maurizio Pignone (INGV Grottaminarda)<br />

213<br />


SESSIONE 8<br />

Gravitational instabilities on the continental slope off the Campania<br />

Region: two case histories in the Naples and Salerno Bays<br />

(Southern Tyrrhenian sea)<br />

Key words: Continental slope, Naples Bay, Salerno Bay,<br />

submarine slides.<br />


The study of the submarine gravity instabilities represents a<br />

research line of increasing interest, mainly for its implications in<br />

the monitoring of the deep and coastal environment in terms of<br />

definition of geological and environmental hazard. In the last<br />

years, the acquisition of large-scale morpho-bathymetric data on<br />

the submerged portions of the volcanic edifices and, as a general<br />

rule, in the oceanic basins and in the seas, has furnished<br />

interesting data, giving a new impulse on the knowledge of the<br />

structure and the geological evolution of the oceans. Relatively to<br />

the Italian seas, the recent realization of Multibeam bathymetric<br />

data in the Tyrrhenian sea (MARANI & GAMBERI, 2004) has<br />

furnished important geological data both in the areas surrounding<br />

both the emerged (Aeolian islands, Ischia, Ustica) and the<br />

submerged volcanic edifices (Vavilov, Marsili, Palinuro and<br />

submerged volcanoes of the Aeolian Arc), collecting new<br />

morpho-bathymetric evidences on volcanic, tectonic and<br />

gravitational processes at several scales.<br />

The continental slopes and the submarine shelves surrounding<br />

the Campania Region are characterized by different<br />

morphologies, varying depending on the geologic setting of the<br />

adjacent mainland which controls, together with other sectors, the<br />

type of submarine gravity instabilities. The knowledge of these<br />

geological processes is subordinated to the use of up-to-date<br />

geophysical survey techniques, as the high resolution<br />

multichannel and single-channel seismics, the Subbottom Chirp<br />

profilers, the magnetic survey and the single-beam and<br />

Multibeam bathymetry.<br />

Geophysical and geological data have been collected to<br />

improve the knowledge of submarine instabilities offshore the<br />

Campania Region. This allowed for a discrimination between<br />

“slow” submarine instabilities (creeping, slumping, deep<br />

gravitational deformations) and “fast” submarine instabilities<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche<br /><br />


214<br />

(debris avalanches, rock falls, roto-translational slidings).<br />

The chronostratigraphic framework of the submarine<br />

instability events is finalised to their correlation with the<br />

triggering geological processes at a regional scale (seismicity,<br />

volcanism, tectonic activity in correspondence to significant<br />

faults).<br />

On the submarine slopes off the Campania Region the<br />

gravitational instabilities have been detected both on the<br />

submerged flanks of the volcanic edifices (for example in the<br />

Ischia island) and on relic volcanic morphologies (Nisida,<br />

Pentapalummo and Miseno Banks in the Naples Bay; Forio and<br />

Ischia Bank in the Ischia island). Moreover, they occur in<br />

correspondence to steep and tectonically-comtrolled sedimentary<br />

slopes (southern slope of the Sorrento Peninsula, slope of the<br />

Gulf of Policastro) or in correspondence to slightly inclined<br />

ramps, surrounding wide continental shelves (Salerno Bay). Some<br />

case histories of submarine instabilities in the Naples and Salerno<br />

Bays, located both in the Ischia island and on the continental<br />

slope south-westward of the Salerno Valley are here discussed.<br />




The submerged sectors of the Ischia island are the site of<br />

important submarine instability processes, having both<br />

catastrophic instantaneous (debris avalanches) and continuous<br />

character (accelerated erosion along submarine canyons or<br />

channels, detritic fluxes along channels and creeping). The first<br />

category of submarine instabilities includes the debris avalanches,<br />

originated as a consequence of the volcano-tectonic uplift of the<br />

Monte Epomeo block during the last 30 ky. The most important<br />

debris avalanche is the “Ischia Debris Avalanche”, showing a<br />

southern dispersal axis, with a transport of blocks up to 40-50<br />

kilometers from the island (CHIOCCI & DE ALTERIIS, 2006). This<br />

is suggested by the wide scar of the southern flank of the island<br />

localised in correspondence to M.te Epomeo block, well evident<br />

on the Multibeam bathymetry (AIELLO et alii, 2009a). The sketch<br />

geomorphological map of fig. 1, constructed based on the<br />

interpretation of Multibeam bathymetry, allows for the<br />

localisation of the main hummocky facies, corresponding to<br />

chaotic deposits, localised respectively northwards, westwards<br />

and southwards of Ischia island. The main canyon’s heads are

localised in the north-western sector of Ischia (“Testata di Punta<br />

Cornacchia”, “Canalone di Forio”). A strong erosion along<br />

canyons and channels occurs mainly in the southern offshore,<br />

characterized by steep slopes, incised in volcanic deposits. Main<br />

channels engrave the slope between Punta Imperatore and Punta<br />

S. Angelo, starting from the retreating shelf break, located at –<br />

100 m of water depth. The NE-SW trending of the channels<br />

indicates a possible structural control on their development. The<br />

canyons offshore the Maronti Bay show a N-S trending and start<br />

from wide scallops of the platform margin, more retreated than<br />

those ones of the adjacent sectors of the southern offshore. The<br />

chaotic deposits related to the debris avalanches do not seem<br />

related to onshore slide scars (fig. 1).<br />

Three important submarine slides along the northern sector of<br />

the Salerno Bay have been identified and studied (fig. 2; AIELLO<br />

et alii, 2009b). The northernmost one (A in fig. 2) develops at<br />

water depths ranging from – 180 m and – 560 m, for a total<br />

length of 3 kilometres. The second one (B in fig. 2) shows a<br />

length of about 3.5 kilometres and covers an area located between<br />

the water depths of – 200 m and – 440 m. The third slide (C in<br />

fig. 2) shows a scar large about one kilometer, located at a water<br />

depth of – 430 m and corresponds to slide deposits higher than 30<br />

m at – 700 m of water depth. Two study examples of submarine<br />

slides located on volcanic and sedimentary slopes have been here<br />

presented. During a successive phase of the research project we<br />

plan to construct regional and detailed geomorphological maps of<br />

the main submarine instabilities, reporting both the<br />

morphological lineaments related to instabilities and the<br />

submarine instability areas, where significant slides of the sea<br />

bottom have been detected (creeping, mud flow, slumping). The<br />

rock falls, triggered by regressive erosion involving the coastal<br />

sea cliffs, incised in carbonatic, volcanic and siliciclastic rocks,<br />

together with seismic shocks and volcanic activity, will also be<br />

accounted. e di crollo. It will be consequent the construction of<br />

maps of geological hazard in coastal and deep sea environments,<br />

furnishing useful indications for a correct planning of the marine<br />

coastal environment.<br />

Fig. 1: Sketch geomorphological map of the Ischia island.<br />

215<br />

Fig. 2: Shaded-relief detailed map, showing three important submarine slides<br />

localised in the northern sector of the Salerno Gulf.<br />


AIELLO G. MARSELLA E. & PASSARO S. (2009a) - Submarine<br />

instability processes on the continental slopes off the<br />

Campania region (Southern Tyrrhenian sea, Italy): the case<br />

history of Ischia island (Naples Bay). Boll. Geof. Teor. Appl.,<br />

50 (2), 193-207.<br />

AIELLO G., MARSELLA E., DI FIORE V. & D’ISANTO C. (2009b) –<br />

Stratigraphic and structural styles of half-graben offshore<br />

basins in Southern Italy: multichannel seismic and Multibeam<br />

morpho-bathymetric evidences on the Salerno Valley<br />

(Southern Campania continental margin, Italy). Quaderni di<br />

Geofisica, 77, 1-34.<br />

CHIOCCI F.L. & DE ALTERIIS G. (2006) – The Ischia Debris<br />

Avalanche: first clear submarine evidence in the<br />

Mediterranean of a volcanic island prehistorical collapse.<br />

Terra Nova, 18, 202-209.<br />

MARANI M. & GAMBERI F. (2004) – Distribution and nature of<br />

submarine volcanic landforms in the Tyrrhenian sea: the arc<br />

vs. the back-arc. Mem. Descr. Carta Geol. D’Italia, 64, 97-<br />

108.<br />


SESSIONE 8<br />

Geothematic data sharing of the Tuscany municipal plans by means<br />

of Geographical Information Systems (GIS)<br />



Key words: Geothematic data, GIS, municipal plan.<br />

The increasing availability of geographic information has<br />

risen the need to develop storage and classification<br />

methodologies in order to be able to share a massive amount of<br />

data between public administrations. The management and<br />

processing of geographic data are some main aspects for the<br />

planning, safeguard and mitigation policies of environmental<br />

critics.<br />

The national and regional rules have well point out significant<br />

aspects like the availability, delivery and interoperability of the<br />

geographic data for an integrated and efficient territorial planning<br />

(Legge Regionale Toscana 1/2005). These rules underline<br />

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) help regional and local<br />

administrations in the arrangement, implementation and control<br />

of territorial planning means.<br />

Currently local planning policies of Tuscany Region<br />

regarding the municipal administrations are set out in strategic<br />

development plans referred to as Piano Strutturale (PS) and<br />

Regolamento Urbanistico (RU). These municipal plans are aimed<br />

to set out requirements and strategies for the operative planning<br />

in order to safeguard and value the natural resources (PS) and<br />

manage the urban and land use changes (RU).<br />

In the last years the Tuscany Region has undertaken a series<br />

of activities oriented to favour the availability and access of<br />

geothematic data to a number as large as possible of users in<br />

order to carry out a unique web portal browsable and updatable<br />

by means of geothematic databases. Currently these data are<br />

spread through paper and digital archives stored in the regional,<br />

provincial, communal and other local administration offices that<br />

perform operational and territorial control activities. This article<br />

will describe the activities relative to the scientific agreement<br />

between the Consortium “Laboratorio di Monitoraggio e<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Centro di GeoTecnologie (CGT), Università degli Studi di Siena,<br /><br />

(**) Consorzio LaMMa,<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito dell’accordo di collaborazione scientifica<br />

“Banche dati tematiche, geologiche e pedologiche e procedure informatiche<br />

– operative” tra il CGT e il Consorzio LaMMa – Fondi PRAA Toscana<br />

2007-2010<br />

216<br />

Modellistica ambientale per lo sviluppo sostenibile” (LaMMa)<br />

and the Centre for GeoTecnologies (CGT) of Siena University<br />

for the production of a digital archive of geothematic<br />

investigations (geological, geotechnical, geophysical and<br />

hydrogeological investigations), derived generally from the<br />

environmental overview reported in the PS. In particular, this<br />

work is interested in the geological-technical cartography and<br />

geotechnical investigations reported in a PS.<br />

The collection and implementation of all the available<br />

municipal plans in a digital archive is aimed to: a) perform a local<br />

scale overview of the geotechnical and hydrogeological<br />

knowledge of the overall territory of the Tuscany Region, b) link<br />

the geothematic data to the existed or in progress geological<br />

databases and c) define a collaboration with the local authorities.<br />

The main unit of the digital archive is a source project that is<br />

represented in this work as a synthesis overview of the<br />

investigations carried out for the geological-environmental<br />

knowledge of the territory. The source project is identified by a<br />

unique identification number according to the structure of other<br />

existed geographic databases of the Tuscany Region (e.g.,<br />

Database of Subsoil and Hydric Resources) and INSPIRE<br />

(INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe) legislation<br />

(Directive 2007/2/CE of the European Parliament and of the<br />

Council of 14 March 2007).<br />

The digital archive is based on a ESRI personal<br />

geodatabase data model that represents a single-user relational<br />

geographic database. This model exploits the DBMS Microsoft<br />

Jet Engine® system used from Microsoft Access® for the<br />

management of vector (feature class and feature dataset) and<br />

raster data, tables, topological rules and relationships (association<br />

between objects in a geodatabase) in order to be able for a object<br />

of a class to access to the attributes of another object of a<br />

different class (ATZENI et alii, 2009).<br />

The main steps of the project will be described for the<br />

implementation of geothematic data in the digital archive. In the<br />

collection and acquisition step of the data for each source project<br />

it has taken into account the positional and general information<br />

(e.g., type and depth of investigation) of the geothematic<br />

investigations. Currently the geotechnical parameters of the<br />

investigations can be showed by digital attachments<br />

geographically linked to geometric features. The position of a<br />

feature (referred by a regional identification number) is showed

Fig. 1 – Overview of the municipal plans available in the geodatabase<br />

categorized in: PS with geotechnical data, PS without geotechnical<br />

data, Regolamento Urbanistico, other municipal plans, other<br />

databases, not available.<br />

Fig. 2 – Graph of the geotechnical investigations reported in the<br />

geodatabase. CPT = Cone Penetration Test, SPT = Standard<br />

Penetration Test, DP = dynamic penetration test, SDP = static/dynamic<br />

penetration test, SA = geotechnical test, SO = geotechnical drilling<br />

survey, PZ = wells, SG = spring, PL = laboratory tests, PD =<br />

dilatometer Marchetti test, DH = down-hole and cross-hole geophysical<br />

tests, PS = seismic profiling, SEV = geoelectric profiling survey, ai =<br />

other investigations (permeability test, georadar, pumping test, etc.)<br />

by geometric primitives (point and polyline) linked to<br />

geothematic investigations and relative attachments by one-tomany<br />

cardinality. Moreover, there is a direct relationship between<br />

each source project and its investigations in order to select them<br />

not only spatially but also by the project attributes. The technical<br />

documentation of each source project is arranged by digital<br />

217<br />

attachments through many-to-one relationships.<br />

The collection and implementation of the paper technical<br />

documents (geothematic cartography and technical reports of the<br />

in-situ tests, such as Cone Penetration Test CPT, geophysical<br />

prospecting and geotechnical drilling survey, and laboratory<br />

tests) require their conversion in digital format, classification and<br />

denomination according to prefixed indices. The digital<br />

conversion procedures have been performed by specific<br />

requirements in order to homogenise the quality and size of the<br />

attachments within the geodatabase addressed to web publication.<br />

The Fig. 1 shows the spatial distribution of the municipalities<br />

classified on the basis of type of plan providing geothematic data<br />

(PS, RU, other municipal plans and databases). The figure points<br />

out 187 municipal plans have geotechnical data attached within<br />

PS, RU and other source projects, 73 plans do not provide these<br />

data and the remaining 27 plans are not available because are in<br />

progress or in evaluation phase by qualified control authorities.<br />

The Fig. 2 shows the geotechnical investigations reported in<br />

the geodatabase. The more numerous group consists of<br />

penetration tests (35% of CPTs and about 27% of dynamic tests).<br />

The remaining investigations are divided into stratigraphic logs<br />

from geotechnical drilling surveys (about 20%), wells (7%) and<br />

other geotechnical tests (6%), laboratory tests (about 3%) and<br />

other in-situ geotechnical tests (e.g., dilatometer test, seismic<br />

profiling, geoelectric profiling survey, permeability test, etc).<br />

A disadvantage of the integration activities between different<br />

data provided from archives with various format is their<br />

inhomogeneous arrangement (stratigraphic logs, graph<br />

elaborations, etc.), which limits their spatial correlation.<br />

The development of procedures for the implementation in<br />

suitable tables of all the stratigraphic logs and geotechnical<br />

parameters could be advisable in order to enable the dynamic<br />

management of geographical data by the GIS query tools. A<br />

organic and efficient outline of the environmental setting may<br />

help local authorities in the safeguard of the natural resources and<br />

mitigation of risk due to potential landscape phenomena<br />

(landslides, flooding, etc).<br />


ATZENI P.,CERI S., PARABOSCHI S. & TORLONE R. (2009) – Basi<br />

di Dati: Modelli e linguaggi di interrogazione. McGraw-Hill<br />

Italia, 462 pp.<br />

DIRECTIVE 2007/2/CE of the European Parliament and of the<br />

Council of March 14 th 2007 establishing an INfrastructure for<br />

SPatial InfoRmation in the European Community (INSPIRE).<br />

LEGGE REGIONALE TOSCANA January 3 rd 2005, n. 1 - Norme per<br />

il governo del territorio, updated and coordinated text with<br />

L.R. n. 41 of July 27 th 2007, B.U.R.T., 23 August 3 rd 2007.<br />


SESSIONE 8<br />

Soil-landscape map of Arno River basin – a multidisciplinary<br />

approach<br />




Key words: Geopedology, GIS, soil-landscape, soil-sampling.<br />


This project has as its purpose the creation of a soil-landscape<br />

map of the Arno river basin (1:10,000 scale) through a soil<br />

survey carried out in some sample areas of the basin.<br />

Simultaneously seeks the creation of an information layer of<br />

detail on regional soils, their physical and chemical<br />

characteristics and their functional behavior, the content<br />

information of the geological map at 1:10,000 scale and other<br />

databases of detail found in regional Sit.<br />

The project, also based on innovative methods of<br />

environmental analysis, is a recurrence to increasing transaction<br />

accuracy of identification of soil types present in the region, their<br />

geographical location to an appropriate scale, their distribution in<br />

the landscape and the variability of their spatial characteristics.<br />

The project follows some priority criteria dictated by necessity<br />

and urgency of solving regional problems in certain geographical<br />

contexts.<br />

Survey of soils, from analytical data collected from<br />

processing, was made possible result after multiple themes for<br />

different applications and information deepen knowledge on<br />

specific topics.<br />

The detection of the sample areas was based on photo<br />

interpretation and subsequent implementation of some landscape<br />

units, and is the realization of the notes on the characteristics<br />

inherent to the landscape, then the lithology, morphology and<br />

land use, the characteristics of soils of the landscape units<br />

identified, by to be implemented and the implementation of a<br />

geographic database of points of view, and archive photography.<br />

The survey is complemented by the acquisition in the field of the<br />

point coordinates measured with GPS system. The coordinate<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Centro di Geotecnologie,<br />

(**) Soildata<br />

(°) Regione Toscana,<br />

218<br />

system reference geographic database is the Gauss-Boaga<br />

(Roma40). The database is only one feature class of points. Each<br />

point collects the data of each drilled soil run. The database has<br />

been compiled directly on netbooks during campaign activities.<br />

The editor has requested the inclusion of surveys with related<br />

data, placing directly on a topographic point in the reference<br />

system Gauss-Boaga.<br />

The structure and fields of the table follow those contained in<br />

a standard table of soil sampling. Some fields in the table provide<br />

precise values encoded as defined in the "Guida <strong>alla</strong> descrizione<br />

<strong>dei</strong> suoli in campagna e <strong>alla</strong> definizione delle loro qualità" of the<br />

Tuscany Region, other areas, however, provide for the insertion<br />

of text or numeric fields unencrypted. Surveys activities started in<br />

October and ended in May: 44 sample areas were detected within<br />

about 1200 surface surveys on the landscape characteristics - soil<br />

themselves.<br />

The "Draft Charter of the Tuscany Region Soils", is<br />

implemented with the Geological Survey of the region by a<br />

working group composed by the Regione Toscana and the Centre<br />

of Geotechnologies, University of Siena.

Key words: INSPIRE, Metadata, Portal, WMS.<br />

The Geographic Portal of Geological Survey of Italy (ISPRA)<br />

available at was planning<br />

according to standard criteria of the INSPIRE directive. ArcIMS<br />

services and at the same time WMS and WFS services had been<br />

realized to satisfy the different clients.<br />

For each database and web-services the metadata had been<br />

wrote in agreement with the ISO 19115 (2005). The management<br />

architecture of the portal allows it to encode the clients input and<br />

output requests both in ArcXML and in GML language. The<br />

web-applications and web-services had been realized for each<br />

database owner of Land Protection and Georesources Department<br />

concerning the geological map at the scale 1:50.000 (CARG<br />

Project) and 1:100.000, the IFFI landslide inventory, the<br />

investigations into the subsoil ex Law 464/84, the large-scale<br />

geological map and all the raster format maps.<br />

The portal initially published at the experimental stage,<br />

through the development of a new graphical interface has now<br />

reached the final version.<br />

The WMS and WFS services including metadata will be redesigned.<br />

The validity of the methodology and the applied standards<br />

allow to look ahead to the growing developments.<br />

In addition to this it must be borne in mind that the capacity of<br />

the new geological standard language (GeoSciML), which is<br />

already incorporated in the web-services deployed, will be allow<br />

a better display and query of the geological data according to the<br />

interoperability.<br />

The characteristics of the geological data demand for the<br />

cartographic mapping specific libraries of symbols not yet<br />

available in a WMS service. This is an other aspect regards the<br />

standards of the geological informations. Therefore at the<br />

moment were carried out:<br />

_________________________<br />

The interoperability skill of the Portal of the<br />

Geological Survey of Italy<br />




(*) ISPRA Dip. Difesa del Suolo – SUO-MAP (Servizio<br />

Cartografico),<br />

(**) ISPRA Dip. Difesa del Suolo – SUO-CARG (Servizio CARG)<br />

(°) ISPRA Dip. Difesa del Suolo – SUO-GFI (Servizio Geofisica)<br />

219<br />

- a library of geological symbols to be used for printing, with<br />

a sketch of system colors and a library for displaying data on<br />

video, which almost completely solves the problems of the<br />

coverage point and area data (also directed) but that still<br />

introduces problems for the linear data (solutions: ArcIMS<br />

services from Arcmap projects or a specific SLD implementation<br />

for WMS services);<br />

- an update of “Guidelines for the supply of geological data”<br />

in a short time will be published;<br />

- the Geological Survey of Italy is officially involved in the<br />

IUGS-CGI working group for the processing and experimentation<br />

on the new GeoSciML language with the WMS/WFS services.<br />

The collected metadata in catalogs are structured in a standard<br />

(ISO 19135). The catalogs are a ‘common’ interface to locate,<br />

view and query data and metadata services, web services and<br />

other resources.<br />

Then, while working in a growing sector of the environmental<br />

knowledgement the focus is to collect the participation of other<br />

subjects that contribute to the enrichment of the informative<br />

content available, so as to be able to arrive to a real portal of<br />

national interest especially in case of disaster management.<br />

The geological survey’s data<br />

More in detail the Portal allows access to the following data:<br />

- CARG Project – Geological map of Italy at the scale<br />

1:50.000, relatively sheets now available with their databases;<br />

- IFFI Project - is the first uniform and updated inventory of<br />

Italian landslides;<br />

- Geological Map of Italy at the scale1:100.000;<br />

- Archive investigations into the subsoil ex Law 464/84 -<br />

deeper than 30 meters, generally applied to water research and /<br />

or used for research in mining and hydrocarbons;<br />

- Deep wells - which displays the deep drilling by the Ministry<br />

of Economic Development made for oil exploration;<br />

- Geophysics: Geophysical digital cartography - Gravimetric<br />

Map of Italy at the scale 1:1.000.000 and 1: 250.000;<br />

- ReNDiS Project - in which there are data of interventions for<br />

mitigation of hydrogeological risk and resources involved in the<br />

field of soil conservation;<br />

- GeoIT 3D - 3D models for consultation of different areas of<br />

Italian territory;<br />

- ITHACA Project - which collects all available information<br />


SESSIONE 8<br />

on the capable faults, with particular attention to the tectonic<br />

processes that could cause natural hazards;<br />

- Lithology Map of Italy - produced by reworking of the<br />

geological map of Italy at the scale 1:100.000, assigning a<br />

lithological class to a specific formation and other parameters<br />

such as the genesis, the learning environment of the rock, the<br />

structure of training structure and texture of the rock;<br />

- OneGeology Project - for direct consultation through a<br />

geographic data portal geological maps of the world;<br />

- GeoSciML data model Project - on the compilation of a<br />

language for transmitting information produced by the geological<br />

community of Earth Sciences through display maps and data<br />

services on the web;<br />

- Sinkhole Project - database of the natural phenomena of<br />

subsidence in plain areas of Italy;<br />

- Other Data - including orography, hydrography,<br />

administrative limits, roads, topography and settlements, etc,<br />

available at Geological Survey.<br />


EN ISO 19115 (2005) - Geographic information – metadata.<br />

ISO 19115:2003,<br />


A shared geodatabase for a landslides and Quaternary cover map of<br />

the Regione Toscana<br />




Key words: Geodatabase, geothematic data, GIS, landslide.<br />

The increasing availability of geographic information has<br />

risen the need to develop storage and classification<br />

methodologies in order to be able to share a massive amount of<br />

data between technicians, researchers and environmental<br />

freelancer. The management and processing of geographic data<br />

are some main aspects for the planning, safeguard and mitigation<br />

policies of environmental critics, like flooding prediction and<br />

relative emergency management via simulation systems, or<br />

landslide hazard prevention with automated analysis on<br />

geological and geomorphological data. Mainly for these type of<br />

analysis you need to extract landslide and Quaternary cover data,<br />

taken back on the geological and geomorpohological maps.<br />

The national and regional rules have well point out significant<br />

aspects like the availability, delivery and interoperability of the<br />

geographic data for an integrated and efficient territorial planning<br />

(Legge Regionale Toscana 1/2005). These rules underline<br />

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) help regional and local<br />

administrations, scientific community and the freelancers in the<br />

arrangement, implementation and control of territorial planning<br />

means.<br />

Till now the Tuscany Region share the information needed for<br />

the above mentioned activities through the official geological and<br />

geomorphological regional cartography, published in her<br />

geographical web site as raster or vector format, like 728<br />

different tiles at the scale 1:10000. These data are derived from<br />

different survey, in various periods, made by scientific<br />

committees of disparate Tuscan Universities. Consequently the<br />

data are really accurate but not so up to date and, in particular,<br />

not so homogeneous long the whole Regional area. For these<br />

reasons, there are some area that are too difficult to study,<br />

because the data can come from different tiles that don’t<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Centro di GeoTecnologie (CGT), Università degli Studi di Siena,<br /><br />

(**) Consorzio LaMMa,<br />

(***) CNR-IGG,<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito dell’accordo di collaborazione scientifica<br />

“Banche dati tematiche, geologiche e pedologiche e procedure informatiche<br />

– operative” tra il CGT e il Consorzio LaMMa – Fondi PRAA Toscana<br />

2007 2010<br />

221<br />

interfaces each other, with consequent problems to interpret them,<br />

and maybe can have different age, so they don’t have the same<br />

meaning.<br />

In the last years the Tuscany Region has undertaken a series<br />

of activities oriented to favour the availability and access of<br />

geothematic data to a number as large as possible of users in<br />

order to carry out a unique web portal browsable and updatable<br />

by means of geothematic databases. This article will describe the<br />

activities relative to the scientific agreement between the<br />

Consortium “Laboratorio di Monitoraggio e Modellistica<br />

ambientale per lo sviluppo sostenibile” (LaMMa) and the Centre<br />

for GeoTecnologies (CGT) of Siena University for the production<br />

of a geodatabase representing a unique, continuous and total<br />

landslides and Quaternary cover dataset (Fig. 1).<br />

Fig. 1 – Overview of landslide interpretation and acquisition on the database.<br />


SESSIONE 8<br />

The collection and implementation of all the above data<br />

perform a local scale overview of the slope instability hazard and<br />

flooding scenario of the overall territory of the Tuscany Region,<br />

through a homogeneous geothematic dataset consistent with the<br />

geological database that it will be at the end of the year 2010.<br />

The main unit of the geodatabase are two polygonal layers<br />

representing all the Quaternary covers and landslides updated in a<br />

previous stereo-photogrammetryc interpretation of a 2005 areal<br />

photos.<br />

The data model and its metadata are according to the structure<br />

of other existed geographic databases of the Tuscany Region<br />

(e.g., Database of Subsoil and Hydric Resources) and INSPIRE<br />

(INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe) legislation<br />

(DIRECTIVE 2007/2/CE of the European Parliament and of the<br />

Council of 14 March 2007).<br />

The digital data have stored in a ESRI SDE geodatabase<br />

data model that represents a multi-user relational geographic<br />

database, using the ArcGIS/ArcInfo editing powerfull and the<br />

scalability of a Open Source Data Base Management System<br />

(DBMS) like POSTGRESQL 8.3, to manage vector (feature class<br />

on feature dataset) and raster data, tables, topological rules and<br />

relationships (association between objects in a geodatabase) in<br />

order to be able for a object or a class to access to the attribute of<br />

another object of a different class. (ATZENI et alii, 2009).<br />

A enterprise data acquisition architecture (Fig. 2), as that one<br />

provided from ArcSDE (Spatial Database Engine) technology,<br />

gives the chance to increase the map production, with a articulate<br />

workflow based on a large number of user who can edit the same<br />

dataset, the same area too and, furthermore, exactly on the same<br />

feature.<br />

GIS clients<br />

Enterprise ArcSDE<br />

Technology<br />

DB2<br />

Enterprise<br />

Geodatabase<br />

GIS data<br />

9.3<br />

Supported DBMS<br />

platforms<br />

DB2<br />

Informix<br />

Oracle<br />

SQL<br />

Server<br />

Fig. 2 – Overview of the ArSDE architecture (with courtesy of ESRI).<br />

This capability it’s really useful to edit a continuous and very<br />

accurate dataset, with a lot of features, that must be edited,<br />

updated and deleted simultaneously, without data and acquisition<br />

fragmentation.<br />

222<br />

All these properties can warrant a unique data consistency,<br />

excluding not needed redundancies, with a real productive<br />

concentration of the data editing operation and managing,<br />

through a series of tools dedicated to check every possible<br />

violation by the users that overrides defined constraint. In fact<br />

there are more scenarios in which the editors can work in this<br />

kind of system but, in every case, the system detects always<br />

potential conflicts (Fig. 3) that can amendable from the Database<br />

Administrator (DBA), with a reconciliation with the stable state<br />

Fig. 3 – A example of conflict detection during editing on ArcMap and<br />

the solution choose interface (with courtesy of ESRI).<br />

of the data.<br />

The whole above consideration are relevant to explain the<br />

particular carefulness to create a big and important geothematic<br />

dataset thought to provide a relevant tool for the risks prevention<br />

and environmental planning.<br />



PostgreSQL Documentation,<br />

ATZENI P., CERI S., PARABOSCHI S. & TORLONE R. (2009) – Basi<br />

di Dati: Modelli e linguaggi di interrogazione. McGraw-Hill<br />

Italia, 462 pp..<br />

DIRECTIVE 2007/2/CE of the European Parliament and of the<br />

Council of March 14 th 2007 establishing an INfrastructure for<br />

SPatial InfoRmation in the European Community (INSPIRE).

Key words: Anti Atlas, cartography, geological maps, Morocco.<br />

The Moroccan Ministry of Mine, Energy, Water &<br />

Environment is carrying on a program of systematic coverage of<br />

standard geological maps at the scales of 1:50,000 and 1:100,000<br />

for the whole Country. The project is accomplished by internal<br />

resources of the Ministry and by awarding contracts to external<br />

organisations.<br />

In 2003, a contract for five sheets at 1:50,000 scale was<br />

awarded to a Group formed by two Italian firms, Geomap Srl and<br />

S.EL.CA. Srl, both based in Florence, and by a Moroccan firm,<br />

Geomine Sarl, based in Casablanca and Marrakech.<br />

To carry out the project, the Group has availed itself of the<br />

collaboration of Italian and Moroccan scientists and experts<br />

belonging to research institutions, universities and specialized<br />

firms, namely:<br />

the Institute for Geosciences and Georesources (IGG) of the<br />

Italian Council of Research (CNR), based in Pisa, Florence and<br />

Turin,<br />

the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Pisa,<br />

the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Padua,<br />

the LTS (Land Technology & Services) Srl of Treviso and<br />

Padua,<br />

the Faculty of Sciences Semlalia of the Cadi Ayyad<br />

University of Marrakech,<br />

the Faculty of Sciences of the Hassan II Aïn Chock University<br />

of Casablanca.<br />

Scientific coordinators of the project were: Giorgio Vittorio<br />

Dal Piaz (University of Padua) and Abdelmajid El Boukhari<br />

(University of Marrakech) for the precambrian basement,<br />

Giovanni Musumeci (University of Pisa) and Kamal Taj-Eddine<br />

(University of Marrakech) for the sedimentary covers.<br />

The project has covered all the phases for the realisation of<br />

the five geological maps, from the field survey and remote<br />

sensing interpretation, the laboratory analyses, the preparation of<br />

the topographic base maps, the organisation of all data into a data<br />

bank, to the final editing and offset printing of the five sheets and<br />

of the explanatory notices.<br />

The five sheets of the project are located in the north-eastern<br />

_________________________<br />

Geological mapping in Morocco – A contribution from Italy<br />

(*) Geomap Srl – Firenze,<br />

(**) S.EL.CA. Srl – Firenze,<br />


223<br />

part of the Anti Atlas, across the north-eastern tip of the Jebel<br />

Saghro and the south-western half of the Jebel Ougnat, the Anti<br />

Atlas representing a part of the deformed northern margin of the<br />

western African craton. The northern part of the area involves<br />

also part of the mesozoic-cenozoic domain (alpine) of the High<br />

Atlas.<br />

The oldest Saghro basement outcrops in the window of<br />

Imiter-Boumalne and is characterized by two complexes of the<br />

middle Neoproterozoic or Cryogenian : i) the sandy-pelitic<br />

metasediments, metamorphosed and folded at a regional scale<br />

during the panafrican orogeny ; ii) the calc-alkaline intrusive<br />

bodies at low metamorphism. This basement is unconformably<br />

covered by thick volcanic and volcano-clastic formations (Group<br />

of Ouarzazate) and cut by subvolcanic and intrusive bodies<br />

which, non metamorphosed nor folded, can be related to the<br />

upper Neoproterozoic or Ediacaran. The upper neoproterozoic<br />

magmatism forms a post collisional sequence characterized by<br />

high K calc-alkaline content. The Saghro-Ougnat Precambrian is<br />

cut by a system of faults, frequently mineralized, and by dykes of<br />

basalt, andesite and rhyolite.<br />

The northwestern part of the precambrian basement includes<br />

the large underground and open-air mine of Imiter, a<br />

hydrothermal deposit at Ag-Hg related to an E-W fault zone and<br />

to the emplacement of rhyolitic bodies of uppermost<br />

neoproterozoic age.<br />

In the north-eastern part, the substratum is made out of<br />

volcanic formations of upper neoproterozoic age, in which two<br />

different complexes have been distinguished : the Ougnat<br />

rhyolitic complex, belonging to the middle NP3 and which has by<br />

far the largest outcrops, and the Ougnat pyroclastic complex<br />

(upper NP3), much more limited.<br />

The Paleozoic consists of sedimentary sequences ranging in<br />

age from Lower Cambrian to Carboniferous (Visean). Its basis<br />

unconformably rests on a rough paleomorphology developed on<br />

the precambrian basement.<br />

The sedimentary and tectonic analysis indicates a sedimentary<br />

context of a silico-clastic passive margin, controlled<br />

predominantly by eustatic changes, and by local tectonic<br />

movements (extensive). This double control is at the origin of<br />

several local stratigraphic hiatuses (lower Cambrian, Siluro-<br />

Devonian, upper Carboniferous), or regional (upper<br />

Cambrian/Tremadocian, upper Ashgillian), and of a sequential<br />

stacking, often of the third order. The tectonic control is due to a<br />

system of faults, probably inherited from the Proterozoic,<br />

organized in a main network trending ENE-WSW to E-W, a<br />

secondary system NE-SW to NNE-SSW, and a minor one NW-<br />


SESSIONE 8<br />

SE. The extensive block tectonics gives place, from the upper<br />

Devonian, to a strong displacement of this northern margin of the<br />

paleozoic platform. After the upper Visean, the sequence is<br />

involved in a regime of polyphasic hercynian tectonics, in which<br />

the major phase causes the inversion of the pre existing paleozoic<br />

faults and some south-verging detachments, but without large<br />

displacement.<br />

The meso-cenozoic sequence is made of marine and<br />

continental sediments which indicate well defined<br />

paleogeographic and structural environments. They outcrop in the<br />

northern part of the project area, along the northern margin of the<br />

Anti Atlas. The lower part of the sequence, jurassic in age,<br />

carbonatic and deposited in a marine environment, represents the<br />

filling of basins formed in the “Atlasic“ rifting phase, while the<br />

upper part, Cretaceous to Pliocene in age, represents both the<br />

cover of the High Atlas and the filling of the Ouarzazate basin.<br />

A hiatus separates the jurassic from the cretaceous deposition,<br />

which starts in the Cenomanian with a continental sequence<br />

extending in the turonian ocean. In the upper Cretaceous the<br />

sequence indicates syntectonic characters and corresponds to an<br />

alternation of continental and marine platform formations<br />

deposited at variable depths. The upper paleocene to middle<br />

eocene sediments, which unconformably lie on the middle-upper<br />

cretaceous continental-marine sequence, are characterized, in the<br />

majority, by coastal marine sediments. In the upper Eocene, the<br />

sediments are predominantly continental.<br />

At present, due to the alpine orogeny, the Ouarzazate basin<br />

rests at the front of the High Atlas, which limits and partially<br />

overthrusts it at its northern edge. The cretaceous to quaternary<br />

formations that fill it towards the South, lie unconformably on<br />

paleozoic and precambrian rocks of the Anti-Atlas.<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

<strong>Il</strong> <strong>contributo</strong> del progetto CARG <strong>alla</strong> conoscenza <strong>della</strong><br />

<strong>geologia</strong> dell'Italia - Cartografia geologica<br />


Raffaele Pignone (Regione Emilia-Romagna)<br />

Nicola Perilli (Università di Pisa)<br />

Guido Giordano (Università di Roma TRE)<br />

225<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

Key words: CARG, Coltre <strong>della</strong> Val Marecchia, foredeep,<br />

Miocene-Pliocene.<br />


The biostratigraphic researches, carried out mainly in CARG<br />

project, have been focused on the analyses of the calcareous<br />

nannoplankton and planktonic foraminifera assemblages retrieved<br />

in the sediments of central and southern Apennine chain. These<br />

studies were performed to provide the biostratigraphic constrains<br />

of the cinematic evolution of chain and to identify new and more<br />

useful bio-events for the Mediterranean area.<br />



Because of the characteristics of the sediments analyzed, often<br />

poor and affected by intense frequent reworking,<br />

preparation of nannofossils slides was carried out by<br />

centrifugation (AMORE et alii, 1988: BOWN, 1999; DE CAPOA et<br />

alii, 2003; AMORE et alii, 2005) is generally preferred to use the<br />

events of FO (First Occurrence) and not those of LO (Last<br />

Occurrence). Regarding planktonic foraminifera the<br />

biostratigraphic scheme frequently used for Neogene<br />

Mediterranean is that proposed by IACCARINO et alii (2007),<br />

which is a summary of the various schemes proposed by several<br />

authors in recent years, including SPROVIERI et alii (2002),<br />

HILGEN et alii (2000), IACCARINO et alii (2004), DI STEFANO et<br />

alii (2008). Regarding calcareous nannoplankton assemblages the<br />

schemes are: for Oligocene and early Miocene FORNACIARI & RIO<br />

(1996); for Middle Miocene FORNACIARI et alii (1996), with<br />

modifications of SPROVIERI et alii (2002) and DI STEFANO et alii,<br />

2008. The scheme of THEODORIDIS (1984), using the FO of<br />

Minylitha convallis and the FO of Amaurolithus primus is used<br />

for the Tortonian / Messinian. The scheme of IACCARINO et alii<br />

(2001) was also considered useful because report events, such as<br />

the FO of Amaurolithus delicatus, the FO of Discoaster<br />

quinqueramus and the FO of Discoaster surculus. D.<br />

_________________________<br />

Biostratigraphic dating as a useful tool for the reconstruction of<br />

Central and Southern Apennine evolution<br />

(*) DSGA Università degli Studi del Sannio,<br />


226<br />

quinqueramus is a symmetrical 5-arms species, and has its FO in<br />

the Atlantic Ocean, just above the FO of D. berggrenii, which<br />

occurs at 8.3 Ma (BACKMAN & RAFFI, 1997; RAFFI et alii, 1998).<br />

D. surculus has its FO in the Indian Ocean and the Equatorial<br />

Pacific Ocean, sporadic and discontinuous in the CN8 (BUKRY,<br />

1973). The species is present, however, continuously and with<br />

typical specimens from the base of the zone CN9, just above the<br />

appearance of D. berggrenii (RAFFI et alii, 1995). These species,<br />

although quite rare in the middle latitudes and the Mediterranean<br />

Sea (THEODORIDIS, 1984; IACCARINO et alii, 2001; RAFFI et alii,<br />

2003), however, were sometimes recognized in the Apennine<br />

sequences and in the Maltese series (MAZZEI, 1985; AMORE,<br />

1992; CIPOLLARI & COSENTINO, 1995; FORESI et alii, 2001,<br />

among others). Although not particularly abundant these species<br />

are useful as the phenomena of reworking, the inability to achieve<br />

a high resolution sampling and lack of ability to use the LO<br />

already greatly reduce the biostratigraphic resolution.<br />


We discuss, here, dating performed on Miocene deposits in<br />

stratigraphic contact with the most important structural units that<br />

are recognized in this portion of Apennines, in order to date the<br />

most important moments of their kinematic evolution. These<br />

moments are: a) Miocene “para-conformity” transgression; b)<br />

drowning of the platform; c) start of arcose- silicoclastic<br />

sedimentation (mature fore-deep phase); d) first discordant<br />

stratigraphic contact (first thrust top basin); e) possible second<br />

discordant stratigraphic contact (second thrust top basin). The<br />

main formations, about which we discuss the biostratigraphic<br />

dating, are: Flysch del Bifurto, Piaggine Formation, M. Sierio<br />

Formation, Flysch di Castelvetere, Arenarie di Caiazzo, Brecce di<br />

S. Massimo. These biostratigraphic data are connected each<br />

other, as they represent the deformation that moves through time<br />

and space, affecting more and more external domains. We believe<br />

it is useful to clarify the views on these dates, used in mapping<br />

CARG and in geodynamic and paleogeographic reconstructions<br />

recently proposed.


AMORE F. O. (1992) – Studi biostratigrafici <strong>dei</strong> sedimenti<br />

miocenici del bacino molisano: nannoplancton calcareo. Tesi<br />

di Dottorato in Geologia del sedimentario, Università<br />

“Federico II” di Napoli.<br />

AMORE O., CIAMPO G., DE CAPOA P. & RUGGIERO E. (1988) –<br />

Problemi biostratigrafici <strong>dei</strong> sedimenti terrigeni<br />

nell’Appennino centro-meridionale. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 41,<br />

pp. 621-625.<br />


P., MORABITO S., RUGGIERO E. & SGROSSO I. (2005) - The<br />

progress of knowledge about the miocene successions of the<br />

southern Apennines following Selli’s papers of 1957 and<br />

1962. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 4, 37-44.<br />

BACKMAN J. & RAFFI I. (1997) - Calibration of Miocene<br />

nannofosil events to orbital tuned cyclostratigraphies from<br />

Ceara Rise. Proc.ODP Sci. Results, 154, 83-99.<br />

BOWN P.R. (1999) - Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy.<br />

Kluwer Academic Publishers, Cambridge Univ. Press,1 –<br />

314.<br />

BUKRY D. (1973) – Low-latitude coccolith biostratigraphic<br />

zonation. Init. Rep. DSDP, 15,685-703.<br />

CIPOLLARI P. & COSENTINO D. (1995) – Miocene unconformities<br />

in the central Apennnines: geodynamic significance and<br />

sedimentary basin evolution. Tectonophysics, 252, 375-389.<br />


RINALDI S. (2003) - Preparation techniques and<br />

methodological approach to calcareous nannofossil analysis<br />

in silico- and calciclastic turbidites. Cour. Forsch Inst.<br />

Senckenberg, 244, 105-127.<br />




&HILGEN F. (2008) - Calcareous plankton high resolution<br />

biostratigraphy for the Langhian of the Mediterranean. Riv.<br />

It. Pal. e Strat., 114, 56-72.<br />


BAMBINI A.M. (2001) – <strong>Il</strong> plancton calcareo (Foraminiferi e<br />

nannofossili) del Miocene delle Isole Tremiti. Paleont. Italica,<br />

88,1-64.<br />

FORNACIARI E., DI STEFANO A., RIO D. & NEGRI A. (1996) –<br />

Middle Miocene quantitative calcareous nannofossil<br />

biostratigraphy in the Mediterranean region.<br />

Micropaleontology, 42 (1), 1 - 36.<br />

FORNACIARI E. & RIO D. (1996) – Latest Oligocene to early<br />

middle Miocene quantitative calcareous nannofossil<br />

biostratigraphy in the Mediterranean region.<br />

Micropaleontology, 42 (1), 1 - 36.<br />

227<br />


C.G. & ZACHARIASSE W.J. (2000) - The Global Boundary<br />

Stratotype Section and Point of the Messinian stage<br />

(uppermost Miocene). Episodes, 23, 172-178.<br />


– Calcareous plankton biostratigraphy of the Miocene<br />

sediments of the Tremiti Islands (Southern Italy). Rev. Espan.<br />

Micropal., 33 (2), 237-248.<br />



SPROVIERI M., SPROVIERI R. & TURCO E. (2004) -<br />

Astrochronology of late Middle Mediterranean sections. In:<br />

B. D'Argenio et alii (eds) - Ciclostratigraphy: An Essay of<br />

Approaches and Case Histories . SEPM Spec. Publ., 81, 25-<br />

42.<br />


LIRER F., TURCO E. & PETRIZZO M.R. (2007) – Practical<br />

Manual of Neogene Planktonic Foraminifera. Perugia 19-23<br />

February.<br />

MAZZEI R. (1985). – The Miocene sequence of the Maltese<br />

islands: biostratigraphic and chronostratigraphic reference<br />

based on nannofossils. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sc. Nat., Serie A, 92,<br />

165-197.<br />


(1995) – Quantitative distribution patterns and<br />

biomagnetostratigrapfy of middle and late Miocene<br />

calcareous nannofossils from equatorian Indian and Pacific<br />

Oceans (Leg 115, 130, and 138). Proc. ODP Sci. Results,<br />

138, 479-502.<br />

RAFFI I., BACKMAN J. & RIO D. (1998) – Evolutionary trends of<br />

tropical calcareous nannofossils in the late Neogene. Mar.<br />

Microp al., 35,17-41.<br />


(2003) – Late Miocene calcareous nannofossil<br />

biostratigraphy and astrobiochronology for the<br />

Mediterranean region. Micropaleontology, 49 (1), 1-26.<br />



R. & SALVATORINI G. (2002) – Integrated calcareous<br />

plankton biostratigraphy and biochronology of the<br />

Mediterranean Middle Miocene. In: Iaccarino S. (Ed.)<br />

Integrated stratigaphy and paleoceanography of the<br />

Mediterranean Middle Miocene. Riv. Ital. Paleontol .S., 108<br />

(2), 337-353.<br />

THEODORIDIS S. (1984) – Calcareous nannofossil biozonation of<br />

the Miocene and revision of the Helicoliths and Discoasters.<br />

Utrecht Micropaleontological Bullettin, 32, 1 - 271.<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

Lithological and palaeontological records of the Maiolica Formation<br />

in Umbria-Marche Apennines (Italy)<br />

Key words: Biostratigraphy, calpionellids, calcareous<br />

nannofossils, Italy, Maiolica, Umbria-Marche Apennine.<br />

This study is aimed to compare lithological and<br />

palaeontological differences between the Maiolica Formation<br />

deposited above the Jurassic pelagic carbonate platforms and<br />

within troughs of Umbria – Marche Domain. The development of<br />

distinct pelagic carbonate platforms (PCP of SANTANTONIO,<br />

1994) and trough successions ceased in Umbria–Marche during<br />

the latest Tithonian with Maiolica deposition (CENTAMORE et<br />

alii, 1971; FARINACCI et alii, 1981). However, topographic<br />

gradients on the sea bottom, though less pronounced than in the<br />

Jurassic, persisted in the Early Cretaceous as demonstrated by<br />

LOWRIE &ALVAREZ (1984). The pelagic carbonate platforms<br />

were surrounded by deep troughs characterized by different facies<br />

and thicker successions.<br />

A crucial tool to constrain the sedimentary evolution of the<br />

Maiolica Fm. is the study of calpionellids and calcareous<br />

nannofossils. The calpionellids, calcareous microplankton<br />

protists, characterize the Tithonian–Hauterivian interval in the<br />

Tethyan realm, with a potential biostratigraphic application from<br />

the Upper Tithonian to the Upper Valanginian. Fossils of<br />

calcareous nannoplankton have been found in limestones and<br />

chalks since the Jurassic and allow to improve the dating of<br />

Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary successions. The study successions<br />

(Fonte del Giordano and Campo al Bello sections) outcrop on the<br />

south-western slope of M. Nerone (Umbria - Marche Apennines).<br />

The studied interval at Fonte del Giordano section is represented<br />

by cherty limestones (8 metres) belonging to Calcari Diasprigni<br />

Unit and light brownish to whitish limestone with chert belonging<br />

to Maiolica Fm. (104 metres). The calpionellid assemblages are<br />

quantitatively abundant and Crassicollaria and Calpionella and<br />

Calpionellopsis and Calpionellites Zones are recorded. The<br />

Microstaurus chiastius, Nannoconus steinmannii steinmannii and<br />

Cretharhabdus angustiforatus calcareous nannofossil Zones have<br />

been recognized based on the first occurrence of Nannoconus<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Università degli Studi di Perugia, Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra,<br /><br />


228<br />

steinmannii steinmannii and Cretharhabdus angustiforatus,<br />

actually the first occurrence of Nannoconus steinmannii minor<br />

allow us to recognize also the Nannoconus steinmannii minor<br />

Subzone whilst the appearance of Percivalia fenestrata has not<br />

been recognized (ANDREINI et alii, 2010). This succession<br />

suggest that this area was part of a trough located on the southern<br />

margin of Monte Nerone.<br />

The Campo al Bello section corresponds to PCP area (CECCA<br />

et alii, 1990) and the Maiolica Fm. lies in stratigraphic succession<br />

to Bugarone. This section is represented by light brownish to<br />

whitish limestone with chert belonging to Maiolica Fm. (6,40<br />

metres). The texture ranges by packstones / wackestones with<br />

Globochaete, Saccocoma, radiolaria and aptychi, until mudstones<br />

with calpionellids. Calpionellid biostratigraphy recorded<br />

Crassicollaria Zone (remanei and intermedia subzone) and<br />

Calpionella Zone (alpina and remanei subzone). Calpionellids are<br />

scarce and characterized by low diversity.<br />

With respect to the previous dating achieved during the<br />

realization of the Geological map of Italy (scale 1:100.000), this<br />

study shows that the integrated biostratigraphy based on<br />

calcareous nannofossil and calpionellid events is an important<br />

tool to refine the dating of this units and to characterize the<br />

sedimentary features of the Maiolica Formation in Umbria-<br />

Marche Domain.<br />



F. (2010) - Integrated magneto - biostratigraphy across<br />

Tithonian - Valanginian time interval fron Fonte del<br />

Giordano Section (Umbria - Marche Domain, central Italy).<br />

The Colors of Cretaceous and Paleogene Oceans (Attribute to<br />

Isabella Premoli Silva), Abstract Book, 17<br />

CECCA F., CRESTA S., PALLINI G. & SANTANTONIO M. (1990) - <strong>Il</strong><br />

Giurassico di Monte Nerone (Appennino Marchigiano, Italia<br />

Centrale): biostratigrafia, litostratigrafia ed evoluzione<br />

paleogeografica. Atti II Convegno Internazionale “Fossili,<br />

Evoluzione, ambiente”, Pergola 1987, 63-139.<br />


PIERUCCINI U. (1971) - Contributo <strong>alla</strong> conoscenza del<br />

Giurassico dell'Apennino umbro-marchigian. Studi Geol.<br />

Camerti, 1, 7-89.


SCHIAVINOTTO F. (1981) - Jurassic sediments in the umbromarchen<br />

Apennines: an alternative model. Proc. “Rosso<br />

Ammonitico Symp.”. Tecnoscienza, 335-398.<br />

LOWRIE W. & ALVAREZ W. (1984) - Lower Cretaceous magnetic<br />

stratigraphy in Umbrian pelagic limestone sections. Earth Pl.<br />

Sci. Lett., 71 (2), 315-328.<br />

SANTANTONIO M. (1994) - Pelagic carbonate platforms in the<br />

geologic record; their classification, and sedimentary and<br />

paleotectonic evolution. AAPG Bulletin, 78 (1), 122-141.<br />

229<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

Contribution of the CARG Project to the reconstruction of the mode<br />

and time of the emplacement of the “Coltre <strong>della</strong> Val Marecchia”<br />

Key words: CARG, Coltre <strong>della</strong> Val Marecchia, foredeep,<br />

Miocene-Pliocene.<br />


The detailed geological map survey of the area between Badia<br />

Tedalda and the upper Foglia River, in the Marecchia Valleyupper<br />

Montefeltro, and the relative 1:50,000 scale cartography<br />

produced for the CARG Project and for regional cartographic<br />

projects (Marche and Emilia Romagna), allowed to examine the<br />

relationships between tectonics and sedimentation of the<br />

successions of such outer sector of the Northern Apennines<br />

foredeep. The main goal has been the development of a new<br />

evolutive framework for this sector of the orogen during<br />

Messinian-early Pliocene. Several new informations about the<br />

geological-structural setting and stratigraphy come out from the<br />

new geological maps. These are overall sustained by stratigraphic<br />

evidences, which suggest time and modalities of the “Coltre <strong>della</strong><br />

Val Marecchia” (CVM) allochthonous emplacement within the<br />

Messinian-early Pliocene foredeep sedimentation.<br />


The CVM represents the outermost allochthonous Ligurian<br />

rocks of the Northern Apennines. It shows the opportunity to<br />

observe the advancing front of the Ligurian units during the postevaporitic<br />

phases of development of the orogen. The CVM is<br />

formed by several embricate slices, bordered by arcuate-shape<br />

tectonic contacts, with convexity toward NW or WNW and<br />

moderate SW dip (Fig. 1). The slices forming the CVM are<br />

structured with strongly deformed-plastic lithologies of the<br />

Argille Varicolori Fm. at the bottom and upward more competent<br />

_________________________<br />



(*) Centro di Geotecnologie, Università di Siena,<br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Siena<br />

(**) Servizio Geologico, Sismico e <strong>dei</strong> Suoli, Regione Emilia Romagna<br />

230<br />

formations (Sillano Fm. and Monte Morello Fm.) or directly the<br />

epiligurian formations, through angular unconformity. The<br />

epiligurian formations form competent layers always lying onto<br />

the Argille Varicolori Fm., through the Oligocene-Burdigalian<br />

formations for the inner part of the CVM and through the<br />

Messinian formations for the outer part. The paleoautochthonous<br />

and neoautochthonous substrata are formed by the whole pre- and<br />

syn-evaporitic “Umbro-Marchean-Romagnan Succession” and<br />

“Padan-Adriatic margin post-evaporite Succession”, sedimented<br />

respectively during late Burdigalian to late Messinian and from<br />

this to Pleistocene. The two above successions are divided by an<br />

unconformity of regional significance, linked with the intra-<br />

Messinian tectonic phase. The bottom surface and distribution of<br />

the CVM resulted to be influenced by the general<br />

paleophysiography and by the morphostructural lineaments<br />

occuring during the emplacement phases.<br />



The analysis of the geometrical relationships among the<br />

mapped tectono-stratigraphic units draws a regional geological<br />

framework of great interest for the interpretation of the relative<br />

chronology of the depositional and tectonic events involving this<br />

sector of the foredeep during late Miocene up to middle<br />

Pleistocene. In particular, two main flow-transport directions for<br />

the CVM have been detected. They are distinct on the basis of the<br />

age of the paleogeographical set, so to emphasize two distinct<br />

gravitational flow-bodies, which are the CVM1 and the CVM2<br />

(Fig. 2), joined with tectonic events and lineaments showed in the<br />

geological maps. The first CVM event (late Messinian) followed<br />

the Tortonian Ligurian Units thrust onto the Marnoso-Arenacea<br />

along the apenninic front of the Mt. Fumaiolo and the<br />

sedimentation of the foredeep turbidites (Sant’Agata Feltria<br />

Sandstones) closed with the several precursory<br />

Ligurian/Epiligurian olistoliths and olistostromes. The antiapenninic<br />

Sant’Agata Feltria transversal fault (FSA) was already<br />

active during this event, constraining the morphological<br />

conditions to drive the turbidite flows before and the Ligurian<br />

allochthonous bodies after, along the northern alignment (Fig.

Fig. 1 – Gelogical-structural sketch map of the Val Marecchia area with on evidence the distribution of the CVM (its northernmost part is not showed). Green<br />

colours indicate the Ligurian fms of the CVM. The brown-pink formations on the top of the CVM belong to the Epiligurian succession.<br />

2A). The foredeep basin appear to be subdivided in a<br />

northwestern part, which is characterized by a sedimentary<br />

succession typical of a structural/morphological high<br />

(resedimented gypsum lithofacies belonging at the Tetto Fm.) and<br />

in a southeastern part characterized by a deep basin succession.<br />

The above two parts are separated by a depression zone<br />

coincident with the FSA direction, where the turbidites, the<br />

olistostrome bodies and the CVM1 flowed. The totally infilling of<br />

the northern basinal depression is also documented by the<br />

sedimentation of the very shallow marine environment Perticara<br />

Sandstones. The second event is of early Pliocene age, with the<br />

231<br />

emplacement in the basin of the more thick southern<br />

allochthonous body (CVM2, Fig. 2B). It flowed through a more<br />

complex morphological depression, which was aligned with the<br />

Molino di Bascio transversal fault (FMB). It results to be<br />

confined to north by the northern CVM1 body and to south by the<br />

Macerata Feltria structural high. The body of the CVM2 through<br />

its flow trajectory (Fig. 2B) shows the avoidance of such<br />

structural high, as demonstred by the geometry and convexity of<br />

the allochthonous slices of the CVM2.<br />

Fig. 2 – Phases of emplacement of the CVM. A – Late Messinian first phase (CVM1); B – Early Pliocene second phase (CVM2).<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

The Passignano sul Trasimeno sheet of the 1.50.000 scale Geological<br />

Map of Italy: new insights about the Northern Apennine geology from<br />

CARG Project results<br />







Key words: CARG Project, geological mapping, Northern<br />

Apennine, Trasimeno lake.<br />


The goal of the geological mapping in the frame of the CARG<br />

(CARtografia Geologica) project is represented not only by a<br />

new cartography, devoted to be an useful tool for the country<br />

planning, but consists also in an impressive collection of new data<br />

about the investigated area.<br />

An example of mapping associated to a production of new<br />

data is provided by Passignano sul Trasimeno sheet of the<br />

1.50,000 scale Geological Map of Italy. During this project, new<br />

data about the sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Plio-<br />

Pleistocene deposits, as well as about the geological structure of<br />

the Trasimeno lake and the foredeep successions from Tuscan,<br />

Rentella and Umbro-Marchean units have been collected.<br />


AREA<br />

The Passignano sul Trasimeno area is characterized by a<br />

NW-SE striking stack of the Tuscan, Rentella and Umbro-<br />

Marche tectonic units where Mesozoic to Tertiary ramp foreland<br />

and foredeep deposits are well preserved. The stratigraphic and<br />

tectonic features of these deposits are the result of the progressive<br />

migration of the compressive deformation fron toward the eastern<br />

domains of the Adria plate during the Miocene.<br />

The stack of tectonic units is unconformably covered by Plio-<br />

Pleistocene sediments (Tiberino and Val di Chiana<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Servizio Geologico e Sismico, Regione Umbria,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Perugia<br />

(°) Istituto di Geologia Marina – ISMAR,CNR<br />

(°°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Pisa<br />

232<br />

supersynthemes) deposited in fault-bounded basins developed<br />

during the extensional tectonics that followed in space and time<br />

the compressive one. The Pliocene sediments, that crop out in the<br />

western side of the Trasimeno Lake, are regarded as marine<br />

environment deposits, whereas the eastern side is characterized<br />

by continental to lacustrine Pleistocene sediments. In this frame<br />

the Trasimeno lake, a ~10 km diameter, shallow (

233<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

Key words: CARG project, geological map, geothematic<br />

cartography, Regione Umbria.<br />

Geological mapping of Italy at scale of 1:50000 started and<br />

quickly improved after Law n. 305 of 28/12/1989 dealing with<br />

long term financial planning of Ministry of Environment. One of<br />

the purposes of this law was to promote the sound use of the<br />

environment with the creation of CARG project (where CARG<br />

stands for CARtografia Geologica, the geological mapping of<br />

Italy at scale of 1:50,000).<br />

At the same time Regione Umbria starts a program of<br />

restoration of buildings and places hit by the earthquake of<br />

19/09/1979 and with the budget of another law (Regional Law n.<br />

25/89 art. 22) started geological mapping of Valnerina at<br />

1:10,000 scale.<br />

Regione Umbria realized, both with the help of new budget<br />

from Ministry of Environment and the project at 1:10.000 scale<br />

geological mapping, the CARG project at scale 1:50.000, a<br />

technical and scientific project of great importance for<br />

environmental purposes and more specific than the earlier<br />

1:100.000 geological maps.<br />

At present Regione Umbria Geological sheets at scale of<br />

1:50,000 are: n. 289 "Città di Castello", n. 299 "Umbertide", n.<br />

336 "Spoleto", n. 310 "Passignano sul Trasimeno", n. 324<br />

"Foligno" where new scientific criteria were applied, for instance<br />

divisions between continental deposits in UBSU (Unconformity-<br />

Bounded Stratigraphic Units) and for turbiditic successions the<br />

creation of “membri” as lower level litostratigraphic units.<br />

Detailed geological cartography has become an essential<br />

instrument of research for environmental and applicative<br />

purposes for analysis of hot-spots, such as hydrogeological and<br />

hydraulic damage, the protection of underground water resources<br />

and definition of local seismic hazard. Case studies are<br />

represented by landslides affecting roads and cities like Orvieto,<br />

Valnerina valley also in relation with geological characteristics<br />

and their displacements.<br />

Finally, geological cartography at 1:10.000 scale has revealed<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) –<br /><br />

Geological and geothematic cartography of Regione Umbria:<br />

the impulse of CARG project and its application<br />


234<br />

itself of the utmost importance for planning new road or railway<br />

routes, to point out the importance of geosites like S. Venanzo’s<br />

volcanic apparatus, Marmore’s fall, Dunarobba’s fossil forest; for<br />

its contribute to underground water research in times of the water<br />

emergency that led government to publish the act “O.P.G.R. n.<br />

48/04” as well to hydrogeological case study of Amerini<br />

mountains and Volsinii volcanic apparatus or to the analysis of<br />

underground water resources in North Eastern Umbria, a project<br />

called “Hydrogeology of Mt. Cucco and Gualdo’s mountains”.<br />

Without the CARG Project, detailed study of the environment<br />

and hazard planning would have been more difficult or worse<br />

never could start.

Key words: Geological map, geothematic cartography, Regione<br />

Umbria.<br />

Geological and Seismic Survey of Regione Umbria planned<br />

the geothematic cartography with the contribution of professional<br />

geologists aimed to give the most detail information about the<br />

geological, seismic and hydrogeological hazards.<br />

Among thematic cartography, of great importance some<br />

oriented in localizing and in land-use planning, the<br />

hydrogeological cartography projects at various scale map and<br />

the local seismic hazard geothematic cartography, at scale<br />

1:10.000.<br />

On July 2010 Regione Umbria coverage was completed with<br />

the geothematic cartography and it’s now available a very<br />

detailed seismic analysis with localization of seismic<br />

amplifications, due to different stratigraphic and/or<br />

morphological conditions, which are likely to happen.<br />

There are 5 possible situations:<br />

1) areas not interested by seismic amplification;<br />

2) unstable areas (split into 4 different categories) where,<br />

active or not, landslides or condensations of soils are mapped and<br />

can be reactivated or exploited by seismic shocks;<br />

3) areas (split into 2 different categories) with particular<br />

morphological characteristics which can lead to amplifications of<br />

ground shaking or to local collapsing due to increasing seismic<br />

waves;<br />

4) areas (split into 3 different categories) where seismic<br />

ground shaking is likely to happen due firstly to difference of<br />

seismic characteristics between bedrock and soft rock and latter<br />

then to geometry with subsequential effects on concentrations of<br />

seismic waves;<br />

5) areas where ground shaking with different amplitude and<br />

_________________________<br />

Geothematic cartography applications in Regione Umbria<br />


(*) Regione Umbria – Servizio Geologico e Sismico,<br /><br />

235<br />

frequencies are likely to happen just where geologic elements<br />

with high contrast of physical or mechanical properties overlap.<br />

The set of geothematic cartography realized by Geological<br />

and Seismic Survey of Regione Umbria, is intended to be an<br />

essential support to the end user for responsible planning in<br />

respect of the natural resources of which Umbria is so rich, as<br />

well as their preservation for the next generation.<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

Unconformity Bounded Stratigraphic Units of the Plio-Pleistocene<br />

basins of the upper catchment of the Arno (Tuscany): a proposal<br />

Key words: Northern Apennines, Pleistocene, UBSU<br />


The geomorphology of the upper catchment of the Arno is<br />

characterized by wide tectonic basins (form South to North: Val<br />

di Chiana, Arezzo, Casentino and Valdarno, Fig. 1) related to the<br />

Plio-Pleistocene collapse of relevant crustal blocks of this sector<br />

of the Northern Apennines chain. During their subsidence the<br />

overall length and wideness of the basins were controlled by<br />

prevailing NW-SE oriented normal faults and by NE-SW<br />

trending faults and/or structural highs. These latter tectonic<br />

features limited the longitudinal extension of the basins and<br />

complicated their floor morphology. The collapse of the basins<br />

induced a significant change of the previous hydrographic<br />

network (MAZZANTI & TREVISAN, 1978) and promoted the<br />

formation of new and differentiated depositional environments,<br />

such as alluvial fans, flood plains, lakes and swamps. The basins<br />

have long been areas of subsidence and were filled by relatively<br />

thick clastic sedimentary successions. However, the oscillations<br />

of the base level did prevail the erosion during some time<br />

intervals and the stratigraphic continuity of the sedimentary<br />

successions was interrupted by wide erosive surfaces, i.e. by<br />

surfaces of unconformities.<br />

Unfortunately the no uniform completion of the CARG<br />

project does not allow new age determinations of these<br />

unconformity surfaces. Therefore, their age, stratigraphic position<br />

and areal extension can only be inferred from literature, field<br />

reconnaissance and consultation of the 1:10,000 geological maps,<br />

freely available online by the “Regione Toscana-Progetto di<br />

Cartografia Geologica” (cfr. MORINI &BRUNI, 2004). Moreover<br />

the project has been attended by several research groups that<br />

proposed different stratigraphic and structural reconstructions.<br />

The UBSU architecture illustrated in this contribute (Fig. 2) is<br />

derived from field controls and by the compilation of a new<br />

geological map at 1:50,000, which summarizes and homogenizes<br />

the 1:10,000 geological maps available on line for the examined<br />

area. The stratigraphic proposal and the chronologic<br />

correlations must be considered provisional.<br />

___________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Firenze,<br /><br />


236<br />



The major results of our study may be summarized as it<br />

follows. The basins are separated by structural highs. They<br />

favoured appreciable differences on the lithology, paleo-current<br />

orientation and areas of clasts supply during the sedimentation of<br />

the successions. Some of them still retain their topographical<br />

evidence and have been effective throughout the Pleistocene. The<br />

Val di Chiana Basin was separated from the Arezzo Basin by the<br />

Chiani-Olmo structural high, and the Arezzo Basin was in turn<br />

separated from the Valdarno Basin by the Rondine structural<br />

high. By the end of the filling of the basins and with the<br />

simultaneous action of the erosion, the sedimentation buried some<br />

structural highs. In this case (eg. Rondine and Incisa structural<br />

highs) the two adjoining basins show the same synthem in their<br />

Fig. 1 – The Plio-Pleistocene basins of the Northern Apennines (redrawn and<br />

modified from BOSI et alii, 1995).<br />

stratigraphically higher portion (eg. Sintema del Torrente<br />

Ciuffenna). As shown in Fig. 2, all the Pleistocene sequences lie<br />

on an erosive surface, are interrupted by an unconformity and at<br />

the top are closed by an old depositional surface. Geological<br />

maps show that these unconformities have a basin extension, but<br />

in our view they can overcome the basin boundaries and extend<br />

to the other basins. In this case the main limits of the UBSU<br />

could represent an useful tool to correlate the basin successions.

Fig. 2 – - Chronostratigraphic diagram summarizing the Unconformity Bounded Stratigraphic Units of the Pleistocene successions (from south to north) of Val<br />

di Chiana, Arezzo, Casentino and Valdarno basins. The structural highs and the tentative time correlations are shown (from GHINASSI &MAGI, 2004; ARUTA et<br />

alii, 2004).<br />

Referring to the data known for the Valdarno Basin, the lower<br />

synthem of the Pleistocene sedimentation (Fig. 2) could be lasted<br />

from the base of Gelasian up to the first half of Calabrian. Later,<br />

the sedimentation was interrupted up to the end of the<br />

Calabrian. The geological maps show that erosion has deeply<br />

penetrated the underlying synthem and in some cases has reached<br />

the substrate. The youngest synthem represents a important part<br />

of the Ionian, followed by a new erosional episode. The latter has<br />

profoundly sculptured all the Pleistocene synthems as well as the<br />

major valleys of the present-day hydrographic pattern<br />

(BARTOLINI &PRANZINI, 1981).<br />



Y. (2004) – Pliocene and Pleistocene Unconformity Bounded<br />

Stratigraphic Units (UBSU) in Val di Chiana. In: Morini &<br />

Bruni (eds), 133-136.<br />

237<br />

BARTOLINI C. & PRANZINI G. (1981) – Plio-Quaternary evolution<br />

of the Arno basin drainage. Z. Geomorph., Suppl., 40, 77-91.<br />

GHINASSI M. & MAGI M. (2004) – Variazioni climatiche,<br />

tettonica e sedimentazione al passaggio Pliocene Medio-<br />

Pliocene Superiore nel bacino del Valdarno Superiore<br />

(Appennino Settentrionale). Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 123, 301-<br />

310.<br />

MAZZANTI R. & TREVISAN L. (1978) – Evoluzione <strong>della</strong> rete<br />

idrografica nell’Appennino centro-settentrionale. Geog. Fis.<br />

Dinam. Quat., 1, 55-62.<br />

MORINI D. & BRUNI P. (2004) – The “Regione Toscana” Project<br />

of Geological Mapping: case histories and data acquisition.<br />

Regione Toscana, Firenze, 262p.<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

The modal analysis as a stratigraphic tool to discriminate the<br />

perisutural Oligocene and Miocene turbidite successions of the<br />

Northern Apennines<br />


Key words: modal analysis, Northern Apennines, regional<br />

geology, siliciclastic turbidites, Tertiary, Tuscan and<br />

Umbrian Domains.<br />

The reconstruction of the stratigraphic architecture and the<br />

structural setting of the thick and widely outcropping Oligocene<br />

and Miocene perisutural turbidite successions of the Northern<br />

Apennines is discussed since they have similar lithologies, weak<br />

biostratigraphic signals and are intensely involved in the thrustand-fold<br />

structures of the chain, particularly from Abetone-<br />

Mt.Cervarola area up to the Trasimeno Lake. Different<br />

stratigraphic and tectonic interpretations have been proposed in<br />

the geological literature for the palinspastic restorations of the<br />

sedimentary basins of these turbidite units. Aim of this<br />

contribution is to resume and compare new or already published<br />

petrographic modal analyses of medium to coarse grained<br />

arenites sampled at a regional scale by the authors in typical areas<br />

of outcrop. That is: 1) Abetone (Macigno); 2) Dardagna and<br />

Reno valleys, Suviana Lake-Montepiano areas, Pratomagno<br />

(Falterona Sandstone), 3) Mt.Coroncina-Castiglion <strong>dei</strong> Pepoli<br />

(Castiglion <strong>dei</strong> Pepoli Sandstone), 4) north-eastern Mugello<br />

(Castel Guerrino Sandstone), 5) Santerno and Tiber valleys<br />

(Marnoso-arenacea), 6) Porretta (Porretta Sandstone). Our results<br />

evidence that the petrographic modal analysis is a reliable tool<br />

to appreciate the distinction between the turbidite units (see Figs.<br />

1 and 2):<br />

(A) - ternary and binary diagrams of the data evidence<br />

significative differences i) in the aphanitic rock fragments and<br />

carbonate grains diagram (Lm, Lv, Ls+C) and ii) in the ratio<br />

monocrystalline non-undulose quartz/monocrystalline between<br />

Macigno and Falterona Sandstone. In our opinion the two<br />

turbidite units were deposited in separated basins supplied by<br />

distinct source areas of the terrigenous inputs. These data suggest<br />

that the regional-scale tectonic alignment separating Macigno<br />

from Falterona is a relevant tectonic feature separating the<br />

Tuscan Nappe, toward SW, from the Falterona Unit, toward NE.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Firenze,<br /><br />

(**) IGG (Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse) - CNR, Firenze<br />

238<br />

(B) - Acquerino, Carigiola and Stagno and the Castiglion <strong>dei</strong><br />

Pepoli Sandstone pp. (CDP1 Member in the 1:50.000 Geological<br />

Map of Italy- Sheet n. 252 – Barberino di Mugello) turbidite<br />

units have the same petrofacies of the Falterona Sandstone; the<br />

data confirm that these units are tectonic elements of the<br />

Tectonic Falterona Unit. (C) Mt. Coroncina-Castiglion <strong>dei</strong> Pepoli<br />

Sandstone and Castel Guerrino Sandstone (CDP2 Member and<br />

Carigiola Sandstone p.p., respectively, in the 1:50.000 Geological<br />

Map of Italy - Sheet n. 252 – Barberino di Mugello) are<br />

characterized by the same petrographic composition and, in turn,<br />

have many analogies with the Marnoso-arenacea. Therefore, for<br />

these three units we suggest a common source area of the clastic<br />

inputs and the location of their sedimentation areas within the<br />

Emilian-Romagna-Umbrian Domain. (D) Porretta Sandstone (or<br />

Suviana Sandstone) has peculiar petrographic composition and<br />

cannot be compared with the petrofacies of the other examined<br />

turbidite units; Porretta Sandstone probably has epiligurian<br />

affinity.<br />

Fig. 1 - Aphanitic rock fragments and carbonate grains diagram (Lm,Lv and<br />


.<br />

LEGEND<br />

Fig. 2 – Qm 0-5°/Qm vs. Lm/L diagram<br />

239<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

Key words: Calcareous turbidites, Chattian-Aquitanian,<br />

Northern Apennines.<br />


Macigno and Falterona Sandstone are two thick, terrigenous,<br />

Oligocene to Lower Miocene turbidite successions of the<br />

Tuscan Domain, severely involved in the thrust sheets and in the<br />

folded structures of the Northern Apennines. Since they have<br />

similar lithologies, weak biostratigraphic signals and are<br />

partially coeval, it is problematic to recognize their stratigraphic<br />

architecture and to correlate the sections on regional scale.<br />

Different stratigraphic and tectonic interpretations of these<br />

perisutural turbidite units have been proposed, as well as<br />

different palinspastic restorations of their sedimentary basins<br />

(cfr. ABBATE &BRUNI, 1989). To contribute in solving these<br />

problems, here we illustrate and compare unpublished and<br />

published biostratigraphic nannoplankton analyses of calcaerous<br />

turbidites sampled in two typical and well known sections: M.<br />

Rondinaio/M. Gomito section, near Abetone (PT), for the<br />

Macigno (belonging to the Tuscan Nappe); Trappola/Croce di<br />

Pratomagno, outcropping in the western side of the Pratomagno<br />

(FI-AR), for the Falterona Sandstone (belonging to the<br />

Falterona Unit).<br />


The very low content of calcareous microfossils (calcareous<br />

nannoplankton and forams) in the pelite portion of the<br />

siliciclastic beds usually requires a great amount of samples for<br />

reliable biostratigraphic analyses. An undoubted difficulties<br />

which can be partially overcome for the two turbidite units.<br />

The lithologies of Macigno and of the Monte Falterona:<br />

sandstone are characterized by prevailing sandstones, which<br />

alternate with clayey silts, marls and shales. Occasionally there<br />

_________________________<br />

The biostratigraphic signal of the calcareous turbidites of Macigno<br />

and Falterona Sandstone (Northern Apennines)<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra - Università di Firenze,<br /><br />

(**) IGC (Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse) - CNR, Firenze<br />


240<br />

are also graded calcareous turbidites that are decimetric to<br />

locally metric in thickness (eg. ARUTA et alii, 2004) and lateral<br />

traceable at regional scale. This contribute aims to present the<br />

preliminary results of calcareous nannoplankton analysis<br />

performed on samples collected in these calcareous turbidite<br />

beds (Fig. 1). The samples have been collected in the uppermost<br />

part of the nannofossil-rich marly interval. By this way it has<br />

been possible to detect a good biostratigraphic signal with low<br />

number of samples. According to FORNACIARI &RIO (1996),<br />

two methods of calcareous nannofossil counting were<br />

performed: 1) counting index species versus total assemblages<br />

(300 specimens); 2) abundance patterns of index sphenoliths<br />

(100 sphenoliths).<br />


The biostratigraphic signal of the calcareous turbidites<br />

assignes the lower Macigno (from the base up to 1.900 m) to the<br />

Chattian. Upward, for about one thousand meters up to the<br />

stratigraphic top of the unit, the biostratigraphic signal is weak<br />

and the transition Chattian/Aquitanian is not confirmed.<br />

For the Falterona Sandstone, the analyses indicate the<br />

Chattian for the lower half of the formation. Upward, the<br />

nannofossils allow to identify the MNN1a-c Zone, i.e. the<br />

Oligocene / Miocene boundary (Polvano key bed; see also:<br />

PLESI et alii, 2002; BARSELLA et alii, 2009, for the Cortona<br />

area).<br />

The results did not improve the uncertainty of<br />

biostratigraphic signal of the two sampled formations.<br />

However, they have shown that the pelitic intervals of the<br />

calcareous turbidite layers are useful to provide an equallyreliable<br />

biostratigraphic signal, while requiring a significantly<br />

lower number of samples.

Fig. 1 – Lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of (A) Macigno (Abetone area) and (B) Mt. Falterona Sandstone (Pratomagno, south western side). The two columns<br />

synthesize the lithology of the two turbidite formations and indicate the stratigraphic position of the collected samples. The gray strip evidences the Oligocene-Miocene<br />

boundary.<br />


ABBATE E. & BRUNI P. (1989) – Modino-Cervarola o Modino e<br />

Cervarola? Torbiditi oligo-mioceniche ed evoluzione del<br />

margine Nord-appenninico. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 39, 19-33.<br />



(2004) – Integrated stratigraphic and statistical data as a tool<br />

for mapping perisutural turbidite. In G. Pasquarè and C.<br />

Venturini (eds.) “Mapping Geology in Italy”. Firenze, SELCA.,<br />

213-218.<br />



Oligocene-Miocene foredeep deposits in the Lake Trasimeno<br />

area (Central Italy): insights into the evolution of the Northern<br />

Apennines. Ital. J. Geosc., 128, 341-352.<br />

241<br />

FORNACIARI E. & RIO D. (1996) – Latest Oligocene to Early-<br />

Middle Miocene quantitative calcareous nannofossil<br />

biostratigraphy in the Mediterranean region. Micropal., 42, 1-<br />

36.<br />



RETTORI R. (2002) – The Tuscan successions of the high Tiber<br />

Valley (F. 289 – Città di Castello): biostratigraphic,<br />

petrographic and structural features, regional correlations.<br />

Boll. Soc. Geol. It., Vol. Spec. 1, 425-436.<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

The volcanic deposits of the new geological map of the Nuoro-Orosei<br />

area (Sardinia, Italy)<br />

___________________<br />



Key words: Basaltic lava plateau, CARG project, Nuoro-<br />

Orosei.<br />

The new geological map 1:50,000 of the Nuoro and Orosei<br />

sheets, prepared in the framework of the CARG project, is<br />

presented. The area of interest shows the evidence of an intense<br />

volcanic activity during Pliocene, mainly characterized by a<br />

subaerial basaltic lava plateau and by minor deposits of weak<br />

explosive activity, which produced many scoria cones. The<br />

detailed geological survey allowed us to recognize many<br />

eruptive centres sometimes aligned along E-W or N030 and<br />

N060 directions, following the main trend of Oligocene-<br />

Miocene structures, possibly reactivated during Pliocene. This<br />

feature suggests that some of the lava flows are the product of<br />

fissural eruptions, lately evolved into lines of some main<br />

centres of effusion. The thickness of each lava flow varies<br />

between few meters and 20 meters. Many lava flows are<br />

grouped into simple cooling units, evidenced by columnar<br />

jointing cross cutting lava successions, suggesting that many of<br />

the lava flows emissions were concentrated in a short time lapse<br />

. The occurrence of some continental sedimentary deposits<br />

interlayered within the lava flows succession testifies for some<br />

long pauses in the activity, and constitute a marker for the<br />

regional correlations within the lava sequence. A detailed,<br />

stratigraphically controlled sampling in the more than 150 m<br />

thick lava succession in the Cedrino valley and in the Orosei<br />

zone has been carried out, in order to characterize the chemical<br />

evolution and the timing of the volcanic activity.<br />

All volcanic products are classified petrographically as<br />

basalts and three litotypes have been distinguished on the base<br />

(*) Progetto CARG–Sardegna, Cagliari<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di<br />

Cagliari,,<br />

(°) INGV, sezione di Pisa, Italy<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto CARG con il <strong>contributo</strong><br />

finanziario dell’Università di Cagliari.<br />

242<br />

of phenocrysts assemblage: Ol basalts, Ol and Cpx basalts, and<br />

Ol, Opx and Cpx basalts. Chemical features allow to<br />

discriminate between alkaline and tholeitic products (LUSTRINO<br />

et alii, 2002).<br />

K/Ar whole rock radiometric ages performed by SAVELLI &<br />

PASINI (1973) span from 3.90 Ma (Pedra Dorulas, northern<br />

boundary of the study area) and 2.04 Ma (Cala Gonone, M.<br />

Irveri/Codula Manna, along the Tyrrhenian coastline). New<br />

radiometric data are now in preparation.<br />


LUSTRINO M., MELLUSO L. & MORRA V. (2002) - The<br />

transition from alkaline to tholeiitic magmas: a case study<br />

from the Orosei-Dorgali Pliocene volcanic district (NE<br />

Sardinia, Italy). Lithos, 63, 83-113.<br />

SAVELLI C. & PASINI G. (1973) - Preliminary results of K-Ar<br />

dating of basalts from Eastern Sardinia and the Gulf of<br />

Orosei (Tyrrhenian Sea). Giornale di Geologia, 39 (1), 303-<br />


The CARG project in Southern Apennines and Sicily: a contribution<br />

for the knowledge of the geological features<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università di Catania,<br /><br />


Key words: Apenninic chain, CARG-PROJECT, Ionides,<br />

Sicily, thrust system.<br />

Fiftheen 1:50,000 scale geological maps have been realized<br />

in the Lucanian Apennines and in Sicily. They have been<br />

obtained thanks to decades of field works, enriched with<br />

chronostratigraphical, sedimentological, structural and<br />

geomorphological analyses. These studies have been integrated<br />

with subsurface data. This was fundamental for the<br />

comprehension of the complicate geodynamic evolution of this<br />

area. In the geological maps some orogenic domains and the<br />

foreland-foredeep systems are represented. Moreover the<br />

structural features are well evident. In these maps tectonic<br />

contacts, with different meanings (i.e. main thrust sheets largely<br />

separating different tectonic units, and thrust systems<br />

responsible of breaching of the roof thrust system) have been<br />

distinguished.<br />

In the whole of the southern Apennines – Sicily –<br />

Tyrrhenian system some structural domains can be<br />

distinguished: the foreland domains are represented by two<br />

continental blocks, the Apulian Block to the north and the<br />

Pelagian Block to the south, respectively belonging to the Adria<br />

and to the Africa plates. They are separated since Permo-<br />

Triassic times by the oceanic crust of the Ionian Sea.<br />

The Apenninic-Maghrebian Orogen is located between two<br />

oceanic crusts: the old Ionian crust, at present time subducting<br />

beneath the Calabrian Arc, and the new crust of the opening<br />

Tyrrhenian Sea. The orogenic belt is represented by a<br />

multilayer allochthonous edifice, composed of the Calabride<br />

Chain (CC) tectonically overlying the Apenninic-Maghrebian<br />

Chain (AMC), which in turn overthrust onto the Upper<br />

Miocene and Pliocene top-levels of a deep seated thrust system,<br />

originating by the deformation of the innermost carbonates of<br />

the Foreland Domains (External Thrust System: ETS).<br />

The AMC tectonic units derive from the orogenic transport<br />

during Oligo-Miocene times of sedimentary sequences<br />

deposited in palaeogeographical domains located between the<br />

243<br />

Europe and the Afro-Adriatic plates. These units are composed<br />

of Meso-Cenozoic shallow-water carbonate platforms detached<br />

from the Panormide/Apenninic continental Block, recognizable<br />

by means of seismic lines shot in the Tyrrhenian offshore of<br />

Southern Apennines and Northern Sicily. The Meso-Cenozoic<br />

basinal units, that compose the AMC, belong to two main<br />

groups of sequences, originally located on oceanic crusts<br />

separated by the Panormide/Apenninic Block: the external ones<br />

(Ionides) related to an original basin, belonging to branches of<br />

the Ionian Palaeobasin involved in the orogenesis, and the<br />

internal ones ascribed to the Alpine Tethys (Sicilide Units).<br />

From the geological point of view the Southern Apennines<br />

displays strong analogies with Sicily. In particular the tectonic<br />

units of the AMC are widely exposed in both the areas. The<br />

Lagonegrese Units correspond to the Imerese, Mt. Judica,<br />

Sicanian Units in Sicily. The general name proposed is Ionides.<br />

A well constrained description of the tectono-stratigraphy of<br />

the units, which compose the allochthonous edifice, is given,<br />

and some geological cross-sections are illustrated, with the aim<br />

of reconstructing times and modalities of thrust propagation,<br />

emphasizing indeed the general decoupling of the Tertiary<br />

flysch-type covers, which represents a fundamental character<br />

for interpreting the surface geology.<br />

In fact the peculiarity of the orogenic belt in Southern<br />

Apennines as well as in Sicily mainly lies in a general duplex<br />

geometry. The roof thrust system, several thousand meters<br />

thick, is made up of the allochthonous units of the AMC, while<br />

the floor thrust is represented by the ETS. This latter<br />

corresponds to the so-called “Apulian Chain” of CARBONE &<br />

LENTINI (1990), or to the Apulian Thrust System (FINETTI et<br />

alii, 2005b) in Southern Apennines, and to the Pelagian-<br />

Sicilian Thrust Belt in Sicily (FINETTI et alii, 2005a). It is<br />

composed of more or less rooted carbonate units derived from<br />

the internal edge of the Adria Plate, and of the Africa Plate<br />

respectively.<br />

The description usually should follow the order from the<br />

outermost part of the orogen toward the hinterland and from<br />

bottom to top. This is easy for the Foreland Domains and the<br />

External Thrust System, but it appears more complicated in the<br />

case of the roof thrust system, whose architecture originated<br />

from polyphase tectonics affecting the sedimentary sequences.<br />

The rule that the uppermost structural units should also be the<br />

innermost is not always valid.<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

Nevertheless the knowledge about the geology of this<br />

orogenic system has much improved and it is now well known<br />

that the tectonic units, that constitute the backbones of the<br />

AMC, are derived from the deformation of palaeogeographic<br />

domains, which differ both in the characteristics of the crustal<br />

areas on which they developed and in their geometry and<br />

relationships with adjacent units and with respect to the<br />

orogenic front.<br />

The biostratigraphical, petrological and structural<br />

constraints, accurately applied, are sufficient to define the<br />

architecture of the orogen and, when confirmed by the<br />

subsurface data, to restore its time-space evolution. In the<br />

Apenninic-Maghrebian thrust belt it is possible to recognise<br />

two oceanic complexes, of which the more external, the Ionian<br />

Meso-Cenozoic basinal sequences, stems from the deformation<br />

of a portion of the Ionian Palaeobasin (Lagonegro, Imerese,<br />

Sicanian, Mt. Judica Units) (FINETTI et alii, 1996, 2005a,<br />

2005b; LENTINI et alii, 2002) and was previously located on the<br />

palaeo-Ionian oceanic crust, together with its own flysch-type<br />

sequences. The innermost basinal deposits, the<br />

Sicilide/Liguride Units, derived from the consumption of the<br />

Alpine Tethys oceanic crust; in Southern Apennines they are<br />

separated by a wide flysch-type cover (Cilento Group) and<br />

largely overthrust to as far as the modern foredeep. The two<br />

complexes are separated from each other by the units derived<br />

from the deformation of the Panormide-Apenninic Platforms.<br />

From the Tortonian onward the evolution of this sector was<br />

linked to the involvement of the deformation front of the<br />

Apulian-Pelagian continental margins, which became<br />

established in a context of thin-skinned tectonics until the<br />

Pliocene.<br />

The terrigenous deposits of the basinal sequences belonging<br />

to the Ionides are represented by Tertiary foreland/foredeep<br />

deposits, whose relationships with the substratum are<br />

occasionally preserved, although large detachments occurred<br />

with further forward transport, which generated repeated slices<br />

with an apparent increase to the original thickness.<br />

In the geological maps of Sicily the allochthonous units of<br />

the Oligo-Miocene Numidian Flysch have been distinguished<br />

from the authocthonous ones. That permits an easier lecture of<br />

the general structural features, because the uppermost nappes<br />

occupy the structural depressions. Moreover the different<br />

flysch-type tectonic units present different density of slides and<br />

that is important for a regional planning.<br />

If the new maps must be useful for the petroleum<br />

researches, it is extremely important to distinguish the same<br />

lithostratigraphical units, belonging to different tectonic units,<br />

because that means that it can be different the structural level in<br />

case of drilling.<br />


CARBONE S. & LENTINI F. (1990) - Migrazione neogenica del<br />

sistema Catena-Avampaese nell'Appennino meridionale:<br />

244<br />

problematiche paleogeografiche e strutturali. Riv. It. Pal.<br />

Str., 96, 271-296.<br />


A. (1996) - <strong>Il</strong> sistema Appennino Meridionale-Arco<br />

Calabro-Sicilia nel Mediterraneo Centrale: studio<br />

geologico-geofisico. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 115, 529-559.<br />



(2005a) – Geological outline of Sicily and lithospheric<br />

tectono-dinamics of its Tyrrhenian Margin from new CROP<br />

seismic data - In: I.R. Finetti (Ed.): “CROP Deep Seismic<br />

exploration of the Mediterranean Region”. Spec. Vol.<br />

Elsevier, chapter 15, 319-376.<br />


A., GUARNIERI P., PIPAN M. & PRIZZON A. (2005b) –<br />

Crustal tectonostratigraphy and geodynamics of the<br />

Southern Apennines from CROP and other integrating<br />

geophysical data - In: I.R. Finetti (Ed.): “CROP, Deep<br />

Seismic Exploration of the Mediterranean region”. Sp. Vol.<br />

Elsevier, chapter 12, 225-262.<br />


(2002) - Stratigraphical and structural constraints in the<br />

Lucanian Apennines (southern Italy): tools for<br />

reconstructing the geological evolution. J. Geodyn., 34,<br />


Key words: Geodatabase, geological mapping, Regione<br />

Toscana.<br />


The “Regione Toscana Project of Geological Mapping”<br />

aimed to the realization of the geological maps at 1:10,000 scale<br />

for the whole region, ended in the 2005. It has been performed<br />

through the participation of the three Tuscan universities<br />

(Firenze, Pisa and Siena), of the Institute of Geoscience and Earth<br />

Resources-CNR, with the co-ordination of the Regional<br />

Geological Survey. A complete detailed geological coverage for<br />

the whole regional territory has been performed, then integrated<br />

with the creation of a GIS data base and with an on-line<br />

distribution service, managed by the Regione Toscana. To follow,<br />

in the 2009, a Project between the Regione Toscana and the<br />

University of Siena, in the framework of the “Accordo di<br />

Programma Quadro Ricerca e Trasferimento Tecnologico per il<br />

Sistema Produttivo” has been activated. It has been aimed to get<br />

the geological continuum at scale 1:10,000 for the whole regional<br />

territory. The main target of this project, that will be concluded at<br />

the end of the 2010, will be the preparation of a total data base,<br />

characterized by the complete geological congruence, where<br />

every conflicting and/or disomogeneous elements among adjacent<br />

sheets, have to be removed and resolved; such problematics are<br />

unavoidably present in the original maps of the Regione Toscana,<br />

because their realization employed different scientific<br />

organizations.<br />

The CARG Project led by ISPRA-National Geological<br />

Survey, realized 33 sheets at scale 1:50,000 for the Tuscan<br />

_________________________<br />

The contribute of the “Regione Toscana Project of Geological<br />

Mapping” for the realization of geological sheets 1:50.000 scale<br />




(*) Centro di Geotecnologie, Università di Siena,<br />

(**) Servizio Geologico Regionale, Regione Toscana<br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Siena<br />

(°°) LaMMa, Firenze<br />

245<br />

territory on a total of 61 sheets (at the October 2009). At present,<br />

the map realization in the CARG Project shows a differentiated<br />

state-of-art, with geological 1:50,000 sheets: a) printed or in<br />

printing, b) in preparation for the layout, c) field-mapping ended<br />

or in realization.<br />

This contribute would propose the possibility to print<br />

geological sheets 1:50,000 scale, using the regional geological<br />

data base at 1:10,000 scale, taking in account the state-of-art for<br />

the CARG Project, and starting from the above assumptions of<br />

the Geological Mapping of the Regione Toscana. Analogous<br />

considerations and proposals can be advanced for other near<br />

regions, which have already developed similar projects of<br />

geological mapping at 1:10,000 scale, as Umbria and the Marche.<br />

In particular, the proposed project would concentrate on the<br />

areas lacking of the CARG Project coverage, so to be<br />

complementary with it and to extend the geological coverage at<br />

1:50.000 scale on to the whole regional territories. We propose<br />

the layout and printing of the geological sheets at 1:50,000 scale,<br />

starting from the data base of the regional geological continuum,<br />

using an editorial layout different by that used by the Italian<br />

Geological Survey for the CARG Project, and where Explanatory<br />

Books were also provided. The editorial reference that we<br />

consider has features similar to the 1:50,000 geological sheets<br />

produced by the British Geological Survey, where the maps are<br />

equipped with fundamental elements, as synthetic legend, crosssection<br />

and structural scheme.<br />

Here we show an exemplifying printed map at 1:50,000 scale,<br />

which is the Sheet 332-Scansano (Fig. 1), located in southern<br />

Tuscany, where the grade of coverage of the completed or in<br />

progress CARG sheets is particularly low.<br />

The setting process has provided the preparation of the data<br />

base at scale 1:50,000, beginning from the data base of the<br />

geological continuum at 1:10,000 scale. To follow the respective<br />

print layout has been accompanied and joined with technical and<br />

scientific (of geological-regional character) optimizations.<br />

The print of the Sheet 332-Scansano at 1:50.000 scale should<br />

emphasize the possibility to obtain cheaper and faster, but<br />

extremely accurate and detailed geological maps, which can be<br />

considered as complementary with the CARG maps, starting from<br />

the 1:10,000 scale regional Geological Mapping projects.<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

Fig. 1 – Gelogical-structural sketch map of the Sheet 332-Scansano, derived by the elaboration of the 1:10.000 scale maps of the “Regione Toscana Project of<br />

Geological Mapping”.<br />

Furthermore, the selection of the Sheet 332-Scansano as<br />

illustrative map, would also outline the progress of the scientific<br />

knowledge obtained through the Regional Geological Mapping<br />

Project. In fact, such a sheet represents an element of<br />

comparison/update with respect to the Sheet Scansano at scale<br />

1:50,000, produced as a prototypal type by the National<br />

Geological Survey in the 1981.<br />


Geothematic regional geodatabases for the compilation of geological<br />

maps in areas of relevant interest: the Coltre of Marecchia Valley<br />

(PU), the Iglesiente region (CA) and the Stazzemese area (LU)<br />



Key words: Database, Iglesiente, Marecchia Valley, Stazzemese.<br />


The availability, for some Italian areas, of regional<br />

geothematic databases derived from new field surveys at the scale<br />

1:10,000 and from the fied mapping in the framework of the<br />

CARG Project of the Italian Geological Survey, can now have a<br />

unique and exceptionally efficacious tool to review, following the<br />

interpretation of unpublished details, the geological maps<br />

proposed in the past for specific areas, where the peculiarities<br />

justify the production of dedicated cartography.<br />

In this work we present, as example, the 1:50,000 scale<br />

geological maps of three areas, in different italian regions, of<br />

significant scientific interest: the Marecchia Valley (PU), the<br />

Iglesiente region (CA) and the 1:10,000 map scale for the<br />

Stazzemese area (LU).<br />

The aim is to exploit the potential of geothematic database for<br />

the collection and processing of unpublished geological data, in<br />

any scale and with different intent, and show the easy<br />

management of these data during editing.<br />


Many Italian areas shows peculiarities from a geological<br />

perspective.<br />

During the years detailed field investigations and often<br />

conflict interpretations by various authors regard some regions as<br />

“key areas” for the development of some new geological<br />

hypothesis.<br />

Some of this key area are:<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Centro di Geotecnologie-Università di Siena,<br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra-Università di Siena<br />

(**) Servizio Geologico <strong>della</strong> Regione Toscana, Firenze<br />

247<br />

- the Val Marecchia area at the Emilia-Romagna – Marche<br />

border;<br />

- The Iglesias area in southwestern Sardinia;<br />

- the Stazzema area in the southeastern Alpi Apuane, in the<br />

northern Apennines.<br />

In the northern Apennines some more very interesting areas<br />

are the Punta Bianca area (near La Spezia), the Bobbio tectonic<br />

windows (between Genoa and Piacenza) and some Neogene<br />

Tertiary basins in Tuscany.<br />

The Regione Toscana Geological Survey completed a<br />

geological map for the whole territory at 1:10,000 scale, based on<br />

new field mapping and on compilations from edited maps. A<br />

geodatabase is produced from such paper maps.<br />

We propose an automatic process to compile 1:50,000 and<br />

1:10,000 geological maps starting from 1:10,000 base maps from<br />

regional mapping projects. The process can led to printed<br />

geological maps of great details (like the Stazzema area) in areas<br />

of complicate tectonic setting and regional maps (like the Val<br />

Marecchia and Iglesias area) in areas with large-scale geological<br />

features.<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

Mapping (1:50,000) of a key sector of the northern Appennines and<br />

new results achieved in the frame of the CARG project<br />

Key words: Biostratigraphy, lithostratigraphy, Northern<br />

Apennines, structural analysis.<br />

The realization of the new Geological Map of Italy at<br />

1:50,000 scale (CARG Project) has concluded by now for a large<br />

area of the Northern Apennines extending from Pontremoli to<br />

Pistoia and from Viareggio to Abetone (Fig. 1). According to the<br />

mapped main geological features and the new data achieved<br />

during the realization of six geological sheets (233 Pontremoli,<br />

234 Fivizzano, 249 Massa-Carrara, 250 Castelnuovo di<br />

Garfagnana, 260 Viareggio and 262 Pistoia) and synthesized in<br />

the explanatory notes, the following main results should be<br />

emphasized:<br />

- dating of several formations of the Tuscan Nappe, including<br />

the Toarcian and the Lower Cretaceous black shales, the<br />

onset of the Lower Toarcian marly sedimentation and the<br />

inception of the calcareous sedimentation across the<br />

Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary;<br />

- lithostratigraphy and ages of some incomplete and/or<br />

condensed successions of the Tuscan Nappe Fm.;<br />

- features of litofacies and members of the Scaglia Toscana;<br />

- lithostratigraphy and age of the successions interposed<br />

between the Macigno Fm. and the Arenarie di Monte<br />

Modino Fm.;<br />

- new lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic frame of the<br />

Canetolo Unit;<br />

- recognition of the Ottone Unit also in the sheets 250 and 262<br />

and of the Canetolo Unit in the sheet 250;<br />

- lithostratigraphy of the Plio-Pleistocene units mapped in the<br />

Pontremoli and Aulla areas (sheet 233), in the Serchio<br />

Valley and in the Lucca-Montecarlo-Vinci area (sheet 250);<br />

- reconstruction of the hydrogeological structures of the<br />

Montecatini Terme thermal area;<br />

- identification and mapping of many landslides which were<br />

formerly unknown;<br />

- mesostructural analysis of mapped tectonic units;<br />

_________________________<br />



(*) Centro di Geotecnologie, S. Giovanni Valdarno (AR),<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Pisa,<br />

248<br />

- main features of several tectonic depressions, such as the<br />

Magra Valley (sheets 233 and 234), the Serchio Valley<br />

(sheet 250) and the Pistoia plain (sheet 262);<br />

- low angle kilometric normal faults and their role in<br />

exhuming the Alpi Apuane metamorphic core complex;<br />

- the Alpi Apuane folding tectonics and correlation with the<br />

late uplift phases;<br />

- the cataclastic deformation in the basal formations of the<br />

Tuscan Nappe in the area surrounding the Alpi Apuane;<br />

- mesostructural analysis of mapped tectonic units;<br />

- main features of several tectonic depressions, such as the<br />

Magra Valley (sheets 233 and 234), the Serchio Valley<br />

(sheet 250) and the Pistoia plain (sheet 262);<br />

- low angle kilometric normal faults and their role in<br />

exhuming the Alpi Apuane metamorphic core complex;<br />

- the Alpi Apuane folding tectonics and correlation with the<br />

late uplift phases;<br />

- the cataclastic deformation in the basal formations of the<br />

Tuscan Nappe in the area surrounding the Alpi Apuane.<br />

Fig. 1 - Mapped sheets of the study area (Northern Apennines, Italy).

Sheet 273 - Pisa: a database for samples used in structural analyses<br />

Key words: Geological CARtography, Sheet 273- Pisa, structural<br />

samples database.<br />

The Sheet 273 - Pisa, located in the northern sector of the<br />

province of Pisa (northern Tuscany), describes most of the massif<br />

of the Pisani Mounts, wide alluvional deposits of the Arno river<br />

and limitated Pleistocene deposits (Fig. 1).<br />

The Pisani Mounts represent one the deepest roots of the<br />

Northern Apennines originated as the result of the prolonged<br />

interaction between the Adria plane and the Sardo-Corso block.<br />

From east to west and from the bottom to the top, three tectonicunits<br />

can be described: the Monte Serra tectonic unit, the S.<br />

Maria del Giudice tectonic unit and the Tuscan Nappe. The<br />

Monte Serra and S. Maria del Giudice units are characterized by<br />

a thick Triassic silicoclastic succession (Verrucano s.l.) deposited<br />

in discordance on Variscan and post-Variscan successions and<br />

covered by Jurassic-Paleocene successions with a dominant<br />

carbonatic composition. They are affected by a Greenschist facies<br />

metamorphism. The outcrops of Tuscan Nappe are few and<br />

limited to the southern and western margins of the massif.<br />

The tectonic units are divided by E-verging thrusts and<br />

recorded a polyphase deformation history with three main<br />

different deformation phases (D1-D3) that show a systematic<br />

change in the structural elements orientations moving from east to<br />

west (CAROSI et alii, 1997). After the continental collision and<br />

the crustal thickening phase (D1 deformation phase), the tectonic<br />

units have been affected by a compressive deformation phase<br />

documented mainly at cartographic scale (phase D2). The D2<br />

structures were subsequently deformed and exhumed during an<br />

extensional coaxial regime (phase D3) active during the postcollisional<br />

stage (CAROSI et alii, 1997).<br />

During the field work in the Pisani Mounts massif, c. 100<br />

oriented samples have been collected for microstructural and<br />

petrographical analyses in key structural sites in the three tectonic<br />

units.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa,<br /><br />



249<br />

Fig. 1- Location of the Sheet 273- Pisa<br />

Each thin section has been described following an exhaustive<br />

scheme that includes the description of meso and microscopic<br />

structures, metamorphic mineral association, folds geometry and<br />

folding mechanisms and type of foliations. In this way we<br />

characterized at the microscopic scale, the structural elements<br />

associated to different deformation phases.<br />

To insert inside the classical geological database used in the<br />

CARG project, the microstructural information collected during<br />

laboratory and field work, we proposed a first simple and friendly<br />

database focused exclusively on samples used in structural<br />

analysis.<br />

In this way, we first localized each sample according to its<br />

geographical coordinates (at the 25,000 scale) and then we<br />

compiled a descriptive table that univocally identified each<br />

sample joined to 4 external tables.<br />

The descriptive table (Fig. 2) gives information about the<br />

name and the geographic location of the sample, the type of<br />

structures present in the thin section (e.g. S2 foliation, F2 fold)<br />

and analogously to the database proposed for stratigraphic<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

samples (see AA.VV., 1997), descriptive fields (max 200 words)<br />

compiled with information about macroscopic and microscopic<br />

features (as for example, the geometry of fold and foliation and<br />

the mineral association) collected during meso and microscopic<br />

analyses.<br />

Field name Date Type Descrizione campi<br />

NUM_CAM Short integer Nnumero progressivo<br />

SIG_CAM Text Sigla campione<br />

ANNO Short integer Anno campionamento<br />

UBI Text Localizzazione<br />

ES_PIEG Text Struttura mesoscopica: piega<br />

ES_FOL Text Struttura mesoscopica:<br />

foliaziome<br />

CAR_MAC Text (200words) Caratteri macroscopici<br />

CAR_MICR Text (200words) Caratteri microscopici<br />

GEOM_PIEG Text (200words) Geometria piega<br />

OSS_FOL Text (200words) Caratteristiche foliazione<br />

ASS_MIN Text (200words) Associazione mineralogica<br />

UC_LEGE External table Formazione o membro<br />

UN_TETT External table Unità tettonica<br />

NOM_PETR External table Nome petrografico<br />

PROT External table protolite<br />

Fig. 2- Descriptive table proposed to the structural sample database.<br />

At the end, we linked each sample to external tables<br />

illustrating: the belonging tectonic unit, the petrographic name of<br />

the analyzed sample, the member or formation where it has been<br />

collected (external link to table T0180802000) and the rock<br />

protolith.<br />

The result is that consulting the database, it will be easy to<br />

localize in the map folds and/or foliations developed during the<br />

different deformation phases, or, making join and queries,<br />

highlight a single structural element recorded in a particular<br />

formation and/or member inside the different tectonic units.<br />


AA.VV. Quaderno 6 - Serie III 8 (1997) - Carta Geologica<br />

d’Italia - 1:50.000 Banca Dati Geologici. Roma<br />

CAROSI R., CERBAI N. & MONTOMOLI C. (1997) - Deformation<br />

history of the Verrucano of Pisani Mounts (Northern<br />

Apennines, Italy). Ann. Tecton., 9, 55-75.<br />


Integrated stratigraphy of the middle – upper Miocene deposits of<br />

San Bartolomeo Formation, cropping out whithin the geological<br />

map n.405 Campobasso (Molise, Ssouthern Italy)<br />

Key words: Calcareous plankton biostratigraphy, Middle and<br />

Late Miocene, San Bartolomeo Formation, Souther<br />

Apennines.<br />

The San Bartolomeo Formation was established by<br />

CROSTELLA &VEZZANI (1964), and consists of about 1000 m<br />

thick siliciclastic and turbiditic sedimentary succession, which<br />

lies in angular unconformity over the Sannio Unit (PATACCA &<br />

SCANDONE, 2007).<br />

As far as the age, this formation has been controversially<br />

considered Serravallian –Tortonian (CROSTELLA & VEZZANI,<br />

1964), Serravallian (TORTORICI, 1975), Langhian – Tortonian<br />

(PESCATORE, 1971; DAZZARO et alii, 1988), latemost<br />

Tortonian?/early Messinian (PATACCA & SCANDONE, 2007).<br />

Moreover the tectono-sedimentary environment of these deposits<br />

is also questionable considered: foredeep basin (COCCO et alii,<br />

1972), piggy-back basin (Dazzaro et alii, 1988; DI NOCERA et<br />

alii, 1988; PATACCA et alii, 1990), thrust- related basin (BOIANO,<br />

2000), thrust-top or wedge –top basin (PESCATORE et alii,1996;<br />

PESCATORE et alii, 2000) and thrust –sheet-top basin (PATACCA<br />

&SCANDONE, 2007).<br />

The deposits of San Bartolomeo Formation widely outcrop in<br />

the center-eastern part of the geological map N. 405,<br />

Campobasso, of the National Geological Map Series of Italy (at<br />

scale 1:50,000). In this area the studied formation consists of a<br />

succession, about 600 m thick, of siliciclastic and turbiditic<br />

sediments composed by three main lithofacies: a) arenaceous and<br />

/or arenaceous-conglomerate; b) pelitic-arenaceous; and c)<br />

pelitic.<br />

The age of the investigated sediments was established on the<br />

basis of integrated calcareous plankton biostratigraphy<br />

(calcareous nannofossils and planktonic foraminifera).<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Pisa,<br />

(**) Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero (IAMC)-CNR,<br /><br />

(°) Università del Molise,<br />

(°°) Università di Napoli “Parthenope”,<br />

251<br />

A total of 164 samples were collected for biostratigraphic<br />

studies, with a sample resolution of 50 centimetres to 2 m, along<br />

seven stratigraphical sections, logged and measured between<br />

Casalciprano village, at North, and Baranello village at South.<br />

The analyses of calcareous nannofossil and planktonic<br />

foraminiferal assemblages were performed following the<br />

procedures extensively used in Mediterranean and extra-<br />

Mediterranean biostratigraphic studies (DI STEFANO et alii, 2008,<br />

and references therein), and the zonal assignment followed the<br />

biostratigraphic schemes of SPROVIERI et alii (2002) and DI<br />

STEFANO et alii (2008).<br />

Based on the integrated biostratigraphic study the San<br />

Bartolomeo Formation, cropping out in Campobasso area,<br />

encompasses the early Serravallian - middle/late? Tortonian<br />

stratigraphic interval, between the calcareous nannofossil zones<br />

MNN6a and MNN8/MNN9, and the planktonic foraminiferal<br />

zones MMi5 through MMi11.<br />

The biostratigraphic results presented and the detailed field<br />

observations carried out for mapping the Campobasso geological<br />

map, would suggest a reassessment of the San Bartolomeo<br />

Formation chronostratigraphy, the Sannio Unit paleogeographic<br />

position, and the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Southern<br />

Apennines during the Serravallian age.<br />


BOIANO U. (2000) – Anatomy of a siliciclastic turbidite basin:<br />

the Gorgoglione Flysch, Upper Miocene, southern Italy:<br />

physical stratigraphy, sedimentology and sequencestratigraphic<br />

framework. Sediment. Geol., 107 (3-4), 231-<br />

262.<br />

CROSTELLA A. & VEZZANI L. (1964) - La <strong>geologia</strong><br />

dell'Appennino foggiano. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 83, 121-142.<br />


TORRE M. & COPPOLA L. (1972) - Le Unità Irpine a Nord di<br />

Monte Marzano (Italia Meridionale). Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 13,<br />

607-654.<br />


(1988) - Geologia del margine <strong>della</strong> catena appenninica fra<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

il F. Fortore e il T. Calaggio (Monti <strong>della</strong> Daunìa, Appennino<br />

meridionale). Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 41, 410-422.<br />

DI NOCERA S., PAGANO C., RUSSO B. & TORRE M. (1988) –<br />

Successioni del bacino irpino nei dintorni di Celenza<br />

Valfortore (Appennino Dauno). Mem. Soc. Geol. Ital., 41,<br />

423-430.<br />



& ABDUL AZIZ H., (2008) - Calcareous plankton high<br />

resolution bio-magnetostratigraphy for the Langhian of the<br />

Mediterranean area. Riv. Ital. Paleontol. Strat., 114, v1, .51-<br />

76.<br />

PATACCA E., SARTORI R. & SCANDONE P. (1990) - Tyrrhenian<br />

basin and apenninic arcs: kinematic relations since late<br />

Tortonian times. Mem. Soc. Geol. It, 45, 425-451.<br />

PATACCA E. & SCANDONE P. (2007) – Geology of the Southern<br />

Apennines. Boll. Soc. Geol. It. Special Issue , 7 , 75-120.<br />

PESCATORE T. (1971) — Considerazioni sulla sedimentazione<br />

miocenica nell' Appennino campano-lucano. Atti. Acc.<br />

Pontaniana, 20, 17 p.<br />


TRAMUTOLI M., VALENTE A. (1996) - Avanfosse mioceniche<br />

dell’Appennino meridionale (Italia). Rend. Acc. Sc. Fis. Mat.,<br />

63, 85-121.<br />


L’Unità del Fortore nel quadro <strong>della</strong> <strong>geologia</strong> del settore<br />

orientale <strong>dei</strong> Monti del Sannio (Appennino meridionale).<br />

Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 119, 587-601.<br />



& SALVATORINI G. (2002) - An integrated calcareous<br />

plankton biostratigraphic scheme and biochronology of the<br />

Mediterranean Middle Miocene. Riv. Ital. Paleontol. S., 108,<br />

337-353.<br />

TORTORICI L. (1975) - Osservazioni geologiche sul Flysch di San<br />

Bartolomeo nell'area compresa tra il Fiume Trigno e<br />

Benevento (Italia meridionale). Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 94, 1791-<br />

1809.<br />


Calcareous nannofossil biohorizons of late Paleocene-middle Eocene<br />

in the Mt. Penice Flysch (Northern Apennines, Italy)<br />

Key words: Biostratigraphy, calcareous nannofossils, Late<br />

Paleocene-Middle Eocene, Northern Apennines.<br />

The nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Mt. Penice Flysch is<br />

here presented. The section exposed along the Bobbio-Ceci road<br />

in the Mt. Penice area has a thickness of 250 meters and is<br />

composed by alternation of marly calcareous turbidites, thick to<br />

very thick limestone and mudstone with middle to fine grain<br />

arenites and calcarenites at the bottom. The lower part of the<br />

section is characterized by turbiditic layers of siliciclastic<br />

mudstone and arenites and rare layers of free calcite emipelagites.<br />

The Mt. Penice Flysch was referred to the Canetolo Unit of<br />

the Subligurian Domain by ELTER et alii (1964), PLESI (1974;<br />

1975), MONTANARI &ROSSI (1982). Recently it has been referred<br />

to the Esternal Ligurian Domain, on the basis of the unit age and<br />

its involvement in the mesoalpine phase (CATANZARITI et alii,<br />

2002).<br />

The detailed biostratigraphic study of the Mt. Penice Flysch<br />

performed during the realization of the CARG Project for the<br />

1:20,000 scale Geological Map of Italy, allowed the identification<br />

of some useful nannofossil events that could improve the<br />

biostratigrafic resolution of the late Paleocene-middle Eocene in<br />

the Northern Apennines.<br />

In fact the sedimentary successions of the Northern Apennines<br />

contain nannofossil sensitive to the etching and dissolution during<br />

sediments deposition and diagenesis, so that some marker species<br />

are missing or only sporadically present.<br />

In the studied material are poorly represented some groups as<br />

the genus Tribrachiatus and the genus Discoaster on the basis of<br />

which are defined the Eocene biozones in the zonal schemes of<br />

MARTINI (1971) and OKADA &BUKRY (1980). But then have<br />

been recognized new biohorizons, some of which recently<br />

observed also in Italy (AGNINI et alii, 2006; AGNINI et alii,<br />

2007a; DALLANAVE et alii, 2009) and in some Atlantic and<br />

Pacific Ocean sites (RAFFI et alii, 2005; AGNINI et alii, 2007b;<br />

RAFFI et alii, 2009).<br />

The bioevents turned out to be very useful to improve the<br />

resolution of Paleocene-Eocene boundary and early Eocenemiddle<br />

Eocene time interval, in the Northern Apennines are:<br />

Sharp decrease of the genus Fasciculithus, related to the<br />

________________<br />

(*) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, CNR, Pisa,<br />

(**) Dipartimento Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa,<br />


253<br />

lower part of CP8b Subzone.<br />

Concomitant Occurrence of Rhomboaster cuspis and<br />

Discoaster araneus related to the PETM (Paleocene-Eocene<br />

Thermal Maximum) and the CIE (Carbon Isotope Excursion)<br />

that are used to approximate the Paleocene-Eocene boundary<br />

(AUBRY et alii, 2007).<br />

Highest occurrence of Fasciculithus tympaniformis.<br />

Lowest occurrence of Sphenolithus radians related to the<br />

upper part of CP9a Subzone and NP10 Zone.<br />

Lowest occurrence of Noelhaerabdaceae represented by the<br />

genera Dictyococcites, Cyclicargolithus and Reticulofenestra,<br />

coincident with the lowest occurrence of Ericsonia formosa,<br />

Dicoaster lodoensis, Discoaster kuepperi and the highest<br />

occurrence of the genus Toweius. All these events seem gathering<br />

around the NP11-NP12 zonal boundary and the particular<br />

concomitance of these events can testify one hiatus or too large<br />

sampling.<br />

Lowest occurrence of Coccolithus crassus, marker of CP11<br />

Zone.<br />

Lowest occurrence of Reticulofenestra dictyoda, related to the<br />

lower part of CP11 Zone.<br />

Lowest occurrence of Discoaster sublodoensis, marker of the<br />

NP14 Zone.<br />

Lowest occurrence of Nannotetrina sp., useful marker to<br />

define the NP14- NP15 zonal boundary in poorly preserved<br />

material (PERCH-NIELSEN, 1985).<br />

Some of these events are very useful because established on<br />

taxa resistant to dissolution and recognizable even in etching<br />

material.<br />

On the basis of these events, correlable with standard<br />

zonations, we can date accurately scattered samples and<br />

impoverished assemblages. In addiction we can correlate, more<br />

accurately, different geological settings, and detect how global<br />

events, as climate and sea-level changes, affected the<br />

sedimentation in the Northern Apennines successions.<br />

Moreover we can evaluate the sediment accumulation rate of<br />

such deposits.<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />


AGNINI C., MUTTONI G., KENT D.V. & RIO D. (2006) - Eocene<br />

biostratigraphy and magnetic stratigraphy from Possagno,<br />

Italy: The calcareous nannofossil response to climate<br />

variability. Eart. Planet. Sci. Lett., 241, 815- 830.<br />


J. & GUSBERTI L. (2007a) - Responses of calcareous<br />

nannofossil assemblages, mineralogy and geochemistry to the<br />

environmental perturbations across the Paleocene/Eocene<br />

boundary in the Venetian Pre-Alps. Mar. Micropaleontol. 63,<br />

19-38.<br />


WESTERHOLD T. (2007b) - High-resolution nannofossil<br />

biochronology of middle Paleocene to early Eocene at ODP<br />

Site 1262: implications for calcareous nannoplankton<br />

evolution. Mar. Micropaleontol, 64, 215-248.<br />


COUVERING J.A., Members of the Working Group on the<br />

Paleocene/Eocene Boundary, (2007). The Global Standard<br />

Stratotype-section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the<br />

Eocene Series in theDababiya section (Egypt). Episodes, 30<br />

(4), 271–286.<br />


Tavole stratigrafiche <strong>della</strong> Carta geologico-strutturale<br />

dell’Appennino emiliano-romagnolo in scala 1:250.000.<br />

SELCA, Firenze.<br />

DALLANAVE E., AGNINI C., MUTTONI G. & RIO D. (2009) -<br />

Magneto-biostratigraphy of the Cicogna section (Italy):<br />

implications for the late Paleocene-early Eocene time scale.<br />

Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 285, 39-51.<br />

ELTER P., GRATZIU C. & LABESSE B. (1964) - Sul significato<br />

dell'esistenza di una unità alloctona costituita da formazioni<br />

terziarie nell'Appennino settentrionale. Boll. Soc. Geol. It.,<br />

83 (2), 373-394.<br />

RAFFI I., BACKMAN J. & PÄLIKE H. (2005) - Changes in<br />

calcareous nannofossil assemblage across the<br />

Paleocene/Eocene transition from the paleo-equatorial<br />

Pacific Ocean. Palaeogeogr. Palaeocl., 226, 93–126.<br />

RAFFI I., BACKMAN J., ZACHOS J. C. & SLUIJSET A. (2009) - The<br />

response of calcareous nannofossil assemblages to the<br />

Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum at the Walvis Ridge in<br />

the South Atlantic. Mar. Micropaleontol., 70, 201–212.<br />

MARTINI E. (1971) - Standard tertiary and quaternary<br />

nannoplankton zonation. Proceedings II planktonic<br />

conference, Roma, 2, 739-785.<br />

254<br />

MONTANARI L. & ROSSI M. (1983) - Evoluzione delle unità<br />

stratigrafico-strutturali del Nord Appennino: 2. Macigno s.s.<br />

e Pseudomacigno. Mem Soc. Geol. It., 25 , 185-217.<br />

OKADA H. & BUKRY D. (1980) - Supplementary modification<br />

and introduction of code numbers to the low-latitude<br />

coccolith biostratigraphic zonation (Bukry, 1973; 1975).<br />

Mar. Micropaleontol, 5, (3), 321-325.<br />

PERCH-NIELSEN K. (1985) - Cenozoic calcareous nannofossils.<br />

In: H-M.Bolli, J.B. Saunders and Perch-Nielsen K. (Eds.),<br />

Plankton Stratigraphy, Cambridge University Press, 427-554.<br />

PLESI G. (1974) - L’Unità di Canetolo nella struttura di Bobbio<br />

(Val Trebbia), Montegroppo (Val Gotra) e lungo la<br />

trasversale Cinque Terre-Pracchiola. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci.<br />

Nat., Mem., Serie A, 81, 121-151.<br />

PLESI G. (1975) - La nappe de Canetolo. Bul. Soc. Géol. de<br />

France, 6, 979-983.

Calcareous nannofossil distribution pattern and nannobiohorizons<br />

from Upper Cretaceous sedimentary successions<br />

of northern Apennines (Italy)<br />

Key words: Calcareous nannofossils, Biostratigraphy, Late<br />

Cretaceous, Northern Apennines, Italy.<br />

During the realization of the Geological Map of Italy<br />

(1:100.000 scale), foraminifera allowed to date, for the first time,<br />

many calcareous to siliciclastic successions and to improve old<br />

dating based on invertebrates. Consequently foraminifera were a<br />

fundamental tool to constrain the sedimentary evolution of many<br />

lithostratigraphic units. Unfortunately, the assigned ages of<br />

mapped units were frequently based on scattered sampling,<br />

sometimes represented only by few samples, and the<br />

micropaleontological data were usually based on the<br />

discontinuous occurrence of a limited number of taxa, frequently<br />

not including zonal markers. Furthermore, the generic inferred<br />

age was extended to the entire unit.<br />

In the last two decades calcareous nannofossils have allowed<br />

to deeply improve the dating of Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary<br />

successions first of all because the fossil record is rich, but also<br />

because the obtained ages were based on the succession of<br />

assemblages which were frequently characterized by the presence<br />

of zonal markers. The continuous and abundant calcareous<br />

nannofossil record allows to recognize the succession of<br />

nannobiohorizons which are helpful to identify zones or zone<br />

boundaries and hence useful for dating stratigraphic boundaries<br />

or sedimentary events (such as the onset or the end of the<br />

orogenesis controlled sedimentation). Consequently this fossil<br />

group deeply contributed to improve the dating of many<br />

lithostratigraphic units (formations, members, or even key beds),<br />

to highlight the tectono-sedimentary evolution of large sectors of<br />

the Italian mountain chains and to constrain the geodynamic<br />

evolution of Apennine thrust-fold belt.<br />

In examples, after the first effort to date the Upper Cretaceous<br />

deposits of the Northern Apennines and to constrain the<br />

orogenesis-controlled sedimentation based on calcareous<br />

nannofossils (MARRONI et alii, 1992), many papers have been<br />

published on the Upper Cretaceous siliciclastic to marly<br />

____________________<br />

(*) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, Pisa,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di;<br /><br />


255<br />

calcareous successions of the Northern Apennines which allowed<br />

to refine the ages of many Helmintoid Flysch Units and of some<br />

basal complexes (VESCOVI et alii, 1999; CATANZARITI &PERILLI,<br />

2006; CATANZARITI et alii, 2007). In many of these papers<br />

quantitative or semiquantitative range charts are furnished and the<br />

recognized assemblages reported. Moreover, huge amount of<br />

quantitative and semiquantitative biostratigraphic data have been<br />

also achieved during the realization of the Italian Geological Map<br />

at 1:50,000 scale (CARG Project).<br />

Aim of this paper is to reconstruct the distribution patterns of<br />

the Late Cretaceous calcareous nannofossil taxa, to describe the<br />

recognized zones and to discuss the reliability of the<br />

nannobiohorizons utilized, based on the published and<br />

unpublished data sets. The unpublished data set is based on the<br />

results achieved by the authors of this paper, during the<br />

realization of the geological sheets at 1:50.00 scale of the CARG<br />

Project: Bobbio, Neviano degli Arduini, Bargagli, Cabella<br />

Ligure, Pontremoli, Fivizzano and Castelnuovo Garfagnana<br />

(CARG Project).<br />


CATANZARITI R. & PERILLI N. (2006) – Age of the Ottone Unit in<br />

the Zignago area (External Ligurian Units, Northern<br />

Apennines): constrains from calcareous nannofossils.<br />

Ofioliti, 31, 11-24.<br />


(2007) – Calcareous Nannofossil biostratigraphy of the<br />

Antola Unit succession (Northern Apennines, Italy): new age<br />

constraints for the Upper Cretaceous Helminthoid Flysch.<br />

Cretaceous Research, 28, 841-860.<br />


(1992) - Late Cretaceous flysch deposits of the Northern<br />

Apennines, Italy: age of inception of orogenesis-controlled<br />

sedimentation. Cretaceous Research, 13, 487-504.<br />

VESCOVI P., FORNACIARI E., RIO D. & VALLONI R. (1999) - The<br />

Basal Complex Stratigraphy of the Helminthoid M. Cassio<br />

Flysch: a key to the Eoalpine Tectonics of the Northern<br />

Apennines. Riv. It. Paleont. Strat., 105, 101-128.<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

The Atlas of biostratigraphic data.<br />

A necessary integration to the 1:10000 geological map of Tuscany<br />





Key words: Biostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy, Tuscany.<br />

The project for the 1:10 000 scale geological map of Tuscany,<br />

just completed, has greatly increased the knowledge of the<br />

geology of region, recording an appreciable involvement effort<br />

from the scientific community (University and CNR).<br />

The substantial funds furnished by the regional geological<br />

survey have been invested in the new mapping field work and<br />

geological data computerization. The choice to favour the<br />

spreading of data digitization has prevent to supply resources to<br />

the laboratory researches, complementary to the field work, but<br />

penalized also by the short time of the Project. We underline the<br />

biostratigraphic researches useful to age the geological units,<br />

composed of widespread sedimentary rocks extending over 200<br />

million years.<br />

This Atlas of biostratigraphic data has been performed a<br />

posteriori by the three universities and the CNR, still involved in<br />

the geological mapping of the Tuscan region, with the little<br />

economic budget offered by the Regional Geological Survey, and<br />

has the aim to present and comment the framework of the<br />

biostratigraphic and chronostratigraphic data of the stratigraphic<br />

units outcropping in Tuscany.<br />

The Atlas offers, with tables (Figs. 1, 2, 3 for an example)<br />

and topics, the presentation and the critic analysis of the available<br />

biostratigraphic data on the six major geological sets that<br />

constitute the upper structural levels of the structural built.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) CNR - IGG Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Geoscienze e<br />

Georisorse di Pisa,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Firenze<br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Siena<br />

(°°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Pisa<br />

(^) Laboratorio di monitoraggio e modellistica ambientale per lo sviluppo<br />

sostenibile, LaMMa<br />

256<br />

Fig. 1 – Geographic distribution of foredeep succession and location of<br />

stratigraphic sections.

Fig. 2 – Biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy of the foredeep sections of the northern sector of Tuscany, and space-temporal distribution of foredeep<br />

sandstones. The location of the sections is reported in Fig.1.<br />

Fig. 3 – Biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy of the foredeep sections of the northern sector of Tuscany, and space-temporal distribution of foredeep<br />

sandstones. The location of the sections is reported in Fig.1.<br />

257<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

The outlook for the geological map in Italy, from “paper” to “digital”<br />

Key words: CARG Project, database system, geological map.<br />

For the geological map of Italy, the switch from traditional<br />

printed version to digital format constitutes a technological<br />

milestone that ushers in a radical and irreversible change in the<br />

process of acquisition, representation and popularization of<br />

geological data, the importance of which is perhaps not yet fully<br />

appreciated.<br />

In over a century of activity, the national geological<br />

community, comprising the Italian geological survey, universities<br />

and research institutes, has cyclically collaborated to update its<br />

geological knowledge of the national territory by taking part in a<br />

new cartography project designed to replace the existing product,<br />

rendered obsolete by advances made by geological sciences in<br />

terms of expertise and methodology.<br />

Since the end of the 1800s, there have been three Geological<br />

Map Projects in Italy, the first two of which were to scale<br />

1:100,000 while the third, the CARG Project currently underway,<br />

is to scale 1:50,000. If we were to define this cyclical trend in<br />

basic terms, we could identify distinct periods of activity<br />

followed by periods of inactivity lasting approximately thirty<br />

years. The most recent period of activity, still in progress,<br />

benefits from the overlapping, on a national operational level, of<br />

more detailed regional geological cartography projects to scale<br />

1:10.000. Thus it appears we can establish the “shelf life” of the<br />

geological map to be in the region of thirty years, after which, at<br />

least until now, a replacement is called for.<br />

On the scientific front, in keeping with the past, the last phase<br />

produced new geological solutions underpinned by more up-todate<br />

and objective information. Moreover, on the technological<br />

front, this time signalling a break with the past, also it heralded a<br />

veritable ‘revolution’ with the introduction of digital formats and<br />

databases.<br />

Digital formats counter the rigidity of traditional printed<br />

formats with an extremely ductile structure, actually replacing<br />

geological maps with a flexible database system that avoids<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) CNR – Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, Pisa,<br />

(**) Regione Emilia Romagna, Servizio Geologico Sismico e <strong>dei</strong> Suoli,<br /><br />


258<br />

solutions based on ongoing modifications, integrations and<br />

updates. As a result, there will be an end to the two-phase cycle<br />

that has until now governed national geological map projects.<br />

The termination of CARG will therefore signal the end of an<br />

entire approach, and a new operational context will be established<br />

following processing of geological data. Within this new context<br />

the concept of replacing the geological map is itself replaced by<br />

the new concept of maintenance: a progressive, ongoing activity<br />

of correcting and improving rather than intervening periodically<br />

in a ‘drastic’ manner.<br />

This technological revolution has many consequences and<br />

within the specific area of interest dealt with here, they are all of<br />

some significance.<br />

The concept of maintenance implies gradual, ongoing action<br />

and is effective on both the scientific and economic fronts. On a<br />

scientific level, this is achieved through the independent review<br />

of n themes (sectors or topics) which require updating, with the<br />

opportunity to effect maintenance upstream, constantly<br />

recomposing the framework by integrating the modified data into<br />

databases. On an economic level, the financial investment is<br />

absorbed over a prolonged period as opposed to huge investments<br />

having to be made periodically.<br />

In this new landscape envisaged for the future of the<br />

geological map, which for the geological community retains the<br />

same scientific importance as always, the end of the CARG<br />

project constitutes a serious blow, not only because it means<br />

scientific content will not be updated but also, and perhaps above<br />

all, because it has been decided not to grant across-the-board<br />

access to an essential tool, the geological database, which will be<br />

of vital importance in the future for the application of geological<br />

data acquisition and transmission procedures and therefore for<br />

safeguarding the quality of what is a strategic product for<br />

geological culture and environmental policy.<br />

We can only hope that at every level of responsibility, the<br />

public administration will devote due thought and consideration<br />

to the potential offered by new technologies in relation to the<br />

geological map.

Key words: Dent Blanche, Norian foraminifers, Roisan<br />

dolostones, Western Alps.<br />

Relatively well preserved remnants of Triassic fossils have<br />

been discovered within two dolomitic bodies of the Roisan zone<br />

during field and laboratory refinements of the Foglio Monte<br />

Cervino (070) of the Carta Geologica d’Italia at 1:50.000 scale<br />

(CARG Project). The Roisan zone is a metamorphic, strongly<br />

transposed and fragmented sedimentary unit of supposed<br />

Mesozoic age, mainly carbonatic, which is discontinuously<br />

exposed along the ductile shear zone which separates the Dent<br />

Blanche and Mont Mary basement nappes (upper Austroalpine<br />

outliers, Aosta Valley-southern Valais).<br />

The Roisan zone is generally interpreted as the former<br />

sedimentary cover of the pre-Triassic lower- to upper crust Mont<br />

Mary basement, but its primary substratum can not be precisely<br />

established due to the pervasive tectonic contact between them.<br />

This metasedimentary unit extends from the Roisan village, north<br />

of Aosta, to the Mont Blanc du Creton (Valtournenche), through<br />

the Col de St. Barthélemy, Grand Pays, Cima Bianca (biggest<br />

body) and Becca di Salè-Saleron area; isolated minor slices<br />

reappears in the P. Cors eastern spur, Hörnly ridge of the<br />

Matterhorn, and left slope of Zmutt valley, within the NE<br />

extension of the Mont Mary nappe. It is also recorded in the<br />

Pillonet klippe.<br />

The Dent Blanche and Mont Mary nappes groups two main<br />

pre-Triassic basement units: i) the Valpelline unit, a slice of<br />

Variscan lower crust consisting of granulite to amphibolite facies<br />

felsic and mafic rocks; ii) the underlying Arolla unit, consisting<br />

of Permian granitoid and gabbro protoliths. These basement units<br />

are poorly to pervasively reworked by the polyphase Alpine<br />

metamorphism which is documented by relics of a relative high-P<br />

imprint, intermediate between epidote-blueschist and<br />

glaucophane-bearing greenschist facies conditions of Late<br />

Cretaceous age (75-73 Ma in the Pillonet klippe), and by a<br />

greenschist facies regional overprint at decreasing pressure.<br />

_________________________<br />

Late Triassic microfossils in the Roisan zone, Austroalpine<br />

Dent Blanche-Mont Mary nappe system, NW-Alps<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Perugia,<br /><br />

(**) Accademia delle Scienze di Torino.<br />

259<br />

Remnants of a Mesozoic metasedimentary cover are also<br />

preserved in the Dent Blanche nappe (Mt. Dolin area), over the<br />

frontal part of the Arolla unit. These mainly consist of Triassic<br />

dolostones and thick sedimentary breccias of supposed Jurassic<br />

age, including pebbles of dolostones with Late Triassic forams. If<br />

the Dolin and Roisan metasedimentary units are compared, facies<br />

differences prevail over analogy.<br />

Focusing on the the Roisan zone, this unit is characterized by<br />

the occurrence of various types of dolostones, marbles and<br />

ophiolite-free calcschists which are intimately associated with<br />

grey-greenisch and dark mylonites coming from cover and<br />

basement protoliths. The primary features of these metasediments<br />

are generally effaced by the tectono-metamorphic<br />

overprint, with the exception of a few occurrences where the<br />

deposition environment can be reconstructed with good<br />

confidence. Some dolostones are referable to a shallow-water<br />

carbonate platform (Mt. Grand Pays) for the presence of thick<br />

beds with stromatolites, green algae, erosional surfaces and<br />

angular breccias; others (Comba de Chavacour - Tzan Lake)<br />

show features better referable to a basinal environment as thin<br />

bedding, with thin levels of chert-derived quartzites and thick<br />

doloruditic beds. Dolostones are associated to tabular pure<br />

marbles, marbles with mm-cm bands of detritic quartz and to<br />

ophiolite-free calcschists. Any contact among these lithofacies is<br />

transposed by polyphase ductile shear and rootless folding:<br />

although the general concordance could often simulate a primary<br />

succession, the internal structural setting of the Roisan zone<br />

prevents any attempt from reconstructing the stratigraphic<br />

sequence. Only in some relatively less deformed zones, as the<br />

Comba di Saleron and below the Oratorio di Cuney (St.<br />

Barthélemyt valley), this succession can be recognized from<br />

bottom to top: a) regularly bedded dolostone and dolomitic<br />

marble, with 1-1.5 m-thick beds (50-60 m ca); b) dolomitic<br />

marble and massive dolostones, with disarmonic basal contact<br />

(50 m ca); c) tabular grey marbles; d) marbles with thin bands of<br />

detritic quartz (4-5 m).<br />

If this succession really corresponds to the original<br />

stratigraphic order, this scenario can be envisaged: i) Middle (?)-<br />

Upper Triassic shallow- and deep-water dolostones; ii) Rhaetian-<br />

Lower Jurassic tabular and quartz-bearing marbles; iii) Middle<br />

Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous calcschists.<br />

If this succession is reversed, marble with quartz might be<br />

referred to the Carnian and shallow water dolostones to the<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

Norian by comparison with Southern Alps and Northern<br />

Apennines sequences with Carnian siliciclastic deposits and<br />

Norian platform-carbonates<br />

No traces of silici-clastic meta-sediments, like the classic<br />

occurrences of generally accepted Permian-Eotriassic age from<br />

the Briançonnais and Pancherot-Cime Bianche cover units, have<br />

been found in the entire Roisan zone (the metamorphic<br />

conglomerates mapped in the central Roisan zone, are cataclastic<br />

to mylonitic augengneiss of the Arolla unit). Therefore, the<br />

Roisan series can not be older than the Middle Triassic. On the<br />

top, the ophiolite-free calcschists mark the transition from preorogenic<br />

(impure marble and carbonate-rich calcschist) to synorogenic<br />

conditions (terrigenous calcschist): their age may be<br />

bracketed between the Middle Jurassic and the early Late<br />

Cretaceous by comparison with the Piedmont zone and<br />

considering the constraint provided by the relatively high-P<br />

imprint in the Pillonet basement (75-73 Ma) closely associated to<br />

Roisan-type impure marbles. Lastly, to the Roisan zone is<br />

generally referred also the unique occurrence of very finely<br />

banded Fe-Mn-quartzite discovered inside the folded Arolla<br />

gneiss NW of Cignana lake, even if a Piedmont pertinence can<br />

not be excluded due to facies affinity. Recent dating of <strong>alla</strong>nite<br />

grains provided Permian (around 280 Ma) and more realistic<br />

Early to Middle Jurassic ages (190-160 Ma).<br />

The Late Triassic age of part of the Roisan zone is<br />

documented by the Mt. Grand Pays dolostones. Their best<br />

outcrops are on the divide between Comba Deche and Alpe<br />

Chaleby, and on its eastern slope, over the new Alpe Leche.<br />


Major sedimentary features are thick bedding (1 m) often with<br />

massive breccias. In the dolomitic beds stromatolitic levels are<br />

evident, associated to massive intervals. Thin levels of<br />

sedimentary breccias lying on erosional surfaces are made of<br />

angular to sub-rounded clasts in a fine-grained matrix. All the<br />

Fig. 1 – Stromatolites and breccias in the dolostones<br />

260<br />

features remind carbonate platform dolostones. At the field<br />

observation the textures appear mainly as grainstone-packstone or<br />

mudstone, but in thin section they are mostly a mosaic of finecrystalline<br />

dolomite. One fortunately well preserved sample<br />

provided a rich association of foraminifers that, although<br />

metamorphism, can be referred to a Late Triassic age, in<br />

particular to the Norian. The best preserved forms are Aulotortus<br />

friedli, A. ex gr. sinuosus, Gandinella falsofriedli, Aulotortus<br />

tenuis, A. communis and Glomospirella spp.<br />

This association can be referred to a generic Late Triassic<br />

age, but the presence of A. friedli and the absence of<br />

Lamelliconus spp. and A. praegaschei let us to exclude a Carnian<br />

age; on the other hand, the size of the forams and the absence of<br />

Triasina hantkeni and Auloconus permodiscoides exclude the socalled<br />

Rhaetian.<br />

Fig. 2 – 1) Aulotortus friedli, 2) A. ex gr. sinuosus, 3-4) Gandinella falsofriedli<br />

Dasycladalean algae were also found, observed only at the<br />

surface. They are comparable to Heterosporella conradii in the<br />

Norian Dolomia Principale of the eastern Southalpine (Mt.<br />

Pramaggiore, Friuli).<br />

In conclusion, this association is referred to the middle part<br />

of the Late Triassic (Norian), the same age inferred from the<br />

fossils found in Mt. Dolin.<br />

We hope that new samples will be able to better define the<br />

exact age of the Grand Pays bedded dolostones, but we think that<br />

these first fossils found in the Italian part of the Dent Blanche-<br />

Mont Marie nappe system represent a new step in the knowledge<br />

of the Western Alps history.

The siliciclastic turbidite units of the Mt. Civitella – Mt. Elmo area<br />

(Mt. Amiata, south-eastern Tuscany): geological setting,<br />

petrographic composition and regional correlations<br />

Key words: Modal analysis, Mt. Amiata area, Northern<br />

Apennines, siliciclastic turbidites, Sub-Ligurian Domain,<br />

Tertiary.<br />

The morphological and structural high of the Mt. Amiata area<br />

is well-known for its geological features consisting in: a) a<br />

structural pile made up of Ligurid and Sub-Ligurid Units<br />

overlying the non metamorphic Tuscan Succession (Falda<br />

Toscana, locally affected by important tectonic elisions i.e. the<br />

so-called “Serie Ridotta”) which in its turn lies onto the Devonian<br />

to Triassic rocks of the Tuscan Metamorphic Units; b) the<br />

presence of surrounding continental to marine, Late Miocene-<br />

Pliocene structural basins (e.g. the Radicofani, Cinigiano-<br />

Baccinello and Velona basins); c) the Quaternary Mt.Amiata<br />

volcano; d) the geothermal fields and Hg mining areas. In this<br />

frame, the Mt.Civitella-Mt.Elmo ridge is a part of a complex<br />

megafold constuted by the non metamorphic Tuscan Succession<br />

(from the Calcare e marne a Rhaetavicula Contorta Formation to<br />

the Brolio Shales and Sugame Marl Members of the Scaglia<br />

Toscana) which is tectonically overlie by the Ligurids (Santa<br />

Fiora and Pietraforte Formations of the S.Fiora Unit) and the<br />

Sub-Ligurian Unit (Canetolo Unit).<br />

Moreover, a complex of turbidite mainly calcarenitic and<br />

siliciclastic rocks of debated stratigraphic attribution are present<br />

between the Tuscan terrains and the overlying Ligurian and Sub-<br />

Ligurian Units. In fact, these rocks were generally assigned in the<br />

geological literature or to the Scaglia Toscana pp. and Macigno<br />

Formation of the Tuscan Nappe or to the Canetolo Unit. Our<br />

research have affected a part of the ridge between. A 1:10,000<br />

scale geological mapping and structural survey were performed in<br />

the Selvena, Castell’Azzara and Mt. Elmo areas and 20<br />

siliciclastic arenite samples were collected for modal analysis<br />

using the Gazzi-Dickinson method and Cipriani recording<br />

method.<br />

The geological survey evidences that a varicoloured shaly -<br />

calcareous unit, including greenish, paesina-like calcilutite with<br />

____________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Firenze,<br /><br />

(** ) IGG (Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse) - CNR - Firenze<br />


261<br />

sporadic siliciclastic arenites and dolomitic calclithite, rests on<br />

the Scaglia toscana and vertically passes into a succession of<br />

siliciclastic turbidites (arenite sandstone unit). Finally, a mainly<br />

calcarenitic unit tectonically overlies both the varicoloured shaly<br />

-calcareous unit and the arenite sandstones unit.<br />

The modal analyses (see Figs. 1 and 2) show that the arenite<br />

sandstones have a modal arkosic composition, but they are very<br />

different from the siliciclastic turbidites of the Macigno<br />

Formation, but also from the Monte Senario Sandstone (Canetolo<br />

Unit) and from the arenites of the Ligurian Domain (i.e. the<br />

Gottero Sandstone, the Monghidoro Sandstone, the Pietraforte<br />

sandstone and the Ghiaieto sandstone of the Elba Flysch) and of<br />

the Montenero Member interbedded into the Marnoso-Arenacea<br />

Formation in Val Tiberina area.<br />

So, tacking into account the quite variable composition of the<br />

clastic imputs in the different areas of the outcrops of the<br />

Canetolo Unit, we correlate the succession of the varicoloured<br />

shaly -calcareous unit, the arenite sandstones unit and the<br />

calcarenitic unit to the Sub-Ligurian Domain. From a structural<br />

point of view, the rocks of the calcarenitic unit and of the Tuscan<br />

Nappe are affected by the same folding events, but the orientation<br />

of the axes and the axial planes in the two tectonic unit appear<br />

different. Several, sometimes overturned mesofolds deformed the<br />

rocks of the Tuscan Nappe with a Adriatic vergence.<br />

These structures can be interpreted as parasitic folds of a<br />

overturned mega-anticline similar to that of the Mt. Cetona front.<br />

The new tectonic sketch of the studied area is shown in Fig. 3 and<br />

consists of the piling up of three tectonic units (from top to<br />

bottom of the structural pile): Santa Fiora Unit (Ligurids),<br />

Canetolo Unit (or Sub-Ligurian Unit) and the Tuscan Nappe.<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

Fig. 1 – QFL+C DIAGRAM.<br />

Fig. 2 – Q/Q+F VS. Qmr/Qm diagram<br />

262<br />

Fig. 3 – Tectonic sketch of the studied area

Key words: Eruptive units, geologic map, lithosome, UBSU,<br />

volcanic units, volcano-stratigraphy, volcanic facies.<br />


The generation of a geologic map of a volcanic region is an<br />

essential starting point from which to base the knowledge for<br />

detailed volcanological and magmatological researches and is<br />

fundamental to understand the volcanic activity and its impact on<br />

the environment and human life. During the last 20 years, the<br />

Volcano Geology has experienced a great impulse in Italy and<br />

has become an independent kind of research, making use of<br />

several tools, as stratigraphy, geologic mapping, structural<br />

geology, geomorphology, petrography, geochemistry, and<br />

physical volcanology. Indeed, several geologic maps of Italian<br />

volcanoes have been produced within the CARG Project.<br />

Different and innovative methods were applied to the Volcano<br />

Geology, producing national and international scientific debates.<br />

In this presentation, we are summarizing the results occurred<br />

during the GEOITALIA 2009 session and the ISPRA 2009<br />

Workshop that were focused on the comparison of different<br />

methodologies, on the discussion of open problems, and on the<br />

evaluation of future works and perspectives of innovative tools of<br />

analysis.<br />

The volcano stratigraphic tools span from the classical<br />

geologic (stratigraphic, sedimentologic, mapping), physical<br />

volcanologic (structural, textural, compositional, physical),<br />

geochronologic (tephrachronologic, archaeomagnetic,<br />

radiometric), and petro-chemical methods. Moreover, several<br />

examples of recent studies on both effusive and explosive<br />

volcanism demonstrate the powerful tools of integrated and<br />

multidisciplinary approach in defining the volcanic history of<br />

active and ancient volcanoes.<br />

_________________________<br />

Mapping Volcanoes: Tools, results and perspectives<br />


(*) Università di Roma3, Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche,<br /><br />

(**) CNR, Istituto per la Dinamica <strong>dei</strong> Processi Ambientali,<br /><br />

(°) Università dell’Insubria, Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e<br />

Ambientali,<br />

263<br />



The main topics of the stratigraphic study and geologic<br />

mapping of a volcanic region are summarized as following:<br />

Stratigraphic methodology.<br />

Use of lithostratigraphic units as main criterion during survey<br />

and mapping.<br />

Application of UBSU, temporal and spatial scale.<br />

UBSU and their relations with the geodynamics framework.<br />

UBSU and their relations with the eustatic changes.<br />

Lithosomes: applications and open problems.<br />

Facies variations.<br />

Use of eruptive units for recent volcanics.<br />

Stratigraphy<br />

The geologic mapping of several Italian volcanoes is the<br />

result of the combination of three different categories of<br />

stratigraphic units: lithostratigraphic, synthemic and lithosomatic.<br />

Each category of the stratigraphic framework is based on the<br />

proper definition following the guidelines of the International<br />

Stratigraphic Guide and of the Italian Geological Survey.<br />

Lithostratigraphic units represent the main stratigraphic rules<br />

used for the identification of the units during the field surveys and<br />

can be in different ranks from the formation to member and to<br />

single lava flow.<br />

Synthemic units are represented by the Unconformity<br />

Bounded Stratigraphic Units (UBSU) that are useful to synthesize<br />

the geological history of a volcano. For example, the<br />

unconformities are represented by angular discordances related to<br />

the shifting of the volcano feeding system and by erosion surfaces<br />

in the periphery of the volcano edifice. UBSUs were used to<br />

group the lithostratigraphic units identified during fieldwork and<br />

to reconstruct the volcanic evolution.<br />

Lithosome is a morpho-stratigraphic term that in volcanic<br />

terrains encloses the concept of “volcanic edifice”. Lithosomatic<br />

units are adopted in order to better represent the spatial<br />

organization of the different eruptive centers recognized on the<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

basis of their geometric arrangement, lithology and morphology.<br />

UBSU application<br />

UBSUs are separated by discontinuities in the stratigraphic<br />

successions, which emphasise the major breaks in the evolution<br />

of the volcano and its spatial and temporal geometry. The survey<br />

and mapping experience on several volcanoes, as Vulture and<br />

Etna, have shown that UBSUs are applicable at all type of<br />

volcanoes. This approach greatly improves level of detail and<br />

highlights changes in the eruptive styles and the strong tectonic<br />

control on the localisation of the volcanic centres through time.<br />

Moreover, UBSUs allow to done clearness and importance to<br />

geology, as the fundamental data set to support petrographic and<br />

geochemical interpretations. These stratigraphic units are very<br />

useful to compare and correlate in time and space distributions of<br />

the volcanic activity products with deposits and environments of<br />

other origin.<br />


The innovative stratigraphic use of UBSUs methodology in<br />

the Italian volcanic areas has improved the knowledge of volcano<br />

geology and evolution and has permitted the integration of<br />

information coming from different earth science fields to produce<br />

a regional volcanic and non-volcanic geologic framework. The<br />

lithostratigraphic units embracing volcanic facies associations are<br />

the main tools for field survey and mapping of volcanic products.<br />

The use of lithosome has to be cautiously. The use of eruptive<br />

units is better appropriate to thematic maps than to geologic<br />

maps.<br />


Key words: Regional geology, Lucania, Southern Apennines.<br />

The Sheet n°470 "Potenza" falls in the central Lucania sector<br />

of the Southern Apennines thrust belt, characterized by very<br />

complex tectonic and stratigraphic features (CARBONE et alii,<br />

1991; MAZZOLI et alii, 2001; MENARDI NOGUERA &REA, 2000;<br />

PESCATORE et alii, 1988; 1999).<br />

In the central Lucania area, Late Triassic to Middle Miocene<br />

basin successions and middle-late Miocene to Pliocene foreland<br />

clastic successions crop out. Four main tectonic units have been<br />

distinguished: the Monte Arioso, Groppa d'Anzi, Vaglio<br />

Basilicata and San Chirico units, which are strongly deformed<br />

and thrusted eastward upon the buried internal Apulian Platform<br />

or Apulian thrust system (MOSTARDINI & MERLINI, 1986;<br />

LENTINI et alii, 1990; ROURE et alii, 1991).<br />

The tectonic units are formed by successions characterized by<br />

basinal and shelf-margin facies (Serie calcareo-silico-marnosa<br />

Auct.), ranging in age from Middle Triassic to Early Miocene,<br />

and by basinal mainly calcareous-pelitic deposits of the Argille<br />

Variegate Group, conformably followed by numidian<br />

quartzarenites and Serra Palazzo arenites. All the basinal deposits<br />

are referred to an external basinal domain (Lagonegro basin)<br />

(MOSTARDINI &MERLINI, 1986; PESCATORE et alii, 1988, 1992;<br />

ROURE et alii, 1991). After OGNIBEN (1969) and CARBONE et alii<br />

(1988) the Argille Variegate Group cropping out in the Lucanian<br />

Apennines belongs to tectonic units of internal derivation<br />

(Liguridi/Sicilidi Units).<br />

In the westernmost areas, the successions are characterized by<br />

frequent occurrence of coarse to fine calciclastic deposits settled<br />

by dense gravity flows and slumps coming from a carbonate<br />

platform margin. The geometry of the sedimentary bodies, the<br />

palaeocurrent directions, and the grain size distribution of the<br />

redeposited limestones suggest that the carbonate input came<br />

from a western sectors. These deposits form the internal (i.e.<br />

_________________________<br />

New geological data in central Lucania, Southern Apennines: the<br />

Geological Sheet n° 470 “Potenza”<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Napoli “Federico II”,<br />;<br />

(°) Dipartimento di Studi Geologici e Ambientali, Università del Sannio,<br /><br />

This work was carried out within the CARG Project.<br />


265<br />

western) margin of the Lagonegro basin and have been ascribed<br />

to the Monte Arioso Unit (PESCATORE et alii, 1988).<br />

The successions cropping out in the central zone are typically<br />

composed of pelagic sediments (varicoloured clays and shales)<br />

interlayered with fine carbonate turbidites representing more<br />

distal facies of the coarser proximal facies described above.<br />

Therefore, these units (Argille Variegate Group) record<br />

sedimentation along the axial zone of the Lagonegro basin. These<br />

deposits are ascribed to the Groppa d’Anzi Unit (PESCATORE et<br />

alii, 1988). The facies pattern and its persistence during the basin<br />

evolution indicate that the Lagonegro palaeogeographic domain<br />

had to be bounded by carbonate platforms on both sides.<br />

The successions outcropping in the easternmost areas only<br />

consist of middle Cretaceous to middle Miocene formations<br />

(PESCATORE et alii, 1988; GALLICCHIO et alii, 1996). They show<br />

facies similar to those observed in the western sectors although,<br />

in this case, the calciclastic input came from the eastern sectors.<br />

These successions, forming the Vaglio Basilicata and San Chirico<br />

units (Campomaggiore Unit, sensu PESCATORE et alii, 1988), are<br />

mainly ascribed to Flysch Rosso and Numidian Flysch<br />

formations.<br />

The Numidian Flysch and other correlated upper Oligocene to<br />

lower Miocene successions conformably overlie the uppermost<br />

Lagonegro basinal units, i.e. Flysch Rosso, Argille Varicolori and<br />

Corleto Perticara formations. In particular, siliciclastic,<br />

volcaniclastic and calciclastic deposits with frequent<br />

intercalations of carbonate megabreccias and calcareous<br />

olistoliths coming from neritic environments (Paola Doce<br />

Formation, after PESCATORE et alii, 1992, upper Oligocene–<br />

lower Miocene in age) conformably overlie the Lagonegro<br />

successions. The Paola Doce Formation laterally passes into the<br />

‘Tufiti di Tusa’ (OGNIBEN, 1969), mainly formed by siliciclastic<br />

and volcaniclastic sediments with frequent intercalations of<br />

carbonate turbidites. Both Paola Doce and Tufiti di Tusa<br />

formations grade into the overlying Numidian quartzarenites<br />

(Langhian). In the northwestern sectors the Numidian sandstone<br />

conformably overlies the marls, clays and shales of the<br />

Lagonegro basin (‘Flysch Rosso’ and ‘Argille Varicolori’).<br />

Siliciclastic and calciclastic deposits (Serra Palazzo Fm),<br />

conformably lying on the Langhian Numidian quartzarenites,<br />

outcrop along the easternmost belt (San Chirico unit).<br />

Palaeocurrent directions and other sedimentological features<br />

suggest a western provenance for the siliciclastic input, whereas<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

calciclastic material was supplied by the eastern Apulian<br />

platform. The depositional environment of the Serra Palazzo Fm,<br />

was the foredeep basin located between the Langhian–Tortonian<br />

thrust belt to the west and the not deformed Apulian platform to<br />

the east. After the Langhian, the contractional tectonics involved<br />

the whole western platform and the Numidian basin (PESCATORE<br />

et alii, 1992); Early Miocene palaeogeography was then strongly<br />

modified.<br />

The tectonic units are unconformably overlaid by middle-late<br />

Miocene terrigenous flysch deposits (Gorgoglione Flysch) and<br />

Pliocene unconformity bounded marine to alluvial units (Ariano<br />

Irpino Supersynthem).<br />

The Gorgoglione Flysch is formed by sequences made up of<br />

deep-sea conglomerates, sandstones and pelites unconformably<br />

lying on the Lagonegro and Numidian units. These deposits<br />

contain a mixture of clasts resulting from erosion of the<br />

Apenninic carbonate platform, Lagonegro pelagic units and<br />

crystalline nappes.<br />

In the Early-Middle Pliocene (Ariano Supersynthem) new<br />

wedge-top depozone basins develop along the new chain margin,<br />

representing the palaeo-Adriatic Sea western border. The<br />

Pliocene wedge-top deposits are formed by alluvial, lagoonal,<br />

coastal marine and shelf marine mainly clastic successions up to<br />

about 1.500 m thick. They lie with a regional unconformity on<br />

several tectonic units of the orogenic wedge.<br />

Two major synthems have been recognised in the Ariano<br />

Supersynthem. The lower one (Tricarico Synthem) has an Early<br />

Pliocene age and is about 100 m thick; the upper one (Tolve<br />

Synthem) is Middle-Late Pliocene in age (biozones MPl4b -<br />

MPl5b) and is up to 1.300 m thick; both are characterised by<br />

mainly transgressive basal facies and thick regressive top facies.<br />

The sedimentary, palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographic<br />

Pliocene evolution has been strongly influenced by the coeval<br />

tectonic evolution of the chain. In compressional orogenic<br />

systems, such as the Southern Apennines, tectonic activity can<br />

largely overprint the effects of eustatic sea-level fluctuations, so<br />

that significant changes in the relative sea level can be mostly<br />

produced by flexural subsidence plus thrust activity.<br />

The tectonic units of the central Lucanian Apennines show a<br />

very complicated structural style characterised by strong lateral<br />

variability of map-scale structures; further, this sector is widely<br />

affected by Plio-Quaternary strike–slip and extensional faults<br />

mainly oriented according to N120±10°, N150±10° and N50±20°<br />

trends. Yet, excluding the brittle deformation due to Quaternary<br />

faulting, the complexity of structural styles seems to result from<br />

the Pliocene refolding of more ancient structures produced by<br />

middle-late Miocene deformation.<br />

266<br />



C. (1991) - Presentazione <strong>della</strong> Carta Geologica del Bacino<br />

del Fiume Agri (Basilicata). Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 47, 129 -<br />

143.<br />


SABATO L. & SALVINI G. (1996) - Stratigraphical data from a<br />

Cretaceous claystones sequence of the "Argille Varicolori" in<br />

the southern Apennines (Basilicata, Italy). Paleopelagos, 6,<br />

261-272.<br />


Tettonica a thrust neogenica nella catena appenninicomaghrebide:<br />

esempi d<strong>alla</strong> Lucania e d<strong>alla</strong> Sicilia. Studi Geol.<br />

Camerti, vol. suppl. 1990, 19-26.<br />


SHINER P. & TONDI E. (2001) - Reconstruction of continental<br />

margin architecture deformed by the contraction of the<br />

Lagonegro Basin, southern Apennines, Italy. J.Geol. Soc.,<br />

158, (2), 309-319.<br />

MENARDI NOGUERA A. & REA G. (2000) - Deep structure of the<br />

Campanian–Lucanian Arc (Southern Apennine, Italy).<br />

Tectonophysics, 324, 239–265.<br />

MOSTARDINI F. & MERLINI S. (1986) - Appennino centro<br />

meridionale. Sezioni geologiche e proposta di modello<br />

strutturale. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 35, 177-202.<br />

OGNIBEN L. (1969) - Schema introduttivo <strong>alla</strong> <strong>geologia</strong> del<br />

confine calabro-lucano. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 8, 453-763.<br />

PESCATORE T., RENDA P. & TRAMUTOLI M. (1988) - Rapporti tra<br />

le Unità lagonegresi e l’Unità sicilide nella media valle del<br />

Basento. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 41, 353-361.<br />

PESCATORE T., RENDA P. & TRAMUTOLI M. (1992) - "Tufiti di<br />

Tusa" e flysch Numidico nella Lucania centrale (Appennino<br />

meridionale). Rend. Acc. Sci. Fis. Matem. Soc. Naz. Sci. Lett.<br />

Art. Napoli, 59, 57-72.<br />


(1999) - Stratigraphic and structural relationships between<br />

Meso-Cenozoic Lagonegro basin and coeval carbonate<br />

platforms in southern Apennines, Italy. Tectonophysics, 315,<br />

269–286.<br />

ROURE F., CASERO P. & VIALLY R. (1991) - Growth processes<br />

and melange formation in the southern Apennines<br />

accretionary wedge. Earth Planet. Sc. Lett., 102, 395-412.

Three-dimensional reconstruction of the main unconformities of the<br />

Colli Albani stratigraphy and deposit volume calculations<br />


Key words: Colli Albani, volcanism, Roman Magmatic Province,<br />

hazard<br />


The quiescent Colli Albani volcano is composed of<br />

overlapping edifices, with each showing changes in volcanic style<br />

over the 600 ka history of the volcanic field. The edifices and<br />

changes in eruption style through time are indicated in the field<br />

by the major unconformities, which have been identified from<br />

surface geology and borehole stratigraphies. This reconstruction<br />

of the major unconformities allows for 3D geometric<br />

reconstruction of relevant rock packages, the computation of the<br />

deposit volumes, and the evaluation of syn-volcanic tectonic or<br />

volcano-tectonic activity. Furthermore, some rock packages, such<br />

as the Pisolitic Tuffs, the Tufo Lionato and the Albano maar<br />

deposits, are characterised by relative low permeability and are<br />

therefore essential for the modelling of the hydrogeological<br />

circulation and flow of volcanic gases. The reconstructions of the<br />

isopachs of the three main caldera forming ignimbrites erupted<br />

between 460 and 355 ka have allowed us to calculate their<br />

minimum preserved extra-caldera volumes at 59 km 3 (Pozzolane<br />

Rosse), 20 km 3 (Pozzolane Nere) and 30 km 3 (Villa Senni Fm.)<br />

respectively. The total volume of volcanic deposits erupted after<br />

the last caldera collapse (< 355 ka) is calculated at 34.7 km 3 . The<br />

preserved deposits of the most recent Albano polygenetic maar<br />

have been calculated at 0.9 km 3 .<br />

The total minimum deposit volume of the Colli Albani<br />

volcano is 208.1 km 3 . This volume does not include the<br />

intracaldera ignimbrite volumes which may add some 80 km 3 to<br />

the total volume.<br />


The 3D modelling of geological surfaces allows for the<br />

_____________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università degli Studi di RomaTre<br /><br />

(**) Parco Regionale dell’Appia Antica, Roma<br />

267<br />

geometric reconstruction of relevant rock packages, important for<br />

the understanding of geological processes and for several other<br />

applications. In volcanic environments, the main unconformities<br />

and volcano-tectonic structures are the most important features<br />

that can be reconstructed by means of surface and subsurface<br />

data.<br />

The Colli Albani (central Italy) is a quiescent volcano located<br />

to the southeast of the capital city Roma (GIORDANO et alii,<br />

2010). The increasing presence of human activities and<br />

settlements into the hinterland of Roma includes the Colli Albani<br />

resulting in an increased “human pressure” on the volcanic<br />

environment. In the last two decades an increasing local<br />

population has resulted in a dramatic increase of ground-water<br />

withdrawal from drill-holes for civil and industrial purposes,<br />

resulting in a significant depletion of the ground-water resource<br />

(cf. MAZZA & CAPELLI 2010). Similarly, several areas with<br />

intense gas emissions are presently urbanised, posing a major<br />

hazard to the local inhabitants derived both by direct exposure to<br />

volcanic gas (mainly CO2 and H2S) and by the occurrence of gas<br />

outbursts from shallow high pressure pockets intercepted during<br />

drillings (see CARAPEZZA et alii, 2010).<br />

In order to identify areas of potential accumulation of gas at<br />

shallow depth, GIORDANO et alii, (2006) performed a study<br />

funded by the Italian Civil Defence to reconstruct the 3D<br />

geometry of relevant stratigraphic packages. This was done by<br />

integrating surface geology data and sub-surface stratigraphies<br />

made available, especially during the last decades, by the drilling<br />

of several thousands of boreholes for civil purposes.<br />

Here we will present the computer based reconstruction of the<br />

bases of the main ignimbrites at Colli Albani and of packages of<br />

volcanic rocks which may be relatively impervious to gas<br />

perculation. This reconstruction also allows the determination of<br />

the paleo-topographic evolution of the volcano and to calculate<br />

the precise volume of the preserved deposits for each of the<br />

volcanic intervals analysed.<br />



T. (2010) - Volcanic hazard of Colli Albani. In: R. Funiciello<br />

and G. Giordano (Eds) The Colli Albani Volcano. Special<br />

Publication of IAVCEI, 3. The Geological Society, London.<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

CARAPEZZA, M.L, LELLI, M. & TARCHINI, L. (2010) -<br />

Geochemistry of the Albano crater lake. In: R. Funiciello and<br />

G. Giordano (Eds) The Colli Albani Volcano. Special<br />

Publication of IAVCEI, 3. The Geological Society, London.<br />

GIORDANO G., MATTEI M. & FUNICIELLO R. (2010) - Geological<br />

map of the Colli Albani volcano. In: R. Funiciello and G.<br />

Giordano (Eds) The Colli Albani Volcano. Special<br />

Publication of IAVCEI, 3. The Geological Society, London.<br />

Insert.<br />

MAZZA R. & CAPELLI G. (2010) - Hydrogeology of the Colli<br />

Albani volcano. In: R. Funiciello and G. Giordano (Eds) The<br />

Colli Albani Volcano. Special Publication of IAVCEI, 3. The<br />

Geological Society, London.<br />

TODESCO, M. & GIORDANO, G. (2010) - Modelling of CO2<br />

circulation in the Colli Albani area. In: R. Funiciello and G.<br />

Giordano (Eds) The Colli Albani Volcano. Special<br />

Publication of IAVCEI, 3. The Geological Society, London.<br />


The activities of CNR IGG in CARG project: maps, databases and<br />

IT to improve geological data quality<br />



Key words: Geographic Information Systems, geological<br />

mapping, Information and Communication Technology,<br />

Piemonte.<br />

The geological mapping is one of the main activity of the<br />

CNR – IGG, Institute of Geoscience and Earth Resources in<br />

Torino since 1995, when it was involved in the National Program<br />

for the new Digital Geological Map of Italy at 1:50,000 scale<br />

(CARG Project), funded by the former Italian Geological Service<br />

(now ISPRA) and Regione Piemonte (now ARPA Piemonte).<br />

This activity, that lasted until now without significant breaks<br />

and has been conducted in collaboration with the Department of<br />

Earth Science of Torino University, led to the publication of 5<br />

sheet (132 Bardonecchia, 157 Trino, 156 Torino Est, 155 Torino<br />

Ovest, 211 Dego) while other 3 sheets (Cesana, Aosta and<br />

Acqui Terme) are concluded and near to be published. Fifteen<br />

years of experience on this subject allow to considerate that the<br />

survey of the new digital geological maps can represents an<br />

effective chance to:<br />

- widen the basic geological data sets and improve the quality<br />

of research methodologies;<br />

- sustain basic researches and allow young researcher to<br />

complete their formative path;<br />

- acquire visibility and reliability to the regional Public<br />

Administrations. This allowed involvement in geo-environmental<br />

studies and planning actions, as well as in joint participation in<br />

scientific international programs. Geo-thematic maps have been<br />

often realized in this context on the basis of CARG geological<br />

maps;<br />

- developing original competences on use of Information and<br />

Communication Technology (ICT) for representation and<br />

dissemination of geological data and knowledge.<br />

A list of the main result achieved by CNR IGG working group<br />

in the last fourteen years will be briefly described, especially as<br />

regard the positive influence of having larger available data base<br />

and good reliability.<br />

Particular stress will be given here in describing the<br />

alphabetization processes followed by CNR IGG working group<br />

_______________________<br />

CNR - Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, Torino,<br />

269<br />

on the Geo-Informatics languages, approaches and technologies,<br />

developed in parallel with the compilation of CARG Data Model.<br />

Since the importance of data organization and data web-sharing is<br />

now widely recognized, the use of ICT in the Earth Science<br />

domain of knowledge is strongly needed when large GIS data sets<br />

are to be managed. The on-going ICT innovation has an<br />

important impact on geological mapping activity, since it give<br />

origin to new conceptual and methodological perspectives about<br />

storing, representing and sharing geological information.<br />

In this sense, the CNR IGG working group is pursuing new<br />

conceptual and operative ways to get the geographic descriptive<br />

standard more suitable to the representation of geological map<br />

data. This because digital geological maps consists of a mixing of<br />

primary (on-field) data and interpretation subject to former<br />

modification during the secondary working steps such as<br />

conceptual map elaboration and editing.<br />

It can be argued that a future development of National<br />

Geological Mapping programs would be possible only in the<br />

frame of a wide application of ICT, not much for the data<br />

acquisition steps (where the basic knowledge and skills of the<br />

field geologist are still preponderant over the technological<br />

aspects) but for the representation and dissemination of<br />

knowledge in order to get it more usable for society.<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

Biostratigraphy results within the Italian Geological Mapping<br />

CARG Project<br />


Key words: Biostratigraphy, CARG Project, foraminifera,<br />

nannofossils.<br />

The start of the Italian Geological Mapping CARG Project<br />

represented a unique chance to perform biostratigraphic studies<br />

over the entire territory of the country. Paleontological analyses<br />

have been carried out on several lithostratigraphic units cropping<br />

out in the surveyed areas. Some formations had never been<br />

studied by a paleontological point of view in the past and the<br />

CARG Project offered an opportunity to verify the presence of<br />

any fossil content.<br />

Biostratigraphy has been focused mainly on the<br />

micropaleontological assemblages, especially on planktonic<br />

foraminifera and nannofossil. However, analyses considered also<br />

benthonic foraminifera, conodonts, calcareous algae, pollens and<br />

ostracods. Most of the analyses have been carried out on thin<br />

sections, smear slides and dry residue of washed samples.<br />

Macropaleontological analyses have often been performed on<br />

calcareous successions of carbonate shelf, whereas ammonites<br />

and other fossils have received lesser attention.<br />

Data provided by biostratigraphy played a fundamental role in<br />

determining the age of the lithostratigraphic units and sometimes<br />

the dating of tectonic events.<br />

Such a widespread and conspicuous amount of<br />

micropaleontological analyses also allowed to test the<br />

applicability of the existing biostratigraphic schemes. It turned<br />

out that some of the zonations elaborated in the '70s are still valid<br />

and that peculiar zonations established for the Mediterranean are<br />

particularly suitable for the Italian biostratigraphy.<br />

In many cases, foram and nanno zonations, which have not<br />

been formally established, have been correlated to standard biochronostratigraphical<br />

references, such as that of BERGGREN et alii<br />

(1995), in order to link them to the time scale.<br />

Analyses based on nannofossils have been extraordinarily<br />

common, probably because of several reasons: they are cheap,<br />

easy to prepare and for many formations it was the first time they<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) ISPRA, Servizio Geologico d’Italia, Dipartimento Difesa del Suolo,<br /><br />

270<br />

were performed. Many zonal schemes referring to different time<br />

intervals exist in the literature. For the Jurassic BRALOWER et alii<br />

(1989) was mostly applied together with the Thetis scheme by<br />

MATTIOLI & ERBA (1999), whereas for the Cretaceous the<br />

zonation by SISSINGH (1977) was generally adopted; for the<br />

Tertiary, the zones by MARTINI (1971) were preferred, with the<br />

further Mediterranean subdivisions elaborated for the Oligocene<br />

by CATANZARITI et alii (1997) and for the Oligocene-Miocene<br />

interval by FORNACIARI &RIO (1996) and FORNACIARI et alii<br />

(1996). For the Plio-Pleistocene the Mediterranean scheme by<br />

RIO et alii (1990) was adopted.<br />

For planktonic foraminifera, micropaleontologists referred<br />

mainly to the different Chapters of the Plankton Stratigraphy<br />

(BOLLI et alii, 1985) and to PREMOLI SILVA &SLITER (1995). The<br />

most cited paper is that of IACCARINO (1985) which presents the<br />

planktic foram zonation for the Mio-Pliocene in the<br />

Mediterranean. However, the paper by SPROVIERI et alii (2002)<br />

was commonly cited in addition to the former. Sometimes<br />

references to previous papers, dating to the '60s and the '70s,<br />

were made.<br />

The Plankton Stratigraphy (BOLLI et alii, 1985) was also cited<br />

in many cases for correlations, comparisons and additional details<br />

concerning both forams and nannos as well as for the Chapter on<br />

tintinnids.<br />

For the carbonate platform successions, two publications were<br />

basically used as references: DE CASTRO (1991), which was<br />

generally adopted for the southern Apennines, and CHIOCCHINI et<br />

alii (1994), which was eventually integrated with more recent<br />

updates. They take into account mainly microfossil assemblages<br />

with benthonic foraminifera and calcareous algae, but also<br />

include macrofossils such as rudists. Regarding Tertiary<br />

macroforaminifera, reference was made to the paper by SERRA-<br />

KIEL et alii (1998).<br />



(1995) - A revised Cenozoic geochronology and<br />

chronostratigraphy. In W.A. Berggren, D.V. Kent, M.P.<br />

Aubry and J. Hardenbol (eds) - Geochronology, Time Scales<br />

and Global Stratigraphy Correlations. SEPM Spec. Publ. 54,<br />


BOLLI H., SAUNDERS J. B. & PERCH-NIELSEN K. (1985) -<br />

Plankton Stratigraphy. Cambridge University Press.<br />


Calcareous Nannofossil zonation of the Jurassic-Cretaceous<br />

Boundary interval and correlation with Geomagnetic Time<br />

Scale. Mar. Micropaleont., 14, 153-235.<br />

CATANZARITI R., RIO D. & MARTELLI L. (1997) – Late Eocene to<br />

Oligocene Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy in<br />

Northern Apennines: the Ranzano Sandstones. Mem. Sci.<br />

Geol., 49, 207-253.<br />


POTETTI M. (1994) – Biostratigrafia a foraminiferi,<br />

dasicladali e calpionelle delle successioni carbonatiche<br />

mesozoiche dell’Appennino Centrale (Italia). Studi Geologici<br />

Camerti Vol. Spec. 1994, 9-129.<br />

DE CASTRO P. (1991) - Mesozoic. In F. Barattolo, P. De Castro<br />

and M. Parente - Field Trip Guide-book of the 5th<br />

International Symposium on Fossil algae: Capri, 7-12 april<br />

1991, 21-44.<br />

FORNACIARI E., DI STEFANO A., RIO D. & NEGRI A. (1996) –<br />

Middle Miocene quantitative calcareous nannofossil<br />

biostratigraphy in the Mediterranean region.<br />

Micropaleontology, 42, 37-63.<br />

FORNACIARI E. & RIO D. (1996) – Latest Oligocene to Early<br />

Miocene Quantitative Calcareous Nannofossil<br />

Biostratigraphy in the Mediterranean Region.<br />

Micropaleontology, 42, 1-36.<br />

IACCARINO S. (1985) – Mediterranean Miocene and Pliocene<br />

planktic foraminifera. In H. Bolli, J. B. Saunders and K.<br />

Perch-Nielsen (eds) Plankton Stratigraphy, Cambridge<br />

University Press, 283-314,<br />

MARTINI E. (1971) – Standard Tertiary and Quaternary<br />

calcareous nannoplankton zonation. In Farinacci A. Proc.<br />

2nd Planktonic Conf., 2, 739-785, Tecnoscienza, Roma.<br />

MATTIOLI E. & ERBA E. (1999) – Synthesis of calcareous<br />

nannofossil events in Thetyan lower and middle Jurassic<br />

succession. Riv. It. Paleontol. S., 105, 347-376.<br />

PREMOLI SILVA I. & SLITER W.V. (1995) - Cretaceous planktonic<br />

foraminiferal biostratigraphy and evolutionary trend from<br />

the Bottaccione section, Gubbio, Italy. Paleontografia Italica,<br />

82, 1-189.<br />

RIO D., RAFFI I. & VILLA G. (1990) – Pliocene-Pleistocene<br />

calcareous nannofossil distribution patterns in the western<br />

Mediterranean. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program,<br />

Scientific Results, 107.<br />



271<br />


TOSQUELLA J. & ZAKREVSKAYA E. (1998) – Larger<br />

foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Tethyan Paleocene and<br />

Eocene. Bull. Soc. gèol. France 169/2, 281-299.<br />

SISSINGH W. (1977) – Biostratigraphy of Cretaceous calcareous.<br />

Geol. Mijnbouw., 56, 37-65.<br />



R. & SALVATORINI F. (2002) – An integrated calcareous<br />

plankton biostratigraphic scheme and biochronology for the<br />

Mediterranean middle Miocene. Riv. It. Paleontol. S, 108,<br />

337-353.<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

Key words: Continental deposits, Early Miocene, Northeastern<br />

Sardinia, Transtensive tectonics.<br />

New geological surveys carried out by authors in relation with<br />

territory planning projects at regional and local scale showed the<br />

presence of conglomeratic deposits of Miocene time occuring in<br />

Gallura and eastern Logudoro regions (Northeastern Sardinia,<br />

fig.1) not reported until now or referred to a Pleistocene age in<br />

official geological maps since lacking in overlaying sediments.<br />

In Gallura region, between Isola Rossa and Vignola Mare<br />

suburbs, extensive outcrops of continental deposits occur,<br />

reported as f1 unit in the old geological maps at 1:100,000 scale<br />

(SERVIZIO GEOLOGICO D’ITALIA, 1974) and as unit 3b in<br />

CARMIGNANI et alii (2008). Lithological, stratigraphic and<br />

geometric characteristics of clastic deposits suggest a Miocene<br />

age. They consist of coarse massive grey-greenish sandstones,<br />

locally cemented, and both clast and matrix-supported<br />

conglomerates with large boulders sourced from Palaeozoic<br />

basement mainly consisting of granitoid rocks; sometimes<br />

conglomerates are interbedded with red silty clay sheets. The<br />

thickness of deposits is about 50 m and their general dipping is<br />

towards NW. The features of sandstones and conglomerates<br />

suggest the existence of an ancient alluvial fan system debrisflow-dominated<br />

in proximal parts of which source area was the<br />

drainage basin of Gallura granitoid mountains.<br />

The deposits lay over Late Palaeozoic granitoids sometimes<br />

with the interposition of rhyolitic ignimbrites (BARBIERI et alii,<br />

1975) of which age in Northern Sardinia ranges between 21 and<br />

18 Ma (GATTACECA et alii., 2007 and references). Pyroclastic<br />

rocks are related to a structural lineament which is part of a NEtrending<br />

left-lateral to transtensive fault set (Viddalba fault,<br />

Tempio fault, Olbia Fault, etc.) active during early Miocene in<br />

North-eastern Sardinia (OGGIANO et alii, 1995; LECCA et alii,<br />

1997, CAMIGNANI et alii, 2001).<br />

It suggests that Tertiary continental Gallura basin developed<br />

as the result of transtensive tectonic activity accompanied by<br />

pyroclastic flows emission; uplift along the fault fronts created a<br />

_________________________<br />

Backdating of some Pleistocene continental deposits in Northern<br />

Sardinia. Preliminary results<br />

(*) ARPA Sardegna contractor to CARG Project,<br />

(**) ARPA Sardegna contractor to CARG Project,<br />

(°)<br />


272<br />

topographic high rapidly eroded with subsequent dispersion of<br />

sediments to form coeval alluvial fan at the basin margin<br />

probably under semiarid climates.<br />

Fig. 1 – Main strike-slip fault systems of Northeastern Sardinia (after<br />

Carmignani et alii, 2001), location of places and deposit outcrops (in<br />

orange) cited in the text.<br />

In the absence of palaeontological data and overlaying<br />

sediments, on the basis of similar lithostratigraphic feature the<br />

continental deposits of Gallura area can be related to other<br />

analogous deposits in Northern Sardinia setting under Upper<br />

Burdigalian marine units (PECORINI, 1963; TILOCCA, 1989; 2003;<br />

OGGIANO et alii, 1995; FUNEDDA et alii, 2003; SAU et alii, 2005);<br />

in addition, new field data carried out by authors (CARG Project)<br />

in Nurra and Anglona regions seem to support an Early-Middle<br />

Burdigalian (Orleanian) age for Gallura continental deposits.<br />

Analogous lithostratigraphy and geometry are recognizable in<br />

the deposits cropping out in Logudoro region: near Ozieri<br />

cemetery continental deposits there are a few tens meter thick and<br />

consisting of poorly sorted conglomerate with subrounded<br />

pebble-to-boulder clasts of Palaezoic rocks. The deposits rest<br />

upon Palaezoic rocks and Early Miocene volcanics and were<br />

considered Pleistocene in age (Unit q2 in SERVIZIO GEOLOGICO<br />

D’ITALIA, 1965). Outcrops geometry and the presence of<br />

interbedded pyroclastic-epiclastic sheets seem to indicate an<br />

Early-Middle Burdigalian age. Moreover, the clastic deposits are<br />

related to stratified greywackes and epiclastites referred to<br />

Formazione Lacustre Auct. of Early Miocene time outcropping<br />

nearby. In Sas Concheddas area, 2.5 km northwestward,

analogous coarse matrix-supported breccias containing over<br />

10 m 3 sized boulder (Fig. 2) outcrop unconformably overlaying<br />

Tertiary volcanic rock or Palaezoic granites; sometimes breccias<br />

fills extensional cracks into volcanics about 10 meters large.<br />

By analogy with Gallura deposits, features of Logudoro ones<br />

revealed ancient alluvial fans which terminated in a lacustrine<br />

basin under a persistent volcanic activity during Early Miocene.<br />

Breccias represent proximal sediments along a fault front and<br />

they are probably correlated to the termed Brecce di Codinattu of<br />

Chilivani-Berchidda basin (OGGIANO et alii, 1995) and other<br />

deposits outcropping in Middle-Northern Sardinia (PASCI et alii,<br />

1998).<br />

New field surveys are being performed between Ozieri and<br />

Pattada where recent road excavations revealed volcanic outcrops<br />

adjacent to tectonic lineament striking NE-SW.<br />

This preliminary note aims to give an impulse to a revision of<br />

uncertainty dated sedimentary covers unconformably overlaying<br />

pre-Miocene formations according to work carried out in CARG<br />

Project in the whole Sardinia.<br />

Fig. 2 – Matrix-supported breccia with a large boulder of granite. Is<br />

Concheddas region (Ozieri – SS).<br />



G. (1975) - Rioliti ignimbritiche mioceniche <strong>della</strong> Gallura<br />

(Sardegna settentrionale). Period. Min., 23, 269-286.<br />


FUNEDDA A., PASCI S. & SALVADORI I. (2001) - Geologia <strong>della</strong><br />

Sardegna, Note illustrative <strong>della</strong> Carta Geologica <strong>della</strong><br />

Sardegna in scala 1:200.000. Mem. Descr. Carta Geologica<br />

d'Italia, Serv. Geol. It., 60, 283 pp., Ist. Polig. Zecca dello Stato.<br />


273<br />

BARCA S. (2008) - Carta Geologica <strong>della</strong> Sardegna in scala<br />

1:250.000. Litografica Artistica Cartografica, Firenze.<br />

FUNEDDA A., OGGIANO G. & PASCUCCI V. (2003) - I depositi<br />

miocenici <strong>della</strong> Sardegna Settentrionale: il Bacino del Logudoro.<br />

Escursione post-congresso. Atti Convegno GeoSed 2003,<br />

Alghero 28 Settembre – 2 Ottobre 2003, 381-414.<br />


BEAUDOIN B. & VADEBOIN F. (2007) - Miocene rotation of<br />

Sardinia: New paleomagnetic and geochronological constraints<br />

and geodynamic implications. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 258, 359-<br />

377.<br />


(1997) - Oligo-Miocene volcanic sequences and rifting stages in<br />

Sardinia: a review. Period. Mineral., 66, 7-61.<br />

OGGIANO G., PASCI S. & FUNEDDA A. (1995) - <strong>Il</strong> bacino di<br />

Chilivani-Berchidda: un esempio di sruttura trastensiva.<br />

Possibili relazioni con la geodinamica cenozoica del<br />

Mediterraneo occidentale. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 114, 465-475.<br />

PASCI S., OGGIANO G. & FUNEDDA A. (1998) - Rapporti tra<br />

tettonica e sedimentazione lungo le fasce trascorrenti cenozoiche<br />

<strong>della</strong> Sardegna centro-settentrionale. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 117,<br />

443-453.<br />

PECORINI G. (1963) - Contributo <strong>alla</strong> stratigrafia post-miocenica<br />

<strong>della</strong> Nurra di Alghero. Rend. Sem. Fac. Sc. Univ. Cagliari, 33,<br />

1-11.<br />

SAU A., LECCA L., LONIS R., SECCHI F. & FERCIA M.L. (2005) -<br />

La seconda fase del Rift Sardo: evoluzione e vulcanismo <strong>dei</strong> subbacini<br />

transtensionali di Ardara-Chilivalni e Bonorva (Sardegna<br />

sett.). Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 124, 3-20.<br />

SERVIZIO GEOLOGICO D’ITALIA (1965) - Carta Geologica<br />

d’Italia, Foglio 194 “Ozieri”.<br />

SERVIZIO GEOLOGICO D’ITALIA (1974) – Carta Geologica<br />

d’Italia, Fogli 167-168 “Isola Rossa-La Maddalena”.<br />

TILOCCA G. (1989) - I bacini continentali miocenici <strong>della</strong><br />

Sardegna settentrionale, con particolare riguardo alle loro<br />

facies fito-vulcano-clastiche e carbonatico-silicee (Logudoro,<br />

Nurra, Anglona, Gallura). Unpublished PhD Thesis, pp.273.<br />

TILOCCA G. (2003) - Sintesi delle conoscenze sui terreni<br />

continentali terziari in Sardegna settentrionale (Italia). Atti del<br />

Convegno.GeoSed 2003, Alghero 28 Settembre – 2 Ottobre<br />

2003, 533-538.<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

The 196 Cabella Ligure Sheet of the 1:50.000 scale<br />

geological map of Italy: main results<br />



Key words: Central Liguria, Ligurian Units, Mesozoic,<br />

Stratigraphy, Structural Geology, Tertiary Piedmonte Basin,<br />

Tertiary.<br />


The central Liguria (Northern Apennines, Italy) represents a<br />

complex geological area where the connection between Ligurian<br />

Alps and Northern Apennines occurs. In this key-area the<br />

1:50.000 scale sheet 196 “Cabella Ligure” represent a key-sheet<br />

that can provide valuable constraints for the tectonic evolution of<br />

the linkage between the Alps and Apennines.<br />


In this area a complex stack of tectonic units, belonging to<br />

different palaeogeographic domains can be recognized: the<br />

Internal Ligurian Units, the External Ligurian Units and the<br />

subligurian Units. The deformation history of this area has been<br />

achieved from Late Cretaceous to Neogene timespan during the<br />

convergence and the following continental collision between the<br />

Europe and Adria plates. The central Liguria is thus characterized<br />

by a tectonic setting where the oceanic- and continent-derived<br />

units, already deformed during the pre-Oligocene, are<br />

unconformably covered by a thick sedimentary succession<br />

deposited from Late Eocene to Late Miocene in an episutural<br />

basin, known as the Tertiary Piedmont Basin.<br />


The geological mapping associated to a structural analysis on<br />

the Antola Unit has revealed a complex tectonic history with<br />

folding phases developed before and during the sedimentation of<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) ARPA Piemonte<br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Pisa,<br /><br />

(**) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse – IGG, CNR<br />

Foglio realizzato nell’ambito di una Convenzione CNR-IGG e Regione<br />

Piemonte<br />

274<br />

the Tertiary Piedmont Basin. The oldest phases, probably both of<br />

Eocene age, were acquired by the Antola Unit during its<br />

westward displacement of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin and<br />

during an eastward, gravity-driven tectonics. The stratigraphical<br />

and paleontological studies (mainly developed on nannofossil<br />

assemblages) have provided a more complete picture of the age<br />

of the different members of the Late Cretaceous Antola<br />

succession. The collected data provides strong evidences for a<br />

correlation between Antola and Cassio Units.<br />

However, the most prominent results have been reached about<br />

the stratigraphy of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin deposits, that<br />

preserve the sedimentary records, mainly represented by major<br />

stratigraphic discontinuities, of the regional tectonic events<br />

connected to the Northern Apennine belt construction.<br />

The area covered by the Sheet 196 “Cabella Ligure” is<br />

located in the easternmost sector of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin,<br />

where the lowermost part of the succession, represented by the<br />

above described succession, ranging from Priabonian to Early<br />

Burdigalian is preserved. In this area the sedimentary succession,<br />

unconformably overlying the External Ligurian Antola Unit, is<br />

represented by marine-marginal deposits characterized by strong<br />

lithofacies variation and by marked compositional changes.<br />

The Tertiary Piedmont Basin succession has been subdivided<br />

in several depositional units bounded by unconformity surfaces.<br />

The unconformity surfaces are characterized by the presence of<br />

angular unconformities and continuos erosional surfaces, abrupt<br />

facies changes in contrast with Walther principle, development of<br />

coarse turbidite systems, deposition of chaotic bodies and<br />

significant compositional changes.<br />

By using unconformity surfaces it has been possible to<br />

recognize 11 depositional units (see the “prototipo” sheet), with<br />

local chronostratigraphic value. These units can be defined as<br />

“hybrid units”, comprising either the charateristics of UBSU and<br />

those of the allostratigraphic units, since the unit’s limits can be<br />

traced also where unconformity surfaces pass in paraconformity<br />

surfaces. Each unit represents a stratigraphic succession<br />

constituted by a set of genetically linked depositional systems.<br />

Each system is bounded by tectonic-related unconformity<br />

surfaces of local and/or regional significance.<br />

The use of hybrid depositional units allows a better<br />

understanding of the basin architecture and of its time-space<br />

evolution, giving emphasis on the synsedimentary tectonics<br />

affecting the basin through time.

2<br />

275<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

Updating the Paleogene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy in<br />

the Mediterranean region<br />


Key words: Biostratigraphy, calcareous nannofossils,<br />

Mediterranean.<br />

In the last fifteen years, an intense work has been carried out<br />

on a large number of Paleogene sedimentary sections outcropping<br />

in the Mediterranean area with the aim of improving the<br />

biostratigraphic and biochronologic resolution provided by<br />

calcareous nannofossils. A major effort was focused on the<br />

Paleocene and Eocene time intervals. Results from Mediterranean<br />

on-land sections and ODP sites are presented, including 5<br />

sections in the Southern Alps of Northeastern Italy, 16 sections in<br />

the Northern Apennines and 3 sections from the Umbria-Marche<br />

basin. The resulting Mediterranean biostratigraphic and<br />

biochronologic framework is correlated and discussed with data<br />

from oceanic reference sections from the Atlantic Ocean, the<br />

ODP Sites 1052, 1262, 1263. Our studies permit to extend the<br />

existing calcareous nannofossils Mediterranean zonal schemes,<br />

already proposed in the Neogene and late Paleogene intervals to<br />

overcome the inadequacy of the nannofossil standard zonations<br />

(MARTINI, 1971; OKADA &BUKRY, 1980) due to the absence or<br />

rarity of several marker species in Mediterranean sediments.<br />

Calcareous nannofossils biostratigraphy is confirmed to be a<br />

powerful tool for regional and worldwide biostratigraphic<br />

correlations, and to be significantly useful to the establishment of<br />

a sound time framework which is essential for deciphering<br />

geological and climatic processes. The proposed biostratigraphy<br />

substantially improves the time resolution, sometimes doubling<br />

the current partitioning based on standard Zonations.<br />


MARTINI (1971) - Standard Tertiary and Quaternary calcareous<br />

nannoplankton zonation. In: A. Farinacci (Ed.) - Proceedings<br />

of the 2nd Planktonic Conference. Edizioni Tecnoscienza,<br />

Roma, 2, 739–785<br />

OKADA H. & BUKRY D. (1980) - Supplementary modification<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Università di Padova,<br /><br />

(**) DiGAT – CeRSGeo, Università degli Studi “G.d’Annunzio” di Chieti-<br />

Pescara<br />

(°) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, CNR-Pisa<br />

276<br />

and introduction of code numbers to the low-latitude<br />

coccolith biostratigraphic zonation (Bukry, 1973;1975). Mar.<br />

Micropaleontol., 5, 321-325.

The contact metamorphic aureole of the Mt. Capanne pluton:<br />

new data from the CARG project<br />

Key words: contact metamorphism, Elba Island, Mt.Capanne<br />

aureole, tectonics.<br />

The Elba Island is made of a complex stack of both<br />

continental- and oceanic-derived units (from the Tuscan and the<br />

Ligurian Domains, respectively), piled up during the Apennine<br />

syn-collisional shortening events in the Late Oligocene-Middle<br />

Miocene time interval. Post-orogenic extension, associated to the<br />

emplacement of two main anatectic plutonic bodies (the Mt.<br />

Capanne pluton, at about 6.8 Ma, in western Elba and the La<br />

Serra-Porto Azzurro, at about 5.9, in eastern Elba), deeply<br />

modified the geology of Elba Island, leading to the nucleation of<br />

Fig. 1 - Geological sketch map of western Elba Island.<br />

_____________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Firenze<br /><br />

(**) IGG (Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse) - CNR - Firenze<br />



277<br />

low angle detachment faults, that crosscut and displaced the<br />

thrust sheets stack. Finally, a mainly NS-trending set of highangle<br />

normal faults dissected the tectonic stack at the Miocene-<br />

Pliocene boundary.<br />

The contact metamorphic aureole of the Mt. Capanne pluton<br />

(Fig. 1) is made of an ophiolitic succession (Punta Polveraia-<br />

Fetovaia Unit) including serpentinites, gabbros and a likely Late<br />

Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous volcanic and sedimentary cover.<br />

According to several authors, the peak conditions of contact<br />

metamorphism reach T=575-700 °C and P=1.5-2 kbar. In the<br />

Fetovaia area, a slightly recrystallized Eocene calcareous-marly<br />

succession (Punta Le Tombe Unit or Fetovaia Flysch Auctt.),<br />

including an ophiolite bearing debris flow deposits and slide<br />

blocks, tectonically overlies the contact between the pluton and<br />

the oceanic metamorphosed rocks. The aim of this study is to<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

Fig. 2 - Outcrop of polydeformed calcschist and marble west of the Spartaia Bay.<br />

define the metamorphic and structural evolution of the middle- to<br />

high-temperature shear zones recognized in some key outcrops<br />

(Spartaia, Punta Polveraia, Punta Nera-Punta del Timone,<br />

Pomonte-Fetovaia, Cavoli-Colle di Palombaia) located at<br />

different distances from the Mt. Capanne pluton.<br />

In all of them, the host rock is characterized by the<br />

development of syn-metamorphic close to isoclinal F2 folds (Fig.<br />

2), with an axial plane, millimetric to centimetric-spaced, zonal to<br />

discrete crenulation cleavage (S2= biotite + muscovite ± quartz ±<br />

calcite ± opaque minerals), transposing a previous foliation,<br />

which is parallel to the lithologic partititions (possibly S0//S1).<br />

Along the limbs of the F2 folds, the main composite schistosity is<br />

parallel to the contact between the host rock and the pluton and<br />

consists of the superposition of the S1 and S2 foliations.<br />

Intrafoliar centimetric rootless hinges and sheath folds, rarely<br />

connected to the D1 event, are also present.<br />

Moreover, a mylonitic fabric is associated to the shear zones<br />

related to the D2 phase. The HT-LP minerals (e.g. pyroxene,<br />

wollastonite, hornblende, garnet, vesuvianite) generally appear<br />

mimetic or static with respect to the foliations or fill post-S2<br />

veins, but they may locally begin to grow during the D2 folding.<br />

The involvement of 8 Ma old porphyric dykes in the D2<br />

structures of the host rock (Fig. 2), testifies that the D2 tectonic<br />

event took place after the emplacement of the dikes, likely during<br />

the intrusion of the Mt.Capanne pluton.<br />

The D2 kinematic indicators (S/C structures, d-or s -<br />

structures) generally suggest a centrifugal sense of shear, with<br />

respect to the centre of the pluton. Subsequent non-metamorphic,<br />

open to close folds, characterized by sub-horizontal axial planes,<br />

are frequently recognized at the mesoscale mesoscale and is<br />

278<br />

likely coeval to the medium-angle detachment fault which<br />

emplaced the Punta Le Tombe Unit onto the Punta Polveraia-<br />

Fetovaia Unit. Finally, high angle normal faults (such as the<br />

Eastern Border Fault from Colle di Palombaia to Procchio) and<br />

fractures cut all the previous ductile structures.

Key words: Colli Albani, hazard, Roman Magmatic Province,<br />

volcanism.<br />


The Colli Albani geological map summarises ten years of<br />

mapping that includes the entire Colli Albani volcano as part of<br />

the new 1:50,000 Geological Map of Italy (Servizio Geologico<br />

d’Italia – CAR.G. project - sheets n. 374 Roma, n. 387 Albano, n.<br />

388 Velletri, n. 375 Tivoli). The map is centred on the Colli<br />

Albani volcano and also includes part of the surrounding pre- and<br />

syn-orogenic Mesozoic-Cenozoic, marine, carbonatic-terrigenous<br />

successions that form the Apennine mountain chain to the East,<br />

and the post-orogenic Pliocene-Pleistocene, marine-transitionalcontinental<br />

terrigenous successions that constitute the basement<br />

for and are partly interfingered with the Colli Albani volcanic<br />

succession. We acknowledge the continuous support and reviews<br />

from the colleagues of the Italian Geological Survey, who have<br />

revised the progresses of the geological surveys and the redaction<br />

of the geological maps, which form the basis for the Geological<br />

Map of the Colli Albani volcano<br />


The Colli Albani volcano has been active since ~ 600 ka and<br />

is presently quiescent. The rock stratigraphy indicates that the<br />

activity of the volcano has undergone major changes in terms of<br />

eruption style, average eruption rate and location of active vents.<br />

Chemistry of the Colli Albani products is remarkably mafic, K-<br />

___________________<br />

Stratigraphy, volcano tectonics and evolution of<br />

the Colli Albani volcanic field<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università degli Studi di<br />

RomaTre, Roma,<br />

(**) A.A. De Benedetti, A. Diana, G. Diano, A. Esposito, M. Fabbri, F.<br />

Gaudioso, F. Marasco, I. Mazzini, M. Miceli, V. Mincione, M. Porreca, S.<br />

Rodani, C. Rosa, A.P. Vinkler, E. Caprilli, S. Taviani, A. Trigari, D.<br />

Bilardello, S. Malinconico, T. Sabato Ceraldi, R. Funiciello, D. De Rita, M.<br />

Mattei, M. Parotto<br />


279<br />

rich and silica undersaturated. Nevertheless, the volcano has<br />

experienced all types of eruption styles, from plinian explosive<br />

paroxysms, to milder strombolian to hawaiian eruptions, to<br />

effusive, including also large and small scale phreatomagmatism.<br />

The first period of activity of the volcano is named Vulcano<br />

Laziale period and lasted from ~ 600 ka, to ~ 355 ka. During this<br />

period, volcanism was dominantly explosive, with an average<br />

eruption rate of 1 km 3 /ka. At least seven intermediate to large<br />

volume ignimbrites (VEI 5-7) were erupted and emplaced over an<br />

area larger than 1600 km, forming an extensive ignimbrite shield<br />

around the central, continuosly forming, ~ 8 x 8 km caldera. The<br />

caldera complex and the ignimbrite shield are named Vulcano<br />

Laziale edifice.<br />

The Vulcano Laziale edifice can in turn be subdivided into a<br />

lower Pisolitic Tuffs succession (~600-500 ka), where<br />

ignimbrites are dominated by large scale phreatomagmatism<br />

associated with the likely presence of an early caldera lake, and<br />

an overlying Pozzolane Tuffs succession, where ignimbrites show<br />

a dominantly magmatic fragmentation style, likely in response to<br />

the progressive exhaustion of the caldera lake. The typical<br />

succession of these mafic ignimbrites is made by a sub-plinain to<br />

plinian basal scoria fall deposit covered by the main dark scoria<br />

and ash tabular ignimbrite sheet found as far as >30 km from<br />

caldera rim and across ridges of several hundreds metres in<br />

elevation, and characterised by co-ignimbrite breccias at<br />

proximal locations.<br />

Major ignimbrites were erupted with an average interval time<br />

of ~ 40 ka. After each paroxysmal ignimbrite eruption, the<br />

volcanic activity was dominantly effusive to mild explosive,<br />

concentrated along peri-caldera fissure systems, forming<br />

continuous scoria cone and lava ridges, along with more<br />

explosive eruptions from intracaldera vents. The last major<br />

caldera forming eruption of the Vulcano Laziale period occurred<br />

at ~355 ka emplacing the ignimbrites of the Villa Senni<br />

Formation.<br />

Following this eruption, the complex Tuscolano-Artemisio<br />

peri- and extra-caldera fissure system, dominantly made of scoria<br />

cones and lavas, formed in response to the deflation of the<br />

caldera and peri-caldera area, along with the formation of the<br />

intracaldera Faete stratovolcano. These edifices were emplaced<br />

between ~355 and ~180 ka, an interval time named Tuscolano-<br />

Artemisio-Faete period. While similar peri-caldera and intracaldera<br />

activity occurred earlier, i.e. after each major calderaforming<br />

eruption during the Vulcano Laziale period, the<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

Tuscolano-Artemisio-Faete period testifies of a significant<br />

reduction of average eruption rate, by one order of magnitude, at<br />

0.1 km 3 /ka, which can be related to a consistent reduction of deep<br />

recharge of the plumbing system, justifying why no further<br />

ignimbrite eruptions occurred after 355 ka.<br />

Peri-caldera activity started initially along the northern and<br />

eastern peri-caldera ring fractures (Tuscolano and Artemisio<br />

sections respectively) and after ~300 ka progressively migrated<br />

outward in extra-caldera position (Pantano Borghese section) and<br />

to the western peri-caldera fractures (S. Maria delle Mole<br />

section).<br />

These latter fracture systems ended their activity almost<br />

simultaneosly, along with the end of the activity at the Faete<br />

intracaldera stratovolcano, between ~280 and ~250 ka. After 250<br />

ka, activity migrated to the south (Monte Due Torri section). The<br />

most recent activity along this latter peri-caldera area interfingers,<br />

between ~200 ka and ~180 ka, with phreatomagmatic products<br />

which instead become dominant in the most recent activity of the<br />

Colli Albani volcano. Starting from ~200 ka (Via <strong>dei</strong> Laghi<br />

period) the western section of the peri-caldera area has been the<br />

site of repeated very small to small volume, maar-forming<br />

phreatomagmatic eruptions, which formed both monogenetic and<br />

polygenetic maars, collectively named Via <strong>dei</strong> Laghi maar field.<br />

The most recent of these maars is the polygenetic Albano maar,<br />

which was formed after ~70 ka by at least 7 eruptions migrating<br />

along a NW-SE trending, 3.5 km long fracture.<br />

The last eruption of the maar occurred at < 23 ka. Subsequent<br />

phreatic activity occurred throughout the Holocene, with lahars<br />

originated by dramatic withdrawals of the deep maar lake, at least<br />

till the Eneolithic time (6000-5000 years ago) and likely till<br />

Roman times (IV cent. B.C.E.), when Romans dug a tunnel drain<br />

in order to keep the lake at constant low level. Presently the<br />

Albano area is the site of volcanic gas emissions, ground uplift<br />

and periodic seismic swarms, which may indicate the persistent<br />

activity of a magmatic body at depth.<br />


Key words: Brown Tuffs, correlations, geological mapping,<br />

volcanic hazard, widespread pyroclastic deposits.<br />

The Brown Tuffs (BT) on the Aeolian Islands are pyroclastic<br />

ash-rich deposits with very homogeneous lithological features.<br />

Their areal distribution, recurrence through time and<br />

volcanological interpretation have been long debated basically on<br />

a single island scale. Geological fieldwork and stratigraphic<br />

analysis carried out during the nineties, together with new<br />

stratigraphic investigation performed in the course of ongoing<br />

geological mapping of sheets Nos. 577 bis – “Isole di Stromboli e<br />

Panarea”, 580 bis – “Isole di Alicudi e Filicudi”, and 581/586 –<br />

“Isole di Salina, Lipari e Vulcano” as part of the Geological<br />

Mapping of Italy - 1:50,000 project (CARG Project), have<br />

resulted in a systematic reconstruction of BT stratigraphy and<br />

distribution on a regional scale across the Aeolian archipelago.<br />

The combination of stratigraphic and tephro-chronological<br />

data together with available radiometric ages, show that BT<br />

eruptions and depositions are recurrent through time. Distinct and<br />

successive BT units were emplaced from ~80 up to ~7 ka and are<br />

identified by means of the occurrence of localized erosive<br />

surfaces and interbedding of widespread tephra-layers, local<br />

volcanic products, paleosols and epiclastic deposits. The most<br />

complete BT succession is documented on Lipari where 14<br />

distinct stratigraphic units are recognized. In particular, the interisland<br />

correlation of Ischia-Tephra (56 ka) and Monte Guardia<br />

pyroclastites from Lipari (22-21 ka) allows identification at<br />

regional level of Upper (UBT), Intermediate (IBT) and Lower<br />

BT (LBT) units, occurred between 80-56 ka, 56-22 ka and 20-7<br />

ka, respectively. We suggest that the UBT on Lipari (and Salina)<br />

are correlated with the Piano Grotte <strong>dei</strong> Rossi pyroclastites on<br />

Vulcano island based on stratigraphy, similar lithological,<br />

textural and compositional characters and morpho-types of glass<br />

fragments. Lithological, compositional and stratigraphic data also<br />

provide a feasible correlation of IBT units on Lipari with the<br />

_________________________<br />

Areal distribution and stratigraphy of widespread pyroclastic<br />

Brown Tuffs in the Aeolian archipelago<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra e Geologico-Ambientali, Università<br />

di Bologna,,<br />

(**) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia.<br /><br />

281<br />

Monte Molineddo 3 pyroclastites on Vulcano Island.<br />

Both these correlations, combined with consistent N-wards<br />

thickness and grain-size variations, suggest that the UBT and IBT<br />

source area(s) are localized at Vulcano. This is in agreement with<br />

compositional features showing that BT shards are mainly<br />

shoshonitic and latitic, with minor trachy-rhyolitic component,<br />

thus matching the composition of magmas erupted at Vulcano<br />

during the last 50 ka. Merging of field observations, grain-size<br />

and SEM analyses apparently indicate that UBT on Vulcano and<br />

south Lipari have been emplaced during high-intensity<br />

hydromagmatic explosive events giving rise to pyroclastic density<br />

currents spreading laterally from an eruptive vent(s) localized<br />

inside the La Fossa Caldera structure. More distal outcrops of<br />

UBT on north Lipari and Salina (possibly on Panarea) are<br />

interpreted as the result of fallout processes from co-ignimbrite<br />

ash clouds or associated sustained eruptive columns. Basically<br />

based on the large homogeneity of field characters and<br />

compositional features, also the LBT and IBT units are<br />

considered to derive from recurrent, large scale hydromagmatic<br />

eruptions of a source(s) located on Vulcano Island.<br />

Note that, according to their wide distribution and substantial<br />

thickness, BT represent the most voluminous (and recurrent)<br />

pyroclastic deposits across the whole Aeolian archipelago, thus<br />

assuming a fundamental role for the purpose of volcanic hazard<br />

assessment and regional-scale correlation of volcanic and tectonic<br />

events. Therefore, they are a good example of mapping and<br />

stratigraphic studies leading to a new perspective of long-term<br />

volcanic risks in this volcanic district.<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

CARG Project Foglio 378 Scanno: new contribution for the<br />

geological setting of Central Apennines<br />



Key words: Abruzzo Apennines, CARG project, structural<br />

setting.<br />

In the last years, geological studies in Central Italy are leading<br />

to a new and more complex definition of the geological-structural<br />

setting of the Apennine orogen.<br />

Geological mapping and structural analysis have permitted to<br />

identify, and cinematically characterize, tectonic elements<br />

supposed to have a regional significance. These elements are to<br />

be added to an already complex geological setting resulting from<br />

the interference between a well articulated Meso-Cenozoic<br />

paleogeographic evolution and a polyphasic tectonics. The<br />

surface data is to be linked to the data of deep geophysical<br />

investigations of this area of the Apennines chain, such as the<br />

Crop11 Project (Civitavecchia – Vasto) still under study.<br />

The geological mapping of the Foglio 378 Scanno, between<br />

the Marsica area and the Peligna valley (central Abruzzo), has<br />

outlined a paleogeographic and structural setting more complex<br />

than the one previously known in literature. The identified<br />

compressional tectonics, the strike slip tectonics with several<br />

evidences, and the extensional one, provide new contributions to<br />

the definition of the Neogene-Quaternary evolution of this sector<br />

of the chain. Geometry and kinematics of tectonic elements<br />

permit to fix new constraints concerning the regional<br />

interpretations. Overthrusting of different Mesozoic<br />

paleogeographic domains and large displacements occurred on<br />

the major tectonic elements, make this area a key area for the<br />

comprehension of the relationship among the different tectonicstratigraphic<br />

units, even if a complete analysis will come only by<br />

the mapping of the surrounding areas, within the CARG Project.<br />

Trying to read in time the main geological events involving<br />

the area of the Foglio 378 Scanno, it is possible to highlight the<br />

complexity of all the structuring phases of the orogen.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) DIGAT Università degli Studi "G. D'Annunzio" Chieti-Pescara,<br />

micca<strong>dei</strong><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università degli Studi Roma Tre<br />

(°) Lehigh University, USA<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito e con il <strong>contributo</strong> finanziario del Progetto<br />

CARG Foglio 378 Scanno, in collaborazione con la Regione Abruzzo e con<br />

il Servizio Geologico d’Italia (ISPRA).<br />

282<br />

The sin-orogenic tectonics induces the overthrusting of<br />

tectonic-stratigraphic units along main thrusts of calcareous units<br />

over terrigenous ones.<br />

As result of sin-orogenic compressional tectonics, the main<br />

units seems to be arranged in two different structural levels, being<br />

possible to define “upper units”, comprising carbonate platform<br />

and margin facies , and “lower units” including slope and basin<br />

facies and more external margin and carbonate platform facies.<br />

Moreover, some small units could belong to a more deep<br />

structural level, whose interpretation is to be connected to the<br />

complex tectonic and stratigraphic setting of the southern areas<br />

(Monti <strong>della</strong> Meta).<br />

According to the results of the investigations of sin-orogenic<br />

terrigenous units outcropping in the area and piggy back late<br />

orogenic conglomerates, the thrusting of tectonic-stratigraphic<br />

units should be ascribed to Late Miocene (i.e. Late Messinian)<br />

and Early Pliocene.<br />

Concerning sin-orogenic tectonics and, in this case, mostly<br />

late-orogenic tectonics the tectonic-stratigraphic units appear to<br />

be displaced along three main transpressional deformation belt,<br />

comprising several fault planes mostly NNW-striking. These<br />

features, already known in some cases in literature (F. Sangro and<br />

F. Giovenco valleys), show a clear persistence all over the area of<br />

the Foglio 378 Scanno. The activity time of these elements is still<br />

unclear, but should anyway be constrained between the last<br />

compressional events (Early Pliocene) and the first evidence of<br />

post-orogenic extensional tectonics (Late Pliocene). To date there<br />

are no evidence or models suggesting that these tectonic elements<br />

could be coeval to the compressional ones. On the fault planes,<br />

several superimposed kinematic indicators provide evidence of<br />

different transport directions both toward eastern sides and<br />

northern sides.<br />

At regional scale scientific debate concerning the<br />

superimposition of the western carbonate platform and the eastern<br />

one is still open. A more certain paleogeographic reconstruction<br />

of the interposed slope-to-basin domain, and of its original width,<br />

could be achieved only in a larger regional view, with the<br />

mapping of the surrounding areas (i.e. Foglio 377 “Trasacco”,<br />

Foglio 391 “S. Donato Val di Comino”, etc). New surface<br />

geological data should be also compared with deep seismic lines<br />

data aiming at evaluate the possible location of the interposed<br />

basin in a regional view.

