New Distributed Titles Fall 2009 - Oxbow Books

New Distributed Titles Fall 2009 - Oxbow Books New Distributed Titles Fall 2009 - Oxbow Books
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index of titles Invention de la catastrophe 109 Inventory of King Henry VIII 59 Invenzione del paesaggio 73 Investment Casting 118 Invisible Diggers 32 Iron Age and Romano-British Agriculture 30 Iron Age Settlement 30 Ismailis 3 Italian Emblem 57 Italian History and Culture 105 J Jacques de Savoie-Nemours 57 Jacques Lefèvre d’Etaples 57 Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft 54 Jahrbuch Musiktherapie 114 Januskopf des Staates 107 Jean Calvin 57 Jean Dubuffet 68 Jehan Bodel 52 Jerusalem on the Hill 60 John Olsen 69 Josquin 75 Journal of Wetland Archaeology 10 Julio Medem 82 Just Another Story 5 K Katalog der Handschriften 48 Kathedrale von Parma 46 Kent and the Battle of Britain 111 Kleine Schriften 93 KOINE 28 Konflikte 89 Krieg, Staat und Militär 93 Kulturhistorische Bedeutung 42 Kulturwissenschaften 107 L Laments for the Lost 50 Land and People 30 Land of Boudica 35 Landschaften und ihre Bilder 18 122 Late Quaternary Landscape Evolution 31 Laus Angelica 50 Lay Linguistics 88 Leitbild Europa? 107 Libyan Period in Egypt 17 Life of Meresamun 15 Life on the Edge 44 Lindow Man 8 Lingua degli angeli 46 Living through the Dead 28 Logik der Industriepolitik 107 Lombard Legacy 47 London’s Roman Amphitheatre 34 London Wallpapers 71 Look Who’s Talking 39 ‘Lösung’ der kroatischen Frage 107 Lucy Jochamowitz 69 Luigi Barzini 110 Luoghi di Giovanni Fattori 62 Lyang Lu 88 M Machtfragen 38 Madaba Plains Project 23 Making of Malta 119 Malaboch Books 90 Malta and the Grand Tour 105 Malta Sotterranea 42 Managing Alpine Future 116 Manual of Egyptian Pottery 15 Marc Chagall 68 Marco Polo 52 Marges à drôleries 48 Market Inspection 99 Mary Rose 59 Materialitas 10 Material Restoration 48 Matériel archéologique d’Aïn el-Labakha 16 Mazu 91 McMorran & Whitby 71 Measured and Drawn 71 Mechanisches Memorieren 54 Medals of Dishonour 74 Mediatization of Politics 105 Medical Theory 117 Medien und Politik 112 Medieval Broadcloth 45 Medieval Cemetery at Mill Lane 36 Medieval Garments Reconstructed 45 Medieval Rural Settlement 51 Medusa 62 Mémoire et propagande 95 Memories of Lincolnshire Farming 111 Memories of Staffordshire Potteries 111 Memories of the Fishing Industry 111 Memories Lancashire Aircraft Industry 111 Mensch – Heros – Gott 40 Mens Emblematica 56 Merchants in the Ottoman Empire 96 Mermaids of Venice 60 Mesolithic Horizons 8 Metal Buttons 45 Metric Survey Specifications 7 Metropolitan Cathedral 119 Michaux 81 Military Photographs 111 Mission und Ökonomie 93 Mochlos IIB 26 Modernisierung 108 Modern Ritual Studies 101 Mondo di intrecci 66 Monete italiane 74 Monumentum 38 Moralité à six personnages 52 Moun Lengatge 52 Moyen arabe 95 Mugello 63 Musa sotto i portici 83 Museo della Ceramica 62 Museo Stibbert 63 Musiktherapie und Schmerz 114 Mythologie et Religion des Semites 22 N Nationalgeschichte 108 Neolithic and Bronze Age Landscape 30 Neo-Mandaic Dialect 86 Neo-Muslim Intellectuals 96 The David Brown Book Company – Fall 2009

