ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section IV – Chapter XII<br />

ground, pestilence and famine; in watery, detriment by too much abundance<br />

thereof.<br />

Also, when these two first conjunctions are in any of the angles, especially the<br />

tenth, it denotes the rise of some new king or prophet from the quarter signified<br />

by the sign wherein they are joined. And if the sign and the Lord thereof are<br />

fortunate, it denotes their continuance, establishment and glory. But if it is weak<br />

or afflicted, and it’s Lord, they shall be slain and put down. For the whole<br />

world is governed by these trigons, as Ptolemy teaches in his second book, and<br />

the whole macrocosm compounded of the four elements which answer to the<br />

four triplicities, and therefore it is that the conjunction of the superiors in them<br />

are the occasion of such great mutations.<br />

[Of the conjunctions of Saturn and Mars in Cancer]<br />

In like manner the conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the first degree or term of<br />

Cancer, is the forerunner of much evil, i.e. terrible wars, slaughters,<br />

depopulations and alterations of government, and destruction of kingdoms, fire<br />

and sword, famine and pestilence, etc. And if is oriental, its effects will soon operate; if occidental, not too<br />

soon. The conjunction of Saturn and Mars in any other sign and place is not so<br />

terrible.<br />

And truly, this is a terrible conjunction if rightly considered and dictates to us<br />

upon the first consideration no less than horrible troubles and alterations in the<br />

World. But if we but consider it, it is a conjunction of the malevolents. Two<br />

enemies must needs be stronger than one and here they both are together <br />

in a sign wherein our best friend is exalted and the Moon, the mother of<br />

moisture, pitches her tent; so that by their conjunction therein both the<br />

assistance of the one and the nature of the other is much damnified and<br />

afflicted. Again, Saturn is therein in detriment, it being the sign opposite to his<br />

house Capricorn, and Mars is therein in his fall, Capricorn being the<br />

house of his exaltation. Therefore, these things being considered, it is that they<br />

are so mischievous when joined in this sign, which of all their conjunctions, is<br />

the worst, etc.<br />

[Of the conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars]<br />

Also the conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars in any term or face and beheld<br />

by the Sun, they being the three superior planets and most effectual for strength<br />

and height, signifies the destruction of kingdoms, sects, schisms, and great<br />


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