Post-orogenic tectonics, developed since Late Pliocene –<br />

Early Pleistocene, together with large scale uplift, define a further<br />

complex structural setting, with the formation of the main<br />

tectonic basins, more widely represented in the northern<br />

surrounding areas of the Foglio 368 “Avezzano” and Foglio 369<br />

“Sulmona” (Fucino Plain, Subequan Basin, Sulmona Basin).<br />

Since Early Pleistocene, and possibly Late Pliocene,<br />

extensional tectonics define a ridge and valleys landscape as<br />

suggested by the morpho-lithostratigraphic setting of the older<br />

synthems of the post-orogenic continental succession. Otherwise,<br />

neotectonic evidence along Late Pleistocene and Holocene faults<br />

are generally small, and characterize mainly the boundary areas,<br />

whereas they are markedly evident in the surrounding areas (i.e.<br />

Cinque Miglia Plain and Fucino Plain). Quaternary and recent<br />

tectonics of the Fucino areas is indeed one of the best-known and<br />

studied within Italy.<br />

In summary, the structural setting shows a tectonics activated<br />

since Miocene and still active up to the whole Holocene.<br />

Enlarging the regional view, extent, direction, and geodynamic<br />

significance of the horizontal movements along the<br />

transpressional tectonic elements, as well as the different<br />

hypothesis concerning Meso-Cenozoic paleogeographic<br />

configuration and shortening along compressional tectonic<br />

elements, could be clarified and defined only after the mapping of<br />

the surrounding areas (Fogli 377 “Trasacco”, 379 “Capracotta”,<br />

390 “Frosinone”, 391 “S. Donato Val di Comino”, 392 “Castel di<br />

Sangro”)<br />

Finally, the Foglio 378 “Scanno” mapping, within the CARG<br />

Project has provided new contributions concerning the geological<br />

setting of Central Apennines, and the main contributions and cues<br />

come from the definition of the geological setting, within a larger<br />

regional context.<br />

The project has provided a good satisfaction to the wide<br />

working group that contributed to the realization concerning both<br />

scientific and management aspects. The strong spirit of<br />

cooperation that prompted all the partner of the project,<br />

Geological Survey of Italy (ISPRA), Regione Abruzzo, and<br />

University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara, permitted us to<br />

overcome problems and obstacles that always occur in these<br />

projects and to complete the work in the right times and modes,<br />

as indicated by the CARG project guidelines.<br />

283<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

The Athesian volcanics: a spectacular example of caldera complex<br />



Key words: Athesian Volcanic Group, Caldera, CARG project,<br />

Permian magmatism, Southern Alps.<br />

Within the scientific community, it is generally believed that<br />

the National Geological Mapping Project (CARG) is mainly<br />

devoted to the applied aspects related to geological hazards. In<br />

this study we want to draw further attention on the main scientific<br />

results deriving from the CARG project.<br />

The recent (i.e. 1999-2010) geological survey of the CARG<br />

Sheets Merano, Appiano, Mezzolombardo, Trento and Bolzano<br />

has allowed mapping a large sector of Permian volcanic rocks,<br />

the so called Athesian Volcanic Group (AG). These volcanic<br />

rocks have been the objects of very few (mainly petrographic)<br />

studies in the last decades, even if they represent one of the<br />

widest and most spectacular outcrops of Permian volcanics in<br />

Italy and Europe.<br />

The volcanic sequence in the Athesian area (Trentino Alto<br />

Adige) is bounded by two regional discordances, the lower one<br />

on the South-Alpine Variscan metamorphic basement and the<br />

upper one represented by the Upper Permian continental red beds<br />

(Val Gardena Sandstones).<br />

The AG volcanic activity lasted about 10-15 Ma with a<br />

deposition rate that changed throughout the eruptive cycle<br />

(SCHALTEGGER & BRACK, 2007, VISONÀ et alii, 2007;<br />

MAROCCHI et alii, 2008) during the Lower Permian in a postorogenic<br />

extensionsional to transtensional geodynamic context<br />

(ROTTURA et alii, 1998; WILSON et alii, 2004).<br />

The first important result of the geological mapping within the<br />

CARG project is to have defined a new volcanic stratigraphic<br />

framework, based on the determination of the rock bodies<br />

geometries and the volcanic facies, all supported by petrographic<br />

and geochemical analyses. The new results present a quite<br />

homogeneous magmatic-stratigraphic evolution for the whole<br />

area with important correlations. In spite of the stratigraphic<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Servizio Geologico, Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra e Geologico Ambientali,<br />

Università di Bologna.<br />

(°) Libero professionista<br />

284<br />

differences between distinct sectors, it is possible to recognize a<br />

quite unitary evolution showed by the large-scale correlation of<br />

two important ignimbrite units: the Ora formation and the<br />

Gargazzone formation.<br />

The continental volcanic activity of the Athesian Volcanic<br />

Group (AG) is characterised by a serial sub-alkaline character<br />

with calcalkaline geochemical affinity. The volcanic succession<br />

ranges from rhyodacitic-andesitic to rhyolitic, with prevailing<br />

pyroclastic flows and subordinated lavas and epiclastites. Facies<br />

distribution and thickness of the different stratigraphic units have<br />

been strongly influenced by an extensive synvolcanic tectonics.<br />

In particular, the results show that the nature and distribution of<br />

the single volcanic units is strictly related to the formation of<br />

calderas of different ages, which come spatially and structurally<br />

alongside and/or are superimposed. We generally find that<br />

volcanic units are younger in the central sector than those at the<br />

caldera borders. This is due to the particular spatial distribution<br />

of the calderas. The widespread uplift and incision of Permian<br />

rocks in the Athesian area, together with the modest tectonic<br />

deformation, allow to observe exceptional outcrop exposure of<br />

volcanic bodies geometry and in particular of caldera fillings and<br />

their relationship with the extra-caldera areas.<br />

Thus, the results so far indicate that the AG is a complex<br />

volcano-tectonic system in an extensive context with multiple<br />

calderas formation. Recent publications, inspired by the CARG<br />

project fieldwork, present detailed stratigraphic reconstructions<br />

supported by absolute age dating (MORELLI et alii, 2007;<br />

MAROCCHI et alii, 2008).<br />

A further important aspect lies in the potential of these rocks<br />

to give insights into the formation processes of crystals-rich<br />

ignimbrites. These kind of ignimbrites have been related to highly<br />

explosive continental caldera settings and are reported from both<br />

recent (e.g. the Altiplano Puna Volcanic Complex, DE SILVA et<br />

alii, 2006; the Cerro Galan volcanic complex, Andes, FOLKES et<br />

alii, 2009) and ancient contexts (e.g. the Oligocene San Juan<br />

volcanic field Fish Canyon Tuff, USA, BACHMANN et alii, 2000;<br />

the Late Devonian Central Victorian Magmatic Province,<br />

Australia, CAS et alii, 2003, CLEMENS & WALL, 1984).<br />

Nevertheless, the processes controlling fragmentation<br />

mechanisms, eruption and deposition are still obscure and<br />

deserve more investigation. Furthermore, future volcanologic<br />

studies on the Athesian volcanics could have the potential to

clarify the exact timing between caldera collapse, onset/evolution<br />

of eruptions and mode of intra/extra caldera filling.<br />

It’s very important here to stress that only a geological<br />

mapping project like the CARG, in which field geologists and<br />

researchers have the possibility to cooperate and progress for a<br />

long period (more the 10 years), can achieve such high-quality<br />

scientific results.<br />


BACHMANN O., DUNGAM M. A. & LIPMAN P. W. (2000) -<br />

Voluminous lava-like precursor to a major ash-flow tuff: lowcolumn<br />

pyrolcastic eruption of the Pagosa Peak Dacite, San<br />

Juan volcanic field Colorado. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res.<br />

98, 153-171.<br />


H. M. (2003) - Middle Devonian to Carboniferous. Geology<br />

of Victoria. Geol. Soc. Aust. Spec. Publ., 23, Melbourne.<br />

CLEMENS J. D. & WALL V. J. (1984) - Origin and evolution of a<br />

peraluminous silicic ignimbrite suite: The Violet Town<br />

Volcanics. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 88, 354-371.<br />


G. & JIMENEZ N. (2006) - Large ignimbrite eruptions and<br />

volcano-tectonic depressions in the Central Andes: a<br />

thermomechanical perspective. In C. Troise, G. De Natale<br />

and C.R.J. Kilburn, (Eds) - Mechanisms of Activity and<br />

Unrest at Large Calderas. Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ., London,<br />

269, 47-63.<br />


& VIRAMONTE J. G. (2009) - A Re-appraisal of the<br />

stratigraphy and volcanology of the Cerro Galan volcanic<br />

system, NW Argentina. GSA Annual Meeting, Portland,<br />

abstract n. 164893, 41 (7).<br />


G. M. (2008) - Evolution of large silicic magma systems: New<br />

U-Pb zircon data on the NW Permian Athesian Volcanic<br />

Group (Southern Alps, Italy). J. Geol., 116, 480-498.<br />


MORETTI A. (2007) - The Lower Permian volcanics along the<br />

Etsch Valley from Meran to Auer. Mitt. Österr, Miner. Ges.,<br />

153, 195-218.<br />


VISONÀ D. & TRANNE C. A. (1998) - Origin and significance<br />

of the Permian high-K cala-alkaline magmatism in the<br />

central-eastern Southerm Alps, Italy. Lithos, 45, 329-348.<br />

SCHALTEGGER, U.&BRACK, P. (2007) - Crustal-scale magmatic<br />

systems during intracontinental strike-slip tectonics: U, Pb<br />

285<br />

and Hf isotopic constraints from Permian magmatic rocks of<br />

the Southern Alps. Int. J. Earth Sci., 96, 1131-1151.<br />


FANNING M. (2007) - U-Pb SHRIMP zircon dating of<br />

andesite from the Dolomite area (NE Italy):<br />

geochronological evidence for the early onset of Permian<br />

volcanism in the eastern part of the Southern Alps. Swiss J.<br />

Geosci., 100, 313-324.<br />


HEEREMANS M. & LARSEN B. T. (2004) - Permo-<br />

Carboniferous magmatism and rifting in Europe:<br />

introduction. Permo-Carboniferous magmatism and rifting in<br />

central Europe. Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ., London, 223, 1-10.<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

Key words: Applied geology, digital geological map, geological<br />

survey of Regione Toscana, groundwaters, metadata, scale<br />

1:10.000, soil science, web services.<br />


During the late 1990s the Geological Survey of Tuscany<br />

focused its interest on the production of digital geological maps,<br />

georeferenced database and on the development of web services<br />

to download these products free of charge.<br />

The idea was to provide local agencies, decision makers,<br />

consultants and professionals an easy and quickly way to gain<br />

information.<br />

In fact it has been demonstrated (MORINI, 2004) that the<br />

printing phase takes too much time for an operational use of the<br />

products. Nowadays, thanks also to many open source and free<br />

software, the use of Geographical Information System greatly<br />

increased both at public and private level.<br />

Moreover one of the main advantage is that a digital map or a<br />

database can be updated continuously at any time, without<br />

planning a new expensive and longlasting survey programmes,<br />

whenever an updated edition of the map comes out as strictly<br />

necessary.<br />

It was decided to realase every intermediate step, as a preview<br />

of the final product, and make it available on the Internet,<br />

according to the idea that “something is better than nothing”.<br />

The decision was demonstrated as a successful one by<br />

monitoring the number of daily downloads from our servers.<br />

PAST<br />

The first digital map was realized in 1998-99 by carring on<br />

the vectorization of the national geological map at the scale<br />

1:100,000, started from the Arno River Basin Autority. At that<br />

time, the printed map was the only one covering the whole<br />

Region.<br />

_________________________<br />

The Geological Survey of Regione Toscana:<br />

from the Geological Map to the digital geothematic Databases<br />

(*) Regione Toscana – Servizio Geologico Regionale,<br /><br />


286<br />

In the next year, with a budget of about 8 millions euro, the<br />

Geological Survey started the “Regione Toscana” project of<br />

geological mapping. The supervision of the project was carried<br />

on by the Tuscany Geological Survey and its executive arm, the<br />

Consorzio LaMMa (Laboratory of Monitoring and<br />

Environmental Modelling for sustainable development). The 735<br />

maps at 1:10,000 scale, covering all the Regione Toscana, were<br />

surveied from the Departments of Earth Sciences of the three<br />

Tuscany Universities and the National Research Council. They<br />

also provided georeferenced database for each map. The last map<br />

was provided in the second half of 2006. As said, no maps were<br />

printed, but only available in digital format.<br />

Many “Thematic Derived Maps” were developed in parallel<br />

with the production of the Geological vector maps (lithological<br />

(oriented to soil science), lithotechnical, hydrogeological<br />

(permeability) and geomorphological. Again all of these products<br />

are downlodable from Internet.<br />

In the last years the Survey started a new branch of activity<br />

related to the groundwaters saving programmes adopted by<br />

Regione Toscana. The main project was the implementation of a<br />

database (BDSRI) storing technical georeferenced information on<br />

about 200,000 wells, abstractions of surface water, springs,<br />

stratigraphies, piezometers, chemical analysis and the like. This<br />

database homogenized data derived from many different Local<br />

Authorities.<br />

Other projects completed during this period were the IFFI<br />

project (Italian Landslides Inventory) for the digitalization of all<br />

landslides of Tuscany, and the scanning of the whole paper-based<br />

archive known as “Archivio ex Rimin” containing papers and<br />

maps about mines since XIX century.<br />


Many of present and future activities are deeply discussed in<br />

the proceedings of this congress and both in oral or poster<br />

presentations, so in several cases just references to the pertaining<br />

papers are given.<br />

Presently the Geological Survey follows three lines of<br />

activity: groundwater, applied geology and soil science.<br />

Another line of work covering all of these topics concerns the<br />

publishing of data and metadata on Internet.<br />

Concerning groundwater the most important projects are:<br />

• Acquifers. In progress.

• Mineral and thermal waters database (BDCAMT) that<br />

concerns all the administrative concessions and technical<br />

data for the exploitation of mineral and thermal waters.<br />

Completed.<br />

• Geothermal database (BDGT) which stores, among<br />

many other information, data on high, medium and low<br />

enthalpy. In progress.<br />

Concerning applied geology the main projects are:<br />

• Stability of slopes. In progress.<br />

• Geothematic database of municipal plans. In progress<br />

• Asbestos and treatment methodologies. Starting<br />

• Continuum of the geological map of Regione Toscana.<br />

Closure.<br />

• Marble and quarray activities. Closure.<br />

• Subsoil uses. In progress.<br />

• Atlas of biostratigraphic data. Closure.<br />

Concerning soil science the objective is to implement a<br />

georeferenced database storing maps and data derived from the<br />

elaboration of geological map 1:10,000 and many other regional<br />

databases. In progress.<br />

The last covered branch was the internet portal to the<br />

geological information for Regione Toscana. There are many web<br />

map services (too many to list) and metadata for almost all digital<br />

information. The “Geological Map Manteinance” service has<br />

started this year. Professionals, students or the like can submit a<br />

specific form when they find incongruity between geological map<br />

and a direct observation in the field or if they wish to add a<br />

stratigraphy from a new drill.<br />

Follow this link to access all the geological information of<br />

Regione Toscana:<strong>geologia</strong><br />


MORINI D. (2004) – The “Regione Toscana” project of<br />

geological mapping: a summary and a proposal. In: D.<br />

Morini and P. Bruni (Eds.) - The “Regione Toscana” project<br />

of geological mapping. Case histories and data acquisition.<br />

Regione Toscana, 11-23.<br />

287<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

Key words: Elba Island, geological evolution, Northern<br />

Apennines, stratigraphy, tectonics.<br />

The geology of the Elba Island is very interesting for the<br />

structural complexity, for the relationships between the Mio-<br />

Pliocenic magmatism and tectonics and for being placed between<br />

Corsica and Northern Apennine. Its long-living geologic history<br />

takes roots in the Palaeozoic, but the Alpine tectonic evolution<br />

begins in the Late Cretaceous - Early Tertiary during the<br />

consumption of the Mesozoic Western Tethys (Liguria-Piedmont<br />

Basin). This event produced the collision and polyphase<br />

deformation of the European (Corsica) and Adriatic (Tuscan<br />

Domain) paleocontinental margins. The final emplacement of<br />

the tectonic units occurred during the post-orogenic extension<br />

and, finally, during the intrusion and uplift of the Late Miocene<br />

monzogranitic plutonic bodies (the about 6.8 Ma M.Capanne and<br />

the about 5.9 Ma La Serra-Porto Azzurro pluton) when skarns<br />

bodies and part of the famous Fe-ores were originated. New<br />

stratigraphical and structural data (BORTOLOTTI et alii, 2001;<br />

CARG Project Sheet Isola d’ Elba) modify and complicate the<br />

previous geological frame proposed first by TREVISAN (1950)<br />

and BARBERI et alii (1969) based into the piling of five<br />

Complexes. Our new scheme comprises nine main tectonic units,<br />

built up of Tuscan, Ligurian and Ligurian-Piedmont successions<br />

complexly piled up. In particular they are (from bottom to top of<br />

the tectonic pile, see Fig. 1):<br />

Porto Azzurro Unit “PU” – It mainly consists of the Mt.<br />

Calamita Fm. (micaschist and quartzose phyllitic successions<br />

with local ortho-amphibolites intercalations of likely Cambro-<br />

Ordovician and Carboniferous-Permian age) which represents<br />

part of the Tuscan basement. These rocks are unconformable<br />

covered by Triassic to Hettanian formations (the siliciclastic<br />

Verrucano, the Tocchi Fm. and the Calanchiole Marble and<br />

crystalline dolostone). PU shows a complex tectono-metamorphic<br />

history, which ends with the cornubianitisation processes and<br />

deformations linked to the La Serra-Porto Azzurro monzogranitic<br />

intrusion. A low-angle fault associated with an about ten m thick<br />

cataclastic horizon (Zuccale fault) constitutes the contact with all<br />

the overlying tectonic units.<br />

_________________________<br />

The Elba island: an intriguing geological puzzle in the Northern<br />

Tyrrhenian sea<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra - Università di Firenze and IGG<br />

(Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse)-CNR – Firenze,<br />

288<br />

Ortano Unit “UO” - It comprises more or less cornubianitised<br />

phyllites and quartzites (Capo d’Arco Schists) at the base, locally<br />

crosscut by rare and thin aplitic and microgranitic dikes (similar<br />

to those intruded in the Porto Azzurro Unit). At their top<br />

porphyroids and porphyritic schists grade upward to phyllites and<br />

quartzitic metasandstones and metaconglomerates. This<br />

succession can be correlated with the Ordovician Variscan<br />

formations of the Apuan Alps and of the central Sardinia and<br />

probably represents an Alpine kilometric-scale isoclinal fold with<br />

Ordovician metavolcanites at the core.<br />

Acquadolce Unit “AU” - It begins with a basal massive, partly<br />

dolomitic marbles that grade upwards to sometimes cherty<br />

calcschists with, at their top, a metapelitic siliciclastic succession<br />

with local calcschist intercalations. In the latter rocks DURANTI et<br />

alii (1992) found a Lower Cretaceous microfauna and DEINO et<br />

alii (1992) obtained a 19-20 Ma for the main schistosity. We<br />

think that these terrains probably correspond to a Ligurian-<br />

Piedmont oceanic sequence as the Schistes Lustrés of Corsica and<br />

of the Gorgona I. Also the presence of a serpentinite sheet at its<br />

top agrees with this interpretation.<br />

Monticiano-Roccastrada Unit “MU” - The base of this Unit is<br />

made of fossiliferous graphitic metasediments of Late<br />

Carboniferous-Early Permian (Rio Marina Fm Auctt.), on which<br />

the detrital Triassic Verrucano successions deposited. The<br />

epimetamorphic successions of Capo Castello-Isola <strong>dei</strong> Topi and<br />

of Capo Pero (north and south of Cavo, respectively), which<br />

includes formations from Late Jurassic (siliceous metalimestones)<br />

to the Oligocene (Pseudomacigno), represent part of the<br />

Verrucano cover.<br />

Tuscan Nappe “FT” - In the Porto Azzurro-Rio Marina, and<br />

Norsi-La Valdana areas, it is represented only by calcareousdolomitic<br />

breccias (Calcare Cavernoso Auctt.); northwards, also<br />

the overlying carbonatic (Rhaetavicula Limestone and “Calcare<br />

Massiccio” - Late Triassic-Hettangian), carbonatic-cherty<br />

(Limano Fm and “Ammonitico Rosso” - Middle-Late Liassic)<br />

and marly-carbonate formations (Posidonia Marlstones - Dogger)<br />

crop out.<br />

Grassera Unit “GU” - It comprises at the base calcschists,<br />

sometimes with cherts, but most of the unit is made up of<br />

varicoloured slates and siltstones with rare manganiferous,<br />

recrystallized siliceous and calcareous beds Its lithofacies are<br />

different from those of all the formations of both Tuscan and<br />

Ligurian Domains. So, we propose a provenance of GU from the<br />

Ligurian-Piedmont paleogeographic domain, as the AU.

Ophiolitic Unit “OU” – This unit is built up of some minor<br />

thrust sheets (e.g. the Acquaviva, Mt. Serra, Sassi Turchin and<br />

Volterraio Subunits), characterised by ophiolites of the oceanic<br />

basement of the Western Tethys (serpentinites and gabbros) on<br />

which is generally present a more or less complete volcanic<br />

(basalts) and sedimentary (Mt. Alpe Cherts, Nisportino Fm,<br />

Calpionella Limestones and Palombini Shales) cover of Late<br />

Jurassic-Early Cretaceous age. This unit can be interpreted as a<br />

relic of a trapped oceanic crust originally near the Corsica<br />

European margin.<br />

Eocene Flysch Unit “EU” - It is represented by a shaly-marly<br />

succession with turbiditic calcilutites, sandstones and ophiolitic<br />

breccias of Eocenic age.<br />

Cretaceous Flysch Unit “CU” - In this second turbiditic unit<br />

we can distinguish, on top of the Palombini Shales and<br />

varicoloured shales, a lower section, represented by siliciclastic<br />

sandstones and conglomerates (Ghiaieto Sandstones) and an<br />

upper one with marly limestones and marls (Marina di Campo<br />

Fm). The age of the last two formations is Campanian-<br />

Maastrictian.<br />

Fig. 1 - The central and eastern Elba tectonic pile. PU- Porto Azzurro Unit; UO-<br />

Ortano Unit; AU- Acquadolce Unit (a. Porticciolo Subunit, b- Santa Filomena<br />

S.); MU- Monticiano-Roccastrada Unit; TN- Tuscan Nappe; GU- Gràssera Unit;<br />

OU- Ophiolitic Unit (a- Acquaviva Subunit; b- Mt. Serra S.; b1- Capo Vita S.; c-<br />

Sassi Turchini S.; d- Volterraio S.; e- Magazzini S.; f- Bagnaia S.); EU-<br />

Paleogene Flysch Unit; CU- Cretaceous Flysch Unit (after BORTOLOTTI et alii,<br />

2001).<br />


BARBERI F. et alii (1969) - Note illustrative <strong>della</strong> Carta<br />

Geologica d’Italia <strong>alla</strong> scala 1:100.000. Foglio 126 Isola<br />

d’Elba. Serv. Geol. d’It., 32 pp.<br />

BORTOLOTTI V. et alii (2001) - Geology of Central and Eastern<br />

Elba Island, Italy. Ofioliti, 26 (2a), 97-151.<br />

DEINO A. et alii (1992) - Datazioni 40Ar/39Ar del metamorfismo<br />

dell’Unità di Ortano-Rio Marina (Isola d’Elba): risultati<br />

preliminari. Studi Geol. Camerti, Vol. Spec. 1992/2, 187-192.<br />

289<br />

DURANTI S. et alii (1992) - Geological evolution and<br />

metamorphic petrology of the basal sequences of Eastern<br />

Elba (Complex II). Acta Vulcan., 2, 213-229.<br />

TREVISAN L. (1950) - L’Elba orientale e la sua tettonica di<br />

scivolamento per gravità. Mem. Ist. Geol. Univ. Padova., 16,<br />

5-39.<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

Key words: acidic-intermediate magmatic dikes, Elba Island,<br />

Neogene magmatism, Northern Tyrrhenian Sea.<br />

The Elba Island (Northern Tyrrhenian Sea) is a complex and<br />

well-known assemblage of geological bodies which developed<br />

during a long time span (about 90 Ma), essentially since Late<br />

Cretaceous to Pliocene. Its structural framework includes<br />

nappes derived from different paleogeographic domains (e.g.<br />

Tuscan and Ligurian Domains), piled up during the Oligocene-<br />

Middle Miocene syn-collisional events of the Northern<br />

Apennines tectogenesis. In the Late Miocene-Early Pliocene,<br />

this structural pile was intruded by different, mainly acidic (e.g.<br />

the monzogranitic M.Capanne and La Serra-Porto Azzurro<br />

plutons, the laccolitic complex of the central Elba) and minor<br />

intermediate-acidic femic (e.g the Orano Porphyry, the Monte<br />

Castello dike and Casa Carpini dike: DINI et alii, 2002;<br />

CONTICELLI et alii, 2001; PANDELI et alii, 2006) magmatic<br />

bodies. In this frame, we studied acidic-intermediate magmatic<br />

dikes, of likely Late Miocene age, cropping out in the southern<br />

part of the Island, along the eastern coast of the Capo Stella<br />

Promontory (NNE of Casa Mazzarri locality, location in Fig.<br />

1). These decimetric up to 130 cm-thick, grey to brownish,<br />

magmatic bodies fill a high to medium angle fracture network,<br />

generally characterized by a NW-SE strike and a NE dip,<br />

cutting the Jurassic pillow lavas, pillow breccias and<br />

ialoclastites of the Ligurian Ophiolitic Unit.<br />

The dikes and the basaltic host rocks are affected by low-angle<br />

reverse faulting characterized by a SE-ward tectonic transport<br />

and by quartz veins. The phaneritic sub-volcanic rocks are<br />

characterized by a porphyritic textures with subhedral to<br />

euhedral zoned plagioclase ( with albite polysynthetic<br />

______________<br />

The Neogene magmatism in the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea: setting<br />

and compositional data of the Monte Capo Stella dikes (Southern<br />

Elba Island, Tuscan Archipelago)<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Firenze,<br /><br />

(**) IGG (Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse) - CNR - Firenze<br />

ENRICO PANDELI (*) (**), ALBA SANTO (*) (**) & MONICA CANDIDO (*)<br />

Fig. 1 – Tectonic scheme of central and eastern Elba according to BORTOLOTTI et<br />

alii (2001). 1- Porto Azzurro Unit; 2- Ortano Unit; 3- Acquadolce Unit (a-<br />

Porticciolo Subunit; b- Santa Filomena Subunit); 4- Monticiano Roccastrada Unit;<br />

5- Tuscan Nappe; 6- Gràssera Unit; 7- Ophiolitic Unit (a- Acquaviva Subunit; b-<br />

Mt. Serra Subunit; c- Capo Vita Subunit; d- Sassi Turchini Subunit; e- Volterraio<br />

Subunit; f- Magazzini Subunit; g- Bagnaia Subunit); 8- Eocene Flysch Unit; 9-<br />

Cretaceous Flysch Unit; 10- La Serra-Porto Azzurro monzogranite; 11- Mt. Castello<br />

shoshonitic dike. F- Faults; l- Low angle tectonic contact: thrusts and detachments.<br />

Arrow: location of the Monte Capo Stella dike.<br />

290<br />

and albite-carlsbad twinnings, local decussate textures and<br />

epidote alterations, Fig. 2), subhedral to anhedral quartz (often<br />

with embayed rims, Fig. 3), and subordinate K-feldspar<br />

(sanidine, orthoclase) phenocrysts, up to 7 mm in size.<br />

Noteworthy, plagioclase composition displays high variability,<br />

from albite to labradorite.

Often chloritized biotite and amphibole (kaersutite, hornblende)<br />

microphenocrysts also occur in low quantity. The<br />

holocrystalline-microcrystalline groundmass is made up of<br />

xenomorphic quartz and K-feldspar, plagioclase microliths,<br />

biotite and amphibole. Fe- and Ti-oxides, apatite, zircon and<br />

epidote are present as accessory minerals. The studied dikes<br />

locally show chilled margins and an evident decrease of crystal<br />

size from inner to outer zone.<br />

400 µm<br />

Fig. 2 – Decussate texture of a plagioclase phenocryst in the Monte<br />

Capo Stella Dyke. Crossed polars.<br />

400 µm<br />

Fig. 3 – Embayed quartz xenocryst in the Monte Capo Stella Dyke.<br />

Crossed polars.<br />

Here the texture is variable from microcrystalline, with<br />

plagioclase and biotite (generally chloritized), to aphanitic and<br />

is locally characterised by the presence of sub-millimetric<br />

irregular, at times spherical to ellipsoidal spots, not completely<br />

resolvable at the microscope observations. The Monte Capo<br />

Stella dike display quartz-dioritic composition. Major and<br />

trace element analyses evidence some differences (e.g. K, Rb,<br />

La) among rock samples collected from different dykes. The<br />

REE patterns are characterised by fractionated LREE and<br />

MREE and positive anomaly of Eu.<br />

291<br />

The mantle-normalized trace element patterns show relatively<br />

high content of the most incompatible elements with a positive<br />

spike of Th and high LILE/HFSE ratios. Negative spikes of Nb,<br />

P and Ti are also observable. No negative anomalies of Sr are<br />

present.<br />

87 Sr/ 86 Sr and<br />

143 Nd/ 144 Nd isotopic ratios are<br />

respectively 0.708129 and 0.512209. The petrographic and<br />

compositional data suggest that the Monte Capo Stella dikes<br />

belong to the intermediate-acidic rocks of the Tuscan Magmatic<br />

Province characterized by mixing of upper mantle magma with<br />

crustal anatectic components. When compared with other<br />

intermediate-acidic dikes of the Elba Island (e.g. the Orano<br />

Porphyry, the Mt.Castello dike, the Casa Carpini dike),<br />

petrographic features and some major and trace element<br />

abundances point to differences which confirm the high<br />

compositional variability of magmatic products from Elba<br />

Island.<br />



BABBINI A. & CORTI S. (2001) - Geology of Central and<br />

Eastern Elba Island, Italy. Ofioliti, 26 (2a): 97-151.<br />


D’ANTONIO M. & VAGGELLI G. (2001)- Petrology,<br />

Mineralogy and geochemistry of mafic dyke from Monte<br />

Castello, Elba Island, Italy. Ofioliti, 26 (2a):249-262.<br />


DS. (2002) - The magmatic evolution of the late Miocene<br />

laccolith-pluton-dyke granitic complex of Elba Island,<br />

Italy. Geol. Mag., 139:257-279.<br />

PANDELI E., SANTO A.P., MORELLI M. & ORTI L. (2006) -<br />

Petrological and geological data of porphyritic dikes from<br />

the Capo Arco area (eastern Elba island, northern<br />

Tyrrhenian sea). Per. Mineral., 75, 2: 291-302.<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

The Geological Sheet n° 419 “San Giorgio La Molara”: new data for<br />

the analysis of the Sannio segment of Southern Apennnines (Italy)<br />


Key words: Regional geology, Sannio, Southern Apennines.<br />


The n°419 "San Giorgio la Molara" map sheet falls in the<br />

Sannio sector of the Southern Apennines. The very complex<br />

tectonic and stratigraphic features of the Sannio Apennines have<br />

been described in several papers (SELLI, 1957; DAZZARO et alii,<br />

1988; PESCATORE et alii, 2000, 2008; DI NOCERA et alii, 2006).<br />

In the study area, Late Cretaceous to Middle Miocene basin<br />

successions and middle-late Miocene to Pliocene foreland clastic<br />

successions crop out. The landscape is characterised by relatively<br />

high calcareous moutains in the western margin and calcareouspelitic<br />

and arenaceous-pelitic hills in the central-eastern sectors,<br />

which are separated by wide and smooth Fortore, Tammaro and<br />

Calore river valleys.<br />


Facies analyses, stratigraphy, tectonics and geological<br />

mapping of the Late Cretaceous to Miocene units allowed us to<br />

identify four different tectonic units: the Sannio, Frigento, Fortore<br />

and Valle del Tammaro units, which are strongly deformed and<br />

thrusted eastward upon the buried Apulian thrust system. All the<br />

basinal deposits are referred to an external basinal domain<br />

(Lagonegro-Molise basin) (MOSTARDINI & MERLINI, 1986;<br />

CASERO et alii, 1988; PESCATORE et alii, 1988, 1992).<br />

The tectonic units are mainly formed by Upper Cretaceous to<br />

Early Miocene successions characterized by basinal and shelfmargin<br />

facies (‘Flysch Rosso’ Fm.) and by basinal mainly<br />

calcareous-pelitic deposits of the Argille Variegate Group and<br />

Corleto Perticara fm., conformably followed by numidian flysch<br />

quartzarenites and arkosic arenites (Fragneto Monforte fm. and<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of<br />

Sannio,;<br />

(°) Department of Earth Science, University of Naples “Federico II”,<br />;<br />

This work was carried out within the CARG Project.<br />

292<br />

San Giorgio fm.). The ‘Argille Variegate’ is believed to be of<br />

internal provenance (‘Sicilide Complex’) after OGNIBEN (1969).<br />

In the westernmost areas, the successions are characterized by<br />

frequent occurrence of coarse to fine calciclastic deposits settled<br />

by dense gravity flows (Flysch Rosso fm.) coming from a<br />

carbonate platform margin, as well as by slumps and greater<br />

thicknesses of the single beds; they are followed by Upper<br />

Burdigalian – Upper Langhian p.p. numidian flysch<br />

quartzarenites.<br />

These deposits form the internal (i.e. western) margin of the<br />

Lagonegro basin and have been ascribed to the Sannio unit. The<br />

Frigento Unit (DI NOCERA et alii, 2002) is formed by Upper<br />

Cretaceous - Middle Miocene mainly calcareous-siliceous-pelitic<br />

basinal deposits. The sequence is formed by a calcareous-pelitic<br />

turbiditic unit (Flysch Rosso fm.), by upper Burdigalian – upper<br />

Langhian p.p. numidian flysch quartzarenites conformably<br />

overlaid by Upper Langhian p.p. – Serravallian p.p. Fragneto<br />

Monforte terrigenous deposits.<br />

The successions cropping out in the central-eastern zone are<br />

typically composed of pelagic sediments (varicoloured clays and<br />

shales) intercalated with fine carbonate turbidites representing a<br />

more distal facies of the coarser proximal facies. Therefore, these<br />

units show lateral relationships with the margin and base of slope<br />

sequences previously described and record sedimentation along<br />

the axial zone of the Lagonegro-Molise basin. These deposits are<br />

ascribed to the Fortore and Valle del Tammaro units. In the<br />

“Argille Variegate” sequences fault-related folding complex<br />

structures are widespread with significant along-strike variations<br />

in thrust displacement. These structures display both vertical and<br />

lateral changes in style; deformation is expressed by the<br />

development in the pelites of asymmetrical folds with strongly<br />

refolded fold axes and pervasive fracture cleavage, producing<br />

sometimes a chaotic assemblage of the strata.<br />

The Fortore Unit (DAZZARO et alii, 1988; PESCATORE et alii,<br />

2000) is formed by an Upper Cretaceous - Burdigalian basinal<br />

calcareous-pelitic succession, formed by Argille Variegate Group<br />

and Corleto Perticara fm., by numidian flysch quartzarenites,<br />

unconformably overlaid by San Bartolomeo flysch. In particular,<br />

siliciclastic, volcaniclastic and calciclastic deposits with frequent<br />

intercalations of carbonate clastics (Paola Doce fm., after<br />

PESCATORE et alii, 1992, upper Oligocene–lower Miocene in<br />

age) conformably overlie Argille Variegate group and Corleto

Perticara formation. The Paola Doce formation grades into the<br />

overlying Numidian quartzarenites.<br />

In the Valle del Tammaro unit, the Numidian sandstone<br />

directly and conformably overlies Argille Variegate group and<br />

Corleto Perticara formation; the middle-late Miocene siliciclastic<br />

and calciclastic deposits (San Giorgio fm.), conformably lying on<br />

the numidian flysch, Argille Variegate group and Corleto<br />

Perticara formation, outcrop along the easternmost belt.<br />

The tectonic units are unconformably overlain by middle-late<br />

Miocene terrigenous flysch deposits (Reino-Morgia <strong>dei</strong> Rauli<br />

fm., Caiazzo sandstones and San Bartolomeo Flysch) and<br />

Pliocene unconformity bounded marine to alluvial units. In the<br />

Pliocene (Ariano Irpino supersynthem) wedge-top depozone<br />

basins developed. They lie by means of a regional unconformity<br />

on several tectonic units of the orogenic wedge. In the study area<br />

only one depositional sequence has been recognised: the Andretta<br />

Synthem (Baronia Fm.) has an Early Pliocene age (biozone<br />

MPl4a) and is about 200 m thick.<br />


The Lagonegro-Molise units of the Sannio Apennines show a<br />

very complicated structural style: mainly east-verging<br />

imbrications are recognized and northeast verging folds related to<br />

reverse faults are located into regional thrust sheets. The tectonic<br />

superpositions are complicated by a polyphased structuration,<br />

which occurred after the juxtaposition of the Sannio unit onto the<br />

Frigento unit onto the Fortore/Valle del Tammaro units, during<br />

the deposition of Upper Miocene and Pliocene siliciclastic<br />

deposits.<br />

The structural complexity seems to characterize the whole<br />

orogenic evolution of the ENE-verging fold-and-thrust belt<br />

system, but the major imbrications result from the post-Messinian<br />

refolding and breaching of more ancient structures. The presence<br />

of fault cut-off structures and the presence of the Inner Apulian<br />

Platform (Apulian thrust system) at a depth of ca. 2000 m testify<br />

their assemblage as resulting from the breaching developed after<br />

duplexing of the Inner Apulian unit. The complexity of structural<br />

styles seems to result from the Pliocene refolding of more ancient<br />

structures produced by middle-late Miocene deformation.<br />



SAGE L. & VIALLY R. (1988) - Neogene geodynamic evolution<br />

of the Southern Apennines. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 41, 109-120.<br />


ROMEO M., RUSSO B., SENATORE M. & TORRE M. (1988) -<br />

Geologia del margine <strong>della</strong> catena appenninica tra il F.<br />

293<br />

Fortore ed il T. Calaggio (Monti <strong>della</strong> Daunia - App. Merid.).<br />

Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 41, 411-422.<br />

DI NOCERA S., MATANO F. & TORRE M. (2002) - Le unità<br />

“sannitiche” Auct. (Appennino centro-meridionale):<br />

rassegna delle correnti interpretazioni stratigrafiche e<br />

paleogeografiche e nuove ipotesi con l’introduzione<br />

dell’Unità di Frigento. St. Geol. Camerti, n. s., 1 (1), 87-102,<br />

Camerino.<br />



Schema geologico del transetto Monti Picentini orientali -<br />

Monti <strong>della</strong> Daunia meridonali: unità stratigrafiche ed<br />

evoluzione tettonica del settore esterno dell'Appennino<br />

meridionale. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 125, 1-20.<br />

MOSTARDINI F. & MERLINI S. (1986) - Appennino centro<br />

meridionale. Sezioni geologiche e proposta di modello<br />

strutturale. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 35, 177-202.<br />

OGNIBEN L. (1969) - Schema introduttivo <strong>alla</strong> <strong>geologia</strong> del<br />

confine calabro-lucano. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 8, 453-763.<br />

PESCATORE T., RENDA P. & TRAMUTOLI M. (1988) - Rapporti tra<br />

le Unità lagonegresi e l’Unità sicilide nella media valle del<br />

Basento. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 41, 353-361.<br />

PESCATORE T., RENDA P. & TRAMUTOLI M. (1992) - "Tufiti di<br />

Tusa" e flysch Numidico nella Lucania centrale (Appennino<br />

meridionale). Rend. Acc. Sci. Fis. Matem. Soc. Naz. Sci. Lett.<br />

Art. Napoli, 59, 57-72.<br />


L'Unità del Fortore nel quadro <strong>della</strong> <strong>geologia</strong> del settore<br />

orientale <strong>dei</strong> Monti del Sannio (Appennino meridionale).<br />

Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 119, 587-601.<br />


CIVILE D. & MARTINO C. & QUARANTIELLO R. (2008) - Prime<br />

considerazioni sulla <strong>geologia</strong> del settore centrale <strong>dei</strong> monti<br />

del Sannio. Mem. Descr. Carta Geol. d’It., 77, 77-94.<br />

SELLI R. (1957) - Sulla trasgressione del Miocene nell'Italia<br />

meridionale. Giorn. Geol., ser. 2, 24, 1-54<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

The geological map of Emilia-Romagna Region from scale 1:10,000<br />

to scale 1:250,000: scientific base, utility and future<br />

Key words: Cartography, Geological and thematic maps.<br />

For over 30 years, Emilia-Romagna regional authority has<br />

been working to develop knowledge of the physical environment<br />

of its territory, sharing this knowledge with interested parties. In<br />

1978, thanks to a partnership with Bologna University’s Institute<br />

of Geology (now the Department of Earth Sciences and<br />

Environmental Geology) and the regional Geological Office (now<br />

the Geological, Seismic and Soil Survey), the Region began the<br />

task of producing the Geological Map to scale 1:10,000 of its hill<br />

and mountain territory, starting from two areas in the provinces of<br />

Bologna and Forlì having different geological characteristics. The<br />

positive results achieved subsequently enabled the Region, in<br />

1982, to launch a 10-year project of systematic surveying to scale<br />

1:10,000 of the entire hill and mountain territory, in partnership<br />

with the Departments of Earth Sciences of the Universities of<br />

Bologna, Modena, Padova, Parma, Pavia, Pisa and the CNR<br />

(National Research Council) of Pisa.<br />

Since 1992 Emilia-Romagna Region has been committed to<br />

the national geological cartography project (CARG project)<br />

which has led to the Geological Map to scales 1:25,000 and<br />

1:50,000 of the regional territory and neighbouring areas plus the<br />

digitization of the maps and related geological data.<br />

During the 1990s the Region’s corpus of geological maps<br />

provided the foundations for the elaboration of various maps to<br />

scale 1:250,000: firstly, the Structural-geological Map of the<br />

Emilia-Romagna Apennines (Coord. A. Cerrina Feroni), which<br />

represents the culmination of many years of geological and<br />

cartographic research activities carried out by the Region’s<br />

geological survey in close collaboration with the scientiphic<br />

Community (Universities and the National Research Council),<br />

plus the Seismotectonic Map of the Emilia-Romagna Region<br />

(Coord. M. Boccaletti, L. Martelli), the fruit of a research project<br />

aimed at the comparison, synthesis and representation of<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Regione Emilia Romagna, Servizio Geologico Sismico e <strong>dei</strong> Suoli<br />,<br />


294<br />

seismological data and active structures, produced in partnership<br />

with the National Research Council, Universities and the National<br />

Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV).<br />

Drawing on various maps of a strictly technical-scientific<br />

nature, numerous other thematic maps to various scales have also<br />

been produced: to scale 1:250,000 the Masterplan on Geoenvironmental<br />

Hazards, the Landslide Susceptibility Map of the<br />

Emilia-Romagna Region – Landslide Relative Hazard Map for<br />

Civil Protection Purposes, the Geological Map of the Emilia-<br />

Romagna Plain and the map of the Geological Landscape of<br />

Emilia-Romagna; the Landslide Inventory Map to scale 1:25,000<br />

and the maps of Geo-environmental Itineraries (scale from<br />

1:15,000 to 1:60,000).<br />

The considerable body of knowledge accrued in relation to<br />

the regional territory has also made it possible to conduct a<br />

census of the assets of the Geological Heritage and Geosites, the<br />

primary objective of which is to safeguard and enhance the most<br />

important areas from a scientific and popularization point of<br />

view.<br />

Along with cartographic activities, geological data has been<br />

stored in a georeferenced digital archive, supporting the creation<br />

of separate thematic databases which are currently housed in a<br />

single repository, the geodatabase of the Geological, Seismic and<br />

Soil Survey.<br />

The main activities which Emilia-Romagna Region will focus<br />

on in the future, in addition to the completion of geological<br />

mapping of the lower plain, are:<br />

- the most far-reaching liberalization possible, using web-gis<br />

tools, of all basic, scientific, applicative and educational<br />

information acquired to date;<br />

- the compilation of educational maps for an increasingly<br />

broad audience;<br />

- the compilation of applicative maps with a view to<br />

enhancing and safeguarding natural resources (water and soil)<br />

and hazard maps (slope stability, seismic microzonation).<br />

- the maintenance and updating of basic geological maps,<br />

although this activity requires resources and funding which are<br />

currently difficult to come by.

Key words: Geological mapping, Vesuvius, Volcanic Risk<br />

Cartography represents a fundamental instrument inside the<br />

volcanic risk definition. This fact is particularly true in the case of<br />

densely populate areas and in areas that were populate from the<br />

antiquity. This is the case of Vesuvius. In this very densely<br />

populated land cartography become the synthesis of a number of<br />

disciplines, such as Geology, Volcanology, Archaeology and<br />

History. In the event under investigation, the new cartography of<br />

detail produced through the synergy of these various kinds of<br />

information has allowed to modify in substantial way the zoning<br />

of the risk from opening of eruptive fractures in the territory of<br />

the municipalities of Torre del Greco and Ercolano (Fig.1), with<br />

serious implications for the future management of these<br />

territories.<br />

This job has drawn origin from some question marks left<br />

opened from the archaeomagnetic dating of the lavas from the<br />

eruptive period comprised between the 79 and 1631. The<br />

produced archaeomagnetic dating had put in evidence the<br />

presence of a certain number of lavas of medieval age,<br />

outcropping all along the Vesuvius coast, of which many<br />

generated from eccentric vents positioned at the foot of the<br />

volcanic cone. Between issues left opened from this job, there<br />

was the possibility of a double dating for a lava flow known in<br />

the local literature with the name of Calastro. This lava flow has<br />

been possible to date by means of the archaeomagnetic method to<br />

X century BC or to IX-X century BC. This fact is due to the<br />

incertitude of the Curve of Secular Geomagnetic Variation in this<br />

lapse of time. The archaeological study of BREGLIA (1938)<br />

describing the Roman remnants in the Calastro area has allowed<br />

to clear this matter and clearly attribute Calastro lava to the<br />

medieval period. In addition the entire Calastro lava flowing way<br />

has been reconstructed, with two remarkable points at least: (i)<br />

the emission vent of this lava flow is placed inside Torre del<br />

Greco, in a garden of a nursing home; (ii) the Calastro lava flow,<br />

before reaching the sea, pass troughs a morphological step. This<br />

morphologic climbs has interpreted to the continuation towards<br />

_____________________________<br />

Geological mapping inside densely populated volcanic areas.<br />

The example of Torre del Greco and Ercolano (Vesuvius)<br />


(*) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse CNR Pisa,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Università Federico II, Napoli<br />

(•) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, sezione di Pisa<br />

295<br />

North-West of the morphologic high from the Castello of Torre<br />

del Greco. These morphologic anomalies represent how much<br />

remains of a coast top-line. This coast line has been, tentatively,<br />

attributed in this work to the main phase of the Versilian<br />

transgression (approximately 5600 Y BP). All the two medieval<br />

lavas outcropping in the studied area (or Calastro that the<br />

neighbor lava flow of “Scogli <strong>della</strong> Scala”) have had to exceed<br />

this climb before reaching the sea. Successively the morphology<br />

of the coast has been partially flattened from the arrival of the<br />

pyroclastic flows of the eruption of 1631, than have interposed<br />

between a tap and the other and whose covered towards sea it has<br />

been in the present job controlled and confronted with the<br />

historical record opportunely analyzed.<br />

Another incoherence between the historical cartography and<br />

the job of PRINCIPE et alii (2004) was the medieval age (eruption<br />

of 1006-07) of lava flow found near the “Vesuvius Café”, a tap<br />

that in the map of Hon 1861 turned out attributed to the eruption<br />

of 1697. Taken care of a re-examination of the historical<br />

descriptions of the eruption of 1697 (e.g. in SORRENTINO, 1739)<br />

and the course of the lavas, and the on field evidences, has<br />

allowed to carry out a new cartography of 1797 lavas, that in<br />

reality finished its race hardly to the escape of Fosso <strong>dei</strong> Cervi,<br />

than of medieval lava flow of the Vesuvius Café, that arrested its<br />

flow against the morphologic relief of the Calastro vent.<br />

Holding in consideration also the positioning of tectonic<br />

trends present in this area and particularly the so-called “Faglia di<br />

Torre del Greco” described for the first time into the geological<br />

literature by FINETTI &MORELLI (19765), from our job results the<br />

picture of a zone of strong structural weakness, where a sure<br />

number of eruptions at least in the last 2000 years has opened<br />

eccentric mouths from witch lava flows outpoured, interesting a<br />

territory today strongly inhabited. The last one of these eruptions<br />

in time order is the eruption of the 1861 of which Luigi Palmieri<br />

described and mapped not only the eruptive phenomena and the<br />

cartography of the lavas, but also the location of an impressive<br />

trend of fractures that affected the slopes of the Gran Cono<br />

Vesuviano up to the sea.<br />

Finally, if we confront the obtained geologic paper through<br />

this multidisciplinary job, with the paper at the scale 1:15,000<br />

produced by SBRANA &SANTACROCE in 2003, it turns out<br />

obvious that the risk implications that can be drawn from these<br />

two maps, that bring back a different cartography, are<br />

absolutely different. On one side the risk for the opening of<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

eruptive fractures remains confined to the Northern portion of the<br />

territory of Torre del Greco, from the other the area to risk<br />

assumes the form of the very widest one wraps that from the base<br />

of the Great Cone arrives till the sea. It is obvious, therefore, that<br />

when it is in game much screw human like in the event of the<br />

Vesuvius and more than 700,000 people who live to its feet, the<br />

maximum effort must be made in order to exceed the cultural<br />

barriers between different disciplines and face the hard and dusty<br />

work on the field that the job of the cartographer demands.<br />

Fig. 1 – Morphology of the territories comprises in the Torre del Greco and<br />

Ercolano Municipalities<br />


FINETTI I. & MORELLI C. (1976) - L'Esplorazione sismica a<br />

riflessione <strong>dei</strong> golfi di Napoli e Pozzuoli. Boll. Geof. Teor.<br />

App., 16, 175-221.<br />


&ZOPPI U. (1976) – Chronology of the Vesuvius activity from<br />

A.D. 79 to 1631 based on archaeomagnetism of lavas and<br />

historical sources. B. Volcanol., 66, 703-724.<br />

SBRANA A. & SANTACROCE R. (EDS) (2003) – Carta geologica<br />

del Vesuvio. Scala 1:15.000. S.E.L.C.A., Firenze.<br />

SORRENTINO I. (1739) – Istoria del Monte Vesuvio. Napoli,<br />

Severinbi, 228.<br />


Employment of portable gamma-ray spectrometer in survey and mapping of<br />

intrusive complexes: a case study from the Buddusò pluton (Sardinia)<br />

Key words: Buddusò pluton, portable gamma-ray spectrometer,<br />

radioactivity, Sardinia-Corsica Batholith.<br />

This work illustrates the preliminary data concerning the<br />

employment of a portable gamma-ray spectrometer in survey and<br />

mapping of intrusive complexes.<br />

To discriminate among different intrusions, which are<br />

generated from different magmatic pulse in composite batholiths<br />

made up of coalescent plutons, is not an easy task, particularly if<br />

different intrusions with similar petrofacies come into contact.<br />

Fig. 1 – Portable gamma-ray spectrometer.<br />



However, if textural and modal features are indistinguishable, the<br />

only effective way able to discriminate such intrusions is the<br />

chemical analysis of trace element, the cost of which is rarely<br />

sustainable when the aim of the survey is the production of a<br />

geological or thematic (dimension stone) map.<br />

For this purpose a portable gamma-ray spectrometer at the<br />

National Lab of Legnaro (INFN) was developed. The equipment<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Botaniche, Ecologiche e Geologiche –<br />

Università di Sassari,<br />

(°) Dipartimento di Fisica – Università di Ferrara<br />

(**) Centro di Geotecnologie – Università di Siena<br />

297<br />

consists of one liter thallium-activated sodium iodide scintillator<br />

[NaI(Tl)], digiBASE by ORTEC and a netbook which manages<br />

also humidity and temperature sensors. By using the Jradview<br />

software is possible to process the data in real time and to<br />

determine uranium and thorium (in ppm), expressed as equivalent<br />

units, and potassium concentration (in %) as well as total activity<br />

expressed in Bq kg -1 . Following the IAEA guidelines (IAEA-<br />

TECDOC-1363 (2003)), the gamma-ray spectroscopic analysis is<br />

performed by monitoring three spectral windows: 1.37-1.57 MeV<br />

for 40 K , 1.66-1.86 MeV for 214 Bi and 2.41-2.81 MeV for 208 Tl.<br />

The concentrations of U/Th are estimated by 214 Bi/ 208 Tl<br />

decays, under the assumption that the U and Th decay series are<br />

in secular equilibrium. This occurs when the parent half life is<br />

much longer than the daughter half life and then the number of<br />

atoms of a daughter isotope essentially becomes constant after<br />

some time. Two conditions are necessary for secular equilibrium.<br />

First, the parent radionuclide ( 238 U/ 232 Th) must have a half-life<br />

much longer than that of any other radionuclide in the series.<br />

Second, a sufficiently long period of time must have elapsed, to<br />

allow for ingrowth of the decay products. The state of secular<br />

equilibrium in natural uranium and thorium ores is significantly<br />

altered when they are processed to extract specific radionuclides,<br />

in particular Ra and Rn.<br />

Assuming secular equilibrium we aimed to test the usefulness<br />

of this tool in geological mapping and in the identification of<br />

coalescent plutons which form the batholiths. The handiness of<br />

the instrument, the possibility of in situ measurement and, above<br />

all, the immediacy of the results in the outcrop, may be of<br />

considerable advantage in the expeditious survey of intrusive<br />

complexes.<br />

Sardinia is an ideal testing area because a large portion of the<br />

Sardinia-Corsica Batholith is well exposed, consisting of several<br />

coalescent intrusions which often are very similar from textural<br />

and compositional point of view.<br />

A campaign of measures on different intrusions and on their<br />

internal facies was therefore carried out. The acquired data<br />

highlighted that similar petrological facies of different plutons<br />

showed substantially different values of the considered nuclides.<br />

At the same time measurements made on slightly different facies<br />

belonging the same pluton showed comparable values.<br />

We decided to focuse the tests on the Buddusò pluton and its<br />

host intrusions. The Buddusò pluton (BRUNETON &ORSINI, 1977;<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

Fig. 2 – K-eTh and K-eU graphs. P: Pattada Pluton; C: Concas Pluton; BE: Benetutti pluton; L: M.te Lerno Pluton; SC: Sos Canales Pluton; T: Alà <strong>dei</strong> Sardi-Tepilora<br />

Pluton; BU: Buddusò Pluton (vertical lines: tonalites-granodiorites; horizontal lines: monzogranites – leucomonzogranites).<br />

ORSINI &FERNANDEZ, 1987; BARBEY et alii, 2008) is a relatively<br />

small intrusion (about 70 km 2 ), with an internal structure of<br />

concentric shells which shows a normal magmatic differentiation<br />

from tonalitic-granodioritic facies in the external shell to<br />

monzogranitic and leucomonzogranitic facies in the core. This<br />

pluton is surrounded by the Concas, Sos Canales, Benetutti,<br />

Monte Lerno, Pattada and Alà <strong>dei</strong> Sardi-Tepilora plutons which<br />

range from the tonalities-granodiorites to leucomonzogranites.<br />

All the acquired measurements were plotted on K-eTh and KeU<br />

graphs which showed that the data arrange themselves<br />

forming populations corresponding to the different plutons (Fig.<br />

2).<br />

Taking into account only the Buddusò values, we noted that:<br />

- an internal subdivision is present which corresponds to the<br />

different petrological terms that constitute the intrusion (tonalitesgranodiorites<br />

and monzogranites-leucomonzogranites);<br />

- there is a direct correlation from tonalites to<br />

leucomonzogranites and K and eU abundance. Instead the<br />

abundance of eTh appears less correlated;<br />

- measurements made close to the contacts between different<br />

facies of the intrusion show transitional values between those of<br />

tonalitic-granodioritic and monzogranitic facies, whereas an<br />

appreciable differences rise between monzogranitic and<br />

leucomonzogranitic terms.<br />

Conversely the granodiorites and tonalites of the Pattada<br />

intrusive unit, which are similar and seems continuous with the<br />

Buddusò intrusion, show meaningful difference in K/U and,<br />

particularly in K/Th ratios. As for the monzogranites and<br />

leucomonzogranites striking differences rise between the similar<br />

terms of Buddusò and P.ta Tepilora, M.te Lerno, Concas and<br />

Benetutti granites which as supposed belong to different intrusive<br />

pulses.<br />

This first experimental test seems to encourage the<br />

employment of portable gamma-ray spectrometer as an aid in the<br />

expeditious survey of intrusive complexes. In fact our data show<br />

that K, eU and eTh concentrations of cogenetic facies (belonging<br />

298<br />

the same pluton) are similar. Conversely, granitoids showing<br />

similar petrofacies but belonging to different intrusive units, show<br />

different concentration of the three considered nuclides.<br />


BARBEY P., GASQUET D., PIN C. & BOURGEIX A.L. (2008) -<br />

Igneous banding, schlieren and mafic enclaves in calcalkaline<br />

granites: the Budduso pluton (Sardinia). Lithos, 104,<br />

145-163.<br />

BRUNETON P. & ORSINI J.B. (1977) - Le massif granitique de<br />

Budduso: une seule intrusion de type zoné concentrique.<br />

Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 284, 151-154.<br />

ORSINI J.B. & FERNANDEZ A. (1987) - Signification de la<br />

discordance structurale entre fluidalité magmatique et<br />

zonalité pétrographique dans les intrusions de granitoides:<br />

l’exemple de l’intrusion de Budduso. Compt. Rend. Acad.<br />

Sci. Paris, 304, 993-996.<br />

IAEA-TECDOC-1363 (2003) - Guidelines for radioelement<br />

mapping using gamma ray spectrometry data.

The new geological map of the San Pietro Island (Sardinia, Italy)<br />


Key words: CARG project, San Pietro Island, welded<br />

ignimbrites.<br />

The new 1:50,000 geological map of San Pietro Island<br />

(Sardinia, Italy), prepared in the framework of the CARG project,<br />

is presented here. San Pietro Island (SPI) is located 7 km at the<br />

south-western tips of Sardinia, and it is part of the Sulcis<br />

archipelago, along with S. Antioco and minor islets. It is<br />

completely formed by volcanic terrains (TARICCO, 1934) from the<br />

Sulcis Volcanic District (SVD). Volcanic activity in the SVD is<br />

represented by a succession more than 500 m thick (ASSORGIA et<br />

alii, 1990; MORRA et alii, 1994), and related deposits have been<br />

grouped into a Lower Sequence and an Upper Sequence (MORRA<br />

et alii,1994):<br />

1) The Lower Sequence dates back to 28.4-17.0 Ma<br />

(BECCALUVA et alii, 1985; MORRA et alii, 1994). It is dominated<br />

by calc-alkaline basaltic to intermediate lavas and subordinate<br />

pyroclastics erupted from vents located in the southern part of the<br />

SVD (Carbonia, Narcao, Giba and southern S. Antioco Island).<br />

2) The Upper Sequence is dated between 17.6 and 13.8<br />

(MORRA et alii, 1994) or between 18.6 and 15.1 Ma (PASCI et<br />

alii, 2001). Volcanic activity was characterized by the emission<br />

of large-volume dacitic to rhyolitic ash flows with calc-alkaline to<br />

peralkaline affinity, and subordinate peralkaline lavas (ASSORGIA<br />

et alii, 1990, MORRA et alii, 1994).<br />

The volcanic products cropping out on the SPI were<br />

subaerially emplaced during Langhian (Middle Miocene),<br />

probably in a time span of about 1 Ma starting from 15.8 Ma<br />

(PIOLI & ROSI, 2005). They mainly consist of large volume<br />

ignimbrites and by minor volumes of comenditic lava flows, and<br />

epiclastic deposits. The general stratigraphy of the SPI was first<br />

described by TARICCO (1934) and revisited by GARBARINO et alii<br />

(1985, 1990). The SPI succession includes 11, mainly high-grade<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Progetto CARG–Sardegna, Cagliari<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Cagliari,<br />,<br />

(°) INGV, sezione di Pisa<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto CARG con il <strong>contributo</strong><br />

finanziario dell’Università di Cagliari.<br />

299<br />

ignimbrites, separated by paleosoils and minor, not very extended<br />

pyroclastic and epiclastic products. This volcanic succession can<br />

be well related to the Upper Sequence of SVD successions and<br />

has been subdivided into three Groups (MUNDULA et alii, 2009):<br />

M. Sirai, Cala Lunga and Punta delle Colonne.<br />

The geological peculiarity of the island is the presence of a<br />

peralkaline rhyolitic lavic and ignimbritic succession, interlayered<br />

within the products of the regionally extended calc-alkaline<br />

activity. The most interesting volcanic products at SPI are<br />

represented by variously welded ignimbrites and comenditic lava<br />

flows. No vents or caldera related to the Upper Sequence are<br />

exposed in the SVD, except for some effusive vents on the SPI.<br />

Volcanic products of the SPI offer very good expositions and<br />

uncommon well preserved textures both at the meso- and microscale.<br />

There is no evidence of significant tectonics affecting<br />

volcanic deposits. Only a limited vertical faulting with a<br />

maximum downthrow of 40 m and a tilting not larger than 10°<br />

were recognized to affect the geology of SPI. These conditions<br />

facilitate an in-depth study of the vertical and lateral variations in<br />

welding and syn-deposition deformational textures of the large<br />

ignimbrite deposits.<br />

The high variability of welding intensity of ignimbrites from<br />

SPI allowed to test a simplified method for microscopic facies<br />

classification. This method (MUNDULA et alii, 2009) can be used<br />

for the lithological characterization of ignimbritic units in other<br />

mapping projects.<br />



OTTELLI L. & SECCHI F.A. (1990) - Le successioni<br />

ignimbritiche terziarie del Sulcis (Sardegna sud-occidentale).<br />

Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 45, 951-963.<br />


- Geocronology in Sardinia: results and problems. Rend. Soc.<br />

Min. Petrol. It., 40, 57-72.<br />

GARBARINO C., MACCIONI L. & SALVADORI I. (1985) - Carta<br />

geopetrografica dell’Isola di San Pietro. S.EL.CA, Firenze.<br />


Isola di San Pietro Carloforte. Cenni di <strong>geologia</strong> e<br />

vulcanologia. Della Torre Eds., Cagliari 67 pp..<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

MORRA V., SECCHI F.A. & ASSORGIA A. (1994) - Petrogenetic<br />

significance of peralkaline rocks from cenozoic calc-alkaline<br />

volcanism from SW Sardinia. Chemi. Geol., 118, 109-142.<br />

MUNDULA F., CIONI R. & RIZZO R. (2009) - A simplified scheme<br />

for the description of textural features in welded ignimbrites:<br />

the example of San Pietro Island (Sardinia; Italy). Boll. Soc.<br />

Geol. It., 128 (3), 615-627.<br />


LAURENZI M. (2001) - Tettonica e vulcanismo miocenici nel<br />

Sulcis (Sardegna SW). Geoitalia, III FIST Meeting, 5-8<br />

September 2001 Chieti (Italy).<br />

PIOLI L. & ROSI M. (2005) - Rheomorphic structures in highgrade<br />

ignimbrite: The Nuraxi Tuff, Sulcis volcanic district<br />

(SW Sardinia, Italy). J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 142 (1-2),<br />

11-28.<br />

TARICCO M. (1934) - Geologia del foglio Isola di San Pietro-<br />

Capo Sperone (Sardegna). Boll. R. Uff. Geol. d’It., 59 (2),1-<br />

78, Roma.<br />


___________________<br />

The Subsoil Use Atlas of Regione Toscana:<br />

2d mapping of criticalities due to normative overlaps<br />

(*) Laboratorio di Monitoraggio e Modellistica ambientale per lo sviluppo<br />

sostenibile - LaMMA,<br />

(**) Regione Toscana – Servizio Geologico Regionale,<br />,<br />


Key words: Mines, normative concessions and criticalities,<br />

quarries, springs, subsoil, subsoil use, thermal and mineral<br />

waters, web map services, well.<br />


During the last decade, the Servizio Geologico - Regione<br />

Toscana (Tuscany Geological Survey) supplied many raw<br />

geological data in digital format. The most important is the<br />

Geological Map at 1:10.000, a base for any further geological<br />

related work.<br />

The “Subsoil Use Atlas of Regione Toscana” represents one<br />

of the main interesting derived product that integrates most of the<br />

regional geological geodatabases.<br />

This Atlas permits to the decision makers to have an easy but<br />

powerful digital tool concerning the subsoil resources and their<br />

possible exploitation.<br />


The main porpouse of the Atlas is to discover areas in which<br />

different administrative concessions (geothermal, water, mines<br />

and so on) overlay each other in a way that to determine<br />

normative criticalities.<br />

The first step has been to edit a legend to define the different<br />

criticalities.<br />

Three classes of criticality have been described:<br />

- intersections between concessions of the same type or<br />

concessions involving the exploitation of the same resource;<br />

- exploitation of the resources of the second concession<br />

forbidden by the first one;<br />

- intersections between concessions of different types that<br />

involve the exploitation of different resources tied to restrictions<br />

according to the following laws: DLGS 152/06 Art. 94, LR<br />

301<br />

86/94, LR 38/04.<br />

Another class has been added concerning intersections<br />

between concessions from wich criticalities are not expected.<br />

Layers used for the project have been extracted from many<br />

georeferenced databases developed during the last years from the<br />

Geological Survey of Regione Toscana.<br />

In detail they are:<br />

- subsoil and water resources database (BDSRI). This<br />

database stores technical information about wells, abstractions of<br />

surface water, springs, stratigraphies, piezometers, chemical<br />

analysis and the like for the whole Regione Toscana. This<br />

database homogenizes data derived from many different Local<br />

Authorities. It contains information about more than 200.000<br />

georeferenced points. Only the 2277 wells and the 2822 springs<br />

flowing acqueducts are of interest for this work. Both have two<br />

strict buffer zones of 10 and 200 meters around themselves.<br />

- mineral and thermal waters database (BDCAMT): this<br />

database concerns all the administrative concessions for the<br />

exploitation of mineral and thermal waters for the whole Regione<br />

Toscana. Each concession is delimited by three concentric zones,<br />

with a different degree of constrains for area. The database<br />

contains also hydrogeological, physical and chemical parameters<br />

retrieved from technical reports attached to the concession acts.<br />

The database stores information about 71 concessions, generating<br />

205 constrain areas.<br />

- Layer regarding quarries concessions: the delimitation of<br />

quarries boundaries is an upgrading project, so that this layer is<br />

updated whenever a Province provides new information.<br />

Presently this layer contains 384 polygons.<br />

- Layer regarding mines concessions: in Tuscany there are no<br />

mines still expoloited. Concessions are active only to secure the<br />

area. This layer contains 37 polygons.<br />

- Layer of 8 geothermal concessions.<br />

All the layers and data described above have been collected<br />

into a new Postgresql/Postgis database.<br />

As known Postgis is the spatial extension to “the world's most<br />

advanced database”, Postgresql. An SQL script has been edited<br />

concerning all the possible spatial intersections between the<br />

different constrain zones. Then, the script creates 4 new layers<br />

one for each criticality.<br />

In this way, whenever a layer changes (e.g. the quarries layer),<br />

running the SQL script again allows to obtain an uptdated layer.<br />

Next table shows the number of intersections for each class<br />


SESSIONE 9<br />

Fig. 1 – example of multiple intersections between concessions of the same type and concessions of different type (see text)<br />

according to the legend described before:<br />

Intersection but no criticality 38<br />

Criticality 1 23<br />

Criticality 2 2<br />

Criticality 3 356<br />

The relevant number in the last class is mostly due to wells<br />

and springs.<br />

In Fig.1 an example of multiple intersections between<br />

concessions is depicted: intersections of the same type (mines),<br />

and different ones (mines and thermal and mineral waters).<br />

Intersection 1 - Sant'Albino mine concession, painted as the<br />

dark grey irregular area, intersects Acquapuzzola Villa Contucci<br />

mine concession, brown (and red) area. The first concession is<br />

completely inside the second one. The criticality is between two<br />

concessions of the same type. These two concessions should not<br />

live together.<br />

Intersection 2 - Acquapuzzola Villa Contucci mine concession<br />

intersects Sant'Albino Thermal and Mineral Water concession<br />

(dark green). The area of intersection is the red one. Neither these<br />

two concessions should live togheter.<br />

Intersection 3 - Sant'Albino mine concession and Sant'Albino<br />

Thermal and Mineral Water concession. These two concessions<br />

302<br />

should not overlap, too.<br />

Next step was the development of an Internet Map Service<br />

retrievable at the following address:<br /><br />


The acquifers of Regione Toscana are under definition as<br />

reported in another paper submitted to the proceedings of this<br />

congress. At the moment no criticalities are provided for these<br />

areas, a sharp description of restrictions and related forbidden<br />

activities is expected in a close future. So this layer will be part of<br />

the project as soon as the acquifers will have normative<br />

relevance.<br />

Another development will be the addition of the third<br />

dimension to permit a three-dimensional perspective. The third<br />

dimension will be take in the Internet Map Service too, according<br />

to the OGC standard “Web Perspective View Service”.

SESSIONE 10<br />

I vincoli geologico-strutturali nelle ricostruzioni<br />

dell'evoluzione cinematica <strong>della</strong> catena alpinoappenninica-maghrebide<br />


Sabina Bigi (Università Roma "La Sapienza")<br />

Giovanni Musumeci (Università di Pisa)<br />

Enrico Tavarnelli (Università di Siena)<br />

Andrea Zanchi (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca)<br />

303<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

Time-space evolution of a near-classic thrust and fold belt in the<br />

outer part of the Northern Apennines<br />


Key words: Thin skinned tectonics, thrust and fold belts, Umbria-<br />

Marche Apennines.<br />

The Umbria-Marche Apennines (UMA) are an arc-shaped<br />

fold-thrust belt, with eastward convexity and vergence,<br />

representing the outer part of the Northern Apennines. In the late<br />

1980’s, the UMA was interpreted by several authors (e.g. BALLY<br />

et alii, 1986) as a typical thin-skinned thrust belt, whose thrusts<br />

were emplaced in an in-sequence, piggy-back mode, over an<br />

undeformed basement, gently dipping towards the hinterland (i.e.<br />

SW-dipping). The basal décollement (sole thrust), separating the<br />

thrust sheets from the underlying basement, would be located<br />

within a 1500 thick succession of alternated anhydrites and<br />

dolomites (the Late Triassic Burano Fm.).<br />

In this paper we re-examine the tectono-sedimentary evolution<br />

of the UMA, mainly on the basis of: seismic reflection profiles,<br />

imaging the subsurface setting of the thrust belt; stratigraphic<br />

data, constraining the time-space evolution of the syntectonic<br />

foreland basins; and geomorphic observations, such as presentday<br />

topography and evolution of the fluvial network.<br />

We compare the time-space evolution of the UMA tectonic<br />

wedge with the classic model of thin-skinned tectonics, which<br />

describes the steady-state growth of a critical-taper fold-thrust<br />

belt, advancing over an undeformed basement. Considering both<br />

geological and geomorphological features, the UMA can be<br />

divided into two major regions, here named the Eastern UMA<br />

and Western UMA, with a boundary at the western margin of the<br />

main Apennine ridge, passing through Cantiano and Foligno.<br />

Our analysis shows that the Eastern UMA, comprising the<br />

main Apennine ridge and the outer (eastern) ridges and foothills,<br />

generally fits the critical taper model: in fact, moving from the<br />

foreland (NE) towards the hinterland (SW), both the structural<br />

and topographic elevations increase, while the top of the<br />

basement deepens from about 5 to about 12 km. In contrast, the<br />

Western UMA is a topographically and structurally low region,<br />

where Tertiary turbidites extensively crop out and the basement is<br />

much shallower (about 6 km) than below the adjacent and<br />

easternmost mountain ridge.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Perugia,<br /><br />

(**) University of California, Berkeley<br />

304<br />

We also collected and analysed the available stratigraphic and<br />

sedimentological data about the syntectonic clastic wedges of<br />

UMA. Considering these data in detail, we found a major<br />

discontinuity in the evolution and eastward migration of the<br />

foreland basins: in fact there is a jump in the migration of the<br />

foredeep, from Inner Umbria (Late Miocene Marnoso-Arenacea<br />

fm.) to the Marche Foothills (Pliocene-present sediments). This<br />

discontinuity is related to the rise of the Apennines ridge,<br />

occurred during the Tortonian-Messinian time interval.<br />

Summarizing, the departures of the UMA fold-thrust belt<br />

from the classic model are due to the presence of discontinuities<br />

in the depth to basement, the migration history of the foredeep,<br />

and the elevation of the topographic surface. All these<br />

discontinuities occur at the same geographic location (at the<br />

boundary between the Western and the Eastern UMA) and they<br />

possibly reflect the same event, i.e. the rise of an anticlinorial<br />

ridge that was higher than might have been expected, based on<br />

the previously occurred deformation of the Western UMA.<br />

In order to explain the described discontinuities, a wide range<br />

of causative processes can be invoked, that may also have acted<br />

simultaneously. These causes span from “local” (or internal)<br />

causes, related to the thrust belt stratigraphy and evolution, to<br />

“regional” (or external) causes, related to the geodynamic<br />

framework where the thrust belt is formed.<br />

Local causes may include: the effects of surface transport<br />

processes (i.e. syntectonic sedimentation and erosion); the<br />

propagation of the thrust system to deeper structural levels,<br />

involving the upper part of the basement; the effects of tectonic<br />

inheritance on the localization and/or amplification of<br />

contractional structures during mountain building (e.g. BUTLER et<br />

alii, 2006). Regional causes may include the activity of thrusts at<br />

lithospheric scale (LAVECCHIA et alii, 2003); or, in a completely<br />

different geodynamic scenario, different stages of evolution of the<br />

West dipping subduction of the Adriatic slab (e.g. FACCENNA et<br />

alii, 2001).<br />

Finally, some Authors (e.g. DOGLIONI et alii, 1998; BARCHI et<br />

alii, 1998) hypothesized that the Northern Apennines actually<br />

consist of two superposed thrust belts, generated by different<br />

driving mechanisms: the former thrust belt (Etruscan belt), would<br />

be generated as a back-verging response to the collision between<br />

the Alps and the Adriatic lithosphere. The second thrust belt<br />

(Umbrian belt) would be related to the subsequent roll-back and<br />

retreat of the Adriatic litosphere. In this scenario, the low region

of the Western UMA would represent the border between the two<br />

different mountain buildings, which the Northern Apennines<br />

consists of.<br />



Balanced sections and seismic reflection profiles across the<br />

Central Apennines. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 35, 257-310.<br />

BARCHI M.R., MINELLI G&PIALLI G. (1998) – The Crop 03<br />

profile: a synthess of results on deep structures of the<br />

Northern Apennines. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 52, 383-400.<br />

BUTLER R.W.H., TAVERNELLI E. & GRASSO M. (2006) –<br />

Structural inheritance in mountain belts: An Alpine-Apennine<br />

perspective. J. Str. Geol., 28, 1893-1908.<br />

DOGLIONI C. et alii (2001) – The Crop 03 profile: a synthess of<br />

results on deep structures of the Northern Apennines. Mem.<br />

Soc. Geol. It., 52, 383-400<br />


ROSSETTI F. (2001) – History of subduction and back-arc<br />

extension in the Central Mediterranean. Geoph. J. Int., 145,<br />

809-820.<br />


Some aspects of th Italian geology not fitting with a<br />

subduction scenario. J. Virtual Explorer, 10, 1-14.<br />

305<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

Kinematic and timing constraints of the Villalvernia-Varzi line at the<br />

Apennine-Alpine boundary<br />

Key words: Epiligurian Basin, Oligo-Miocene, tectonics,<br />

Tertiary Piedmonte Basin, Villalvernia-Varzi line.<br />

The Villalvernia-Varzi line represents the boundary<br />

between the Tertiary Piedmont Basin, to the south and the<br />

Epiligurian Succession to the north.<br />

According to the seismic and geophysical data, this line has<br />

been interpreted as a high-angle reverse fault along which the<br />

Ligurian units with the unconformable Tertiary Piedmont Basin<br />

at the top thrust the units of the Northern Apennine belt during<br />

the Middle-Late Miocene.<br />

Over 90s the Villalvernia-Varzi line has been interpreted as<br />

a left-lateral strike-slip fault, which, together with the Insubric<br />

line, allowed the indentation of the Adria Plate toward the west<br />

during the Oligo-Miocene.<br />

Despite the relevance of this line for the understanding of<br />

the Alps-Apennine relationships, the field-data able to provide<br />

valuable constraints for the kinematics and timing are almost<br />

lacking.<br />

In this work the results of the study of the Villalvernia-<br />

Varzi line are described starting from a geological-structural<br />

survey performed at detailed scale, from 1:5.000 to 1:2000.<br />

The Villalvernia-Varzi line occurs, in the field, as several<br />

kilometers thick, est-west trending deformation zone, where a<br />

complex arrays of sub-vertical shear zones separate less<br />

deformed areas. The sub-vertical shear zones are represented<br />

by foliated cataclasites showing variable thickness from a few<br />

centimeters to over a meter. The foliated cataclasites are<br />

characterized by a shaly matrix with well developed S-C<br />

surfaces, showing inside boudins of more competent<br />

lithologies. In the map, the orientation of these shear zones<br />

describe a complex Riedel system with R, R’ and P surfaces,<br />

that occur in the field as shiny surfaces where striae and<br />

slickenlines indicate a sinistral shear sense of movement. The<br />

main foliation, which can interpreted as P foliation, is mainly<br />

oriented N120E-N140E and form an angle of about 30° with<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa,<br /><br />

(°) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, CNR<br />

306<br />

the main direction of the Villalvernia-Varzi line, which is eastwest<br />

trending.<br />

In most of the outcrops, the developement of anastomosing<br />

shear zones isolate lenses of less deformed material. The rockstypes<br />

enclosed between the shear zones can be classified into<br />

two main groups:<br />

1) coherent elements, made up of rock derived from the<br />

Tertiary Piedmont Basin and/or Epiligure Succession, where<br />

original lithology can be still recognized.<br />

2) mélange elements, consisting of a block-in-matrix<br />

texture. The matrix is generally deformed and characterized by<br />

a well developed scaly-fabric.<br />

In order to characterize in detail the rocks involved in the<br />

deformation zone and to identify the possible origin from<br />

adjacent areas, rocks and clasts from the deformed zone have<br />

been analyzed using the contents in calcareous nannofossili.<br />

The blocks (ranging from the ruditic up to the boulder size) are<br />

polygenic and derive from rocks belonging to the Tertiary<br />

Piedmont Basin and/or Epiligure Succession and from<br />

calcilutites referable to Maastrichtian Helminthoid Flysch (cfr.<br />

Antola Fm. and Cassio Fm.) and Hauterivian-Barremian<br />

Palombini Shale.<br />

The younger age recognized in the elements of the<br />

deformed zone is the middle Rupelian (biozone MNP23) while<br />

the deformed zone is sealed by the unconformable deposits of<br />

the Burdigalian-Serravalian Epiligurian Succession (Lumello<br />

Marl and M.V<strong>alla</strong>ssa Sandstone,).<br />

This data support the idea that the fault zone that developed<br />

the mélange elements was active at the Oligocene-Miocene<br />

boundary with a sinistral shear sense. Evidences of younger<br />

post-Miocene reactivation phases are recognized, but they are<br />

represented by minor strike-slip subvertical faults with<br />

displacement of few meters.<br />

Finally, the collected data point out to an important role of<br />

the Villalvernia-Varzi line only in a short time span, i.e. at the<br />

Oligocene-Miocene boundary, during a major reorganization of<br />

the domains at the boundary between the Alpine and Apennine<br />


__________________<br />

Transpressive evolution of the Ligurian Alps - Northern Apennines<br />

system – 2: a perspective from the Northern Apennines<br />




Key words: Northern Apennines, transpression, Western Alps.<br />


The convergent evolution of the European and Adriatic<br />

continental margins of the Liguria-Piemonte ocean, has been<br />

thought by some Authors (SCHOLLE, 1970; SCANDONE, 1979;<br />

PRINCIPI & TREVES, 1984) as partitioned into two distinct<br />

branches with peculiar geometric and kinematic characters . The<br />

northern branch was characterized by an east dipping (“Alpine”)<br />

subduction, while the southern one by a west dipping<br />

(“Apenninic”) subduction.<br />

From the kinematic point of view, this interpretation, that<br />

explains a large amount of geological observations, implies the<br />

presence of a regional transfer zone (active for several tens<br />

millions years) between these opposite-dipping branches of the<br />

Liguria-Piemonte realm. This transfer zone, was assumed to run<br />

at the northern-eastern boundary of the Western Ligurian Alps,<br />

and in the region between these units and the Northern<br />

Apennines.<br />

In this region, the occurrence of strike-slip or transpressional<br />

tectonics since the Cretaceous up to Late Miocene times is largely<br />

documented by recent data and re-interpretation of large data sets<br />

on the Western and Eastern Ligurian Alps sectors and in the<br />

Tertiary Piemonte basin, as well as on the external boundary of<br />

the Ligurian units of Northern Apennines and their adjacent<br />

Miocene foredeep basins of the Emilia Apennines (CERRINA<br />

FERONI, 1988; CERRINA FERONI et alii, 2004).<br />

Oblique convergent evolution of both european and adriatic<br />

margins of the southern branch of the Liguria-Piemonte ocean is<br />

suggested, to justify a consequent development of several enechelon<br />

kinematic transfer zones, developed distinctly through<br />

(°°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Torino<br />

(°) CNR - Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, Torino,<br />

(*) CNR - Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, Pisa<br />

307<br />

Cretaceous-Early Miocene times, that could be envisaged, as a<br />

whole, as the regional kinematic transfer required by the model.<br />

As a major consequence, the presence of a single, precisely<br />

located, transfer zone between Ligurian Alps and Northern<br />

Apennines is not necessary if a transpressive-transtensive<br />

evolutionary model for the whole Alps-Apennines junction zone<br />

is suggested.<br />

This topic will be discussed in two separate contributions,<br />

examining the problem respectively from the "Alpine" and<br />

"Apennines" point of view.<br />

The first contribution regards the Ligurian Alps perspective<br />

on the problem, while the second contribution focuses on the<br />

Apennines perspective.<br />


This contribution illustrates data and interpretation of the<br />

Cretaceous-Early Miocene tectono-sedimentary evolution of<br />

Western Ligurian Alps at the transition zone between the<br />

Dauphinois and Ligurian Brianconnais domain, where evidences<br />

of pre-Alpine transcurrent tectonics are reported and where<br />

poorly to non-metamorphic Ligurian sedimentary units<br />

(Helminthoides Flysch) are involved within transpressive Alpine<br />

shear zones (PIANA et alii, 2009). Furthermore, the subsurface<br />

and surface structures at the northern boundary of Ligurian Alps<br />

are described, where Ligurian meta-ophiolites are in contact with<br />

Helminthoides Flysch and with the Oligo-Miocene succession of<br />

the syn-orogenic Tertiary Piemonte Basin (MOSCA et alii, 2009).<br />


CERRINA FERONI A. (1988) – La duplicazione <strong>della</strong> catena a<br />

falde, per trascorrenza longitudinale, nell'Appennino<br />

settentrionale: una soluzione alternativa. Rend. Soc. Geol.<br />

It., 11, 325-328.<br />

CERRINA FERONI A., OTTRIA G. & ELLERO A. (2004) – The<br />

Northern Apennine, Italy: geological structure and<br />

transpressive evolution. In: U. Crescenti, S. D’Offizi, S.<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

Merlini and L. Sacchi (Eds.) - Geology of Italy - Special<br />

Volume of the Italian Geological Society for the IGC 32<br />

Florence – 2004, 15-32.<br />

MOSCA P, .POLINO R., ROGLEDI S& ROSSI M. (2009) - New data<br />

for the kinematic interpretation of the Alps–Apennines<br />

junction (Northwestern Italy) Int. J. Earth Sci (Geol.<br />

Rundsch.) DOI 10.1007/S00531-009-0428-2<br />


PEROTTI E., VARRONE D., MARTINOTTI G. (2009) – New data<br />

on post-Eocene tectonic evolution of the External<br />

Brianconnais (Western Ligurian Alps). J. Geosc., (Boll. Soc.<br />

Geol. It.), 128, 2, 353-366, DOI 10.3301 /<br />

IJG.2009.128.2.353.<br />

PRINCIPI G. & TREVES B. (1984) – <strong>Il</strong> sistema Corso-Appenninico<br />

come prisma di accrezione. Riflessioni sul problema generale<br />

del limite Alpi Appennini. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 28, 548-576.<br />

SCANDONE P. (1979) – Origin of the Tyrrhenian Sea and<br />

Calabrian Arc. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 98, 27-34.<br />

SCHOLLE P.A. (1970) – The Sestri-Voltaggio line: a transform<br />

fault induced tectonic boundary between the Alps and the<br />

Apennines. Am. J. Sci., 269, 343-359.<br />


The complex lithosphere structure of Central Apennines as revealed<br />

by combined Tomographic and Receiver Functions images<br />

Key words: Central Apennines, Tomography, Receiver<br />

Functions.<br />


The Apennines of Italy is a manifest example of a complex<br />

tectonic environment. As part of the Mediterranean Alpine belt,<br />

it results from the emergence of the accretionary wedge formed<br />

during the westward subduction of the Adriatic slab after the<br />

consumption of the Tethys ocean.<br />

In this study, we use the techniques of Receiver Functions<br />

and Tomography to describe the features in central Apennines,<br />

from the very peculiar anomalies found in the crust, to the<br />

lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB). Results are shown<br />

along transects across the belt, from the Tyrrhenian to the<br />

Adriatic Sea.<br />

The application of these two different and independent<br />

techniques yields new and original information on P- and Svelocities,<br />

relevant to improve our understanding of the<br />

tectonic environment.<br />

We document strong lateral and vertical heterogeneities in<br />

the crust, that define shallow sheets of the Mesozoic cover that<br />

overlay high Vp and high Vs bodies interpreted as either<br />

dolomitic or partially hydrated mafic rocks.<br />

These bodies are likely involved in the evolution of the<br />

thrust-and-fold belt. Except for a low Vs layer located above<br />

the Moho interface, the crust is characterized by unusually high<br />

Vs values. These high Vs anomalous bodies, partially<br />

associated with high Vp, may be related to sheets of lower crust<br />

and mantle material involved in the crustal roots of the chain.<br />

The low Vs layer located above the Moho may be a<br />

consequence of the presence of fluids released by the hydrated<br />

_________________________<br />



(*) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione CNT<br /><br />

(°) Università di Bologna<br />

309<br />

upper mantle. The Tyrrhenian mantle shows low velocities<br />

from the Moho to about 80-100 km depth, making the LAB<br />

almost transparent; towards the belt axis the LAB interface<br />

becomes more pronounced and it is clearly delineated in the<br />

external Adria domain.<br />

Here the Moho is located at about 22-24 km and the mantle<br />

displays high S-wave velocities.<br />

The features just described testify for an extremely complex<br />

lithosphere structure, not easily reconcilable with classical and<br />

simple models of westward subduction of Adria, and the<br />

inherited structure of the Tethys passive margin may have<br />

played a role in the evolution of the Apennines wedge.<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

Evolution of the Oligocene-Miocene foredeep successions in the<br />

Toscana-Umbria area: constraints from stratigraphical,<br />

biostratigraphical and petrographical data<br />

Key words: Foredeep successions, Macigno Fm., Marnoso-<br />

Arenacea umbra Fm., Montagnaccia Fm., Northern<br />

Apennine.<br />


The analyses of the Oligo-Miocene siliciclastic deposits of the<br />

Northern Apennine thrust-and-fold belt are a useful tool to<br />

recontruct collisional and post-collisional stages connected with<br />

the building of the chain.<br />

The Northern Apennines evolution is characterized since the<br />

Late Oligocene by a continous migration of the thrust beltforeland<br />

system associated to the development of thick foredeep<br />

turbidite successions (the Late Oligocene - Early Miocene<br />

Macigno Fm. and the Middle to Late Miocene Marnoso-Arenacea<br />

Fm). Whereas the features of these deposits are well known, less<br />

information are available about their transition, whose remnants<br />

are well exposed in the Tuscany-Umbria area.<br />

In this paper, an integrated approach on the Oligocene-<br />

Miocene foredeep successions outcropping in the Trasimeno<br />

Lake area is proposed, in order to provide useful constraints for<br />

the regional correlations across the Northern Apennines.<br />


In the Tuscany-Umbria area three different foredeep<br />

siliciclastic successions can be identified. Their differences in age<br />

and in the arenite composition can be interpreted as the result of<br />

the shifting in space and time of the depocentre of the Oligocene-<br />

Miocene foredeep, connected with the eastward progressive<br />

migration of the thrust belt-foreland system.<br />

The oldest foredeep deposit is the Macigno Fm, cropping out<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra - Università di Pisa,<br /><br />

(°) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse – C.N.R., Pisa<br />



310<br />

in western part of the study area (Fig. 1). It belongs to two<br />

tectonic units: the western Tuscan Nappe (TN) and eastern<br />

Sansepolcro-Monte Filoncio Unit (SFU – BARSELLA et alii,<br />

2009). In the Macigno Fm, three members have been<br />

distinguished, referred, from bottom to top, as arenaceous Molin<br />

Nuovo, arenaceous-pelitic Poggio Belvedere and peliticarenaceous<br />

Lippiano members. The Macigno Fm. overlies the<br />

Scaglia Toscana Fm, characterized by Calcareniti di Dudda<br />

member, in the TN, and Filoncio member in the SFU. Its<br />

stratigraphic base becomes progressively younger eastward as<br />

suggested by the inception of the siliciclastic turbidites foredeep<br />

in Chattian age (MNP25a Biozone), in the TN, and in<br />

Chattian/Aquitanian boundary (MNN1a Biozone) in the SFU. In<br />

this area top of the Macigno Fm, is always Aquitanian in age.<br />

A fine-grained rock fragments compositional trend has been<br />

recognized in the sandstone of the Macigno Fm., In the lower part<br />

(Molin Nuovo and Poggio Belvedere p.p. members) the<br />

metamorphites and volcanic fine-grained rock fragments are<br />

dominant (Lm42-59 Lv30-38Ls+CE6-20), whereas a progressive<br />

upward decrease of the volcanic fragments characterizes the<br />

sandstones composition of the upper portion (Lippiano member),<br />

that becomes metamorphite-dominated (Lm84-99-Lv1-11-<br />

Ls+CE1-8).<br />

The Montagnaccia Fm, is the transitional foredeep succession<br />

located between the Tuscan and Umbria-Marche domains. This<br />

formation outcrops at the stratigraphic top of the Rentella Unit<br />

(BROZZETTI et alii, 2000), located between the Tuscan Nappe (at<br />

the hangingwall), and the Umbria-Romagna Unit (at the<br />

footwall).<br />

The Montagnaccia Fm, is represented by arenaceous-pelitic<br />

beds alternating with decametre intervals of thin-fine marly beds;<br />

in the lower portion a level of black cherty centimetre bands and<br />

silica-rich horizons are present, as commonly detected in all<br />

Aquitanian-Burdigalian successions of the Northern Apennine.<br />

These foredeep siliciclastic deposits Aquitanian-Burdigalian in<br />

age (MNN1d/MNN2a Biozones) have a fine-grained rock<br />

fragments compositional mode Lm52-78Lv2-10Ls+CE12-45,<br />

comparable with that of Marnoso-Arenacea Fm, of Alpine<br />


Fig. 1 – Structural sketch-map of Tuscan-Umbria area and related<br />

geological cross-section A-B. (1) Calcareniti di Dudda member: Poggioni<br />

lithofacies; (2) Calcareniti di Dudda member: Montanare lithofacies; (3)<br />

Montagnaccia Fm.: cherthy lithofacies.<br />

The Montagnaccia Fm, lies stratigraphically above a foreland<br />

succession consisting of Rupelian-Aquitanian (MNP24-MNN1d<br />

Biozones) varicoloured pelagic and grey hemipelagic, marls and<br />

marly-shales (Monte Rentella Fm,). In the Monte Peglia area, at<br />

the botton of the Monte Rentella Fm, a carbonatic succession<br />

311<br />

showing transitional lithostratigraphic features between the<br />

Scaglia toscana Fm, and the Umbria Scaglia Fms occurs. From<br />

the top, this carbonatic succession is characterized by a<br />

Thanethian–Rupelian varicoulored calcareous marls (NP6-<br />

MNP23 Biozones) showing downward a gradual transition to a<br />

white and pink limestone with red chert nodules, Turonian p.p.-<br />

Selandian in age (Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica Zone – NP5<br />

calcareous nannofossil Biozone). These two lithotypes have been<br />

informally names as marly and calcareous members of the Scaglia<br />

di Monte Peglia Fm,, respectively.<br />

The lower part of stratigraphic succession of the Rentella Unit<br />

is very similar with the Umbria-Marche one, as suggested by the<br />

occurrence downward of 20 m of Scaglia Bianca Fm, (here is not<br />

present Livello Bonarelli), 70 m of Marne a Fucoidi Fm, and at<br />

least 150 m of limestones belonging to the Maiolica Fm,. In the<br />

Tuscan-Emilian Apennine a very similar succession is described<br />

in the “Suviana well” (ANELLI et alii, 1994) at the base of the<br />

Aquitanian - Burdigalian siliciclastic turbidites analogous to<br />

Montagnaccia Fm.,<br />

Marnoso-Arenacea Fm. is the more external foredeep deposits<br />

belonging to the Umbria Romagna Unit. In the study area this<br />

siliciclastic deposits are Burdigalian-Langhian in age and they are<br />

represented only by the Casa Spertaglia member. This member,<br />

consists of thin-fine arenaceous-pelitic turbidites. made up of a<br />

CE-dominated fine-grained rock fragment association (Lm30-51-<br />

Lv1-12-Ls+CE37-69).<br />

All these data allow an Oligo-Miocene paleogeographic<br />

reconstruction of the Northern Apennine foredeep. Particulary the<br />

the Rentella Unit can be considered a transitional succession<br />

located between the Tuscan and Umbria-Marche domains. Based<br />

on the age, the compositional mode of the turbidite sandstones,<br />

and structural position, the Rentella Unit can be compared to the<br />

Carigiola Unit outcropping in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennine.<br />


ANELLI L., GORZA M., PIERI M. & RIVA M. (1994) - Subsurface<br />

well data in the Northern Apennines (Italy). Mem. Soc. Geol.<br />

It., 48, 461-471.<br />



- Oligocene-Miocene foredeep deposits in the Lake<br />

Trasimeno area (Central Italy): insights into the evolution of<br />

the Northern Apennines. It. J. Geosci.,128(2), 341-352.<br />

BROZZETTI F., LUCHETTI L. & PIALLI G. (2000) – La successione<br />

del Monte Rentella (Umbria Occidentale): biostratigrafia a<br />

nannofossili calcari ed ipotesi per un inquadramento<br />

tettonico regionale. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 119, 407-422.<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

The structural and kinematic history of a complex fold-and-thrust<br />

belt: an example from western Basilicata, southern Italy<br />



Key words: Agri Valley, Lucania, Melandro Valley, Southern<br />

Apennine fold-and-thrust belt, structural analysis.<br />


The repeated opening and closure of oceans along the same<br />

trends, and the consequent fragmentation and reassemblage of<br />

continents, has long led to the concept of a cyclical recurrence<br />

in orogenic events, and a certain cyclical pattern is commonly<br />

recognised in the evolution of fold-and-thrust belts. Orogenic<br />

cycles generally involve two extensional stages, namely preorogenic<br />

and post-orogenic extension, separated by an<br />

intervening stage of contraction. However, when seen in greater<br />

detail, the evolution of fold-and-thrust belts is generally more<br />

complex. In fact, numerous studies from both active and fossil<br />

orogenic belts outline that the inferred histories are punctuated<br />

by the superposition of kinematically different structures, thus<br />

making each example a specific, distinct case. Moreover, the<br />

complete history of a fold-and-thrust belt is usually inferred<br />

from numerous observations carried out at different localities<br />

sparse over wide areas, whereas the entire sequence of<br />

structural stages is very rarely preserved within orogenic<br />

segments of limited extent.<br />

In this contribution we anticipate the results of a structural<br />

investigation carried out along the central sector of the<br />

Apennines fold-and-thrust belt of western Lucania, southern<br />

Italy. The data inferred from this study made it possible to<br />

reconstruct the complete deformation history of the central<br />

province of the southern Apennine belt, where documentation<br />

of well-constrained deformation episodes is integrated with<br />

recognition of previously unreported structures. The study area<br />

is located between the Melandro and Agri valleys, and<br />

comprises the villages of Savoia di Lucania, Vietri di Potenza,<br />

Marsico Vetere and Viggiano (Fig. 1).<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Siena<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università <strong>della</strong> Basilicata<br />

(°) Istituto per le Metodologie di Analisi Ambientale (IMAA) – Consiglio<br />

Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)<br />

312<br />



The geological history of the area that extends between the<br />

Melandro and Agri valleys mimics that of the Lucanian<br />

Apennines, an arcuate fold-and-thrust belt developed due to<br />

imbrication of different tectonic units, namely the Ligurian,<br />

Apenninic and Lagonegro Units, onto the Apulian foreland.<br />

These tectonic units, differentiated since Triassic time, were<br />

originated in distinct palaeogeographic domains that are are,<br />

from West to East: i) the ocean-derived Ligurian Basin; ii) the<br />

Apennine Carbonate Platform; iii) the Lagonegro Basin, and iv)<br />

the Apulia Platform. Differentiation of the paleogeographic<br />

domains was controlled by syn-sedimentary, pre-orogenic<br />

normal faults developed during the rifting stage that led to<br />

opening of the Mesozoic Tethys Ocean and to drifting of the<br />

African (i.e. Adria) and European continental plates Our<br />

investigation has led to recognition of previously unreported<br />

Fig. 1 – Tectonic sketch map of the Southern Apennines showing the location<br />

of the study area.<br />

pre-orogenic normal faults whose Jurassic age is contrained by<br />

the stratigraphic record of syn-rift deposits. From Eocene time<br />

onwards the paleogeographic domains experienced contraction<br />

related to the subduction of the Tethys Ocean, to the collision<br />

of the European and African plates, and to the contraction of<br />

the Adria continental margin, with development of the thrustbounded<br />

tectonic units. Consistently with observations by<br />

PATACCA &SCANDONE (2007) and by MAZZOLI et alii (2001),<br />

thrust propagation was locally preceded and accompanied by<br />

buckling of the rheologically more competent stratigraphic<br />

units embedded between less competent shaly and marly units.<br />

Development of kink and box folds at both regional to local<br />

scales can be related to this early shortening episode. The most<br />

remarkable box fold is exposed along the left flank of the Agri

iver. Here, the competent multilayer consists of well bedded<br />

pelagic limestones and cherts of the Calcari con Selce and<br />

Scisti Silicei formations (Late Triassic to Jurassic) that overlie<br />

shales with thin-bedded limestone intercalations of Late<br />

Triassic age (Sorgente dell’Acero Member). This unit shows<br />

development of intense cleavage and widespread calcite veins<br />

since it represents the detachment level that allowed buckling<br />

of the overlying Late Triassic-Jurassic strata. The occurrence of<br />

shale and marl of the Lower Cretaceous Galestri Formation<br />

above the competent multilayer further facilitated the buckling<br />

process. The box fold shows steeply dipping to overturned<br />

limbs and a nearly constant N10-trending axis. Different orders<br />

of parasitic folds are particularly well developed in the<br />

transitional interval between the Calcari con Selce and the<br />

Scisti Silicei formations. Orientation and asymmetry of<br />

parasitic folds is consistent with trend, geometry and style of<br />

the host, large-scale box fold.<br />

Pre-orogenic normal faults related to the opening of the<br />

Tethys Ocean were overprinted by thrust propagation, as<br />

outlined by relations observed in the central part of the<br />

investigated area where the Apennine Platform Unit overrides<br />

the Lagonegro Units. In this sector brittle and ductile structures<br />

can observed at both mesoscopic and macroscopic scales.<br />

Between Vietri di Potenza and S. Angelo le Fratte, the thrust of<br />

the Apennine Platform Unit is associated to a 5 km long, NW-<br />

SE oriented shear zone in the Lagonegro Units, mainly<br />

developed in the transitional interval between the Calcari con<br />

Selce and Scisti Silicei formations. Along the shear zone, slices<br />

of the Calcari con Selce Formation are often arranged into 20-<br />

30 m thick duplex structures, whereas marly and clayey<br />

lithologies of the Transition Interval and of the Scisti Silicei<br />

Formation are involved in overturned folds, often with evidence<br />

for hinge collapse, S-C shear fabrics, small-scale duplex<br />

structures and imbricated horses.<br />

Klippen of platform dolomites, outcropping east of the<br />

shear zone, show the extent of the Apennine platform in the<br />

hanging-wall of the main thrust. Interestingly, the base of the<br />

klippen truncates earlier folds within Lagonegro Units and<br />

involves slices of the basinal Flysch Rosso Fm. of Cretaceous-<br />

Oligocene age. The easternmost part of the shear zone is<br />

characterized by outcrops of a tectonic mélange containing<br />

disrupted sandstone layers of the Miocene Monte Sierio<br />

Formation, including olistoliths of Jurassic limestones from<br />

Apennine Platform Units. Stacking of the tectonic pile<br />

continued regionally throughout the Early Miocene-Pleistocene<br />

time interval and progressively migrated eastwards, i.e. towards<br />

the Apulian foreland. From Late Miocene time onwards<br />

thrusting was followed by the onset of extensional deformations<br />

that overprinted contractional structures and migrated<br />

progressively towards the front of the belt.<br />

The most recent structures related to the extensional<br />

episode are high-angle normal faults that are clearly visible<br />

along the northeastern edge of the Agri Valley. These faults are<br />

replaced to the south by left-lateral strike-slip faults, analogue<br />

to those described at the Lucania-Calabria boundary by<br />

CATALANO et alii (1993). High-angle normal faults truncate<br />

and offset at least two older generations of tectonic contacts,<br />

313<br />

that dip at moderate to low angles producing mainly<br />

extensional displacements. At odds with older thrusts and with<br />

more recent high-angle normal faults, the kinematics of these<br />

low-angle tectonic contacts is not always well-constrained, and<br />

thus their tectonic significance remains problematic.<br />

Observations carried out in the northern edge of the Agri valley<br />

strongly support the hypothesis that these contacts are, in fact,<br />

low-angle normal faults, although a thrust origin for analogue<br />

structures found elsewhere in the investigated area cannot be<br />

ruled out.<br />


The area that extends between the Melandro and Agri<br />

valleys has recorded a complex history of superposed<br />

deformations, that correlates well with the evolution of the<br />

southern Apennines of western Lucania. Most structures<br />

described in this investigation can easily be related to wellconstrained<br />

episodes that have long been reported in a wide<br />

regional literature, whereas others don’t appear to fit current<br />

tectonic models. The origin and development of the latter<br />

structures thus require an explanation in terms of their plausible<br />

geodynamic significance.<br />



Pleistocene strike-slip tectonics in the Lucanian Apennine<br />

(Southern Italy). Tectonics, 12, 656-665.<br />


MATTIONI, L., SHINER, P. AND TONDI, E. (2001) -<br />

Reconstruction of continental margin architecture<br />

deformed by the contraction of the Lagonegro Basin,<br />

southern Apennines, Italy. Jour. of the Geol. Soc. of<br />

London, 158, 309-319.<br />

PATACCA E. & SCANDONE P. (2007) – Geology of the Southern<br />

Apennines. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., Spec. Issue n. 7, 75-119.<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

Key words: Agri Valley, geological map, Lucania, Southern<br />

Apennine fold-and-thrust belt, structural analysis.<br />


This contribution aims at anticipating the results of a recent<br />

structural study that has been carried out in the central domain<br />

of the Lucanian Apennines in southern Italy. Compilation of an<br />

original 1:25,000 scale geological map, integrated with<br />

stratigraphic data and structural/kinematic evidence along the<br />

NE edge of the Agri Valley, provides critical elements that<br />

make it possible to discriminate the effects of recent,<br />

seismically active deformations, related to the dissection of the<br />

southern Apennine fold-and-thrust belt, from those related to<br />

pre-orogenic deformations of Mesozoic age, inherited from<br />

rifting and drifting of Adria.<br />

This study aims at investigating the controlling factors of<br />

repeated inversion and fault-reactivation phenomena, both<br />

positive and negative, within orogenic domains. The study has<br />

been carried out in the seismically and tectonically active Agri<br />

Valley basin, in the axial zone of the southern Apennines of<br />

Italy. Fieldwork was based on the compilation of an original<br />

1:25,000 scale geological map of about 120 Kmq, on the<br />

construction of cross sections, and on the kinematic analysis of<br />

the major tectonic structures outcropping along the NE edge of<br />

the Agri Valley.<br />

The deformation history was reconstructed through the<br />

recognition of macroscopic and mesoscopic structures, and<br />

illustration of their mutual cross-cutting relationships. Regional<br />

and detailed geological and structural mapping was coupled<br />

with landscape and geomorphic analysis.<br />

The tectonic evolution of the investigated domain was<br />

characterized by the development of folds and related thrusts of<br />

Miocene-Pliocene age, that were formed during the Alpine<br />

orogenesis. These structures affected a highly heterogeneous<br />

sedimentary cover, made of Triassic-Tertiary sedimentary<br />

_________________________<br />

Geology of the north-eastern margin of the High Agri Valley<br />

(western Basilicata, southern Italy)<br />



(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Siena,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università <strong>della</strong> Basilicata,<br />

Potenza<br />

314<br />

successions, that were deposited within pelagic basins and onto<br />

adjacent carbonate platforms. One of the main results of the<br />

present research is that thrust propagation across this<br />

mechanically heterogeneous sedimentary sequence was<br />

strongly influenced by the architecture of the precursor basinplatform<br />

transition zone.<br />

The present morphologic-structural frame of the high Agri<br />

Valley results from the superposition of late- and/or postorogenic<br />

extensional tectonics onto a pre-existing contractional,<br />

thrust-dominated architechture. Low-angle extensional faults,<br />

active during the Pliocene-Pleistocene time interval, were<br />

responsible for early tectonic exhumation and unroofing<br />

processes, mostly localised at the front of the Campania-<br />

Lucania Platform. Extension within the structurally uppermost<br />

units is documented by the occurrence of highly discontinuous<br />

slivers of platform rocks pertaining to the Campania-Lucania<br />

unit, bounded by shallow tectonic contacts and sandwiched<br />

between pelagic deposits pertaining to the Ligurian and<br />

Lagonegro domains, respectively. Kinematic complexities and<br />

remarkable differences in fault rocks suggest that original thrust<br />

contacts were truncated and/or partly reactivated as low-angle<br />

detachments. Low-angle normal faults were, in turn, truncated<br />

by more recent, high-angle normal fault sets that became the<br />

dominant structural features since Pleistocene time onwards,<br />

leading to the development of the Agri Valley basin. The<br />

geometrical and kinematic relationships amongst faults of<br />

different generations suggest a positive feedback between uplift<br />

and erosion during post-orogenic extension; it seems likely that<br />

progressive exhumation and unroofing were achieved by<br />

activation of sequentially deeper detachments located below the<br />

sole thrust of the Lagonegro Units.<br />

One key feature outlined by this new survey is the<br />

recognition and mapping of the Sorgente dell’Acero Member, a<br />

stratigraphic unit that previous workers had only described as<br />

part of the Calcari con Selce Formation. Furthermore the<br />

present research provides important constraint on the study of<br />

active tectonics in the High Agri Valley. In order to<br />

characterize the recent faults and develop a correct census of<br />

the sismogenic structures it is fundamental to reconstruct a<br />

correct sequence of tectonic events that occurred in the area,<br />

separating the effects of fossil from those of active structures.

Neogene-Quaternary Tectonic Stratigraphy of the eastern Southern<br />

Alps, NE Italy: geodynamic implications for Adria<br />


Key words: mesostructural analysis; conglomerates; stress field<br />

In order to reconstruct the Neogene-Quaternary Tectonic<br />

Stratigraphy of the eastern Southern Alps (ESA), the late<br />

Tortonian-lower Pleistocene foredeep clastic sequences, cropping<br />

out in the Veneto and Friuli piedmont areas have been<br />

extensively investigated focusing on the contractional features<br />

observed in the frequent conglomerate layers (pitted pebbles).<br />

The ESA is the result of a typical polyphase tectonic activity<br />

initiated in Late Oligocene, characterised by the occurrence of<br />

several non-coaxial stress regimes. Based on careful analyses of<br />

the pebbles' surfaces (shape and orientation of the indented<br />

features) and following a systematic and statistical approach, the<br />

mean orientation of the maximum compressive stress axis (s 1)<br />

has been obtained for more than 30 sites of measurements along<br />

the ca. 120 km-long investigated piedmont area. The affected<br />

lithostratigraphic units and the orientation (pre- versus posttilting)<br />

of the stereonets density peaks make it possible to<br />

recognize four distinct deformational events and characterize<br />

them in terms of mean s 1 direction and timing (Fig. 1): late<br />

Tortonian (s 1=313°/00°), late Messinian-Early Pliocene<br />

(338°/04°), Late Pliocene (314°/03°), and Early-Middle<br />

Pleistocene (160°/03°). It is noteworthy that these events do not<br />

represent 'simple' local variations of the stress field because for<br />

all datasets the corresponding sites of measurements are spread<br />

along the entire investigated area and in many cases, the same<br />

localities and sedimentary units are affected by more than one<br />

dataset (viz. stress field). In particular, the 4 events could be<br />

recognized and distinguished based on i) a different mean<br />

direction of compression and ii) their timing of activity. More<br />

exhaustive information about site location, deformed sedimentary<br />

units, number of measurements per site and s 1 orientation can be<br />

found in CAPUTO et al., 2010).<br />

If we also consider the well-documented "Serravallian-<br />

Tortonian" tectonic phase and the fact that it was also<br />

characterized by a NNW-SSE trending compression (e.g.<br />

CASTELLARIN et al., 1992; CAPUTO, 1996), during the last ca. 10<br />

Ma we observe repeated variations of the s 1 axis from a mean<br />

NNW-SSE to a mean NW-SE direction and viceversa (Twist<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Ferrara<br /><br />

(°) Dipartimento di Georisorse e Territorio, Università di Udine<br />,<br />

315<br />

Tectonics).<br />

By integrating the results of the mesoscopic structural<br />

analyses with geological and tectonic macroscopic observations,<br />

and taking into account the reciprocal geometrical relationships,<br />

Fig. 1 – Synthetic diagram showing the Tortonian p.p.-Pleistocene<br />

sedimentary stratigraphy (units), the period of activity for the major tectonic<br />

structures (thrusts; CASTELLARIN et al., 1992; ZANFERRARI et al., 2008), the<br />

direction of maximum compression estimated from the meso-structural<br />

analyses (s 1), the tectonic stratigraphy of the eastern Southern Alps with the<br />

principal deformational events (darker sectors) and the corresponding table<br />

including all datasets (S. Alps event), the direction of relative motion of<br />

Africa with respect to Europe (AFR/EUR) and the major periods of couplingdecoupling<br />

along the basal detachment of the Northern Apennines<br />

(Apennines events). Stratigraphic units are from ZANFERRARI et al. (2008). In<br />

column AFR/EUR, numbers refer to normal magnetic anomalies, while<br />

arrows thickness is proportional to the amount of relative convergence<br />

(MAZZOLI &HELMAN, 1994). In the last column, darker sectors represent<br />

periods of frontal thrust propagation (i.e. decoupling) as inferred from largescale<br />

unconformities in the Apennines foredeep (GHIELMI et al., 2009)<br />

alternating to periods of possible coupling and transmission of compressional<br />

stresses to the Southern Alps. The size of the arrows is tentatively<br />

proportional to the stress contribution of the Apennines within the<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

the timing of activity for the major deformation structures (Fig. 1)<br />

represented by, and associated with, the Valsugana and Belluno<br />

thrusts, the Bassano-Valdobbiadene and Cansiglio-Maniago<br />

thrusts as well as the Frontal Thrust System seems confirmed.<br />

Accordingly, the Neogene to Present evolution of the ESA shows<br />

a typical spasmodic migration of thrusting and deformation<br />

towards the external sectors of the fold-and-thrust belt, where the<br />

major structures have typical periods of activity of few million<br />

years.<br />

In order to fit our results within the evolution of the ESA and<br />

the Late Tertiary geodynamic framework of the Central<br />

Mediterranean, we observe that both assumed timing and<br />

shortening orientation of the Chattian-Burdigalian phase<br />

(CASTELLARIN et al., 1992; CAPUTO, 1996) are in agreement with<br />

the relative motion of Africa with respect to Europe, the latter as<br />

inferred from the analysis of magnetic anomalies for this period<br />

(Fig. 2a). A similar statement is also appropriate for the second<br />

major tectonic phase (Serravallian-Tortonian) affecting the ESA<br />

(Fig. 2b). Indeed, notwithstanding the abrupt change in the<br />

relative motion between Africa and Europe about 15 Ma ago, the<br />

new NNW-SSE orientation of crustal shortening, largely<br />

documented in the broader Southern Alps, nicely parallels the<br />

direction of convergence between the two plates during Langhian<br />

and early Tortonian. Considering that the Adria lithospheric<br />

block likely behaved consistently with the major Africa plate, it is<br />

likely that relative plate motion and stress field at the Africa-<br />

Europe plate boundary along the Southern Alps are directly<br />

linked by a cause-effect relationship. As a consequence, along the<br />

boundary with Europe (i.e. northern Adria), the pervading stress<br />

field was fully controlled by the relative plate motion of Africa<br />

with respect to Europe.<br />

However, notwithstanding a stable direction of plate<br />

convergence since late Tortonian-Messinian (Fig. 2c) and the<br />

assumed parallelism between the relative plate motion and the<br />

mean stress trajectories at the plate boundary, from late<br />

Messinian, the progressively approaching Northern Apennines<br />

started to play a crucial role within the investigated area.<br />

Alternating short-lived phases (1-2 Ma) of coupling and<br />

decoupling along the basal detachment of the Apennines<br />

accretionary wedge (Fig. 1) caused temporary perturbations of<br />

the 'local' stress field and complex accommodation structures in<br />

this region of ongoing crustal collision.<br />


CAPUTO R. (1996) - Mem. Sc. Geol., 48, 93-106.<br />

CAPUTO R., POLI M.E. & ZANFERRARI A. (2010) - Tectonics, doi:<br />

10.1029/2009TC002625.<br />

316<br />

Fig. 2 – Sketch maps of the Central Mediterranean suggesting how and why<br />

the maximum horizontal stress trajectories varied in time within the eastern<br />

Southern Alps. The three frames roughly correspond to the Chattian-Early<br />

Miocene (a), Langhian-Serravallian (b) and late Tortonian-Messinian (c)<br />

geodynamic reconstructions (see CAPUTO et al., 2010 for a complete<br />

reference list). The major 'tectonic genetic components' governing the stress<br />

field within the study area (small box) are associated with the relative plate<br />

motion of Africa with respect to Europe (large arrows) and after Tortonian<br />

also with the propagating accretionary wedge of the Apennines (smaller<br />

arrows). The thin dashed lines depict the inferred direction of the s 1 axis<br />

within the growing orogenic prisms. In the youngest frame, the crossing<br />

stress trajectories schematically indicate the two principal stress fields, which<br />

possibly alternate in time due to the prevailing Apennines versus Africa<br />

remote forces.<br />


PICOTTI V., PINI G.A., PROSSER G. & SELLI L. (1992) -<br />

Annales Tectonicae, 6(1), 62-94.<br />


VIGNOLO A. (2009) - Rend. online Soc. Geol. It., 9, 32-35.<br />

MAZZOLI S. & HELMAN M. (1994) - Geol. Rund., 83, 464-468.<br />


PAIERO G., POLI M.E. & STEFANI C. (2008) - Note illustrative<br />

<strong>della</strong> Carta geologica d’Italia <strong>alla</strong> scala 1:50,000 – Foglio<br />

065 “Maniago”; 224 pp. Graphic Linea, Tavagnacco (UD).

The Apenninic-Maghrebian orogen in Southern Apennines and<br />

Sicily: a multidisciplinary approach<br />

Key words: Apenninic-Maghrebian orogen, paleogeography,<br />

Sicily, Southern Apennines.<br />


Decades of field works, integrated with stratigraphical<br />

observations, facies analysis, geometric and kinematic studies,<br />

seismic lines interpretation, sometimes confirmed by specific<br />

researches (thermo-chronology, organic petrography and so on)<br />

allow to define a well constrained model of the Apenninic-<br />

Maghrebian Orogen. In particular after the CROP Project it is<br />

very clear the relationship between the distribution of the<br />

different crustal characters and the geodynamic evolution<br />

detected by means of the geological analysis. The oceanic<br />

crusts were floored by deep sea sequences and suffered more or<br />

less complete subduction; while the continental or thinning<br />

crusts show shallow water deposits (mainly carbonate<br />

platforms) and a tendency to a collisional stage.<br />

In the Central Mediterranean Area clearly appears the<br />

distribution of the structural Domains. The foreland domains<br />

are represented by two continental blocks, the Apulian Block to<br />

the north and the Pelagian Block to the south, respectively<br />

belonging to the Adria and to the Africa plates. They are<br />

separated since Permo-Triassic times by the oceanic crust of<br />

the Ionian Sea. The Apenninic-Maghrebian Orogen is located<br />

between two oceanic crusts: the old Ionian crust, at present time<br />

subducting beneath the Calabrian Arc, and the new crust of the<br />

opening Tyrrhenian Sea (LENTINI et alii, 2006 and references<br />

therein).<br />

The orogenic belt is represented by a multilayer<br />

allochthonous edifice, composed of the Calabride Chain (CC)<br />

tectonically overlying the Apenninic-Maghrebian Chain<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università di Catania,<br /><br />


317<br />

(AMC), which in turn overthrust onto the Upper Miocene and<br />

Pliocene top-levels of a deep seated thrust system, originating<br />

by the deformation, since Tortonian times, of the innermost<br />

carbonates of the Pelagian/Apulian blocks (External Thrust<br />

System: ETS), that means in contemporaneous with the<br />

Tyrrhenian basin opening (LENTINI et alii, 2006).<br />

The ETS, named Apulian Thrust System in the Lucania<br />

Region, and Pelagian-Sicilian Thrust Belt in Sicily, crops only<br />

at Mt. Alpi (Southern Apennines) and in western Sicily, but it<br />

has been detected by the seismic lines and represents an<br />

important target for petroleum researches. To the north it is<br />

very probable the continuity with the Central Apennines<br />

carbonate platforms. A way to recognize the belonging to<br />

outermost units has been the age of the first terrigenous covers:<br />

since middle-late Miocene in the ETS. That’s why we consider<br />

equivalent the carbonate units exposed in Lazio-Abruzzo<br />

region: the terrigenous covers are Late Miocene in age. As well<br />

as at Mt. Alpi and in western Sicily the Meso-Cenozoic<br />

sequences display a terrigenous cover younger than Middle-<br />

Late Miocene.<br />

The AMC tectonic units derive from the orogenic transport<br />

during Oligo-Miocene times of sedimentary sequences<br />

deposited in palaeogeographical domains located between the<br />

Europe and the Afro-Adriatic plates. These units are composed<br />

of Meso-Cenozoic shallow-water carbonate successions<br />

detached from a continental type crust sector, the<br />

Panormide/Apenninic Block, recognizable by means of seismic<br />

lines shot in the Tyrrhenian offshore of Southern Apennines<br />

and Northern Sicily. The Meso-Cenozoic basinal units, that<br />

compose the AMC, can be distinguished into two main groups<br />

of sequences, originally located on oceanic crusts separated by<br />

the Panormide/Apenninic Block: the external ones (Ionides)<br />

related to an original basin belonging to branches of the Ionian<br />

Palaeobasin involved in the orogenesis, and the internal ones<br />

ascribed to the Alpine Tethys (Sicilide Units).<br />

The Calabride Chain originated by the delamination of the<br />

European margin. This roof thrust system includes nappes of<br />

Hercynian basement with remains of the original Meso-<br />

Cenozoic covers deformed during the Paleogene and sutured by<br />

the Late Oligocene-Early Burdigalian Capo d’Orlando Flysch.<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

The terrigenous deposits of the basinal sequences belonging<br />

to the Ionides are represented by Tertiary foreland/foredeep<br />

deposits (i.e. Numidian Flysch), whose relationships with the<br />

substratum are occasionally preserved, although large<br />

detachments occurred with further forward transport, which<br />

generated repeated slices with an apparent increase to the<br />

original thickness. Petrological analysis represents a constrain<br />

about the external location of the Numidian Flysch.<br />

A well constrained description of the tectono-stratigraphy of<br />

the units, which compose the allochthonous edifice of the<br />

AMC, and some geological cross-sections allowed to restore<br />

times and modalities of thrust propagation, emphasizing indeed<br />

the general decoupling of the Tertiary flysch-type covers,<br />

which represents a fundamental character for interpreting the<br />

surface geology.<br />

The geological, geophysical data and the volcanological<br />

characters permit to restore the palaeogeography and the<br />

geodynamic evolution. Between Europe and the Afro-Adriatic<br />

margins the Alpine Tethys, characterized by an oceanic or<br />

thinned crust, was located. The Palaeoionian Sea was a basin<br />

intervening since Permo-Triassic times between the<br />

Apulian/Pelagian Blocks, and branches of the Palaeoionian<br />

basin were floored by the Ionides.<br />

It is possible to recognize three orogenic stages (LENTINI et<br />

alii, 2006): the Eo-Alpine, originated during Cretaceous-<br />

Eocene times, evident in the western Calabria, in the<br />

Tyrrhenian basin and the Alpine Corsica; the Balearic stage<br />

(Late Oligocene-Early Miocene), in which the Corsica-Sardinia<br />

block rotated and collided with the Adria-Africa margins with<br />

thrusting of the Alpine Tethydes over Panormide/Apenninic<br />

platforms (which at that time represented the foreland domain);<br />

and the Tyrrhenian stage (Middle Miocene to Present), when<br />

the onset of the Tyrrhenian back-arc basin occurred and after<br />

the closure of the interposed Palaeoionian branches the Ionides<br />

were tectonically transported onto the foreland blocks.<br />

The seismic lines clearly indicate that both the foreland<br />

blocks extend below the orogenic belt, reaching the Tyrrhenian<br />

shorelines, with a gradual thinning and a transition to a Palaeo-<br />

Ionian slab, probably not active at present time, from which the<br />

Ionides detached and overrode the ETS.<br />

At the present time the seismogeological data indicate that<br />

the Panormide/Apenninic continental crusts are colliding with<br />

the Pelagian/Apulian Blocks. The geological evidence of this<br />

collisional stage is manifested in the NW-SE oriented South<br />

Tyrrhenian System (STS), characterized by dextral faults,<br />

affecting both the offshore and the onshore of Sicily. A<br />

specular structural setting has been recognized along the<br />

perityrrhenian sea in front of the southern Apennines (Cilento).<br />

There a sinistral fault system is developed both offshore and<br />

onshore.<br />

Thus at present time two collisional settings have been<br />

recognized in western Sicily and in southern Apennines. The<br />

trascurrent fault systems drive the Calabria-Peloritani Arc<br />

toward SE.<br />

318<br />

The distribution of the hypocenters of the earthquakes and<br />

the clear images of the CROP project showing the Ionian slab<br />

indicate that Southern Calabria and north-east Sicily represent<br />

the only segment of the arc still subducting.<br />

Geological mapping, integrated with stratigraphical and<br />

structural analysis, widely carried out in Sicily, show that this<br />

area is dominated by a strike-slip tectonics, connected with the<br />

geodynamic evolution of the Tyrrhenian stage. Beside to the<br />

NW-SE oriented right lateral faults, antithetical NE-SW<br />

system, associated with N-S normal faults and south-verging<br />

thrusts, occur. All these structures are compatible with an<br />

unique contemporaneous kinematic picture.<br />

It is evident that the South Tyrrhenian System, well<br />

developed in the southern sector of the Tyrrhenian Sea,<br />

dominates also the onshore areas of the Island. Some examples<br />

can be observed in western Sicily. There, the east-west oriented<br />

carbonate ridges, belonging to the Pelagian-Sicilian thrust<br />

system (M. Kumeta, Rocca Busambra), are bounded by reverse<br />

faults and controlled by NW-SE oriented trascurrent faults with<br />

dextral component. The sigmoidal characters of the ridges, as<br />

well as those of the fold axis, indicate a dextral movement.<br />

The Patti area (NE Sicily), affected by frequent seismic<br />

events, is characterized by a set of dextral faults belonging to<br />

the STS, NE-SW sinistral faults and N-S oriented normal<br />

faults. These latter belong to the Vulcano line, a NNW-SSE<br />

oriented fault, that represents a boundary between the<br />

collisional setting to the west and the still subducting Ionian<br />

slab to the east. It crosses the Eolian Islands and separates the<br />

areas with volcanic activity to the east (Vulcano, Panarea,<br />

Stromboli) from the western islands (Alicudi, Filicudi), where<br />

active volcanic phenomena seem to have stopped at present<br />

time.<br />

On the other hand the M. Etna volcano is located close to<br />

the boundary between the collisional area and the still<br />

subducting Ionian slab, and it is bounded by two major strikeslip<br />

shear zones. Between them some sigmoidal N-S oriented<br />

normal faults are recognizable. This picture can provide a<br />

convincing hypothesis about the origin of the volcano.<br />


LENTINI F., CARBONE S. & GUARNIERI P. (2006) – Collisional<br />

and post-collisional tectonics of the Apenninic-Maghrebian<br />

Orogen (Southern Italy). In: Y. DILEK and S. PAVLIDES<br />

(Eds.), “Post-collisional Tectonics and Magmatism in the<br />

Eastern Mediterranean Region”. Geol. Soc. Amer., Special<br />

Paper, 409, 57-81.

The Poggio La Torre Conglomerate (Enza Valley): an enigmatic<br />

‘alpine’ deposit of the Northern Apennine Epiligurian Basin<br />

Key words: Alpine-derived conglomerate, Val d’Enza syncline.<br />

The Poggio La Torre Conglomerate is an “alpine” clastic<br />

deposit of the Oligo-Miocene Epiligurian Basin outcropping in<br />

eastern Northern Apennine (Enza Valley ).<br />

The alpine composition (metaophiolites, metaradiolarites,<br />

calceschistes) of very coarse orthoconglomerate (with boulders of<br />

50 cm in diameter) in the appennic succession (Epiligurian<br />

Succession) draping Ligurian Units, represents a very stimulating<br />

geological puzzle.<br />

An important question of this enigmatic case, consists in the<br />

position of Poggio La Torre Conglomerate in relation to the core<br />

of the overturned syncline of the Enza Valley in Emilian sector of<br />

the Northern Apennine.<br />

The correct solution of this structural problem is substantial to<br />

decide the stratigraphical position of the conglomerate in relation<br />

to the Burdigalian marls (Antognola Formation) and platform’s<br />

Langhian sands (Pantano Formation of Bismantova Group) of the<br />

Epiligurian Basin.<br />

This question is discussed to reassemble the puzzle caused by<br />

the ‘out of place’ geological clastic body in relation to a<br />

theoretical model of transpressional structuration of the Northern<br />

Apennine.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse – C.N.R., Pisa,<br />


319<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

___________________<br />

Transpressive evolution of the Ligurian Alps - Northern Apennines<br />

system – 2: a perspective from the Northern Apennines<br />



Key words: Northern Apennines, transpression, Western Alps.<br />


The convergent evolution of the European and Adriatic<br />

continental margins of the Liguria-Piemonte ocean, has been<br />

thought by some Authors (SCHOLLE, 1970; SCANDONE, 1979;<br />

PRINCIPI & TREVES, 1984) as partitioned into two distinct<br />

branches with peculiar geometric and kinematic characters . The<br />

northern branch was characterized by an east dipping (“Alpine”)<br />

subduction, while the southern one by a west dipping<br />

(“Apenninic”) subduction.<br />

From the kinematic point of view, this interpretation, that<br />

explains a large amount of geological observation, implies the<br />

presence of a regional transfer zone (active for several tens<br />

millions years) between these opposite-dipping branches of the<br />

Liguria-Piemonte realm. This transfer zone, was assumed to run<br />

at the northern-eastern boundary of the Western Ligurian Alps,<br />

and in the region between these units and the Northern<br />

Apennines.<br />

In this region, the occurrence of strike-slip or transpressional<br />

tectonics since the Cretaceous up to Late Miocene times is largely<br />

documented by recent data and re-interpretation of large data sets<br />

on the Western and Eastern Ligurian Alps sectors and in the<br />

Tertiary Piemonte basin, as well as on the external boundary of<br />

the Ligurian units of Northern Apennines and their adjacent<br />

Miocene foredeep basins of the Emilia Apennines.<br />

Oblique convergent evolution of both European and Adriatic<br />

margins of the southern branch of the Liguria-Piemonte ocean is<br />

suggested, to justify a consequent development of several enechelon<br />

kinematic transfer zones, developed distinctly through<br />

Cretaceous-Early Miocene times, that could be envisaged, as a<br />

whole, as the regional kinematic transfer required by the model.<br />

(*) CNR - Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, Pisa<br />

(°) CNR - Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, Torino,<br />

(°°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Torino<br />

320<br />

As a major consequence, the presence of a single, precisely<br />

located, transfer zone between Ligurian Alps and Northern<br />

Apennines is not necessary if a transpressive-transtensive<br />

evolutionary model for the whole Alps-Apennines junction zone<br />

is suggested.<br />

This topic will be discussed in two separate contributions,<br />

examining the problem respectively from the "Alpine" and<br />

"Apennines" point of view.<br />

The first contribution regards the Ligurian Alps perspective<br />

on the problem, while the second contribution focuses on the<br />

Apennines perspective.<br />


This contribution focuses attention on the geological<br />

structures and tectonic phases that characterize the apenninic<br />

domain in the early-middle Miocene, to get the comparison with<br />

coeval structures in the Ligurian Alps.<br />

A duplication of the Northern Apennine chain along an<br />

orogen-parallel dextral transcurrent system, shifting the eastern<br />

tectonic domain to the south for several hundred kilometres<br />

(CERRINA FERONI, 1988; CERRINA FERONI et alii, 2002, 2004) at<br />

the “Front of the Tuscan Nappe”, is suggested. In this view it is<br />

proposed that the major appenninic tectonic elements, classically<br />

regarded as bounded by thrust or by high angle normal faults, in<br />

many cases correspond to domains limited by strike-slip faults.<br />

Oblique kinematics with predominantly dextral sense of shear and<br />

displacement of one-two hundred kilometres, allow to restore the<br />

deposits of Tertiary Piedmont Basin with the Epiligurian<br />

Succession of the Apennines and to explain the presence of<br />

Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene longitudinal high angle fault<br />

systems, as well as the double vergence of the chain.<br />


CERRINA FERONI A. (1988) – La duplicazione <strong>della</strong> catena a<br />

falde, per trascorrenza longitudinale, nell'Appennino<br />

settentrionale: una soluzione alternativa. Rend. Soc. Geol.<br />

It., 11, 325-328.


CATANZARITI R. (2002) – Structural-Geological Map of the<br />

Emilia-Romagna Apennines (1:250.000). SELCA, Firenze.<br />

CERRINA FERONI A., OTTRIA G. & ELLERO A. (2004) – The<br />

Northern Apennine, Italy: geological structure and<br />

transpressive evolution. In: U. Crescenti, S. D’Offizi, S.<br />

Merlini & L. Sacchi (Eds.) - Geology of Italy - Special<br />

Volume of the Italian Geological Society for the IGC 32<br />

Florence – 2004, 15-32.<br />

PRINCIPI G. & TREVES B. (1984) – <strong>Il</strong> sistema Corso-Appenninico<br />

come prisma di accrezione. Riflessioni sul problema generale<br />

del limite Alpi Appennini. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 28, 548-576.<br />

SCANDONE P. (1979) – Origin of the Tyrrhenian Sea and<br />

Calabrian Arc. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 98, 27-34.<br />

SCHOLLE P.A. (1970) – The Sestri-Voltaggio line: a transform<br />

fault induced tectonic boundary between the Alps and the<br />

Apennines. Am. J. Sci., 269, 343-359.<br />

321<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

Key words: Pseudoverrucano, southern Tuscany, stratigraphy,<br />

structural setting.<br />


The Pseudoverrucano-bearing successions of the coastalsouthern<br />

Tuscany (inner Northern Apennines) represent a still<br />

uncertain, controversial and debated subject, relatively to their<br />

significance and stratigraphic – palaeogeographic / structural<br />

position. This is due mainly to the strongly scattered and rare<br />

outcrops, where stratigraphic and tectonic relationships with the<br />

other units/formations are often characterized by severe tectonic<br />

complexity. Nevertheless such successions play a key role for the<br />

reconstruction of the Western Mediterranean palaeogeographic<br />

puzzle, starting from the Mesozoic. “Pseudoverrucano” is an<br />

informal term to indicate a close similarity with the Verrucano<br />

lithofacies, this last belonging to the Tuscan metamorphic<br />

formations. The Pseudoverrucano lithofacies occurs at the bottom<br />

of the sedimentary successions/tectonic units. These last ones are<br />

part of the inner Northern Apennines orogenic nappe stack, with<br />

a structural position between the Tuscan Nappe below and the<br />

Subligurian Unit (Argille e calcari Unit) above. The<br />

Pseudoverrucano successions crop out only close to the<br />

Tyrrhenian coast near Grosseto in few outcrops, which are the<br />

Punta delle Rocchette outcrop near Castiglione <strong>della</strong> Pescaia, the<br />

Montebrandoli area east to Grosseto, the Uccellina Mts. south to<br />

Grosseto and the Collecchio area east to the Uccellina Mts..<br />

In this research, mainly based on new field mapping and<br />

stratigraphic/structural analyses, a new hypothesis about the<br />

“role” and the significance of the Pseudoverrucano-bearing<br />

successions for the Tuscan stratigraphic/structural framework is<br />

proposed.<br />

_________________________<br />

Stratigraphic and structural setting of the “Pseudoverrucano”<br />

lithofacies in southern Tuscany<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Siena,<br /><br />

(°) Centro di Geotecnologie, Università di Siena<br />

322<br />


The Pseudoverrucano corresponds to a lithofacies mainly<br />

made of beds of coarse quartz-breccia with a diffuse dark red<br />

colour, very similar to the classical Verrucano lithofacies.<br />

However, the Pseudoverrucano and the Verrucano lithofacies<br />

occupy different stratigraphic positions, as consequence of<br />

deposition in different palaeogeographic settings. The<br />

Pseudoverrucano-bearing successions, similarly at what<br />

previously introduced and discussed by other Authors, occur in<br />

two tectonic units, respectively the lowermost Uccellina Mts.<br />

Unit and the Vacchereccia-Montebrandoli-Collelungo Unit,<br />

referring to the Pisa-Siena school’s terminology. We identify a<br />

structural setting for the whole areas characterized by the stacking<br />

of the following tectonic units, from the lowest upward: the<br />

Tuscan Nappe; the Talamone-Torre Cannelle Unit (with<br />

Verrucano at the base and Calcare cavernoso, separated by a<br />

detachment surface); the Uccellina Mts. Unit (with<br />

Pseudoverrucano at the base, the Salto del Cervo Fm., the<br />

Calcare massiccio, the Calcare rosso-ammonitico, the Calcare<br />

selcifero, the Marne a Posidonomya, the Diaspri and the Scaglia<br />

toscana, see Fig. 1); the Vacchereccia-Montebrandoli-Collelungo<br />

Unit (from the base upward, the Pseudoverrucano, the Calcare di<br />

Montebrandoli, the Punta delle Rocchette Fm. locally subdivided<br />

in Calcare rosso-ammonitico at the base and Calcare selcifero,<br />

the Marne a Posidonomya, the Diaspri, the Scaglia toscana and<br />

the Macigno Fm. at the top, which could be hypothetically<br />

indicated as Macigno costiero). At Punta delle Rocchette the<br />

geological setting is characterized by the stack of two tectonic<br />

subunit both belonging to the Vacchereccia-Montebrandoli-<br />

Collelungo Unit, the lowest from the Pseudoverrucano up to the<br />

Calcare selcifero, while the uppermost from the Pseudoverrucano<br />

up to the Macigno Fm. The Montebrandoli area, inland east to the<br />

Punta delle Rocchette, is characterized by a complex tectonic unit<br />

stack, where the Pseudoverrucano succession, in particular the<br />

Vacchereccia-Montebrandoli-Collelungo Unit, is involved in a<br />

few thrust slices. The lowest one shows the Pseudoverrucano –<br />

Scaglia toscana (mainly calcarenites, probably to be referred as<br />

“Nummulitic”) succession, with the occurrence of polygenic<br />

breccia levels; the intermediate tectonic slice shows the<br />

succession Pseudoverrucano – Calcare di Montebrandoli, with a<br />

clear conformable and gradual boundary, passing upward

Fig. 1 – Scheme of the stratigraphic-structural relationships of the Uccellina Mts. Unit and of the Vacchereccia-Montebrandoli-Collelungo Unit<br />

for the Rocchette, Collelungo, Salto del Cervo and Collecchio areas: V1-V2 Pseudoverrucano, FSC Salto del Cervo Fm., CMB Calcare<br />

Montebrandoli, MAS Calcare massiccio, MPR Marne Punta delle Rocchette, RSA Calcare rosso-ammonitico, LIM Calcare selcifero, POD<br />

Marne a Posidonomya, DSD Diaspri, STO Scaglia toscana, MAC Macigno.<br />

unconformably to the Scaglia toscana; the uppermost slice shows<br />

the Pseudoverrucano only. We infer that the Vacchereccia-<br />

Montebrandoli-Collelungo Unit overlies the Uccellina Mts.. Unit<br />

and this the Tuscan Nappe. The northern Uccellina Mts. along the<br />

coast, south to Punta delle Rocchette, are the widest outcrops of<br />

the Pseudoverrucano-bearing successions. There, particularly at<br />

Collelungo and Salto del Cervo localities, we observe a complex<br />

tectonic unit stack, from the bottom upward: - the Talamone-<br />

Torre Cannelle Unit, the Uccellina Mts. Unit and the<br />

Vacchereccia-Montebrandoli-Collelungo Unit. The Uccellina<br />

Mts. Unit is formed of, from the bottom, the Pseudoverrucano,<br />

the Salto del Cervo Fm., the Calcare massiccio, the Calcare<br />

rosso-ammonitico and the Calcare selcifero. The Vacchereccia-<br />

Montebrandoli-Collelungo Unit is formed by Pseudoverrucano at<br />

the base, the Calcare di Montebrandoli, the Marne di Punta delle<br />

Rocchette Fm., the Scaglia toscana (mainly quartz-rich<br />

Nummulitic calcarenites) and the Macigno Fm, also if in a few<br />

areas the Scaglia toscana directly overlies unconformably the<br />

Pseudoverrucano lithofacies. The inland Collecchio area, east to<br />

the northern Uccellina Mts., is characterized by a geological<br />

setting similar to the area before mentioned. In the Collecchio<br />

area we recognize a lowest Uccellina Mts. Unit, made of the<br />

Calcare massiccio, the Calcare rosso-ammonitico, that locally<br />

passes upward to the Diaspri, the Marne a Posidonomya and the<br />

Scaglia toscana. More often, the Calcare massiccio-Calcare<br />

rosso-ammonitico succession is directly overlain by a thick<br />

tectonic breccia, developed along a cataclastic shear zone. This<br />

shear zone, which marks the detachment boundary with the above<br />

323<br />

standing Vacchereccia-Montebrandoli-Collelungo Unit, is locally<br />

dominated by the Calcare rosso-ammonitico, or the Marne a<br />

Posidonomya, or the Diaspri clast-lithologies. The latter unit is<br />

made of there by the Pseudoverrucano at the bottom, which is<br />

unconformable overlain by the Diaspri?-Scaglia toscana-Macigno<br />

Fm. succession; locally the Pseudoverrucano seems to pass<br />

upward to the Calcare di Montebrandoli.<br />

Finally, due to the stratigraphic-structural features and the<br />

relationships among the units, we hypothesize a palaeogeographic<br />

setting for the successions involving the Pseudoverrucano, as<br />

those of the Uccellina Mts. Unit and of the Vacchereccia-<br />

Montebrandoli-Collelungo Unit, placing them in the westernmost<br />

part of the Adria continental paleomargin, as the Innermost<br />

Tuscan Domain (“Ultra Tuscan subdomain”), adjacent to the<br />

Subligurian Domain. In such framework the innermost unit would<br />

be the Vacchereccia-Montebrandoli-Collelungo Unit, whereas the<br />

Uccellina Mts. Unit would originate from an intermediate<br />

position with it and the Tuscan Nappe. To this respect, the<br />

Pseudoverrucano lithofacies could represent a partially<br />

diachronous depositional unit. It could be hypothetically locate at<br />

the western margin of a like-aborted Triassic-?early Jurassic<br />

intraTuscan Domain rift, then, starting from the Jurassic, totally<br />

made uniform with the development and subsidence of the whole<br />

Tuscan Basin, whereas the Ligurian-Piedmont rift-to-drift<br />

processes developed innermost, separating them from the<br />

European continental margin (Sardinia-Corsica Massif).<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

Relationships among stratigraphy, fold-and-thrust structures and<br />

transversal tectonics in the northern Chianti Mountains<br />

(Northern Apennines)<br />

Key words: Northern Chianti Mts. stratigraphy, transverse and<br />

fold-thrust tectonics, Tuscan Nappe.<br />


The Chianti Mts. Range represents a crucial area in the<br />

Northern Apennines. It is in fact the central part of a broader<br />

NNW-SSE 250 km long structural ridge (“Mt. Orsaro-Cetona”<br />

Ridge Auctt.), which divides two different structural domains: a<br />

western one (inner), affected by crustal delamination and thinning<br />

and an eastern one (outer), affected by crustal thickening. The<br />

Chianti Mts. Range is bounded to the west by the allochthonous<br />

Ligurian thrust-sheets (made of the Ophiolitic and Morello units)<br />

and by the Siena-Val d’Elsa Neogene basins and to the east by<br />

the Upper Valdarno Pliocene-Quaternary Basin. The Chianti Mts.<br />

Range is a classical fold-thrust belt system, developed in an<br />

accretionary wedge. The deformative structures affecting the<br />

apenninic orogenic stack are particularly evident in the Tuscan<br />

Nappe tectonic unit, which extensively crops out in the area. In<br />

more details, the Chianti Mts. Range corresponds to a structural<br />

high, where the Tuscan Nappe is structured into a complex megaanticline<br />

dissected by several fault generations. The Chianti Mts.<br />

also represents an important study area for stratigraphic<br />

investigations, as the “Scaglia Toscana” and “Macigno” Fm.,<br />

which have been here formalized with their own stratotype logs.<br />

In this work we show the main northern Chianti Mts. Range<br />

structural features. This has been pursued thanks to detailed field<br />

mapping and both stratigraphical and structural logging. In<br />

particular, the relationships between stratigraphy, thrusting and<br />

transverse tectonic have been emphasized. Such relationships<br />

mainly forced the syn-collisional development the Chianti Mts.<br />

Range. Mutual controlling factors, which determined several<br />

stratigraphical and tectonic settings, have been recognized. They<br />

_________________________<br />


IVAN CALLEGARI (*) & PAOLO CONTI (°) (*)<br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Siena,<br /><br />

(*) Centro di Geotecnologie, Università di Siena<br />

324<br />

proceeds longitudinally to the main thrust-belt structure; in fact,<br />

several transverse lineament, bounding different geological<br />

domains (differences in stratigraphy, grade and style of tectonic<br />

deformation), have been highlighted. The whole ridge has been<br />

also dissected by a set of plio-quaternary normal faults. The most<br />

recent papers describing the geological structure of this range are<br />

those of ELTER &SANDRELLI (1995), FAZZUOLI et alii (1996),<br />

BONINI (1999).<br />


The Tuscan Nappe crops out with its lower lithostratigraphic<br />

terms in two small erosional windows (Cintoia and Lucolena),<br />

where a Jurassic to lower Cretaceous succession crops out<br />

(Calcare Selcifero, Marne a Posidonomya, Diaspri and<br />

Maiolica). The “Scaglia Toscana” crops out extensively along the<br />

axial zone of the ridge. Finally, wide outcrops of “Macigno” Fm.<br />

characterize both the eastern and western flanks of the main<br />

anticline. The “Scaglia Toscana” has been subdivided in some<br />

hierarchical minor lithostratigraphic units, on the base of different<br />

lithological associations and stratigraphical occurrence. Such<br />

units show on the outcrop different thickness and frequent lateral<br />

heteropy. Significant stratigraphical variations have been in fact<br />

observed between the northern and the southern sector of the<br />

study area (Fig. 1): in the northern sector (from Cintoia to<br />

Lucolena) the “Scaglia Toscana” is made by (from the bottom)<br />

the “Argilliti di Brolio”, the “Marne del Sugame” and the<br />

“Argilliti di Cintoia”. The southern sector instead (from<br />

Badiaccia a Montemuro to Gaiole in Chianti) shows a succession<br />

made by the “Argilliti di Brolio”, the “Argilliti di Cintoia”, the<br />

“Calcareniti di Montegrossi” and the “Argilliti e calcareniti di<br />

Dudda” Interbeddings and heteropies are more frequent in these<br />

latter three units. While all the stratigraphical peculiarities have<br />

been determined by the Jurassic to Oligocene basinal architecture<br />

and physiography, (mainly controlled by the syndepositional<br />

tectonics), the deformative evolution of the Chianti Mts. has been<br />

likely driven by sharp lithologic contrasts and by<br />

inheritance/reactivation phenomena of the former syndepositional<br />

faults. As a result, distinct domains along the main<br />

structure came out, characterized by different stratigraphy,

Fig. 1 – Significant cross-sections transversal to the Chianti Anticline. E-E’ northern sector near Cintoia; D-D’ northern sector near Lucolena; B-B’ southern<br />

sector near Badiaccia Montemuro-Piazza di Siena. At the top, the Macigno Fm., below the Scaglia toscana succession and to follow the other Tuscan Nappe<br />

fms.<br />

shortening rates and tectonic styles. Such domains are bounded<br />

by WSW-ENE transversal lineaments, which are parallel to the<br />

main transversal lines of the Northern Apennines. In particular,<br />

the southern domain, characterized by stronger lithological<br />

contrasts, shows a higher complexity; minor imbricate thrustslices<br />

as well as thrust-duplex structures occur, thrusting the<br />

“Scaglia Toscana” onto the “Macigno” Fm. Differently, the<br />

northern domains, characterized by softer lithologic contrasts and<br />

by a lower lateral heteropy, show a simplier structure, dominated<br />

by a main asymmetric anticline, affected by minor east-vergent<br />

overturned folds in the eastern side.<br />


BONINI M. (1999) – Basement-controlled Neogene post<br />

collisional polyphase cover thrusting and basin development<br />

along the Chianti Mountains ridge (Northern Apennines,<br />

Italy). Geol. Mag., 136, 133-152.<br />

ELTER F.M. & SANDRELLI F. (1995) – Inquadramento strutturale<br />

<strong>dei</strong> Monti del Chianti. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 114, 537-547.<br />

FAZZUOLI M., PANDELI E. & SANDRELLI F. (1996) – Nuovi dati<br />

litostratigrafici sulla Scaglia Toscana (Scisti Policromi) <strong>dei</strong><br />

325<br />

Monti del Chianti (Appennino settentrionale). Atti Soc. Tosc.<br />

Sc. Nat., Serie A, 103, 95-104.<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

__________________<br />

Burial and exhumation processes along the Apennine chain<br />

Key words: Burial, clay mineralogy, exhumation,<br />

thermochronology, vitrinite reflectance.<br />


The Apennine orogen is often cited as a type example of a<br />

retreating convergent subduction boundary, but a number of<br />

fundamental questions regarding its orogenesis remains, and there<br />

are alternative models to explain extension in the Apennines,<br />

including slab detachment and spreading of an overthickened<br />

critical wedge in response to underplating. The timing and nature<br />

of late Cenozoic topographic development is also controversial.<br />

In an effort to better distinguish between contrasting models a<br />

valid contribution derives from reconstruction of paths and rates<br />

of exhumation. The advent of fission-tracks studies since the<br />

early sixties allowed to date the last portion of exhumation paths<br />

thanks to low closure temperatures of zircon and apatite<br />

(respectively about 240 and 110°C). Furthermore the<br />

improvement of knowledge about He diffusion allowed the<br />

development in the last 10 years of a new technique that provides<br />

quantitative constraints to the very final path of exhumation down<br />

to 40°C. As a matter of fact apatite fission track and apatite (U–<br />

Th)/He are the most widespread thermochronometers for<br />

investigating the tectonic and climate-driven interactions within<br />

the top few kilometers of the crust. These techniques are also<br />

widely used for investigating burial conditions in sedimentary<br />

basins in different tectonic settings and in the external portions of<br />

orogens (namely fold and thrust belts), where maximum burial<br />

amounts (due to either sedimentary loading or overthusting)<br />

never exceed a few kilometers. Low temperature<br />

thermochronology is then generally coupled with paleothermal<br />

indicators as a combined approach can provide information on<br />

both time and extent of burial and cooling evolution. Among the<br />

existing paleothermal indicators, the most widespread is vitrinite<br />

reflectance that provides detailed resolution in diagenesis and<br />

very low grade metamorphism as it increases irreversibly with<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche - Univ. Roma TRE<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Geoscienze – Università degli Studi di Padova,<br /><br />


326<br />

temperature and depth. Paleo-thermal indicators from clay<br />

mineralogical assemblages, measured by X-ray diffraction, such<br />

as Kübler Index and illite content in mixed layer illite-smectite (I-<br />

S) may be used for reconstructing maximum burials as well. The<br />

main purpose of this contribution is to provide a discussion of the<br />

existinting literature on thermal and thermochronological<br />

indicators for the Apennines fold-and thrust belt with special<br />

regard to sedimentary units. It may represent a robust starting<br />

point for validating structural and geodynamic models that<br />

include modelling of the vertical movements within the orogen.<br />


Northern Apennines have been studied in details since the<br />

‘80s and today they yield a very dense dataset obtained by<br />

different low-temperature thermochonological techniques: zircon<br />

fission-track (ZFT), apatite fission-track (AFT) and (U-Th)/He on<br />

apatite (AHe). For a review, see CORRADO et alii (2010).<br />

Futhermore, a huge amount of samples both from surface and<br />

bore-holes have been analyzed by the vitrinite reflectance<br />

technique. Within the pile of Ligurian and Tuscan nappes, the<br />

coal rank increases generally from top to bottom, to reach the<br />

low-grade metamorphism in the lowermost nappe. Data from<br />

wells in the foredeep successions show values up to advanced<br />

organic metamorphism whereas at surface both vitrinite<br />

reflectance and thermochronology data show a general decrease<br />

of the burial conditions from Tyrrhenian to Adriatic coast.<br />

Except for some magmatic post-orogenic thermal events, the<br />

main coalification cause can be generally ascribed to nappes<br />

emplacement during the Apennine orogeny in the Miocene. This<br />

feature is evident both in the central region of the chain than in<br />

the external area. On the other hand, late orogenic extensional<br />

tectonics is clearly younger than time of maximum burial<br />

throughout the chain.<br />

The exhumation history follows the same pattern observed for<br />

the burial conditions. In fact, both AFT and AHe techniques<br />

indicate a general eastward decrease of the exhumation ages.<br />

More in detail, the youngest AHe ages (ca. 1 to 2 Ma) have been<br />

detected close to the core of the range whereas youngest AFT at<br />

about 4 Ma close to the reset front. The onset of exhumation of<br />

the chain is recorded from the oldest ages, located west of the<br />

topographic divide. Here AFT data range up to about 13 Ma.


Thermochronological dataset is here very limited as only a<br />

few AFT ages have been obtained from the Gran Sasso and the<br />

Trasimeno Lake area. However, the dataset related to thermal<br />

indicators of maximum burial is more abundant. Mean vitrinite<br />

reflectance data from the Meso-Cenozoic pelagic successions at<br />

the top of the thrust stack of the Central Apennines indicate the<br />

immature stage of hydrocarbon generation. For the Umbria-<br />

Marche basin, the Montagna <strong>dei</strong> Fiori structure shows low<br />

thermal maturity levels. On the other hand, along the Gran Sasso<br />

range, fission tracks have been totally reset. RUSCIADELLI et alii<br />

(2005) tried to do some thermal modelling on these ages by<br />

integration with some vitrinite reflectance data. Their results<br />

seems to indicate an exhumation phase in the last 5 m.y.,<br />

confirming the geological evidence of the existence of a Middle<br />

Pliocene unconformity. Thermal constraints for the Molise and<br />

Sannio Basins were provided only by X-ray diffraction. Data for<br />

the Upper Oligocene(?)-Lower Miocene varicoloured clays<br />

indicate early diagenetic zone and low burial temperatures. Synorogenic<br />

siliciclastics are mainly preserved at the footwall of<br />

regional thrust sheets that are progressively younger from<br />

hinterland to foreland with ages bracketing between the Upper<br />

Tortonian and the Messinian. Upper Tortonian foredeep and<br />

Lower Messinian? thrust-top basin deposits cropping out along<br />

the Latina Valley at the footwall of the Volsci Range display low<br />

levels of thermal maturity. Lower Messinian siliciclastics at the<br />

footwall of the Sabina structures in pelagic facies, show<br />

palinofacies with vitrinite reflectance of indigenous macerals<br />

between Ro = 0.25 and 0.35%. Lower Messinian siliciclastics<br />

cropping out to the West and to the East of the Montagna Grande<br />

carbonate ridge show an extremely low thermal maturity. Slightly<br />

higher values are detected to the south of the ridge at the footwall<br />

of the Meta Mountains carbonate thrust sheet as result of tectonic<br />

loading.<br />

In the Laga Basin, Messinian siliciclastics show increasing<br />

vitrinite reflectance as function of depth in the basin depocentre<br />

and values of 0.45-0.5% in the immediate footwall of the Gran<br />

Sasso Range and of the Sibillini thrust front. The AFT dataset<br />

(RUSCIADELLI et alii, 2005), given the “young” depositional age,<br />

indicate that burial temperatures never exceeded the 120°C.<br />


Thermal and thermochronological constraints indicate that the<br />

Southern Apennines can be divided into two distinct<br />

thermotectonic plates: an upper plate that records limited burial<br />

and only minor heating, and a lower plate that has been<br />

extensively tectonically buried and heated. The upper plate<br />

consists of the rocks of the Apennine Platform domain with the<br />

tectonically overlying “internal” units (Ligurian and Sicilide).<br />

The former range in the early diagenetic zone and the immature<br />

327<br />

to early mature stage of hydrocarbon generation and by no<br />

annealing of AFTs. Thermal modelling suggests the minor effect<br />

of burial (never exceeding 2 km) for the rocks of the Apennine<br />

Platform domain. To the South, rocks from the Apennine<br />

Platform Domain (Pollino ridge) experienced higher levels of<br />

thermal maturity with an age of exhumation of 6.0 ± 1.1 Ma. The<br />

Ligurian unit shows and early to late diagenetic conditions and<br />

mature stage of hydrocarbon generations with a cooling age of<br />

11.4± 1.2 Ma.<br />

The lower plate includes rocks of the Lagonegro Basin, the<br />

Monte Croce, and the Apulian Platform domains. For the<br />

Lagonegro Basin successions, organic and inorganic thermal<br />

indicators show an increase of thermal maturity as a function of<br />

depth. For the Miocene siliciclastic deposits transgressive on the<br />

Lagonegro unit, data show an eastward general decrease in<br />

thermal maturity between the mature and the immature stage of<br />

hydrocarbon generation. The data from Monte Alpi, representing<br />

the unique outcrop of Apulian Platform rocks, consistently fall<br />

into the late diagenetic zone and late mature stage of hydrocarbon<br />

generation (MAZZOLI et alii, 2006). As opposed to the rocks<br />

belonging to the upper plate, all samples from the lower plate<br />

were affected, during the Neogene, by maximum temperatures<br />

higher than total annealing temperature. Thermal modelling<br />

indicate slight differences in thermal maturity along the strike of<br />

the chain related to different amounts of tectonic loads and in the<br />

timing of exhumation. Generally, AFT data indicate a late<br />

Miocene onset of exhumation of previously deeply buried rocks<br />

in the southern Apennines.<br />


CORRADO S., ALDEGA L. & ZATTIN M. (2010) - Sedimentary vs.<br />

tectonic burial and exhumation along the Apennines (Italy).<br />

In: M. Beltrando, A. Peccerillo, M. Mattei, S. Conticelli and<br />

C. Doglioni (Eds.) - The Geology of Italy, Journal of the<br />

Virtual Explorer, Electronic Edition, 36, paper 15.<br />


M. (2006) - Pliocene-Quaternary thrusting, syn-orogenic<br />

extension and tectonic exhumation in the southern Apennines<br />

(Italy): insights from the Monte Alpi area. In: Styles of<br />

Continental Contraction, Geological Society of America,<br />

Special paper, 414, 55-77.<br />


(2005) - Burial-exhumation history of the central Apennines<br />

(Italy), from the foreland to the chain building:<br />

thermochronological and geological data. Terra Nova, 17,<br />

560–572.<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

_______________________<br />

Direction change of the Calabrian Arc: causes and effects<br />

Key words: Seismic reflection, strike-slip tectonics, Subduction<br />

Transform Edge Propagator (STEP).<br />


The oblique and diachronous collision of the Apennine-<br />

Maghrebian Chain with the Apulian and Pelagian continental<br />

forelands, respectively in the North-East and in the South, has<br />

determined the characteristic arcuated structure of this orogen.<br />

The observed interactions between subduction of oceanic crust,<br />

collisional processes and Tyrrhenian backarc extension, suggest<br />

the presence of tears along the lithospheric discontinuities<br />

bordering the Ionian slab, and different behaviours of the<br />

foreland sectors due to their different rheological properties.<br />

Above the discontinuities and across the Calabrian Arc,<br />

significant strike-slip systems have developed, that accommodate<br />

different movements of the main sectors of the chain. A<br />

correlation between the start of the strike-slip systems and their<br />

direction (Fig.1) suggests a clock-wise rotation of the arc<br />

migration during the Plio-Quaternary. This development, with<br />

main left throw of the faults, allowed to transmit the compressive<br />

stress to the zone where low buoyant Ionian lithosphere was<br />

present (DEL BEN et alii, 2008).<br />


In the Central Mediterranean, some regional lateral<br />

discontinuities separate different crustal domains:<br />

- the old oceanic crust (Tethys), low buoyant and<br />

consequently easily subducting;<br />

- the intermediate crust, related to a continental domain<br />

involved in important extensive tectonics in the Mesozoic time;<br />

- the carbonate platform domain, partially involved in an<br />

extensive regime, generally characterized by lower and upper<br />

crust of normal thickness and by a thick carbonate layers: it<br />

represents a "buoyant" foreland on respect to subduction.<br />

The boundary between these different foreland domains of the<br />

South Apennine-Calabrian Chain, originated tear faults (or STEP,<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Università degli Studi di Trieste,<br /><br />

ANNA DEL BEN (*)<br />

328<br />

as called by GOVERS &WORTEL, 2005) along the W- Apulia<br />

margin (Policastro and Sibari Gulf) and along the N and E-Sicily<br />

margins: these are deep-seated lithospheric tears which allowed<br />

separation of the subducting Ionian oceanic foreland on respect to<br />

the Apulia and Pelagian continental forelands.<br />

Migration of the chain was joined to some strike-slip faults<br />

that took on different directions in different times. These<br />

directions, as also the chain migration, rotated clock-wise. During<br />

the Upper Miocene-Lower Pleistocene time these faults generally<br />

testify an extensive component, whereas since the Middle<br />

Pleistocene age the new and the reactivated faults crossing the<br />

chain are, except the Vulcano strike-slip, predominantly<br />

transpressive with a left throw. The reactivated faults maintained<br />

the original direction, but in the new stress field they assumed<br />

sometimes a new role (i.e.: the Palinuro fault, activated as left<br />

transcurrent in Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene age, is extensive<br />

during the Pleistocene; the Bovalino strike-slip fault , transtensive<br />

during the Upper Pliocene/Lower Pleistocene, was reactivated as<br />

transpressive in Middle/Upper Pleistocene time).<br />

Fig. 1 – Main strike-slip faults across the Calabrian Arc: their<br />

different directions show a clockwise rotation in defined stages of<br />

Upper Miocene/Lower Pliocene, Upper Pliocene/ Lower Pleistocene<br />

and Middle/Upper Pleistocene times. In the South Apulia, inversion<br />

tectonics are highlighted (adapted from DEL BEN et alii, 2008; the<br />

magnetic anomalies in the Marsili Basin is from NICOLOSI et alii,<br />


During the Late Pliocene/Lower Pleistocene time (ESE<br />

migration of the Calabrian Arc), an extensive phase originated<br />

the Marsili Basin, as well documented by NICOLOSI et alii (2006),<br />

that recognize a NNE-SSW trend of the magmatic anomalies<br />

(Fig.1). During the Middle Pleistocene the Marsili Seamount rose<br />

contemporary to a very slow spreading: this phase is probably<br />

related to a right trastensive regime along the newly generated<br />

Vulcano strike-slip, connected to the SSE direction of the<br />

Calabrian Arc.<br />

Also the origin of the Strait of Messina is interpreted in the<br />

context of regional tectonics. Its northern and southern sectors,<br />

characterized respectively by an ENE–WSW and a NNE–SSW<br />

trends, were generally considered to have been originated at<br />

different times, respectively Lower Pleistocene (and possibly<br />

former time) and Middle/Upper Pleistocene (by OGNIBEN 1974;<br />

SELLI 1978; DEL BEN et alii, 1996). This evolution suggests the<br />

relation of the southern sector with the ESE migration of the<br />

chain, and of the northern sector with the more recent SSE<br />

migration.<br />

Several authors analyzed the Calabrian uplift (FERRANTI et<br />

alii, 2006, with references), begun in Middle Pleistocene, with<br />

maximum rate during the Holocene time and in the Strait of<br />

Messina area. This may be related to the direction change of the<br />

chain: a more complex relation between the chain and the<br />

foreland, here affected by lateral crustal discontinuity, occurred<br />

when the ESE-ward migration along the N-Sicily margin became<br />

SSE-ward, parallel to the E-Sicily margin.<br />

The Southern Apennine compression was active until Lower<br />

Pleistocene (PATACCA &SCANDONE, 2007) whereas, since the<br />

Middle Pleistocene, extensional and strike-slip tectonics with<br />

volcanic activity affect the chain. These data confirm the<br />

changing direction in Middle Pleistocene: the migration<br />

concentrated toward the Ionian foreland, involving almost<br />

exclusively the Calabrian sector, and neglecting the Southern<br />

Apennine, where a rebound of the external foreland began.<br />

The South-Apulia represents the foreland of the chain, since<br />

the Miocene. During Pliocene/Lower Pleistocene the collision of<br />

the chain with the Apulia carbonate platform originated important<br />

compressive structures (Gran Sasso, Majella, Monte Alpi, etc.)<br />

while the Calabrian Arc migrated in an oceanic foreland, tilted<br />

below the front. This tilting pulled down also the western margin<br />

of the Apulia platform, affected by coeval extensive faults.<br />

During the Middle Pleistocene the tangential compression<br />

between the chain and the thick foreland caused a deep<br />

compression, highlighted by inversion tectonics and gentle<br />

compressive structures (DEL BEN, 2009).<br />

The fault systems of the Sicily Channel Rift Zone, regionally<br />

attributed to a pull-apart tectonics, show a gradual clockwise<br />

rotation during the Upper Miocene - Present. This seems to be<br />

connected to the changing compressive regime in N-Sicily,<br />

originating and preserving right strike-slip tectonics.<br />

329<br />


The main cause of the tectonic events in the Central<br />

Mediterranean area is the regional Africa-Eurasia convergence.<br />

Subduction of the low buoyant oceanic crusts and migration of<br />

the overlaying chains were driven by main unhomogeneities of<br />

the foreland: continental-oceanic boundaries and carbonate<br />

platform margins generally represent the sharing across<br />

differently extended crustal thicknesses.<br />

The Calabrian Arc migrated on the Ionian foreland with<br />

different directions, depending by the inherited main boundaries.<br />

The effects can be recognized in the chain (strike-slip faults,<br />

uplift), in the foreland (STEP, rebound, inversion tectonics,<br />

clock-wise rotation of fault systems) and in the back-arc area<br />

(strike-slip, opening of the Marsili Basin).<br />


DEL BEN A. (2009) - Earthquakes and shallow structures in<br />

South Adria: evidence of recent inversion tectonics. In: P.<br />

Guarnieri (Ed.) Recent Progress on Earthquake Geology,<br />

Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-60876-147-0.<br />

DEL BEN A., BARNABA C. & TABOGA A. (2008) - Strike-slip<br />

systems as the main tectonic features in the Plio-Quaternary<br />

kinematics of the Calabrian Arc. Mar. Geophys. Res., 29, 1-<br />

12.<br />

DEL BEN A., GARGANO C. & LENTINI R. (1996) - Ricostruzione<br />

strutturale e stratigrafica dell’area dello Stretto di Messina<br />

mediante analisi comparata <strong>dei</strong> dati geologici e sismici.<br />

Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 51, 703–717.<br />

FERRANTI L., ANTONIOLI F. et al. (2006) - Markers of the last<br />

interglacial sea-level high stand along the coast of Italy:<br />

tectonic implications. Quat. Intern., 145-146, 30-54.<br />

GOVERS R. & WORTEL M.J.R. (2005) - Lithosphere tearing at<br />

STEP faults: Response to edges of subduction zones. Earth<br />

Planet. Sc. Lett., 236, 505-523.<br />

NICOLOSI I., SPERANZA F. & CHIAPPINI M. (2006) - Ultrafast<br />

oceanic spreading of the Marsili Basin, southern Tyrrhenian<br />

Sea: evidence from magnetic anomaly analysis. Geology, 34,<br />

717–720.<br />

OGNIBEN L (1974) - Relazione geologica sullo Stretto di<br />

Messina. GPM, 1–257.<br />

PATACCA E. & SCANDONE P. (2007) - Geology of the Southern<br />

Apennines. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., Spec. Issue No.7, 75-119.<br />

SELLI R (1978) - Appunti sulla <strong>geologia</strong> del Mar Tirreno. Rend.<br />

Semin. Fac. Sci. Univ. Cagliari, 43, (suppl), 327–349.<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

Neogene-Quaternary polyphase inversion tectonics in the Central<br />

Apennines (Italy): Implication for seismic hazard assessment<br />

Key words: Central Apennines, polyphase inversion tectonics,<br />

seismic hazard.<br />


The reactivation of pre-existing extensional features is a<br />

fundamental aspect in the evolution and tectonic style of orogenic<br />

belts. Positive inversion occurs when extensional faults linked to<br />

any basin or zone of subsidence and sedimentation reverse their<br />

movement during compressional tectonic and converted the<br />

original subsidence zone to region of uplift. Conversely, negative<br />

inversion occurs in area where uplift was converted subsidence<br />

(e.g., COWARD, 1994).<br />

The Central Apennine chain is an arcuate fold and thrust belt,<br />

strongly influenced during its formation by the Mesozoic<br />

paleomargin architecture and by NNE-SSW oblique thrust ramps<br />

like the Olevano-Antrodoco-Sibillini and the Sangro-Volturno<br />

(e.g., SATOLLI & CALAMITA, 2008 and references therein), that<br />

sign the separation between the different sectors of the Apennines<br />

(e.g., PATACCA et alii, 1990). During Neogene, the Apennines<br />

were characterized by coeval occurrence of normal and thrust<br />

faults along the western and eastern belt margins, respectively<br />

(ELTER et alii, 1975).<br />

The axial part of the chain is characterized by NW-SE normal<br />

fault sets with evidence of Quaternary activity (CALAMITA &<br />

PIZZI, 1994; PIZZI & GALADINI, 2009).<br />

We analyze the relationships between thrusts and normal<br />

faults in the Central Apennines, particularly along the Olevano-<br />

Antrodoco-Sibillini oblique thrust ramp. Geological evidence<br />

reveals a tectonic history characterized by polyphase positive<br />

orogenic and negative post-orogenic tectonic inversion.<br />


The Central Apennine is characterized by polyphase positive<br />

orogenic and negative post-orogenic inversion tectonics.<br />

During the Neogene orogenesis, positive inversion affected<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze, Università “G.d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara,<br /><br />

330<br />

pre-thrusting normal faults, which were either truncated by thrusts<br />

propagating with a shortcut trajectory or reactivated with reverse<br />

kinematics (e.g., BUTLER, 1989), depending on their orientation<br />

with respect to the new compressive regime. The NW-SE and<br />

WNW-ESE trending pre-thrusting normal faults in the backlimbs<br />

of the anticlines were displaced and passively translated in the<br />

hanging-wall blocks of the thrust planes, thus exhibiting shortcut<br />

geometry (shortcut anticlines). Conversely, pre-orogenic normal<br />

faults in the N-S trending anticlines were reactivated in a<br />

transpressive deformational context (reactivation anticlines). The<br />

slip tendency analysis (MORRIS et alii, 1996; COLLETTINI &<br />

TRIPPETTA, 2007) indicates that fault planes of the shortcut<br />

anticlines are misoriented with respect to the compressive stress,<br />

while the fault planes of the reactivation anticlines are welloriented<br />

and prone for reactivation (CALAMITA et alii, 2009).<br />

The Quaternary negative inversion event reactivated the NW-<br />

SE normal faults, while did not affected the Olevano-Antrodoco-<br />

Sibillini and WSW-ENE Gran Sasso oblique thrust ramps, which<br />

represented barriers for the NW-SE active normal faults growth,<br />

as also documented by PIZZI & GALADINI (2009).<br />


We propose a model of Neogene positive and Quaternary<br />

negative inversion tectonics in which NNE-SSW cross-structures<br />

have been interpreted as pre-thrusting normal faults that<br />

undergone reactivation, during Messinian-Pliocene positive<br />

inversion, while NW-SE faults represent pre-thrusting normal<br />

faults displaced by thrusts, according to a shortcut trajectories,<br />

and subsequently reactivated as normal faults during Quaternary<br />

negative inversion (Fig. 1).<br />

In such a context the NNE-SSW Olevano-Antrodoco-Sibillini<br />

and the E-W Gran Sasso thrust ramps individualize three<br />

independent sectors of the Quaternary extensional activity,<br />

assuming a role of barriers. This observation is in accordance<br />

with the distribution of the recent seismic sequence of L’Aquila<br />

that displays an evident gap close to the E-W Gran Sasso oblique<br />

thrust ramp that split the whole seismicity of the Laga Mountains,<br />

related to the Monte Gorzano fault, from the L’Aquila seismicity,<br />

associated with the Paganica fault.<br />

As a consequence, evaluating the ability of pre-existing crossstructure<br />

to control the growth of NW-SE trending normal<br />

propagating fault is crucial in fault segmentation analysis and,

Fig. 1 – 3D polyphase inversion tectonics model (not in scale): I) prethrusting<br />

normal faults; II) Neogene positive inversion tectonics thought<br />

reactivation of the NNE-SSW trending normal fault and shortcut of the NW-<br />

SE trending normal faults; III) Quaternary negative inversion tectonics of the<br />

NW-SE trending normal faults. Light grey represents the sedimentary cover<br />

(5-9 km thick). White and black lines represent active and inactive<br />

structures, respectively.<br />

hence, in seismic hazard assessment.<br />


BUTLER R. W. H. (1989) - The influence of pre-existing basin<br />

structure on thrust system evolution in the western Alps. In:<br />

M. A. Cooper and G.D. Williams (Eds.) - Inversion tectonics.<br />

Geol. Soc. Lon. Spec. Publ., London, 105-122.<br />

331<br />


TAVARNELLI E. (2009) – Structural inheritance of pre- and<br />

syn- orogenic normal faults on the arcuate geometry of<br />

Pliocene-Quaternary thrusts: examples from the Central and<br />

Southern Apennine Chain. Ital. J. Geosci., 128/2, 381-394.<br />

CALAMITA F. & PIZZI A. (1994) – Recent and active extensional<br />

tectonics in the southern umbro-marchean Apennines (central<br />

Italy). Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 48, 541-548.<br />

COLLETTINI C. & TRIPPETTA F. (2007) - A slip tendency analysis<br />

to test mechanical and structural control on aftershocks<br />

rupture planes. Earth Plan. Sci. Lett., 255, 402-413.<br />

COWARD M. P. (1994) – Inversion tectonics. In: P. L.Hancock<br />

(Ed.), Continental Deformation: Oxford, Pergamon, p. 289-<br />

304.<br />


Tensional and compressional areas in recent (Tortonian to<br />

Present) evolution of north Apennines. Boll. Geofis. Teor.<br />

Appl., 17, 3-18.<br />

MORRIS A., FERRIL A. & HENDERSON D. B. (1996) - Slip<br />

tendency analysis and fault reactivation. Geology, 24 (3),<br />

275-278.<br />

PATACCA E., SARTORI R. & SCANDONE P. (1990) – Tyrrhenian<br />

basin and Apenninic arcs: Kinematic relations since late<br />

tortonian time. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 45, 425-451.<br />

PIZZI A. & GALADINI F. (2009) – Pre-existing cross-structures<br />

and active fault segmentation in the northern-central<br />

Apennines (Italy). Tectonophysics, 476, 304-319.<br />

SATOLLI S. & CALAMITA F. (2008) – Differences and similarities<br />

between the Central and Southern Apennines (Italy):<br />

examining the Gran Sasso vs. the Matese-Frosolone salients<br />

using paleomagnetic, geological and structural data. J.<br />

Geophysical Res., 113, B10101. doi: 10.1029/2008JB005699.<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

Geological and structural evolution of the Onshore-Offshore Murge<br />

and its tectonic implications (Adria/Apulia plate boundary, SE Italy)<br />

Key words: Adria, Apulia, Murge, Rosaria Mare intraplatform<br />

Basin.<br />


In the context of a research project focused on the solution of<br />

geological problems related to the Mesozoic kinematics of the<br />

Adria/Apulia plate boundary, here we present new data on the<br />

structural evolution of the Onshore-Offshore Murge mainly<br />

focused within the Rosaria Mare intraplatform Basin area<br />

(R.M.i.B.; NICOLAI &GAMBINI, 2007, see Fig.1 for location).<br />

This basin developed within the Apulian Carbonate Platform<br />

domain (A.C.P.) during the Upper Cretaceous-Miocene, and<br />

represents a key structural feature to assess the kinematics of the<br />

Adria/Apulia plate boundary during early convergence between<br />

African and Eurasian plates (SCHETTINO &TURCO, 2009).<br />

The main aim of this work is the formulation of a conceptual<br />

tectonic model of the central A.C.P. by integrating offshore<br />

seismic data with available onshore stratigraphic data. The<br />

current work was carried out by employing the following<br />

methodologies: i) stratigraphic analysis of onshore and offshore<br />

log data obtained from commercial deep exploration wells, ii)<br />

structural interpretation of offshore seismic reflection profiles, iii)<br />

geological mapping of Cretaceous-to-Miocene carbonate rocks<br />

cropping-out in the selected area, and iv) 3D modelling of both<br />

stratigraphic horizons and fault surfaces (by using the TrapTester<br />

6 software, Badley Geoscience Limited).<br />


Onshore, a regional unconformity marked by bauxites<br />

deposits of Upper Cenomanian-Turonian age, highlights<br />

differential emersion within the A.C.P.. This differential emersion<br />

was followed by transgression of shallow water carbonatic facies<br />

during the Coniacian-Lower Campanian. Subsequently, a new<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Perugia,<br /><br />

(**) Scuola di Scienze e Tecnologie, Sezione Geologia, Università di<br />

Camerino.<br />

332<br />

tectonic phase, led to the drowning of the south-eastern sector of<br />

the A.C.P. (PIERI &LAVIANO, 1989; BORGOMANO, 2000) within<br />

the studied area, as also recorded by the R.M.i.B. opening during<br />

the Campanian-Maastrichtian stages.<br />

Offshore seismic reflection profiles, carried-out across this<br />

basin and areas nearby, show a complex structural setting related<br />

to the Upper Cretaceous tectonic. Normal faults, folds and<br />

transpressional lineaments influenced the sedimentation of<br />

platform-to-basin carbonates and, furthermore, led to the<br />

disarticulation and instability of the A.C.P. margin. Seismic<br />

profiles interpretation, 3D reconstructions and other geological<br />

evidences, allow us to conceptualize the presence of a possible<br />

negative flower geometry, associated to a deep transcurrent fault,<br />

in correspondance of the R.M.i.B..<br />


Summarizing, a transpressional regime begun to be active in<br />

the Murge onshore/offshore during the Cenomanian and it<br />

preceded the instauration of a left-lateral strike-slip tectonic<br />

regime from, at least, the Campanian.<br />

This tectonic phase probably continued during the Paleocene-<br />

Eocene but the lack of sedimentation, both in the platform and the<br />

basin, does not allow to well constraint the tectonic activity<br />

during that lapse of time.<br />

During the Oligocene, reactivation and inversion of WNW-<br />

ESE normal faults and strike slip faults within the R.M.i.B.,<br />

suggest a change in the direction of the convergence vector<br />

between the Eurasian and the African plates.<br />

Northernmost, along the E-W trending Mattinata-Gondola<br />

line, a Cretaceous tectonic activity has been previously<br />

documented and it has been linked, even if not fully constrained,<br />

to strike-slip movements that occurred from the Upper<br />

Cretaceous/Lower Paleocene (MORELLI, 2002; ARGNANI et alii,<br />

2009).<br />

This means that, at least during the Upper Cretaceous, two<br />

main parallel E-W fault zones (in present-day coordinates),<br />

Mattinata-Gondola and R.M.i.B., were active within the Apulian<br />

region and the Southern Adriatic Basin.<br />

In conclusion we link that tectonic assemblage to a wide zone<br />

of deformation related to the incipient Adria/Apulia continental<br />

transform plate boundary.

Fig.1 - Geological map of the Apulian region between the Gargano promontory and the town of Brindisi (redrawn from Carta Geologica d’Italia, APAT, 2004<br />

and integrated with offshore data from NICOLAI &GAMBINI, 2007). Black square inset indicates the location of the studied area.<br />


ARGNANI A., ROVERE M. & BONAZZI C. (2009) - Tectonics of the<br />

Mattinata fault, offshore south Gargano (southern Adriatic<br />

Sea, Italy): Implications for active deformation and<br />

seismotectonics in the foreland of the Southern Apennines.<br />

GSA Bulletin, 121, 9/10, 1421–1440.<br />

BORGOMANO J.R.F. (2000) - The Upper Cretaceous carbonates<br />

of the Gargano-Murge region, southern Italy: a model of<br />

platform-to-basin transition. AAPG Bulletin, 84, (10), 1561-<br />

1588.<br />

MORELLI D. (2002) - Evoluzione tettonico-stratigrafica del<br />

margine Adriatico compreso tra il promontorio garganico e<br />

Brindisi. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 57, 343-353.<br />

NICOLAI C. & GAMBINI R. (2007) - Structural architecture of the<br />

Adria platform-and-basin system. Boll. Soc Geol. It. (Ital. J.<br />

Geosci.), Spec. Issue, 7, 21-37.<br />

PIERI P. & LAVIANO A. (1989) - Tettonica e sedimentazione nei<br />

depositi Senoniani delle Murge sud-orientali. Boll. Soc. Geol.<br />

It., 108, 351-356.<br />

333<br />

SCHETTINO A. & TURCO E. (2009) - Break-up of Pangaea and<br />

plate kinematics of the central Atlantic and Atlas regions.<br />

Geoph. J. Int., 178, 1078-1097.<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

High-pressure external continental units (HECU) belt at the<br />

boundary between Alpine and Hercynian Corsica: a key for the<br />

understanding the Tertiary subduction and exhumation processes<br />

along the European plate margin<br />


Key words: Continental crust, Corsica, exhumation, HP/LT<br />

metamorphism, subduction, Tertiary.<br />


In Alpine Corsica, pervasive deformation associated with<br />

high-pressure/low-temperature (HP/LT) metamorphism has been<br />

recognized not only in oceanic units (Schistes Lustrés Complex),<br />

but also in tectonic slices derived from the continental margin of<br />

the Corsican/European plate. Findings of mineral assemblages<br />

indicative of HP/LT metamorphism in the continental units has<br />

been reported in the literature (e.g. MOLLI &TRIBUZIO, 2004),<br />

but it has generally been under-evaluated.<br />

The recent data indicate that the HP/LT peak metamorphism<br />

in the continental-derived tectonic units is more widespread than<br />

previously reported, and the occurrence along the Hercynian and<br />

Alpine Corsica boundary of a continous belt of HP/LT<br />

metamorphic (HECU) units.<br />


The HECU belt extends from the Balagne region (northern<br />

zone), to the Asco and Golo valleys (central zone) and the Corte<br />

region (southern zone). The units belonging to HECU belt have<br />

been thrust westward onto the “autochthon” domain represented<br />

by the Variscan basement covered by a thin eocenic sedimentary<br />

sequence. In turn, the HECU belt is overlain by several units<br />

belonging both to the Nappes supérieures and to the Schistes<br />

Lustrés Complex. All the units from the HECU belt includes<br />

metamorphic rocks derived from a succession representative of<br />

the European continental margin. Taking into account the<br />

stratigraphies from the different units, the original succession<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa<br />

(°) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, CNR<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto PRIN con il <strong>contributo</strong> finanziario<br />

dell’Università di Pisa.<br />

334<br />

consisted of Variscan basement rocks topped by Late<br />

Carboniferous-Early Permian volcano-sedimentary deposits,<br />

Triassic dolomites and dolomitic limestones, carbonate deposits<br />

(Jurassic?), polymict coarse-grained breccias (from Cretaceous?<br />

Tertiary?) and Middle Eocene siliciclastic turbidite deposits.<br />

In the northern zone, the HECU units crop out in two<br />

different structural positions. The Fuata-Pedanu Unit (FPU) crops<br />

out below the ophiolite-bearing Balagne Nappe. Below the FPU,<br />

another continental-derived unit, referred as Palasca-Moltifao<br />

Unit (PMU), crops out along the western boundary of the nortern<br />

zone. The PMU, as the FPU, displays an Alpine polyphasic<br />

deformation associated with HP metamorphic recrystallization.<br />

In the central zone, the HECU belt consists as a stack of km-size<br />

units bounded by sub-vertical, N-S trending shear zones. These<br />

units, cropping out below the ophiolite-bearing Schistes Lustrés<br />

Complex and Pineto unit, are represented, from west to east, by<br />

Popolasca-Castiglione Unit (PCU), the Croce d’Arbitro Unit<br />

(CAU) and Piedigriggio-Prato Unit (PPU). In all of these units a<br />

HP/LT mineral assemblage has been recognized. In the Corte<br />

region, the HECU belt is characterized by the same tectonic<br />

setting described for the central zone. In this region, the HECU<br />

belt is classically divided (AMAUDRIC DU CHAFFAULT &SALIOT,<br />

1979) in two main tectonic units, hereafter referred to as Punta di<br />

Zurmulu Unit - PZU and Punta di Corbu Unit - CRU,<br />

respectively.<br />

The HECU record a polyphase deformation history of Alpine<br />

age, characterized by superimposed foliations and folds<br />

structures, developed mainly inside the meta-sedimentary covers.<br />

In contrast, the basement rocks (mainly metagranitoids) are<br />

characterized by heterogeneous deformation with development of<br />

map-scale cataclastic-mylonitic shear zones.<br />

All tectonic units are affected by two main ductile<br />

deformation phases (D1 and D2), acquired to deep structural<br />

levels. A third phase (D3), characterized by asymmetric eastverging<br />

folds, overprints the previous structures. The structural<br />

evidences suggest that all these units were coupled before the D3<br />

phase. About the D1 and D2 phases, no evidences that these<br />

deformations are synchronous in all the studied units have been<br />

detected, but the very similar deformation features and the<br />

HP/LT character of the metamorphism related to the D1 phase

suggest that these phases have been achieved by the studied units<br />

in the same geodynamic setting.<br />

The D1 phase structures are generally preserved as relict<br />

structures inside the microlithons of the main foliation (S2). The<br />

S1 foliation can be easily observed in the hinge zone of the<br />

second phase folds (F2), while along the F2 folds limbs some S1<br />

fabric elements occur as relicts re-aligned along the S2 foliation.<br />

Therefore, the resulting surface, derived by the superposition of<br />

the S1 and S2 foliations, can be considered as a S1+S2 composite<br />

foliation. Associated to D1 phase deformation, low-grade<br />

blueschist facies peak metamorphism was recognized. The<br />

estimated P-T conditions are: 0.40–0.55 GPa and 250-350 °C for<br />

both granitoids and eocenic deposits from the PCU (BÉZERT &<br />

CABY, 1988); 0.50–0.80 GPa and 300–370 °C for the basement<br />

rocks from the CAU (MALASOMA et alii, 2006); 0.60 ± 0.15 GPa<br />

and 325 ± 20 °C for the coarse-grained polymict breccias<br />

(Volparone Breccia) from the FPU (MALASOMA &MARRONI,<br />

2007). To the D1 phase can be referred also the low-temperature<br />

cataclastic-mylonitic deformation in the sheared metagranitoids<br />

where a development of continuous foliation, (Sp) associated to a<br />

stretching/mineral composite lineation (Lp) is found. The<br />

kinematic criteria inferred from metagranitoids indicate a top-tothe-W<br />

sense of shear. The presence of domains in which synkinematic<br />

Na-amphibole and Si-rich phengite are growth along<br />

the Sp foliation, testifies the development of the shear zones<br />

under HP/LT conditions.<br />

The D2 phase is characterized by asymmetric, noncylindrical,<br />

sometime rootless, tight to isoclinal folds (F2) also<br />

recognized at map-scale. The asymmetric F2 folds provide a topto-the-W<br />

shear sense. The S2 axial-plane foliation can be<br />

classifiable as a continuous and pervasive schistosity. The<br />

composite mineral/stretching L2 lineation is formed by aligned<br />

quartz and feldspar porphyroclasts and by aggregate of quartz<br />

ribbons. During the D2 phase, the metamorphic P-T conditions<br />

show a transition from the blueschist to greenschist facies.<br />

The D3 phase structures are mainly represented by<br />

asymmetric E-verging F3 folds. Usually, the S3 foliation can be<br />

observable as brittle disjunctive cleavage in the more competent<br />

beds and as a pervasive gradational crenulation cleavage in the<br />

fine-grained beds. Asymmetric E-verging F3 folds deform and<br />

sometimes overturn the main contacts between the HECU<br />

stacked tectonic units. In addition, the F3 folds, with flat-lying<br />

axial planes and horizontal fold axes, can be interpreted as<br />

originating from vertical shortening and folding of pre-existing<br />

non-horizontal layers.<br />


As a whole, a continuous belt of continental slices<br />

characterized by HP/LT metamorphism of Tertiary age can be<br />

identified from the Balagne (N of studied area) to the Corte area<br />

(S of studied area).<br />

In the HECU units, the three main deformation phases (D1,<br />

335<br />

D2, D3) are younger than Middle Eocene (age of the turbiditic<br />

deposits involved in the D1 deformation phase) but older than<br />

Burdigalian (the age of the oldest undeformed deposits of the<br />

Francardo–Ponte Leccia Basin). Thus, the D1, D2 and D3 phases<br />

can be regarded as ranging in age from Late Eocene to Early<br />

Miocene. On the base of structural features and metamorphic<br />

conditions the D1 phase recognized in the HECU can be<br />

interpreted as related to the deformations achieved during their<br />

underplating at ~15-25 km of depth into the accretionary wedge<br />

(as testified by development of HP/LT metamorphic mineral<br />

assemblages), while the D2 and D3 phases can be related to the<br />

exhumation history. Particularly, the D2 phase was associated to<br />

the first stage of exhumation driven by a syn-contractional<br />

westward thrusting onto the eastern margin of the Hercynian<br />

basement and the D3 phase can be interpreted as related to the<br />

last stage of exhumation history during the Oligo-Miocene<br />

extensional tectonics.<br />

This picture supports the hypothesis that large portions of the<br />

Corsican/European continental margin (previously regarded as<br />

weakly metamorphosed or non-metamorphosed) were deformed<br />

under HP/LT metamorphic conditions during their involvement<br />

in the tectonics connected with Alpine subduction. All these units<br />

were subsequently juxtaposed against the metamorphic and nonmetamorphic<br />

oceanic units during the following complex<br />

exhumation history.<br />


AMAUDRIC DU CHAFFAULT S. & SALIOT P., (1979) - La région de<br />

Corte: sectèur-clè pour la comprèhension du mètamorphisme<br />

alpine en Corse. B. Soc. Geol. Fr., 21, 149-154.<br />

BEZERT P. & CABY R. (1988) - Sur l’âge post-bartonien des<br />

évenements tectono-metamorphiques alpins en bordure<br />

orientale de la Corse cristalline (Nord de Corte). B. Soc.<br />

Geol. Fr., 8, 965-971.<br />

MALASOMA A. & MARRONI M., (2007) - HP/LT metamorphism<br />

in the Volparone Breccia (Northern Corsica, France):<br />

evidence for involvement of the Europe/Corsica continental<br />

margin in the Alpine subdution zone. J. Metamorph. Geol.,<br />

25, 529-545.<br />


(2006) - High-pressure mineral assemblage in the continental<br />

unit of Alpine Corsica: new findings in the parautochtonous<br />

units from Popolasca-Francardo area. Geol. J., 41, 49-59.<br />

MOLLI G. & TRIBUZIO R. (2004) - Shear zones and metamorphic<br />

signature of subducted continental crust as tracers of the<br />

evolution of the Corsica/Northern Apennine orogenic system.<br />

In: G.I. Alsop, R.E.Holdsworth, K.J.W. McCaffrey & M.<br />

Hand (Eds.) - Flow Processes in Faults and Shear Zones.<br />

Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Pub., 224, 321–335.<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

Neotectonics in the inner Northern Apennines: evidence from late<br />

Quaternary alluvial sediments of the northern Siena Basin<br />

Key words: Alluvial sediments, inner Northern Apennines,<br />

neotectonics, Quaternary, Siena Basin.<br />


In this presentation we document the occurrence of faults<br />

affecting late Quaternary alluvial terraced deposits related to the<br />

hydrographic evolution of the Arbia River.<br />

This river, located in the northern sector of the Siena Basin<br />

(southern Tuscany), is characterized by several fluvial terraces<br />

developed along its fluvial pattern. One of the lower terraced<br />

episode, with an elevation that varies between about 230 and 210<br />

meters a.s.l., is well evident along one of its right tributary (the<br />

Bozzone Creek). This terrace is probably very recent in age<br />

(maybe Late Pleistocene-Holocene), due to the reduced elevation<br />

on the actual valley bottom (about 10 m). Architecture and<br />

sedimentological features of this alluvial terraced deposit are<br />

evident in a small quarry on the right side of the creek.<br />

Sediments consist of gently inclined, alternated beds of sand<br />

and gravel, prograding on sub-horizontal sandy layers. Gravel<br />

ranges in size from pebble to large cobble and single beds<br />

generally show rich sandy matrix. Open-framework layers are<br />

also present.<br />

The whole outcrop is affected by high-angle normal faults,<br />

N100°-120° striking, show normal offsets ranging from few<br />

decimeters to maximum one meter. They are arranged in grabenlike<br />

association and represent the expression of a soft-sediment<br />

deformation. So, their kinematics cannot be defined with<br />

certainty.<br />

The fault zones, millimeter thick, result mineralized suggesting<br />

their fundamental role for channeling fluids. Faults dissecting<br />

pebbly levels result hydrothermally altered as highlighted by the<br />

occurrence of widespread iron-hydroxides within the matrix, and<br />

locally bounding each pebble. The whole evidences indicate that<br />

an hydrothermal system was coeval during the faults activity.<br />

Such a scenario is coherent with neotectonics evidences as<br />

documented in the north-eastern side of the Siena Basin<br />

(Rapolano area), where N45°-N70° and N100°-N120° striking<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Siena,<br />;,<br /><br />

336<br />

oblique to left-lateral strike-slip faults were responsible for a<br />

widespread hydrothermal circulation and travertine deposition<br />

(BROGI &CAPEZZUOLI, 2009).<br />

On the whole, neotectonics activity in a transtensional tectonic<br />

setting is supported by new evidences also from the northern<br />

Siena Basin.<br />


BROGI A. & CAPEZZUOLI E. (2009) - Travertine deposition and<br />

faulting: the fault-related travertine fissure-ridge at Terme S.<br />

Giovanni, Rapolano Terme (Italy). Int. J. Earth Sci. (Geol.<br />

Rundsch.), 98, 931–947<br />


Hot fluid pumping along shallow level collisional thrusts: the Monte<br />

Rentella Shear Zone, Umbria Apennine, Italy<br />



Key words: Cataclastic flow, dilational jogs, fluid migration,<br />

thrust deformation, Umbria Apennine.<br />


Evidences of fluid circulation along fault-related fracture<br />

systems comes from in situ measurements in active tectonic<br />

regions and from the occurrence of mineral-infused vein systems<br />

in ancient orogenic belts. All the exploited hydrothermal mineral<br />

deposits on earth and many reservoirs or conduits for gas rely on<br />

the availability of large volumes of fluids flowing along faults.<br />

Also, the control of overpressured fluid on the state of stress<br />

along fault zones is considered as a crucial factor controlling the<br />

seismic character of faults. We report here on the<br />

multidisciplinary investigation we carried out on a well-exposed<br />

shallow shear zone, responsible for imbrication and thrust sheet<br />

development of the Apennine foredeep successions during<br />

Miocene continental collision.<br />


The studied thrust crops out in the Lago Trasimeno area as a<br />

ramp segment of the system of internal thrusts in the Rentella<br />

Unit, a unit of foreland-foredeep succession deposited in a<br />

paleogeographic domain between the Tuscan and the Umbria-<br />

Marche Domains. The thrust zone is infused by a complex system<br />

of calcite veins. With the main goal of reconstructing the<br />

structural and temperature fluid rock-interaction during shear<br />

zone activity we associated a detailed field and microstructural<br />

analysis of the MRSZ structure and deformation fabrics, with<br />

vitrinite reflectance measurements, XRD analysis on clay<br />

minerals and C, O stable isotopes analyses. The Monte Rentella<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa,<br /><br />

(**) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, C.N.R, sezione di Pisa<br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università degli Studi Roma TRE<br />

Lavoro eseguito con il <strong>contributo</strong> finanziario dell’Università di Pisa<br />

337<br />

Shear Zone (MRSZ, 160°-170°/60°-70°SW) is a 45-50 m thick<br />

thrust zone juxtaposing varicoloured pelagic and emipelagic<br />

marls (Monte Rentella Fm) over siliciclastic turbidites<br />

(Montagnaccia Fm). Disruption concentrates in the marls of the<br />

Monte Rentella Fm, allowing to a MRSZ asymmetrical<br />

architecture, with a 3.5 m thick core zone (COZ) bounded by<br />

strikingly different footwall and hangingwall damage zones. The<br />

footwall damage zone (FDZ) develops in massive sandstones<br />

with deformation accommodated by a fracture and dissolution<br />

foliation. Fractures are arranged as R- and R'-type Riedel planes<br />

associated with a main shear surface striking 130°-160°/20°-<br />

40°SW and showing a top-to-NE sense of shear. Fabric in the 3.5<br />

m thick core zone (COZ) is very penetrative and includes many<br />

typical features of brittle shear zones in pelitic to marly<br />

lithotypes, such as: a strongly penetrative scaly foliation, brittle<br />

S-C structures, shear-related asymmetric folds and extensive<br />

veining. Foliation is defined by an anastomosing set of polished<br />

and striated fracture planes with mm scale spacing. Brittle S-C<br />

structures develop at all scales and their arrangement indicates a<br />

top-to-E-NE sense of shear. Foliation is also folded by strongly<br />

asymmetric, tight to isoclinal folds with boudinaged limbs. The<br />

HDZ develops in the central-upper portion of the Monte Rentella<br />

Fm also deforming marly lithotypes. HDZ fabric is characterized<br />

by well-developed S-C brittle structures, similar to those<br />

observed in the core, but distributed with less frequency and<br />

intensity.<br />

S- and C- planes are infused by a complex network of calcite<br />

veins. Vein density in the fault core is up to 2 times higher that<br />

that observed in the damage zone, suggesting extremely high<br />

fluid circulation focused in the fault core. Veins arranged along<br />

the C-type shear planes seem to have accommodated<br />

deformation, being characterized by many crack-and-seal<br />

episodes, and a texture comparable to that already described in<br />

literature for dilational jogs or for striped veins. Jogs of different<br />

veining episodes show frequently a staircase shape that can be<br />

used as a shear sense indicator, always consistent with a top-tothe-NE<br />

sense of shear. The characteristics of calcite twins in the<br />

veins allows to a qualitative estimate of temperature of formation<br />

ranging from 150° to 300°C. The vitrinite reflectance and clay<br />

mineralogy analyses suggest temperature range from 60° to 100-<br />

110°C, and represents the maximum value reached by the whole<br />

unit and by any episode of internal imbrication, as is the MRSZ.<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

These paleo-temperature values across the MRSZ section indicate<br />

that the Rentella Unit experienced a tectonic burial from 3 km, in<br />

the western sector, to around 2 km toward the E, in the frontal<br />

part of the unit, using a thermal gradient at surface of 30°C and<br />

10°C. The stable isotope data indicate a small but systematic<br />

variation in δ 18 O values across the section, with δ 18 O values of<br />

the veins lower than that of the adjacent host rocks, and δ 18 O<br />

values of the veins and host rocks series decreasing regularly<br />

from the underformed rocks to the fault core. δ 18 O values of veins<br />

lower than those of the host rocks suggest that fluids responsible<br />

for the veins precipitation were not in equilibrium and/or<br />

isotopically buffered by surrounding host rock. Externally<br />

derived hotter fluids, migrating along the fault and not in isotope<br />

equilibrium with the host rocks, are believed to be responsible for<br />

the observed vein system. In fact, a fluid with temperature of<br />

150°C interacting significantly with the host rock would produce<br />

the shifting to lighter δ 18 O observed from the veins to the<br />

neighbouring host rock. At the same time, since most of the fluid<br />

flow is focused in the core zone the significant interaction of host<br />

rock and fluids would explain the decrease in δ 18 O values of both<br />

host and veins from the undeformed zone to the core. The<br />

temperature of ca. 150°C would fit with the qualitative estimate<br />

based on the shape of calcite twins in the vein infilling.<br />

In concert, all these observation picture a thrust zone evolving<br />

through cycles of delocalization and localization allowing to a<br />

complex, asymmetric fault zone geometry. Shear strain<br />

distribution is heterogeneous, with deformation accommodated<br />

by brittle fractures in the competent blocks and by viscous flow in<br />

the marl matrix. Cataclastic flow and pressure solution during<br />

shear are the main deformation processes active. The build-up of<br />

overpressure in fluids and their attempt to escape to the surface at<br />

failure are suggested as the cause of syntectonic development of<br />

the hydrofracture system described in both the core and the<br />

damage zones of the MRSZ. The cyclic opening and closure of<br />

fractures create distinct mechanical and permeability<br />

heterogeneities that focus and transmit fluid flow along and<br />

across the fault zone. The intense involvement of hot fluids (150-<br />

200 °C), focused mainly in the core zone, produced both a<br />

precipitation of carbonate veins and a partial recristallization and<br />

geochemical modification of the host rocks. A possible origin of<br />

these high temperature fluids could be found at depth, where<br />

metamorphic reactions and mechanical expulsion release large<br />

quantities of fluids toward the surface. The provenance of fluids<br />

from deeper portions of the collisional belt would also explain the<br />

contrast between this estimated temperature and the burial depth<br />

reconstructed for thrust.<br />

338<br />

Fig. 1 – Structural profile across thrust dip showing structural features

Key words: Depocentre migration, Messinian salt, Northern<br />

Apennines, tectono-sedimentary evolution, Volterra Basin.<br />

The internal side of the Northern Apennines is characterised<br />

by the presence of Late Miocene-Quaternary basins resting on top<br />

of the already structured thrust-fold belt. Their origin has been<br />

commonly related to an extensional tectonic regime,<br />

progressively following the northeastward migration of the thrust<br />

front, either in the frame of back-arc extension, or of gravity<br />

spreading collapse. In this scenario, thrusting has been assumed<br />

to pre-date hinterland basin development.<br />

The Volterra Basin is one of the largest Neogene basins in<br />

central Tuscany. Pliocene marine sediments fill its central part,<br />

whereas Tortonian-Messinian, fluvio-lacustrine and shallow<br />

marine deposits, often displaying a vertical to steeply dipping<br />

attitude, crop out at its margins. Specifically to the Messinian, the<br />

succession has been classically subdivided into brackish-shallow<br />

marine mudstones (Pycnodonta clays auct.), referred to the preevaporitic,<br />

final early Messinian, overlain by a sedimentary<br />

complex including primary and resedimented evaporites<br />

variously interbedded with terrigenous deposits, on the whole<br />

recording the late Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) and the<br />

subsequent lago-mare realm. Around Saline di Volterra, in the<br />

southern portion of the basin, halite, exploited since the last<br />

century, gypsum and terrigenous deposits characterise the buried<br />

Messinian succession.<br />

A kind collaboration with the Solvay Chimica Italia S. p. A.<br />

allowed us to analyse in detail a new core drilled in the Messinian<br />

succession east of Saline di Volterra, which, from biostratigraphic<br />

analyses of ostracod and palynomorph assemblages, is referred to<br />

the latest Messinian (i.e lago-mare) (BERTINI et alii, 2008). The<br />

core has almost completely recovered about 170 meters of Mio-<br />

Pliocene sediments extending about 10 meters below the halite<br />

deposits. Within the upper Miocene portion, the stratigraphic and<br />

sedimentologic analysis has allowed to establish distinct units<br />

including terrigenous deposits, reworked gypsum and three halite<br />

_________________________<br />

Messinian tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Volterra Basin<br />

(Northern Apennines)<br />


(*) CNR, Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, Firenze,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Firenze,<br /><br />

(°)<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto PRIN 2006 (UO Firenze,<br />

Responsabile Adele Bertini).<br />

339<br />

intervals. This core has represented the starting point for a<br />

revision of the surface geology, through a detailed mapping at the<br />

1:10,000 scale with a profitable field correlation of sedimentary<br />

facies and structural description and interpretation.<br />

In stratigraphic terms this revision has ascertained the lack of<br />

an outcropping equivalent of the buried halite, which evidently<br />

deposited in restricted depocentres and possibly in a very short<br />

time interval. Furthermore, evaporites exposed in the southern<br />

Volterra basin, which are mainly clastic, may be referred to the<br />

late Messinian (post-MSC). This suggests that the primary<br />

evaporites, recording all over the Mediterranean basins the late<br />

Messinian Salinity Crisis, have been almost completely eroded<br />

and redistributed as clastic deposits during the post-evaporitic<br />

time.<br />

The geologic-structural data outline a high degree of<br />

deformation of the Messinian units, less expressed but still<br />

occurring also in the overlying Pliocene deposits, with the<br />

development of reverse faults and polyphasic folds at different<br />

scales. The different degree of deformation in the various units is<br />

outlined by the occurrence of angular unconformities. A major<br />

unconformity separates the lower Messinian Pycnodonta clays,<br />

which are usually tightly folded and often steeply dipping, from<br />

the overlying post-MSC units, which are more gently folded. All<br />

these structural lines of evidence suggest crustal shortening as<br />

responsible for the formation and development of the different<br />

depocentres along with their overall northeastward migration.<br />

The highest degree of deformation is found in correspondence<br />

of major compressive structures evident in the subsoil from the<br />

interpretation of a series of published commercial seismic lines.<br />

This, joined to the reinterpretation of several core stratigraphies<br />

from the Solvay Company and from oil exploration, has allowed<br />

to extend to the subsoil the surface geology determining the<br />

definition of a new tectono-sedimentary model for the Messinian<br />

evolution of the southern Volterra basin.<br />



LUGLI S., MENICHETTI E. & TESTA G. (2008) - Integrated<br />

stratigraphic analyses of the Messinian succession in the<br />

Montecatini Val di Cecina-Pomarance area (Tuscany,<br />

Volterra Basin). In: F. Lozar (Ed.) - Alba e tramonto <strong>della</strong><br />

crisi messiniana, 10-11 ottobre 2008, Alba (Cn), Riassunti,<br />

pp. 11-12.<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

Neogene deformation in metamorphic units of eastern Elba island,<br />

(northern Apennine): insight from Calanchiole and Felciaio<br />

mylonitic marbles in the Porto Azzurro pluton contact aureole<br />

Key words: Igneous bodies, late Neogene tectonics northern<br />

Tyrrhenian Sea-northern Apennines, upper crustal<br />

structures.<br />

In the northern Tyrrhenian Sea, late Miocene intrusive rocks<br />

namely the Monte Capanne pluton and the Porto Azzurro pluton<br />

(8 - 5.9 Ma) were emplaced at upper crustal level (< 0.2 GPa) in<br />

the thrust systems of Elba Island. The emplacement of intrusive<br />

rocks is currently explained in the context of late Miocene<br />

extensional tectonics with eastward translation of the upper most<br />

tectonic units from central to eastern Elba along two fault zones:<br />

the Central Elba Fault and the Zuccale Fault. We report new<br />

detailed structural data undertaken along a continuous natural<br />

cross section through the contact aureole of Porto Azzurro pluton<br />

(Fig. 1), where spatial and temporal relationship between granite<br />

emplacement, contact metamorphism and deformation are clearly<br />

exposed. Along this section, the contact aureole consists of a<br />

rheologically inhomogeneous multilayer stack which attains a<br />

thickness of 1.3 km and shows a complex pattern of metamorphic<br />

zones associated with strain localization in carbonate mylonites<br />

within west dipping decameter-scale shear zones namely the<br />

Calanchiole and Felciaio shear zones (Figs 2a, b).<br />

These shear zones are marked by strongly sheared carbonate<br />

hornfels showing NS trending and west dipping mylonitic<br />

foliation (Fig 2c), sheath folds and upright folds (Fig. 2d). Mesoand<br />

microstructural features (Figs 2e, f) of the mylonitic marble<br />

hornfels are consistent with the development of deformation<br />

structures as result of progressive deformation coeval with<br />

contact metamorphism. In particular mylonitic marble fabrics<br />

highlights that the most of the deformation and displacement<br />

closely followed the contact metamorphism thermal peak and<br />

were coeval with the retrograde evolution. This matches the<br />

dominant occurrence of mylonitic fabrics developed under<br />

amphibolites to greenschist facies conditions with high grade<br />

mineral assemblage and high-temperature microstructures<br />

preserved into low strain domains.<br />

____________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Pisa,<br />

(**) Istituto Geoscienze e Georisorse - CNR Pisa,<br />


340<br />

The westward dipping of shear zones and mylonitic foliation<br />

coupled with a top to the east sense of movement indicate that<br />

they correspond to decametre thick ductile thrust zones, which<br />

activity led to internal stacking of contact aureole.<br />

Therefore, the Porto Azzurro contact aureole in eastern Elba<br />

Island gives clear evidence of synkinematic contact<br />

metamorphism which is related to emplacement of intrusive<br />

rocks during active tectonics.<br />

In particular the geometry of deformation structures and the<br />

internal stacking of the contact aureole are consistent with<br />

shortening coeval with late Miocene (5.9 Ma) emplacement and<br />

cooling of the Porto Azzurro pluton, as already recognized in the<br />

hinterland portion of northern Apennines and in particular in the<br />

southern portion of the Larderello geothermal field.<br />

Fig 1 - Porto Azzurro contact aureole. a) geological sketch map and b) schematic<br />

cross section

Fig. 2 - a) Calanchiole shear zone; b) Felciaio shear zone; c) mylonitic foliation and d) sheath folds; microfabrics in<br />

Calanchiole shear zone (e) and Felciaio shear zone (f)<br />

2<br />

341<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

Key words: Triassic Evaporites, Northern Apennines.<br />

The trending of Triassic evaporites cropping out at Sassalbo<br />

(Tuscany) and in Secchia Valley (Emilia Romagna) represents<br />

one of the most important trans-Apennines lineaments to gain<br />

informations about the structural evolution of the apenninic chain<br />

from the collisional to the more recent extensional tectonic<br />

phases.<br />

Two groups of outcrops have been distinguished: 1) Sassalbo<br />

group; 2) Secchia Valley group.<br />

Taking into account abundant published data and new field<br />

observations some considerations on their tectonic evolution and<br />

emplacement are proposed.<br />

These deposits, with their associated sedimentary sequence,<br />

belong to the internal Tuscan realm. In spite to the common<br />

origin and provenance, at a certain time of the geological history<br />

(Tertiary) they have been dismembered and a portion has been<br />

translated towards the Adriatic-Padan region, originating the salt<br />

outcrops of Secchia Valley, the most external triassic evaporites<br />

nucleo of the apennine mountain building.<br />

_________________________<br />

The Triassic evaporites of Sassalbo and Secchia Valley (Tuscan-<br />

Emilian Apennines): geometric and kinematic data<br />

(*) Dipartimento Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Pisa,<br />



“Alpine” Corsica and Northern Apennine: two orogenic complexes<br />

or the same? Arguments for discuss about<br />



Key words: Alpine Corsica, geodynamics, northern Apennines,<br />

regional geology.<br />

Up to now, at least three main hypotheses have been advanced<br />

in the geological literature to explain the geodynamic events<br />

allowing to the present Northern Apennines orogenic chain.<br />

These models agree with that concern the Oligo-Miocene<br />

evolution, but are strongly different regarding the oldest orogenic<br />

stages. In particular, the first model is based on a double orogen<br />

(characterized by an older “alpine” and by a younger “apenninic”<br />

defomation stages) and theorizes an inversion of the subduction<br />

plane at the Oligocene boundary. The second model hypothesizes<br />

that the present day “Apenninic” stage (with a west dipping<br />

subduction) was active also during the older stage. Finally, the<br />

third model, tacking into account the Oligocene age of the<br />

Sardinia-Corsica offshore “arc-type” magmatism and of the<br />

coheval inception of the Ligure-Balearic back-arc basin,<br />

considers the old stage as effect of an important intraoceanic leftlateral<br />

wrench movement until the Early Oligocene that predates<br />

the “Apennine” stage development.<br />

The occurrence of Late Cretaceous? to Tertiary subduction<br />

events, accompanying the main stage of the Apennines<br />

tectogenesis is well documented both along the Corsica-Northern<br />

Apennines transect and in Calabria sector.<br />

The major evidences are:<br />

the presence of continental basement and ophiolitic roks<br />

affected by HP-LT metamorphism (up to eclogite facies),<br />

Cretaceous?-Eocene-Lower Oligocene in age, and of Oligocene<br />

to Lower Miocene HP-LT and Green Schist metamorphism also<br />

in the continental margin of Adria.<br />

The presence of post Barthonian HP-LT parageneses on both<br />

the Corsican European margin and the overlying Neogene<br />

neoauthocthonous close to the contact with metamorphic<br />

ophiolitic nappes (Schistes Lustrés auctt.).<br />

The presence in the Late Cretaceous helminthoid Flysch of<br />

the southern Tuscany (Monteverdi U.) of ophiolitic<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Firenze,<br /><br />

(**) IGG (Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse)-CNR - Firenze<br />

343<br />

olistostromes and olistolites.<br />

The presence of a Late Paleocene-Early Eocene epiligurian<br />

deposit (Lanciaia Fm.)covering unconformably the Vara Unit<br />

and the underlying Monteverdi Unit.<br />

The development of Eocene/Oligocene to Early Miocene<br />

calc-alkaline volcanic alignment to the west of the Sardinia-<br />

Corsica massif.<br />

The contemporaneous westwards growth of the Ligure-<br />

Balearic backarc basin.<br />

Furthermore recent data about the ages of the arc-type<br />

magmatism (38.3 Ma) and about the sismic thomography seem to<br />

put new argument in favour of the second model. This latter is<br />

also supported by the eastward migration of the Corsica-fed<br />

siliciclastic turbiditic sedimentation and of the emplacement of<br />

ophiolitic olistostromes and olistoliths towards east in the oceanic<br />

realm since Cretaceous to Eocene. Moreover, Late Paleocene-<br />

Early Eocene epiligurian sediments (i.e. Lanciaia Fm.) are<br />

present in the Northern Apennines orogenic stack and predate<br />

the development of the HP-LT metamorphism of the Schistes<br />

Lustrés.<br />

This speech aims to stimulate an open debate about to the socalled<br />

Alps-Apennines boundary.<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

New stratigraphic constrains of the para-autocthonous Caporalino-<br />

Sant’Angelo Unit belonging to the “Alpine Corsica” (Corte-Ponte<br />

Leccia area, Corsica)<br />


Key words: Biostratigraphy, Calcareous nannofossils, Corsica,<br />

Eocene, France, Lithostratigraphy.<br />


This paper is aimed to give new insights useful to enlighten<br />

the relationships between the Alpine Units (Alpine Corsica<br />

Auctt.) outcropping in the NE sector of Corsica and hence helpful<br />

to reconstruct the geodynamic history of this sector of the alpine<br />

belt. In Corsica, the Alpine Units consists of a stack of<br />

(frequently laminated) oceanic and continental units which<br />

overlying the Variscan basement (Hercynian Corsica Auctt.) of<br />

the Corso-European foreland. In some areas, the pile of the<br />

Alpine Units is still a puzzle and both lithostratigraphy and age of<br />

some units are still debatable. In the Omessa area, between Corte<br />

and Ponte Leccia, the tectonic pile includes the Tenda Unit (cfr.<br />

Tenda Massif Auctt.), the Caporalino-Sant’Angelo Unit, the<br />

Santa Lucia Nappe and the Schistes lustrés s.l. Among these<br />

units, the type of deposit and the age of the succession assigned<br />

to the Caporalino-Sant’Angelo Unit is still matter of debate.<br />

Earliest geologist consider the Caporalino-Sant’Angelo unit as a<br />

continuous sedimentary succession which spans in age from<br />

Lower Jurassic to Eocene. Later, some of these authors confirmed<br />

the continuity of the sedimentation of the Lower Jurassic to<br />

Eocene deposits assigned to the Caporalino-Sant’Angelo Unit<br />

and interpret the Caporalino limestone as a shallow-water<br />

platform deposit or a pelagic succession characterized by<br />

carbonate platform input. In contrast with this interpretation, the<br />

Caporalino-Sant’Angelo Unit was considered as coarse grained<br />

deposits with huge olistoliths sedimented in a distinct Eocene<br />

basin.<br />

Aim of this paper is to improve the lithostratigraphy and the<br />

biostratigraphy of the Caporalino-S.Angelo Unit in order to the<br />

make clear the type of deposit and the age of this (Alpine) unit<br />

and to suggest the palaeogeographic location of its sedimentary<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Pisa,<br /><br />

(**) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Pisa,<br /><br />

344<br />

basin.<br />

Based on a new geological mapping of the Corte-Pontee<br />

Leccia area and the lithostratigraphy of the three key compositesections,<br />

the Caporalino-Sant’Angelo Unit consists of three<br />

coarse-grained clastic intervals and eight levels. The lower<br />

interval is composed of breccias conglomerates and sandstones.<br />

The middle interval mainly consists of breccias conglomerates<br />

and olithosliths (e.g. Caporalino Limestone); in the upper part of<br />

this interval are marls and breccias with clasts of Caporalino<br />

Limestone. Fine-grained sandstones with pelitic intercalation and<br />

rare conglomeratic beds characterize the upper interval.<br />

According to the recovered microfossil (calcareous nannofossils<br />

and foraminifera) assemblages the entire Caporalino-Sant’Angelo<br />

Unit is Early to Middle Eocene in age.<br />

Consequently, the previous model of a continuous Jurassic-<br />

Eocene stratigraphic succession is no longer valid and the<br />

following scenario could be outlined:<br />

1) during the Early-Middle Eocene the Caporalino-S.Angelo<br />

unit settled in an siliciclastic basin which received coarse grained<br />

deposits such as breccias and conglomerates, olistostromes and<br />

olistoliths (mainly composed by Upper Jurassic platform<br />

limestones) and sandstones and intercalation of silty marls and<br />

conglomerates,<br />

2) the coarse-grained clastic sediments and the Upper Jurassic<br />

calcareous olistoliths , could have an inner place of origin (they<br />

probably represent the remnants of a carbonate platform<br />

emplaced over the Corso basement);<br />

3) consequently the Caporalino Sant’Angelo Unit was a<br />

foredeep basin, situated between the outer margin represented by<br />

the European foreland, and the inner margin, constituted yet by<br />

the corso basement and its calcareous cover,<br />

4) later the Santa Lucia Nappe and the Schistes lustrés were<br />

thrusted on the Caporalino-S.Angelo basin.

