New Distributed Titles Fall 2009 - Oxbow Books

New Distributed Titles Fall 2009 - Oxbow Books New Distributed Titles Fall 2009 - Oxbow Books
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ancient egypt Harrassowitz Verlag 4. Symposium zur ägyptischen Königsideologie – 4th Symposium on Egyptian Royal Ideology Egyptian Royal Residences edited by Rolf Gundlach and John H Taylor The fourth symposium in the series on Ancient Egyptian Royal Ideology had as its theme Egyptian Royal Residences: Structure and Form. The scholars who participated in this gathering approached the subject from a broad range of perspectives, embracing all phases of history from the foundation of the Egyptian state to the Late Period, and covering a variety of interrelated topics, including the physical layout and architectural design of palaces, the activities which happened inside, and the ideological questions raised by the status of the king - his divine, personal and institutional functions. The papers also include discussions on the roles of members of the court, their relationship with the king, and their activities at the residence. German and English text. 204p, hardback, 9783447058889, $72.00(s), Harrassowitz Verlag, August 2009, Königtum, Staat und Gesellschaft früher Hochkulturen 4,1. 18 7. Ägyptologische Tempeltagung Structuring Religion – Leuven, 28. September–1. Oktober 2005 edited by René Preys The aim of the 7th Tempeltagung was to examine the relationship between the technical and the theological demands of temple building. How did the technical aspects of building influence the theological ideas; how was building a temple “structuring religion”? German text. 355p, paperback, 9783447058193, $117.00(s), Harrassowitz Verlag, July 2009, Königtum, Staat und Gesellschaft früher Hochkulturen 3,2. Landschaften und ihre Bilder in ägyptischen Texten des zweiten Jahrtausends v. Chr. by Karl Widmaier This volume presents ancient Egyptian texts that deal with landscapes and the perception of them. In annotated translations, it analyzes the views the ancients Egyptians had of their environment and how these sources can be used to reconstruct Egyptian ideas of ideal landscapes. German text. 181p, paperback, 9783447058667, $72.00(s), Harrassowitz Verlag, July 2009, Göttinger Orientforschungen IV. Reihe: Ägypten 47. Altägyptische Weltsichten Akten des Symposiums zur historischen Topographie und Toponymie Altägyptens vom 12.–14.Mai in München edited by Faried Adrom, Katrin Schlüter and Arnulf Schlüter This conference proceedings contains articles on the topography and toponymy of ancient Egypt. Among others, it includes studies on the toponymic material from the mortuary temple of Amenhotep III in West Thebes and its relationship with Asia Minor and the Aegean, lists of foreign peoples, and the connection between geography and cult regulation. German text. 200p, hardback, 9783447058605, $81.00(s), Harrassowitz Verlag, December 2008, Ägypten und Altes Testament 68. Die sakrale Legitimation Sesostris’ I. Kontaktphänomene in königsideologischen Texten by Eileen Hirsch This study on the sacred legitimization of King Sesotris I of Egypt is based on selected texts and constitutes a fundamental step in the research of the religious foundations of the perception of power during the 2nd millennium BC. German text. 263p, 35 illus, 28 pls, hardback, 9783447058292, $96.00(s), Harrassowitz Verlag, December 2008, Königtum, Staat und Gesellschaft früher Hochkulturen 6. Die Suche nach Gottesnähe Die altägyptische “persönliche Frömmigkeit” von der Ersten Zwischenzeit bis zum Ende des Neuen Reiches by Maria M Luiselli This study analyzes the development of “personal piety” in ancient Egypt as a religious and cultural phenomenon from the First Intermediate period to the end of the New Kingdom. The analysis is based on over 150 texts that are compared to the archaeological record. German text. 556p, hardback, 9783447058902, $147.00(s), Harrassowitz Verlag, December 2009, Ägypten und Altes Testament 73. The David Brown Book Company – Fall 2009

