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Thursday September 1st<br />

Proceedings of the 14th Annual European Pressure Ulcer Meeting<br />

Oporto, Portugal<br />

With or without a risk assessment scale? An evaluation of the impact of the Braden Scale on<br />

allocation of preventive interventions to traumatological patients<br />

Sylvia Mallison 1 , Laura Kremer 1 , Anne Junghans 1 , Katrin Balzer 1<br />

1 Institute for Social Medicine, Universität zu Lübeck, Germany, katrin.balzer@uk-sh.de<br />

Introduction<br />

Traumatological patients are exposed to increased<br />

pressure ulcer (PU) risk but seem to be systematically<br />

under-supplied with preventive measures [1]. To date<br />

the evidence whether use of a pressure ulcer risk<br />

assessment scale (PURAS) improves PU preventive<br />

care in hospital patients is lacking [2]. Therefore,<br />

following research question was investigated: Does<br />

routine use of the Braden Scale (BS), one of the<br />

widespread PURASs in German hospitals, increase<br />

the number of traumatological patients at high PU risk<br />

receiving adequate preventive measures?<br />

Methods<br />

A quasi-experimental study was conducted in 2<br />

independent traumatological wards at one university<br />

hospital. In ward A, nurses regularly used the BS<br />

along to their clinical judgement over a period of 6<br />

months (intervention periods 1+2). In ward B, for 3<br />

months nurses appraised patients’ PU risk based on<br />

their clinical judgement alone (intervention period 1).<br />

They were asked to regularly document their<br />

assessment result by means of a four step global<br />

judgment scale. After this period, nurses in ward B<br />

also used the BS along to their clinical judgement<br />

(intervention period 2) (Fig. 1).<br />

Fig. 1: The trial setup. (*assessment of current state of<br />

preventive practice, **Training in use of Braden Scale before<br />

start of intervention phase 2, mo=months)<br />

Patients aged ≥18 years, not suffering from PU >grade<br />

1 and having an expected length of hospital stay ≥5<br />

days were eligible for consecutive inclusion.<br />

Data were collected by trained study assistants who<br />

regularly observed patients for presence of risk<br />

factors, preventive interventions and PU. Primary<br />

endpoint was presence of adequate preventive<br />

measures when patients were noted to be at high PU<br />

risk for the first time during follow-up as assessed by<br />

study assistants. Prevention was considered adequate<br />

85<br />

if patients at high risk received two pressure-relieving<br />

interventions at least, e.g., repositioning, pressureredistributing<br />

support surface, or offload of the heels.<br />

Results<br />

In total, 571 patients were included, with 377 being<br />

assessed at high PU risk (232 in intervention periods 1<br />

or 2). Univariate analysis revealed non-significant<br />

differences between study groups in the primary<br />

endpoint. However, these differences are inconsistent<br />

in direction and size of impact of BS (Tab. 1).<br />

Table 1: Univariate results for primary endpoint<br />

Patients with ≥2<br />

pressure-relieving<br />

measures (%)<br />

Ward A: periods<br />

27 (27 %)<br />

1+2 (BS) n=100)<br />

Ward B: period 1<br />

19 (25 %)<br />

(GJ) (n=76)<br />

Ward B: period 2<br />

8 (15 %)<br />

(BS) (n=55)<br />

BS=Braden Scale, GJ=Global Judgement<br />

Odds Ratio (95 CI)<br />

Inter-group Intra-group<br />

1,11<br />

(0,21-2,19)<br />

0,51<br />

(0,21-1,27)<br />

Discussion<br />

Use of the BS seems to have had no clear-cut effect<br />

on allocation of preventive measures to patients at<br />

high PU risk in this trial. Further analyses are required<br />

to control for the impact of baseline differences<br />

between study groups. Explorative analyses are<br />

planned to identify clinical characteristics of patients<br />

whose risk is likely to be overseen and to assess the<br />

impact of sub-adequate prevention on PU incidence.<br />

Clinical relevance<br />

Results from awaiting trial analyses are expected to<br />

reveal critical issues for improving nurses’ PU risk<br />

assessment and preventive care in traumatological<br />

patients.<br />

Conflict of Interest<br />

This trial was funded by a grant of the foundation<br />

B. Braun Stiftung. The funding source had no role in<br />

design and conduct of the study. All authors declare<br />

that they have no conflict of interest.<br />

References<br />

[1] Baumgarten M. et al., Gerontologist. 50: 253-262,<br />

2010<br />

[2] Kottner J. et al., J Multidiscip Healthc 3:103-111,<br />

2010.<br />

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