ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section II – Chapter III<br />

Lastly, if Capricorn ascends, and Saturn is impeded, the places subject to<br />

Capricorn shall be perplexed with extreme cold and dry weather, and sterility,<br />

and the people with grief and aches in the joints and knees: and if Aquarius<br />

ascends, the places subject to Aquarius shall suffer by over-moist air and high<br />

winds, and the people shall have many infirmities in their legs and heads, if the<br />

Sun and Moon contradict it not. In the like manner, you may judge the good<br />

condition of the people of any country, and the happiness of any place if you<br />

find the Lord of the Ascendant fortunate and free from impediment; observe<br />

these rules and ponder the reasons thereof, and you will not need any further<br />

example or illustration for any other in the like case.<br />

For after the same manner you may also judge of the significations of the<br />

second, third, forth and fifth houses, and so of them all round the whole<br />

heavens, by having (I say) regard unto the fortitudes or debilities of the signs on<br />

every cusp, and their lords, etc. Take notice also that proportionally, according<br />

to the affliction and strength of every sign and planet, and the signs wherein the<br />

planets are afflicted and assisted, shall the good or evil threatened fall on the<br />

persons of those signified or their estates, etc. and on the places, regions, cities,<br />

towns, countries and provinces subject to the signs wherein the afflicted or<br />

assisted planet falls.<br />

And this much shall suffice for the judging of the true state and condition of the<br />

common people in any nation or kingdom, in any Revolution; yet by other<br />

testimonies and significators, i.e. the Lord of the Year, and the planet or planets<br />

in the Ascendant accidentally at the time of the ingress, you will have their<br />

condition further declared and enlarged in this subsequent discourse.<br />


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