Neuzeitliche Handschriften 48 New Light on Nimrud 25 Newman and Truth 101 Nicodemus Tessin 60 Nicolas Bourbon 58 Nicolo V 53 Nomads 24 North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles 11 Norton Priory 37 Norwich Castle 36 Numismatic Finds 74 Numismatic Literature 74 Nuove archeologie 83 O Obscure Portrait 43 Observations 87 Of Death and Birth 92 Old and Middle Kingdom Theban Tombs 19 Old Worlds 50 Oligarchy and Patronage 51 On an Auspicious Day 90 Opus Incertum 64 Ordnung und Autarkie 114 Oreficerie toscane 45 Oriana Fallaci 84 Österreichische Gletscher 116 Österreichische Medienlandschaft 115 Otto Dix 68 Ottoman Cyprus 25 Over a Red Hot Stove 76 P Palaeolithic Foragers 8 Palästinisches Hieratisch 21 Papuan Plutocracy 90 Pathways 113 Paul Ricoeur 100 Pedro Almodóvar 82 Personennamen des Alten Reiches 16 Pessinous 24 Pferde in Asien 11 Philippe de Mézières 52 Pichvnari II 27 Pilgrimage in Early Christian Jordan 24 Pirandello postmoderno? 83 Piran und Zeyaratgah 96 Pitigliano 29 Planet Austria 116 Poesie scelte 85 Poetisches Werk 99 Pouvoir impérial 41 Power of Disturbance 79 Pragmatic Literacy 51 Prague and Bohemia 44 Preaching the Memory 51 Prima stazione 85 Prinzipien der Klassifizierung 16 Production of Prophecy 6 Production Technology of Faience 7 Produzione di energia 116 Prosopographie génovéfaine 57 Protective Systems 118 Protokolle des Ministerrates 108 Pubblicare il Valla 83 Puccini e le donne 75 Pure Sign 69 Q Quest for the Original 66 Qui sommes-nous? 103 Quotidiano della Resistenza 110 R Raum – Landschaft – Territorium 114 Reading the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 49 Realm of Fig and Quince 76 Rechtsphilosophie 103 Rechtswissenschaft 114 Reconstructing the Epic 39 Reflections of Empire 25 Relations du clergé égyptien 17 Relations économiques 16 Religion auf dem Lande 38 Religion und Laizität 108 Renaissance Artists 59 Renaissance décentrée 58 index of titles Renaissantismes 87 Répertoire du théâtre français 58 Répertoire narratif arabe 97 Repertorium of Middle Dutch Sermons 53 République des Lettres 58 Résidence des comtes 46 Retrieval of Materials 7 Rewriting the Middle Ages 51 Riflessioni 78 Rights through Making 66 Rigogolo del Vaticano 84 Rinnovamento umanistico 40 Ritual Making Women 5 Robert Jacks 69 Roman and Byzantine Malta 28 Roman Inscriptions of Britain 35 Roman Miscellany 39 Roman symboliste 82 Roof Frame 72 Rose and the Globe 37 Royal Ordnance Factory 37 Roy Roger’s 69 Russian Loanwords 86 S Sacral Geographies 50 Sacrament Houses 46 Saddling the Dogs 19 Saints Edith and Æthelthryth 49 Sakrale Legitimation Sesostris’ I 18 Sala delle Carte 64 Salisbury 72 San Frediano 75 Schmalkalden 46 Scholarly Knowledge 58 Scritti giornalistici 85 Scrivo a te 84 Seeing the Seeker 101 Self-Healing Properties 118 Semantics of English Negative Prefixes 4 Séminaire de Tournai 100 Sermon of One Hundred Days 6 Servants of Satan 60 Settlement and Subsistence 13 123

