New Distributed Titles Fall 2009 - Oxbow Books

New Distributed Titles Fall 2009 - Oxbow Books

New Distributed Titles Fall 2009 - Oxbow Books


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Development of Royal Funerary Cult 19<br />

Dieu à nostre commerce 56<br />

Diplomat aus den Wäldern 117<br />

Dokumente zur Sicherheitspolitik 106<br />

Donne Medici 59<br />

Dreaming for the Witches 31<br />

Droit ecclésiastique 102<br />

Dunamis 40<br />

E<br />

Eccellenza dell’olio 78<br />

Een of twee Nederlandse literaturen? 81<br />

Effet Pygmalion 81<br />

Egypt and Austria 104<br />

Einstimmigkeit 54<br />

Elisabetta Rogai 64<br />

Emergence of Civilisation 26<br />

Emergence of Israel 23<br />

Enargeia 38<br />

Encounters 69<br />

Encyclopédie des Pygmées Aka 88<br />

Energia contesa 110<br />

English Buildings 72<br />

Ephesische Enthüllungen 100<br />

Epigonism 103<br />

Esculape et Dionysos 56<br />

Esprit généreux 56<br />

Essays in Arabic Literary Biography 99<br />

Essays on the Knights 55<br />

ETA Hoffmann 80<br />

Étapes de la vie 87<br />

Europe’s Deadly Century 71<br />

E.W. Nay 67<br />

Excavations and Observations 34<br />

Excavations at Dura-Europos 24<br />

Excavations at Mucking 36<br />

Excavations Roman Fort of Haltonchesters 35<br />

Explication 87<br />

Exploring Greek Manuscripts 41<br />

F<br />

Faith-Based War 5<br />

Farm Buildings 37<br />

Fast to Feast 101<br />

Federführung 106<br />

Fengate Revisited 32<br />

Fiesole 63<br />

Firenze segreta 119<br />

First 50 Years of the EFC 118<br />

Florilegium Lovaniense 100<br />

Fonction 87<br />

Food and Drink in Archaeology 9<br />

Foragers to Farmers 8<br />

Fortschreibung und Auslegung 99<br />

Fragmentary Classicising Historians 40<br />

Frans Hals 65<br />

Franz von Stuck 67<br />

Fruit of Italy 76<br />

Functional Dimensions 4<br />

Fundamentalism and the Bible 6<br />

FYLO 26<br />

G<br />

Gallinazo 12<br />

Geburt des Propheten 97<br />

Gender und Exzellenz 112<br />

Genre und Landschaft 67<br />

George Buchanan 82<br />

Geschichte der Arbeitsmärkte 106<br />

Geschichte der Begegnung 99<br />

Geschichtswissenschaft 106<br />

Gesellschaft, Mensch, Umwelt 112<br />

Gesundheitskonzepte 112<br />

“Ghiribizzoso” Pontormo 62<br />

Giovacchino Fortini 63<br />

Glass-Blowers of Roman London 34<br />

Glimpse of Heaven 72<br />

Global Experience Industries 113<br />

Globalizzazione 78<br />

Gold Brocade 61<br />

Graeco-Roman Slave Markets 27<br />

Grands livres funéraires 16<br />

Green Wood Chairs 70<br />

Grenzen der Welt 97<br />

Griechische Dämon 105<br />

Grounding Knowledge 11<br />

Guidelines on Materials Requirements 118<br />

index of titles<br />

www.dbbconline.com 121<br />

H<br />

Hadrian’s Wall 35<br />

Hamann’s Prophetic Mission 79<br />

Handbuch der Eurolinguistik 86<br />

Handbuch Strategische Umweltprüfung 116<br />

Handel in het Oude Nabije Oosten 22<br />

Handels- und Bankhaus Frege 106<br />

Handschriften der Bibliothèque Nationale 48<br />

Health and Disease 32<br />

Heilige Berge 42<br />

Hellenistic and Roman Butrint 29<br />

Hellenistic Democracies 38<br />

Helmut Schmidt 109<br />

Herbedestan 95<br />

Herodas 41<br />

Hieronymus Bosch 61<br />

Hill Hall 37<br />

Histoire de l’histoire 64<br />

Historical Biblical Archaeology 23<br />

Historic Govan 33<br />

Historic Kirkintilloch 33<br />

Historic Tain 33<br />

Historic Whithorn 33<br />

Holy War to Reconciliation 98<br />

Hooked-Clasps 45<br />

Housesteads Roman Fort 34<br />

Hunter-Gatherer Foraging 8<br />

Hymnen des Theoktistos Studites 42<br />

I<br />

Imagining Jewish Art 94<br />

Imagining Terrorism 113<br />

Impact of the Edwardian Castles 44<br />

Im Zeichen der Fiktion 81<br />

Inaugurazione 78<br />

Inca Rituals 13<br />

Informationsutopien 112<br />

Inhumations de prestige 44<br />

Innovationen Privatplastik 20<br />

Intelligible Beauty 42<br />

Intérêts culturels français 95<br />

International Economy 55<br />

Introducing Religion 5

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