ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section III – Chapter XV<br />

[By stars]<br />

When the stars seem to fall which we vulgarly term shooting stars, it denotes<br />

wind in that part; but if they shoot in many places, or perhaps all over the<br />

heavens, inordinate winds, thunder, lightnings, and very tempestuous weather;<br />

and when they seem to run along out of one place into another, it denotes wind;<br />

and that the weather shall alter from the temper wherein it is, if but few appear,<br />

and those obscure and cloudy. Also, if they at any time seem greater and<br />

brighter than usual, it denotes wind and rain in these parts where you see such<br />

stars appear; and in winter, they presage frosts, snow and cold weather. But<br />

herein, unless you are well acquainted with their natural magnitudes, you may<br />

be deceived and can never be perfect.<br />

[By the prime day]<br />

Again, you may judge of the weather by the prime day thus; if it is Monday,<br />

judge moist weather; Tuesday, windy and cold; Wednesday, very cold;<br />

Thursday, fair and clear; Friday, mixed weather; Saturday, moist; and Sunday,<br />

dry.<br />

[By thunder]<br />

Thunder in the morning also denotes wind about noon; in the evening, rain and<br />

tempest; thunder also in the winter shows terrible accidents and alterations the<br />

summer following, whence the proverb, «A winters thunder is a summers<br />

wonder»; Also when in any summer you find no thunder, the winter following<br />

will be very unhealthful and obnoxious to all creatures.<br />

And this much of the alteration of the air and change of weather; we come now<br />

to show some natural reasons for such things as are commonly incident<br />

amongst us, and yet their cause by many unknown and so hasten to conclude<br />

this section.<br />


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