ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section IV – Chapter XIV<br />

especially in the last fifteen degrees thereof; if in any earthy, e.g. Taurus,<br />

to bulls, cows, and oxen; in Capricorn, to goats and such like, and<br />

damage to the earth and fruits, but especially in Virgo; if in watery, damage in<br />

and by water, shipwrecks, and the death of fish and creatures living in the<br />

water; if in airy, there shall be many tempestuous, pernicious winds and storms,<br />

corruption of the air, the death of many kings, and many infirmities, etc.<br />

[Note]<br />

And thus have I, by the blessing of God, delivered to you the natural rules and<br />

reasons of fertility, health, sickness, wars, peace, alterations and accidents of<br />

this life, and how to judge them by the Revolutions of the Years of the World,<br />

eclipses of the two great lights and lamps of heaven, the Sun and the Moon,<br />

comets and blazing-stars, the forerunners of great mutations, which we have<br />

found in all ages God has used to send for the reclaiming of His people from<br />

their evil ways before His wrath is poured on them. And lastly, by the Great,<br />

Mean and Lesser Conjunctions of the celestial planets, who next under the<br />

Great Creator, Governor and Causer of all causes, are governors of the world<br />

and causes of all things therein in a general and natural way.<br />

Wherefore to Him alone that orders and disposes all things according to his<br />

Divine Will, and that created the heavens, earth, celestial planets and stars, and<br />

that calls them all by their names, and that makes them differ from each other in<br />

glory, and that gives of His free will and pleasure the knowledge of divine and<br />

natural things to the sons of men, be ascribe all possible praise, glory, power,<br />

dominion and thanksgiving; both now and for evermore, Amen.<br />

With this chapter, I thought to have concluded, but since we have treated<br />

already of the natural causes of the general accidents of the World, and that<br />

some of the ancients have judged of these things by the falling of new years<br />

day, and for that I have for some few years found them experimentally true, I<br />

shall add this one chapter more for my readers recreation and sport when he is<br />

so disposed. Yet, if he diligently observes the effects, he will find for the most<br />

part they come very near truth, though many times on the other hand they<br />

may deviate there from.<br />


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