ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section II – Chapter XII<br />

singing and dancing; if to Mercury, in astrology and all curious sciences and<br />

ingenious arts; to herself, in all waterworks or things pertaining thereunto; and<br />

if she is therein afflicted, then you may judge inconveniency will come thereby,<br />

expenses and trouble according to the nature of the planet afflicting, etc.<br />

[Moon in the tenth]<br />

If she is in the tenth, the people shall be in a good and prosperous condition,<br />

shall be honoured and beloved by their king and superiors, and this shall the<br />

more assuredly happen if she behold the Lord of the tenth, or in reception<br />

therewith, and the revolution nocturnal.<br />

[Moon in the eleventh]<br />

If in the eleventh, the year shall be fortunate and successful in everything<br />

appertaining to that houses’ signification if she is strong; but if weak, judge the<br />

contrary.<br />

[Moon in the twelfth]<br />

Lastly, if the Moon is in the twelfth, she denotes the instability and uncertainty<br />

of everything, and the people subject to the sign wherein she is shall have many<br />

quarrels, dissentions and discords, if not wars, etc.<br />

[Note]<br />

Remember still that if your significator or Lord of the Year, etc. is afflicted,<br />

then mischief is to be expected; if assisted and well dignified, the contrary; and<br />

whether good or bad is portended, it shall still happen to the quarter or the<br />

region answering to the quarter of heaven he is in; as if in the Ascendant, it<br />

shall happen in the eastern parts; in the seventh, in the western; in the tenth, in<br />

the southern; in the fourth, the north-east just (if upon the cusp thereof;) but if<br />

within the house, north-east and by north; and so judge of all the rest of the<br />

houses round the whole heavens. But the good or evil shall chiefly be incident<br />

to those regions and countries subject to your significator and the sign in which<br />

he is located.<br />

Also, you are to remember to judge the nature of the good or bad according to<br />

the nature of the planet afflicting or assisting, and the nature of the sign in<br />

which he is, whether air, earth, fire or water; for it is not for me upon every rule<br />


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