ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section I – Chapter II<br />

In the next place you are to have a special care to be well instructed in the<br />

nature of every planet and house; wherefore be you sure to have the exact<br />

knowledge of the second Treatise it being Introductory, before you adventure<br />

thus far, least you be discouraged from ever attaining to the perfection of this<br />

study, which I am certain you will never do, if you are not therein very perfect;<br />

wherefore let the first eight Chapters thereof be perused over and over, and then<br />

proceed.<br />

Judge not upon every light testimony, but according to reason and art do you<br />

order your matter; for the more assurances and testimonies you have on any<br />

matter and concurrences in causes, the more affirmatively may you deliver your<br />

conclusions. Fear God, study nature, follow the rules of art, be knowledgeable<br />

therein, and be ignorant in the vanities of the course of the world, and you will<br />

come nearest unto truth, and infinitely augment your knowledge.<br />

In your judgement of the Suns ingress, join also in consideration with it, the<br />

significations of eclipses, Great Conjunctions, comets and blazing stars, if there<br />

be any, either preceding or coming after it; for be assured these things never<br />

happen but before some notable change and alteration in the world.<br />

Remember that according to the debility and strength of your significator you<br />

are to judge of the condition of any person, the people, or thing whatsoever<br />

thereby signified, and you have attained to a great help: but now least you<br />

should be still to seek in the true understanding of the significators necessary in<br />

this manner of judgement, I shall 1<br />

here beneath clearly demonstrate them unto<br />

you.<br />

1<br />

NOTE BY RAMESEY: notwithstanding what has been delivered in the Introduction or Second Book<br />

of these our labours.<br />


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