ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section II – Chapter III<br />

fit shall be raised to dignity, power and authority, according to the capacity and<br />

quality of their persons, and be in great esteem and favour with their King or<br />

rulers: but if he is weak and impeded, it diminishes the honour of the King, and<br />

abases their condition, and the people shall suffer much damage and disgrace<br />

from their superiors, and be tormented by them. If Venus is placed and<br />

dignified as above said, the people shall have all the pleasures and good<br />

promised by her signification, as delights, banquets, riches, pleasure, etc. and<br />

shall delight themselves with women, and the like; if she is impeded, you may<br />

judge the clean contrary, as sadness, poverty and little or no mirth, etc.<br />

If you find Mercury in your figure placed as you have heard, the people shall<br />

gain by merchandizing, and increase their riches by traffic, 1<br />

shall love and<br />

delight in knowledge, good instructions and ingenious arts and sciences; shall<br />

also cherish and propagate all good learning, and the studious therein, and shall<br />

love one another: but if he is afflicted and unfortunate, they shall suffer much<br />

loss and vexation by contrary winds, decay of trade and merchandizing, and<br />

have no disposition at all to any good learning or education; and to be short, he<br />

signifies the clean contrary to what you have but now heard.<br />

In like manner if the Moon is well placed, and is Almuten, and essentially<br />

strong, as has been said, the year shall be seasonable, fortunate and fertile, and<br />

the people during that Revolution happy successful and in a prosperous and<br />

fortunate condition, and shall be preserved from death, slaughters and sickness:<br />

Also, if she is ill-affected and impeded, much damage and mischief shall<br />

happen unto the people the year shall be unreasonable, destructive,<br />

sickly and unfruitful or scarce, by distilling unseasonably rain and dew when no<br />

need is thereof, and withholding of it when it is requisite and thirsted after by<br />

the earth.<br />

So likewise, as you have judged of the Moon and the planets 2<br />

you may judge<br />

of the Lord of the Ascendant, who if he is fortunate, and well<br />

dignified and aspected, you may judge the fortunate condition and state of the<br />

common people during that Revolution; also their misfortune, if afflicted,<br />

impeded, etc. Judge the nature thereof from the nature of the house, planet<br />

afflicting and sign wherein it is, whether it is good or bad, as you have been<br />

already sufficiently taught; wherefore it were needless and superfluous here to<br />

run over the nature of the planets fortunate and unfortunate, afflicting or<br />

1<br />

I.e. buying and selling as in the «trafficking of drugs» etc<br />

2<br />

NOTE BY RAMESEY: in a general way, as being Almuten.<br />


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