ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section III – Chapter XIV<br />

[How to judge of thunder, lightning and winds]<br />

Thus, you have been taught the alteration of the air for any time of the year,<br />

month and Day, etc. It remains now for you also to know how to judge of<br />

thunder, lightning and winds. And this we are to require from the Sun’s ingress<br />

into the twenty degree and one minute of Scorpio, for which time having<br />

erected the figure of the heavens, and placed the planets therein being exactly<br />

reduced to the time of day or night, consider Jupiter, Venus and Mercury; and if<br />

you find them all occidental or retrograde then judge there shall be much rain<br />

and wet weather that year.<br />

Look then if Mars is in any of the angles, especially in the tenth house in an<br />

airy sign and in any configuration of Mercury, for then he signifies thunder,<br />

flashes of lightning, and tempestuous storms of rain that year, yet sometimes<br />

without rain, they signify also unwholesome air. But if Mars is in the fourth<br />

house in an earthy sign and the fortunes strong and in conjunction with<br />

Mercury, it signifies earthquakes, fiery apparitions in the air and strange lights;<br />

also damage to mines of the earth. But if Mars is in the fourth in a fiery sign, it<br />

denotes an obnoxious hurtful air to the earth, and feeds thereof, and the corn<br />

and fruits shall be scorched and burned up. Also, if he is in a watery sign in the<br />

fourth, he denotes a diminution and scarcity of waters and detriment to fishes<br />

and such as navigate. But if the fortunes are in configuration with him then<br />

damage and mischief by thunder shall be lessened. But if they in no wise do<br />

behold him then that year there will be mischief by thunder and lightning.<br />

Moreover, if Saturn is there in the stead of Mars, and in the tenth house in an<br />

airy sign and in any aspect of Mercury and no wise assisted by the fortunes then<br />

it signifies detriment in the air and much hurtful rain, and that for some<br />

continuance. But if he is in the fourth house, as has been said in an earthy sign,<br />

and in any configuration with Mercury, and no wise beheld by the fortunes then<br />

there shall be earthquakes and there shall be much black water upon the earth<br />

and the like. But if he is in a watery sign in the fourth posited as aforesaid, and<br />

not at all helped by the fortunes, there shall be a scarcity of waters and all<br />

things abiding therein, whether living creatures or other things shall suffer<br />

detriment. Also, if he is in an earthy sign placed in the same manner then he<br />

signifies damage to the earth and the things thereon and growing out of it. But<br />

if Mercury does not behold him by any configuration, neither joined bodily to<br />

him, the aforesaid significations shall not be so grievous, but more tolerable.<br />

And if he is beheld of the fortunes the mischief will be yet less and less; and if<br />

by a sextile or trine and they strong essentially, it will be totally taken away.<br />


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