Magma emplacement in a transfer zone: the Miocene mafic Orano<br />

dyke swarm of Elba Island, Tuscany, Italy<br />

Key words: Dyke swarm, Elba Island, transfer zone.<br />

Dykes represent the common pathways of magmas ascending<br />

through the crust and offer the potential to reconstruct stress<br />

fields at the time of their intrusion because they directly record<br />

the strain associated with emplacement. However, the<br />

reconstruction of the paleostress can be biased by other factors,<br />

such as the magma driving pressure as well as structure of the<br />

crust and its rheological heterogeneities. In this respect, the study<br />

of dyke swarms emplaced in a granitic host can mitigate this<br />

overall complexity affecting paleostress reconstruction. Indeed,<br />

because of the high degree of mechanical isotropy of the granitic<br />

host, these dykes have the potential to provide more<br />

straightforward information about the stress field active during<br />

dyke emplacement than do dykes in layered sedimentary or<br />

metamorphic host rocks.<br />

The Late Miocene Monte Capanne pluton of Elba Island<br />

(Tuscany, Italy) is crosscut by the late- to post-plutonic mafic<br />

Orano dyke swarm, which provides information on the activity<br />

within a regional transfer zone and its relationships with the<br />

Miocene-Quaternary magmatism throughout the northern<br />

Tyrrhenian region.<br />

In particular, the magmatic activity in the western part of Elba<br />

Island at the north end of the Tyrrhenian Sea, which lasted<br />

approximately 1.5 Ma during the late Miocene, built an intrusive<br />

complex of nested Christmas-tree laccoliths, a 10 km-diameter<br />

pluton (Monte Capanne) and, finally, the steeply dipping Orano<br />

dyke swarm. This igneous activity occurred in an extensional<br />

regime at a magmatic centre in the wake of the eastwardmigrating<br />

compression of the Apennine front. The Orano dyke<br />

swarm consists of hybridized mantle-derived magmas,<br />

constituting about 200 dykes totalling a length of approximately<br />

90 km. These dykes intruded the north-western part of the pluton<br />

and its contact aureole, as well as several kilometres of<br />

sedimentary rock above. Dyke emplacement occurred near the<br />

end of pluton crystallization, above a source region marked by a<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa,<br /><br />

(**) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, CNR, Pisa<br />

(°) Department of Geology, Norwich University, VT, USA<br />


345<br />

positive magnetic anomaly located in the north-western part of<br />

the pluton. Dyke orientations are dominated by a major system<br />

trending N78E, associated with a minor system of dykes with<br />

N38W and N22E trends.<br />

The emplacement patterns of the Orano dykes preserve the<br />

strain that resulted in exploitation of Riedel fractures in a NE–<br />

SW dextral shear zone; local internal zones of sinistral shear<br />

account for one set of the minor system. This shearing occurred<br />

between offset segments of the Elba Ridge in the Western Elba<br />

transfer zone, where strain concentrated magma flow to build the<br />

western Elba magmatic complex. This zone developed as a result<br />

of differential extension rates during the formation of the northtrending<br />

Neogene–Quaternary sedimentary basins. Such basins<br />

are connected regionally by NE-trending lineaments, along which<br />

all the magmatic centres in the northern Tyrrhenian–Tuscan area<br />

are distributed. The magmatic activity developed as a wave<br />

moving northeastward across the region, suggesting that<br />

magmatism was focused by transfer zone development, as backarc<br />

extension migrated in that direction and reactivated older<br />

faults.<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

The northern Tyrrhenian-northern Apennine system: constraints on<br />

the geodynamic setting from a new reprocessing and interpretation<br />

of seismic line M12A<br />



Key words: Igneous bodies, late Neogene, tectonics northern<br />

Tyrrhenian Sea-northern Apennines, upper crustal structures.<br />

The central Mediterranean is one of the most interesting and<br />

complex areas of the World. Its evolution has been tested through<br />

classical geodynamic models, but because of its complexity, some<br />

of them often fail and therefore the interpretation of this area is<br />

still debated. In this context, the Tyrrhenian Sea and Apennine<br />

chain represent key areas recording parts of the geological history<br />

of the central Mediterranean region. The convergence between<br />

Africa and Eurasia can be considered the first-order system in<br />

which the following second-order elements are: (i) the advancing<br />

Apennine front along the Padan-Adriatic margin, (ii) the<br />

Calabrian Arc subduction system and (iii) back-arc basins at the<br />

rear of the chain. The evolution in time and space of seismicity,<br />

magmatic activity and the sedimentary record since the late<br />

Miocene attests to the complexity of this dynamic context.<br />

We present a new reprocessing of the CROP M12A seismic<br />

line located in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea strikes NE-SW south<br />

of Elba Island, extending from the Corsica basin to the west to<br />

the Punta Ala basin to the east (Fig. 1). This line was acquired in<br />

the framework of the Italian CROP project, which aims to<br />

investigate the deep structure of the crust in Italy. Therefore,<br />

researchers focused on data recorded at depth, paying little<br />

attention to near-surface or shallow reflectors. In the present<br />

study, seismic line M12A was reprocessed and reinterpreted in<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Firenze,<br />

(**) Istituto Nazionale geofisica e vulcanologia Pisa,<br />

(°) Dipartimento Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Milano,<br />

(°°) Consorzio di Geofisica, Università di Pisa,<br />

(^) Dipartimento Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Pisa,<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto PRIN2005 con il <strong>contributo</strong><br />

finanziario delle Università di Firenze, Pisa e Milano.<br />

346<br />

order to investigate the nature of tectonic structures in the upper<br />

crust of the northern Tyrrhenian Sea and their relationships with<br />

late Miocene magmatic bodies, some of which crop out on Elba<br />

Island, north of the line (Fig. 1). This seismic line was chosen for<br />

the following: (i) the possibility to investigate the structures of<br />

the northern Tyrrhenian Sea from the Tuscan shelf to the inner<br />

portion of northern Apennine; (ii) the availability of original data<br />

in digital format in order to perform reprocessing; (iii) the<br />

possibility to use geological data (Elba Island, Pianosa Island and<br />

Martina 1 well) to constrain the interpretation of seismic line. On<br />

the basis of the reprocessing results (Fig. 2), a new interpretation<br />

of seismic line M12A is presented. Reprocessed seismic data<br />

reveal: (i) the absence of low angle eastward-dipping normal<br />

faults, (ii) the occurrence of Late Miocene-middle Pliocene<br />

eastward thrusting throughout the line and (iii) the occurrence of<br />

intrusive bodies emplaced at the core of thrust-anticlines. These<br />

new observations suggest a late Miocene-early Pliocene<br />

compressive setting for the northern Tyrrhenian Sea-northern<br />

Apennine system, in marked contrast with the extensional setting<br />

of the southern Tyrrhenian Sea. On these bases we highlights the<br />

geological complexity of the central Mediterranean and the<br />

different behavior of the Apennine lithosphere in the northern and<br />

southern regions of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Fig. 1- Geological sketch of the Appenines chain and Tyrrhenian Sea; b) Geological sketch map of northern Tyrrhenian Sea – northern Apennines with location of<br />

CROP M12A seismic line. 1: Punta Ala basin; 2: Calamita ridge; 3: Montecristo basin; 4: Pianosa ridge; 5: Corsica basin; MTR: Mid Tuscan ridge; LGF: Larderello<br />

geothermal field.<br />

Fig. 2 – Final stack version of the reprocessed seismic line CROPM12A.<br />

347<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

Inversion tectonic in the Umbria-Marche region (Apennines, Italy):<br />

Preliminary results from a new paleomagnetic approach<br />


Key words: Apennines, inversion tectonic, paleomagnetism,<br />

structural geology.<br />


The Umbria–Marche region belongs to the NE-verging Northern<br />

Apennines fold-and-thrust belt, developed since Oligocene times<br />

in response to the convergence between the African and the Euro-<br />

Asian plates. Compressive deformation affected the Triassic-<br />

Cenozoic sedimentary successions of the Adria paleomargin.<br />

The Apennine belt has been strongly influenced during its<br />

formation by the Mesozoic paleomargin architecture. During the<br />

Neogene orogenesis, positive inversion affected pre-thrusting<br />

normal faults, which were either truncated by thrusts propagating<br />

with a shortcut trajectory, generating footwall shortcut and<br />

related anticlines, or reactivated with reverse kinematics,<br />

depending on their orientation with respect to the new<br />

compressive regime (CALAMITA et alii, 2009).<br />

We propose paleomagnetism integrated to structural analysis<br />

as an innovative tool to discriminate the presence of inverted<br />

structures.<br />


We performed a paleomagnetic study in the southern sector of<br />

the Umbria-Marche carbonate mountain ridge, constituted by a<br />

series of NE-verging folds with gentle backlimbs and vertical to<br />

slightly overturned forelimbs. We sampled 21 sites between<br />

Colfiorito and Camerino cities in Diaspri, Maiolica, Marne a<br />

Fucoidi and Scaglia Formations, collecting on average 14<br />

cylindrical samples from each site.<br />

Cores were drilled during winter 2009/2010 using a petrolpowered<br />

portable drill and oriented in-situ with a magnetic<br />

compass. We corrected the orientation to take into account the<br />

magnetic declination in the analyzed area (+2°).<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze, Università G. d’Annunzio di Chieti e Pescara,<br />

Chieti Scalo,<br />

348<br />

The cores were cut into standard cylindrical samples and<br />

analysed in the magnetically shielded room of the paleomagnetic<br />

laboratory at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia<br />

of Rome. All samples were stepwise demagnetised by thermal<br />

heating in 14 steps (up to 620°C). For each step, the natural<br />

remanent magnetization was measured with a 2G DC-SQUID<br />

cryogenic magnetometer.<br />

The primary component of magnetization was well defined for<br />

246 over the 297 measured samples. Mean directions were<br />

computed sing either FISHER's (1953) statistics or the MCFADDEN<br />

&MCELHINNY (1988) method.<br />

Different structural data were collected to analyse the local<br />

trend of the main structures and to compare them with the<br />

paleomagnetic records. Meso-structural trend was determined by<br />

measuring:<br />

- minor folds hinges (widespread in the Scaglia Bianca,<br />

Scaglia Rossa and Maiolica Formations);<br />

- cleavage-bedding lineations (L1-0);<br />

- vertical and sub-vertical bedding planes;<br />

- joint sets (only if well expressed).<br />


Both in-situ and tilt-corrected paleomagnetic directions are<br />

far from the geocentric axial dipole field direction, suggesting the<br />

absence of pre-folding magnetic overprints.<br />

All the sites, collected both in the N-S and NW-SE structures,<br />

show similar paleodeclinations (Fig. 1). Site MC11, collected in<br />

the Diaspri Formation was rejected from further considerations,<br />

as almost no samples yield a stable magnetic signal.<br />

The structural analysis of the first nine sites has showed the<br />

following trends:<br />

- NW-SE at the MC01, MC05 and MC09 site;<br />

- NNW-SSE at the MC02, MC03, MC04, MC07, MC08 sites;<br />

- N-S at the MC06 site;<br />

From preliminary paleomagnetic and surface geological data,<br />

the structural setting of the study area appears to be influenced by<br />

the inherited Adria paleomargin physiography and by the<br />

subsequent positive inversion of pre-existing extensional faults<br />

occurred during the Neogene deformation.

Fig. 1 – Structural map of the study area with declination of the<br />

paleomagnetic sites.<br />

349<br />



TAVARNELLI E. (2009) – Structural inheritance of pre- and<br />

syn- orogenic normal faults on the arcuate geometry of<br />

Pliocene-Quaternary thrusts: examples from the Central and<br />

Southern Apennine Chain. Ital. J. Geosci. (Boll. Soc. Geol.<br />

It.), 128/2, 381-394.<br />

FISHER, R. A. (1953) – Dispersion on a sphere. Proc. R. Soc.<br />

London Ser. A, 217, 295-305.<br />

MCFADDEN, P.L.,&M.W.MCELHINNY (1988) – The combined<br />

analysis of remagnetization circles and direct observations in<br />

palaeomagnetism. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 87, 161-172,<br />

doi:10.1016/0012-821X(88)90072-6.<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

The Neogene positive inversion of late Paleozoic-Triassic basins in the<br />

structural evolution of the Umbria-Marche carbonate mountain ridge<br />

(northern Apennines)<br />



Key words: Foreland fold-and-thrust belt, inversion tectonics,<br />

late Paleozoic-Triassic basins, Northern Apennines<br />

The integrated analysis of geological and geophysical data<br />

allowed us to define the structural setting of the Umbria-Marche<br />

carbonate mountain ridge and to construct a crustal geological<br />

cross-section from the Umbria Valley to the northern portion of<br />

the Laga basin.<br />

The Umbria-Marche carbonate mountain ridge corresponds to<br />

a structural culmination of the outer Northern Apennines foldand-thrust<br />

belt. In this mountain ridge the exposed succession is<br />

represented by early Jurassic shelf carbonates (Calcare Massiccio<br />

Fm.) and middle Jurassic to early Tertiary pelagic carbonates<br />

with marls and cherts (Umbria-Marche pelagic succession).<br />

Siliciclastic foredeep deposits (i.e., the Marnoso Arenacea Fm.,<br />

the Arenarie di Camerino Fm. and the Laga Fm.) directly overlay<br />

the previous units and show a younger age towards the east<br />

(BOCCALETTI et alii, 1990).<br />

The subsurface stratigraphy has been reconstructed by few<br />

exploration wells that encountered a variable thickness of<br />

evaporites of at least 2000 m (Anidriti di Burano Fm.), overlying<br />

slightly metamorphosed sediments (mainly phyllites) of<br />

undefined age and referred to the Verrucano Fm. (MARTINIS &<br />

PIERI, 1963; ANELLI et alii, 1994).<br />

The structural setting of the region reflects the<br />

superimposition of three distinct tectonic events: (i) an<br />

extensional phase, from late Paleozoic-late Triassic and<br />

culminated during Middle Jurassic (ALDINUCCI et alii, 2008 and<br />

references therein); (ii) a late Miocene-early Pliocene<br />

compressional phase during the Apenninic orogeny, expressed in<br />

this area by NNW-SSE and NE-SW trending folds and thrusts<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Geotecnologie per l'Ambiente ed il Territorio – Università<br />

“G. d’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze – Università “G. d’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara<br />

(°) Eni Exploration & Production Division, San Donato Milanese.<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto MIUR-Prin 2008 (F. Calamita) e con<br />

il <strong>contributo</strong> finanziario ex 60% (F. Calamita – V. Scisciani)<br />

350<br />

(CALAMITA & DEIANA, 1988); (iii) and a late Pliocene-<br />

Quaternary extensional event with NW-SE normal faults<br />

responsible for the development of intramountain basins and for<br />

the present-day seismicity (BONCIO & LAVECCHIA, 2000;<br />

CALAMITA et alii, 2000; PIZZI et alii, 2002).<br />

Detailed field structural surveys along the outcropping thrust<br />

faults has been carried out in order to define the faults kinematic,<br />

to constrain geological cross-sections, to reconstruct cut-off lines<br />

and to estimate the amount of shortening. The structural data<br />

collected in the field indicate ramp relationships for the thrust<br />

faults both for hanging-wall and footwall blocks.<br />

Seismic reflection profiles interpretation, tied to surface<br />

geology, led us to construct a crustal geological cross-section<br />

along the studied area and to define the main structural features.<br />

Moreover, the resulting cross-section, with special regards to<br />

basement location, has been tested by a gravity-magnetic<br />

modelling performed in collaboration with the ENI - Exploration<br />

& Production Division.<br />

The depth of the metamorphic basement below the Umbria-<br />

Marche carbonate mountain ridge, in agreement with the seismic<br />

line interpretation (i.e., MIRABELLA et alii, 2008), with respect to<br />

the strong structural elevation of the top-carbonate succession<br />

and the reduced amount of shortening, is compatible with the<br />

positive inversion and the resulting extrusion of a buried late<br />

Paleozoic-Triassic extensional basin. The basin infill exceeds<br />

4000 m in thickness underneath the mountain ridge.<br />

In conclusion, the crustal structural setting of the study area<br />

appears to be influenced by the inherited Adria paleomargin<br />

physiography and by the subsequent positive inversion with<br />

reactivation of pre-existing extensional faults occurred during the<br />

Neogene collisional deformation of the Northern Apennines.<br />


ALDINUCCI M., GANDIN A. & SANDRELLI F. (2008) - The<br />

Mesozoic continental rifting in the Mediterranean area:<br />

insights from the Verrucano tectonofacies of southern<br />

Tuscany (Northern Apennines, Italy). Int. J. Earth Sci. (Geol.<br />

Rundsch.), 97, 1247–1269.

ANELLI, L.GORZA M., PIERI M. & RIVA M. (1994) - Subsurface<br />

well data in the Northern Apennines (Italy). Mem. Soc. Geol.<br />

It., 48, 461-471.<br />


F., MORATTI G. & RICCI LUCCHI F. (1990) - Migrating<br />

foredeep-thrust belt system in the northern Apennines and<br />

southern Alps. Paleogeography-Paleoclimatology-<br />

Paleoecology, 77, 3-14.<br />

BONCIO P. & LAVECCHIA G. (2000) - A structural model for<br />

active extension in central Italy. J. Geodyn., 29 (3-5), 233-<br />

244.<br />


A., RIPEPE M., SCISCIANI V. & TURCO E. (2000) - Quaternary<br />

faults and seismicity in the Umbro-Marchean Apennines<br />

(Central Italy): evidence from the 1997 Colfiorito<br />

earthquake. J. Geodyn.,, 29, 245-264.<br />

CALAMITA F. & DEIANA G. (1988) - The arcuate shape of the<br />

Umbria-Marche Apennines (Central Italy). Tectonophysics,<br />

146, 138-147.<br />


M. G. (2008) - Insights on the seismogenic layer thickness<br />

from the upper crust structure of the Umbria-Marche<br />

Apennines (Central Italy). Tectonics, 27, TC1010,<br />

doi:10.1029/2007TC002134.<br />

MARTINIS B. & PIERI M. (1964) - Alcune notizie sulla formazione<br />

evaporitica del Triassico Superiore nell'Italia centrale e<br />

meridionale. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 4(1), 649-678.<br />


Quaternary normal faults, intramontane basins and sismicity<br />

in the Umbria-Marche-Abruzzi Apennine Ridge (Italy):<br />

contribution of neotectonic analysis to seismic hazard<br />

assessment. Boll. Soc. Geol. It ., Vol. sp. 1, 923-929.<br />

351<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

___________________<br />

Magnetic anomalies and deep Apennine setting: towards a lower<br />

crustal perspective?<br />

Key words: Basement, lower crust, magnetic anomalies,<br />

magnetic basement, tectonics, thick-skinned tectonics, thinskinned.<br />



Magnetic anomaly maps are important tools for unravelling<br />

the deep structure of the crust. Igneous rocks and, to a lesser<br />

extent, metamorphic rocks colder than 600°C are often<br />

characterized by high magnetic susceptibilities and produce<br />

potentially detectable magnetic anomalies. Rocks hotter than<br />

600°C do not produce significant anomalies because magnetite,<br />

which is the most common and most susceptible ferromagnetic<br />

mineral in the crust, becomes paramagnetic above 600°C (at<br />

depth) and its susceptibility drastically decreases. Therefore,<br />

magnetic anomalies can give significant insights on the crustal<br />

structure between the top surface of the magnetic rocks and the<br />

depth of the 600°C isotherm (likely 20-30 km in regions of<br />

normal geothermal gradient). This part of the crust is often poorly<br />

understood as it is not penetrated by drill-holes and is sparsely<br />

and often poorly imaged by seismic reflection data.<br />




Along peninsular Italy, the Apennine belt and adjacent<br />

Adriatic-Apulian foreland consist of a 5-10 km thick Triassic-<br />

Pleistocene sedimentary succession (diamagnetic or lowsusceptibility)<br />

on top of possibly magnetic Triassic to<br />

Carboniferous shales (the so-called “Verrucano”) and poorly<br />

known higher-grade metamorphic rocks. Therefore magnetic<br />

anomaly data were thought to be sensitive to the depth and<br />

geometry of the magnetic basement (or basement), i. e. the crustal<br />

section comprised between the top (or bottom?) of Verrucano<br />

shales and the depth of the 600°C metamorphic rocks.<br />

The first magnetic anomaly map of Italy was issued by AGIP<br />

(*) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Roma<br /><br />


352<br />

(1981) by measuring the magnetic field over Italy at an average<br />

altitude of about 3000 m using a cesium magnetometer. This map<br />

showed a residual field gradually increasing southeastward, with<br />

negative values on the Po Plain and strongly positive values over<br />

the Ionian Sea. Because the isoanomaly lines were almost<br />

orthogonal to the main Apenninic compressive fronts, the<br />

magnetic residual anomalies were considered a key piece of<br />

evidence for the interpretation of the external Apennines as a<br />

“thin-skinned” orogen (BALLY et alii, 1986; MOSTARDINI &<br />

MERLINI, 1986). According to this interpretation, the external<br />

Apennine thrust sheets are Meso-Cenozoic carbonates detached<br />

from an undisturbed magnetic basement along Triassic evaporite<br />

horizons. The magnetic basement is then a southwest dipping<br />

regional monocline, gradually plunging beneath the chain, and<br />

located at 10-15 km depth in the axial northern Apennines.<br />

Because in the northern Apennines the sedimentary cover is 5-6<br />

km thick, the tectonic stacking of two or more sedimentary slices<br />

was needed to “fill the gap” between the surface and the deep and<br />

undeformed basement. The Apennines were thus considered to<br />

have undergone very large (in the order of hundreds of km)<br />

shortening (BALLY et alii, 1986), raising the question of what<br />

happened to hundreds of km of (subducted?) continental<br />

basement.<br />



CHIAPPINI et alii (2000) obtained a new residual magnetic<br />

map of the Apennine belt-Adriatic/Apulian foreland by<br />

integrating pre-existing ground and offshore data sets. Negative<br />

anomalies were documented over the Adriatic-Apulian foreland<br />

areas, whereas the external Apennine belt was characterized by a<br />

ubiquitous low-amplitude (< 30 nT), long-wavelength positive<br />

anomaly. In the central-northern Apennines, three ~ 100 km wide<br />

more intense (100-200 nT) round-shaped anomalies are<br />

superimposed to the long-wavelength feature. Finally, in the<br />

Tyrrhenian Sea and margins, high-intensity, short-wavelength<br />

positive-negative couplets coincide with magmatic outcrops or<br />

bodies at shallow depth. SPERANZA & CHIAPPINI (2002)<br />

suggested that the low-amplitude anomaly pattern over Italy<br />

indicated that the magnetic basement beneath the Triassic<br />

evaporites was ubiquitously incorporated in the external belt<br />

compressive fronts, implying a thick-skinned tectonic style for the<br />

external Apennines. They also presented magnetic models along

two NE-SW transects orthogonal to the northern (along the<br />

CROP-03 profile) and southern Apennines. They suggested that<br />

in the northern Apennines the basement rises southwestward<br />

along the thrust fronts from 6-7 km depth in the Adriatic foreland<br />

to 2-3 km depth in the axial belt, where some exploration wells<br />

have penetrated basement. SPERANZA &CHIAPPINI (2002) also<br />

observed that in the southern Apennines, a remarkable positive<br />

magnetic anomaly is parallel with and tens of kilometers<br />

southwest of the belt front. Therefore, they argued that the<br />

observed magnetic anomaly is produced by strongly magnetic<br />

basement beneath the belt, likely an internal crustal wedge<br />

tectonically interposed between the Apulian carbonate sequences<br />

and basement.<br />



CARATORI TONTINI et alii (2004) have recently re-processed<br />

the AGIP (1981) data set, by using a more appropriate reference<br />

magnetic field. They evidenced a magnetic anomaly pattern along<br />

the Apennines belt completely similar to the one apparent in the<br />

CHIAPPINI et alii (2000) map. In particular, a positive magnetic<br />

anomaly belt few tens of nT in intensity, runs along the external<br />

Apennine belt, while both the internal belt and the foreland are<br />

mainly characterized by negative magnetic residuals.<br />



Besides a first-order agreement, the aeromagnetic and ground<br />

level data sets can yield complementary information about the<br />

crustal Apennine setting. Ground data by CHIAPPINI et alii (2000)<br />

undoubtedly testify the existence of medium susceptibility value<br />

rocks (~10 -3 SI, possibly corresponding to crystalline basement)<br />

in the upper crust of the external northern Apennines. Conversely,<br />

re-processed aeromagnetic data from AGIP (1981), being more<br />

distant from the source, are more sensitive to deeper, yet more<br />

strongly magnetic, rocks. The magnetic analysis of lower crustal<br />

rocks exposed in the Ivrea-Verbano body has shown that<br />

serpentinites and other similar lower crustal lithologies may<br />

pretend to the title “most strongly magnetic rocks available on<br />

Earth”, yielding magnetic susceptibility values even exceeding<br />

10 -1 SI (ROCHETTE, 1994).<br />

As a consequence, the positive anomalies along the external<br />

Apennines apparent in the revisited AGIP (1981) map, probably<br />

testify the magnetic contribution of the Adriatic foreland lower<br />

crust. Along the northern Apennines, this fingerprint vanishes<br />

moving towards the belt interior. This is consistent with recent<br />

seismological data (CHIARABBA et alii, 2009), showing that the<br />

Adriatic lower crust is subducted along with underlying mantle<br />

beneath the northern Apennines, while the uppermost 20 km of<br />

the Adriatic crust are incorporated in the Apennine orogenic<br />

353<br />

wedge.<br />

We conclude that magnetic anomalies, classically considered<br />

as key datum to constrain the depth of crystalline rocks within a<br />

mountain belt, may be more sensitive to understand deeper<br />

setting of the chain, at lower crustal (i.e. at 20-30 km) depths.<br />

There is increasing evidence, in fact, that in some cases the<br />

magnetization of crystalline rocks and sediments may compare,<br />

and be 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than that of a mafic lower<br />

crust. Thus the concept of “magnetic basement”, as well as the<br />

main bearings of magnetic residuals on the deep tectonic setting<br />

of mountain belts, need to be revised.<br />


AGIP SpA. (1981) - Italia, Carta Magnetica - Anomalie del<br />

Campo magnetico residuo, scale 1:500,000, S. Donato<br />

Milanese (Italy).<br />

BALLY A. W., BURBI L., COOPER C. & GHELARDONI R. (1986) -<br />

Balanced sections and seismic reflection profiles across the<br />

central Apennines. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 35, 257-310.<br />


CARMISCIANO C. (2004) – The revised aeromagnetic anomaly<br />

map of Italy. Ann. Geophys., 47 (5), 1547-1555.<br />


CARMISCIANO C. & MARSON I. (2000) - Onshore- offshore<br />

integrated shaded relief magnetic anomaly map at sea level<br />

of Italy and surrounding areas, scale 1:1,500,000. In: Annali<br />

di Geofisica, 43 (5), Plate 1.<br />

CHIARABBA C., DE GORI P. & SPERANZA F. (2009) - Deep<br />

geometry and rheology of an orogenic wedge developing<br />

above a continental subduction zone: Seismological evidence<br />

from the northern-central Apennines (Italy). Lithosphere, 1<br />

(2), 95-104, doi:10.1130/L34.1.<br />

MOSTARDINI F. & MERLINI S. (1986) - Appennino centro<br />

meridionale, sezioni geologiche e proposta di modello<br />

strutturale. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 35, 177-202.<br />

ROCHETTE P. (1994) – Comments on “Anisotropic magnetic<br />

susceptibility in the continental lower crust and its<br />

implication for the shape of magnetic anomalies” by G.<br />

Florio et al.. Geophys. Res. Lett., 21 (24), 2773-2774.<br />

SPERANZA F. & CHIAPPINI M. (2002) - Thick-skinned tectonics in<br />

the external Apennines, Italy: New evidence from magnetic<br />

anomaly analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107,<br />

2290, doi: 10.1029/2000JB000027.<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

Oblique-slip fault growth by segment linkage: a case from<br />

Basilicata, southern Italy<br />


Key words: Transtension, oblique-slip fault propagation,<br />

Potenza Basin, Agri Valley, Southern Apennines.<br />


Faults and fractures are the dominant modes by which the<br />

upper brittle crust accommodates deformation, and an extensive<br />

documentation of their geometrical and kinematic features is<br />

critical for a better understanding of how these structures<br />

enucleate and evolve through time. The map distribution and<br />

cross-sectional profile of macroscopic normal faults suggest<br />

that these structures enucleate as smaller isolated segments, and<br />

that individual segments are linked to produce larger faults as<br />

their tips propagate laterally and down-dip. By contrast,<br />

documentation of these relationships in outcrop-scale examples<br />

is relatively less abundant, and mesoscopic information on the<br />

modes of linkage of isolated fault segments is quite rare: yet,<br />

minor structures are often well exposed, thus allowing for a<br />

detailed determination of the processes responsible for their<br />

development. In this study we document a situation from the<br />

Potenza Basin (Southern Apennines, Italy) where a mesoscopic<br />

transtensional fault array grew by linkage of smaller isolated<br />

fault segments. Observations of the zones of fault segment<br />

overlap provide the basis for a kinematic deformation model of<br />

stepped ramp-flat fault surface development. Because of the<br />

need of investigating at the early stages of faulting, we<br />

restricted our analysis to very small structures, where the<br />

overprinting relationships among minor fabrics are particularly<br />

clear. The present investigation represents the methodological<br />

continuation of two earlier contributions (Tavarnelli & Pasqui,<br />

1998, 2000), and aims at comparing the results from fault<br />

analysis in the Potenza Basin with those recently obtained for<br />

the high Agri Valley (BUCCI, 2009).<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Siena<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università <strong>della</strong><br />

Basilicata, Potenza<br />

354<br />


The Southern Apennines are an arcuate fold-and-thrust belt<br />

developed due to imbrication of tectonic units which were<br />

originated in different palaeogeographic domains characterised<br />

by mainly carbonatic deposition (Tavarnelli & Prosser, 2003).<br />

These domains, differentiated since Triassic time and for the<br />

subsequent Mesozoic-Tertiary interval, are from West to East:<br />

i) the Campania-Lucania platform; ii) the Lagonegro Basin, and<br />

iii) the Apulia platform. Stacking of the tectonic pile began in<br />

late Oligocene time in the westernmost provinces and<br />

progressively migrated eastwards until recent. Thrusting was<br />

accompanied by clastic deposition which was abundant in the<br />

foredeep domains between the evolving Apennine chain and the<br />

Apulian foreland, and in restricted piggy-back basins located<br />

on top of moving thrust sheets. The Potenza Basin, to the West<br />

of the present-day Apennine chain-Apulia foreland boundary,<br />

developed as a piggy-back basin passively carried on top of<br />

deformed sediments mainly belonging to the Lagonegro Units.<br />

The local stratigraphic sequence consists of two distinct cycles:<br />

the Altavilla Fm. of Early Pliocene age, which is<br />

unconformably overlain by the Ariano Fm. of Middle Pliocene<br />

age.<br />

Since Middle Tortonian time, the Apennine belt was<br />

affected by eastward-migrating extension which caused the<br />

opening of the Tyrrhenian Sea, while compression was still<br />

going on in the outermost provinces. Compressional and<br />

extensional deformations were locally separated by left-lateral<br />

strike-slip tectonics, which were important in the Pollino and in<br />

the Cilento areas, South and West of the Potenza Basin,<br />

respectively. Quaternary transtensional deformations related to<br />

the strike-slip regime could have affected and partly controlled<br />

the recent evolution of pre-existing Pliocene depressions.<br />

Moreover, map-scale transtensional faults were also recognised<br />

in the Potenza Basin. The field examples from which we derive<br />

a kinematic model for fault growth provide additional,<br />

independent mesoscopic evidence for Pleistocene-to-Recent<br />

transtensional tectonics in the Potenza Basin.<br />



At Bucaletto, in the eastern edge of the Potenza Basin, the<br />

Middle Pliocene Ariano Fm. consists of gently WSW-dipping

alternating sandstones and siltstones. The sandstone beds have<br />

an average thickness of 30 cm, are laterally very persistent over<br />

1 km long horizontal distances, and are separated by siltstone<br />

layers whose thickness ranges from 30 to 70 cm. These rocks<br />

retain internal dishomogeneities related to a different degree of<br />

induration: sandstone beds appear well lithified, whereas the<br />

siltstone layers are poorly consolidated.<br />

Using the criteria outlined by, we performed a detailed<br />

investigation along five well exposed cliffs whose trends range<br />

from N 47° E to N 170° E. Here, the Ariano Fm. is locally<br />

affected by an array of mesoscopic extensional faults which<br />

produce little vertical displacements never exceeding 2 m;<br />

however, most commonly observed displacements range<br />

between 2 and 10 cm. These faults mean strike N 171° E, and<br />

mean dip 60°-80° towards both the WSW and the ENE. Rare<br />

exposures of the fault surfaces off the cliffs show mechanical<br />

striations and slickensides which reveal an oblique component<br />

of movement. The fault striae mean plunge 28° towards N 346°<br />

E, thus permitting to kinematically define these structures as<br />

right-lateral transtensional faults.<br />

Several faults exhibit variations in displacement, both<br />

along-strike and down-dip. Although many faults propagate<br />

through the whole exposed stratigraphic section, some faults<br />

only offset a limited number of sandstone-siltstone layer pairs.<br />

These structures are observed to gradually lose displacement<br />

and to terminate at structurally complex tip points to be<br />

described below.<br />

Most observed faults are grouped and arranged in broad<br />

deformation zones up to 3 m thick, whereas more rarely some<br />

faults also occur as isolated structures, in which case their<br />

thickness never exceeds 10 cm. A plot of maximum fault<br />

displacement versus fault zone width, which was constructed<br />

using mesoscopic structures of different magnitudes, reveals a<br />

surprisingly regular trend. This indicates that the deformation<br />

zones progressively broaden with increasing slip along the fault<br />

surfaces. The local occurrence of calcite mineralizations along<br />

the fault surfaces renders the hypothesis of deformation zone<br />

broadening by fluid induced strain-hardening mechanisms<br />

plausible.<br />

The morphology of isolated faults is relatively simple: many<br />

fault surfaces are localised (1-3 cm thick), sharp and planar in<br />

the sandstone beds, and become diffuse (up to 5 cm thick),<br />

wavy and irregular in the siltstone layers. This geometrical<br />

variability reflects a different mechanical behaviour, which is<br />

probably related to the different degree of lithification of the<br />

deformed sediments during faulting. By contrast, the<br />

morphology of the grouped faults is much more complex.<br />

These structures generally consist of a 1-3 m thick deformation<br />

zone, bounded by two sub-parallel, steeply dipping fault<br />

surfaces. Bedding outside the fault zone is sub-horizontal. In<br />

the vicinities of the fault zone the sandstone beds are bent<br />

consistently with the shearing sense inferred from slickensides<br />

on the fault surfaces. The fault zone consists of an array of<br />

anastomosing shearing surfaces which produce offsets ranging<br />

from 1 to 10 cm. The whole structure produces a total<br />

displacement of about 2 m.<br />

355<br />



Observations of transtensional faults and related minor<br />

fabrics, and the overprinting relationships among the latter,<br />

provide a key for unravelling the history of fault development<br />

at Bucaletto. Based on minor structures and their overprinting<br />

relationships, we propose a kinematic model for transtensional<br />

fault propagation. Initially fault slip is accommodated by<br />

localised and isolated fault segments, whose tips produce a<br />

damage zone of diffuse deformation. The faults lengthen by tip<br />

migration across the damage zone, the fault surfaces overlap,<br />

and development of P shear surfaces across the deformation<br />

zone allows for displacement transfer between the two formerly<br />

isolated fault segments. Kinematic linkage of the two formerly<br />

isolated fault segment is then enhanced by development of R<br />

shear surfaces which truncate all pre-existing fabrics. The final<br />

geometry is that of a consistent, larger fault structure.<br />


BUCCI F. (2009) – Growth and dissection of a collisional<br />

chain: tectonic evolution of the southern Apennines within<br />

the high Agri Valley (Basilicata, Italy) deformation record.<br />

PhD thesis, University of Siena, November 2009, pp. 1-213.<br />

TAVARNELLI E. & PASQUI V. (1998) – Transtensional fault<br />

growth by isolated segment linkage: an example from the<br />

Potenza Basin, southern Apennines, Italy. Boll. <strong>della</strong> Soc.<br />

Geol. Ital., 117, 261-269.<br />

TAVARNELLI E. & PASQUI V. (2000) – Fault growth by segment<br />

linkage in seismically active settings: examples from the<br />

southern Apennines, Italy, and the Coast Ranges,<br />

California. Journ. of Geodyn., 29, 501-516.<br />

TAVARNELLI E. & PROSSER G. (2003) – The complete<br />

Apennines orogenic cycle preserved in a transient single<br />

outcrop near San Fele, Lucania, Southern Italy. Jour. of the<br />

Geol. Soc. of London, 160, 429-434.<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

_______________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Chieti – Pescara<br />

Preliminary paleomagnetic analysis along the<br />

Olevano-Antrodoco fault zone<br />


Key words: Fault zone, Olevano-Antrodoco, paleomagnetism,<br />

tectonic rotations.<br />


The Apennines are a fold-and-thrust belt formed during<br />

Neogene-Quaternary as a consequence of the convergence<br />

between Africa and Europe. The orogenesis affected Triassic to<br />

Miocene sedimentary successions belonging to basin and<br />

platform paleogeographic domains of the Adria Mesozoic<br />

paleomargin (e.g., BEN AVRAHAM et alii, 1990). Two major arcs<br />

can be distinguished: the northern Apennines Arc and the<br />

southern Apennines-Calabrian Arc, with NE and SE convexity,<br />

respectively. The two major arcs join in the Latium-Abruzzi<br />

region (Central Apennines), bounded by two main approximately<br />

N-S structural features: the Olevano-Antrodoco line (PAROTTO &<br />

PRATURLON, 1975) and the Sangro-Volturno line (GHISETTI &<br />

VEZZANI, 1983). Along the NNE-SSW Olevano-Antrodoco line,<br />

Triassic-Miocene pelagic successions thrust over Messinian<br />

siliciclastic foredeep and the Latium-Abruzzi carbonate platform<br />

southward. This transversal structural feature had an important<br />

paleogeographic role during Lower Jurassic, as it separed the<br />

Latium-Abruzzi carbonate platform and the Umbria-Marche<br />

pelagic domain. Such lineament was reactivated during the<br />

Neogene orogenesis with kinematic considered as transcurrent<br />

(CASTELLARIN et alii, 1978), transpressive (LAVECCHIA, 1985) or<br />

linked to a lithospheric oblique thrust ramp (e.g., SATOLLI &<br />

CALAMITA, 2008).<br />

The Apennines experienced widespread differential vertical<br />

axes rotations in the Middle Miocene-Pliocene time interval,<br />

which have been explained with different models. Data collected<br />

in Mesozoic and Miocene-Lower Pliocene sediments show<br />

(**) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia,<br />

356<br />

varying amounts of rotation, due to both thrusts and strike-slip<br />

fault activity. Available data from the northern Apennines<br />

document a change in paleomagnetic rotations from<br />

counterclockwise (CCW) to clockwise (CW) moving southward,<br />

while the Sibillini thrust front is characterized by CW rotation in<br />

the central sector (SPERANZA et alii, 1997). In the central<br />

Apennines rotations of different magnitudes and signs have been<br />

documented (SATOLLI et alii, 2005; MATTEI et alii, 1995;<br />

SAGNOTTI et alii, 2000).<br />


Paleomagnetism, combined with structural geology, is a<br />

powerful tool in understanding the kinematics of curved orogens<br />

of controversial origin. We performed a detailed paleomagnetic<br />

study along the Olevano-Antrodoco line, in order to constrain its<br />

kinematic evolution. We sampled 38 sites in Lower Jurassic to<br />

Miocene rocks, predominantly pelagic (or slope-to-basin)<br />

limestones, collecting on average 13 cylindrical core samples<br />

from each site (11 to 17 oriented cores for each site). Cores were<br />

drilled using a petrol-powered portable drill and oriented in-situ<br />

with a magnetic compass. The magnetic orientations of the cores<br />

were corrected to take into account the magnetic declination at<br />

the Olevano-Antrodoco area during winter 2010 (+2°).<br />

All the samples were cut into standard cylindrical samples and<br />

analysed in the magnetically shielded room of the paleomagnetic<br />

laboratory at the INGV of Rome. All samples were stepwise<br />

demagnetised by thermal heating in 15 steps (up to 620°C). For<br />

each step, we measured the natural remanent magnetization of<br />

samples by a 2G DC-SQUID cryogenic magnetometer.<br />

The samples display two or three magnetization components.<br />

Most samples are characterized by the presence of a low blocking<br />

temperature component of normal polarity, removed before 180<br />

°C, lying close to the geocentric axial dipole field direction<br />

expected at the coordinates of sampled sections. An intermediate<br />

temperature component with a reversed polarity was isolated in a<br />

temperature range comprised between 220°C and 320°C<br />

(maximum 460°C). Normal polarity characteristic magnetization<br />

components (ChRMs) and great circles of remagnetization<br />

(projection of the plane containing different components of<br />

magnetization) were defined for 419 samples over the 509<br />

thermal demagnetized samples. Mean directions were computed<br />

using either FISHER's (1953) statistics or the MCFADDEN &<br />

MCELHINNY (1988) method. Three sites were rejected because<br />

characterised by α95 > 30°, while further two sites (sampled in the

weakly magnetized Maiolica Formation) were included in the<br />

dataset even if characterized by high α95 values, as their<br />

declinations agree with the other sites.<br />

Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) was measured for<br />

all sites with a MFK-1 bridge in order to define the magnetic<br />

fabric acquired during diagenesis or during successive tectonic<br />

defotmation. However, only 5 sites show a well-defined magnetic<br />

lineation, given by the alignment of the maximum axis k1.<br />


Both the in-situ and tilt-corrected paleomagnetic directions are<br />

far from the geocentric axial dipole field direction, suggesting the<br />

absence of pre-folding magnetic overprints. Furthermore, the<br />

intermediate temperature component is antipodal to the primary<br />

component in most of the Scaglia samples, suggesting growing of<br />

hematite during diagenesis (according to CHANNELL et alii,<br />

1982), thus a virtually primary nature of the characteristic<br />

component. As a summary, a primary nature for the ChRM<br />

isolated in each site may be reasonably inferred.<br />

The tilt-corrected directions were compared to the coeval<br />

directions expected for the Adriatic-African foreland, in order to<br />

calculate the rotations due to the Apenninic tectonics. As Adria is<br />

considered to have mirrored the African drift, we used reference<br />

African paleopoles from BESSE &COURTILLOT (2002) for the<br />

Jurassic to Pliocene sites.<br />

The preliminary paleomagnetic data collected along the<br />

Olevano-Antrodoco line evidence that the hangingwall of the<br />

thrust is CW rotated with respect to its footwall.<br />



LENTINI F., TORELLI L. & TORTORICI L. (1990) – Principali<br />

domini strutturali originatesi d<strong>alla</strong> collisione neogenicoquaternaria<br />

nel Mediterraneo centrale. Mem. Soc. Geol. It.,<br />

45, 453-462.<br />

BESSE J. & COURTILLOT V. (2002) – Apparent and true polar<br />

wander and the geometry of the geomagnetic field over the<br />

last 200 Myr. J. Geophys. Res., 107 (B11), 2300,<br />

doi:10.1029/2000JB000050.<br />


distensive, trascorrenze e sovrascorrimenti lungo la linea<br />

Ancona-Anzio dal Lias al Pliocene. Geologica Romana, 17,<br />

161-189.<br />


– Timing of diagenetic haematite growth in red pelagic<br />

limestones from Gubbio (Italy). Earth and Planetary Science<br />

Lett., 58, 189-201.<br />

357<br />

FISHER R. A. (1953) – Dispersion on a sphere, Proc. R. Soc.<br />

London Ser. A, 217, 295-305.<br />

GHISETTI F. & VEZZANI L. (1983) – Deformazioni pellicolari<br />

mioceniche e plioceniche nei domini strutturali esterni<br />

dell’Appennino centro-meridionale (Maiella ed Arco<br />

Morrone-Gran Sasso). Mem. Soc. Geol. Ital., 26, 563-577.<br />

LAVECCHIA G. (1985) – <strong>Il</strong> sovrascorrimento <strong>dei</strong> Monti Sibillini:<br />

analisi cinematica e strutturale. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 104,<br />

161-194.<br />

MATTEI,M.,FUNICIELLO R. & KISSEL C. (1995) – Paleomagnetic<br />

and structural evidence for Neogene block rotations in the<br />

central Apennines, Italy, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 17, 863-883,<br />

doi:10.1029/95JB00864.<br />

MCFADDEN P. L. & MCELHINNY M. W. (1988) – The combined<br />

analysis of remagnetization circles and direct observations in<br />

palaeomagnetism. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 87, 161-172,<br />

doi:10.1016/0012-821X(88)90072-6.<br />

PAROTTO M. & PRATURLON A. (1975) – Geological summary of<br />

the central Apennines. Quad. Ric. Sci., 90, 257-306.<br />

SATOLLI S., SPERANZA F. & CALAMITA F. (2005) –<br />

Paleomagnetism of the Gran Sasso Range salient (central<br />

Apennines, Italy): Pattern of orogenic rotations due to<br />

translation of a massive carbonate indenter, Tectonics, 24,<br />

TC4019, doi:10.1029/2004TC001771.<br />

SATOLLI S. & CALAMITA F. (2008) – Differences and similarities<br />

between the Central and Southern Apennines (Italy):<br />

examining the Gran Sasso vs. the Matese-Frosolone salients<br />

using paleomagnetic, geological and structural data. J.<br />

Geophys. Res., 113, B10101. doi: 10.1029/2008JB005699.<br />


F. (2000) – Paleomagnetic constraints on the Plio-<br />

Pleistocene geodynamic evolution of the external centralnorthern<br />

Apennines (Italy), Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 180, 243-<br />

257.<br />

SPERANZA F., SAGNOTTI L. & MATTEI M. (1997) – Tectonics of<br />

the Umbria-Marche-Romagna Arc (central northern<br />

Apennines, Italy): New paleomagnetic constraints, J.<br />

Geophys. Res., 102(B2), 3153-3166, doi: 10.1029 /<br />

96JB03116.<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

New insights on shallow to intermediate crustal structures of the<br />

submerged Apenninic-Maghrebian chain (northern Sicily offshore)<br />

coming from the re-processing of the<br />

CROP M6A seismic reflection profile<br />

Key words: Apenninic-Maghrebian chain, Crop-M6A seismic<br />

line, reprocessing, Southern Tyrrhenian Sea.<br />


We present the preliminary results of the re-processing of the<br />

high-penetration CROP-M6A NVR seismic profile. This reprocessing<br />

was carried out to improve the signal-to-noise (S/N)<br />

ratio of the seismic data, with the purpose of obtaining more<br />

informations about the shallow-intermediate crustal features in<br />

the northern Sicily offshore. In the re-processing sequence, we<br />

have paid attention at the removal of both multiple reflectors and<br />

the noise by focussing on solution of some additional problems<br />

rising from both the stratigraphic-structural complexity of the<br />

area and the rough seabottom morphology. That have suggested<br />

in the past different sequences of re-processing (e.g. SCROCCA et<br />

alii, 2003; FINETTI, 2005), focused on the solution of specific<br />

problems like multiple de-reverberation, recovering of the high<br />

frequency reflectors and recovering of deep signals below a thick<br />

(more than 4 km) carbonate platform.<br />

We re-processed the line applying migration methods by<br />

choosing the appropriate algorithm and velocity field to data.<br />

That allowed us to image features that were previously not clearly<br />

visible. In addition, a strong interaction with the geologists in<br />

charge of the profile interpretation and some a priori knowledge<br />

about the possible geological setting characterise the new<br />

processing approach.<br />

The preliminary results show an increment of the signal<br />

quality up to 4-5 s/TWT and, locally, the presence of deep events<br />

up to 7-8 s/TWT.<br />

The re-processed section was used to better constrain the<br />

structural setting of the submerged Apenninic-Maghrebian Chain<br />

along the seismic transect shedding light on the relationships<br />

between the shallower and deepest tectonic elements.<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Geologia e Geodesia, Università di Palermo,<br />;;;;<br /><br />

358<br />


The 130 km long NNE–SSW trending seismic line explores<br />

the submerged Apenninic-Maghrebian Chain made of, from the<br />

bottom, by different superposed structural levels: a 6-7 km thick<br />

lower wedge of carbonate platform units (Trapanese and<br />

Panormide palaeodomains) underlying a level made up of deep<br />

water carbonate bodies (Imerese palaeodomain), in turn<br />

overthrust by the Oligo-Miocene Numidian Flysch terrains and an<br />

upper level of deep water shales pertaining to the Sicilide<br />

deposits (CATALANO et alii, 2000). This structural setting,<br />

recognized in the southern part of the line, derives from a<br />

Neogene deformation of the original African continental margin,<br />

characterized by two main compressional events (CATALANO et<br />

alii, 2000, AVELLONE et alii, 2010). In the central sector of the<br />

transect, a segment of the Calabrian tectonic element is partially<br />

superposed on the Sicilian-Maghrebian Chain; N-wards, a<br />

transition to sub-oceanic crust locally occurs (PEPE et alii, 2005).<br />

Widely throughout the extension of the investigated transect, the<br />

Plio-Quaternary succession unconformably overlays the<br />

underlying deformed units.<br />

DATA SET<br />

The CROP-M6A seismic line was acquired in the South<br />

Tyrrhenian Sea within the CROP Project in 1991 by the<br />

Osservatorio Geofisico Sperimentale (O.G.S.) of Trieste. Seismic<br />

signals were recorded for 17.0 s two way time (t.w.t) at 4 ms<br />

sample rate. The early processing stream was carried out by OGS<br />

including: geometry definition, sum of two adjacent traces,<br />

amplitude recovery, predictive deconvolution, multiple<br />

attenuation, velocity analysis, normal move out and stack of the<br />

common depth point reflection (CDP), F-K filter, and time<br />

variant filters. However, in the published seismic sections<br />

(SCROCCA et alii, 2003; FINETTI, 2005) multiple reflections and<br />

diffraction hyperbolas are very frequent. Several previously<br />

seismic reflection line interpretations (FINETTI, 2005; PEPE et<br />

alii., 2005), magnetic, gravity (BERNARDELLI et alii, 2005), heat<br />

flow (DELLA VEDOVA & PELLIS, 1992), as well as seismic<br />

refraction data (CASSINIS et alii, 2003) have been used to

constrain, at a regional scale, the crustal sector here considered.<br />



We carried out a conventional re-processing sequence<br />

including some key steps for the improvement of the S/N ratio<br />

and the signal continuity, such as the noise and multiple<br />

attenuation, velocity analysis interpretation and the choice of an<br />

appropriate migration algorithm, focussing in an extensive testing<br />

of alternative solutions.<br />

At first, F-K filtering was used in shot domain to try to<br />

remove the sea-bottom multiples, but this method was not very<br />

successful. So, we were able to remove four of the five order of<br />

multiples recognized at the beginning by applying the muting in<br />

Radon domain, using velocities ranging from 1500 to 2000 m/s.<br />

A crucial step during the re-processing of seismic data was the<br />

reconstruction of a velocity field. The NMO correction and stack<br />

phase required a constant evaluation of the geological features to<br />

test and to verify different stacking velocity fields, their effects on<br />

the stack section and their consistency with plausible geological<br />

models.<br />

We first proceed by means of constant velocity stack panels,<br />

from 2000 m/s to 6500 m/s in 500 m/s steps, and then by refining<br />

the velocity field by means of detailed analysis on velocity<br />

spectra, although at few specific locations and for limited depths<br />

of investigation, the determination of the optimal velocity field<br />

benefits from the knowledge of velocities derived from seismic<br />

refraction data (CASSINIS et alii, 2003). This procedure was<br />

iterated until a satisfactory result is obtained.<br />

A post-stack migration was applied to our data by using finitedifference<br />

migration technique (CLAERBOUT, 1985). That was<br />

chosen since it offers relative speed and good handling of the<br />

vertically and horizontally variant velocity field, having also a<br />

good performance with low S/N ratio. The reprocessing<br />

effectively attenuated both seismic noise and sea-bottom multiple,<br />

increasing the resolution power of the data.<br />


The re-processing of the CROP – M6A seismic data has<br />

produced a significant improvement in the quality of the final<br />

migrated section, also bringing additional and valuable<br />

information on deeper features than previously.<br />

The success of the re-processing is not due to a single<br />

operation: it is the consequence of a number of re-processing<br />

steps carefully carried out, also after several iterations.<br />

Furthermore, the knowledge of previous results was of primary<br />

importance since it indicated the difficulties that had to be tackled<br />

by the previous processing and allowed us to focus on some<br />

problems.<br />

359<br />

Our preliminary findings contribute to better image the shallow<br />

to intermediate crustal structures characterizing the submerged<br />

Apenninic-Maghrebian Chain, as well as its structural<br />

relationships with the Calabrian wedge, clarifying also the<br />

tectonic processes responsible for formation of structural highs<br />

(e.g. Solunto High) and sedimentary basins in the offshore North-<br />

Sicily.<br />

The until now obtained results may be considered fairly<br />

satisfactory for a structural interpretation of the main horizons<br />

that will be sounder as soon as more constraints will become<br />

available.<br />



MORTICELLI M. & SULLI A. (2010) – Interference between<br />

shallow and deep-seated structures in the sicilian fold and<br />

thrust belt, Italy. J. Geol. Soc., 167, 109-126.<br />


Gravity and magnetic fields of the Central Mediterranean<br />

Region, in I.R Finetti (Ed.) CROP Project: Deep Seismic<br />

Exploration of the Central Mediterranean and Italy, 57-67,<br />

Elsevier, Amsterdam.<br />

CASSINIS R., SCARASCIA S., & LOZEJ A. (2003) - The deep crustal<br />

structure of Italy and surrounding areas from seismic<br />

refraction data: a new synthesis. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital. 122,<br />

365–376.<br />


Central western Sicily structural setting interpreted from<br />

seismic reflection profiles. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 55, 5-16.<br />

CLAERBOUT, J. F. (1985) – Imaging the Earth’s Interior.<br />

Blackwell Scientific Publications, Boston.<br />

DELLA VEDOVA,B.&PELLIS G., (1992) – New heat flow density<br />

measurements in the Ionian sea. Atti VIII Convegno GNGTS,<br />

Roma, 1133-1145.<br />

FINETTI I. (2005) - CROP project: deep seismic exploration of the<br />

central Mediterranean and Italy. In I.R Finetti (Ed.) Atlases<br />

In Geoscience 1, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1-779.<br />

PEPE F., SULLI A, BERTOTTI G. & CATALANO R. (2005) -<br />

Structural highs formation and their relationship to<br />

sedimentary basins in the north Sicily continental margin<br />

(southern Tyrrhenian sea): implication for the Drepano<br />

thrust front. Tectonophysics, 409, (1-4), 1-18.<br />


A., BERTELLI L., BURBI L. & D'OFFIZI S., (2003) - CROP<br />

Atlas: seismic reflection profiles of the Italian crust. Mem.<br />

Descrittive Carta Geologica d'Italia, 62, 1-194.<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

Deformation and fluid circulation in an erosive subduction channel:<br />

constraints from structural and isotopic studies<br />

of the ancient analogue of the northern Apennines of Italy<br />

Key words: Fluid-rock interaction, subduction channel,<br />

Sestola-Vidiciatico tectonic Unit.<br />


Convergent margins are particularly rich in migrating fluids<br />

that come from compacting sediments and dehydration<br />

reactions in subducting minerals (BROWN et alii, 2001; SAFFER,<br />


2005; SAFFER et alii, 2008). Most fluid drains along the plate<br />

boundary and from the plate boundary into the fractured upper<br />

plate (MOORE &VROLIJK, 1992; CARSON &SCREATON, 1998;<br />

RANERO et alii, 2008) playing a central role in tectonic<br />

processes shaping convergent margins.<br />

We couple a detailed structural analysis focusing in<br />

particular on calcite veins, with a stable isotope analysis to<br />

characterize the fluid regime that existed during deformation in<br />

an ancient erosive plate boundary exposed in the Emilia sector<br />

of the Northern Apennines of Italy.<br />

Here the fossil plate interface is represented by a 500 mthick<br />

tectonic mélange known as the Sestola-Vidiciatico<br />

tectonic unit active at least from early Miocene to middle<br />

Miocene (VANNUCCHI et alii, 2008). At this plate boundary<br />

basal and frontal tectonic erosion incorporated unlithified,<br />

fluid-rich sediments into the fault zone (VANNUCCHI et alii,<br />

2008).<br />

In fact, in the Early Neogene, the Northern Apennine wedge<br />

was characterized by the removal and underthrusting of its toe,<br />

formed by both the accreted oceanic sediments and the<br />

overlying wedge-top basin fill (Subligurian/External Ligurian<br />

Units and their sedimentary cover: REMITTI et alii, 2007),<br />

implying a process of frontal tectonic erosion (VANNUCCHI et<br />

_________________________<br />



(*) Università di Firenze.<br />

(**) Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia,<br />

(•) IGG-CNR, Pisa.<br />

360<br />

alii, 2008) with the incorporation of upper plate material inside<br />

a subduction channel.<br />

The collected data lead to several conclusions about the<br />

pattern, scale and temperature of fluid-rock interactions and the<br />

source of fluids involved in the erosive subduction channel.<br />

During the early-middle Miocene the plate boundary of the<br />

Northern Apennines was characterized by several sub-parallel<br />

décollements with two of them, at the top and at the bottom,<br />

easy to identify. The orientation patterns and cross-cutting<br />

relationships among the structures developed in the erosive<br />

subduction channel imply an evolution of the deformation as<br />

the material was transported to deeper and hotter portions of<br />

the channel. The rheology of the material involved in the<br />

subduction channel evolves from diffuse deformation in the<br />

shallow zone to concentrated deformation in the intermediate<br />

and deep zone. The onset of fault-like failure is linked to<br />

cyclical rise and drop of fluid pressure: the subduction channel<br />

material in the intermediate zone can accumulate fluid pressure<br />

until the tensile overpressure condition (Pf > s 3) is locally<br />

reached, therefore the mechanical behaviour of the subduction<br />

channel is linked to fluids.<br />

Three main fluid sources have been identified. While in-situ<br />

fluids in equilibrium with the subduction channel components<br />

were found at all sites, fluids from the underthrusting foredeep<br />

turbidites and fluids from depth have also been identified. The<br />

progressive increase of the deep fluid signature as the deeper<br />

portions of the subduction channel are approached, involves a<br />

complex fracture/fault systems where fluid flow episodes must<br />

have been either highly channelized or had restricted pathways<br />

to maintain the recorded isotopic heterogeneities.<br />


BROWN K.M., SAFFER D.M., & BEKINS B.A. (2001) - Smectite<br />

diagenesis, pore-water freshening, and fluid flow at the toe<br />

of the Nankai wedge. Earth Pl. Sci. Lett., 194(1-2), 97-109.<br />

CARSON B. & SCREATON E.J. (1998) - Fluid flow in<br />

accretionary prisms: Evidence for focused, time- variable<br />

discharge. Reviews of Geophysics. 36(3), 329-351.

MOORE J.C. & SAFFER D. (2001) - Updip limit of the<br />

seismogenic zone beneath the accretionary prism of<br />

southwest Japan: An effect of diagenetic to low-grade<br />

metamorphic processes and increasing effective stress.<br />

Geology, 29(2), 183-186.<br />

MOORE J.C. & VROLIJK P. (1992) - Fluids in accretionary<br />

prisms. Rev. Geophys, 30, 113-135.<br />



VON HUENE R., & MCINTOSH K. (2008) - The<br />

hydrogeological system of erosional convergent margins<br />

and its influence on tectonics and interplate seismogenesis.<br />

Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 9, Q03, doi: 10.1029/2007G<br />

C001679.<br />

REMITTI F., BETTELLI G., & VANNUCCHI P. (2007) - Internal<br />

structure and tectonic evolution of an underthrust tectonic<br />

mélange: the Sestola-Vidiciatico tectonic unit of the<br />

Northern Apennines, Italy. Geodin. Acta, 20, 37-51.<br />

SAFFER D.M. (2003) - Pore pressure development and<br />

progressive dewatering in underthrust sediments at the<br />

Costa Rican subduction margin: Comparison with northern<br />

Barbados and Nankai. J. Geophys. Res., 108(B5), 2261.<br />


- Evaluation of factors controlling smectite transformation<br />

and fluid production in subduction zones: Application to<br />

the Nankai Trough. Island Arc, 17(2), 208-230.<br />

SCREATON E. J. & SAFFER D.M. (2005) - Fluid Expulsion and<br />

overpressure development during initial subduction at the<br />

Costa Rica convergent margin. Earth Pl. Sci. Lett., 233,<br />

361- 374.<br />

SPINELLI G.A., & UNDERWOOD M.B. (2004) - Character of<br />

sediments entering the Costa Rica subduction zone:<br />

Implications for partitioning of water along the plate<br />

interface. Island Arc, 13(3), 432-451.<br />

VANNUCCHI P., REMITTI F., & BETTELLI G. (2008) - Geologic<br />

record of fluid flow and seismogenesis along an erosive<br />

subducting plate boundary. Nature, 451, 699-703.<br />

361<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

Exhumation of the Voltri Massif HP-units, Ligurian Alps<br />



Key words: Exhumation, HP-units, P-T-d-t path, Voltri Massif.<br />

The Voltri Massif of the Ligurian Alps (e.g. CHIESA et alii,<br />

1975; VANOSSI et alii, 1984) is a key area to investigate the<br />

geological parameters and tectonic scenarios driving exhumation<br />

of the Alpine high-pressure (HP)-complexes, because of: (i) it is<br />

located at the junction between the Western Alps and the<br />

Northern Apennines and (ii) it defines a c. 30 km wide<br />

metamorphic domain characterised by a meta-ophiolitic sequence<br />

with an eclogitic core, unconformably covered by the Early<br />

Oligocene to Messinian sediments of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin<br />

(e.g. GELATI & GNACCOLINI, 1998). Moreover, no general<br />

consensus exists about the Pressure-Temperature-deformationtime<br />

(P-T-d-t) path followed by the exhumed HP-units (see e.g.<br />


FEDERICO et alii, 2007; VIGNAROLI et alii, 2009).<br />

By integrating geological mapping with new structural,<br />

petrological, and geo/thermochronological (U-Pb SHRIMP<br />

dating on zircon and titanite, 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating on phengite and FT<br />

analysis on apatite) studies, a polyphase tectono-metamorphic<br />

history was reconstructed for the HP-units of the Voltri Massif,<br />

consisting of: (i) a D1-M1 stage, corresponding to the peak<br />

metamorphism achieved under blueschist-to-eclogitic facies<br />

conditions, which is placed between ~34 and ~50 Ma (see also<br />

RUBATTO &SCAMBELLURI, 2003; FEDERICO et alii, 2005); (ii) a<br />

D2-M2 stage, assigned to the 30-35 Ma time interval, and<br />

corresponding to the main top-to-the-W/NW retrogressive event<br />

equilibrated within the greenschist facies conditions; and (iii) a<br />

D3-M3 stage (considered to have taken place at ~30 Ma),<br />

representing a continuous exhumation towards brittle-dominated<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università degli Studi ROMA<br />

TRE, Roma -<br />

(**) Research School of Earth Sciences, Canberra<br />

(•) Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallchemie der Universität, Stuttgart<br />

(°) FB Geowissenschaften, University of Bremen<br />

(°°) School of Earth Sciences, The University of Melbourne<br />

362<br />

environments. This latter event overlaps with main regional<br />

denudation episode and onset of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin<br />

sedimentation (BERTOTTI et alii, 2006).<br />

The reconstructed P-T-d-t path for the Voltri HP-units<br />

supports an exhumation history defined by (i) an initial, nearly<br />

isothermal, phase (from D1-M1 to D2-M2) with highly variable<br />

exhumation rates; and (ii) a second phase (from D2-M2 to upper<br />

crustal levels, D3-M3) during cooling with moderate exhumation<br />

rates in the order of ~1-2 mm yr -1 . This two-stage exhumation<br />

process can be reconciled within a tectonic scenario characterised<br />

by a switch from a syn-orogenic setting along the Alpine-<br />

Apennine convergence zone to post-orogenic back-arc crustal<br />

thinning achieved along low-angle top-to-the-W, ductile-to-brittle<br />

extensional detachment systems.<br />


BERTOTTI G., MOSCA P., JUEZ J., POLINO R. & DUNAI T. (2006) -<br />

Oligocene to Present kilometres scale subsidence and<br />

exhumation of the Ligurian Alps and the Tertiary Piedmont<br />

Basin (NW Italy) revealed by apatite (U–Th)/He<br />

thermochronology: correlation with regional tectonics. Terra<br />

Nova, 18, 18-25.<br />

CAPPONI G. & CRISPINI L. (2002) - Structural and metamorphic<br />

signature of alpine tectonics in the Voltri Massif (Ligurian<br />

Alps, Noth-Western Italy). Eclogae Geol. Helv., 95, 31-42.<br />



P.M. (1975) - Assetto strutturale ed interpretazione<br />

geodinamica del Gruppo di Voltri. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., 94,<br />

555-581.<br />


I.M. (2005) - 39 Ar/ 40 Ar dating of high-pressure rocks from the<br />

Ligurian Alps: evidence for a continuous subductionexhumation<br />

cycle. Earth Pl. Sci. Lett., 240, 668-680.<br />


- Ophiolite mélange zone records exhumation in a fossil<br />

subduction channel. Geology, 35, 499-502.

GELATI R. & GNACCOLINI M. (1998) - Sedimentary tectonics and<br />

sedimentation in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin, north-western<br />

Italy. Riv. Ital. Paleontol. Stratigr., 104, 193-214.<br />

HOOGERDUIJN STRATING E.H. (1994) - Extensional faulting in an<br />

intraoceanic subduction complex – working hypothesis for the<br />

Palaeogene of the Alps-Apennine system. Tectonophysics,<br />

238, 255-273.<br />

RUBATTO D. & SCAMBELLURI M. (2003) - U-Pb dating of<br />

magmatic zircon and metamorphic baddeleyte in the Ligurian<br />

eclogites (Voltri Massif, Western Alps). Contrib. Mineral.<br />

Petrol., 146, 341-355.<br />


PICCARDO G. & VANNUCCI R. (1984) - Geologia delle Alpi<br />

Liguri: dati, problemi, ipotesi. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 28, 5-75.<br />


Retrogressive fabric development during exhumation of the<br />

Voltri Massif (Ligurian Alps, Italy): arguments for an<br />

extensional origin and implications for the Alps-Apennine<br />

linkage. Int. J. Earth Sci., 98, 1077-1093.<br />

363<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

Key words: Abano Terme, fissure ridge, Schio-Vicenza fault,<br />

travertine.<br />


The Euganean Geothermal Field (EGF) develops along the<br />

northwest-trending Schio-Vicenza fault system (SVFS), a<br />

structure that marks the western side of the Friuli and Veneto<br />

plain, which is the foreland of three surrounding chains:<br />

Dinarides, Alps and Apennine.<br />

Fig. 1 – Historical picture of the thermal well on the Montirone Hill.<br />

The EGF is located close to the northeast margin of the<br />

Euganean Hills (PICCOLI et alii, 1976), where the existence of a<br />

extensional relay zone between segments of the SVFS has been<br />

proposed (ZAMPIERI et alii, 2009). Given the Neogene to<br />

Quaternary sinistral strike-slip kinematics, superimposed on preexisting<br />

normal faults, this structure is responsible for rock<br />

fracturing and permeability increase, enhancing the quick<br />

uprising of thermal waters. In this area about 100 mining claims<br />

and more than 400 wells have been drilled. Thermal waters<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Geoscienze – Università degli studi di Padova,<br /><br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto ex 60% Università di Padova<br />

“Modello idrogeologico e geologico strutturale dell'area termale euganea"<br />

(resp. P. Fabbri) e <strong>della</strong> tesi di dottorato (M. Pola) finanziata d<strong>alla</strong><br />

Fondazione CariPaRo.<br />

The fissure ridge of Abano Terme (Padova)<br />


364<br />

(60°C < T< 86°C) are principally used for medicinal and tourism<br />

purposes, with a subsidiary use as energy to heat hotels and<br />

greenhouses. At present, about 250 wells are active and the total<br />

average flow rate of thermal fluids is about 17 Mm 3 /year. Most<br />

wells (depths from about 300 m to more than 1000 m) extend for<br />

several hundred meters into bedrock, however well casing is<br />

placed only in the Quaternary cover.<br />


Until the sixties, one of the main natural occurrences of the<br />

outflow in the EGF was located in the town of Abano Terme,<br />

marked by a 5 meter-high hill of travertine, called Montirone.<br />

Thermal waters fed several pools located on the flat top and at<br />

the base of the ridge (Fig. 1) and were also channelized to move a<br />

mill-wheel (VANDELLI, 1761). Exploitation of the thermal waters<br />

lowered the potentiometric level and dried up the hot springs. At<br />

present the travertine hill is used as a public park. The hill is<br />

affected by a network of fractures (Fig. 2a) mainly composed of<br />

two sub-orthogonal fracture sets (NW-SE and NNE-SSW, Fig.<br />

2b), which allow us to refer to the travertine deposit as a fissure<br />

ridge. These structures have been studied in tectonically active<br />

regions of Turkey (Anatolia), Greece (Euboea island), the USA<br />

(California) and Italy (Tuscany), showing typical features and<br />

providing significant information about stress orientation during<br />

travertine deposition (e.g. HANCOCK et alii, 1999; TEMIZ et alii,<br />

2009; BROGI et alii, 2009).<br />

The trend of the two fracture sets parallels the trend of the<br />

main structural elements of the region. It suggests that the fissure<br />

ridge is localized above an extensional fissure or in the hanging<br />

wall of a transtensional fault cutting the bedrock lying about one<br />

hundred meters beneath the alluvial cover.<br />

The presence of the Montirone travertine deposit strongly<br />

supports the existence of 1) a releasing structure in the subsurface<br />

which controls the development of the EGF and, 2) ongoing<br />

activity of the Schio-Vicenza fault.<br />


BROGI A. & CAPEZZUOLI E. (2009) - Travertine deposition and<br />

faulting: the fault-related travertine ?ssure-ridge at Terme<br />

S.Giovanni, Rapolano Terme (Italy). Int. J. Earth Sc., 98,<br />



(1999) - Travitonics: using travertines in active fault studies.<br />

J. Struct. Geol., 21, 903–916.<br />

PICCOLI G. et alii (1976) - <strong>Il</strong> sistema idrotermale euganeo berico<br />

e la <strong>geologia</strong> <strong>dei</strong> Colli Euganei. Mem. Ist. Geol. Miner. Univ.<br />

Padova, 30, 266 pp.<br />

TEMIZ U., GÖKTEN E. & EINKENBERG J. (2009) - U/Th dating of<br />

fissure ridge travertines from the Kirsehir region (Central<br />

Anatolia Turkey): structural relations and implications for<br />

the Neotectonic development of the Anatolian block.<br />

Geodinamica acta, 22(4), 201-213.<br />

VANDELLI D. (1761) - De Thermis Agri Patavini. Tipografia<br />

Conzatti, Padova, 234 pp.<br />

ZAMPIERI D., FABBRI P. & POLA M. (2009) - Structural<br />

constraints to the Euganean Geothermal Field (NE Italy).<br />

Rend. online Soc. Geol. It., 5, 238-240.<br />

a)<br />

Fig. 2 – Fracture on the top of the Montirone fissure ridge (a). The rose diagram of the directions of the fractures (b) clearly shows two main trends oriented N<br />

20 E and N 60 W, parallel to the main structural elements of the region.<br />

365<br />

Rose diagram of the fractures<br />

of Montirone fissure ridge<br />

N<br />

b)<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />

40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating of pseudotachylytes: direct evidence of Cretaceous<br />

to Eocene compressions in the central Southern Alps<br />

Key words: 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating, Cretaceous orogeny, Orobic Thrust,<br />

Porcile Thrusts, Pseudotachylytes.<br />


The central Southern Alps (CSA), comprised between Lake<br />

Como and the Adamello massif, belong to the S-verging retrobelt<br />

of the Alps (LAUBSCHER, 1985), from which they are<br />

separated by the E-W trending Tonale Line (SCHMID et alii,<br />

1989). The structure of the CSA is typical of a thick-skinned foldand-thrust<br />

belt (CARMINATI et alii, 1997) which involves both<br />

basement and Permian to Cenozoic cover succession. Alpine<br />

metamorphism was weak with respect to the Austroalpine units to<br />

the north of the Tonale Line.<br />

The pre-Alpine basement of the Southern Alps is thrusted<br />

southward over the sedimentary successions along the Orobic<br />

thrust and related faults which form a continuous fault-system<br />

extending more than 80 km in length.<br />

The Alpine structural evolution of the Southern Alps still<br />

poses several unsolved problems especially on its oldest history<br />

and its possible relationships with the Eoalpine tectonic events<br />

affecting the Austroalpine domain. The occurrence of a pre-<br />

Tertiary orogenic phase was already emphasized by several<br />

authors on the base of indirect sedimentary evidence (DOGLIONI<br />

&BOSELLINI, 1987; BERSEZIO &FORNACIARI, 1994) and K/Ar<br />

dating of andesitic dykes cross-cutting thrust surfaces in the<br />

Presolana area (ZANCHI et alii, 1990). The opportunity to date the<br />

oldest thrust structures of the Southern Alps occurs in the western<br />

Orobic region, where the occurrence of pseudotachylyte veins has<br />

been described by previous authors (MEIER, 2003; CARMINATI &<br />

SILETTO, 2005) along the Orobic and Porcile thrusts.<br />



In the Passo San Marco area the metamorphic basement<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche e Geotecnologie, Università degli<br />

Studi di Milano Bicocca,<br />


366<br />

displays a polyphase history with at least three ductile<br />

deformation phases. D1 and D2 structures are considered to be of<br />

Variscan age (CARMINATI &SILETTO, 2005). D1 structures are<br />

preserved only as relic foliation and rootless folds within quartzrich<br />

lithologies, whereas D2 fabric elements consist in isoclinal<br />

folds associated to an axial plane foliation developed under upper<br />

greenschist facies conditions (SPALLA et alii, 1999).<br />

The D3 phase produced medium-tight folds not accompanied<br />

by the development of an axial plane schistosity.<br />

In the hangingwall of the Orobic thrust D3 fold axes trend<br />

approximately N-S to NE-SW with dip angles of 25-30°.<br />

Approaching the fault zone from the North, D3 folds<br />

progressively rotate, becoming subparallel to the greenschist<br />

facies mylonitic foliation that characterises the basement-derived<br />

fault zone of the Orobic thrust. The described geometric features<br />

of D3 folds suggest that the first ductile deformation stage of the<br />

Orobic thrust postdates D3 folding.<br />

Greenschist facies mylonites are preserved only locally due to<br />

a pervasive overprint by subsequent brittle structure. The<br />

mylonitic foliation dips N to NNE with dip angles close to 45°.<br />

Dark-coloured cataclastic bands cross-cut mylonites at low<br />

angles. Fault analyses of these bands revealed the occurrence of<br />

dip-slip reverse fault with a preferential ENE-WSW strike and a<br />

northward dip of 20°-60°, due to the occurrence of secondary R<br />

shear planes.<br />

Reverse faults are associated to pseudotachylyte veins. The<br />

melt generation surfaces of pseudotachylytes show very similar<br />

geometrical features with reverse faults, suggesting that the<br />

genesis of pseudotachylytes is directly related to the main brittle<br />

stages of thrust propagation.<br />

The cover succession in the footwall of the Orobic thrust<br />

shows medium to tight folds with a metre-scale wavelenght. In<br />

fine-grained sandstones and siltstones an axial plane pressuresolution<br />

cleavage locally occurs. Fold axial planes and cleavage<br />

dip N to NW with dip angles of 40°-55°, resulting subparallel to<br />

the Orobic thrust surface. This suggests that folding in the cover<br />

is related to S-directed movements along the Orobic thrust.<br />


Pseudotachylytes discontinuously decorate fault planes and<br />

typically display thickness from few to 20-25 mm, with rare<br />

reservoir veins reaching 70-80 mm along the Porcile thrust. The

host rock usually displays cataclastic fabric and only in a few<br />

cases pseudotachylytes cross-cut greenschist facies mylonites free<br />

of brittle overprint. Systematic cross-cutting relationships<br />

between different pseudotachylyte veins generations were never<br />

observed in the field even if evidence of multiple events of<br />

friction-induced melting were recognised at the micro-scale.<br />

From pseudotachylyte samples micro-cores of 1-2 mm of<br />

diametres were drilled and analysed by X-ray Micro-<br />

Computerised-Tomography (microCT) combined with image<br />

analyses. The microCT screening served to asses in 3D the<br />

clast/matrix ratio of each micro-core in order to choose almost<br />

clast-free sample for Ar-Ar dating.<br />

Stepwise-heating experiments were performed in the 400-<br />

1400°C T range, using 10 or 11 incremental steps.<br />

All gas release pattern display similar features. The low T<br />

steps have isotopic Ca/K values that differ from matrix values<br />

determined by Electron Microprobe analyses. These devious<br />

Ca/K values are likely correlated to the presence of secondary or<br />

alteration mineral phases. The central, flat part of the spectrum,<br />

occurring at intermediate T, corresponds to Ca/K values within<br />

the chemical composition of pseudotachylyte matrix determined<br />

with the microprobe. The intermediate T steps are therefore<br />

interpreted to represent gas release from matrix and so were used<br />

for crystallisation age calculations. High T steps invariably give<br />

the oldest ages with highest Ca/K values. These steps are related<br />

to the breakdrown of inherited clasts, chiefly made of plagioclase.<br />

Two age clusters of pseudotachylytes matrix were obtained<br />

both along the Orobic and Porcile thrusts: a Late Cretaceous (80-<br />

68 Ma) and latest Paleocene to middle Eocene (55-43 Ma).<br />

These data strongly support the occurrence of a Cretaceous<br />

compressive deformation if the central Southern Alps, till now<br />

only suggested on the base of indirect evidence. This suggests<br />

that the Alpine evolution of the Orobic Alps, prior to the<br />

Adamello intrusion, was correlated to a long-lasting compressive<br />

deformation, probably subdivided in two main stages.<br />

Late Cretaceous is also a minimum age for the ductile/brittle<br />

transition in the present-day exposed basement units. This implies<br />

that ductile deformation, at least in the crustal levels now<br />

exposed, took place only in the earliest growth phase of the CSA<br />

orogenic wedge. The oldest pseudotachylyte ages are tentatively<br />

correlated to the Cretaceous orogenic phase (SCHMID et alii, 2004<br />

with literature) documented in the Austroalpine domain north of<br />

the Periadriatic Lineament.<br />

The Middle Eocene re-activation of the Orobic and Porcile<br />

thrusts predates the Adamello intrusion and the main activity<br />

period of the Tonale segment of the Periadriatic Lineament.<br />

The geodynamic significance of the pre-Adamello Eocene<br />

deformation in the Orobic Alps is still unclear. Its relationships<br />

with the Tertiary orogenic phase recorded in the N-verging sector<br />

of the Alpine belt need further studies to be fully understood.<br />

Our data provide evidence that the evolution of the central<br />

Southern Alps was polyphase and more complex than previously<br />

367<br />

envisaged. In this context the understanding of the tectonic<br />

evolution of the central Southern Alps gives also important<br />

constraints for the reconstruction and interpretation of the whole<br />

central sector of the Alpine belt.<br />


BERSEZIO R. & FORNACIARI M. (1994) – Syntectonic Upper<br />

Cretaceous deep-water sequences of the Lombardy Basin<br />

(Southern Alps, Northern Italy). Eclo. Geol. Helv., 87 (3),<br />

833-862.<br />

CARMINATI E., SILETTO G. & BATTAGLIA D. (1997) – Thrust<br />

kinematics and internal deformation in basement involved<br />

foreland fold and thrust belts: the Eastern Orobic Alps case<br />

(Central Southern Alps, Northern Italy). Tectonics, 16, 259-<br />

271.<br />

CARMINATI E. & SILETTO G.B. (2005) – The Central Souther<br />

Alps (N Italy) paleoseismic zone: a comparison between field<br />

observations and predictions of fault mechanics.<br />

Tectonophysics, 401, 179-197.<br />

DOGLIONI C. & BOSELLINI A. (1987) – Eoalpine and Mesoalpine<br />

tectonic in the Southern Alps. Geol. Rundsch., 76, 735-754.<br />

LAUBSCHER H.B. (1985) – Large scale, thin-skinned thrusting in<br />

the Southern Alps: kinematic models. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull.,<br />

76, 710-718.<br />

MEIER A. (2003) – The Periadriatic Fault System in Valtellina<br />

(N-Italy) and the evolution of the Southwestern Segment of<br />

the Eastern Alps. PhD Thesis, Diss. Eth. No. 15008, Zurich.<br />

SCHMID S.M., AEBLI H.R., HELLER F. & ZINGG A. (1989) – The<br />

role of the Periadriatic Line in the tectonic evolution of the<br />

Alps. In: M.P.Coward, D. Dietrich & R.G. Park, (Eds.),<br />

Alpine tectonics. Spec. Publ. Geol. Soc. London, 45, 153-<br />

171.<br />


(2004) – Tectonic map and overall architecture of the Alpine<br />

orogen. Eclo. Geol. Helv., 97, 93-117.<br />


D. (1999) – Influence of deformation partitioning and<br />

metamorphic re-equilibration on P-T path reconstruction in<br />

the pre-Alpine basement of Central Southern Alps (Northern<br />

Italy). J. Metamorphic Geol., 17, 319-336.<br />

ZANCHI A., CHIESA S. & GILLOT P.Y. (1990) – Tectonic evolution<br />

of the Southern Alps in the Orobic chain: structural and<br />

geochronological indications for pre-Tertiary compressive<br />

tectonic. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 44, 77-82.<br />


SESSIONE 10<br />


SESSIONE 11<br />

Geotermia e risorse geotermiche<br />


Alessandro Sbrana (Università di Pisa)<br />

Paolo Fulignati (Università di Pisa)<br />

369<br />


SESSIONE 11<br />

Geochemical surveillance of reactive gas from geothermal area of<br />

Pozzuoli Solfatara (Naples, Italy): chronological evolution and local<br />

ground displacement<br />

Keywords: Bradysism, Campania, Pozzuoli.<br />

Since 2000, the Geoscience and Earth Resources Institute<br />

researchers are working on the area of Phlegrean Fields with<br />

systematic sampling on fluids emission from Pozzuoli Solfatara,<br />

specifically fumaroles named Bocca Grande and Soffionissimo<br />

(and Forum Vulcani till 1984). This scientific activity is a follow<br />

on of similar work carried out on the same area from 1982 to<br />

1997, with particular attention to gas monitoring (CO2, H2, CH4,<br />

H2S, N2, Ar, He, Rn).<br />

Our results evidence that reactive gases H2, CH4, H2S<br />

show a specific trend that can be well represented on a triangular<br />

diagram.<br />

The 2001-2005 compositional trend point out to a<br />

refocusing towards values measured during the 1983/85 period,<br />

which was characterized by accentuate bradisism phenomena.<br />

More, according to our observation, the period from 1989-<br />

1997 shows similar path of reactive fumarolic gas evolution.<br />

Compared observation in different periods of triangular<br />

diagrams H2, CH4, H2S with the graphic about ground level<br />

variation till 2003, shows a correspondence between the<br />

evolution of relative gas concentrations and the trend of<br />

bradisism.<br />

More specifically, on the base of our data set, we can define<br />

a trend characterized from a relative increase of H2S, a decrease<br />

of H2 and prevalently CH4 during the phase of negative<br />

bradisism.<br />

Following this preliminary observations, the correspondence<br />

between temporal evolution of gas chemical composition and new<br />

bradisism phenomena, could enlighten the contribution of<br />

geochemical monitoring on the study of the phenomena related to<br />

soil subsidence in the Phlegrean field area.<br />

_________________________________________________<br />

(*) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, CNR Pisa,,<br /><br />



Medium enthalpy geothermal fluids in the Argentera Massif:<br />

geochemical investigations for further<br />

geothermal exploration studies.<br />

Key words: Geochemistry, geothermal fluids, geothermometers,<br />

medium enthalpy, South-Western Alps.<br />


At the beginning of 20th century Italy was the first nation in<br />

the world exploiting geothermal resources and produce electricity<br />

in Lardarello (Tuscany) and nowadays it is the fifth nation for<br />

electricity production. Only a few geothermal exploration<br />

projects were, however, carried outside of Tuscany. The southern<br />

part of Piedmont and in particular the Italian side of the<br />

Argentera Massif shows favorable conditions for exploitation of<br />

thermal waters at Bagni di Vinadio and Terme di Valdieri. The<br />

main objectives are to decipher the origin of the fluids from its<br />

chemical and isotopic compositions, in relation to natural fluid<br />

pathways inferred from geological and geophysical prospection<br />

to detect the deep structures and more shallow investigations.<br />


The two study areas are located in the Argentera Massif, the<br />

southernmost of the external crystalline massifs of the Alps. The<br />

massif can be divided into two main complexes: The Malinvern<br />

Argentera Complex, mainly constituted by migmatitic gneisses,<br />

and the Tinée Complex, mainly formed by anatectic gneisses. In<br />

particular the studied thermal springs are entirely located within<br />

the Malinvern Argentera Complex. The structural setting of the<br />

Argentera Massif is the result brittle reactivation of pre-Alpine<br />

and early-Alpine ductile shear zones. A main NW-SE shear zone,<br />

the Valletta Shear Zone, crosscuts the massif dividing the two<br />

complexes and branches towards North in the Bersezio Fault. In<br />

the central part of the massif, the Valletta Shear Zone connects to<br />

the Fremamorta Shear Zone, a E-W oriented milonitic corridor<br />

with a reverse sense of shear (BAIETTO, 2006, PERELLO et alii<br />

2001).<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra - Università di Torino,<br />,,<br /><br />


371<br />

At Bagni di Vinadio, thermal springs discharge at 1320 m<br />

a.s.l. through intensely fractured aplitic dykes located at the<br />

margins of the Bersezio Fault. The Terme di Valdieri springs<br />

discharge at 1425 m a.s.l. in one of the most elevated sector of<br />

the Argentera Massif. In particular the springs emerge through<br />

the damaged zone of the Lorusa Fault a 7 km-long NW-SE strike<br />

slip fault that cuts through migmatitic gneisses.<br />


The geochemistry of the waters of the two thermal sites was<br />

already studied in the past (FANCELLI &NUTI, 1978). During two<br />

campaigns, waters samples of both thermal and fresh water<br />

sources were collected to add more information and data.<br />

Conductivity, pH, Temperature were measured in the field and<br />

then compared to the measured values at the lab. All the samples<br />

were analyzed by means of ion chromatography for the major<br />

ions, by means of Inductive Coupled Plasma spectrometry (ICP)<br />

for trace elements, heavy metals and Si, and d 2 H, d 18 O, Tritium<br />

isotopes were also analyzed. These analyses showed many<br />

differences between the thermal waters at Bagni di Vinadio and<br />

at Terme di Valdieri. At Bagni di Vinadio temperature ranges<br />

between 28°and 72°C and shows a direct relationship with the<br />

TDS that ranges between 400 and 2700 mg/l. Both the Vinadio<br />

and Valdieri waters have pH values of 7-9 or even higher and the<br />

alkalinity ranges between 0.2 to 1 meq/l at Vinadio and between<br />

0.3 to 0.9 meq/l at Valdieri. At Terme di Valdieri Temperature<br />

ranges between 32°C and 65°C, but the TDS is constant at 300<br />

mg/l. The Piper diagram shows both the different chemical<br />

composition between thermal waters at the two study sites and<br />

the chemical differences between thermal and cold waters at<br />

Vinadio whereas at Valdieri this does not occur. A Schoeller<br />

diagram shows the general higher mineralization of the thermal<br />

waters, the high Cl - content and the lower SO4 - concentration at<br />

Vinadio compared to that at Valdieri. The main cation is Na + for<br />

both waters at Vinadio and Valdieri but Cl - is the major anion for<br />

Vinadio as SO4 2- is for Valdieri. It is evident the differentiation<br />

between the thermal waters at Vinadio and at Valdieri: in fact<br />

Vinadio hot waters create a distinct group itself showing a higher<br />

concentration of chloride while those at Valdieri, richer in<br />

bicarbonate, are much closer to the cold water that have almost<br />

the same composition both at Vinadio and Valdieri.<br />

The content in stable isotopes d 2 H and d 18 O were evaluated<br />


SESSIONE 11<br />

from selected water samples. The sampled waters plot close to<br />

World Meteoric Water Line and the Mediterranean Sea Meteoric<br />

Line indicating that the thermal fluids are meteoric waters and in<br />

particular show the influence with Mediterranean precipitations.<br />

Both thermal springs and cold waters fall into the range between<br />

-10 and -13 (‰ vs. SMOW) for the isotope d 18 O and within -80<br />

and -100 (‰ vs. SMOW) for the d 2 H isotope. Thermal waters do<br />

not exhibit positive d 18 O-shift, typical of high-temperature<br />

geothermal systems with long water residence time at depths.<br />

Isotopic analysis show that the waters coming from the two<br />

locations are close to world meteoric water line and show the<br />

influence with Mediterranean precipitations. Water infiltration<br />

elevations can also be inferred from these isotopic data: 1700-<br />

2000 m for both Bagni di Vinadio and Terme di Valdieri.<br />

Tritium analysis show very low values (0.6

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SESSIONE 11<br />

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Ultrasonic test in geothermal heat exchangers (BHE) to monitor grout<br />

integrity against migration of contaminants into ground water system.<br />


Key words: Aquifers, borehole exchangers, cementation,<br />

Geothermic, ultrasonic monitoring.<br />

Non-electric uses of geothermal energy in Italy are associated<br />

with the spa business, greenhouses and fish farming and space<br />

heating, including district heating (CARELLA &SOMMARUGA,<br />

2000). An ideal heat source has a high and stable temperature<br />

during the heating season, is abundantly available, is not<br />

corrosive or polluted, has favourable thermophysical properties,<br />

and its utilisation requires low investment and operational costs.<br />

In most cases the availability of the heat source is the key factor<br />

determining its use: ground water and rocks are the main heat<br />

sources in most of the Northern Italian regions.<br />

Ground water is available with stable temperatures (4-10°C)<br />

in many regions. Open or closed systems are used to tap into this<br />

heat source. In open systems the ground water is pumped up,<br />

cooled and then reinjected in a separate well or returned to<br />

surface water. Closed systems can either be direct expansion<br />

systems, with the working fluid evaporating in underground heat<br />

exchanger pipes, or brine loop systems. A major disadvantage of<br />

ground water heat pumps is the cost of installing the heat source.<br />

Additionally, local regulations may impose severe constraints<br />

regarding interference with the water table and the possibility of<br />

soil pollution. Rocks (geothermal heat) can be used in regions<br />

with no or negligible occurrence of ground water. Typical bore<br />

hole depth ranges from 100 to 200 metres. This type of heat<br />

pump is always connected to a brine system with welded plastic<br />

pipes extracting heat from the rock.<br />

Vertical ground loop heat exchangers typically consist of<br />

high-density-polyethylene (HDPE) pipe U-tubes inserted in deep<br />

boreholes. The boreholes have typical diameters of 76 mm to 127<br />

mm and the pipe diameters in the range from 19 mm 38 mm. The<br />

pipes forming the U-tube are accordingly closely spaced in the<br />

borehole. A grout mixture is typically pumped into the borehole<br />

to fill the gap between the U-tube and the borehole walls. The<br />

purpose of the grout is to improve the heat transfer between the<br />

soil and plastic pipes by providing a better contact surface<br />

between them, and also to provide a seal around the U-tube to<br />

guard against migration of contaminants into the ground water<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dip. Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra - Università di Torino,,<br />,<br />

375<br />

system.<br />

Geothermal heat pumps uses are not common in Italy,<br />

contrary to Central and Northern Europe examples. As for all<br />

new techniques, there is a general apprehension mainly due to<br />

two questions: 1) Is it working? 2) Is it a possible source of<br />

pollution for water tables?<br />

Thermal response tests can answer question n.1. They can<br />

integrate the underground thermal properties along the entire<br />

length of a BHE, including groundwater and backfilling material,<br />

providing a so-called “effective” thermal conductivity as defined<br />

under strict heat conduction assumptions. Laboratory<br />

measurements alone may lead to different values since they<br />

cannot correctly account for groundwater flow and water-filled<br />

cracks and pores (SIGNORELLI et alii, 2007)<br />

Question n. 2 is still a problem. Actually, the only assurance<br />

that the PVC pipes are completely insulated from the ground (and<br />

from the aquifers) is given by the blowing up of the backfilling<br />

material, pumped up from the bottom of the drilling.<br />

The problem of the integrity of the backfill and its<br />

functionality in respect to hydraulically insulate of BHE from the<br />

ground is not so different from other situations in civil<br />

engineering. For example, non-destructive test methods have<br />

become the standard in quality assurance of concrete piles<br />

particularly in respect to shaft foundations. Several methods are<br />

available to perform this tests but ultrasonic logging techniques<br />

play the major role (RAUSCHE, 2004; LIKINS et alii, 2007). The<br />

purpose of these tests is to assess the homogeneity and integrity<br />

of concrete between one or more access tubes. Testing<br />

specifications requires medium diameter, water filled, access<br />

tubes installed full-length in the shaft.<br />

Test equipment includes an ultrasonic transmitter, a matched<br />

receiver and a data acquisition system. In Cross Hole logging the<br />

transmitter and receiver are inserted into the bottom of two tubes,<br />

raising them simultaneously while the transmitter continuously<br />

emits and the receiver acquires the ultrasonic signals. A related<br />

technique is the Single Hole logging method which requires only<br />

a single access tube. Testing is done by lowering the transmitter<br />

and receiver on top of each other and then scanning the pile as<br />

the 2 are retrieved. In both methods the records of signal travel<br />

time (and relative strength) yield an assessment of the concrete<br />

quality and continuity. In the Single Hole method problems arise<br />

due to the sensors vicinity since travel times can be strongly<br />

affected by water and concrete-tube interface.<br />


SESSIONE 11<br />

Since in BHE access water filled tubes are already available<br />

these techniques can be potentially used to evaluate the quality<br />

and integrity of cementation in the exchanger. Several problems<br />

must be however taken into consideration. First usually small<br />

diameter tubes are used so that the insertion of the ultrasonic<br />

sonde is not possible. Secondly the tubes are not perfectly vertical<br />

one to each other and can be quite tortuous so that a good<br />

calibration of data is not always possible.<br />

The potentiality of ultrasonic tests in the verification of a<br />

good cementation quality in BHE has been therefore attempted<br />

on an experimental pile. The pile is about 4 m high and is<br />

generally constituted by a 1:1 mix of concrete and bentonite.<br />

Some defects, layers of coarse sand mixed with expanded clay,<br />

have been moreover placed in the pile at different heights. Two<br />

access tubes (3,8 cm in diam.) have been inserted in the pile and<br />

have been filled with water for the execution of both Cross Hole<br />

and Single Hole logs by means of a commercially available<br />

monitoring system (CHUM - After the<br />

execution of the tests, a window was opened in the pile in order<br />

to verify experimental data.<br />

Cross hole test results are reported in fig. 1 and compared<br />

with a picture of the experimental pile. A visual inspection of the<br />

test signals (“nested” in a diagram) can guide in the location of<br />

the integrity zones. Defect identification is clear both in the first<br />

arrival travel time curve then in the relative velocity curve. In<br />

particular the cemented zones are highlighted for velocities<br />

higher then 2500 m/s. Since wave transmission is strictly related<br />

to the presence of water in the tubes in the upper part of the pile<br />

no signal has been acquired for the last concrete layer.<br />

Also single hole tests were performed with different distance<br />

between receivers. In this testing disposition the first arrival<br />

travel time curve was however not able to clearly identify defects.<br />

This can be due to direct waves travelling in the water between<br />

the two sensors or by the fact that the refracted waves (tube<br />

waves) from the PVC tube prevails in respect to the real stiffness<br />

differences in the confining concrete. However some more<br />

analysis of the signals seems, even with less clear evidence than<br />

in the previous testing setup, to reveal the possibility to identify<br />

the position of the defects in cementation.<br />

In conclusion, preliminary test presented underline the<br />

potentiality of the ultrasonic tests in cementation defect<br />

identification for BHE monitoring. Technical problems (mainly<br />

tube diameter and signal coupling in single hole tests) have<br />

however to be solved for an application of the technique to real<br />

case histories. At the same time more sophisticated signal<br />

interpretation techniques could lead to a clearer identification of<br />

defects. Anyway, this technique open a new vision on the field of<br />

environmental certification, permitting to highlight situation in<br />

which borehole heat exchangers can be a possible source of<br />

pollution or, simply, can put in connection different aquifers due<br />

to lack or poor cementation of the space between pipes and<br />

ground.<br />

376<br />

Fig. 1 – Cross Hole test defect identification in comparison to experimental pile:<br />

grey zone means good cementation.<br />


CARELLA R. & SOMMARUGA C. (2000) - Geothermal space And<br />

agribusiness heating in Italy. Proc. World Geothermal<br />

Congress, Kyushu - Tohoku, Japan, 28/5 - 10/6, 117-122.<br />

LIKINS G. E., RAUSCHE F., WEBSTER K. & KLESNEY A., (2007) -<br />

Defect Analysis for CSL Testing. Geotechnical Special<br />

Publication No. 158 - Contemporary Issues in Deep<br />

Foundations; Proceedings from Geo-Denver 2007 New Peaks<br />

in Geotechnics: Denver, CO. (CD-ROM).<br />

RAUSCHE F. (2004) - Non-Destructive Evaluation Of Deep<br />

Foundations. Proceedings of the Fifth International<br />

Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering:<br />

New York, NY. (CD-ROM).<br />


Numerical evaluation of thermal response tests. Geothermics<br />

36, 141–166.

The Campi Flegrei Deep Drilling Project: from volcanic risk<br />

mitigation to geothermal research<br />

Key words: Campi Flegrei, risk mitigation, geothermal research.<br />

Campi Flegrei caldera is a good example of the most<br />

explosive volcanism on the Earth, a potential source of global<br />

catastrophes. Alike several similar volcanic areas (Yellowstone<br />

and Long Valley, USA; Santorini, Greece; Iwo Jima, Japan, etc.)<br />

its volcanic activity is dominated by physical mechanisms<br />

involving the strict interaction between shallow magma sources<br />

and geothermal systems. Furthermore, just like similar areas, it<br />

should be characterised by very large shallow magma chambers,<br />

filled by residual magma left after the ignimbritic, caldera<br />

forming eruptions. However, neither the physical mechanisms of<br />

magma-water interaction, nor the evidence for such large magma<br />

chamber, are actually clear enough to be used for detailed<br />

volcanological interpretation and eruption forecast.<br />

Campi Flegrei caldera, with respect to many similar area, has<br />

the advantage that the most interesting structural details and main<br />

volcanic features appear located at shallower depth, making it a<br />

natural candidate for a deep drilling project aimed to understand<br />

the volcanic structure of calderas.<br />

The CFDDP project aims to understand, for the first time in a<br />

direct way by deep drilling, the location and rehology of large<br />

residual magma chambers and the mechanisms of interaction<br />

between magma and aquifer systems to generate eruptions and<br />

unrests.<br />

Furthermore, the direct, detailed study of the whole<br />

geothermal system will allow to extract crucial information about<br />

the geothermal potential and about the most fruitful strategies for<br />

geothermal energy exploitation in such a densely urbanised area.<br />

Just like the Icelandic Deep Drilling Project, in addition, Campi<br />

Flegrei deep hole will reach temperatures overcoming 500°C, in a<br />

rock sustem were supercritical fluids are expected. Supercritical<br />

fluids exploitation can be considered the most powerful<br />

geothermal energy of the future, in hot volcanic areas.<br />

CFDDP is then also aimed to raise new interest for<br />

geothermal energy exploitation, which, mainly in Italy, can<br />

become the real clean and sustainable alternative to fossile fuels.<br />

_________________________________________________<br />

(*) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, sezione di Napoli<br />

Osservatorio Vesuviano<br />,<br />


377<br />


SESSIONE 11<br />

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SESSIONE 11<br />

Keywords: Geothermal district heating, Paris basin, sustainable<br />

management.<br />

The Paris Basin geothermal district heating (GDH) scheme<br />

stands as the second world largest of its kind, after the city of<br />

Reykjavik, with a total installed capacity and yearly heat supplies<br />

(heating and sanitary hot water – SHW) amounting to 220 MWt<br />

and 1100 GWht respectively, serving ca. 150000 equivalent<br />

dwellings (each ca 200 m 3 in volume) from 34 well doublets.<br />

The first attempt to exploit the hot waters hosted in the<br />

Dogger carbonate formation (mid Jurassic) dates back to year<br />

1962, at Carrieres-sur-Seine west of Paris. The well, despite a<br />

high productivity, was abandoned as a result of a highly saline<br />

brine, incompatible with the disposal of the waste water in the<br />

natural medium (a surface stream). This led a private operator to<br />

commission, in 1969, the first field implementation of the<br />

geothermal doublet concept of heat mining, combining a<br />

production well and an injection well pumping the heat depleted<br />

brine into the source reservoir.<br />

The doublet (two deviated, 7" cased, wells) produced in self<br />

flowing mode was put online in 1971, on the henceforth Melun<br />

l'Almont emblematic site, South of Paris, to supply heat to a<br />

nearby social dwelling compound. It enabled, incidentally, to<br />

design new, titane alloyed, plate heat exchangers, able to cope<br />

with a hostile fluid environment, a corrosive, slightly acid (pH =<br />

6), saline (30 g/l eq. NaCl) and hot (74°C) brine. The system<br />

since then has been operating satisfactorily, the doublet moving<br />

in the meantime towards a triplet array including two injector and<br />

one new, innovative, anti corrosion production well combining<br />

steel casings and freely suspended, non cemented, fiberglass<br />

liners. Noteworthy is that this pioneer achievement was<br />

completed irrespective of any energy price crisis nor public<br />

subsidising whatsoever. Regarded at the time as a technological,<br />

fairly exotic, curiosity the concept has been extended later to the<br />

whole Paris Basin GDH systems.<br />

The sharp energy prices rises in the aftermath of the 1970s oil<br />

shocks led the French authorities to promote, among other<br />

renewable energy sources, low grade geothermal heat as base<br />

_________________________________________________<br />

(*) GPC IP - PARIS NORD 2,<br />

Sustainable management of the Dogger<br />

geothermal Reservoir - Paris Basin<br />


380<br />

load to district heating grids and other space heating systems.<br />

This commitment has been concluded by the development, in<br />

the Paris Basin alone, of 54 GDH doublets of which 34 still<br />

serviced to date, indeed a satisfactory score given it addressed a<br />

new energy development route and a highly competitive energy<br />

market. This success story undoubtedly benefited from the<br />

convergence of three main driving stimuli (i) evidence of a<br />

dependable geothermal reservoir (Dogger limestones) of regional<br />

extent, reliably assessed thanks to former hydrocarbon<br />

exploration and development campaigns (over 3000 wells drilled<br />

and 5000 km processed seismic lines); (ii) a strong, voluntarist,<br />

commitment of the State in favour of alternative energy sources<br />

and accompanying incentives (mining risk coverage, mutual<br />

insurance(sinking)-fund mitigating exploitation hazards, financial<br />

support to district heating grids and focused R,D&D<br />

programmes), and, last but not least, (iii) the presence above the<br />

geothermal resource of large social dwelling units,eligible to<br />

district heating, numerous throughout the Paris suburbs.<br />

In spite of this strong backing, geothermal development did<br />

not avoid contagion from infantile diseases inherent to the<br />

implementation of new technologies as evidenced by several<br />

symptoms, chiefly.<br />

- structural : lack of expertise from operators (mainly of the<br />

public sector) in managing industrial inst<strong>alla</strong>tions and energy<br />

processes implying a strong mining impact ;<br />

- technical : (i) loose mastering in operating heating grids,<br />

under a retrofit rationale combining several base load and backup/relief<br />

energy sources and fuels, (ii) repeated failures of<br />

submersible pump sets, and (iii) above all, devastating corrosion<br />

of well casing, well heads and equipments caused by a<br />

thermochemically hostile fluid ;<br />

- administrative and managerial : imprecise definition of<br />

duties and obligations of involved parties (operators, engineering<br />

bureaus, heating companies, consults…) and of relevant<br />

exploitation/service contracts, inefficient marketing and<br />

negotiations of heat sales and subscription contracts ;<br />

- economic and financial : severe competition from<br />

conventional fossil fuels (heavy fuel oil and natural gas, the<br />

leading competitor) penalising sales and revenues, persistent<br />

depleted energy prices further to the second oil shock, adding to a<br />

debt nearing 85 % of total investment (CAPEX) costs in a capital<br />

intensive (5 to 8 M , now approaching 15 to 18 M ), low equity,<br />

high interest rates (12 to 16 % in the late 1980's) context. This

clearly placed most geothermal operations in a typically third<br />

world position.<br />

With time and experience, structural and technical problems<br />

could be overcome via systematic and standardised fluid and<br />

equipment monitoring and logging inspection protocols,<br />

innovative well workover and chemical inhibition procedures<br />

aimed at restoring well; performance and preventing<br />

corrosion/scaling damage, the latter supported by the State<br />

through pertinent R&D programme and funding.<br />

Simultaneously (early to mid 1990's) administrative, State<br />

inspired, measures enabled to reduce the debt charge,<br />

renegotiated by a spreading out of debt annuity repayments,<br />

interest rate cuts and grace period extensions. Tax deductions<br />

were applied to geothermal operators, regarded therefore as<br />

energy producers, the most significant one addressing the VAT<br />

rate set at 5,5 % instead of the former 19.4 %. Simultaneously,<br />

improved technical administrative and financial management of<br />

GDH grids could be noticed among most geothermal players.<br />

Hence, the revival of a technology, once endangered to a<br />

point its abandonment had been seriously contemplated, could be<br />

achieved at the expense through of the shut in/cementing of 22<br />

doublets i.e. ca one third of the initial load and a subsequent loss<br />

in heat supplies as displayed in the recorded and projected figures<br />

listed below.<br />

Target Achived Forecast<br />

(1985) 1990 2008 2012 2020<br />

Operating doublets 54 43 34 37 45<br />

Total installed<br />

capacity (MWt)<br />

360 260 220 250 350<br />

Produced heat<br />

(GWht/yr)<br />

2.000 1.455 1200 1300 1.600<br />

Unit capacity<br />

(MWt)<br />

6.5 6.0 6.5 6.7 7.5<br />

Unit yield<br />

(MWht/yr)<br />

36000 33800 35000 35000 35000<br />

Artificial lift wells 48 36 27 30 40<br />

Self-flowing wells 6 7 7 7 5<br />

Since the late 1990's/early 2000's GDH in the Paris suburbia<br />

accessed to adult age and technology and know matured to a<br />

stage present heat extraction is mastered, heat marketing safely<br />

managed and sustainable development issues challenged. It has<br />

also gained wider social acceptance, as a result of growing clean<br />

air concerns and reduction of GDH emissions, an awareness<br />

favourably echoed by the media.<br />

Having recalled these milestones and premises the present<br />

paper will highlight the major technical accomplishments, namely<br />

(i) new well completion designs associating steel casing<br />

and fiber glass lining, a material response to corrosion<br />

shortcomings,<br />

381<br />

(ii) abatement of thermochemical, corrosion/scaling,<br />

damage via custom designed inhibitor formulations and<br />

continuous, coiled tubing type, downhole chemical injection<br />

lines,<br />

(iii) specific damaged well cleaning (sliding nozzle jetter)<br />

tools and procedures,<br />

(iv) soft acidizing stimulation techniques,<br />

(v) tracer injection protocols, replacing costly packer leaf<br />

off tests, as a means for checking well integrity,<br />

(vi) waste disposal management via a mobile processing<br />

(degassing, solids removal, fluid cooling) line, substituted to the<br />

previous refuse pit practice, best suited to well workovers located<br />

in sensitive, densely populated, urban environments,<br />

(vii) implementation of representative multilayered<br />

geothermal reservoirs and stacked, sandwiched equivalent<br />

structures and of simulation tools modelling close to actual heat<br />

and mass transfer processes,<br />

(viii) design of multi-well, doublet/triplet/doublet, arrays<br />

extending, on the same site, system life from the casual 25 year<br />

thermal life span to 75 year reservoir longevities. meeting the<br />

requirements of key sustainable reservoir management issues,<br />

(ix) Dogger Data Base. Its architecture (joint BRGM-<br />

CFG-GPC IP design) has been conceived (and is actually<br />

practiced) as a dynamic interactive reservoir management tool,<br />

(x) last but not least, design and implementation of<br />

geothermal district heating & cooling grids and combined<br />

shallow aquifer heat and cold storage/deep aquifer heatingpreheating.<br />


SESSIONE 11<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />

Processi e meccanismi di esumazione delle catene<br />

montuose<br />


Chiara Montomoli (Università di Pisa)<br />

Eduardo Garzanti (Università di Milano - Bicocca)<br />

383<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />

An example of two stages exhumation of a thrust and fold belt<br />

from the thermochronology of Western Carpathians<br />

Key words: Carpathians, erosion, exhumation,<br />

thermochronology.<br />

The Tertiary-Quaternary evolution of the Carpathian orogen<br />

is controlled by different geodynamic processes such as SW- to<br />

W-dipping subduction, slab retreat, and back-arc extension.<br />

Therefore, the response of the chain at shallow crustal levels was<br />

marked by different episodes of thrusting and extension that gave<br />

rise to the construction and following disruption of the orogenic<br />

wedge. Rocks were then moved to the surface through erosional<br />

or tectonic exhumation processes according to the prevailing<br />

tectonic regime. Hence, thermochronological data could provide<br />

key information to unravel timing of the geodynamic evolution.<br />

In this study we use apatite fission-track (AFT) and (U-Th)/He<br />

(AHe) analysis across the Western Outer Carpathians where<br />

thrusting is commonly interpreted to have ceased at about 11 Ma<br />

but being progressively younger towards the east (TOKARSKI.,<br />

1978). This eastward trend is followed by formation of<br />

“intramontane basins” (ROYDEN, 1988) and by the development<br />

of extensional features (MAZZOLI et alii, 2010)<br />

The overall distribution of AFT ages shows that exhumation<br />

of the western Outer Carpathians occurred between 7.0 and 26.3<br />

Ma. Although clear trends are not visible (due also to the limited<br />

amount of data in some areas), it appears that younger ages are<br />

confined to the eastern region, with no differences between<br />

Magura, Dukla and Silesian tectonic units.<br />

AHe ages span between 6.16 and 20.56 Ma: in the eastern<br />

sector AHe data are comparable to AFT ones, dating back to the<br />

Late Miocene, whereas in the western and central sector they are<br />

referred to Early to Middle Miocene, being 2 to 15 Ma older than<br />

AFT ones.<br />

Exhumation of the chain, as inferred from<br />

thermochronological analysis integrated with structural data<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Department of Geosciences, University of Padova,<br /><br />

(**) Polish Geological Institute, Cracow (Poland)<br />

(°) Department of Earth Sciences, University of Naples<br />

(°°) Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw (Poland),<br />




384<br />

(MAZZOLI et alii, 2010) appears therefore characterized by two<br />

distinct periods, separated by a period of quiescence. Exhumation<br />

of the inner (DANISIK et alii, 2010) and easternmost part of<br />

Western Carpathians occurred in the Late Miocene, whereas the<br />

central and western region yield an Early Miocene signal.<br />

Since the thermochronological ages referred to the central and<br />

western sectors are coeval with thrusting and scarcely<br />

homogeneous, and since they show a variable, but generally high,<br />

time gap between AFT and AHe, the first exhumation episode<br />

appears to be concurrent with thrusting and dominated by<br />

erosional processes.<br />

The ages from the inner and eastern sector are instead<br />

younger and highly homogeneous, with a small span between<br />

AFT and AHe ages, and they post-date thrusting. This points out<br />

a relatively fast exhumation process, that occurred after<br />

termination of accretion-related shortening. This second<br />

exhumation phase appears to be driven by tectonic processes, as<br />

pointed out by the presence of normal faulting and detachment<br />

faults well inside the Outer Carpathians (MAZZOLI et alii, 2010),<br />

and it matches well with the timing of the Late Sarmatian-Early<br />

Pannonian extensional phase.<br />

We suggest that recent (

NEMCOK M., POSPISIL L., LEXA J. & DONELICK R.A. (1998) -<br />

Tertiary subduction and slab break-off model of the<br />

Carpathian-Pannonian region. Tectonophysics, 295, 307–<br />

340.<br />

ROYDEN L.H. (1988) - Late Cenozoic tectonics of the Pannonian<br />

basin system, The Pannonian Basin. In: L.H. Royden and F.<br />

Horváth (Eds.) - Am. Assoc. Petr. Geol. Mem., 45, 27–48.<br />

TOKARSKI A.K. (1978) - On Quaternary fault and jointing in<br />

Nowy Sacz Basin, Outer Western Carpathians, Ann. Soc.<br />

Geol. Pol., 48, 509–516.<br />

385<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />

Key words: Mantle, geodynamics, thermal uplift.<br />

Thermobarometry of spinel peridotites collected in northern<br />

Victoria Land in Cenozoic basalts of the Mt Melbourne Volcanic<br />

Province, reveals warming of local lithospheric mantle, marked<br />

by a shift of geothermal gradient from 0.5°C/km to ~3°C/km<br />

during the development of Cenozoic magmatism related to the<br />

opening of the Ross Sea rift system.<br />

We suggest that a significant uplift fraction of the rift shoulder<br />

on the West Antarctic margin is due to the change in olivine<br />

molar volume induced by mantle heating.<br />

The heat source is provided by enhancement of<br />

asthenospheric convection induced by an “edge effect” in the<br />

mantle circulation, following the opening phase of the Ross Sea.<br />

Besides explaining the asymmetric uplift of the rift shoulder<br />

corresponding to the Transantarctic Mountains, this mechanism<br />

satisfactorily accounts for the time scale (~10 Ma) and most of<br />

total uplift (~3000 m) of the western border of the Ross Sea in<br />

northern Victoria Land. P-T history recorded by spinel peridotites<br />

of northern Victoria Land indicates that the lithospheric mantle of<br />

the area suffered a local heating that shifted the thermal gradient<br />

from values typical of a dynamic rift (0.5°C/km) to a much higher<br />

value (~3°C/km) due to the onset of an edge-driven convection<br />

determined by the lithospheric step between the East Antarctic<br />

craton and the thinned crust of the Ross Sea.<br />

In this model the change of thermal gradient drives the<br />

increase of molar volume of upper mantle phases inducing a<br />

regional uplift.<br />

This scheme may be conveniently applied in a variety of<br />

geodynamic contests different from the classical application to<br />

the evaluation of the increase of see floor depth with the distance<br />

from the ridge and may explain the local uplift in regions where a<br />

plume (Afar, West Eifel, Massif Central), a slab window<br />

(Patagonia) or an edge effect (South Australia) switch the<br />

regional gradient to an higher value.<br />

_________________________<br />

Cenozoic thermal evolution of lithospheric mantle<br />

in northern Victoria Land (Antarctica):<br />

the Uplift of the Transantarctic Mountains<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Pisa,<br /><br />



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SESSIONE 12<br />

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Lithological discrimination in collisional belt through Remote<br />

Sensing: a case study (Buraburi granite; Western Nepal, Himalayas)<br />

Key words: ASTER, exhumation, granite, Himalaya, PCA,<br />

Remote Sensing.<br />


A new granitoid body (Buraburi Granite-BG) was discovered,<br />

mapped and sampled in Dolpo region (western Nepal,<br />

Himalayas) starting from remote sensing analysis on ASTER<br />

satellite data. We started from fragmented bibliographic<br />

observations about the presence of leucogranite rocks with very<br />

uncertain boundaries. So far, these rocks have been considered as<br />

the southern portion of the bigger Mugu granite (FUCHS, 1973-<br />

74).<br />

The aim of the study was to define the most suitable<br />

methodologies for ASTER data preprocessing and analysis in<br />

order to enhance peraluminous granitoid rocks in extreme terrain,<br />

both vegetated and roughly profiled and to provide a geological<br />

map of the main body and county rocks.<br />

The work-flow started from image raw data pre-processing<br />

and continued by comparing satellite, field and laboratory data.<br />

Results from Density-sliced and false color composite images of<br />

Band Ratio, Relative Absorption Deep and Principal Component<br />

Analysis (PCA) allowed us to generate a geological map that<br />

highlights the BG shape and the surrounding tectonic units. This<br />

provides evidence that BG is an isolated body not connected with<br />

the larger Mugu granite as previously believed.<br />

The integration of Remote Sensing analysis and field<br />

observations, point out both the intrusive nature of the contact<br />

between BG and Tibetan Sedimentary Sequence (TSS) and the<br />

presence in the BG basal part of a well developed foliation<br />

parallel to the regional one. This suggest a relation between the<br />

South Tibetan Detatchment System (STDS) activity and granite<br />

emplacement.<br />

These findings have also substantial geological implications<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Geoscienze - Università degli Studi di Padova,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra – Università di Pisa,<br /><br />

Research financed by CARIPARO and PRIN (national coordinator: Prof. E.<br />

Garzanti)<br />



389<br />

for the time-extent and even existence of the assumed extrusion<br />

and/or channel flow mechanisms which would have driven the<br />

exhumation of the Higher Himalayan Crystalline HHC in this<br />

area.<br />


In order to fully map the Early Miocene leucogranite BG,<br />

located along the contact between Higher Himalayan Crystalline<br />

HHC and TSS and to analyze its relationships with the hostrocks,<br />

we performed a Remote Sensing analysis on ASTER data.<br />

ASTER is a multispectral sensor on board of the Earth<br />

Observation System (EOS) Terra satellite launched in 1999.<br />

ASTER provides three bands in the visible to near infrared<br />

(VNIR) at a resolution of 15m/pixel, six bands in the short-wave<br />

infrared (SWIR) at 30m/pixel and five bands in the thermal<br />

infrared (TIR) at 90m/pixel (ABRAMS et alii, 2002).<br />

In this paper, we briefly discuss the Principal Component<br />

Analysis of the six SWIR bands, with which was obtained the<br />

best lithological discrimination. Results point out the possibility<br />

that the lower TSS (e.g. North Col Formation), was intruded by<br />

granite dykes and slightly metamorphosed in greenscist facies;<br />

green and yellow pixels (high PC4) indicate mainly Calcite<br />

presence, that is related to two or more formations belonging to<br />

the TSS (e.g. Dhaulagiri Limestone), purple pixels highlight the<br />

presence of high-grade metamorphic rocks (HHC).<br />


The processing of ASTER data for lithological mapping and<br />

discrimination on areas with high relief energy, abundantly<br />

covered by vegetation, snow-ice, water bodies and clouds, led to<br />

satisfactory results. Using masking and band operation/statistic<br />

(PCA) techniques gazed at highlight leucogranites outcrops, we<br />

were able to map the boundary of a 110 Km 2 granitoid body and<br />

the surrounding host rocks (Fig. 1) (BERTOLDI et alii, 2009).<br />

Despite some authors (SEARLE &GODIN, 2003; LAW et alii,<br />

2006) concluded that Oligo-Miocene leucogranites are restricted<br />

to the footwall of the brittle portion of the South Tibetan<br />

Detachment System (STDS), the contact shape, as observed both<br />

in the ASTER image and in the field (CAROSI et alii, 2009)<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />

Fig. 1 – Left: RGB false color composite of 6,4,2 PCA bands regarding the 6th ASTER SWIR band. Image interpretation and field controls allow the following<br />

conclusion: red pixels (high PC6) are referred to Muscovite presences related to granites litologies (e.g. Buraburi Granite); blue and cyan pixels (high PC3)<br />

indicate Chlorite and Calcite presence, related to the lower TSS (e.g. North Col Formation), intruded by granite dykes and slightly metamorphosed in greenscist<br />

facies; green and yellow pixels (high PC4) indicate mainly Calcite presence, that is related to two or more formations belonging to the TSS (e.g. Dhaulagiri<br />

Limestone), purple pixels highlight the presence of high-grade rocks (HHC). Right: geological maps after Remote Sensing analysis integrated with ground<br />

study.<br />

between the BG and the TSS, evidences intrusive relations. This<br />

suggests a complex tectonic evolution and kinematic relationships<br />

between pluton emplacement and STDS activity. In particular, we<br />

corroborated the relation between leucogranite emplacement and<br />

the final stage of detachment fault systems, in a continental<br />

collision setting. First results point out that BG emplaced mainly<br />

post- STDS activity (CAROSI et alii, 2009).<br />



User Handbook, v2: Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission<br />

and Reflection Radiometer. Jet Propulsion Lab., 135 pp.<br />


C. & FRASSI C. (2009) - How the Buraburi pluton (Dolpo<br />

region-Western Nepal) was discovered through remote<br />

sensing analysis and ground truth. Abstract: The 5th<br />

International Symposium on Tibetan Plateau/The 24 th<br />

Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop, 11-14 August, 2009,<br />

Beijing, China.<br />

390<br />


C., VISONÀ D. & PERTUSATI P.C. (2009) - Along strike<br />

variation of exhumation mechanism of the Higher Himalayan<br />

Crystallines: Insight from Western Nepal. Abstract: The 5th<br />

International Symposium on Tibetan Plateau/The 24 th<br />

Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop, 11-14 August, 2009,<br />

Beijing, China.<br />

FUCHS G. (1973-74) – On the geology of the Karnali and Dolpo<br />

Regions,West Nepal. On Mitteilungen der Geologischen<br />

Gesellschaft in Wien, 66-67.<br />

LAW R.D., SEARLE M.P. & GODIN L. (2006) - Channel flow,<br />

ductile extrusion and exhumation in continental collision<br />

zones.. Geol. Soc. SP., London, 268, 620 pp.<br />

SEARLE M.P. & GODIN L. (2003) - The South Tibetan detachment<br />

and the Manaslu leucogranite: A structural reinterpretation<br />

and restoration of the Annapurna-Manaslu Himalaya, Nepal.<br />

J. Geol., 111, 505-523.

From normal to strike-slip faults during exhumation processes: the<br />

case of the eastern Elba Island (inner Northern Apennines)<br />

Key words: Elba Island, exhumation, inner Northern Apennines,<br />

strike-slip tectonics.<br />

In the post-collisional extensional tectonic framework, the<br />

exhumation of deepest tectonic units is commonly related to the<br />

activity of extensional detachment faults affecting the previously<br />

overthickened continental crust.<br />

From the Early-Middle Miocene, the inner Northern<br />

Apennines have been affecting by extensional tectonics. One of<br />

the best exposure outcrop of a regional extensional detachment<br />

fault (i.e., the Zuccale fault) is largely exposed in the Elba Island<br />

(Tuscan Archipelago). Geometry and kinematics of the Zuccale<br />

Fault were investigated by many authors in the last decades.<br />

The Zuccale Fault is associated with the exhumation of the<br />

western Elba sub-volcanic magmatic system and of the Monte<br />

Capanne granodiorite. Sub-volcanic rocks and granodiorite<br />

emplaced in a time-span ranging from about 8-6.7Ma. A younger<br />

magmatic body is located in eastern Elba, and referred to as the<br />

Porto Azzurro monzogranite, dated at 5.4Ma. Both the western<br />

and eastern magmatic complexes were dissected by the Zuccale<br />

normal fault. Thus, its activity is constrained at least during Late<br />

Messinian. The horizontal displacement determined by the<br />

Zuccale normal fault is estimated in about 6km. The fault activity<br />

produced the superimposition of the Ligurian Units over the<br />

Tuscan metamorphic “basement” represented by the Verrucano<br />

Group (Trias) and the Palaeozoic rocks.<br />

In the eastern side of the Elba Island two sets of strike-slip<br />

faults cross-cut the Zuccale normal fault: the first set, N120°<br />

oriented on average, is characterized by a left-lateral movement<br />

with a minor normal component; Riedel structures, striae and<br />

slickensides are the most common kinematic indicators. A<br />

widespread tourmaline mineralization was associated with these<br />

structures. The last set of strike-slip faults displays a right-lateral<br />

movement and its trend is almost N170°. Iron-hydroxides veins<br />

characterize the fault zones.<br />

The two strike-slip faulting events were active after the Late<br />

Messinian. Fault rocks and fabrics suggest that these developed at<br />

shallower structural levels with respect to the Zuccale Fault<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Siena,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Geofisica e Geologia, Università di Bari,<br /><br />


391<br />

level. This implies changes in the local stress field at the<br />

boundary Late Messinian - Early Pliocene.<br />

We discuss two different interpretations: a) the exhumation<br />

process determined a significant decrease of the vertical load, and<br />

therefore, the switch of the s 1 orientation; b) the study area was<br />

affected by a dominant transcurrent shear zone, related to transfer<br />

zones in the framework of the Pliocene extensional tectonics<br />

which affected the inner Northern Apennines.<br />

In southern Tuscany, available data indicate that transcurrent<br />

tectonics is localized in shear zones where magmatism, volcanism<br />

and geothermal fluid flow is enhanced. These shear zones are<br />

presently explained as transfer zones in the framework of the<br />

Pliocene-Present extensional tectonics. In this context, we<br />

interpret the Elba strike-slip faults as features of the Pliocene<br />

tectonic evolution of the Northern Tyrrhenian Basin.<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />

Mg-carpholite bearing quartz veins and HP-LT mineralogical<br />

assemblages in the exhumed siliciclastic units of the Monticiano-<br />

Roccastrada Ridge (inner Northern Apennines)<br />

Key words: Exhumation, HP-LT metamorphism, inner Northern<br />

Apennines, poliphased tectonics, southern Tuscany.<br />

In this presentation we report new data on the tectonometamorphic<br />

evolution of the siliciclastic succession (Triassic<br />

Verrucano Group) exposed in the northern part of the<br />

Monticiano-Roccastrada Ridge (southern Tuscany), exhumed<br />

during the Middle-Late Miocene extensional tectonics which<br />

affected the inner Northern Apennines.<br />

The siliciclastic succession consists of Early-Middle Triassic<br />

quartz metaconglomerate, metasandstone, metasiltite and phyllite<br />

affected by contractional structures mainly ascribed to two<br />

deformation events (D1 and D2) related to the Northern<br />

Apennines Tertiary collisional event.<br />

During the first deformation event (D1), reverse faults and<br />

isoclinal folds (F1) developed. F1 folds consist of mainly N–S<br />

and/or NE–SW striking meso- to map-scale structures. An axial<br />

planar tectonic foliation (S1), consisting of a pervasive<br />

schistosity, mainly developed in the fine grained lithotypes. The<br />

successive deformation event (D2) was typified by mesoscopic to<br />

map-scale asymmetric folds (F2) and an associated, locally<br />

pervasive, crenulation-cleavage (S2). F2 fold axes are mainly<br />

NNE–SSW-oriented, frequently exhibit recumbent attitude and<br />

overturned shorter limbs. S2 is very pervasive in the metapelites<br />

but results discontinuous in the metasandstones and<br />

metaconglomerates.<br />

Mg-carpholite bearing quartz veins, centimeter to decimeter in<br />

thickness, growth during the D1 deformation event and<br />

contemporaneously with the development of the S1 composite<br />

tectonic foliation. Such evidences, coupled with the dynamic<br />

crystallization of muscovite + pyrophillite + chlorite + chloritoid<br />

+ quartz mineralogical assemblage on the S1 tectonic foliation,<br />

support for HP-LT metamorphic condition (P ~ 1Gpa, T=350-<br />

400°C) which took place during the D1 deformation event.<br />

Cookeite, pyrophyllite, kaolinite, sudoite may replace<br />

carpholite and they represent a retrograde assemblage probably<br />

formed during the D2 deformation event under lower P condition<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Siena,<br />,<br />


392<br />

and still relatively high temperature.<br />

A comparable tectono-metamorphic setting has been described,<br />

by many authors, for the same succession exposed in the Monte<br />

Argentario, Monte Leoni, and Tuscan Archipelago (Giglio and<br />

Gorgona Islands).<br />

In this view, the new data reported in this presentation indicate<br />

that HP-LT metamorphism characterize also the northern part of<br />

the Monticiano-Roccastrada Ridge, in the Monticiano area. This<br />

supports for a widespread HP-LT metamorphism affecting the<br />

whole inner part of the Northern Apennines during the<br />

development of the orogenic built, mainly ascribed to the D1<br />

deformation event. The D2 deformation event developed in a<br />

shallower structural level during the uplift of the Northern<br />

Apennines. The HP-LT metamorphic units are presently exposed<br />

in the Tuscan Archipelago and southern Tuscany due to their<br />

exhumation mainly produced by the activity of low-angle normal<br />


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SESSIONE 12<br />

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The South Tibetan Detachment on the Northern slope of Mt. Cho<br />

Oyu (Southern Tibet, China)<br />


Key words: Greater Himalayan Sequence, Himalayas, Lesser<br />

Himalaya, leucogranites, Main Central Thrust, Mt. Cho<br />

Oyu, North Col Formation, South Tibetan Detachment<br />

System, Tibetan Sedimentary Sequence.<br />

The Higher Himalayas close to the Nepal-Tibet boundary<br />

attracted the attention of the researchers since the eighties being<br />

the place where the South Tibetan Detachment System crops<br />

out (CABY et alii, 1983; BURG et alii 1984; BURCHFIEL et alii<br />

1992; CAROSI et alii 1998; SEARLE, 1999; SEARLE et alii<br />

2003). The South Tibetan Detachment System (STDS) is a<br />

system of normal sense shear zone and normal faults with a topto–the<br />

NE sense of displacement putting into contact the<br />

Fig. 2 – Cho Oyu north face (Tibetan side) from the Cho You advanced<br />

base camp. The STD (top-to-the North sense of shear: white arrow) is located<br />

to the top of the Cho Oyu summit: above there is the North Col Formation or<br />

Everest Series and below there are the high-grade schists and gneisses of the<br />

Rongbuk Formation (dark rocks) intruded by la network of leucogranite<br />

dykes and sills (Photo by F. Bartoli).<br />

bottom of the nearly unmetamorphosed Tibetan Sedimentary<br />

Sequence (TSS) with the underlying high-grade gneiss and<br />

granites of the Greater Himalayan Sequence.<br />

CAROSI et alii (1998) recognized in the Mt. Everest area the<br />

occurrence of more complex architecture of the STDS being<br />

constituted by two main “faults”:<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Pisa, e-mail:;<br /><br />

(**) Corso di Laurea in scienze Geologiche, Università di Pisa,<br /><br />

395<br />

an upper brittle fault getting into contact the fossiliferous<br />

Ordovician limestone of the TSS with the underlying Everest<br />

Schists or North Col Formation (Qomolangma detachment;<br />

BURCHFIEL et alii 1992; SEARLE et alii 1999);<br />

a lower ductile shear zone, with a thickness > 1km, getting<br />

into contact the overlying Everest schists or North Col<br />

Formation with the high-grade sillimanite and biotite-bearing<br />

gneiss of the upper part of the Greater Himalayan Sequence<br />

(Lhotse Detachment; SEARLE et alii 1999, 2003).<br />

The contemporaneous activity of the MCT and STDS<br />

between 23 and 17 Ma (GODIN et alii 2006, with references)<br />

allowed to propose some mechanisms of exhumation of the<br />

Higher Himalayan Crystallines or Greater Himalayan Sequence<br />

(GHS) such as extrusion and channel flow. Large volume of<br />

granites were intruded in its upper portion, below the South<br />

Tibetan Detachment (BURCHFIEL et alii 1992; SEARLE, 1999;<br />

BEAUMONT et alii 2001; GRUJIC, 2006; GODIN et alii, 2006<br />

with references).<br />

The STD cross cuts the summits of some of the eight<br />

thousands mountains such as the Mt. Everest and the Mt. Cho<br />

Oyu so that a detailed map of the faults is difficult (SAKAI et<br />

alii, 2005).<br />

In a tentative of climbing the summit of the Mt. Cho Oyu<br />

during the spring 2010 F. Bartoli reached the uppermost<br />

portion of the Cho Oyu and collected some rock samples below<br />

the STD.<br />

The STD dips gently to the North and cross-cuts the summit<br />

of the Mt. Cho Oyu (8200 m) at an altitude of nearly 7900-<br />

8000 m (Fig. 1) and the summit of Mt. Gyachung Kang (7922<br />

m). The lower STD crops out well above 6500 m so that the<br />

higher part of the summit of Mt. Cho Oyu is made by few<br />

hundred meters of low-grade metamorphics of the North Col<br />

Formation. The metamorphic rocks below the lower STD are<br />

sillimanite- and biotite-bearing schists of the Rongbuk<br />

formation intruded by a network of Higher Himalayan<br />

leucogranites dykes and sills. They vary from deformed, with<br />

an attitude nearly parallel to the foliation in the gneiss to<br />

poorly-deformed up to undeformed cross-cutting the foliation at<br />

an high-angle. They are well-observable on the south face of<br />

Cho-Oyu and Gyachung Kang as well as on the northern slope<br />

of the Gyachung Kang in southern Tibet.<br />

Direct observation in the field and rock samples as well as<br />

the use of close up photographs from the Camp 1 (6400 m) and<br />

Camp 2 (7200 m) allowed to better map the STD on the<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />

northern slope of Mt. Cho Oyu.<br />



- Himalayan tectonics explained by extrusion of a lowviscosity<br />

crustal channel coupled to focused surface<br />

denudation. Nature, 414, 738–742.<br />


CHANGRONG D. & XU L. (1992) - The South Tibetan<br />

Detachment System, Himalayan Orogen: extension K Y.. V.<br />

contemporaneous with and parallel to shortening in a<br />

collisional mountain belt. Geol. Soc. Am. SP., 269, 41.<br />


(1984) - Deformation of leucogranites of the crystalline<br />

main central thrust sheet in southern Tibet (China). J.<br />

Struct. Geol., 6, 535-542.<br />

CABY R., PECHER A. & LE FORT P. (1983) - Le grand<br />

chevauchement central himalayen: nouvelles données sur le<br />

métamorphisme inverse à la base de la Dalle du Tibet. Rev.<br />

Géol. Dyn. Géog., 24, 89-100.<br />


PERTUSATI P.C. (1998) - The South Tibetan Detachment<br />

System in the Rongbuk valley, Everest region. Deformation<br />

features and geological implications. J. Asian Earth Sci.,<br />

16, 299-311.<br />

GODIN L., GRUIJC D., LAW R.D. & SEARLE M.P. (2006) -<br />

Channel flow, ductile extrusion and exhumation in<br />

continental collision zones: an introduction. Geol. Soc. SP.,<br />

268, 1-23.<br />

GRUIJC D. (2006) - Channel flow and continental collision<br />

tectonics: an overview. In:R.D. Law, M.P. Searle and L.<br />

Godin (Eds.) - Channel flow, Extrusion, and Exhumation in<br />

Continental Collision Zones. Geol. Soc. SP., 268, 25-37.<br />



(2005) - Geology of the summit limestone of Mount<br />

Qomolangma (Everest) and cooling history of the Yellow<br />

Band under the Qomolangma detachment.Isl. Arc,14, 297-<br />

310.<br />

SEARLE M.P. (1999) - Extensional and compressional faults in<br />

the Everest-Lhotse Massif, Khumbu Himalaya, Nepal. J.<br />

Geol. Soc. London, 156, 227-240.<br />

SEARLE M.P. & GODIN L. (2003) - The south tibetan<br />

detachment system and the manaslu leucogranite: a<br />

structural reinterpretation and restoration of the<br />

Annapurna-Manaslu Himalaya, Nepal. J. Geol., 111, 505-<br />

524.<br />


Geological field trip in the Kaligandaki Valley (Central Nepal) by<br />

the Italian Group of Himalayan Geology<br />



Key words: Collisional belts, Himalayas, Greater Himalayan<br />

Sequence, Italian Group of Himalayan Geology, Lesser<br />

Himalaya, Main Central Thrust, South Tibetan Detachment<br />

System, Tibetan Sedimentary Sequence.<br />


The Himalayan belt has been regarded as the classical<br />

example of collisional orogen caused by a continent-continent<br />

collision between India and Asia since ~55 Ma. It is characterised<br />

by the impressive continuity over hundreds of kilometres of<br />

tectonic features such as thrusts (e.g. Main Central Thrust: MCT)<br />

and normal faults (e.s. South Tibetan Detachment; STD), as well<br />

as large volumes of high-metamorphic grade rocks and granite<br />

exposed at the surface (Fig. 1).<br />

The Himalayan belt constitutes an invaluable field laboratory<br />

Fig. 1 – Geological sketch map of Himalayas (from S. Guillot website), with<br />

location of study area<br />

to unravel the tectonic and metamorphic evolution of crystalline<br />

units and the mechanisms of exhumation of deep-seated rocks in<br />

orogens.<br />

The contemporaneous activity of the MCT and STD between<br />

23 and 17 Ma (GODIN et alii, 2006 with references) allowed to<br />

propose some mechanisms of exhumation of the Greater<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra,;<br />;<br />

(**) Department of Geology, Tri-Chandra Campus, Tribhuvan University,<br />

Kathmandu, Nepal,<br />

397<br />

Himalayan Sequence (GHS) such as extrusion and channel flow.<br />

Large volume of granites were intruded in its upper portion,<br />

below the South Tibetan Detachment (BURCHFIELD et alii, 1992;<br />

SEARLE, 1999; BEAUMONT et alii, 2001; GRUJIC, 2006; GODIN et<br />

alii, 2006 with references).<br />

The nearly E-W trending structures of the belt have been cut<br />

by N-S grabens such as the Thakkola, Dingyè, Yadong grabens<br />

(Fig. 2) starting from Middle Miocene and pointing to an E-W<br />

extension.<br />

Fig. 2 – Pliocene sediments of the Thakkola graben in the Mustang region.<br />

The Kaligandaki valley is regarded as the deepest canyon in<br />

the world, limited to the East by the eight thousands of<br />

Annapurna group ad to the West by the Mt. Dhaulagiri (> 8000<br />

m). This peculiar features allow to directly observe a very thick<br />

crustal section of the belt from the Cretaceous sediments in the<br />

upper portion of the Tibetan Sedimentary Sequence, up to the<br />

Pre-Cambrian Nawakot complex of the Lesser Himalaya to the<br />

south, cross cutting all the crystalline rocks of the Greater<br />

Himalayan Sequence.<br />

The Italian Group of Himalayan Geology is an informal group<br />

of researchers, mainly from the Universities of Pisa, Padua, Milan<br />

and Turin, actively working in the Himalayas since long time in<br />

different scientific areas of Earth Sciences.<br />

Many scientific expeditions have been realized in the last<br />

twenty years allowing to gain the knowledge of most of the<br />

interesting areas of the Himalayan belt from West to East and<br />

Tibet.<br />

During April-May 2010 we have organized a two-weeks<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />

Fig. 3 – Fold interference between F1 south verging folds (F1 anticline in the<br />

Fang nappe) and F2 north verging folds (Nilgiri antiform and synform) in the<br />

Kaligandaki valley. AD: Annapurna Detachment (South Tibetan<br />

Detachment), Cs: Cambrian–Ordovician Sanctuary Formation; Ca:<br />

Cambrian–Ordovician (Annapurna Formation); O: Ordovician; S: Silurian<br />

(from L. Godin website).<br />

geological field trip in the Kaligandaki valley open to students,<br />

PhD students and other researchers wishing to have a direct<br />

knowledge of the most famous continent-continent collisional<br />

belt. The field leaders (R. Carosi and C. Montomoli) gained the<br />

invaluable help of Prof. Santa Man Rai from the Department of<br />

Geology, Tribhuvan University, Tri-Chandra Campus,<br />

Kathmandu, co-author of a Geological guidebook for Himalayan<br />

trekkers (UPRETI &YOSHIDA, 2005).<br />

A number of 28 people attended successfully the field trip in<br />

the Kaligandaki. When arrived in Kathmandu a day was devoted<br />

to some talks at the Department of Geology with the aim to<br />

introduce to the geology of the Himalayas: R. Carosi introduced<br />

the general features of the belt, C. Montomoli showed the<br />

geological feaures of the main tectonic discontinuities along the<br />

belt, D.Visonà pointed out the role of leucogranites in the belt<br />

and, finally, S. M. Rai introduced to the beautiful geology of the<br />

Kaligandaki.<br />


Following the geological guidebook by Upreti & Yoshida<br />

(2005) we reached Jomsom from Pokhara by flight and we started<br />

the geological trekking arriving in Kagbeni and Muktinath<br />

villages observing the sedimentary and structural features of the<br />

formations of the Tibetan Sedimentary Sequence from Jurassic to<br />

Early Cretaceous. Coming back from Muktinath to Jomsom and<br />

then to Marpha we observed the sequence from Jurassic to<br />

Middle Paleozoic. From Marpha to Kalopani we reached the<br />

bottom of the sequence observing the more deformed and<br />

metamorphosed Cambrian-Ordovician sequence. All the Tibetan<br />

Sedimentary Sequence has been affected by large-scale NE<br />

398<br />

verging folds, well-observable at large scale on the west face of<br />

Nilgiri (Fig. 3). Few km before Kalopani village we entered in<br />

the high-grade metamorphic rocks and granites of the Greater<br />

Himalayan Sequence crossing the South Tibetan Detachment.<br />

The section shows a complete view of the three units constituting<br />

the GHS up to the beautiful kyanite-bearing gneiss with mylonitic<br />

fabric approaching the MCT zone.<br />

At Kalopani a contractional ductile shear zone in the unit 3<br />

has been observed (VANNAY &HODGES, 1996) and discussed<br />

with the occurrence of other shear zones within the GHS in<br />

Western Nepal (CAROSI et alii, 2007, 2010).<br />

It was possible to discuss in the field the problem of the<br />

definition and localization of the MCT (mainly near Dana<br />

village) by different authors following the shear fabric down to<br />

Mahabar village defining the MCT zone (see Searle et alii, 2008<br />

with references therein). After that we entered in the Kuncha<br />

Formation of the Lesser Himalaya.<br />


CAROSI, R., MONTOMOLI C. & VISONÀ D. (2007) - A structural<br />

transect in the Lower Dolpo: insights on the tectonic<br />

evolution of Western Nepal. J. Asian Earth Sci., 29, 407-423.<br />


Late Oligocene high-temperature shear zones in the core of<br />

the Higher Himalayan Crystallines (Lower Dolpo, Western<br />

Nepal). Tectonics, doi:10.1029/2008TC002400, in press<br />

GODIN L. (2003) - Structural Evolution of the Tethyan<br />

Sedimentary Sequence in the Annapurna area, central Nepal<br />

Himalaya. J. Asian Earth Sci., 22, 307-328.<br />


COTTLE J.M & JESSUP M. J. (2008) - Defining the Himalayan<br />

Main Central Thrust in Nepal. J. Geol Soc. London, 165,<br />

523-534.<br />

UPRETI B.N. & YOSHIDA M. (2005) – Geology and Natural<br />

harzards along the Kaligandaki Valley, Nepal. Guidebook for<br />

Himalayan Trekkers, series n. 1. Dept. of Geol., Tri-Chandra<br />

Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, 165 pp.<br />

VANNAY, J.C. & HODGES K. (1996) - Tectonometamorphic<br />

evolution of the Himalayan metamorphic core between the<br />

Annapurna and Dhaulagiri, central Nepal. J. Metamorph.<br />

Geol., 14, 635-656.

South Tibtetan Detachment activity constrained at 13-14 Ma by<br />

syntectonic leucogranite emplacement in Laya region, Western<br />

Bhutan<br />


Key words: Channel flow, collisional belts, exhumation,<br />

extrusion, Himalayas, leucogranite.<br />

The upper portion of the Greater Himalayan Sequence is<br />

widely intruded by leucogranites: they are both large-size granitic<br />

plutons and smaller size melts whose emplacement was<br />

controlled by tectonic structures. The volume of granites changes<br />

along the strike of the belt reaching the higher values in the<br />

eastern part of the Himalayas (LEECH, 2008).<br />

Recent investigations in Western Bhutan led to recognize two<br />

different generations of Higher Himalayan leucogranites<br />

Fig. 1 – Geological sketch map of the Bhutan Himalayas, with location of<br />

study area. 1: Tibetan Sedimentary Sequence; 2: Checka Formation; 3: Higher<br />

structural level of the Greater Himalayan Sequence; 4: Lower structural level<br />

of the Greater Himalayan Sequence; 5: Lesser Himalya; 6: Siwalik; 7: Higher<br />

Himalayan leucogranites; 8: Quaternary covers.<br />

emplaced in the Greater Himalayan Sequence and characterized<br />

by different age and tectonic setting.<br />

Leucogranites at 24-17 Ma have been intruded in the Greater<br />

Himalayan Sequence and in the Checka Formation (GRUJIC et<br />

alii, 2002; KELLET et alii, 2010). They are biotite or two mica<br />

granite ± tourmaline ± cordierite ± sillimanite ± andalusite ±<br />

kyanite ± garnet and tourmaline granite ± andalusite ± sillimanite<br />

± garnet.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa,<br />;<br />

(**) Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National<br />

University Canberra, Australia,<br />

(°) Dipartimento di Mineralogia e Petrologia, Università di Padova,<br /><br />

399<br />

A relatively younger generation of leucogranites have been<br />

intruded in the core of the Greater Himalayan Sequence (Gasa-<br />

Koina-Laya) at 20-17 Ma. Their emplacement and cooling are<br />

not related to the South Tibetan Detachment System but they are<br />

closely related to the development normal-sense shear zones with<br />

a top to –the SE sense of shear (CAROSI et alii, 2006). The<br />

normal-sense shear zones accommodate the lengthening of the<br />

inner part of Greater Himalayan Sequence in response to the pure<br />

Fig. 2 – Leucogranite dyke intruded at 13.9 ± Ma in sillimanite bearing<br />

gneiss in the uppermost part of the Greater Himalayan Sequence, northwest of<br />

Laya village.<br />

shear component of the flow as indicated by kinematic analysis<br />

(CAROSI et alii, 2006). More recent leucogranites have been<br />

found northeast of Laya emplaced in high-angle fractures, with a<br />

width of few meters. They are fine grained two mica sillimanite<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />

bearing leucogranites deformed under solid state conditions.<br />

Kinematic indicators in mylonitic leucogranites indicate a topdown-to-the-North<br />

sense of shear. U-Th-Pb dating on monazites<br />

from a mylonitic leucogranite gives a relatively young<br />

crystallization age (13.9 ± 0.6 Ma). High-angle fractures, filled<br />

by leucogranite, strike nearly E-W and steeply dip to the North.<br />

They belong to a system of fractures affecting the uppermost<br />

portion of the Greater Himalayan Sequence, just below the South<br />

Tibetan Detachment System. Associated low-angle conjugate<br />

brittle-ductile shear zones point to and extensional setting for<br />

their origin with a sub-vertical sigma 1.<br />

They are interpreted as shear zones linked to the brittle<br />

evolution of the South Tibetan Detachment System, continuing to<br />

exhume hot-rocks producing younger melts migrating within the<br />

Greater Himalayan Sequence and emplacing in the opening<br />

spaces produced by the high-angle fractures.<br />

The study system of fractures cannot be related to E-W<br />

extension (e.g. to the Yadong Cross Structure) cross-cutting the<br />

ductile and the brittle shear zones and faults of the South Tibetan<br />

Detachment System few My later (e.g. 11.6 Ma in the Ama<br />

Drime range; COTTLE et alii, 2009).<br />

The tectonic setting of the study fractures suggests that the<br />

activity of the South Tibetan Detachment System, starting at<br />

nearly 24 Ma, continued up to ~ 13-14 Ma. These results are in<br />

agreement with the age of 11 Ma constrained for the inner portion<br />

of the South Tibetan Detachment in the Bhutan Himalayas, north<br />

of the study area (KELLET et alii, 2010).<br />

High-angle fractures (striking nearly E-W and dipping 80° to<br />

the north) filled by mylonitic leucogranites as well as the South<br />

Tibetan Detachment are gently folded by a later system of largescale<br />

gentle antiforms and synforms.<br />

Restoring the projected South Tibetan Detachment to its prelate<br />

folding position the attitude of the high-angle fractures fit<br />

well with an antithetic system of fractures related to a brittle<br />

evolution of the South Tibetan Detachment.<br />

Two main consequences arise:<br />

- antithetic Riedel shear fractures occurred at ~ 13-14 Ma,<br />

related to the late and brittle activity of the South Tibetan<br />

Detachment;<br />

- large-scale gentle folds affecting all the tectonic units as well<br />

as the South Tibetan Detachment (CAROSI et alii, 1999) occurred<br />

after the brittle activation of the South Tibetan Detachment, i.e.<br />

later than ~ 13-14 Ma.<br />



(1999) - Geology of the Higher Himalayan Crystallines in<br />

Khumbu Himal (Eastern Nepal). J. Asian Earth Sci., 17, 785-<br />

803.<br />

400<br />

CAROSI R., MONTOMOLI C. & VISONÀ D. (2006) - Normal sense<br />

shear zones in the core of higher Himalayan Crystallines<br />

(Bhutan Himalaya): evidence for extrusion?. Geol. Soc.<br />

London, SP., 268, 425-444.<br />



(2009) - Geochronology of granulitized eclogite from the<br />

Ama Drime Massif: Implications for the tectonic evolution of<br />

the South Tibetan Himalaya. Tectonics, 28, DOI:<br />

10.1029/2008TC002256.<br />

GRUJIC D., HOLLISTER L. & PARRISH R.R. (2002) - Himalayan<br />

metamorphic sequence as an orogenic channel: insight<br />

from Bhutan. Earth Planet. Sc. Lett., 198, 177–191.<br />

KELLET D., GRUJIC D. & ERDMANN S. (2010) - Miocene<br />

structural reorganization of the South Tibetan detachment,<br />

eastern Himalaya: Implications for continental collision.<br />

Lithosphere, 1, 259-281.<br />

LEECH M.L. (2008) - Does the Karakoram fault interrupt midcrustal<br />

channel flow in the western Himalaya?. Earth<br />

Planet. Sc. Lett., 276, 314-322.

Occurrence of a large leucogranite body intruding the Tibetan<br />

Sedimentary Sequence in Western Nepal during Early Miocene:<br />

insights on the exhumation mechanisms of the Himalayan belt<br />



Key words: Channel flow, collisional belts, Exhumation,<br />

extrusion, Himalayas, leucogranite.<br />


The Himalayan belt, which has been developing during India-<br />

Asia collision since ~55 Ma, is regarded as a classic collisional<br />

orogen. It is characterised by the impressive continuity over<br />

hundreds of kilometres of tectonic features such as thrusts and<br />

normal faults, as well as large volumes of high-metamorphic<br />

grade rocks and granite exposed at the surface. This constitutes<br />

an invaluable field laboratory to unravel the tectonic and<br />

metamorphic evolution of crystalline units and the mechanisms of<br />

exhumation of deep-seated rocks in orogens.<br />

The mechanisms of exhumation of the Higher Himalayan<br />

Crystallines or Greater Himalayan Sequence (GHS) by channel<br />

flow and extrusion has been well established in the eastern sector<br />

of the Himalayan belt (from central Nepal to Bhutan) where the<br />

Fig. 1 – Geological sketch map of Himalayas, with location of study area.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa,<br />;;;<br />

(**) Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National<br />

University Canberra, Australia,<br />

(***) Dipartimento di Mineralogia e Petrologia, Universitò di Padova,<br />,<br />

401<br />

thickness of the GHS is nearly 20-30 km and large volume of<br />

granites were intruded in its upper portion, below the South<br />

Tibetan Detachment System (BURCHFIELD et alii, 1992; SEARLE,<br />

1999; BEAUMONT et alii, 2001; GRUJIC, 2006; GODIN et alii,<br />

2006 with references).<br />


Moving westward, in Dolpo and Mugu Karnali regions<br />

(Western Nepal) granites are scarcer (LEECH, 2008) and the<br />

thickness of the GHS dramatically decreases down to a minimum<br />

of 2-3 km in the Annapurna area (GODIN et alii, 2006) and 1-3<br />

km in lower Dolpo (CAROSI et alii, 2002; 2007).<br />

A high-temperature shear zone (Toijem shear zone) has been<br />

recently documented in the core of the GHS in lower Dolpo. Its<br />

activity has been constrained at circa 26 Ma (CAROSI et alii,<br />

2010). The Toijem shear zone is responsible for the exhumation<br />

of the hanging wall rocks before the well known period of<br />

extrusion or channel flow of the GHS by the contemporaneous<br />

activity of the Main Central Thrust to the bottom and South<br />

Tibetan Detachment System to the top of GHS (23-17 Ma; see<br />

age review in GODIN et alii, 2006).<br />

Field work in 2008 and 2009 in Dolpo and Mugu-Karnali<br />

areas (Jumla district) allowed to recognize a large granitic body<br />

(nearly 110 kmq) intruding both the uppermost portion of the<br />

GHS and the lower portion of the Tibetan Sedimentary Sequence.<br />

This granite and the Manaslu pluton (whose interpretation in still<br />

debated) represent the very few reported cases of Higher<br />

Himalayan leucogranites intruding the TSS.<br />

U-Pb-Th ages from zircons and monazites extracted from the<br />

main granitic body and dykes intruded both in the GHS and in the<br />

TSS point to an emplacement age at nearly 22-23 Ma. because of<br />

the granite structural position, its the age constrains the<br />

movement of the STDS (or at least of the lower ductile shear<br />

zone) to before 23 Ma in western Nepal. These new data rise<br />

doubts about the contemporaneous activity of the South Tibetan<br />

Detachment System and Main Central Thrust, or at least strongly<br />

limits the length of their contemporaneous activity. As a<br />

consequence, the mechanisms of exhumation of the GHS, such as<br />

extrusion and channel flow, need to be reconsidered for the study<br />

area.<br />

Additional observations, point to a more complex exhumation<br />

history of GHS: (1) The limited thickness of the GHS (one order<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />

Fig. 2 – Intrusion of the Bura Buri granite and related dykes in the Tibetan<br />

Sedimentary Sequence (TSS). Sisne Himal (Jumla district, Western Nepal).<br />

of magnitude below the 20-30 km requested for an active channel<br />

flow; Godin et al., 2006); (2) the exhumation of the upper portion<br />

by contractional shear zones of the GHS before the MCT-STDS<br />

activity (CAROSI et alii, 2010); and (3) the contractional coupling<br />

and (at least part of) extensional decoupling of TSS and GHS<br />

before 22-23 Ma.<br />


BEAUMONT C., JAMIESON R.A., NGUYEN M.H. & LEE B. (2001) -<br />

Himalayan tectonics explained by extrusion of a low-viscosity<br />

crustal channel coupled to focused surface denudation.<br />

Nature, 414, 738–742.<br />


CHANGRONG D. & XU, L. (1992) - The South Tibetan<br />

Detachment System, Himalayan Orogen: extension K Y.. V.<br />

contemporaneous with and parallel to shortening in a<br />

collisional mountain belt. Geol. Soc. Am. SP., 269, 41.<br />

CAROSI R., MONTOMOLI C. & VISONÀ D. (2007) - A structural<br />

transect in the Lower Dolpo: insights on the tectonic<br />

evolution of Western Nepal. J. Asian Earth Sci., 29, 407-423.<br />


Late Oligocene high-temperature shear zones in the core of<br />

the Higher Himalayan Crystallines (Lower Dolpo, Western<br />

Nepal). Tectonics, doi:10.1029/2008TC002400, in press<br />

CAROSI R., MONTOMOLI C. & VISONÀ D. (2002) - Is there any<br />

detachment in the Lower Dolpo (western Nepal)?. C.R.<br />

Geoscience, 334, 933-940.<br />

GODIN L., GRUIJC D., LAW R.D. & SEARLE M.P. (2006) -<br />

Channel flow, ductile extrusion and exhumation in<br />

402<br />

continental collision zones: an introduction. Geol. Soc. SP.,<br />

268, 1-23.<br />

GRUIJC D. (2006) - Channel flow and continental collision<br />

tectonics: an overview. In: R.D. Law, M.P. Searle & L. Godin<br />

(Eds.) - Channel flow, Extrusion, and Exhumation in<br />

Continental Collision Zones. Geol. Soc. SP., 268, 25-37.<br />

LEECH M.L. (2008) - Does the Karakoram fault interrupt midcrustal<br />

channel flow in the western Himalaya?. Earth<br />

Planet. Sc. Lett., 276, 314-322.<br />

SEARLE M.P. (1999) - Extensional and compressional faults in<br />

the Everest-Lhotse Massif, Khumbu Himalaya, Nepal. J.<br />

Geol. Soc. London, 156, 227-240.

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SESSIONE 12<br />

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Tectonics of the southern Alpi Apuane (northern Apennines):<br />

evidence for large scale low-angle normal faulting during Tertiary<br />

extension<br />

Key words: Alpi Apuane, normal faulting, Tertiary.<br />


The Alpi Apuane area is the main tectonic window in the<br />

nappe structure of the Northern Apennines; in the central part of<br />

the tectonic window greenschist facies metamorphic rocks<br />

outcrops below non-metamorphic rocks of the upper tectonic<br />

units. The tectonic window show a NW-SE elongated shape (Fig.<br />

1) and high-angle normal faults are well documented at the<br />

northeast border (Garfagnana valley) and southwest border<br />

(Versilia plain) and interpreted as the bordering faults responsible<br />

for the uplift of the metamorphic core. Investigations in the south<br />

part of the Alpi Apuane reveal that despite high-angle normal<br />

faults are not widespread here, extension was severe during<br />

Tertiary and was achieved through large-scale normal faulting.<br />

Faults are NE-dipping and with top-NE transport direction. Later<br />

uplift of the central part of the Alpi Apuane rotate the main of<br />

this faults and now only a main tectonic contact, sub-horizontal or<br />

SW-dipping it is recognizable in the field.<br />


In the Alpi Apuane the deepest structural level of the<br />

Northern Apennine nappe stack is exposed. From top to the<br />

bottom are exposed (Fig. 1): (a) non-metamorphic tectonic units<br />

derived from oceanic domain (Ligurian and Sub-ligurian tectonic<br />

units); (b) a non metamorphic tectonic unit (“Falda Toscana”)<br />

derived from the Adria continental margin and (c) a metamorphic<br />

unit (“Autoctono” Auctt) derived from a more external portion of<br />

the Adria continental margin. All the tectonic units were stacked<br />

during the Tertiary tectonic evolution of the northern Apennines.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Centro di GeoTecnologie e Dipartimento di Scienze dellla Terra,<br />

Università degli Studi di Siena, San Giovanni Valdarno (AR)<br /><br />


405<br />

The evolution of this sector of the Adria margin encompasses:<br />

1. A stage of shortening (D1 deformation), underthrusting<br />

associated with a peak metamorphism of about 350-450 °C<br />

and 0.5-0.6 GPa. During this stage polyphasic deformation<br />

occur with isoclinal folding and main foliation development.<br />

Locally syn-contractional exhumation may occur;<br />

2. some stages of extension (D2 deformation) that led to final<br />

exhumation and uplift, with development of recumbent to<br />

upright folding, low-angle normal faulting and finally high<br />

angle brittle faulting. Stratigraphic and geochoronological<br />

constraints point for about 20 Ma for the shortening stage<br />

and an age of 10-13 Ma for the onset of extension.<br />

Fig. 1 – Tectonic sketch map of the Northern Apennines surrounding the<br />

Alpi Apuane tectonic window. Location of fig. 2 is indicated.<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />


In the southern portion of the Alpi Apuane Metamorphic<br />

Complex (Stazzema area, Fig. 2) D1 isoclinal folding linked with<br />

underthrusting and nappe emplacement is overprinted by later<br />

isoclinal NE-facing folds and contemporaneous shear<br />

deformation.<br />

Shear deformation occurs along tectonic contacts: (a) bearing<br />

undeformed ore bodies among boudins along the mylonitic<br />

foliation; (b) developing strong shape preferred orientation of<br />

calcite grains parallel to the mylonitic foliation when crosscut<br />

marble formations: calcite grains are not affected by any later<br />

static recrystallization; (c) refold earlier foliation and tectonic<br />

contacts; (d) are NE-dipping and show a top-NE sense of sear.<br />

Based on these observation we infer for this deformation and<br />

related isoclinal folding a development during uplift, in a regional<br />

extensional context.<br />

Fig. 2 – Tectonic map of the southern Alpi Apuane. See fig. 1 for map<br />

location.<br />

During extension in the southern Alpi Apuane the whole<br />

Falda Toscana unit is affected by low angle normal faults that: (a)<br />

led to remarkable tectonic elision, with younger rocks (Macigno,<br />

Maiolica, etc.) directly juxtaposed with older formations (Calcare<br />

cavernoso, etc.); (b) cause cataclastic deformation in the Calcare<br />

cavernoso fm.; (c) led to thick cataclastic rocks with clasts of<br />

rethian and jurassic limestones.<br />

One of the main low angle normal faults runs from NE of<br />

Viareggio (Fig. 2) to N of Fornovolasco. This normal fault cuts<br />

increasing older rocks in the hanging-wall (Falda Toscana<br />

tectonic unit) towards NE, we infer for this fault a “top-NE”<br />

tectonic transport direction. This fault between Sant’Anna and<br />

406<br />

Fornovolasco is later refolded by upright folds with gently SE<br />

dipping fold axis and now the fault plane dips toward SE. In its<br />

southern portion (Camaiore area) the fault dips toward S.<br />

Evidence of refolding and overprinting by later high-angle<br />

normal faults (N of Fornovolasco) points for this low angle<br />

normal fault a development at midcrustal levels.<br />

The occurrence of a km-scale low-angle normal fault in this<br />

area could explain the evidence of strong internal deformation in<br />

rocks of the whole southern Alpi Apuane Metamorphic Complex<br />

(mylonite development, isoclinal folding) all linked with<br />

extension and NE-transport direction.

P-T evolution of Punta Orvili metabasite, NE Sardinia, Italy: some<br />

constraints from pseudosection modelling<br />

Key words: Eclogite facies, metabasite, metamorphic<br />

re-equilibration, pseudosection, - P T path, Variscan Sardinia .<br />


The Punta Orvili metabasite crops out as a lens of ca. 10 m in<br />

diameter, in the northern side of the Posada Valley in the<br />

Hercynian Metamorphic Complex with Dominant Amphibolite<br />

Assemblages of the variscan chain of Sardinia (CARMIGNANI et<br />

alii, 2001). The metabasite lens is hosted in a sequence of<br />

mylonitic gneiss with calc-silicate nodules. The regional foliation<br />

in the host rocks is the S2 schistosity striking N 80° and dipping<br />

30°-50° towards SE. Locally the S2 is transposed by centimetric,<br />

sinistral strike-slip green-schist shear zones striking N 30° and<br />

dipping 60° towards SE (CRUCIANI et alii, 2006). The mylonitic<br />

gneiss is characterized by millimetric to centimetric quartzfeldspathic<br />

aggregates enveloped by the S2 foliated phyllosilicaterich<br />

matrix. The age of the Punta Orvili metabasite protolith is<br />

unknown. Other metabasite from the Migmatite Complex yield a<br />

Upper-Ordovician protolith age (GIACOMINI et alii, 2005;<br />

PALMERI et alii, 2004).<br />

A detailed petrological study of the Punta Orvili metabasite<br />

has been performed by integrating quantitative pseudosection<br />

modelling and reaction balancing, with the aim of: (i) reconstruct<br />

the metamorphic evolution and P-T path of a still poorly<br />

investigated Sardinian metabasite; (ii) compare the P-T evolution<br />

of the Punta Orvili metabasite with that of the other eclogites<br />

from northern Sardinia.<br />


The Punta Orvili metabasite consists of amphibole, garnet,<br />

clinopyroxene, biotite and plagioclase. <strong>Il</strong>menite, Fe-oxide,<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Cagliari,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Cagliari,<br /><br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze Mineralogiche e Petrologiche, Università di<br />

Torino,<br />

407<br />

titanite, apatite, rutile, quartz, epidote, K-feldspar and chlorite<br />

have also been observed in minor amounts. The metabasite<br />

preserves clinopyroxene + plagioclase symplectites and coronitic<br />

microstructures around garnet which reveal a complex<br />

metamorphic history from the eclogite facies down to granuliteand<br />

amphibolite facies.<br />

Garnet occurs as medium-grained, strongly fractured grains<br />

with composition Alm50-55 Sps1-3 Prp15-25 Grs18-30 (abbreviations<br />

according to FETTES &DESMONS, 2007). It shows an irregular<br />

zoning with a decrease in Ca, counterbalanced by an increase in<br />

Fe and Mg content from core to rim (core: XMg=0.25-0.27; rim:<br />

XMg=0.30-0.32). Mn content is constant, or irregularly variable<br />

with a very slight enrichment in the outermost rim.<br />

Clinopyroxene has been observed into two textural<br />

occurrences: Cpx1 and Cpx2.. Medium- to coarse-grained Cpx1 in<br />

the matrix is a diopside (XMg ∼ 0.80) characterized by an increase<br />

in Na toward the rim (up to 0.17 a.p.f.u.). Cpx2 occurs in the<br />

symplectite developed at the expenses of Cpx1. It is also a<br />

diopside (XMg ∼ 0.80) with Na ∼ 0.06 a.p.f.u..<br />

Amphibole was observed in four types of occurrences: Am1,<br />

Am2, Am3 and Am4. Am1 was observed in the matrix as unzoned<br />

grains with actinolite or Mg-hornblende composition, or as zoned<br />

grains with actinolite core (less commonly Mg-hornblende)<br />

surrounded by mostly Mg-hornblende rim. It is also included in<br />

garnet. Am2 occurs as a thin layer at the contact between Am1 and<br />

the coronitic shell around garnet; it is pargasite to tschermakite.<br />

Am3 occurs in the garnet corona and ranges in composition<br />

between Mg-hornblende, tschermakite, and pargasite. Am4<br />

observed in veins is actinolite with XMg between 0.5 and 0.6.<br />

Plagioclase was only observed in symplectites and coronitic<br />

microdomains (Pl1, Pl2, respectively). Pl1 lamellae in the<br />

symplectite is Ab60-70. Pl2 from the coronae is more calcic with<br />

compositions mostly in the range Ab48-53. Albite lamellae have<br />

been also locally found in the symplectite.<br />

Biotite is Ti- (∼0.6 a.p.f.u.) and Ba-rich (∼0.2 a.p.f.u.) with<br />

XMg ratio ∼ 0.6.<br />


The Punta Orvili metabasite preserves microstructural<br />

evidences of: (i) a pre-symplectite prograde stage (M1) revealed<br />

by the occurrence of amphibole inclusions in garnet, by Na-rich<br />

diopside (Cpx1), and by compositional zoning in garnet,<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />

clinopyroxene and amphibole; (ii) a symplectite stage (M2)<br />

documented by the occurrence of Cpx2+ Pl1 symplectite growing<br />

on the margin of Cpx1; (iii) a corona stage (M3) documented by<br />

the formation of micrometric-thick Pl2 ± Amp3 ± <strong>Il</strong>m coronas<br />

around garnet; (iv) a late stage (M4), documented by the growth<br />

of epidote and albite, by the replacement of biotite and<br />

clinopyroxene by chlorite, and by the formation of veins and<br />

fractures filled by actinolitic amphibole, titanite and K-feldspar.<br />

The M1 pre-symplectite stage has been modelled by<br />

pseudosections calculated in the NCKFMASTH model system<br />

following the approach of CONNOLLY (1990) at aH2O=1 (for aH2O<br />

= 0.5 field boundaries are shifted towards lower temperatures of<br />

about 50°C). Mg and Ca zoning in garnet and Na zoning in<br />

clinopyroxene document a progressive increase in temperature<br />

and pressure during garnet and clinopyroxene growth from 610 <<br />

T < 630°C, 1.7 < P

Metamorphic evolution of gabbro and acidic volcanics from Nurra,<br />

northwestern Sardinia<br />

Key words: Amphibole, low -grade metamorphism, metagabbro,<br />

metarhyolite, potassic white mica, Sardinia.<br />

The metamorphic basement of south and central Nurra<br />

belongs to the internal nappe Zone of the Variscan chain of<br />

Sardinia (CARMIGNANI et alii, 2001). This basement consists of a<br />

volcano-sedimentary sequence mainly made up of phyllite,<br />

metasandstone metagreywacke, metaconglomerate, felsic and<br />

intermediate metavolcanics, oolitic ironstone, metagabbro lenses<br />

and rare marble. Based on the mineral assemblage of pelitic and<br />

psammitic rocks four metamorphic zones with increasing<br />

metamorphic grade towards the northwest have been<br />

distinguished in the Nurra basement: i) chlorite zone; ii) biotite<br />

zone, iii) garnet + albite zone, iv) garnet + oligoclase zone<br />

(FRANCESCHELLI et alii, 1990).<br />

Metavolcanics of the Canaglia Unit (metarhyolite to<br />

metadacite) occur as, mostly N-S oriented, lenticular bodies from<br />

0.5 to 2 km in length. Metavolcanics are withish to greyish, finegrained,<br />

strongly foliated rocks containing flattened augens of<br />

quartz and feldspar in a phyllosilicate rich matrix.<br />

The studied metagabbro crops out as a body of ~ 1 km × 0.6<br />

km in size at Monte Rugginosu, Central Nurra. The Monte<br />

Rugginosu metagabbro is a brownish to greenish massive to<br />

moderately schistose rock, characterized by plagioclase and<br />

amphibole crystals up to 10 and 4 mm in size, respectively. A<br />

decrease in the size of plagioclase and in the amount of mafic<br />

minerals has been observed towards the north. Igneous minerals<br />

in the Nurra metagabbro are plagioclase and rare clinopyroxene<br />

pre-dating the S1 schistosity. <strong>Il</strong>menite, up to 0.3 mm in size, is<br />

also thought to be of igneous origin. Metamorphic minerals are<br />

mainly amphibole, biotite, chlorite, epidote, stilpnomelane,<br />

titanite, apatite, quartz, and K-feldspar in variable modal<br />

amounts.<br />

Albite (Ab97-99) is by far the most abundant mineral, locally<br />

reaching ~50% of the rock volume.<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Cagliari,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Cagliari,<br /><br />

(°) Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallchemie, Universität Stuttgart,<br /><br />

409<br />

Clinopyroxene, observed only in a few samples as isolated<br />

grains up to 0.5 mm in size, is diopside to hedenbergite (XMg:<br />

0.62-0.64, Na: 0.01-0.03 a.p.f.u., Ti: 0.03-0.05 a.p.f.u.).<br />

Chlorite is by far the most abundant metamorphic mineral,<br />

forming the fine grained intergranular matrix within albite<br />

crystals. XMg in chlorite is 0.37-0.43, whereas Al/(Al+Fe+Mg) is<br />

~0.35. Chlorites with variable Mg/Fe ratio have been observed in<br />

some samples. High K2O content in chlorite (up to 3-4 wt.%)<br />

reveals that at least part of the metagabbro chlorite derives from<br />

biotite replacement.<br />

Stilpnomelane (XMg: 0.18-0.25, K2O ∼ 1.0-1.5 wt.) is radially<br />

arranged at the albite/chlorite interface, or found as small single<br />

elongated crystals associated with biotite and chlorite in the rock<br />

matrix.<br />

Amphibole occurs as small elongated or medium- to coarsegrained<br />

crystals of prevailing actinolite composition. All<br />

amphiboles show a wide compositional variation, often observed<br />

as a strong patchy zoning. Patches, usually of hornblende<br />

composition, are Al-, Na-rich, and Mg-poor (7-10 wt.% Al2O3;<br />

1.3-1.6 wt.% Na2O; 7-8 wt.% MgO), as compared to the<br />

composition of actinolitic amphibole (2-6 wt.% Al2O3; 0.2-0.9<br />

wt.% Na2O; 8-12 wt.% MgO). XMg is 0.41-0.67 in matrix<br />

amphibole and 0.39-0.44 in amphibole patches. XCa is between<br />

0.92-0.98 and similar in amphibole matrix and in the patches.<br />

Biotite (XMg: 0.36-0.44) has been observed as two textural<br />

varieties: i) single euhedral crystals associated to chlorite and<br />

epidote in the matrix, ii) anhedral biotite growing on amphibole.<br />

Epidote occurs as euhedral to subhedral grains with a very<br />

strong variability in size and composition. Subhedral grains often<br />

grew on albite suggesting a Ca-richer composition of the previous<br />

igneous plagioclase. Euhedral grains of epidote, usually less than<br />

0.3 mm, are often associated to chlorite and biotite in the rock<br />

matrix. Compositional variations are related to a patchy zoning,<br />

with Fe-richer zones (XFe: 0.25-0.27) and Fe-poorer ones (XFe:<br />

0.19-0.21) within the same epidote grain.<br />

<strong>Il</strong>menite, showing a considerable amount of Mn (3.8 wt.%<br />

MnO; Mn ~ 0.08 a.p.f.u.), is always surrounded by a thick,<br />

regular rounded shell of titanite up to 0.2 mm in width.<br />

Apatite was observed as coarse-grained rounded crystals, or<br />

as elongated crystals up to 0.3-0.4 mm in length. K-feldspar has<br />

been found in some metagabbro samples as sporadic anhedral<br />

micrometric patches associated to albite and amphibole, or as<br />

millimetric anhedral grains. In both cases no detectable Na is<br />

present in K-feldspar.<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />

The metavolcanics are characterized by the close alternation<br />

of fine-grained phyllosilicate-rich and quartzofeldspathic layers<br />

in which flattened, partially recrystallized, fractured and/or<br />

variably deformed quartz, albite, or more rarely K-feldspar<br />

porphyroclasts are frequently found. Albite and K-feldspar<br />

approach the composition of pure phases (no considerable K2O<br />

and Na2O content, respectively). Quartzofeldspathic layers<br />

consist of fine-grained quartz with subordinate clusters of fine<br />

grained albite. Chlorite and potassic white mica, oriented<br />

according to the regional S2 schistosity, form the phyllosilicate<br />

layers. Si contents in white mica are between 3.2-3.3 a.p.f.u.,<br />

whereas XMg of chlorite is mostly within 0.5-0.6. Fresh biotite<br />

was not found in the analysed samples, as all former biotite was<br />

partially transformed to chlorite discernable by K2O contents<br />

between 2 and 4 wt.%. K-free chlorites, however, were also<br />

detected.<br />

The metamorphic evolution of the Nurra metagabbro and the<br />

acidic metavolcanics has been investigated by the construction of<br />

P-T pseudosections for fixed bulk-rock composition in the<br />

NCKFMASH+Ti+Mn model system within the P-T frame 1-11<br />

kbar, 150-450°C. These pseudosections were calculated using the<br />

computer software package PERPLE_X (CONNOLLY, 2005) and<br />

the internally consistent thermodynamic data set and the equation<br />

of state for H2O by HOLLAND &POWELL (1998, revised 2004).<br />

Solid-solution models used are those of HOLLAND &POWELL<br />

(1998) for garnet, biotite (Bt), phengite (Ph), chlorite (Chl) and<br />

epidote (Ep). Additional solid-solution models were taken from<br />


LIU et alii (2009), for plagioclase (Pl), alkalifeldspar, paragonite,<br />

pumpellyite, stilpnomelane, amphibole (Amp) and Na-rich<br />

clinopyroxene. The bulk-rock compositions used in the<br />

calculations were obtained by (i) averaging eight calcite-free<br />

samples from the metagabbro, (ii) consideration of diverse<br />

metarhyolite compositions, and (iii) addition of H2O to<br />

accomplish H2O saturation at most of the considered P-T<br />

conditions, (iv) consideration of some iron to be ferric (addition<br />

of some O2).<br />

The P-T path of the metagabbro is clockwise with the<br />

prograde segment overprinted by later metamorphic reequilibration.<br />

Pressure peak, constrained by the absence of garnet<br />

in the studied samples, occurred at pressures ≤ 5-6kbar and T ~<br />

400°C, in the multivariant field Amp+Bt+Chl+Ep+Ph+Pl +<br />

titanite (Ttn) + quartz (Qtz). A slight increase in temperature up<br />

to 420-430°C accompanied by a decrease in pressure to ~ 2.5<br />

kbar led to the metamorphic peak corresponding to the<br />

multivariant assemblage Amp+Bt+Chl+Ep+Pl+Ttn+Qtz +<br />

magnetite in which phengite is not any more stable. The last<br />

segment of the P-T path is characterized by a nearly isobaric<br />

cooling marked by a decrease in temperature to 250-300°C<br />

leading to the formation of stilpnomelane. This last stage is also<br />

confirmed by the P-T conditions recorded in the metavolcanics in<br />

which XMg of chlorite and Si content of potassic white mica<br />

410<br />

indicate P-T conditions of 200-250°C at 2.5 kbar. The peak<br />

pressure conditions derived from the metagabbro are also<br />

compatible with the observed Si contents of potassic white mica<br />

in the metavolcanics.<br />



ELTRUDIS A., FUNEDDA A. & PASCI S. (2001) - Geologia<br />

<strong>della</strong> Sardegna. Note illustrative <strong>della</strong> Carta Geologica <strong>della</strong><br />

Sardegna a scala 1:200000. Mem. Descr. Carta Geol. It., 60,<br />

283 pp.<br />

CONNOLLY J.A.D. (2005) - Computation of phase equilibria by<br />

linear programming: a tool for geodynamic modeling and its<br />

application to subduction zone decarbonation. Earth Planet.<br />

Sc. Lett., 236, 524-541.<br />

FRANCESCHELLI M., PANNUTI F. & PUXEDDU M. (1990) - Texture<br />

development and PT time path of psammitic schist from the<br />

Hercynian chain of NW Sardinia (Italy). Eur. J. Mineral., 2,<br />

385-398.<br />

FUHRMAN M.L. & LINDSLEY D.H. (1988) - Ternary-feldspar<br />

modeling and thermometry. Am. Mineral., 73, 201-215.<br />

HOLLAND T.J.B. & POWELL R. (1998) - An internally consistent<br />

thermodynamic data set for phases of petrologic interest. J.<br />

Metamorph. Geol., 16, 309-343.<br />

LIU Y., LIU H., MASSONNE H.-J. & THEYE T. (2009) - Evidence<br />

for oceanic subduction at the NE Gondwana margin during<br />

Permian and Triassic times. Terra Nova, 21, 195-202.<br />

MASSONNE H.-J. & WILLNER A.P. (2008) - Phase relations and<br />

dehydration behaviour of psammopelite and mid-ocean ridge<br />

basalt at very-low-grade to low-grade metamorphic<br />

conditions. Eur. J. Mineral., 20, 867-879.

U-Pb chronological constraints for the late- and post-orogenic<br />

episodes in the Ligurian Variscides<br />


Key words: Basement, Permo-Carboniferous,Variscan high T/P<br />

metamorphism.<br />


In spite of the polyphase Alpine evolution, the Ligurian Alps<br />

preserve different thick post-Variscan successions (forming the<br />

so-called tegument) partially detached from their lower Paleozoic<br />

basement. The present-day tectonic units, particularly the<br />

Briançonnais ones, display an internal continuity and their<br />

consistency allowed inferring stratigraphic successions, and even<br />

more, their paleogeographic setting (VANOSSI et alii, 1986). Such<br />

Late Paleozoic successions, bounded by a lower and an upper<br />

unconformity, were built by volcanic and sedimentary products<br />

with highly variable relative thickness and facies due to an<br />

irregular palaeomorphology caused by the development of graben<br />

and half-graben structures. Within the volcanic successions,<br />

CABELLA et alii (1988) and CORTESOGNO et alii (1993)<br />

recognized two main magmatic series: an early bimodal calcalkaline<br />

igneous activity, followed by K-alkaline products.<br />

SHRIMP U–Pb dates of small calc-alkaline intrusive bodies<br />

indicate an intrusion age between 300 and 294 Ma (GAGGERO et<br />

alii, 2004). The main calc-alkaline volcanism occurred between<br />

285.6±2.6 Ma and 272.7±2.2 Ma (LA ICP MS dating;<br />

DALLAGIOVANNA et alii, 2009). The alkaline magmatic episode is<br />

represented by K-rich rhyolitic ignimbrites which provided ages<br />

as old as 258.5 ± 2.8 Ma.<br />


In the Ligurian Alps, the Lower Permian volcano-sedimentary<br />

succession of the M<strong>alla</strong>re Unit (Internal Briançonnais) rests on a<br />

gneissic basement re-equilibrated under pre-Alpine amphibolite<br />

facies metamorphic overprint, named Barbassiria Orthogneiss. In<br />

spite of the presence of this metamorphism, its effusive protolith<br />

has been dated at the Latest Permian-Earliest Triassic (~250 Ma)<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra – Università degli Studi di Pavia<br />

(**) Dipartimento per lo Studio del Territorio e delle sue Risorse –<br />

Università degli Studi di Genova,<br />

(°) C.N.R. - Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse (IGG), Unità di Pavia<br />

411<br />

by means of a Rb-Sr isochron on muscovite separates (DEL MORO<br />

et alii, 1981). The Barbassiria Orthogneiss are rhyolites with Kfeldspar<br />

porphyroclasts (5-15 mm) and lenticular quartz<br />

aggregates, likely from pristine phenoclasts. The orthogneisses<br />

are interbedded with quartz – mica schists, locally as rich as 90%<br />

in volume in quartz, likely originated from in situ arenitization of<br />

the igneous rock. Locally, minor metarhyolitic dikes cut across.<br />

Relic pre-Alpine metamorphic textures are absent in the dikes,<br />

rare in the orthogneisses, relatively frequent in the<br />

metasediments, and characterized by biotite + muscovite and<br />

quartz-feldspatic layers. The Alpine deformation strongly<br />

affected the Barbassiria basement and its cover<br />

(DALLAGIOVANNA et alii, 1997). The Alpine blueschist<br />

metamorphic overprint is pervasive and expressed as a composite<br />

S1+S2 fabric. Despite localized mechanical fractionation of Kfeldspar<br />

and quartz, che bulk rock composition is homogeneous,<br />

metaluminous (A/CNK between 1.2 and 1.5) and close to a<br />

minumum melt liquid. The Ta/Yb correlation points to a syncollisional<br />

setting, whereas a late-orogenic character is suggested<br />

by the parameters R1-R2. Above the Barbassiria Orthogneiss, the<br />

base of the Lower Permian succession is represented by the C.<br />

Lisetto Metarhyolites, aged 285.6 ± 2.6 Ma (DALLAGIOVANNA et<br />

alii, 2009). This age clearly contrasts with the remarkably<br />

younger Rb/Sr dating of the Barbassiria Orthogneiss (~250 Ma).<br />

Some questions thus arise in order to match the emplacement age<br />

of the rhyolitic protolith, the timing of amphibolite facies<br />

metamorphism and possible further magmatic episodes. In order<br />

to solve these discrepancy and contribute to describe the lateorogenic,<br />

tectono-magmatic evolution of the Ligurian Variscides,<br />

we performed U-Pb dating by LA ICP MS on the main body of<br />

the Barbassiria Orthogneiss and on metarhyolitic dikes cutting<br />

across.<br />


The in situ U-Pb geochronology and trace element<br />

abundances were determined with excimer laser ablation (ELA)-<br />

ICP-MS. The U-Pb analysis was carried out on zircons separated<br />

from one sample from the orthogneiss and one from a<br />

metarhyolic dike cutting across the main body of the Barbassiria<br />

basament. The U-Pb analysis performed on the magmatic textural<br />

domain from orthogneiss revealed two main populations with<br />

ages of 300±5 Ma and 265±4 Ma respectively. The U-Pb analysis<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />

from the metarhyolitic dike shows a single age population of<br />

259±3 Ma.<br />


The spots on oscillatory zoning in zircon grains from the main<br />

volcanic body yielded an age as old as 300±5 Ma, that can be<br />

assessed as the emplacement age of the rhyolite. The Barbassiria<br />

Orthogneiss however show a pre-Alpine metamorphic overprint<br />

characterized by the assemblage muscovite + K-feldspar + quartz<br />

+ plagioclase (CORTESOGNO et alii, 1995). The age of the<br />

Barbassiria metamorphism could correspond to the age of the<br />

low-grade Variscan amphibolite-greenschist facies<br />

metamorphism dated in the Ligurian Briançonnais basement at<br />

310–300 Ma, and associated with the final stages of exhumation<br />

(GIACOMINI et alii, 2007). Thus, a very short time gap results<br />

between the shallow emplacement of the rhyolite and the<br />

amphibolite facies metamorphism. Taking into account the<br />

resolution and meaning of the different isotopic systematics, after<br />

emplacement rhyolites were brought from surface at a minimum<br />

depth of 6-7 km in about 5 Ma, or alternatively, the metamorphic<br />

overprint was likely syn-kinematic to the shallow level<br />

emplacement. The dikes cutting the Barbassiria Metarhyolite at<br />

259±3 Ma belong to the diffuse K-rhyolitic volcanism that built<br />

the Lithozone D, already dated at 258.5±2.8 Ma<br />

(DALLAGIOVANNA et alii, 2009).<br />

Some consequences derive from these new data.<br />

1) The definition of a Carboniferous basement, assessed by<br />

radiometric dating, after the younging of the continental<br />

sediments overlying or intercalated in Lower Permian<br />

acidic and intermediate volcanites<br />

2) The Barbassiria Orthogneiss were emplaced at shallow<br />

level/subintrusive, with intercalated sediments. The<br />

muscovite-bearing assemblage is a pre-Alpine relic of an<br />

amphibolite facies (syn-kinematic?) overprint.<br />

3) A short time interval is deduced between emplacement<br />

and overprint (about 5 Ma); a rough estimate indicates<br />

that an average speed rate for underplating the rhyolites<br />

to 6-7 km and taking them back to the surface require ca<br />

0.3 cm / y. This rate could be even lower if associated<br />

with a high T/P likely during the exhumation.<br />



& VANOSSI M. (1988) - Vulcanismo, sedimentazione e<br />

tettonica nel Brianzonese ligure esterno durante il Permo-<br />

Carbonifero. Atti Tic. Sc. Terra, 31, 269-326.<br />


M. (1993) - Elements of the Palaeozoic history of the<br />

412<br />

Ligurian Alps. In: J.F. von Raumer & F. Neubauer (Eds.) -<br />

Pre-Mesozoic Geology in the Alps. Springer, Berlin, 257–<br />

277.<br />


VANOSSI M. (1995) – Nuovi dati sul basamento e sul<br />

tegumento carbonifero dell’Unità di M<strong>alla</strong>re (Brianzonese<br />

intermedio-interno, Alpi Liguri). Atti Tic. Sc. Terra, S.s., 3,<br />

65-82.<br />


Dati petrologici e radiometrici preliminari sui massicci<br />

cristallini <strong>della</strong> Liguria occidentale. Rend. Soc. Ital. Miner.<br />

Petrol., 38(1), 73-87.<br />


TIEPOLO M. (2009) – U Pb zircon ages for post-Variscan<br />

volcanism in the Ligurian Alps (Northern Italy). J. Geol. Soc.,<br />

166, 101-114.<br />

DALLAGIOVANNA G., SENO S. & VANOSSI M. (1997) - An example<br />

of the Alpine structural evolution of the Penninic zone in the<br />

Ligurian Alps: tectonics of the Barbassiria area. Eclogae<br />

Geol. Helv., 90, 337–344.<br />

GAGGERO L., CORTESOGNO L. & BERTRAND J.M. (2004) - The<br />

pre-Namurian basement of the Ligurian Alps: a review of the<br />

lithostratigraphy, pre-Alpine metamorphic evolution, and<br />

regional comparison. Period. Mineral., 73, 85–96.<br />


New constraints on the origin and age of Variscan eclogitic<br />

rocks (Ligurian Alps, Italy). Contrib. Mineral. Petr., 153 (1),<br />

29-53.<br />


PICCARDO G.B. & VANNUCCI R. (1986) - Geologia delle Alpi<br />

Liguri: dati, problemi, ipotesi. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 28, 5–75.

Quartz microstructural and petrofabrics constraints in the Lesser<br />

Himalayan Crystalline (Lower Dolpo, Western Nepal)<br />

Key words: Deformation temperatures, Nepal, Qtz<br />

microstructures and petrofabrics.<br />


The continental collision at ca. 50-55 Ma between the passive<br />

margin of Indian plate and the Andean-type margin of Asian<br />

block (Lhasa block) produced the Himalayan mountain belt. Its<br />

high topographic level and the excellent exposure of high-grade<br />

metamorphic rocks make it a natural laboratory where study the<br />

mechanisms and the processes responsible of the exhumation of<br />

deep-seated crustal rocks. Classically three main tectonometamorphic<br />

units can be described (Fig. 1). From lower<br />

structural levels in the south to upper structural levels in the<br />

north, there are: (1) the Lesser Himalayan (LH), made by<br />

Precambrian to Eocene sedimentary sequences that recorded an<br />

increase in the metamorphic grade up to greenschists<br />

metamorphic facies (Grt+Bt zone) in the north; (2) the Higher<br />

Himalaya Crystalline (HHC), made mainly by high-grade rocks,<br />

migmatites and leucogranites affected by Grt+Bt up to Sill+Ky<br />

mineral assemblage and (3) the Tibetan Sedimentary Sequence<br />

(TSS), made by upper Paleozoic to Eocene sediments deformed<br />

under very low-grade metamorphic conditions. The HHC is<br />

bounded by two regional scale low-angle shear zones active<br />

contemporaneously between 23 and 17 Ma (HODGES, 2000 and<br />

references therein): the Main Central Thrust (MCT) at the<br />

bottom, and the South Tibetan Detachment system at the top.<br />

Despite detailed studies have been published to constraint the<br />

kinematic and tectono-metamorphic evolution of the MCT<br />

(SEARLE et alii, 2008 with references therein) on the central and<br />

eastern sector of the Himalayan belt, very few data are available<br />

for the Dolpo region (western Nepal; CAROSI et alii, 2007).<br />

_________________________<br />



(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa, e-mail:<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Università di Padova<br />

Lavoro eseguito bell’ambito del progetto COFIN-MiUR 2007 con il<br />

<strong>contributo</strong> finanziario dell’Università.di Pisa<br />

413<br />

Fig. 1 – Location of the study area<br />

In the study section, located in the central sector of lower<br />

Dolpo region, the LH is represented mainly by a sequence of 10<br />

to 60 cm thick layers of white quartzites and micaschists affected<br />

by upper greenschist metamorphic facies, whereas the HHC is<br />

represented by gneisses and migmatitic gneisses with a dominant<br />

sillimanite + biotite metamorphic assemblage. The MCT zone is<br />

few meters thick and poorly exposed. A leucogranitic body<br />

crosscutting the main foliation in the HHC and in the TSS,<br />

constraining the upper limit of STDS c. 24-25Ma (Buraburi<br />

granite: CAROSI et alii, 2009).<br />

Both in the LH and HHC the main foliation shows a general<br />

NW-SE strike and dips 30-45° toward NE whereas the mineral<br />

lineation, marked by streaking of biotite and muscovite and by<br />

quartz aggregates, trends NNE-SSW and plunges ca. 40° toward<br />

NE (Fig. 2).<br />



To document the deformation regime responsable of the<br />

shearing along the MCT zone, we collected oriented sample of<br />

quartzites and quartz-rich micaschists and gneisses in the LH<br />

along a transect oriented sub-orthogonal to the MCT zone. More<br />

in detail we carried out microstructural, metamorphic and quartz<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />

petrofabrics analyses in order to constrain (1) the deformation<br />

temperature and (2) the finite strain geometry (i.e. magnitude,<br />

path and shape of finite ellipsoid) recorded at different structural<br />

levels below the MCT.<br />

Quartz microstructures revealed that the recrystallization<br />

occurred mainly by GBM (Fig. 2B) under deformation<br />

temperatures higher the 550°C. Moving toward the MCT we<br />

document an increase in the size of both recrystallized quartz<br />

grains and biotite and muscovite porphyroblasts. In the samples<br />

collected closer to the MCT, we observe ameboid boundaries<br />

between quartz and feldspar indicating that deformation occurred<br />

at temperatures higher that 600-650°C.<br />

However, at c. 1 km far from the MCT, we document the<br />

Fig. 2A- Grain boundary migration represents the dominant<br />

recrystallization mechanism. 2B- Example of quartz c-axis fabrics<br />

obtained for a quartzite collected c. 1300 m far from the MCT.<br />

A.<br />

B.<br />

414<br />

presence of an important process of subgrain rotation<br />

recrystallization overprinted on the GBM fabrics. This event<br />

produced a strong bimodal grain size distribution under<br />

temperatures of 400-500°C. As a consequence, we suggest the<br />

presence of a secondary tectonic lineament inside the LH active<br />

at shallower structural levels after the MCT shearing that is not<br />

directly observable in the field.<br />

Quartz c-axis fabrics revealed asymmetric Type-I cross girdle<br />

pointing to a top-to-the SW sense of shear. Moving toward the<br />

MCT (1) deformation temperatures obtained using Qtz c-axis<br />

opening angles increase, in agreement with those obtained by<br />

quartz microstructures and by the mineral assemblage and (2) the<br />

asymmetry of Qtz fabrics skeleton becomes stronger, implying an<br />

increase in the simple shear component of deformation.<br />


CAROSI R., MONTOMOLI C. & VISONÀ D. (2007) - A structural<br />

transect in the Lower Dolpo: Insights on the tectonic<br />

evolution of Western Nepal. J. Asian Earth Sci., 29, 407-423.<br />


C., VISONÀ D. & PERTUSATI P.C. (2009) - Along strike<br />

variations of exhumation mechanisms of the Higher<br />

Himalayan Crystallines: insights from western Nepal. 24TH<br />

Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop, Beijing. August 2009.<br />

HODGES K. (2000) - Tectonics of Himalaya and southern Tibet<br />

from two perspectives. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 11(2), 324–350.<br />


COTTLE J. & JESSUP M. (2008) - Defiing the Main Central<br />

thrust in Nepal. J. Geol. Soc., 165, 523-534.

Key words: Internal Crystalline Massifs, Piedmont Zone,<br />

tectono-metamorphic evolution, Western Alps.<br />


Detailed geological mapping combined with micro-structural<br />

and petrological investigation allowed to clarify the structural and<br />

metamorphic relations between the Internal Crystalline Massifs<br />

(ICM) and the Piedmont Zone (PZ) and between the Lower and<br />

Upper PZ in the Western Italian Alps.<br />

The three study areas (Gressoney, Orco and Susa sections)<br />

take into consideration the same structural level across the axial<br />

portion of the metamorphic belt, i.e. a geological section across<br />

the Internal Crystalline Massifs vs Piedmont Zone boundary.<br />

Two Tectonic Elements were detected on the basis of their<br />

tectono-metamorphic evolution. The Lower Tectonic Element<br />

(LTE) consists of the ICM and the Lower PZ (Zermatt-Saas type<br />

Units) both showing well preserved eclogite facies relics. Instead,<br />

the Upper Tectonic Element (UTE) consists of the Upper PZ<br />

(Combin type Units) and of the Gneiss Minuti Complex of the<br />

Sesia-Lanzo Zone, both lacking evidence of eclogite facies relics.<br />

These two tectonic elements are separated by thick shear zones<br />

developed under greenschist facies conditions known as<br />

Gressoney Shear Zone (REDDY et alii, 1999), Orco Shear Zone<br />

(GASCO et alii, 2009) and Susa Shear Zone.<br />

Despite the three areas are far away from each other,<br />

however, the structural data can be compared if strictly linked to<br />

the metamorphic evolution. The only structural elements which<br />

show a different orientation are the S1 foliations because of the<br />

different position of the three study areas around the ICM.<br />

In the LTE the D1 event is characterized by development of<br />

isoclinal folds trending E-W to NE-SW and of a composite S1<br />

foliation developed under middle-P greenschist to epidote-albite<br />

amphibolite facies always associated with top to W sense of<br />

shear; generally fold axes are parallel to stretching lineations.<br />

_________________________<br />

Structural and metamorphic evolution across the Internal<br />

Crystalline Massifs vs Piedmont Zone boundary (Western Alps)<br />

(*) Università degli Studi di Torino, Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra,<br />;<br />

(**) Università degli Studi di Torino, Dipartimento di Scienze<br />

Mineralogiche e Petrologiche,<br />

This work was financially supported by Ministero dell’Università e <strong>della</strong><br />

Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica (M.U.R.S.T.).<br />


1<br />

415<br />

Meso- and microscopic relics of pre-S1 foliations developed<br />

under eclogite facies metamorphism are widespread. The tectonic<br />

contact between the ICM and the Zermatt-Saas type Units is<br />

deformed by meso-scale D1 folds developed after eclogite facies<br />

peak pressure conditions.<br />

Instead, in the UTE, the S1 foliation developed under<br />

greenschist facies conditions and the associated lineations strike<br />

NW-SE in Gressoney Valley and E-W in the Orco and Susa<br />

Valley.<br />

In all the study areas the LTE is separated from the UTE by a<br />

greenschist facies shear zone which is always later than the<br />

development of the regional foliation S1 and developed during<br />

top to SE sense of shear in the Orco Valley and Gressoney Valley<br />

while it is marked by top to the W sense of shear in the Susa<br />

Valley. This different orientation in the sense of shear is related<br />

to the position of these shear zones relatively to the investigated<br />

side of the Internal Crystalline Massifs.<br />

D2 is always associated to the development of greenschist<br />

facies shear zones separating the UTE from the LTE. In the Orco<br />

and Gressoney Valleys this event developed isoclinal folds while<br />

no corresponding folding stage was observed in the Susa Valley.<br />

The following evolution is the same in all the three study<br />

areas.<br />

The D3 deformation phase is characterized by open to close<br />

folds which rarely developed a new axial plane foliation in micarich<br />

rocks. Their asymmetry shows top to SE sense of shear.<br />

The D4 deformation phase shows NW-SE directed fold axes<br />

with a fold asymmetry suggesting top to SW sense of shear in<br />

Gressoney and Susa Valley while The in the Orco section D4<br />

developed only macro-scale folds with high angle axial surfaces<br />

dipping both SW and NE indicative of the presence of large scale<br />

box folds.<br />


The petrographic analisys and pseudosection modelling of<br />

two chemical systems (metabasites and metapelites) allowed<br />

reconstructing a portion of the PT path followed by the ICM<br />

during the Alpine orogenesis. In particular, well preserved<br />

eclogite facies rocks (M1 and M2 assemblages) were investigated<br />

to reconstruct the HP history of the ICM while re-equilibrated<br />

rocks allowed to infer the PT conditions attained during the<br />

development of the regional foliation (M3 to M4 assemblages).<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />

The M1 and M3 tectono-metamorphic stages are related to the<br />

development of the pre-S1 and S1 foliations, respectively. The M2<br />

assemblage is not ubiquitously developed and represents the first<br />

decompressional stage after M1 and is never related to the<br />

development of a new structural surface. It mainly consists of<br />

pseudomorphs or of a static growth of minerals after the pre-S1<br />

foliation. Finally, the M4 assemblage grew as rim over the M3<br />

minerals (i.e. hornblende rimming actinolite, ilmenite rimming<br />

rutile, oligoclase rimming albite) or overgrew the S1 regional<br />

foliation (albite porphyroblasts overgrowing the S1 foliation<br />

already defined by albite) and therefore can be considered as the<br />

final stage of the M3 stage.<br />

The comparison of the different PT path reconstructed for the<br />

Fig. 1 – PT path reconstructed for the three study areas.<br />

ICM (Fig. 1) enhances three interesting observations:<br />

- firstly, the PT conditions for the development of the eclogite<br />

facies pre-D1/M1 stage are different for all the ICM, especially<br />

that of the northern Dora Maira Massif but all have equilibrated<br />

along a 6-7 °C/km geothermal gradient typical for a subduction<br />

zone The different peak pressure only depends from the depth<br />

from which the tectonic slices were detached from the subducting<br />

slab;<br />

- secondly, the regional foliation D1/M1 developed under a 15-<br />

25 °C/km geothermal gradient almost at the same P conditions (6-<br />

9 kbar) while the T shows a wide range between 460 and 610 °C<br />

mainly depending on the extent of the late re-heating stage;<br />

- finally, Monte Rosa and Gran Paradiso Massif were affected<br />

by a late thermal overprint of ca 50-60 °C while Dora-Maira<br />

Massif underwent post eclogitic decompressional heating.<br />


Pseudosection modelling of the Alpine metamorphic assemblages<br />

allowed reconstructing the Alpine PT path for the ICM. The<br />

416<br />

southern Monte Rosa and eastern Gran Paradiso reached higher<br />

pressure during the pre-D1/M1 eclogite facies tectonometamorphic<br />

stage around 24-27 kbar and 550-600°C while the<br />

northern Dora-Maira was subducted to 20-21 kbar at 500-520 °C.<br />

The exhumation paths are different too and are characterized by<br />

cooling in the MR and GP while the DM registered a<br />

decompressional heating. This first exhumation stage was<br />

followed by the development of the regional foliation (D1/M3-M4<br />

tectono metamorphic stage) at 6-9 kbar and 460-610 °C and the<br />

MR and GP underwent a re-heating event of about 50-60 °C. On<br />

the contrary, the northern DM did not register a late T increase<br />

probably because it was already rather hot after the<br />

decompressional heating. Therefore, the ICM show a different<br />

HP evolution along a 6-7 °C/km subduction gradient while the reequilibration<br />

event (D1/M3-M4 stage) is similar and took place in<br />

the middle to lower crust (25-35 km) along an hotter geothermal<br />

gradient (15-25 °C/km). The fact that all the ICM equilibrated at<br />

HP along a similar subduction gradient is indicative that they<br />

reached different depth in the subduction channel and then<br />

returned towards the bottom of the crust and were re-equilibrated<br />

at similar depth. The tectono metamorphic relationships between<br />

the ICM and the Lower PZ indicate that tectonic coupling took<br />

place during exhumation of the ICM after the pre-D1/M1-M2<br />

tectono-metamorphic stage and before the development of the S1<br />

regional foliation (D1/M3-M4 stage). PT conditions for tectonic<br />

coupling are constrained by the lower stability of eclogite facies<br />

assemblages (< 12-13 kbar according to BOUSQUET et alii, 1997)<br />

and the development of the S1 regional foliation which therefore<br />

took place between 9 and 13 kbar. After this event the ICM and<br />

Lower PZ underwent the same tectono-metamorphic evolution.<br />

The tectonic contact between the eclogite-bearing LTE and the<br />

eclogite-free UTE developed after the S1 regional foliation at P <<br />

6-8 kbar at middle crustal level (< 25 km) during extensional<br />

tectonics in the upper portion of the orogenic wedge. The<br />

reconstruction of the tectono-metamorphic evolution of three<br />

different geological sections across the same structural levels<br />

allowed showing that they shared a similar Alpine history since<br />

the first exhumation stages after the eclogite facies<br />

metamorphism.<br />



(1997) - Kinematic, thermal and petrological model of the<br />

Central Alps: Lepontine metamorphism in the upper crust and<br />

eclogitisation in the lower crust. Tectonophysics, 273, 105-127.<br />

GASCO I., GATTIGLIO M. & BORGHI A. (2009) - Structural<br />

evolution of different tectonic units across the Austroalpine-<br />

Penninic boundary in the middle Orco Valley (Western Italian<br />

Alps). J. Struct. Geol., 31, 301-314.<br />

REDDY S.M., WHELEER J. & CLIFF R.A. (1999) - The geometry<br />

and timing of orogenic extension: an example from the Western<br />

Italian Alps. J. Metamorph. Geol., 17, 573-589.

