ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section IV – Chapter VII<br />

Chapter VII<br />

Showing the physical reasons of the horrid and terrible portences of comets and<br />

blazing-stars<br />

That they are the cause of inordinate heat is apparent by their ardent burning in<br />

the air, and their matter of which they are made.<br />

sterility 1 by reason of the fatness of the earth is 2<br />

drawn out, and<br />

the earth left dry and lean. And so the moisture and convenient humidity<br />

whereby it fructified all things growing therein, is dried up by excessive heat<br />

and consequently rendered barren, wherefore there must follow famine or<br />

sterility in those regions and places where they are seen, or from where their<br />

matter of substance was drawn.<br />

pestilence and diseases, in that the air is by them infected through<br />

hot, thick, cloudy exhalations, which being drawn in at the mouth of<br />

living creatures, infects them and kills them. Also of excessive and<br />

inordinate heat the radical humidity and moisture of living creatures, whereby<br />

they subsist, is dried up; whereby they become no other than dead carcasses.<br />

Wherefore it is necessary in such times to use cooling and moistening<br />

preparatives which are of that nature as to restore and conserve radical<br />

moisture.<br />

Of wars and alterations of kingdoms, states, laws and customs, when<br />

a comet or blazing-star appears, there are many exhalations in the air, and those<br />

of hot and dry nature, which do so dry up the humours in men and increase<br />

choler that they are easily excited to quarrels, after which follow blows,<br />

wars and bloodshed; and so consequently alterations in states,<br />

governments, laws, customs and empires.<br />

Of winds, they are of the same matter whereof comets are, as you<br />

have heard in the 16 th Chapter and 2 nd Section of this fourth book. And when<br />

any comet or blazing-star appears, many such vapours are exhaled <br />

besides, when they vanish, they become windy vapours.<br />

1 I.e. bareness of the earth or unfruitfulness<br />

2 NOTE BY RAMESEY: together with the exhaled matter whereof they are composed.<br />


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