index of titles<br />

Invention de la catastrophe 109<br />

Inventory of King Henry VIII 59<br />

Invenzione del paesaggio 73<br />

Investment Casting 118<br />

Invisible Diggers 32<br />

Iron Age and Romano-British Agriculture 30<br />

Iron Age Settlement 30<br />

Ismailis 3<br />

Italian Emblem 57<br />

Italian History and Culture 105<br />

J<br />

Jacques de Savoie-Nemours 57<br />

Jacques Lefèvre d’Etaples 57<br />

Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein<br />

Gesellschaft 54<br />

Jahrbuch Musiktherapie 114<br />

Januskopf des Staates 107<br />

Jean Calvin 57<br />

Jean Dubuffet 68<br />

Jehan Bodel 52<br />

Jerusalem on the Hill 60<br />

John Olsen 69<br />

Josquin 75<br />

Journal of Wetland Archaeology 10<br />

Julio Medem 82<br />

Just Another Story 5<br />

K<br />

Katalog der Handschriften 48<br />

Kathedrale von Parma 46<br />

Kent and the Battle of Britain 111<br />

Kleine Schriften 93<br />

KOINE 28<br />

Konflikte 89<br />

Krieg, Staat und Militär 93<br />

Kulturhistorische Bedeutung 42<br />

Kulturwissenschaften 107<br />

L<br />

Laments for the Lost 50<br />

Land and People 30<br />

Land of Boudica 35<br />

Landschaften und ihre Bilder 18<br />

122<br />

Late Quaternary Landscape Evolution 31<br />

Laus Angelica 50<br />

Lay Linguistics 88<br />

Leitbild Europa? 107<br />

Libyan Period in Egypt 17<br />

Life of Meresamun 15<br />

Life on the Edge 44<br />

Lindow Man 8<br />

Lingua degli angeli 46<br />

Living through the Dead 28<br />

Logik der Industriepolitik 107<br />

Lombard Legacy 47<br />

London’s Roman Amphitheatre 34<br />

London Wallpapers 71<br />

Look Who’s Talking 39<br />

‘Lösung’ der kroatischen Frage 107<br />

Lucy Jochamowitz 69<br />

Luigi Barzini 110<br />

Luoghi di Giovanni Fattori 62<br />

Lyang Lu 88<br />

M<br />

Machtfragen 38<br />

Madaba Plains Project 23<br />

Making of Malta 119<br />

Malaboch <strong>Books</strong> 90<br />

Malta and the Grand Tour 105<br />

Malta Sotterranea 42<br />

Managing Alpine Future 116<br />

Manual of Egyptian Pottery 15<br />

Marc Chagall 68<br />

Marco Polo 52<br />

Marges à drôleries 48<br />

Market Inspection 99<br />

Mary Rose 59<br />

Materialitas 10<br />

Material Restoration 48<br />

Matériel archéologique d’Aïn el-Labakha 16<br />

Mazu 91<br />

McMorran & Whitby 71<br />

Measured and Drawn 71<br />

Mechanisches Memorieren 54<br />

Medals of Dishonour 74<br />

Mediatization of Politics 105<br />

Medical Theory 117<br />

Medien und Politik 112<br />

Medieval Broadcloth 45<br />

Medieval Cemetery at Mill Lane 36<br />

Medieval Garments Reconstructed 45<br />

Medieval Rural Settlement 51<br />

Medusa 62<br />

Mémoire et propagande 95<br />

Memories of Lincolnshire Farming 111<br />

Memories of Staffordshire Potteries 111<br />

Memories of the Fishing Industry 111<br />

Memories Lancashire Aircraft Industry 111<br />

Mensch – Heros – Gott 40<br />

Mens Emblematica 56<br />

Merchants in the Ottoman Empire 96<br />

Mermaids of Venice 60<br />

Mesolithic Horizons 8<br />

Metal Buttons 45<br />

Metric Survey Specifications 7<br />

Metropolitan Cathedral 119<br />

Michaux 81<br />

Military Photographs 111<br />

Mission und Ökonomie 93<br />

Mochlos IIB 26<br />

Modernisierung 108<br />

Modern Ritual Studies 101<br />

Mondo di intrecci 66<br />

Monete italiane 74<br />

Monumentum 38<br />

Moralité à six personnages 52<br />

Moun Lengatge 52<br />

Moyen arabe 95<br />

Mugello 63<br />

Musa sotto i portici 83<br />

Museo della Ceramica 62<br />

Museo Stibbert 63<br />

Musiktherapie und Schmerz 114<br />

Mythologie et Religion des Semites 22<br />

N<br />

Nationalgeschichte 108<br />

Neolithic and Bronze Age Landscape 30<br />

Neo-Mandaic Dialect 86<br />

Neo-Muslim Intellectuals 96<br />

The David Brown Book Company – <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

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