_________________________<br />

Crustal anatexis in the Higher Himalayan Crystallines of Eastern<br />

Nepal: constraints on the P-T evolution of the Barun Gneiss<br />



Key words: Barun Gneiss, channel flow model, Crustal anatexis,<br />

Himalaya, P-T pseudosections, P-T evolution.<br />


Partial melting of deep continental crust may occur during<br />

either prograde heating or decompression. Although the effect of<br />

temperature on crustal melting has been widely investigated (e.g.<br />


1991), only few experimental studies addressed the question of<br />

the influence of pressure on crustal melting (e.g. AUZENNEAU et<br />

alii, 2006). In spite of these limited number of studies,<br />

decompression melting is a very common process, as testified by<br />

the near-isothermal decompression paths of many regional-scale<br />

migmatite terranes, that show evidence for progressive melting<br />

from high-medium P (Ky stability field) to lower P (Sil field).<br />

In the Higher Himalayan Crystallines of eastern Himalaya, the<br />

structurally lowermost Barun Gneiss (and their laterally<br />

equivalents Kangchenjunga Gneiss and Darjeeling Gneiss; see<br />

GOSCOMBE et alii, 2006 for a review) is an east–west-trending, 6-<br />

7 km thick, sequence of Grt-Kfs-Ky-Sil granulitic and migmatitic<br />

metasediments, laterally continuous for at least 200 km along the<br />

Himalayan chain, from eastern Nepal to Sikkim and Buthan.<br />

Preliminary studies (POGNANTE &BENNA, 1993) suggest that<br />

Barun Gneiss experienced partial melting during nearly<br />

isothermal decompression from the Ky to the Sil stability field:<br />

however, their P-T evolution is still poorly constrained. Recent<br />

studies on the Namche Barwa Syntaxis (NBS) at the easternmost<br />

margin of the Himalayan chain, ca. 1000 km east of the Barun<br />

Gneiss type locality, have shown the existence of very similar<br />

Grt-Kfs-Ky-Sil rocks.<br />

The aims of this study are: (i) to reconstruct, using the most<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Mineralogiche e Petrologiche, Università di<br />

Torino,,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa,<br />,<br /><br />,,<br />

(°) Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Università di Padova, dario.visonà<br />

417<br />

recent petrological approaches, the P-T evolution of a still poorly<br />

investigated high-grade Himalayan tectonometamorphic unit; (ii)<br />

to recognise possible similarities between two different sectors of<br />

the Himalayan chain (i.e. eastern Nepal and NBS), and eventually<br />

demonstrate the existence of a HP-HT belt with similar<br />

characteristics through the whole eastern sector of the Himalayas;<br />

(iii) to discuss the resulting P-T evolution of the Barun Gneiss in<br />

the framework of the “channel flow” model (BEAUMONT et alii,<br />

2001) predicting the tectonic evolution of Himalaya.<br />


The studied rocks outcrop along the Arun-Barun transect<br />

toward the Nepalese Makalu base camp, in the sector between<br />

Kauma to the south and Yangle Kharkha to the north across the<br />

Shipton La and Tu La Pokhri. Two samples have been<br />

petrologically investigated in detail. Samples #07-16 and #07-35<br />

come from lower and upper structural levels respectively, and<br />

mainly differ for the relative proportion of garnet and kyanite.<br />

At the outcrop scale, Barun Gneisses typically consist of mmto<br />

cm-thick leucocratic quartzo-feldspathic domains alternating<br />

with millimetric dark biotite + plagioclase + sillimanite layers<br />

which define a more or less continuous planar foliation (Fig. 1).<br />

Two additional phases are always present in the Barun Gneisses:<br />

(i) a pink-red garnet, occurring as millimetric to centimetric<br />

porphyroblasts enveloped by the Bt+Pl+Sil foliation or occurring<br />

within the leucocratic domains, and (ii) kyanite, that always<br />

occurs as a relict phase corroded by Pl ± Bt. Barun Gneisses are<br />

locally crosscut by decimetric-thick granitic dykes. Boudins of<br />

calc-silicate fels (diopside + plagioclase + quartz ± garnet ±<br />

scapolite) are locally included in the Barun Gneisses and are<br />

enveloped by the regional foliation.<br />

Several microstructures representing the evidence of meltproducing<br />

or melt-consuming reactions have been recognised,<br />

such as: (i) plagioclase and K-feldspar films around quartz<br />

inclusions in garnet, with garnet showing equilibrium crystalline<br />

faces toward these films: they are interpreted as pseudomorphs of<br />

liquid-filled pores (e.g. HOLNESS &SAWYER, 2008) and suggest<br />

that garnet grew during partial melting; (ii) garnet porphyroblasts<br />

are locally crowded of very small polymineralic inclusions (up to<br />

20 μm in diameter) with a negative-crystal shape, resembling the<br />

“nanogranites” as defined by CESARE et alii (2009); (iii) kyanite<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />

is rimmed and corroded by a Pl ± Bt corona, suggesting that it<br />

reacted with melt; (iv) Bt + Pl symplectites develop at the garnet<br />

rim and are consistent with the final stages of back-reactions<br />

involving melt crystallization.<br />

Fig. 1 –Representative microstructures of the studied samples as seen under<br />

optical microscope (Plane Polarized Light)<br />


The P-T evolution of two Barun Gneiss samples has been<br />

reconstructed using the petrologic approach of P-T<br />

pseudosections. Calculations have been performed in the<br />

NCKFMASTH system and the effects of possible episodes of<br />

melt loss during the rocks evolution have been considered. Peak<br />

and retrograde P-T conditions have been constrained combining<br />

the observed modal proportions of phases and mineral<br />

compositions, with modelled isomodes and compositional<br />

isopleths. Results of the thermodynamic modelling suggest that<br />

the studied Barun Gneisses experienced a similar clockwise P-T<br />

evolution characterized by: (i) heating during decompression up<br />

to peak-T conditions of 800°C at P=10 kbar (#07-16) and P=8<br />

kbar (#07-35); (ii) a nearly isothermal decompression down to<br />

7.5 kbar (#07-16) and 6.5 kbar (#07-35), when melt completely<br />

crystallized; (iii) some melt loss occurred during the rocks<br />

evolution, as testified by the preservation of the peak assemblage.<br />

The P-T evolution reconstructed for the Barun Gneisses<br />

shows similarities and differences with that proposed for the HP<br />

anatectic metapelites of the NBS, suggesting that both represent<br />

continental crust that experienced anatexis at different depths. As<br />

418<br />

concerning the Barun Gneiss in the framework of the HHC, our<br />

metamorphic and petrologic data match well with the<br />

expectations of the “channel flow” model (BEAUMONT et alii,<br />

2001), including: (i) the clockwise shape of the P-T paths; (ii)<br />

the estimated P at peak-T (our data: 10 to 8 kbar at 800°C;<br />

model: 13 to 7 kbar at 800°C); (iii) the decreasing P structurally<br />

upward, which defines a “normal” metamorphic sequence, in<br />

contrast to the inverted metamorphic sequence occurring in the<br />

lowermost MCTZ; (iv) the nearly-isothermal exhumation,<br />

reflecting the progressive exhumation of rocks that have been<br />

entrained in the deep, high-T region of the channel, where they<br />

experience gradually declining P at nearly constant T.<br />



Experimental evidence of decompression melting during<br />

exhumation of subducted continental crust. Contrib. Mineral.<br />

Petr., 152, 125-148.<br />


(2001) – Himalayan tectonics explained by extrusion of a<br />

low-viscosity channel coupled to focused surface denudation.<br />

Nature, 414, 738-742.<br />


CAVALLO A. (2009) – “Nanogranite” and glassy inclusions:<br />

the anatectic melt in migmatites and granulites. Geology, 37<br />

(7), 627-630.<br />

GOSCOMBE B., GRAY D. & HAND M. (2006) – Crustal<br />

architecture of the Himalayan metamorphic front in eastern<br />

Nepal. Gondwana Res., 10, 232-255.<br />

HOLNESS M.B. & SAWYER E.W. (2008) – On the<br />

pseudomorphing of melt-filled pores during the<br />

crystallization of migmatites. J. Petrol., 49, 1343-1363.<br />

PATIÑO DOUCE A.E. & JOHNSTON A.D. (1991) – Phase equilibria<br />

and melt productivity in the pelitic system: implications for<br />

the origin of perallumionus granitoids and aluminous<br />

granulites. Contrib. Mineral. Petr., 107, 202-218.<br />

POGNANTE U. & BENNA P. (1993) – Metamorphic zonation,<br />

migmatization, and leucogranites along the Everest transect<br />

(Eastern Nepal and Tibet): record of an exhumation history.<br />

In: P.J. TRELOAR & M.P. SEARLE (Eds.) - Himalayan<br />

Tectonics. Geol. Soc. London, SP., 74, 323–340.<br />

VIELZEUF D. & HOLLOWAY J.R. (1988) – Experimental<br />

determination of the fluid-absent melting relations in the<br />

pelitic system. Contrib. Mineral. Petr., 98, 257-276.

Geometry, kinematics, and non coaxiality of the flow in the Tibetan<br />

Sedimentary Sequence during the activity of the South Tibetan<br />

Detachment System (southern Tibet, China): insight into the<br />

exhumation of the Himalayan belt<br />



Key words: Deformation temperatures, finite strain analyses,<br />

Himalaya, non-coaxial deformation, South Tibetan<br />

Detachment System, Tibetan Sedimentary Sequence.<br />


The South Tibetan Detachment System (STDS) is one of the<br />

main tectonic discontinuity of the Himalayan belt well known<br />

since the eighties (BURG et alii, 1983; BURCHFIEL et alii, 1992).<br />

It is characterized by a lower top-to-the NE low-angle ductile<br />

shear zone and by an upper low-angle brittle fault with the same<br />

sense of movement (CAROSI et alii, 1998; SEARLE &GODIN,<br />

2003; JESSUP et alii, 2006, 2008). The STDS puts in contact the<br />

high-grade metamorphic rocks belonging to the Higher<br />

Himalayan Crystallines (HHC) with the upper very-low grade to<br />

non metamorphic rocks of the overlying Tibetan Sedimentary<br />

Sequence (TSS).<br />

Fig. 1 – STDS cropping out in the study area; on the left grey rocks are sillbt<br />

schists of the Greater Himalayan Sequence, yellowish rocks on the right<br />

are Ordovician limestone of the Tibetan Sedimentary Sequence.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa,<br /><br />

(**) University of Tübingen, Germany<br />

(°) University of Göttingen, Germany<br />

(°°) Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, CAS, Beijng, China<br />

419<br />

During this work we mainly focused on the study of the<br />

geometry, kinematic and deformation temperatures of the<br />

hanging-wall rocks of the STDS represented by the Paleozoic<br />

portion of the TSS.<br />

We sampled a 1,5 km thick section of the TSS made up by<br />

Paleozoic sequence cropping out above the STDS in Dinggye-<br />

Saìer area (South Tibet).<br />

The Ordovician limestone, at the bottom of the unit, is<br />

characterized by a ductile heterogeneous deformation during<br />

which calcmylonites developed. Centimetric to decimetric highstrain<br />

zones, post-dating D1 distinct isoclinal folds, are associated<br />

to a mylonitic foliation striking parallel to the STDS and dipping<br />

few degrees to the North. Kinematic indicators indicate a top-tothe<br />

NE sense of shear.<br />

Microfabric analysis of calcite on marbles and calc-mylonites<br />

show shape and lattice preferred orientations as well as grain size<br />

reduction within layers of cm-thickness<br />

Moving upward in the sequence, primary sedimentary<br />

structures are still well recognizable and there is a quite sharp<br />

transition to very-low grade deformation mechanisms where<br />

pressure solution is predominant.<br />

A strain increase has been detected along the section moving<br />

from top to bottom. Finite strain analyses have been performed in<br />

marbles along the section and the estimated axial ratios of the<br />

principal XZ sections of the strain ellipsoid vary from 2.1 to 1.5<br />

moving from bottom to top<br />

Deformation temperatures have been constrained at 350°C by<br />

the calcite-dolomite geothermometer for Ordovician<br />

calcmylonites at the bottom of the TSS. In addition the detailed<br />

study of syntectonic twinning in calcite crystals (BURKHARD,<br />

1992) pointed out a decreasing deformation temperature of about<br />

150°C moving from the bottom to the top of the study section.<br />

Peak metamorphic temperatures, of at least 325°C, for<br />

samples coming from the bottom of the sequence are supported<br />

also by the dominance of magnetic remanence unblocking at the<br />

Curie temperature of pyrrhotite.<br />

To estimate the component of pure and simple shear acting<br />

simultaneously during deformation the study vorticity kinematic<br />

number has been performed.<br />

Vorticity kinematic numbers (Wk) have been derived from<br />

lattice preferred orientations (LPOs) of calcite, which were<br />

determined by means of an X-ray goniometer on suitable<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />

samples. Wk highlighted an equal contribution of pure and simple<br />

shear components during deformation.<br />


The estimated deformation temperatures point out an apparent<br />

very high thermal gradient for the study section of about<br />

100°C/km.<br />

Fig. 2 – Mylonitic foliation in the Ordovician limestones (lower part of TSS).<br />

Two main facts can be responsible: 1) heating effect linked to<br />

the exhuming hot (high-grade metamorphic) rock of the<br />

underlying HHC coupling with the colder TSS rocks; 2) strong<br />

vertical shortening due to a combination of pure and simple shear<br />

components during deformation causing a strong telescoping of<br />

the isograds both within the HHC (LARSON &GODIN, 2009) and<br />

at the bottom of the TSS (CAROSI et alii, 2007; MONTOMOLI et<br />

alii, 2009).<br />



CHANGRONG D. & XU L. (1992) - The South Tibetan<br />

Detachment System, Himalayan Orogen: extension<br />

contemporaneous with and parallel to shortening in a<br />

collisional mountain belt. Geol. S. Am. S., 269, 41.<br />

BURKHARD M., (1992) - Calcite twins, their geometry,<br />

appearance and significance as stress-strain markers and<br />

indicators of tectonic regime: a review. J. Struct. Geol., 20, 1-<br />

18.<br />


P.C. (1998) - The South Tibetan Detachment System in the<br />

Rongbuk valley, Everest region. Deformation features and<br />

geological implications. J. Asian Earth Sc., 16, 299-311.<br />

420<br />

CAROSI R., MONTOMOLI C. & VISONÀ D. (2007) - A structural<br />

transect in the Lower Dolpo: Insights on the tectonic<br />

evolution of Western Nepal. J. Asian Earth Sc., 29, 407-423<br />

JESSUP M.J., LAW R.D., SEARLE M.P. &. HUBBARD M.S. (2006) -<br />

Structural evolution and vorticity of flow during extrusion<br />

and exhumation of the Greater Himalayan Slab, Mount<br />

Everest Massif, Tibet/Nepal: implications for orogen-scale<br />

flow partitioning. In: R.D. LAW, M.P. SEARLE & L.<br />

GODIN, (Eds.) - Channel Flow, Ductile Extrusion and<br />

Exhumation in Continental Collision Zones. Geol. Soc., SP.,<br />

London, 268, 379–413.<br />


D.L., TRACY R.J. & WATERS D.J. (2008) - P–T–t–D paths of<br />

Everest Series schist, Nepal. J. Metamorph. Geol., 26, 717-<br />

739.<br />

LARSON K.P. & GODIN L. (2009)- Kinematics of the Greater<br />

Himalayan sequence, Dhaulagiri Himal: implications for the<br />

structural framework of central Nepal. J. Geol. Soc., 166, 25-<br />

43.<br />


DUNKL I., EL BAY R. & LEISS B. (2009) – Deformation,<br />

kinematics and metamorphism of the South Tibetan<br />

Detachment System in the Dinggye section (Southern Tibet).<br />

24 TH Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop, Pechino, 11-14<br />

agosto 2009, 29-30.<br />

SEARLE M.P. & GODIN L. (2003) - The south tibetan detachment<br />

system and the manaslu leucogranite: a structural<br />

reinterpretation and restoration of the Annapurna-Manaslu<br />

Himalaya, Nepal, J. Geol., 111, 505-524.

Structural and metamorphic architecture of the Himalayas in the<br />

Kangchenjunga area (far-Eastern Nepal)<br />

Key words: Himalaya, Kangchenjunga transect, structural<br />

architecture, tectono-metamorphic evolution.<br />


The eastern Himalayan collisional belt comprises few E-W<br />

trending lithotectonic units which are, from south to north and<br />

from lower to upper structural levels: the sub-Himalaya, the<br />

Lesser Himalayan Sequence (LHS), the Main Central Thrust<br />

Zone (MCTZ), the Higher Himalayan Crystallines (HHC) and the<br />

Tibetan Sedimentary Series (see GOSCOMBE et alii, 2006 for a<br />

review).<br />

This contribution presents new data on the tectonometamorphic<br />

architecture of the Himalayan thrust belt in fareastern<br />

Nepal at the western flank of the Kangchenjunga massif,<br />

the easternmost Himalayan eight-thousander. Structural and<br />

petrographic studies, and related field mapping, were performed<br />

in the Tamor-Ghunsa Khola and Simbua-Kabely Khola area,<br />

following two traverses across the northern and north-eastern<br />

flanks of the Taplejung tectonic Window (or Tamor Khola dome<br />

in SCHELLING, 1992) where the LHS is exposed as a regional<br />

antiformal structure beneath the MCTZ and the HHC.<br />

Along the studied transects, the lithotectonic units show, at a<br />

regional scale, layering and composite foliations variably dipping<br />

from the N-NE to the W.<br />


In the study area, the LHS mainly consists of metasediments<br />

with widespread occurrence of fine-grained pale grey schists and<br />

slates. The upper structural levels of the LHS are represented by<br />

quartz-sericite and chlorite-sericite schists locally garnatiferous,<br />

quartzites, and intercalated levels of augen gneisses (outcropping<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) CNR-Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, UO Torino,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze Mineralogiche e Petrologiche, Università<br />

degli Studi di Torino,,<br />


421<br />

north of Furumba village). These augen gneisses (Sisne Khola<br />

augen gneiss in SCHELLING, 1992) are comparable in lithology<br />

and structural position to the Ulleri gneiss in central Nepal (e.g.<br />

LE FORT, 1975). Moving upwards, a few km-thick sequence of<br />

metapelitic schists and gneisses has been observed. This sequence<br />

is characterized by a typical inverted metamorphism, passing<br />

from the structurally lower garnet ± kyanite ± staurolite twomicas<br />

schists to the structurally upper two-micas, garnet and<br />

kyanite-bearing migmatitic gneisses. This sequence has been<br />

interpreted as the strongly condensed and thinned equivalent of<br />

the MCTZ according to the scheme of GOSCOMBE et alii (2006).<br />

Above the MCTZ, the HHC is exposed over more than 40 km<br />

up to the Tibetan border. From a lithological and metamorphic<br />

point of view the HHC may be divided in: (i) a lower portion,<br />

mainly consisting of garnet-K-feldspar-kyanite-sillimanite<br />

anatectic paragneisses (Jannu-Kangchenjunga Gneiss in<br />

SCHELLING, 1992 and GOSCOMBE et alii 2006), with minor<br />

intercalations of impure marbles and calc-silicate gneisses; (ii) a<br />

middle portion, consisting of similar anatectic paragneisses but<br />

characterized by the lack of kyanite and the abundant occurrence<br />

of cordierite; (iii) an upper portion, characterized by the<br />

occurrence of sillimanite-bearing anatectic orthogneisses with<br />

widespread intrusions of tourmaline- and/or andalusite-bearing<br />

leucogranites.<br />


Meso- and micro-structural data emphasise the existence of a<br />

several kilometres thick zone of high ductile to ductile-brittle<br />

strain centred on the inverted metamorphic sequence of the<br />

MCTZ, although an intense mylonitic deformation has also been<br />

observed in the upper portion of the LHS and in the lower<br />

portions of the HHC. Kinematic indicators show a consistent topto-south<br />

sense of shear, related to the juxtaposition of the HHC<br />

over the LHS. From the kinematic point of view, it is difficult to<br />

clearly define the lower and upper boundaries of the MCTZ,<br />

these being not marked by a single thrust or a set of adjacent<br />

discrete thrusts. The boundaries are identified a zones of<br />

pronounced increasing in deformation across the upper portions<br />

of the LHS and the lower portions of the HHC. More in detail,<br />

the structurally uppermost portion of the LHS consists of<br />

phyllonites and mylonitic schists plus augen gneisses displaying a<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />

mylonitic deformation with strong flattening and stretching of the<br />

K-feldspar porphyroclasts. The lower portions of the HHC show<br />

evidences of pervasive ductile shearing (folding and meso-scale<br />

shear zones with top-to-south sense of movements). Moving<br />

upwards, towards the middle portions of the HHC, ductile highstrain<br />

is mainly concentrated in discrete, top-to-south metric to<br />

decametric shear zones.<br />

Finally, two later phases of folding, characterized by roughly<br />

N-S and ENE-WSW trending axes, developed under low-grade<br />

metamorphic conditions. These folds are likely to be associated<br />

to the final exhumation stages and their geometrical interference<br />

is inferred to control the present-day regional antiformal shape of<br />

the LHS beneath the MCTZ and the HHC.<br />


GOSCOMBE B., GRAY D. & HAND M. (2006) – Crustal<br />

architecture of the Himalayan metamorphic front in eastern<br />

Nepal. Gondwana Res., 10, 232-255.<br />

LE FORT P. (1975) - Himalaya: the collided range. Present<br />

knowledge of the continental arc. Am. J. Sci., 275A, 1–44.<br />

SCHELLING D. (1992) – The tectonostratigraphy and strcucture of<br />

the eastern Nepal Himalaya. Tectonics., 11 (5), 925-943.<br />


Geological map of Chomolungma, Cho-Oyu and Makalu area<br />

(Nepal-Tibet)<br />




Key words: Cho-Oyu, Geological Map, Himalaya<br />

Chomolungma, Makalu HHC South Tibetan Detachment.<br />

The geology of Chomolungma (Mt. Everest) Cho-Oyu and<br />

Makalu area (Nepal-Tibet) will be presented by exposition of a<br />

geological map at the scale 1:100.000 in a preliminary version.<br />

The area covered by the map comprises the Region of<br />

Chomolungma extending from the Northern Nepal to the<br />

Southern Tibet.<br />

There some of the most important geological structures (Main<br />

Central Thrust and South Tibetan Detachment) and tectonic Units<br />

(Higher Himalayan Cristalline-HHC and Tibetan Sedimentary<br />

Sequence-TSS) of the Himalayan chain have been investigated in<br />

the years 1990-2010 by the Italian researchers. Legend, tectonic<br />

scheme, geological cross sections complete the geological map.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa,<br /> ;<br />

(**) IGG-CNR Torino<br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Torino<br />

(°°) Dipartimento di Mineralogia e Petrologia, Università di Padova<br />

423<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />

Which are the driving factors to facilitate exhumation during active<br />

subduction? Suggestions by numerical modelling.<br />

Key words: Crustal exhumation, mantle wedge hydration,<br />

numerical simulation, subduction zones.<br />


Studies on high-pressure (HP) and ultrahigh-pressure (UHP)<br />

rocks exposed in orogenic belts linked to collisional margin show<br />

that nappes of oceanic and continental deeply subducted crust can<br />

be exhumed to shallow structural levels. In particular, during<br />

ocean-continent-type subduction, the crustal material dragged<br />

into subduction channel is composed chiefly by oceanic crust and<br />

trench sediments, continental slices belonging to subducting plate<br />

[microcontinent (RING & LAYER, 2003) or linked to early<br />

continental collision (CHEMENDA et alii, 1995)] or crustal slices<br />

tectonically eroded from the overriding plate (ablative<br />

subduction) (TAO &O’CONNELL, 1992; MAROTTA &SPALLA,<br />

2007). Several models have been developed, during last 20 years,<br />

to analyse exhumation of subducted crustal material. They can be<br />

resumed on five main mechanisms: a) crust-mantle delamination<br />

(CHEMENDA et alii, 1995), b) slab break-off (ERNST et alii,<br />

1997), c) slab retreat (RING &LAYER, 2003) and roll-back slab<br />

(BRUN &FACCENNA, 2008) and d) decoupling of two main<br />

ductile layers (YAMATO et alii, 2008), in which the exhumation is<br />

mainly driven by negative buoyancy and/or faulting and e)<br />

subduction-channel flow (GERYA &STOCKHERT, 2005) in which<br />

the exhumation is driven by the upwelling flow developed a lowviscosity<br />

mantle wedge. Only channel flow takes into account<br />

recirculation of crustal slices dragged to high depth by ablation<br />

within pre-collisional subduction zones.<br />

To study the effects of subduction rate, slab dip and mantle<br />

rheology changes on channel flow efficiency a parametric<br />

analysis is proposed.<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra “Ardito Desio”, Università di<br />

Milano,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra “Ardito Desio”, Università di<br />

Milano<br />

424<br />


The contribution presents the results of a set of numerical<br />

simulation with different subduction rates, slab dips and mantle<br />

rheology represented by dry dunite and dry olivine flow laws.<br />

Numerical model predictions are finally compared to some PT<br />

paths obtained from ancient and actual subduction zones with<br />

different slab dips and convergence velocities.<br />

The numerical tool is a 2D thermodynamic code (SubMar,<br />

MAROTTA et alii, 2006), in which the equations of continuity,<br />

momentum and energy conservation are solved by finite element<br />

method. The model represents a strongly coupled ocean-continent<br />

convergent system, affected by slab dehydration and progressive<br />

mantle wedge serpentinization. Erosion and sedimentation<br />

processes are also accounted; shear heating is not taken into<br />

account (MAROTTA &SPALLA, 2007; MEDA et alii, 2010). We<br />

fixed a constant convergence velocity (varying from 1 to 10<br />

cm/y) at the top of the oceanic plate and up to 80 km depth in the<br />

trench zone, along different dip planes (30°, 45° and 60°), in<br />

order to force the subduction.<br />

The parametric analysis performed for ocean/continent<br />

convergent systems points out that ablation is a highly efficient<br />

process for dragging large masses of upper and lower continental<br />

crust, belonging to the overriding plate, to deep levels. In<br />

particular, ablative subduction is much more efficient for low slab<br />

dip due to the stronger coupling between the oceanic and<br />

continental plates. The subduction rate has also been observed to<br />

have a moderate influence on ablative subduction efficiency.<br />

In addition to slab dip, in 30° simulations, the similarity of<br />

trends in hydration area and exhumation percentage with respect<br />

to subduction rates suggests that the width of the hydration area is<br />

correlated to the amount of exhumed material.<br />

Maximum values of exhumation percentage are predicted for<br />

intermediate subduction rates except in the 60° simulations,<br />

where the peak values are predicted for the lowest velocities (1<br />

cm/y).<br />

The maximum values of Pmax are recorded by markers of 45°<br />

subductions, and the lowest values are predicted by 60°<br />

subduction markers. Just as for the exhumation percentage<br />

values, the maximum Pmax is also generally predicted to occur for<br />

medium subduction rates (3-5 cm/y) in low and intermediate dip

simulations (30° and 45°).<br />

TPmax and Tmax values display a positive correlation with the<br />

subduction angle and a low variation with subduction rate. In 30°<br />

simulations thermal gradients along the mantle wedge are low and<br />

TPmax and Tmax values are quite similar for similar subduction<br />

rates. In contrast, in 60° dip, thermal gradients increase along the<br />

mantle wedge, and strong thermal and mechanical erosion occur<br />

at the base of the overriding plate.<br />

The accrectionary prism is strongly affected by the subduction<br />

rate and the subduction dip: increasing both parameters decreases<br />

the width of the prism and is accompanied by an increase in<br />

trench depth.<br />

Variations in mantle rheology affect the slab geometry for low<br />

and moderate subduction dips. Mantle viscosity has a positive<br />

correlation with Pmax values due to the strong viscosity gradient<br />

generated at the transition between hydrated and dry mantle.<br />

Natural data and model predictions are in good agreement: the<br />

thermal states simulated for ablative subduction with a hydrated<br />

mantle wedge justify the natural PT estimates obtained on<br />

continental crust units involved in ocean/continent subduction<br />

systems. Similarly, the exhumation rates obtained from analysis<br />

of PTt-paths are more compatible with natural ones than those<br />

obtained from the upwelling flow vector which could justify only<br />

a transient exhumation stage. In general, numerical simulations<br />

and natural data show exhumation rates lower then subduction<br />

rates. On the basis of these results, we propose that ablative<br />

subduction of the overriding continental plate is a good precollisional<br />

mechanism for the subduction and exhumation of<br />

continental crust from the overriding plate. In contrast to<br />

collisional processes such as slab retreat, rollback slab or<br />

microcontinent collision, mantle wedge dynamics facilitates the<br />

exhumation of ablated and deeply buried crustal fragments during<br />

active subduction.<br />


BRUN J.-P. & FACCENNA C. (2008) - Exhumation of highpressure<br />

rocks driven by slab rollback. Earth Planet. Sc. Lett.,<br />

272,1–7.<br />


(1995) - A mechanism for syn-collisional rock exhumation<br />

and associated normal faulting: Results from physical<br />

modelling. Earth Planet. Sc. Lett., 132, 225–232.<br />

ERNST W.G., MARUYAMA S. & WALLIS S. (1997) - Buoyancydriven,<br />

rapid exhumation of ultrahigh-pressure<br />

metamorphosed continental crust. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 94<br />

9532-9537.<br />

425<br />

GERYA T.V. & STOCKHERT B. (2005) - Two-dimensional<br />

numerical modeling of tectonic and metamorphic histories at<br />

active continental margins. Int. J. Earth Sci., 95(2), 250-274 .<br />

MAROTTA A.M., SPLTA E. & RIZZETTO C. (2006) - Gravity<br />

signature of crustal subduction inferred from numerical<br />

modelling. Geophys. J. Int., 166, 923–938.<br />

MAROTTA A.M. & SPALLA M.I. (2007) - Permian-Triassic high<br />

thermal regime in the Alps: Result of late Variscan collapse<br />

or continental rifting? validation by numerical modeling.<br />

Tectonics, 26, doi:10.1029/2006TC002047.<br />

MEDA M., MAROTTA A.M. & SPALLA M.I. (2010) - The role of<br />

mantle hydration into the continental crust recycling in the<br />

wedge region. Geol. Soc. SP., London, 332 (1), 149–172.<br />

RING U. & LAYER P.W. (2003) - High-pressure metamorphism in<br />

the Aegean, eastern Mediterranean: Underplating and<br />

exhumation from the Late Cretaceous until the Miocene to<br />

Recent above the retreating Hellenic subduction zone.<br />

Tectonics, 22 (3), doi:10.1029/2001TC001350.<br />

TAO W.C. & O’CONNELL R.J. (1992) - Ablative subduction: A<br />

two-sided alternative to the conventional subduction model.<br />

J. Geophys. Res., 97 (B6), 8877 – 8904.<br />


(2008) - HP-UHP exhumation during slow continental<br />

subduction: Self-consistent thermodynamically and<br />

thermomechanically coupled model with application to the<br />

Western Alps. Earth Plan. Sc. Lett., 271, 63–74.<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />

Constrain by low-temperature thermochronometers in the evolution<br />

of the Central Apennines<br />

Key words: Central Apennines, low-temperature<br />

thermochromoneters, Sangro-Volturno line.<br />


Orogenic belts are subjected to burial and uplift processes,<br />

conditioned by transversal tectonic lines and thickness of the<br />

involved stratigraphic succession (e.g., BEGIN & SPRATT,<br />

2002). In order to constrain the burial/exhumation pattern in the<br />

external orogenic belts, fundamental information are provided by<br />

low-temperature thermochronometers, as apatite fission track, (U-<br />

Th)/He analysis and vitrinite reflectance.<br />

We discuss the role of the Sangro-Volturno transversal line,<br />

which signs the separation between the Central and Southern<br />

Apennine, combining fission track, vitrinite reflectance data<br />

(RUSCIADELLI et alii, 2005) and (U-Th)/He analysis with the<br />

geological and structural analysis from the Central and Southern<br />

Apennines, across the Sangro-Volturno line.<br />


The Apennines are a fold-and-thrust belt formed in the Late<br />

Oligocene-Pleistocene and characterized by strong structural<br />

elevation corresponding to maximum shortening (30 km) in the<br />

Gran Sasso-Adriatic transect; shortening decrease southward till<br />

less than 10 km, corresponding to the Frosolone-Gargano area of<br />

the Southern Apennines (CALAMITA et alii, 2005, and references<br />

therein).<br />

The Central and Southern Apennines differ for the involved<br />

paleogeographic domains, structural setting, geodynamic<br />

evolution and paleomagnetic behaviour (e.g., CIARAPICA &<br />

PASSERI, 2002; SATOLLI & CALAMITA, 2008). The Sangro-<br />

Volturno transversal line (LOCARDI, 1982) signs the separation<br />

between the Central and the Southern Apennines. The Plio-<br />

Quaternary frontal thrusts are buried under the pre-Adriatic basin<br />

discordant succession or under allochthonous units, north and<br />

south of the Sangro-Volturno ramp, respectively.<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze, Università “G.d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara,<br /><br />

426<br />



Apatite Fission Track, Vitrinite Reflectance and Fluid<br />

Inclusion analyses indicate a continuous exhumation and uplift in<br />

the Apennines from 14 Ma to the present. The inferred<br />

exhumation and uplift range from 5-6 km in the inner zones of the<br />

Northern Apennines (VENTURA et alii, 2001), to 3-4 Km in the<br />

outer zone of the Northern (ZATTIN et alii, 2002), Central<br />

(RUSCIADELLI et alii, 2005) and Southern Apennines (CORRADO<br />

et alii, 2002).<br />

Vitrinite and Fission tracks from the Central Apennines (Fig.<br />

1) indicate two major exhumation events (RUSCIADELLI et alii,<br />

2005), representing the buckling flexure of the Adria passive<br />

margin into a foreland tectonic system and the beginning of the<br />

exhumation phase of the outer zones of the central Apennines<br />

during the Pliocene–Quaternary frontal thrust development.<br />

Computed paleoburial is 3000-3500 m for the first recognized<br />

event (35-15 Ma) and 2500-3000 m for the second event (5-1<br />

Ma). Such conservative paleogradient imply a minor thickness to<br />

be removed. However, also considering extreme<br />

paleotemperatures and paleogradients (e.g., 35°C and 45°C/km,<br />

respectively), a kilometric burial is requested.<br />

Furthermore, (U-Th)/He data show a system closing age at ca.<br />

2.5 Ma (50°C isotherm, representing the lower HePRZ limit) and<br />

allowed us to constrain the timing of the turning points of the<br />

Middle Pliocene exhumation event recognized in the analysed<br />

area by RUSCIADELLI et alii (2005).<br />


AFTA, VR and (U-Th)/He data allowed us to define the role of<br />

the Sangro-Volturno thrust ramp in the Neogene-Quaternary<br />

Central Apennines evolution.<br />

Maximum paleotemperature values documents a uniform low<br />

level of maturation and, integrated with geological, structural and<br />

paleomagnetic data from the literature, suggest the presence of<br />

Ligurian allochthonous unit all over the Central and Southern<br />

Apennines, eroded during the Middle Pliocene due to the<br />

Pliocene-Quaternary frontal thrusts development (according to<br />

RUSCIADELLI et alii, 2005). The Pliocene-Quaternary frontal

thrust record higher growth in the Central Apennines<br />

(hangingwall of the Sangro-Volturno oblique thrust ramp) with<br />

respect to the Southern Apennines, as indicated by maximal<br />

values of exhumation, structural elevation and thickness of the<br />

Pliocene foredeep siliciclastic deposits.<br />

The first (U-Th)/He data from the Central Apennines confirm<br />

the Middle Pliocene exhumation event detected by RUSCIADELLI<br />

et alii (2005) and allowed us to constrain two segments with<br />

different slope in the exhumation path. Considering a geothermal<br />

paleogradient of 20°C/km, the first segment, between 3.5 Ma and<br />

2.5 Ma, is characterized by a ca. 30°C cooling and corresponds to<br />

1.5 mm/yr exhumation rate; the second segment, from 2.5 Ma to<br />

present, is characterized by a ca. 50°C cooling and corresponds to<br />

0.5 mm/yr exhumation rate.<br />

Maximum exhumation in the hangingwall of the Sangro-<br />

Volturno oblique thrust ramp brought the Apennine carbonate<br />

units to crop out, where maximum amount of shortening in the<br />

Central Apennines are documented. Instead, the frontal Plio-<br />

Quaternary thrusts are buried by the Lagonegro-Molise<br />

Fig. 1 – Simplified geological and structural map of the study area. White<br />

circles represent AFTA and/or VR sample locations; grey circles represent (U-<br />

Th)/He samples location.<br />

427<br />

allochthonous units in the Southern Apennines, in the footwall of<br />

the Sangro-Volturno oblique ramp.<br />

The reconstructed exhumation history agrees with a tectonic<br />

style characterized by lithospheric significance of the Sangro-<br />

Volturno oblique thrust ramp of the Pliocene-Quaternary frontal<br />

thrusts, which caused the strong uplift of the Central Apennines.<br />


BÉGIN N.J. & SPRATT D.A. (2002) - Role of transverse faulting in<br />

along-strike termination of Limestone Mountain Culmination,<br />

Rocky Mountain thrust-and-fold belt, Alberta, Canada. J.<br />

Struct. Geol., 24, 689-707.<br />

CALAMITA F., ESESTIME P. & VIANDANTE M. G. (2005) - Tectonic<br />

setting of the Central-Southern Apennines. Rend. Soc. Geol.<br />

It., 1, 66-68.<br />

CIARAPICA G. & PASSERI L. (2002) - The palaeogeographic<br />

duplicity of the Apennines. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., Vol. Spec., 1,<br />

67-75.<br />

CORRADO S., INVERNIZZI C. & MAZZOLI S. (2002) - Tectonic<br />

burial and exhumation in a foreland fold and thrust belt: the<br />

Monte Alpi case history (Southern Apennines, Italy). Geodin.<br />

Acta, 15, 159-177.<br />

LOCARDI E. (1982) - Individuazione di strutture sismogenetiche<br />

dall'esame dell'evoluzione vulcano-tettonica dell'Appennino e<br />

del Tirreno. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 24, 569-596.<br />


(2005) - Burial-exhumation history of the central Apennines<br />

(Italy), from the foreland to the chain building:<br />

thermochronological and geological data. Terra Nova, 17,<br />

560-572.<br />

SATOLLI S. & CALAMITA F. (2008) - Differences and similarities<br />

between the central and the southern Apennines (Italy):<br />

Examining the Gran Sasso versus the Matese-Frosolone<br />

salients using paleomagnetic, geological, and structural data.<br />

J. Geophys. Res., 113, doi:10.1029/2008JB005699.<br />

VENTURA B., PINI G.A. & ZUFFA G.G. (2001) - Thermal History<br />

and exhumation of the Northern Apennines (Italy): evidence<br />

from combined apatite fission track and vitrinite reflectance<br />

data from foreland basin sediment. Basin Res., 13, 435-448.<br />

ZATTIN M., PICOTTI V. & ZUFFA G.G. (2002) - Fission-track<br />

reconstruction of the front of the northern Apennine thrust<br />

wedge and overlying Ligurian unit. Am. J. Sci, 302, 346-379.<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />

A detrital apatite fission-track study on the sedimentary successions<br />

of the Valdelsa and Mugello basins, Northern Apennines, Italy<br />


Key words: Detrital thermochronology, exhumation,<br />

intermontane basins, lagtime .<br />

The Valdelsa and Mugello basins are two of the Neogene to<br />

Quaternary intermontane basins that developed on the western<br />

flank of the Northern Apennine. These basins are elongated<br />

parallel to the NW-SE Apenninic mountain trend and are<br />

separated from each other by transverse morphotectonic<br />

lineaments.<br />

In the Valdelsa and Mugello basins, samples from the bedrock<br />

and from the sedimentary succession were analysed and<br />

compared to asses the role played by tectonics and climate in<br />

shaping the succession and to reconstruct time and modality of<br />

the exhumation of the bounding ridges.<br />

The Valdelsa basin is a NW-SE trending depression filled<br />

with more than 2000 m of Mio-Pliocene continental to shallow<br />

marine deposits. It is located ca. 20 km south-west of Florence<br />

and has a length of 60 km and width of 25 km. It is bounded to<br />

SW by the Mid Tuscan Ridge and to the NE and SE by the M.<br />

Albano- Monti del Chianti ridge. The latter separates the<br />

Valdelsa basin from the sub-parallel Florence basin. The bedrock<br />

of the Valdelsa basin consists of Ligurian Units (Jurassic-<br />

Eocene) which were deformed during Cretaceous – Eocene<br />

subduction-related orogenic phase. They tectonically rest onto the<br />

Tuscan Units. The Tuscan Units are represented by the typical<br />

turbidite successions, which filled the Apennine foredeep since<br />

the late Oligocene (BENVENUTI et alii, 2007; DEL CONTE, 2007).<br />

Eighteen samples were collected from 3 different stratigraphic<br />

sections representative of the northern, central-southern and<br />

southern portions of the Valdelsa basin and their source regions,<br />

respectively. Eight samples were collected in the bedrock: four<br />

samples from the Macigno Formation (Tuscan Units) and the<br />

other from the sandstone and mudstone of the Ligurian units.<br />

Only one sandstone sample from the Ligurian Units yielded some<br />

apatites with a Central FT ages of 23.3±13.5 Ma. Samples from<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, CNR,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Firenze<br />

This study is part of the EUROCORES Project: Coupled climatic/tectonic<br />

forcing of European topography revealed through thermochronometry –<br />

THERMOEUROPE of the European Science Foundation, and was funded<br />

by the C.N.R.<br />

428<br />

the Macigno Fm yielded FT ages varying between 7.8±1.2 and<br />

10.8±2.0 Ma. The grain-age distributions of Valdelsa Basin<br />

sediment samples are generally characterized by two components,<br />

one younger peak (P1) varying between 5.5±2.8 and 9.5±1.0 Ma<br />

and one older peak (P2) varying from 15.0±8.0 and 41.0±10 Ma.<br />

The average lagtime of the P1 component of the Valdelsa Basin<br />

samples is ca. 4 Ma (RUIZ et alii, 2004). By dividing the<br />

estimated depth of closure (Zc) of the used chronological system<br />

by the lagtime, a mean exhumation rate of the source region can<br />

estimated. In our case, we estimate a mean exhumation rate of<br />

0.7-0.9 mm/yr.<br />

By comparison with the bedrock ages we attribute the P1<br />

population to the Macigno Fm and the P2 population to the<br />

Ligurian Units. In the three stratigraphic sections, the trends of<br />

the lagtime of P1 peak and of the variation in size of P2 peak<br />

revealed that: i) the Macigno Fm was exposed in M. Albano –<br />

Monti del Chianti ridge since at least the latest Messinian-early<br />

Zanclean; ii) the basal portion of the southern succession likely<br />

records a shift toward humid conditions (transgression Miocene-<br />

Pliocene boundary); iii) the southern portion of the Monti del<br />

Chianti ridge was actively rising from latest Messinian to middle<br />

Zanclean, than it stopped while the northern portion started to<br />

rise; iv) the M. Albano ridge started to rise and represented a<br />

topographic barrier only after the early-middle Piacenzian; v) at<br />

the top of the central-southern section a period of enhanced<br />

erosion due to the coupling of strong tectonic activity and cold<br />

climate conditions (2.6 Ma) is likely recorded.<br />

The Mugello basin is a WNW-ESE trending depression filled<br />

with 600 m of fluvio-lacustrine late Pliocene (?)–Pleistocene<br />

deposits. It is located ca. 30 km north-east of Florence and has a<br />

length of 25 km and width of 15 km. It is bounded to N-NE by<br />

the Alpe di San Benedetto and to NW-SW by the Monti <strong>della</strong><br />

Calvana- Monte Giovi ridge. The basin is located near the main<br />

Apennine watershed. The bedrock of the Mugello basin consists<br />

of tectono-sedimentary units piled up in an imbricate mainly NEverging<br />

and NW-SE-trending thrust-sheet system affecting the<br />

Ligurian, Tuscan, and Romagna units. The uppermost Ligurian<br />

units are locally completely eroded, forming in places small<br />

klippen. The Tuscan and Romagna units are represented by the<br />

foredeep sequences progressively accreted to the chain<br />

(BENVENUTI, 1997; BENVENUTI, 2003). Seven samples come<br />

from the bedrock: one from the Tuscan units and six from the<br />

Romagna units.

The apatite FT bedrock age for the Tuscan Units is 18.0±1.4<br />

Ma. From a vertical profile spanning ca. 500 m in the Romagna<br />

Units, apatite FT ages vary between 2.6±0.8 and 4.1±1.2 Ma. The<br />

AFT ages for the sediments vary between 4.2±0.6 to 9.6±2.1 Ma.<br />

The grain-age distributions of Mugello Basin sediment samples<br />

are characterized by four components, the younger peak (P1)<br />

varying between 2.4±1.5 and 3.4±1.2 Ma, the P2 peak varying<br />

between 6.4±1.7 and 8.3±2.5 Ma, the P3 peak ranging between<br />

17.5±4 and 24.6±15 Ma and the P4 peak varying between<br />

37.9±18 and 49.4±20 Ma (RUIZ et alii, 2004). The average<br />

lagtime of the P1 component of the Mugello Basin samples is ca.<br />

1.5 Ma from which we can estimate a mean exhumation rate of<br />

2.0-2.4 mm/yr. By comparison with the bedrock ages here<br />

obtained and those ones from the literature, we can attribute the<br />

P1 population to the Romagna units, the P2 and P3 population to<br />

the Tuscan units and the P4 population to the Ligurian Units.<br />

Their appearance and disappearance in the stratigraphic sequence<br />

going up-section are related to the activity and/or reactivation of<br />

back-thrusts when the active front of the Northern Apennine<br />

chain was at 50 km to ENE. Thus, our data represent a<br />

confirmation that compressive tectonics controlled most of the<br />

Mugello basin evolution. Extensional tectonics superposed onto<br />

compressional structures from the middle Pleistocene until<br />

Present.<br />


BENVENUTI M. (1997) – Physical stratigraphy of the fluviolacustrine<br />

Mugello Basin (Plio-Pleistocene, northern<br />

Apennines, Italy). Giorn. Geol., 59 (1-2), 91-111.<br />

BENVENUTI M. (2003) – Facies analysis and tectonic<br />

significance of lacustrine fan-deltaic successions in the<br />

Pliocene-Pleistocene Mugello Basin, Central Italy. Sediment.<br />

Geol., 157, 197-234.<br />


Integrated analyses of litho- and biofacies in a Pliocene<br />

cyclothemic, alluvial to shallow marine succession (Tuscany,<br />

Italy) . Geobios, 40, 143-158.<br />

DEL CONTE S. (2007) – Dinamica deposizionale e fattori di<br />

controllo <strong>dei</strong> sistemi fluvio-deltizi e marino-costieri: il Bacino<br />

pliocenico <strong>della</strong> Valdelsa (Toscana Centrale, Italia).<br />

Unpublished PhD thesis, Earth Sciences Dept, Florence<br />

University, 140. pp.<br />

RUIZ G.M.H., SEWARD D. & WINKLER W. (2004) – Detrital<br />

thermochronology – a new perspective on hinterland<br />

tectonics, an example from the Andean Amazon Basin,<br />

Ecuador. Basin Res., 16, 413-430.<br />

429<br />


SESSIONE 12<br />

Key words: Geochronology, Himalaya, tectonics.<br />

Many models attempt to reconstruct the geomorphological<br />

history of an orogen by dating detrital minerals and by basing on<br />

interpretive models proposed in the pioneer days of<br />

geochronology. We propose instead to address the actualistic<br />

processes that operate at present in a geologically and<br />

petrologically well constrained framework, so as to discriminate<br />

realistic argumentations from geofantasy.<br />

The detritic minerals analyzed in this work derive from<br />

present-day river sands from Sikkim. The rivers drain the<br />

Kangchendzönga massif, whose highest elevation is 8.6 km.<br />

Fission track dating on apatites and zircons indicate an erosion<br />

rate of 1 mm/a during the whole Pleistocene.<br />

Dioctahedral micas have ages between 10 and 15 Ma, as a<br />

function of the lithological units cropping out upslope of the sand<br />

samples. This corresponds, in the interpretive schemes sometimes<br />

applied to Oligo-Miocene sediments, to a “lag time” of 10-15<br />

Ma. The lag time is the age difference between the sediment and<br />

the detrital minerals it contains. An unusually high lag time > 10<br />

Ma is usually interpreted as slow erosion due to low relief. This<br />

conclusion is paradoxical for Sikkim.<br />

The solution of the paradox must be sought in the meaning of<br />

geochronological data and in the processes that induce isotopic<br />

rejuvenation. Dioctahedral mica (actually, the phengitemuscovite-margarite-paragonite<br />

series) is formed in a variety of<br />

petrological conditions and therefore represents a variety of<br />

geological situations. As an example, phengite can normally be<br />

assigned, by means of thermobarometric calculations performed<br />

on the entire mineral assemblage of a rock, to a high pressure<br />

(HP) event. The Rb-Sr and K-Ar systems in phengite usually<br />

record the age of the HP event.<br />

Often disequilibrium microtextures are observed, such as<br />

patches of phengite replaced by muscovite (which formed in a<br />

subsequent greenschist facies retrogression, GSFR). Only a<br />

petrological study can reveal the internal disequilibrium of the<br />

retrogressed HP paragenesis due to substitution reactions. During<br />

GSFR, radiogenic isotopes 87 Sr and 40 Ar are lost independently of<br />

_________________________<br />

Himalayan detrital geochronology: tectonic modelling or<br />

petrological equilibrium?<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche e Geotecnologie, Università di Milano<br />

Bicocca,<br />

430<br />

temperature, as an effect of heterochemical recrystallization of<br />

phengite to muscovite.<br />

It is self-evident that an isolated grain of detritic muscovite<br />

cannot be put into the context of a thermobarometric calculation<br />

(where’s the rest of the paragenesis?), and that it is therefore<br />

impossible to assess if the age on a detrital white mica grain dates<br />

an eclogite-facies HP event or its greenschist-facies retrogression<br />

20 Ma later. A further complication is provided by the stability<br />

fields of minerals in a diagenetic environment. <strong>Il</strong>lite-like<br />

phyllosilicates can form in marine sedimentary environments, and<br />

a white mica grain that spent enough time exchanging cations on<br />

the sea-floor records post-sedimentation diagenesis and not<br />

orogenic exhumation.<br />

In conclusion, whenever the geological reality contrasts with<br />

tectonic modelling, the key to reconcile observations with<br />

interpretations must be sought in the petrology of the analyzed<br />


SESSIONE 13<br />

Geologia e esplorazione petrolifera<br />

(Sessione in memoria di Giovanni Flores e Marco Pieri)<br />


Francesco Bertello (ENI)<br />

Ernesto Abbate (Università di Firenze)<br />

431<br />


SESSIONE 13<br />

Key words: Deformation bands, extensional faults, grain size,<br />

fault permeability, poorly lithified sediments.<br />

We present structural, granulometric and permeability data<br />

from extensional fault zones developed in high-porosity sandy<br />

sediments of the Crotone basin, southern Italy. Displacement<br />

values span from few cm to about 100 m.<br />

The fault zones generally consist of well defined narrow fault<br />

cores bounded by damage zones on both hanging wall and<br />

footwall sides.<br />

Fault core rocks developed by progressive comminution and<br />

consist of foliated granular material and gouge lenses along<br />

indurated and striated slip surfaces.<br />

Fault damage zones typically consist of closely spaced single<br />

to anastomosing cataclastic deformation bands with different<br />

degree of complexity. Undeformed sediments have mean<br />

permeability values in the 103 to 105 mD range.<br />

Mean fault core rock permeability broadly ranges between<br />

101 and 104 mD, although we recorded permeability values<br />

lower than 10 mD in gouge lenses.<br />

Fault damage zones have a mean permeability between 102<br />

and 104 mD, i.e. lower than host sands.<br />

We obtained empirical relationships between bulk<br />

permeability, fault zone thickness, and fault displacement. In<br />

particular, both fault cores and damage zones tend to widen with<br />

increasing fault displacement, especially in the first ten meters.<br />

Most bulk permeability reductions in both fault cores and damage<br />

zones occur at sub-seismic scale, and decrease for displacement<br />

greater than 25-30 m.<br />

_________________________<br />

Structural and petrophysical evolution of extensional faults in<br />

high-porosity sands from the Crotone basin, south Italy<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università degli Studi Roma Tre,<br />

Roma,<br />



Key words: Chaotic rocks, debris flow, frontal tectonic erosion,<br />

Northern Apennines, olistostrome, scaly clays, slope collapse<br />

The purpose of this work is i) to explore the historical and<br />

cultural motivations behind the birth of the olistostrome concept,<br />

showing that this concept is strictly related to the interpretation of<br />

the Italian argille scagliose made during the 1950s, and ii) to<br />

explain why only during the 1980s, i.e., 25 years later,<br />

olistostromes in the Emilia Apennines were thoroughly<br />

distinguished from the Ligurian/Epiligurian units and other types<br />

of chaotic rocks. This work also aims to show the essential role<br />

played by this distinction for a more detailed reconstruction of<br />

the tectonic evolution of the Northern Apennine orogenic belt.<br />

FLORES introduced the term olistostrome in the geological<br />

literature in 1955. This term was a success and it spread out<br />

around the world, so that currently it is one of the most<br />

worldwide used terms coined by an Italian geologist, together<br />

with argille scagliose (BIANCONI, 1840). The Italian community<br />

immediately started a particularly intense discussion around what<br />

rock assemblages can be named olistostrome, but also around the<br />

term itself.<br />

The debate about the definition of this term initiated – and it<br />

is still open – because olistostrome is not a descriptive term, but a<br />

genetic term describing the result of a depositional process. In<br />

spite of this, and from a historical point of view, the “invention”<br />

of the term olistostrome represents an essential contribution to the<br />

progress of the geological knowledge. For the first time, in fact, a<br />

new term was introduced conveying the idea that pure<br />

gravitational sedimentary processes can also generate chaotic<br />

rocks. It is not accidental that the word olistostrome was<br />

introduced in Italy during the 1950s, when the argille scagliose –<br />

about which Italian geologists struggled for a century – finally<br />

brought to a general consensus on their allochthony. Allochthony<br />

meant emplacement through tectonic processes driven by<br />

gravitation (i.e., orogenic landslides: MERLA, 1951).<br />

The great value of FLORES’s term (1955, 1956, 1959) is the<br />

_________________________<br />

Olistostromes and their importance for interpreting<br />

the tectonic evolution of orogenic belts:<br />

the example of the Northern Apennines, Italy<br />

* Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia,<br />


433<br />

suggestion that part of the Italian argille scagliose are the result<br />

of pure sedimentary-gravitational processes. This was in contrast<br />

with the several previous interpretations implying, for example<br />

mud volcanoes, diapirs, or tectonic-gravitational processes as in<br />

the hypothesis of MERLA’s (1951). Nevertheless, the influence of<br />

the geological thought of those years and some flaws in the<br />

original definition (FLORES, 1955, 1956, 1959) of olistostrome<br />

caused a serious limitation to the identification of the<br />

corresponding rock mass in the field. At that time, the discussion<br />

was driven by the lack of a clear conceptual distinction between<br />

tectonic-gravitational processes and sedimentary-gravitational<br />

processes (i.e., between gravity tectonics, sedimentary mass<br />

wasting processes and turbidite sedimentation).<br />

Following the original definition, the possible presence of<br />

large inclusions (several km 3 ) of previously “bedded” rocks, i.e,<br />

olistolithes (FLORES, 1955, 1956), caused problems in<br />

distinguishing olistostromes from other types of chaotic bodies,<br />

which at that time were thought to be generated by tectonicgravitational<br />

processes (i.e., the argille scagliose).<br />

The still most controversial examples of olistostromes in the<br />

Northern Apennines contain quite large bodies – several km 2<br />

wide – of “previously bedded” rocks. Within that discussion, we<br />

can find the basis of the Italian controversy about the distinction<br />

between the argille scagliose (i.e., the Ligurian/Subligurian units)<br />

and true olistostromes. The result is that during the time interval<br />

between 1955 and 1980, only few olistostromes were recognized<br />

and separated form the argille scagliose or Ligurian/Subligurian<br />

units. In large areas of the Northern Apennines and in particular<br />

in the type area of the argille scagliose (i.e., the Emilia<br />

Apennines: MERLA, 1951), the outcropping chaotic rocks<br />

continued to be mapped all together although described with new<br />

terms as alloctono indifferenziato, Chaotic complex, etc..<br />

Starting from the ‘80ies, in the Emilia Apennines the<br />

distinction of olistostromes from the argille scagliose or Chaotic<br />

Complex (i.e., the broken and dismembered formations of the<br />

Ligurian and Subligurian units) and other types of chaotic rocks<br />

(tectonic mélanges and mélanges of unknown origin) was finally<br />

achieved. This was done simply in restraining the olistostrome<br />

concept in the field to include only the debris flow deposits. The<br />

result of this experimental approach was the discovery that<br />

reliable olistostromes (debris flow deposits), may contain sparse<br />

blocks of “previously bedded rocks”, i.e., olistolithes, but that<br />


SESSIONE 13<br />

their size is restricted to dimensions ranging from some meters to<br />

some decameters. These findings seems to point out that the<br />

original definition of olistostrome, comprising all the different<br />

types of mass wasting deposits (from debris flow deposits to huge<br />

slide masses of “previously bedded rocks”) was too extensive to<br />

be of practical use in the field.<br />

This definition, though, may be extremely useful in the field if<br />

restricted to embrace only the debris flow deposits, following the<br />

original important limitation of FLORES (1955) that the<br />

olistostrome material should be in a “semifluid state” during its<br />

deposition. The complex and intimate association of large kmsize<br />

blocks and debris flow deposits, therefore should be<br />

considered highly questionable if considered as representing an<br />

original, unique mass wasting deposit unaffected by later large<br />

tectonic deformation and mixing (tectonic mélange).<br />

In the Emilia Apennines, the great value of the careful<br />

distinction between true olistostromes and other types of chaotic<br />

rocks (broken and dismembered formations, tectonic mélanges,<br />

mélanges of unknown origin, etc.) brought to a better<br />

understanding of the tectonic evolution of the Northern<br />

Apennines, as widely shown by the recent geological literature.<br />

Good examples of this improvement are two quite different and at<br />

first sight unrelated cases: the Brecce argillose <strong>della</strong> Val Tiepido-<br />

Canossa Epiligurian olistostrome and the Coscogno tectonic<br />

mélange.<br />

The first unit is one of the earliest olistostromes recognized<br />

in the Emilia Apennines (PAPANI, 1963, 1971). At the beginning<br />

it was mapped only in limited areas, but at present this pile of<br />

debris flow deposits has been recognized as present along the<br />

entire external belt of Emilia Apennines, even though the causes<br />

of its deposition remained largely inadequate. The Coscogno<br />

mélange is a tectonic mixture of large blocks of Ligurian,<br />

Subligurian and Epiligurian units.<br />

It is now interpreted as a tectonic mélange generated by<br />

underthrusting processes with material deriving from the frontal<br />

tectonic erosion of the Ligurian wedge during the Aquitanian. In<br />

this tectonic scenario, the Brecce argillose <strong>della</strong> Val Tiepido-<br />

Canossa olistostrome represents clearly the sedimentary signature<br />

of this process of frontal erosion which caused the tectonic<br />

destabilization of the Ligurian wedge, the collapse of the<br />

Epiligurian slope sediments and the subsequent emplacement of<br />

the debris flow deposits. The example shows that regional<br />

widespread mass wasting deposits are important features for the<br />

geodynamic reconstruction of ancient orogenic belts.<br />


BIANCONI P. (1840) – Storia naturale <strong>dei</strong> terreni ardenti, <strong>dei</strong><br />

vulcani fangosi, delle sorgenti infiammabili, <strong>dei</strong> pozzi<br />

idropirici e di altri fenomeni geologici oprati dal gas<br />

idrogene e dell’origine di esso gas. Marsigli, Bologna, 164<br />

pp..<br />

434<br />

FLORES G. (1955) - Discussion. - In: E. Beneo: Les résultats des<br />

études pour la recherche pétrolifère en Sicile. Proceedings,<br />

Fourth World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Section I, A/2,<br />

121-122.<br />

FLORES G. (1956) – Lettera al Presidente <strong>della</strong> Società<br />

Geologica Italiana. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 75 (3), 220-222.<br />

FLORES G. (1959) – Evidence of slump phenomena<br />

(olistostromes) in areas of hydrocarbons exploration in<br />

Sicily. Proceedings, Fifth World Petroleum Congress - New<br />

York, 259-275.<br />

MERLA G. (1951) – Geologia dell’Appennino Settentrionale.<br />

Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 70 (1), 95-382.<br />

PAPANI G. (1963) – Su un olistostroma di <br />

intercalato nella serie oligomiocenica del Subappennino<br />

reggiano. Boll. Soc. Geol. It, 82 (3), 195-202.<br />

PAPANI G. (1971) – Geologia <strong>della</strong> struttura di Viano (Reggio<br />

Emilia). Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 10, 121-165.

Key words: Algeria, Akabli basin, basin modeling, Reggane<br />

basin, reservoir, source rock, tectonic event.<br />


The significant number of oil and gas discoveries made in<br />

North Africa and in particular in Algeria, in the last decade have<br />

made this region among the most important and still promising<br />

hydrocarbon provinces in the Mediterranean area.<br />

North Africa formed during the Pan-African orogenesis (700-<br />

530 Ma) due to the oblique continental collision which involved<br />

the West African craton and the arc-trench systems. This collision<br />

facilitated the formation of a number of regional fault systems:<br />

the Pan-African strike-slip, the Trans-African features, the<br />

Central Africa features and the Najd fault system. During the<br />

Intracambrian (640-520 Ma) these existing structural features<br />

were reactivated through extensional movements, thus triggering<br />

the formation of a shear zone along the Trans-African lineaments<br />

as well as the Najd fault system (Fig.1) .<br />

These tectonic events generated a number of intraplate pullapart<br />

basins and half grabens permitting the syntectonic<br />

deposition which today outcrop in the South-Western Algeria.<br />

The equivalent Silurian and Devonian black shale sequences have<br />

also been identified in the Algerian Paleozoic basins. The<br />

Hercynian orogenesis reactivated pre-existing fault systems and<br />

brought new about NNW/SSE-trending thrusts and folds: the<br />

magnitude of these structures progressively decreases towards the<br />

eastern sector.<br />

The tectonic events and diverse depositional environments<br />

which shaped North African geology have favoured the<br />

petroleum potential of the region, though particularly Algeria’s.<br />

The considerably thick, fluvial Devonian successions deposited in<br />

these asymmetric basins form good quality reservoirs. The most<br />

significant outcrops of these fluvial sequences are located along<br />

the central-southern Algerian sector where they overlie the<br />

Hoggart Massif crystalline basement.<br />

_____________________<br />

Tectonic evolution and petroleum system of the<br />

Reggane and Akabli Basins (Algeria)<br />


(*) Edison S.p.A., Milan,<br />

435<br />

The interpretation of new 2D and 3D seismic data of the<br />

Reggane and Akabli basins has permitted to determine critical<br />

aspects of the complex structural relations existing between these<br />

basins. The interpretation proposed here, conjectures the<br />

presence of a partial thrusting or inverse faulting system relating<br />

the Reggane and Akabli basins. In the Reggane basin these<br />

tectonic movements brought the Khalouche structure into a<br />

deeper structural position, while upthrusting eastwards the<br />

Reggane structure. The relationship between the Reggane and<br />

the nearby Akabli basin could also be elucidated as the result of<br />

transpressive and transtensive movements through high-angle<br />

faulting mechanisms. These events could be dated to the<br />

Ordovician period, and thus indicate the onset of the compressive<br />

regime which culminate of with the Hercynian orogeny. The<br />

seismic reconstruction also permitted to confirm that the<br />

Hercynian unconformity remained unaffected by subsequent<br />

compressive events, indicating the pre-tectonic deposition of<br />

these shales sequences.<br />

The ‘basin modelling’ simulations performed in this study on<br />

the Silurian and Devonian source rocks are in good agreement<br />

with previously published results. The data gathered in this study<br />

indicates gas generating mechanisms for the Reggane source<br />

rocks, resulting from the rapid subsidence of the western sectors<br />

of the Algerian basins.<br />

These simulations also confirmed the presence of oil<br />

producing source rocks in the northern sectors of the Ghadames<br />

basin, as would be expected from the limited depth of burial<br />

reached by the rocks. It could also be determined that the Silurian<br />

and Devonian shales formations began producing during the early<br />

Hercynian orogenetic stages in the Lower Carboniferous (350<br />

Ma) and continued hydrocarbon generation throughout the<br />

Cenozoic.<br />


SESSIONE 13<br />

Lower Pliocene sedimentary evolution of Bradanic Foredeep in the<br />

Val D’Agri subsurface area (Southern Apennines, Italy)<br />

Key words: Bradanic foredeep, lower Pliocene, Southern<br />

Apennines, tectono-sedimentary evolution, turbidite system.<br />

The Southern Apennines formed during Tertiary collision of<br />

the African and Euro-Asian plates. Large sectors of the Adria<br />

foreland were progressively involved in the Apennine orogenesis<br />

due to eastward migration of the thrust-and-fold belt. During late<br />

Miocene to Plio-Pleistocene, the western margin of the<br />

Mesozoic-Tertiary Apulian Platform (AP) underwent gradual<br />

deformation due to Apennine orogenesis. As a consequence, large<br />

sectors of the carbonate platform were affected by intense<br />

Apennine subsidence with the creation of Plio-Pleistocene<br />

foredeep depocenters (Bradanic Foredeep - BF), recording deepwater<br />

siliciclastic sedimentation. The AP and the overlying Plio-<br />

Pleistocene foredeep turbidites were then overthrusted<br />

(MOSTARDINI &MERLINI, 1986) by the Allochthonous Complex<br />

(AC), during its eastward displacement. The Lower Pliocene<br />

siliciclastic succession of the Val d’Agri (VA) area, represents<br />

the westernmost and oldest depocenter of the Plio-Pleistocene<br />

Lucano Basin (SE sector of the BF). The present location of the<br />

BF on top of the AP is the result of two subsequent phases of<br />

eastward migration of the foredeep triggered, in the Pliocene, by<br />

two dramatic tectonic events: the “Intra-Zanclean Phase” and the<br />

“Gelasian Phase”.<br />

The VA Oil Field, located in the south-western part of<br />

Basilicata region, represents the major European onshore oil<br />

discovery. The Mesozoic-Tertiary carbonate reservoir of the AP<br />

is unconformably overlain by a thick succession of lower<br />

Pliocene sandstone, shale and marl (PATACCA &SCANDONE,<br />

2006). The lower Pliocene foredeep succession is directly<br />

overthrusted by the Miocene Irpine Units of the AC (Fig. 1).<br />

Large volumes of subsurface data from wells and seismic<br />

acquisition (such as: explorative and development wells, ditch<br />

cuttings, cores, conventional and image logs, 2D and 3D seismic<br />

surveys), provided the opportunity to construct a detailed<br />

sedimentological and geological model for the lower Pliocene<br />

VA siliciclastic succession.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Eni S.p.A. - E.&P. Division,<br />



436<br />

In the study area, the entire lower Pliocene succession reaches<br />

the maximum thickness of about 600 m (minimum thickness<br />

about 70 m) with an average sedimentation rate of about 0,4m/ky.<br />

It represents the turbiditic infill of a highly-subsiding foredeep,<br />

set over a large portion of the AP. The VA foredeep is a<br />

relatively narrow (2-8 km) and elongated (more than 25 km)<br />

Fig. 1 – Lower Pliocene tectono-sedimentary evolution of the VA area.<br />

basin, roughly parallel to the Apennines main structural trends<br />

(NNW-SSE). During the sedimentation, the inner foredeep<br />

margin is represented by the AC front; while the external one, by<br />

a system of high angle normal faults cutting through the AP (Fig.<br />

1). In the NW sector of the study area, the lower Pliocene<br />

consists of a monotonous sequence of medium to thick bedded,<br />

very coarse to medium graded sandstone (and pebbly mudstone)<br />

with erosive base and abundant shale clasts. In the central and SE<br />

sectors a thin section of marls (the so called Basal Marls, Fig. 2)<br />

is overlain by medium to fine sandstones and shales with an

Fig. 2 – Simplified transect of depositional elements architecture of the Bradanic Foredeep.<br />

overall coarsening-upward trend (Fig. 2). All these deposits have<br />

been included in a new informal unit – named Volturino Fm. – as<br />

part of the Eni Lithostratigraphy. From a petrographic point of<br />

view the succession of the Volturino Fm. reveals a relatively high<br />

content in carbonate lithic fragments that most likely, have been<br />

strongly involved in processes of alteration and dissolution during<br />

the early diagenetic events. In fact, the mineralogical composition<br />

and the rapid tectonic burial are considered responsible for the<br />

early and strong diagenesis observed in the lower Pliocene<br />

succession. On the basis of the available well-logs and bottom<br />

cores, three main turbidite facies associations (MUTTI et alii,<br />

1999) have been recognized in the foredeep succession: proximal<br />

sandstone lobes, distal sandstone lobes and fine-grained basin<br />

plain deposits. The turbidite deposits belong to highly-efficient<br />

longitudinal turbidite systems as revealed by an evident downcurrent<br />

facies evolution from the NW to the SE sector. Two<br />

smaller poorly-efficient sand-prone turbidite systems, directly fed<br />

by the inner margin of the basin (SW), have been also recognized<br />

and described in the southern part of the foredeep (Fig. 2).<br />

According to the biostratigraphic data, the entire succession is<br />

assigned to lower Pliocene (MPL1-MPL2-MPL3 biozone of<br />

CITA, 1975). On the basis of these data the succession is<br />

attributed to the PL1 large-scale sequence and to the LM<br />

Allogroup (NASC, 1983) of the Eni Plio-Pleistocene Sequence<br />

Stratigraphy. A tectonic sequence boundary, related to a phase of<br />

NE migration of the AC and its partial overthrusting on the inner<br />

margin of the foredeep, subdivides the PL1 Sequence into two<br />

medium-scale sequences. The two sequences, named PL1a and<br />

PL1b (in ascending stratigraphic order), span in time 0.5-0.9My.<br />

The PL1a-PL1b Sequence Boundary (SB), which corresponds to<br />

a narrowing of the foredeep depocenter (Fig. 1), has strongly<br />

influenced the depositional systems distribution. It marks a sharp<br />

forestepping of the turbidite system of the PL1b Sequence as<br />

documented by the direct superimposition of PL1b sandstone<br />

lobes on the PL1a basin plain deposits (Fig. 2).<br />

A phase of severe deformation during the upper part of Lower<br />

437<br />

Pliocene (“Intra-Zanclean Phase” – PL2 SB) is responsible for<br />

the rapid overthrusting of the Miocene Irpine Units of the AC on<br />

the VA foredeep (Fig. 1) and of the interruption of the PL1<br />

Sequence turbiditic sedimentation. The creation of a new and<br />

more external foredeep depocenter takes place further NE.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

The authors gratefully acknowledge Shell Italia S.p.A for the<br />

permission to present this paper. The authors would also like to<br />

thank M. Arduini, C. Cavalli, C. Magistroni, A. Ortenzi and all<br />

other Eni colleagues that contributed with data, ideas and useful<br />

discussions to the study.<br />


CITA M.B. (1975) - Studi sul Pliocene e sugli strati di passaggio<br />

dal Miocene al Pliocene. VII. Planktonic foraminiferal<br />

biozonation of the Mediterranean Pliocene deep sea record.<br />

A revision. Riv. It. Paleont. Strat., 81(4), 527-544.<br />

MOSTARDINI F. & MERLINI S. (1986) - Appennino centromeridionale.<br />

Sezioni geologiche e proposta di modello<br />

strutturale. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 35, 177-202.<br />


FAVA L. (1999) - An introduction to the analysis of ancient<br />

turbidite basins from an outcrop perspective. AAPG<br />

Continuing Education Course Note Series 39.<br />


TURE (1983) - North American stratigraphic code. AAPG<br />

Bull., 67, 841-875.<br />

PATACCA E. & SCANDONE P. (2007) - Geology of the Southern<br />

Apennines. In: A.Mazzotti, , E.Patacca, and P.Scandone<br />

(Eds.) - Boll. Soc. Geol. It., Spec. Issue No.7, 75-119.<br />


SESSIONE 13<br />

Finding sand on muddy slopes: how can the study of the modern<br />

seafloor improve the predictive power of 3D seismic analysis<br />

Key words: Sedimentary architectural elements, seismic<br />

geomorphology, slope clinoforms, trajectory analysis.<br />


A research project (enigma) had been carried out by ISMAR<br />

CNR – Bologna and eni exploration & production division in<br />

order to develop proper sedimentological conceptual models for<br />

seismic interpretation to improve the predictive power of seismic<br />

analysis.<br />

In particular, the project was focused on the areal and vertical<br />

evolution of slope clinoforms, their sedimentary architectural<br />

element distribution and their seismic facies.<br />

For the analysis, a 2/3D eni proprietary seismic dataset of the<br />

Adriatic Sea (Pescara Basin) was examined. The investigated<br />

seismic sequence was limited approximately to the 1 st second<br />

TWT where a Pleistocenic slope clinoforms are well developed.<br />

The internal stacking patterns analysis of slope clinoforms<br />

was carried out through three different methodologies:<br />

rollover trajectory analysis<br />

2D seismic facies analysis<br />

3D seismic geomorphology<br />

The combination of these techniques allows the sedimentary<br />

environments reconstruction of a given depositional system and<br />

in particular the understanding of how geomorphic elements<br />

control the sediments dispersal and partitioning across the<br />

clinoforms during margin development.<br />

These informations can be used to improve the know how<br />

about changes in paleo-environmental conditions, and<br />

consequently to infer lithological occurrence and distributions<br />

through time.In addition, morphometric observations (i.e.<br />

changes in slope clinoforms characteristic recognized with 3D<br />

seismic geomorphology techniques) allow the definition of key<br />

elements and signature of sedimentary processes at basin scale<br />

_________________________<br />



(*) ISMAR - Sezione di Geologia Marina, Bologna,<br />

giacomo.d<strong>alla</strong><br />

(°) ENI- Exploration & Production Division, San Donato Milanese.<br />

438<br />

(source to sink analysis).<br />

Avoiding the spatial limitation proper of 2D seismic data, this<br />

approach may constitute an alternative interpretative tool<br />

compared to the conventional sequence stratigraphy analysis of<br />

depositional sequences and their constituents.<br />

The prevailing muddy environment of the Pescara basin<br />

characterized by many possible reservoir elements grouped in to<br />

three different slope clinoform types. The position of these<br />

elements within the clinoform stratigraphy appears predictable<br />

being associated with specific characteristics of roll-over<br />

trajectory, reflecting the interplay between accommodation space<br />

and sediment supply. During low stand shelf exposure, slope<br />

channels and their frontal splay complexes are fed by incised<br />

valleys. Sediment oversupply can cause sediment to escape the<br />

shelf also during its flooding, forming shelf-edge deltas, slope<br />

chutes and related frontal splays.<br />

These results have a great potential in developing<br />

qualitative models for the prediction of deep-water coarser<br />

lithology (possible reservoirs) distribution on the different slope<br />

clinoform environments and their connection degree along the<br />

clinoform segment.

The Po Plain laboratory thirty years after Pieri & Groppi (1981)<br />

Key words: Po Plain, Southern Alps, foreland flexuring,<br />

hydrocarbon exploration<br />

PIERI & GROPPI (1981)<br />

The hydrocarbon exploration in Po Plain has begun with the<br />

research of biogenic gas in the Plio-Pleistocene terrigenous<br />

succession and culminated in 1944 with the discovery of Caviaga<br />

gas field, the greatest field of western Europe of that time<br />

(BERTELLO et alii, 2008).<br />

In the early seventies of the past century, the exploration of<br />

the Mesozoic carbonate succession began thanks to the<br />

introduction of the multiple coverage in the reflection seismic:<br />

this first campaign led to the discovery of the Malossa oil field in<br />

a Cenozoic compressional structure (ERRICO et alii, 1980;<br />

MATTAVELLI & MARGARUCCI, 1992). The seismic surveys<br />

acquired and the numerous Mesozoic targeted wells drilled<br />

during that decade provided an important database for the<br />

understanding of the geology of the Po Plain’s substratum.<br />

These data, originally elaborated for the hydrocarbon<br />

exploration purposes, have been subsequently summarized in the<br />

“Subsurface geological structure to you of the Po Plain”, a paper<br />

based on thirteen regional geologic sections and published by<br />

Marco Pieri and Gabriele Groppi in 1981.<br />

The interpretation of these sections (PIERI &GROPPI, 1981;<br />

CASSANO et alii, 1992) allowed the reconstruction of the buried<br />

margin of the Southalpine thust-and-fold belt (CASTELLARIN,<br />

1984; CASTELLARIN &VAI, 1986; LAUBSCHER, 1985): the plain,<br />

as an object of research, constituted just an appendix to apply on<br />

which knowledge and models elaborated in the surrounding<br />

chains.<br />


After the publication of the paper of Pieri & Groppi, the<br />

hydrocarbon research continued with the exploration of the<br />

Mesozoic extensional structures, which were partially<br />

restructured during the alpine compression (FANTONI et al,. 2008)<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Eni E&P,<br />


439<br />

and the discovery, in 1984, of Villafortuna-Trecate oil field<br />

(FANTONI et alii, 2002a)<br />

The complexity of these targets made it necessary to acquire<br />

new geologic and seismic data, in order to reconstruct with<br />

extreme detail the ages of deformation of the structures and the<br />

ages of the foredeep infilling. New sets of geological section are<br />

now available on the whole foreland (FANTONI &FRANCIOSI,<br />

2008).<br />

At the same time models have been elaborated to illustrate the<br />

physical relationships between the load of the chain and the<br />

flexuring of its foreland.<br />

These data and models introduced a reversal of the research:<br />

the Po laboratory concurs to observe the Alps from another point<br />

of view.<br />

The different age of flexuring of the western and eastern<br />

sectors of the Po-Veneto Plain (FANTONI at al., 2002b, 2004)<br />

suggests a subdivision of the Southern Alps, separated from the<br />

undeformed block of the Lessini Mountains, in two chains with<br />

two different deformation histories.<br />


BERTELLO F. FANTONI R. & FRANCIOSI R. (2008) - Exploration<br />

Country Focus: Italy. AAPG–ER Newsletter, June 2008, 5-9.<br />


Pianura Padana. Interpretazione integrata di dati geofisici e<br />

geologici. 73°Congr. Soc. Geol. It., 29 sett-4 ott. 1986, Roma,<br />

27.<br />

CASTELLARIN A. (1984) - Schema delle deformazioni tettoniche<br />

sudalpine. Boll. Oceanologia Teor. Appl., 2, 105-114.<br />

CASTELLARIN A. & VAI G.B. (1986) - Southalpine versus Po<br />

Plain Apenninic Arcs. In: Origin of Arcs. Development in<br />

Geotectonics, 21, 253-280.<br />

ERRICO G., GROPPI G., SAVELLI S. & VAGHI G.C. (1980) –<br />

Malossa Filed: A Deep Discovery in the po Valle, Italy. In<br />

M.T.Halbouty, (Ed.), Giant Oil and Gas Fileds of the Decade<br />

1968-1978, AAPG, 525-538.<br />

FANTONI R., BELLO M., RONCHI P. & SCOTTI P. (2002a) - Po<br />

Valley oil play: from the Villafortuna-Trecate field to South-<br />


SESSIONE 13<br />

Alpine and Northern Apennine exploration. EAGE<br />

Conference Florence 2002, Extended Abstracts Book, 4 pp.<br />


VENTURINI S. (2002b) - La registrazione degli eventi<br />

deformativi cenozoici nell’avampaese veneto-friulano. Mem.<br />

Soc. Geol. It., 57, 301-313.<br />

FANTONI R., BERSEZIO R. & FORCELLA F. (2004) - Alpine<br />

structure and deformation chronology at the Southern Alps –<br />

Po Plain border in Lombard. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 123, 463-<br />

476.<br />

FANTONI R., BERTELLO F. & FRANCIOSI R. (2008) - Reservoirs<br />

and source rocks in Mesozoic carbonate units of Italy. Rend.<br />

Soc. Geol. It., 3/1, Riassunti dell’84° Congresso Nazionale<br />

Sassari 15-17 settembre 2008 (Italy), 365-366.<br />

Appennine<br />

foredeep<br />

Fig. 1 – Geological sections across the Po Plain<br />

western southalpine<br />

foredeep<br />

Appennine<br />

foredeep<br />

Appennine<br />

foredeep<br />

western Southern<br />

440<br />

FANTONI R. & FRANCIOSI R. (2008) - 8 geological sections<br />

crossing Po Plain and Adriatic foreland. Rend. Soc. Geol. It,<br />

3/1, Riassunti dell’84° Congresso Nazionale Sassari 15-17<br />

settembre 2008 (Italy),. 367-368.<br />

LAUBSCHER.P. (1985) - Large scale, thin-skinned thrusting in<br />

theSouthern Alps: kinematic models. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull.,<br />

96, 710-718.<br />

MATTAVELLI L. & MARGARUCCI V. (1992) - Malossa field-Italy.<br />

In: Treatise of Petroleum Geology, Atlas of Oil and Gas<br />

Fields, Structural Traps, 7, 119-133.<br />

PIERI M. & GROPPI G. (1981) - Subsurface geological structure of<br />

the Po Plain, Italy. Prog. Finalizzato Geodinamica C.N.R.,<br />

Publ. 414.<br />

Southern Alps and Appennine outcrops<br />

geological sections<br />

CL Cremosina Line<br />

IL Insubric Line<br />

GL Giudicarie fault system<br />

SVL Schio-Vicenza Line<br />

VSL Valsugana Line<br />

VTL Val Trompia Line<br />

CL<br />

Northern Appennines<br />

IL<br />

Alps<br />

western Southern Alps<br />

VTL<br />

Po Plain<br />

Appennines foreland (Lessini<br />

G<br />

L<br />

eastern southalpine<br />

foredeep<br />

Lessini<br />

eastern Southern Alps<br />

SVL<br />

VSL<br />

western Southern<br />

IL<br />

Adriatic sea

Key words: Marco Pieri, esplorazione petrolifera, Italia<br />

Marco Pieri, nato a Bolzano il 20 novembre 1926, si è spento<br />

a Firenze il 25 maggio 2009.<br />

Laureatosi brillantemente in Scienze Naturali presso<br />

l'Università di Firenze il 20 Novembre 1948, per un breve<br />

periodo effettuò un internato nell'Istituto di Geologia di quella<br />

Università, diretto dal prof. Giovanni Merla, sotto la cui guida<br />

approfondì la sua preparazione geologica.<br />

Nel gennaio 1951 Pieri iniziò la sua attività come geologo<br />

dell’Agip. Nella sede di Lodi fu intensamente coinvolto in attività<br />

varie, dall'assistenza geologica nei cantieri di perforazione, <strong>alla</strong><br />

stesura di programmi e rapporti di lavoro (specialmente per la<br />

Pianura Padana), a rilievi geologici in alcuni settori<br />

dell'Appennino. Inseritosi positivamente nell'ambiente<br />

dell’Azienda, ancora in corso di strutturazione, si fece subito<br />

apprezzare per la sua disponibilità a compiti importanti e per le<br />

sue capacità di operare organicamente e correttamente.<br />

La sua figura asciutta e il suo aspetto riservato rivelarono<br />

forte personalità e determinazione, grande apertura mentale e<br />

notevole preparazione culturale, e capacità di creare un aperto<br />

cameratismo con i colleghi.<br />

Da allora Pieri è stato per molti anni uno <strong>dei</strong> testimoni e, in<br />

parte, anche uno <strong>dei</strong> protagonisti, dello sviluppo <strong>della</strong> ricerca e<br />

dell’evoluzione dell'AGIP dalle condizioni di gestione quasi<br />

artigianale del periodo prebellico, a quelle di una Società<br />

internazionale con tecnologie e idee moderne.<br />

Nel 1953 fu promulgata la nuova Legge mineraria che istituì<br />

l'ENI (Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi); seguì una riorganizzazione<br />

dell’Azienda con un rilancio dell’attività esplorativa.<br />

Nel 1954 Pieri eseguì rilievi geologici in Sicilia (Monti Iblei e<br />

Sicani); nel definire le formazioni stratigrafiche delle successioni<br />

sedimentarie esaminate, applicò criteri formazionali di<br />

avanguardia (per quel tempo) che costituiranno un modello<br />

innovativo da adottare anche in altri settori di indagine.<br />

Nel 1955, rientrato nella sede di Lodi, fu incaricato di<br />

organizzare la nuova attività di campagna nell’Appennino<br />

settentrionale. Con un lavoro notevole curò la composizione di<br />

_________________________<br />

(*)<br />

Ricordo di Marco Pieri<br />


441<br />

squadre geologiche di rilevamento, in modo che risultassero più o<br />

meno standardizzate, come organico e, soprattutto, come<br />

metodologie di operazioni, supportato dall'esperienza fatta in<br />

Sicilia che, oltre tutto, gli aveva procurato un certo prestigio<br />

personale.<br />

Nel frattempo, collaborò <strong>alla</strong> preparazione dell'importante<br />

"Convegno sui giacimenti gassiferi dell'Europa occidentale" che<br />

si tenne nel 1957 a Milano (su iniziativa di Enrico Mattei); inoltre<br />

organizzò l’escursione geologica del Convegno sull’Appennino<br />

parmense.<br />

Nel 1957 fu promosso dirigente (tra i più giovani) - "in<br />

relazione agli incarichi affidatigli e alle capacità dimostrate" - e<br />

destinato a gestire l'attività di esplorazione, inizialmente<br />

nell'Italia centro settentrionale, in seguito nel resto del territorio<br />

italiano.<br />

I primi rilievi geologici, metodicamente programmati ed<br />

eseguiti negli anni 1955-59, su una vasta area dell’Appennino<br />

settentrionale, comprendente anche "Permessi di ricerca"<br />

petrolifera, condussero <strong>alla</strong> ricostruzione <strong>della</strong> stratigrafia e <strong>della</strong><br />

tettonica all'interno <strong>della</strong> coltre alloctona delle fatidiche "Argille<br />

Scagliose".<br />

Lo schema di "Formazioni litostratigrafiche", definite in<br />

accordo con i criteri raccomandati d<strong>alla</strong> American Commission<br />

on Stratigraphic Nomenclature, AAPG 1956 (già applicati in<br />

Sicilia) risultò correlabile con le serie "autoctone"<br />

precedentemente esaminate sul crinale appenninico, nelle quali<br />

erano stati riconosciuti rapporti di continuità stratigrafica dal<br />

"Macigno"' <strong>alla</strong> "Marnoso - arenacea".<br />

I rilievi, rappresentati in una moderna carta geologica<br />

(1:10.000) comprendente il settore appenninico tra le Valli del<br />

Dolo e dell' Idice, negli anni ’60 furono integrati e ulteriormente<br />

dettagliati nell'ambito <strong>della</strong> nuova edizione <strong>della</strong> Carta Geologica<br />

d'Italia, su incarico affidato all'AGIP dal Servizio Geologico<br />

Italiano. Sotto la direzione di Pieri furono rilevati i Fogli 84<br />

(Pontremoli) e 85 (Castelnovo ne' Monti) e, nello stesso periodo<br />

anche i Fogli 118 (Ancona) e 212 (Montalbano Jonico) e<br />

compilate le relative Note illustrative.<br />

Le importanti ricostruzioni paleogeografico-strutturali<br />

dell’Appennino effettuate da Pieri, hanno dato risalto <strong>alla</strong><br />

tettonica di accorciamento delle masse calcaree mesozoiche<br />

sovrascorse verso Est, con movimenti tangenziali molto<br />

accentuati (Appennino meridionale), e hanno evidenziato anche il<br />

livello di distacco principale identificato nella spessa serie<br />


SESSIONE 13<br />

evaporitica triassica presente <strong>alla</strong> base delle successioni<br />

carbonatiche mesozoiche, istituita formalmente, nel 1964 con<br />

Bruno Martinis, come "Formazione delle anidriti di Burano".<br />

Le ricostruzioni sono state inquadrate sia nel panorama<br />

evolutivo <strong>della</strong> Geosinclinale mediterranea, sia nel complesso<br />

sistema paleogeografico e tettonico "Appennino - Dinarico".<br />

Pieri, che fin dal 1951 aveva approfondito in più riprese le<br />

conoscenze sul sottosuolo <strong>della</strong> Pianura Padana, nel 1981 volle<br />

sintetizzare, con Gabriele Groppi, tali conoscenze con la<br />

prestigiosa interpretazione geologica <strong>della</strong> "Struttura profonda<br />

<strong>della</strong> Pianura Padana".<br />

In base ai risultati del moderno rilievo sismico "digitale",<br />

eseguito dall'AGIP nella Pianura Padana tra il 1968 e il 1982, e<br />

con l'ausilio <strong>dei</strong> sondaggi, furono identificati e rappresentati con<br />

chiarezza i grandi lineamenti strutturali <strong>della</strong> tettonica pliocenica<br />

e postpliocenica, consistenti nei grandi archi di pieghe del fronte<br />

sepolto dell’Appennino settentrionale, analoghi agli archi di<br />

pieghe che più a sud caratterizzano il fronte dell'Appennino<br />

centrale; inoltre fu messa in evidenza la profonda monoclinale<br />

pedealpina che rappresenta l'avanfossa sia delle pieghe<br />

appenniniche sia di quelle sudalpine.<br />

Le ricostruzioni geologiche di questa particolare area sono<br />

state ripetutamente utilizzate da ricercatori italiani e stranieri,<br />

giacché il sottosuolo padano, grazie ai risultati del rilievo sismico<br />

dell'AGIP, è divenuto un tassello con caratteristiche peculiari<br />

dell'edificio strutturale compreso tra 1’Appennino e l'avanfossa.<br />

Varie volte Pieri ha puntualizzato, anche in collaborazione<br />

con altri Autori, lo stato <strong>della</strong> ricerca e delle prospettive<br />

petrolifere del territorio italiano; le diverse situazioni italiane<br />

produttive di idrocarburi sono state messe in relazione con i vari<br />

bacini sedimentari o province geologiche coinvolte<br />

nell'evoluzione tettonico - sedimentaria dell'area mediterranea, e<br />

con i tipi di strutture che ospitano i giacimenti.<br />

In particolare (con Luigi Mattavelli, nel 1986) sono state<br />

sviluppate interessanti trattazioni <strong>dei</strong> meccanismi di genesi,<br />

migrazione e accumulo <strong>dei</strong> vari tipi di idrocarburi contenuti nei<br />

principali giacimenti italiani, distinguendo giacimenti a gas<br />

biogenico e termogenico, generato e depositato nei clastici<br />

dell'avanfossa pliocenico - quaternaria, e giacimenti<br />

prevalentemente a olio termogenico generato da rocce triassiche e<br />

depositato in rocce carbonatiche mesozoiche.<br />

Le pubblicazioni di Pieri, costituenti contributi di notevole<br />

originalità e di elevata valenza scientifica, hanno indubbiamente<br />

concorso a valorizzare l'impegno e il prestigio dell'AGIP nel<br />

sostenere il progresso <strong>della</strong> ricerca scientifica.<br />

Tuttavia quanto è stato pubblicato non rivela a sufficienza<br />

l’importanza <strong>della</strong> partecipazione diretta e indiretta, e,<br />

soprattutto, l'apporto ideologico che si devono riconoscere a Pieri<br />

per la mole di studi e ricerche sviluppate all'interno dell'AGIP e<br />

che, per vari motivi e vincoli, non sono state divulgate.<br />

Nel 1970 conseguì la “Libera docenza” universitaria.<br />

Fin dal 1957 aveva tenuto corsi e seminari di Geologia<br />

442<br />

regionale e di Geologia del Petrolio, presso la scuola di Studi<br />

Superiori degli Idrocarburi "E. Mattei" (1957-61), e in seguito<br />

presso le Università di Modena (1963-68), di Milano (1973-76),<br />

di Pisa (1981-1993) e di Firenze (1984-1993).<br />

Nel 1988 esordì con il volume “<strong>Il</strong> Petrolio – origine, ricerca,<br />

produzione, dati statistici e aspetti economici”, un’opera<br />

completa e un ottimo testo destinato agli studenti di scienze<br />

geologiche; nel 1981, insieme all’amico Giovanni Flores, aveva<br />

pubblicato il volume “L’Italia geologica – Storia degli ultimi 230<br />

milioni di anni”, nel quale con rigore scientifico fu presentato un<br />

quadro unitario dell’evoluzione geologica del nostro paese, per<br />

lettori non specializzati ma interessati alle Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra.<br />

Negli ultimi anni Pieri veniva spesso incaricato d<strong>alla</strong><br />

Direzione dell'Agip di tenere importanti contatti con Società<br />

petrolifere, istituzioni pubbliche e governative italiane e straniere;<br />

inoltre partecipò a numerose missioni, anche lunghe e<br />

impegnative (come quella del 1980 in Cina), per effettuare<br />

valutazioni di aree e progetti petroliferi nei più disparati e remoti<br />

paesi.<br />

Pieri non disdegnava questo genere di attività, che svolgeva<br />

con impegno, con autorevolezza e con una certa autonomia<br />

decisionale, anche perché appagava la sua tendenza a estendere la<br />

conoscenza e l’esperienza.<br />

Nel 1983, tenuto conto <strong>dei</strong> cambiamenti avvenuti<br />

nell’ambiente, che ormai non era più quello in cui aveva vissuto<br />

per molti anni, e ritenendo di avere raggiunto risultati personali<br />

più che soddisfacenti, Pieri decise di lasciare anticipatamente<br />

l'AGIP per ritirarsi nella sua Firenze.<br />

Ma l'attività di Pieri continuò ancora molto intensamente,<br />

d<strong>alla</strong> ricerca scientifica, talora anche in collaborazione con i<br />

colleghi dell’AGIP, all’insegnamento, <strong>alla</strong> partecipazione a<br />

congressi geologici e del petrolio, e a escursioni geologiche, in<br />

Italia e all’estero.<br />

Le prestazioni come consulente internazionale di<br />

Esplorazione petrolifera per conto di numerose e importanti<br />

Società lo impegnarono molto e gli procurarono lusinghieri<br />

successi personali.<br />

La sua preparazione professionale e il rigore scientifico<br />

applicato negli studi e ricerche gli hanno meritato una grande<br />

stima, sia nell'ambiente aziendale, sia presso la comunità<br />

geologica, che ha voluto ricordare il suo prezioso <strong>contributo</strong> al<br />

progresso delle conoscenze <strong>della</strong> Geologia Italiana. Infatti, nel<br />

2005 Marco Pieri è stato inserito tra i "Soci Onorari" <strong>della</strong><br />

Società Geologica Italiana come segno di riconoscimento <strong>dei</strong><br />

grandi meriti per avere magistralmente coniugato l'attività in<br />

ambito industriale con la ricerca, la didattica e la divulgazione nel<br />

campo delle discipline geologiche.<br />

Noi, che siamo stati al suo fianco fin dagli anni pionieristici<br />

dell'attività esplorativa dell'AGIP, abbiamo sempre dimostrato<br />

grande apprezzamento per la sua notevole personalità e onestà<br />

intellettuale e, nello stesso tempo, siamo stati gratificati dal suo<br />

esempio di rigoroso ricercatore e di valente scienziato.

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Olistostromes, mélanges and mass-transport deposits<br />



Key words: Block-in-matrix rocks, chaotic bodies and units,<br />

mass-transport deposits and processes, olistoliths,<br />

olistostromes.<br />


The terms olistostrome and olistolith have been introduced by<br />

G. Flores (4th World Petroleum Congress, 1955, Rome) to<br />

indicate either sedimentary bodies with a chaotic block-in-matrix<br />

fabric or single slide blocks, intercalated between layered<br />

sequences in the Tertiary succession of Sicily. Both terms soon<br />

became extensively used by the international geological<br />

community worldwide. With the extended usage, they evolved to<br />

generally indicate stratally disrupted to chaotic complexes and<br />

“exotic” bed packages, which originated by mass-transport<br />

events. In this extended meaning, the concept of olistostrome<br />

played a significant role in other, important scientific debates,<br />

such as the origin of mélanges.<br />

Mélanges are considered the products of either tangential<br />

tectonics, sedimentary processes, mud diapirism, or the interplay<br />

of these processes (FESTA et alii, 2010 and references therein).<br />

Among the sedimentary processes, mass gravitational transport is<br />

appointed to create chaotic, blocks-in-matrix rocks<br />

(olistostromes) that is a possible sedimentary end-member for<br />

mélanges.<br />

Most studies in literature have been aimed at distinguishing<br />

olistostromes from chaotic bodies deriving from other processes<br />

(broken formation, tectonic mélange, mud diapirs), to outline<br />

their paleogeographic distribution according to certain<br />

geodynamic and structural conditions (i.e., subduction vs.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra e Geologico-Ambientali, Università<br />

di Bologna,<br />

(**) Departament d'Estratigrafia, Paleontologia i Geociències Marines,<br />

Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.<br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Parma.<br />

(°°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Torino.<br />

(§) Servizio Tecnico di Bacino, sede di Rimini, Regione Emilia-Romagna.<br />

(§§) Departament de Geologia Marina, Institut de Ciènces del Mar,<br />

Barcelona, Spain.<br />

445<br />

obduction, accretion vs. erosion, subduction of sea mounts), or to<br />

define more or less cyclic tectonic-stratigraphic events. As a<br />

result, olistostromes have been poorly studied from a<br />

sedimentological point of view, with some notably exceptions<br />

(see, e.g., ABBATE et alii, 1981).<br />


More types of sedimentary bodies are within the<br />

olistostromes, ranging from three end-members:<br />

- bodies with blocks ranging in size from a centimeter to a<br />

meter, dispersed in a clay or sand-silt matrix (type A);<br />

- bodies with larger blocks (olistoliths) ranging in size from<br />

tens to hundreds of meters sustained by a matrix with the features<br />

of a type A olistostrome (type B);<br />

- bodies almost completely consisting of olistoliths, without a<br />

matrix (type C).<br />

Summarizing, the genetic mechanisms of such units span from<br />

debris flows (type A) to blocky flows and slide (B) (MUTTI et<br />

alii, 2006), to avalanches and independent block sliding (C).<br />

The striking feature shared by these units is the more or less<br />

abundant occurrence of a sedimentary matrix, thought to be<br />

primarily produced by 1) recycling of an already formed matrix<br />

from previous mud diapirs- volcanoes or from broken formationstectonic<br />

mélanges, 2) the partial desegregation of the internal<br />

blocks and the erosion of the substrate (MUTTI et alii, 2006;<br />

OGATA, 2010).<br />


In the sedimentary record of collisional chains, the majority of<br />

fossil mass-transport deposits (MTD), including olistostromes,<br />

originated during the stages of intracontinental deformation,<br />

having been deposited in foreland and wedge-top basins. In some<br />

cases, collisional orogeny has allowed MTD related to<br />

extensional tectonics and passive margin to become exposed.<br />

This contrasts with the observed abundance of present-day<br />

MTD, which prevail in passive and divergent margins and along<br />

the flanks of volcanic islands. The present-day submerged<br />

contractional margins, however, do not show a significantly high<br />

concentration of MTD, apart from the erosional margins off the<br />


SESSIONE 13<br />

Fig. 1 – Distribution of olistostromes and olistoliths in the circum-Mediterranean chains (from CAMERLENGHI &PINI, 2009).<br />

coasts of Peru. Basin-wide MTD are only present when<br />

catastrophic events occur, as in the case of the subduction of<br />

seamounts and volcanoes (CAMERLENGHI & PINI, 2009, and<br />

references therein).<br />

There are more, possibly concomitant, explanations to these<br />

discrepancies: 1) the method of investigation might prevent the<br />

imaging of geometrically complicated MTD in present-day<br />

submerged active margins; 2) the large scale MTD originated in<br />

the passive margins completely lack of preservation because of<br />

the intense tectonic reworking during the stages of subduction,<br />

collision and intracontinental deformation, or 3) the MTD<br />

originated in passive margins and accretionary wedges are still<br />

present in the geological record of collisional chains, but their<br />

presence has been disregarded so far.<br />


Olistostromes are complex MTD, often involving the entire<br />

spectra of mass-wasting processes, which lead to the stratal<br />

disruption and chaoticization of sediments. MTD are a consistent<br />

part of mélanges worldwide, even if strongly deformed by postdepositional,<br />

tectonic and/or mud-diapiric processes. A complete<br />

and integrated sedimentological study of the “olistostromes” can<br />

add a wider spectra of internal structures and flow mechanisms to<br />

the sedimentological knowledge of mass-transport processes.<br />

Moreover, the study of these bodies might help in explaining the<br />

discrepancies about the present-day vs. fossil MTD distribution.<br />

446<br />


ABBATE E., BORTOLOTTI V. & SAGRI M. (1981) - Olistostromes<br />

in the Oligocene Macigno formation (Florence area).<br />

Introduction: an approach to olistostrome interpretation. In:<br />

F. Ricci Lucchi (Ed.) Excursion Guidebook, IAS 2 nd<br />

European Regional Meeting, Bologna, April 13-15, 1981,<br />

165-185.<br />

CAMERLENGHI A. & PINI G.A. (2009) - Mud volcanoes,<br />

olistostromes and Argille scagliose in the Mediterranean<br />

region. Sedimentology, 56 (1), 319-365.<br />


GHISETTI F., LUCENTE C.C., & OGATA K. (2010), Peri-<br />

Adriatic mélanges and their evolution in the Tethyan realm.<br />

Int. Geol. Rev., 52 (4-6), 369-406,<br />


(2006) - Chaotic Deposits: examples from the Brazilian<br />

offshore and from outcrop studies in the Spanish Pyrenees<br />

and Northern Apennines, Italy. - A.A.P.G. Annual Meeting,<br />

April 9-12, 2006, Houston, Texas.<br />

OGATA K. (2010) - Mass transport complexes in structurallycontrolled<br />

basins: the Epiligurian Specchio Unit (Northern<br />

Apennines, Italy). PhD thesis, University of Parma, 476 pp.

A new interpretation of the log of the Pontremoli 1 drilling<br />

(Tuscany, Italy)<br />

Key words: Drilling, hydrocarbon, stratigraphy.<br />


The Authors propose an updated interpretation of the<br />

Pontremoli 1 stratigraphic log, based on the new tectonic,<br />

lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic data resulting from the<br />

realization of the new Geological Map of Italy - Sheet n. 233<br />

Pontremoli at 1:50,000 scale.<br />

The Pontremoli 1 hole was drilled in 1971 close to Pontremoli<br />

(Massa-Carrara province, Tuscany) for hydrocarbon searching<br />

(Fig. 1). The first interpretations pointed out some out-of-<br />

447<br />

sequence units (ANELLI et alii, 1994, and bibliography therein)<br />

that the new surface surveys did not verify: the need of<br />

reconstructing a new underground structure comes from this fact.<br />

The Fig. 2 compares the old interpretation of the log and the<br />

new one. From top to bottom, the sequence was reconstructed as<br />

follows (Fig. 2 A). Under a 50 m thick fluvial conglomerate<br />

deposit (Olivola conglomerate), down to the depth of 1285 m the<br />

Ottone Unit (External Liguride Unit) is formed of a great<br />

thickness of the Helminthoid flysch Fm., underlain by its basal<br />

Fig. 1 - Geologic map of the Pontremoli 1 drilling area (after PUCCINELLI et alii, 2004, modified). h1: filling; aa: debris; b: present alluvial deposit; a1a: active<br />

landslide; a1q: dormant landslide; bn: terraced alluvial deposit; OLP: Olivola conglomerate; OTO: Helminthoid flysch Fm.; ARB: Arenarie di Ponte Bratica Fm.;<br />

CGV: Calcari di Groppo del Vescovo Fm.; ACC: Argille e calcari Fm.; MMA: Marne di Marmoreto Fm.; MAC: Macigno Fm.; STO: Scaglia toscana Fm.; MAI:<br />

Maiolica Fm.; DSD: Diaspri Fm.; LIM; Calcare selcifero di Limano Fm.; 1: normal fault; 2: thrust; 3: terrace edge; 4: bedding; 5: debris fan; 6: cross section.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra,,<br />,<br />

complex (Santa Maria Breccia).<br />

Further down (up to 1794 m) the Canetolo Unit was found. It<br />

is mainly formed of the Argille e calcari Fm. (shale with<br />


SESSIONE 13<br />

Fig. 2 - The the old interpretation of the Pontremoli 1 log (A - after<br />

ANELLI et alii, 1994 - redrawn) and the new one (B).<br />

interbedded limestone) and by subordinate limestone (Calcari di<br />

Groppo del Vescovo Fm.) and sandstone (Arenarie di Ponte<br />

Bratica Fm.).<br />

A cataclasite was pointed out at a depth of 1838 m: it might<br />

have been produced by an east dipping normal fault.<br />

Further down the Falda Toscana Unit (Tuscan Unit) was met:<br />

up to 2567 m the Macigno Fm. (sandstone) and up to 2636 m the<br />

Scaglia toscana Fm. (shale with interbedded limestone) were<br />

drilled, respectively. Between 2636 m and 3060 m of depth an<br />

interval referable to the Calcare cavernoso Fm. and related<br />

breccia was passed. Finally, down to the hole bottom (3520 m)<br />

the metamorphic bedrock was met.<br />

The Pontremoli 1 drilling did not find any hydrocarbon. This<br />

might be attributable to the absence of a reservoir, since the<br />

normal faults displaced eastward the Mesozoic carbonate<br />

sequence of the Falda Toscana.<br />

448<br />


ANELLI L., GORZA M., PIERI M. & RIVA M. (1994) - Subsurface<br />

well data in the Northern Apennines (Italy). Mem. Soc. Geol.<br />

It., 48, 461-471.

Key words: Biogenic/abiogenic oil generation, expanding earth,<br />

hydrocarbon origin, noncompressional orogenic model.<br />



Oil and associated phenomena can be found preferentially<br />

along old fold belts and margins which building models can be<br />

very different in different global tectonics theories. The fold belt<br />

building model proposed in preceding papers by SCALERA (2005,<br />

2007, 2008) can be used to judge if the difficulties encountered<br />

by the different biogenic/abiogenic conceptions can be solved. In<br />

Fig.1 the main characteristics of the model are shown in<br />

connection to the abiogenic/biogenic oil production problem.<br />

The tectonic overpressures (MANCKTELOW, 2008), together<br />

with the higher temperatures available in the model of SCALERA<br />

(2005, 2007, 2008) at shallower depth, can bear a relation with<br />

the synthesis of biogenic and abiogenic hydrocarbons. Indeed<br />

GLASBY et alii (1984) argued that most HCs fields occur in areas<br />

of higher than normal thermal gradient, and the above proposed<br />

model leads just to higher gradients that are produced by the<br />

isostatic uplift of very deep materials (from and above the<br />

transition zone). These higher gradients together with uplifted<br />

contents of mantle metals (catalysts) and hydrogen, can favour<br />

the occurrence of the conditions leading to the development of<br />

the Fischer-Tropsch reaction. The underthrust carbonate slabs can<br />

interact at proper high temperature with hydrogen and catalityc<br />

metals. Pressure range can be very wide both because the<br />

nonlithostatic overpressures (MANCKTELOW, 2008) at the<br />

boundary between uplifting material and adjacent stable or<br />

underthrust lithosphere and occasionally because the inevitable<br />

occurrence of strong earthquakes in some periods of the thrustfold<br />

belts building. Laboratory experiments have ascertained that<br />

calcareous-marly rocks to which friction is applied produce a<br />

strong emission of carbon dioxide and methane of inorganic<br />

origin.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) INGV – Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia – Roma,<br /><br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto Geodinamica e Paleogeografia<br />

Globale, con fondi istituzionali INGV<br />

Biogenic and abiogenic hydrocarbons in Italy<br />


449<br />

Fig. 1 – The connection between the proposed model (SCALERA 2007, 2008)<br />

and various kind of hydrocarbons generation. The convergence of cold and<br />

hot materials, oxiding and reducing environments, the presence of high<br />

nonlithostatic overpressures, and ascending fluids and catalysts, constitute a<br />

favourable dynamical environment in which different types of metamorphism<br />

can be realized at shallower depth, ore deposits can form near the surface and<br />

the synthesis of biogenic and abiogenic hydrocarbons can occur at depths not<br />

exceeding few tens of kilometres.<br />

The compressional state of the gravity-driven nappes, together<br />

with the general rifting environment of the proposed model and<br />

the aperiodic activation of deep change of phase with extrusion of<br />

material below the fold belt, can be facilitating factors in oil<br />

migration towards the surface and its accumulation under<br />

impermeable layers, following the slopes of the underthrust<br />

strata.<br />

The lack of reducing conditions in the upper part of the upper<br />

mantle to be possible the Fischer-Tropsch reaction (GLASBY,<br />

2006), is overcome in this model by the upward isostatic<br />

transport of the reducing transition zone environment. The<br />

criticism of Kenney that suitable TP conditions to produce HCs<br />

can be found only at depth greater than 100 km is overcome by<br />

the transport of such conditions toward the surface. In my<br />

framework a high-temperature reducing environment of<br />

undepleted mantle rises up and come in contact with the<br />

relatively cold oxidizing lithospheric environment. In the<br />

interposed region of thermal gradient, and of hydraulic gradient<br />

due to nonlithostatic overpressures – all at depths not overcoming<br />

few tens of km – a continuum of very different physicochemical<br />

conditions come in existence. A number of chemical reaction are<br />

then favoured in this sort of tectonic oxidizing-reducing pile,<br />


SESSIONE 13<br />

Fig. 2 – The data of locations and productivity of hydrocarbon fields in Italy<br />

are from PIERI (2001). The maps of the MCS degrees from VIII to XI is<br />

extracted from the Maximum Felt Intensity in Italy that was elaborated by<br />

INGV. The front of the orogen is also shown (from BIGI et alii, 1991). The<br />

hydrocarbons are located beside the eastern side of the highest seismic energy<br />

releases. The further adding to this map of the zones of heat flow greater than<br />

100 mW/m2 shows that a similar warm/cold zonation exists like the one<br />

proposed in the model (fig.1). Highest CO2 emissions can be of mantle origin<br />

or can be produced by the margin of the underthrust carbonatic platform with<br />

the help of the earthquakes. Adjacent to the eastern side of the higher degree<br />

seismicity, and following the Adriatic plate margin (revealed by the long<br />

magnetic anomaly in fig. 2, right), the hydrocarbons has been found in<br />

commercial quantities. They can mostly or partially came from the chemical<br />

reactions envisaged in this paper, and then pushed toward east by hydraulic<br />

gradients and favorable disposition of microfractures and impermeable<br />

sedimentary layers. The two flesh ribbons in the Adriatic sea represent main<br />

seismogenic faults along which new HC fields may be found.<br />

leading to a multiple origin of hydrocarbons.<br />

In addition, near to the surface – in the first few tens of<br />

kilometres – a considerable amount of fluids and of organic<br />

biogenic material of various provenance is present in the<br />

underthrust sedimentary layers, which can participate in a passive<br />

way (contaminant) or active way (transmuting materials,<br />

kerogens) to the HCs forming. However, no evaluation of the<br />

abiogenic/biogenic hydrocarbons rate is yet possible.<br />

The cold side of these regions (e.g. the continental side of the<br />

450<br />

Apennines, the Andes, etc.) should be more suitable for<br />

petroleum exploration, because the squeezing of fluids caused<br />

occasionally by the aperiodic overpressures towards the<br />

decreasing horizontal hydraulic gradient. The horizontal flow<br />

toward the warm side should with great probability disintegrate<br />

the heavy HCs molecules, while they should conserve integrity<br />

going toward the cold region.<br />

In Italy, a simple comparison of the petroleum and gas fields<br />

(data from PIERI, 2001) with the maximum felt intensity (VIII,<br />

XI, X and XI MCS degrees; fig. 2) shows a initial good<br />

agreement of the model and the highest seismic energy release.<br />

The earthquakes seems to enclose an elongated area of tectonic<br />

working in which hydrocarbons can be produced in the depts. and<br />

then expelled laterally toward the cold side of the region. The<br />

‘warm side’ can be considered the region where the volcanic<br />

rocks and the seismicity are located. On this side oil cannot<br />

migrate without be disintegrated. The carbon coming from the<br />

Adriatic carbonatic platform – enriched in 12 C formed by remains<br />

of marine organisms – and the carbon coming from the eventual<br />

maturation and ‘distillation’ of fossil organic remains contained<br />

in buried sediments are today not distinguishable. More deep<br />

geochemical investigations and analyses need in determining the<br />

real nature (biogenic or abiogenic or mixing of them) of the<br />

Italian hydrocarbons.<br />


GLASBY G.P. (2006) - Abiogenic origin of hydrocarbons: an<br />

historical overview. Resour. Geol. 56 (1), 85-98.<br />

MANCKTELOW N.S. (2008) - Tectonic pressure: Theoretical<br />

concepts and modelled examples. Lithos, 103 (1-2), 149-177.<br />

PIERI M. (2001) - Italian petroleum geology. In: G.B. Vai & I.P.<br />

Martini (eds): Anatomy of an Orogen. The Apennines and<br />

Adjacent Mediterranean Basins Kluver Academic Publishers,<br />

London, 533-549.<br />

SCALERA G. (2005) - A new interpretation of the Mediterranean<br />

arcs: Mantle wedge intrusion instead of subduction. Boll.<br />

Soc. Geol. It., Volume Speciale, 5, 214-218.<br />

SCALERA G. (2007) - A new model of orogenic evolution. Rend.<br />

Soc. Geol. It., Nuova Serie, 5, 214-218.<br />

SCALERA G. (2008) - Great and old earthquakes against great<br />

and old paradigms – paradoxes, historical roots, alternative<br />

answers. Advances in Geosciences, 14, 41-57.

Key words: Divulgazione scientifica, esplorazione geologica,<br />

Giovanni Flores, Italia.<br />

La vita di Giovanni Flores è avventurosa e affascinante. La<br />

sua esistenza passa attraverso profonde esperienze personali e<br />

professionali che colpiscono chi cerca ora di ripercorrerle. Era<br />

nato a Napoli nel 1917 da una antica famiglia di lontane origini<br />

spagnole, che contava anche una discendenza inglese. Si laureò<br />

“cum laudae” presso l’Università di Napoli, nel 1939, in Scienze<br />

Naturali, con una tesi di Geologia. Lavorò, poi, per le più<br />

importanti Compagnie petrolifere, fra cui: Agip, Esso, Gulf,<br />

Amoco, Total, Chevron, Shell e studiò la <strong>geologia</strong> <strong>dei</strong> paesi dove,<br />

in quegli anni, cominciava a muoversi l’esplorazione petrolifera.<br />

Le ricerche geologiche lo portarono in giro per il mondo, prima<br />

<strong>della</strong> II Guerra Mondiale fu in Albania, dopo la guerra a Cuba,<br />

nell’Honduras Britannico (oggi Belize), in Sicilia, in Mozambico,<br />

in Portogallo, in Zaire (oggi Repubblica Democratica del Congo).<br />

In quegli anni i geologi del petrolio erano ancora degli<br />

avventurieri in cerca dell’oro nero attraverso giungle, montagne<br />

deserti. Giovanni Flores è morto il 29 maggio 2008.<br />

All’inizio del suo libro autobiografico “Arc of theSun” Flores<br />

racconta un episodio da lui vissuto in Africa mentre camminava<br />

nella savana verso il kraal 1 ‘Nziri. Le carte che aveva a<br />

disposizione erano imprecise e quando, finalmente, incontra un<br />

anziano indigeno gli chiede quanta strada ci fosse ancora da<br />

percorrere. L’anziano uomo alzò solennemente il suo braccio, lo<br />

puntò al sole e lentamente scese fino a un punto situato circa a<br />

metà strada tra il sole e l’orizzonte: “Lì - disse - è quando tu sarai<br />

a ’Nziri”.<br />

E’ un significativo esempio <strong>della</strong> capacità di Flores di<br />

comunicare messaggi e sentimenti che fanno profondamente<br />

riflettere. Ma è anche un’interessante osservazione scientifica: lo<br />

spazio da percorrere, talvolta, può essere rappresentato meglio<br />

con il tempo (necessario per attraversarlo).<br />

Troviamo questo sistema di descrizione delle distanze anche<br />

in Europa, dall’antichità fino ai viaggiatori medioevali; poi si<br />

cominceranno ad utilizzare le mappe e le carte, che riportano, in<br />

scala, lo spazio.<br />

1 Kraal deriva da una parola afrikaans kraalen, piccolo insediamento tradizionale<br />

con un recinto per proteggere il bestiame.<br />

__________________<br />

(*)<br />

Arc of the Sun, la forza comunicativa di Giovanni Flores,<br />

pioniere geologo<br />

MATTIA SELLA (*)<br />

451<br />

Ma, forse, come suggerisce Flores, il gesto del vecchio<br />

africano è ancora più efficace di una indicazione che usi <strong>dei</strong><br />

numeri convenzionali: giornate, ore, minuti. Questa bellissima<br />

immagine, da lui scelta per il prologo <strong>della</strong> sua autobiografia,<br />

rappresenta come lui stesso afferma, l’espressione simbolica <strong>della</strong><br />

vita di un uomo, d<strong>alla</strong> nascita <strong>alla</strong> morte.<br />

Scorrendo quello che Flores ha prodotto durante la sua vita, al<br />

di fuori <strong>della</strong> sua attività lavorativa, cogliamo la sua grande forza<br />

comunicativa, non solo un’abilità descrittiva ma anche capacità di<br />

sollecitare l’interesse e la curiosità di chi legge i suoi lavori.<br />

Scrisse numerosi articoli scientifici, pubblicati dal Corriere <strong>della</strong><br />

Sera, alcuni libri divulgativi, sull’origine delle montagne, sui<br />

<strong>terremoti</strong> e sulla storia geologica d’Italia. Fu autore anche di due<br />

interessanti romanzi storici. Bellissima è anche la sua affascinante<br />

autobiografia che, giustamente, porta il titolo: “Arc of the Sun.<br />

Adventures of a Petroleum Geologist”. Si dedicò anche <strong>alla</strong><br />

docenza a Firenze, a Parma, e in Portogallo. Fu membro del CAI<br />

e di varie associazioni scientifiche (SGI., EAPG, AAPG), alle<br />

quali ha sicuramente portato interessanti contributi.<br />

Proviamo ad analizzare i suoi lavori separatamente, perchè<br />

ognuno è caratterizzato da un diverso modo di “divulgare” e di<br />

comunicare, anche se alcuni efficaci “strumenti” (foto, schizzi,<br />

dipinti ad olio) li ritroviamo, giustamente, riproposti in varie<br />

occasioni.<br />


Dal 1983 al 1991 Giovanni Flores scrisse una quarantina di<br />

articoli. In quegli stessi anni furono pubblicati anche interventi di<br />

Marco Pieri con cui, spesso, collaborava. Gli articoli di Flores,<br />

interessanti, curiosi, a volta dilettevoli sono anche capaci di<br />

educare ad osservare e a capire i fenomeni che descrive e a<br />

stimolare l’attenzione su fatti nuovi. I temi trattati, che seguono<br />

forse anche le “mode” di quegli anni, sono abbastanza vari.<br />

La struttura interna del nostro Pianeta ricostruita con i<br />

<strong>terremoti</strong> era un argomento di interesse, ma i <strong>terremoti</strong> visti anche<br />

come causa <strong>dei</strong> cambiamenti <strong>della</strong> superficie <strong>della</strong> Terra. In<br />

quegli anni si cominciava a consolidare la Teoria delle Placche e,<br />

quindi, Flores affronta anche il tema del movimento <strong>dei</strong><br />

continenti. L’impatto di un meteorite, come causa dell’estinzione<br />

<strong>dei</strong> dinosauri (65 milioni di anni fa), era certamente un tema<br />

affascinante in quegli anni. Flores scrisse anche su un’altra teoria:<br />

la caduta di un meteorite in Canada, circa 200 milioni di anni fa,<br />

avrebbe causati una rapida estinzione, seguita d<strong>alla</strong> nascita di<br />


SESSIONE 13<br />

nuovi generi, fra cui i dinosauri. Abbastanza frequenti sono anche<br />

gli argomenti di <strong>geologia</strong>, di stratigrafia e di astronomia del<br />

sistema solare. Scrisse, invece, pochi articoli sulle risorse<br />

energetiche, di cui uno, abbastanza originale, sull’esplorazione di<br />

metano abiogenico (“Bucano un cratere di meteorite per scoprire<br />

il metano nascosto”, 1987).<br />



1977) - E’ un piccolo e maneggevole libretto che vuole<br />

comunicare interesse per la <strong>geologia</strong> e forse Flores pensava<br />

proprio ai frequentatori delle montagne. <strong>Il</strong> testo è accompagnato<br />

da schizzi e disegni semplici ma estremamente efficaci e di<br />

straordinaria immediatezza, che non hanno niente da invidiare<br />

alle elaborazioni di grafica informatica, a volte di difficile<br />

<strong>comprensione</strong>. Per spiegare certe situazioni geologiche usa delle<br />

immagini che ricorrono a banali esempi, tratti d<strong>alla</strong> vita di ogni<br />

giorno, e che proprio per questo sono di straordinaria chiarezza.<br />

Come, per esempio, quando vuole spiegare come riportare<br />

indietro nelle ere geologiche (retrodeformare) la Catena Alpina e<br />

allora schizza una serie di cime, formate da strutture e pieghe<br />

accav<strong>alla</strong>te, disegna sopra un ferro da stiro e, come didascalia,<br />

scrive “se potessimo stirare le Alpi ,,,”. Uno schizzo rappresenta<br />

le grandi fratture dell’Africa Orientale e, con lungimiranza e<br />

sfidando le dottrine allora vigenti (rischiò il licenziamento),<br />

Flores osa correlare, legate agli stessi fenomeni di rift, le fosse a<br />

nord del Lago Vittoria con quelle a sud .<br />


MILIONI DI ANNI (Longanesi & C., Milano, 1981) - Scritto in<br />

collaborazione con Marco Pieri è la descrizione <strong>della</strong> storia che<br />

ha mo<strong>della</strong>to le forme del paesaggio, geologico e morfologico,<br />

dell’Italia, dal Triassico ad oggi. Nelle note <strong>dei</strong> risvolti di<br />

copertina c’è un esplicito collegamento al geologo Stoppani,<br />

autore del “Bel Paese”, abilissimo divulgatore. La prima parte, in<br />

forma scorrevole e discorsiva vuole dare nozioni generali con<br />

particolare attenzione nell’insegnare a osservare. La seconda<br />

parte racconta la storia geologica del nostro Paese, prima a<br />

ritroso attraverso le ere geologiche, dal Quaternario al Triassico,<br />

e poi, di nuovo indietro fino ad oggi. Gli autori non tralasciano un<br />

pizzico di humour e qualche spunto polemico. L’apparato<br />

iconografico è molto ricco: anche qui schizzi e disegni semplici<br />

ed efficaci, foto, carte, e la riproduzione di 18 stupende tempere<br />

settecentesche, paesaggi geologici <strong>della</strong> zona vesuviana e <strong>dei</strong><br />

campi Flegrei, di William Hamilton (1730-1803), ambasciatore<br />

di S.M. Britannica presso il Re delle due Sicilie.<br />

IL TERREMOTO (Longanesi & C., Milano, 1981); nuova<br />

edizione, PERCHE’ IL TERREMOTO (TEA, Varese, 1999) -<br />

Dopo aver spiegato cos’è e come avviene un terremoto, la<br />

previsione, gli effetti e la sismicità in Italia, già nel volume del<br />

1981 Flores inserisce un capitolo dedicato a problemi pratici:<br />

“Vivere con il terremoto”. Nella seconda edizione vengono ancor<br />

452<br />

più approfonditi questi aspetti educativi con l’aggiunta di due<br />

capitoli: “Che fare in caso di terremoto”, “<strong>Il</strong> dopo terremoto”.<br />

Anche in questi due libretti ci sono chiari disegni e schizzi<br />

esplicativi. L’edizione del 1981 è arricchita da interessanti<br />

documenti storici, difficilmente reperibili altrove.<br />



GEOLOGIST (Ellen Sue Blakey Ed., Lyon & Thorne Ltd., Tulsa,<br />

1987) - Ellen Sue Blakey, editrice di questo libro, scrive,<br />

nell’introduzione, che sono rimasti in pochi <strong>della</strong> generazione <strong>dei</strong><br />

geologi pionieri dell’industria petrolifera, quando i rilievi<br />

geologici erano lo strumento fondamentale dell’esplorazione,<br />

prima dell’avvento delle tecnologie moderne. E Giovanni Flores<br />

è uno <strong>dei</strong> pochi rappresentanti di questa generazione. E’ uno<br />

splendido racconto autobiografico, ricco di avventure, emozioni,<br />

sentimenti e poesia, anzi poesie, splendide poesie che si<br />

accompagnano ai momenti gioiosi e a volte anche tristi <strong>della</strong> sua<br />

vita. Anche in questo libro troviamo bellissimi schizzi e disegni,<br />

fatti non solo per descrivere caratteristiche geologiche ma anche<br />

ambienti e paesaggi. Ci sono anche <strong>dei</strong> dipinti ad olio molto<br />

suggestivi. Interessanti sono anche le foto, istantanee nate per<br />

documentare aspetti scientifici o tecnici, ma che esprimono anche<br />

le sensazioni e i sentimenti dell’autore.<br />

IL RE NON RISPONDE (Piero Lacaita Ed., 1997) - Anche la<br />

vita <strong>della</strong> famiglia di Giovanni Flores è affascinante, soprattutto<br />

quella del nonno e <strong>dei</strong> suoi prozii che vissero la fine del Regno<br />

delle Due Sicilie. Cinque <strong>dei</strong> sei figli maschi del Colonnello Don<br />

Francesco Flores seguirono la carriera militare. Faceva eccezione<br />

Ferdinando che frequentò l’ambiente liberale di Napoli ed era<br />

amico di Francesco De Sanctis. Filippo sposò Isabella. figlia di<br />

John Oates Vice Console di S. M. Britannica in Sicilia e<br />

proprietario di importanti miniere di zolfo. Ferdinando sposò,<br />

Luisa, sorella di Isabella. Ferdinando era il nonno di Giovanni<br />

Flores. <strong>Il</strong> libro racconta la storia dell’Unità d’Italia, <strong>della</strong><br />

conquista di Palermo e di Napoli, vista dall’altra parte, di chi per<br />

tradizione, cultura, onore, non poteva che restare fedele al Re<br />

borbonico anche quando le illusioni stavano cadendo e ci si<br />

rendeva conto che la guerra era ormai persa. Giovanni Flores<br />

scrive questo bel racconto con profondo affetto, ma anche con<br />

una brillante capacità descrittiva, passando da momenti di grande<br />

storia e momenti di storia minima e intima che, comunque,<br />

costituiscono tasselli insolubili <strong>della</strong> Storia, con la S maiuscola.<br />

CALABRIA IN FIAMME 1806 (Ursini, Catanzaro, 2002) - <strong>Il</strong><br />

romanzo storico descrive i momenti iniziali dell' occupazione<br />

francese <strong>della</strong> Calabria, che cominciò, nel 1806 con la rivolta di<br />

Soveria Mannelli e con la battaglia di Maida 2 , e si concluse con<br />

la tragica fine di Murat, nel 1815.<br />

2<br />

Maida è in provincia di Catanzaro, la battaglia tra francesi ed inglesi si risolse<br />

in favore di questi ultimi.

Jointing and faulting as a record of stress field variability<br />

at the tip of a salt ridge: the deformation pattern<br />

of the chalk at Laegerdorf, NW Germany<br />


Key words: Chalk, faults, joint, salt-related structures, stress<br />

field.<br />

Chalk is predominantly a relatively weak, high porosity white<br />

biomicrite consisting almost entirely of fine grained skeletal<br />

material, particularly coccoliths.<br />

The very small grain size results in a very low primary<br />

permeability.<br />

Despite this, high effective permeability is imparted to chalk<br />

by tectonic fracturing and, consequently, chalk is a well known<br />

hydrocarbon reservoir rock, particularly in regions with salt<br />

diapirs and ridges like the Gulf of Mexico and North Sea,<br />

because of the different trap types associated with these<br />

structures.<br />

The orientation, spacing, persistence, and type of mechanical<br />

discontinuities are all important factors controlling both<br />

permeability magnitude and anisotropy in chalk.<br />

The wide variety of kinematic pathways that can drive the<br />

growth of salt-related structures, and of the corresponding stress<br />

fields, imply that predictions of fracture (joints and fault zones)<br />

and stylolite attributes greatly benefit from field analogue studies.<br />

In this contribution we present results of a field study of the<br />

fracture pattern in the chalk overlying the Krempe salt ridge at<br />

Laegedorf, in NW Germany.<br />

We describe the occurrence, orientation and spacing of joints<br />

and extensional faults as a function of bed thickness and attitude.<br />

The deformational architecture of fault zones as a function of<br />

displacement is also described. Moreover, we present in situ<br />

permeability data collected in undeformed chalk, across tight<br />

joints, and in brecciated chalk.<br />

The field evidence is interpreted in terms of the evolution of<br />

the stress field during salt ridge growth, which is influenced by<br />

both periclinal folding and gentle subsidiary transversal folding.<br />

Implications for fracture pattern predictions in chalk reservoirs<br />

are discussed.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università degli Studi Roma Tre,<br />

Roma,<br />

(**) ENI E & P. Division, S. Donato Milanese<br />

(°) Eni Norge AS, Stavanger, Norway<br />

453<br />


SESSIONE 13<br />


SESSIONE 14<br />

L'inquinamento da fonti naturali:<br />

stato dell'arte e prospettive delle ricerche<br />


Fabrizio Franceschini (ARPA Toscana)<br />

Massimo Guidi (CNR Pisa)<br />

455<br />


SESSIONE 14<br />

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SESSIONE 14<br />

Occurrence of fibrous minerals from Northern Apennine ophiolites:<br />

comparison among three different tectonic settings<br />

Key words: Asbestos, environmental exposure, Ligurian units,<br />

Northern Apennine, ophiolites.<br />


Northern Apennine is a fold and thrust belt consisting of a<br />

stack of continental and oceanic units. The latter, known as<br />

Ligurian Units, are characterized by Jurassic ophiolite sequences<br />

interpreted as remnants of oceanic and transitional lithosphere of<br />

the western Tethys domain. The ophiolite sequences, according<br />

to their lithostratigrafic and tectonic settings, are assigned to<br />

Internal and External Units (MARRONI et alii, 1998; MARRONI &<br />

PANDOLFI, 2007). In Tuscany, the rocks belonging to ophiolite<br />

sequences may contain fibrous minerals either classified as<br />

asbestos, like chrysotile and tremolite, as well as minerals with<br />

fibrous morphology not still reported as dangerous for the health.<br />

Despite the ban of asbestos for industrial use in Europe, the<br />

excavation of asbestos-bearing rocks, like serpentinites and<br />

gabbros, is allowed for both ornamental stones and raw material<br />

quarrying.<br />



We compared three dissmissed borrow pits belonging to<br />

Ligurian Units in Northern Apennine. Detailed geological<br />

surveys has been performed in the quarry sites in order to identify<br />

the different lithotypes and define their geometrical relationships.<br />

1) Pomaia quarry is a dismissed and restored borrow pit<br />

located in Cecina Valley (Pisa). The quarry face shows good<br />

exposures of all the lithotypes, consisting of lherzolites and<br />

gabbros both cut by cataclasites. These lithotypes belong to an<br />

ophiolite sequence referred to Internal Ligurian Units, where<br />

_________________________<br />



(*) Dipartimento di Sciente <strong>della</strong> Terra – Università di Pisa<br /><br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto CaMAm - con il <strong>contributo</strong><br />

finanziario del Fondo Sociale Europeo 2007-13 – Programma operativo -<br />

Regione Toscana<br />

458<br />

continous, even if deformed under very low-grade orogenic<br />

metamorphism, oceanic sequence can be found. The lherzolites<br />

are affected by serpentinization due to oceanic metamorphism,<br />

ranging from zeolite to upper amphibolite facies. The<br />

serpentinization is responsible of development of fibrous<br />

minerals, like chrysotile and antigorite. In addition, also sepiolite,<br />

mainly along the cataclastic fault zones, is found.<br />

2) Sasso Cinturino quarry is a dismissed and not restored<br />

borrow pit located in Garfagnana, near to Villa Collemandina<br />

(Lucca) and opened in serpentinite rocks belonging to the<br />

External Ligurian Units. The quarry shows bad exposures of<br />

serpentinites and rare rodingites. In the serpentinites, derived<br />

from subcontinental lherzolites, chrysotile and actinolitetremolite<br />

occur as fibrous minerals.<br />

3) Monte Fico quarry is a dismissed and restored borrow pit<br />

opened on the western slopes of Monte Fico in Elba Island, near<br />

Rio Marina (Livorno). According to BORTOLOTTI et alii (2001),<br />

in the Monte Fico area, the serpentinized lherzolites belong to a<br />

tectonic unit regarded as deformed during HP/LT metamoprhism<br />

and thus referred to Schistes Lustrés complex of Alpine Corsica.<br />

This quarry exhibits quite good esposures of serpentinized<br />

lherzolites with antigorite and chrysotile occurrences.<br />

A representative sampling of lithotypes from the three sites<br />

has been carried out, paying special attention to different kinds<br />

and occurrences of fibrous phases. Mineralogical and petrological<br />

observations were performed and required the integrated use of<br />

several analytical techniques. Optical microscopy was useful to<br />

study petrological and mineralogical features, as well as to<br />

observe geometrical relationships of veins at microscale. Powder-<br />

XRD spectra of samples were collected and allow to identify<br />

mineral species in rocks and fibrous phases. Micro-Raman<br />

spectroscopy was a useful technique to distinguish the different<br />

mineralogical species with similar optical and chemical features<br />

(RINAUDO et alii, 2003). SEM-EDS allowed mineral chemistry<br />

determinations as well as observations of their possible fibrous<br />

morphology at the micrometer scale.<br />

The study of these three occurrences allows a comparison<br />

among ophiolitic lithotypes in three different tectonic setting, in<br />

order to highlight the difference in content and tipology of fibrous<br />

minerals. The results of this study represent the starting point for<br />

a correlation between the tectonic setting and the fibrous mineral<br />


Fig. 1 – Serpentine veins in serpentinites from Monte Fico (Elba Island).<br />

Fig. 2 – SEM image of actinolite-tremolite from Sasso Cinturino (Lucca) .<br />


Fibrous minerals identified in the studied pits are chrysotile<br />

and actinolite-tremolite, classified as asbestos, as well as sepiolite<br />

and antigorite, both occurring with fibrous habit, but not<br />

considered dangerous by present-day regulations. These phases<br />

are widespread in the studied sites: in the host rock, in veins, as<br />

fragments in the ground debris, and in weathered surfaces of<br />

rocks.<br />

Among the acknowledged health problems caused by asbestos<br />

inhalation, epidemiological studies highlight cases of<br />

mesothelioma from environmental exposure. So it would be<br />

necessary to identify and localize the different fibrous minerals in<br />

ophiolitic outcrops. The identification of different fibrous<br />

minerals in Internal and External Ligurian units and the<br />

comparison between these studied sites make ophiolitic outcrops<br />

from Northern Apennine a valuable case study for the estimation<br />

of the enviromental risk linked to the dispersion of asbestos<br />

fibers.<br />

459<br />


BORTOLOTTI V., PANDELI E. & PRINCIPI G. (2001) – The geology<br />

of Elba Island: an historical introduction. Ofioliti, 26 (2a),<br />

79-96.<br />

MARRONI M. & PANDOLFI L. (2007) - The architecture of the<br />

Jurassic Ligure-Piemontese oceanic basin: tentative<br />

reconstruction along the Northern Apennine - Alpine Corsica<br />

transect. Int. J. Earth Sci., 96, 1059-1078.<br />


The association of continental crust rocks with ophiolites in<br />

the Northern Apennines (Italy): implications for the<br />

continent-ocean transition in the Western Tethys.<br />

Tectonophysics, 292, 43-66.<br />

RINAUDO C., GASTALDI D. & BELLUSO E. (2003) –<br />

Characterization of chrysotile, antigorite and lizardite by FT-<br />

Raman Spectroscopy. Can. Min., 41, 883-890.<br />


SESSIONE 14<br />

Tetrachloroethylene contamination on drinking water wells field in<br />

Pianura Padana<br />


BARBARA NISI (**) (°°) & FRANCO TASSI (°°) (**)<br />

Key words: Drinking water, pollution, tetrachlorethylene,.<br />


Since 1997 the presence of Tetrachlorethylene (PCE) has<br />

been recognized in the drinking water wells field (DWWF) of the<br />

Pianura Padana plain. In this framework a detailed<br />

hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical study was performed to<br />

formulate a hypothesis on the origin of PCE contamination.<br />

The studied system is a multilayer aquifer with four<br />

permeable horizons, made up of gravel and sandy-gravel,<br />

intercalated to low-permeable horizons (clay and silt). The<br />

drinking water wells field is composed by five wells that intercept<br />

all the four levels.<br />

The first step of this investigation consisted of collecting<br />

information about location of potential pollutant sources like<br />

factories that might produce or use PCE, and of reconstruction of<br />

geological and hydrogeological features of studying area. In the<br />

second step, a field survey has been realized. Sampling waters<br />

from DWWF, domestic wells, piezometers and superficial waters<br />

around the area and measurement of piezometric levels have been<br />

carried out in February 2010. These levels were noted in static<br />

condition except for that of the main drinking well, which is<br />

continuously pumping.<br />

Temperature, pH, Eh, electric conductivity and alkalinity<br />

were measured in the field, whereas major and minor ion (Cl - ,<br />

SO4 2- , NO3 - , Na + , K + , Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ , Cr TOT) and isotopic content<br />

(d 18 O‰ e d 2 H‰) were analyzed in the laboratory using routine<br />

methods. Tetrachlorethylene, trichlorethylene, benzene, carbon<br />

disulfide, 1,1,1-trichlorethane, dimethylsulfide, toluene, 1,1,1trichlorethane,<br />

ethylbenzene were determined according to TASSI<br />

et alii (2008), in order to recognized hydrochemical facies and to<br />

mapping the concentration of PCE on field survey. The<br />

elaboration of piezometric levels allowed to understand the flow<br />

pattern of studying area in two extreme stress condition of the<br />

aquifer.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) MASSA Spin-off,<br />

(**) IGG-CNR - Pisa,<br />

(°) Dipartimento per lo Studio del Territorio e delle sue Risorse – Università<br />

degli Studi di Genova,<br />

(°°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra – Università di Firenze,<br /><br />

460<br />


This aquifer have been study through a multidisciplinary<br />

approach: (i) hydrogeological, (ii) geochemical.<br />

From an hydrogeological point of view, the water levels<br />

measured were elaborated obtaining a pseudo-static (only the<br />

main drinking well was pumping) piezometric surface. Moreover,<br />

the elaboration was done also in the extreme situation of<br />

pumping, considering all drinking water wells in operation.<br />

Pumping tests data (ZAVATTI, 1992) regarding the multi-screened<br />

wells of the DWWF show average values of 2*10 -3 m/s, 5.5*10 -3<br />

m 2 /s and 2*10 -4 for K, T and S, respectively. The dynamic levels<br />

were calculated by means of Theis-Jacob methods and using the<br />

known pumping rate and hydrodynamic parameters. Both the<br />

elaborations highlighted a principal feeding of the drinking wells<br />

from the South-East part of the area. In fact, the morphology of<br />

dynamic and pseudo-static piezometer surfaces shows a general<br />

SE-NO flow direction. In the dynamic condition, DWWF<br />

receives water from all directions, at the same time the major<br />

flow rate is from S-E (Fig. 1).<br />

Fig. 1 – Piezometric sketch map in dynamic condition.<br />

For what concerns geochemical investigation, this include a<br />

deterministic approach, consisting of binary diagrams related to<br />

waters classification and isotopic composition, and a

0.75<br />

1.00<br />

50<br />

0.00<br />

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00<br />

Mg meq/l<br />

0.75<br />

0.50<br />

0.25<br />

Na+K meq/l<br />

0.00 1.00<br />

geostatistical approach for mapping the parameters of interest.<br />

The DWWF is located next to a river but the analytic results<br />

shows the lack of interaction between superficial water and<br />

groundwater; both are characterized in the triangular plots (fig 1 e<br />

2) by a Ca-HCO3 composition except few waters that show a<br />

Ca,Mg-HCO3 composition (74a, 94a, 50) or a NaOH-HCO3<br />

composition (74b) (Fig. 2). These samples have been collected at<br />

different depth.<br />

As regards the isotopic contents, there is a clear distinction<br />

between groundwater and stream waters, in fact these latter are<br />

characterized by a lower isotopic content on d 18 O‰ and d 2 H‰<br />

likely due to dissolution of the snow fell down on site the<br />

previous weeks. Moreover, the large range of isotopic values of<br />

shallow wells/piezometers (until 45 m) is compatible with a<br />

short-time influence on shallow aquifer by local meteoric<br />

precipitation. Otherwise, for deeper wells (including DWWF) the<br />

isotopic values are within a restrict range and are very similar to<br />

that registered on the same wells by IACUMIN et alii (2009) in<br />

2003-2005 period. These features subject the presence of a longer<br />

and deeper circulation, which is likely fed from the Apennine<br />

relief.<br />

Finally, the spatial distribution of PCE on groundwater shows<br />

that this polluting substance arises with a variable concentration<br />

from 0.2 μg/L to 35.7 μg/L in a restrict area with distinct depths<br />

(Fig. 3) especially on E-SE of DWWF. Because the viscosity of<br />

PCE is much less and the density is larger than those of water,<br />

PCE can infiltrates easily in the unsaturated zone and reaches the<br />

groundwater table (EGUSA et alii, 1993). PCE is present as<br />

0.75<br />

74b<br />

74a<br />

94a 92<br />

0.50<br />

0.25<br />

Ca meq/l<br />

1.00<br />

0.00<br />

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00<br />

SO 4 meq/l<br />

Fig. 2 – Ternary plots.<br />

0.50<br />

0.25<br />

Cl meq/l<br />

0.00 1.00<br />

0.75<br />

Drinking water wells<br />

Domestic wells<br />

Piezometers<br />

Stream waters<br />

0.50<br />

0.25<br />

HCO 3 meq/l<br />

461<br />

separate liquid phase and probably accumulates itself in<br />

correspondence to depression zones of the bottom of the aquifer.<br />

Fig. 3 – Spatial distribution of PCE. In blue are represented piezometric contours<br />

and the value of piezometric level (m s.l.m), in black are represented the sampled<br />

points and their code (49, 57, 53, 51 and 62 are drinking water wells) and in red<br />

the fluctuation of PCE.<br />

The lack of Cr TOT in water sampled allows to exclude the<br />

hypothesis of an accidental leakage from galvanic processes<br />

adopted by carpentry industry located on upstream of DWWF.<br />

The comparison between hydrogeological and geochemical<br />

results and the presence of an zone characterized by high PCE<br />

concentration located in the S-E of the investigated area, indicate<br />

that possible origin of contamination could be an illegal disposal<br />

of mud’s laundry on S-E of DWWF.<br />



Y. & ISHIBASHI T. (1993) – A hydrogeological study of<br />

groundwater pollution by tetrachloroethylene. Tracers in<br />

Hydrology, 215, 125-134.<br />

IACUMIN P., VENTURELLI G. & SELMO E. – Isotopic features of<br />

rivers and groundwater of the Parma Province (Northern<br />

Italy) and their relationships with precipitation. J. Geochem.<br />

Explor., 102, 56-62.<br />


VASELLI O. & MINISSALE A. (2008) – Metodo d’analisi e di<br />

riconoscimento <strong>dei</strong> Composti Organici Volatili (COV) in gas<br />

vulcanici, idrotermali e del suolo. CNR-IGG Rapporto<br />

Interno n. 1/2008, 12 pp.<br />

ZAVATTI A. (1992) – Studi sulla vulnerabilità degli acquiferi 3,<br />

alta e media pianura parmense. Quaderni di tecniche di<br />

protezione ambientale, 20, 163.<br />


SESSIONE 14<br />

Key words: Asbestos, fibrous minerals, Northern Apennine<br />

ophiolites, serpentinites.<br />


The Northern Apennine is characterized by the occurrence of<br />

well preserved Jurassic ophiolites in the Ligurian Units.<br />

Ophiolitic lithologic types may contain fibrous minerals, with<br />

most of them, although not all, classified as asbestos. Only the<br />

minerals classified as asbestos are considered dangerous, even if<br />

several Mg-rich fibrous silicates are regarded as potential<br />

candidates to promote adverse effects on human health.<br />

The environmental risk connected with the exposure to<br />

natural-occurring asbestos can derive from the fiber dispersion<br />

produced by both natural processes and human activities.<br />

In the ophiolitic sequences of the Northern Apennine there are<br />

almost seventy quarry sites where rocks are crushed for the<br />

production of raw materials (VOLTAGGIO & SPADONI, 2007).<br />

Different countries adopt their own regulation for the evaluation<br />

of fiber dispersion from asbestos-bearing rocks. Despite this, no<br />

standard protocols are up to now defined for a complete<br />

assessment of the fibrous mineral content preliminar to<br />

excavation.<br />


The study case is represented by ophiolitic rocks, belonging<br />

to the Internal Ligurian units, well exposed in a restored quarry<br />

near Pomaia, Santa Luce (Pisa).<br />

The quarry face shows good exposures of all the lithotypes,<br />

consisting of serpentinites, gabbros and cataclasites. Serpentinites<br />

are almost all tectonitic lherzolites having variable degrees of<br />

serpentinization. These rocks display a network of veins filled by<br />

serpentine group minerals, which occur as emerald green<br />

isotropic or light green to white fibrous. Veins with fibrous<br />

_________________________<br />

Estimate of fibrous mineral content in asbestos-bearing rocks<br />

from southern Tuscany: a case study<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra - Università di Pisa,<br />,,<br />


462<br />

infilling show well-developed mediam line and fibers showing<br />

progressive rotation. Gabbros are intruded in serpentinites as 5-<br />

60 cm thick dykes or 1x20 m sized stocks (Fig. 1). Wide<br />

cataclastic zones cut both serpentinites and gabbros. These zones<br />

contain brownish mm-thick sheets of a fibrous phase (Fig. 2).<br />

At the meso-scale, the geometric relationships between the<br />

different lithotypes indicate that the lherzolites were intruded by<br />

gabbro dykes and subsequently serpentinized with widespread<br />

development of serpentine veins. The cataclastic deformation,<br />

that affects both gabbros and serpentinites, represents the latest<br />

event, probably still in the oceanic setting, according to<br />

recrystallization of chrysotile among the fragments. Integrated<br />

analytical methods allowed to identify the fibrous phases.<br />

The identification of fibrous phases has required the<br />

Fig. 1 – Gabbro dyke intruded in serpentinite, both crosscutted by<br />

serpentine veins.<br />

Fig. 2 – Cataclasite and brownish sheets of sepiolite.

integration of several analytical techniques (COMPAGNONI &<br />

GROPPO, 2006), such as XRPD, SEM-EDS (Dip. di Scienze <strong>della</strong><br />

Terra, Università di Pisa), and micro-Raman spectroscopy<br />

(Centro Scansetti, Dip. di Scienze Mineralogiche e Petrologiche,<br />

Università di Torino). Minerals occurring with fibrous shape in<br />

Pomaia quarry are: chrysotile, antigorite and sepiolite.<br />

Fig. 3 – Fibrous serpentine veins.<br />

The quantitative estimate of lithotypes and fibrous phases of<br />

the Pomaia quarry was performed using a multi-scale image<br />

analysis, from outcrop scale to thin section scale. A multi-scale<br />

approch for quantitative estimation of fibrous phases was set up<br />

for serpentinites.<br />

The processing of a photographic survey, integrated with field<br />

data, led to a quantitative estimate of lithotypes: 67% for the<br />

serpentinites 9% for the gabbros, and 24% for the cataclasites. A<br />

photographic sampling of ten areas on serpentinitic exposures<br />

was performed in order to take a representative picture of the<br />

distribution of discontinuities in the studied rocks. The serpentine<br />

veins at meso-scale were quantified by image analysis and turned<br />

out to be about 13 vol% of the total serpentinite volume.<br />

Analytical evidences and observations on thin sections were<br />

integrated. An image analysis was performed to quantify the<br />

minerals representing potential source of fibers at the microscale.<br />

The percent of these minerals amounts to 73% of the<br />

serpentinites.<br />


Detailed field observations as well as petrological and<br />

mineralogical studies of the ophiolitic samples have been<br />

integrated with image analysis at different scales. This integration<br />

of methods allowed to quantify the phases which are potentially<br />

sources of mineral fibers.<br />

The integration of data at outcrop, meso- and micro-scale<br />

suggests that this material represents about 54 % of the total<br />

volume.<br />

The set-up of a multi-scale investigation protocol to study<br />

463<br />

asbestos-bearing rocks, is thus essential also to perform a<br />

representative sampling for the evaluation of potential fiber<br />

dispersion.<br />


COMPAGNONI R. & GROPPO C. (2006) - Gli amianti in Val di Susa<br />

e le rocce che li contengono. Rend. Soc. Geol. It., 3, 21-28.<br />

VOLTAGGIO M. & SPADONI M. (2007) – Variation of geochemical<br />

risk associated with the use of ophiolitic washing mud as<br />

refilling material in a basalt quarry of the Northern Apennine<br />

(Italy). Environ. Geol., 53, 417-432.<br />


SESSIONE 14<br />

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SESSIONE 14<br />

Boron concentration in humic and fulvic acids of soil epipedon in<br />

San Vitale pinewood (Ravenna, Italy)<br />


Key words: Boron, fulvic acid, humic acid, soil epipedon.<br />


The aim of this study is to investigate boron in humic<br />

substances (e.g. humic and fulvic acids) of soil epipedon. The<br />

knowledge of the mechanisms of boron interaction with soil<br />

organic matter (SOM) is important to better constrain the<br />

water/rock interaction in the shallow environment. High<br />

concentration of humic and fulvic acids are available in soils and<br />

subordinately in sediments. These substances could potentially<br />

act as a significant reservoir of boron as well as a source of this<br />

element to soil solution, rivers, and lakes. SOM consists of<br />

complex polymeric organic compounds which are more resistant<br />

to decomposition than the non-humic material. Humified SOM<br />

plays a crucial role in the assessment of soil quality, since it<br />

makes up significant part of the total organic carbon and nitrogen<br />

in soils, recalcitrant to microorganisms. Humus also increases the<br />

buffering action of soil and the capacity in ion exchange,<br />

facilitating thus the absorption of micronutrients by the plant<br />

roots. Humus-enzime complexes are considered to be of great<br />

importance in soil fertility since they represent a link between<br />

inorganic and organic reaction in soils (CECCANTI et alii, 1994).<br />

Compared with other nutrient elements, the chemistry of boron in<br />

soils is very simple. Boron does not undergo oxidation-reduction<br />

reactions or volatilization in soils. Boric acid is a very weak,<br />

monobasic acid, that in solution forms borate anion. Boron<br />

concentration in soil solution is mainly related to<br />

adsorption/desorption reactions, that are controlled by its<br />

availability in soils, solution pH, soil texture, soil moisture, and<br />

temperature (GOLDBERG, 1997).<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, CNR, Pisa,,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento Scienze e Tecnologie Agroambientali, Università Bologna,<br />,<br />

The research is partially supported by a grant from the Italian Ministry of<br />

University and Research (PRIN 2007-20077A9XJA), coordinated by Prof.<br />

U.Masi<br />

474<br />

Boron is an essential micronutrient for plants, but the<br />

concentration range between deficient and toxic is narrower than<br />

for any other nutrient element. Plants respond directly to boron<br />

content in soil solution, and only indirectly to boron adsorbed<br />

onto soil constituents.<br />

Togheter with inorganic compounds (oxides, hydroxides, clay<br />

minerals) organic matter represents one of the significant boronadsorbing<br />

surface. SOM adsorbs more boron than mineral soils<br />

on a weight basis (GU &LOWE, 1990); this process increases with<br />

increasing pH, and reaches a maximum at pH=9 (GU &LOWE,<br />

1990, LEMARCHAND et alii, 2005). Boron adsorption reaches<br />

equilibrium rapidly (hours) and is enhanced by increasing ionic<br />

strength of the solution. Important insight on the mechanisms that<br />

control boron adsorption and isotopic fractionation on humic<br />

acids were achieved by LEMARCHAND et alii (2005). An attempt<br />

is here done to determine the boron content of humic and fulvic<br />

acids (HA and FA, respectively), isolated by soil epipedon in San<br />

Vitale pinewood (Ravenna, Italy).<br />


The San Vitale pinewood is a site of community importance<br />

and its soil is affected by contamination from saline waters and<br />

from atmospheric deposition. The soil profiles here studied are<br />

classified as Sodic Psammaquents (Pin 3 and Pin 9) and Typic<br />

Psammaquants (Pin 5). The humic substances are extracted from<br />

epipedon (A-1 horizon), that is more rich of organic carbon than<br />

the deeper horizons. The extraction is carried out using NaOH<br />

1M Suprapur, with a 1:10 ratio (wt/vol) for 24 hours at 65°C.<br />

After centrifugation, the samples are filtered at 0.45μm<br />

(Millipore system). The supernatant is acidified at pH

weighted (about 0.1 and 0.02 g, respectively), then mixed with<br />

boron free- K2CO3 (1:5 wt ratio) in Pt-Ir crucibles. The samples<br />

are then fused, and the fusion cake dissolved in ultrapurified<br />

water. The insoluble phase is centrifugated, and a weighted<br />

amount of the supernatant processed according to the three-steps<br />

ion-exchange procedure, described in TONARINI et alii (1997).<br />

HNO3 (2%) is then added to the eluted, and the solution finally<br />

analyzed by ICP-OES.<br />

Boron concentration measured in humic substances ranges<br />

between 65 and 240 μg B/g organic acid. FA samples result<br />

enriched in boron respect to HA. Data gained on the three soil<br />

samples do not highlight a clear correlation between boron and<br />

organic carbon. Results of this study confirm that boron sorption<br />

on HA and FA is significant, and could play an important role in<br />

the boron geochemical cycle.<br />

To evaluate the influence of SOM on boron sorption (and<br />

release) in soils further investigation is required in soils from<br />

different geological context and/or areas with different soils use<br />

and management. These preliminary data encourage carrying on<br />

sophisticated analyses, including PTIMS ( 11 B/ 10 B ratio), and 11 B<br />

NMR.<br />


Dr Matteo Lelli is thanked for the availability of ICP-OES<br />

facilities. MP and EDG are grateful to B. Ceccanti and C.<br />

Macci for helpful discussion.<br />



Biomonitoring the environment and its functionality. InB.<br />

Ceccanti and C. Garcia (eds) - Environ. Biochem. Practice<br />

Waste and soil Management. Pisa, 1-24.<br />


Characterization of humified compounds by extraction and<br />

fractionation on solid polyvinil pirrolidone. J. Chrom., 509,<br />

141-146.<br />

GOLDBERG S. (1997) - Reaction of boron with soils. Plant and<br />

Soil, 193, 35-48.<br />

GU B. & LOWE L. (1990) - Studies on the adsorption of boron on<br />

humic acids. Can. J. Soil Sci., 70, 305-311.<br />

LEMARCHAND E., SCHOTT J. & GAILLARDET J. (2005) - Boron<br />

isotopic fractionation related to boron sorption on humic<br />

acid and the structure of surface complex formed. Geochim.<br />

Cosmochim. Acta, 69 (14), 3519-3533.<br />

TONARINI S., PENNISI M., & LEEMAN W.P. (1997) - Precise<br />

boron isotopic analyses of complex silicate (rock) samples<br />

475<br />

using alkali carbonate fusion and ion-exchange separation.<br />

Chem. Geol., 142, 129-137.<br />


SESSIONE 14<br />

Natural origin hydrocarbon contamination in waters of carbonatic<br />

domains of Abruzzi Apennines<br />

Key words: Abruzzi Apennines, bituminous impregnations,<br />

hydrogeochemistry, natural contamination, oil shales.<br />

The work descends from presence within carbonatic<br />

stratigraphic successions in Apennines of situations connected to<br />

naphtogenesis and their potential interaction with groundwater.<br />

To perform the investigation several sites are been located: 13<br />

springs of different contexts like oil shales, liquid and solid<br />

petroleum happenings, mineralized and sulphurous waters are<br />

been analyzed for their geological, stratigraphic, hydrogeological,<br />

hydrochemical and hysotopic characteristics.<br />

Results display presence of not-anthropic pollution-derivation<br />

contaminants those are sometimes higher than legal limit for<br />

human drinking water.<br />

The points where is studied water-rock interaction concern<br />

with 3 different geological contexts: Gran Sasso Range, Majella<br />

and Morrone mountains; in each site geological, stratigraphic,<br />

hydrogeological, hydrochemical and isotopic features have been<br />

analyzed. Study cases already treated have been collected as<br />

following (Figs. 1 and 2):<br />

- South Gran Sasso Range, springs fed by partially or totally by<br />

aquifers formed of black shales belonging to Dolomie<br />

Bituminose Formation (Upper Triassic; ADAMOLI et alii,<br />

1990);<br />

- Morrone Mountain, springs partially or totally supplied by<br />

aquifers that have within hydrogeological complexes with<br />

liquid petroleum impregnations of Bolognano Formation<br />

(Miocene; CONESE et alii, 2001);<br />

- Majella Mountain, springs partially or totally supplied by<br />

aquifers that have within hydrogeological complexes with<br />

solid impregnations as asphalt like it happens in Bolognano<br />

Formation (Miocene; NANNI &RUSI, 2003);<br />

- North Gran Sasso Range, springs flowing from Apennines<br />

carbonatic aquifers affected by apparently anomalous<br />

contaminations due to by-products of hydrocarbons<br />

(PETACCIA &RUSI, 2008).<br />

Work methodology primarily considered historical review of<br />

information regarding study sites particularly quarries, followed<br />

by geological and hydrogeological setting definition.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” di Chieti Dipartimento di<br />

Geotecnologie per l’Ambiente ed il Territorio (DiGAT),<br /><br />

(**) Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” di Chieti Dipartimento di<br />

Geotecnologie per l’Ambiente ed il Territorio (DiGAT),<br />


476<br />

Fig. 1 – Geological sketch map of studied areas (PETACCIA, 2010).<br />

Studies conducted till now regarded chemical characterization<br />

of bituminous rocks s.l. and physical-chemical and<br />

hydrochemical ones of water points. In order to characterize solid<br />

matrix (bituminous rocks s.l.) two different analytical methods<br />

have been used: the first is normally used to determine organic<br />

matter concentration in natural soils and/or sewage sludge (italian<br />

law limit: threshold concentration of contamination, CSC=1000<br />

mg/l – D. Lgs. 152/2006); the second one (transfer test) in waste<br />

in order to find the amount of hydrocarbons that can be<br />

transferred to water (CSC=350 mg/l).<br />

On the other hand with respect to water samples, the analysis<br />

carried on concern with parameters that can evaluate the<br />

concentration and presence of hydrocarbons in water: total,<br />

volatile and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (THCs with<br />

CSC=350 mg/l, VHCs and PAHs respectively with various<br />

CSCs; Tab. 1).<br />

Surveying of data have been completed by using previous<br />

isotopic characterization of waters with new determination of 18 O<br />

and 2 H stable isotopes.

Tab. 1 – Results of chemical analysis carried out on water samples collected at interest points from February 2008 to August 2009; expressed values in μg/l.<br />

THC confidence limit = 20 μg/l; CSC of THCs 350 mg/l; in grey values above CSC; at March 2009 there is systematic presence of PAHs (PETACCIA, 2010).<br />

Ongoing investigations are carried on to determine polycyclic<br />

aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) dissolved in water by validating<br />

and calibrating analytical methods to be applied to interest sites<br />

and whose results must be compared with both existing<br />

legislation and still open questions here studied.<br />

Fig. 2 – Geological section across Fornaca spring (South Gran Sasso Range;<br />

PETACCIA, 2010).<br />

Obtained results show how there is certain presence of<br />

hydrocarbons largely in analyzed water points, so that initial<br />

hypothesis is confirmed.<br />

In two sources, according to existing legislation, is exceeded<br />

the threshold concentration of contamination so that they would<br />

be “contaminated sites” (Tab. 1): one is Rionne spring, collected<br />

for drinking water; until now, exceeding of THCs’ CSC is happen<br />

one time (September 2008). So, there's a need to revalue the<br />

threshold concentrations of contamination in studied areas, in<br />

similar zones and in geological frameworks not considered yet,<br />

increasing case studies: in fact, can one suppose that alluvial and<br />

lacustrine deposits that leached peats, for example, may enrich<br />

with examined substances. One also need to find out laws to<br />

adopt whereas this kind of “natural contamination” is so high to<br />

pass the concentration threshold. Among open issues, there are:<br />

execution of new research campaigns, with chemical analyses<br />

even in double blind and the expansion of researches to other<br />

Italian areas characterized by similar geologic conditions.<br />

Moreover one should estimate the effects of results on the<br />

management and distribution of drinking water together with<br />

responsible agencies (ARTA, aqueduct consortia, etc.).<br />

477<br />



ROMANO A., DURANTI F. & VENTURI F. (1990) – Upper<br />

Triassic bituminous facies and Hettangian pelagic facies in<br />

the Gran Sasso Range. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 109, (1), 219-230.<br />

CONESE M., NANNI T., PEILA C., RUSI S. & SALVATI R. (1990) –<br />

Idro<strong>geologia</strong> <strong>della</strong> Montagna del Morrone (Appennino<br />

Abruzzese): dati preliminari. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 56, 181-<br />

196.<br />

NANNI T. & RUSI S. (2003) – Idro<strong>geologia</strong> del massiccio<br />

carbonatico <strong>della</strong> Majella (Appennino centrale). Boll. Soc.<br />

Geol. It., 122, 173-202.<br />

PETACCIA R. (2010) – Contaminazione da idrocarburi di origine<br />

naturale nelle acque <strong>dei</strong> domini carbonatici e terrigeni<br />

dell’Appennino abruzzese. Tesi di dottorato XXII ciclo in<br />

Geologia Applicata all’Ambiente ed al Territorio, Università<br />

degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara.<br />

PETACCIA R. & RUSI S. (2008) – Idro<strong>geologia</strong> delle sorgenti del<br />

Ruzzo (Gran Sasso d’Italia). Giorn. di Geol. App., 8 (1), 17-<br />

28.<br />


SESSIONE 14<br />

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Isotope geochemistry to assess water quality in artificial canal<br />

network from the Ravenna coastal plain (Italy)<br />



Key words: Coastal plain, geochemistry, isotopes, metals,<br />

surface waters, water/rock interaction.<br />

Several trace elements are considered priority pollutants in the<br />

environment. They can be derived from both natural (geogenic)<br />

and anthropogenic sources. Natural sources include rocks and<br />

minerals, while anthropogenic sources include mainly agriculture,<br />

industrial activity and energy production. In aquatic systems,<br />

freshwater are contaminated by trace elements due to runoff and<br />

drainage of soils and sediments. In the near-surface environment<br />

metals and metalloids undergo a series of dynamic geochemical<br />

and biogeochemical processes that affect the speciation and<br />

consequently solubility, mobility, bioavalibility and toxicity.<br />

Coupled to fluid chemistry, isotopes provide a powerful tool to<br />

trace the origin and processes controlling trace elements<br />

distribution in the shallow environment. Isotopes of elements<br />

with a conservative behaviour, such as oxygen and hydrogen,<br />

trace the effects of mixing between different water reservoirs and<br />

physical-chemical processes such as evaporation, while the<br />

isotopic composition in water of non-conservative elements, such<br />

as strontium and boron, provides information on both mixing<br />

process, including the possible effects of anthropogenic input/s,<br />

and on interaction processes between water-soil and waterorganic<br />

compounds.<br />

In the last century main topographic changes were induced in<br />

the Ravenna area by groundwater exploitation. These variations<br />

combined with a natural subsidence rate of 1 mm/year, caused by<br />

compactation of local alluvial deposits.<br />

Land subsidence has dropped most of the territory below the<br />

mean sea water level, requiring the organization of a drainage net<br />

in order to keep the agricultural land dry. The geochemical and<br />

____________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze e tecnologie Agroambientali, Università di<br />

Bologna,,,<br /><br />

(**) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, CNR, Pisa,,<br /><br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Trieste,<br />,<br />

The research is partially supported by a grant from the Italian Ministery of<br />

University and Research (PRIN 2007-20077A9XJA), coordinated by Prof.<br />

U. Masi.<br />

479<br />

isotopic characteristics of irrigation canals and ditches in the<br />

Ravenna area were investigated in order to characterize the<br />

elemental sources, and to evaluate their relationship with the<br />

management of the hydrographical system.<br />

The investigated canal network is delimited northward by the<br />

Lamone river, southward by the Montone river, and by the<br />

Canale Emiliano Romagnolo (CER) in the western sector. On the<br />

eastern boundary a coastal lagoon, called Pi<strong>alla</strong>ssa Baiona, is<br />

located; it was formed after the hydraulic action devoted to the<br />

optimization of canal, ditches and river regime. Today, the<br />

lagoon allows to prevent salinitation along the historical<br />

landmark of the San Vitale forest, planted by monastic<br />

communities on the fossil dunes formed in the period 10th – 15th.<br />

Above the Pleistocene alluvial plain, continental (marsh<br />

lagoon) and marine (sand and sand-clay alternation) sediments<br />

were deposited in a coastal environment of the Po plain. Along<br />

the catchment of the Lamone river marl-arenaceous, silty-clay<br />

and sandy formations Pliocene and Pleistocene in age, and chalk<br />

are present; thermal springs overflow occur (e.g. Brisighella<br />

area). In the Montone river catchment marly and clay, mainly<br />

outcrop.<br />

The ditches net and the Lamone river are partly equipped with<br />

dams and draining pumps that allow surplus discharge into the<br />

Pialassa during the winter, and prevent saltwater encroachment.<br />

Some locks designed to capture water for irrigation, however are<br />

too far inland to prevent the saltwater from coming in. Land use<br />

and irrigation of the area is mainly related to distribution of the<br />

CER water, that during summertime fed about 25000 ha, and<br />

contributes significantly in supplying the 33.2million m 3 /year<br />

needed for local industrial and agriculture uses. CER, feed by an<br />

impressive pumping station that takes water from the Po river,<br />

was built in response both to the need to defend the land against<br />

the flood water of the different rivers (e.g. Reno river, Lamone<br />

river) and to demand for irrigation water.<br />

From February 2009 till October 2009, surface waters were<br />

collected monthly from selected canals and ditches. Isotope<br />

analyses were performed in waters from canals, and from the<br />

Lamone and Montone rivers, sampled on Mars and July i.e.<br />

during contrasting seasonal regime, related to the agricultural<br />

activity.<br />

Seven ditches were also selected for sediment sampling.<br />


SESSIONE 14<br />

In canal samples, the positive correlations of metals with<br />

aluminum suggest that the alluvial deposits of this area have<br />

similar geochemical features; Lamone sediment makes exception.<br />

In surface water major, minor, and trace elements were<br />

analyzed, togheter with H, O, B, Sr isotopic compositions. The<br />

O2 content, and the chemical and biochemical oxygen demand<br />

were also determined. Different processes concurs to infer the<br />

chemical and isotopic characteristics of the shallow waters here<br />

investigated. Light-induced processes control the cycling of<br />

metals, and in particular of Fe, and Mn, as indicated by<br />

correlations between O2, pH and metals.<br />

Biological photosynthesis is also suspected to play a role in the<br />

transformation of N-compounds; waters are generally<br />

characterized by high NO2 contents (up to 0.2 mg/l), while NO3<br />

is less than 10 mg/l. On march, δD and δ 18 O deviation indicates<br />

that evaporation occurs during the low-flow period, i.e. when<br />

canals are not feed by CER. A moderate saline intrusion (up to<br />

15%) is evidenced by δ 18 O, δ 11 B, and Cl content, in canal waters<br />

sampled 8-10 km far from the coastal line, while sea water<br />

dominates (=80%) in samples located close to the Pialassa<br />

Baiona, as also shown by δ 11 B value of 37‰, that approaches the<br />

marine (39‰). However, water chemistry cannot simply be<br />

explained by mixing process between the fresh component<br />

(Lamone and Montone rivers, CER) and sea water.<br />

Evidence of mineral weathering and/or leaching are mainly<br />

inferred by the 86 Sr/ 86 Sr signature, the Ca and Sr elemental<br />

concentrations, and subordinately by the δ 11 B signature.<br />

Chemical and isotopic characteristics of water from canals,<br />

ditches and rivers that feed the Pialassa Baiona confirm that<br />

drainage from the agricultural area play a role in assessing canal<br />

chemistry but, exception made for Fe and Mn, it does not cause<br />

significant pollution on the water network.<br />

.<br />


SESSIONE 15<br />

Sistemi carbonatici, antichi e moderni.<br />

Processi e prodotti sedimentari<br />


Bruno D'Argenio(CNR Napoli)<br />

Gloria Ciarapica (Università di Perugia)<br />

Anna Gandin (Università di Siena)<br />

481<br />


SESSIONE 15<br />

Barremian-Aptian shallow-water carbonates<br />

of Monte Faito (Sorrento Peninsula, southern Italy).<br />

Microstratigraphy, cyclostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy<br />

Key words: carbonate platform, depositional sequences,<br />

eustatic cycles, facies analysis.<br />

Shallow-water carbonates are sensitive recorders of eustatic<br />

and climatic changes and can reveal the relative importance of<br />

global and regional controls on carbonate platform evolution.<br />

This study contributes to better understanding of the<br />

Barremian-Aptian interval, a period of well-known climatic and<br />

environmental changes towards more intensified greenhouse<br />

conditions.<br />

This work is part of a larger project concerning the timeequivalent<br />

carbonate platform sediments cropping out in central<br />

and southern Apennines and belonging to different<br />

paleogeographic domains (cfr. AMODIO, 2006, 2008; AMODIO<br />

et alii, 2008; D’ARGENIO et alii, 2004; 2008; FERRERI et alii,<br />

2004: RASPINI 2001). Here are presented results on highresolution<br />

sedimentological analysis of the Monte Faito<br />

carbonate sequence (Campanian Apennines) about 90m thick,<br />

that includes the Barremian/Aptian boundary. This succession<br />

is well exposed in a road-cut along the south-western flank of<br />

Monte Faito (Monti Lattari, Sorrento Peninsula) which is part<br />

of the Alburno-Cervati Unit, derived from the Late Tertiary<br />

deformation of a carbonate platform-basin system. This section<br />

was chosen for its stratigraphic completeness, low tectonic<br />

deformation and well-stratified calcareous rocks that allow to<br />

continue downwards the microstratigraphic analysis of RASPINI<br />

(2001) who studied the upper Aptian – lower Albian interval.<br />

Microfacies analysis has been carried out using more than<br />

500 polished rock slabs and 144 thin sections. The most<br />

common fossils are benthic foraminifers, green algae and<br />

ostracods locally associated with bivalves and gastropods. In<br />

some case, encrusting assemblage of Bacinella-Lithocodium<br />

forms very dense framework associated with rudists,<br />

orbitolinids, echinid fragments, rare corals or more frequently it<br />

shapes large and small oncoids. Salpingoporella muhelbergi<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze per l’Ambiente, DiSAm, Università degli Studi<br />

Parthenope, Napoli,<br />


482<br />

and Salpingoporella melitae, associated with Debarina sp<br />

suggest a Barremian age for the lower-middle part of the<br />

section, while Salpingoporella dinarica, Triploporella<br />

marsicana, Coptocampylodon fontis, associated with Debarina<br />

sp., Palorbitolina lenticularis (as more evolute forms) and<br />

Praechrysalidina infracretacea indicate the Aptian for the<br />

upper part of the section.<br />

The microstratigraphic analysis of depositional and early<br />

diagenetic features has allowed to recognize 11 lithofacies<br />

organized in 4 lithofacies associations (AMODIO, 2008). For-<br />

Ostr-Algal and Bio-Peloidal limestones, intercalated with<br />

Laminate limestones are dominant in the lower-central part of<br />

the section; here early marine diagenesis passes more<br />

frequently to early meteoric, deeply penetrating diagenesis<br />

testified by paleokarstic dissolution and cavities, pseudobreccia<br />

or paleosols with laminated-massive horizons (Em2type<br />

surface). Bacinella-Molluscan and Bio-Peloidal limestones<br />

locally intercalated with For-Ostr-Algal limestones prevail in<br />

the upper part of the section, where microkarst and weakly<br />

pedogenesis (Em1-type surface) are normally superimposed on<br />

subtidal deposits. The environmental interpretation has allowed<br />

a facies model to be restored, that corresponds to a shallow<br />

carbonate platform, where open lagoon environments are<br />

transitional to peritidal zone.<br />

By these observations, recurrent variations of lithofacies<br />

and their grouping as well as evidence of variable penetration<br />

depth of early meteoric overprint directly superimposed on<br />

subtidal deposits, record sea-level oscillations, suggesting a<br />

cyclicity hierarchically organised in elementary cycles, bundles<br />

and superbundles. Commonly, 2-6 elementary cycles form a<br />

bundle while 2-4 bundles constitute a superbundle; this<br />

suggests that some elementary cycles and/or bundles may be<br />

missing when accommodation space was reduced. Considering<br />

the total 90m-thick section, 127 elementary cycles were<br />

individuated with an average thickness of 71cm; these are<br />

organised into 34 bundles and into 11 superbundles (Fa1-Fa11)<br />

with an average thickness of 260 cm and 872 cm respectively.<br />

These high-frequency cycles appear to be superimposed on<br />

lower-frequency (=800 ka) Transgressive/Regressive Facies<br />

Trends (T/RFTs).<br />

As recognised for other carbonate sections, elementary

cycles correspond to precession/obliquity signal, while bundles<br />

and superbundles evidence short and long eccentricity signals<br />

(Milankovitch cyclicity). However, in addition to the allocyclic<br />

control, autocyclic processes can not be excluded. The external<br />

(allocyclic) control on sedimentary cyclicity could be<br />

confirmed by spectral analysis of stratal features and<br />

thicknesses that will be possible carried out briefly.<br />

Moreover, by using sequence-stratigraphy concepts, it was<br />

possible to recognize emersion and maximum-flooding surfaces<br />

as well as upwards deepening-shallowing stacking patterns of<br />

cycles. This platform was able to fill up all the accommodation<br />

space until its emersion, forming more pronounced cycle limits<br />

(sequence boundaries, SB), corresponding with the Em2 type<br />

surfaces. The superbundles and the Transgressive/Regressive<br />

Facies Trends (T/RFTs), interpreted as depositional sequences,<br />

can be used for high-resolution regional correlations with time<br />

equivalent sections (Monte Raggeto and S. Maria) already<br />

studied in the same way.<br />

To this aim a high-resolution isotope stratigraphy was<br />

produced at the IAMC-CNR (Naples) isotope geochemistry<br />

laboratory to confirm the regional correlation and to evaluate<br />

relationships between global C-cycle perturbations and biotic<br />

turnover documented in this time interval.<br />


AMODIO S. (2008) - Barremian-Aptian shallow-water<br />

carbonate of Monte Faito (Sorrento Peninsula, southern<br />

Italy). Record of bio-sedimentary rhythmicity?<br />

Preliminaruìy results. Rendiconti on-line Soc. Geol. It., 3,<br />

23-24.<br />

AMODIO S. (2006) - Foraminifera diversity changes and<br />

paleoenvironmental analysis: the Lower Cretaceous<br />

shallow-water carbonates of San Lorenzello, Campanian<br />

Apennines, southern Italy. Facies, 52, 53-67.<br />


SPROVIERI M. (2008) - Carbon-isotope stratigraphy and<br />

cyclostratigraphy of shallow-marine carbonates. The case<br />

of San Lorenzello, Early Cretaceous of southern Italy.<br />

Cretaceous Research, 29, 803-813.<br />


BUONOCUNTO F.P. & WISSLER L. (2004) - A<br />

multidisciplinary approach to global correlation and<br />

geochronology. The Cretaceous shallow-water carbonates<br />

of southern Appenines, Italy. In: B. D’Argenio, A.G.<br />

Fischer, I. Premoli Silva, H. Weissert & V. Ferreri (Eds.) -<br />

Cyclostratigraphy: Approaches and case histories. SEPM<br />

Society for Sedimentary Geology, Spec. Publ., 81, 103-122.<br />

D’ARGENIO B., FERRERI V. & AMODIO S. (2008) - Sequence<br />

stratigraphy of Cretaceous carbonate platforms: a<br />

cyclostratigraphic approach. GeoActa, Spec. Publ. 1,157-<br />

171.<br />


- Orbital chronostratigraphy of the Valanginian-<br />

483<br />

Hauterivian boundary. A cyclostratigraphic approach. In:<br />

B. D’Argenio, A.G. Fischer, I. Premoli Silva, H. Weissert<br />

& V. Ferreri (Eds.) - Cyclostratigraphy. Approaches and<br />

Case Histories. SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology,<br />

Spec. Publ., 81, 153-166.<br />

RASPINI A. (2001) - Stacking pattern of cyclic carbonate<br />

platform strata: lower Cretacous of southern Apennines,<br />

Italy. J. Geol. Soc., London, 158, 353-366.<br />


SESSIONE 15<br />

Intrinsic feedbacks and external controls on travertine productivity<br />

Key words: Climate, Control mechanisms, Quaternary,<br />

Travertines.<br />

Large part of Quaternary travertines of central and southern<br />

Italy form calcium carbonate piling that may be considered in<br />

different ways: simply as sedimentary accumulations of<br />

precipitates at springs and/or river-beds (often modifying their<br />

substrate morphology) or as the result of specific climatic<br />

conditions, favouring periodic culminations in size and<br />

variability of their growth forms. In view of the above, two<br />

mechanisms of travertine formation may be discussed: a)<br />

intrinsic depositional trends that cause the carbonate<br />

encrustations to modify their accumulation profiles (increasing<br />

the frontal slope while decreasing the summit outline) and b)<br />

external (climatic and eustatic) control that cluster the peaks of<br />

travertine formation in the interglacial intervals (melting of icecaps,<br />

increasing volumes of calcium carbonate-rich waters in<br />

the karstic reservoirs). Parent water temperature is a key factor<br />

in these deposits: high values bring on elevated carbonate<br />

precipitation rates and a decrease of abudance, size and<br />

diversity of the eukaryotic organisms colonizing the<br />

depositional sites, while the decrease of temperature has an<br />

opposite effect. This allows to distinguish between thermal- and<br />

ambient-water travertines; the transition between these two endmembers<br />

being often gradual.<br />

According the radiometric datation of the studied travertine<br />

bodies there is a close correlation between their formation and :<br />

a) some stages of orbitally driven chronostratigraphy of the<br />

δ 18 O record; b) the atmospheric CO2 content of the time of their<br />

formation (as recorded in the Vostok core) and c) high sea level<br />

phases, in turn ruled by climate.<br />

In fact, the travertine formation appears strictly related to<br />

specific warm-wet climatic intervals characterized by<br />

increasing volumes of the spring waters in the mountain<br />

foothills and by areal forest expansion.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero, I.A.M.C. (CNR),<br /><br />


484<br />

The latter enhances supply of CO2 to the soils and leads to<br />

saturation of the karstic waters which, precipitating at (or next<br />

to) springs, build travertine bodies. In conclusion, the following<br />

considerations may be briefly expressed: a) the Quaternary<br />

travertines cropping out in central and southern Italy, regardless<br />

from parent water temperature, developed mostly during<br />

interglacial periods; in particular, they appear strictly related to<br />

specific warm-wet climatic intervals, characterized by<br />

increasing volumes of spring-water in the mountain foothills<br />

and by areal forest expansion, b) the temperature of parent<br />

waters is an important factor controlling life development in<br />

travertine systems.<br />

This allows to distinguish between ambient and thermal<br />

water travertine deposits also on the basis of their textures,<br />

biological composition and biotic (mostly microbic)<br />

precipitates; c) the CaCO3 precipitation processes tend to<br />

modify the original substrate morphology; in particular, the<br />

areal and vertical evolution of the original sedimentary<br />

environments (slopes, shallow-lakes/swamps; rapids/waterfalls)<br />

makes up a terraced travertine body whose upward growth is<br />

punctuated by recurrent discontinuity surfaces (erosional and/or<br />

non depositional).<br />

Finally the authors note that, even if intrinsic and external<br />

control mechanisms normally concur at the formation of large<br />

volumes of travertines, their relative importance is not always<br />

easily recognized, particularly for colder intervals. On the<br />

contrary, during deglaciation times, the external controls tend<br />

to dominate, and thus obscure the intrinsic feed-backs.

The tectonic control on the deposition of Pleistocene continental<br />

carbonates in the Sarteano area (southern Tuscany)<br />


Key words: Neotectonics, Pleistocene, Sarteano, southern<br />

Tuscany, travertine.<br />


In the last years studies on continental carbonates, in terms of<br />

travertines and/or calcareous tufa (FORD &PEDLEY, 1996), have<br />

been intensified not only for sedimentological and stratigraphical<br />

investigation but also for studies on neotectonics,<br />

pelaeosismology, climatic changes and hydrothermal circulation<br />

in geothermal systems. The evolution of the travertinescalcareous<br />

tufa deposits can reveal much about the age, geometry<br />

and kinematics of faults and related minor brittle structures.<br />

Several studies dealing with tectonically driven travertine<br />

deposition have reconstructed the relationships between faulting<br />

and the hydrothermal fluids arising from deeper levels up to the<br />

surface (HANCOCK et alii, 1999).<br />

In this presentation we describe the role of faults and related<br />

fractures for the deposition of Pleistocene travertine and<br />

calcareous tufa in the Sarteano area (Central Italy), located along<br />

a tract of the Monti del Chianti-Monte Cetona ridge.<br />


The calcareous body of Sarteano occupies an area of about 10<br />

km 2 , at least. It is characterized by a lobate-shaped structure in<br />

plain view, with a flat surface on the top (520 m a.s.l.), and three,<br />

well-defined, terraces at lower altitude (410 m, 350 m and 310 m<br />

a.s.l.) downward the Astrone valley.<br />

The upper surface is very flat, only gently sloped towards the<br />

valley. It is formed by two bulges of different extension and<br />

separated by a small valley (Fosso <strong>della</strong> Foce Creek). The widest<br />

is the southern one and it is characterized by the presence of two<br />

elongated, NE-SW oriented mounds, similar in dimensions (about<br />

70 m high and 600 m long) and symmetrically located respect to<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Siena,<br />,,<br />

(°) CNR-IGAG c/o Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra Università di<br />

Roma “La Sapienza”,,<br />

485<br />

the axis of the bulge. On one of these mounds, it is located the<br />

medieval part of the Sarteano village (Fig. 1) while the second (<strong>Il</strong><br />

Poggione) appears to be partially dismantled and divided in two<br />

portions.<br />

The Sarteano deposit is formed by carbonate facies laterally<br />

and vertically organized into 3 facies associations: FA1 -<br />

Fig. 1 – Outcrop of carbonate deposits below the Medieval castle of Sarteano.<br />

decimeter-scale beds of subhorizontal, irregularly shaped,<br />

micritic and peloidal lithofacies that form planar to undulose<br />

stromatolitic crusts (Fig. 2) characterized by the local presence of<br />

patchy grass tussocks in life position; FA 2 – decimeter-scale<br />

alternation between beds of lithoclastic sediments and thickening<br />

upward beds of bioconstructed facies formed by well-cemented,<br />

generally vertical, straight pipes of hanging plants with abundant<br />

primary framework voids; FA 3 – Only in the partially dismantled<br />


SESSIONE 15<br />

structure of il Poggione is possible to observe the internal portion<br />

of the mound, that results composed of sharply defined, regularly<br />

laminated, subhorizontal beds consisting of dense, centimetric,<br />

white calcite laminae alternated with thin, millimetric layers of<br />

porous, peloidal aggregates. Calcite laminae are composed of<br />

arborescent crystalline and shrublike vertical structures<br />

alternated with micritic mudstone.<br />

From a morphological point of view, the Sarteano calcareous<br />

deposit resemble to a mature perched-spring system (FORD &<br />

PEDLEY, 1996; PEDLEY et alii, 2003). According to the<br />

classification of FORD &PEDLEY (1996) and PEDLEY et alii<br />

(2003) the FA 1 and FA 2 are respectively characteristic of a<br />

lobe–top terrace environment and step and terrace environment.<br />

The presence of travertine deposit in the internal part of the<br />

mounds (FA3) probably indicates a low-thermal origin of waters<br />

that deposited the Sarteano calcareous body. The low thermal<br />

waters still outflowing at the Sarteano Spa indicate that<br />

hydrothermal circulation is still active, suggesting the occurrence<br />

of a low-enthalpy geothermal system.<br />

Fig. 2 – Example of undulose, centimetric stromatolic crust (FA1).<br />

These waters were able to form a travertine mound (unusual<br />

morphology in calcareous tufa depositional environment; FORD &<br />

PEDLEY, 1996) in correspondence of the spring vent.<br />

U-Th dating has been performed on several samples collected<br />

in the two different mounds at different stratigraphic levels. The<br />

results allow to refer the beginning of the carbonate deposition in<br />

the Sarteano area to the Middle Pleistocene.<br />

The thermal springs which gave rise to the carbonate<br />

deposition were tectonically controlled. They are aligned along<br />

WSW-ENE faults characterized by left-lateral strike-slip or<br />

oblique-slip movements, or along the traces of related minor<br />

structures. Such faults were active during the Pleistocene and<br />

interfered with pre-existing normal faults of regional relevance,<br />

such as the normal fault and associated minor faults, delimiting<br />

the western side of the Valdichiana Basin.<br />

486<br />


FORD T. D. & PEDLEY H.M. (1996) - A review of tufa and<br />

travertine deposits of the world. Earth Sci. Rev. 41, 117-175.<br />


- Travitonics: using travertines in active fault studies. J.<br />

Struct. Geol., 21, 903-916.<br />


GARCIA DEL CURA M.A. (2003) - Sedimentology of<br />

Quaternary perched springline and paludal tufas: criteria for<br />

recognition, with examples from Guadalajara Province,<br />

Spain. Sedimentology 50, 23-44.

Key words: Brachiopods, crura, chemosynthetic-based<br />

environments, Dimerelloidea, functional morphology.<br />

Brachiopods are one of the mayor components of ancient<br />

chemoshynthesys-based environments (CAMPBELL, 2006).<br />

In particular the brachiopod superfamily Dimerelloidea shows<br />

numerous fossils genera associated to cold seeps and<br />

hydrothermal vents (chemosynthesis-based) environments. All of<br />

these genera are characterized by long ensiform crura showing a<br />

larger ratio of length of crura to length of shell than other<br />

rhynchonellid genera.<br />

Animals adapted to cold seeps and hydrothermal vents<br />

(especially polychaetes, mollusks, and crustaceans) are<br />

characterized by adaptation to hypoxia and have a large brachial<br />

surface and abundant oxygen binding proteins in common.<br />

Considering that crura support the lophophore, the<br />

characteristic feeding and respiratory organ of brachiopods, it is<br />

suggested that ensiform crura can represent an adaptation to<br />

oxygen depleted environments typical of cold seeps and<br />

hydrothermal vents. These crura could be associated to a larger<br />

lophophore and/or to the necessity of position closer to the shell<br />

margin of the lophophore. Both features argue for an<br />

improvement of the feeding and respiratory capacities.<br />

Dimerelloids show also other possible adaptations to<br />

chemosynthesis-based environments. One of these could be<br />

represented by their relatively flattened shape (e.g. Peregrinella)<br />

possibly linked to the massive and highly packed communities<br />

setting typical of these environments. More speculative, but not<br />

improbable, are other survival strategies like symbiosis with<br />

bacteria or higher quantity oxygen binding proteins.<br />

These assumptions will be discussed with special focus on<br />

functional morphology and on their evolutionary significance<br />

within this brachiopod taxon.<br />

Finally all these considerations seem support the suggestion<br />

that all Dimerelloidea could represent a monophyletic group<br />

linked to chemosynthetic-based environments (see also<br />

discussion in GISCHELER et alii, 2003).<br />

_________________________<br />

Dimerelloidea (Brachiopoda): a chemosynthetic-based life style<br />

monophyletic group?<br />

(*) School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (SoGEES).<br />

University of Plymouth,<br />

The author is supported by FP7-PEOPLE-IEF-2008 Marie Curie Action:<br />

"Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development"<br />


487<br />


CAMPBELL K.A. (2006) - Hydrocarbon seep and hydrothermal<br />

vent paleoenvironments and paleontology: past developments<br />

and future research directions. Palaeogeogr. Palaeocl., 232,<br />

362–407.<br />

GISCHLER E., SANDY M.R. & PECKMANN J. (2003) -<br />

Ibergirhynchia contraria (F.A. Roemer, 1850), an early<br />

Carboniferous seep- related rhynchonellide brachiopods<br />

from the Harz Mountains, Germany: a possible successor to<br />

Dzieduszyckia? J. Paleontol. 77, 293–303.<br />


SESSIONE 15<br />

Key words: Brachiopods, Early Jurassic, palaeobiogeography,<br />

palaeobiology, Toarcian, Tethys.<br />

Thethyan Toarcian brachiopod associations show some<br />

fluctuations in diversity that seem to be linked to relative sea<br />

level changes. These variations are more evident in western<br />

areas. According to GARCIA JORAL &GOY (2000), 6 phases of<br />

transgression/regression cycles associated to faunal variations are<br />

recognizable.<br />

Another important destabilizing factor is represented by the<br />

Early Toarcian mass extinction that basically led to a complete<br />

faunal turnover. The widespread occurrence of the<br />

Nannirhynchia and Koninckella fauna (Phase 1) (see VÖRÖS<br />

2002) and of the disaster species Soaresirhynchia bouchardi<br />

(Phase 2) (see GRAZIANO et alii 2006) can also be related to the<br />

Early Toarcian mass extinction environmental effects.<br />

This environmental deterioration resulted in a decrease of<br />

diversity and homogenization of western Thethys associations.<br />

Consequently, Pliensbachian palaeobiogeographic units are less<br />

well detectable in the Early – Middle p.p. Toarcian. These seem<br />

to occur again within Phase 4 that is characterized by a major<br />

development of endemic genera.<br />


GARCIA JORAL F&GOY A. (2000) - Stratigraphic distribution of<br />

Toarcian brachiopods from the Iberian Range (Spain) and its<br />

relation to depositional sequences. In: Hall, R. L. & Smith, P.<br />

L. (Eds.) - Advances in Jurassic Research 2000. GeoResearch<br />

Forum, 6, 381-386.<br />

GRAZIANO R., BUONO G. & RUGGIERO E.T. (2006) - Lower<br />

Toarcian (Jurassic) brachiopod-rich carbonate facies of the<br />

Gran Sasso range (central Apennines, Italy). Boll. Soc. Pal.<br />

_________________________<br />

Toarcian (late Early Jurassic) Thethyan Brachiopods:<br />

palaeobiogeography and response to<br />

palaeoenvironmental variations<br />

(*) School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (SoGEES).<br />

University of Plymouth,<br />

The author is supported by FP7-PEOPLE-IEF-2008 Marie Curie Action:<br />

"Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development"<br />


488<br />

It., 45, 61-74.<br />

VÖRÖS A. (2002) - Victims of the Early Toarcian anoxic event:<br />

The radiation and extinction of Jurassic Koninckinidae<br />

(Brachiopoda). Lethaia, 35, 345– 357.

The Pliensbachian Brachiopod fauna of Case Canepine (Monti<br />

Martani, Umbria) in the contest of Liassic carbonate platforms of<br />

Tethys<br />

Key words: Brachiopods, central Apennines, central Italy,<br />

Corniola Fm., Lias, Mediterranean Province,<br />

Palaeobiogeography, Pliensbachian, Tethys.<br />

The Monti Martani anticline is located in central Umbria,<br />

between Terni and Perugia and belongs to the inner belt of the<br />

Umbro-Marchigiano Apennines. It consists of Mesozoic-Tertiary<br />

sediments, that are folded in an asymmetrical anticline (North-<br />

West – South-East oriented), which is partially overthrusted<br />

eastward and cut in the western side by a normal fault.<br />

The Central Apennines record well-known localities yielding<br />

Jurassic brachiopods, of which the Pliensbachian ones are the<br />

most represented (e.g. VÖRÖS, 1994). Of these, the Monti<br />

Martani area has been studied by PRINCIPI (1910).<br />

Here we report the results of a preliminary study on a<br />

brachiopod assemblage sampled in two “localities” about 1 km<br />

apart on Monte Rotondo, near the town of Case Canepine (Castel<br />

del Monte, Acquasparta, Terni, Monti Martani, Umbria, Central<br />

Italy). It is possible that our outcrops are partially coincident with<br />

those described by PRINCIPI (1910) (localized between Case<br />

Canepine and Colle Lungo). However the fauna described by<br />

Principi (1910) is only partially figured and it seems lost (VÖRÖS,<br />

1994).<br />

Brachiopods are preserved mainly as re-crystallized shells<br />

and sometimes show internal geopetal structures. They are<br />

contained in a mainly pink to brownish or whitish 15 and 50 cm<br />

thick re-crystallized micritic limestone with other bioclasts,<br />

especially crinoids. These layers are referable to the Corniola<br />

Fm.<br />

The fauna seems an impoverished version of that described<br />

by Principi (1910), even if possibly this is linked to less<br />

sampling. It is dominated by small smoothed rhynchonellids<br />

(Basioliolidae morpho-type; see also VÖRÖS 2005), with almost<br />

no strongly ribbed rhynchonellids (the exception is given by one<br />

specimen of Tetrarhynchia zitteli, and one tentatively attributed<br />

to Lokutella liasina). Spiriferida are also represented by<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (SoGEES).<br />

University of Plymouth,<br />

(**) Laboratorio Ecologico di Geo-Paleontologia, Assisi,<br /><br />

The first author is supported by FP7-PEOPLE-IEF-2008 Marie Curie<br />

Action: "Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development"<br />


489<br />

Liospiriferina obovata, and at least one specimen of<br />

Liospiriferina rostrata.<br />

The combination of lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy<br />

permit us to refer this fauna to the Domerian (upper<br />


SLOPE (E.G.VÖRÖS, 1994).<br />

In a palaeobiogeographic context this mainly smooth-shelled<br />

fauna is clearly representative of the Mediterranean Province,<br />

and in spite of the presence of some species that are more<br />

abundant in other areas (the Carpatho-Sicilian sub-bioprovince),<br />

it can be also ascribed to the Appennino-Transdanubian subbioprovince.<br />

(cf. VÖRÖS 1993)<br />


PRINCIPI P. (1910) - Brachiopodi del Lias medio di Castel del<br />

Monte (presso Acquasparta). Riv. Ital. Paleontol., 16, 3, 63-<br />

88.<br />

VÖRÖS A. (1993) - Jurassic microplate movements and<br />

brachiopod migrations in the western part of the Tethys.<br />

Palaeogeogr. Palaeocl., 100, 125–145.<br />

VÖRÖS A. (1994) - Umbrian Liassic brachiopods in Hungary:<br />

review and comparison. Paleopelagos special publication, 1.<br />

Proc. of the 3rd Pergola Intern. Symp., 357 - 366.<br />

VÖRÖS A. (2005) - The smooth brachiopods of the<br />

Mediterranean Jurassic: Refugees or invaders? Palaeogeogr.<br />

Palaeocl., 223, 222–242.<br />


SESSIONE 15<br />

Key words: Brachiopods, Mass extinctions events, Permian-<br />

Triassic (P-Tr) extinction, Statistical analyses, Triassic-<br />

Jurassic (Tr-J) extinction.<br />

During the last 500 Million years brachiopods show several<br />

changes in diversity and distribution. Since the earliest Mesozoic<br />

their distribution increased rapidly and other marine invertebrates<br />

overtook their place as an important member of shallow marine<br />

benthos. This study documents changes in abundance,<br />

distribution, diversity, and composition of brachiopod faunas<br />

during two major events of brachiopod decline, the Permian-<br />

Triassic and the Triassic-Jurassic Extinction event.<br />

The occurrence of each genus through these extinction<br />

intervals is described. A matrix of absence and presence with<br />

environmental settings and latitudinal records of each geographic<br />

area was carried out based on data provided by the Treatise on<br />

Invertebrate Palaeontology (AA.VV., 1997-2007), Palaeobiology<br />

database (AA.VV., 2010), and other references. K-cluster was<br />

used to group localities, NMDS to evaluate faunal relationship<br />

with latitudinal and climatic differences, and variations in<br />

distribution of order for each stage. Climate settings are<br />

interpreted by relative abundance. Finally the general pattern is<br />

tested by affinity analysis (SCHEINER, 1992).<br />

Our results show remarkable differences between these<br />

extinction events: the P/Tr event shows a larger magnitude and a<br />

dramatic reduction of faunas and spatial distribution, whereas the<br />

T/J Event is characterized by a large number of genera with wide<br />

overlapping geographical distribution above the extinction<br />

interval resulting in a reduction in spatial distribution.<br />

_________________________<br />

Testing brachiopod faunal turnovers across the Permian-Triassic<br />

(P-Tr) and Triassic-Jurassic (Tr-J) mass extinctions events<br />



(*) School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (SoGEES).<br />

University of Plymouth ,<br />

(**) Faculteit der Aard-en Levenswetenschappen, afdeling<br />

Aardwetenschappen, subafdeling Marine Biogeology, Vrije Universiteit,<br />

Amsterdam, Nederland<br />

(°)Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum, Paläozoologie III,<br />

Frankfurt am Main, Germany<br />

The first author is supported by FP7-PEOPLE-IEF-2008 Marie Curie<br />

Action: "Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development"<br />

490<br />


AA.VV. (1997-2007) - Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology,<br />

Part H (Revised), Brachiopoda, 1-6<br />

AA.VV. (2010) - Paleobiology Database (main <strong>contributo</strong>rs of<br />

used dataset: W. Kiessling, M. Clapham, D. Bottjer, T.<br />

Olszewski, M. Aberhan, F. Fursich, A. Mc Gowan, A. Miller)<br />

(<br />

SCHEINER S.M. (1992) - Measuring pattern diversity. Ecology,<br />

73, 1860-1867.