Old and Middle Kingdom Theban Tombs by Rasha Soliman Thebes is well-known for the tombs of nobles and kings dating to the New Kingdom. However, the Theban necropolis was already an important burial ground during the Middle Kingdom. This unique study describes the most important Theban tombs of the Old and Middle Kingdom as well as of the Second Intermediate Period, belonging to kings, queens and the royal court. The author was able to visit several tombs previously unpublished and not open to the public. 192p, photos, plans, drawings, paperback, 9781906137090, $40.00, Golden House Publications, July 2009, Egyptian Sites. The Development of Royal Funerary Cult at Abydos Two Funerary Enclosures from the Reign of Aha by Laurel Bestock Early royal mortuary temples are quite enigmatic, but the recent discovery of two previously unknown monuments at the site of Abydos is shedding new light on their development and use. This study documents the excavation of these two temples, their provision for the dedication of offerings, and the sacrificial burials that surrounded them. 226p, 112 illus, hardback, 9783447058384, $83.00(s), Harrassowitz Verlag, October 2009, Menes 6. Archaism and Innovation Studies in the Culture of Middle Kingdom Egypt edited by David Silverman, William Kelly Simpson and Josef Wegner This volume assembles a series of studies of Middle Kingdom culture gathered around the theme of archaism, change, and innovation. The papers had their origin in a symposium the University of Pennsylvania Museum hosted in 2002, and held in memory of the great Middle Kingdom scholar, Oleg Berlev. 512p, b/w illus, hardback, 9780980206517, $175.00(s), Yale Egyptological Seminar, June 2009. Saddling the Dogs Journeys through Egypt and the Near East edited by Diane Fortenberry and Deborah Manley The papers collected here cover a range of journeys in Egypt, Greece and east as far as Persia and are linked by the light they shed on the experience of travel in these regions from the 17th to the early 20th century. Each of them is of interest for what it reveals about the realities of travel at the time. 144p, paperback, 9781842173671, $35.00, Oxbow Books / ASTENE, September 2009. Chronology and Archaeology in Ancient Egypt The Third Millennium BC edited by Hana Vymazalová and Miroslav Bárta The nineteen contributions to this volume approach the subject of Egyptian chronology of the Third Millennium BC from different perspectives: some of them concern the use of modern methods and natural sciences in Egyptology; others analyze the development of various aspects of the Egyptian culture during the whole period of the Old Kingdom and the First Intermediate Period, or try to specify the date of certain monuments and personalities. A study and interpretation of archaeological and textual sources and iconographic material is combined to attain a deeper knowledge and better understanding of the Egyptian chronology, archaeology and history of the Third Millennium BC. 265p, hardback, 9788073082451, $100.00(s), Czech Institute of Egyptology, December 2008. Current Research in Egyptology 2008 Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium, University of Manchester edited by Vicky Gashe and Jacky Finch ancient egypt Contents: Perspectives on Travelling in the Texts from Deir el-Medina; The Realities of Battle in Ancient Egypt; Unpublished Coptic Limbo; Ancient Egyptian Emic Terms for Wells and Cisterns; Western Conception of Egypt from the Fifteenth to the Eighteenth Century; Water Basins in Middle Kingdom Planned Settlements; Analysis of Black Coatings on a Mummy; Preliminary Results of a Radiological Study of Three Museum Oddities; Investigating Tissue Changes during Mummification; Re-Materialising Script and Image; A Stylistic Dating Method for Statues of Anubis; A Brief Analysis of the Representations of Masculinity; Iconographic Programme and Tomb Architecture; Predynastic and Protodynastic Mudbrick Settlement Architecture; A Reassessment of the Landing Place of Hatshepsut’s Fleet in Punt. 170p, 72 maps, plans & b/w photos, paperback, 9780954762254, $50.00, Rutherford Press, May 2009. 19

Old and Middle Kingdom Theban Tombs<br />

by Rasha Soliman<br />

Thebes is well-known for the tombs of nobles and kings dating to the <strong>New</strong> Kingdom.<br />

However, the Theban necropolis was already an important burial ground during the<br />

