ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section IV<br />

Wherefore in any year if either, or both, the luminaries are eclipsed, or in any<br />

quarterly Revolution, see if the Lord of the sign wherein the eclipse is to fall is<br />

strong or weak, or in conjunction or any configuration with the Lord of the<br />

Ascendant at the time of the middle of the eclipse 1<br />

or with the Lord of the Year<br />

or Quarter, or whether the fortunes behold these or the infortunes; for if the<br />

fortunes, you are to judge good; if the infortunes, the contrary. The nature and<br />

quality thereof judge from the nature of the significators, as you have heard<br />

before; likewise, whether much evil or good is to be expected by considering<br />

the strength of your significators and their receptions and nature of their<br />

aspects.<br />

[What things or places are signified good or evil in any eclipse]<br />

And judge this evil or good to those signified by the planet in configuration<br />

with these Lords or the fortunes or infortunes, whether men or things. As if the<br />

Ascendant or its Lord is beheld by the fortunes, then you may safely say the<br />

people of that nation or kingdom wherein the Revolution is shall be safe, of<br />

good health and prosperous, etc. And so judge of all the rest of the houses<br />

according to their several significations as you have been taught before; and so<br />

contrary evil, if by the infortunes. This shall be more increased if the Lord of<br />

the Ascendant or Lord of the Year is the Lord of the sign wherein the eclipse is<br />

to happen. In like manner, pronounce evil and damage to the persons and things<br />

signified by any other house of whom you find the Lord of the sign of the<br />

eclipse ruler, etc. Judge the time it shall be most grievous unto them to be when<br />

the Sun comes to the same house in the eclipse 2<br />

whereby they are signified, or<br />

to the degree and minute of the zodiac their chief significator was then in. For<br />

example if it is the common people, then when the Sun comes to the degree and<br />

minute of the Ascendant at the time of the middle of the eclipse. If it is the<br />

rulers or king, then it will be most grievous when the Sun comes to the degree<br />

and minute of the tenth house at that time; and so the rest.<br />

Detriment and mischief also is to be expected to all things signified by the<br />

house wherein any eclipse is. If for example it is in the tenth, then to kings,<br />

grandees and chief rulers; if in the ninth, to church men; in the eighth, the death<br />

of old men, etc. and it shall be chiefly incident unto men if any eclipse is in<br />

human signs; if in airy, to birds; if in earthy, to the fruits of the earth and<br />

1 NOTE BY RAMESEY: which you are to know is the time wherein you are to erect your scheme or<br />

figure of the heavens for the judging of the effects of the eclipse.<br />

2 NOTE BY RAMESEY: I mean the degree and minute of the cusp.<br />


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