Key words: Banded travertine, bedded travertine, neotectonics,<br />

travertine fissure-ridge, western Anatolia.<br />


Banded Travertine is a distinctive lithofacies consisting of<br />

crystalline carbonate laminae vertically grown within a fissureridge<br />

which is a morphotectonic feature developed along the<br />

traces of brittle structures in many thermal systems (Fig. 1).<br />

In particular the Banded Travertine is deposited on the walls<br />

of the fissure during its progressive opening and enlargement, by<br />

upwelling thermal waters that afterwards outflow at the top of the<br />

ridge building upwards and laterally an epigean Travertine<br />

system. In this view the Banded Travertine represents an useful<br />

tool to understand the mechanism of fissure-ridge development as<br />

well as the relationships between tectonic activity and carbonate<br />

sedimentation in a thermal system.<br />

An excellent example of the evolution of a fissure ridge and<br />

associated deposits is exposed in western Anatolia (Turkey) on<br />

the northern shoulder of the Neogene-Quaternary Denizli Basin.<br />

Close to the Pamukkale area, the Çukurbag fissure-ridge (ÖZKUL<br />

et alii, 2005), about 360m long and 10m high (Fig.2), formed as a<br />

consequence of the activity of a minor normal fault development<br />

in the hangingwall of the regional normal fault system.<br />


The ridge is flanked by bedded Travertine forming steep<br />

marginal slopes ranging from near-vertical up to 5°. Its profile<br />

resulting from the neotectonic activity, shows a marked<br />

asymmetry mainly in its central part where the northern slope is<br />

about 3 m higher than the southern one. The crest is affected by<br />

_________________________<br />

Migration of banded travertine during the evolution of the<br />

tectonically controlled Çukurbag travertine fissure-ridge<br />

(Pamukkale, Denizli Basin, Turkey)<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Siena<br />,,<br />

(**) Department of Geological Engineering, University of Pamukkale,<br />

Denizli, Turkey<br />

491<br />

fractures/fissures which are partially to fully filled by Banded<br />

Travertine. Quarry cuts of Roman times, occurring in the central<br />

portion of the ridge allow to investigate the internal part of the<br />

Çukurbag fissure-ridge which is characterized by several subparallel,<br />

meter-spaced fissures running along its long axis.<br />

Fig. 1 – Vertical Banded Travertine in the Çukurbag fissure ridge (Pamukkale<br />

- Turkey).<br />

Bedded Travertine along the flanks of the ridge consists of<br />

superposed lenticular bodies bounded by angular unconformities<br />

attesting successive depositional events. They are composed of a<br />

variety of lithofacies (fan ray, feather like crystalline crusts,<br />

shrubs, paper thin rafts, bubble) reflecting the irregular shifting in<br />

time of the depositional conditions corresponding to waterfalls,<br />

terraced or fans/smooth slopes, cones, shallow pools, drainage<br />

channels (ÖZKUL et alii, 2002).<br />


SESSIONE 15<br />

Fig. 2 – Panoramic view of the Çukurbag fissure ridge (Pamukkale - Turkey). Car in the right corner for scale.<br />

The analysis of the relationships between Bedded Travertine<br />

and Banded Travertine suggests that the fissures and related<br />

Banded Travertine were not synchronous and migrated through<br />

time. Fissuring affected progressively the northern half of the<br />

ridge producing its asymmetric growth.<br />

The resulting network of Banded Travertines, coupled with<br />

the sedimentological features of the Bedded Travertine, indicate<br />

that the growth of the Çukurbag fissure-ridge was strictly<br />

influenced by the progressive development, in a substratum<br />

composed of continental, semi-lithified Neogene sediments, of<br />

deformation bands, probably starting with a single band and<br />

ending with a full zone.<br />



ALÇIÇEK H., HORVATICIC N. & AKGÜN M. (2005) –<br />

Travertines of Denizli Basin, western Turkey. Field trip Guide<br />

Book International Travertine Symposium, Denizli, 21-<br />

25/09/2005.<br />

ÖZKUL M., VAROL B. & ALÇIÇEK M.C. (2002) - Depositional<br />

Environments and petrography of Denizli Travertine. B. Min<br />

Res. Expl, 125, 13-29.<br />


Paleoclimatic record of the terminal Pleistocene in a stalagmite<br />

from Southern Italy<br />


Key words: Image processing, Late Pleistocene–Holocene,<br />

microstratigraphy, solar periodicities, Southern Apennines,<br />

stalagmite.<br />

A microstratigraphic analysis of a stalagmite collected in a<br />

cave of the Monte Avella, Campania Apennines, yielded<br />

interesting paleoclimatic records for a Th/U time interval ranging<br />

from ˜ 20.000 to ˜ 10.000 y BP (lowermost and uppermost dated<br />

stalagmite laminae).<br />

493<br />

Three other Th/U intermediate datations have allowed to<br />

distinguish 4 segments in the studied speleothem, each<br />

caracterized by different rates of accretion and laminae<br />

organization, as well as to identify climatic episodes recorded<br />

also in other coeval speleothems.<br />

Several climatic events of general relevance were recognized,<br />

among which the Younger Dryas and two main meltwater pulses<br />

(Bølling-Allerød and base of Holocene).<br />

Fig. 1 – Correlation among the main intervals (A to F) distinguished in the studied stalagmite and other significant coeval events.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero (I.A.M.C. – CNR),<br /><br />

The studied stalagmite shows a repetitive pattern of laminae<br />

(0,05 to 1,9 mm in thickness) and groups of laminae (average<br />

thickness of about 1 cm). In order to numerically analyze the<br />

above laminae organization and related thickness changes, image<br />


SESSIONE 15<br />

processing techniques were performed, using digitalized images<br />

of numerous thin sections. On this basis three main periodicities,<br />

connected with solar activity were recognized, namely ˜ 11, 22<br />

and 100 years.<br />

Even though this study is under development and several<br />

significant analyses are still in progress (among which the<br />

isotopic microstratigraphy) the first results appear of interest and<br />

fill a gap in the areal location and in the timing of stalagmite<br />

studies.<br />


Travertine and Calcareous tufa: distinctive fabrics and related<br />

isotopic signatures<br />

Key words: Calcareous tufa, continental carbonates,<br />

flowstones, petrology, stable isotopes, travertine.<br />

Terrestrial limestones are known to form in different subaerial<br />

settings such as karstic cave systems or along fluvial valleys and<br />

near cool water springs or at the emergence of thermal springs.<br />

Flowing carbonate-rich waters derived from groundwaters<br />

mostly of meteoric provenance but with different<br />

circulation/recharge records give rise to carbonate deposits<br />

respectively known as Speleothems, Calcareous tufa and<br />

Travertines .<br />

The calcareous deposits formed in these different setting show<br />

specific lithologic features reflecting the physico-chemical<br />

conditions of the depositing fluids, and although lithofacies and<br />

petrographic features of Speleothems and Calcareous tufa are<br />

already sufficiently known, those of Travertines still need a<br />

definite characterization and classification.<br />

Speleothems forms in dark caves: they are made up of<br />

dominantly abiotic, limpid macrocrystalline calcite;<br />

Calcareous Tufas are deposited along fluvial tracts: they are<br />

commonly biomediated, massive deposits containing remains of<br />

macrophytes and invertebrates;<br />

Travertines grows around thermal springs: they are<br />

represented by associations of dominantly abiotic crystalline<br />

crusts and bacterial laminites, calcified-bubbles and paper-thin<br />

rafts.<br />

The depositional fluvial/palustrine system where Calcareous<br />

Tufas develop is fed by carbonate-rich waters mostly deriving<br />

from karstic springs or in some cases from diluted and cooled,<br />

originally thermal waters.<br />

The carbonate deposits are dominantly microcrystalline<br />

precipitates of calcite of biotic and abiotic origin forming<br />

stromatolitic, phytohermal or phytoclastic facies. They mainly<br />

derives from biologic (photosynthetic) and mechanic<br />

(vaporization/evaporation) removal of CO2 from flowing or<br />

standing waters.<br />

_________________________________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Siena,<br /><br />

Lavoro eseguito con il <strong>contributo</strong> finanziario dell’Università di Siena<br />

(PAR 2007)<br />

ANNA GANDIN (*)<br />

495<br />

Their growth results to be controlled by the availability of<br />

meteoric water and thus by climatic conditions.<br />

Travertines are well bedded, often finely laminated compact<br />

limestones, connected with thermal systems. Peculiar crystalline<br />

crusts composed of dense, complex crystals develop in the<br />

proximal part of the thermal complex while in the distal part,<br />

bacterial/cyanobacterial laminites often associated with thin<br />

crystalline crusts, lenses of calcified-bubbles and paper-thin rafts<br />

prevail.<br />

In this system the carbonate deposition mainly derives from<br />

intense degassing of the emerging waters consequent to the rapid<br />

drop in temperature of the waters flowing along the drainage<br />

network.<br />

Their mineral content originates in deep<br />

geothermal/hydrothermal conditions where hot waters charged<br />

with HCO 3- of meteoric and hypogean derivation, are able to<br />

dissolve high quantities of carbonate and/or evaporitic bedrock.<br />

The circulation of hot waters, allowed by open fractures/faults is<br />

ultimately controlled by extensional tectonics.<br />

The critical elaboration and comparison of the petrofacies of<br />

deposits related to the three main genetic groups of terrestrial<br />

carbonates and in particular of the lithofacies of Calcareous Tufa<br />

and Travertines that are still connected with the parent water and<br />

source systems, will provide criteria for their univocal lithologic<br />

identification so that the mainly climate-controlled Calcareous<br />

Tufas and the mainly tectonics-controlled Travertines can be<br />

correctly detected even on the field.<br />


SESSIONE 15<br />

Different depositional environment in the Lagonegro Basin during<br />

the Norian – Rhaetian time interval (Southern Apennines, Italy).<br />


Key words: basinal facies, conodonts, Lagonegro Basin, Late<br />

Triassic, radiolarians, Southern Apennines.<br />

The refined biostratigraphy for the Upper Triassic basinal<br />

successions of the Lagonegro area (GIORDANO et alii, 2010)<br />

allows to calibrate the age of the Late Triassic sedimentary events<br />

in the Lagonegro Basin (Southern Apennines, Italy) and to<br />

interpret the sedimentary variations related to the evolution of<br />

Western Tethys in the Late Triassic.<br />

The Lagonegro units consist in pelagic facies from Ladinian<br />

up to Miocene. The Upper Triassic to Upper Jurassic<br />

stratigraphic succession is represented by hemipelagic and<br />

pelagic carbonate and siliceous deposits bearing conodonts,<br />

radiolarians, bivalves, and rare ammonoids (Calcari con Selce<br />

and Scisti Silicei Fms). Four stratigraphic sections belonging to<br />

Lagonegro succession (Mt. St. Enoc, Pignola-Abriola, Mt.<br />

Volturino and Sasso di Castalda) have been studied providing a<br />

new micropaleontological dataset based on conodonts and<br />

radiolarians for the characterization of the Norian/Rhaetian time<br />

interval (GIORDANO et alii, 2010). The studied sections well<br />

represent the different setting of the Lagonegro Basin and are<br />

characterized by excellent stratigraphic continuity and absence of<br />

condensed facies. Particular attention has been focused on the<br />

lithological changes occurred in the transitional interval between<br />

Calcari con Selce and Scisti Silicei Fms that exhibits different<br />

features for the stratigraphic sections.<br />

In Mt. St. Enoc and Pignola-Abriola sections the carbonate<br />

sedimentation continued for most of the Rhaetian, represented by<br />

the upper part of the Calcari con Selce Fm that is characterized<br />

by an alternation of cherty limestones, richness in organic matter,<br />

thin silicified calcarenites with black cherty layers and the Scisti<br />

Silicei Fm (bedded cherts with radiolarians) begins in the upper<br />

Rhaetian, after the appearance of Misikella ultima (BAZZUCCHI et<br />

alii, 2005; GIORDANO et alii, 2010a) (Fig. 1).<br />

The upper part of the Calcari con Selce Fm of the Mt.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra Università di Perugia,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Università di Padova<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto PRIN 2008 (resp. Ciarapica G.)<br />

496<br />

Volturino and Sasso di Castalda sections is marked by a red shale<br />

interval (4 m thick) and exhibits intermediate characteristics<br />

between the Calcari con Selce and Scisti Silicei Fms, with cherty<br />

limestones, shales and radiolaritic beds (Transitional Interval of<br />

MICONNET, 1982; AMODEO, 1999). The Scisti Silicei Fm begins<br />

at the Upper Norian (Sevatian 2) (GIORDANO et alii, 2010) (Fig.<br />

1).<br />

The comparison between these sections shows how the<br />

transition between the Calcari con Selce and Scisti Silicei Fms<br />

takes place in different ways and at different times within the<br />

Lagonegro Basin. The Transitional Interval between the Calcari<br />

con Selce and Scisti Silicei Fms is present in both Mt. Volturino<br />

and Sasso di Castalda sections. This Transitional Interval<br />

represents the beginning of sedimentary change into the basin<br />

(Upper Norian Sevatian 1, RIGO et alii, 2005; GIORDANO et alii<br />

2010), characterized by an increase of clay interpreted as<br />

evidence of the climate change throughout the Western Tethys at<br />

the end of the Norian (CIARAPICA et alii, 1987; JADOUL et alii,<br />

1992; AMODEO, 1999; BERRA et alii, 2009). The beginning of the<br />

Scisti Silicei Fm seems to be linked to a volcano-tectonic activity<br />

into the Lagonegro Basin produced by an intensification of<br />

oceanic spreading (Ionian Ocean). The CO2 input in the<br />

atmosphere, or directly in the ocean, and the greater availability<br />

of SiO2 could have triggered variations in the sedimentary<br />

process, favoring a bloom of radiolarians and the end of the<br />

deposition of the carbonate in the Basin (according to RACKI &<br />

CORDEY, 2000).<br />

At the same time, carbonate sedimentation is instead present<br />

in the Mt. St. Enoc and Pignola-Abriola sections after the<br />

increase of clay input (red shales level). The Transitional Interval<br />

and the upper part of Calcari con Selce Fm is in fact not present<br />

in the Mt. St. Enoc and Pignola-Abriola sections that are<br />

characterized by richness in organic matter, absence of<br />

radiolaritic layers and carbonate sedimentation up to the end of<br />

Triassic. These differences cannot be fully explained by the<br />

different position of the studied sections respect to the adjacent<br />

carbonate platform that influenced the amount and the origin of<br />

calciruditic/calcarenitic beds.<br />

The Lagonegro Basin was probably an articulate basin, and<br />

the different evolution of the described facies can be due to a<br />

different palaeobathymetry of the Basin. The lower depth of the<br />

Mt. St. Enoc and Pignola-Abriola sections (above the CCD)<br />

probably improves the increase of sedimentation rate, due to the

high primary productivity, and the continuous carbonate<br />

deposition, producing the preservation of carbonate sediments<br />

and organic matter.<br />

The end of the Rhaetian is characterized in both facies by<br />

euxinic conditions linked to the Triassic/Jurassic crisis.<br />

Fig. 1 – Stratigraphic logs of the Mt. St. Enoc and Mt. Volturino sections<br />

(Lagonegro Basin) with conodont and radiolarian biozonation (after<br />

GIORDANO et alii 2010).<br />

497<br />


AMODEO F. (1999) – <strong>Il</strong> Triassico terminale - Giurassico del<br />

Bacino Lagonegrese. Studi stratigrafici sugli Scisti Silicei<br />

<strong>della</strong> Basilicata (Italia meridionale). Mém. de Géol.<br />

Lausanne, 33, 121 pp.<br />


PASSERI L., RIGO M. & ROGHI G. (2005) – The Late Triassic-<br />

Jurassic stratigraphic succession of Pignola (Lagonegro-<br />

Molise Basin, Southern Apennines, Italy. Boll. Soc. Geol. It,<br />

124, 143-153.<br />

BERRA F., JADOUL F. & ANELLI A. (2009) – Environmental<br />

control on the end of the Dolomia Principale/Hauptdolomit<br />

depositional system in the Central Alps: Coupling sea-level<br />

and climate changes. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol.<br />

Palaeoecol., doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2009.06.037.<br />


L. (1987) - “Anidridi di Burano” et “Formation du Monte<br />

Cetona” (nouvelle formation), biostratigraphie de deux<br />

series-types du Trias supérieur dans l'Apennin Septentrional.<br />

Rev. de Paléobiol., 6, 341–409.<br />


New biostratigraphic constraints for the Norian/Rhaetian<br />

boundary: data from Lagonegro Basin, Southern Apennines,<br />

Italy. Lethaia, DOI: 10.1111/j.1502-3931.2010.00219.x.<br />

JADOUL F., BERRA F. & FRISIA S. (1992) – Stratigraphy and<br />

paleogeographic evolution of a carbonate platform in an<br />

extensional tectonic regime: the example of the Dolomia<br />

Principale in Lombardy (Italy). Riv. It. Paleont. Strat., 98, 29-<br />

44.<br />

MICONNET P. (1982) – Précisions stratigraphiques et tectoniques<br />

dans un secteur du Lagonegro (Italie méridionale). Ann. Soc.<br />

Geol. Nord, 102, 17-24.<br />

RACKI G. & CORDEY F. (2000) – Radiolarian palaeoecology and<br />

radiolarites: is the present the key to the past? Earth-Sci.<br />

Rev., 52, 83 – 120.<br />


(2005) – Biostratigraphy of the Calcari con Selce formation.<br />

Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 124, 293-300.<br />


SESSIONE 15<br />

Coral Assemblages of Mobarak Formation in the Vali-abad section -<br />

south of Marzan-Abad, North Iran<br />

Key words: Central Alborz, coral, Lower Carboniferous<br />

Mobarak Formation, ramp, Vali-abad.<br />

The Mobarak Formation in the Vali -abad section (south of<br />

Marzan-Abad, central Alborz) consisting of alternation of lime<br />

stones and interbeddeds shale, which is divided into three litho<br />

logical units, attains 200 m in thickness.<br />

It has formed in a shallow carbonate ramp based on the<br />

evidences from micro facieses, corals fauna, litho logical<br />

composition and field data.<br />

According to extant corals' fauna it has been determined that<br />

the Mobarak Formation deposits in this region are included<br />

Tournaisian to upper Visean - ? Namurian in ages. 37 species of<br />

Rugosa corals belong to 17 genera, and 2 species of Tabulata<br />

corals belong to 2 genera have been recorded and assigned to 2<br />

local assemblage zones.<br />

First assemblage belongs to the lithozone B and it has occurred<br />

in the shallow water of platform shelf (oolithic reef), and suggests<br />

a Tournaisian to Middle Visean in age, and whole of existent<br />

corals are solitaire, giant and dissepimented.<br />

Second assemblage belongs to the lithozone C and it is present<br />

in the back reef zone and indicates Upper Visean- ? Namurian in<br />

age. There are dominantly belonging to Cyathaxonia fauna and<br />

some Tabulata.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Islamic Azad University, Rud-Hen branch, Civil Department, Rud-Hen<br />

City-Iran,<br />

(**) Islamic Azad University, Qom branch, Iran<br />



Paleoenvironmental evidence from sedimentological and palynologic data of<br />

the late Quaternary cave-fills in the Buca dell’Onice (Massa, Italy)<br />


Key words: Cave deposit, palynology, Pleistocene,<br />

sedimentology.<br />

Buca dell’Onice is a small cave located in the Frigido River<br />

Basin (Alpi Apuane, Massa) at an elevation of 570 m asl in the<br />

“Grezzoni” dolostone formation. This cave has a simple access<br />

and allows the study of an exceptionally thick flowstone inside,<br />

thank to the past mining exploitation as a quarry of ornamental<br />

materials (calcareous onyx).<br />

The flowstone is more than 3.1 m thick and it is well exposed<br />

on a vertical cut obtained with helicoidal wire. The speleothem<br />

was formed by a laminar flow of CaCO3-enriched waters fed by<br />

local seepage through metamorphic dolostone. At least two cycles<br />

of deposition, separated by a physical discontinuity, can be<br />

recognized. The lower part, more than 1.7 m thick, is massive and<br />

regularly laminated. The upper part is less regular and displays<br />

several strata and small pockets of carbonate sands. At the top,<br />

the succession is characterized by sharp colour contrasts,<br />

probably related to an important environmental change that<br />

influences and then interrupts the laminar deposition of the<br />

flowstone. A small stalagmite, grew over the flowstone, was<br />

dated at 290 (+85/-55) ka, whereas the top of the flowstone is<br />

older than 350 ka (PICCINI et alii, 2003). In the lower part of the<br />

cave, a 5-6 m thick deposit of carbonate silts and sands buries the<br />

flowstone. This clastic deposit is divided in two deposition cycles<br />

by a calcite crust, dated at 120 (±10) ka (PICCINI et alii, 2003).<br />

The upward transition from mainly chemical to mainly clastic<br />

deposit is probably the result of the reduction of the infiltration<br />

feeding, due to the progressive erosion of the rock volume over<br />

the cave, which was formed as a phreatic, water filled tube at the<br />

base level and then uplifted at 400 m above the present river bed.<br />

This not gradual transition, characterized by the alternation of<br />

calcite and clastic sediments, is probably related to the<br />

superimposition of cyclical climatic changes.<br />

Flowstone and clastic deposits were sampled for pollen<br />

analysis. 12 samples were preliminary collected and about 100 g<br />

for each sample were treated for palynological analyses. The<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Università di Firenze,,,<br />,,<br /><br />

499<br />

three clastic samples were barren in palynomorphs, while pollens,<br />

though with very low concentrations (2.4-20.8 grains/g), was<br />

recovered in the flowstone samples. The palynoflora includes<br />

thirty-seven well-preserved pollen taxa. Arboreal taxa, such as<br />

Pinus, Abies, Fagus, Quercus ilex and deciduous Quercus,<br />

dominate the assemblage whereas herbaceous plants, represented<br />

mainly by Poaceae, are subordinate. Taxa typical of Pliocene and<br />

Early Pleistocene have not been detected. The analysis of<br />

vegetational assemblages, inferred by the pollen record, permits<br />

to point out some climatic changes. The physical discontinuity at<br />

about 1.4 m from top, lies between the beginning of a glacial<br />

phase (increase of Abies related to a decrease of temperature but<br />

still humid conditions) and the start of the interglacial cycle<br />

(increase of Quercus ilex-coccifera attesting an increase of<br />

temperature). Because of the hiatus, pollen record lacks the<br />

glacial acme phase (minimum values of temperature and<br />

humidity) and in fact no expansion of open vegetation has been<br />

observed. Such glacial climate condition probably induced a stop<br />

in the water feeding of the cave and in the flowstone deposition,<br />

or a change from over-saturated to unsaturated waters, as usually<br />

happens when the soil is removed from the epikarst during a cold<br />

stage.<br />

Such preliminary results promote high resolution pollen<br />

analyses, integrated with geochemical and petrographic studies<br />

and new datings, in order to better precise the environmental and<br />

climatic history of this late Quaternary cave.<br />


PICCINI L., DRYSDALE R. & HEIJNIS H. (2003) - Karst caves<br />

morphology and sediments as indicators of the uplift history<br />

in the Alpi Apuane (Tuscany). Quatern. Int., 101-102, 219-<br />

227.<br />


SESSIONE 15<br />

Key words: benthic foraminifera, Eastern Africa coast, Indian<br />

Ocean, mixed sediments .<br />


The morphology of the Indian Ocean coast of Africa from<br />

Kismayu (southern Somalia) and Lamu (northern Kenya) is<br />

mainly influenced by the drowning of the continental platform<br />

during the Holocene rise of the sea level (Fig. 1).<br />

Various channels, remnants of a previous fluvial system, open<br />

to the sea with estuaries drowned by the Holocene transgression;<br />

the present-day drainage affects a vast inland area of the flat,<br />

partly endorheic, coastal belt; fluvial discharge is low, as in the<br />

Fig. 1 – Study area.<br />

Present-day carbonate-siliciclastic sedimentation and foraminiferal<br />

assemblages along the coast of southern Somalia and northern<br />

Kenya<br />

_________________________<br />



(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Sapienza - Università di Roma,<br /><br />

(**) IGAG-CNR c/o Dip. Scienze Terra, Sapienza - Università di Roma<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto “Barriere coralline” con il<br />

<strong>contributo</strong> finanziario <strong>della</strong> Sapienza-Università di Roma (Resp. R.<br />

Matteucci)<br />

500<br />

Lamu embayment (northern Kenya), or very low, as along the<br />

Somali coast, where a thin superficial fresh-water body only<br />

reaches the sea during the brief rain periods.<br />

The physiography of the channels and the modern distribution<br />

of the sedimentary facies in the estuaries are strongly related to<br />

the pre-drowning morphology of the fluvial system and to the<br />

present-day high tidal flows.<br />

The channels of Burgao area of southern Somalia are incised<br />

in the Pleistocene bioclastic substrate and are part of the intertidal<br />

zone, mainly covered by a thin muddy layer in their inner more<br />

protected parts and by sandy deposits or small ostreid reefs on<br />

their margins. These intertidal marginal zones are often covered<br />

by mangroves, mainly Rhizophora. The axial part of the channel<br />

estuaries, 5-20 m deep, usually has steep lateral walls. Bottom<br />

sediment is mainly carbonate in the Somali channels and mixed<br />

carbonate-siliciclastic in the Lamu channels. Along the channels,<br />

up to 5-8 km long, the carbonate component decreases rapidly<br />

and sediment becomes siliciclastic, mainly made up of quartz<br />

grains. On the coastal subtidal shelf, especially in southern<br />

Somalia, bioclastic sedimentation prevails. On the platform,<br />

separated from the open sea by a long (>100 km) alignment of<br />

small islands parallel to the coast (Bajuni Archipelago),<br />

flourishing seagrass meadows develop in very shallow waters,<br />

trapping bioclasts produced in the patch and fringing reef areas.<br />

The shelf of the Lamu embayment, facing the very articulated<br />

coast, is much deeper (up to 60 m) and open.<br />


A total of 23 bottom samples collected between 0.4 and 13.5 m<br />

water depth along the Burgao channel (18 samples) and the<br />

Somali coast (5 samples) and 55 samples collected at depths<br />

ranging from 0.5 to 60 m on the continental shelf of the Lamu<br />

Archipelago (Kenya) were analysed. Wherever possible about<br />

300 specimens of benthic foraminifera were counted and<br />

classified from the >125μm fraction. Q-mode Hierarchical<br />

Cluster Analysis (HCA) was performed using SPSS software<br />

(version 13); only foraminiferal taxa with a relative abundance<br />

≥5% in at least one sample were considered. The α-Fisher index<br />

and the percentage of Dominance were also calculated.


In southern Somalia 130 benthic foraminiferal species<br />

belonging to 61 genera were classified in 20 samples. Three<br />

siliciclastic samples from the inner part of the Burgao channel<br />

from 1-2 m depth were barren in foraminifera. The a-Fisher index<br />

ranges between 3.53 and 17.04, i.e. from very low to relatively<br />

high values.<br />

Q-mode HCA performed on a matrix with the 19 taxa having<br />

a frequency ≥5% has evidenced six assemblages. An assemblage,<br />

dominated by Ammonia convexa (11.2-76.7%), with A. tepida<br />

(3.7-15.2%), A. beccarii (0-10.7%) and miliolids<br />

(Quinqueloculina spp.: 0.3-14.2%; Triloculina spp.: 0-19.1%), is<br />

probably linked to salinity variations. It was found in the<br />

intermediate stream of Burgao (5 samples; 0.4-13.5 m), where<br />

there is a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic sedimentation. A second<br />

assemblage represented by a single sample of the Burgao channel<br />

is characterised by abundant Elphidium craticulatum (38.1%)<br />

together with Challengerella bradyi (13.5%); this sample was<br />

collected at 11 m water depth, on carbonate sediment and<br />

vegetated bottom.<br />

The Discorbina turbo (15.8-42.8%) assemblage includes 4<br />

samples (2-10.5 m) from the Burgao channel, on carbonate<br />

sediments; Neorotalia calcar (4.6-17.3%) and miliolids<br />

(Quinqueloculina spp.: 8.6-16.7%; Triloculina spp.: 5.7-20.5%)<br />

are frequent. In one sample from Burgao channel and two from<br />

Ngumi Island (Bajuni Archipelago) from 1 m water depth an<br />

assemblage dominated by Quinqueloculina spp. (16.6-17.4%)<br />

was found. This assemblage, linked to carbonate sediment in an<br />

intertidal shore environment, is characterised by N. calcar (6.0-<br />

10.6%), Miliolinella spp. (3.6-13.2%) and Triloculina spp. (5.3-<br />

11.5%). A Textularia agglutinans (14.2-45.5%) and<br />

Amphistegina lessonii (12.9-29.9%) assemblage was found in 5<br />

samples (3 from the mouth of Burgao channel and 3 from the<br />

Somalian coast; 0.5-13.5 m) characterised by carbonate<br />

sediments. N. calcar (1.3-24.5%), Quinqueloculina spp. (1.7-<br />

15.9%) and Triloculina spp. (1.3-7.3%) are other main taxa of<br />

this assemblage, linked to marine conditions. Finally, a very<br />

oligotypic assemblage dominated by C. bradyi (74,8%)<br />

characterises one sample in the inner part of Burgao channel (2 m<br />

water depth; carbonate sediment).<br />

On the continental shelf of the Lamu Archipelago (northern<br />

Kenya), 55 bottom samples yielded a total of 205 benthic species<br />

belonging to 100 genera; 3 samples were barren in foraminifera.<br />

Q-mode HCA on 28 species with a relative abundance ≥5% led to<br />

the identification of 7 assemblages.<br />

Along the shelf, the shallowest assemblage (1-9 m) is<br />

dominated by Amphistegina lobifera (>39% in three samples). A<br />

second assemblage, up to 51 m water depth, is represented by<br />

Amphistegina radiata (17-35%), E. craticulatum (4-15%), A.<br />

lobifera (0.3-14%), A. lessonii (1-10%), Heterostegina depressa<br />

(0.3-7%), and Quinqueloculina spp. (3-14%). Finally the<br />

501<br />

assemblage between 16 and 60 m water depth is dominated by A.<br />

radiata (43-62%) with subordinate A. lobifera (1-22%), E.<br />

craticulatum (3-9%), and A. lessonii (1-5%).<br />

The spatial distribution of assemblages is closely associated<br />

with sedimentary environments and water depth.<br />

In the Lamu, Manda and Pate bays (0.5-22 m) the<br />

assemblages are different and reflect seasonal siliciclastic supply.<br />

One sample from Manda Bay is dominated by Ammonia spp.<br />

Mangrove environments show high diversity (a-Fisher index<br />

ranges from 12.5 to 25.4) and lack in abundant species (E.<br />

craticulatum ranges from 1 to 10%; D. turbo from 0.9 to 5.3%<br />

and N. calcar from 0 to 19%). Along the channel mouths two<br />

assemblages are recognised, the first one near the channel<br />

margins, between 2 to 10 m water depth is characterised by N.<br />

calcar (27-34%) and D. turbo (3-28%); the second one at the<br />

centre of a channel is characterised by Neorotalia spp. (31-76%)<br />

and D. turbo (2-12%).<br />

The distribution of several infralittoral symbiont-bearing<br />

species such as A. radiata, H. depressa and Operculina<br />

ammonoides within shallowest assemblages are clearly influenced<br />

by the terrigenous input that increases the turbidity of the water<br />

and by local hydrodynamic conditions.<br />


The evidence outlined above allows us to draw some<br />

preliminary considerations. The foraminiferal assemblages of the<br />

drowned channels and of the subtidal platform nearby are rather<br />

diverse, in spite of the water energy due to the marine currents on<br />

the sediment bottom. The other recognised assemblages depend<br />

from the normal marine shallow-water parameters, as bathymetry,<br />

water energy and type of substrate. Many of the species are<br />

recognised for the first time in the area or are as yet undescribed.<br />

The low species richness in the samples from the Burgao area<br />

depends on smaller exchange with the open sea in comparison<br />

with the Lamu embayment.<br />


SESSIONE 15<br />

Quantitative analysis of ancient reefs: looking for a correct<br />

approach. A case study from the reef facies of Mt. Bardia formation<br />

(Late Tithonian-Berriasian, Easter Sardinia)<br />

Key words: Ancient reef, Early Tithonian-Berriasian,<br />

quantitative analysis.<br />

Quantitative analyses in reef studies are seen as a useful tool<br />

in order to the better understanding of the distribution of reef<br />

organisms, their potential for the formation of reef structures, and<br />

to facilitate the comparison among different reefs.<br />

Similar techniques are used for the quantitative<br />

characterization of reefs both in modern and ancient settings:<br />

1) plot techniques (belt-quadrant transect method), using<br />

quadrants as sampling units. Plots are distributed<br />

randomless or arranged in belts considering ecological<br />

zonations;<br />

2) plot-less techniques (line transect method, quarter point<br />

method, point-counting method), utilizing line transects<br />

with a defined length.<br />

Quantitative studies on modern reefs point on the definition of<br />

distributional and diversity patterns of the reef organisms and are<br />

largely based on data obtained during diving observations (e.g.<br />

DODGE et alii, 1982). Reef bibliography contains a lot of<br />

references where results, issued by the application of different<br />

techniques, are compared (e.g. DODGE et alii., 1982; CHIAPPONE<br />

&SULLIVAN , 1991).<br />

As for ancient reefs, despite the amount of papers dealing<br />

with quantitative analyses has improved considerably in the last<br />

two decades (e.g. KIESSLING et alii, 2000; 2002), only few<br />

authors applied quantitative techniques to define the<br />

distributional patterns of organisms at the field mapping scale<br />

(e.g. WEIDLICH et alii, 1993; BRAUN et alii, 1994; BOSELLINI,<br />

1994, BERNECKER et alii, 1999). The FLÜGEL &HÖTZL (1976)’s<br />

paper represents the only comparison test between plot and plotless<br />

techniques. These authors conclude that the plot-less<br />

techniques has not disadvantage over quadrant plot<br />

measurements.<br />

Quantitative analyses of ancient reefs are of course outcrop-<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Geotecnologie, Università di Chieti,;<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra “Ardito Desio”, Università di<br />

Milano,;<br />

502<br />

based, and include a wide range in the observation scales. A<br />

combination of quantitative outcrop-related paleontological and<br />

microfacies data is necessary for the characterization of<br />

multifarious features of reefs (BERNECKER et alii, 1999).<br />

This work focuses on the quantitative analysis of a spectacular<br />

outcrop of a reef system portion belonging to the Mt. Bardia<br />

formation (Late Tithonian-Berriasian, JADOUL et alii, 2007;<br />

JADOUL et alii, 2009). The outcrop is located at Cala Gonone,<br />

Dorgali (East Sardinia, Italy) and consists of a sawed quarry wall,<br />

quite polished surface, that appears as a huge slab, ~48 m 2 in size<br />

(H: ~5,5 m x L: ~9 m), offering a complete and high resolution<br />

2D image of the reef unit (fig. 1). The quarry encompasses a great<br />

variability of biocalcifiers (most of coral colony morphology,<br />

stromatoporoids, echinoderms, bivalves, etc.), different degree of<br />

reworking (from in life-position skeleton more than 1 meter in<br />

size to centimetric rubble), the whole pattern of facies texture<br />

(from packstone to rudstone and from bindstone to framestone),<br />

and a complex system of inter- and intra-skeleton cavities that<br />

allows a detailed study of the reef porosity.<br />

The external surface of each component (biotic and abiotic)<br />

has been emphasized using different colours, achieving a<br />

complete, no lacunose, scanning of this portion of the reef unit.<br />

This time-consuming procedure has been able to quantify the real<br />

frequency, density and area occupied by various reef components.<br />

Therefore, this procedure represents, better than other<br />

quantitative methods, the “image” of the pictured reef portion.<br />

The opportunity to archive a high resolution, no lacunose,<br />

quantitative data analysis of the reef allows the different<br />

quantitative data acquisition techniques (plot and plot-less<br />

technique) to be compared. Moreover, this comparison provides a<br />

confident detection of the minimum number of observations that<br />

concur to the actual definition of the reef structure. This<br />

procedure represents a crucial point in order to perform a<br />

quantitative analysis on usual, uncompleted, weathered outcrops<br />

and to compare results among different outcrop conditions.

Fig. 1 – A: Cala Gonne quarry wall recording the Mt. Bardia formation reef facies (Late Tithonian-Early Cretaceous). B: Detail from A, line-drawing method used<br />

to in this work to collect quantitative data. C: Sketch of B: b/e: undifferentiated bivalves, gastropods, echinoderms; cv: inter- and intra-coral cavity; ploc: massive<br />

plocoid coral colony; ram: branching ramose coral colony; sed: bioclastic sediment; st: undifferentiated stromatoporoids.<br />


BERNECKER M. , WEIDLICH O. & FLÜGEL E. (1999) - Response of<br />

Triassic Reef Coral Communities to Sea-level Fluctuations,<br />

Storms and Sedimentation: Evidence from a Spectacular<br />

Outcrop (Adnet, Austria). Facies, 40, 229-280.<br />

BOSELLINI F. (1994) - The coral fauna of Vitigliano: Qualitative<br />

and quantitative analysis in a backreef environment (Castro<br />

Limestone, Late Oligocene, Salerno Peninsula, S. Italy). Boll.<br />

Soc. Paleont. ltal., 33, 71-181.<br />


WEHRMANN A. (1994) - Development and biofacies of reefinfluenced<br />

carbonates (Central Lahn Syncline, Rheinisches<br />

Schiefergebirge). Cour. Forsch. Senck., 169, 351-386.<br />

CHIAPPONE M. & SULLIVAN K.M. (1991) - A comparison of line<br />

transect versus linear percentage sampling for evaluating<br />

stony coral (Scleractinia and Milleporina) community<br />

similarity and area coverage on reefs of the central Bahamas.<br />

Coral Reefs, 10, 139-154.<br />

DODGE R. E., LOGAN A. & ANTONIUS A. (1982) – Quantitative<br />

reef assessment studies in Bermuda: A comparison of<br />

methods and preliminary results. B. Mar. Sci., 32 (3), 745-<br />

760.<br />

FLÜGEL E. &HÖTZL H. (1976) - Palökologische und statistische<br />

Untersuchungen in mitteldevonischen Schelf-Kalken<br />

503<br />

(Schwelmer Kalk, Givet; Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). Bayer.<br />

Akad. Wiss., Math.-Naturwiss. Kl., Abh., N. F., 156, 70.<br />

JADOUL F., LANFRANCHI A. & BERRA F. (2009) – Evolution of<br />

Late Jurassic to Berriasian carbonate platforms of Eastern<br />

Sardinia. In: Pascucci V. & Andreucci S (Eds.) - Field Trip<br />

Guide Book, Pre-conference trip FT4, 27th IAS Meeting of<br />

Sedimentology, Alghero, 51-72.<br />


M.T. (2007) – Stratigraphic evolution and paleogeographic<br />

setting of the middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous carbonate<br />

platforms in Eastern Sardinia (Italy). EGU General assembly<br />

2007 April 15-20. Vienna, Austria (Abstract book).<br />

KIESSLING W., FLUGEL E. & GOLONKA J. (2000) - Fluctuations in<br />

the carbonate production of the Phanerozoic reefs. In:<br />

Insalaco E., Skeleton P.W. & Palmer T.J. (Eds) - Carbonate<br />

Platform Systems: components and interactions. Geological<br />

Society, London, Special publication, 178, 191-215.<br />

KIESSLING W., FLÜGEL E. & GOLONKA J. (2002) - Phanerozoic<br />

Reef Patterns. SEPM Special Publication no. 72, 775 pp.<br />

Tulsa: Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM)<br />

WEILDLICH O., BERNECKER M. & FLÜGEL E. (1993) –Combined<br />

quantitative analysis and microfacies studies of ancient reefs:<br />

an integrated approach to Upper Permian and Upper<br />

Triassic reef carbonates (Sultanate of Oman), Facies, 28,<br />

115-144.<br />


SESSIONE 15<br />

Quaternary calcareous tufa and travertine in Tuscany (central<br />

Italy): paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstructions<br />



Key words: Palynology, Quaternary, sedimentology, stable<br />

isotopes, terrestrial carbonates.<br />

A Quaternary travertine and calcareous tufa succession in the<br />

Valdelsa Basin (San Gimignano, central Italy) has been<br />

investigated for paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic<br />

reconstructions. The presence in this area of some still active<br />

thermal systems is a unique chance to observe and study,<br />

nowadays, the same process of past time.<br />

The opportunity to register and combine different tools such<br />

as dating, sedimentology, isotopic and palynological analyses,<br />

makes this terrestrial carbonates an interesting geological archive.<br />

The southern part of the Valdelsa Basin is characterized by<br />

the presence of a carbonate terraced succession developed in a<br />

limited segment of the fluvial pattern. Sedimentological and<br />

petrographic analysis shows that the succession is formed by a<br />

terrigenous fluvial deposition rapidly replaced by calcareous tufa<br />

deposited in a fluviatile-paludal environment. In the apical<br />

portion of the succession, tufa are alternated to travertine of<br />

thermal origin.<br />

This is evident near San Gimignano, where three different<br />

cycles of tufa and travertine have been recognized; moreover,<br />

close to the fossil deposit a low thermal spring is still active. 43<br />

samples have been collected for palynological and isotopic<br />

analyses (d 18 O, d 13 C) along the 16m thick section.<br />

Oxygen isotope values do not show significant changes in a<br />

range between -6 and -4,5‰ PDB. Carbon isotope values show<br />

strong fluctuations (-4/+4‰ PDB), however, most of the samples<br />

have d 13 C values ranging between 1 and 3‰ PDB. Samples<br />

contain pollen grains and lack vegetal macro-remains. More than<br />

70 different taxa have been detected.<br />

Concentrations vary from 8 to 796 grains/g. Arboreal plants<br />

of temperate forest (e.g. deciduous Quercus) dominate the<br />

assemblage, except for phases of herbaceous taxa increase.<br />

Among shrubs and trees of Mediterranean climate, Olea and<br />

Quercus ilex are well represented. A quantitative paleoclimatic<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Università di Firenze,,<br />

(**) Università di Siena,,<br />

(***) Université de Montpellier,<br />

(°) INFN Firenze,<br />

(°°) Rudjer Boskovic Institute Zagreb,<br />

504<br />

recostruction from pollen data is provided by using the Climatic<br />

Amplitude Method which furnishes the values for the mean<br />

annual temperature, mean temperature of the coldest month, mean<br />

temperature of the warmest month and available moisture.<br />

The palynological record testifies that deposition of carbonate<br />

deposit took place during a dominant warm-humid climate phase.<br />

According to previous stratigraphical correlations, this succession<br />

could be related to a warm stage of the Late glacial.<br />

However, a younger age cannot be excluded. 14 C dating of<br />

both terrigenous (4) and tufa (9) samples is in progress to better<br />

define the chronology of the succession.

Key words: Ellipsactinia limestones, Intra-Tethys reef<br />

complexes, reef zonation, Upper Jurassic.<br />

Upper Jurassic Intra-Tethyan reef complexes represent a<br />

peculiar reef type that differentiate from other Tethyan and extra-<br />

Tethyan examples on the basis of their biotic content, debris<br />

amount and strong zonation.<br />

This study documents the zonation of an Upper Jurassic reef<br />

complex developed on the platform margin of an Intra-Tethystype<br />

isolated carbonate platform, presently exposed in the central<br />

Apennines. The reef zonation is revealed by the distribution of<br />

biota and sedimentary features along the reef complex. Biota are<br />

mainly represented by corals and calcified demosponges (mostly<br />

chaetetids and stromatopores), which are present with different<br />

amounts and aggregating structures, according to their position<br />

along the reef complex. Corals and stromatopores are the<br />

outstanding biota within zones in opposite position along the reef<br />

complex, the innermost and outermost, respectively. Corals form<br />

large aggregates (dense and sparse) only in the inner reef zone,<br />

whereas they are present as isolated colonies in the other reef<br />

zones. Conversely, stromatopores form mound-shaped dense<br />

aggregates in the outer reef zone; they are present as isolated<br />

specimens in the other reef zones. Among secondary biota,<br />

microencrustations represent an important component of the<br />

studied reef complex, as they actively participate to the reef<br />

construction process. Microencrustations (microbialites and<br />

microencrusters) are relatively more abundant in the inner reef<br />

zone, where they are generally associated to coral aggregates.<br />

Microencruster frameworks are generally associated both to<br />

isolated corals colonies and coral aggregates.<br />

Similarly to the biota, sedimentary features display a different<br />

distribution along the reef complex. Grain size, sorting and<br />

reworking degree of sediments, cement crusts and cavities<br />

increase from the inner to the outer reef zones, whereas peloids,<br />

micrite and bioerosion follow an opposite distribution pattern.<br />

Favourable stratigraphic conditions and large exposures<br />

_________________________<br />

The Ellipsactinia limestones of the Marsica area (Central<br />

Apennines): a reference zonation model for Upper Jurassic Intra-<br />

Tethys reef complexes<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Geotecnologie, Università di Chieti,<br />;<br />

(**) UMR CNRS 7566, Géologie et Gestion des Ressources Minérales et<br />

Energétiques (G2R), Université de Nancy I, France,<br /><br />

505<br />

allowed the reconstruction of the original depositional profile at<br />

the top of the Upper Jurassic reef complex. The reconstructed<br />

depositional profile allowed the biota distribution to be<br />

constrained to the reef complex morphology and favoured the<br />

interpretation of bathymetric and hydrodynamic parameters.<br />

The ensuing environmental interpretation of the reef zones of<br />

the central Apennines example is in stark contrast with models<br />

previously proposed for many Upper Jurassic Intra-Tethyan reefs,<br />

and essentially based on modern reefs. The central Apennines<br />

reef complex indicates that modern reefs are, in many respects,<br />

rather inadequate models for Upper Jurassic Intra-Tethyan reef<br />

complexes.<br />


SESSIONE 15<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

Rocce e minerali industriali:<br />

prospezione - estrazione - gestione - uso e<br />

conservazione<br />


Roberto Cabella (Università di Genova)<br />

Mauro Fornaro (Università di Torino)<br />

Marco Lezzerini (Università di Pisa)<br />

507<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

The needs for mineral raw materials for the sustainable production<br />

in the international framework<br />


Key words: Mineral raw materials, mining industry,<br />

sustainability, sustainable development.<br />

Mineral raw materials are fundamental resources for the civil<br />

society and play an important role in the process of Sustainable<br />

Development.<br />

Their contribution to the economic and social development is<br />

strategic, but they must be produced and used in an<br />

environmentally sustainable manner.<br />

The application of Sustainable Development principles to<br />

non-renewable natural resources is complex and characterized by<br />

a high degree of uncertainty, as well as absence of internationally<br />

standardized procedures (Fig. 1).<br />

In such a context, the quantitative assessment of sustainability<br />

is particularly controversial.<br />

A step towards a most acceptable measurement of<br />

sustainability is the extension of the concept of eco-compatibility<br />

of the mineral industries to a broader and more comprehensive<br />

approach.<br />

Fig. 1 – The three spheres of sustainability.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Politecnico di Torino (DITAG),<br />

(**) Politecnico di Torino (DISPEA),<br />

(°) Università di Torino (DST),,<br />

508<br />

Such an approach should overcome the physical boundaries of<br />

extractive and mineral processing sites, in order to encompass not<br />

only the environmental impacts of mining/quarrying, but also the<br />

environmental implications of mineral-based products, including<br />

their end-of-life.<br />

The sustainability of the extractive industry is a theme that<br />

was particularly debated in recent years. However, it must be<br />

recognized that the expression “sustainability of the mineral<br />

industries” could be perceived as not straightforward, as it might<br />

suggest an ambiguous question: “how a non-renewable resource<br />

can be produced sustainably?” Much more straightforward and<br />

meaningful is debating on how the mineral industries can<br />

positively contribute to the Sustainable Development as a whole.<br />

In recent years, the general interest of the European Union, as<br />

well as the other industrialized countries, towards mineral<br />

resources has boomed, not only in terms of environmental<br />

sustainability, but also in terms of social and economic<br />

development possibilities.<br />

Such an interest in minerals is emphasized by the growing<br />

demand also in the industrialized countries, and not only in the<br />

emerging economies, which gives raise to serious concern in<br />

terms of future availability of strategic resources for the industrial<br />

systems.<br />

Bearing in mind the international context in which most of the<br />

mineral products are traded, the European Commission is<br />

promoting a Thematic Strategy on the sustainable use of natural<br />

resources where some crucial issues are well emphasized: “The<br />

EU is highly dependent on resources coming from outside Europe<br />

and the environmental impact of resource use by the EU and<br />

other major economies is felt globally”, and again “raw materials<br />

extraction in Europe has decreased while imports have increased,<br />

resulting in a shift of environmental pressures to other regions”<br />

(COM 670, 2005).<br />

This said, an overview on demand and supply of non-energy<br />

minerals will be presented, in order to briefly discuss on<br />

international strategies for sustainable supply and use of mineral<br />

raw materials towards objectives of sustainable development.<br />

In particular, the concept of “dynamic resource” will be<br />

discussed. What is currently considered a resource, and that<br />

consequently must be used for the economic and social<br />

development, might cease to be a resource in the future, as it<br />

happened several times in history. Although non-renewable,

mineral raw materials are fundamental in sustainable<br />

development (COM 699, 2008; SEC 2741, 2008).<br />

For instance, oil is “sustainable” if it is used to promote a shift<br />

towards renewable energies. Similarly, metals are “sustainable” if<br />

produced and used to promote the change towards a society based<br />

on recycling and efficient use of natural resources.<br />


COM 670 (2005) – Thematic Strategy on the sustainable use of<br />

natural resources; Communication from the Commission to<br />

the Council, the European Parliament, the European<br />

Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the<br />

Regions. 22 pp.<br />

COM 699 (2008) – The raw materials initiative. Meeting our<br />

critical needs for growth and jobs in Europe; Communication<br />

from the Commission to the European Parliament and the<br />

Council. 13 pp.<br />

SEC 2741 (2008) – Commission Staff Working Document;<br />

accompanying the COM 699 (2008) - Communication from<br />

the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council.<br />

18 pp.<br />

509<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

Difficult coexistence of extractive planning of dimensional stones in<br />

the quarrying activity and territorial planning in Apulia<br />

Key words: Apulia, dimensional stone, quarrying activity, urban<br />

and territorial planning.<br />


Quarrying activity of dimensional stones represents since long<br />

time an important field of the Apulia economy. This favorable<br />

condition, due to the geologic and geomorphological context of<br />

the Apulian territory, if on one side has brought remarkable<br />

economic and social benefits, on the other hand, mostly due to<br />

the insufficient coordination of the laws concerning extractive<br />

planning and the environmental protection of the extractive areas,<br />

has determined impacts negatives on the territory and it's natural<br />

resources.<br />

The short examination which this paper show, concerning<br />

detailed situations in some Apulian quarrying basins, has<br />

exemplified the widespread today existing cases of conflict<br />

between the need of planning and development of the extractive<br />

activities in Apulia and those of protection and safeguard of the<br />

territory and its natural resources. This problematic deserves a<br />

necessary deepening of scientific and legal character.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Geologia e Geofisica, Università di Bari,<br /><br />

(**) Autorità di Bacino <strong>della</strong> Puglia,<br />


Key words: Ligurian ophiolites, Naturally Occurring Asbestos.<br />


Fibrous minerals of Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) are<br />

present in Ligurian ophiolites both as polymorphs of serpentine<br />

and as amphiboles. The tectono-metamorphic units have different<br />

stages of metamorphic facies, due to the rebalancing of pressure<br />

and temperature conditions. This way, in the same outcrop<br />

different mineral assemblages can coexist, conditioning the<br />

appearance or absence of different fibrous minerals.<br />

Currently, the Italian legislation refers to analytical techniques<br />

that favour a relative simplicity of execution, but can present a<br />

variety of criticises, especially in the presence of natural<br />

materials.<br />

The proposed method, which applies only to natural materials,<br />

through an integrated series of observations, is able to take into<br />

account the different lithological and structural conditions of rock<br />

masses, often crucial in assessing the degree of dangerousness of<br />

the natural material.<br />


Among the activities held in ARPAL, there’s the control of<br />

asbestos in a state of natural outcrop and mining sites. The type<br />

of checks will vary depending on the circumstances; in general,<br />

however, it will present two typical situations:<br />

a) complete study of the site;<br />

b) control of the quarry site, aimed to the verification of legal<br />

requirements.<br />

The determination of asbestos in a rock is the result of a<br />

complex procedure, which includes both on-site activities and in<br />

laboratory. ARPAL chose the multidisciplinary approach that will<br />

be described.<br />

The first phase consists in the collection of existing<br />

documentation (e.g. the description of the geomorphological,<br />

geological and hydrogeological detailed mapping of outcrops,<br />

_________________________<br />

Asbestos control in Ligurian ophiolites<br />


(*)Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell'Ambiente Ligure ARPAL,<br /><br />

511<br />

geological sections, etc..) and, in the case of a quarry site, as set<br />

out in Annex A paragraph 4 of the DM 14/05/1996.<br />

The structural-geological survey is the key stage through<br />

which the rock mass is classified at the level of tectonic units,<br />

characterized in lithological and structural terms, as well as being<br />

the essential reference for sampling operations (Fig. 1). The<br />

investigation includes the identification of the rock outcropping<br />

in natural conditions and/or exposed on the quarry face, the<br />

description of lithotype in genetic terms, the mineralogical<br />

composition and analysis of the general geological structure, with<br />

particular attention to layout and to the characteristics of<br />

discontinuity. In this regard, it is expected to fill out a form,<br />

derived from the UNI EN ISO 14689-1, for each station for<br />

geostructural analysis, which generally includes the sampling of<br />

rock under consideration.<br />

Fig. 1 Quarry of ‘Rosso Levanto’ (eastern Liguria)<br />

Macroscopic and microscopic study of samples from the<br />

extraction surface or outcrop in natural conditions occurs in the<br />

laboratory using a specific form. The examination is performed<br />

with the aid of a stereomicroscope in order to identify more<br />

precisely crystalline aggregates which may be elongated on the<br />

surface of fractures of the sample. The recognition of any fibres<br />

on the surface of the sample, or debris that may spontaneously<br />

released from the sample, is an important indication of the<br />

tendency of the rock to the release of fibres.<br />

The qualitative and quantitative determination of asbestos<br />

content (“qualitative and quantitative controls", as defined by the<br />

DCR 105/96) is normally conducted by ARPAL through<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

Fig. 2 – Microphotograph of a fiber of asbestos obtained wit a Scansion Electron Microscope (SEM).<br />

chemical-mineralogical analysis (e.g. SEM, Fig. 2), according to<br />

the procedures and methods adopted by the “Laboratorio di<br />

Genova – Settore Analisi strumentale”.<br />

Finally, the results of the analyses among diversified<br />

lithologies are presented, in a frame of control of the quarries,<br />

monitoring of excavations for buildings purposes, mining, and<br />

environmental rehabilitation.<br />


Preliminary results for the characterization of the radiological levels<br />

of rocks in Tuscany Region<br />

Key words: Airborne measures, gamma-ray spectrometry,<br />

isotopic abundance, MCA_Rad system, natural radioactivity,<br />

potential natural radioactivity content map, ZaNaI system.<br />


The environmental background levels of natural radiation due<br />

to the nuclides in rocks vary in significant amounts that depend<br />

on the geological and geomorphological features of a territory.<br />

The main source of terrestrial gamma-ray radiation exposure to<br />

humans is from 238 U, 232 Th decay chains and 40 K decay.<br />

This paper reports a part of the results of the Research Project<br />

“Measurement of natural radioactivity and mapping of the<br />

radioisotope abundances of Tuscany Region”, which started at<br />

August 2008 and it is supported by founds of Tuscany Region.<br />

The aim of this project is to realize the thematic maps of<br />

radioactivity content and in particular of the abundances of 40 K,<br />

eU and eTh (these concentrations by weight are determined<br />

indirectly from 238 U and 232 Th daughter products, 214 Bi and 208 Tl<br />

respectively, that are assumed to be in equilibrium with their<br />

parent isotope). These goals will be achieved by integrating the<br />

information from measurements on samples in laboratory with insitu<br />

investigations and airborne surveys. The Legnaro National<br />

Laboratory (LNL) is the national leader for the design and<br />

realization of high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometers, portable<br />

and massive NaI(Tl) detectors.<br />

The MCA_Rad gamma-ray spectrometry system (BEZZON et<br />

alii, 2009) was designed and built up at LNL for measuring large<br />

amount of samples with a minimum attendance: these features fit<br />

_________________________<br />




(*) INFN, Legnaro National Laboratories, Legnaro (PD),<br /><br />

(**) Center for GeoTechnologies, San Giovanni Valdarno (AR),<br /><br />

(°) Physics Department, University of Ferrara,<br />

(°°) INFN, Ferrara Section, Ferrara,<br />

(§) INFN, Padova Section, Padova,<br />

513<br />

perfectly with the requirements of this project. This system is able<br />

to measure any type of materials (solid, liquid, gas), and due to<br />

the high efficiency and its geometric symmetry, absolute activity<br />

measurements are possible with systematic errors below 5%.<br />


The Tuscany Region occupies an area of about<br />

23 10 3 km 2 and it includes 15 paleogeographic domains (Fig. 1).<br />

The sedimentary rocks constitute the main reservoir covering the<br />

large part of the Region, the igneous rocks are mainly present in<br />

the south part, while in the north-west part of the Region (i.e.<br />

Apuane succession) we meet metamorphic rocks: in this region<br />

are located the main marble caves of Italy.<br />

The sampling strategy was planed on geological arguments:<br />

the homogeneous units are recognized by low density of samples,<br />

permitting to focus an high density of samples on the<br />

heterogeneous areas. Excluding the quaternary deposits when one<br />

sample per 25 km 2 was collected.<br />

The information collected during the sampling was organized<br />

in a geo-database (GeoDB). The two operators working on field<br />

fill the GeoDB with GPS coordinates and the main information<br />

about the state of outcropping, the weather conditions and the<br />

geological features (unit, formation, lithology).<br />

The 491 samples collected were crushed, sieved and then<br />

placed in a drying oven at temperature 60°C in order to remove<br />

the moisture. The 200cc cylindrical polycarbonate containers<br />

filled with the ground rock were weighted and labeled with a<br />

barcode. Finally they were stored and kept sealed for 38 days in<br />

order to reach the radioactive secular equilibrium between 226 Ra<br />

and 222 Rn (10 half- lives of 222 Rn).<br />

The MCA_Rad output (counts, specific activity and<br />

abundance) it is adapted in order to easily fill the GeoDB<br />

permitting an user-friendly management of the data. This<br />

procedure is designed to minimized the human errors and<br />

optimize the manpower.<br />

The specific activity of 238 U and 232 Th was calculated under<br />

the assumption of secular equilibrium, using the gamma<br />

transitions of energy, 609.3 keV for 214 Bi (eU) and 583.2 keV for<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

208 Tl (eTh), while for 40 K was calculated through the gamma<br />

transition of energy 1460.8 keV. The achieved minimum<br />

detection activity (MDA) calculated following CURIE (1968)<br />

were 0.2 Bq/kg for 214 Bi, 0.3 Bq/kg for 208 Tl and 1.8 Bq/kg for<br />

40 K. A preliminary screening for 3600 s of spectrum acquisition<br />

reported only 10% of samples below the MDA value, which were<br />

further measured for 14400 s.<br />

Fig. 1 – The paleographic domains of Tuscany Region and the sampling sites.<br />


In the current report it was successfully achieved the<br />

measurement of 491 sample of rocks by using the MCA_Rad<br />

system. The Falterona-Cervarola unit (FCU) and the Macigno<br />

formation (MF) revealed an homogeneous radioactive content,<br />

767 ± 187 Bq/kg and 830 ± 182 Bq/kg respectively. Covering<br />

about 20% of the territory, mainly in the north and east part of the<br />

region, FCU and MF are characterized by sandstone flysch: the<br />

homogeneous content of radioisotope is supported by the<br />

presence of an homogeneous lithology.<br />

In Tuscany Region we find the main types of rocks<br />

characterizing the Earth’s crust: sedimentary, igneous and<br />

metamorphic rocks. Concerning the sedimentary rock, the<br />

carbonate rocks (lime, dolomite, travertine) are characterized by a<br />

radioactivity content lower than the clastic rocks (clay, sandstone,<br />

514<br />

sand): 125 ± 134 Bq/kg and 725 ± 240 Bq/kg respectively. In<br />

some neogenic deposits (marine and evaporitic) we find an<br />

alternation of sandstone, conglomerate, limestone, marl,<br />

mudstone, clay and silty-marly clay: the large spread of specific<br />

radioactivity values (317 ± 230 Bq/kg) reveals this alternation.<br />

The igneous rocks coming from Tuscan Magmatic Province<br />

show elevated levels of radioactivity (1738 ± 886 Bq/kg). In<br />

more details the acid igneous rocks (volcanic ash, tuff, lapillus)<br />

and basic igneous rocks (basalts) are characterized by two<br />

opposite levels of radioactivity: 2015 ± 611 Bq/kg and 80 ± 85<br />

Bq/kg respectively.<br />

The metamorphic rocks are the result of alteration of existing<br />

rocks by either excessive heat and pressure, or through the<br />

chemical action of fluids. Although in general this alteration can<br />

cause chemical changes and/or structural modification to the<br />

minerals making up the rock, the radioactivity content in the<br />

samples of the metamorphic rocks can be related to those of the<br />

lithology of origin. On the other hand the perturbation from<br />

metamorphic processes increase the spread of the radioactivity<br />

values. In Table 1 we summarize the 40 K, eqU and eqTh<br />

abundances organized in the classes of rocks described above.<br />

This classification is a key of the interpretation of the natural<br />

radioactivity content of the region.<br />

Lithology N.<br />

40 K<br />

(%)<br />

The environmental and geological information collected in the<br />

GeoDB will permit to refine this framework and to build thematic<br />

maps by using geostatistical methods. Finally the GeoDB will be<br />

updated to the server database (MySQL) and then will be<br />

published on line by using Web-GIS service based on Google<br />

Earth ® platform.<br />


eU<br />

(ppm)<br />

eTh<br />

(ppm)<br />

Sedimentary Rocks<br />

Clastic 198 2.1 ± 0.7 2.6 ± 1.1 10.6 ± 4.6<br />

Carbonatic 80 0.3 ± 0.4 1.3 ± 1.4 2.0 ± 1.9<br />

Lime-Clay<br />

Igneous Rocks<br />

49 0.9 ± 0.7 1.5 ± 0.9 4.6 ± 3.2<br />

Basic 9 0.2 ± 0.2 0.9 ± 1.6 3.0 ± 7.2<br />

Acid<br />

Metamorphic Rocks<br />

54 5.3 ± 1.6 11.3 ± 5.8 56.6 ± 26.3<br />

MetaClastic 63 2.5 ± 1.1 2.5 ± 1.1 11.5 ± 4.4<br />

MetaCarbonatic 34 0.5 ± 0.6 0.8 ± 0.8 2.4 ± 3.2<br />

MetaMagmatic 4 3.3 ± 1.7 2.6 ± 1.3 14.3 ± 8.3<br />

Tab. 1 – Average of the 40 K, eU and eTh abundance for different lithologies.<br />

The standard deviation is calculated on N samples.<br />

BEZZON G.P., BUSO G.P & ROSSI ALVAREZ C. (2009) A fully<br />

automatic system for general-purpose radioactive analysis.<br />

LNL Annual Report.

Mutlidisciplinary procedure for estimating the amount of asbestos in<br />

the environment and natural hazard assessment by fiber release;<br />

case study in the south of the Arno river, Tuscany<br />



Key words: Asbestos, Index Release, serpentinites.<br />


The topics related to the presence of asbestiform minerals in<br />

nature in rocks excavated have become of particular social<br />

sensitivity and the many confirmations of the risks to human<br />

health from exposure and inhalation of fibers, had led the<br />

promulgation of environmental regulations governing the<br />

management of earth and rocks excavated potentially<br />

contaminated by asbestiform minerals, their disposal and reuse.<br />

The present study aims to estimate the amount of asbestos in<br />

serpentinitic rocks and the characterization of these in terms of<br />

hazard. In this respect it has been developing a specific regional<br />

survey methodology, type tested in an area in the southern part of<br />

Florence (ophiolitic area of Impruneta) which led to estimate the<br />

percentage of the total volume of rock asbestos material with the<br />

determination of the Index Release (IR) and the classification of<br />

the material in terms of hazard of asbestos minerals, according to<br />

the parameters set by law.<br />


To achieve the above objectives, we had to split the search in<br />

different and consequently phases, this in order to address various<br />

issues related to territory, geological and geomorphological<br />

conditions, then to operate at different levels of analytical<br />

resolution necessary for mineralogical characterization of the<br />

rock and the quantization of fibrous minerals.<br />

The disciplinary procedure consists of five main phases:<br />

1) Geological and geomorphologica survey (Fig.1);<br />

2) Quality sampling and laboratory analysis (analysis in<br />

optical microscopy and SEM analysis);<br />

3) Geomechanical analysis of the rock with stereonet<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Centro di Geotecnologie dell’Università degli Studi di Siena,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra – Università degli Studi di Siena<br />

515<br />

implementation (Fig.2);<br />

4) Geostatistical analysis to determine the amount of<br />

asbestos in the rock (Fig.3);<br />

5) Sampling and determination of I.R. in the rock mass<br />

(Fig.4).<br />

Fig. 1 – Field work into the outcrop.<br />

Fig. 2 – Stereonet representative of the rock fractures.<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />


During this work we developed a multidisciplinary procedure<br />

between the detection integrated from geological-structural<br />

survey, geomechanical detection, analysis and geostatistics<br />

determination of (IR) as a basis for future in environmental<br />

applications. Requirement resulted from the complexity of<br />

interpretation of law on earth and rocks excavated with<br />

potentially contain of natural asbestiform fibers The methodology<br />

aims to be a first input to the necessary and desirable<br />

standardization and technical-normative study to compare<br />

analytical results from different experiences.<br />

Fig. 4 – Determination of I.R. boundary.<br />

516<br />

Fig. 3 – Geostatistical analysis of fractures fibrous filling.

Key words: Concrete, gypsum, limes, national production.<br />


The importance of the industrial minerals in domestic<br />

quarrying activity depends on the great number of products and<br />

various technological properties related both to mineralogical and<br />

chemical features of the raw materials, geological characteristics<br />

and location of the ore bodies.<br />

The industrial minerals category includes many quarry<br />

materials, each of them has various applications, for example in<br />

the pottery and glass manufacturing, paper and plastic industry,<br />

agro-zootechnical uses, paints industry, building products (as for<br />

example lime, concrete, coverings, gypsum plaster and mortar).<br />

In some case, natural raw materials should be replaced by<br />

synthetics products or mixing of other materials.<br />

In particular, this paper focus on limestone, dolostone and<br />

gypsum due to the variety of their applications and the wide trade<br />

of the their products, particularly for the buildings ones.<br />


Limestone is considered pure when calcium carbonate content<br />

is higher than 95%; commonly, natural limestone includes<br />

various amount of dolomite, clay, silica, organic material, oxides,<br />

hydroxides, fluorides.<br />

According to the uses, raw materials have to respect fixed<br />

composition and some mineralogical components must be present<br />

in limited percentages.<br />

Limestone plays a leading role in the economical market of<br />

the industrial minerals, as demonstrated by statistics based on the<br />

production and consumption data which will be furnished in this<br />

paper. Even if the most common use of the limestone (but not the<br />

most important) is represented by buildings products, as for<br />

_________________________<br />

Raw materials for lime, concrete and gypsum production in Italy<br />

(*) Università degli Studi di Torino,<br />

(**) CAGEMA,<br />

(°) AITEC,<br />


517<br />

example lime and concrete, many other industrial sectors require<br />

limestone use.<br />

This work focus particularly on lime and concrete production<br />

and trade, due to the large distribution of this products.<br />

Limes are commonly distinguished in “aerial” and<br />

“hydraulic”. Hydraulic lime is obtained with limestone that<br />

contains more than 6% of clay and it represented the main<br />

building component since the Roman period up to the past<br />

century, when it was replaced by the modern concrete. Nowadays<br />

it get in most of the plasters production, slaked lime and<br />

refractory materials mixed with other components in variable<br />

ratios (BADINO et alii, 1990).<br />

Aerial lime results from the crushing, riddling and<br />

calcinations over 900°C of the raw material (quick lime); it is<br />

mainly employed in iron and steel industry as a scorifier reactant<br />

in the steel and cast iron production and in iron minerals<br />

agglomeration.<br />

In the chemical industry, lime plays an important role in<br />

catalysis and neutralization processes and in pH regulation; lime<br />

is also used for environmental applications as industrial ash<br />

treatment (for example in case of thermal plants and incinerators),<br />

drinkable and industrial water treatment, organic and inorganic<br />

slurries treatment, food and agricultural industry, pharmaceutical<br />

industry, refining of sugar, paper and glass manufacturing and<br />

clay stabilizer in civil engineering) (BADINO et alii, 1989).<br />

Natural raw materials for concrete production are principally<br />

represented by limestone, marls, clays and schists: they must<br />

contain calcium carbonate and oxide of iron, aluminium and<br />

silicon in fixed ratios. Some marls contain naturally all this<br />

elements in right proportions; they are called “concrete marls” if<br />

the hydraulic index is 0.3 – 0.7. Otherwise, concrete is obtained<br />

by mixing different raw materials and, in particular, limestone<br />

and clay or limestone and marly clay or calcareous marls and<br />

clay/schists or limestone and schists (SACERDOTE, 2001).<br />

Other elements are used as additives in the raw mixture, as for<br />

example quartzitic sands, crashed quartzite and marble, ashes,<br />

iron minerals, bauxites.<br />

Quality requests of limestone for concrete production are<br />

particularly restrictive, so that suitable calcareous ore bodies are<br />

no so common. The presence of alkali, free silica, magnesium<br />

oxides and sulfates should determine problems for hardening<br />

process, unexpected swelling or chemical reaction whit other<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

component, so they have to be avoid.<br />

Mineralogical features requested for the clay components are<br />

less restrictive, but magnesium, alkali and sulfates content has to<br />

be very small as well as for limestone (FORNARO et alii, 2002).<br />

GYPSUM<br />

In the last few years the gypsum quarrying activity has been<br />

even developed due to the high request of gypsum for different<br />

industrial sectors.<br />

According to the uses, burnt or raw gypsum has been used for<br />

many applications since to the Egyptian period. For thousands of<br />

years it has been employed as building material, dimensional<br />

stone, decoration plaster and base for polychrome paintings. The<br />

improvement of the processing techniques and equipments has<br />

recently determined a large use of gypsum in many products with<br />

particularly regard to building manufactures (as for example<br />

plasterboard, high quality plaster, concrete additive) with<br />

different technological features requested for each applications.<br />

In the last few decades, it has been commonly employed for<br />

other applications as for example in the fertilizers production, in<br />

plastic and paint industry, in pharmaceutical chemistry and for<br />

medical and artistic uses.<br />

Usually, primary quarried gypsum has an evaporitc origin and<br />

its mineralogical and technological properties depend on<br />

conditions and age of deposition, geological and structural<br />

evolution.<br />

Most of the natural ore bodies have a good gypsum quality<br />

and medium-high degree of pureness in respect to the<br />

technological requirements: usually a few points of percentages<br />

of calcium carbonate have accepted, as well as small quantity of<br />

clay minerals and organic material. The presence of marls, in<br />

limited amount, should improve the workability of the raw<br />

material; chlorates, magnesium, sodium or potassium salts should<br />

be cause of wall efflorescence and problems in hardening. Iron<br />

oxides and hydroxides must be avoid principally in case of at<br />

sight plasters and valuable product for sanitary or artistic uses<br />

(BONETTO, 2006).<br />

In some cases, natural gypsum should be replaced by<br />

synthetic gypsum obtained by chemical processes as ashes<br />

desulphurization of power and thermal plants or oil treatment in<br />

refinery.<br />

With respect to the economical importance of the industrial<br />

minerals quarrying activity and to the influence of their<br />

production on the national and international trade, this paper will<br />

propose to furnish a trend of both domestic production of raw<br />

material and the common products obtained (BADINO et alii,<br />

1989).<br />

518<br />



Italian quicklime. Trends of the sector, with a particular<br />

attention paid to the extractive aspects. Atti XIV World<br />

Mineral. Conf. WMC, Beijing, 143-147.<br />


L’industria italiana <strong>della</strong> calce: situazione e prospettive con<br />

particolare riferimento agli aspetti estrattivi. GEAM, Torino,<br />

dicembre 1990, 725 -731.<br />

BONETTO S. (2006) - <strong>Il</strong> gesso: da risorsa economica a<br />

patrimonio culturale del Monferrato. Aggiornamento tecnico,<br />

metodologie operative e ipotesi di riuso <strong>dei</strong> siti di cava<br />

dismessi. Tesi di dottorato, Politecnico di Torino, inedita.<br />

FORNARO M., LOVERA E. & SACERDOTE I. (2002) - La<br />

coltivazione delle cave ed il recupero ambientale. Politeko,<br />

Torino, 259 pp.<br />

SACERDOTE I. (2001) - La produzione <strong>della</strong> materia prima<br />

calcarea per l’industria del cemento: sviluppo tecnologico e<br />

metodi estrattivi. Tesi di dottorato, Politecnico di Torino,<br />


Technological innovations and secondary raw materials obtained<br />

from a virtuous management of wastes connected to mining<br />

activities: the examples of Gruppo Minerali Maffei S.p.A<br />

Key words: Ceramic industries, dressing plants, feldspar and<br />

quartz, glasses wastes treatment, granite, quarry wastes<br />

valorization, secondary raw material.<br />


The industry connected to mining activity is one of the most<br />

important for Italian economy, both for the raw materials<br />

production and for the new technologies connected to<br />

exploitation and dressing plants. It is linked not only to mines as<br />

such but also, in few cases, to ancient quarry dumps valorisation.<br />

The volumes of quarry wastes are a clear example of the<br />

problems connected to mining activities: the exploitation works<br />

can cause an evident hazard for the population, as well as an<br />

important environmental and landscape impacts for touristic<br />

areas.<br />

For those reasons a systematic reuse of the rock wastes, as<br />

secondary raw materials, should be essential: it is important to<br />

guarantee a sufficient quantity of wastes/resources to justify the<br />

construction of a new treatment plant, the constancy of the<br />

wastes/resources supply and the convenience of the transport<br />

system.<br />

Mining activities and wastes management is also complicated<br />

by “quarry wastes” Italian regulation (artt. 183 and 186 D.Lgs.<br />

152/06, D.Lgs. 117/08 e L. 13/09): to guarantee a correct<br />

management of exploited materials we have to distinguish<br />

“wastes” from “by products”, “associated products”, “secondary<br />

raw materials”. The new Italian regulations, which are complex<br />

and, sometimes, conflicting, do not help people involved in<br />

“wastes management”, such as Public Administrations, mines and<br />

dressing plants owners, etc… (BOZZOLA et alii., 2008).<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Gruppo Minerali Maffei S.p.A.,,<br />

(**) Università di Torino (DST),,<br /><br />

519<br />



An interesting example, connected to quarry wastes<br />

valorisation as secondary raw materials, is the one of Montorfano<br />

and Baveno coarse granites heaps (Lake District, VCO mine<br />

basin – NW Piedmont; Fig. 1). The primary granites pertain to a<br />

series of plutonic bodies, characterized by medium - medium fine<br />

grain. This excavation technique produced, during the past, a<br />

huge amount of wastes, stocked on the lower hill side of the<br />

massifs (Montorfano and Baveno), shaping different “waste”<br />

dumps (“ravaneti”).<br />

Fig. 1 – Southern side of Montorfano Massif.<br />

In 1995 a primary Italian company (Gruppo Minerali Maffei<br />

Spa) decided to invest in granite quarry wastes valorisation as<br />

secondary raw material. The technical principle and the project<br />

planning for such a recovery is based on physical-chemical<br />

characteristics of the rock and on the quantity of wastes to be<br />

treated and valorised: these parameters influence heavily the<br />

dressing plant project (BOZZOLA et alii, 1995).<br />

The new exploitation of the dumped materials is useful for the<br />

production, by specific mineral dressing treatment, of secondary<br />

raw material for industry (mainly for the production of GP – Grès<br />

Porcelain stoneware). The raw materials for the GP stoneware<br />

included, according to the rule, pure quartz and feldspar; for this<br />

reason the price of the final product was very high. Secondary<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

raw materials, coming from Montorfano and Baveno granites<br />

wastes, are composed by 33% quartz and 62% feldspar: this is<br />

quite similar to the desired mixture for GP.<br />

Nowadays, this is an interesting economic reality with a<br />

subsequent save in the raw material costs. The domestic market<br />

of feldspars, as industrial minerals, is increasing year after year in<br />

Italy: from 200,000 t in 1975 to 2.5 Mt in the following twenty<br />

years; moreover, imported natural resources (about 2,0 Mt) have<br />

to be added to these amounts. It has to be noticed that in 2009<br />

there was an important decrease in feldspar production and<br />

utilization (- 30%), caused by the global economic crisis.<br />

The dressing plant (Ecomin S.p.A. in Verbania, now formed<br />

into the Gruppo Minerali Industriali), described in this paper, is<br />

active since 1995; it has got the concession to exploit three<br />

granite quarry wastes dumps: Sengio and Ciana Tane-Pilastretto<br />

areas, for white granite recovering in Montorfano massif, and<br />

Braghini area, for the pink granite exploitation in Mt. Camoscio.<br />

In order to guarantee the highest safety in the superposed<br />

yards and the stability of the quarry fronts, the material layer is<br />

exploited from the top to the base of the whole volume: the<br />

quarried material is then loaded in dumper and transported to the<br />

dressing plant. The total recovery of the granite wastes exposes<br />

the underlying bedrock, to the purpose of minimize the<br />

conclusive hydro-geologic hazard of the areas. The ore, conveyed<br />

from the quarry wastes areas to the plant, is successfully treated<br />

by crushers, roller mills, etc… in order to reduce each grain size<br />

class and to obtain 1.25 mm as maximal grain size dimension.<br />

Subsequently it is selected, by means of sieves, to obtain different<br />

grain size materials and to separate the raw powder granite from<br />

the other products. Finally this material passes through<br />

electromagnetic separators to select ferromagnetic minerals from<br />

the final product, in order to obtain an excellent product,<br />

characterized by the correct physical-chemical properties (Tab.1).<br />

The wastes produced during the enrichment phase (powder<br />

Table 1 – Chemical composition of the products and by-products coming<br />

from Ecomin plant.<br />

granite, ferromagnetic minerals, filler powder < 100μm) are also<br />

treated to obtain by-products which are used in other<br />

applications. In particular, the main product, output from the<br />

plant, is a mixture of quartz and feldspar, commercially known as<br />

F60P (quartz feldspar mixture: 60% of feldspar, mostly K-<br />

520<br />

feldspar). The production of F60P is about 140,000 t/year. To<br />

that, different by-products, commercially known as: SNS - sand<br />

(as pre-mix for building uses), NGA - coarse black sand (used for<br />

industrial sandblast), SF - wet feldspar (for ceramic industry) and<br />

SF100 and SF200 (used as filler in cement industries) have to be<br />

added. The total amount of the by-products is about 70,000<br />

t/year.<br />


The importance of such a treatment is that, at first, it is<br />

possible to valorise quarry wastes as secondary raw material, but,<br />

secondary, it is possible to achieve the goal of a zero waste<br />

volume production, with a consequential cost decrease for quarry<br />

enterprises and indisputable environmental advantages for the<br />

territory. It is important to underline that it is possible to ensure<br />

sustainable development for mining activities, guaranteeing, at<br />

the same time, the profit for the virtuous companies involved in<br />

the exploitation, valorisation and recovery of the “new ore-body”.<br />

The granite quarry wastes represent, therefore, an important<br />

alternative (integrating) source, vicarious to the exploitation of<br />

“virgin” material from the primary mines of quartz and feldspar.<br />

As already mentioned, the exploitation of the quarry wastes<br />

ensures often a correct environment recovery and the safety of<br />

slopes affected by the dumps.<br />

Furthermore, the hard recovery of the glass scraps is another<br />

important technical development and that it’s applicable not only<br />

in the potting but also for the sanitary fittings production, with the<br />

aim to subrogate natural melting agents (as feldspar or<br />

nepheline). Mineralurgical methods are useful applied to handle<br />

200,000 t/year of glass scraps; last but not least, this recovery<br />

process allows to reduce the consumption of soda and<br />

consequently the un-ecological production of CO2. At present,<br />

last topic is on a preliminary stage, but with a certain interesting<br />

development. Among many industrial innovative activities, it<br />

must be recalled the recovering of the abrasive garnet-sand<br />

(coming from India), that it is picked up after the washing of<br />

residual tailings. The treatment method is mainly gravimetric by<br />

means of a vibratory sieve, combined with air classification and<br />

magnetic separation in order to obtain a still an useful grain size.<br />


BOZZOLA G., GARRONE L., RAMON L. & SAVOCA D. (1995) – Un<br />

esempio concreto di riutilizzo di prodotti di scarto: da granito da<br />

discarica a materia prima per ceramica e vetreria. GEAM, 4, 17-19.<br />


SANDRIN D. (2008) – I residui dell’attività estrattiva: scarti da<br />

deposito o neominiere da valorizzare? Atti del Conv. Naz. ANIM “I<br />

rifiuti di cave e miniere: Decreto Legislativo 117/08; Problemi Tecnici<br />

ed Amministrativi”. Roma, 19 dicembre 2008. 16 pp.

Key words: Alpi Apuane, marble, quarry.<br />


Marble quarrying activities throughout the Alpi Apuane area<br />

in the northern Apennines are famous and worldwide known, and<br />

nowdays during the technical-economic planning must also be<br />

considered the environmental impact of the quarrying. Keeping<br />

this in mind the Centro di GeoTecnologie and Soc Henraux S.p.a.<br />

are putting forward a feasibility study of underground marble<br />

quarrying near the M. Altissimo in the central Alpi Apuane.<br />

The major advantage of this quarrying method it is the<br />

possibilitiy to reach underground large volumes of white marble<br />

without large modification of landscape.<br />


The Alpi Apuane are a tectonic window located in the Italian<br />

Northern Apennines, a fold-and-thurst chain formed during the<br />

Tertiary due to the collision of the paleo-Europe and the paleo-<br />

Africa continental margins. The deepest part of the inner northern<br />

Apennines consists of the so-called Apuane Metamorphic<br />

Complex (AMC) that comprises the metamorphic sequence<br />

(Massa Unit and underlying “Autochthonous Auct.). Up wards<br />

the AMC is followed by unmetamorphosed cover units. During<br />

Tertiary continental deformation the rocks of the AMC suffered<br />

severe deformation through development of a penetrative<br />

foliation (S1) and millimetric to plurikilometric isoclinal folds<br />

coeval with green schists facies metamorphism. Later<br />

deformation (D2, tectonic phase) led to uplift and tectonic<br />

exumathion characterized by a complicated internal geometry.<br />

The Alpi Apuane are a known region because of large<br />

outcrops of ornamental stones, among which the whitish and<br />

_________________________<br />

Underground marble quarrying in the Alpi Apuane, M.te Altissimo<br />





(*) Centro di GeoTecnologie e Dip. Sc. Terra, Università degli Studi di Siena,<br /><br />

(**) Soc. Henraux SpA<br />

Work supported by the Regione Toscana project POR CREO FESR 2007/2013<br />

521<br />

variously decorated marbles are the most famous. The marbles of<br />

the M. Altissimo region form an important district in the central<br />

Apuane Alps and were exploited in many quarries active up to<br />

some decades ago. The marble varieties are characterized by high<br />

quality physical-mechanical properties often joined with very<br />

appreciated ornamental features. The marbles crop out at the core<br />

of the Altissimo Syncline, one of the major km-scale structures of<br />

the “Autochthonous Auct.” unit, formed during the D1<br />

compressional tectonics of the Tertiary orogenesis, and were<br />

severely affected by the D2 tectonic phase.<br />


Aim of this study is to consider an area, in the properties of<br />

the Henraux society in the M. Altissimo area, from which a tunnel<br />

can be realized, to conduct an underground quarrying of marbles.<br />

The approach consists in a multidisciplinary study. A detailed<br />

structural geological field survey will be put forward and it will<br />

be produced a geological map of the marble type occurrence and<br />

their three-dimensional occurrence in the underground.<br />

Digital Terrestrial Photogrammetry and Laser Scanning<br />

techniques will be integrated with geological-engineering survey<br />

in order to collect data necessary for the stability analysis of the<br />

slope and the portal tunnel; this analysis will be performed using<br />

the distinct elements numerical modelling<br />

The phases of the projects includes the realization of two “in<br />

situ” approaches by high-resolution geophysical surveys: a first<br />

study of external rocks quality by seismic refraction technology<br />

and a subsequent study of the main discontinuities and cavities by<br />

geoelectrical surveys. The first goal of geophysical surveys is to<br />

perform a preliminary study of potential seismic zone, in<br />

relationships with the problems of tunnel construction and the<br />

possible scenarios following a seismic event.<br />

Furthermore we will delineate the hydrogeological knowledge<br />

of the area, the characteristics of the hydrostructures, and the<br />

aquifer state, by evaluating the relationships among water springs,<br />

groundwater flow and underground infrastructures.<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

Key words: Alpi Apuane, marble, quarry.<br />


The marbles from the Alpi Apuane are well known geological<br />

materials due to their extensive use as building stones. In this<br />

abstract we present a syntesis of the results obtained in a field<br />

study of the commercial marble varieties in the Alpi Apuane<br />

basins of marbles.<br />

This project was carried out by the "Centro di Geotecnologie"<br />

of the Siena University and founded by the Geological Survey of<br />

the “Regione Toscana”. Main goal of the project was to update<br />

geological and quarrying activity informations from the Alpi<br />

Apuane area in northern Tuscany.<br />


The Alpi Apuane are a tectonic window located in the Italian<br />

Northern Apennines, a fold-and-thurst chain formed during the<br />

Tertiary due to the collision of the paleo-Europe and the paleo-<br />

Africa continental margins.<br />

The deepest part of the inner northern Apennines consists of<br />

the so-called Apuane Metamorphic Complex (AMC) that<br />

comprises the metamorphic sequence (Massa Unit and underlying<br />

“Autochthonous Auct.).<br />

Up wards the AMC is followed by unmetamorphosed cover<br />

units. During Tertiary continental deformation the rocks of the<br />

AMC suffered severe deformation through development of a<br />

penetrative foliation (S1) and millimetric to plurikilometric<br />

isoclinal folds coeval with green schists facies metamorphism.<br />

Later deformation (D2, tectonic phase) led to uplift and tectonic<br />

exumathion characterized by a complicated internal geometry.<br />

_________________________<br />

Maps and database of marble and quarry activities of the<br />

Alpi Apuane (Tuscany)<br />



(*) Centro di GeoTecnologie e Dip. Sc. Terra, Università degli Studi di<br />

Siena,<br />

522<br />



The project consisted of three phases:<br />

1. Initial gathering of geological informations by means of<br />

field mapping and structural geologic investigations; this led to<br />

production of thematic maps at 1:10.000 scale.<br />

2. Realization of databases and a Geographic Information<br />

System (GIS) to manage all the informations collected in the<br />

previous phase.<br />

Three types of maps are completed.<br />

The Giacimentological Map is a geological map where all the<br />

marble types outcropping in the area are mapped (white marble,<br />

grey marble, marble breccia, etc.). In this maps all the Quaternary<br />

deposits are also indicated (alluvium, slope deposits, landslides,<br />

etc.) as the location of all the quarry, active and inactive.<br />

The Map of the Quarry Debris ("ravaneti") are maps where<br />

are reported all the anthropic deposits resulting from quarry<br />

activity. This deposits are of great economic value as marble<br />

blocks not suitable for cutting and production of facing stones are<br />

now widely used in chemical industries because the elevated<br />

content (>99%) of CaCO3 of this rocks. In this maps is reported<br />

the extension of the quarry debris, the color of the marble blocks,<br />

size of the blocks, etc.<br />

The Structural Map is a structural geologic map where, with<br />

information on marble types bedding and foliation attitudes, fold<br />

axis, stretching and mineralogical lineations, etc…, are reported<br />

A Geographic Information System is realized, with topologic<br />

and relationship rules such to be fully integrated with GIS<br />

produced by the Italian Geological Survey for the realization of<br />

the 1.50.000 Geological Map of Italy ("Progetto CARG") and<br />

with GIS produced by Tuscany Region for its geological mapping<br />

project at 1:10.000 scale. The companion database contains all<br />

the information of the maps, and furthermore photographs,<br />

technical documentation of the present quarrying activity,<br />

historical information on quarrying and exploited marbles.<br />

All the information produced from the project are intended to<br />

be useful for a more rational use of the marble natural resource,<br />

for a three dimensional evaluation of the exploitable marble<br />

bodies and for a more efficient environmental protection<br />



Together with geological investigations to better planning<br />

quarrying activities, nowadays emphasis is on safe, permanent,<br />

low maintenance products, of which the Alpi Apuane marbles<br />

leads the list in the minds of architects, designers, and consumers<br />

worldwide.<br />

Without a consistent, realistic set of standards and testing<br />

procedures for marble products, the stone industry as a whole<br />

would be in disarray. The standards that have been developed and<br />

set in place for these products are important tools to help protect<br />

end users, individual companies, and the industry from negative<br />

effects related to product failures. Materials standards help to<br />

prevent the use of stone products for unsuitable applications.<br />

The Soil Mechanics Testing Laboratory of the Centre for<br />

GeoTechnologies of the Siena University (San Giovanni<br />

Valdarno, Arezzo) has increased its testing equipment in order to<br />

contribute to this research. The principal tests, according CE<br />

marking standards for slabs, kerbs and setts of natural stone are:<br />

Petrographic examination (EN 12407); Apparent density and<br />

open porosity (EN 1936); Real density by helium pycnometer<br />

(ASTM - D5550); Water absorption (EN 13755); Flexural<br />

strength under concentrated load (EN 12372); Freeze-thaw<br />

resistance (EN 12371); Abrasion resistance (EN 1341); Slip<br />

resistance (EN 1341, 1342, 14231).<br />

These tests also serve also to deliver benchmarks for quality<br />

limits of products. If a stone with a below-minimum flexural<br />

strength is used for a lintel, then it may be more likely to fail, thus<br />

causing damage and possible injury. Interior or exterior flooring<br />

or paving with an inadequate slip resistance level will more likely<br />

cause slipping accidents in public or private projects.<br />

523<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

Key words: Campiglia ridge, dislocation’s pattern, karst caves,<br />

mining archaeology, preindustrial mines, skarn deposits,<br />

speleothems.<br />

This work represents an interdisciplinary speleological,<br />

mining archaeological and geomorphological survey over the<br />

Mesozoic Campiglia Ridge, in southern Tuscany. This is a typical<br />

karst area (CASCONE G., 1993) but also a very important mining<br />

district, well known for Cu-Pb-Zn (Fe, Ag) skarn deposits<br />

(CORSINI et alii, 1980).<br />

This area belongs to the Northern Apennines’ chain, and<br />

several karst formations of the Tuscan Units crop out here,<br />

ranging from the Liassic Calcare massiccio to the eocenicoligocenic<br />

Scaglia Toscana. The prevalently outcrop is<br />

represented by the Liassic massive limestone, characterized by<br />

widespread karst phenomena; few important natural caves open<br />

also in the Rosso ammonitico limestone formation, and secondly<br />

in all the other formations: these natural drillings show wery well<br />

the lithological control over the cave’s morphology. The<br />

morphological profile of the Calcare massiccio caves is a<br />

verticalness, which is due to the fault and fracture structural<br />

setting, dipping from 60° to 85°, and NW-SE, NE-SW, N-S, E-W<br />

trending. As a matter of fact the most caves have a prevalent<br />

tectonic origin and belong to the percolation zones, while only a<br />

few caves have been formed in the transition zone. At the actual<br />

state of knowledge the karst carbonatic acquifer, with static level<br />

25-30m asl (GRASSI et alii, 1990), is only intercepted by a few<br />

caves that present an anomalous air temperature (>20°C). To<br />

understand the karst evolution in this area, besides the structural<br />

setting, it’s necessary to refer to the regional stratigraphy that<br />

indicates that the maximum thickness of sediments over Calcare<br />

massiccio formation, built during the Pliocene, was about 1500-<br />

2000m (BARTHOLOMÈ & EVRARD, 1970). Only after the<br />

progressive erosion of the covering sediments, due to the horst<br />

raising, the underlying karst limestone has been interested by a lot<br />

of decompressive fractures; in addition, the progressive onset of<br />

an important hydraulic gradient (respect to the local sea level)<br />

allowed the karst process evolution. Moreover in this area we can<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Studio di Geologia, Livorno,<br />

(**) Parco Minerario Naturalistico di Gavorrano,<br /><br />

The karst area and the preindustrial mines of the<br />

Campiglia Marittima Ridge (LI -Tuscany)<br />


524<br />

face a lot of artificial caves, so-called preindustrial mining sites.<br />

As a matter of fact, an important magmatic activity connected<br />

to the post collisional phase, during from late Miocene to lower<br />

Pliocene, lead up to emplacement of several intrusive anatectic<br />

magmatic bodies with an acid to intermediate composition: at<br />

first the granite outcrops of Botro ai Marmi (5.7 Ma, BORSI et alii<br />

1967), than, between 5 an 4 Ma, several other porphyry dikes<br />

intruded the eastern part (PECCERILLO et alii, 1987), producing<br />

contact metamorphism (white marble) and metasomatism<br />

processes (skarn deposits; TANELLI, 1977) inner the host rock, the<br />

Calcare massiccio formation. Not all skarn bodies crop out: karst<br />

phenomena exploration sometimes allowed the discovery of<br />

depth skarn bodies excavated by preindustrial mining activity:<br />

more than two hundred of preindustrial sites has been discovered.<br />

The morphological setting of this mines is prevalently vertical<br />

(Fig. 1) along all their extension (the deepest explorated mine is<br />

120m depth), which is the same structure as in the carsic caves.<br />

Fig. 1 – Biserno preindustrial mine (-120 m depth): shaft inner the altered<br />

skarn.<br />

It’s therefore evident the control of the local structural setting<br />

over the ore deposits. In addition, because during the<br />

preindustrial period the ore deposit has been only drawed along<br />

the vein, the mine’s trend shows the ore deposit trending.<br />

Therefore the cave’s mapping plane plot suggests the<br />

dislocation’s pattern; these analyses can contribute to confirm or<br />

deny the new hypotesys about the spatial and chronologic<br />

relationship between the tectonic structures and the hydrotermal<br />

fluids circulation.

The observed skarn complexes, frequently alterated, have<br />

developed substantial radiating and concentring aggregates of<br />

clinopiroxene with fibres long from 1 cm to more than 30 cm.<br />

The macroscopic analyses of the skarn mine walls show it is free<br />

from metal ores.<br />

The skarn is visible completely enclosed in white marble and<br />

the contact surface is often corroded. The skarn deposits inner the<br />

ancient mines have been never observed in contact with porphyry<br />

dikes.<br />

To understand the frequent underground coesistence of<br />

natural and artificial emptyness, it must be remembered that skarn<br />

deposits represent a permeability boundary to the karst process<br />

inside of the permeable limestone host rock.<br />

Both natural caves, as well as the ancient mines, present<br />

various carbonate speleothem types formed by flowing water,<br />

dripping water and seeping water. The mine’s speleothems often<br />

show green-blue and red-brown colour, due to impurity copper<br />

metal ions and to several pigmenting substances as oxides and<br />

hydroxides of iron and manganese.<br />

The study of the pre-industrial mining system brought to light<br />

and documented the ancient mining techniques and their<br />

evolution. It was possible to recognize four major historical<br />

periods of intensive mining, alternated with other phases,<br />

distinguished by an apparently total lack of interest for these<br />

metal sources. These periods may be defined as follows: 7 th – 1 st<br />

Century BC; 10 th – 14 th Century AD; 16 th Century; 19 th – 20 th<br />

Century AD (CASINI, 1993; CASCONE & CASINI, 1998). The<br />

settlements of this area (from the Etruscan Period to the 16 th<br />

Century AD) were specifically centered on mining.<br />

The size of the shaft and the galleries depends from the<br />

relevance of the deposit but also from its interaction with preexisting<br />

karst caves. Sometimes, in the calcite deposits, which<br />

coat the floor of some oblique galleries, we could identify the<br />

imprints of wooden elements (CASCONE &CASINI, 1998). Mining<br />

techniques, marks left by digging, filled cavities by selected<br />

material, free from metal bearing ores, show traces of the<br />

technical evolution and organization of workmanship (CASCONE<br />

&CASINI, 1997; CASINI, 1993, 2007).<br />

The strategy of this interdisciplinary survey is based on three<br />

key points: the new findings of the research; the integrated<br />

development of the cultural and natural resources; the measures<br />

for the protection of the heritage and the historical landscape.<br />



LAZZAROTTO A. (2000) - Strike-slip faulting and pluton<br />

emplacement in Southern Tuscany: the Campiglia Marittima<br />

case. Boll. Soc. Geol. It, 119, 517-528.<br />

BARTHOLOMÈ P. & EVRARD P. (1970) - On The genesis of zoned<br />

skarn at Temperino, Tuscany. Inter. Union. Geol. Sci., Ser. 2:<br />

525<br />

Problems of hydrothermal ore deposition. Schweerbart<br />

Stuttgart, 53-57.<br />

BORSI F., FERRARA G. & TONGIORGI E. (1967). Determinazione<br />

con il metodo del K/Ar dell’età delle rocce magmatiche <strong>della</strong><br />

Toscana. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 86, 403-410.<br />

CASCONE G. (1993) – La zona speleologica del Massiccio del<br />

Monte Calvi. Primo <strong>contributo</strong> <strong>alla</strong> sua conoscenza. In:R.<br />

Mazzanti (Ed.) - La scienza <strong>della</strong> terra nell'area <strong>della</strong><br />

Provincia di Livorno a sud del fiume Cecina. Suppl. n.2<br />

Quad. Mus. Stor. Nat. di Livorno, 13, 183-212.<br />

CASCONE G. & CASINI A. (1997) - Le miniere antiche di<br />

Campiglia (LI). Atti del IV Conv. Naz. sulle Cavità<br />

Artificiali, Osoppo 30 May -1 June 1997, Trieste, 29-50.<br />

CASCONE G. & CASINI A (1998) - Pre-Industrial Mining<br />

Techniques in the Mountains of Campiglia Marittima<br />

(Livorno). In: S. Milliken and M. Vidale (Eds.) - Craft<br />

Specialization: Operational Sequences and Beyond. EAA<br />

Third Annual Meeting at Ravenna 1997, Volume IV, British<br />

Archaeological Reports International Serie 720, 149-151.<br />

CASINI A. (1993) - Archeologia di un territorio minerario: i<br />

Monti di Campiglia. In R. Mazzanti (Ed.) - La scienza <strong>della</strong><br />

terra nell'area <strong>della</strong> Provincia di Livorno a sud del fiume<br />

Cecina. Suppl. n.2 Quad. Mus. Stor. Nat. di Livorno, 13, 303-<br />

314.<br />

CASINI A. (2007) - L’extraction du cuivre et de l’argent dans les<br />

Monts de Campiglia Marittima (Toscane) de l’époque<br />

étrusque au XVIe siècle, in M.C Bailly-Maitre and J.M.<br />

Poisson (Eds.) - Mines et Pouvoir au moyen age, Le contrôle<br />

seigneurial de l'exploitation minière au Moyen Âge. PUL,<br />

Lyon.<br />


Sulfur isotope study ok skarn (Cu-Pb-Zn) sulfide depositi of<br />

Valle del Temperino, Campiglia Marittima, Tuscany, Italy.<br />

Econ. Geol., 75, 83-96.<br />


TAFFI L., (1990) – Nuove conoscenze sul sistema idrotermale<br />

di Campiglia Marittima (Livorno). Boll. Soc. Geol. It, 109,<br />

693-706.<br />


Petrological characteristics and genesis of recent magmatism<br />

of Southern Tuscany and Northern Latium. Per. Mineral., 56,<br />

157-172.<br />

TANELLI G. (1977) - I giacimenti a skarn <strong>della</strong> Toscana. Rend.<br />

Soc. It. Min e Petrol., 33 (2), 875-903.<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

The archaeological area of San Gaetano di Vada (LI): lithological<br />

and petrographic characterization of marble artefacts from<br />

HORREA and thermal baths<br />

Key words: Archaeological site, marble artefacts, petrography,<br />

greco scritto, provenance determination, San Gaetano.<br />

This work represents the preliminary study of marble artefact<br />

samples coming from the archaeological site of San Gaetano,<br />

Vada (Rosignano Marittimo - LI). The Department of Historical<br />

Sciences of the Ancient World of Pisa University has been<br />

responsible for the excavation of the archaeological site since<br />

1982 and the works are still in progress. A coastal plain village<br />

dating back to the Roman period has been dug out: it includes<br />

remains of baths, storerooms and other structures; the<br />

archaeologists think it was near the harbour of ancient Vada<br />

Volaterrana. The results of this interdisciplinary study are about<br />

to be published in the following collection of scientific essays:<br />

“Vada Volaterrana. Area archeologica in località S. Gaetano.<br />

Gli Horrea. Stratigrafie, strutture, materiali”, edited by M.<br />

Pasquinucci, S. Menchelli and P. Sangriso.<br />

The main purpose of this study is to outline a preliminary<br />

frame for the samples coming from the storerooms (Horrea) and<br />

then for the ones coming from the little thermal bath. The aim<br />

was to find a realistic reference frame in order to detect where the<br />

lithoid manufacts may come from. The numerous restrictions due<br />

both to the sample shape and size, and to their preservation, do<br />

not allow to use integrated investigations methods (MARIOTTINI,<br />

1998; LAPUENTE et alii, 1995) such as mineralogical,<br />

geochemical, diffrattometric, spectroscopic and<br />

cathodoluminescence analyses. This research is, therefore, a first<br />

lithological and petrographical characterization. The unknown<br />

orientation of the samples as to their original position in the<br />

quarry and the paving stone samples shape, did not permit the<br />

application of MGS and QFA methods to the polarized<br />

microscopic examination of the thin sections.<br />

The lithological characterization is related to 39<br />

representative samples, while the petrographical study is related<br />

to 25 thin sections. 20 of the thin sections concern white, grey<br />

and veined marbles, the remaining ones the coloured “marbles”:<br />

by “marbles” archaeologists mean all the ornamental rocks.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Studio di Geologia, Livorno,,<br /><br />


526<br />

Fig. 1 – Paving stone in the little thermal bath floor (A group) - scale 1: 10.<br />

In the main white, grey and veined marble group we have<br />

detected 3 further similar groups.<br />

A Group: white, predominantly medium-coarse grain marble<br />

with fine grey-black-bluish veined and spotted, found in situ in<br />

the little thermal bath floor called vestibulum (Fig. 1); the A<br />

group presents a grano-xenoblastic heteroblastic texture and it is<br />

characterized by abundant presence of opaque minerals both<br />

concentrated in irregular veins along the intercrystalline<br />

boundaries and dispersed in the carbonatic mass.<br />

B Group: white medium grain marble characterized by a<br />

strong dynamic intercrystalline (grain boundary migration) and<br />

intracrystalline (sub-grain boundary) recrystallization due to<br />

mylonitic deformation (Fig. 2).<br />

C Group: white fine grain marble, also visible in situ, was<br />

used as building material for two frames in the thermal bath<br />

frigidarium and in a capital, in a column and in a pillar. It shows<br />

grano-omeoblastic texture characterized by triple junctions that<br />

indicate an annealing process (CARMIGNANI et alii, 2007)<br />

In the second smaller coloured “marble” group, a wide<br />

lithological range referred to sedimentary, magmatic and<br />

metamorphic rocks are observed. The size and the uniqueness of<br />

these samples did not allow to produce a lot of thin sections;<br />

therefore, only 5 samples have been observed under the polarized<br />

microscope: 1 red porphyry, 1 green porphyry, 2 metalimestones<br />

and 1 micaschist.<br />

In the range of the grey and veined marbles, the predominant

Fig. 2 – Photomicrograph of the thin section of sample n.13 (B group)<br />

showing recrystallization along an axial plane. Crossed Nicols 125x.<br />

artefacts are probably identifiable with the so-called greco scritto,<br />

a North African lithotype (ANTONELLI et alii, 2009), while in the<br />

range of the white fine grain marbles their provenance may be<br />

both from the Greek and/or Anatolian area, or the Italian Apuan<br />

quarries. In the range of the medium-coarse grain marbles the<br />

origin both from Italian Apuan quarries and Italian Campiglia<br />

Marittima (MANNONI et alii, 1995) quarries are macroscopically<br />

and petrographically ruled out; finally the observed mylonitic<br />

marbles (LAZZARINI et alii, 1980; AMADORI et alii, 1998) could<br />

probably belong to a particular geostructural domain and<br />

therefore they need further and specific analyses. On the other<br />

hand, in the range of the coloured “marble” group, many of them<br />

are lithotypes coming from this archeological site related to the<br />

more common marble used in the ancient times and in particular<br />

they are: Lapis porphirites (Egypt), Marmor numidicum and its<br />

breccia (Egypt), Marmor carystium (Greece), Marmor tenarium<br />

(Greece), Lapis lacedaemonius (Greece), Pietra bekhen (Egypt),<br />

Marmor sagarium (Turkey), Marmor iassense (Turkey), Marmor<br />

sagarium (Turkey), Lapis hecatonthalitos (Egypt), Marmor<br />

scyrium (Greece), Lapis alabastrites (Egypt), Marmor phrygium<br />

(Turkey), Granito <strong>della</strong> colonna (Egypt) and Marmor<br />

Thessalicum (Greece).<br />

This work allowed a realistic correlation between the<br />

examined coloured “marble” samples and the commercial<br />

typology used during the Roman Empire (GNOLI, 1988;<br />

LAZZARINI, 2002). Most of the white, grey and veined marbles<br />

need additional integrated analyses to try to identify their<br />

geographical origin.<br />



PENSABENE P. (1998) - Determinazione <strong>della</strong> provenienza <strong>dei</strong><br />

marmi usati per alcuni monumenti antichi di Roma. In: P.<br />

527<br />

Pensabene (Ed.) - Marmi antichi II. Studi Miscellanei, 31, 45-<br />

56.<br />

ANTONELLI F., LAZZARINI L. & CANCELLIERE S. (2009) - Mineropetrographic<br />

and geochemical charaterization of “Greco<br />

Scritto” marble from Cap de Garde, near Hippo Regius<br />

(Annaba, Algeria). Archeometry, 51 (3), 351-365.<br />


MOLLI G. & VASELLI L. (2007) - I marmi delle Alpi Apuane.<br />

Geoitalia, 21, 19-30.<br />

GNOLI R. (1998) - Marmora Romana. Dell'Elefante, Roma, pp.<br />

298.<br />

LAZZARINI L., PENSABENE P. & TURI B. (1995) - Isotopic and<br />

petrographic charaterization of Marmor Lesbium, island of<br />

Lesbos, Greece. Actes de la IV éme Conf. Intern. Ass. Étude<br />

Marbres et autres Roches Utlisés dans le Passé, Bordeaux,<br />

125-129.<br />


Provenance investigation of white marble sculptures from<br />

Augusta Emerita, Hispani. Actes de la IV éme Conf. Intern.<br />

Ass. Étude Marbres et autres Roches Utlisés dans le Passé,<br />

Bordeaux, 111-116.<br />

LAZZARINI L. (2002) - La determinazione <strong>della</strong> provenienza delle<br />

pietre decorative usate dai Romani. In L. Ungano and M. De<br />

Nuccio (Eds.) - I marmi colorati <strong>della</strong> Roma imperiale<br />

(catalogo mostra), Roma, 223-262.<br />


contribution to the identification of Italian, Greek an<br />

Anatolian marbles through a petrological study and the<br />

evaluation of Ca/Sr ratio. Archeometry, 22 (2), 173-183.<br />

MANNONI T., CASINI A. & PARENTI R. (1995) - <strong>Il</strong> marmo pario<br />

dell’Etruria. In: G. Cavalieri Manasse and E. Roffia (Eds.) -<br />

Splendida Civitas Nostra. Studi archeologici in onore di<br />

Antonio Frova. Quasar, Roma, 343-359.<br />

MARIOTTINI M. (1998) - La provenienza <strong>dei</strong> marmi cristallini<br />

usati in antico: un problema aperto. In: P. Pensabene (Ed.) -<br />

Marmi antichi II. Studi Miscellanei, 31, 23-35.<br />

SCHMID J., RAMSEYER K&DECROUEZ D. (1995) - A new<br />

element for the provenance determination of white marbles:<br />

quantitative fabric analysis. Actes de la IV éme Conf. Intern.<br />

Ass. Étude Marbres et autres Roches Utlisés dans le Passé,<br />

Bordeaux, 171-175.<br />

TRISCARI M., SABATINO G. & LANZA S. (2002) - Identification of<br />

ancient marbles from the straits of Messina area. Plinius, 28,<br />

278-280.<br />


Marmi apuani: schede merceologiche. Nuova Grafica<br />

Fiorentina, Firenze.<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

The classification of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks<br />

and the UNI/CEN terminology of natural stones<br />


Key words: IUGS recommendations, rock classification and<br />

nomenclature schemes, UNI/CEN standards.<br />

The scientific classification of rocks has been the subject of<br />

frequent debate and voluminous literature for ages, because<br />

decades of field and laboratory studies have resulted in a vast,<br />

and sometimes overwhelming, array of nomenclature and<br />

terminology.<br />

In recent years, the use of databases for storing geological<br />

information has grown considerably, and there has been a<br />

remarkable increase in the degree of collaboration between<br />

universities, scientific to cultural institutions, and industries. To<br />

maximise efficiency in the use of geological information and to<br />

facilitate collaborative work, a common approach to classifying<br />

and naming rocks is essential (e.g. GILLESPIE &STYLES, 1999;<br />

MIBAC-ICCD, 2007).<br />

After some pioneering works (e.g. STRECKEISEN, 1967, 1976),<br />

the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS)<br />

Subcommission on the Systematics of Igneous Rocks (SSIR: a<br />

branch of the IUGS Commission on the Systematics in<br />

Petrology), eventually proposed a complete classification of<br />

igneous rocks (LE MAITRE, 1989) that most geologists have<br />

increasingly accepted as the standard when studying igneous<br />

rocks, either in the field or the laboratory. In addition to the<br />

classification rules, it comprised a glossary of terms that has been<br />

updated in the second edition (LE MAITRE, 2002) to include more<br />

than 1600 entries, of which 316 are recommended, with a<br />

comprehensive bibliography of source references for all the terms<br />

included in the glossary.<br />

Because many common terms in metamorphic petrology also<br />

vary in their usage and meaning between countries, a companion<br />

IUGS Subcommission (the Subcommission on the Systematics of<br />

Metamorphic Rocks: SCMR) started operating in 1985 in order<br />

to provide a scheme for naming and describing metamorphic<br />

rocks that could be used worldwide. Following the scheme of<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Mineralogiche e Petrologiche, Università di<br />

Torino,<br />

(**) Dipartimento per lo Studio del Territorio e sue Risorse, Università di<br />

Genova,<br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università di Catania,<br /><br />

528<br />

SSIR products, provisional recommendations were published and<br />

critical comment encouraged. The SCMR has recently presented<br />

a recommended nomenclature of metamorphic rocks, with an<br />

inclusive glossary of definitions, sources and etymology of over<br />

1200 terms (FETTES &DESMONS, 2007). This text also includes<br />

multi-authored sections (dealing with rocks from high- to lowand<br />

very-low-grade) that explain how to derive the correct names<br />

for metamorphic rocks and processes.<br />

The task of a unified scheme for classifying sedimentary rocks<br />

and their unlithified equivalents has not yet been accomplished by<br />

the IUGS Subcommission on the Systematics of Sedimentary<br />

Rocks (SSR), and natural groups of sediments and sedimentary<br />

rocks have been classified separately by different authors (e.g.<br />

FOLK, 1959; PETTIJOHN et alii, 1987). Many institutions and/or<br />

research teams have therefore developed their own<br />

recommendations (e.g. HALLSWORTH & KNOX, 1999). The<br />

SEDimentary dataBAse (SEDBA), a system for storing,<br />

retrieving and utilizing petrological data pertaining to<br />

sedimentary rocks ( was<br />

also developed as IGCP Project 269, funded by UNESCO and<br />

IUGS, for broad geological use by both geoscientists and<br />

prospective users dealing with sedimentary rocks as building and<br />

decorative materials or as materials in chemical and industrial<br />

manufacturing processes (e.g. HARGBAUGH, 1989).<br />

The classification of rocks has been also an important subject<br />

in the frame of standardisation developed by UNI (Italian<br />

Organization for Standardization) and CEN (Comité Européen de<br />

Normalisation). For example, the UNI 8458:1983 document<br />

(“Building - Natural building stones - Terminology and<br />

classification”) defined, in addition to technical properties of<br />

quarried natural stone materials (such as size, fissility, defects,<br />

working techniques, etc.), the long-used commercial terms:<br />

marmo, granito, travertino and pietra applied to the building<br />

industry.<br />

In 1991, a Technical Committee (CEN/TC 246 - Natural<br />

Stones) began to work on a simplified classification of rocks and<br />

minerals (e.g. KRAEFT, 1997, with refs.), and the European<br />

standards EN 12440:2000 (“Natural stone – Denomination<br />

criteria”), EN 12670:2001 (“Natural stone – Terminology”), and<br />

EN 12407:2007 (“Natural stone test methods – Petrographic<br />

examination”) were published by CEN.<br />

Main objective of the EN 12440:2000 standard was to unify<br />

the designation criteria of natural stone varieties, maintaining the

traditional names used by the international marketing, with an<br />

informative annex providing a non-exhaustive list of the names<br />

under which most stones from each contributing European<br />

country were known. This document has been recently upgraded<br />

by CEN, with the later endorsement of UNI (UNI EN<br />

12440:2008 standard).<br />

The EN 12407:2007 standard (and its Italian version: UNI<br />

EN 12407:2007) focus on the petrographic description of natural<br />

stone not only for the purposes of petrographic classification, but<br />

also in order to highlight features influencing its chemical,<br />

physical and mechanical behaviour, and the importance of the<br />

stone’s origin in the case of restoration of historical monuments<br />

and cultural heritages. The EN 12670 and EN 12440 are stated as<br />

indispensable for the application of this document.<br />

The EN 12670:2001 (“Natural stone – Terminology”)<br />

standard has been translated and approved by the UNI Technical<br />

Commission “Products, processes and systems for building” (i.e.<br />

the UNI EN 12670:2003 standard, replacing the aforementioned<br />

UNI 8458:1983). This document is important because, in<br />

addition to the recommended technical terminology covering test<br />

methods, products, and classification of natural stones, it also<br />

claims at defining the scientific terminology of minerals and<br />

rocks. Definitions of some 450 geological terms and schemes for<br />

the scientific classification of igneous, sedimentary and<br />

metamorphic rocks are included. Classification of igneous rocks<br />

follows LE MAITRE (1989); limestones and siliciclastic rocks are<br />

classified according to FOLK (1959, 1962) and FOLK et alii<br />

(1970), respectively. Classifications of metamorphic and other<br />

sedimentary rocks do not follow any rule commonly used by<br />

geoscientists, and part of the glossary needs some polishing. In<br />

view of the role of EN 12670:2001 and UNI EN 12670:2003<br />

standards in interdisciplinary, collaborative work, the Società<br />

Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia has recently set a<br />

Committee in order to address these problems and to provide<br />

suggestions and comments for a revision of the document.<br />


FETTES D. & DESMONS J. (EDS.) (2007) – Metamorphic rocks : a<br />

classification and glossary of terms: recommendations of the<br />

International Union of Geological Sciences Subcommission<br />

on the Systematics of Metamorphic Rocks. Cambridge<br />

University Press, 244 p.<br />

FOLK R.L. (1959) – Practical petrographic classification of<br />

limestones. Am. Ass. Petroleum Geol. Bull., 43, 1-38.<br />

FOLK R.L. (1962) – Spectral subdivision of limestone types. In:<br />

W.E. Ham (Ed.) - Classification of Carbonate Rocks-A<br />

Symposium. Am. Ass. Petroleum Geol. Memoir, 1, p. 62-84.<br />

529<br />

FOLK R.L., ANDREWS P.B. & LEWIS D.W. (1970) – Detrital<br />

sedimentary rock classification and nomenclature for use in<br />

New Zealand. New Zeal. J. Geol. Geoph., 13, 937-968.<br />

GILLESPIE M.R. & STYLES M.T. (1999) – BGS Rock<br />

Classification Scheme. Volume 1 – Classification of igneous<br />

rocks. British Geol. Survey Res. Report, (2 nd edition), RR 99-<br />

06, 54 p.<br />

HALLSWORTH C.R. & KNOX R.W.O’B. (1999) – BGS Rock<br />

Classification Scheme. Volume 3 – Classification of<br />

sediments and sedimentary rocks. British Geol. Survey Res.<br />

Report, RR 99-03, 46 p.<br />

HARGBAUGH J.W. (1989) – International Geological Correlation<br />

Project (IGCP) 269 - SEDBAS: Global Data Base for<br />

Sedimentary Petrology. Carbonates and Evaporites, 4(1),<br />

128-129.<br />

KRAEFT U. (1997) – Classifications of rocks and minerals.<br />

European Geologist, 6, 52-54.<br />

LE MAITRE R. W. (Ed.) (1989) – A classification of igneous rocks<br />

and glossary of terms: Recommendations of the International<br />

Union of Geological Sciences Subcommission on the<br />

Systematics of Igneous rocks. Blackwell, 193 pp.<br />

LE MAITRE R. W. (Ed.) (2002) – Igneous Rocks: a Classification<br />

and Glossary of Terms: Recommendations of the<br />

International Union of Geological Sciences Subcommission<br />

on the Systematics of Igneous Rocks - 2nd Edition.<br />

Cambridge University Press, 236 pp.<br />

MIBAC-ICCD (2007) – Strutturazione <strong>dei</strong> dati delle schede di<br />

catalogo. Scheda BNPE: Beni Naturalistici - Petrologia.<br />

Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali – Istituto Centrale<br />

per il Catalogo e la Documentazione. 116 pp.<br />

PETTIJOHN F.J., POTTER P.E. & SIEVER R. (1987) – Sand and<br />

sandstone. 2nd Edition. Springer-Verlag, 553 pp.<br />

STRECKEISEN A. L. (1967) – Classification and nomenclature of<br />

igneous rocks. N. Jb. Miner. Abh., 107, 144-240.<br />

STRECKEISEN A. L. (1976) – To each plutonic rocks its proper<br />

name. Earth Sc. Rev., 12, 1-33.<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

Building materials of the prehistoric altar of Monte d’Accoddi (Sassari-Italy)<br />

Key words: Monte d’Accoddi, mortars, ornamental stones,<br />

physico-mechanical characterization.<br />


This work deals with archaeometric investigations carried out,<br />

in view of a future restoration and consolidation, on the<br />

prehistoric altar of Monte d’Accoddi (Sassari, Italy; Fig. 1). This<br />

is a ziqqurat shaped monument discovered in the 1954 close to<br />

the Sassari town (Sardinia, Italy). The monument, exclusive for<br />

its characteristics in the Mediterranean basin, was part of a<br />

prenuragic complex (aged 4000 years B.C), where performed the<br />

function of religious altar (CONTU, 2000).<br />


Fig.1 –Theziqqurat shaped altar of Monte d’Accoddi.<br />

The monument is made up of two limestones (called<br />

respectively CA and CO) belonging to the Miocene carbonate<br />

succession of the Porto Torres basin (THOMAS &GENNESAUX,<br />

1986), where the altar lies. CA facies is a fine grained calcarenite<br />

characterized by a pitting decay while CO facies is a rhodolitesrich<br />

grainstone. In the ashlars interstices of the masonries also an<br />

original mortar is present.<br />

In the past similar rocks were largely utilized as building<br />

stones in all neighborhood, particularly in the edification of Porto<br />

Torres (the ancient Roman colony of Turris Libisonis) and<br />

Sassari (CARTA et alii, 2005).<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Botaniche, Ecologiche e Geologiche,<br />

Università di Sassari,<br />


530<br />

An exhaustive physico-mechanical characterization of these<br />

stones has been performed carring out the following tests:<br />

- Dry density (UNI EN 9724/2);<br />

- Water absorption at atmospheric pressure (UNI EN<br />

13755:2002);<br />

- Open porosity;<br />

- Capillarity water absorption (UNI EN 1925:2000);<br />

- Ultrasonic velocity;<br />

- Uniaxial compressive strength – UCS - (UNI EN<br />

1926:2000)<br />

- Compressive strength measures with the Schmidt hammer.<br />

All tests show different physico-mechanical behaviors (Table<br />

1) of the two limestone facies.<br />

The CO sample, which macroscopically seems the tougher,<br />

once cut for the realization of the specimens, showed numerous<br />

karstified cavities filled by soil. The CA sample instead, despite<br />

some pitting evidence in the surface, was relatively homogeneous<br />

and devoid of karstic cavities. Due to the karstic cavities, CO<br />

showed a dry density value less than CA. The highest value of<br />

open porosity in the CA instead is due to the occurrence of<br />

numerous intergranular cracks. In the CO facies, the cavities have<br />

a close macroporosity and the rhodolitic portions, very abundant<br />

in this rock, are not porous.<br />

As for water absorption, the values at atmospheric pressure<br />

are almost similar. Conversely the capillarity absorption values in<br />

the CO facies is almost double than CA facies. Probably this<br />

behavior is due to the large amount of karstic cavities filled with<br />

soil which tend to absorb large amounts of water by capillarity.<br />

Finally in the CA facies higher UCS values has been obtained<br />

owing to the lack of karstic voids. Also ultrasonic velocity<br />

highlighted this physico-mechanical feature.<br />


Drew mortar samples were subjected to optical microscopy<br />

(OM) minero-petrographical analyses on thin section and<br />

diffractometer X-ray (XRD) mineralogical analyses on powders.<br />

The analyses in thin section showed that the mortars are made<br />

of a marly binder with quartz grains, feldspars, oxides of various<br />

composition and fragments of calcitic fossils as inert. Wasted<br />

bivalves and bones are also common. These data are confirmed<br />

by the XRPD analyses which indicate also the presence of<br />

phyllosilicate minerals (particularly illite and kaolinite).

CO Facies CA Facies Average value<br />

Dry density (g/cm 3 ) 2,14 2,39 2,26<br />

Water absorption at<br />

atmospheric pressure (%)<br />

6,59 8,58 7,59<br />

Open porosity (%) 14,08 19,40 16,74<br />

Capillarity water<br />

absorption –C- (g/m 2 s 0,5 )<br />

11,96 6,61 9,29<br />

Uniaxial compressive<br />

strength (MPa)<br />

21,40 23,49 22,45<br />

Ultrasonic velocity (m/s) 4190,6 4365,32 4277,96<br />

Tab.1 – Physical and mechanical properties analyzed.<br />

All these data indicate that the mortars are made with<br />

products of the decay of the surrounding rocks with the constant<br />

presence of bones and shells.<br />


Two main suggestions issue from the investigations:<br />

- CO facies, due its poor physic-mechanical quality and<br />

high value of capillarity water absorption, is not suitable<br />

for the replacement of basal ashlars;<br />

- The mortar was made with local raw materials similar to<br />

the muddy soil stretching around the site. The occurrence<br />

of edible bivalves and bones suggest that the mortar<br />

derives from earthy material plenty of wastes from life<br />

activity.<br />



DE’ GENNARO M. (2005) – The stone materials in the<br />

historical archietcture of the ancient center of Sassari:<br />

distribution and state of conservation. J. Cult. Herit., 6, (3)<br />

277-286.<br />

CONTU E. (2000) – L’altare preistorico di Monte d’Accoddi. -<br />

Sardegna Archeologica. Carlo Delfino Editore, Sassari.<br />

THOMAS B. & GENNESSEAUX M. (1986) – A two stage rifting in<br />

the basin of the Corsica-Sardinia strait. Mar. Geol., 72, 225-<br />

239.<br />

531<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

Effect of thermal stress on hydric dilatation of clay-bearing stone materials:<br />

preliminary experiments on some “Macigno” sandstones<br />

Key words: Macigno sandstone, physical properties, hydric<br />

dilatation.<br />


The role of hydric dilatation (i.e. the deformation of a rock in<br />

response to water absorption) in the decay of sandstones, and the<br />

relationship between this property and the presence of expansible<br />

clay minerals have been recently discussed by several authors<br />

(FRANZINI et alii, 2007a, 2007b, 2008; BENAVENTE et alii, 2008;<br />

SEBASTIAN et alii, 2008). How this property changes in<br />

degradated stones is, instead, poorly investigated. In this<br />

framework, this work presents the results of preliminary<br />

experiments carried out to investigate how the hydric properties<br />

of “Macigno” sandstone are modified by thermal stress.<br />


The “Macigno” Formation (Upper Oligocene-Lower<br />

Miocene) belongs to the stratigraphic sequence of the Tuscan<br />

Nappe Unit. This formation outcrops extensively in the northwestern<br />

Tuscany, with some occurrences also in the south of this<br />

region. Since Middle Age, these sandstones have been widely<br />

employed in buildings of several Tuscan villages and towns. The<br />

homogeneous very fine-grained variety characterized by a dark<br />

bluish grey colour is known as “Pietra Serena”. It consists of fine<br />

to medium, sometimes coarse grain-size siliciclastic sandstones,<br />

of turbiditic origin, mainly composed of quartz, feldspars and<br />

micas. The colour is grey to light-bluish grey when unweathered.<br />

These sandstones are appreciated for their good technical<br />

properties even though, when used outdoor, they undergo a<br />

typical process of decay consisting prevalently in flaking of the<br />

stone surface with detachment of rock fragments.<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Dip. Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, University of Pisa,,<br />,<br />

532<br />


Samples of “Macigno” sandstone were taken from active<br />

(Greve in Chianti, FI) and historical (Gonfolina, FI) quarries. The<br />

samples had similar grain-size and were devoid of apparent<br />

weathering. Prismatic specimens, 20×20×60 mm 3 in size,<br />

underwent several cycles of heating from room temperature<br />

(20°C) to 110 ± 5°C; cooling was carried out without quenching,<br />

to avoid the mechanical decay effect of thermal shocks. The same<br />

experiments were carried out on a series of specimens of other<br />

Tuscan sandstones and metasandstones, to compare the behaviour<br />

of rocks with different mineralogical compositions. Some hydric<br />

properties such as hydric dilatation, water absorption after water<br />

immersion and water absorption by capillarity were measured<br />

before and after the heating/cooling experiments.<br />

The results indicate that the “Macigno” sandstones maintain<br />

the capability to dilate after heating to 110°C. The amount of<br />

dilatation (α, mm/m) is, however, 20 to 40% lower in the<br />

measured specimens. In samples showing anisotropy of this<br />

property, the dilatation is higher when measured orthogonally to<br />

bedding also after the thermal treatments. Water saturation by<br />

total immersion is similar or slightly higher, but the capillarity<br />

coefficients are lower, suggesting that the open porous network of<br />

the rocks was irreversibly modified by the thermal treatments.<br />

Also the sandstones and metasandstones without expansible clays<br />

in the matrix showed lower hydric dilatation values after heating<br />

to 110°C, indicating that the decrease in dilatation is related to<br />

modifications in the porous network and not only to the presence<br />

of expansible clay minerals.<br />



combined influence of mineralogical, hygric and thermal<br />

properties on the durability of porous building stones. Eur. J.<br />

Mineral., 20, 673-685.<br />


Relationships between mineralogical composition, water<br />

absorption and hydric dilatation in the "Macigno" sandstones<br />

from Lunigiana (Massa, Tuscany). Eur. J. Mineral., 19, 113-<br />



P. (2007b) - Relazioni fra composizione mineralogica e<br />

proprietà fisiche nell’arenaria “Macigno” <strong>dei</strong> Monti d’oltre<br />

Serchio (Toscana Occidentale). Atti IV Congresso Nazionale<br />

AIAR, pp. 291-305.<br />


Uno strumento per la misura <strong>della</strong> dilatazione idrica lineare<br />

delle rocce. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat., 113, 57-62.<br />


K. & RODRIGUEZ-NAVARRO C. (2008) - Swelling damage in<br />

clay-rich sandstones used in the church of San Mateo in<br />

Tarifa (Spain). J. Cult. Herit., 9, 66-76.<br />

533<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

Key words: Brick clay, ceramic raw materials, clay deposits.<br />

Italy is traditionally one of the major clay brick and roof tile<br />

manufacturers in Europe, with 155 operating brickworks for a<br />

current output around 18 million tons per year. Approximately<br />

1,200 brickworks have been operating in the period from 1960 to<br />

2010, utilizing on the whole about 750 million tons of clay<br />

materials extracted from about 1,600 quarries (DONDI &<br />

MARSIGLI, 1998) distributed all over the Italian territory (Fig. 1).<br />

The industrial requirements have been fed exploiting a wide<br />

range of clay resources: recent alluvial, eluvial and colluvial<br />

deposits; Quaternary fluvio-glacial blankets; lacustrine to marine<br />

Plio-Pleistocene sediments; and a plethora of Tertiary to<br />

Cretaceous formations, including continental to deepsea deposits<br />

and tectonic mélanges (FABBRI &DONDI, 1995a; DONDI et alii,<br />

1999).<br />

A survey of clay sources – including how their use has been<br />

changing in the last decades – is drawn for different areas:<br />

Piemonte and Liguria; Lombardia; Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige<br />

and Friuli-Venezia Giulia; Emilia-Romagna; Toscana and<br />

Umbria; Marche, Abruzzo and Molise; Lazio and Campania;<br />

Puglia, Basilicata and Calabria; Sicilia; Sardegna.<br />

A picture of clay brick manufacturing trends over the last 50<br />

years is presented as number of brickworks, yearly output,<br />

production capacity, mean brickwork size and average clay<br />

tonnage extracted from quarries.<br />

Statistical trends are discussed in function of clay reserves;<br />

geographical distribution of deposits; excavation procedures;<br />

environmental impact and remediation; technological onnovation<br />

in the brickwork; clay properties and technical requirements for<br />

bricks and roof tiles (FABBRI &DONDI, 1995b).<br />


DONDI M. & MARSIGLI M. (1998) Argille per l’industria italiana<br />

<strong>dei</strong> laterizi: giacimenti e tendenze nel periodo 1960-1996.<br />

Ceramurgia, 28(3), 163-171.<br />


MINGAZZINI C. (1999a) -Major deposits of brick clays in<br />

Italy. Part 1: Geology and composition. Tile & Brick Int.,<br />

15(4), 230-237.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) ISTEC CNR Faenza,<br />

Brick clays in Italy: deposits and trends 1960-2010<br />


534<br />

Fig. 1 – Number of brick clay quarries in operation from 1960 to 2010.<br />


MINGAZZINI C. (1999b) -Major deposits of brick clays in<br />

Italy. Part 2: Technological properties and uses. Tile & Brick<br />

Int., 15(5), 360-370.<br />

FABBRI B. & DONDI M. (1995a) -La produzione del laterizio in<br />

Italia. Gruppo Editoriale Faenza Editrice 160 pp.<br />

FABBRI B. & DONDI M. (1995b) -Caratteristiche e difetti del<br />

laterizio. Gruppo Editoriale Faenza Editrice 144 pp.

The restoration of the stone between theory and needs<br />

Key words: Architecture, natural stones, restoration,<br />

substitution.<br />

The vicissitude of stone’s restoration is discussed for a long<br />

time on two opposite positions.<br />

According to the theory of restoration, prevailing today in the<br />

western culture, interventions on degraded stone are made with<br />

products and materials different from the original ones, but<br />

compatible with its physical characteristics and feature behaviors.<br />

At the beginning, the possibility of replacing a stone element,<br />

even if degraded, with one of the same petrographic, it was not<br />

admitted because we would have made a false.<br />

This approach, in the conservation of original material, is<br />

looking for the main objective of the intervention (Fig. 1).<br />

This attitude contrasts with an ancient tradition, which<br />

contemplates the possibility of replacing a degraded element with<br />

Fig. 1 – The cathedral of Milan during the recent restoration of facade made<br />

by Candoglia marble.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Politecnico di Torino, II Facoltà di Architettura (DITAG),<br /><br />


535<br />

one of the same origin and nature, possibly wrought and installed<br />

with the same unchanged and traditional techniques.<br />

In this case the concept of restoration is indistinguishable<br />

from that of maintenance, and the meaning of this is maintaining<br />

the object in perfect efficiency (Fig. 2).<br />

Fig. 2 – The Turin’s cathedral facade is made by Foresto white marble.<br />

These philosophies are obviously so different but they both<br />

take care of the same important question: the conservation of the<br />

artwork. In the first case the safeguard of the work is obtained<br />

through the preservation of original material which was made,<br />

even if we can maintain just an approximate or partial image; in<br />

the second case, the safeguard passes through the idea of<br />

preserving the image obtained by the renewing of the material it<br />

is made.<br />

We touch in this opposition one of the deeper meanings<br />

compared to the nature of stone and particularly for the<br />

architectural stone. From one side the idea of design and<br />

composition is represented by a drawing and a form; on the other<br />

hand physical aspect of the work which consists of stone material.<br />

Better and longer you keep the material, longer be keep the<br />

artwork as a model. In western civilization these concepts are<br />

often exchanged and reversed. When we think that Medieval and<br />

Renaissance architects began their training working as<br />

stonecutters, we can imagine how important was the material with<br />

its specific processes and how important was the stone when they<br />

required the use.<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

Architects today, they have an approach less idealized than<br />

once, just because they do not know really and directly the stone.<br />

It's probably that the current dominant thought in relation to<br />

conservation has a common cultural roots with contemporary<br />

designers: the lack of direct knowledge of the stone material<br />

creates a detachment that makes it more difficult to accept the<br />

sacrifice and then the replacement of even one small piece of<br />

stone or marble.<br />

The examples to compare these concepts are many, but we<br />

observe the importance of latest developments in which the two<br />

philosophies have found points of contact to get better results<br />

mediating between theory and needs.<br />


Geomechanical monitoring and stress measurements in open pit and<br />

underground marble quarries<br />

Key words: Open pit quarry, displacement monitoring, stress<br />

measurement, stability evaluation .<br />

The mechanization of marble cutting operations thrusts the<br />

enlargement of quarry exploitations. This trend makes necessary<br />

the geomechanical control and computations of the static<br />

condition both at the exploitation workplaces and of the residual<br />

rock structures (HOEK &BRAY, 1981; HOEK &BROWN, 1982;<br />

BRADY &BROWN, 1985; BIENIAWSKI, 1989). Planning of the<br />

investigations is driven by the specific geostructural and<br />

mechanical rock mass characteristics of the quarry sites in respect<br />

to the natural morphology and the excavation geometries. For<br />

instance in open pit quarrying, the monitoring of the structurally<br />

controlled deformation of high excavated rock faces is relevant<br />

for safety and planning of further quarry developments.<br />

The paper reports an experience of monitoring and<br />

computations at an open pit quarry. The quarry site belongs to the<br />

Alpi Apuane marble basin (Carrara marble), where past<br />

exploitation operations left in place a parallelepiped marble spur<br />

≈90 m high, horizontal section ≈ 30×20 m and hosting old drifts<br />

(Fig. 1a). This residual rock structure is intersected by different<br />

rock joints and a sub-vertical large fault located on the back side<br />

of the spur. Evident joint traces appear on the excavation and<br />

drift surfaces, and a monitoring plan was defined which allows to<br />

detect the influence of rock fractures on the deformation<br />

behaviour of the marble spur. Groups of different measuring<br />

devices (1D or 3D crack gages, MPBX extensometers, load cells<br />

and piezometer) were arranged on the surface and in the old drifts<br />

(Fig. 1b) while a wireless transmission system conveys the<br />

measured data to the quarry technical office (DUNNICLIFF, 1993).<br />

Hydraulic fracturing was furthermore applied in two vertical<br />

boreholes located on the two opposite sides of the big fault to<br />

detect the stress condition (HAIMSON, 1993, AMADEI &<br />

STEPHANSSON, 1997).<br />

Computations were made to estimate the influence of the rock<br />

mass structure and of the environmental condition on the static<br />

behaviour of the rock spur. The Block Theory (BT) technique<br />

(GOODMAN & SHI, 1985). was applied to detect potentially<br />

unstable rock blocks defined by rock joint intersections in the<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria, CNR<br />,<br />


537<br />

Fault bounding the<br />

mountain side of<br />

the excavated spur<br />

Fig. 1 – (a) The excavated quarry spur; (b) a sketch of the East side.<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

marble spur (Fig. 2a). FEM modelling, made by using the<br />

commercial software Phase, allowed to clarify the possible role<br />

played by the fault and by different stress or water load<br />

conditions on the deformation mechanism shown by the spur<br />

(Fig. 2b).<br />

The experimental control along with the analysis of unwanted<br />

deformation and rock block instabilities was motivated not only<br />

by the need of controlling the evolution of the displacements, but<br />

also suggested setting up remediation countermeasures against a<br />

possible unstable trend of the marble spur.<br />


AMADEI B. & STEPHANSSON O. (1997) Rock stress and its<br />

measurement. Chapman & Hall, London, 490 pp.<br />

BIENIAWSKI Z.T. (1989) Engineering rock mass classifications.<br />

Wiley, New York, 251 pp.<br />

BRADY B.H.G. & BROWN E.T. (1985) Rock Mechanics for<br />

Underground Mining. George Allen & Unwin (1 st Ed),<br />

London, 527 pp.<br />

CRAVERO M., IABICHINO G. & GULLÌ D. (2003) Comparative<br />

mechanical characterization of marble by means of<br />

laboratory testing. In: Proc. 12 th Panamerican Conf. Soil<br />

(a) (b)<br />

Fig. 2 (a) Potentially unstable rock block along the edge of the spur; (b) trend of the displacements suggested by a 2D FEM model.<br />

538<br />

Mech. and Geotechn. Eng. & 39 th U.S. Rock Mech. Symp.<br />

MIT – Cambridge (Mass), 473-478.<br />

DUNNICLIFF J. (1993) Geotechnical instrumentation for<br />

monitoring field performance. John Wiley & Sons Inc., New<br />

York, 577 pp.<br />

GOODMAN R.E. & SHI, G.H. (1985) Block theory and its<br />

application to rock engineering. Prentice Hall Inc., London,<br />

338 pp.<br />

HAIMSON B. C. (1993) The hydraulic fracturing method of stress<br />

measurement: Theory and Practice. In: J.A. Hudson (Ed.) –<br />

Comprehensive Rock Engineering Vol. 3. Pergamon Press,<br />

Oxford, 395-412.<br />

HOEK, E.&BRAY, J.W. (1981) Rock Slope Engineering. The<br />

Inst. Min. Metall., London, 381 pp.<br />

HOEK E. & BROWN E.T. (1997) Practical estimates of rock mass<br />

strength, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 34 (8), 1165-1186.

Key words: CaO, dilatometry, limestone, sintering.<br />


The presence of impurities, even in small percentages (1-3%),<br />

plays an important role either on the structure and properties of<br />

limestones or on the process of decomposition-sintering and<br />

consequently on the characteristics of CaO produced.<br />

Owing to the complexity of the system, where many are the<br />

variables involved, as temperature, CO2 pressure (BERUTO et alii<br />

1979), porosity and particle size of the rock (CRIADO &ORTEGA,<br />

1992), is difficult to assess the evolution of the microstructure<br />

using the traditional methods of analysis (TG, XRD SEM). For<br />

this reason it was developed a dilatometric method (BERUTO et<br />

alii, 2010) by which we can get an overall picture of the<br />

decomposition-sinterig process, including the action played by<br />

the impurities.<br />


Cylindrical samples (6 mm in diameter and 3 mm in length)<br />

were obtained by a block of high-pure Carrara marble and by<br />

blocks of two kind of limestone, using a water-cooled diamondcore<br />

drill. The samples were inserted in thermobalance (Netzch<br />

STA 409, ± 0.1 mg) and heated until 1200 °C (10 °C/min).<br />

Similar cylindrical samples were inserted into dilatometer<br />

(Netzch DIL 402 E) and heated in static air with the same thermal<br />

program of TG. The A limestone is fine-grained (grain-size of 1-<br />

15 μm), slightly recrystallized with opaque minerals in stilolites<br />

(Fig. 1A), instead the B limestone show a coarser texture (grain<br />

size of 50-75 μm) with strong recrystallization (Fig.1B) and the<br />

presence of fluorite and fluorapatite as accessory minerals. Tab. 1<br />

shows the chemical composition of A and B limestones.<br />

_________________________<br />

Decomposition-sintering dilatometer method to study the effect of<br />

limestone impurities on lime microstructure<br />


(*) DiCheP, University of Genoa,,<br /><br />

(**) DIPTERIS, University of Genoa,<br />

(°) DST, University of Pisa,<br />

539<br />


The comparison between the thermogravimeter and<br />

dilatometer traces of sample B (Fig. 2), shows three sections: a)<br />

no weight loss and only thermal expansion of the sample, b)<br />

decomposition and loss weight, c) CaO sintering, evidenced by a<br />

change of the dilatometric curve slope, no weight variations.<br />

Fig. 1. – Polarized light micrographs (NX). Photo A evidence the presence of<br />

opaque minerals in stilolites and authigenic albite in sample A; photo B<br />

shows the coarser texture of sample B.<br />

Fig.2 – Thermogravimetric and dilatometric traces of two identical samples<br />

of limestone B.<br />

From the analysis of dilatometric traces of A and B limestone<br />

into the sintering section (Fig. 3), we can observe a higher slope<br />

( β& B=0.0013 ΔL/L0 min) at starting of the process and a larger<br />

shrinkage (ΣB=10.6 ΔL/L0%) of the B sample. (Sample A:<br />

β& A=0.0003 ΔL/L0 min, ΣA=2.2 ΔL/L0%). The presence of<br />

impurities, also if in low quantity, can influence the<br />

decomposition process and then modify the microstructure and<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

Tab.1 – Composition of limestones A and B<br />

Sample<br />

CaCO3<br />

(%)<br />

MgO<br />

(%)<br />

SiO2<br />

(%)<br />

Al2O3<br />

(%)<br />

S<br />

(%)<br />

Fe2O3<br />

(%)<br />

A 97.79 0.55 0.58 0.14 0.033 0.062 0.0017 0.0047 0.041 0.144 0.10 0.0052 0.03<br />

B 99.34 0.15 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.029 0.0245 0.0021 0.002 0.124 0.06 0.0052 0.054<br />

the porosity of the lime. Because the degree of porosity is<br />

responsible of sintering rate (RAMHAN et alii, 1991), it is possible<br />

to assume a relationship between the degree of purity and the<br />

sintering rate.<br />

Due to the complexity of the process, it is difficult to<br />

understand all the phenomena that occur, however we can try to<br />

explain the difference in the starting rate considering the packing<br />

of CaO. Indeed, although the particles of lime A are smaller than<br />

the particles of lime B, the lower packing in A slows the sintering<br />

process, because of longer diffusion paths. This starting density is<br />

preserved in the final product (A porosity = 0.30 ml/g, B porosity<br />

= 0.15 ml/g).<br />

The higher sintering rate of lime B is reached as a<br />

consequence of the action of liquid phase due to presence of<br />

Fig. 3 – Comparison of the dilatometer decomposition-sintering curves of A<br />

and B limestones and of high pure Carrara marble.<br />

Fig. 4 – Typical SEM observations on fractured surfaces of the lime A and of<br />

the lime B obtained through an equal decomposition-sintering process:<br />

1200°C for 150 minutes.<br />

540<br />

MnO<br />

(%)<br />

Na2O<br />

(%)<br />

K2O<br />

(%)<br />

SrO<br />

(%)<br />

fluorites, which give rise to eutectics at decomposition<br />

temperature. The solid-liquid mechanism explains the formation<br />

of high-density aggregates, due to dissolution and ricrystallization<br />

of CaO (BERUTO et alii, 1977; Fig. 4). In good agreement with<br />

these hypothesis is the dilatometric curve of pure Carrara marble:<br />

in fact the absence of impurities is symptomatic of slow sintering<br />

rate ( β& Marble=0.0005 ΔL/L0 min), and little shrinkage (ΣMarble=1.5<br />

ΔL/L0%).<br />


P2O5<br />

(%)<br />

Cl<br />

(%)<br />

F<br />

(%)<br />

BERUTO D.T., SEARCY A.W., FULRATH R.M. & BASU T. (1977) -<br />

Effects of carbon dioxide and sodium chloride on the<br />

sintering of calcium oxide. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory,<br />

76, 101.<br />

BERUTO D., ERWING J. & SEARCY AW. (1979) - The effect of CO2<br />

pressure on the rate of decomposition of CaCO3 powders.<br />

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 78, 112.<br />

BERUTO D.T., BOTTER R., CABELLA R. & LAGAZZO A. (2010) - A<br />

consecutive decomposition–sintering dilatometer method to<br />

study the effect of limestone impurities on lime microstructure<br />

and its water reactivity. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 30, 1267-1286.<br />

CRIADO J.M. & ORTEGA A. (1992) - A study of the influence of<br />

particle size on the thermal decomposition of CaCO3 by<br />

means of constant rate thermal analysis. Thermochim. Acta,<br />

195, 163-167.<br />

RAHAMAN M.N., DE JONGHE L.C. & CHU M-Y. (1991) - Effect of<br />

green density on densification and creep during sintering. J.<br />

Am. Ceram. Soc., 74, 514-519.

The historical marbles in Tuscany:<br />

a proposal of a new method of classification<br />

Key words: Historical marbles, ornamental stones, Tuscany.<br />

This study is a report regarding the Tuscan ornamental stones,<br />

their quality control and commercial opportunities. It is also a<br />

general proposal about the application of a new method to<br />

classify the “historical stones” based on both professional<br />

documents and regional laws concerning the excavation<br />

activities.<br />

Nowadays, according to regional study, the adopted<br />

classification (PRAER – TUSCANY REGION, 2007) is about the<br />

quality and the quantity of historical stone materials. The authors<br />

of this last research confirm that their studies are mostly about the<br />

main lithotypes without considering a specific historic time.<br />

The geologic and petrographic research of BASTOGI et alii<br />

(2004) is a detailed description of the quarries of marbles and<br />

stones used for the main monuments in Florence.<br />

CARMIGNANI et alii (2007) research for the classification of<br />

the different kinds of marble of the Apuan Alps (called “Marble<br />

Project”) defines three classes of historic marbles, even dated of<br />

different geological period of time. These Authors give the<br />

definition of historical marble as those materials with particular<br />

characteristics in colours and drawing that today are not subject<br />

to cultivation like in the past when the materials were quarried<br />

and widely used for decoration and ornamental purposes.<br />

The research activity of the Regional Board of the PARCO<br />

DELLE ALPI APUANE (2002) seems to be an exhaustive and<br />

careful examination of historical stone materials of the Apuan<br />

Alps area, also including the stones that today are quarried in a<br />

very low quantity. It is also a proposal for extending their use in<br />

historical or new buildings.<br />

These studies suggest that the definition of PRAER (2007)<br />

can have a large use and that of the “Marble Project” of the<br />

Tuscany Region is more restrictive. A different definition of<br />

“historical marbles” can be found in the studies mentioned above,<br />

considering also the differences between the periods before and<br />

after the industrial revolution.<br />

The more recent research of the Regional Board of the<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Centro di Geotecnologie dell’Università di Siena San Giovanni<br />

Valdarno (AR)<br />


541<br />

PARCO DELLE ALPI APUANE (2002) includes in the definition of<br />

“historical marbles” the following four elements: 1) ancient<br />

quarrying methods, 2) consolidated fame, 3) cultural renown and<br />

4) low quantity of material.<br />

In the period between 1995 and 2007, a classification of<br />

quarries of ornamental stones and marbles was adopted in<br />

Tuscany. Such classification is valid still today.<br />

There are some researchers in Italy such as BADINO et alii<br />

(2001) and FILIPELLO et alii (2008) that take in large<br />

consideration the historical period of excavation, the activity and<br />

the kind of materials/marbles.<br />

Table 1 – The proposal of a new method of classification.<br />

Kind of quarry Quarrying method Quarrying period<br />

Ancient quarry Manual excavation Roman era<br />

until the year 1000<br />

Historical quarry<br />

(type A)<br />

Manual excavation 1000 - 1600<br />

Historical quarry Manual excavation - 1600 -1847(°)<br />

(type B) explosive excavation<br />

Historical quarry Explosive charge<br />

(type C) without helical wire<br />

Modern Quarry Explosive charge<br />

with helical wire<br />

Contemporary quarry Diamond wire<br />

and chain cutter<br />

1847 – 1895(*)<br />

1895 - 1980<br />

After 1980<br />

(°) referring to the first usage of black powder and other kind of explosive<br />

charge like the nitroglycerin in the quarring;<br />

(*) referring to the first usage of the helical wire in the quarries of Carrara.<br />

The new method of classification is based on the theories of<br />

these researches and work out a detailed analysis of different<br />

elements.<br />

a) The geological reserve is an analysis of the quantity of<br />

blocks, which can be used. To cultivate ornamental stones<br />

according to contemporary industrial criteria, we have to consider<br />

the necessary average dimensions of blocks for their<br />

transformation during the cycle by the multiblade gangsaw, with a<br />

range of the bench minimum height from 1.70 to 3.00 meters and<br />

with commercial block dimension of 2.50 × 1.30 × 1.50 m 3 .<br />

b) The so-called “block recovery” is the percentage of<br />

ornamental stone quarried and still rough. Nowadays, this<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

parameter is adopted for a classification of the quarry’s<br />

excavation with a minimum percentage of “block recovery” of<br />

25%, according to PRAER 2007 of the Tuscany Region.<br />

c) The historical classification of quarries.<br />

This proposal of classification (Table 1) should give the<br />

opportunity to realize a detailed and complete research either of<br />

quarries, historical marbles (starting from the “geological<br />

reserve” and its cultivation) or in general of other stone materials,<br />

particularly worthy, whose cultivation is planned in order to<br />

quarry the quality amount and not the quantity one.<br />




Valorizzazione delle risorse lapidee del bacino estrattivo <strong>dei</strong><br />

marmi del Monregalese – Geam Ed., 38, 97-108.<br />

PARCO DELLE ALPI APUANE (2002) – Piano per il Parco.<br />

Allegato Attività Estrattive – relazione illustrativa, 38 pp.<br />

BASTOGI M. & FRATINI F. (2004) – Geologia, litologia, cave e<br />

deterioramento delle pietre fiorentine, Mem. Descr. Carta<br />

Geol. d’It., 66, 27-42.<br />

FILIPELLO A., FORNARO M. & GIULIANI A. (2008) – Nuova<br />

metodologia di analisi per la valutazione speditiva <strong>della</strong><br />

qualità <strong>dei</strong> giacimenti di pietra ornamentale e <strong>dei</strong> blocchi<br />

estraibili. Giorn. Geol. Appl., 8, 67-74.<br />


MOLLI G. & VASELLI L. (2007) – I marmi delle Alpi Apuane –<br />

Geoitalia, 21, 19-30.<br />

PRAER – TUSCANY REGION (2007) – Piano regionale delle<br />

attività estrattive di recupero delle aree escavate e di<br />

riutilizzo <strong>dei</strong> residui recuperabili – Allegato F, Settore II -<br />

Materiali Storici, 108 pp.<br />


Mineral resources and economic availability of Industrial Minerals<br />

and Rocks in Italy<br />

Key words: Industrial Minerals and Rocks deposits, geology,<br />

Italy, economic availability.<br />


The established trend towards a general retreat of the mining<br />

industry in Western Europe is accentuated by the present phase of<br />

worldwide suffering of markets. Nevertheless, Italy remains a<br />

significant player in the global mineral economy, occupying an<br />

important role as supplier and major consumer of numerous<br />

mineral commodities. In particular, the country is a leading<br />

European and world producer of Industrial Minerals and Rocks<br />

(IM) as feldspar (Italy is the 2 nd world producer, with about 25%<br />

of the world output), bentonite (4% of world output), silica sands,<br />

pumice, lime, cement (U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 2007). Other<br />

commodities, like olivine, dolomite, talc, rock salt, fluorspar,<br />

ceramic clays, kaolin, perlite, zeolites, also are considerable as<br />

productions or reserves. Therefore, IM resources still play an<br />

important role in the national industry, while their exploitation is<br />

focused to supply selected productive sectors, as those of<br />

ceramics and glass industries (feldspar, talc/steatite, clays, silica<br />

sands), clay minerals applications, metallurgical uses (olivine,<br />

dolomite, refractory clays, bentonite, silica sands), paper, plastics<br />

and paints industries (talc, kaolin, GCC), chemicals (fluorite),<br />

constructions. In the following review, unless otherwise specified,<br />

all production data come from WILSON (2007).<br />


The Italian territory is characterised by great geological variety,<br />

hosting several IM resources. However, due to the geology and<br />

size of the deposits or to the quality of the ores, a limited number<br />

of them are economic and really suitable to mining. In the Italian<br />

districts, the age of different IM deposits ranges from Palaeozoic<br />

to Holocene: Western and Southern Alps, the Northern<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra - Università di Cagliari,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Geoingegneria e Tecnologie Ambientali – Università<br />

di Cagliari,<br />

(°) Gruppo Minerali Maffei , Novara<br />


543<br />

Appennine, the Magmatic Provinces of Central Italy, the<br />

Southern Appennine, the Paleozoic basement and the Cenozoic<br />

volcanic province of Sardinia, are the most important geotectonic<br />

settings, in terms of quantity and quality of deposits and<br />

occurrences.<br />

Western Alps. The Western Alps include several significant IM<br />

deposits, mainly hosted in metamorphic Penninic units and in<br />

Permian volcanic covers. The Boca mine (100000 tpa of<br />

capacity) and the mine of Alagna Valsesia (50000 tpa) are<br />

relevant sources of feldspars for ceramics and cement. The<br />

Alagna mine exploits the Mud di Mezzo oligoclase-quartz-mica<br />

aplitic gneiss of the Monte Rosa; the Boca mine exploits the Boca<br />

rhyolite, a quartz-feldspatic volcanite part of the Early Permian<br />

Biellese quartz-porphyry volcanic complex. In Lozzolo, SW from<br />

Boca, altered pyroclastics of the same complex host ball and<br />

ceramic clays deposits, exploited by the ACDAL mine (200000<br />

tpa) and destined to tile production. In Western Piedmont, the<br />

only active mine in the Val Chisone/Valle Germanasca talc<br />

district of the Dora Maira cristalline massiff is Rodoretto (30000<br />

tpa of high quality talc;; the<br />

deposit consists of several talc lenses at the contact between<br />

calceschists and gneiss/micaschists units. Talc production is<br />

mostly finalised to cosmetics, fillers and ceramics markets. The<br />

Valmalenco talc/steatite deposits (grey talc), in the Penninic<br />

nappes of Lombardy (55000 tpa of talc-chlorite in the Brusada-<br />

Ponticelli mine), belongs to a different geological setting,<br />

including a sequence of Mesozoic anfibolites, serpentinites, and<br />

metamorphosed dolomitic limestones. In the San Lorenzo quarry<br />

in Valdieri ground calcium carbonate (GCC) for fillers (30000<br />

tpa) is produced from the Cretaceous marbles of the autochtonous<br />

sedimentary complex of the Argentera massiff. Gypsum is<br />

quarried in deposits from Messinian evaporites of the Monferrato<br />

tertiary basins, as in the Moncalvo area (90000 tpa).<br />

Central and Southern Alps. The southern part of the Alpine belt<br />

hosts a relatively short number of IM active mines. The Vidracco<br />

mine, in Piedmont, (250000 tpa) is the primary source in Italy of<br />

olivine for refractories and abrasives. It exploits the Bric Carlevà<br />

peridotite, which belongs to the Ivrea Zone. An important source<br />

of raw materials for glass and ceramics is the ECOMIN plant in<br />

Verbania, which treats about 300000 tpa of granite scraps<br />

deriving from ornamental stone quarrying in Baveno and<br />

Montorfano, to obtain a quartz-feldspathic sand concentrate. In<br />

the Central Alps (upper Valtellina Valley), the Sondalo<br />

underground quarry exploits hydrothermal quartz in a quartzdiorite<br />

part of the Sondalo gabbroic complex; the production is<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

60000 tpa. Near Marone, East of the Iseo Lake, 400000 tpa of<br />

dolomite for refractories are extracted in the Calarusso quarry,<br />

which exploits Late Triassic dolostones. The main GCC<br />

producers of the area operate near Vipiteno (50000 tpa,),<br />

extracting and processing Permian marbles from Val Racines.<br />

Northern Appennines. This composite geotectonic region hosts a<br />

limited number of IM resources, even though in the area are<br />

present several first-order raw materials consumers, as the<br />

Sassuolo ceramics district. Amongst the most important resources<br />

are the Liassic marbles of the “Autoctono” metamorphic unit of<br />

the Alpi Apuane. GCC is obtained from marble scraps processed<br />

in the Massa and Carrara ornamental stone district; the<br />

production capacity is very high, reaching 2000000 tpa, mainly<br />

addressed to fillers markets. Important feldspatic rocks are near<br />

Campiglia Marittima (Botro ai Marmi mine) and in the Elba<br />

island (La Crocetta mine), where sericitised porphyritic aplites of<br />

Miocene-Pleistocene Tuscan Magmatic Province are mined.<br />

Productions in Campiglia Marittima are 150000 tpa, while in La<br />

Crocetta assessed reserves are >10Mt<br />

( Also in southern Tuscany, a<br />

primary kaolin deposit, hosted in Tertiary hydrothermalized<br />

rhyolites, is mined in the Piloni mine, near Roccastrada; the<br />

mineable ore is estimated >15Mt (<br />

Magmatic Provinces of Central Italy, Southern Appennines and<br />

Sicily. Feldspars, GCC, rock salt, kaolin, silica sands, pumice,<br />

zeolites, are the main exploited IM resources in this large area. In<br />

the Paleozoic of the Calabrian arc, feldspars are mined from<br />

Paleozoic basement in the Sila region: sodic-potassic feldspars<br />

from aplites hosted by gneiss and Variscan granites in the Sorbo<br />

San Basile area (175000 tpa;, sodic<br />

and sodic-magnesic feldspars in Variscan pegmatites in Acri<br />

(100000 tpa; After the recent closure<br />

of the Lipari island quarries in Sicily, the Italian pumice<br />

production is focused in Central Italy, close to the Bolsena lake,<br />

with quarries that operate in the Pleistocenic pyroclastic<br />

sequences of the Vulsini volcanic complex; other pumice,<br />

lapilli/scoriae, and chabazite zeolitite deposits are quarried in<br />

Tessennano and Monte Cellere (Viterbo). Total production from<br />

this area is >200000 tpa. Kaolin is extracted from<br />

hydothermalised pyroclastics of the Bracciano volcanic complex<br />

in the Santa Severa Nord mine; production is 55000 tpa. Central<br />

and Southern Italy main GCC productors are located in Gualdo<br />

Tadino, Nocera, Avezzano, Caserta; each plant processes<br />

limestones or marbles, with capacities >100000 tpa. Silica sands<br />

are quarried from quaternary deposits in the Priverno/ Fossanova<br />

area, East of Latina (300000 tpa). Rock salt is at the present the<br />

most important IM resource of Sicily: huge salt deposits are part<br />

of the Late Miocene evaporites of the “serie gessoso-solfifera”<br />

and are exploited in the Racalmuto, Petralia and Realmonte<br />

underground mines, with a total production of the district of<br />

about 1500000 tpa (<br />

Sardinian block. Sardinia IM productions are the largest in Italy,<br />

including feldspars, silica sands, talc, ceramic clays, bentonite,<br />

fluorite, perlite (MARCELLO ET ALII, 2008). In the Paleozoic<br />

basement of Central Sardinia, the Orani-Ottana district is the first<br />

544<br />

source of feldspars for the ceramic and glass industries of Italy.<br />

Sodic and sodic-magnesic feldpars are extracted from albitised<br />

Variscan granitoids and pegmatites, being part of the 30-km long<br />

Central Sardinia albitite belt. The Ispaduleddas mine reach a<br />

capacity > 600000 tpa. Other feldspar resources are the plant in<br />

Buddusò (30000 tpa), which processes leucocratic monzogranite<br />

scraps, and the San Simplicio mine in Siniscola (45000 tpa), that<br />

exploits Ordovician porphyroids. In the Orani area, talc/chlorite<br />

deposits are hosted at granitoids-metamorphic basement<br />

(phyllades, marbles) contact; the deposits are exploited in the Sa<br />

Matta mine (30000 tpa). In Southeastern Sardinia basement, the<br />

Silius mine exploits late Variscan fluorspar veins hosted by lowgrade<br />

metamorphites; production capacity is 80000 tpa. In the<br />

Central Sardinia Sarcidano district, secondary ceramic clay<br />

deposits hosted in Jurassic sequences are exploited (about<br />

100000 tpa) only in the Funtana Piroi mine (Escalaplano).<br />

Several large bentonite deposits are included in Cenozoic<br />

pyroclastic sequences of Western Sardinia; the most relevant<br />

deposit is S’Aliderru, East of Alghero, that produces 200000 tpa<br />

of Ca-bentonite. Several other deposits are located in Busachi<br />

area (100000 tpa) and in Southern Sulcis (Giba). The largest<br />

deposits of silica-feldspatic sands in Italy are located in NW<br />

Sardinia, in the Late Miocene sedimentary sequence of Logudoro.<br />

The Florinas mine has a capacity >750000 tpa of quartz and<br />

feldspar concentrates; kaolinitic clays are also recovered. Perlite<br />

is mined in the Plio-Pleistocenic rhyolites of the Monte Arci<br />

volcanic complex.<br />


If the current economic downturn seems to prefigure, in Europe, a<br />

period of declining demand for raw materials, there is always a<br />

strong dependency of entire sectors of the national and European<br />

industry from the supply coming from the Italian poles of IM<br />

extraction. Reserves in the Italian IM deposits are in general, in<br />

the key sectors (feldspars, silica sands, GCC, etc. ), very good<br />

and certainly enough to feed the needs of industry for many years,<br />

however a major effort must be done in the research of new<br />

technological applications for known mineral resources, in the<br />

rationalization and improvement of mining and processing, and in<br />

the definition of the economic potential of new resources .<br />



VALERA P. & VALERA R. (2008) La Carta Metallogenica e<br />

delle Georisorse <strong>della</strong> Sardegna in Scala 1: 250.000. LAC,<br />

Firenze.<br />

U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (2007). Minerals Yearbook – Italy 7<br />

pp. ,<br />

WILSON, I (2007). Minerals of Italy: built to last. Industrial<br />

Minerals 479, 32-42.

Key words: Dimension stone, Egypt, geo-mechanical analysis,<br />

structural geology, Tunisia.<br />

The detailed geological study is fundamental as a preparatory<br />

phase in order to assess the volume of the deposit and correctly<br />

address the future exploitation of a dimension stone quarry. In the<br />

same way, detailed geological and geo-mechanical analyses in<br />

already active quarries represent an essential tool to delineate<br />

deposit extensions, to drawn up the exploitation front direction,<br />

to locate new varieties and to define the geological situation and<br />

the possible features that impedes the correct exploitation of the<br />

material giving the hints to increase productivity.<br />

Detailed geological-structural survey consists of ductile and<br />

fragile structural studies, stratigraphic and tectonic analyses. All<br />

the data coming from these studies are acquired with several<br />

technologies and allow to fully describe the geological setting of<br />

the quarry area through a geological model. The geological<br />

model must reproduce the three-dimensional geometry of a<br />

terrain portion giving the spatial relationships between<br />

lithologies, faults, bedding surfaces, etc. These techniques are<br />

crucial especially in the dimension stone quarrying for defining<br />

the discontinuities framework in the rock mass and for knowing<br />

which is the medium dimension of the blocks that could be<br />

exploited in a certain area. Moreover, using this kind of study it is<br />

possible to optimize further detailed investigations such as<br />

drilling campaigns and geophysical surveys.<br />

The data collected on the field are transferred in a<br />

computerized database and then elaborated through geo-spatial<br />

software and documented as maps (2D and 3D) and with geostatistical<br />

diagrams. The definition of the geological model is the<br />

basis for any project concerning the interaction with the territory<br />

and quarry activities, and if properly built could guarantee the<br />

success in terms of production and economic savings.<br />

Here we want to show the potentialities of the detailed<br />

geological field analysis through the case studies of some<br />

dimension stone quarries from Egypt and Tunisia. These areas<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Geofield srl,<br />

The detailed geological field analysis as a powerful tool<br />

for deposit evaluation and quarry development:<br />

case studies from Tunisia and Egypt<br />


545<br />

represents different geological situations and, as a consequence,<br />

different ways to approach the construction of the geological<br />

model. As a main rule: the more complicated is the geological<br />

situation, the more detailed must be the description of the<br />

geological features.<br />

As proved in this study, the transposition of the requirements<br />

of the geological study in quarrying activities results in a more<br />

correct excavation of the material with the proper technology and,<br />

in the short to medium term, in a lowering of the production costs<br />

and an increasing of the productivity.<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

Key words: Ammonia removal, chabazite, ionic exchange,<br />

phillipsite, zeolites.<br />


In the last decades experimental studies for ammonia removal<br />

from water increasingly improved.<br />

In Italy, the limit value for NH4 + concentration in sewage<br />

waters is 15 mg/l (L. 319/76). Higher concentration values might<br />

be detected in natural superficial waters, mainly due to the<br />

agricultural use of the land. Ammonium compounds are<br />

characterised by an extreme solubility in the presence of water;<br />

for this reason their removal requires complex treatments:<br />

biologic treatments (nitrification and denitrification,<br />

biodegradation), chemical treatments (oxidation, chlorination),<br />

chemical-physical treatments (ionic exchange) (POLLICE et alii,<br />

2002; SPRYNSKYY et alii, 2005).<br />

The most common option for ammonia removal is represented<br />

by the break point chlorination. Even if effective, it must be<br />

observed that water treatment with this method led to the<br />

formation of organic-halogen compounds characterised by<br />

cancerous effects.<br />

As far as chemical-physical treatments are concerned, zeolites<br />

are nowadays referred as ideal materials (BARRER, 1987).<br />

Application of zeolites in water purification processes is based on<br />

the high affinity of these minerals towards cations which are<br />

substituted into their structure by means of ionic exchange<br />

processes. This property, known as selectivity in ionic exchange,<br />

is well testified for clinoptilolite, phillipsite and chabazite and<br />

other zeolites, showing these minerals a high affinity for the NH4 +<br />

ion (PARK et alii, 2002; SARIOGLU, 2005; WEATHERLEY et alii,<br />

2004). For this reason zeolites are nowadays preferred above<br />

synthetic resins, for which ionic exchange is instead not a<br />

selective property.<br />

_________________________<br />

Experimental results from a pilot plant for the ammonia removal<br />

from superficial waste waters by the use of an<br />

Italian volcanic zeolitite<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Geotecnologie per l’Ambiente ed il Territorio,<br />

Università D’Annunzio, Chieti,<br />

(**) Departamento de Geoquimica, Petrologia i Prospeccio Geologica,<br />

Universitat de Barcelona, (Spain),<br />

546<br />

Italian pyroclastic rocks, like the “Tufo Giallo Napoletano”<br />

and “Tufo Rosso a Scorie Nere”, containing chabazite and<br />

phillipsite, are usually been tested for the ammonia removal from<br />

sewage urban waters, leather industry waters, zootechnical<br />

farming, aquaculture and water purifying (CIAMBELLI et alii,<br />

1988a; CIAMBELLI et alii, 1988b; COLELLA &AIELLO, 1988; LIN<br />

et alii, 1986).<br />

In this paper we test the efficacy of an italian tuff zeolitized at<br />

chabazite (and secondarily phillipsite), i.e. the “Tufo Rosso a<br />

Scorie Nere”, coming from the Latial Province (Italy), in the<br />

ammonia removal from sewage waters. Preliminary experiments<br />

based on continuous column process were performed in<br />

laboratory to test the efficacy of the zeolitite in the pollutant<br />

removal and indicated a real CEC (cation exchange capacity) of<br />

1.5 mg/l (Fig.1).<br />

Fig. 1 – Characteristics of the zeolitite.<br />


Pollution at the Fosso San Giustino (Chieti, Central Italy)<br />

course is mainly due to unauthorised dumping of waste waters by<br />

the neighbouring built-up areas which spill pollutants in this<br />

course even if a purification plant is present at a very short<br />

distance. The main pollution is represented by the accumulation<br />

over the law limit of ammonia.<br />

A ten months long campaign started at Fosso San Giustino<br />

during which the effluent undergone periodical controls and<br />

measures of lot of chemical parameters such as concentration of

ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, clorures, calcium, sodium, potassium<br />

and magnesium. Also physical parameters, such as pH,<br />

conductivity and temperature, were periodically monitored. The<br />

mean value of flow rate along the water course has been<br />

calculated in 0.4 l/sec and the NH4 + input values ranging between<br />

5 and 120 mg/l.<br />

A laboratory preliminary study finalised to determine the<br />

efficacy of a Latial zeolitite in the ammonia removal was<br />

NH4+ (mg/l)<br />

130<br />

120<br />

110<br />

100<br />

90<br />

80<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

sept-2<br />

sept-16<br />

clear dirty law limit<br />

conducted and resulted in a column system test. The induced flow<br />

rate was of 0.4 l/sec, being this the mean flow rate value<br />

measured at Fosso San Giustino over a ten long period. By<br />

analysing the results of the breakthrough curve, it results that the<br />

system saturates in a long period, about 110 h, which correspond<br />

to the passage of about 80 l of water. Taking into account these<br />

findings and the geometry of the Fosso San Giustino water<br />

course, a total amount of 25 m 3 of zeolitite was preventivated to<br />

be necessary to guarantee ammonia removal under the limit laws<br />

over a ten months long period. According to these preliminary<br />

evaluations, a pilot plant was established at Fosso San Giustino<br />

effluent; a zeolitite bed 20 cm in height was positioned on a<br />

portion of 70 m in length and 70 cm in width of the effluent and<br />

seven zeolitic beds were positioned along the effluent and<br />

intercalated by decantation and homogenization baths. The<br />

results of the ammonia removal campaign indicated an effective<br />

efficacy of the zeolitite and a positive ammonia reduction of<br />

about 80/90%. NH4 + concentration values always resting under<br />

the law limit (Fig.2).<br />

Results for clear water indicate NH4 + values under 10 mg/l,<br />

very often ranging between 1 and 5 mg/l.<br />


sept-30<br />

oct-14<br />

oct-28<br />

nov-11<br />

nov-27<br />

dec-09<br />

dec-24<br />

dec-29<br />

gen-14<br />

gen-28<br />

feb-13<br />

feb-27<br />

mar-13<br />

mar-26<br />

may-12<br />

june-01<br />

july-11<br />

Fig. 2 – Ammonia removal expressed as variation in Nh4 + (mg/l) during the<br />

period September-July.<br />

BARRER R.M. (1987) Zeolites and clay minerals as sorbent and<br />

molevcular sieves. Academic Press, New York, 497 pp.<br />

547<br />

CIAMBELLI P., CORBO P., LIBERTI L. & LOPEZ A.. (1988a) -<br />

Ammonium recovery from urban sewage by natural zeolites.<br />

In: B. Drzay, Hocevar and Pejonic (Eds.) - Zeolites: synthesis,<br />

structure, technology and application. Elsevier, 501-509.<br />

CIAMBELLI P., CORBO P., LIBERTI L., & LOPEZ A. (1988b) -<br />

Ammonia removal from municipal water by phillipsite. In: B.<br />

Drzay, S. Hocevar and S. Pejovnik (Eds.) - Zeolites:<br />

synthesis, structure, technology and application. Elsevier,<br />

539-546.<br />

COLELLA C.& AIELLO R. (1988) Ammonia removal from tannery<br />

sewage by selective ion exchange using natural phillipsite. In:<br />

D. Kallo and H.S. Sherry (Eds.) - Occurrence, properties and<br />

utilization of natural zeolites. Akademiai Kiado, 491-500.<br />

LIN S.H. & VU C.L. (1996) Electrochemical removal of nitrite<br />

and ammonia for aquaculture. Water Res., 30, 715-721.<br />

PARK J.-B., LEE S.-H., LEE J.-W., & LEE C.-Y. (2002) Lab scale<br />

experiments for permeable reactive barriers against<br />

contaminated groundwater with ammonium and heavy metals<br />

using clinoptilolite. J. Hazard. Mater., 95, 65–79.<br />

POLLICE A., TANDOI V. & LESTINGI C. (2002) Influence of<br />

aeration and sludge retention time on ammonium oxidation to<br />

nitrite and nitrate. Water Res., 36, 2541–2546.<br />

SARIOGLU M. (2005) Removal of ammonium from municipal<br />

wastewater using natural Turkish (Dogantepe) zeolite. Sep.<br />

Pur. Tech., 41, 1–11.<br />


NAMIES´NIK J. & BUSZEWSKI B. (2005) Ammonium sorption<br />

from aqueous solutions by the natural zeolite<br />

Transcarpathian clinoptilolite studied under dynamic<br />

conditions. J. Coll. Interf. Sci., 284, 408–415.<br />

WEATHERLEY L.R. & MILADINOVIC N.D. (2004) Comparison of<br />

the ion exchange uptake of ammonium ion onto New Zealand<br />

clinoptilolite and mordenite. Water Res., 38, 4305–4312.<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

Synthesis of sodalite from natural kaolinite:<br />

a way to simulate the loss in weight of chlorine during the synthesis<br />

process by an analytical and mathematical modeling<br />

Key words: Kaolinite, infrared analysis, mathematical modeling,<br />

sodalite.<br />


Sodalite, [Na4(AlSiO4)3Cl]2, can be defined as a crystalline<br />

microporous material whose structure is characterized by a<br />

tetrahedral network displaying enclosing voids of at least 2.5 Å in<br />

diameter. The extreme similarity of sodalite with low silica<br />

zeolitic minerals (i.e., Na-X, Na-P, Na-A zeolites) justifies the<br />

great interest in sodalite synthesis processes, carried out at<br />

industrial scale not only to investigate the crystal structure of the<br />

mineral, but especially to explore its properties in environmental<br />

fields like waste water purification through cationic exchange<br />

processes, molecules absorption etc.<br />

Kaolinite has just been attested in the past as the preferred<br />

material for sodalite synthesis (DE-CHANG et alii, 2004). Reports<br />

of sodalite synthesis from metakaolin under high temperature and<br />

in absence of water are extremely rare (TOMISAKA &EUGSTER,<br />

1968).<br />

Transformation of metakaolinite to basic sodalite in presence<br />

of NaCl was here investigated. Experimental synthesis was<br />

performed in alumina crucibles at 850°C and ambient pressure.<br />

Reaction progress was monitored by X-ray powder diffraction<br />

from 1 h to 400 h. During the crystallization of sodalite, the<br />

presence of reacting residual halite was testified throughout the<br />

run synthesis; intermediate-phase carnegieite was detected in the<br />

initial stage of the synthesis run (1 h 24 h). Both sodalite and<br />

residual halite were evidenced between 24 and 101 h, where<br />

sodalite reaches a climax in the crystallization degree.<br />

Progressive replacement of sodalite by nepheline was testified<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Geotecnologie per l’Ambiente ed il Territorio,<br />

Università D’Annunzio Chieti (Italy),<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze, Università D’Annunzio Chieti (Italy),<br /><br />

(°) Departament de Geoquímica, Petrologia i Prospecció Geològica,<br />

Universitat de Barcelona, (Spain),<br />



548<br />

starting from 171 h. Synthesized sodalite was submitted to<br />

chemical-crystallographical and mineralogical-textural studies<br />

and Infra-Red Spectrometry (IR), providing values comparable to<br />

the ones available in the literature on this mineral. A continuous<br />

loss in weigth of the NaCl plus metakaolinite starting matrix<br />

contained in the alumina crucible heated in oven was testified and<br />

attributed to Cl vaporization.<br />


An analytical mathematical model to solve the parabolic<br />

differential equation related to the chlorine diffusion processes<br />

occurring within the crucible is proposed.<br />

Lost in weight of the initial mixture was measured over time<br />

taking into account the contribute given to this process by<br />

systematic samplings. As initial and simplifying hypothesized<br />

model, it was assumed that all the Cl atoms were free to diffuse<br />

through the NaCl plus kaolinite matrix mixture contained in the<br />

crucible. This hypothesis also implies a second assumption: the<br />

entire matrix of NaCl molecules was at a temperature over that of<br />

Cl ionization since from the time the transient (and the<br />

consequent set of experimental measures) started.<br />

Bearing in mind these considerations, we applied the<br />

following diffusion equation:<br />

weight lost (g)<br />

2,5<br />

2,0<br />

1,5<br />

1,0<br />

0,5<br />

experimental data and analytical results<br />

experimental data<br />

numerical results:<br />

[D] =m 2 /s<br />

D =1.1x10 -9<br />

D =1.5x10 -9<br />

D =2.0x10 -9<br />

D =2.5x10 -9<br />

0,0<br />

0 100 200<br />

time (hour)<br />

300 400<br />

Fig. 1 – Mathematical modeling of the chlorine loss.

∂C<br />

= ∇ ⋅ ( D: ∇C)<br />

+ q&<br />

( r,<br />

τ)<br />

(1)<br />

∂τ<br />

where C is the mass concentration of Cl inside the crucible; τ is<br />

the transient time, D is the diffusion coefficient tensor; q& ( r,<br />

τ)<br />

is<br />

the mass source depending, in general, on the position r and on<br />

transient time τ . In order to apply an analytical approach, we<br />

assumed the following simplified statements:<br />

instead of the diffusion tensor D, a constant scalar D is<br />

considered;<br />

cylindrical coordinates are selected around the crucible axes;<br />

as a first step the totality of the diffusing material (Cl) is<br />

considered available from the start of the transient, so q & = 0.<br />

From the previous assumption it yields:<br />

where ( , , x)<br />

2<br />

2 2<br />

∂C<br />

⎛ ∂ C 1 ∂C<br />

1 ∂ C ∂ C ⎞<br />

= D⎜<br />

⎟<br />

⎜<br />

+ + +<br />

2<br />

2 2 2<br />

∂τ<br />

⎟<br />

⎝ ∂r<br />

r ∂r<br />

r ∂φ<br />

∂x<br />

⎠<br />

(2)<br />

r φ are the cylindrical coordinates ( x = h is the<br />

height of the crucible). The Cl atoms are assumed to diffuse only<br />

through the interface between the NaCl plus kaolinite mixture and<br />

the oven environment. The counter-pressure due to the Cl atom<br />

gas in the oven environment is supposed to be negligible:<br />

C ( x = h,<br />

τ)<br />

= 0.<br />

Furthermore the base ( x = 0.<br />

) and lateral<br />

surfaces are supposed to be impermeable; thus, in particular it<br />

∂C<br />

yields: = 0.<br />

Other important assumptions, related to the<br />

∂x<br />

x=<br />

0<br />

previous discussion, were then introduced. During the entire<br />

transient, an uniform concentration of Cl atoms on surfaces<br />

orthogonal to x axis and a radial symmetry are supposed. Thus<br />

the following 1D simplified initial-boundary problem yields:<br />

The solution of (3) is:<br />

C(<br />

x,<br />

τ)<br />

=<br />

∑ ∞<br />

n=<br />

0<br />

( 2n<br />

+ 1)<br />

2<br />

⎧ ∂C<br />

∂ C<br />

⎪ = D 2<br />

⎪<br />

∂τ<br />

∂x<br />

⎪ ⎛ ∂C<br />

⎞<br />

⎨ ⎜ ⎟ = 0.<br />

⎪ ⎝ ∂x<br />

⎠x<br />

= 0<br />

⎪ C(<br />

x = h,<br />

τ)<br />

= 0.<br />

⎪<br />

⎩C(<br />

x,<br />

τ = 0)<br />

= C0<br />

e<br />

⎡<br />

( −1)<br />

⎤<br />

(3)<br />

n<br />

2<br />

−λ<br />

n Dτ<br />

⎢2<br />

⎥ ⋅C<br />

0 ⋅cos(<br />

λn<br />

x)<br />

(4)<br />

L ⋅λ<br />

n<br />

⎢⎣<br />

where λ n =<br />

2L<br />

π<br />

, n = 0,<br />

1,<br />

2,<br />

3...<br />

are the Eigen values<br />

associated to Eigen functions λ x)<br />

. In order to evaluate the<br />

cos( n<br />

mass of Cl released from the system during the transient, the<br />

integration of concentration C( x,<br />

τ) into the volume of the<br />

⎥⎦<br />

549<br />

crucible, whose shape was assumed as a truncated cone, was<br />

performed. Fig. 1 shows the comparison between experimental<br />

data and the results obtained by varying values of diffusion<br />

coefficient D in the expression of the integration of<br />

concentration C( x,<br />

τ ) . After about 120 hours, the best results<br />

−9<br />

2<br />

were obtained with D = 2.<br />

5 × 10 m / s . Before that time,<br />

however, lower diffusion coefficient values are more<br />

suitable to match experimental measures (work in progress). For<br />

example, the complete availability of all Cl mass is not guaranteed<br />

as the temperature inside the crucible is probably not<br />

homogeneous, i.e. each point does not simultaneously reach<br />

temperature values over the critical temperature to allow the<br />

ionization of Cl in NaCl molecules.<br />



Crystallization of JBW, CAN, SOD and ABW type zeolite<br />

from transformation of meta-kaolin. Micropor. Mesopor.<br />

Mater., 70, 63-70.<br />

TOMISAKA T. & EUGSTER H.P. (1968)- Synthesis of the sodalite<br />

group and subsolidus equilibria in the sodalite-noselite<br />

system. Mineral. J., 5, 249-75.<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

State of the art of the dimension stones sector in Italy. A synopsis<br />

Key words: Inst<strong>alla</strong>tion, processing, quarrying, standards.<br />

The note provides a synthetic overview on the current “state<br />

of the art” in the dimension stone sector. The following main<br />

themes are dealt with:<br />

- quarrying technologies;<br />

- processing technologies;<br />

- inst<strong>alla</strong>tion and application tendencies;<br />

- standards.<br />


Increasing application of the dry cut, both with diamond wire<br />

and chain saw machines. No relevant technological advances,<br />

with the exception of the adoption of safety, automation and<br />

environmental devices. Chain saw, in particular, is available in<br />

many different versions, for primary cuts (arms up to 8,2 m) and<br />

squaring phase. The traditional pneumatic perforation is being<br />

progressively replaced by the hydraulic system. Expansive mortar<br />

is also increasing as detachment system. Less and less used the<br />

water-jet, flame-jet and multidrill technologies.<br />


As a general remark, there is an increasing adoption of the<br />

NC, even on the simplest machines and equipments. Numerically<br />

controlled machines are more and more accessible, more<br />

intuitive, thanks to the philosophy “entry-level”<br />

adopted by many machineries constructors.<br />

- Primary cutting: stabilization of the gang-saw size (up to<br />

7,50 m for granites) with the hypothesis to introduce the titanium<br />

grit as abrasive. Relatively slow, but constant, growth of the<br />

multiwire plants (up to 85 wires); not yet a technology replacing<br />

the traditional gang-saw, but a complementary one.<br />

- Secondary cutting: worth mentioning the diversification and<br />

development of the bridge cutting machine, with its evolution<br />

from simply trimming unit to a multipurpose machine<br />

- Surface finishings: to be underlined the impressive growth<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dimension Stone International Consultant – Docente incaricato Facoltà<br />

di Ingegneria, Università di Bergamo,<br />


550<br />

(conceptual and productive) of the plants for resin application but<br />

also the relevant diffusion of the water-jet surfaces (very<br />

welcome in the new design applications of the stone). Significant<br />

development are registered also in the equipments for semiindustrial<br />

and industrial mosaics manufacture, as well as in the<br />

brushing process.<br />

- Special jobs: the borderline among the “traditional”<br />

contouring, shaping, profiling machines and the so-called<br />

“working centres” is less and less clear and many machines can<br />

nowadays perform a relevant amount of tasks. “Mixed” machines,<br />

units capable to do two, at most three, specific jobs, are<br />

increasing their diffusion. New water-jet equipments are being<br />

introduced in the market with pressure-system up to 6.200 bar<br />

and 5 controlled axis..<br />

- A new concept of surface finishing has been created, far<br />

enough from the traditional ones: introduction of the terms<br />

“texture” and/or “skin” to define something no longer created<br />

solely as a cortical modification of a previously cut surface, but<br />

generated from the start as form and volume as well as surface.<br />

Nanotechnologies applications are starting (e.g.: nano-silica;<br />

nano-titanium dioxide; nano-montmorillonite), mostly for surface<br />

treatments (e.g.: consolidation; water-proofing; anti-bacteria<br />

surfaces; elimination of polluting substances etc.) and<br />

amelioration of stone’s technical properties, but also for<br />

production of industrial super-abrasives (CVD, Chemical Vapour<br />

Deposition).<br />


Progressive reduction of the slabs thickness.<br />

Composite materials: the stone combined with other materials<br />

(2.5 ÷ 6 mm) for indoor applications, such as internal<br />

diaphragms, suspended roofs, illuminated elements, interior<br />

elements for vessels and yacht, but also for (less common)<br />

outdoor application. Different types of support, such as<br />

honeycomb, “birdwing”, polystyrene, polycarbonate, glass.<br />

Translucency.<br />

“Re-discovery” of the structural use of the stone, with<br />

examples of pre-stressed and pre-compressed granite elements.<br />

Application of industrial mosaics and elements with (quite)<br />

complex forms.<br />

Recent introduction of PCM (Phase Change Materials – latent<br />

heat storage) as a coating of the stone, to improve its thermal<br />


A brief mention will also be dedicated to the increasing<br />

application of the ventilated façades, to the green building<br />

movement and related adoption of certification protocols, and to<br />

the overall position of the natural stone in terms of sustainability<br />

both as an industry and as a building material.<br />


Besides the norms and standards regulating the quarrying<br />

activities, the safety + hygiene aspects in the working places and<br />

in machineries’ production (recent introduction of the Machines<br />

Directive 2006/42/CE), it is worth mentioning the future new<br />

structure of the Directive CPD-89/106/EEC “Construction<br />

Products” which will become a CPR (Construction Products<br />

Regulation). Its new status implies two crucial points:<br />

- it will be effective in each EU-Member State without<br />

requiring the decrees of incorporation;<br />

- it will contain one additional Essential Requirement (the 7th,<br />

besides the existing six), related to sustainability (“sustainable use<br />

of the natural resources”).<br />

As far as the CE marking application is concerned, the note<br />

examines the current position of the Italian companies, showing a<br />

permanent conflictual attitude and a relevant lack of<br />

responsibility.<br />

The undervaluation of the aggressive commercial policy<br />

carried on by the producers of alternative materials is also<br />

discussed.<br />

551<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

Key words: Dimension stones, gamma-ray portable<br />

spectrometer, granites, radioactivity, Sardinia-Corsica<br />

batholith.<br />


About 6000 km 2 of Sardinia consist of the Sardinia-Corsica<br />

batholith made up of several plutons emplaced between 311 and<br />

286 Ma (OGGIANO et alii, 2005; GAGGERO et alii, 2007). The<br />

wide emplacement time-span allowed large compositional<br />

variability of these intrusions, which range from quarzodioritestonalites<br />

to leucomonzogranites. These stones represent a<br />

considerable economic resource; the first evidence of its<br />

exploitation dating back to the 15 th century BC in the building of<br />

nuraghi. Moreover the Roman quarries, active during the Roman<br />

Empire and still visible on the north eastern coast (POGGI &<br />

LAZZARINI, 2005).<br />

Nowadays, granite quarrying activity is located in the centralnorth<br />

Sardinia, mainly in Gallura and Goceano regions, where<br />

several commercial varieties are exploited.<br />

All these stones are widely exploited and represented the main<br />

building materials in the past. Besides, these granites have been<br />

widely exported around the world as tiles, flooring, columns or<br />

other architectonic element. Moreover the north-eastern Sardinia<br />

granite was largely employed for ashlars used in the building of<br />

dwellings until the sixties. Taking into account the large diffusion<br />

of the Sardinian granites, the knowledge of their natural<br />

radioactivity is basic for the evaluation of the amount of public<br />

exposure because people spend most of their time (about 80%)<br />

indoor (NGACHIN et alii, 2007 and their references).<br />

The aim of this work is therefore to determine the K, U and<br />

Th isotopic concentration in these materials.<br />

_________________________<br />

Natural radioactivity in Sardinian granite dimension stones<br />



(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Botaniche, Ecologiche e Geologiche –<br />

Università di Sassari,<br />

(°) Dipartimento di Fisica – Università di Ferrara<br />

(**) Centro di Geotecnologie – Università di Siena<br />

552<br />


For this purpose a portable gamma-ray spectrometer at the<br />

National Lab of Legnaro (INFN) was developed (Fig. 1).<br />

Fig. 1 – Portable gamma-ray spectrometer in a quarry during the<br />

acquisition of K-U-Th isotopic concentration.<br />

The equipment consists of one liter thallium-activated sodium<br />

iodide scintillator [NaI(Tl)], digiBASE by Ortec and a netbook<br />

which manages also humidity and temperature sensors. By using<br />

the Jradview software is possible to process the data in real time<br />

and to determine uranium and thorium (in ppm), expressed as<br />

equivalent units, and potassium concentration (in %) as well as<br />

total activity expressed in Bq kg -1 . Following the IAEA guideline<br />

(IAEA-TECDOC-1363, 2003), the gamma-ray spectroscopic<br />

analysis is performed by monitoring three spectral windows:<br />

1.37-1.57 MeV for 40 K, 1.66-1.86 MeV for 214 Bi and 2.41-2.81<br />

MeV for 208 Tl.<br />

The concentrations of U/Th are estimated by 214 Bi/ 208 Tl<br />

decays, under the assumption that the U and Th decay series are<br />

in secular equilibrium. This occurs when the parent half life is<br />

much longer than the daughter half life and then the number of<br />

atoms of a daughter isotope essentially becomes constant after<br />

some time. Two conditions are necessary for secular equilibrium.<br />

First, the parent radionuclide ( 238 U/ 232 Th) must have a half-life<br />

much longer than that of any other radionuclide in the series.<br />

Second, a sufficiently long period of time must have elapsed, to<br />

allow for ingrowth of the decay products. The state of secular

Commercial<br />

varieties<br />

Measures<br />

number<br />

Activity 40 K<br />

(Bq/kg)<br />

equilibrium in natural U and Th ores is significantly altered when<br />

they are processed to extract specific radionuclides, in particular<br />

Ra and Rn.<br />

Assuming secular equilibrium, in order to evaluate the<br />

external gamma-radiation dose from building materials, the<br />

following model (HAYAMBU et alii, 1995) was used as criterion.<br />

This model uses the External Hazard Index (Hex) defined as:<br />

Hex= AU/370 + ATh/259+AK/4810<br />

where AU, ATh and AK are the activity concentration of 238 U,<br />

232 Th and 40 K, respectively, in Bq kg -1 in building materials. To<br />

limit the external gamma radiation dose from building materials<br />

to 1.5 mSv year -1 ,Hex must be less than unity in order to maintain<br />

the radiation hazard negligible (XINWEI, 2004).<br />

The average radioactivities of 238 U, 232 Th and 40 K and Hex<br />

measured in different commercial varieties of Sardinian granites<br />

are given in Table 1.<br />


Activity 238 U<br />

(Bq/kg)<br />

The data acquires show that the 40 K average activities vary<br />

from 925±110 Bq kg -1 in Grigio Malaga to 1501 Bq kg -1 in Rosa<br />

Cinzia. The 238 U, average activities range from 38±8 Bq kg -1 in<br />

Grigio Perla to 77±18 Bq kg - 1 in the San Giacomo. The highest<br />

average activity of 232 Th was 91±15 Bq kg -1 in Ghiandone and the<br />

lowest average was 59±5 Bq kKg -1 in Rosa Beta.<br />

About the Hex, the commercial varieties showed the highest<br />

values were, in order, Ghiandone (0.83±0.11), Rosa Cinzia (0.82)<br />

and San Giacomo (0.79±0.13).<br />

Finally, all commercial investigated varieties have Hex value<br />

below 1, hence, generally, the corresponding rocks can be safely<br />

used as building materials for dwelling construction also in<br />

indoor conditions.<br />

553<br />

Activity 232 Th<br />

(Bq/kg)<br />

Total Activity<br />

(Bq/kg) Hex<br />

Rosa Cinzia 1 1501 75 79 1655 0.82<br />

Ghiandone 7 1361±106 74±14 91±15 1526±108 0.83±0.11<br />

San Giacomo 2 1473±108 77±18 71±14 1621±111 0.79±0.13<br />

Grigio Malaga 4 925±110 39±6 68±2 1032±110 0.56±0.04<br />

Grigio Perla 10 1288±133 38±8 67±11 1393±133 0.63±0.06<br />

Bianco Sardo 3 1351±72 49±12 60±7 1460±73 0.64±0.06<br />

Rosa Beta 4 1183±110 43±11 59±5 1285±110 0.59±0.07<br />

Tab.1 – Commercial varieties considered and mean values of A 40 K , A 238 U, A 232 Th, Total Activity and Hex (About Rosa Cinzia, was not calculated the uncertainty<br />

because we performed only a single measure)<br />



L. (2007) - Post-Variscan mafic dykes from the late orogenic<br />

collapse to the Tethyan rift: evidence from Sardinia. Ofioliti<br />

32, 15-37.<br />


MULEYA D. (1995) – Natural radioactivity in Zambian<br />

building materials collected from Lusaka. J. Radioanal. Nucl.<br />

Ch., 199 (3), 229-238.<br />

IAEA-TECDOC-1363 (2003) - Guidelines for radioelement<br />

mapping using gamma ray spectrometry data.<br />


NOUREDDINE A. (2007) – Assessment of natural radioactivity<br />

and associated radiation hazards in some Cameroonian<br />

building materials. Radiat. Meas., 42, 61-67.<br />


A., ORRÙ P. & PINTUS C. (2005) – Note illustrative <strong>della</strong><br />

Carta Geologia d’Italia. Foglio 428 Arzachena, S.EL.CA,<br />

Firenze.<br />

POGGI D. & LAZZARINI L. (2005) – <strong>Il</strong> granito sardo: cave e<br />

cavatura. Usi, diffusione e aspetti archeometrici. Marmora, 1,<br />

49-68.<br />

XINWEI L. (2004) – Natural radioactivity in some building<br />

materials and by-products of Shaanxi, China. J. Radioanal.<br />

Nucl. Ch., 262, 775-777.<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

Key words: Policy, raw materials, resources, supply.<br />

All nations continually face decisions involving the supply<br />

and utilization of raw materials, substitution of one resource for<br />

another, competing land uses, and the environmental<br />

consequences of resource development.<br />

A nation’s economic security depends on maintaining<br />

adequate mineral resources supplies from a variety of domestic<br />

and international sources emphasizing those with the least<br />

environmental impact.<br />

According to the definition of the EU non-energy raw<br />

materials policy by the European Commission, in Italy it is<br />

necessary to implement a national initiative for planning and<br />

developing the utilization of natural resources (COM 699, 2008).<br />

Informed planning and decisions concerning suitable<br />

resources development require a long-term national perspective<br />

and an integrated approach to land-use, resource and<br />

environmental management.<br />

The availability and efficient use of raw materials is a key<br />

factor for sustainable growth in industrialized countries (COM<br />

670, 2005).<br />

Based on extensive consultation with relevant stakeholders<br />

and in agreement with Ministry of Economical Development, a<br />

Raw Materials Laboratory is starting, with the aim of proposing a<br />

suitable polity in agreement with the raw materials of EU.<br />

As regards domestic supply there is also a question of how to<br />

improve sustainable access to raw material from Italian and<br />

European sources.<br />

This raises specific challenges in the area of exploration for<br />

new resources, the permitting process, research and innovation<br />

and health and safety performance of the extractive industry.<br />


COM 670 (2005) – Thematic Strategy on the sustainable use of<br />

natural resources. Communication from the Commission to<br />

_________________________<br />

Strategic proposals for the implementation of a national<br />

non-energy raw-materials policy<br />

(*) ANIM (National Association of Mining Engineers),<br />


554<br />

the Council, the European Parliament, the European<br />

Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the<br />

Regions. 22 pp.<br />

COM 699 (2008) – The raw materials initiative. Meeting our<br />

critical needs for growth and jobs in Europe. Communication<br />

from the Commission to the European Parliament and the<br />

Council. 13 pp.

Key words: Dimension stone, land planning, mining basin,<br />

sustainable development.<br />


The Provincia Autonoma di Trento is situated in the north of<br />

Italy in the eastern part of the Alps. The remarkable lithological<br />

heterogeneity and the geomorphological peculiarities which<br />

characterise Trentino have led to the presence of a wide range of<br />

lithologies, among which Porphyry and carbonatic types of stone.<br />

In the last two decades the presence on the market of<br />

competitive stone materials also coming from abroad has led to<br />

the closure of many of the ornamental stone quarries, however the<br />

quarrying of porphyry is still of considerable importance<br />

(AA.VV., 2005).<br />


The porphyry represents nowadays, in Trentino, the most<br />

important extractive sector by a social-economic point of view.<br />

The quarries are about a hundred, the direct employees are about<br />

1300, considering also the linked activities, about 2000. Every<br />

year it is extracted a rock volume of about 1,500,000 cubic<br />

metres.<br />

The term “porphyry” is traditionally used to indicate various<br />

types of volcanic rock belonging to the so-called Adige Valley<br />

Porphyry Shelf, namely an extensive expanse of effusive rocks<br />

which in our region stretches out over an area of around 7,500<br />

km² with a thickness which can reach up to 2,000 metres.<br />

In geological terms “porphyry” corresponds with rhyolitic<br />

ignimbrite and is characterised by its reddish or grey-pink colour<br />

and by intense sub-vertical fissuring over a thickness of around<br />

100-200 metres. This characteristic fissuring allows the extraction<br />

of slabs of various thickness, which together with the high<br />

mechanical resistance and low frost susceptibility, make this kind<br />

_________________________<br />

The sustainable development and the administration of the<br />

porphyry quarries in the Province of Trento<br />

(Provincia Autonoma di Trento)<br />

(*) Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Servizio Minerario,<br /><br />


555<br />

of rock one of the most important materials adopted for external<br />

paving and cladding.<br />

The extraction of porphyry for local use has gone on for<br />

centuries, but it was only starting from 1970, that it was<br />

developed industrially, creating also many problems of an<br />

environmental nature.<br />

Since about ten years ago, all the not utilized material (about<br />

70%) was thrown in big landfills. Starting about from 2000 there<br />

was an important change and, also thanks to pubblic researches,<br />

the wastes are now totally utilized for construction and industry.<br />



Trentino since 1972 is an independent authority, then it can<br />

make laws about some matters, among which the mining matter.<br />

The Provincia Autonoma di Trento has been probably the first<br />

one in Italy to promulgate a provincial law about quarries and to<br />

approve a territorial planning of the quarries. In 1980 it<br />

promulgated a provincial law that regulated the quarry activity<br />

and stated also that it must be elaborated a planning of the<br />

extractive areas, named “Quarries Plan”. After the passing in<br />

1983 of a plan concerning only the porphyry quarries, in 1987<br />

was approved the “Piano provinciale di utilizzazione delle<br />

sostanze minerali”. The Plan was updated in 1989, in 1992, in<br />

1998 and in 2003 (PROVINCIA AUTONOMA DI TRENTO, 2003a).<br />

The fourth update of the Plan is part of the basic shift<br />

towards sustainable development enshrined in the Provincial<br />

Development Programme (Programma di sviluppo provinciale)<br />

(PROVINCIA AUTONOMA DI TRENTO, 2003b), which means, as far<br />

as mining resources are concerned, measures aimed at<br />

rationalizing exploitation of deposits, increasing recovery of<br />

waste material and alleviating the impact on the environment,<br />

both through low impact intervention and trough rapid<br />

reclamation of areas used.<br />

On that occasion, a “Strategic Evaluation” and a “Strategic<br />

environmental Report” were also drafted, with the aim of making<br />

an overall planning assessment and examining the individual<br />

areas. This report provided useful guidance for the basic choices<br />

of the plan, and will therefore be reflected in the drafting of<br />

individual quarry executive projects (PROVINCIA AUTONOMA DI<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

TRENTO, 2003b).<br />

In summary, the Plan defines the connections with the others<br />

provincial and municipal urbanistic plans, the consumption and<br />

the requirements of the quarries products, the areas where it is<br />

allowed to quarry, the leads for the elaboration of the quarry<br />

plans and of the acts of the municipalities and the principles for<br />

the correct exploitation of the quarries and for the environmental<br />

recovery of the areas.<br />

The law provides different kinds of permission procedures as<br />

per the volume of the extractable material in the quarry:<br />

- for volumes greater than cubic metres 500,000, the plan is<br />

subjected to the procedure of environmental effects evaluation<br />

(V.I.A.);<br />

- for volumes between cubic metres 200,000 e 500,000 the<br />

plan is subjected to a screening to evaluate the possible<br />

undergoing to environmental effects evaluation (V.I.A.);<br />

- for volumes lower than cubic metres 200,000 the plan is<br />

subjected to a more simple procedure; anyway all the landscape,<br />

forest, geological and mining technicalities are analysed.<br />


AA.VV. (2005) –Atlante <strong>della</strong> pietra trentina. Antichi e nuovi<br />

percorsi - Guida pratica all‘utilizzo. Nicolodi, Trento, 360<br />

pp.<br />

PROVINCIA AUTONOMA DI TRENTO (2003a)–Piano provinciale di<br />

utilizzazione delle sostanze minerali.<br /><br />

PROVINCIA AUTONOMA DI TRENTO (2003b) – Valutazione<br />

strategica” e “Relazione ambientale strategica” del “Piano<br />

provinciale di utilizzazione delle sostanze minerali”.<br /><br />


Key words: Bergamascan stones’ mark of origin, building stones,<br />

Zandobbio dolomite, Zandobbio “marble”.<br />



The Zandobbio “marble” is an historical-contemporaneous<br />

ornamental and building stone from the lower Cavallina Valley,<br />

Bergamo. Actually it is not a marble s.s., but a compact<br />

crystalline dolomite, with saccharine weaving, known in the<br />

geological literature as Zandobbio Dolostone (BERSEZIO &<br />

CALCAGNI, 1994). According to the recent stratigraphic revision,<br />

it’s a 160m thick member of the Albenza Formation, Hettangian<br />

in age, cropping out at the core of the Bergamo-Zandobbio<br />

Anticlinal fold in the Southern Central Orobic Alps (JADOUL &<br />

GALLI, 2008).<br />

As far as the mineralogical-petrographic composition, it’s a<br />

fine-grained, completely recrystallized, dolomite rock, consisting<br />

of rhombohedral dolomite filled with subordinated secondary<br />

sparry calcite, and traces of self-produced albite (VOLA, 2009).<br />

The market varieties indicated by the EN 12440 standard are<br />

“Zandobbio White” and “Zandobbio Pink”. Nevertheless it is<br />

possible to distinguish a third one, named “Zandobbio Pinkish-<br />

White”, which corresponds to an unique production variety<br />

(VOLA, 2009). All the varieties are present in the following types:<br />

grainy, fractured and uniform (PAGANONI, 1987). Historical<br />

varieties no more available on the market are the “Grey Onix”,<br />

used for sculpturing, and the “Brownish” from the village of<br />

Selva di Zandobbio.<br />

As far as the physical-mechanical point of view, it shows<br />

elevated compressive strength (Rm = 217 MPa, under ambient<br />

conditions), and good frost resistance after freezing and thawing<br />

(Rm = 206 MPa). Water absorption, thermal expansion, and<br />

abrasion resistance are comparable with many other commercial<br />

“marbles” (see Tab. 1). Good structural performance and<br />

elevated durability have been demonstrated during its long period<br />

_________________________<br />

Geo-petrographic and lito-applicative characterization of the<br />

Zandobbio “marble” from lower Val Cavallina, Bergamo<br />

(*) Geologist, Bergamo;<br />

Author acknowledgments to Mrs. R. Facchinetti, SIMA Srl Gruppo Marell,<br />

Gorlago (Bergamo), and to Dr. A. Locati, Bergamo Chamber of Commerce<br />


557<br />

of use. Nevertheless, being a carbonate rock, it is affected by<br />

local dissolution, bleaching and sulphuric damage, showing a<br />

characteristic net-like weathering morphology (VOLA, 2009).<br />


The main use is ornamental, even since the Middle Ages,<br />

examples of structural use do not miss. Vast dimension ashlars<br />

are used in the historical building’s brick-work of the Upper City,<br />

Bergamo (porches of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore), and<br />

also in the neighbouring localities of the extraction area (the<br />

Romanesque church of San Giorgio in Campis at Zandobbio).<br />

This material was exploited for many centuries, since the<br />

ancient Roman era: manufactured products and tombstones with<br />

Latin inscriptions are diffused all over the Cavallina Valley and<br />

in the Upper City, besides the Roman column of Sant’Alessandro<br />

is still preserved in the Lower City. A peak in quarrying output<br />

and employment in Bergamo’s architecture was during the<br />

Renaissance (frames and horizontal elements of the Colleoni<br />

Chapel, masterpiece of the famous architect A. Amadeo, and the<br />

gate of San Giacomo in the Upper City), in the Baroque (San<br />

Michele all’Arco church, restored by G.B. Caniana, and the<br />

Contarini fountain in Piazza Vecchia), in the Neoclassicism<br />

(Palazzo Nuovo, now public library “Angelo Mai”, by E.<br />

Pirovano on the original project of V. Scamozzi), up to the<br />

Rationalism with the co-called “Piacentini style” (elements of the<br />

Sentierone, andTorre <strong>dei</strong> Caduti; the former Casa del Fascio, in<br />

the Lower City). Some important applications out of the Province<br />

are the WWI Memorial in Bolzano, the Insurances Palace in<br />

Bologna, the United Nations Palace in Geneva (Switzerland), and<br />

the Capitolium in Havana (Cuba).<br />

The artist Tobia Vescovi (1893-1978) from Zandobbio must<br />

be also mentioned, for his works of an intense expressionism.<br />

Recurring themes in his long career are high-relief “suffering”<br />

bodies, pieties, tombstones and war memorials, widespread all<br />

over the Province of Bergamo, and in private collections.<br />

Main current use regards local monuments restoration, but it<br />

is also used for urban furnishings (benches and fountains) and<br />

internal covering (pavements, baths and staircases). In 2008, in<br />

the Lower City, the so-called Porte di Prato were unveiled, in the<br />

same place where the monument found before its removal in<br />

1882. Symbol of historic elegance and splendour, the Zandobbio<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

“marble” is nowadays available not only for restoration purposes,<br />

but for many architectural applications in local and international<br />

market.<br />

Tab. 1 – Physical-mechanical and mineralogical characterization of the<br />

Zandobbio “marble” (VOLA, 2009).<br />

Determination UNI EN Amount<br />

Uniaxial compressive strength (MPa) 1926 Rm=217 ±18<br />

Frost-resistance: compressive strength<br />

after freezing and thawing (MPa)<br />

12371 Rm=206 ± 25<br />

Frost-resistance: compressive strength<br />

percentage deterioration (%)<br />

12371 ? R=13,2<br />

Flexural strength under concentrated<br />

load after freezing and thawing (MPa)<br />

12372 Rtfm=15,9±3<br />

Apparent density (kg/m 3 ) 1936 ?b=2795±20<br />

Open porosity (%) 1936 Po=2,1± 0,1<br />

Water absorption at<br />

atmospheric pressure (%)<br />

13755 Ab=0,6 ± 0,1<br />

Water absorption coefficient<br />

by capillarity (g/m 2 *vs)<br />

1925 C=2,3<br />

Linear thermal expansion<br />

coefficient (μm/m*°C)<br />

14581 a=7,80<br />

Resistance to ageing<br />

by thermal shock (%)<br />

14066<br />

? Mm=-0,05<br />

? Edm=-10,7<br />

Knoop hardness (MPa) 14205<br />

Id=1,8;<br />

HKm=2728<br />

solution “A”<br />

Resistance to ageing by SO2 action<br />

in the presence of humidity (%)<br />

13919<br />

? m

Key words: Anhydrite, Bardiglio of Bergamo “marble”,<br />

bergamascan historic stone products, evaporitic sulphates,<br />

Volpinite.<br />


The Volpinite is a massive anhydrite of scaly and granular<br />

structure and bluish tint, originally reported from Costa Volpino,<br />

lower Val Camonica, Bergamo. This ornamental stone, also wellknown<br />

as Bardiglio of Bergamo “marble”, has been historically<br />

quarried and used for the production of small, decorative objects,<br />

but also as building material, since the XIV century.<br />

From a geological viewpoint it is an evaporitic stone,<br />

pertaining to a km-sized member of the “Carniola di Bovegno”<br />

Formation, lower Triassic in age, pertaining to the stratigraphic<br />

succession of the Lombardy basin in the Central Orobic Southern<br />

Alps (JADOUL et alii, 2002).<br />



Many Authors deal with this building stone until the second<br />

half of the XVIII th century, especially transalpine chemists,<br />

naturalists, and mining engineers, such as Louis Benjamin<br />

Fleuriau de Bellevue (1761-1852), Louis Nicolas Vauquelin<br />

(1763-1829), René Just Haüy (1743-1822), Alexandre Brongniart<br />

(1770-1847) and A.J.M. Brochant de Villiers (1772-1840). The<br />

first in Italy was MAIRONI DA PONTE (1825), followed by<br />

CURIONI (1855), that described this stone as a “coarse-grained<br />

limestone”, and ROSA (1858) that considered just its industrial<br />

applications. The reference formation in stratigraphy, namely<br />

“Carniola di Bovegno”, was formalized by ASSERETO &CASATI<br />

(1965) in Val Camonica, and mapped into the geological map of<br />

_________________________<br />

Geo-petrographic and lito-applicative characterization of the<br />

Volpinite “marble” (Bardiglio of Bergamo),<br />

from lower Val Camonica<br />


(*) Geologist, Bergamo,<br />

(**) Ufficio Cave, Provincia Asti,<br />

(°) Università di Pisa,<br />

(°°) Dipartimento Scienze Mineralogiche e Petrologiche, Università Torino<br />

559<br />

Breno 1:100.000 (Foglio 34), between the “Servino Formation”<br />

and the “Calcare di Angolo” (COLLECTIVE, 1971).<br />

The depositional paleoenviroment is a tidal flat and restricted<br />

marine platform, with intertidal passing to subtidal shallow water<br />

carbonate-evaporite lithofacies, typical of warm and arid climates<br />

(sabka). The formation, composed of yellowish vacuolar<br />

dolomites associated to tectonic breccias with yellowish<br />

dolomites and green clasts of argillaceous limestone, locally<br />

presents km-sized lens of gypsum (Castefranco, Pisogne) and<br />

anhydrite (Volpino) (JADOUL et alii, 2002).<br />

From the structural point of view all the Triassic evaporites<br />

represent ductile levels, corresponding to the regional<br />

detachments (basal faulting) of the stratigraphic-sequence, upon<br />

which is arranged the tectonic deformation style of the Central<br />

Southern Alps, by the so–called “flat and ramp” geometry.<br />

Fig. 1-2 : macrographs; Fig. 3-4 : micrographs (PPL, XPL).<br />

As far as the mineralogical-petrographic characterization, the<br />

Volpinite is composed of massive anhydrite (anhydrous calciumsulphate)<br />

with secondary minerals of alteration, such as mica and<br />

clay-minerals. The specificity of this stone is that must be used<br />

just for internal applications, because easily weathering in humid<br />

environments, due to hydration suitability and the subsequent<br />

gypsum’s formation. The good workability is linked to the weak<br />

hardness (3 ÷ 3,5 in the Mohs scale). This is the reason why it<br />

was adopted since the antiquity as a decorative stone and for<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

sculpturing, especially when alabastrine in aspect.<br />



The inactive quarry of Volpinite is located at the bottom belt<br />

of the Volpino village (from which the stone name), on the right<br />

side of the lower Val Camonica, Costa Volpino, Bergamo. The<br />

Volpinite deposit is about 150 m thick, with a lateral extension of<br />

1-2 km. Usually the exploitation was carried out by means of<br />

blasting materials using the sub-horizontal layering of the deposit<br />

to facilitate the extraction of slabs for paving and cladding<br />

materials, but also for blocks production (COMPAGNONI, 1976).<br />

Cutting waste materials and fine-aggregates were generally<br />

grinded in millstones, for the production of pulverized anhydrite<br />

to be used as mineral addition for industrial applications. Among<br />

quarries which exploited the evaporites from the “Carniola di<br />

Bovegno”, recently only the Pisogne one is still open. A project<br />

for the environmental recovery of the Volpino quarry is going to<br />

be evaluated from the local administration, maybe with the<br />

support of the Bergamo Province, in order to develop a cultural<br />

and historic tourism, because it’s evenly considered a “placeidentity”.<br />


Although it may sounds unusual, locally applications of<br />

anhydrite in the architecture don’t miss, such as the columns and<br />

parietal coverings of the Giovanna D’Arco Chapel, in the<br />

Cathedral of Saint Etienne, Toul, Lorraine, France (FIORA, 2010).<br />

As far as the Volpinite, we recall the XIV-XV century porches<br />

of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore in the Upper City of<br />

Bergamo, works of Giovanni da Campione (active between 1340<br />

and 1360). Moreover the Volpinite has been adopted for the<br />

facade of the Colleoni Chapel, masterpiece of the Lombard<br />

Renaissance, built between 1472 and 1476 by the famous<br />

architect Antonio Amedeo (1447-1522). In the XVII century the<br />

Volpinite was also used by the Bergamascan stone-carver Andrea<br />

Fantoni (1659-1734) from Rovetta (PAGANONI, 1987; VOLA et<br />

alii, 2009). Some significant application in altars is also attested<br />

in the Eastern Piedmont during the XVIII century, especially<br />

around 1730 and 1770. Exactly the Volpinite was introduced in<br />

Piedmont by the Lombard stonemasons, such as the Pellagatta<br />

from Viggiù (Varese). In the habit of working these artisans<br />

widely adopted stones from their own local tradition, for the<br />

straight interest in quarrying output too. This is the reason why,<br />

further than Volpinite, we found also other Lombard “marbles”<br />

such as the Orobic “Red” from the Brembana Valley, the “Black”<br />

from Varenna (Lecco), the “Macchiavecchia” and “Biancorosso”<br />

from Arzo (Canton Ticino), and finally the “Occhiadino” from<br />

Val Camonica (Brescia). Examples of bas-relief sculpturing in<br />

Volpinite dating back from the XVIII century, are preserved in<br />

560<br />

the churches of Camagna Monferrato, Lucedio, and Murisengo<br />

(Eastern Piedmont). At the end of the XVIII century the style<br />

changed, so after a short-time of coexistence, Lombard “marbles”<br />

were generally supplanted by those from the Savoia’s area.<br />

Especially the Volpinite and Occhiadino were respectively<br />

replaced by Grey marbles from Valdieri and Frabosa (Cuneo).<br />

Recently typical examples of application are the decorative<br />

architectonical elements of the local constructions, such as<br />

columns, capitals, slabs, tables, bases, door and window frames,<br />

and bas-reliefs, widespread around the extraction area.<br />

MAIRONI DA PONTE (1825) attested its wide marketing during<br />

the first half of the XIX century in Milan, while ROSA (1858)<br />

documented its quarrying, and marketing in Italy as abroad,<br />

together with the gypsum from Lovere and Pisogne. As far as the<br />

production of pulverized mineral addition for cements, paper<br />

mills, farming fertilizer, and colors industry, is attested until the<br />

second half of the Seventies of the last century (TURCO, 1990).<br />


ASSERETO R. & CASATI P. (1965) – Revisione <strong>della</strong> stratigrafia<br />

permo-triassica <strong>della</strong> Val Camonica meridionale<br />

(Lombardia). Riv. It. Pal. Strat., 71, 999-1097.<br />

COLLECTIVE (1971) – Carta geologica d'Italia, Note <strong>Il</strong>lustrative<br />

al Foglio n.34 Breno. Servizio Geologico d'Italia, Roma.<br />

COMPAGNONI M. (1976) – Costa Volpino. F.lli Ferrari, Clusone<br />

Bergamo.<br />

CURIONI G. (1855) – Sulla successione normale <strong>dei</strong> diversi lembi<br />

del terreno triassico nella Lombardia. Giorn. I. R. Ist. Lomb.<br />

Sc. Lett., 7, 204-236.<br />

FIORA L. (2010) - Rocce evaporitiche e loro utilizzo.<br />

L’Informatore del Marmista, G. Zusi Ed., Verona, 577, 6-14.<br />

JADOUL F., FORCELLA F., BINI A. & FERLIGA C. (2002) - Note<br />

<strong>Il</strong>lustrative <strong>della</strong> Carta Geologica <strong>della</strong> Provincia di<br />

Bergamo <strong>alla</strong> scala 1:50.000. Ditta Grafica Monti, Bergamo,<br />

313 pp.<br />

MAIRONI DA PONTE G. (1825) – Sulla Geologia <strong>della</strong> provincia<br />

Bergamasca. Tipografia Mazzoleni, Bergamo, 111-115.<br />

PAGANONI A. (1987) – Le pietre ornamentali <strong>della</strong> Bergamasca.<br />

Atti Ateneo Sci. Lett. Arti di Bergamo, 46 (2), 561-571.<br />

ROSA G. (1858) – Notizie statistiche <strong>della</strong> Provincia di Bergamo,<br />

in ordine storico. Tipografia Pagnoncelli, Bergamo, 193 pp.<br />

TURCO T. (1990) – <strong>Il</strong> gesso. Lavorazione, trasformazione,<br />

impieghi. Ulrico Hoepli., Milano, 609 pp.<br />

VOLA G., FIORA L. & ALCIATI L. (2009) – Stones used in<br />

Bergamo architecture. Stud. Univers. Babes-Bolyai,<br />

Geologia, Special Issue, MAEGS-16, 137-139.

