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Thursday September 1st<br />

Proceedings of the 14th Annual European Pressure Ulcer Meeting<br />

Oporto, Portugal<br />

Mathematical models to describe wound healing and wound contraction<br />

Fred Vermolen 1 , Etelvina Javierre 2 , Amit Gefen 3<br />

1* Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands<br />

F.J.Vermolen@tudelft.nl<br />

2 University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain<br />

3 University of Tel-Aviv, Tel-Aviv, Israel<br />

Introduction<br />

Wound healing phenomena, either occuring in<br />

cutaneous wounds, or in trauma on organs or bone,<br />

are crucial biological processes for the viability of a<br />

living organism. These healing processes in general<br />

proceed by signaling processes from, for instance<br />

platelets, that trigger the cells in surrounding<br />

undamaged tissues to come into action. This action<br />

can be mobility, cell movement in the direction of a<br />

signaling or growth factor concentration gradient or by<br />

(biased) random motion, or the proliferation of cells<br />

(division and growth). The simulations were described<br />

in more detail in [1].<br />

Methods<br />

In this talk, we will review some of the mathematical<br />

models we are working on. These models are<br />

predominantly based on systems of reaction-diffusionconvection<br />

equations and on the equations of viscoelasticity.<br />

Here, we show some results from finiteelement<br />

simulations and discuss some of the<br />

implications. This model is applied to simulation of<br />

wound contraction, angiogenesis and wound closure.<br />

The processes of wound contraction and angiogenesis<br />

take place in the dermis and are contain the ingress<br />

and proliferation of (myo-)fibroblasts, endothelial cells,<br />

and the regeneration of the capillary network. Wound<br />

closure takes place in the epidermis as a result of<br />

motility and proliferation of keratinocytes. Between the<br />

two mechanisms, there is interaction via the oxygen<br />

tension and secretion of signaling agents. This<br />

interaction is dealt with in the model.<br />

Besides the partial differential equations approach that<br />

we use to model wound healing and wound<br />

contraction, we will also discuss a brand new<br />

formulation of a semi-stochastic cellular based model<br />

on wound closure and growth of cell cultures. This<br />

model is based on the mechanical forces that are<br />

exerted and sensed by cells. Furthermore, the cellular<br />

motion contains a somewhat random component. Cell<br />

death and cell division are incorporated into this model<br />

as stochastic processes as well. It is possible to<br />

extend this formalism to chemical signaling. This semistochastic<br />

approach has been described in [2].<br />

If time allows, we will also show the newest<br />

applications to modeling angiogenesis on fibrosis<br />

impaired areas on the surface of a heart.<br />

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Results<br />

We will show the results from simulations with input<br />

date that are as realistic as possible. The results are<br />

presented in terms of profiles of the various cell<br />

densities over the dermal and epidermal region.<br />

Furthermore, we show the contraction dynamics of a<br />

wound over time.<br />

Discussion<br />

There is a huge variety of mathematical models for<br />

wound healing. Most models are based on partial<br />

differential equations and therewith, they are<br />

continuum-based models. As soon as one arrives at a<br />

dimension that is comparable to a cell size, then these<br />

models will fail to predict the right behavior of the<br />

phenomenon. Therefore, we are also interested at the<br />

processes on a cellular level. It is one of our aims to<br />

link the cellular models with the continuum models.<br />

Furthermore, the value of the parameters is uncertain,<br />

as well as most of the data is patient-specific. These<br />

uncertainties introduce a certain randomness. We<br />

think that we will be able to deal with this degree of<br />

randomness by the use of stochastic finite-element<br />

methods. This will be done in future studies.<br />

Clinical relevance<br />

The mathematical models will contribute in<br />

understanding the fundamental relations between the<br />

various subprocesses occurring in wound healing. This<br />

understanding can give guidelines to improve<br />

treatments such as preventing the formation of<br />

hypertrophic scars, which is a mayor undesired sideeffect<br />

during the healing of burns.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

We are grateful for the financial support from<br />

Agenschap.nl for funding the collaboration between<br />

the Delft University and University of Zaragoza.<br />

There is no Conflict of Interest<br />

References<br />

[1] F.J.Vermolen. et al., J. Tissue Viability. 19(2):43-<br />

53, 2010<br />

[2] F.J.Vermolen. et al., Biomechanics and modeling in<br />

mechanobiology, to appear, 2011<br />

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