ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section II – Chapter I<br />

person, persons or things signified by the nature and signification of the planet,<br />

sign and house he is lord of, posited in, and is significator of, etc. but if the<br />

aforesaid conjunction, square or opposition be in an angle, then judge the evil<br />

portended to happen when your significator becomes combust of the Sun.<br />

[How to judge by the nature of the aspects of the nature of the persons<br />

signified by the planet afflicting your significator]<br />

Further note, that if your significator is afflicted by sextile, judge the evil<br />

proceeds from such as pretend to be friends to the king, people or any which<br />

your significator denotes; or from such as are not thought or suspected to be<br />

enemies: if it is by a square aspect, judge the signified mischief to arise from<br />

such as are clandestine and secretly enemies; if by a trine, from real friends and<br />

confederates; and lastly, if by opposition, by open and professed enemies.<br />

Consider also the planet afflicting, and how dignified; as if a planet in his own<br />

house is afflicting the significator of the king or chief rulers, then judge the evil<br />

to arise from their own domestic friends and alliances; if he is in his exaltation,<br />

say it will proceed from some of the nobles, princes, dukes or such as are in<br />

high power and authority, or near unto the crown; if but in its triplicity, from<br />

such as have their dependency on the aforesaid nobility, or are allied unto them;<br />

if in term, from such as are inferior unto these, as are Marquesses, Earls,<br />

Lords, and the like; if in face only, then say they are but knights or<br />

gentlemen; but if the planet afflicting is peregrine and in no essential dignity, it<br />

shall proceed from such as are altogether vile and base, or those of neither<br />

reputation nor quality, having no honourable rank or dignity; after the same<br />

manner may you judge (as you have heard) of the significator of any other, as<br />

well as the chief rulers by varying your rules according to art and discretion;<br />

but I believe you will never have much need of these curious rules of the<br />

ancients.<br />

[What is signified by the retrogradation of any planet in the Revolution]<br />

If your significator is retrograde in any annual Revolution, judge much trouble,<br />

impediment and anxiety to the persons or things signified by it. 1<br />

1 “The retrogradation of the significator of the king signifies the weakness of the king, and the<br />

retrogradation of the Lord of the Year signifies the weakness of his rulership.” – Revolutions of the<br />

Years of the World - by Māshā´allāh and translated by Ben Dykes in Works of Sahl and Māshā´allāh<br />


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