ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section I – Chapter III<br />

Chapter III<br />

Showing which [planets] are the significators of the King, people, their enemies<br />

and assistants, in any Revolution of the Years of the World<br />

Largely have the ancients treated of these matters, yet some therein have come<br />

very short, and to little of no purpose troubled their heads, leaving still the<br />

student both in doubts and errors; wherefore according to the sincerity of my<br />

first undertakings, I shall here endeavour to undeceive my readers touching<br />

these particulars, and impart unto them the truth and surest rules for the judging<br />

thereof.<br />

I shall first give you some of their instructions, and then my own, or such as I in<br />

my judgement hold to be most rational, 1<br />

that so you may be the better able to<br />

distinguish truth from falsehood.<br />

[Note that those in authority are understood by the tenth house, when there is<br />

no king]<br />

We shall begin with the significator of kings, 2 which, they say is thus to be<br />

known or found. 3<br />

Look to the Lord of the tenth house in your figure at time of the revolution of<br />

the Sun into the first point of Aries, who if he be free from combustion,<br />

retrogradation, impediments, and such like; and within five degrees of the cusp<br />

of the tenth, either before or after, e.g., within or without the house, he shall<br />

without doubt be the kings’ significator, or chief rulers, without any farther<br />

inquiry; but if he be any ways impeded, as in detriment, fall, combust,<br />

peregrine, retrograde or besieged, etc. he shall not be significator of the king or<br />

chief rulers.<br />

1 It should be clear here that Ramesey says that he will first tell us what the ancients said and then<br />

what he believes to be rational. In other words, his judgment is his opinion but that opinion is not<br />

demonstrated in practice and consistent, accurate prediction!<br />

2 NOTE BY RAMESEY: but you are to note that in any nation where no such are, the grandees or<br />

chief rulers of the times are to be understood.<br />

3 I would in fact say the 10 th signifies the ruler(s) that are the legal executives of the nation. In many<br />

western governments that are Constitutional Monarchies, it is not the king or queen that has the<br />

executive authority but it is rather the Cabinet of Ministers, lead by a Prime Minister, that are the<br />

executors of the nation’s laws.<br />


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