ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section II – Chapter V<br />

and the husbandmen shall exceedingly increase their store and wealth, and be<br />

successful in all their labours.<br />

[Saturn Lord of the Year and weak]<br />

But if Saturn is Lord of the Year and weak or afflicted, there shall be much<br />

cold, great and grievous infirmities, and men shall sustain much sorrow; losses<br />

and crosses, and great damage by storms, wind and rain 1<br />

ancient and old men<br />

and women shall die; and these things shall chiefly happen to those places,<br />

cities and regions under Saturn his dominion, and the dominion of the sign<br />

which he does then possess.<br />

[Jupiter when Lord of the Year either strong or weak]<br />

When Jupiter is Lord of the Year and strong and well dignified, the King shall<br />

do Justice, and it shall be happy for those that are noble men, judges,<br />

councillors of the law, and men of all sorts of religious order shall be in a<br />

successful, happy, pleasant and good condition, and shall live plenteously and<br />

contentedly, in honour and also great esteem; and the people also shall be in a<br />

good and prosperous condition, and shall receive good from their king and<br />

superiors, and they from the people also, if the Lord of the Ascendant or the<br />

Moon are in reception with the significator of the King or Lord of the Year, or<br />

be located in the mid-heaven; but if Jupiter is weak or afflicted, judge the<br />

contrary to all what you have heard in every particular, which I omit to rehearse<br />

for brevities sake.<br />

[Mars when Lord of the Year either strong or weak]<br />

Mars when he is Lord of the Year, strong and well placed, all such as belong to<br />

arms as soldiers and the like, shall be fortunate and in good condition, and shall<br />

overcome their enemies; there shall be also during that Revolution sufficient<br />

and plenty of rain, as such times and no other it is convenient and requisite, and<br />

the people shall be prosperous and happy; but if he is Lord of the Year and<br />

weak, etc. judge the contrary, and you must remember still in the judging the<br />

good or evil portended by him, and also all the rest of the planets, it shall<br />

chiefly happen in those places and regions subject to his or their dominion,<br />

which you have been at large shown in the second or Introductory Treatise.<br />

1 NOTE BY RAMESEY: but this must warily be considered, if other significators of weather concur,<br />

and then may you assuredly conclude it to be so.<br />


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