ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section II – Chapter I<br />

successful during that Revolution; if otherwise, judge the contrary, and so of<br />

the rest, etc.<br />

[Rules touching the significator of the King]<br />

If the significator of the King be under the Sun beams, there is much danger 1 of<br />

his decease in that Revolution; but I should rather judge his kingly power to be<br />

then near death or an end, or likely to be much eclipsed, for that there are many<br />

significators to be considered for the judging of death, which ought never to be<br />

pronounced upon one testimony alone; besides, were this admitted, we should<br />

consequently conclude by the same rule, the death of a whole senate upon such<br />

a position in such an ingress, they being signified by the same significator, 2<br />

where there is no king, which were ridiculous in any one so to do; but I say that<br />

their power and glory shall be eclipsed and shaken, and perhaps overthrown at<br />

that time when any such position is found.<br />

If the significator is not as yet under the Sun’s beams, but within twelve or<br />

thirteen degrees entering, then judge this catastrophe to be when he comes<br />

under his beams or in conjunction with the Sun bodily.<br />

The same also is to be feared when the sign of the tenth is Leo, and Mars is in<br />

square or opposition of the Sun, or in corporal conjunction with him, but more<br />

especially if he is lord of the eighth, or located in the eighth, or in<br />

reception or translation of light with the lord of the eighth, or with Saturn, or<br />

any aspect, especially if he is unfortunately placed in the time of his nativity or<br />

coronation.<br />

So likewise when the Lord of the Year is in combustion in the tenth, this danger<br />

is threatened him in his own dominions; but if he is thus afflicted in the fourth<br />

or seventh, the danger is to be feared and expected from some coming<br />

from those regions signified by the sign wherein the Lord of the Year is<br />

afflicted.<br />

Know also that when in any Revolution the Sun is significator over the rulers of<br />

any place and in square or opposition of Jupiter, they shall be<br />

1 NOTE BY RAMESEY: as say the Arabians.<br />

2 Previously, he says the 10 th is an elected ruler where there is no king, and now he says it is the<br />

Senate or Parliament where there is no King. I would disagree with that as even with governments<br />

that have no king have rather an appointed or elected ruler, it is not the Senate or Parliament that has<br />

executive power, it is always a Cabinet of Ministers or President etc. Like Lilly, I would see a Senate<br />

or Legislative branch of government as the 11 th , not the 10 th !<br />


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