ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section II – Chapter V<br />

and a conformity with the people, and shall entreat and sue for it, and if there is<br />

any reception between him and Saturn; either by house, triplicity, exaltation,<br />

term or face, say it will be agreed to by the common people, who are signified<br />

by Saturn, who is Lord of the Year and Ascendant. If the aspect is by<br />

opposition, judge dissentions, quarrels and discord among them or between<br />

them, also open war, if you find other testimonies concurring in signification.<br />

For you are not to derive your judgement from the general signification of the<br />

planet in configuration with your significator altogether, though somewhat may<br />

be after affirmed, or from hence concluded; but from the signification of the<br />

planet as located in your scheme, and therein significator having regard to the<br />

places of heaven and signs they are placed in. For we see even the most<br />

pernicious planets fortunes sometimes, as they may be significators and placed<br />

, and the most beneficial and fortunate planets, <br />

infortunes, as you have already heard; for every planet must perform the natural<br />

office, whereunto in any Revolution of other scheme of the heaven it is<br />

constituted, as we shall further instance. Admit the Sun is in the twelfth, you<br />

shall then say the peoples’ enemies 1 shall clandestinely and treacherously by<br />

some underhand, plot or devise, study the overthrow or prejudice the people;<br />

the twelfth house signifying secret plots and mischief. And so judge according<br />

to the signification of the other houses when therein located, be sure you ever<br />

remember the true signification of the planet in his own proper nature, and<br />

accidental signification, by his position in the heaven, afflicting your<br />

significator, or assisting him, and the nature of the sign and house wherein he<br />

is, and you shall never fail 2<br />

of giving not only a rational but solid conclusion on<br />

any configuration from any sign or house of heaven made by any planet<br />

whatsoever to the Lord of the Year; or indeed to any planet whatsoever: Mutatis<br />

mutandis.<br />

And this I say, if you can attain unto, you have accomplished not only the way<br />

and manner of judging the signification of the aspects of any planet to the Lord<br />

of the Year, but also to any other significator in the whole scheme, and art<br />

master of the whole art. And this you will never be capable of by any<br />

instruction, but only by a diligent search, and contemplation of the natures of<br />

every sign, house and planet, and the reasons why they were so constituted.<br />

Wherefore I should desire you, for your better instruction and assistance, to<br />

read over and over, and seriously consider every title of our second Treatise of<br />

this Book, being an Introduction to the Judgement of the Stars. And now let us<br />

proceed to show you what may be expected in any Revolution from the position<br />

1 NOTE BY RAMESEY: the aspect being by opposition as aforesaid.<br />

2 NOTE BY RAMESEY: if accordingly you pronounce Judgement.<br />


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