Petrographic quantitative analysis of pozzolanic mortars from<br />

ancient Roman marine concrete cores, drilled by Romacons team<br />

(2006-2009)<br />



Key words: Binder/aggregate ratio, petrographic quantitative<br />

analysis, pozzolanic ancient mortars, Romacons project.<br />

This paper deals with preliminary results of petrographic<br />

quantitative analyses performed on pozzolanic mortars, coming<br />

from ancient marine concrete cores, drilled by ROMACONS team<br />

in the 2006-2009 fieldwork (OLESON et alii, 2004; BRANDON et<br />

alii, 2005; HOHLFELDER et alii, 2007). Concretes cores here<br />

considered come from the Roman age harbours of Baia<br />

(BAI.2006) in the Gulf of Naples, Alexandria (ALE.2007) in<br />

Egypt, Chersonisos (CHR.2007) in Crete, Egnazia (EGN.2008)<br />

on the Adriatic cost close to Brindisi, and finally Pompeiopolis<br />

(POM.2009), near Mersin in Turkey. Stereoscopic analysis on<br />

concrete slices, and petrographic examination on 7x5 mm<br />

“panoramic” thin sections, were performed using a digital net for<br />

point-counting, on a representative number of grains (ca. 900 for<br />

each section). Moreover each component of the mortar was<br />

sampled, using a pair of tweezers, and XRD analyses are still in<br />

progress. These data begin clarifying the provenance of raw<br />

materials and the diverse concrete mix-designs of the various<br />

concrete harbours.<br />


In September 2006 ROMACONS team extracted five cores<br />

from the sunken remains of harbour moles at Baia (BAI.2006.01<br />

(BAI.2006.03), and from the submerged remains of Portus Iulius<br />

(BAI.2006.02, 04, 05), mainly from the first century BC (OLESON<br />

et alii, 2004; BRANDON et alii, 2008). A volcanoclastic tuff from<br />

Campi Flegrei volcanic field is the main constituent of the coarseaggregate<br />

along with white, dull cm-sized grains of reacted lime.<br />

XRD mineralogical analysis of tuff-aggregate, shows sanidine,<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) CTG Italcementi Group, Dir. Lab., Bergamo,<br />

(**) Dip. Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università Federico II di Napoli<br />

Paper deals with the job done by C. Stanislao and C. Rispoli, at the Lab. Dept.<br />

of the CTG Italcementi Group, Bergamo. Research activity was possible<br />

thanks to the collaboration with the Earth Sciences Dept. of the University<br />

“Federico II” of Naples. Authors acknowledgements to the Romacons team.<br />

561<br />

analcime, clay minerals (illite), zeolites (phillipsite and<br />

chabazite), and hydrotalcite. The mortar is composed of fine tuffaggregate<br />

(21÷29%), including pumiceous scoria, phenocrysts<br />

(sanidine, augite), and fine ash-tuff. The cementiceous matrix<br />

(69÷76%) is mostly composed of microcrystalline sparry calcite<br />

cement (62÷69%), with very little amount of amorphous gel-like<br />

C-S-H (3÷5%). Dull microcrystalline grains of reacted lime,<br />

composed of tobermorite, calcite, plus brucite and vaterite, reach<br />

up to 3%. Their textures attest different stages of dissolution.<br />

Unusual submillimeter-sized rounded grains of sparite, containing<br />

muscovite laminas in the core (2%), have been found in<br />

BAI.06.03. Porosity (1÷2%) is lower than the other mortars, and<br />

binder/aggregate ratio ranges from 2.4 (BAI.06.01) up to 3.5<br />

(BAI.2006.05).<br />

In May 2007 ROMACONS team extracted four concrete from<br />

submerged, first century BC, structures in the eastern harbour<br />

basin at Alexandria. The first two (ALE.2007.01 and<br />

ALE.2007.02) were recovered at the base of Antirhodos Island,<br />

and the third one (ALE.2007.03) from a large pilae extending<br />

south from the modern western breakwater. The coarse-size<br />

aggregate is composed of a bioclastic grainstone, probably the<br />

local kurkar eolianite limestone. The tuff-aggregate in the mortar<br />

(19÷24%) is composed of fine ash-tuff, pumiceous scoria,<br />

phenocrysts (sanidine and augite), and zeolite fillings inside<br />

amygdaloidal cavities of the tuff. As far as the fine-aggregate is<br />

considered, local carbonate rock fragments reach the 6%. The<br />

cementiceous matrix is essentially composed of microcrystalline<br />

sparry calcite cement (30÷36%, probably underburned lime<br />

clasts), plus amorphous gel-like C-S-H (32÷35%), and rare dull<br />

grains of reacted lime (1%). Round pores in the mortar are filled<br />

in by zeolites with the so-called “rosette” morphology (up to 4%).<br />

Total porosity (3÷5%) is higher than in Baia, while<br />

binder/aggregate varies from 2.2 (ALE.07.02, and 03) up to 3.3<br />

(ALE.07.01).<br />

In September 2007 two cores were recovered from the first<br />

century BC/AD breakwater at Chersonisos harbour (BRANDON et<br />

alii, 2005). Only the second one (CHR.2007.02), from a quay<br />

wall exposed above waterline, has been analyzed. Macroscopic<br />

observation indicates that the mortar is very porous and granular,<br />

perhaps poor in lime, while the coarse-aggregate, very irregular<br />

in shape, size, and distribution, is composed of porous<br />


SESSIONE 16<br />

dolomicritic fossiliferous limestone.<br />

Petrographic examination shows that amount of tuff-aggregate<br />

in the mortar is very low (15÷17%), and its lack is partially<br />

replaced by red-brick fragments of cocciopesto (up to 4%).<br />

Pumiceous scoria, sanidine phenocrysts, ash-tuff with zeolite<br />

fillings, and carbonate rock fragments form the fine-aggregate.<br />

The cementiceous matrix (71÷73%) is mainly composed of<br />

amorphous gel-like C-S-H (48÷59%), with subordinated sparry<br />

calcite cement (14÷22%), and rare dull grains of reacted lime (up<br />

to 1%). Total porosity (5÷8%) is the highest, binder/aggregate<br />

ratio is high too (3.4).<br />

The ancient port of Egnatia, probably from the Early Imperial<br />

period, first century BC, was drilled by ROMACONS team in May<br />

2008, on the Adriatic Italian coast, close to Brindisi.<br />

Only one of the three cores planned could be recovered<br />

(EGN.2008.01). It was taken from the taller pila near north side<br />

of ancient harbour. The coarse-aggregate is a porous,<br />

fossiliferous grainstone from the local Pleistocene calcarenite<br />

deposit. The mortar is granular, porous, strongly enriched in<br />

pozzolanic material. The tuff-aggregate (31÷32%) consists of<br />

volcanic rock fragments, and ash-tuff with subordinated<br />

pumiceous scoria, sanidine and augite phenocrysts. Local<br />

carbonate rocks fragments are circa 1%. The cementiceous matrix<br />

is mostly composed of amorphous gel-like C-S-H (47÷49%) with<br />

subordinated microcrystalline sparry calcite (10÷11%), and rare<br />

dull grains of reacted lime (1%). The XRD mineralogical analysis<br />

confirms the presence of calcite, ettringite, and tobermorite. The<br />

porosity (5÷7%) is very high as in Chersonisos, but<br />

binder/aggregate ratio is the lowest (1.7).<br />

The last concrete cored by ROMACONS team in 2009 was in<br />

Pompeiopolis harbour, close to Mersin, in Turkey, unknown age.<br />

Two cores were extracted from the west breakwater. The top<br />

surface of the mole is currently above sea level, so it was possible<br />

to drill the complete height of the structure.<br />

Preliminary observations of the first core (POM.2009.01)<br />

showed friable, poorly compacted mortar, and hard, closely<br />

packed, riverbed cobbles up to 20 cm size. Oppositely the second<br />

core (POM.2009.02) showed a very hard, well mixed, pozzolanic<br />

mortar. Petrographic examination shows that the coarse-aggregate<br />

is composed of metamorphic anphibolite (Prg, Pl and Clc), stony<br />

corals, and travertine. Fine tuff-aggregate of the mortar (13÷19%)<br />

is composed of pumiceous scoria, volcanoclasts, sanidine and<br />

augite phenocrysts, and ash-tuff. Few carbonate rock and redbrick<br />

fragments also occur.<br />

The cementiceous matrix is mostly composed of<br />

microcrystalline sparry calcite (40÷61%), subordinated<br />

amorphous gel-like C-S-H (9÷31%), and abundant dull grains of<br />

reacted lime (3÷9%). XRD analysis on dull grains points out<br />

calcite and tobermorite. Total porosity (3÷6%) is high, and<br />

binder/aggregate ratio reaches the highest value (4.5) of all the<br />

cores.<br />

562<br />


Coarse-aggregate (> 4 mm) is generally composed of dmsized<br />

fragments of dark vitric ash-tuff (caementa), plus cm up to<br />

dm-sized fragments of crushed local carbonate rocks (limestones<br />

or dolomitic limestones). The only exception regards<br />

Pompeiopolis concrete, which was cast using river cobbles. The<br />

tuff-aggregate has sanidine, augite, and zeolite fillings<br />

(phillipsite, chabazite). Mineralogical association, confirmed by<br />

XRD analyses, is consistent with that of the “Neapolitan Yellow<br />

Tuff” from Campi Flegrei volcanic field (DE GENNARO et alii,<br />

2000). Mortars always include pozzolanic volcanic fine-ash, the<br />

pulvis Puteolanus of Vitruvius (OLESON et alii, 2004), pumiceous<br />

scoria, phenocrysts, and volcanoclasts. Crushed aggregates from<br />

local carbonate rocks, and red-bricks amount is little. Dull<br />

residual grains of hydrated lime in seawater show progressive<br />

stages of dissolution. The microcrystalline cementiceous matrix is<br />

often associated to gel-like C-S-H. At the current stage of<br />

knowledge, origin of zeolites “rosettes” found in the mortar could<br />

be interpreted as a consequence of minerogenetic processes<br />

occurring after the concrete setting, which developed at expenses<br />

of the glassy fraction (pozzolana, pumices, etc.) by interaction<br />

with seawater in a in a somewhat less alkaline environment.<br />

In conclusion, petrographic quantitative analysis is a powerful<br />

tool in distinguishing features of pozzolanic mortars, especially<br />

binder/aggregate ratio is an important parameter in evaluating the<br />

progression of the pozzolanic reaction.<br />



SCARPATI C. (2000) – Genesis of zeolites in the Neapolitan<br />

Yellow Tuff: geological, volcanological and mineralogical<br />

evidences. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 139 (1), 17–35.<br />

BRANDON C., HOHLFELDER R. L., OLESON J. P. et al. (2005) - The<br />

Roman Maritime Concrete Study (ROMACONS): The Roman<br />

harbour of Chersonisos in Crete and its Italian connection.<br />

Mediterranée, 1, 25-9.<br />

BRANDON C., HOHLFELDER R.L. & OLESON J.P. (2008) - The<br />

Concrete Construction of the Roman Harbours of Baiae and<br />

Portus Iulius: The ROMACONS 2006 field season; Int. Jour.<br />

Naut. Arch., 37, 374-392.<br />

HOHLFELDER R.L., BRANDON C., & OLESON J.P. (2007) -<br />

Constructing the Harbour of Caesarea Palaestina, Israel:<br />

New Evidence From the ROMACONS Field Campaign of<br />

October 2005. Int. J. Naut. Arch., 36, 409-415.<br />


(2004) - The ROMACONS project: a contribution to the<br />

historical and engineering analysis of hydraulic concrete in<br />

Roman maritime structure. Int. J. Naut. Arch., 33, 199-229.

SESSIONE 17<br />

Pericolosità da eventi geo-idrologici e strategie per la<br />

mitigazione del rischio<br />


Fausto Guzzetti (CNR Cosenza)<br />

Giulio Iovine (CNR Cosenza)<br />

Alberto Puccinelli (Università di Pisa)<br />

Anna Rosa Scalise (ISPRA)<br />

Piero Farabollini (Università di Camerino)<br />

563<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

Landslides in urban areas: the eastern slope of the Monteverde hill<br />

in Rome<br />

Key words: Inclinometers, landslides, Monteverde, Roma, urban<br />

areas.<br />

Recent landslides that struck southern Italy have brought the<br />

geological instability of the Italian peninsula again to the<br />

attention of the general public.<br />

The city of Rome was not in the past and is not at the<br />

moment, free from slope instability (AMANTI et alii, 1995, 2008);<br />

we just remember the slide/flow in Via Labriola (Monte Mario)<br />

active since 1960 and reactivated last time at the end of 2008, or<br />

the rockfall occurred in 2007 on the western slope of Monti<br />

Parioli (Viale Tiziano).<br />

Fig. 1 – In the circle you can see the studied area. The heavy line represents<br />

the section of Fig. 2.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) ISPRA – Servizio geologico d’Italia,<br />

(**) libero professionista,<br />


564<br />

This paper wants to show the evolution in the past and the<br />

present state of activity of one of the "historical" landslides of the<br />

Capital (Fig. 1): the eastern slope of the hill of Monteverde (Via<br />

Ugo Bassi – Via Aurelio Saffi), a natural offshoot of the<br />

Gianicolo hill, and a unique and natural observation point on<br />

Roma downtown.<br />

The whole slope along the NW side of Viale Trastevere<br />

(known as Viale del Re in the first part of ‘900) between Via<br />

Dandolo and Gianicolense, is an attention area with regard<br />

to ground stability. The steep profile of the slope, whose<br />

urbanization began in the ‘50s of last century, and which connects<br />

the Tiber floodplain with the relief referred to generically as<br />

Monteverde, is subjected to a delicate balance, mainly due to man<br />

actions.<br />

A historical research on the movements occurred in the past<br />

was conducted together with the examination of many aerial<br />

photographs covering a period between the ‘60s and today. These<br />

researches allowed the identification of the area subject to<br />

different types of movements and to draft a list of the damages<br />

occurred in the past and in some cases lasted until today.<br />

Principal movements occurred in the last years of the 19 th<br />

century, during the WWI (FOSSA MANCINI, 1922), between 1925<br />

and 1927, in 1947 and in 1963. The 1963 event was the main one<br />

of the century, destroyed many houses, walls and the sewage<br />

system of the area causing the local streets to be closed to cars for<br />

a long time. After a stop in the main movement followed to works<br />

done in the first half of the ‘80s, some superficial movements<br />

started to appear in the ‘90s and in the last ten years. As a general<br />

information coming from different sources, the main events seem<br />

to be occurred after periods of heavy rainfall.<br />

Fig. 2 – One of the sections used to compare the topographic surfaces<br />

between 1849 and 2008.

Authors were able to find a detailed topographic map of the<br />

area dating back to 1849 and a comparison (Fig. 2) was made<br />

with the present topographic surface, highlighting the differences<br />

occurred over 150 years and assessing a reliable evaluation of the<br />

thickness of removed sediments or, on the contrary, of settled<br />

landfill because of human activities.<br />

However the most important part of the work was the<br />

comparison between data on the stability of the slope measured<br />

specifically during 2008-09 and those dating back to 2004-05,<br />

surveyed during a study commissioned by the Province of Rome<br />

(PROVINCIA DI ROMA, 2006).<br />

In particular, three measurement campaigns were carried out<br />

between the beginning of 2008 and the end of 2009 on 15<br />

inclinometer tubes placed in the area during previous monitoring<br />

campaigns, pointing out, for some of them, movements related to<br />

a possible slip plain located between 10 and 12 m from the<br />

surface as well as other more superficial movements.<br />

In conclusion, while taking into account the difficulty of<br />

comparing data from different measurement campaigns<br />

conducted with different instruments, nevertheless the results<br />

obtained in this work, properly calibrated and processed, can be<br />

considered reliable to evaluate the stability of the slope.<br />

In particular they demonstrate that the existing remedial<br />

works, built in the ‘80s, are still acting well in the upper part of<br />

the slope, while small movements can be measured in the lower<br />

part of the slope.<br />

So the suggestion is not to reduce the attention on the area,<br />

but to start a regular monitoring program in the next years,<br />

especially because of the presence of inhabited buildings at the<br />

very foot of the slope. A continuous maintenance of the<br />

superficial draining system is also needed.<br />


AMANTI M., GISOTTI G. & PECCI M. (1995) - I dissesti a Roma.<br />

In: La <strong>geologia</strong> <strong>della</strong> città di Roma: il centro storico, Cap 4.<br />

"Geologia Tecnica". Mem. Descr. Serv. Geol. d’It., 50,<br />

Roma.<br />

AMANTI M., CESI C. & VITALE V. (2008) – Le frane nel territorio<br />

di Roma. In: La <strong>geologia</strong> di Roma dal centro storico <strong>alla</strong><br />

periferia. Mem. Descr. Serv. Geol. d’It., 80, Roma.<br />

FOSSA MANCINI E. (1922) – Un nuovo quartiere di Roma<br />

(Monteverde) e le frane. Giorn. Geol. Pratica, 17, 54-66.<br />

PROVINCIA DI ROMA (2006) - Studio di fattibilità relativo al<br />

progetto di riqualificazione e progettazione territoriale <strong>della</strong><br />

Collina di Monteverde nell’area compresa tra via Ugo Bassi<br />

e Viale Trastevere – Provincia di Roma, Dipartimento XII,<br />

Servizio 2, “Sviluppo Locale”.<br />

565<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

Weather and geotechnical monitoring at “Marco e Rosa De Marchi”<br />

resort (q. 3610 m), Guzza ridge – southern side of Pizzo Bernina<br />

(Alpi Retiche, Sondrio)<br />


Key words: Collapse, geotechnical monitoring, heat balance,<br />

meteorological monitoring, rock mass, ruin.<br />

This paper is about the utilization of an integrated monitoring<br />

system (weather and geotechnical) finalized to evaluate the<br />

hazard related to events of collapse, in order to reach the<br />

mitigation and risk reduction thanks to the presence in the area of<br />

instability of a strategic presence at 3610 m altitude, obliged stop<br />

for climbers facing the climb to Pizzo Bernina (4.050 m).<br />

The collapse in the high mountains are paroxysmal<br />

phenomena of the dismantling of cliffs probably correlated to the<br />

actual phase of de-glaciation due to the increased heat of the last<br />

few decades, at both global and local scale. This trend is<br />

expressed in the alpine areas of high mountains, in the form of<br />

two closely related effects: the contraction of area and volume of<br />

glaciers, falling rocks, landslides and mudslides (PAGETTI, 2005).<br />

The phenomena of collapse generate situations of risk for the<br />

visitors of high-altitude environment and impose sudden and<br />

significant morphological changes in the scope; the glacial-nival<br />

reduction of coverage for most of the year, coupled with the<br />

intense degradation of interstitial ice cliffs at high altitudes,<br />

promotes the increase of freeze-thaw cycles, which in turn<br />

accelerate the gradual dismantling of the cliffs (ARENSON &<br />

SPRINGMAN, 2000).<br />

Some examples of this “new dynamics” are represented by<br />

different slope instability like collapse of Punta Thurwieser<br />

(2004), the break downs of the Italian side of Monte Cervino<br />

(2003 e 2006) and the collapse of Torre Trephor in the Gruppo<br />

delle “Cinque Torri” on “Dolomiti cortinesi” (2004).<br />

_________________________________<br />

(*) ARPA Lombardia, Settore Suolo, Risorse Idriche e Meteoclimatologia –<br />

U.O. Suolo e Servizio Geologico, –<br /><br />

(**) ARPA Lombardia, Settore Suolo, Risorse Idriche e Meteoclimatologia –<br />

U.O. Servizio Meteorologico Regionale,<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto “Marco e Rosa - inst<strong>alla</strong>zione di<br />

una stazione geotecnica e climatica in alta quota” con il <strong>contributo</strong><br />

finanziario di Regione Lombardia – Direzione Generale <strong>della</strong> Polizia Locale,<br />

Prevenzione e Protezione Civile.<br />

566<br />

The new “Marco e Rosa” shelter is located at the Forcola di<br />

Cresta Guzzo (3610 m) on the Italian side of Monte Bernina near<br />

the city of Lanzada (SO). During 2003 the slope below the new<br />

“Marco e Rosa” shelter was affected by a collapse phenomenon<br />

that has destroyed the historical route of access to shelter called<br />

“delle Roccette” pushing the CAI of Sondrio – department of<br />

Valtellina, owner of the structure – to require a technical support<br />

to the ARPA Lombardia to deepen the knowledge of the area in<br />

ruin. To verify the consequential between weather conditions and<br />

local climatic potential collapse, in 2007 a monitoring system<br />

telemetry instrumentation has been designed and implemented. It<br />

consists of geotechnical control of superficial and deep<br />

deformation of the rock mass (2 strain gauges, 3 slit gauges, 2<br />

inclinometers at the wall), coupled with meteorological<br />

instrumentation for the acquisition of parameters necessary for<br />

calculating the heat balance at the scale of the cluster (1<br />

radiometer, 4 thermistors in sub horizontal holes, a thermohygrometer,<br />

1 sonic ranging sensor for snow depth). To better<br />

Fig. Fig. 1 1 – – Location of of installed equipment to to control the the rock rock instability at at the the hut hut<br />

Marco e Rosa e Rosa (3610 m).<br />

m).<br />

understand the underlying causes of the instability, in 2008 the<br />

original monitoring system was integrated with the completion of<br />

two probes in soil with the destruction of the nucleus and the<br />

subsequent inst<strong>alla</strong>tion and commissioning of a incline metric

tube (17 m from p.c.) and a chain thermometer (20 m from p.c.)<br />

to measure the internal temperature of the rock mass on which the<br />

shelter is built. The monitoring point has been equipped with a<br />

satellite data transmission system and a webcam (Fig. 1).<br />

Given the particular measurement conditions (high altitude), it<br />

was decided to focus the analysis on the radiative characteristics<br />

of the site during the three summer months of June, July and<br />

August. Based on the analysis of the albedo, or the ratio of<br />

reflected radiation and the global solar radiation (for a typical<br />

summer day it is generally known that this parameter is in the<br />

range of 0.3 and 0.4), the data are indicative of the fact that 30-<br />

40% of incoming solar radiation is reflected from store rocks<br />

(diorite and granodiorite; GUGLIELMIN, 2004). This value is<br />

consistent with the indications in the literature for a bare rocky<br />

soil. The determination of day-type summer solar radiation and<br />

infrared radiation shows how the latter component is always<br />

negative, on the average of the bare surface of the mass emits<br />

energy toward the sky. The analysis of the net radiation shows<br />

how during the night the energy is emitted from the soil to the<br />

surface and then into the atmosphere (negative net radiation), in<br />

contrast during daytime solar heating ensures a good energy<br />

input.<br />

The analysis of the available data show that the phenomenon of<br />

instability is currently in slow or very slow evolution. The rock<br />

mass below the shelter is deformed in agreement with changes of<br />

physical state of the water in the cracks that disjoint the rock<br />

mass (secondary permeability) and in response to thermal<br />

properties of rock mass itself (LADANYI, 2006). The seasonal<br />

“pulses”, or winter swells and summer contractions, are<br />

interpreted as effects of cycles of freezing and thawing of ice in<br />

the fractures, as evidenced by the consistency of geotechnical<br />

data (Fig. 2).<br />

Fig. 2 – Evolution of displacements measured by slit gauge EF1 (light line)<br />

compared with the temperature (dark line).<br />

The in situ acquisition of data related to meteorological and<br />

geotechnical parameters is therefore a prerequisite for increasing<br />

567<br />

knowledge about the phenomenon occurring, in terms of<br />

predisposing conditions and triggering mechanisms, with the<br />

ultimate objective of achieving a geotechnical model aimed at<br />

identifying scenarios of events and possible critical thresholds of<br />

initiation for the management of any critical future event.<br />


ARENSON L. & SPRINGMAN S. (2000) - Slope stability and related<br />

problems in Alpine permafrost. In: Proceedings of the<br />

International Workshop on Permafrost Engineering, Svalbard,<br />

Norway, pp. 185–197.<br />

GUGLIELMIN M. (2004) - Observations on permafrost ground<br />

thermal regimes from Antarctica and the Italian Alps, and<br />

their relevance to global climate change. Glob. Planet.<br />

Change, 40, 159-167.<br />

LADANYI B. (2006) - Creep of frozen slopes and ice-filled rock<br />

joints under temperature variation. Can. J. Civ. Eng. 33,<br />

719–725.<br />

PAGETTI F. (2005) - <strong>Il</strong> riscaldamento del pianeta – cambiamenti<br />

climatici d<strong>alla</strong> scala globale <strong>alla</strong> scala locale. Franco Angeli,<br />

Milano.<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

Geomorphological map and model of the Carrara Marble Basins<br />

(Tuscany, Italy)<br />


Key words: Apuane Alps, debris flow, fabric analysis,<br />

geomorphology, human-induced hazard, Northern<br />

Apennines.<br />

Marble extraction in the Carrara basins has endured since the<br />

first Millenium BC with relevant exploitation during the<br />

Renaissance, including the legendary Michelangelo Quarries.<br />

As a consequence of this long-lasting activity, the landscape is<br />

almost completely sculptured by extensive quarry fronts and<br />

covered by huge dump deposits, locally named ravaneti.<br />

Through detailed field survey and aerial photograph<br />

interpretation, we compiled a geomorphologic map at the scale of<br />

1:5,000 of the Carrara Marble Basins. A geomorphological map<br />

and a model at the scale of 1:10,000 derived from the 1:5,000<br />

scale map and were printed with the financial support of the<br />

“Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Carrara”.<br />

Through geomorphological survey, historical documents,<br />

stratigraphic and grain-size analyses, we reconstructed the<br />

evolution of the anthropized landscape and characterized both<br />

current geomorphic processes and past phenomena. Multitemporal<br />

topographic maps and aerial photographs enable<br />

assessment of changes in the extension of recent ravaneti (19 th -<br />

20 th Centuries). Our data highlight a rapid increase in their<br />

extension in the last 30 years.<br />

Four main stratigraphic units are recognizable in the ravaneti.<br />

The different texture and structure of these units reflect the<br />

evolution of marble quarrying techniques. The oldest and deepest<br />

debris layer is made up of flat-pebbles with an open-work<br />

structure. This manually produced debris is associated with very<br />

distinctive excavation cutting traces (caesurae in latin) covering a<br />

palaeosol predating the Roman excavation activity. More than 10<br />

sites have supplied archaeological finds of the Roman period.<br />

Slope deposits locally separate this debris into sub-units.<br />

Medieval-Renaissance ravaneti are locally documented on top of<br />

this unit, burying a post-roman soil.<br />

Coarse multi-decimetre-sized boulders (human head size, <<br />

30 cm) with a scarce fine matrix constitute the typical ravaneto of<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa,<br /><br />

(**) Comune di Carrara<br />

With the financial support of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Carrara<br />

568<br />

the period between the end of the 19 th Century and the 1950s.<br />

The uppermost layer, with boulders and abundant fine matrix<br />

(sand to silt), is the consequence of the new diamond wire cutting<br />

methods, introduced in the 1970s.<br />

Geomorphologic and grain size analysis shows that most of<br />

the debris flow and soil slip events involve the modern ravaneti,<br />

the others being more stable. The fine matrix produced by the<br />

recent techniques of block cutting/grinding and which is directly<br />

tipped into the ravaneti, strongly destabilises the dump deposits,<br />

making them very prone to hazardous remobilization by debris<br />

flows and shallow landslides.<br />

In conclusion, new quarrying techniques and the reject stone<br />

recovery system recently induced geomorphologic hazard<br />

scenarios, being these quarry dump deposits affected by frequent<br />

debris flows. This phenomenon is the most significant currently<br />

active geomorphological process in this anthropic landscape.<br />

Fig. 1 – Overview of the Ravaccione area in the Torano Basin (from<br />

Campocecina). The quarries of Cima Canalgrande (on the left) fed ancient<br />

and weathered quarry dumps. Active quarry dumps (lighter grey on the right)<br />

develop from the quarries of Betogli. Michelangelo picked out the marble he<br />

used in his astonishing sculptures from the ancient quarries of the Ravaccione<br />

Basin (May 18, 2004).

Key words: Landslide, multiple model, regression, zonation.<br />

Landslides, flood, earthquakes, and volcanos, are natural<br />

disasters that cause loss of life and financial damage. The growth<br />

of population causes increased pressure on natural resources. The<br />

consequence is the acceleration of occurrence of natural risks<br />

such as landslide and flood. ANBALAGAN (1992) has provided the<br />

map of landslide hazard zonation in some regions in India. This<br />

method is based on the factors influencing the landslide risks. He<br />

showed that the factors of geology, topography, vegetation cover<br />

and ground water conditions were effective factors in the<br />

occurrence of landslides.<br />

KHULLAR et alii (2000) have provided a map of landslide<br />

hazard zonation of Mizaran in the Eastern north of India based on<br />

the combination of slope, level and surface topography. They<br />

claimed that the map conforms with the existing landslides. LAN<br />

et alii (2004) have prepared a map of landslide hazard zonation<br />

in the Xiaojiang watershed. They showed the factors of lithology,<br />

geology structure, slope, aspect of the slope, elevation and the<br />

distance from active faults were effective factors in occurrence of<br />

landslides.<br />

The rate of damages which are caused by the occurrence of<br />

landslide in Iran until the early of 1999 was about 1866 billion<br />

RLS (MAHMOODI & KARAM 1991). By considering slope,<br />

geology, aspect and elevation and using multiple regression<br />

analysis, PEJAM (2001) performed landslide hazard zonation of<br />

Alamot Drainage Basin and declared that these factors were<br />

effective factors in the instability of slopes and this method has<br />

reasonable capability.<br />

In this research the applicability of HAERI-SAMIEE (1997)<br />

Zonation Model in detailed level and at a scale of 1:50000 in<br />

Baghdasht watershed, Golestan province, is investigated. The<br />

relation of seven factors of Haeri- Samiee Landslide hazard<br />

zonation model such as lithology, slope, fault, river and road,<br />

precipitation, intensity of precipitation and earthquake, were<br />

investigated in occurrence of landslides in Baghdasht watershed<br />

by statistical comparison of hazard map with inventory map and<br />

_________________________<br />

Landslide hazard zonation using multiple regression(Iran)<br />


(*) Islamic Azad University, Baft branch, Department of Natural<br />

Resources,<br />

(**) Beheshti University, Tehran<br />

(°) Islamic Azad University, Baft branch, Department of Natural Resources<br />

569<br />

geometrical dimensions of landslides. Identification of the<br />

effective factors in occurrence of landslides for predicting and<br />

management of landslide hazard are useful. YALCIN (2008)<br />

prepared the map of landslide hazard zonation with information<br />

model in turkey, and his results show that geology, aspect,<br />

vegetation cover, river and road are effective factors in<br />

occurrence of landslides.<br />

The Baghdasht watershed is located between 36°17' and<br />

36°31' north latitude and 55°2' to 55°12' east longitude in the<br />

Ghazvin province in Iran. The area of this watershed is 54,602<br />

ha, the average elevation 2,350 meters above sea level.<br />

The average rainfall is 620 mm per year. The type of climate<br />

is semi humid cold. The formation of geology in this watershed is<br />

Khosh Yalagh, Tizkoo, Mobarak, Karaj, <strong>Il</strong>ika, Sediments<br />

quaternary and shemshak (BEHESHTIRAD, 2010).<br />


In multiple regression model analysis, the relation between<br />

one variable and some independent variables is investigated.<br />

Dependent variable is landslide inventory map and independent<br />

variables consist of information layers as geology, slope, aspect,<br />

distance from river, distance from road, distance from fault,<br />

elevation, rain and land-use.<br />

For undertaking the landslide hazard zonation, the<br />

topographical maps at a scale of 1:50,000 were scanned. In the<br />

Arc-Gis program environment, the coordination system<br />

(longitude and latitude) was converted from degrees to metres<br />

(UTM). This map was divided into cellular networks with the<br />

dimension of 500 × 500 m as working units.<br />

Existing landslides have been identified and an inventory map<br />

made. The necessary information layers as geology, slope, aspect,<br />

distance from river, distance from road, distance from fault,<br />

elevation, rain and land-use were provided in Arc-Gis. Based on<br />

the information layers, the distinctions of geoloy, slope, aspect,<br />

river, road, fault, elevation, rain, land-use and percent of<br />

landslide in each cell were determined. These data for running<br />

model stepwise were entered into a data base in order to make<br />

multiple model using spss program. After the computation of the<br />

model, the landslide hazard class in each cell was determined. At<br />

the end, based on similarities of cells classes, the map of<br />

landslide hazard zonation was developed in the program<br />

environment of Arc-Gis into contours of equal hazard.<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

Fig. 1 –<br />

Percent Area<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

4.2<br />

9.1<br />

In order to investigating the applicability of the multiple<br />

regression landslide hazard zonation model and existing<br />

landslides, a field inspection was undertaken using topographical<br />

maps at a scale of 1:50,000, interpretation aerial photographs and<br />

with the cooperation of local guides from Baghdasht Thios. It<br />

was done by walking through the area identifying existing<br />

landslides in the watershed based on field evidence. The<br />

coordinates of the landslides were determined by GPS.<br />

We assigned the type and geometrical dimensions of<br />

landslides. According to the geographical position (longitude and<br />

27.1<br />

30.9<br />

28.6<br />

very low low moderate high very high<br />

Hazard Calsses<br />

Fig. 2 - (a) Landslide hazard zonation map based on Multiple Regression; (b)<br />

Distribution (frequency) of H.-S. landslide hazard classes.<br />

570<br />

latitude), the landslide inventory map was developed in the Arc-<br />

Gis program environment for the Baghdasht watershed (Fig. 1).<br />

The correlation between existing landslides with the numerical<br />

values and classes of hazard potential using the predictive model<br />

was investigated. The high correlation would identify the<br />

suitability model in this watershed. We used regression analysis<br />

between existing landslide in each cell and hazard classes.<br />


After the computation multiple regression model in Arc-Gis<br />

program environment, the landslide hazard zonation map of<br />

multiple regression model was provided (Fig. 2a).<br />

In this Landslide hazard zonation map, the greatest area<br />

distribution belongs to high hazard class (Fig. 2b). The least area<br />

distribution belongs to very low hazard class (Fig. 2b).<br />

y = 1.025 L – 0.000022 F – 0.000043 Ro + 0.00037 A +<br />

+ 0.458 U -0.000042 Ri + 0.00129 S – 0.16<br />

where: y= percent area of landslides in each cell; L = litology; F<br />

= fault; Ro = distance from road; A= aspect; U= land use; Ri;<br />

distance from river; S=slope.<br />


ANBALAGAN R. (1992) - Landslide hazard evaluation and<br />

zonation mapping in mountainous terrain. Eng. Geol., 32,<br />

269-277.<br />

BEHESHTIRAD M. (2010) - Landslide hazard zonation using<br />

information value. Islamic Azad University of Ardestan.<br />

HAERI S.M. & SAMIEE A.H. (1997) - A new method for Landslide<br />

hazard microzonation based on microzonation studies in<br />

Golestan province. Earth Sci. Bull., 23, 2-16 (in Persian).<br />

KHULLAR V.K., SHARAM R.P. & PARMANIK K. (2000) - A GIS<br />

approach in the landslide zone of Lawngthlia in southern<br />

Mizoran. Proc. 8 th Intern. Symp. Landslide, 3, 1461-1472.<br />

LAN H.X., ZHOU C.H., WANG L.J. & LI R.H. (2004) - Landslide<br />

hazard spatial analysis and prediction using GIS in the<br />

Xiaojiang watershed, Yunnan, China. Eng. Geol., 76, 109-<br />

128.<br />

MAHMOODI F. & KARAMI A. (2001) - Statistical modeling for<br />

Landslide hazard zonation using RS and GIS in Sarkhoon<br />

watershed. Geomatic Confer., 147-155 (in Persian).<br />

YALCIN A. (2008) - GIS – based landslide susceptibility mapping<br />

using analytical hierarchy process and process and bivariate<br />

statistics in Ardesen(Turkey): Comparisons of results and<br />

confirmations. Catena, 72, 1-12.

Application of the Rockfall Hazard Rating System modified to a road<br />

affected by high traffic intensity<br />

Key words: Roads, rockfall hazard and risk, Southern Italy.<br />


In order to assess the exposition to the risk associated with<br />

rockfalls, and to prioritize budget allocations for maintenance and<br />

remediation works along a road affected by high traffic, an<br />

application of the Rockfall Hazard Rating System modified<br />

(RHRSmod) was performed. This approach (BUDETTA, 2004) was<br />

developed beginning from the original RHRS method suggested<br />

by PIERSON et alii (1990) at the Oregon State Highway Division.<br />

The RHRS provides a rational method to make informed<br />

decisions on where and how to spend construction funds.<br />

Exponential scoring functions are used to represent the increases,<br />

respectively, in hazard and in vulnerability that are reflected in<br />

the nine categories forming the classification. The resulting total<br />

score contains the elements regarding the evaluation of the degree<br />

of the exposition to the risk along roads.<br />

In the RHRSmod method, the ratings for the categories “ditch<br />

effectiveness”, “geologic characteristics”, “volume of<br />

rockfall/block size”, “climate and water circulation” and “rockfall<br />

history” have been rendered more easy and objective. The main<br />

modifications regard the introduction of Slope Mass Rating by<br />

ROMANA (1988) improving the estimate of the geologic<br />

characteristics, of the volume of the potentially unstable blocks<br />

and the underground water circulation. Other modifications<br />

regard the scoring for the categories “decision sight distance” and<br />

“road geometry”. For these categories, the Italian National<br />


1980) have been used.<br />

Beginning from previous studies performed along the State<br />

road n° 145 linking several important villages and towns of the<br />

northern slope of the Sorrentine Peninsula (BUDETTA, 2004), this<br />

paper shows new results regarding the southern slope of this<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Section of Applied Geology, Department of Hydraulics, Geotechnical<br />

and Environmental Engineering, University of Naples “Federico II”, emails<br />;<br />

(**) “Destra Sele” Basin Authority, email<br />

This work was carried out with financial contributions from the University<br />

of Naples “Federico II”.<br />


571<br />

region, served by the State road n° 163 (“Amalfitana”). This road<br />

links famous tourist resorts, such as Positano, Amalfi and<br />

Salerno, and is affected by high traffic intensity (mainly during<br />

summer) because is the only transportation corridor of this area.<br />

Due to mountainous setting of this region, high road cuts and<br />

several bends, reducing the available decision sight distance<br />

(DSD), characterize this road.<br />

In recent years, the area crossed by the road experienced<br />

several rockfalls causing several incidents including some<br />

fatalities as well as a large amount of damage and traffic<br />

interruptions. In the aftermath of each rockfall, the National<br />

Company which owns the road (“Ente Nazionale per le Strade”)<br />

and the “Destra Sele” Basin Authority having jurisdiction on the<br />

area, carried out geo-mechanical studies and stabilization designs<br />

in order to reduce the road vulnerability. Particularly, were<br />

located the following three road sections, characterized by high<br />

rockfall probability, and placed in the municipal territories of<br />

Conca <strong>dei</strong> Marini, Amalfi and Maiori. The main results of the<br />

rockfall risk scoring regarding these road sections will be shortly<br />

explained, below.<br />


The Sorrentine Peninsula consists of calcarenites, limestones<br />

and dolomites from Trias to Cretaceous, in the shape of<br />

monoclinal northward verging. The south slope of this structure is<br />

steeper than the north side and is affected by intense fracturing<br />

with NW and NE trending faults, generating wide areas affected<br />

by high hazard mainly due to rockfall and toppling, as well as to<br />

rock avalanches.<br />

Along two relevant cross sections of each studied site, the<br />

RMR and SMR ratings were evaluated to estimate geomechanical<br />

characteristics of the outcropping rock-masses. The<br />

higher SMR value is for the section 1 in the Amalfi site (value<br />

80), while the lower for the section 1 in the Conca <strong>dei</strong> Marini site<br />

(value 59).<br />

Several traffic flow data were analysed in order to estimate<br />

the traffic intensity during two different period of the year<br />

(spring/summer and autumn/winter), and for different brightness<br />

conditions (day and night). Furthermore, a detailed study of the<br />

road geometry crossing the analysed cross sections, allowed to<br />

determine DSD for two traffic directions, towards Naples and<br />

towards Salerno. For each traffic direction, the available DSD is<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

Fig. 1 – Main values of the parameters characterising the RHRSmod method, detected in the studied sites.<br />

like the stopping distance in seven cases, while the lower values<br />

affect the section 2 of the Conca <strong>dei</strong> Marini site. For the six<br />

analysed sections, the evaluation of RHRSmod allowed to assess<br />

that the risk greatly changes with reference to different period of<br />

the year and brightness conditions, being the higher values in the<br />

spring/summer period and during the day. The RHRSmod was<br />

calculated always considering the wet road because this is the<br />

worse condition for a rapid car stopping. The Conca <strong>dei</strong> Marini<br />

site displays the higher values of RHRSmod in every annual period<br />

and brightness condition while, due to a close bend strongly<br />

reducing DSD, the absolute maximum value was recorded for the<br />

Maiori site, in direction of Naples.<br />

In order to prioritize remediation works to reduce the impact<br />

risk between the landslide deposit on the road and vehicles, it is<br />

necessary to carry out immediate stabilization measures in the<br />

above-mentioned sites. Instead, a low urgency distinguishes the<br />

road cuts placed in the Amalfi site.<br />

572<br />


BUDETTA P. (2004) – Assessment of rockfall risk along roads.<br />

Nat. Hazards Earth Sys., 4, 71-81.<br />

CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE (1980) - Norme tecniche<br />

per le costruzioni stradali. Pon. 1V, 11-15.<br />

PIERSON L.A., DAVIS S.A. & VAN VICKLE R. (1990) – From<br />

Rockfall Hazard Rating System – Implementation Manual.<br />

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Report FHWA-<br />

OR-EG-90-01, FHWA, U.S. Dep. Of Transp.<br />

ROMANA M. (1988) – Assessment Practice of SMR classification<br />

for slope appraisal. Proc. 5 th Int. Symp. on Landslides,<br />

Balkema, Rotterdam, 1227-1229.

On the reliability of landslide inventory mapping: the case study of<br />

Monte Albino, Nocera Inferiore (southern Italy)<br />

Key words: Inventory, landslide, mapping.<br />

The landslide inventory is the basis for all the landslide<br />

zoning activities. Therefore, the inventory must be done<br />

thoroughly in order to avoid consequential errors in landslide<br />

susceptibility and hazard maps (FELL et alii, 2008a). Interesting<br />

examples on the reliability of the landslide zoning are given by<br />

VAN WESTEN et alii (1999) and ARDIZZONE et alii (2002).<br />

This work is aimed to suggest a procedure for a reliable<br />

landslide inventory mapping with reference to the case study of<br />

Monte Albino (Nocera Inferiore, southern Italy), affected on<br />

March 2005 by first-failure phenomena triggered by rainfall; this<br />

event caused 3 fatalities and some buildings were destroyed.<br />

For the study area (Fig. 1), four different landslide inventory<br />

maps (at scales varying from 1:25,000 to 1:5,000) are available.<br />

They were drawn-up by scientists and/or technicians operating<br />

for: i) the Extraordinary Plan - Landslide Risk of the Regional<br />

Basin Authority of the Sarno river (1999); ii) the Excerpt of the<br />

Hydrogeological Setting Plan – Landslide Risk of the Regional<br />

Basin Authority of the Sarno river (2002); iii) the IFFI Project of<br />

the Campania Region – APAT (2006); iv) the Government<br />

Commissionership for the Hydrogeological Emergency in<br />

Campania region (2008). On the whole, about 130 landslide<br />

phenomena were mapped; they cover the 30÷40% of the study<br />

area. Figure 2 shows a synthesis of the abovementioned<br />

cartographic products. It is worth to observe that all the official<br />

documents were produced via different heuristic procedures and<br />

they show landslide-affected areas located in different portions of<br />

the slope. Starting from this controversial evidence, in order to<br />

deepen the knowledge of the different kind of phenomena which<br />

can occur on the slopes, field surveys and studies were firstly<br />

carried out following a multidisciplinary approach (involving<br />

_________________________<br />



(*) Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Università di Salerno,<br />; ;;<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Napoli “Federico II”,<br />;<br />

This work was carried out within the PRIN 2007 Project on “Analysis and<br />

susceptibility and hazard zoning for landslides triggered by extreme events<br />

(rainfall and earthquake)”.<br />

573<br />

competences on geology, morphology, hydrogeology, historical<br />

data treatment, geomatics, geostatistics, etc.).<br />

The results of these activities allowed to establish that the<br />

zone at the toe of the hillslope is affected by hyperconcentrated<br />

flows, landslides on open slopes and flowslides.<br />

Fig. 1 – Studied area.<br />

The hyperconcentrated flows were originated, during autumnwinter<br />

periods of the 19 th century, by the washing of the air-fall<br />

products of the explosive activity of the Vesuvius volcano. In this<br />

regard, a strict correlation exists between the eruption events<br />

whose related isopachs interested the study area and the<br />

hyperconcentrated flows occurred some weeks after the<br />

deposition of the volcano products on the Monte Albino slopes.<br />

Since the last century, the hyperconcentrated flows have been<br />

essentially related to erosion processes interesting the pyroclastic<br />

soils covering the slope surface, being strongly reduced the<br />

Vesuvius activity. The landslides on open slopes essentially affect<br />

the triangular facets located at the base of the slopes; they may<br />

have similar characteristics to the phenomena occurred on March<br />

2005, classifiable as “debris avalanches” (HUNGR et alii, 2001).<br />

Finally, the flowslides can be triggered in some areas located<br />

in the upper part of Monte Albino massif. The magnitude of the<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

displaced masses could be significantly increased by the materials<br />

eventually entrained during the post-failure stage.<br />

Fig. 2 - Landslides mapped in official documents.<br />

On the basis of the results achieved during the above<br />

described activities, a new landslide inventory map was produced<br />

at 1:25.000 scale by adopting the criteria suggested by FELL et al.<br />

(2008b). In particular, thanks to the availability of both data<br />

recorded during the field surveys and aerial photographs, only the<br />

landslide-affected areas, which are still recognizable on the basis<br />

of geological and geomorphological criteria, were mapped. In<br />

this regard, difficulties usually arise considering that the soil<br />

cover involved in the occurred first-failure landslides are of small<br />

thickness; as a consequence, the morphological signs of the<br />

landslide-affected areas become difficult to be identified, often<br />

starting from a few years from the dates of occurrence. Nowadays<br />

only a limited number of phenomena can be detected on the<br />

Monte Albino slopes; in particular, only those occurred in the last<br />

century and, specifically, in the last decades. In the newly<br />

produced inventory map (Fig. 3) are reported the areas (11)<br />

affected by the landslides occurred on March 2005 as well as<br />

those (13) involved by previous events which are still<br />

recognizable. These latter landslides essentially occurred on open<br />

slopes (as in the case of 2005 event) or on the sides of mountain<br />

river beds, in the lower part of natural gullies. It is worth noting<br />

that the number of the mapped landslides is in agreement with the<br />

information gathered on the basis of collected historical data on<br />

events occurred in the last century.<br />

The significant mismatch among the available inventory maps<br />

(Fig. 2) as well as among these latter and that produced in the<br />

present work (Fig. 3) may be related to: i) the complexity of the<br />

phenomena to be analysed; ii) the differences in the adopted<br />

574<br />

approaches (sector-based or multidisciplinary) and procedures<br />

sometimes drastically conditioned by a subjective interpretation<br />

of the input data. Finally, it is worth observing that, in some of<br />

the available landslide inventories, the mapping was carried out<br />

also considering the areas potentially affected by first-failure<br />

phenomena which can occur in the future; however, this kind of<br />

information should be conveniently reported in the landslide<br />

susceptibility maps instead of in the inventories (FELL et al.,<br />

2008b).<br />

Fig. 3 – New landslide inventory map of the Monte Albino slopes. Legend:<br />

red/pink -march 2005 landslide; green - post-1944 landslide; yellow - undated<br />

landslide.<br />



REICHENBACH, P. (2002) – Impact of mapping errors on the<br />

reliability of landslide hazard maps. Natural Hazards and<br />

Earth System Sciences, 2, 3–14.<br />


SAVAGE W.Z. (2008b) – Guidelines for landslide<br />

susceptibility, hazard and risk zoning for land use planning.<br />

Engineering Geology, 102, 85-98.<br />


SAVAGE W.Z. (2008a) – Guidelines for landslide<br />

susceptibility, hazard and risk zoning for land-use planning.<br />

Commentary. Engineering Geology, 102, 99-111.<br />

HUNGR O., EVANS S.G., BOVIS M.J., HUTCHINSON J.N. (2001) –<br />

A review of the classification of landslides of the flow type.<br />

Environmental & Engineering Geosciences, 7 (3), 221-238.<br />


(1999) – Comparing landslide hazard maps. Nat. Haz., 20,<br />


Lithotechnical characterization for debris flow triggering analysis in<br />

South-Western Alps (Cuneo-Italy).<br />

Key words: Cuneo (Italy), debris flow, lithotechnical<br />

characterization, Hoek & Brown classification, Southwestern<br />

Alps.<br />


This study investigates rapid channelized debris-flow related<br />

to rainfalls in small alpine basins. Its goal is to evaluate and to<br />

correlate different geological and technical aspects with<br />

predisposing and triggering factors that can control these<br />

phenomena.<br />

The most studies place the triggering factor as short, intense<br />

rainfall often associated with a certain quantity of rainfalls before<br />

the event. Based on the type of weather forecast, this type of<br />

report allows users to issue warnings or even evacuation bulletins<br />

for high-risk weather conditions.<br />

This paper tries to concentrate on other parameters, besides<br />

those concerning the climate, which act as predisposing factors or<br />

indexes of certain phenomena both in terms of magnitude and<br />

recurrence interval. In fact, other authors tried to associate<br />

different types of phenomena with: bedrock characteristics (LIN<br />

et alii, 2000), geotechnical characteristics of deposits in the<br />

source areas (BONNET-STAUB, 1998), basin morphometry,<br />

topography of source area and debris flow accumulations<br />

(WIECZOREK et alii, 1997).<br />


The study area is placed in southern Piedmont within the<br />

Maritime and Ligurian Alps. Regarding to the geological setting,<br />

this area is characterized by the presence of several rock<br />

formations belonging to the Helvetic and Penninic Domains, here<br />

represented respectively by a portion of the Argentera Massif in<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Mineralogiche e Petrologiche, Università degli<br />

Studi di Torino,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Torino,<br /><br />


575<br />

the SW part of the study area, and by the Brianzonese –<br />

Subbrianzonese Domains and by Piemonte Zone of calcschists in<br />

the central and NE part. The first is constituted by igneous and<br />

metamorphic rocks as gneiss, granites and migmatites; the others<br />

are mostly made of sedimentary rocks, as limestones, dolostones,<br />

sandstones and flysch.<br />

Starting from geological data, a lithotechnical characterization<br />

of study area was realized, by attributing to each rock formation a<br />

GSI (Geological Strength Index) value, according to Hoek &<br />

Brown failure criterion (MARINOS &HOEK, 2001; HOEK et alii,<br />

2002). GSI, both in its first formulation than in its later<br />

modification for heterogeneous rock mass types such as flysch,<br />

represents a quality index of rock masses, based on interlocking<br />

of rock pieces and on discontinuities surface quality.<br />

A lithotechnical map of the study area was realized (Fig.1):<br />

igneous rock masses show the higher GSI value, while, as<br />

expected, flysch and heterogeneous rock masses, with sandstones,<br />

shale, and carbonatic terms, correspond to the lower values.<br />

A geomorphological approach to the study led to the<br />

identification of the alluvial fans, with their drainage basin, in the<br />

study area, especially thanks to aerial photointerpretation<br />

techniques. In each basin the percentage of outcropping substrate<br />

and its main mineralogical composition (silicate, carbonate,<br />

heterogeneous, chalk) were estimated.<br />


By combining the realized lithotechnical map with surface<br />

extent of alluvial fan, drainage basins and substrate outcropping<br />

areas, it was possible to relate morphological features of alluvial<br />

fans with mineralogical and geotechnical characteristics of<br />

drainage areas.<br />

First results show that where the drainage basin is mostly<br />

covered by detritic deposits the ratio between the fan area and the<br />

basin area is greater than in the other cases, with a major<br />

percentage of substrate outcropping.<br />

In this situation, it can be observable that basins with a great<br />

percentage of carbonate and heterogeneous rock masses<br />

outcropping, show the minor values of the same ratio.<br />

Further considerations and analyses will be expected about<br />

this matter and moreover also the hydrogeological and<br />

meteorological approach will be considered. In fact, the<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

Fig.1 – Lithotechnical map of the study area. GSI value assigned to rock formations outcropping in the study area, differed on the main mineralogical<br />

composition: A) carbonate; B) heterogeneous; C) chalk; D) silicate; E) Quaternary deposits (GSI = 0).<br />

infiltration mechanism of precipitation water is strongly<br />

connected to debris flow triggering. In order to understand how<br />

water infiltrates into the ground in the study area, instruments for<br />

the measure of both the weather events and variations of water in<br />

soil will be planted on the field.<br />

Inst<strong>alla</strong>tion of weather stations, electric piezometers and soil<br />

moisture profiler at various depths in the ground will be used to<br />

define how the soil responds to weather, thus correlating the<br />

weather conditions less favorable to slope stability with different<br />

types of covers.<br />


BONNET-STAUB I. (1998) - Définition d’une typologie des dépôts<br />

de laves torrentielles et identification de critères<br />

granulométriques et géotechniques concernant les zones<br />

sources. Bull. Eng. Geol. Env., 57, 359–367<br />

576<br />

LIN C.W., WU M.C. & SHIEH C.L. (2000) - Influence of geology<br />

on debris-flows: Examples from Hsin-Yi, Nantou County,<br />

Taiwan. In: G. Wieczorek and Naeser (Eds): Debris flow<br />

hazard mitigation: mechanics, prediction and assessment.<br />

Proc. 2° Int. Conf. on debris-flow, Taiwan, 221-229.<br />

HOEK E., CARRANZA-TORRES C. & CORKUM B. (2002) – Hoek-<br />

Brown criterion – 2002 edition. Proc NARMS-TAC<br />

Conference, Toronto, 1, 267-273.<br />

MARINOS P. & HOEK E. (2001) - Estimating the geotechnical<br />

properties of heterogeneous rock masses such as flysch. Bull.<br />

Eng. Geol. Env. (IAEG), 60, 85-92.<br />

WIECZOREK G., MANDRONE G. & DECOLA L. (1997) The<br />

influence of hillslope on debris-flow initiation. In: Cheg (ed):<br />

Debris-Flow hazard mitigation: mechanics, prediction and<br />

assessment”, Proc. 1° int. Conf. on debris-flow, San Francisco<br />

(USA), 21-31.

Evaluation of reforestation effects through multitemporal<br />

investigation in drainage basins affected by badland erosion,<br />

Radicofani (Tuscany)<br />

Key words: Badlands, erosion rate, geomorphological hazard,<br />

multitemporal confrontation, Radicofani, reforestations,<br />

River Paglia Unit.<br />


The Radicofani Basin is one of the structural depressions<br />

(graben) trending NW - SE of southeastern Tuscany (LIOTTA,<br />

1996), filled with Pliocene marine deposits. The municipality hill<br />

area of Radicofani consists mainly of the early Pliocene clayey<br />

sediments (River Paglia Unit). Slopes are often covered by<br />

colluvial deposits produced by the volcanic neck of Radicofani,<br />

consisting of late Pleistocene basalt – trachytic lavas of the<br />

Tuscan Magmatic Province.<br />

Fig. 1 – Reforestation with Cupressus arizonica and Pinus nigra on a slope<br />

affected by badland erosion.<br />

The slopes are widely affected by geomorphological hazard<br />

consisting of very frequent badland erosion (CICCACCI et alii,<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Università <strong>della</strong> Tuscia,,,<br /><br />


577<br />

2008). In this scenario many reforestations were carried out in<br />

the last fifty years with the aim at stabilizing slopes on about 320<br />

ha of the municipal territory (Fig.1). Frugal conifers such as<br />

Cupressus arizonica, Cupressus sempervirens, Pinus nigra and<br />

Mediterranean pines planted in monospecific or mixed stands<br />

were mainly used for these forest works.<br />

The goal of our study is to evaluate through a<br />

multidisciplinary approach the impact of reforestations on the<br />

geomorphological instability of nine small drainage basins<br />

belonging to the rivers Paglia and Formone watersheds. The<br />

geological, geomorphological, hydrological and vegetational<br />

characteristics were analyzed by a multitemporal confrontation<br />

between the pre – reforestation and post – reforestation situations.<br />

The results of our study are a valuable tool to improve both<br />

knowledge of the historical morphological dynamics correlated to<br />

forest vegetation and land planning and management.<br />


Each elaboration has been carried out for the year 1954 (pre -<br />

reforestation) and year 2007 (post – reforestation).<br />

A DEM from historical cartography was constructed and<br />

compared with the actual DEM. The difference between the two<br />

DEMs leads to estimate the erosion/deposition annual rates for<br />

each drainage basin.<br />

The aerial – photo interpretation allowed to define areas<br />

affected by badland erosion and the results were reported on a<br />

GIS to calculate the surface area.<br />

The land use was described by the CORINE Land Cover<br />

methodology (BOSSARD et alii, 2000) using the ortho - photo<br />

interpretation. Furthermore the study of drainage networks on the<br />

aerial – photo and GIS environment (Fig. 2) led to calculate the<br />

hierarchal anomaly index and the indirect evaluation of<br />

denudation rate index (CICCACCI et alii, 1980; DELLA SETA et<br />

alii, 2007).<br />

Fourteen circular sample plots of ten meters radius were<br />

established in the five main forest types to work out the stand<br />

such as number of stems, mean diameter, basal area, top height<br />

and mean height. The forest survey allowed also to evaluate the<br />

adaptability of the tree species used in the reforestations to clayey<br />

substrate affected by a high geomorphological hazard setting.<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

The differences between the pre and post reforestation<br />

situations are remarkable. The land use turns shift from a<br />

widespread agriculture with particular attitude for oliviculture to<br />

a more diversified land use where arable areas alternate with<br />

pastures and agroforestry areas. The reforestations have led to a<br />

good improvement and regularization of the hydrographic<br />

network. Computation of the denudation rate index highlights this<br />

trend for all studied small drainage basins.<br />

Fig. 2 – DEM and drainage network of the torrent Cacarello (about 900 ha) .<br />


BOSSARD M., FERANEC J. & OTAHEL J. (2000) - CORINE land<br />

cover technical guide. Addendum 2000. European<br />

Environment Agency.<br />


– Contributo dell’analisi geomorfica quantitativa <strong>alla</strong><br />

valutazione dell’entità dell’erosione nei bacini fluviali. Boll.<br />

Soc. Geol. It., 99, 455 – 516.<br />


(2008) - Morphological analysis and erosion rate evaluation<br />

in badlands of Radicofani area (Southern Tuscany - Italy).<br />

Catena, 74, 87 - 97.<br />


(2007) - Direct and indirect evaluation of denudation rates in<br />

Central Italy. Catena, 71, 21 - 30.<br />

LIOTTA D. (1996) – Analisi del settore centro – meridionale del<br />

bacino pliocenico di Radicofani (Toscana meridionale). Boll.<br />

Soc. Geol. It., 115, 115 – 143.<br />


Geotechnical characterization of the Macigno Fm. debris by<br />

dynamic penetration tests in the Serchio River basin (Tuscany, Italy)<br />

Key words: Debris covers, internal friction angle, landslide,<br />

Macigno Fm., relative density.<br />

Due to its structural-tectonic features, geographicmorphological<br />

configuration, and climatic conditions, the Serchio<br />

River basin is frequently interested by seismical events and<br />

floods. Therefore, since the Eighties several studies and surveys<br />

aimed at the reduction of seismical and hydrogeological risk were<br />

carried out. The landslide hazard evaluation is of primary<br />

importance for the territorial planning (DALLAN et alii, 1991;<br />

D’AMATO AVANZI et alii, 1999). Moreover, previous studies<br />

showed that the highest number of landslides in this basin occurs<br />

where argillitic rocks and sandstones (Macigno Fm.) crop out, or<br />

they involve debris materials (CANCELLI et alii, 2002; D’AMATO<br />

AVANZI et alii, 1999, 2002, 2004).<br />

The main purpose of this study is to provide a contribution to<br />

the study of the mechanical strength properties of the debris<br />

covers of the Macigno Fm. (sandstone interbedded by phyllite),<br />

which can be involved in instability phenomena, mainly by soil<br />

slip-debris flow (Fig. 1) during intense rainfall (D’AMATO<br />

AVANZI et alii, 2002, 2004). These slope materials exhibit a great<br />

textural variability, either vertical or lateral; however, they are<br />

commonly composed by sandy-pebbly composition, with minor<br />

silty-clayey fraction. The knowledge of physic-mechanical<br />

properties of these materials is very important in order to<br />

comprehend the conditions that trigger landslides in case of both<br />

rainy and seismical events. On the other hand, the Macigno Fm.<br />

is particularly widespread in the Serchio River basin.<br />

The activity was carried out by research and elaboration of the<br />

raw data obtained by means of penetration tests (DPT) (medium<br />

and super-heavy penetrometers), standard penetration tests (SPT),<br />

in order to determine the typical values of the internal friction<br />

angle f p (°) and the relative density Dr (%). In fact, due to the<br />

low costs and time of analysis, the penetration test is one of the<br />

most used techniques in order to obtain an approximate<br />

reconstruction of the underground model and the soil parameters.<br />

_________________________<br />



(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Università di Pisa<br />

579<br />

Fig. 1 - Soil slip-debris flow triggered in the debris covers of the<br />

Macigno Fm. near Fosciandora Village (LU).<br />

The results of the dynamic penetration tests were afterwards<br />

related to the mechanical strength properties of the debris covers<br />

by means of empirical methods used for granular materials. In<br />

particular, the relative density was determined using the<br />

correlation proposed by SKEMPTON (1986), while the<br />

SCHMERTMANN (1978) relation was used in order to obtain the<br />

internal friction. Figure 2 shows the trend of debris internal<br />

friction angle at different depths. These values are typical of the<br />

sediments studied, in particular fine sand, medium sand with<br />

gravel and sand and gravel.<br />

These data were compared with those obtained by means of<br />

direct shear tests, reaching a good agreement (Fig.3).<br />

In conclusion, this study contributes in determining the typical<br />

values of the friction angle and the relative density of the<br />

Macigno Fm. cover materials by means of commonly used and<br />

money saving indirect methods.<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

depth (m)<br />

internal friction angle (°)<br />

0<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

50<br />

45<br />

40<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

internal friction angle (°)<br />

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50<br />

5<br />

0<br />

Fine Sand<br />

Medium Sand with Gravel<br />

Sand & Gravel<br />

Fig. 2 - Internal friction angle trend at different depths for the sediments<br />

analyzed.<br />

direct shear test<br />

DPT test<br />

SPT test<br />

Fine Sand Medium Sand with Gravel Sand & Gravel<br />

Fig. 3 - Comparison between the internal friction angle values obtained by<br />

direct shear tests, DPT test, and SPT tests for the materials analyzed.<br />



(2002) - Caratterizzazione geologica e litologico-tecnica<br />

delle piane del Serchio e <strong>della</strong> Turrite Secca in prossimità di<br />

Castelnuovo di Garfagnana (Lucca). Riv. It. Geot., 3, 17-32.<br />


TRIVELLINI M. (2002) - Valutazione del rischio da frana in<br />

Garfagnana e nella Media Valle del Serchio (Lucca). 3)<br />

Carta geologica e carta <strong>della</strong> franosità degli elementi<br />

“Sillano”, “Corfino”, “Fosciandora” e “Ceserana” (scala<br />

1:10.000). Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 110, 245-272.<br />


Valutazione <strong>della</strong> pericolosità delle frane in aree a maggior<br />

vulnerabilità del Bacino del Fiume Serchio (Toscana). Atti<br />

Conv. Lincei, 154, 175-181.<br />

580<br />


- I movimenti franosi del novembre 2000 nella provincia di<br />

Lucca: osservazioni preliminari. Atti Conv. “<strong>Il</strong> dissesto<br />

idrogeologico: inventario e prospettive”, Roma, Atti Conv.<br />

Lincei, 181, 365-377.<br />


- The influence of the geological and geomorphological<br />

setting on the shallow landslides. A typical example in a<br />

temperate climate environment: the 19 th , 1996 catastrophe un<br />

the north-western Tuscany (Italy). Eng. Geol., 73, 215-228.<br />

SHMERTMANN J.H. (1978) - Guidelines for cone penetration test<br />

performance and desingn. U.S. Dep. Of Transportation,<br />

FHEA, R 78-209, Washington D.C. (USA).<br />

SKEMPTON A.W. (1986) - Standard penetration test procedures<br />

and effects in sands of overburden pressure, relative density,<br />

particle size, aging and overconsolidation. Geotechnique, 3,<br />


Geomechanical features and landslide susceptibility of rock<br />

formations in Northern Tuscany (Italy)<br />



Key words: Geomechanics, landslide, Northern Apennines.<br />

Several different geological formations crop out in the<br />

Northern Tuscany (Italy), where the geological, morpho-climatic<br />

and seismic characteristics determine high landslide<br />

susceptibility. This study particularly focuses on the upper<br />

Serchio River basin, where slope instability severely threatens<br />

population, villages and facilities. Geo-engineering survey and<br />

characterization with in situ and laboratory tests were performed,<br />

Tab. 1 - The main geotechnical units cropping out in the study area.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Pisa,<br />

(**) Autorità di Bacino del Fiume Serchio, Lucca,<br />

581<br />

in order to define rock mass classification and geotechnical<br />

properties of the most widespread rocky formations cropping out<br />

in the basin, and assess their relationships with slope instability.<br />

Therefore, several properties were investigated, mainly<br />

referring to rock strength, structure, spacing and conditions of<br />

discontinuities, alteration. Field and laboratory tests were<br />

performed and included Schmidt Hammer Test, Point Load<br />

Strength Test and Unconfined Compressive Strength, aiming at<br />

defining the main rock and rock mass parameters. Then, the<br />

Bieniawski’s RMR (Rock Mass Rating) and the Hoek’s GSI<br />

(Geological Strength Index) were applied, in order to obtain an<br />

overall rock mass parameterization.<br />

Thus many dozens of geotechnical units were established and<br />

grouped according to their behaviour. Figure 1 in the next page<br />

depicts the areal distribution of the 13 main geotechnical units.<br />

Table 1 lists these units together with some related<br />

lithostratigraphic unit, and summarizes their geotechnical<br />

properties.<br />

Subsequently, the study area was classified and subdivided<br />

into several classes, mainly based on their physical-mechanical<br />

properties. This allowed to realize a GIS-based geotechnical map<br />

of the considered area, representing the areal distribution of the<br />

geotechnical properties of the classified rock formations. Finally,<br />

this map was compared with the landslide distribution of the area,<br />

in order to assess the landslide susceptibility of the considered<br />

formations.<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

Fig. 1 - Areal distribution of the 13 main geotechnical units in the study area (see Tab. 1 for the meaning of the numbers).<br />


_________________________<br />

The landslides triggered by the December 2009 meteorological<br />

events in North-Western Tuscany (Italy): first results<br />

Fig. 1 - Location map of Lucca and Pistoia Provinces.<br />


Key words: Flood, landslide, North-Western Tuscany, rainfall,<br />

snowfall.<br />

Heavy precipitation (rainfall and also abundant snowfalls<br />

from December 18 to 21 at sea level as well) occurred in North-<br />

Western Tuscany in December 2009. Such precipitation caused<br />

floods and landslides in the Serchio River Valley, in Versilia<br />

(Lucca Province) and in the Pistoia Apennine (Pistoia Province).<br />

The Serchio River was interested by a discharge up to 1900<br />

m 3 /s (NARDI, 2010), breaking the embankments and causing<br />

floods in the Lucca and Pisa plains (about 30 km 2 of flooded<br />

ground, Fig. 1).<br />

The abundant rainfall associated with the rapid snow melting<br />

determined limit equilibrium conditions in a lot of slopes in the<br />

study area. Many slopes collapsed during the subsequent heavy<br />

rainfall events on December 22-23 and, mainly, on December 24-<br />

25.<br />

Altogether in December 2009 the total rainfall amount was<br />

very high. The highest values were reached at the Campagrina<br />

raingauge (Apuan Alps, 997.8 mm) and at the Pracchia raingauge<br />

(Pistoia Apennine, 676.8 mm). Throughout the considered area<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra - Università di Pisa,<br /><br />

583<br />

the total rainfall of December 2009 corresponds to the 30% of the<br />

annual average precipitations. Unfortunately, the lack of a<br />

snowgauge in the regional monitoring network does not enable<br />

accurate snowfalls estimation. However, the rapid snow melting<br />

might have had a significant role in determining the slope<br />

instability conditions. This phenomenon was also caused by rapid<br />

increase of the minimum temperature (from -3.2 °C on December<br />

20 to +11.9 °C on December 23 recorded at the thermometric<br />

station of Seravezza, Versilia) and by subsequent heavy rainfall<br />

(Fig. 2).<br />

Fig. 2 - Comparison between daily rainfall and temperature respectively<br />

recorded at Cardoso raingauge (Versilia) and at the thermometric station of<br />

Seravezza (Versilia) (data by Tuscany Region Hydrologic Service).<br />

The most damaging rainfall event occurred during the night<br />

between the 24 and 25 December. From 9 p.m. on 23 to 11 a.m.<br />

on 25 uninterrupted rainfalls were recorded. In particular, the<br />

precipitation reached the maximum intensity from 12 p.m. on 24<br />

to 3 a.m. on December 25, recording 263.8 mm and 164.6 mm at<br />

the Campagrina and Fabbriche di Vallico stations, respectively. A<br />

similar event occurred in the Pistoia Apennine where, from 12<br />

p.m. on December 24 to 4 a.m. on 25, 169.2 mm were recorded at<br />

the Pracchia raingauge.<br />

The December 2009 events caused over 600 landslides in the<br />

North-Western Tuscany. These landslides were mostly classified<br />

as rapid shallow movements (complex, translational debris slideflow),<br />

also known as soil slip-debris flows (Fig. 4). Such<br />

landslides are typical of particularly intense rainfall in this area<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

(D’AMATO AVANZI et alii, 2002, 2004). However, in some cases<br />

different types of movements also occurred (rock and debris<br />

translational slides and rotational-translational slides; Fig. 5)<br />

A lot of landslides were of first generation, and mainly<br />

involved the debris-colluvial covers of the slopes (few decimetres<br />

to some meters thick). In rare cases, the landslides involved the<br />

most deformed and fractured portion of the bedrock. In general,<br />

the landslides bedrock is mainly constituted by sandstone<br />

(Macigno Fm.), metamorphic sandstone and siltstone<br />

(Pseudomacigno Fm.) and by phyllite and schist (Apuan<br />

Metamorphic Complex).<br />

Fig. 3 - Hourly rainfall recorded from December 22 to 25 at the Pracchia<br />

raingauge (data by Tuscany Region Hydrologic Service).<br />

Fig. 4 - Soil slip-debris flow triggered on the eluvio-colluvial slope cover in<br />

the Serchio Valley near the Castelnuovo Garfagnana village (LU).<br />

584<br />

In conclusion, the December 2009 landslides were determined<br />

by multiple and concomitant triggering factors. The rapid snow<br />

melting might have played an important role (at present not<br />

quantified) in determining instability conditions and collapses of<br />

the slopes, where the rainfalls were more intense. In addition,<br />

several landslides, still triggered by the extreme events, involved<br />

the road network, whose surface water drainage system is often<br />

obsolete, inadequate or absent.<br />

Fig. 5 - Rotational-translational slide involving fractured rock and debris in<br />

the Reno Valley near Pracchia village (Pistoia Apennine).<br />



- I movimenti franosi del novembre 2000 nella provincia di<br />

Lucca: osservazioni preliminari. Atti del Convegno “<strong>Il</strong><br />

dissesto idrogeologico: inventario e prospettive”, Accademia<br />

Nazionale <strong>dei</strong> Lincei, 181, 365-377.<br />


- The influence of the geological and geomorphological<br />

settings on the shallow landslides. A typical example in a<br />

temperate climate environment: the June 19 th , 1996<br />

catastrophe in the north-western Tuscany (Italy). Eng. Geol.,<br />

73 (3-4), 215-228.<br />

NARDI R. (2010) - Le rotture arginali del fiume Serchio durante<br />

la piena del 25 dicembre 2009. Geoitalia, 30, 34-37.

Slope stability analysis of the S. Maria in Castello sanctuary's rock<br />

(Vecchiano, Tuscany, Italy): geomechanical characterization and<br />

distinct elements numerical modeling<br />


Key words: Instability, numerical modeling, quarry, Vecchiano.<br />

Vecchiano is located in the northern part of the Pisa plain, just<br />

at the foot of D'Oltre Serchio mounts.<br />

During the 20 th century the landscape surrounding this village<br />

Fig. 1 – Numerical model of a quarry wall's portion. The arrows indicates<br />

the vector's versus, direction and intensity of the single blocks.<br />

has been deeply modified by intense extractive activities.<br />

Large and vertical quarry walls, affected by serious instability<br />

problems, are the most visible legacy of those activities<br />

(TONGIORGI et alii., 1982).<br />

The investigations of this graduation thesis concern a quarry<br />

that is located below the S. Maria in Castello sanctuary, adjacent<br />

to the northern boundary of Vecchiano.<br />

This quarry represents a menace for ecology and people,<br />

because of the degraded conditions of the floor, and the serious<br />

instability problems of the walls (MAZZANTI, 1988).<br />

This site is a prior case to include in PAERP project<br />

(Provincial Plane of Extraction Activities) of the Provincia di<br />

Pisa.<br />

Geo-engineering techniques permitted to advance new<br />

hypothesis about the revaluation of the quarry.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Pisa,<br />

585<br />

Measures of recovery and instability reduction are proposed<br />

to increase the safety of the area.<br />

Several different steps leaded to summarize the geologic<br />

previous knowledge of the area and to examine in deep structural<br />

and geomechanical aspects of the rock mass (D'Amato & Nardi,<br />

1993).<br />

The study started with the collection of preliminary<br />

information concerning historical, geologic-structural and<br />

geomorphological information of the area.<br />

Subsequent in situ activities included survey on a detailed<br />

scale, collection of photos and rock samples, geometric<br />

measurements and Schmidt hammer tests.<br />

Different laboratory activities, such as uniaxial compression<br />

tests (Point load test) and geomechanical classifications of the<br />

rock mass, permitted to obtain cohesion and friction angle values.<br />

All collected data have been used with GIS (Geographic<br />

Information System) and numerical analysis software (UDEC<br />

4.0).<br />

The geological model created with these software include<br />

quarry face instabilities and slope stability analysis, taking into<br />

account slipping and overturning movements.<br />


D’AMATO AVANZI G. & NARDI I. (1993) – Indizi di neotettonica<br />

nei monti d’Oltre Serchio: faglie distensive recenti al bordo<br />

<strong>della</strong> pianura pisana e depositi ciottolosi a quota 170 metri.<br />

Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 112, 601-614.<br />

MAZZANTI R. (1988) - Geomorfologia del comune di Vecchiano.<br />

In: "<strong>Il</strong> fiume, la campagna, il mare. Reperti, documenti,<br />

immagini per la storia di Vecchiano". Comune di Vecchiano.<br />

Bandecchi & Vivaldi, Pontedera (PI), 23-46.<br />

TONGIORGI M., ALBANI R. & GUELFI F. (1982) - Studio geologico<br />

sulle cave <strong>dei</strong> Monti Pisani. Associazione intercomunale<br />

"Area Pisana" n°12. Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra,<br />

Università di Pisa.<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

The use of flash flood events in fluviokarst canyons to evidence<br />

loosing reaches through hydrological modeling and empirical peak<br />

flow estimation<br />

Key words: Central East Sardinia, flash floods, loosing reaches,<br />

modelling, peak flow estimation.<br />


Flash flood events in fluviokarstic catchments are difficult to<br />

model because of their hydrological complexity. This type of<br />

modelling is even more challenging for ungauged rivers (DE<br />

WAELE, 2008; NORBIATO et alii, 2009). Moreover, in carbonate<br />

areas, part of the precipitation and resulting superficial flow is<br />

rapidly transferred underground, and quantifying this karst<br />

aquifer recharge from stream losses is an extremely difficult task<br />

(CARTER &DRISCOLL, 2006). Also some karst systems not only<br />

withdraw water from the surface flow but can in later stages of a<br />

flood return part of the water to the surface streams (BAILLY-<br />

COMTE et alii, 2009). This can make peak discharge estimates in<br />

karst areas even more complicated.<br />

This research has analysed a few exceptional meteorological<br />

events that occurred in central-east Sardinia since December<br />

2004 and triggered flash floods in the main rivers and especially<br />

in some karst canyons. One of the aims of this study was to<br />

compare the modelled peak flow results with the empirical ones<br />

in order to localise sinking (or rising) stream reaches and to<br />

estimate the amount of water loss (or gain) along the karstic<br />

stream channel. The obtained results can then be compared with<br />

the speleological knowledge.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Italian Institute of Speleology, Department of Earth Science, University<br />

of Bologna,<br />

(**) Department of Earth Science, University of Bologna,<br /><br />

(º) Water Resources and Environmental Geology Research Group,<br />

University of Almeria,<br />

(°°) Sardinian Environmental Protection Agency, Sassari<br />

(§) Gruppo Archeo Speleo Ambientale Urzulei, Associazione Speleologica<br />

Progetto Supramonte<br />



586<br />

The research has been carried out in two canyons, Codula<br />

<strong>Il</strong>une and Riu Flumineddu (DE WAELE et alii, 2010), where<br />

underground karst is rather well known, and in another river,<br />

Codula di Sisine, where speleological knowledge is rather scarce.<br />


Many authors have tried to develop methods to estimate peak<br />

discharges of rivers without relying on accurate rainfall<br />

observational data (COSTA, 1987; JOHNSON & WARBURTON,<br />

2002). These methods include combinations of geomorphological<br />

field reconnaissance (e.g., high water marks) and<br />

sedimentological data (e.g., cobble size).<br />

Field measurements have been carried out at 8, 13 and 23<br />

river transects carefully chosen respectively along Codula <strong>Il</strong>une,<br />

Riu Flumineddu and Codula di Sisine valleys. The major flash<br />

floods for the first two have occurred in December 2004, while<br />

Codula di Sisine experienced its most severe flood in November<br />

2009. Measurements include flood water slope (S), high water<br />

marks, wetted perimeter (P), cross-sectional area (A), and mean<br />

diameter of the largest by the flood transported boulders (di).<br />

Peak discharge can be obtained using the Manning equation:<br />

v = 1/n S 1/2 (A/P) 2/3<br />

where n is the roughness coefficient calculated using the<br />

following equation (JARRETT, 1984):<br />

n = 0.32 S 0.38 ·R -0.16<br />

The minimum velocity of flood water can also be estimated<br />

using the following equation (COSTA, 1983):<br />

v = 0.18 di 0.487<br />

The peak flow Q can easily be obtained using the continuity<br />

equation:<br />

Q = v A<br />

The results obtained with these empirical methods can then be<br />

compared with those obtained by a distributed hydrological<br />

model (TOPKAPI) (CIARAPICA &TODINI, 2002) based on the<br />

available rainfall data and physical characteristics of the drainage

asin. The TOPKAPI model proposed is structured around three<br />

basic modules that represent, in turn, the soil water component,<br />

the surface water component, and the channel water component<br />

(drainage network component). The parameter values of the<br />

model are shown to be scale independent and are obtainable from<br />

digital elevation maps, soil maps, and vegetation or land use<br />

maps in terms of slopes, soil permeability, topology, and surface<br />

roughness. In this model an 80% loss due to diffuse rainfall<br />

infiltration into the carbonate outcrops has been considered, in<br />

order to obtain similar peak flows between the empirical methods<br />

and the model before the rivers enter the carbonate areas. Since<br />

the hydrological model does not take into account the river losses<br />

(through sinks), the difference between modelled peak flows and<br />

those obtained by the empirical methods are considered to be<br />

representative of river loss estimates.<br />


Measurements and results are reported in Table 1.<br />

Table 1 – Measurements<br />

River Nº<br />

transects<br />

Surveyed<br />

River length<br />

(km)<br />

Max<br />

peak<br />

flow<br />

(m 3 /s)<br />

Total<br />

loss<br />

(m 3 /s)<br />

Flumineddu 13 12 2500 200<br />

<strong>Il</strong>une 8 5.5 1700 900<br />

Sisine 23 7.5 1100 500<br />

In the two rivers where speleological knowledge is in a rather<br />

advanced stage, river losses correspond to places where<br />

important sinkholes and subterranean rivers are known. In<br />

Flumineddu an estimate of water flow in the caves during the<br />

flood, based on the dimensions of the cave passages and the<br />

height reached by the flood waters, corresponds rather well with<br />

the estimated water losses.<br />

Also in Codula <strong>Il</strong>une most of the water disappears close to the<br />

contact between dolostones and granites, where the underground<br />

river that flows in the biggest known cave system of Sardinia<br />

reaches peak flows four times bigger than in the Flumineddu<br />

caves. Cave passages in this karst system, in fact, are four times<br />

the size of those explored in the Flumineddu canyon.<br />

In Sisine no major river sinks are known, probably covered by<br />

alluvium, although some large cave systems that discharge fresh<br />

water into the sea are present along the coast. The loosing river<br />

reaches seem to be concentrated in the probable feeding areas of<br />

these submarine springs.<br />


This research has shown the possibility of recognising sinking<br />

stream sections in fluviokarstic canyons confronting peak flow<br />

587<br />

estimates from a hydrological model (that does not take into<br />

account sinks along the river beds) and empirical methods (that<br />

allow to estimate real peak flow along carefully chosen river<br />

transects). This experimental method has allowed to recognise<br />

known sinking stream sections in two areas where speleological<br />

knowledge has confirmed underground water flow, and has put in<br />

evidence loosing stream sections in a canyon (Sisine) where<br />

underground flow has not yet been discovered. This opens new<br />

perspectives in the identification of most probable areas where<br />

underground flow appears to be concentrated, thus probably<br />

hosting important and still unexplored cave systems.<br />


BAILLY-COMTE V., JOURDE H. & PISTRE S. (2009) -<br />

Conceptualization and classification of groundwatersurface<br />

water hydrodynamic interactions in karst<br />

watersheds: case of the karst watershed of the Coulazou<br />

River (Southern France). J. Hydrol., 376, 456-462.<br />

CARTER J.M. & DRISCOLL D.G. (2006) - Estimating recharge<br />

using relations between precipitation and yield in a<br />

mountainous area with large variability in precipitation.<br />

J. Hydrol., 316, 71-83.<br />

CIARAPICA L. & TODINI E. (2002) - TOPKAPI: a model for<br />

the representation of the rainfall-runoff process at<br />

different scales. Hydrol. Proc., 16, 207-229.<br />

COSTA J.E. (1983) - Paleohydraulic reconstruction of flashflood<br />

peaks from boulder deposits in the Colorado Front<br />

Range. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 94, 986-1004.<br />

COSTA J.E. (1987) - Hydraulics and basin morphometry of<br />

the largest flash floods in the coterminous United States.<br />

J. Hydrol., 93, 313-338.<br />

DE WAELE J. (2008) - Interaction between a dam site and<br />

karst springs: the case of Supramonte (central-east<br />

Sardinia, Italy). Eng. Geol., 99, 128-137.<br />


COSSU A. (2010) - Flash flood hydrology in karstic<br />

terrain: Flumineddu canyon, central-east Sardinia.<br />

Geomorphology, 120, 162-173.<br />

JARRETT R.D. (1984) - Hydraulics of high-gradient streams.<br />

J. of Hydraul. Eng., 110, 1519-1539.<br />

JOHNSON R.M. & WARBURTON J. (2002) - Flooding and<br />

geomorphic impacts in a mountain torrent: Raise Beck,<br />

Central Lake District, England. Earth Surf. Proc.<br />

Landforms, 27, 945-969.<br />

NORBIATO D., BORGAM. & DINALE R. (2009) - Flash flood<br />

warning in ungauged basins by use of the flash flood<br />

guidance and model-based runoff thresholds. Meteorol.<br />

Applic., 16, 65-75.<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

The event of November 10, 2009 at Casamicciola on the island of<br />

Ischia. A report on the interaction between flooding and landslides<br />


Key words: Flooding, flow-type landslides, Southern Italy.<br />

The island of Ischia is particularly susceptible to landslides<br />

and flooding because of its geological-structural and geomorphological<br />

settings. The urbanisation over recent decades<br />

coupled with the development of tourism on the island, has<br />

increased the risk factors. In particular, the susceptibility of the<br />

area is mainly associated with rock fall, flow-like landslides and<br />

rapid flooding of sediment of varying degrees of concentration.<br />

In the last century the island has been repeatedly affected by<br />

natural disasters, including the one in October 1910 which<br />

interested the northern slope of Mount Epomeo, where hyperconcentrated<br />

flows invaded the town of Casamicciola sowing<br />

death and destruction. In the same area a strong alluvial event<br />

occurred in November 10, 2009.<br />

After the event, a detailed geo-morphological survey was<br />

conducted (scale 1:2000) in order to better understand the<br />

interaction between the flood event and the gravitational<br />

phenomena. The study was conducted on the two catchment areas<br />

(Ervaniello and Sinigallia) that have the closing section near the<br />

Casamicciola town (Piazza Bagni).<br />

Therefore all landslides present on the slopes of valleys were<br />

mapped and an estimate of the volume of material involved<br />

during detachment and sliding was calculated. At the same time,<br />

all areas of accumulation were also mapped differentiating, where<br />

possible, landslide bodies from flood deposits. In the foothills<br />

area, near the town and towards the sea, the pathways of the flows<br />

were reconstructed in some detail from the observation of<br />

hydraulic rods, the movement of sediment and related topics with<br />

the help of many videos recorded shortly after the start of the<br />

event and during the same.<br />

Pluviometric data were also analysed and, in particular, the<br />

hourly rainfall rate has been linked with the flow stream. This<br />

allowed an estimate with a good degree of accuracy of the run-off<br />

times from the watersheds.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Geologist,<br />

(**) Phd, University of Naples Federico II,<br />

(°) Geologist,<br />

(°°) Department of Hydraulic, Geotechnical and Environmental<br />

Engineering, Applied Geology Division, University of Naples Federico II,<br /><br />

588<br />

The data collated resulted in a dynamic reconstruction of the<br />

flood event which struck the town of Casamicciola. It was a<br />

complex phenomenon which is caused by a landslide<br />

characterised by a source area localised in the mountain areas<br />

prone to flood flows. Growing urbanisation and the development<br />

of geo-morphological conditions of the basins have been<br />

contributing factors. An understanding of the trigger factors and<br />

further development of these phenomena in specific contexts such<br />

as those on Ischia are crucial for a more correct analysis of the<br />

susceptibility and mitigation of risk.

The multi-disciplinary approach to studying the evolution of<br />

landslides: the example of Pescacci flow in the Miocene-Pliocene<br />

Marchean pre-apennine (central Italy)<br />

Key words: Landslides, Marche region, Miocene-Pliocene<br />

deposits, multidisciplinary approach.<br />

In this work we presented the geomorphological analysis in a<br />

area affected by a recent landslides characterized by a presence of<br />

Pliocene marine deposits in the Marchean preapennine (Pescacci<br />

locality in the Serra San Quirico territory).<br />

More emphasis is attributed at the historical study because the<br />

landslide, in the time, determined a progressive alteration both<br />

slope profile and superficial hydrological conditions, with<br />

creations of different edges scarp, steps, trenches, water<br />

emergencies, etc. and other particularities as increasing of the<br />

floristic and vegetation variety (Fig.1).<br />

Fig. 1 – Pescacci locality in the Serra San Quirico territory<br />

The evolution of this landslides is characterized by different<br />

velocity in the time; in particular is possible to define a<br />

movement with step alternating with different phases<br />

characterized by quiescence. Recent reactivation produce<br />

different phenomena: in upper part of area is possible to<br />

recognize more slides of different block that affected the body of<br />

ancient landslide; in the lower part the materials regarding the<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Scuola di Scienze Ambientali, Università di Camerino,<br /><br />

(**) Geologo, libero professionista, Cerreto d’Esi (AN)<br />

(°) Università Politecnica delle Marche, Università di Ancona<br />


589<br />

body of ancient landslides is affected by a new flow.<br />

The first maps and documents of this landslide date the<br />

creation of this movement by a slope process that involve the<br />

terrain during the first phase of XIX Century; previously, other<br />

maps, dated around the XVIII Century, show the presence of a<br />

small lake at the end of body of landslide named Fusiano lake<br />

(Fig.2). Actually this lake is missing.<br />

Fig. 2 – Ancient map of Rocca Contrada, in which the Fusiano Lake is<br />

indicated (circle).<br />

The different approach (geological, geomorphological,<br />

historic, floristic-vegetation and the analysis with comparison of<br />

different aerophotographs) testified the diachronic evolution of<br />

this movement, with particular regards of the ratio of escarpment<br />

retreat, and the interference with the fluvial dynamic and other<br />

fluvial modification (in particular with the genesis of small lake,<br />

the modification of fluvial profile of stream, and other different<br />

fluvial irregularities).<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

Assessing landslide hazard: the slope instability hazard map of the<br />

Castelnuovo di Garfagnana territory (Tuscany, Italy)<br />

Key words: Landslide hazard, map, slope instability.<br />

This paper is concerned with an experimental study aimed at<br />

evaluating the landslide susceptibility using a multidisciplinary<br />

approach. It is included in a wider research project, promoted by<br />

the Tuscany Region Administration and APAT-Italian Geological<br />

Survey. This project is aimed at defining the landslide hazard in<br />

the area of the Sheet 250 «Castelnuovo di Garfagnana» (1:50,000<br />

scale) of the new Geological Map of Italy (Fig. 1) (see the ISPRA<br />

- Italian Geological Survey web site for detail).<br />

The peculiar geological and geomorphological settings of the<br />

study area, the severe climatic conditions favour hydro-geological<br />

instability. This area, due to its geographical position and<br />

conformation, is one of the rainiest in Italy: the annual average<br />

rainfall is a typical value in the internal Apennines zones (about<br />

1500-2000 mm). Geological and geo-engineering characteristics<br />

of rocks and soils cause widespread landslide-prone areas, lifethreatening<br />

and exposing to severe danger of towns, resorts,<br />

factories and roads.<br />

The landslide susceptibility evaluation adopted in this study is<br />

referred to spatially defined landslide susceptibility areas, and no<br />

estimate is given as regards the time of occurrence. Moreover, the<br />

methodology applied in ranking slope instability concerned the<br />

most representative landslide types that are slides and complex<br />

slide-flow movements.<br />

Conditional analysis was the first step of the methodology,<br />

applied for evaluating the terrain zonation into different landslide<br />

susceptibility categories. This is a conceptually easy statistical<br />

method aimed at the qualitative evaluation of the importance of<br />

the instability factors. In the second step advanced statistical<br />

method (Logistic Regression) was applied in order to<br />

quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of the predisposing<br />

factors and to provide the susceptibility ranking of the mapping<br />

units.<br />

The multidisciplinary approach provides geological,<br />

_________________________<br />




(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Pisa,<br />

590<br />

geomorphological and geo-engineering characterization, together<br />

with GIS-supported spatial analysis and statistical data analysis<br />

The results showed a quantitative response, more reliable about<br />

the effectiveness of each instability factors, with the possibility of<br />

verifying their statistical significance.<br />

The final product (Fig. 2) consists of a landslide susceptibility<br />

map at 1:50,000 scale, put in a frame with some small scale maps<br />

showing the areal distribution of the most significant factors, and<br />

the related illustrative notes.<br />

Fig. 1 - Location of the study area.

Fig. 2 - Overall view of the slope instability hazard map of the Castelnuovo di Garfagnana territory.<br />

591<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

Historical data and flood/landslide hazard: main results in the<br />

Versilia River basin (Tuscany, Italy)<br />

Key words: Flood, hazard, historical data, Italy, landslide,<br />

Versilia.<br />


The Versilia, in north-western Tuscany, is one of the most<br />

known tourist regions in Italy, situated between the Ligurian Sea<br />

to the West and the Apuan Alps to the East. The last are a<br />

mountain chain which reaches almost 2,000 m in elevation and is<br />

located a few kilometres from the coastline. This particular<br />

geographic position favours in Versilia frequent and intense<br />

rainfalls, which sometimes cause severe damage and destruction.<br />

The Versilia River basin drains the southern portion of the Apuan<br />

Alps (Fig. 1).<br />

The importance of the historical research in the flood and<br />

Fig. 1 - Location map of the Versilia River basin.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa,<br />,<br />


592<br />

landslide hazard determination is recognized by several authors<br />

(e.g. GUZZETTI et alii, 1994; GUZZETTI, 2000; AMANTI et alii,<br />

2001; GLADE, 2001; CARRARA et alii, 2003).<br />

In this short paper, the most significant results of a historical<br />

archive investigation on floods and landslides in the Versilia<br />

River basin are synthesized. The main purpose is to contribute to<br />

the assessment of the hydrogeological hazard in the Apuan-<br />

Versilian area as well as to collect useful data to realize a<br />

catalogue of disastrous events.<br />

The research allowed collecting much information about<br />

landslides (in particular shallow landslides, typical phenomena<br />

triggered by heavy rainstorms in this area) and floods, sometimes<br />

consisting in a mere description of the damage, in particular for<br />

the most remote events. Recently, the availability of objective<br />

data (rain amount, hydrometric level of rivers and torrents, etc.)<br />

allowed quantifying the event intensity by mean of physical<br />

parameters.<br />


The results confirmed hazard and vulnerability of the studied<br />

territory, which was emphasized by the tragic June 19, 1996<br />

hydrogeological catastrophe (14 deaths and about 500 millions of<br />

Euro, D’AMATO AVANZI et alii, 2004). Recently, significant<br />

damaging events occurred also in December 2009. Other high<br />

severity events were identified in 1636, 1774, 1846, 1885 and<br />

1902, together with a lot of less intense events, causing however<br />

sensible geomorphologic effects and damage.<br />

Altogether from 1328 to 2009, 186 sensible events were<br />

found (the average frequency resulted of 1 sensible event every<br />

3.7 years).<br />

The spatial and temporal distribution of the meteorological<br />

events showed a tendency to recur in the same areas and a<br />

pronounced rise in frequency during the last centuries. This likely<br />

depends on many concurring factors, among which there are:<br />

increased number and reliability of the information sources;<br />

increased attention to the damaging phenomena; spreading of the<br />

elements at risk in hazardous areas; possible climate changes.<br />

Referring to the study area, the historical research allowed<br />

individuating the most hazardous period of the year, in which the<br />

flood/landslide event probability raises: the three-month period<br />

between September and November appears to be particularly at<br />

risk (Fig. 2).

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

% 30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

Dec, Jan,<br />

Feb<br />

Mar, Apr,<br />

May<br />

Jun, Jul,<br />

Aug<br />

Sep, Oct,<br />

Nov<br />

Fig. 2 - Distribution of the flood/landslide event occurred in the Versilia<br />

River basin related to the four seasons of the year. The autumnal season<br />

is the most hazardous one.<br />

Furthermore, the collected data allowed obtaining a<br />

preliminary, but significant classification of the identified events.<br />

The classification was based on the event severity, deduced or<br />

estimated by the collected information on intensity and damage,<br />

partially following the suggestions of the French DRM -<br />

DÉLÉGATION AUX RISQUES MAJEURS (1990). Four intensity<br />

classes were individuated, in which the E4 class is comparable<br />

with the 1996 event, which can be regarded as a reference event:<br />

E1: low intensity<br />

E2: medium intensity<br />

E3: high intensity<br />

E4: very high intensity<br />

The results (Fig. 3) showed that an event characterized by<br />

intensity comparable with that of the June 19, 1996 event could<br />

have a recurrence time of about 100 years. In Fig. 4 is<br />

represented an image showing damage produced by a disastrous<br />

event, probably comparable with the 1996 one. On the contrary,<br />

other hydrologic/pluviometric studies estimated the recurrence<br />

time of such an event at a few hundreds of years. We can infer<br />

that in the approach in evaluating the hazard of a territory the<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

Class of Intensity<br />

no. events<br />

E1 E2 E3 E4<br />

Fig. 3 - No. of events in the four classes of intensity individuated: E1:<br />

low intensity; E2: medium intensity; E3: high intensity; E4: very high<br />

intensity.<br />

%<br />

593<br />

B<br />

Fig. 4 - Damages caused by the catastrophic event occurred on<br />

September 25-26, 1885 (L’ILLUSTRAZIONE ITALIANA, 1885).<br />

historical approach provides useful and effective data.<br />


AMANTI M., BERTOLINI G. & RAMASCO M. (2001) - The Italian<br />

landslides inventory-IFFI Project. In Jorge E. et alii (eds)<br />

Proc. III Panamerican Symposium on Landslides, Cartagena,<br />

Colombia, 29 July-3 August 2001, Societad Colombiana de<br />

Geotecnica, Bogotà, 2, 841-846.<br />

CARRARA A., CROSTA G. & FRATTINI P. (2003) -<br />

Geomorphological and historical data in assessing landslide<br />

hazard. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 28, 1125-1142.<br />


- The influence of the geological and geomorphological<br />

settings on the shallow landslides. A typical example in a<br />

temperate climate environment: the June 19 th , 1996<br />

catastrophe in the north-western Tuscany (Italy). Eng. Geol.,<br />

73 (3-4), 215-228.<br />

DRM - DELEGATION AUX RISQUES MAJEURS (1990) - Les ptudes<br />

SUpliminaires j la cartographie Upglementaire des risques<br />

naturales majeurs. La Documentation Francaise, 143.<br />

GLADE T. (2001) - Landslide hazard assessment and historical<br />

landslide data - an inseparable couple? In: “The use of<br />

historical data in natural hazard assessments”, Glade T.,<br />

Albini P., Francés F. (eds). Kluwer: Dordrecht.<br />

GUZZETTI F. (2000) - Landslide fatalities and the evaluation of<br />

landslide risk in Italy. Eng. Geol., 58, 89-107.<br />


project: a bibliographical and archive inventory of landslides<br />

and floods in Italy. Environ. Manag., 18, 623-633.<br />

L’ILLUSTRAZIONE ITALIANA, Anno XII, n. 46, 15 novembre 1885.<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

Critical rainfall thresholds for triggering rapid shallow landslides in<br />

the Eastern Ligurian Riviera (Italy)<br />

Key words: Critical rainfall threshold, Eastern Ligurian Riviera,<br />

Italy, landslide hazard, shallow landlslide.<br />


The Eastern Ligurian Riviera (Fig. 1) represents an area<br />

characterized by high environmental value, mainly attributable to<br />

its geographical position, morphological conformation and<br />

climate. Such area, which includes the famous Cinque Terre, is in<br />

Fig. 1 – Location map of Eastern Ligurian Riviera and Cinque Terre.<br />

fact characterized by hills and mountains that overlooks the<br />

Ligurian Sea, reaching altitudes of about 700-800 m a.s.l. These<br />

features originate a very particular landscape, with ancient<br />

terracing destined to agricultural activity (the vineyard of Cinque<br />

Terre are particularly vintage and renowned worldwide),<br />

disposed on steep slopes, almost vertically on the sea,<br />

occasionally interrupted by some little inlets. These geographical<br />

features significantly influence the local micro-climate,<br />

characterized by relatively abundant annual rainfall amount,<br />

where sometimes heavy rainstorms occur.<br />

In several cases, such pluviometric events triggered many<br />

shallow landslides (Fig. 2), causing damage and troubles to the<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa,<br />,<br />

594<br />

local population (for example, during the September 10, 1981<br />

downpour hundreds of shallow landslides triggered in the<br />

Levanto area, in the western portion of the study zone).<br />

Therefore, the individuation of critical rainfall threshold for<br />

triggering landslides assumes a strategic value in order to<br />

predispose efficient alert systems and to manage risk situations,<br />

especially in regions with strong tourist attitude and problems<br />

with the road network.<br />

Aimed at providing a contribution to the landslide hazard<br />

evaluation of the study area, a detailed analysis of the main<br />

pluviometric events from 1967 to 2006 was carried out, then<br />

comparing their characteristics (in terms of rainfall amount,<br />

intensity, duration) with landslides occurrence, obtained by<br />

historical news, technical reports, publications, etc. The main<br />

rainstorms that caused damage and landslides occurred in 1968,<br />

1970, 1977, 1981, 1984, 1992, 1996, 1998 and 2000.<br />

Fig. 2 – A shallow landslide in the Cinque Terre area (courtesy EptaConsult,<br />

La Spezia).<br />


The pluviometric data were obtained by three raingauges in<br />

the area (Levanto, Vernazza, Portovenere, see Fig. 1). In order to<br />

obtain the critical rainfall thresholds curve, the methodology<br />

firstly proposed by CAINE (1980) (also applied by GOVI &

I (mm/h)<br />

100<br />

10<br />

lower instability<br />

field<br />

Duration/Intensity<br />

intermediate instability<br />

field<br />

SORZANA, 1980, JIBSON, 1989, GIANNECCHINI, 2006, etc.) was<br />

used in this research. As regards the Levanto raingauge, the<br />

research identified 290 significant rainfall events; on the basis of<br />

the extent of effects caused, such events were subdivided into<br />

four groups (Fig. 3): 1) events that induced many shallow<br />

landslides and floods; 2) events that induced several shallow<br />

landslides and floods; 3) events that locally induced some<br />

shallow landslides and small floods; 4) no information about the<br />

effects induced. These data allow us to individuate on the graph<br />

three critical rainfall threshold curves which separate four<br />

different stability fields with good approximation: stability, lower<br />

instability, intermediate instability and upper stability.<br />

Similar results were found also for Portovenere and Vernazza<br />

stations.<br />

Interesting results were also obtained by means of the<br />

normalization of the pluviometric data using the mean annual<br />

precipitation, while relations with the antecedent rainfall are at<br />

present in progress, in order to comprehend indirectly the role of<br />

the soil moisture in the landslding triggering mechanism.<br />

Despite the limits that an empirical approach (black box<br />

model) includes, it is often the only one able to obtain useful<br />

results on a wide area, in absence of the several information (e.g.<br />

geotechnical, hydrogeological, hydrologic) that a deterministic<br />

approach needs.<br />

stability field<br />

595<br />


I = 131,65D -0,9417<br />

I = 43,279 D -0,7254<br />

I = 18,998D -0,672<br />

1<br />

no landslides<br />

few landslides<br />

several landslides<br />

many landslides<br />

0,1<br />

0,1 1 10 100<br />

D (h)<br />

upper instability<br />

field<br />

Fig. 3 – Duration/Intensity relationship for 290 pluviometric events recorded at Levanto raingauge and compared with landslide occurrence. A lower threshold<br />

curve (blue), an intermediate curve (green) and an upper one (red) are recognizable and separate four fields with different stability degree, decreasing from<br />

bottom to top.<br />

CAINE N. (1980) - The rainfall intensity-duration control of<br />

shallow landslides and debris flows. Geografiska Annaler,<br />

62A, 23-27.<br />

GIANNECCHINI R. (2006) - Relationship between rainfall and<br />

shallow landslides in the southern Apuan Alps (Italy). Nat.<br />

Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 6, 357-364.<br />

GOVI M., SORZANA P.F. (1980) - Landslide susceptibility as<br />

function of critical rainfall amount in Piedmont basin (North-<br />

Western Italy). Stud. Geomorphol. Carpatho-Balcanica,<br />

Krakow, 14, 43-60.<br />

JIBSON R.W. (1989) - Debris flows in Southern Puerto Rico.<br />

Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 236, 29-55.<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

Sinkhole hazard in urban areas. A case study from Naples (Italy)<br />

Key words: Anthropogenic sink, cavity, Naples, sinkhole.<br />


Activities aimed to integrate the national database of<br />

sinkholes, available online, have been carried out from<br />

Geological Survey of Italy (ISPRA).<br />

Particularly, new data related to anthropogenic sinkholes<br />

interesting urban areas have been considered.<br />

As it is well-known, anthropogenic sinkholes assume a<br />

particular rule, cause their genetic and evolutive differences and<br />

peculiarities. In addition, the cultural and settlement context<br />

interested by sinkholes is frequently reason of high economic or<br />

human loss.<br />

Contemporaneously, besides acquiring new data and<br />

enriching the database, case-history studies, as Neapolitan urban<br />

area, have been carried out.<br />


Naples city’s territory is one of the urbanized areas mostly<br />

interested by anthropogenic sinkholes in the world (Fig. 1).<br />

The reasons are the geological and structural settings, but also<br />

the peculiarities of its historical-urbanistic development.<br />

Notwithstanding, specific studies related to sinking<br />

phenomena in Neapolitan area do not exist in literature.<br />

Certainly, it is necessary to highlight the importance of some<br />

works, as CATENACCI (1992) or the Proceedings of Naples<br />

underground study Committee (AA.VV., 1967). However, the<br />

only one anthropogenic sinkhole’s census today existing has been<br />

realized from Italian Civil Protection Department, and it is related<br />

to a forty years period, from the ending of ‘60s at the beginning<br />

of 2000. In this period about 140 sinkholes in Naples (CORAZZA,<br />

2004) were censed. Another census has been carried out from<br />

C.U.G.Ri. (2000); but all these works are quite incomplete, and<br />

lacking in informations concerning collapses reported by<br />

historical news, from the beginnings of XX century at least.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) ISPRA – Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale –<br />

Servizio Geologico d’Italia;,<br /><br />


596<br />


The whole of sinkholes, damages to building and historicalartistic<br />

patrimony and loss of human lives attributes to Neapolitan<br />

urban area the maximum risk level. It is enough to say, for<br />

example, that the collapses which happened on 23 rd September<br />

2009, interested the S. Carlo alle Mortelle church, which<br />

accommodates seventeenth century’s paintings, and provoked<br />

the evacuation of more than forty families.<br />

About the causes of collapses, their triggering is due to<br />

primer-factors constituted by heavy precipitations and new or<br />

thoughtless anthropic works.<br />

But, above all, some factors act a proneness rule: they<br />

include anthropogenic and natural factors.<br />

Among anthropogenic factors, the main rule is carried out by<br />

a widespread artificial cavities net and by a very old and<br />

inadequate sewer system. Geotechnical terrains properties and<br />

historical territory’s transformations are the principal natural<br />

proneness factors.<br />

The excavation of artificial cavities in Naples dates back to<br />

remote ages. The oldest ones include some graves dating to<br />

Enaeolithic period, excavated in the tuff bedrock.<br />

Underground cavities dating to Hellenistic period are more<br />

numerous; they were used only for funeral hypogeum.<br />

Fig. 1 – Naples: view of sinking produced by the cavity’s roof collapse.

During Roman age, to these use-destinations of cavities, the<br />

harvest and adduction of water by means the excavation of<br />

cisterns or aqueducts (e.g. the acquedotto Claudio) and the<br />

connections by means of artificial galleries (e.g. the cripta<br />

neapolitana) came on top.<br />

The XV century marked the beginning of a period of intense<br />

urban development which caused a dizzy demand for building<br />

materials, and a consequent opening of underground caves, which<br />

persisted during the following centuries.<br />

In the last fifty years, some cavities were used as antiaircraft<br />

shelter and, subsequently, were turned into dumps.<br />

It’s not rare to observe the sequence of different usedestinations<br />

in the same cavity: at the beginning turned into<br />

funeral hypogeum, subsequently transformed in a quarry, and,<br />

finally, in a dump.<br />

About the system of sewer, the rapid urbanization increase<br />

and the effects of a devastating cholera epidemic in 1884<br />

resulted in adopting a free surface system of sewer, at the ending<br />

of nineteenth century.<br />

This typology of sewer was not suitable for the rapid<br />

urbanistic increase, and consequent conditions of pressurized<br />

flow happened very frequently, giving underground erosion and<br />

caves formation.<br />

Finally, it’s important to quote the rule carried out from low<br />

erosion strength of pozzolanic terrains and alluvial deposits<br />

deposed by streams flowing around the old city, and the presence<br />

of terrains susceptible to liquefaction in the eastern urban sector.<br />


First of all, the work in progress has been finalized to an<br />

update of the knowledge of sinking phenomena in Neapolitan<br />

urban area.<br />

Identification, recognition and mapping of collapses have<br />

been carried out. Anthropogenic sinkhole data have been stored<br />

in a Geographical Information System (GIS) and database<br />

associate, containing the principal data related to the event: date<br />

and major morphological characteristics (diameter, depth and<br />

square).<br />

During the second phase, the study of controlling factors has<br />

been carried out, by means of a multi-layered geologic database,<br />

the insertion of cavities and borehole logs and other features data.<br />

The information processing allowed to realize a Sinkhole<br />

Inventory Map and to set a multi-theme approach to the<br />

comprehension of the collapse controlling factors, aimed to<br />

mapping hazard conditions.<br />

597<br />


AA.VV. (1967) - <strong>Il</strong> sottosuolo di Napoli. A.G.I. Atti VIII<br />

Convegno Nazionale di Geotecnica.<br />

CATENACCI V. (1992) – <strong>Il</strong> dissesto geologico e geoambientale in<br />

Italia dal dopoguerra al 1990. Mem. Descr. Carta Geol. d’It.,<br />

XLVII.<br />

CORAZZA A. (2004) – <strong>Il</strong> rischio di fenomeni di sprofondamento<br />

in Italia: le attività del Dipartimento <strong>della</strong> Protezione Civile.<br />

Atti 1° Seminario “Stato dell’arte sullo studio <strong>dei</strong> fenomeni di<br />

sinkholes e ruolo delle amministrazioni statali e locali nel<br />

governo del territorio”, Roma, 20-21 Maggio 2004, 319-330.<br />

C.U.G.RI. (2000) – <strong>Il</strong> sistema fognario <strong>della</strong> Città di Napoli alle<br />

soglie del 2000. Arti Grafiche Solimene. Casoria (NA).<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

Debris-flow susceptibility assessment in the “Costa Viola” mountain<br />

ridge (southern Calabria): the Favazzina study area<br />


Key words: Calabria, debris flow, modelling, susceptibility.<br />

The “Costa Viola” mountain ridge, facing the Tyrrhenian Sea<br />

between the villages of Palmi and Villa San Giovanni (southern<br />

Calabria), is sadly renowned for being exposed to severe seismic<br />

and geo-hydrological risk conditions, in addition to tsunamis<br />

along the coast. The coastal sector between Bagnara Calabra and<br />

Scilla – where the village of Favazzina, here considered, is<br />

located – is crossed by the railway, the highway “Salerno-Reggio<br />

di Calabria” (A3), the southern Tyrrhenian trunk road (SS.18).<br />

In the study area, the main factors conditioning slope morphoevolution<br />

are represented by tectonics (both as structural setting<br />

and seismicity), lithological and climatic characteristics, and<br />

human activities (e.g. widespread cuts and disordered drainage<br />

network).<br />

The Palaeozoic metamorphic and crystalline bedrock that<br />

constitutes the skeleton of the mountain ridge (AMODIO MORELLI<br />

et alii, 1976) is strongly tectonized, and deeply weathered. At the<br />

base of the mountain ridge, a NE-SW trending fault marks the<br />

transition between the metamorphic/crystalline basement and the<br />

sedimentary terrains of the coastal plan: this morpho-structural<br />

element belongs to the Calabrian-Sicilian Rift Zone, a normal<br />

fault belt developed along the eastern coast of Sicily and the<br />

western side of the Calabrian Arc since Middle Pleistocene<br />

(MONACO &TORTORICI, 2000). From a morphological point of<br />

view, the area is characterized by steep and uneven slopes, cut by<br />

deep canyons; a set of marine terraces can be recognized at 100-<br />

200 m, 350 m and ca. 590 m a.s.l. Along the coast, small highgradient<br />

torrents flows into the Tyrrhenian Sea, draining the<br />

western slope of the Costa Viola mountain ridge. Cold winter air<br />

fronts commonly approach Calabria from NW, originating<br />

intense storms. The narrow and discontinuous strip of land<br />

between the coastline and the base of the ridge is densely<br />

urbanized, and reaches a maximum extent of ca. 300 m at<br />

Favazzina.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) CNR-IRPI,<br />

(**) Autorità di Bacino Regionale, Regione Calabria,<br /><br />

(°) CNR-IRPI,<br />

598<br />

Fig. 1 – On top, panoramic view of the uppermost portion of the slope<br />

affected by a debris flow activation on 31 March 2005. On bottom, distal<br />

portion of the same debris flow, that damaged the SS.18, the railway and<br />

the urbanized area of Favazzina.<br />

This sector has repeatedly been affected by slope instability<br />

events in the past, mainly related to debris slides, rock falls and<br />

debris flows. Among the most recent events, those occurred in<br />

2001 and in 2005 severely hit the main infrastructures and sectors<br />

of the urbanized areas (ABR-CALABRIA, 2001; 2005; 2006;<br />

BONAVINA et alii, 2005). On May 12, 2001, a debris flow<br />

developed along the Torrent Favagreca, just south of the village<br />

of Favazzina, damaging the station of the SNAM methane<br />

pipeline, the railway and the SS.18, causing the derailment of the<br />

ICN Torino-Reggio di Calabria; a second debris flow developed<br />

along a nearby canyon, located northward of the Favagreca, and<br />

hit the highway A3 near the Brancato tunnel. On 31 March 2005,<br />

a similar event damaged great part of the village of Favazzina, the<br />

SS.18, and caused the derailment of the ICN Reggio di Calabria-

Milano. During the winter seasons 2008/2009 (VERSACE, 2009)<br />

and 2009/2010, the “Costa Viola” mountain ridge suffered again<br />

from notable damage due to occurrence of different types of<br />

slope movements.<br />

An attempt of debris-flow susceptibility mapping has been<br />

performed for the surroundings of Favazzina. The adopted<br />

approach is based on a physical process model (FLO-2D;<br />

O’BRIEN et alii, 1993), inspired from the finite difference<br />

Diffusive Hydrodynamic Model (DHM) by HROMADKA &YEN<br />

(1987). Flood routing in 2D is accomplished through a numerical<br />

integration of the equations of motion, and the conservation of<br />

fluid volume. The model is able to route rainfall-runoff and flood<br />

hydrographs over unconfined flow surfaces or in channels. In the<br />

model, a dynamic wave approximation to the momentum<br />

equation is adopted, allowing to simulating street flow, buildings<br />

and obstructions, sediment transport, spatially variable rainfall<br />

and infiltration, and floodways. The flow progression over the<br />

computational domain (discretized into uniform, square grid<br />

elements) is controlled by topography and resistance to flow. The<br />

model routes mudflows as a fluid continuum, by predicting<br />

viscous fluid motion as a function of sediment concentration.<br />

Model calibration has been performed by considering<br />

available information concerning the debris flows triggered<br />

during the cited 2001 event. On the other hand, information<br />

related to the 2005 cases (not considered for calibration) has<br />

successively been used to validate the model results.<br />

Once validated, the model has been applied to the sector of<br />

interest, aiming at predicting the zones exposed to the effects of<br />

future debris-flow events, by assuming distinct scenarios related<br />

to hydrographs computed for return periods of 25-200 years. The<br />

selection of the potential sources has been performed through an<br />

Expert Evaluation Approach (LEROI, 1996), by taking into<br />

consideration available literature and technical reports on<br />

landslide risk in the study area (PAI, 2001; PELLEGRINO &<br />

BORRELLI, 2007; cf. also cited reports by ABR-CALABRIA), and<br />

the results of aerial-photo interpretation and geomorphological<br />

surveys (unpublished).<br />

In this paper, after briefly describing the modelling approach,<br />

the results of calibration and validation against the 2001 and<br />

2005 cases are discussed. Then, the selection of the presumable<br />

source areas is commented, in the light of available<br />

geomorphological and historic data. Finally, the results obtained<br />

in terms of debris-flow susceptibility mapping are presented.<br />


ABR-CALABRIA (2001) - Studio sullo stato del dissesto<br />

geomorfologico ed idrogeologico dell’area compresa tra i<br />

comuni di Scilla e Bagnara (RC). Autorità di Bacino<br />

Regionale, Regione Calabria, Report 11.06.2001.<br />

599<br />

ABR-CALABRIA (2005) - Relazione sui fenomeni franosi che<br />

hanno interessato il versante tra Bagnara Calabra e Scilla<br />

(Favazzina, RC) – Marzo 2005. Autorità di Bacino Regionale,<br />

Regione Calabria, Report aprile 2005.<br />

ABR-CALABRIA (2006) - Mitigazione del rischio idrogeologico<br />

nel tratto di versante compreso tra Bagnara Calabra e Scilla<br />

(RC). Quadro conoscitivo e strategia di intervento. Autorità<br />

di Bacino Regionale, Regione Calabria e Settore 32 del<br />

Dipartimento Lavori Pubblici <strong>della</strong> Regione Calabria, Report<br />

maggio 2006.<br />



(1976) - L'arco Calabro-peloritano nell'orogene<br />

appenninico-magrebide. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 17, 1-60.<br />


PRESTININZI A. & SCANDURRA R. (2005) - Le colate di fango<br />

e detrito lungo il versante costiero tra Scilla e Bagnara<br />

Calabra (Reggio Calabria): valutazioni preliminari di<br />

suscettività. Giorn. Geol. Appl., 2, 65–74.<br />

HROMADKA T.V. & YEN C.C. (1987) - Diffusive hydrodynamic<br />

model. U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources<br />

Investigations Report 87-4137, Denver Federal Center,<br />

Colorado.<br />

LEROI E. (1996) – Landslide hazard – Risk maps at different<br />

scales: objectives, tools, and developments. In: Proc. VII Int.<br />

Symp. on Landslides, Trondheim, 1, 35-52.<br />

MONACO C. & TORTORICI L. (2000) - Active faulting in the<br />

Calabrian arc and eastern Sicily. Journal of Geodynamics,<br />

29, 407-424.<br />

O´BRIEN J.S., JULIEN P.Y. & FULLERTON W.T. (1993) - Two<br />

Dimensional Mudflow Simulation. J. Hydr. Eng. ASCE,<br />

119(2), 244-261.<br />

PAI-CALABRIA (2001). Piano Stralcio di Bacino per l’Assetto<br />

Idrogeologico (PAI). Autorità di Bacino Regionale, Regione<br />

Calabria, cf.<br />

PELLEGRINO A. & BORRELLI S. (2007) – Analisi del dissesto da<br />

frana in Calabria. In: Rapporto sulle frane in Italia. <strong>Il</strong><br />

Progetto IFFI – Metodologia, risultati e rapporti regionali.<br />

Rapporti APAT, 78, 599-632. (Maps available at<br /><br />

VERSACE P. (2009) - Relazione di sintesi e schede di sopralluogo.<br />

Prefettura di Cosenza - Ufficio Territoriale del Governo -<br />

Gruppo di valutazione per l’emergenza idrogeologica.<br />

Conference CD, ORG-Calabria.<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

Key words: Desertification risk, environmental indices,<br />

Mediterranean environment, socio-economic indices.<br />

This work uses as a reference the ESAs model<br />

(Environmental Sensitive Areas to Desertification; KOSMAS et<br />

alii, 1999) which is modified through a set of new indicators<br />

which take into account the specific environmental and socioeconomic<br />

characteristics of Apulia region (Southern Italy)<br />

representing a typical semi-arid Mediterranean coastal area.<br />

A new set of identifiable parameters relevant for planning and<br />

control measures is proposed focusing on the main environmental<br />

problems (land degradation and desertification) and socioeconomic<br />

driving forces. These supplementary indicators are<br />

integrated in the ESAs model and, by using a GIS, and applied<br />

for the risk assessment to desertification of Apulia region.<br />

The analyses include the elaboration of the whole set of<br />

indices on both the regional and the administrative scales which<br />

constitute the principal territorial units for the management of<br />

natural resources. The results have demonstrated that the<br />

introduction of new dynamic quantitative indices, with a notable<br />

degree of details, has improved substantially the overall<br />

evaluation of the desertification risk in the region.<br />

The proposed approach permits the identification and<br />

refinement of different degrees of sensibility of an area to land<br />

degradation as well as the analyses of the factors affecting<br />

desertification and their evaluation in terms of spatial and<br />

temporal distribution. Moreover, this new method is conceptually<br />

very simple and easily adaptable for dynamic scenarios analysis<br />

which are important in climate change studies.<br />

Due to its applicability at different scales (from local to<br />

regional and national), the presented methodology can be<br />

proposed for the definition of priorities in adoption of strategies<br />

to mitigate desertification in the semi-arid Mediterranean<br />

environments.<br />

_________________________<br />

The evaluation of a new ESAs approach for the assessment of<br />

desertification risk in Apulia region (southern Italy)<br />


(*) Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo, CIHEAM-IAMB, Bari,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Progettazione e Gestione <strong>dei</strong> Sistemi agro-zootecnici e<br />

forestali, Università “A. Moro”, Bari<br />

600<br />



Methodology for mapping ESAs to desertification. In: C.<br />

Kosmas, M. Kirkby and N. Geeson (Eds.) – The MEDALUS<br />

Project. Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use. Manual<br />

on key indicators of desertification and mapping<br />

Environmentally Sensitive Areas to desertification. EUR<br />

18882, 31-47.

Characters of fluvial risk in Po alluvial plain<br />



Key words: Channel change, bed scour, river bank movement,<br />

Italy, Po Plain, Po River system, soil loss.<br />


Fluvial risk factors are described as related to the river<br />

channel mobility and supported by the observations on the flood<br />

events able to mobilize and transfer sediments along the water<br />

course.<br />

Human activities and engineering works as well as rivers in<br />

lands and properties are often damaged by river channel and<br />

water flooding dynamics.<br />

Damages are observed as land loss on the plain and as<br />

collapse of river training works and road connections.<br />

Fig. 1 – Bridge collapse of the motorway Turin-Aosta by pier scouring along<br />

the Orco river, Po plain in Turin province, 2000 flood (courtesy of Susella<br />

G., ARPA Piemonte).<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) National Research Council, Dep. Earth and Environment, Research<br />

Institute for geo-hydrological Protection,<br />

(**) Consulting Engineers “Anselmo Associati”,<br />

(°) ARPA Piedmont,<br />

(°°) Province of Turin,<br />

(§) River Po Basin Authority ,<br />

(§§) Pavia University Dep.of Earth Sciences,<br />

CNR-IRPI - in the framework of the project on the natural risks<br />

601<br />

Study cases on flooding effects illustrate the flooding<br />

vulnerability along a reach of 200 km of the River Po from Turin<br />

to Cremona.<br />

The observed fluvial system is representative of an erosion<br />

system one, with erosional processes in progress.<br />

The flood morphogenetic dynamics result in shortening the<br />

watercourses (meander cut-off, river straightening, channel<br />

canalisation) and in a faster peak flow propagation (GOVI &<br />

TURITTO, 1993; MARAGA et alii, 2000, 2003).<br />

The flooding effects generated risk conditions especially due<br />

to the water flow erosion of riverbanks and bed as well as<br />

sediment transport. These effects induced and are still inducing<br />

damages to bridges and riverbanks.<br />


As concerning the bridge vulnerability, pier scouring is<br />

frequently observed (Fig. 1) in composite sedimentary settlement<br />

of the channel, having gravel beds related to the fluvial risk at the<br />

event scale (SUSELLA, 2003; TROPEANO et alii, 2006).<br />

A fine sediment substratum of deltaic silty and sandy deposits<br />

is often observed below the gravel.<br />

In some rivers of the upper Po plain, waters are locally<br />

flowing on the channel bed incised into the pre-fluvial<br />

sedimentary body, generating changes in the roughness of the<br />

channel bed, originally buried by the fluvial gravel sediments.<br />

No sediment supply is able to restore and maintain the thin<br />

sheet of previous fluvial gravel deposits overlaying the<br />

substratum in fine sediments.<br />

In a case of extreme evolution of river bed in the Turin<br />

alluvial plain (Stura di Lanzo river, Alpine tributary of the Po<br />

river in Turin) the channel incision on the fluvial plain has locally<br />

cut some meters into the fine sediments of the substratum, a<br />

process that started in the 1980s (PELLEGRINI et alii, 2008).<br />

A reference reach 500 m long and 150 m wide was surveyed<br />

in 2004 (610 points), in order to evaluate the progress of channel<br />

downcutting in the fine sedimentary body, evaluated in 6 m<br />

according to the abandoned 1950s channel bed remains.<br />

The bridge located downstream the reference reach was<br />

destroyed twice, the last time in 2000 flood event.<br />

Several bridges as well as important water diversions of the<br />

considered fluvial system were destroyed as effect of the 1994<br />

event. The River Po flood plain from Turin downstream to the<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

confluence of Tanaro shows an interesting example of the<br />

changes induced by a river to the geometric and environmental<br />

characters of the flood prone areas. Permanent changes on the<br />

plain against soil and roads as a consequence of the November<br />

1994 big flood were due to the side erosion of the main channel<br />

and to gully erosion on the flooded plain (MARAGA, 1998). Major<br />

damages were observed along the abandoned channels of ancient<br />

river beds. Levees were overtopped, bridges and roads were<br />

swept away, bank recession was evaluated of the order of 200 m.<br />

Bank recession processes were observed also during the October<br />

2000 major flood. Geomorphic changes are extended to the<br />

whole extent of the flood prone area (CAPPELLIN et alii, 1998;<br />

MARAGA &TURITTO, 1998).<br />


As concerning the land vulnerability on the riverine lands, the<br />

erosion processes and land losses are referred.<br />

Erosive and sedimentary processes in the fluvial dynamic<br />

characterise the lateral river bank erosion and sediment supply.<br />

An assessment of land loss related to the long term fluvial risk<br />

were checked along a River Po reach from Tanaro (Pavia) to<br />

Adda (Cremona), the first tributary flowing from the Apennines<br />

and the second one flowing from the Alps.<br />

The reach about 200 km long and 200 m wide was selected as<br />

representative of the bank adjustments.<br />

Comparative analyses were carried out by series of aerial<br />

photographs and channel section surveys and maps to obtain<br />

evaluation of the land losses because of bank erosion from 1955<br />

to 1988.<br />

The period showed the most important channel changes since<br />

the great population increase (1950s) and before the large river<br />

management works (1990s).<br />

The results are derived from 54 bank erosion sites located<br />

both on the left bank (29 sites) and on the right one (25 sites),<br />

involving a total area of about 8.5 million m 2 of land loss; the<br />

volumes are obtained from the mapped area and the<br />

corresponding mean depth of the eroded bank.<br />

The cumulate volume of land loss because of bank recession<br />

is more than 60 million m 3 (DUTTO &MARAGA, 1991). The<br />

greatest intensity in observed in case of channel instability and in<br />

composite bank slopes (gravel at the bank toe and sand at the<br />

top). Po river bank erosion are updated to the last flood events in<br />

selected sites to show minor variations after 1988, as a joint<br />

effect of the river bank protection works and of the channel<br />

deepening processes.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

M. Baldo, F. Godone, G. Rivelli, topographic survey; R.<br />

Massobrio sediment grain size analysis; C. Pelissero, G. Rivelli,<br />

morphometric data elaboration; P. G. Trebò, image processing<br />

602<br />

(Cnr-IRPI, branch of Turin).<br />

To Mario Govi, IRPI Turin former director († 2009).<br />


CAPPELLIN R., GODONE F. & MARAGA F. (1998) –<br />

Perimetrazione georeferenziata <strong>dei</strong> campi di attività<br />

morfogenetica in area inondabile. Rilievi connessi <strong>alla</strong><br />

secolare inondazione 1994 del Fiume Po tra Dora Baltea e<br />

Sesia. CNR-IRPI, Torino, Rapporto interno R.I. 98/13.<br />

DUTTO F. & MARAGA F. (1991) - Valutazione <strong>dei</strong> sedimenti<br />

mobilizzati nel periodo 1955-1988 lungo le sponde del Fiume<br />

Po. CNR-IRPI, Torino, Rapporto interno, M.I. 91/01.<br />

GOVI M. & TURITTO O. (1993) - Processi di dinamica fluviale<br />

lungo l’asta del Po. Acqua-Aria, 575-588.<br />

MARAGA F. (1998) - Pericolosità naturale <strong>dei</strong> territori fluviali.<br />

In: IX Congresso Nazionale <strong>dei</strong> Geologi, Roma, 17-20 Aprile<br />

1997, 261-269.<br />

MARAGA F., BELLINO L. & MASINO A. (2000) - Interventi storici<br />

di sistemazione fluviale per la tutela del patrimonio urbano in<br />

Pianura Padana (Italia Settentrionale). Atti Convegno<br />

GeoBen 2000, Condizionamenti Geologici e geotecnica nella<br />

Conservazione del patrimonio Storico Culturale, Torino 7-9<br />

giugno 2000, 613-622.<br />

MARAGA F., MASINO A. & VIOLA E. (2003) - Evoluzioni<br />

idrografiche del Fiume Po nel tempo ultrasecolare. Atti <strong>della</strong><br />

7° Conferenza nazionale ASITA, Verona 28-31 ottobre 2003,<br />

1415 - 1420.<br />

MARAGA F. & TURITTO O. (1998) - Diagnosi geomorfologica<br />

d'inondabilità in casi di studio sull'idrografia padana. Atti<br />

del Convegno Internazionale “Alba 96: La previsione delle<br />

catastrofi idrogeologiche, il <strong>contributo</strong> <strong>della</strong> ricerca<br />

scientifica”, Alba (CN) 5-7 novembre 1996, (2), 313-334.<br />


(2008) – Evoluzione morfologica di alvei fluviali mobili nel<br />

settore occidentale del bacino padano. <strong>Il</strong> Quaternario,<br />

21(1B), 251-266.<br />

SUSELLA G. (ED.) (2003) – Evento alluvionale regionale del 13-<br />

16 ottobre 2000. Arpa Piemonte, L’Artistica Savigliano, 415<br />

pp.<br />

TROPEANO D., LUINO F. & TURCONI L. (2006) – Eventi di piena e<br />

frana in Italia settentrionale nel periodo 2002-2004. GNDCI,<br />

Pubblicazione n. 2911, Società Meteorologica Subalpina,<br />

Castello Borello, Bussoleno (TO).<br />

TURITTO O., MARAGA F., LUINO F. (1995) - Impatto sulle<br />

infrastrutture viarie prodotto da piene con inondazione. Geol.<br />

Appl. Idrogeol., 30 (I), 75-88.

Key words: Floodplain evolution geomorphological analysis,<br />

LiDAR, stream erosion.<br />

The Serchio river basin (about 1600 km 2 wide), includes hilly<br />

and mountainous areas, where historical towns lie together with<br />

industries, factories and tourist facilities, linked by welldeveloped<br />

infrastructures. The geological and geomorphological<br />

settings of the basin, the severe climatic conditions favour hydrogeological<br />

instability. Frequently heavy and\or relentless rainfall<br />

caused the Serchio River and its tributary to overflow, lifethreatening<br />

and exposing to severe danger towns, resorts,<br />

factories and roads. Many landslides occur causing severe<br />

damages, high hazard and risk.<br />

This situation wholly justifies efforts to improve knowledge<br />

of stream dynamics, inundation recurrence and floodplain<br />

geomorphological evolution in high risk valley floor areas.<br />

Since 2006, the Serchio River Basin Authority (Italian<br />

Department of the Environment) has commissioned a LiDAR<br />

(Light Detection and Ranging) survey into the valley floor of the<br />

Serchio River and along some of its major tributaries, in order to<br />

improve knowledge of stream dynamics, to analyse and monitor<br />

the territory of jurisdiction.<br />

The LiDAR aerial mapping constitutes an innovative and<br />

effective instrument for advanced hydrologic and<br />

geomorphological assessment. High precision Digital Surface<br />

Model (DSM) completed with buildings and vegetation, a filtered<br />

DSM obtained by removing vegetation, and a Digital Terrain<br />

Model (DTM) derived from the DSM by post-processing,<br />

allowed for hydrologic modelling and geomorphological<br />

mapping, almost unfeasible by the regional technical map, nor on<br />

aerial photos. Multi-temporal aerial photogrammetric analysis<br />

was also performed in order to compare the digital model with<br />

the photorealistic model and match them together.<br />

The outcome of this study is a step forward into hydrologic<br />

and geomorphological assessment of floodplain dynamics and<br />

evolution., with particular regard to stream erosion activity,<br />

flooded areas reconstruction and mapping. Also, the most evident<br />

_________________________<br />

Riverbed and floodplain evolution in the Serchio River basin<br />




(*) Autorità di Bacino del Fiume Serchio,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa,<br /><br />

603<br />

transformation of the floodplain due to the human activities, such<br />

as buildings enlargement, landfill, stores of wasted and\or<br />

buildings materials, were identified and monitored.<br />

Fig. 1 – LiDAR shaded relief sample image (Serchio River Basin Authority).<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

Sinkholes: new cases. Some examples from Umbria region (Italy)<br />

Key words: Acquasparta, Bevagna, Orvieto sinkholes, Umbria.<br />


Many sub-circular ponds, lakes and dry cavities in Umbrian<br />

territory, originated in historical age, should be due to piping<br />

sinkhole phenomena.<br />

This hypothesis is supported by the geological, morphological<br />

and hydro-geological setting of the area interested by the<br />

sinkholes.<br />

The small lakes have diameters from few to hundreds of<br />

meters and depth up to fifteen meters. The names are of<br />

dialectical origin and usually they indicate a kind of sinking (e.g.<br />

‘abyss’). Some legends refer to the origin of the lakes as a quick<br />

catastrophic collapse. Usually, these depressions are originated<br />

by karst erosion (collapsed dolines). Sometimes the genetic<br />

process should be related to the presence of artesian, mineralized<br />

waters and gas emissions (mainly CO2 and H2S) that contribute to<br />

the formation of the sinkholes through a mechanical upward<br />

erosion (deep piping process; NISIO, 2003).<br />

These cavities are water filled (drown sinkholes) and are<br />

located on thin grained impermeable or semi-permeable<br />

sediments (silty clay, silt) more than 100 m thick.<br />

The correlation between collapses and piping sinkholes is<br />

confirmed by the “drowning” of the cavity soon after the<br />

formations creating a ponds or a sub-circular lake, sometimes<br />

with underwater springs that feed the small lake.<br />

In some cases many information are available about the date<br />

and the modalities of the cave genesis (Aiso lake, Alto lake,<br />

Sugano lake, Vadimone lake etc.). The sinkhole ponds (more<br />

than 50 phenomena) are concentrated in Umbrian alluvial plains<br />

(Tiber, Topino, Tinia river plains). In this work some sinkhole<br />

prone areas of Perugia and Terni districts are considered.<br />


Bevagna area (Perugia district) is located at the cross of some<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) ISPRA – Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale –<br />

Servizio Geologico d’Italia,<br />


604<br />

rivers: Topino, Tinia, Teverone, in an alluvial plain rich of<br />

numerous springs. Other little lakes and springs (now filled) are<br />

represented in ancient maps.<br />

One lake is also present, Aiso lake (Fig. 1); it is located near<br />

Bevagna city; it shows 25 m of diameter and 13 m of depth; at the<br />

bottom some springs are presents. Some geochemical analyses<br />

are conducted.<br />

Fig. 1 –Aiso lake view, Bevagna plain (Perugia district).<br />

It was originated probably in historical age (pre-Roman age);<br />

some legends describe its origin (from the 1300) as a quick<br />

catastrophic collapse (TRABALZA, 1914; BARONTI, 1997). The<br />

water of the Aiso lake runs in an other sub-circular pond (Aisillo<br />

lake), sacrum place of cult in Roman age (ALBANESI &PICUTI,<br />

2009), also originated from a catastrophic subsidence.<br />

The analyses of all Bevagna territory have been showed other<br />

small lakes and dry cavities (e.g. ‘Madonna delle Rose’ cavity).<br />

These morphologies could be due to deep piping sinkhole<br />

phenomena. This hypothesis is supported by geological, hydrogeological<br />

and structural setting of the Bevagna plain area.<br />

The Bevagna plain area is characterized by alluvial sediments<br />

(clay and silt with more than one hundred of meters) at the top of<br />

a main syncline, with N-S trend.<br />

Some fault systems cross the Topino alluvial plain: the<br />

cavities are locates with NS trend. In the Bevagna plain area are<br />

present aquifers related to deep hydro-geological circuits<br />

(confined aquifers).<br />

In the Acquasparta plain area an other little lake is located,<br />

Lago Alto or Casigliano lake (NISIO, 2008; Fig. 2).<br />

It is originated by a collapse (as referred in a legend); it is<br />

located in alluvial terraces at the top of marine clays (more than

50 meters of clay); the plain is bordered by carbonatic ridge<br />

interested by strong karst phenomena. Furthermore, the<br />

Acquasparta area is characterized by generous underground<br />

mineralized waters, as testified by the numerous springs (S.<br />

Faustino mineral springs), mostly sulphurous and rich of gas.<br />

Fig.2 – Lago Alto view, Acquasparta area (Terni district).<br />

Fig. 3 – Sugano lake view, Orvieto (Terni district).<br />

Information about this lake are preserved in few ancient<br />

documents in the Casigliano Castle. Geological,<br />

geomorphological and hydro-geological studies have been<br />

conducted and some preliminary hypotheses are presented to<br />

explain the genesis of this lake.<br />

The Sugano Lake (unknown in geological literature; Fig. 3)<br />

was originated by a collapse in historical age (probably at the<br />

beginnings of the 1900). Information about this lake are in some<br />

legends; the lake is located in a plain area over pyroclastic cover<br />

(up 100 meters of thickness).<br />

The Vadimone lake (between Viterbo and Terni districts) is<br />

unknown in geological literature but it is mentioned in historic<br />

documents in Roman age; it is recognized in volcanic areas on<br />

pyroclastic deposits. This phenomenon was supposed to be<br />

volcanic craters (maar). In this study it is considered a<br />

catastrophic collapse related to deep piping phenomena,<br />

reactivated in different centuries.<br />

The Vadimone sinkhole is represented by a cylindrical shaped<br />

cavity with 75 meters diameter and 4 meters depth (17 m in the<br />

past) on pyroclastic deposits.<br />

605<br />

After the discovery of the ancient lakes, others Umbrian plain<br />

area have been investigated.<br />

The analysis of the aerial photographs has allowed the<br />

location of many sinkhole ponds and paleo-morphologies. From<br />

the historical sources the presence of other numerous lakes, now<br />

extinct and of difficult location have been verified: the studies are<br />

in progress.<br />

Examining the concerned area it is possible to conclude that<br />

some of the Umbrian censed spring ponds and sub-circular<br />

morphologies have been originated from the sinkhole sensu<br />

stricto phenomenon (NISIO, 2003).<br />


ALBANESI M. & PICUTI M. R. (2009) - Un luogo di culto d’epoca<br />

romana all’Aisillo di Bevagna (Perugia). Mélanges de<br />

l’Ecole française de Rome. Antiquité, 121 (1), 133-179.<br />

BARONTI G. (1997) - La leggenda dell’Áiso. L’opposizione<br />

secco/umido come modello esplicativo del mondo in un<br />

racconto di tradizione orale del territorio di Bevagna<br />

(Perugia, Umbria) In ‘<strong>Il</strong> spazio domestico. Studi in<br />

memoria di Alessandro Alimenti’, Perugia, 1997. Quaderni<br />

del Museo <strong>della</strong> Pesca del Lago Trasimeno, 3, 21-50.<br />

NISIO S. (2003) – I fenomeni di sprofondamento: stato delle<br />

conoscenze ed alcuni esempi in Italia Centrale. <strong>Il</strong><br />

Quaternario, 16 (1), 121-132.<br />

NISIO S. (2008) - I fenomeni naturali di sinkhole nelle aree di<br />

pianura italiane. Mem. Descr. Carta Geol. d’It., 85, 475 pp.<br />

TRABALZA O. C. (1914) - Due leggende nel territorio di Bevagna<br />

(Umbria). Lares: Bull. Soc. Etnogr. It., 3 (2-3), 151-161.<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

Impact and benefit profits of a combined approach<br />

based on the use of multi -interferometric analysis (acquisition of<br />

ERS – ENVISAT PS ) applied to a pre - existing landslide inventory<br />

Key words: Impact and benefit profits, InSAR data, landslides.<br />

Terrafirma is an initiative funded by ESA (European Space<br />

Agency) and University of Florence (UNIFI) in the framework of<br />

GMES (Global monitoring for Environment and Security)<br />

looking for new techniques to better protect European citizens<br />

against environment risks and to reduce their consequences. The<br />

project aims at producing pan-European services based on the<br />

latest technology to measure terrain motion from satellite InSAR<br />

data relating to landslides (Fig. 1). In this context, an analysis<br />

concerning the Reggio Calabria District and the southern portions<br />

of the Vibo Valentia and Catanzaro Districts (Calabria, Italy), to<br />

update a pre-existing landslide inventory, through a combined<br />

approach based on the use of multi-interferometric analysis<br />

(Acquisition of ERS – ENVISAT PS, 1992 - 2006) and photo<br />

interpretation was carried out. The pre-existing landslide is<br />

referred to acquisition of Landslide Inventory developed by the<br />

Authority of River Basin of Calabria Region (ABR), in the world<br />

of the researches aiming to the Hazard and Risk delimitations of<br />

River Basin plans (PAI -L. 267/98) and the IFFI Project (Italian<br />

Landslide Inventory). The ABR (Recipient) collected historical<br />

documents, archive data and mapped the areas affected by<br />

landslides; in addition, ABR carried out and tested projects<br />

related to its planning and programming responsibility.<br />

ESA, UNIFI and ABR entered in a contractual agreement<br />

(Service Level Agreement) for the assembly of a Terrafirma<br />

Landslide Inventory Product (LSI). The Contract forecasts a<br />

feedback action by means of ABR, to perform through a more<br />

detailed analysis and its input and additional interpretation in<br />

order to define the possible strategies that could be planned with<br />

the Calabrian basin LSI product. The purpose of the feedback<br />

action is to support the future improvement and refinement of LSI<br />

Product.<br />

The paper deals with the methodology grow up to test the<br />

consistency of PS output data and to assess the efficiency level of<br />

multi-interferometric analysis.<br />

The step of the validation of LSI product was carried out by<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Autorità di Bacino Regionale, Regione Calabria,<br /><br />


606<br />

considering:<br />

1- the comparison between the LSI Product and PAI/IFFI<br />

alphanumeric and cartographic database, which are necessaries to<br />

every type of “prevision and planning measures” (Fig.2).<br />

2-Cases studies of utilisation and the comparison with<br />

alternative service and information sources.<br />

Fig.1 - Sketch of Terrafirma data base.<br />

These different cases are representative of geological and<br />

geomorphological setting of the Calabrian Arc.<br />

The study of natural slope morphodynamics is an extremely<br />

complex subject. Aspects to be investigated range from<br />

lithological-structural setting, state and type of activity of<br />

landforms and processes, climate and related runoff water and<br />

groundwater circulation, to behaviour of the rock mass and/or<br />

soils involved.<br />

Therefore, it is fundamental to build a geological-evolutionary<br />

model of the slope integrating a multi-disciplinary approaches<br />

with a detailed monitoring of high hazardous active landslides.<br />

The principal goals of this step were: i) a critical analysis of<br />

utility for end-user-ABR; ii) developing a work grid and<br />

specifications comparing the above LSI Product and PAI/IFFI<br />

data.<br />

Paper review first outcomes for the assessment of the practical<br />

advantages and limitations of the experimental PS output data.<br />

Impact and benefit profits were recorded considering the

shielding responsibility of ABR, objective restrictions of multiinterferometric<br />

analysis and a correctly evaluation of the<br />

mismatches of adopted methodological approaches.<br />

Fig.2 - Example of map management, considering different thematic for a correct<br />

quantitative valuation of output data.<br />

607<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

Grade-2 zonation on susceptibility to seismic-induced landslides in<br />

the Irpinia-Sannio areas, southern Apennines, Italy<br />

Key words: Grade-2 zonation, Irpinia area, landslide<br />

susceptibility, Sannio area, seismic-induced landslides.<br />


The Apennine sector of the Campania region, southern Italy,<br />

is an area with a very high seismic hazard. The shaking related to<br />

the seismicity of this area may be a major cause for landslide<br />

triggering. Therefore, to be effective, the study of the seismic<br />

hazard of such a landslide-prone region must also include a<br />

detailed assessment of the seismic slope stability. For regional<br />

approach analyses, study scales from 1:50,000 to 1:10,000<br />

(grade-2 zonation) are considered proper (FELL et alii, 2008).<br />

Currently, there are only a few grade-2 methods for assessing the<br />

seismic-induced landslide susceptibility (e.g., TC4, 1999;<br />

SAYGILI &RATHJE, 2008), due to the complexity of the different<br />

factors controlling slope stability. A grade-2 study should actually<br />

involve a careful analysis and evaluation of the geological,<br />

geotechnical and geophysical factors that influence the<br />

susceptibility of a site to failures induced by earthquakes.<br />

In this paper we present an application of a new grade-2<br />

zoning method for seismic-induced landslide susceptibility<br />

(RAPOLLA et alii, 2010). Here two different seismic areas of the<br />

Campania Region, Sannio and Irpinia, have been considered.<br />

These zones are characterized by several seismic-induced<br />

landslides, some of them re-activated after the 1980 earthquake<br />

and located many tens of kilometers away from the earthquake<br />

epicenter.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Department of Earth Sciences, University of Naples Federico II.<br /><br />

(**) C.U.G.RI. - Centre for Research on Major Hazards, Universities of<br />

Naples and Salerno<br />

Paper developed within the research project of national interest PRIN 2007<br />

“Evaluation of geophysical and geological aspects of landslide<br />

susceptibility to severe natural events and relative land zoning” (project<br />

2007LE8ZC5_003, R.U. resp. A.R.)<br />



608<br />



The utilized GIS-based procedure (RAPOLLA et alii, 2010)<br />

employs only three factors that we believe are the most<br />

significant in the susceptibility assessment: i) the type of the<br />

outcropping rock/soil and their properties expressed as<br />

transversal seismic velocities (Vs), ii) the slope angle and iii) the<br />

MCS Intensity (Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg) characterizing the<br />

area.<br />

The lithological characteristics of the study areas were<br />

obtained from geological maps with 1:25,000 scale (ISPRA –<br />

SERVIZIO GEOLOGICO NAZIONALE, 2010). The investigated<br />

lithologies consist of thin- to thick-bedded conglomerates,<br />

arenites or clastic limestones, and of clays and varicoloured clays,<br />

widespread in the Irpinia and Sannio areas. The attribution of the<br />

representative shear wave velocity value to those units required a<br />

careful evaluation of their geotechnical and geophysical behavior.<br />

Those formations are often characterized by stratified sequences,<br />

with alternations of rock and clay levels that at times are very<br />

thick. The presence of discontinuities and the resulting abundant<br />

presence of water mostly in the rainy period cause abrupt losses<br />

of cohesion and an average behaviour of plastic type, with shear<br />

wave velocities that are significantly lower with respect to normal<br />

conditions (COTECCHIA et alii, 1981). The above described<br />

situation may lead to instability of the slopes, both in static and in<br />

dynamic conditions during earthquakes, particularly in the rainy<br />

periods. These lithological features represent therefore important<br />

predisposing factors to instability. It should be remarked that in<br />

the southern Apennine region climate, the influence of water on<br />

the cohesion is variable during the year being seasonally<br />

dependent. However, the seasonal variability trend may be<br />

considered constant in time. We obviously refer our data to the<br />

worst condition that is during the high rainy periods.<br />

As regards the slope angles, they were obtained from high<br />

resolution digital elevation model (cells of 20 m × 20 m) of the<br />

topography of the investigated areas.<br />

Finally, the choice of the type of seismic data to be used as<br />

input for computing the MCS Intensity characterizing the area<br />

depends on the scale of study. When dealing with a regional scale

the use as seismic input of data derived from the national scale<br />

hazard estimates (e.g.: INGV, 2004; DM, 2008) – accounting for<br />

the influence on the region of several main earthquakes – could<br />

be preferable to the use of the macroseismic field of a specific<br />

event. This latter approach considers instead the “scenario” for<br />

the worst event expected in the specific study area and we believe<br />

it to be more proper when dealing with grade-2 zoning. However,<br />

in this grade-2 study we employed both approaches to make our<br />

analysis more complete.<br />

All these data have been digitized and rasterized with a 20 m<br />

grid spacing. The result of the study was compared with an<br />

upgraded landslide database, obtained by the implementation of<br />

the CEDIT database (ROMEO &DELFINO, 1997) with the Autorità<br />

di Bacino <strong>dei</strong> Fiumi Liri-Garigliano-Volturno inventory<br />

(CASCINI, 2008) and previous studies, such as ESPOSITO et alii<br />

(1998). The landslide location was then improved by the analysis<br />

of DTM, aerial photography and field data. In the study areas a<br />

hundred seismic landslides were recognized, mainly referred to<br />

slides and flows. Most of these have been reactivated by the<br />

earthquake of 23 November 1980.<br />

The Seismic Landslide Susceptibility levels obtained by using<br />

the Intensity values of the 1980 Irpinia-Lucania earthquake have<br />

been classified in four classes (Fig. 1) showing the degree of<br />

susceptibility in relative terms. The Sannio and Irpinia sectors are<br />

characterized by high susceptibility levels and a large number of<br />

seismic-induced landslides actually occurred there. This<br />

highlights to a very good fitting of the landslides with the<br />

susceptibility areal distribution.<br />

Also by using the PGA values of the Italian national scale<br />

hazard estimates (INGV, 2004) the results show a good match<br />

between the distribution of the sources of historical landslides<br />

and the areas we identified as the most dangerous ones.<br />

Fig.1 – Map of Seismic Landslide Susceptibility level in the Irpinia area<br />

obtained by using the Intensity values of the 1980 Irpinia-Lucania earthquake.<br />

609<br />


CASCINI L. (2008) Applicability of landslide susceptibility and<br />

hazard zoning at different scales. Eng. Geol., 102, 164–177.<br />

COTECCHIA V. (1981) - Considerazioni sui problemi<br />

geomorfologici, idrogeologici e geotecnici evidenziatisi nel<br />

territorio colpito dal sisma Campano-Lucano del 23<br />

Novembre 1980 e possibilità di intervento del Progetto<br />

Finalizzato “Conservazione del Suolo” del CNR. Rend. Soc.<br />

Geol. It., 4, 73–102.<br />

DM (2008) - Ministry Decree “Nuove Norme Tecniche per le<br />

Costruzioni”. D.M. 14/01/2008, Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 29 del<br />

4 febbraio 2008, Suppl. Ord. 30.<br />


Distribuzione <strong>dei</strong> fenomeni franosi riattivati dai <strong>terremoti</strong><br />

dell’Appennino meridionale. Censimento delle frane del<br />

terremoto del 1980. Proc. Conv. Int. Prevention of<br />

Hydrogeological Hazards: The Role of Scientific Research<br />

CNR-IRPI, Alba, 1, 409–429.<br />


SAVAGE W.Z. (2008) - Guidelines for landslide susceptibility,<br />

hazard and risk zoning for land use planning. Eng. Geol.,<br />

102, 85–98.<br />

INGV (2004) - Redazione <strong>della</strong> mappa di pericolosità sismica.<br />

INGV, Rome, pp 65.<br />


Geologica d’Italia 1:5000 - Progetto CARG.<br /><br />


Seismically-induced landslide susceptibility evaluation:<br />

application of a new procedure to the island of Ischia,<br />

Campania Region, Southern Italy. Eng. Geol., 114, 10–25.<br />

ROMEO R. & DELFINO L. (1997) - CEDIT (release 1.1.), Catalogo<br />

Nazionale Effetti Deformativi del Suolo Indotti da Forti<br />

Terremoti, Servizio Sismico Nazionale. Rapporto Tecnico<br />

SSN/RT/97/04, May 1997, pp. 66.<br />

SAYGILI, G. & RATHJE, E.M. (2008) - Empirical Predictive<br />

Models for earthquake-Induced Sliding Displacements of<br />

Slopes. J. Geotech. Geoenviron., 134 (6), 790–803.<br />


ENGINEERING (1999) - Manual for Zonation on Seismic<br />

Geotechnical Hazards. International Society for Soil<br />

Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Japanese<br />

Geotechnical Society, 210 pp.<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />

An attempt to model the relationships between rainfall and landslide<br />

occurrence in Calabria<br />

Key words: Calabria. hydrological modelling, rainfall, slope<br />

movement, triggering.<br />

Calabria (southern Italy) is among the most affected regions<br />

in Europe by severe geo-hydrological events, with remarkable<br />

effects in terms of victims and socio-economic loss. During the<br />

consecutive winter seasons 2008/2009 and 2009/2010, abundant<br />

and prolonged rainfalls hit the region, triggering flooding and<br />

erosion processes, and numerous slope movements of different<br />

types and extent. In 2008/2009, the most affected areas were<br />

mainly located in the NW sector of the region (IOVINE et alii,<br />

2009; VERSACE, 2009), along the eastern slope of the Coastal<br />

Chain, and, subordinately, along its western slope facing the<br />

Tyrrhenian Sea; other villages were also threatened along the<br />

southern Tyrrhenian coast, and the Jonian coast. In 2009/2010,<br />

major effects were recorded again along the inner flank of the<br />

Coastal Chain, with minor processes triggered along the northern<br />

Sila Massif, the south-western portion of the Cosenza province,<br />

and the surroundings of Catanzaro and Vibo Valentia. During<br />

both winter seasons, severe damage was induced to major<br />

lifelines (above all, in the Cosenza province), tens of buildings<br />

had to be evacuated, and 2 victims were caused by a small<br />

landslide along the “A3” highway on 25 January 2009. The most<br />

impressive event occurred on 15 February 2010 at Maierato,<br />

nearby Vibo Valentia, fortunately causing no victims.<br />

Most of the above mentioned landslides were triggered in the<br />

northern portion of the region, within a quite homogeneous<br />

geological, geomorphologic and climatic context (Fig.1). In this<br />

study, a set of slope movements occurring along the western flank<br />

of the Crati graben was selected, thanks to availability of suitable<br />

data concerning the geological setting, the series of historic<br />

events occurred in the last decades, and rainfall series.<br />

The study area extends along the eastern slope of the Coastal<br />

Chain, between the villages of San Marco Argentano and<br />

Cosenza. From a geological point of view (AMODIO MORELLI et<br />

alii, 1976), the area is characterized by outcrops of Palaeozoic<br />

metamorphic and crystalline units, commonly fractured and<br />

weathered, in the western sector, and by late Miocene to actual<br />

sediments in the eastern sector. At the base of the mountain flank,<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) CNR-IRPI,,,<br />,<br />

610<br />

a major concave break in slope marks the transition between the<br />

metamorphic/crystalline basement and the sedimentary terrains of<br />

the graben: this morphological element corresponds with a N-S<br />

trending fault system, belonging to the Calabrian-Sicilian Rift<br />

Zone. This latter is a normal fault belt, running along the eastern<br />

coast of Sicily and the western side of the Calabrian Arc, that<br />

developed since Middle Pleistocene due to a regional WNW-ESE<br />

Fig. 1 – Location of the study area (cf. blue dashed line) and main geological<br />

complexes of Calabria (after SORRISO-VALVO, 1993, mod.). Rock units are<br />

grouped according to the main lithological components. Key: 1) carbonate<br />

units of the Apennine range, and limestone cover of Alpine units; 2) very low<br />

to low-grade metamorphic units, at places with ophiolites - these rocks mainly<br />

belong to Alpine units derived from oceanic crust, and only subordinately to<br />

the continental, crust-derived Alpin units (4) or to Apennine units (1); 3)<br />

sedimentary, flysch-type sequence of the lowermost part of the continental,<br />

crust-derived units; 4) intermediate to high-grade metamorphic and intrusive<br />

rocks of the Alpine units derived from continental crust; 5) turbiditic, mainly<br />

coarse-grained deposits; 6) flysch-type nappes, mainly marley- clayey; 7)<br />

flysch-type nappes, with chaotic structure; 8) sedimentary autochthonous<br />

units (Miocene to Holocene). In black, the main tectonic structures belonging<br />

to the Calabrian-Sicilian Rift Zone (after Monaco and Tortorici, 2000, mod.)<br />

are also shown. The sites affected by the main landslide activations occurred<br />

during winter 2008/2009 (a) and 2009/2010 (b) are also shown.

oriented extensional phase (MONACO & TORTORICI, 2000).<br />

Together with the inner portion of the Aspromonte Massif, the<br />

Coastal Chain is one of the rainiest zones of Calabria: here<br />

rainfalls mainly occur during winter and spring, with rare but<br />

notable peaks in autumn. The cold winter air fronts that approach<br />

Calabria from NW commonly cause extremely intense storms.<br />

A first attempt of hydrological modelling was performed to<br />

define triggering scenarios for distinct “classes” of slope<br />

movements (from superficial to deep-seated) in the western flank<br />

of the Crati graben. The adopted model is based on a<br />

hydrological, empirical approach, inspired from FLaiR<br />

(SIRANGELO & VERSACE, 1992). In particular, by assigning<br />

suitable values to model parameters, a threshold of the mobility<br />

function can be identified that allows to predicting the known<br />

landslide activations occurred in the past (or future events), by<br />

minimizing false alarms. The ranges of parameters are related to<br />

specific hydrological conditions that characterize the triggering<br />

events, and then the type of mobilized landslides (Fig.2).<br />

Fig. 2 – Scheme of the adopted hydrological approach.<br />

Model calibration can be performed either on a local or regional<br />

scale of application: the historical series of mobilizations of a<br />

given case study can in fact be considered for a site-specific<br />

analysis, aiming at predicting future activations of a given slope<br />

movement. On the other hand, the times of occurrence of a set of<br />

landslides of the same class, recorded in within a homogeneous<br />

sector of interest, can be used for an areal evaluation of triggering<br />

scenarios. In this study, calibration was performed against a set of<br />

study cases, selected for each class of considered phenomena on<br />

the western flank of the Crati graben. At this purpose, an<br />

automated technique of optimization was adopted based on<br />

Genetic Algorithms, as recently employed for debris flows by<br />

IOVINE et alii (2005). At the local scale a subset of the known<br />

times of occurrence of a given phenomenon was not employed;<br />

likewise, in the analysis performed at the areal scale, the historic<br />

information related to some of the slope movements of the study<br />

area was not considered. In both cases, data not considered for<br />

611<br />

calibration was later on used to validate the model results. The<br />

capability of the model to properly predict the observed events of<br />

activation resulted to depend on suitable input information, while<br />

its efficiency lies on proper characterization of the phenomena of<br />

interest. After describing the modelling approach, the results<br />

obtained for the selected cases of study are discussed, together<br />

with the variation ranges of the parameters obtained for distinct<br />

classes of phenomena.<br />




(1976) - L'arco Calabro-peloritano nell'orogene<br />

appenninico-magrebide. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 17, 1-60.<br />

IOVINE G., IAQUINTA P. & TERRANOVA O. (2009) - Emergency<br />

management of landslide risk during Autumn-Winter<br />

2008/2009 in Calabria (Italy). The example of San Benedetto<br />

Ullano. In: R.S. Anderssen, R.D. Braddock and L.T.H.<br />

Newham (Eds.) - Proc. 18th World IMACS Congr. and<br />

MODSIM09 Int. Congr. on Modelling and Simulation,<br />

Cairns, 2686-2693.<br />

IOVINE G., D’AMBROSIO D. & DI GREGORIO S. (2005) – Applying<br />

genetic algorithms for calibrating a hexagonal cellular<br />

automata model for the simulation of debris flows<br />

characterised by strong inertial effects. Geomorphology,<br />

66(1-4), 287-303.<br />

MONACO C. & TORTORICI L. (2000) - Active faulting in the<br />

Calabrian arc and eastern Sicily. J. Geodyn., 29, 407-424.<br />

SIRANGELO B. & VERSACE P. (1992) - Modelli stocastici di<br />

precipitazione e soglie pluviometriche di innesco <strong>dei</strong><br />

movimenti franosi. In: Proc. XXIII Convegno Nazionale di<br />

Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Firenze, 3, D361–D373.<br />

SORRISO-VALVO G.M. (1993) - The geomorphology of Calabria<br />

– a sketch. Geogr. Fis. Din. Quat., 16 (1), 75-80.<br />

VERSACE P. (2009) - Relazione di sintesi e schede di sopralluogo.<br />

Prefettura di Cosenza - Ufficio Territoriale del Governo -<br />

Gruppo di valutazione per l’emergenza idrogeologica.<br />

Conference CD, ORG-Calabria.<br />


SESSIONE 17<br />


SESSIONE 18<br />

Geologia delle conche intermontane<br />


Marco Pantaloni (Servizio Geologico d'Italia Roma)<br />

Maurizio D'Orefice (Servizio Geologico d'Italia Roma)<br />

Fernando Calamita (Università degli Studi di Chieti “G. d'Annunzio”)<br />

613<br />


SESSIONE 18<br />

New chrono-stratigraphic data on the Boiano basin infilling<br />

(Molise, Italy)<br />



Key words:, 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating, intramountain basin, Italy, Middle<br />

Pleistocene, Molise, palaeoenvironment, tephro-stratigraphy.<br />


The Boiano basin (ca. 500 m a.s.l.) is located between the<br />

carbonate Matese and Montagnola di Frosolone massifs and the<br />

adjacent Sannio hills (Fig. 1). It is a 4 km large tectonic<br />

intramountain depression, elongated 20 km in a NW-SE<br />

direction, and nowadays drained by the Biferno river. The<br />

Fig. 1 –Geological scheme of the Matese-Montagnola di Frosolone area. 1)<br />

fluvial-palustrine deposits (Quaternary); 2) Foredeep and piggy-back<br />

siliciclastic deposits (Miocene); 3) Clays, marls and limestones of the Sannio<br />

Unit (Upper Cretaceous-Miocene); 4) Limestones, dolomites and marls of the<br />

inner carbonate platform (a) and carbonate slope deposits (b) (Triassic-<br />

Miocene) 5) Main thrusts, dashed when inferred 6) Main extensional faults,<br />

dashed when inferred.<br />

deformation history of this basin is characterized by several<br />

compression phases occurred between Miocene and Pliocene,<br />

followed first by strike-slip tectonics and then, since Middle<br />

Pleistocene, by extensional tectonics (DI BUCCI et alii, 2002, with<br />

references). Main faults show a NW-SE trend and several of them<br />

are still active and responsible for the historical and present<br />

seismicity. Even if the tectonic evolution of the basin was<br />

investigated in detail, little is known about the stratigraphy and<br />

chronology of its Quaternary infilling. Only in the SE sector of<br />

_______________________<br />

(*) Università del Molise,<br />

(**) Università Parthenope di Napoli,<br />

(°) Università Federico II di Napoli,<br />

614<br />

the basin (Campochiaro area) it is ascertained that the infilling<br />

consists of at least 200 m of fluvial-lacustrine deposits of Middle<br />

Pleistocene to Holocene age (RUSSO &TERRIBILE, 1995). Other<br />

chrono-stratigraphical constraints come from S. Massimo (Fig.1),<br />

along the NW side of the Matese massif, where residual strips of<br />

fluvio-lacustrine sediments, cropping out at 300 m above the<br />

present plain, were 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dated to 0.6 Ma (DI BUCCI et alii,<br />

2005).<br />

Fig. 2 – Geological map of the Boiano area and location of cores<br />


To increase the data currently available on chronostratigraphy<br />

of the Boiano Quaternary infilling we analyzed in<br />

detail data coming from some drilled boreholes (B6, B2, B1 and<br />

M1; Fig. 2), together with those coming from a 160-m borehole<br />

which we appositely drilled in the area of Boiano (482 m asl; Fig.<br />

2 and 3). The S1 core (Fig. 2) which did not reach the pre-<br />

Quaternary bedrock, allowed the reconstruction of a detailed<br />

stratigraphy and the correlation with the other examined core<br />

successions. The most significant levels were investigated by<br />

means of tephro-stratigraphy (MOL initials, Fig. 3) and<br />

palynology which considerably contributed to improve the<br />

chrono-stratigrapical and paleo-environmental knowledge. The<br />

chronological framework was more clearly constrained through<br />

the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating of a tephra layer sampled in the S1

succession at 122 m of depth (MOL 13). The drilled successions<br />

were subdivided, according to the UBSU criteria, into three lithostratigraphic<br />

units: two units buried below the plain (UQS1 e<br />

UQS2), and one unit, cropping out in different sectors of the<br />

plain (UQS 3) (Fig. 3). The lowermost, 85 m thick unit (UQS1) is<br />

Fig. 3 – Stratigraphic log of the Boiano core (S1) with litho-stratigraphic,<br />

tephrostratigraphic and chronological results.<br />

mainly made up of clayey levels, at times peaty and laminated,<br />

and of silty-clayey levels rich in reworked volcanoclastic<br />

material. Lithofacies testify alternating lacustrine and palustrine<br />

environments and rare alluvial episodes. Two pyroclastic layers,<br />

mainly made up of white coarse pumice fragments and grayish<br />

ashes, were sampled at 122 and 112 m of depth, respectively<br />

(MOL 13 and MOL 12). These levels were analyzed and MOL<br />

13 was 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dated to 426 ±5.5 ka. Tephro-stratigraphic<br />

analysis allowed these levels to be ascribed to the distal products<br />

of the Roccamonfina volcano. In this unit, preliminary pollen data<br />

show, from the base, the occurrence of a sequence of alternating<br />

interglacial-glacial-interglacial phases. The age of 426 ka is<br />

consistent with the floral and vegetation pattern of the glacial<br />

phase of the Oxigen Isotopic Stage (O.I.S.) 12. The basal<br />

interglacial period was then ascribed to O.I.S. 13. The 80-75 m<br />

interval recorded as well a forested landscape similar to that<br />

detected at the core base and thus possibly can be correlated to<br />

O.I.S. 11. As regards the paleoenvironmental aspects, the<br />

constant presence of Cyperaceae and spores in pollen spectra is<br />

consistent with the persistence of marshy conditions and humid<br />

soils around the site, as suggested by the sediments facies.<br />

Exposed data indicate that the first filling cycle of the Boiano<br />

basin was lacuo-palustrine and can be referred to a time interval<br />

from O.I.S. 13 to O.I.S. 11 (from ca. 500 to 400 ka). In about 100<br />

ka, 85 m of lacuo-palustrine sediments were deposited with a<br />

615<br />

mean sedimentation rate of ca. 1 mm/a, suggesting that the<br />

Boiano area was strongly subsiding. Unit UQS1 is limited at its<br />

top by a clear erosion surface (Fig. 3), well marked by an abrupt<br />

lithologic change. The second buried unit (UQS2), 45 m thick,<br />

consists of silty and sandy levels, at times rich in organic matter<br />

or altered, as typical in environments with alternating subaerial<br />

and submerged conditions. Towards the top, frequent sandy and<br />

gravel levels of fluvial origin are found. At ca. 70 m of depth a<br />

coarse white pumice layer with grey ash (MOL 11) and a<br />

decimetre-thick reworked volcanoclastic layer (MOL 10) were<br />

sampled. Tephrostratigraphic analysis of these layers allowed<br />

their correlation to the Roccamonfina eruption known as the<br />

White Trachytic Tuff (WTT), recently dated to 331±2 ka. Pollen<br />

data from this core interval suggest the occurrence of an<br />

interglacial period which should correspond to O.I.S. 9, as the<br />

age of the WTT suggests. Also this unit is characterized at its top<br />

by a clear erosion surface, well marked by an abrupt lithologic<br />

change. Unit UQS3, partly cropping out, is about 30 m thick and<br />

consists of alternating silty and sandy layers, at times peaty or<br />

altered as typical in environments with alternating subaerial and<br />

submerged conditions, testified by the occurrence of alluvial<br />

sands and gravels, more frequent near the top. A pyroclastic fall<br />

deposit at 10 m of depth, dark orange in color and containing<br />

yellow pumices, was analyzed and referred to the Neapolitan<br />

Yellow Tuff (NYT; 15 ka). The presence of the NYT and of<br />

archeological levels in the uppermost part of the succession<br />

allows this unit to be ascribed to the Late Pleistocene-Holocene.<br />

The three described units were also recognized in the B6 and M1<br />

boreholes, where both the volcanic layer, the WTT and the layer<br />

dated to 426 ka, are present at 21 and 38 m of depth, respectively.<br />

The different altitudes at which the these levels were found in the<br />

cores suggests the presence of a fault between boreholes B6 and<br />

S1, passing through the Boiano town. Acquired chronostratigraphic<br />

data indicate that this fault was active during Middle<br />

Pleistocene and, very likely, still during Late Pleistocene and<br />

Holocene, as strongly suggested by the persistence of marshy<br />

environments in the Boiano sector until historical times.<br />


DI BUCCI D., CORRADO S. & NASO G. (2002) - Active faults at the<br />

boundary between Central and Southern Apennines (Isernia,<br />

Italy). Tectonophysics, 359, 47-63.<br />

DI BUCCI D., CORRADO S., NASO G. & VILLA I. M. (2005) Growth<br />

interaction and seismogenic potential of coupled active<br />

normal faults (Isernia Basin, central-southern Italy). Terra<br />

Nova, 17, 1, 44-55<br />

RUSSO F. & TERRIBILE F. (1995) – Osservazioni<br />

geomorfologiche, stratigrafiche e pedologiche sul<br />

Quaternario del Bacino di Boiano (Campobasso). <strong>Il</strong><br />

Quaternario, 8 (1), 239-254.<br />


SESSIONE 18<br />

The minor semi-graben of the Elsa River upper reach:<br />

a hydrographic puzzle<br />


Key words: Elsa River, Middle – Late Pleistocene uplift,<br />

Montagnola Senese, river capture.<br />


The morphologic setting of the upper reach of the Elsa River<br />

is rather peculiar. For less than three km length, the River flows<br />

WSW in a relatively narrow valley, then it sharply bends with an<br />

elbow to the right entering a wide valley (Fig. 1), which<br />

manifestly antedates the onset of the present hydrographic<br />

pattern. The windgap (see for instance BARTOLINI &PECCERILLO,<br />

2002, p.51) between the now underfit Elsa R. and the<br />

neighbouring Rosìa R. is located at Podere Poggiaccio, a few<br />

hundred meters southward from the Elsa elbow (Fig. 1).<br />

Fig. 1 – Morphologic setting (modified after<br />

The onset of the wide and straight valley, extending for<br />

approximately 12 km, is clearly connected to the normal fault<br />

which borders to the west this sector of the Montagnola Senese<br />

(Fig. 2). The fault line depression bears an elongated outcrop of<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dip. Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Univ. di Firenze,<br />

(**) Dip. Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Univ. di Siena,<br />

616<br />

Middle Pliocene sediments, relic of a widespread sedimentary<br />

blanket extending much further to the east. Due to the relevant<br />

Middle–Late Pleistocene uplift which affected the area, the<br />

Pliocene sediments have been elsewhere extensively wiped off.<br />

The present course of the Elsa R. is the outcome of a piracy<br />

event carried out by the Rosia R., which flows eastward, at right<br />

angle from the underfit valley, towards the nearby Sovicille<br />

intermountain basin (Fig. 1).<br />

Three questions arise:<br />

i) is there any sedimentological evidence of a former Elsa R.<br />

extending southward beyond the windgap of Podere<br />

Poggiaccio?<br />

ii) which relevant event prompted the capture operated by the<br />

Rosia R., thus overwhelming the role of the upper Elsa semi<br />

graben as master control of the hydrographic network in the<br />

area?<br />

iii) when did the capture take place?<br />


As to the first question, the straight reach of the Elsa valley<br />

down to Molino d’Elsa, where it gently bends to the right, does<br />

not bear evident traces of fluvial terraces. Most alluvial<br />

sediments, at places outcropping in the valley bottom, belong to<br />

alluvial cones fed by tributaries draining the Montagnola. The<br />

presently underfit Elsa R. is unsuited to get in charge such<br />

deposits. One of these cones, now deeply dissected, possibly<br />

produced the westward diversion of the Elsa R. near the village of<br />

Pievescola. The dry valley trending NE from Pievescola bears,<br />

near Villa San Chimento, rounded gravel of the Triassic<br />

Anageniti minute Fm. which, as such, cannot be of local origin<br />

but rather must have been laid by a longitudinal water course<br />

draining to the north. The closest outcrops of Anageniti minute<br />

Fm. are presently found in the upper Feccia R. basin, far south of<br />

the Podere Poggiaccio, i.e. of the Elsa/Rosìa divide.<br />

The event which prompted the beheading of the former Elsa<br />

R. due to the Rosìa river head retreat (ii) was most likely the<br />

uplift of the area and namely of the Montagnola Senese. The<br />

Rosìa R. took advantage of this uplift because of its base level<br />

located on the subsiding Sovicille basin at a relatively short<br />

distance from the former Elsa R. The Rosìa river head retreat was<br />

moreover prompted by its location at the Verrucano/Calcare

Fig. 2 – Geological cross section of the upper Elsa Valley (modified after COSTANTINI et alii, 2009).<br />

cavernoso contact where karstic underground erosion is favoured.<br />

As to the age of the capture (iii), according to CAPEZZUOLI et<br />

alii (2009, with reference therein), the uplift quietly began, in the<br />

southern Valdelsa Basin, with the deposition of the Campiglia di<br />

Foci Synthem, spanning the time interval of 500 to 250 ky. An<br />

acceleration of the uplift took place after the onset of the Abbadia<br />

Synthem, dated at approximately 50 ky. The initial uplift predates<br />

the capture.<br />


BARTOLINI C. & PECCERILLO A. (2002) – I fattori geologici delle<br />

forme del rilievo. Lezioni di Geomorfologia strutturale.<br />

Pitagora Editrice, Bologna, 216 pp.<br />


(2009) - Stratigraphic and paleopedological aspects from the<br />

Middle Pleistocene continental deposits of the southern<br />

Valdelsa Basin. Ital. J. Geosci., 128 (2), 395-402.<br />



617<br />

(2009) - Note illustrative <strong>della</strong> Carta Geologica d’Italia <strong>alla</strong><br />

scala 1:50.000, Foglio 296: Siena. APAT - Agenzia per la<br />

protezione dell’ambiente e per i servizi tecnici, Dipartimento<br />

Difesa del Suolo - Servizio Geologico d’Italia, 131 pp.<br />


SESSIONE 18<br />

Key words: Amatrice Basin, central Apennines, intermontane<br />

basin, Mt. Gorzano fault.<br />

The Amatrice Basin occupies the northern part of a broad<br />

NNW-SSE stretching depression that includes, to the south, the<br />

Campotosto basin. The entire depression is bounded on the<br />

eastern side by the Mt. Gorzano normal fault that seems to have<br />

determined its formation and controlled its subsequent<br />

development. This fault is also considered to be presently active<br />

and potentially seismogenic (BLUMETTI et alii, 1993; GALADINI &<br />

GALLI, 2003; BONCIO et alii, 2004).<br />

The catchment area of the Amatrice basin is mostly developed<br />

on the Mt. Gorzano fault hanging wall (Fig. 1). The relative<br />

movement - eastern side up - on the West-dipping Mt. Gorzano<br />

fault determined the Marne con Cerrogna (calcareous marls and<br />

marls; Burdigalian-Tortonian) and Marne a Pteropodi (marls;<br />

Tortonian-Messinian) formations to become exposed on its foot<br />

wall. Except for a small sector on its far western edge, the rest of<br />

the catchment area is dominated by the Laga formation<br />

(Messinian), a quartz-rich sandstone dominated succession<br />

(CORDA &MORELLI, 1996). Significant continental deposits are<br />

only found on the eastern side of the catchment, in a small sector<br />

between the Tronto River (the main river of the basin) and the<br />

trace of the Mt. Gorzano fault. Because of the lack of elements<br />

for direct dating, their age is poorly constrained and based only<br />

on regional correlation with other Apennines intermontane<br />

basins. Generally, these continental deposits have been<br />

subdivided into three depositional units, one of which is<br />

proportionally very minor and scattered, that are attributed to the<br />

Lower Pleistocene - Upper Pleistocene (CACCIUNI et alii, 1995).<br />

To gain insight into the long-term activity of the Mt. Gorzano<br />

fault and its role in controlling the evolution of the Amatrice<br />

basin, we carried out a stratigraphic and geomorphic analysis of<br />

the continental deposits.<br />

_________________________<br />

Provenance of the Amatrice Basin (central Apennines) infill:<br />

implications for the long-term activity of the Mt. Gorzano fault<br />

(*) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Sismologia e<br />

Tettonofisica,<br />

(**) ISPRA, Servizio Geologico d’Italia/Dipartimento Difesa del Suolo,<br /><br />

This research has benefited from funding provided by the Italian Presidenza<br />

del Consiglio <strong>dei</strong> Ministri - Dipartimento <strong>della</strong> Protezione Civile (DPC).<br />

Scientific papers funded by DPC do not represent its official opinion and<br />

policies.<br />


618<br />

We positively identified two clastic continental units within<br />

the main depositional body that filled up the Amatrice basin. Just<br />

downstream from the River Tronto head, the steep valley walls of<br />

a deeply incised gorge provide a comprehensive exposure of the<br />

Fig. 1 – Geological sketch map of the Amatrice basin. Legend: a) normal<br />

fault; b) catchment limit; c) Continental deposits (Quaternary); d) Laga<br />

formation (Messinian); Marne a Pteropodi (Tortonian-Messinian) and Marne<br />

con Cerrogna (Burdigalian-Tortonian) formations. Arrow points at the<br />

location of the Quaternary deposit exposure shown in figure 2.<br />

lower and older unit. This is a coarse, moderately rounded,<br />

gravel-to-cobble, clast-supported, up to 30 meters thick<br />

conglomerate. Its composition is almost exclusively made up of<br />

arenaceous clasts derived from the Laga formation. Occasionally,<br />

the sedimentary fabric suggests a roughly south-to-north direction<br />

of transport.<br />

The higher and younger unit is exposed near the top of the<br />

Tronto River gorge and in a number of stream incisions and road<br />

cuts. This is a coarse, moderately rounded, gravel-to-cobble,<br />

clast-supported, up to 10 meters thick conglomerate with<br />

interspersed boulders. Its composition is predominantly made up<br />

of arenaceous clasts derived from the Laga formation but the<br />

calcareous component derived from the Marne con Cerrogna<br />

formation is clearly identifiable and measurable (Fig 2). The<br />

chaotic fabric and the reduced level of clast roundness suggest a

Fig. 2 – Left: exposure of the Quaternary continental deposit of the Amatrice basin infill (See Fig. 1 for location). Right: clasts of the Marne con Cerrogna<br />

formation are outlined; circles indicate clasts of about 1 cm in diameter. Each square of the grid in the foreground of both panels is 50x50 cm.<br />

very local sediment supply from the near slope to the East of the<br />

basin. This deposit evolves gradually upward into coarse-to-fine,<br />

variously weathered, eluvial sand and to the top soil. Its top<br />

depositional surface coincides with a broad plateau, occasionally<br />

overlain by younger debris fans.<br />

Our preliminary estimations show that the relative content of<br />

the calcareous component within the younger unit is of about 5-<br />

6%. This is a lower limit because we ignore the relative content<br />

within the matrix that we assigned by default to the arenaceous<br />

component. A more detailed provenance analysis of the<br />

calcareous component shows that a significant number of clasts<br />

were derived from the lower and older portion of the Marne con<br />

Cerrogna formation. The relative content between arenaceous and<br />

calcareous components in the source area, i.e. the mountain slope<br />

on the eastern side of the basin, is about 7-16%.<br />

Considering all sources of uncertainty in these estimates,<br />

including that the calcareous clasts are more subject to chemical<br />

weathering than the arenaceous clasts, we can consider the<br />

relative abundance of calcareous rock in the source area and<br />

within the continental deposit to be rather similar to one another.<br />

This implies that the Marne con Cerrogna formation should have<br />

been already exposed at the time when the continental unit at the<br />

top of the Amatrice basin infill was deposited. We suggest that<br />

the careful estimation of these relative abundances will help<br />

provide an estimate of the relative increment of geological<br />

displacement on the Mt. Gorzano fault and the resulting<br />

increment in the Marne con Cerrogna formation exposure since<br />

the time of depositional abandonment of the younger continental<br />

unit.<br />


BLUMETTI A.M., DRAMIS F., & MICHETTI A.M. (1993) – Faultgenerated<br />

mountain fronts in the central Apennines (central<br />

b)<br />

619<br />

Italy): geomorphological features and seismotectonic<br />

implications. Earth Surf. Proc. Land., 18, 203-223.<br />

BONCIO P., LAVECCHIA G., MILANA G. & ROZZI B. (2004) –<br />

Seismogenesis in Central Apennines, Italy: an integrated<br />

analysis of minor earthquake sequences and structural data<br />

in the Amatrice-Campotosto area. Ann. Geophys., 47, 1723-<br />

1742.<br />


(1995) – Evoluzione morfotettonica <strong>della</strong> Conca di Amatrice.<br />

Studi Geol. Camerti, Vol. Spec. 2, 95-100.<br />

CORDA L. & MORELLI C. (1996) – Compositional evolution of<br />

the Laga and Cellino sandstones (Messinian-Lower Pliocene,<br />

Adriatic foredeep). Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 115, 423-437.<br />

GALADINI F. & GALLI P. (2003) – Paleoseismology of silent faults<br />

in the Central Apennines (Italy): the Mt. Vettore and Laga<br />

Mts. faults. Ann. Geophys., 46, 815-836.<br />


SESSIONE 18<br />

Quaternary intermontane basins in the Central Apennines inherited<br />

from pre-thrusting normal faults<br />

Key words: Central Apennines, intermontane basins, inversion<br />

tectonics.<br />

The Central-Northern Apennine is characterized by curved<br />

shapes described by NW-SE trending fold-and-thrust structures<br />

and two main NNE-SSW features, the Olevano-Antrodoco and<br />

the Sangro-Volturno oblique thrust ramps, that sign the<br />

separation between the different sectors of the Apennines (e.g.,<br />

PATACCA et alii, 1990). Starting from Neogene, the Apennines<br />

were characterized by coeval occurrence of normal and thrust<br />

faults along the western and eastern belt margins, respectively<br />

(ELTER et alii, 1975).<br />

At present, the Central-Northern Apennine is a tectonically<br />

active region: the external compressive front of the chain is<br />

characterized by M < 5 (PACE et alii, 2006 and references<br />

therein) and ipocentral depth of 15-30 km; the axial zone is<br />

characterized by syn-orogenic seismic extensional events in the<br />

upper crust (up to 15 km) with M=7 (CALAMITA &PIZZI, 1994;<br />

GALADINI &GALLI, 2000); furthermore transcurrent mechanism<br />

characterize the Marchean pede-Apennines, Umbrian pre-<br />

Apennines and Molise-Puglia foreland areas.<br />

Particularly, the NW-SE trending normal fault systems show<br />

historical and seismical activity (PIZZI & GALADINI, 2009). They<br />

are characterized by 15 to 35 km of length and vertical<br />

displacement of hundred meters and cause the development of<br />

intermontane basins filled by Quaternary deposits in the<br />

backlimbs of Neogene compressive structures.<br />

For many of these structures, pre-thrusting activity linked to<br />

the Jurassic Adria paleomargin or to the Neogene foreland basins<br />

with siliciclastic sedimentation is documented (SCISCIANI et alii,<br />

2002). During Neogene positive inversion tectonics, the NW-SE<br />

and WNW-ESE trending pre-thrusting normal faults were<br />

displaced and passively translated in the hangingwall blocks of<br />

the thrust planes, while the N-S to NNE-SSW trending prethrusting<br />

normal faults were reactivated in a transpressive<br />

deformational context (CALAMITA et alii, 2009). As a<br />

consequence, NW-SE trending pre-thrusting normal faults are<br />

passively translated in the western limb of anticlines and are<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze, Università “G.d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara,<br /><br />

620<br />

confined by NNE-SSW features of the chain. Such faults have<br />

been reactivated during the Quaternary negative inversion<br />

tectonics event and border the intermontane basins of the Central<br />

Apennines.<br />

The NW-SE fault systems are fully activated during larger<br />

seismic events (M ~ 7) and only partly activated during smaller<br />

events. However, they are confined by the main transversal<br />

structures (Olevano-Antrodoco-Sibillini, Gran Sasso E-W<br />

oblique thrust ramps). The spacing of normal faults and thickness<br />

of fragile crust control the segmentation and longitudinal grown<br />

of active normal faults. Morever, ipocentre location and energy<br />

relase associated with earthquakes in the different sectors of the<br />

chain are confined by transpressive oblique thrust ramps<br />

(Valnerina, Olevano-Antrodoco- Sibillini, Sangro-Volturno, Gran<br />

Sasso).<br />

This observation is in accordance with the distribution of the<br />

recent seismic sequence of L’Aquila that displays an evident gap<br />

close to the E-W Gran Sasso oblique thrust ramp that split the<br />

whole seismicity of the Laga Mountains, related to the Monte<br />

Gorzano fault, from the L’Aquila seismicity, associated with the<br />

Paganica fault.<br />

The relation between NW-SE normal fault systems and the<br />

NNE-SSW oblique thrust ramps is crucial in fault segmentation<br />

analysis and, hence, in seismic hazard assessment, due to the<br />

ability of pre-existing cross-structure to control the faults growth.<br />

In such context is possible to reconstruct (according to<br />

MANTOVANI et alii, 1997, and CALAMITA et alii, 2009 and<br />

references therein) a dynamic model for the Central-Northern<br />

Apennines of lateral extrusion caused by a maximum stress axes<br />

oriented NNW-SSE and linked to the Africa-Europe convergence<br />

(Fig. 1). The lateral extrusion of the Central-Northern Apennine<br />

arc causes compression in the frontal part of the belt and<br />

extension in its axial part, locate in the hangingwall of the<br />

lithospheric thrust ramp. Such extensional process causes the<br />

reactivation of NW-SE pre-thrusting normal faults,<br />

compartmentalized by Pliocene oblique thrust ramps. Whereas,<br />

the strike-slip deformation in the Marchean pede-Apennines,<br />

Umbrian pre-Apennines and Molise-Puglia foreland areas can be<br />

interpreted as a direct consequence of the remote stress field<br />

related to the Africa-Europe convergence.

Fig. 1 - Schematic representation of the Central Apennines active tectonic context. Focal mechanism and main geological structures (active: grey; inactive:<br />

black) are represented. Big grey arrows represent the direction of the maximum remote stress induced by the Africa-Europe convergence, responsible of lateral<br />

extrusion of the Northern-Central Apennines arc.<br />



(2009) – Assetto tettonico e sismicità nell’Appennino<br />

centrale. Riassunti del 28° Convegno GNGTS.<br />

CALAMITA F. & PIZZI A. (1994) – Recent and active extensional<br />

tectonics in the southern umbro-marchean Apennines (central<br />

Italy). Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 48, 541-548.<br />


Tensional and compressional areas in recent (Tortonian to<br />

Present) evolution of north Apennines. Boll. Geofis. Teor.<br />

Appl., 17, 3 – 18.<br />

GALADINI F. & GALLI P. (2000) – Active tectonics in the Central<br />

Apennines (Italy) – input data for Seismic Hazard<br />

Assessment. Nat. Hazards, 22, 225-270.<br />


VITI M. (1997) – Plate convergence, crustal delamination,<br />

extrusion tectonics and minimization of shortening work as<br />

621<br />

main controlling factors of the recent Mediterranean<br />

deformations pattern. Ann. Geofis., 40, 611-643.<br />

PACE B., PERUZZA L., LAVECCHIA G. & BONCIO P. (2006) –<br />

Layered seismogenic source model and probabilistic seismichazard<br />

analyses in central Italy. B. Seism. Soc. Am., 96, (1),<br />

107-132.<br />

PATACCA E., SARTORI R. & SCANDONE P. (1990) – Tyrrhenian<br />

basin and Apenninic arcs: Kinematic relations since Late<br />

Tortonian time. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 45, 425-451.<br />

PIZZI A. & GALADINI F. (2009) – Pre-existing cross-structures<br />

and active fault segmentation in the northern-central<br />

Apennines (Italy). Tectonophysics, 476, 304-319.<br />


interaction of extensional and contractional deformations in<br />

the outer zones of the Central Apennines, Italy. J. Struct.<br />

Geol., 24, 1647-1658.<br />


SESSIONE 18<br />

Key words: Gravity prospecting, L’Aquila, Middle Aterno Valley,<br />

quaternary deposits, seismic amplification.<br />

A gravity study was carried out to identify the geological and<br />

structural features of the Middle Aterno Valley. It was targeted to<br />

assess the seismic hazard of the city of L’Aquila and surrounding<br />

areas, after the Abruzzo 2009 earthquake.<br />

In this study a set of approximately 2000 gravity stations<br />

measured partly by the Servizio Geofisica of ISPRA and partly<br />

by the University of Rome were used. New stations were<br />

established in some critical areas with a nearly homogeneous<br />

distribution and a data separation of 500 m: more than 100<br />

gravity stations have been located on L’Aquila city (BLUMETTI et<br />

alii, 2002). All the available data have been reprocessed and<br />

uniformed.<br />

The Bouguer anomaly map was computed using a density<br />

value of 2600 kg/m 3 for both Bouguer and terrain corrections. It<br />

has been drawn with 1 mGal contour interval taking into account<br />

an estimated error affecting the data of 0.020 mGal.<br />

Gravity anomalies have been used for the construction of a<br />

3D model of the area. These data, together with geological<br />

surface data allowed for the understanding of the Plio-quaternary<br />

tectonic setting of the basin.<br />

The study area has been differentiated into different domains<br />

with respect to structural and morphological features of different<br />

styles of faults.<br />

Geology and gravity data show that the local amplification<br />

phenomena are due to the fact that the historical center of<br />

L’Aquila was built on a coarse breccias (debris-flow deposits<br />

with decameter scale limestone blocks) overlying sandy and<br />

clayey lacustrine sediments. As these sediments have a low<br />

density, gravity prospecting very easily identifies them. Residual<br />

anomalies, showing a relative gravity low corresponding to the<br />

historical center of L’Aquila, and surrounding areas, indicated<br />

that these sediments are up to 250 m-thick.<br />

_________________________<br />

Gravity features of the Middle Aterno Valley<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università “Sapienza” di Roma,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento Difesa del Suolo, Servizio Geofisica, ISPRA,<br /><br />

(°) IGAG-CNR,<br />

This work was partially funded by the Italian Dipartimento <strong>della</strong> Protezione<br />

Civile in the frame of the Ordinanza n. 3772 19 May 2009.<br />

622<br />

Gravity prospecting also revealed the uprooting of the Meso-<br />

Cenozoic reliefs which outcrop in the middle of area the basin in<br />

the area of Coppito. Here, the gravity anomalies are negative and<br />

not positive as would be expected from outcropping geological<br />

bedrock.<br />

Gravity prospecting showed that paleo-landslide and debris<br />

flow deposits have a considerable thickness and influenced the<br />

Quaternary evolution of the Middle Aterno Valley. Moreover<br />

steep gradients of residual anomalies are indicative of other<br />

structural alignments. The residual anomalies trends show a<br />

complex geometry of the buried geological bedrock. This buried<br />

morphology is conducive to strong propagation of seismic waves.<br />

Based on residual anomalies a gravity model was built, which<br />

cross-cuts the Middle Aterno Valley in a NNE-SSW direction<br />

(Fig.1). The computation showed a considerable thickness of the<br />

Quaternary sediments.<br />

Fig. 1 – Elevation longitudinal profile, residual gravity anomaly (solid line)<br />

and regional anomaly (dashed line) along the Aterno river.<br />



B. (2002) – Seismic hazard characterization of the city of<br />

L’Aquila (Abruzzo, Central Italy): new data from geological,<br />

morphotectonic and gravity prospecting analysis. In F.<br />

Dramis, P. Farabollini and P. Molin (Eds) - Large-scale<br />

vertical movements and related gravitational processes. Stud.<br />

Geol. Camerti, Vol. Sp., Int. Workshop Camerino - Rome,<br />

21-26 Giugno 1999, 7-18.<br />

DI NEZZA M., DI FILIPPO M., CESI C. & FERRI F. (2010) – Gravity<br />

study of the Middle Aterno Valley. Geophys. Res. Abstracts,<br />

12, EGU2010-14163.

Key words: Aterno, geoelectric, geophysics, gravity,<br />

intermountain basin.<br />


This paper presents some preliminary results of geophysical<br />

surveys undertaken by the Servizio Geofisica of ISPRA in three<br />

intermountain basins located in the upper Aterno river valley<br />

(Abruzzo) West of L’Aquila city, i.e. from SE to NW, the<br />

Aquila-Coppito, Pizzoli and Montereale plains.<br />

The study area is of particular interest due to the relevant<br />

seismic activity in the Aterno valley from Pleistocene to Present<br />

(GRUPPO DI LAVORO CPTI, 2004). Among several active faults<br />

which are present in the area (BOSI, 1975; BLUMETTI et alii,<br />

1996; GALADINI et alii, 2000), the Monte Pettino fault is located<br />

on the NE border of the Aquila-Coppito basin, the Monte Marine<br />

fault is on the NE limit of the Pizzoli basin and the Capitignano<br />

fault on the NE border of the Montereale basin. On April 6 th 2009<br />

an earthquake (Ml = 5.8; Mw = 6.2) occurred near L'Aquila<br />

(INGV, 2009) as a result of fault dislocation on a NW-SE<br />

oriented extensional structure. The seismic sequence occurred not<br />

only in the Aterno valley but also in the Campotosto (aftershock<br />

of Mw 5.4) and Montereale area.<br />


A new compilation of gravity data is presented in the form of<br />

Bouguer and residual anomaly maps. 640 ENI gravity<br />

observations from the Geophysical Database of ISPRA and 506<br />

unpublished gravity measurements by the Servizio Geofisica of<br />

ISPRA were used. The latter gravity survey was specifically<br />

targeted to improve the knowledge on the deep geological setting<br />

of the basins.<br />

Bouguer anomalies were computed using modern standards<br />

(FERRI et alii, 2007; FERRI et alii, 2008): the topographic<br />

correction was processed using high resolution digital elevation<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) ISPRA,<br />

Geophysical surveys in some intermountain basins<br />

of the Central Appenines<br />



623<br />

models and a spherical cap was used for the computation of the<br />

Bouguer correction. The density value used is 2.67 g/cm 3 and can<br />

be referred to the meso-cenozoic carbonatic terrains outcropping<br />

along the borders of the plains.<br />

A Regional gravity field, computed using a 2 nd order<br />

polynomial surface fitted to the gravity data of Central Italy, was<br />

subtracted from the Bouguer anomalies in order to obtain<br />

Residual anomalies that correlate better with the local structures<br />

of interest.<br />

The analysis of the Bouguer (Fig.1) and Residual maps shows<br />

that the main gravimetric discontinuities with higher gradient are<br />

usually located on the North Eastern and South Western borders<br />

of the basins, following the main NW-SE structural trends of the<br />

area. Moreover the gravity maps also show that this general<br />

feature is often complicated by NE-SW discontinuities with the<br />

result that the Quaternary deposits thickness is often highly<br />

Fig. 1 – Bouguer Anomalies (contour interval 1 mGal), the outlines of the<br />

intermountain basins and the Campotosto lake are also showed, points are<br />

gravity stations.<br />


SESSIONE 18<br />

variable. In some instance there is evidence that isolated outcrops<br />

of meso-cenozoic deposits are uprooted, confirming the findings<br />

of earlier studies (BLUMETTI et alii, 2001). Gravity modelling<br />

was also used to support the interpretation of the basins<br />

subsurface and reveals the geometry of the carbonate bedrock and<br />

of the master normal faults. The gravity models also show the<br />

presence of subsurface faults, subsidiaries of the known main<br />

systems.<br />


At the eastern border of the Montereale plain geoelectrical<br />

arrays have been conducted in order to support the findings of the<br />

ongoing geological survey and to confirm the existence of some<br />

buried extensional faults which lower the flysch substratum and<br />

trend NW-SE, parallel to the Capitignano fault. The Quaternary<br />

cover consists of talus, fluvial, lacustrine deposits and debrisflows,<br />

with a growing thickness towards the plain center. Three<br />

geoelectrical tomographies (ERT) using Wenner and dipoledipole<br />

arrays were mesured, each profile with a lenght of 950 m:<br />

the measured resistivity of the different sedimentary layers,<br />

calibrated with preliminary stratigraphic informations from<br />

boreholes, allows a good resolution for superficial covers<br />

whereas the resistivity contrast is not enough to define limits and<br />

geometries of deeper bodies.<br />

These preliminary results suggest a wider use of this method<br />

in the future in order to obtain a greater detail using different<br />

arrays and electrode spacings, moreover to confirm the presence<br />

of the assumed dislocations.<br />

In the framework of an ongoing multidisciplinary work on the<br />

evaluation of the local seismic response in the L’Aquila-Coppito<br />

plain (ORLANDO et alii, 2003), a geoelectrical survey was<br />

conducted to investigate the electrical properties and geometries<br />

of the Quaternary sedimentary cover in the area between the plain<br />

NE border (m. Pettino) and an isolated outcrop of Meso-<br />

Cenozoic limestones (colle <strong>dei</strong> Grilli).<br />

The ERT geoelectrical tomographies using Wenner and<br />

dipole-dipole arrays had a maximum depth of investigation of<br />

100 m. The geoelectrical surveys showed a carbonatic bedrock<br />

dipping toward the axis of the valley and allowed to characterize<br />

the overlaying Quaternary sequence of the plain, detecting<br />

alternating sedimentary layers with specific resistivity properties.<br />

These surveys highlight the great complexity of the subsurface<br />

structures of these basins.<br />


The Authors wish to thank ENI E&P for the use of their<br />

gravity data in the ISPRA Geophysical Database.<br />

624<br />


BAGNAIA R., D’EPIFANIO A. & SYLOS LABINI S. (1989) - Aquila<br />

and Subequan basins: an example of quaternary evolution in<br />

central Apennines, Italy. Quatern. Nova, 2, 1-23.<br />

BLUMETTI A.M., CAVINATO G.P. & TALLINI M. (1996) -<br />

Evoluzione Plio – Quaternaria <strong>della</strong> Conca di Aquila -<br />

Scoppito: Studio preliminare. <strong>Il</strong> Quaternario, 9 (1), 281-286.<br />


B. (2002) – Seismic hazard characterization of the city of<br />

L’Aquila (Abruzzo, Central Italy): new data from geological,<br />

morphotectonic and gravity prospecting analysis. In F.<br />

Dramis, P. Farabollini and P. Molin (Eds) - Large-scale<br />

vertical movements and related gravitational processes. Stud.<br />

Geol. Camerti, Vol. Sp., Int. Workshop Camerino - Rome,<br />

21-26 Giugno 1999, 7-18.<br />

BOSI C. (1975) - Osservazioni preliminari su faglie<br />

probabilmente attive nell’Appennino centrale. Boll. Soc.<br />

Geol. It., 94, 827-859.<br />

BOSI C. & BERTINI T. (1970) - Geologia <strong>della</strong> Media Valle<br />

dell'Aterno. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., IX, 719-777.<br />

FERRI F., PORFIDIA B., COREN F. & ZANOLLA C. (2007) - A new<br />

gravity mapping project of Italy at 1:250000 scale. Epitome,<br />

Geoitalia 2007, 2, 474-475.<br />


Carta delle Anomalie di Bouguer dell’Italia e mari<br />

circostanti, <strong>alla</strong> scala 1:1.000.000. Atti 28 th Convegno<br />

GNGTS, 438-439.<br />

GALADINI F., MESSINA P. & SPOSATO A. (2000) - Tettonica<br />

quaternaria nell'Appennino centrale e caratterizzazione<br />

dell'attività di faglie nel Pleistocene superiore-Olocene. In: F.<br />

Galadini, C. Meletti and A. Rebez (Eds.) - Le ricerche del<br />

GNDT nel campo <strong>della</strong> pericolosità sismica (1996-1999).<br />

CNR - Gruppo Nazionale per la Difesa dai Terremoti, Roma,<br />

181-192.<br />

GRUPPO DI LAVORO CPTI (2004) - Catalogo Parametrico <strong>dei</strong><br />

Terremoti Italiani, versione 2004 (CPTI04).<br /><br />


The L'Aquila seismic sequence - April 2009.<br /><br />


V., FERRI F., MARSAN P., MILANA G. & RAOLI F. (2003) -<br />

Interpretazione integrata di dati geofisici per la valutazione<br />

<strong>della</strong> risposta sismica <strong>dei</strong> sedimenti <strong>della</strong> conca L’Aquila-<br />

Scoppito. Geoitalia 2003, 4° Forum FIST – Federazione<br />

Italiana di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, 554-555.

Key words: Active tectonic, L’Aquila 2009 earthquake,<br />

Quaternary, tectonic-sedimentary evolution.<br />

So far, the Quaternary geology of the L’Aquila region has<br />

been the subject of few works, and hitherto no detailed studies<br />

have been focused on the 2009 earthquake mesoseismic zone.<br />

The main geomorphological features of this region are seen as<br />

series of tectonic depressions located along the Aterno River<br />

Valley (e.g., GALADINI &MESSINA, 2004). One of these basins<br />

roughly matches with the 2009 epicentral area and includes, from<br />

north-west to south-east, the surroundigs of Paganica, San<br />

Gregorio, Poggio Picenze, Barisciano and San Demetrio ne’<br />

Vestini villages.<br />

New morphological, stratigraphic and tephrostratigraphic<br />

investigations, integrated with previous studies in the southern<br />

portion (BOSI &BERTINI, 1970; BERTINI &BOSI, 1993), allowed<br />

us to recognise three main depositional cycles:<br />

• A Lower (Early Pleistocene) fluvio-lacustrine cycle, which<br />

includes from central to marginal basin environments: ca. 100<br />

m of whitish carbonate lacustrine silts (San Nicandro Fm. of<br />

BERTINI & BOSI, 1993); a powerful deltaic gravel-sand<br />

complex (ca. 100 m thick), including lacustrine foreset (Valle<br />

Orsa Fm.) and fluvial topset (Valle dell’Inferno Fm) deposits;<br />

alluvial fan (Valle Valiano Fm.) and slope-derived limestone<br />

breccias with characteristic pink-matrix (Fonte Vedice Fm.).<br />

• An Upper (ca. 550-350 ka) fluvio-lacustrine cycle, completely<br />

carved in the former, made up mainly by volcanic-rich siltysands,<br />

and subordinately gravels (San Mauro Fm.).<br />

• A Late (Upper Pleistocene) alluvial-fluvial cycle matching<br />

with the Paganica alluvial fan and other minor comparable<br />

systems.<br />

The three depositional cycles are separated by erosional<br />

surfaces and/or paleosols. In particular, a distinctive paleosol,<br />

often stratigraphically associated with an idiosyncratic tephra<br />

layer, occurs in-between the deposits of the Lower and the Upper<br />

fluvio-lacustrine cycles.<br />

_________________________<br />

Tectonic and sedimentary evolution of the past 1 Myr in the<br />

L’Aquila 2009 mesoseismic region, central Apennine<br />



(*) IGAG-CNR, Rome,<br />

(**) Dipartimento <strong>della</strong> Protezione Civile Nazionale,<br /><br />

(°) INGV-Sezione Milano,<br />

625<br />

The chronological framework of the succession was provided<br />

by previous and ongoing paleomagnetic measurements and new<br />

tephrostratigraphic studies. More precisely, several<br />

paleomagnetic measurements performed on different sediments of<br />

the Lower fluvial-lacustrine cycle revealed an inverse polarity<br />

(FABIO SPERANZA, personal communication) indicating an age<br />

older than 780 ka. On the other hand, the fingerprinting of four<br />

well-dated tephra layers (Tufo pisolitico di Trigoria, ca. 560 ka;<br />

Pozzolane Rosse, ca. 460 ka, Tufo Rosso a Scorie Nere, ca. 450<br />

ka; Tufo di Villa Senni ca. 360 ka), occurring within the<br />

sediments of the Upper fluvio-lacustrine cycle, allow us to date<br />

this latter between ca. 550 and 350 ka.<br />

Some units of these three depositional cycles are associated to<br />

well-preserved, terraced, depositional top surfaces. These<br />

surfaces are displaced by a system of normal faults which are<br />

composed by at least three, up to ca. 18 km-long, sub-parallel<br />

WNW-ESE trending segments (here named eastern, central and<br />

western faults). The westernmost one fits with the surface breaks<br />

observed in the 2009 earthquake (e.g. FALCUCCI et alii, 2009).<br />

This allowed us to evaluate the temporal-spatial evolution and the<br />

style of the tectonic deformation for different time windows.<br />

In the area between Barisciano and San Demetrio ne’ Vestini<br />

the top depositional surface of the deltaic system of the Lower<br />

fluvio-lacustrine cycle (Valle dell’Inferno and Valle Orsa Fms.) is<br />

displaced by the complete system of three sub-parallel faults by<br />

more than 400 m. This implicates a slip-rate > 0.4 mm/yr,<br />

assuming for the top of the Lower cycles an approximate age of 1<br />

Ma. On the contrary, northward, in the area of Poggio Picenze,<br />

the deformation of this morpho-sedimentary unit is mostly<br />

accommodated by a WNW-ESE trending flexure, dipping mainly<br />

westward.<br />

To the north, near the Paganica village, the tectonic<br />

deformations are again mainly leaded by fault movements. Here,<br />

along the easternmost fault, the top depositional surface of the<br />

Upper fluvio-lacustrine cycle (450±100 ka) is displaced by ca. 80<br />

m. Therefore, the slip rate for this fault segment is ca. 0.19±0.04<br />

mm/yr (i.e. 80 m/450±100 kyr). A comparable slip rate can be<br />

calculated for the central fault segment as well, across which the<br />

same unit is displaced by ca. 70 m (0.17±0.03 m/yr). On the other<br />

hand, the displacement of the bottom of this unit across all of the<br />

three faults is of ca. 250 m, indicating a rate of 0.58±0.13 mm/yr<br />

(i.e. 250 m/450±100 kyr), which is three times those calculated<br />

for the easternmost and central segments.<br />


SESSIONE 18<br />

On the whole, independently from the considered time<br />

windows (~1 Ma vs. 500 ka), our investigations indicate that the<br />

total slip rate across the fault system was consistently evaluable at<br />

ca. 0.6-0.5 mm/yr. This study also indicates that during the past 1<br />

Myr the tectonic deformation of the paleogeographic domains<br />

was not uniform either in time, space or style. Indeed, whilst the<br />

northern (Paganica) and southern (San Demetrio) sectors of the<br />

basin were preferentially downthrown by brittle normal faulting,<br />

the central part of the basin (Poggio Picenze) experienced a<br />

gentle regional warping, without appreciable faulting.<br />

As far as the timing is concerned, the easternmost fault<br />

segments started the offset of Quaternary deposits early, at least<br />

ca. 1 Ma, progressively transferring the throw to the central and<br />

westernmost splays, where the most recent faulting traces,<br />

including those related to the 2009 earthquake, indeed occurred.<br />


BERTINI T. & BOSI C. (1993) - La tettonica quaternaria <strong>della</strong><br />

conca di Fossa (L’Aquila). <strong>Il</strong> Quaternario, 6, 293-314.<br />

BOSI C. & BERTINI T. (1970) - Geologia <strong>della</strong> media valle<br />

dell’Aterno. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 9, 719-777.<br />




- The Paganica Fault and Surface Coseismic Ruptures<br />

Caused by the 6 April 2009 Earthquake (L’Aquila, Central<br />

Italy). Seismol. Res. Lett., 80, 940-950.<br />

GALADINI F. & MESSINA P. (2004) - Early-middle Pleistocene<br />

eastward migration of the Abruzzi Apennine (central Italy)<br />

extensional domain. J. Geodyn., 37, 57-81.<br />


Key words: Geomorphology, High Tiber Valley, landscape<br />

evolution, neotectonic.<br />

Landscape evolution in active tectonic areas is the result of<br />

the interaction between bedrock uplift/subsidence, deposition,<br />

compaction and erosion processes (ENGLAND &MOLNAR, 1990).<br />

Bedrock uplift and deposition carry upward bedrock, on the<br />

contrary subsidence, compaction and erosion reduce the mean<br />

surface height. While compaction and deposition take place<br />

mainly in sedimentary basins, bedrock uplift and denudation<br />

show their action primarily on mountain landscape (BURBANK &<br />

ANDERSON, 2000). In sedimentary basins, whose creation and<br />

evolution are controlled mainly by tectonic events, all these<br />

factors can be measured and compared in order to establish<br />

where, when and how they affect the surface processes and the<br />

resulting landscape. The main factors to consider are the<br />

evolution time, the width of the target area (local versus regional<br />

rates) and the rapidity of the response of morphogenetic<br />

processes (inertia). To consider all these variables the<br />

investigation methods, for the long term deformation, are<br />

integrated with geologic and geomorphologic surveys in order to<br />

identify and quantify the short term landscape response. In this<br />

paper we propose the preliminary results about the mid-term<br />

evolution of High Tiber Valley Quaternary basin, focusing about<br />

geomorphological and geological evidences.<br />

The High Tiber Valley is a continental basin elongated from<br />

Sansepolcro in the north to Perugia to the south for 70 km and<br />

bounded eastward by Umbrian Apennines and westward by the<br />

Sub-Apennines ridges of the Tuscan domain (Fig. 1). The<br />

Apennines are mountain chain, anticlines and narrow synclines,<br />

due to a compressive phase (Miocene) with a NW-SE direction.<br />

During a second extensional tectonic phase, that affected the area<br />

in the Pleistocene with a general uplift, several intermountain<br />

basins had been formed (including the High Tiber Valley) filled<br />

_________________________<br />

Morphotectonic evolution of High Tiber Valley (Umbria, Italy)<br />

related to an active low angle normal fault segmentation<br />



(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Perugia,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università D’Annunzio, Chieti,<br /><br />

(°) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Roma.<br />

627<br />

with fluvial lacustrine deposits and bounded by normal fault<br />

systems. The High Tiber Valley geometry and evolution is<br />

controlled by an extensional fault system driven by the<br />

Altotiberina normal fault (ATF) in the Northern Apennines. The<br />

fault is a low-angle (average dip about 17°) NE-dipping structure<br />

active since the lower Quaternary (BARCHI et alii, 1998; BONCIO<br />

et alii, 2000). On the basis of the along strike long-term offset<br />

distribution, a continuous structure extending for at least 60 km is<br />

recognized like the regional detachment for several smaller<br />

synthetic and antithetic splays, the youngest of which border the<br />

Quaternary Tiber valley.<br />

The present day landscape is the sum of many factors on<br />

several temporal scales: a regional uplift in order of 0.5 mm/yr<br />

affecting all the Apennine chain, climatic change and eustatic sea<br />

level variations. Time scales deformations are almost three: a first<br />

compressive phase dating back to about 3 million years ago<br />

responsible for creating the Apennines, a normal faulting phase<br />

that affected the area since Pleistocene and a subsequent<br />

Holocene fluvial response since 0.1 Ma. The investigation<br />

methods are: microseismic surveys, geodetic data, field work and<br />

aerial photo interpretation in order to identify the<br />

geomorphological markers of neotectonic activity. The results are<br />

input in a GIS project to collect a GeoDB comparable with<br />

different terrain data. From geologic survey three principal<br />

depositional cycles are identified: i) the first one (early<br />

Pleistocene) with prevalent clay sedimentation; ii) the second one<br />

(early-middle Pleistocene) with prevalent conglomeratic<br />

sediments and sandy interbodies; iii) the last one (middle-late<br />

Pleistocene and Holocene) with heterogenic deposits, only in<br />

narrow areas. The Quaternary deposits are displaced by several<br />

fault segments related to the activity of the basin-bounding faults.<br />

On the basis of the oldest ages of the quaternary deposits<br />

cropping out within the basins it is possible to infer that the faults<br />

have been active at least since lower Quaternary (1.8 Ma).<br />

However, the great thickness of the basins infill (1.000 m)<br />

may suggest that within the basins depocenter in the subsurface,<br />

older deposits might be present and the faults have been active<br />

since a longer time period. The paper is focused on drainage<br />

network response in order to establish possible variations in<br />

activity of Quaternary ATF splays that shaped the basin. The<br />

differences, on the basis of the topographic sections and on the<br />

positions of the terraces are related to local subsidence and<br />


SESSIONE 18<br />

Fig. 1 – The study area and the division in the three sub-basins (on the right) and the related local subsidence and regional uplift (on the left).<br />

regional uplift. We interpret the along strike changes of Tiber<br />

river incision marked by the different presence/absence and<br />

distribution of the river terraces as the result of the interference<br />

between the regional uplift and the local extensional tectonics.<br />

According to this approach the target area can be divided into<br />

three thresholds-separated coalescing basins (early Pleistocene in<br />

age), the Sansepolcro, the Umbertide and the Ponte Pattoli subbasins<br />

(Fig. 1). Sansepolcro sub-basin is the widest part and it is<br />

characterized by the overall absence of fluvial terraces. Previous<br />

studies highlighted that it is located at the foot-wall of one of the<br />

basin-bounding ATF splays (CATTUTO et alii, 1995) with a low<br />

or absent incision of the river. Due to this fact, the northwestern<br />

San Sepolcro sub-basin appears to be dominated by local<br />

subsidence. South of the Sansepolcro sub-basin threshold, in the<br />

Umbertide one, two orders of well-recognizable fluvial terraces<br />

which rest on top of the quaternary deposits are recognized. The<br />

distribution and elevation changes of these surfaces are not the<br />

same all along the valley and marks several difference in local<br />

incision by the river. This part is characterized by a decrease of<br />

incision in the central part and by higher incision towards the<br />

threshold. On the other hand the southeastern Umbertide subbasin<br />

is characterized by incision and suggest that uplift<br />

dominates on the foot-wall subsidence and promotes river<br />

incision. Within the southeastern Ponte Pattoli sub-basin a<br />

progressive decrease of incision is recognizable. These<br />

differences are also reflected by the distribution of the historical<br />

seismicity which displays many events in the northwestern<br />

628<br />

Sansepolcro area and is silent in the Umbertide area, suggesting a<br />

continuity in the faults activity in the last 1.8 MA. Such setting<br />

suggests that the present-day fluvial incision depicts a continuity<br />

in the tectonic processes through time, in that the same faults<br />

responsible for the formation of the quaternary basins are still<br />

active but also that faults activity seems to be faster in the<br />

northwestern area than in the southeastern one<br />



SOTERA B. (1998) - Extensional tectonics in the Northern<br />

Apennines (Italy): evidence from the CROP03 deep seismic<br />

reflection line. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 52, 528-538.<br />

BONCIO P., BROZZETTI F. & LAVECCHIA G. (2000) - Architecture and<br />

seismotectonics of a regional Low-Angle Normal Fault Zone in<br />

Central Italy. Tectonics, 19, 1038-1055.<br />

BURBANK D. & ANDERSON R. (2000) – Tectonic Geomorphology.<br />

Wiley-Blackwell, 288 pp.<br />

CATTUTO C., CENCETTI C., FISAULI M. & GREGORI L. (1995) -I bacini<br />

pleistocenici di Anghiari e Sansepolcro nell'alta valle del Tevere.<br />

<strong>Il</strong> Quaternario, 8, 119-128.<br />

ENGLAND P. & MOLNAR P.A. (1990) - Surface uplift, uplift of rocks,<br />

and exhumation of rocks. Geology, 18 (12), 1173-1177.