Middle Kingdom. This unique study describes the most important Theban tombs of<br />

the Old and Middle Kingdom as well as of the Second Intermediate Period, belonging<br />

to kings, queens and the royal court. The author was able to visit several tombs<br />

previously unpublished and not open to the public.<br />

192p, photos, plans, drawings, paperback, 9781906137090, $40.00,<br />

Golden House Publications, July <strong>2009</strong>, Egyptian Sites.<br />

The Development of Royal Funerary Cult at Abydos<br />

Two Funerary Enclosures from the Reign of Aha<br />

by Laurel Bestock<br />

Early royal mortuary temples are quite enigmatic, but the recent discovery of<br />

two previously unknown monuments at the site of Abydos is shedding new<br />

light on their development and use. This study documents the excavation of<br />

these two temples, their provision for the dedication of offerings, and the<br />

sacrificial burials that surrounded them.<br />

226p, 112 illus, hardback, 9783447058384, $83.00(s), Harrassowitz Verlag,<br />

October <strong>2009</strong>, Menes 6.<br />

Archaism and Innovation<br />

Studies in the Culture of Middle Kingdom Egypt<br />

edited by David Silverman, William Kelly Simpson<br />

and Josef Wegner<br />

This volume assembles a series of studies of Middle Kingdom culture gathered<br />

around the theme of archaism, change, and innovation. The papers had their<br />

origin in a symposium the University of Pennsylvania Museum hosted in 2002,<br />

and held in memory of the great Middle Kingdom scholar, Oleg Berlev.<br />

512p, b/w illus, hardback, 9780980206517, $175.00(s),<br />

Yale Egyptological Seminar, June <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

Saddling the Dogs<br />

Journeys through Egypt and the Near East<br />

edited by Diane Fortenberry and Deborah Manley<br />

The papers collected here cover a range of journeys in Egypt, Greece and east<br />

as far as Persia and are linked by the light they shed on the experience of<br />

travel in these regions from the 17th to the early 20th century. Each of them<br />

is of interest for what it reveals about the realities of travel at the time.<br />

144p, paperback, 9781842173671, $35.00, <strong>Oxbow</strong> <strong>Books</strong> / ASTENE,<br />

September <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

Chronology and Archaeology in Ancient Egypt<br />

The Third Millennium BC<br />

edited by Hana Vymazalová and Miroslav Bárta<br />

The nineteen contributions to this volume approach the subject of Egyptian chronology<br />

of the Third Millennium BC from different perspectives: some of them concern the use of<br />

modern methods and natural sciences in Egyptology; others analyze the development<br />

of various aspects of the Egyptian culture during the whole period of the Old Kingdom<br />

and the First Intermediate Period, or try to specify the date of certain monuments and<br />

personalities. A study and interpretation of archaeological and textual sources and iconographic<br />

material is combined to attain a deeper knowledge and better understanding of<br />

the Egyptian chronology, archaeology and history of the Third Millennium BC.<br />

265p, hardback, 9788073082451, $100.00(s), Czech Institute of Egyptology, December 2008.<br />

Current Research in Egyptology 2008<br />

Proceedings of the Ninth International<br />

Symposium, University of Manchester<br />

edited by Vicky Gashe and Jacky Finch<br />

ancient egypt<br />

Contents: Perspectives on Travelling in the Texts<br />

from Deir el-Medina; The Realities of Battle in<br />

Ancient Egypt; Unpublished Coptic Limbo; Ancient<br />

Egyptian Emic Terms for Wells and Cisterns;<br />

Western Conception of Egypt from the Fifteenth<br />

to the Eighteenth Century; Water Basins in Middle<br />

Kingdom Planned Settlements; Analysis of Black<br />

Coatings on a Mummy; Preliminary Results of<br />

a Radiological Study of Three Museum Oddities; Investigating Tissue Changes during<br />

Mummification; Re-Materialising Script and Image; A Stylistic Dating Method for<br />

Statues of Anubis; A Brief Analysis of the Representations of Masculinity; Iconographic<br />

Programme and Tomb Architecture; Predynastic and Protodynastic Mudbrick Settlement<br />

Architecture; A Reassessment of the Landing Place of Hatshepsut’s Fleet in Punt.<br />

170p, 72 maps, plans & b/w photos, paperback, 9780954762254, $50.00,<br />

Rutherford Press, May <strong>2009</strong>.<br /> 19

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