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ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section II – Chapter II<br />

also is your Almuten and Hyleg 1<br />

of each House; then see in every Revolution,<br />

eclipse or Great Conjunction, how these places and significators are disposed,<br />

and how aspected by the malevolents, and judge the continuation or subversion<br />

of their government according as you see occasion.<br />

If your Hyleg or Giver of Life be afflicted, judge the evil 2<br />

to fall on the person<br />

or persons of the rulers, or touching their lives: if the Almuten of the midheaven,<br />

upon their Regal power, and so contrariwise if they are assisted and<br />

fortunately behold, or come to the places of the fortunes, or the fortunes fall in<br />

any of their places in any Revolution, eclipse or Great Conjunction, judge the<br />

contrary; still remember the good or evil does depend on the power of the<br />

benevolent or malevolent planets; for if much afflicted, much evil is to be<br />

expected, and so on the contrary as you have already been taught.<br />

If any of the aforesaid places or significators fall in the place of any eclipse or<br />

Great Conjunction, judge the mischief threatened to happen according to the<br />

signification of the eclipse or planets so in conjunction; warily judging<br />

according to the nature of the houses wherein they are in the scheme of the<br />

eclipse or Conjunction and the signification of their own nature, and the nature<br />

of the houses which they rule and are located in at the time of the kings<br />

coronation or election; this you shall more fully understand in the delivering the<br />

rules of this art touching the judgement of eclipses and Great Conjunctions at<br />

the latter end of this Treatise.<br />

I utterly, for my own part, refuse to follow the rules of the ancients touching<br />

their giving a year to every sign between the planet afflicting and afflicted, for<br />

the judging the time of the alteration of any government and the like; for that<br />

they stand not with much reason, or are they built on any strong foundation, so<br />

as to stand unquestionable; a little experience and observation will soon<br />

manifest unto you the truth hereof; for touching the just time when any such<br />

accident shall happen, I conceive ought rather 3<br />

to be left to the good pleasure<br />

and will of the Most High, who is the great orderer and disposer of all the<br />

causes in nature, and will according to His own good time effect what is most<br />

agreeable unto His Divine Will.<br />

1 This is the first time I have heard a reference to the «Hyleg» of a house. Perhaps Ramesey meant<br />

to say, «...and where to a minute also is your Hyleg and Almuten of each House:»<br />

2 NOTE BY RAMESEY: according to the strength of the afflicting planet.<br />

3 NOTE BY RAMESEY: and that with a great deal of more reason.<br />


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