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ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section II – Chapter IV<br />

planet found in any of the angles, see what planet is in the eleventh or fifth<br />

houses, and that planet which is found in either of them shall be Lord of the<br />

Year. If there is more than one, see that you investigate the business in every<br />

particular as you have heard of the planets in angles.<br />

And yet, if you find none in the eleventh or fifth, see which of them are<br />

in the ninth or third, and say the planet in either of them is Lord of the Year,<br />

and so judge accordingly as you have heard; but if there are no planets either in<br />

these houses, see which of all the planets 1<br />

first goes out of the sign where it is,<br />

for he shall be Lord of the Year, especially if he behold the Lord of the term he<br />

is in, or the Sun if the Revolution is by day; or the Moon if it is by night.<br />

But if it happens that the Sun in a diurnal Revolution is in any of the angles, or<br />

the Moon in a nocturnal , he or she shall then be Lord or Lady (as<br />

I may say) of the Year. Haly also says, that when in any Revolution it should<br />

happen that the Lord of the Ascendant is also Lord of the house that<br />

either of the Luminaries are in, especially that of the time, 2<br />

53<br />

he shall without<br />

doubt or controversy be Lord of the Year, and also significator of the<br />

people.<br />

These are the rules of some of the ancients for finding the Lord of the Year in<br />

any Annual Revolution. Others have taught us consider the Lord of the<br />

Ascendant, who, if it is direct, free from combustion, and in the Ascendant, i.e.<br />

within three degrees within the house or four without, or outside of the cusp, 3<br />

he shall without any more ado be concluded Lord of the Year, and you need not<br />

trouble yourself further to seek any other; but if he is either combust or<br />

retrograde, he cannot be admitted Lord of the Year. Wherefore then, you are to<br />

consider the conditions of the planet that has exaltation in the Ascendant; if it is<br />

a sign where any of the planets have exaltation, and see whether he is<br />

free from combustion and direct, and placed in the Ascendant, as you have<br />

heard; for if so, he shall be Lord of the Year; but if he is retrograde or combust,<br />

he shall not have that honour.<br />

that is so, then, you are to inquire whether the Sun or Moon is not worthier<br />

of this rule; for if the Revolution is by day, and the Sun has any dominion in the<br />

Ascendant he shall have it; 4<br />

if by night, and the Moon so dignified,<br />

1<br />

NOTE BY RAMESEY: except the Moon.<br />

2<br />

I.e. lord of the chart sect, the Sun in a diurnal chart and the Moon in a nocturnal chart<br />

3<br />

I.e. the four degrees preceding the cusp of the house<br />

4<br />

I.e. rulership as Lord of the Year

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