Quaternary lacustrine sedimentation in the Sant’Arcangelo Basin<br />

(Southern Apennines)<br />

Key words: Quaternary, San Lorenzo lacustrine succession,<br />

Sant’Arcangelo Basin, southern Italy.<br />

Quaternary lacustrine sedimentation (Fig. 1) represents one of<br />

the more recent steps in the evolution of the northern part of the<br />

Sant'Arcangelo Basin, that is one of the wider and deeper<br />

Pliocene to Pleistocene satellite basins of southern Apennines<br />

(Italy) (PIERI et alii, 1994; 1996) (Fig. 2 and 3).<br />

The lower to middle Pleistocene lacustrine deposits (San<br />

Fig. 1 – Quaternary lacustrine deposits. San Lorenzo succession.<br />


Fig. 2 – Geological features of the Sant'Arcangelo Basin (after SABATO, 2000).<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Geologia e Geofisica, Università "Aldo Moro" di Bari,<br /><br />

629<br />

Lorenzo succession), up to 200 m thick, are composed of<br />

siltstone and claystone interbedded with sandstone, carbonate and<br />

volcaniclastic beds, mainly arranged in fining-upward sequences<br />

(SABATO, 1997; 2000; SABATO et alii, 2005) (Fig. 1). The overall<br />

stratigraphical, sedimentological, and structural data collected<br />

demonstrate that the lacustrine deposits formed when the northern<br />

sector of the Sant'Arcangelo Basin was undergoing tectonic<br />

deformation. In fact, it is possible to observe evidence of<br />

syntectonic sedimentation, from small soft-sediment deformation<br />

structures, induced either by earthquakes or by instability of lake<br />

margin slope deposits (MORETTI &SABATO, 2007), to basinscale<br />

tectonic growth structures, forming endorheic areas for lake<br />

development (Fig. 4). In particular, the main tectonic structures<br />

observed in the field are faults and folds that may be related to a<br />

left-lateral transpressive regime (ONOFRIO, 2008).<br />

Furthermore, the inferred age of tectonic structures derived<br />

from the ages of the syntectonic deposits suggests that the<br />

transpressive regime was active in the area at least from the early<br />

Pleistocene (ONOFRIO et alii, 2009) (Fig. 4).<br />

Integrated stratigraphical and structural analyses of<br />

Quaternary continental deposits, which here basically record the<br />

end of the sedimentary infilling of a Plio-Pleistocene satellite<br />


SESSIONE 18<br />

basin along the Apennines fold-thrust belt, are necessary in order<br />

to constrain the more recent tectonics in this still active chain.<br />

Fig. 3 – Main structural features of the Sant'Arcangelo Basin and surroundings.<br />

Note the position of the "San Lorenzo" lacustrine succession (after ONOFRIO,<br />

2008).<br />


ONOFRIO V. (2008) - Evoluzione tettono-stratigrafica del settore<br />

settentrionale del Bacino di Sant'Arcangelo nel Plio-<br />

Pleistocene (Appennino meridionale). PhD Thesis, Bari<br />

University, Italy, 119 pp.<br />


(2009) - Quaternary transpression and the San Lorenzo<br />

lacustrine sedimentation in the Sant’Arcangelo Basin.<br />

Sediment. Geol., 222, 78-88.<br />

PIERI P., SABATO L., LOIACONO F. & MARINO M. (1994) - <strong>Il</strong><br />

bacino di piggyback di Sant'Arcangelo: evoluzione tettonicosedimentaria.<br />

Boll. Soc. Geol. It. 113, 468–481.<br />

PIERI P., SABATO,L.&MARINO M. (1996) - The Plio-Pleistocene<br />

piggyback Sant'Arcangelo Basin: tectonic and sedimentary<br />

evolution. Notes Mem. Serv. Geol. Maroc, 387, 195–208.<br />

SABATO L. (1997) - Sedimentary and tectonic evolution of a<br />

lower-middle Pleistocene lacustrine system in the<br />

Sant'Arcangelo piggyback basin (southern Italy). Geol. Rom.,<br />

33, 137–145.<br />

SABATO L. (2000) - A lower-middle Pleistocene lacustrine system<br />

in late evolutionary stages of the Sant'Arcangelo Basin<br />

(southern Italy). In: E.H. Gierlowski-Kordesch and K. Kelts<br />

(Eds.) - Lake Basins Through Space and Time. AAPG Stud.<br />

Geol., 46, 543–552.<br />

630<br />


G. & PIERI P. (2005) - The lower and middle Pleistocene<br />

geological record of the San Lorenzo lacustrine succession in<br />

the Sant'Arcangelo Basin (Southern Apennines, Italy).<br />

Quatern. Int., 131, 59–69.<br />

Fig. 4 – Block diagrams showing the stratigraphycal development of the<br />

northern part of the Sant'Arcangelo Basin from early to middle<br />

Pleistocene due to left-lateral transpressional tectonics. The activity of<br />

this system of faults allowed the formation of the San Lorenzo<br />

lacustrine system. (after ONOFRIO et alii, 2009).

SESSIONE 19<br />

I vulcani attivi <strong>della</strong> Campania<br />


Roberto Santacroce (Università di Pisa)<br />

Alessandro Sbrana (Università di Pisa)<br />

Paola Marianelli (Università di Pisa)<br />

631<br />


SESSIONE 19<br />

Key words: Magnetics, Naples Bay, reflection seismics, Torre del<br />

Greco, Vesuvius, volcanic structure.<br />


The integrated geologic interpretation of densely spaced<br />

multichannel seismic and magnetic profiles, acquired on the<br />

continental shelf adjacent to the Vesuvius volcanic edifice has<br />

allowed to carry out a three-dimensional magneto-seismic<br />

reconstruction of a wide volcanic structure. The structure has<br />

been individuated offshore the town of Torre del Greco (Naples)<br />

and represents the seaward prolongation of the volcanic edifice.<br />

The complex Late-Quaternary archictecture of the Naples Bay<br />

is controlled by the interactions between volcanic and<br />

sedimentary processes. Rapid lateral variations between<br />

acoustically-transparent seismic units frequently occur on<br />

reflection profiles. These units correspond to volcanic deposits<br />

erupted during the multiphase activity of the Phlegrean Fields,<br />

Somma-Vesuvius and Ischia and Procida volcanic complexes<br />

(AIELLO et alii, 2004; 2005; 2009; MILIA et alii, 1998; 2008;<br />

D’ARGENIO et alii, 2004; RUGGIERI et alii, 2007). In the study<br />

area the magnetic properties allow to confirm the volcanic nature<br />

of the geologic units identified through the reflection seismics. A<br />

semi-quantitative interpretation of seismic and bathymetric data,<br />

resulting in a topographic and seismic reconstruction of the<br />

submerged volcanic structure off Torre del Greco is here<br />

presented.<br />


The Vesuvius volcano has been intensively studied, mainly<br />

regarding its eruptive events, the recent seismicity, the<br />

geochemistry, the ground movements and the related geologic<br />

hazard (CASSANO &LA TORRE, 1987; SANTACROCE et alii, 1987;<br />

CASTELLANO et alii, 2002; ESPOSTI ONGARO et alii, 2002;<br />

MASTROLORENZO et alii, 2002; SACCOROTTI et alii, 2002;<br />

_________________________<br />

Three-dimensional magnetic and seismic reconstruction of the<br />

“Torre del Greco” volcanic structure (Vesuvius, Naples Bay)<br />

(*) Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero (IAMC), CNR, Napoli,<br /><br />


632<br />

SCARPA et alii, 2002; TODESCO et alii, 2002).<br />

The eruption of the pyroclastic flux deposits of the<br />

“Campanian Ignimbrite”(37 ky B.P.; ROSI &SBRANA, 1987) has<br />

covered the whole Campania Region and part of the adjacent<br />

offshore with thick deposits of grey tuffs, over which the Mt.<br />

Somma volcanic edifice started to grow. The eruptive activity is<br />

comprised between the main eruptions of the “Pomici di Base”<br />

(18 ky) and of the “Pomici Verdoline”, triggering the collapse of<br />

the Somma edifice and the consequent calderization, with the<br />

formation of a new volcanic edifice, i.e. the Vesuvius (SHERIDAN<br />

et alii, 1981; 1982; SIGURDSSON et alii, 1982; SANTACROCE et<br />

alii, 1987).<br />




The integrated interpretation of the magnetic, seismic and<br />

bathymetric data suggests the correlation of the magnetic<br />

anomalies with three main peaks of a wide volcanic structure,<br />

located offshore of the Torre del Greco town, along a NNW-SSE<br />

direction, at water depths ranging between – 80 m and – 110 m.<br />

The seismo-stratigraphic evidences are represented by<br />

acoustically-transparent seismic facies and high contrasts of<br />

acoustic impedance, relatively to those ones of the overlying<br />

deposits, mounded depositional geometries and average<br />

kilometric dimensions. The base of the volcanic bodies is not<br />

acoustically evident, because they overlie a seismic unit<br />

correlated with the pyroclastic fluxes of the “Campanian<br />

Ignimbrite”. The top of the structures, irregularly eroded, may<br />

show several culminations, as it happens in the case of the Torre<br />

del Greco volcanic structure. The thickness of the overlying<br />

Holocene deposits is significantly reduced in correspondence to<br />

the volcanic structures, while other mounds have been fossilised<br />

by Late Pleistocene-Holocene sediments.<br />

The three-dimensional reconstruction of the Torre del Greco<br />

structure has been carried out by using the constraints of the<br />

reflection seismics and the correlation of the volcanic structure to<br />

bathymetry. The bathymetric data have been processed with the<br />

application of a median filter to remove the sea bottom<br />

irregularities with a smoothing of the sea bottom topographic<br />

surface. In the three-dimensional reconstruction (Fig. 1) the sea<br />

bottom topography has been compared to the top of the Torre del

Greco structure, represented by the contour depth of the<br />

corresponding seismic horizons. A good correspondence between<br />

the sea bottom topographic surface and the top of the volcanic<br />

structure, which does not crop out at the sea bottom, exists. The<br />

uprising of the volcanic structure is testified by the occurrence of<br />

topographic undulations of the sea bottom in the order of ten<br />

meters. This is confirmed by the interpretation of seismic<br />

profiles, showing three main culminations of the volcanic<br />

structure, where the overlying sedimentary drape is significantly<br />

reduced. These culminations are related to the peaks of magnetic<br />

anomaly, with values in the order of 250-350 nT. A striking<br />

coincidence between the elongated topographic high of the sea<br />

bottom (towards east) and the high in the top of the underlying<br />

volcanic structure may be explained as a consequence of the sea<br />

bottom deformation due to the overlying volcanic culminations.<br />

Fig. 1 – 3D magneto-seismic reconstruction of the volcanic structure.<br />



SINISCALCHI A. (2004) – Carta magnetica di alta risoluzione<br />

del Golfo di Napoli (Tirreno meridionale). Boll. Soc. Geol.<br />

Ital., 123, 333-342.<br />


N., RUGGIERI S. & SINISCALCHI A. (2005) – Buried volcanic<br />

structures in the Gulf of Naples (southern Tyrrhenian sea,<br />

Italy) resulting from high resolution magnetic survey and<br />

seismic profiling. Annals of Geophysics, 48, 1-15.<br />

AIELLO G., MARSELLA E. & PASSARO S. (2009) – Submarine<br />

instability processes on the continental slopes off the<br />

Campania region: the case history of Ischia island (Naples<br />

Bay). Boll. Geof. Teor. Appl., 50 (2), 193-207.<br />

CASSANO E. & LA TORRE P. (1987) – Geophysics. Quaderni De<br />

La Ricerca Scientifica, CNR.<br />

633<br />


(2002) – Seismic surveillance of active volcanoes: the<br />

Osservatorio Vesuviano seismic network (OVSN – Southern<br />

Italy). Seism. Res. Letters, 73, 177-184.<br />

D’ARGENIO B., AIELLO G. et alii (2004) – Digital Elevation<br />

Model of the Naples Bay and adjacent areas, Eastern<br />

Tyrrhenian sea. In: G. Groppelli (Ed.) – Mapping Geology in<br />

Italy. Editore De Agostini.<br />


(2002) – Pyroclastic flow hazard at Vesuvius from numerical<br />

modelling II. Analysis of local flow variables. Bull. of<br />

Volcanol., 64, 178-191.<br />

FINETTI I. & MORELLI C. (1973) – Esplorazione sismica per<br />

riflessione <strong>dei</strong> Golfi di Napoli e Pozzuoli. Boll. Geof. Teor.<br />

Appl., 16, 175-222.<br />


J. (2002) – The 472 AD Pollena eruption at Somma-Vesuvius<br />

(Italy) and its environmental impact at the end of Roman<br />

Empire. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 113, 19-36.<br />


Volcanism offshore of Vesuvius volcano (Italy): implications<br />

for hazard evaluation. Bull. of Volcanol., 59, 404-413.<br />


(2008) – Syneruptive features and sedimentary processes<br />

associated with pyroclastic currents entering the sea: the AD<br />

79 eruption of Vesuvius, Bay of Naples, Italy. J. Geol. Soc.,<br />

165 (4), 839-848.<br />

RUGGIERI S., AIELLO G. & MARSELLA E. (2007) – Integrated<br />

marine geophysical data interpretation of the Naples Bay<br />

continental slope. Boll. Geof. Teor. Appl., 48 (1), 1-24.<br />

SACCOROTTI G., VENTURA G. & VILARDO G. (2002) – Seismic<br />

swarms related to diffusive processes: the case of Somma-<br />

Vesuvius volcano, Italy. Geophysics, 67, 199-203.<br />

SANTACROCE R. (1987) – Somma-Vesuvius. Quaderni De La<br />

Ricerca Scientifica, CNR, Roma.<br />

SCARPA R., TRONCA F., BIANCO F. & DEL PEZZO E. (2002) –<br />

High resolution velocity structure beneath Mount Vesuvius<br />

from seismic array data. Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, 2040.<br />


– A model for Plinian eruptions of Vesuvius. Nature, 289,<br />

282-285.<br />


eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79: reconstruction from<br />

historical and volcanological evidence. Am. Journ. of<br />

Archaeology, 86, 39-51.<br />


SESSIONE 19<br />

Key words: Andisols, Artemisio volcano, lithologic substrate.<br />

Here are presented the results of a study carried out on the<br />

southern slope of Mount Artemisio (i.e.Volcano), with the aim to<br />

put on evidence the pedologic variability and the evolutionary<br />

tendency of soils on volcanic substrates which crop out in this<br />

area.<br />

The different soil profiles have been analysed at different<br />

altitudes, starting from the base of the slope (about 600 m a.s.l.),<br />

up to the top (about 980 m a.s.l.), on different types of vulcanite<br />

(“Tufo Marrone dell’Artemisio”, “lapilli varicolori”, cinder).<br />

Soils have been described on the field, sampled by pedologic<br />

horizons, and then tested through chemical and phisycal analysis.<br />

From the elaboration of these data comes out that all soils that<br />

have been studied are part of the “Andisols” order (according to<br />

“USDA” taxonomy): a soil developing in volcanic ejecta (such as<br />

volcanic ash, pumice, cinders and lava) and in volcaniclastic<br />

materials, the colloidal fraction of which is dominated by shortrange-order<br />

minerals or alluminium-humus complexes.<br />

The dominant processes in Andisols are weathering and<br />

mineral transformation. Weathering of primary alumina-silicates<br />

and amorphous minerals (mainly volcanic glasses, which go<br />

through a slow alteration) has proceeded only to the point of<br />

formation of short-range-order minerals, such as allophane,<br />

imogolite and ferrihydrite, as pointed up from some specific<br />

analysis (pH in NaF, Phosphate retention, etc).<br />

The main characteristics typical of Andisols have been found<br />

not only in soils that lay down on pyroclastities, that is substrates<br />

easily alterable and rich in primary volcanic glass; even<br />

unexpectedly in soils that lay down on lithotype excessively<br />

drainy, as slags, or scarcely vitreous as lapilli, which generally,<br />

through the alteration process become clay.<br />

This fact suggests a probable subsequent contribution of<br />

thinly splitted materials, rich in volcanic glass, which have<br />

covered the internal slopes of Mount Artemisio during the<br />

subsequent cycles of activity of the volcano.<br />

Furthermore, we have to consider the important role carried<br />

_________________________<br />

Pedologic variability of soils on volcanic substrates:<br />

the case of Mount Artemisio<br />

(*) ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale),<br />

Roma,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale, Università la Sapienza di Roma.<br />


634<br />

out by a constantly humid climate and by a rich plant cover, in<br />

creating an optimum environment for the genesis and<br />

conservation of the allophanic clays: these minerals, typical of<br />

Andisols, in these particular conditions, achieve a stability that<br />

allows them to persist with a very slow alteration over long<br />


Key words: Ischia harbour, Ischia history, Bourbon Ferdinand<br />

II, Lago del Bagno, crater lake.<br />

We examine recent and historical sources with a view to<br />

reconstructing the circumstances leading in 1854 to the opening<br />

of the natural harbour of Ischia, the execution phases of the works<br />

and the morphological changes arising. Since the late 17th<br />

century Ischia, an active volcanic island, has been a major<br />

European destination for spa treatment. It underwent a period of<br />

change after the harbour was opened up, which represented not<br />

only an outlet towards the mainland but also an important factor<br />

of social and cultural aggregation for the island. Our analysis also<br />

accounts of the geology of Ischia Harbour, the observations of the<br />

current state of the island and issues concerning the increase in<br />

volcanic and seismic risk resulting from urban expansion and the<br />

increase in tourism since the first half of the 20th century.<br />

On 17 September 1854, under the initiative of the Bourbon<br />

Ferdinand II (1830-1859), King of the Two Sicilies, the opening<br />

of the new harbour of Ischia was celebrated. It has since become<br />

a major maritime port and marina in the Bay of Naples. The port<br />

constituted the fundamental element connecting the island and the<br />

mainland, providing easier access to the island and promoting the<br />

progressive growth of the local economy.<br />

The future harbour area, a lacustrine basin (Fig.1), just like<br />

the rest of the island, was the product of volcanic activity which<br />

has been distinguished by alternating explosive and effusive<br />

eruptions. Small to moderate volcanic eruptions occurred in the<br />

last 10,000 years, and also intense seismic activity in the past 800<br />

years. The most recent eruption occurred in 1302, with lava flow<br />

affected partly the east area of the harbour (VEZZOLI 1988;<br />

VEZZOLI et alii, 2009; CARLINO et alii, 2006, 2010). The crater of<br />

Ischia Harbour was formed several centuries BC. The volcanic<br />

products in the eastern sector (San Pietro Hill) overlie a palaeosol<br />

developed on top of an older trachyte containing pottery remains<br />

from the 5th century BC and roof tiles of the 6th-5th centuries BC<br />

(BUCHNER, 1986; VEZZOLI et alii, 2009) The Ischia Harbour<br />

crater was formed by a phreatomagmatic eruption, during which<br />

_________________________<br />

The opening of the natural harbour of Ischia (Italy)<br />


(*) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia – Sezione di Napoli<br />

Osservatorio Vesuviano,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Storia e Restauro, Università di Napoli “Federico II”,<br /><br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Napoli “ Federico II”,<br /><br />

635<br />

the explosive energy increased, followed by a magmatic phase<br />

with a strombolian activity. A small positive gravity Bouguer<br />

anomaly, close to the harbour, highlights the presence of a<br />

shallow dense mass which can be interpreted as due to the<br />

solidified lava lake formed during the last phase of the eruption.<br />

This interpretation is supported by the presence of a rock block<br />

emerging from the lake surface (CARLINO et alii., 2010).<br />

Fig.1 - Topographic map of the Royal Topographic Office of Naples, scale<br />

1:25,000, 1840 (IGMI source), with the crater Lago del Bagno: the future<br />

harbour. On the western sector of the lake (sea side) the little channel for water<br />

circulation. The lake was thus an ideal place for fishing, for the farming of<br />

molluscs and crustaceans, but also for the hunting of coot and other waterfowl.<br />

The works for the harbour opening involved the removal of<br />

part of the sandbank separating the lake from the sea to the north,<br />

with an entrance of about 500 palms (130 m). A jetty was also to<br />

be constructed to protect the harbour mouth from the strong<br />

NNW winter winds, about 700 palms long (182 m) consisting of<br />

about 541 cubic canne (10,000 m 3 ) of rock obtained from a cliff<br />

beyond the small river mouth to the west, and the bed was to be<br />

dredged to allow access for large vessels as well (QUARANTA,<br />

1855). The whole lake-bed was excavated, removing material<br />

about one metre deep, amounting to 115,000 m 3<br />

The opening of Ischia Harbour in 1854 was undoubtedly an<br />

intervention which radically changed the hierarchical relations<br />

between the island and the mainland. It is also a fine example of<br />

the art of 19th-century engineering (DELIZIA, 1990; RISPOLI<br />

2007). It was an operation which, in terms of techniques and<br />


SESSIONE 19<br />

execution times, was certainly ahead of its time. Although the<br />

reasons that drove King Ferdinand II to open up the pre-existing<br />

Bagno Lake, to make it the island’s main port, were chiefly<br />

personal, what lay behind the choice was the spirit of renewal in<br />

regional policies, which was one of the hallmarks of the Bourbon<br />

government. At that time the island was already well known for<br />

treatments with its thermal waters, especially in Casamicciola,<br />

where since the late 16th century many visitors had gone to enjoy<br />

their therapeutic effects. However, the lack of safe harbours<br />

throughout the island made access difficult, especially in winter<br />

months when the frequency of sea storms increases considerably.<br />

With the opening-up of Ischia Harbour, the situation radically<br />

changed: maritime traffic and the flow of visitors shifted towards<br />

the eastern side of the island which thus became easily accessible,<br />

also for large steamships (Fig. 2). This produced a population<br />

increase in the Ischia municipality, rather than elsewhere on the<br />

island, and lead to new urban settlements.<br />

Fig.2 - The Ischia harbour today.<br />

The natural features of the harbour, obtained from an ancient<br />

crater lake, are certainly singular. However, its so well-defined<br />

shape has prevented its expansion (RISPOLI, 2007), which would<br />

seem necessary to handle the substantial increase in maritime<br />

traffic. During the peak tourist season, over 20 large vessels dock<br />

and sail daily, handling about 15,000 passengers, and over 35 fast<br />

craft handling 8,000 passengers, making a total flow of 23,000<br />

passengers per day. It is some surprise that, in 1853, the<br />

Provincial Council of Naples failed to approve the construction<br />

of the new harbour of Ischia, which it considered a site<br />

“unsusceptible to development”. Clearly, for such areas endowed<br />

with natural, landscape and cultural attractions, interventions<br />

resulting in better accessibility and fruition produce not only an<br />

increase in tourist flows, but also in the resident population.<br />

Moreover, as the economy’s organisational centre, the harbour<br />

brings about the transition from settlement of coastal areas to that<br />

of more inland areas. The trade taking place in the marketharbour<br />

promotes a deep-rooted reconversion of production, from<br />

a closed, self-consumption economy to a trade economy. In this<br />

636<br />

sense, Ischia harbour represented not only a window looking to<br />

the mainland but also a key factor in the island’s social and<br />

cultural aggregation.<br />

Although in recent times our knowledge of the island’s<br />

geological phenomena has improved, and special attention has<br />

been laid on the effects of their most intense manifestations and<br />

related risks, regrettably among the unwary communities exposed<br />

to environmental risk few people have adopted the culture of<br />

preventive action. In light of this fact, the level of attention to<br />

extreme geological phenomena apparently only grows in<br />

concomitance with catastrophic events, while political decisionmakers<br />

limit themselves to intervening only in the emergency<br />

phase, without any long-term programming of responsible landuse<br />

management policies to ensure the future reduction of<br />

geological risk.<br />


BUCHNER G. (1986) - Eruzioni vulcaniche e fenomeni vulcanotettonici<br />

di età preistorica e storica nell’isola d’Ischia. Bibl.<br />

de l’Institut Francais de Naples, Deuxième serie, Vol. VII.<br />

Pubbl. du Centre Jean Berard, Naples, 145-188.<br />


History of Ischia harbour (Southern Italy). In: V. Viorel<br />

Badescu and R. B. Cathcart (Eds) - Macro-engineering<br />

Seawater in/and Unique Environments. Arid Lowlands and<br />

Water Bodies Rehabilitation. Springer Verlag (in press).<br />


the mechanics of caldera resurgence of Ischia Island. In: C.<br />

Troise, G. De Natale and C:R.J. Kilburn (Eds). Geol. Society,<br />

London, Spec. Publ., 269, 181–193.<br />

DELIZIA I. (1990) - Ischia d’altri tempi. Electa Napoli.<br />

QUARANTA B. (1855) - Del nuovo porto d’Ischia aperto per<br />

comando di Sua Maestà Ferdinando II re del Regno delle<br />

Due Sicilie. Annali Civili, 13-17.<br />

RISPOLI F. (2007) - Oltre il Sagrato. In : AA.VV. -Santa Maria di<br />

Porto Salvo a Ischia 150/75. Tota Tua 75/150.<br />


& LE GOFF M. (2009) - Modes and times of caldera<br />

resurgence: the

Factors controlling volcano-dynamic of large calderas: the example<br />

of Campi Flegrei (Southern Italy)<br />

Key words: Caldera eruption, Campi Flegrei caldera, elastic<br />

regime, magma storage, viscous regime, yield strength, wallrock<br />

viscosity.<br />

A semi-quantitative evaluation of the different factors that<br />

lead to magma storage or to its eruption in large calderas (such as<br />

magma chamber size, wall-rock viscosity, temperature, and<br />

regional tectonic strain rate) is reported here for elastic and<br />

viscoelastic conditions. This study considers different scenarios<br />

of shallow crustal behaviour, with application to Campi Flegrei<br />

caldera (CFc), an area characterised by very high volcanic risk,<br />

and the recurrent unrests period. The constrain of our<br />

computation are provided by the earlier studies of CFc ground<br />

deformation and caldera eruptions, including recent geophysical<br />

investigations of the area. Considering the large magmatic<br />

sources of the CFc ignimbrite eruptions (400–2,000 km 3 ) and a<br />

wall-rock viscosity between 10 18 and 10 20 Pa s, the conditions for<br />

eruptive failure are difficult to attain. Smaller source dimensions<br />

(a few cubic kilometres) promote the condition for fracture<br />

(eruption) rather than for the flow of wall rock. We also analyse<br />

the influence of the regional extensional stress regime on magma<br />

storage and eruptions, and the thermal stress as a possible source<br />

of caldera uplift. The present study also emphasises the difficulty<br />

of distinguishing eruption and non-eruption scenarios at CFc,<br />

since an unambiguous model that accounts for the rock rheology,<br />

magma-source dimensions and locations and regional stress field<br />

influences is still lacking.<br />


By considering previous CFc unrest models and caldera<br />

eruptions, we have evaluated the strength of the rock for elastoplastic<br />

behaviour and the conditions for eruption or magma<br />

storage for both shallow and deep magmatic sources at CFc for<br />

the viscoelastic case. When the elastoplastic conditions for the<br />

1982–1984 uplift are considered, relative low yield strengths are<br />

obtained (0.5–10 MPa). These values will be related to the<br />

particular physical state of the crust below CFc, which is<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Napoli,<br />

Osservatorio Vesuviano,<br />


637<br />

characterised by high temperatures, intense fracturing, and<br />

circulation of hot fluids. This allows the shallow rock to enter the<br />

plastic domain if it is subjected to low increases in the stress.<br />

Thus, large deformation can be expected also without eruption.<br />

We have also considered the case of wall-rock behaviour around<br />

a magmatic source by using the viscoelastic model obtained by<br />

JELLINEK &DEPAOLO (2003).<br />

This model considers two different behaviours, elastic and<br />

viscous, and takes into account the viscosity of the wall rock, the<br />

volume of the source and the overpressure generated by the<br />

magma influx. Considering a magmatic source for CFc of at least<br />

450 km 3 (WOHLETZ et alii, 1999) and a wall-rock viscosity from<br />

10 18 –10 20 Pa s, it is difficult to attain the conditions for eruptive<br />

failure. These conditions are further inhibited for larger magmatic<br />

sources (2,000 km 3 ; the CI magma chamber). Since a reliable<br />

value of wall-rock viscosity for CFc is around 1×10 19 Pa s (DE<br />

NATALE et alii, 1991), the likelihood of eruptions for such a large<br />

magma chamber need to be correlated with other variables, such<br />

as, source dimension, regional stress field, and high rates of<br />

magma influx. Considering the rheology of the rock around an<br />

overpressurised shallower and smaller source (of about 1 km<br />

radius; DE NATALE et alii, 2001, BATTAGLIA et al. 2006;<br />

AMORUSO et alii, 2008), we have shown that the elastic regime of<br />

the wall rock dominates for all of the values of viscosity (10 18 –10 20<br />

Pa s). At CFc, this condition might have triggered eruptions, as<br />

for instance, during the last 1970–72 and 1982–84 unrests,<br />

whereas their present absence might be ascribed to different<br />

factors, such as a lesser viscosity of the wall rock due to its higher<br />

temperatures (viscous regime) or the lack of magma intrusion<br />

according to the hypothesis of fluid migration as the source of<br />

ground uplift.<br />

In general, the above considerations show that the conditions<br />

that would favour eruptions are the high viscosity of the rock<br />

around the magmatic source and the small dimension of the<br />

source itself. These circumstances would promote the fracturing<br />

of the wall rock and dyke injection towards the surface. In<br />

contrast, higher temperatures and lower viscosities of the wall<br />

rock would inhibit the propagation of magma up to the surface;<br />

these conditions occur for larger magma chambers (hundreds of<br />

cubic kilometres). In addition, the extensional regime of the CFc<br />

area would promote a rising of magma from deeper sources and a<br />

decrease in the chamber pressure along the plane perpendicular to<br />

the extensional direction. This overpressure within the chamber<br />


SESSIONE 19<br />

can occur when the magma influx rate is sufficiently high to<br />

overcome the negative pressure due to the extensional rate.<br />

Finally, an alternative efficient mechanism for the periodic<br />

inflation and deflation of CFc without eruptions can be seen as<br />

the pore pressure increases due to thermal variations within the<br />

deep magmatic source (thermal stress; DE NATALE et alii, 2001).<br />

We show that temperature variations of more than 35°C within a<br />

deep magmatic source can produce the thermal stress that is<br />

sufficient for the uplift of the caldera. This process probably<br />

occurs in the plastic or viscous domain and might involve the<br />

circulation of geothermal fluids.<br />

The present study has emphasized the difficulty of<br />

understanding how to discriminate between the conditions for<br />

eruption or non-eruption at CFc. For instance, the seismic,<br />

deformation and gravity monitoring data provide the more<br />

important evidence for volcanic activity renewal, but their<br />

interpretation is complicated by the non-uniqueness of the<br />

solutions that generate the CFc unrest. Otherwise, the reactivation<br />

of volcanic activity of large calderas might take place without<br />

Fig. 1 – Maximum magmatic source overpressure (? pmax) generated by a<br />

steady magma influx Q = 0.002 km 3 y -1 as a function of the spherical source,<br />

with different volumes (V) and a constant viscosity of the wall rock (μwr).<br />

The viscosity ranges between 1×10 18 and 1× 10 20 Pa s. The more reliable<br />

values of the viscosity for CFc are around 1×10 19 Pa s (DE NATALE et alii,<br />

1991). The horizontal solid line represents the probable value of the yield<br />

strength (ys) of the CFc rock above which fracturing occurs. If ? pmax > ys the<br />

source is roughly in an elastic regime, and fracturing and magma injection<br />

can lead to volcanic eruption. When ? pmax < ys, the wall rocks are<br />

approximately in a viscous regime, which favours melt storage and growth of<br />

the magma chamber (JELLINEK &DEPAOLO, 2003). The reported minimum<br />

and maximum volumes represent the NYT and CI chamber volumes,<br />

respectively. Dashed line: the influence of magma buoyancy on overpressure<br />

for a density contrast of 100 kg m -3 .<br />

638<br />

clear precursors, as occurred during the 1994 Rabaul caldera<br />

eruption (MCKEE et alii, 1995; DE NATALE et alii, 2001). Under<br />

other conditions, no eruption would happen, even after long<br />

periods of seismic activity and large deformation of the caldera,<br />

as in the case of the 1970–1972 and 1982–1984 CFc unrest. The<br />

complexity of the problem is related to an understanding of the<br />

particular physical state of the crust and particularly to the<br />

location and dimension of the magma reservoir, the rheology<br />

around the magma reservoir, the type of magma feeding and the<br />

influence of the regional stress field and the strain rate in the area.<br />

The lack of a comprehensive model that can take all of these<br />

features into account produces the uncertainties in the evaluations<br />

of both short-term and long-term volcanic eruption forecasts.<br />



Simultaneous inversion of deformation and gravity changes<br />

in a horizontally layered half-space: Evidence for magma<br />

intrusion during the 1982-1984 unrest at Campi Flegrei<br />

caldera (Italy). Earth Placet. Sci. Lett.<br />

Doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.04.040.<br />


G. (2006) - Evidence for fluid migration as the source of<br />

deformation at Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy). Geophys. Res.<br />

Lett., 33, doi:10.1029/2005GL024904.<br />

CARLINO S. & SOMMA R. (2010) - Eruptive versus non-eruptive<br />

behaviour of large calderas: the example of Campi Flegrei<br />

caldera (Southern Italy). Bull. Volcanol. doi 10.1007/s00445-<br />

010-0370-y.<br />

DE NATALE G., PINGUE F., ALLARD P. & ZOLLO A. (1991) -<br />

Geophysical and geochemical modelling of the Campi<br />

Flegrei caldera. J Volcanol Geoth. Res., 48, 199–222.<br />

DE NATALE G., TROISE C. & PINGUE F. (2001) - A mechanical<br />

fluid-dynamical model for ground movements at Campi<br />

Flegrei caldera. J. Geodyn., 32, 487–517.<br />

JELLINEK A.M. & DEPAOLO D.J. (2003) - A model for the origin<br />

of large silicic magma chambers: precursors to caldera<br />

forming eruptions. B. Volcanol., 65, 363-381.<br />



(1995) - The 1994 eruption at Rabaul volcano, Papua New<br />

Guinea. General Assembly Int. Un. Geod. Geophys., Boulder,<br />

CO.<br />

WOHLETZ, K,CIVETTA L&ORSI, G (1999) - Thermal evolution<br />

of the Phlegreaean magmatic system. J Volcanol. Geoth.<br />

Res., 91, 381–414.

Eruptive processes in the Averno 2 eruption (Campi Flegrei, Italy):<br />

constraints based on geochemistry of bulk pumices, glassy matrices<br />

and melt inclusions<br />

Key words: Averno 2 eruptions, Campi Flegrei.<br />

The Averno 2 eruption (Av2) occurred 3.7 ka ago in the<br />

northwest sector of the Campi Flegrei caldera (CFc). The<br />

eruption is one of the youngest of the caldera, the 1538 AD<br />

eruption of Monte Nuovo being the ultimate. Av2 represents a<br />

moderate-magnitude event, which characterized by complex<br />

eruptive activity with alternating plinian to surge activity that<br />

generated a sequence of pyroclastic-fall and -ash deposits. The<br />

Av2 eruptive products were subdivided into three members<br />

named A through C (from the base to top) by DI VITO et alii<br />

(2001). Member (A) emplaced during the first phase of the<br />

eruption consists in a first thin coarse-ash bed (A0a) overlain by a<br />

coarser fallout deposit (A0). It includes other six fallout beds<br />

(from A1 to A5), intercalated with minor ash-surge beds, of<br />

which we only sampled the A2 intermediate layer (samples A2b<br />

and A2t). In contrast, member B and C are mostly dominated by<br />

dry surge beds and minor wet surges, respectively, with<br />

subordinate fallout beds. Samples Bt and Cmb are pumice clasts<br />

from, respectively, the units B and C, the latter forming the<br />

uppermost part of the sequence. Petrography and chemical<br />

analysis (SEM-EDS, electron microprobe and FTIR<br />

spectroscopy) were performed on pumice samples, melt<br />

inclusions, and host minerals (here clinopyroxene) in order to<br />

constrain the pre-eruptive conditions of magma evolution and<br />

degassing. Pumice clasts display an alkali-trachyte composition,<br />

and show a slight chemical variation that is mainly related to<br />

crystal fractionation. A0 layer (from member A) is the most<br />

evolved trachytic magma and Cmb (from Member C), the leastevolved<br />

alkali-trachytic. The compositional variation found in<br />

A2t and BT tephra deposits is ascribed to syn-eruptive mingling<br />

between the two extremes. The H2O concentration determined by<br />

FTIR measurements in melt inclusions record significant<br />

variations (from ~5 to 1.5 wt %). All together our data les us to<br />

propose that the Averno 2 eruption mainly results from the<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Pisa,<br />

cé<br />

(**) Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris, France.<br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa.<br />

639<br />

successive extrusions of independent magma batches, emplaced<br />

at 4 and 2 km in depth, along regional fractures bordering the<br />

Neapolitan Yellow Tuff caldera.<br />



(2001) - The Averno 2 eruption in the northwestern sector of<br />

the Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy). In: GNV Framework<br />

program 2000-2002, I year results - Volcanic hazard<br />

assessment and zonation at the resurgent Campi Flegrei<br />

caldera and their effects on man and environment.<br />

Osservatorio Vesuviano Ed., 101-106.<br />


SESSIONE 19<br />

Caldera unrest prior to intense volcanism in Campi Flegrei (Italy) at<br />

4.0 ka B.P.: implications for caldera dynamics and future eruptive<br />

scenarios<br />

Key words: Campi Flegrei caldera, ground deformations,<br />

volcanism, magma refilling.<br />

The Campi Flegrei caldera is one of the highest risk volcanic<br />

areas on the Earth. Since 15 ka, about 70 intra-caldera eruptions<br />

have occurred across CF. These eruptions have been dominated<br />

by phreatomagmatic and strombolian activity, although few<br />

plinian eruptions and purely effusive events have also occurred.<br />

The erupted magmas have been predominantly K-trachytes and<br />

K-trachyphonolites, with minor mafic compositions, such as<br />

shoshonites and latites. The last eruption produced the cone of<br />

Monte Nuovo in 1538. In addition to volcanic activity, CF has<br />

been characterized by large-scale uplift and subsidence for at<br />

least 10,500 years.<br />

This work investigates caldera dynamics during the last 5 ka.<br />

The new stratigraphic and geochronological data show that the<br />

Agnano-Monte Spina plinian eruption (AMS, 4.1 ka; DE VITA et<br />

alii, 1999) was followed by a repose interval of 100-200 years.<br />

The repose was ended by a sequence of about 15 eruptions in 150<br />

years. Twelve of the events were of low magnitude and involved<br />

some combination of phreatomagmatic, strombolian and effusive<br />

activity. All but one of the eruptions occurred in the easterncentral<br />

part of CF. They began with an explosive event (SMG,<br />

3970 ± 65 BP), which erupted latites derived from the mixing of<br />

K-basaltic (40 wt%) and K-trachytic (60 wt%) magmas. After this<br />

event, the erupted magmas evolved in composition from latite to<br />

K-trachyte and K-trachyphonolite. The eruptions were clustered<br />

along NW-SE-trending faults at the boundary of the minor AMS<br />

caldera. The exception to the clustering was the Averno event, in<br />

the western sector of the caldera. Tephra from the Averno 2<br />

eruption was deposited while Solfatara was still active and<br />

provides the first direct evidence that concurrent explosive<br />

activity has occurred in two different sectors of the caldera.<br />

Recognition of a new, caldera-wide level of marine deposits<br />

between the products of the MS and following eruptions shows<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, sezione di Napoli<br />

Osservatorio Vesuviano,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Pisa,<br />,<br />


640<br />

that subsidence and uplift (by as much as about 30 m in the zone<br />

of Pozzuoli) must have occurred during the post-AMS repose<br />

interval. The emission of the SMG latites (mixing-derived)<br />

concomitant with the uplift suggest that deformation was<br />

triggered by the replenishment of a K-trachytic reservoir with less<br />

evolved K-basalts. From melt-inclusion data the depth of the<br />

reservoir is estimated to have been less than 3 km. Reservoir<br />

replenishment and magma mixing has also been proposed to<br />

explain the 1994 eruption and preceding uplift at Rabaul caldera<br />

(ROGGENSACK et alii, 1996). At CF, shoshonites and latites have<br />

also been erupted between 10 and 8.2 ka BP. It is thus possible<br />

that replenishment of a shallow magmatic system with mafic<br />

magma is a regular precursor to extended episodes of volcanic<br />

activity. In this case, a future eruptive crisis is expected be<br />

preceded by several meters of ground deformation as<br />

replenishment occurs. The current trend of uplift across the<br />

central sector of the caldera since 1969 may thus represent the<br />

unrest expected before a renewal of volcanism within an interval<br />

of decades to centuries. The new data on volcanic activity at c.<br />

4.0 ka BP confirm that eruptions may cluster at intervals of a few<br />

years to decades. They also show that eruptions can occur at the<br />

same time in different sectors of the caldera, perhaps in the<br />

manner documented in 1994 during the simultaneous eruptions of<br />

Vulcan and Tavurvur on opposite sides of Rabaul caldera. Plans<br />

for mitigating volcanic hazard must therefore prepare for a return<br />

to eruptions occurring at intervals of decades or less, including<br />

the possibility of simultaneous eruptions from two or more vents<br />

across the caldera.<br />





PIOCHI M. & SOUTHON J. (1999) - The Agnano-Monte Spina<br />

eruption (4100 years B.P.) in the restless Campi Flegrei<br />

caldera. J. Volcanol. Geoth. Res., 91, 269–301.<br />


R.A. (1996) - Volatiles from the 1994 eruptions of Rabaul:<br />

understanding large caldera systems. Science, 273, 490-493.

Key words: Ischia Island, laccolith, magma feeding, resurgence<br />

caldera.<br />


In this study we provide a general structural picture of Ischia<br />

island shallow crust to model the processes occurring at shallow<br />

depth, by using geological, geophysical, historical seismicity data<br />

and analytical structural models of the island (PENTA &<br />

CONFORTO, 1951; CUBELLIS &LUONGO, 1998; CUBELLIS et alii,<br />

2004; CARLINO et alii, 2006; PAOLETTI et alii, 2009; VEZZOLI et<br />

alii., 2009; SBRANA et alii, 2009). These studies support the<br />

hypothesis of the presence of a shallow laccolith, which is<br />

responsible of the resurgence of Mt. Epomeo, following the<br />

Green Tuff eruption, volcanic activity and seismicity of northern<br />

sector of the island. The occurrence of magmatic intrusion and high<br />

geothermal gradients (180-200°C km -1 ), have produced a shallow<br />

brittle-ductile transition (~ 2 km b.s.l.), deeper northward.<br />

The island of Ischia was characterised by a long period of<br />

volcanic activity: the oldest outcroppings were erupted about 150<br />

ka ago; the last eruption occurred in the 1301-1302 A.D.<br />

Historical records since 1228 A.D. testify the occurrence of<br />

numerous earthquakes in the island which produced heavy<br />

damage and fatalities (Fig. 1). The seismic events, except for one<br />

minor earthquake, were not correlated to eruptions, but they may<br />

be related to the episodic reactivation of the same tectonic<br />

structure. This observation, joined with geological and<br />

geophysical data, supports the hypothesis that the seismicity is<br />

linked to a local stress field, probably generated by volcanic<br />

processes. Since the active-quiescent periods of the island seem<br />

to be marked by Mt. Epomeo uplift and subsidence respectively,<br />

the monitoring of long term deformation of the resurgent block is<br />

fundamental to understand the state of Ischia volcanic system.<br />

Nowadays the island is undergoing to slow phase of subsidence.<br />

Before this phase uplift pulses were associated to earthquakes<br />

_________________________<br />

Conceptual model of shallow magma feeding system for Ischia<br />

Island (Italy)<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Napoli “Federico II”,<br /><br />

(°) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Sezione di Napoli<br />

Osservatorio Vesuviano,<br />

641<br />

occurred between 1228 and 1883 years, generated by the stress<br />

field due to short-term magmatic impulses. On the other hand, an<br />

enduring inversion of the present Mt. Epomeo movement could<br />

represent an important long term precursor of volcanic activity<br />

Fig. 1 - The island of Ischia and main features related to its recent dynamic;<br />

red dots represent the main hot springs and fumaroles fields.<br />

reactivation.<br />


The uplift/subsidence of the Mt. Epomeo is controlled by the<br />

increase/decrease of pressure in the shallow laccolith (CARLINO et<br />

alii, 2006) (Fig.2). During eruptions the uplift stopped, because<br />

the magma founded feeder dykes and no longer exerted pressure<br />

exceeding the overburden; on the contrary the earthquakes<br />

occurred during the resurgence of Mt. Epomeo.<br />

The whole island is subject to subsidence for the stretching of<br />

the crust in Tyrrhenian Sea and along the near continental margin<br />

of Italian Peninsula since 10 millions years B.P.. In addition to<br />

this process large and rapid changes in sea level occurred in the<br />

area during the Late Quaternary. Some authors (RAMPINO et alii,<br />

1979; NAKADA &YOKOSE, 1992) have considered a possible<br />

relationship of volcanic activity in the coastal and island<br />

volcanoes to large sea level changes during the Late Quaternary.<br />


SESSIONE 19<br />

If large and rapid changes of sea level at Ischia, during the<br />

uppermost Quaternary could induce eruptive activity, remains to<br />

be proved. Consequently the sea level data of the last 140 ka B.P.<br />

are compared with the volcanic activity of Ischia. The oldest<br />

outcrops in the island date back to about 150 ka B.P.; since that<br />

time five phases of activity have been distinguished, which were<br />

grouped in an older cycle and a younger cycle, separated by the<br />

55 ka B.P. large eruption of Mt.Epomeo Green Tuff (MEGT).<br />

Fig.2 - Sketch of shallow crust of Ischia island inferred by geophysical data<br />

and historical seismicity.<br />

At the same time of sea-level changes during the last 30 ka,<br />

ground uplifting occurs in the island, since the MEGT caldera<br />

resurgence, with permanent ground deformation produced by the<br />

increase of pressure in the shallow magma reservoir. This process<br />

overcomes largely the subsidence in the investigated period. In<br />

the short-term, i.e. as the last 2000 yrs, it is difficult to separate<br />

the share of the two opposite phenomena for lack of data. Today<br />

we observe Greeck and Roman ruins along the coast of the island<br />

submerged about 2 m b.s.l.. Geographers comparing historical<br />

and current maps of the island infer sinking of the coast since the<br />

sixteenth century at a rate of 2.5 mm/years (NIOLA BUCHNER,<br />

1965). During the time lapse from 1892 to 1912 years,<br />

GRABLOVITZ (1920-21) measured at the tide gauge of Ischia<br />

harbour a subsidence with a velocity of 3 mm/y. Afterwards<br />

measurements of sea levels carried out in the island by<br />

FRIEDLAENDER (1938) confirmed the results obtained by<br />

GRABLOVITZ. Precise leveling data collected since the early<br />

twentieth century show the lowering of the southern part of the<br />

island which resembles a bowl-shaped sinking.<br />

In the neighboring active caldera of Campi Flegrei the uplift<br />

in historical times was accompanied by seismicity at which<br />

sometimes explosions (Solfatara, 1198), or eruptions (Mt. Nuovo,<br />

1538) follow it. If a similar process takes place at Ischia, we<br />

should expect that significant seismicity will occur only in case of<br />

new uplift phase of Mt. Epomeo block. Empirical data show that<br />

642<br />

to predict incoming eruptions the occurrence of earthquakes is a<br />

necessary but not sufficient condition.<br />



the mechanics of caldera resurgence of Ischia Island. In: C.<br />

Troise, G. De Natale and C.R.J. Kilburn (Eds.) - Geol. Soc.<br />

London Special Pubblication, 269, 181-193.<br />

CUBELLIS E. & LUONGO G. (1998) - <strong>Il</strong> Terremoto del 28 luglio<br />

1883 a Casamicciola nell’Isola d’Ischia ‘<strong>Il</strong> contesto fisico’,<br />

Monografia 1 – Servizio Sismico Nazionale, Roma, 49–123.<br />


(2004) - Management of Historical Seismic Data Using GIS:<br />

The Island of Ischia (Southern Italy). Nat. Hazard, 33, 379-393.<br />

FRIEDLANDER I. (1938) - Sui bradisismi dell'isola d'Ischia e sulla<br />

Grotta del Mago. Boll . Soc. Geogr. It, 7, 3, 44-54.<br />

GRABLOVITZ G. (1920-21) - Sul sospetto bradisismo appenninico<br />

1900-1908. BSSI, 21, 147 - 191, 1922, Roma.<br />

NAKADA M. & YOKOSE H. (1992) - Ice age as a trigger of active<br />

Quaternary volcanism and tectonism. Tectonophysics, 212,<br />

321-329.<br />

NIOLA BUCHNER D. (1965) - L’isola d’Ischia. Studio geografico.<br />

Napoli.<br />



A. (2009) - The Ischia volcanic island (Southern Italy):<br />

Inferences from potential field data interpretation. J. Volcanol.<br />

Geotherm. Res., 179 (1-2), 69-86.<br />

PENTA F. & CONFORTO B. (1951) - Risultati di sondaggi e di<br />

ricerche geominerarie nell’isola d’Ischia dal 1939 al 1943 nel<br />

campo di vapore, delle acque termali e delle forze endogene in<br />

generale. Annali di Geofisica, 4, 159–191.<br />

RAMPINO M.R., SELF S., FAIRBRIDGE R.W. (1979) - Can rapid<br />

climate change cause volcanic eruptions. Science, 206, 826-<br />

829.<br />


CECCHETTI A. (2009) - Exhumation of an active magmatichydrothermal<br />

system in a resurgent caldera environment: the<br />

example of Ischia (Italy). J. Geol. Soc. London, 166, 1016-<br />

1073.<br />


LE GOFF M. (2009) - Modes and times of caldera resurgence:<br />


Key words: Eruption dynamics, Mercato, pulsating eruption,<br />

Somma-Vesuvius.<br />

New volcanological studies allowed reconstruction of the<br />

eruption dynamics of the Pomici di Mercato eruption (ca. 8900<br />

cal. yr B.P.) of Somma-Vesuvius.<br />

Three main Eruptive Phases were distinguished based on two<br />

distinct erosion surfaces that interrupt stratigraphic continuity of<br />

the deposits, indicating that time breaks occurred during the<br />

eruption. Absence of volcaniclastic deposits on top of the erosion<br />

surfaces suggests that quiescent periods between eruptive phases<br />

were short and probably lasted several days to weeks. Each of the<br />

Eruptive Phases was characterised by deposition of alternating<br />

fall and pyroclastic density current (PDC) deposits.<br />

The fallouts blanketed a wide area toward the east, while the<br />

more restricted PDC deposits inundated the volcano slopes.<br />

Eruptive dynamics were driven by brittle magmatic<br />

fragmentation of a phonolitic magma, which, because of its<br />

mechanical fragility, produced a significant amount of fine ash.<br />

External water did not significantly contribute either to<br />

fragmentation dynamics or to mechanical energy release during<br />

the eruption. Column heights were between 18 and 22 km,<br />

corresponding to mass discharge rates between 1.4 and 6 x 10 7 kg s -1 .<br />

The estimated on land volume of fall deposits ranges between a<br />

minimum of 2.3 km 3 and a maximum of 7.4 km 3 .<br />

Calculation of physical parameters of the dilute pyroclastic<br />

density currents yields speeds of a few tens of m s -1 and densities<br />

of a few kg m -3 , resulting in dynamic pressures lower than 3 kPa.<br />

These data suggest that the potential impact of pyroclastic density<br />

currents of the Pomici di Mercato eruption was smaller than other<br />

Plinian and sub-Plinian eruptions of Somma-Vesuvius, especially<br />

those of 1631 AD and 472 AD eruptions, which represent a<br />

reference for the Vesuvian emergency plan.<br />

The pulsating and long-lasting behaviour of the Pomici di<br />

Mercato eruption is unique to whole history of large explosive<br />

_________________________<br />

Stratigraphy and eruptive dynamics of a long-lasting Plinian<br />

eruption of Somma-Vesuvius: the Pomici di Mercato<br />

(8900 years B.P.)<br />


(*) CIRISIVU, c/o Dipartimento Geomineralogico, Università di Bari,<br /><br />

643<br />

eruptions of Somma-Vesuvius.<br />

We suggest an eruptive scheme in which discrete magma<br />

batches rise from the magma chamber through a network of<br />

fractures. The injection and rise of the different magma batches<br />

was controlled by the interplay between magma chamber<br />

overpressure and local stress.<br />

The intermittent discharge of magma during a large explosive<br />

eruption is unusual for Somma-Vesuvius, as well as for other<br />

volcanoes worldwide, and yields new insights for improving our<br />

knowledge of the dynamics of explosive eruptions.<br />


SESSIONE 19<br />

Key words: Campi Flegrei caldera, CGPS data, ground<br />

deformation and sources, tide gauges data.<br />


Campi Flegrei caldera is located just west of the city of<br />

Naples, within the central-southern sector of a large graben called<br />

Campania Plain. It is an active volcanic area marked by a quasicircular<br />

caldera depression, probably formed by a huge<br />

ignimbritic eruption occurred about 39000 years ago. This<br />

caldera was generated by collapses produced by strong explosive<br />

eruptions. The only eruption in historical times occurred in 1538,<br />

building a spatter cone called Mt. Nuovo. Campi Flegrei area<br />

periodically experiences significant deformation episodes, with<br />

uplift phenomena reaching more than 3.5 m in 15 years (from<br />

1970 to 1984), which caused during 1983-84 the temporary<br />

evacuation of about 40000 people from Pozzuoli town.<br />

The structural complexity of the Campi Flegrei area, together<br />

with the evidence of a strong interaction between magmatic<br />

chamber and shallow geothermal system, calls for a detailed<br />

characterization of the substructure and of the magma-water<br />

interaction processes.<br />

The Campi Flegrei caldera is characterized by high volcanic<br />

risk due to the explosivity of the eruptions and to the intense<br />

urbanization of the surrounding area, and has been the site of<br />

significant unrest for the past 2000 years (DE NATALE et alii,<br />

2006). The caldera floor was raised to about 1.7 meters between<br />

1968 and 1972; then a subsidence phase of about 0.2 m occurred<br />

between 1972 and 1975 followed by a stable period until 1981.<br />

Between 1982 and 1985 new uplift occurred and the caldera rose<br />

about 1.8 m, without eruptive phenomena. Then a long-term<br />

subsidence phase began, with small and fast mini-uplifts<br />

superimposed (1989, 1994 and 2000). This behaviour was<br />

observed until the end of 2004 when the subsidence stopped and<br />

a new uplift phase started, different from previous ones for rate,<br />

_________________________<br />

Unrest at Campi Flegrei Caldera (Southern Italy)<br />

during the last decade<br />



(*) INGV - Osservatorio Vesuviano,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università di Salerno,<br /><br />

644<br />

duration and amplitude, which, with a variable trend, still lasts.<br />


CGPS network (Fig. 1) and data analysis, during last decade,<br />

allowed continuous and accurate tracking of ground deformation<br />

affecting Campi Flegrei area, both for the vertical component<br />

(also monitored continuously by tide gauge and periodically by<br />

leveling surveys) and for the planimetric components, providing a<br />

3D displacement field, allowing to better constrain the<br />

inflation/deflation sources responsible for ground movements.<br />

The vertical ground displacements at Campi Flegrei are also<br />

tracked by the sea level using tide gauges (Fig. 1) located at the<br />

Nisida (NISI), Port of Pozzuoli (POPT), Pozzuoli South- Pier<br />

(POPT) and Miseno (MISE), in addition to the reference one<br />

(NAPT), located in the Port of Naples. The data allowed to<br />

monitor all phases of Campi Flegrei bradyseism since 1970,<br />

providing results consistent with those obtained by geometric<br />

leveling and, more recently, by the CGPS network.<br />

Fig. 1 – The activity of Campi Flegrei is monitored by of 13 permanent GPS<br />

and 5 tide gauge. The data are downloaded and analyzed automatically.<br />

Removing, by deconvolution, the differential behavior of the<br />

sea-level at a reference station provides an estimation of the local<br />

ground level change.<br />

The deformation field obtainable by CGPS and tide-gauge<br />

stations plays an important role for the modeling and<br />

interpretation of volcanic phenomena, as well as for forecasting<br />

purposes. Since the deployment of CGPS, three small uplift<br />

episodes occurred. The first one occurred from March to October

2000 and was partial recorded by CGPS stations that were<br />

installed on May. This event was followed by a subsidence until<br />

October 2002 with a maximum value over than 7 cm. After a<br />

period of substantial stability a second uplift episode occurred<br />

from November 2004 to November 2007 with a maximum uplift<br />

of over 4 cm, followed by a subsidence period up to October<br />

2007 with a maximum value of nearly -2 cm. In late 2007, finally,<br />

the ground has once again reversed the movement direction with<br />

an uplift that, in October 2009, has reached about 3 cm. After<br />

that, a new phase of substantial stability seems to be started, even<br />

if in presence of an oscillating trend.<br />

Fig. 2 – Time series of weekly coordinates changes from 2000 to present along<br />

North, East and Up directions at a CGPS station (RITE, see Fig. 1) and vertical<br />

displacement inferred by deconvolution at Pozzuoli Port tide gauge POPT (see<br />

Fig. 1), with the levelling data (red crosses) superimposed.<br />

Fig. 3 – a) Different sources for uplift and subsidence events; b) Theoretical<br />

maximum horizontal vs maximum vertical displacement ratios, as computed for<br />

three source shapes: prolate ellipsoid with 2:1 axis ratio, sphere, oblate ellipsoid<br />

with 1:2 axis ratio.<br />

BATTAGLIA et alii, 2006 and DE NATALE et alii, 2006 put in<br />

evidence, from joint inversion of displacement and microgravity<br />

data, two different sources (Fig. 3a) responsible for the first phase<br />

of uplift and for the subsidence. Uplift is ascribed to overpressure<br />

in a sharply oblate ellipsoidal reservoir of magmatic fluids<br />

exsolved from the magma chamber; subsidence to the lateral<br />

drainage of overpressured water from geothermal system, having<br />

a prolate ellipsoidal shape. There must be, then, a phase in which<br />

magmatic fluids are injected in the geothermal system, causing<br />

water pressurization which strongly amplifies the surface<br />

displacement. Starting from the previous mini-uplift of 2000,<br />

horizontal to vertical displacement ratios (R), calculated by<br />

CGPS data, shows a rather constant low value indicating a rather<br />

deep and sharply oblate source geometry. This model is<br />

compatible (Fig. 3b) with the activation of the deeper source of<br />

645<br />

magmatic fluids inferred from BATTAGLIA et alii, 2006 and<br />

TROISE et alii, 2006.<br />


Data from the recent uplift, compared with data from 2000<br />

episode and with results of BATTAGLIA et alii (2006) about 1982-<br />

1984 unrest, indicate that both large and small uplift episodes<br />

start with a pressure increase within a relatively deep (3-5 km)<br />

reservoir, likely to contain magmatic fluids exholved from the<br />

magma chamber. Eventually, the fracturing of rocks separating<br />

this reservoir from the shallow aquifers causes injection of<br />

magmatic fluids into the shallow geothermal system, with a<br />

progressive strong increase of ground deformation typical of<br />

large unrests like 1969-1972 and 1982-1984. Increase of pressure<br />

in magmatic fluids and injection in shallow aquifers is also<br />

suggested by the observed peaks in CO2 flux, following both<br />

small and large uplift episodes of some months (CHIODINI et alii,<br />

2003).<br />

If pressure pulses in magmatic fluids represent inflow of new<br />

magma at shallow depths, the occurrence of repeated uplift<br />

episodes represent progressive increase in the magma chamber<br />

pressure which, when overcoming the rock strength, gives rise to<br />

eruptions. This is what likely occurred in the century of uplift<br />

preceding the 1538 Mt. Nuovo eruption.<br />



G., (2006) - Evidence for fluid migration as the source of<br />

deformation at Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy), Geophys. Res.<br />

Lett., 33, L01307.<br />


MACEDONIO G. & RUSSO M. (2003) - Magma degassing as a<br />

trigger of bradyseismic events: the case of Phlegrean Fields<br />

(Italy), Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(8), 1434.<br />


PAPPALARDO L., BATTAGLIA M. & BOSCHI E. (2006) - The<br />

Campi Flegrei caldera: unrest mechanisms and hazards. In:<br />

C. Troise, G. De Natale & C.R.J. Kilburn (Eds.) -<br />

Mechanisms of activity and unrest at large calderas. Geol.<br />

Soc., London, Spec. Publ., 269, 25–45.<br />


P., TAMMARO U. & BOSCHI E. (2007) - Renewed ground<br />

uplift at Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy): New insight on<br />

magmatic processes and forecast, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34,<br />

L03301.<br />


SESSIONE 19<br />

Fast exhumation of a magmatic-hydrothermal system in a resurgent<br />

caldera environment. The example of Ischia Island (Italy)<br />


Key words: Ischia, magmatic-hydrothermal system, melt and<br />

fluid inclusions, resurgent caldera.<br />


Ischia Island represents a rare case of well-exposed, young,<br />

and ongoing caldera resurgence. Resurgence is a quite common<br />

feature in large caldera depressions, with an increase in pressure<br />

in the magmatic system and the inflation of the magma chamber<br />

Fig. 1: Schematic geological map of Ischia with the location of sampling<br />

points.<br />

generally being considered as the triggering mechanism for the<br />

doming of the caldera floor. The depressions formed by caldera<br />

structures typically host active high temperature geothermal<br />

systems, which are exploited for electrical energy production all<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa,<br />,,<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto CAR.G con il <strong>contributo</strong><br />

finanziario <strong>della</strong> Regione Campania e dell’ISPRA.<br />

646<br />

around the world. Furthermore, caldera structures are often<br />

associated with epithermal precious and base metal<br />

mineralization that represent the "fossil" equivalent of the active<br />

geothermal systems. Ischia Island offers an unique opportunity to<br />

examine the hydrothermal system's 3-dimensional anatomy<br />

because of its exposure related to Mt Epomeo uplift. This work<br />

fills a gap in the knowledge of the magmatic-hydrothermal system<br />

of Ischia and, more generally, offers an important contribution to<br />

the knowledge of the magmatic-hydrothermal processes that<br />

occur inside a resurgent caldera environment characterized by<br />

shallow and active magmatic system.<br />


Ischia Island is located in the northern part of the Gulf of<br />

Naples, and, with the Campi Flegrei and Mt. Vesuvius,<br />

constitutes a most important Quaternary volcanic area of<br />

Mediterranean region (Fig. 1).<br />

The volcanic activity on Ischia started before 150 kyr ago<br />

with the emplacement of lava flows, domes, tuff and scoria cones<br />

that formed a huge volcanic field, the 1302 Arso eruption ended<br />

the volcanic activity on the island. Between 73 and 56 kyr ago<br />

Ischia experienced a period of intense explosive volcanic activity<br />

characterized by numerous trachytic Plinian and ignimbritic highmagnitude<br />

eruptions (including "Green Tuff) that provoked the<br />

formation of a poly-phase caldera depression. This was followed<br />

by the resurgence of Mt. Epomeo block, the major uppermost<br />

relief of the island (787 m a.s.l).<br />

For our study, juvenile fractions of Ischia volcanic deposits<br />

were selected to provide samples suitable for melt inclusion<br />

studies. Melt inclusion studies provide a fundamental tool for the<br />

reconstruction of the P-T-X conditions of the magmatic reservoir.<br />

Selected pumices shows variable vesicularity and crystal content<br />

( ~1 to 15 vol. %). Their mineralogical assemblage is formed by<br />

K-feldspar, plagioclase, clinopyroxene biotite, oxides, apatite and<br />

titanite in varying proportions. Well-quenched primary glassy<br />

melt inclusions (MIs) (20–60 μm in size) are found in<br />

clinopyroxene of pumices of the juvenile fraction. The MIs are all<br />

of similar trachytic composition and FT-IR investigation revealed<br />

that their dissolved water content ranges from 1.6 and 3.1 wt.%<br />

with a strong mode between 2 and 3 wt.%, indicating that melt<br />

inclusions formed within a magmatic storage region located at

about 2 km. Microthermometry of the MIs provided a range<br />

homogenization temperatures between 960 °C and 1050 °C, with<br />

a mode of 1010°C.<br />

Holocrystalline, non-equigranular xenoliths of syenitic<br />

subvolcanic rocks are composed of primary K-feldspar,<br />

plagioclase, clinopyroxene, K-pargasitic amphibole, biotite and<br />

accessory titanite and apatite. Fluid inclusions (FIs) in K-feldspar<br />

were examined in both hydrothermally altered and fresh<br />

xenoliths. The mixture of non-silicate daughter minerals observed<br />

in these inclusions is suggestive of a complex composition of the<br />

entrapped fluid, in which anions such as sulfate and fluoride are<br />

present in significant amounts in addition to chlorides.<br />

Samples from the intracaldera tuff units, forming the Mt.<br />

Epomeo uplifted block, reveal the occurrence of different<br />

hydrothermal mineralogical assemblages that substitute the<br />

original primary phases and glasses. They span (from top to<br />

bottom of the sequence) from mixed layer illite/smectite (I/S) ±<br />

zeolites (natrolite and phillipsite) (Facies 1, related to the argillic<br />

alteration facies that characterizes the upper impermeable cover<br />

of geothermal systems) to phengite + illite + albite + adularia ±<br />

mixed layers chlorite/smectite (C/S) (Facies 2). This suggests that<br />

the tuff sequence was affected by hydrothermal alteration zoning<br />

typical of geothermal systems. Furthermore, several syenitic<br />

xenoliths are pervasively altered by hydrothermal mineralogical<br />

assemblages different from those observed in the hydrothermally<br />

altered intracaldera tuff units. The mineralogical assemblages that<br />

characterize these samples are: chlorite + albite + adularia + illite<br />

(Facies 3), and hydrothermal biotite + epidote + adularia + albite<br />

+ illite (Facies 4; this Facies coupled with Facies 2 and 3<br />

correspond to propylitic alteration that characterizes geothermal<br />

reservoirs).<br />


The multidisciplinary approach of investigation carried out in<br />

this study led to the development of an integrated model<br />

concerning the evolution of the magmatic-hydrothermal system of<br />

Ischia island (Fig. 2). At Ischia volcanic field, after high volume<br />

caldera forming eruptions (60-56 kyr ago), a very important<br />

resurgence affected the center of the caldera floor exposing a<br />

thick pile of caldera filling deposits. The investigation of these<br />

thick ignimbrite deposits highlighted that these rocks were<br />

subjected to strong hydrothermal circulation mainly carried out<br />

by fluids of marine origin. This allowed the development of a<br />

geothermal system with argillized units forming the impermeable<br />

cover of the system and the underlying propylitized units that can<br />

be considered the geothermal reservoir.<br />

The high uplift rate of Mt Epomeo block induced negligible<br />

effects of superimposition of lower temperature hydrothermal<br />

alteration processes. We have clear evidence that fluids of the<br />

deepest part of the hydrothermal system penetrated the most<br />

647<br />

external parts of subvolcanic bodies, present in the deeper parts<br />

of the island, to a depth of at least 1 km. The engine of the high-T<br />

hydrothermal system of Ischia can be identified in the shallow<br />

(top at around 2 km of depth) and wide magmatic system that<br />

hosted hot (around 1000°C) trachytic melts. The results of this<br />

work fill a gap in the knowledge of Ischia volcanic system and<br />

can therefore be used as a dissected analog for the architecture of<br />

active hydrothermal systems that are inaccessible at present.<br />

Fig. 2. Schematic sequence summarizing the evolution of Ischia magmatichydrothermal<br />

system. 1) Caldera filling eruptions (60-56 kyr); 2)<br />

Development of seawater-dominated hydrothermal system inside cauldron;<br />

heat energy was supplied by the shallow (~ 2km of depth) magmatic system;<br />

3) Resurgence and exhumation of part of the hydrothermal system, which<br />

remains active today in the footwall sectors of the caldera. Red arrows =<br />

hydrothermal fluids; blue arrows = surficial waters.<br />


SESSIONE 19<br />


Key words: Fluids, geochemistry, phlegrean fields.<br />

In late 2009, a new continuous gas monitoring research<br />

initiative started at a fumarole field located about 1 km south-est<br />

from Solfatara volcano named “Pisciarelli”. The primary goal of<br />

the experiments was to prove that monitoring is possible with the<br />

set-up described below, and to compare the new data obtained at<br />

Pisciarelli with those of the complete literature record obtained<br />

by discrete gas monitoring at the investigated site (Fig.1)<br />

Solfatara<br />

crater<br />

At Pisciarelli, a continuous gas flow was adjusted with a<br />

diaphragm pump, and the gas piped through a 200 m Teflon©<br />

tube away from the emission point. The temperature was<br />

measured periodically in the fumarole with a K-type<br />

thermocouple (inserted 30 cm into the fumaroles monitored)<br />

The released gas phase primary consists of water gas, which<br />

was trapped in a refrigerator and then further cooled into a<br />

second refrigerator (Fig.2).<br />

Continuous in situ measurements of gases at<br />

Pisciarelli - Phelgrean Field<br />

Fumarole "Soffinonissimo"<br />

Fig. 1 – Map of study area at Pisciarelli fumarole field.<br />

_________________________<br />

Monitoring station<br />

Fumarole "Pisciarelli"<br />

(*) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Napoli,<br />

Osservatorio Vesuviano,<br />

(**) GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Section 4.2 Potsdam, Germany<br />

648<br />

The remaining, almost water-free gas phase was continuously<br />

analysed with a quadrupole mass spectrometer for the following<br />

components: H2, H2S, CH4, N2, O2, Ar, He, and CO2. The gas line<br />

was also connected to a tuneable diode laser spectrometer for<br />

CO2 concentration measurements. Little surprising, the dry gas is<br />

dominated by CO2 (> 97 vol%), followed by H2S, H2, CH4, and<br />

He. Due to the experimental set-up, the gas phase generally<br />

shows a varying contribution of atmospheric gases (O2, N2, Ar).<br />

For which the data where correct as air-free. During the time of<br />

investigation (about 7 months) clear differences in the gas<br />

compositions of the investigate fumaroles were observed within<br />

the analytical uncertainties of the experiment, confirming the<br />

possibility to use this continuous gas monitoring set up for long<br />

term monitoring. This is in good agreement with the available gas<br />

composition in literature and also with two episodes of small size<br />

emission of gases occurred during the monitoring time.<br />

Fig.2 – Sketch of the actual gas monitoring set-up at Pisciarelli<br />


The concentration and the deviation (in percent) from its<br />

starting value on Jan 23, 2009 is as follow: CO2 (98.4 vol. %),<br />

H2S (0.24 vol. %), N2* (1.13 vol. %), CH4 (65 ppmv), H2 (0.089<br />

vol. %), and He (7.3 ppmv) at Pisciarelli. O2 and most Ar is<br />

related to atmospheric contamination of the gas line After a short<br />

phase with no significant variations in the gas composition, the<br />

concentrations of H2 and He began to rise at around Feb 1,<br />

followed by an increase of CH4 that starts about one week later.

By now (March 30), the amount of CH4 at Pisciarelli has more<br />

than doubled; H2 and He increased more than 50% (Fig. 2).<br />

Within this time interval, CO2, H2S and N2* do not show<br />

significant variations.<br />

Two off-line gas samples taken at “Bocca Nuova” also<br />

demonstrate an increase in He from 11 ppmv on Dec 11, 2008 to<br />

17 ppmv on Jan 23, 2009. Isotope data of these samples reveal an<br />

almost pure crustal origin of the additional helium: the aircorrected<br />

3 He/ 4 He ratio decreases from 2.989 ± 0.043 R/Ra for<br />

the December sample to 1.818 ± 0.028 R/Ra for the sample taken<br />

in January (R/Ra is the 3 He/ 4 He ratio relative to the atmospheric<br />

ratio of 3 He/ 4 He = 1.39 × 10 -6 ).<br />

It is remarkable that gases showing increasing concentrations<br />

derive from different sources (He is radiogenic, H2 and CH4 is<br />

produced by hot fluid-rock interaction), but show all a relatively<br />

low water solubility. This suggests that the process responsible<br />

for the relative increase in concentrations is maybe linked with<br />

abundant water at depth.<br />

649<br />


SESSIONE 19<br />

Evaluating the regional volcanic ash hazard of Neapolitan volcanoes<br />

from geological data<br />




Key words: Neapolitan volcanoes, tephrostratigraphy, volcanic<br />

ash, volcanic hazard.<br />

The explosive activity of the Neapolitan Volcanoes (Somma-<br />

Vesuvius, Ischia and Campi Flegrei) produced and dispersed<br />

large amount of volcanic ash, which pose a threat to environment,<br />

economy and human health over a large part of the Mediterranean<br />

area. Volcanic ash (diameter < 2 mm) is the result of intense<br />

magmatic or phreatomagmatic fragmentation during explosive<br />

volcanic eruptions. After injection into the atmosphere, the ash is<br />

dispersed as convective columns and umbrella clouds, which are<br />

subject to the combined effects of gravity and wind speed, or are<br />

transported close to the ground as pyroclastic density currents<br />

(PDCs; e.g. SULPIZIO et alii, 2008).<br />

Irrespective of the eruptive mechanism or intensity, ash<br />

particles usually affect wide areas around volcanic centres, and<br />

can cause severe damage and casualties in both proximal and<br />

medial areas. The accumulation of ash can induce roof collapses,<br />

interruption of lifelines (roads, railways, etc.), closure of airports<br />

and damage to communication or electric lines (e.g. BLONG,<br />

1984).<br />

The injection of ash into the atmosphere can cause damage to<br />

aircraft or can impact public health causing, for example,<br />

respiratory problems (e.g. HORWELL & BAXTER, 2006). Ash<br />

deposition decreases soil permeability, increases surface runoff,<br />

and promotes floods (e.g. FAVALLI et alii, 2006). Ash leachates<br />

can result in pollution of water resources (e.g. STEWART et alii,<br />

2006), damage to agriculture and forest, effect pasture and<br />

livestock health, impinge on aquatic ecosystems and alter the<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) CIRISIVU, c/o Dipartimento Geomineralogico, Università di Bari,<br />;;<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pisa,<br />;;<br />

(°) IAMC-CNR, Napoli,<br />

(°°) LSCE-CNRS, Gif sur Yvette,<br />

(§) IDES - Université Paris Sud, Orsay,<br />

650<br />

geochemical environment of the seafloor (e.g. HAECKEL et alii,<br />

2001).<br />

Therefore, the impact of fine ash can determine important<br />

economic loss for affected communities, and can rapidly<br />

deteriorate if no preventive measures were taken. All of these<br />

impacts and processes have surely affected the central<br />

Mediterranean area during past eruptions of Neapolitan<br />

volcanoes, as testified by the abundance of ash layers in the<br />

stratigraphic successions.<br />

Reliable records of proximal, medial and distal ash deposits<br />

are in fact available from outcrops, historical data, lacustrine and<br />

marine cores. These occurrences, together with the detailed<br />

knowledge of the eruptive history of the Neapolitan volcanoes at<br />

least for late Pleistocene and Holocene, makes the Central<br />

Mediterranean area an exceptional site for detailed studies on ash<br />

dispersal.<br />

Despite some recent advances in understanding the impact of<br />

fine ash on environment and infrastructure, the dynamic of<br />

dispersal of fine ash remains poorly understood, and<br />

consideration of the associated hazards have not yet been fully<br />

addressed and included in the mitigation plans, as recently<br />

demonstrated by the Eyjafi<strong>alla</strong>jokull eruption in Iceland.<br />

As an example, we present and discuss the data of ash<br />

dispersal from some explosive eruptions of Neapolitan volcanoes,<br />

which dispersed centimetric thick ash blankets hundred of<br />

kilometres from the source, irrespective of the more limited<br />

dispersal of the respective coarse grained fallout and PDC<br />

deposits.<br />

The collected data also highlight the major role played by<br />

lower atmosphere winds in dispersal of ash from weak plumes<br />

and ash clouds that accompany PDC emplacement.<br />


BLONG R.J. (1984) - Volcanic hazards. A Sourcebook on the<br />

Effects of Eruptions. Academic Press, Sydney. 424 pp.


Simulation of syn-eruptive floods in the circumvesuvian plain<br />

(southern Italy). Bull. Volcanol., 68, 349–362.<br />


(2001) - The impact of the 1991 Mount Pinatubo tephra<br />

fallout on the geochemical environment of the deep-sea<br />

sediments in the South China Sea. Earth Plan. Sc. Lett., 193,<br />

151-166.<br />

HORWELL C.J. & BAXTER P.J. (2006). The respiratory health<br />

hazards of volcanic ash: a review for volcanic risk mitigation.<br />

Bull. Volcanol., 69, 1–24.<br />


THORDARSON T. & CRONIN S.J. (2006) - Contamination of<br />

water supplies by volcanic ashfall: A literature review and<br />

simple impact modelling. J. Volcanol. Geoth. Res, 158, 296-<br />

306.<br />


L., MELE D., ZANCHETTA G. & SADORI, L. (2008) -<br />

Discriminating the-long distance dispersal of fine ash from<br />

sustained columns or near ground ash clouds: the example of<br />

the Pomici di Avellino eruption (Somma-Vesuvius, Italy). J.<br />

Volcanol. Geoth. Res., doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2007.11.012<br />

651<br />


SESSIONE 19<br />

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653<br />


SESSIONE 19<br />


SESSIONE 20<br />

Variazioni topografiche: cause e conseguenze<br />


Carlo Doglioni (Università Roma "La Sapienza")<br />

Claudio Faccenna (Università Roma TRE)<br />

655<br />


SESSIONE 20<br />

Pliocene-Quaternary uplift of the Southern Apennines: constraints<br />

from geomorphological, apatite fission tracks and (U-Th)/He data<br />



Key words: Geomorphology, low-T thermochronometry,<br />

Southern Apennines, uplift.<br />

The southern Apennines are characterised by an asymmetrical<br />

topography, with maximum elevations mostly located within the<br />

steeper southwestern flank of the chain. Also asymmetrical is the<br />

position of the main divide, which follows neither the chain axis<br />

nor the crest line, and develops for most of its length to the E of<br />

the latter.<br />

In order to unravel the relief formation history of this young<br />

orogen, we integrated geomorphological, stratigraphical,<br />

structural and apatite fission track and U-Th/He data useful to<br />

constrain timing and amount of absolute and differential vertical<br />

motions.<br />

The southern Apennine chain is a NE-directed fold and thrust<br />

belt, with the Apulian promontory representing the orogenic<br />

foreland. Except for the remnants of so-called ‘internal’ tectonic<br />

units that occur on top of the thrust pile, outcropping thrust sheets<br />

consist of Mesozoic-Cenozoic rocks derived from the<br />

sedimentary cover of the foreland plate. These include both<br />

carbonate platform (Apennine Platform) and pelagic basin<br />

(Lagonegro Basin) successions, locally covered by Neogene<br />

foredeep and/or wedge-top basin sediments. Based on clay<br />

mineralogy, vitrinite reflectance, apatite fission tracks (AFT) and<br />

fluid inclusion data, exhumation of sedimentary units from depths<br />

of a few kilometres (locally in excess of 5 km) has been<br />

unravelled from throughout the chain.<br />

The structure of the thrust belt is dominated, at shallow levels,<br />

by low-angle tectonic contacts separating the carbonates of the<br />

Apennine Platform, in the hanging wall, from the Lagonegro<br />

Basin pelagic successions. At depth, the outcropping thrust belt<br />

forms a displaced allochthon that has been carried onto a footwall<br />

________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Napoli<br />

“Federico II”,,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche e Ambientali, Università di<br />

Bologna<br />

(°) Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Università di Padova<br />

656<br />

of foreland strata essentially continuous with those exposed in the<br />

Apulian promontory to the NE. Beneath the allochthon, the<br />

western portion of the Apulian Platform was involved in the<br />

younger shortening phases. Within the thrust belt, the tectonically<br />

underlying Apulian Platform unit crops out in the Monte Alpi<br />

area, providing the opportunity to obtain thermochronometric<br />

data from these elsewhere deeply buried rocks.<br />

Neogene thrusting was accompanied, since at least Late<br />

Miocene times, by back-arc extension and sea-floor spreading in<br />

the southern Tyrrhenian Sea. Crustal shortening in the southern<br />

Apennines ceased around the early-middle Pleistocene boundary<br />

(ca. 0.7 Ma). A new tectonic regime was established in the chain<br />

and adjacent foothills. The structures related to this new regime,<br />

characterized by a NE-SW oriented maximum extension, include<br />

dominantly extensional faults that postdate and dissect the thrust<br />

belt. Termination of crustal shortening was followed by a final<br />

uplift also involving the Bradanic foreland basin area.<br />

Constraints to the amount and timing of uplift and to the<br />

reconstruction, for different time spans, of the distribution of<br />

topographic highs and lows are provided by several geomorphicstratigraphical<br />

evidences (e.g. distribution and elevation of<br />

Quaternary marine terraces, elevation and amount of dissection of<br />

Pliocene-Quaternary littoral deposits and correlative erosion<br />

surfaces, distribution of Pliocene-Quaternary marine and<br />

alluvial/lacustrine depocentres, features of the present-day<br />

drainage net, etc.). Collectively, such evidences point to an<br />

uneven, both spatially and temporally, uplift of the thrust belt–<br />

foredeep system over a Late Miocene–Quaternary time span.<br />

Apatite FT data indicate exhumation starting at around 10<br />

Ma, but mostly occurring in the last 5 Ma. An older stage of fast<br />

exhumation may be clearly distinguished from a younger stage of<br />

substantially slower unroofing, based on apatite He data. High<br />

exhumation rates, incompatible with erosion rates, characterized<br />

the first, fast unroofing stage. Based on the integration with<br />

surface evidence, which suggests that during Pliocene-early<br />

Pleistocene times the eastern portion of the belt was affected by<br />

repeated and diachronous large collapses, and by relatively slow<br />

and spatially uneven coeval uplift, for the first unroofing stage a<br />

dominant contribution of tectonic exhumation has to be invoked.<br />

Younger (0.7 - 0 Ma) tectonic activity was dominated by: (i)<br />

crustal extension propagating into the axial zone of the mountain

elt, producing Quaternary basins bounded by seismogenic,<br />

master normal faults; (ii) dying out of crustal shortening; and (iii)<br />

regional uplift, which was much stronger in the eastern belt of the<br />

chain-foreland basin area than in the Tyrrhenian belt. These late<br />

phenomena, although leading to dramatic changes in terms of<br />

topography, drainage pattern and geomorphological evolution of<br />

the mountain belt, were not so effective in producing rock<br />

exhumation.<br />

The overall evidence suggests a link between crustal<br />

shortening, thrusting and tectonic exhumation in the mountain<br />

belt. It may be envisaged that gravitational disequilibria produced<br />

by deep-seated thrusting within the buried Apulian Platform,<br />

triggering extension within the orogenic wedge, led to enhanced<br />

tectonic exhumation during active crustal shortening. Slower<br />

unroofing during the second exhumation stage most probably<br />

resulted from tectonic exhumation slowing down as crustal<br />

shortening was fading way, to finally cease during the<br />

Pleistocene. In addition, such evidences suggest that the present<br />

day large-scale geomorphic features of the southern Apennines<br />

are largely inherited from pre-Quaternary tectonics.<br />

657<br />


SESSIONE 20<br />

Middle Miocene out-of-sequence thrusting and successive<br />

exhumation in the Peloritani Mts, Sicily: late stage evolution<br />

of an orogen unraveled by apatite fission-track and (U-Th)He<br />

thermochronometry<br />



Key words: Age pattern, thermochronology, wedge dynamics.<br />

A detailed low-temperature thermochronological study that<br />

coupled apatite fission-track (AFT) and (U-Th)/He (AHe)<br />

analysis has been performed across the Peloritani Mountains belt<br />

in eastern Sicily.<br />

AFT and AHe analyses were carried out on apatite from<br />

crystalline rocks from three north-south oriented transect and in<br />

the northwestern edge of the Peloritani belt. AFT ages range<br />

between 29.0±5.5 Ma and 5.5±0.9 Ma while AHe ages vary from<br />

19.4 Ma to 3.3 Ma. The older AHe ages accompany the older<br />

AFT ages.<br />

Our older AFT ages in the Aspromonte Unit correspond to the<br />

time of the early exhumation between 35 and 20 Ma in agreement<br />

with the previous fission track data from (THOMSON, 1994). This<br />

earlier exhumation occurred during or immediately after the<br />

progressive stacking and thrusting leading to the building of the<br />

main nappe edifice (e.g. DE GREGORIO et alii., 2003; ATZORI et<br />

alii, 1994).<br />

But the majority of the AFT ages post-date the deposition of<br />

Stilo-Capo d’Orlando Formation, a late Oligocene-Burdigalian<br />

terrigenous deposit that unconformably overlies the basement<br />

units sealing the main tectonic contacts.<br />

Through the coupling of the thermal modeling with the<br />

stratigraphic record, a middle Miocene thermal event is revealed.<br />

This event affected an inner intermediate portion of the Peloritani<br />

Mountains and is confined by the distribution of the AFT ages<br />

uplifted marine terraces, superimposed on the extensional<br />

deformation accelerating the denudation rate (FERRANTI et alii,<br />

2006).<br />



Structural, metamorphic and geochronologic features of the<br />

Alpine event in the south-eastern sector of the Peloritani<br />

mountains (Sicily). Period. Mineral., 63, 113–125.<br />


A. (2006) - Tectonics and seismicity of the Tindari Fault<br />

System, southern Italy: Crustal deformations at the transition<br />

between ongoing contractional and extensional domains<br />

located above the edge of a subducting slab. Tectonics, 25,<br />

TC2006, doi:10.1029/2004TC001763.<br />

DE GREGORIO S., ROTOLO S. G., & VILLA I. M. (2003) -<br />

Geochronology of the medium to high-grade metamorphic<br />

units of the Peloritani Mts., Italy. Int. J. Earth Sci., 92, 852-<br />

872.<br />




(2006) - Markers of the last interglacial sea level high stand<br />

along the coast of Italy: tectonic implications. Quatern.<br />

Intern., 145–146, 30–54.<br />


A. (1996) - <strong>Il</strong> sistema Appennino Meridionale-Arco Calabro-<br />

Sicilia nel Mediterraneo centrale: studio geologico-geofisico.<br />

Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 115, 529-559.<br />



- Sedimentary evolution of basins in mobile orogenic belts:<br />

examples from the Tertiary sequences of the Peloritani Mts.<br />

(NE Sicily)., Terra Nova, 7(2), 161-170.<br />

LENTINI, F., CATALANO S. & CARBONE S. (2000) - Carta<br />

geologica <strong>della</strong> Provincia di Messina (scala1:50000).<br />

LOCK, J. & WILLET S. (2008) - Low-temperature<br />

thermochronometric ages in fold-and-thrust belts.<br />

Tectonophysics, 456, 147–162.<br />

THOMSON, S. N. (1994) - Fission track analysis of the crystalline<br />

basement rocks of the Calabrian Arc, southern Italy:<br />

evidence of Oligo-Miocene late orogenic extension and<br />

erosion. Tectonophysics, 238, 331-352.<br />

659<br />


SESSIONE 20<br />

Late Quaternary marine terracing and fault displacement in eastern<br />

Sicily : two distinct modes of faulting-induced deformation<br />

Key words: Active fault, faulting-induced deformation, Late<br />

Quaternary, marine terrace.<br />

The relation between marine terracing and fault displacements<br />

has been investigated along the Late Quaternary Siculo-Calabrian<br />

Rift Zone, extending from Southern Calabria to the Eastern<br />

Sicily. At the footwall of the major seismogenic segments of the<br />

rift zone, the fault displacements have induced additional<br />

components of the tectonic uplift that superimposed on the<br />

regional signal, resulting in a local huge deformation of marine<br />

terraces. Along the strike of faults, the strandlines of the marine<br />

terraces commonly depict a large antiform, due to the variable<br />

faulting-induced footwall uplift that progressively increases from<br />

the tips to the central portion of the fault. The combination of coseismic<br />

displacements and post-seismic rebounds generally<br />

represents an half of the total vertical displacement along the<br />

fault. These additional faulting-induced components of the<br />

tectonic uplift approximate the regional signal. Along the 40 km<br />

long Taormina Fault, in NE Sicily branch of the rift zone, they<br />

reach the maximum values of about 0.9 mm/a which<br />

superimposed on a regional signal of about 0.8 mm/a. As well,<br />

along the 20 km long Avola Fault, belonging to the SE Sicily<br />

branch of the rift zone, their values have been estimated at about<br />

0.5 mm/a, while the regional signal has been evaluated at about<br />

0.3 mm/a. At the footwall of the seismogenic faults, the marine<br />

terraces are also severely deformed transversally to the direction<br />

of the main fault segments. In the Catania area, the additional 0.7<br />

mm/a faulting induced uplift-rate, measured at the footwall of the<br />

coast-bounding fault segments, tapers to 0 at a distance of about<br />

15 km from the fault plane where, as largely predicted by models,<br />

only the regional signal (0.8 mm/a) can be recognised.<br />

A different geometry of the marine terraces has been<br />

recognised at the footwall of the normal faults controlling the<br />

Late Quaternary extensional basins which developed along the<br />

western flank of the rift zone (e.g. Augusta and Floridia Graben,<br />

in the Hyblean Plateau, and the Peloritani-Eolie Graben, in NE<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche – Università di Catania<br /><br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto S1 Convenzione INGV-DPC<br />

2007/2009<br />

660<br />

Sicily). At the footwall of these faults, the strandlines of the<br />

marine terraces are displaced at the rate of the regional signal and<br />

still depict their original flat-lying attitude, to demonstrate the<br />

absence of the faulting-induced deformation, either along the<br />

strike or transversally with regards to the orientation of the fault<br />

segments. Along these structures, in fact, the vertical fault<br />

displacements mostly consisted of collapses of the hangingwall<br />

that totally balanced the rate of uplifting of the footwall. As a<br />

consequence, the uplift of the footwall of these structures has<br />

been accompanied by relative sea-level stability in the<br />

hangingwall, where the marine abrasion has been active at the<br />

base of the coast-bounding fault scarp. In this case, marine<br />

terracing represents the product of the progressive seaward<br />

migration of the active fault-line (e.g. Peloritani Ridge) or the<br />

effect of deactivation of the faults (e.g. Augusta Graben).<br />

The difference in the mode of faulting-induced deformation<br />

recognised along the Late Quaternary extensional faults of<br />

Eastern Sicily can be related to the different significance of the<br />

surface extensional processes. In the case of the seismogenic<br />

segments, the surface deformation is that expected for faults<br />

cutting the entire elastic layer and also involving mass<br />

adjustments within deeper ductile horizons. On the other hand,<br />

the second category of faulting-deformation seems to be linked to<br />

shallower fault segments, which are accommodating gravitycontrolled<br />

collapses, as response of the regional tectonic<br />

uplifting. In particular, the occurrence of these collapsed basins is<br />

confined within regions which are affected by high wavelength<br />

and low amplitude doming of the Late Quaternary strandlines<br />

that, together with seismological and geochemical data, strongly<br />

suggest the occurrence of Mantle diapirism at depth.

Geomorphological response of fluvial and coastal terraces to<br />

Quaternary tectonics and climate in the northern Marche coastal<br />

area (central Italy) from geostatistical topographic analysis<br />

Key words: Adriatic coast, central Italy, fluvial and coastal<br />

terraces, geostatistical topographic analysis, river incision<br />

rates, uplift rates.<br />


The geostatistical topographic analysis has proved to be a<br />

useful quantitative method for the reconstruction of statistical<br />

models of planar geomorphic markers of active tectonics<br />

(BURBANK & ANDERSON, 2001). In fact, by collecting a<br />

significant number of points on the remnants of a marker surface,<br />

and applying the proper interpolation algorithm, it is possible to<br />

delineate the statistical trend of its original surface.<br />

In this work, we applied the geostatistical topographic<br />

analysis to the remnants of fluvial and coastal terrace treads<br />

exposed within the Metauro and Cesano Rivers valleys, in the<br />

Adriatic foothills of the northern Marche Apennines (Central<br />

Italy). Since the Middle-Late Pliocene, the Adriatic side of the<br />

Apennines underwent regional tectonic uplift that accelerated<br />

significantly during the Quaternary, with rates decreasing from<br />

the Apennine chain axis towards its margins. In particular, the<br />

rate of tectonic uplift peaked at the end of Early Pleistocene, with<br />

an average rate of 0.3 – 0.5 mm a -1 during the last 1 Ma<br />

(D'AGOSTINO et alii, 2001), and has continued during the<br />

Holocene at a rate that has steadily dropped along the W-E<br />

direction. The geodynamic processes driving the active tectonics<br />

of the outer zones of the Northern Apennines are still strongly<br />

debated, especially concerning the activity of the compressional<br />

front (WEGMANN & PAZZAGLIA, 2009 and references therein).<br />

The northern Marche trunk valleys have at least four flights of<br />

alluvial terraces, whose deposits range in age from Middle<br />

Pleistocene to Upper Pleistocene-Lower Holocene, named,<br />

respectively, from the oldest and highest one as T1A, T1B, T2 and<br />

T3 (NESCI et alii, 1990, 1995; FANUCCI et alii, 1996). This<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Roma “La<br />

Sapienza”, marta.<strong>della</strong><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Uomo, <strong>della</strong> Natura e dell’Ambiente,<br />

Università di Urbino “Carlo Bo”,<br />


661<br />

terrace sequence is widely considered as being the result of<br />

several complex, and for the most part climate-driven aggradation<br />

episodes alternating with complex stages of climate- and tectonicdriven<br />

stream downcutting (NESCI et alii, 1995; WEGMANN &<br />

PAZZAGLIA, 2009). Close to the present coastline, at the<br />

lowermost valley reaches, the alluvial terraces often merge with<br />

the coeval coastal terraces.<br />

This works is aimed at improving the geostatistical approach<br />

used in previous papers (DELLA SETA et alii, 2008) by integrating<br />

the surface sampling technique. Moreover, we aim at developing<br />

a method for evaluating the incision rates of some of the major<br />

northern Marche rivers in their lower catchments during the late<br />

Quaternary and to compare them to previously estimated uplift<br />

rates.<br />


DTM- and GPS-based geostatistical analysis provided the<br />

original top-surfaces of fluvial-to-coastal terrace bodies at the<br />

Metauro and Cesano river mouths. The geometrical setting of the<br />

depositional bodies has been better defined and constrained<br />

through the terrain analysis of the reconstructed surface (slope<br />

angle, profile curvature, etc.).<br />

In agreement with the geomorphological and<br />

stratigraphical/sedimentological data, the results of the<br />

geostatistical topographic analysis confirmed the presence of<br />

well-formed high-relief coastal fans, Upper Pleistocene-Lower<br />

Holocene in age, at the Metauro and Cesano river mouth areas.<br />

Two distinct knick zones, highlighted by well-recognizable<br />

bumps on the reconstructed depositional top surfaces of both the<br />

Upper Pleistocene-Lower Holocene fluvial and coastal terrace,<br />

reflect two different late Quaternary depositional events: i) the<br />

first one related to a major cold aggradational phase; ii) the<br />

second related to the coastal fan development during the<br />

Holocene sea level rise, but yet under a relative sea level<br />

lowstand. Such data and reconstructions provided new findings<br />

that led us to be inclined towards a climate-driven interpretation<br />

of the above-mentioned morphological perturbations, previously<br />

interpreted as the being of neotectonic origin (VANNOLI et alii,<br />

2004).<br />

The height distribution of the alluvial terrace sequences<br />


SESSIONE 20<br />

exposed along the coastal sector of the major rivers of northern<br />

Marche was correlated with the Quaternary climatic curve, in<br />

order to obtain Height-Age diagrams for estimating the average<br />

long-term fluvial incision rates for this area.<br />

The obtained average incision rate of 0.20 mm a -1 over the<br />

late Middle Pleistocene-Early Holocene time interval (between<br />

terraces T2 and T3) is comparable to the uplift rate (0.13-0.18 mm<br />

a -1 ) that we had previously calculated from the height difference<br />

between the fluvial to coastal plains switch points on the<br />

reconstructed top surfaces of diachronic coastal fans. Moreover,<br />

the Height-Age plots of the alluvial terrace sequences highlighted<br />

the different fluvial incision rates in adjacent valleys, which could<br />

be related, at least in part, to differential crustal uplift that has<br />

affected the coastal sector of the northern Marche Apennine at<br />

least since the Middle Pleistocene (BORRACCINI et alii, 2002; DI<br />

BUCCI et alii, 2003).<br />




M. & TRIGGIANI P. (2002). Analisi <strong>della</strong> tettonica quaternaria<br />

nel basso bacino del Fiume Metauro (Marche settentrionali)<br />

e nell’adiacente offshore adriatico attraverso l’integrazione<br />

di dati sismici, geomorfologici, stratigrafici e strutturali.<br />

Studi Geol. Camerti (Nuova Serie) 2, 29-43.<br />

BURBANK D.W. & ANDERSON R.S. (2001) - Tectonic<br />

Geomorphology. Blackwell Science, Oxford.<br />



Morphotectonic evolution of the Adriatic piedmont of the<br />

Apennines: an the knowledge of the Marche-<br />

Abruzzo border area. Geomorphology, 102, 119-129.<br />


(2001). - Interactions between mantle upwelling, drainage<br />

evolution and active normal faulting: an example from the<br />

central Apennines (Italy). Geophys. J. Int., 147, 475-497.<br />


M., DE DONATIS M. & BORRACCINI F. (2003). Active<br />

deformation in the frontal part of the Northern Apennines:<br />

insights from the lower Metauro River basin area (northern<br />

Marche, Italy) and adjacent Adriatic off-shore. J. Geodyn.,<br />

36, 213-238.<br />


(1996) - Tipologia <strong>dei</strong> terrazzi vallivi ed evoluzione del<br />

rilievo nel versante adriatico dell'Appennino centrosettentrionale.<br />

<strong>Il</strong> Quaternario, 9, 255-258.<br />

662<br />

NESCI O., SAVELLI D. & MENGARELLI D. (1990) - I terrazzi<br />

vallivi del 1° ordine nei bacini <strong>dei</strong> Fiumi Metauro e Foglia<br />

(Appennino Marchigiano). Geogr. Fis. Din. Quat., 13, 63-73.<br />


(1995) - Le antiche piane di fondovalle nell’Appennino Nord-<br />

Marchigiano. In: G.B. Castiglioni and P.R. Federici (Eds.) -<br />

Assetto Fisico e Problemi Ambientali delle Pianure Italiane.<br />

Mem. Soc. Geogr. It., 53, 293-312.<br />

VANNOLI P., BASILI R. & VALENSISE G. (2004) - New<br />

geomorphic evidence for anticlinal growth driven by blindthrust<br />

faulting along the northern Marche coastal belt (central<br />

Italy). J. Seismol., 8, 297–312.<br />

WEGMANN K.W. & PAZZAGLIA F.J. (2009) - Late Quaternary<br />

fluvial terraces of the Romagna and Marche Apennines, Italy:<br />

Climatic, lithologic, and tectonic controls on terrace genesis<br />

in an active orogen. Quatern. Sci. Rev., 28, 137-165.

Thermochronological modeling of the western Lepontine Dome<br />

Key words: Exhumation history, Lepontine Dome, numerical<br />

modeling, thermochronology.<br />

We present results of forward and inverse thermal numerical<br />

modeling of thermochronological data from the western part of<br />

the Lepontine Dome. We aim to establish the landscape evolution<br />

and the tectonic history of the Central Alps over the last 10 Myrs.<br />

The Lepontine Dome is a major core complex of the Central<br />

Alps which is bounded in the westernmost part by the Simplon<br />

fault, an extensional fault that influenced its exhumation over the<br />

last 25-30 Ma (STECK &HUNZIKER, 1994, MANCKTELOW, 1985).<br />

The forward modeling is achieved using PECUBE (BRAUN,<br />

2003) and we inverted the data to obtain variable exhumation<br />

rates using GLIDE (FOX et alii, 2010). PECUBE computes the<br />

evolution of the thermal field in 3D, including the effects of<br />

changing topography. GLIDE employs a formal linear inverse<br />

procedure, based on the concept of a “closure temperature”, to<br />

resolve spatial and temporal variations in exhumation rates.<br />

The model parameters are well constrained by a dense suite of<br />

(U-Th)/He in apatite and apatite fission track ages collected<br />

through the Lepontine Dome along the Simplon railway tunnel,<br />

and across the corresponding surface transect (PIGNALOSA et alii,<br />

2010). The assumed scenario, based on the literature, is<br />

decreasing topographic amplitude through time, with rock uplift<br />

rate of the considered crustal block, increasing to the present.<br />

Results from PECUBE suggest that: a) the activity on the<br />

Simplon fault has not influenced the exhumation of the Lepontine<br />

Dome over the last 10 Ma; b) between 5 Ma and today the relief<br />

decreased, after the Messinian salinity crisis and during the onset<br />

of the Northern hemisphere glaciations. Simulations indicate a<br />

reasonable fit between modeled and measured temperatures<br />

through the tunnel (SCHARDT, 1905), as do the derived surface<br />

and tunnel ages.<br />

________________________<br />

(*) Department of Earth and Geo-Environmental Sciences, University of<br />

Bologna,<br />

(**) Geologisches Institut, ETH-Zentrum, Zürich, CH,<br /><br />

(°) Department of Geosciences, University of Padua,<br />,<br />

Work made for the project TOPOALPS with the financial support of the<br />

University of Bologna<br />



663<br />

However, in the southern part of the section the temperatures<br />

are overestimated. This could be due to water circulation along<br />

extensional faults, which is not considered by the model (Fig. 1).<br />

Fig. 2a shows that the modeled fission track ages profile is<br />

younger than the observed one in its southern part. This<br />

underestimation happens where the modeled temperature profile<br />

showed in Fig. 1 is higher than the observed one. Age-elevation<br />

relationship in Fig. 2b shows a vertical behavior of the modeled<br />

data. Apatite (U-Th)/He show, in Fig. 2c-d, a good fit whith the<br />

observed data. Fig. 2e-f show that tunnel data are overestimated<br />

in many points of the profiles.<br />

Results from GLIDE show an increasing exhumation rate<br />

through the last 10 Ma, with higher exhumation rates in the<br />

within the center of the Lepontine Dome.<br />

Fig. 1 – Simulated temperature profile along the the Simplon railway tunnel (modified<br />

from PIGNALOSA et et alii, 2010). The tunnel cuts cuts the the partial retention zone zone of of the the<br />

Apatite Helium closure system, while it it is is about 2000 m m above the the fission track track<br />

partial retention zone. In In the the lower part the the comparison between the the observed<br />

temperatures during the tunnel drilling and and the the simulated temperatures using using<br />

PECUBE is is shown (see the text for for comments).<br />


Activity at the Simplon Fault is constrained by a dense suite<br />

of thermochronometric ages, distributed in time and space.<br />

Preliminary results suggest that activity on the Simplon Fault has<br />

had no influence on the exhumation rate in the last 10 Ma.<br />

Another important result is the evidence that major changes in<br />

topography have taken place in the last 5 Ma, after the Messinian<br />


SESSIONE 20<br />

Fig. 2 – Simulated thermochronological data compared to the observed ones. On the left are surface data. Fission tracks show a younger age for the southernmost part of<br />

the dataset, while (U-Th)/He show a better fit. On the right panel are the tunnel age profiles, in both diagrams the simulated ages are older than the observed ones.<br />

salinity crisis and during the Quaternary glaciations. In fact, for<br />

this period, the most important topographic variations occurred<br />

within the Central Alps, arguing a link between the latest climatic<br />

changes and the morphological evolution of this part of the chain.<br />


BRAUN J. (2003) - Pecube: a new finite-element code to solve the<br />

3D heat transport equation including the effect of a finite<br />

amplitude surface topography - Comp. & Geosci. 29. 787-<br />

794.<br />

FOX M., HERMANN F. & WILLETT S. (2010) - The Inversion of<br />

Low-Temperature Thermochronometry to Extract Spatially<br />

Varying Exhumation Rates. Geoph. Res. Abs. 12. EGU2010-<br />

11667, 2010 EGU General Assembly 2010.<br />

MANCKTELOW N. S. (1985) - The Simplon Line: a major<br />

displacement zone in the western Lepontine Alps. Eclog.<br />

Geol. Helv. 78. 73–96.<br />


- Thermochronological evidence for a late Pliocene climateinduced<br />

erosion rate increase in the Alps. - Int. J. Earth Sci.,<br />

99, DOI10.1007s00531-010-0510-9.<br />

664<br />

SCHARDT H. (1905) - Les résultats scientifiques du percement du<br />

Tunnel du Simplon. Géologie - hydrologie – thermique. -<br />

Bull. tec. de la Sui. rom. Tirage à part, 1-56.<br />

STECK A. & HUNZICKER J. (1994) – The tertiary structural and<br />

thermal evolution of the Central Alps – Compressional and<br />

extensional structures in an orogenic belt. Tectonophysics,<br />

254, 229-254.

Dynamic Topography and microplate motion in the Mediterranean<br />

Key words: Dynamic topography, seismic tomography,<br />

subduction.<br />

Mobile belts are long-lived deformation zones composed of<br />

an ensemble of crustal fragments, distributed over hundreds of<br />

kilometers inside continental convergent margins.<br />

The Mediterranean represents a remarkable example of this<br />

tectonic setting: the region hosts a diffuse boundary between the<br />

Nubia and Eurasia plates comprised of a mosaic of microplates<br />

that move and deform independently from the overall plate<br />

convergence.<br />

Surface expressions of Mediterranean tectonics include deep,<br />

subsiding backarc basins, intraplate plateaux and uplifting<br />

orogenic belts.<br />

Although the kinematics of the area are now fairly well<br />

defined, the dynamical origins of many of these active features<br />

are controversial and usually attributed to crustal and lithospheric<br />

interactions.<br />

However, the effects of mantle convection, well established<br />

for continental interiors, are expected to be particularly relevant<br />

in a mobile belt, and modeling may constrain important<br />

parameters such as slab coherence and lithospheric strength.<br />

Here, we compute global mantle flow based on recent, highresolution<br />

seismic tomography, to investigate the role of<br />

buoyancy-driven and plate-motion induced mantle circulation for<br />

the Mediterranean.<br />

We show that mantle flow provides an explanation for much<br />

of the observed dynamic topography and microplate motion in<br />

the region.<br />

More generally, vigorous small-scale convection in the<br />

uppermost mantle may also hold the key for understanding other<br />

complex mobile belts such as the North American Cordillera or<br />

the Himalayan-Tibetan collision zone.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università Roma Tre,<br /><br />

(**) Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University,<br />

Cambridge, MA, USA<br />


665<br />


SESSIONE 20<br />

Spatial extent of vertical tectonic motions in northern Sicily using<br />

Holocene and Last Interglacial sea level markers: a case study<br />

between Acquedolci and Capo d’Orlando.<br />



Key words: Marine terraces, Sicily, vertical movements.<br />

Vertical position of sea-level, related deposits and<br />

morphologies (e.g., last interglacial, LIG, 125 ka,) provide useful<br />

markers to utilize with this purpose (LAMBECK et alii, 2004;<br />

FERRANTI et alii, 2006, ANTONIOLI et alii, 2009). Using<br />

published (ANTONIOLI et alii, 2006) and new data we provide a<br />

review of the northern coast of Sicily uplift rates. The markers<br />

used in this study are: terraces inner margin, tidal notches, etc.,<br />

and, for the last millennia archaeological markers and fossil<br />

beaches and vermetid reef.<br />

Data on vertical movements calculated for the coastal area<br />

developing in the north-Sicilian continental margin indicate that,<br />

from East to West, a strong variation of vertical rates of uplift are<br />

recognized during both middle-late Pleistocene and Holocene.<br />

Uplift rates derived from the LIG markers decrease from east to<br />

west from 0.8 mm\yrs (Messina) to 0.2 mm\yrs (Cefalù) The<br />

same trend is observed for Holocene markers showing rates still<br />

higher (until 2 mm\yrs) than in the LIG. The variations mainly<br />

correspond to coastal segments separated by a main regional<br />

tectonic feature, the Vulcano-Tindari Fault system (LANZAFAME<br />

& BOUSQUET, 1997; BILLI et alii, 2006) with predominantly<br />

right-lateral transcurrent (partly extensional and/or contractional)<br />

kinematics that dissects transversally the south-western sector of<br />

the Calabrian Arc. These structures, which are sub-vertical, crosscut<br />

the whole lithosphere and therefore can act as discontinuities<br />

separating crustal blocks characterized by different vertical<br />

motion.<br />

Here we focus our attention on the eastern sector of the<br />

Sicilian northern coast and particularly the area immediately to<br />

the west of the Vulcano-Tindari fault system, where several<br />

evidences of vertical movements during the Pleistocene-Holocene<br />

666<br />

have been recognized. Here, the occurrence of several oblique<br />

and normal fault segments and the alternation of rocks with<br />

different competence, that is the Hercynian metamorphic<br />

basement, its Meso-Cenozoic carbonate and Oligocene-Miocene<br />

terrigenous cover and Pleistocene deltaic sands and gravels<br />

(CARBONE et alii, 1998), determine a complex geomorphologic<br />

setting. Our analysis was devoted to the coastal sector from Capo<br />

d'Orlando to Acquedolci towns, where a well preserved flight of<br />

marine terraces occurs.<br />

Geomorphologic survey allowed to recognize four orders of<br />

marine terraces located at elevations of 200 m, 120-90 m, 60-40<br />

m, and 35-10 m a.s.l.. At Rocca Scodoni, between Acquedolci<br />

and Capo d’Orlando, the terrace located between 40 m and 60 m<br />

is characterized by the presence of a marine deposit up to 10 m<br />

thick, constituted by coarse polygenic conglomerates,<br />

microconglomerates and cross-laminated sands in a finingupward<br />

sequence. Here, the inner margin of the terrace has been<br />

recognized between 45 m and 50 m a.s.l. and it is constituted by a<br />

cliff showing several Lithodomus holes, sometimes preserving<br />

fossilized shell inside, and other biological remains. A shell of<br />

Spondylus s.p. (Fig. 1) in physiologic position has been collected<br />

from this terraced deposit at Rocca Scodonì (Fig. 2) in order to<br />

perform geochronological analyses.<br />

The preliminary U/Th analysis on Spondylus shell, provides<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Geologie e<br /><br />

Geodesia, Università di Palermo,<br />

(**) ENEA, Casaccia, Roma.,<br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università di Catania,<br /><br />

(°°) Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Catania. Fig. 1 – The insitu Spondylus of Rocca Scodoni (see Fig. 2).

an age (with large error bar) on MIS 5 (between 100 and 125 ka).<br />

Based on the eustatic level for Mediterranean sea during Last<br />

Interglacial (6 metres ± 3), the altitude of the inner margin (50 m)<br />

we estimate the tectonic uplift rate between 0.36-0.5 mm/a.<br />

Archaeological markers occurring along the coastal area located a<br />

few kilometers east of Rocca Scodonì suggest similar tectonic<br />

uplift rates for the Holocene.<br />

The new chronological data allow us to calibrate, with respect<br />

to the Stage 5, the distribution of marine terraces recognized in<br />

this coastal area at different altitudes.<br />

Fig. 2 – Geomorphological map of Rocca Scodoni outcrop.<br />



RADTKE U. & SILENZI S., (2006) - Altitude of the last<br />

interglacial highstand in Sicily (Italy) and its implications for<br />

tectonic. Quatern. Int., 145–146, 3–18.<br />




SPADA G. & STOCCHI P. (2009) - A review of the Holocene<br />

sea-level changes and tectonic movements along the Italian<br />

coastline. Quatern. Int., 206, 102-133.<br />


(2006) - Tectonics and seismicity of the Tindary Fault System,<br />

southern Italy: crustal deformations at the transition between<br />

ongoing contractional and extensional domains located<br />

above the edge of a subducting slab. Tectonics, 25, 1–20.<br />

667<br />

BONFIGLIO L., MANGANO G. & PINO P. (2010) - The contribution<br />

of mammal bearing deposits to timing late Pleistocene<br />

tectonics of cape Tyndari. Riv. It Pal. Strat., 116, 1-16.<br />

CARBONE S., LENTINI F. & VINCI G. (1998) - Carta geologica<br />

del settore occidentale <strong>dei</strong> Monti Peloritani (Sicilia nordorientale).<br />

S.EL.CA., Firenze.<br />




P. & VERRUBBI V. (2006) - Elevation of the last interglacial<br />

highstand in Italy: A benchmark of coastal tectonics.<br />

Quatern. Int., 145–146, 30–54.<br />


Sea level change along the Italian coast for the past 10,000<br />

yrs. Quatern. Sci. Rev., 23, 1567-1598.<br />

LANZAFAME G. & BOUSQUET J.C. (1997) - The Maltese<br />

escarpment and its extension from Mt. Etna to the Aeolian<br />

Islands (Sicily): importance and evolution of a lithosphere<br />

discontinuity. Acta Vulcanol., 9, 113–120.<br />


SESSIONE 20<br />

Landslide volumes and evaluation of landslide mobilization rates in<br />

an area in Umbria, central Apennines<br />

Key words: Central Apennines, erosion, landslide, mobilization<br />

rate.<br />


Landslides are common geomorphological processes that<br />

contribute to shape landscapes in all continents. To determine<br />

erosion rates in landscapes dominated by slope wasting<br />

processes, chiefly landslides, one needs to know: (i) the<br />

geographical distribution and abundance of landslides, (ii) the<br />

temporal frequency or the average landslide mobilization rates,<br />

and (iii) the volume of material mobilized by individual<br />

landslides. Information on landslide abundance and frequency<br />

can be obtained from multi-temporal landslide inventory maps,<br />

which can be prepared through the systematic interpretation of<br />

multiple sets of stereoscopic aerial photographs, high and veryhigh<br />

resolution, mono- and stereoscopic satellite images, and<br />

dedicated field campaigns executed after events that have<br />

resulted in landslides (event landslide inventory maps)<br />

(MALAMUD et alii, 2004; GALLI et alii, 2008).<br />

Determining the volume of a single landslide is a complex<br />

problem that requires information on the surface and subsurface<br />

geometry of the slope failures, which is difficult to obtain.<br />

Deciding the volume of individual landslides in a large<br />

population of failures comprising hundreds or thousands of<br />

landslides is an even more difficult task (MALAMUD et alii, 2004)<br />

that, at present, can only be achieved adopting empirical<br />

relationships to link the volume (VL) of a landslide to geometrical<br />

measures of the slope failure, chiefly landslide area (AL)<br />

(SIMONETT, 1967; RICE et alii, 1969; INNES, 1983; HOVIUS et<br />

alii, 1997; GUTHRIE &EVANS, 2004; KORUP, 2005; TEN BRINK et<br />

alii, 2006; IMAIZUMI &SIDLE, 2007; GUZZETTI et alii, 2008,<br />

2009; IMAIZUMI et alii, 2008).<br />

_________________________<br />




(*) CNR IRPI,<br />

(**) Università degli Studi di Perugia,<br />

668<br />


From a global catalogue of 5800 mass movements for which<br />

landslide area (AL) and volume (VL) are known independently,<br />

we selected 677 landslides of the slide type (CRUDEN &VARNES,<br />

1996), and we used the geometrical measurements to define an<br />

empirical relationship to link AL (in m 2 ) to VL (in m 3 ). The<br />

relationship takes the form of a power law with a scaling<br />

exponent a = 1.450 (standard error = 0.0086), and holds for eight<br />

orders of magnitude of AL and twelve orders of magnitude of VL,<br />

and is in good agreement with similar relationships in the<br />

literature (SIMONETT, 1967; RICE et alii, 1969; INNES, 1983;<br />

HOVIUS et alii, 1997; GUTHRIE &EVANS, 2004; KORUP, 2005;<br />

TEN BRINK et alii, 2006; IMAIZUMI &SIDLE, 2007; GUZZETTI et<br />

alii, 2008; IMAIZUMI et alii, 2008).<br />

The limited dispersion of the empirical data around the power<br />

law equation VL = 0.074 AL 1.450 (R 2 = 0.971), and the observation<br />

that the landslides occurred in different geological settings and<br />

climatic environments, and were caused by different triggers<br />

(chiefly rainfall and earthquakes), suggest that the dependency of<br />

VL on AL is independent of the physiographical setting,<br />

essentially.<br />


We used the empirical relationship discussed in the previous<br />

section to determine the volume of landslide material (landslides<br />

of the slide type) in the Collazzone area, central Umbria,<br />

extending for 78.9 km 2 , and for which a detailed multi-temporal<br />

landslide inventory covering the period 1937-2005 is available.<br />

In this 69-year period, the total volume of landslide material was<br />

determined VLT = 4.78×10 7 m 3 , corresponding to an average<br />

mobilization rate f L = 8.8 mm∙yr -1 .<br />

In the period 1937-2005, landslides mapped in the multitemporal<br />

inventory range in volume VL from 1.3×10 1 m 3 to<br />

8.7×10 5 m 3 , with the most abundant landslides in the range 5×10 1<br />

m 3 < VL < 3×10 2 m 3 . In the multi-temporal inventory, the seven<br />

landslides with the largest volume (0.3% of the total number of<br />

landslides) represent 10% of the total landslide volume, and 4%<br />

of the total landslide area; and the 110 landslides with the largest

volume (5.5% of the total number of landslides) represent 50% of<br />

the total landslide volume, and 32% of the total landslide area.<br />

These figures confirm the importance of large volume landslides<br />

in controlling the total volume of mobilized landslide material in<br />

an area (HOVIUS et alii, 1997; GUZZETTI et alii, 2008, 2009).<br />

Using the temporal information in the multi-temporal<br />

inventory, we determined the volume of material mobilized by<br />

new landslides and reactivations, for different periods. A period<br />

of accelerated landslide activity was singled out between 1937<br />

and 1941. In this 5-year period, slope failures mobilized a<br />

volume of landslide material equivalent approximately to 45% of<br />

the total landslide volume mobilized in the 69-year period 1937-<br />

2005. This corresponds to a mobilization rate in the 5-year period<br />

f L = 54 mm∙yr -1 , six times larger than the long-term average<br />

mobilization rate in the period 1937-2005.<br />

Even excluding the period 1937-1941, the majority of the<br />

landslide material was mobilized during specific landslide events,<br />

or particularly active landslide periods. Landslide mobilization<br />

rates during landslide events, or periods, are 9 to 11 times larger<br />

than the average rates for the inter-periods.<br />


In the literature, we do not have an accepted definition for the<br />

magnitude of a landslide event (MALAMUD et alii, 2004). We<br />

defined the magnitude of a landslide event (or period) mL as the<br />

logarithm (base 10) of the total volume of landslide material<br />

mobilized during the event (or period), mL = log10(VLT). Based on<br />

this definition, an event that has resulted in 1×10 5 m 3 of landslide<br />

material is a magnitude 5 event, and a period during which 1×10 6<br />

m 3 of landslide material were mobilized, is a magnitude 6 period.<br />

Using this scale, the period of augmented landslide activity<br />

between 1937 and 1941 has mL = 7.3.<br />


The results obtained in the Collazzone area, central Umbria,<br />

are relevant for the definition of landslide hazard and the<br />

assessment of landslide risk, and for an improved understanding<br />

of the evolution of landscapes dominated by landslides in central<br />

Italy.<br />


CRUDEN D.M. & VARNES D.J. (1996) - Landslide types and<br />

processes. In: A.K., Turner, R.L., Schuster (Eds.) -<br />

Landslides, Investigation and Mitigation, Transportation<br />

Research Board Special Report 247, Washington D.C., 36-75.<br />


REICHENBACH P. (2008) - Comparing landslide inventory<br />

maps. Geomorphology, 94, 268-289.<br />

669<br />


D. (2009) - Landslide volumes and landslide mobilization<br />

rates in Umbria, central Italy. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 279,<br />

222-229.<br />

GUTHRIE R.H. & EVANS, S.G. (2004) - Analysis of landslide<br />

frequencies and characteristics in a natural system, coastal<br />

British Columbia. Earth Surf. Proc. Land., 29, 1321-1339.<br />


REICHENBACH P. & ROSSI M. (2008) - Distribution of<br />

landslides in the Upper Tiber River basin, central Italy.<br />

Geomorphology, 96, 105-122.<br />


CARDINALI M. (2006) - Landslide hazard assessment in the<br />

Collazzone area, Umbria, central Italy. Nat. Hazards Earth<br />

Sys. Sci., 6, 115-131.<br />

HOVIUS N., STARK C.P. & ALLEN P.A. (1997) - Sediment flux<br />

from a mountain belt derived by landslide mapping. Geology,<br />

25, 231-234.<br />

IMAIZUMI F. & SIDLE R.C. (2007) - Linkage of sediment supply<br />

and transport processes in Miyagawa Dam catchment, Japan.<br />

J. Geophys. Res., 112, F03012.<br />

IMAIZUMI F., SIDLE R.C. & KAMEI R. (2008) - Effects of forest<br />

harvesting on the occurrence of landslides and debris flows<br />

in steep terrain of central Japan. Earth Surf. Proc. Land., 33,<br />

827-840.<br />

INNES, J.N. (1983) - Lichenometric dating of debris-flow deposits<br />

in the Scottish Highlands. Earth Surf. Proc. Land., 8, 579-588.<br />


P. (2004) - Landslide inventories and their statistical<br />

properties. Earth Surf. Proc. Land., 29, 687-711.<br />

RICE R.M., CORBETT E.S. & BAILEY R.G. (1969) - Soil slips<br />

related to vegetation, topography, and soil in Southern<br />

California. Water Resour. Res., 5, 647-659.<br />

SIMONETT D.S. (1967) - Landslide distribution and earthquakes<br />

in the Bewani and Torricelli Mountains, New Guinea. In: J.N.<br />

Jennings and J.A. Mabbutt (Eds.) - Landform Studies from<br />

Australia and New Guinea, Cambridge University Press,<br />

Cambridge, 64-84.<br />

TEN BRINK U.S., GEIST E.L. & ANDREWS B.D. (2006) - Size<br />

distribution of submarine landslides and its implication to<br />

tsunami hazard in Puerto Rico. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33,<br />

L11307.<br />


SESSIONE 20<br />

Key words: Holocene, Sicily, sea level rise, tectonics.<br />



The north-eastern Sicily coast reflects the effects of Holocene<br />

active tectonics associated to subduction system of Ionian crust<br />

beneath the Calabrian arc (CAPUTO et alii, 1970; WESTAWAY,<br />

1993, DOGLIONI et alii, 1999). The latter, characterized by a stack<br />

of crystalline rock and its sedimentary cover, is the highest<br />

structural element in the Sicily chain.<br />

The Calabrian arc is a region that records one of the major<br />

Quaternary vertical tectonic movement in the whole<br />

Mediterranean basin. This uplift, well documented from Last<br />

Interglacial, is expressed as vertical variation of the height of the<br />

Quaternary marine terraces inner margin that characterize the<br />

north-eastern Sicily coast. The uplift can be divided into a<br />

"continuous" regional component and in an "episodic"coseismic<br />

component (FERRANTI et alii, 2007). The northwest Sicily coast<br />

shows as the uplift rates estimated for the Holocene have values<br />

greater than those estimated at the same point from Last<br />

Interglacial (ANTONIOLI et alii, 2006). At the regional scale it is<br />

Fig. 1 – The marine conglomerate containing fossils.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Geologia e Geodesia, Università di Palermo,<br /><br />

(**) ENEA, Casaccia, Roma.<br />

The Brolo Island, a lentil in the “Ocean”<br />

670<br />

possible to observe a decrease in uplift rates from Cape Peloro<br />

(1.1 mm / year) to Palermo and Capo S. Vito (stable).<br />

In north-eastern Sicily, between Capo d'Orlando and Capo<br />

Calavà, we studied the Brolo Stack, located in the central part of<br />

a small bay along the coast facing Brolo village. This area<br />

pertains to the northwestern sector of Peloritani Mountains<br />

(western portion of the Calabrian arc), which extend in E-W<br />

direction from Messina Straits to S. Agata di Militello village. In<br />

particular the tectonic style is characterized by tectonically<br />

overlapping bodies, generally dipping toward the northern<br />

quadrants.<br />

The Brolo coastal area is characterized by a wide coastal<br />

alluvial plain fed by two big rivers. On this plain rises a<br />

metamorphic salient, a sub-circular cylindrical structure, about 50<br />

m high, placed inshore at 250 m from the coastline.<br />

In particular, the Brolo Stack is an outcrop of a residual block<br />

of impure, medium grain, marble interspersed with Paleozoic<br />

paragneiss and mica schists, which largely outcrops in the<br />

hinterland. These lithotypes are the crystalline substrate on which<br />

develops the current depositional sequence. The Brolo Stack<br />

constitutes a "lentil" of metamorphic rock emerging above the<br />

14-18 m deep seafloor at 450 m from the coastline.<br />

The objective of this study is to calculate the potential vertical<br />

movements and assume when they could have occurred. To do<br />

this a detailed geomorphological subaerial and an underwater<br />

survey were conducted, which led to discovery a fossils bearing<br />

conglomerate (Fig. 1), in protected trays at 3.5 m from sea level,<br />

Fig. 2 – Uplifted lithophaga holes.

and well preserved lithophaga holes (Fig. 2) at about 70 cm from<br />

sea level.<br />

The Brolo stack show a particular morphological feature,<br />

different in the emerged and submerged parts (Fig. 3). The<br />

emerged portion strikes along the E-W trend for a length of about<br />

43 m, being 29 m wide and about 15 m high. It has a mushroom<br />

shape with the submerged part more closely than the emerged, the<br />

result of combined physical and chemical processes triggered by<br />

both sea level rise and tectonic vertical movements.<br />

Fig. 3 – The mushroom shape of the submerged portion of Brolo island.<br />

A system of schistosity gives to the white-to-gray stack an<br />

apparent stratification organized in decimetric beds with lying<br />

005/60°. The whole structure is fractured along multiple<br />

directions often containing dark poorly consolidated volcanic<br />

rock.<br />

Large angular blocks are found on the seabed at the base of<br />

the submerged cliffs; their collapse is the result of mechanical<br />

erosion due to the high energy waves and the schistosity and<br />

intensely fractured structure of the rocks.<br />

The underwater survey allowed us to recognize little terraces<br />

at different depth recognized as structural surfaces. We used<br />

radiocarbon analysis on a gastropod found in the marine<br />

conglomerate (Fig. 4). We provide an age of 4745 +/- 59, ( 4965<br />

years +-70 cal BP using Calib 5 program, STUIVER et alii, 2005).<br />

Based on the data obtained and morphological considerations,<br />

it is difficult to envisage the formation of this beach deposit on<br />

the stack if we do not consider a very different morphological<br />

feature, probably more flared with greater lateral continuity and<br />

less inclined slopes.<br />

If we compare the age of the deposit and the height that was<br />

found with the predicted local sea level curves, this is above the<br />

curve, indicating a uplift rate about 1.5 mm / years that is higher<br />

than that calculated in the same field for last interglacial.<br />

671<br />

Fig.4 – Gastropod found in the marine conglomerate.<br />




S., KOVACIC V. & SURACE, L. (2007) - Sea level change<br />

during the Holocene in Sardinia and in the North-eastern<br />

Adriatic (Central Mediterranean sea) from archaeological<br />

and geomorphological data. Quatern. Sci. Rev., 26, 2463–<br />

2486.<br />

CAPUTO M., PANZA G.F. & POSTPISCHL D. (1970) - Deepapple<br />

structure of the Mediterranean basin. J. Geophys. Res., 75,<br />

4919-4923.<br />


PECCERILLO A. & PIROMALLO C. (1999) - Orogens and slab<br />

vs their direction of subduction. Earth Sci. Rev., 45, 167-208.<br />


S. & VERRUBBI V. (2007) - The contribution of regional uplift<br />

and coseismic slip to the vertical crustal motion in the<br />

Messina Straits, Southern Italy: evidence from raised Late<br />

Holocene shorelines. J. Geophys. Res., 112, B06401, DOI:<br />

10.1029/2006JB004473.<br />

STUIVER M., REIMER P.J. & REIMER R. (2005) - CALIB<br />

Radiocarbon Calibration, execute version 5.0.2 html.<br /><br />

WESTAWAY, R. (1993) - Quaternary uplift of Southern Italy. J.<br />

Geophys. Res., 98 (B12), 21741-21772.<br />


SESSIONE 20<br />

Key words: Carpathians, mantle dynamics, morphometry,<br />

tectonic geomorphology, topography.<br />


Tectonic processes and dynamic mantle flow impart a unique<br />

imprint on topography and geomorphic responses over time<br />

scales of 10 4 to 10 6 yr. So first-order topographic features in a<br />

tectonically active landscape including relief, drainage patterns,<br />

watershed location, and stream gradient slope represent ways to<br />

quantitatively characterize the interaction between crustal<br />

tectonics, mantle dynamics, and geomorphology, providing a<br />

basis for modeling landscape evolution. We analyzed the<br />

topographic features of the Romanian Carpathians, a mountain<br />

range characterized by two straight segments connected by a<br />

narrow curvature zone (Fig. 1). Since late Cretaceous, the<br />

deformation history of Carpathians includes three phases that<br />

progressively affected the southern segment, the eastern one, and<br />

finally the curvature zone. This is mirrored in the fission tracks<br />

data that record not only an older exhumation in the southern<br />

Carpathians, but also a progressively younger one from north to<br />

south in the eastern portion of the chain.<br />


We examined the tectonic geomorphology of the Romanian<br />

Carpathians focusing on regional and local topographic settings,<br />

drainage pattern and stream long profiles. Our main data base is<br />

composed of DEM-based topographic analysis, supplemented<br />

with field investigations in the Slanic R. basin, a drainage located<br />

in the Carpathian curvature (Fig. 1).<br />

The longitudinal profiles of streams draining the southern<br />

_________________________<br />

The topography of the Romanian Carpathians: the interaction of<br />

mantle dynamics, crustal tectonics and surface processes<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università degli Studi Roma Tre,<br /><br />

(**) Faculty of Geography, Bucharest University.<br />

This work represents the result of a collaborative contribution to an<br />

agreement on research and teaching between Dipartimento di Scienze<br />

Geologiche, Università degli Studi Roma Tre and Faculty of Geography,<br />

Bucharest University.<br />

672<br />

Carpathians are more concave and characterized by knickpoints<br />

generated by changes in rock-type. Their profiles more close to<br />

the equilibrium shape well fit with the older emersion of the<br />

chain. The longitudinal profiles of the streams draining the<br />

eastern Carpathians and the curvature are less concave,<br />

presenting a knickpoint at 500-600 m of elevation that records a<br />

regressive erosion wave produced by a regional change in base<br />

level. Upstream, in some longitudinal profiles, a second<br />

knickpoint indicates fluvial capture phenomena at least partially<br />

driven by the back-arc extensional tectonics.<br />

Fig. 1 – The topography of the Romanian Carpathians. The study streams and<br />

the location of the area investigated on the field are included.<br />

Filtering the topography at different wavelengths, we<br />

observed a relative depression in correspondence with the<br />

Carpathian curvature, where mantle seismicity data indicate a<br />

narrow but still active Wadati-Benioff zone. On the contrary, in<br />

correspondence with the Transylvanian extensional basin, the<br />

filtered topography presents a relief. In the same location,<br />

tomography data show a low velocity area, interpreted as an<br />

upwelling of hot asthenospheric material. On this basis, we<br />

hypothesized that local mantle convection dynamically supports<br />

the generation of a topographic “high” in the Transylvanian basin

and of a depression in the Carpathians curvature.<br />

In the Slanic River basin (Fig. 2), we surveyed four orders of<br />

strath terraces and low relief upland surfaces located on<br />

interfluves and interpreted as relicts of an old landscape. The<br />

projection of terrace elevation on the Slanic R. longitudinal<br />

profile shows a downstream diverging pattern, that suggests an<br />

increase of the uplift rate towards the mountain front. A 14 C<br />

dating of a bone found in a forth order terrace close to the<br />

mountain front allow us to calculate a Holocene incision rate of<br />

1.4 mm/yr. This values coincides exactly with the uplift rate<br />

obtained by the GPS data on vertical movement in the very same<br />

area of the mountain front, where is located the regional buried<br />

structure called “Peri-Carpathians Thrust”.<br />

Fig. 2 – First order terrace close to Sirbesti village. The unconformity on the<br />

underlying bedrock and the boundary between gravel and sand in the terrace<br />

deposits are reported.<br />


The obtained results are consistent with a landscape<br />

dominated by a regional diachronous and differential uplift<br />

superimposed on crustal tectonics, extensional on the internal<br />

side and compressive on the external one. The differential uplift<br />

of the Romanian Carpathians influenced the chain topography, its<br />

local relief, the shape of stream long profiles, the formation and<br />

pattern of strath terraces. Moreover, crustal tectonics dominated<br />

the hydrographic net organization and induced river captures in<br />

the axial sector of the chain.<br />

In correspondence with the Carpathians curvature and the<br />

Transylvanian basin, mantle flow driven by the subducting slab<br />

produced a respectively negative and positive dynamic<br />

topography.<br />

673<br />


SESSIONE 20<br />

Key words: Calabria, dating, depositional terraces.<br />

Twelve samples of the coastal depositional sequence from a<br />

marine terrace preserved along the Ionian coast of Northern<br />

Calabria (Fig. 1) were collected to assess their exposure age using<br />

in situ produced 36 Cl cosmonuclide. This region is located on the<br />

northeastern tip of the Calabrian Arc, which experienced rapid<br />

Late Quaternary uplift due to a combination of lithospheric and<br />

crustal processes. Consequently, a spectacular flight of marine<br />

terraces is preserved along the coast, as a result of the<br />

combination between glacio-hydro-isostatic Quaternary cycles<br />

and tectonic uplift. Difficulty in relative dating of terraces arises<br />

from the absence of ‘‘Senegalaise fauna’’ assemblage, and<br />

specifically of Strombus bubonius specimens, which are<br />

indicative of the MIS 5.5 in the Mediterranean area (FERRANTI et<br />

alii,, 2006). Also absolute ages were not resolute (CUCCI, 2004;<br />

FERRANTI et alii,, 2009; SANTORO et alii, 2009). Based on the<br />

poor chronological constraints on marine terrace ages, different<br />

uplift rate estimates were proposed varying from ~1 to ~2 mm/yr<br />

(CUCCI &CINTI, 1998; CUCCI, 2004; SANTORO et alii, 2009;<br />

CAPUTO et alii, 2010).<br />

We used the cosmogenic nuclide exposure method to improve<br />

the marine terraces chronology. The cosmogenic nuclides ( 3 He,<br />

21 26 36 14<br />

Ne, 10Be, Al, Cl, C), also called terrestrial in situ<br />

cosmogenic nuclides (TCNs), stable or radioactive, derive from<br />

the interaction between cosmic rays of extra-terrestrial origin<br />

(electrically charged particles, between which the more abundant<br />

are protons and a-particles) and minerals present in the first<br />

meters of the lithosphere. The maximum TCNs concentration is<br />

time-dependent being linked to: a) exposure age; b) erosion rates;<br />

c) radioactive cosmogenic nuclides half-life. Principal factors that<br />

can influence the TCNs production rates are: a) sample chemical<br />

composition; b) latitude, since the cosmic flux particles are<br />

deflected by the earth magnetic field; c) elevation, due to the flux<br />

interaction and consequent loss of energy with the atmosphere; d)<br />

shielding of the cosmic flux by surrounding mountain peaks; e)<br />

_________________________<br />

Dating marine depositional terraces along the Ionian coast of<br />

Northern Calabria with 36 Cl surface exposure dating<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università degli Studi di Catania,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Napoli<br />

“Federico II”<br />

(°) CEREGE – UMR CNRS, Université Aix-Marseille, IRD, France<br />

674<br />

geometry of the surface; f) soil and sample thickness, g) density<br />

of the sample.<br />

Between the different TCNs, we used the 36 Cl (half-life: 301<br />

ka) that is principally produced by the calcium, potassium and<br />

Fig. 1 – a) Samples position and river incision index map; b) study area<br />

geographic position (grey rectangle).<br />

chlorine atoms through various production pathways (STONE et<br />

alii, 1996; SCHIMMELPFENNIG et alii, 2009) mainly concentrated<br />

in the first three meters of the lithosphere, decreasing<br />

exponentially with depth.<br />

We sampled four different remnants of a marine terrace (T4 in<br />

Fig. 1, following SANTORO et alii, 2009 nomenclature) preserved<br />

along the Pollino coastal sector. This terrace, which has an<br />

average inner margin elevation of 114 m, was previously<br />

attributed to the MIS 5.5 (124 Ka) based on ESR (FERRANTI et<br />

alii, 2009) and amino acid racemization (CUCCI, 2004) dating.<br />

The four sampled marine terraces are characterized by a constant<br />

35 m thick coastal deposit and, based on sedimentological<br />

analysis (SANTORO et alii, 2009), it was not affected by<br />

significant erosion. However, to better understand the erosion<br />

processes that have interested the marine terraces surfaces, five<br />

different superficial samples were collected along the upper level<br />

of the fluvial-coastal depositional sequence (transitional<br />

conglomerates between beach and river systems). Generally, we<br />

preferred to collect the samples close to the terrace inner margin<br />

(Fig. 1), being the outer margin of the terrace more exposed to

erosional processes, above all during the marine transgression<br />

related to the lower terrace. However, the samples CLJ1/2/6 were<br />

collected close to the outer margin (after checking the integrity of<br />

the depositional sequence) because the presence of thick colluvial<br />

covers (~10 m) in the inner margin area that can shield the<br />

deposit from the cosmic ray flux and greatly influence the TCNs<br />

production rates. Besides, seven samples were collected, at a<br />

distance of 50 cm along a depth profile, 3 m high, to obtain the<br />

36 Cl depth distribution and, through comparisons with theoretical<br />

depth distributions yield both exposure age and erosion rates as<br />

well as a possible inherited 36 Cl component, derived from the predepositional<br />

history of the sampled material and assumed to be<br />

equal to the 36 Cl concentrations in the deepest part of the depth<br />

profile (BRAUCHER et alii, 2009). Each sample, with a weight<br />

of 1 Kg, was collected along levels not thicker than 15 cm and<br />

preceded by a detailed sedimentological description. Finally,<br />

latitude, elevation, shielding and soil thickness data were<br />

collected for each sample because of the influence that they can<br />

have on production rates (see above discussion).<br />

The samples were chemical prepared at the CEREGE (Centre<br />

Européen de Recherche et d’Enseignement des Géosciences de<br />

l’Environnement, Aix en Provence, France) laboratory following<br />

the scheme proposed by BENEDETTI et alii (2003) and STONE et<br />

alii (1996). 36Cl and Cl were measured by isotope dilution<br />

accelerator mass spectrometry at ASTER-CEREGE (France).<br />

Preliminary exposure ages with an assumed steady erosion rate of<br />

0.25 mm/a are between 35 and 89 ka. Between the proposed ages<br />

we prefer the 84-89 Ka range on the base of the following<br />

considerations: a) below the sampled T4 terrace four terrace<br />

orders are preserved and can be at most attributed to the MIS 3<br />

eustatic peaks; b) the sample CLJ2, yielding an exposure age of<br />

35 ka, was characterized by a 0.1 m soil thickness cover,<br />

unusually low for the studied area (soil thickness is normally<br />

between 1 and 10 meters; SANTORO et alii, 2009). This can be<br />

indicative of a greater erosion rate; c) the river incision index<br />

map shows a potentially higher river vertical erosion near to the<br />

CLJ3 (~45 ka) and CLJ4 (~60 ka) sampled areas. The erosion<br />

index (EI) was evaluated on the base of the equation: EI =<br />

Q 5/8 S 19/16 , where Q is the discharge (product between the<br />

upstream drainage area and mean annual rainfalls distribution)<br />

and S is the river gradient (MONTGOMERY &STOLAR, 2006).<br />

Based on the EI distribution it therefore seems reasonable to<br />

suggest that CLJ3 and CLJ4 samples have been exposed to higher<br />

erosion rates; d) two different and independent dating of the<br />

CLJ1 sample give very comparable results.<br />

Based on the preferred exposure ages we obtain an average<br />

uplift rate of ~1.6 mm/a, higher than estimates of CUCCI (2004)<br />

and FERRANTI et alii (2009; ~1 mm/a), but in agreement with<br />

CAPUTO et alii (2010) estimates for the coastal sector to the north<br />

(~1.7-1.8 mm/a). The determination of the chemical composition<br />

of each sample as well as the density along the depth profile will<br />

allow to finalize those preliminary results.<br />

675<br />




Motion on the Kaparelli fault (Greece) prior to the 1981<br />

earthquake sequence determined from 36Cl cosmogenic dating.<br />

Terra Nova, 15, 118-124.<br />

CAPUTO R., BIANCA M. & D’ONOFRIO R. (2010) – Ionian marine<br />

terraces of Southern Italy: insights into the Quaternary tectonic<br />

evolution of the area. Tectonics, doi:10.1029/2009TC002625.<br />

CUCCI L. & CINTI F.R. (1998) - Regional uplift and local tectonic<br />

deformation recorded by the Quaternary marine terraces on the<br />

Ionian coast of northern Calabria (southern Italy).<br />

Tectonophysics, 292, 67–83.<br />

CUCCI L. (2004) – Raised marine terraces in the Northern Calabrian<br />

Arc (Southern Italy): a ~600 kyr-long geological record of<br />

regional uplift. Ann. Geophys., 47 (4), 1391-1406.<br />


D. (2009) - Active transpression in the northern Calabria<br />

Apennines, southern Italy. Tectonophysics, 476(1-2), 226-251.<br />




(2006) - Markers of the last interglacial sea level highstand along<br />

the coast of Italy: tectonic implications. Quatern, Int.., 145-146,<br />

30-54.<br />

MONTGOMERY D.R. & STOLAR D.B. (2006) – Reconsidering<br />

Himalayan river anticlines. Geomorphology, 82, 4-15.<br />


NAPOLITANO E., RITTNER S. & RADTKE U. (2009) - Raised<br />

coastal terraces along the Ionian Sea coast of northern Calabria,<br />

Italy, suggest space and time variability of tectonic uplift rates.<br />

Quatern. Int.., 206, 78–101.<br />

STONE J.O., ALLAN G.L., FIFIELD L.K. & CRESSWELL R.G. (1996) -<br />

Cosmogenic chlorine-36 from calcium sp<strong>alla</strong>tion. Geochim.<br />

Cosmochim. Acta, 60(4), 679-692.<br />


D.L. (2009) - Determination of both exposure time and<br />

denudation rate from an in situ-produced 10Be depth profile: A<br />

mathematical proof of uniqueness. Model sensitivity and<br />

applications to natural cases. Quatern. Geochronol., 4(1), 1-82.<br />


BOURLÈS D.L., BURNARD P. & WILLIAMS A. – (2009). Sources of<br />

in-situ 36 Cl in basaltic rocks. Implications for calibration of<br />

production rates. Quatern. Geochronol., 4, 441-461.<br />


SESSIONE 20<br />

Key words:, Earth rheology, glacial isostatic adjustment, ice<br />

rheology.<br />

The glacio-hydro-isostatic adjustment (GIA) is the globalscale<br />

process describing the solid Earth deformations and the<br />

gravitational variations which accompany and follow the climaterelated<br />

mass redistributions between the continental ice reservoirs<br />

and the oceans. The GIA is formally described by the so called<br />

”gravitationally self-consistent” Sea Level Equation (SLE) which<br />

accounts for the effects of gravitational interactions and anelastic<br />

Earth rheology upon sea-level change (FARRELL &CLARK, 1976).<br />

Solving the SLE requires therefore two main ingredients, i.e., a<br />

spatio-temporal discretization of the land-based ice sheets and a<br />

rheological law for the solid Earth (MITROVICA & PELTIER,<br />

1991). Since its original formulation the SLE has been widely<br />

employed to model the linear viscoelastic response of a radially<br />

stratified Earth (1D) to the melting of the Late Pleistocene ice<br />

sheets (SPADA &STOCCHI, 2007). Due to the memory effects of<br />

mantle minerals the GIA is still operating today in the form of<br />

slow crustal deformations and gravity ?eld variations which may<br />

significantly affect the land-based and space geodetic<br />

observations (PELTIER, 2004).<br />

The occurrence of a large number of palaeo sea-level<br />

indicators, combined with the availability of present-day<br />

instrumental observations like tide-gauges, GPS stations and<br />

satellite gravimetry, make Fennoscandia one of the key regions<br />

for GIA investigations (MILNE et alii, 2001). In this work we<br />

combine the most recent results from the ice-sheet and Earth<br />

rheology modeling to improve our understanding of the Holocene<br />

and present-day relative sea-level changes, vertical and horizontal<br />

crustal deformations and geoid height variations in Fennoscandia.<br />

We first consider the results from the solution of the SLE<br />

obtained by employing a reasonable mantle viscosity profile for<br />

the region and by applying a realistic ice chronology. The latter<br />

has been created by assuming a viscoplastic rheology for the ice<br />

and by applying local to regional geological and glaciological<br />

_________________________<br />

Glacio-hydro-isostatic adjustment in Fennoscandia:<br />

a review about numerical approaches, Earth rheology<br />

and ice-sheet modeling<br />


(*) DEOS - Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, TU Delft (NL),<br /><br />

(**) IMAU - Utrecht University (NL)<br />

676<br />

constraints for the ice margins through time (EHLERS &GIBBARD,<br />

2004).<br />

Successively we solve the GIA problem by applying the ice<br />

chronology to a 3D Finite Elements Method-based Earth model<br />

characterized by lateral variations of rheological parameters and<br />

non linear rheologies (WU, 2004).<br />

We finally compare the results of the two different numerical<br />

approaches (1D SLE and 3D FEM) and discuss the importance of<br />

an improved regional model based on realistic ice and Earth<br />

rheologies.<br />


EHLERS J. & GIBBARD P. L. (2004) - Quaternary Glaciations -<br />

Extent and Chronology: Part I: Europe. Elsevier Science, pp.<br />

488.<br />

FARRELL W. E. & CLARK J. A. (1976) - On postglacial sea level.<br />

Geophys. J. Royal Astronom. Soc., 46, 647-667.<br />


JOHANSSON J. M., VERMEER M. & KOIVULA H. (2001) -<br />

Space-Geodetic Constraints on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment<br />

in Fennoscandia. Science, 96, 2381-2385.<br />

MITROVICA J. X. & PELTIER W. R. (1991) - On post-glacial geoid<br />

subsidence over the equatorial ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 96,<br />

20053- 20071.<br />

PELTIER W. R. (2004) - Global glacial isostasy and the surface of<br />

the ice-age earth: the ICE-5G (VM2) model and GRACE.<br />

Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 32, 111-149.<br />

SPADA G. & STOCCHI P. (2007) - SELEN: A Fortran 90 program<br />

for solving the ’sea-level equation’. Comp. & Geosci., 33,<br />

538-562.<br />

WU P. (2004) - Using commercial finite element packages for the<br />

study of earth deformations, sea levels and the state of stress.<br />

Geophys. J. Int.., 158, 401-408.

SESSIONE 21<br />

Processi deformativi nella tettonica attiva<br />


Luigi Ferranti (Università di Napoli)<br />

Riccardo Caputo (Università di Ferrara)<br />

Carmelo Monaco (Università di Catania)<br />

677<br />


SESSIONE 21<br />

Deformation of Mount Etna substrate: hints from offshore seismic<br />

reflection profiles<br />

Key words: Marine geology, Mount Etna, reflection seismic<br />

profiles, volcano flank dynamics.<br />


Mount Etna is a large volcano that Originated in its present<br />

form ca. 15 kyr ago, following a complex magmatic history that<br />

began ca. 600 kyr ago (BRANCA et alii, 2008).<br />

Despite the clear evidence of active flank dynamics that is<br />

affecting the eastern side of Mount Etna, the contribution of<br />

tectonic processes has not been yet understood. So far, the<br />

various models proposed to explain the observed flank<br />

deformation have been based on onshore structural data, coming<br />

from the volcanic edifice. The flank deformation of Mount Etna<br />

appears to be laterally confined by two tectonic guidelines,<br />

trending roughly E-W, located to the north and south of the<br />

deforming flank; the northern guideline, in particular, takes the<br />

surface expression of a sharp fault (Pernicana Fault). Though<br />

often assumed that these boundary structures continue offshore as<br />

linear features, connected to a frontal thrust ramp (i.e., BORGIA et<br />

alii, 1992; RUST &NERI, 1996), the occurrence of this simple<br />

offshore structural system has not yet been proven. Previous<br />

reflection seismic surveys, in fact, mostly aimed at investigating<br />

the crustal structure underneath the volcano (NICOLICH et alii,<br />

2000). In the last few years the Ionian offshore of Mount Etna has<br />

been investigated using multichannel seismic profiles; these new<br />

data offer the opportunity to image the structural features of the<br />

substrate of the unstable flank of the volcano. This contribution<br />

aims at describing the deformation located offshore Mount Etna<br />

using these recently acquired multichannel seismic profiles.<br />

This work is based on a data set of multichannel seismic<br />

profiles which is composed by there different surveys, carried out<br />

between 2001 and 2006 (ARGNANI &BONAZZI, 2005; PARESCHI<br />

et alii, 2006; ARGNANI et alii, 2009). These surveys total over<br />

800 km of high resolution seismic profiles, with record length<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) ISMAR-CNR, Bologna,<br />

(**) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Pisa<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto FLANK, INGV-DPC<br />



678<br />

ranging between 3 and 6 seconds and spatial coverage varying<br />

from 16 to 48 folds. The INGV 2005 survey has shallower<br />

penetration and slightly higher resolution with respect to the<br />

ISMAR-CNR surveys (MESC 2001 and TAORMINA 2006).<br />

Besides contributing to improve the comprehension of the<br />

flank dynamics of Mout Etna, the results obtained from our data<br />

have also broader implications, and can help understanding the<br />

complex active tectonics of this part of Eastern Sicily (e.g.,<br />

ARGNANI, 2009 and references therein).<br />

Fig. 1 – Structural map of Etna offshore. The morphologic high adjacent<br />

to Mount Etna appears bounded by thrust faults. In its northern part a<br />

thick package of strata has been thrust and folded (see Fig. 2); this<br />

deformation likely started before the main building stage of the volcano.<br />


Seismic data show a remarkable degree of structural<br />

complexity offshore Mount Etna (Fig. 1). The Pernicana Fault,<br />

for instance, is not continuing offshore as a sharp feature; rather,<br />

the deformation is expressed as ENE-WSW folds located very<br />

close to the coastline. It is likely that these tectonic structures

Fig. 2 – N-S composite line – The region marked as structural high display a thick stratigraphic cover above a poorly reflective substrate. Well stratified<br />

sedimentary packages occur on either side of the high. Stratigraphic relationships suggest that the sedimentary strata onlapped a pre-existing high. As the strata<br />

span at least the whole of the Quaternary, it is believed that the high pre-existed the formation of Mount Etna. The sedimentary package to the north has been<br />

heavily folded, subsequently.<br />

might have affected the offshore of Mount Etna before the<br />

Pernicana Fault system was developed, less than 15 kyr ago. The<br />

southern guideline of the collapsing eastern flank of the volcano<br />

is poorly expressed onshore, and does not show up offshore; in<br />

fact, seismic data indicate that the Catania canyon, a remarkable<br />

E-W-trending feature, does not reflect a tectonic control.<br />

Moreover, the Timpe Fault system does not continue towards the<br />

Malta Escarpment, although a left-lateral offset along the same<br />

fault trend cannot be disregarded.<br />

Seismic interpretation also shows the occurrence of a<br />

structural high located just offshore the edifice of Mount Etna<br />

(Fig. 2). Whereas a complex deformation affects the boundary of<br />

this tectonic element, it shows only limited internal deformation.<br />

Preliminary results led to interpret this structural high as the<br />

northernmost extent of the Hyblean foreland. The role of this<br />

element in the volcano-tectonic evolution of the region is<br />

currently under investigation.<br />


ARGNANI A. (2009) - Evolution of the southern Tyrrhenian slab<br />

tear and active tectonics along the western edge of the<br />

Tyrrhenian subducted slab. In: Van Hinsbergen D. J. J.,<br />

Edwards M. A. and Govers R. (Eds) - Collision and Collapse<br />

at the Africa–Arabia–Eurasia Subduction Zone. Geol. Soc.,<br />

London, Spec. Publ., 311, 193–212.<br />

ARGNANI A. & BONAZZI C. (2005) - Tectonics of Eastern Sicily<br />

Offshore. Tectonics, 24, doi:10.1029/2004TC001656.<br />


F., ZGUR F. & LODOLO E. (2009) - The results of the<br />

Taormina 2006 seismic survey: Possible implications for<br />

679<br />

active tectonics in the Messina Straits. Tectonophysics, 476,<br />

159-169.<br />


- Geological evolution of Mount Etna volcano (Italy) from<br />

earliest products until the first central volcanism (between<br />

500 and 100 ka ago) inferred from geochronological and<br />

stratigraphic data. Int J. Earth Sci., 97, 135–152.<br />

BORGIA A., FERRARI L. & PASQUARÈ G. (1992) - Importance of<br />

gravitational spreading in the tectonic and volcanic evolution<br />

of Mount Etna. Nature, 357, 231-235.<br />


(2000) - Crustal structure of the Ionian margin of Sicily: Etna<br />

volcano in the frame of regional evolution. Tectonophysics,<br />

329, 121-139.<br />


- Large submarine landslides offshore Mt. Etna. Geophys.<br />

Res. Lett., 33, doi:10.1029/2006GL026064.<br />

RUST D. & NERI M. (1996) – The boundaries of large-scale<br />

collapse on the flanks of Mount Etna, Sicily. In; W.J.<br />

McGuire, A.P. Jones & J. Neuberg (Eds.) – Volcano<br />

instability on the Earth and Other Planets. Geol. Soc.,<br />

London, Spec. Publ., 110, 193–208.<br />


SESSIONE 21<br />

Microstructural and petrophysical characterization of a coseismic<br />

(?) fault zone in poorly lithified sands from the Crotone basin<br />

Key words: Cataclasis, coseismic rupture, fault core<br />

microstructures, fault permeability, poorly lithified sediments.<br />

Diagnostic features of coseismic ruptures are well established<br />

in many lithologies such as crystalline basement rocks, clay-rich<br />

materials in accretionary prisms and, recently, in limestones.<br />

Few attempts have been made to establish comparable criteria<br />

for coseismic ruptures in poorly lithified sediments.<br />

We studied an extensional fault zone with 1.36 m of<br />

displacement developed in poorly lithified, quartz-rich high<br />

porosity sandy sediments of the seismically active Crotone basin<br />

(southern Italy).<br />

The fault zone cuts across fine- to coarse-grained sands and<br />

consists of a cm-thick, discrete fault core embedded in virtually<br />

undeformed wall sediments. Consequently, it can be described as<br />

“structurally oversimplified” due to the lack of footwall and<br />

hanging wall damage zones.<br />

We acquired microstructural, grain size, grain shape, porosity,<br />

mineralogical and permeability data to constrain deformation<br />

mechanisms and to investigate the influence of initial<br />

sedimentological characteristics of sands on the final faulted<br />

granular products and related hydrologic properties.<br />

Faulting evolves by a general grain size and porosity<br />

reduction with a combination of intragranular fracturing, spalling,<br />

and flaking of grain edges, irrespective of grain mineralogy.<br />

The dominance of cataclasis, also confirmed by fractal<br />

dimensions >2.6, is generally not expected at a deformation depth<br />

Ionian marine terraces of Southern Italy:<br />

insights into the Quaternary tectonic evolution of the area<br />

Key words: Pleistocene; morphotectonics; paleo-shorelines<br />


New detailed morphotectonic analyses of a well exposed<br />

flight of marine terraces along the Ionian coast of Southern Italy<br />

has been carried out. The area represents a key transect for<br />

investigating the middle-late Quaternary evolution of the<br />

Southern Apennines chain-foredeep-foreland geodynamic system.<br />

The present research is essentially grounded on a systematic,<br />

completely new, mapping of a wide coastal sector (ca. 1500 km 2 )<br />

between northern Calabria and Puglia (Southern Italy) allowing<br />

to recognize and reconstruct in detail the 3D geometry of a flight<br />

of marine terraces. A major result of the research is the<br />

reconstruction of a virtually complete 3D geometry of the marine<br />

surfaces along a coastal sector of ca. 70 km, which i) documents<br />

the occurrence of 18 paleo-shorelines and ii) provide evidence for<br />

a strong regional uplift affecting the investigated area (Fig. 1).<br />

Following a systematic critical review of available<br />

geochronological data, the different terraces are correlated to as<br />

many highstand sea level peaks, dating the oldest terrace to ca.<br />

600 ka (MIS 15). The vertical and horizontal distribution of the<br />

terraces show a general convergence of the paleo-shorelines<br />

towards NNE, which indicates a decreasing trend in differential<br />

uplift in that direction ranging from almost 2 mm/a (SW) to about<br />

0.2 mm/a (NE).<br />

Based on i) the general trend of the whole terrace sequence<br />

(Fig. 1), ii) the critically revised chronological correlations<br />

(CAPUTO et al., 2010) and iii) the relatively constant (for each<br />

coast-perpendicular profile) uplift-rates during the last 600 ka, it<br />

is thus possible to suggest the partitioning of the area into three<br />

distinct sectors characterized by different tilting rates. This<br />

behavior is likely caused by the combined role and activity of<br />

three major tectonic structures working at different scales and<br />

rates (Fig. 2) including i) the reactivation of an out-of-sequence<br />

thrust, ii) sliding along the basal detachment of the external<br />

Apennines wedge and iii) a lithospheric-scale duplexing (crustal<br />

or deeper). In a geological time-scale perspective, the<br />

contemporaneous activity of the three processes (fold-related,<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Ferrara<br /><br />

(**) Di.S.G.G., University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy<br />

(°) Laurenzana (PZ), Italy<br />

681<br />

wedge-rotation and lithospheric duplexing) concur to the<br />

regional uplift and tilting in different ways and could be<br />

considered as a typical effect of the strain partitioning that always<br />

characterizes large rock bodies undergoing deformation.<br />

Although it is commonly assumed that shortening in the<br />

Southern Apennines ceased at the beginning of the Middle<br />

Pleistocene and the frontal blind thrust (viz. basal detachment)<br />

also de-activated, our results clearly indicate the persistence<br />

throughout the whole Quaternary and probably till Present of a<br />

regional compression and a contractional tectonic regime<br />

affecting the external sector of the Southern Apennines chain and<br />

its foredeep. The estimated cumulative shortening along a NE-<br />

SW direction across the investigated area during the last 600 ka<br />

could be in the range 3-8 km, thus providing a mean regional<br />

long-term convergence-rate of 5-10 mm/a.<br />

Based on the differential uplift estimated separately for the<br />

three processes, it is possible to analyse the most recent activity<br />

(latest Pleistocene-Holocene) of each tectonic structure. As<br />

discussed in CAPUTO et al. (2010), the fold-related process<br />

probably ceased its contribution well before the Holocene (ca. 30<br />

ka BP). In contrast, for the other two processes the tilt versus<br />

time distribution suggests that the associated structures still<br />

contribute to the general uplift and tilting (viz. differential uplift)<br />

Fig. 1 – Longitudinal projection profile of the marine terraces mapped in the<br />

investigated area and traced parallel to the present-day coast line. The dotted<br />

lines correlate the marine terraces across the major valleys. The black circles<br />

are the sites for which absolute ages are available from the literature (see a<br />

review and critical analysis in CAPUTO et al., 2010). Note that both Ponte del<br />

Re and San Teodoro II sites belong to the San Basilio terrace; both San<br />

Teodoro I and La Maddalena sites to the San Teodoro terrace, while both La<br />

Petrulla and Piano San Nicola sites to the Policoro terrace.<br />


SESSIONE 21<br />

Fig. 2 –Simplified geological section crossing the Southern Italy chainforedeep-foreland<br />

system and running parallel to the investigated coastal<br />

sector. Inset (a) shows the location of the mapped marine terraces with respect<br />

to the profile below. The tectonic structures responsible of the three differentscale<br />

processes are marked with thick lines in the profile, while the superficial<br />

sectors potentially affected by the three tilting processes are indicated on top<br />

of the profile. 1) Apulian continental crust; 2) Apulian carbonate sequence; 3)<br />

Apennines orogenic wedge including all undifferentiated tectonic units; 4)<br />

Quaternary deposits of the Bradanic Foredeep<br />

of the region hence suggesting their persisting activity.<br />

Three further arguments support the conclusion of a recent<br />

(latest Quaternary) compressional activity. First, it is the<br />

Holocene age of the youngest involved inner edge. Second, GPS<br />

velocities presented by FERRANTI et al. (2008) for the region are<br />

in perfect agreement with our estimated values contributed by the<br />

two deeper tectonic structures. Third, just few kilometers offshore<br />

the investigated coastal sector, seismic profiles clearly document<br />

that the frontal thrust of the Apennines accretionary wedge is<br />

active and deforms the sea bottom (e.g. PIERI et al., 1997). At this<br />

regard, unpublished seismic profiles for hydrocarbon exploration<br />

carried out within the Gulf of Taranto provide additional<br />

evidence of contractional structures deforming the sea bottom<br />

along the frontal sector of the basal detachment thus confirming<br />

its very recent activity.<br />

As a final comment, a direct consequence of the above<br />

conclusion is probably of primary importance for the seismic<br />

hazard of the region. At this regard, it is useful to consider<br />

separately the activity along the basal detachment and the<br />

lithospheric duplex. The relevant information and inferences for<br />

the basal detachment could be summarized as follows: i) possible<br />

fault dimensions are tens of kilometers-long by tens of<br />

kilometers-wide (for example, 70 x 40 km 2 ), ii) the long-term<br />

slip-rate ranges between 1.0 and 2.8 mm/a, iii) the corresponding<br />

682<br />

maximum magnitude could be around 7.5, iv) associated coseismic<br />

displacements about 2-4 m and hence v) mean repeat<br />

time for major characteristic earthquakes between ca. 700 and<br />

4000 years. Notwithstanding the completeness of the Italian<br />

seismic catalogues for such strong events for the last thousand<br />

years, no record exists for the investigated area. Taking also into<br />

account that the focal depth would be relatively shallow (Fig. 2),<br />

the potential seismic hazard associated with the basal detachment<br />

(wedge-rotation process) is possibly high.<br />

As concerns ths lithospheric duplexing process and though<br />

the amount of cumulative shortening is possibly larger, the<br />

internal strain partitioning typical of these contractional structures<br />

characterized by multiple subparallel low-angle faults generally<br />

reduces the slip-rate on each sliding plane. However, a major<br />

uncertainty in assessing the seismic hazard of this shear zone<br />

follows the difficulty to define the current mechanical behavior of<br />

the affected rock volume, which strongly depends on the real<br />

depth of the duplex structure. Indeed, if it occurs in the lower<br />

crust below the brittle-ductile transition (as tentatively suggested<br />

in Fig. 2), a viscous rheology prevails and deformation likely<br />

takes place aseismically. In contrast, if the uppermost lithospheric<br />

mantle is involved, the rheological profiles of the area suggest a<br />

brittle behavior characterized by a typical stick-slip mechanism.<br />

In the former case, the corresponding seismogenic potential is<br />

low, while it would be much larger if the latter hypothesis holds.<br />

Further investigations and geological constraints will probably<br />

help in unravelling the situation.<br />


CAPUTO R., BIANCA M. & D'ONOFRIO R. (2010) - Tectonics, doi:<br />

10.1029/2009TC002625.<br />



PEPE F. & SULLI A. (2008) - Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 127(2), 299-<br />

316.<br />

PATACCA E. & SCANDONE P. (2004) - In: Crescenti U., D'Offizi<br />

S., Merlino S. & Sacchi L. (Eds.), Geology of Italy. Spec. vol.<br />

It. Geol. Soc. for the IGC 32 Florence-2004, 93-129.<br />




<strong>Il</strong> Quaternario, 10, 2, 535-542.

The timescale and spatial extent of vertical tectonic motions in Italy:<br />

insights from coastal tectonic studies<br />

Key words: Coastal tectonics, , GPS, Holocene, Italy, Late<br />

Pleistocene, tide gauges, vertical motion.<br />


Although caught in between the steady-state relative<br />

convergence of the African and European continental landmasses,<br />

the Neogene history of the Central Mediterranean Sea features<br />

smaller-scale orogenic segments where rapid thrust-belt motion,<br />

crustal thickening and back-arc thinning occurred in laterally<br />

discrete areas and often overwhelmed the plate-scale signature.<br />

Depending on the timescale of observation and on the<br />

appropriate analytical tool, however, modes and rates of<br />

deformation can be established with variable uncertainty in<br />

individual crustal segments. Tectonic events occurring at the<br />

million-yr timescales have left their record in the geological<br />

archive of Italy, and rates of orogenic belt migration are relatively<br />

well established. Similarly, the pattern of contemporary<br />

deformation is well depicted by instrumental data including<br />

seismicity and geodetic analysis. Unfortunately, geologic and<br />

modern motions are not always reconciled with ease.<br />

In this contribution, we supply an overview of the<br />

intermediate- and short-term (100 to 1 Ka BP) vertical tectonic<br />

displacement pattern drawn from coastal analysis, and, together<br />

with instrumental observations (contemporary scale), allow to<br />

bridge the gap with events recorded in the geologic (1 Ma)<br />

archive. Integration of morphotectonic, structural,<br />

geoarcheological, tide-gauge and GNSS data helps establishing<br />

the appropriate spatial extent, and timescale of rate change of<br />

vertical tectonic motion within individual crustal segments. In<br />

addition, we place constraints on the contribution to<br />

displacements coming from regional (deep) and local (shallow-<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Napoli Federico II,<br /><br />

(**) ENEA, Casaccia, Rome, Italy.<br />

(°) INGV, Centro Nazionale Terremoti, Rome, Italy.<br />

(°°) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università di Catania, Italy.<br />

(§) DEOS, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, TU Delft, The Netherlands.<br />



683<br />

crustal) sources, with the aim to provide clues on the depth<br />

significance and driving mechanisms of deformation.<br />


In this contribution, the distribution of the 125 ka and of the<br />

Late Holocene coastal markers will be presented, supplemented<br />

by tide-gauge and other instrumental data (for details and<br />

previous reviews, see: BORDONI &VALENSISE, 1998; ANTONIOLI<br />

et alii, 2009; LAMBECK et alii, 2004; LAMBECK et alii, 2010).<br />

Results are here briefly summarized. The central and northern<br />

Tyrrhenian Sea and the Ligurian Sea margins show stability at all<br />

scales, except for subsidence in coastal basins and uplift, at<br />

places extraordinarily high, at volcanic centres. The southwestern<br />

part of the area centered on western Sicily is<br />

characterized by a slow deformation signal fragmented in limited<br />

structural compartments, but is currently experiencing whole<br />

uplift that might be related to coherent block relative convergence<br />

with Sardinia.<br />

On the contrary, large (~300 km wavelength) and spatially<br />

homogeneous uplift coincides with the Calabrian forearc terrane,<br />

and is also detected in the instrumental record. A deep-seated<br />

contribution to uplift, highlighted by the spatial coincidence with<br />

a NW-dipping lithospheric slab, is embedded in a regional<br />

component, and the remaining fraction is ascribed to local<br />

sources, including extensional and contractional faults. A wealth<br />

of morphological and archaeological data documents that shortterm<br />

uplift was up to two-times larger than that averaged over<br />

intermediate time-scales, but the locations of fastest Late<br />

Pleistocene, Holocene, and contemporary uplift rates spatially<br />

coincide. At several locales, the recent increase in uplift rate can<br />

be related to temporal clustering of slip on active faults and rapid<br />

fold growth. The more efficient strain release might indicate a<br />

contemporary tectonic wave, which we suggest might have been<br />

triggered by regional isostatic response to deglaciation.<br />

Oppositely to Calabria, a weak deformation signal is recorded<br />

on the central Adriatic coastline and may record slow thrust belt<br />

migration at the front of the Apennines. Finally, the pattern of<br />

vertical tectonic motions in the northern Adriatic Sea records the<br />

aggregate effects of displacement in the oppositely facing<br />

orogens of the southern Alps, internal Dinarids and northern<br />

Apennines, but flexure of the Adriatic (micro-)plate beneath the<br />


SESSIONE 21<br />

Northern Apennines appears the dominating <strong>contributo</strong>r. Along<br />

the northern Adriatic Sea margins, rates and spatial extent of<br />

displacements remains unchanged from the 100 ka to the<br />

contemporary timescale, suggesting a steady control exercised by<br />

the plate dynamics.<br />


Accurate and precise determination of intermediate-scale<br />

markers of deformation is of paramount importance in active<br />

orogens with relatively low displacement rates, such as those<br />

encountered in the Central Mediterranean Sea, where a<br />

straightforward comparison between the geological record and<br />

the current deformation pattern supplied by geodesy and<br />

seismicity is difficult. This analysis provides vital information of<br />

the extent of seismic cycles and the relative role of seismogenic<br />

versus regional processes, with profound implications on seismic<br />

potential determination and coastal hazards.<br />





C., SPADA, G.&STOCCHI, P. (2009) - Holocene relative sealevel<br />

changes and vertical movements along the Italian and<br />

Istrian coastlines. Quatern. Int., 206, 102-133.<br />

BORDONI, P.&VALENSISE, G. (1998) - Deformation of the 125<br />

ka marine terrace in Italy: tectonic implications. In: I.S.<br />

Stewart and C. Vita-Finzi, (Eds.) - Coastal Tectonics. Geol.<br />

Soc., London, Spec. Publ., 46, 71-110.<br />



M., RADTKE, U., RENDA, P., ROMANO, P., SANSÒ, P. &<br />

VERRUBBI, V. (2006) - Markers of the last interglacial sea<br />

level highstand along the coast of Italy: tectonic implications.<br />

Quatern. Int., 145-146, 30-54.<br />


Sea level change along the Italian coast for the past 10,000<br />

yrs. Quatern. Sci. Rev., 23, 1567-1598.<br />


SCICCHITANO G., SILENZI S. (2010) - Sea level change along<br />

the Italian coast during the Holocene and projections for the<br />

future. Quatern. Int., doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2010.04.026.<br />


Integration of structural and geomorphological data from the<br />

Western Ligurian Alps: creation of a GIS database and inferences<br />

for the morphotectonics of the area<br />

Key words: Ligurian Alps, Morphotectonics, Tectonic<br />

lineaments, GIS .<br />

We constructed a GIS supported database integrating surface<br />

data (such as river networks, wind gaps, hillslopes morphology)<br />

and structural data (encompassing both faults measured in the<br />

field and lineaments identified on aerial photographs).<br />

Currently, several years of independent researches leaded to<br />

the collection both of a hydrographical (FERRARIS, 2009;<br />

SPAGNOLO & FIRPO, 2007) and a structural data set for the<br />

Ligurian sector of the Western Alps. The use of GIS software<br />

provided a powerful tool for handling large data sets and to<br />

incorporate and compare a wide variety of information (such as<br />

lithology, tectonics, river networks etc.). In particular, in this<br />

study, a GIS environment has been chosen with the aim to collect<br />

all of the available scattered data and to offer a starting point for<br />

further studies.<br />

The study area is located between the Ligurian Sea to the<br />

south, the Po plain to the north and straddles the Alps-Apennine<br />

boundary area. It is characterized by a complex fault network;<br />

azimuth of faults have been analyzed with a statistical approach.<br />

When possible, a time sequence between the different fault set<br />

has been established in the field by checking cross-cutting<br />

relationships.<br />

We identified some structural domains, characterized by fault<br />

population with different dominant orientation, that have been<br />

compared to existing bibliographic data (SPAGNOLO, 2006); each<br />

domain can be referred to a different dominant tectonic regime.<br />

The present day morphology of Ligurian Alps reflects this<br />

complex tectonic setting as well as erosional processes that vary<br />

from the coast to the chain, and, there, from the marine flank to<br />

the northern one.<br />

The main divide is located just 10 km inland from the<br />

coastline and separates a short and steep flank, facing South,<br />

from a wide and gentle one, facing North. Anomalous streams<br />

networks affect the whole area: asymmetric basins, trellis pattern<br />

and abrupt changes in channels longitudinal profiles characterize<br />

both flanks.<br />

The influence either of local and regional tectonics on the<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipteris, Università degli Studi di Genova,<br /><br />


685<br />

morphology of the area has long been inferred but at the moment<br />

no detailed studies exist in which this link has been tested or<br />

quantified.<br />

Being tectonics and rock structure reflected in the overall<br />

Fig. 1 – Shaded relief of Western Alps with the location of the study area<br />

(white box).<br />

arrangement of streams forming regional drainage networks, the<br />

comparison of independent data allowed to detect the tectonic<br />

signature in drainage pattern and, therefore, to define its<br />

influence in the overall aspect of the area.<br />

We therefore test and discuss the link between the different<br />

structural domains and the main geomorphological features at a<br />

regional scale.<br />


FERRARIS F. (2009) – Morphotectonic analysis and Plio-<br />

Quaternary evolution of the eastern Ligurian Alps. Unpubl.<br />

PhD Thesis, University of Genova.<br />


SESSIONE 21<br />

SPAGNOLO C., (2006) - Late-orogenic tectonics in the eastern<br />

sector of the Ligurian Alps. Unpubl. PhD Thesis, University<br />

of Genova.<br />

SPAGNOLO M. & FIRPO M. (2007) – Geomorphic evolution of the<br />

seaward escarpment in the NE Ligurian Alps (Italy). Z.<br />

Geomorphol., NF 51(1), 115-134<br />


Active deformation in southern Italy from GNSS velocities:<br />

updated results of the PTGA<br />





Key words: Active deformation, GNSS velocities, Sicily, southern<br />

Italy, southern Sardinia.<br />

The PTGA network consists of 72 sites installed in southern<br />

Italy with the aim of detecting the orogenic interseismic strain,<br />

which were measured during 1995, 1997, 2000 e 2008. Results of<br />

the last measurement session, presented here, provide new<br />

insights into active deformation processes detected in previous<br />

analysis (FERRANTI et alii, 2008).<br />

Data were processed using the GAMIT/GLOBK (version<br />

10.35) software developed at the Harvard Smithsonian Center of<br />

Astrophysics of the MIT, and at the Institute of Oceanography,<br />

University of California. The software involves multi-step<br />

routines for processing and modeling of GNSS observations<br />

(HERRING et alii, 2006). Firstly we created and processed the<br />

double differenced iono-free observables that were used to<br />

estimate the daily loose-constrain solutions with the stations<br />

coordinates, the orbits and the atmospheric delays, and the<br />

variance-covariance matrix. For a better estimate of the<br />

parameters of each solution we used precise ephemerides<br />

calculated by the International GNSS Service (IGS) and the earth<br />

rotation parameters provided by the International Earth Rotation<br />

Service. We inserted in the processing the data of ten IGS<br />

permanent sites (AJAC, CAGL, GRAS, GRAZ, LAMP, MATE,<br />

MEDI, NOT1, NOTO e ZIMM). Then, the loose constrained<br />

daily solutions were combined (on a daily base) with the regional<br />

solution (IGS1, IGS2, IGS3, IGS4, EURA and EUREF) provided<br />

by SOPAC (Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center) and EPN<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Napoli<br />

“Federico II”,<br />

(**) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, sezione di Catania.<br />

(°) Department of Geosciences, University of Texas at D<strong>alla</strong>s, USA.<br />

(°°) Dipartimento di Geologia e Geodesia, Università di Palermo.<br />

(§) Istituto di Geologia Marina, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Napoli.<br />

(§§) Istituto di Metodologie per l’Analisi Ambientale, C.N.R., Tito Scalo<br />

(PZ).<br />

(#) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università degli Studi di Catania.<br />

(##) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Cagliari.<br />

687<br />

(EUREF Permanent Network) by a Kalman filter GLOBK to<br />

create an unconstrained daily net solution. Using the GLORG<br />

Fig. 1 - GNSS velocities of the PTGA network relative to stable Europe.<br />

module of GLOBK, the solutions were aligned into the<br />

International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) 2005<br />

(ALTAMIMI et alii, 2007) by a Helmert transformation (estimate<br />

of 3 rotation parameters, 3 translation parameters and 1 scale<br />

factor) to generate time series of the Nord, East and Up<br />

components of each station and the velocity field. This ITRF2005<br />

velocity field was aligned with a stable Europe reference frame<br />

(NOCQUET & CALAIS 2003) by a further Helmert transformation.<br />

Relative to Europe, all the sites of the net, except for Sardinia,<br />

move toward the northern quadrants, with a significant internal<br />

variability that underline the existence of different deformation<br />

domains (Fig. 1). For a better understanding of distributed<br />

deformation, velocities were referred to permanent IGS sites<br />

(Matera for the southern Apennines, Noto for Sicily and Cagliari<br />

for Sardinia). In southern Italy (Fig. 2), the updated GNSS<br />

velocities confirm the presence of two adjacent deformation<br />

zones (FERRANTI et alii, 2008): an extensional domain in the<br />

west, where Campania and Calabria sites move away from<br />

MATE with increasing westerly velocities from 2 to 5 mm/a; and<br />

a transpressional domain in the east, Adriatic and Ionian area of<br />


SESSIONE 21<br />

Fig. 2 - GNSS velocities of the PTGA network in southern Appennines<br />

relative to permanent IGS site Matera.<br />

Fig. 3 - GNSS velocities of the PTGA network in Sicily relative to<br />

permanent IGS site Noto.<br />

Puglia, Basilicata and Calabria, more markedly between Gargano<br />

and northern Murge, where sites show convergence or oblique<br />

movement relative to MATE, consistent with a right lateral<br />

displacement between the two blocks.<br />

In Sicily, motion relative to NOTO (Fig. 3) suggests right<br />

lateral transpression between the frontal thrust belt and the<br />

northern Hyblean margin. In central-western Sicily a broad<br />

contractional belt is detected. Sicily sites convergence with<br />

Sardinia sites (Fig. 1), in agreement with the seismic activity<br />

between the islands. In southern Sardinia (Fig. 4), site residuals<br />

velocities relative to CAGL are small and very close to the<br />

associated error. On the whole, the western side of the<br />

Campidano moves toward W-SW, while the eastern site (VISI)<br />

moves toward NW. These data are consistent with a shear<br />

deformation related to a NNW-SSE shortening.<br />

By interpolation, we derived the horizontal strain field<br />

starting from the velocity values, the net geometry and the<br />

688<br />

associated covariance matrix. Significant compressional strains<br />

(up to 0.04 μstrain/a) are found in northern Calabria and Puglia,<br />

and similar values of extensional strain occur in western<br />

Campania. The compressional strain axes are oriented NW-SE<br />

between Gargano and Murge and NE-SW in northern Calabria.<br />

Tensile axes are oriented NE-SW in western Campania,<br />

consistent with the seismic record, and NW-SE in north-eastern<br />

Basilicata. Similar-magnitude, non uniaxial strain (NW-SE<br />

compression and NE-SW extension) are found between<br />

Campania and Molise, consistent with recent earthquake.<br />

Fig. 4 - GNSS velocities of the PTGA network in southern Sardinia relative<br />



BOUCHER C. (2007) - ITRF2005: a new release of the<br />

International Terrestrial Reference Frame based on time<br />

series of station positions and Earth Orientation Parameters.<br />

J. Geophys. Res., 112, B09401, doi: 10.1029/2007JB004949.<br />

FERRANTI L. et alii (2008) - Active deformation in Southern Italy,<br />

Sicily and southern Sardinia from GPS velocities of the Peri-<br />

Tyrrhenian Geodetic Array (PTGA). Boll. Soc. Geol. It.,<br />

127/2, 299-316.<br />

HERRING T.A., KING R.W. & MCKLUSKY S.C. (2006) - GAMIT<br />

Reference Manual: GPS Analysis at MIT, Version 10.3;<br />

GLOBK Reference Manual: Global Kalman Filter VLBI and<br />

GPS Analysis Program, Version 10.3. Massachusetts Institute<br />

of Technology, Cambridge, MA.<br />

NOCQUET J.M. & CALAIS E. (2003) – Crustal velocity field of<br />

western Europe from permanent GPS array solutions, 1996-<br />

2001. Geophys. J. Int., 154, 72-88.

Key words: Coseismic deformation, sea level, southern Italy,<br />

tectonic uplift.<br />

Sea level is the general reference for detecting ongoing<br />

vertical crustal movement and assessing short- and long-term<br />

tectonic instability in coastal areas (LAJOIE, 1986). Short term<br />

estimations include analysis of tide-gauge data and historical and<br />

archeological information that may indicate apparent sea-level<br />

change, whereas long-term crustal movements can be detected by<br />

mapping and dating marine strandlines and separating the<br />

tectonic component from the eustatic and hydro-glacio-isostatic<br />

components of the relative sea level change (LAMBECK et alii,<br />

2010).<br />

Data on relative sea level change occurred during the<br />

Holocene along the coast of north-eastern Sicily and southeastern<br />

Calabria (Fig. 1) have been obtained<br />

using precise measures and radiometric dating of raised<br />

shorelines in the Milazzo peninsula (see also RUST &KERSHAW,<br />

2000), Messina Straits (see also FERRANTI et alii, 2007) and<br />

Taormina area (see also STEWART et alii, 1997; ANTONIOLI et<br />

alii, 2003; DE GUIDI et alii, 2003), the fastest uplifting sectors of<br />

the central Mediterranean region. These strongly uplifted coastal<br />

regions are located along a main seismogenic system which<br />

affects the Tyrrhenian side of southern Calabria and the Ionian<br />

coast of eastern Sicily.<br />

The analysis indicate that vertical displacement occurred as an<br />

alternation of steady and episodic motions. Precise compensation<br />

for eustatic changes and hydro- glacio-isostatic adjustments<br />

(LAMBECK et alii, 2010) constrains Late Holocene total uplift at<br />

~ 2.0 mm/yr, almost equally balanced between the steady and the<br />

stick-slip components. Late Holocene steady uplift during the<br />

interseismic intervals at 1.0 mm/yr is consistent with long-term<br />

_________________________<br />

The contribution of coseismic deformation to relative sea level<br />

change during the Holocene: examples from the coastal areas of<br />

north-eastern Sicily and southern Calabria<br />

(*) Dipartimento Scienze Geologiche, Università di Catania,<br /><br />

(**) ENEA, Casaccia, Roma.<br />

(°) Dipartimento Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Napoli Federico II.<br />

Lavoro eseguito con il <strong>contributo</strong> finanziario dell’Università di Catania e<br />

Napoli Federico II.<br />



689<br />

(0.1-1 Ma) estimates (WESTAWAY, 1993). Abrupt displacements<br />

are attributed to co- and post-seismic footwall uplift along normal<br />

faults (Scilla, Taormina, Capo d’Armi) or transpressive structures<br />

(Milazzo), which are inferred to run immediately offshore the<br />

studied coastal outcrops.<br />



Holocene sea-level change in Sicily an its implications for<br />

tectonic models: new data from the Taormina area, northeast<br />

Sicily. Mar. Geol., 196, 53-71.<br />

ARGNANI A., SERPELLONI E. & BONAZZI C. (2007) - Pattern of<br />

deformation around the central Aeolian Islands: evidence<br />

from multichannel seismics and GPS data. Terra Nova, 19,<br />

317–323.<br />


– Morphological evidences of Holocene coseismic<br />

deformation in the Taormina area (NE Sicily). J. Geodynam.,<br />

36, 193-211.<br />


S. & VERRUBBI V. (2007) – The contribution of regional uplift<br />

and coseismic slip to the vertical crustal motion in the<br />

Messina Straits, southern Italy: evidence from raised Late<br />

Holocene shorelines. J. Geophys. Res., 112, B06401,<br />

doi:10.1029/2006JB004473.<br />

LAJOIE K.R. (1986) - Coastal Tectonics. In: Geophysics Studies<br />

Committee, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics<br />

and Resources, Active Tectonics. National Academy Press,<br />

Washington, 95-124.<br />


SCICCHITANO G., SILENZI S. (2010) - Sea level change along<br />

the Italian coast during the Holocene and projections for the<br />

future. Quatern. Int., doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2010.04.026.<br />

RUST D. & KERSHAW S. (2000) - Holocene tectonic uplift<br />

patterns in northeastern Sicily: evidence from marine notches<br />

in coastal outcrops. Mar. Geol., 167, 105 – 126.<br />


SESSIONE 21<br />

Fig. 1 - Regional tectonic map of the southern part of the Calabrian Arc. Double arrows show extension direction in Western Calabria and Eastern Sicily and<br />

contraction direction offshore. The broad uplifted areas between Capo Milazzo and Vulcano (from ARGNANI et al., 2007) are indicated in grey pattern (VF,<br />

Vulcano fold; CMF, Capo Milazzo fold).<br />

STEWART I., CUNDY A., KERSHAW S. & FIRTH C. (1997) –<br />

Holocene coastal uplift in the Taormina area, north-eastern<br />

Sicily: implications for the southern prolongation of the<br />

Calabrian seismogenic belt. J. Geodynam., 24, 37-50.<br />

WESTAWAY, R. (1993) - Quaternary uplift of southern Italy. J.<br />

Geophys. Res., 98, 21741-21772.<br />


Key words: Capo d’Orlando fault, luminescence dating, marine<br />

terraces, OSL, SAR protocol.<br />

The coastal sector of Sant’Agata di Militello (NE Sicily) is<br />

characterized by a flight of raised Upper-Middle Pleistocene<br />

marine terraces occurring at different heights with respect to<br />

present sea level. In particular, the field geomorphologic survey<br />

and the analysis of stereo-pairs of aerial photographs allowed to<br />

recognize at least five main orders of well preserved Quaternary<br />

surfaces and relative deposits mostly located at the hangingwall<br />

and at the footwall of a Pleistocene northwest-dipping normal<br />

fault, named Capo d’Orlando fault, that controlled the<br />

geomorphologic evolution of the coast.<br />

The marine terraces show an overall good morphological<br />

continuity and are formed by marine platforms overlain by littoral<br />

deposits. The wave-cut surfaces are carved on Middle Pleistocene<br />

deltaic marine gravels and sandy deposit (Sabbie e Ghiaie di<br />

Messina), on Mesozoic carbonate successions and/or on their<br />

Paleozoic metamorphic basement (CARBONE et alii, 1998). The<br />

raised palaeo-shorelines are represented by remnants of the inner<br />

edges, lithophaga hole bands and/or other biological sea level<br />

markers. The terraced deposits are made up of yellow littoral<br />

sand and gravels in a sandy matrix. The complete sequence of<br />

marine terraces outcrops only in the area of Sant’Agata di<br />

Militello where the Capo d’Orlando fault disappears. To the east,<br />

at the hanging wall of the Capo d’Orlando fault, the terraced<br />

sequence is incomplete, probably due to the fault activity.<br />

The continental sedimentary cover of the second order<br />

terrace, outcropping at Acquedolci, contains mammal-bearing<br />

deposits (Hyppopotamus Pentlandi) that have been dated<br />

200±40ka BP by isoleucine epimerization method (BADA et alii,<br />

1991), allowing to relate them to the MIS 7.1. high-stand.<br />

In order to better define the terrace chronology, samples of<br />

_________________________<br />

Luminescence chronology of Pleistocene marine terraces of the<br />

Sant’Agata di Militello coastal sector (north-eastern Sicily)<br />



(*) Dipartimento di Geologia e Geodesia, Università di Palermo,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia, Università di Catania,<br /><br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università di Catania,<br /><br />

691<br />

terraced deposits are analyzed in this occasion by Optically<br />

Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) technique, a conventional SAR<br />

protocol was used with sand-sized quartz (MURRAY &WINTLE,<br />

2003). New dating, together with detailed morphostructural<br />

analysis allowed us to reconstruct the tectonic evolution of this<br />

coastal area and to constrain the activity of the Capo d’Orlando<br />

fault in a precise time range.<br />



E. & DELITALA, L. (1991) - Isoleucine epimerization ages of<br />

Quaternari mammals from Sicily. <strong>Il</strong> Quaternario, 4(1a), 49-54.<br />

CARBONE S., LENTINI F. & VINCI G. (1998) – Carta geologica del<br />

settore occidentale <strong>dei</strong> Monti Peloritani (Sicilia nordorientale).<br />

S.EL.CA., Firenze.<br />

MURRAY A.S. & WINTLE A.G., (2003) – The single aliquot<br />

regenerative dose protocol: potential for improvements in<br />

reliability. Rad. Measur., 37, 377-381.<br />


SESSIONE 21<br />

Uplift and folding of Pleistocene marine terraces along the Ionian<br />

Sea coast of northern Calabria: field analysis and model results.<br />



Key words: Folding, marine terraces, numerical fault<br />

modeling, transpressional faults, uplift rates.<br />

A detailed study of uplifted Middle-Late Pleistocene marine<br />

terraces on the eastern side of northern Calabria and Basilicata<br />

provides insights into the temporal and spatial scale variability of<br />

vertical displacement rates over a time span of ~600 ka, and<br />

allowed to model the recent activity of transpressional faults in<br />

the area.<br />

This region is located on the northeastern tip of the Calabrian<br />

arc, which experienced rapid Late Quaternary uplift due to a<br />

combination of lithospheric and crustal processes (WESTAWAY,<br />

1993; WORTEL &SPAKMAN, 2000; GVIRTZMAN &NUR, 2001).<br />

Ten terrace orders were mapped up to 663 m a.s.l., and were<br />

correlated between the coastal slopes of Pollino and Sila<br />

mountain ranges across the Sibari Plain (Fig. 1).<br />

Radiometric (ESR and 14C) dating of shells have provided a<br />

chrono-stratigraphic scheme for the Late Pleistocene terraces<br />

(SANTORO et alii, 2009). The age of higher terraces is poorly<br />

constrained, but, based on the average uplift rate (~1 mm/a)<br />

deduced from the Tyrrhenian marker (~125 ka BP) and<br />

highlighted by several authors (CUCCI, 2004), conceivably is<br />

tracked back to MIS 15 (~620 ka; see Fig. 1 legend).<br />

Based on the terrace chronology, uplift in the last ~600 ka<br />

was characterized by the alternation of more rapid (~2.2 mm/a)<br />

and slower (~0.6 mm/a) periods of displacement. Besides, spatial<br />

variability in uplift rates is recorded by the deformation profile of<br />

terraces parallel to the coast, which document small-wavelength<br />

(~2-10 km) and amplitude (~10-50 m) local undulations<br />

superposed to the regional uplift pattern, which is the dominant<br />

tectonic signal ((SANTORO et alii, 2009).<br />

The local structures spatially coincide with the last generation<br />

folds and locally with southward-directed left-transpressional<br />

faults mapped in bedrock (CATALANO et alii, 1993; MONACO et<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università degli Studi di Catania,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Napoli<br />

Federico II.<br />

(°) INGV, Roma.<br />

(°°) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Ambientali e Marine, Università<br />

di Trieste.<br />

692<br />

alii, 1998) and locally in Early-Middle Pleistocene fan-delta<br />

deposits, striking orthogonal to the coastline, and involving the<br />

sea-bottom along their offshore extension (Fig. 1; FERRANTI et<br />

alii, 2009). Structural analysis and appraisal of local network<br />

seismicity and regional GPS geodesy suggests that the area is<br />

experiencing transpressional deformation in response to NE-SW<br />

shortening; this explains the origin of the local-scale undulations<br />

in the deformation profile of paleo-shorelines as due to faultrelated<br />

crustal folds (FERRANTI et alii, 2009).<br />

Likewise, based on a morphotectonic analysis of fluvial and<br />

marine terraces, BIANCA &CAPUTO (2003) and CAPUTO et alii<br />

(2010), have as well hypothesized shortening is ongoing in this<br />

sector of the Apennines chain.<br />

Fig. 1 - Morphological map of the Middle Pleistocene–Holocene marine<br />

terraces on the Ionian coast of northern Calabria and eastern Basilicata. The<br />

F75-89 seismic reflection trace is also shown.

The recent tectonic activity of the major faults was supported<br />

by a morphotectonic analysis. We used the SL index, Vf index<br />

and the hypsometric integral in order to identify drainage network<br />

anomalies, and the residual topography and the swath profiles to<br />

characterize the landscape. All the indexes are poorly linked to<br />

lithological and climatic factors, and anomalies were found to be<br />

spatially related to the faults inquired to cause the paleoshorelines<br />

deformation. The greater morphotectonic anomalies<br />

correspond to the maximum deformation zone of the paleoshorelines,<br />

along the southern flank of the Pollino Chain.<br />

On-shore and offshore faults were grouped in geometrically<br />

coherent systems of faults of assigned length, dip and kinematic<br />

parameters. This selection was the basis for a numerical modeling<br />

of the coseismic deformation associated to the transpressional<br />

faults which could reproduce the observed deformation profile of<br />

paleo-shorelines. The model is based on two major assumptions:<br />

a) the earth is assumed to be an elastic half-space; b) the faults<br />

are assumed to be rectangular shaped. The geometrical fault<br />

parameters (strike, plunge, dip, length, width, area, minimum and<br />

maximum depth) were derived from geological cross sections,<br />

offshore seismic reflection profiles and morphological evidences.<br />

The faults rakes were derived from structural, geodetic and<br />

seismic data. We modeled two fault zones (Amendolara Fault<br />

Zone, AMFZ, and Valsinni Fault Zone, VFZ), that, on the base of<br />

the seismic reflection profile F75-89 (trace in Fig. 1), have<br />

accrued a significant vertical displacement and affect Middle<br />

Pleistocene sediments. Pertaining to these two fault zones, 9 fault<br />

segments that cross the marine terraces were modeled.<br />

The good match obtained between the deformed paleoshorelines<br />

and the coseismic model supports the contention that<br />

transpression along the AMFZ and VFZ fault zones can<br />

reasonably explain the marine terraces deformation. Besides, the<br />

local fault-related vertical deformation is less than the 30% of the<br />

total uplift suffered by the coastal area.<br />

Basing on the fault modeling results for the other marine<br />

terraces, we also find that fault activity not only changed through<br />

time for individual faults (and for the cumulative fault array), but<br />

also shifted among single faults. The fault-related uplift rate was<br />

not constant in time but shifted between the AMFZ and the VFZ<br />

fault zones. It seems also that in the last ~80 ka the AMFZ has<br />

accrued the largest deformation. This could explain the greater<br />

morphotectonic anomalies and an apparent spatial clustering of<br />

seismicity that currently characterize the Pollino Chain and the<br />

Amendolara Ridge southern flanks.<br />

Finally, detailed morphometric analysis (river steepness maps<br />

and basin asymmetry analysis) were performed along the major<br />

rivers draining the eastern Pollino flank in order to test and to<br />

improve the proposed deformational model.<br />

A direct comparison with results from CAPUTO et alii (2010)<br />

analysis further north, where uplift rates were found to be greater,<br />

is not possible as yet. However, we remark that what is important<br />

here is the feasibility of the invoked transpression, jointly<br />

693<br />

recorded by us and CAPUTO et alii (2010), in deforming even<br />

very young terraces.<br />


BIANCA M. & CAPUTO R. (2003) – Analisi morfotettonica ed<br />

evoluzione Quaternaria <strong>della</strong> Val D’Agri, Appennino<br />

Meridionale. <strong>Il</strong> Quaternario, 16(2), 158-170.<br />

CAPUTO R., BIANCA M. & D’ONOFRIO R. (2010) – Ionian marine<br />

terraces of Southern Italy: insights into the Quaternary<br />

tectonic evolution of the area. Tectonics,<br />

doi:10.1029/2009TC002625.<br />


Pleistocene strike-slip tectonics in the Lucanian Apennine<br />

(Southern Italy). Tectonics, 12, 656–665.<br />

CUCCI L. (2004) – Raised marine terraces in the Northern<br />

Calabrian Arc (Southern Italy): a ~600 kyr-long geological<br />

record of regional uplift. Ann. Geophys., 47 (4), 1391-1406.<br />


MORELLI D. (2009) - Active transpression in the northern<br />

Calabria Apennines, southern Italy. Tectonophysics, 476(1-<br />

2), 226-251.<br />

GVIRTZMAN Z. & NUR A. (2001) - Residual topography,<br />

lithospheric structure and sunken slabs in the central<br />

Mediterranean. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 187, 117–130.<br />

MONACO C., TORTORICI L. & PALTRINIERI W. (1998) - Structural<br />

evolution of the Lucanian Apennines, southern Italy. J. Struct.<br />

Geol., 20, 617–638.<br />


NAPOLITANO E., RITTNER S. & RADTKE U. (2009) - Raised<br />

coastal terraces along the Ionian Sea coast of northern<br />

Calabria, Italy, suggest space and time variability of tectonic<br />

uplift rates. Quatern. Intern., 206, 78–101.<br />

WESTAWAY R. (1993) - Quaternary uplift of southern Italy. J.<br />

Geophys. Res., 87, 21741–21772.<br />

WORTEL M.J.R. & SPAKMAN W. (2000) - Subduction and slab<br />

detachment in the Mediterranean–Carpathian region.<br />

Science, 290, 1910–1917.<br />


SESSIONE 21<br />

2D and 3D numerical simulations of the present-day state of stress of<br />

the active Ferrara fold-and thrust belt<br />

Key words: Folds, mechanical modelling, Northern Apennines,<br />

stress field, thrust faults.<br />


The present-day state of stress of the active front of the<br />

Northern Apennines buried under the Plio-Pleistocene sediments<br />

of the eatern Po Plain (Ferrara fold-and thrust belt) is investigated<br />

via 2D and 3D mechanical finite elements models. Our main<br />

objective is to explain why the state of stress in the region is<br />

characterized by variations both in depth (Fig. 1) and laterally, as<br />

indicated by focal mechanisms and borehole breakouts<br />

(CARMINATI et alii, 2010).<br />


2D models are built on two regional cross sections (Fig.1)<br />

published by CARMINATI et alii (2010) and are used to evaluate<br />

the effects of seismic cycle on the state of stress of the Mirandola<br />

and Ferrara growing anticlines, in order to understand if the<br />

observed along-depth variations of the stress field can be<br />

explained by active tectonics. For this purpose, stick-slip<br />

behavior of the faults is reproduced in our finite element models.<br />

The 2D models adopt, for the intact rock, an elastic rheology<br />

under plane-strain condition. Instead, the fault planes are defined<br />

as weak surfaces following a Coulomb failure criterion.<br />

Geomechanical properties for each formation comprise<br />

Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, density and are assumed on<br />

the basis of published geological data. The models are forced by<br />

1 metre of displacement (applied onto the SW lateral boundary)<br />

directed toward the NE. Such a displacement is expected to<br />

accumulate in 1000 years, according to the present-day plate<br />

kinematics of the Northern Apennines region. To avoid<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria, CNR, Roma,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Roma “La Sapienza,<br /><br />


694<br />

Fig. 1 – Geological cross sections used to build the 2D models (after<br />

CARMINATI et alii, 2010). The topmost section refers to the Mirandola thrustrelated<br />

anticline. The bottom panel depicts a regional cross section<br />

containing both the Mirandola (centre) and the Ferrara (right) structures.<br />

Notice the along-depth stress variation within the Mirandola structure (upper<br />

panel).<br />

convergence problems, tectonic displacement is applied by 0.1<br />

metre step increments.<br />

The stick-slip behavior of the faults is obtained with the<br />

variation of mechanical properties along the faults. In particular,<br />

the friction angle is varied from an unrealistically high value<br />

during the stick (for boundary displacement lower or equal to 0.9<br />

m) to a value near to zero during the slip phase (for boundary<br />

displacement greater than 0.9 m). An example of the tectonic<br />

stress field predicted for the coseismic stage by the model<br />

simulating the regional cross section of the lower panel of Fig. 1<br />

is provided in Fig. 2.<br />

Our modelling results show large variations of the stress state<br />

from preseismic to coseismic stages, both in terms of stress

Fig. 2 – Tectonic stress field predicted for the regional model (lower panel of Fig. 1) after the coseismic slip along the Mirandola structure.<br />

magnitude and orientation. Our modelling allows us to constrain<br />

the variations of the dilation associated with the seismic cycle.<br />


A simple 3D numerical model of the Mirandola thrust fault is<br />

built to evaluate the effects of thrust fault rotations on the<br />

regional state of stress, in order to explain its lateral variation.<br />

The geometry is characterized by a basal decollement<br />

characterized by low dip and a ramp with a dip varying from 30°<br />

in its frontal part to 60° in its left lateral part. In the 3D model we<br />

adopt homogeneous mechanical rheology for the whole crust, for<br />

computational sakes. The thrust fault is assumed to be a free<br />

surface of sliding with zero friction. This choice allows us to<br />

correctly simulate uplift rates and slip rates along the Mirandola<br />

structure proposed in the literature (SCROCCA et alii, 2007; DISS<br />

WORKING GROUP, 2009). All numerical results were validated<br />

against active stress field maps available in the literature, built on<br />

seismic and borehole breakout data. Our modelling results<br />

suggest that the lateral variations of the orientation of the<br />

principal stress axes is controlled by the geometry of the thrust<br />

fault.<br />



Compaction-induced stress variations with depth in an active<br />

695<br />

anticline: Northern Apennines, Italy. J. Geophys. Res., 115,<br />

doi:10.1029/2009JB006395.<br />

DISS WORKING GROUP (2009) - Database of Individual<br />

Seismogenic Sources (DISS), Version 3.1.0: A compilation of<br />

potential sources for earthquakes larger than M 5.5 in Italy<br />

and surrounding areas., Istituto<br />

Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia.<br />


(2007) - Slab retreat and active shortening along the centralnorthern<br />

Apennines. In O. Lacombe, J. Lavé, F. Roure and J.<br />

Vergès (Eds) - Thrust belts and foreland basins: From fold<br />

kinematics to hydrocarbon systems. Frontiers in Earth<br />

Sciences, 471-487.<br />


SESSIONE 21<br />


SESSIONE 22<br />

Innovare la didattica delle geo-scienze per educare ad<br />

una cittadinanza responsabile<br />


Gianfranco Battisti (Università di Trieste)<br />

Michele Stoppa (Università di Trieste)<br />

697<br />


SESSIONE 22<br />

The “Ardito Desio” geopaleontological museum of Rocca di Cave<br />

(Prenestini Mountains, Latium): an example of Earth science<br />

didactics and education<br />

Key words: Apennines, didactics, geosite, museum, Upper<br />

Cretacic.<br />

The “Ardito Desio” Civic GeoPaleontological Museum of<br />

Rocca di Cave is located at the southern margin of the Prenestini<br />

Mountains (Latium), and its geopaleontological collections are<br />

strongly connected to the territory. The Rocca di Cave area has a<br />

great paleogeographic significance since it stands out as the<br />

westernmost end of Upper Cretacic neritic “laziale-abruzzese”<br />

shelf facies. Furthermore, it is the almost unique witness for the<br />

presence of a Cenomanian and Turonian edge in the western part<br />

of the shelf, whose fossil reefs were characterized by typical<br />

associations with dominant bivalves (rudists and others),<br />

gastropods, corals, sponges and rare sea urchins.<br />

The safeguard and the enhancement of the Rocca di Cave<br />

geopaleontological heritage is implemented by several initiatives<br />

and structures linked to the “Ardito Desio” Museum, dedicated<br />

both to the younger visitors and to general public. For school<br />

classes, in the Museum there is an oral presentation together with<br />

direct experience in which boys can touch rocks and fossils,<br />

reaching a higher involvement and pointing to a much wider<br />

interactivity. Last year, almost 5000 visitors (mostly school<br />

classes) have crowd museum’s rooms, in a tour thinked as an<br />

imaginary travel back in time through subsequent jumps, from<br />

recent to Pangea supercontinent age, with detail to the Upper<br />

Cretacic. At the beginning, visitor is introduced to the use of<br />

colours in geology, widely employed in the museum to underline<br />

marks and indicators, so that it can be easily to orientate in the<br />

Earth history and Apennines evolution. The integrated approach<br />

is powered by the presence of 3D-reconstructions and<br />

palaeogeographic globes, adding to the theoretical multimedia<br />

lessons and several posters. The direct observation of the territory<br />

and its morphology is enhanced by the 360°-view obtained from<br />

the Rock’s tower: Apennine reliefs, Albani Hills volcanic<br />

district’s deposits, Campagna Romana, all the visible landscape<br />

elements, accompanied by most relevant toponyms, are reported<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università degli Studi Roma Tre,<br /><br />


698<br />

in a strip placed on all the terrace perimeter.<br />

The guided tour doesn’t stop inside the museum, it continues<br />

along a series of geopaleontological paths evidenced by signs, all<br />

of them around Rocca di Cave. Materials given to the visitors<br />

also include pictures, drawings, explanatory notes referable to the<br />

paths; a part of the graphic products is dedicated to elementary<br />

school and based on comics: representing fossils as protagonists<br />

of funny episodes allows children to approach an unknown world<br />

with elements which they growing up every day together.<br />

In the near future, it’s planned to improve both the didactic<br />

material dedicated to the outcrops, and the number of paths; this<br />

last goal is included in a broader project provides for the<br />

realization of a southern Prenestini Mountains natural trails map.<br />

In advanced completion projects there is the first issue of the<br />

scientific journal linked to the Museum, providing insights on<br />

topics closely correlated to the Rocca di Cave geology and<br />

paleontology, besides divulgation columns and general geological<br />

interest topics. Again, particular attention is directed to younger<br />

readers, with a central double page full of games, cartoons and<br />

comics.<br />

The geosites conservation and the knowledge organization in<br />

museums should be flanked by the growing attempt to approach<br />

both adult citizens and younger one to the Italian natural heritage,<br />

thus to educate citizenship much more responsible, mature and<br />

careful to environmental respect and to its history.

