ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section IV – Chapter IV<br />

But, when relates to beasts and creatures belonging to<br />

the use of man, he brings destruction causing a scarcity of them and sickness<br />

and rottenness to those that remain; death also and infirmity in the same nature<br />

to those men that use or eat them.<br />

In the air he shall cause frost and snow and such as shall produce bitter<br />

cold weather, cloudy and obscure, also pernicious, pestiferous and tempestuous,<br />

snow and inconvenient wind and moisture, producing by corruption pernicious<br />

and offensive creatures to mankind.<br />

But in the sea and rivers, tempests and<br />

shipwrecks, also difficult and dangerous navigating, a destruction and scarcity<br />

of fish; increase and decrease of waters in the sea by fits, the over-flowing of<br />

rivers and the eruptions of the sea banks and mischief by water.<br />

In the earth a diminution and destruction of fruits and chiefly to<br />

such as are more particularly for the use of man; they shall suffer by worms,<br />

very much detriment, and caterpillars, locusts, and such like; or by inundations,<br />

floods of water or too much abundance of rain, cold, frost, or the like, so that<br />

many men shall die for want of bread.<br />

[Of Jupiter when he is chief ruler, what he signifies in general]<br />

If Jupiter is chief ruler, he causes generally an increase and plenty of things<br />

particular to man; he elevates their condition to honour, renown and plenty,<br />

gives health, tranquillity, peace and an increase of riches and goods, and all<br />

things appertaining to the life of man in a natural way; increases the benefits<br />

and goods received from princes or such as are in authority, and causes also<br />

even these grandees to be more illustrious, enlarging their territories and<br />

dominions, and abundantly augments their grandeur. Generally Jupiter<br />

denotes success and happiness in everything.<br />

To beasts belonging chiefly to the use of man, he signifies an increase, but such<br />

as is destructive and not profitable he destroys.<br />

The air also he tempers and makes wholesome, and sends convenient moisture<br />

in seasons requisite for the production of the fruits of the earth, which he<br />

multiplies and increases by his sweet influence.<br />

The sea also for navigation shall be safe, the rivers temperate, etc.<br />


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