ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section II – Chapter III<br />

If Saturn and Mars, in any Revolution, are joined in signification, and in an<br />

earth sign, it denotes earthquakes in those parts wherein they are; if Mars is<br />

joined with Mercury, there shall be much merchandizing.<br />

Also if the Moon and the infortunes are so disposed and mixed together, so that<br />

one part is strong and well dignified, and the other weak and peregrine, it<br />

signifies the people shall change their condition during that Revolution from<br />

worse to better, and from better to worse, according to their strength and<br />

significations.<br />

So likewise, if Part of Fortune is strong or well disposed, as also its<br />

dispositor, and free from all manner of affliction; good success shall be to the<br />

people; if afflicted, mischief and loss; judge the nature of the good or bad<br />

according to what you have been already shown.<br />

[Of the signification of the Planets in Revolutions, when either strong or weak]<br />

Moreover, if Saturn is strong in any Revolution, and well placed, he signifies<br />

content, quiet and rest unto the people, also prosperity, health and increase of<br />

both food and money; but if he is weak and afflicted, he denotes the contrary, as<br />

misfortunes, destructions, depopulations, etc.<br />

If in any Revolution Jupiter is significator of the people, or Almuten of the<br />

Ascendant, and strong, the people shall be good, virtuous, honest, chaste, just,<br />

and loving justice, law and all points of equity and honesty; but if he<br />

contrariwise is unfortunate, the people shall exercise cruelty, oppression,<br />

injustice, shall be disobedient and break the laws, and prove quite contrary to<br />

what you have heard: Also when in any Revolution Jupiter is placed in the<br />

seventh, or opposite to the Ascendant, it signifies that the people shall have no<br />

success or good that Revolution.<br />

If Mars is as aforesaid Almuten and strong, etc., the people shall be safe, secure<br />

and free from the molestation of all their enemies; they shall overcome them<br />

and beat them all under their feet, and shall be in a successful and most<br />

prosperous condition; but if contrariwise, he is weak and impeded, retrograde,<br />

combust, etc. then, he denotes wars, quarrels, slaughters, trouble, effusion of<br />

blood, epidemical diseases, fevers, hot and dry diseases, much mischief, and the<br />

clean contrary to what he before promised.<br />

So likewise if the Sun is as aforesaid significator and strong, the people shall<br />

assuredly be in an honourable and noble condition, and many that are thereunto<br />


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