ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section II – Chapter V<br />

[The Sun when Lord of the Year either strong or weak]<br />

If in any Revolution you find the Sun Lord of the Year and well dignified, the<br />

King and nobles shall exceed and increase in glory and renown; corn, beasts,<br />

and birds shall be plentiful, the people generally prosperous and successful, and<br />

all things in a good condition whereof the Sun has any signification; if weak,<br />

judge the contrary.<br />

[Venus when Lady of the Year, either strong or weak]<br />

When you find Venus Lady of the Year and well and fortunately disposed, the<br />

year will be successful and advantageous unto women, who shall be free<br />

generally from infirmities and mischance, they shall love and delight<br />

themselves in the society and company of their husbands, shall be fruitful,<br />

easily conceive and bring forth their children; the people shall also generally<br />

thrive, and be prosperous, shall delight themselves in recreations, sports,<br />

feastings, mirth and jollities, and all pleasure whatsoever they desire, shall<br />

feast, make marriages and delight to go neat and fine in apparel; if she is weak<br />

and impeded, she denotes the contrary.<br />

[Mercury when Lord of the Year either strong or weak]<br />

Mercury signifies, when he is Lord of the Year and strong, that merchants,<br />

trades-men, and all such as give their minds to learning, arts and sciences shall<br />

have a successful year, etc. and if weak, judge the contrary.<br />

[The Moon Lady of the Year, either strong or weak]<br />

Lastly, if you see the Moon Lady of the Year in any Revolution, and that she is<br />

strong and well placed, say there shall be no want of rain in its due<br />

season, both former and latter, men shall be generally healthy, fortunate, just<br />

and punctual in all their actions and promises, especially if she is in reception,<br />

or good aspect of the planet who is her dispositor, etc. But if she were then<br />

weak, judge the contrary.<br />

And thus much briefly, touching the general significations of the planets, when<br />

they are Lords of the Year, and either strong or weak, which you have been<br />

shown somewhat more briefly, yet altogether as plainly before in the preceding<br />

Chapters of this same fourth Treatise; yet by reason the ancients set them down<br />

thus large, nay far larger, and least the significations of the planets should not<br />


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