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Thursday September 1st<br />

Proceedings of the 14th Annual European Pressure Ulcer Meeting<br />

Oporto, Portugal<br />

Wound Models in Monolayer Cell Cultures,<br />

Quantitative Analysis of Cell Kinematics<br />

Amit Gefen * , Orna Shaharabany-Yosef, Gil Topman<br />

* Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Israel, gefen@eng.tau.ac.il<br />

Introduction<br />

Cell migration is a critical process in wound<br />

closure, including closure of pressure ulcers (PU).<br />

Wound healing assays are simple but effective<br />

means for studying cell migration in vitro, and<br />

such assays were found to represent the<br />

kinematics of in vivo migration to a reasonable<br />

extent. In wound healing assays, cells migrate<br />

from a populated area into a denuded area,<br />

created e.g. by local crush, scratch or ablation of<br />

the cells, and hence the "wound" is covered. One<br />

of the commonly used measures for the<br />

performances of the migrating cells is the area of<br />

the "wound" over time, and in particular how fast<br />

can that area be covered by cells post infliction of<br />

the damage. However, current methods that are<br />

available for measuring the area-time behavior of<br />

the "wound" are typically subjective and<br />

inaccurate, or costly, or cumbersome to apply.<br />

Here we present a new method, based on timelapse<br />

digital optical microscopy and image<br />

processing, for quantifying the kinematics of cell<br />

colonies migrating from populated areas into a<br />

denuded area, in the context of modeling cell<br />

migration in PU healing. In particular, we<br />

employed our new method for determining the<br />

migration kinematics of different cell types which<br />

can be potentially involved in PU healing<br />

(fibroblasts, preadipocytes and myoblasts) as well<br />

as for characterizing effects of ischemic factors<br />

associated with PUs (low glucose, low<br />

temperature and acidosis) on the migration.<br />

Methods<br />

NIH 3T3 fibroblasts, 3T3-L1 preadipocytes and<br />

C2C12 myoblasts were thawed from liquid<br />

nitrogen storage and cultured in standard media<br />

that are specific to each cell type. When cultures<br />

were near confluency, a micro-indentor (size<br />

0.46×0.38mm) was used to inflict localized<br />

crushing damage to the cultures. Time-lapse<br />

images of the cultures were then acquired every<br />

2 hours, using an Eclipse TS100 microscope<br />

(Nikon) and DS-Fi1 digital camera with a<br />

resolution of 2560×1920 pixels (3 pixels per<br />

micron). During image acquisition, cultures were<br />

kept at 37ºC using a temperature control system,<br />

and HEPES was supplemented to the media in<br />

order to control the pH level. The time-dependent<br />

micrographs were post-processed by a MATLAB<br />

46<br />

code, based on texture homogeneity measures.<br />

Specifically, denuded areas in the digital<br />

micrographs were characterized by a<br />

substantially lower standard deviation (SD) of<br />

pixel intensities, as opposed to cell-populated<br />

areas where the SD of pixel intensities was high.<br />

The SD distributions were mapped over the<br />

micrographs per each time point, using two<br />

window sizes for each cell type: the first being a<br />

window with a course resolution and the second<br />

with a fine resolution. An intersection of these SD<br />

distribution maps obtained when using the two<br />

window sizes resulted in an adequate<br />

measurement of the time-dependent area of the<br />

denuded region. The experimental area vs. time<br />

data were finally fitted to Richards nonsymmetrical<br />

sigmoid functions for calculating<br />

migration rates from the coefficients of these fits.<br />

Results<br />

Cells covered the damage area after ~24 hours,<br />

however there were cell-type-dependent<br />

differences in rates of coverage. Specifically,<br />

fibroblasts and the fibroblast-like preadipocytes<br />

(3T3-L1) were faster than the myoblasts in<br />

covering the damage area under control culture<br />

conditions (37ºC, glucose=4.5g/ml, pH=7.4). The<br />

migration rate of the NIH3T3 fibroblast cells was<br />

reduced by ~50% at an acidic environment<br />

(pH=6.7) but the other cell types were not<br />

significantly affected by the acidosis.<br />

Discussion<br />

Developing a reliable and reproducible wound<br />

healing model in vitro is essential for studies of<br />

the etiology of PU as well as for testing the<br />

performances of any medication or food<br />

supplement aimed at improving cell motility for<br />

wound healing. The present method meets these<br />

needs and is easy to implement in a cell lab.<br />

Clinical relevance<br />

A reliable, reproducible wound model system is<br />

essential for testing medications and food<br />

supplements claimed to improve healing of PU.<br />

Conflict of Interest: None<br />

References<br />

Topman, G., Shaharabany-Yosef, O., Gefen, A. A method<br />

for quantitative analysis of the kinematics of fibroblast<br />

migration in a monolayer wound model. Proceedings of the<br />

ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference,<br />

Farmington, PA, USA, June 22-25, 2011.<br />

Copyright © 2011 by EPUAP

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