ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section III – Chapter XVII<br />

neck such as are impostumes, catarrhs and rheums, etc. especially if the sign of<br />

the second is Taurus.<br />

[In the third]<br />

If in the third, the evil shall happen to those that go short journeys and they<br />

shall be unprofitable; strife, contentions and discords amongst brethren,<br />

neighbours and kindred without cause or any occasion given; many grievous<br />

infirmities and those chiefly in the arms, hands, and shoulders or shoulder<br />

blades, especially if the sign of the third is Gemini.<br />

[In the fourth]<br />

In the fourth, as you have heard of the Ascendant, or in conjunction with the<br />

lord thereof, evil and mischief is threatened to the earth and its fruits; it<br />

signifies also wars and contentions amongst men, and one city and place with<br />

another; also dissentions and quarrels between fathers and children, and the end<br />

of men’s actions shall be evil; also if any shall purchase land, houses or<br />

heritages they shall not find profit and good therein which they expected. And<br />

there shall be many infirmities and diseases in the breasts and lungs and parts<br />

adjacent, especially if the sign is Cancer.<br />

[In the fifth]<br />

Also, in the fifth, if they or any of them are found afflicting the cusp thereof or<br />

its lord, much evil shall happen to children, parents shall not be so affectionate<br />

and careful as they ought; women conceived shall miscarry and such as are not<br />

conceived shall continue unfruitful; friends also and loving acquaintances shall<br />

disagree and clash; and men shall suffer detriment in and by such things as they<br />

most delight in; and many infirmities will be incident to man also, especially in<br />

the back, reins and parts or vessels of generation, and in the stomach, chiefly if<br />

the sign of the fifth is Leo.<br />

[In the sixth]<br />

Again, if in the sixth, mischief shall happen to small cattle, servants of both sex;<br />

it signifies also there shall be no gain or profit merchandising and trading in<br />

small cattle; and many infirmities in the belly and entrails if the sign of the sixth<br />

is Virgo especially.<br />


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