ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section IV – Chapter XV<br />

[Thursday]<br />

on Thursday, both winter and summer windy, a<br />

rainy harvest and moist spring; many inundations towards the latter end of the<br />

year, much fruit and plenty of the fruits of the earth and honey; but flesh shall<br />

be expensive, a death of cattle in general, great trouble, wars and<br />

commotions, and women shall be loose and licentious.<br />

[Friday]<br />

on Friday, a stormy winter and no<br />

pleasant summer; a moderate spring save only it will be windy, and an<br />

indifferent harvest, and small store of fruit, wine, and honey corn expensive; many blear eyes, youth shall die many of them, earthquakes in<br />

many places, much thunder and lightning, also tempests and the sudden death<br />

of cattle.<br />

[Saturday]<br />

Lastly on Saturday, a mean winter, a very hot summer, a late<br />

harvest, and a dry windy spring; garden herbs shall be cheap, much burning,<br />

plenty of honey, flax and hemp; the death of ancient people in most places,<br />

many fevers, but chiefly tertian , great rumours of wars and sudden<br />

murders in many places for or upon little or no occasion, etc.<br />

Thus much from the falling of New Years day, which although the illiterate and<br />

vulgar may make use of, for the frequent verity thereof, yet would I not have<br />

them depend thereon, for I cannot, I must confess, find any sure ground why the<br />

ancients should thus conclude; wherefore I desist with this conclusion.<br />

To God alone be praise!<br />

Finis<br />


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