ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section III – Chapter XIV<br />

[Note]<br />

Note that every planet has its own peculiar property; for the superiors are as<br />

spirits and the inferiors as bodies of which all the corruption and generation in<br />

the world participates by their configurations and commixtures one with<br />

another according to the preordination and will of God.<br />

Moreover, the radix from which you are to judge of the alteration of the air is<br />

the Ascendant of the conjunction of prevention of the luminaries before the<br />

ingress of the Sun into every sign. And consider the Lord also of the Ascendant<br />

and the Lord of the place of the conjunction or prevention, for if these places<br />

and their lords are in moist signs and Mansions then it signifies wet weather<br />

shall follow, as also if the significator in chief is occidental, retrograde or slow<br />

in motion it signifies rain; and so also if he is combust unless Mars hinder it, for<br />

when he is combust he hinders and prohibits rain. Also, note that if the chief<br />

significator is descending in latitude or in his epicycle then he signifies rain and<br />

so contrary if he is ascending. Moreover note, that when rain is occasioned by<br />

the signification of the infortunes, it is still hurtful; if it is Saturn, he causes<br />

eruptions and floods of water; if Mars, he causes for the most part extraordinary<br />

heat.<br />

[When rain is to be expected]<br />

Now if you would know when it is most probable and likely to rain, according<br />

to Haly consider the chief significator of rain. For if he is in an angle from the<br />

Ascendant or entering therein, then judge rain at that time; as also the Sun’s<br />

ingress into the twentieth degree and one minute of Scorpio; and see what<br />

planets signifying rain that year are received of him, and especially of the Moon<br />

and which he is in conjunction, square or opposition with. For upon those days<br />

wherein these configurations happen, rain is to be expected; but if these aspects<br />

are without reception then the rain will not be of long continuance nor very<br />

much.<br />

[Of the state of the weather for the whole year]<br />

Moreover, if the significator is in an angle, as has been said, and in conjunction<br />

with the Moon then it signifies rain, thunder, lightning, earthquakes, and such<br />

like. But if you would know what rain is to be expected for all the year, then<br />

consider Venus, Mercury and the Moon, and if you find them all in conjunction<br />


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