ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section II – Chapter XIII<br />

[Head of the Dragon in the sixth]<br />

Again, if the Dragons Head is in the sixth, it denotes increase of small cattle<br />

and much gain, profit thereby; also, faithful servants, and such as shall<br />

advantage their masters and the air shall be healthful and pleasant.<br />

[Tail of the Dragon in the sixth]<br />

But if you find the Dragons Tail therein, judge the contrary, also loss by cattle<br />

and servants, and that they shall be perfidious and false.<br />

[Head of the Dragon in the seventh]<br />

Moreover, if the Dragons Head be in the seventh, men shall delight in the<br />

company and society of women, and love shall be increased between them; the<br />

enemies of the people shall be strong and in good condition.<br />

[Tail of the Dragon in the seventh]<br />

But if the Dragons Tail is there, say there shall be no love nor delight between<br />

men and women, nor society in any love, but rather quarrels, scolding and<br />

brawling, chiefly among the common sort of people, etc.<br />

[Head of the Dragon in the eighth]<br />

If Dragons Head is in the eighth, the people shall gain and profit by the<br />

decease of men and women, also by legacies and such like, etc.<br />

[Tail of the Dragon in the eighth]<br />

But if the Dragons Tail is there, it signifies loss by the death of men and<br />

women; i.e. quite contrary.<br />

[Head of the Dragon in the ninth]<br />

Also, Dragons Head in the ninth, long journeys shall be<br />

successful, and men shall also be lovers of the law and all good learning.<br />


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