ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section II – Chapter XI<br />

[Mercury in the fifth]<br />

Also, if he is in the fifth, he denotes success and joy by and in children,<br />

messages, sports, pastimes and ingenious recreations, by which sadness shall be<br />

totally abolished; also such as are with young shall go their time safely, and be<br />

at length well delivered, and these for the most part shall be ingenious<br />

creatures. But if he is unfortunate, no conception shall be brought to perfection,<br />

and judge the contrary to what you have heard.<br />

[Mercury in the sixth]<br />

Moreover if he is in the sixth, contentions, trouble and vexation shall happen<br />

through the default and actions of servants and vile ignoble persons, or such as<br />

belong to a man’s own family, or by small cattle, i.e. such as are signified by<br />

the sign wherein he is, or by sickness, etc. Many children also and young men<br />

shall of them die and be diseased according to his affliction in this house.<br />

[Mercury in the seventh]<br />

If he is in the seventh, he denotes men will be addicted to lasciviousness and<br />

the company of women carnally; and if he were weak, they shall fly out and<br />

commit many fornications and filial acts.<br />

[Mercury in the eighth]<br />

In the eighth, he shall cause the death of many young men, women and<br />

children; also, discords and contentions between men concerning wills, legacies<br />

and the mind of the deceased.<br />

[Mercury in the ninth]<br />

Also, if in the ninth, long journeys will be performed with safety and pleasure;<br />

also men shall mutually desire each other’s society, delight in all honest and<br />

good learning, and apply their minds to the finding out of hidden secrets and<br />

mysteries. But if he is weak, their study will be impious and wicked, and so of<br />

all the rest, judge the contrary.<br />


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