ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section IV – Chapter VIII<br />

Chapter VIII<br />

Showing some other names of Comets or Blazing-stars, and their Portences<br />

[Why comets are seen but seldom, and but one at a time]<br />

Here it will not be amiss if I set down something which I had almost forgotten,<br />

i.e. that comets and blazing-stars seldom are seen. For it is not an easy matter<br />

for the Sun and planets, neither is it soon done, to draw up so much dry vapour<br />

as is requisite for the composition of such an apparition. And therefore is it also<br />

that there does but appear one at a time, though Aristotle affirms there have<br />

been many seen together, and this I must confess, is as likely to be true as many<br />

other of his stories and tales.<br />

[At what time of the year comets and blazing-stars usually appear]<br />

They are seldom or never seen in winter by reason of the abundance of cold and<br />

moist weather that then abounds, so that there can be no such dry vapour<br />

exhaled by the Sun or stars, nor in that quantity as is requisite to the<br />

composition of such apparitions; neither in summer by reason<br />

of the excess of heat, or the heat of the Sun which consumes and disperses the<br />

matter whereof they are made, so that it cannot ascend unto the part of the<br />

region of the air wherein they are usually placed; neither in the spring time, by reason of the abundance of moisture that then<br />

reigns and the want of sufficient heat to elevate so much matter; but in Autumn, especially when Saturn and Mars are in<br />

conjunction, because then the heat that exhales the matter, is more strong.<br />

[Comets white and red; and the reason thereof]<br />

Further, note that some comets are white some again red, which arises<br />

from the divers nature and quality of the matter whereof they are . For<br />

pure thin exhalations produce a white, clear and bright comet. When<br />

are more gross and impure, red and these<br />

appear like burning coals. But when the matter whereof they are is<br />

very gross, they appear as red as scarlet or blood. Wherefore the ancients have<br />

assigned them to several planets according to their complexions: For such as<br />

are Saturnine are pale, wan, and of leaden colour like unto<br />


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