Key words: Didactics of geosciences, energy, environmental<br />

issue, geography, geosciences, land use planning.<br />

The headlines of the last decade have accustomed us to<br />

understanding that the energy issue is one of the most important<br />

challenges mankind is facing today. The debate between the<br />

supporters of renewable and non-renewable energy sources, of<br />

“clean” energy and of the one deriving from fossil fuels,<br />

especially in the context of the global warming, has long gone<br />

out the restricted circle of academic discussion to concern,<br />

through the mass media, the man on the street.<br />

What is clear however, beyond the clamour arisen around the<br />

different theses, is the general disinformation on this issue. A<br />

closer look reveals it is the consequence of a lack of basic<br />

knowledge due to a general carelessness of the school institutions<br />

at the various levels. Even at the top level - university - only three<br />

faculties out of the twelve of our university system offer a range<br />

of courses which deal in a certain way with this question, namely<br />

the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical<br />

and Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Economics, none of<br />

which is able to give all the competences required on its own.<br />

The energetic sector is in fact a typical interdisciplinary sector<br />

and as such it does not fit well into an organisation of knowledge<br />

founded on an atomization of themes in contexts which<br />

traditionally tend to be autonomous. Only Geography, at school<br />

level, and to a lesser extent Ecology, at university, do aim at<br />

covering the whole issue, although with the collective effort of<br />

the concerned teachers and professors.<br />

So the question is which disciplines can study the issue in the<br />

best possible way. At school level, not considering the Industrial<br />

Technical School, it is the teachers of Chemistry and Natural<br />

Sciences who are usually very active and propose the topic within<br />

their lessons or in the framework of programmes for<br />

environmental education, often carried out with the cooperation<br />

of external educational agencies such as WWF and the like.<br />

As a matter of fact, however, this issue cannot be<br />

_________________________<br />

Teaching geography of energy, not just an educational issue<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Formazione e <strong>dei</strong> Processi Culturali,<br />

Università di Trieste,<br />

Paper prepared within the research activity furthered by the P.I.D.D.AM. at<br />

the Dept. of Scienze <strong>della</strong> Formazione e <strong>dei</strong> Processi Culturali under the aegis<br />

of CIRD, University of Trieste.<br />


699<br />

encompassed solely within the realm of natural sciences since it<br />

also comprises relevant questions of an economic character which<br />

are of paramount importance to determine the various options.<br />

Nowadays we can select from a wide range of technological<br />

solutions and only in the most disadvantaged areas are we<br />

compelled to choose the only available solution, as is the case for<br />

example of certain African peoples who still depend solely on<br />

burning wood.<br />

The choice among different technologies requires the<br />

adoption of rather complex calculation methods, with reference to<br />

different disciplinary corpuses related to economic and social<br />

sciences. Furthermore, the concrete choice between different<br />

energy sources, both primary and secondary, imply the recourse<br />

to different environments and kinds of intervention, with<br />

consequently different results. A thermoelectric plant, for<br />

example, can be fuelled either by coal or gas. In the latter case,<br />

the fuel can be conveyed through a gas pipeline or a<br />

regassificator, which in turn can be located either at sea or on the<br />

coast. The assessment of these aspects requires the indispensable<br />

competences not only of geologists but also of land use planners.<br />

Owing to the wide range of problems at stake, the proposal to<br />

create a specific teaching sector which has been put forward at a<br />

recent presentation of an Atlas of Energy for the schools in<br />

Rome, does not seem peculiar at all.<br />

All things considered, integral Geography appear to have<br />

arms wide enough to contain the whole energy issue. This in<br />

virtue of its consolidated attitude of concerning itself with all the<br />

phenomena which can be observed on and - if necessary - under<br />

the surface of the earth, a characteristic which is at the same time<br />

its strength and its weakness.<br />

But there is a further reason to claim this role, namely the fact<br />

that geographical phenomena represent different sets of<br />

phenomena in increasing numbers which are to be considered as a<br />

whole. In their interaction they contribute to describe the several<br />

parts of the earth as consociations recognizable at different<br />

scales, now linked by homogeneity, now by functional links.<br />

Being able to treat simultaneously phenomena pertaining to<br />

the physical and human life alike, Geography is a sort of linking<br />

science between different sectors of knowledge, often more<br />

advanced in their own scope but separated by a divide of a<br />

conceptual nature. As such, Geography can overcome some of the<br />

limits posed by the specialization of the different disciplines.<br />

Some of these aspects are typical of the energy issue. Let’s<br />


SESSIONE 22<br />

take the vexata quaestio of the oil reserves, very lively debated in<br />

particular in the light of theories such as the Hubbert curve. In<br />

reality, as has been proved by a researcher in Trieste, the reserves<br />

of hydrocarbons of multinationals are growths influenced more<br />

by the dynamics of the quotation of the barrel than by the result<br />

of prospecting. In a similar way, the economic results of the oil<br />

refining companies strictly depend on their possibility of<br />

operating on the Stock Exchange, what in turn influences the<br />

location of their plants on the globe.<br />

All this is a consequence of the growing financialisation of<br />

economy and therefore of its globalisation, which cannot but<br />

determine a progressive crisis of any form of geographicalenvironmental<br />

determinism. The existence of resources<br />

geographically located, as all mineral resources are, and<br />

economically accessible does not represent any longer a sufficient<br />

prerequisite for their exploitation, nor can it be any longer<br />

considered an hindrance to the setting up of new productions<br />

which require them. Let us consider the export of oil from the<br />

United States to Russia and the beginning of the steel industry in<br />

the north of Italy, both taking place in the second half of the<br />

nineteenth century, at the time of what Fumian calls “the first<br />

globalization”.<br />

It is then clear how complex are the reasons underlying any<br />

choice concerning energy sources, technologies related,<br />

localisation of plants and supply of the different markets. Not<br />

knowing the past and deprived of the essential information, the<br />

man on the street - who is yesterday’s student - is left with<br />

practically no critical weapon to face the media bombing which<br />

risks confusing him even more.<br />

An isolated exam of the middle- and long term markets, of<br />

environmental issues, the role of different technologies, the<br />

actions of oilmen, farmers, and producers of alternative energy<br />

plants, as is often carried out by many “experts”, even from the<br />

academic world, can only trouble waters. Hence the need for the<br />

scientists working in the field of Geosciences to dialogue with<br />

each other in order to decode reality and prepare on this basis a<br />

new generation of teachers. This way the now exceptionally high<br />

risk might be avoided of having teachers who, without realising it<br />

themselves, just act as propagandists spreading the interpretations<br />

of reality which have been adopted by the strategic plans of the<br />

industries of the sector.<br />

It is a hard task which requires first and foremost a specific<br />

in-depth analysis, such as the one which has been carried out by<br />

the Working Group set up within the Association of Italian<br />

Geographers (A.Ge.I.) since 1990 with the cooperation of<br />

professors and researchers working in different universities in<br />

Italy as well as of scholars not belonging to the academic world.<br />

There is no doubt, however, that the solution of the issue will have to<br />

be found through a closer cooperation among all the disciplines now<br />

operating within the strategic sector of Geosciences.<br />


Key words: Karst, lectures, powerpoint, speleology, teaching.<br />


Karst studies and speleology are increasingly important in the<br />

scientific community finding applications in fields such as<br />

hydrogeology (GOLDSCHEIDER & DREW, 2007), natural and<br />

anthropogenic hazards (PARISE et alii, 2008, 2009),<br />

geomorphology (DE WAELE et alii, 2009), mineralogy (HILL &<br />

FORTI, 1997), biology (CULVER &PIPAN, 2009), microbiology<br />

(BARTON, 2006), palaeoclimatology (GENTY, 2008) and many<br />

others topics. However, these scientific resources are often not<br />

easily accessible to non-scientists and cannot be directly used for<br />

education purposes. Also the many textbooks on speleogenesis,<br />

karst geomorphology and hydrology or the two major<br />

encyclopaedia on the subject are not suitable for teaching<br />

speleology and karst to non-scientists. Only the recent book by<br />

Art Palmer is definitely a step forward towards science education<br />

suitable to a wider public (PALMER, 2007).<br />

Education is an extremely important issue in karst protection.<br />

Early efforts in finding a way of teaching karst to non-scientists<br />

go back to the late 70’s and 80’s (PALMER, 1984). Especially<br />

karst-related hazards are suitable topics that can be profitably<br />

used to teach the peculiarity of the karst environment to local<br />

communities. There are many examples of booklets that explain<br />

the fragile karst environment to the students, citizens and agency<br />

personnel (VENI et alii, 2001; ZOKAITES, 1997).<br />

Teaching karst science to cavers is important because of the<br />

extraordinary work they carry out as an essential part of scientific<br />

studies carried out in caves and karst areas. An example is given<br />

by tracer tests, in which dyes are injected in cave streams deep<br />

inside the mountains and later detected, often in an automatic<br />

way, at the karst springs (GOLDSCHEIDER et alii., 2008).<br />

To allow cavers to become an active part in the scientific<br />

researches carried out in karst areas and caves they have to train<br />

_________________________<br />

Teaching resources in speleology and karst: a set of useful online<br />

powerpoint lectures created by the Italian Speleological Society<br />

(*) Istituto Italiano di Speleologia,<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto “Powerpoint” <strong>della</strong> Società<br />

Speleologica Italiana.<br />

JO DE WAELE (*)<br />

701<br />

themselves and become familiar with science.<br />

In this way they will not only perform simple tasks such as<br />

drilling speleothems or catching cave beetles, but can become<br />

responsible of choosing the right sites, collecting samples in the<br />

correct way, or record all types of chemical and physical data<br />

from sometimes complex monitoring devices.<br />

In order to bring some of this science closer to the<br />

speleological community, a three year project has been launched<br />

at the end of 2006 by the Italian Speleological Society (SSI) (DE<br />

WAELE, 2010) and carried out under the umbrella of the Union<br />

International de Spéléologie (UIS) and is here described.<br />


Lectures on over 50 topics have been prepared as computer<br />

presentations. Each lecture is composed of a number of slides,<br />

ranging between 19 and 147, starting with a title slide and ending<br />

with two slides containing bibliographical references and credits<br />

respectively.<br />

All cited references are available in the SSI library at Bologna<br />

and normally are review articles or important text books. Lectures<br />

are composed by experts in their fields, who often have involved<br />

several collaborators among colleague scientists, photographers<br />

and designers. More than 100 cavers have in some way<br />

contributed to the scientific contents of the slides, while<br />

photographs have been provided by more than 300 persons.<br />

Because most of the experts and collaborators are Italian, also<br />

many examples are related to this country. Nevertheless general<br />

contents are valid globally, and if the user wants to change<br />

examples and pictures in the lecture this can be easily achieved,<br />

rendering the lectures more country specific.<br />

Slides have a black background and a footnote reporting the<br />

lecture and the symbol of the SSI. Font is Verdana, 20 for main<br />

text, 32 for titles and 10 for photo and figure captions. Font<br />

colour is always white or yellow. The font type and colour and<br />

the background have been decided to allow a comfortable view<br />

also to people with sight problems (e.g. people with daltonism).<br />

All slides and lectures have been peer reviewed and typeset by a<br />

pool of correctors-designers before final submission. Final Italian<br />

versions have then been translated by mother tongues in English,<br />

French and Spanish.<br />


SESSIONE 22<br />


After almost three years of intense work a total of 58 lectures<br />

have been prepared. The entire package, called “Teaching<br />

resources in Speleology and Karst 2009”, has been presented in<br />

an incomplete version on a DVD during the 19 th International<br />

Congress of Speleology at Kerrville in July 2009 thanks to the<br />

financial support of the National Cave and Karst Research<br />

Institute of Carlsbad, USA. Since the end of the Congress a<br />

remaining part of lectures was finalised and most were translated<br />

into English, French and Spanish and have been posted on a<br />

website of the Italian Speleological Society<br />

( After registration, the lecture files<br />

can be downloaded for free.<br />

The files are meant to be used for educational purposes at all<br />

levels, from primary schools to universities, as long as the<br />

original source is mentioned. The files may be enriched with new<br />

slides (e.g. examples of the region in which the lecture will be<br />

given) or the slides may be extracted from different presentations<br />

to compose an entirely new lecture. It is of course the<br />

responsibility of the lecturer to leave the content of the single<br />

slides unaltered. If the scientific contents of slides are changed,<br />

these modifications should be clearly reported.<br />

All lectures can be improved adding new slides, considering<br />

new topics, changing photographs and figures and so on. It is<br />

desirable that such improvements are reported to the editor of the<br />

entire package in order to continuously update the lectures and<br />

the website. Also suggestions and constructive criticism will<br />

surely help us improving the quality of the product. Finally, the<br />

presentations may be translated into other languages such as<br />

Portuguese, German and many others. These further versions<br />

could also find a natural place in the SSI website.<br />


This abstract resumes the work carried out by over 300 cavers<br />

and scientists that have, in some way or another, contributed to its<br />

finalisation. Special thanks to Paolo Forti, who came up with the<br />

idea, Francesco Maurano who has given an hand in the<br />

technological (computer) sense, the layout and correction team<br />

composed of Mauro Kraus, Franco Gherlizza and Marilena Rodi<br />

and the coordinators of the English, French and Spanish versions,<br />

respectively David J. Lowe, Philippe Audra and José Maria<br />

Calaforra together with their many translators. Also the National<br />

Cave and Karst Research Institute and the Union International de<br />

Spéléologie are thanked for their efforts in getting the DVD out<br />

702<br />

in time for the 19 th ICS at Kerrville. Finally the help of the Italian<br />

Speleological Society has been greatly appreciated.<br />


BARTON H. (2006) - Introduction to cave microbiology: an<br />

review for the non-specialist. J. Cave Karst Stud., 68, 43-54.<br />

CULVER D.C. & PIPAN T. (2009) - The Biology of Caves and<br />

Other Subterranean Habitats. Oxford Univ. Press, 256 pp.<br />

DE WAELE J. (2009) – Teaching resources in Speleology and<br />

Karst. Intern. J. Speleol., 39(1), 29-33.<br />

DE WAELE J., PLAN L. & AUDRA P. (2009) - Recent<br />

developments in surface and subsurface karst<br />

geomorphology. Geomorphology, 106, 1-8.<br />

GENTY D. (2008) - Palaeoclimate special issue: an introduction.<br />

Intern. J. Speleol., 37, I-IV.<br />

GOLDSCHEIDER N. & DREW D. (2007) - Methods in Karst<br />

Hydrogeology. Taylor & Francis, London, 264 pp.<br />


Tracer tests in karst hydrogeology and speleology. Intern. J.<br />

Speleol., 37(1), 27-40.<br />

HILL C.A. & FORTI P. (1997) - Cave minerals of the World.<br />

Nation. Speleol. Soc., Huntsville, Alabama, USA, 463 pp.<br />

PALMER A.N. (1984) - Recent trends in karst geomorphology. J.<br />

Geosci. Edu., 32, 247–253.<br />

PALMER A.N. (2007) - Cave Geology. Cave Books, Dayton,<br />

Ohio, USA, 454 pp.<br />

PARISE M., DE WAELE J. & GUTIERREZ F. (2008) - Engineering<br />

and environmental problems in karst. Eng. Geol., 99, 91-94.<br />

PARISE M., DE WAELE J. & GUTIERREZ F. (2009) - Current<br />

perspectives on the environmental impacts and hazards in<br />

karst areas. Environ. Geol., 58, 235-237.<br />


G.H., KASTNING E.H., OLSON R. & WHEELER B.J. (2001) -<br />

Living with karst: a fragile foundation. Am. Geol. Inst., 64<br />

pp.<br />

ZOKAITES C. (1997) - Living on Karst: a reference guide for<br />

landowners in limestone regions. Cave Conservancy of the<br />

Virginias, Richmond, 26 pp.

Key words: Analysis and curriculum design, didactics of<br />

geosciences, didactic research, first grade secondary school,<br />

initial and recurrent education of secondary school teachers,<br />

second grade secondary school.<br />

Disciplinary didactics might be defined as a science aimed at<br />

optimizing the teaching and learning processes of any single<br />

discipline within a well determined educational frame. One can<br />

immediately realize how complex this is in the case of the<br />

didactics of geosciences, it being a sort of multidisciplinary<br />

didactics or, more precisely, a rather varied cluster of disciplinary<br />

didactics not necessarily homogeneous nor convergent from an<br />

epistemological point of view.<br />

In essence, the unifying point in such an apparently disparate<br />

set is to be found in the sharing of the scientific method, not used<br />

in a general way, but modulated according to the manifold<br />

epistemology required by the way chosen every time to explore<br />

the fascinating secrets preserved by our planet from different but<br />

complementary perspectives.<br />

Since they are to be articulated aggregates of didactic<br />

knowledge, each one independent from the others, the first issue<br />

to tackle is how to make them dialogue and mutually interact with<br />

satisfying results.<br />

To this purpose we would have to harmonize the teaching<br />

processes of the corresponding disciplines in the domain of<br />

geosciences, integrating their peculiar knowledge and<br />

competences to effectively share an interesting heritage of<br />

common goals.<br />

Such a cooperation would first and foremost make it<br />

necessary a careful assessment of the reciprocal propaedeutics,<br />

which would still have to be respected, together with an attitude<br />

of constructive dialogue among the disciplines. At an<br />

epistemological level, this is correctly called for from many sides<br />

but it is of course quite difficult to put into practice in the actual<br />

everyday didactics. The command of basic knowledge in the field<br />

of geosciences is proving in many geological contexts a decisive<br />

_________________________<br />

The didactics of geosciences at secondary schools:<br />

state of the art and future perspectives<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Formazione e <strong>dei</strong> Processi Culturali,<br />

Università di Trieste,<br />

Paper prepared within the research activity furthered by the P.I.D.D.AM. at the<br />

Dept. of Scienze <strong>della</strong> Formazione e <strong>dei</strong> Processi Culturali under the aegis of<br />

CIRD, University of Trieste.<br />


703<br />

factor for the survival of settlements, at the same time promoting<br />

a more reasonable and substantial management of the territorial<br />

system concerned. It represents therefore a valuable, highly<br />

significant heritage capable of giving rise to an adequate culture<br />

of citizenship.<br />

This citizenship we all seem to agree upon, however, is not<br />

always followed by coherent facts and efficient educational<br />

processes, in particular in the world of the school, and above all<br />

of the secondary school. It appears increasingly important to fight<br />

with all our strength so that at least the basic knowledge of<br />

geosciences and in particular that related to the themes of<br />

environmental danger and sustainable management of georesources<br />

is taught well enough in the schools.<br />

As for the first grade secondary schools, to understand the<br />

state of the art it is essential to study the present “Indications for<br />

the Curricula for Nursery School and Primary School”, though<br />

they are probably going to be revised shortly.<br />

The situation of the second grade secondary schools appears<br />

to be more complex and dynamic according to the drafts of the<br />

“National Indications of the Specific Learning Aims for the<br />

Licei” and the Guidelines containing the “Worksheets for the<br />

Disciplines of the first two years of the Technical School”<br />

recently released by the Italian Ministry of Education.<br />

From these documents it can be easily inferred that at<br />

secondary level geosciences do not merge into a new,<br />

independent discipline taught by a specialized teacher, nor will<br />

they in the future. The contents of geosciences are divided in fact<br />

between two disciplines: “integral” Geography and “integral”<br />

Sciences, although under different names in different types of<br />

school, as a consequence of the many reforms which the national<br />

system of education has been through over the last decade. These<br />

disciplines are warmly invited to cooperate in a deep, fruitful<br />

interdisciplinary approach, undoubtedly a valuable chance for<br />

geo-sciences.<br />

This paper aims at presenting a proposal for a vertical<br />

interdisciplinary curriculum of geosciences able to give students<br />

not only an adequate command of the main competences in the<br />

sector but also the opportunity to discover in practice if they<br />

would like and have the prerequisites to continue in this study at<br />

university level.<br />

It is an ambitious goal, considering the unrelenting, often<br />

frankly unfair insensibility towards the geosciences, in particular<br />

Geography. Beyond the encouraging statements pronounced in<br />


SESSIONE 22<br />

official occasions when catastrophes take place, to pursue this<br />

goal would make it necessary on part of the scholars who<br />

recognize themselves as members of this wide family of<br />

disciplines to ponder the meaningfulness and the intensity with<br />

which the contents of geosciences are to be conveyed to<br />

university students who are preparing to enter the career of<br />

teachers.<br />

It is also necessary to make a more motivated choice both of<br />

the key contents to be transmitted, although always respecting<br />

their traditional propaedeutics, and above all of new teaching<br />

methods, in particular in the light of the didactics performed in<br />

workshops and on the field, so as to weave a supporting tissue of<br />

sound environmental awareness on which to found and to<br />

promote sustainable lifestyles in a framework, as much as<br />

possible, of a more generalized environmental safety.<br />


Geoscience for the challenge of the technical and scientific<br />

knowledge at the University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara<br />



Key words: Geoscience education, Upper School students,<br />

Abruzzo region.<br />


The University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara is working,<br />

since 2007, on the educational project “Challenge of the<br />

Technical and Scientific knowledge” (, within<br />

the Project RECOTESSC of the Abruzzo Region (PO FSE 2007-<br />

2013, Piano Operativo 2007-2008), whose main purpose is to<br />

arise the sensibility of Upper School students to different<br />

branches of technical and scientific knowledge (Geology,<br />

Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology).<br />

Within the Geology field, the project is aimed at with lections<br />

and lab work, web based activities and games, and particularly<br />

with field excursions held according to the guidelines of Italian<br />

Association for Geology and Tourism. The project has involved<br />

at least 1000 students pertaining to the geology field.<br />


Lectures and lab work are focused on two main points: 1)<br />

provide to the students a contribution to a new knowledge and<br />

sensibility of their living territory Geology; 2) illustrate and<br />

discuss the basic tools for the study of Geoscience and landscape.<br />

With this aim the lectures are based on the discussion of the<br />

geology and geomorphology of the students’ living province<br />

within the Abruzzo region. By means of a voyage through the<br />

geological history and through the “spiral” of the geological time,<br />

the main branches of the Geoscience are outlined with their<br />

specific role and field of application within a well known and<br />

daily living environment.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) DIGAT Università degli Studi "G. D'Annunzio" di Chieti-Pescara,<br /><br />

(**) Ud'Anet s.r.l.<br />

(°) Via Marche, 10 (Cepagatti, PE)<br />

Work within and with the financial support of the project "La scommessa<br />

del sapere tecnico scientifico", funded by FSE within the multi-axis project<br />

RECOTESSC (PO FSE 2007-2013, Piano Operativo 2007-2008) of the<br />

Abruzzo Region.<br />

705<br />

The living territory is shown to lectures attendants through<br />

new eyes and described as the result of a the 200 millions years<br />

long geological and geomorphological history of Central Italy.<br />

The resulting landscape is presented as a highly dynamic<br />

equilibrium surface, between processes developed below the<br />

earth surface (endogenous) and those developed above the earth<br />

surface (exogenous). From this view of the landscape we tried to<br />

promote the comprehension of the geological risks and resources<br />

as natural result of a dynamic environment, that is to be well<br />

known in order to safely live in it.<br />

The main themes of the Year of the Planet Earth<br />

( provide a guideline for the<br />

main discussions with the students, concerning the new frontiers<br />

and applications of Geoscience and new challenges that it will<br />

face for accompanying the near future of our society.<br />

The lab work are focused mainly on the analysis and<br />

comprehension of maps as basic tool for Geoscience and<br />

environmental studies. New technologies of digital mapping by<br />

means of Geographic Information Systems are also presented.<br />

Exercises of basic analysis and interpretation of topographic<br />

maps and geological maps are carried on, using maps of the<br />

students’ living territory. These exercises stimulate always wide<br />

discussions over the use and application of geological maps in<br />

land use and management at different scales, from local to<br />

regional and on different themes of the Geoscience both in<br />

application and scientific environment.<br />


Lectures and lab work have been supported by different types<br />

of web games e web based activities, such as crosswords,<br />

conceptual maps, quizzes and particularly a scientific grandprix<br />

with prizes at the end. These activities are aimed at stimulating<br />

the comprehension of the topics discussed in the classroom.<br />


For a better comprehension of the daily living landscape from<br />

the geologists’ viewpoint and of the peculiarity of the geoscience<br />

within the other scientific disciplines, the students involved in the<br />

project have been “taken out of the classrooms” organizing<br />


SESSIONE 22<br />

Fig. 1 – Geological field excursion. a) Field excursion in the Sulmona Basin; students analysing the triangular facets along the Monte Morrone fault slope. b)<br />

Field excursion at the Tremiti Islands; students observing active cliffs along the islands coast.<br />

specific field trips and geological excursions (Fig. 1). In these<br />

field trips the students are “Geologist for one day”, working on<br />

their landscape with the field tools of geology and landscape<br />

analysis, such as maps, hammer, compass, lens and “eyes”.<br />

To date, several excursions have been planned in the Abruzzo<br />

Region. In the mountain areas field excursion have been held: in<br />

the Marsica area, illustrating the remnants of ancient landscapes<br />

and Mesozoic paleogeographies and the recent evolution of<br />

ridges and valleys; in the Sulmona basin, illustrating the evolution<br />

of a landscape due to tectonics and Quaternary climate<br />

fluctuations. In the hilly piedmont area excursions have been<br />

held: in the Pescara hinterland (Penne) and in the Chieti town,<br />

illustrating the Pleistocene geomorphological history since the<br />

emersion of the area from marine environment and the recent<br />

dynamics of rivers and landslides with related risks. In the coastal<br />

and islands area excursions have been planned: in the southern<br />

Abruzzo rocky coast, illustrating the geological evolution related<br />

to Pleistocene uplift and marine processes, and the recent<br />

dynamics of beaches and active and inactive cliffs due to aeolian<br />

processes, marine processes and landslides; in the Tremiti Islands<br />

(offshore the southern Abruzzo coast but actually in the Puglia<br />

Region), illustrating the complex interaction among marine, karst,<br />

fluvial and weathering processes in the geomorphological<br />

evolution of an area that since the Pleistocene was alternatively<br />

connected and not connected to the Italy coast owing to sea level<br />

fluctuations.<br />


The final purpose of the project, particularly concerning the<br />

Geology, is multiple: 1) specifically concerning Geoscience, give<br />

rise the student attending the project’s activities to learn a way of<br />

looking at and knowing their territory with new eyes and a new<br />

awareness to natural geological and human induced dynamics that<br />

define landscape changes and geological risk and resources; 2) in<br />

a more general view, increase the young people sensitivity to<br />

different branches of technical and scientific knowledge; 3) in<br />

more wide sphere with reference to main themes of the Year of<br />

706<br />

the Planet Earth, provide a contribution for the comprehension of<br />

the role of Geoscience for the Society.

Key words: Environment, landscape, integrated approach and<br />

creative activity.<br />

Knowledge of environment and landscape requires<br />

methodologies, techniques and tools appropriate, which allow to<br />

acquire and process spatial data represented as expressive codes<br />

easily recognizable.<br />

The environment is, primarily, a "space" or territory, which<br />

enables and influences the life and activities of people; it is a<br />

complex assemblage of components; some of those are natural<br />

(geomorphology, bio-climatic, weather, climate, water, etc..),<br />

others are determined by man (agricultural settlements,<br />

residential, manufacturing, infrastructure, etc..), and there is a<br />

dynamic process of relationships between them.<br />

The characteristics of landscape, as perceived by people, is a<br />

consequence of natural and/or human actions and their<br />

interrelationships. The landscape study must necessarily be<br />

performed by means of an integrated approach, whether pursuing<br />

analysis of perceptual quality of the scenery, whether pursuing<br />

scientific investigations considering all the factors (physical,<br />

chemical, biological and socio-cultural) as open sets with<br />

continuous dynamic relationships.<br />

Therefore, the main objective of the course was to give to the<br />

pupils an overall and comprehensive approach to the techniques,<br />

tools and methodologies for reading, interpretation and<br />

representation of the landscape and the environment.<br />

In order to facilitate learning of the designed objectives,<br />

simple simulations and/or examples were initially used. In<br />

particular, the methodology was to relate, first, the history of the<br />

Earth (4.5 billion years) to a cycle of one year, showing for each<br />

month the main stages of the evolution of Planet Earth and living<br />

organisms. The main purpose was to convey the basic concepts<br />

related to the solar system, the geological phenomena, the birth<br />

and evolution of the Earth, to the structural characteristics and<br />

evolution of the Earth and endogenous processes.<br />

Earth is alive, and our planet, in fact, is changing: as living<br />

beings the rocks born, move, change and die. Outset were also<br />

inputs data regarding the preservation of our planet and the<br />

environment following perspectives and points of view.<br />

_________________________<br />

An enchanted garden called "Planet Earth"<br />

(*) Autorità di Bacino Regionale, Regione Calabria,<br /><br />


707<br />

Later, issues concerning the exogenous processes, natural<br />

environment, weathering, erosion and selective formation of<br />

soils, slope and landscape morphology were addressed.<br />

Fig.1:a)header PON Project F1 ;b)calendar of the Earth.<br />

A third part of the program was made to reach the definition of<br />

environment and ecosystem, related to the anthropomorphic<br />

activity: a brief introduction to the characteristics of an<br />

ecosystem, the concept of habitat and illustration of examples of<br />

environmental changes due to the activities of men. These topics<br />

were followed by a guided tour of the Wildlife Recovery Centre<br />

(CRAS) and the Mediterranean Biodiversity Park of Catanzaro.<br />

The Park represents a centre of excellence and synthesis among<br />


SESSIONE 22<br />

mineral, vegetable and animal worlds by anthropogenic activity;<br />

it is the expression of a positive impact on land and environment<br />

through the recovery of severely degraded areas. The main<br />

purpose was to understand that the Earth is the cradle of life, that<br />

every natural environment is a small world, with typical animals<br />

and plants which are impossible to find elsewhere.<br />

Finally, in order to promote environmental awareness<br />

guidelines for the acquisition of habits of protecting, promoting<br />

and respecting the 'environment, the reflection on the relationship<br />

between man and environment and attractiveness of natural<br />

balances have been launched. Themes about the identification of<br />

human behavior on pollution, types of waste, recycling and<br />

awareness-raising, the water cycle and its use in ecological<br />

dimension, recycling and renewable energy cleaned were well<br />

developed. Within this framework comic books and drawings on<br />

the themes planned have been used.<br />

Fig.2: Synthesis model of the issues addressed during the course.<br />

Furthermore, a creative activity was conducted by means the<br />

projection of video and photo report consulting websites for<br />

dissemination purpose/planning, the implementation of Posters,<br />

calendar of the Earth (Evolution of Planet in twelve months;<br />

Fig.1) and of a “synthesis model” (Fig.2). The model, also,<br />

contains: components and four "powers" of nature; tracks of<br />

Earth fruits from mineral, vegetable and animal world. “Powers"<br />

of nature represent energy sources such as fire, water, air and<br />

earth, giving rise to endogenous- exogenous processes and life on<br />

earth; these renewing sources make the world evolving.<br />

708<br />

Tracks of earth fruits were represented in the form of layers<br />

which recall the geological evolution of the earth and then in its<br />

every aspect and its living beings. Mineral (stones and sand),<br />

plant (flowers and leaves) and animal (shells and fossils)<br />

Kingdom is represented as a balanced relationship, as living and<br />

nonliving beings, which constitute the ecosystem that must be<br />

safeguarded.<br />

It should be emphasized that the creative activity was,<br />

primarily, aimed at communication of the message: be able to<br />

interact with conscious and positive environment in which we<br />

live.<br />


PELLEGRINO A. (2009)- “<strong>Il</strong> giardino incantato”. Scuola Aldisio-Rodari di<br />

Catanzaro 1° CIRCOLO, Programma Operativo Nazionale 2007/2013 IT 05<br />

I PO 007 “Competenze per lo sviluppo” finanziato con il Fondo Sociale<br />


Key words: Didactics of geosciences, didactic research, didactic<br />

workshop, education to environmental sustainability,<br />

P.I.D.D.AM., standing education, supplementary education,<br />

teachers’ training, territorial didactics, university didactics.<br />

The standing workshop to promote and innovate the didactics<br />

of geographical, environmental and territory disciplines (Italian<br />

acronym: P.I.D.D.AM.) was born within the former Dept. of<br />

Geographical and Historical Sciences (now Dept. of Sciences of<br />

Education and Cultural Processes).<br />

It soon began to operate under the aegis of CIRD, the<br />

Interdepartmental Centre for Didactic Research, University of<br />

Trieste. Among its purposes there were also the rationalization<br />

and improvement of the conspicuous heritage of activities<br />

traditionally offered to support the university courses in the fields<br />

of geography and environment. Particular attention was given to<br />

the courses of disciplinary didactics given by the Faculty of<br />

Education (Science <strong>della</strong> Formazione), degrees in land-use<br />

planning (Politica del Territorio), located in Gorizia, Education<br />

Sciences and Primary Teachers’ Education (Scienze <strong>della</strong><br />

Formazione Primaria) as well as the linguistic and literary area of<br />

the School for Secondary Teachers’ Education (S.I.S.S.).<br />

Since its beginning in 2003, the PIDDAM workshop has been<br />

pursuing the following ends:<br />

- encouraging university professors to meet and interact with<br />

school teachers at all levels, environmental educators, experts and<br />

professionals engaged in the same fields of interest. The goal is to<br />

create opportunities to cooperate, so as to implement the quality<br />

of environmental research and didactics, stimulate best practices,<br />

enhance off environmental goods and use them in sustainable<br />

ways;<br />

- developing scientific and didactic research towards an<br />

interdisciplinary perspective of integration, synergy and holism.<br />

The main issue is to lead them to experience innovation in the<br />

scientific disciplines and their didactics in the universities, at<br />

schools and in private education agencies;<br />

_________________________<br />

The didactics of geosciences at the university:<br />

the experience of the P.I.D.D.AM. standing workshop<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Formazione e <strong>dei</strong> Processi Culturali,<br />

Università di Trieste,<br />

Paper prepared within the research activity furthered by the P.I.D.D.AM. at the<br />

Dept. of Scienze <strong>della</strong> Formazione e <strong>dei</strong> Processi Culturali under the aegis of<br />

CIRD, University of Trieste.<br />


709<br />

- promoting the updating and standing education of teachers<br />

and professionals engaged in the management of territorial<br />

systems;<br />

- spreading a well established geographical and environmental<br />

culture through the awakening of public opinion as to the need of<br />

collective behaviours coherent to a sustainable management of<br />

territorial complexes.<br />

To reach such ambitious goals the standing workshop is<br />

operating at the same time in the fields of research and that of<br />

didactics, following a sinergically combination of “general” and<br />

didactical research, steering them both towards a subsequent<br />

didactic testing of the innovations. Some outcomes of the<br />

research carried out, directly referred to Geosciences, are listed<br />

below in the bibliography.<br />

As for the didactics, the workshop is active on three strategic<br />

directions: supplementary education, standing education and<br />

teachers’ training. For a comprehensive, detailed outline of the<br />

activity performed, go to the official site:<br /><br />


SESSIONE 22<br />


SESSIONE 23<br />

Stratigrafia e analisi di bacino: eventi globali ed effetti<br />

<strong>della</strong> tettonica regionale<br />


Renzo Valloni (Università di Parma)<br />

711<br />


SESSIONE 23<br />

The Salerno Valley (Campania continental margin, Italy):<br />

stratigraphic and structural styles and morpho-bathymetry of a<br />

Pleistocene half-graben<br />

Key words: Continental margin, half-graben, Multibeam<br />

bathymetry, reflection seismics, Salerno Valley.<br />


Some new results on the seismic stratigraphy and morphobathymetry<br />

of the Pleistocene sedimentary basin of the Salerno<br />

Valley, framed in the regional seismic stratigraphy of the passive<br />

continental margin off southern Campania (Southern Tyrrhenian<br />

sea, Italy) are here presented. The original data include a<br />

Multibeam bathymetric survey of the Salerno Valley and<br />

multichannel and single channel seismic profiles, recently<br />

acquired onboard of the R/V Urania of the National Research<br />

Council of Italy (SISTERII oceanographic cruise). These data<br />

have been interpreted in order to investigate the tectonosedimentary<br />

evolution of the basin during the Pleistocene. This<br />

area represents a good example for a better understanding of the<br />

geologic evolution of the extensional sedimentary basin offshore<br />

the southern Italy.<br />


The morpho-bathymetry of the sedimentary basins represents<br />

a research line of increasing interest, mainly for its implications<br />

for the monitoring of the deep and coastal environment and in<br />

terms of the definition of the geologic and environmental hazards.<br />

The Multibeam bathymetric data recorded during the<br />

SISTERII oceanographic cruise have shown high gradients of the<br />

continental slope and the occurrence of erosional processes,<br />

mainly at the toe of the slope, where a dense network of tributary<br />

channels has been recognised. The analysis of seismic profiles<br />

has evidenced the tectonic activity along the fault escarpment as<br />

one of the most important triggering causes of the gravity<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) IAMC – CNR (Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero) Napoli,<br /><br />

(**) Impresub s.p.a., Trento<br />

712<br />

submarine instability processes active during the Late Pleistocene<br />

and the Holocene. This interpretation is also confirmed by slump<br />

deposits, characterised by a chaotic seismic facies, interstratified<br />

at several stratigraphic levels in the basin filling. On the contrary,<br />

in the distal zones of the valley, where the deposition prevails, the<br />

shallower sectors appear to be in erosion (Salerno Valley) and<br />

show recent tectonic deformations, as antiforms and normal<br />

faults, which are interpreted, in the regional setting of the area, as<br />

hints of a strong synsedimentary tectonics, lasting up to recent<br />

times (AIELLO et alii, 1997a; 1997b).<br />

The Multibeam bathymetric data have allowed for the<br />

reconstruction of a three-dimensional DTM, covering an area of<br />

1600 kmq between the southern coast of the Capri island to the<br />

north-west and the Sele river mouth to the south-east.<br />

The continental shelf of the Salerno Gulf shows a marked<br />

asymmetry proceeding from north to south, reflecting the<br />

different structural domains of this sector of the Apennines chain.<br />

The variability of the extension, of the depth of the shelf break<br />

and of the average width of the slopes is controlled by the<br />

geologic and structural setting of the marginal areas (BARTOLE et<br />

alii, 1983), more than to the glacio-eustatic variations during the<br />

Pleistocene. The continental slope surrounding the Salerno Gulf<br />

is characterised by structural depocenters having a NW-SE<br />

(Apenninic) trending, originated by the extensional tectonic<br />

phases related to the Tyrrhenian basin, alternating with morphostructural<br />

highs, adjacent to intra-slope basins. In particular, two<br />

complex morpho-structural highs, having a NE-SO trending have<br />

been identified.<br />


The Salerno Valley is a Pleistocene half-graben, whose<br />

identification and tectonic setting have been controlled by a<br />

normal fault, characterised by a probable strike-slip component.<br />

This fault has controlled the origin of the Salerno canyon,<br />

showing erosional processes which are still active and<br />

synsedimentary tectonics. The acoustic basement is composed of<br />

Mesozoic carbonate platform units (drilled by the deep<br />

lithostratigraphic wells “Mina 1”, “Margherita Mare 1” and<br />

“Milena 1”) and by the overlying Miocene siliciclastic units<br />

genetically related to the “Liguride Units” and to the Miocene

foredeep deposits (“Flysch del Cilento”), widely cropping out<br />

onshore in the Cilento Promontory.<br />

Fig. 1: Geological interpretation of the multichannel seismic profile L6. Key. 1:<br />

Meso-Cenozoic platform carbonates. 2: Relic shelf prograding wedges (Early<br />

Pleistocene). 3: First seismic sequence onlapping the B unconformity 4:<br />

Second seismic sequence with inclined reflectors on the slope and parallel<br />

reflectors in the basin. 5: Third seismic sequence with inclined reflectors on<br />

the slope and parallel in the basin. 6: Fourth seismic sequence with inclined<br />

reflectors on the slope and parallel reflectors in the basin. 7: Fifth seismic<br />

sequence, with a wedge-shaped external geometry and onlapping the F<br />

unconformity 8: Sixth seismic sequence with inclined reflectors on the slope<br />

and parallel reflectors in the basin. 9: Seventh seismic sequence with inclined<br />

reflectors on the slope and parallel in the basin. 10: Eighth seismic sequence<br />

with inclined reflectors on the slope and parallel in the basin.<br />

The L6 seismic profile show a E-W to NNW-SSE trending<br />

and crosses the Salerno Valley at depths comprised between<br />

– 500 m and – 900 m (Fig. 1). The geologic interpretation, based<br />

on the criteria of seismic stratigraphy, has allowed for the<br />

identification of several seismic horizons, corresponding to<br />

regional unconformities. In particular, an important<br />

unconformity, localised between 1.7 and 1.8 sec of depth, has<br />

been correlated with the top of the Meso-Cenozoic carbonatic<br />

sequences, widely cropping out onshore in the structural high of<br />

the Sorrento Peninsula. This unconformity is strongly<br />

downthrown by normal faults and bounds also the base of the<br />

Pleistocene sedimentary filling of the Salerno Valley. The<br />

corresponding seismic horizon overlies with lateral continuity and<br />

passes towards a thick sedimentary filling along the slope.<br />

In particular, the Pleistocenic sedimentary filling of the<br />

Salerno Valley is organised in eight seismic sequences (3-10 in<br />

Fig. 1), separated by regional unconformities (B-I in Fig. 1), for a<br />

total thickness of about 500 meters. The first seismic sequences<br />

represent the initial stages of filling of the half-graben and are<br />

characterized by wedging geometries, indicating a<br />

synsedimentary tectonic activity in correspondence to the normal<br />

fault which identified the half-graben, probably since the middle<br />

Pleistocene. A normal trending of subsidence and filling of the<br />

sedimentary basin is shown by the upper seismic sequences,<br />

suggesting that the tectonic activity lasted up to the Late<br />

713<br />

Pleistocene in the offshore adjacent to the sedimentary basin,<br />

probably in correspondence to NNW-SSE trending normal faults.<br />

This evidence is perhaps confirmed by the tectonic setting of the<br />

morpho-structural highs and of the related intra-slope basins in<br />

the south-western offshore of the area.<br />




TONIELLI R. (1997a) – Seismic exploration of the<br />

perityrrhenian basins in the Latium-Campania offshore.<br />

Proceedings of the 8 th Annual workshop of the ILP Task<br />

Force "Origin of Sedimentary Basins", Torre Normanna,<br />

Palermo, June 1997.<br />


MARSELLA E., PAPPONE G. & SACCHI M. (1997b) – Late<br />

Neogene tectonics and basin evolution of Southern Italy<br />

Tyrrhenian margin. Proceedings of the 8 th Annual workshop<br />

of the ILP Task Force "Origin of Sedimentary Basins", Torre<br />

Normanna, Palermo, June 1997.<br />


(1983) - Structural and sedimentary features in the<br />

Tyrrhenian margin off Campania, Southern Italy. Mar. Geol.,<br />

55, 163-180.<br />


SESSIONE 23<br />

Key words: Carbonatic turbidites, central Italy, early<br />

Pleistocene, periadriatic basin.<br />

The evolution of the periadriatic area throughout Neogene<br />

and Quaternary is correlated to the late phases of eastward<br />

migration of the system Apennine chain - foredeep basin -<br />

foreland.<br />

The Pliocene - Pleistocene marine succession has been<br />

deposited into a physiographical articulated satellite basin and is<br />

characterized, from base to top, by neritic to littoral sand and<br />

gravel deposits, by pelitic deposits with intermingled gravely<br />

sand and sandy clay horizons (Mutignano Formation auct.), and<br />

finally by neritic to littoral sand and gravel deposits and/or<br />

continental deposits (CANTALAMESSA et alii, 1986; CENTAMORE<br />

et alii, 1991, 2009; CENTAMORE & MICARELLI, 1997;<br />

CENTAMORE &NISIO, 2003).<br />

The underground Camerano town (Ancona, Central Italy)<br />

allows to describe a composite sedimentological and<br />

stratigraphical section into Early Pleistocene marine deposits<br />

(LUCCIONI, 2007). Biostratigraphic analyses allow to refer these<br />

deposits to Early Pleistocene (MNN 19c Nannofossil Zone: RIO<br />

et alii, 1990), and to attribute them to the Qm-A3 phase<br />

(CENTAMORE et alii, 1991; CENTAMORE &MICARELLI, 1997).<br />

The superposition of three main cave levels (RECANATINI,<br />

1997), with their pattern of tunnels, also provide a tridimensional<br />

view of depositional geometries. Beds show alternatively a subhorizontal<br />

attitude and an average 15° eastward inclination, both<br />

recognizable as primary depositional features.<br />

Deposits are mainly characterized by yellow-brown sand and<br />

grey-green clay couplets, with a variable sand/clay ratio; in the<br />

uppermost Grotta Ricotti and in the middle cave system (Grotta<br />

Corraducci), at least two matrix-supported gravel horizons also<br />

occur.<br />

Sand-clay couplets show an erosion basal surface and a<br />

normal gradation, from plane-parallel laminated sand to massive<br />

clay. Sand is exclusively constituted of bioclasts (foraminifers<br />

_________________________<br />

Resedimentation evidences in the Early Pleistocene Camerano<br />

section (Ancona, Marches, Central Italy)<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Perugia,<br />

(**) Via A. Capitini, 8 – Marsciano (PG),<br />

(°) Via C. Colombo, 18 – Camerano (AN),<br />

714<br />

and shell fragments), with no rock fragments occurrence.<br />

Plane-parallel lamination are marked by repeated grain size<br />

variations, and deposits resemble to facies F7 (MUTTI, 1992) or<br />

S1 (LOWE, 1982), and can be referred to “traction carpets”. Some<br />

sand levels also show parallel cross-lamination and/or ripples in<br />

the uppermost part, but each one gradually pass to massive clay.<br />

They are described as carbonatic turbidites.<br />

A statistic method, applied to the total foraminifers in the sand<br />

and clay portions, allowed to discriminate the re-suspended<br />

supply from the main water column productivity.<br />

On the other hand, the matrix-supported gravels are<br />

represented by heterometric clay fragments, with the same<br />

characters of the aforementioned clay horizons, dispersed into a<br />

bioclastic sandy matrix, similar to these of the sand-clay couplets.<br />

A paleoenvironmental reconstruction can be proposed: the<br />

clay component presumably represents the basin deposition of<br />

distal river supply, coming from the western area and mixed to<br />

the water column productivity. In this basin, storm- to seismicinduced<br />

carbonatic turbidites periodically transported proximal<br />

bioclastic material, out-coming from the shallow water area in the<br />

rear of the M.te Conero "island".<br />

The large clay fragments, matrix-supported gravels probably<br />

derive from seismic remobilization of partially lithified deposits<br />

along the basin’s flank, although their provenance is not clearly<br />

recognizable. Nevertheless, the Camerano deposits suggest the<br />

sedimentation in a tectonically active Early Pleistocene Basin.<br />




RICCI LUCCHI F. (1986) - <strong>Il</strong> Plio-Pleistocene delle Marche. In:<br />

E. Centamore & G. Deiana (Eds.), La Geologia delle Marche.<br />

Studi Geol. Cam., Vol. Spec. 91, 61-68.<br />


BERTI D., BIGI S., MORELLI C. & RIDOLFI M. (1991) -<br />

Stratigrafia ed analisi di facies <strong>dei</strong> depositi del Miocene e del<br />

Pliocene inferiore dell'Avanfossa Marchigiano-Abruzzese e<br />

delle zone limitrofe. Studi Geol. Cam., Vol. Spec. CROP11,<br />

1991/2, 125-131.


all’escursione:”Geologia e geomorfologia del settore<br />

fermano nel bacino periadriatico marchigiano-abruzzese”.<br />

Rend. online Soc. Geol. It., 8, 162-168.<br />

CENTAMORE E. & MICARELLI A. (1997) – Stratigrafia. In:<br />

L'ambiente fisico delle Marche, Geologia, Geomorfologia,<br />

Idro<strong>geologia</strong>. SELCA, Firenze, 1-66.<br />

CENTAMORE E. & NISIO S. (2003) - Significative events in the<br />

Periadriatic foredeeps evolution (Abruzzo-Italy). Studi Geol.<br />

Cam. Vol. Spec. 2003, 39-48.<br />

LOWE D.R. (1982) - Sediment gravity flows II. Depositional<br />

models with special reference to the deposits of high-density<br />

turbidity currents. J. Sediment.Petrol.,52(1), 279-297.<br />

LUCCIONI I. (2007) - Geologia ipogea di Camerano – Storia<br />

<strong>della</strong> città sotto la città. Collana: Quaderni di Storia<br />

cameranese, Castelfidardo, 115 pp.<br />

MUTTI E. (1992) - Turbidite sandstones. Agip, Milano, 275 pp.<br />

RECANATINI A. (1997) – Le Grotte del Conero - Ricerche di<br />

speleologia archeologica nel Parco del Conero. Collana: I<br />

Voli del Conero, 4, UTJ, Jesi, 254 pp.<br />

RIO D., RAFFI I. & VILLA G. (1990) - Pliocene-Pleistocene<br />

calcareous nannofossil distribution patterns in the Western<br />

Mediterranean. In: K. Kastens & J. Mascle (Eds.) - Proc.<br />

ODP Sci. Results, 107, 513-533.<br />

715<br />


SESSIONE 23<br />

The Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a: excess volcanogenic<br />

CO2 triggering ocean acidification, biocalcification crisis,<br />

fertilization, accelerated weathering<br />


Key words: Biocalcification, Early Aptian, Oceanic Anoxic Event<br />

1a, ocean acidification, ocean fertilization, pCO2,<br />

weathering.<br />

The Early Aptian (∼?120 million years ago) Oceanic Anoxic<br />

Event (OAE) 1a is best represented by the Selli Level, a<br />

lithostratigrahic marker defined in the Umbria Marche basin.<br />

Selli Level equivalents have been identified in several pelagichemipelagic<br />

successions of the Tethyan, Atlantic and Pacific<br />

Oceans. The main characteristic of the Selli Level is the<br />

occurrence of organic C-rich black shales and radiolarian layers<br />

interrupting carbonate-rich lithologies.<br />

Multi- and inter-disciplinary studies of the OAE1a have<br />

pointed out C, O, Os, Sr isotopic anomalies, a biocalcification<br />

crisis in pelagic and neritic settings, enhanced fertility and<br />

primary productivity, anoxia. Although global anoxia and<br />

enhanced organic matter burial are the most striking and<br />

intriguing paleoceanograhic phenomena, OAE1a can be studied<br />

to decipher the sequence of CO2 pulses and weathering changes,<br />

regardless of the C source. The cutoff of carbonates during<br />

OAE1a can be considered the effect of volcanogenic CO2-related<br />

ocean acidification. Available cyclochronology allows highresolution<br />

dating of biotic and environmental fluctuations,<br />

providing the precision necessary for understanding the role of<br />

pCO2 and ocean acidification on nannoplankton biocalcification<br />

as well as adaptations, evolutionary innovation and/or<br />

extinctions.<br />

There is a general consensus on the causes of this casehistory,<br />

namely excess CO2 derived from the construction of the<br />

Ontong Java Plateau (OJP). The integrated paleontologicalgeochemical<br />

approach has pointed out a sequence of CO2 pulses,<br />

and perhaps some clathrate melting triggering a climate change to<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Milano,<br />;<br />

(**) Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, The Open University,<br />

UK,<br />

(°) Department of Earth Sciences, Oxford University, UK,<br /><br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto PRIN2007W9B2WE 001<br />

716<br />

supergreenhouse conditions and ocean acidification. Changes in<br />

nannofossil assemblages allow the discrimination of surfacewater<br />

acidification from bottom-water acidity, that clearly<br />

postdates the early effects recorded by calcareous nannoplankton.<br />

The first evidence of bottom-water acidification at 120.22 Ma,<br />

consists of severe dissolution at the sediment/water interface,<br />

presumably induced by the shallowing of the calcite lysocline and<br />

the calcite compensation depth. The reconstructed CO2 pulses<br />

suggest a stepwise accumulation of CO2 in the ocean inducing<br />

progressive acidification.<br />

A major acceleration in weathering has been identified based<br />

on 187 Os/ 188 Os ratio in the lowermost part of OAE1a. Perhaps,<br />

this weathering drawdown of CO2 corresponds to the relative<br />

cooling interval and possibly alkalinity recovery within OAE1a.<br />

After dissolution climax, matching maximum ocean acidification,<br />

nannoplankton and carbonate recovery developed over ~160 kyr,<br />

under persisting global dysoxia-anoxia. This recovery presumably<br />

implies a stasis of the OJP activity and gradual buffering of ocean<br />

acidification or a decrease in volcanogenic CO2 emissions and<br />

consistently higher CO2 drawdown through Corg burial and/or<br />

weathering.<br />

Rising pCO2 and surface-ocean acidification during OAE1a<br />

triggered false extinctions among calcareous nannoplankton,<br />

because the nannoconid crisis is a global case of Lazarus effect<br />

without extinctions. Conversely, a major origination episode<br />

starts approximately 1 My before global anoxia and persists<br />

through OAE1a and associated acidification. Increasing pCO2<br />

solicited coccolith production of r-strategist taxa, which,<br />

however, secreted dwarf and malformed coccoliths.<br />

The response of calcareous nannoplankton to increasing<br />

ocean acidification is complex and species-specific and we<br />

provide data and timing for integrated surface- and deep-ocean<br />

modeling. For the first time, the OAE1a case supplies evidence<br />

for surface-water acidification followed by deep-sea dissolution<br />

and CCD rise, as predicted by models for future acidification<br />


Key words: Depositional sequences, geomorphological analysis,<br />

Quaternary, southern Apennines, tectono-sedimentary<br />

evolution.<br />


The Plio-Pleistocene succession cropping out along the<br />

Apennines foothills forms the filling of the Apenninic foredeep.<br />

A synthetic stratigraphic framework for this succession is<br />

available especially from the Emilia-Romagna and Marche<br />

Apennines. RICCI LUCCHI et alii (1982) carried out the first<br />

comprehensive stratigraphic study of this succession and<br />

established the subdivision into two major depositional cycles,<br />

referred to as “Cycle Qm” and “Cycle Qc” (Quaternary marine<br />

and Quaternary continental deposits, respectively). Subsequently,<br />

more detailed studies have been carried out by AMOROSI et alii<br />

(1998) and CANTALAMESSA &DI CELMA (2004). At relatively<br />

southern locations the Plio-Pleistocene succession has been<br />

poorly investigated with the only exception of southern Abruzzi<br />

and Fortore River area (CAPUANO et alii, 1996; AUCELLI et alii,<br />

1997; CHIOCCHINI et alii, 2006). Recently, AMOROSI et alii<br />

(2009) carried out a detailed facies characterization of the Plio-<br />

Pleistocene succession and defined an overall stratigraphic<br />

framework in the coastal area between Trigno and Fortore rivers.<br />

The importance of the stratigraphic study of the Plio-<br />

Pleistocene succession is that these deposits record eustatic sealevel<br />

oscillations and neotectonic uplift/subsidence rates. The<br />

uplift and the deformation of these successions led to alternating<br />

erosional and sedimentary processes within the foreland basin.<br />

Since the Pliocene evolution of this sector is well documented<br />

in literature (CASNEDI et alii, 1981; CELLO et alii, 1989;<br />

PATACCA et alii, 1992), a geological and stratigraphical study<br />

integrated with geomorphologic analysis was carried out in the<br />

coastal sector between Trigno and Fortore rivers to investigate<br />

_________________________<br />

Stratigraphy and tectono-sedimentary evolution of the periadriatic<br />

basin between Trigno and Fortore rivers (Southern Apennines)<br />


(*) Dipartimento S.T.A.T., Università degli studi del Molise,<br />,<br />

(**) Dipartimento D.I.S.A.M., Università degli stu di “Parthenope” di<br />

Napoli,<br />

(°) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra e Geologico-Ambientali, Università<br />

di Bologna,<br />

717<br />

the Quaternary tectono-sedimentary evolution of the southern<br />

Apennines foreland basin.<br />


Following the stratigraphic framework defined by AMOROSI et<br />

alii (2009) the litostratigraphic units, represented by Montesecco<br />

Clays, Serracapriola Sands and Campomarino Conglomerates,<br />

have been interpreted as depositional sequences (sensu MITCHUM<br />

et alii, 1977) in a sequence stratigraphy context. The sequencestratigraphic<br />

analysis allowed to identify five depositional<br />

sequences: Qm, Qm1, Qc1, Qc2 and Qc3.<br />

Qm is represented by a homogenous succession of either<br />

laminated or bioturbated grey clay with intercalation of silts,<br />

interpreted as offshore deposits (Montesecco Clays). The<br />

microfaunal assemblages within Qm deposits suggest that<br />

deposition took place between upper Piacenzian and Santernian<br />

(AMOROSI et alii, 2009).<br />

The stratigraphic boundary between sequences Qm and Qm1<br />

is characterized by a regional angular unconformity of Emilian<br />

age, which suggests that a stratigraphic hiatus separates the two<br />

sequences (Fig. 1).<br />

The Qm1 sequence (Sicilian age) is established by two units:<br />

a lower one represented by sands and silts (offshore transition<br />

deposits); an upper one represented by a wide spectrum of littoral<br />

Fig. 1 – Angular unconformity between Qm and Qm1 sequences<br />


SESSIONE 23<br />

deposits, forming a peculiar progradational beach sequence.<br />

The “continental” sequences Qc1 and Qc2 (early Pleistocenemiddle<br />

Pleistocene) and Qc3 (middle Pleistocene-Holocene) are<br />

made up of alluvial deposits. Particularly, sequences Qc1 and<br />

Qc2 display a fining-upward tendency.<br />

The stratigraphic boundary between these “continental”<br />

sequences and the underlying sequences is marked by a gentle<br />

angular unconformity. On top of Qc2 a reddish paleosol, 2 m<br />

thick, can be observed.<br />

The stratigraphic framework displays strong similarities with<br />

the one reported from the northern and the central sectors of the<br />

Apennine (periadriatic) foredeep.<br />

Through the integration of stratigraphic data with<br />

geomorphological analysis, additional constraints have been<br />

identified. Particularly, two order of hanging paleosurfaces were<br />

identified and assigned I and II order, respectively. These<br />

paleosurfaces took place at sequence boundary of depositional<br />

sequences.<br />

Four tectonic phases were identified. The first one (Late<br />

Pliocene) controlled the deposition of sequence Qm. The second<br />

one (Emilian age) produced an important uplift and tilting of<br />

sequence Qm. The third one (late Lower Pleistocene-Middle<br />

Pleistocene) was preceded by a phase of relative tectonic stability<br />

during which deposition of sequences Qm1 and Qc1 occurred.<br />

This tectonic phase caused a further tilting and uplift of this<br />

sector and the formation of the oldest erosion paleosurfaces<br />

preserved in the study area (I order, 370-250 m). After this phase,<br />

deposition of sequence Qc2 with II order paleosurfaces occurred.<br />

Finally, the fourth (and last) tectonic phase produced the final<br />

uplift of the area, the formation of asymmetric valleys with<br />

sedimentation of sequence Qc3.<br />

The estimated uplifting rates, valid at least for the Middle<br />

Pleistocene, are comprised between 0.1-0.25 mm/yr.<br />

This study allowed to give new constraints for the Quaternary<br />

evolution of this sector.<br />



PASINI, G. & VAIANI, S. (1998) - Sedimentology,<br />

micropaleontology, and Strontium-isotope dating of a Lower-<br />

Middle Pleistocene marine succession (“Argille Azzurre”) in<br />

the Romagna Apennines, Northern Italy. Boll. Soc. Geol. It.,<br />

117, 789-806.<br />


AUCELLI, P.P.C. (2009) - The Plio-Pleistocene succession<br />

between Trigno and Fortore rivers (Molise and Apulia<br />

Apennines): stratigraphy and facies characteristics. GeoActa,<br />

8, 1-12.<br />

AUCELLI, P.P.C., CINQUE, A. & ROBUSTELLI, G. (1997) -<br />

Evoluzione quaternaria del tratto di Avanfossa Appenninica<br />

718<br />

compresa tra Larino (Campobasso) e Apricena (Foggia).<br />

Dati preliminari. <strong>Il</strong> Quaternario, 10, 453-460.<br />

CANTALAMESSA, G.&DI CELMA, C. (2004) - Sequence response<br />

to syndepositional regional uplift: insights from highresolution<br />

sequence stratigraphy of late Early Pleistocene<br />

strata, Periadriatic Basin, central Italy. Sed. Geol., 164, 283-<br />

309.<br />

CAPUANO, N., PAPPAFICO, G. & AUGELLI, G. (1996) -<br />

Ricostruzione <strong>dei</strong> sistemi deposizionali plio-pleistocenici al<br />

margine settentrionale dell’Avanfossa pugliese. Mem. Soc.<br />

Geol. It., 51, 273-292.<br />


ROSSI U. (1981) - <strong>Il</strong> Plio-Pleistocene nel sottosuolo molisano.<br />

Geol. Rom., 20, 1-42.<br />


(1989) - Structural styles in the frontal zones of the southern<br />

Apennines, Italy: an example from the Molise district.<br />

Tectonics, 8, 753-768.<br />


POTETTI, M. (2006) - I depositi del Pleistocene tra Ortona e<br />

la stazione ferroviaria di Casalbordino (provincia di Chieti).<br />

Rend. Soc. Geol. It., 2, 3-14.<br />

MITCHUM, R.M., VAIL, P.R. & THOMPSON, S. (1977) - The<br />

depositional sequence as a basic unit for stratigraphic<br />

analysis. In: C.E. Payton (Eds.) - Seismic Stratigraphy<br />

Application to Hydrocarbon Exploration. AAPG Mem., 26,<br />

53-62.<br />


SANTINI, U. (1992) - La zona di giunzione tra l’arco<br />

appenninico settentrionale e l’arco appenninico meridionale<br />

nell’Abruzzo e nel Molise. Stud. Geol. Cam., 1991/2, 417-<br />

441.<br />


G., IACCARINO, S.,PAPANI, G.,RAFFI, I.&RIO, D. (1982) -<br />

Evoluzione sedimentaria e paleogeografica del margine<br />

appenninico. In: G. Cremonini and F. Ricci Lucchi (Eds.) -<br />

Guida <strong>alla</strong> <strong>geologia</strong> del margine appenninico-padano. Guide<br />

Geologiche Regionali Soc. Geol. It., 17-46.

Low-enthalpy geothermal reservoirs in the buried thrust front of the<br />

Apennines: exploration in the alluvial plain south of Parma<br />

Key words: Geothermal reservoir, Miocene turbidites, Parma<br />

alluvial plain, thrust tectonics.<br />


The growing green economy stimulates scientific research in<br />

the field of renewable energy resources; among these is<br />

geothermal energy, which is becoming more and more<br />

competitive even at low-temperatures (> 40°C). On the mountain<br />

slopes and in the southern alluvial plain of the Po River basin<br />

there is no high-enthalpy geothermal source known at<br />

economically convenient depths. Yet, thermal springs and wells<br />

are numerous in the Emilia-Romagna Apennines and alluvial<br />

plain. For instance, a geothermal reservoir at Ferrara, represented<br />

by fractured Mesozoic limestones situated at 1,100-1,900 m<br />

depth, delivers 120 l/s of water at 95-100°C temperature; at<br />

Bagno di Romagna (Forlì-Cesena) thermal springs at 42-43°C<br />

temperature have historically been used for balneotheraphy and<br />

lately for heating too.<br />

The screening of the Emilia-Romagna territory for potential<br />

geothermal resources completed by the Regional Geological<br />

Survey led to the recognition of several areas with positive<br />

thermic anomalies. In general their geographic distribution<br />

coincides with the location of the main tectonic structures. In the<br />

subsoil of the Po River alluvial plain these structures are<br />

represented by a system of faulted folds named Emilian Folds by<br />

PIERI &GROPPI (1981). The Emilian Folds actually represent<br />

thrust fronts whose crest may be encountered at a few tens of<br />

meters depth below ground surface, as in the case of the alluvial<br />

plain south of Parma which is the target of this pilot study.<br />


The southern margin of the Po River plain represents the<br />

perisutural zone of the Apennines orogenic belt in which<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Parma,<br /><br />

(**) Servizio Geologico Sismico e <strong>dei</strong> Suoli, Regione Emilia-Romagna,<br /> .<br />


719<br />

Neogene and Quaternary sedimentation has been controlled by<br />

thrust tectonics. The study area, in particular, is characterized by<br />

a buried thrust front deforming Miocene-Pleistocene beds<br />

(CALDA et alii, 2007). The Pliocene-Quaternary sedimentation,<br />

modulated by eustatic sea-level fluctuations, has been interpreted<br />

on the basis of regional unconformity surfaces (RER &ENI-AGIP,<br />

1998) in alluvial sedimentary synthems (Qc2 and Qc1 of Late-<br />

Middle Pleistocene age) and marine sedimentary synthems<br />

(Costamezzana and Stirone of Early Pleistocene - Late Pliocene<br />

age and Lugagnano and Vernasca of Middle - Lower Pliocene<br />

age).<br />

The geometry of the top of the marine deposits<br />

(Costamezzana synthem), dated at about 800 ky BP, is presented<br />

in the form of the Digital Surface Model of Fig. 1. The several<br />

hundreds of depth values of this surface have been transformed<br />

into elevations referred to sea level which have been spatially<br />

correlated according to the kriging square-net method by means<br />

of the ESRI software Spatial Analyst.<br />

The prominent feature of the kriged map is the positive<br />

structure, extending south and west of Parma on the alignment of<br />

the towns of Monticelli Terme, Vigatto, Lemignano Madregolo,<br />

Fontevivo and Fontanellato, representing a thrust generated<br />

antiform with a modest synform on its southern limb and a steep<br />

monocline dipping northeast. At Monticelli Terme the alluvial<br />

deposits are directly superposed on the eroded Miocene substrate<br />

and are only 10 m thick. Westwards the thickness of the alluvium,<br />

modulated by the culminations and depressions of the positive<br />

structure (Fig. 1), gradually increases and its erosive base overlies<br />

the marine Costamezzana synthem.<br />


The Emilian Folds have been extensively investigated as<br />

potential oil and gas reservoirs with the production of a rich<br />

wealth of data, in particular, seismic profiles, stratigraphic wells,<br />

and numerous well-log data. Additional information, with precise<br />

depth-temperature profiles, is provided by the so-called UNMIG<br />

collection and the ENEL-CNR studies on geothermal resources.<br />

The implementation of these data with the databases of the<br />

University of Parma and the Regional Geological Survey allowed<br />

the construction of key geologic cross-sections and their dressing<br />

with the temperature changes at depth. The positive thermic<br />


SESSIONE 23<br />

Fig.1 - Digital Surface Model of the top of the marine deposits in the subsurface of the Parma area. The ground surface is simulated by the river network in<br />

blue. The vertically exaggerated graphics highlights the positive structure created by the buried thrust front running from Monticelli Terme to Fontanellato and<br />

by the direction of the marine deposits dipping north-east.<br />

anomalies detected in the buried thrust front south of Parma<br />

encouraged this research, aimed at finding potential geothermal<br />

reservoirs.<br />

In the study area the reservoir has been recognized in the<br />

turbidite Miocene deposits covered by the Pliocene-Quaternary<br />

marine and alluvial deposits described above. These turbidites,<br />

here considered the local substrate, are coarse-grained sandstones<br />

saturated by saline waters. The heat flow from the Miocene<br />

substrate to the overlying fresh-water saturated sediments varies<br />

primarily as a function of the reservoir depth: from ten meters<br />

(Monticelli Terme) to a few hundred (es. Lemignano) and several<br />

hundred (es. Madregolo) meters below ground surface. In the<br />

culminations of the positive structure the temperatures detected in<br />

the Miocene reservoir vary from 40 to 50°C.<br />

The temperatures measured in the overlying fresh-water<br />

aquifer are highly variable. For instance, at Monticelli Terme the<br />

alluvial Late Pleistocene aquifer has a temperature around 20°C,<br />

whereas at Vigatto the aquifer hosted in the Early Pleistocene<br />

marine sands (Costamezzana) has a temperature around 16°C.<br />


CALDA N., VALLONI R. & BEDULLI F. (2007) - Three-dimensional<br />

representation of permeability barriers and aquifers recharge<br />

in the Pleistocene deposits of the Parma alluvial plain. In R.<br />

720<br />

VALLONI (Ed.): Proceedings Italian National Workshop<br />

"Developments in Aquifer Sedimentology and Ground Water<br />

Flow Studies in Italy", Parma June 2004, S.EL.CA. Firenze,<br />

Memorie Descrittive Carta Geologica d'Italia, Roma, 76, 97-<br />

108.<br />

PIERI M. & GROPPI G. (1981) - Subsurface geological structure of<br />

the Po Plain, Italy. Pubblicazione C.N.R. n° 414, Progetto<br />

Finalizzato Geodinamica, 13 pp.<br />

RER & ENI-AGIP (1998) - Riserve idriche sotterranee <strong>della</strong><br />

Regione Emilia-Romagna. A cura di G. Di Dio. S.EL.CA.,<br />

Firenze, 120 pp.

1<br />

Jurassic paleogeography and Neogene faulting at Corno di Catria<br />

(Marche, northern Apennines)<br />

Key words: Jurassic, Neogene transpression, northern<br />

Apennines, pelagic carbonate platforms, submarine<br />

escarpments.<br />


The Mt. Catria – Gola del Corno area in Northern Apennines<br />

is part of a prominent anticline, where a Jurassic pelagic system<br />

of intrabasinal highs and basins is exposed (CHILOVI et alii.,<br />

2002). While the late Hettangian-early Sinemurian fragmentation<br />

of the Calcare Massiccio (CM) carbonate platform is<br />

unanimously ascribed to rift tectonics, genuine Early Jurassic<br />

faults have never been actually observed in the field across the<br />

Umbria-Marche and Sabina regions. Paleoescarpments are on the<br />

other hand common, based on onlaps and the occurrence of<br />

silicified CM. They document the submarine erosion of fault<br />

surfaces/zones, which became inactive in the post-rift (late<br />

Sinemurian; SANTANTONIO &CARMINATI, 2010). Based on the<br />

ages of onlapping basinal formations, we subdivided escarpments<br />

into a lower (Corniola), middle (Rosso Ammonitico to Calcari<br />

Diasprigni), and upper (Calcari a Saccocoma ed aptici and<br />

Maiolica) tracts. The condensed pelagic deposits resting<br />

conformably on the footwall-block CM, indicating the top of a<br />

pelagic carbonate platform (PCP) or a downstepped part of it,<br />

were separated from those forming scattered patches<br />

unconformable on its flanks (“epi-escarpment deposits”). All<br />

were dated through ammonite biostratigraphy wherever possible,<br />

with epi-escarpment deposits providing a minimum age for any<br />

given escarpment tract due to their paleotopography-sealing<br />

significance. The next step was a kynematic interpretation of the<br />

Neogene faults, to see in which fashion(s), and to which extent,<br />

they modified the inferred original Jurassic submarine<br />

topography.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Università di Roma “La Sapienza”,;<br /><br />


721<br />


PCP-top - The top of the “Corno di Catria PCP” is only<br />

exposed at low topographic elevations (~700 m a.s.l.) in the two<br />

small outcrops of Gola del Corno and Serra Piana (2.5 km to the<br />

SSE). At Gola del Corno, a condensed early Pliensbachian to<br />

early Tithonian pelagic succession, ~9 m thick, represents the<br />

western edge of the PCP, bordered by a W-facing upper<br />

escarpment, with the Maiolica sealing the base (drowning<br />

unconformity) of the condensed succession.<br />

Paleoescarpment - The paleoescarpment environment is<br />

extensively represented in the area, occupying a N-S trending belt<br />

from Corno di Catria to Pian dell’Ortica, Balza dell’Aquila and<br />

Bosco Rotondo/Pluviometro. One major W-dipping (towards the<br />

Mt. Catria Basin) escarpment is exposed, dissected by high-angle<br />

faults (see below). Onlaps indicate a lower escarpment at Bosco<br />

Rotondo/Pluviometro/Balza dell’Aquila, with the Corniola<br />

onlapping the CM up to 1380 m a.s.l. This northern area also<br />

documents a corner in the escarpment, so that a basin must have<br />

existed not only to the W, but also to the N of the high.<br />

Elsewhere, middle- and upper-escarpment settings dominate<br />

(onlaps of Calcari e marne a Posidonia to Maiolica). In the<br />

opposite direction, possible evidence for an upper escarpment<br />

tract facing S exists in the Valdorbia area. Both the W- and the<br />

N-facing escarpments bear scattered condensed epi-escarpment<br />

deposits of Pliensbachian age.<br />

“Marginal step” - An incomplete condensed succession,<br />

unconformable to conformable on the CM and up to 8 m thick, is<br />

found in the Balze degli Spicchi/Rifugio Boccatoio sector. It is<br />

unconformably overlain by cherty basinal deposits (upper Calcari<br />

a Posidonia to Calcari a Saccocoma ed aptici), locally through an<br />

interposed breccia with clasts of CM and of condensed pelagites.<br />

A few hundred metres to the east, the same basinal units onlap the<br />

CM directly. These relationships suggest the existence of a<br />

narrow (

SESSIONE 23<br />

escarpment forming two corners, we must also conclude – based<br />

on onlaps and polarities of section thickening - that one laterally<br />

continuous basin must have existed, with the Catria Basin<br />

merging southwards with the Valdorbia Basin. About 4 km to the<br />

NW, the Catria Basin strata terminated against the Mt Acuto<br />

carbonate cusp (SANTANTONIO &CARMINATI, 2010), while ~4<br />

km SSE of Valdorbia, the basinal strata abutted the N-facing<br />

escarpment of the Mt. Cucco PCP (D’EMIDIO,<br />

2006).<br />

Fig. 1: Geological map of the Mt. Catria – Gola del Corno area.<br />


With Neogene faulting, paleoescarpments are generally not<br />

re-utilized as footwall ramps. Frontal ramps generally cut through<br />

the highs, being lower-angle surfaces than the escarpments.<br />

Lateral/oblique ramps, when striking subparallel to escarpments,<br />

cut them at a higher angle, or cut across PCP tops. The PCP-basin<br />

break in frontal areas commonly displays steeply dipping to<br />

overturned basinal strata, due to thrust propagation in the CM.<br />

Our area is dominated by high-angle transpressive dextral faults<br />

striking 25° (Corno di Catria Fault), to ~N-S (Fonte dell’Insollio-<br />

722<br />

Pluviometro Fault and Balza dell’Aquila Fault), to 345° (Balza<br />

degli Spicchi Fault= segment of the Bocca <strong>della</strong> Porta-Valle delle<br />

Prigioni Fault in CHILOVI et alii, 2002), E to W. A frontal-zone is<br />

seen at Rocca Baiarda-Balze <strong>della</strong> Porta, where a thrust strikes<br />

310°. The Corno di Catria Fault cuts the PCP subparallel to its<br />

western edge, so the upper escarpment overrides the PCP-top.<br />

The Fonte dell’Insollio-Pluviometro Fault and the Balza<br />

dell’Aquila Fault cause uplift and multiple offsets of the same<br />

lower escarpment and basin-margin succession, thus mimicking –<br />

misleadingly - a very small-scale topography of highs and basins.<br />

The lateral component of these faults displaces the N-facing<br />

escarpment tract seen in the corner-zone mentioned above, with a<br />

cumulative dextral offset of ~1.7 km, so that the CM constituting<br />

the W-facing escarpment is locally thrust on the pinch-out zone<br />

pertaining to the N-facing escarpment (e.g. Le Scalette). The<br />

Balza degli Spicchi fault has the middle-upper escarpment at the<br />

hangingwall, which here includes the Bajocian “marginal step”.<br />

In our interpretation, the CM across the Serra Piana/Gola del<br />

Corno to Balza dell’Aquila and Pluviometro belonged to one<br />

Jurassic footwall block. The Corno di Catria Fault does not<br />

correspond to any Jurassic escarpment facing E; rather, it is an<br />

uplifted tract of an escarpment dipping W. The basin at the<br />

footwall (Maiolica to Scaglia; Jurassic is seen S of the<br />

Castellaccio area) was conceivably the one which separated the<br />

Corno di Catria PCP from the Mt. Roma-Val Canale high. Based<br />

on new paleotopographic constraints, and on correlation between<br />

footwall and hangingwall (Neogene faults) paleoenvironments,<br />

vertical offsets produced by dextral transpression can be<br />

estimated to amount to 700-900 m, while cumulative lateral<br />

displacement produced by the Corno di Catria and Balza degli<br />

Spicchi Faults, partly also accommodated by the locally<br />

interposed N-S trending faults, amounts to ~5 km.<br />



- Neogene strike - slip reactivation of Jurassic normal faults<br />

in the M. Nerone - M. Catria Anticline (Umbro - Marchean<br />

Apennines, Italy) Boll. Soc. Geol. It. Vol. spec. 1,199–207.<br />

D’EMIDIO M. (2006) - Assetto Geologico e paleogeografia del<br />

settore compreso tra M. Cucco e Corno di Catria. Tesi di<br />

Laurea Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, 81 pp.<br />

SANTANTONIO M. & CARMINATI E. (2010) – Jurassic rifting<br />

evolution of the Apennines and Southern Alps (Italy):<br />

Parallels and differences. GSA Bulletin doi:<br />


Key words: Basin Evolution, clay mineral assemblages, fluid<br />

inclusions,vitrinite reflectance, western Pyrenees.<br />


Late-Variscan (Late Carboniferous-Early Triassic) evolution<br />

in the Axial Zone of the Pyrenees is characterised by continental<br />

basin formation. These basins are presently preserved in the<br />

hanging wall of the main thrusts responsible for the uplift of the<br />

Axial Zone. Sedimentary sequences filling the Late Variscan<br />

basins developed under a post-collisional, strike-slip regime and<br />

evolved towards an extensional setting during the Permian with<br />

fluvial and lacustrine facies accompanied by extensive pyroclastic<br />

deposition. The continental successions are preserved in basins<br />

organised along the E-W direction, parallel to the present-day<br />

outcrop of the Axial Zone of the Pyrenees, with limited extension<br />

and lengthening in the same direction. Although these units are<br />

traditionally considered as purely sedimentary, metamorphic<br />

parageneses (greenschist facies) have been locally recognized in<br />

the Aragón-Bearn basin. This metamorphism has been interpreted<br />

as related to later intrusion of andesitic bodies, although its<br />

causes are still matter of debate. In order to constrain the origin<br />

and features of this metamorphism, we applied an integrated<br />

study of fluid inclusion micro-thermometry on veins and cements,<br />

X-ray diffraction, and organic matter optical analyses of the<br />

Aragón-Bearn basin sediments.<br />


The Aragón-Béarn Basin, about 1200-1600 m thick, is<br />

characterized by Paleozoic alluvial and lacustrine sediments<br />

overlain by Triassic continental deposits.<br />

_________________________<br />

Late Paleozoic basin evolution of the Aragón-Béarn Basin<br />

(Western Pyrenees): insight from thermal indicators<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Camerino,<br />,<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università Roma TRE,<br />,<br />

(°) Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad de Zaragoza,<br /><br />



723<br />

Between the Variscan basement (mainly consisting of<br />

Devonian limestones and Carboniferous turbiditic Culm facies)<br />

and the Alpine sedimentary cover (Early Triassic continental<br />

deposits), the Stephanian-Autunian record is a fining-upward<br />

lacustrine, 1000-1500 m thick sedimentary succession constituted<br />

by dolomitic limestones, conglomerates, sandstones and<br />

siltstones.<br />

It is organized in four depositional units: Grey Unit<br />

(Stephanian B), Intermediate Unit (Stephanian B-Autunian),<br />

Lower Red Unit (Autunian) and Upper Red Unit (late Permian).<br />

The entire succession is limited by first order unconformities.<br />


A suite of 20 samples has been collected from the<br />

Intermediate Unit, Lower Red Unit and Upper Red Unit. Fluid<br />

inclusion micro-thermometry was performed on post-sedimentary<br />

veins filled by calcite and occasionally by quartz and on syndiagenetic<br />

cements in order to define the evolution of fluid<br />

composition and P-T condition during deformation.<br />

We have sampled various generation of veins: (i) veins<br />

parallel to bedding; (ii) veins parallel to Alpine foliation; (iii)<br />

veins cutting through bedding or foliation.<br />

First results show that fluid inclusions are mainly<br />

geometrically related to calcite crystal growth within the veins<br />

and that calcite crystals are generally twinned. Homogenization<br />

temperatures (Th) are in the range of 115-130°C both in (i) and<br />

(ii) veins. Histograms relative to Th distribution reveal that some<br />

re-equilibration occurred in few samples which are particularly<br />

deformed (thick and patchy twins and/or curved twins).<br />

Nevertheless, Th data from syn-diagenetic cement show higher<br />

values (150-180°C).<br />

Organic matter thermal maturity dataset consists of vitrinite<br />

reflectance and Rock-Eval pyrolisis values published by VALERO<br />

GARCÉS (1993) and new vitrinite reflectance data. Analyses were<br />

performed on the basal member of the Intermediate Unit close to<br />

the andesitic bodies with Ro% values comprised between 4.72<br />

and 4.16% and Tmax values from pyrolisis exceeding 500°C. Both<br />

sets of data indicate the overmature stage of hydrocarbon<br />

generation corresponding to meta-anthracite coal rank.<br />

The only Ro% value available above the paraconformity in the<br />

Upper Red Unit (2.9%) indicates a sensibly lower thermal<br />


SESSIONE 23<br />

maturity (corresponding to the anthracite coal rank) in the<br />

overmature stage of hydrocarbon generation.<br />

Our data, deriving from the Intermediate Unit and sampled far<br />

from the andesitic dykes, show histograms with a gaussian<br />

distribution which identify an indigenous population of vitrinitehuminite<br />

macerals with Ro% of 2.49.<br />

XRD analyses of the < 2 μm grain-size fraction from the<br />

Intermediate Unit show an illite-rich composition with<br />

subordinate amounts of chlorite and minor amounts of<br />

paragonite.<br />

In a few samples, a pyrophyllite + rectorite paragenesis have<br />

been observed. Kübler index data are in the range of 0.32-0.46<br />

°Δ2θ indicating diagenetic/anchizone conditions in agreement<br />

with clay minerals assemblages.<br />

Oriented mounts from the Lower Red Unit mostly contain<br />

illite, chlorite, R3 mixed layer I-S with an illite content of 95%<br />

and small amounts of paragonite. Kübler index data reveal a full<br />

width at half maximum height ranging from 0.32 to 0.52 °Δ2θ<br />

indicating deep diagenetic/anchizone conditions.<br />

Traces of smectite have been recognized in a few samples by<br />

the broad and low intensity reflection at 5.2 °Δ2θ (17 Å) in the<br />

ethylene-glycol solvated patterns suggesting retrograde alteration.<br />

The Upper Red Unit is characterized by paragonite (wt. 4-<br />

30%), chlorite (12-18%), illite (40-67%) and mixed layer R3 I-S<br />

(5-44%). I-S displays low expandable structures with an illite<br />

content ranging from 85 to 92%. Kübler index data range from<br />

0.57 to 0.94 °Δ2θ suggesting diagenetic conditions.<br />


The integration of organic and inorganic thermal parameters<br />

shed new light into the thermal evolution of the Late Paleozoic<br />

basins in the Western Pyrenees.<br />

A prograde trend of increasing thermal maturity as function of<br />

depth has been identified by Kübler index data and clay mineral<br />

assemblages. Calculated maximum temperature for the bottom of<br />

the Aragón-Bearn basin succession is about 240 °C.<br />

Vitrinite reflectance confirms the temperature derived from<br />

clay mineral thermal parameters and allows defining basin sectors<br />

that have been affected by dykes intrusions.<br />

Data from fluid inclusion micro-thermometry reveal<br />

comparable results either for different vein types (i and ii) or<br />

various sampled units. This suggests that fluid inclusion<br />

developed in the late stage of thermal evolution of the basin<br />

(Alpine orogeny?) and they have been partially re-equilibrated<br />

during the late stage of deformation.<br />

Homogenization temperatures from syn-sedimentary cement<br />

reveal higher temperature than those derived from veins and<br />

probably they reflect the burial condition within the basin.<br />

724<br />


VALERO GARCÉS B.L. (1993) - Lacustrine deposition and related<br />

volcanism in a transtensional tectonic setting: Upper<br />

Stephanian–Lower Autunian in the Aragón–Béarn Basin,<br />

western Pyrenees (Spain–France), Sediment. Geol., 83, 133-<br />


Provenance, depositional and palaeogeographic insights from the<br />

coarse-disorganised deposits of the Macigno turbidite systems (late<br />

Oligocene-early Miocene, Northern Apennines)<br />

Key words: Debris flows, Late Oligocene, Macigno, turbidite<br />

systems.<br />


Coarse-disorganised and chaotic deposits (clasts > 5 cm) are<br />

generally produced by mass-flows like debris flows. If included<br />

in deep-sea turbidite systems, they reveal a great importance, as<br />

they represent particular flow events. They usually occur inside<br />

very proximal turbidite systems, whereas are unusual for distal<br />

and high-efficiency ones. The significance and importance of<br />

coarse-disorganised and chaotic deposits within turbidite systems<br />

have been for long undervalued, also due to their sporadic<br />

occurrence. Their sedimentological, stratigraphical and<br />

compositional features can provide a lot of remarkable<br />

information about: triggering mechanisms (or events), transport<br />

and depositional processes, flow-transformation processes,<br />

palaeogeography, provenance, and composition of the<br />

sourcing/feeding systems. They reveal as well features about: the<br />

shallower portions of the basin, the slope and deep-sea basinal<br />

physiography, and the efficiency of the turbidite system. The<br />

Northern Apennine range with its late Oligocene-early Miocene<br />

diachronous foredeep turbidite systems represents good study<br />

area to observe such deposits and to investigate their<br />

peculiarities. Moreover, the role played by these deposits in the<br />

palaeogeographic/geodynamic reconstruction of the Northern<br />

Apennines is relevant. Two turbidite systems have been<br />

considered in this research: the so-called “Macigno costiero” and<br />

“Macigno del Chianti” (both outcropping in Southern Tuscany<br />

area), thick respectively 600 and 1500-2000 metres and<br />

concerning respectively to a low-efficiency and to a medium- to<br />

high-efficiency system. They are represented by several facies<br />

associations, and by the occurrence of rare coarse-disorganised<br />

levels. These turbidite successions include in fact thick<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Siena,<br /><br />

(**) Centro di Geotecnologie, Università di Siena<br />


725<br />

olistostromes (submarine slides coming from the orogenic units<br />

stack) and coarse-disorganised deposits, these latter subject of<br />

this work. The restricted areas where such deposits crop out are<br />

(from the west): Baratti-Piombino, Calafuria and Punta Ala<br />

along the Tyrrhenian coast (for the “Macigno costiero”), Chianni,<br />

Rocca d’Orcia and Chianti Mts in the tuscan inland (for the<br />

“Macigno del Chianti”); besides, similar deposits have been also<br />

signalled in the easternmost Liguria, to the north of the study<br />

area. Some of these have been studied by sedimentological or<br />

compositional point of views by a few researchers (i.e. PATACCA,<br />

1973; FERRINI &PANDELI, 1983; CORNAMUSINI et alii, 2002).<br />


All these coarse disorganised-chaotic deposits show similar<br />

textures, with minor differences in terms of thickness and lateral<br />

extent, clast/matrix ratio, mud amount of the matrix, clast shape,<br />

grain-size and sedimentary structures. The texture is commonly<br />

disorganised/chaotic, poorly sorted, with intrabasinal or<br />

extrabasinal clasts (pebbles and cobbles) dispersed inside a<br />

muddy matrix, with scarce to absent organisation (just raw clast<br />

orientation). Clasts are well-rounded with spherical or bladed<br />

shapes. Mass flow deposits in the Macigno l.s. turbidite systems<br />

can be classified in three types, based on their sedimentological<br />

and compositional features, hereby described. Type 1: mainly<br />

intrabasinal coarse disorganised-chaotic deposits, subdivided into<br />

three portions (from the bottom): basal lenticular graded pebbly<br />

sandstones with extrabasinal clasts (facies C); pebbly mudstone<br />

with muddy-silty matrix containing dispersed intrabasinal<br />

carbonate clasts, fossils and floating muddy-silty slides (facies<br />

B'); deposits similar to facies B', but characterized by muddy-silty<br />

slide/slump floating blocks (facies A'). Type 2: mainly<br />

extrabasinal coarse disorganised-chaotic deposits. They are<br />

characterised by a muddy-sandy matrix with dispersed wellrounded<br />

extrabasinal clasts (facies B'''). Sometimes, vertical<br />

facies changes can occur, with a matrix-poor conglomerate<br />

(pebbles) (facies B'') at the bottom and sub-angular sandstone<br />

cobbles/boulders (intrabasinal) and floating slumped silty-muddy<br />

blocks (facies A) at the top. Type 3: chaotic huge bodies of<br />

allochthonous slides (olistostromes and olistoliths), much<br />

diffused in the Macigno systems, not considered here. The facies<br />


SESSIONE 23<br />

Fig. 1 – Depositional-geodynamic model for the Northern Apennines thrust-foredeep system during Late Oligocene.<br />

of both Type 1-2 coarse-disorganised deposits correspond to very<br />

immature deposits, laid down in proximal sites, not far from the<br />

flow source. Long transport pathways can be excluded for them.<br />

They can be interpreted as the product of submarine cohesive<br />

debris flows interacting with deep-sea turbidite fans. The<br />

composition of the clasts is relative to a crystalline basement and<br />

subordinately to volcanic and sedimentary rocks. Such deposits<br />

show the same composition of the adjacent turbidite sandstones,<br />

and they reveal then a similar provenance. We can suppose that<br />

these debris flows are likely a reworked product of proximal<br />

sedimentary systems (e.g. fan-deltas or beach), fed by<br />

extrabasinal clastic drainages. Besides, joining sedimentological<br />

and compositional features of both coarse-disorganised deposits<br />

and interlayered sandstones allow to reconstruct the source vs.<br />

basin infilling history as well as to better understand the regionalgeodynamic<br />

framework. As a result, the mass flows source area is<br />

inferred in the inner hinterland of the foredeep, and more in detail<br />

in the Corsica-Sardinia Massif, part of the European basement<br />

(Fig. 1). In such a scenario, the debris flow feeding mechanism<br />

was transversal to the inner foredeep and therefore, flows likely<br />

originated from narrow shallower thrust-top basins (close to the<br />

palaeoeuropean margin). Moreover, such deposits should also<br />

have recorded the main thrust propagation events. These remarks<br />

726<br />

may in the end allow to reconsider the whole late Oligocene –<br />

early Miocene foredeep sourcing system of the Northern<br />

Apennines. In fact, while few Authors already reviewed the<br />

innermost and oldest “Macigno Costiero” system, some unclear<br />

points of the outer “Macigno del Chianti” system are still to be<br />

discussed.<br />


CORNAMUSINI G., ELTER F.M. & SANDRELLI F. (2002) - The<br />

Corsica-Sardinia Massif as source area for the early<br />

northern Apennines foredeep system: evidence from debris<br />

flows in the “Macigno costiero” (Late Oligocene, Italy). Int.<br />

J. Earth Sci., 91, 280-290.<br />

FERRINI G. & PANDELI E. (1983) - Le associazioni di facies<br />

torbiditiche nel Macigno <strong>dei</strong> Monti del Chianti. Boll. Soc.<br />

Geol. It., 102, 223-240.<br />

PATACCA E. (1973) – Microfacies <strong>dei</strong> conglomerati <strong>della</strong><br />

“Scaglia” e del “Macigno” di alcune serie toscane. Mem.<br />

Soc. Geol. It., 12(2), 187-225.

Basin analysis and tectonostratigraphy: an integrated approach to<br />

decipher the Ligurian Alps geodynamics<br />

Key words: Briançonnais, Geodynamics, Ligurian Alps,<br />

Prepiedmont, rifting.<br />


The Ligurian Alps are a particularly complex sector of the<br />

Alpine chain, in which the emplacement of thrust folds driven by<br />

orogenesis completely masks the original scenario in which the<br />

respective volcanic and sedimentary successions were deposited.<br />

Moreover, the effects of Variscan and Alpine orogenesis overlaps<br />

where some fault-systems have been re-activated several times in<br />

different tectonic contexts, exasperating the geological<br />

framework and its interpretation in terms of geodynamic<br />

response. For these reasons, since the Sixties, the approach has<br />

been to collect and rationalize field data in a tectonostratigraphic<br />

frame. Thus the fundamental features of the main stratigraphicstructural<br />

units were at first defined, and then they were attributed<br />

to three major palaeogeographic domains (e.g. VANOSSI, 1980,<br />

1986 cum ref.): the External Ligurian Briançonnais, Internal<br />

Ligurian Briançonnais and Prepiedmont (Fig. 1). Thanks to the<br />

attendance of our research-group to field surveying-oriented<br />

projects (CARG and EU fund INTERREG IV), in the last years a<br />

major detail has been achieved in the Ligurian Alps successions<br />

(BONINI et alii, 2009; DALLAGIOVANNA et alii, 2009; DECARLIS<br />

&LUALDI, 2009; SENO et alii, 2005). A basin analysis at the<br />

Alpine Tethys-scale allowed us to correlate some Ligurian<br />

lithostratigraphic units (e.g. DECARLIS &LUALDI, 2008) with the<br />

coeval ones in different Alpine domains (i.e. Western Alps and<br />

Southern Alps), contributing to define their role as “geodynamic<br />

marker” and thus leading to a better comprehension of the<br />

Ligurian geodynamic itself.<br />

_________________________<br />



(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Pavia,<br /><br />

The research was supported by PRIN 2008 grants (Coord. Calamita-Seno-<br />

Tavarnelli).<br />

727<br />


The aim of this project is to rationalize the field data through<br />

harmonizing stratigraphy with the synsedimentary tectonics that<br />

predates the orogen formation. The final goal is to provide a<br />

dynamic reconstruction through the different phases that finally<br />

lead to the ocean spreading in the Ligurian area. From Early<br />

Permian to Upper Jurassic, a complete stratigraphic frame is<br />

provided by different sectors of the Ligurian Alps. The<br />

relationships among sedimentation rate, stratigraphic gaps,<br />

tectonics and the palaeogeographic position of selected<br />

successions, give us the opportunity to study an almost complete<br />

section across the continental margin. Correlation with the<br />

adjacent sectors of the Alps may be crucial to fill data lacks and<br />

to bypass uncertainty induced by tectonic omissions. On the relics<br />

of Variscan orogenesis and during the whole deposition of its<br />

molasse (Late Permian-Early Triassic) a generalized tensional<br />

tectonics gradually increased, first providing the required<br />

accommodation for the thick carbonate platforms of Middle and<br />

Upper Triassic. Subsequently, this still undeciphered geodynamic<br />

phase that preceded the Jurassic collapse of the margin, initially<br />

acted as a sharp deepening of the depositional environment (from<br />

peritidal deposits to open-shelf cherty limestones) and then as a<br />

fault-controlled slope, with large amount of tectonic breccias<br />

Fig. 1 – Location of the study area and tectonic sketch of the Ligurian Alps.<br />


SESSIONE 23<br />

Fig. 2 – Base of the Monte Galero Breccia Formation (more than 400 m.thick),<br />

generated by the tectonic evolution of the European margin during the<br />

paroxistic phase of rifting (Late Lias-Early Dogger).<br />

(DALLAGIOVANNA & LUALDI, 1986; Fig. 2). Details regarding the<br />

anatomy of the Jurassic rifting and its relationships with the<br />

previous geodynamic trend have been analyzed. First data drive<br />

us to take into a great account inheredited Variscan structures,<br />

which later acted as crustal weakness during Tethyan rifting s.s<br />

and which are probably responsible for the location of the final<br />

break away of the Ligurian Tethys.<br />


BONINI L., DALLAGIOVANNA G. & SENO S. (2009) - The role of<br />

pre-existing faults in the structural evolution of thrust<br />

systems: Insights from the Ligurian Alps (Italy).<br />

Tectonophys., 480 (1), 73-87.<br />

DALLAGIOVANNA G. & LUALDI A (1986) - Le Brecce di Monte<br />

Galero: nuovi dati e interpretazioni. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 28,<br />

409-418.<br />


TIEPOLO M. (2009) - U-Pb zircon ages for post-Variscan<br />

728<br />

volcanism in the Ligurian Alps(Northern Italy). Journ. Geol.<br />

Soc. London, 166, 101-114.<br />

DECARLIS A. & LUALDI L. (2008) - Late Triassic-Early Jurassic<br />

paleokarst from the Ligurian Alps and its geological<br />

significance (Siderolitico Auct., Ligurian Briançonnais<br />

domain). Swiss J. Geosc., 101, 579-593.<br />

DECARLIS A. & LUALDI L. (2009) - A sequence stratigraphic<br />

approach to a Middle Triassic shelf-slope complex of the<br />

Ligurian Alps (Ligurian Briançonnais, Monte Carmo-Rialto<br />

unit, Italy). Facies, 55, 267-290.<br />

SENO S., DALLAGIOVANNA G. & VANOSSI M. (2005) - Pre-<br />

Piedmont and Piedmont-Ligurian nappes in the central sector<br />

of the Ligurian Alps: a possible pathway for their<br />

superposition on to the inner Briançonnais units. Boll. Soc.<br />

Geol. It., 124, 455-464.<br />

VANOSSI M. (1980) - Les unités géologiques des Alpes Maritimes<br />

entre l’Ellero et la Mer Ligure: un aperçu schématique.<br />

Mem. Sc. Geol. Univ. Padova, 34, 101-142.<br />

VANOSSI M. (a cura di) (1986) - Geologia delle Alpi Liguri. Mem.<br />

Soc. Geol. It., 28, 598 pp.

A megaclastic basin-fill Jurassic succession at Montagna <strong>dei</strong> Fiori<br />

(Abruzzo, Italy)<br />

Key words: Apennines, Jurassic, olistoliths<br />


The Montagna <strong>dei</strong> Fiori structure is a fault-related anticline in<br />

the south-eastern part of Northern Apennines. It displays an<br />

eastern overturned forelimb, cut by the antiformal-shaped<br />

Salinello thrust (DI FRANCESCO et alii, 2010), and a western<br />

backlimb cut by a Miocene Normal fault. This structure resulted<br />

from the interaction between a complex Jurassic submarine<br />

topography, Miocene extension, and thrusting and folding due to<br />

building of the Apenninic chain in the Neogene (MATTEI, 1987;<br />

CALAMITA et alii, 1998; DI FRANCESCO et alii, 2010, and<br />

references therein).<br />

The stratigraphic succession at Montagna <strong>dei</strong> Fiori is the<br />

classic Umbria-Marche succession, but it also comprises two<br />

local formations: the “Dolomie di Castel Manfrino Fm.” and the<br />

Fig. 1 - Simplified geological map of the Montagna <strong>dei</strong> Fiori.<br />

_______________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università “La Sapienza”, Roma<br />;<br />


729<br />

“Salinello Fm.” (GIANNINI et alii, 1970 and references therein).<br />

The former unit is essentially a dolomitized Calcare Massiccio<br />

(henceforth CM), Hettangian-Sinemurian p.p. in age. The<br />

Corniola, Rosso Ammonitico and Calcari a Posidonia Fms. bear<br />

abundant interbedded gravity flow deposits, sourced by a<br />

carbonate platform. Next comes the Salinello Fm. (Bathonian<br />

p.p.-Oxfordian; GIANNINI et alii. 1970), an arenite/rudite unit that<br />

is lateral equivalent of the Calcari diasprigni Fm. The succession<br />

continues with the Calcari a Saccocoma and aptici and the<br />

Maiolica Fms., followed by the Cretaceous to Miocene Marne a<br />

Fucoidi, Scaglia, and Marne con Cerrogna Fms. In previous<br />

studies, the area had been interpreted as a small-scale system of<br />

Jurassic pelagic basins with fault-bounded highs made of CM,<br />

capped by a condensed succession (MATTEI 1987; CALAMITA et<br />

alii, 1998). For this study, we placed emphasis on the four main<br />

outcrops of CM, described below, and on their bedding attitude<br />

and boundaries with the surrounding basinal units (Fig. 1).<br />


Corano quarry. This is a small (~ 0.35 km 2 ) outcrop of CM,<br />

which is unconformably capped by the much younger Salinello<br />

Fm., without any interposed condensed succession. Despite its<br />

previous interpretation as a fault-bounded structural high<br />

(MATTEI, 1987), this is in our interpretation an olistolith, for the<br />

following reasons: (i) The CM dips 45° toward the W and is<br />

surrounded by E-dipping basinal units (Corniola to Salinello),<br />

markedly clastic (also with thick lensoid breccias; MATTEI,<br />

1987); should one elect to restore the original attitude of the CM<br />

to the horizontal, a cumbersome geometry with downlapping<br />

basinal units would be produced; (ii) it is possible to walk all<br />

around the outcrop, where the onlap line of the top Corniola<br />

encircles an object that is at least one order of magnitude smaller<br />

than even the smallest structural high in the region (e.g. Mt.<br />

Acuto, Marche) at that paleotopographic level (in the lower<br />

escarpment hypothesis); (iii) the exposed surface of CM, cut by<br />

neptunian dykes, is silicified. Silicification of exhumed surfaces<br />

of CM is known to be a marker of the unconformity with<br />

onlapping chert-rich basinal units (GALLUZZO &SANTANTONIO,<br />

2002), so this is an evidence for a stratigraphic contact. Only<br />

scattered unconformable condensed pelagites (condensed<br />

Corniola) are seen, and any genuine condensed succession at the<br />

top of the CM is missing. These pelagites can be interpreted as<br />


SESSIONE 23<br />

former epi-escarpment deposits (GALLUZZO & SANTANTONIO,<br />

2002); (iv) nowhere across the region is an intrabasinal high, with<br />

an inferred flat top, devoid of an even thin condensed succession,<br />

being instead buried by rudites through a hiatus; also the<br />

clastic/megaclastic nature of the surrounding basin is itself an<br />

element supporting the interpretation of Corano as an olistolith.<br />

Fosso Grande. This small (< 0.3 km 2 ) outcrop of CM was<br />

previously interpreted as a structural-high as well. It is impossible<br />

to detect bedding in the CM here, but the condensed Corniola has<br />

an irregular distribution, locally draping the underside of an<br />

overhang of CM. This can either be explained as the result of<br />

exhumation of a neptunian dyke through removal of one of its<br />

walls, or as due to rotation of the CM. The same considerations<br />

put forward for Corano hold true here, regarding size, lack of a<br />

condensed succession, onlap geometries, and clastic nature of the<br />

encasing succession. In our view this is also an olistolith.<br />

Valle del Salinello. In the Salinello Valley, the CM is at the<br />

hangingwall of a thrust with the Scaglia Fm. This CM has been<br />

interpreted as the footwall of a Liassic extensional fault (MATTEI<br />

1987; CALAMITA et alii, 1998). However, we note the following:<br />

(i) Silicification of exhumed surfaces of CM is widespread in the<br />

area. This evidences that contacts with the (Jurassic) basinal units<br />

are everywhere stratigraphic, and not Jurassic shear zones; (ii)<br />

The subhorizontal topographic top of the CM, where a condensed<br />

succession had been inferred by previous authors, is not its<br />

stratigraphic top: the CM in fact dips 42°-50° toward NE, so this<br />

is a spectacular angular unconformity. The stratigraphic top of the<br />

CM lies at the eastern boundary of the outcrop, where the CM,<br />

passing to the Calcare Massiccio B (drowning succession;<br />

MARINO &SANTANTONIO, 2010), is conformably capped by a<br />

very thin condensed succession, ending in the lower<br />

Pliensbachian, and unconformably overlain by the Salinello Fm.;<br />

(iii) The resulting picture is that of a rotated CM block, onlapped<br />

to the W and S by laterally continuous Corniola (with olistoliths<br />

of CM) to Salinello succession, with the latter unit draping its<br />

topographic top, much like at Corano; in doing so, the ~80 m<br />

thick Salinello Fm. seals a ~0.5 km thick section of CM; (iv) The<br />

geometric tops of the Salinello and Corano CM lie not only at the<br />

same topographic elevation, but also at the same stratigraphic<br />

level, being both capped by the Salinello Fm. Based on the<br />

above, interpreting this CM as indicating an olistolith is the more<br />

conservative working hypothesis, documenting collapse of the<br />

edge and margin of a pelagic carbonate platform in the early<br />

Pliensbachian, soon after inception of the condensed sequence. In<br />

support, we offer these additional considerations:<br />

a) Should we restore the CM to the horizontal, and treat the<br />

main subhorizontal unconformity as a paleoescarpment contact,<br />

how could we justify an ~80 m unit (Salinello) sealing alone 0.5<br />

km of CM stratigraphy? If we alternatively treated this as a<br />

strongly rotated Liassic fault block, representing the natural<br />

source of the other olistoliths described above, how can a fallen<br />

block (e.g. Corano) lie at the same paleotopographic level as the<br />

730<br />

parent platform?<br />

Castelmanfrino. This is the smallest CM outcrop, thoroughly<br />

dolomitized. This has previously been interpreted as hangingwallblock<br />

CM, conformably overlain by the Corniola. However, the<br />

CM is seen as being not only overlain, but also surrounded by<br />

dolomitized Corniola, without any evidence of faults, so this<br />

appears as a block encased in the lower part of the basinal<br />

succession. The actual relationships between the CM and the<br />

Corniola Fm. were probably oversighted because both the<br />

dolomitized Corniola and the dolomitized CM had been included<br />

in one formation, the Dolomie di Castelmanfrino Fm.<br />

In conclusion, we interpret the four main outcrops of CM as<br />

olistoliths produced by pulses of retreat of a pelagic carbonate<br />

platform margin, and rooted in the lower to middle Corniola.<br />

Collapse of the Salinello block had to occur following platform<br />

drowning and initial deposition of a condensed succession. This<br />

interpretation implies that all the Jurassic rocks seen in the area<br />

belong to a basin fill succession. The basin received abundant<br />

input from a neighbouring productive platform, so the submarine<br />

block-dominated topography was levelled around the Oxfordian.<br />



V. (1998) – <strong>Il</strong> buttressing delle faglie sinsedimentarie prethrusting<br />

sulla strutturazione neogenica <strong>della</strong> catena<br />

appenninica: L’esempio <strong>della</strong> Montagna <strong>dei</strong> Fiori<br />

(Appennino centrale esterno). Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 117, 725-<br />

745.<br />


J. (2010) – Contribution of different kinematic models and a<br />

complex Jurassic stratigraphy in the construction of a<br />

forward model for the Montagna <strong>dei</strong> Fiori fault-related fold<br />

(Central Apennines, Italy). Geol. J., DOI: 10.1002/gj.1191.<br />

GALLUZZO F. & SANTANTONIO M. (2002) – The Sabina Plateau:<br />

a new element in the Mesozoic palaeogeography of Central<br />

Apennines. Boll Soc. Geol. It., Vol. Spec. n. 1, 561-588.<br />

GIANNINI E., LAZZAROTTO A. & ZAMPI M. (1970) – Studio<br />

stratigrafico e micropaleontologico del Giurassico <strong>della</strong><br />

Montagna <strong>dei</strong> Fiori (Ascoli Piceno – Teramo). Mem. Soc.<br />

Geol. It., 9, 29-53.<br />

MARINO M. & SANTANTONIO M. (2010) – Understanding the<br />

geological record of carbonate platform drowning across<br />

rifted Tethyan margins: Examples from the Lower Jurassic of<br />

the Apennines and Sicily (Italy). Sediment. Geol., 225, 116-<br />

137.<br />

MATTEI M. (1987) – Analisi geologico-strutturale <strong>della</strong><br />

Montagna <strong>dei</strong> Fiori (Ascoli Piceno, Italia centrale). Geol.<br />

Romana, 26, 327-347.

“Inner” and “outer” wedge-top sequences in the Late Miocene<br />

Sicilian Foreland Basin System; inferences from the Upper Tortonian<br />

– Lower Messinian Terravecchia Fm. of NW Sicily<br />

Key words: Late Miocene, sedimentology, Terravecchia<br />

Formation, wedge-top depozone.<br />


Sicily is a sector of the SE-verging alpine orogenic belt in the<br />

Central Mediterranean area and has been interpreted as a result of<br />

both post-collisional convergence between Africa and Europe and<br />

rollback of the subduction hinge of the Ionian lithosphere<br />

(CATALANO et alii, 2000 and references therein).<br />

The migration of the thrust belt toward the external areas<br />

begun since the latest Oligocene-early Miocene and has been<br />

accompanied by the formation of a complex “peripheral”<br />

foreland basin (DICKINSON, 1974) developed lying in the front<br />

and partially above the growing orogenic building. This area of<br />

major subsidence accommodates a thick sedimentary succession<br />

made up of silico- and carbonate-clastics, evaporites and<br />

carbonates filling the different depozones (CATALANO et alii,<br />

1989; 2000; NIGRO &RENDA, 2000; GUGLIOTTA, 2010).<br />

Between the Late Tortonian and Early Messinian time the<br />

innermost sectors of this complex tettono-depositional area were<br />

characterized by a wide wedge-top depozone (sensu DE CELLES<br />

&GILES, 1996). The latter was characterized by several kinds of<br />

synkinematics basins filled by the coarse clastic successions<br />

pertaining to the Upper Tortonian – Lower Messinian<br />

Terravecchia Formation (SCHMIDT DI FRIEDBERG, 1962). This<br />

formation is characterized by a great variability of rock-types,<br />

and sedimentary facies and shows quite different patterns of sindepositional<br />

and post-depositional deformation comparing the<br />

different basins of Sicily. Sedimentologic, stratigraphic and facies<br />

analyses integrated with structural analyses have been performed<br />

on Terravecchia Fm. cropping out in three main basins, located in<br />

NW Sicily (Scillato, Ciminna and Camporeale basins, Fig. 1).<br />

These analyses allowed to recognize two “end-member”<br />

stratigraphic sequences characterized by quite diffferent<br />

depositional and deformative patterns and which could have<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Geologia e Geodesia, Università degli Studi di Palermo,<br /><br />


731<br />

Fig. 1 – Shaded relief showing the location of the study areas<br />

recorded deposition in different sectors of the wedge-top<br />

depozone.<br />


This sequence (up to 1300 meters thick) is mainly composed<br />

of alluvial to transitional facies associations arranged with a<br />

fining- to coarsening upward trend. It is made up by, from the<br />

bottom:<br />

- stacked amalgamated to unamalgamated and crudely bedded<br />

conglomerates (with crystalline basement-derived clasts) passing<br />

into cross-stratified sandstones and clays interpreted as an<br />

entrenced (incised) stream valley fill evolving into low energy<br />

alluvial plain with ephemeral ponds;<br />

- interbedded silti-clays, cross-stratified sandstones and<br />

conglomerates arranged in 60 up to 120 metres-thick, coarsening<br />

upward, mouth bar parasequences, arranged with a backstepping<br />

stacking pattern. These parasequences have been related to a<br />

retrograding river-dominated delta front;<br />

- silti-clays and clays with brackish fauna, locally interbedded<br />

with centimetre-thick sandy layers (flood-generated hyperpycnal<br />

flows deposits) passing upward into marine marls with planktonic<br />

microfauna. This portion of the sequence has been related to a<br />

distal delta front passing into brackish prodelta and marine<br />

environment;<br />

- yellowish silti-clays interbedded with tabular- to lent-shaped<br />

conglomerate bodies (up to 8m thick) and sandstones deposited<br />

in a prograding distal fan delta front with slump scars;<br />


SESSIONE 23<br />

- interbedded conglomerates, sandstones and sandy-clays<br />

arranged in 60 up to 120 metres-thick, coarsening upward, mouth<br />

bar parasequences, arranged with a thickening upward stacking<br />

pattern. These parasequences have been related to a prograding<br />

river-dominated delta front;<br />

- conglomerates and cross-stratified sandstones arranged in<br />

fining upward sequences (meter in scale) stacked along planarshaped<br />

to concave-up erosional surfaces. This deposits have been<br />

related to a gravelly delta-top environment.<br />

Evidences of a severe “local scale” syn-depositional (e.g.<br />

syntectonic intraformational angular unconformities of RIBA,<br />

1976, sudden change of palaeoflow direction and growth<br />

geometries) and post-depositional tectonics have been widely<br />

observed throughout the sequence. The inner wedge-top<br />

sequence develops above an angular unconformity with strong<br />

“incised” features. The latter cut the uppermost units of the<br />

tectonic edifice (Sicilide and decolléd Numidian Flysch units)<br />

and/or an already deformed thrust-top succession pertaining to<br />

the Upper Serravallian - Lower Tortonian Castellana Sicula Fm.<br />


This sequence (up to 700 meters thick) is mainly composed of<br />

transitional to open marine facies associations arranged with an<br />

overall fining upward trend which locally (at the base) become<br />

coarsening- to fining- upward. It is made up by, from the bottom:<br />

- conglomerates and cross-stratified sandstones arranged in<br />

fining upward sequences (up to 5 meters thick) stacked along<br />

planar-shaped to slightly concave-up erosional surfaces. This<br />

deposits have been related to an unconfined external gravelly<br />

braidplain environment;<br />

- interbedded silti- to sandy-clays, cross-stratified sandstones<br />

and conglomerates arranged in 60 up to 120 metres-thick,<br />

coarsening upward, shoreface “parasequences”, arranged with a<br />

backstepping stacking pattern. These parasequences have been<br />

related to a retrograding wave and storm-dominated delta front<br />

setting;<br />

- sandy to silti-clays and marls with planctonic foraminifers<br />

and calcareous nannofossils locally interbedded with thin layers<br />

of sandstones and matrix-supported conglomerates. These<br />

deposits have been related to an offshore-transition to offshore<br />

environment with sporadic storm-induced gravity flows.<br />

No evidences of a “local scale” syndepositional tectonics have<br />

been observed along this sequence while, a severe postdepositional<br />

deformation is clearly identifiable. The outer wedgetop<br />

sequence develops above an angular unconformity with no<br />

“incised” features. The latter cut both an already deformed thrusttop<br />

succession pertaining to the Upper Serravallian - Lower<br />

Tortonian Castellana Sicula Fm. and/or the Numidian Flysch<br />

tectonic units which are tectonically superimposed to the deeper<br />

carbonate platform units.<br />

732<br />


During the Late Tortonian to Early Messinian time the<br />

Sicilian fold and thrust belt was associated to a peripheral<br />

foreland basin in which a wide continental to shallow-water<br />

wedge-top depozone developed above the growing thrust sheets.<br />

In this depozone the Teravecchia Fm. was deposited filling wide<br />

to quite narrow sedimentary basins located at different structural<br />

position. In the inner wedge-top depozone the Terravecchia Fm.<br />

was deposited as coarse continental to transitional sequences<br />

filling narrow, often oversupplied basins, recording a strong<br />

syntectonics deformation since the Late Tortonian time.<br />

Contemporaneously, coarse- to fine-grained sequences were<br />

deposited in the outer wedge-top depozone filling wider and<br />

mainly shallow-marine basins. These latter have been strongly<br />

deformed since the Early Messinian time.<br />


CATALANO R., D’ARGENIO B. & TORELLI L. (1989) – From<br />

Sardinia channel to Sicily straits. A geologic section based on<br />

seismic and field data. In: A. Boriani, M. Bonafede, G.B.<br />

Piccardo and G.B. Vai (Eds.) - The lithosphere in Italy.<br />

Advances in Earth science research. Atti <strong>dei</strong> Convegni Lincei,<br />

Roma, 109-127.<br />


Central western Sicily structural setting interpreted from<br />

seismic reflection profiles. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 55, 5-16.<br />

DE CELLES P. G. & GILES K. A. (1996) - Foreland Basin Systems.<br />

Basin Res., 8, 105-123.<br />

DICKINSON W. R. (1974) – Plate tectonics and sedimentation. In:<br />

W.R. Dickinson (Ed.) – Tectonics and Sedimentation. Spec.<br />

Pub. Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral.,Tulsa, 22, 1-27.<br />

GUGLIOTTA C. (2010) – L’evoluzione tortoniano-messiniana<br />

dell’avanfossa siciliana; interazione tra sedimentazione e<br />

tettonica. Tesi di Dottorato. Università di Palermo.<br />

NIGRO F. & RENDA P. (2000) - Un modello di evoluzione tettonosedimentaria<br />

dell’avanfossa neogenica siciliana. Boll. Soc.<br />

Geol. It., 119, 667-686.<br />

RIBA O. (1976) – Syntectonic unconformities of the Alto<br />

Cardener, spanish Pyrenees: a genetic interpretation.<br />

Sediment. Geol., 15, 213-233.<br />

SCHMIDT DI FRIEDBERG P. (1962) - Introduction a la géologié<br />

pétrolière de la Sicilie. Revue. Inst. Franc. Du Petr., 17(5),<br />


Tectonically-enhanced deposition in the Late Tortonian Scillato<br />

Basin (N Sicily): a sequence stratigraphic view<br />

Key words: Depositional pattern, northern Sicily, Scillato basin,<br />

sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, Terravecchia Fm.<br />


During the Late Miocene time the Sicilian fold and thrust belt<br />

was associated to a peripheral foreland basin in which a wide<br />

continental to shallow-water wedge-top depozone developed<br />

above the growing thrust sheets. In this depozone the Upper<br />

Tortonian – Lower Messinian Teravecchia Fm. (SCHMIDT DI<br />

FRIEDBERG, 1962) was deposited filling wide to quite narrow<br />

sedimentary basins whose present day remnants outcrop in<br />

northern and north-western Sicily (GUGLIOTTA, 2010). Among<br />

these, the Scillato Basin is a small N-S-trending depression that<br />

has been considered as a remnant of a small basin developed<br />

since the Late Tortonian (CATALANO & D’ARGENIO, 1990;<br />

BUTLER & GRASSO, 1993; GIUNTA et alii, 2000). In<br />

correspondence of this basin an up to 1300 m thick Upper<br />

Tortonian stratigraphic succession pertaining to the Terravecchia<br />

Fm. is exposed (CATALANO &D’ARGENIO, 1990) lacking of the<br />

Lower Messinian rocks (GUGLIOTTA, 2010). The sedimentary<br />

succession rests unconformably on the already deformed tectonic<br />

units (Sicilide and/or Numidian Flysch) or overlies (southern<br />

edge of the basin) an Upper Serravallian - Lower Tortonian<br />

succession (Castellana Sicula Fm.) through a regional angular<br />

unconformity with strong erosional character.<br />

Detailed sedimentologic, stratigraphic and facies analyses<br />

performed on Terravecchia Fm. cropping out in the Scillato Basin<br />

allowed to recognize the main facies associations and to point out<br />

their arrangement in the frame of sequence stratigraphy.<br />


Along the studied stratigraphic succession seven main facies<br />

associations (f.a.) have been recognized:<br />

- Incised stream valley fill (A)<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Geologia e Geodesia, Università degli Studi di Palermo,<br />;<br />


733<br />

Amalgamated, crudely bedded cobble- and boulder<br />

conglomerates (with crystalline basement-derived clasts) passing<br />

into boulder- and pebble conglomerates and cross-stratified<br />

sandstones arranged in unamalgamated, fining upward, braided<br />

channel units (metre in scale).<br />

- Low energy alluvial plain with ephemeral ponds (B)<br />

Massive dark grey to yellowish silti-clays and clays with<br />

interbedded lent-shaped bodies (metre in scale) made up of<br />

pebble conglomerates and sandstones interpreted as isolated<br />

channel units. This facies association appears arranged with an<br />

overall fining upward trend.<br />

- Retrograding river-dominated delta front (C)<br />

Interbedded silti-clays, cross-stratified sandstones and<br />

conglomerates arranged in 60m up to 120m-thick, coarsening<br />

upward, mouth bar parasequences. These parasequences appear<br />

arranged with a backstepping (thinning upward) stacking pattern-<br />

- Distal delta front and prodelta (D)<br />

Silti-clays and clays with brackish fauna, locally interbedded<br />

with centimetre-thick sandy layers interpreted as flood-generated<br />

hyperpycnal flows deposits. This facies association appears<br />

arranged with a fining to coarsening upward trend given by the<br />

progressive increase in thickness and frequence of sandy layers<br />

toward the top.<br />

- Prograding distal fan delta front with slump scars (E)<br />

Yellowish silti-clays interbedded with tabular- to lent-shaped<br />

boulder to pebble conglomerate bodies (up to 8m thick)<br />

associated with planar- to cross-stratified sandstones.<br />

- Prograding river-dominated delta front (F)<br />

Interbedded conglomerates, cross-stratified sandstones and<br />

sandy-clays arranged in 60 up to 120 metres-thick, coarsening<br />

upward, mouth bar parasequences, arranged with a thickening<br />

upward stacking pattern.<br />

- Delta-plain (G)<br />

Conglomerates and cross-stratified sandstones arranged in<br />

fining upward braid channel units (meter in scale) stacked along<br />

planar-shaped to concave-up erosional surfaces.<br />

Evidences of an active syn-depositional tectonics have been<br />

observed and fully described throughout the entire succession<br />

(GUGLIOTTA, 2010). Several syntectonic intraformational angular<br />

unconformities (RIBA, 1976) have been found (i) at the base of<br />

facies association C; (ii) at the base of facies association F and<br />

(iii) at the base of facies association G. These unconformities are<br />

also associated with sudden change in the mean palaeoflow<br />


SESSIONE 23<br />

direction, with evidence of “cannibalistic” erosion of the basin<br />

margins and with development of growth stratal patterns.<br />



The above mentioned facies associations are arranged to<br />

constitute a complex sedimentary sequence which shows a finingto<br />

coarsening- and shallowing upward trend. Along this, three<br />

main depositional stages have been recognized and interpreted<br />

from a sequence stratigraphy point of view basing also on what<br />

described in neighbour similar basins (see LO CICERO et alii.,<br />

1997).<br />

-Confined braidplain stage<br />

This depositional stage is characterised by the couple A-B<br />

facies associations. It overlays at the base an erosional<br />

unconformity interpreted as a subaerial unconformity. The<br />

stacked channel units (f.a. A) are interpreted as representing an<br />

LST deposit. Toward the top, the decrease of channels<br />

amalgamation, of bedload size and the occurrence of low energy<br />

braidplain clays with isolated channels (f.a. B) is interpreted as<br />

the transition to the early TST;<br />

- Retrograding river-dominated fan delta system stage<br />

This depositional stage is imaged by the superimposed C-D<br />

facies associations. The “backstepping” delta front parasequences<br />

(f.a. C) interfinger toward the top with the prodelta deposits (f.a<br />

D) imaging a well developed TST. The ravinement surface<br />

associated to the TST is not well recognizable probably because<br />

it reworks the underlying subaerial unconformity becoming part<br />

of the sequence boundary. Toward the top, the evolution from a<br />

fining- to a coarsening upward trend is interpreted as the sign of<br />

the maximum flooding surface and the transition to the HST.<br />

- Prograding river-dominated fan delta system stage<br />

This depositional stage involves the facies association E-F;<br />

particularly the facies association E could record the early stage<br />

of progradation of the delta front systems accompanied by a<br />

sudden steepening of the delta slope. The rapid progradation of<br />

delta front and delta plain deposits (f.a. F) seams to be driven by<br />

the forced regression of the shoreline and by the local<br />

“cannibalization” of the basin margins (induced by the tectonic<br />

enhancement of the source areas). This feature contribute to<br />

preliminalrly interpret this depositional stage as the record of a<br />

falling stage systems tract (FSST) bounded at it’s base by a<br />

complex surface roughly correspondent to the basal surface of<br />

forced regression. The latter not also overlays the chain units<br />

(Sicilide and Numidian Flysch) but cut and reworks the already<br />

deformed Terravecchia Fm. strata (A, B, C f.a. as well as the<br />

bounding surfaces) marking a precise evidence of the interplay<br />

between tectonics and sedimentation in this basin (see<br />

GUGLIOTTA &GASPARO MORTICELLI, this volume, for details).<br />

734<br />


The Terravecchia Fm. that crops out in the Scillato Basin is<br />

arranged as an up to 1300 m thick stratigraphic succession<br />

deposited during the Late Tortonian. The facies assemblage and<br />

the depositional arrangement of this formation allowed to<br />

recognize three main depositional stages: (i) Confined braidplain,<br />

(ii) retrograding river-dominated fan delta system, (iii)<br />

prograding river-dominated fan delta system superimposed<br />

following the relative variations of sea level and the<br />

decreasing/increasing rate of sedimentary supply.<br />

A complete depositional sequence (see depositional sequence<br />

IV of CATUNEANU, 2002 and references therein) has been<br />

recognized in the basin, characterized by a basal LST, an<br />

intemediate TST and HST capped by an upper FFST. A complex<br />

set of “embricated” angular and syntectonic intraformational<br />

angular unconformities recognized at the base and along of the<br />

sedimentary sequence allowed to point out the intimate interplay<br />

between tectonics and sedimentation in this basin. As a<br />

consequence the development of the recognized systems tracts<br />

are here considered tectonically-enhanced and so they assume a<br />

strong local character.<br />


BUTLER R. & GRASSO M. (1993) - Tectonic controls on base-level<br />

variations and depositional sequences within thrust-top and<br />

foredeep basins: Examples from the Neogene thrust belt of<br />

Central Sicily. Basin Res., 5, 137-151.<br />

CATALANO R. & D’ARGENIO B. (1990) - Hammering a seismic<br />

section. Guide book of the field trip in western Sicily.<br />

International Conference “Geology Of The Oceans”, Terrasini<br />

(Pa), May 17-19.<br />

CATUNEANU O. (2002) – Sequence stratigraphy of clastic systems:<br />

Concepts, merits and pitfalls. J. Afr. Earth Sci., 35, 1–43.<br />

GIUNTA G., NIGRO F. & RENDA P. (2000) - Extensional tectonics<br />

during Maghrebides chain building since Late Miocene:<br />

Expamples from northern Sicily. Ann. Soc. Geol. Pol., 70, 81-98.<br />

GUGLIOTTA C. (2010) – L’evoluzione tortoniano-messiniana<br />

dell’avanfossa siciliana; interazione tra sedimentazione e<br />

tettonica. Tesi di Dottorato, Università degli Studi di Palermo,<br />

236 pp.<br />

RIBA O. (1976) – Syntectonic unconformities of the Alto Cardener,<br />

spanish Pyrenees: a genetic interpretation. Sediment. Geol., 15,<br />

213-233.<br />

SCHMIDT DI FRIEDBERG P. (1962) - Introduction a la géologié<br />

pétrolière de la Sicilie. Revue. Inst. Franc. du Petr., 17(5), 635-<br />


Key words: Northern Sicily, Scillato basin, syntectonic<br />

sedimentation, Terravecchia Fm.<br />


In central-northern and NW Sicily the building of the sicilian<br />

fold and thrust belt (SFTB) occurred since the Early-Middle<br />

Miocene developing toward two successive tectonic events<br />

(CATALANO et alii, 2000).<br />

Between the Langhian to Serravallian time interval<br />

Cretaceous – Paleocene hemipelagites pertaining to Sicilide Units<br />

(SU) ovethrusted the Oligo – Miocene and partially decollèd<br />

Numidian Flysch Units (NFU). Subsequently (since Early<br />

Tortonian), basin - to - slope carbonates (Imerese Units, IMU)<br />

have been deformed in several tectonic units and stacked above a<br />

carbonate platform rock body through low-angle, SW-vergent<br />

thrusts, associated with NW-SE-trending folds (event 1). During<br />

the Latest Miocene – Early Pliocene (event 2) the deformation<br />

reached the deepest carbonate platform units. The already<br />

emplaced tectonic units have been passively re-deformed and<br />

strongly dissected by mean of S-verging, deep-seated thrusts<br />

associated with backthrusts and E-W-, NE-SW-trending folds<br />

(AVELLONE et alii, 2010).<br />

During the Late Miocene time the SFTB was associated to<br />

development of wide to quite narrow syntectonics basins partly<br />

located above the growing thrust sheets (wedge-top depozone),<br />

filled by the Upper Tortonian - Lower Messinian Terravecchia<br />

Fm. (SCHMIDT DI FRIEDBERG, 1962). Among these “thrust-top”<br />

basins (ORI &FRIEND, 1984) the Scillato Basin (SB) is a narrow<br />

depression developed since the Late Tortonian.<br />

_________________________<br />

Evidences of a polyphasic tectonics in a sedimentary basin<br />

developed above an orogenic belt; the Scillato Basin study case<br />

(N Sicily)<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Geologia e Geodesia, Università degli Studi di Palermo,<br />,<br />


735<br />

The SB is filled by an up to 1300 m thick Upper Tortonian<br />

stratigraphic succession pertaining to the Terravecchia Fm.,<br />

lacking of the Early Messinian rocks (GUGLIOTTA, 2010).<br />

The Terravecchia Fm. develops above a regional angular<br />

unconformity (S1) with strong erosional features whose cut the<br />

already deformed substrate made up by SU and (southern edge of<br />

the basin) the Upper Serravallian-Lower Tortonian Castellana<br />

Sicula Fm.. The Terravecchia Fm. is characterized by a complex<br />

facies assemblage in which a confined braidplain, retrograding<br />

river-dominated fan delta system and prograding river-dominated<br />

fan delta system environments have been distiguished<br />

(GUGLIOTTA, 2010). The facies assemblage is arranged with a<br />

fining to coarsening upward trend along which an earlier<br />

“trasgressive stage” (TS) and a later “regressive stage” (RS)<br />

have been recognized. Growth geometries and several (three at<br />

least) syntectonic intraformational angular unconformities (RIBA,<br />

1976) have been found along the succession. Among these, the S3<br />

surface is the most important. It develops with erosional features<br />

from the eastern and north-eastern margins of the basin, where it<br />

cuts the older S1 and the SU substrate, progressively disappearing<br />

toward the basin depocentre. Along this surface a discordance is<br />

also observable between the less deformed RS (above) and the<br />

well deformed TS (below) (Fig. 1). Through the S3 surface a<br />

Fig. 1 – Inferred tectono-depositional sketch for the Scillato Basin evolution;<br />

see text for acronyms.<br />


SESSIONE 23<br />

sudden change in the mean palaeocurrent direction has been<br />

documented (from prevalently SE in the TS to WNW in the RS)<br />

also associated with a clear evidence of variation in source areas<br />

position and “cannibalistic” erosion of the basin margins.<br />


The SB appear as a roughly N-S-trending major asymmetric<br />

syncline. A detailed bedding analyses performed on Terravecchia<br />

Fm. strata allowed to recognize that TS and RS show a different<br />

deformative pattern. In particular, the TS is deformed as an<br />

asymmetric syncline with a well deformed southeastern forelimb<br />

(up to 70° of strata inclination). On the other hand the RS strata<br />

appear as a less deformed NW-dipping monocline. The<br />

interference between this two deformative patterns produced the<br />

N-S trend of the major syncline.<br />

The SB is bordered eastward and southward by structural<br />

highs, respectively Cervi and Rocca di Sciara ridges. Field data<br />

allowed to interpret these ridges as partially outcropping NW-SEtrending<br />

ramp anticlines, the innermost Cervi Anticline CA, and<br />

the outermost Rocca di Sciara Anticline, RA, respectively. These<br />

anticlines are related to SW-verging thrusts involving the IMU<br />

tectonic units (event 1). The “exhumed” thrust related to the CA<br />

nucleation outcrops along the southwestern slope of the Cervi<br />

ridge. Data collected along the CA forelimb (minor folds and<br />

pressure solution cleavage-extensional veins systems) highlight<br />

the presence of two main plicative systems respectively NW-SEtrending<br />

(N330°) (H1) and ENE-WSW-trending (N60°) (H2).<br />

Cross-cutting relationships between these two systems allowed to<br />

recognize that H2 (earlier) is superimposed to the H1 (older).<br />

The CA is characterized by a well observable SE-dipping<br />

axis; moving north-westward the latter results cut and displayed<br />

by a NE-SW-trending (N350°) major transpressive, left-lateral,<br />

fault (Cervi Fault), developed in a stress field compatible with H2<br />

folds system (event 2). Analogues structures have been<br />

recognized on field along the RA limbs.<br />

The structures above mentioned are compatible with a<br />

maximum stress oriented respectively NE-SW (H1) and NNW-<br />

SSE (H2 and Cervi Fault).<br />


The depositional pattern recognized in the older TS has been<br />

interpreted as the sedimentary fill of a narrow morphostructural<br />

depression with an about NW-SE-oriented axis. This data is also<br />

supported by the average SE-oriented palaeoflow directions. The<br />

beginning of the earlier RS recorded an increase in coarse-clastics<br />

supply due both to an inferred tectonic enhancement of relief in<br />

the source areas and to a cannibalistic erosion of the eastern basin<br />

margin. This data are supported by the strong variation of<br />

palaeoflow direction (WNW-directed) that confirm an occurred<br />

736<br />

major shifting of source area toward the Est during RS<br />

deposition. The strong tectonic control on basin development is<br />

also sustained by the recognizing within Terravecchia Fm. of<br />

typical syntectonic stratal patterns such as syntectonic<br />

intraformational angular unconformities and growth geometries<br />

due to the progressive tilting of the steeper southern and eastern<br />

margins of the basin.<br />

The strong deformation and erosion of the eastern margin of<br />

the SB has been related to the activity of the Cervi Fault occurred<br />

at least during the deposition of the RS (Late Tortonian).<br />

The different orientation of maximum stress recognized in<br />

association to the main tectonic structures is in agreement with<br />

the clockwise rotations of the tectonic units occurred during the<br />

development of tectonics events 1 and 2 (OLDOW et alii, 1990).<br />

In conclusion the SB developed as a NW-SE-trending thrusttop<br />

basin, enclosed between two major thrust-related IMU<br />

anticlines (CA and RA inherited from event 1), filled by the TS.<br />

During a successive stage the intervening deformation and<br />

uplifing of the CA by mean of the Cervi Faults induced the<br />

deformation and partially erosion of the TS along the eastern<br />

margin of the SB and the contemporaneous deposition (with<br />

discordance) of the RS. Following as abovementioned the<br />

Scillato Basin fills records an active polyphasic tectonics.<br />

Moreover, the data here presented allowed to agedate the<br />

onset of deep-seated tectonic event (event 2), in these areas, back<br />

at least to the Late Tortonian.<br />



M. & SULLI A. (2010) - Interference between shallow and<br />

deep-seated structures in the Sicilian fold and thrust belt. J.<br />

Geol. Soc. London, 167, 109–126.<br />


Central western Sicily structural setting interpreted from<br />

seismic reflection profiles. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 55, 5-16.<br />

GUGLIOTTA C. (2010) – L’evoluzione tortoniano-messiniana<br />

dell’avanfossa siciliana; interazione tra sedimentazione e<br />

tettonica. Tesi di Dottorato. Università di Palermo.<br />


(1990) - Contemporaneous thrusting and large-scale<br />

rotations in the western Sicilian fold and thrust belt.<br />

Tectonics, 9, 661-681.<br />

ORI G.C. & FRIEND P.F. (1984) - Sedimentary Basins Formed<br />

And Carried Piggyback On Active Thrust Sheet. Geology, 12,<br />

475-478.<br />

SCHMIDT DI FRIEDBERG P. (1962) - Introduction a la géologié<br />

pétrolière de la Sicilie. Revue. Inst. Franc. Du Petr., 17(5),<br />


Constraining the onset and development of “deep-seated” tectonics<br />

in the Sicilian thrust belt; field data from northern Sicily<br />


Key words: Deep-seated tectonics, syntectonic deposition, Sicily.<br />


The Sicilian-Maghrebian fold and thrust belt developed since<br />

the latest Oligocene/earliest Miocene as a consequence of the<br />

collision between the Sardinian block and a segment of the<br />

African continental margin (CATALANO et alii, 2000 and<br />

references therein). The building up of the chain follows two<br />

subsequent main compressional events, “shallow-seated” and<br />

"deep-seated" respectively, whose structures are detached at<br />

different structural level (AVELLONE et alii, 2010). During the<br />

"shallow-seated" tectonic event, basin - to - slope carbonates<br />

(Imerese-Sicanian domains) have been deformed in several<br />

tectonic units and stacked above a carbonate platform rock body<br />

(Panormide-Trapanese domains), through low-angle SO-verging<br />

thrusts associated with NW-SE-trending folds. The “deep-seated”<br />

tectonic event produced large double verging pop-up structures<br />

affecting the whole tectonic stack, frequently resulting into large<br />

folds, with vertical to recumbent limbs, accomplished by highangle<br />

transpressive thrusts and backthrusts. The latter, passively<br />

refolded the older thrusts inherited from “shallow-seated” event<br />

(AVELLONE et alii, 2010). The age of the “shallow-seated” event<br />

has been well constrained both from field and geophysical data to<br />

the early-middle Miocene (CATALANO et alii, 2000 and reference<br />

therein). On the other hand the onset of deep-seated structures in<br />

northern Sicily is still matter of debate. In north-western Sicily,<br />

CATALANO et alii, (2000) agedated the onset of the “deep-seated”<br />

deformation to the Late Miocene - Early Pliocene time span. The<br />

Messinian angular unconformities observed in the evaporitic<br />

sequences outcropping in the Ciminna Basin (LO CICERO et alii,<br />

1997) and subsurface data collected in the northern Madonie<br />

offshore area (DEL BEN &GUARNIERI, 2000) indicate tectonic<br />

activity during Messinian time. The difference in elevation of<br />

lower Pliocene Trubi Fm. between the northern Madonie<br />

Mountains area (100 m a.s.l.) and the central Madonie area<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Geologia e Geodesia, Università degli Studi di Palermo,<br />,,,<br /><br />

737<br />

(1600m a.s.l.) suggests that, in this sector of the fold and thrust<br />

belt, “deep-seated” deformation continued after Trubi deposition.<br />

Some field evidences were here documented, from two well<br />

exposed outcrop areas (Scillato and Lascari basins), with the<br />

main aim to contribute to a better constraining of the onset and<br />

timing of the deep-seated “transpressive” deformation in northern<br />

Sicily.<br />

Fig. 1 – Tectonic sketch showing the location of study areas.<br />


The Scillato Basin (northern Sicily, Fig. 1) is a N-S-trending<br />

depression bordered eastward and southward by structural highs,<br />

respectively Cervi and Rocca di Sciara ridges (Imerese Units).<br />

This depression has been considered as the remnant of a small<br />

basin developed during the Late Tortonian. In correspondence of<br />

the Scillato Basin an up to 1300m thick Upper Tortonian<br />

stratigraphic succession pertaining to the Terravecchia Fm.<br />

(TRV) (SCHMIDT DI FRIEDBERG, 1962). The TRV unconformably<br />

rests on an already deformed substrate made up by Sicilide<br />

tectonics units which in turn overthrusted the Numidian Flysch<br />

units (between the Langhian and the Late Serravallian time).<br />

Locally, the TRV covers the Upper Serravallian - Lower<br />

Tortonian silti clays pertaining to the Castellana Sicula Fm..<br />


SESSIONE 23<br />

The TRV is characterized by a complex facies assemblage in<br />

which a lower “trasgressive stage” (TS) and a upper “regressive<br />

stage” (RS) have been recognized (GUGLIOTTA, 2010).<br />

Evidences of an active syn-depositional tectonics have been<br />

observed and fully described throughout the entire succession<br />

(for details see GUGLIOTTA, 2010). Several “embricated”<br />

syntectonic intraformational angular unconformities (RIBA, 1976)<br />

have been found (associated with sudden change in palaeoflow<br />

direction, evidence of “cannibalistic” erosion and growth stratal<br />

patterns) in the Upper Tortonian deposits. Detailed field<br />

structural data collected both in the Scillato Basin sedimentary<br />

fill and in the carbonate rocks (pertaining to the Imerese units)<br />

outcropping in the neighbour Monte <strong>dei</strong> Cervi and Rocca di<br />

Sciara allowed to consider that a severe transpressive tectonics<br />

was active during the Late Tortonian time. As documented by the<br />

AA high angle NW-verging transpressive faults affected these<br />

areas after the emplacement of the “shallow-seated” structures<br />

and have driven the contemporaneous deposition of the<br />

“regressive stage” of the Terravecchia Fm.<br />


The Lascari Basin (Madonie Mountains, northern Sicily, Fig.<br />

1) is a roughly E-W-trending depression filled by an up to 100m<br />

thick succession of limestones, marls and calcarenites pertaining<br />

to the Lower Pliocene Trubi Fm.. The latter, unconformably<br />

overlays, through an angular unconformity with strong erosional<br />

features, an already deformed tectonic stack made up of<br />

Oligocene-Early Miocene marly-arenaceous deposits pertaining<br />

to the Tufiti di Tusa Fm. (Sicilide Units) which in turn<br />

overthrusted the Numidian Flysch units between the Langhian<br />

and the Late Serravallian time span. Detailed stratigraphic,<br />

sedimentologic and structural data coming from field study<br />

(AVELLONE et alii, 2008) poited out the existence of<br />

syntectonics-related growth geometries (associated with slumps<br />

and earthquake-related structures) that involve the Zanclean<br />

deposits. These geometries result from the progressive tilting of<br />

the depositional surface occurred during Early Pliocene and<br />

related to the nucleation of roughly E-W trending, N-ward<br />

verging folds. The transpressive deformative field is associated<br />

with the development of two conjugate sets of deep-seated<br />

transpressive/transcurrent faults, NE-SW (left-lateral) and NW-<br />

SE (right-lateral) oriented.<br />

These transpression-related structure affected the Sicilide unit<br />

floor thrust which previously formed “shallow-seated”<br />

compressional structures. All the above mentioned data allowed<br />

to consider that in these areas the “deep-seated” transpressive<br />

tectonics was active at least during the earliest Pliocene<br />

(Zanclean).<br />

738<br />


New and mainly field-derived stratigraphic, sedimentologic and<br />

structural data, pertaining the interplay between tectonics and<br />

contemporaneous sedimentation allowed to point out some<br />

remarks on the onset and development of the deep-seated<br />

traspressive tectonics in the northern Sicily thrust belt. Data<br />

coming from the Late Tortonian Scillato Basin pointed out that in<br />

these areas the deep-seated transpressive tectonics have driven<br />

the syntectonics deposition of the the “regressive stage”<br />

recognized within the Terravecchia Fm.. This data allowed to<br />

date the onset of this deformative event in the study areas back at<br />

least to the latest Tortonian time. Moreover, as demonstrated by<br />

syntectonics deposition of the Trubi Fm. in the Lascari Basin the<br />

transpressive tectonics continued during the Zanclean age.<br />



SULLI A. (2010) - Interference between shallow and deep-seated<br />

structures in the Sicilian fold and thrust belt. J. Geol. Soc. London,<br />

167, 109–126.<br />


&AGATE M. (2008) - Syn-sedimentary tectonics during Early<br />

Pliocene time in the northern Madonie Mountains (Sicily). Rend.<br />

Online Soc. Geol. It., 3 (2008).<br />

CATALANO R., FRANCHINO A., MERLINI S. & SULLI A. (2000) -Central<br />

western Sicily structural setting interpreted from seismic reflection<br />

profiles. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 55, 5-16.<br />

DEL BEN A. & GUARNIERI P. (2000) - Neogene transpression in the<br />

Cefalù Basin (Southern Tyrrhenian): Comparison between land<br />

and marine data. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 55: 27-33.<br />

GUGLIOTTA C. (2010) – L’evoluzione tortoniano-messiniana<br />

dell’avanfossa siciliana; interazione tra sedimentazione e tettonica.<br />

Tesi di Dottorato in Geologia XXI Ciclo. Dipartimento di Geologia<br />

e Geodesia, Università degli Studi di Palermo, 236 pp.<br />


CONTINO A., GRECO G. & MAURO G. (1997). The Ciminna<br />

evaporitic basin cyclical sedimentation and eustatic control in a<br />

traspressive tectonic setting. In: R. Catalano (Ed.) - Time scales and<br />

basin dynamics. Sicily, the adjacent Mediterranean and other natural<br />

laboratories, 8 th Workshop Of The <strong>Il</strong>p Task Force “Origin Of<br />

Sedimenatry Basins”, Palermo (Sicily), June 7-13, 1997.<br />

RIBA O. (1976) – Syntectonic unconformities of the Alto Cardener,<br />

spanish Pyrenees: a genetic interpretation. Sedim. Geol., 15, 213-<br />

233.<br />

SCHMIDT DI FRIEDBERG P. (1962) - Introduction a la géologié<br />

pétrolière de la Sicilie. Revue. Inst. Franc. Du Petr., 17(5), . 635-<br />


Key words: Corals, East Alborz Lower Carboniferous, north<br />

Damghan.<br />

A Balast stratigraphical section was studied at the north<br />

Damghan. These sections have been composed by limestone<br />

alternate with shale of Tournaisian and Visean in age. Up to 20<br />

species of corals belong to 11 genera have been distinguished.<br />

The following species are: Sychnoelasma sp., Caninia<br />

cornocopiae, Caninia ? lonsdaleiforme, Caninia ? sp.,<br />

Pseudozaphrentoides ? sp., Siphonophyllia iranica,<br />

Siphonophyllia cf, dorlodoti, Siphonophyllia cylindrica<br />

cylindrical, Siphonophyllia cf. samsonensis, Heterocaninia sp.,<br />

Dibunophyllum bipartitum, Arachnolasma sp. A,<br />

Kueichouphyllum alborzense minor, Kueichouphyllum<br />

crassiseptum, Kueichouphyllum lalunense, Tehranophyllum sp.<br />

A, Tehranophyllum sp. B, Tehranophyllum sp. C, Michelinia<br />

megastoma, Syringopora sp.<br />

Stratigraphical section of north Damghan show regressive<br />

sequence from Tournaisian to Lower Visean. Three main<br />

environments containing rugosa and tabulate corals were<br />

identified: open shelf to oolitic shoals. According to corals<br />

morphology, three ecological assemblages were distinguished.<br />

First is compost of solitary, undissepimented rugosa corals. It<br />

consist of Cyathaxonia fauna that corresponding to Lower<br />

Tournaisian. Second assemblage is composed of solitary<br />

dissepimented rugosa corals of median to large sizes.<br />

This assemblage occurs at shallow areas of the open shelf.<br />

The age of this assemblage is Upper Tournaisian. Third<br />

assemblage is composed of solitary dissepimented rugosa corals<br />

of big size and occurs at massive oolitic limestones of upper part<br />

of section and corresponding to shoal areas of Lower Visean in<br />

age. Lower Carboniferous corals of Balast stratigraphical section<br />

have been compared with Lower Carboniferous corals of another<br />

part of Iran.<br />

Iranian Lower Carboniferous corals belong to shallow areas<br />

of open shelf of unique oceans.<br />

_________________________<br />

Lower Carboniferous biostratigraphy, paleoecology and<br />

biogeography of Balast section, north of Damghan, Iran<br />

(*) High Education Center of Jahad Keshavarzi, Hemat Av. Karaj, Iran.<br /><br />

(**) Payam-e-nur University, Damghan, Iran.<br />


739<br />


SESSIONE 23<br />

Corals association in the Mobarak formation, section of<br />

South Vali-Abade, in Marzan-Abad (North Iran)<br />


Key words: Central Alborz, corals, Lower Carboniferous,<br />

Mobarak formation, Vali-Abad section.<br />

The Mobarak formation in the Vali-Abad section, southern<br />

Marzan-Abad, in Central Alborz, is composed of alternating<br />

limestone and schists. It is 200 m thick and is divided in three<br />

lithologic units.<br />

On the basis of microfacies studies, corals associations,<br />

lithological compositions and field data, we deduced that it was<br />

formed in a shallow carbonatic shelf. On the basis of the present<br />

corals characteristic the Mobarak formation was deposited during<br />

the lower carboniferous between the Upper Tournaisian and the<br />

Visean-Namurian.<br />

Two species of tabulate corals belonging to two different<br />

genera have been individuated and assigned to two local zone<br />

associations. The former belongs to the lithozone B, and was<br />

deposited in a shallow shelf built up by oolitic shoals,<br />

Tournaisian to Middle Visean in age. All the corals belonging to<br />

this association are solitary and of large sizes. The latter<br />

association belongs to lithozone C, and was deposited between<br />

the Upper Visean and the Namurian.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Department of Soil and Water Science, Institute of Scientific Applied<br />

High Education of Jihad-e-Agriculture, IRAN,<br />

(**) Geology group of Faculty of Science of Tehran Payam Noor<br />

University, Iran<br />

(°) Islamic Azad University, Qom branch, Iran.<br />


Key words: Facies analysis, sequence stratigraphy, Siena Basin.<br />

Continental-to-inner shelf deposits typically provide a<br />

sensitive record of relative sea-level fluctuations as even lowamplitude<br />

relative sea-level changes are manifested by significant<br />

facies shifts with associated development of erosional surfaces<br />

(e.g. subaerial unconformities, ravinement surfaces, etc.).<br />

Specifically, outcrop studies of these deposits provide analogues<br />

for prediction of small-scale reservoirs geometries and<br />

heterogeneities at sub-seismic scale.<br />

The present study focuses on the Pliocene deposits exposed in<br />

a key-area in the northern Siena Basin (Monteaperti-Castelnuovo<br />

Berardenga area) whose stratigraphic architecture has been<br />

refined through new fieldwork based on facies analysis and<br />

sequence stratigraphic concepts.<br />

The Siena Basin is one of the widest Neogene-Quaternary<br />

basins of Tuscany and its Pliocene fill in the investigated area<br />

consist of a relatively monotonous alternation of sand and mud<br />

packages with minor conglomerates. These deposits have been<br />

traditionally divided according to lithostratigraphic criteria and<br />

interpreted as the record of a unique transgressive-regressive<br />

cycle spanning from Early Pliocene to Middle Pliocene<br />

(COSTANTINI et alii, 1982). Contrary, we recognized 4<br />

depositional sequences (labeled S1 to S4 in upward stratigraphic<br />

order) thus establishing a new stratigraphic framework. They are<br />

representative of alluvial-to-inner shelf settings and point to a<br />

more complex depositional history than previously described for<br />

this sector of the basin.<br />

Except for sequence S4, characterized by a well developed<br />

FSST of deltaic deposits, each sequence consists of a poorly<br />

developed FSST/LST, typically made of fluvial-to-deltaic<br />

deposits, covered by nearshore-to-offshore sediments of TST.<br />

Furthermore, units S2 to S4 also consist of offshore-to-nearshore<br />

sediments pertaining to the HST. TST deposits show a great<br />

variability from one sequence to another, ranging from very thin<br />

_________________________<br />

Sequence stratigraphic architecture of the Pliocene strata of the<br />

northern Siena Basin (Tuscany, Italy)<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Siena,<br /><br />

(**) Weatherford Petroleum Consultants AS, Bergen, Norway.<br />

Lavoro eseguito con il <strong>contributo</strong> finanziario dell’Università di Siena (PAR<br />

Sandrelli).<br />


741<br />

(< 1 m) shoreface sand to decameter-thick shoreface-to-deltaic<br />

packages organized into retrogradational parasequences. Finally,<br />

inferences on eustatic vs tectonic control on sequences<br />

development have been made based on stratigraphic and regional<br />

constraints, and sequences architecture.<br />



Conoscenze geologico-strutturali. In: AA.VV. – <strong>Il</strong> Graben di<br />

Siena. CNR, Progetto Finalizzato Energetica, Sottoprogetto<br />

Energia Geotermica. Final Report, Pisa, 11-34.<br />


SESSIONE 23<br />

Stratigraphic architecture of basin-margin deposits in the Bradanic<br />

Trough: changes in geodynamics vs. sea-level changes<br />

Key-words: Bradanic trough, foreland basin fill, geodynamics<br />

vs. sea-level changes, southern Italy.<br />

The outcropping part of the in-fill succession of the<br />

Bradanic Trough (the Southern Appennines foredeep) is<br />

represented by a Pleistocene regressive succession made up of<br />

silty clay deposits (argille subappennine Formation) followed<br />

by sandstones and/or conglomerates belonging to paralic,<br />

deltaic and/or alluvial environments (TROPEANO et alii, 2002).<br />

In each sector of the basin, these coarse-grained deposits,<br />

named “Regressive coastal deposits” by PIERI et alii (1996),<br />

represent the top of the foredeep successions and diacronously<br />

develop onto the argille subappennine Formation alternatively<br />

in transitional or erosional contact. The argille subappennine<br />

deposits become younger and younger toward the Ionian coast<br />

and their sedimentation at present survives in the offshore<br />

setting of the Taranto Gulf. Accordingly, the highest and oldest<br />

“Regressive coastal deposits” are located in the middle of the<br />

Bradanic Trough near the chain border (Banzi-Genzano area),<br />

whilst younger deposits prograde towards the Taranto Gulf.<br />

In the Banzi-Genzano area, the coarse-grained part of the<br />

regressive suite is composed of several alluvial/delta bodies<br />

with an aggradational configuration (a vertical stacking pattern)<br />

while, southward, starting from the Irsina-Grassano area,<br />

alluvial/delta bodies show a downward shifting configuration (a<br />

progradational, offlapping, stacking pattern). Change in style of<br />

stacking of alluvial/delta bodies could be interpreted as the<br />

record of a major change in the geodynamic behaviour of the<br />

Bradanic Trough which, during filling, recorded the passage<br />

from a still subsiding basin to an uplifting one.<br />

In detail, the "Regressive coastal deposits" of the Banzi-<br />

Genzano area show a stratigrafic pattern induced by highfrequency<br />

sea-level changes in a sector of the Bradanic Trough<br />

where the rate of sedimentation compensated the rate of<br />

subsidence (CILUMBRIELLO et alii, 2008a). Toward the SE of<br />

the Banzi-Genzano area, in the adjacent Irsina-Grassano area,<br />

the downward-shifting configuration that characterizes the<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Geologia e Geofisica, Università "Aldo Moro" di Bari<br />,<br />

742<br />

“Regressive coastal deposits” is interpreted to derive from<br />

high-frequency sea-level changes in an uplifing context<br />

(TROPEANO et alii, 2002; SABATO et alii, 2004). Moreover, in<br />

the southernmost part of the Bradanic Trough, the "Regressive<br />

coastal deposits" are represented by the well-known “marine<br />

terraced deposits” of Metaponto (VEZZANI, 1967; BRÜCKNER,<br />

1980), which correspond to wedges with a complex internal<br />

stratigraphic arrangement induced by very high-frequency<br />

relative sea-level changes (CILUMBRIELLO et aii., 2008b).<br />

Wedges shifted during time up to the present-day coastal area<br />

still in response to interferences between high-frequency sealevel<br />

changes and uplift of the area but this downward-shifting<br />

configuration differs from that observed in the Irsina-Grassano<br />

area since each wedge is detached from the others. Changes in<br />

style of downward-shifting configurations could have been<br />

produced either by variation in amplitudes of high-frequency<br />

sea-level changes or by changes in rates of uplift.<br />


BRÜCKNER H. (1980) - Marine terrasen in Süditalien. Eine<br />

quartärmorphologische. Studie über das Kustentiefland von<br />

Metapont. Düsseldorfer Geographische Schriften, 14, 235<br />

pp.<br />


Problemi di cartografia geologica relativa ai depositi<br />

quaternari di chiusura del ciclo <strong>della</strong> Fossa bradanica:<br />

l'area chiave di Banzi e Genzano di Lucania (Basilicata).<br />

Mem. Descr. Carta Geol. It., 77, 119-146.<br />

CILUMBRIELLO A., TROPEANO M. & SABATO L. (2008b) - The<br />

Quaternary terraced marine-deposits of the Metaponto<br />

area (Southern Italy) in a sequence-stratigraphic<br />

perspective. Geoacta, Spec. Publ., 1, 27-54.<br />

PIERI P., SABATO L. & TROPEANO M. (1996) - Significato<br />

geodinamico <strong>dei</strong> caratteri deposizionali e strutturali <strong>della</strong><br />

Fossa bradanica nel Pleistocene. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 51,<br />

501-515.<br />

SABATO L., TROPEANO M. & PIERI P. (2004) - Problemi di<br />

cartografia geologica relativa ai depositi quaternari del<br />

F°471 “Irsina”. <strong>Il</strong> Conglomerato di Irsina: mito o realtà?<br />

<strong>Il</strong> Quaternario, 17(2/1), 391-404.

TROPEANO M., SABATO L. & PIERI P. (2002) - Filling and<br />

cannibalization of a foredeep: Bradanic Trough, southern<br />

Italy. Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ., 191, 55-79.<br />

VEZZANI L. (1967) - I depositi plio-pleistocenici del litorale<br />

ionico <strong>della</strong> Lucania. Atti Acc. Gioenia Sc. Nat., 18, 159-<br />

180.<br />

743<br />


SESSIONE 23<br />

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SESSIONE 23<br />


SESSIONE 24<br />

I sistemi misti terrigeno-carbonatici nel contesto<br />

mediterraneo<br />


Gabriele Carannante (Università di Napoli)<br />

Marcello Tropeano (Università di Bari)<br />

747<br />


SESSIONE 24<br />

Depositional model and paleodepth reconstruction of a coral-rich,<br />

mixed siliciclastic-carbonate system: the Burdigalian of Capo Testa<br />

(Northern Sardinia, Italy)<br />

Key words: Burdigalian, corals, Mediterranean, facies,<br />

paleodepth.<br />

In the fossil record, but also at the present time, it is quite<br />

common to find coral reefs that are physically related to<br />

terrigenous sediments. In such environments, coral build-up<br />

location, morphology and internal structure are controlled<br />

primarily by the clastic sedimentary system rather than by the<br />

independent growth of the framework builders, as in normal reef<br />

environments.<br />

This study presents a detailed facies analysis and paleodepth<br />

reconstruction of a coral-rich mixed siliciclastic- carbonate<br />

system Burdigalian in age, outcropping in the northern sector of<br />

Sardinia (Capo Testa). Excellent exposures of 1.5 Km continuous<br />

sea-cliff outcrops around the south-western and north-eastern<br />

sides of the Capo Testa promontory has allowed us to: (1) trace<br />

stratigraphic surfaces; (2) document stratal geometries; (3)<br />

discern details of the lithofacies and, (4) reconstruct the<br />

paleodepths of the different depositional environments.<br />

Paleodepth reconstruction is necessary for depositional<br />

modelling, for sea-level reconstruction, and for basin analysis<br />

Such reconstructions have been conducted for various carbonate<br />

and mixed carbonate systems (PERRIN et al. 1995; POMAR et al.<br />

2002; BRANDANO et al. 2005, 2009; COFFEY &READ 2007)<br />

based on the interpretation of paleoenvironmental facies using<br />

paleoecological and sedimentological data. When these results<br />

can be combined with spatial data, a reference model can be<br />

created to interpret areas where lateral facies associations are not<br />

available (e.g. extrapolation of drill core results, interpretation of<br />

intensely tectonized outcrops, etc).<br />

A total of seven sedimentary facies (F1-F7) has been<br />

recognized and interpreted: siliciclastic conglomerate and coarse<br />

bioclastic sandstone (F1), fine- to medium-grained hybrid<br />

sandstone (F2), scleractinian coral domestone (F3), bioclastic<br />

packstone to floatstone with platy Porites (F4), red algae<br />

floatstone to rudstone (F5), larger benthic foraminifers (LBF)<br />

_________________________<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Modena e Reggio<br />

Emilia<br />

(°) Piazza Marianna Benti Bulgarelli 20, 00139 Roma<br />

748<br />

bioclastic rudstone floatstone in a packstone matrix (F6),<br />

molluscan floatstone in a bioclastic packstone matrix (F7). The<br />

absence of tectonic displacement and the possibility to follow<br />

individual beds along the continuous sea-cliff outcrops, from the<br />

highest point to the beach, has allowed us to define paleodepths<br />

directly from the present day elevation of the recognized facies.<br />

Moving down-dip (i.e., from southwest to northeast) the highest<br />

facies is represented by F1, located at 50 m above present sea<br />

level, whereas F5 and F6 outcrop at beach level. This difference<br />

represents the paleodepth interval that is possible to observe in<br />

the Capo Testa outcrop. The investigated system is characterized<br />

by nearshore (0-15 m) to shoreface (15-30 m)deposits with a<br />

conspicuous terrigenous content that grades seaward into deeper<br />

zones where coral patch-reefs developed in association with<br />

adjacent areas colonized by seagrass meadows (30-50 m). The<br />

more distal facies are constituted by scattered encrusting tabular<br />

colonies of Porites in growth position occurring in a deeper and<br />

low-energy environment (45-50 m). The paleodepth interval that<br />

is observed in the Capo Testa outcrop ranges from 0 to 50 m.<br />

These results were then used to create a detailed depositional<br />

model and paleodepth reconstruction of the entire Burdigalian<br />

Capo Testa mixed depositional system.<br />



Comparative analysis of two Miocene carbonate platforms: a<br />

distally steepened ramp (Menorca, Spain) and a low-angle<br />

ramp (Latium Abruzzi, Italy). LESC Exploratory Workshop,<br />

Potsdam, Germany 22-26 February, 8.<br />


MATTEUCCI R. (2009) - Facies analysis and<br />

palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the Late Oligocene<br />

Attard Member (Lower Coralline Limestone Formation),<br />

Malta. Sedimentology, 56, 1138–1158.<br />

COFFEY B.P. & READ J.F. (2007) - Subtropical to temperate<br />

facies from a transition zone, mixed carbonate–siliciclastic<br />

system, Palaeogene, North Carolina, USA. Sedimentology,<br />

54, 339–365.

PERRIN C., BOSENCE D. & ROSEN B. (1995) - Quantitative<br />

approaches to palaeozonation and palaeobathymetry of<br />

corals and coralline algae in Cenozoic reefs. In: D.W.J.<br />

Bosence, and P.A. Allison (Eds) - Marine<br />

Palaeoenvironmental Analysis from Fossils. Geological<br />

Society Spec. Publ., 83, 181-229.<br />

POMAR L., OBRADOR A. & WESTPHAL H. (2002) - Sub-wavebase<br />

cross-bedded grainstones on a distally steepened carbonate<br />

ramp, upper Miocene, Menorca, Spain. Sedimentology, 49,<br />

139-169.<br />

749<br />


SESSIONE 24<br />

The bryomol carbonate factory of a mixed depositional system in the<br />

Gelasian thrust-top setting of Acerenza (south-Apennines, Italy)<br />


Key words: Acerenza, Bryomol carbonate factory, Lucanian<br />

Apennines, mixed (lithoclastic and bioclastic)<br />

sedimentation, southern Italy.<br />

During Gelasian times, laterally discontinuous successions<br />

of mixed bioclastic-siliciclastic deposits characterized thrusttop<br />

settings of the Lucanian Apennines in southern Italy. One of<br />

the best exposed succession crops out in the vicinity of the<br />

Acerenza village (Basilicata); sediments consist of sand-to<br />

gravel-sized bioclastic debris mixed with quartz-rich sand and<br />

gravel. This mixed succession shows a wide spectrum of crossstratifications<br />

and cross-laminations suggesting the interaction<br />

of hydrodynamic processes of different nature as currents and<br />

waves; facies associations are vertically arranged in shallowingupward<br />

parasequences (CHIARELLA & LONGHITANO, 2008,<br />

2009).<br />

The present study focuses on the carbonate factory<br />

coexisting with terrigenous sedimentation and producing<br />

bioclasts in the Acerenza setting. The carbonate fraction is<br />

almost completely made up of fragments of bryozoans and<br />

mollusks with minor contributions of benthic foraminifers,<br />

planktonic foraminifers serpulids, echinoids, brachiopods,<br />

barnacles and rare red algae. As a result, locally bryozoans and<br />

mollusks are the most important sediment producing biota of<br />

the carbonate factory (bryomol carbonates sensu NELSON et<br />

alii, 1988).<br />

The study of bryozoans morphotypes (i.e. zoarial forms) is<br />

the most promising method to interpret environmental<br />

conditions in which bryomol carbonates developed (e.g. BONE<br />

&JAMES, 1993). In the studied succession all bryozoans belong<br />

to the cheilostomata group and three main morphotypes have<br />

been recognized: a) encrusting, multilamilar, either arborescent<br />

or nodular celleporiform; b) erect, robust, lobate, bifurcate<br />

branches adeoniform; c) erect, cylindrical branches, flexible<br />

cellariform. The above association indicates shallow-to-mid<br />

shelf environments characterized by high to moderate energy<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra. Università <strong>della</strong> Basilicata.<br />

(**) Dipartimento di Geologia e Geofisica. Università di Bari “Aldo Moro”.<br /><br />

750<br />

Fig. 1 – Encrusting, multilamilar, nodular celleporiform.<br />

Fig. 2 – Erect, robust, lobate, bifurcate branches adeoniform.<br />

levels, moderate to high sedimentation rates and flexible to hard<br />

substrates.<br />

Both stacking pattern of lithofacies with different<br />

sedimentary structures and distribution and relative abundance<br />

of different bryozoan morphotypes in the studied succession<br />

reflect a shallowing-upward trend in each parasequence. In fact,<br />

wave-dominated cross-bedded sandy bioclastic packstones and<br />

grainstones forming the upper part of parasequences are<br />

characterized by thicker and larger celleporiform forms in<br />

association with flexible cellariform ones adapted to live in

Fig. 3 – Erect, cylindrical branches, flexible cellariform.<br />

high-energy environments (BONE & JAMES, 1993). On the<br />

contrary, smaller and thinner bryozoan colonies lived in<br />

relatively deeper environments where currents produced crossbeds<br />

of allochemic sandstones marking the lower and the<br />

middle part of parasequences respectively. The carbonate<br />

factory shut off during relative sea-level rises, since condensed<br />

intervals and hardgrounds, indicating drowning phenomena,<br />

mark the base of each parasequence.<br />


BONE Y. & JAMES N.P. (1993) – Bryozoans as carbonate<br />

sediment producers on the cool-water Lapedece Shelf,<br />

southern Australia. Sediment. Geol., 86, 247-271.<br />

CHIARELLA D. & LONGHITANO S.G. (2008) – Sedimentary<br />

features of the middle-upper Pliocene mixed bioclasticsiliciclastic<br />

succession near Acerenza (Lucanian Apennines,<br />

Southern Italy). In SABATO L. & TROPEANO M. – Plio-<br />

Pleistocene stratigraphic and tectonic evolution of the<br />

Souther Italy foredeep: key examples from South Apennines<br />

front and Bradanic Trough (Basilicata Region). GeoSed<br />

2008, Pre-congress field guide, Bari.<br />

CHIARELLA D. & LONGHITANO S.G. (2009) – Sediment<br />

segregation rate as tool for discriminating depositional<br />

environments in ancient mixed (silici-bioclastic) shallowwater<br />

marine systems (Pliocene, Southern Apennines, Italy).<br />

Proceeding 27 th Meeting IAS 2009, Alghero.<br />


GORDON D.P. (1988) – Application of bryozoan zoarial<br />

growth form studies in facies analysis of non-tropical<br />

carbonate deposits in New Zealand. Sediment. Geol., 60,<br />

301-322.<br />

751<br />


SESSIONE 24<br />

Key words: Bonifacio Strait, Maërl, mixed shelf, Posidonia<br />

oceanica, sediment, sedimentological map.<br />


This paper presents the sedimentological map at 1:50,000<br />

scale of the mixed carbonate-silicilastic inner shelf of the<br />

Bonifacio straits.<br />

The study has been carried out in order to evaluate the<br />

relationships between the production and transport of biogenic<br />

carbonate and terrigenous sediments and the morphological and<br />

hydrodynamical characteristics of the basin.<br />


The geology of North Sardinia and South Corsica, the<br />

structure of which is due to the Hercynian orogeny, is dominated<br />

by the Corse-Sardinia batholiths (upper Carboniferous-Permian),<br />

outcropping for a total length of 400 km between the two islands<br />

and made of different calco-alkaline granitic. The post Hercynian<br />

formation crops out in Sardinia (Capo Testa) and in the southern<br />

Corsica (from Bonifacio to Santa Amanza Bay) as Miocene<br />

limestone. Quaternary deposits are limited to coastal areas and<br />

alluvial plains, several submerged shorelines are also reported.<br />

In the sector study the depth does not exceed 90 m. The<br />

seabed morphology of the northern shelf sector is characterized<br />

by a tabular relief at ca. 55 m depth with incisions forming<br />

channels which converge toward the center of the basin. In the<br />

eastern sector morphological heights of Lavezzi archipelago<br />

delimit small basins. Bedforms, like E-W oriented comet marks<br />

and ripple marks, have been reported in the whole area<br />

(PLUQUET, 2006).<br />


New SSS data recorded lines were used to report bedforms<br />

_________________________<br />

Sedimentological map of Bonifacio Strait inner shelf<br />


(*)Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università degli Studi di Cagliari,<br /><br />

(**) Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche<br />

The research work was conducted within the framework of the research<br />

project Interreg IIIA GERER<br />

752<br />

(DE MURO, 2003; PUSCEDDU, 2008). New sub-bottom recorded<br />

lines were used to find out sediment deposits (Fig. 1).<br />

Furthermore sub-bottom recorded lines were used to determine<br />

acoustic facies (BARTOLE &DE MURO, 2009). A total of 84 new<br />

sediment samples were collected by Van Veen grab, from 5 to 77<br />

m depth. Grain size distribution was determined by sieving at 1f<br />

intervals using Udden - Wentworth scale. Carbonate percentage<br />

was determined by gasometrical measurements.<br />

The mineralogical composition of samples was classified by<br />

distinguishing lithoclasts, quartz, feldspars, micas and other<br />

minerals using a binocular microscope. The taxonomical<br />

classification was performed on 55 samples which showed a<br />

weight percent > 0.5 mm exceeding 70% by categorizing in the<br />

following groups: Red Algae, Bryozoans, Mollusks, Cnidarians,<br />

Arthropods, Echinoderms, Foraminifers, Polychaeta–Serpulida<br />

and indeterminate grains. In order to verify the sediment<br />

distribution, a tri-dimensional hydrodynamic model was applied to<br />

reproduce the wind and tide, generating water currents in the area.<br />


The sedimentological map was drawn using the classification<br />

into six sedimentary facies, realized using the multivariate<br />

statistical technique, which distinguishes sample groups on the<br />

basis of different sediment characteristics (texture, mineralogy,<br />

taxonomical groups) (DE FALCO et alii, 2008).<br />

Bonifacio Mouth shelf carbonate sediments consist almost<br />

entirely of whole and fragmented skeletal material characterized<br />

by their coarseness, more or less irrespective of water depth, with<br />

a mud content generally < 5%. A total of six sedimentary facies<br />

and four subfacies were recognized:<br />

a) Coastal biogenic gravelly sand. It was subdivided in 2<br />

subfacies related to intermattes and the upper limit of Posidonia<br />

oceanica (L.) meadows, recognized as a major ecosystem<br />

producing biogenic carbonate sediments in the infralittoral.<br />

Bioclastic sediments are formed from heterozoan skeletal<br />

assemblages (bryozoans, calcareous red algae, bivalve mollusk)<br />

with significant presence of undetermined grains.<br />

b) Reworked detritic sands. This facies was subdivided in two<br />

subfacies based on the percentage of terrigenous sediments: i)<br />

“Mixed coarse sand” characterized by reworked skeletal<br />

fragments often with glauconite infilled, where terrigenous<br />

materials are quartz and grain aggregates formed of several<br />

siliciclastic sediments cemented (encrusted) probably by<br />

filamentous algae; ii) “Reworked medium-fine bioclastic sands”

Fig.1 – Sedimentological map of Bonifacio Strait inner shelf.<br />

where carbonate organisms are represented by bivalves,<br />

bryozoans, sponge spicules, echinoderm fragments and spines,<br />

planktonic and benthic foraminifera.<br />

c) Maërl beds. This facies represents the major ecosystem<br />

carbonate producer in the circalitoral zone. Sediments consist<br />

almost entirely of coralline algae (mostly Lithothamnion<br />

corallioides) occurring primarily as branches and nodules. Other<br />

common coarse grains are whole and fragmented mollusks,<br />

bryozoans. In the fine sandy fraction echinoderms and benthic<br />

foraminifera are the main components.<br />

d) Mixed gravelly sands. The sediments contain ca. 40% of<br />

terrigenous elements (feldspar, biotite and quarz) mostly relict<br />

gravels. The bioclastics fraction is made up of bryozoans and<br />

bivalves.<br />

e) Coralligenous. Coralligène concretions were found in two<br />

points at ca. 15 and 30 m depth. However the points registered as<br />

rocks are probably parts of this biogenic association.<br />

f) Mixed shoreface facies, formed by silicilastic and<br />

carbonate sediments derived from Posidonia meadows.<br />


BARTOLE R. & DE MURO S. (2009) - Features and bedforms of<br />

the last eustatic cycle in the La Maddalena Archipelago<br />

(North Sardinia, Italy) from high-resolution acoustic data.<br />

753<br />

Medimond International Proceeding, ISBN: 978-88-7587-<br />

554-1, 79-84.<br />

DE FALCO G., BAROLI M., CUCCO A. & SIMEONE S. (2008) -<br />

Intrabasinal conditions promoting the development of a<br />

biogenic carbonate sedimentary facies associated with the<br />

seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Continental Shelf Research 28<br />

(6), 797-812.<br />

DE MURO S., BARTOLE R., RAMELLA R. & DONDA F. (2003) –<br />

Acoustic facies and morphologies of the holocene deposists<br />

within the la Maddalena Archipelago (Bocche di Bonifacio –<br />

NW Sardinia, Italy) - Atti del convegno Geosed 2003,<br />

Alghero, Italia, 119- 123.<br />

PLUQUET F. (2006) - Évolution récente et sédimentation des<br />

plates-formes continentales de la Corse. PhD Thesis<br />

Université de Corse, 300 pp.<br />

PUSCEDDU N. (2009) – Caratterizzazione sedimentologica <strong>della</strong><br />

piattaforma interna dell’Arcipelago di La Maddalena. Studio<br />

e modellizzazione di tre spiagge campione. PhD Thesis in<br />

Earth Sciences. Università di Cagliari, 186 pp..<br />


SESSIONE 24<br />

Key words: Coastal cartography, sedimentology, Site of<br />

Community Importance (SCI), south-west Sardinia.<br />


The paper presents the results obtained from the morhologicsedimentological<br />

study of Chia beaches located in the Site of<br />

Community Importance (SCI) ITB 042230 “Porto Campana”.<br />

The research work was conducted within the framework of the<br />

research project Life+ Nature & Biodiversity – Providune<br />

(LIFE07NAT/IT/000519) (DE MURO et alii, 2009) using survey<br />

methodological standards with high resolution, defined and tested<br />

during the European Project Interreg IIIA GERER “Gestion<br />

intègrèe de l’environnement à haute risque d’èrosion” (DE<br />

MURO &DE FALCO, 2010).<br />

The aim was to describe coastal morphologies, define<br />

sedimentological and hydrodynamic characteristics and processes<br />

of the area and produce submerged and dry beach cartography in<br />

1:5,000 scale.<br />


The ITB042230 “Porto Campana” SCI is located in Domus<br />

de Maria municipality, SW Sardinia - Sulcis area (Fig. 1). The<br />

study object is the beaches at Chia, which are included in the SCI.<br />

Their continuity is interrupted by two low rocky headlands which<br />

divide it into three areas from NE to SW called Sa Colonia,<br />

Campana and Su Giudeu. The geological setting is characterized<br />

by a Precambrian and Palaeozoic basement formed by<br />

metamorphic rocks (ortogneiss of Monte Filau and micaceous<br />

shales of Monte Settib<strong>alla</strong>s) and granitoid lithotypes of Monti sa<br />

Guardia Manna and Capo Spartivento.<br />

Moreover crops of “Bithia Formation” (Precambian?-Lower<br />

_________________________<br />

Sedimentary processes, morphodynamics and sedimentological map<br />

of “Porto Campana” SCI beaches (Domus De Maria - SW Sardinia)<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Cagliari,<br />,<br />

The research work was conducted within the framework of the research<br />

project Life+ Nature & Biodiversity – Providune (LIFE07NAT/IT/000519).<br />

754<br />

Cambrian), formed by phyllites, metasandstones, marbles and<br />

basic metavolcanic rocks are observed.<br />

On the Palaeozoic basement, Quaternary deposits lie, which<br />

are formed from Holocenic and recent beach sands, ancient and<br />

recent alluvial deposits related to the main rivers and colluvial<br />

deposits on the slope floors.<br />

The surface beyond the backshore, called “Su Planu<br />

Spartivento” is characterized by colluvial-alluvial deposits made<br />

up of sandy matrix clastic sediments, while the alluvial plains of<br />

“Rio di Chia” and“Sa Tanca ‘e sa Tuerra” are composed of<br />

alluvial sandy-gravelly deposits. In the area two ponds are also<br />

present (Su Stangioni de su Sali and Stagno di Chia) connected<br />

with the alluvial plains.<br />

Fig. 1 – Map Index.<br />


The survey was conducted by field measurements referred to<br />

a geodetic net based on the IGM95 ETRF2000 n.239901 point,<br />

located in Monte Filau (DE MURO et alii, 2009). The dry beach<br />

was surveyed with a DGPS system, obtaining the points with xyz<br />

coordinates on 1 Hz frequency. For the submerged beach, a<br />

system of interfaced Reson Navisound 215 echosounder/<br />

Omnistar 8300HP DGPS through Reson PDS2000 navigation<br />

software was used, installed on the Novamarine RH580 ship of<br />

the “Osservatorio Coste E Ambiente Naturale Sottomarino”<br />

(OCEANS) of the Earth Science Department – Cagliari<br />

University. The surveys were obtained together on submerged<br />

and dry beach on a 50m side grid. In “post-processing mode”<br />

data were processed and filtered to realize a studied area DTM.<br />

Then a sedimentological survey, along prefixed land-sea transects<br />

was carried out. During this survey the following samples were<br />

collected: 67 samples from the submerged beach (using 5 liters<br />

van veen grab), 42 samples from dry beach and shoreline and 74<br />

samples from the dune area.

Granulometric analysis was made following the ASTM<br />

International standard metodology, with sieves spaced on ¼ F<br />

between 2000 μm and 63 μm (Udden-Wentworth scale, 1922).<br />

The grainsize parameters of FOLK &WARD (1957): Meansize<br />

(Mz), sorting (s I,), skewness (SkI) and kurtosis (KG) were<br />

obtained for every sample. The compositional analysis was made<br />

with Dietrich-Fruhling calcimeter to estimate the total carbonate<br />

percentage. This method was linked to a semi-quantitative<br />

evaluation of different component percentages (quartz, feldspars,<br />

micas, heavy minerale, lithoclasts and bioclasts) observed under<br />

binocular microscope using a visual comparison chart.<br />

Collected data have allowed the realization of wave and<br />

hydrodinamic models with Delft3D software, WAVE and FLOW<br />

modules. The models were also based on meteomarine data<br />

recorded in the area and calibrate with observations and<br />

measurements in situ (KALB, 2008).<br />


Meansize Mz values from Sa Colonia to Su Giudeu (from NE<br />

to SW) allowed the identification of a general trend in size<br />

reduction. This trend is underlined mostly on shoreline with<br />

values from 0.92F in Sa Colonia to 1.94F in Su Giudeu.<br />

From a compositional point of view the results show that dune<br />

samples consist of quartz (75-80%), bioclastic-carbonate<br />

component (7-10%) and a low percentage of femic minerals.<br />

Dry beach samples are very similar to dune ones with tails of<br />

coarse sediments, prevalently formed by clastics materials.<br />

Submerged beach samples can be grouped into two types: the<br />

first made up entirely of angular quartz clasts (90%) and small<br />

amounts of bioclasts and femic minerals (8-10%); the second is<br />

prevalently quartz-feldspathic sediment (75-80%) with major<br />

amounts of bioclasts (15-20%) and femic minerals (5%). The<br />

Fig. 2 – Hydrodynamic scheme following Scirocco wind with 10 m/s<br />

intensity.<br />

755<br />

coarse tails are formed of bioclastic, quartz and lithic<br />

metamorphic clasts.<br />

The hydrodynamic models demonstrate that Libeccio (225°)<br />

and Scirocco (135°) control the exchange processes and set the<br />

bar and trough area (surfzone). These events produce longshore<br />

SW-NE currents and several circulation cells (Fig. 2) which<br />

shape a double system of bars and trough, with a surfzone<br />

extension over 300 metres. (Fig. 3).<br />

Fig. 3 – Arrangement of the surfzone following Scirocco wind with 10<br />

m/s intensity.<br />

The various thematic maps obtained (bathimetry, refraction,<br />

bottom current distribution, texture, facies distribution, surfzone<br />

dynamic) show the main mechanisms of sediment flows.<br />

The results underline clearly the main mechanisms of control<br />

and behavior of sedimentary fluxes between dune-drybeachshoreface.<br />



(2009) – Studi sedimentologici e dinamica marino-costiera -<br />

SIC “PORTO CAMPANA” (ITB042230). Report ACTION<br />

A.2 Progetto Life+ Nature & Biodiversity Providune<br />

(LIFE07NAT/IT/000519), 1-53.<br />

DE MURO S. & DE FALCO G. (2010) – Dati e manuale scientificotecnico<br />

per lo studio e la gestione delle spiagge <strong>della</strong><br />

Sardegna e <strong>della</strong> Corsica. Volume atti conclusivi Progetto<br />

Interreg. IIIA GERER “Gestione ambientale integrata in<br />

località ad elevato rischio di erosione” – University press –<br />

Scienze del Mare, CUEC.<br />

KALB C. (2008) – I sedimenti superficiali <strong>della</strong> piattaforma<br />

interna del Golfo di Cagliari. Relazioni tra moto ondoso,<br />

correnti indotte e processi di sedimentazione su sistemi di<br />

spiaggia campione. Tesi di Dottorato in Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra –<br />

Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy, 295 pp.<br />


SESSIONE 24<br />

Sedimentological map of the seafloor between Porto Pozzo Bay and<br />

Capo Ferro - NE Sardinia<br />

Key words: Cartography, facies association, North-East<br />

Sardinia, Posidonia oceanica, sedimentology.<br />


The Sedimentological map of the seafloor between Porto<br />

Pozzo Bay and Capo Ferro - NE Sardinia is presented. The<br />

purpose of this study is to improve the knowledge of actual<br />

sedimentary distribution in 1:25,000 scale.<br />

The research in based on acoustic data (Edgetech DF-1000<br />

Side Scan Sonar – 70NM 2 ), seismic data (Datasonic Chirp Sub<br />

Bottom Profiler – 200NM) and sedimentological data (Van Veen<br />

grab – 170 samples).<br />

The data were collected during: PALEOCLI.GE Campaign<br />

(1999, 2000 and 2001), Palau 2004 Campaign, Bocche di<br />

Bonifacio 2005 Campaign and GERER 2007 Campaign<br />

organized by “Osservatorio Coste E Ambiente Naturale<br />

Sottomarino” (O.C.E.A.N.S.). Previous research work (DE MURO<br />

et alii, 2000, 2003; FANZUTTI &PIANI, 2003; PUSCEDDU, 2009;<br />

Fig. 1 – Sedimentological data and Sub Bottom Profiler data position.<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Cagliari,<br />;<br />

The research work was supported by the European project INTERREG IIIA<br />

Italy-France “Islands” - "Gestion intègrèe de l’environnement à haute risque<br />

d’èrosion" (GERER).<br />


756<br />

BARTOLE &DE MURO, 2009) has been made in the studied area<br />

(Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).<br />

Side Scan Sonar data were also used (Ministero<br />

dell’Ambiente e <strong>della</strong> Tutela del Territorio - Servizio difesa del<br />

mare, 2002).<br />

Fig. 2 – Side Scan Sonar data position: PALEOCLI.GE 2000 Campaign and<br />


DIFESA DEL MARE, (2002).<br />

As cartographic bases we used the Carte Tecniche Regionali,<br />

in 1:10,000 scale, (CTR-Regione Autonoma <strong>della</strong> Sardegna,<br />

1998) and the Italian nautical maps (Istituto Idrografico Militare -<br />

I.I.M.I., 1990).<br />

The NE Sardinia geology is primary dominated by the Corse-<br />

Sardinia batholiths (upper Carboniferous-Permian), which are<br />

made of different calco-alkaline granitic outcrops. Also<br />

secondary outcrops of metamorphic basement can be preserved in<br />

Golfo delle Saline, Caprera Island and Capo Ferro.<br />

Quaternary deposits are limited to coastal areas and alluvial<br />

plains; several submerged shorelines are also reported.<br />


The grain size analysis was performed according to the<br />

international standard method ASTM and classified by Nota and<br />

Folk scale.<br />

The mineralogical composition of samples (quartz, feldspars,<br />

micas, other minerals, lithoclasts and bioclasts) were classified by<br />

using comparison charts for the visual estimation of mineral<br />

percentages with a binocular microscope.<br />

Sedimentological data and geomorphological data were used

Fig. 3 – Sedimentological map of the seafloor between Porto Pozzo Bay and Capo Ferro - NE Sardinia.<br />

to create a database for the statistical approach to classify the sea<br />

bottom distribution in main 11 sedimentary facies.<br />


All cartographic data, acoustic data, seismic data and<br />

sedimentary data collected, have been revised, processed, georeferred<br />

and digitized to create a sedimentological map 1:25,000<br />

scale (Fig. 3).<br />

The sedimentological map shows the surface distribution of<br />

the actual and sub actual deposits (based on 11 facies groups) and<br />

the distribution of mainly bedforms.<br />


BARTOLE R. & DE MURO S. (2009) - Features and bedforms of<br />

the last eustatic cycle in the La Maddalena Archipelago<br />

(North Sardinia, Italy) from high-resolution acoustic data. In:<br />

A. Amoroso (Ed.) - 27th IAS Meeting of Sedimentologists .<br />

Medimond International Proceeding, 79-84.<br />

757<br />

DE MURO S., FANZUTTI G. P. & CAMIN M. (2000) – Carta<br />

geomorfologica terra-mare del settore compreso tra Punta<br />

Don Diego e la Penisola di Culuccia (Sardegna Nord-<br />

Orientale - Italia). – Scala 1:10.000.<br />

DE MURO S., FANZUTTI G. P., CABRAS M. & PIANI R. (2003) -<br />

Carta tessiturale dell’area marina compresa tra P.ta<br />

Sardegna e Capo d’Orso – Sardegna settentrionale. Atti del<br />

Convegno “Geosed 2003”, Alghero, Italia, 97-101.<br />

FANZUTTI G. P. & PIANI R. (2003) - Pattern distribution of<br />

bottom sediments in the SE area of Caprera Island<br />

(Archipelago of La Maddalena, Northern Sardinia). Atti del<br />

Convegno “Geosed 2003” Alghero, Italia, 171-172.<br />


SERVIZIO DIFESA DEL MARE (2002) – Mappatura delle<br />

praterie di Posidonia oceanica lungo le coste <strong>della</strong> Sardegna<br />

e delle piccole isole circostanti.<br />

PUSCEDDU N. (2009) - Caratterizzazione sedimentologica <strong>della</strong><br />

piattaforma interna dell’Arcipelago di La Maddalena: studio<br />

e modellizzazione di tre spiagge campione. PhD Thesis in<br />

Earth Science, Cagliari University, 186.<br />


SESSIONE 24<br />

Sediments and foraminiferal assemblages in Posidonia oceanica<br />

seagrass: two cases in the Central Tyrrhenian Sea (Latium, Italy)<br />

Key words: Foraminifera, grain size, Posidonia oceanica,<br />

Tyrrhenian Sea.<br />


Phanerogam meadows play a significant role in temperate and<br />

tropical coastal marine systems, mostly in the structuring of<br />

habitats through the production of organic matter and oxygen.<br />

Posidonia oceanica, a typical Mediterranean marine plant, often<br />

has been claimed as a significant <strong>contributo</strong>r to carbonate<br />

production since it develops at quite shallow depths and greatly<br />

contributes to bottom stabilization (JAMES, 1997).<br />

Two areas of Latium (Central Tyrrhenian Sea) characterised<br />

by Posidonia seagrass and by siliciclastic-carbonate mixed<br />

sedimentation (TORTORA, 1989; BRANDANO &CIVITELLI, 2007)<br />

were investigated. The first area is located along the Northern<br />

Latium coast (near Santa Marinella), whereas the second area is<br />

near the Ponza Island (Southern Latium). In order to characterise<br />

the carbonate sediment production of these areas the sediment<br />

composition of shallow-water samples and, particularly, the<br />

foraminiferal assemblages were analysed and described.<br />


A total of 22 samples (13 from Santa Marinella: 7.5-13.5 m<br />

water depth; 9 from Ponza Island: 15.8-34.5 m) were obtained by<br />

scuba diving.<br />

The sediments were studied using grain size and<br />

compositional, chemical and micropaleontological analyses.<br />

Samples were cleaned by washing. After wet sieving at 63 μm<br />

_________________________<br />



(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”,<br /><br />

(**) Departament de Ciències de la Terra, Universitat de les <strong>Il</strong>les Balears,<br />

Spain.<br />

(°) IGAG-CNR<br />

Lavoro eseguito nell’ambito del progetto “Caratteri sedimentologici del<br />

substrato delle praterie a Posidonia” (Ricerca di Ateneo Federato 2007 –<br />

Resp. Dr. M. Brandano<br />

758<br />

grain size, analysis was carried out. The finer fraction was<br />

analysed by a high resolution laser diffraction system, while the<br />

coarser fraction by dry sieving. At least 300 grains from each<br />

sample were separated and determined. One gram of sediment<br />

was used to determine the carbonate content. A thin section<br />

microfacies analysis was performed to gain more information on<br />

the composition of the fine grained sediments.<br />

Finally the foraminiferal assemblages were analysed. When<br />

possible, at least 300 benthic foraminifera from each sample (><br />

63 μm size fraction) were counted and classified. Hierarchical<br />

Cluster Analysis (HCA) was carried out using SPSS software<br />

(version 13). Only foraminiferal species more abundant than 5%<br />

in at least one sample were considered for the statistical analyses.<br />

The α-Fisher index and the Percentage of Dominance (PD) were<br />

also calculated.<br />


The sediments are prevalently sandy (74.6-98.8%), with<br />

subordinately gravel (0.3-19.1%) and silt (0.3-9.8%); the clay is<br />

very few (0-2.6%). Along the Latium coast, carbonate biota<br />

assemblages are dominated by typical epiphytic foraminifera,<br />

bivalves, echinoids, bryozoans and, subordinately, by red algae.<br />

Near Ponza Island the most abundant components reported are<br />

foraminifera and red algae, followed by molluscs (gastropods,<br />

bivalves and very scarce scaphopods and pteropods), bryozoans,<br />

serpulids and negligible amounts of crustacean (balanids,<br />

decapods and ostracods), echinoids and hydrozoans. The<br />

carbonate content analyses show values of 6.3-18.9% in the Santa<br />

Marinella coast, whereas in the Pontine Archipelago it ranges<br />

between 17.0 and 43.5%, confirming the mixed carbonatesiliciclastic<br />

sedimentation in this area, as already reported in<br />

previous works (BRANDANO &CIVITELLI, 2007).<br />

Concerning the micropaleontological analyses, 145 benthic<br />

foraminifera species belonging to 72 genera were classified.<br />

Seventeen species show a relative abundance higher than 5% in at<br />

least one sample, whereas only the frequency of Asterigerinata<br />

mamilla, Conorbella hexacamerata, Lobatula lobatula, Rosalina<br />

bradyi and Rosalina floridana is greater than 10%: these taxa are<br />

typical of infralittoral zone with vegetated bottom (LANGER,<br />

1993; SGARRELLA &MONCHARMONT ZEI, 1993). The α-Fisher<br />

index shows relatively high values (8.4-23.9), whereas PD ranges

etween 10.3 and 31.4%, confirming on the whole assemblages<br />

well diversified.<br />

The resulting dendrogram of Q-mode HCA (Ward method,<br />

Euclidean distance) represents the grouping of samples according<br />

to the relative abundance of benthic foraminiferal species. The<br />

dendrogram singles out two main clusters A and B that can be<br />

subdivided into subclusters: A1-A2 and B1-B2, respectively (Fig.<br />

1).<br />

Cluster A1 groups 5 samples of Santa Marinella (10-13.5 m<br />

water depth). A. mamilla (24.2-31.4%) is the most frequent<br />

species. R. bradyi (15.8-25.1%) and, subordinately, L. lobatula<br />

(5.0-12.9%), Ammonia beccarii (2.5-6.3%), Astrononion<br />

stelligerum (3.6-8.5%), and R. floridana (0-5.5%) are other<br />

typical species of this assemblage.<br />

Cluster A2 includes 4 samples of Santa Marinella (8-12 m). A.<br />

mamilla (14.4-22.5%) and R. bradyi (16.6-22.1%) are the<br />

Fig. 1 – Dendrogram of Q-mode HCA of the samples, based on the relative<br />

abundance of species > 5%.<br />

dominant species, in two samples each. L. lobatula (6.5-9.3%),<br />

Quinqueloculina stelligera (1.6-8.2%), A. stelligerum (4.6-6.7%),<br />

and A. beccarii (1.0-5.9%) are other important taxa.<br />

Cluster B1 (9 samples of Ponza, 1 of Santa Marinella; 10-34.5<br />

m) is dominated by L. lobatula (7.7 - 18.9%) and R. bradyi (10.3-<br />

13.8%). R. floridana (5.6-10.7%), A. mamilla (1.3-9.3%),<br />

Neoconorbina posidonicola (1.9 - 8.5%), Q. stelligera (2.5-<br />

8.2%), Spirillina vivipara (0.7 - 7.7%), Nubecularia lucifuga (0.0<br />

-7.4%), Elphidium pulvereum (0-6.1%), Discorbis sp. (0 - 5.8%),<br />

Miliolinella subrotunda (1.9-5.8%), Tretomphalus concinnus (0-<br />

5.7%) and Sigmoilinita costata (0.6-5.0%) are frequent.<br />

Cluster B2 includes 3 samples collected in the shallowest<br />

759<br />

waters of Santa Marinella (7.5-9 m). L. lobatula (12.1-25.0%), R.<br />

brady (17.6-24.2%) and C. hexacamerata (12.8-18.7%) are the<br />

prevailing taxa. Also A. mamilla (6.2 - 11.2%) and Miliolinella<br />

elongata (0-6.6%) show relevant percentages.<br />


The sediments analysed are constituted principally by<br />

foraminifera, molluscs, bryozoans and red algae. The carbonate<br />

content shows the highest values in the Pontine Archipelago.<br />

Foraminiferal assemblages are dominated by typical epiphytic<br />

species. The statistical analysis allowed us to distinguish four<br />

assemblages: three founded only near Santa Marinella (A1, A2<br />

and B2), one comprising all samples from Ponza Island and only<br />

one sample of Santa Marinella (B1). Clusters A are dominated by<br />

an assemblage with A. mamilla and R. bradyi, whereas clusters B<br />

are characterised by a L. lobatula and R. bradyi assemblage. The<br />

difference among assemblages can be imputable to different<br />

siliciclastic apports or to the fact that in Santa Marinella the<br />

seagrass ends at 15 m, whereas around Ponza Island it develops<br />

at greater depths. Future studies will also investigate to Ponza a<br />

bathymetric range comparable to that of Santa Marinella (< 15<br />

m).<br />


BRANDANO M. & CIVITELLI G. (2007) - Non-seagrass meadow<br />

sedimentary facies of the Pontinian Islands, Tyrrhenian Sea:<br />

A modern example of mixed carbonate-siliciclastic<br />

sedimentation. Sed. Geol., 201, 286-301.<br />

JAMES N.P. (1997) - The cool-water carbonate depositional<br />

realm. In: N.P. James and J.A.D. Clarke (Eds.) - Cool-Water<br />

carbonates. SEPM Spec. Publ., 56, 1-20.<br />

LANGER M. (1993) - Epiphytic foraminifera. Mar. Micropal., 20,<br />

235-265.<br />

SGARRELLA F. & MONCHARMONT ZEI M. (1993) - Benthic<br />

foraminifera of the Gulf of Naple (Italy): systematics and<br />

autoecology. Boll. Soc. Pal. It., 32, 145-264.<br />

TORTORA P. (1989) - La sedimentazione olocenica nella<br />

piattaforma continentale interna tra il Monte Argentario e la<br />

foce del Fiume Mignone (Tirreno Centrale). Giornale Geol.,<br />

51, 93-117.<br />


SESSIONE 24<br />

Tectonic control on the sedimentary architecture of Early Mesozoic<br />

mixed siliciclastic-carbonate Pseudoverrucano successions<br />

(southern Tuscany, Italy)<br />

Key words: Pseudoverrucano units, Tuscan series, alluvial<br />

deposition coastal lagoons.<br />

The mixed siliciclastic-carbonate successions of Early<br />

Mesozoic age exposed in the Pseudoverrucano tectonic units,<br />

along the coast of southern Tuscany (Montebrandoli and Punta<br />

delle Rocchette, Early Liassic) and in the Monti dell'Uccellina<br />

(Porticciolo di Cala di Forno and Salto del Cervo, Late Triassic)<br />

are characterized by fossil assemblages suggesting a close<br />

relationship with the coeval, mainly carbonate successions of the<br />

“Tuscan Series” while the depositional features are completely<br />

different.<br />

The composition of the mixed facies are similar, characterized<br />

by: (i) recurring fining-upward sequences with well rounded but<br />

poorly selected white quartz-conglomerates, (ii) coarse quartz<br />

sand grading to lagoonal lime-muds, or (iii) thin intercalations or<br />

isolated quartz pebbles enclosed together with shell debris, within<br />

open marine although shallow carbonates.<br />

The depositional environments correspond to alluvial-fan<br />

complexes on narrow coastal plains merging with sandy beaches<br />

and lagoonal to shallow marine settings where the carbonate<br />

micritic deposition prevailed. This sedimentary style suggests that<br />

unsorted quartz debris was transported from an adjacent uplifted<br />

source area by gravity currents through very narrow coastal<br />

plains, and flowing into coastal lagoons or directly into the open<br />

sea, mixed coarse, land derived debris with open marine<br />

carbonate muds.<br />

The peculiar vertical evolution of the Pseudoverrucano facies<br />

suggests that the episodic input of siliciclastic materials was<br />

connected with storm events most probably triggered by tectonic<br />

pulses since no evidences of eustatic or climatic constrain on the<br />

sedimentation is apparent.<br />

The depositional features and fossil content of the mixed<br />

siliciclastic-carbonate Pseudoverrucano successions argues for a<br />

coastal sedimentation on narrow shelves delimited by active,<br />

fault-bounded highs, representing the landward extension of the<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Siena,<br /><br />

Lavoro eseguito con il <strong>contributo</strong> finanziario dell’Università di Siena (PAR<br />

ANNA GANDIN (*)<br />

760<br />

epicontinental pelagic basins that from late Triassic in a regime of<br />

continental rifting, developed on the European shelf.

Key words: Bonifacio basin, corals, mixed carbonate-siliciclastic<br />

deposits<br />

Admixed rhodalgal-chlorozoan skeletal carbonates and ruditic<br />

to sandy siliciclastic units were deposited in the Bonifacio basin<br />

directely above the Variscan granites. The succession records the<br />

mainly Burdigalian stratigraphic and environmental evolution of<br />

the Bonifacio Basin during Corsica–Sardinia block rotation<br />

(Chattian to Tortonian). The Miocene sediments of the Bonifacio<br />

basin are divided in two formations (FERRANDINI et alii, 2002;<br />

2003): the Cala di Labra Formation (Burdigalian) and the<br />

Bonifacio Formation (upper Burdigalian/lower Langhian)<br />

(BRANDANO et alii, 2009). The first marine Miocene sediments<br />

of Bonifacio is represented by Cala di Labra Formation where a<br />

highly diversified coral framework crops out.<br />

These corals directly lying disconformably on the Variscan<br />

granitic basement and mantle the granitic boulders and blocks as<br />

well as the deeply eroded granitic substrate. Three different reef<br />

geometries can be distinguished within the Cala di Labra<br />

framework based on their depositional attitude in relation with<br />

the substrate and the internal fabric of the framework: (1) a lens<br />

shape framework with a flat-topped surface developed in the<br />

largest cavities between blocks and on the blocks itself; (2) coral<br />

rubbles associated with granitic cobbles and pebbles; (3) coral<br />

carpets that laterally interfingered with bioclastic sandstone.<br />

The dominant framebuilders are poritids (Porites sp.) and<br />

faviids (Tarbellastrea sp., Thegioastrea burdigalensis, Favites,<br />

Thegioastrea sp, Favia sp.) and subordinated acroporids<br />

(Astreopora sp). The dominant growth form are massive to<br />

hemispheric with domal and globous form, platy forms are<br />

subordinates.<br />

The reefal textures are mainly represented by bindstone and<br />

framestone with a bioclastic wackestone to packstone matrix<br />

made up by larger benthic foraminifera, red algae nodules and<br />

debris. Other components are articulated red algae fragments,<br />

bivalves and oysters, echinoids fragments, rotaliids, textularids,<br />

barnacles and bryozoan fragments. Small planctonic foraminifera<br />

_________________________<br />

Burdigalian coral facies of Eastern Bonifacio basin<br />

(southern Corsica)<br />


(*) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”,<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Modena e Reggio<br />

Emilia<br />

761<br />

are present. Bioerosion traces and dissolution phenomena are<br />

common especially on the red algae thalli.<br />

The total thickness does not exceed 4 metres and southward<br />

these coral deposits passes into hybrid calcarenites with quartz<br />

and feldspar, red algae, oysters and echinoid fragments. Toward<br />

NE the coral unit pinches out on the hercynian granites.<br />

The Cala di Labra coral framework could be interpreted as a<br />

fringing reef because of its attachment to the continent,<br />

nevertheless this framework does not present the typical<br />

ecological zonation of the fringing reef deposits. These coral<br />

form a thin veneer of seaward thickening carbonate deposits over<br />

granite substrate with no distinct ecological zonation and for this<br />

reason it can be classified as a coral carpet or a biostrome (sensu<br />

RIEGL & PILLER, 1999). This work focuses on the origin and the<br />

inter-relationship between the siliciclastic and coral-rich<br />

carbonate deposits of the Bonifacio Basin.<br />



JANINI M.C. (2003) - Chronostratigraphy and<br />

paleomagnetism of Oligo-Miocene deposits of Corsica:<br />

geodynamic implications for the liguro-Provenc_al basin<br />

spreading. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 174, 357-371.<br />


(2002) - La plate-foeme carbonatèe burdigalienne de<br />

Bonifacio (Corse du Sud) : microfaunes et<br />

palèoenvironnements. Rev. Micropal., 45,1,57-68.<br />


F, FERRANDINI M&FERRANDINI J (2009) – Stratigraphic<br />

architeture of mixed carbonate-siliciclastic system in the<br />

Bonifacio Basin (Early-Middle Miocene, South Corsica).<br />

Field Trip Guide (FT13), 299-313 pp., 27th IAS International<br />

Meeting of Sedimentology, Alghero, Sardegna, Italy, 24-25<br />

Settembre 2009.<br />

RIEGL B. & PILLER W.E. (1999) - Frameworks revisited: Reefs<br />

and coral carpets of the northern Red Sea. Coral Reefs, 18,<br />

305-316.<br />


SESSIONE 24<br />

Mixed litho-bioclastic carbonates in Apulia (southern Italy)<br />

Key words: Apulia foreland, mixed litho-bioclastic carbonates,<br />

Plio-Pleistocene, southern Italy.<br />

During Pliocene and early Pleistocene times, Apulia was<br />

part of the subsiding outer foreland-basin of the southern<br />

Apennines (southern Italy). Before subsidence, the Apulian<br />

Foreland, was already a large carbonate landmass with a<br />

complex horst and graben structure, that became an archipelago<br />

during relative sea-level rise induced by subsequent subsidence.<br />

Around islands, shallow-marine carbonate sedimentation<br />

took place. Sediment supply was two fold: carbonate lithoclasts<br />

derived from exposed highlands and bioclasts produced in the<br />


762<br />

newly flooded areas.<br />

Mixing of both types of carbonate particles (lithoclasts and<br />

bioclasts) characterizes individual lithosomes and derived from<br />

coexistence of skeletal factories in “terrigenous” fed settings<br />

(rather than to mechanical mixing) (Fig.1). Alternation of<br />

mainly lithoclastic with mainly bioclastic lithosomes was also<br />

observed and this temporal variability of facies is interpreted as<br />

induced by high-frequency relative sea-level changes<br />

(reciprocal sedimentation). Finally, in a regional view, the<br />

spatial organization, internal architecture and distribution of<br />

heterogeneities of the different lithosomes, along with their<br />

skeletal composition, sedimentary structures and bedding<br />

patterns, resulted from the interaction between basement<br />

physiography, type and loci of carbonate production, bottom<br />

currents and changes in accommodation (TROPEANO &<br />

Fig. 1 – Distribution of depositional zones around islands characterized by mixed litho(extraclastic)-bioclastic carbonate systems (after TROPEANO et alii, 2009).<br />

_________________________<br />

(*) Dipartimento di Geologia e Geofisica, Università "Aldo Moro" di Bari,<br />



alii, 2008).<br />


MATEU-VICENS G., POMAR L. & TROPEANO M. (2008) -<br />

Architectural complexity of a carbonate transgressive<br />

systems tract induced by basement physiography.<br />

Sedimentology, 55, 1815-1848.<br />

POMAR L. & TROPEANO M. (2001) - The Calcarenite di<br />

Gravina Formation in Matera (Southern Italy): new<br />

insights for coarse-grained, large-scale, crossbedded<br />

bodies encased in offshore deposits. AAPG Bull., 85, 661-<br />

689.<br />

TROPEANO M. & SABATO L. (2000) - Response of Plio-<br />

Pleistocene mixed bioclastic-lithoclastic temperate-water<br />

carbonate systems to forced regressions: the Calcarenite di<br />

Gravina Formation, Puglia SE Italy. In: D. Hunt and R.L.<br />

Gawthorpe (Eds.) - Sedimentary Responses to Forced<br />

Regressions. Geological Society, London, Spec. Publ., 172,<br />

217-243.<br />


(2009) - Bioclastic/lithoclastic mixed carbonate successions<br />

in Apulia (Plio-Pleistocene, southern Italy). Book of<br />

Abstracts, 27 th meeting IAS 2009, Alghero, Italy, 705.<br />

763<br />


SESSIONE 24<br />

Key words: Apulia shelves, carbonate and mixed deposits,<br />

present-day sedimentation, southern Italy.<br />

Unlike the “classical” chlorozoan carbonate factories mainly<br />

flourishing in tropical-subtropical oligotrophic settings,<br />

temperate-type carbonate factories frequently develop in areas<br />

with a significant siliciclastic input. They normally bear biotic<br />

assemblages in which molluscs, bryozoans, encrusting red algae,<br />

barnacles and benthonic foraminifers appear in different<br />

proportion (foramol sensu lato: molechfor/rhodalgal/bryomol<br />

assemblages). Among the biotic constituents, filter feeder<br />

organisms and mesotrophic/tendentially eutrophic conditionadapted<br />

assemblages can be significant. Relationships among the<br />

foramol-type production areas and the surrounding terrigenous<br />

domains may be largely variable. In the related depositional<br />

settings, mixing of foramol skeletal debris and terrigenous<br />

components results in variously characterized deposits in relation<br />

with several geo-morphological and oceanographic parameters.<br />

The knowledge of modern foramol-type carbonate factories<br />

and of their compatibility with a significant siliciclastic input in<br />

the depositional setting appears fundamental in interpreting<br />

ancient mixed systems. The study of the present-day Apulia shelf<br />

(southern Italy) may contribute significantly to bring light on this<br />

topic.<br />

Apulia is the easternmost region of Italy; it is characterized by<br />

three large Meso-Cenozoic limestone landmasses flanked by sea.<br />

Respectively, moving from N to S, these three areas are: the<br />

Gargano Promontory, the Murge Plateau, and the Salento<br />

Peninsula. The related Apulia Shelf sectors are characterised by<br />

low-energy waves, a microtidal regime, and superficial<br />

thermohaline currents. Going from the Gargano Promontory to<br />

the Salento Peninsula, composition of present-day shallowmarine<br />

sediments passes from mixed to carbonate (foramol-type<br />

sensu lato) in origin. Latitude, climate and sea-water temperature<br />

led to attribute the carbonate production to temperate-type<br />

factories (TROPEANO &SPALLUTO, 2006).<br />

_________________________<br />

Present-day sedimentation on Apulia shelf (southern Italy):<br />

mixed vs. carbonate environments<br />



(*) Dipartimento di Geologia e Geofisica, Università di Bari "Aldo Moro",<br /><br />

(**) Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>della</strong> Terra, Università di Napoli “Federico<br />

II”.<br />

764<br />

Siliciclastic input from the exposed region is low to the shelf,<br />

since a few rivers run in Apulia and, moreover, they bring a small<br />

amount of terrigenous material to the mouths; in spite of this, an<br />

alongshore muddy-prism, fed by superficial currents and coming<br />

from north, contours the Gargano Promontory and occupies<br />

middle-shelf settings up to northern Murge. However, according<br />

to water circulation, coasts and nearshore zones of Gargano are<br />

mainly characterised by rocky bottoms, colonized by an<br />

encrusting coralligenous community, and, moving toward south<br />

(in the Manfredonia Gulf), rocky coasts pass to depositional<br />

paralic settings, that are characterised by hybrid sands, whose<br />

carbonate components are fed by mollusks and nearshore<br />

rhodalgal mounds. More southward, Murge and Salento Adriatic<br />

shelf sectors are characterised by rocky coasts that alternate with<br />

depositional ones; these latter are characterized by<br />

molechfor/rhodalgal sand-grained facies. Both types of coasts<br />

pass seaward to a rhodalgal nearshore zone characterised by<br />

Posidonia meadows. A relict rhodalgal belt is observed along the<br />

shelf edge.<br />

The shelf which contours the Salento Peninsula is<br />

characterised by cliffed coasts toward the Otranto Strait and by<br />

an alternation of promontories and beaches toward the Ionian<br />

Sea. A rhodalgal nearshore rocky belt develops, while seaward,<br />

where the shelf becomes flat, a rhodalgal (relict) - bryomol<br />

(modern) belt occurs.<br />


TROPEANO M. & SPALLUTO L. (2006). Present-day temperatetype<br />

carbonate sedimentation on Apulia shelves (southern<br />

Italy). Geoacta, 5, 129-142.

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