ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section IV – Chapter X<br />

Chapter X<br />

Showing the Significations of Comets, when they appear in any of the twelve Signs<br />

of Heaven<br />

[Of the signification of comets when they appear in Aries]<br />

Albumasar 1 and Junctinus with many others say, that if any of the aforesaid<br />

comets or blazing-stars appear in Aries, it signifies evil and detriment to noble<br />

men and the grandees of the earth in the eastern parts, and abundance of<br />

sadness to the commoner sort; 2 also noise of the clashing of arms,<br />

bloodshed, and the death of some eminent Prince, or slaughter of some great<br />

Lady, with fear and trouble of slaughter amongst men; 3<br />

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also great drought,<br />

common diseases in the head, eyes and brain, a rot amongst small cattle,<br />

especially sheep, and a dejection of great and noble men, or an unthroning of<br />

some king, and a rise or promotion of vile and ignoble mean people.<br />

If its apparition is in the eastern part of Heaven it will operate sooner and there<br />

shall be enmity amongst men; but if in the western, slower and much evil and<br />

detriment from kings or superiors, and many showers, inundations and frequent<br />

snows n winter.<br />

[In Taurus]<br />

If any blazing-star or comet appear in Taurus it signifies mischief to men and<br />

diminution of their goods, also injuries and wrongs put upon them; it uses also<br />

to signify, as say the ancients, the death of some great man, captivities, injuries,<br />

and a toleration of evils; detriment to the greater sort of cattle, especially bulls,<br />

cows and oxen; great winds, a corruption of fruit, and destruction of corn, and<br />

in winter much cold, also grievous earthquakes, vehement sicknesses, and dry<br />

scurvy diseases, proceeding of putrefaction, as scabs etc.<br />

1 Abu Ma’shar<br />

2 NOTE BY RAMESEY: and truly I conceive all nations, kingdoms and people, cities and towns,<br />

villages and families under the sign of Aries will suffer the same.<br />

3 NOTE BY RAMESEY: you must remember to confine your judgement herein to the places wherein<br />

the blazing-star or comet has power, so also in the subsequent rules in the like case.

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