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Wednesday August 31st<br />

Proceedings of the 14th Annual European Pressure Ulcer Meeting<br />

Oporto, Portugal<br />

Epidemiology of pressure ulcers in Portugal – the current position<br />

Alves, Paulo 1 , Neves-Amado, João 1 , Amado, João 1 , Vieira, Margarida 1<br />

1 Health Sciences Institute – Oporto – Catholic University of Portugal<br />

Pressure ulcers are a major and global health<br />

problem. The healing is difficult and complex; they<br />

bring with them great physical, psychological and<br />

social suffering, decreases the quality of life of the<br />

person and their family members, and a major<br />

economic burden. The most recent definition of<br />

Pressure Ulcers is the International NPUAP-EPUAP<br />

Pressure Ulcer Definition, defined as “A pressure ulcer<br />

is a localized injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue<br />

usually over a bony prominence, as a result of<br />

pressure, or pressure in combination with shear. A<br />

number of contributing or confounding factors are also<br />

associated with pressure ulcers; the significance of<br />

these factors is yet to be elucidated” [1].<br />

The pathophysiology of pressure ulcers describes four<br />

mechanisms on the soft tissue in response to<br />

mechanical loading: localized isquemia, Impaired<br />

interstitial fluid flow and lymphatic drainage,<br />

reperfusion injury and sustained deformation of cells.<br />

Hospital Managers and Administrators are now giving,<br />

more attention to this problem. Some numbers show<br />

the extent of this issue, Pressure Ulcers are a major<br />

cause of morbidity in the population [2] and increased<br />

mortality [3].<br />

The surgeon general’s Healthy People 2010 document<br />

has identified pressure ulcers as a national health<br />

issue for long-term care, and the Health Care<br />

Financing Administration (HCFA; in June 2001<br />

renamed the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid<br />

Services) has designated pressure ulcers as one of<br />

three sentinel events for long-term care [4].<br />

Approximately 18% of hospitalised patients have a<br />

pressure ulcer [5].<br />

Regular measurement of pressure ulcer prevalence is<br />

for many of health care institutions an action of<br />

evaluation of the quality of care. Compare data is<br />

difficult to achieve, related to methodology, sample<br />

selection, collecting data tool, between others, that´s<br />

why literature shows a large variety of figures from<br />

different countries and different care-settings.<br />

Some data of incidence and prevalence of Portugal<br />

demonstrates completely different figures,<br />

demonstrating diverse realities. This is important to<br />

reflect on contributing factors, preventive measures,<br />

prevention material available, location and categories<br />

of the population studied.<br />

In Portugal the first prevalence study on wounds<br />

(EPNFeridas)[6], started on March 2011 and some<br />

preliminary data is already available. This study and<br />

the most recent prevalence studies used the EPUAP<br />

collection form toll [7].<br />

pjalves@porto.ucp.pt<br />

27<br />

In the year 2002 EPUAP, as published the results of<br />

the pilot study of prevalence [7], in hospital setting,<br />

from five European countries (Belgium, Italy, Portugal,<br />

United Kingdom and Sweden), with more than 5000<br />

patients. The median prevalence was 18,1%, in<br />

Portugal was 12.5%, there were evaluated 784<br />

hospitalized patients, of whom 98 had pressure ulcers.<br />

First study of prevalence and incidence of pressure<br />

ulcers, was conducted for the validation of the Braden<br />

Scale in Portugal [8], 9841 patients were evaluated,<br />

with a prevalence of 11,5%. The other study, the<br />

Project ICE [9], included hospitals, nursing homes and<br />

primary health care, the sample included 1,186<br />

individuals, with an overall prevalence of 14.2%, and<br />

the highest prevalence was found at the level of<br />

primary health care. The figures corresponding to the<br />

locations were similar, the same we cannot say about<br />

the categories of the pressure ulcers in Portugal.<br />

Professionals should be aware that most pressure<br />

ulcers can be prevented, and the approach with<br />

objective preventive measures, may be cheaper than<br />

the concern to treat this type of chronic wound<br />

[10,11,12]. It is known that the treatment and<br />

prevention of pressure ulcers is expensive for health<br />

services, yet there is little information on precise direct<br />

costs [2]<br />

The prevention and healing of pressure ulcers requires<br />

the cooperation and skills of the entire interdisciplinary<br />

health care team [4].<br />

Conflict of Interest<br />

None<br />

References<br />

[1] NPUAP & EPUAP (2009). Prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers:<br />

clinical practice guideline. Washington DC: National Pressure Ulcer Advisory<br />

Panel.<br />

[2] Franks, P. (2007). The cost of pressure Ulceration. EWMA Journal , 15-17.<br />

[3] Allman, R. (1997). Pressure ulcer prevalence, incidence, risk factors and<br />

impact. Clinical Geriatric Medicine , 241-246.<br />

[4] Lyder, C (<br />

[5] EPUAP, E. P. (2002). Summary report on the prevalence of pressure<br />

ulcers. EPUAP Review , 49-57.<br />

[6] Alves, P. Amado, J. Vieira, M (2011). Estudo Nacional de Prevalência em<br />

Feridas. Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Instituto Ciências da Saúde.<br />

[7] Clark, M. Bours, G. & Flour, T. (2002) Summary report on the prevalence<br />

of pressure ulcers. EPUAP Review 4.<br />

[8] Ferreira, L. Miguéns, C. Gouveia, J. Furtado, K. (2007) Risco de<br />

desenvolvimento de úlceras de pressão – Implementação Nacional da Escala<br />

de Braden. Lusociência. Loures<br />

[9] Grupo ICE (2008). Enfermagem e úlceras por pressão: Da reflexão sobre<br />

a disciplina às evidências nos cuidados. Imprenta Pelayo: Islas Canarias<br />

[10] Hopkins B, e. a. (2000). Reducing Nosocomial Pressure Ulcers in acute<br />

care facility. Journal of Nursing Care Quality , 28.<br />

[11] Whitefield, M. (2000). How effective are prevention strategies in reducing<br />

the prevalence of pressure ulcer? Journal Wound Care , 9: 261-266.<br />

[12] Lyder, C. (2006). Pressure Ulcer prevention and management. JAMA ,<br />

August - Vol 296 nº8, 23-30.<br />

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