ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section IV – Chapter IV<br />

Beasts, vegetables and such things as are of use to men shall be plentiful.<br />

[Of Mercury and his significations when he is chief ruler]<br />

If Mercury is chief ruler, he signifies such events generally as are of the nature<br />

of the planet he is in conjunction with and/or configuration. For you have been<br />

taught in our second book of this volume that he participates in nature with the<br />

planet in conjunction or configuration with him; but properly in his own nature<br />

he furthers the natural signification of the other .<br />

Particularly in men, he excites expedition, industry, cunning, ingenuity in<br />

everything.<br />

In the sea, he causes unfortunate navigation when he is joined in judgement<br />

with the infortunes, as being in configuration or conjunction with them. But if<br />

with the fortunes, judge the contrary. With the malevolents, he<br />

also denotes many diseases and infirmities, quotidian fevers, imposthumes,<br />

consumptions and coughs, phthisis and dry diseases. As touching matters of<br />

state, laws, customs and privileges, he orders all according to the planets and<br />

stars in configuration with him. Wherefore, we see he is dry of<br />

constitution being so near the Sun and of a swift motion and because he is often<br />

retrograde he stirs up frequent turbulent and pernicious winds, also thunder and<br />

lightning, openings in the earth and earthquakes, and perhaps much damage<br />

thereby to vegetables and creatures for the use of man; 1<br />

also in the hours of his<br />

setting he causes a diminution of waters and rivers; in the hours of his rising, an<br />

augmentation; and thus much of the innate significations of the planets.<br />

Now when according to the variety of the aspects and signs they are mingled by<br />

being mutually beheld of each other and their positions in respect of the Sun,<br />

they thereby vary their effects or actions according to the variety of<br />

significations and judgments arising from their several conjunctions and<br />

configurations.<br />

Wherefore, since it is impossible to relate exactly unto you all their<br />

configurations and their commixtures, or at least for that it would be so intricate<br />

a thing, we shall refer it to the study and consideration of the student. For as I<br />

have said before, unless your genius leads you to the exact knowledge thereof,<br />

the reading of all the books in the world will no wise avail you.<br />

1 NOTE BY RAMESEY: I conceive Ptolemy might very well have left out «perhaps».<br />


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