ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section III – Chapter XVII<br />

people, neither indeed will they contribute to their necessities as formerly, nor<br />

have so venerable esteem of them but instead shall slight, deride and scoff at<br />

them and set up themselves if possible in their room; nobles will be dejected<br />

and rustics erected and elevated; and there shall be many infirmities in the<br />

knees, especially if the sign is Capricorn.<br />

[In the eleventh]<br />

Also if in the eleventh, strife, dissention and discord shall happen among<br />

friends and acquaintances and one shall abuse and slander the other, and study<br />

to injure and prejudice each other; hopes shall be frustrated and the treasure of<br />

the King or chief rulers shall be exhausted; and those in whom they most<br />

confide shall deceive them and leave them helpless at their great extremity; and<br />

men shall be perplexed with many infirmities in the legs, especially if the sign<br />

is Aquarius.<br />

[In the twelfth]<br />

Lastly, if in the twelfth, it denotes many thieves and much thieving and robbing<br />

by highwaymen; also deceit and falsehood of servants towards their masters,<br />

and much detriment by them; a diminution of indigent and poor people, the<br />

commons shall be kept under by their superiors; damage shall be to great cattle;<br />

and there shall be many infirmities incident to man in the feet, especially if the<br />

sign is Pisces.<br />

In like manner, judge the contrary if you find the benevolent stars so posited.<br />

They are benevolents those that you find are of the nature of Jupiter or Venus,<br />

or both; or of the nature of Jupiter and Saturn, Jupiter and Mars, or Venus and<br />

Saturn, Venus and Mars; and of the nature of Jupiter and Mercury, Venus and<br />

Mercury, and of the nature of Mercury only, especially if assisted by the<br />

benevolent aspects of the fortunes.<br />

And this much shall suffice for introduction in judging of the annual Revolution<br />

of the World. Let us now descend to eclipses and so hasten to a conclusion of<br />

these our labours.<br />


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