New Distributed Titles Fall 2009 - Oxbow Books

New Distributed Titles Fall 2009 - Oxbow Books

New Distributed Titles Fall 2009 - Oxbow Books


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Librairie Droz<br />

The Italian Emblem<br />

A Collection of Essays<br />

edited by Donato Mansueto<br />

This volume explores the history, forms, and themes of the Italian emblem<br />

tradition, with particular attention to sixteenth-century emblem books and<br />

their open, multifaceted, metamorphic nature. To capture this nature, the<br />

volume includes contributions from different disciplines, ranging from literature<br />

to history of art and political philosophy. Italian and English text.<br />

212p, 73 illus, paperback, 9780852618325, $60.00(s), Librairie Droz,<br />

December 2008, Glasgow Emblem Studies 12.<br />

Jean Calvin: Institution de la religion chrétienne (1541)<br />

edited by Olivier Millet<br />

The publication of Calvin’s own French translation of his Institution de la religion<br />

chrétienne was a special event in the history of French language, literature<br />

and ideas. The present edition amends the 1541 text according to later French<br />

translations, as well as the original Latin text. The reader will find philological,<br />

historical, theological, rhetorical and literary footnotes, which also suggest<br />

the entire range of critical viewpoints on Calvin’s works. French text.<br />

2 vols, 1814p, paperback, 9782600012409, $90.00(s), Librairie Droz,<br />

December 2008, Textes Littéraires Français 598.<br />

Prosopographie génovéfaine<br />

Répertoire biographique des chanoines réguliers<br />

de Saint Augustin de la Congrégation de France (1624–1789)<br />

edited by Nicolas Petit<br />

This biographical directory of the regular canons of the Order of Saint Augustine of the Congregation of France,<br />

commonly referred to as génovéfains in reference to their abbey of Sainte-Geneviève, individually provides the<br />

essential elements of the life of each of the 5352 members of the congregation from 1624 to 1789. A chronological<br />

table and extensive index allow for the serial exploitation of the individual entries. French text.<br />

600p, 5 illus, paperback, 9782900791974, $65.00(s), Librairie Droz, December 2008, Matériaux pour l’histoire<br />

publiés par l’Ecole des Chartes 6.<br />

Jacques de Savoie-Nemours<br />

L’Apanage du Genèvois au cœur de la puissance<br />

dynastique savoyarde au XVIe siècle<br />

by Matthew A Vester<br />

This volume traces the life of Jacques de Savoie-Nemours, Duke of the<br />

Genevois (1531–1585), within the context of the House of Savoy and<br />

Renaissance history in general. French text.<br />

360p, 6 illus, paperback, 9782600012119, $70.00(s), Librairie Droz,<br />

December 2008, Cahiers d’Humanisme et Renaissance 85.<br />

renaissance studies<br />

Études Rabelaisiennes<br />

Tome XLVI<br />

French text, one contribution in English.<br />

Contents: La poétique du massacre de Rabelais à<br />

Racine; Les marginalia du volume BnF RES-G-2108<br />

(1) et (2); Remede contre fascherie? Critique de<br />

l’apatheia dans le tiers livre de Pantagruel; A Decade<br />

of Silence: Rabelais’s Return to Writing in a More<br />

Dangerous World; Les rééditions de la Pantagrueline<br />

Prognostication et le tissage énonciatif chez Rabelais.<br />

144p, hardback, 9782600012065, $110.00(s),<br />

Librairie Droz, December 2008.<br />

Jacques Lefèvre d’Etaples<br />

and the Three Maries Debates<br />

Introduction, Latin text,<br />

English translation and annotation<br />

by Sheila M Porter<br />

The Three Maries pamphlets published in Paris by the<br />

celebrated humanist scholar Jacques Lefèvre d’Etaples<br />

appeared between 1517 and 1519, and are virtually<br />

his only venture into independent authorship. These<br />

four short Latin texts investigated the traditions of<br />

the Magdalen and the sisters of the Virgin, and the<br />

calculation of the triduum, or three days and nights<br />

between the Crucifixion and the Resurrection. This<br />

edition presents Lefèvre’s Latin texts together with<br />

an English translation and an extensive introduction.<br />

Latin and English text.<br />

520p, hardback, 9782600012485, $152.00(s),<br />

Librairie Droz, September <strong>2009</strong>,<br />

Travaux de la Renaissance et de l’Humanisme 451.<br />

www.dbbconline.com 57

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