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ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section I – Chapter III<br />

[The true significators of the people of any nation, in any Revolution of the<br />

Years of the World]<br />

In like manner, look whatever sign ascends at the time aforesaid, i.e., the Suns<br />

ingress into Aries in any year, and that sign, together with the Lord, shall<br />

particularly denote the common people of that kingdom or nation for which<br />

your scheme is erected, and shall be their significators, and the Moon generally,<br />

as the Sun is the general significator of the rulers. 1<br />

In declaring unto you the significators of the enemies of both king and people<br />

in any Revolution, I might also show you the defects of some of the ancients,<br />

but I should rather choose 2<br />

to pass them over in silence, they meriting so much<br />

at our hands otherwise; wherefore let us to our business.<br />

[Of the enemies of King and people in any Revolution]<br />

See that in every Revolution of the world you have regard to the opposite house<br />

signifying your significators, as the seventh house denotes the open enemies of<br />

the common people and king in a hostile way; the twelfth house their private,<br />

and the ninth house the secret enemies of the kings or rulers, because 3 it is the<br />

twelfth from the tenth. 4<br />

[Of their assistance, etc.]<br />

Even so, as the second house signifies the wealth and assistance of the people,<br />

so does also the eleventh the Kings Aid, wealth and assistance; the eighth the<br />

1 This is, in a general way true. However the most important significator of the people is the Lord of<br />

the Year. “You will also look, for the rustics and their condition, from the Lord of the Year and its<br />

place, and from the aspect of the planets toward him” - Revolutions of the Years of the World by<br />

Māshā´allāh, translated by Ben Dykes “The Works of Sahl & Māshā´allāh”.<br />

2 NOTE BY RAMESEY: you I had not a desire to be as brief as may be.<br />

3 NOTE BY RAMESEY: as you have heard in the 42 nd Chapter of the Second book.<br />

4 The 7 th house is the apparent or known enemies of both the ruler and the people, in other words of<br />

the nation as a whole. It is also the partners of the nation since that is the signification of the 7 th . In<br />

general, this is foreign nations in my opinion. It is «others» that are not the people of the nation. The<br />

7 th is also the 10 th from the 10 th and as such indicates where the magistery and «actions» of<br />

«government» are directed, i.e. in foreign relations. The 12 th is also the 6 th from the 7 th and in my<br />

opinion signifies those of bad reputation as agents of foreign powers, i.e. the foreign subversives<br />

such as terrorists. Bonatti says of the 12 th from the 10 th ; «…the hidden enemies of kings because it<br />

[the 9 th ] is the twelfth from the tenth. And this is the cause why prelates and other religious men are<br />

secretly opposed to kings.» In other words, this house also dignifies those of the people of the nation<br />

that are secret enemies of the ruler.<br />


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