ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section II – Chapter XIII<br />

Chapter XIII<br />

Containing the significations of the Head and Tail of the Dragon in the twelve<br />

houses of heaven in any Annual Revolution of the Years of the World<br />

Since we have now waded through the significations of the seven celestial<br />

planets in the twelve houses of heaven in any Revolution of the Years of the<br />

World, it remains that we now also show the significations of the Head and Tail<br />

of the Dragon, and then proceed to the significations of them in the twelve<br />

celestial signs.<br />

[Head of the Dragon in the first]<br />

Wherefore then, if you find Head of the Dragon in the first, the people will be<br />

successful, fortunate, in honour and health; especially if free from the<br />

malevolent aspects of the infortunes, and fortunately beheld by the benevolents.<br />

[Tail of the Dragon in the first]<br />

But if Tail of the Dragon is in the first, it denotes dangers, misfortunes,<br />

crosses, losses, and that all manner of mischief shall be incident to the persons<br />

of the people; also infirmities according to the nature and signification of the<br />

sign wherein it is.<br />

[Head of the Dragon in the second]<br />

If Head of the Dragon is in the second, it portends fortune, good success<br />

to the people in their trades, and that they shall grow rich and thrive in the<br />

world.<br />

[Tail of the Dragon in the second]<br />

But if the Tail of the Dragon is therein, little or no trading,<br />

crosses and losses of their substance and wealth is to be feared, and that<br />

casually and unexpectedly.<br />


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